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How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/13 15:46:57

Post by: legoburner

As suggested by IvanTih

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 18:21:03

Post by: NidMaster40000

English and only english. Since I'm American, they didn't stress the importance of other languages in school... Although I did stay in Spanish until I was a senior, it was a breeze because the teachers did next to nothing when it came to the actual language. I tested out of it for college... that's good I guess.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 18:29:12

Post by: agnosto

English, Korean, Japanese.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 18:31:54

Post by: Honersstodnt

I speak english and bad english.


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 18:32:01

Post by: VikingScott

Does a language that i can write but not speak count?
Otherwise its two.
(haven't voted yet...)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 21:46:05

Post by: Golden Eyed Scout

I can carry a simple conversation in german and french.

My spanish teacher sucked, so I never learned anything.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 21:55:40

Post by: 4M2A

I am always amazed by people who can learn multiple languages as I have trouble talking coherently in one.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 21:56:31

Post by: Borkin

English + Greek. Thanks ancestry.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/14 22:24:21

Post by: A-P

Finnish + English + Swedish. Could not add German with good conscience since it is really rusty after 10+ years of disuse.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/15 05:19:57

Post by: OnTheEdge

I speak Swedish as mothers tongue, and fluent English for obvious reasons Also my Spanish is not that shabby
since the missus is from Latin America


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/15 19:01:44

Post by: Brother Gideon

English, Russian and Farsi. Military necessity.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/16 10:57:30

Post by: Xanthos

Faroese (about 60000 people total speak this, but I´m from the country so hah)
Danish (second language)
English (school)
Swedish (midway between faroese and danish)
Norway (very similar to swedish)

So five, that I can speak well.Take that, Holland!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/16 18:06:44

Post by: heacy hitter

english and german(because of school)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 00:50:10

Post by: Turalon

English + French + German, but I'm not probably European.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 02:10:25

Post by: The Bringer

English is my main language.
I also speak pig-Latin fluently.

Other than that, I speak very basic Spanish.

Languages I've learned minimally are Greek, Latin, and Japanese.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 02:13:14

Post by: Flying Pooo

English (birth language) +German (school) + Afrikaans (cultural but I only know a few words)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 06:26:24

Post by: Evil Lamp 6

Two. English and Persian Farsi. As stated earlier by another, out of military necessity.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 16:14:40

Post by: Jimsolo

The poll specified 'conversational level' so I selected only one. However, I do know a smattering of other languages. I could survive (order at a restaraunt, count out money, find the hotel and bathroom) in Spanish, French, and Japanese.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 17:06:36

Post by: Grimm

1, though I'm slowly learning French.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 19:45:45

Post by: oadie

I voted two. English is my native language and I've taken a few years of German. The instruction was crap and I've forgotten most of what I once knew, so I'd only give myself half a language, for that. Most of the mechanics come relatively naturally, but I have the vocabulary of a 5 year old. The other .5 comes from Old English, which is rather like Latin in that A) it is dead as a doornail and B) no one really "speaks" it (that is, composes in it), even within the discipline - grasp of the language is judged by ability to read, comprehend, and translate.

So 1 for English, .5 for enough German that I'd be damn near fluent after half a year there, but currently forget words like "year" for hours at a time, and .5 for having translated half of Beowulf and several thousand collective lines of assorted Anglo-Saxon poetry and prose, but never having a reason to speak it again, as I likely won't be tested on my pronunciation by a professor ever again (unless a kindly Dakkaite would like to put me through grad school). That makes 2. 2.5 if you're willing to count Middle English as well, but it runs the gamut from almost-modern (barely worse than Elizabethan or "that Shakespeare crap") to nigh unreadable.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 21:36:30

Post by: Generalstoner

English and a decent amount of Polish. I grew up in a house with polish grand parents. Don't ask me to write it though. I also had German all through High School and speak enough of medical spanish to get me by since I work in anemergency department in New Jersey that is located with lots of farms that have a good migrant worker population.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/17 21:55:54

Post by: Erasoketa

Three - I'm probably a European
Four - I'm very likely a European

I LOL'd. Come on, some people doesn't know even their own language, European or not.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 06:13:31

Post by: BlutEisenRegel

English quite eloquently and I could find my way around a Latin American country with my Spanish. I want to learn German due to ancestry, hence my screen name("BloodIronRule").

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 10:40:36

Post by: Brunius

English is my native language, and school has managed to teach me a bit of German

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 16:25:48

Post by: Leone

dutch ( from belguim so...)
and i can handle myself in german...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 17:25:39

Post by: Ediin

Bosnian, Swedish, English, and I understand Spanish but cant speak it very well.

Oh yeah, and I speak crappy German too. (Thanks for that, Inglorious Basterds Movie)

EDIT: Can understand Norwegian and Danish too, ofcourse.

EDIT 2: And I can speak Serbian and Croatian without problems too.

So 5 fluid and 4 ''a little''.

Yeah, I'm European

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 17:37:28

Post by: drukawski

Every last person on this board can speak nerd, so that's +1 to everyone's spoken language count!

FYI AFAIK thats what the TO and TFG told me at the GW that hosted that TAC APOC GT last week.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 17:44:36

Post by: don_mondo

Once upon a time, three, but 15+ years of not using German and 30+ years of not using French pretty much lowered me to one these days.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 20:19:34

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I speak English(birth), Irish(school and the place I live), German(enough to speak), Frence(school aswell) and beginning to learn Spanish(holiday)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/18 21:51:11

Post by: kamakazepanda

English, French, German, Dutch and Afrikaans

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/19 19:57:17

Post by: HoverBoy

Bulgarian (home language) + English (duh)

Also working on Spanish and Russian but still voted 2.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/19 22:25:46

Post by: Ailaros

Jimsolo wrote:The poll specified 'conversational level' so I selected only one. However, I do know a smattering of other languages. I could survive (order at a restaraunt, count out money, find the hotel and bathroom) in Spanish, French, and Japanese.

Yeah, I'm perfectly fluent in english and fairly fluent in spanish, so I put down two. If you count languages that I have any level of fluency whatsoever, the two jumps to five (ancient greek FTW).

Kudos to you army guys with the farsi. I've been told that's one of those languages where few learn it by choice for a reason...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/20 15:20:51

Post by: children of filth

I speak english, and pirate. Pirate is a language, right?

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/20 16:31:31

Post by: Cake Farts

I speak American. The language of the free.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/20 23:43:46

Post by: SgtSixkilla

Two, because of movies and hip hop music.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/21 19:16:56

Post by: Shake Zoola

English (native)

Japanese (school and former residency)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/22 13:27:50

Post by: kronk

English and some Spanish. Thanks Houston!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/22 13:56:12

Post by: DruidODurham

Well, I'm American...so I speak English and Arabic. I know some amount of Spanish, of course, and I used to be real good at Latin in high school. Lingua latina non mortua est!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/22 14:42:26


English, German, Perl, C, Pascal, x86 ASM,

Yes, I'm a software developer.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/22 18:07:05

Post by: Lord of Change

English and Spanish (thanks to School).

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/22 18:25:48

Post by: Fifty

English First.

Japanese to a very good conversational level. (Especially if you gave me a month to get back up to full speed).

I was pretty good at German at School and Uni, but never used it very often. Strangely though, I used to be able to semi-converse in Dutch. My flatmates were Dutch, and it was similar enough to English and German that I could understand them in Dutch, and talk to them in English, so we would have one conversation in two different languages. I also used to read a lot of European football match reports on the web in Dutch before European games started getting decent coverage in English. That was years and years ago though.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/23 02:11:35

Post by: Riffzor

Swedish and English, but I've often gotten myself through conversations in German, as German, Swedish and English are all Germanic languages which lie close to one another.

My german grammar is about non-excistant though, thanks to my German-teacher at school whom seemingly couldn't speak German. (When we had a German guest for a week, they had to speak to one another in English, and the poor girl looked ashamed whenever our teacher tried to learn us some word which of course was pronounced completely wrong.)

I can also say five words in Polish, but that won't take me anywhere. =P

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/23 03:40:16

Post by: medd

English and German. I spent about 5 1/2 months in Germany this past semester

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/23 07:09:59

Post by: blazinpsycho&typhooni

English, obviously.
Chinese, it's okay, but I sound so white when I speak it. Because of that, I limit my conversations to one or two word answers, anymore and it takes me a while to find the right word. I nearly killed my grandpa because he was laughing so hard at me. But personally, I think I'm getting better.

Oh and French from school, 'cause y'know being Canadian and all, it's all about the french eh.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/23 09:35:06

Post by: LordCreed

I'm Dutch though I can only speak two languages.. LOL English and Dutch, but I can speak a little bit German

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/23 17:20:06

Post by: Dakka_Dok

I speak Belgian, French, English and German.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/23 17:30:39

Post by: Asherian Command

i speak 2. Woman and English. And if you wanna count Aussie and Russian. Make that 4.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/23 21:45:04

Post by: Stephen Bond

Im half norwiegen and german so decided to embrace my ancestory and learn both and am now fluent(ish) in both yay

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/24 05:48:08

Post by: Cantus

English naturally and german to a pretty decent standard. I've been known to understand some swedish and dutch but only because of the similarities between germanic languages.
I've also been able to understand some spanish just from travels. God help me when I try to speak any though..

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/24 07:12:57

Post by: Krellnus

Riffzor wrote:Swedish and English, but I've often gotten myself through conversations in German, as German, Swedish and English are all Germanic languages

English isn't very Germanic any more it is mostly latin...

English, I can also speak italian O.K. but only if push comes to shove so I didn't count that so really only 1.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/24 08:35:28

Post by: Luco

I can say "i cant speak this language'" 3 different languages, does that count?
Ever so slowly trying to pick up Gaelic, but mostly just English.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/24 10:10:56

Post by: Kilkrazy

English (native), French, German, and Japanese.

My German is rusty and needs a bit of work to make it properly conversational.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/25 00:44:09

Post by: blazinpsycho&typhooni

Krellnus wrote:
Riffzor wrote:Swedish and English, but I've often gotten myself through conversations in German, as German, Swedish and English are all Germanic languages

English isn't very Germanic any more it is mostly latin...

English, I can also speak italian O.K. but only if push comes to shove so I didn't count that so really only 1.

English can actually be seen as the illegitimate child of latin/french languages and german. It's got a lot of grammar and vocab similarities, english grammar structure actually has more ties to german. But a lot of vocabular comes from the latin/french languages

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/25 00:52:51

Post by: rocklord2004

I speak english just fine. Writing it on the other hand....yeah, not so much. I do want to learn German and Japanese though.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/25 00:55:57

Post by: Cantus

Krellnus wrote:
Riffzor wrote:Swedish and English, but I've often gotten myself through conversations in German, as German, Swedish and English are all Germanic languages

English isn't very Germanic any more it is mostly latin...

English, I can also speak italian O.K. but only if push comes to shove so I didn't count that so really only 1.

Not speaking german yourself, seems an odd comment to add in. Grammatically the two are actually pretty similar.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/25 01:33:29

Post by: chromedog

English (native) and Dutch.
(Used to speak Hungarian as well, but learned Dutch from dad who - though born in Budapest, was raised in the Netherlands immediately post-WW2.)

Enough Dutch to eavesdrop on 'private' conversations between KLM 'crew'.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/25 04:41:27

Post by: Todosi

English and American Sign Language. Thanks to working for a predominately deaf company after college.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/25 10:34:39

Post by: Doggles

4 - English (native), French (good), German (terrible), and Mandarin Chinese (good spoken, terrible written). I can count and order a beer in Spanish and Italian, but I don't think it counts as "conversational" level until you can understand what people are saying back to you!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/25 21:14:23

Post by: Anshal

English + Russian + Sami( Norwegian native languange) + German

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/26 06:04:54

Post by: murdog

English and French. Growing up in Ontario there's lots of french, and being near the Quebec border meant lots of hot Quebecois girls to hit on when we went over to take advantage of the drinking age being 18...

But I've forgotton alot, and I'm sure if I had to talk to a french person they would cringe in agony as I massacred the language.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/27 03:27:44

Post by: Miguelsan

Spanish, English, Japanese and French. Also according to my wife I speak a very fluent geekish.


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/28 18:00:39

Post by: cosmic pixie

English, Spanish, French, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese and Swahili (does lord of the rings elfish count?)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/29 01:36:07

Post by: barlio

I'm from the Ozarks so I don't know if I technically speak English.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/29 14:54:11

Post by: Krilau

I'm from Belgium.

I can speak Dutch, English, French. I also speak German because, well, my mother is German

A quick sidenote though, it would surprise me if the Dutch speak more languages then the Belgians. They don't really have the same problem as the belgians. In Belgium there are 3 language zones. A French, Dutch and German zone. Learning at least French is obligated for the Flemish.

Anyway, i had to learn all 4 languages as described above in school. sorry for the rambling.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/29 18:05:32

Post by: Alkasyn

Polish, English, German, Spanish and some Arabic, though could only talk about some food, the weather and likes/ dislikes in the last one.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/29 20:02:31

Post by: Samus_aran115

Klingon and english

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/30 01:50:56

Post by: LiberatedObject

Native English speaker, know some Spanish, though I am learning some more, and am learning German too.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/30 11:06:28

Post by: Kylis

Finnish and English (and some Swedish and German)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/30 11:38:13

Post by: Zepher171

English, French and German pretty much all reasonably well tough i have a bad habit of mixing them up like thinking im saying something in english then it comes out in french heh XD

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/06/30 23:30:35

Post by: azekio

english and german. some french. i can talk about girls and cooking utensils in hebrew. i understand catalan when i'm drunk. my japanese is getting better - hopefully when i go there next year i won't suck.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/01 01:40:38

Post by: Arctik_Firangi

I speak English naturally, and have learned enough German and Finnish to politely convey that I don't speak German or Finnish.

Does Pig Latin count?

...oh and some Arabic, which includes many Hebrew-directed insults in Hebrew.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/01 14:17:33

Post by: Tigerone

French, German, Russian.

I am from Texas.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/01 14:19:29

Post by: LunaHound

I can speak 3 in conversation , 5 if i can reply in english ( i do understand what they are saying but sometimes i cant think fast enough to respond in the same language back
so you get mix of 2 or 3 different language in my replies rofl )

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/01 14:31:51

Post by: zeekill

English and Russian FTW

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/01 15:28:10

Post by: NightChild

English, Pashtu, and a smattering of Dari (military) Took French in HS and college so could probably get by in a restaurant.

I find it unfortuate that we in the US have not promoted the study of languages in the past although Spanish is becoming a neccesity recently with the influx of Spanish speaking people coming from Latin and South America.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/04 22:54:18

Post by: quietus86

bdw ist belgiums go speak atliest 3. not the dutch.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/05 07:55:34

Post by: A-Lone

Latvian - Native
English - Cartoons xD
Russian - School

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/05 08:55:47

Post by: Inquisitor Lord Bane

A-Lone wrote:Latvian - Native
English - Cartoons xD
Russian - School

I almost went to Latvia in high school for an exchange program.

I speak English, can understand Russian and Spanish, an can speak some Japanese and Korean

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/05 22:50:08

Post by: Philld77

English as my Primary language, with French, Spanish and Italian as my Secondary languages, but not as fluently as when I was at school so very basic conversational, really I'd just about manage if I was dropped in a country that spoke in any of my Secondary languages at the moment, but given a couple of days and I'd be able to recall more, but like anything if you don't use it everyday you're not going to be much use for a while.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/06 07:19:13

Post by: IAmTheWalrus

Obviously I speak English fluently, and I can speak Arabic conversationally, though it really depends on who I'm talking to. I can manage with Levantine, Iraqi, or Gulf, but God help me if it's an Egyptian or other North African.

I've also got a smattering of German and Spanish, but I'm far from conversational.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/06 13:31:08

Post by: HellsGuardian316

Jusk won, I can bearly speck this won az it iz.

I can read French really well, but greatly struggle with speaking it, put a book in front of me and I'm fine, start talking in french and I can't understand most of whats said.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/06 19:56:47

Post by: P4NC4K3

I speak English.

Je peux parlé en francais.

Und Ich spreche die Deutsch

that's in descending order of how good I am at them

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/07 22:12:54

Post by: Remos

Finnish + English + German. Could not add Swedish eventough I can read it but not speak..

dammmnnn juu datshmen!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/07 23:55:53

Post by: Haddi

English+Icelandic (Which is basically ancient Norwiegan but tell that to an Icelander and he will uppercut you out of Nationilistic pride)

First language actually, english was my second.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/08 01:11:03

Post by: Orlanth

I learned French for over ten years as mandatory study. I got an 'U' ungraded fail at my O level exams (now GCSE), that normally means a mark of under 5%. I should have been allowed to drop foreign language class as I have never been wired for it at all.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/10 18:00:56

Post by: phantommaster

English, French and German.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/11 00:59:09

Post by: gretar

3. English, Danish and Icelandic (although the last one is pretty much only used when I'm in Iceland).

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/11 01:35:23

Post by: Samus_aran115

gretar wrote:3. English, Danish and Icelandic (although the last one is pretty much only used when I'm in Iceland).

Pretty sure you're lying. Only a couple thousand people in the world speak icelandic, so yeah....Prove it (without google translate, naturally)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/11 01:57:39

Post by: gretar

Samus_aran115 wrote:
gretar wrote:3. English, Danish and Icelandic (although the last one is pretty much only used when I'm in Iceland).

Pretty sure you're lying. Only a couple thousand people in the world speak icelandic, so yeah....Prove it (without google translate, naturally)

Well not only can you see the little icelandic flag on my username but I can also give you a copy paste of icelandic writing i wrote. And there are more than a few thousand, lets start with the 350k people that live here plus the people that live in Canada and more.

Ég heiti Grétar og er 14 ára unglingur frá Keflavík. Ég æfi handbolta og var að koma af sveitabæ sem heitir Arnbjargarlækur. Landið mitt er frekar fallegt, sem dæmi má nefna Suðurnesjin en þar bý ég. Ég átti einu sinni heima í sveit þar sem við áttum rollu(einnig þekktar sem kindur) og beljur. Ég á kærustu sem er jafngömul mér og heitir Stefanía ósk.

Ef thats not enough for you just follow this link(http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=1183787596) to my facebook profile and you'll find that I have 380 something friends that are mostly Icelandic..

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/12 14:49:39

Post by: Boss Goretoof

Just English.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/13 12:36:15

Post by: YoMomma

Norwegian, English and I'm learning simple phrases of German. Due to my previous and current overuse of international websites, I'm actually starting to THINK in English...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/13 19:56:41

Post by: HoverBoy

YoMomma wrote:Norwegian, English and I'm learning simple phrases of German. Due to my previous and current overuse of international websites, I'm actually starting to THINK in English...

I remember when that started happening, in time you won't even notice

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/13 21:40:21

Post by: Shaman


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/13 22:58:25

Post by: Black Corsair

Spanish of course, English fluently thanks the school and videogames (i practice it as much as i can, but some people say that i have a weird accent) and a bit of german, but that one nearly forgot for disuse... really strage thinking that i live in Mallorca...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/20 16:57:53

Post by: Thorheim

Swedish, Norweigan, Finnish, English

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/20 23:49:05

Post by: SwanCo

i speak English, Spanish, and enough Italian to hold on my own in a discussion...why is it that Europeans are "likelier" then americans to speak many languages? depends on where the speaker grew up as i see it.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/21 07:47:09

Post by: Tauzor

Gaelic & English
French & German
Spanish & Portugueses( yes they are different )
Lettish (Latvian ) and Ukrainian ( job related)

I also speak "street" and "criminal" as well as legaleese.

I do a good "drunk" and some other lifestyle versions of communication..

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/27 16:03:05

Post by: commander nearsighted

American English and american sign language

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/27 18:14:47

Post by: Joostuh

Krilau wrote:I'm from Belgium.

I can speak Dutch, English, French. I also speak German because, well, my mother is German

A quick sidenote though, it would surprise me if the Dutch speak more languages then the Belgians. They don't really have the same problem as the belgians. In Belgium there are 3 language zones. A French, Dutch and German zone. Learning at least French is obligated for the Flemish.

Anyway, i had to learn all 4 languages as described above in school. sorry for the rambling.

I see your 4 and raise it to 5!

Frysk (Fries)

Ha! Didn't see that one comming did ya!?! Your not the only one with multiple language regions!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/07/29 20:07:54

Post by: Hyenajoe

French, English, Spanish, and a little Polish

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/01 04:48:42

Post by: brandon noble

I can speak English very well (Duh) but know enough french and Islamic (word-of-mouth that is) to get around to info gathering

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/02 21:36:07

Post by: poipo32

French and English, I don't really know how I learned it but I was fluent before people my age knew their irregular verbs.
I plan on learning some other thongs pretty soon, Italian is on the list as my grandmother is Italian.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
commander nearsighted wrote:American English and american sign language

That's cool

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/05 04:17:00

Post by: Hordini

brandon noble wrote:I can speak English very well (Duh) but know enough french and Islamic (word-of-mouth that is) to get around to info gathering


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/05 19:53:26

Post by: zilegil

English, rather good at latin, and I want to try greek.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/12 13:26:53

Post by: Müller

Swedish, Norwegian, English, Spanish

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/12 14:10:25

Post by: -Nazdreg-

German as mother language, english as primary foreign language and french just for mouth and hand talking...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/17 01:45:18

Post by: Schmapdi

I put two - but really it's more like one and a half. I can read/translate spanish decent enough for a conversation thanks to 4 years in HS, but in my experience native speakers speak waaay to fast for me take anything in.

Maybe if the spanish person was slowed and spoke slowly though.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/17 17:57:06

Post by: D-man

I put two... Swedish and English, but I also "know" Danish and Norweigan, at least some words. And I also have a very basic knowledge of Swedish signlanguage.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/18 03:39:03

Post by: Try Again Bragg

I speak english, I can understand and reciprocate the grunting of American, and I can read write latin, so I put that at two. I don't think it counts but languages that I can work in also include klingon, java, and assorted math/science/engineering terminology.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/19 06:23:40

Post by: InventionThirteen

One language baby! Awesomeness.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/19 09:58:19

Post by: Curly

English, French and German Hurray for growing up in Europe.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/29 08:57:56

Post by: Cryonicleech

I speak Sarcasm, mostly.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/29 14:49:22

Post by: FITZZ

English,obviously, and enough French and Spanish to locate a library,ask what time it is or order another drink.
I am also quite fluent in "Yat", a regional New Orleans dialect which to the untrained ear is almost incomprehensible.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/29 15:15:02

Post by: The Dark Lord Mr Fluffy

I can speak english about averagely. Shame, it's my only language
Did German for 6 years. All I can say with it is cheese. Kasse.
I hope...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/29 19:55:56

Post by: Karon

English and Swedish.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/29 21:37:46

Post by: Draggoon

I am lucky enough to be first language English, with French Schooling and supplementary Spanish during school...

So I ended up being completely fluent in English and French and able to effectively communicate in Spanish.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/29 21:51:58

Post by: xxBlazinGhostxx

Vietnamese, though my family is from the south of Viet Nam so I can only understand that.. northern Vietnamese has a different word for about everything... T-T... like dessert and tea in the south is tea and dessert in the north...

And English that I learned in school.

And being from Southern California, I know some Spanish, though it mostly consists of phrases that will get my a** kicked.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/30 18:52:53

Post by: whrextheimpaler

English, French, German, makes people look at me and my friend weird when we speak tactics in german otherwise i have no life.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/30 19:33:37

Post by: Scrazza

only 2. Dutch and english

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/30 19:50:00

Post by: Sanctjud

English and Cantonese are my mains.


All given back to my teachers through years of unuse :-(

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/31 08:00:55

Post by: whrextheimpaler

drukawski wrote:Every last person on this board can speak nerd, so that's +1 to everyone's spoken language count!

FYI AFAIK thats what the TO and TFG told me at the GW that hosted that TAC APOC GT last week.

Haaha You sir do speak the truth.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/31 12:55:21

Post by: Elmodiddly

None! No, really, none. I have a stammer!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/08/31 16:05:19

Post by: Phototoxin

English, Passable french and some Irish (Gaelic*)

*although its actually Gaelige in Irish/as Gaelige

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/13 20:26:15

Post by: Suicidal Cheez

Ik ben inderdaad Nederlands!

Dutch, English, German, French and... Does Latin count?

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/14 18:45:14

Post by: WarWizard91

How 'bout pig latin? Does that count?

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/15 17:17:19

Post by: Imperial Monkey

errrrr...by conversational does that count as badly? and can Scottish accent be counted as a language?

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/15 17:18:57

Post by: HoverBoy

If others can't speak and/or understand it without practice/help then it is a language

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/16 18:45:15

Post by: Imperial Monkey

Oh, it definitely counts then

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/17 13:02:06

Post by: cortez

Dutch, French, English, German, Luxembourgish.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/17 13:12:24

Post by: Joostuh

Ik ben inderdaad Nederlands!

Nederlanders zijn sukkels!!




cortez wrote:Luxembourgish

Lol, that's no language!
Maybe an accent or dialect, no language though...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/17 19:06:35

Post by: assultmarine

Is fauth me gaeilge agus dun da gob. thats irish

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/27 04:05:00

Post by: sniperjolly

LOL at dutch being better english speakers than the english... *ducks*

Pacific NW English, (it basically dosen't have an any distinguishing features exept there is no differnce between "ant" and "Aunt") used to speak german, a LOT rusty now, I can almost speak japaneese, but writing it makes my head hurt (stupid Kanji, why cant you use one of the other three alphabets you have?!) I can also pretend to speak Spanish and Italian enough to get around europe (although garnering "stupid american" looks in my wake ) and pass spanish class.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/09/28 21:29:37

Post by: Imperial Monkey

Have to disagree there old chap *sniff* that comment was just not cricket. No one speaks the Queens language proper like us English. Oh I say, my tea has arrived!

Imp. Monkey

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/03 16:21:02

Post by: narceron

burrito, fajita, taco....maybe 1.5

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/03 19:00:16

Post by: Eldar Own

Three, english, french, spanish. All in order of well spoken-ness (three guesses whether it starts with best or worst).

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/03 19:16:27

Post by: Devastator

Finnish and English
feth sweden

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/04 01:35:49

Post by: General Seric

I can speak English; and a few words of spanish, but I realy have trouble with spanish, I nearly failed Spanish class

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/04 14:58:55

Post by: CyberLegionX

English, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Spanish and I get by on French

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/07 14:47:25

Post by: HF Izanagi

English, Tagalog (national language of the Philippine Islands), Pangasinan (dialect but totally unrelated P.I. language), Japanese (college), and French (4 years in HS).

... and I'm not even Dutch..

But I believe that- one of my colleagues from Holland when I studied abroad in Japan spoke the language to at an academic level- took all of his classes in full-on Japanese... crazy good.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/07 18:23:07

Post by: Da Boss

I speak Englsih and Irish to conversational level, and I can understand basic french if the person is nice enough to speak slowly. I don't usually try speaking in french because of experiences of bad attitude from native speakers about it. My irish spelling is piss poor though, since I only refreshed it through immersion, not study.

Assault marine: dún do gob means shut your beak though in some areas beak might be a slang term for mouth. Béal is the more standard word.

Shrivenwhotsit: Not going to acknowledge our Icelandic friend after he provided the evidence you demanded so rudely? Poor form, I'm not impressed by your manners.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/11 08:02:14

Post by: djdutton

I can speak English and Japanese, very poor Japanese but enough to get by.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/31 12:48:39

Post by: Holycrusader27

English and a little Spanish....

Always wanted to learn German tho

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/10/31 22:36:11

Post by: EagleArk

I count 3, English as my native language, german because at the school i go to a language is a necesity, and russian(!) because my mom hates the hobby with a passion and doing extra curricular activitys is he onlyway she will let me do it (sad face)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/02 17:51:55

Post by: RaptorsTalon

English is my native language
I can speak French and German due to school
Some Russian due to school as well.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/02 17:56:34

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

High nerd

I can understand a smattering of low nerd and get some of the references.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/02 18:46:38

Post by: epy346

English and French. I know enough Spanish to communicate with dishwashers and tell them what to do, but I don't really think that counts.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/05 19:09:04

Post by: Suicidal Cheez

Why do you think Dutch people have so many languages? All schools have Dutch, English and French. You can add Spanish if you want in the 4th year. I don't think Latin or Greek count as languages since they aren't spoken anywhere anymore. What would the fifth language be to you? Some Nordic language? Italian?

I'm curious

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/05 20:26:49

Post by: HoverBoy

Greek is spoken in Greece, oddly enough.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/11 06:12:41

Post by: Happygrunt

English, and I can UNDERSTAND German, but couldn't speak it back. Would love to learn Arabic though... just wouldn't want to be stationed in a country that speaks it!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/16 04:36:49

Post by: Mukkin'About

english, malay (couple dialects there!)
And smatterings of german, french, and japanese! just enough to get me food, drinks, to the bathroom and in bed!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/16 20:45:08

Post by: BloodQuest

Two: English and American.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/16 21:16:47

Post by: Avatar 720

My school couldn't be arsed with Spanish, so we did German and French. I used to be able to speak German quite well, but after my final exam my brain dumped of what I had learned into the bin. I can remember a few words and choice sentences though.

Ironically, the only French sentence I can remember is "I hate the French"...

So 3 for speaking well:
1337 (Arguably a form of Nerd, once called 'Noob')

and 4 for understanding to a fair degree or better:

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/22 23:06:41

Post by: Ixias

3; Swedish and English being the ones I'm fluent in. My girlfriend is from Denmark (although she is also fluent in Swedish) so I've learned Danish too, although I'm not fluent in it I can at least talk about most things.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/11/24 11:22:21

Post by: UbiSwanky2

Does Jive count? Thank you mean Skreets of Harlem.
(voted one to stay on safe side )

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/16 02:59:24

Post by: Riddick40k

English, German, Spanish, Irish

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/16 04:27:24

Post by: MajorTom11

English in a variety of accents and dialects (Maritime Canadian, Quebec Canadian, Ontario Canadian, Prairie Canadian, West Coast Canadian, English Cockney, English Geordie, Scottish, Irish, Boston American, New York American... ah fek it you get the idea.)

French - Thanks Quebec

Passable conversational Spanish - Thanks Dad/Papito.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/16 07:55:23

Post by: sillyboy

ok, these languages i can speak to a conversational level:

- Dutch
-flemish (Dialect)

Languages in witch i can ask something, but can't do a full blown conversation:


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/16 08:02:49

Post by: Iratus Custodis

Two unless you count "nerd", Swedish and English. Also speak "some" german...enough to tell them I don't speak much german...not much of a conversation though.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/27 03:50:00

Post by: Wyrmalla

Heh, English -and its subtypes if you include my being Scottish, or putting on a daft English accent-, French -oh how I loath myself-, (bad) Russian - via boredom-, and Scots Gaelic (but don't tell my mates that, they like thinking their smart when they noise my up by speaking it). =P

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/30 16:00:25

Post by: Kandle

Conversationally... barely one

Say something about your Mother to make you kick my rear: most of them

Know what language you are speaking / writing : maybe

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/30 17:12:24

Post by: Petty Officer DJ

Does Latin count?

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/01 23:45:06

Post by: cormz

english ftw. ive been learning spanish in school for three years now but my grade has never risen above a D and i just finished this semester with a 33 (:

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/02 13:36:30

Post by: .Kern.


I ticked 4 but I do know Latin, flemish I won't count cause flemish and dutch are like English and American lol, I know a few words of spanish and I'm learning Chinese.
I'm 16... Can you tell I'm Dutch, I love this poll xD

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/03 19:45:04

Post by: ThunderfireMac

swedish and english

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/13 16:37:12

Post by: vaatbak

french (barely)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/13 17:58:34

Post by: Meadowland

English, Cantonese, Basque.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/15 23:15:13

Post by: Sturmtruppe

English and Arabic

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/17 07:44:05

Post by: diarrhea attendant

english and spanish complete with mexicanized swear words. thank you california.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/20 19:23:39

Post by: CommissarCandlestick

English, German and a little Russian (I could try French or even Latin (not that many people speak the latter) but I'd likely fail).

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/20 19:52:02

Post by: TheCadianParatrooper

I speak a Very little french and dutch but Speak American Fluently. And that's all I need

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/21 14:37:57

Post by: Lokirfellheart

Austrailian, American and English fluently, and a little Latvian (I come from Latvia though I was born in Britain), a little German and some French.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/01/26 23:14:08

Post by: Mohoc

German (native)
English (Local)
French (School)
Spanish (School)
Dari (afghan language, military school and deployments)
Arabic (not that good, but I can survive)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/02/01 04:11:42

Post by: Squat Kid

I speak American and half ass spanish, and i wouldn't have it any other way

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/02/02 15:59:33

Post by: ZacktheChaosChild

I speak English.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/02/20 09:10:14

Post by: Joske De Veteraan

Français, Deutsch, Nederlands and English

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/02/20 11:54:14

Post by: nickick

I can almost speak french and german...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Whoops i forgot english

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/07 17:45:14

Post by: KamenRiderW

English, Spanish, Klingon, some japanese....Enough to read Kanji

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/17 18:45:57

Post by: Necanor

German (nationality)
English (2nd nationality)

I can not speak any other since I had Latin in school.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/17 20:41:11

Post by: Nulipuli2

English, German, French, and a little bit of russian

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/18 08:21:39

Post by: Vimes

Speaking only German and English, but I can understand Dutch a little, but that´s mainly due to the similarities it has to english/german.

Had Latin in school, and can scrap some of it together again, but well, I was never very good at it -.-

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/18 10:53:05

Post by: motorhead1945

Necanor wrote:German (nationality)
English (2nd nationality)

I can not speak any other since I had Latin in school.

I whish I had it... now I have to retake Latin for studying a Master's degree.

My four years of french in class are almost forgotten, therefore:

English + German

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/18 22:26:59

Post by: Necanor

motorhead1945 wrote:
Necanor wrote:German (nationality)
English (2nd nationality)

I can not speak any other since I had Latin in school.

I whish I had it... now I have to retake Latin for studying a Master's degree.

My four years of french in class are almost forgotten, therefore:

English + German

Ahh, that is a pain, every word has 130 different forms...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/19 01:49:55

Post by: Tyr13

Another german as first language, english second language. Plus latin, but that doesnt really count (since I only barely scraped by, and its not really a language to speak in).

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/19 02:25:33

Post by: Azure

English as a first language and steadily working on hablando español. Hoping to pick up Japanese here soon to for when I end up visiting there.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/03/20 08:16:07

Post by: guyperson5

I speak fluent English, a tiny bit of South Welsh, a little Italian and a tiny bit of French

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/05/16 11:21:57

Post by: Freddie Gibbs

i speak both danish and english very well, thanks to living in denmark, games and great teachers

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/05/16 13:02:54

Post by: Hasharii

First language, is Dutch, since I am from Holland.
Second I can speak Englisch
And third I can understands/have a common conversation German.

And very little French, this is my third year French at school, but I can't really speak it... (And I don't really want to.)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/05/17 10:34:22

Post by: Rampage

I'm half dutch and still only 1.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/05/17 13:18:23

Post by: wardancer

Polish, English, Spanish, Russian (I don't read cyrylic though) I can also understand pretty much everything in Belarusian and Ukrainian, as most of people from Poland also have passive understanding of Slovak and Czech. Used to speak a bit of German but don't remember much of it now.

Can do few basic sentences and few most important words in Greek, Hebrew, Italian, French, Dutch, Lithuanian.
I also know insults in probably like 16 or 17 languages (you never know when you might need it ha ha )

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/05/23 05:44:35

Post by: maart3n

I speak three up to a level where I can talk to everybody about everything. Those three being Dutch, English and Spanish.
I'm Dutch and have thought myself English(never needed school for that) and lived in Spain.
At school they tried to teach me German, French and Latin. I'd say I can still easily listen to French, I can read the Latin, but I fail terribly with German.

I could still hold a VERY basic conversation in 5 different languages, 6 if you count the Spanish dialect I was thought.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/05/24 01:24:59

Post by: jordanis

i dont know how to speak english, only eng, on some days maybe engli

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/06/01 22:59:15

Post by: Anvildude

Speak English, Nerd and write Internet (which can't really be enunciated). Know decent Deutsch (enough to enjoy a Krimi here and there). Know smatterings and occasionally a surprising amount of other languages, such as French, Italian, (well, most of the Romance languages, but that's mostly through word roots- don't ask me how to say 'you' to save your life), Japanese from too much subtitled Anime, and an amusingly large number of Swahili words, from of all things Choir.

Probably the one language I really want to learn (aside from wanting to speak Deutsch fluently) is Russian, and it's the one language I can't even understand the alphabet for.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/06/13 00:57:55

Post by: Baldsmug

as a publicly educated American I speak english and whenever i have to converse with anyone who doesn't speak english i just speak english very loud and slow at them until they understand or become disinterested....I would actually love to learn how to speak german though.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/06/13 01:01:33

Post by: Jani

I speak dozens of languages at controversial level.

(I seem to be on a giddy mood lately. Excuse moi.)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/06/19 22:03:22

Post by: Layla

Im an expat living in Hong Kong and going to school in canada, Where my mum and dad grew up. I speak english and Cantonese (a chinese dialect), so I can get around the city easily, although my first language is english.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/06/22 16:37:50

Post by: kili

English, French, German, Dutch (and if it counts, I speak Flemish, the Belgian Dutch and Walloneese, or something like that, the Belgian French) Holland FTW!!!!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/06/22 19:22:31

Post by: Archonate

I speak English natively, and I'm also fluent in Russian. Lived there for a couple years.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/06/26 06:13:18

Post by: danesk

Swedish, danish, english and spanish. I can understand french, but it is a wile (8 years) since I spoke it the last time

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/04 11:38:02

Post by: TimPas1

Well, how about that! I actually AM Dutch

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/10 17:03:03

Post by: Dual Face

I come from a mexican family, and I've taken up to level 3 spanish classes at school, and I still can't have a full on conversation in spanish.

I speak english perfectly though, but I was born in the US, and so were my parents so I mean thats not very hard is it?

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/10 20:30:37

Post by: Akroma06

English and Spanish as I live in Texas. 2 because one of them isn't speaking...sign language.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/14 09:24:18

Post by: supremeoverlordVECT

Im dutch
I speak:
Dutch, english, spanish and german on conversation level..
Speak a bit french, italian and african (south africa)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/14 10:01:30

Post by: thenoobbomb

Im Dutch, but I cant speak 5 languages on high level (conversational)

And lill' overlord, you cant tell me what DE are in Spanish, German, Italian and French!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/15 08:25:47

Post by: supremeoverlordVECT

I know the dark parts..but sont think there's a translation for: eldar

And i said: a little french and italian...and african. African is really cool you should try it!
I just dont know how towrite anything in african...

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/15 08:32:43

Post by: thenoobbomb

Op naar een leenmeissie!
Like that?

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/16 04:54:45

Post by: xGhost4000x

I decided I would vote as if I were in my prime, so that's.... 1 for me.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/17 05:09:32

Post by: xSoulgrinderx

Xanthos wrote:Faroese (about 60000 people total speak this, but I´m from the country so hah)
Danish (second language)
English (school)
Swedish (midway between faroese and danish)
Norway (very similar to swedish)

So five, that I can speak well.Take that, Holland!


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/17 21:26:12

Post by: Ineed2bucks

English and Russian, thanks ancestry, no thanks school, the French teachers couldn't even control the classes much more educate them in a foreign language

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/08/24 20:27:30

Post by: Hugs-for-the-Hug-God

Ork, Canadian-french, English, Czech, Italian, German.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/04 22:13:59

Post by: GoldenKaos

I'm a Welsh-speaking Welshman who did a little Spanish in Seconday School so:-

1st Language: Welsh
2nd Language: English
3rd Language: Rubbish Spanish

As an anime fan, I could include

4th Language: A few words/phrases of Japanese.

But aye, I put "2" down as my answer.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/05 13:29:23

Post by: MrMerlin

i speak, surprise!, German, as i live in germany, and english. In school i totally failed at english and i hated it, but when i started reading books and wathching movies in englih, as well as making many english-speaking friends, my skills improved. I actually like it a little more than german, and i playall 40k battles in englih, with my bro

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/06 18:23:34

Post by: Small, Far Away

Klingon for the WIN!!!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/09 11:46:05

Post by: Murenius

German (native), English (fluent), French (small talk works) and a little Swedish (Hello. My name is xy. I want to buy some milk).

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/09 12:08:07

Post by: Maniac_nmt

Not entirely fully conversational (limited conversational, enough that I can talk about a few items):

Spanish and German

Fluent: American English

So one or three depending on your take.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/19 16:44:18

Post by: Deacis657

I can speak English, I took 3 years of German is school but the teacher was always high on pain killers due to a car wreck so I didn't learn to much. I also took Japanese in school but since I didnt use it I lost it. I took a semester of Italian in college but I wasnt ready to try and learn a 3rd language at the time.

So I can speak English at a conversational level but everything else I can read and listen to but not really speak.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/20 16:25:10

Post by: Viersche

Mandarin Chinese; English; Cantonese; Filipino

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/09/21 07:30:17

Post by: Gar'Ang

Swedish, english and german. I'm 100% Viking spawn (aka swedish)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/10 05:09:41

Post by: SoulBellow

French and English

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/14 20:11:30

Post by: Darthslowe

I speak English, Hebrew, Egyptian, Greek, French, and Spanish. It helps that I'm a linguist.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/15 21:17:26

Post by: Small, Far Away

English, a bit of French and learning Klingon.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/15 21:39:46

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Barely one? How is that even possible...

Anyway, I speak English and French.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/16 21:53:24

Post by: The Mad Tanker

English and Sarcasm (I am very fluent )

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/18 03:34:28

Post by: Dust

I speak English but know snippets of a few others, enough to not get beaten to death and navigate an average city but not enough to discuss complex socio-political issues

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/23 23:24:25

Post by: orc master

Dutch, Frensh, English, German, spanish, italian and greek, ...

Yes, i am Dutch....

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/24 16:42:28

Post by: HAZZER

English learning german learn a bit of french in primary school.


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/25 09:44:34

Post by: EldarN00b

Flying Pooo wrote:English (birth language) +German (school) + Afrikaans (cultural but I only know a few words)

Keep up with the Afrikaans boet. It makes learning German easy (experience) and it really helps for getting around europe (most people speak either Dutch or Flemish, makes life so easy, plus, it doesn't make the French hate you any more than they already do, since you won't be speaking english) Afrikaans is very similar.

In my case, Yeah, Dutch, German, Flemish, Afrikaans and English (first language).

Being an immigrant and doing student exchanges are responsible.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/10/25 13:44:50

Post by: Ancre

French (native), English (school), Spanish (school), Japanese (lived in Japan for only 5 years, so I'm not really good at it)
so yes, I'm european ! haha.

But as a Dark Eldar player, murder is the language I speak the best.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2010/12/25 15:42:08

Post by: Thatguy91

four! and why yes, i am European.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 10:25:19

Post by: ergotoxin

Czech and English. Slovakian as well, if that counts (it feels like cheating though, since most Slovaks understand Czech).

I was learning German few years back, but only to little effect. I'm more interested in Spanish now.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 10:30:57

Post by: ParatrooperSimon

English and German... FOR MY FUHERLAND!

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 10:37:53

Post by: HarlequinZero

Right out of High School it would have been English and Spanish, but since I've never used Spanish except for school it reverted back to just one until I moved here to Japan. Back to two now by necessity. (英語と日本語もちろん)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 10:45:26

Post by: MakeH

I speak Finnish as my mother tongue, English because I was taught by American Catholic nuns in school ( ) and Swedish since for some ridiculous reason it is the second official language of Finland.

So I chose three languages, but I also know basic Dutch cause I live in the Netherlands, basic German since we have to choose a "second" (yea, educational systems dont do math) language and also very basic Russian because of the missus.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 12:35:35

Post by: Mannfred

English, German, Dutch, learning french. ( Go dutchies!)

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 13:26:54

Post by: The Epic Chaosdude!!!

Finnish and english. Those are the two only languages I will ever need. In school they tryed to taught me swedish, but its just too damn hard and pointless to learn IMHO. Maybe someday I will try to learn some german because I am planning on going on a trip there

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 14:51:44

Post by: Vroknar

Enlgish as native language, spanish thanks to Latina wife.
I didnt add Japanese as 20 years of not using it has negated all that I learned in martial arts as a child.

in the process of learning german rosetta stone ftw.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 19:08:24

Post by: baneofmorgoth

English, Spanish, German, French and sarcasm.

Thank you, high school, for the first four.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 21:53:46

Post by: AchillesFTW

Well due to my ancestry I know Urdu, English, Arabic.

Schoolwise I originally learned Spanish, but then German, French and Italian all became a breeze so I can practically speak to anyone in any Latin-based language even if its not one I have learned due to the similarities between them. In reality I consider all Latin-based languages to be more like dialects of Latin, rather than seperate languages due to their very close similarities.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/17 23:05:22

Post by: MrMerlin

Ich frage mich, wie viele Leute hier das verstehen....

lols I wonder how many of you people understand this

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/21 15:21:26

Post by: Durza

Táim in ann caint as Gaeilge, as Bearla agus as Fraincis, ach níl mo Fraincis ro-mhaith.

I'm Irish.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/29 17:53:40

Post by: templarsandorks?

English, German and a bit of french

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/29 21:19:49

Post by: nomsheep

I speak English like a pro and a tiny amount of german because of school. I can also roughly translate 'chav' language which differs enough from actual english it should be it's own language ennit blud!


How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2011/11/29 23:01:09

Post by: Sukth

English, German, and because of me living with my friend for a few years back when my dad got transferred for some time and decided to not take me from my friends, Korean.

How many languages can you speak to a conversational level? @ 2023/02/14 06:08:06

Post by: gobbsmakkar

Looks like im on the low side of being dutch.