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Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2007/11/11 13:09:00

Post by: yakface

If you haven't noticed Dakka now has army rank tracks that users can select to display their post count ranking in the theme of their favorite army (or other miniature game related category).

If you'd like to come up with a new rank track, especially for a niche army type that hasn't gotten one yet, this thread is the place to post your list of ranks.

Here are the rules:

  • Each rank track must contain between 15-20 individual ranks.

  • In general the first four ranks in the track should be "newbie" ranks with the fifth rank being the standard trooper in the army (like a Space Marine).

  • The last 1-2 ranks in each track should be a fun little surprise for anyone who reaches that level, not just the highest possible position in that organization. References to out-of-print games or miniatures or little known fictional references are all great ideas for the last couple of ranks. When posting these last two ranks, use the "spoiler" code to obscure them (or send them directly to me via PM) so they'll be kind of a surprise when someone finally reaches that rank.

  • Try to use clever descriptive terms along with your ranks to spice things up a bit. Instead of just having "Space Marine" as a rank, make it something like "Stalwart Space Marine" which really evokes a mental image about that rank.

  • Remember when writing your ranks that others are only going to see one rank at a time, so always take the extra step to make sure that others will be able to have some idea of what rank track a user is on even when only seeing a single rank from your track. For example, instead of having a rank that just says "Angry Cultist" (which could be any kind of cultist), you should call it "Angry Chaos Cultist" as that will inform other users that the rank track this person is on is some sort of Chaos rank track.

  • Finally, be aware that your submissions can (and probably will) be accepted and/or edited at my whim. I may like every single rank in your track and I may take them all, but at the same time I may feel like we've got an existing rank track that already covers the same ground you have. So please don't take it personally if your submission isn't used or ends up edited.

  • Do not bother to include at which post count you think your ranks should apply at. . .I will take care of making those decisions. As for exactly when and how often ranks increase on Dakka, that's a little bit of a secret and varies from rank track to rank track in order to make sure that users don't just make posts trying to reach their next rank level. Although you can safely assume that most major round numbers are likely candidates (like 100, 500, 1,000 posts, etc).

  • That's about it, and thanks for your help!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2008/04/21 10:20:57

    Post by: Cpl_Saint

    What tracks are missing/you're unhappy with? I'm being a bumbling fool and can't find the list.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2008/04/21 10:27:15

    Post by: yakface

    Cpl_Saint wrote:No worries on the editing – they're only in as a guideline, after all.

    What tracks are missing/you're unhappy with? I'm being a bumbling fool and can't find the list.

    You need to go into your profile page and choose the rank track drop down menu to see the full list of available rank tracks.

    We're pretty good off right now on all the basics for 40K, WHFB, Hordes & Warmachine. The Inquisitor tracks were probably the last major ones missing from 40K.

    There's still room to create flavor rank tracks like the particular Eldar Craftworlds or famous IG regiments (like Catachans).

    If you're interested in doing any offshoots like these of existing tracks let me know and I'll PM you most of the ranks for the basic Eldar or IG tracks (for example) so you can make your rank tracks similar in nature.

    Or if you want to go crazy with other games, feel free! AT-43 factions, Battletech, Battlefleet Gothic, Necromunda, etc.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2008/12/09 05:48:52

    Post by: pcon426

    assassin 40k
    sack of flesh
    stealthy prospect
    deadeye prospect
    soulless prospect
    calldius temple acolyte
    evasor temple acolyte
    vintacator temple acolyte
    calldius temple trainee
    evasor temple trainee
    vintacator temple trainee
    calldius temple assassin
    evasor temple assassin
    vintacator temple assassin
    master assassin

    rouge trader assassin

    sorry about the spelling my friend took my daemon hunters codex

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2008/12/10 17:33:47

    Post by: Xav

    So to find out the top rank of a faction, someone would have to reach it and not become a DCM?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2008/12/10 17:40:34

    Post by: legoburner

    DCM status allows you to choose a custom rank, but you can still keep the old rankings if you enjoy seeing them grow and change.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/01/14 10:03:48

    Post by: yakface

    So I finally got around to adding the 'Lost and the Damned' and Lord of the Rings 'Harad' rank tracks that were submitted.

    Great job guys, thanks for the submissions! I'd love to see more LOTR rank tracks.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/01/14 10:07:10

    Post by: yakface

    pcon426 wrote:assassin 40k
    sack of flesh
    stealthy prospect
    deadeye prospect
    soulless prospect
    calldius temple acolyte
    evasor temple acolyte
    vintacator temple acolyte
    calldius temple trainee
    evasor temple trainee
    vintacator temple trainee
    calldius temple assassin
    evasor temple assassin
    vintacator temple assassin
    master assassin

    rouge trader assassin

    sorry about the spelling my friend took my daemon hunters codex

    The problem with this rank track (and its the same issue I'm having with Chaos Daemons) is that each type of Assassin is really equal to another type of Assassin, just a different type. So no one knows looking at your rank whether a 'Callidus' is higher up than an 'Eversor'.

    The same is true of Chaos Daemons as (personal preferences aside) any lesser daemon is really the equal of any other lesser daemon.

    That means, in order to make a rank track that actually seems to progress for the user in a intuitive way, you really have to stick with one discipline the whole way (such as an all Callidus rank track or an all Khorne Daemon rank track). Unfortunately, I just don't think there are enough unique ranks to fill up a whole rank track under those stricter confines.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/01/30 19:54:00

    Post by: P4NC4K3

    Sweet! I have another idea, WHFB Wood Elves Forest Creature
    Pile of Twigs
    Menacing Aura
    Shadow in the Trees
    Spiteful Spite
    Darting Dryad
    Wrathful Branchwraith
    Trampling Treekin
    Scarred Treekin Elder
    Terrifying Treeman
    Venerable Treeman Ancient
    King of the Wood
    One with the forest
    Athel Loren

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/01/31 03:07:15

    Post by: yakface

    P4NC4K3 wrote:Sweet! I have another idea, WHFB Wood Elves Forest Creature
    Pile of Twigs
    Menacing Aura
    Shadow in the Trees
    Spiteful Spite
    Darting Dryad
    Wrathful Branchwraith
    Trampling Treekin
    Scarred Treekin Elder
    Terrifying Treeman
    Venerable Treeman Ancient
    King of the Wood
    One with the forest
    Athel Loren

    It's a great start, but we need at least 15 ranks for a rank track. I don't know WHFB or wood elves very well or I'd try to fill it in for you, so if you can come up with a few more I'll add it in.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/01/31 10:53:36

    Post by: P4NC4K3

    Well I only need 2 more then, just bung in King and Queen of the Wood, sorted!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/02/23 00:22:34

    Post by: lord marcus

    i have come up with a chaos dwarf rank chart

    gnoblar slave - 0

    goblin slave - 25

    orc slave - 75

    black orc slave - 125

    hobgoblin with bow - 200

    hobgoblin with spear 250

    sneaky git - 325

    wolf rider - 400

    hobgoblin chieftain - 500

    earthshaker crewman - 575

    daemonsmith - 650

    blunderbusser - 750

    immortal - 900

    slavemaster - 1050

    priest of hashut - 1250

    castellan of hashut - 1500

    bull centaur - 2000

    chaos dwarf commander - 2500

    sorcerer of hashut - 3500

    bull centaur hero - 4500

    guardian of the temple - 5000

    statue sorcerer - 6000

    bull centaur lord - 7000

    sorcerer lord of hashut - 9000

    chaos dwarf lord - 10, 000

    sorcerer council member - 11, 000

    hashuts chosen - 12, 000 +

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/03/12 02:08:34

    Post by: yakface

    lord marcus wrote: i have come up with a chaos dwarf rank chart

    gnoblar slave - 0

    goblin slave - 25

    orc slave - 75

    black orc slave - 125

    hobgoblin with bow - 200

    hobgoblin with spear 250

    sneaky git - 325

    wolf rider - 400

    hobgoblin chieftain - 500

    earthshaker crewman - 575

    daemonsmith - 650

    blunderbusser - 750

    immortal - 900

    slavemaster - 1050

    priest of hashut - 1250

    castellan of hashut - 1500

    bull centaur - 2000

    chaos dwarf commander - 2500

    sorcerer of hashut - 3500

    bull centaur hero - 4500

    guardian of the temple - 5000

    statue sorcerer - 6000

    bull centaur lord - 7000

    sorcerer lord of hashut - 9000

    chaos dwarf lord - 10, 000

    sorcerer council member - 11, 000

    hashuts chosen - 12, 000 +

    That's a great start and I want to include this rank track, but it needs to be cleaned up a bit before I can use it. Sadly I don't know all that much about the Chaos Dwarves or else I would just take your suggestions and edit it myself.

    First of all, you don't need to put post numbers by the ranks, we take care of that computation.

    Second, the maximum number of ranks for Dakka's rank tracks is twenty, so you need to cut this down to the twenty essential ranks.

    Third, many of the ranks when seen out of context don't explain what rank track they are for. For example, if you see someone in the forums with the rank of "immortal" do you have any idea what that is? A Necron immortal? So you always need to include something like "Chaos Dwarf Immortal" so that it is clear which army track someone is on.

    Finally, please make sure that the signature rank of the army is around the fifth rank. We don't want people to have to be a 'slave' of some sort until they reach 500 posts. I know Chaos Dwarves use a lot of slaves, but you're going to have to cut that beginning down so that people can actually reach a rank that involves them being a Chaos Dwarf instead of slogging through 9 slave ranks before they reach the earthshaker crewman rank.

    Anyway, thanks again for your submission and I hope you can find the time to make me an edited version.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/03/13 10:32:50

    Post by: Deff Dread red Edition

    I know this is a bit longer than 15-20 but I just wanted to plot-out the general scheme of it and see what you think:

    (The halflings listed do not come from a specific writers world it is a general,lets say assumption of the halfling race.)

    1.halfling child:1-50
    2.halfling child with slingshot:50-100
    3.halfling man/women:100-125
    4.halfling herder in training:125-150
    5.halfling herder:150-200
    6.halfing herder with staff:200-250
    7.halfling citizen:250-300
    8.halfing town-guardsmen:300-350
    9.halfling town-guardsmen with blunderbuss:350-400
    10.halfling town-guard knight riding sheep:400-450
    11.halfing town-guard captian:450-500
    12.halfling town-guard commander:500-550
    13.brave halfling leaving the halfling-holes:550-600
    14.halfling treasure hunter roaming the world:600-650
    15.halfling treasure hunter exploring a dark forest:650-700
    16.halfing treasure hunter finding his/her fortune:700-750
    17.halfing treasure hunter joined a mercenary band:750-800
    18.halfling mercenary with short sword:800-850
    19.hslfling mercenary with crossbow:850-900
    20.halfling mercenary in chain-mail:900-950
    21.halfling mercenary with pistols:950-1000
    22.halfling mercenary captain:1000-1050
    23.halfling mercenary captain raiding elvish lands:1050-1100
    24.halfling mercenary captain with magic elven bow:1100-1150
    25.halfling returning to the halfling holes with loot:1150-1200
    26.rich halfling land lord:1200-1500
    27.halfling land lord corting a princess:1500-1700
    28.king of all halfling lands.

    I know it needs stream-lining but I wanted to post it to see what you guys thought suggestions please!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/03/13 13:01:42

    Post by: yakface

    Deff Dread red Edition wrote:I know this is a bit longer than 15-20 but I just wanted to plot-out the general scheme of it and see what you think:

    (The halflings listed do not come from a specific writers world it is a general,lets say assumption of the halfling race.)

    1.halfling child:1-50
    2.halfling child with slingshot:50-100
    3.halfling man/women:100-125
    4.halfling herder in training:125-150
    5.halfling herder:150-200
    6.halfing herder with staff:200-250
    7.halfling citizen:250-300
    8.halfing town-guardsmen:300-350
    9.halfling town-guardsmen with blunderbuss:350-400
    10.halfling town-guard knight riding sheep:400-450
    11.halfing town-guard captian:450-500
    12.halfling town-guard commander:500-550
    13.brave halfling leaving the halfling-holes:550-600
    14.halfling treasure hunter roaming the world:600-650
    15.halfling treasure hunter exploring a dark forest:650-700
    16.halfing treasure hunter finding his/her fortune:700-750
    17.halfing treasure hunter joined a mercenary band:750-800
    18.halfling mercenary with short sword:800-850
    19.hslfling mercenary with crossbow:850-900
    20.halfling mercenary in chain-mail:900-950
    21.halfling mercenary with pistols:950-1000
    22.halfling mercenary captain:1000-1050
    23.halfling mercenary captain raiding elvish lands:1050-1100
    24.halfling mercenary captain with magic elven bow:1100-1150
    25.halfling returning to the halfling holes with loot:1150-1200
    26.rich halfling land lord:1200-1500
    27.halfling land lord corting a princess:1500-1700
    28.king of all halfling lands.

    I know it needs stream-lining but I wanted to post it to see what you guys thought suggestions please!

    It is a good start, but again, I can't really use it as is.

    You DON'T need to include the post numbers, I take care of that.

    Second, the biggest issue you have is repetition. You need to cut out any of the duplicates. There should only be one Hafling Treasure Hunter rank, one Halfling Mercenary rank, etc.

    I don't know if that will leave you with at least 15 ranks, but its not very exciting for people to wait 1,000 posts just to upgrade their weapons without actually changing their status.

    I'm not sure there are enough Halfling unit types to pull it off but if you can make it happen I'll include it.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/03/31 07:18:23

    Post by: baldiman

    Well my first LOTR rank track made it, with a few mods, tastefully done thanks yakface!

    Here's anudder one - for the Corsairs of Umbar. I mean, who doesnt like scurvy sea-dogs? I bet all of us has played 'pirate' at least once in their life as a kid ... I remember dressing up as one for at least one partay!

    Seasick Corsair Galley Slave retching over the side
    Corsair Swabbie with a dangerous mop
    Corsair Deckhand dreaming of splitting the Bosun's skull
    Corsair Sailor mentally planting a dagger in the Bosun's back
    Corsair Sailor drunk and very disorderly
    Corsair Sailor dreaming of revenge
    Corsair Sailor arming himself to the teeth
    Corsair Arbalester lugging his pavise
    Corsair Arbalester loading behind his big shield
    Corsair Arbalester lining up his next target
    Corsair Reaver rattling his chains
    Corsair Reaver armed and ready for battle
    Corsair Reaver drunk on slaughter
    Corsair Bosun kicking a swabbie's butt
    Corsair Bosun bellowing orders
    Corsair Bosun advancing with murderous intent
    Corsair Captain watching his back
    Corsair Captain dreaming of infamy and glory

    Corsair Captain challenging Dalamyr for Fleetmaster

    Fleetmaster Dalamyr standing over the body of the stupid fleetmaster wannabe.


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/03/31 22:55:22

    Post by: Orkeosaurus

    Stealer Cult?

    Space Hulk, Floating through the Warp
    Regular DNA Strand, Replicating Fine
    Twisted DNA Strand, Causing Problems
    Unwitting Host with a Four-Armed Baby
    Initiate to the Brood
    Brood Brother, Infiltrating Society
    Limousine Driver, Driving Casual
    Seedling Lictor, Drawing in the Devourer
    Hissing Genestealer Hybrid
    Priest of the Benevolent, Four-Armed Emperor
    Rend-Happy Purestrain
    Genestealer Magus, Spreading the Word
    Broodlord, Serving the Patriarch
    Genestealer Patriarch, Giving Rise to the Brood
    Hive Fleet, Bringing the Planet into its Fold

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/04/08 23:50:16

    Post by: Hellfury

    yakface wrote:I'd love to see more LOTR rank tracks.

    With how popular War of the Rings might potentially be, it might not be a bad idea.

    Allegiance names as dictated by GW:
    The Kingdoms of Rohan
    The Elven Kingdoms
    The Dwarf Holds
    The Forgotten Kingdoms

    The Fortress of Isengard
    The Misty Mountains
    The Fallen realms (of which harad is one of many)

    Here is my take on the Angmar ranks:

    Edit: Angmar ranks removed as they have now been posted as a rank track on the site. --yakface

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/05/07 14:03:22

    Post by: Cheese Elemental

    Wait, we don't have a Catachan one?

    1. Doomed Deathworld Citizen
    2. Very Visible Catachan Conscript
    3. Sneaky Catachan with flashlight
    4. Yeehaw! Crazy Catachan drop trooper
    5. Manly Catachan heavy weapon trooper
    6. Pyromaniac Catachan with flamethrower
    7. Ruthless Catachan sniper
    8. Steroid-abusing Catachan Veteran

    I think that's an OK start. The last one on the list must be Rambo though.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/05/19 15:06:11

    Post by: Lt Scourge

    What is the actual imperial guard rankings? what amount of posts do you need for each rank?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/05/19 16:15:10

    Post by: SauerKRAUT220

    From what I can remember
    Officer ranks:
    Warmaster (Which may or may not be a title, and not necessarily a rank)
    Lord general

    Enlisted Ranks:

    If anyone can add to this we might have something to work with

    I would also like to submit some FOW rank tracks

    Waffen SS German
    Oberschütze/Obermann=Senior shooter/trooper
    Rottenführer=Section leader
    Unterscharführer=Junior squad leader
    Scharführer=Squad leader
    Oberscharführer=Senior squad leader
    Hauptscharführer=Head squad leader
    Sturmscharführer=Storm squad leader
    Untersturmführer=Junior Storm Leader
    Obersturmführer=Senior storm leader
    Hauptsturmführer=Head storm leader
    Sturmbannführer=Storm unit leader
    Obersturmbannführer=Senior storm unit leader
    Standartenführer=Regiment leader
    Oberführer=Senior leader
    Brigadeführer=Brigade leader
    Gruppenführer=Group leader
    Obergruppenführer=Senior group leader
    Oberstgruppenführer=Supreme group leader
    Reichsführer-SS= The very top


    E-1 - Private (recruit) (no chevron)
    E-2 - Private (after basic)
    E-3 - Private 1st Class (1 chevron)
    E-4 - Corporal (2 chevrons) (includes Specialist 4)
    E-5 - Sergeant
    E-6 - Staff Sergeant
    E-7 - Sergeant First Class
    E-8 - First Sergeant
    E-9 - Sergeant Major
    O-1 - 2nd Lieutenant
    O-2 - 1st Lieutenant
    O-3 - Captain
    O-4 - Major
    O-5 - Lt. Colonel
    O-6 - Colonel
    O-7 - Brigadier General 1 Silver Star
    O-8 - Major General 2 Silver Stars
    O-9 - Lt. General 3 Silver Stars
    O-10 - General 4 Silver Stars
    O-11 - General of the service 5 Stars in circle

    These may need a few things taken out. I could also do a British rank system and I could see if the Russians even have the same rank system in place.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/05/19 16:27:34

    Post by: Lt Scourge

    Thanks, not entirely what i meant, but thanks.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/05/23 01:06:30

    Post by: yakface

    Lt Scourge wrote:What is the actual imperial guard rankings? what amount of posts do you need for each rank?

    Werdes wrote:I agree with above statement

    It's a secret. We want you to have some fun and be surprised when you reach a new rank.

    Knowing exactly when the next rank is only encourages people to spam post in order to reach the next rank, so we mix it up a bit depending on the rank track you're on.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    SauerKRAUT220 wrote:

    I would also like to submit some FOW rank tracks

    These may need a few things taken out. I could also do a British rank system and I could see if the Russians even have the same rank system in place.

    We already have a USA and German rank track for Flames of War (look for the 'FOW' rank tracks in the list).

    If you wanted to add a russian or british rank track that would be great.

    I can even PM you the American and German versions so that you can make them roughly equal.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/07/23 14:21:59

    Post by: Manchu

    Xav wrote:Ive never seen a dark eldar player on dakka, weird.

    Gwar! once thought of playing them, IIRC.

    Anyway: SISTERS of SILENCE! (I don't think it can be non-gender-specific)

    (1) Local Pariah

    (2) Identified Untouchable

    (3) Unsworn Novice

    (4) Marked with the Red Aquila

    (5) Initiate of Tranquility

    (6) Obedient Vigilator

    (7) Mute Vigilator Veteran

    (8) Psyker-Hunting Prosecutrix

    (9) Prosecutrix Purifying With Flame

    (10) Witchseeker With Vicious Cyber Hound

    (11) Solemn Guardian of the Black Ships

    (13) Pitiless Warden of the Black Ships

    (12) Null Maiden Radiating Warp-Voiding Aura

    (14) Null Maiden Leading Ruthless Prosecutor Squad

    (15) Null Mistress With Devoted Vigilator Bodyguard

    (16) Null Mistress Leading Implacable Witchseeker Squad

    (17) Oblivion Knight Wielding Indomitable Power Sword

    (18) Oblivion Knight Resplendent in Golden Mail and Furs

    (19) Raptor Guard Initiate Overseeing the Psyker-Tithe

    (20) Raptor Guard Veteran At The Emperor's Left Hand

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    And just for fun . . .

    Events of the Horus Heresy

    (1) Excited About The Great Crusade

    (2) Happy That We Found Our Primarch

    (3) Changing The Name Of Our Legion

    (4) Troubled By Non-Compliant Worlds

    (5) Wondering Why The Emperor Left

    (6) Jealous That Horus Is Warmaster

    (7) Counterproductively Competing With Other Legions

    (8) Thinking Of Joining A Davinite Lodge

    (9) Member Of A Lodge? I Can't Say.

    (10) Never Forget Isstvan!

    (11) Lit By The Flames Of Prospero

    (12) Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus Mannus?

    (13) Preparing For The Invasion Of Terra

    (14) Teleporting To The Battle Barge

    (15) Plugging In The Golden Throne

    (16) Consigned To The Grim Darkness

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/08/10 18:41:00

    Post by: Manchu

    Still no responses?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/08/11 10:58:42

    Post by: Emperors Faithful

    lol at the Horus Heresy one.
    (With some I was WTF? at some points)


    1) That stuff they sweat through their skin? Yep, that's you.

    2) Food.

    3) Nice Food.

    4) Tasty Food.

    5) Cunning Kroot Hound

    6) Brave Warrior

    7) Warrior feasting on grot

    8) Warrior feasting on human

    9) Warrior feasting on ork

    10) Shaper

    11) Elder Shaper

    12) Mighty Krootox

    13) Knarloc

    14) Greater Knarloc

    15) ...Krootzilla


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/08/11 22:09:02

    Post by: Lord-Loss

    Nice Horus Heresy ones Manchu, the "Member of the Lodge. I cant say" was the best lol.

    Maybe 4 and 5 of the Horus heresy should be swapped round, just a thought.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/08/19 01:32:21

    Post by: yakface

    Lt Scourge wrote:What is the actual imperial guard rankings? what amount of posts do you need for each rank?

    Anyone who's interested in making a variation of an existing rank (like a Catachan rank for the IG) just send me a PM and I'll privately send you a list of the ranks for the base track you're spinning off from.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/09/09 18:10:44

    Post by: SargesSquad

    Is there any way to go back and see what the options were for other rank tracks once you've passed them? If I did a SM rank track, and have passed a couple of milestones, is there any way to see what the milestones were up to that point for the other rank tracks, like Eldar or Chaos?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/09/29 20:59:33

    Post by: KhorneOnTheCob

    ORKS, the path of the Mek:

    1. Grot being used to test the shokk-attack-gun
    2. Grot Oiler
    3. Tinkerin' Ork Boy
    4. Ork Pioneer of 'Eavy armour
    5. Aspiring Mekboy
    6. Mekboy weapon-tester
    7. Mek Pioneer of the Burna
    8. Mek Pioneer of the Rokkit-Launcha
    9. Mek Pioneer of the Deffkopta
    10. Mek Pioneer of the Killa Kan
    11. Mek Pioneer of the Deff Dread
    12. Big Mek with kustom-mega-blasta
    13. Big Mek with Mega-Armour
    14. Big Mek with kustom-force field
    15. Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
    16. Big Mek in Fighta-Bomma
    17. Big Mek with massiv' kustom-job cybork body
    18. Big Mek in battlewagon
    19. Big Mek Warlord in battle-fortress

    20. Big Mek Warlord in Stompa

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/09/29 21:55:21

    Post by: Manchu

    Lord-Loss wrote:Nice Horus Heresy ones Manchu, the "Member of the Lodge. I cant say" was the best lol.

    Maybe 4 and 5 of the Horus heresy should be swapped round, just a thought.

    Thanks! I agree in retrospect, 4 and 5 are better if reversed.

    Sooo . . . has the Sisters of Silence track been ignored because you can't buy boxes of them to play or because my ranks need some work? Some feedback would be appreciated, Yakster.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/09/30 02:37:40

    Post by: yakface

    Manchu wrote:
    Lord-Loss wrote:Nice Horus Heresy ones Manchu, the "Member of the Lodge. I cant say" was the best lol.

    Maybe 4 and 5 of the Horus heresy should be swapped round, just a thought.

    Thanks! I agree in retrospect, 4 and 5 are better if reversed.

    Sooo . . . has the Sisters of Silence track been ignored because you can't buy boxes of them to play or because my ranks need some work? Some feedback would be appreciated, Yakster.

    Both your Sisters of Silence and Horus Heresy rank tracks look good to me. I'm planning on adding them when I get the chance, the problem is creating the rank track takes a little bit of time, so I keep putting them off to finish other chores instead.

    But yes, the plan is to definitely implement them eventually.

    Thanks again for the contribution!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/09/30 22:06:48

    Post by: Manchu

    Thank you much for your comments. I would be happy to work on any of it if it needs further tweaking.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/10/13 05:35:25

    Post by: yakface

    I buckled down and got two new suggested rank tracks added:

    [40K] Orks - Rebel Grots


    [LOTR] Angmar

    Thanks again for the suggestions!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/10/22 12:14:04

    Post by: Gwar!

    The Space Wolves Track has an error.

    There is no such thing as a Space Wolves Chapter Master! D:

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/10/29 19:15:48

    Post by: Manchu

    That is a pretty big disappointment, to get that many posts and not have WOLF LORD under your name. Please fix that up as soon as possible (seems like a small thing, I know, if you don't play SW). Honestly, a lot of the tracks could use a bit of a brush up. I'm not a huge fan of the Eldar tracks, which seem pretty bland. I'll gladly volunteer if you want anything spruced up.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/10/30 10:37:20

    Post by: yakface

    Manchu wrote:That is a pretty big disappointment, to get that many posts and not have WOLF LORD under your name. Please fix that up as soon as possible (seems like a small thing, I know, if you don't play SW). Honestly, a lot of the tracks could use a bit of a brush up. I'm not a huge fan of the Eldar tracks, which seem pretty bland. I'll gladly volunteer if you want anything spruced up.

    Okay, I've fixed the Space Wolves Chapter Master.

    As for the Eldar, I'd be glad to PM them to you if you'd like, but I think you'd be surprised how hard it is to do Eldar rank tracks because there isn't really a clear progression of 'ranks' through all the Aspects. So if you have the Aspects as part of the track you either just have to go with 'Aspect Warrior' as one rank because if you start to include them all you end up with way too many ranks.

    Ultimately I decided just to split them into the 'path of the guardian' which follows a pretty basic progression from lowly grunt up to an Eldar Seer and a 2nd track that is the 'path of the aspect warrior', which like the aspects just sort of meanders through all the different aspects for the most part (but does eventually reach Autarch).

    But if you think you can come up with a better way to handle the Eldar ranks. . .perhaps splitting them up into the famous Craftworlds which tend to be more focused, then I would be happy to send you the current ranks if it would help.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/10/30 13:47:00

    Post by: Gwar!

    yakface wrote:Okay, I've fixed the Space Wolves Chapter Master
    YAY! Me Loev U Long Tiem!!!!!!!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/10/30 14:15:54

    Post by: Fifty

    Figure Painting

    Bare Metal
    Three Dots
    Paint Splattered
    Base Coated
    Painted Within The Lines
    Speed Painted
    'Eavy Metallist Figure
    Competition Winner
    Golden Daemon Champion
    John Blanche

    You could possibly put "model" on the end of many of these to make the track clearer.

    Blood Bowl

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Lowdown Rats Practice Squad
    Halfling Hotpots Team Chef
    Skavenblight Scramblers Linerat
    Lustria Croakers Skink
    Reavers Lineman
    Chaos Allstars Beastman
    Dwarf Giants Runner
    Orcland Raiders Blocker
    Darkside Cowboys Thrower
    Elfheim Eagles Wardancer
    Varag Ghoul Chewer
    Griff Oberwald

    Coach Hymie Snivel
    Coach Helmut Zwimmer
    Commissioner Roze-El

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/12/19 14:19:47

    Post by: Captain Solon

    1. servant of the chapter
    2. servitor of the chapter
    3. accolyte
    4. adept
    5. scout undergoing bionic improovements
    6. scout with bolt pistol
    7. scout with bolter
    8. scout with shotgun
    9. scout with sniper
    10. Scout biker
    11. green marine (newly-inducted?)
    12. assault marine with bolt pistol and chainsword
    13. assault marine with a flamer
    14. assault marine with plasma pistol and chainsword
    15. space marine biker
    16. space marine biker with flamer
    17. space marine biker with meltagun
    18. space marine biker with plasma gun
    19. space marine devastator with bolter
    20. space marine devastator with missile launcher
    21. space marine devastator with heavy bolter
    22. space marine devastator with plasma cannon
    23. space marine with bolter
    24. space marine with flamer
    25. space marine with meltagun
    26. space marine with plasma gun
    27. space marine with missile launcher
    28. space marine with heavy bolter
    29. space marine with plasma cannon
    30. space marine scout sergeant
    31. space marine assault sergeant
    32. space marine devastator sergeant
    33. space marine tactical marine sergeant
    34. space marine veteran sergeant
    35. space marine vanguard veteran
    36. space marine sternguard veteran
    37. space marine assault terminator
    38. space marine terminator
    39. space marine company champion
    40. space marine captain
    41. space marine chapter champion
    42. space marine lorde of the rites
    43. space marine member of the lower council

    44. space marine member of the higher council

    45. space marine chapter master

    this track goes through all the stages of a spacemarines career, including his inclusion into the lowest and highest orders. (servitors have been thrown in for effect)
    I'd suggest each major upgrade every 30-50 posts (i.e; scout marine to space marine assault marine.)
    in this way, it'd be able to carry to around a thousand posts before you complete the track.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2009/12/20 02:50:10

    Post by: Tacobake

    Personally I think the Eldar Aspect Warrior one is kind of stupid but I would feel bad if I said anything.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/01/20 06:42:00

    Post by: chaplaingrabthar

    I know it was literally forever ago at this point, but whatever happened to the Space Marines - Salamanders rank track I submitted?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/02/24 01:52:45

    Post by: Thor665

    It occurred to me that Specialist Games are being overlooked in the rank tracks in a commensurate way to how they are overlooked by GW. Though I can't really help with BFG or Mordheim I can, at least, try to offer up something for the Hive Heads amongst us. Let's see how this flies, Orville.

    Necromunda Rank progression

    Hapless Hiver
    Juve Bullet Sponge
    Juve who has earned a pistol
    Tricky Top Juve
    Tough New Ganger
    Slinking Ratskin Scout
    Snarlin' Sword-Armed Ganger
    Gunslinging Scummer
    Grizzled Ganger Vet
    Rampaging Pit Slave Gladiator
    Plasma Cannon Packin' Heavy
    Deep Hive Bounty Hunter
    Fearsome Ganger Leader
    Retired Rich Mighty Ganger

    Bull Gorg
    Kal Jericho

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/03/12 14:37:50

    Post by: aka_tizz

    This is my suggested rank track for the Alpha Legion, as i would've enormously liked to be able to choose that one when i joined Dakka

    1.Innocent Civilian
    2.Useful Operative
    3.Falling to Chaos
    4.Backstabbing Cultist
    5.Promising Alpha Legion Recruit
    6.Alpharius' Eyes and Ears Squad Member
    7.Meticulous Devastator
    8.Secretive Tactical Marine
    9.Ambushing Raptor
    10.Effrit Stealth Squad Member
    11.Hydra Squad Leader
    12.Dark Terminator
    13.Shadow Company Sorcerer (or Captain)
    14.Chief Operations Planner
    15.Guardian of Alpharius
    16.Heir of Alpharius

    19.Alpharius Himself

    20.Saviour of Mankind

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/03/12 15:07:18

    Post by: the_ferrett

    Orks with Gunz:

    1. Captured slave with gun
    2. Snotling in the air.
    3. Grot with blasta.
    4. Shoota boy
    5. Boy with Big shoota
    6. Kommando with Burna
    7. Rokkit Launcha
    8. Mek with Kustom Mega Blasta
    9. Decked out Flashgit
    10. Grot in Kan with grotzooka
    11. Loota
    12. Grot on zapp gun duty
    13. Mek with shokk attack gun

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/05/28 17:33:01

    Post by: Enigma

    I'd love to see some more BFG among the ranks. Here's an idea for Corsair Eldar:

    Daydreaming Outcast, watching the sky
    Daydreaming Outcast, cleaning out hangars
    Stowaway, hiding on transport ship
    Discovered Stowaway, cleaning decks

    Boarding member on Destroyer
    Ambitious Shipmate on Destroyer
    Ambitious Rookie on Destroyer
    Ambitious Noble on Destroyer

    Proud Noble on Frigate
    Daring Escort Squadron Commander
    Trusted Noble on Cruiser
    Arrogant Captain on Cruiser

    Squadron Lord with Personal Cruiser
    Proud Shadow Lord of a small raiding fleet
    Noble Prince of an established pirate force
    Renowned Shadow prince of the Graildark nebula

    Scourge of imperial traiding routes across the entire sector

    Veteran Shadow prince of the battle of Schindlegeist

    Feel free to comment =)

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/06/23 15:12:26

    Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

    I recently got an upgrade in my rank!

    However, I'm using the VC track, and now I'm a "Deadly Black Guard". I double checked, and I'm definately still on the VC track, but Black Guard is DE...

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/06/25 13:11:44

    Post by: yakface

    Drk_Oblitr8r wrote:I recently got an upgrade in my rank!

    However, I'm using the VC track, and now I'm a "Deadly Black Guard". I double checked, and I'm definately still on the VC track, but Black Guard is DE...

    I'm not that familiar with WHFB, and someone else submitted most of those tracks, so I'm not sure if I duffed that one up or not (or if it used to be a unit in the army or something).

    But anyway, I think that Grave Guard is what it probably should be, so I've changed it.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/06/25 21:15:33

    Post by: Manchu

    Still no Sisters of Silence?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/06/26 03:48:53

    Post by: Chowderhead

    Anyone for a little Corsair Eldar?

    Craftworld Citizen
    Rebellious Rabble Rouser
    Fleet Commander
    Captain of the Corsairs

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/07/06 06:37:47

    Post by: Manchu

    On the Path of the Guard track there is an entry for "Agile Renevant Titan." This should be Revenant, I'm certain. Please correct when you have the chance.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/07/28 08:39:38

    Post by: YmeLocSquirrel256

    lol! Yes, it should be revenant, not revenant titan as those are eldar gargantuous creatures (i think).

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    only available at FW!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/07/28 15:00:34

    Post by: The Night Lord

    LOTR Trolls

    1.Weak Half Troll
    2.Half Troll
    3.Half Troll with pointy stick
    4.Tough Half Troll
    5.Half Troll Warrior with club
    6.Antisocial cave troll
    7.Angry Cave troll with chain
    8. Beserk Cave troll with hammer
    9.Dwarf Munching cave troll
    10.Trained cave troll
    11. Stumpy war troll
    12.Bulky war troll with spikey fists
    13.War troll with big club
    14.Rabid Berserker Troll
    15.Beserker troll with blunt blade
    16.Crazed Beserker Troll with Massive axe
    17.Massive Troll with spiked armor plates
    18.Massive troll with twin axes
    19.Troll Chiefiant with massive hammer
    20.Hill Troll Chieftain Buhrdur

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/08/18 17:46:31

    Post by: Cadet_Commissar_Ludd

    1. Ordinary Child
    2. Weeping Orphan
    3. Initiate at the Schola Progenium
    4. Rising star of the Schola
    5. Progena
    6. Clumsy Junior Commissar
    7. Cadet Commissar with auto-pistol
    8. PDF Commissar
    9. Inspiring Commissar
    10. Executin’ Commissar with bolt-pistol
    11. Commissar-Captain
    12. Commissar with Power-fist
    13. Cunning Colonel-Commissar
    14. Commissar-General
    15. Awe-inspiring Lord Commissar
    16. Commissar-General Delane Oktar
    17. Commissar Ciaphas Cain
    18. Commissar Viktor Hark
    19. Commissar Yarrick
    20. Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/08/29 10:44:05

    Post by: Commander Endova

    I think it'd be cool to have tracks for different well known Guard Regiments. I'll start with the Elysians.

    1. Malfunctioning Grav-Chute
    2. DZ Flare
    3. Accatran Weapons Cache
    (All standard-issue Elysian weapons are Accatran Pattern, and are commonly dropped in caches)
    4. Ground Scanner in Short Range Mode
    5. Drop Trooper in Freefall
    6. Veteran in the Drop Zone
    7. Deep Striking Drop Sentinel
    8. Terrifying Tauros
    9. Vicious Venator
    (Yay, alliteration)
    10. Storm Troopers on a Mission
    11. Vulture on an Attack Run
    12. Sky Talon with a Payload
    13. Dedicated Valkyrie Pilot
    14. Vendetta with a Vendetta
    (I made a funny)
    15. Much Needed Air Support
    16. D-99 Trooper

    Parentheses are notes, not part of the title.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/08/30 03:58:50

    Post by: Kanluwen

    Not really a rank suggestion itself...but it'd be nice to be able to set your ranks from the ones "available" to you due to your post counts.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/08/30 04:25:55

    Post by: Chowderhead

    Deamonhunters: Grey Knights

    Savage Human with Potential
    Initiate undergoing Surgeries
    Initiate On Titan
    Grey Knight in Power Armor
    Grey Knight with Psycannon
    Purging Grey Knight Pugitator
    Bounding Grey Knight Teleport Marine
    Justicar with a Burning Rage
    Violent Grey Knight Dreadnaught
    Grey Knight Terminator
    Grey Knight Terminator with a Psycannon
    Grey Knight Brother Captain
    Vicious Grey Knight Land Raider Pilot
    Grey Knight Hero
    Grey Knight Grand Master calling upon Guard
    Grey Knight Grand Master calling upon Space Marines
    Grey Knight Grand Master leading a Deamon Purging quest
    Grey Knight hero with a Redeemer Force
    Name Etched on the In the Chasms of Titan

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/09/03 00:23:08

    Post by: Gwar!

    Kanluwen wrote:Not really a rank suggestion itself...but it'd be nice to be able to set your ranks from the ones "available" to you due to your post counts.
    I would like to give my support to this idea if it is even possible.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/09/03 06:17:43

    Post by: Claypool

    Gwar! wrote:
    Kanluwen wrote:Not really a rank suggestion itself...but it'd be nice to be able to set your ranks from the ones "available" to you due to your post counts.
    I would like to give my support to this idea if it is even possible.

    I'd like that too.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/09/03 15:09:51

    Post by: SagesStone

    Some might be a bit too long.

    Tzeentch Daemons
    1. Fury With A Message
    2. Mocking Flamer Flame
    3. Grumpy Lone Blue Horror
    4. Squabbling Pair of Blue Horrors
    5. Insane Pink Horror
    6. Iridescent Horror
    7. Flamer On A Mission
    8. Swooping Screamer
    9. Running Herald Of Tzeentch
    10. Soaring Herald Of Tzeentch On A Disc
    11. P'tarix Capturing Your Spell
    12. Xirat'p Frantically Searching Through Scrolls
    13. Changeling, Deceiving The World
    14. Lord Of Change
    15. The Fateweaver
    16. A Key Part Of The Plan
    17. Definitely Not Tzeentch
    18. Tzeentch

    Khorne Daemons
    1. Blood Stain
    2. Just Another Skull
    3. Angry Flesh Hound
    4. Karanak, Hound Of Vengeance
    5. Furious Bloodletter
    6. Ticked Off Bloodreaper
    7. Lone Bloodcrusher
    8. Bloodcrusher Stampede Of Doom
    9. Herald Of Khorne Running Through A Crowd Of Mortals
    10. Speeding Blood Chariot
    11. Herald Of Khorne On A Bloodcrusher Stomping The Weak
    12. Skulltaker Adding To His Collection
    13. Bloodthirster Grabbing Some Skulls
    14. Skarbrand, The Exiled One
    15. The Skull Throne
    16. Khorne

    Nurgle Daemons
    1. Cute Baby Nurgling
    2. Weak Lone Nurgling
    3. Spreading Nurgling Swarm
    4. Nurgling Infestation
    5. Nurglings Stuck Under A Palanquin
    6. Relentless Plaguebearer
    7. Decaying Plagueridden
    8. Slimy Beast Of Nurgle
    9. Pack of Sickly Slime Hounds
    10. Disgusting Herald Of Nurgle
    11. Great Unclean One
    12. Epidemus Tallying The Dead
    13. Ku'Gath Plaguefather
    14. Even More Nurglings
    15. Nurgle

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/09/11 18:02:27

    Post by: Monster Rain

    How about one for the Cthulhu mythos? This is just a very rough draft, feel free to punch it up a bit.

    1. Spooky Shut In
    2. Researcher of Forbidden Lore
    3. Archaeologist on a Doomed Expedition
    4. Town Drunk Who Knows Too Much
    5. Deranged Cultist
    6. Slippery Deep One
    7. Byahkee Soaring Through the Void
    8. Faceless Nightgaunt
    9. Mi-Go That Wants Your Brain
    10. Hound of Tindalos
    11. Cackling Star Vampire
    12. Mutagenic Meteorite
    13. Relentless Flying Polyp
    14. Inscrutable Elder Thing
    15. Shoggoth

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/09/12 18:44:20

    Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

    I sense a distinct lack of Dark Mechanicus loving taking place. I will attempt to recitify this:

    1. Corpses being made into Ammunition
    2. Souls being bound into the Machine
    3. Half-Dead Pit fodder
    4. Mewling Servile
    5. Menacing Dark Skitarii
    6. Frothing Techno-Spawn
    7. Silent Huntsman pilot
    8. Accurate Dark Skitarrii Weapon team
    9. Cackling Data-Daemon
    10. Collossal Warp Wyrm
    11. Scheming Dread Magi
    12. Obliterator of the Forge
    13. Frenzied Unbound defiler
    14. Horrific Flesh Factory
    15. Brooding Architect of Moravec
    16. Towering prince of Oblteration
    17. Kelbor-Hal
    18. The Kaban Project
    19. Strange silver warrior
    20. The Grand lie of Mars

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/10/05 20:36:07

    Post by: Mordoskul

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Promethean Imperial Guard Regiment (40k)
    1-Clueless Conscript with a butter knife
    2-Snoozing Lookout with a headlamp
    3-Mud Covered Trencher with a club
    4-Angry Promethean Soldat with an autogun
    5-Bright Eyed Cadet Commissar with a discipline stick
    6-Phreaky Psyker with a force staff
    7-Ogryn Commissar Hopeful with a ripper gun
    8-Mindless Skitarii with a force pike
    9-Screaming Lieutenant Commissar with a power sword
    10-Promethean Strum Soldat with a plasma gun
    11-Vengeful Apokalypse Unternehmen Recruit with a chainsword
    12-Crazy Kriegernaut Driver with a dozer blade
    13-Furious Captain Commissar with a chainaxe
    14-Rabid Corporal Commissar tearing an Ork in half
    15-Hateful Apokalypse Unternehmen Captain dual wielding heavy bolters
    16-Commissar Steve Wannabe with a storm bolter
    17-Twitchy Zerstorungen Meister with a vortex grenade
    18-Murderous Commissar General punching a hole in your HQs' torso
    19-Stansfield with a stick of gum
    20-Commissar General Steve with Motivatus

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Manchu wrote:
    Xav wrote:Ive never seen a dark eldar player on dakka, weird.

    Gwar! once thought of playing them, IIRC.

    Anyway: SISTERS of SILENCE! (I don't think it can be non-gender-specific)

    (1) Local Pariah

    (2) Identified Untouchable

    (3) Unsworn Novice

    (4) Marked with the Red Aquila

    (5) Initiate of Tranquility

    (6) Obedient Vigilator

    (7) Mute Vigilator Veteran

    (8) Psyker-Hunting Prosecutrix

    (9) Prosecutrix Purifying With Flame

    (10) Witchseeker With Vicious Cyber Hound

    (11) Solemn Guardian of the Black Ships

    (13) Pitiless Warden of the Black Ships

    (12) Null Maiden Radiating Warp-Voiding Aura

    (14) Null Maiden Leading Ruthless Prosecutor Squad

    (15) Null Mistress With Devoted Vigilator Bodyguard

    (16) Null Mistress Leading Implacable Witchseeker Squad

    (17) Oblivion Knight Wielding Indomitable Power Sword

    (18) Oblivion Knight Resplendent in Golden Mail and Furs

    (19) Raptor Guard Initiate Overseeing the Psyker-Tithe

    (20) Raptor Guard Veteran At The Emperor's Left Hand

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    And just for fun . . .

    Events of the Horus Heresy

    (1) Excited About The Great Crusade

    (2) Happy That We Found Our Primarch

    (3) Changing The Name Of Our Legion

    (4) Troubled By Non-Compliant Worlds

    (5) Wondering Why The Emperor Left

    (6) Jealous That Horus Is Warmaster

    (7) Counterproductively Competing With Other Legions

    (8) Thinking Of Joining A Davinite Lodge

    (9) Member Of A Lodge? I Can't Say.

    (10) Never Forget Isstvan!

    (11) Lit By The Flames Of Prospero

    (12) Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus Mannus?

    (13) Preparing For The Invasion Of Terra

    (14) Teleporting To The Battle Barge

    (15) Plugging In The Golden Throne

    (16) Consigned To The Grim Darkness

    The Horus Heresy track is perfect!

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    pcon426 wrote:assassin 40k
    sack of flesh
    stealthy prospect
    deadeye prospect
    soulless prospect
    calldius temple acolyte
    evasor temple acolyte
    vintacator temple acolyte
    calldius temple trainee
    evasor temple trainee
    vintacator temple trainee
    calldius temple assassin
    evasor temple assassin
    vintacator temple assassin
    master assassin

    rouge trader assassin

    sorry about the spelling my friend took my daemon hunters codex

    Whaat about Assassin Palantine and Nhiliator?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/10/11 11:33:23

    Post by: Blood Raven 5th Company

    I think that blood ravens need a list how does this looks as a start
    1. initiate undergoing blood trial
    2. blood trial champion
    3. initiate undergoing surgery
    4. blood raven helpless scout
    5. blood raven scout w/t bolter
    6. blood raven scout
    7. blood raven assult marine
    8. blood raven devestator marine
    9. blood raven tactical marine
    10. blood raven assult sargent
    11. blood raven devestator sargent
    12. blood raven tactical sargent
    13. vanguard veteran
    14. sternguard veteran
    15. [spoiler] corrupt captin
    16. librarian
    17. blood raven captin
    18. honour guard
    [spoiler]19.chapter master and cheif librarian kyrus[spoiler]

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/10/11 18:00:56

    Post by: A Black Ram

    Maybe a track for each of the necromunda gangs?

    Starting off as green juve, then to mighty ganger , just like in the rulebook BUT with surprises?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/10/11 20:01:56

    Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

    Got the basics of a Blood Bowl - Human track, will dig out my Star Players/Compedium later and see if anything else jumps out at me.

    1. A young dreamer in the Altdorf stands
    2. Dedicated fan eating a McMurty's
    3. Scrapping with rival fans.
    4. Watching the game, drinking a Blood. True.
    5. Sunday league Wannabe
    6. Makeweight, learning the hard way
    7. Turning heads at The Crush.
    8. The Bright Crusaders New Signing
    9. Smashed the Team Fatalities record
    10. Earned a sponsorship deal with Orcidas
    11. Up and coming Star
    12. New front Linesman for the Marauders
    13. Chaos Cup Winner
    14. Spike! Dirtiest Player of the Year
    15. Dungeonbowl best use of a Teleporter award
    16. Star Signing for the Reikland Reavers
    17. Dating the entire Darkside Cowgirls cheerleading team
    18. Chasing Zug's all time fatalities record
    19. Bloodweiser Trophy 'Blood Bowl' MVP

    20. Inducted into the Hall of Fame, with Morg's help

    21. Veteran Ref with a chainsaw

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/10/11 20:11:39

    Post by: Asherian Command

    How about the Storm Crusaders Ranking System?

    1. Eager Storm Brother
    2. Trail Brother
    3. Brother Undergoing Surgeries
    4. Neophyte
    5. Initiate
    6. Warrior
    7. Crusader
    8. Master
    9. Knight
    10. Templar
    11. Guardian
    12. Lord
    13. Regent
    14. Commander
    15. First Knight
    16. First Templar
    17. Lord Commander
    18. First Guardian
    19. Grand Guardian
    20. Grand Templar

    21. Arch Templar of Drancoris

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/12/01 05:46:19

    Post by: Lord PoPo

    I would just like to point out that "Snivelling Workbot " on the adeptus mechanicus track, and "Space Marine scout with sniper rifle" are equal...

    perhaps a comment on the equivalent usefulness of these two units on the battlefield?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/12/02 15:56:52

    Post by: Brother Hestapheus

    The path of Dwarfs

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/12/03 21:49:49

    Post by: Lord PoPo

    Brother Hestapheus wrote:The path of Dwarfs


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2010/12/05 09:19:38

    Post by: Brother Hestapheus

    No, it goes like

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/03/02 14:13:39

    Post by: yakface

    Okay, the Horus Heresy and the (heavily modified) 'figure painting' rank tracks both submitted above have (finally) been made active!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/03/02 21:59:01

    Post by: Fifty


    I almost wish I wasn't a DCM so I had to use one of them.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/04/22 06:48:37

    Post by: Jaon

    I reckon now that GK have their own codex they need a specific ranking track, coz Im an inquisitor atm... Not happy Jan

    Psychically Gifted Child
    Youth Aboard The Black Ships
    Aspirant Showing Promise
    Aspirant, Aboard Shuttle, Being Tracked by Defence Lasers
    Grey Knight with Storm Bolter
    Noble Knight Justicar
    Lightning Fast Interceptor (Swift/Graceful?)
    Soul Searing Purifier with Psycannon
    Incinerating Purgator (Purgator with Incinerator?)
    Vengeful Grey Knight Terminator (Jaded/Skillful Grey Knight Terminator?)
    Venerated Paladin (Immortal Grey Knight Paladin?)
    Brother Captain with Daemonhammer
    Daemon-slaying Brotherhood Champion
    Smiting Librarian
    Ancient Dreadnought
    Wrathful Dreadknight with Gatling Psilencer (Towering Dreadknight? Nemesis Greatsword Wielding Dreadknight?)
    Planet Purging Grey Knight Grand Master
    Grey Knight Supreme Grand Master with Exterminatus to Spare! (Legendary Supreme Grand Master of The Grey Knights?)

    Just chucked that together in 20 minutes, suggestions welcome

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/05/18 08:31:07

    Post by: crocodoom

    Less of a Noob
    Lesser Poster
    Greater Poster
    Expert Poster
    Master Poster
    Lesser Author
    Greater Author
    Expert Author
    Master Author
    Famous Writer
    Incredibly Famous Writer
    William Shakespear

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/05/19 14:59:05

    Post by: xXH0LYCRUSAD3Xx

    Ok heres a Catachan one i made

    1) deathworld child
    2) deathworld child with knife
    3) jungle fighter in traning
    4) jungle fighter newbie
    5) jungle fighter
    6) gun-ho jungle fighter
    7) jungle fighter with a devil claw
    8) jungle fighter with lasgun
    9) jungle fighter with nick name
    10) jungle fighter in heavy weapons squad
    11) jungle fighter pyro
    12) junglefighter with medi pack
    13) jungle world survivalist
    14) jungle fighter sergent
    15) jungle fighter veteren
    16) jungle fighter veteren sergent
    17) Catachan devil

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/05/19 16:26:47

    Post by: AlmightyWalrus

    How about a Mordor rank list for LOTR? Now, while I don't play the games, I've invested some time into reading the stuff (not nearly as much as others have though, I suspect...). Something like:

    1: Maggot food
    2: Maggot
    3: Weakling cowering in the shadows
    4: Goblin Trembling before the whip
    5: Orc Meatbag
    6: Orc Archer
    7: Orc Veteran with club
    8: Hardened Orc Veteran with scimitar
    9: Orc taskmaster
    10: Olog-hai brute
    11: Olog-hai veteran with warhammer
    12: Overlord of the Olog-hai
    13: Dark Númenorean
    14:Cave-troll being fed
    15: King of the Trolls
    16: Fast-flying fellowship-stalking Fellbeast
    17: Lesser Ringwraith
    18: Nasty Nazgûl
    19: Witch-King of Angmar with Iron Crown
    Peeping Eye of Fire in the Sky

    Could have one for followers of Morgoth too, although I don't think that's in the game:

    1: Betraying ladybug
    2: Carrion Bird
    3: Pathetic traitor-human
    4: Evil Acolyte making nasty plots
    5: One of many Orcs
    6: Bludgeon-wielding brutish Orc
    7: Black-Orc with falchion
    8: Treasonous Traitor-man
    9: Smoke-summoning Sorcerer
    10: Mischievous Monster
    11: Lesser flame-belching spawn
    12: Kin-slaying betrayer of Gondolin
    13: Horrible Hound of Darkness
    14: Dragon-king incinerating rabble
    15: Firstborn Dragon sacking Nargothrond
    16: Unmerciful Úmaiar
    17: Left Hand of the Darkness, Cloaked in Flames
    18: Deceiving Right Hand of the Darkness
    Giant Spider coveting the Silmarils

    Dark Enemy of the World

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/05/20 00:01:39

    Post by: purplefood

    Never mind.
    Did it wrong.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/05/21 07:49:01

    Post by: xXH0LYCRUSAD3Xx

    We really need a catachan one cuz i dont like being cadain...well i kinda do but I'd rather be a catachan and pepole can tweek mine if they wish justdont take all the credit.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/05/21 08:26:02

    Post by: RaptorsTalon

    I'm not sure what I would put in it but how about a High Elf Mage ranking track or some other type of Fantasy Magic related track?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/06/07 09:07:32

    Post by: Sam__theRelentless

    How about a White Scars one? I know all the prominent chapters have one, and White Scars seem to be missing, and they were around at the time of the HH....

    Adolescent Youth with Dirt Bike
    Neophyte Undergoing Surgeries
    White Scar Initiate Dreaming of Speed
    Sneaky White Scar Scout with Cluster Mines
    Confident White Scar Scout Sergeant
    White Scar Eager for Drop Pod Assault
    Adrenaline-Filled Speeding White Scar
    Plasma-armed White Scar Heavy Weapons Biker
    Firing the Heavy Bolter from the Sidecar
    Experienced White Scar Attack Bike Pilot
    Daredevil White Scar in Landspeeder
    Smashing White Scar Sergeant with Power Fist
    White Scar Veteran “Look, No Hands!”
    White Scar Apothecary Fixing Accidents
    White Scar Champion with Aerodynamic Golden Helmet
    White Scar Captain Spearheading the Bike Assault
    Elite White Scar Honour Guard Riding Blindfolded
    My Name Is Khan

    Master of The Hunt

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/06/17 21:38:04

    Post by: The Crimson Glass

    Jaon wrote:I reckon now that GK have their own codex they need a specific ranking track, coz Im an inquisitor atm... Not happy Jan

    Psychically Gifted Child
    Youth Aboard The Black Ships
    Aspirant Showing Promise
    Aspirant, Aboard Shuttle, Being Tracked by Defence Lasers
    Grey Knight with Storm Bolter
    Noble Knight Justicar
    Lightning Fast Interceptor (Swift/Graceful?)
    Soul Searing Purifier with Psycannon
    Incinerating Purgator (Purgator with Incinerator?)
    Vengeful Grey Knight Terminator (Jaded/Skillful Grey Knight Terminator?)
    Venerated Paladin (Immortal Grey Knight Paladin?)
    Brother Captain with Daemonhammer
    Daemon-slaying Brotherhood Champion
    Smiting Librarian
    Ancient Dreadnought
    Wrathful Dreadknight with Gatling Psilencer (Towering Dreadknight? Nemesis Greatsword Wielding Dreadknight?)
    Planet Purging Grey Knight Grand Master
    Grey Knight Supreme Grand Master with Exterminatus to Spare! (Legendary Supreme Grand Master of The Grey Knights?)

    Just chucked that together in 20 minutes, suggestions welcome

    This would be awesome. Also I actually LOL'd at the last one about exterminatus to spare. Here are my thoughts as I read through the list:

    "Lightning Fast" is definitely the best one for interceptors.
    "Purgator with Incinerator" sounds better than "Incinerating Purgator".
    "Vengeful" is the best terminator option.
    I feel like the Paladin one should be above the dreadnought one. "Venerated" also sounds better than the other ones.
    The Dreadknight one should have a heavy psycannon, as most people don't really like gatling psilencers haha ("towering" also sounds better than "wrathful").
    I think I like "shrouding" instead of "smiting" for the librarian one.
    Definitely keep the "Grand Master with Exterminatus to Spare!"

    Hope this gets added!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/06/19 19:53:08

    Post by: ironhandstraken

    hello everyone one quick question when you change your track do you have to start again

    E.G. you have 350 post and your up to the third level in you selective track and you change to another track do you have to start from that beginning or do you start in the third level of that new track


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/06/19 19:54:56

    Post by: Devastator

    ^Third level.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/07/30 16:20:11

    Post by: hellspawn22

    I think there should be separate IG Infantry and Armor tracks. As a very rough draft for the armor:

    1) Chimera Pintle-mounted bolter ammunition
    2) Leman Russ Cannon ammunition
    3) Apathetic Munitorum Clerk Distributing ammo
    4) Tired Grease-Monkey working on a bike
    5) Caffeinated Grease-Monkey working on a tank
    6) Quiet Sentinel Driver
    7) Complaining Chimera Driver
    8) Disgruntled Hellhound driver
    9) Speeding Leman Russ driver
    10) Cackling Hellhound gunner
    11) Deafened Basilisk Gunner
    12) Veteran Leman Russ Gunner
    13) Recently promoted Chimera Commander
    14) Confident Hellhound Commander

    15) BOOM! Leman Russ Commander

    16) Baneblade! Baneblade at 61.78!

    Maybe the Infantry could use just a standard guard ranking system, I think I saw it somewhere on this thread.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/07/30 16:36:26

    Post by: Darkvoidof40k

    Just had an unusual idea, based off of the GW design studio track.

    The Dakka track of Infamy. Basically, we collect all of Dakka's favorite users and list them, based off of post count.

    Okay, I can see this being difficult and unlikely, but it's just an odd idea that I felt was worth sharing.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/07/30 17:53:53

    Post by: TrollPie

    We need a Catachan one. For example,

    1. Catachan toddler stuck in a Mantrap
    2. Catachan teen hunting a Grox
    3. Catachan adult with some muscles
    4. Stealthy Catachan Jungle Fighter
    5. Catachan Guardsman with flamer
    6. Jungle Fighter with huge abs
    7. Jungle Fighter Sergeant with clichéd nickname
    8. Topless Catachan veteran
    9. Catachan Lieutenant with a lot of history
    10. Catachan Veteran Sergeant with menacing-looking scar
    11. Lictor-stalking master Jungle Fighter
    12. Gung-ho Catachan Devil
    13. Sergeant Harker's right-hand man
    14. Catachan Colonel of epic manliness
    15. Legendary Catachan with bionic thighs
    16. Titan-hunting Rambo rip off

    17. Possible 222nd reference? Or something about their old codex? Someone help me out here.

    I know it needs some tweeking but hey, I'm learning, alright?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/07/30 18:03:33

    Post by: hellspawn22

    You could make it Sly Marbo?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/07/30 18:03:47

    Post by: TrollPie

    hellspawn22 wrote:
    16) Baneblade! Baneblade at 61.78!

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    hellspawn22 wrote:You could make it Sly Marbo?
    But then we'd have several Marbos running aroung the place. Or not, seeing as so few people post that much. Still, it's not very exciting for someone who's posted 13 billion times to get a ranking that they could have predicted themeselves.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/07/30 18:09:17

    Post by: hellspawn22

    I'm glad you got the reference.

    And I guess you're right. I'm not much of a Catachan, so I couldn't really give you many suggestions.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/07/30 19:01:54

    Post by: woodbok

    LOTR - Gondor - minas tirith
    1. Gondor citizen with lots of potential
    2. Gondor warrior of gondor
    3. Minas tirith warrior with Sword, shield and Heavy armour
    4. Minas tirith archer with arrows to spare
    5. Veteran Minas tirith archer with veteran skills
    6. Minas tirith knight spearing his lance through some orcs
    7. Minas tirith Hornblower with the loudest hornblower in his room
    8. Minas tirith Banner bearer with the biggest banner in his house
    9. Minas tirith captain with extra captain skills
    10. Minas tirith Avenger bolt thrower, avenging his friends
    11. Battlecry trebuchet with a BIG battlecry
    12. Minas tirith Citadel guard with lots of guarding to do
    13. Minas tirith Guard of the fountain court with a spare fountain
    14. Stalwart Protector of the king of gondor
    15. The heir of Gondor

    I'd like to do several for every LOTR army, since there is only 2 at the moment.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/02 03:14:59

    Post by: 40k Ninja

    How about something not related to 40k like hmmm....
    1. First Guitar Bought
    2. 1 Man Band
    3. The Band's On Facebook
    4. Garage Band
    5. Preforming Cover Songs
    6. First Song Written
    7.Just got a Record Deal
    8. Heard My Song On The Radio
    9. National Rock Tour Across America
    10. Screaming Fans Want Me
    11. Other Bands Covering My Music
    12. New Single Went Platinum
    13. World Tour
    14. Number One On I-Tunes
    15. International Rockstar

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/03 16:15:54

    Post by: Lord of Baal

    I like how the army track are!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/04 04:22:22

    Post by: Lord of Caliban


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/04 07:08:07

    Post by: Anung Un Rama

    ChaosLordSam wrote:Do a ranking track for Salamanders.
    You do one!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/06 05:20:13

    Post by: 40k Ninja

    1. Salamander Gene Seed Reciever
    2. Salamander Recruit Undergoing Initiation
    3. Sneaky Salamander Scout
    4. Uneasy Salamander Flamer Scout
    5. Melta-Gun Weilding Salamander
    6. Burning Salamander Attack Biker
    7. Inflamed Salamander Survivor
    8. Charging Salamander with Power Sword
    9. Battle Worn Salamander Seargent
    10. Enraged Salamander Land Speeder Pilot
    11. Veteran Salamander from Nocturne
    12. Crazy Salamander With Flamers
    13. Fire Proof Salamander Land Raider Pilot
    14. Captain of the Salamanders First Company
    15. Ancient Salamander Dreadnought
    16. Tu'Shan's Loyal Honor Guard
    17. Salamander Chapter Master
    18. Forgefahter Vulkan He'shan

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/07 08:39:14

    Post by: Sam__theRelentless

    How about that last one being a Forgefather?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/07 10:03:49

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    I want an Ork/freeboter one!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/08 01:17:24

    Post by: 40k Ninja

    Sam__theRelentless wrote:How about that last one being a Forgefather?

    Change made.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/10 11:17:54

    Post by: yakface

    woodbok wrote:LOTR - Gondor - minas tirith
    1. Gondor citizen with lots of potential
    2. Gondor warrior of gondor
    3. Minas tirith warrior with Sword, shield and Heavy armour
    4. Minas tirith archer with arrows to spare
    5. Veteran Minas tirith archer with veteran skills
    6. Minas tirith knight spearing his lance through some orcs
    7. Minas tirith Hornblower with the loudest hornblower in his room
    8. Minas tirith Banner bearer with the biggest banner in his house
    9. Minas tirith captain with extra captain skills
    10. Minas tirith Avenger bolt thrower, avenging his friends
    11. Battlecry trebuchet with a BIG battlecry
    12. Minas tirith Citadel guard with lots of guarding to do
    13. Minas tirith Guard of the fountain court with a spare fountain
    14. Stalwart Protector of the king of gondor
    15. The heir of Gondor

    I'd like to do several for every LOTR army, since there is only 2 at the moment.

    There is still too much repetition in the list. There are still two archer ranks, for example. I don't know enough about LOTOR to really suggest what should be done, but if there aren't enough ranks to do a stand-alone Minis-Tirith list, I'd strongly suggest ditching it and just going with a general Gondor rank track that would allow you to bring in more colorful ranks into the mix as well.

    Also, call me crazy, but shouldn't there be Knights of Dol Amroth in there, or are those not technically part of Minas-Tirith? And I'd generally think that being a Knight, horn blower, captain, etc, should be way above manning a trebuchet & bolt thrower. I'd think that those two ranks should probably be moved way down (but that's just my opinion).

    Finally, please remember that ranks 1-4 should be the newbie ranks and rank #5 should be the 'standard' rank for the force. Does a Veteran Archer really represent the base rank for Gondor?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/15 00:15:09

    Post by: Hugs-for-the-Hug-God

    Yay, great place to mees up on the rules... sry didnt read original post, just ignore this...

    Speaking of which you should make a ''delete'' option for occasions like this.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/17 02:54:58

    Post by: Grey Templar

    I suggest the addition of a GK ranking track, seperate from the current Daemon Hunter one(which should be kept for Ordo Malleus players)

    1. Cargo on a Black Ship
    2. Psychic Youth with promise
    3. One in a million Novitiate
    4. Neophyte undergoing surgery and the Ritual of Detestation
    5. Strike squad marine with skill
    6. Confidant strike squad marine with an Incinerator
    7. Interceptor marine with good sense of direction
    8. Accurate Purgator with a Psycannon
    9. Justicar with plenty of experience
    10. Defiant terminator with a halberd
    11. Persistant terminator with a Psycannon
    12. Skilled terminator Justicar with a Daemonhammer
    13. Aged Dreadnought with an Attitude
    14. Impassable Paladin with a Warding Stave
    15. Brotherhood Champion
    16. Brother-Captain who's seen it all
    17. Librarian with a Brainmine
    18. Dreadful Dreadknight
    19. Grand Master with a plan
    20. Purifier with a purpose
    21. Purifier who knows the name of The Prisoner
    22. Guardian of The Prisoner, T'am Draw

    +10 internets to the people who can figure out who T'am Draw refers too.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/17 03:40:42

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    The one who was sealed by Malcador the Sigillite in the mountain on Titan that the fortress is built upon.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    btw, i love the list. I was actually coming here to propose a GK titles list

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/17 03:46:14

    Post by: Grey Templar

    Arashi Hyuuga wrote:The one who was sealed by Malcador the Sigillite in the mountain on Titan that the fortress is built upon.

    Well, yeah.

    but what's his name???

    I know, but do you know what I know you don't know?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/17 03:53:22

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    lol. you never asked that specifically which is why i gave you the smartass anser XD But no I dont. PM it to me? Because now I want to know really badly and I cant figure it out. Stupid internet

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/17 05:12:01

    Post by: yakface

    Well, I went ahead and added a Grey Knight rank track.

    I actually didn't end up using a ton of your list because it didn't really fit quite so well with the rest of the Space Marine rank tracks (in terms of comparable ranks at roughly the same levels)...yours also had a few repetitious ranks (like 3 Terminator ranks just with different armaments, for example).

    But some of your ranks did make it in there and certainly without your inspiration I never would have done it on my own, so thanks so much for the submission!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/17 15:19:21

    Post by: Medium of Death

    Not sure if this is too close to the L&D, but hey ho.


    Oppressed Hiver hearing strange whispers
    Unruly Citizen
    Known to the Arbites
    Rioting Renegade
    Vile Visionary
    Renouncer of the Imperial Creed
    Chaotic Cultist
    Enemy of the Ecclisarchy
    Horrific Heretic
    Reading forbidden tomes
    Sorcerer with Promise
    Master of the Aether
    Devine Daemongogue
    Monitored by the Inquisition
    Prophet for the Dark Pantheon
    Arch Heretic with Daemonic Aspirations
    Target of the Ordo Malleus

    Was unsure how to end, perhaps with Daemon Prince or...?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/18 01:46:06

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    YES!!!!! GK Track here I come!!!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 08:39:22

    Post by: Saintspirit

    I feel there's a need for a new Dark Eldar rank track, as the newer book has existed for a while. In fact there could even be three (kabal, wych cult, haemonculi coven), but I only feel for doing the first. Here goes:

    Dark Eldar: Kabalite
    1 - Sad Chained Slave
    2 - City-bound Peer
    3 - Kabalite Conscript
    4 - Ruthless Warrior willing to kill
    5 - Sybarite with Painful Equipment
    6 - Raider Rider
    7 - Kabalite Blasterborn
    8 - Man-eating Mandrake
    9 - Scourge delivering Loveletter
    10 - Imaginative Lhamaean
    11 - Sslythey Sslyth
    12 - Naive Incubi Aspirant
    13 - Particularly Cruel Incubus
    14 - Megalomaniacal Archon
    15 - Masta uv Blades
    16 - Lord of Twilight
    17 - Supreme Overlord of Commoragh
    18 - The Power From Pain

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 17:18:33

    Post by: Lord of Caliban


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 17:22:04

    Post by: Coolyo294

    Then why don't you make one?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 17:51:55

    Post by: Lord of Caliban


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 17:54:20

    Post by: Coolyo294

    You write it and post it in this thread?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 17:54:55

    Post by: Lord of Caliban


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 21:16:11

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    Yeah. It has to be between 15-20 ranks. The Kabalite rank path was great because it fit that profile. Also it didnt repeat names. Try not to repeat names such as "Space Marine Sargeant with a powerfist" and "Space Marine Seargeant with Thunder Hammer" Make them inventive

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 21:48:04

    Post by: TrollPie

    A Custodes track wouldn't really be possible in my opinion. Their isn't any variation in Custodes ranks as far as I'm aware.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/25 22:16:32

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    I have no idea ^^; so I couldnt offer my opinion on that

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/26 08:01:10

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    40k - Deathwatch

    1. Servoskull with Seal of the Inquisition
    2. Space Marine neophyte thinking about the Inquisition
    3. Space Marine scout painting his armor black
    4. Tactical Marine happily killing Xenos
    5. Space Marine with Xenohate
    6. Invited to the Deathwatch
    7. Sneaky Deathwatch scout sneaking
    8. Deathwatch assault marine cleaning his chainsword
    9. Boarding an Ork kroozer.
    10. Deathwatch marine seeing Eldar
    11. Deathwatch Sergeant with anger problems
    12. Thinking Deathwatch Librarian
    13. Deathwatch Chaplain praying away his fear
    14. Deathwatch Veteran Sergeant talking about Xenokilling tactics
    15. Deathwatch Captain beheading da Big Warboss
    16. True Hero of the Deathwatch
    17. Killed by Xenos
    18. Rampaging Deatwatch Dreadnought hating Xenos

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/26 09:32:32

    Post by: Saintspirit

    Haemonculi Coven ranks:

    1 - Unneeded Rabble
    2 - Disassembled Parts inside Talos
    3 - Material for Experiments
    4 - Dark Eldar in Regeneration Tube
    5 - Bored Commorite Citizen
    6 - Latest Wrack in the Pits
    7 - Ambitious Acothyst
    8 - Nauseating Grotesque
    9 - Grotesque Abberation
    10 - Cronos Hungry for Souls
    11 - Spectacular Talos
    12 - Unnamed Abominable Pain Engine
    13 - Living Sculpture
    14 - Flesh Apprentice
    15 - Haemonculus with Memories of the Fall
    16 - Prophet of Flesh
    17 - Master Haemonculus Laughing Madly
    18 - The Key to Reincarnation

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/26 09:51:58

    Post by: thenoobbomb


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/26 12:16:31

    Post by: Saintspirit

    Dark Eldar: Wych Cult

    Clawed Fiend ( yes, it is that bad!)
    Arena Slave
    Lowly Male Wych
    Wych High on Hypex
    Re-rolling Lacerai
    Attack-reducing Yraqnae
    Hydrae with HOW many attacks?
    Rebellious Hellion
    Reaver Playing Dirty
    Speed-mad Arena Champion
    Reactionary Beastmaster
    Voidraven Gunner Longing for Crack-booms
    Crazed Razorwing Pilot
    Syren with Desires
    Clique Member
    Impossibly Beautiful Succubus
    Undisputed Champion of Gladiatorial Combat
    The Wych Arena's Income

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/26 14:05:47

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Excuse me, but is a Voidraven wych cult?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/26 14:14:58

    Post by: Saintspirit

    It is so that those who pilots the Voidravens/Razorwing are reavers, usually the most experienced.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/28 08:49:24

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    I always thought that reavers were kabalite and those skyboard thingthings were wych cults
    I could be wrong (I am would be a better word then I possibly am..)

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/28 09:43:30

    Post by: woodbok

    thenoobbomb wrote:I always thought that reavers were kabalite and those skyboard thingthings were wych cults
    I could be wrong (I am would be a better word then I possibly am..)

    Both reavers and hellions are wych cults.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/30 17:43:37

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Ive learned something today! Gasp!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/08/30 21:13:02

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    Im lovign the DE tracks

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/09/01 22:32:08

    Post by: dreadknightl

    Sharp Eye
    Dead Aim
    Night Hunter
    Shadow Stalker
    Stealthy Sniper
    Top Priced Assassin
    Silent Snake
    Vindicare temple recruit
    Vindicare temple acolyte
    Vindicare temple trainee
    Vindicare temple sniper
    Vindicare temple assassin
    Vindicare Assassin
    Marksmen Vindicare Assassin
    Assassinating Abbadon
    Assassinating Fateweaver
    Solo Vindicare Assassin

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/09/01 23:16:08

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    Too much repition. i think the problem with the assassin cults for the Inquisition is that we dont know enough about them to efficiently put rank tracks on them. Because you need to not have that much repition in a list and more creativity.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/09/02 09:57:13

    Post by: dreadknightl

    Darn. Screw mine then

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/09/02 11:37:17

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    It was a nice attempt but I think on about page 4 a guy tried to do all three and that was the same problem.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/09/06 11:42:43

    Post by: Saintspirit

    How often are the rank tracks updated?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/09/06 11:54:09

    Post by: Arashi Hyuuga

    not often. you haqve to gey the admins (i think his name is Yakface) attention and have him look at the topic so he can see the eldar lists

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    *DE lists

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 00:38:39

    Post by: Ogryn

    How many ranks are there supposed to be in a ranking track?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 01:18:26

    Post by: bombboy1252

    its a secret

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 01:30:31

    Post by: Ogryn

    Darn it!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 01:38:15

    Post by: bombboy1252

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 01:52:59

    Post by: Ogryn

    How does a Death Korps of Krieg ranking track sound? Here:

    Dying Guardsman
    Retreating Guardsman
    Shell carrying slave
    Advancing trooper
    Cautious Squad member
    Artillery crewman
    Operating a Heavy Mortar
    Resourceful Engineer
    Death Rider on scared steed
    Loyal Leman Russ tank commander
    Senior officier
    Proud Standard bearer
    Elite Vox operator
    Vicious Colonel with an attitude
    Commissar with power fist
    Grand Quartermaster

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 02:54:35

    Post by: Coolyo294

    That doesn't really seem very "Death Korpy" to me.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 03:16:47

    Post by: Ogryn

    Well, what could I do to change it?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/03 08:20:23

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Use death korps in it..

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/06 02:00:46

    Post by: Sam__theRelentless

    thenoobbomb wrote:Use death korps in it..

    Might help

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/06 18:09:15

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Say, use 'retreating Death Korpsman'
    altough that sound weird for DKOK

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/10/23 12:11:02

    Post by: MrMerlin

    how about ork-mech?

    1, red engine oil? no, unfortunate grot
    2, grot climbing around in the engine workings
    3, triggerhappy grot chained to a shoota turret
    4, grot rigger on a trukk
    5, Killa Kan pilot
    6, yoof driving a buggy
    7, Proud owner of a trukk
    8, Ork driving a Rhino (hurr hurr)
    9, Deff Dred Pilot
    10, Brutish Battlewagon crewman
    11, maniac Mek owning a Battlegagon
    12, Megadred Pilot
    13, Bad tempered Battlefortress driver
    14, Stompa gun-boss
    15, Order-bellowing Bossmek on a Stompa
    16, Warmek on a Gargant
    17, Kaptin of a mighty Space Hulk

    edited some more words to it

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/11/11 09:13:05

    Post by: Goddard

    Battle Bronies.

    Do it.

    You know you want to.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/11/11 13:23:10

    Post by: Saintspirit

    Goddard wrote:Battle Bronies.

    Do it.

    You know you want to.

    Challenge accepted.

    1 - Novice Foal
    2 - Scout Colt
    3 - Cutie Mark Crusader
    4 - Cutie Marked Brony
    5 - Space Mare-ine
    6 - Friendly Sergeant
    7 - Assault Pegasus
    8 - Scooter Mare-ine
    9 - Terminator with Power Hoof
    10 - Sweet Terminator Sergeant
    11 - Forgiven Legionnaire
    12 - Captain full of Kindness
    13 - Chaplain who understands
    14 - Unicorn Librarian
    15 - Master of the Decorations
    16 - Master of the Music
    17 - Master of the Weather
    18 - Master of the Harvest
    19 - Master of the Parties
    20 - Loving Chapter Master

    21 - Alicorn Primaerch
    22 - The Empress of Ponykind

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/11/11 14:02:31

    Post by: Coolyo294

    Saintspirit wrote:
    Goddard wrote:Battle Bronies.

    Do it.

    You know you want to.

    Challenge accepted.

    1 - Novice Foal
    2 - Scout Colt
    3 - Cutie Mark Crusader
    4 - Cutie Marked Brony
    5 - Space Mare-ine
    6 - Friendly Sergeant
    7 - Assault Pegasus
    8 - Scooter Mare-ine
    9 - Terminator with Power Hoof
    10 - Sweet Terminator Sergeant
    11 - Forgiven Legionnaire
    12 - Captain full of Kindness
    13 - Chaplain who understands
    14 - Unicorn Librarian
    15 - Master of the Decorations
    16 - Master of the Music
    17 - Master of the Weather
    18 - Master of the Harvest
    19 - Master of the Parties
    20 - Loving Chapter Master

    21 - Alicorn Primaerch
    22 - The Empress of Ponykind

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/11/12 15:49:17

    Post by: Goddard

    Coolyo294 wrote:
    Saintspirit wrote:
    Goddard wrote:Battle Bronies.

    Do it.

    You know you want to.

    Challenge accepted.

    1 - Novice Foal
    2 - Scout Colt
    3 - Cutie Mark Crusader
    4 - Cutie Marked Brony
    5 - Space Mare-ine
    6 - Friendly Sergeant
    7 - Assault Pegasus
    8 - Scooter Mare-ine
    9 - Terminator with Power Hoof
    10 - Sweet Terminator Sergeant
    11 - Forgiven Legionnaire
    12 - Captain full of Kindness
    13 - Chaplain who understands
    14 - Unicorn Librarian
    15 - Master of the Decorations
    16 - Master of the Music
    17 - Master of the Weather
    18 - Master of the Harvest
    19 - Master of the Parties
    20 - Loving Chapter Master

    21 - Alicorn Primaerch
    22 - The Empress of Ponykind

    Brilliant indeed!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/11/13 14:56:56

    Post by: MrMerlin

    TrollPie wrote:We need a Catachan one. For example,

    1. Catachan toddler stuck in a Mantrap
    2. Catachan teen hunting a Grox
    3. Catachan adult with some muscles
    4. Stealthy Catachan Jungle Fighter
    5. Catachan Guardsman with flamer
    6. Jungle Fighter with huge abs
    7. Jungle Fighter Sergeant with clichéd nickname
    8. Topless Catachan veteran
    9. Catachan Lieutenant with a lot of history
    10. Catachan Veteran Sergeant with menacing-looking scar
    11. Lictor-stalking master Jungle Fighter
    12. Gung-ho Catachan Devil
    13. Sergeant Harker's right-hand man
    14. Catachan Colonel of epic manliness
    15. Legendary Catachan with bionic thighs
    16. Titan-hunting Rambo rip off

    17. Possible 222nd reference? Or something about their old codex? Someone help me out here.

    I know it needs some tweeking but hey, I'm learning, alright?

    The last one needs to be "chuck norris reborn"

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/12/01 01:24:30

    Post by: Ogryn

    Hi, Yakface. Now, with the new Throne of Chaos book, I think we really need a Chaos Dwarf army track. How about:

    Small Hobgoblin
    Infernal Guard-in-training
    Cruel Infernal Guard with shield
    Sword-swinging Overseer
    Fireglave-firing Infernal
    Arrogant Standard Bearer
    Deathshrieker Crewman
    Vicious Slave Ogre
    Demonic Icon bearer of Hashut
    Musician with Drums of War
    Incredibly-angry Castellan
    Wall-cracking Chaos Siege Giant
    Scarred Chaos Sorcerer
    Chaos Dwarf lord riding a Bale Taurus
    Roaring Grand Chieftan
    Favoured of Hashut

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/12/02 00:34:37

    Post by: Ogryn


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/12/15 20:05:16

    Post by: Castiel

    Lord of the Rings: Gondor

    1) Child play-fighting with a stick
    2) Eager Youth in training
    3) Ranger of Gondor hiding in the undergowth
    4) Warrior of Gondor on the walls
    5) Trebuchet Crewmember
    6) Knight of Minas Tirith preparing to charge
    7) Ithilien Ranger lying in ambush
    8) Osgiliath Veteran holding the Orcs at bay
    9) Citadel Guard protecting the Steward
    10) Banner Bearer
    11) Captain of Gondor inspiring the men
    12) Guard of the Fountain Court
    13) Steward of Gondor
    14) Heir to the Throne
    15) King of Gondor

    Here's my suggestion for a Gondor rank track. Hope it's some use!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/12/27 19:22:46

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Should have more action in it, like 'ranger of gondor polishing his sword', or anything like that.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2011/12/27 23:42:09

    Post by: Castiel

    Right, I'll add some stuff in.

    EDIT: Better now?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/01/04 18:49:38

    Post by: thenoobbomb

    Yes. Very better.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/01/05 12:53:57

    Post by: MrMerlin

    How about Traitor Guard?

    Bloody smear on the sacraficing altar
    blind and deaf sevant with a club
    follower with evil intentions
    follower with evil intentions and a gun
    wicked member of a traitor regiment
    traitor guardsman with a big bolter
    traitor piloting a cursed sentinel
    murderous traitor guardsman veteran
    hideous mutant leading his taitor guardsman into battle

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/01/15 20:35:17

    Post by: Mr. Oddity

    Hello everyone! Thought I would give ideas for an updated Necron rank path
    1.I'll be back...
    2.Pile of spare parts
    3.On a Tomb Spyder's waiting list
    4.Swarmless Scarab
    5.Necron Warrior on the warpath
    6.Irked Immortal with a Gauss Blaster
    7.Terrifying Tesla Carbine Immortal
    8.Discriminating Deathmark (not really)
    9.Overly Destructive Necron Destroyer
    10.Canoptek Wraith waiting with confidence
    11.Flayed One with a cloak of flesh
    12.Grisly Ghost Ark conductor
    13.Pyro pilot of a Triarch Stalker
    14.Massive Monolith advancing without pause
    15.Necron Lychguard with a lack of levity
    16.Cryptic Royal Court Cryptek
    17.Levelheaded Necron Lord
    18.Overruling Necron Overlord
    19.Stormlord's Second in command

    20.Szarekh the Silent King

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/01/27 22:09:41

    Post by: Proiteus

    I would love to see a Pre-heresy thousand sons rank system, tzeentch seems to be mostly deamons? Or if that's too much trouble perhaps at least a wizard or sorcerer rank system?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/03/22 23:03:31

    Post by: kirsanth

    Need to redo the Tomb Kings track, I almost changed but do not want to be a Bone Giant, especially now that there isn't one.

    I will try to come up with a list.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/03/22 23:48:09

    Post by: Aerethan

    kirsanth wrote:Need to redo the Tomb Kings track, I almost changed but do not want to be a Bone Giant, especially now that there isn't one.

    I will try to come up with a list.

    you mean there isn't one of these? http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat570035a&prodId=prod1190071a

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/04/04 15:16:43

    Post by: Casey's Law

    On behalf of Dakka's Infinity community i would ask that you add the following rank tracks please.
    Nomad Rank Track
    1. Leashed Pupnik
    2. Ultraviolent Morlock
    3. Alguacile Paramedic
    4. Airborne Infiltrating Tomcat
    5. Policing Securitate
    6. Hacking Interventor
    7. Camouflaged Zero
    8. Infiltrating Prowler
    9. Zealous Sin-Eater
    10. Thermo-Optical Spekter
    11. Hacking Reverend Custodier
    12. Sniping Reverend Moira
    13. Courageous Mobile Brigada
    14. Commanding Intruder
    15. Intimidating Szalamandra

    Aleph Rank Track
    1. Inanimate Netrod
    2. Synchronized Devabot
    3. Mimetic Dakini
    4. Combat Jumping Garuda
    5. Deva Functionary
    6. Helpful Sophotect
    7. Martial Arts Myrmidon
    8. Infiltrating Naga
    9. Thermo-Optical Dasyu
    10. Myrmidon Officer
    11. Hacking Proxy Mk.1
    12. Sniping Proxy Mk.2
    13. Activated Proxy Mk.3
    14. Multispectral Asura
    15. Commanding Marut

    Yu Jing Rank Track
    1. Brainwashed Kuang Shi
    2. Under-Resourced Tokusetsu
    3. Zhanshi Paramedic
    4. Zealous Shaolin
    5. Sniping Gŭiláng
    6. Combat Jumping Tiger Soldier
    7. Martial Arts Ninja
    8. Hacking Shang Jí
    9. Infiltrating Oniwaban
    10. Transmutating Sù-Jiàn
    11. Camouflage Dàofěi
    12. Multispectral Hsien
    13. Thermo-Optical Hac Tao
    14. Courageous O-Yoroi
    15. Commanding Gūijiă

    PanOceania Rank Track
    1. Synchronized Auxbot
    2. Machinist Engineer
    3. Fusilier Paramedic
    4. Combat Jumping Akalis
    5. Aquatic Kamua
    6. Mimetic Bagh-Mari
    7. Hacking Specialist Sergeant
    8. Sniping Hexas
    9. Multispectral Nisse
    10. Zealous Knight
    11. Infiltrating Croc Man
    12. Veteran ORC
    13. Anti-Armour Swiss Guard
    14. Thermo-Optical Cutter
    15. Commanding Jotum

    Haqqislam Rank Track
    1. Hopeful Muttawiah
    2. Camouflaged Daylami
    3. Ghulam Doctor
    4. Parachuting Bashi Bazouk
    5. Mechanized Halqa
    6. Dogged Kum
    7. Mimetic Lasiq
    8. Leaping Khawarij
    9. Infiltrating Hawwa'
    10. Combat Jumping Ragik
    11. Thermo-Optical Tuareg
    12. Martial Arts Fiday
    13. Commanding Janissary
    14. Regenerating Asawira
    15. Intimidating Maghariba

    Combined Army Rank Track
    1. Inanimate Ímetron
    2. Unhatched Seed-Embryo
    3. Morat Paramedic
    4. Martial Arts Dāturazi
    5. Hacking Noctifer
    6. Sniping Haiduk
    7. Anti-Armour Yaogat
    8. Combat Jumping Rasyat
    9. Infiltrating Malignos
    10. Disguised Speculo
    11. Mimetic Skiávoros
    12. Courageous Sogarat
    13. Multispectral Charontid
    14. Thermo-Optical Anathematic
    15. Commanding Avatar

    Ariadna Rank Track
    1. Leashed Antipode
    2. Berserk Highlander
    3. Line Kazak Paramedic
    4. Parachuting Para-Commando
    5. Mechanized Zouave
    6. Leaping Dog Warrior
    7. Camouflaged Ariadna Scout
    8. Martial Arts SAS
    9. Infiltrating Moblot
    10. Sniping Cateran
    11. Multispectral Minuteman
    12. Dogged Highlander Grey
    13. Anti-Armour TankHunter
    14. Mimetic Veteran Kazak
    15. Commanding Mormaer

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/06/07 04:10:45

    Post by: yakface

    The Infinity rank tracks have been added and the Necron rank track has been updated to include units from the most current codex.

    Thanks everyone for your continued suggestions!

    Automatically Appended Next Post:

    I also split the Dark Eldar rank track into 3 distinct ones, as suggested (Kabalite, Wych Cult & Haemonculi Coven).

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/06/10 11:54:58

    Post by: Maelstrom808

    Ugh, I went from a freaking pylon to a taxicab driver

    Maybe at least change the spelling on grizzly to grisly. As horrifying as the thought of a robot with a beard and lumberjack shirt is, I'd prefer to see the horror of the crons represented along more classical lines

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/06/15 03:19:46

    Post by: yakface

    Maelstrom808 wrote:Ugh, I went from a freaking pylon to a taxicab driver

    Maybe at least change the spelling on grizzly to grisly. As horrifying as the thought of a robot with a beard and lumberjack shirt is, I'd prefer to see the horror of the crons represented along more classical lines

    Sorry about that! Spell check is of no defense against homonyms & and a dash of stupidity.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/06/15 08:50:47

    Post by: 4oursword

    Proiteus wrote:I would love to see a Pre-heresy thousand sons rank system, tzeentch seems to be mostly deamons? Or if that's too much trouble perhaps at least a wizard or sorcerer rank system?

    1: Novice Neophyte
    2: Proud Philosophicus
    3: Bolter-Wielding Marine
    4: Raptora-In-Training
    5: Kine-Shielded Raptora
    6: Stoic Sergeant
    7: Anathenan-In-Training
    8: Thoughtful Anathenan
    9: Awesome Assault Marine
    10: _Pavoni-In-Training
    11:Lightning-Covered Pavoni
    12: Dedicated Devastator Marine
    14: Flame-Wreathed Pyrae
    15: Valiant Veteran
    16: Stalwart Sekhmet
    17: Corvidae-In-Training
    18: Perceptive Corvidae
    19: Guardian Of The Great Library
    20: Unbound Subtle Body

    What do you guys think?

    Edit to add underscores to change yrae so the Orkmoticon doesn't show up.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/06/16 16:04:31

    Post by: Maelstrom808

    yakface wrote:
    Maelstrom808 wrote:Ugh, I went from a freaking pylon to a taxicab driver

    Maybe at least change the spelling on grizzly to grisly. As horrifying as the thought of a robot with a beard and lumberjack shirt is, I'd prefer to see the horror of the crons represented along more classical lines

    Sorry about that! Spell check is of no defense against homonyms & and a dash of stupidity.

    It's all good and appreciate the change

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/07/06 15:51:29

    Post by: zedmeister


    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/08/28 06:46:54

    Post by: Ouze

    What do you think about changing "freaky flayed one" to something grimdarker, like: ferocious, frenzied, fearsome, forlorn.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2012/12/15 21:09:49


    New infinity army release recently called tohaa and decided to have a go at doing a rank track for them, bearing in mind I only had a few units and minimal fluff to work with...

    Curious Civilian
    Aspiring Scientist
    Trooper in Training
    Advancing Kamael
    Tohaan Delegate
    Stalwart Infiltrator
    Striking Sakiel
    Gao-Real with Combi-Rifle
    Heavy Hatail
    Trident Commander
    Electrifying Ectros

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/01/02 09:55:07

    Post by: AduroT

    Whoever put in Bane Lord Tartar Sauce for the Cryx rank track earns my undieing love and affection.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/02/14 17:16:47

    Post by: nonowho


    1) Gullible guardian
    2) Despicable Dire Avenger
    3) Repulsive Ranger
    4) Hijacked jetbike
    5) Banished Banshee
    6) Eccentric Exarch
    7) War-torn Warlock
    8) Far-out farseer
    9) Devious Death Jester
    10) Well-oiled War Walker
    12) Fiery Phoenix Lord
    13) Warlike Wraithlord
    14) Angry Avatar
    15) Everlasting Eldrad

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/03/13 05:24:47

    Post by: Eldercaveman

    In response to this thread


    There are a few of us now think we deserve a ranking track as the MOD fanboys, I'll work on the tracking names, if you could make this happen?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/04/15 09:07:01

    Post by: Earth Pope

    I would love to see a Carcharodons track, also it should be changed so that if we pass a rank that we like, we should be able to go back to it.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/04/19 00:32:32

    Post by: Theophony

    How about a necromunda themed rank system

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/04/22 17:54:49

    Post by: warboss

    On account of the upcoming Robotech minis game, I figured a Robotech Macross themed ranking system might be in order. I've listed the first 16 here with the last two PM'ed to Yak.

    Scared Civilian
    Flying Circus Pro
    Macross City Mayor
    Micronized Spy
    Raw UEDF Recruit
    Destroid Rookie
    VF-1A Red Shirt
    Proven Destroid Pilot
    VF-1J Flight Commander
    Pin-Point Barrier Jockey
    Grizzled Destroid Veteran
    VF-1S Squadron Leader
    Skull Leader
    Sexy SDF Bridge Officer
    Super Dimensional Captain
    Respected UEDF Admiral
    ****PM'ed to Yak****
    ****PM'ed to Yak****

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/04/24 20:07:09

    Post by: The Shadow

    Rohan for LotR:

    1) Cleaning Out Horse Dung
    2) Lowly Stable Boy
    3) Caring Rohan Citizen
    4) Helpful Horse Groomer
    5) Righteous Rohan Soldier
    6) Helm's Deep Defender
    7) Rampant Rohirrim
    8) Stalwart Shieldman of Rohan
    9) Elite Royal Guard of Rohan
    10) Doorkeeper of Meduseld
    11) Mighty Mearas Rider
    12) Daring Descendant of Eorl
    13) Regal Rohan Banner Bearer
    14) Corageous Rohan Captain
    15) Marshall of the Riddermark
    16) Kingly Rohan-King

    I have thought of two special ones. If you're interested, shoot me a PM

    Also, think the following should be added to the HE ranking track:

    Swift Sea Helm on a Skycutter
    Anointed of Asuryan on a Pheonix

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/05/10 05:18:53

    Post by: warboss

    Just checking to see if Yak or Lego have had a chance to take a look and see if the Robotech Track has any potential.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/05/11 08:07:58

    Post by: yakface

     warboss wrote:
    Just checking to see if Yak or Lego have had a chance to take a look and see if the Robotech Track has any potential.

    I have seen it and it is something that looks good enough to add. It just takes me a while to add a new rank track, so I always put it off until I have some time to sit down and do it, and that typically just keeps getting pushed back and back and back.

    Can you just double check every individual rank and make sure that seen on their own (without the rest of the rank track) you can petty much tell what rank track a person is on just by seeing that one individual rank? Stuff like 'Pin-Point Barrier Jockey'...is that a unique Robotech name of a robot or something?

    If you can just make sure every individual rank on its own makes it clear what rank track it is on, then it should be good.

    I guess another question...are Destroids the bad guys? Or some kind of craft? Is this like a mixed track where you have both the Zentradi and Macross ranks mixed in together?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/05/11 13:54:43

    Post by: warboss

     yakface wrote:

    I have seen it and it is something that looks good enough to add. It just takes me a while to add a new rank track, so I always put it off until I have some time to sit down and do it, and that typically just keeps getting pushed back and back and back.

    Thanks for the reply. I just figured I'd check in and see if you had a chance to look through it as I figured it would take time to code from your earlier posts in the thread.

     yakface wrote:

    Can you just double check every individual rank and make sure that seen on their own (without the rest of the rank track) you can petty much tell what rank track a person is on just by seeing that one individual rank? Stuff like 'Pin-Point Barrier Jockey'...is that a unique Robotech name of a robot or something?

    If you can just make sure every individual rank on its own makes it clear what rank track it is on, then it should be good.

    I guess another question...are Destroids the bad guys? Or some kind of craft? Is this like a mixed track where you have both the Zentradi and Macross ranks mixed in together?

    They're all robotech unique for the main "good guy" human faction in the most popular era. I had initially thought of adding in zentraedi alien ranks but it felt odd seeing most of them in there (like having an eldar rank pop up in a mainly IG and space marine themed track). If this one track became popular after the end of the kickstarter, I figured I'd make a combined alien track (with all 3 alien ranks in one track) for Robotech as well. I can make them a bit clearer if you don't think they'll be too many characters (I was worried about hitting some sort of max # of characters limit possibly). The pin point barrier (I threw in "jockey" for humor instead of crewman) is a trackball controlled pong-like shield system on the main ship in robotech so should be recognizable to fans and Destroid is the general term for the human non-transformable mech. I never realized it since I've been familiar with the term for decades but destroid does indeed sound quite evil.

    A pinpoint barrier system technician at work during an attack

    I'll ask Manchu to take a peek and see if he can make sense of them as he's a fan as well to make sure it's not too insular (Alpharius is in the kickstarter as well but isn't familiar with the background). In the meantime, I'll add in some more descriptive terms to make them more recognizable.

    Scared Macross Civilian
    Macross Small Business Owner
    Micronized Zentraedi Spy
    Macross City Mayor
    Raw SDF-1 Recruit
    Expendable Destroid Rookie
    VF-1A Valkyrie Red Shirt
    Proven Destroid Pilot
    VF-1J Valkyrie Flight Commander
    Pin-Point Barrier System Jockey
    Grizzled Destroid Veteran
    VF-1S Valkyrie Squadron Leader
    Super Valkyrie Flying Ace
    Skull Leader
    Sexy SDF Bridge Officer
    Super Dimensional Captain
    ****PM'ed to Yak****
    ****PM'ed to Yak****

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/05/12 10:43:52

    Post by: yakface

    Ah yes, I remember the trackball operators fondly now that I think about it!

    The edits look good to me. Consider it on the queue, although I'm not entirely sure when I will get to it. Feel free to pester, though.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/05/12 13:46:24

    Post by: warboss

    Cool and thanks!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/05/14 19:48:27

    Post by: Manchu

     warboss wrote:
    I'll ask Manchu to take a peek
    Och, sorry I'm so late on this, clean slipped my mind.

    So first off I like the idea of having a Robotech rank track. But I'd suggest going with your original thought and keeping all allusions to both of the Macross Saga factions. Also, because this is nothing close to a Robotech fan site, I'd suggest making each rank obviously related to Robotech. The trackball jockey is humorous for a fan but User 529367401 won't get the reference when he sees it under another user's name or under his own. Finally, I think you shouldn't mix your metaphors (regarding the "red shirt" one). Let me know if you'd like help revamping the current list.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/05/14 22:08:01

    Post by: warboss

    No worries and thanks for the help. After chatting with Manchu via PM I've come up with the following final list for the first Robotech track. If the game gets really popular and lots of people use the track, I'll make some more as needed (starting with the Zentraedi and likely combined human/alien tracks for Southern Cross and New Generation).

    Scared Minmei Fan Club Member
    Intrepid Macross Business Owner
    Cocky Macross City Mayor
    Shocked Micronized Zentraedi Spy
    Raw SDF-1 Recruit
    Expendable Defender Destroid Rookie
    Inexperienced VF-1A Valkyrie Brownie
    Innocent SDF-1 Bridge Bunny
    Proven Tomahawk Destroid Pilot
    Capable VF-1J Valkyrie Junior Officer
    Skilled SDF-1 Pin-Point Barrier Jockey
    Grizzled MkII Monster Veteran
    Confident VF-1S Valkyrie Squadron Commander
    Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer
    Dashing Super Valkyrie Flying Ace
    Stoic Super Dimensional Captain
    *secret* no change from the PM
    *secret* no change from the PM

    If you've already started programming the previous list, Yakface, no worries as I'm ultimately fine with both. Thanks for all the help and I look forward to the new track!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/06/02 18:08:27

    Post by: Tappers

    GW models sets:

    Plasticglue-soaked spare part
    Chopped up guardsman head
    Semi-complete space marine
    Blutacked together necron warrior
    Constipated AOBR ork
    Daunted plastic Cadian
    Zealous 2nd Ed. Terminator
    Furious Tactical squad
    Swift Dire Avengers squad
    Dynamically posed terminator unit
    Glued Eldar windrider
    Basecoated Deamon Prince
    Highlighted Riptide
    Weathered Wraithknight
    'Eavy Metal Thunderhawk

    Local paint comp. winning Hierophant
    Golden Demon winning Reaver Titan

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/06/04 11:37:01

    Post by: CthuluIsSpy

    Excommunicate Traitoris - A special ranks for those have been hit with the banhammer.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/06/05 14:40:24

    Post by: master of ordinance

    Im working on 3 Battletech/Mechwarrior based ones-a general one, a clan one and an innersphere one. With the possibility of a 4th one based off my own characters feats (cos i can )

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/06/05 22:13:28

    Post by: yakface

     Tappers wrote:
    GW models sets:

    Plasticglue-soaked spare part
    Chopped up guardsman head
    Semi-complete space marine
    Blutacked together necron warrior
    Constipated AOBR ork
    Daunted plastic Cadian
    Zealous 2nd Ed. Terminator
    Furious Tactical squad
    Swift Dire Avengers squad
    Dynamically posed terminator unit
    Glued Eldar windrider
    Basecoated Deamon Prince
    Highlighted Riptide
    Weathered Wraithknight
    'Eavy Metal Thunderhawk

    Local paint comp. winning Hierophant
    Golden Demon winning Reaver Titan

    The problem with something like this is its almost impossible for someone to have any idea what rank is higher than the other (or to know what rank track you're on based on looking at only a single rank).

    While we do currently have some other rank tracks that suffer from this problem (grognard, etc), its probably best not too add more. So any new rank tracks added do need to have a very clear progression in the 'outside world' (known outside of the rank track) that people can have some expectation what ranks are higher than others and what the rank track is based on looking at each individual rank.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/06/20 15:25:31

    Post by: warboss

    Just checking in to see if there is news on the revised Robotech track (now with 100% more Manchu!) posted above.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/06/21 00:28:14

    Post by: yakface

    Okay, the Robotech Macross rank track has now been added!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/06/21 01:10:17

    Post by: warboss

    Sweet, thanks!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/07/11 09:12:10

    Post by: dementedwombat

    Hello, I noticed that nobody has made one of these rank track thingamajigs for the Warmachine Convergence of Cyriss yet.

    First time suggesting one, I hope I followed the right protocols. I tried to make "bands" of 3 or so ranks that were all about the same unit type (infantry, light warjacks, heavy warjacks) so that you can generally tell how experienced a poster is even if you don't know exactly how he stands in each band.

    1 Malfunctioning permutation servitor
    2 Reflex servitor, boom!
    3 Clockwork vessel awaiting a body
    4 Devotee of Cyriss
    5 Obstructer in shield wall
    6 Reciprocating reciprocator
    7 Optifex with a tuning fork
    8 Diving clockwork angel
    9 Diligent Galvanizer repair crew
    10 Diffuser building synergy
    11 Corollary with a hot induction node
    12 Monitor on rapid fire
    13 Charging Inverter at 3 focus
    14 Mysterious enigma foundry
    15 Prime Axiom with weapon platform

    16 Aspiring architect of divinity
    17 Harbinger of the fifth harmonic

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/08/14 18:55:13

    Post by: Da krimson barun

    Not a suggestion but the first/second rank in angmar is:Cardashian(or something similar) thrall.I'm a lotr fan and have no clue what that is.Is it a mistake?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/08/15 04:01:34

    Post by: dementedwombat

    Wow, I just remembered that I posted a CoC track in here. anybody else have anything to say about that? Just a random suggestion, the convergence really seem to like prime numbers, so making at least some of the ranks trigger on primes might be a cool idea.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/08/26 20:37:01

    Post by: Warpig1815

    I'd like to suggest this as a Salamanders rank track:

    1.Ignorant Ignean, frightened of Khessargaroth
    2.Desert Running Dune Dweller, fleeing from the Dusk Wraiths
    3.Towering Themis Warrior Kin
    4.Sun Seared Salamander Scout
    5.Brander Burnt Devastator
    6.Incandesantly Aflame Assault Marine
    7.Aspiring Artificer, making magma with a melta
    8.Obsidian Skinned Space Marine
    9.Scorched Salamander Sergeant
    10.Blazing Badab War Veteran
    11.Fierce Firedrake, whipping up an inferno
    12.Thunder Hammer thrashing Veteran Sergeant.
    13.Honoured Guest of the Pantheon
    14.Combusting Salamanders Captain, causing a conflagration
    15.Lord of the Burning Skies
    16.Fiery Forgefather, Hunting the Nine
    17.Reigning Regent of Prometheus
    18.Sole Scorian Survivor - Chilling in the Vault
    19.Pitch Black Pyromaniac Primarch - (Need a Light?)

    I'm pretty pleased with most of them (At least as a Salamanders fan ), especially No. 19 but I'll point out:

    7. May be a bit vague, or at least people may not recognise it as a Salamander rank.
    12. Again, a touch vague
    18. Only those who have read the Salamanders trilogy will pick up on it, but I suppose the surprise ranks are intended to be like that.

    In any case, I guess if you've selected this as a rank track, then you're gonna have a pretty decent idea of what's going on

    Anyway, any queries or if you'd like anything/the whole thing re-written then just PM me and I'll set to.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/08/29 10:56:03

    Post by: Warpig1815

    I'm not sure if anybody looks at this thread - but there are two proposed rank tracks waiting for evaluation...

    - Cheers, Warpig1815

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/08/29 21:20:55

    Post by: General Annoyance

    No Freebooters?! I'm shocked!

    I'll fix that....

    1 Spore stuck on the side of a Krooza
    2 whiney whelp
    3 Grot Errand
    4 Ammo Runt
    5 Theiving Grot
    6 Yoof without a gun
    7 Fungus beer brewer
    8 Yoof with a pokkit rokkit launcha
    9 Freebooter in training
    10 Ork privateer
    11 Privateer with Slugga And Choppa
    12 Privateer with a snazzy shoota
    13 Proven Pirate
    14 Merc in the making
    15 Snazzed up Flash Git
    16 Turning into a Nob....
    17 Flash Git boss with a colourful bosspole
    18 Kommando with "all da kit"
    19 Spookum's Advocate
    20 Boss with Mekboy, Krew and Krooza
    21 Boss with Kustom Shoota

    Kaptin. Aye Aye!

    Kaptin of "Da fleet"

    Kaptin of the galaxy. Waaagh!

    I've got loads of other titles if any of these need changing. Please get back - I've wanted a freebooter rank ever since I came here. thanks!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/09/10 22:23:42

    Post by: Warpig1815

    Still no admins looking here? Nevermind I guess...

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/09/11 10:27:13

    Post by: Casey's Law

    Yak and Lego are both immensely busy guys, this is there hobby remember, they have full time jobs and lives to live on top of that. Don't worry they'll check in when they can. Plus I think it's mainly yak who deals with this stuff and he has hell of a lot on at work right now so it'll be a while. Patience is a virtue!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/09/11 12:41:02

    Post by: warboss

     Warpig1815 wrote:
    Still no admins looking here? Nevermind I guess...

    This is an added bonus to posting here at dakka and if you look through the thread you'll see that there typically is a lengthy period between posting, evaluation, and possible adoption.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/09/12 20:01:16

    Post by: Warpig1815

    Of course, I completely understand that Yak and Lego are busy, my pestering was really just aimed at admins in general as I thought that there would maybe be a group who dealt with this kind of thing, not just Yak alone. I hope I didn't come across as too pushy as I certainly didn't think that my suggestion would be instantly accepted - I was more just looking for someone to take a look and say 'Yeah, we'll get back to you on that one'. Thanks for the heads up and again - apologies

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2013/09/20 11:55:24

    Post by: Casey's Law

    Don't worry about it, it was just so you knew the situation and weren't anxiously awaiting a response. Yak and Lego are the owners and the only two Admin. And as I said, incredibly busy, this sort of stuff is really bottom of the pile on the to do lists.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 0023/08/20 14:06:59

    Post by: BoardroomHero

     dementedwombat wrote:
    Hello, I noticed that nobody has made one of these rank track thingamajigs for the Warmachine Convergence of Cyriss yet.

    First time suggesting one, I hope I followed the right protocols. I tried to make "bands" of 3 or so ranks that were all about the same unit type (infantry, light warjacks, heavy warjacks) so that you can generally tell how experienced a poster is even if you don't know exactly how he stands in each band.

    1 Malfunctioning permutation servitor
    2 Reflex servitor, boom!
    3 Clockwork vessel awaiting a body
    4 Devotee of Cyriss
    5 Obstructer in shield wall
    6 Reciprocating reciprocator
    7 Optifex with a tuning fork
    8 Diving clockwork angel
    9 Diligent Galvanizer repair crew
    10 Diffuser building synergy
    11 Corollary with a hot induction node
    12 Monitor on rapid fire
    13 Charging Inverter at 3 focus
    14 Mysterious enigma foundry
    15 Prime Axiom with weapon platform

    16 Aspiring architect of divinity
    17 Harbinger of the fifth harmonic

    I'd strongly suggest mentioning the constellation in there, simply due to its importance in the CoC hierarchy.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2014/01/09 09:43:20

    Post by: Ashiraya

    Only Angmar and Harad up for LOTR? Seems a bit lacking. Let's see if we can fix that.

    First: Gondor.

    Cautious Gondor Citizen
    Eager Gondor Recruit
    Fresh Swordsman of Gondor
    Skilled Spearman of Gondor
    Experienced Archer of Gondor
    Sneaky Ithillien Ranger
    Scarred Osgiliath Veteran
    Confident Gondor Knight
    Bold Banner Bearer of Gondor
    Grim Gondor Officer
    Cunning Captain of Gondor
    Stalwart Guard of the Citadel
    Heroic Knight of Dol Amroth
    Calculating Commander of Gondor
    Steward of Minas Tirith
    King of Gondor

    Not a pro on Gondor lore, but I managed to cobble together this much. Feel free to lecture me if you know it better!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2014/01/22 23:14:49

    Post by: Ktulhut

    Would be great to get some AvP rank tracks when the Alien vs Predator Miniatures Game comes out. Aliens especially would have a lot to work with, although the Marines and Predators might be a tad limited.

    I might go off and write up some rank tracks for them and post them here soon.

    Off the top of my head, an Alien track (with some marines thrown in) could go something like:

    - Slime-soaked Alien Egg
    - [something] Facehugger (alternately: Face-Hugging Alien Wing Wong)
    - Gestating Parasitoid
    - Chest-Chomping Chestburster
    - Inscrutable Infant Alien
    - Sinister Stalker Alien
    - Vicious Alien Warrior
    - Ferocious PredAlien
    - Charging Crusher
    - Raging Royal Guard
    - Alien Queen
    - Private Hudson
    - Private Vasquez
    - Corporal Hicks
    - Jonesy
    - Lt. Ellen Ripley

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2014/04/14 18:01:15

    Post by: THEDARK1RI5ES

    One for empire from x wing:

    daydreamer with a model tie fighter

    watching the skies

    initiate at the flight school

    going through exam stress

    passed exam with flying colours

    rookie tie pilot

    upgraded to an interceptor

    squadron leader

    secret new tie development program participant

    flight wing leader

    grand moff tarkins escort

    lord vaders escort

    barely escaped the death star

    captain of a star destroyer

    barely escaped the death star (II)

    imperial remnant warlord.

    PM me with what you think please!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2014/08/07 00:45:37

    Post by: kinratha

    Imperial guard (Death Korps of Krieg)

    Vat grown child

    Quartermaster's Servitor

    Stable cleaner

    Korpsmen with no ammo

    Trench digger.

    Tunnel Rat

    Overly excited Heavy weapons team.

    Platoon commander with a broken power sword

    Korpsmen with a melta gun.

    Unaudible artillery spotter

    The Grenadier that survived

    Hades Breaching Drill driver

    Commissar tank commander

    Regimental banner holder.

    The Colonel that could.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2014/10/26 12:32:31

    Post by: Dannyrulx

    Just had an Idea for a hobbit one (Lord Of The Rings)
    Everything in parentheses is my notes, not part of it

    1)Shire 'Tater getting mashed
    (boil 'em mash 'em stick em in a stew?)
    2)Young hobbit crunching through leaves
    3) Hobbit who's uncle was an adventurer
    4) Teenage hobbit happily sleeping
    5) not-so-sneaky hobbit burglar
    6)Hobbit burglar with his first ring
    7) Terrified hobbit burglar running from trolls
    8)Stealthy hobbit burglar picking a pocket
    9) Retired hobbit burglar with a mountain of loot
    10) Still-sprightly rich hobbit joining the town guard
    11) Hobbit town guard with a shiny blunderbuss
    12) Hobbit sharpshooter practicing on goblins
    13) Expert hobbit warrior with his war-pony


    14) Hobbit warrior deducing riddles
    15) Hobbit king inventing golf

    Only problem I see is that burglars may or may not be better than town guard.

    And one for Rohan

    1) Toddler playing with a toy horse
    2) Young Rohan boy mucking around
    3) Rohanian teenager helping in the stables
    4) Juvenile Rohanian with his first spear
    5) Proud squire of the Rohan Riders
    6) Brand new Rohan rider spitting orcs
    7) Veteran rider leading the charge
    8) Proud Rohan rider watching his son with his first horse
    9) Rohan Captain bridging the gap
    (Anyone? No?)
    10) Mighty Rohanian Warrior challenging his foe
    11) Rohanian General Marshaling his forces
    12) Steadfast Rohan General beheading orcs
    13) Second to the king of Rohan

    14)Was that a hobbit corpse?
    15) King Of Rohan

    The problem is that #14 has no "Rohan" in it (but is a good reference)

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2015/03/28 12:21:22

    Post by: KaptinBadrukk

    Once again, I don't like necroing threads, but here goes.

    Ork Vehicle ranking track.

    1. Black Warbuggy
    2. Black Trukk
    3. Junky grot tank
    4. Red trukk
    5., Red Warbuggy
    6. Killa Kan
    7. Deff Dread
    8. Red Battlewagon
    9. Battlewagon with kannon
    10. Battlewagon with zzap gun
    11. Battlewagon with supa kannon.
    12. Battlewagon with lifta-droppa
    13. Red ork stompa
    14. Rampagining ork stompa
    15: Big mek's stompa.

    Feel free to edit if you need to.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2015/08/22 18:45:13

    Post by: rowboatjellyfanxiii

    New Ultramarines Rank Track

    1. Worn Down Denizen of Macragge
    2. Fresh-faced Ultramarine Scout Sniper
    3. Wobbly Ultramarines Scout Biker
    4. Grizzled Ultramarine Sniper Sergeant
    5. Arrogant Ultramarine Devastator with a Heavy Bolter
    6. Thick-skinned Ultramarine Devastator Sergeant
    7. Fumbling UltramarinesAssault Marine with a faulty Jump Pack
    8. Skilled Assault Marine Sergeant with a Relic Blade
    9. Bogged-down Ultramarine Tactical Marine with a Combat Knife
    10. Experienced Ultramarine Tactical Marine Sergeant
    11. ??

    More later

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Compreted Senpai

    1. Worn Down Denizen of Macragge
    2. Fresh-faced Ultramarine Scout Sniper
    3. Wobbly Ultramarines Scout Biker
    4. Grizzled Ultramarine Sniper Sergeant
    5. Arrogant Ultramarine Devastator with a Heavy Bolter
    6. Thick-skinned Ultramarine Devastator Sergeant
    7. Fumbling Ultramarines Assault Marine with a faulty Jump Pack
    8. Skilled Assault Marine Sergeant with a Relic Blade
    9. Bogged-down Ultramarine Tactical Marine with a Combat Knife
    10. Experienced Ultramarine Tactical Marine Sergeant
    11. Bloodied Ultramarine Apothecary
    12. Exemplar Ultramarine Banner Holder
    13. Spooky Scary Ultramarine Chaplain
    14. Peevish Thunderfire Cannon Gunner
    15. Incompetent Ultramarine Captain
    16. Dominant Ultramarine Chief Librarian
    17. PTSD-Ridden Tyrannic War Veteran
    18. Cynical Ultramarine Terminator
    19. Out of Stock Terminator Captain Agemman
    20. Failcast Marneus Calgar
    21. The Emperor's cuddly Centurion
    22. Beakie Helmed Ultramarine 'Medic'
    23. Your Spiritual Liege

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2015/08/29 04:26:41

    Post by: Valhallan42nd

    Malifaux ResurrectionistsTrack

    1 Rancid Corpse Counter
    2 Groaning Mindless Zombie
    3 Yappy Zombie Chihuahua
    4 Creepy Crooligan
    5 Growling Canine Remains
    6 Grisly Guild Autopsy
    7 Alluring Rotten Belle
    8 Delicate Dead Doxy
    9 Nightmarish Nurse
    10 Gore Spattered Punk Zombie
    11 Stiched Up Student
    12 Ghastly Hanged
    13 Ruthless Rafkin
    14 Bloody Bete Noire
    15 The Hatter's Madame
    16 The Spleen Cutting Shovel Bearer
    17 The Mad Doctor
    18 The Undertaker Lord
    19 A Chatty Head in a Baby Carriage
    20 Holder of the Keys to Kythera

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Malifaux Arcanist's Track

    1 Pile of Scrap
    2 Erratic Electrical Creation
    3 Mighty Mobile Tool Kit
    4 Jumpin' Jackalope
    5 Hungry Wendigo
    6 Steaming Metal Gamin
    7 Sewn Up Silent One
    8 Union Miner on a Work Break
    9 Delicate Ice Dancer
    10 Evasive Coryphee
    11 Dangerous Duet
    12 Ravenous Blessed of December
    13 Steamborg Executioner
    14 Murderous Cerberus
    15 Railing Rail Golem
    16 Sinister Shapeshifter
    17 Lord of the Wild
    18 Master of the Mechanical
    19 An Ape Armed with Rude Sign Language
    20 A Scheme Winning, Summoning Robotic Horse

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2015/09/03 02:31:33

    Post by: Valhallan42nd

    Malifaux Ten Thunders

    1 Broom Weilding Peasant
    2 Kitsune on Fire
    3 Angry Emberling
    4 Wandering Wastrel
    5 Terrible Tengu
    6 Medative Monk of Low River
    7 Steaming Metal Gamin
    8 Shadowy Oiran
    9 Ten Thunder Brother
    10 Shuriken-slinging Torakage
    11 Merciless Monk of High River
    12 Chain Gun Toting Samurai
    13 Pulsating Penangalan
    14 Ancient Armor Fueled by Vengance
    15 Brutal Sensei
    16 Madman with a Machine Gun
    17 Master of Many Styles
    18 Heir to the Katanaka
    19 Wandering River Monk on a 3 Day Bender
    20 The Awakened Dragon

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    1 Fresh off the Train
    2 Perdita's Pet Nephilim
    3 Lowly Bureaucrat
    4 Brutal Puppet
    5 Patroling Guild Guard
    6 Hunting Guild Hound
    7 Heart-breaking Pistolero
    8 Sinister Guild Lawyer
    9 Stalking Death Marshal
    10 Galloping Guardsman
    11 Trick Shootin' Marshal
    12 Straight-Jacketed Dynamite Tosser
    13 Unstoppable Peacekeeper
    14 Pistol Packin' Witchhunter
    15 Brutal Guild Captain
    16 The Sinister Secretary
    17 Master of Constructs
    18 The Long Arm of Justice
    19 Game Winning Hidden Bird Trainer
    20 The Avatar of Law and Order

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2015/10/06 19:47:31

    Post by: sing your life

    Batman Miniatures Game- Law:

    1. Gotham Street Cop
    2. GCPD Detective
    3. SWAT Cop Alpha
    4. Agent O'Connel
    5. Lieutenant Brandon
    6. Corrupt Commissioner Loeb
    7. Arrow
    8. Red Hood
    9. Black Canary
    10. Batwoman
    11. Bat Girl
    12. Commisioner Gordon
    13. Alfred Pennyworth
    14. Boy Wonder
    15. Bruce Wayne
    16. The Goddamn Batman

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/07 21:48:19

    Post by: Manchu

    [AoS] Stormcast Eternals

    1. Star Eagle
    2. Gryph Hound
    3. Dracoth
    4. Liberator
    5. Prosecutor
    6. Judicator
    7. Paladin Protector
    8. Paladin Decimator
    9. Paladin Retributor
    10. Dracothian Fulminator
    11. Dracothian Desolator
    12. Dracothian Tempestor
    13. Dracothian Concussor
    14. Knight Heraldor
    15. Knight Vexilor
    16. Knight Venator
    17. Knight Azyros
    18. Lord Relictor
    19. Lord Castellan
    20. Lord Celestant

    [AoS] Khorne Bloodbound

    1. Bloodreaver
    2. Blood Warrior
    3. Skullreaper
    4. Wrathmonger
    5. Skullcrusher
    6. Bloodreaver Chieftan
    7. Skullseeker
    8. Wrathmaster
    9. Skullhunter
    10. Deathbringers
    11. Bloodstoker
    12. Slaughterpriest
    13. Skullgrinder
    14. Bloodsecrator
    15. Champion of Khorne
    16. Lord of Khorne

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/07 23:43:51

    Post by: Valhallan42nd

    If AoS gets their ranks in before Malifaux, I'm gonna write a stern letter to the editor.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/10 13:31:36

    Post by: Alpharius

    Start writing!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/11 06:17:44

    Post by: Manchu

    Poor guy has already posted four tracks, Alph!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/11 14:21:03

    Post by: Valhallan42nd

     Manchu wrote:
    Poor guy has already posted four tracks, Alph!

    Yeah! Like, ages ago, man.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/11 14:55:08

    Post by: Manchu

    FWIW the admins have been super busy with a number of projects not least publishing a miniatures game starter set! Yakface will eventually get back to this thread.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/11 16:08:21

    Post by: Alpharius

    I meant "get writing that letter to the editor"!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/11 18:09:23

    Post by: Valhallan42nd



    Is that a good start? Does it sound grandiose enough?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/12 00:06:17

    Post by: Alpharius

    I like it - more please!

    All kidding aside, I think your Malifaux tracks will get added, it is just that the guy(s) who can do it is busy and maybe hasn't looked here in a while?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/03/16 01:03:25

    Post by: Blitzen the Solitaire

    40k- Emissaries of Cegorach
    1. Mon-Keigh
    2. Pathetic Pretender
    3. Circus Freak
    4. Worthless Vocalist
    5. Mediocre Mime
    6. Competent Stagehand
    7. Skilled Dancer
    8. Agile Acrobat
    9. Comedic Clown
    10. Phantom of the Opera
    11. Master Illusionist
    12. Mythic Magician
    13. Choreographer of the Act
    14. Maestro of Fate
    15. Death's Jester
    16. Seer of Shadows
    17. Master of the Troupe
    18. Legendary Solitaire
    19. Guardian of the Black Library

    20. Avatar of Cegorach

    The concept I was going for (even tho I may have presented it horribly) is: Rank is done by the skill of the performer and each rank is a type of Performance art or a well known performing name "phantom of the Opera" etc. The highest ranks pre-spoilers are the well known Harlequin Units

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/05/02 15:18:35

    Post by: 2BlackJack1

    40k: Genestealer Cult

    1) Expired Embryo
    2) Newly implanted Civilian
    3) Gibbering Cultist with a hammer
    4) Mindless Fanatic of the Brood
    5) Newborn Hybrid
    6) Crazed Hybrid with a lasrifle
    7) Trigger happy Cultist
    8) Preacher of the Brood Mind
    9) Sneaky Hybrid infiltrating a Hive City
    10) Purestrain Genestealer lost on a Space Hulk
    11) Fierce Genestealer defending its family
    12) Genestealer hijacking a civilian cruiser
    13) Lurking Assassin of the Brood
    14) Soon to be Broodlord hosting a family reunion
    Broodlord converting the planet

    Patriarch lighting a beacon for the Hive Mind

    It may need a few tweaks and ranks swutch around, but I feel that it gives a good basis. One problem with this is that it takes away from the tyranid rank track, which has similar ranks. I did try to make the ranks different with the adjectives/descriptions and whatnot.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/05/17 21:18:13

    Post by: judgedoug

    LOTR Isengard

    1. Sweaty Wildman of Dunland
    2. Ill-Tempered Dunlending Warrior
    3. Confused Mordor Orc
    4. Unleashed Warg Rider
    5. Fighting Uruk-Hai
    6. Swift Uruk-Hai Scout
    7. Precise Uruk-Hai Crossbowman
    8. Dutiful Uruk-Hai Pikeman
    9. Cunning Uruk-Hai Engineer
    10. Skilled Uruk-Hai Soldier
    11. Brutal Uruk-Hai Berserker
    12. Teeth-gnashing Uruk-Hai Commander
    13. Maggoty-Bread Mauhur
    14. Meat's Back on the Menu Ugluk
    15. First of the Uruk-Hai, Lurtz


    16. Saruman the White, Lord of Isengard

    17. Sauron the Deceiver, True Master of the Two Towers

    Either 16 or 17 as final rank- 16 for total theme appropriate, 17 for the reality of the situation

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2016/11/18 04:16:08

    Post by: ZergSmasher

    How about this one:
    40K-Space Marines-Deathwatch

    1. A victim of Xenos' cruelty
    2. Space Marine Initiate with a grudge
    3. Possible Candidate for the Deathwatch
    4. Newly recruited Deathwatch Space Marine
    5. Stealthy Deathwatch Marine with a Stalker-pattern Bolter
    6. Fearless Deathwatch Marine with a Frag Cannon
    7. Fanatical Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran
    8. Deathwatch Sergeant with Xenos-hunting experience
    9. Skilled Corvus Blackstar Pilot
    10. Leader of a Deathwatch Kill Team
    11. Angry Deathwatch Librarian
    12. Vigilant Watch Captain
    13. Deathwatch Chaplain purging Xenos filth
    14. Venerable Watch Master
    15. Master of the Deathwatch

    16. Head of the Ordo Xenos

    I did notice an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor rank track, but not one for the Deathwatch. Hope you like it!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2018/01/17 17:49:29

    Post by: Future War Cultist

    Two questions;

    how come you don't have a Kharadron Overlords rank track here, and would you object to my suggestions for one?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2018/01/17 23:58:40

    Post by: Alpharius

     Future War Cultist wrote:
    Two questions;

    how come you don't have a Kharadron Overlords rank track here, and would you object to my suggestions for one?

    Not at all - suggest away!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2018/01/18 00:50:56

    Post by: Future War Cultist

     Alpharius wrote:
     Future War Cultist wrote:
    Two questions;

    how come you don't have a Kharadron Overlords rank track here, and would you object to my suggestions for one?

    Not at all - suggest away!

    Kharadron Overlord Beardling
    Eager Young Arkanaut Kadet
    Graduate Of Arkanaut Academy
    Swabbie Onboard A Frigate
    Experienced Arkanaut Privateer
    Expert Skyhook Operator
    Aethermatic Volleygunner
    Able Skyduardin With A Skypike
    Chef Petty Officer With An Anchor
    Skywarden Hitching A Ride
    Custodian Of The Ship
    Ace Skyvessel Pilot
    Captain Of An Ironclad
    Audacious Arkanaut Admiral
    Lord-Magnate With A Zhaktopper

    If I did this right, it's a realistic protrayal of an Arkanauts career. And it's hopefully mildly amusing too.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2018/01/20 08:57:36

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

    I was redirected here for developing / proposing a Ranking Track for Kingdom Death. It looks like 16-20 is the preferred total number of titles, yes? How about this:

    Kingdom Death Ranking Track

    1. Underfoot Vermin
    2. New Child Survivor
    3. Inexperienced Young Survivor
    4. Hardy Survivor
    5. Grizzled Old Survivor
    6. Hopeful Savior
    7. Furious White Lion
    8. Screaming Antelope
    9. Forsaken Butcher
    10. Avenging White Speaker
    11. Shadowy Twilight Knight
    12. Wandering Gorm
    13. Nebulous Phoenix
    14. Mysterious Watcher
    15. Gold Smoke Knight
    16. Imposing Dragon King
    17. Secretive Goblin King
    18. Final Satan

    Does that work?

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2018/01/31 23:49:46

    Post by: JohnHwangDD

     Alpharius wrote:
    I like it - more please!

    All kidding aside, I think your Malifaux tracks will get added, it is just that the guy(s) who can do it is busy and maybe hasn't looked here in a while?

    Any idea if/when other tracks would be added? Just curious. Thanks!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 0302/09/14 15:34:32

    Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

    40K - DKOK

    1. Death Korp. Guardsmen
    2. Death Korp. Watch Master
    3. Death Korp Grenadier
    4. Death Korp. Grenadier Watch Master
    5. Death Korp. Commissar
    6. Death Korp. Death Rider
    7. Death Korp. Ridemaster
    8. Death Korp. Death Rider Commissar
    9. Death Korp. Engineer
    10. Death Korp. Engineer Watch Master
    11. Death Korp. Veteran
    12. Death Korp. Field Officer
    13. Death Korp. Quartermaster
    14. Death Korp. Field Marshal

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2020/02/04 00:23:34

    Post by: Rippy

    [40k] Genestealer Cult
    1. Mindwyrm Familiar
    2. Fanatic Contagii Brood Brother
    3. Maelignaci First Generation Acolyte
    4. Hybrid Second Generation Acolyte
    5. True Hybrid Third Generation Miner
    6. Devoted Locus Bodyguard
    7. Gun-Slinging Kelermorph
    8. Primacii Fourth Generation Goliath Truck Driver
    9. Speeding Atalan Jackal
    10. Gene-manipulating Biophagus
    11. Secretive Sanctus
    12. Nexos Planning an uprising
    13. Clamavus Spreading Messages of Joy
    14. Revered Hybrid Metamorph
    15. Purestrain Fifth Generation Genestealer
    16. Jackal Alphus Peering Down-Scope
    17. Awe Inspiring Acolyte Iconward
    18. Inspirational War Leader Primus
    19. Hypnotic Telepathic Magus
    20. Patriarch, father of a hidden dynasty

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2020/02/17 23:42:35

    Post by: yakface

     Rippy wrote:
    [40k] Genestealer Cult
    1. Mindwyrm Familiar
    2. Fanatic Contagii Brood Brother
    3. Maelignaci First Generation Acolyte
    4. Hybrid Second Generation Acolyte
    5. True Hybrid Third Generation Miner
    6. Devoted Locus Bodyguard
    7. Gun-Slinging Kelermorph
    8. Primacii Fourth Generation Goliath Truck Driver
    9. Speeding Atalan Jackal
    10. Gene-manipulating Biophagus
    11. Secretive Sanctus
    12. Nexos Planning an uprising
    13. Clamavus Spreading Messages of Joy
    14. Revered Hybrid Metamorph
    15. Purestrain Fifth Generation Genestealer
    16. Jackal Alphus Peering Down-Scope
    17. Awe Inspiring Acolyte Iconward
    18. Inspirational War Leader Primus
    19. Hypnotic Telepathic Magus
    20. Patriarch, father of a hidden dynasty

    Overall, it looks really solid. Comments below:

    1) My first thought was that since the Genestealers are kind of unique, in that they implant their hosts and spawn from there, it could be fun to make the first few ranks humorously represent that, like having the first rank be 'Hapless Space Hulk Explorer', the second rank being something like 'Infected and Looking For a Mate'. This can be cool especially because the first few ranks can go by really, really quick for most people (because they're often just 0-10 posts for the first rank and 10-25 posts for the second rank). Of course, that would mean losing the Mindwyrm familiar (as it wouldn't 'fit' that early rank theme anymore) and some other rank as well to make space for those, so I will leave it up to you whether to start with the more straight forward ranks like you have, or something more humorous.

    2) One of my main concerns with rank tracks is that each rank when seen by themselves (which is the only way people see them once they're implemented) can give some indication of what rank track people are on. I think you've done a really, really good job on that, especially because Genestealers have a lot of really unique names that apply only to their faction. So nothing on this front I'd recommend changing, just wanted to give you props.

    3) Although I'm going to contradict this point in just a second, another major thing we want to try to do is to keep the ranks as short as humanly possible. Though I also don't want to lose any of the 'flavor' of the ranks either. What do you think about going with '1st', '2nd', '3rd' and so on, instead of 'first', 'second', 'third', etc, for the generation names? And what about 'Gen' instead of writing out 'generation' fully each time (so '1st Gen', '2nd Gen, etc)? Do you think that messes ''the feel' of the ranks up too much? It would definitely save quite a bit of characters to do it this way, so my inclination is to make this change.

    4) For the most part, you've done a great job of making each rank have a nice little descriptive flair, like 'Secretive Sanctus', 'Nexos planning an uprising', etc. But there are a few which are just a plain name and nothing else. Many of these are quite long names, so I get maybe you were reluctant to add extra flair words to them. However, especially if we shorten 'first generation' down to '1st gen', it would make it easier to fit in some extra flair on these ranks?

    1. Mindwyrm Familiar (assuming you decide to keep this rank and not replace it per my note #1 above)
    3. Maelignaci First Generation Acolyte
    4. Hybrid Second Generation Acolyte
    15. Purestrain Fifth Generation Genestealer

    5) The last 3 ranks, if at all possible, are supposed to be really cool easter eggs, either harkening back to old fluff or really old OOP miniatures. Currently, your last 3 ranks are just the top 3 ranks for the faction, without anything really cool or fun about them.

    A couple things I can think of off the top of my head would be throwing back to the old Patriach miniature, so something like: 'Big Fat Patriach Sitting on a Throne'. It also could be fun to throw back to the original Genestealer design from Rogue Trader somehow, and how they just had a mouth for a face? Do you have the old Rogue Trader book to reference for this? And/or maybe have one of these final ranks reference back to Ymgarl (as the original Rogue Trader fluff said they were from there)?

    Of course, if you feel like you need to keep any of the final ranks that are in the last 3 spots, you should not be afraid to cull a couple 'less important' ranks from the somewhere else in the rank track to make some space.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2020/02/20 23:00:35

    Post by: Rippy

    thanks yakface, here is what I have come up with for a revision based on your feedback, for the Genestealer track.

    I actually really liked your suggestions, so have included them in.

    Would love to have some suggestions from anyone if anyone can see some better changes.

    1. Hapless Space Hulk Explorer
    2. Infected and Looking For a Mate
    3. Maelignaci 1st Gen Acolyte howling with devotion
    4. Hybrid 2nd Gen Acolyte stealing explosives
    5. True Hybrid 3rd Gen Miner
    6. Devoted Locus Bodyguard
    7. Gun-Slinging Kelermorph
    8. Primacii 4th Gen Goliath Truck Driver
    9. Speeding Atalan Jackal
    10. Gene-manipulating Biophagus
    11. Secretive Sanctus
    12. Nexos Planning an uprising
    13. Clamavus Spreading Messages of Joy
    14. Revered Hybrid Metamorph
    15. Purestrain 5th Gen infiltrating a colony
    16. Hypnotic, Telepathic Magus
    17. Inspirational War Leader Primus
    18. Patriarch, father of a hidden dynasty

    19. Mouth-for-a-face Purestrain 5th Gen
    20. Big Fat Patriarch Sitting on a Throne

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2020/02/25 01:07:10

    Post by: yakface

    Ok, Genestealer Cult rank track has been added.

    I ended up tweaking nearly every rank you suggested (sorry, I can't help myself), but your order of which ranks go in what order definitely made this possible (no way I could have done it without your help), so thanks!

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2020/02/28 00:07:33

    Post by: Rippy

     yakface wrote:

    Ok, Genestealer Cult rank track has been added.

    I ended up tweaking nearly every rank you suggested (sorry, I can't help myself), but your order of which ranks go in what order definitely made this possible (no way I could have done it without your help), so thanks!

    great, thank you so much! Appreciate you taking the time for this.

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2021/02/07 19:07:21

    Post by: jaredb

    Ossiarch Bone Reapers (Age of Sigmar)

    Mortek Guard
    Kavalos Deathrider
    Necropolis Stalker
    Immortis Guard
    Aviarch Spymaster
    Gnosis Scrollbearer
    Mortisan Boneshaper
    Mortek Hekatos
    Mortisan Soulmason
    Mortisan Soulreaper
    Morgasht Archai
    Liege Kavalos
    Mortarch of the Necropolis

    Mortarch of Sacrament

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2021/02/27 07:15:55

    Post by: dreadblade

    We need some love for 40K Knights!

    [40K] Chaos Knights
    [40K] Imperial Knights

    Suggest Army Rank Tracks Here @ 2022/12/04 20:06:13

    Post by: ZergSmasher

    Maybe now we need a Leagues of Votann track!

    Fresh from the Cloneskein
    E-COG doing odd jobs
    Ironkin Assistant
    Stalwart Hearthkyn Warrior
    Angry Cthonian Beserk
    Hernkyn Pioneer with a sense of adventure
    Fearless Sagitaur driver
    Brokhyr Thunderkyn with a huge gun
    Elite Einhyr Hearthguard
    Indomitable Land Fortress driver
    Brokhyr Iron-master with all the tools
    Exemplary Einhyr Champion
    Kahl overseeing his Hold
    Ancient Grimnyr
    High Kahl of an entire League
    Lord Grimnyr in direct contact with the Votann

    One of the Revered Ancestors

    Okay that was admittedly kind of bad, but I know someone else can do better!