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Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/13 20:28:00

Post by: Derek H

I'll start. The crew of the Beltalowda.

Mostly old GW Imperial Army and Van Saar gangers.

More info at https://dereksweetoys.com/stargrave-crew-of-the-beltalowda/

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/16 02:00:30

Post by: warboss

Cool. I haven't decided whether I'll be getting into the game but likely my crew would consist of a mishmash of RPG scifi figs I collected in the 90's and early 00's along with some of my initial 3d prints.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/16 07:23:16

Post by: Flinty

I’m printing a few generic sci fi models I’ve picked up over the past year or so. Need to work out how many dog models I have so far. Printed 2 yesterday. Need to go hunting for more

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/16 15:01:00

Post by: Easy E

Not the best picture but probably these guys plus or minus a few rando infantry troopers.....

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/19 13:07:33

Post by: Derek H

Robots. I plan on using some of these in a crew and they'll also work well as "unwanted attention".

More at https://dereksweetoys.com/stargrave-my-robots/

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/20 07:50:47

Post by: guinness707

Ohh, all about this thread. I don't have any pictures of my two crews yet but they will be posted as soon as they are ready. In the mean time, for anyone with a 3d printer, please take a look at Anvil Industries Patreon (Anvil Digital Forge). They have some great stuff for Stargrave.


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/22 04:32:25

Post by: insaniak

My first crew is still very much in progress...

Test model, Dave - Recruit.

Second model finished, 'Lanky' (L4-NK), a robot Runner.

Most of the gang is built from assorted Maelstrom's Edge models with a few WGA Einherjar accessories added where necessary. Also a converted Hasslefree Eve, and an Einherjar with a MEdge Broken alien head.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/22 11:02:14

Post by: Derek H

Looking good. With those orange uniforms I'd call their spaceship the Guantanamo.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/25 09:59:45

Post by: Flinty

I was playing with a crew list last night. Need to sort the models, but the following seemed like a good mix.

Captain: Robotics Expert
Remote Guidance, Remote firing, Drone, Lock breaker, Rewire Robot
Rapid Fire, heavy armour, pistol Filter mask, knife

XO: Mystic
Void blade, life leech, holographic wall, energy shield
Pistol, hand weapon, knife, grenades, shotgun

Soldiers: robot dog, dog, carbine trooper, shotgun trooper, recruit

Specialists: codebreaker, commando, robot gunner

Captain can remote control the 2 robots as required or give some heavy fire support

The XO moves up with the commando, shotgunner and the dogs using the holographic wall as required.

Might work

Depending on how useful Carbines are compared to shotguns, might have a different mix on the commando and troopers.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/25 20:39:12

Post by: insaniak

Where does the shotgun trooper come from? Still waiting on my book, but I didn't see that option in the crew rules they released.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/25 21:00:12

Post by: AegisFate

 insaniak wrote:
Where does the shotgun trooper come from? Still waiting on my book, but I didn't see that option in the crew rules they released.

Shotguns are just a direct swap from a Carbine on any model equipped with a Carbine. Shorter Range but better Damage

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/25 22:36:54

Post by: Flinty

Indeed. It’s listed under the weapon description. I can’t work out if you need to choose once, or if carbines and shotguns can be swapped out between missions as required. Given that you can change your captain and XO kit freely and instantly replace any list weapons, I get the feeling that the rules intend you to be able to swap out soldier and specialist weapons freely as well.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/04/25 23:42:55

Post by: insaniak

Good to know. Would have been even better to know before I built my first crew...

Although I only wound up with three carbines in that crew anyway (and probably none that I would want to swap for now), and everyone else with pistols. Might need to slightly rethink the second crew, though... maybe switch out one of my soldier-bots for a shotty-bot.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/03 10:55:54

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

No crew to show off yet till I get my rules, but some WIP shuttles if anyone is looking for ideas.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/03 12:46:40

Post by: Flinty

Doggo progress (for the monthly painting comp)

Random soldier mooks

And a super cute gnoll Thingy

And my combat hacker and Combat wombat XO

And their ride from past months comp

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/03 13:29:20

Post by: Danny76

I’m starting from scratch with the Stargrave models, might be a few other models I bring in from various sources but even so they won’t be painted currently either.

Not sure whether to get them to all look in the same style per crew, or whether to just mish mash colours and styles etc between them..

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/03 19:14:08

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

Some size comparisons and observations for those thinking of kit bashing

GW cultist, Stargrave Trooper, GW Poxwalker, Stargrave Trooper, GW GSC Magos, Stargrave Trooper, GW GSC

Maelstrom's Edge Broken alien head, Stargrave Trooper, Maelstrom's Edge Broken human head, Stargrave Trooper, GW GSC Cadian body, Maelstrom's Edge Broken human head (tall hairstyle), Stargrave Trooper

Frostgrave Gnoll with Stargrave arms, Stargrave trooper, female head Stargrave trooper, Stargrave trooper male head, Maelstrom's Edge arm, Maelstrom's Edge Broken with Stargrave arm

arm swaps between Stargrave troopers and Medge Broken work fine, although hand size/sculpting is noticeably different so both arms from one kit works best (or swapping out the hand)

WGA WWI German, WGA WWI German with Stargrave arm, Stargrave trooper, WGA Grognard, WGA Grognard with Stargrave arm, Stargrave trooper, Maelstrom's Edge Broken with Stargrave arms, Stargrave trooper

the WGA Germans can be used for head swaps, but the bodies and arms don't work with the stargrave stuff as they're much more true scale/less heroic (I'm guessing that will be the same for their wwii stuff too)

I think the WGA ancients stuff like the Persians will be similarly too slightly built but don't have any to hand

the WGA Grognards work well, both for head swaps and arm swaps (so the other Deathfields kits like the Raumjager should be fine too)

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/03 19:41:46

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Exalted. Thanks for the comparison shots. Especially useful for me as I currently have a mix of Maelstrom's Edge Broken, ME Epirian Corporation, and Les Grognards. Waiting for my Nickstarter shipment.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/03 22:07:45

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

Thanks, I've had great fun messing about with them,

especially building my Gnoll heavy assault squad (1 SMG/Knife, 1 Sniper, 2 MGs and 1 Missile launcher)

If you've got a problem, if nobody else can help and if you can afford them they'll make it disappear (in a loud and messy fashion)

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/04 07:41:19

Post by: Flinty

The gnolls look super cute

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/04 13:23:25

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

that's the group of 5, I've added a reload for the missile launcher on his back, and a harness to hold it (and remember to drill out the back of the tube if you've got an appropriate sized drill bit, it really makes it look better

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/04 16:08:18

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Orlando, you're good with the greenstuff.

About the Gnoll kit, my only nit-pick is the number of gnoll heads with eye-patches. IIRC, there are three per sprue. Eye-patches are distinctive, and any easily recognizable detail like that I prefer on character models. It's harder to blend them into rank & file. This will not stop me from building more gnolls as "Melconians", once my Stargrave order arrives. [SInce I already own the gnoll kit, I was planning on using them as the pirates after JoeMC wrote about the timing mechanism in his blog.]

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/05 08:28:11

Post by: Danny76

Gnolls look fantastic!
Really nice work.
Will definitely have to get mine built up.

Shame I haven’t got 5 more, a full Gnoll crew would be cool!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/05 14:29:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Those Gnolls do look good. Starting to wish I'd gotten all 3 box sets instead of just the crew. But then I look at my backlog, including 40 FG cultists and sigh.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/05 15:44:09

Post by: Danny76

I’m gonna make a crew using just the cultist and gnolls, as they are all a bit tattered looking and unarmoured.
Maybe that one captain with the spear thing,
Or both Cap and XO from the sprues too..

That does give me about 5 crews of stuff, with only three in mind planned.
Thank god I sold half of each box or it’d be 8 crews worth..

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Is there a tactics thread for Stargrave yet that I might have missed?
Or perhaps just in this thread (and maybe a painting/crews show off in the painting/modelling section?)

Just want to start some discussions and maybe rules questions etc all in one place.
Perhaps I’ll make a thread for it...?

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/05 16:11:13

Post by: Ian Sturrock

Make a thread, Danny, make a thread!

Then I can post about how Target Lock is the best power.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/06 23:25:39

Post by: insaniak

Second crew coming together. Left to right - Robot Burner, Cyborg Captain, Robodog, Robot Trooper, Robotics expert First Mate, and Robot Hacker.

Robots are slightly modified Maelstrom's Edge Scarecrow bots. Captain is a MEdge Nimbus battlesuit with a Karist heavy trooper head, dog is from Artel W and the first mate is a Dwarf Merc from Vic Minis.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/07 08:51:38

Post by: Danny76

Very cool.
Nice themed crew which I always like to see.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/08 12:58:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

A scarecrow/drone crew is a great way to do robots.

Sigh. Another project for the queue.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/09 21:20:39

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

The Biomorph Crew. The Captain is a Dachshund Mystic (front row), and the First Mate is the Biomorph bear in the back.

Northstar torsos with Sally 4th metal heads. Both the cat medic and dachshund mystic are made from FG Wizards 2, and FG Wizards 1 respectively.

Used Ghost Archipelago Crew torsos and knives with stargrave arms for these crew members.

I bought the Rogue Star Renegade blister since at the time the Northstar metal psionic had not been unlocked. Here's a comparison shot. The RS psionic on the right is smaller than the RS rogue (left), and the SG psionic.

There are three more pictures in my gallery, two with the Sally 4th critter heads. And they are the same poor quality, but perhaps still enough to let people judge if they want to buy Sally 4th critter conversion kits. [BTW, each head comes with a tail, but I did not use any. Mainly because I did not want to drill holes for the tails.]

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/09 23:10:34

Post by: Argive

Hey ya'll!
I've kind of been living under a rock.

What is stargrave? Seen a lot of noise about it.
Is stargrave basically a stand alone game system a bit like warriors of erewhon?

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/09 23:16:33

Post by: Flinty

It’s frost grave in space. You get a crew of 10 guys and you have to nick stuff and shoot at the other team.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/17 04:22:51

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

 Argive wrote:
Hey ya'll!
I've kind of been living under a rock.

What is stargrave? Seen a lot of noise about it.
Is stargrave basically a stand alone game system a bit like warriors of erewhon?
In case you've not played Frostgrave, the fantasy predecessor to Stargrave, Stargrave is a minis agnostic skirmish game. There are official minis, including 3 plastic box sets of PYO [pose your own] figures. The new plastics are compatible with the older Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago plastics. You can play one-off games but the fun in both systems is a campaign. In Frostgrave, only the Wizard gained Exp, and the Apprentice was basically an inferior copy of the Wizard. In Stargrave, you choose a Captain and First Mate; they can have the same Speciality, or different ones, and they each can gain experience. The Captain rolls to activate Powers normally, and the First Mate at a penalty. (It's a bit more detailed than that, but that will do for now.)
For example, my Biomorph Crew posted above has a Mystic Captain (basically Jedi or Sith, depending on the powers taken), and a Biomorph First Mate (has body modification powers). There are other backgrounds, such as Rogue for the Han Solo types, or Cyborgs, or Roboticists (if you want to run a crew of Cylon Centurions or Daleks). Don't know if anyone has actually played yet, as the Nickstarter ended 9th April, and Northstar and their US partner have been packing and shipping. I've been assembling figures myself.

Oh yes, there is a free solo supplement available for Stargrave at Osprey Publishing.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/10 18:41:48

Post by: Danny76

Lots of battle reports online and people discussing rules (in the thread right near this) and tactics. So I’m assuming there’s a few games going.

But anyway, the above sums the game up pretty well.
Use the models you’ve got, mash together from any systems and nice mini companies or buy their stuff. It’s all good with semi generic crew building rules (found below).


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/12 21:39:12

Post by: Flinty

WIP of my crew, or possibly they are random encounters... who can say at this point

Using these guys and girls (some of them may be girls) to test out contrast paints as well. So far not too taken, and prefer the effect of washes. The light blue one works really nicely though. I’m sure to use more of that as light blue appears to be my favourite colour based on recent evidence

Some bright clothing needs to be added to
Everyone basically. The little kobold is going to get a jacket she is very proud of

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/13 18:49:03

Post by: Theophony

 Flinty wrote:
WIP of my crew, or possibly they are random encounters... who can say at this point

Using these guys and girls (some of them may be girls) to test out contrast paints as well. So far not too taken, and prefer the effect of washes. The light blue one works really nicely though. I’m sure to use more of that as light blue appears to be my favourite colour based on recent evidence

Some bright clothing needs to be added to
Everyone basically. The little kobold is going to get a jacket she is very proud of

Where's the black and grey guy from, he looks like a nice model

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/13 20:50:54

Post by: Flinty

Free file off Thingiverse that I printed. Well, I printed all of the models in the pic, but a mixture of files I have bought and from various free sources. The robot thingy was free.


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/14 09:39:30

Post by: guinness707

It will be months before I get this stuff finished off so rather than wait I'll just share them now. Save for one random GW squat in there, all are 3d prints from Anvil Industries.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/14 10:14:09

Post by: Danny76

Going through my mixed models draw.
I think I can make use of all this!

Either a crew, the guns, pirates or somewhere in between.
There certainly looks to be a few useful bits.
(2 flamers too!)

[Thumb - AD3A4FC4-7D07-4DC5-908E-A99E0E106CEE.jpeg]
[Thumb - 20672815-9FAC-476F-B3A6-A2C5B3E9FA36.jpeg]

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/14 10:52:27

Post by: Derek H


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/14 10:59:43

Post by: Flinty

Nice. simple but effective scheme. Are these to be your crew, or are these nefarious pirates?

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/15 11:34:34

Post by: Derek H

 Flinty wrote:
Nice. simple but effective scheme. Are these to be your crew, or are these nefarious pirates?

I'm not sure yet. I'm really just building stuff and having fun. I'll work out the details later.

My latest recruits are Eisenkern from Wargames Atlantic with heads from Star Wars Miniatures models from the mid 2000s.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/15 11:44:11

Post by: Flinty

Teehee. That sounds familiar. One of the benefits of the weapon choices being super generic. You can just build stuff and it will be useful at some point

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/20 01:40:37

Post by: KidCthulhu

@Hamster-Wow, those otter heads are a good size. I might need to get those for some of the Einherjars I still have.

Those photos have been most enlightening.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/21 02:12:11

Post by: squall018

Here is my Tekker crew with Biomorph first mate. Played one game with them so far and they came out OK. Going to play again Saturday. Have had a lot of fun already with this game just going through old minis and painting new ones.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/22 20:10:16

Post by: IGtR=

Great mix of guys and gals in there - I am really liking the variety that people are going for. I am going to have a root around and really try and get the models that don't see a 'run out' in 40k

Thanks all for the inspiration!!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/24 21:29:39

Post by: Flinty

A Codebreaker and a runner ready to join my crew.

Once I get my printer humming again, it’s onto beasties I think. I have 4 build plates all lined up with various goodies

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/25 10:21:15

Post by: Graphite

Oh, hell, those look awesome.

Incidentally, damn you I am weak and have bought the rules.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/25 17:17:59

Post by: IGtR=

Dayum, awesome! Who is the second fella from? That OSL has sold me on the model, you have done a fantastic job on his colours

Thanks for sharing

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/25 17:32:52

Post by: Flinty

Thanks guys. The second guy is from the Star Smugglers add on for Gridwars, linked below.

The OSL could be better, but I am definitely in “good enough” mode to get through my backlog


They are really nice generic models for a range of sci fi tropes.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/26 19:18:59

Post by: Danny76

Yeah awesome model.
How does her compare to North Star figures do you know?
I’m doing an alien based crew and he’d fit in there nicely.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/26 20:18:09

Post by: Flinty

No idea I’m afraid, but if you fiddle with scale
You would be able to make it match them easily enough.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/26 20:48:04

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Rogue Star Rogue, Dashchund Mystic, Dog Runner, Space 1999 Commander (Recruit), Star Trek TOS Science Officer (Hacker). [Animal heads from Sally 4th] Took some liberties with the Space 1999 Commander, as the boots and belt should have been ivory/off white as well, but while that worked for the TV show, it made the figure look unfinished. As for the Star Trek TOS Science Officer, I used a Mercs head, as I thought it looked like Mark Lenard in the TOS episode "Balance of Terror".

Am currently painting two cat conversions and the metal Medic from the Nickstarter.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/28 19:32:36

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

More Sally 4th Conversions. Now that I've assembled a sample of each type of head I bought, I retract my earlier statement of them being too small. The Angry Cat and Otter heads are on the small side, but not so much to make them unsuitable.
Cat Recruit, Cat Medic (FG Wizards 2 torso), and NS Metal Medic

The Angry Cat head (Official name from Sally 4th Webstore) on the right is smaller

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/28 22:14:46

Post by: Flinty

More Sally 4th fun on Kickstarter just now


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/29 00:49:32

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Thanks for the heads-up, Flinty.

A side note. It seems like the rabbits would be uncomfortable with those tight helmet liners. Ears bend to some extent, but to have them folded for a long flight does not seem best for crew efficiency and comfort.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/05/29 09:09:34

Post by: Flinty

Maybe all bunnynauts need to have their ears surgically replaced with extendo-nanotech and ears

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/06 02:39:09

Post by: Charistoph

Since I've been painting Battletech Miniatures of late, and I haven't had a chance to peruse the Stargrave book, I wonder how well Battlemechs would fit in as either remotes, robotic units, cyborgs, or exotic battle armor.


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/06 02:44:25

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

 Charistoph wrote:
Since I've been painting Battletech Miniatures of late, and I haven't had a chance to peruse the Stargrave book, I wonder how well Battlemechs would fit in as either remotes, robotic units, cyborgs, or exotic battle armor.

Go for it. This is old-school gaming, where YOU choose what figures you field, not what a Greedy Corporation wants you to use marked up 200% from last quarter.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/12 11:45:05

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Really liking my Nickstarter. I only got the crew but will have to come back for the rest.


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/15 14:07:41

Post by: IGtR=

Thanks for the review, Kid_Kyoto. I would say that the kit really comes into its own when combined with others in the range (for Stargrave) as well as with FG and other sci-fi kits. This deals with the weapon options, as well as greater gubbins for panniers, grenades etc.

Thanks for sharing

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/15 16:35:39

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I limited myself to one kit in a desperate effort to keep the backlog under control, but I'm sure I'll be back for more

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/15 17:21:25

Post by: Da Boss

I'll definitely be getting a set of male and female crew when they make it to the shops over here. Scientists and Engineers are essential for all Sci Fi RPGs!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/17 00:14:29

Post by: JoshInJapan

I made my first foray into Stargrave over the past week:

Being from the SG Crew sprue, I decided to draw inspiration from Star Trek: TOS. The blue-grey tunics are for science, red/orange are security, and mustard yellow is for command. The models themselves are pretty chunky, and come with the same 2.5D issues that all ~grave models have (crisp and clean on the front and back, but indistinct details on the sides, a consequence of two-part molds). I went with the Crew box because I wanted to build specialists rather than dudes with guns (I have lot of those already). Sadly, there are only three arms not holding some sort of weapon.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/17 01:10:30

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

I see that "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is one of your TOS sources.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/17 01:22:04

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
I see that "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is one of your TOS sources.

That one was pretty much mandatory once I decided to go the ST-route.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/17 03:00:34

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

 JoshInJapan wrote:
 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
I see that "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is one of your TOS sources.

That one was pretty much mandatory once I decided to go the ST-route.
Since you only bought a Crew box, it's unlikely you've seen the Mercenary head in question, but of the various heads included in that kit, that one head had v-shaped eyebrows instead of straight eyebrows, and I think it looks like Mark Lenard in "Balance of Terror". So I made a Commander Mark Lenard science officer with that head and a Crew body. Also, according to Memory Alpha, if Leonard Nimoy had not renewed his contract, they were going to cast Mark Lenard as his replacement.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/17 04:10:51

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
 JoshInJapan wrote:
 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
I see that "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is one of your TOS sources.

That one was pretty much mandatory once I decided to go the ST-route.
Since you only bought a Crew box, it's unlikely you've seen the Mercenary head in question, but of the various heads included in that kit, that one head had v-shaped eyebrows instead of straight eyebrows, and I think it looks like Mark Lenard in "Balance of Terror". So I made a Commander Mark Lenard science officer with that head and a Crew body. Also, according to Memory Alpha, if Leonard Nimoy had not renewed his contract, they were going to cast Mark Lenard as his replacement.

I was torn during the Nickstarter. I wanted one of each box, but already have more than enough models. I was hoping to trade sprues with someone else in Japan, but it seems like I'm the only one here who backed the project.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/17 04:48:55

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

 JoshInJapan wrote:
I was torn during the Nickstarter. I wanted one of each box, but already have more than enough models. I was hoping to trade sprues with someone else in Japan, but it seems like I'm the only one here who backed the project.
That's unfortunate. Since a friend was backing for all the kits, I knew I could trade for a Troops sprue. One can only have four Specialists, and it may be wiser to take Codebreakers and Casecrackers over the combat specialists. Other than a Grenadier to drop smoke grenades. So I have my one Troops sprue for those combat specialists.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/22 02:45:02

Post by: nadin

Just putting together a crew…the captain will be a VS comisar. After that, I have to look at the collection. I think some of my IGuard. The doggie, I got a few doggies from fantasy…ok dire wolves. I was considering making my recruits a few Chaos cultists…it’s the long coats.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just putting together a crew…the captain will be a VS comisar. After that, I have to look at the collection. I think some of my IGuard. The doggie, I got a few doggies from fantasy…ok dire wolves. I was considering making my recruits a few Chaos cultists…it’s the long coats.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/22 12:33:02

Post by: SlaveToDorkness

I'm building a crew using the figures from Zombiecide: Invader. Going with a theme I will let people guess at. I have most of it figured out but need a droid and an alien.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/22 17:36:32

Post by: Theophony

While cleaning my hobby area I ran across a bunch of sprues from Gates of Antares. Warlord also makes alien heads to go on the concord bodies, so I might actually order some of those. Plus they have drones too, even a few types of drones for different roles.

Plus a refbot from dreadball, not sure of its use yet.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/23 23:02:57

Post by: Flinty

I think I have my roboticist captain in the form of Tali Zorah armed with an LMG

And at the appropriate juncture she can send in the drones!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/27 09:07:42

Post by: Flinty

Finished another 5 crew members. Keeping with the orange and blue theme that has developed, but otherwise keeping it simple using contrast and shades, but minimal highlighting to get things done

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/29 20:05:47

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Sally 4th Otter head on GA Crew Body, SG Mercs painted as a red panda, and "Wash", SG Mercs dino head on GA Crew Body. Wash is for my Firefly-themed crew.

Three 1st ed Warzone metal minis and a Reaper Bones plastic. I think the two Dark legion figures are (Left 2 Right) a Necromutant, a Centurion. The Bauhaus Gunner might be a Venusian Ranger without the death's head helmet, and the Bones mini is Reggie Van Zandt, who can also be purchased in metal. The detail of the Bones mini is fuzzy, and I had to consult the Reaper webstore looking up the metal figure to make out some of the detail. Have not painted any of the newer Bones Black figures whose detail is better, even viewed in the package.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/29 22:35:28

Post by: Flinty

They certainly look colourful. If i could hazard some photo taking advice, though, you will get better shots if the light is behind you. From the shadow showing in the table top, the light source is behind and to the side of the models, so the side toward the camera is really shadowed.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/29 22:55:24

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Thanks. I'll keep it in mind for next time. Have the Rogue Star Pirate Captain and the two hooded Mystics from the Nickstarter on the table, but have not felt like painting this past week.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/30 11:11:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Your camera is also focusing on the backdrop rather than the models. Usually just tapping my screen a few times will get it to focus in the right spot.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/30 13:07:34

Post by: Da Boss

Does anyone know when the general release for these is? I'm going to get some crew when they come to Germany.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/30 15:10:59

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Don't know about the EU but they're retail in UK and US.

I think mercenaries are sold out in the UK though.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/06/30 19:54:46

Post by: Da Boss

Thanks! I guess it's probably some Brexit nonsense then.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/07/01 03:29:48

Post by: insaniak

Second Stargrave crew assembled and ready for paint. Mostly built from Maelstrom's Edge miniatures, with a couple of resin ring-ins.

Captain, 1st mate and Doggo. The Captain is a Maelstrom's Edge Nimbus battlesuit, with the head from a Karist Heavy Weapon trooper. His close combat weapon is a cut down lightsaber blade from a star wars figure. Doggo is from Artel W, and the space dwarf Mate is from Victoria Miniatures.

Troopers, built from slightly modified Epirian Scarecrows. The left arm is replaced with a shin piece from another Scarecrow kit and an added blade from a Karist knife. This was to give them a slightly bulkier appearance compared to the other bots. Heads are from the Remnant Militus kit, which comes with a whole slew of different helmet designs.

Burner and Sniper. More modified Scarecrows. The burner has a shoulder mounted 'pistol' which started life as an underslung grenade launcher on an Epirian Handler arm, and the same left arm conversion as the standard Troopers. The Sniper uses the sniper rifle arms from the Captain's Nimbus kit - the kit comes with both options, so this was a handy way to make use of them both. I used a different head from the Militus sprue to accentuate his more specialised role.

Hacker and Slicer. Also modified scarecrows, with a more solid, industrial-looking head from the Militus kit. Pistol hands are taken from Epirian Handlers, and the Slicer has a slightly more literal 'pick' option in the form of a cutting torch made from Scarecrow flamethrower and Broken glue pistol.

Now to get some paint on.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/07/03 21:55:54

Post by: Da Boss

I really like those kitbashes! Maelstrom's Edge minis fit really well for Stargrave.

I was in my local shop and saw the book for sale so I grabbed it straight away. Hopeful that this means in a little while we'll have the crew minis available and I can pick those up too.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/08/05 01:14:43

Post by: VenatorStorm

Derek H wrote:
 Flinty wrote:
Nice. simple but effective scheme. Are these to be your crew, or are these nefarious pirates?

I'm not sure yet. I'm really just building stuff and having fun. I'll work out the details later.

My latest recruits are Eisenkern from Wargames Atlantic with heads from Star Wars Miniatures models from the mid 2000s.

How do you find those star wars miniatures nowadays?

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/08/29 09:28:38

Post by: Llamahead

The crew of the Zulu Dawn

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/08/31 15:08:28

Post by: SamusDrake

Very old conversion from about 2000 that I used as a "lone wolf" hunter in Frostgrave and known only as "The Visitor", and now that Stargrave is here they are more at home in the galactic setting...

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/09/13 21:14:27

Post by: insaniak

This week, I painted up my robot crew, aside from the first mate - still settling on a colour scheme for him...

More pics here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/800885.page#11217418

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/10/13 17:24:42

Post by: Graphite

This is my current Stargrave crew. Still work in progress, but thought these mugshots would be fun.

A units bulletin

Be aware of the group known as "The Wellermen" recently seen operating in Imperial Research Station 37. The majority of the crew are a rarely encountered species known as "Orks", though they appear to be willing to recruit from a wide variety of worlds. Their current ship is registered as "The Billy 'o Tea" though this is certainly a false registration, as the Billy 'o Tea was a bulk Spacewhale Oil freighter lost with all hands 23 years ago rather than a light cargo ship of dubious provenance.

Crew mugshots and biographies are appended below. They are to be regarded as dangerous, more due to total lack of respect for laws rather than specific malice.

"Kaptin" Kash. A known smuggler and pirate. Armed with a highly customised weapon which combines the properties of a carbine and a shotgun, the Kaptin is known to conceal multiple additional firearms on his person

First mate Simeon Borch. Has made multiple cybernetic modifications to himself, and appears to view his body as a test bed for new technology

Known only as "The Bosun" this Ork generally accompanies the Kaptin into firefights and maintains discipline amongst the crew, often at the point of a gun

"The Red Gobbo" is a known revolutionary and agitator. His small size belies extreme ferocity in combat, especially when faced with victims of Hastian's Plague.

A reconditioned Crontyr Heavy Industries "Immortal Series 3000" combat automaton, this robot has renamed itself Dakkabot 3000. Prolonged exposure to the general lawlessness of the rest of the crew appears to have given it a number of personality quirks, including a predisposition to use its rapid fire weapon as a club. Also known for its battlecry of "++DAKKABOT LOVES YOU++"

Doc Atrocity. Known to have worked as a pitch side medic for a sports team until recently. His enthusiasm for experimental surgery has frequently lead the crew to recover from crippling injuries rather than face his operating table.

Haxxor T. Gibbon, a data thief wanted in multiple systems for his computer crimes, which generally result in vandalism rather than profit

"Shifty". Believed to be a deserter from the Barret Light 50th.

Koltrane, the crew's lock picking specialist. Generally more likely to pry things open rather than attempt to pick the locks themselves

Space Elf believed to have been rescued from Station 37. No known criminal record, answers to the name "Ben"

Crew's pet squig, generally tasked with keeping the ship clear of vermin. This is the last known photograph taken by police photodroid F/32

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/10/13 19:02:12

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

@Graphite A clever way to showcase your crew! Good job, sir!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/10/14 11:06:09

Post by: SlaveToDorkness

To quote the GotG movie: "What a bunch of A-holes..."

LOVE the old school Ork specialists! That Free booster capt is perfect!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/10/15 16:53:09

Post by: Easy E

 Graphite wrote:
This is my current Stargrave crew. Still work in progress, but thought these mugshots would be fun.

What a bunch of backholes!

To paraphrase GoTG.

Edit: Ninja'd!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/12/31 10:16:46

Post by: DoctorDanny

I'm completely new to Stargrave and the rulebook and boxes are stil on order.

That didn't stop me from assembling a crew from the huge collection of minis I have though

Meet captain Esteban Navarra. He's the sixth son of an agri-world baron and from a young age it was clear that he wouldn't amount to much. After some incidents involving the local brothel it was agrees that Esteban should be off-planet as soon as possible. His father gave him a small starship and a large sum of credits and kindly asked him never to return. Out in space Esteban really came into his own and quickly assembled a loyal crew around him. Being an aristo he doesn't like to do the dirty work, or the clean work for that matter so he usually stays on board the ship while the crew takes on missions.

Next to Esteban you can see his first mate Raoul. Raoul is a a tough one and so are the cronies he brings along. Underhive scum from his homeworld of Jithara. Especially fearsome are the Lehman brothers that can be seen in the back. These giants in heavy armour were born a bit lacking in the brains department, but they more than make up for that with their strength.

Seen all the way in the background are some alien runners that were picked up on a desert planet and given rifles. Their usefulness remains to be seen.

I've also dug up some old Delaque gangers that would wither make a nice crew or serve as randos to fight:

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2021/12/31 11:52:41

Post by: Flinty

Love the skinks with guns will they shoot them? Eat them? Or just hit stuff with them? Let’s find out

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/01/16 10:04:37

Post by: DoctorDanny

I played my first game of Stargrave yesterday and we had a blast.

The rules were pretty simply and quite clear to follow.
I had a good WH40k 4th edition vibe with grenades scattering all over the place and a guy machinegunning his own first mate who was in close combat.

I also like the use of a d20 instead of regular d6s.

We didn't use the captain powers yet, to keep it simple for a first game, but we'll be using these next time.

All in all it was a great experience after the recent rules-bloated, unbalanced 40k games I had.

I can really recommend checking out Stargrave!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/05/11 19:45:50

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Northstar Pirate Captain, Northstar Hacker, and 3d printed Piscean Chisler (a bioengineered human for aquatic environments).

The pirate captain I've named Grand Admiral Graf Lothar Wolfgang Helmuth Anton von Rechberg und Rothenlöwen. While his tactical and strategic skills suggest some military training, most people doubt his claim to be a Grand Admiral as well as his noble lineage. However, with both Earth and Neues Deutschland radioactive wastelands, his claims cannot be verified or disproven. Questioning either claim in his presence is unwise as he has a violent temper and a sadistic streak.

The leather jacket and boots of the hacker is Army Painter Speedpaint Hardened Leather. I like how it works, but the color is too light for my taste. I'm now experimenting with different light browns as an undercoat.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/05/24 06:39:55

Post by: Jehan-reznor

My team with their ship

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/05/24 06:52:14

Post by: Kid_Kyoto


Lensman ship?

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/05/24 07:44:59

Post by: Flinty

I wouldn’t buy a used air car from any of ‘em… nice work

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/05/24 08:13:38

Post by: Jehan-reznor

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:

Lensman ship?


Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/06/06 11:31:16

Post by: Talking Banana

This thread is awesome. I'm loving all the kitbashed / anysourced crews. And the Squig photo was hilarious.

Keep 'em coming!

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/07/12 18:09:42

Post by: Talking Banana

Note to self: Never post "Keep 'em coming!" It's a thread killer.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2022/10/18 03:43:41

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

The two not-AdMech figures are from Wargames Exclusive, purchased two years prior to the Ukraine war. The cyberpunk next to them is from the boardgame HINT: Be A Better Human. The Inquisitor will be a Robotics Expert Captain. The Sister Repentia will be a Striker, a close combat expert whose rules are found in The Last Prospector.

From left to right. Warlord Games East Meg Agent, Warlord Games Oola Blint, and Northstar Crew II built as a Chisler. The Warlord games figures are from Denizens of Mega City One for the Judge Dredd game. Oola Blint (under a different name) will be the Aristocrat Captain of the Song of Sappho, a ship of all female bounty hunters for playing solo Stargrave. The Chisler next to her will be part of the crew. Not sure if the East Meg Agent will be part of the crew, but I like the mini, and she and Oola were what made me buy the set. Mind, the other figures aren't bad, and they've been primed.
The Chisler's overall are painted with Speedpaint Magic Blue. I really like the color.

The Northstar figures should be familiar to all those who backed the Stargrave Nickstarter. The center figure is an Urban Mammoth Cyborg. That company is now defunct. At the moment, these figures are not part of any crew, although I have sketched out a crew led by a close combat Mystic.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/03/06 07:55:04

Post by: PaddyMick

Subbed for future reference.
I just ordered the rulebook; it's gonna be great to have complete free rein on a modelling project after doing so much 40K and making units fit with 'no model no rules' datasheets.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/06/15 21:14:35

Post by: PaddyMick

My first crew; can't recommend Imitation of Life minis highly enough.

Looking forward to my first game as well.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/06/16 18:37:04

Post by: IGtR=

What a characterful bunch of renegades!

Thanks for sharing

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/06/16 22:01:34

Post by: Scarper

Good timing for this thread reappearing - I finished my first crew yesterday!
These guys are the crew of the Fisher King

@PaddyMick - Absolutely amazing! They remind me of the sewer mutants from Futurama. Great skin tones, and I like their freehand banner. I can't decide if my favourite is the unfortunate fella with the face-leg, the man with his face stretched ?over a gasmask or the gent with the tentacles who I imagine is the boss. Do you have a backstory in mind for them?
I'd never heard of IoL minis, but I'm checking them out now.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/06/17 00:24:09

Post by: PaddyMick

Cheers @ IGtR

@Scarper looking good mate, they actually look like a crew, like they could crew a starship and each have a job; I just chose the 10 coolest minis I could find Not sure who's captain yet, might buy another model or two. They are all mutants from the underclass of a industrial colony with very lax workplace health and safety and little in the way of atmosphere. Draughted when the last war got desperate, killed their officers and took off. The face stretch guy is growing potatoes for hair which he uses for ammo in his gun....

I love how you can do whatever you like in this game

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/06/17 01:16:37

Post by: makeitorky

 Scarper wrote:
Good timing for this thread reappearing - I finished my first crew yesterday!
These guys are the crew of the Fisher King

I love the variety in their poses and outfits here, it feels very rag-tag and I think you did a really good job.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/10/25 00:42:46

Post by: hardknoxkustomz88

I've been working on my new crew the Agiera Interplanetary Mining Corp and once i'm allowed to post pictures i'll edit this post and show you

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Agiera Interplanetary Mining Corporation ( AIMCo)

Laying down basecoats on my new crew.

Stargrave - show us your crews. @ 2023/10/28 21:46:56

Post by: BrookM

A Deep Rock crew has been in the back of my mind for this game as well for a while now, good to know the options are out there should I get a printer at some point.

Still reading up on my options, got the latest book in yesterday, really tempted to raid the boxes of shame and scrounge together an odd-ball crew of my own for coop games now.