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Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 11:14:34

Post by: legoburner

This is often discussed but I wondered what the average feeling was on the matter.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 11:19:01

Post by: JD21290

Maybe they could pull it off in a CGI style film, but they would have to use an abnett(sp?) book for reference and story.
Im not a big reader, but from what ive heard dans books are amazing, and no one seems to have problems with them.

That then means we have a working story that people like.
However, it raises the problems between films and books of the same nature.

But i think it would have to be a big company that can work very close to reference material.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 11:27:24

Post by: LunaHound

-"God" Emperor will raise some issues
- Sticking to fluff , many normal none die hard fans will find Space Marine to be abit... weird
- If they dont stick to fluff , fans will get mad.
-Story will once again revolve around SM , Eldar , Tyranid for sure
- Not enough people know what warhammer is.
- It'll cost too much to produce a decent quality CG movie.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 11:35:46

Post by: Brightdarkness

Not to mention all the violence it would properly get a** rape in the states with their letter system for rating movies.

I say leave my 40k alone, they would screw it up beyond recognition.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 12:07:39

Post by: diablarist

i think if they were to do it, space hulf woould be the best platform to go from, a smaller base of chreters and creatures that would need to be explaind, and plenty of atmosphear

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 12:19:54

Post by: iker

They should do it, they must do it, they have to do it... but they are going to screw it up.
Anyway, I would go to see it.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 12:36:55

Post by: Demogerg

They wont ever do it, Big budget movie companies go nuts over making sure they have full IP ownership when they make a movie, and GW isnt having that, they make ALL their money based on their IP.

but I would still like to see it done.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 13:05:42

Post by: Morgrim

The contridiction is that it would appear best in live action, but the setting cannot be DONE in live action.

Hands up anyone who thinks a studio could do a good looking, fluffy marine. Now, doing something guard or inquisition focused and only having marines as distant, background figures could work, but they'd have to be CGI.

I'm not naive enough to expect something with a non-Imperial focus (and aliens are even harder to pull off with actors).

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 15:06:05


How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 15:29:12

Post by: Albatross

It WOULD be great and who cares if not enough people have heard of the setting? I'd never heard of Avatar: The Last Airbender either but they've made a film of that. They make films from scripts that no-one has ever seen before for high-budget sci-fi films! (Pitch-Black, Chronicles of Riddick et al.) The Fact that 40k already has a relatively large fanbase would be something to recommend it to large studio. The technology is blatantly there to make a film - but it should focus on the Horus Heresy. It's the most obviously epic storyline, and has all the ingredients for a great film.

Plus, imagine Daniel Craig dressed in full power-armour screaming 'FOR THE EMPEROR!' at the camera....

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 15:30:06

Post by: barlio

SPARKEYG wrote:How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

Word. I also assume that in order to save money GW would hire the likes of Uwe Boll or Michael Bay to direct/utterly screw the material.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 15:31:15

Post by: JD21290

How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

OR, people who havent heard of it would watch it, find it to be a great film and find out more.
Thus leading to serious money problems as they decide to get into the hobby.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 15:41:33

Post by: Tauzor

JD21290 wrote:
How about, no it would not have enough appeal outside a very small selection of fan boys and would be an utter waste of time, effort, and money?

OR, people who havent heard of it would watch it, find it to be a great film and find out more.
Thus leading to serious money problems as they decide to get into the hobby.[/quote

serious money problems ? I pimp my ass to pay for this addiction thank you.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 15:44:17

Post by: JD21290

If anything a film would give the hobby a major revenue kick via thier models, books and all other aspects of GW.

With any luck, the film would actually boost alot of peoples opinions in the game, and even better, we eventually get a large influx of new gamers.
Leading to more hobby stores (independant retailers) being needed or wanted.
more gaming rooms around the map being opened for gamers.

All in all, i think it would give the hobby just what it needs.
and GW get to make alot more money, everyones happy

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 16:25:55

Post by: Lt Scary Badger

If they could get the people who make the DOWII intro scenes to do the movie in full CGI like that, and have it written by Dan Abbnet, it could be the most amazing movie ever, but that would take so much money, time, and effort, that it's probably never going to happen. If they can do a full CGI movie, I think it's a great idea, but I never want to see a Michael Bay movie starring Nicholas Cage as Marneus Calgar, and written by C.S. Goto. That would just be bad. Funny in all the wrong ways, but still bad.

Even if they do get a full CGI movie out, the massive amounts of blood and gore that any self respecting 40k movie should have would probably piss off a lot of parental groups, even though the movie would be rated at least R. Same with the whole GOD EMPRAH thing, that's probably going to confuse a lot of people.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 16:31:11

Post by: sdf boy

what will actually happen is that GW will increase the price of the models, citing reasons like "We need to fund this movie, and since it's what you all want, you should gladly pay."

Pay up suckers indeed.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 16:32:45

Post by: JD21290

sdf, you really think they have finished with thier price hikes just yet?
I think price hikes are about the only thing you know GW will do on a somewhat regular basis

atleast we get a movie for this hike

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 17:11:12

Post by: Lost the edge

If Hollywood can make a purple truck stand up and fight, then they can do a squad of marines mashing some orks with ease. The biggest problem I see is that the movie we'd all dream to see would have to be an 18 cert, yet Hollywood would be pushing this for a 12A for the younger fan base. We don't marines with a human side, we want them bald and angry and killing everything!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 17:54:15

Post by: dmoe86

I don't think they should, mainly because when it tanks GW will start charging us even more for what we(I) have to have.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 18:08:31

Post by: Deammer

In my opinion, if Hollywood made such a movie, they would want to sell it to a bunch of people, which means:
- PG13 : Space Marines can't say any bad words. "Oh, snap, Brother Martel got eviscerated by a mean ork ! Kill the bad ork !"
- No blood, viscera or organs flying. Things will just fall to the floor.
- There will be a romantic story. "Did you hear the news ? Brother Cassius just b*nged Sister Ephilia in a Thunderhawk !"
- There will be an awesome casting to get the best actors : Brad Pitt will play Marneus Calgar, Arnold Scharzenegger will be a dreadnought and we'll probably see Michael Jackson as the Emperor, since we're not sure if he's dead or not.
- And of course, they'll have to be pathetic jokes to make the audience laugh lamely : "Brother Astelan, are you scared ? " "Well no, for I dread naught !"

So in my opinion, even though i'd be the first in line to watch a 40k movie, live actors can't play anything nearing a Space Marine. Even if they understood them, there would have to be some screw up. However, if the team that made the DoW II introductory movie could make a full-length animated one...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 19:37:00

Post by: Grimgob

That Avatar movie by james cameron looks like IG against some kind of xenos race and its a space war movie. 40k was the first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 20:34:24

Post by: oadie

I would love nothing more than to see a bad-ass, everything is exploding, planet-wide destructo-fest. I would love to have some awesome fluff brought to life. I don't expect any of that would be achieved to any satisfying degree. I'd still watch it, but that's after the 3 months it would take to go to DVD. 40K is too much awesome to realistically expect out of a single movie.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 20:39:24

Post by: Wehrkind

I think they could pull it off, even with a PG 13 rating if they did Space Hulk. Most other scenarios would require R, but 10-11 guys shooting alien monsters? That is pretty much Saturday morning fare. Space Marines don't need to curse, and can't have sex, so some scary violence (with Brother Red Shirt getting shredded just off camera) and PG-13 wouldn't be a problem.

Granted, R rated Space Hulk would be so much cooler, and how many parents really care what the rating of a movie is? I have yet to go to an R rated film that didn't have a handful of mewling larvae in the audience. Even if the kiddies are not allowed to see it, they will still wail for the toys, which their parents will purchase to shut them up about the movie.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 21:08:24

Post by: Kapitan Montag

I agree that the space hulk theme would probablby be the easiest to sell in the short term, but wouldn't end up too much like aliens? I mean the genesneakers are pretty much ripped straight from aliens already.

I'm reading the horus heresy books atm, and I keep thinking what an awesome film it would make. So many characters and scope for a really dark, epic movie. The story arc of the crusade, galactic empire and the heresy is just great, and any bit, book, even half a book could be made into such a good movie.

I guess it will never happen though, not the way I'd like. I'd want the whole series of movies, in a £99 dvd box set, and spend a whole weekend in the grimdark.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 21:17:27

Post by: Valhallan42nd

Brightdarkness wrote:Not to mention all the violence it would properly get a** rape in the states with their letter system for rating movies.

I say leave my 40k alone, they would screw it up beyond recognition.

Violence isn't an issue with the US rating system, it's sex. Take a look at House of a Thousand Corpses, Saw, Hostel, etc. The peril is that GW would likely aim for a PG-13 movie at most, due to it's target market.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 22:13:00

Post by: frogboy

it would have to be rated 18, and not much money would be made from it then, who would go and see it ? or if it was toned down it would just end up being cheesey as feth like starship troopers. What film would they make ? An alien sort of film with NIDS and Terminators, a gritty gaurd film like band of brothers, a sicotics look in to the eye of terror or some mad crazy quinton tarontino dusk till dawn with demons, or a film about the =I=, this would be my choose, maybe a necromunda film with a twist at the end some space marines or =I= just to introduce non-GW types to the 40k univerce and an introduction to the next film.....

to be continued.....

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 22:54:45

Post by: warpcrafter

It might not get to that many people in the theaters, but the DVD release would explode. That's where they would make their money. I would like to see a trilogy about Ghazgkhull's invasions of Armageddon. Sure, the middle one would not be set on Armageddon and might be sort of murky, but it worked for The Empire Strikes Back.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/11 23:27:42

Post by: chromedog

Why not?

They can't cover it without it seeming like a pastiche of every other epic movie (SF and otherwise) - because let's face it, 40k IS a pastiche of all of the classic SF tropes.

A 40k movie is doomed to fail.
Ref: Mutant Chronicles movie (Warzone was the TT miniatures game set in that universe).

A game based off a computer game premise (a la DoW) would also be an epictacular fail. Like every other movie based off a computer game.
Ref: Final Fantasy, Doom, Super Mario Bros, Bloodrayne, House of the Dead, Res. Evil.

There are some things that should not be. Like Hello Kitty SM or 4chan0k.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 00:24:21

Post by: jab4962

Definitely not. same reason why there is no halo movie: no movie is better than a bad one.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 00:49:43

Post by: Ghidorah

Just as long as it ISN'T a big Hollywood studio. Those donkey-caves would have to put in an effin' love scene like they do EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE.

Seriously. Enemy at the Gates. What an incredibly awesome movie. I got history-nerd wood when I saw the Stukas strafing the boats, the artillery shells streaking across the Volga, and the first time I heard the "canvas-ripping" sound of the MG34s opening up.

But somehow, in the midst of all the chaos and being on the brink of his motherland capitulating, Vasily Zeitzev, a humble farmboy fast becoming one of the most accomplished snipers of the whole war, finds time to get a handjob from another sniper.

I f*****g hate Hollywood.


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 00:51:34

Post by: JD21290

Those donkey-caves would have to put in an effin' love scene like they do EVERY

Either it will end up like brokeback mountain, or some seriously fethed up film since all marines have had the chop

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 00:56:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I see no reason WARHAMMER! FORTY! KAY! THE! MOVIE! has to be a $100 million epic. An imaginative writer and director could tell the story of an Inquisitor hunting a heretic or an guardsman in the trenches for a fraction of the cost.

So I'd like to see a small, well-done 40k film with a brain before I see Titans and Gargants smashing a city.

Though I'd like to see the latter some time too.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 01:52:04

Post by: Grot Boss

I agree with kid-kyoto entirely,it hasn't to be "doom" with space marines or "transformers" with killa kanz.It could be more like "blade runner" or the aforementioned "alien".Or even better: Starship troopers,the training of an imperial guard in Cadia,with the imminent threat of Tyranids.Think of the possibilities!

Also,think of the sequel: Imperial guard 2-The War of Armageddon!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 02:33:15

Post by: odinsgrandson

Overall, the warhammer 40,000 universe lacks a few things that make good films.

1- Sympathetic protagonists. The universe is designed so that every faction are different kinds of bad guys.

I think we've already established that aliens aren't the way to go. They will either act too much like humans (so, bad science fiction) or they'll be too inhuman for audience members to relate to.

So, what humans in the 40k universe can we relate to?

There are inquisitors. But do we really think that witch hunters are good guys? How about the Ordo Malleus Inquisitors? Yeah, after they save a planet, they nuke the whole thing and start all over because the populace was "exposed to daemonic activities." Besides, the inquisition is based on a part of our history that we aren't exactly proud of (might as well have nazi heroes).

So maybe Space Marines? Well, no, not them either. An audience can't really relate to a hulking stoic marine as a marine, and there really aren't any marine rebels. Besides, they're fighting to uphold a totalitarian regime that's a pretty big barrier to an audience's sympathy (I actually can't remember a single science fiction film in which the hero is fighting for a distopia simply because the alternative is crazy mutant zombie apocalypse). Especially since that protagonist wants nothing but honor and has no attachments in his life beyond battle.

Maybe Imperial Guardsmen? Maybe this could work. The big problem is that we expect epic storylines from our science fiction films nowadays, and any given imperial guardsman isn't empowered enough to really affect the outcome of events. And, of course, you still have a protagonist who is fighting to uphold the distopia.

Sympathetic war-hero films always have heroes who are pretty tied to the things they love and left behind- the things they are fighting to protect. We could do this with an imperial guardsman, but it wouldn't be true to the setting where his world ends in oppression on all sides. Especially since the good oppressor is the one that is pretending to be a god. (If you're so omnipotent, then stand up, Emperor).

Here's your best bet. A Rogue Trader. Make your heroes be the people who live on the edge of the law, who don't uphold the regime, but aren't corrupted by chaos. They could end up with conflict on all sides of them, but that way the story would work.

Of course, you'd have a lot of people complain that the heroes of your film aren't any of the icons of 40k, so this idea isn't likely to work out either.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 02:41:08

Post by: Archonate

I think it would take a 40k movie to teach most of you that Space Marines ARE incredibly goofy lookin'.

I can't even stand reading SM books because of the images of exaggeratedly proportioned soldiers in bloated, awkward looking armor always effortlessly beating the unholy crap out of everything they fight. SMs just don't jive with respectable representations of a dark, war-torn future... IMO.

Imperial Guard books on the other hand, are much better at depicting the despair and hardships of the 40k universe.

I think the best subject matter for a movie would have to be Imperial Guard, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar (if they tone down some of the helmets), Demons, and Necrons. (I'd have to see the new DE sculpts before deciding on them.)

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 03:06:24

Post by: odinsgrandson

People keep thinking that there is an army of protagonists out there. In a big budget film, you are almost definitely going to have one leading man and a small number of supporting roles.

The White Dwarf people had it right when they made the Movie Marines force max out a ten men.

Come up with a way for a few characters to end up together fighting for their Mcguffin, and everything can work out. But a game of 40k will always make for poor fiction.

I'm not sure I've heard this one yet, but the biggest reason why there is no 40k film is because the fan base is too rabid to go see a film that does it half-way, and too small to support a true-to-the-source adaptation. If a 40k film were to be made, they'd have to do something with the oppression of the setting, and the religious overtones and the portrayal of the heroes as just as bad or worse than everyone else.

Especially since they'd want to make a blockbuster film. It needs to have mass appeal, and the setting doesn't have that without some alteration. And the alteration it needs would alienate the fanbase that the franchise already has. So you might as well make your own property.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 04:40:13

Post by: artyboy

The average feeling in the 40k community is "OF COURSE!!111" Unfortunately, most people could care less about it so it probably wouldn't make any money. That's why we'll never see it.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 04:53:06

Post by: Karoline Dianne

If done properly, it would be amazing...

if not, ah well...

With what they've done in cutscenes in the games though, I'd say they can pull it off well if done right.


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 07:45:00

Post by: Cryonicleech

If it's CGI, maybe.

But if they even think about live action, I will personally punch each and every person who had anything to do with that film, because 9 times out of 10, it will suck.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 07:47:14

Post by: medd

They should only do it if the movie contents relate specifically to actually 40k fluff.
It would also be much appreciated if the movie isn't focused COMPLETELY around SPACE MARINES, who get waaaaaay too much attention as is!!!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 08:35:57

Post by: Sgt.Sunshine

I'd be happy as long as they stuck to the fluff. They could cover one of the more epic battles and keep showing back and forth between the two races. Giving glimpse of their opposing ideals and such...and yeah as mentioned it'd probably be given a R rating or something >_>

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 10:34:04

Post by: Napalm

I think it could work for the reasons some here say it couldn't work-

No good guys: Because today in Hollywood moral ambiguity is the watchword, it seems many writers and directors now like having morally ambigous/ antiheroes because it makes everything 'more complex' and like 'real life'.

Gore- Like in 300 this would be the selling point- more blood and organs than ever before.... because it makes a statement or something and blah, blah, blah (when in reality we just want to see viscera)

God Emprah- And the makers of this movie get to take a shot at religion to boot! They can make it more oppressive! (I don't know how but don't doubt the pausibility).

While not endorsing any of that as right what I'm stating is simply what I see as the state of film making today.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 12:52:27

Post by: Achillius

Honestly I see more "Appeal" in some of the Cain books. It could be easier to make as a real movie and has all the elements needed, Aliens, Guns, sex violence and intrigue. All of that come without ever needing to address the question "Can space Marines? Er you know.. Well?"


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 15:39:51

Post by: The Angry Commissar

Albatross wrote:It WOULD be great and who cares if not enough people have heard of the setting? I'd never heard of Avatar: The Last Airbender either but they've made a film of that. They make films from scripts that no-one has ever seen before for high-budget sci-fi films! (Pitch-Black, Chronicles of Riddick et al.) The Fact that 40k already has a relatively large fanbase would be something to recommend it to large studio. The technology is blatantly there to make a film - but it should focus on the Horus Heresy. It's the most obviously epic storyline, and has all the ingredients for a great film.

yes. yes. yes. yes. id like to see the Imperial Army (thats what it was called before the Heresy) in it a little bit and some sweet space battles.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Lt Scary Badger wrote:
Even if they do get a full CGI movie out, the massive amounts of blood and gore that any self respecting 40k movie should have would probably piss off a lot of parental groups, even though the movie would be rated at least R. Same with the whole GOD EMPRAH thing, that's probably going to confuse a lot of people.

parent groups are ruining this country. so are people who take every chance to have their "faith" offended. suck it up i say.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Grot Boss wrote:Or even better: Starship troopers,the training of an imperial guard in Cadia

NONONONONONONONONO! cadians are the elite of IG. GW ruined them by making them the Ultramarines of the IG. IG with some character or flavor like catachans...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 16:04:48

Post by: Tauzor

Oh I just had a nightmare.... starship troop* cough * marines.

We dont get you sir...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 16:14:31

Post by: The Angry Commissar

odinsgrandson wrote:
Sympathetic war-hero films always have heroes who are pretty tied to the things they love and left behind- the things they are fighting to protect. We could do this with an imperial guardsman, but it wouldn't be true to the setting where his world ends in oppression on all sides. Especially since the good oppressor is the one that is pretending to be a god. (If you're so omnipotent, then stand up, Emperor).

the emperor never claimed to be a god. he was simply the greatest human who ever lived and led mankind out of he darkness. he was deified by the corrupt (IMO) ecclesiarchy. he knew about other gods too.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 17:45:43

Post by: utulien of the imperium

well, remember when dnd became a movie....

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 18:31:25

Post by: Emsden

I would like to see one, they would just get it wrong. It would be full of movie marines killing countless orks with their bare hands of something.

Also the marines would have to win...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 18:34:16

Post by: Buttlerthepug

Ive seen many people say Space Hulk would make a great movie but i totally disagree... All I can think of when I hear that is Alian v Predator.... It would seem like a major rip off imo

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 18:55:38

Post by: phantommaster

I would like to see a sequel like Lord of the Rings, each one focussing on different armies, so:

Film 1: Necrons rising, Imperial and Tau banding together, say, Inquisition coming in incase it was a Daemonic incursion. With flashbacks about the Necrontyr.

Film 2: Following Chaos 'recruitments', and a big battle at the end.

Film 3: Like DoW Dark Crusade, lots of different armies fighting for a planet.

I think films like these would be easy to follow and fun to watch.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 19:16:08

Post by: resinmann

Bright Lights Studios made a short, low budget film;Inquisitor. It is sorta lame but I don't care,it's in the 40K Universe.
I would go to the Movie "opening day" and buy the DVD.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 20:48:49

Post by: PieceMaker

It could be awesome, as long as it's not directed by Uwe Boll or Michael Bay.

The guys who did 300 could do a good 40k movie. A space marine is really just a huge guy in a suit. You can always composite the video so that "normal" humans are smaller. Xenos would have to be done in CG though.

I'd like to see one epic battle that lasts the whole movie.

It would be very expensive though.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 21:15:30

Post by: The Angry Commissar

PieceMaker wrote:
I'd like to see one epic battle that lasts the whole movie.

It would be very expensive though.

i totally disagree. a 40k movie that is all just 1 super-violent battle would be lame. a good plot is a necessity.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/12 22:29:14

Post by: NecronLord3

I would like to see a good anime company produce a solid 12-30 episode mini series. Something with a self contained story arc that is able to touch base on many aspects of the 40k universe. A movie would be forced to focus on a small niche that would leave to many hobbists with some level of dissapointment.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 04:28:54

Post by: JillyMarine


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 06:49:42

Post by: Keefer

They'd screw it up, 40k doesn't appeal to a wide enough audience. There'd be no love interest, no real plot just two and a half hours of space marines shooting somebody for no reason other than conquest. it would fail epically.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 08:18:20

Post by: Schmapdi

Judging by how badly they screwed up (what should have been) easily made shoot em up blockbuster movies like G.I. Joe, I would prefer no 40k movie.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 09:45:16

Post by: Krusha123

If they ever did they should make it 300-style. You know, still some actors but a s***load of CGI.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 10:26:34

Post by: werewolfhunter

I got the story for us and the story them (the movie company and the other people out there).

First it would be a human hive city. The lead character is in a gang (ah.... because he has a sick sister or mother, ok that'll work cause they - the other people that will go to see it will care, they could even cry a little ) then one day or night (cause in a hive they never know if its night or day) he is picked up doing a gang crime. while being held for punishment, the hive is attacked by a chaos war band. The character is thrown into a penal legion and forced to defend the city. he's never been outside his hive (so the other people watching would learn about the hive city as the characters talking to the other penal members....see it'll work I tell you).

ok, now that is chaos it can be human attackers but all chaos out with like chaos symbols and stuff, so they'll look scary and stuff.

you with me so far.... ok now one of the members (maybe the sgt, he's there cause he punched an office.....that'll work that's never been done before), talks about the god emperor (see and the people that don't know that stuff will learn right along) and the never before seen space marines (see, another learn along with the characters).

ok, lots and lots of fighting. we could even throw in the love store cause there is a squad of penal legion of women.

ok, after 1 hour and 58 minutes the character and now the beloved squad of "reformed" penal members are getting their butts handed to them. the sniper of the squad (cause there always has it be a sniper and also it would be weird to have a pirate) see these large armored hulks coming at them....(chaos space marines.....with the chaos symbols and stuff......really really very scary). just when you think they are going to get over run and die.....out from the sky drop a squad of assault space marines (they should be ......blood angels.....cause they don't get enough face time).

well they kick the chaos marines butts and then turn to the characters and tell them they are here to save them.

the credits roll, people get mad...... saying stuff like "thats it" " it ended like that?" then we tell them no the second movie will be out in one year and that this was just part one of a three part series. (so itll be just like every like i saw lord of the rings)

the second movie would be a mix of imperial guard and marines.

lots more fighting. 2 hours and 22 minutes (we can make this one longer cause people will like that). the main character is told, now his wife, that she is going to have a baby (more crying for them).

2 hours and 37 minutes into the movie - the space marines have taken heavy losses and are looking for new recruits. the main character is taken cause he is young enough (ya, they had to screw up some where.....) and they take him away.

they main character is being loaded onto the space marine space ship and over hears one of the space marines talking about a metal skeleton army attacking another hive....... the credits roll

the people get mad again saying the same thing they said at the first movie and again cause we're great people we again tell them that they next movie will be out in 1 year. ( so again it be just like every time i saw the second lord of the rings)

the third movie ---- ok i havn't gotten that far yet but that's ok i'll have it finished by the time hollywood calls for me to do the first one.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 10:32:42

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

If they make one, they HAVE to make it stop motion, and use the actual 40k models.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 11:18:43

Post by: Lemmingspawn

I think it's a great idea and I think it would be cool but at the same time there are so many movies that have been screwed by doing this. ESPECIALLY by Uwe Boll. And know him - he'd be the main one trying to do it!


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 12:21:33

Post by: Albatross

@werewolfhunter, are you taking the piss or what?

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 13:11:28

Post by: Jimsolo

Well, I for one would love to see it. It would be like the Super Mario Bros movie, and like Get Smart, in that I would love it. Why? I have no expectations. I predict utter failure. I would go in expecting to see nothing resembling the story line I wanted. The last time I went to a movie expecting something akin to the story or setting upon which it was based was Wanted. After I managed to resist my brain's vigorous attempt to shut down my lungs and save myself the torment, I resolved to never, ever again have any expectations when I went to the movies, especially movies based on any kind of anything I already like. I was already headed down that road, but things like Highlander: The Source and Wanted pushed me over the edge.

Terminator 4? Loved it, unconditionally. My plan is already working, you see. No matter what I get, if it has even a single redeeming feature (like that 'dread naught' pun mentioned earlier ) then I will have gotten far more than I thought that I would. The secret to getting what you want out of movies is to want nothing.

Or, to reference an old obscure play, to live in your own Philadelphia.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 15:03:46

Post by: Albatross

Lol, jimsolo - are you sure you're not British?

We expect disappointment, that way we're never disappointed..

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 15:40:41

Post by: FITZZ

Given the fact that the "hollywood movie machine" seems to be going in every direction looking for film ideas,including re-hashing loads of old T.V shows,and making remakes of remakes ad-nauseum,it honestly wouldn't suprise me to see a 40k film within the next 5 years.
The point is,that once 40k is in the hands of "big budget film makers",I honestly don't think many 40k (games) fans will be happy with the end results.
Sure 40k has more than enough BANG! BOOM! BAM! to satisfy your average "Bay is a GOD!!" movie goer,however,IMO,the overall concept of 40k would just not be palatable to most film viewers (they wouldn't get it),thus it would need to be regulated in to a "Bad guys vs Good guys" film.
Ok,of course that's doable,plenty of "bad guys" in the 40k galaxy (in fact by modern standards everyone in 40k is a bad guy),but let's just take Orkz as "bad guys" and IG as "good guys" and for fluffs sake,say hollywood decides to make a film about the 3rd war on Armegedon (just so most of the main races can get a bit of screen time).
So hypotheticly a film about Armegedon is done,I will bet my life that after it's release almost every individule who clamored for a 40k film will rip it apart,especialy after the "love story" between a Guardsman and his female commisar developes,because,lets face it ,you can't have a big budget hollywood film with out a little romance,or when a Jar Jar or Ewoks like race is introduced to "cut down on the GrimDark and make the film more friendly".
Now,I myself,like many would love to see a well made,accurate film depiction of the 40k galaxy splashed across the big screen,I just have a bad feeling that when it does finaly appear,we will all be very let down.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/23 17:11:43

Post by: Pallius

The funniest point being made above is that it would cost too much money.

IF you have seen District 9 and liked it, I loved it, then you know a great movie made for a mere 30 million USD (might have been 50 mill). A good creative director and great script does not require 180 or 200 mill to make.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 17:33:07

Post by: Great Unclean One

As long as they don't screw it up and GW legal team do their thing by getting McDonalds to sod off with the merchandise then I would be ok, as long as it was a decent film and stuck to the fluff. I can see me and my 40k playing friend in the cinema whining about how much it sucks in a nerd rage with people looking at us in a weird way O_o

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 21:17:55

Post by: Dedrith

It depends, I certainly wouldn't want them to give Warhammer a bad name.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/13 22:29:50

Post by: Lucifer2583

As long as Uwe Boll**ks don't direct it then i'll be sure happy to watch a film set around Marines vs Orks... They cant script Marines vs Tyranids because that's to much a likeness to the Aliens Franchise!!

So Peter Jackson directing a futuristic Lord of the Rings style Marines vs Ork film...

Could be worth the £8 cinema ticket...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/14 09:54:54

Post by: werewolfhunter

@albatross - piss is slang for drunk, correct? if so no just poking a fun, see below.

Just wanted to point out that every one could be happy (well most every one), that is us the fans, the movie company, and even the ones that know nothing about 40k. There are many movies that tell the sorry as the movie goes along, district 9 is one (great great movie - thing its the best movie I've seen this year). It's can also "retell" some things that have been done before without being to over the top.

I would really like to see an imperial guard movie fighting most of the movie, look at saving private ryan. Tells the story but still mostly fighting. Make it 2 (or 3 would be better) movies, at the end the space marines save the day. Those that didn't know that the second part would be out the following year would be told by us the die hard fans (I really have to tell some one every time that I saw each, of the first two, lord of the rings that the next movie was coming out, so it wouldn't be that much different).

any way, it could work if you get the correct people to work on it.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/14 11:10:44

Post by: Albatross

@werewolfhunter - nah, mate... not drunk, 'taking the piss' is slang for poking fun.

I was bloody right, too!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/14 17:23:03

Post by: Deuce11

Brightdarkness wrote:I say leave my 40k alone, they would screw it up beyond recognition.

I am so tempted to agree but I would still love to see a movie. I wouldn't mind if some of the ridiculous accents, terminologies and such that are promulgated by the books and codices were watered down so the movie was more palatable for a wide viewing audience. I think as long as it was done well and with a proper budget I would enjoy it even if there was a departure from or artistic license taken on the fluff.

As long as it is NOT done like any of the X-Men or Alien v. Pred. movies, i think it could be alright haha

Automatically Appended Next Post:
FITZZ wrote: Given the fact that the "hollywood movie machine" seems to be going in every direction looking for film ideas,including re-hashing loads of old T.V shows,and making remakes of remakes ad-nauseum,it honestly wouldn't suprise me to see a 40k film within the next 5 years.
The point is,that once 40k is in the hands of "big budget film makers",I honestly don't think many 40k (games) fans will be happy with the end results.
Sure 40k has more than enough BANG! BOOM! BAM! to satisfy your average "Bay is a GOD!!" movie goer,however,IMO,the overall concept of 40k would just not be palatable to most film viewers (they wouldn't get it),thus it would need to be regulated in to a "Bad guys vs Good guys" film.
Ok,of course that's doable,plenty of "bad guys" in the 40k galaxy (in fact by modern standards everyone in 40k is a bad guy),but let's just take Orkz as "bad guys" and IG as "good guys" and for fluffs sake,say hollywood decides to make a film about the 3rd war on Armegedon (just so most of the main races can get a bit of screen time).
So hypotheticly a film about Armegedon is done,I will bet my life that after it's release almost every individule who clamored for a 40k film will rip it apart,especialy after the "love story" between a Guardsman and his female commisar developes,because,lets face it ,you can't have a big budget hollywood film with out a little romance,or when a Jar Jar or Ewoks like race is introduced to "cut down on the GrimDark and make the film more friendly".
Now,I myself,like many would love to see a well made,accurate film depiction of the 40k galaxy splashed across the big screen,I just have a bad feeling that when it does finaly appear,we will all be very let down.

I agree with this entire post.

"The Chronicles of Riddick" however provides an optimistic ray of hope for a 40K film. It was surprisingly good from a general viewpoint of the target demographic.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/15 05:02:39

Post by: mattv2099

The opening CG animation in Dawn Of War II was AMAZING. That marine vs eldar battle kicked so much ass. When I saw it I wished that they would someday do a CG movie. That's the only way to go, IMHO. If GW hired a bunch of CG animators and had them do a mini series or something then that woud probably be a cost effective way to do it.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/15 06:51:31

Post by: JohnHwangDD

Hopefully, it'll be like the cut scenes in Epic: Final Liberation. Awesome.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/15 08:53:57

Post by: Flashman

It will always have potential, but they would probably screw it up like Transformers.

They would need to steer clear of the obviously fantasy races i.e. no Orks.

Eldar would need to keep their helmets on so we didn't see the pointy ears and have to put up with cries of "Space Elves" or "Vulcan rip off" (actually Eldar are a Vulcan rip off).

Anyway, I would do it from the POV of Imperial Guard, with occasional Space Marine appearances to highlight the differences between humans and Astartes.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/15 13:13:54

Post by: radiohazard

I've said it once and I'll say it again...

Not one or even two film studios can afford it ATM.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/15 15:35:44

Post by: Deuce11

radiohazard wrote:I've said it once and I'll say it again...

Not one or even two film studios can afford it ATM.

Ummm why? The box office is doing really well as it always does during periods of economic decline.

Are you saying this because you believe a 40K movie is so grand that it needs an unprecedented budget to be done correctly?

I'm not trying to be a d!ck, i just don't understand

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/15 16:49:47

Post by: radiohazard

Deuce11 wrote:
radiohazard wrote:I've said it once and I'll say it again...

Not one or even two film studios can afford it ATM.

Ummm why? The box office is doing really well as it always does during periods of economic decline.

Are you saying this because you believe a 40K movie is so grand that it needs an unprecedented budget to be done correctly?

I'm not trying to be a d!ck, i just don't understand

That's ok.

It's a bit of both really.

Hollywood may be doing well at the box office, but production costs have sky-rocketed and thus Hollywood is looking for cheaper movies that will make tons more money than what it cost to make.
I work as a script writer and I've met with some high ups in film and asked their opinions on a 40K film. Suprisingly, Hollywood is fully aware of the beast known as 40K and they are in unanimous in there opinion that the film will cost too much. It's just too big a project ATM in these difficult times.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/15 21:42:40

Post by: Kroeger

I have always thought that Abbnet's book Xenos would be a perfect basis for a 40k movie adaptation. The story is intrinsically 40K, but written in a style that makes it accessible to to others. You could essentially replace all the 40K names and locations with random phrases and have the same story set in a different Science Fiction universe. This keeps people who are not deeply immersed in the 40K mythos interested making it accessible to those who no nothing about 40K. While a deep level of detail in the settings and costumes could add that GRIM DARK flair to the movie to keep the die hard fans interested. Xenos' story also already includes all the elements that Hollywood tries to cram into movies these days anyways. A love interest (Bequin), a morally grey hero (Gregor), and a commentary on society (lets face it, the 40K universe is so vast it is easy to place the characters somewhere they could encounter problems analogous to modern issues), and a setup for a trilogy! (which Hollywood has a massive hard on for these days!). Plus you have minor cameo appearances by several other races in the 40K universe and a knock down drag out fight between marines at the end, thereby satisfying the Spehss Mehrines Hurrr! Crowd. If the movie were done in a style similar to the Scifi (yes I know its now ScyFy, but thats stupid) series Sanctuary with mostly green screens coupled with live action actors with detailed costumes. You could have a pretty faithful representation of the universe for compairativly cheap production costs that would appeal to a broad spectrum of people. If production costs were kept down by only casting unknowns overall costs could probably be less than 30 Million American.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/16 09:56:17

Post by: Lucifer2583

People probably had the same conversations when they turned Frank Herberts Dune into games and then a movie also!

I do re-call that Dune was filmed similar to the conditions Kroeger describes... That being that the only high cost was the Actors/Actresses themselves as the film itself was filmed in front of a giant blue screen then computers projected computer generated still images into the backgrounds!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/16 14:42:46

Post by: gardeth

Easy first movie= "Girls Gone Wild: Sisters of Battle"

When the armor comes off, things get wild.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/16 15:16:13

Post by: starbomber109

It would probably be a good idea, make a bunch of money.

Then critics would tear it apart, and then noone would see it after the 3rd week, and it wouldn't make back it's investment.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/16 18:22:38

Post by: ZeroOP

medd wrote:They should only do it if the movie contents relate specifically to actually 40k fluff.
It would also be much appreciated if the movie isn't focused COMPLETELY around SPACE MARINES, who get waaaaaay too much attention as is!!!

My friend expressed my sentiments exactly!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/30 08:29:36

Post by: Krellnus

They should do a follow up of the Damocles crusade with Farsight going around to conquering the worlds on the gulf

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/09/30 10:55:39

Post by: calgarisgay

i think sum 1 from gw should make a moovie they have enough money

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/10/07 00:58:39

Post by: Bascilica

I think they shouldmake the fiml, but at the same time, i think they should be trying to capture the grit, nastyness and gore of the battles, not the "we are heros" kind of stuff.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/10/07 14:22:11

Post by: Helbrecht

I agree with the whole low budget, good story

read the book Death World, it's about a small squad of catatchans, a commissar and a cadian-esque guy who is writing propaganda for his regiment (I think, I haven't read it for a while) and they're trying to assassinate the Ork warboss (won't say any more in case some of you guys haven't read it)

this would only require a small number of actors, not many special effects (except lasgun fire and explosions ), and the story line's pretty good too

However, if a film company with a large budget asked me which Black Library novel they should make a film of, I'd have to go with the Horus Heresy (obviously not all in one film, maybe four or five long ones - don't want to miss out on any of that glorious fluff )

... and I expect some form of reward from the Black Library for all of this advertising

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/10/07 18:21:33

Post by: jinshiryuu

Big company with a big budget? No. They would have to dilute the atmosphere in order to broaden the target audience to recover their costs. But not this B- crap where GW keeps trying to micromanage everything either. If it's going to happen, it would have to be something more in the middle. If someone were to look at me and say "make it happen", and I could cherry-pick, I would get Ridley Scott to produce, Rupert Sanders to direct (with Scott assisting since it would be Sanders' first feature length), Akiva Goldsman to do the screenplay (does a great job of turning novels and comics into something that looks good on film), Soundtrack by Human M&DI (just tell them the mood you want for any given scene and get out of the way) and filmed in Hungary or the Czech Republic (incredible scenery for "gritty" shots and excellent stuntmen/extras (heck, in Hungary, you can rent soldiers from the army on the cheap)). Let Ridley decide who gets the CGI/SE and post-production (probably the standard package at the end of must movies, although Relic/THQ should probably be in there somewhere since they have the material to jumpstart the CGI). Live action, with CGI enhancement for audience empathy, and you would probably want to avoid any "big-name" performers, as it can break the fourth wall.

Plot-wise, you'd almost have to do something with a large battle, or at least elements of one, to satisfy the rabid warmongers among us. It would also pull in a non-hobby audience who came to see the big explosions. IG would probably make the best protagonist, as the audience would be able to readily empathize with the characters. You could do a classic "war from one soldiers eyes", it's usually a winning formula, although it might be interesting to see it told from the POV of a strangely (for 40k) compassionate commander (eg: Xarius in Crimson Tears). The hardest part would be choosing the antagonist. 'Nids will be labeled an Aliens/Starship Troopers rip-off, and The Tau would end up coming off as the "good guys". Eldar are a bit... disconnected and Orks would seem too much like LotR in space to most (non-fan) viewers. I think a good option might be something Chaos. Not the Daemon aspect, too "genre-clashing" for most people, but cultists for the most part, then a culmination involving the CSM. Also gives you a natural intro to bring in the LSM in the sequel. I'd stay away from Cadia, too much is canonically nailed down (not that GW has ever been above a little retcon). Maybe a brief mention of it as said commander gets orders to send most of his command to help the fight there, then later (cause that's the way it happens in the movies) ends up defending his post with a shorthanded regiment as Chaos tries a flanking maneuver on a galactic scale.

And if anyone has a conversation in front of "The Throne", just to slide in a cameo for the emperor, I'll personally throw my entire concession allotment at the screen.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/10/08 02:09:03

Post by: karimabuseer

Lucifer2583 wrote:

Could be worth the £8 cinema ticket...

Woah....what Cinema do you go 2? Vue is only 5.50. The ultramarines movie is gonna be str8 2 dvd which is a shame. Also, if everyone did Warhammer, I probably would stop...I would be too much hassle at the GW's...not that anyone would seeing as any big movie would be crazaay

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/10/08 02:20:48

Post by: JohnHwangDD

Flashman wrote:It will always have potential, but they would probably screw it up like Transformers.

Michael Bay?

Try Uwe Boll!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/10/22 03:40:00

Post by: Brother Gideon

It could only work if the movie was rated R. I dont want to see a PG rated Warhammer movie. Some of the books from the black library(Gunheads) would make fantastic movies.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/10/26 15:33:33

Post by: KingCracker

Brightdarkness wrote:Not to mention all the violence it would properly get a** rape in the states with their letter system for rating movies.

I say leave my 40k alone, they would screw it up beyond recognition.

Well see thats the thing your forgetting, its FANTASY violence. Fantasy violence is much better then real people getting shot and blown up with mind powers. I bet they could get a pg-13 easily and it would still be a bad ass movie

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/01 00:07:09

Post by: Owain

If they do, I would prefer that if focus on something like the Eisenhorn series.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/01 02:50:15

Post by: Orkeosaurus

Actually, 300 is a good answer to a lot of the idea's criticisms.

Rated R? Check.

Extremely violent? Check.

Based off of obscure source material? Check.

Potentially offensive political/religious undertones? Check.

Protagonists are largely unsympathetic super soldiers? Check.

Protagonists fight to defend an oppressive dystopia? Double Check.

Hugely successful despite all of this? You betcha.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/01 12:52:07

Post by: Albatross

Plus, was the comic more or less popular than 40k? I'm willing to bet less.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/07 23:34:00

Post by: Ronin-Sage

It potentially make for an epic(albeit expensive) movie. Likely, they would divide it into three movies, covering different parts of the Horus Heresy.

The first would start off with Horus's promotion to Warmaster and end with the Drop-site Massacre and slightly beyond that(for coverage's sake).

The second would probably be a series of mini-movies covering the major Legion's reaction to the betrayal and the chaos(pun intended) that ensued, leading up to Horus's eventual push into Segmentum Solar.

The third and I final movie, I suppose, would cover the final push into the Sol System, the Battle of(for?) Terra, and its aftermath.

I'm probably going to get a lot of flak from this, but I wouldn't mind Snyder-style action sequences. It almost seems wrong to portray 40k battles in anything but that.

It sort of "degrades" the movie(in my mind), but it would probably have to be all-CGI. There would already be a ridiculous of amount of sfx, and I doubt things like primarchs in battle could be made to "look right" using live-action scenes. There's also the issue of the sheer scale of SMs, but there's ways around that I suppose(including, but not limited to, going with the lowest "meta-fluff" depiction of them, with an armored height of around 6'10" or something).

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/08 01:13:13

Post by: Orkeosaurus

I never liked the idea of the Horus Heresy as a movie. I think for one, it's too long and involved to have to try and explain in detail, for another it's going to be too hard to characterize the Primarchs, and third it's just not the same setting as the actual game. There's no Inquisition (or if there is they're not the kind of players they are in M41), there's no tides of Guardsmen backed by commissars, there's no distant soul-eating corpse god (until the end). I think a lot of the most distinctive parts of the setting would be missing, and I don't know if that's a good thing for the setting's first entrance on the big screen.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/08 03:49:36

Post by: Ronin-Sage

Good points, although I think there were some disicpline-administering NCOs(right use of the term?) in the Imperial Army.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/08 13:20:08

Post by: Eldar Own

Lol, space marine toys in happy meals!!?? Pigs can fly!!?? Yes why not have a model of a Carnifex eating a SM.

I can't see why it is i bad idea, i mean there are plenty of 40K/WHFB video games, why not a film. I can hardly see GW objecting either as a popular film would bring more people into the hobby.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/10 23:06:34

Post by: Herohammernostalgia

Yeah, a 300-style Fantasy movie could rock... what about a Gotrek and Felix movie-series? Or Darkblade?

Or a movie version of the Commissar Ciphias Kain novels? Now, that's a way for GW to get money from me again

I think Commissar Kain would be the best choice for a 40k flick. All the other stuff is way to serious.

Also, movies DO NOT have to be suitable for kids to be successfull/worth corporate investment. In the western world there are a lot more adults than kids, and it's the adults who spend money. And men will always like guns and swords in movies. How hard can it be? why is everything for kids nowadays? Kids suck. They cry and poop.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/11/23 20:59:46

Post by: shrike

in case you haven't noticed, they already are.
i've been saying they should for 3 years.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/12/03 05:11:30

Post by: Fattimus_maximus

Just as long as it ISN'T a big Hollywood studio. Those donkey-caves would have to put in an effin' love scene like they do EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE.

Seriously. Enemy at the Gates. What an incredibly awesome movie. I got history-nerd wood when I saw the Stukas strafing the boats, the artillery shells streaking across the Volga, and the first time I heard the "canvas-ripping" sound of the MG34s opening up.

But somehow, in the midst of all the chaos and being on the brink of his motherland capitulating, Vasily Zeitzev, a humble farmboy fast becoming one of the most accomplished snipers of the whole war, finds time to get a handjob from another sniper.

I f*****g hate Hollywood.


OMG I laughed so fething hard at that, and it's true, they really can put a love scene in any movie. I can see an =I= movie ending like this... The Inquisitor surrounded by the dead cultists, his retinue dead to the last, and then the female lead role run up to him and kisses her. Epic music plays as thunderhawks swoop in to clear the area. Then the music turns ominous and the =I= pushes the lead female to the ground and reads her Judgement to her while she eyes the bolt pistol he's pointing at her head, then darkness and a gunshot. ROLL CREDITS.

That would give me a good laugh.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/12/03 13:03:38

Post by: Mr. Burning

Always speculated but will probably never happen.

The film studios would need the sweetener of licensing the IP so they could go and make merchandise. Think Kids slippers, chess sets, 'books of the film' christmas specials fully articulated action figs etc. This sort of tat generates them revenue.

GW will not grant a license for their IP to be used in this way they would want to control everything so there is no incentive for a movie studio to take this up.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2009/12/03 14:48:31

Post by: ergotoxin

After seeing Mutant Chronicles, I gotta say NO.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/01/13 01:42:04

Post by: Khestra the Unbeheld

I think District 9 proved that it doesn't take a big studio to make a kickass movie.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/01/26 19:54:51

Post by: 1337m45747r0y

It would be great... If they did it right. And if they did that it probably wouldn't even make it into theaters because of all the violence (and if dark eldar get involved... ) Also, I don't think it would stick to the fluff very well because much of it could end up being controversial or completely over the general populous' heads.

But I'd go see it anyways. Just to see how badly they had f*cked up my beloved 41st millenium.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/02/21 12:44:46

Post by: The Watcher in the Dark

It would be good but only if they either:

- Made a really engaging film that focuses on a specific race/conflict sort of like many of the current novels. Problem with that is what to choose for one film... lots of unhappy gamers when they choose your least favourite armies or just give in and make it about the Smurfs (oh....)


- Made something trully epic that actually moved the game on a stage, involving: the Starchild Prophecy, the Cabal, Cypher, the Void Dragon, Abaddon, Hive Fleet Leviathan, the Return of the surviving Primarchs...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/02/21 18:46:47

Post by: Blitza da warboy

well transformers two was a big budget movie and we all know how well that movie turned out. so it doesnt matter how much of a budget the movie will be (a few mil tho...) as long as the storyline is good to me. oh and that we dont get cheap 90`s gfx

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/02/21 19:08:40

Post by: eldarbgamer13

depends on who its about. Yarrick would be an awesome main character.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/04/14 02:04:01

Post by: Newt-Of-Death

Gunheads should be done!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/04/14 02:23:02

Post by: Mattlov

I voted "Other, but only because the "No" answers didn't fit.

A big budget 40K movie would flop, GUARANTEED, when it came to profit. Would it look cool? sure, would there be a few thousand people who would see it a few times? Yeah. But for a big-budget movie to be successful, you need tens of thousands of people seeing it multiple times.

No matter how great the movie might be, even if the acting, effects, and script were all PERFECT, it would still be a Hollywood failure because it wouldn't probably even make up half the production cost.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/04/28 06:05:19

Post by: EmpBobo

I'm just worried that it wouldn't change over to a screen well. It would either be too ridiculous or they would destroy what makes each army unique to make the movie have a larger viewership.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/04/29 18:38:26

Post by: felixthecat345

40K is such a great setting for sci-fi and one which is unique and eerie. A movie, with the right actors and good animation, would be one of the best sci-fi movies since star wars - maybe better. And it would have a limitless budget coz of the astronomical profits GW is making from its drastically overpriced minitures. Compared with the cost to make them, not because their bad products.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/05/22 17:55:28

Post by: Deuce11

Vargtass wrote:http://ultramarinesthemovie.com/


Its animated and old news

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/08/26 02:13:38

Post by: Erik Wolfbrother

I read "The Thousand Sons" and thought that that book would make an amazing movie. Think of all the awesome 5 minute trailers video games companies can make. Imagine something like seeing the Trial of Magnus the Red in full awesomey CG splendor. Just the way some of the 40k novels are written totally lends themselves to film making. If I had the cash, I would certainly produce one. Hopefully it would turn out as cool as I imagined it as I was reading!

Awesome pole question.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/09/03 02:01:08

Post by: blak43


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/09/13 13:10:14

Post by: SaintHazard

The answer to this question ties into why I enjoyed Damnatus as much as I did.

They didn't have an enormous hard-on for Space Marines, they stayed true to a lot of the source material, and even though the writing, special effects, and acting all made it very evident it was a fan-made movie, the fact that it was "by fans, for fans" made it better than any big-budget 40k flick could ever be.

In my opinion.

So no, I'm not too keen on the idea of a big-budget 40k film.

Ultramarines has me nervous enough, I don't need MORE potential to screw up a 40k flick.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/09/13 13:36:22

Post by: Jihadnik

I voted yes, but rather than get one of the big action directors to make it, they should give it to M Night Shamamamalan! And at the end, the twist could be that the whole movie was just the fevered dreams of a snotty nosed little kid...

What a twist!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/12/04 13:57:02

Post by: Element206

yes, even if this hobby is sort of avant garde, its storyline and fluff could definately make a wonderful plot for a big budget movie. I only ask that we keep Michael Bay as far away from the set as possible!!!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2010/12/11 08:41:09

Post by: Mukkin'About

Ultramarines movie. buy it so that you can make a bigger movie a possibility. that's what i'm doing

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/04/19 04:45:12

Post by: Squat Kid

Space hulk or gaunts ghosts would work, but its too vast of a universe to take in at a 2 hour movie

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/04/19 11:39:18

Post by: Grubwart

I have often had a fantasy of a GOOD 40K flick. I keep a video of the DoW intro on my hard drive. Always gets the hair on my neck up when the Dreadnought appears and the Sergeant yells before the charge.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/04/23 17:37:22

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

Yes,a longer,bigger and better animated Utalmarines movie.
Same team,Dan does the writing,and they stay true to the source.

Not a bad butchered version to appeal to "outside viewers".

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/05/23 16:01:23

Post by: Deuce11

Yes but--

Use the heresy as the basis for the plot, (do not just cherry pick a plot)

Allow leniency in the dense, pre-established, fluff in order to make a more accessible story

Focus on a fraction of the players and legions as opposed to giving each one face time.

let me write the screenplay

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/06/05 19:57:33

Post by: GoldenKaos

The problem is that you need to stay close to the original fluff. It would take too long to explain a lot of it to mainstream audiences (and if it's a big budget movie, it will need those audiences to pay for itself) but if you modify it, you alienate the fans that you essentially made the movie for in the first place. Now, Ultramarines: The Movie, went for pleasing the fans, forget the mainstream but it was a sub-par movie for other reasons (stupid plot, clearly limited by budget). I would argue doing an Imperial Guard movie, simply because there's less complications to explain. With any other human faction, (Marines, Sisters, Inquisitors) you'd have to explain a lot of stuff about who they are, why do they do what they do in that way, etc. etc. etc, with Guard, it's far, far simpler. These guys are human soldiers. There, job done. Exploring/explaining the grim, dark future can now be done without having to clutter the film with explaining what the characters *are*. Now that I think of it, you could do a fairly good film which does explore 'why/who/what/how' for Space Marines, but following a Marine who struggles with himself with these questions and then falls to Chaos.
But, yeah, back to the Guard, you'd need minimal fluff explaining. They worship the Emperor, death penalties are given freely, and generals don't give a damn if a few more guardsmen die; that mindset is enough to get into the head of your average IG trooper (assuming he is your average 'as-portrayed-by-Abnett-in-Gaunt's-Ghosts' trooper, and not like a Krieg or actual Tanith trooper or something). That done, you can get on with whatever you like and you could even justify plonking a fleeting romance in there. Mass death, tanks, pick an enemy that's equally simple to explain away (Orks or second-choice Tyranids here, although traitor Guard wouldn't do too badly either).
What I'm saying is that one of the big fears is that in order to appeal to mainstream, that Hollywood would compromise the background and make it not 40k. One way is to ignore mainstream, but if you want to make a big budget movie, you need mainstream. 40k's galaxy is a pretty huge damn place. Pick the bit that needs the least background explained, and get on with it, maybe giving little references to the heavier fluff in passing.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/06/05 19:59:47

Post by: Kravox

Ultramarines was pretty good but they should make a 'real' one

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/06/06 14:48:52

Post by: krusnikk

My problem would be they would do space marines. and they would use it as an excuse for a price hike.
One of my life dreams is to be part of a Gaunts ghosts screen adaptation though.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/06/12 15:41:39

Post by: Mantle

I think it should be done but should also be monitored closely by GW something like the marvel movies....

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/06/13 04:02:34

Post by: Jburch

I would like to see someone do a live action 40K movie, big budget, but still stick to the story. Maybe start off with the Horus heresy, follow the Black Library books, there is enough action and story to keep people excited, but also explain the background. I could only see this actually working if they treated the material the same way they treated the lord of the Rings movies. Stick to the story, dont go off on a tangent, and dont turn the movie into a big block buster hollywood piece of crap.

I think it could be done, but if they ever did make a movie, due to the lack of the IP being recognizable to the average moviegoer, the production company would prolly just find some idiot to direct it and churn out a giant piece of gak

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/07/31 23:03:30

Post by: loota boy

krusnikk wrote:My problem would be they would do space marines. and they would use it as an excuse for a price hike.

Gawd, I hear that. I don't want more gak about how great the smurfs are, and then gak from GW about "Oh, well, to pay for this movie thing, we, um, are gunna just raise the prices real quick, so uh, um, yeah. But don't worry, it'll be, um, temporary(Lier)...so... yeah..."

But if it were to happen, and they did a good job, they should do the Wars for Armegeddon. If they do a movie for each war, it gives most everybody some screen time, and it has a conflict between the 2 races that are the most easy to explain. Orks throw in some humor, along with random gaurdsman cracking some jokes, and silly little gretchin can be pathetic and stupid, and can fart a bunch or something to make the mainstream happier. But meanwhile, their can be some epic violence and large-scale stuff, with sweet charcacters like Yarik and Ghazzy, along with snikrot. And if you made orks have a different color blood or something, that would effectivly make it less gory, and put it down to a pg-13 rating, without REALLY making it any less gory.

Edit for spelling idiocy.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/06 01:54:11

Post by: VardenV2

I'd love to see a 40k movie, but the logistics are just not in anyone's favor right now. The only way I could see someone doing this is with a sort of CGI style movie like Beowulf (meh) due to the disproportional nature of EVERYTHING in 40k.

Also, the amount of fluff is incomprehensible. They would need to focus on ONE main story and keep it simple. The problem with this is that they lose 95% of what makes any warhammer 40k story epic.

As a film writing student, I would be dumbfounded by the amount of options I had in writing a 40k script, let alone selling it, keeping it marketable and keeping the fanboys happy. It's just too much.

The onyl thing I could see being cool would be a Heresy story but that would be so complicated that it'd take multiple movies. It's good vs evil, betrayal, a God character resisting the betrayal, temptation, more betrayal etc. However, there is still no main character.

I hope to see it happen sometimes in my lifetime, but some things are just better left to the imagination.


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/07 03:16:49

Post by: kitch102

I think a Space Hulk movie would be simple enough for non gamers to follow, yet linear enough for the fans to not get distracted by fluff or lack of.

You could "set the universe" by having a star wars-esque text roll at the start of the film explaining who's who and all that.

But yeah, I'm not necessarily surprised that no ones done it yet as (just to coin a phrase) being a geek is only starting to become cool now, so it hasn't filtered in to the mainstream yet, people dont know much about the hobby etc so theres been no drive to do anything for those outside of the hobby. I am surprised however, that no ones done anything better than Ultramarine yet. Or even a movie NOT involving the UM's.

A fantasy movie wouldn't be all that hard. Paint stripes on a pair of jeans, give a bloke a sword and pack him off to fight some dude painted green. Add budget and talent, winner.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/07 15:59:58

Post by: loota boy

Eh... Space hulk would just look like a rip-off of alien.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/07 16:10:21

Post by: black templar

They should have made one by now.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/08 03:25:30

Post by: KingmanHighborn

Yes I would like to see it. My only reservation is quality of said movie, but it would bring alot of people into the hobby, and also I'd love to get Space Marine toys in a Happy Meal....just saying.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/18 01:57:19

Post by: Lizar7

Isn't Peter Jackson a gamer? That would be pretty cool if he could do it, although Lord of the Rings was a lot more focused than 40k, which made it a whole lot easier

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/18 02:40:38

Post by: Layla

Deammer wrote:
- And of course, they'll have to be pathetic jokes to make the audience laugh lamely : "Brother Astelan, are you scared ? " "Well no, for I dread naught !"

Rofl'd at that one!

Anyway, no big company would make a movie that has a small fan-base and considered "nerdy". Im sure many more people would prefer to see: College Gyrls (unrated) than WARHAMMER, space marines VS space elves, space orcs, pink demons, egyptian robots and blue manga deer!

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/08/23 09:59:54

Post by: DreadlordME!

Well dey have got Ultramarines

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/09/09 15:24:42

Post by: Kurce

I would imagine doing it over the Horus Heresy would be best. Make it a two-part movie if possible. I could see the first movie starting off with the siege on the Imperial Palace. Show the Emperor sitting on his throne with the Primarchs around him with Space Marines dying everywhere around him. Then flashback to when the Emperor began his hunt to find the Primarchs. First movie would end when Horus finally turns to Chaos. Second movie should end with an Inquistor showing up at some random planet and interviewing a mother and her son (this takes place some amount of years after the battle between Horus and the Emperor obviously). After an impressive display of psychic power, the son is taken by the Inquistor and the Inquisitor promises to return the mother's son once he has been trained to control his powers. It should then show a line of people being ushered into the Golden Throne.

Yeah, you know it would be awesome. But, Hollywood would probably botch it like they do everything else, pretty much. Anyone remember the Doom movie and how that movie had 100% nothing to do with the original Doom?

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/09/29 10:13:57

Post by: Mr Vampirate


Another no, option not listed...

Reason? For those into the hobby, it'll never live up to expectations. Too many "oooh they got that wrong" and "that doesn't follow the fluff".

For those not in the hobby, I doubt they would actually care.
"Warhammer? What's that?"
"A game of toy soliders played by nerds, I used to do it when I was about 7"
"Sounds rubbish, anything good on?"

And so on


Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/09/29 11:00:47

Post by: schank23

I think they should make a 40k movie but not based on SM. They should do it on an Inquisitor or Rouge Trader type story line. I think there is just to much going on to base a move on a SM chapter. Even if you just focused on a squad or one character it would still be difficult to pull off.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/09/29 11:18:34

Post by: master of ordinance

something like this would be amazing.
certanily better than the ultramarines movie.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/09/29 11:22:11

Post by: happygolucky

I heard that THQ are doing the next film...

Just my two cents...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/09/29 15:37:34

Post by: Viersche

CGI Direct to Video Movie again or TV Movie for starters would be fine

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/05 20:58:37

Post by: Varrick

No. A smaller budget would allow more freedom. Therefore a smaller company would allow more freedom.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/05 21:48:11

Post by: Fezman

I don't know about a film, but I was thinking recently that Gaunt's Ghosts could be made into aTV series.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/05 22:20:06

Post by: DornFist

Yes! they need to make a big budget movie, not like ultramarines which was ok but when you think of 40k you think of massive battles.

They should do a movie over the horus heresy! make it so epic and not fully cgi, only where it is required(obviously many things would have to be cgi but just don't make it 100% is all im saying)

If only....

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/06 18:16:34

Post by: happygolucky

DornFist wrote:Yes! they need to make a big budget movie, not like ultramarines which was ok but when you think of 40k you think of massive battles.

They should do a movie over the horus heresy! make it so epic and not fully cgi, only where it is required(obviously many things would have to be cgi but just don't make it 100% is all im saying)

If only....

Would love to see a 40K flick NOT in cgi, imagine Abbadon vs a hive tyrant in REAL and in 3-D...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/10 02:56:36

Post by: DornFist

Varrick wrote: No. A smaller budget would allow more freedom. Therefore a smaller company would allow more freedom.

Well that was what they did with the Ultramarines movie, I applaud them because it was a good start...but I think they could do better.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/12 10:49:55

Post by: StarShade

All this talk of Space Hulk movies hey, did any of you see GW's Hive Infestation? Live action Space wolf terminators against Genestealers. I was at the Games day many years ago where they showed that and another film about Dark Angels I forget the name. I’m pretty sure they were only trailers and nothing came of them but I know a few Vets with copies of Inquisitor on VHS.
IMO opinion GW will just do an improved version of Ultramamrines in 2-3 years, possibly pick up the whole Blood quest project again. .

Personally I would rather they let THQ run with Space Marine and make many sequels, I prefer a movie I am part of.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/12 22:09:05

Post by: Deadshot

In this month's WD, it says that the Space Marine movie is availible on DVD and BluRay.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/13 10:32:49

Post by: Banzaimash

Marines are supposed to be fanatical, psycopathic killers, and the Hollywood would make them out to be emotional pousses.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/20 02:22:55

Post by: For_The_Swarm

i chose other because as cool as it would be to make it, its very likely that a director/ writer would change things in the warhammer universe, or give not enough plot.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2011/10/23 17:35:58

Post by: happygolucky

Banzaimash wrote:Marines are supposed to be fanatical, psycopathic killers, and the Hollywood would make them out to be emotional pousses.

best description of a space marine ever.

*hat off to you*

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/29 10:30:40

Post by: schadenfreude


Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/29 10:52:14

Post by: nickick

I guess that the problem is that there are so many people that loathe GW that there might not be enough sales etc. to make a big budget one . It would be cool though...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/29 19:56:25

Post by: Sonophos

I always thought the problem with this idea was GW's iron fist copyright policy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
schadenfreude wrote:Problems:

Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Why go for Marines? Eisenhorn or Ravenor would make a far better movie and take a lot less explaining to an uninformed audience.

Imperium good. Chaos Bad. Even creationist would get that with only a 10 - 15 minute intro.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/29 20:31:55

Post by: Deadshot

Why not do a Horus Heresy series. GW would get loads of money and it would explain any future films.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/29 21:44:34

Post by: Warrior Squirrel

Dan Abnett wrote Ultramarines the movie. He is a book writer, not a movie writer.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/29 22:22:05

Post by: blood lance

This is GW. If they made a movie they'd advertise it completely overblown as beautiful and amazing graphics, be amazing blah de blah de blah. Turns out it has poor graphics and you can only buy an exspensive collectors edition which isnt very "Collector" cus it was the only format they sold it in.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/29 22:53:24

Post by: Sonophos

Warrior Squirrel wrote:Dan Abnett wrote Ultramarines the movie. He is a book writer, not a movie writer.

So you do a screen play of a book.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/30 00:08:46

Post by: loota boy

Sonophos wrote:I always thought the problem with this idea was GW's iron fist copyright policy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
schadenfreude wrote:Problems:

Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Why go for Marines? Eisenhorn or Ravenor would make a far better movie and take a lot less explaining to an uninformed audience.

Imperium good. Chaos Bad. Even creationist would get that with only a 10 - 15 minute intro.

But the Imperium ISN'T good. They are Nazi-spanish inquizition-KKK-witch burners dedicated to the destruction of everything that is free and good. It's supposed to be a sort of "Lesser of Two Evils" kind of thing. Making the Imperium the knights in shining armour is unfair to the fluff and the players, but the actual situation is something that joe sixpack won't understand. Combined with the special effects required, the near-impossibility of any romance, and GW's iron fist on copyrights, it's basicly never going to happen.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/30 00:27:07

Post by: Sonophos

loota boy wrote:
Sonophos wrote:I always thought the problem with this idea was GW's iron fist copyright policy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
schadenfreude wrote:Problems:

Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Why go for Marines? Eisenhorn or Ravenor would make a far better movie and take a lot less explaining to an uninformed audience.

Imperium good. Chaos Bad. Even creationist would get that with only a 10 - 15 minute intro.

But the Imperium ISN'T good. They are Nazi-spanish inquizition-KKK-witch burners dedicated to the destruction of everything that is free and good. It's supposed to be a sort of "Lesser of Two Evils" kind of thing. Making the Imperium the knights in shining armour is unfair to the fluff and the players, but the actual situation is something that joe sixpack won't understand. Combined with the special effects required, the near-impossibility of any romance, and GW's iron fist on copyrights, it's basicly never going to happen.

I know the empire is uncaring conformism; you know this; the ordinary audience does not.

This would be the best twist in any 40k movie or series. Inquisitor stories would be the only way to depict it. Suits of armour marching around just won't cut it.

Love stories could easily be incorporated. Personally I always thought a series would be better than a film.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/31 10:34:55

Post by: Locclo

I voted no, because they would screw it up. Honestly, 40k is one of the most fluff-intensive universes out there. There's just too much that needs explaining that wouldn't work realistically in a Hollywood film. The flip side of the coin is that they barely skim the source material and just fill in the blanks themselves - there were at least a few scenes in Ultramarines: the Movie that made up complete bullgak about what certain gear could do. Apparently bolters just rip through Chaos Marine armor like it's made of tinfoil, right?

40k is just too intricate for any realistic single film to be made about it.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/31 11:47:48

Post by: Deadshot

Maybe the Movoe Marines had vengeance rounds without gets hot!?

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/31 15:21:57

Post by: MarcoSkoll

schadenfreude wrote:Problems: Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefore actors can not act.

Not true in the slightest. Voice actors actually worth their salt can do this easily, and the right body language can reinforce it.
There are a plethora of films and video games with helmeted protagonists/conversations over radio/out of shot/etc where you're in absolutely no doubt as to the emotions involved. This should never be used as an excuse for poor acting, because it doesn't excuse it.

There is however a problem with it in that it can make the individual characters harder to differentiate on screen. A lot of the time I was watching Ultramarines, it was very easy to lose track of which character (other than the obviously different Chaplain, Imperial Fist and Apothecary) was which.
A solution could be centring it around Deathwatch or Veteran marines who could have armour variants or customised wargear.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/01/31 17:51:55

Post by: Optio

They would never be able to make the money back, very few people would watch it outside the small population that actually gives a damm about what a spacemarine is...

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/02/04 07:33:44

Post by: spudkins

if the film grapics were as good as space marine game.
And also the story lines doesn't suck, and doesn't have ultramarines.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2012/02/15 21:06:10

Post by: darknessforbid

I would like it, but I think they would screw up. Also, 50,000 more people joining GW. Good for their business but my local store would have no space left :(

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2023/02/14 06:01:00

Post by: gobbsmakkar

Yes ofcourse, althoug it has to be 18+ to capture the grim dark.

Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie? @ 2023/12/30 18:37:46

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Yes but only if;

Not a single detail of it is left to random people, both the story script and the set should be given to actual warhammer content writers, those who are among the core lore craft and not people who "want to innovate".

No inserting "lessons of contemporary social justice" or whatnot
No pandering, no "gender/race swaps", just 100% authenticity.

Because big budget tends to do all that exactly the other way around irritating to living daylights out of franchise fans.

(I would therefor expect that if it happened you're ending up with the emperor giving a speech about inclusion and global warming (although that would legit be hilareous now that I think of it, to the paradigm)