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How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 12:48:03

Post by: legoburner

As requested by HighLordUlrik, how did you get in to wargaming?

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 13:48:06

Post by: Kyley

I was actually introduced by Peter Stringfellows grandson (I'm kinda proud of that ) when I was about 10.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 14:00:49

Post by: Envy89

it was a mix for me.... i was (and still am) a lord of the rings fan.

i saw on E-bay they had minis for it, picked some up to paint... later found the game for it.

from Lord of the rings i went to 40k because that is what the local legue played....

the rest is history.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 16:31:40

Post by: Granesh

Definitely the Lord of the Rings. I've gone from painting hordes of Mordor Orcs to hordes of Imperial Guardsmen...
so many figures...gah!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 16:45:03

Post by: Clthomps


Battle Masters by Milton Bradly! (models by citadel)

I love this game! to bad the expansions never made it to the states.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 16:55:26

Post by: djphranq

I needed something to get me out of the house.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 17:11:17

Post by: GoFenris

Introduced? Ha! My older brothers 'forced' me to play with them. I was so young, so innocent!

I was the little kid that got chosen for teams last simply because they needed an even amount of bodies.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 19:24:04

Post by: FITZZ

I had a 2 part introduction,first,While visiting a friend I noticed his Chaos & SM armies,talked about playing then,but money was very tight so I had to pass.
2 years later an ex-girlfriends brother bought 2 of the 3rd ed starter boxes and gave me the Dark Eldar,I've been hooked ever since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 19:30:14

Post by: Gearhead

While I loved browsing through Battletech Tech Readouts in the bookstore when I was little, I never actually got into wargaming (well, miniature painting, really) around 2002, when I got a copy of Heavy Gear 2 in a software bundle. I was really impressed, so I checked out Dream Pod 9's website. I was even more impressed, so I bought some minis to paint, and have been hooked on the hobby ever since!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 19:42:41

Post by: HighLordUlrik

I actually started reading BL books first. I read Angles of Darkness and then Space Wolf and just fell in love with the game. I've been playing and painting ever since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 20:35:45

Post by: augustus5

I went to a local gaming event to play dungeons and dragons and ended up playing a game of epic 40k, (which at the time was just called Space Marine I think) and I watched a game of WHF. I ended up buying a copy of White Dwarf the next day and the rest is history.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/04 21:19:29

Post by: Corey85

I walked into a hobby town one day picked up a warhammer fantasy box set. My dad said he would learn how to once I got all the guys assembled and painted. I never expanded on that box set and instead moved on to 40k. A 1,000 dollars later I'm still waiting on my dad to play.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 00:37:13

Post by: beefHeart

1979, Christmas, AD&D... I was 12. So I guess my mom's fault.

It was all downhill from there. SFB, Car Wars, Traveller, Civ, Panzer Leader

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 01:11:08

Post by: Tk421

For me it was other. There was no true "introduction" for me. I was born into it, albeit I was born into older-style wargaming like Squad Leader, Risk. Stratego, Battle Cry, etc. The stone that broke the camel's back for miniatures was a convergence of my love for Star Wars, DnD, and military history. The rest sorta wrapped up together from there, especially after playing HeroQuest at home and around the time I tried HeroScape at a game convention.
Clthomps wrote:
Battle Masters by Milton Bradly! (models by citadel)

Dude! I have a copy of that too! Bought it after it was well-loved, though (some missing, some brken, some painted poorly). I still use the minis for DnD and I use those hedges for picture embellishment. One of those mohawk guys is in my gallery.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 03:46:55

Post by: LuigiX

I got sucked into minis when I played a demo of Space Hulk at a gaming convention (it was new at the time). A friend & I split on a copy and I've been hooked since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 04:12:44

Post by: Lagduf


I've always enjoyed board games, particularly those that feature direct conflict. After I started getting in to board game as a hobby I naturally gravitated towards more traditional board wargames because they looked like loads of fun.

My first foray in to tabletop miniature wargaming was with LotR SBG. I quit though because even though I loved the models I thought the ruleset was boring. I took up 40K later because it seems more fun. I'm getting in to War of the Ring now because I think GW has finally written a really solid ruleset with a lot of mechanics I like. Over the course of my foray in to tabletop miniatures I have of course still continued to purchase board games and board wargames.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 05:35:40

Post by: kid_happy

My first taste of the game came through a four page spread in a Dragon magazine. I don't think I've ever been more sucked in by any ad since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 07:57:07

Post by: Kungfuhustler

I had an uncle stationed in germany when I was about 9 years old. He mailed me a photocopy version of rouge trader and a real version of WFRP. I made cardboard disc space marines and orks to play 40k and used the role playing info to do 40k role playing. Good times.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 09:09:18

Post by: Darkwulf

My dad used to build model railroads and one day some 15 years ago he brought me to the modelling store. They had five boxes of weird short bearded guys with big hats in bright colours. (I've never been able to get my hands on more chaos dwarfs ever since sadly). Kept playing ever since...

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 12:22:36

Post by: frogboy

it wasn't me i tell ya ! I - I - I didn't see nufin' , I swear it, please sir don' be takin me away on them b-b-black shipss,, it was when i was young they started tellin me stuff, at school, there was a club i think i dont know i was so small and inosent, one of the teachers was doing it, doing it to us all, filling our fragile little minds with talk of space hulks and rouge trader...no no NOOOOO !

do you hear the voises too ?

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/05 12:25:00

Post by: Tauzor

oooh a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

I grew up in Ireland and GW was just starting up, when I was in my late teens I moved to London and visited the GW in Hammersmith when it opened on its first day.

Got to know some great drinking buddies there over the years and thats really when the hobby stuck in

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/07 02:52:13

Post by: hawkeye

10 years ago I went to a friends house and he asked me if I wanted to try out a new game. So I used his Dark Eldar vs his Space Marines. After getting masacred I was hooked.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/07 07:38:27

Post by: Kogwar

Im telling you man some gw reps could get you to sell your soul! Oh Crap! To late

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/15 01:34:51

Post by: Waaagh_Gonads

A friend at boarding school had RT book and marines.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/15 02:07:07

Post by: KByrd

I was playing a TCG and my friends had been playing warhammer before. At one point i bought a rhino and painted it to see what i could do. Then bought a space marine squad with the same intent. As that happened I got hooked and now about 4 years later i have a large Space Marine Army and new IG army, Warriors of Chaos, and possibly another one on the way.

This game is fun and very addicting.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/15 10:35:56

Post by: Emperors Faithful

...I don't...remember...

...All I saw was...a light...at the end of the tunnel...

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/15 11:16:12

Post by: SilverMK2

Sadly enough I started 40K because I was into Micro Machines and thought that the Warhammer models would be cool to go with my toy cars (I was quite small ).

I then had a period of about 5 years where I didn't really do anything with the 20 or so really rubbish Space Orks you got with the starter kit back in those days, then I decided what the hey, and bought a couple of the Ork stand alone game boxes that they were selling off when they were being phased out.

Then I more or less forgot about it for a couple more years until I was at university and went kind of crazy and bought loads of IG, CSM, and Tyranids.

Then my GF expressed an interest in painting some Wood Elves, so I bought her an army, and got myself some (ie lots) of Vampire Counts to play against her if I could ever convince her to play.

Most of it is unpainted, though I am trying to forge through it all and get it all painted. Currently part way through (and progressing very slowly though my CSM).

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/15 18:56:24

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

My memory is hazy here, it was either getting A Dragonlance game in 1988 that pulled me fully into fantasy then wargamming. Or it was seeing a mates mag with Adepticus Titanicus (Epic) in it during a art class in mid 1988. Which opened my eyes to the fact there where actual games I could play based around wargames. Might have been a mixture of the two tbh, I did get into RPGs around 89/90 as well.

Anyways before then I used to set up plastic german/British or US soldiers on bedsheets drapped over stuff to create scenery, and then hid them behind toy trucks etc.
Then used a dice or marble to throw at the figures, taking turns with my slightly younger brother. As time had passed we added movement rules etc, but hitting those lying down ones hidden behind a truck was murder. Hehe.
Moving onto to actual games with proper rulesets appealed to me, but I do think the toy soldiers game I created with my Bro was an indication I'd eventually find wargamming.

From there I grabbed lots of stuff, Blood Bowl, Space Hulk, Heroquest, spiralled into 3rd ed Warhammer and Rogue Trader and that was me hooked.

Well apart from that silly dropping out phase for 11months between 97 and 98.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/19 08:09:24

Post by: Kogwar

I saw some kids in elimentry playing mageknights so i wanted to play then one day lokking for a wizards of the coast my mom pointed to a gw i walked in and i saw a cool marine v marine one had some bikers playa game (don't ask me how i remember htat but not anyhting else) and then i said i think this is dumb i want to find my wiz of the coast store then after yugioh and magic i finaly found warhammer again.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/19 09:17:31

Post by: Ridcully

A friend made me buy Battle for Macragge after watching a couple of people play it at our first "club meeting". Never assembled a single model. I've got one of the genestealers being squished underfoot by a broadside, for base decoration, but that's it.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/19 21:47:22

Post by: greenskin lynn

buddy of mine who played 40k when he was in highschool came across warmachine, the first or second year it was out.
He talked another friend of mine into getting a battle box, and they talked me into picking one up.
Played a few games, enjoyed myself, picked up a few more things for the army, played for a year or so.
Then, for a year or so i about stopped playing, being rather to busy with my classload at college and life in general.

Then, back last august or so, a buddy of mine payed me to paint his necron army, and while painting i read the fluff in the codex, got interested in the 40k universe, looked online at the models/ fluff, and decided I liked the feel/look of orks. Picked up a box of boys and some on sale bikers, and since then i've been gotten back into wargaming, while getting out of magic the gathering and most video games

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/21 12:26:47

Post by: TrooperPX

My friend "bequested" me his 2nd ed. Beakie Marines, with all their original fluff... the "Toxic Angels". I wanted to make it playable with todays rules (4th ed), but keeping as true to his vision as possible.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/07/21 13:30:36

Post by: chromedog

Intro to wargaming: Grandad. He was a napoleonics player (with the big 54mm pieces). Huge games.

First started playing in the 80s with Battletech and WW2 in HO (the WW2, that is. We played BT in 1/72 ). That lead to moderns in HO, and then 40k got made.

40k was probably the 5th SF miniatures game I'd played (at that time).

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/08/01 02:27:42

Post by: smart_alex

Actually I should probably change to walked into a store. Then I went online and I was so fascinated by the IG I had to start. I wanted to paint originally then I made a friend at the store when I was buying and he ran a forum. Then I got addicted.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/08/02 22:45:55


Saw some BattleTech books next the D&D books at the gaming store.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/08/03 03:58:45

Post by: aflax1

Clthomps wrote:Other.

Battle Masters by Milton Bradly! (models by citadel)

I love this game! to bad the expansions never made it to the states.

I've played that too
But I was introduced by my uncle

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/08/05 03:16:50

Post by: Khornholio

One summer I was working at the CNE flipping hamburgers in the building with the cars (not the Automotive building...it's Canada, it doesn't have to make sense) and in the next building where I'd hide and smoke at break time there were some folks selling 40K stuff and GW stuff amongst other hobby items. They had a guy there painting named Mike, who at the time was super awesome. I had already been into Tamiya and 1/35th stuff for a while, but now I could paint and play with my models. Right fethin' on.

Those people opened a shop later that year in Toronto and I went and bought stuff and met other teenage outcast/nerd/misfit types and we all became quick friends. The shop closed eventually because of piss poor management and the husband wife team that opened it made off with everyone's stuff that was in the cabinet. But then a GW opened in Toronto on Queen Street and that Mike guy was the first manager. By that time I was hooked.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/12/12 02:05:17

Post by: Lint

I love science fiction, and got started with 40k by picking up a copy of the "SW Omnibus." Immediately started buying all the 40k fiction I could get my hands on, and from there picked up up the Battle for Macragge box. The rest is history

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/12/12 09:14:43

Post by: rzsanguine

I walked by the store and went in and saw the guys playing Epic and I was hooked. When GW started favoring 40K over Epic I stared playing that.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/12/21 16:17:14

Post by: sgtpjbarker

My brother was playing PanzerBlitz when I was 7. He said it was too long a game and gave it to me. I haven't looked back since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/12/22 10:26:48

Post by: Curly

I walked past a store when I was 12 and they had just released the LOTR range. Moved over to fantasy and 40k after that.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/12/22 14:52:15

Post by: Lord of Kaith

I, my friends, happened into this glorious hobby when I saw the minis in a Games Workshop store situated at the back of a large mall.

I spent a good ten minutes groveling over the display cases before I even went into the store. They had an Apocalypse Ork army complete with Stompas, a Mordor SBG army, a CSM tread army complete w/ five Rhinos, and a slew of other things I don't remember.

Now, I had a good forty-five bucks burning a hole in my pocket. I had made that money selling off some old Legos, and I figured, heck, why not spend it? Then I went in, grabbed up a box of Space Marine Termies, saw the price, and then saw the fine print....

These miniatures are supplied unassembled and unpainted.

At that point in time, roughly 2 years ago, I was crushed. At that point in time I thought it would be anything but fun to paint a 28mm miniature. Grimacing, I set it back down on the shelf, and then saw an employee giving a painting lesson to a ten-year-old at the nearest table. I thought, heck, I might just ask for a lesson. Now this ten year old was good--far better than I was when I first started. He did better in his first lesson than I did. But I thought, heck, this is fun. So I ended up buying the Mines of Moria painter set, with the 12 goblins & 6 starter paints. I had a blast, painting them all in 2 days (to a beginner standard, of course )

I was hooked from then on. About 8 months later I started selling LOTR sets painted on Ebay, and was even more hooked, because their was MONEY to be had in this hobby . The first 40k set I ever purchased was a box of Cadian Shock Troops & a Cadian Heavy Weapons team. I painted about half of 'em and then sold 'em at a loss. Bummer. Discouraged, I avoided 40k for the next year, until about 5 months ago, when I tried again with a Space Marine Commander. I spent about 5 hours on that sucker and sold him for $27.85. So a pretty good profit. However, there's more money to be had in selling LOTR, so now I buy 40k for display and, hopefully, gaming and LOTR to sell.

I do not plan on ever stopping this hobby. It's gotten to the point now where I would rather do painting/modelling than sit in front of the TV or play on my PC. But with the new PS3 my parents promised they would buy me for Christmas, that might soon change.... .

That's my story.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/12/28 19:56:09

Post by: Kroeger

I got introduced to 40K by my elementary school principal!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2009/12/29 10:47:22

Post by: chaos

when i was ten i was at a friends house and hid older brother had a nid army, necron army and a chaos space marine army... my first real experience was 3 years later when i was invited to play a easy game of assult on black reach.

i loved it ever since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/01/26 20:45:13

Post by: Outcast115

Kroeger: I got introduced to 40K by my elementary school principal!

Man i wish i had pricipals that were that cool, my HS pricipal is a nazi

Ill admit i was hooked when i saw the box art for DOW winter assult and then bought assult marines and and some of those "quick assembly" marines, i went on to get AOBR and then some Cadians, and that was just last year

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/01/27 08:51:37

Post by: BishopGore

My dad had tried to get me into sports and that wasn't working, so he got me Heroquest (the MB games version) which I loved playing, then he bought Warhammer 40k (2nd Ed) when I turned 10 and then things grew naturally from there. I was a bit of a hobby loner as a kid, painting models and playing with them more like plastic soldiers than models in a wargame (we lived in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere, Lincolnshire), so it wasn't until I went to University that I started actually playing games against people.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/02/23 18:46:31

Post by: Marschall

Through WHFRP. first edition.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/07 03:46:06

Post by: crazypsyko666

Almost all of the above.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/21 01:21:39

Post by: Boss 'eadbreaka

I was introduced by good friend and fellow dakkite, Tim the Biovore, who let me have a look at one of his White Dwarfs at school about a 14 months ago today.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/21 02:30:02

Post by: Arctik_Firangi

A mate of mine played 2nd edition, and I pretty much found out about it all from there. I painted a few marines in Space Wolf Grey before the 3rd ed wolf codex came out, and then developed them into a fully fledged army, which unfortunately I eventually sold most of.

Nowadays I play Orks, Eldar, Space Marines, and I am finally putting my wolf pack back together. Just sold all my Skaven to buy more Killa Kans!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/21 06:19:48

Post by: Firewarrior1141

I actually got into Wargamming by playing the game Fire Warrior, the 2003 Playstation 2 game

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/21 09:18:45

Post by: Tim the Biovore

I started while I was going through my Lord of the Rings craze, so you can see where I started.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/26 03:30:10

Post by: GalacticDefender

About 3 years ago I played Starwars Minis for a while, but got bored of it due to the lack of customization available.

I've wanted to play 40k for a while now, but couldn't find anyone to play with. Then about 2 months ago one of my friends bought the Assault on Black Reach starter set, so I said "YAYZ" and bought it as well. Which led to a battle between two half painted armies (he was Orks, I was marines) which sorta ended in a tie somehow. And then after the battle we figured out we had done the Assault phase completely wrong.

That friggin Rule book is confusing!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/26 03:34:24

Post by: Corey85

This is kind of an old thread, and while looking through the last two pages I noticed that in my post I said I was still waiting for my Dad to play. As of a month and a half ago he started a necron force. He now has 1500 built and we've played a game every week or two.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/26 03:34:32

Post by: Aduro

Hero Quest.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/04/27 16:52:29

Post by: ProtoClone

Well I used to smoke and sometimes the only way to quit a vice is to replace it with another one...so I started wargaming.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/05/22 00:20:19

Post by: Happygrunt

Walked past a hobby store a and was attracted to marines. Then I was at a party at one of my parents friends houses. Their son had DoWC, so I played that for a bit as Guard (LOVED the basilisk). Walked past a hobby store another hobby store (Same GW, its closed now). Two years after THAT, I bought DoW platinum edition. Six months after THAT purchase, I walked out of the Seattle bunker with the 4th edition starter set (thing sucked), and the rest was history. Took GW six years to real me in.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/05/22 02:18:02

Post by: Mr. Self Destruct

Back when I was in 5th grade and I did absolutely NOTHING but WoW meh dad suggested it as a way to do something else
Now I'm trying to find something else to do besides this

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/05/22 04:52:55

Post by: T_VanderZwaag

When I was in 6th grade I went over to my buddy's house and one of his wrestling friends had the Battle for Macragge box. Ever since then I've loved 40k.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/06/13 10:23:52

Post by: Grimm

I got into Warhammer when a friend of mine was playing with some little metal toy soldiers. I told my mum that I wanted some too, so she took me to GW and bought me some LOTR. It all developed from there really.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/06/28 22:52:35

Post by: scout 277

my friend showed me the dawn of war winter assault, and my stepdad signed a deal with black libary
then igot macragge

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/06/28 23:31:27

Post by: Cannerus_The_Unbearable

Worked at a comic book store. I was hesistant to try it at first but one of our quarterly sales meetings became a GW presentation and I bought a Chaos Rhino that night. It all went downhill from there :p

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/06/28 23:58:07

Post by: gregor_xenos

A classmate brought a White Dwarf to school when I was in the 6th grade. I stole it.... and fell in love with the 'eavy Metal section! About a month later I bought the game (the one with all the grots) and my painting adventure began. Really didnt start playing until 2009 tho.

I have played Btech and RISK, but not at the fevered pitch I devote to 40K. Looking at starting Warmachine next!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/07/09 17:25:56

Post by: scarskull5

My mum said I needed to play less video games and get a hobby and I knew a guy at school who played so I asked him if I could play a demo game with him sometime, hence my wargaming life began.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/07/09 20:13:29

Post by: Boss Goretoof

My dad got me started with Panzerblitz at a young age. When most kids were playing ball outside, I was moving armored units around the Eastern Front.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/07/27 20:50:01

Post by: oadie

I remember visiting a friend of a friend years ago and seeing a bunch of awesome little models covering the shelves in the basement (her dad played, I think). Thought it looked cool, but I didn't know what it was, at the time. A few years after that I horked a copy of Dawn of War and had some fun with it. RTSs are pretty hit or miss, for me, so I played a bit but never got hooked on the series. I think I was looking online for related torrents and came across the motherload - core rules, expansions, codices... all the .pdfs and even a folder of paperhammer plans! Immediately ganked it and started reading. Not too long after that, I was cruising Ebay for the AoBR set - my first (and probably best) 40K purchase.

I voted DoW, for simplicity's sake, but there's an element of introduction (without explanation) by a friend, as well.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/08/14 03:26:49

Post by: Shake Zoola

Me and a buddy played Dawn of War and have been hooked ever since!!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/08/14 05:10:21

Post by: Gailbraithe

I was already playing AD&D (1st Edition) and Champions (3rd Edition), this was like 1989 or so, and one day I walked into my FLGS and saw a copy of Rogue Trader and bought it after reading maybe two pages and flipping through it once. I didn't realize it was a wargame and not an rpg until I got home.

I couldn't afford enough models back then to play 40k properly, they were crazy expensive when I was 13, but I had a handful of models and basically played 40k like it was D&D with my friends. We just made up our own campaign rules (that were super, super broken). Eventually I talked my parents into getting me Adpetus Titanicus and Epic Space Marine for Christmas and my birthday respectively, and that was the first wargame I got into. Then in high school I got into Mordheim and Necromunda, and one of my friends had Space Hulk.

But I only started playing WHFB in the last few months, after more than a decade away from wargaming at all, after finding out that there was a store in my neighborhood. And while I have the latest edition of the 40k rulebook (not as kewl as Rogue Trader by a long shot), and a 1500 pt CSM army, I haven't actually played 40k yet.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/08/14 06:25:31

Post by: Mr. Self Destruct

I got into wargaming at about the age of 11 when my dad finally decided I played too much WoW. Like, my grades suffered because of it and by the end of it all I still only had a level 20 rogue :( Anyway, one day he's like "There's this cool game I found called Warhammer" and then we bought BFSP. That's pretty much it.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/08/14 10:22:52

Post by: scarskull5

Mr. Self Destruct wrote:I got into wargaming at about the age of 11 when my dad finally decided I played too much WoW. Like, my grades suffered because of it and by the end of it all I still only had a level 20 rogue :( Anyway, one day he's like "There's this cool game I found called Warhammer" and then we bought BFSP. That's pretty much it.

How long did you play wow for because I played on the 10 day trial then the free month you get when you buy the battlechest and I've got around a level 50 warlock. I didn't find it difficult at all and I wasn't like an addict who does everything infront of the screen I played at a leisurely pace, anyways thats OT but I wish my dad bought me miniatures (I'm 14)! Maybe I should become a wow addict.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/19 19:05:21

Post by: Hialmar

In 1969 I was given the game Gettysburgh as a present from my parents and is is still sitting around in a closet somewhere or maybe a box as my wife and kids moved last year. In 1974 I received the original AH Third Reich game. My first miniatures were for a role playing game that at the time was just called Dungeons & Dragons and at the time my friends and I had no idea what that would eventually turn into as we played it off and on for quite a while. I then got into a Space based wargame called Rogue Trader and have been supporting the daemons at GW ever since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/22 16:53:49

Post by: Capt_Bowman

Fighting Fantasy books at break in school with a cople of my mates.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/22 19:22:22

Post by: DickBandit

Older brother's friend showed me his 40k models, thought it was pretty cool, but then many years later I picked up the game dawn of war and remembered "this was the same thing that guy showed me years ago!" and then I bought a few marines and was hooked from then on. Thanks Relic.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/23 17:22:01

Post by: Big Tim

I was introduced by a friend, but as a little kid I loved building models and spent many Saturday mornings playing with plastic army men. We used set up dioramas on a 8'x4' plywood table in a friends basement. Wargamming was really the next logical step once I could start working and had disposable income.

I just wish I had started earlier so I could have gotten my parents to buy me more ! You kids who live at home learn from my mistake and milk your parents for all the miniatures they're worth !

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/24 01:40:11

Post by: privateherbert24

i was BORN into 40k xD

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/24 07:43:31

Post by: UbiSwanky2

Walked into a hobby store with the intention of picking up some paintballs...as I was looking around I saw a table set up with just some ruins and stuff asked the store guy what it was for and he said.....Warhammer....walked out with Paintballs, a box of Emperors Children and a chaos codex......had to go back later because I didn't realize I needed the Big Book, lol.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/25 03:31:31

Post by: Mukkin'About

I went over to a rather wealthy friend from school's house and he had second edition boxed set. fairly well painted too! Thats where it all started!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/25 09:40:53

Post by: Ed_Bodger

Introduced by a friend at about nine years old playing some form of GW top trumps and then beating each other up pretending to be and I guote 'Space Marines and weird green tubby things'

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/25 09:47:31

Post by: undivided

I can remember my first game of Dawn of War, Chaos and Orks versus Space Marines and Eldar, *sighs while reminiscing*

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/11/26 23:27:46

Post by: fall0fdark

I was introdused by my now much hated frieand(he hates me now because my army was biger then his in 2 weeks then his in 2 years) i stared VC and now play VC and 40k SM

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2010/12/01 12:50:21

Post by: Element206

Walked past a hobby shop, and it was love at first sight!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/01/01 23:11:29

Post by: Flinty

Space Crusade as a 9year old Happy memories *sniff*

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/01/05 15:19:06

Post by: EXIAN

I went to some fantasy gaming camp or something and I learned about it there

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/01/06 18:05:32

Post by: Iratus Custodis

Walk past the warhammer section in a local toy/gamestore in my youth and have been stuck ever since.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/01/06 19:21:32

Post by: Saintspirit

I was at some party at the home of my parents friends, whose children had Wood Elves, and they then showed me other warhammer armies. I found it interesting and decided to start play Undead. That was very long ago, I think I was eight years old or so.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/04/13 08:53:04

Post by: guyperson5

I was going home on a bus when I noticed my friend was reading a book (last editions Space Marine codex) with some dudes in it who looked pretty cool. I went over to him and thats kind of how I started. I now have a Salamander Marine force which is funny because:
A. All Space marine codexes mainly advertise Ultramarines
B. I originally wanted to collect Raven Guard

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/04/13 22:15:21

Post by: cheapbuster

friends got me into LOTR and the DoW got me into 40k

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/05/07 17:01:42

Post by: CadianCommander

I'm a little surprised this wasn't a poll option, but through the 40k RPGs, mainly Rogue Trader. A few others I know got into it that way, too.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/05/22 23:05:15

Post by: Built-in

I voted other. I had seen it once as a passing memory when i was younger. I decided recently that wargaming is fun, and choose warhammer as my first game. Read the books, played a few games with a battleforce. Now I play a large Tyranid army in as many games as possible!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/05/22 23:34:54

Post by: Odins Beard

I said introduced by a friend, my best friend had been playing for years and his birthday was coming up and so I went and got him a box of Dark Elf warriors for him. He said I should go with him and see some games so I did and it went from there.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/05/23 11:08:30

Post by: rodgers37

Long story....

Me and a couple of friends used to go to this Internet cafe to play WoW or CSS or COD etc. Gaming happened back then, although i only noticed card gaming. I didn't go all that much, every other week probably. But we found out it was closing, and since i was going there fairly often, i told my Mum and Step-Dad, and a couple of weeks later, they had 'bought the place' (well the technically bought the business/stock and agreed to take the lease over). My Step-Dad was incharge, and kept one of the former 4 employees on, just to help him get started. So i was helping out as well, not much to start with. But once this other guy left, i became ore involved, and because of the Magic, 40k and Pokemon nights, there were 3 days a week, when the shop was open for 9-11 Hours. So i would loo after the place after school for 2/3 hours while he went home for a bit. And then i stayed and played on the PCs.

I watched the 40k a bit, it was pretty much all 40k, but i wanted to play LOTR, so i asked around. And one person had some LOTR and wanted to play, so i played a few games, and then some of the other gamers said i should get 40k since thats what everyone else plays (this person i was playing, didn't want to play LOTR every week either). So as payment for my first few months helping out (i wasn't officially working at this point) my Step-dad bought me about £200 worth of Chaos on ebay (about 5000+ points) And thats how i got into war-gaming

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/05/24 21:32:53

Post by: Segef

I first started painting them for fun, because i thought they looked cool. Genestealers were the first i bought, then some space marines. After collected a few and painting them i was asked if i played, and thought why the hell not i'm this deep in.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/05/28 15:16:14

Post by: HandsNFeetFace

I picked up my first set of 40k models back in high school. I went to my LGS to pick up some comics and the store owner was in the middle of a game of fantasy.

I watched for a bit, mainly admiring the paint job of his Bretonians (I think), then he showed me some of the stock he carried. I ended up grabbing the 40k box at the time. It was the Black Templar and Dark Eldar set. Ended up painting most of the Marines as Ultras, then they sat in my attic for years.

Graduated college, moved back home, and as I was cleaning out my stuff when I stumbled upon the long lost box of figures. Now for the sad, scary, part of the story... I packed up the Marines and took the little tackle box of unassambled DE bitz and threw it in the trash. Why? I do not know, but I'm still kicking myself to this day.

Anyway, the box sat in my closet for another year or so when I randomly took a trip back to the LGS to pick up a copy of Carcassonne. I stumbled upon Doom: the board game (big Doom fan). After playing a few games with some friends I decided the figures needed to be painted.

It took a few weeks, but I managed to complete the set. They looked pretty good and, somehow, made the game more fun. I wasn't done yet, though. I still had an itch to paint some more. Out came the Space Marines. I did a little research and decided upon the Space Wolf paint scheme (I liked the colors), then learned, through dakka, how to properly strip models.

After painting up atleast 500pt of Wolves, I started getting curious about the actual game, so I went out and bought the current rules and a copy of the SW codex, so here I am.

Sorry for writing a book.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/06/09 15:05:10

Post by: NiiloTimantti

A friend stumbled upon Gorkamorka online (I think) and asked me if I wanted to share the starterbox with him. I thought it was interesting and said yes, we never got around to actually playing the game and gradually lost interest for years. Later, when AOBR was just coming out I wandered into the local GW to see if Gorkamorka still existed and got interested in 40k instead, been playing since. I still have the Gorkamorka models though, thinking of using them in my current army

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/06/16 10:09:57

Post by: Phototoxin

Heroquest + a lucky white dwarf which happened to have the opening of the only irish store at the time!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/06/16 10:10:52

Post by: Capt. Rex

Went to a friends house and he had a a huge battlefield set up with marines, that was when i was 9.
Then a GW opened locally at age 11.
Another friend showed me LoTR warhammer at 12.
DeAgnostic released the LoTR magazine and I got everyone 13-15.
And it's just gone down hill from there.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/06/19 05:00:13

Post by: Layla

I was seven or something, and my mom was at a cafe with her book club, and I was always required to come. anyway, she let me wander into the "Game Shop" next door. I guess she didn't relise the "game shop" was actually a GW store! She then went to the cafe, and left me with the company of the shop owner. Anyway, within minutes I was hooked, I liked the ponies (wood elves on horses) and GANDALF! In the end, after much pleading, my mum got me the painter starter kit with 5 SM and paints. I loved the models! Only I wasnt the greatest painter so i decided i would return to the hobby when I became 12!
I forgot...
But in grade nine my cousin came over to stay and had a few models with him, warhammer models! Anyway, I demanded that my mum bring me to the hobby shop again.


How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/05 15:40:12

Post by: Battle_Brother_Bruening

Well, I started reading the books first but I got into the game by hearing a friend of mine talk about it

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/08 11:20:02

Post by: Ghidorah

I was an "Other" vote.

When I was in 6th grade, I walked past a shop in a mall with my mom and saw a couple small display minis. You know the ones with a dragon and a crystal? It was small and there was another one, a demon with swept back wings. I thought it was sooooo cool. My mom bought it for me and I spent the next year in a toy shop at the mall where my brother had a restaurant. It was mostly board games and toys and such, but they had a few boxes of lead minis. Before long, I had about 30 minis and they were separated between "good guys and bad guys" and my friend an I made up some little rules to kill each other.

It wasn't until many, many years later that I got into WHFB (4th ed.). It was all downhill from there.


How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/08 14:35:33

Post by: davidjones

When I was very ickle, my great uncle collected WW2 plastic kits/soldiers and would paint them and make massive dioramas in his garage on shelves. To a kid it was like seeing WW2 as it happened!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/08 17:40:46

Post by: Murenius

When I was like 14 or 15 a friend of mine wanted and got the Warhammer 40k basic set as a birthday present. Since I was the one into rulebooks it was up to me to understand the whole thing and we had a test game or two with the included space marines and orks. I quickly noticed how bad the 2nd edition orks were so I passed the opportunity to get the orks from the box to another friend and got some Eldar when I was in UK for the next time.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/08 17:41:58

Post by: Slarg232

My brother picked up a magazine with "Cool lizardmen figurines in it", and after about a month of persuading each of us, we all picked up Warhammer Fantasy.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/09 05:12:05

Post by: Smitty

I would have said introduced by friend, but it is more like "introduced by nearby person". I chose other.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/13 07:34:06

Post by: stubacca

It's a longish story. I played the Space Crusade demo in the early 90's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob_naUVG7oU This awesome beast of a game.

Then played the DoW series of games on the PC, had a few mates at school who were into it too, the painting and the gaming but I didn't know where to get the stuff from.

Eventually years, and years later up until 2 months ago, I started my new job, got talking to a GW rep and bought some Space Marines, a shed loads of paint, brushes etc and I've spent about £200 on paints, a command squad, a dreadnought, shrine of aquila, honoured imperium, a copy of the latest WD magazine, a Tau XV25 stealth team and a drop pod =]

I don't do things by half haha

I'm not into the gaming yet, I know of a couple of places that do it but I'd rather just paint because they look cool for the minute =]

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/13 08:39:40

Post by: Big P

After buying figures to use for Tunnels & Trolls, I bought Warhammer 2nd Edition in 1984.

The rest is history.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/07/31 19:17:07

Post by: nickick

I saw my friends playing it at my school

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/06 02:46:51

Post by: VI th legion

A friend tried to get me into it by giving me a codex to read for a while, I was always a big sci-fi fan so it wasn't a big leap. Said friend now hates me because I got into it and his other friend didn't (ironicaly the one who didn't get into it helped me put together a chimera and wants a demo game).

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/06 14:51:11

Post by: timbosix

was a mix foar me.... i bought dawn of war for my brothers 19th birthday and i downloaded it on my computer..aaaannd talked a bout it with a friend and he played warhammer 40k sooo he introduced me to it....now i have played 8 times and won 2 times

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/08 21:41:17

Post by: 40k Ninja

My friend got me into it a long time ago.
He quit right after I started.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/12 01:49:46

Post by: ZacktheChaosChild

I found bluetablepainting on youtube.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/17 22:23:24

Post by: Ineed2bucks

DoW, then shortly after I finish Storm Of Iron and saw it on the back page, then in like a week a friend told me

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/19 14:50:17

Post by: Serder

Me and my friend played Dow and Dow2 casually. A little bit before Xmas, we passed in front of a Hobby store while doing some little Xmas shopping. We went in and checked the prices and all and ended up buying AoBR and splitted it.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/19 15:04:17

Post by: Hlaine Larkin mk2

Long STory,

so when I was 9 or 10 I was into Yu-Gi-Oh and still went to see my local football (I don't now as it's so soul crushing and depressing, even when they win).
After some of the games my family and other friends would go to a local pub which would allow kids in a certain part of.
We found out some Sundays that was card tournaments, couldn't find out more details so resolved to turn up to one.
Turned out it was a M:tG pre-release but the guy running it told me they were part of a club and that I should check it out, after about 6 months of going I got into wargaming as many people did, and I've been going ever since

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/24 05:48:46

Post by: Maniac_nmt

Battletech was purchased for me by an Uncle when I was still in grade school around 84. Although I didn't really play a lot until High School (when I played with a friend often) where I also started painting minis (had built and painted models previously).

Battlemasters and Heroquest (I owned battlemasters, not the other), Battletech, and Axis and Allies would be my intro into it.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/24 23:46:18

Post by: Lord of Baal

The one kid at my school that does the same...

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/08/30 12:59:42

Post by: Hatticus

Wandered into my local GW all those years ago

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/15 01:14:05

Post by: Red Comet

I put in that my friend introduced me, but in fact I already knew about 40k from Dawn of War. We both were fans of the games and thought it would be interesting to start playing 40k. Glad we made that choice.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/15 21:22:40

Post by: Soladrin

Ciaphas Cain books, borrowed from a friend

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/16 18:13:05

Post by: Orthae

One of my employees was into it and thought they would try to get on my good side by introducing me to 40K... I got hooked but he still got fired

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/16 18:50:43


I actually found out that my dad had a first edition space marine model, he said it was a toy soldier, and one day I walked by toymaster, and saw new models, I thought yay more toys, then I had my first game, and I was hooked.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/22 04:11:47

Post by: spudkins

One my teachers at school gave me 5 white dwarfs and a the 3rd ed rulebook. I had these saved away for ages when a rugby friend of mine noticed I had them thought I played and he taught me to play. Then went to store and bought
Abaddon (at the point could only be used in 2m points with permission)
1 chaos bike (need 3 for a Unit)
5 chaos marines.
I've never stopped really other than now I don't got to the gw stores at all. Cant stand them at all.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/25 07:00:11

Post by: Viersche

Started with the DoW Games then got into reading BL books which got me interested in collecting the minis

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/25 09:18:02

Post by: lego

I actually was at Okinowa. Kadena Airbase Specifically and walked into schillings one day and found the 40K club over at Schillings and was invited by Rob to play a game against the old Necrons and that's how I got started.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I actually was at Okinowa. Kadena Airbase Specifically and walked into schillings one day and found the 40K club over at Schillings and was invited by Rob to play a game against the old Necrons and that's how I got started.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/09/26 21:33:28

Post by: CallsignNeptune

While I'd always been aware of it I never knew what it was really about. Then a watched a couple of friends play a game and thought it looked amazing so decided to take it up myself.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/01 08:29:13

Post by: Gearhead

Heavy Gear 2 (PC game) got me hooked on miniature painting. I still don't play anything, though.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/03 12:03:11

Post by: Brother-Captain Scotti

My dad was friends with a GW store manager here in the UK, picked up a 3rd ed. 40k set for my 11th birthday but then sadly stopped..........

.............Until LOTR came out and then everything spiralled out of control

Now have 40K, WHFB and LOTR, guess I was too young to stick to anything then, saying that my concentration isnt much better now

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/03 16:12:31

Post by: zedmeister

Saw this advert early 1991 ish:

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/05 00:03:46

Post by: English Assassin

An advert in Kerrang! for Space Hulk, circa 1991.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/05 04:31:17

Post by: Ogryn

I was introduced by a family member who plays Blood Angels.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/05 07:31:39

Post by: Hydroblender

Via a mate at High School. 1985, 1/300 Ultra Moderns, Dutch Armoured Brigade. It was all down hill from there..... 1/72 Rapidfire, Rogue Trader Eldar then Ork, FOW from its first release, Epic and now NetEpic.

RPG's Cyberpunk, Twilight 2000, AD&D, Judge Dread

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/06 21:07:37

Post by: Cryage

Yikes, I just voted "introduced by a friend" and I'm voter 666 for that ! lol

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/08 19:31:47

Post by: ishkatar

My first acquaintance with 40k occurred through the Chaos Gate PC game, but I got hooked on the hobby itself only about half a year ago, when my friend led me into the local miniatures store... So, which variant should i choose?

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/08 20:10:44

Post by: Trondheim

LOTR, my first army was Easterlings. And they have ben my all time favorit over the years, I got introduced by a person I know who ran a hobby shop.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2011/10/08 20:38:32

Post by: LordWynne

I was invited to play WH40K in 1986 at a gaming store called Galactic Archives in the first Demo game GW set up on the day the product arrived. Thats were I was giving my first army 1,500 pts in Crimson Fist marines. I won that game against Orks by 1 point.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/03/12 10:04:39

Post by: WaaaaghLord

Lord Of The Rings "Battle Games In Middle Earth" partwork! Then I realised I hated the LoTR game and gave up, started 40k, then Warmahordes.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/03/12 10:37:02

Post by: mishka_shaw

Introduced by my friends. I still remember the first time my mum took me into the warhammer shop in bluewater. Massive space-marine statue on the shop front, was like a temple.
I still remember the guy in the shop asking me what I wanted.
He seemed so dis-appointed when I said the stereotypical "Space Marines!" that he looked at me and went "Whatever you do don't paint them ultramarines, everyone does it".

So began my badly painted childish Black Templars. I still find my old warhammer bits now and than, not a single model was undercoated in spray and my painting was so thick that all detail was gone.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/03/12 11:05:51

Post by: Banzaimash

Walking around town and saw some Uruks in the window of my local GW. I liked those guys In the movie, so I bought a box of scouts and from then on I was hooked.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/03/12 12:15:57

Post by: AngryMarine

When my comic shop closed it's doors (as they all have here), my LGS started carrying comics. With the other comic shops in town having bad reputations, I started going there weekly. I was already playing Mechwarrior: Dark Age, and the switch to Warmachine was pretty natural. A year or so later, I bought a friends Khorne army, when the current codex was released.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/03/12 13:22:19

Post by: Halmyr

When ever I frequented my Lgs, I would always see the box's and people playing, so it always caught my attention, but because of the price I never got into it. When dawn of war 2 came out, I bought, which lead me to reading most of the black library books. Finaly last fall I bought the starter set, and have been enjoying the game since

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/03/13 22:37:24

Post by: Emerett

I was a sucker and fell for the RedShirt sales pitch in a GW store about 10 years ago.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/04/09 09:10:41

Post by: Forterix

I played a game at the local sci-fi / fantasy convention. The guy hosting the game brought fully painted necron and SM armies. He let me play his SM's and walked me through the rules.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/04/09 12:18:06

Post by: margomoh

Wow, some of you guys have been playing since before I was born...and I'm a month away from graduating college.

Anyway, I got started because my fiance and guy friends always played on weekends & they used to drag me along to watch. It was horrendously boring and I hated being left out of the conversations that always ensued. I had always sworn that I would never play because it was too expensive. Finally, peer pressure overcame me & I bought a farseer and a box of dire avengers. Almost a year to the day and two armies later...I might be picking up my friend's CSM because his girlfriend wants him to quit the hobby.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/04/09 12:40:15

Post by: stubacca

margomoh wrote:Wow, some of you guys have been playing since before I was born...and I'm a month away from graduating college.

Anyway, I got started because my fiance and guy friends always played on weekends & they used to drag me along to watch. It was horrendously boring and I hated being left out of the conversations that always ensued. I had always sworn that I would never play because it was too expensive. Finally, peer pressure overcame me & I bought a farseer and a box of dire avengers. Almost a year to the day and two armies later...I might be picking up my friend's CSM because his girlfriend wants him to quit the hobby.

Jeez, he needs to get rid of his girlfriend rather than his 40k stuff!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/04/10 14:08:58

Post by: AresX8

DoW 1 was the initial starting point for me. I then moved on to BL novels, to Dark Heresy, and then finally decided to pick up AOBR 2 years ago.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/04/10 15:13:27

Post by: Dabansheedude

I had always been into airfix then my cousin showed me it i was too young to afford it then a couple of years later my mate got into it and so did i he quit about a year later

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/04/10 17:44:57

Post by: King of the Elves

One day just walked into Battlground Games and Hobbies, saw some people playing... SO glad i walked in.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/04/11 03:59:02

Post by: Mattlov

My brother bought the Battletech 3rd Edition box set way back when. I liked it a lot more than he did, since I have easily $10K worth of Battletech stuff.

I only got into GW games because my friend wanted to play them again. I still regret this decision.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/05/01 03:19:30

Post by: Tunach

I was like 12 when I wondered around a video game store, I found Dawn of War (the 2004 one) and the rest was history

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/05/01 11:32:32

Post by: Orki

I used to make airfix kits when even before school age, and by the time I had a bit of pocket money when I was age 7-8 ish I was in my local newsagent looking at model kits, when I spotted some funny little metal men in blisters for £1.50. Yarp, they were sold in my newsagents!

I took a pack of them home and promptly proceeded to drown them in my enamel paints without a clue as to what they were meant to be used for.

White Dwarf appeared on the newsagents' shelves around that time too, and I picked up the odd issue (without understanding much of it tbh), before me and my mates started buying the odd game like WHFB and RT.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/05/02 06:42:12

Post by: Johnny-Crass

I got locked in a GW over night. I had to play the ghost that resided there a game of warhammer for my soul.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/05/03 08:32:58

Post by: dante43dd

when going to school i played with airfix and assembled lots of planes, tanks etc.
later on i drifted into cosims but never got my friends really into it.
then a friend of mine showed me the GW homepage and all these armies and - i got addicted.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/05/30 15:13:11

Post by: master of ordinance

My dad was a golden demon winner and a collecter of dwarfs-he has(or had) atleast one of every dwarf figure ever produced. One day in York we went into a GW and i saw the skaven warlord figure and things generaly went from there......

as a foot note my little brother got himself a set of squig hoppers on that day.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/01 11:48:38

Post by: Daemonhammer

Random surfing the web.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/03 19:13:42

Post by: PurpleEcho

dante43dd wrote:when going to school i played with airfix and assembled lots of planes, tanks etc.
later on i drifted into cosims but never got my friends really into it.
then a friend of mine showed me the GW homepage and all these armies and - i got addicted.

Mine was a very similar story was always into building models as a boy especially aircraft etc, one time at school a friend of mine is telling me about Warhammer and I thought why not give it a go, a couple of my other friends started at the same time and eight years on we all still play, one of my friends went on to make a career of it painting minatures for a living.

I've collected most fantasy armies, at the moment I'm using Lizardmen and Ogre Kingdoms and Space Wolves for 40k.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/14 16:00:29

Post by: Deesel

I was introduced to wargaming by a friend with the game Battlemech then evolved into warhammer 40k

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/15 03:48:39

Post by: Nurgle

Im from the town of Dachau and one of the guards who would sit and guard the old gas chambers used to read black library books and eventually just gave me a model and told my parents about a gaming club.
Grimdark place to learn about 40k ^.^
also sorry if this offends anybody but I am from thr town and visited the camp grounds because it was the only thing to do in town at the time.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Nurgle wrote:Im from the town of Dachau and one of the guards who would sit and guard the old gas chambers used to read black library books and eventually just gave me a model and told my parents about a gaming club.
Grimdark place to learn about 40k ^.^
also sorry if this offends anybody but I am from thr town and visited the camp grounds because it was the only thing to do in town at the time.

Well a cop to be exact.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/26 11:18:03

Post by: chilledmonkeybrains

I was raised by Erks* and, as such, did not have much say in the matter.

* Half elf, half ork**

** Yeah, that's right - ork with a 'k'. No, it doesn't make sense. It's not supposed to

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/26 11:55:32

Post by: Big Mek Dattrukk

Clthomps wrote:

My parents bought this and the whole family would play. we would each control part of the factions, rather than the whole. i played the goblins.
then my brothers started playing WHFB. i started playing orcs.
then we moved on to 40K and i started playing orks.

Incidentally, did anyone else who had Battle Masters ever have trouble with that ogre? ours had to be given a "tutu" (a pink hair tie) in order to stay together.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/26 23:15:51

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

I voted "shown by friend" though here's how things really went:

We were sitting Kuwait, waiting for a bird up north.. I had run out of books to read, and asked my buddy if he had a good one I could borrow for a bit... He let me borrow either the UM Omnibus, or the Soul Drinker Omnibus.. either way, that intro made me ask him more about the 40k universe and eventually looked on the GW site, and started collecting/playing.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/06/27 06:00:46

Post by: Douglaspocock

Magic The Gathering and then other people playing 40k around me.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/07/06 13:33:15

Post by: Lord Rogukiel

Saw another kid's white dwarf in school about 5 years ago.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/07/09 01:13:13

Post by: Capt. Camping

To tell you the truth I started in Mage Knight and Heroclix along the other line of Wizkids and Wizards OTC minis.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/07/13 10:39:07

Post by: Florintine Mallorean

I used to play TCG and there was always a big group playing with little models and tanks and I used to listen and watch them as they would play, some getting to the point you could hear them outside the store. One day I decided to go talk to them and that was when I decided it was much better than card games. At the time they were playing WHFB but they alternated campaigns between WHFB and WH40k so I decided to get a fantasy army. After looking around I bought a few boxes of dwarfs. After playing a few more games I decided that they weren't the army for me so I sold the army and bought some High Elves. After I got about 1000pts we ended up switching campaigns so I had to decide on a 40k army to start a slow grow with. I chose Tau cause I liked the look of the battlesuits. After about 20 games with them I really really hated them. Sold them and bought Space Wolves. I like playing both 40k and WHFB the sad part is that I have 8 armies but each one is only about half finished and I just can't bring myself to just finish one all the way, since I like to mix it up every few games.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/09/24 01:14:51

Post by: Necron123

My fifth grade English teacher showed it to me

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/10/17 23:19:55

Post by: Iksdee

I know about wargaming since i was about 10 year old but i've never gotten into the hobby cause it was to expensive. I have played all the dawn of war games and i think they are awesome. Recently i found out that a few friends of mine actually play warhammer but they never talked about it. I guess they are shy about it or something. So i just started playing warhammer now 15 years later .

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/10/19 02:02:26

Post by: kwah

my brother introduced me to warhammer 40k he pointed me at the space marines i walked over to the tau and orks.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/10/19 09:49:22

Post by: Locclo

Dawn of War all the way.

Basically I played the first game and was enthralled by it, I loved the story and the weird aliens that were represented in the game (weird at the time, I mean). Couple guys started getting into it, and from there, it's history.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/10/19 09:58:14

Post by: Yojiro

There was a WHFB tournament (I think it was still 5th ed) in the same day I attended a MTG one... suffice to say you can guess what happened.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/10/20 00:17:53

Post by: graymouser17

Actually i started in wargaming at compleat strategist and one or two wargaming shows in New York City that is where i brought my first figures i know it was a Raf Partha Half - Ogre Giant and i went to my first MFCA show at Chester,Pa.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/11/25 23:05:50

Post by: cox.dan2


How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/11/27 22:55:55

Post by: Azza007

Saw my cousin painting these cool looking models, Blood Angels. He showed me their codex and after months of bothering my parents I got my first box set. The one with paints and 5 Marines. Never looked back.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2012/12/13 19:43:22

Post by: talljosh85

I wandered into the GW shop in Vancouver when I was like 10, it all went downhill from there

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2013/01/24 03:30:38

Post by: bibblles

I got the game Space Marine from Relic Stuidos. I loved the campaign, and the multiplayer. But mostly I just loved the universe, these great big stompy power-armor clad guys talking in calm English accent... brutally destroying armies. The game got me into the tabletop game, along with the encouragement from a few friends.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/03/05 06:13:39

Post by: 40KNobz11

Walked past a GW in Victoria about 8 years ago. Went in, checked it out, went home. Came back a few days later and bought my first set! Havent quit since then haha!

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/03/06 21:32:31

Post by: Captain Sour

I started pretty young. My dad was into WFB and 40k,and I remember I'd look at the pictures of the old rule books and white dwarfs. So when he would go get new models I'd go with him to the store. One day when I was 6,I asked if I could get some,and he started me out with Space Marine Tac Squad. I had him paint them as Ultramarines since they were the ones on the box haha. Very fond memories of GW as a kid,glad he started me out.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/03/28 11:57:16

Post by: inferno445

They do miniwargaming at a store I went to for MTG when I moved here and ever since I started playing I've bought bery few packs and much more plastic/metal.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/03/28 16:25:54

Post by: busby

I got my start by walking by a few people playing and me calling them nerds. A conversation ensued with "the smart one " and I was then somehow duped into playing.

I love wargaming now.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/04/01 12:54:24

Post by: inferno445

After I moved my parents were looking for just about anything I could do to make some friends. I already played MTG and the store had Warmachine as well, so I got quite a bit of money and they doubled the amount I had to help me start playing.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/05/31 08:40:24

Post by: Metaljunx

Walked past a hobby shop at 11 and started playing at 15

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/06/19 17:08:32

Post by: jasper76

Me and a guy had a common friend who died in a car accident. We talked at the funeral, and afterward he rung me up and invited me to hang over at his place. He's been into the game since 2nd I think, and has a gaming room that's as close to Disneyland for wargamers as I've seen so far. Wargaming looked like fun, so I tried it out, greatly enjoy it, and happily fell into a gaming club of cool people with more-or-less similar interests.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2014/06/21 14:23:05

Post by: ThatSwellFella

Oh well, i was searching through Space marine multiplayer customizer options on YT, and then i found MWG... So BOTH through a vidya game and unrelated search

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2016/12/01 06:58:44

Post by: Howlin' Mad Murdrean

Introduced by a friend in private school and frequently attended events at a local hobby store.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2016/12/01 06:59:09

Post by: JNAProductions

Friend introduced me.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2017/03/17 23:45:37

Post by: Agent8606

I read some of the lore somewhere, then I read more of it elsewhere, then more got read. Continue this for 3 months and you get why I started

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2017/03/18 00:56:59

Post by: loki old fart

Son got me to buy some for him from a car boot sale, Then suggested we (meaning me), buy the black reach set. So we could play games together. It's been downhill from then on.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2017/03/19 00:39:54

Post by: Saturmorn Carvilli

I was mostly a tabletop rpger when I was younger. However, getting the time and schedules all to line up to get and keep a group together became more and more difficult. So, I started board gaming as it was easier to get in a game and be done.

One of those games was Mansions of Madness. It had miniatures, but I figured I could watch a few Youtube videos to teach me how to paint. Which I did.

Later, I learned of Dust Tactics also by Fantasy Flight. I liked Mansions of Madness well enough and these miniatures were pre-built and primed and looked easy enough to paint.

I went into a local gaming store to find out if there were other players playing it and found out there were. So I bought some units, painted them up and showed up one weekend.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2017/03/19 03:39:15

Post by: amazingturtles

I was born into it!

and by that i mean my parents and grandfather introduced me. my grandfather had ancient lead soldiers from... the 30s? possibly?

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2018/09/03 04:29:08

Post by: Pointer5

My brother got me started playing D&D when I was twelve.

How did you get in to wargaming? @ 2022/10/01 16:18:32

Post by: cadianruss

My part time job at a hobby shop offered me an army and more weekend hours to learn WH 40k. All I had to do was learn the basics of the game and teach the youngsters how to build, paint and small conversions. I had a good time. Not sure who learned from whom on that deal. I sure do miss that bunch of kids.