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Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2007/11/11 12:58:14

Post by: yakface

If you haven't noticed, Dakka has a glossary that automatically give definitions for abbreviated words, such as GW or ROTFL.

If you have any suggestions for commonly used miniature gaming or general internet abbreviations that you've noticed haven't yet been added to the glossary please post them in this thread, along with a clear description of what the abbreviation means (and what game they apply to, or rather if they are a general abbreviation).

Here a few guidelines as to whether an abbreviation can be added to the glossary:

  • The glossary is for the entire forum, we can't make forum specific glossaries.

  • Definitions should be as succinct as possible.

  • The abbreviation can only be a single word (so no two-word combination abbreviations).

  • The glossary recognizes the word when surrounded by a space or punctuation, so GW and .GW. will show up because both are surrounded by spaces or punctuation, but GWGW won't work because there aren't spaces or punctuation around both sides of it.

  • The one exception to the above rule is plurality. Any abbreviation entered will also be automatically recognized by the system with an 's' attached to the end. So 'GW' will also automatically also be recognized as 'GWs'

  • I especially need suggestions from non-40K gamers who can let me know about some of the abbreviations used on aregular basis in other games that I have no idea about (since I mainly just play 40K).

    Thanks for your help!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2007/11/13 13:18:06

    Post by: yakface

    Here is a complete list (at the time of writing) of all the abbreviations that currently have definitions in the Dakka glossary:


    Here is a list of abbreviations submitted to the glossary that were rejected because they are also commonly used words (or become commonly used words in their plural form).

    A = Attack Characteristic [40K,WHFB] -- ('a' is a commonly used single letter)
    AT-43 = After Trauma, Year 43 [AT-43] -- (it uses a 'dash' symbol)
    b/c = Because [GEN] -- (it uses a forward-slash '/' symbol)
    I = Initiative Characteristic [40K,WHFB] -- ('I' is a commonly used single letter)
    HA = Heavy Armor [WHFB] -- ('has' is a commonly used word)
    LOCK = Warlocke [WM] -- ('lock' is a commonly used word)
    w/ = With [GEN] -- (it uses a forward-slash '/' symbol)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2009/09/08 22:35:16

    Post by: yakface

    Sanchez01 wrote:
    Question, Why are there some in the main list that are white and give no definition?

    Previously, we were doing some tweaks on the glossary system that involved case sensitivity which caused some of the definitions to go offline for a bit. That is fixed now.

    Now, if you ever see any of the abbreviations in the 'master list' not displaying it is because they were just recently added to the system and it takes a few days for the database to incorporate the change.

    Emperors Faithful wrote:
    JFR = Just F*thing RUN!
    MoG = Moment of Glory
    TWF = That was Fun!
    RWBM = Revenge Will Be MINE!

    Doing a quick search of the forums shows me that these abbreviations are not being used on Dakka. The goal of the glossary system is to provide clarity for abbreviations used on this forum, not simply to try to catalog every possible abbreviation.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2010/03/19 05:36:13

    Post by: yakface

    Drk_Oblitr8r wrote:St. = Sait
    Mnt= Mountain

    As I mentioned before, we aren't trying to add every single abbreviation known to man, only those that are commonly used on this forum that people new to the hobby wouldn't know about.

    As for everyone else, your suggestions have been added and will start showing up in a few days as the site cache is reset.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2010/05/06 04:41:16

    Post by: yakface

    Gwar! wrote:Quick Question: Is there a technical limitation that would prevent ++ showing up as a tooltip?

    I am thinking that ++ could tooltip as:
    Invulnerable Save [40k]
    Ward Save [WHFB]

    as many people seem to use this format (Like saying a TH/SS terminator has a 2+/3++ save) and it would help out people who don't know what it is.

    Yeah unfortunately the glossary can only be used for letters and numbers. No other symbols can be included.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2010/09/17 13:08:20

    Post by: ArbitorIan

    Ok, thought it might be useful to include the Tau Crisis suit configurations in these, since a lot of people don't know what they are.

    I know they're not acronyms, but they'd be useful, and surely the Glossary works with full words, right?

    Fireknife - Tau Crisis suit with Plasma Rifle, Multi-Tracker, Missile Pod [40k]

    Deathrain - Tau Crisis suit with twin linked Missile Pod, Drone Controller and 2 Gun Drones [40k]

    Sunforge - Tau Crisis suit with twin linked Fusion Blaster and Shield Generator [40k]

    Burning Eye - Tau Crisis suit with twin linked Plasma Rifle and Target Lock [40k]

    Blinding Spear - Tau Crisis suit with Plasma Rifle, Burst Cannon and Multi Tracker [40k]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2010/10/19 02:28:19

    Post by: Asherian Command

    GJ- Good Job or GI Joe.
    DP- Daemon Prince
    JS- Jon Stewart
    FTF- For the Fail!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/01/29 11:27:18

    Post by: yakface

    Alpharius wrote:How often do new terms get added to the Glossary?

    When I muster up the courage to do it. As you can see you posted this back in August and I'm getting around to adding a batch right now.

    I know its bad to say this, but if someone PMs me with a specific request to get something they put into this thread added, it often does prod me on to go and do it.

    But everything submitted in this thread should be entered and showing up in new threads shortly...with a few exceptions for some of the general terms suggested that I've never personally seen used on Dakka.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/01/29 22:47:46

    Post by: Asgeirr Darkwolf

    Could we perhaps have MG be meltagun, as PG is plasmagun?

    Also, for SW, a WTT (wolf tail talisman) and a WTN (wolf tooth necklace). TWL- Thunder Wolf Lord.

    Perhaps RP for Rules Pending?

    I second: LRR (land raider redeemer), PW, PE (from Gwars post).

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/01/31 00:14:26

    Post by: Amaya

    I don't think SNAFU is on the list. Situation Normal: All Fethed Up.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/03/10 09:04:33

    Post by: AvatarForm



    Heard these frequently... had o have someone explain them to me.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/08/07 16:02:30

    Post by: Sam__theRelentless

    RoC - Rule of Cool

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/08/22 14:35:14

    Post by: Sam__theRelentless

    WS - White Scars. One of the least mainstream mainstream SM chapters!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/08/23 11:33:14

    Post by: Perkustin

    For 'Gen' you only have 'general' which should be replaced with/supplemented by the far more appropriate 'generation'.

    As in 'next gen' etc.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/08/26 08:16:15

    Post by: SagesStone

    DT - Dedicated Transport [40k].

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/08/31 09:58:01

    Post by: woodbok

    WWP - webway portal
    HL - Heat lance

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    HB - haywire blaster

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/08/31 10:01:45

    Post by: Gorechild

    FF - Flickerfield
    NS - Nightshield
    PGL - Phantasm Grenade Launcher
    WWP - Webway Portal

    (Ninja'd on the WWP!)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/08/31 10:19:28

    Post by: woodbok

    HG - Haywire grenades
    (Can't believe no-ones got this one) DL - dark lance

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/09/02 09:59:35

    Post by: dreadknightl

    NWS - nemesis warding stave

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/09/02 10:00:26

    Post by: woodbok

    dreadknightl wrote:NWS - nemesis warding stave

    That's already done.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/09/04 17:38:00

    Post by: Coolyo294

    RB: Relic Blade.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/09/18 04:47:47

    Post by: dreadknightl

    IA - In addition

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/09/18 09:01:42

    Post by: RandomSauce19

    PH-Pshycic Hood [40K]
    DM-Daemon Weapon [40K&WHFB]
    BL-Bright Lance[Eldar]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/09/20 18:51:33

    Post by: Sam__theRelentless

    ^ That Daemon Weapon should be DW

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/09/24 06:38:30

    Post by: bombboy1252

    Theirs FPS for first person shooter, but theirs no RTS for real time strategy.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/01 21:23:36

    Post by: RandomSauce19

    MOT-Might Of Titan (GK)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/01 21:44:38

    Post by: Commander Cain

    Soon to be a common term when GW releases it,

    LGS-Liquid Green Stuff (GW)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/03 01:23:51

    Post by: Commander Cain


    BoW-Beasts of War

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/07 18:21:34

    Post by: RandomSauce19

    DHG=Dwarf Handgun [Dwarves]
    EB=Envenomed Blade [DE]
    IH=Ionhead [Tau]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/10 18:17:15

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    CCK Citadel Clean Kit

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/10 23:19:33

    Post by: Jin

    ASL => Always Strikes Last (WFB)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/11 00:06:28

    Post by: Ogryn



    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/11 01:38:00

    Post by: Chowderhead

    I would think that Yak and Lego are good enough.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/13 06:02:30

    Post by: LunaHound

    DCCW Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/13 18:09:04

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Ac = arch capitalist

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/25 17:49:39

    Post by: Chowderhead

    ITG: Internet Tough Guy [Gen]

    ITGS: Internet Tough Guy Syndrome [Gen]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/25 19:45:31

    Post by: CthuluIsSpy

    OVL - Overlord

    SpB - Support Barge

    DDA - Doomsday Ark

    CCB - Catacomb Command Barge

    LG - Lychguard

    TrP - Triarch Praetorians

    TrS - Triarch Stalker

    TbS - Tomb Stalker

    GA - Ghost Ark

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/27 18:16:46

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    NG - Night Goblin [WHFB]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/31 03:23:34

    Post by: LunaHound

    Always Strikes Last ASL in both Fantasy and 40K i assume?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/10/31 03:39:17

    Post by: Asherian Command

    FEAR- Feth everything and run! or First ever aggressive responder.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/07 19:13:43

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    IG - Ironguts WHFB
    RP [reanimation protocols 40k] (new necrons)

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    DM [deatmasks 40k]
    DM [deathmarks 40k]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/08 08:18:18

    Post by: Cadichan Support

    MW - Matt Ward. [40k]
    People refer to him often when discussing codexs.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/16 07:29:48

    Post by: YmeLocSquirrel256

    Should we have a 'choose the intended meaning' thing? Just curious because we have got a lot of abbreviations now.

    More abbreviations - for Necron Cryptek users:

    HoT - Harbringers of Transmogrification
    HoS - Harbringers of the Storm
    HoE - Harbringers of Eternity

    I'm not sure about Harbringers of Despair or Destruction, because you would end up with something like HoDesp and HoDest. Unless you could think of a better solution.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/16 07:56:35

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Juust HoD with both.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/16 21:35:38

    Post by: YmeLocSquirrel256

    I guess just using context is probably the way to go. Another question - should we add RP - Reanimation Protocols, and remove WBB - We'll be back? Few people will use the old term.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/17 09:23:35

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Ya, I already asked for RP on this page

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/23 17:14:52

    Post by: oni

    LGS = Liquid Green Stuff

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/11/23 17:21:41

    Post by: htj

    DW - Dystopian Wars
    US - Uncharted Seas
    FA - Firestorm Armada

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/12/04 09:59:11

    Post by: YmeLocSquirrel256

    OtD - Orikan the Diviner
    OE - Orikan Empowered

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/12/14 18:52:42

    Post by: Avatar 720

    EGT - Eldar Grav Tank

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/12/15 07:29:24

    Post by: Deathly Angel

    TT - Tabletop

    TT already stands for Team Tournament, but I've seen this abbreviation used often.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/12/17 22:27:28

    Post by: Sasori

    After discussing Necrons a lot, the most I run into now are.

    OL- Overlord
    CCB- Catacomb Command Barge
    RP- Reanimation Protocol
    ES- Entropic Strike
    WS- Warscythe
    GC- Gauss Cannon
    HGC- Heavy Gauss Cannon
    GA- Ghost Arks
    DD- Doomsday
    NS- Nighscythe
    DS- Doom Scythe
    Dlord- Destroyer Lord
    RoC- Rod of Covenant

    These are just the most common I've used, or seen used so far.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/12/23 17:32:41

    Post by: templarsandorks?

    Perhaps we sould have AAC for accept any challenge,no matter the odds the Black Templar vow

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/12/28 16:24:51

    Post by: Billinator

    I've often stumbled across words around these forums, that I'd preferred had had a glossary attached.

    Often those are models, that have seen frequent use in many, many lists, and hence have had a nickname given. As those aren't always clear, it'd be nice to have these added to the glossary.

    These includes words, such as:
    Rifledread (Autocannon Dread)
    Psyfledread (Autocannon with Psy-ammo Dread)
    Dakkafex (Dual Twin-Linked Devourer Carnifex)
    Flyrant (Winged Hive Tyrant)
    Jetlock (Warlock on Jetbike)

    Eventually, you catch on to these nicknames. But it'd be nice to have them added, as newer users won't always know the exact meaning of these.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2011/12/28 18:35:07

    Post by: liquidjoshi

    I would also second both TT for tabletop and Billinator's post.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/03 16:37:31

    Post by: BlapBlapBlap

    Can we get MSU for 40K as well? A lot of poss in 40K have it and I think it would be appropriate.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/11 17:31:30

    Post by: Lordhat

    Well I see that RP (reanimation Protocols) has been mentioned already, but I think EL (Ever Living) should be in the list too.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/18 22:00:22

    Post by: BlapBlapBlap

    YKTSF = You Know That Sinking Feeling...
    YKTRF= You Know That Rising Feeling...

    Click the Sinking Feeling link in my sig for more info.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/19 02:04:43

    Post by: Sasori

    VB- Void Blade
    PC- Particle Caster
    WC- Whip Coils

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/22 03:46:30

    Post by: Slarg232

    HCT: Certain DCM Thread.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/22 04:43:17

    Post by: killykavekommando

    YKTSF: you know that sinking feeling you get when...
    YKTRF: you know that rising feeling you get when...

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/23 06:07:58

    Post by: Kitzz

    MitM = Mind in the Machine (I think that this is a special rule that will be referenced A LOT within the coming months and years)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/26 11:44:22

    Post by: MrMerlin

    TTS for table-top-standard (painting)

    and YKTSFW for "you know the sinking feeling when....." for the game we have on this forum.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/26 16:04:33

    Post by: Chowderhead

    RP: Rune Priest
    FotWS: Fury of the Wolf Spirits

    Thabks, Lego/Yak!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/01/30 13:45:12

    Post by: George Spiggott

    BF = Battlefront
    FiB = Forged in Battle
    PSC = Plastic Soldier Company

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/02/26 00:12:03

    Post by: George Spiggott

    Is SS - Schutzstaffel [WWII GEN] not part of the glossary for 'political' reasons or has it simply not been suggested.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/03/29 12:18:48

    Post by: Casey's Law

    On behalf of Dakka's Infinity Community could we have the following terms added to the Dakka glossary. This will probably be followed by some smaller waves at a later date.

    360V - 360 Visor

    AD - Airborne Deployment
    ADH - Adhesive Ammo
    ADHL - Adhesive-Launcher
    AP - Armor Piercing Ammo
    ARO - Automatic Reaction Order
    AVA - Availability

    BSG - Boarding Shotgun
    BTS - Biotechnological Shield

    CA - Combined Army
    CB - Corvus Belli
    CCW - Close Combat Weapon
    CG - Celestial Guard
    CH - Camouflage and Hiding
    CK - Crazy Koala

    DA - Double Action Ammo
    DIS - Disabled

    E/M - Electro Magnetic Pulse Ammo
    EI - Evolved Intelligence
    EXP - Explosive Ammo

    FO - Forward Observe
    FtF - Face to Face Roll

    G:Sync - Ghost: Synchronized
    GML - Guided Missile Launcher

    HD - Hacking Device
    HD+ - Hacking Device Plus
    HFT - Heavy Flamer Thrower
    HGL - Heavy Grenade Launcher
    HI - Heavy Infantry
    HMC - Hyperfast Magnetic Cannon
    HMG - Heavy Machine Gun
    HSG - Heavy Shotgun

    IMM - Immobilized
    IMP - Impersonator
    ISS - Imperial Secret Service
    ITS - Infinity Tournament System

    JSA - Japanese Sectorial Army

    KS - Kuang Shi

    LFT - Light Flame Thrower
    LGL - Light Grenade Launcher
    LI - Light Infantry
    LoF - Line of Fire
    LoL - Loss of Lieutenant
    LSG - Light Shotgun

    MA - Martial Arts
    MAF - Morat Aggression Force
    MI - Medium Infantry
    ML - Missile Launcher
    MO - Military Orders
    MSR - MULTI Sniper Rifle
    MSV - Multispectral Visor

    NBW - Natural Born Warrior
    NWI - No Wound Incapacitation

    ODD - Optical Disruption Device
    ODF - Optical Disruption Field

    QK - Qapu Khalqi

    REM - Remote Drone

    SSL1 - Sixth Sense Level 1
    SSL2 - Sixth Sense Level 2
    SWC - Support Weapon Cost

    TAG - Tactical Armored Gear
    TO - Thermo-Optic

    WB - Warband
    WIP - Will Power

    ZoC - Zone of Control

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/04/03 11:36:52

    Post by: inquisitorlewis

    Super Dungeon Explore. Is it possible to get SDE added to the glossary? The game is growing in popularity and SDE has been used often enough to justify the addition.

    Please, please.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/04/09 13:45:19

    Post by: hotsauceman1

    TTWG= Table Top Wargaming.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/05/08 21:40:30

    Post by: Deadshot

    Could we have YKTSFW and YKTRFW for the Sinking feeling thread? Standing for "You the Sinking (and rising respectivly) feeling when"?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/05/23 14:56:47

    Post by: rigeld2

    Hovering over BRB suggests Be Right Back or Big Red Book (WHFB).

    Can we add Basic Rule Book and reference 40k and WHFB? And any other system?
    Seems... limiting... to reference a specific color. That and, being colorblind, I try not to use color to denote things - so when I reference the BRB and someone says "The fantasy rulebook?" I get frustrated.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/05/23 17:43:59

    Post by: Cyporiean

    Throwing a bunch of Brushfire terms out there...


    BFHR - Brushfire =Historia Rodentia=
    BF - Brushfire
    OTL - On The Lamb Games

    FD - Food (Resource)
    LR - Lumber (Resource)
    GD - Gold (Resource)

    MT - Might (Melee Skill)
    GE - Grace (Range Skill)
    VY - Vitality (Hit Points)
    WS - Wits (Dodge Skill)
    KE - Knowledge (Initiative / Tactical Actions)
    CM - Charm (Fear Resistance / Heroic Actions)

    DE - Damage
    AR - Armor

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/05 21:39:50

    Post by: Testify

    LC - Lord Commissar.
    This is actually pretty widely used.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/23 14:31:46

    Post by: p_gray99

    Something should be decided on for the 6th edition rulebook. Whether this means using something like B6B or simply changing BRB's meaning to "Big RuleBook", I would suggest something is done so that we don't have to go to the trouble of writing out the whole of "6th ed rulebook"

    Edit: Also, LARP should be added. It may have nothing to do with tabletop wargameing, but it's still a frequent term.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/25 07:01:17

    Post by: Azazelx

    SED or better yet, 6ED for 6th edition. Pretty clear, and easily followed with 7ED and so forth later on.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/25 10:33:18

    Post by: CrimsonPrime

    BUB: Big Unforgiven Book

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/25 18:05:38

    Post by: d-usa

    Since we have not had a special 5th edition version of the 40K BRB, or special separate versions of the 7th or 8th edition WFB BRB, we really have no reason to make this any more complicated than needed.

    BRB refers to the current rulebook, simple as that. If people want to talk about an out of date rulebook then they should clarify by "the 5th Ed BRB" the same way they would have to talk about 4th Ed right now.

    Do we have an appreviation for every ruleset?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/25 18:22:26

    Post by: kronk

    BRB works just fine. I don't see a reason to change it.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/26 00:51:31

    Post by: kenshin620

    I think SW should also refer to Sedition Wars, though I suppose its a bit early to know if it is that popular

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/27 02:26:54

    Post by: Slarg232

    Casey's Law wrote:On behalf of Dakka's Infinity Community could we have the following terms added to the Dakka glossary. This will probably be followed by some smaller waves at a later date.

    360V - 360 Visor

    AD - Airborne Deployment
    ADH - Adhesive Ammo
    ADHL - Adhesive-Launcher
    AP - Armor Piercing Ammo
    ARO - Automatic Reaction Order
    AVA - Availability

    BSG - Boarding Shotgun
    BTS - Biotechnological Shield

    CA - Combined Army
    CB - Corvus Belli
    CCW - Close Combat Weapon
    CG - Celestial Guard
    CH - Camouflage and Hiding
    CK - Crazy Koala

    DA - Double Action Ammo
    DIS - Disabled

    E/M - Electro Magnetic Pulse Ammo
    EI - Evolved Intelligence
    EXP - Explosive Ammo

    FO - Forward Observe
    FtF - Face to Face Roll

    G:Sync - Ghost: Synchronized
    GML - Guided Missile Launcher

    HD - Hacking Device
    HD+ - Hacking Device Plus
    HFT - Heavy Flamer Thrower
    HGL - Heavy Grenade Launcher
    HI - Heavy Infantry
    HMC - Hyperfast Magnetic Cannon
    HMG - Heavy Machine Gun
    HSG - Heavy Shotgun

    IMM - Immobilized
    IMP - Impersonator
    ISS - Imperial Secret Service
    ITS - Infinity Tournament System

    JSA - Japanese Sectorial Army

    KS - Kuang Shi

    LFT - Light Flame Thrower
    LGL - Light Grenade Launcher
    LI - Light Infantry
    LoF - Line of Fire
    LoL - Loss of Lieutenant
    LSG - Light Shotgun

    MA - Martial Arts
    MAF - Morat Aggression Force
    MI - Medium Infantry
    ML - Missile Launcher
    MO - Military Orders
    MSR - MULTI Sniper Rifle
    MSV - Multispectral Visor

    NBW - Natural Born Warrior
    NWI - No Wound Incapacitation

    ODD - Optical Disruption Device
    ODF - Optical Disruption Field

    QK - Qapu Khalqi

    REM - Remote Drone

    SSL1 - Sixth Sense Level 1
    SSL2 - Sixth Sense Level 2
    SWC - Support Weapon Cost

    TAG - Tactical Armored Gear
    TO - Thermo-Optic

    WB - Warband
    WIP - Will Power

    ZoC - Zone of Control


    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/28 09:04:58

    Post by: p_gray99

    d-usa wrote:Since we have not had a special 5th edition version of the 40K BRB, or special separate versions of the 7th or 8th edition WFB BRB, we really have no reason to make this any more complicated than needed.

    BRB refers to the current rulebook, simple as that. If people want to talk about an out of date rulebook then they should clarify by "the 5th Ed BRB" the same way they would have to talk about 4th Ed right now.

    Do we have an appreviation for every ruleset?

    But if I were to refer to the 4th edition I'd say the BGB. And if I referred to the 3rd edition I'd say BBB. I'm not saying that we can't use BRB for 6th, it's just that it currently says "Big Red Book" in the mouseover, which I would suggest changing to "Big RuleBook".

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/06/28 09:07:02

    Post by: d-usa

    p_gray99 wrote:
    d-usa wrote:Since we have not had a special 5th edition version of the 40K BRB, or special separate versions of the 7th or 8th edition WFB BRB, we really have no reason to make this any more complicated than needed.

    BRB refers to the current rulebook, simple as that. If people want to talk about an out of date rulebook then they should clarify by "the 5th Ed BRB" the same way they would have to talk about 4th Ed right now.

    Do we have an appreviation for every ruleset?

    But if I were to refer to the 4th edition I'd say the BGB. And if I referred to the 3rd edition I'd say BBB. I'm not saying that we can't use BRB for 6th, it's just that it currently says "Big Red Book" in the mouseover, which I would suggest changing to "Big RuleBook".

    Big RuleBook would be a good addition. It seems the majority of people have been using BRB for 5th already, so that would be an easy chance to keep.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/01 16:33:00

    Post by: warboss

    LOS may have to be updated to include "Look out, sir!" for 40k now that the new edition has the same rule.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/02 09:39:12

    Post by: yakface

    Slarg232 wrote:
    Casey's Law wrote:On behalf of Dakka's Infinity Community could we have the following terms added to the Dakka glossary. This will probably be followed by some smaller waves at a later date.

    360V - 360 Visor

    AD - Airborne Deployment
    ADH - Adhesive Ammo
    ADHL - Adhesive-Launcher
    AP - Armor Piercing Ammo
    ARO - Automatic Reaction Order
    AVA - Availability

    BSG - Boarding Shotgun
    BTS - Biotechnological Shield

    CA - Combined Army
    CB - Corvus Belli
    CCW - Close Combat Weapon
    CG - Celestial Guard
    CH - Camouflage and Hiding
    CK - Crazy Koala

    DA - Double Action Ammo
    DIS - Disabled

    E/M - Electro Magnetic Pulse Ammo
    EI - Evolved Intelligence
    EXP - Explosive Ammo

    FO - Forward Observe
    FtF - Face to Face Roll

    G:Sync - Ghost: Synchronized
    GML - Guided Missile Launcher

    HD - Hacking Device
    HD+ - Hacking Device Plus
    HFT - Heavy Flamer Thrower
    HGL - Heavy Grenade Launcher
    HI - Heavy Infantry
    HMC - Hyperfast Magnetic Cannon
    HMG - Heavy Machine Gun
    HSG - Heavy Shotgun

    IMM - Immobilized
    IMP - Impersonator
    ISS - Imperial Secret Service
    ITS - Infinity Tournament System

    JSA - Japanese Sectorial Army

    KS - Kuang Shi

    LFT - Light Flame Thrower
    LGL - Light Grenade Launcher
    LI - Light Infantry
    LoF - Line of Fire
    LoL - Loss of Lieutenant
    LSG - Light Shotgun

    MA - Martial Arts
    MAF - Morat Aggression Force
    MI - Medium Infantry
    ML - Missile Launcher
    MO - Military Orders
    MSR - MULTI Sniper Rifle
    MSV - Multispectral Visor

    NBW - Natural Born Warrior
    NWI - No Wound Incapacitation

    ODD - Optical Disruption Device
    ODF - Optical Disruption Field

    QK - Qapu Khalqi

    REM - Remote Drone

    SSL1 - Sixth Sense Level 1
    SSL2 - Sixth Sense Level 2
    SWC - Support Weapon Cost

    TAG - Tactical Armored Gear
    TO - Thermo-Optic

    WB - Warband
    WIP - Will Power

    ZoC - Zone of Control


    Actually I've added most of those now. They'll start showing up in new threads started, but it will take a while for them to be seen in existing threads (like this one).

    The ones I didn't add were either due to the fact that I did a search and didn't see them in use or they used abbreviations that are too commonly used as regular words (like TO being Thermo-Optic, since 'to' is used way too frequently).

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/06 00:44:57

    Post by: Testify

    FMC- Flying Monsterous Creature.
    Expect to see that a lot

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/06 05:20:09

    Post by: Thunderfrog

    Thunderfrog wrote:Please no flames calling me lazy or anything.. just a couple thoughts.

    1) Aegis Defense Line (ADL)
    2) Fortress of Redemption (FoRN)
    3) Skyshield Landing Pad (SLP)
    4) Hull Points (HP)
    5) Snap Shots (SS)

    I don't know the process for adding these, but considering Hull Points, Snap Shots, and Aegis Defense Line (to a lesser degree) will probably be terms thrown around a lot in this edition it seems to make sense to add them to the list.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/08 09:51:08

    Post by: p_gray99

    I noticed that US doesn't show as United States. I have no idea why people would need to be told it means United States, but it comes up now and then in the off-topic forum.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/13 14:43:37

    Post by: Manchu

    RT: Rogue Trader RPG
    DW: Deathwatch RPG
    BC: Black Crusade RPG
    OW: Only War RPG

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/13 15:07:05

    Post by: kenshin620

    Since 6th needs some specifications when it comes to close combat weapons, the following?

    PS- Power Sword
    PA- Power Axe
    PM- Power Maul
    PL- Power Lance

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/13 16:50:36

    Post by: Thunderfrog

    p_gray99 wrote:I noticed that US doesn't show as United States. I have no idea why people would need to be told it means United States, but it comes up now and then in the off-topic forum.

    Probably because every time someone used the word "us" it would link?

    I dont think it can distinguish upper and lower case.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/16 13:59:20

    Post by: Grakmar

    Thunderfrog wrote:
    p_gray99 wrote:I noticed that US doesn't show as United States. I have no idea why people would need to be told it means United States, but it comes up now and then in the off-topic forum.

    Probably because every time someone used the word "us" it would link?

    I dont think it can distinguish upper and lower case.

    It can. For example: to does nothing, but TO links to tournament organizer.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/16 14:54:59

    Post by: p_gray99

    Sorry if my constant posting of things I notice is a problem, but could VR link to Voidraven bomber please?

    Edit: No point in creating a new post for another suggestion, which is making HW hard-wired for tau.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/07/16 16:12:52

    Post by: kitch102

    SFTP - Straight from the pot, for when I'm referring to not mixing anything in with my paints. Coz I'm smart like that

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/08/05 20:12:52

    Post by: Absolutionis

    Just a correction.

    FO currently pops up the glossary of "Forward Observe"
    This should be "Forward Observer" with an 'r' at the end; it's an ability in the game, not an action.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/08/26 07:05:12

    Post by: Dysartes

    I'd agree with SDE for Super Dungeon Explore, and SW for Sedition Wars.

    Could we get KS as Kickstarter [GEN], perhaps?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/08/28 16:03:48

    Post by: AlmightyWalrus

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but the AGL has a typo; it's supposed to be "astartes", not "asartes".

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/08/30 18:14:14

    Post by: djphranq

    Skyfire = SF (40k)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/10/21 10:35:18

    Post by: ArbitorIan

    'versed' = played against

    (it's not a word)

    EDIT - oh hold on, this is glossary, and I was looking for the auto-replace filter thingy. Ignore me

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/10/23 19:01:15

    Post by: BunkerBob

    Veterans of the Long War, have it added as VLW [40k - Chaos Space Marines] or even VotLW [40k - Chaos Space Marines].

    GoM Gift of Mutation [40k - Chaos Space Marines]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/10/25 05:14:46

    Post by: flamero

    Imma say WL-Warlord[40K]. With the new rules, WLs are needed. Right now it pops as wraithlord, but hey, people can tell from context

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/12/06 14:19:15

    Post by: Trickstick

    ABG - Armoured Battle Group [40k]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/12/06 20:35:27

    Post by: p_gray99

    Hmm, this is probably too difficult to do easily, but would it be possible to have something in the "edit profile" page where you could choose which Glossary definitions come up and which don't? For example, given that I only play 40k, it would only give glossary terms tagged with 40k or GEN.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2012/12/12 17:41:57


    I have seen this around the Warmahordes forums recently, IFP, Iron Fang Pikemen, really long phrase for army lists and general discussion

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/01/21 04:12:55

    Post by: Backspacehacker

    can i suggest FoR = fortress of redemption

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/01/21 13:06:28

    Post by: 4oursword

    I would suggest CCW to have Concealed Carry Weapon attached too, as it reads oddly when people in Off-Topic are discussing their cousins having the licences for Close Combat Weapons. I imaginehillbillies with chainswords.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/02/07 14:37:22

    Post by: Stormfather

    How about BA for Bolt Action?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/02/12 01:25:40

    Post by: Kingsley

    RPS: Rock Paper Scissors (GEN)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/02/14 00:42:32

    Post by: Revenent Reiko

    Just noticed there is a mistake on the glossary entry for Rod of Covenant for Necrons.

    RoC currently reads: 'Rod of Covenant (Necrons0 [40k]'

    Which should be '(Necrons)'

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/02/15 12:29:52

    Post by: yakface

    Okay, I've added all the suggestions in this thread up to this point (at least those that are being used on a regular basis in the forums), so you should start seeing the new stuff pop up in the next few days as the database cache recycles.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/02/28 04:32:22

    Post by: Mohoc

    DI - Daemonic Instability

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/03/14 16:21:12

    Post by: Niiai

    "Dyslectic" and "dyslexia" as the word "A conical reading and writing dissabillity."

    The word "cronical" gives it more weight as opposed to "permanent" witch suggests that it is medical. I am not shure baout the word dissabillity but I can not come up with a better term.

    The suggestions are put forward from the discussion in this thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/505863.page

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/03/14 16:32:12

    Post by: Alfndrate

     Niiai wrote:
    "Dyslectic" and "dyslexia" as the word "A conical reading and writing dissabillity."

    The word "cronical" gives it more weight as opposed to "permanent" witch suggests that it is medical. I am not shure baout the word dissabillity but I can not come up with a better term.

    The suggestions are put forward from the discussion in this thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/505863.page

    In an effort to to help you out:

    "Dyslectic", "dyslexia" - "A chronic reading and writing disability."

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/04/05 15:47:35

    Post by: Selym

    Can you add in "TEQ", which means "Terminator Equivalent", please? I've seen it around quite a bit, almost as often as "MEQ".

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/04/09 09:21:48

    Post by: p_gray99

    Helios: Plasma Rifle + Fusion Blaster
    Bladestorm / Blinding Spear / Aurora: Plasma Rifle + Burst Cannon
    Fireforge: Missile Pod + Fusion Blaster
    Firestorm: Missile Pod + Burst Cannon
    Stormforge: Burst Cannon + Fusion Blaster
    Thunderstorm: Shas'Vre Burst Cannon + Airbursting Fragmentation Projector
    Ion Knife: Cyclic Ion Blaster + Plasma Rifle
    Ion Storm: Cyclic Ion Blaster + Burst Cannon
    Burning Eye: Twinlinked Plasma Rifle
    Heatwave: Twinlinked Flamer

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/05/01 18:20:23

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    WE - World Eaters [40K]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/05/02 08:48:49

    Post by: d-usa

    SW - Shadow Warriors [WFB]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/05/02 22:28:59

    Post by: The Shadow

    I think that we really need to get "IF" to come up as "Irresistible Force". Lower case, obviously, wouldn't trigger it though.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/05/03 15:17:27

    Post by: thenoobbomb

     The Shadow wrote:
    I think that we really need to get "IF" to come up as "Irresistible Force". Lower case, obviously, wouldn't trigger it though.

    And Imperial Fists, perhaps?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/05/03 16:24:46

    Post by: The Shadow

     thenoobbomb wrote:
     The Shadow wrote:
    I think that we really need to get "IF" to come up as "Irresistible Force". Lower case, obviously, wouldn't trigger it though.

    And Imperial Fists, perhaps?

    I never really see IF used in that context. If people want to shorten it, I usually just see "The Fists" or something along that lines. Confusion with the Crimson Fists I guess though...

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/05/20 05:59:06

    Post by: motyak

    CHA for Caledonian Highland Army (for Infinity) would be good, such a fiddly thing to write in full.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/06/12 23:38:56

    Post by: JakeCWolf

    NIB for "New in Box" under [GEN] would be nice for those on the Dakka Swap Shop (once including me ) who wheren't sure what NIB meant and had to Google it...

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/07/15 05:51:11

    Post by: DemetriDominov

    We're going to need EC soon for the MMO, "Eternal Crusade."

    Hmm.. perhaps not just EC though since there's already 4 like abbreviations... Maybe ECru? Et.Cru? E-C? E.C.? Idk.. something.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/08/13 12:36:19

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    CT [Chapter Tactics (Space Marines) [40K]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/08/30 11:11:07

    Post by: MeanGreenStompa

    Could MGS also include the meaning MeanGreenStompa (dakkanaut)? I've been here a while and I think it's fairly commonly used to mean an abbreviation of my username.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/08/30 12:36:40

    Post by: Krellnus

    MSSS for Mult-Spectrum Sensor Suite.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/09/09 22:04:44

    Post by: liquidjoshi

    I've seen VV pop up for Vanguard Veterans (Space Marines) [40K] a lot.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/10/05 13:03:02

    Post by: Troike

    AoF for "Act of Faith". Would be pretty useful.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/10/09 20:26:58

    Post by: Ouze

    Can we have DFG for Dreamforge Games?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/10/09 20:55:05

    Post by: Cyporiean

     Ouze wrote:
    Can we have DFG for Dreamforge Games?

    While we're at it, BF for Brushfire, EFT for Endless: Fantasy Tactics, and OTL for On The Lamb Games

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/10/09 22:16:16

    Post by: RiTides

     MeanGreenStompa wrote:
    Could MGS also include the meaning MeanGreenStompa (dakkanaut)? I've been here a while and I think it's fairly commonly used to mean an abbreviation of my username.

    While I totally dig this I think it might be impractical.

    I also abbreviate Morathi's Darkest Sin (MDS), AgeOfEgos (AoE), Kilkrazy / Kid_Kyoto (confusingly, both KK)... and that's just from the mods!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/10/17 17:03:33

    Post by: scarletsquig

    KoW for Kings of War.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2013/12/17 16:44:09

    Post by: BlackTalos

    I think a few are missing for the new C:AS (Codex: Adepta Sororitas) such as:

    BSS - Battle Sister Squad ; I notice this pops up the BS links too when it probably shouldn't?
    LH - Laud Hailer
    SI - Simulacrum Imperialis

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/09 19:58:00

    Post by: Manchu

    OOE = Old One Eye

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
     RiTides wrote:
    Kilkrazy / Kid_Kyoto (confusingly, both KK)
    Dude no -- KK as opposed to K_K.

    Plus K_K is an emoticon representative of Kid_Kyoto's deadpan absurdism.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/11 03:19:20

    Post by: Ashiraya

    I feel the need to correct; DKoK is Death Korps of Krieg, not Death Korps of Kreig.

    I may not like them, but right should be right.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/11 18:25:10

    Post by: Selym

     BrotherHaraldus wrote:
    I feel the need to correct; DKoK is Death Korps of Krieg, not Death Korps of Kreig.

    I may not like them, but right should be right.
    I never noticed that.


    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/12 20:57:54

    Post by: Ashiraya

    IA: Iron Arm, as well.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/12 23:47:55

    Post by: Platuan4th

     JakeCWolf wrote:
    NIB for "New in Box" under [GEN] would be nice for those on the Dakka Swap Shop (once including me ) who wheren't sure what NIB meant and had to Google it...

    Learn 2 toy shop, newb.

    By NIB, do you mean MISB, MIB, NOS, or just plain NIB? Is it AFA?!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/24 13:54:46

    Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

    IGOUGO, igougo, IgoUgo.

    I go, you go.
    Let's take turns.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/25 03:27:48

    Post by: Ouze

     Ouze wrote:
    Can we have DFG for Dreamforge Games?

    In light of recent events, I'd like to bump my request for DFG to have a tooltip for Dreamforge Games, to make clear they are different than Defiance Games.

    If "no" is the answer, that's cool, but the situation has changed a little since October and may warrant another look, is why I mention it.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/25 11:43:37

    Post by: Sienisoturi

    Hello, I think dakka is missing two very important words in its glossary: post scriptum PS and post post scriptum PPS.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/01/25 14:47:14

    Post by: fishy bob

     Sienisoturi wrote:
    Hello, I think dakka is missing two very important words in its glossary: post scriptum PS and post post scriptum PPS.

    Hey. I don't know, in both of those cases I think more people are familiar with the abbreviations than the actual phrases. And I don't think I've seen either of them used on this site, possibly ever.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/02/02 14:48:25

    Post by: Ghaz

    WV for Warhammer Visions and WDW for White Dwarf Weekly.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/02/04 23:05:16

    Post by: Ashiraya

    HP for Hull Point(s)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/02/06 21:07:17

    Post by: Ashiraya

    And ppm for 'points per model'

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/03/08 02:29:10

    Post by: Happyjew

    Don't know if it has been mentioned but:

    IOW - in other words
    S&P - Slow & Purposeful

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/03/08 06:33:51

    Post by: yakface

     Happyjew wrote:
    Don't know if it has been mentioned but:

    IOW - in other words
    S&P - Slow & Purposeful

    The first one is added.

    The second one is a no-go because we can't do things with punctuation in them (the & symbol).

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/03/16 14:37:32

    Post by: Ashiraya

    Oh, and AM for 'Astra Militarum'

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/03/25 15:46:46

    Post by: thenoobbomb

     BrotherHaraldus wrote:
    Oh, and AM for 'Astra Militarum'

    And probably MT for "Militarum Tempestus" too, while we're on it.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/03/25 16:47:12

    Post by: Co'tor Shas

    I would love if these were implemented
    ++ = invulnerable save
    FA = Farsight Enclaves

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/04/27 16:14:08

    Post by: warboss

    BFG: big freaking gun (or whatever the Dakka swear filter would change the more vulgar original term to). It's originall a video game term but I've heard it applied to minis with oversized guns as well.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/05/29 13:26:03

    Post by: Byte

    CAD = Combined Arms Detachment

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/08/25 11:42:24

    Post by: Jidmah

    KMK = kustom mega-kannon (new mek gun from the ork codex)
    W!G = Waaagh! Ghazghkull (ork supplement)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/08/26 14:48:03

    Post by: judgedoug

    RRT = Robotech RPG Tactics

    new miniatures wargame, and used extensively already as an acronym in the 200-page Robotech RPG Tactics thread in the Misc Miniatures Forum and in it's sister thread discussing the rules

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/10/23 19:27:21

    Post by: Dannyrulx

    Don't know if this will pass the test but:

    XH-Xenos Hunter
    DCA- Death Cult Assasin (Inquisitor)
    SHT- Super Heavy Tank

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/11/06 15:31:22

    Post by: Ghaz

    PSC - Plastic Soldier Company.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/11/10 07:18:57

    Post by: gailany222

    use these


    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2014/11/27 16:16:07

    Post by: Verviedi


    (Friendly local GW store)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/02/04 03:47:49

    Post by: Manchu

    VBCW = Very British Civil War

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/02/04 06:16:12

    Post by: Matthew

    ACT - A Cup Of Tea

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/02/21 21:18:47

    Post by: Matthew

    IKISC - Imperial Knights is soooo cheesy.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/03/24 17:18:48

    Post by: Manchu

    SG = stretch goal

    and maybe remove the "Specialist Game" definition, which seems defunct

    SPM = Soda Pop Miniatures

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/03/25 09:55:35

    Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

    SW- Star Wars
    I know it's already got 5 entries but this seems sensible?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/03/28 12:15:42

    Post by: KaptinBadrukk

    BA=Big Ass

    As in: Big ass army

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/04/13 08:54:04

    Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

    ME = Maelstrom's Edge.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/06/28 23:23:26

    Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

    AOS =Age of Sigmar.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/06/30 23:12:45

    Post by: yakface

    Does anyone know what 'AF' stands for in the context of Infinity (the game)?

    It seems like it gets used a fair amount for Infinity related discussion, but I have no idea what it stands for.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/07/01 11:05:43

    Post by: sing your life

    PE = Photo Etch [another name for etch brass]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/07/06 22:04:50

    Post by: KaptinBadrukk

    AoS=Age of Sigmar

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/07/06 22:29:13

    Post by: Ashiraya

     KaptinBadrukk wrote:
    AoS=Age of Sigmar

    Literally two posts above yours.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/08/09 20:01:12

    Post by: Diamond_Sky

    BT - Blood Tithe points

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/08/10 01:49:50

    Post by: Verviedi

    AM = Adeptus Mechanicus
    IB = Ironstrider Balistarii
    CEP = Corpuscarii Electro-Priests
    FEP = Fulgurite Electro-Priests

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/09/05 17:03:27

    Post by: CrashGordon94

    DV - Dark Vengeance (starter kit) [40k]
    Frequently used in that context but the only guide is something else unrelated.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/01 16:44:11

    Post by: fcademartori

    Can forum mods add Da Lucky Stikk to the acronym DLS for when you mouse over it?

    I know what it is, but I remember how helpful that were when I was new.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/01 16:48:12

    Post by: KaptinBadrukk

    OTS=Out to Sea.

    To be used when discussing hurricanes.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/01 19:29:49

    Post by: CrashGordon94

     KaptinBadrukk wrote:
    OTS=Out to Sea.

    To be used when discussing hurricanes.

    Are there any wargames that prominently feature those?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/01 19:44:17

    Post by: sing your life

     CrashGordon94 wrote:
     KaptinBadrukk wrote:
    OTS=Out to Sea.

    To be used when discussing hurricanes.

    Are there any wargames that prominently feature those?

    There aren't. Badrukk just seems to have an odd obsession with hurricanes.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/01 23:51:28

    Post by: KaptinBadrukk

     sing your life wrote:
     CrashGordon94 wrote:
     KaptinBadrukk wrote:
    OTS=Out to Sea.

    To be used when discussing hurricanes.

    Are there any wargames that prominently feature those?

    There aren't. Badrukk just seems to have an odd obsession with hurricanes.


    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/02 00:59:34

    Post by: Ashiraya

    Nevermind, actually.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/02 01:01:56

    Post by: CrashGordon94

     KaptinBadrukk wrote:
     sing your life wrote:
     CrashGordon94 wrote:
     KaptinBadrukk wrote:
    OTS=Out to Sea.

    To be used when discussing hurricanes.

    Are there any wargames that prominently feature those?

    There aren't. Badrukk just seems to have an odd obsession with hurricanes.


    Don't meant to be a jerk, but hurricanes aren't really a big important thing to this site, so terms for them aren't a priority for the glossary, I suspect.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/02 01:28:35

    Post by: Alpharius

    Yeah, that's most likely NGH.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/10/02 04:00:04

    Post by: Red Harvest

     yakface wrote:

    Does anyone know what 'AF' stands for in the context of Infinity (the game)?

    It seems like it gets used a fair amount for Infinity related discussion, but I have no idea what it stands for.

    AF= Acheron Falls. The rumored title of the next book for the game. Just in case you don't know, current books are N3 (3rd edition rulebook) ,HS ( Human Sphere) and CP (Campaignaradiso) or sometimes C yeah, it renders the orkmoticon. So Campaign : Paradiso

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/01 14:41:10

    Post by: Verviedi

    MFD - Multiple Formation Detachment

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/11 17:44:07

    Post by: Ashiraya

    Is it widely used? I just see people calling it X-curion.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/13 21:30:25

    Post by: CrashGordon94

    Well, at least somewhat, to the point where it might be handy to have it glossaried.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/14 11:34:56

    Post by: Verviedi

    It's picked up somewhat. I do have a vested interest in standardizing the terms for multiple formation detachments. X-Curion is a very ugly term.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/14 15:22:05

    Post by: Ashiraya

    Not content with your Taucurion?

    (Seriously, ^ seems like the most commonly used term.)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/14 23:57:05

    Post by: CrashGordon94

    Still, it's picked up some steam, so that it might be nice to include it.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/17 15:50:20

    Post by: Verviedi

     Ashiraya wrote:
    Not content with your Taucurion?

    (Seriously, ^ seems like the most commonly used term.)

    I haven't seen "Taucurion" used much, actually. I mostly hear Hunter Contingent or just Contingent.
    "Decurion" actually means something (A Roman cavalry officer or town council member), so replacing the "De" with something else makes no sense.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/17 18:58:21

    Post by: Ashiraya

    Well, a Decurion doesn't technically mean a Necron formation either, so it's not really a factor what it originally meant as it is just one bastardised use instead of another.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/17 19:02:31

    Post by: Ghaz

     Ashiraya wrote:
    Well, a Decurion doesn't technically mean a Necron formation either...

    In the game it does.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/17 20:45:36

    Post by: Cleatus

    My suggestions:
    DLS = Da' Lucky Stikk (Orks) [40K]
    MFF = Mega Force Field (Orks) [40K]
    MANZ = Mega Armoured Nobz (Orks) [40K]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/17 22:25:52

    Post by: Ashiraya

     Ghaz wrote:
     Ashiraya wrote:
    Well, a Decurion doesn't technically mean a Necron formation either...

    In the game it does.

    You know what I meant.

    Also, if we are going to be like that, it is a detachment, not a formation.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/17 22:57:18

    Post by: Ghaz

    And the purpose of the Dakka glossary is for "... commonly used miniature gaming or general internet abbreviations..." so why bring up a definition which doesn't apply?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/18 18:31:30

    Post by: Buttery Commissar

    It might be a little backwards, but is it possible to suggest an exception to Dakka glossary? Having random words illuminated in the Dakka Fiction section is a little unfortunate.

    Especially common spoken terms like "da", "lass" and "c'mon"...
    I appreciate it may not be possible, but you don't ask, you don't find out.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/21 04:44:45

    Post by: Ashiraya

     Ghaz wrote:
    And the purpose of the Dakka glossary is for "... commonly used miniature gaming or general internet abbreviations..." so why bring up a definition which doesn't apply?

    This is irrelevant to the point (which was that Xcurion works because in this context the 'Decurion' term is not related to its original Roman usage). IOW, in a historical context Xcurion would make no sense, but here it does because it is just as bastardised either way.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/21 04:48:23

    Post by: Ghaz

    And it is relevant to where it is posted. This thread is for suggesting terms for the Dakka glossary, not discussing etymology.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/21 16:17:41

    Post by: Ashiraya

    If so, I do not see why you direct it at me. I am only arguing that Xcurion (such as Taucurion) is a widely used term for the subject and as such is viable, and I feel like I was pulled into something that had nothing to do with that.

    I am not even sure of what we are debating right now.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2015/12/30 10:56:57

    Post by: Buttery Commissar

    HBD - Hades Breaching Drill (DKoK)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/01/06 23:52:57

    Post by: the_Armyman

    DI - Doctrina Imperatives (Skitarii, 40K)
    CotO - Canticles of the Omnissiah (Cult Mechanicus, 40K)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/02/09 10:02:24

    Post by: sing your life

    IHIW - I Hate It When
    LNID - Last Night I Dreamt
    AO - Area of Operation
    WSS - Waffen SchutzStaffel

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/03/05 06:06:21

    Post by: Brothererekose

    Mr. Regul:

    Hopefully, GW slows its pace down, but you could add these tau acronyms?

    CFP - Coordinated Fire Power. The 'broken' power in the Tau book.

    MSS - Multi-Spectrum Suite

    C&CN - Command and Control Node

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/03/07 21:30:04

    Post by: kronk

    PF = Profit Factor (Rogue Trader RPG)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/03/07 21:30:41

    Post by: angelofvengeance

    DWO= Deathwatch Overkill

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/03/07 22:37:16

    Post by: Ashiraya

    BAC = Betrayal at Calth. I see this one all over the damn place.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/04/13 01:42:42

    Post by: Iron_Captain

    DzC for Dropzone Commander would probably be handy to include because people rarely if ever call it by its full name.
    Maybe also good to include DfC for the upcoming Dropfleet Commander.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/06/10 01:10:19

    Post by: Ashiraya

    PB = Paragon Blade (30k)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/06/21 12:51:42

    Post by: BigWaaagh

    MFSM = Motherf&@*ing Sea Monster, because you never know and because I just posted in the DCM Mosh Pit under 'best story of the week' thread, a story I saw today about same.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/02 18:06:47

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

    CBT - Classic BattleTech
    DV - Dark Vengeance
    DWO - Deathwatch Overkill
    BaC - Betrayal at Calth

    NISB - New in Sealed Box / Blister

    CV for Confident Veteran (not "DV")

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/02 21:07:35

    Post by: Ghaz

     JohnHwangDD wrote:
    CBT - Classic BattleTech

    'Classic' was dropped from the BattleTech name as early as 2008 when the Dark Age line was discontinued.


    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/02 21:31:54

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

    Yeah, and "Warhammer Fantasy Battles" was discontinued a while back, but people still refer to WFB.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/02 22:33:08

    Post by: Ghaz

    Apples and oranges. Catalyst Games Lab has removed the name 'Classic' from any product that had it in new print runs.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/03 00:06:13

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

    So? CBT still refers to CBT.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/03 00:19:40

    Post by: Ghaz

    No, it doesn't. It was simply used to differentiate it from the discontinued Dark Ages clicky game. When it was discontinued, the necessity for the 'Classic' prefix was no longer there so the name changed back in subsequent print runs. Each and every 'Classic' BattleTech product was replaced with a new printing. At this point in time, there is no such thing as 'Classic' BattleTech. It is simply BattleTech.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/05 21:53:50

    Post by: Manchu

    IME the "CBT" acronym is fairly current - these days used more and more to distinguish CBT from Alpha Strike.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/06 01:29:44

    Post by: Ghaz

     Manchu wrote:
    IME the "CBT" acronym is fairly current - these days used more and more to distinguish CBT from Alpha Strike.

    My online experience with BattleTech is pretty much limited to the official forums. 'CBT' is never used. They occasionally use 'BTech' for BattleTech, 'MWDA' for MechWarrior Dark Age (WizKid's clicky game) and 'Alpha Strike' for Alpha Strike.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/06 11:58:08

    Post by: Alex Kolodotschko

    GM- Dakka's Geek Media section, if we're keeping it labelled as such...

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/14 15:46:42

    Post by: Smacks

    Some X-Wing ones would be really useful. It's currently quite easy to get lost when people are talking about upgrades (and some of the acronyms are already in the glossary for other things). Here are some of the most common:

    PS = Pilot Skill [X-Wing]
    FCS = Fire-Control System [X-Wing]
    LRS = Long Range Scanners [X-Wing]
    EPT = Elite Pilot Talent [X-Wing]
    PTL= Push the Limit [X-Wing]
    EU = Engine Upgrade [X-Wing]
    CS = Crack Shot [X-Wing]
    HLC = Heavy Laser Cannon [X-Wing]
    TLT = Twin Laser Turret [X-Wing]
    ACD = Advanced Cloaking Device [X-Wing]
    SPA = Stygium Particle Accelerator [X-Wing]
    TC = Targeting Computer [X-Wing]
    ATC = Advanced Targeting Computer [X-Wing]
    APL = Anti-Pursuit Lasers [X-Wing]
    TIE2 = Twin Ion Engine Mk.II [X-Wing]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/07/21 15:16:02

    Post by: Ghaz

    GHB for The General's Handbook for AoS.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/10/04 16:33:15

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

    GSC = GeneStealer Cult.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
     Ghaz wrote:
     Manchu wrote:
    IME the "CBT" acronym is fairly current - these days used more and more to distinguish CBT from Alpha Strike.

    My online experience with BattleTech is pretty much limited to the official forums. 'CBT' is never used. They occasionally use 'BTech' for BattleTech, 'MWDA' for MechWarrior Dark Age (WizKid's clicky game) and 'Alpha Strike' for Alpha Strike.

    Note that's all within a BT context. CBT / BTAS if you're not automatically defaulting to a BT context. MWDA is self-explanatory in both cases.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/10/14 17:16:06

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

    SoS = Sisters of Silence

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/10/17 18:54:11

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

    BoP = Burning of Prospero (HH/30k)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/10/19 00:20:27

    Post by: General Annoyance

    Apologies if it has been said before: KDK = Khorne Daemonkin

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/11/18 02:47:06

    Post by: yakface

    Okay, most everything that was suggested (which actually gets any use on the site) since the last time I posted in this thread (June 2015, has it really been that long?) has been added.

    Thanks to everyone who still takes the time to suggest things in this thread, it is very, very helpful, even if they don't get added all that often.

    It can take a while for the stuff added to start showing up in new posts, so be patient...and it doesn't tend to repopulate old posts, so you'll only tend to see it added to new posts you make with those abbreviations.

    Just remember a couple things before you make suggestions:

    1) Any abbreviation that contains any kind of punctuation (including the & or : symbols) cannot be added to the system.

    2) Please make sure you use our 'search' function for any item you're suggesting and verify that it is actually being used regularly (by someone besides yourself). If it isn't being used regularly, then it isn't worth including (because every item added to the glossary does put a tiny bit more strain on our database).

    Thanks again!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/12/10 06:38:09

    Post by: fulldemon

    RttS = Return to the Shadows (Genestealer Cults) [40K]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2016/12/14 21:40:00

    Post by: Overheal

    HPCM - Holo Photon Countermeasures [Tau] [40k]
    PN - Puretide Engram Nanochip [Tau] [40k]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/01/01 23:10:03

    Post by: roddie

    Just noticed that BL doesn't resolve Black Legion.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/02/11 00:42:08

    Post by: slip

    A couple Ork ones that would be useful.

    BP = Boss Pole, probably the most common ork character gear
    RR = Reinforced Ram, the most common ork vehicle upgrade
    DLS = Da Lucky Stikk, a popular ork relic
    DFK = Da Finkin Kap, the other popular ork relic

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/04/30 01:03:41

    Post by: lindsay40k

    Not got a term to suggest but just wanted to say that the popup for a glossary term doesn't work on iOS Safari, both on iPod or iPad

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/04/30 07:09:26

    Post by: filbert

     lindsay40k wrote:
    Not got a term to suggest but just wanted to say that the popup for a glossary term doesn't work on iOS Safari, both on iPod or iPad

    Works fine on my iPad. Tap on the abbrevation and the popup appears.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/05/02 23:42:52

    Post by: lindsay40k

    Not working, it's an up to date OS and a Pro so everything should be ok on my end :/

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/05/14 20:44:56

    Post by: Ghaz

    CP - Command Point(s) for 40k 8th edition.

    I'm also wondering if it's maybe time to give the glossary a review and remove some of the terms which no longer apply due to edition changes, discontinued games, etc.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/06/01 18:49:23

    Post by: Verviedi

    FoC - Fires of Cyraxus

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/06/01 22:18:10

    Post by: Alpharius

     Verviedi wrote:
    FoC - Fires of Cyraxus

    Good one!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/19 19:19:23

    Post by: daedalus

    SHTR = Super-Heavy Tank Regiment

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/21 00:17:29

    Post by: lindsay40k

    HWR - Horus Was Right

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/21 23:24:20

    Post by: ZergSmasher

    How has this one been missed:
    RW - Ravenwing

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/22 23:43:29

    Post by: Verviedi

    In actual seriousness.

    CM = Cult Mechanicus
    Dakkastelan = Kastelan w/ 3x Phosphor Blaster

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/27 22:28:01

    Post by: yakface

    Ghaz wrote:CP - Command Point(s) for 40k 8th edition.

    I'm also wondering if it's maybe time to give the glossary a review and remove some of the terms which no longer apply due to edition changes, discontinued games, etc.

    Yeah, there's definitely a lot of old stuff floating around in there, but its not really easy to print out a big list to post here for people to peruse (and its too much work for me alone to try to figure that stuff out). Plus, we do have a lot of old conversations found throughout the forums that if people do end up going back and reading (for whatever reason) its nice to possibly have those old abbreviations still clarified.

    Honestly, I think the best bet is just to let me know when you spot an abbreviation tip that is completely and totally irrelevant and I'll just change/remove those as needed.

    Verviedi wrote:FoC - Fires of Cyraxus

    If you're going to suggest an abbreviation, you need to tell me what its from (don't make me hunt down what you're talking about).

    lindsay40k wrote:HWR - Horus Was Right

    We only include abbreviations that are regularly used on the site. You need to use the 'search' function for every abbreviation you want to submit, and if it isn't regularly used by people (besides yourself), then it isn't a good candidate for inclusion. From what I can tell, 'HWR' has never been used on this site as 'Horus Was Right'.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/27 23:01:04

    Post by: jhe90

    Fires of Cyraxus is a much delayed Forworld book that includes the Tau vs Admech and and I believe new up to date red scorpian rules including a former chapter master lev dread.

    It was previewed about a year ago.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/27 23:36:56

    Post by: Verviedi

    Yes, adding onto that, DoM as Doom Of Mymaera (another FW book). Mostly because Mymaera is hard to spell.

    Better idea - Add names to IA numbers. Say, if I wrote IA13 - the dictionary would say "Imperial Armour 13: War Machines Of The Lost And The Damned"

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/27 23:56:43

    Post by: Ghaz

     yakface wrote:
    Ghaz wrote:CP - Command Point(s) for 40k 8th edition.

    I'm also wondering if it's maybe time to give the glossary a review and remove some of the terms which no longer apply due to edition changes, discontinued games, etc.

    Yeah, there's definitely a lot of old stuff floating around in there, but its not really easy to print out a big list to post here for people to peruse (and its too much work for me alone to try to figure that stuff out). Plus, we do have a lot of old conversations found throughout the forums that if people do end up going back and reading (for whatever reason) its nice to possibly have those old abbreviations still clarified.

    Honestly, I think the best bet is just to let me know when you spot an abbreviation tip that is completely and totally irrelevant and I'll just change/remove those as needed.

    Like SST Don't want to get it confused when we're talking about supersonic transports in 40K

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/28 00:51:24

    Post by: yakface

     Verviedi wrote:
    Better idea - Add names to IA numbers. Say, if I wrote IA13 - the dictionary would say "Imperial Armour 13: War Machines Of The Lost And The Damned"

    Done. As always this will start to show up in new posts soon (but doesn't change existing posts for a long while).

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/28 15:11:22

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    TDAWGPL: Tactical Dreadnought Armour Wolf Guard Pack Leader

    TAWGPL: Terminator Armour Wolf Guard Pack Leader

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/29 08:22:23

    Post by: p5freak

    RL = Rocket Launcher
    CV = Company Veterans

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/29 18:01:24

    Post by: Alpharius

     BaconCatBug wrote:
    TDAWGPL: Tactical Dreadnought Armour Wolf Guard Pack Leader

    TAWGPL: Terminator Armour Wolf Guard Pack Leader

    I don't think those are common or necessary.

    But I suspect you also realize this?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/31 11:06:38

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    Why single me out when there are plenty of other suggestions that are by far worse? It's common enough in talks about SW tactics.

    As for a suggestion, I would like to suggest SR for Stormraven as it's pretty much a key component of any SM list that wants to win now.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/07/31 16:35:09

    Post by: Ouze

     BaconCatBug wrote:
    Why single me out when there are plenty of other suggestions that are by far worse? It's common enough in talks about SW tactics.

    Is it, though? Google says TDAWGPL has been used 6 times in 7 years. There are zero results for TAWGPL.

    Dakka's own search function finds 5 results for both phrases combined, 4 of which are this thread.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/04 22:35:11

    Post by: Verviedi

    Blandguard - Skitarii Vanguard w/ no upgrades

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/10 21:27:30

    Post by: Overheal

    SP - Savior Protocols [40k] [T'au]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/13 12:22:07

    Post by: lindsay40k

    Heretac - Chaos Space Marine Tactical Squad

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/13 13:03:19

    Post by: Grotrebel

    [Orks] Big Shoota - BS

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/17 09:43:36

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    DttFE = Death to the False Emperor

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/17 13:59:23

    Post by: Alpharius

    Is that a new rule for Chaos Marines in 40K 8E?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/18 03:48:06

    Post by: BaconCatBug

     Alpharius wrote:
    Is that a new rule for Chaos Marines in 40K 8E?
    Yes. It's one of those "army wide" special rules that are listed on a datasheet and referred back to a page, like how Loyalist Space Marines have ATSKNF

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/08/19 14:06:21

    Post by: lindsay40k

    ToT - Tide of Traitors Stratagem
    FF - Fire Frenzy Stratagem
    FoK - Fury of Khorne Stratagem
    EC - Endless Cacophony Stratagem
    FO - Forward Operatives Stratagem
    DotG - Despoilers of the Galaxy

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/09/12 12:41:58

    Post by: lindsay40k

    LtGB - Let the Galaxy Burn (Black Legion Stratagem)

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/10/04 09:36:26

    Post by: ingtaer

    Just noticed that a few are missing for x-wing;
    VI - Veteran Instincts.
    AC- Accuracy Corrector.
    EM - Extra Munitions.
    SOT - Stay on Target.
    BMST- Black Market Slicer Tools.
    GC- Guidance Chips.
    EI- Experimental Interface.
    IA- Integrated Astromech.
    LWF- Light Weight Frame.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/11/13 17:57:45

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    Since we're also looking for removals, PSA is no longer needed for 40k.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/11/17 10:05:21

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    SK Screamer-Killer Carnifex Variant
    TB Thornback Carnifex Variant

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2017/12/17 21:45:03

    Post by: Ghaz

    Been seeing this one a lot lately, AMA = Ask Me Anything.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2018/01/14 11:12:25

    Post by: Dysartes

    Not sure if it is already on the list, but AC for Adeptus Custodes.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2018/02/02 03:42:35

    Post by: Mathieu Raymond

     ingtaer wrote:
    Just noticed that a few are missing for x-wing;
    VI - Veteran Instincts.
    AC- Accuracy Corrector.
    EM - Extra Munitions.
    SOT - Stay on Target.
    BMST- Black Market Slicer Tools.
    GC- Guidance Chips.
    EI- Experimental Interface.
    IA- Integrated Astromech.
    LWF- Light Weight Frame.

    There are so many that would really help in X-Wing, if we do a concerted effort, is there any chance we might get them?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2018/02/25 20:35:05

    Post by: Ghaz

    DOK - Daughters of Khaine.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2018/06/13 11:28:27

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    QFB - Quad Fusion Blaster

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2018/06/14 21:33:00

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    WLT and/or WT - Warlord Trait

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2018/06/15 06:20:31

    Post by: p5freak

    MWBD my will be done necrons

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2018/09/02 16:39:39

    Post by: BrookM

    W&G for Wrath and Glory

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2019/02/03 11:02:12

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    TMIR - The Most Important Rule

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2020/01/28 14:15:10

    Post by: Jidmah

    Is this thread still in use?

    If it is, there are a few things missing for orks and DG:
    LoC - Lord of Contagion
    PBC - Plagueburst Crawler
    MBH - Myphitic Blight-Hauler

    KBB - Kustom Boosta-blasta
    SJD - Shokkjump Dragsta

    Maybe unnecessary, but those keep getting used more often now:
    BM - Bad Moons
    DS - Deathskulls
    ES - Evil Sunz

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2020/05/04 23:18:57

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    CA17, CA18, CA19, MFM19

    Chapter Approved 2017/2018/2019

    Munitorum Field Manual 2019

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2020/07/29 15:23:16

    Post by: BaconCatBug

    TMIR (The Most Important Rule) seems to be a noteworthy omission from the glossary.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/17 19:30:42

    Post by: Dysartes

    Is the Glossary still being updated? It looks like nearly 4 years since yakface has posted in here.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/17 21:02:49

    Post by: yakface

     Dysartes wrote:
    Is the Glossary still being updated? It looks like nearly 4 years since yakface has posted in here.

    Oops, sorry. Having kids will do that to you!

    I'll take a pass and add all the ones suggested since I last posted (yes, many years ago), and if anyone wants to add new stuff just keep posting (and you can PM me if you don't see any response from me after a week or two).

    Also, if people noice outdated terms in the tooltip pop-up that are no longer relevant for that game please let me know those as well so I can delete them.

    Thanks and sorry again!

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/18 07:55:43

    Post by: Dysartes

    No worries, yakface - there were a few tooltips which were saying something about the tooltip not working properly, and the local cache needing updating, or something like that, when I went through the thread yesterday - unfortunately I got rid of my file of notes when I got to the end of the thread and realised the inactivity.

    I think DHG (for Dwarven HandGun) was one of them - is that a bug we need to be concerned about?

    I imagine a number of AoS faction acronyms are going to need to be added, at a minimum - SoB for "Sons of Behemat" being one example.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/18 09:25:00

    Post by: Jidmah

     yakface wrote:
     Dysartes wrote:
    Is the Glossary still being updated? It looks like nearly 4 years since yakface has posted in here.

    Oops, sorry. Having kids will do that to you!

    I'll take a pass and add all the ones suggested since I last posted (yes, many years ago), and if anyone wants to add new stuff just keep posting (and you can PM me if you don't see any response from me after a week or two).

    Also, if people noice outdated terms in the tooltip pop-up that are no longer relevant for that game please let me know those as well so I can delete them.

    Thanks and sorry again!

    Yay, you're back!

     Jidmah wrote:
    Is this thread still in use?

    If it is, there are a few things missing for orks and DG:
    LoC - Lord of Contagion
    PBC - Plagueburst Crawler
    MBH - Myphitic Blight-Hauler

    KBB - Kustom Boosta-blasta
    SJD - Shokkjump Dragsta

    Maybe unnecessary, but those keep getting used more often now:
    BM - Bad Moons
    DS - Deathskulls
    ES - Evil Sunz

    BM didn't really stick, especially with them falling out of favor with 9th. All others are still commonly used.

    Some new ones:
    DDD - the ork's army rule DakkaDakkaDakka
    GT2020 and GT2021 - GW's mission packs
    DTTFE/DttFE) - Death to the False Emperor (CSM)
    LoW - Lord of War
    SHA - Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment
    LoV - Lord of Virulence (new DG HQ)
    PM - Plague Marine

    And maybe add "Drukhari" to the explanation of what DE means - some people don't know that they used to be Dark Eldar
    Same for IG and Astra Militarum

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/18 18:15:39

    Post by: yakface

    Dysartes wrote:No worries, yakface - there were a few tooltips which were saying something about the tooltip not working properly, and the local cache needing updating, or something like that, when I went through the thread yesterday - unfortunately I got rid of my file of notes when I got to the end of the thread and realised the inactivity.

    I think DHG (for Dwarven HandGun) was one of them - is that a bug we need to be concerned about?

    I imagine a number of AoS faction acronyms are going to need to be added, at a minimum - SoB for "Sons of Behemat" being one example.

    No worries yet on the strange tooltip notifications, I just need to refresh the glossary cache (which can take a while to do). If you're still seeing that message on some tooltips after that, then we'll need to get Legoburner to investigate further.

    Just a reminder, especially now that I'm not really keeping up with 40K (and especially Aos), the info I need to add something to the glossary is:

    1) The abbreviation itself.
    2) The description of what that abbreviation means.
    3) The FULL current faction name that the item belongs to (if it is faction specific).
    4) The name of the game that item is part of.
    5) For you to use the Dakka Search (found in 'forum tools) to check and verify that the abbreviation is being commonly used by someone besides yourself.

    So for something like DHG '(for Dwarven HandGun)' I need to know what faction and/or game that belongs to. Just saying 'Dwarven' is not good enough because I have no idea what the Dwarf factions in AoS are called now or if maybe you're talking about Mantic dwarves for example. Plus according to a quick search 'DHG' isn't being regularly used, so I wouldn't bother adding it anyway.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/18 18:20:30

    Post by: Dysartes

    DHG isn't one for you to add, yakface, but an example of one that's misbehaving - it shows for me as throwing that cache error in this post earlier in this thread, but I have no idea off-hand if it is one that's needed.

    I'll see if I can pull you a list of AOS faction acronyms together over the weekend, despite not playing the game myself.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/18 18:27:20

    Post by: Jidmah

     yakface wrote:
    Dysartes wrote:No worries, yakface - there were a few tooltips which were saying something about the tooltip not working properly, and the local cache needing updating, or something like that, when I went through the thread yesterday - unfortunately I got rid of my file of notes when I got to the end of the thread and realised the inactivity.

    I think DHG (for Dwarven HandGun) was one of them - is that a bug we need to be concerned about?

    I imagine a number of AoS faction acronyms are going to need to be added, at a minimum - SoB for "Sons of Behemat" being one example.

    No worries yet on the strange tooltip notifications, I just need to refresh the glossary cache (which can take a while to do). If you're still seeing that message on some tooltips after that, then we'll need to get Legoburner to investigate further.

    Just a reminder, especially now that I'm not really keeping up with 40K (and especially Aos), the info I need to add something to the glossary is:

    1) The abbreviation itself.
    2) The description of what that abbreviation means.
    3) The FULL current faction name that the item belongs to (if it is faction specific).
    4) The name of the game that item is part of.
    5) For you to use the Dakka Search (found in 'forum tools) to check and verify that the abbreviation is being commonly used by someone besides yourself.

    So for something like DHG '(for Dwarven HandGun)' I need to know what faction and/or game that belongs to. Just saying 'Dwarven' is not good enough because I have no idea what the Dwarf factions in AoS are called now or if maybe you're talking about Mantic dwarves for example. Plus according to a quick search 'DHG' isn't being regularly used, so I wouldn't bother adding it anyway.

    Can you provide a sample line? Then I will re-format my post earlier to match that

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/18 19:01:04

    Post by: Ghaz

     Dysartes wrote:
    I'll see if I can pull you a list of AOS faction acronyms together over the weekend, despite not playing the game myself.

    Ingtaer already has a sticky post started for AoS acronyms.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/18 23:16:08

    Post by: yakface

     Jidmah wrote:
    Can you provide a sample line? Then I will re-format my post earlier to match that

    No worries, all the stuff you suggested was very straightforward (Deathguard & Orks), so I didn't have any trouble with it.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/06/30 14:50:07

    Post by: Dysartes

    MESBG - Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game

    Not sure if it is common enough to count, but it does seem to have seen quite a few uses recently.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/05/03 17:44:28

    Post by: SergentSilver

    Two that I just noticed aren't yet in the Glossary:

    CWE - Craft World Eldar (Eldar)
    KT - Kill Team

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 0018/07/06 19:00:31

    Post by: yakface

    Can someone tell me what does 'EGT' mean in relation to Orks? And it sure seems like the use of that abbreviation for 'Eldar Grav Tank' is no longer used, correct?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/07/06 19:41:07

    Post by: Jidmah

     yakface wrote:

    Can someone tell me what does 'EGT' mean in relation to Orks? And it sure seems like the use of that abbreviation for 'Eldar Grav Tank' is no longer used, correct?

    "Endless Green Tide" a stratagem that allows you to replenish a unit of boyz. I wouldn't rush adding that though, the codex is due soon and that particular stratagem might not make it.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/07/09 16:36:22

    Post by: SergentSilver

    VC - Vampire Counts should be changed to [AoS] and/or [WHFB] from [GEN]. Likely [AoS/WHFB] since they will certainly be included in the returning Old World game they're working on.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/07/09 16:50:16

    Post by: Ghaz

     SergentSilver wrote:
    VC - Vampire Counts should be changed to [AoS] and/or [WHFB] from [GEN]. Likely [AoS/WHFB] since they will certainly be included in the returning Old World game they're working on.

    The Old World game will not be a part of the Age of Sigmar setting, nor are the Vampire Counts which are now covered by the Soulblight Gravelords (SBGL) faction.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/08/26 10:40:25

    Post by: Jidmah

    Ork's new favorite warlord trait:

    BBK - Brutal but Kunnin'

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/08/27 07:31:29

    Post by: BrianDavion

    A few Battletech referances

    TRO - Technical Readout
    RAT - Random Assignment Table

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/09/07 18:29:52

    Post by: SergentSilver

     Ghaz wrote:
     SergentSilver wrote:
    VC - Vampire Counts should be changed to [AoS] and/or [WHFB] from [GEN]. Likely [AoS/WHFB] since they will certainly be included in the returning Old World game they're working on.

    The Old World game will not be a part of the Age of Sigmar setting, nor are the Vampire Counts which are now covered by the Soulblight Gravelords (SBGL) faction.

    My apologies, I didn't realize there was a glossary term for SBGL. Still, if the reasoning for not marking them AoS is that they are not called that in AoS, why are they not marked WHFB instead of GEN and why is TK marked AoS instead of WHFB since they don't even exist anymore in AoS?

    On to the reason I actually came here today, can we get a glossary term for whatever CONUS is? I've seen it a number of times in the swap shop and still don't know what it means.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/09/07 18:59:12

    Post by: yakface

     SergentSilver wrote:

    My apologies, I didn't realize there was a glossary term for SBGL. Still, if the reasoning for not marking them AoS is that they are not called that in AoS, why are they not marked WHFB instead of GEN and why is TK marked AoS instead of WHFB since they don't even exist anymore in AoS?

    On to the reason I actually came here today, can we get a glossary term for whatever CONUS is? I've seen it a number of times in the swap shop and still don't know what it means.

    That would be 'continental united states' (I had to google search for it as well). I can add it though. Seems like it gets decent enough use in the swap shop.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/09/07 22:07:52

    Post by: Ghaz

     SergentSilver wrote:
    ... and why is TK marked AoS instead of WHFB since they don't even exist anymore in AoS?

    Because they have rules in the 'Legends' section on Warhammer Community that allows them to be played in Age of Sigmar:


    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/09/08 00:46:56

    Post by: SergentSilver

     Ghaz wrote:
     SergentSilver wrote:
    ... and why is TK marked AoS instead of WHFB since they don't even exist anymore in AoS?

    Because they have rules in the 'Legends' section on Warhammer Community that allows them to be played in Age of Sigmar:


    Interesting and very surprising. Less surprising that they were last updated 2.75 years ago. By that logic though, so is Vampire Counts right next to them. They're even both equally up to date, with both being marked as updated last on 1/3/2019.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2021/09/08 02:25:55

    Post by: Ghaz

     SergentSilver wrote:
     Ghaz wrote:
     SergentSilver wrote:
    ... and why is TK marked AoS instead of WHFB since they don't even exist anymore in AoS?

    Because they have rules in the 'Legends' section on Warhammer Community that allows them to be played in Age of Sigmar:


    Interesting and very surprising. Less surprising that they were last updated 2.75 years ago. By that logic though, so is Vampire Counts right next to them. They're even both equally up to date, with both being marked as updated last on 1/3/2019.

    Have you looked at the Vampire Counts document? It is a whole two warscrolls with pitched battle profiles and a list of 14 substitute warscrolls (mostly with the 'Leader' battlefield role). It is not a playable force by itself like the Tomb Kings document is.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2022/04/05 20:55:29

    Post by: Ghaz

    LoV - Leagues of Votann

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2022/09/17 23:18:02

    Post by: Ghaz

    TOW - The Old World. Been seeing this one pop up occasionally (example).

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2022/11/28 18:59:46

    Post by: Ghaz

    Really surprised this one isn't listed already. HIPS - High Impact Polystyrene.

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2022/11/29 16:44:50

    Post by: ZergSmasher

    I might suggest some for the Leagues of Votann subfactions:
    GTL: Greater Thurian League
    YC: Ymyr Conglomerate
    URSR: Urani-Surtr Regulates
    THA: Trans-Hyperian Alliance
    KH: Kronus Hegemony

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2023/01/25 18:28:30

    Post by: kingpbjames

    SA: Solar Auxilia [30k]

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2023/02/09 20:10:39

    Post by: Dysartes

    As a possible GEN (or GW) entry... NMNR, for No Model No Rules?

    Suggest Terms for the Dakka Glossary Here @ 2023/04/30 15:19:25

    Post by: Tsagualsa

     Ghaz wrote:
    TOW - The Old World. Been seeing this one pop up occasionally (example).

    Seconding TOW

    Also, considering today's previews, HH:E or E:HH for the upcoming Epic: Horus Heresy game.

    We will also need something for Dawnbringer Crusades, i.e. DbC or DBC.