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What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 04:09:07

Post by: Greebynog

How did you decide on your username?

Mine is a nickname I had back in school; 'greebo' was a ninties word for one into metal, but my love of indie pop, and the tight jeans that went with, was misdiagnosed as being 'greeby', and somehow 'noggin' got tagged onto the end, so I was greebynoggin, greebynognog or just greebynog. People in my home town still call me that. I don't know why I chose it, I don't really like being called it...

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 04:27:41

Post by: lord_sutekh

Mine is the name of the Master of my home-brew Space Marine Chapter.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 04:37:14

Post by: Kardos

Mine is the name i gave my first Dwarf in D&D some 20+ yrs ago. I have named most of my chars in games Kardos thereafter

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 04:49:43

Post by: Cheese Elemental

I was named after a fake MTG card that I made in photoshop and tried to use in a game once.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 05:03:45

Post by: The Thousandth Son

If you know anything about Chaos Space Marines than you'll know what mine is.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 05:49:25

Post by: Nofasse 'Eadhunta

Mine's the name of my Warboss! WAAAGH!!!

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 05:55:34

Post by: Clthomps

I got mine because my real name was taken for Gmail and it was one of its suggestions.

Christopher Louis Thompson = CLThomps

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 06:48:07

Post by: dogma

I like the movie Dogma.

Mostly because it opens with a Platypus reference, and the Platypus is the greatest animal in all creation.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 06:54:12

Post by: captain.gordino

Mine doesn't mean anything, it's just what I always use.

I got mine because my real name was taken for Gmail and it was one of its suggestions. Christopher Louis Thompson = CLThomps

I wondered about that.

I considered using the name protonfury, but I would have been copying someone off of a different forum, so I just stuck with what I always use.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 07:27:21

Post by: warpcrafter

Mine is a title for a specialized wizard type I created for a wargame that I've been working on for years. In the game there are Portals (Like in Stargate) but their is no physical substance to them, just a circle of runes spinning in the air. Only these wizards have the specialized training required to change a portal's destination and defend it from being forcibly linked to an enemy's portal. Long before DakkaDakka, I went through about two dozen before I decided to use it because everything else I wanted was already taken.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 07:32:19

Post by: sexiest_hero

I joined the military to get chicks like my older brothers did. All the ladies called them heros, so I called myself the Sexiest hero. Yes it's cheesy but it got me my wife and she loves the name. The 90's were good for cheesy names.
(Irony is, I wasn't half as cocky as the nick named suggested, and spent most dates acting cool on the outside but panicing on the inside.)

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 07:53:47

Post by: Aduro

I'm a Pyro. Full version of the name is Aduro Terrarum. Fun with Latin FTW.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 08:42:29

Post by: Ahtman

Mine is a mispelling of the eastern philosophy term atman. First day of class no books yet and going by the professors pronunciation I wrote ahtman in my notes. Then I found out that it was actually atman.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 08:43:57

Post by: grizgrin

Lewis Grizzard was a Southern comic my grandfather used ot love to listen to. I thought it was great. So GRIZzzard + GRIN= me. Been my screen name since 94.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 08:54:04

Post by: Canaan

Mine is my RL 1st name

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 10:29:53

Post by: Anung Un Rama

The true name of Hellboy...
"...and upon his brow is set a crown of fire..."

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 10:32:17

Post by: legoburner

Mine is because everything else was taken on other forums and sites, and while thinking of a different name I had some lego sitting on top of a CD burner on my desk so I just glued the two names together to create legoburner.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 11:09:05

Post by: Kilkrazy

Kilkrazy is fairly obvious for a wargamer.

I chose it when I was playing arcade games in the late 70s. Back then you could only put a three letter string into the game, because of memory limitations, so I used Kil for short.

Kilkrazy fits in eight letters which is still a common string length limitation in software.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 11:46:14

Post by: GABTRID

Gabtrid is a user name I've been using in a long history of shooter games. Spelled backwords is dirtbag, which oddly xboxlive and other games wouldnt allow.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 13:04:33

Post by: sebster

Sebster is my dog's nickname.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 15:11:14

Post by: thekyle1231

This one day I started to refer to myself in the third person for fun, and I started shooters that day, and made that my name. 1231 Is a cool number set me and my friends use.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 17:50:56

Post by: BloodofOrks

I play Farsight enclave. My user name is what I was Baptized in.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 18:17:04

Post by: Aduro

Anung Un Rama wrote:The true name of Hellboy...

And a cool one at that.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 21:07:39

Post by: Redbeard

I have red hair growing out of my face. It seemed to make sense.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 22:06:21

Post by: Typeline

One day I needed a username. This was a number of years ago on some random forum. I kept trying to think but everything was taken. Then I just kind of thought to myself to get me thinking "What am I typeing on? A typeline... Typeline". And it's never been taken since.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 22:18:23

Post by: Valhallan42nd

Mine is for the Faithful 42nd, the Valhallan Regiment I have been collecting for about 9 years.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 22:47:41

Post by: Arctik_Firangi

I've been using Arctik since about '98. Started as Arctik_Wolf, went through the 'made of symbols' phase, then lost the dog.

Firangi is my general business title, derived from the Persian/middle eastern 'farangi' and similar (basically meaning a foreigner), hybridised with the Old Norse 'Væringjar'. At least that's how it works in my head.

Go ahead and read the fluff (I mean history) of the Varangians. good stuff.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/16 23:26:45

Post by: Grignard

Francois Auguste Victor Grignard was a French chemist who discovered a well known reaction that creates carbon-carbon bonds using ketones ( among other things ). He also apparently worked on detection methods for mustard gas and made phosgene during WWI, and shared a Nobel with Sabatier for the Grignard reaction.

Basically I needed a name for a MMO ( DAoC if I recall correctly), and I had been studying that evening so the name sort of fell out. I've used it since but apparently others had the same idea because I recall seeing at least 20 grignards that played WoW.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 02:04:44

Post by: Boyofdestiny205

I picked it up from Calvin & Hobbes. The 205 is just a made up number cause boyofdestiny by itself was already taken.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 02:48:21

Post by: captain.gordino

Boyofdestiny205 wrote:I picked it up from Calvin & Hobbes. The 205 is just a made up number cause boyofdestiny by itself was already taken.

That's one of my favourite Calvin & Hobbes strips.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 02:52:14

Post by: Tacobake

Kilkrazy wrote:Kilkrazy is fairly obvious for a wargamer.

I chose it when I was playing arcade games in the late 70s. Back then you could only put a three letter string into the game, because of memory limitations, so I used Kil for short.

Kilkrazy fits in eight letters which is still a common string length limitation in software.

someone's clever.

Aduro wrote:I'm a Pyro. Full version of the name is Aduro Terrarum. Fun with Latin FTW.

last piece of the puzzle.

Canaan wrote:Mine is my RL 1st name

you kid me not.

Anung Un Rama wrote:The true name of Hellboy...
"...and upon his brow is set a crown of fire..."


Tacobake is a North American delicacy ... just like me

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 02:58:51

Post by: malfred

One of my favorite fictional characters is Alfred Montbank, the bumbling butler who turned
out to be a Serpent Mage. It's like any nerd fantasy, I suppose. We imagine that our
intelligence makes us socially awkward but graceful in all of the things that matter.

malfred is Alfred with an M.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 03:11:24

Post by: malfred

Canaan wrote:Mine is my RL 1st name

So when you take girls home, do you say, "Welcome to the Promised Land?" or do
you save that line for later in the evening?

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 03:16:33

Post by: captain.gordino

Malfred you're approaching you're 18,000th post!! Better make it something special, like maybe starting a really interesting thread or something...

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 09:33:16

Post by: Chimera_Calvin

Mine came from two references. The guys I used to go biking with all had names for their machines. My bike (it was a Honda Hornet) was called Hobbes - so obviously I was Calvin.

When I got into airsoft a couple of years ago I joined Team Chimera and used Calvin as my call-sign (hence my username, carried over from the airsoft forum...)

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 10:47:14

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

On TV here in Oz we have a show called the footy show, which covers football.

They run mindless segments including buying a greyhound and racing it. They called it Nads, so when people cheered it on they yelled 'Go Nads!'.

I named my Ork Warboss Nads, then just to Gonads.

So when I looked for login name I wanted to use my ork warboss name, but needed to link it to 40k.

So Waaagh Gonads (The underscore was added later due to a new version of dakka needing them) was born...

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 11:26:16

Post by: HoverBoy

Mine was given to me by the members of the very first forum i registeret to when i was little.
It was based around my mind's inability to stay on topic and hover away in unknown directions.
I changed mi name to it immediatly (the old was CheetaBoy by the way)

Ofcourse iv'e solved that problem by now... mostly...
Wanna talk about it

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 13:38:05

Post by: Wolfstan

I like Viking and Saxon history, so I choose Wolfstan for my Saxon persona and Ulric Ulfsson for my Viking persona. Have also used Grimblood in the past when the others weren't available.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 14:48:07

Post by: InyokaMadoda

I used to work in a reptile park in South Africa and one of the many jobs we had was collecting snakes, crocodiles, lizards, scorpions and any other critters that had wandered into people's houses, exactly as you've seen Steve Irwin do on TV, but without the dramatics. I went to catch quite a few at the local village and the locals called me 'Inyoka Madoda' whenever they saw me around town. It translates from Zulu to English as 'Snake Man'. I thought this was pretty cool and it's been my on line handle ever since.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 18:20:19

Post by: 92acclude

It's what I drive.

1992 Honda Accord, with the heart of a prelude.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 19:11:25

Post by: Ozymandias

In High School I was reading the Watchmen at the same time I was taking a British Literature class focusing on Poetry.

I also started posting on my first GW "forum" (the guestbook from the Ultimate Games Workshop website run by Jason and Scott Hill) and I needed a handle and Ozymandias was a pretty cool name so I went with that with the added ", King of Kings."

And the rest is history.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 19:22:04

Post by: Anung Un Rama

Tacobake wrote:

Thank you

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 22:04:44

Post by: Destrado

I was watching Evangelion one night and they mentioned this term. After some research, I found it to be the opposite of Libido, so I took a liking to the name (i.e. Drama!) and the fact that it was rather obscure.

I later used it as Monsieur le Comte de Destrado (I was reading some russian novels at the time and they frequently used french for titles, in fact amongst the russian aristocracy the chosen language was french, or so I've heard). That, combined with a masked persona like Lord Darcia from Wolf's Rain led to the imaginary creation of this character.

Errr... My gf also took Mademoiselle la Comtesse de Libido as her msn nickname for a while.

I'll be leaving now. :p

(the character on my Avatar is Sandman, from Neil Gaiman's excellent series, though I do not know the name of the guy who drew it.)

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/17 23:16:29

Post by: Anti-Mag

What you daub over your armoured company when melta bombs are being handed out at the enemy camp.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/18 02:34:22

Post by: Ghost in the Darkness

Mines a combination of my Fraternity Nickname Casper so on other sites I call myself Ghost mixed with a movie that I really like The Ghost and the Darkness (2 maneating lions) and just made it sound cool

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/18 04:34:52

Post by: Commisar00

I needed a name to tie into my guard army since its my first 40k love and was really tired when i put it in so that's why its misspelled and the 00 is just what I put on the end of everything. Oh and I figured Moonknight was a good stand in for a commissar since he is the embodiment of his god on earth and uses fear to inspire people not to be bad.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/18 11:52:34

Post by: Lorek

I got mine from Iorek Byrnison, the armored bear from the His Dark Materials trilogy. I was reading the books at the time I created this username.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/18 14:47:53

Post by: Mannahnin

When this forum started (in 1997 or 1998) it was focused on the local Dakka Dakka gaming group, and the guys used it for setting up games, writing battle reports, and sometimes writing in-character reports or challenges. So a lot of the guys had handles corresponding to their army commanders. When I joined the forum and the league in May of 1999, I used the name of my Farseer in my league army. My Eldar army was my first, and the fluff was a mix of 2nd ed classic Eldar fluff and Irish pagan cosmology. Mannahnin is a phonetic misspelling of Manannan (mac Lir), the Irish god of the sea, and of the borders and mists between worlds.


What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/18 14:57:32

Post by: burb1996

Mine is simple. First time I bought my own computer for myself was in 1996. I was living off post in a little suburb....Wala...burb1996....it just stuck. Now my OTHER nickname I use for games is GreenieWeenie...And not it has nothing to do with "problems with my manhood"...lol. I can thank a Drill Sgt. and a last name that when mispronounced sounds an aweful lot like weiner....

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/18 23:36:09

Post by: Ace_of_Spades

During my first tour of duty I was stationed in the UK. After a particularly heavy night of partying my roomie and I went to a tattoo parlor in Luton, UK. I went with him to watch him get a tattoo since I had no intention of getting ink. I ended up looking through some of the flash and started sketching a pic. I drew a vampire on an Ace of Spades playing card my bud said that looks "killer" and I ended up with my first tattoo. 19 years later and it's still my favortite tat (have three)...the color is still great and the blood still looks real on the card. Best 60 quid I ever spent!

So that's how I came up with the Ace_of_Spades handle...plus my other radio callsigns aren't for polite company.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/19 00:28:36

Post by: Arctik_Firangi

This is a great thread.
Also thought I'd point out that Dakka is the first forum I've spent any reasonable amount of time in where no one has tried to correct the spelling of 'Arctik'. Saves me having to go, 'I BLOODY KNOW, ALRIGHT?' It's nifty because the horizontal line on the capital 'A' is also the horizontal line for the 't', and curves down for the lower leg of 'k'.


Example; didn't do it properly, but that's the general idea.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/19 16:03:04

Post by: reds8n

Waaagh_Gonads wrote:On TV here in Oz we have a show called the footy show, which covers football.

They run mindless segments including buying a greyhound and racing it. They called it Nads, so when people cheered it on they yelled 'Go Nads!'.

I named my Ork Warboss Nads, then just to Gonads.

So when I looked for login name I wanted to use my ork warboss name, but needed to link it to 40k.

So Waaagh Gonads (The underscore was added later due to a new version of dakka needing them) was born...

Gonads is a slang term for testicles in the UK...... we had been wondering about you....

Joined ebay years back, no idea for a name, tehy suggest favourite colour ( Red being the default colour of the mighty LFC.) and "something you love". I was wearing an old White Zombie t-shirt with " Say you love satan" on the back... and the rest is history and calloused fingers.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/19 17:14:37

Post by: Jin

Used to have a different name on the old Dakka boards, I think it was MSGlvr (I love Mono-sodium glutamate).

For some reason, I couldn't get that name back/didn't care enough to recover it, so I went with something that represented what I was playing at the time:

Tyranids, Hive Fleet Jormungand.

Decided to go with a short name, so that got condensed to HFJor.

In retrospect, I don't really care for the name, but, meh.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/19 17:36:19

Post by: Wraithlordmechanic

My name was a random name that fit in with 40k- although the image of some grease covered grungy mechanic cussing over what happened to the wraithlord's "chassis" in the last battle -possibly with the wraithlord explaining it to him- is pretty funny to my mind...(I realize that a bonesinger actually does the job but some Yanni wanna-be playing a flute to fix it isn't as funny)

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/19 17:58:22

Post by: George Spiggott

One of The Horned Ones many earthly nom de plumes according to Bedazzled (the origional one with Peter Cook).

Stanley Moon: I thought you were called Lucifer.
George Spiggott: I know. "The Bringer of the Light" it used to be. Sounded a bit poofy to me.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/20 07:32:55

Post by: Lord Lankington

Well mine came from school, when we were bored so we made up "knight-names". and at the time my nickname was 'Lanky' due to the fact i was a good foot taller than all my friends, anhoo, so my name was 'Sir Lanksalot' then after i became bored with being a knight i upgraded myself to a Lord, but "Lord Lanksalot" sounds kinda funny so "Lord Lankington" was born.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/25 19:04:48

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

ehh, i realized after reading this thread, that i have been using the wrong screen name... though i use this one on all 40k boards i'm currently on.

translated from Latin, it means "sword of swords" or something very close to it, as my latin was slightly rusty when i came up with it in the first place... still like my "original" latin name from taking the class..

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/11/30 07:53:00

Post by: Chrysaor686

In Greek mythology, Chrysaor is the son of Medusa, birthed out of her neck when her head was cut off. I found that interesting, so hey, there you go. Not to mention that phonetically, it's a really cool name. Try saying it out loud. Fun, isn't it? Though a lot of people tend to misspell it, usually as Chryasor or Chrysoar, because as it's correctly spelled, it tends to not make sense, I guess. That, and maybe the combination of "ao" in the english language is hard for people to wrap their minds around.

As for the 686....well....I started using 68 as an ending to all of my (taken) usernames a looooong time ago, and I think it came from 69 minus 1. The six at the end just came up somewhere, and, well, stuck.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/01 15:45:34

Post by: Envy89

my initals in real life are NV... envy, NV... get it?

89 is the year i was born in.

a while after i made this tag. i watched an anime called full metal alchmist. so most people think my username came from Envy.... the fools

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/04 00:14:44

Post by: Elnicko5

Mine is a testament to my inability to speak spanish. In highschool spanish class, my buddy an I used to have to speak to eachother as a group activity in class, but we were both rubbish at spanish, so we took english ( which we had only a minor mastery of) added o's and a's and tossed in a bit of el's and magically, el nicko and tituso spent class speaking something that passed as spanish unless you payed atention to what we were saying. Needless to say, we both failed spanish.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/05 16:26:32

Post by: Gen. Lee Losing

Mine, well... if you see me playing a game, "I'm generally losing."

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/05 23:13:55

Post by: Papadoc

Because creole is awesome

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/06 06:41:45

Post by: Gen. Lee Losing

Papadoc wrote:Because creole is awesome

Can't argue with that!

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/06 10:12:26

Post by: yakface

Mannahnin wrote:When this forum started (in 1997 or 1998) it was focused on the local Dakka Dakka gaming group, and the guys used it for setting up games, writing battle reports, and sometimes writing in-character reports or challenges. So a lot of the guys had handles corresponding to their army commanders. When I joined the forum and the league in May of 1999, I used the name of my Farseer in my league army. My Eldar army was my first, and the fluff was a mix of 2nd ed classic Eldar fluff and Irish pagan cosmology. Mannahnin is a phonetic misspelling of Manannan (mac Lir), the Irish god of the sea, and of the borders and mists between worlds.


Your name drives me nuts because:

A) I can never remember how to spell it.
B) If anyone should use some variation of their real name on a 40k forum, it is you.

HFJor wrote:
In retrospect, I don't really care for the name, but, meh.

I can change your name if you'd like. PM me if you're interested.

As for my handle,

Back in high school when I still thought Star Wars was cool (before the prequels) someone bought me a book covering all the Star Wars merchandising from the 80's as a present. The book had a two-page pictorial showing every single old school Kenner action figure and the caption read something like (I still have the book but I'm at work so I can't dig it out):

"Pictured here is the complete line of Kenner Star Wars action figures except for the elusive yakface. . ."

I thought the term "the elusive yakface" was awesome/hilarious so when I started a band in high school we went with that name. Of course, the band broke-up before we even played a single gig but I really liked the name and I didn't just want to 'let it go', so when it came time to start patrolling the internet and I needed a pseudonym, I took the name for my own.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/06 14:24:21

Post by: legoburner

If anyone else was curious, then this is what yak looks like (not that yakface, this yakface):

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/06 14:49:16

Post by: Deadshane1

Deadshane-Just getting a jump on the zombie apocolypse.

I love everything "zombie". Hence the moniker.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/06 14:55:24

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Mine was used originally on Portent. I was signing up, had the Ork Codex next to me, and pop, there it went!

I have registered the user name on various Forums now.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/07 14:25:49

Post by: Destrado

Yakface has a battle staff? Kewl!

The "Elusive Yakface" sounds too good, actually. I would've never have guessed that it came from Star Wars, though.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/10 18:41:14

Post by: SonsOfLoki

my forum name is the name on my homebrew chaos legion
and i am half Icelandic
and my god is Loki
god of mischief
not slannesh mischief
just mischief

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/11 20:59:09

Post by: Ryan

My name is........well...........my name??

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/12 01:55:33

Post by: Orkeosaurus

Elnicko5 wrote:Mine is a testament to my inability to speak spanish. In highschool spanish class, my buddy an I used to have to speak to eachother as a group activity in class, but we were both rubbish at spanish, so we took english ( which we had only a minor mastery of) added o's and a's and tossed in a bit of el's and magically, el nicko and tituso spent class speaking something that passed as spanish unless you payed atention to what we were saying. Needless to say, we both failed spanish.
That pretty much happened to me too.

Anyway, I chose my name because I wanted to have a badly photoshopped avatar.

Then photoshop wasn't working on my computer, so I used MS Paint.

(Also, I play Orks)

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/12 02:17:55

Post by: Corey85

Pretty straightforward, just my middle name plus year of birth. I usually went by last name or middle because my first name was really common in school. So someone would say hey Justin and three or more guys would look up. So after awhile I didn't respond. So then people always called out my middle or last name.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/13 01:05:57

Post by: MinMax

Mine is the name of a character from a fantasy webcomic I used to read, called Goblins. MinMax the Unstoppable Warrior...

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/15 01:35:44

Post by: Khor'Ghurneth

Khor - Khorne in Chaos speak (back of the old Beastmen Army book)
Ghur - Beast in Chaos speak (back of the old Beastmen Army book)
Neth - Lord in Chaos speak (back of the old Beastmen Army book)

Slap them together in the most phonetically pleasing way and Voila!

And MinMax, that webcomics still going strong, Look it up again sometime, or PM me for a link.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/15 01:57:17

Post by: Illeix

mine is taken from the genus of holly trees, ilex, then warped into something I find more fun to say.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/15 04:41:33

Post by: focusedfire

Mine, fairly obvious for a tau player,is the act of dumping all your firepower on a specific target until its no longer s threat. And it is more fitting than my other handle of North American Silverback.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/16 11:15:02

Post by: Xav

My username is my name "xav" is short for "xavier".

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/16 19:53:16

Post by: Angry Marine!

I'm.. an Angry Marine! GNYAAAAARGH! *flails bat with nail in it*

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/17 19:50:10

Post by: sonofruss

I am really a son of russ

and as you can tell by my avatar I like space wolves allot that is a tatoo on my skin

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/17 20:07:52

Post by: Tri

gah so many cool names ... i'm just a long term gamer and Tri is just latest version ...
Mad Mike - started online gaming just seen Mad Max on video ... i was 8 it was cool
Mad Man Mike - joined a clan on Delta Force and it all ready had a Mad Mike (didn't help i kept meeting other M@D M1K3's)
3M or MMM - got lazys
Tri-M - sounded cooler and its rare to meet other tri's
Tri - get cut when i can't fit the '~M' ^_^

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/17 20:16:46

Post by: don_mondo

Many years back while still in the army (circa 1988), I came in from PT with my hair all sticking up in every direction (yeah, I wore it a whole inch or two long). Anyways, someone yelled, Hey, look, it's Jon Bon Jovi. Someone else yelled, No, it's Don Mondovi. Over the next few months it got shortened to Don Mondo, and I've used it ever since.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/17 21:33:14

Post by: Obscurum

Darkness in Latin. Don't ask me.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/18 21:30:24

Post by: M_Stress

Ryan wrote:My name is........well...........my name??


M_Stress, for Monsieur Stress, is my nickname at the local friendly gaming store

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/23 17:26:45

Post by: Tathrim

Mine is my Xbox Live Gamertag

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/24 16:37:03

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

When I joined the original Dakka boards back in 2003 I was a Scythes of the Emperor player so went by the name CaptainReaper or Captain Reaper (can't remember which exactly.)

When the board restarted here, I had been hanging on Warseer for a while so used the same username I had there. Although for some reason I tend to have different names elsewhere, most are Druchii or Zhang Liao related in general.

Oh and the reason behind this username was just me messing around, a play of words based on the rumours about her and her son, although for a long time on Warseer I was suggesting it was because she is the secret mother of Stitch. (Yes, from Lilo and Stitch, and no I have zero idea where that came from, odd mood that week perhaps?)

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/24 16:53:38

Post by: smiling Assassin

I smile as I kill you!


What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/27 21:32:02

Post by: mist

Mine is pretty boring, as it just my middle name. For most online communities, I use my first name or a variant on that, but I don't want to associate my presence on this forum with my other identities, so a new name was found. Not that I'm ashamed to be here, or anything, I just like to keep my hobbies separate.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/29 06:29:35

Post by: Nuclear Mekanik

Mine comes from my job (I work in a nuclear power station) and the fact that I collect Orks and like modifying/converting vehicles. (both Orky ones and real ones!)

On other forums I'm known as Do Glatem Live which is a lyric from the song "7734" by Sabaton, if you spell it backwards it spells Evil Metal God

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/29 10:31:14

Post by: somecallmeJack

some people call me Jack.... most do in fact, because its my name

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2008/12/30 02:59:06

Post by: Velsharoon

Velsharoon the Archmage of Necromancy, also known as the Vaunted, is a fictional deity of the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting. Velsharoon is the undead demigod of necromancy, necromancers, evil liches, lichdom and undeath.

I just picked it up one day while playing DnD and hijacked it as my user name, for some reason it stuck

The carebear stems from the MMORPG eve online, although this has now been superceded by "running bear" on warseer for the comedic value.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/02 20:50:42

Post by: Black Blow Fly

I have had many usernames over the years because I have often been banned on various forums then come back to torment the haters.

Green Blow Fly is an ancronym.


What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2000/01/03 00:13:38

Post by: Polonius

My name comes from Hamlet. When we read it in class, I read the part of Polonius, and I ended up making it part of nearly all my online handles. He's a hero of mine: crafty, blustery, cunning, and willing to play the fool.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/05 21:48:40

Post by: Trevy the Great

Mine's ummm... my name.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/06 13:09:23

Post by: Beork

Mine is my first email account (still spamless) an old Scandinavian name, I'm quite attached to it and in the years it has grown on me as a true second name to which I listen as if it was my birth name.
I've never quite found out what it means...


What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/06 18:03:24

Post by: focusedfire

Screaming Icelander

Actually it is the name of a rune from the Elder Futhark. Futhark runes are an ancient Nordic(Scandanavian) alphabet, used for writing, divination, and magik. Its one of the oldest examples of writen language originating from scandanavia and europe.

Beork, is a fertility rune that represents birth with birth possibly being the actual child birth, formation of new ideas, or new projects.

It is interpreted as a time of new beginnings and fresh adventures

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/06 18:19:37

Post by: Fifty

My number when I played American Football.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/06 19:21:03

Post by: Warmaster

My first army was Black Legion back in the rogue trader days. Since then I've built and collected at least 1500pts of every major chaos legion (at least up to the last codex, haven't refactored them for the newer book). Some of them twice . After watching me tote out chaos army after chaos army once a week for over two months without repeats the name just sort of stuck.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/07 08:16:08

Post by: Beork

@focused fire,
that depends greatly what futhark from what country and what era you take, translations are also different per interpreter. In some futharks, Beork does not even appear, the letter does, but not this name.
The name was and still is used from time to time, and don't worry, being Dutch (close proximity to scandinavia) I know pretty much about nordic stuff (I'm also a viking reenacter)
I have heard about the singer beork as well, but haven't heard a song yet.
thanks anyway


What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/07 18:11:30

Post by: focusedfire

I work in reenactment faire and festivals also. I just went with the most commonly accepted definition and translation in order to keep it short. Was attempting to be helpful. Also let me know if you ever need a mead horn.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/11 05:53:08

Post by: Ghetto_Fight

I am a ghetto fightah homes!!!!

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/12 16:53:03

Post by: Ironhide

Isn't it obvious?

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/13 13:06:02

Post by: Ghetto_Fight

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/21 00:10:18

Post by: Ultrafool

I never liked the Ultramarines so i always called them Ultrafools. So I decided to call myself that.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/21 16:23:15

Post by: chaplaingrabthar

Mine was the name of the commander of my regular army (3rd ed. Salamanders) at the time I signed up for old Dakka. Was going to change it to something more Tau when I signed up for New Dakka, but decided that the 2,000 posts I had on Old Dakka constituted a history to go with the id.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/21 16:35:47

Post by: Platuan4th

Mine comes from my Guard army I was assembling for the Armageddon Campaign when I remembered the guys handing out Dakka Buttons at Gamesday 2000(I got "Vengeance is Mandatory") and decided to check it out.

They're the Platuan 4th Mechanized Infantry and they're still one of my favorite armies(after my DA, of course) despite how hard it will be to finish the First Platoon in Dress Uniform(need 20 more Praetorians and 2 more Praetorian Lascannons).

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/21 16:42:07

Post by: Karoline Dianne

Mine's.... my name XD

My DA account name is Lord-Straylost... He's the main antagonist in the novel I was trying to write... lol

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/25 21:51:45

Post by: Golden Eyed Scout

I choose mine cause in real life my vision is terrible. But thanks to video games, I can pretend to not suck at aiming!

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/27 08:13:06

Post by: whatsniper?

Mine is the first thing i said when i took my first causualty in my first ever warhammer 40k game.

My tyranids were storming towards my friends IG.(My first battle ever).The next turn my friend said my hive tyrant has no wounds left and his sniper killed him. I said what sniper. He said that sniper in the ruin while pointing at it. I replyed Theres no sniper in that building. I looked closely and there it was. All that then came out of my mouth was : Nice camo

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/01/30 13:23:45


This is a bit convoluted....
Back in the day I used go by the handle Ghost, it was what the guys on my Drill Team called me due to my rather white skin. After College I found many others used the same handle so I started using Sparkey, a nickname I received for being a overly enthusiastic new employee at my first job. But again, others had the same name. So decided upon Sparkey'sGhost, but the first board I tried allowed only 8 character names, so I shortened it to SparkeyG. Something I found thus far to be unique.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/01 22:56:28

Post by: WeeHessy

Mines a shortened version of my second name Hesselmann -> Hessy. People at school called me hessy or hess, and I was small at the time so I was "wee". Its now ironic though as I'm 6ft 3 so not really wee anymore!

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/03 19:46:02

Post by: djphranq

I came up with mine around the time I started playing the first Knights of the Old Republic. Its my name spelled in a Star Warsy way with DJ in front to denote 'Dark Jedi'.

djphranq = dark jedi phranq

Another handle I use in some other places is gunslingercid. I came up with it around the time that Final Fantasy 7 first came out and a the same time I was reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/04 01:19:08

Post by: shrew

Well I guess mine is a bit of a long story. My name was given to me in the army. Since I have a larger than average nose, & didn't shave when I didn't work weekends, it gave me a I guess a "rodent" quality. Shrew was basically the name that stuck & even proceeded me even when I transfered from unit to unit. I even was given a name & rank ID plate for my flightsuit w/the nickname "Shrew" on it by a former comander for my flightsuit.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/13 05:27:42

Post by: TheGreat213

I randomly made a name off the top of my had in Runescape loooong time ago(yeah i know kinda strange I was pretty bored) and it stuck. Yes very strange name I got here.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/15 03:29:01

Post by: OverbossGhurzubMoga

Overboss Ghurzub Moga...

Well, Overboss is the rank of Warboss in my Ork Army.

Ghurzub Moga is the brother of my D&D character [Barbarian]. He's a half-orc and is very loud and obnoxious. I plan on adding a Wierdboy to my army, to represent Ghurzub's brother, Ulob [a half-orc sorcerer].

I use either of the Moga brothers in various forums.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/15 11:46:58

Post by: themandudeperson

Me screenname came about the annoying way I would identify people I couldn't remember the name of when I was still in grade school. Mom would get home after I had been home for a few hours and ask if anyone called and I'd say "yeah, the man dude person guy fella from the automotive shop called" or "that girly chick woman person from the nail salon called to confirm your appointment". I was struggling to come up with a screenname for something a LOOOONG time ago and decided that now I can be that man dude person guy fella. Unfortunately, character limits often made me limit to mrmandudeperson or themandude or some variant.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/16 02:29:45

Post by: ollieholmes

Mines a shortened version of my name. Full name is Oliver Holmes.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/16 08:28:24

Post by: orchewer

Combo move in Lord of the Rings video game.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/16 08:37:39

Post by: Centurian99

Name of my Fraternity, and the year I graduated from college. I got into the hobby the summer before my senior year, and discovered online 40K forums shortly thereafter.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/17 20:23:44

Post by: poptarticus

Poptarticus is a version of my wife's pet name for me...poptart.

Poptart evolved into my alter ego, Poptarticus Jonez. He usually appears after much caffiene and sugar.

Sometimes Poptarticus is taken, like on hotmail and blogspot. I must find the imposters and destroy them. There can be only one!!!

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/22 18:08:47

Post by: Mango

Mine is a tasty fruit.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/22 18:36:04

Post by: hughpower

Hughpower is becasue my name is hugh and i am powerful.(and imaginative )

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/24 16:40:00

Post by: kged

That nice Mr Gates gave me my name. A long time ago, when I was getting started on the interwebs, I wanted to set up my very first email account, on Hotmail. Being a rather solemn and earnest young man at the time, disdainful of the frivolity of many net usernames, I wanted to pick a username and email address that was as close to my real name as possible. My real name, however, is Ged Kelly. You can't begin to imagine how many Kellys there were already signed up on the web in general and Hotmail in particular, even back then (damned fecund Irish! ), so I knew I'd be up against it. Every variation I could think of was taken - gkelly@, gedkelly@, g-kelly@, gakelly@, you name it. (The "a" is a middle initial.) I really didn't want one of those names with a string of numbers after it, but then I equally didn't want to use one of the idiotic alternatives Hotmail offered me each time I failed with a suggested name. Eventually I'd just about lost patience and decided to just accept being either gkelly796401@ or something, when I noticed that beneath the bizarre alternatives offered ("Undulating Moose" was one of them, I still recall) was the option to be called k_ged. That instantly grabbed me; it's my real name, slightly fiddled with, AND it's a supercool l33t nickname.* In my mind, it's pronounced "cagéd", which is all poetic and evocative, but you can please yourselves. So I took that option, dropped the _ when signing up to forums, and have used it ever since. I don't know how people who have lots of nicknames in different forums manage.

*Yes it is.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/26 04:42:14

Post by: God Of Yams

I really hate putting extra numbers after my name, because it means there's going to be like 20 other people with my name running around wherever I'm signing in. I was trying to think of something no one would have used, and I failed for about five minutes before coming up with God Of Yams, I still don't know why I thought of it, but I use it just about everywhere.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/26 17:35:38

Post by: SauerKRAUT220

SauerKRAUT, sour kraut or in other word annoyed/frazzled German. How do you think our GIs came up with the name Kraut to begin with? 220s also my house #, don't think I should say that but I really don't give a hoot.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/26 19:43:32

Post by: The Bringer

I have really no idea, I try and make up reasons after the fact, but none make much sense.

I also wanted a break from my normal screen name (Dark Trooper). And yes, I made that name before I knew about the ones in Star Wars.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/27 03:47:12

Post by: mcfly

I like back to the future. Nuff said.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/02/28 23:47:16

Post by: REAPER666

mine's my Xbox gamertag.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/01 20:25:07

Post by: Cander

Old Tibia name...

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/08 23:32:06

Post by: Waaagh_Aun'va

I play the Orks and Tau right now in 40K. I mixed them together and got Waagh! for the orks and Aun'Va (special Character) for the Tau.

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/08 23:40:09

Post by: Budda 09

was caught sitting oddly one day when i was bored, so the name stuck

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/11 03:17:52

Post by: greenskin lynn

greenskin cause i play orks in 40k, and lynn is my middle name

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/12 19:08:19

Post by: Vintersorg

Vintersorg are a Swedish Viking Metal band

What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/12 19:57:48

Post by: utan

I use the name Utan because:
  • A) I am part of the Unreal Trusted Admin Network

  • B) I own a tanning center with the same name

  • C) I was born in Utan, Indonesia

  • D) My real name is Utan Green, I sing Reggae

  • E) People say I look like an orang-utan IRL

  • F) I got it from Utan King of the Crocs who is also big and green

  • G) I love Utan Bisaya soup

  • H) All of the above

  • I) None of the above

  • What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/17 21:54:01

    Post by: BrookM


    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/18 15:20:21

    Post by: Ifalna

    First alternate name I used, originally my first character in Wow Stuck as a nickname.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/19 22:13:29

    Post by: realspace3

    From a neat little online game called realspace2. since then I have used realspace3 nearly everywhere.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/19 22:24:37

    Post by: Greenlight1107

    Mine means: always going forever striveing never letting life slow you down. The 1107 is my old badge number when I was in law enforcement.

    My sig is a quote from the JOKER in the 1st Batman movie byTim Burton...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/22 16:50:19

    Post by: jamunition

    Once i was thinking about stuff and i thought about the apoc rule "Bullets over bodies" so i was thinking of ammunition then i thought of my name and hay presto jamunition!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/23 02:05:08

    Post by: yani

    When i was in Finland they had real trouble pronouncing my name as they dont have an 'eeeeeee' I sound. (if you undurstand that then have a pat on the back). So I was called Jan which is pronounced Yan and then my sister seized upon this and started calling me Yani (yaneeeeee) and the name stuck

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/23 02:13:59

    Post by: wilsmire

    Mine if the name of my Xbox i also use it as my gamertag

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/23 02:19:52

    Post by: Death Gear

    mine is off of gears of war so i did death gear i think it's cool

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/26 13:31:10

    Post by: Phloop

    My real name in Phillip. Which is annoying to write over and over when I have to "sign" for stuff at work. So I started making up names like Popolopodop and P-Diddly-Og and Phrisky, since I'm the only person who's name starts with a "P" everyone still knew who it was. One day I wrote "Phloop" on a cash sheet and the guys at work liked it and have been calling me that ever since.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/03/28 04:32:52

    Post by: UCPesmerga

    Mine is rather easy:

    "UC" stands for Ursinus College, where I got my B.S. in Computer Science

    "Pesmerga" my favorite character from the Suikoden series (PS1 and PS2) who's name I've been using since sometime around Freshman year of college.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/01 22:41:43

    Post by: Corpsesarefun

    Well mines pretty self explanatory.
    i find dead things fascinating, especially skeletons.
    probably explains how i never get sick of the London Natural History musem...
    That giant ground sloth (megatherium) specimin in the end of the corridor which has the pleisosaur fossils on the wall is just incredible.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/01 23:44:20

    Post by: JD21290

    glad you explained that one corpse
    i think you had a few of us worried lol

    mines simple.

    JD - nickname / named after my fave drink.
    21290 - D.O.B

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/04 01:52:42

    Post by: J.Black

    Mine's a contraction of Jester- The name i play under online- and Blackburn- My surname.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/06 12:49:34

    Post by: mcfly

    My name is a reference to both superbad and back to the future. Mcfly and Mclovin.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/07 04:26:56

    Post by: Golden Eyed Scout

    I can now actually hit stuff, and be reasonably close to my intended target. (Thank you dart boards.)

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/09 20:04:44

    Post by: huntho08

    my username is made of the first four letters os my surname and my first two initials. my name being henry oliver hunt

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/10 13:06:21

    Post by: apaosha

    From Persian Zoroastrian Mythology:

    "20. 'Then, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya goes down to the sea Vouru-Kasha in the shape of a white, beautiful horse, with golden ears and a golden caparison.
    21. 'But there rushes down to meet him the Daeva Apaosha, in the shape of a dark horse, black with black ears, black with a black back, black with a black tail, stamped with brands of terror.
    22. 'They meet together, hoof against hoof, O Spitama Zarathushtra! the bright and glorious Tishtrya and the Daeva Apaosha. They fight together, O Spitama Zarathushtra! for three days and three nights. And then the Daeva Apaosha proves stronger than the bright and glorious Tishtrya, he overcomes him."


    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/13 22:07:24

    Post by: halonachos

    Chemistry and delicious mexican food.

    I wanted nachos as a screen name but wanted to make it look cool by having those names that have conjoining letters. I turned to the periodic table. Halon stuck out and beat carbonachos by a slim margin.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/14 23:25:19

    Post by: Wannabe Writer

    Mine is my Xbox Live username, so I just used it again. Since I'm an aspiring writer it seemed appropriate.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/17 16:34:51

    Post by: Cryonicleech

    Same as wannabe writer above. Should you ever see Cryonicleech, it is me in one of my many guises. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    It roughly is "Frozen Leech" but whatever. I like the souund of it.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/17 20:00:43

    Post by: barlio

    I used to call a friend of mine Benio. this evolved into Barlio for myself which is a play on my last name.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/17 20:12:59

    Post by: IRPurple

    mine means i am purple... despite that is a lie.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/04/27 17:41:21

    Post by: mcfly

    I like back to the future, and wanted a name like mclovin from superbad.
    Little did I know there was a band with that name....

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/06 20:09:34

    Post by: Goliath

    Mine is the name I use for most of my online accounts, I like most stuff mythological and so this one seemed to work.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/11 01:29:16

    Post by: iamthecougar

    People call me cougar, because my last name is coogan and i'm a big dude... the logic doesn't make sense to me either but thats how it was explained to me...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/13 12:18:36

    Post by: theocd

    People at school call me OC-D because its my intials. It also (hilariously) stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Because of the uniqueness of my name an intitials I put 'the' in front of it, therefore 'theocd'. Not 'theo cd' which a lot of people call me and then I get confused on forums like this one.

    The OC-D

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/13 12:32:45

    Post by: covenant84

    was my first inquisitor model and best painting I'd ever done, I knew it was sad back then but needed a name for warcraft or something like that and kinda stuck somehow. Online it always seems to be taken however 84 (year of birth) isn't. Surprise surprise I guess.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/13 12:46:39

    Post by: smiling Assassin

    I smile while I kill you.


    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/13 18:06:20

    Post by: IRPurple

    as you disd before assasin,

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/15 22:36:01

    Post by: Gandair

    Gaming tag. It was originally to be Gandar named after a character in a Playstation One RPG called Valkyrie Profile (which is exceedingly rare and expensive) I highly recommend any RPG fan find and play it. Well, the name was taken so I added an "i". Since then I've stuck with it.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/15 22:39:28

    Post by: ixlar

    Gaming name I have used for about 17 years.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/16 22:20:39

    Post by: Anshal

    Mine is the name of my first Baldurs Gate character, since I have used the name on most of my game profile or forum nicks

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/21 19:32:57

    Post by: Shinigami

    Shinigami means god of death in japanese, and there are a lot of them in Death Note, the anime, which I love.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/22 19:58:25

    Post by: youngblood

    I am relatively young and I have blood inside of my veins.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/30 09:25:50

    Post by: Lamename

    I first created it for a Rogue in WoW, but since it's got such a good rhyme, I've stuck with it. It's also (almost) my gaming tag (first place someone already had it!)

    Also, I always cheer up when someone calls my name lame

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/30 11:02:15

    Post by: 99MDeery

    Mine was actually my old school username whilst i was there:

    99 - Year I joined
    M - my first name initial
    Deery - my last name

    I use it because its simple so I won't forget it, that and I dont think i've ever seen someone with same username as me.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/05/31 17:52:57

    Post by: Corpsesarefun

    theocd wrote:People at school call me OC-D because its my intials. It also (hilariously) stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Because of the uniqueness of my name an intitials I put 'the' in front of it, therefore 'theocd'. Not 'theo cd' which a lot of people call me and then I get confused on forums like this one.

    The OC-D

    oooh i thought it was a reference to a tv programme called The OC... as its apprently addictive so i though The OC-D was an amusing pun.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/01 23:11:31

    Post by: oggers

    Mine was a nickname for me by my sports teacher.
    I remember it so it stuck.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/02 05:15:04

    Post by: manworker

    i was working with a friend on a project about WWII and our subject was propaganda posters. he had a pic of a soviet one that was supposed to motivate the workers. the word on the poster that referred to the workers was manworker (thats singular).

    i dont know why i use it it just stuck. i use it for every thing now steam xfire COD everthing gaming. the only variation is manworker1 since my first steam account got banned for hax (im slowed)

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/02 13:23:00

    Post by: 2000 Volts

    Mine is the amount of juice the American penal system uses in their electric chairs.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/16 04:25:30

    Post by: straider5764

    Mine just came to me. Don't really know what it means...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/16 17:13:30

    Post by: chickenbgood

    I made up this name when I first started to play Runescape when it first came out, I was hungry when i made it. (and looking back, i wasted so much of my life on Runescape lol)

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/16 18:38:09

    Post by: Corpsesarefun

    chickenbgood wrote:I made up this name when I first started to play Runescape when it first came out, I was hungry when i made it. (and looking back, i wasted so much of my life on Runescape lol)

    again i thought this was a pun on the song "johnny be good"

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/23 20:14:24

    Post by: satanslandlady

    A nickname I got in high school for not taking crap and kicking too many men in the... well... you know

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/06/30 18:26:48

    Post by: person person

    hmm..... my username........

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/01 11:40:56

    Post by: HellsGuardian316

    My nickname was given to me by a good friend of mine. Its from the early Smackdown Vs Raw games on PS2. We looked through all the names you could pick for the announcer to .. erm .. announce, and thats the one he thought suited me, since then I've been the Hells Guardian for everything regarding electronics

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/07 00:48:35

    Post by: VermilionButterfly

    Mine is based off a story I had written named "The Vermilion Butterfly", loosely based off of one of my favorite Slipknot songs, Vermilion and its video...

    Ever since that, I've been using that name for everything... from screen names, to display names on websites. And obviously, here too.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/08 11:14:26

    Post by: Shinigami

    That must be one crazy story. It is an awesome song though.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/09 18:10:17

    Post by: joe_momma

    I used to work as a machine operator for an electronics assembly plant on swing shift. At the end of the shift the other machine operator and I were to leave a note on the production mgr's desk telling him what we made etc. I would always sign mine "Joe" the other operator would come in after me to leave his note and he always wrote "Momma" after my name on my note. I've been Joe Momma ever since.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 0001/09/22 16:19:03

    Post by: Malecus

    Mal: Latin root for bad/evil
    John Irenicus: Sociopathic villain from Baldur's Gate II, whose last name I couldn't recall how to properly spell, but meant "the Shattered One".

    Was originally used for my first Guild Wars character, wanted to use the same last name as my roommate who was also bought it when I did (day before street date, yay for inept policies at Best Buy). Last name was "Ontubra". Somehow Malecus Ontubra sounded sufficiently sophisticated and evil for my evil, half insane, and general pyromaniac wizard I had in mind.

    Later, other games I tried to portray the character in didn't support last names, so the title was shortened to Malecus, which stuck.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/11 12:58:38

    Post by: akira5665

    Been my Interweb name since I saw it on the Bigscreen whilst 'under the influence'....back in '88-89 or something.

    Soundtrack is good to paint to as well

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/15 03:08:08

    Post by: halo3uber

    Mine's my desire to be good at Halo 3. But of course, without me, the servers would explode, a hole in the fabric of reality would be opened and robodinosaurs would walk the earth.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Oddly enough, the word robodinosaur didn't have a red squiggly line under it.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/15 05:50:59

    Post by: hawkeye

    Character from The Last of the Mohicans.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/15 22:14:54

    Post by: Exarch_Nektel

    Mine is the name of my Dire Avenger Exarch/the leader of my first kill team.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/16 16:08:47

    Post by: Oshova

    Well I misspelled O'Shovah (Commander Farsight) from the Tau and Tau Empire armies. But seeing as it was my email that I misspelled first everything else just followed. So yeah Oshova just stuck, and that is why I have my name =]

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/16 16:20:11

    Post by: Tyras

    Mine started out as a D&D character name. It just kinda stuck with me and carried on to several games and forum names.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/16 16:20:18

    Post by: GoFenris

    Go Fenris = To Destroy God

    or, more specifically: To no longer have a need for God

    A cookie for anyone that knows how I got that meaning out of those two words? Another cookie if you even care to know what "no longer have a need for God" means. In case you think I'm some atheistic nut, I'm not.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/16 16:20:40

    Post by: generalgrog

    General Grog was my screen name for Star Fleet Command, when I joined the Klingon Black Fleet.

    It actually has two connotations, Grog is Klingon sounding, but Grog is short for Grognard.

    Grognard is French for "grumbler" It is not necessarily pejorative and is sometimes used as a compliment. Historically it meant a soldier in Napoleon's army, particularly a member of the Old Guard It subsequently became an internet pop culture meme.
    According to Alan Emrich , "grognard" came to mean a veteran wargamer in the early 1970s. It was first used by John Young, at that time an employee of SPI, and subsequently popularised by Strategy & Tactics magazine.

    There ya go.


    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/16 16:43:27

    Post by: Shamfrit

    Mine is the name of my Skaven warlord, Shamfrit the Red, leader of the Clan Narroq, the Uprising Horde, Freedom Fighter of the Slaves, and general all round communist rat-thing!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/17 05:12:51

    Post by: person person

    I really don't know why I use this name...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/17 05:27:02

    Post by: darkkt

    Not a very interesting story, but... Dark was the pretentious on-line name I was using back in 99, and KT are my initials (and also my nickname).

    They blended to Darkkt over time.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/17 05:46:30

    Post by: Belphegor

    Kinda a patron saint: Belphegor.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/17 21:51:30

    Post by: Road dawg

    Used to be a Roadie for a band here in the Philippines. Got to travel a lot. I was one of the Bigger guys in the group so they used to call me big dawg. So there you have it Road Dawg

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/22 14:26:45

    Post by: karnaeya

    my name means nothing.. I just like the sound of it.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/22 14:30:41

    Post by: Roze

    Mine was the name of my very first Drow Cleric of lolth in D&D, i loved it so much Roze or some derivative Is my name on most everyting.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/22 14:42:13

    Post by: Nightwatch

    My name is also my Space Marine chapter....stupid GW for coming up with the name and putting it in the codex an entire year after I thought of it first. ***!
    But originally, it was the title of a book I read by Terry Pratchett. And a painting by some ancient dude, I cannot remember his name at the moment. And also a Russian movie trilogy, which I have yet to find a copy of. And I'm sure much, much, more.
    GoFenris: Thinking very hard, have not cracked it yet.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/24 20:32:20

    Post by: Corpsesarefun

    GoFenris wrote:Go Fenris = To Destroy God

    or, more specifically: To no longer have a need for God

    A cookie for anyone that knows how I got that meaning out of those two words? Another cookie if you even care to know what "no longer have a need for God" means. In case you think I'm some atheistic nut, I'm not.

    Fenris was a norse monster that killed several of the norse gods in ragnarok, thus to go fenris would be to send fenris to destroy god?

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/26 06:27:47

    Post by: JEB_Stuart

    JEB Stuart was a famous Civil War cavalry general, both for his amazing ability and cavalier attitude and style.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/27 10:33:32

    Post by: JubJubMarine

    My Username is derived from my JubMarines custom chapter. Which in turn was derived from my GamerTag JubJub. Whic was for the reason that i would be one of the only ons who hade lower-case in their gamertag back in 2001 (yes i was five when i started gaming), the fact that i'd just read a boring poem with the jabberwocky but it also had something called a Jubjub bird in it. Jabberwocky sounded like i was high and everyone had heard about it, but not the jubjub bird so i settled on jubjub which later evolved into JubJub (and occasionally jUBjUB)!

    That is the story of what my username means.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/30 00:06:48

    Post by: Doombot001

    My hero since I was around 4 or 5 years old has been Doctor Doom.

    Doctor Doom uses Doombots to act in his stead so......there you go, Doombot001. The first among Doombots.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/30 14:44:48

    Post by: aflax1

    Mine is from when my friend was trying to say my name (alex) and aflack at the same time.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/31 09:53:10

    Post by: Kragura

    Mines just a random word I came up with (like grizerg or flagestic) that way no one will (theoretically), ever have it

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/07/31 11:52:18

    Post by: Ridcully

    I take my name from a regular character featured in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. He's not my favourite character, but who cares.
    GoFenris wrote:Go Fenris = To Destroy God

    or, more specifically: To no longer have a need for God

    A cookie for anyone that knows how I got that meaning out of those two words? Another cookie if you even care to know what "no longer have a need for God" means. In case you think I'm some atheistic nut, I'm not.

    'Go' is japanese for 'five' and 'Fenris' is japanese for 'gods is plenty, thanks'. Hence the lack of need for further gods. As for "to destroy god", 'Go Fenris' is also an anagram of 'Fire Song'. The fabled Fire Song was said to be the only method available to mortals as a way of destroying the gods of Greek Mythology. It takes fourteen days to sing.

    Some people believe none of that is true, but i'm an optimist who likes cookies.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/02 15:23:44

    Post by: GoFenris

    corpsesarefun wrote:Fenris was a norse monster that killed several of the norse gods in ragnarok, thus to go fenris would be to send fenris to destroy god?

    A cookie for you, Sir!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/03 03:09:34

    Post by: Ridcully

    You just couldn't handle the truth. God knows why anyone would want that cookie anyway. I can only imagine what foul demons possess such a thing as to make it stand on its side like that. I prefer my cookies horizontal and without eternal damnation.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/03 03:14:59

    Post by: LunaHound


    An email / account created so i can easier use my cousin's credit card / ebay acct / paypal
    when ever if an order need to be checked he can log into the shared email instead of going into my email , and vice versa.

    Pretty smart! i think -_-...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/05 07:05:28

    Post by: firebat

    One word: Starcraft.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/05 11:22:37

    Post by: Madgod

    Ridcully wrote:You just couldn't handle the truth. God knows why anyone would want that cookie anyway. I can only imagine what foul demons possess such a thing as to make it stand on its side like that. I prefer my cookies horizontal and without eternal damnation.

    Ridcully that has to be THE funniest post I have ever seen. I'm sigging it so everyone knows of your epicness. Please be my friend!!

    Incidentally My Username comes from the fact that I'm MAD (like totally insane, just ask anyone) and am arrogant i.e. think I'm God or godlike (also just ask anyone ).

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/05 11:25:10

    Post by: Emperors Faithful

    lol, just look at mine.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/10 17:42:17

    Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

    Mines a complete reversal of myself:Little-I'm quite tall.
    Lord-I'm in NO way posh. I wipe my mouth with a doily
    Fauntleroy-It's a long name, I have a short name.


    Thought for the day:The emperor does not approve of your 'Special Trick '

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/11 06:35:07

    Post by: Frenzied Potato

    I don't even know where to begin....


    Childhood accident.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/11 06:58:42

    Post by: kodiak13thcom

    mine is an old cb handle with 13thcom added for the space wolf 13th company
    the handle was because i was the big mean bear

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/11 23:21:10

    Post by: statu

    i got the highscore on a touchscreen game thing, and when i went to put in my name i messed up the spelling big time, and statu is what came out, since then i use it for everything

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/13 22:17:35

    Post by: Shadowbrand


    Well he is i guess my alter-ego

    When i was little i liked the name Shadow and for awhile he was generic anime character, my name was "Branden" untill i changed it so Shadow+brand i thought it sounded like the name of a Weapon or maybe a powerful warrior, i first used the name in WoW for a Undead Warrior.

    Soon after i started using the name in pretty much everything.

    In 40k Shadowbrand is a Chaos Lord/Demon Prince dedicated to Slannesh

    in a series I'm writing Shadowbrand is a towering pagan warrior with a giant axe.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/13 23:26:57

    Post by: Wraithlordmechanic

    Mine- well I realise by the 40k fluff bonesingers would create/repair wraithlords but the idea of an eldar covered in grease and complaining about the treatment of his charge with wrench in hand to a farseer/ autarch makes me smile.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/13 23:36:57

    Post by: lord of the ghosts

    zeesh is the lord of the ghosts the master of the 暗影幽灵 chapter

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/16 19:14:38

    Post by: Lockstock

    From a movie/tv series

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/16 19:21:30

    Post by: DeathTyrant

    Death tyrants are a truly reprehensible undead form of beholders, similar to zombies, that retain some innate magical abilities. They are often used by powerful wizards as guardians; almost never being encountered near other beholders, who find them abhorrent.

    Too much Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. edit - woops

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/23 14:43:27

    Post by: Lord-Loss

    Mine is from the popular book series by Darren Shan, my avatar is from the front of the sixth book Apcolipse.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/26 13:39:30

    Post by: Khornholio

    Mine comes from trash talking with my friends before WFB games on how my army was going to "A$$holinate" or "Cornhole" theirs. Thus, Khornholio.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/27 08:20:06

    Post by: lictors_lovemachine

    I found a picture of a disturbingly modeled display involving 40k:

    A Cadian guardswoman is lying face down on the ground, her pants yanked down, and being sodomized by an overly endowed Lictor... It was a morbid curiosity at first that I still can't get out of my head. Also at tournaments, I get looks from people who don't dare ask why it's on my name tag.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/29 15:26:59

    Post by: slice of toast

    My old username from Halo2. Something that nobody else would ever think of.

    It's just quite appropriate, and the amusement is never ending from the time "Bacon and Eggs was KILLED by Slice of Toast."

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/08/30 20:40:48

    Post by: Kommandant56434

    I came up with my name after playing a lot of codename: panzers. When you order around German units, like in any RTS, they acknowledge the order. after awhile i got used to telling soldiers to do this or that and hearing, "Jawohl, der Kommandant" as a reply. This was also when i was taking german in highschool, so i thought it was totally awesome. before that i used to go by "bahnhof" because of its random definition of "train station". and the numbers are just my old ID# from highschool.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/01 01:33:45

    Post by: ZeinEizoku

    My nickname Zein Eizoku, is actually from a Story I wrote with my friend, Logan N., and myself. It has been a long time since I chose the name of the character and I cannot totally recall what it means but I know. When I use it that no one else should have it because I find it unique lol

    Some day I might actually get around to publishing my Anime/Manga story and Zein might be a well known name in the anime world XD

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/10 06:43:10

    Post by: fenris wolff

    Fenris Wolff son of Loki son of Oden Nors mythology has been a name of mine for a few years how i got it as a society name from Darkon a full contact medevil fighting thing and iv always had soft spot for fenris any way

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/10 09:55:42

    Post by: radiohazard

    I DJ heavy rock music now and again, my dakka name is my DJ handle.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/16 02:12:35

    Post by: Albatross

    It was my CounterStrike name.
    I picked it because the appearance of the Albatross is considered to be very bad luck when sailing at sea.

    It's pretty bad luck when playing 40K too.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/18 23:50:02

    Post by: squilverine

    Myself and some mates used to be into WWE wrestling, one drunken night we thought it would be a great idea to have a go in a mates garden, we decided that we needed names and in my drunken state wanted to say Wolverine but came out with Squilverine instead. The name kind of stuck.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/19 07:54:39

    Post by: MarkoftheRings

    My name is Mark, and I started of wargaming playing Lord of the Rings, hence MArkoftheRings was born

    And Markofthe40K just doesnt work...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/24 13:34:27

    Post by: brainscan

    Brainscan is my forum name. I figured i would pick that as ive had 3 of them and i heard it on transformers the cartoon. "initiate brain scan"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/09/25 11:37:23

    Post by: Helbrecht

    Mine's basically the name of the BT High Marshall

    yes, I'm that unimaginative

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/03 14:29:59

    Post by: Bascilica

    Bascilica was the name of the largest cannon ever made. It was made by the Ottoman's to destroy the wall of Constantinople. It Suceeded.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/06 05:40:14

    Post by: Persephone 66

    Mine is my stage name.

    And the same name I go by most everywhere else I go.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/06 14:08:39

    Post by: Dark Lord Seanron

    Mine is actually an accidental nickname:

    Me and my pals were into 'Lord of The Rings: Battle for Middle Earth' in a big way, and we played it quite hardcore for about 3 months. My favourite army was Mordor.

    It was during one fairly bonkers session (Aragorn had died about 19 times, and my Nazgul kept being killed by hobbits) that I launched a huge ork-rush at my pal Kenny who was playing Rohan.

    During the ensuing bum-rush Kenny laughed "One does not simply Ork-rush his way into Mordor! Get Back Dark Lord Seanron of Mordoooooor"

    And it just kinda stuck! Sean + Sauron = Seanron

    plus it's the name of the evil genius who is the current CEO of EA...at least according to the QOTPA

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/06 19:58:29

    Post by: Petty Officer D

    I am a first class petty officer in the US Navy. David is my first name. Petty Officer D-I didn't want to give too much info like using my rate, so I think it reflects me pretty well!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/08 00:03:36

    Post by: Norwulf

    My name is basically an old viking name for north and wolf, so I guess I'm the wolfman of the north. I liked it because my ancestors came from scandiavia. I also named one of my comic book characters Norwulf.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/08 02:28:48

    Post by: CATACLYSMUS

    So, the boys and I, when we were younger, all played Counterstrike, and wanted to come up with a unifying theme for our Clan. Seeing as we all have a penchant for the grandiose, we came up with Apocalyptus, Cataclysmus, Triumphus, and Annihilatus. I've been using the handle online for about 10 years, now, and even named my painting studio after it.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/08 02:34:28

    Post by: Horst

    My RL name is Steven Horowitz... Horst is the first 3 characters of my last name, and the first 2 of my first name combined. My login for my last job was c0horst, so I just kinda kept the horst...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/08 11:59:37

    Post by: Ratius

    My mates used to think I looked like a rat when I was younger so got called rat or ratty a lot.
    When I got into mmorpgs I wanted to keep the name but make it sound a bit...well...fantasy-like so I jammed ius on the end.
    Its stuck ever since.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/08 12:02:34

    Post by: Roze

    LOL all my main D&D chars had some derivative of Rose in there name, when i moved the rpg onto the computer i took Roze with me

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/10 07:07:02

    Post by: hylozoist


    I don't actually believe it, but as someone who collects a lot of toys/dolls/figures/what-nots it has a sentimental value.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/15 10:10:06

    Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

    I used to have an e-mail address called "The_Dark_Dante" which I used as a name for everything, but then we got our internet cut off for a few years, so I forgot my passwords.

    When we got our internet back, I realised I couldn't remember my password, so I decided that I didn't like the name anymore, and wanted to get rid of that, dubbing my new one Drk_Oblitr8r. I use it as my name on everything with the space for it. Except for my dA account, which I decided I needed to expand upon it.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/15 11:12:45

    Post by: Big'Uns


    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/16 03:17:13

    Post by: person person

    Good for you.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/16 03:37:04

    Post by: Orlanth

    Orlanth is a major deity, if not the most important, in the Glorantha fantasy world of Greg Stafford as most notably remembered in the Runequest game system.

    I have a deep and abiding love and respect for Runequest, mostly because of its exceptionally well thought out mythology.

    Most player characters are steered toward Orlanth or associated or at least neutral-to-Orlanth factions and religions and they are portrayed consistently as the protagonists. As it so happens the antagonist Lunar faction looks more and more like the 'good guys' as you get deeper into the mythology. Runequest simply turns the alignment wars concept on its head, the lines of good and evil are blurred not so much by a usual cliche grey but an intraconnecting web of histories, allegiances and grudges that refuse to polarise all but a handful of factions as anything resembling good or evil, law or chaos (despite frequent use of the latter term). This makes Glorantha a singularly interesting and dangerous place. Where else do the evil empire preach justice and practice civil tolerance while the heroic struggle against them have a kill-em-all attitude towards much of which they dont understand, while the whole background makes sense above and beyond a level of blind propoganda. Gloranthan myth has yet to be surpassed even after 30 years of evolution of gaming systems and concepts.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/16 03:39:09

    Post by: Anpu42

    Anpu, another name for me Anubis Judge of the Dead
    42 the Answer

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/18 18:07:46

    Post by: Fizzywig

    I was at a friends house drinking one night and there was a beer called "old Fezzywig's Ale" a christmas brew, i got fairly smashed and when i got home, i decided to name my WOW character at the time Fizzywig (a misspelling) and well, I just loved the name so it has become my username for all gaming related things. (and also a great DnD character, a Dwarf raised by gnomes (he rode a pony and fought with a great-sword, as he had none of the dwarf cultural traits...))

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/24 02:41:04

    Post by: IAmTheWalrus

    Just a good old fashioned Beatles song I like.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/24 03:06:17

    Post by: Sinister Brain

    when I used ro RPG I was generally the GM and spent huge amounts of time researching things for my games.
    I even went so far as to create an entire RPG system that was totally diceless so it wouldn't interrupt the flow of the role-play (I prefer role-play over roll-play). So after years of running these games when new people would come to play they'd warn them about me. I wasn't a killer GM by any measure but I tried to make my players think stuff through and work for it.
    After all the talk of being sinister and stuff one night I wrote in big block letters on my notebook "The SINISTER BRAIN Lurks here"
    It was a good laugh and it stuck.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/24 20:19:02

    Post by: Slappywag

    "Barkeep! Petro nemo slappywag. That's Petorian for More beer, you slappywag."

    Good ol Family Guy

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/10/31 00:07:28

    Post by: The Shrieker

    My full name is: His Majestic and All-Holy Shriekness, The Right Honourable & Very Reverend Doctor, Imperial Dark Lord of the Sith, the Hero of Time, Ultimate War Supreme Grand Mafioso, Pig-sty dwelling monarch, First Degree Tetragrammaton Cleric, Uncyclopedic Holiness, Dread Mistress of the Night, The One, The First, Commander of Everything Commendable, Lord of R'lyeh, 68th degree Archpriest, MSCE, Silver Warlord, donkey-cave of the Highest Order, Archmage of Bone, Drunken Grandmaster, Lord of the Clouded Ruby, Don't Blame it on the Moonlight Blame it on the Boogie, Master Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, Fernando Burtoni Fanboy, First Speaker of the Second Foundation, The Ruined One, Count of Starstone, Lord David of Ham, General Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Darth Overlord Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty Gregorian Eggain Meyer Horatio Tatumkolo M'babwe Babwe Afrika Al-Hafez Titties Titties Titties Titties Shankar Chaurasia Hussain Ustad Imam Caliph "That guy" Никола́й Васи́льевич Го́голь Trujillo Veracruz Clifford Lee Burton Duc Duc Goose de Franche Comte "The Pimp" O'le Biscuitbarrel F'tang "I'm not gay, honest", Comrade Peoples' Commissar for the Internal Production of the People's Beets and the People's Vodka, Immortal & Immoral God, El Señor Mexicano Misterioso Del Lago Del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y Anexas Pero No Vive en La Tierra De Mujeres, President for Life, Der Führer, Maximum Chief of the Revolution, Titular Latin Patriarch of Antioch, President-Elect of the High Council of Time Lords, Posing Somdomite, Knight Who Says Ni, Apostle of National Unity, Benefactor of the Poor, Patron of Commerce and Industry, Electrifier of Souls, THe High Rammalamma of the Dingdongs, The Pwnerer, Pooty Tang O São Jão Bão da Bôca, Esquire of the Magistrate Most Worthy, Duke of Drag Queens, Despot of Morea, Prince du Sang, Fils de France, Sahib, Monseigneur, Mesne lord, , Mace-bearer, Gran maestro, Gauleiter, Paladin, Alderman, Great & Glorious Sultan, Fraujaz, Bundeskanzler' Elector of Hanover & Arch-Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire, Holder of the Privy Member, The Dancing Flamingo, /\/\457312 1337 |-|4><><312, The Boss, The reincarnation of Paul Muad'Dib, The Main Man, The Big Cheese, The Head Honcho and possible alter-ego of Black Jesus, The Righteously Honorable Honorably Righteous Emperor of Earth. AKA The Shrieker. Boom.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/02 05:54:32

    Post by: person person

    The Shrieker wrote:THe High Rammalamma of the Dingdongs,...

    Sounds familiar...

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/02 21:27:51

    Post by: IvanTih

    My name is the fusion of my first name and acronym for my city.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/04 11:01:36

    Post by: mattyrm

    Matty (called Matthew) RM is for Royal Marines, the elite unit of commandos i served with for ten years until i retired to eat cakes and play tabletop war instead. And yes, i always play Space Marines!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/07 08:26:08

    Post by: 40KOMGHAHAHA!

    couldn't think of anything else

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/07 08:44:46

    Post by: DiscoVader

    Old joke between a friend of mine and myself - when we were in 8th-9th grade, we came up with this music-based parody of Star Wars (guitar picks were Star Destroyers, Millenium Falcon was a vinyl record, Death Star was a disco ball, etc.) The main villain happened to be Disco Vader. I started using it as my online name for almost everything, and it just happened to stick.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/12 17:03:59

    Post by: cadian512


    512th regiment spawned from the cadian system
    chosen because my dad likes their colour scheme

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/13 05:28:16

    Post by: TechnoSymphony

    My name was inspired by ColdPlay. Their songs struck me as a symphony but using modern instruments/equipment so there you are

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/15 02:17:12

    Post by: Alfred McMango

    Some kid at my school called a hugemongeous stick Alfred McMango

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/18 06:10:33

    Post by: Dmitribeta

    Mine has three meanings...

    First is named after one of the characters in The Brothers Karamazov.

    Second is after the father of the Periodic Table (I like chemistry...)

    Third is a story I wrote in too long ago about the last survivor of a cloning experiment. "Dmitri Beta" was the clone closest to "Dmitri Alpha" aka The Scientist, and is closest to his creator than the later experiments.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/11/27 13:08:09

    Post by: nyyman

    My favourite teacher of all time called me Nyyman, twisted from the name of Jake Nyyman, who is a famous radio caster in Finland.
    And my name happens to be Jaakko, which is pretty lose to Jake.
    And after that, I have used the username in every fething thing you must do a username in, from DakkaDakka to good old days of WoW, to Steam and even Warseer

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/02 06:41:52

    Post by: khaipretty

    My user-name Khai is my nickname. I just add pretty just to tell everyone that I am pretty. LOL! Just kidding.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/02 17:17:07

    Post by: Edorian

    My Nickname derives from one of my earlier characters from roleplaying games (seems like I'm far from being alone here ). I liked that character and somehow it carried in to several forums as a nick.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/02 23:55:43

    Post by: Alcoholic Emos

    Just a poke at the Emos in the National Capitol that get fething sloshed in the City
    Twas a fun day

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/05 00:22:11

    Post by: Somnicide

    I came up with mine as I was furiously trying to finish painting an army for a GT and skipping on sleeping almost altogether.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/06 20:55:29

    Post by: Terje-Tubby

    Mine is a superhero without superpower from Pondus

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/07 13:30:40

    Post by: Sanctjud

    Prefix: Sanct-
    Prefix: Jud-

    Put them together and you have the closest thing to a Holy Judge.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/08 18:24:52

    Post by: kirsanth

    Mine is a . . . variation/combination of a couple of dragon names.
    I had used it before, but seemed especially apropriate for Tyranids -- and an account largely associated with them.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/10 05:40:42

    Post by: Deep Throat

    I'm named after the character of X-Files that was the secret information contact for Mulder, one of the two main characters of the show. I just now made my avatar a picture of him. It was previously a Battle Sister.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/11 04:13:13

    Post by: UberKarnage323

    Carnage from spider-man pwns, and thought it looked cooler spelled with a K instead of a C. I like the way uber sounds (it means superior in german). and 3/23 is my birthday. thats my name in a nutshell.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/14 00:05:50

    Post by: CephaSquidNautilus

    I'm a huge fan a all things Cephalopods (except octopuses), which is why I chose this name.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/16 19:58:00

    Post by: Locclo

    Locclo is a major character from the fiction that I write. In my stories, he's the supreme ruler of the angelic kingdom of Reokei (Not at all religious). I was trying to think of a name one day, and I had just written the chapter that he is introduced in, so...the name kinda stuck. I also go by Captain Blackblade on other forums, which is the name of a major Magic: the Gathering character. I just added the 'captain' because I thought it sounded cooler.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/16 22:40:37

    Post by: Curly

    Curly is just my real life nickname

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/20 13:16:35

    Post by: ultramarine ultramad

    What can I say, I like ultramarines.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/20 23:09:55

    Post by: spamandchips

    I've always been spamandchips. No real reason I just have. Although my actual name is nickname enough realy cause my name's Storm.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    I've always been spamandchips. No real reason I just have. Although my actual name is nickname enough realy cause my name's Storm.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/24 05:48:29

    Post by: boogeyman

    Mine was the leader of my first Delaque gang, the "Ghosts of Darkness" (GoDs). They are what got me into GW.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/24 17:32:09

    Post by: cRaZy_MaChEtE_mAn

    My first day in counter strike, I decided to just call myself bub. I also decided that the knife was the funnest weapon. 3 hours alter, 60 kills, 15 deaths Im named a crazy mofo with a knife ^_^. I like machetes so put 2 and 2 together and WUbam! My name. The letter thing was to make it unique and hard to spell/hack.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/30 00:19:53

    Post by: Neith

    Named from the main 'enemy' Orbital Frame in Zone of the Enders, which in turn got its name from the Egyptian goddess that welcomed the dead to the underworld.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/30 11:05:46

    Post by: Natorum

    From the film Evil Dead II it was the name given to the Book of the Dead. Originally used as Natorum DeMontum in a D&D campaign run by a friend of mine and shortened to Natorum as a name for my general online persona thereafter.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/31 01:32:01

    Post by: Rinkydink

    Well here he is; the Pink Panther,
    The rinky-dink panther,
    Isn't he a panther ever so pink?

    He really is a groovy cat,
    And what a gentleman, a scholar, what an acrobat!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2009/12/31 02:19:12

    Post by: Emmkay

    Back in high school I could never be bothered writing my whole name on anything, as I was the only person in the year with my initials this wasn't an issue and people started calling me MK.

    After a while some body said "Hey you could be like Eminem only Emmkay!" this back before I discovered proper music.

    It kinda stuck and its my usual name on any internet based stuffs.

    Boring but True

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/02 03:02:05

    Post by: fox

    Fox- My partial nickname. That or little person. Personally I liked fox better. Sooner or later, my other nickname won't be valid. I hope.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/05 04:51:30

    Post by: Rico

    The Penguin from the Madagascar series, that stores all their supplies in his stomach and barfs it up. In love with a barbie-type doll. And I mean LOVE.

    In contrast, I am in love with a quite real brunette so I didn't choose Rico because we have many similarities...


    Edit-Those I suppose in another life I'd be named Captain Tight Pants, because Firefly is just a beautiful, beautiful show. Plus, I have the shortest temper you'll ever know, so you could say I'm uptight. Whatevs.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/10 22:34:50

    Post by: Leigen_Zero

    Mine is the first name from the half-elf gambler I had to make to replace my first one (the reason for replacement was I played a lizardman called quetzacoatl and the mods decided nobody was allowed a real-life name for thier char) when I played the play-by-post RPG The Allerian Empire (however left after a few months as the pomposity was over-whelming!), the zero is there because I like the number, and the underscore is just because...

    Stuck with the handle because I needed an email address and grabbed that as my real name (richard jones) is too common and therefore taken, and its stuck with me ever since

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/11 19:42:58

    Post by: Reginleif

    My name was taken from the name of one characters spear in the Fire Emblem series.
    I liked the name until the someone told it was actually the name of a nordic female have god( Ithink a valkyrie)
    But I still like it and use ti

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/17 09:12:08

    Post by: FoxPhoenix135

    When I was an 11-C for the Army, the unit I served in was Foxtrot "Phoenix" Company, and my roster number was 135 (35th member of the 1st platoon). I led 4th squad, but I figured 3 numbers was enough to my name without adding 135-4th or something silly.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/18 14:46:10

    Post by: BishopGore

    The cathedral in my city has a statue outside of the first ever Bishop. His name was Charles Gore. So, Bishop Gore.

    Less than exciting, eh?

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/20 02:30:50

    Post by: ANGRY!

    im obsessed with angry marines

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    ok no im lying, but i was pretty annoyed because all the good usernames were taken, however angry marines are awesome!

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/20 09:47:27

    Post by: BishopGore

    ANGRY! wrote:im obsessed with angry marines

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    ok no im lying, but i was pretty annoyed because all the good usernames were taken, however angry marines are awesome!

    The very concept of Power Feet fills me with unbridled joy.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/23 14:51:14

    Post by: unbeliever87

    Mine is based off the Stephen Donaldson series "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever", probably the best series of books I have ever read.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/30 23:12:45

    Post by: KingCracker

    legoburner wrote:Mine is because everything else was taken on other forums and sites, and while thinking of a different name I had some lego sitting on top of a CD burner on my desk so I just glued the two names together to create legoburner.

    lol you sound like my brother. He names his MMO characters in a similar fashion.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/31 09:55:02

    Post by: trigger41

    i was once a fan of bionicle and one of the villians had the nickname "the trigger" before it was thetrigger41 now its trigger41 41 was just a random number hehe

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/01/31 16:04:27

    Post by: gretar

    Its my name

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/02/03 10:33:42

    Post by: dreadlord

    I scare people.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/02/03 10:44:22

    Post by: inmygravenimage

    I'm an English teacher: I shape other people's children with my own deranged, heathenish ramblings. Hence, I continue to mould them in my graven image.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/02/03 10:48:33

    Post by: BishopGore

    unbeliever87 wrote:Mine is based off the Stephen Donaldson series "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever", probably the best series of books I have ever read.

    I loved the first trilogy of books, but the second was very hard going so I never finished it.

    What Does Your Username Mean? @ 2010/02/04 14:26:55

    Post by: Bash the Bosh

    It's a few things that made up my name. I love 'Blackadder goes forth'....When General Melchett came out with the 'I wouldn't lick a German if he was glazed in honey'line.
    And CoD 3 nailed it for me,when the SAS team infiltrated Northern France, and the OC came out with the words:
    '.... And then we'll give Jerry a damned good kicking'
    And the Scottish Corporal said,
    'Aye Sir, I can't wait to bash the bosh'

    '....and we'll give those frenchies a damn good licking'
    'It's the germans Sir'
    'Its the germans we should be licking Sir'
    'DON'T BE REVOLTING DARLING, I wouldn't lick a german if he was glazed in honey!'