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How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 15:56:02

Post by: legoburner

How many armies do you have that you consider 'done' or near enough done (if such a thing is possible)? Perhaps just count it as legal, tournament sized armies?

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 15:59:07

Post by: gardeth

40k Armies
Dark Eldar - Painted
Tyranids - Painted
Chaos Space Marines

Lizardmen - Painted
Vampire Counts
High Elves
Beasts of Chaos

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 16:10:39

Post by: Horst

Completed (or near enough) armies @ 2000 points...

Pure grey knights (screw you chaos)
and Aurora Chapter space marines

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 16:26:59

Post by: RanTheCid


Beast of Chaos
Warriors of Chaos


Some of these armies date back one, if not two codexes. Getting them tournament ready could call for a bit of "creativity" with the army lists.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 16:36:28

Post by: Redbeard


Sisters (4500 points)
Other Inquisition (4000 points)
Emperor's Children (6000 points)
Orks (20,000+ points)
Eldar (8,000 points)
Slaanesh Daemons (3000 points)
Tzeentch Daemons (3000 points)
Khorne Daemons (5000 points)

Plus a Bloodbowl team and an Aeronautica flight.

In Progress:
Nurgle Daemons (4000 points)
More orks
Wood Elves

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 16:37:16

Post by: nyyman

Spashh Mariins about 2500 points, halfway of painting them Green Marines
Oooorks about 1250 points, about to expand them at some point
And Lizzys about 3500 points. About to remove the paints of the entire army and re-paint them someday. Maybe a couple of Stegadons would be nice...
Also consindering of beginning Space Wolfs (damn you WD 358!) as I have plenty of models with normal Spashh Mariins...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 16:45:34

Post by: Panic

Complete enough that I game with them
CSM approx 6000pt Nurgle painted
Eldar approx 4000pts SpiritHost painted

Sorta complete
Deamons about 1000pts of Nurgle deamons that got removed from the CSM army by the last codex - painted
Imperial fists 15 terminators and 10 scouts - painted - (Looking to Sell/Trade these - PM me)

Grots 1500pts my next big army - unpainted - gathering the parts...
Praetorian ImperialGuard 1500-2000pts unpainted foot troopers (thinking about selling/trading - PM me)


How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 18:05:51

Post by: Mick A


Chaos Marine


Warriors of Chaos
vampire Counts


How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 18:15:52

Post by: WarmasterScott

40k-all painted

CSM-10,000 pts
Eldar- 3,00 pts
Tyranids- 2,000 pts
Black Templars- 1,800 pts

Fantasy- all painted

Daemons- 20,000 pts
Vampire Counts- 2,000 pts
Warriors of Chaos- 6,000 pts
Dark Elves- 4,000 pts

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 18:20:35

Post by: Oxfordseth

OK, here goes...

Death Guard 4000+ points painted
Preheresy Death guard mostly painted
traitor guard Mostly Painted
Nurgle Deamons Painted

Goblins (no orcs) painted
Empire (2 different armies 3000+ points) Mostly painted
Chaos Mortals (2 different armies 3500+ points) Mostly painted
Nurgle Deamons (entirely different from 40k one) Painted

War of the Rings:
Mordor 2000+ points fully painted

Currently I'm working on finishing my traitor guard and putting together a mostly finished Vampire counts army with tons of zombies!

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 19:32:53

Post by: jgemrich

For 40K
SM - about 5K points - 1K painted
Necron - 5 K fully painted

Fantasy - Ork 2500 pts fully painted.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 20:32:41

Post by: Grey Templar

What do you mean by Complete?

An army is never complete "157 marines baby " completly painted

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 21:20:54

Post by: gretar

I voted zero ..

I have an SM army , and 40k ork army , two or three sets of some 'nids for diorama/display purposes and finally i recently bought a necron army

What i have completely covered in paint though ...

40% of my 50% painted marines are OLD and there for im repainting them all . Of my orks i only have a boyz set that is very recently painted , and the 'nids are all painted and on a display cabined . My necrons arent painted at all , exept for a test model i took aside to find a decent colourscheme ...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 21:34:20

Post by: 1hadhq


- Black Templars
- Dark Angels (successor)
- Iron Hands
- Raven Guard
- Salamanders
- codex SM( DIY ) painted but need list changes to 5th
- Codex SM ( DIY ) every option except ironclads, thunderfire and LS storm
- Bike marines ( White scars based )
- Sisters of battle
- Grey knights + Inq
- Inq + inducted IG
- IG
- Necrons
- Eldar
- Tau

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 21:42:35

Post by: JohnHwangDD

Limiting to legally playable, tournament-sized armies, I have 7+ for 40k alone...

Eldar: Alaitoc, Iyanden, Ulthwe, & Biel-Tan
IG: mech & drop
SM: blue & red
CSM: black
Inq: WH

- Empire
- Dogs of War

- Imperial
- Chaos

If we count unpainted / unbuilt / WiP stuff then there's even more

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 21:45:33

Post by: LunaHound

15 armies not including specialist , all playable

...... none completely painted T-T ...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 21:51:30

Post by: JohnHwangDD

LunaHound wrote:15 armies not including specialist , all playable

...... none completely painted T-T ...

not TTwTT , nor QQ ?

Anyhow, maybe push to bring one of them to playable as fully-painted?

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 22:09:17

Post by: Da Boss

I've got:
Orks (8000 points-ish)
Plague Marines (2000-ish)
Space Marines (2000-ish)

Beastmen (2000, half painted)
Lizardmen (2000, but in bad repair)
Dwarves (Unpainted, 1500)
Orcs and Goblins (3000)

Trollbloods 750
Cygnar 500

Mordor/Moria 1500 (half painted, and not enough infantry as of yet)

I've also got a battlefleet gothic chaos fleet that needs work, a necromunda gang and a bloodbowl team.

I mostly play with the Orks, Plague Marines and Trolls, though I'm dying to get in more games with my WOTR when I get a chance.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 22:49:13

Post by: Typeline

I just sold the two I had.

Working on Space Wolves counts as, Demons counts as and VC in WHFB.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/23 23:27:41

Post by: Noble713

*points at sig*

I voted for 5, as my Epic IG can't really operate independently (only 1 infantry company) so I lumped them in with my SM. I also forgot about the huge BFG Imperial fleet that I bought fully painted (for less than retail too, back in 2002). So should probably be 7.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 00:07:21

Post by: ManwithIronHands

marines 15000 points (painted)
guard 7000 (painted) not done but tourny legal
Deamonhnters 3000 (painted) not done but legal
Nids 3000 (painted) not done but legal

Orcs & goblins 4000
dwarfs 4000

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 01:45:14

Post by: orchewer

40 K (I play pretty small games among friends)
Tau - 2500
Dark Eldar - 1000
Chaos - 500

Moria Goblins - 1000
Mordor - 500
High Elves - 500
Isengard - 500

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 01:58:52

Post by: Demogerg

at over 10k points I still dont consider my space wolves complete.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 02:24:20

Post by: ultramarinelord

I've got 1000 Points of Space Marines but I don't consider them 'completed' because the army is still growing and they aren't painted.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 02:59:12

Post by: LordBoJangles

Yayyyyy no armies FTW, i have 6 started,
Orks- 75%
Daemons(40k and fantasy)-65%
Space marines-10%

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 03:06:20

Post by: Cruentus


Chaos Space Marines
Dark Eldar



With loads of minis for Eldar, and WOC waiting in the wings, as well as Rohan and the Gondorians who fought with the elves to bring down Sauron at the beginning of LOTR - sorry, brain not working).

*edit - I didn't include LOTR (added above, which pushes me to 7)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 04:11:11

Post by: H.B.M.C.

If we're counting sub-lists and 'types' or armies (rather than general descriptions)?

Death Watch
Inquisitorial Army (mixed WH/DH)
Imperial Guard Infantry Company
Imperial Guard Mechanised Infantry Company
Imperial Guard Armoured Company (X3)
Word Bearers
Alpha Legion
Iron Warriors
Death Guard
World Eaters

Points wise it's 12K of Ultras, 12K of Tyranids, 8k of Necrons and 30K of both Chaos and Guard.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 04:21:51

Post by: warpcrafter

2,000 pts of Lost and the Damned
6,000 pts of various Chaos Space Marines (plague marines, berzerkers and Black Legion)
4,000 pts of Orks.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 05:14:38

Post by: Grunt_For_Christ

5,000 points of bugs, all partially painted, several completely finished.

2,000 of Eldar, all painted but not well enough in my opinion.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 07:11:21

Post by: Napalm

0: Because no army is ever truly complete.

But I do have:
Space Marines (2000 pts)
Imperial Guard (WIP- 1500+ pts)
Sisters of Battle (odds and ends for the heck of it)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 09:12:50

Post by: Trane _wreck

I just got back into playing and i dont have all the new codes so i dont know points but they are all 3,OOO+ AND THEY ARE LISTED IN ORDER OF MY MAKEIBG THEM.

Dark Eldar

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 09:31:37

Post by: djphranq

Complete as in playable? or complete as in based and painted?

If playable I have 4+

Khador for Warmachine... Circle Orboros for Hordes... Tons of squads for Star Wars Miniatures... Tons of squads for Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures (RIP)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 10:49:38

Post by: Lawbringer

What's complete?

I guess all painted and when i've stopped changing stuff around so after prehaps 100 wins on the trot

I voted none

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 12:49:21

Post by: Loricatus Aurora

For me its around 2k Aurora chapter SMs.

Around 200pts completely painted, another 1500pts about 50% painted.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 12:51:50

Post by: Freddie Gibbs

i collect in, well, you can see for your selvf under this text

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 14:23:54

Post by: Pirate_joe_666

I say 0

but i have 5 varying between 1500 and 2000 and varying levels of painted-ness. But my High Elves are pretty close, Just have to paint a unit of Silver Helms and its on

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 16:27:12

Post by: BrassScorpion

Building, painting and collecting models is the main focus of the hobby for me, so I had no trouble making the 7+ category. And, I'm working on a Space Marine chapter of my own design at the moment, so I'll shortly have another "game legal" army that will grow to massive Apocalypse size.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 17:34:25

Post by: S.m.o.ta.t.

Three complete:
Crimson Fists - 3500 pts
Orks - 2200 pts
'Nids - 2000 pts
Never really complete though, just got a couple of elites for each...

One incomplete:

Tau - 1000 pts unpainted

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 17:35:10

Post by: The Bringer

This may seem like a stupid question, but when you say armies, is there a restriction to any system or anything, or armies for all games we play?

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 18:28:16

Post by: darkprincewilson

I only consider my Tomb Kings complete as there is nothing I need to buy for them now (3500).

My Wood Elves, Warriors of Chaos, Tyranids and Death Guard are all incomplete.

My Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Necrons and Dark Eldar were abandoned.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 18:56:29

Post by: A-P

- Imperial Guard
- Space Marine
- Chaos Space Marine ( Death Guard )
- Dwarf
- Dwarf
- Easterling

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/24 21:58:06

Post by: starbomber109

Currently only one, I'll expand and maybe grab more when I'm "done" with the first one.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/25 01:34:59

Post by: rogueeyes

I currently have my Tau completed to a playable size of 1500-2000 points. I have 2800 points altogether of them.

I'm currently working on a Demonhunters army and building it up to 1500-200 points. I might grab a thing here or there and expand my tau still.

Next year I'll probably start a Witch hunters army as well. It's in the planning stages and I can use DH and WH together as well as with any other imperium army I decide to play as allies (unless a new codex comes out).

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/25 05:54:10

Post by: artyboy

If by complete you mean that I have all of the units that I need to field the army at any points that I'd feasibly want to play them at then I have 5 complete armies. I could use a few more units in each of them to really round things out but I could field a competitive list in any game up to 3k with 5 different armies.


Orks - 6500++ points painted. Heavily converted. This army will never be finished because I have a tendency to get sick of old conversions and paintjobs and update them.

Salamanders - This army is complete but it's not finished. It's mostly unpainted and I still need more units to fill it out but I have more than enough to field a competitive list up to around 2500 or 3k.


Vampire Counts - This is another army that'll never be finished. I can field well over 3k fully painted but you can never have enough ghouls/skeletons/zombies. I only have around 60 painted skeletons, 40 painted ghouls and maybe 60 painted zombies. As for the rest of the army, I have everything that I'd ever want to field (in the current incarnation) fully assembled and painted.

Lizardmen - I could easily field a competitive 3k list with what I've got. About half of it is painted. The only thing that I'm really missing is a couple of engines of the gods to put it over the top.

Dark Elves - This is the army that I'm currently working on. I've got everything that I could ever possibly want to field except perhaps a third hydra and maybe a third pegasus riding sorc.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/25 11:46:53

Post by: Helbrecht

Imperial Guard and Black Templars (separate, not combined)

I find that having a few well organized armies, which you know the rules for, is better than having a lot of armies, as you won't be able to remember the rules of them all as easily

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/27 00:41:21

Post by: Krellnus

Wood Elves-670pts

But I put 0 anyway because they are not all painted (tau are close though)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/27 06:43:45

Post by: crazypsyko666

I have no completed armies. In fact, I barely own any more pieces than I have in the assault on black reach set. I do however use a ton of 25mm paper discs and I have made a cardboard-box landraider with sharpied on doors. I plan to make a few rhinos next.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/27 13:44:50

Post by: Kyley

I have bits of most things from 40k, WHFB, WM
But I'm too indescisive to finish an army

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/28 05:49:05

Post by: chromedog

3 Currently.

Space Marines, Eldar and DaemonHunters.

The first two are my apoc armies (both in excess of 11,000pts). My Daemonhunters are at 3500pts and "finished".

I am working on a IG army, but this will purely be a 1500pt army - if needed I will ally in my inquisition.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/28 05:56:59

Post by: BrassScorpion

I think the poll at the top of this topic only tells part of the story. It would be interesting to compare the numbers of armies people have collected with the number of years they've been in the hobby. According to the poll, the great proportion of people responding only have 1 or 2 armies, but I wonder how many of those have only been in the hobby a year or two.

It would also be interesting to know how many people with only 1 or 2 armies have had others in the past but sold them, because there are a number of hobbyists who ditch a finished army by selling or trading it before starting another.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/28 07:00:42

Post by: JohnHwangDD

I don' t think duration makes that much difference - I did the bulk of my painting within the first few years.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/28 15:01:03

Post by: BrassScorpion

I don' t think duration makes that much difference - I did the bulk of my painting within the first few years.

Everyone is different and everyone's hobby is different. I've been in the hobby 20 years and I build and paint just as much in a year now as I did back then, more if I am able. Most of the veteran hobbyists I know, people who've been into GW models for say 10 years or more, all have huge backlogs and we bang away at getting them built and painted constantly. For many people, that is the hobby. For some of us, there's always another project, another fun idea, to build and paint and as soon as we're done one it's on to another.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/28 15:13:15

Post by: BlackSpike

My 3000pts of orks is no-where near complete
I need to be able to field a green tide (More boyz needed), trukk-rush (More trukks needed), dredd bash (more kanz needed), and I don't have any stormboyz or tankbusters.
Only 20 or so lootas.
Only 3 out of a possible 8 battlewagons!

I also have about 1500pts of Eldar, but this is a mish-mash of assorted pick-ups (A Battleforce, some old harlies, a bunch of stuff a friend was selling etc)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/28 19:59:38

Post by: RigorMorris

It is with great dismay I say that I haven't completed my Tyranid Army. Several matters take up a lot of my free time, but I try to work on it when I can.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/28 20:31:49

Post by: Freddie Gibbs

i traded my IG for a 2000 pts tyranid army, so i got a new army!

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/29 19:46:35

Post by: KhorneOnTheCob

My sig pretty much says it all...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/09/29 19:48:37

Post by: oadie

I've never tallied up my points totals for either army. Both are playable, in theory, in decently sized groups (ok, not THAT big, but I can field a SM force well above the 500pt game I played, and orks outnumber SM by a stretch), but I don't yet have default lists for a 'standard' or 'tourney' setup. I'll go for the easiest way to count 'finished' armies - how much is painted. Right now, I'm at about 8pts of orks (that is to say, I have 3 boyz that are almost done being basecoated).

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/10/04 14:31:29

Post by: cadian512

i have a lord of the rings easterling armyand an imperial guard army

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/10/05 06:32:41

Post by: smart_alex

Wow Im a loser with 3. Too much time on my hands. I am surprised the average is this low.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/10/22 06:18:38

Post by: Owain

1000pts of Eldar, unpainted... it's a workable list, but I could use more antitank than I have.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/10/31 02:04:40

Post by: Brother Gideon

My sig lists about a 1/3 of my armies (I have a lot) when i collect an army, i overcollect it. Also, they are all painted.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/11/02 17:02:16

Post by: cadian512

i just started a marine army, so soon it will three, soon... soon

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/11/02 22:55:51

Post by: Frostyfire

For the most part i have my armies designed for a 2000 point game with some back-up units to add variety. My guard army is truly vast and varied but primarily Cadian models.

Space marines (7000+)
Legion of the damned (2300)
Imperial guard (10000+)
Drop troops (2200)
Dark eldar (2500)
Tau (2300)
Tyranids (3000)
Witch Hunters (1000)

Orcs (2200)
Tomb Kings (2600)
Empire (2400)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/11/03 19:16:13

Post by: Herohammernostalgia

Heh, I decided I was done collecting when I counted and found:

3,000+ points Empire army (can be 4,000 with upgrades and magic items)
1,500 points Salamander Space Marine Army (only one of the three vehicles is painted, the other two are still in the box)
2,000 points of Orcs & Goblins (at a stretch, in coop with my brother)

Lying around, left by a friend who rather thouroughly lost interest: 2,000 points 5th edition Bretonnia army (maybe 1500 points or even less in 7th ed.)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/11/09 18:21:00

Post by: devilfluff

With the release of Codex:Space Wolves, my only complete army got taken down for an overhaul & repaint.

I have 750 pts of Empire painted & assembled, but there's a bunch more to assemble and even more to paint.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/12/12 20:44:16

Post by: Sirsolo


About 2000 points of Space Marines that never win a single game, and less than 1000 points of Tau, which I have yet to paint or play.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/12/19 04:54:52

Post by: ZacktheChaosChild

I have two little tiny Ultramarines and Orks done, but my Death Guard is in box-form right now.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/12/19 05:11:39

Post by: Cryonicleech


How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/12/19 08:10:34

Post by: Curly

Just the 1, 1500 Lizards.
Currently working on Dwarfs, Space Orks and Ogre Kingdoms.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2009/12/22 06:45:10

Post by: avisobling

I got

Space Wolves - 2700ish
Tau - 2000

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/01/17 07:11:04

Post by: Happygrunt

I curse school and my lack of painting time. None. But 2000 points of SM, primed, and about 500 of SOB, not primed, and Maybe 800-ish VC, being assembled.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/01/17 07:15:13

Post by: WarmasterScott

Well I have about 3000 pts or so of each: Tyranids, Space Wolves, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons, and Warriors of Chaos.. I always tweak with new plastics and new dexes..

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/01/17 10:04:00

Post by: zilegil

I haven't really finished any armies. To be honest I'm not a fast painter and I have only two fully painted (sort of finished, but more gave up half way through but I have still painted what have got) about 1500:1000 goblins and gondor in LOTR.

I have a LOTR morgul/dol-guldur army that is half painted, not sure what points but it has 148 orcs, necromancer, and a deadly selection of morannon/mordor orcs with a task-master and drummer and a gothmog, mumak, bout' ten captains, normally used with bout' 30 goblins a captain and a balrog,

and a lot more.

1500 quarter painted 40k orks.

I want to start cimson fists sm.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/01/18 15:43:08

Post by: 1337m45747r0y

Tau M'au'tan'd'oo Sept FTW

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/01/18 17:55:36

Post by: Eldar Own

I voted five. Theyre not complete in my mind as i'll add more units but theyre all tournament size.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/03/27 19:43:30

Post by: Grimm

None, but mainly because I never paint and often move from one army to the next before they're finished. My SW are my closest to being finished as all I have to do is paint them (all 3000 points).

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/03/27 21:44:31

Post by: LEEQAEX

2500pts space marines
3000pts high elves
2000pts choas well nearlly done they all need paniting

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/04/04 14:22:27

Post by: Newt-Of-Death

Dark Eldar ~ 4 - 4.5k [Painted for Gaming]

Howling Griffons / Crimson Fists ~3500 (2k / 1.5k) [Painting for show/Gaming]

Orks (Bad Moon) - ~2 - 2.5k [Painting for gaming (currently temporatily abandoned)]

Tau - ~ >2k [Painting for show (CTA)]

Fantasy goblins and wolves next, then probably Chaos SM

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/04/04 19:14:41

Post by: Anshal

1 WoC that will grow in due time. Just need to figure what to add next

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/04/04 21:14:54

Post by: burad

40k Orks 7,000 painted
Empire 10,000 painted

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/04/05 03:00:40

Post by: FITZZ

Apparently I have 0 "complete" armies,as I continue to purchase things to add to them.
I do however own about 4000 pts of Orkz and roughly 8000 points of Death Guard (maybe more).

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/05/24 23:41:02

Post by: augustus5

I have to give a + to all of the people who said that no army is truely complete.

That being said, I have one "comlete" chaos demons army that I can play as a mixed force or as a themed tzeentch or themed nurgle list. Maybe that means three complete armies? I don't know.

Working on painting and collecting a slaaneshi contingent and starting a tyranid army just as soon as I figure out what direction to go with them.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/05/25 23:04:11

Post by: Fiend


1000 pts of space marines and I'll consider them a complete army (but still with room for growth) once I have 1500 all painted up. I will* finish them this summer.
I guess my AoBR orks can be counted as an unfinished army.

*Certain exclusions apply.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/05/25 23:05:57

Post by: Mr. Self Destruct

I own at this moment about 3k of VC, 3k of O&G, ~3k of SM, and 1850 of Deathguard

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/08/22 16:33:19

Post by: Erik Wolfbrother

I've got two completed and painted armies,

Space Wolves @ 4,000 Points
Imperial Guard @ 2,000 Points

I'm also working on a modular Apocalypse Iyanden Eldar army consisting of both the Spirithost formation of 20 Wraithguard, 5 Warlocks, 2 Wraithlords, and the Sunhost with 5 Fire Prisims. SO many layers of yellow paint!!!!! ARGH!

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/08/22 16:42:46

Post by: mytimeprez

I voted 3. I consider them complete @ 2000 pts. I have about 40 more Orks to Paint, then all 3 will be completely painted (see Sig).

I Have a few WIP armies that aren't at a playable size yet.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/11/08 14:20:42

Post by: some random necron guy

I 'used' to have a complete necron army, but then destroyed the destroyers (haha, in your face!) and got rid of some of my crappy converted immortals in order to give them a complete makeover into a bunch of cc necrons. My chaos dwarfs are nearing completion, just the obsidian guard and half of the gunners left! + a huge night gobbo dogs of war unit.
So current completed armies: 3/4.
current almost-completed-but-then-destroyed-the-whole-army-because-when-I-bought-the-battleforce-I-thought-it-was-a-good-idea-when-it-wasn't armies: 10+

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/11/08 15:36:26

Post by: freecloud

I will define "complete" as "not too many broken figs fielded and can usually get everything on the table without proxies".

Lessee...mine in 40K

- IG
- Orks (if I just glue the battlewaggon back together again....)

Counting the ones I helped the kids' buld and are thus available for use:

- DE
- Eldar
- SM
- Necrons


- High Elves


- Carthage
- Late Roman/Early Byzantine
- WW2 USA (plus some Italians)
- WW2 South African

(For the history buffs the SA 6th Armoured Divn fought in the US 5th Army in Italy, which also had the Italian Royalist troops on side - allows you to use British, US and Italian kit on the same table)

What is more scary though is the realisation that (after this survey) is the "to finish" list is large:

- Tau
- Chaos Space Marines "Lost and the Damned"


- "She Who Must be Obeyed" Lost World/Darkest Africa (plays as Dark Elves in WHFB )


- Normans (will also be used as Bretonnians in WHFB...)
- Seven Years War French
- WW1 Greeks
- 1890's Pre-Dreadnought Brits, French & Russians fleets

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/11/08 16:53:36

Post by: Avatar 720

Nothing painted:

Tau - 1500pts - Complete for that points level, not truly completed.
Chaos - No solid list sizes; lists vary from 500pts to 2000pts but it's far from a complete army.

Lizards - 2000pts list of models I have, 2500pts in list form only; incomplete.
WoC - 1500pts in list form, 1000pts list of stuff I have; far from complete.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/11/08 17:15:24

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

None, my BT crusade is pitifully small.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/11/09 02:35:04

Post by: Vermillion

5 as over the years i have sold stuff, gave it away etc in an effort to save space or simply because I got bored of the hobby and took a break. The painting always stuck around though so always had models about for that

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/11/09 02:35:55

Post by: Asherian Command

My eldar are done just need to paint them up.
My Storm Crusaders are done.
But my entire space marine list is still not done.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/12/01 15:26:27

Post by: Element206

0. I think the real question should be, is an army ever complete?

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/12/11 08:20:57

Post by: Mukkin'About

about 2. Orks and SM
Every other force is too small to be considered an "army" or is just filling my "collection"

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/12/16 22:55:16

Post by: Hydroblender

A few....

40k Orks on foot
40k Ork (Kult of Speed) not sure if they count as a second army but they are a stand alone army list not comprising any of the above....

FOW Mid War Brits
FOW Late War Brits
FOW Mid War German
FOW Late War German

Epic Ork
Epic Marine
Epic Guard
Epic Eldar
Epic Titan Legion
Epic Chaos

Warhammer Empire

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/12/16 23:26:18

Post by: Mannahnin

Crap, I said 5 but it's 6 now.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2010/12/17 03:39:12

Post by: FITZZ


I can now say I have two complete armies,as I've "finished" buying stuff for my Orks (4000+points),and I've "scaled down" my Death Guard a bit (roughly 4500 points).

However..I now have three WIP armies going at the same time,an SM army I'm helping my son to build,a Slaanesh based CSM force I'm working on for the Missus and my own budding Praetorian IG force.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/04/18 17:30:14

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

Just one complete army,my Chaos Space Marines,the rest are just half cared about small sets and lone models.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/05/16 15:55:56

Post by: ChrisWWII

I've got two armies I can play with, but neither are fully painted yet.

I'm waiting for the release of the next Sisters/Eldar codex before I start up a new army, and I'm thinking about doing a Krieg kill team or something in the mean time.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/05/16 23:18:15

Post by: lessthan1337

Extremely close to my 1500 point kan wall; my first and only army (SO FAR )
I'm looking at Tau, 'nids, or Black Templar next...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/05/17 01:34:03

Post by: Smitty0305

I have 2k+ points of painted eldar

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/05/20 16:58:47

Post by: Dark Apostle 666

Space marines, CSM, IG, I suppose 5 if you count Daemonhunters (last edition) and witch hunters stuff (mostly allied Guard/Marines though...)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/07/20 06:38:41

Post by: Roadkill Zombie

Space Wolves 3k
Eldar 20k
Squats 5k
Dark Eldar 5k

Dwarfs 5k
Orcs and Goblins 5k
High Elves 2k
Dark Elves 4k

Dwarfs 3k

Man O War:
Dwarfs 1k
High Elves 1k
Dark Elves 1k
Skaven 1k
Chaos Dwarfs 1k
Nurgle 1k
Khorne 1k
Tzeentch 1k
Slaanesh 1k
Orcs 1k
Norse 1k
Empire 1k
Bretonnian 1k
Pirate 1k

Epic Space Marine:
Space Wolves 20k
Blood Angels 20k
Ultramarines 20k
Dark Angels 20k
Squats 20k
Eldar 40k
Chaos 30k
Imperial Guard 20k
Titan Legions 50+ titans
Orks 40k
Tyranids 10k

Protectorate of Menoth 200

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/06/10 11:37:25

Post by: LordCreed

I have one nearly finished guard army and another guard army which I've just begun building << see my blog

also I have a few space marines and tyranids

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/06/10 12:04:41

Post by: Mr Morden

At least 2000pts (usualy more ) of:

Dark Eldar
Dark Angels
Space Wolves
Imperial Guard
Sisters of Battle / Inqusition

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/06/10 18:44:14

Post by: pdawg517

2000 pts Space marines painted (5000+ if you count all I have built)

2500 of DoA Blood Angels buit.

2000 points of pure GK's. (1200 points painted)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/06/15 19:30:43

Post by: axeman1n

Imperial Guard

Mostly Painted:

Space Marines
Dark Angels

Grey Knights

Blood Angels

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/07/06 12:11:01

Post by: Primarch_of_mechmarines

I voted 1 but the truth is more like 1.5 as i have 1500 - 2500 points of orks that are all either not done being painted, half way assembled or merely only primed and still on the sprue

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/07/06 14:44:22

Post by: Trondheim

For 40k
Deathkrops of krieg (witch will tip 6000p soon)
CSM 2000 p

Beastmen 6.5
Empire 4500p

2000P Easterlings

3000 12 SS divison

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/07/29 05:07:04

Post by: Vaeloris


WoC: 3000 pts


Space Marines: 4000 pts
Chaos Space Marines: 6000 pts
Tyranids: 3500 pts
Tau: 3000 pts
Dark Eldar: 1200 pts

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/08/04 09:18:29

Post by: Stella Cadente

sort of 2
1: royalist english civil war army
2: Imperial japanese navy (though this is added to when models are released)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/08/12 12:23:44

Post by: SoulBellow

Tau - Painted
Dark Angels - Painted
Necrons - Half Painted

Warriors of Chaos - Getting Painted
Skaven - Not Painted

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/08/21 18:23:07

Post by: OneMeanDuck

is any army ever complete? if so
Eldar 3500pts
Chaos Space Marines 6000pts
Chaos Daemons (Using some stuff from CSM) 2000pts

Next Army will be a cheeze army, prolly Dark Eldar

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/08/22 01:16:58

Post by: Hugs-for-the-Hug-God

Redbeard wrote:7+

Sisters (4500 points)
Other Inquisition (4000 points)
Emperor's Children (6000 points)
Orks (20,000+ points)
Eldar (8,000 points)
Slaanesh Daemons (3000 points)
Tzeentch Daemons (3000 points)
Khorne Daemons (5000 points)

Plus a Bloodbowl team and an Aeronautica flight.

In Progress:
Nurgle Daemons (4000 points)
More orks
Wood Elves

I envy You

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/08/22 16:20:46

Post by: Akroma06

2) DE are just getting updated models but otherwise they are done. As far as IG goes...I'm done at 10K. 4 more armies to go!

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/09/11 21:02:57

Post by: Ferg

Imperial Guard: 6000+
Chaos Space Marines: 4000+
Blood Angels: 4000+

And still counting....and still painting....and painting....and painting....and painting....(ad nauseum)

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/09/12 03:19:52

Post by: The Mad Tanker

My Dark Angels are pretty much done and my Imperial Guard is large enough to field in our local gaming store's tournaments.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/09/12 11:08:30

Post by: KoganStyle

I've sold every army I owned recently as I've moved onto Malifaux (which is great!)

The only army I've kept is my beloved Dark Elves which come in at around 4,000pts.

With Malifaux I have complete Lady Justice and Pandora crews.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/09/21 20:37:39

Post by: Sharkvictim

I went ahead and said one. I had originally about 1500pts of Tau (sold them) and currently have 2k+ CSM. I think most of us agree that no army is ever "complete", and that being said I will be expanding my CSM until I can field at least 2k of Nurgle, Khorne, or Tzeentch as I please.

Then it's on to the renegade guard.

Sometimes I hate this hobby...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/09/25 07:01:02

Post by: Viersche

Still in the process of completing my first army of black templars. painting's hard for a beginner

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/10/06 14:02:55

Post by: GoldenKaos

1: Dark Elves, between 2000 and 3000 points. None of the rest of my collection is included as they have not been tested in battle or are even a remotely cohesive or balanced build. Got some Empire lying about, quite a few Spess Mehereens (mostly infantry), 2 CSM HQs and a single squad of troops, a smattering of Eldar Aspect Warriors and a single Avatar, the Orks from Black Reach, a single Lelith Hesperax model and a few Lotr minis.

Of course, I could include my Dystopian Wars fleet to this as well, but I wouldn't consider it 'done' as I have yet to get any land forces or the Dreadnought (it's just a starter box and a few flyers) and I have no idea what the tourney limit is.

The same would go for my INFINITY models, but in addition I've only assembled 3 out of the 6 in the box set.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/10/15 03:55:28

Post by: Zalmout

By my standards my armies won't be complete until I can field an entire apocalypse team by myself.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/10/18 04:39:40

Post by: djdutton

I have full armies (meaning 2500+ pts and all assembled) of Space Orks (all painted), Thousand Sons (all painted), Grey Knights (Mostly painted, when will I get to painted those last seven termies?) and Skaven (about half painted, 200+ models is a lot of work :/)

Is it bad that I already want to get a Warriors of Chaos army going?

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/10/26 01:25:50

Post by: Dannyrevv

No such thing as a finished army for me!

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/10/26 01:33:45

Post by: StringBassKnight

Dannyrevv wrote:No such thing as a finished army for me!

Agreed. An army is never done

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/02 22:16:37

Post by: axeman1n

You can finish any army by have every model possible to field in every slot. I'm not recomending this, but I almost achieved this with my necrons. I have 10 lords, one of each wargear variant I use. I have both C'tan. I have over 30+ immortals, 10 Paraiah and over 20 Flayed Ones. I have 120 warriors. I have over 9 Wraiths, over 20 Scarabs, and over 15 Destroyers. I have only 6 H-Destroyers, and Tombspiders, but I have 4 monoliths. To complete the army I needed to buy 6 more Flayed Ones. 4 More Scrabs. 3 HDestroyers, and 3 Tombspiders.
That's as close as I've ever gotten to completing any army. As for the poll answer, I just included those armies I can field in any tournament 2500pts or below.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/02 22:23:10

Post by: Comrade

I got:

IG Army (10,000 point 400 models) painted
Necrons (2000 points) Painted
Orks (5000 points 300 models) painted
IG army (Another one. 4000 pts, 200 models) painted

Bretonnians (with M@A hordes) Painted
Vampire Counts (Skeletal Hordes) painted

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/03 13:23:10

Post by: Vampirate of Sartosa

Zero. Or, well, none that I'm not ashamed of the size of.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/12 11:13:39

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Napalm wrote:0: Because no army is ever truly complete.

But I do have:
Space Marines (2000 pts)
Imperial Guard (WIP- 1500+ pts)
Sisters of Battle (odds and ends for the heck of it)

I agree. Always something more or a new codex or sumphin'

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/12 13:48:18

Post by: Howard A Treesong

Two; Undead and Dogs of War. Though I keep adding to them, I could put them fully painted on the table top.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/13 00:07:02

Post by: LordWynne

I started Warhammer 40K early 1986 as a Test
Player in that Game Con in LA, My first Army was a Crimson Fist Force about 2,000.

2,000 Crimson Fist Marines. 1986-97
4,000 Khorne Marines. 1986-98
2,000 Dark Angel Marines. 1987-2005
2,500 Sam Hain Eldar. 1987-2011
1,500 Space Dwarf Biker Army 1987-2011
2,500 Blood Axe Orc Force 1987-1990
2,500 Genstealer Cult Force 1986-99
1,500 Zoat Force 1986-95
2,000 20th Century IG 1986-2011
18,000 Chaos 1990-2011

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/21 02:44:31

Post by: susejo239

0. I'm also a very sad person.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/21 04:20:45

Post by: CuddlySquig

susejo239 wrote:0. I'm also a very sad person.

Aw, don't be sad. Huggle the cuddlefex. You'll feel better after a nice snuggle.

4 (the 3 whfb elves, eldar), but I only consider them done because I stopped using them. An army you're still using is never done.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/21 15:28:00


Black Templars, one crusade's worth;
Pre 2011 Inquisition ( not grey knights), every figure bar one;
Ultramarines, about 2 companies last time I looked;
SoB: about 2 troops worth, tagged onto my inquisitors;

IG: A LOT, in fact too many now. I just built a 8X4(feet) gaming table to try a shot for the army showcase thread, and had finished laying out tanks when I noticed I NEED ANOTHER 8X4 for the infantry.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/11/22 19:59:48

Post by: Durza

1, Chaos Marines, but I wouldn't class them as complete until I can't fit the army on the board any more.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2011/12/03 16:50:07

Post by: templarsandorks?

I never 'complete' armies i just move on and will add some stuff to them later

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 10:38:19

Post by: HAZZER

Nil. both my army's are still very WIP. You can see them on my plog, , lionk in signuture.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 10:45:38

Post by: Xeriapt

0, no army is ever complete.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 11:45:44

Post by: CrazyMez

A Complete Army?? No such thing?

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 12:18:07

Post by: admiral9

im just planning to start with tau and continue with those until i have about 3000 points so i gues about 5-6 years and after that maybe dark eldar 9or chaos but at the moment i have 0 armies

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 16:27:40

Post by: tauxnimrod

an army is never complete lol

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 16:47:19

Post by: Trondheim

I have two complet armies, Beastmen and Easterlings.
6k+ worth of Beastmen
3k+ of Easterlings

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 18:00:29

Post by: Zambro

0, unfortunatly...

Gotta paint up a drop pod and a land raider crusader then i have 1!!! but that is going to take time...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/25 18:07:27

Post by: sam0

I own an ork army that is constantly being added to but it is enough to play about 2000pts at my FLGS

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/26 00:25:03

Post by: Sinful Hero

I have Tyranids and Dark Eldar, while I have enough models to do what I want with them, more are always wanted. I only have my Tyranids partially painted, with the rest being primed; all my DE barring vehicles are primed. Now I just need to make the time to paint them all...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/01/26 08:14:28

Post by: Locclo

Personally, I find it really hard to believe that over a hundred and fifty people have seven or more complete armies...

I voted 0, if only because I feel that no army is ever really complete. One guy at my FLGS has played Orks since 2nd Edition (about 90% of his army is 2nd edition models, minus a few recent additions) and he's still adding models to his army.

The problem I see is that unless you have truly mastered your army's tactica, you'll always find new ways to play them, new ways to abuse unit combinations, and of course, new fluffy army lists to run.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2012/03/09 10:01:42

Post by: evildrspock

I used to have:


I could regularly play fully painted armies with these.

currently, I only have my Space Marines that are fully painted, athough ... I'm constantly working on the final cleanup/basing stages. I figure, get the models playable, then clean up super-fine details as I make time for it.

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2016/12/04 00:50:53

Post by: Howlin' Mad Murdrean

I consider my tau and space wolves to be complete

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2016/12/04 08:32:33

Post by: JamesY


Using 1k+ as a basis for a gameable army, I have;
Grey Knights
Cult Mech
Space Marines
Legion of the Damned
Tyranid/genestealer cult
Imperial Guard
30k Iron Warriors

For fantasy
Ogre Kingdoms
Dark Elves
High Elves (IoB set)
Tomb Kings
Vampire Counts
Warriors of Chaos
Stormcast Eternals (AoS starter set)

Then loads of other bits, three small warmachine forces, two dystopian wars fleets, two infinity starter sets, countless warbands for Songs of Blades and Heroes, and my old barbarian tribe from grenadier that I've had for more years than I'll admit to...

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2016/12/04 15:07:11

Post by: amazingturtles

If I finish my tiny squads of space marines for kill team, would they count as complete? i suppose they would because they're compete for the task and the game i intend them for, even if they wouldn't be for other games.

So my answer is zero for now, but hoping for one soon!

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2016/12/06 06:50:14

Post by: ZergSmasher

I voted 7+, but not because I'm done with those armies, but rather because they are playable, complete tournament-standard (in terms of points) armies for their respective systems.
Dark Angels
Khorne Daemonkin
Tau Empire
Lord of the Rings SBG:
Good (definitely more Dwarves than anything)
Evil (various factions, but combined they are a complete force, if not terribly good)
Dreadball Xtreme:

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2018/09/03 04:08:20

Post by: Pointer5

Space Wolves and Orks

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2018/10/23 01:17:04

Post by: brr-icy

Vampire Counts
Tomb Kings
Ogre Kingdoms

Empire is the only one I don't consider 100%, just the Steam Tank to be where I want to be

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2018/11/06 06:42:32

Post by: Rygnan

I've got tons of stuff all over a variety of games, so hitting that 7+ was super easy

Whole faction of Outcasts in Malifaux, but I own 9 masters across 2 factions (all 8 Outcasts and Misaki/Lynch makes 2 Thunders)
For Batman I have huge amounts of stuff. I can play Brave and the Bold, Suicide Squad, Bat-Family, Secret Society, Amazons and Riddler and have nothing overlap, with tons of options for each
DC Universe there's a lot of overlap with BMG, but there's also a lot that I've bought purely for DCU. I can run multiple full sized lists in that too, completely tournament viable (as much as that exists in DCU) and again, have no overlap between lists.
I also own a full This Is Not A Test warband (Raiders/Tribals), 1000 points of British Airborne for Bolt Action, PanO and Steel Phalanx for Infinity, Dark Angels/Assassins/Inquisition for 40k and Skaven in Blood Bowl

How many 'complete' armies do you have? @ 2023/02/14 05:12:11

Post by: gobbsmakkar

Ork armys 5x 4000+ points diffrent clans,
a marine battle company of the chimperial fist with some terminators and scouts,
plauge marines with deamons ,
chaos marines mark nurgle ,
imperial guard force with abhumans ,
dark eldar ,

Not sure how many points in each (havent played since 7th edition)