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What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/01/28 00:39:59

Post by: legoburner

As requested by garret

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/01/28 15:31:04

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

1am to 4am, well between 1am and 2am most nights.

I am really active late at night for some reason, I have all my best ideas late at night, and then typically go and tinker with them

I also have a mild insomnia, so its very rare for me to actually fall asleep before 1am-2am anyways, even if I am lying in the bed.

To top it off I never need the full 8hrs sleep suggested either, in fact 8hrs makes me feel worse than if I sleep my typical 6hrs.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/01/29 07:07:46

Post by: The Gate Keeper

Whenever I fall asleep. Right now I gotta be up in a few hours and is 2am still no sleep.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/01/29 07:33:52

Post by: Little lord Fauntleroy

Supposedly 8-10pm. I suffer from Insomnia though, so sometimes I go to sleep at about 2am, and sometimes not at all.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/01/29 07:59:27

Post by: warpcrafter

I've had so many distractions and interruptions lately that I can't remember what my usual sleep schedule used to be. I'm usually in a sleep-deprived altered state of consciousness.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/03 14:47:02

Post by: dreadlord

When I'm tired. This can be and has been at all hours of the day and night. Right now I'm pretty tired but I've been awake for more than 24 hours. Right now I'm trying to decide if I should stay awake until nightfall or if I should just go to bed now.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/03 15:48:38

Post by: IvanTih

When it's school then 10 to 12pm,but otherwise I'm awake till 1 or 2am.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/04 20:36:19

Post by: 1hadhq

Usually anytime between 23.00 and 2.00.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/05 22:57:46

Post by: avisobling

I usually go down around 9 to 10 pm cause I go to work at 5:30 a.m. except on 40k night then it is more like 1 a.m. cause we don't meet until 9 on monday nights.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/06 04:05:59

Post by: Darkness

I have an odd work schedule.

On Sundays I need to be in bed by 8pm and on Weds and Thursdays at 6am. The rest of the days are around 10pm-12am

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/06 05:54:49

Post by: Gwar!

Whats a Bed? Is that a kind of Desk people sleep at?

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/06 08:15:31

Post by: Anshal

I usaly turn in betwen 1am to 4am depending on my mood

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/06 20:34:20

Post by: FITZZ

I have to be up for work at 6:30 AM Mon-Fri,so I'm almost always asleep by midnight.
On the weekend however I'll stay up until 3 or 4 AM.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/07 22:24:35

Post by: ginger_nid_dude

Go to bed about nineish. Spend another hour or two on forums on my iPod.

Gwar!, your crankiness over the MC deepstrike rulings is now so clear

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/07 22:55:51

Post by: tankworks

Usually get to bad around midnight unless I have a game in the morning when I try for 10:30 to eleven.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/08 04:35:31

Post by: Chi3f

Now it's 10-12, but I guess it depends on the job I've worked. Later shifts I would stay up later, but working 8-5 now I try for 12 at the latest.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/08 06:47:50

Post by: ultramarinelord

usually 8pm to 9pm, because I have to get up at 5:30am to be on a school bus by 6:40am

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/08 06:54:28

Post by: Arheiner

9:30 until 10:00 but normally stay up until Midnight listening to music.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/08 20:20:49

Post by: mortal888

Usually 11:00pm weekdays. On weekends I stay up until 2-3am on weekends playing Team Fortress 2.

I'm a teacher, so during summers I usually go to bed regularly around 2am

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/10 23:56:45

Post by: Chipposai

About 2:30AM- 4:00AM for me

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/15 15:49:50

Post by: barlio

10pm to Midnight for me. Unless I'm on a roll painting then I'm up till 12:30 or so. Any later than that and I'm completely worthless at work the next day.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/15 21:57:54

Post by: Eilif

I chose 10-12. I don't have to get up til almost 7, since I live so close to work. If I had a longer communte, I'd probably go to bed earlier. I guard my sleep time!

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/17 09:56:44

Post by: HoverBoy

I usually turn in at 3-4 AM its a trend i developed at high school, im also weird cuz i can work with only 2-3 hours of sleep but if left unisturbed (forgot to set pfone to awake me for instance) i can easyly sleep for 12 hours or more.

There should be a poll how early do you get up too.

Edited for epic grammar fail.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/17 09:57:04

Post by: Newt-Of-Death

God, I got up at 9.15 cuz Ive got an appointment in like 20 mins, and I went to bed at 5 last night!


What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/17 13:40:06

Post by: kronk

Follow-up question: How many people regulary stay up after midnight and
(1) have jobs
(2) don't live with their parents?

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/24 08:39:49

Post by: Tauzor

I work a shift pattern of 12 hours starting and ending at 7 (seven am/pm)

I do three days (am to pm ) , 2 nights (pm to am ) and have 3 days off before returning and doing 2 days and 3 nights and have 4 days off
resulting in me hitting the sack about an hour after getting home on work days

I love it.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/02/24 19:58:25

Post by: shrike

I normally go to bed about 9:30, 10:00, but i normally go to sleep at about 10:00 to 11:00, but that's just 'coz i'm 13.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/03/02 04:47:11

Post by: ChaosxVoid

have insomnia so I write army lists and paint what i've got at night, playing around with the idea of death korps right now might get sum

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/03/02 12:44:03

Post by: IG_urban

kronk wrote:Follow-up question: How many people regulary stay up after midnight and
(1) have jobs
(2) don't live with their parents?

I chose 1-4. I go to school full time for a bachelor's, I used to work nights at UPS, and I do freelance work all the time...I also live in downtown seattle by myself...

there are plenty of people who stay up late and both have jobs, and their own residences...

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/03/31 14:50:18

Post by: ihatehumans

Two Words:

Night Filler


As mentioned I have a job, also live WITH MY GF (on our own) and go to bed at 1am-4am, sometimes as late as 5:30 am.


What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/04/20 16:50:46

Post by: Owain

Depends; during the week between 10 and 12, on weekends and holidays I'll often stay up until 1-4.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/04/20 17:00:08

Post by: loranafaeriequeen

Monday through Thursday I work until midnight. I get home at 1am. I am normally not relaxed enough to want to sleep until nearly 3 am. I unfortunately am normally drug out of bed sometime between 8:30 and 9 by my son.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/04/24 20:55:16

Post by: S.m.o.ta.t.

I claim the eight to ten spot. I work form 4:00 am - 12:30 pm i try for 8 usually ends up being ten though...so many orks to paint.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/08/23 00:16:22

Post by: kaidsin

I have august off work/school (other then body building practicum) woo! 1-4

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/08/23 00:29:19

Post by: pj-brainz

My bed is my favorite place in the world the more time i spend there the better

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/09/14 07:43:11

Post by: Luco

2-3am generally. If I am working on a project or researching something that interests me it could be well after sunrise when I finally go down.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/09/14 13:22:41

Post by: snurl

I am an insomniac too. I work at night and go to bed around 9am.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/09/14 13:26:16

Post by: Chibi Bodge-Battle

Have ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) so my sleeping patterns are nacked.
Plus when it kicks in can be totally zonked.

Right now I wanna go back to bed but needs must go shopping or i don't eat

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/09/14 17:43:04

Post by: Sarnath666

11 A.M. seriously.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/11/15 06:34:29

Post by: Müller

Hit the bed at between 10.30 and 11.30 PM and get up at 4.50 AM.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/11/15 03:50:24

Post by: rzsanguine

I go to bed between 11:00 and 1:00 a.m.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/11/15 21:36:18

Post by: Eura

I have erratic and illogical sleeping habits I could got to bed at 10p.m. and wake up 4 hours later fully refreshed and the next day sleep 20 hours at 2pm

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/11/15 22:12:52

Post by: Avatar 720

Mild insomnia = 1-4am bedtimes.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/11/30 18:05:29

Post by: Element206

10-12am on a work day (have to be up by 4:45am)

days off however I will stay up between 2-3am....occasionally pull an all-nighter to catch up on painting

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/12 10:04:15

Post by: Luco

After the end of finals and much burning of the late night oil... its been nearly a week since i've gone to bed before sunrise. Tonight won't be any different methinks. Ah well.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/17 15:34:59

Post by: Capt_Bowman

My average wake up time for work used to force my bed time most days. I used to force myself to have 8 hours in bed (not necessarily asleep alas) in bed each night to try to keep myself sane / healthy. My usual day was a 5am wake up so I went to bed about 9pm. If I had to be up at 2am which was a once / twice a week thing then i had to be in bed by about 6pm.... which sucked when you sometimes did get in until 6pm. Home, quick snack, bed.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/17 15:56:58

Post by: Necroagogo

Bed around 1am, up for work at 5. A lie-in on my days off is usually until 7, when I get up with my kids.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/19 00:01:21

Post by: Warlord Gazghkull Thraka

On school nights,I get in bed at 10 pm and on weekends and holidays around 11:00pm - 12:59pm (cuz my mom dont want me stay up late. Ugg).

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/19 01:24:28

Post by: Footsloggin

1-4 A.M. I'm very sleep deprived...

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/19 12:49:15

Post by: shrike

'bout 11:00-12:00.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/23 23:06:37

Post by: zadelistol

Depends on my work schedule.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/23 23:45:27

Post by: shrike

1 hour ago
zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzz
I read this really interesting topic in a newspaper- this scientist worked out that teen's body clocks run 2 hours later than adult, which is why we're always tired in the mornings and awake at midnight (which is probably why i'm on dakka now )
anyway...zzzzzzz zzzzzz

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/24 05:48:59

Post by: chromedog

Between 10:30pm and 11pm normally - wife leaves for work around 7:15am and likes to have at least 8 hours.

Before I was married and living with her, it was not uncommon for me to be awake until 2am or so.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2010/12/24 06:01:50

Post by: commissar80

I am on call 24hrs a 6 days a week about 288 days of the year including holidays. Plenty of time too sleep when I am dead.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/01/04 04:28:07

Post by: djphranq

10pm - 12am for me. I used to be able to stay up till 1 and still be up for work in the morning... those days are gone... or are they?! (yes they are... so sad)

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/01/05 14:51:35

Post by: EXIAN

11pm ish.. and then I always wake no later than 8am, even if I went to bed at 7am, I can never sleep past for what ever reason

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/04 21:48:26

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

I have to be up at 6:30 on weekdays,
10-12 is the latest I can handle and still make it throught the day.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/04 22:22:02

Post by: Perkustin

Mostly 1am-4am as i am currently unemployed......

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/04 22:32:04

Post by: Valkyrie

Usually go to bed about 11pm-12pm, but don't actually get to sleep until about 1am-2am.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/04 22:57:46

Post by: Matt070

1am -4am for me

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/04 23:00:03

Post by: Eldar Own

10pm-12pm sums it up nicely. I rarely go to bed after or before that time.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/05 10:08:39

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

Oh and 11-1 on weekends.

I just play minecraft untill I can't saty awake.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/13 16:18:40

Post by: BloodAngles_Chris

About 11pm....but that 4am alarm goes off way too early.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/14 00:49:31

Post by: R10T

Work dictates sleep schedule.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/20 21:13:20

Post by: Inquisitor Lord Bane

9-10am, I work 3rd shift and dont get home until 7:30

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/03/23 11:11:37

Post by: bleeding-fingertips

When I get tired. So anywhere between 12:00AM to 11:59PM

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/04/15 13:31:01

Post by: logg_frogg

I'm a night owl and usually go to bed anywhere between 11pm and 4am when I have free reign over my life.

Currently when I am at work I need to be up for 4am so bed time is no later than 10 and usually9ish :(~

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/04/16 20:51:33

Post by: Vermillion

When I do sleep, usually 4am onwards. Kind of naturally nocturnal... Great for night shift jobs, tough reorganising sleeping patterns for family/other commitments

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/04/27 14:59:37

Post by: nickick

Half nine ish...

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/06/07 00:28:29

Post by: thelibrarian

I work nights, so I had to pick other.

8:30am is my bedtime

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/06/16 06:14:29

Post by: Red Comet

I usually go to between 1 and 4 A.M. I like staying up at night and I hate waking up early in the morning. I even schedule work or whatever else I have to do to be later on in the day so that I can usually go to bed around 1 or 2.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/08/10 23:26:17

Post by: jah-joshua

fall asleep about 2 or 3 am...
wake up at 7 or 8 am...
surf, work, relax...
nap from 4-6 pm...
paint 'til 1 am...
unwind, and do it all again the next day...

pretty relaxed schedule to keep...
my body is used to it, so changing the schedule is tough...

people trip out about a grown man with a nap time, that's why i live in Mexico, where the siesta is understood...


What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/08/17 22:28:40

Post by: Ineed2bucks

12P.M-1A.M. I seriously start painting late and then can't stop until I finish X amount of models.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/08/22 11:13:16

Post by: sarpedons-right-hand

12-1am. I work really long days (12-14hrs) or really long nights.....So when I get home after a shift I want to stay awake as long as possible to get stuff done.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/09/10 15:38:48

Post by: djdutton

I pretty much always go to bed at 12 like clockwork. Although when my gf comes over she tends to sleep at 10:30-11pm. It makes me feel like an old man to sleep so early, haha jk

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/09/15 21:15:37

Post by: Soladrin

Well I got bed between 12 and 1 on weekdays, but I read like 2 hours before I actually go to sleep.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/09/16 21:20:31

Post by: DX3

I usually sleep between 100am / 200am and am up by 600am. An afternoon nap would be great, but it seldom happens.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/09/16 23:33:55

Post by: Ogryn

Whenever I feel tired. I usually go to bed at 1. or 2.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/09/20 16:23:45

Post by: Viersche

11am and onwards - i work evenings

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/10/11 16:28:40

Post by: csscmaster3

While working Mon-Fri at my internship -- 12:30am - 2am
Mon-Fri during classes - 3am - 5am
Weekends - 2am - 7am

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/10/11 21:41:02

Post by: DangerousBeans

I wake up for work around 4 am so I'm in bed by 8:30-9 pm.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/10 23:03:18

Post by: Sharkvictim

My work schedule fluctuates, so tonight I'll turn in around 10pm, but when i work second shift it's more like 2 or 3am.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/11 00:47:58

Post by: Howard A Treesong

When I was working I would usually be in bed by 10 and asleep a bit after 12. I find my sleeping has gone to hell since, I just can't get to sleep until 3am and toss and turn. I don't really lie in to make up though, I still get up at a reasonable time and just feel tired a lot.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/11 01:20:16

Post by: fenrir1997

10-12hr shift at work starting @ 4am- bedtime is around 9-10pm

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/11 04:15:48

Post by: RatBot

Well, I tend to go to bed between 11pm and 1am, but I don't fall asleep til 2 to 4, so I read or watch TV shows for a couple hours.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/11 21:49:55

Post by: el_groovatore

Normally I hit the hay around the half-twelve mark. However, since Skyrim was released, I'm pushing 2am most nights...

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/12 04:55:13

Post by: HoverBoy

el_groovatore wrote:Normally I hit the hay around the half-twelve mark. However, since Skyrim was released, I'm pushing 2am most nights...

I know that feeling

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2614/04/22 18:07:22

Post by: templarsandorks?

8pm-10pm but I work well int the morning and often get up early

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/14 17:47:01

Post by: CuddlySquig

6 hours after coffee o'clock. So usually midnight.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2011/12/17 03:26:28

Post by: martian_jo

My girlfriend usually gets off around 11 so I'm normally cooking dinner around then and we are in bed about midnight thirty.

Midnight thirty one if I can seduce her...

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2014/01/29 17:25:17

Post by: hellrath

Every morning I think "right, tonight I'm going to bed at 11", it never happens and I drop off at 2.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2014/01/29 17:29:08

Post by: nerdfest09

Usually during my non work days it's between 10-12pm but as i work night shifts I wake up at 3pm and don't get back into bed until about 7:30-8am the following morning, not really optimal for functioning eh!

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2014/01/29 17:48:36

Post by: Jefffar

9 - 10 AM.

But I don't get off work until 7 AM.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2014/02/02 02:42:04

Post by: crazyfoxdemon

I work a night shift and then I go to class afterwords so I usually get to bed around 10-11am.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2014/02/02 09:25:12

Post by: scarletsquig

Generally get to sleep at about 1am, wake up at 8 or 9.

What is the average time you go to bed? @ 2022/10/01 16:59:50

Post by: cadianruss

I can only sleep a few hours at a time, up and down 24/7.