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Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2009/06/27 18:51:56

Post by: legoburner

All polls in this forum are automatically put up on the dakka home page, and as a result, we have to restrict who can post polls here for safety's sake. If you have a poll you would like to see here, then post it in this thread and if a moderator approves it then it will get added. Good polls have concise questions and short answers. Polls can be multiple choice or one answer only. Polls can either be timeless ('what age did you start wargaming') or time limited ('how much did you spend on wargaming in the last 3 months').

Note, your poll will be added MUCH sooner if you also list all available options for the poll response as it saves me having to think about it much.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2009/07/07 18:28:47

Post by: Hordini

How about favorite Warhammer Fantasy Battles army? Or favorite Warmachine/Hordes faction? Or favorite faction in some other games like Flames of War or AT-43?

Favorite wargaming genre (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Steampunk, Historical, Cyberpunk, Wierd War II, Pulp, etc.) or favorite historical period (ACW, Ancients, WW1, WW2, Crimean War, etc.)?

Favorite miniatures line or favorite miniatures producing company? GW, Forge World, Rackham, Battlefront, Urban Mammoth, Privateer Press, Black Tree, Corvus Belli, Perry Brothers, Old Glory, etc...

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2009/07/16 12:56:01

Post by: legoburner

I've cleaned up the thread a bit now. The above posts will all be added in some form at some point. Keep suggesting stuff though please!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2009/07/16 13:20:07

Post by: legoburner

Doesnt have to be wargaming related, but we wont post any polls that will be too divisive (politics, religion, possibly music) as we have a broad range of interests represented on dakka and I'd sooner keep flame wars out of the polls section.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2009/11/10 01:47:46

Post by: legoburner

I've just gone on a major poll adding spree and have cleaned out a lot of the ones waiting in this thread.

As usual, keep the suggestions coming please!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/01/21 07:42:00

Post by: Buttlerthepug

Would definitely like to see some WHFB poles since we have so many that can be used for both 40k and fantasy but are only for 40k? Makes no sense to me... just unsure as to why some of them cant be added together... like the pre-painted minis.. dunno whys thats 40k only O.o

How long does a typical ame of WHFB usually last for you?
Whats your favorite edition of WHFB?
Would you buy race specific WHFB terrain?
Would you buy pre-painted WHFB miniatures?
What WHFB races do you buy/collect?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/02/25 23:15:38

Post by: eldarbgamer13

Favorite chaos god??

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/03/11 02:42:23

Post by: Buttlerthepug

What was your favorite gw paint line?

Citadel Paints
All of them.. I love gw!
None... I hate gw!

(if I missed any, please add them)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/03/15 01:40:49

Post by: boogeyman

How about favorite points level for a WHFB game? or 40k?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/03/15 17:27:02

Post by: Dastardly Dave

Family wargamers? Who has family playing the game?

- no-one in my family plays any wargame
- my brother/s [(possibly 2 choices i.e 1 brother or 2+)] play a wargame
- my sister/s play a wargame
- my mother plays a wargame
- my father plays a wargame
- they are also members of dakkadakka

[(possibly edit it to include RPs etc)]

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/03/25 16:17:13

Post by: AesSedai

If you were facing a so-called "true-scale" space marine army, would you prefer the infantry (standard space marines) were based on:

a. 25mm "standard bases"
b. 30mm
c. 40mm "terminator bases"

Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/04/16 02:44:53

Post by: cormz

How many hours on average do you spend on Dakka Dakka each day.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/04/17 09:04:19

Post by: Buttlerthepug

Thoughts on painted/unpainted armies at local tournaments with no requirements...

-Regardless of requirements, you should have your army fully painted and based.
-The army needs to be at least primed and or base coated.
-Armies should be fully built, even if its bare plastic... paint doesnt matter.
-I dont care, painted or unpainted... I go to tournies to win!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/05/05 18:27:18

Post by: Fiend

Where do you purchase your models online?

1. GW website
2. The War Store
3. Miniature Market
4. Wayland Games
5. Ebay
6. (more store options)
7. Other website (write in)
8. I don't buy or buy at a local hobby shop/GW store.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/05/09 23:39:59

Post by: Paladin Blake

How's your grasp of the 40k rules?

-Near flawless. I've practically got the rulebook and most codexes memorized.
-Great. I don't need to ever check a book most games.
-Good. I know most stuff, but I'll forget rules every once in a while.
-Decent. I get confused on little things a decent amount.
-Poor. I need to check the book a lot.
-Terrible. I can barely get through a phase without looking it up in the book.
-I don't play 40k.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/05/18 21:39:29

Post by: Augustus

Paper Terrain at a Tourney?

If table(s) of newspaper, boxes and books terrain were set up at a Tournament (RTT standard style) for armies that did not meet a 3 color standard to be paired on round one (and announced in advance) would that be:

(1) Terrible
(2) Great
(3) No opinion

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/06/02 22:14:13

Post by: Hydroblender

As a follow on from the 'How much do you earn' poll, how about a 'How old are you, what age group do you fall into' poll. Reading through some of the comments on the 'how much do you earn' poll, i'm thinking i'm a dinosaur compared to some people on here!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/06/04 00:30:51

Post by: focusedfire

Did a search and didn't find this one. I find it hard to believe that I am the first to ask this but:

Which current or dropped 40K Army listed here is your Favorite?

Please, do not vote because the army has the strongest current codex, but rather base your vote upon look of models, back story, price and the Armies playstyle.


Please post why you voted the way you did.

Black Templars

Blood Angels

Chaos Demons

Chaos Space Marines

Codex: Daemon Hunters/GK

Codex: Witch Hunters/SoB

Craftworld Eldar

Dark Angels

Dark Eldar





Space Marines

Space Wolves



The Lost and the Damned


Edit-I did this poll in 40K discussions. Interesting though limited results. Would be interesting to see the results from a broader cross section.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/06/24 06:44:52

Post by: Jimsolo

"If you could remove an army from 40k (GW would never again mention it or provide product support for it) which would it be?"

Black Templars
Space Marines
Space Wolves
Dark Angels
Blood Angels
Sisters of Battle
Imperial Guard
Dark Eldar

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/06/24 22:54:27

Post by: Jimsolo

What is your preferred method of acquiring a new codex?

I get them new.
I get them used.
I download them off the internet.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/06/25 19:37:20

Post by: NoseGoblin

Mod please delete

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/09 21:29:30

Post by: Kyric

I would like to add a poll...Here it is....*AHEM!*

Which is the most evil 40k army

(every army in 40k)
space marines
dark eldar
imperial guard
space wolves

Dont put eldar in there....there is no reason to vote on them. xD

Edit it as you see fit

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/12 14:59:52

Post by: Popsicle

How Do You Transport Your Miniatures?

Games Workshop Official Case
Aftermarket Case - Battlefoam | Sabol | Kaiser Ruthford
Home-Made Case
Big Ol' Tub!
Other - Post and Show Us!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/14 02:56:00

Post by: medd

This could alternatively be a multiple choice, favorites question, but...

What is your favorite Dakka Dakka forum?


News & Rumors

Tournament Discussions

Dakka Discussions

Dakka Swap Shop

Find a Game

Article Discussion

Painting & Modeling

Dakka P&M Blogs

Painting and Modeling Tutorials

40K Army Lists

40K You Make Da Call

40K Proposed Rules

40K Battle Reports

40K Tactics

40K Background

40K General Discussion

WHFB Army Lists

WHFB You Make Da Call

WHFB Proposed Rules

WHFB Battle Reports

WHFB Tactics

WHFB General Discussion and Background

Warmachine & Hordes

Lord of the Rings and Other Fantasy Games

Flames of War and Other Historical Games

AT-43 & Other Sci-Fi Games

Spaceship, Naval, Driving & Mech Games

Epic Scale Games

Skirmish Scale Games

Large Scale, Roleplaying & Board Games (SPACE HULK)

Dakka Polls


Dakka Fiction

Survivor Games & Chain Fiction

Video Games

Off-Topic Forum

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/14 03:00:45

Post by: Talizvar

Ack! I just posted a poll of "Do you play to have fun or to win?" broke it down to 5 choices (100%,75/25,50/50,25/50,100).
Would have asked here if I knew.


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/14 17:21:40

Post by: Popsicle

How do you Highlight?

Pure Highlights
Drybrushed Highlights
No Highlights
Highlights? What are those?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/19 13:34:02

Post by: moonshine

which is you're faviroute chaos legion

black legion

world eaters

emporers children

death guard

thousand sons

alpha legion

word bearers

night lords

steel legion

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/27 14:03:39

Post by: Dreg Warpspawn

What would you do if you found a daemonette in your closet?

A) Rapid Fire
B) Close Assault
C) Get Religion quick and hope it helps
D) Get her registered under the endangered species act
E) Walk into the closet, close the door and never be seen again...

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/07/28 23:49:01

Post by: Karmine

I'd like to ask a really simple poll question...

What System is the Most Popular? Either Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/08/06 18:00:40

Post by: A Black Ram

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/08/11 01:50:30

Post by: moonshine

who is you're faviroute primarch

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/08/28 03:10:23

Post by: kirsanth

Unique (listed for models in the codex) follows the rules for Unique Characters (regardless of whether they are listed as Characters)?

1) A named model is unique but not a Unique Character

2) A model will not necessarily be a Unique Character despite being Unique--since those rules apply to characters--they are not character so the restriction on multiple models is irrelevant.

3) A model can be Unique without following the rules for unique characters despite no model being listed as a Unique Character.

4) Unique models follow the rules for Unique characters.

5) Models that are Unique follow the rules for "Unique Characters" as there are not other rules for dealing with "Unique" models.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/08/29 02:04:52

Post by: A-Lone

Which part of the world are you from?

1. Europe
2. Asia
3. North America
4. South America
5. Australia
6. other. (just in case)

and when posting you should also write down the country you live in as well

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/08/29 23:27:51

Post by: sgtpjbarker

How about:

What codex needs to be done next:

Dark Eldar


Witch Hunters



New Chapter

New Race

thanks, feel free to modify.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/09/03 19:38:15

Post by: AbaddonFidelis

Which land raider is the best.
all depends

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/09/14 20:11:04

Post by: Chibi Bodge-Battle

Everybody is a Dark Eldar Player now!

Who will be playing DE after the new Models and codex are released?

Are you:
Veteran Play Dark Eldar. Will keep on rockin'!
Born Again Dark Eldar. Will dust off old/buy new.
Virgin Dark Eldar. Be gentle with me!
Wait to see if the minis and fluff are cool first.
Wait to see if the codex will enable DE to wipe all else from the galaxy
Wouldn't play DE if you drugged me and dragged me off to Gommaragh!
Disgruntled Vet, vomming at all the Bandraider jumping , quitting in disgust!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/09/22 20:52:33

Post by: The Bringer

There should totally be and Edward vs. Jacob poll.


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/09/26 16:00:01

Post by: blackclaw1

Should there be a new golden daemon category

1:Yes , a 15 to 18 category
2:yes, a vererans catergory
2Yes,other (please say why)
3:no enoughs enough.
4No:I like the categorys as the way they are
5:no toher ( please say why)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/09/26 22:32:04

Post by: burning_phoneix

Following the whole "Jervis Johnson ruined the Dark Angels codex" argument:

Which writer would you like to write the new codex/army book of your favorite faction?

Mat Ward
Robin Cruddace
Phil Kelly
Graham McNeill
Gav Thorpe
Jervis Johnson
Andy Hoare
Pete Haines
Adam Troke

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/09/27 19:37:54

Post by: GalaxyGames

Are you going to be getting the new Dark Eldar after seeing the coverage?

Feth No!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/10/05 00:53:04

Post by: GalacticDefender

Do you like twilight? (Let's hope the answer is always the last option)

-It's okay
-I like it, but I'm not crazy about it
-OMG Sparkly Vampires! (Twilight fanatic)
-Don't like it
-Think it is the worst book ever written and should be eradicated like the Xenos Scum it is.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/10/27 02:30:26

Post by: ChiliPowderKeg

What part of the day do you normally post on Dakka?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 0005/12/07 06:33:29

Post by: necrongod

what do you think of the new Incubi models?

-totally badass!
-ok, could have done better
-hate them!
-I dont play DE

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/06 21:17:28

Post by: necrongod

Which game is more populer?
-warhammer 40,000
-LOTR battle game

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/08 00:44:02

Post by: Blitza da warboy

Are dark eldar underpowered?
-they are worse than the 3rd edition!
-yeah, but they are still better than their third edition codex
-no, they are perfectly balanced
-they are pretty strong, but not overpowered.
-they are broken! (insert rant)
-didn't read the codex yet

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/13 10:10:49

Post by: Vermillion

May have been this one asked before as I'm on and off randomly but the question of what stops people getting into the specialist games and playing them a lot is something I'd be interesting in seeing up. Whether it's the lack of support, the now prohibitive cost etc as I've fond memories of many moons ago when they were pushed a lot.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/13 14:13:43

Post by: undivided

Have you seen anyone\ Do you know anyone\ Were you mad enough to buy the Spear of Sicarius?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/15 20:58:59

Post by: Ahtman

If GW ever got around to producing a new army for Warhammer Fantasy, which should be first?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/17 05:48:24

Post by: WarOne

If you had to choose who put up your poll in the Dakka Poll's Forum, which mod /admin would you choose?

Another moderator or admin other than the above two.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/19 04:00:38

Post by: BloodQuest

How often do you buy gaming items?

More than once a week
About once a week
More than once a month
About once a month
Less often

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/11/21 18:23:41

Post by: necrongod

should asking for free stuff in the swap shop be allowed?

-no opinion

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/16 19:29:41

Post by: WarOne

How many IQ points do you think you lose by reading posts by Frazzled?

more than 5
Who is Frazzled?
Derr? (Read too many posts to be declared intelligent anymore)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/17 22:22:21

Post by: Rarmah

How did you find Ultramarines the movie?

I like the story but Need more "oomph"
I disliked it but Own it becuase its a 40k movie.
Saw it Over a mate and not even spending my money on that.

Warning: Spoilers here :O

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/17 22:39:52

Post by: The Bringer

Who's the most awesome mod?

[insert mods...]

WarOne - I think Frazzled is hilarious. I would add a option like that, or maybe even a 0.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/18 06:23:34

Post by: DA's Forever

AbaddonFidelis wrote:Which land raider is the best.
all depends

+1 this would be a good one to have

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/19 12:59:29

Post by: shrike

DA's Forever wrote:
AbaddonFidelis wrote:Which land raider is the best.
all depends

+1 this would be a good one to have

+1. phobos
heresy-era LR

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/20 22:17:24

Post by: Footsloggin

If you had the option to look into your future, would you?

Note: This includes your date of death, how you will die, who/if you will marry, how many children you may/may not have, future profession, etc...

I'm unsure (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/22 12:35:18

Post by: LoyalViggo

If Battlefleet Gothic were made into a PC game which kept true to it's roots and was turn based but also had the option of real time combat, would you buy it?

1) Hell yeah I'm pre-ordering the Special Edition now!
2) Yes, but I'll wait for the normal edition.
3) Depends on the developer and how true it stays to the boardgame, but probably.
4) As I'm a pirate in the boardgame, I'd pirate the computer game!
5) No. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes.
6) What in the warp is Battlefleet Gothic?
7) For Christmas I'd rather have a George W. Bush action figure.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/23 17:22:54

Post by: Eldar Savior

How about "hows the weather in England for all those chaps", eh? Whaddayafink?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/23 17:43:04

Post by: shrike

Eldar Savior wrote:How about "hows the weather in England for all those chaps", eh? Whaddayafink?

the only reason we go on about the weather is it's a hell of a lot more interesting than everyone elses. In russia you know it's snowing, in spain you know it's sunny, in scotland you know it's raining. England is the only country where it snows in the summer and is sunny in the winter.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/26 04:50:40

Post by: Vasarto

Poll Idea!
What is your opinion on Lizardmen?

Over Powered
Powerful but no where near the best army
They are a Good Solid Army but my army can easily crush them any day
Decent but they lack in a lot of areas
Suck Army
No Opinion

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/28 11:19:06

Post by: Eura

How do you feel about proxy's?

what you see is what you get

aslong as they are pretty much the same ( DE raider being used as a ravager... ect)

same basic shape (for the last time nightbringer represents a bloodthirster I'll spend the 50$ later )

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2010/12/31 15:19:22

Post by: WarOne

How Fast Do You Think Dakka Should Load?

As Fast As My Connection Allows

Really Fast



Piss Poor

Really Slow

Makes a 56k Modem Look Like Light Speed

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/06 18:32:13

Post by: KamikazeCanuck

How about "how many hours a day/week do you spend on internet forums?" or something to that effect if its not been asked already.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/07 01:36:17

Post by: Trasvi

Which of the following devices do you own, or plan on owning in the near future?
(multi choice please )

* iPhone/ iPod touch
* Android smartphone
* Blackberry
* Windows 7 smartphone
* iPad
* Android tablet
* Windows tablet
* Apple Macbook
* Windows Laptop or netbook
* Desktop computer of some variety

Mainly interested in determining the viability of wargames oriented smartphone apps and for which platform. Vote for yours if you want something made for it!!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/07 02:57:16

Post by: WarOne

How many days of the week do you wargame (tabletop games like WH40k)?

0 (Do not wargame)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/07 11:54:35

Post by: Eldrad

I think they should make a 40k mmorpg now that i would buy.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/07 12:02:28

Post by: Nulipuli2

Warhammer 40k Dark Milenium

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/07 15:31:11

Post by: Ratius

Poll suggestion: Whats your favourite Orkmoticon?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/07 17:14:31

Post by: DeadGaurd

Which do you prefere the metal mini's or the platic one?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/09 04:08:12

Post by: Vasarto

What is the best reason to get a Lizardmen army?

1.I do not play Warhammer Fantasy So I couldn't know
2.There isn't a reason, Its a crap army
3.Strong codex overall
4.Because you I like Lizard people!
5.Good Balance between melee,range and magic
6.Has one of the most powerful casters ever
7.Very Dependable army
8.Its good if you like lots of spiky hurty bits.
9.The color options real lizards come in that can be implement with them.
10.Other...Write In

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/09 18:10:40

Post by: WarOne

How many times have you been suspended from DakkaDakka in the past?

0- I'm a good little boy/girl/it.
1- Made 1 mistake, never again.
2- I promised to reform, I swear!
3- Third time's a charm.
4+ - I am evil incarnate! Mwahahahahaha!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/10 02:35:07

Post by: Vasarto

What bad Habits do you gamers have?
1.I don't have any
2.Nose Picking
5.Twitching and Fidget
6.Cannot sit still, Need to pace or walk around
13.Nail Biting
15.Other..Write In

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/11 13:34:29

Post by: WarOne

If you were undead, what would be your favorite source of food to sustain your afterlife?

Other Organs
Other Emotions
Other Intangible Things

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/14 04:21:23

Post by: Vasarto

How do you build your armies!

1.Start with an H.Q and see where it takes me
2.Start with an H.Q and Base an army around it or them
3.Themed army around a specific play style. I.E Vehicles, Fast attack lists, Foot Slogging
4.Highly Detailed List of units that are mathematically and Field Tested Proven to have the best equation that can obtain the best results possible.
5.Stuff I think are fun to play regardless of what I am playing or who I am playing.
6.Base My army around my Heavy supports or other models.
7.Other...Please Specify.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/14 23:17:44

Post by: Vasarto

Jimsolo wrote:"If you could remove an army from 40k (GW would never again mention it or provide product support for it) which would it be?"

Black Templars
Space Marines
Space Wolves
Dark Angels
Blood Angels
Sisters of Battle
Imperial Guard
Dark Eldar

You Forgot Chaos Marines. That is the one I choose.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/15 07:18:15

Post by: WarOne

What is your favorite food group from the food pyramid?

Meats and Beans

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/22 01:56:38

Post by: moonshine

Which of the starship trooper films did you like best:

starship troopers 1

starship troopers 2 hero of the federaition

starship troopers 3 maruader

i hate all starship troopers films

never seen starship troopers films

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/24 14:38:04

Post by: Shenra

I would like to start a poll on the strenuousness of WYSIWYG.

I've heard groans from nid players who have to add toxin sacs and adrenal glands to 80+ termagaunts...or take them off if they decide to change their lists, and felt the frustration of changing out arms on my models. I've heard of some stores that actually require psychic powers to be modeled. What do you think, Dakka-ites? What place does WYSIWYG have in 40K?

A. 100% WYSIWYG required. You better find a way to model Aura of Decay, Transfixing Gaze, and every other nuance of your list!
B. Weapons and models should be WYSIWYG'ed...psychic powers, daemonic gifts and other aspects can slide.
C. Models should be correct, but weapons and everything else not needed.
D. You can sub anything in...genestealers can act as Necron Warriors...why not?
E. WSYIWYG is just a way for stores to make you buy more models, bits and modeling supplies.
F. No opinion.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/25 03:44:50

Post by: WarOne

How Many Times a Day Do You Post on DakkaDakka

Less than once a day.
1-2 timesa day.
3-5 times a day.
6-10 times a day.
11-20 times a day.
21+ times a day.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/28 16:25:49

Post by: Redhat

How do internet armies affect your FLGS? I know that with the internet out that it's impossible to have a completly original army list but when all people do is copy and paste from the internet there army list, some people at my FLGS tend to be annoyed.

1: No one plays net lists.
2: The people who play net lists don't understand the game and lose anyway.
3: People win with net lists so everyone does it.
4: Some people play net lists and it doesn't bother anyone.
5: Some people play net lists and people get mad about it.
6: What's a net list?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/29 02:09:49

Post by: Vasarto

Based off the topic about most powerful 3 units and what others I know of consider to be op

What is the most powerful models in 40k?
Multi answer.

Thunder-wolf Calvary
Long Fangs
Nob Bikers with Pain boy.
Snikrot, So long as you know how to use him right.
Big Mek KFF
TH/SS Terminators
Death Company Dreads with Blood Claws
Eldar Pathfinders

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/29 02:25:15

Post by: WarOne

If you were a brain surgeon, what tools would you use to perform brain surgery?

Normal Operating Equipment
Rusty Shears
Lawn Mower
Game Workshop Business Model
Mad Dok's Tools

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/29 02:39:03

Post by: Thaanos

What day do you dislike the most?
All of them!

There, that should be all possible answers

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/01/29 12:41:57

Post by: WarOne

If there was a GW Store and a Local Hobby Shop by you, how would you divide your business (excluding internet sales)?

All to the Games Workshop Store.

Most to Games Workshop, some supplemented by the Local Hobby Store.

Favoring the Games Workshop Store, but not by much.

About even.

Favoring the Local Hobby Store, but not by much.

Most to the Local Hobby Store, supplemented by the Games Workshop store.

All to the Local Hobby Store.

None. Neither store would get my money.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/02/09 05:21:16

Post by: WarOne

If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops, what kind of rain would it be?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/02/10 22:22:41

Post by: WarOne

If you were an Ork, what clan would you be apart of?

Bad Moons
Blood Axes
Evil Sunz

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/03/01 23:46:17

Post by: tantan628

What is the most annoying thing an opponent has ever done during a game that technically doesn't break the rules?

Making shooting noises
Flying his tanks around when they die
Not a single WYSIWYG model
Rolling dice one at a time
Other (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/03/03 21:24:04

Post by: skullking

With the iPad 2 on it's way, I thought this might be somewhat interesting if it hasn't already been touched on.

If Games Workshop released their rule books and codices as paid apps for smartphones/tablets, would you buy them? (what if they automatically updated to reflect FAQ updates?)

If GW had apps for all their rules would it make sense that you'd need a physical codex to participate in official tournaments?

What would be appropriate pricing for Rules books as Apps on 'smart' devices? (in US dollars)

Normal 'book' price

How about codices? (in US dollars)

normal 'book' price

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/03/04 20:32:20

Post by: ChrisWWII

What do you think of the dakka Moderator team?

1- Extremely Poor
2- Poor
3- Fair
4- Good
5- Extremely Good
6- Other Opinion, Please Describe Below.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/03/07 19:49:58

Post by: skbak

If you could exist in the 40k universe, who would you serve?

The Imperium (inc. SM and Inquisition)
The Eldar
Dark Eldar

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Or -

Do you acknowledge the divinity of The God-Emperor of Mankind?

options are Yes or Burn, heretic!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/03/14 22:02:09

Post by: Eldar Own

New Army Book, so it seems fitting-

What do you think of the new orc and goblin army book

Pretty Good.
Good, but the old one was better.
Bad, but still an improvement
Other/No opinion/don't collect O&G

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/03/21 22:59:14

Post by: mega_bassist

Which army is your favorite to play as in the Dawn of War series?

IG, CSM, MEQ, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, DE, Orks, Tau, Tyranids, or Necrons?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/04/06 23:40:01

Post by: Squat Kid

How do you feel about proxying squats as guard?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/04/15 05:07:31

Post by: guyperson5

Question: Do the current 40k weapons satisfy you?

They are fantastic! They dont need any changing!

They are all right, they get the job done well


GW need to improve their weaponry- alot

Did Orks hack the GW database and change these?

Other (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/04/18 22:52:02

Post by: djphranq

What do you do with older editions of games when newer editions are released?

Keep them
Get rid of them

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/04/22 21:24:28

Post by: Silent_Spectre

How much would you be prepared to pay (commission rate) for a fully sculpted 28-32mm miniature? Not a conversion or a sculpt using bits from another vendor, a fully 'sculpted from scratch' mini?



Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/06 19:30:52

Post by: elchristoff

Red paint job - worth it? not worth it?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/07 18:49:08

Post by: bob the heretic

Which music do you enjoy listening to while playing, painting models, reading or talking about Warhammer 40k (people can have more then one choice)

I do not listen to music
Classical (……….)
Rock (Linkin Park, Nickel Back. ex)
Metal (Slipknot, Manowar, Demon Hunter. ex)
Rap (Tupac, Afro man. ex)
Epic (Hanz Zimmer, Two Steps from hell. ex)
Techno (DJ Starscream)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/07 23:09:44

Post by: WarOne

Do you want to become a DCM now that we have an easy click paypal button?

1) Yes.
2) No.
3) What is a DCM?
4) How do I become one?
5) We have a button for that?
6) I have to PAY to become a DCM?
7) Pfft....no thanks.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/09 22:21:21

Post by: Jensvejmand

Which Kind of music do you listen to while painting/gaming warhammer

1) Pop
2) Rock
3) Metal
4) Rap
5) Hip Hop
5) Folkmusic
6) Indie
7) Country
8) Oldies
9) Jazz
10) Dance
11) Techno
12) I don't listen to music

(write in more genres)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/12 04:40:31

Post by: Varrick

Are you happy with the army you chose at first?

-yes; but i wish i had gotten a different regiment/chapter
- yes but i should have picked another army to learn with
- No i wish i had picked a different army entirely
- No i wish i had gotten a different regiment/chapter
- No i wish i had gone with another army to learn with

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/16 19:00:39

Post by: Hasharii

What Knightly Order do you prefer? (Empire, WHFB)

-The Reiksguard
-The Order of the Blazing Sun
-The Order of the Black Bear
-The Knights Griffon
-The Knights Panther
-The Hunters of Sigmar
-The Templars of the Everlasting Light
-The Order of the Broken Sword
-The Order of the Sacred Scythe
-The Knights of Sigmar's Blood
-The Knights of Morr
-The Order of the Gold Lion
-The Knights Encarmine
-The Orders of the Hammers of Sigmar
-My own Order

You don't really have to play/collect WHFB Empire to have a favorite.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/17 21:55:06

Post by: Disjointed Entity

What sorts of things do you guys get up to in your spare time regularly?

(Check all that apply)

-Going to Gigs?
-Heading to the Cinema?
-Watching TV?
-Reading Books?

Etc. or something like that.
It's a thought.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/18 15:45:36

Post by: lessthan1337

How many wargaming models (grand total) do you own?

I don't know what reasonable estimates / categories would be, I'm just interested

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/19 05:16:23

Post by: WarOne

Will you still continue to buy GW products despite their latest price increase?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/19 14:08:32

Post by: Spyder68

WarOne wrote:Will you still continue to buy GW products despite their latest price increase?


Exact same thing i was gonna post with the exception of a catagory to how many will be looking at Privateer Press or "Other" Game system instead.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/20 03:31:17

Post by: polari

Do you have anything on in the background as you work?

other (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/10/20 04:08:29

Post by: WarOne

How Close Do You Live to the Warstore?

As close as WarOne (20-25 minute drive).
25-100 miles.
101-200 miles.
201-500 miles.
501-1000 miles.
1000+ miles.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/29 09:20:43

Post by: Lord Rogukiel

What do you think of the new citadel finecast resin replacing metal?

It's great! I love it!
The details are good and its pretty cool, but I'll miss metal.
Meh. Metal was just as good.
Don't like it. Resin is terrible to work with and metal felt better.
I'm not going to buy any finecast models. metal all the way!
I don't buy miniatures (what are you doing on this forum?)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/31 04:14:21

Post by: WarOne

What Would Be a Good Nickname For the New Finecast Game's Workshop Models?

Old Name is Fine
Other (insert clever name here).

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/31 12:52:39

Post by: ChocolateGork

I suggest a new ''What 40k Army Is most in need of an update'' the other one is outdated.

And the new one shouldn't have multiple choice in my opinion.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/05/31 20:11:54

Post by: Hasharii

Do you think you have enough friends?

-I think I need more friends.
-I got plenty of friends, so, enough.
-I don't have any friends.
-I could use some more friends, but got enough

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/06/02 14:45:51

Post by: htj

Cats or dogs? Which is best?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/06/02 17:08:53

Post by: master of ordinance

whats better for firesweep



Plasma guns

Grenade launchers

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/06/03 17:27:33

Post by: Bodworld

Haters and jealous people voting your work down out of spite.

Ahh! You spend all this time, blood, sweat and tears painting a mini to the best of your ability and some hater, who probably can't paint a barn door with an 8" roller gives your work some stupid, jealous rating coz they've got nothing better going on in they're sad little lives.
It's not constructive, if it was they'd comment and tell you why they didn't like it but no they just vote your work down and don't give other aspiring painters the right to see your work and be inspired to progress.
I can take low marks from great artists but not from "splashers" with no eye for colour who chuck paint on a mini like an office worker on a paintball "team building day".
You know who you are and should be ashamed of your jealous nature. If you don't like my work tell me why and we can both be better people.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/06/04 15:12:46

Post by: mega_bassist

On average, how many concerts do you go to per year?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/06/07 20:37:03

Post by: loner

How good do you paint your avarage troopers? (Standard Space Marines, Imperial guard, Orks etc.)

-I don't paint
-I don't paint them very well.
-Ok, they aren't masterpieces, but not horrible either.
-I paint them quite well.
-I make masterpieces out of them.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/06/08 21:03:30

Post by: Orlanth

Title: Have you/will you stop buying from Games Workshop?

Poll options:

1. I am still buying or planning to buy hobby games from GW.
2. I am only completing projects/armies I have already got, then I am buying no more armies.
3. I gave up over the recent problems in the last couple months.
4. I stopped buying last year. (2010)
5. I stopped buying the year before that. (2009)
6. I stopped buying a while ago. (2006-2008)
7. I stopped buying early last decade. (2000-2005)
8. I stopped buying ages ago. (90's)
9. I stopped buying when they got rid of non GW games. (80's)
10. I never bought into the GW hobby, exception for painting and modeling supplies or the odd conversion piece.
11. I never bought anything from GW on principle.

OP Text: We have asked about people leaving GW before for one reason or other but who here has actually done so and when. All options except the first and last one allow for someone to have given up on GW and yet buy a replacement paint or even a single miniature or replacement codex for an army, so long as you have for all intents and purposes given up on buying GW armies.
The reason for giving up is not part of this thread, some may have converted to Warmachine, others priced out of the market, otherws dislike one rules change too many, others may have refused to buy on principle.

My poll so I should start off. I stopped buying anything substantial from GW in 2007, I have since been tempted by nice sculpts, but not tempted enough to win me back. I may buy a paint or two, or even a boxset for an army I have or to convert for another game. But GW lost my real custom three price hikes ago. I can no longer afford the 'GW hobby', I am by no means through with wargaming though and have seen fit to spend my money instead on Fantasy Flight, Warmachine, Dystopian Wars and Rackham products.
- Orlanth

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/06/10 15:46:19

Post by: Joske De Veteraan

okay i got one after some really hard thinking but it's a smple one: If you HAD to turn to chaos, wich god would you choose? Slaanesh, Nurgle, Khorne, Tzeentch

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/01 18:08:01

Post by: Squat Kid

Favorite type of special weapon
Grenade launcher

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/01 19:12:37

Post by: Disjointed Entity

Squat Kid wrote:Favorite type of special weapon
Grenade launcher

You'd need more options than that, what about the xeno races? Nice idea though.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/04 20:55:32

Post by: The Black Nid

Hi. This is probably a stupid question, but how do
I add a poll myself?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/06 19:54:01

Post by: Sam__theRelentless

The Black Nid wrote:Hi. This is probably a stupid question, but how do
I add a poll myself?

Check legoburner's first post. post it up here, and hope for the best.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/12 16:56:36

Post by: Sam__theRelentless

What do you do when bored on Dakka?

Bored on Dakka? Never!
Re-check "subscribed threads"
Think of a cooler signature/avatar
Say hi to new people
Go vote in the Gallery
Nit-pick Articles for typos
Go to the Off-Topic
Go to your favourite forum
Check Facebook etc.
Log off completely
(Attempt to) correct nos/Kan/Gwar

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/22 20:41:14

Post by: Breotan

For those who dislike GW but still play their games, what is preventing you from walking away and starting fresh with another company?

- I don't like metal models/kits.
- I don't like the look/asthetic of the other company's models.
- Too few people at my LFGS play the other company's game.
- All my friends are currently into GW games and don't want to switch.
- The game I was considering is no longer being published/supported or the company has gone out of business.
- The other company's game is fairly expensive, too.
- I would switch but I can't seem to get a reasonable price for my GW stuff on eBay these days.
- Dakka doesn't have a dedicated forum for the other company's games.
- I'm addicted to GW plastic, God help me.
- The IRS gave me a tax break for claiming GW as a dependent so if I leave, it'll trigger an audit.
- Other (write-in).

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/24 10:11:35

Post by: sp4cew0lf

Which one of these Hive Fleet names is better ?

Hive Fleet Nom
Hive Fleet Nom Nom
Hive Fleet Tridon
Hive Fleet Cake

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/07/28 20:52:39

Post by: Casey's Law

Why you hatin'?
I'm online so i'm acting like a tough guy.
I'm an angry so-and-so.
My life's a mess and i need to vent.
I want to cry inside.
I'm going to pretend i don't get angry online by selecting this option.
I'm a relaxed sort of fellow, no hate here.

That all sounded ironically hateful didn't it... :/
Is that a bit harsh? Haha maybe. Me-so-sad with all the hating on Dakka. Share the love.
Hmm... I'm going to open a thread for that purpose. Buhbye!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/01 16:00:05

Post by: Deadshot

best chapter?

Space wolves
Raven Guard
Blood Ravens
Legion of the damned
Grey Knights
Any thing other than Ultramarines

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/01 19:01:38

Post by: shrike

Deadshot wrote:best chapter?

Space wolves
Raven Guard
Blood Ravens
Legion of the damned
Grey Knights
Any thing other than Ultramarines

Imperial fists
Black templars
Blood angels
Dark angels
Crimson fists

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/02 09:55:27

Post by: Disjointed Entity

shrike wrote:
Deadshot wrote:best chapter?

Space wolves
Raven Guard
Blood Ravens
Legion of the damned
Grey Knights
Any thing other than Ultramarines

Imperial fists
Black templars
Blood angels
Dark angels
Crimson fists

Space Sharks
Mantis Warriors
Rainbow Warriors

Too many 'small' chapters out there.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/02 10:11:14

Post by: Sam__theRelentless

Disjointed Entity wrote:
shrike wrote:
Deadshot wrote:best chapter?

Space wolves
Raven Guard
Blood Ravens
Legion of the damned
Grey Knights
Any thing other than Ultramarines

Imperial fists
Black templars
Blood angels
Dark angels
Crimson fists

Space Sharks
Mantis Warriors
Rainbow Warriors

Too many 'small' chapters out there.


I swear

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/02 13:14:20

Post by: rockerbikie

Why did you get into Wargaming?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/02 15:30:32

Post by: xSoulgrinderx

Which is the best Imperial Guard Leman Russ tank variant?

The Battle tank
The Exterminator
The Vanquisher
The Demolisher
The Eradicator
The Executioner
The Punisher

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/04 07:58:54

Post by: sp4cew0lf

What is the best Fantasy army for a beginner ?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/06 16:43:58

Post by: Makhoy

How many females play wargames?
1. Are you femaile?
2. Do you personally know any females who play wargames?
3. Do you know any females who play Warhammer 40K?
4. Do you know any femailes who play Warhammer Fantasy?
5. Do you personally know any females who play RPG's?
6. Do you think that females can be competitive players?
7. Do you enjoy playing wargames with females?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/08 02:29:46

Post by: Jimsolo

Where Have You Injured Yourself With A Hobby Knife?

1. Finger/Hand
2. Arm
3. Foot/toe
4. Leg
5. Front Torso
6. Back Torso
7. Groin
8. Neck/Head
9. Face
10. I have never injured myself with a hobby knife

Multiple answers would be necessary. I'm just curious to see if I am the only klutz on the forums.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/08 08:24:11

Post by: Evaelc

How do you access your copy of white dwarf?

our library has a subscription.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/09 04:31:38

Post by: xSoulgrinderx

What part of modeling do you like most?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/09 09:03:36

Post by: guyperson5

Age of wargamers.
1. U16
2. 16-25
3. 25-35
4. 35-45
So on until you get to 100. As a precation put 'Other.' You never know

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ragnarok2070 wrote:Who is the Deadliest Warrior in Warhammer 40K?

An Emperor’s Champion
Chaplain Grimauldaus
High Marshal Helbrecht
The Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host
Astorath the Grim
Commander Dante
Chapter Master Gabriel Seth
Lord of Death Mephiston
Brother-Captain Tycho
Supreme Grandmaster Azrael
Master of the Deathwing Belial
Ezekiel, Grand Master of Librarians
Master of the Ravenwing Sammael
Captain Cato Sicarius
Captain Darneth Lysander
Chaplain Cassius
Chapter Master Pedro Kantor
Chief Librarian Tigurius
Lord High Commander Carab Cullen
Forgefather Vulkan He’stan
Kor’sarro Khan
Lord of Macragge Marneus Calgar
Shadow Captain Kayven Shrike
Bjorn the Fell-Handed
Canis Wolfborn
The Great Wolf Logan Grimnar
Lord of the Tempests Njal Stormcaller
Ulrik the Slayer
Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane
The Anvil of Fenris Arjac Rockfist
Lukas the Trickster
Brother-Captain Stern
Castellan Crowe
Justicar Anval Trawn
Grand Master Mordrak
Inquisitor Coteaz
Inquisitor Karamazov
Inquisitor Valeria
Lord Kaldor Draigo
Commissar Yarrick
Guardsman Marbo
Saint Celestine
Bloodthirster of Korne
The Blue Scribes
Fateweaver, Oracle of Tzeentch
The Great Unclean One
The Keeper of Secrets
Ku’gath, The Plaguefather
Lord of Change
The Masque
Skarbrand, the Exiled One
Fabius Bile
Huron Blackheart
Kharn the Betrayer
Lucius the Eternal
Asdrubael Vect
Baron Sathonyx
Duke Sliscus
Lady Malys
Lellith Hesperax
Urien Rakarth
Eldar Avatar
Eldrad Ulthran
Prince Yriel
The Deceiver
The Nightbringer
Ghazghkull Thraka
Mad Dok Grotsnik
Old Zogwort
Wazdakka Gutsmek
Commander Farsight
Commander Shadowsun
Parasite of Mortrex
The Swarmlord
The Doom of Malan’tai
Old One Eye

I think you missed Abbadon the Despoiler

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/17 16:32:59

Post by: Kaliber

Which Codexes do you read cover to cover?

Armies you own
Armies you want to own
All 40k

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2011/08/18 10:59:17

Post by: Sam__theRelentless

What do you want to see more of in White Dwarf?

It's fine as it is!
More Battle Reports
More individual figurine showcases
More army showcases
More new rules
More painting & modelling tips/tutorials
More tactics

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/01/05 04:24:34

Post by: Tomb King

Are Grey Knights overpowered?

1) Yes they are the most over-powered codex GW has put out in the last ten years.
2) Maybe, they are atleast the top 40k army right now.

3) No, but they are in the top 3.

4) No, Grey knights arent really that good

5) I live under a rock what are grey knights?

6) Other... Write in

This poll is because we have almost 20 pages of discussion on this. Modify the answers as you see fit.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/01/13 18:15:34

Post by: Orlanth

The 6th edition 40K 'leak' is it:

Genuine. A leak of the rules as intented.

Genuine. A behind desk release deliberately leaked to obtain feedback prior to completion.

Fake. A fan submission to GW (they happen) which was discarded and grasped upon as a leak.

Fake. A deliberate hoax.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/01/16 21:15:36

Post by: Castiel

On a night out do you prefer to go to..




Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/01/23 23:34:40

Post by: Kitzz

From your perspective, which is the most important to Games Workshop (i.e., what is their biggest interest as a company)?

1. Shareholder profit
2. Miniatures (the models/sculpts themselves)
3. The hobby (e.g., paints, terrain, boards, glue, greenstuff, etc.)
4. Legacy/Supplemental lines (Warmaster, BFG, Forgeworld, Dreadfleet)
5. Game design
6. Personal profit (CEO, store owner profit)
7. FLGS environment/success

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/01/26 04:07:58

Post by: Cutthroatcure

Are you going to Adepticon 2012?

Whats Adepticon?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/01/30 18:28:58

Post by: Zambro

By what method do you obtain your wargaming models?

(Poll options):

GW or other suitable production companies
FLGS or equivilant
Online (Cheaper than) GW / first part production companies
Ebay or other suitable online 2nd hand sales
Online trade - e.g. want marines for orks etc.
Local Trade - e.g. trade between friends in FLGS
Other - Please state
I dont collect wargaming minis

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/01/31 05:15:13

Post by: DeadlySquirrel

Favourite non-alcoholic drink?

Sod that, booze all the way!
Something fizzy: Cola, Leamonade etc
Fruit juice (including cordial)
Other (please specify)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/02/17 23:32:07

Post by: Deadshot

How about this?

Most type of GW brush?

List of all GW brushes
Other, non GW brush (write in)
I don't paint

Allowing multiple answers please!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/02/21 11:19:44

Post by: Tadashi

Who would like to see the Armageddon Wars on the big screen? Or, instead of a movie, a TV series featuring the same?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/03/01 19:37:39

Post by: Chuck Norris

I'm thinking of a poll to see how many bronies/non-bronies there are on dakka (I thought of it in school). sorry if non wargaming polls aren't allowed here, I'm not sure. call it a social experiment...

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/03/01 21:38:09

Post by: Deadshot

Favourite Painting Technique maybe. Ie, drybrush, wash, edge highlight, shading, stippling, reverse highlights?

Hey, is it only the admins who can post threads here?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/03/04 05:29:30

Post by: cody20

What do you look for in a campaign skirmish game?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/03/07 02:03:49

Post by: Caminoman

Not sure if this would be the right place for this poll, but I would be interested in seeing what where everyone's political affiliations lie.

Options would include democrat, republican, independent, moderate, and possibly liberal and conservative. These options would give a fairly general view of the political demographic of wargamers.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/03/09 21:38:44

Post by: MrMerlin

Where are your from?

Other (eastern) european country
Other Asian country
Other south american country
South africa
Other african country

there are too many.....

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/03/11 07:36:24


Poll idea: Should there be a First-person based shootter in which you take on the role as an Imperial Guardsman in the Armagetton wars?
that is just a suggestion

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/04/01 07:51:21

Post by: nomsheep

Could you make a poll called what table top games do you play?

The options would be

Warhammer 40,000
Other sci-fi [please state]

Warhammer Fantasy
Other fantasy [please state]

Warhammer Ancients
Flames of war
Other historical [please state]

Battlefleet Gothic
Pirates of the Spanish Main
Other fleet-based [please State]

Other [please State]

Thanks Nom

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/04/03 19:14:19

Post by: IHateNids

Which Lore of Magic is your favourite?

Your own Army's specific Lore (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/04/17 01:55:25

Post by: TheSinheizer

Which First? - Paint Before Glue or Glue Before Paint?

- Paint Pieces Before Assembling / Gluing
- Glue / Assemble Before Painting (base included)
- Glue / Assemble Before Painting (base not included)

How do you prefer to deal with this early stage of your miniatures? Do you paint each individual piece before assembling? If so, how do you hold the pieces?

Which method do you find the most effective or preferable to achieve your desired results?
What are the pros / cons of your method?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/05/15 01:04:10

Post by: Casey's Law

The polls are anonymous right? I think this would be a great poll:

To what degree do you have a criminal record? [single choice]
1. Have served time in prison.
2. Found guilty of multiple major crimes.
3. Found guilty of a major crime.
4. Found guilty of multiple minor crimes.
5. Found guilty of a minor crime.
6. Have no criminal record.

Notes for the OP:
Please answer honestly. The poll is anonymous so no one will find out who ticked the box unless you tell them.

Other options crossed my mind to add to get better statistics but you end up with a long and confusing list. The way i've laid it out seems to be the best way of presenting the options in a concise manner which isn't constricted to one country but i'm no lawyer so i might have missed something. I hope you run with this, i'd like to see the results.

For the record, i have no criminal record to speak of!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/05/23 19:37:04



i make proxy tanks and titans for apoc because i simpely cant afford to play with all the real models, just wondering how other people feel about this


- i love them, brings out the creativity in my opponant

-dont mind, no matter how their built they generally look the same and have the same stats

-prefer not to, the game looks better with proper units

-agree with them, other player may not be able to buy the real thing

-dislike them, it feel silly playing against fake models

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/06/02 23:25:54

Post by: kitch102

If you were to fall to one of the Chaos Gods, which would it be and why?

- Khorne
- Nurgle
- Slaanesh
- Tzeentch

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/06/09 18:03:24

Post by: kitch102

Who's your favourite Black Library author? (MOD question, can we do multiple choice?)


Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Alan Merrett

Alex Davis

Andy Hoare

Anthony Reynolds

Ben Counter

C.L. Werner

Chris Roberson

Chris Wraight

Christian Dunn

Dan Abnett

Darius Hinks

Gav Thorpe

Gordon Rennie

Graham McNeill

Henry Zou

Ian Watson

Jack Yeovil

James Swallow

Jonathan Green

Lindsey Priestley

Matt Farrer

Mike Lee

Mitchel Scanlon

Nathan Long

Nick Kyme

Richard Williams

Rob Sanders

Robert Earl

Sandy Mitchell

Steve Lyons

Steve Parker

Steven Savile

William King

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/06/27 16:54:38

Post by: p_gray99

How about best-named ork or orc rule? There are some truely hilarious ones out there.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/06/29 08:45:19

Post by: chilledmonkeybrains

Hi Legoburner

Here's my idea for a poll - I hope the answers aren't too long! Let me know if I need to change anything.



What level of technology would you like to see in a counter factual 19th century Steampunk game (tabletop wargame, RPG or video game)?

1. Basic steampunk – Just as it was in the 19th century, with some rare technological marvels e.g. Captain Nemo’s Nautilus
2. Advanced steampunk – As above, but with many early 20th century advances e.g. tanks, reliable machine guns, bi-planes etc.
3. Extreme steampunk – Ultra high tech where pretty much anything is possible e.g. robots, steam-powered mechs, rocket ships, atomic devices etc.
4. Supernatural steampunk – Any combination of the above, plus mystical powers e.g. magic, psychic powers, undead walking the Earth etc.
5. No more steampunk! – There are two many steampunk games already and the market is saturated
6. I hate steampunk

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/07/01 01:06:13

Post by: Breotan

Are vehicles too fragile in 6th Edition?

Vehicles? Ha! I play 'Nids, sucka.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/07/03 21:32:35

Post by: Smitty0305

What is your reaction to 6th edition as a 40k player?

1) I have had a positive reaction, and I feel that 6th edition will spur the growth of our hobby, and I personally plan to play more.

2) I have had a negative reaction, and I feel that 6th edition will make the hobby decline, and I personally plan to play less.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/07/11 18:16:15

Post by: pistolepete

How much do you hate people posting in 'Orkish'?
-I think it's funny (my facebook is set on pirate, too!)
-I dont mind because I learned english from text messaging.
-It doesn't bother me.
-My first language isn't english, I thought you all talked like that.
-I'm a grammar commissar, and it drives me crazy!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/07/16 21:58:37

Post by: Orkaswampa

What do you prefer in terms of gametypes?

Purge the Alien type games
Objective Based Games
Games like The Scouring
Unique games such as The Relic
More Defensive than Offensive modes (dependant on army)
More Offensive than Defensive modes (dependant on army)

Just wanted to know what most people enjoyed playing

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/07/22 20:17:47

Post by: Tappers

This may have already been suggested, but favourite imperial guard regiment:


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/07/30 14:07:52

Post by: Joshua Von Wolkestadt

Where do you get inspiration for your Army's fluff?
~ History
~ Fiction
~ Other Dakkanites and Wargamers
~ Your own Imagination
~ Other (Please State)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/08/19 01:48:17

Post by: clively

How much do you think the new 40k boxed set will cost (USD)?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/08/20 03:31:16

Post by: col. krazy kenny

When will Lego burner get tired of Polls.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/08/29 17:30:05

Post by: themadgod

Please make a poll to see if people like the new allies rule!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/09/07 18:22:23

Post by: Diezel

Poll idea: Do you wash your models before/after assembly/painting

a)before assembly
b before painting
c after assembly
d Never / Never thought of it
e sometimes
f only models i care about
g only models recently molded

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/09/11 14:19:00

Post by: Yojiro

Which 40k faction do you feel should receive more attention fluffwise?

Edit: by "faction" I mean that Dark Angels/ Space Wolves would belong to a greater faction called "Space Marines"

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/09/15 03:19:57

Post by: Orkboy1

Which leader should run for Prez in the U.S.?
Warboss Orkbama
Battle-Brother Romney
Chaos Lord Vermin Supreme
Archon Ron Paul
Supreme Phaeron Johnson
Commisar Gingrich
Etheral Perry
and Hive Tyrant Santorum.
I know most of them have dropped out, but c'mon! Orkbama!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/09/17 12:40:33

Post by: bobtheoverlord

What race are we actually?

Take a moment to think about it. The game we play on the table-top could be real, but maybe our models are just wrong... Maybe Daemons actually look like orcs and chaos looks like imperial guard.

Anyway, based on our traits what race do you think we (the humans on planet earth) are more like

Orcs - Maybe we are very behind the rest of the galaxy and our only hope lies in budgeoning our enemies to death
Eldar - Then again we could be very advanced and ahead or our time
Chaos - Everyone has a bit of evil in them, and maybe we will fall to it soon
Dark Eldar -
Necrons - A bit of terminator or something here, we advance so far we become immortal
Tau - We might be small, but we are rapidly advancing compared to the rest of the universe. Our kroot allies could be the dinosaurs.
Tyranids - Maybe our dinosaurs we bring to life kill us all and they end up doing their thing
IoM/SM/IG - Or we could just be, well, human

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/09/19 02:24:59

Post by: dalsiandon

What style of 40K Kill Team do you play?

Fantasy Flight RPG
4th Edition
Battle Missions.
Other (Online resource, house rules, etc.)
All of the above
PS3/Xbox360 game

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/09/19 19:51:03

Post by: Invisible Jesus

What religion are you?


Other (please state)

I have always been interested in what draws people to 40k and wonder if it has anything to do with what spiritual or religious belief system people have (if any).
Furthermore, since so many religious ideas are reflected in the 40k universe, it would be fascinating to see if people from one religious tradition would be more likely to collect and play with a particular 40k faction.
For example, would Wiccans and Neo-Pagans be more drawn to Eldar, since the craftworlds are named after pagan holidays (Beltane, Samhain) and a lot of their mythology has similarities to Hindu mythology. Or perhaps Christians enjoy certain Space Marine chapters for similarities to biblical characters and events?

Perhaps it doesn't matter at all, but it would be interesting nonetheless!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/09/20 07:22:43

Post by: atropos907

I've designed a hand full of 28mm "scaled" sci-fi civilian vehicles to populate the typically desolate streets of the future cities (wargames , skirmish games, apocalyptic, etc). At this stage I would like to asses relative popularity/preference of the particular models. For scale the smallest model is just under 20 mm tall, the train is about 10" long All models are very close to scale to eachother. Im hoping this will help me prioritize production, assuming there is enough of a response.

Please Vote for models you would be most interested in...
Up to 2 of the numbered models

Up to 2 of the lettered models

Not interested unless they come armed

OR Not interested, I like my streets empty of anything civilian as wargames should be.

F/0 can be voted in either category as I view it as a threshold on size and volume for production.

A. Mono Stroller (IED)
B Crotch rocket
C. Mono Bike
D Grid commuter
E Blade Mono Bike
F/0 Family Pod
1 Performance Hover with optional high performance outboard parts
2. Outboard reactor long range hover
3. Adaptive Clawed Viper
4. Executive Hover
5 FUV Family Utility Vehicle
6 Viper Sport
7. Armored Train

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/10/30 17:29:30

Post by: SorataZ

What would you pay for 5 OOP Chaos Daemonettes of Slaanesh (in dollar if you dare calculate)?
* 0,00 - 5,00
* 5,01 - 20,00
* 20,01 - 40,00
* 40,00 - 60,00
* 60,01 - 80,00
* >80,00
* Hot models but I don't need them.
* Ugly models, wouldn't want them as a gift...
* Other (please write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/10/31 02:50:37

Post by: CuddlySquig

Do you own any forge world models?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/11/04 05:05:59

Post by: epil

What weapons do you prefer your monsters (or monstrous creatures) to wield?
Debris (like telephone poles and cars)
Doesn't matter as long as it looks cool

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/11/07 01:43:46

Post by: Mega_Nob

After reading the Tau Codex and the GW FAQ. At what Ballistic Skill do you think a Tau Seeker Missile hits a marker lit flyer?

- BS1


- BS5

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/11/07 15:52:53

Post by: IHateNids

BS5, there is a thread on it somewhere.

That thread also discussed using Markers to boost BS of Overwatch, but that was proven wrong

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/11/14 03:25:41

Post by: Color Sgt. Kell

How far would you go with proxies?
-A small base counts as land raider!
-A large monster swap (Daemon Prince as Carnifex, etc.)
-A small based model as a 40m based moded (Marine as Terminator, etc.)
-A small based model as another small based model
-A small wargear difference

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/12/14 01:50:47

Post by: Meleck

How much money have you spent on wargaming terrain in 2012?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2012/12/15 01:45:22

Post by: doktor_g

If there was an alternative to WFB or W40k at or below the GW price point, would you buy in?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/01/08 19:39:02

Post by: Aldarion

When you use themed bases from a modeling company for your minis, do you prefer:

Full resin bases

Just "tops" or "inserts"

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/01/30 04:44:02

Post by: RIGLER705

Which SM/CSM chapter do you dread playing against the most? (include all 4 Chaos themes please)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/08 19:09:30

Post by: wolfmerc

What space marine chapter do you paint and or like the most (own chapter included) ?

I have always wondered what the population of space marine players either paint their armies as or which chapter they love the most, considering that the majority of 40k players on dakka play space marines.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/11 17:19:33

Post by: ciaotym

Do you watch Big Bang Theory on TV?
Yes, love it!
Yes, I can relate
Sometimes, no Warhammer references
Sometimes when my partner allows it
No, they're nutz
No, they don't show it here
No, it's past my bedtime...

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/27 12:08:36

Post by: VorpalBunny74

40k: Which jobber do you sympathise with the most?

M'Kar the Reborn
Hive Fleet Gorgon
Sisters of Battle
Avatar of Khaine
Orks (in Video Games)
Lamenters Chapter

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/27 17:30:45

Post by: IHateNids

youve missed Ctan Shards

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/27 23:27:39

Post by: VorpalBunny74

Do you mean because of fluff changes? I know far less about necrons than i'd like, i'm afraid

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/28 13:36:23

Post by: fishy bob

 VorpalBunny74 wrote:
40k: Which jobber do you sympathise with the most?

M'Kar the Reborn
Hive Fleet Gorgon
Sisters of Battle
Avatar of Khaine
Orks (in Video Games)
Lamenters Chapter

Which word do you think is dumber?

Other (type in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/28 16:14:22

Post by: IHateNids

 VorpalBunny74 wrote:
Do you mean because of fluff changes? I know far less about necrons than i'd like, i'm afraid
I mean because they are stuck inside an inescapable private dimension, only to be thrown at someone else, then re-imprisoned.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/02/28 21:56:23

Post by: VorpalBunny74

fishy bob wrote:
Which word do you think is dumber?

Other (type in)

I take it you're not a fan of the glorious tradition of jobbing?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 IHateNids wrote:
I mean because they are stuck inside an inescapable private dimension, only to be thrown at someone else, then re-imprisoned.

Ah, fair enough. That definitely meets the description

M'Kar the Reborn
Hive Fleet Gorgon
Sisters of Battle
Avatar of Khaine
Orks (in Video Games)
Lamenters Chapter
C'tan Shards

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/03/01 03:08:36

Post by: Color Sgt. Kell

favorite 40k army

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/03/19 22:53:37

Post by: Amaya

Q: Do you watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

a1: I'm a full fledged Brony or Pegasister.
a2: Yes, I watch it.
a3: I've seen a couple episodes.
a4: I watched it once.
a5: Only with my children.
a6: Never.

A lot of posters have MLP avatars, I'm wondering what percentage of the forum goers are actually Bronies.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/03/21 12:51:29

Post by: swagmasteryolo

Do you think having a nicely painted army matters?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Don't matter

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/03/25 23:26:51

Post by: chapgrimaldus

Who is the better Commissar: Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt OR Commissar Ciaphas Cain?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/03/28 03:02:37

Post by: Panzer1944

What would make a Leman Russ Vanquisher a true tank killer?
1 Increase WS to 4
2 Strength 9 main cannon
3 Armourbane special rule
4 2 shots if it remained stationary
5 Fine as it is

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/03/28 15:54:15

Post by: IHateNids

It is Armourbane... it was FAQ'd...

but Id go for the second

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/04/25 11:48:08

Post by: ghpoobah

I would be interested in knowing what people want from plastic terrain?

More Cities of death stuff please (all plastic)
Bring back the old Necromunda style bulkheads you can make 'em into anything (bulkheads and clip-in/push-in printed card stock)
More like cities of death, just easy on the skulls! (something comparable with Cities of death, but way less "proto gothic")
Clip together, clip apart boxes you can add detail too as required (a la Micro art studios and warmill)
I don't want more plastic terrain, I'm happy using cardboard packaging and my imagination


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/05/07 19:40:11

Post by: PunkNeverDie110

Which SM Legion you'd like to play in WH30k (or HH).

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/05/24 15:17:11

Post by: Ehrlen

How about:

The Horus Heresy novels should be adapted to:

1. A graphic novel per book
2. A film (animated/non-animated) per book
3. A season per book in a series (animated/non-animated)
4. What? what is The Horus heresy?

I'm interested to see what it will be!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/05/25 17:17:46

Post by: Tyra Nidz

What is your favourite way of DESTROYING?
1: numbers
2: HW
3: CCW s


What is your favourite Nid?
1: The Red Terror
2: Swarmlord
3: Old One Eye
4: Deathleaper
5: The Doom of Malan'Tai
6: The Parasite of Mortrex

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/06/14 14:42:46

Post by: Tim 121RVC

Do you paint blood on weapons?
1. Yes
2. No

How do you like to see monster eyes?
1. Pupils
2. No pupils

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/06/25 15:03:39

Post by: mega_bassist

Can you effectively drive a vehicle with a manual transmission?



If you can, what did you learn on? And what do you drive now?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/07/07 05:01:51

Post by: DemetriDominov

Poll: Three questions about your universe.

Question 1. Do you prefer games about peace or games about war? Y, N, Both

Question 2. Do you prefer games about construction or games about destruction? Y, N, Both

Question 3. Do you prefer to cause order or chaos? Y, N, Both


Is there a game that you'd like to see, or one you already know of, that revolves around these three elements?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/07/09 12:23:09

Post by: CurryMaster

If the Cadian 8th(or some greater number of regiments) were to invade some other scifi universe, who could give them a proper run for their money?

Klingon Empire
Federation of Planets
Cylons (old or new)
The Empire
Old Republic
The Alliance (from Firefly)
Daleks (pre time war)
Dylan Hunt... by himself
Other (explain)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/08/05 08:51:15

Post by: DiabolicAl

A very simple Poll.

LOTR/The Hobbit or Specialist Games?

GW killed one to make space for the other. I wish it had not been so. Which would you have chosen? Games based upon Tolkiens books or Games that expanded upon GWs Core universes?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/08/10 06:39:30

Post by: TheH!veM!nd

How do you feel about the spamming of the Eldar WraithKnights and Tau Riptide Battlesuits?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/08/12 17:34:30

Post by: Demigod

What was it that first got you started in Warhammer 40,000?

A: The table top game itself was the first thing that hooked me.

B: A Warhammer video game got me started

C: Reading novels from the Black Library

D: A friend got me started.

E: Another table top/mini game got me started, which lead to Warhammer 40K

F: Other...post below.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/09/12 00:24:38

Post by: chrisamichaels

Approximately how much will you spend in 2013 on the hobby?
$0-100 USD
$101-500 USD
$501-1,000 USD
$1,001-5,000 USD
$5,001-10,000 USD
More than $10,000 USD

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/09/29 11:42:02

Post by: darkapostle7

why dont you do what power weapon is best?/???/

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/10/22 10:26:11

Post by: Sir Arun

What is your favorite loyalist Space Marine Legion and why?

1. Dark Angels
2. White Scars
3. Space Wolves
4. Imperial Fists
5. Blood Angels
6. Iron Hands
7. Ultramarines
8. Salamanders
9. Raven Guard

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/10/22 17:32:00

Post by: IHateNids


10. Successor (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/10/22 18:11:04

Post by: Sir Arun

not a legion

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/10/22 18:13:54

Post by: IHateNids


thought you meant chapter, as that's technically what they are now

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/10/25 16:54:01

Post by: Bobaram

Do you like the current painting trends, ig. bright lighting, high highlights, glow effects across surfaces. Or do you like Old School, lined in, contrasted models?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/10/26 10:46:46

Post by: sing your life

How many differant paints do you have?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/11/11 15:59:25

Post by: dakkajet

Do you like wargaming magazines?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/11/24 00:33:09

Post by: MetalOxide

After the recent thread concerning the representation of women in the hobby, I think that it would be rather interesting to see how many DakkaDakka users are/support Feminists.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2013/11/28 17:10:57

Post by: Tappers

Who your favourite doctor is from the sci-fi tv show Doctor Who

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/01/20 21:53:58

Post by: loki old fart

What do you think is the way forward for Games Workshop.
1 Price cut
2 Tighter rules
3 A new small game, to bring new blood in
4 Engage with community
5 Establish better relationship with independent shops
6 All of the above
7 nothing OK as they are.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/01/22 09:44:12

Post by: Madrilous

Where do you mostly purchase you GW miniatures from?

GW Online
GW Store
Independent Online (Includes eBay BNIB)
Independent Store
2nd Hand eBay

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/01/30 13:41:40

Post by: Glaiceana

When do you mostly browse Dakka Dakka?

1) At work/school
2) After work/school
3) Mornings
4) Every possible moment
5) Weekends
6) Late at night

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/02/12 04:32:35

Post by: 40KNobz11

I have a good one. How much dakka do your orks have!!!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/02/16 23:24:04

Post by: Archie The Death Rider

Have you been judged on because of your hobby?.



Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/02/25 13:17:42

Post by: dekinrie

after all the ranting over the new white dwarf warhammer visions how many people dropped their subscription

1 dropped sub straight away
2 planning to drop it
3 will wait to see issue 2/3
4 think the new formats great

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/03/05 23:36:45

Post by: Co'tor Shas

Would you consider yourself a nerd/geek
1. yes
2. sort of
3. no

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/03/27 19:36:48

Post by: troy_tempest

What is your batrep - write up technology of choice

1 digital camera, then PC write up
2 iPad
3 kindle fire
4 some other tablet

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/04/13 11:49:21

Post by: leivve

What do you use to proxy Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum rough riders?

I have some of the old models.
Empire cavalry
Elf Cavalry (Wood, High or Dark)
Non Warhammer models
Blank bases

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/04/14 01:43:33

Post by: Nite

Knowing nothing else about a game store, other than the name, which store would you check out first?
-Blue Lantern Games
-The Game Room
-D6 Games

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/04/25 11:43:51

Post by: Warpig1815

Just a couple of suggestions, with answers written in for Lego's ease. They're all rather SM centric, as I model SM's.

Which is your favourite Boltgun model?

1. Phobos
2. Tigrus
3. Umbra
4. Umbra Ferrox
5. Godwyn Ultima
6. Hesh
7. Other (Write In)

Which is your favourite SM Power Armour Mk.?

1. Mk I Thunder Armour
2. Mk II Crusade Armour
3. Mk III Iron Armour
4. Mk IV Maximus Armour
5. Mk V Heresy Armour
6. Mk VI Corvus Armour
7. Mk VII Aquila Armour
8. Mk VIII Errant Armour
9. Aegis Armour (Grey Knights)
10. Runic Armour (Space Wolves)
11. Other (Write In)

Which is your favourite Terminator Armour Mk.?

1. Cataphractii Armour
2. Tartaros Armour
3. Indomitus Armour
4. Other (Write In - could be one of the Rogue Trader/1st Edition Mk's)

What's your favourite colour SM eye lenses?

1. Red
2. Blue
3. Yellow
4. Green
5. Orange
6. Other (Write In)

Would you like to see FW release a Mixed Armour Pack, containing 5-10 marines in different Mk's of armour?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Only as a bundle with weapons/accessories
4. Other (Write In)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/05/18 07:11:21

Post by: Smacks


Removed idea, decided to ask in 40k instead.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/05/20 01:40:57

Post by: AtomicEngineer

Something that Ive wondered on some time and feel it is something that could be discussed.

Title and subject: Is it acceptable to paint Nazi decals and symbols on war gaming miniatures?
Obvious examples been WWII German miniatures and less obvious examples been a WWII inspired guard army.

- YES its acceptable
- NO its still not acceptable
- DEPENDS on the miniature game

It would be interesting to hear peoples opinions on this subject as it can be pretty down the middle depending who you ask and I feel it could spark an interesting debate.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/06/01 15:09:49

Post by: SirSertile

Do you build non-wargaming models? (planes, cars, trains, etc)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/08/05 07:24:42

Post by: goldknife

What is you opinion of GW paintbrushes.

1. Good value
2. Overpriced
3. Horrible in every way
4. I don't use their brushes

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/08/16 01:46:35

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

What is the wargaming communities ethnic background? Would that be safe, or not a good idea to ask?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/08/19 13:24:51

Post by: Taffy17

Do you ever buy models just because you like its looks or want to paint the model?

1. No, I never buy models based on looks, only stats.
2. It must look good and have decent stats for me to buy it.
3. Yes, I never buy models based on stats, only looks.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/08/20 18:30:44

Post by: Soggy Kittenz

What gender are you?
1. Male
2. Female
3. Other

Not sure if this has been covered somewhere, but lots of people get into debates about the proportions of each gender in the war gaming hobby.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/08/31 01:33:47

Post by: Happyjew

 Soggy Kittenz wrote:
What gender are you?
1. Male
2. Female
3. Other

Not sure if this has been covered somewhere, but lots of people get into debates about the proportions of each gender in the war gaming hobby.

I think "What sex are you?" would probably get better results. Sex is a physical characteristic, gender is mental.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/08/31 01:50:11

Post by: Waaagh 18

Warhammer or Warhammer 40k?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/09/25 18:09:12

Post by: Salamandrake

How do you feel about "Counts As" units in your army or your opponents' armies?

1) I love using them and feel they should be encouraged. Using imagination to create unique armies is what makes this hobby great!
2) I don't use them personally, but I don't mind when others do. Sometimes they're a nice change of pace.
3) I'll only allow them (or use them myself) if they look reasonably similar to the unit they're replacing. No IG "counting as" 'Nids in my games.
4) It depends how they're used. Sometimes small changes (like a proxy weapon) are okay, but I prefer the core of the model to be the official unit.
5) I don't think they should be allowed at all, WYSIWYG all the way!
6) I don't have an opinion one way or the other, but good luck using them in official GW tournies and stores.
7) My entire army is proxies made out of my brother's old pogs, and isn't it lunch time? I could really go for a "counts as" sandwich right now.
8) Other (write in)

I haven't seen this poll done before and it's something I've been wondering a lot about lately, as I am considering using some minis from other manufacturers to create a more unique Space Marine army. I would love to know what the folks around here think to try to get a general idea of how acceptable it is to fully replace an official GW unit with products from other manufacturers. Although my focus is generally with 40K, I'd like to open this poll to any and every tabletop game and manufacturer, so feel free to discuss WFB, Warmachine, Infinity, etc as well. Thanks for you consideration.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/10/01 14:34:20

Post by: Freakazoitt

I can't find "Best 40k edition" poll. Is it exist?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/10/02 16:13:26

Post by: e.earnshaw

in 40k what army if any should be brought in new
1 Hurd
2 Old ones
3 Renegade guardsmen
4 Mutants
5 Kroot
6 Adptus arabites
7 Squats
8 Something completely new

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/11/13 16:12:45

Post by: General Orange

What "notable" guard regiments do you use ? Cadians, Catachan, Elysian, DKOK, Tallarn, Vostroyan Firstborn, Valhallan, Armageddon Steel legion, Mordian,Praetorian,other

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/12/05 04:10:32

Post by: Nyoom

What is your gaming headdress of choice?

- Beret
- Helmet
- Ballcap
- Fedora
- Top hat with accompanying monacle
- Fur Hat
- Toque
- Astrakhan
- One's own hair
- Bald
- Other, please write below.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/12/07 16:22:07

Post by: kencotter

not sure if this is the right place to ask but how do you add a poll to your own blog if you can say in my painting and modelling blog

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2014/12/13 16:34:18

Post by: lliu

What is the currently most competitive army in WH40K?

Space Marines
Other (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/01/14 21:48:51

Post by: Da Stormlord

What about your favourite forum on dakka?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/01/16 20:40:44

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

What do you think about the Shield of Baal Deathstorm set?

Love it!
Like it.
I guess its OK...
Don't like it.
Hate it!

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/01/31 21:23:53

Post by: Matthew

How many Loyalist Space Marines do you have?
The options could be 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 1000 etc.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/02/23 13:04:00

Post by: Matthew

How many percents of your models are painted?

Less than 5%

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/03/01 15:30:34

Post by: PowerfistPainting

Question: witch is your favorite primarch on forgeworld
Answer: any of the primarchs

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/03/24 19:31:55

Post by: e.earnshaw

Which mechanicum has a better style (visual, play) 40k or 30k.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/03/24 19:32:40

Post by: GearheadXII

[Title] How long do your 40K matches last (1800 points)?

[1]Less than two hours.
[2]Two to three hours.
[3]Three to four hours.
[4]Four to five hours.
[5]More than 5 hours.

I am just wondering to myself how long the average game takes for you guys. The points don't have to be precise, 1800 is my group's average game. Basically my group and I take around 4 or 5 hours to complete our weekly game, probably a little slower than most since we have 4 players in teams of two splitting the points. I'd say our group never actually finished a game to the end, one side tends to give up at one point, probably in part due to the length of the game...

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/03/28 12:27:28

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

What should GW do in terms of web bundles?

Get rid of them

Keep them the way they are

Keep them, but offter a discount

Other\write in

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/03/28 23:47:52

Post by: hellrath

Can you post a poll asking whether 'base' differentiation matter to them? Such as a chaos daemons army in warhammer 40,000 using square warhammer fanasy bases against an army like rks with round bases. For measurement purposes I presume.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/05/05 18:38:15

Post by: sing your life

What historical armies and scales are being played here?


WW2-Other Allied
ACW- Union

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/05/19 20:23:58

Post by: Matthew

How old are the users of Dakka?


Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/05/19 20:57:31

Post by: lliu

Hmm... That I would really like to now.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/05/30 18:47:58

Post by: sing your life

lliu wrote:
Hmm... That I would really like to now.

Me too.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/05/31 13:28:40

Post by: Verviedi

Vast majority are 18-25.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/06/28 01:21:58

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

Would you prefer your FLGS or GW store?

GW store

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/06/28 05:40:20

Post by: 2BlackJack1

What part of 40k do you take part in?

Video Games

I'm asking this because with how expensive things can get, not everyone is into the tabletop part of it. (Myself included). I can see why it's so popular, but I can't afford it as a hobby, so I stick with the books, writing a bit of fan fiction, and the video games of it.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/07/08 18:18:25

Post by: Cobra66

Where are most people on dakkadakka from?


I'm asking this to see where in the world you would want to go to play tabletop games.

Cheers, C66

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/07/23 06:50:55

Post by: StarDrop

Poll question?
How do you assemble you miniatures?

Possible answers...
1 - By the book(let), piece by piece.
2 - Remove all pieces, assemble them into parts and then assemble all the parts together.
3- I have done this so many times. I do it my own way.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/09/03 01:11:33

Post by: LeCacty

How much would you pay for a box of ten, 28mm, 25mm base sized, models?

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/09/03 17:17:03

Post by: Matthew

How much time a week do you spend on your hobby (This includes painting, assembling, and playing)

0 hours

1-5 hours

5-10 hours

10-20 hours

20+ hours

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/09/23 04:20:24

Post by: Matthew

Do you pirate or buy your codices?



I don't have any codices

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/09/26 15:55:06

Post by: sing your life

 Matthew wrote:
Do you pirate or buy your codices?



I don't have any codices

I don't think they allow promotion of piracy on this forums.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/10/03 08:16:48

Post by: JamesY

How do you take your tea?


Milk and one sugar.

Milk and lots of sugar.


Black with a slice of lemon.

Black with honey.

Black with sugar.

Black with lots of sugar.

I don't drink tea.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/10/23 10:23:33

Post by: Scion of the Emperor

Best SM Chapter Tactic?
Imperial Fists
Iron Hands
Black Templars
Raven Guard
White Scars
Red Scorpions
Astral Claws

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/11/21 21:48:35

Post by: sing your life

Who should be the Devil?

Mick Jagger
Ned Flanders
Benedict Cumberbatch
Molag Bal
Walter White

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/11/30 23:53:10

Post by: Lunar Centurion

Should tournaments be split between "Fluff Lists" and Competitive lists?

I Don't Care

Inspired by some WAAC dude over in the 40k General thread

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2015/12/10 20:34:04

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

Do you prefer College Ruled or Wide Ruled notebook paper?

College Ruled
Wide Ruled
Don't care

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/01/08 02:14:34

Post by: sing your life

Your thoughts on Bolt Action?

Don't know enough about it to have an opinion
Only collect the models for modelling and painting
Play rarely
Play semi-rarely
Play frequently
Not interested, don't like the rules
Not interested, don't like the setting
Not interested for another reason
Can't play, no opponents
Can't play, not enough time
Can't play, not enough money

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/01/25 07:50:39

Post by: TheManWithNoPlan

How do you arrange your bits box(es)?

By faction (each army has its own box)
By bit type (weapons, legs, heads, etc.)
Both (by faction and bit type)
I don't organize my bits box
Other (write in)

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/02/10 20:23:06

Post by: KommissarKiln

What is your opinion on Combat Patrol/Kill Team variants of 40k?

Perfect! I love the narrative potential for individual minis!
I prefer these game styles/they are more economical.
It's fun to play 40k without dealing with the power creep.
I prefer to play standard (1000-2000 point) sized 40k.
Bigger, 2500+ point battles are more fun to me.
Apocalyptic Explosions everywhere!!

Also, for whatever reason, I kind of like the tea poll.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/02/19 03:13:50

Post by: sing your life

What political sides do you favour most? (Already a poll for this but it's over-simplified)

Liberal Left
Liberal Righ
Authoritarian Left
Authoritarian Right
Liberal Centre
Authorititarian Centre
Centre Left
Centre Right
No strong favours
Not interested in politics

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/03/14 08:41:42

Post by: EmberlordofFire8

How many unbuilt models do you own?





I dont own any models.

Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/03/16 07:02:59

Post by: Masonicon

Which Crossover team-up you're wants to see even as fanfics(you can choose multiple choices):

  • Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy (Kingdom Hearts); Ash, Misty, Tracey, and Melody (Pokemon Anime); Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Mimi, Koshiro, Joe, Takeru, and Hikari (Digimon); and Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven (Teen Titans Cartoon): the specifics are: 8 Original Digidestined are takes 02 forms with Summer Clothes, KH humans takes KH2 forms, both Ash and Misty are wears Advanced Generation clothes while Melody are wears her Street clothes, the animated Teen Titans are must from 2003-2006 series instead of 2013-present one, etc.

  • Anyone from Warhammer 40k with the whole bunch of Happy Tree Friends, Mario Series, Sonic the Hedgehog, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic main characters

  • Sylar from Heroes and Flippy from Happy Tree Friends

  • Eduardo Rivera, Kylie Griffin, Garrett Miller, and Roland Jackson from Extreme Ghostbusters with Rick O'Connell, Evelyn O'Connell, Jonathan Carnahan, and Alex O'Connell from the Mummy Trilogy

  • Marco, Tarma, Eri, and Fio from Metal Slug with Any FPS Protagonist

  • Adam Jensen(Fully Augmented and can adds extra technologies to his augs) and Avatar Korra(when she can access Super Saiyan Powers through her Avatar state)

  • Grox from Spore and Sermeg Oguma from Metal Slug 3d

  • Sheldon Jr. Plankton from Spongebob and Computer-Assisted and Biologically Augmented Lifeform(C&C series)

  • Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/04/06 18:23:18

    Post by: Knockagh

    Favourite black library novel medium?

    * hardcover


    *softcover omnibus


    *limited edition hardcover

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/07/19 21:33:57

    Post by: deathwing fanboy

    What painting style do you prefer?

    Airbrushed Look

    Brush Blended Look

    Striking: edge highlights and black line (cartoon)

    Battle scarred look

    (I know that airbrush/brush blends look similar in some cases)

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/08/10 13:53:32

    Post by: Daemonhost Cherubael

    How much is your 40k army worth? (Money wise)

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/08/20 13:41:03

    Post by: IllumiNini

    What do you go to your local GW for?


    -- Purchases Only
    -- Painting Lessons
    -- Gaming
    -- Competitions
    -- Other?

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/09/08 02:13:41

    Post by: PrayingSeraph

    Question: Which Age of Sigmar Faction/Alignment do you prefer?





    Not sure if this poll already exists or not. My apologies if it does.

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/09/13 01:13:17

    Post by: Genoside07

    Just wanted to know what the true feelings are about Age of Sigmar and the percent of people that like it or don't

    - Loved Warhammer and it died with End times; Even with current changes is not enough to get me to play AoS (Vet player out)

    - Play other games, Never played it but all the drama, rules, etc. kept me away; don't see me playing Age of Sigmar (New Player out)

    - Had no issues with Original Warhammer and continued on with Age of Sigmar (Vet player stayed)

    - Just started playing games and enjoying Age of Sigmar (New Player started)

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/10/10 07:25:57

    Post by: PondWater

    This one is a bit abstract due to dakkanauts needing to know about the context, but has there been a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator poll? Also, maybe even a quick question regarding the relation of the stereotypical interests of their types in relation to what they find most interested in the hobbies they partake in? Maybe this one has already been done, but I would love to see the numbers of this poll and sorta brain pick the social group from a personality standpoint.

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/10/18 07:18:15

    Post by: lyreco

    I would ask how much money do you spend monthly in GW, and in other stores?

    - -5 $ USD
    - 5-20 $ USD
    - 20-35 $ USD
    - 35-50 $ USD
    - 50-65 $ USD
    - 65-70 $ USD
    - 70-85 $ USD
    - 85-100 $ USD
    - 100-115 $ USD
    - 115-130 $ USD
    - 130-145 $ USD
    - 145-165 $ USD
    - +165 $ USD

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2016/12/11 19:04:23

    Post by: Damikeis

    What miniature game you play, 40k, fantasy, ect

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2017/02/18 03:11:28

    Post by: Bletzkarn

    What is your opinion on magnetized models?

    - Magnets rock!

    - They are pretty cool.

    - I dont mind them

    - They are not a good idea.

    - I would never use magnetized models.

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2017/04/27 11:35:43

    Post by: Megaknob

    id like to see a poll of weather or not people have stopped buying GW until 8th has been released really simple with 2 answers.

    it would give us a gauge as to how much pressure is on GW.

    Suggest A Poll Here.... @ 2017/05/03 20:09:19

    Post by: Jambles

    I'm interested in how this site's users pronounce the name, Dakka Dakka.

    I started listening to the Independant Characters podcast and they said Dakka Dakka like "daw-ka" instead of what I'm used to, sounding more like "dah-ka". I don't know what it's supposed to be, but I'm curious as to which variation is more popular. I haven't heard of a different variation, so I guess it would just be the two options.

    "How do you pronounce the name Dakka Dakka?"
    - Dah-ka
    - Daw-ka