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Apocalypse-centric Faction
Imperial Knights 13% [ 7 ]
Orks (Stompas, 'nauts, etc.) 6% [ 3 ]
Tau (bigger the suits the better) 8% [ 4 ]
Imperial Guard (Baneblades! and their ilk) 46% [ 24 ]
Eldar (Wraith everything, tanks, etc.) 13% [ 7 ]
Something else (in comments) 13% [ 7 ]
Total Votes : 52
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Imagine you were starting a new faction with the intent to run very large games with monsters, vehicles, super-heavies etc. Which faction would you find most fun building, painting, and playing? Or if you already play these sort of games, which faction do you enjoy playing against? The top contenders I see are Knights, Guard, Orks, Tau, and Eldar because of the large walkers or vehicle options, but what other ones may I be missing?
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Springfield, VA

I play a superheavy tank company even in regular games, and own 22 vehicles organized into a regiment of 7 3-vehicle companies and a command vehicle.

A 2k list typically includes 1 company (~1500) with support.

A 3k list typically includes either 2 companies, or 1 plus-up (reinforced) company with support


The entire regiment of vehicles (plus support elements, e.g. Trojans, Atlases, Tech-priests) comes out to about 12-13k points depending on Chapter Approved (12,349 as of this saturday) and then I try to tack on infantry from other regiments or factions to the list, to give it what it needs to succeed.
Made in ca
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

Hamilton, ON

Khorne has access to a fair few LoWs.

On top of the Titans, Fellblades and Knights that all IoM/Chaos Factions get they have Brass Scorpions, Kytans, An'graath (or however you spell it) and I think the Impaler thingies are LoWs, too. Maybe the Giant Spawn, too?

I would think, off the top of my head, that AM are your ticket though, since they have access to around twelve-hundred super-heavy tanks on top of all the Knights and Titans.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/12/18 17:12:29

The Fall of Kronstaat IV
Война Народная | Voyna Narodnaya | The People's War - 2,765pts painted (updated 06/05/20)
Волшебная Сказка | Volshebnaya Skazka | A Fairy Tale (updated 29/12/19, ep10 - And All That Could Have Been)
Kabal of The Violet Heart (updated 02/02/2020)

All 'crimes' should be treasured if they bring you pleasure somehow. 
Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Manchester, UK

I would collect a Tank Regiment for apocalypse. Dealing with thousands of points of tanks sounds far more enjoyable than a similar points value of infantry. Also, an armoured push is a sight to behold.

The Tvashtan 422nd "Fire Leopards" - Updated 19/03/11

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor 
Made in us
Khorne Chosen Marine Riding a Juggernaut


 Excommunicatus wrote:
Khorne has access to a fair few LoWs.

On top of the Titans, Fellblades and Knights that all IoM/Chaos Factions get they have Brass Scorpions, Kytans, An'graath (or however you spell it) and I think the Impaler thingies are LoWs, too. Maybe the Giant Spawn, too?

I would think, off the top of my head, that AM are your ticket though, since they have access to around twelve-hundred super-heavy tanks on top of all the Knights and Titans.

Blood Slaughterer is fast attack, if that's what you mean by impaler thingy.
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

Definitely Guard. Back when Apocalypse first came out we played it occasionally at my FLGS, so I went all-in with my guard army, I had 10 Leman russes and 3 Baneblades, along with like 6 Chimeras. It was a lot of fun. It was my first army, so it was painted like gak and I eventually sold it, but I do miss the massive amount of tanks I used to have.
Made in ca
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

Hamilton, ON

 chimeara wrote:

Blood Slaughterer is fast attack, if that's what you mean by impaler thingy.

Yep, that's the one.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/12/18 17:36:35

The Fall of Kronstaat IV
Война Народная | Voyna Narodnaya | The People's War - 2,765pts painted (updated 06/05/20)
Волшебная Сказка | Volshebnaya Skazka | A Fairy Tale (updated 29/12/19, ep10 - And All That Could Have Been)
Kabal of The Violet Heart (updated 02/02/2020)

All 'crimes' should be treasured if they bring you pleasure somehow. 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Looks like guard is an early leader, which I could have probably have guessed. I'll have to paint up a leman russ or two and see how it goes!
Made in gb
Potent Possessed Daemonvessel

Why Aye Ya Canny Dakkanaughts!

The heck is this? It's Chaos, no contest! They have access to pretty much all of the Imperium Super Heavies (baring a few of the big tanks) and have access to Daemon Engines and Daemon Lords!

Almost all of the Space Marine Super Heavies,
Almost all of the Guard Super Heavies,
All of the Knights,
All of the Titans,
All of the Daemon Engines,
All of the Daemon Lords,
All of the Daemon Primarchs
and that's just what I can remember.

Ghorros wrote:
The moral of the story: Don't park your Imperial Knight in a field of Gretchin carrying power tools.
 Marmatag wrote:
All the while, my opponent is furious, throwing his codex on the floor, trying to slash his wrists with safety scissors.
Made in gb
Junior Officer with Laspistol

Manchester, UK

The advantage of Guard is that you can take pure vehicle lists even without super heavies. I know that technically any faction can, but they are definitely the most thematically suited to it.

The Tvashtan 422nd "Fire Leopards" - Updated 19/03/11

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Personally, I’d do a mix of superheavies and knights. Screw doing any sort of infantry at Apocalypse points level.

But then, Epic or AT would a better game at that point.

It never ends well 
Made in gb
Screaming Shining Spear

Eldar, they keep their speed even with the super heavy units. Tanks, fliers, knights and titans, they've got you covered. With their speed they provide a different playstyle to the imperial super heavies, which is nice.

Made in ca
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

Hamilton, ON

<CHAOS> also doesn't have access to "all" the AM superheavies.

They have Baneblades and, IIRC, three patterns of Malcador.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/12/19 20:50:08

The Fall of Kronstaat IV
Война Народная | Voyna Narodnaya | The People's War - 2,765pts painted (updated 06/05/20)
Волшебная Сказка | Volshebnaya Skazka | A Fairy Tale (updated 29/12/19, ep10 - And All That Could Have Been)
Kabal of The Violet Heart (updated 02/02/2020)

All 'crimes' should be treasured if they bring you pleasure somehow. 
Made in us
Douglas Bader

Slaanesh and/or DE. If I'm going to devote thousands of dollars and countless hours to "playing" a masochistic hell then at least I'm going to play the faction that loves a good BDSM party.

There is no such thing as a hobby without politics. "Leave politics at the door" is itself a political statement, an endorsement of the status quo and an attempt to silence dissenting voices. 
Made in ca
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

Hamilton, ON

I've never detected a hint of masoschism about the DE. They're so, so, so, so obviously sadists.

The Fall of Kronstaat IV
Война Народная | Voyna Narodnaya | The People's War - 2,765pts painted (updated 06/05/20)
Волшебная Сказка | Volshebnaya Skazka | A Fairy Tale (updated 29/12/19, ep10 - And All That Could Have Been)
Kabal of The Violet Heart (updated 02/02/2020)

All 'crimes' should be treasured if they bring you pleasure somehow. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

One of the Soups, probably IoM or Chaos. So many toys. So many different units and battlegroups you can make.
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

Imperium soup.

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

kingheff wrote:
Eldar, they keep their speed even with the super heavy units. Tanks, fliers, knights and titans, they've got you covered. With their speed they provide a different playstyle to the imperial super heavies, which is nice.

This would be interesting to be different.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/12/20 03:35:27

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