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25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/13 15:37:54

Post by: BlackMetallic

So after lurking on Dakka for like 15 years now, figure I might as well stop hiding.
I was on The-Waaagh when that was active (as Clark Kent), and after leaving GW in 2010, finally getting back into the hobby. Just started to start collecting again, and really got into 3D printing a year ago. I've got an Elegoo Mars Pro and Saturn, and have burned through more resin than I care to count.

I love tinkering. So much so that I usually never finish anything. To trim the pile of shame, lets get going.

Quick pic to show some of the stuff I'm working on.

Kromlech Afrika Korps boyz (45 to go)
Nob squad Punks (8 to go)
Vehicles for Orks - lots and lots and lots to go.

I attached the file - not sure if the pic is showing up or not. Anyway, howdy!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/13 21:03:57

Post by: Flapjack

Those are some big wheels, looking forward to seeing what these attach to!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/14 03:28:11

Post by: BlackMetallic

Thanks! I'm looking forward to building it.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/15 00:44:59

Post by: BlackMetallic

So I was cruising the net today, forgot about the Kill team release, and managed to grab 1 or 3 starter sets from a store online.

Lets add more to the pile of shame!

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Oh and the Wheels (From the first pic) are going round and round, round and round....
I'm getting super stoked about this build!

[Thumb - 20210814_210107.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/15 20:59:15

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Well, that's a good start on whatever gigantic wagon that's going to be. Looking forward to seeing more. I, too, was once very active on the Waaagh forum (as Waaazag most likely). Good to see another Ork has wandered over to Dakka.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/15 23:09:23

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got some good progress on this guy today. I've got another few hours to have fun with it tonight. Waiting for the engine to print out, which should be done by morning. Between working on this for a hour, going and playing with the geese and ducks and chickens, then coming back and hammering on it, pretty good afternoon!

[Thumb - 20210815_180021.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/16 03:14:46

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got quite a bit more done on it tonight, had to restart the engine print, it wasn't sticking to the plate. Got into the rivet grove tonight, and knocked out a couple hundred, then started going crazy with sheet plastic and armor plating everything.

I got a great idea for the ram (well, at least I think it is great lol ) so I'm waiting to fit that once the engine is done.

Quick update pic:

[Thumb - 20210815_221021.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/17 04:49:39

Post by: BlackMetallic

Three engine blocks to choose from, and I can't make up my mind. Actually that's not true, I know which one I want to use. I'll have to reconfigure some stuff, but it's gonna look rad. Now, I need to make some big honkin' exhaust pipes!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/17 14:07:17

Post by: BlackMetallic

Another little update - Engine Blocks.

I think I'm going with the one on it, because of the blower, but I like the other ones too. Still loads more work to be done, but I keep thinking of new things to add to it.

[Thumb - 20210817_090040.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/27 21:13:50

Post by: BlackMetallic

While I've been waiting for more plastic tube to come in, I wrote up a quick and easy back banner tutorial for ork boyz. First part of Tutorial Tuesdays over on Waaghdaorks.com .


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/08/31 16:33:25

Post by: BlackMetallic

Tutorial Tuesday strikes again - Back Banners v2 with step by step instructions.


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My Kill Team stuff comes in today, I've got some hot swapping stuff to do to get them to be ded killy.

Not gonna lie, I'm way more excited than I thought I would be for these.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/01 23:12:30

Post by: BlackMetallic

Just got my Kill Team's in. I run Blood Axe's with mostly Kromlech Afrika Korps. Have to say, the Kromlech heads and arms fit pretty easily onto the Kommando Bodies (so far, only done a couple). I'm excited now as I'll have Afrika Korps Boyz and Kommandos now, should look pretty good together.

First Kommando Boy put together, no guns glued.

[Thumb - 20210901_175137.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/04 23:13:18

Post by: BlackMetallic

Work in Progress of the Afrika Korps Kommandos based off the new Kill Team Box Ork Bodies. I think I'll make seven or eight all said and done.

[Thumb - wipkommandos.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/07 20:50:51

Post by: BlackMetallic

Added a quick how to use LED's for terrain Tutorial for Tutorial Tuesday on my blog:


Hoping to get some time to paint and work on the battlewagon and Afrika Korp Kommandos tomorrow.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/08 17:05:29

Post by: BlackMetallic

Man, I like these new Kill Team Kommando's, but the sprues I'm working with are just terrible with flash on them. I'll have to spend a good five to eight minutes per model to get the crap off. Anyone else have this problem? Or am I just lucky with bad flash?

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/09 22:33:44

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got a little work on my Gun Wagon today, still a ton more to do, but she's getting there! It started off as a 3d Printed Grot Tank, I played around with the dimensions and scale and upsized it to be more appropriate for a Gun Wagon. I'd guess about 40-50% done with the building.

[Thumb - tank1.jpg]
[Thumb - tank2.jpg]
[Thumb - tank3.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/10 19:22:19

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got my version of the Ork Kommando's from Kill Team Octarius done. Used lots of Kromlech Afrika Korps bits (Since my army is those, they fit in better). Still loads, and loads of flash trimming to do!

[Thumb - Kommandos.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/11 18:59:33

Post by: BlackMetallic

Updated my simple tree building process for Terrain: https://www.waaaghdaorks.com/post/easy-birch-trees-regular-too

I posted this on Reddit six or more months ago, updated it and made it easier to follow on my Blog.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/14 16:04:48

Post by: BlackMetallic

Tutorial Tuesday strikes again!
This time an easy one, Basing Miniatures

Kind of excited - I got an itch to work on some fantasy / historical mini's so ordered some up from Amazon. I figure 50 multipart mini's for 75 bucks isn't too bad. Time to get cracking on the Solo RPG game I guess!

[Thumb - bases3.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/15 02:00:21

Post by: BlackMetallic

Forgot this last week for the banner tutorial. Figure someone might enjoy it here too.


[Thumb - waatot.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/16 22:14:43

Post by: Meer_Cat

Very nice work, and nice to see a vehicle properly sized for these new (monstrous) scale orks- no way these big guys were going to fit well into the old battle wagon.

Where did you find the .stl files for the grot tank now Gun Wagon? I really like the tread units- lots of projects immediately suggest themselves.

I picked up Kromlech's 'Space Scots' a couple of years ago; I'm more of an IG player/painter than Ork, but really liked the lines they made and carried.

Very enjoyable work to drop in and catch up on!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/17 19:07:36

Post by: BlackMetallic

Hey Meer_Cat,

The grot tanks I think I got on Thingverse, they were a free download. I'll go digging for the link and post it when I find it. The tracks are actually individual sides, so lots of good things to make out of them. Regarding Kromlech, I like their stuff. My IG these days are based on The Makers Cult, of the Feudal Militia (and tanks) which I've been printing out. I'm really, really digging those variants. I managed to snag nearly everything on sale, so I think the entire IG army was about 60-70USD during the sale. I have a terrible habit of wanting to only build horde armies lol!

A couple of pics of the grot tanks and the parts - if I can't find the links, I'll host the files on my blog. They were free, so hoping that doesn't get me in trouble

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I did find the link for those grot tanks - they are a paid file (On Cults3d) here's the link: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/goblin-revolution-mini-tanks

Well worth the $6.50 USD or so!

[Thumb - feudal-guard-battle-tank-3d-model-stl (1).jpg]
[Thumb - feudal-guard-militia-3d-model-stl.jpg]
[Thumb - grottanks.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/18 20:47:05

Post by: BlackMetallic

I geeked out way more than I thought I would of when I got my box of Oathmark Humans and Pirates from Frostgrave. The two plastic sets are like they are made for each other. Makes me wish I didn't sell off all my flat round bases a while ago!

Got these guys for my solo Tabletop RPG I'm working on, and I need to stop just building dudes so I can use them lol.

If anyone is looking for some great humans for a fantasy / dnd / rpg game, the Oathmark Humans (30 in a box) and Frostgrave Pirates (20 per box) are great. I'm going to be using some the pirates for some middle eastern warriors as well.

I want more now

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/09/21 00:12:56

Post by: BlackMetallic

So I'm making a solo tabletop RPG Miniature game, cause well all know we need more of those

Use any mini's you want. If you're interested in trying somethings out, leave me a note!


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/01 21:08:26

Post by: BlackMetallic

So I'm getting bogged down on naming attributes for the tabletop RPG I'm working on. I'm trying to make it as simple as possible, but getting stuck as to the level of "rulesiness" to for each attribute. Sure, I could call things the regular strength, dexterity etc, but it just feels too... similar?

Anyway, if anyone has and good ideas / links / resources, fire away!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/04 22:19:10

Post by: Meer_Cat

Thank you for the link- I'm now the proud owner of the .stl files (because I've never done grots before and can't imagine how I've made it this far in life without) and will get printing directly.

I'll take a look at your rules set, but I'm not the best guy to help here as for the past 20 years I've been much more painter than gamer.

I was looking through my 'Wall of Shame' (my plastic doesn't languish in dark, airless boxes, awaiting the light of day, no- mine hangs on pegboard right in front of my painting bench for 'inspiration) and I have a lot more Kromlech than I realized- they did some really nice self-propelled guns and that sort of thing that went along with the Astro-Covenanters.

I enjoy checking inhere to see what new things are going on- rock on!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/06 13:41:41

Post by: BlackMetallic

Started to put some paint onto the kill wagon for the Orks. Not entirely sure of the color scheme, but I've picked out the camo pattern (Blood Axes, so it won't be subtle!). Still griming it up, then painting on top of that.

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I never did like the barrel on the kill wagon - so I did a little snipping and replaced it. Still not 100% sold on the new one, but it's better than the little one it had before! Just got it primed, so waiting for it to dry and get more paint on it.

[Thumb - 20211006_083718.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/10 13:32:08

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Loving the Stwaaaaagh tank. The spaced armour looks especially nice on it!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/16 20:38:40

Post by: BlackMetallic

New Job with an hour plus long commute means much less time on the hobby. Updates will be monthly going forward, then hopefully weekly once the new year starts. Hopefully

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/18 22:04:07

Post by: Meer_Cat

Congrats on the new job and careful on your long commute! I look forward to your updates and really diggin' the tank- GcG has it right- the Stwaaaaaagh tank!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/19 14:02:11

Post by: Ezki

BlackMetallic wrote:

I never did like the barrel on the kill wagon - so I did a little snipping and replaced it. Still not 100% sold on the new one, but it's better than the little one it had before! Just got it primed, so waiting for it to dry and get more paint on it.

Oh this is brilliant!

Edit: quoted for page rollover

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/10/20 15:03:38

Post by: edstuff

Can't wait to see that massive tank finished

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/11/13 14:26:32

Post by: BlackMetallic

Howdy Folks!

So long story short, I was on ebay (I've still got some stuff I'm selling on there, so I check it every now and then) and I came across some old school mini's from the 90's that were for 40K but not made by GW. K-Force mini's from Grenadier, and some Demonblade as well as a few others that were sued into oblivion by GW because of IP likeness. I put a low bid in, because I figure that whomever is selling them should make a killing because they are pretty rare. So enter the low bid in, don't think about it and two hours later I get the "Congrats" email from Ebay. I'm like what the F? How did I win? Anyhow, I did. I don't plan on keeping all of them (I'll keep some, the rest are probably going back up) but here's a pic of most of them. The kicker? There were six pics, and the last pic had10 or 12 more blisters not shown on the first page, of some killer, killer mini's. Here's the first pic, I'll post the rest once I get them in a week or so.

[Thumb - 0000.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/11/16 02:30:23

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got here faster than it was supposed to! I'll pick up the box tomorrow at the post office, and break out all the blisters for some pics.

Pretty excited to dive into these!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/11/16 19:21:27

Post by: BlackMetallic

OMG the bitz alone from all these boyz is awesome!

50ish blisters, and four boxes of Dreads. Can't wait to dive into them. I'm sure I won't keep them all, I paint to slow as it is. If you're looking for some bitz or way OOP blisters, they will be up on Ebay soon (the stuff I'm not keeping that is!)

[Thumb - 20211116_131145.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/11/25 19:10:54

Post by: BlackMetallic

Long story short, left the new job I started a couple months ago. Got really tired of the hour each way drive and toxic work conditions. The money wasn't worth it anymore to me.

Anywho, more time to hobby! Going to take a month and figure out the new game plan.

Cheers and happy turkeyday!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/02 18:42:03

Post by: BlackMetallic

You know what's fun? Having lots of time to hobby. You know what isn't fun? Having Covid and not wanting to do anything at all but either sit and watch TV or lie in bed and sleep. Day six of Covid, I'm getting better, still slogging (cough and crap in nose / lungs time). I'm fully vaxxed, and thank goodness for that - the last six days would have been way worse without it. (And if you want to turn this into politics, kindly get the f&ck out)

I did a little work on some absolutely awesome pine trees for the tabletop. I honestly think these are the best Pine trees I've ever seen. A little pricey (3 / 10$ USD) but man, nothing else holds a candle to them. I'll get an update tomorrow probably with pics and stuff. Just feeling too blah today.


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/02 22:15:43

Post by: bbb

Wow! That was a sweet ebay find.

Sorry to hear about your Covid case. Hope you can recover 100% soon.

Best of luck figuring out the next career move.

Nice orks!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/04 18:01:05

Post by: BlackMetallic

So here we go - my new favorite pine trees (multiple varieties). While a little pricey (not really tho - you can buy the railroad ones for about the same price that look worse (IMO of course). I usually am a fan of making my own, but honestly, other than I'll paint the trunk a little when the base is done, the time saving alone is worth it. I mentioned before, they are three for 10$USD, while the paper ones were $15 (the bigger green ones). I picked them up at Target in the decor section, not the seasonal area. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope they still have some after the holidays and see if I can get more on clearance.

Stock photo on top, on the base below. The different ones available are below that. All are unpainted and bases unfinished. 32mm Fig for scale.

Went into a little more detail on sizes and variety on my blog :https://www.waaaghdaorks.com/post/super-easy-different-pine-trees

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/07 17:15:40

Post by: BlackMetallic

I find myself more and more drawn away from 40k, and more into "low" fantasy (think less DnD, more Conan) games/books/movies. I'm still working on my own tabletop RPG in this setting, with the added wrinkle of a world engine added to it, so you can play entirely solo, and still have events and things happen. Right now it is set up so you start off small and then the world opens up around you, so no matter how much or often things are still fresh. Currently working on solo adventure modules for this game engine (it's all pen and paper and mini's) so you can still get "adventures" as part of a campaign style format.

This originally started as a means to make terrain and paint and hobby (with the rules added in later), but things change and expand when I try stuff out and get ideas. Hoping to have V1.0 out the end of January for a bigger playtest, then 2.0 out the end of March.

If anything it will keep my brain active this winter!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/15 02:51:59

Post by: BlackMetallic

And this is one of them.

Long time ago (two years maybe?) I got this idea for building some really awesome ruins with LEDS. This was the first prototype and well, I got it half primed and about 75% built. It was looking at me today to just finish the damn job. So I finished the priming, and now we're building up layers of color. I'm also seeing a billion places I need to gap fill before final paint. It's O.K., he ain't heavy. He's my brother. 15% paint completion (it's a step dammit!)

[Thumb - 20211214_204650_HDR.jpg]
[Thumb - 20211214_204703_HDR.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/23 21:11:22

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got the tree's painted / flocked / spruced up (horrible pun, sorry!)

[Thumb - IMG_0211.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/24 13:40:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Boooo to the pun.
Yeeessss to the beautiful trees.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2021/12/29 21:42:26

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got a wild hair up my bum to work on this.... what could it be?

[Thumb - IMG_0240.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/01 21:13:23

Post by: BlackMetallic

Happy Bday to me (early but shipping!) Probably my last hobby purchase this year.

So long story short, I'm selling my house in a couple of months and moving off grid. Like, only solar power, building my own cabin in the woods type a thing. Super excited by it, and really looking forwards to next winter, when I'm stuck inside, I'll have loads to paint and build. Spending the next couple months cleaning stuff up and getting rid of everything I can't take with. Hobby stuff comes with, because it doesn't need anything but light. I've already started planning a hobby desk (Tiny cabin, 16x16) using mirrors to help with extra lighting. So until then, it's condense / sell / keep piles of stuff. I did plan for a 3x3 game table tho!

Can't decide to keep or sell my game PC, shipping is the killer, but who knows.

Welp, now I wait for my last order of stuff to get here in a week, and then it's on with the grind of saying goodbye to stuff!

BTW... I've got three Elegoo Resin 3d printers that need a home... (Two Elegoo Mars Pro and an Elegoo Saturn)

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/02 12:39:02

Post by: bbb

Holy cow that sounds like quite an adventure. I hope you'll be able to enjoy miniature gaming in a small house. Best of luck!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/02 15:27:32

Post by: BlackMetallic

 bbb wrote:
Holy cow that sounds like quite an adventure. I hope you'll be able to enjoy miniature gaming in a small house. Best of luck!

Thanks, I'm a little scared but thrilled as well.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/03 19:49:03

Post by: BlackMetallic

I was looking on Amazon, and found some of the battle system stuff and was going to click the trigger to buy, then decided first to see if I could make some. Using the "northern settlement" theme, mixed with a little warhammer-y fantasy mixed in, the basic shell of the first building is done. All told, spent maybe two hours so far.

[Thumb - IMG_0241.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0242.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/04 17:57:10

Post by: BlackMetallic

Trying to use up my hobby materials as much as I can before the move (hence the building above). I'll probably end up tossing whatever is left, simply as I don't want to haul boxes of junk with me lol. Having said that, my final order of stuff gets in Thursday, pretty excited!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/05 21:03:45

Post by: BlackMetallic

Just got one of my last mini's for the year - some troopers for 5 Parsecs from Home. Modular, so I can swap arms/guns/heads etc. Looking forward to painting these, then packing them up in a couple months :(

[Thumb - vanquishers-shock-troops-3d-model-stl.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/06 22:21:21

Post by: BlackMetallic

So I'm all set, I'm building my crew, and then I come across this.... and well, moving be damned, I'm printing it!

[Thumb - sgt4 - 2021-08-20T132739.578.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/08 15:15:13

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Okay that's pretty awesome, I can't wait to see it!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/08 21:34:37

Post by: BlackMetallic

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Okay that's pretty awesome, I can't wait to see it!

[Thumb - IMG_0255.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/09 01:29:13

Post by: BlackMetallic

You know when you get the hair up your butt to make something, well that started when I picked up 5 Parsecs from Home. I dunno why, but I can't stop building stuff for it. I suppose I should build my crew, but damn if it isn't more fun making non blown up sci fi terrain!

[Thumb - IMG_0256.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0257.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/09 19:34:49

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I'm sorry did you put an actual screen in a piece of terrain!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/09 19:55:49

Post by: BlackMetallic

I did. I had an old phone that still worked. I can rotate through gif's, videos or what not by just swiping. I can pull the phone out to charge / add files etc.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/10 23:05:06

Post by: Meer_Cat

Wow- lots going on here!

Imprimus: I wasn't familiar with Knight Soul Studio and really like the look of the render pic you posted, I'm going to take a look at their webpage a bit later. Nice looking stuff and a great contrast to 'standard' IG looking pieces.

Secondis: The building is great! Using the strip wood to half-timber the plasticard really sets it off and will make painting and weathering easier, the depth of detail will be impressive. Not bad progress for only a couple of hours invested so far.

Tertius: That assault ship is killer! What a great model that combines futuristic propulsion capability with rivets- it looks like it should be burning coal and have a smokestack sticking out somewhere. It perfectly captures the Empire in the 41st Millenium that knows only war.

I'll be checking back in more frequentlier- rock on!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/11 00:13:40

Post by: BlackMetallic

Knocking out an easy 5 Parsecs (2x2) gameboard. I'll use it later for Five Leagues from Home when that book comes out the end of the month.

[Thumb - IMG_0262.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0263.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/11 00:26:56

Post by: BlackMetallic

And some secret sauce for texture...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Now just let it dry overnight, shake off the excess, and a quick coat of matte clear sealer, and we're all done with a super easy 2x2 gameboard for 5 Parsecs from Home.

[Thumb - IMG_0264.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/11 03:24:35

Post by: BlackMetallic

Almost there! I'll need to fill some gaps, but last batch is on the print plate.

[Thumb - IMG_0266.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/11 19:46:26

Post by: BlackMetallic

More work being done, hoping to get to prime some stuff today and start painting.

[Thumb - IMG_0271.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0270.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0267.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/12 23:58:59

Post by: BlackMetallic

Loads of mini's. Lots to paint, time to get cracking on it.

[Thumb - IMG_0272.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/17 13:08:34

Post by: BlackMetallic

My milliput got here, so I did some gap filling on the Gunship. It's hard as a rock now, so I can start sanding to smooth it out. Once that's done, I'll add the guns (Punisher cannons, twin linked multi lasers) and see about priming.

[Thumb - IMG_0274.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/21 02:06:23

Post by: BlackMetallic

Super pumped, starting a 30 day painting challenge tomorrow. Aiming for two hours of painting a day, more if I can find the time. No idea on how many mini's I'll get done, the list is too long.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/21 02:18:22

Post by: Meer_Cat

Excellent goal, to participate in a painting challenge- stay the course!

_Love_ how the Gunship print came out.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/21 16:20:01

Post by: BlackMetallic

So the first batch of mini's for the 30 day challenge. If I can get these all done, I've got plenty more.

[Thumb - IMG_0297.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/21 22:32:08

Post by: BlackMetallic

Reinforcements game in today! Part of the last order of the year. Great timing for the 30 day challenge!

[Thumb - IMG_0298.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/22 13:36:46

Post by: BlackMetallic

 Meer_Cat wrote:
Excellent goal, to participate in a painting challenge- stay the course!

_Love_ how the Gunship print came out.

Thanks. Trying to find my small files so I can get the Gunship primed. Don't know if I'll get it painted during the challenge, but should be primed and maybe some base coats.

Thanks again!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/01/28 23:08:19

Post by: BlackMetallic

Working on some MDF terrain from Warsenal at the moment. Using the old hairspray and salt trick for weathering. Still loads to paint!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And I don't play Infinity, but Warsenal is hands down the best MDF terrain I've come across. TONS of nooks and crannies, tons of detail, tons of places to go to town on detail.

[Thumb - IMG_0322.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0323.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0324.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0329.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/02/01 02:36:25

Post by: Meer_Cat

_That_ is probably the nicest MDF kit building I've seen- incredible detail!

The salt weathering technique turned out very well!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/02/02 16:52:09

Post by: Wirecat

Very nice! It is hard to break lots of flat surface... Thumbs up!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/02/03 01:19:03

Post by: BlackMetallic

 Meer_Cat wrote:
_That_ is probably the nicest MDF kit building I've seen- incredible detail!

The salt weathering technique turned out very well!

Thanks! It's more of a pain in the butt than I wanted, but it works.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Wirecat wrote:
Very nice! It is hard to break lots of flat surface... Thumbs up!

Thank you. Trying to pick out detail now.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/02/23 18:10:52

Post by: BlackMetallic

Long time no updates! 30 Day challenge started off well, then life got in the way, then picked up, then life stuff.

I actually got a TON of paint on mini's, just didn't "finish" anything. 10-15 were good enough for tabletop, another 40-50 have basecoat and wash, and another 40-50 are washed after primed. I also managed half a dozen MDF buildings with various levels of paint.

Next time, will be focusing more on specifics, rather than just slap paint on stuff.

I did finish 12 fences tho!

Currently wiring MDF buildings for LEDs, and still working on my cyberpunky - scifi building with video screen.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/02/26 18:07:34

Post by: BlackMetallic

While walking through Walmart today, I came across this set of organizers. Shockingly solid and sturdy, the nest and come with a three tier riser, perfect for paints. I did a write up on it here: https://www.waaaghdaorks.com/post/organization-is-fun

[Thumb - IMG_0406.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0419.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/02 14:46:25

Post by: BlackMetallic

Next Tuesday March 8th, I'll have up some pics and full tutorial on wiring Terrain with LEDs. I'll be using a Warsenal MDF building, but could be used for anything terrain related (Cardboard, Mattboard, paper, etc). I'll post the link and some pics when it's ready.


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/02 23:34:14

Post by: Meer_Cat

Excellent- looking forward to it.

I got crazy awhile ago and picked up a string of mini-Christmas lights, a set of mini-lights from MicroMark and mini LEDs and diodes to make my own circuits, to see what I might like working with best. Your tutorial is well-timed and most welcome.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/04 13:32:38

Post by: BlackMetallic

A little preview of the LED Tutorial:

[Thumb - IMG_0480.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0481.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0482.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0483.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/05 02:09:46

Post by: BlackMetallic

Managed to get some Gauls/Celts/Frostgrave mini's built / primed and a little paint on a few today.

[Thumb - IMG_0485.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/05 12:13:59

Post by: Wirecat

LEDs look very nice!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/05 12:21:14

Post by: BlackMetallic

Wirecat wrote:
LEDs look very nice!

Thanks. Wasn't trying to go crazy (That's for later this year hah!) with them, but simply light up a few buildings. Nine volt battery, switch and an LED or two is all.

Thanks for looking!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/07 23:34:56

Post by: BlackMetallic

Tutorial Tuesday is up, step by step adding LEDs to terrain. I used a Warsenal piece from the Xiguan series.

Full description is here: https://www.waaaghdaorks.com/post/tutorial-tuesday-led-s-v2-0

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/23 16:28:59

Post by: BlackMetallic

Hmmm.... something's in the air. I can smell it. Not spring (it's snowing today in Minnesota)... something else.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/26 14:10:55

Post by: BlackMetallic

Yep, something's coming that doesn't smell all that great. Almost earthy, like fungus maybe?

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/26 22:02:44

Post by: BlackMetallic

It's Waaaagh time. Found these stl's from MrModularork and it got my juices going for the boyz again. Snakebites first, then Evil Sunz.

I wanted a change of pace while the other boyz are curing / printing. So built this fella for my desk.

[Thumb - IMG_0510.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/30 23:46:22

Post by: BlackMetallic

Just finished printing the next Action Figure Ork (Figork?) for the Evil Sunz. He'll get assembled and worked on once I'm done with 500 pts and the big guy for my Snakebites. Having set up my desk in much better way for painting, I'm really starting to enjoy it much, much more.

[Thumb - IMG_0513.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/31 02:26:25

Post by: bbb

Nice setup!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/31 11:33:51

Post by: BlackMetallic

 bbb wrote:
Nice setup!

Thanks, it's amazing how much more you can get done when you can actually find what you're looking for!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/03/31 23:43:44

Post by: bbb

BlackMetallic wrote:
 bbb wrote:
Nice setup!

Thanks, it's amazing how much more you can get done when you can actually find what you're looking for!

Shut your mouth! I feel personally attacked.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/04/01 02:40:44

Post by: BlackMetallic

 bbb wrote:
BlackMetallic wrote:
 bbb wrote:
Nice setup!

Thanks, it's amazing how much more you can get done when you can actually find what you're looking for!

Shut your mouth! I feel personally attacked.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/06/17 22:39:11

Post by: BlackMetallic

It's been a minute since I've had time or desire to do anything hobby related. With spring / summer here now I've built my raised bed gardens, planted my apple trees, so it's catch a breather time.

Found some really awesome 30k STL files, so I've been printing some RT Rhino's. I'm not building a Space Marine army, but the Rhino kit I found builds like a model with full interior to boot. Finishing the 3rd build plate (takes three to build with my Mars3) now, so hoping to build it tomorrow.

Slowly getting back into the hobby spirit.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/06/18 14:41:39

Post by: BlackMetallic

Working on some terrain for a project. I've got about 30 more to do, but I'm liking how the test came out. 25mm gobbo for scale.

[Thumb - IMG_0639.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_0642.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/06/19 12:42:16

Post by: Meer_Cat

Very slick! What materials did you use? 30 is an ambitious number!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/06/29 23:07:52

Post by: BlackMetallic

 Meer_Cat wrote:
Very slick! What materials did you use? 30 is an ambitious number!

3d printed a bunch of Asgard Rising trees. Already printed them all out, so just need to get them painted. Assuming I can stop being distracted by everything else lo!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/06/30 01:19:17

Post by: BlackMetallic

So I broke down the other day and picked up a big FDM Kobra Max from Anycubic. 30 minutes later after assembly, it's printing like a champ. Undaunted, I set out to start a new print. So with about a day and half left to go....

The table is 4'x4'. The box is about 30"x30". 43.7lbs.

It took 10 tries when I got my first resin printer three years ago to get a good print. This one was good on the first one. I want more!

[Thumb - IMG_0747.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0717.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/07/05 20:46:24

Post by: BlackMetallic

So silly me, I put the wrong types of supports on the first building. HOLY POOP did I have hours of clean up. BTW, black PLA is a pain in the butt to see the differences on. You can't tell what's a support and what's the print.
I did get some more printed tho! Ruins should be done tomorrow sometime.

[Thumb - IMG_0761.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/07/10 23:15:24

Post by: BlackMetallic

What's better than a huge build plate for FDM terrain?

Two huge build plates!

(After I uhm, screwed up and cut the wire. Quick splice job, and it's good as newish)

[Thumb - IMG_0769.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/07/11 00:18:42

Post by: scarletsquig

Nice, the size of that thing is awesome, having to glue and clip together PLA terrain can be a real pain, with that printer you can put all the pieces together in the slicer, hit print and come back in 3 days to something huge.

I'd recommend not filling the bed where possible even if you can fit it all on, it's a new build so clogs are unlikely, but you'll get one eventually and it's better to have one failed print than six.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/07/11 00:45:22

Post by: BlackMetallic

Yep, while it's great that I can fit a ton on there, placing a ton on there and having it fail is well... poo

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/07/14 10:56:32

Post by: BlackMetallic

Finally getting some paint on the things I've been printing. I made an arbitrary rule not to print more stuff than I have painted, so I'm on pause (although I do want to burn my pla so it doesn't just sit there, so I might start printing 100's of bases to use the ends of rolls up.)

Something dark and old stirs in the hills

[Thumb - IMG_0780.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2022/07/15 13:08:02

Post by: BlackMetallic

A little more work on the cave entrance. Trying for Copper/Bronze patina, think I've got too much blue/green.

[Thumb - IMG_0786.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_0788.JPG]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/03/07 00:54:35

Post by: BlackMetallic

Looong break of hobby stuff. Got a couple of puppies, built a ton of raised bed gardens, no time for anything.

Trying some old Street Violence mini's I've had for years. Hope to get the mold lines off and primed in the next couple of days.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/03/08 01:41:40

Post by: BlackMetallic

Tried an alternative to the normal black/gray/white prime job. Since I'm going for more of a Post Apoc vibe with these (and the game is same genre) I went rust brown as a base, Sandstone (or sand color from Army Painter spray primer) and white on top. I think it's a worthwhile option for a grungy look. Pics when I start slapping paint.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/01 15:29:20

Post by: BlackMetallic

It's only been five months! Got a little bit of a lot done. Some more work on my dry riverbed modular 2x2 board, and a little bit on a lot of other small projects. With summer winding down, a little more time to hobby.

[Thumb - IMG_20230730_164055527.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230730_164101060.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/01 22:33:32

Post by: CptJake

BlackMetallic wrote:
It's only been five months! Got a little bit of a lot done. Some more work on my dry riverbed modular 2x2 board, and a little bit on a lot of other small projects. With summer winding down, a little more time to hobby.

Looks fantastic. Would love to use it for my modern skirmish gaming.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/04 17:36:43

Post by: BlackMetallic


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/04 20:46:49

Post by: BlackMetallic

Did a little work on a 28mm Post Apoc vehicle this morning. About 90% done, just need a lil more weathering and clean up some slop.

[Thumb - rn_image_picker_lib_temp_42a0b2e5-e1c3-4457-be80-b9d062467d7f.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/04 22:35:36

Post by: CptJake

nice. How did you do the white? I have a vehicle I may try to do as a UN type and your's looks great.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/05 00:04:20

Post by: BlackMetallic

I started with Black primer, then gray. Vallejo Light Green Gray overbrush (just do about 75% of a regular layering coat). Drybrush a 50/50 Vallejo White / Light Green Gray, then a soft wash (light brown). Final drybrush of 90% white and light gray green.

Quick and easy.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/05 13:23:26

Post by: CptJake

BlackMetallic wrote:
I started with Black primer, then gray. Vallejo Light Green Gray overbrush (just do about 75% of a regular layering coat). Drybrush a 50/50 Vallejo White / Light Green Gray, then a soft wash (light brown). Final drybrush of 90% white and light gray green.

Quick and easy.


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/06 13:43:38

Post by: BlackMetallic

No sweat, thanks for asking!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/08/13 12:17:37

Post by: BlackMetallic

I've been fooling around with AK Interactives Jersey Walls and Defensive Walls for my games. They are made of resin, and have great detail. I'm way impressed. 25-32mm they look great, paint up fast and with minimal (drybrushing and washes) time, they are ready for the table.

[Thumb - IMG_20230813_071208973_BURST000_COVER.jpg]
[Thumb - AK1356.jpg]
[Thumb - AK1357-1200x1200.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20230813_071311388_HDR.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/09/01 17:57:11

Post by: BlackMetallic

I keep futzing around with rules, I'm going to devote some time Sat and Sun to sitting down and doing it. It's also going to be nearly a 100 in northern minnesota, so good time to stay indoors.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2023/09/02 11:47:42

Post by: CptJake

I'm running demos of Enemy Spotted Studio's 'In Country/INX' rules today at a local comic/game shop. Rules are very interactive, keeping both players involve throughout the game. Typically can play a squad on squad game on a 2x2ft area in about 30 minutes or so. They just released a free set called Recon which is their matched play rule set.

If you're looking for rules, check these out. Even if not for you they may give you some good ideas.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/01/19 02:55:51

Post by: BlackMetallic

Now that winter is finally here (Finally below zero in January!) spending more time painting. Lots of Copplestone Castings Future wars, Corvus Belli Infinity, and some Foundry Street Violence mini's got paint on them the past few weeks. Trying out a new basing technique and seems to work OK. Pics when I don't have to work 14 hour days (thank goodness for Sunday!)

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/15 15:54:53

Post by: BlackMetallic

I've been really lacking in the updates. I've had a project that I've been working on and off for about the past year and a half. FIgured I should start making some specific terrain for it, and just having fun building.
First up, a settlement Watch Tower.

[Thumb - IMG_20240212_182115946.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240212_182201402.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240212_182214635.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/16 10:24:49

Post by: CptJake


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/16 19:12:30

Post by: RedSarge

Some cool projects on here. love the Bob Ross-esque 2x2. Make a tutorial maybe? OR just more.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/16 19:43:21

Post by: BlackMetallic

I get really one day a week to hobby because of work schedule, that's on Sunday. More pics Sunday night / Monday.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/18 21:56:42

Post by: BlackMetallic

Getting lots of little stuff done today. Very happy with my rust paint job on this trailer.

[Thumb - IMG_20240218_154843328.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240218_154856585.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/19 12:55:41

Post by: CptJake

BlackMetallic wrote:
Getting lots of little stuff done today. Very happy with my rust paint job on this trailer.

It looks great. What technique did you use?

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/19 15:33:59

Post by: BlackMetallic

Thanks! I started off priming the MDF with barbarian spray primer, instead of the usual black or gray.

Then I used Vallejo Game Color Orange Fire to splotch on the mdf. I wiped a little off first so it wasn't too thick. Let that dry for about 5 minutes, then washed with AK Interactive Deep Shades Black Night. Let it dry, a few very light orang splotches, then a few light Army Painter spoltches with Gun Metal.

Thats it. The Deep Shade provides all the depth, and the light splotching over that helps give color variations. Going to try it on some corrigated paper to see if it works the same this afternoon.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/19 16:18:27

Post by: CptJake

Thanks for sharing the 'how'. Seems to be a very effective technique.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/25 17:04:15

Post by: BlackMetallic

Working on a cargo container to merchant stall conversion.

[Thumb - IMG_20240225_105808218.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/25 23:09:25

Post by: BlackMetallic

Cargo container merchant about half built, then paint.

[Thumb - IMG_20240225_170434321.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240225_170447269.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/27 19:41:07

Post by: Tommygun1918

Good looking terrain. You have nice rust effects going on.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/02/28 16:00:40

Post by: BlackMetallic

Thanks Tommy! Having fun building them.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/09 19:28:57

Post by: BlackMetallic

Got some other work done on some more buildings

[Thumb - IMG_20240309_112420064.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240309_112440255.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240309_112447659.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240309_121511612.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240309_121416768.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240309_121442213.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/09 23:32:24

Post by: Tommygun1918




25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/10 01:37:19

Post by: BlackMetallic

I have no idea why they are sideways. When you click on them they are right side up. Shrug.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/10 12:03:33

Post by: Tommygun1918

BlackMetallic wrote:
I have no idea why they are sideways. When you click on them they are right side up. Shrug.

Try cropping your images so they aren't so tall and skinny.
I think the forum software is trying to be efficient with display space.
MS Paint is good and simple for doing that.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/16 14:45:24

Post by: BlackMetallic

Another one built, about eight more to go before I can start painting. Just primed (I use a couple colors to prime with, helps to keep things looking worn). Also some work in progress pics.

[Thumb - IMG_20240316_092300213.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240316_092328046.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240310_192804691.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240312_120805461.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240315_120554554.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/24 10:51:25

Post by: gobert

Awesome looking terrain! Really creative stuff!

The sideways pics seem to happen when you attach images to the post. If you upload them to the gallery and then paste in links to your post they always come out good… though it is a bit more work

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/30 16:32:28

Post by: BlackMetallic

Another project that never got done, working on it some today. Loads of details to pick out and need to build supports for the orange tarp.

[Thumb - IMG_20240330_112523411.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240330_112452463.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/03/31 14:19:22

Post by: BlackMetallic

Sunday is my hobby day, the one day a week I can just get silly with whatever. Painting stuffs today.

[Thumb - IMG_20240331_091522050.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/04/03 17:36:40

Post by: gobert

Coming along nicely!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/04/05 00:27:54

Post by: BlackMetallic

LIttle more work done on it.

[Thumb - IMG_20240403_200509969.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/04/06 21:29:07

Post by: Llamahead

Really liking these good combination of GW bitz and scratchbuilt

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/04/12 17:55:57

Post by: BlackMetallic

Finished this up the other day, moving it to the done pile. Still a couple things I can work on paint wise on it, but good enough for the table.

[Thumb - IMG_20240412_121819661.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/04/12 23:46:34

Post by: CptJake


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/05/03 03:56:42

Post by: BlackMetallic

Had a slow night at work (work from home) so got some "paid" hobby time in! 15" of junk fence built.

[Thumb - IMG_20240502_223017187.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240502_223052182.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/05/03 09:27:03

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Barricades are looking good!

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/05/03 12:38:52

Post by: BlackMetallic


25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/05/03 16:40:00

Post by: BlackMetallic

Primed with my "Apoc Primer" (Flat Red/Brown Rust-Oleum, Army Painter Barbarian Flesh, Vallejo Pale Flesh on top, all rattle can). Really makes painting rusty metal or wood easier for me.

[Thumb - IMG_20240503_113348068.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20240503_113405552_HDR.jpg]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/05/06 03:03:22

Post by: Tommygun1918

Your fences are coming out great. I'm very tempted to build some after seeing yours, as I have an Ork killteam to do.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/05/07 18:42:39

Post by: BlackMetallic

They're pretty fun to build, and thanks! I'm working on a couple towers / gate houses at the moment. I've got a "set" of 4x3" long straights, two 90 degree corners, and two 6" long straights done, The gathouses will be the final parts to build. More of a representation than trying to make three feet of fencing. Pleanty of scatter terrain to make too.

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/05/09 19:16:58

Post by: BlackMetallic

Junk wall "set" built and primed, ready for paint.

[Thumb - rn_image_picker_lib_temp_2f598e96-86cd-460e-9225-7ad0e6b238e0.png]

25/28mm Post Apoc & Modernish Minis @ 2024/08/12 00:47:11

Post by: BlackMetallic

Summer has eaten into hobby time as expected, but slowly getting back into the groove.