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Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/11 13:15:18

Post by: yakface

In case you hadn't noticed, Dakka now has funny little sayings embedded at the top of your browser window, such as:

"DakkaDakka. Gives you a 2+ save against sucking."

If you have any fun sayings that you think would be perfect, this is the thread to suggest them in.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/11 14:17:48

Post by: malfred

Reminds me of the Wizards of the Coast one. Nice.

I never would have noticed it if you hadn't posted. I tend not to look
at The blue bar at the top , and even when I do I tend to notice the
left half side and then ignore the rest. Maybe I'll get trained to find
the funny headers, but since the position keeps changing (due to the
length of a post title, for instance) I won't automatically find it every

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/11 14:19:44

Post by: malfred

Oh yeah, and I can't see them all the time. Some are too long and
get cut off by the words Windows Internet Explorer, for instance. On
Firefox it seems to bump, but I can't really test it since Firefox is so
testy. Maybe I should reinstall it...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/12 01:02:37

Post by: yakface

Well, they're meant to be little easter-eggs that you don't notice until you notice 'em.

I do know that some of 'em are too long, and we'll get around to eventually removing those, and I do know that they are displayed better in some browsers than others.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/12 01:47:50

Post by: lifeafter

I thought I'd take a few stabs...

DakkaDakka 5.0 - Now Only Threads with 10 Responses Can Bring a HW

DakkaDakka 5.0 - Browser Be Ware, Black Looks Much More Conspicuous at Work

DakkaDakka 5.0 - Here we Go! Here we Go! Here we Go!

DakkaDakka 5.0 - The Search Function Works!

DakkaDakka 5.0 - What Do You Call a Lasgun With a Laser Sight? Twin-Linked!

DakkaDakka 5.0 - R.I.P. 4.0

DakkaDakka 5.0 - The Chicken Crossed the Road and Jim Repainted His Eldar

DakkaDakka 5.0 - Gamers Welcomed, Trolls Still Present

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/12 01:55:43

Post by: malfred

Scaring fat editors since (insert year here)

I want a shirt with the gamers do it on the tabletop, by the way.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/13 04:39:13

Post by: Tacobake

You don't need Eldrad when you have Dakka.
It's called a DakkaFex for a reason.
No, it doesn't need rending.
New Dakka. New logo. New boards. Same great taste.
The Wargod is watching you. You have nothing to fear.
For the Emperor!
Well hello Mr. Fancypants. Welcome to Dakka!
GET OVER HERE! Wait ... wrong game.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/13 06:09:08

Post by: akira5665

Taco, the sig at the bottom of yours is a good one too.

They aren't toys, they are mini's!
Defiled any Defilers lately?
Necrons: not too phased.....
SM: "And they shall know no brains"
Eldar: Skim through the cheese.
Tau. For the Greater Good, we're leaving.
Orks. "Sarge, pass me anuttha Elf, this one's split!"
IG: Which way is "Onward"?
SOB: Does this Armour look good in Black, or do you think pink?
Chaos: &*^$^#%(

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/15 03:18:29

Post by: akira5665

Hey Malfred, I found the same issue. I like little bono's like that, so I set my work desktop to 1600x1200. Now it's easy.

If you already did that, sorry, it's just that I just found it.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/16 18:47:43

Post by: grey_death

Every time you necro a thread, The Emperor kills a Kitten. Think of the Kittens.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/18 21:45:42

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Dakka: now with more Ninjas.
Dakka: now with more Pirates.
can't get enough of that wonderfull Dakka
Dark Angels are Marines in Dresses
Lash of Submission is for Losers

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/29 14:23:10

Post by: Cpl_Saint

Dakka dakka: plain ol' krumpin'

Got Rules Gripes? Dakka.

Mainlining plastic crack since 1894*

Toy soldiers for real men

Toeing the GW party line

My Leman Russ is Fight!

Interweb island of sanity

Anything but a one...

Trying to forget the metal Possessed

Liver-spotted crabbiness

Blessed with the Mark of Connery

Varlak had nothing on us

Why try harder?

Home of fragrant tournament-winning fluff gods

So l33t we spell it 'Elite'

*Say, since when has Dakka been around? I came in around the EZboard era, but I think even that was the second or third iteration.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/29 22:33:08

Post by: MagickalMemories

"Dakka ate my baby!"

"Walk towards the Dakka, Carol Ann!"

"Cum On Feel The Dakka"

"We are the knights who say, 'Dakka!'"


"Dakka on the outside, tasty on the inside."

"Use the Dakka, Luke."

"I do not like Green Eggs and Dakka"

"Can you hear me Dakka?"

"I'm going to Dakka World!"

McDakka... Home of the REAL Happy Meal."

Christmas related:

"We wish you a Merry Dakka!"

"Dakka roasting on an open fire..."

"Dakka the halls..."

"Silent Dakka. Holy Dakka."

"Dakka Claus is coming to town"

"The Twelve Days of Dakka."

"Hark! Hear the Dakka!"

"Oh, Holy Dakka."

"I'm Dreaming of a Dakka Christmas."

"Dakka, they told me... pa rum pa pum pum"

'Walking in a Dakka Wonderland"

Just off of the top of my head.


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/29 22:40:22

Post by: Alpharius Walks

Fzorgle me Xerxes!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2007/11/30 04:03:26

Post by: MagickalMemories

DakkaDakka... I'll Roshambo you for it!

DakkaDakka... Better than a kick in the Gribblies!

DakkaDakka. It's exactly like falling in love. Only different.

If you ain't Dakka, you ain't %$&*!

Dakka Dakka. ..I've got your 2+ save right HERE!

There's no "I" in Dakka!

Internet is to Jungle as Dakka is to Tiger.

Dakka Dakka -- Because we said so.

Four score and seven Dakka's ago...


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/01/28 21:58:35

Post by: FearPeteySodes

"We paint our pants blue"

"All your dice are belong to us"

Thats all i got as i just noticed it was there and have refreshed it 80 billion times since.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/01/29 08:13:14

Post by: yakface

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

There will be a fresh chunk of new ones added in the next software upgrade.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/01/29 19:21:12

Post by: snorkle

Well for one maybe fix the Causing marital strife headliner. On my window it only says causing marital strife sinc and then Microsoft cuts into it. Which doesn't make sense, because still about one third of the top part of the window is free of writing.
Edit: that was weird after I submitted my post I got the marital strife headliner again but this time it said since 1997. What's the deal?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/01/30 06:40:49

Post by: yakface

The deal is, the funny sayings are the last thing on the header, so if the name of the page is long enough on some browsers the end of the name will get cut off.

So the first time you were looking at it was probably on the 'reply' screen (which has an even longer title because it includes 'post reply' on the header), then after you submitted the page title's length was a bit shorter so you could see the rest of the funny saying at the end.

When we implement the new batch we'll also be shortening some of the current ones to help them be fully visible more often.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/04/15 04:56:31

Post by: malfred

2 Dakkas, 1 cup.
On Dakka, no one can hear you post.
Simply Dakkadent

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/04/15 15:00:43

Post by: malfred

Here's one for legoburner:

Dakka Dakka: Does more than it says on the tin.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/04/15 18:59:29

Post by: Boyofdestiny205

malfred wrote: I want a shirt with the gamers do it on the tabletop, by the way.

Best T-shirt ever. Ill have to use that for my work shirt at my FLGS

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/06/04 15:17:30

Post by: stonefox

40K/Warhams: Even in debt, I still spend.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/06/17 21:01:06

Post by: Noisy_Marine

Abaddon - Yes, he'll make it to your minor skirmish. With bells on!

Kharn - Decapitates on a 2+

Typhus - A better psyker than that tzeentch guy. WTF?

Lucius - Yeah, he still sucks. For Slaanesh that is!

Ahriman - He finally found the "ON" button.

Fabius Bile - He don't need no stinking power weapon!

Dakka Dakka - For the Glory of Chaos!

Dakka Dakka - Death to the False Emperor!

Dakka Dakka - Dude, where's my Land Raider?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/07/30 00:13:22

Post by: Orlanth

Where GW game designers fear to tread

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/07/30 00:20:18

Post by: Anti-Mag

Sleeping on to the couch again? Dakka understands.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/07/30 00:59:37

Post by: nathonicus

Remember, alt+tab will bring back your spreadsheet when the boss walks by!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/07/30 18:33:51

Post by: Orlanth

Dakka Forums: More Strength and Initiative less BS.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/07/30 18:44:46

Post by: Orlanth

You just have to use this one:

Madness? This is DAKKA!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/07/31 08:15:25

Post by: chaplaingrabthar

My toy soldiers could beat up your toy soldiers

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/07/31 11:49:31

Post by: Chimera_Calvin

a quantum of (gaming) solace

our tank commanders have big swords

dakka dakka dakka dakka yak-man!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/09/07 05:52:43

Post by: themandudeperson

Why talk it out when you can shoot it out? ...Dakka

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/11/27 14:18:51

Post by: George Spiggott

I see lead people.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/11/27 14:53:46

Post by: Typeline

Here are a few from actual posts:

I know I might be expecting a little much, but I always kind of hope for rational, intelligent discourse on a Forum. (Have to cut this one down)

your observation offends me, please don't observe.

I wish I'd written that, it raped my English

wtf is happening to my thread?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/11 09:07:47

Post by: Chimera_Calvin

think of the dakka, won't someone please think of the dakka??!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 4141/12/12 00:33:45

Post by: 99MDeery

drive me closer i want to hit people with my sword

hmm are you sure you have enough guns on that.....WHAT you can never have too much Dakka

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/12 06:40:21

Post by: malfred

More corrupt than a Greater Daemon or Illinois Politician.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/17 01:45:45

Post by: Lordhat

WH40K - Just like G.I. Joe, with more acceptable nudity. And skulls.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/17 02:42:05

Post by: Typeline

Very Grim/Dark.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/17 02:44:49

Post by: thekyle1231

now with skull pits!

Its not orky enough

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/18 10:14:17

Post by: sonofruss

this page needs more cow bell

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/21 13:59:31

Post by: sphynx

I can't believe its not Dakka! ... Oh wait, it is!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/21 20:38:19

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Now with more grammar trolling!

Lash of Submission is for losers.

...where the signatures are bigger than the posts!

I find your lack of paint disturbing.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/21 21:03:46

Post by: sphynx

my other soulgrinder has a penis?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2008/12/28 23:18:35

Post by: Anung Un Rama

We put the Chaos back in Chaos Space Marines.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/01/07 05:33:50

Post by: captain.gordino


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/01/08 16:12:23

Post by: Canaan


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/01/09 15:48:10

Post by: somecallmeJack

in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only smurfs.

... and there was much nerd-rage

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/01/11 11:00:25

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Stay out of the kiddie pool.

Does my Warboss get FnP from the Dok?

Don't wake the Trolls.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/04 18:24:08

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Home of H.B.M.C., our own personal Clint Eastwood.

If it bleeds we can kill it.

Would you like to know more?

Dakka we can believe in.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/05 00:36:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

......at least it's not Warseer!

lovely Spam! Wonderful spam!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/08 04:46:39

Post by: captain.gordino

Yo dawg, we herd you like Dakka...

Glass?!? Who gives a s**t about glass?!? (replace glass with something related)

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/24 22:48:46

Post by: Llamahead

Dakka Cos even in the far future you want to shoot a machine gun.
Accuracy who needs it
What we need are Loaded Dice
Don't change your tactics, change your dice

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/26 16:40:29

Post by: halonachos

Dakka heard you like mudkips.
Dakka now AP 1^10.
There is no time for peace, no respite, no forgiveness. There is only Dakka.
Dakka is Jervis's homeboy.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/26 16:42:26

Post by: halonachos

WS 10 BS 7 S 5 T 5 W 3 I 6 A 10 Ld 10 Sv 1+

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/26 16:44:37

Post by: Platuan4th

We smell like Cider.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/27 07:03:18

Post by: The Thousandth Son


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/27 17:11:18

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I suggest we get some funny page headers.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/27 17:46:26

Post by: Excommunicate Traitoris

Dakka the angry god's omelette
Dakka even our spam is green
Dakka what a Watcher in the Dark has under it's robe
Dakka giving Nurgle a sponge bath since (insert year here)
Dakka dog food for flesh hounds
Dakka - we make our toast with flamers

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/28 03:34:14

Post by: Tacobake

halonachos wrote:Dakka heard you like mudkips.
Dakka now AP 1^10.
There is no time for peace, no respite, no forgiveness. There is only Dakka.
Dakka is Jervis's homeboy.

10 attacks might be a bit much.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/28 11:57:47

Post by: Excommunicate Traitoris

Dakka going up the center since (insert year here)
Dakka poking squigs with sticks since (insert year here)
Dakka the best a Troll can get
The fungus brew is on us
What if Tzeentch was one of us?
Dakka interior decorating with frag grenades
Dakka Thinks Captain Tycho was the best Phantom of the Opera
Paul Daniels is Egrimm Van Horstmann in disguise
Are you paying too much for warbuggy insurance?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/02/28 16:15:31

Post by: P4NC4K3

Dakka, Welcome out of the Kiddies Pool!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/03/01 02:38:07

Post by: ungulateman

Dakka Dakka: Where we paint Orks bright pink.

Dakka Dakka: We take toy soldiers to another level.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/03/01 03:17:40

Post by: warpcrafter

Dakka: Get a 1+ save against crybabies or get out

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/03/01 03:42:48

Post by: Excommunicate Traitoris

Dakka, in bed with Mad Donna
A Dakka a day keeps the painboy away
If it feels good it's Slaanesh
Dakka - Mordheim's town drunk

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/03/07 21:44:16

Post by: P4NC4K3

Even the Mods know my name!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/03/08 01:31:35

Post by: OverbossGhurzubMoga

Home of the Church of Turtle Pie ???

I know I saw that somewhere, in someone's sig. I was surprised that no one put it up.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/03/08 05:59:57

Post by: Mattlov

Dakka - We don't need no stinkin' acronym.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/03/30 03:40:38

Post by: captain.gordino

At DakkaDakka, we wear the boots of 40k and the shoulder-armour of Warmachine.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/05/01 05:59:42

Post by: NinjaPenguin

DakkaDakka, where the forces of evil wage war with plastic.
DakkaDakka: Get your Slaanesh on.
Dakkaspace, home of Yakkaface.

...I have a feeling that last one isn't going to be received well.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/05/08 21:33:35

Post by: Orkeosaurus

Dakka Dakka: Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/05/08 22:17:18

Post by: Mattlov

Dakka: Not a Browser Mistake.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/05/08 22:46:52

Post by: barlio

We put the hor in khorne
Welcome to the intraweb

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/06/05 22:41:10

Post by: Orlanth

Dakka - Post tactics!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/06/27 05:56:10

Post by: The Revelator

"Dakka Dakka, Gimme the news!"
"Dakka Dakka, Rocka Rocksa!"
"Dakka for the Dakka God! Shell Casings for the Shell Casing throne!" Might be a little lengthy

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/06/28 06:01:36

Post by: garret

we may not get much done but we have fun doin it
im sorry did you mean cocka cocka
run while you still can
frazzled wont bite.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/07/17 16:09:06

Post by: physcosamatic


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/07/23 12:35:08

Post by: Manchu

Let The Galaxy Learn

Posts for the Post Throne!

My spleeeeeen! (admittedly obscure DoW reference)

In the grim darkness of the intrawebz . . .

A Knot In The Webway

For the Greater Good, we promise.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/08/13 08:22:10

Post by: Emperors Faithful

In a world without hope, a world without justice, a world on the brink of insanty, there is only DAKKA!!!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/08/17 08:27:18

Post by: chaplaingrabthar

DakkaDakka, post it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/08/19 15:43:56

Post by: Orlanth

Bow of Dakka +2/+5 against trolls

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/08/19 20:01:47

Post by: Jin

Choosy Moms Choose Dakka

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/08/19 20:03:46

Post by: Nurglitch

We've got re-rolls in your re-rolls so you can re-roll when you re-roll.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/09/15 12:37:23

Post by: Anung Un Rama

And They Shall Know No Toilet-Breaks.

Our furries wear power-armor.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/09/16 03:54:13

Post by: malfred

There are some things that money can buy. For everything else, there's Dakka.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/09/16 13:06:42

Post by: SagesStone

Fear not the troll, the n00b, the ad-bot.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/09/17 01:42:42

Post by: BeefyG

Malapropism of the day:

On DAKKA - Dwarves won't take you for granite.

DAKKA - free from filth, only cunning linguists here.

DAKKA DAKKA - I'd write something witty but I can't be boltered.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/09/18 19:41:25

Post by: Nurglitch

Hyperbole is the best thing ever!
Going to ground when the boss is around!
Where Burna Boyz fear to tread.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/09/29 22:27:16

Post by: Cannerus_The_Unbearable

I've totally got a winner. Ready for it?

DakkaDakka: Play now, my lord

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/10 14:34:00

Post by: legoburner

There are some really great suggestions here. It is quite a pain to add new page headers as they slow the loading time for everyone, but there are some that are too good to be ignored. It will still be a while before we add more, but I wanted to give a special shout out to:

n0t_u wrote:Fear not the troll, the n00b, the ad-bot.

Which appeals to me greatly

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/10 14:39:58

Post by: SagesStone

Thanks, legoburner.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/10 18:06:26

Post by: Anung Un Rama

n0t_u wrote:Thanks, legoburner.

That's a pretty good page header too

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/11 01:34:51

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

Whats better than ONE genetically engineered solider fighting aliens?AN ARMY OF Genetically Engineered soliders fighting Aliens!!

I think its abit long...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/11 03:21:32

Post by: HellsGuardian316

Anti-Mag wrote:

Sleeping on to the couch again? Dakka understands.
Love this one

"Everyone quiet down, Dakka's back on"

"Because GW helpline is useless, There's always Dakka"

"There's only so many times you can repeat that Warhammer Joke at work that no one understands but you"

"From 0 to Fired, in just 4pages"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/11 05:23:42

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

The good thing about being me is, there are many me's

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/12 13:19:02

Post by: HellsGuardian316

"Hey, the posts are about 3' below, nothing to see here"

"Nothing to see here, move along"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/10/27 15:49:09

Post by: Lord-Loss


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/01 19:56:37

Post by: lord of the ghosts

"DakkaDakka-in a galaxy far, far, far, far, far, far away"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/01 20:45:01

Post by: Mekboy

Witness your doom!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/01 20:48:34

Post by: George Spiggott

It's zeitgeisty

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/02 03:17:34

Post by: lord of the ghosts

"kiss my dakkas myspace!!"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/02 05:53:32

Post by: garret

frazzled wont bite.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/16 00:35:08

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

so i herd you liek sphess mahrinez

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/23 12:42:18

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

Blood for the Blood Angel.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
An oldie...

Got Dakka?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/23 12:57:02

Post by: RaegMachine

The world's leading producer of Dakka.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/23 15:20:25

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Warseer, I like what you doing there and I'm gonna let you finish...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/23 16:00:07

Post by: RaegMachine

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/23 16:31:12

Post by: Anung Un Rama

@ Raeg: you're not supposed to type in what you read above but to come up with NEW page headers!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/23 21:15:58

Post by: garret

Go ahead press the link I dare you.
It no the dice fault.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/24 01:18:22

Post by: Cryonicleech

Dakka-More Attacks than a Hydra

Dakka-Our Ld beats Karl Franz

Dakka-Home of the Communist Space Fish

Dakka-More shots than 10 Lootas.

Dakka-More Valkyries than Elysian Players.

Dakka-Where Lash Princes and Vulkan He'stan can get along.

Dakka-Anything you can field, Orks can field more of.

Dakka-We're on a diet of Biomass, Doctors Orders

Dakka-Just because Eldar have pointy ears doesn't mean they can't kick ass.

Dakka-So what if he's dead? The Dok can fix 'im up proppa.

Dakka Dakka-Sneakier than a Kommando.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/11/24 07:40:11

Post by: Mad Monk's Mekshop

The fail train drives elsewhere!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/12/03 13:41:40

Post by: malfred

"Next time, post better."

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/12/03 23:15:08

Post by: RiTides

Can I "unsuggest" a page header? "Dakka at my baby" ??? Seriously?

Or is it a quote from something that I'm missing?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/12/04 02:15:53

Post by: Lord-Loss

Dak, Dak, Dakka Attack!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2009/12/14 17:45:09

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

You Iz'nt you fightin? You Iz'nt you Lootin'? YOU IZ MUKIN AROUND!

We didn't get hit with the nerf hammer.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/01/14 08:06:15

Post by: Foldalot

You need your opponents permission to read Dakka.
You need your opponents permission to use Dakkatactics

They are not space elves.

Dakka has all the USR's.

Dakka, for when mediocrity just won't cut it.
These funny headers often make my day, a lovley little cherry on top of the Sunday-Supreme that is Dakka.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/12 15:40:52

Post by: Leigen_Zero

Now with 100% more DAKKA!

When life gives you lemons... BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!

The glue fumes are suffocating

A nexus for those with no agenda

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/12 18:40:49

Post by: Vindicator#9


Im not picking my nose i am pointing at my brain.

Silent but violent

We like cheese....cutting it anyways.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
What can i say i have a pretty immature sense of humor.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/19 18:53:26

Post by: Bloodthirster

Mmm let me think.

There's only one DAKKA DAKKA!

When you're sick of Dakka. Have some Dakka Dakka!

We won't eat you, promise, we'll just...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/20 17:25:47

Post by: garret

Watch out for frazzled. And his attack weiner dogs.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/20 17:59:43

Post by: Bloodthirster

Girlfriend dumped you, Dakka understands...

Dakka Dakka, no nerds allowed!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Post! Or feel the wrath of Dakka!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/24 19:19:15

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

"DakkaDakka-Gwar will save us when the bee's die."

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/24 19:52:09

Post by: Paladin Blake

Dakka Dakka-At the intersection of Grim and Dark.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/24 21:48:43

Post by: Sanctjud

Dakka Dakka - Taking the Boy out of Boy Toy.

Dakka Dakka - Troll Free Since...Nevermind.

Dakka Dakka - Putting the Dakka In Dakka Dakka

Dakka Dakka - Catchier than Choppy Choppy.

Dakka Dakka - When Other Forums Are Banned At Work.

Dakka Dakka - Home of Gay Women Against Rape!

Dakka Dakka - Where the Post Count Doesn't Matter.

Dakka Dakka - We know you play with your toy soldiers.

Dakka Dakka - On top of the Vroom Vroom.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/25 11:46:00

Post by: Dronze

Dakka Dakka - Because Dakka Dakka Dakka would be too long.
Dakka Dakka - Deep Strike never tasted this good.
Dakka Dakka - Orkichu! I choose YOU!
Dakka Dakka - if you thought /b/ was bad, you should see "Off Topic"
Dakka Dakka - Like porn for plastic crack addicts, only not.
Dakka Dakka - putting the X in 20XX
Dakka Dakka - Because the glue fumes haven't done enough damage already

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/25 19:54:45

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

Dronze wrote:Dakka Dakka - if you thought /b/ was bad, you should see "Off Topic"

Oh, Yes!

"Dakka Dakka-We'd stop complaining about Gee-dub but then they'd miss us."
"Dakka Dakka-Because the internet is serious buisness."
"Dakka Dakka-Unleashing manifest destiny since 1997."
"Dakka Dakka-We saw what you did there."
"Dakka Dakka-Frazzled knows where you live."
"Dakka Dakka-Gwar's still right."
"Dakka Dakka-If you understand Cheesey, your past the point of redemption."
"Dakka Dakka-WAAAGGHHH!!!! That is all."
"Dakka Dakka-No assembly required."
"Dakka Dakka-So...not like Warseer at all then?"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/28 03:15:17

Post by: Orlanth

We don't taste of chicken.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/02/28 14:57:09

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Dronze wrote:Dakka Dakka - putting the X in 20XX

That's a good one.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/03/01 05:37:13

Post by: chaplaingrabthar

Dakka Dakka - If Fozzie Bear had a speech impediment

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/03/29 20:36:36

Post by: Blitza da warboy

Dakka Dakka- No TFG`s allowed!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/03/30 14:59:39

Post by: Paladin Blake

Blitza da warboy wrote:Dakka Dakka- No TFG`s allowed!

More like "TFGs please stay in YMDC"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/04/03 10:05:26

Post by: Blitza da warboy

Paladin Blake wrote:
Blitza da warboy wrote:Dakka Dakka- No TFG`s allowed!

More like "TFGs please stay in YMDC"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/04/16 03:15:12

Post by: Mattlov

"Instinctive Behavior makes you lurk here."

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/04/16 12:49:28

Post by: CadianXV

Dakka Dakka- So good we named it twice.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/04/18 00:23:32

Post by: VikingScott


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/05/02 00:39:47

Post by: captain.gordino

You have been eaten by a grue.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/05/04 19:24:17

Post by: VikingScott

DakkaDakka. It does what it says on the tin.
DakkaDakka. We know your worth your pts cost.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/05/08 23:25:30

Post by: aka_tizz

Ask not what DakkaDakka can do for you but ask, what YOU can do for DakkaDakka

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/07/14 17:51:14

Post by: Sanctjud

-Too Much Dakka Is Never Enough.
-Home of the RAW, the RAI, and the RAP.
-Dakka Dakka Now Worksafe-ish.
-Please Don't End Up Like Tau Online.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/08/09 18:57:41

Post by: Cannerus_The_Unbearable

Fething meltas, how do they work?!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/08/09 21:37:44

Post by: MasterDRD

Cannerus_The_Unbearable wrote:Fething meltas, how do they work?!

I second this one.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/08/10 17:33:53

Post by: Ultrafool

Dakka Dakka, no mom its not nude girls.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/08/19 09:31:26

Post by: Cadet_Commissar_Ludd

^ hehem Off-Topic... How long ago was the Nude Vampire Girls thread? XD

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/08/20 08:15:14

Post by: Dronze

Dakka Dakka - Our vampires don't sparkle.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/10/07 18:04:48

Post by: Dastardly Dave

Perhaps one for the DCM forums:

Dakka Dakka: Playing with our little men since (insert founding date here)

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/10/16 12:51:08

Post by: Ranad

Dakka Dakka- YOU can help Dakka give a Space Marine to every child.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/11/23 13:37:05

Post by: snurl

Luke, I AM your Dakka

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/11/29 00:49:15

Post by: Avatar 720

Dakka Dakka - A few skulls short of a throne

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/11/29 00:59:56

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

Drafting and covenverting happy meal toys into ork buggies since.... WAAGHH!!!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/11/30 07:32:08

Post by: EmilCrane

MasterDRD wrote:
Cannerus_The_Unbearable wrote:Fething meltas, how do they work?!

I second this one.


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/11/30 16:03:56

Post by: Perkustin

Dakka Dakka: A place on the net where fist is not a verb.
Dakka Dakka: None more Dakka.
Dakka Dakka: Space Marines since 1977, suck on that James Cameron!
Dakka Dakka: Dakka doesn't do european lager but if it did...
Dakka Dakka: Where BS 2 doesn't make a difference.
Dakka Dakka: Last bastion of the Squat.
Dakka Dakka: Unfortunately declaring Exterminatus won't work in real life.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/03 00:43:37

Post by: Avatar 720

DakkaDakka: Space Marines in Space!
DakkaDakka: Da dok iz in!
DakkaDakka: Kills 99.9% of all brain cells.
DakkaDakka: It's not the size that counts... though it helps.
DakkaDakka: Where even an Ork is a fun guy.
DakkaDakka: Tzeentch walks into a bar... should've seen it coming.
DakkaDakka: As full-bodied as Nurgle's farts.
DakkaDakka: In the 41st millenium, there is only funk!
DakkaDakka: Not just for Christmas...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/03 03:43:42

Post by: A Black Ram

Dakka Dakka- Who comes up with this stuff anyways?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/13 17:02:03

Post by: Excommunicate Traitoris

Dakka Dakka Our other car is a land raider
Dakka Dakka refreshes the parts some combat stims cant reach
Dakka Dakka it's all good fun until somebody loses a bionic eye

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/15 00:31:34

Post by: GalacticDefender

It's only a good game until you are losing. Then it's a stupid game.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/15 00:40:52

Post by: Gitsplitta

DakkaDakka: Sounds like teen spirit!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 03:22:01

Post by: Happygrunt

Dakka: Not that town in India!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 05:42:36

Post by: kenshin620

Dakka: The Chaos Gods must be crazy

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 05:52:24

Post by: Monster Rain

Dakka. We're gonna make ya smile.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 14:02:36

Post by: FM Ninja 048

Dakka - we're gonna need a bigger gun
Dakka - you could use those 99c green men, but wheres the fun in that

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 21:57:41

Post by: Happygrunt

Dakka: Tastes like cheese. And that's not the new Space Wolves.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 22:33:28

Post by: Monster Rain

Dakka: Get your stinkin' paws off me you damn dirty ape!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 23:02:45

Post by: FM Ninja 048

Dakka | -[insert witty quote here]-

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 23:16:43

Post by: Monster Rain

Dakka: What's the rumpus?

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2010/12/22 23:19:23

Post by: The Dreadnote

What those guardsmen are walking through isn't snow, it is Lictors.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/01/29 21:54:24

Post by: Space_Potato

Dakka Dakka: Like your bitz box, but with more users.


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/02/10 20:59:07

Post by: Mike Noble

Dakka Dakka: Like chess club except even more nerdy.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/02/10 21:11:05

Post by: shrike

If we didn't eat Cheesy Poofs, we'd be lame!- 1,000,000,000 points to whoever knows what I'm on about.

out of interest, I wonder if there are any active dakkaites that joined before the turn of the millenium...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/02/19 12:42:54

Post by: Mr Meatballs

Dakka: do not question the yakface
Dakka:big brother is watching

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/03/09 06:09:50

Post by: Cannerus_The_Unbearable

Blaming the victim since you can remember.

Our T-rexes eat coconuts.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/03/09 06:47:02

Post by: malfred

Mike Noble wrote:Dakka Dakka: Like chess club except even more nerdy.

I'd go with:

Manlier than the chess club, nerdier than the jocks.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/03/09 06:48:40

Post by: Monster Rain

Dakka Dakka: Bro-hugs for everyone!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/03/12 18:56:24

Post by: Saintspirit

Our dakkadence is matched only by our firepower

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/03/12 19:34:02

Post by: shrike

dakka's like a bits box- ya never know what you're gonna get.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/04/04 01:27:54

Post by: Slarg232

My Love for you is like DAKKADAKKA!

Dakka; Were'ze we luvs mukkin about!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/04/23 00:40:07

Post by: Flying Pooo

Don't know if these have been done.
Where are your Gods now, Heretic?
DakkaDakka- More successful than Abaddon’s Black Crusades.
Not this thread again.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/05/07 21:53:52

Post by: Slarg232

Dakka: Sparta? THIS. IS. DAKKA!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/05/08 01:39:02

Post by: Eilif

A kitten is still a kitten until it gets a skull for a face -then it's a Warhammer kitten.

My Mad-Libbed version of the GW employe's statment regarding skulls and scorpions as quoted here:

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/05/11 12:43:02

Post by: prototype_X

Dakka maths: dakka + dakka = dakka dakka

dakka dakka: it IS a serious hobby

no its not a nazi eagle!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/05/11 15:22:32

Post by: EmilCrane

16 active Matt Wards threads and counting!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/05/21 18:47:45

Post by: Avatar 720


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/05/24 15:44:43

Post by: Monster Rain

Yo dawg we head you like Dakka.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/08 20:50:49

Post by: Manchu

DAKKA DAKKA -- Kids ask for it by name!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/10 17:46:41

Post by: Avatar 720

DakkaDakka - Please leave your message after the WAAAGH!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/11 01:29:21

Post by: Kasrkai

Header: Rough rider? I don't even know -er.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/11 08:01:25

Post by: prototype_X

dakka dakka hosting the destroyer plaugue since *insert date here*

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/16 13:16:02

Post by: prototype_X

dakka, the website thate never sleeps

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 04:47:16

Post by: FireCancer

How about this one?

DakkaDakka - 9 Out Of 10 Orks Approve!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 04:59:55

Post by: Goddard


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 16:26:10

Post by: TrollPie

DakkaDakka-We're honestly not that bad!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 16:56:36

Post by: Swordwind

DakkaDakka - Too late to get your head down again.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 17:06:50

Post by: zxwarrior

War of the Dakka
break dancing dark eldar
head banging orks
moss pit full of khorne marines

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 17:13:08

Post by: Asherian Command

Dakka Dakka- Were Tacticians that win against Children
Dakka Dakka- Nerd Raging Daily
Dakka Dakka- Were the *good* boys hide.
Dakka Dakka- Eliminating the Competition for you.
Dakka Dakka- More Dice than you can throw.
Dakka Dakka- Not just a fun word to say.
Dakka Dakka- Brace Yourself for RRRAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGEEEE
Dakka Dakka- Causing International Strife since 1999
Dakka Dakka- The Home of Frazzled
Dakka Dakka- The Many the proud, the nerds.
Dakka Dakka- Because you can never have enough bullets
Dakka Dakka- We Prefer Intellectual Bad Asses
Dakka Dakka- Were Gak and Bhoys are used for agruements.
Dakka Dakka- Space Marines > Jedi
Dakka Dakka- The Direct Opposite of 4chan
Dakka Dakka- More Nerds than at E3
Dakka Dakka- Collecting things that make lesser men broke.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 17:16:03

Post by: zxwarrior

All above are win.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 19:56:48

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

Dakka Dakka-well at least it's not 4chan.
Dakka Dakka-y you no post?
Dakka Dakka-Heresy A-ok.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 21:18:15

Post by: TrollPie

Dakka Dakka-Home of bad fanfic!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/18 23:07:23

Post by: CadianXV

Dakka Dakka- Choice looting material.
Dakka Dakka- (8) minutes without an accident!
Dakka Dakka- If you're reading this, it's already too late.
Dakka Dakka- Like White Dwarf but with actual content.
Dakka Dakka- Firm supporter of TLOS.
Dakka Dakka- We have a unique magic Lore.
Dakka Dakka- The better kind of modelling.
Dakka Dakka- An alley in Commorragh.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/19 08:37:25

Post by: TrollPie

DakkaDakka- Avoid the hypnocat!
DakkaDakka- No, it's not pornography. Sorry.
DakkaDakka- Yes, you really have no life.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/21 08:03:53

Post by: shrike

dakkadakka- pics or it didn't happen.
dakkadakka- very shooty.
dakkadakka- like marmite, but doesn't stink.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/21 10:03:49

Post by: prototype_X

dakka dakka wysiwyg

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/23 19:20:02

Post by: Avatar 720

DakkaDakka - Run. No, seriously; run.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/06/28 09:25:35

Post by: sillyboy

Don't know if it has already been posted, but here it goes:

DakkaDakka: the number one cause of sleep deprivation.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/07/09 16:37:11

Post by: Moltar

Dakka Dakka - Or Dorka Dorka, as the wife calls it.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/07/09 17:18:09

Post by: TrollPie

Am I the only one who's noticed a contradiction here? One header is,
"You can never have too much Dakka", but another is
"Because Dakka Dakka Dakka is too much".
This needs to be remedied immediately.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/08/17 21:46:27

Post by: Monster Rain

All the drama of Jersey Shore, and yet none of the women.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/08/22 08:23:46

Post by: thenoobbomb

Now running your FREE virus scan...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/19 19:20:19

Post by: Rampage

DakkaDakka - Now voted the universe's least subtle Warp Gate, 2011.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/21 01:40:51

Post by: ForTheGreaterGood

Dakaka Dakka it stays cruncky even in milk

I am White/Green
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/21 07:38:42

Post by: thenoobbomb

The perfect capitalism....

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/22 19:01:32

Post by: Saintspirit

Dakka Dakka - the Dakkalicious. ...Wait, is that even a word?

In Soviet Russia, Dakka Dakka reads YOU!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/23 09:25:14

Post by: thenoobbomb

Saintspirit wrote:

In Soviet Russia, Dakka Dakka reads YOU!

You, comrade are a hero! Long live you... the computer of the state that has been lend to you.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/23 19:44:37

Post by: kronk

Troll free for 5 days 0 days and counting!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/23 19:46:50

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Dakka Dakka - our Trolls vomit acid.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/09/28 07:18:47

Post by: thenoobbomb

Dakkadakka - its like Raspoetin, invulnerable.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/10/29 10:04:24

Post by: shrike

"accident-free for 3 days"

and for the new logo:
"Dakka- because cool sites don't look at explosions"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/10/29 13:11:53

Post by: MrMerlin

If you'z not an Ork, zog off!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/11/02 06:45:46

Post by: Reaper6

DakkaDakka - We've got the skills of a Surgeon (but brains of plastic !)
DakkaDakka - More hardcore than chain-mail underwear !
DakkaDakka - for Highlights, Lowlights and fans of Flashlights !
DakkaDakka - because war really can be fun !
DakkaDakka - more variety than the Restaurant the the End of The Universe (bigger bar too !)
DakkaDakka - More action than a Squirrel fight at a Nut Farm.
DakkaDakka - Our nuts are hypo-allergenic, and sometimes even friendly !
DakkaDakka - WARNING - Our "dancing girls" wear spiked boots... and bite !
DakkaDakka - More pages than Earl Hickey's List !
DakkaDakka - Like hanging with Leonard, Raj and Howard, but Sheldon free !

That's it, I'm done for now. (for those few who don't get the last two, they refer to My Name is Earl, and The Big Bang Theory respectively - but I expect Most of you knew that)

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/11/02 09:30:37

Post by: MrMerlin

Dakkadakka - we have more balls than a chinese pingpong-tournament organizer

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Dakkadakka - we have flying guts, spattering blood and a throne made of skulls; AND WE HAVE FLUFF!!


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/11/08 08:55:04

Post by: Saintspirit

Our fluff can be read!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/12/02 03:29:12

Post by: Avatar 720

DakkaDakka - One Ork short of a WAAAGH!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2011/12/02 22:02:27

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Home of Matt Ward/Finecast/Model Price whingers of the world over!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/01/11 19:43:25

Post by: Small, Far Away

Dragio's Law will apply. (Draigo's Law is the law that says as a post on a gaming forum gets longer, the chance that someone complains about Mat Ward and/or Draigo increaces to 1).

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/01/11 19:45:04

Post by: pretre

Small, Far Away wrote:Dragio's Law will apply. (Draigo's Law is the law that says as a post on a gaming forum gets longer, the chance that someone complains about Mat Ward and/or Draigo increaces to 1).

I think you're looking for:
Draigo's Law: As a DakkaDakka discussion grows longer, the probability of someone complaining about Ward/Draigo/Bloodtide approaches 1.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/01/11 21:04:12

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Dakka - Nothing gets the job done faster.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/02/05 04:39:11

Post by: killykavekommando

Dakka- here, you can win the game!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/04/08 16:44:01

Post by: anton

here is one,

"Orks, the worst spellers of the universe"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/04/22 04:05:51

Post by: nomsheep

here's a few.

Dakka dakka does not load slowly, nor does it load quickly, it loads precisely when it means to.

Dakka Dakka - for when watching paint dry just isn't enough.

Dakka Dakka - Still needs more dakka

They say latin is a dead language, 40,000 years from you'll all speak it.

Orks - proof that cockneys can live through everything.

Dakka dakka - home of the giant purple squid.


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/05/08 22:14:50

Post by: Deadshot

Games Workshop. Because cardgames weren't nerdy enough for them.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/05/20 05:55:09

Post by: Gorfang EadSplitta'

Dakka Dakka, ork related cause we don't need another space marine chapter.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/05/20 08:30:03

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

DakkaDakka - Where crazy people come to go crazier

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/05/24 05:56:19

Post by: TheRobotLol

The national Matt Ward hunt, coming soon to Dakka.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/05/24 12:34:29

Post by: Chowderhead

DakkaDakka: 97% Asbestos free since 2000!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/05/24 15:38:25

Post by: Gorechild

Slowly but surely, is begin to grow.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/07/06 12:02:30

Post by: chilledmonkeybrains

Ork Proverbs

“Da bigger day are, da ‘arder day fall” – Ork proverb regarding space marines

“Da ork wiv da biggest gun is always rite”

“Da early squig catches da snotling”

“Any landin’ yoo can walk away from is a good ‘un” – Anon. storm boy

And a human one…

“The ork horde has many heads but no brains” – Anon. commissar

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/07/28 19:07:25

Post by: Sharkvictim

Dakka Dakka: Where everyone rage-quits GW... every week...
Dakka Dakka: Where the rumor is king, and truth is like a duke or something.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/07/29 14:12:41

Post by: liquidjoshi

'Nids... I hate 'nids.
Dakka dakka never rolls for mishaps.
Dakka fuelled the Horus heresy.
We blame Mat.
Guardsmen are people too! Or meatshields...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/08/05 14:33:26

Post by: thenoobbomb

Gorfang EadSplitta wrote:Dakka Dakka, ork related cause we don't need another space marine chapter.


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/08/06 20:53:01

Post by: liquidjoshi

Dakka: It's what's for dinner...

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/08/09 20:38:28

Post by: p_gray99

Walk softly and carry loads of dakka.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/08/12 09:51:52

Post by: prototype_X

The only way is Dakka

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/08/12 10:54:31

Post by: liquidjoshi

Take a left at Armageddon.
Don't paint, Dakka!
Who let the Squigs out?
Discovered Hogg's Bison.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/08/16 14:10:19

Post by: p_gray99

Dakka: Now 90% Cyanide free!
Dakka: You think that peanut butter contains loads of nuts?
Dakka: Always quit while you're ahea

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2012/12/09 12:07:20

Post by: p_gray99

How about:

Dakka: Like Warseer, but great on wargames rather than pointless arguments!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/03/13 05:25:29

Post by: Eldercaveman

In response to this thread


'There is no Freedom of Speech on Dakka'

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/03/13 08:29:07

Post by: MrMoustaffa

Eldercaveman wrote:
In response to this thread


'There is no Freedom of Speech on Dakka'

"No freedom of speach or you'll get edetid or baned!"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/03/13 12:04:21

Post by: Niiai

Dakka dakka - where the pen is mightier then the sword, at least phonetically.

- Where you will not be served cheese with your whine.

- We might not know manny leathers, but we like them a lott.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/03/25 20:08:12

Post by: Niiai

Where interpreting rules is a sub-game in itself.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/06/02 18:15:45

Post by: Tappers

Drown your sorrows here...
Does anybody actually read these?
TOP SECRET: All posts on here are written by secret agents talking to each other in code.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/06/20 15:32:56

Post by: kronk

Dakka Dakka: We bane more posters before 7 AM than most forums do all day.

Forge World is the Best World.

Dakka Dakka is like wearing a cup in sports. It's really annoying until you need it.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/07/17 19:42:01

Post by: Casey's Law

Try clearing your cache.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/07/17 20:37:26

Post by: sing your life

I thought of a few:

"scared feth...."

"go home guardman, you're drunk"

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2013/09/07 15:37:25

Post by: fishy bob

The North Korea of wargaming forums
Official Mat Ward fan site
Home of the Slag Troll
Telling people to grow thicker skin since [insert year]
Discussing Catholicism with Judge Dredd leads to nothing

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2014/05/08 06:30:42

Post by: TheCustomLime

No, we don't want any Kitchen sets.

There can be no science! There can be no logic! There is only plot armor!

It's safer here.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2014/05/08 10:32:58

Post by: liquidjoshi

Home of the Bräumeister of Dakkadorf.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2014/06/27 10:55:46

Post by: korbenn

There is never enough of it.

There is never too much of it

Now make it more choppy

Now make it more stompy

It needs more! MORE!


Teh Flashiest Gitz.

Oops I shot me Warboss.

We are Grot kickerz.

We are Squig jugglers.

Making (insert fantasy race) look sexy since we painted them.

Armour piercing dice!

Help! I am being kidnapped by wargamers

Don't talk to me about Dakka

Pretty dreadfull isn't it.

If any of these are already posted by other user. Than I missed them wile reading the tread.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2014/10/18 11:03:57

Post by: Dannyrulx

Haven't read through all nine pages so excuse me if these have been said once already.

Dakka: Freeboters be welcome!
Sorry? Orbital Bombardment?!
Fix Bayonets!
Inquisitors, being douches since [Insert date here]
There's some more dakka, and some more...
Beating the last chancers since [Insert date here]

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2014/11/13 15:54:02

Post by: Eilif

-Buy more minis, or the terrorists win.

-Because we have a skull for a face

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2014/12/08 04:30:25

Post by: hotsauceman1

Do your homework

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2014/12/29 18:54:39

Post by: Matthew

You may live.

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2015/01/07 10:50:15

Post by: Matthew


Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2015/01/07 11:14:28

Post by: zedmeister

This is Great News!

Get back to work you slacker

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2015/03/28 12:13:47

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

Sorry for necroing this thread, but here are some.

Yo mama so hungry, she eats Dakka for breakfast!

Please, no necromancy of threads

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2015/10/29 01:15:42

Post by: rowboatjellyfanxiii

- Captain Titus can't even chronologically be a Captain.
- Teh cowards, the fewls!

Suggest Funny Page Headers Here @ 2016/08/06 10:42:36

Post by: Do_I_Not_Like_That

Because akkad akkad makes no sense.

The adventures of akka akka's smarter brother.

Dakka dakka: refuge for those who wasted the paycheck on that forge world titan