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Add a video

If you want to get one of your videos or a video you like added to this page, then simply add a video by entering either the youtube video ID, or the youtube video URL in this text field and click 'Add Video'. All videos are reviewed by moderators before being added, so there may be a multi-day delay before it gets added. Please also use the category drop down so that we can more accurately class your video and improve the filtering process and lifespan for people who might be interested in it.

All videos must be closely related to the wargaming hobby and usually must be more than just one person speaking their opinion into a camera. You will not be notified when your submitted video is approved/rejected and you can only submit a single video once. Make sure the video has a clear title and description on youtube. If we really like your video, we might 'sticky' it to promote it more heavily to everyone.

Youtube video ID or URL