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Obsidian Raven
Profile User History
Post Count: 587
Ranking: Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Joined Dakka on: 2010/07/01 10:19:54
Year Started Wargaming: 2010

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MSN Messenger: puppetmaster2007@gmail.com
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85 587 4 0 0.11

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Posting Areas:
Post Percentage Post Count Forum
36% 209 Painting & Modeling
16% 96 Dakka P&M Blogs
16% 93 40K General Discussion
12% 67 News & Rumors
7% 43 Dakka Discussions
5% 29 Painting & Modeling Showcase
2% 11 Off-Topic Forum
2% 10 40K Background
1% 6 40K You Make Da Call
1% 3 40K Army Lists
1% 3 Nuts & Bolts
0% 2 Dakka Fiction
0% 2 Board Games, Roleplaying Games & Card Games
0% 2 Video Games
0% 2 Introductions
0% 2 Painting & Modeling Tutorials
0% 1 Other 40K/30K Universe Games
0% 1 Other Games Workshop Fantasy Games

Topic Posting Areas:
Topic Percentage Topic Count Forum
59% 50 Painting & Modeling
9% 8 40K General Discussion
6% 5 Dakka Discussions
5% 4 40K Background
5% 4 Off-Topic Forum
2% 2 Nuts & Bolts
2% 2 Dakka P&M Blogs
2% 2 Painting & Modeling Showcase
1% 1 News & Rumors
1% 1 Dakka Fiction
1% 1 40K Army Lists
1% 1 40K You Make Da Call
1% 1 Video Games
1% 1 Other 40K/30K Universe Games
1% 1 Introductions
1% 1 Other Games Workshop Fantasy Games

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