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What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 00:36:03

Post by: legoburner

As requsted by Sirsolo (somwhat).

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 00:53:33

Post by: agnosto

Khorne Spaceys waaaaaay back in the day...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 01:01:14

Post by: helgrenze

Honestly... Yes, it was the ill fated Stunties. Why? I liked the fluff and theme of the army at the time. Heavys as troops options.. biker guilds... massed heavy bolter fire, with possabilities of massive hits. Much to love about them... including Some People not being to EVER beat them, no matter what or how they played.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 01:06:40

Post by: Ian1138

I started with Tau because I thought "Battlesuits and anti-grav tanks? They must be awesome!". I continue with Tau because I'm out to prove that the army is still viable to the local metagame.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 04:32:17

Post by: lordrevege

Tau was the majority of 1st 40k armies!
No way.
It was my first, but now I bash on them on most of my posts.
I had no understanding of the rules back then.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 08:51:45

Post by: BishopGore

Eldar, sadly. I loathe the Eldar now, but when I started... well, it was the first codex I got my hands on (second hand), so that was what I went with.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 13:11:41

Post by: grantosjones

If this was a genuine cross section of 40k gamers (not just people on here) I'd expect marines to take the poll by storm. Every kid I knew back in the day was on Marines, and not much has changed today.

My first 40k army was Eldar, swiftly followed by Orks, but I've always been more into WHFB

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 13:22:01

Post by: oggers

Sm (now swapped for a big waaaagh!)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 15:18:05

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Thousand Sons, back when they where red and had a black M as there Symbol.

Followed swiftly by Siam Hain Eldar, and Death Skulls.

I have Death Skulls again, but 1ksons are still waiting for decent plastics before I revist them. Maybe.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 18:09:16

Post by: hawkeye

My friend introduced me to the game. He played Space Marines, I played his all foot slogging Dark Eldar. After getting stomped by him we went to the store and I chose Chaos Space Marines because of how badly he beat me. 10 years later Dark Eldar are my main and it's the same codex.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 18:21:08

Post by: Eldar Own

Woo, SM aren't winning!!!

Eldar was mine, hence my username.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/28 19:53:47

Post by: perplexiti

Space Wolves for me. Still play them too, although I've started a Eldar force as well.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/29 06:42:46

Post by: The Gate Keeper

I just started in November so and my first purchase was AOBR and I barely touched the marines and Ive only bought the codex and more models for Orks so my first and only army is Orks.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/29 06:46:54

Post by: Curly

First and only was Orks.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/29 07:31:35

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

First army was chaos Daemons (Khornate to be exact). Thinking about it, I do regret selling them on...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/29 17:16:47

Post by: Eilif

Blood Angels. The picture on the front of the yellow RT Compendium my friend lent me was inspiring, and when I finally got my own 2nd ed. Box set, the box art hooked me.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/30 02:17:32

Post by: FITZZ

Well, I've told this story before,but what the heck...
My first army was Dark Eldar,not so much by choice,but basicly due to the fact that a friend had purchased 2 of the old 3rd ed. starter boxes,and wanted some one to play against.
He gave me all the Dark Eldar minis from the two boxes (40 warriors),and with the purchase of a (still playable) Codex,a few raiders,ravengers and an HQ + incubi,I was off and running.
Never won that many games,but it was good times.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/31 01:37:21

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Marines. Technically Marines and Tyranids, but I'll say Marines.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/31 05:24:40

Post by: Dedrith

Like others, my first army was space marines. I consider them the best starter army game play wise. Easy to play effectively.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/01/31 23:33:20

Post by: Anshal

My first Army was Inquisition/Daemonhunters, never got it very big but it made me fall in love with 40k

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/01 18:22:39

Post by: NidMaster40000

My first was Dark Eldar... I don't think I ever won a game, but it really got me into the game. I've owned every army minus Necrons and Guard since then... Spent alot of money and a lot of time.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/01 19:46:52

Post by: Malo

My first army was Tau, I soon learnt from my mistakes...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/05 00:36:08

Post by: Clthomps

Second Ed. Tyranids

Man I wish I still had them, in all their ugly glory!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/07 11:14:01

Post by: ArbitorIan

I got a box of used Squats, IG and Marines when i was about 11, but the old Beaky RTB01 Marines were the only ones I could make an 'army' out of, so Marines it is....

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/07 13:44:40

Post by: gretar

I started for the emperor . Went against him a bit later . Sold the heretics and now I have SM's , Tau and single figures/squads I think are cool and I buy only for painting .

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/07 14:33:45

Post by: CadianXV

Space Marines: started in 3rd Ed and got the starter box set, like many people on here I'd guess. Then continued expanding the marines for a couple of years, as the manager of my FLGS said they were good for first time players.

I then moved on to Witch Hunters, which gradually evolved into the IG I collect to this day!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/08 23:15:39

Post by: jester84

Chaos Space Marines...they are cool, they are bad, they are CHAOS!!!!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/09 04:23:36

Post by: Happygrunt

Battle for Macrage marines (God, that set SUCKED!)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/10 03:48:57

Post by: I grappled the shoggoth

Tyranids technically, but I switched to marines quickly

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/10 03:50:22

Post by: Cryonicleech


I remember my first army composition clearly, 32 Ork Boyz armed with various weapons and a Warboss.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/11 06:01:07

Post by: ultramarinelord

Started with the AoBR kit in late '08/early '09, I think. I play Space Marines (Blood Ravens).

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/11 06:12:42

Post by: Chipposai

Everybody chooses SM Lol

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/11 06:19:14

Post by: warpcrafter

Orks, when the 2nd edition starter box came out. I also bought a set of the original plastic Orks and converted the hell out of them, along with lots of other stuff. I still miss my Boarboyz, Madboyz and Pulsa Rokkit battery. (Apocalypse only? )

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/12 05:07:32

Post by: Blitza da warboy

Orks and space marines actually, since i bought two kits one being an ork kit and the other a sm kit. though since i am mostly on orks, i guess it would count as orks :/ ( no really?)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/12 05:39:19

Post by: Hawkins

Harlequins, oh so many years ago.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2048/08/13 00:44:40

Post by: Anpu42

Space Wolves since 1990

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/12 09:36:26

Post by: Krellnus

Tau Empire, Because I think their tanks look awesome.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/12 17:27:23

Post by: Krusha123

What a suprise. The majority voted Space Marines.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/09/12 17:27:24

Post by: PukeNut

I've only been playing warhammer 40k for only a couple of months. I play orks, as me and a buddy split AOBR. I made a promise to my self that when I started playing that whatever army I started with, for better or worse I would stay with that army.

So. . . first and only Orks

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/12 18:22:46

Post by: Daba

Eldar, back in 2nd ed.

The 2nd ed Eldar codex and fluff was inspirational; no one seemed cooler at the time.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/13 05:08:24

Post by: Kommandant56434

My first army was IG! Still play it now, but have a CSM army, and am waiting for Dark Eldar to update... Well i can dream cant I?

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/13 05:12:42

Post by: Redbeard

Witch Hunters. I picked based on the artwork on the codex cover.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/13 06:02:02

Post by: Shadowbrand

Chaos Marines.

They were just perfect for me "Evil superhuman warriors"

I regret selling them one day the eight sided star shall lead me to victory.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/14 04:00:27

Post by: Joetaco

My first army was necrons. I got 1500pts by trading a metal mecha cyber khan (monsterpocalypse wins btw) to a person at our gaming store. The first army i bought was space marines.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/14 08:01:35

Post by: Snikkyd

At first I was thinking SM but then I felt like that was too bland.

At first I had no interest in Orks, but for whatever reason, all I had to do was read about them to start with them. That happens.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/15 13:38:45

Post by: Flashman

2nd Edition Biel Tann Eldar - 1000pts. It was quite balanced too... think I had several Guardian squads and a squad each of Avengers, Scorpions, Hawks and Spiders.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/15 15:53:38

Post by: Panic

PlagueMarines... my first and only true love.


What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/16 03:58:10

Post by: Iron Gryphon

First and only army, Space Marine, more specifically, Ultramarines!!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/16 04:33:52

Post by: Shake Zoola


and as far as im concerned they are the best starter army out there...simple rules, good staying power, you can have a playable army with nothing more than a battle force and a lord blister making them one of the more inexpensive armies to play...simple to paint...

I could go on...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/16 04:48:37

Post by: fraggrenade

My first army was the imperial guard, around 4 years ago.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/16 05:42:05

Post by: CrashUSAR

Technically my first army was 3ed Orks, but being too young to drive the half hour to a game shop I didn't play much...like maybe four or five times. Collected IG when I got back into it last summer and succeeded in playing the piss out of em.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/18 23:06:43

Post by: skullking

space wolves specifically. Loved the terminators! Then after a little while their 2nd edition codex came out! I was hooked. Started orks when their 2nd ed. codex came out. then nothing for awhile. When I got back into the hobby (sadly, about a decade later), I used my wolves and the few nids I had. Eventually dropped the nids, built up CSM and Eldar. Started Lost and the Damned till they were discontinued , picked up reg. space marines (sallies/Mandies), and then deamons. Love them all.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/20 22:51:25

Post by: Newt-Of-Death

Got a box of metal catachans for £13 !

Then ended up with about 800 points worth, and never understood how to play with them. Only started gaming properly when I started with Dark Eldar!

They are just so damn great!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/21 00:16:32

Post by: chaplaingrabthar

Blood Angels, because that's what came in the 40K2 box.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/23 18:44:22

Post by: devilfluff

Space marines- Space Wolves to be specific.

I just repainted my first squad. 2nd ed boxed set tac marines...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/25 01:27:34

Post by: eldarbgamer13

Nids, but now I dint even collect them! =)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/02/25 03:18:10

Post by: Joostuh

The Tau are my first and a.t.m. only playable army at 1700-2000pt.

And it well...

It would kick all of your asses...

Tau not competitive in fifth edition... pfff!!!

You must also think that the Fireknife isn't the best Crisis suit configuration...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/08 20:46:42

Post by: Mechnomancer

I wanted an army that would look good with a COBRA theme. Tau grav tanks fit the bill, so Tau was only natural. I did pretty well too. It was the start of 5th edition and nobody at the flgs had seen a fully mech army. I've since switched to Demons, but I bring out the Tau whenever someone says they aren't competitive.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/08 21:40:21

Post by: BLING MAN

Space Marines. Though almost all my originally models got cast to the way side. I built them before reading the codex thouroghly and ended up with an excess of heavy bolter tac squad guys and power weapon wielding assualt marines. Plus my painting when I started was nil in comparsion to what I can do now. Now you can't swing a dead cat in my house without hitting a marine.........what ever that means...............

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/09 00:31:59

Post by: Skarshak

When I started, I split with a friend on 2 AoBR box sets and picked the Orkz as my army choice! I've always thing for the greenskinz.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/18 04:38:41

Post by: Noble713

Blood Angels, back with that nasty orange paint scheme they had in 2nd edition.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/18 12:00:28

Post by: CptM Mograin

I started with guards, then I got into DH but I fell back to IG again, then it was Orks and then Space Wolfs but I allways find my self feilding IG after a while. The other armies are fun but they are not like the guard.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/22 06:07:19

Post by: Gwar!

Space Wolves. Played them for 11 years now and never looked back.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/22 13:32:29

Post by: Dedrith

My first army was Space Marines, and now I can't help but deeply regretting sinking that much money into an army I will most likely never play again.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/26 22:40:58

Post by: vitki

It would have to be space marines since the RT001 box was the only thing out at the time.

Eldar was my main force since the army list came out in WD with the aspect warriors.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/28 10:57:12

Post by: LEEQAEX

I started wit hEldar becuase I collected high elves so they were sort of my 40k version of elves. Then I got space marines

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/28 18:40:01

Post by: Grumpy

Blood Ravens because I loved to play Dawn of War

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/30 04:56:45

Post by: physcosamatic

i started on a pure thousand sons army

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/30 05:55:46

Post by: rzsanguine

My first army was Blood Angels. I made it based on WD issue one hundred thirty something. The Angels of Death codex was the first codex I ever bought.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/30 17:25:52

Post by: whalemusic360

SM, specifically DA
Why is squats, AM and LotD a choice but not DA, SW, BA, and BT?

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/31 07:49:27

Post by: DX3

Space Marines - Dark Angels way back in 1990.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/03/31 18:35:06

Post by: brickhouse

Tyranids as a first army all the way. I did technically buy some tau firewarriors as my first ever models but i soon realised they sucked and went with the swarmy 'Nids

God bless there gribbly goodness

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/02 19:40:05

Post by: ihatehumans

Dark Eldar, because I loved the idea of them, and because they had just come out...

A decade later and still using the same rules and models :(

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/07 03:39:41

Post by: Elnicko5

Blood Angels. As many Jump packs as I could fit, min scout squads with naked Vet sargents for the PW or PF DC member, and a Chaplain with a lightning claw. Then Baal Preds when I saved enough allowance. Oh I miss 3rd edition.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/07 10:24:20

Post by: chromedog

While my first GW minis were SM, my first ARMY was Eldar.

Yriel's Eldritch Raiders.

Still have most of them, too (and their 'captured' grav-attack vehicles and stuff).

Still play Eldar. 20-something years.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/18 13:46:25

Post by: sir mongo

I picked other because I started with Space Wolves and not Space Marines. I know I am splitting hairs but wanted to be right.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/18 13:53:29

Post by: Gwar!

sir mongo wrote:Hello,
I picked other because I started with Space Wolves and not Space Marines. I know I am splitting hairs but wanted to be right.
Exalt fellow Son of Russ!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/20 00:14:32

Post by: samrtk

Orkses, but a month later I started Necrons, now my Necron army is double my Waaagh, starting to build my Orks further now, while waiting for the new Cron codex.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/20 06:04:33

Post by: sir mongo

Thanks for the thumbs up!!!!!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/22 17:12:20

Post by: ductvader


Purity and Strength.

Qualities I admire. I looked at the game searching for "knight-like" characters. Found Templar and the Knights...Saw Space Marines so often that Templar barely seemed different. I love my Grey Knights. It's a difficult army to play but that has only made me a better player. Just going to hate it when my bandwagon comes around and everybody else jumps on board.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/22 17:58:40

Post by: panshandle

Imperial Guard was my first proper army, though I remember collecting almost a complete tactical squad back in the days of only metal miniatures! Happy days!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/22 18:09:37

Post by: Black Corsair

I started in the 3rd edition with orks, i always liked them... they're cool and granted me lots of fun im my begginings

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/22 23:05:57

Post by: Owain

I started with the Macragge box, which grew into a Blood Angels army.

Later I played Eldar and traded all my extra Gaunts and 'Stealers for a Wraithlord.

Now I'm a proud Guard player.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/22 23:37:29

Post by: Disposable Hero

Chaos Space Marines are the only true answer. (Taken from the Chaos Sorcerer's line "Chaos is the only true answer" in Dawn of War.)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/22 23:40:16

Post by: Monster Rain

Mine was Necrons! I still love them, even with their 5th Ed difficulties. Not that they're as bad as some would make them out to be...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/22 23:40:28

Post by: ductvader

Disposable Hero wrote: Chaos Space Marines are the only true answer. (Taken from the Chaos Sorcerer's line "Chaos is the only true answer" in Dawn of War.)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/26 15:09:04

Post by: Gift-o-Chaos

Necrons back when they were the total cheese

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/30 03:19:01

Post by: oadie

I had to choose "other" since I can't select multiple options (understandably). I got AoBR, so I started Orks and SM simultaneously and have been collecting both in roughly equal measure (points-wise, at least - I have 3 times the models in my ork army, but SMs take up 2 shelves because of the vehicles).

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/04/30 06:10:28

Post by: Quientin

2nd ed squats.

Proper abuse of the battery rules in codex battles soon lead to jump and termie squads through proper abuse of Hearthguard. and then there was the 5 man 5 heavy bolter squad for 110 points that made overwatch weep. aaaaahhhh yes the days of spending more time firing in my opponents phase than my own.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Monster Rain wrote:Mine was Necrons! I still love them, even with their 5th Ed difficulties. Not that they're as bad as some would make them out to be...

YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THEM IN 2ND ED... all 4 months of them being there. Painful cheese. Bend over and grab them ankles cheese. I immediately went out and bought them cheese... they're still on my shelf....

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/05/01 12:58:42

Post by: S.m.o.ta.t.

Dont think I've ever heard "bend over and grab them ankles cheese" before...

Anyways, went with Orks, they were the first army that I didn't buy that someone had already owned them.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/05/01 14:24:09

Post by: Distortionist

Chaos, 3rd edition codex. I loved playing my iron warriors with 4 tanks and 6 obliterators (all I had at the time).

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/05/02 07:03:30

Post by: Quientin

S.m.o.ta.t. wrote:Dont think I've ever heard "bend over and grab them ankles cheese" before...

HAHA well did you read those issues of white dwarf and play 2nd ed? Necrons were broken upon introduction. They were critically toned down. you could land scarabs on vehicles to drop their AV and they were toughness 8!!! For further cheese being within 6 inches of a necron killed power weapons and penalizes your BS. Haha but we speak of a time when Terminator armor saves were 3+ on 2D6 and everyone and their mama had vortex grenades.

BTW what edition did you start?

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/05/02 07:42:03

Post by: Flying Pooo

Ultramarines FTW!!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/05/14 08:44:09

Post by: Austragalis

I started on 3rd Ed. starter box (thanks for clearing me up on exactly which edition that was; I used to think it was 2nd Ed.) with SM and DE.

I've been collecting both in pretty equal measure.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/05/16 19:49:27

Post by: Yggdrasil

Space Wolves...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/05/16 20:14:10

Post by: chub

I ticked other, as even though I've played since second my first complete and painted army was a Catachan army from third ( I believe) you know, the one in which no armour was allowed

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/01 23:51:55

Post by: Turalon

When I started in my group everyone started with marines (of some type) then got a second army. So while Marines were technically my first army, IG is what I consider to be my first 'real' army.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/02 00:14:43

Post by: Bloodfrenzy187

My first army was an Ultramarines SM army. I have moved on to have a Daemons and BA army for 40k.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/02 00:38:41

Post by: templeorks

First army for me was the orks.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/02 00:46:30

Post by: VikingScott

My first was Witch Hunters.
Ironic really.
My Surname is Witchell.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/02 15:30:20

Post by: TehPyroFang

my first model was a space marine... but my first army was tau..

FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!.. .. . .and all that jazz -.-

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/03 06:56:22

Post by: Dr. Cheesesteak

Necrons were the first army I bought. Orks were the first army I played. So...I decided to give Necrons the love and put them.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/09 19:26:58

Post by: BlutEisenRegel

Sadly Marines... But without that I wouldn't be playing my renegades now so I guess that is a good thing.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/09 23:35:22

Post by: Wolf

Space Wolves, just got back into them after there re release Finally got to use my old models

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/10 04:06:01

Post by: Generalstoner

Blood Angels were my first army and how different were they from todays BA withthe armor being BA Orange!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/10 16:57:46

Post by: Whatsit Tooya

I started the game as the Tau because someone had told me that they had powerful shooting capabilities.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/06/30 22:37:15

Post by: Jimsolo

First, last, and only

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/07/06 23:54:35

Post by: mLuds

Ultramarines! About as plain as they come

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/07/07 15:17:26

Post by: Einherjar

First army was Crimson fists. like everyone else i went sm. its hard not to when you know nothing of the hobby and they are in every edition box set. Anyways since then ive smartened up and went guard.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/07/08 12:25:35

Post by: UbiSwanky2

My first models were Emperors Children....painted them terribly....went WHFB for awhile. Now my first 40k army is Space Orks!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/07/09 16:32:33

Post by: blood reaper

I first just paintded Nids but truly it was Chaos Daemons , then Chaos marines.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/07/09 20:07:20

Post by: Boss Goretoof

Started with Marines during 3rd Edition, then slowly expanded into Chaos Marines (like the fluff for Word Bearers) and finally stopped expanding into different armies when I started Orks. Once I started playing Orks, everything changed. I still like my Marines, but I've had much more success and, more importantly, fun playing my foot-slogging Green Tide.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/09/29 04:41:40

Post by: InventionThirteen

Dark Eldar cause I'm ruthless MF

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/09/29 17:21:54

Post by: nickthewise

Been representing Eldar since 96'.

When I started roughly half my friends played Marines, while the rest were a combination of Orks, Tyranids and Imperial Guard.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/09/30 01:34:34

Post by: EpicMoose

Space Wolves

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/09/30 02:42:14

Post by: WarOne

Orks was my first choice, taken from the Assault on Black Reach set.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/11/04 06:17:25

Post by: Rc1987

Black Templar

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/11/12 21:37:05

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Very first army was Space Marines. I still have them, too.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/11/12 21:38:23

Post by: Asherian Command

wow lots of spacemarines.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/11/30 07:26:58

Post by: tekk_45

I voted other for Black Templars.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/11/30 14:34:41

Post by: Inquisitive Inquisitor

I remember it like yesterday, it was a box set of 10 metal Catachans.

God I feel old.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2010/11/30 14:35:25

Post by: Element206

like most everyone else, I was drawn into the game and started collecting SM

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/02 23:43:38

Post by: Ixias

Orks were my first army and they are my only one so far. I've only played for about three months though, and I'm thinking about getting some Necrons too.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/03 02:57:21

Post by: Flashgit

Orks, Got a Space Ork raiders box because I liked the look of them, then got hooked from there.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/03 06:07:47

Post by: Eura

mine was almost tyranids but I somehow diverted to dark eldar (not sure how) at the last moment.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/03 14:33:55

Post by: Ultrasmurf_no_REALY

Marine FTW i started nids and tau but they were reeeeeeeeal boring so i defaulted to the faithful smurfs

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/03 14:41:10

Post by: Lokirfellheart

CSM- I liked space marines, but I wanted an evil army. I went for the obvious, the Black legion because at the time I really wanted Abaddon.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/03 14:55:38

Post by: LordWynne

Crimson Fists, they were easy to paint until they turned Chaos lol

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/03 18:24:50

Post by: Reaper.exe

Imperial Guard for me. I really liked the looks of them and especially of the sentinel which was my first 40k model

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/05 14:47:27

Post by: EXIAN

My first was and still is Dark angels

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/09 04:44:07

Post by: djphranq

Space Marines here... was thinking Space Wolves but I resorted to Ultramarines. Now I have no army :(

All I have now is a 10 man tac squad and 9 terminators with TH/SS... oh and a rhino that I screwed up.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/01/09 22:17:57

Post by: Phototoxin

I think there will be bias as all the starter kits have space marines in them.. so you buy one you haz spaze marines...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/02/22 09:43:04

Post by: Müller

Ultramarines back during the shift from RT to 2nd ed.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/02/22 20:39:13

Post by: davij

Lost and the damned, cos I'm awesome!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/02/23 02:40:08

Post by: jordanis

other: i collected black templars, but hadnt the slightest clue how to play them, so i sold them and got IG, so i count IG as my first real army, but i owned BT before that

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/02/23 02:54:43

Post by: shadeyaces

I use to love my necrons when it was 4th the glancing rule made them so much fun to play.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/08 23:06:53

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

I used to collect Eldar,but they just didn't really appeal to me.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/09 01:13:27

Post by: Sturmtruppe

I tried something like 3 times to start a couple of Eldar armies and once tried Guard, but none of those attempts ever grew beyond 4-5 models before I went back to WFB. Then I went to Marine boot camp and so the idea of painting up Marines seemed natural. That became my first real 40K army.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/09 04:06:24

Post by: Mattlov

Tyranids was my first army, but I had a very small collection of Grey Knights before that.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/09 04:08:30

Post by: mytimeprez

My first was Black Templars. The look drew me in instantly.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/12 23:25:10

Post by: mega_bassist

Tau my first and only

I'm working on starting a 'nid army though....one day....

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/12 23:57:23

Post by: R10T

Crimson Fists baby!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/13 00:57:33

Post by: dalsiandon

Space Marines, although I decided to go Imperial Fists, so to this point it remains my only army. Although I have started to get a few 'Nids together. They will be the easier of my two armies to paint for sure.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/13 16:12:19

Post by: BloodAngles_Chris

Crimson Fists

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/15 23:51:45

Post by: Foxtale

I got the scraps from a third edition starter box. I always got told by the GW employees that my DEldar were painted too bright. Well now look at how they do DEldar!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/16 06:43:57

Post by: guyperson5

Myne was Marines but the first model I got was an Ork Nob from my cousin (thank you, cousin Alistair)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/03/16 12:09:56

Post by: DickBandit

Speehs Muhrines. Blood Ravens to be exact...


I even made a Davian Thule Dreadnaught. I am still proud of it!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/04/18 15:16:17

Post by: logg_frogg

My first army was Chaos way back in the day when 3 man foot slogging untis with 2 support weapons and a champion seemed like a great idea!
It started with black legion and then swelled in Khorne and Nurgle (Because my frind played Tzeentch and Slannesh and we wanted the fluff to fit when we fought)

That army has grown from 250pts to the 14000+ it is today lol

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/04/18 16:18:47

Post by: Goddard

I hope a GW market researcher doesn't see this thread : (

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/04/18 20:56:48

Post by: logg_frogg

Goddard wrote:I hope a GW market researcher doesn't see this thread : (

lol!! don't worry they already know!!

There is a reason every second codex released is some form of marines

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/04/18 23:42:13

Post by: KingOfTheSwords

Blood angels. before and after the codex

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/04/19 07:24:35

Post by: Rampage


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/04/30 10:55:49

Post by: nickick


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/05/01 01:34:11

Post by: anglerfish3

Im space wolves the best

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/05/02 00:50:11

Post by: Joshawa

I started out with one...then 2 AoBR boxes. I started out with the intention of playing Dark Angels, so I bought a Battleforce, an extra Rhino, and a land raider and started painting. After playing a little bit I decided to switch over to Orks. I had a bunch of Orks lying around because of the black reach set. I still buy models and maintain both armies but Orks have definitely taken over the top spot.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/05/21 10:34:41

Post by: heirophanty

Mine was tyranids because they scared my little brother (who was 11 at the time). I am still with them and he's still scared!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/05/22 22:44:01

Post by: Wulfen Andy

Space Wolves!!!

My first model was Leman Russ with two plastic wolf brothers!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/05/23 08:25:50

Post by: Krieg Solder 117

Imperial Guard were my first and still are my main army. My first box was The Last Chancers.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/05/24 22:33:40

Post by: extermikator

I got a Space Marine Rhino (one of the old ones). I've worked steadily through several different armies, but always come back to my beloved marines

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/05/25 12:42:42

Post by: Ysclyth


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/06 14:40:41

Post by: Toeko

Kroot Mercs were my first army

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/07 00:26:25

Post by: JB

Orks back when the Rogue Trader rulebook (WH40K First Edition) came out. See my gallery for pics. I still have the models.

Then I bought a plastic and metal Ork army for 3rd Edition but switched to Cadians in 4th Edition (for the Eye of Terror campaign).

...and now I'm thinking about a small SM army to get a break from painting IG.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/09 19:31:42

Post by: cgmckenzie

Why does 31% starting as SM not surprise me?

Mind you, I also started SM through the glory that was splitting AoBR with a friend.


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/13 09:42:28

Post by: YoMomma

Every single game I play, I play defensively. I was told that Tau were good at setting up a gunline for defensive play, so a semi-painted Tau Battleforce is scattered around in my bitz box and on makeshift shelf dioramas to display my figs. After that my cousin gave me his AOBR Orks to paint, as he had enough with the Marines (his Christmas present. I got it for him on sale, so that I would have someone to play against ). Only the Warboss, a Deffkopta, two boyz and a converted Nob are painted so far.
The followng Summer I spent some money on some IG figs (more specifically, a Command Squad, Cadian Guardsman Squad and a Sentinel).

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/20 22:40:27

Post by: VardenV2

I guess I started off SM but painted them like Dark Angels. I was ten back in third edition and had no idea they had their own book. I quickly moved over to DA thereafter. The first REAL army I wrote a list for, bought models, and played fully was Dark Angels DW/RW back in fourth.

Now I got Orks and LOVE THEM!

So I guess I started with SM but my first seriously composed army was DA.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/26 02:24:56

Post by: WraithgodSchmity

Eldar all the way!! But I've lately been workin' on a Blood Angels army, as my second army.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/26 02:54:15

Post by: kitch102

Black Templar SM's! I remember buying my first 5 man tactical squad (for £5 might I add, from the GW store!), and seeing Ultramarines on the front, Blood Angels and Templars on the sides, and loved the simple, yet effective BT scheme.

Loved painting the Scouts too, befre they became Neophytes.

All my mates were SM players, all Blood Angels and Space Wolves, so there was plenty of variety there pre chapter specific codexes! Good times....

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/06/27 15:13:28

Post by: Mad4Minis

I dont recall what the first full army I did was...i think SM. However the first decent sized bunch of GW minis I had were the old metal CSM, the Khorne ones, like in the Traitors of Chaos set.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/07/01 15:09:20

Post by: msteward

I feel weird because i didnt get into wargaming until I was 22 (25 now). I chose to start on Chaos Marines, something about a badass underdog with a renegade complex that draws me in. Bought a nid army about a year ago but I ended up selling it to a friend who has given it a much better home

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/07/30 14:27:19

Post by: Varl Sigmund

my first army was an all Harlequin Eldar army..

basically because I loved the emo attitude and the Death Jester character...

and also because I could mount an all bike army with holo fields...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/07/30 19:36:38

Post by: sp4cew0lf

Orks, a few years back.
I'm a horde player at heart !

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/01 18:16:39

Post by: remilia_scarlet

My first army was daemons, with 3 units of 10 pink horrors, one upgraded to changeling, 2 units of plaguebearers, and a unit of bloodletters, 3 units of 6 fiends of slaanesh, and 2 demon princes with txeentch upgrades.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/03 13:00:38

Post by: Blackhoof

Wow, ur fairly new then.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/03 17:41:50

Post by: Trondheim

Imperial Guard, Deathkorps of krieg to be specific.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/12 07:03:53

Post by: teh unforgiven

my first army was tau... I still love how they look.
But after while I bought AOBR and split with my brother (I got the marines)
Then I started DA and they still are my favourite and most succesful army.
I still love my tau but... Its tau


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/12 17:43:11

Post by: VardenV2

the unforgiven wrote:my first army was tau... I still love how they look.
But after while I bought AOBR and split with my brother (I got the marines)
Then I started DA and they still are my favourite and most succesful army.
I still love my tau but... Its tau


Glad to hear it. DA caught my attention right away. So did Black Templar... maybe I just like the robes? hehe


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/14 08:10:53

Post by: Maj. Kolbak

I started off with Space Wolves but moved quickly from there to IG.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/14 08:24:11

Post by: Scorpionov

space marines at first to get used to the rules then chaos, ig,tau,eldar for there variety

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/15 04:00:43

Post by: The Mad Tanker

The Glorious First Legion, the Dark Angels

For the Emperor! For the Lion! Repent!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/16 20:43:21

Post by: Serder

Splitted AoBR with my friend, I got Orks. It was my first time ever in miniwargaming. I Learned how to play them the hard way, by losing!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/19 16:00:51

Post by: Mantle

salamanders/eldar, I was young and generally bought what looked cool haha I remember the old old striking scorpions!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/19 16:56:56

Post by: Comintern

Dark Eldar! Split the old starting set of Space Marines and Dark Elder box with the store owner who gave me store credit back for the space marines. They have since been shelved completely after the abysmal codex.

Have abandoned 40k all together.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/19 19:59:04

Post by: Akroma06

Started with Dark Eldar.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/24 00:18:43

Post by: hellrai3er

Started with blood angels as thought they would be easy to paint, so easy in fact i got bored really quickly and moved on.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/24 04:15:12

Post by: Sin_Un_Nombre


But seriously, I originally chose Marines, but I only managed to get my hands on 25 Tactical marines and the Codex before my hiatus due to funding.


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/27 05:00:43

Post by: kenneydee

Space Wolves were my first army

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/08/27 07:14:21

Post by: sarpedons-right-hand

It was Marines for me too. First Space Smurfs followed closely by BA. Then Orks, twice. Then IG, back when you could mix and match all the different mini's. I had two squads of Valhallens, two of Jungle Fighters and a whole hodge podge of misc others that I bought with whatever funds I had at the time.....

And is it really any surprise that most people put marines as thier first army? They have been part of the starter sets for every single edition after all!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/09 00:47:40

Post by: Julnlecs

When they first told me about 40k they said alot of people played Space Marines so I decided to pick something else. By the awesome look of the Necrons codex cover I went with them. They were too boring for me after a while gamewise in 4th ed. Then I went Imperial and got Blood Angels. Now Im a Blood Angel Player for life.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/09 00:50:12

Post by: Ogryn

Space Marines. I always liked the Ultramarines, but then turned to Papa Nurgle.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/13 22:54:36

Post by: Red Comet

I put in Space Marines, but the real army I started out with was Blood Angels.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/15 21:27:51

Post by: Soladrin

First and only, orks.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/20 13:13:31

Post by: LazzurusMan

Space marines, purely because a friend had some and wanted to trade for my Gondorian soldiers XD

But now i play Guard and currently undecided on my second army :/

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/20 15:03:40

Post by: vorpalhit

Squats all the way back from rogue trader days, i wanted a dwarven army in each of the systems, 40k fantasy and epic.... sooo long ago...

then i went to genestealer brood and when 2nd ed came out it was Guard, my lovely boys in their smart mordian uniforms.
their 2nd ed claim to fame? wiping out a deathwing terminator squad with las gun fire in store... on their 3+ on 2d6 saves. bahahaahahahaha

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/20 15:24:24

Post by: Josh-sama

Started on Tau, moved to Orks, to IG, to Chaos...

All through a period of 5/6 years.

I'm now back on the Waaagh! and intend to start getting into this properly and gaming. I've got a lot to learn mind.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/20 15:44:39

Post by: Lord Poison

started with Dark Eldar, briefly tried orks, then went over to chaos (then lost and the damned)
played most every army since then (except necrons and grey knights)
same with fantasy (except dark elves and ogres)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/20 16:11:47

Post by: Viersche

Space Marines - Black Templars

wait there was a squat army available?

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/21 04:05:57

Post by: djdutton

I got the AoBR set and everyone at the game center was space marines so I had to be a rebel and go orks. Besides theyre more fun anyway and gots tons of DAKKA!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/28 23:21:02

Post by: Mr.Malevolent

My "first" army was Tyranids. I actually just found the old Hormagaunts and Termagaunts the other day. I may re-paint them...

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/09/30 16:32:24

Post by: Viersche

Space Marines - Black Templars

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/08 14:35:40

Post by: Commander Krayen

Just thought the Tau looked so cool.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/12 17:30:52

Post by: smeugal fan

Space Marines... then 3000 pts Blood Angels and Space wolves to Follow.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/12 17:53:47

Post by: scarletsquig

2nd edition eldar!

Really easy to get an army put together since the models cost a ridiculous amount of points each.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/17 14:53:21

Post by: DoctorBrain

I got the 3rd Edition starter set for Christmas back in 2002. I assembled three or four Space Marines, thought I wanted to start a Dark Angels army, bought the DA codex and promptly lost interest. None of my friends played, and without others to play with, it was hard for me to keep going.

I just recently started my first real army, an IG mech list with Steel Legion models. I know several other people who play - they have Space Marines, Orks, Necrons, Eldar and Chaos between them - so it's easier to continue the hobby.

Viersche wrote:wait there was a squat army available?

This is news to me as well

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/17 14:55:46

Post by: Samus_aran115

Chaos Marines. Bought a land raider as my first purchase. Regret nothing

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/21 19:20:20

Post by: sennacherib

Average again. I started out collecting Spacemarines when rouge trader came out. Never assembled them but i bought some and the rules. Later years came, more money and both marines and then orks began to fill my collection.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/22 05:54:06

Post by: Steve Shields

Tyranids, i painted them in a checker pattern of elf flesh and blood red. yeah amazing job right?

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/23 06:55:03

Post by: dakkagrot187

orks for me now they have grown to 7000 points and i also have marines , guard and empire now

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/23 16:01:48

Post by: AdeptSister

Sisters of Battle. My true love even when GW cannot focus on them..

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/23 17:28:17

Post by: The Epic Chaosdude!!!

Ultramarines firstly then Eldar Biel-tan, followed by Warriors of Chaos

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/23 19:52:02

Post by: Castiel

Tau for me, I just liked the models!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/10/25 15:47:59

Post by: Thatguy91

'Nids! Followed by DA and Necrons.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/12 10:28:02

Post by: Brother-Captain Scotti

I was very original........

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/12 11:58:30

Post by: Kyran

Eldar! until i released that the elder are really sickish.... =_= that and I realized that i painted them like a starfish trying to recreate the mona lisa xD

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/12 17:47:52

Post by: Sharkvictim

Ian1138 wrote:I started with Tau because I thought "Battlesuits and anti-grav tanks? They must be awesome!".

I had the same problem.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/12 18:05:09

Post by: templarsandorks?

*GASP* Space Marines are winning
But yes I started with Orks (BEFORE Black Reach)

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/13 03:12:20

Post by: NL_Cirrus

Necrons, I started with them on Dawn of War and decided it would be nice to have some minis of them and got a battle force which I then expanded with 'Cron lord Immortals and most recently a Monolith. And I plan to keep collecting them -Although I might need to modify the new models so that they fit more into my Idea of a 'cron army.- I really love them for their cool look and clear green plastic pieces. The sheer amount of AWSOME is overwhelming!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/13 06:11:21

Post by: Johnny-Crass


What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/14 10:45:45

Post by: junk

My first purchase was CSM, I really wanted to paint a squad of noise marines to look like a punk band; but my first army was tau, because I liked how they just looked totally out of place among all the space marines and orks everyone around me was playing. I still play tau sometimes, but three armies later, that original noise marine squad is still waiting to become the spirit of '77/.

What was your first 40k army? @ 2011/12/17 03:20:31

Post by: martian_jo

My can't remember that long ago. I bought blisters of three different armies before I learned the rules.

I'm thinking firedragons, but it may have been my beakies. Actually I'm pretty sure it was the beakies because when I bought my fire dragons I remember seeing the different box for plastic space marines.

Or maybe it was the mohawk squig... it was 20 years ago forgive a guy if he can't remember....

What was your first 40k army? @ 2023/02/14 06:06:07

Post by: gobbsmakkar

Orks from the first day!

What was your first 40k army? @ 2023/02/14 08:08:46

Post by: aphyon

Dark Angels-still have many of the original 3rd ed models.

Then it was more dark angels in the form of dedicated deathwing and revenwing army. then i branched out to do sisters, tau, nids, salamanders and finally admech..... as of now i only still own 3 of the above.