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Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 09:59:57

Post by: Nevelon

Welcome all to the 111st round of the Dakka Painting challenge. For the unfamiliar, this is a friendly painting competition open to members of all skill levels and experience, whether your entry is your first or you thousand-and-first time painting miniatures. Each month, finished entries are collected into a thread where the community can vote on their favorite pieces, and those votes go towards an annual overall League that runs for 12 rounds.

This month the topic is: Nice Ride - An entry where the "rider" gets around on anything other than his own two legs - weather it be a tank, a mech, a noble steed, snake monster, chariot, or even Professor X's wheel chair. MasterBlaster runs bartertown? Yes he does. Frame of mind and point of view are also important thing. To the mouse tucked in the druid’s hat, he’s got a nice mode of transportation. And the raven perched on a staff can save some wear and tear on his feathers. Vehicles where you can’t see the rider are fine if you have closed cockpits on giant mecha and the like. Let someone or something do all the hard work, and sit back and enjoy the ride!

How To Enter

- You may enter up to 5 MODELS as a SINGLE ENTRY, and are permitted one entry per member per month. If you enter multiple models, they should ideally be related in some way, such as part of the same squad, unit or scene if you are doing a diorama
- You may enter at any time during the month, up to the last minute. We do encourage people to enter early, as to be part of the community, but if you can’t start until the 11th hour, that’s OK.
- You MUST post a 'proof' picture of your entry in the thread of the state it was in before you started working on it; this must be either unassembled, unpainted, primed or coated a single colour. Entries that do not submit a valid Proof Picture will not be eligible for voting.
- After this, you may post WIP pictures in this thread and your own if you wish, and on completing the entry, you may post up to 6 final pictures IN THIS THREAD that will then be used for voting. Please note that pictures in a montage or collage picture will be considered individual images for this purpose, so while these types of presentation are certainly acceptable, please keep the image limit in mind when compiling them. For example, a collage of 5 images and one separate image would count as your 6 picture allowance.

So What Do I Win?
- Points... and points mean... bragging rights for the next month! Following the vote, points will be awarded to every entrant. This year, the Points you receive will be equal to the Percentage of Votes your entry receives in the final Voting thread; if you get 10%, you get 10 points, if you get 6% you get 6 points, so on and so forth.

These points will be used to form a league table, which will be updated month on month as the results come in.

How Long Do I Have?
This challenge begins 1st of May and will end at midnight EST on May 31st. After this, I shall compile the finished entries into a new thread, and voting will run for 5 days.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 10:13:02

Post by: Geifer

This month I'm going to enter... indecision! If I find it too hard to decide how to paint indecision, I may switch to something else. Proof picture to follow down the line.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 10:25:01

Post by: Nevelon

 Geifer wrote:
This month I'm going to enter... indecision! If I find it too hard to decide how to paint indecision, I may switch to something else. Proof picture to follow down the line.

Seriously considering just uploading a pic of the corner of my primed pile with all the bikes in it. I feel the indecision.

Edit, and did it:

Bike chaplain, Shining Spears, Shroudrunners, and hey why not add the War Walker to the list of options. If I really wanted to push it out, I’ve got 3 marine tanks that need paint as well. But with my motivation levels these days, those would not be pretty to get done.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 10:43:58

Post by: Geifer

The funny thing is that I'm not even hurting for options. Just variety. Cavalry and bikes aren't really my thing, and the few I have need assembly, conversion and context. I do have vehicles of all shapes and sizes. But I'd have to be in the mood for painting a vehicle...

I'm going to have to give it some time and see what I might settle on.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 10:55:08

Post by: Daia T'Nara

He be rollin', the Inquisition be hatin':

Technically also counts as Glow Up, since a loyalist version was featured in the Warhammer 40,000 Compendium. What made him turn to heresy? All the jokes about stairs.

So... anyone want to one-up me in the tragic old nerd stakes by painting a black and white Space Marine on a black and white bike?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 11:06:09

Post by: Mothsniper

Was planning on working on reaper dwarfs, yet the topic poll did me wrong.
Dusted off old box from the Motherland of - Tehnolog Robogear
Jumping right into this because I have time! And also because got new airbrush pump and gear from harbor freight on a sale.

Look at all this delicious plastic!!! Back ten I got each unit for like 3, 4, or 6 bucks a piece. Now on ebay they are all waaaay overpriced, it is Polyethylene plastic after all.

Selected the bags with most wear and holes in them.

4 Demolishers it is.

So many cool bits. These are cheap cheap Polyethylene army-men-type toys from the early 2000.

Took a while to remove mold lines, assemble, and keep intact all shooting mechanisms

The lads are not the best, however I did find enough left and right arm bits.

Lots of gaps

All parts snap tightly, all joins move and I will keep them that way. The gluing was not needed if only to reinforce the joints. The big guns have spring mechanism that shoots plastic projectile, and I will keep those working too. Also, ran out of the guard head bits.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 11:23:32

Post by: JoshInJapan

I'll be going the Mecha route this month. I'm spoiled for choices. For example, I have at least a half-dozen Striders for Deadzone, along with one each of Iron Ancestor and Stuntbot. Here are the ones I pulled out of storage:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 11:35:42

Post by: Vejut

Prpbably going to try to get this steam tank for warmaster done, but may try some other cav or the like.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 11:52:16

Post by: inmygravenimage

For me, it's star wars shatterpoint

Mandos with jet packs, and a happy little loth cat (which, granted, has been two tone primed)

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 12:21:25

Post by: Geifer

Wait, does the tooka riding the droid count? Because that's why I suggested the fluffy theme for April.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 12:27:36

Post by: Nevelon

 Geifer wrote:
Wait, does the tooka riding the droid count? Because that's why I suggested the fluffy theme for April.

Is it moving under it’s own power, or hitching a ride on something else? (Even if that “something else” is currently not working)

My general rule of thumb is if you think it fits, it’s fine.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 12:49:39

Post by: Geifer

Well, I think the droid moves at the speed of a planet revolving around its sun. But I have funny thoughts like that.

I might just go with it. Cat on the back of something was one of my favored things, but I'm short on kitties (and possibly somethings to lend their back).

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 12:55:28

Post by: Leopold Helveine

My entry will be a rottbringers maggoth lord

Just basecoated it yesterday, for a change in light grey (amsterdam paints) because the palet will be easier to manage then considering I will be using many bleached tints.

Contrary to my trial-run (see sep thread if you want) of my new Nurgle mortal line palet I will keep the armor of this cat-rider (or is it a horse?.. hold on let me google..)
(yep, its a horse.. ok)
correction, the armor of this horse-jockey will be polished and shining' (while my earthbound mortals will have their armor dusted and deteriorated)

I think it is important here to give the horse a name, Hay fever is apparently too easy here but let's stay in the season regardless.

Orghotts horse shall hereby be named "Norbert no nose" or "no no no" for short, sneezing for Norbert is probably easier having such a gaping hole where normally a beautiful horse nose should be.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 13:00:34

Post by: Nevelon

 Geifer wrote:
Well, I think the droid moves at the speed of a planet revolving around its sun. But I have funny thoughts like that.

I might just go with it. Cat on the back of something was one of my favored things, but I'm short on kitties (and possibly somethings to lend their back).

I can’t fault strange thought processes.

I started with “would it be OK if someone wanted to paint someone sitting on the crashed/broken wreckage of a bike/plane/other?” Sure. Sounds cool. Cat riding on an R2 unit? Hilarious, good to go. Cat on a wrecked droid? Logically it follows.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 13:12:42

Post by: Geifer

On second thought, while there is no question who the star of the show is, I'll throw in Bo-Katan so inmygravenimage and I can have ourselves a proper Mando'n'cat-off.

Sprues are out of the box. Time to get some models assembled!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 13:16:21

Post by: XvArcanevX

I’ll be taking this opportunity to complete Dredd on his Lawmaster!

[Thumb - IMG_1052.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 14:14:19

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

Lol, I read “lawnmaster”, was picturing dredd on a riding mower

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 14:26:47

Post by: Nevelon

 Gulgog TufToof wrote:
Lol, I read “lawnmaster”, was picturing dredd on a riding mower

You just know Dredd is on the board for the local HOA.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 14:27:03

Post by: Mothsniper

There are two options for the overhead launch tubes. Spring powered launchers and these awesome missiles.

This gun comes only one per demolisher and goes only on one side. Flipping the attachment pins to have 2 vehicles equipped with both.

Guns are primed black and getting sealed.

Not guns are primed red and getting hairspray.

Ready for basecoat

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 15:19:29

Post by: inmygravenimage

Tbh Tooka riding the droid was an after thought to make it up to 5. It is, however, both funny and on brand...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 15:40:17

Post by: Geifer

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Tbh Tooka riding the droid was an after thought to make it up to 5. It is, however, both funny and on brand...

And it gave me an idea what to do this month, so there's that. Speaking of which. Don't mind the reflections. The glue was still wet.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 16:20:32

Post by: Nilfisken

I might be pushing it this time around?

I initially planned to enter a farseer on a jet-bike, but at the same time I really wanted to have an excuse to paint up a more epic hero for my Biel-tan army.

Had the afternoon off today so ended up assembling and cleaning up & gap-filling Jain Zar that I bought a few months ago. I got so excited about painting the model that I first thought I might skip this months challenge, but the more I looked at her, especially in sub-assembled form it became clear that she is literally riding her own hair! The hair could even work as a furry snake-like beast in a kit-bash...

So I shall enter the ancient screaming space lady and her ferocious hair-piece

Cheers, Oskar

[Thumb - IMG_5747.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 17:08:59

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Here is my proof picture. It's a Blood Angels Leviathan Dreadnought that I primed last month. My "painting" table is a bit of a mess as I'll be painting Seraphon and a BA Terminator Captain at the same time.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 18:05:06

Post by: youwashock

Nice! Lots of good stuff this month.

Jumping in with the Green Knight. Skipping the back banners for a cleaner profile.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 19:12:19

Post by: Lovejoy

Green Knight! Love that model. It's one of the all-time classics. Looking forward to seeing what you do with him!

I'm thinking I'll continue my Stormcast army this month. I want a pair of Fulminators, but I reckon the official models are horrible:

So I've converted a couple using the Gryph-chargers from a chariot and a couple of the freebie Vindictors:

That's my 'I can definitely get it finished' idea, anyway. But they may get replaced mid-month, if I can find time to do another idea I have... just requires a bit more model-building and converting first. We'll see!


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 19:15:20

Post by: Nevelon

Those are way better and more dynamic then the offical models. Well done kit bash

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 21:20:51

Post by: Syro_

 Nevelon wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
This month I'm going to enter... indecision! If I find it too hard to decide how to paint indecision, I may switch to something else. Proof picture to follow down the line.

Seriously considering just uploading a pic of the corner of my primed pile with all the bikes in it. I feel the indecision.

and did it:

That's a good idea, and might be an entertaining new trend to have pictures of piles of minis with "I'm entering something from here" as an early proof picture

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/01 22:11:04

Post by: Nevelon

 Syro_ wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
This month I'm going to enter... indecision! If I find it too hard to decide how to paint indecision, I may switch to something else. Proof picture to follow down the line.

Seriously considering just uploading a pic of the corner of my primed pile with all the bikes in it. I feel the indecision.

and did it:

That's a good idea, and might be an entertaining new trend to have pictures of piles of minis with "I'm entering something from here" as an early proof picture

To be fair, it might help to have a little second hand excitement.

“Ooh! you’ve got <squad> sitting around? I’ve always wanted to see those painted...”

Or just viewer’s choice. Tell me what to paint.

Or just a different pair of eyes on the theme that you may have missed. “Unit X fits the bill because of <angle>”

Some (for faster painters then I) are planning on painting the whole lot of it anyway, and are just going to choose the best to enter.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/02 02:57:37

Post by: Captain Brown

I have a pair of old metal Solitaries that need to be painted...

Better start picture.



Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/02 03:51:51

Post by: Mothsniper

Chippy chips

Pro tip - nearby cardboard box is a great toothpick mount system

Delicious Tiberium core missiles

Only the top half need to be painted. I was thinking of Heavy-Metal when painting these lads.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/02 05:34:04

Post by: ZergSmasher

I'm quite possibly biting off more than I can chew, but I'm gonna try to paint my Stormraven Gunship for this challenge, as I need to paint it for a list I'm running anyway. Proof:

Wish me luck!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/02 20:37:25

Post by: Lovejoy

 Nevelon wrote:
Those are way better and more dynamic then the offical models. Well done kit bash
Thank you!

I got them undercoated and drybrushed yesterday, and painted the rider's heads. I always do the heads first - no idea why!

Tonight I did one of the beasties. Not totally finished; I'm trying highlighting with short marks, as a way of giving texture, but I think it needs a glaze or two yet, to try and blend it together a bit.

I was planning to really crack on with these over the weekend, and get them as far along as possible. But I've just got some Cities of Sigmar stuff for my wedding anniversary, and I might swap to doing the Cavalier Marshall from that. I fancy going for a conversion to being an Ulric worshiper rather than a Sigmarite. But there's a lot of Sigmar iconography to remove!
I'll see how it goes...


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/02 20:37:37

Post by: Mothsniper

I do not have large round bases, but I have PerfectCast!
It worked for the mouselings, should work for the demolishers.

Impress rock in dirt - pour PerfectCast - wait for best bases.

Shinies, for now.

Faded pilots into shadow.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/03 12:52:46

Post by: Mothsniper

Some cage bars are put together facing the wrong way, should be facing forward, and won't fit into the slots. Because the kit is push snap and glue was not needed, the pieces are taken apart and snapped back together.
Trivial thing, but I am so happy I don't have to do extra work converting pin direction.

Bases cleaned.
Modpodge to seal the surface, and acrylic ink is used because I want to test out new ink that I recently bought.


Heat gun is overkill for this, just cutting few mins of drying time so they can later be used on procresing and sharing a picture that illustrated how few minutes are saved of the drying time.

Want to test alcohol inks for this as well.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/04 09:26:12

Post by: Leopold Helveine

So been gorewashing my nurglery "ride" and then redoing the pale light grey skin in such a way the crevixes still show an oxblood muck, looks pretty gruesome.

Will be making all the horns dark grey toward glossy varnished wetlook black.. currently are red to gradient from their bloody base.

This piece really makes me switch up techniques though, can't wait to detail paint the thing.
(no pics today sorry)

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/04 13:20:55

Post by: Syro_

How would everyone feel about me painting up the monster from Wrath of Kings nicknamed "taxi crab" along with the squad of four that would hitch a ride on it?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/04 13:25:48

Post by: Nevelon

 Syro_ wrote:
How would everyone feel about me painting up the monster from Wrath of Kings nicknamed "taxi crab" along with the squad of four that would hitch a ride on it?

I have no clue where that is from, but anything from anywhere that has an actual rule on their card called “Hitching a ride” is 100% OK for this month.

It and the squad he’s lugging around.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/04 13:33:21

Post by: halfling84

Mothsniper - great models, especially the crew look cool. I remember having something similar when I was a kid in the 90s .

Lovejoy - great conversion, much better than the original.

I will be building Aethon Heavy Sentinel from the Solar Auxila set. I plan to build the whole set as the French army from the steampunk First World War. I want to build the smallest vehicle first to test the camouflage. I will use preshading, but with the main color painted with brush like Lovejoy showed. Proof picture:

I plan to use cammouflage like this (large picture in the spoiler):


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/04 15:06:35

Post by: inmygravenimage

So, it being May the 4th...

Terrain from the shatterpoint starter set. I mean, yes, I *should* be painting Mandalorians for the contest but still...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/04 17:19:22

Post by: Nilfisken

Started to work on the under-suit and bone armour plates. Really love this mini!

[Thumb - IMG_5770.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/04 19:43:07

Post by: Syro_

Great, thanks Nev! Here's my proof picture before I start and building. I'm hoping to do this quickly, since I may get to play several times this week.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/05 03:13:44

Post by: Mothsniper

 halfling84 wrote:
Mothsniper - great models, especially the crew look cool. I remember having something similar when I was a kid in the 90s .
Lovejoy - great conversion, much better than the original.

Thanks. Here is some nostalgia for ya then they apparently had animated cartoon.
When I was a kid I missed all of it, I played with Army-men mostly, and on birthdays I would sometimes get transformers. So now I am catching up on the rest of the 90tities!
So, I like mars-red dusty pigment bases, and wanted to do a blue-dusty-pigment base for something.
And these guys are a good opportunity to do just that.
Because pigments are expensive and don't come in blue.
Because I am afraid of getting French/Italian artist pigments of possible toxicity. Although that is a suuuuuuuuuuper good deal for those who are interested https://www.earthpigments.com/french-mineral-pigments/
Because pastels are also not cheap.
I went to local dolla store for some chalk.

3 buks

Wanted to spray glue, and tumble the model in powder. But the glue spray was too old, so I didn't get to test that out, but brushing on Modpudge and bathing the model in dust works great.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Bases got same Modpudge - pigment dusting. The purple alcohol inks are showing through a bit, very interesting tool, will include it into future terrain projects for sure.

Drilled a small hole in the plaster to pin the vehicles with a small nail.

2partEpoxy curing now. I will glue in more connection points, and work on the terrain around the tracks.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

This is what the plaster bases looked like with with that alcohol ink. It dries almost instantly, and needs a bit of Iso to help it seep.

Also, I never change water during the project!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/05 05:30:02

Post by: ZergSmasher

Progress on the Stormraven:

Hoping that decals will break up the sea of dark (angels) green somewhat, as otherwise the model is going to be a little boring.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/05 11:32:14

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Here's some imges on the progress of the skin, don't mind the red spikes they will be dark grey to black, didn't like the red.. I need everything to be chromatic and bleached to pop the agapite (red lilac) armor on the mortal.


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/05 13:47:54

Post by: Nilfisken

Started to experiment with gold NMM on the feet

[Thumb - IMG_5771.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/05 15:58:28

Post by: Pariah Press

I’m really enjoying your progress reports, Mothsniper. You’re using so many unfamiliar materials and techniques that it almost feels like you have a different hobby from me!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/05 21:12:22

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

I'm in for this month, going to be giving the one on the left a sweet Evil Sunz sunset fade.

Which means that for next month's challenge, I'll be doing the one on the right. For themes, I would suggest:
No Muckin' About
Da Tuffest
Two Tone
Mess wiv da Bull... (you get da rokkits!)

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/05 22:54:21

Post by: Llamahead

Going to paint this up 6mm Vampire Lord on a skeletal dragon.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/06 06:53:33

Post by: Mothsniper

 Pariah Press wrote:
I’m really enjoying your progress reports, Mothsniper. You’re using so many unfamiliar materials and techniques that it almost feels like you have a different hobby from me!

Glad you enjoying it
Last touch to remove nail tips.


I think there are 3 reasons for the unorthodox hobbying approach.
1 - I am low on monies
2 - I am low on time
3 - And the tool/technique "snobs" annoy me immensely.
Very nifty channels that I find inspirational

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/06 09:58:44

Post by: Syro_


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/06 10:12:16

Post by: JoshInJapan

Lotsa fun stuff so far...

A little WIP on the Strider:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/07 21:53:00

Post by: Lovejoy

So, although I've already started on my Stormcast rider dudes, i'm thinking of maybe switching to a different model...
I've got it built now - so if I can get it undercoated before the weekend, I *should* have time to paint it. Or maybe I'll just stick with the Stormcast!

Anyway, it's a Cities of Sigmar Cavalier-Marshal. I decided to convert him to be a bit more 'Ulric'-y, more like a Grandmaster of the White Wolves. I know Ulric isn't a god in AoS, but I just like White Wolf cavalry!

So I started by identifying on the sprue all the 'Sigmar'-y bits I needed to fix:

Then I got the basic bits ready; I needed a weapon, a head, and to re-sculpt the horse's front armour.

I replaced the 'Sigmar' wording with a wolf, made a hammer and a head (I was a bit nervous about the head, as it's been a while since I sculpted something that wasn't Burrows & Badgers!):

Then I built the horse....

...and the rider:

The head looked a bit weird at that point, as I had to leave space around it for the cloak edging and the hair/beard.
But once I'd sculpted those bits, he was done:

Finally, a close-up on the face:

So - this guy *might* end up as my entry for the month, or I might stick with the Stormcast Fulminators... we'll see!


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/08 05:41:11

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well That's stunning.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/08 06:39:27

Post by: Dirk Deadly

I've got to say Lovejoy, I think its highly unfair that you can do stuff like that and its probably for the best all round if you're just banned from entering any competitons in the future so that us mere mortals stand a chance.

Nah, just kidding, that looks absolutely *expletive* amazing! Great idea, great execution, and I for one hope you get it painted up for this month's competiton!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/08 06:40:54

Post by: Vejut

Agreed, very charachterful knight there! Though I will admit part of me read "hadn't done non-burrows and badgers" and thought the wolf theme is right there :-p

Made some progress on my minirat steam tank:

I'm happy with the checker, less so the white and the cross, hopefully finish it off this week.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/08 06:58:35

Post by: Mothsniper

Nice progress Vejut. I like the way the yellow panels are with slight orange gradient on them.

Thank you for sharing that! I absolutely admire and envy sculptors. And hate my self for missing 3 écorché classes during my school days.
The rider is Epic

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/08 08:38:52

Post by: Nilfisken

Stunning sculpts @Lovejoy

Looking forward to see the rest of the work!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/08 11:47:13

Post by: Leopold Helveine

 Lovejoy wrote:

Finally, a close-up on the face:

I feel like I would need to get an AI-driven augmented arm to ever be able to sculpt as intricately a detail as these amazing bits.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/08 22:48:03

Post by: Pariah Press

My proof pic: Two sentinels and a squat sky surfer.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/09 16:42:56

Post by: Mr Nobody

I've got another Ork vehicle collecting dust on my shelf. I'm going to try and practice with my airbrush my giving the engine a heat glow.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/10 10:19:36

Post by: JoshInJapan

The first Strider is finished:

This probably isn't my final entry, as it's kind of rough, what with my not being very experienced with vehicles. I'm happy with the heat burn on the flamer, though.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/10 12:57:18

Post by: Leopold Helveine

 JoshInJapan wrote:

This probably isn't my final entry, as it's kind of rough, what with my not being very experienced with vehicles. I'm happy with the heat burn on the flamer, though.

Definately final-photo that with a dark background to make those effects pop. I like the flamer effect.

Nice subtle color use too on the sandy whole. I've recently been thinking how subtle color use means more, not less'.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/10 20:59:45

Post by: JoshInJapan

 Leopold Helveine wrote:
 JoshInJapan wrote:

This probably isn't my final entry, as it's kind of rough, what with my not being very experienced with vehicles. I'm happy with the heat burn on the flamer, though.

Definately final-photo that with a dark background to make those effects pop. I like the flamer effect.

Nice subtle color use too on the sandy whole. I've recently been thinking how subtle color use means more, not less'.

Oh, these photos are just WIP snapshots. If I decide to enter this model, I'll get out the lightbox for some proper photos.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/10 22:51:17

Post by: Captain Brown


Well, a Solitaire can fly from his tactical rock to slay space marine, right? I know that my two models do not have a tactical rock...but it is an elegant model for a more civilized age.

As I had two old metal Solitaires, and you can only field one, I figured I would paint one in the crazy original scheme and the other in a more recent style to match my harlequins.



Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/10 23:38:49

Post by: Maharg

Back to the Old World for me again this month, this time with some chaos cavalry

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/11 20:24:12

Post by: youwashock

Green Knight got primed...and that's it. Motivation and time not jiving. Going to put these here as an alternative entry. Couple Star Eagles prototypes. Seeing as how I just watched The Last Starfighter again, these could conceivably get finished.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/11 20:44:30

Post by: halfling84

I tried to paint on preshaded base with a brush, but I couldn't make it visible without ugly traces of brush strokes. But after painting few layers of thin paint the base colors are ready, and it doesn't look bad. The next step is shading and markings, and adding a black lines between patches of different colors.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/12 13:37:00

Post by: Vejut

Got the steam tank done:

Some fun stuff coming, looking forward to seeing other entries!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/12 13:52:55

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Blood Angels Leviathan Siege Dreadnought. I'm gonna finish the base and decal the body before I do the arms.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/12 18:34:02

Post by: XvArcanevX

There’s some truly inspirational work going on here already!

My lawnmower is coming along methodically…

[Thumb - IMG_1139.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/12 20:33:18

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ooh very lovely. Warlord dredd is so good.

Right, calling these done.

Mandalorians are stronger together!

This is the way.

Clan Kryze: Koska Reeves and Bo-Katan Kryze

Gar Saxon and a Super Commando

And a Tooka on a spy droid
Surely the greatest piece of scatter ever.

Nice Rides all round
And Fwiw here's the whole gang

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/12 21:44:21

Post by: Xyabis

Wow! I love the look of the entries so far - here is the model I will be doing for this month.
A little imp guy riding a giant bat (model from Loot Studios)

[Thumb - IMG_7562.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/13 08:26:31

Post by: Geifer

 JoshInJapan wrote:
The first Strider is finished:

I know it's not the point of the picture, but I can appreciate the psycho clown in the background. Kind of steals the show.

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Right, calling these done.

Looking good.

Me, I just finished the next Wookiee. What do you mean, today isn't the 13th of Extended April? That can't be right!

So yeah, it bothers me so much that I didn't finish last month that so far my painting efforts were directed at the wrong models. I'm going to need a productive last third of the month if I want to get my May entry painted...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/13 13:10:37

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Leviathan Dreadnought is done. I'll take the final photos once the varnish on the base dries later today.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/14 01:49:39

Post by: TheChrispyOne

Rioght- Now that I'm outta college classes for the summer, I can sit and do minis.. And what with the 3d printer, I have a massive backlog!
.... So, I made more work for myself!

Main body is actually an upside-down old Dark Eldar Ravager, there's some cheap Dollar store toy bits, and rest is 3d printed. I DO have a Mr. Tater Head Stompa that's pretty much modelled.. but, figure I can do the Jet before end of the month, what with my procrastination/ ADHD "Cat-brain".. Oh, look! Something shiny and moving!!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/14 02:06:29

Post by: youwashock

Assembled and ready to prime.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/14 11:42:14

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Blood Angels Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/14 12:03:40

Post by: Leopold Helveine

( no piccas)

Finished the "driver" of the Maggothlord yesterday evening. Well.. except for some detail on his weapons to make them more g(l)orious.
One side of the "ride" is done in terms of the ailments too.., doing the work in short shifts varying the shades as I didn't like the idea of the zits being all in one. Been using a darker washed brown type and a lighter beige to peach type.

Not sure yet wether I'll paint the teeth clean as those looks freaking gruesome as is currently.. Anyway, hope this descriptions suffices, I'll leave that to the imagination.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/14 22:05:50

Post by: Midget Gems

I've had this conversion on my build list for quite some time and now seems like a good excuse to do it

My Ork Star Wars Pod Racer Conversion Proofs

P.s. I've finally got around to starting the new league table here

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/15 10:29:40

Post by: Nevelon

Looking good everyone!

Thanks for the work on the league table Midget Gems.

I should probably get cracking on my entry. Got like 2 colors down. Not good.


We are halfway through the month. Anyone have any ideas for June?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/15 10:57:03

Post by: Geifer

Here's one:

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow - Paint something technologically advanced compared to the level of its faction, peers or contemporaries.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/15 20:30:59

Post by: XvArcanevX


They mostly come at night…

Force of nature

Ice and Fire (Model must be based around either of the two or both)

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/16 03:50:50

Post by: JoshInJapan

I'd like to respectfully resubmit Glow Up from last month.

Dress For Success. Models with extravagant, over-the-top, or just plain fabulous outfits and/or accoutrements .

Knife To A Gunfight: Models armed inappropriately for their setting. Barbarians with guns, hulking power-armored troopers armed with daggers, dudes marching into battle with musical instruments...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/16 12:48:16

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb: An entry that deals in explosives.

All Your Base Are Belong to Us: An entry with an extravagant base.

For Great Justice: An entry surrounding the theme of justice. A peace officer, or a soldier fighting for the greater good fit the bill.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/16 13:08:19

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Junebug; either a machine or computer full of bugs causing malfunctioning equiment, a buggy vehicle (literally even), an insectoid creature, someone cute or someone that keeps bugging the hell out of everything (something annoying).

Gamechanger; anything that when entering the battlefield will pull aggro like a magnet due to its threat with an aura of "o shid".

Personification of evil; To make more bright the light, lets contrast it with a mini that is so evil our eyes will bleed witnessing the results.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/16 20:38:49

Post by: XvArcanevX

Well, I’m all finished for the month. Nice and early …

Here’s Dredd… riding the latest in lawnmower technology:

[Thumb - IMG_1161.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1160.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1164.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1167.jpeg]
[Thumb - IMG_1165.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/17 10:56:40

Post by: Geifer

I did my research last night and took some screenshots of Bo-Katan. Now my only remaining excuse for not painting her is that it's dark and rainy and I can't see what I'm doing.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/17 17:18:53

Post by: XvArcanevX

 Geifer wrote:
Now my only remaining excuse for not painting her is that it's dark and rainy and I can't see what I'm doing.

Unacceptable, you must proceed by candlelight if necessary! Your audience demands it sir!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/17 17:29:11

Post by: Geifer

Luckily I don't have any candles, so I can laze about some more.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/17 18:43:35

Post by: XvArcanevX

 Geifer wrote:
Luckily I don't have any candles, so I can laze about some more.

Fair play, I think I’ll stick something on the toob myself here… got all the fishing gear ready for tomorrow and not much else to do now but snooze…

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/17 21:59:49

Post by: Lovejoy

inmygravenimage wrote:Well That's stunning.
Thank you - I'm well pleased with it!

Dirk Deadly wrote:...that looks absolutely *expletive* amazing! Great idea, great execution, and I for one hope you get it painted up for this month's competiton!
Cheers - painting is under way now...

Vejut wrote:Agreed, very charachterful knight there!

Mothsniper wrote:Lovejoy Thank you for sharing that! I absolutely admire and envy sculptors. And hate my self for missing 3 écorché classes during my school days.
The rider is Epic
Cheers - you should just give it a go! In all seriousness, I was crap when I started. It's just one of those 'get better by doing it' things.

Nilfisken wrote:Stunning sculpts @Lovejoy

Looking forward to see the rest of the work!
Thank you!

Leopold Helveine wrote:I feel like I would need to get an AI-driven augmented arm to ever be able to sculpt as intricately a detail as these amazing bits.
I started off mostly sculpting 6mm infantry, so 28mm+ stuff feels really big to me! But I still tend to sculpt with the armature about 3 inches away from my eyes.

Also, sorry for the delayed responses - I totally missed the rest of page 2 of the thread, somehow!

Loads of great minis popping up now, too - I can't believe so many people have finished already!

I'm making some very slow progress on mine now (bad pics, but there's no light here at the moment):

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/18 17:16:18

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

That dapple effect is fantastic Lovejoy, very nice!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/18 19:11:15

Post by: Lovejoy

 Gulgog TufToof wrote:
That dapple effect is fantastic Lovejoy, very nice!
Thanks - I always find horses tough to paint, but I quite like the way this one's turning out!
A bit more progress:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/18 22:28:06

Post by: inmygravenimage

This is looking bloody stunning mate

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/19 13:56:57

Post by: maxwin

Late entry, Horticulous riding his trusty snail!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/19 20:23:04

Post by: JoshInJapan

Lots of fun models so far. Keep up the good work, everyone!

I think this second strider is finished:

I have a lot more walkers in the pipe, but I'm out of 60mm bases. If I get around to having some shipped (there are no local games stores where I live), I can probably get one more done before the end of the month. Then I have to the proper photos of whichever I select for my final entry.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/20 15:52:08

Post by: halfling84

Lovejoy - that is great, both sculpting and painting.
Maxwin's guy on a snail in nice too

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/21 03:00:22

Post by: Mr Nobody

I too have finished my vehicle. A nice custom ride for the discerning warboss. Complete with axe wielding doorman.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/21 10:30:08

Post by: Nevelon

Let me know what you want to paint next month:


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/21 12:37:18

Post by: Daia T'Nara

From the depths of Rogue Trader:

(Katy Manning's nude photo shoot with a Dalek on the shoulder, naturally.)

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/21 13:07:44

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Worked on the basing all evening yesterday but still not happy with it, used desaturated/bleached grey-blue and grey for the rocky structures and made everything inbetween a gore of sponge-cuts(very finely) and decorative grass smeared around with glue to make it into a grime, painting it bloody with fleshy pinks.. but the latter is so saturated it just comes at you too hard and probably would distract the eyes away from the "mini".

I'm considering drybrushing the whole thing with dark grey and bone tone beige.. hmm..
Its also that the palet reminds me too much of a certain flag with all the lilac, pink and blue tints.. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about it.. happened before on reddit long ago when I painted my tree revenant in pink yellow and blue -_-

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/21 14:46:05

Post by: TheChrispyOne

Well, as they say- "Good enough for government work". I'll get other photos later on, just bummed right now that white balance and zoom were off, so others are washed out/ blurry.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/22 00:26:46

Post by: Syro_

Here's my progress so far

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/22 02:13:13

Post by: phoenix89

Hi! New-ish here and I had a model I wanted to submit but was most of the way through it when I found out about the contest, and then the rules for proof. I didn't take any pictures before I started work on the model, any chance the box and sprues would count?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/22 10:07:03

Post by: Nevelon

phoenix89 wrote:
Hi! New-ish here and I had a model I wanted to submit but was most of the way through it when I found out about the contest, and then the rules for proof. I didn't take any pictures before I started work on the model, any chance the box and sprues would count?

People do post box/sprue pics as proofs, so that would be fine.

As long as all the actual work was done during the month, you are OK.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/22 14:57:15

Post by: phoenix89

 Nevelon wrote:
phoenix89 wrote:
Hi! New-ish here and I had a model I wanted to submit but was most of the way through it when I found out about the contest, and then the rules for proof. I didn't take any pictures before I started work on the model, any chance the box and sprues would count?

People do post box/sprue pics as proofs, so that would be fine.

As long as all the actual work was done during the month, you are OK.

Oh awesome, thanks! It was all done this month, I just didn't know about the painting challenge until I was already working on the model.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/23 00:07:38

Post by: Mothsniper

 Syro_ wrote:
Here's my progress so far

Moving along nicely! Standing by for more

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/23 00:28:12

Post by: KidCthulhu

Time permitting, I might be able to do one of these:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/23 02:11:26

Post by: phoenix89

This is my first entry here so forgive me if I mess something up with the submission. These are the best I have for proof, sprues and box from the GW Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth. I started it earlier this month and finished it up yesterday. I'll make a follow up post with the finished pictures.

[Thumb - IMG_6737.JPEG]
[Thumb - IMG_6680.JPEG]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/23 02:13:34

Post by: phoenix89

As long as my proofs are acceptable, here is my finished entry - GW Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth.

[Thumb - Trog_Front.png]
[Thumb - TrogLeft.png]
[Thumb - TrogBack.png]
[Thumb - TrogRight.png]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/23 04:21:30

Post by: Pariah Press

 Daia T'Nara wrote:
From the depths of Rogue Trader:

I always wondered what happened to that guy. Now I know.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/23 11:24:34

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Nice work on the Troggoth, phoenix89.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/23 17:55:33

Post by: Mothsniper

phoenix89 wrote:
As long as my proofs are acceptable, here is my finished entry - GW Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth.

Nicely painted! And the details in the base.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/24 12:44:29

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Here's two pics of the basing, do note after the "ride" has been glued to it (still need to paint some of its bulbous growths on one side) I will give the now pink spaces a wetlook and probably add some blood.

Also added a few more props to the base (skeletal remains) after taking these photos but it will give you guys some impression of what I've been doing.

[Thumb - basing1.JPG]
[Thumb - basing2.JPG]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/24 14:41:19

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

It looks great so far.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/24 20:30:14

Post by: JoshInJapan

I'm calling these guys done:

Deadzone Striders

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/25 20:57:23

Post by: XvArcanevX

Love those Striders … probably the best miniature ‘mechs’ I’ve seen in my view…

Nice work on ‘em Josh!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/25 23:18:09

Post by: Nevelon


Slowly getting there. Got like a week left people, start wrapping things up!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/26 11:42:42

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Yeah this last week is where it is at for me, been doing all the remaining zits on the maggothbeast today, still need to darken them with a shade, highlight them and grue them though.. eep.. (there are so many.. I really underestimated that -_- )
(oh and I forgot a few veins apparently x_x )

Also noticed the thing has a few maggots here and there I should still paint and then some minor tidying up where paint landed it shouldn't have, then still to lace it with varnish and when glued as I said before grue the base a bit and make it wet look around his feet.

So that's still a lot of work ;(

And its not even fun work..

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/26 16:57:32

Post by: Geifer

I'm making reasonable progress. It was a bit bogus to find my trusty Ultramarines Blue suspiciously dried up, but a bit of water fixed it. Would have been a problem otherwise as I'm not sure I'd be able to get new paint within a few days. So after a nice Sunday with a fair bit of painting time for a change, Bo-Katan is in pretty decent shape.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/26 20:43:38

Post by: KidCthulhu

I'm hoping to be able to actually paint tomorrow. I got my chosen entry primed & mounted on a decent base.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/27 01:36:09

Post by: Llamahead

Finished my entry fairly happy with him. Microworld Games 6mm skeleton dragon with a Vampire rider. Zardoz commander of the host.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/27 10:46:44

Post by: Nevelon

Nice work everyone, in the home stretch!


For those of you with time to kill this summer, I am organizing a bonus round of the painting comp, to run parallel to the main event. Don’t worry, you still get your regularly scheduled madness. But if you have a big project that needs extra time, head on over and sign up for Dakka Painting Challenge Bonus Summer Blockbuster: Centerpiece

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/27 11:57:52

Post by: Syro_

I'm calling my taxi crab and friends done:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/27 13:03:19

Post by: Leopold Helveine

My Entry;

Pale Maggothlord.
"Its mount's breath smells like rotting garlic and cloves"







Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/27 17:36:40

Post by: Nilfisken

I'm sadly going to fail this month, far too many things to do in the past weeks to get enough hobby time and will be gone for most of June and early July for work related travels, but I shall resurface in the competition rounds by the end of the summer. I will post a final WIP before end of this month and cast my votes for this round as well before taking break. Lot's of very cool projects this month!


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/27 17:45:53

Post by: KidCthulhu

My first day of painting is not going well. But here's hoping it goes better. Otherwise without this challenge, this guy is never getting painted...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/27 18:15:36

Post by: Lovejoy

Another great mix of entries showing up - I love seeing all the different ideas people have!

I finally manged to get my entry finished, and took some pics. Here they are, hopefully in the correct format:

Lovejoy - Cavalier Marshall


Also, here's one of the pics without the spoiler tags, just so my entry doesn't get missed....

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/28 01:06:52

Post by: KidCthulhu

This is what I managed to get done today. Given the weather, I won't be able to prime & paint his sashimono/banner pole.
I'm calling him done:

Not perfect, but he probably wouldn't have gotten painted at all if I didn't have this challenge

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/28 01:59:19

Post by: youwashock

Ships are done.

Fun little things.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/28 04:46:42

Post by: Gulgog TufToof

I've got mine finished. My homage to the dying sun of the ork's homeworld, my Evil Sunz Gnot Tank:

Great work so far everyone, good luck to all those still finishing up, there's still time!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/28 07:02:33

Post by: halfling84

I managed to make my old camera work again, and my model finally doesn't look ugly in the pictures These are final pictures of my model, I'll remove the old ones to avoid confusion.

Also, code to paste for the voting thread:

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/28 11:51:20

Post by: Leopold Helveine

 Gulgog TufToof wrote:
I've got mine finished. My homage to the dying sun of the ork's homeworld, my Evil Sunz Gnot Tank:

Great work so far everyone, good luck to all those still finishing up, there's still time!

Hey those colors emediately made me think of matchbox cars I used to have which you could change the color of when dipping them in either warm or cold water.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/29 23:54:20

Post by: phoenix89

ShadowsAndDust wrote:Nice work on the Troggoth, phoenix89.

Mothsniper wrote:
phoenix89 wrote:
As long as my proofs are acceptable, here is my finished entry - GW Breaka-Boss on Mirebrute Troggoth.

Nicely painted! And the details in the base.

Not sure if it's customary to post a follow up, but thank you for the compliments! 😅

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/30 09:29:05

Post by: Geifer

Done, and with over a day left. I should have procrastinated more.

Bo-Katan Kryze and Tooka:

Do you know what I never said? That I feel a desperate desire to freehand icons 1.5mm in diameter. Thanks, unknown Lucasfilm artist for giving Bo-Katan the same crest twice. I really appreciate it.

I suppose casting got in the way of having grooves on the shoulder pads like on the helmets. I said it before, but once again I'd wish for a little consistency from AMG. Either make all patterns sculpted or none. I don't feel like the shoulder crests are any less significant than the pattern on the helmet.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/30 15:15:05

Post by: inmygravenimage

^ looks great. I know exactly what you mean. Why does Asajj Ventress have no facial carving, but Maul and Ahsoka do?! Madness.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 00:23:41

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Think I'm going to have to ask for my now customary extra day. I'm painting a Raven Guard veteran rhino (with a single veteran to go with) and I have too much still to do in one day. Proof pics attached.

[Thumb - Rhino1.jpg]
[Thumb - Veteran1.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 02:23:47

Post by: Nevelon

 CancelledApocalypse wrote:
Think I'm going to have to ask for my now customary extra day. I'm painting a Raven Guard veteran rhino (with a single veteran to go with) and I have too much still to do in one day. Proof pics attached.

No problem. Extra day granted.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 06:42:06

Post by: ZergSmasher

I'm gonna probably need that extra day too, so thanks Nev!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 09:12:17

Post by: Geifer

 inmygravenimage wrote:
^ looks great. I know exactly what you mean. Why does Asajj Ventress have no facial carving, but Maul and Ahsoka do?! Madness.

Thank you.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/01/05 17:25:05

Post by: Nilfisken

As I said a few posts earlier I wont be able to finish this months task, these are the final WIP and hopefully JZ will be waiting for me when I get some time back at the hobby desk again mid July. Only taken part in these challenges for three months, but really enjoyed the boost in inspiration they give. Looking forward to see everyone else final entries!


[Thumb - Group.jpg]
[Thumb - Front.jpg]
[Thumb - Back.jpg]
[Thumb - Leg.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 13:03:57

Post by: Nevelon

Shame you can’t finish; she looks so close! We do have an extra day if that helps?

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 13:56:21

Post by: Nilfisken

 Nevelon wrote:
Shame you can’t finish; she looks so close! We do have an extra day if that helps?

Thanks for the offer, sadly I paint with glacial speed and I am just on my way out the door to go to the airport for a flight to Nigeria for three weeks of biological fieldwork so no more painting for a while


Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 19:41:26

Post by: phoenix89

 Lovejoy wrote:
Another great mix of entries showing up - I love seeing all the different ideas people have!

I finally manged to get my entry finished, and took some pics. Here they are, hopefully in the correct format:

Lovejoy - Cavalier Marshall

Saw these in the wild on Twitter the other day, absolutely incredible conversion/paint job!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 20:02:43

Post by: Maharg

No problem. Extra day granted.

Thanks for the extension Nev. Could've probably finished something this evening but better tomorrow when I'm not so tired

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/05/31 20:23:25

Post by: Xyabis

Mid way post for my entry! Will have it completed soon ^^ I have been busy working on models for a LGConvention competition this weekend.
Excited to see everyone's entries in the poll!

[Thumb - niceRide_MID.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/01 02:45:14

Post by: Xyabis

Nice rides!
Final shot in it’s not great but it’s done, and that’s worth something to me

[Thumb - 9F85E95D-B3F8-4C93-9888-3A7E38EA5565.jpeg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/01 03:44:38

Post by: Pariah Press

Sentinels and Squat Sky Surfer, complete!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/01 11:26:56

Post by: Nevelon

Leaving this open for an extra day extension, but go start on June’s comp:



I finished my chaplain yesterday, just need to do the formal photoshoot today.


Sneak peek. I could have used this mini for both Nice Ride or Glow Up. He’ll be replacing the venerable bike chaplain in the modern era. A worthy successor.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

And done.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/01 21:22:38

Post by: Maharg

Just the one horseman finished

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/01 22:53:30

Post by: Midget Gems

Some nice looking entry's for this month, well done everyone

I didn't do as well as I'd hoped with mine, I lacked some motivation despite it being a conversion I've really wanted to do for ages so its not 100% fully painted to the standard I would like but I'm still happy I did it and I think it looks quite cool overall so there is that Also bought myself a light box to try out with the photos.

Ork Star Wars Pod Racer Conversion

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/01 23:46:25

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Sorry Nev, sorry everyone, but can I have one more day? Had a really rubbish day today and wasn't able to get nearly as much as I'd hoped done.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/02 01:26:33

Post by: Nevelon

 CancelledApocalypse wrote:
Sorry Nev, sorry everyone, but can I have one more day? Had a really rubbish day today and wasn't able to get nearly as much as I'd hoped done.

Sure, we can go the whole weekend and an extra day.

Get cracking everyone! Let’s get these entries done!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/02 03:30:37

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Thanks Nev, I'll try to be finished tomorrow, I'm not too far away. I just don't want to break my streak of entering every month this year, especially after spending so much time on my entry (even though it's not that great this month...)

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/02 05:06:49

Post by: ZergSmasher

Sliding in just under the wire, I've got my entry finished, albeit a bit rushed at the end. Here are the final pics of my Dark Angels Stormraven Gunship:

I'm happy with it overall. It was sort of a rescue model, as the person I bought it from probably didn't take good care of it or assembled it poorly (or maybe it was whoever had it before him?), hence some of the rough-looking areas like the wing joins. Still, I did enjoy painting it, and it'll fit right in with my army. The damn thing's almost too big for my lightbox though, so excuse the visible walls in the first couple of images. Looking forward to the votes (not that I'll get many myself), as there are a lot of great entries this month.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/03 02:26:51

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Just finished, here's a proof pic in lieu of entry pics tomorrow. I need to go to bed...

[Thumb - 20240603_023014.jpg]

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/03 18:49:09

Post by: phoenix89

 Midget Gems wrote:
Some nice looking entry's for this month, well done everyone

I didn't do as well as I'd hoped with mine, I lacked some motivation despite it being a conversion I've really wanted to do for ages so its not 100% fully painted to the standard I would like but I'm still happy I did it and I think it looks quite cool overall so there is that Also bought myself a light box to try out with the photos.

Ork Star Wars Pod Racer Conversion

Now this is Pod Racing!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/03 19:35:59

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

Here's my final entry pics:

Far from my best work, but it's the first tank I've ever painted (fully) so there's that.

Good luck everyone!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/04 00:11:39

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

"Far from my best work" he says, under the prettiest black tank I've ever seen.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/04 15:00:30

Post by: phoenix89

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss something by looking in the wrong place, all of the entries are being combined into a separate thread, correct? I'm super excited to vote, there's a lot of amazing pieces in here!

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/04 15:25:04

Post by: Nevelon

phoenix89 wrote:
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss something by looking in the wrong place, all of the entries are being combined into a separate thread, correct? I'm super excited to vote, there's a lot of amazing pieces in here!

Yup. Once the month is over and the entries are in I’ll combine all the entries into a vote thread. This is about and hour and a half to two hours of copy/paste and doublechecking so might not be instantaneous. I try to get it done after work, but sometimes it gets pushed to the next weekend. Yesterday I opted for a couple beers and a Godzilla movie instead of more time sitting at a computer. Mondays are like that sometimes.

Planning on doing it tonight after grocery shopping, but we’ll see what the day brings.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/04 16:56:38

Post by: CancelledApocalypse

 Cap'n Facebeard wrote:
"Far from my best work" he says, under the prettiest black tank I've ever seen.

Oof, thanks for the compliment, but I can't believe that! ^_^' Maybe I'm being hard on myself, but having been up close to all that edge highlighting for so effin' long, it's difficult not to see all the many flaws...

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/04 17:02:12

Post by: Nevelon

We are our own worst critics. We see all the flaws, all the things we know we could have done better. Mistakes made and corrected as well as we could.

Everyone else just sees the beautiful results that we blind ourselves to.

Dakka Painting Challenge Round 111 May 2024: Nice Ride @ 2024/06/04 19:13:29

Post by: phoenix89

 Nevelon wrote:
phoenix89 wrote:
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I wanted to make sure I didn't miss something by looking in the wrong place, all of the entries are being combined into a separate thread, correct? I'm super excited to vote, there's a lot of amazing pieces in here!

Yup. Once the month is over and the entries are in I’ll combine all the entries into a vote thread. This is about and hour and a half to two hours of copy/paste and doublechecking so might not be instantaneous. I try to get it done after work, but sometimes it gets pushed to the next weekend. Yesterday I opted for a couple beers and a Godzilla movie instead of more time sitting at a computer. Mondays are like that sometimes.

Planning on doing it tonight after grocery shopping, but we’ll see what the day brings.

Well how dare you take time for yourself!

But seriously, sounds good! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing it somewhere!