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What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 15:29:47

Post by: legoburner

Is there a common gamer hairstyle? What is yours?

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 16:51:37

Post by: Faux Pas

Short hair will never go out of style.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 17:01:14

Post by: Cryonicleech

Good Ole Mop for me.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 17:09:58

Post by: oadie

Hair comes halfway down my back (hanging from my head, of course - I'm fuzzy, but I'm no yeti), beard comes to my collarbones, 'stache is long enough to be curled or waxed out into a Prussian handlebar.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 17:41:43

Post by: Great Unclean One

Got long hair, scared of scissors O_O, Not really just like it long and under a hat or bandanna ^_^

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 18:17:12

Post by: jah-joshua

i rock dreadlocks down to my knees, and shoot big guns, as my pic shows...


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 18:19:35

Post by: 40kenthusiast

Mullet for me.

What? I'm bringing them back!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 18:36:27

Post by: Granesh

Emo all the way! People already give gamers weird looks, you might as well give them another reason! That and the music I listen to...but that's not the point...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 18:46:55

Post by: Fishboy


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 19:08:46

Post by: temprus

Long hair kept up in a ponytail, though a lot of people seem to miss the ponytail and seem to think I have a slicked back short cut instead.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 20:22:13

Post by: Tauzor

shaved, #2 - Motorcycle helmet friendly.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 20:38:17

Post by: jame5log

Shaved grade one, once a week, due to baldness! I make for it with some sort of facial hair most of the time.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 20:43:42

Post by: Cambrius

Shaved. Habit left over from Canadian Forces. Oh, and a set of clippers is $30 and lasts ten years. A haircut now is like $12.

And I call shenanigans on that one achy-breaky, mulletronic sucka.

Iechyd da!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 20:53:07

Post by: Cannerus_The_Unbearable

Emo hair wins ! <3

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 21:06:49

Post by: Grot Boss

I had long hair for many years,only recently my woman tricked me and forced me to cut them,so now i have emo hair:(

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 21:21:23

Post by: infilTRAITOR

Short hair. Best one to have in the event of a zombie attack.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 21:25:45

Post by: Cambrius

Does emo hair cut itself?

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 21:33:56

Post by: Happygrunt

infilTRAITOR wrote:Short hair. Best one to have in the event of a zombie attack.


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 21:35:57

Post by: Cannerus_The_Unbearable

Happygrunt wrote:
infilTRAITOR wrote:Short hair. Best one to have in the event of a zombie attack.


Except when you're trying to look badass. When was the last time practicality helped in that kind of situation?

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 22:33:28

Post by: rubiksnoob

real men have short hair.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 23:08:24

Post by: Kilkrazy

I recently changed to a super cool short cut personally designed for me by a nice Japanese stylist at B:Zar in Soho.

It's low maintenance, too.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 23:26:53

Post by: Salted Diamond

Military high-and-tight.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 23:44:20

Post by: Fafnir

Generic medium. It'll get long before I cut it again.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/01 23:51:50

Post by: studderingdave

shaved head. i am not a unique snowflake.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 00:05:00

Post by: Merc_for_Hire

studderingdave wrote:shaved head. i am not a unique snowflake.

LOL, "Like a monkey ready to be shot out into space, space monkey!"

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 00:38:16

Post by: CptJake

High and tight. If it is too long for airborne school it is too long.



What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 00:59:00

Post by: _axeplay_

I have a short emo cut

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 01:24:50

Post by: Karoline Dianne

I normally have shoulder length, curly hair... generic really. I don't do much in the way of styling or such...

I lost my hair recently, though. So it's *really* short.

It makes me sad, really... But for all intents, I put long hair. I'm growing it back out. I'll be damned if I have to endure short hair forever. >.<

I want my beautiful, flowing locks back!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 01:36:08

Post by: artyboy

Tauzor wrote:shaved, #2 - Motorcycle helmet friendly.

That's why I keep mine short. It looks like crap shaved so I rock at least a little something.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 02:37:02

Post by: FITZZ

For many years I sported a mohawk,not a fauxhawk mind you,but a foot high liberty spiked red and black thing of beauty.
However,as I've aged a bit,and have a family to support now,I keep my hair in a short spikey (pseudo Billy Idol) cut.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 03:59:46

Post by: darkkt


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 05:04:37

Post by: Kommandant56434

Aw yeah, short generic! i wear a hat all the time, so it really doesnt matter...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 05:52:04

Post by: CrashUSAR

Text book government issue haircut, for I am but a number...once a month

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 06:05:27

Post by: Jimi Nemesis

Long hair. Best for rocking out and looking badass during Apocalypses.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 06:40:32

Post by: barisax1990

Since medium length hair was not a choice...

Medium length

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 07:17:03

Post by: Quintinus

Kind of short generic hair, it looks a little bit like Captain Kirk's. No toupee however. I like the hairstyle personally, it fits me well. My opinion, of course.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 07:19:13

Post by: TaintedSoul

Yes, well being in the military allows for only one kind of hair style really.... buzzed.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 08:34:06

Post by: Linked

A bit longer than shoulder length

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 08:52:39

Post by: orkishlyorkish

I have naturally curly hair but I've gotten into straightening my hair with the straightening iron. I guess I've also been growing it out a bit more that usual also.


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 10:20:44

Post by: ultramarinelord

I have short/medium hair with a sort of Italiany/Hispanicy curl aroundy thing at the front.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 10:29:34

Post by: typhus

I have long hair that goes down to the middle of my back.
And no matter how much gak i get about the length i will never cut it.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 12:49:27

Post by: Kouzuki

Whatever is stylish at the moment in Tokyo.

Generally, right now, some kind of Wolf cut.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 12:57:17

Post by: Khornholio

Ozzy's hair circa 1970 with a very pointy beard. I only cut my hair once a year. Next week I'll have the Gladiator Maximus cut.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 14:09:00

Post by: shrike

in between long and short- medium. lifelong phobia of hair clippers, scissors, ect.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
hope to grow it longer

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 14:09:28

Post by: Daggermaw

I have a greased up pompadour.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 14:50:14

Post by: nyyman

Only long haired boy in our class. Been growing them now for 2,5 years ad they go from my head to about 5 cm under shoulders
Always been called girl when I dyed my hairs black. One time a nurse in hospital thought I was girl and said "Well doesn't the daughter look just like her mother" and I was like WTF.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 14:54:21

Post by: Archonate

Shaved clean every other day... Because I started going bald in my mid-20s.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 15:48:52

Post by: Lynch

I do my hair similarly to the way greasers used to (without the grease...); it's slightly curly so it holds that roundish shape without much effort

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 15:53:43

Post by: Nightwatch

Long, all the way. If you're really white like me you can't get sunburn on the back of your neck!
And if you're not white, then you have really long hair!
plus if I put it in front of my eyes then no one can tell if I'm listening to them or sleeping.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 16:16:00

Post by: Mercurial

Swooped like a Final Fantasy character. When I swish it or the light hits it just right, you can almost hear the ladies ovulate.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 16:31:28

Post by: Samus666

Medium length, spiky. Like Sid Vicious.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 17:50:15

Post by: prophet665

Archonate wrote:Shaved clean every other day... Because I started going bald in my mid-20s.

Amen to that. I had long hair. it was past my ass and I could sit on it if I wasn't careful. I got married at 25 and 4 months later I cut it. I had a rapidly receding hairline. Combined with long hair, it looks horrible. My wife liked the hair, but was glad she didn't have to comb it every morning (she spoiled me...and still does) before work.

Now...she loves the shaved head (every other day seems about right) and since I have a red beard we play Viking and serving wench ;P

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 18:25:49

Post by: Hordini

I used to always have short hair, but now I have long hair. I'll keep it long until I get tired of it.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 19:55:34

Post by: glon52

High and tight FTW!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 19:59:31

Post by: crazypsyko666

Long hair, but i'll NEVER let it get longer than my shoulders.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 20:35:37

Post by: Vulkan77

Short hair for me, was bald and screaming for a while though!!, it didn't look good

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 21:59:06

Post by: arachnid

In limbo between short and medium atm, been to lazy to get a cut.
Waiting for it to grow just a bit longer so i can make something out of it.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 22:08:42

Post by: Khornholio

So nobody has a combover?

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/02 22:58:21

Post by: 99MDeery

Went from long hair, then to an emo cut...(foolish me), now its gone short again and tbh thank god for that.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 00:11:44

Post by: bovinity

Other (mid-length, curly as hell)

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 00:30:01

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Kind of emoish

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 07:53:56

Post by: BloodofOrks

Short hair. I used to have long hair and a beard, but I had too many random people try to buy drugs from me.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 08:45:14

Post by: Lucifer2583

Bare blade back and sides and short on top - misses h8's it, lol says I look thug-ish!!

Bein a head of security on various security details, thats the image to be portrayed... the no nonsense look!!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 09:28:05

Post by: Judge Radd

Halfway between a mop and spiky emo hair, imagine a young, angsty, Paul McCartney

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 10:29:22

Post by: Arctik_Firangi

I've been meaning to have a haircut for almost 10 years now. Not.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 13:12:55

Post by: Lint

mohawk for me, but I keep a short one

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/03 19:02:06

Post by: resinmann

I have worn a Bandana on my head, at Game Conventions for 10+ years. It keeps the sweat out of my eyes and hides the "bad hair days". I now have short balding hair.
At work, I would have to answer the phone. I would get resin in my hair from removing the air mask. That is what started the, cutting off all of the hair.

For a lot of us a "bad hair day" is much better than a "no hair day." *Joke*

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/04 04:24:13

Post by: darefsky (Flight Medic Paints)

3% admitted balding???? I say LIARS there are more of us on here than that!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/04 08:50:10

Post by: djphranq

curly... looks like I have a perm... its crazy yo

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/05 06:23:56

Post by: chromedog

Mine would be a mop if it could be persuaded to stay down. Atm it's a #4.

It looks more like a cross between Einstein and Andy Warhol (yes, it's white, as well).

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/09 04:06:07

Post by: Pirate_joe_666

Used to have a huge big fro thing that i had to tie back after a while, then I cut it short and bleached it orange. Then I died it black for some theater stuff, then I shaved it off.

Now its starting to get medium length and i need to cut it again.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/09 19:47:42

Post by: Cor Angars

Go emo hair!!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/11 05:18:51

Post by: smart_alex

I am appalled you left out Greaser pomp. Hence OTHER

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/11 15:13:49

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Long hair, down to the small of my back when loose, but mostly held in a ponytail. Trying to grow the front longer atm because I'd love to some celt style braids.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/11 15:15:31

Post by: Petty Officer D

Gotta keep it short!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/13 16:06:58

Post by: Blake

Long hair going down to just below shoulder height (so far!)

I never liked the look of my hair before I grew it long though even now I have doubts...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/14 11:47:27

Post by: Boss 'eadbreaka

Short for me, easy to care for, never goes out of trend and no problem in any regiment!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/19 08:20:39

Post by: JillyMarine

Kinda a sexy choppy blue black( the boys all say its kinda slanneshi) umm yeah i like it. bangs, uhh shoulder legnth

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/29 23:57:55

Post by: Kyley

Emo, wooh, teen angst, but I'm not very emo, more 'metal' so it's not really styled emo-ish (fringe over one eye) so it's frankly odd and uncategorisable


EDIT: on that mater can we have a poll about musical tastes (im off to check the past polls

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/09/30 20:00:31

Post by: Freddie Gibbs

i got around long/short hair, but mostly long (not so long so it goes down to my neck, but to my eyebrowns) .

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/10/05 19:16:43

Post by: S.m.o.ta.t.

Shaved, with a foo man choo.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/10/19 14:28:06

Post by: Helbrecht

i said other, because it basically is untamable. i keep thinking i'll grow it, then I get fed up with it because I keep getting my glasses stuck in it, then i look like a chav when it's short.

One day I will find my middle ground

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/10/20 02:53:44

Post by: Owain

I've been compared to Paul McCartney in the early 60's... that's at its average length. I get it cut short and let it grow out fairly long.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/10/22 02:52:10

Post by: Brother Gideon

Mine grows until the Sergeant tells me shave it. He is just jeleous because he is bald.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/11/07 22:46:30

Post by: Noble713

High & tight. Voted for "crew cut".

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/11/10 22:49:19

Post by: Herohammernostalgia

I got a Pompadour. It used to be a white 'fro for about 8 years, but to be true, that just looked too silly (in hindsight). The '50's rock 'n roll hairstyle suits the shape of my head better than the 'fro.

Odd enough, I did get steady girlfriends with the 'fro and only fleet flirts with the pomp. hmmm...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/19 22:46:01

Post by: MILITIAnoob


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/19 23:59:42

Post by: Xero524

Moptop- I look like John Lennon in his younger days, except I don't get nearly as many ladies.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/20 04:25:10

Post by: solkan

My hair reached shoulder length and then achieved equilibrium without needing to be cut. I'd be completely satisfied with the condition if it weren't for the fact that my hairline in front is receding.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/24 11:45:53

Post by: TheCadianParatrooper


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/24 13:56:22

Post by: Hellfury

I have long blonde hair and have been accused on many instances of looking like 'cousin it', or a mop when hair is not restrained through a hair band.

Not much you can do with long hair when you are a male.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/25 03:19:14

Post by: Lord of Kaith

Meh...I have kind of a bushy part, need a haircut. I like it pretty short, it's been too long since I've had a haircut...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/29 11:25:12

Post by: chaos

i go emo people don't mock me if i have emo hair they all seem afraid

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/29 12:14:16

Post by: Hawkins

I drive motorclycle, and it gets hot, technically thats not a reason for a buzz cut, but its how i justify having really short hair (plus it is cooler as in not as warm).

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2009/12/29 13:08:07

Post by: warpcrafter

I don't really have a hairstyle, I just ignore it until it gets long enough that I might have to comb it, them I buzz it off and go back to ignoring it.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/01/03 05:41:47

Post by: Sirsolo

Im in a paramilitary organization (Air Cadets) So it's short/buzz for me.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/01/03 18:18:17

Post by: The Good Green

I'm rockin' the Bed Head 'do. Short on the side and the top stands up... not straight up, but up in general. Sometimes it looks like a fo'hawk... :(

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/01/09 04:33:25

Post by: ZacktheChaosChild

I have short to long hair, depending on how long ago it was cut. That and facial hair I have to shave every day on account of my parents. My mom thinks 14-year-olds with a 'stache is creepy.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/04/24 18:17:17

Post by: Newt-Of-Death

You should never cut your hair..

'Hair are your arials, they trasmit signals directly from the cosmos into your brain. This is the reason bald headed men are uptight.'

(Withnail and I)


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/04/24 23:25:43

Post by: c34r34lk1ll3r

Long curly hair. I love it.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/04/25 01:01:55

Post by: Fafnir

Ever since I got it cut... it's back to generic medium-long...

But slightly gelled back a bit to make me look seckzay.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/05 22:34:34

Post by: ChaosxVoid

Long hair ftw

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/06 02:25:49

Post by: Grambo

Im pretty sure most gamers are long haird freaks.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/06 05:42:52

Post by: NidMaster40000

I've got "really pretty red hair" so I like to do my part and grow it out and then donate it to the Locks of Love foundation. It makes me feel like I'm doing my part of society and that sort.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/06 17:35:03

Post by: IG_urban

I have the bill murray up top, I keep it shaved, unless I have my ghostbusters jumpsuit on.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/08 16:30:16

Post by: Anshal

Shaved head for me. Noting beats being shaved on ones head

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/09 07:08:56

Post by: Sasori

I've got a skin high fade right now. Military or not, I like keeping my hair short.

I'd grow a beard some day, if it wasn't for the fact my hair is brown, and my Beard comes in Dark black, and Red.


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/09 07:12:17

Post by: Fafnir

I can't wait until my hair gets a bit longer again. Then I'll finally have something to keep me from going crazy while dressed in the business casual that my summer job requires.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/09 08:16:59

Post by: Blitza da warboy

my hair may be short, but it is too messy to be generic! (it might have reached to the point that its alive! O_O)

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/12 20:30:02

Post by: Cor Angars

I voted emo hair long ago, but now my hair is short generic.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/12 22:20:18

Post by: Karon

Fafnir wrote:Generic medium. It'll get long before I cut it again.


Switching to buzzed this summer, and probably keep it that way for a long time.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/19 04:19:48

Post by: Mr. Self Destruct

My hair is a generic long style which frizzes and has the general appearance of a bush when i wash it and turns shiny and managable when I don't for about 2 days.
I think Nurgle is calling me because I'm more happy when I'm unwashed apparently.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/27 03:50:27

Post by: ShadowAngel159

I guess I have punk-style hair. I tend to spike it up a bit, but not like "I'm able to stab you with my hair!" style spiking.

Just short hair that occasionally sticks up

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/27 04:08:50

Post by: eldarbgamer13

I used to have a long, flowing mane, but it got in the way of my various day to day activities so I cut it off.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/05/27 04:39:52

Post by: Fafnir

Anyone ever have that magic length inbetween haircuts where it's just perfect?

I'll be there in about a month, I think.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/06/08 18:44:55

Post by: heacy hitter

I have a meduim length hair with the edges of the top of my hair spiked up (its very similer to how Johnny rotten had it in one of his music videos)

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/06/08 19:31:53

Post by: rocklord2004

Looks like im in the minority with a punk style. I keep mine short but in full spikes.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/06/12 19:51:29

Post by: moppy

I dont really need to tell you

just read my username! lol

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/06/12 20:07:03

Post by: ghosty

I shave mine into a short mohican in summer, but have it normal for school. That'll change soon, as i wont have a school uniform!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/12/27 04:18:03

Post by: Wyrmalla

Whatever I wake up with really, I just tidy it up a bit. =P

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/12/27 04:45:13

Post by: chaos0xomega

Cambrius wrote:Does emo hair cut itself?


Had to doubletake on that one, haha.

I got short hair, military cut (but not shaved/buzzed/crew, hard to believe but the (US) military actually allows for longer hair than most people realize). Usually get a #1 or 2 on the sides and then the top trimmed so that its about twice as long. Usually get it cut about once a month, so it ends up growing out a bit but staying well within regs. I dunno, i guess I could go for the high & tight look or the buzzcut, but I prefer not to be so... obvious... in public.

Personally I'm surprised to see such a large majority with short hair...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/12/27 07:13:55

Post by: ChaosxVoid

haha does emo hair cut itself thats awesome!

My hair is long now..to dam long but i like it (:. i have posted earlier on here but its good to renew


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/12/30 18:14:55

Post by: shrike

Mine's about eyebrow-level if if press it against my head. But I have one style- I call it "the monday morning". seriously. It grows sideways. And I will never use hair gel. To show how little I use it- I got a tube of it for my 7th birthday. It is still there on my shelf.
emo hair cuts itself? Seems to me like (s)he ripped it off the old joke "I wish my grass was emo- then it would cut itself".

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/12/30 23:37:01

Post by: spamandchips

See I'd say generic long but my generic long kinda naturally grows emo.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/12/30 23:51:11

Post by: Samus_aran115

Long, flowing and luscious hair. It's like this:

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2010/12/31 04:40:20

Post by: Flashgit

I guess mostly short hair. Kinda a cross between military short (for men), and 3 inches (7.6 cm). Usually a bit spiky.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/01/05 14:48:51

Post by: EXIAN

My hair is just shaggy and all crazy, is awesome though

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/01/06 20:02:37

Post by: ChaosxVoid

Samus_aran115 wrote:Long, flowing and luscious hair. It's like this:

I sure hope your a girl with hair like that lol :p

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/01/08 21:31:53

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

I have shortish hair.

It looks alot like The Beatles haircut back in the 60s.
Just my hair grows like the Mod hairstyle naturally.

As for facial hair,it just grows untill I feel like shaving.
Around every week and a half.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/01/15 01:43:51

Post by: Just Dave

Somewhere in between Short (Generic) and 'other'.

Short-Medium length, shorter sides and back, scruffy on top...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/01/15 06:33:03

Post by: DickBandit

Medium fade.


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/02/05 06:56:13

Post by: DeathReaper

My Hair looks like I should be singing in a boy band.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/02/07 04:02:36

Post by: Quintinus


Boom! Headshot

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/02/07 17:54:05

Post by: Wolfpack of One

Shaved hair, #1 or #2. Basically a generic military cut. Not my choice, but hey, it's easy and cheap with your own clippers.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/02/07 18:38:29

Post by: Howard A Treesong

Long hair, slightly more than shoulder length.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/02/07 23:43:28

Post by: bymis


Fauxhawk - Short non emo/punk mohawk

I'm a blonde fry from Futurama

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/03/20 22:03:36

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Medium (Reaching my shoulders) bedhead, my hair hasn't been brushed since, (one, two, three) Three days

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/03/23 00:04:06

Post by: Matt070

shaved head, but cos im going bald

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/03/23 02:25:34

Post by: Yak9UT

Mohawk at #3 height and #0 for the rest of my head

fauxhawk really

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/03/30 14:36:14

Post by: Ziggy Stardust

Hair combed backwards and kept down by products. It's an uphill struggle, but i usually win the war through sheer attrition.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/05/19 14:52:13

Post by: Grey Templar

I'm kinda a cross between a Buzz and short hair.

depends on how long ago my hair was cut.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/06/05 03:53:48

Post by: Bossasaurus

Curly indie mop. Short beard.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/06/05 04:06:42

Post by: Chrysaor686

Samoan-style (wide) mohawk, cut short, with the sides faded up and a design cut into the left side. It's black, and the top has yellow (no, not blonde; yellow) streaks in it.

I just got it cut and dyed yesterday by a friend of mine. It's fething sexy.

I've wanted dreadlocks for so long, but after about six failed attempts over the years, I've given up hope. I have ridiculous curly hair, so I have to keep it short or I can't do anything else with it, but the haircut I have now looks good on me and I hardly have to do anything with it.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/06/06 20:06:40

Post by: Grenat

Mid-short sort-of curly dark hair

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/06/09 22:03:46

Post by: automatonsleuth

A vast mane of untamed curls. I've basically just abandoned my hair for the past two years to see what it will do. It never fails to amuse mewith its antics.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/06/23 08:00:34

Post by: master of ordinance

varies between long and emo so i voted other
more of a Goth cut really

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/06/23 10:09:58

Post by: Shooms

I have an emo cut I guess, hate to call it that. But I in no way adhere to this ridiculous youth ideal

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/06/23 19:16:13

Post by: mega_bassist

I used to have 10 inches of awesome head-banging hair...but then I got a good job and had to look "respectable"

...plus, women prefer dudes with short hair lol

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/01 06:47:06

Post by: starhawks

so we know there's at least 32 black guys who play wargames somewhere...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/02 14:58:31

Post by: nickick

long, and a bit lanky.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/04 07:57:01

Post by: Ledabot

How would you describe thick fuzzy hair? just short because its not, its just compact.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/06 22:10:31

Post by: Beasty

Short spiked emoish look

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/09 13:50:37

Post by: Bonde

My hair is somewhere between short and long most of the time. I let it grow for quite some time before having it cut. I mostly do this because the girls say that I look cute with it, and with a machine cut I look like a complete psycho, although it is damn practical.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/09 13:51:44

Post by: Chibi Bodge-Battle

Have hair
no style

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/09 16:23:24

Post by: cody20

one side of my head is shaved the other is long in the front then shorter in the back.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/14 00:42:55

Post by: snake

Buzz cut: range from a 2-5 on the clippers for life!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/14 13:31:34

Post by: Runna

other, braided tail down the top of my back skull (no more than 1 and a 1/2" thick) lanking toward my middle back, rest of my head bald except for my sideburns. True

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/14 13:36:54

Post by: nemotgr

Shaved #3, but since I'm a bit lazy it have grown a bit.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/19 11:24:09

Post by: GoldenKaos

Somwhere between generic short hair and generic long hair. Think Luke Skywalker hair, and you've got it to a T.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/23 15:42:01

Post by: SSsilverskullSS

me, i have long generic hair that goes just past my neck
I get took the mick out of everywhere but games workshop is the only place where it does not matter

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/23 16:34:34

Post by: Ralin Givens

10" Green Mohawk....though my new jobs going make that disappear...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/23 16:39:32

Post by: Asherian Command

I have this type of Hair.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/23 19:24:00

Post by: Scrazza

Ralin Givens wrote:10" Green Mohawk...

I salute you.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/07/24 01:19:06

Post by: LumenPraebeo

I have a crewcut, but leave a few strands in the middle-front a bit long, so I can gel it and look like superman

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/08/17 22:58:14

Post by: Ineed2bucks

Where's the bed head? My hair doesn't obey me period.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/08/17 22:59:08

Post by: Iggyrocksall

Ineed2bucks wrote:Where's the bed head? My hair doesn't obey me period.

HA! That just made my day! I have a mid lenght hair style (not sure how to explain)

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/08/18 23:47:11

Post by: Captain Destructo

If anybody knows what Edward Elric's hair looks like, in "Conqueror of Shamballa", that's mine, but without that bit that sticks up in the front. I thought I'd go for it, considering I look just like him, minus the golden eyes and being short.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/08/19 06:25:32

Post by: remilia_scarlet

I wear short twin tails these days.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/08/19 20:07:00

Post by: Akroma06


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/05 21:49:35

Post by: loota boy

Moptop, i guess. People say i look like george harrison.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/12 07:19:52

Post by: mwnciboo

jah-joshua wrote:i rock dreadlocks down to my knees, and shoot big guns, as my pic shows...


Isn't that the technical qualification for a YARDIE?

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/15 02:17:58

Post by: Hydroblender

Whats hair? Receeded so shaved!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/24 06:27:54

Post by: KingmanHighborn

You can't rock without long hair of the gods.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/25 06:49:19

Post by: Viersche

Short Hair. No styling needed

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/25 09:23:49

Post by: lego


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/26 21:35:38

Post by: CallsignNeptune

Short hair at the minute.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/27 02:37:13

Post by: Ledabot

To long hair style

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/09/29 12:47:52

Post by: Dust

I have a head of fabulous shoulder length auburn curls. When they're wet I look like an extra from Lord of the Rings. When they're dry they expand and gently coil up in a full, thick mane the color of milk chocolate.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/12 18:47:37

Post by: darthbanesith

Last night I got my wife to shave all my hair off, number 1 all over. Just recently I had it shaved on the right side and long at the back and left side, it looked like a mohawk gone floppy.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/13 00:57:50

Post by: WaaaaghLord

I suppose kinda emo-ish? It's long, and I have a fringe. Think Attack Attack! style hair.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/14 17:31:03

Post by: goblet270

Doesn't everyone who's been in GW know that every gamer has a beard or a ponytail?

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/14 21:17:49

Post by: DIDM

I take the #2 attachment on my Wahl and go from my back of my head to my beard

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/19 07:01:35

Post by: blazinpsycho&typhooni


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/26 05:59:20

Post by: jblackheart13

High and tight medium fade! Ha!

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/26 07:26:41

Post by: Thatguy91

I go between having my afro and short hair. Whatever works.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2011/10/26 10:37:59

Post by: Boss Goretoof

High and tight; that's what 12 years of Catholic school and eight years in the service yields. Wouldn't change it for the world.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/02/03 10:30:10

Post by: necrovamp

generic old metal hair, but not greasy

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/02/03 16:16:58

Post by: sam0

Rockin the rat tail like it is 88

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/02/04 07:03:58

Post by: Johnny-Crass

Right now I look like Doc Brown but I am going to shave my head soon

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/02/18 00:20:22

Post by: talljosh85

Stupid 670-1 and Army regulations

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/02/27 20:31:43

Post by: tantan628

Messy curly blonde, probably the closest a white guy can get to an afro.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/02/27 21:17:54

Post by: Trondheim

For the moment I am sporting no haire

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/02/27 23:26:33

Post by: shrike

my hairs about 2"-3" short, with a natural quiff, and the style "au de monday morning" (basically I wake up, have breakfast, get dressed, and leave the house without looking in the mirror or making any effort towards my hair other than flattening it with a hand occaisonally and washing it most days.
I am often asked why, and my reply is that if someone cares more about what I look like than what my personality is, then they're not worth my time and I'm probably not thiers. Plus I've rather gotten used to it now, so I might as well keep it, and I think it rather suits my character.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/04/09 15:50:08

Post by: TheSinheizer

"Long hair (generic) 17% - [ 405 ]"

Holy ****.

This forum is my paradise.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/04/09 16:08:13

Post by: Johnny-Crass


What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/04/09 16:13:21

Post by: Brother-Captain Scotti

Spiky but not punk really - so other I guess

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/04/10 05:45:24

Post by: vir6

Long hair in a ponytail atm, and I hate it but locks of love and what not...

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/04/12 17:50:47

Post by: Decio

Just a round-ish bush of fluff-stuff.

not really an afro, just unstyled and messy

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/04/25 15:10:25

Post by: guttersnipe

Long hair (never tied back unless I'm at work) and van dyke beard.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2012/04/25 18:39:28

Post by: Rhapsody

Mop top hair, I don't care enough about it to do anything with it. Plus my wife said she thinks it will look good once I grow it out.

End of Line

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2014/01/29 11:18:48

Post by: hellrath

Hair: gak.

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2014/03/05 06:02:20

Post by: 40KNobz11

Its not short but its not long! Somewhere in the middle haha

What hairstyle do you have? @ 2023/02/14 05:39:12

Post by: gobbsmakkar

Bald shave, beard is about 12inches growing strong.