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Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/24 02:29:07

Post by: Sigur

Hey there,

I recently started my commission painting service properly and thought it would be a good occation to commence with a painting log here on Dakka.

I've had years of very good experieces with painting logs which I see as an incredibly effective tool for keeping motivated and on the task. I'm really looking forward to read your feedback and I always strife to improve so feel free to comment.

Currently, I'm working on these commissions:
.) Space Wolves army, mostly done, Thunderwolf Cavalry, 2 Wolf Lords, 1 Rune Priest and about 15 Fenrisian Wolves to do
.) Necron Nightbringer, about 60% finished but really having a hard time working on this guy
.) Space Hulk (2009), almost finished, three more Terminators to finish
.) Test miniatures for an upcoming Death Korps of Krieg army
...as well as some other things on the side

So at the moment I'm working on the Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry, so far managed to assemble the resin wolves, paint them to about 60% and convert and magnetize the riders:

Two Thunderwolf Cav guys with their magnetized arm options:

Another Thunderwolf rider (left) and a Hero of the Wolf Guard (right):

Each Thunderwolf rider comes with magnetized arms and the option of having either a power first, a wolf claw and or a close combat weapon in the left hand (one got a thunderhammer option instead of the powerfist option) and either Bolt Pistol or Storm Shield in the right hand. The Hero of the Wolf Guard has his arms glued on and comes with a Combi-Melta (yet to come), a Wolf Claw and wolftooth necklace.

All this meant quite some converting. First, I had to repose the legs so they'd go on the wolves properly. Nice enough, the Wolf minis come with legs already that fit Space Marines almost perfectly and clearly are made with Space Wolves in mind but due to the fact that the other company couldn't just sculpt Space Marines legs (due to IP and all that), they had to change them a bit so it looks more genuine to use regular SM legs.

Anyway, next thing to do was swap a LOT of weapons options to other arms. Regular Space Marines seem to suffer from the same problem as their Terminator brothers - they aren't allowed to have shields and powerfists at the same time and some other restrictions in terms of weapon combinations. So I had to put all shields in other hands, convert a power fist and a wolf claw, change a Terminators storm shield to fit regular power armoured SM and so on. Anyway, now they're finished and ready to paint.

There's two more minis on Thunderwolves coming up - two Wolf Lords of which one I plan to turn into a Step-by-Step painting tutorial like I did with the Dark Elves musician some months ago.

That's all for now. Thanks for having a look and I hope to read your ideas and feedback on the Thunderwolf Riders. See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/24 02:46:02

Post by: Field_Mouse

Looks great so far! Can't wait for more!!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/24 09:35:23

Post by: Xenon

Wolves are looking very nice and clean! Keep it up. And please post some other stuff you've made recently.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/24 17:34:38

Post by: Sigur

Thanks muchly for the feedback, Sirs.

So here's for another update with completely different stuffs:

Finished the main work on the DKoK test minis. I finally overcame my initial block of not knowing what the heck I should do for colourschemes. Today I finally did more work after some hours, I discovered that it's basically a french guy and the classic Steel Legion scheme. :p Well, little changes of course but basically that's it. That's also the reason why I painted the grey guy's pants red. How do you like them?

Then there's the other problem child of mine - the Nightbringer:

Nothing much has changed, it just went as it usually does. I take the Nightbringer, do some more highlighting on the skin and the robes and that's it. No idea what to do with him.

So much for now. Seeya later.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/27 02:43:40

Post by: Sigur

Alright you guys, today was the last day of Vienna Model Expo 2010 which means that I did some late hours and wrote a review of the whole event including the competition I participated in (thanks to your votes!).

Go here for the full review of Vienna Model Expo 2010

It's really rather long and has loads of pictures but let me know if you enjoy reading it or what you'd like to read more about or if you'd prefer if I didn't spend all my time writing rambling reports about local village fairs, get my lazy bum up and paint something.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/29 19:30:28

Post by: Sigur

Aaaanyway, here's a little update of yet new stuff!

Cool, eh? It's for a Khorne CSM army I mentioned before (the one I painted a bunch of 2nd edition single-pose Berzerkers, Khârn and the Khorne Champion for). Especially the mix of Bloodletters models is awesome; there's no two identical ones in there. I think that these models pretty much rock. Some may look like they're oddly posed but I think that at that time GW had some sort of plan to make all demonic units single-piece metals (apart from the commands) so that would explain the poses. The faces are great. Each and every one of them looks evil and menancing in it's own way. And in most of them, you can clearly see Tim Curry in Legend. ;-)

This Demon Prince is also an old favorite of mine. For many years, he remained the model I most dreaded to put together. Once I finally managed to do it back then ('t was early 1998 I'm pretty sure) and had him painted, I brought him downstairs for my brother to have a look, must have been pretty clumsy at opening his door, accidently dropped the DP and smashing it to pieces again. :(

This time, assembly went more smoothly and I hope that such accidents won't happen again.

On a different note:

DKOK testminis are practically finished, Pedro Kantor is finished.

No big news on the Space Wolves because I'm not really into the thought of painting even more of those at the moment. The Space Wolves client asked me to do 19 Fenrisian Wolves as well as a Thunderwolf-mounted Wolf Lord done and delivered to him until the 10th of November but the minis haven't arrived yet so I'm not sure that this is possible to do.

I got me another lot of business cards and got them placed at the most important LGSs around town. Oh, and a mishap: I bought a Sicarius miniature for doing another step-by-step thing, was really fired up to start last night when I had to notice this:

Facemelt!! Well, bad casting I suppose. I don't really mind. Eventhough I bought it at an LGS, I'm pretty sure GW will replace the mini if I get the blister to them, right?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/29 19:36:50

Post by: bullyboy76

Awesome mate purely awesome looking forward to seeing more.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/29 20:28:41

Post by: Element206

Really love the work, great stuff

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/29 21:30:31

Post by: Manchu

Looking great!

Two things:

(1) I know you're planning a Wolf Lord tutorial. Can you talk about how you painted the Thunderwolves themselves, as I have the models and have been looking for tips on painting them.

(2) Can you post pics of the models that you're using for the Fenrisian wolves? (maybe link to the seller, too)


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/30 00:04:33

Post by: Sigur

Thanks for the feedback so far.

@Manchu: Thanks for replying. About the Wolf Lord tutorial - I thought of maybe changing that to a step-by-step guide for painting Captain Sicarius. Mainly for the reason that I'm using quite a bit of airbrushing on the Space Wolves and do most of the work on the Thunderwolves with my trusty airbrush so maybe Sicarius is better suited.

Anyway, to answer your questions:
ad (1): As hinted before, I mainly airbrushed them. My first batch of Vallejo Model Air colours arrived the morning I started painting the Wolves so I used them basically as a testing ground for these paints. Here's what happened basically: Black primer, then I started with a 80/20 white/light grey mix and brushed the lower half of the wolves plus the "faces". (it helps to get some pictures of winter wolves for reference). Then I made a mix of white, light grey and some sandy colour for the transistion colour between the very light colour on the lower side and the darker grey on the back of the wolves. Then I used some VMA colour called "Intermediate Blue" (in fact a very nice blue-grey) for the first layer of darker back colour mixed it with black for the mid colour on the back and almost pure black for the last "stripe" on the backs of the wolves. Then some layers of drybrushing, basecoated the armoured parts on the wolves with VMC German Grey and used mixes of German Grey, Citadel Codex Grey and white for highlights (several layers, mix of edge highlighting and "realistic" highlighting). Let me know if you need the recipe for the leather.

ad (2): After looking around for a loooong time, the client decided he'd have his own sculptor make some wolves using the GW wolves as base. He basically added more and longer fur and reposed some of them a bit. I should receive them at the beginning of the next week so pictures of the Fenrisian Wolves should follow soon.

Hope that was helpful. Let me know if you need any more info.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/30 00:07:08

Post by: MajorTom11

Looking good, pm me your rates, I am curious!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/30 00:14:03

Post by: Manchu

Thank you very much for responding so quickly. I thought you were using an airbrush but I was hoping otherwise, haha. In any case, they are really wonderful and I am very inspired by them.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/30 01:39:37

Post by: Sigur

@Manchu: No problem. I think you can do pretty well on furs and such without an airbrush as you can make up a LOT of not-so-smooth transistions with drybrushing. Or you try washes afterwards.

Little update:

There was something else I wanted to mention....oh, yes, a conspiracy I found out about!! Hold on a second, I'll try to get a snapshot:

Figure A (the upper one) shows regular paintpots by the incredibly popular paint lines from LUKAS and Rackham respectively (technically, Rackham's top is a squeezy one but the worst in the world so it's better to just treat it as a screw top), in this case Vanilla and Royal Yellow.

Recently I've been using Vanilla to mix with Royal Yellow for a lighter yellow. One can not EVEN BEGIN to THINK of TRYING to measure my astonishment when I noticed how I apsent-mindedly had screwed the top of the LUKAS Acryl pot onto the Rackham Color pot and it fit seamlessly! Driven by my never-ceasing thirst for uncovering the truth by bitting and piecing together bits and pieces of evidence, I took the screw-top of the Rackham pot and the Lukas Acryl pot, dead-set on undertaking a "vice versa check" (Purzelbaum, 1977). Be still, my trembling limbs...and by my first pet's grave, the TOP FIT ONTO THE POT!

The bizare view of bastardicity can be seen in the lower picture (figure B). Unimaginative naysayers may mention some sort of "normed screw sizes"; a myth that was employed all to often to cover up minor conspiracies, as discovered by the magician Rollo the Third.

Anyway. Interesting, eh? Seemingly unconnected companies - same screw size! Astonishing. Also, both pots seem to look way more fetching with their new tops, don't they?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/30 01:44:12

Post by: Battle Brother Lucifer

Yep. Both paint pots look better with the other's top.
And I love that nightbringer

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/31 01:36:22

Post by: Sigur

@battle Brother Lucifer: hehe, thanks. At least someone who likes him that way.

@Papaskittels: Thaaaaaaaanks. :p


Bloodletters finished! Basing is done for the whole force altogether at a later point.

Daemon prince almost finished; the black parts on the wings need some highlighting and texturing:

Pictures of the Daemon Prince aren't optimal, sorry about that.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/31 01:57:03

Post by: Commander Cain

I have got to say I love those bloodletters and the DP!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/10/31 20:52:09

Post by: Sigur

@Commander Cain: Thanks a lot, Sir.

Happy Halloween, Dakka!

Time for watching some awesome movies, right? I started off the evening with The Hound of the Baskervilles (the Hammer Films one), later I will be joined by my brother and friends and then it's either an Italian horror film I delivberately didn't look up anything about or tons of Corman's E.A.Poe films starring Vincent Price.

Now that you know about these very important facts, let's proceed. Vienna Fantasy Gaming Convention took place today and it was pretty awesome. Way less costuming and program stuff than I expected any MUCH second hand marketing. I'll upload the written report tomorrow evening I think. Do not fear, it won't be as long as the last one and it will be almost entirely Wargaming stuff.

There was soooo much stuff I would have loved to get and some things I really would have liked to get but was too hesitant/niggard to get (still kicking myself for not getting a VERY reasonably-priced Mighty Empires box in great condition and a complete 4th edition Warhammer box. And an original Dungeons and Dragons red box. And some old Dark Eye books. And old Dwarfs. And heroquest. Can you believe that I don't have a copy of that game? Only used to play at a friend's place.). Meh, anyway. I got this:

Sweet. These are just very nice to skim through and really inspirational. Makes me want to participate in some Golden Daemon contest or work on more scenic pieces. Oh, I also got the old Wolf-helmet Space Wolves captain.

Here's what I've done paintingwise. Hope you like the design on this guy so far.

Ho-hum....so let me know what you think of this guy so far. Seeya later.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/01 00:33:45

Post by: Empchild

I am fairly weary when it comes to painting studios as minus say two or three a lot of them are well, crap. I dare say though I like these and think they will look excellent on the table.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/01 01:30:01

Post by: Sigur

Many thanks. Would you mind sharing what you think makes a miniature painting studio or painting service crap or good? I just always like to know about people's opinions and input on miniature painting services so I can improve.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/01 03:15:36

Post by: Empchild

Sigur wrote:Many thanks. Would you mind sharing what you think makes a miniature painting studio or painting service crap or good? I just always like to know about people's opinions and input on miniature painting services so I can improve.

I am not going to comment on who I think is good or bad, but I find it very interesting that when I do the rare commission I charge cheaper then a lot of the "studios" do, and I am a demon winner. Their quality is usually one or two layers no real blend just start contrast and people praise their work. Their are some people on this forum (not naming names) who fall into this category and it blows my mind that they get a lot of contracts for comissions but their work is easy to do and little thought or feel into it, and people fan favorite them like they are gods gift to painting. Their are several really good overall companies out there, like http://www.golempaintingstudio.co.uk/. or one that has really improved in their overall quality http://www.artmasterstudio.co.uk/. These companies produce some quality at a resonable price, but some people produce.. well junk.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/01 04:12:12

Post by: Granesh

Empchild wrote:
Sigur wrote:Many thanks. Would you mind sharing what you think makes a miniature painting studio or painting service crap or good? I just always like to know about people's opinions and input on miniature painting services so I can improve.

I am not going to comment on who I think is good or bad, but I find it very interesting that when I do the rare commission I charge cheaper then a lot of the "studios" do, and I am a demon winner. Their quality is usually one or two layers no real blend just start contrast and people praise their work. Their are some people on this forum (not naming names) who fall into this category and it blows my mind that they get a lot of contracts for comissions but their work is easy to do and little thought or feel into it, and people fan favorite them like they are gods gift to painting. Their are several really good overall companies out there, like http://www.golempaintingstudio.co.uk/. or one that has really improved in their overall quality http://www.artmasterstudio.co.uk/. These companies produce some quality at a resonable price, but some people produce.. well junk.

Not all commissioned models are going to be to GD standard. While I do get some commissions, my techniques allow me to do easy work. As such, my pricing reflects that. A lot of people can't afford/don't want GD level armies, just to a standard that will turn heads on the board. Myself and a lot of other commission painting sites mainly cater to that level, and save the super-details for the centerpiece models (unless I get bored and want to do them on the standard ones!)

Anyways, back to Sigur. Those bloodletters are fantastic, I love the subtle blending on the skin, as well as the horns. The green is also a nice touch. I'll be watching this for more works!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/02 12:52:14

Post by: Sigur

@Empchild: Thanks for your thoughts on the topic. I never really made any distinction between a regular painting service and "studios"; the latter probably means that they have more than one painter which in my case isn't the case really. I think I'm pricing reasonably. There's some insanely cheap painting services around who deliver probably okay results if the client is looking for 3-colours-based kind of paintjobs but I don't really see the appeal in that for either side. I genuinely love what I'm doing and I feel bad when I'm forcing myself to paint miniatures in a way that doesn't meet the standards I usually paint at just because a client wants to save money and IF someone decides to fork out the cash for getting his minis painted, he or she should get them painted properly right away. This will make for a way better result in the end and I don't think he or she will ever regret it. I'm not coming down too hard on painting services who deliver "junk" as you put it because those don't tend to be around for long. People who want their miniatures painted usually don't go for the first and cheapest service they find. They compare and gather information which usually eliminates the junk-services right away. What concerns me more is severe under-pricing for "okay" paintjobs and I don't see what this achieves. There can't be much non-monetary gratification in it for the painter(s) because the minis look merely alright and they can't do it for the money alone because they just can't make much with these prices. I just don't get it.

@Granesh: Thanks for your contribution. Of course there are various kinds of levels of paintjobs which probably makes the various segments of our industry's market (hurhur, calling painting toy figures "industry" is fun ). Anyhoo, thanks for the compliments

Update on the Juggernaut - he's almost finished:

Apart from that, I spend most painting time yesterday with basecoating about 20 Khorne Berzerkers and champions of Khorne.

But now I have to switch projects again (sadly, I really enjoy painting these Khornites) - the Fenrisian Wolves and the first Wolf Lord have arrived along with some mission markers and the client asked if I could finished them until the 8th or so because he's got a tourney on the 10th. Challenge accepted.

So I have six days to paint
1 Wolf Lord
19 Fenrisian Wolves
3 Mission objectives
1 Chooser of the Slain marker

Quite a lot of stuff to do really and not much time at all. Wish me luck.

P.S.: The first part of my review of Fantasy Gaming Convention is online. Just click the fat link in my signature.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/05 01:14:53

Post by: Sigur

Alright, unfortately, I had to put the Khorne army on the backburner because I have a new and very close deadline on some Space Wolves stuff:

Wolves finished and based even!

Closer look at the wolves:

Two out of three mission markers finished, base for the first Wolf Lord finished:

I really enjoyed painting these two finished markers. Mainly because I was allowed to use clear lines and nice colours on the console one, which I usually prefer to "gritty" looks and the one with the plate and the sword in the rock is just a great piece. Not so sure what I'll do about the third one yet (colourwise mainly) but I'll think of something.

Other than that, I think today was the peak day of my cold so I should recover over the weekend. Also, my order from maelstrom FINALLY arrived along with my first ever citadel paintpot of the new design. I was really looking forward to seeing those because I liked the new pots of the Foundation paints and the Washes. GW even made the genius move of moving the label a bit down so you can screw off the top even easier but then I had to notice this:

The new paint pots don't have the litte lid thingy that prevents the top from closing again. The Foundation paints pots have them, the Washes pots (even new ones with the new label and all) have it - just not the pots for the regular paint! I'm pretty sure that this phrase is overused but... WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?. They were so incredibly close to making an unnecessary change once again but not screwing it up and now this!

Also, I hate to be the guy who dismisses clear facts and simple physics/geometry but I don't believe that these tiny things hold the same amount of paint the 2003 paintpots do. And even if the pots were the same size in total, they just put way less paint into them. I got one new pot and a couple of 2003 ones and the paint level in all the 2003 pots is higher than in the new pot.

Anyway, enough of that rambling. I got this weekend to finish a mission marker, a Wolf Lord and maybe another Chooser of the Slain marker so I better get to it.

P.S.: Did anyone of you notice a drastic change in the looks of Regal Blue in the past years? I got a new pot today and it looks completely different from what I remember it to look like. And I remember well because I really liked that colour.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/05 04:25:44

Post by: Sageheart

did you model those wolves yourself? they look amazing!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/05 04:40:25

Post by: wolfshadow

Love to know where you got those wolves. Nice job on them.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/05 19:03:30

Post by: MonsterofFenris

I am sorry i missed it reading your article, but where di you get your thunderwolves from? i still cant decide what to use ffor mine, and i like the style of yours, where can i get some?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/06 11:27:36

Post by: Lennysmash

I think the third objective marker would look excellent with a dark green plating, red for the light and a Patina for the exposed metal.

The other two markers are excellent, as for the paint pots I'm a little bit tired of all of the unnecessary changes they have made through the years. I think once my current paints start to run out I'll begin the process of changing over to Vallejo model color. Dropper bottles and cheaper, it works out that for every 8 I buy i'll get another for free compared to GW's stuff.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/06 14:43:49

Post by: Sigur

@Empchild: Thanks.

@Sageheart: Unfortunately, I can't take credit for the sculpting of those.

@wolfshadow: They're more or less scratch-built/sculpted (apart from the "faces" and legs)

@Lennysmash: Thanks for your comment. I just painted the main torso of the objective marker in a grey-ish blue (will add some markings and such to make him look more pleasing) and not green as you suggest, but your idea finally got me thinking and put me on the right track i think. I don't really mind the changes in Paintpots because since the screw-top ones they introduced in the late 90s (which were pretty much horrible), all changes were for the better so far. And as I said, I also like the new ones (apart from the fact that they look way smaller than the 2003 paintpots. All they need to do is add that tiny little lid and I'm happy. I also use Vallejo paints (VMC and VMA) but mostly to fill gaps in the Citadel palette and for basecoating (which VMC are great for). Never really got the fuzz about dropped bottles. They're nice for Model Air colours but on VMC, I really don't need them and would prefer regular pots. But to each their own I guess. Price is a good argument though.

Anyway, maybe you remember that I'm on a tight schedule at the moment. Here's the first WIP of the first Wolf Lord (who has to be finished by Monday at the latest):

...and a detail shot of the right shoulderpad:

At first I wasn't too sure on how to tackle that guy but I'm starting to like him. He reminds me a lot of the time I painted the Warboss for my Space Orks army (bottom of the page).

Anyway, I'm proceeding pretty well and it's fun to paint him. My cold is getting better as well and I'll do a little trip to GW on Monday to get a replacement for the miscast Sicarius I recently got.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/06 23:45:31

Post by: dantay_xv

Absolutely loving the wolf lord.... is the wolf sculpted or purchased, and if so where??

Paint job is amazing, and i like the detailing of the riders legs

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 00:55:37

Post by: Sigur

@dantay_xv: I get this question a lot. They're bought. Just google for "wargamma.com".

So basically the heraldry of the lord is continued on the Wolf as well, effectively making him a "battle brother" by giving him a left shoulderpad with the gread company badge on it.

I really love the messed up lighting on the first picture:

....and here's a WIP of the last mission marker:

Hope you like everything.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 01:05:24

Post by: dantay_xv

Yep I do, so is this Erik Morkai, the Wolf Lord himself?

Will give it a look, thanks

LOL you should put a note in your signature about wolves at wargamma and charge them comissions for sales

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 09:12:52

Post by: Lennysmash

Sigur wrote:
....and here's a WIP of the last mission marker:

The painting is great and I'm assuming you'll weather the metals a little too. I had a good old laugh though because an ATM here is a cash point. I just have an image of a line of Space Wolves and Orks all lined up waiting to take out cash.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 09:24:07

Post by: MiloticMaster

Where did you get the wolves from?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 10:25:38

Post by: inmygravenimage

Inspiring stuff, and great to see some love for Rackham paints!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 18:53:44

Post by: Sigur

@dantay_xv: You're welcome. I actually considered getting a bunch of these wolves and selling them on. :p

@Lennysmash: Thanks for the comment. The ATM thing is deliberate. I figured I had to do something "funny" with this one because it's such an inexplicable, techy wotsit of which nobody really knows what it does so I thought it may be just as well an ATM.

@MiloticMaster: The regular wolves are scratchbuilt/converted, the Thunder Wolves are from wargamma.com. *puts another marker on the imaginary "where are those wolves from"-count*

@inmygravenimage: Cheers. I don't particularly love them but I got them at a sale, I think the pots are okay enough and they're alright to work with if watered down a lot (otherwise, they get a little "rubbery").

Small update - marker's done!

Cute thing that. He really looks like some kind of 1950s TV series robot.

The wolf lord himself is also finished now but doesn't look drastically different to the last update so no pictures of him this time. I've got some more work done on the Wolf and I should be able to finish him by tomorrow. Now for that Chooser of the Slain marker...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 21:40:24

Post by: Sageheart

hahahhah i love that its an ATM hahaha

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/07 22:26:20

Post by: Miss Dee

the thunder wolf that has its mouth open you can see the gap... Cool paint job btw.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/08 00:16:48

Post by: Sigur

@Sageheart: Glad you like it.

@Miss Dee: Thanks for the heads up. Yeah, I'll have to fix that.

Again, little update:

A new chooser of the slain marker or just a regular casuality.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/08 07:03:34

Post by: manoknok

Is that a pun on the scene in Dog Soldiers?

Hand him some super glue.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
"Oh, Jesus....my guts are out, Coop!" -SGT Wells, with his abdomen torn open, in great pain.

"Then we'll just put them back in again!" -Cooper, trying to push the Sarge's intestines back in and stick it with super glue.

Really good work btw.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/09 07:16:29

Post by: wolfshadow

Sigur wrote:

@wolfshadow: They're more or less scratch-built/sculpted (apart from the "faces" and legs)


Any chance of a Tutorial?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/09 15:35:21

Post by: Empchild

I really like the dying marine, and more so that is how I always pictured a fenrisian wolf.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/10 01:08:00

Post by: Sigur

@manoknok: Not seen the movie, but your quote is getting me intrigued.

@wolfshadow: About the painting - sure, about the modelling - hardly possible, I didn't sculpt them. My client preferred to have his own personal sculptor do the wolves.

@Empchild: Thanks.

...aaaaand here's what I'm doing now: Bloodbowl!

I probably should have been doing something else today (like finishing one of the bazillion other project on my table) but these minis were very tempting. These, like the Bloodbowl Frogmen I did a few months ago, are by Gaspez Arts and now I'm fully convinced that they know their stuff. The Frogmen were cute as a novelty theme but these sculptors also do very, very good classic humanoid chaos marauders. Excellent. The miniatures are very big, definately more like 30 to 32mm scale than 28mm, but they're neat and fun to paint. That's why I'm also going a bit over the agreed painting level on this job.

Anyhow, let me apologize for the rather bad pictures; they look neater in real life.

Hope to finish these guys tomorrow so I can return to Space Wolfy stuff, Chaos Space Marines and whatnot. Seeya then!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/10 01:53:57

Post by: wolfshadow

Nice looking blood bowl team.

Thats a shame you didnt sculpt the wolves.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/11 03:05:00

Post by: Sigur

qwolfshadow: Yeah, I'd love to take credit for having modelled these wolves though.


I really kind of went over the necessary level but these were fun to paint. Seeing as how they have loads of mutations, I tried to make them colourful and diverse whilst sticking to a certain number of base colours. They really represent Chaos Undivided and look like true inhabitants of the deep chaos wastes.

Out of the three BB teams I painted so far, these have to be my favorite. Each miniature is a whole character. If you ever plan to get a Chaos team for BB - get these miniatures.

And here's a Space Wolves update as well! Well, not that much of an update really...but I got new pictures at least!


Wolf Lord, finished with new Base:

Apart from that, I have to apologize to the cheap-o Revell airbrush gun. A few weeks ago, I more or less called it a useless piece of junk that doesn't work. I have to retract the "useless" part. It's really useful for varnishing a lot of miniatures at once. Tears through your paints but gets the job done quickly.

Speaking of airbrush matters, my new moisture trap/pressure regulator arrived. Works fine now and the whole thing is almost airtight now. Woohoo!

Anyway, thanks for looking. C&C welcome as well!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/13 18:10:31

Post by: Sigur

Well, a small update on them Khorne Marines:

A wee bit monotonous to paint. Planning to have them finished by mid-next week at the latest.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/13 21:14:52

Post by: Miss Dee

Whats the best way to you get motavated to do other peep's minis?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/15 13:04:13

Post by: Sigur

Good question. I think that many people burn out pretty quickly after starting serious commission work and I'm a bit surprised I haven't (yet ) completely burnt out. Had a pretty big low in fall 2009 though and this weekend, I was just not able to touch any fantasy minis. But in general, I guess I'm pretty resistant to monotony or boredom. Apart from that (and I know how corny that sounds), I really love painting those little buggers and I'm so darned happy that I have the opportunity to do this for a job now and at times I'm panicking that I might fail and am not able to do this any more or that I get some physical condition and can't paint minis any more. So depending on how you look it, it's either love for the subject or block-headed, cold-blooded panic of the future.

As for suggestions to others - I guess it's important to find a balance between keeping work diverse and getting stuff done. So it's a good thing to work on different subjects at once but keeping in mind that they should get finished fast.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/16 13:06:08

Post by: Miss Dee

He wants standard space wolves minis but the blasted sw grey dont go well over shadow grey so i have to put a light grey over that ... I now know what im gonna do and thats miss out the shadow grey.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/17 14:30:16

Post by: Sigur

@Miss Dee: I suggest only using one GW Grey. They just don't work together too well. Use one Grey and base the whole job on that by using mixes. I rarely use any colour right out of the pot and use a ton of mixes just because I prefer getting the exact colour I need. Nothing worse than trying to highlight one GW colour with another one (there's exceptions of course but I'd much rather highlight enchanted blue with an enchanted blue/white- or renchanted blue/bleached bone-mix rather than with Ice Blue. Just an example.)

So I was able to overcome my utter inability to even look at grey Space Wolves and got a bit done.

Built/Converted some Wolf Scouts:

The guys in the front (axe and prominent sword) have power weapons, the guy with the bare arm to the left of the poweraxe guy is getting mark of the Wulfen. Armless guy will get a Melter.

Proceeded with painting the Thunderwolf Cav and the Hero of Wolf Guard:

I guess I shouldn't write that down because it doesn't sound motivated but I figured that whining will make me seem so much more authentic, so here we go: painting grey power armour is no fun. Battle Damage is completely annoying.

Two days ago I got some work done on the Khorne Berzerkers as well. They're about 70 to 80% finished now.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/17 16:41:19

Post by: Natorum

Lovely stuff here Sigur, looks absolutely great.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/11/23 16:20:46

Post by: Sigur

@Natorum: Thanks.

Okay, I know there hasn't been an update in quite a while. So let's see what's new...I've mainly been working on some Khorne Chaos Space Marines but they're still not finished (sorry).

I won at a painting competition over at http://garagegamer.wordpress.com/ . I'm usually not hugely into painting competitions but this one had an interesting theme so I decided to participate. Here's a picture of my winning entry:

I only had two days or so to think of something to do, build and paint everything so it's not perfectly executed but it was fun putting the thing together.

Apart from that, the Thunderwolf Cavalry and a Wolfguard Hero will be finished within the next few days.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/01 12:49:40

Post by: Sigur

Alrighty, something new on the Space Wolves front:

The first five Terminators are about 70% finished. Not sure, maybe I need to redo the power weapons completely which would be very annoying but I'm afraid I messed those up a bit. Tried something new and I think I have to work on that technique a bit more.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/03 01:15:26

Post by: Sigur

SO! Massive pictures time!

Finished Thunderwolf Cav:

(the Wolfguard hero still needs his Combimelta though)

Finished Terminators:

Variant armament for the Cyclone Terminator:

...and here's the new stuff!

Wolf Scouts (now twice as Space Barbarian-esque!) with two mission objective markers:

The second Wolf Lord:

It's really nice how this one looks very different to the first Wolf Lord.

So, that's tonight's update. I hope you like it.

edit: If the pictures aren't displayed properly this means that my photobucket bandwidth is exceeded. The pictures should be back up in a few days. Until then, you can have a look at them here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-30962-12383_Space%20Wolves%20%28commission%29.html

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/03 10:22:44

Post by: Lennysmash

Can't see atm cos of photo-bucket's lame advertising strategy. Very excited though if they are the quality you have already put out.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/03 11:10:02

Post by: wolfshadow

Might want to upload to the gallery here. No 'bandwidth exceeded' messages, and it bypasses a lot of folks work filters. I know I cannot see a lot of photobucket images while @ work.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/03 15:25:14

Post by: Sigur

Thanks for the suggestions, especially the heads up about work filters. I'll upload pictures to the galleries here. My photobucket bandwidth should be refreshed around the 8th, until then I'll use external galleries or just my other photobucket account.

edit: Uploaded the pictures in the Gallery now: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-30962-12383_Space%20Wolves%20%28commission%29.html

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/03 16:16:44

Post by: FantasyBob

CRAP! photobucket is really a pain in the ass! plus themn half of image can't be viewed!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/03 16:30:01

Post by: Empchild

From what could be viewed great work, I believe I saw you post these on coolmini as well?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/03 16:42:07

Post by: Sigur

@Fantasybob: I don't mind Photobucket's bandwidth limitations. It's free after all and works perfectly fine for me (unless they change the interface AGAIN like they do like every two months or so). Anyway, it loads fairly quickly, which probably is the most important thing to me.

@Empchild: Yup, I post them on several forums so it's not unlikely that you stumble across this army once in a while. (thanks for commenting on both threads by the way)

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Markers are finished (only need a bit of snow on the bases):

Wolf Scouts WIP:

Me, being a genius amongst men, didn't take proper notes on how I painted the first squad of Wolf Scouts but I'm pretty sure I know how I did what. Let's hope it's accurate.

Wolf Lord WIP:

C&C welcome!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/04 06:27:00

Post by: wolfshadow

There is something decicdely 'off' about that wolf lord's pose. Not sure what it is. That being said, spectacular 'grim' paintjob on the wolves. very nice. I especially like the face on the Wolf lord almost 'fey' looking.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/04 07:44:49

Post by: iz a kitty

This is great! I'm fascinated with the look of the "shining red metal" on the Terminators... How did you DO that?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/06 00:03:12

Post by: Sigur

@Sageheart: Thanks.

@wolfshadow: Cheers. The Wolf Lord's head is one from the old SW accessory sprue which were somewhat finer (I could rave on and on about the switch to software-sculpted plastic miniatures :p ); I absolutely share the impression of the elven-looking face. A bit lee van cleef there. Anyay, maybe the second picture will help clarify what you deem "off" with the model. The sculptor does a very good job overall (he also designed the mission markers and all that) but this arm looks off indeed.

@iz a kitty: Thanks muchly. The only trick behind these blades is just an airbrush and masking tape/green stuff basically.


Wolf Lord:

Wolf Scouts:

Hope you like them so far. Not much to say apart from that so good night! :p

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/06 00:05:17

Post by: Xenon

They look absolutely fabilous! Love the gold parts on wolf lord.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/06 05:57:42

Post by: wolfshadow

I got what was throwing me off: The pelt, and the positioning of the hand on the TH. For a riding model, wouldnt the grip be lower on the haft of the hammer?

The pelt on the shoulders, specifically the shape of the head seems more bearish than wolfish to me. Could be the angle though.

Regardless of scullpt details, great paintjob.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/06 05:59:28

Post by: MajorTom11

Looks amazing! But +1 on the 'looks like a bear' comment -

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/06 08:51:24

Post by: Lennysmash

Agreed, the gold on the WL is excellent. The pelt however does just look a small bear has grabbed him unaware.

As for the arm the wrist's soft armour is too long and extended, it should naturally finish after the plate armour on the wrist. Atm his hand/wrist is as long as his forearm.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/06 13:31:28

Post by: dantay_xv

Is the 2nd Wolf Lord a custom build or is it available to purchase? I love the detailing on the leg armour

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/06 15:04:56

Post by: Sigur

@Xenon: Thanks muchly.

@wolfshadow: Thanks for your comment. The position of the hand looks alright to me (taking into account that nobody could hold a giant hammer like that in one hand and still look nonchalantly to the side ). The thing about the pelt is that it is indeed a Bear. I think it's a nice change from the ridiculous number of wolf pelts and skulls these guys drag around on their armour.

@Lennysmash: Hehe, yes, the bear looks a bit like he's hugging him from behind and just fell asleep on his back or somehting. Yup, the arm is a bit off on this one. Looks a bit like he's hiding a tentacle in there.

@dantay_xv: He's very much custom-built. I haven't built him myself but if you like, I can customize an armoured mini for you in that fashion. Just drop me a PM if you're interested in my services for converting/painting something for you.

Alright, there's a little update on the second bunch of WG terminators:

Hope I get enough done to give you another update by tonight.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/07 22:43:09

Post by: Sigur

Wolf Lord finished:

Five more Terminators finished (still need snow on their bases though):

Next up: The Wolflord's Thunderwolf and Wolf Scouts.

As for further future plans:
1.) Seer Council on Jetbikes. Sadly just a relatively low-level paintjob but I'm looking forward to seeing the miniatures. Not sure when exactly this one will actually show up though.

2.) Another Step-by-Step Painting Guide I have been announcing for some time now. I'm trying to get it done by the holidays at the latest. The task is a little daunting because Other than the Blackguard Musician, it's a miniature I have no complete recipe prepared for and it just takes a long time to do this kind of thing. But it should be good, I'm still looking somewhat forward to it.

3.) Death Korps commission is fixed now but probably won't commence b efore the holidays. Like all commissions. I have about three or four commissions lined up for "early January" if nobody bails out.

4.) Finishing Space Hulk, the Khornies and the Nightbringer.

Alright, that's it for now, see you later!

edit: A-HA! Update!

I have to admit that the shin armour in the first picture doesn't look just as awesome in real life as it does in the picture. I mean, I blended it smoothly and all but it's also partly freaky lamp reflection. Didn't take another shot just because I love how it looks in the picture. I need to fancy the armour on the wolf up anyway so I didn't have to do it perfect this time around.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/08 16:07:32

Post by: HF Izanagi

Absolutely beautiful. Consider me subscribed- not a fan of SWs, but the variation color looks fantastic. I can also use inspiration for a long-overdue airbrush purchase in the near future...

By the way, where'd you get those bigass wolv... nevermind.

Keep up the good work!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/21 18:35:12

Post by: Sigur

Holy cow, it's highest time for an update in here!

First off, sorry for the lack of updates lately. In the past weeks I wrote many e-mails, worked on a project I can't post yet but plan to post during the holidays which took a lot of time to do, Finished a few older things of the Sci-Fi kind and so on. There's sad news as well - the Chaos Dwarfs commission guy isn't reporting back. Last thing I heard was something like "perfect, I'll post the miniatures tomorrow" and that's it. Nothing since then. I still hope that this thing is happening and I hope the guy's fine.

On a different note, here's something new I'm doing:

Pretty much the whole Dwarfs range by Dwarf Tales miniatures. Excellent miniatures of which you may have seen two already in the Mortheim warband I did earlier this year. I'm painting these for a German video broadcast called Magabotato. It's a weekly show about tabletop gaming and everything surrounding that. They're doing a new episode each week and get up to five thousand views per episode.

Make sure you have a look at their videos. Here is a link to their youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Magabotato

First off, new pictures of the Wolf Lord:

The "ROLF"-looking runes on the wolf's armour didn't really please a lot of people so those were changed. Plus, I added some more detailling to the wolf's armour and redid the base a little bit. Next thing on my list: add snow.

I'm also currently doing four more Rhinos/Razorbacks so the Long Fangs and the Wolf Guard don't have to walk around on their paws:

Here's the more fancied-up Rhino of the Wolf Guard, also showing the Razorback version:

Stormbolters for the Rhino versions and other gubbinz are also mostly done. The Rhinos need some more dirtying up and weathering and the tracks need to be finished. That's it then.

See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/21 18:45:45

Post by: wolfshadow

Do you do your power weapon effects with ain airbrush? They look awsome.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/22 20:24:15

Post by: Sigur

@Wolfshadow: Thanks and yes, I'm using my trusty airbrush for that effect.


The gold needs some neatening up in places but I think I'm getting there.

On a different note, I took another stab at the Nightbringer. As you may remember, I'm having a hard time with this guy but I might be on to something now that I added a third colour:

What do you think?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/22 20:38:05

Post by: Manchu

Dammit Sigur, you're selling me on Dwarf Tales . . .

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/23 00:37:45

Post by: Cosmic

The blending/crystal effect on the Nightbringer's reaper is briliant... and the glowing effects on the scarabs' eyes... fantastic work! I must follow this thread.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/23 03:17:39

Post by: Monkeh

The grey's on the space wolves are awesome! I love the darker spin on them, gives them more of a nordic/barbaric feeling for sure! The silver on your lightning claws is great! How did you do that?

For the wolf lord, +1 more for the bear comment but the thing that really threw me off was how far back his torso was on his hips.. his abdomen is way back on it. Especially with his lean backwards once mounted.

The painting however is incredible!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/23 03:31:45

Post by: iior

Very nice painting! I love the tanks, especially the one with the big paw freehand on the top hatch and rear access hatch.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/26 14:05:38

Post by: Sigur

@Manchu: Hehe, thanks for the compliment. They are very nice minis indeed, even though one or two of them seem to have weird proportions to me, being used to giant feet and hands.

@Cosmic: Yes indeed you have to follow this thread! Thanks for the comment. Hope you subscribe.

@Monkeh: Thanks for your reply. The silver is just plain old Boltgun metal, a few mixes of Boltgun Metal and black and some mithril. About the Wolf Lord - yeah, the model has a few "off" bits (hips as you said, right arm, etc.). I didn't convert/sculpt the guy but overall I like the mini and along with his wolf, he looks spectacular.

@iior: Cheers. Glad you like the freehand there.

Seems like I ran out of bandwidth earlier than expected this month. I reuploaded the latest pictures somewhere else.

Hope you all are having great holidays and enjoy them with family and friends!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/28 00:02:15

Post by: Sigur


Got the first bunch of Discworld minis today. They're pretty big but awesome. Hope to finish these Dwarfs quickly.

Tiny little update on the Space Wolves - Rhinos/Razorbacks are now dirtied up:

See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2010/12/28 01:17:11

Post by: wolfshadow

Nice Rhino! Excellent job on the weathering.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/01 19:19:17

Post by: Lennysmash

Nice job on the Rhinos, you can be sure that I'll be pilfering a few of those markings for my own army

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/03 13:35:26

Post by: Sigur

@wolfshadow: Thanks.

@Lennysmash: Cheers.

Alright, I hope all of you had a nice start on 2011. Here's this year's first update!

My second Step-by-Step painting guide just went online. My first one a few months ago was a load of work but this one goes way beyond what I did in the first one.

It's an in-depth description on how I painted the latest incarnation of Ultramarines Captain Sicarius and the word file is close to 50 pages including pictures. Here is the finished piece:

If you're interested how this paintjob came to be, follow the link to the whole thing over at my blog on tabletopgeeks:


Feel free to have a look and let me know if you like it or not.

Apart from that, a little update on them Dwarfs:

...I admit, not all that much has happened. My goal is to finish these guy by the fifth so I can make sure they have enough time to get delivered to magabotato before the shooting takes place. :cool:

And now prepare for weird and whimsical wonders when (due to size comparison request) the most mischievous and prone-to-squabbling front rank since Ruglud's Orcs disbanded - woahahahahaahahahahelcome the size comparison brigade, ho-ho-ho-ho:

grabbed a few miniatures from popular ranges and hope that you can estimate the size of the Dwarfs judging from those.

....aaand yes, the Dwarf in the left IS actually telling the Space Marine to "Be square or be square", hah-hah-hah. Oh, for fun...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/04 18:20:32

Post by: Sigur


Not all that much new at first glance because the details are what's left so a lot of pouches mainly, some leather belts and so on to paint.

Just out of curiosity - what do you like better: Trolls, Ogres and Minotaurs or Rincewind, Sam Vimes and Twoflower?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/04 19:04:56

Post by: bunnygurl

Great work. Captain Sicarius is to die for!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/04 22:36:05

Post by: Sageheart

I love the nightbringer, and your other models!

only thing i would want to see different is with the dwarfs. I love the ones without helmets, but the ones that are all armored up I feel like the breads get lost in the gold armor. I would rather they have brighter breads that stand out, def since they are such a defining feature of that race!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/07 01:41:33

Post by: Sigur

@bunnygurl: Many thanks.

@Sageheart: Cheers. Thanks for the suggestion about the beards as well. I added some highlighting and washes to them so they get a bit more definition and contrast. Hope you like them better now.

Rejoice, masses, for the unforseen has happened - I finished the Nightbringer:

Hope you like it. :-)

....aaand the Dwarfs for that video cast show are finished as well:

Next up:
.) The final chapter in the Saga of Squirrel-paints-Wolves
.) More Chaos Blood Bowl!
.) Discworld Miniatures!
.) Harlequins!
.) Death Korps of Krieg!
.) Empire Army!

...and some bigger things I'm currently in talks over.

See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/07 04:10:17

Post by: Sageheart

The beards are a lot better now. I really like them.
love the nightbringer, only thing I would do differently (if i could paint as well as you!! ) would be too have the scarabs on the ground have red eyes instead of blue eyes so it goes with the robe. But that could be just me.

Looking forward to seeing you paint Harlequins and Empire models! What colors will you be using? Are these all commissions?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/07 04:43:56

Post by: GreyDeathOne

Sigur your work is just amazing!! I love your style of blending and true metalic painting style! You make me want to go out and buy some SW now, that is just inspiring on how you paint! Can't wait to see more.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/07 20:36:49

Post by: btemple0

How did you get that seam on the Nightbringer's back to come together so cleanlike?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/12 02:27:26

Post by: Sigur

@Sageheart: Thanks for the compliment and the suggestion. Originally, I had painted the Scarabs' "eyes" red but once I changed the blade's colour to blue, I absolutely wanted another thing to be blue as well to balance the miniature again a little. Otherwise, the scythe's blade would stick out too much. That would be okay on other miniatures, but the Nightbringer is very unbalanced as he is (huge scythe on one side, nothing on the other and slightly bending towards the scythe side). I think it works better that way and helps making a difference between the red of the robe and the scarabs. 95% of everything presented in this painting log is commission work or done with somewhat of a connection to Battle Brush Studios (like promo pieces and so on). Keep the input coming, I appreciate that.

@GreyDeathOne: Cheers. Especially of the SW, you WILL see much more very soon.

@btemple0: part Airbrush, part very, very careful blending with the highlights.

Good news, I finished the Space Wolves today, wrapped them up and will ship them tomorrow!

Just kidding, I'll take some army shots tomorrow.

The Magabotato guys got the Dwarfs by now and like them a lot. (yay!) I'll let you know once the episode in which they're featured goes online.

And I'm on to new projects. First, a figure for pen&paper roleplaying for one of the kindest people in the universe:

He converted the mini and asked me to paint it for him because he just started a fire wizard in WHFRP (I think). Almost done. I'm never too sure about painting flames. What do you think?

Here's the other thing I've been starting with:

Hope you like the stuff for now, see you later!

P.S.: By the way, make sure you visit my Twitter account and/or my Facebook site (yes, I webbed myself up to the 2.0 and am a genuine facebookster and twit now or whatever you call it) for that extra-valuable super exclusive content!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/12 02:28:55

Post by: Manchu

I am so envious of the guy who gets to open those Space Wolves! Can't wait for the pics.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/12 15:24:58

Post by: Sigur

@Manchu: Cheers.

As promised - Army pictures of the Space Wolves!

(in the background: The hinder of the World Wolf)

(from the point of view of Grubgob Bom'ead, Fighta Bomma ace)

Sadly, I can only show you with the infantry all embarked because they all left for the client's place two months ago.

Individual picture of the finished stuff are to follow later!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/12 15:40:37

Post by: Moltar

SW Army looks amazing! Great group shots. I look forward to your new project, as well. That orangutan looks awesome in his scholarly ways.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/13 17:35:25

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thanks muchly, Sir.

First, there's an update on the Discworld minis:

Still a little WIP but getting there.

So here's the finishing individual shots. You've seen some of those already but these are bigger pictures with last minute changes, finished basing and such stuff.

....and thus ends the Saga of Sigur painting the Big Space Wolves Army.

Buh-bye, pals.

Thanks for your replies and feedback throughout this project. That's mainly what keeps me going.

Next up: Harlequins and lots of other stuffs!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/13 18:23:37

Post by: Manchu

Your customer is going to have a lot of pressure to play well now that he has such a perfect looking army!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/13 18:35:33

Post by: shingouki

i love your painting style in particular the space wolves who look loads better in a darker shade of grey than is typically used.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/13 19:13:27

Post by: TiB

Kinda sad to see the last of the Space Wolves go, but I'm sure we'll get something awesome in their place.

Could you give me the recipe for the gold on the Wolves? I love its not-in-your-faceness.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/13 20:29:26

Post by: Empchild

Gosh I really like your style of painting. You did a great job with these so kudos to you good sir.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/14 03:19:36

Post by: Sigur

@Manchu: I am without doubt that this customer knows how to play. Thanks for the compliment.

@shingouki: Cheers. I'd almost gone for the regular scheme but then I decided to do something different.

@TiB: It's very basic: Tin Bitz, Shining Gold, maybe burnished gold, maybe some washes (both depending on how large the piece of gold is), highlights with chainmail or mithril. It's pretty simple to pull off and looks great most of the time. You can have a look at my Step-by-Step painting guides (see the big link in my signature. I posted them there and they should also be in the tutorials section here on Dakka). You can get more in depth information there.

@Empchild: Thank you.

Without much further ado, let's proceed. There's more than enough to paint.


Hope you like them so far and that I can finish them tomorrow.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/14 03:37:21

Post by: bunnygurl

Tourist dude's hilarious. You're so talented. Love your work!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/14 14:54:25

Post by: Sigur

@bunnygurl: Thank you.

Ze miniatoores are feeneesh'd:

C&C are highly welcome as always.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/16 00:03:33

Post by: Sigur

Alright, let's wrap this Space Hulk thing up next!

Here's what's left to do:
.) Resculpt a little bit that snapped off
.) Finish painting Sergeant Gideon
.) Paint the bases.

First, I'll paint Gideon:

I'd say he's halfway done. If I'm really cool, I'll be able to finish him tomorrow. I'll let you know if I manage to be cool.

edit: Oh, the fire wizard also got a dungeoneerer's base:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/16 00:12:16

Post by: bunnygurl

I think you're cool no matter what. However it would be pretty freakin' sweet if you finished him.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/17 12:24:49

Post by: Sigur

Damn you, bunnygurl! Soley due to your comment I did not make my coolness depend on whether or not I finish this miniature yesterday so I didn't paint all that much at all!.

Okay, I did not manage to be cool, instead I spent most of the Sunday playing silly computer games and doing administrative stuff.

So here's just a silly old WIP shot of Gideon:

Oh, and remind me not to do these super-long pictures any more. Photobucket always shrinks them down a little. Anyhow, I'll try to get him finished asap, especially as I still have to finish these World Eaters and already got another new army project on the table (apart from several smaller things)....

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/19 12:41:51

Post by: Sigur

Last two terminators finished but I totally forgot about that chalice they come with so I have to paint that. Gah.

...and here's the first WIP of the Blood Bowl big guys for the chaos team I recently painted:

These guys are not only awesome looking but also huge.
Hope you like them so far.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/19 17:11:40

Post by: Sageheart

wow great stuff!

those chaos models are great! they do look huge. I've never seen those models before, great stuff, haha.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/19 18:57:04

Post by: MajorTom11

Amazing work Sigur, the luster, shine and depth you are getting on your metallics is fantastic, really a perfect mix. The color choices you are making on skin tones etc are also subtle and refined.

Keep it up! You are absolutely one of the most talented multi-model commision painters out there!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/20 01:53:18

Post by: Griever

Where did you get those Dwarves from? They look awesome! So much better than anything from GW or Mantic.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/20 02:22:24

Post by: Sigur

@Sageheart: Thanks for commenting.

@MajorTom11: Many thanks for the compliment.


@Griever: Better than Mantic's? Yes, I agree. Better than GW's? Hmm, GW have a too large dwarves range to compare it like that. I love GW's older Dwarfs. Anyway, the guys I painted the Dwarfs for got them from Dwarf Tales. It's a polish company I think whose Dwarfs range pretty much is these 9 Dwarves I painted there. They also have their own skirmish system you can download for free on their website.

Alright, I planned to finish the big guys tonight and didn't quite make it due to that little two-headed bugger. So here's another WIP shot:

These minis really are nice. Only shame is that the casting on the small guy is a bit fuzzy.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/20 03:36:12

Post by: bunnygurl

Sigur wrote:Damn you, bunnygurl! Soley due to your comment I did not make my coolness depend on whether or not I finish this miniature yesterday so I didn't paint all that much at all!.

You're welcome. Anything else I can do for you?

Those Blood Bowlers are sweeeeeeet BTW.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/20 23:35:14

Post by: Sigur

@bunnygurl: Cheers.

This is my latest army commission - an Empire army from Averland (i.e. black-and-yellow guys who serve under a knifewielding nutcase).

Here's pictures of the first part of the army. The mainstray is yet to arrive.

And here's a picture of the testmini I did:

I don't paint these at top level of course. Hope you'll follow along as this army grows and help me with some feedback.

Apart from that, here's another little side project - six more characters from discworld:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/20 23:46:30

Post by: Moltar

That test mini turned out awesome. Averlanders tend to look great with their black and yellow scheme. I have no doubt you'll do them due justice.
Your blood bowlers look sweet too! I'm really diggin' the skin tones

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/22 23:19:59

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Glad you like everything so far. Thanks for commenting.

@Torin the Wayfarer: Cheers.

Okay, an update finally. I was pretty tied up with weekend stuff yesterday so didn't get much done then. Today I got more painting done.

To be honest, I never expected these state troops to have so many details on them. You absolutely don't seem them at first but these guys really have loads of of stuff on them. This slows down the progress immensely and they take longer than I planned.

This is the first time I work with the new State Troops. Here's a few observations:

.) Loads of details, as mentioned above. No head options. This is the main downer to me. Some of you may know that the Army I did in fall of 2010 was Space Wolves so maybe I'm a little spoilt in that regard though. As for the overall design, I see that they really wanted to go for a look that resembles late 30 years war soldiers. Some of them have no shoes, they have a very morbid touch and party are overloaded with (probably looted) stuff (knifes mostly). I'm okay with that but honestly, there is a serious lack of puffy arms and impressive trousers amongst their ranks. Not too fond of the new feather design they introduced with these minis. The faces range from okay to terrible. Kit options are very satisfying; everything's there.

.) The Volley Gun is a nice kit; nothing special. I liked the earlier designs better though.

.) The Outriders kit is very good. Head options, all weapon options there and some additional stuffs as well and the horses look very good. There was a positive surprise for me - eversince they were relased, I thought that the legs of the riders were molded onto the horses but they aren't. No idea how I made that up. So there's very nicely suited horses for 40k Roughriders.

So that's all the news for now. See you tomorrow (I think).

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/22 23:36:48

Post by: OnTheEdge

Everything in this blog is just ace but I have to commend the Thunderwolfs extra! The best ones I've seen


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/22 23:45:52

Post by: dantay_xv

Been away a long time, but really REALLY nice.

I like the dwarves you did, where did they come from??

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/23 00:24:09

Post by: Sigur

@btemple0: Thanks. I'm trying to keep it pretty simple.

@OnTheEdge: Cheers!

@dantay_xv: Thanks muchly. Make sure you drop by more frequently. The dwarves are nice indeed; they're made by a polish (I think) company called Dwarf Tales. They have their own skirmish system of you you can download the rules for free on their website.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/23 00:52:52

Post by: Sageheart

I really missed the old "puffy arms and impressive trousers" (as you put it) among the newer empire models. I had thought once of starting some empire guys either for a warhammer army in the dream tthat my brother's lizardmen will ever be finished haha, or for IG conversions, but the state troopers just didn't cut the bill for me, even thou they do have an interesting look to them.

outrider kit has always seemed cool!
ill look forward to seeing this army grow, how big will it be?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/23 04:13:59

Post by: Sigur

For that very reason, I started getting 5th edition State Troops off ebay. Problem is, especially halbeards look incredibly puny so they'd have to be exchanged for longer polearms from that one company I can't quite recall at the moment.

Here's the list of minis I'll do for that army: For now it's 2 captains, 2 magicians, 20 greatswords, 20 swordsmen, 10 handgunners, 10 state troops, 8 knights, 5 outriders, 1 volley gun.

Update: I finished the first unit of State Troops (I call them that because I never manage to remember how halbardiers are actually spelled in English) and the Volley Gun's crew. The cannon itself is also almost finished. Tomorrow I will finish the cannon, finish the second character and ...hm...or I save the characters for later when I'm really, really annoyed with hordes of infantry and decide to do a character for a change. Yeah, I guess that sounds better. So! Tomorrow: Finish cannon, put together more infantry! I just spilled half a pot of Coat d'Arms Beige Brown on my table. Good Night.
Edit/Delete Message

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/23 20:40:15

Post by: Sigur


Finished Volley Gun:

Finished Halbardiers:

WIP Mages (1 light, 1 fire, but I won't tell which is which):

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Update! Mages finished:

(Just checking for the level of damage my perception has taken - What or who does the shot of the back of the hat of the light mage remind you of?)

WIP of the second fighty character guy:

Next step: putting together the rest of the minis, then paint everything. Simple, isn't it?

edit: Assembled 10 Handgunners and 20 Swordsmen. Goodnight!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/24 22:01:33

Post by: btemple0

What do you think of that empire battle wizards kit? I was looking into buying one for use as a mini for one of my many D&D characters.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/24 22:11:17

Post by: MajorTom11

@btemple, lol, that also will be another item in my swapshop, plent of battlewizard bits, sounds like you should definitely should look lol!


HOLY CRAP... amazing work AGAIN... but the flames are particularly amazing and vivid, your metallics are sublime as usual, and as usual every post seems to be better than the last, and that's saying a lot. Are your times to do these commisions increasing greatly out of curiosity? If so your price must be going up??

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/29 13:06:59

Post by: Sigur

@btemple0: It's a nice kit overall. You get very nice options for most schools of wizardy and some very interesting bitz as well. The robes look very nice and the faces as well. On top of that, you get big hats which is always cool. The only negative thing I noticed is the pose of the wizrds themselves. They're always pretty hunched over and I would have liked to have one to have more like a pose like that one:
http://i.mobilehomepages.de/c/E0BEC1/135950/ssc5/gallery/180-people/30-fantasy/wizard.gif_320_320_256_9223372036854775000_0_1_0.gif :p But I know that's not really possible with a multi-part plastic kit of a cloaked figure with that many options. So anyway, of the new/current Empire plastic kits, this probably is my favorite (Knights and Greatswords are awesome as well though). If you want a pretty personalized D&D character from that box, I think it's a good deal.

@MajorTom11: Well, my price went up for a while (the problem with doing something you love to do for money usually results in you charging WAY too little. Especially in a market which basically has no rules to pricing, very hard to compare prices, has a product that is incredibly individual and different from supplier to supplier and is basically very niche), just now I'm getting a hang of it. The time my commissions take to finish are about the same as they used to be; if anything I'm getting faster.

Update - just probably not as much as you'd think or I'd hoped to be able to present you with after almost a week so I threw in some pictures of off-topic filler stuff.

9 WIP greatswords (funny story - you can tell how numb-minded I was last week as I left one of the 10 guys in the priming box. The unit will be 20 men strong so I'll do them in the classic 9 - 11 steps):

I recently found this little scenic base for cannons I acquired along with an empire army this summer and thought it would look nice if I put the Volley Gun on it:

On a completely unrelated note - look what I got here:

:-D When I recently went to my awesome LGS again, one of the guys at the counter held this into my face and jokingly said "You NEED this, right?". It's not like I'm known for being into terrible movies and even less into getting merchandise for terrible movies but for that price I got it. Simply as an entertaining piece and maybe it'll make a funny little present some time.

On a slightly more related note (but still far off topic): I played Death Angel last night; that Space Hulk card game by FFG. Played it with two friends of mine and we found it to be a very exciting and fun game. Not sure about the endless replayability of the thing as, depending on the number of players, it's almost always the same succession of rooms that is generated but it's pretty awesome to just play a cooperative game and for it being a card game, it conveys the feel of Space Hulk pretty well. It was always pretty cool to more or less see the guys I've been painting for months in action (albeit not the miniatures but more just the names).

So that's that. I'm aiming to finish the Greatswords and the Captain this weekend. After that, it's either more State Troops or some Cavalry.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/30 15:52:39

Post by: Sigur



Finished Greatswords:

As good as finished Captain:

So what's next? Hmm... either Swordsmen, Outriders or more Greatswords. What would you like to see next?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/30 16:24:18

Post by: Mister Feral

Very impressive Empire - the muted yellow and black colour scheme works wonders!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/31 15:48:01

Post by: Sigur

@MrFeral: Thanks muchly.

So while I was waiting for votes to pile up on what to do next, I decided to lay the groundwork on these swordsmen:

After getting a bit bored with black and yellow on these Averlanders, I thought I'd finally commence painting these guys:

(Still early WIP of course.)

Because pets always work in project logs, I decided to take some pictures of the most awesome dog in the world but she really hates having photos taken of her:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/01/31 17:29:27

Post by: neil101

Nice Averlanders and Diskworld models , not so fussed on the dogs paintscheme, looks like it needs a few more wash's ;-)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/01 18:53:39

Post by: Sigur

@neil101: Quiet you! :p


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/01 19:08:38

Post by: Commander Cain

Great work! The colours you use are very nice indeed Does that treasure chest have legs?!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/01 19:39:26

Post by: TiB

looks like zebra fur to me. the pattern looks too flat (for Sigur's ability) to be legs.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/02 03:33:30

Post by: MagickalMemories

Obviously, the legs aren't done yet.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/02 16:23:22

Post by: Natorum

Looks like the chest from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels to me.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/02 17:18:44

Post by: Lennysmash

Natorum wrote:Looks like the chest from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels to me.

You know why that is don't you? Cos it is the chest from Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

If you're into your Discworld there are a few more figures you may recognise earlier on in the thread.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/03 19:32:19

Post by: Sigur

@Commander Cain: Cheers.

@TiB: They were WIP.

@MagickalMemories: Spot on.

@Natorum: Quite well observed.


Discworld minis finished!

Bloodbowl minis finished!


Apart from that, lots of Empire assembly, basing and priming.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/03 19:59:34

Post by: TiB

Hmm actually quite liked the legs as zebra fur...

adventurous yet comfortable

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/06 21:24:44

Post by: Sigur

@TiB: Well, it would indicate a certain idea of class....

Update! Despite your votes (Outriders would have won), I'm afraid I'll do the Swordsmen first. I don't do this to spite you but for practical reasons. Thing is, there are going to be a total of 10 Outriders now and I chose to do those together rather than splitting them up. I only got the five you saw earlier (assembled and primed) and the other five I'll get in the mail this week if everything goes according to plan.

So for now, it's swordmen. Trying to get State Troops out of the way:

The first ten (plus one Greatsword) are almost finished, the other 10 just got some base colours and the yellow and black parts finished. Hope you like them. C&Cwelcome as always!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/07 14:40:12

Post by: Sigur

Just a little update in between. Trying to paint all 20 Swordsmen up to the same level and then finish them all together.

Seeya later!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/07 15:51:46

Post by: Moltar

Again, your BB dudes are amazing. Your Averlanders are coming along nicely. After the swordsmen and outriders do you still have more Averland stuff to do?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 03:09:04

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Thank you. Loads of more Averländer coming up - apart from these Swordsmen and Outriders (10), there's 10 more greatswords, 10 more handgunners, 10 archers, a mortar, 10 more halberdiers a steam tank(!), 8 knights and some more stuff.

After a little doodling around (or was it oodling?) I actually liked the very first draft for the first freehand banner and went for it. Here's how far I got for now:

This isn't too impressive as posting the finished thing of course but I thought you may like it and I didn't get much else painted today because I was on the road, visiting a modelling store sale, getting the finished Discworld minis to the customer and picking up new commission stuff (Detritus, Dibbler, the Maelstrom Games Chimera and a platoon of Death Korps of Krieg).

But first - Empire of course.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 03:17:03

Post by: bunnygurl

Beautiful painting! It all looks so realistic. Those Wizards are especially knocking my socks off.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 03:25:18

Post by: Empchild

As usual solid work on the commissions. I can't say I know much about discworld but fun looking minis.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 12:51:35

Post by: Sigur

@bunnygurl: Many thanks.

@Empchild: Cheers. The Discworlders really are fun to paint.

Alright, that's the current state of affairs:

This is pretty much the final version. A few more touch-ups and it should be finished.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 13:54:53

Post by: Metsuri

The banner looks great! The green looks a bit odd, but as it has been used also on the troopers it probably looks better when the banner bearer is with the unit. The free hand is sharp and the designs fit fluff well.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 20:35:02

Post by: Sigur

@Metsuri: Cheers. The colourscheme NEEDS the green. Two colour schemes don't really work on full armies.

Here's the unit as it is now altogether:

Starting to get bored. The faces need detail and the drum needs to be done.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 20:44:13

Post by: Ifalna

Something that really strikes me about your fantastic minis are the metals. You get a really nice shine from what looks like a darkish base metal colour, so I take it you don't use many washes as they dull the shine massively. That makes your metal depth even more impressive

What brand metallics are you using and do you generally skip the mid stage when highlighting them, as in going from Boltgun straight to mithril?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 20:52:31

Post by: TheFirstBorn

How are you doing your yellow's Sigur? Been struggling to get the right looking yellow for my Talabeclanders, and this seems what i'm after.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 21:55:03

Post by: iheartlargeblasttemplates

Wow that flag is soo awesome!! great work with the highlights

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/08 23:49:44

Post by: Empchild

Solid work sigur, though I think your nuts for doing yellow on black primer .

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/09 00:08:27

Post by: btemple0

Outstanding standard bearer, and the rest of the formation is great as well.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/09 01:21:01

Post by: Sigur

@Ifalna: Thanks. I'm almost ashamed of the simplicity of the recipe I use for dark metals on standard troops. It's basically just Boltgun Metal, Badab Black, Mithril silver. Over the years I learned that with metallics, sharp highlights and reflections are way more effective than smooth blending due to metallics somehow blending in a natural way anyway.

@TheFirstBorn: Again, very simple: Iyanden Darksun, light wash of Gryphonne Sepia, highlight with Iyanden Darksun/VMC Sand Yellow mixes and add some white in the end.

@IHEARTLARGEBLASTTEMPLATES: Thanks. I usually don't do freehands of that size but I'm happy with the result.

@Empchild: Cheers. With Iyanden Darksun or paints from the VMC range, that's not too much of a problem any more.

@btemple0: Thank you!

Once more, an update:

I redid the faces a little, painted some teeth and eyes (to an extent. More recent plastic sculpts of human heads have very, very small eyes and overly exposed lower eyelids that make painting eyes a little superfluous, at least on these State Troops.) and added shields of course. The shield emblems aren't quite finished as you can see in the picture.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/09 01:30:47

Post by: Commander Cain

Crisp, bold painting as usual, you almost want me to start collecting some fanasy models!

The discworld minis look great, I just finished one of the books yesterday!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/09 01:58:36

Post by: Stretch

Hmmm, now I am going to have to break out the empire army I have been collecting and get to assembling so I can paint. Great work btw, keep it up!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/09 17:56:43

Post by: silveryfox

Liking the wolves alot. Keep it up!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/09 22:51:45

Post by: Sigur

@Commander Cain: Thanks. Which book did you finish?

@Stretch: Cheers. By all means, do those empire minis. They got some mighty interesting colourschemes and if I wasn't tied up with all the commissions, I'd be working on my own Empire army right now.

@112lom: Thank you.

@silveryfox: Thanks!

Little update on what happened today (apart from a bit more on the Swordsmen).

Outriders horses WIP

Knights horses WIP

10 more Greatwords WIP

I'm really trying to do as much as possible because these days i'm mostly motivated by panic because this monstrosity is leering at me day and night and I know that some time soon I won't be able to resist any more and get it out of its box. And once that happens, the Empire stuff is starting to get delayed...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/10 05:48:38

Post by: MagickalMemories

That is, without a doubt, the most epic Chimera I have ever seen!

::checks site::

At 100 GBP, I guess it kinda ought to be, too! LOL


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/10 07:56:34

Post by: MajorTom11

As always, nothing but strong praise for all your work!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/10 19:57:59

Post by: TiB

Great work on the Averlanders.
Can't wait to see what you do with the DKoK

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/12 02:24:14

Post by: Sigur

@Truffle: Cheers.

@Magickal Memories: It IS a beautiful model and at that of a creature you don't see models of too often. I think it's well worth the money.

@MajorTom11: Many thanks.

@TiB: Cheers. Here's a picture of the DKOK test mini I did some months ago if you're interested:

Alright, the new Greatswords are finished now, including the banner.

Some of you might notice that some of these Greatswords have darker skin colour than the rest and that there is some exotic symbology on the banner. Fluffwise, the army just returned from a crusade against Araby and some of the regiments featured in this army have a history of having been to Araby. That's why some amongst the troops of the Greatswords regiment are from araby and the regiment incorporated some bits of arabian culture into their traditions so I thought it would be a nice touch to have some darker skinned dudes in there. Reason is this: The state troops in this army obviously weren't in Arabia but the Greatswords, being more of an elite unit and being much more professional soldiers with more esprit de corps and all that were there too. And the Knights of course (Order of the Blazing Sun); Magritta was in endangered by an arabian army once more or something so the Order went there and the Greatswords went with them. Something like that. I hope I don't upset the owner of this army too much by messing his fluff up but you guys know how much I like writing endless drivel when it's late. :-P ). Anyhoo, while the knights enjoy staying pretty much by themselves, the Greatswords had more contact with the locals (be it in good or bad ways) so I thought they were the ones much more prone to acculturate to an extent.

I really like these minis (I know I said that already but I can't stress it enough). Perfectly easy to rank up, no unnecessary details and overall good design. Very good options and good sculpts, especially on the heads. They really make up for the State Troops who are not quite on par with those.

Apart from that, I finished the Outriders horses and did the horses of the knights (sans the barding for now). Next thing on my list would be the Outriders themselves. Problem is, I still have to convert the second champion and have to wait for a bit until I can build him. So I'm doing the Outriders in two steps of five each.

See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/13 16:02:44

Post by: Sigur

Alright, I didn't get all that much done the past two days but I put together another unit of handgunners and more or less finished the first unit of Outriders:

I think I'll do an army shot after the Outriders are really finished and then go assembling the Chimera.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/13 17:31:13

Post by: gman1401

Those Empire figures look amazing! I especially like the darker metal on the pistoliers! The customer is going to have a incredible looking army at his next game!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/13 18:27:43

Post by: Commander Cain

Churning these guys out I see! I had a go at you recipie for silver with a few tweaks of my own in, it worked great!

Should those DKoK models have the blob on the tip of the lasgun? I chopped them off mine

(the book I finished was Unseen Academicals BTW, great read!)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/22 12:46:27

Post by: Sigur

gman1401: Many thanks. I really have to do a group shot of the stuff that's finished so far.

Commander Cain: Well, I was pretty lazy the past week. Glad the recipe worked for you. Would you mind sharing the tweaks you did?
Yeah, that blob on the DKOK minis was a mistake. The client gave me the minis assembled and thought they were part of the minis and when I did the testminis, I was oblivious enough not to look it up. Thanks for the heads up though; the blobs are removed now. As for the Discworld books - haven't read any of the newer ones (well, none really starting with the release of Thud!) but I hear that Unseen Academicals is great.

There hasn't been an update in over a week now which is pretty long compared to the timespans I usually have between updates. Fact is, I haven't been all that productive for a few days. Glad that's over and I'm back to my regular level of "productivity" (so not all that much really).

Anyway, here's what happened:

Detritus and Dibbler finished

And here's a shot of the almost fully assembled chimera (covered in GW stuffs. This is not to annoy you, it's mainly for scale reasons and a lame joke I tried to pull off on another board :p)

I got farther now on the mini but not all that much so no painted WIPs as for now but soon!

Apart from that, the finished Khorne chaos space marines army:

*) Single pictures and a proper army shot are to follow

WIP of the first bunch of Death Korps of Krieg:

The Space Hulk minis are finished as well. I'll do pictures of those once they're varnished.

Currently in the works: Imperial Fists testmini.

So that's that for now. Comments and critique welcome as always.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/22 14:36:59

Post by: Manchu

Nice basing on those Zouave DKoK. I can't wait to see what you do with the Chimera.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/22 17:02:29

Post by: Doots

lovely looking figures......I love the way you make painting sound so simple

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/22 21:16:45

Post by: Cosmic

I am honestly very glad that I subscribed to this blog. The stuff you're churning out is brilliant and you seem to never stop! Which is good for us The Empire so far is fantastic solid painting. Can't wait to see them all done. Keep at it dude!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/22 22:02:28

Post by: iheartlargeblasttemplates

wow.. those great swords and the banner are great!! so is everything wow. im speechless as you can tell with the 2 wows... haha good job

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/22 23:22:44

Post by: MajorTom11

Particularly like the DKOK color scheme, very interesting and fresh from the norm!

BTW Sigur, you never responded to my PM!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/23 06:26:20

Post by: Metsuri

Nice work on the Khorne marines. Good to see old OoP minis painted well, those old blood letters have a lot of character. And the basing of those DKoK is great looking.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/23 07:20:08

Post by: bunnygurl

Everything looks so stunning! Love the horses of the Outriders and the colors on the Empire in general. Gives me goosebumps.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/23 07:40:54

Post by: Arakasi

Love the cape on Detritus - any hints?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/25 22:57:13

Post by: Sigur

@Manchu: Thanks for dropping by and the compliments.

@Doots: Hey, thanks!

@Empchild: Cheers!

@Cosmic: Thanks muchly. I'll do my best so it never stops.

@IHEARTLAGEBLASTTEMPLATES: Sheesh, I usually don't copy-paste names when replying to other people's replies but in your case I often have to give in and just copy-paste the username. Still, thanks for commenting and the wows!

@MajorTom11: Cheers. I'm really glad the client chose this scheme (you may remember that I did three test schemes). It has the contrast so many DKOK armies sadly lack.

@Metsuri: Thank you. I believe that GW's heyday was in the early and mid-1990s and I love miniatures from that era. That's the main reason I took this commission. Especially the bloodletters are very well-chosen. If you look closely, you'll notice how none of them are alike; I didn't even know that they did that many different Bloodletters in that range. Painting all these single-pose World Eaters was a chore though. But these also have a charm of their own and I'm really glad I got to paint these again. Got a box of those back when they were new and didn't paint them all that well. So I had a chance to make up for that. They also have a very interesting and unique helmet design that was never used again.

@bunnygurl: Thanks! Glad you like them. There's more Empire stuff coming up but for now, It's mostly chimera and 40k stuff. But there WILL be much more Averland Empire minis!

@Arakasi: Thanks. I used the same technique and colours as on I did on Sicarius in my Step-by-Step painting tutorial (apart from the fact that I had run out of Blood Red so I had to substitute with some other similar red by P3 if I remember correctly). Here's the link: http://sigur.tabletopgeeks.com/all-new-step-by-step-painting-guide/ Let me know if you have any further questions!


Today I reorganized some boxes of stuff and dusted off a shelf. Seeya!

P.S.: Here's some pictures of stuff too.



Command Squad (WIP):

Flag (WIP):

Examples of DKOK dudes a bit more close up:

An Imperial Fists Veteran I did as a test mini for a possibly upcoming army:

And a new picture of the Chimera:

This thing really is like nothing I painted before. Highly interesting.

Anyhoo, I hope you like everything so far. C&C welcome as always.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/25 23:01:47

Post by: HF Izanagi

Love the scheme on the IG, Fists aren't my thing, but the weathering looks good... but that chimera... that thing is something else. Where did it come from? You did a great job on the scheme for it... almost thought it was a manticore for a bit with the scorpion behind... either way, good stuff. If that's a commission, I'm certain your customer will be pleased.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/25 23:11:51

Post by: Moltar

Sigur, as always, your painting blows me away. I'm really digging the DKoK banner and the IF test mini. They both look great.
I can't believe you busted that chimera out so fast. He looks amazing! Will it be based or will you leave it without a base altogether?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/26 00:50:20

Post by: MajorTom11

Jesus did you get all that done in a week???


I like the job you did on the I.F, the yellow looks perfect! My personal preference is to contrast it with black trim not white though, and I think the red could be a deeper crimson and less orangy. Still, that's just a taste thing, and the fact you got the yellow down so well when it is so notoriously difficult is very impressive!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/26 07:35:41

Post by: Arakasi

Thanks for the tutorial link - somehow I think I've read that before (silly me...)

DKOK are looking jaw dropping, well, as is the rest. Love your work!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/26 10:12:30

Post by: crazypsyko666

Wow. Proof that Dakka is worth coming to just for the P&M blogs. How long does it usually take you to paint various kinds of models? Big ones? Small ones? Enormous ones?

Your work is amazing, and you now have another fan.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/26 10:46:35

Post by: vostok

Hi Sigur,

As I list trough your thread - wonderful miniatures. Really beautifully painted.
One question - what paint did you use for metal colour? Looks like Alcad to me, but am I right or wrong


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/27 16:22:33

Post by: Sigur

@HF Izanagi: Cheers. The Chimera can be bought at maelstrom games. Price is a little steep but the quality is unmatched and yes, it's a commission.

@Moltar: Thank you. There will be a base but I left it off the base for now so I can reach some parts of the model better while painting.

@MajorTom11: Well, the Khorne army has been almost done for about six months. :p The chimera was painted to this point over a week ago. The DKOK and the IF were painted in that week, yeah.

@Arakasi: No problem; I've crammed quite a lot of stuff into that tutorial. Thanks for the compliment.

@crazypsyko666: Thanks. Glad to hear that. As for painting time; it wildly varies on my day-to-day form, wether or not I have a recipe for the mini already, if I'm batch painting or not and so on.

@vostok: Cheers. For metals, I use them old Citadel metallics. They work very nicely for me. Occationally, I use VGC Brassy Brass as well.

I just finished that piece of scenery for the command squad and some more painting:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/27 18:34:26

Post by: Moltar

Is that the trenchworks base from Secret Weapon Miniatures that the DKoK command squad is on?


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/27 19:36:48

Post by: Moltar

How's the quality of that product? Or any of their products, if you've used them in the past? It's resin, right? I've debated buying some of their individual bases, but always decided not to spend the cash.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/27 20:46:02

Post by: Sigur

Apart from that resin scenic presentation base and the regular bases that go with it, I used their weathering pigments and razorwire. The quality seems good overal although there seem to be quite a lot of air bubbles on the backside of the presentation base (the "outer wall" with all the rubble). Due to the texture on that side they are hardly visible though and you won't look at the thing from that side anyway so it's not so bad. The pigment seems to be of good quality (fine, not grainy or anything). You get a little less per pot than in MIG's pots so I estimate it's about 17ml. The razor wire is of very good quality. Communicationswise, they're very nice chaps. I'm considering getting their ground glass/water effect set for snow. Not really happy with the stuff I'm currently using (GF9 snow) and I'm out of bicarbonate.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/02/27 20:56:11

Post by: Moltar

Thanks for the info, Sigur! Finding snow is always a challenge. I think I've had an issue with all of the different snow flocks I've tried to use.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/14 01:34:51

Post by: Sigur

@Moltar: Yeah, so far I've only really gotten great results with bicarbonate.

So here's the first update in over two weeks. I really only have to blame myself for that, a massive amount of mismanagement of time and work and a general behavior of burying my head in the sand when facing throwbacks/stress/work overload. I'm also having to worry about some deadlines these days and just having too many projects on the desk at once. Well, you live, you learn.

Of course it's not like I've done nothing. I finished quite a few units of some more Warmaster Araby to get them reads for the Warmaster Euro GT the upcoming weekend. Yes, there is such a thing - which I find great. The guys really struggled to get this event to happen though and I'm glad that I could help one of them getting his minis done for the event.

So the next deadline to meet is about the Averlanders. Not a strict deadline by any means but I'd prefer to have the required stuff done until then so no news about the Chimera for now (sorry, guys).

Here's some WIP Knights of the Blazing Sun:

Here's a slightly converted Outriders champion with Hochland Longrifle. I'm really glad I waited for the Steam Tank kit to arrive instead of using the Hochland Longrifle from the Handgunners box):

That's all I got Fantasywise. No pictures of the additional Araby units because you've seen so many of those in here before and they aren't anything you haven't seen before (six bases of archers, nine bases of knights).

One of the last pictures of the Genestealers. I still had to finishe their bases (hadn't done any SM armour parts on them) before I could ship them, hence a little delay.

Here's a first WIP shot of another side project - a squad of Harlequins. The colours are the choice of the client.

Apart from all that, the DKOK guys got their company markings (fiddliest decals since I stopped doing scale modelling) and got sealed.

I'll keep the updates coming more frequently now. Sorry about all the terrible delays. Anyway, I hope you like everything so far. See you soon!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/14 05:18:04

Post by: MajorTom11

Incredible as usual!

The blues on the stealers are particularly awesome -

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/14 13:58:17

Post by: Doots

MajorTom11 wrote:Incredible as usual!

The blues on the stealers are particularly awesome -


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/14 20:28:13

Post by: neil101

the eldar are stunning and the dkok are really nice also.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/15 00:51:49

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thank you!

@Doots: See above.

@neil101: Thanks very much.

A little update on the knights - they're finished:

I hope you like them. I'll probably add some glossy finish on the horse bardings to see if it fits.

Apart from that, I made loads of pictures of finished Space Hulk and Khorne Stuff!

For the full number of shots, please have a look at my Chaos Space Marines Gallery.

For the final Space Hulk pictures, have a look at this gallery: Space Hulk.
(love these buggers. ;-) )

I hope you like everything. See you soon! (C&C welcome as always of course)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/17 04:47:00

Post by: GreyDeathOne

Sigur your DKoK are amazing!! Keep up the great work!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/18 15:58:10

Post by: Sigur

@GreyDeathOne: Thanks, I will.


Alrighty, here's a little update on the Harlequins and an army shot of the Khornies:

More and bigger army shots in my CSM gallery.

Little Update on the chimera:

Oh, and here's some pictures of the latest Araby dudes:

Empire army shots (whole army looking straight into the Arabyian Sun I suppose):

Oh, there's more army shots in my Empire (Averland) gallery too.

Hope you like the piccies and the added red parts on the Chimaera. I originally thought of purple for that but I think red works better but please let me know if you think that purple would be more fitting. So basically C&C is welcome.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/18 18:11:22

Post by: TheChronoTrigger

love the weathering onthe imp fist, great work and amazing talent!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/18 21:43:33

Post by: MajorTom11


Particularly the Chimera... just WOW...

Harlies seem a little unusual to your style so far, but I have no idea what you intend for them down the line, very curious to see where you go with them.

Very much looking forward to your next project

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/19 20:37:37

Post by: Sigur

@ChronoTrigger: Thanks.

@MajorTom11: Cheers. I received your messages; thanks for the in-depth info and I'm looking forward to seeing the shipment in person.

Another little update on the Chimera:

C&C welcome

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/21 01:29:56

Post by: Sigur

Little update on the Empire:

Them's the new guys, a.k.a. "Second batch":
.) Head Engineer on foot
.) Sigmarite Priest
.) 10 Archers
.) 10 Swordsmen
.) 10 Handgunners
.) 5 Outriders
.) Steamtank
.) Mortar

In the background you can see my snazzy new painting rack. Got the biggest they had and still had to keep my old rack for "backup paints".

That's it for now, seeya!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/22 05:07:45

Post by: MajorTom11

That chimera blows my mind every time I see it... I would be very interested in hearing an in depth description of how you approached painting it, it has just about every organic surface type and finish possibly all in one model, transitioning into ech other no less! What an amazing challenge and results...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/22 05:22:23

Post by: vent

MajorTom11 wrote:That chimera blows my mind every time I see it... I would be very interested in hearing an in depth description of how you approached painting it, it has just about every organic surface type and finish possibly all in one model, transitioning into ech other no less! What an amazing challenge and results...

Totally agree with Tom. That thing looks like you've caught and stuffed it. I love it.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/22 20:36:36

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks.

@vent: hehehe, cheers.

Little update - Outriders finished:

I also did as much as I could on the black and yellow uniforms on the rest of the dudes- I try to get as much done as possible on the whole bunch but once I notice that I'm getting annoyed with doing the same thing over and over, I continue painting one single unit (if that makes sense). That way, the overall workload should be reduced with time.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/23 17:05:01

Post by: Sigur

@Empchild: Cheers!

So these are the units I'm currently working on mainly. Trying to get these guys out of the way quickly.

They don't look like much yet but I'm kinda proceeding.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/28 19:50:30

Post by: Sigur


Hope you like'em. C&C welcome as always. :-)

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/28 20:53:52

Post by: Alpharius

Hell yeah I like them - the are fantastic!

Dare I say, the best "Nuln" Empire paint-jobs I've ever seen - wow!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/28 20:59:16

Post by: Tmonster

Wow, must resist urge to start fantasy....

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/29 02:41:43

Post by: MajorTom11

Fantastic as always!

The only thing sticking out to me a bit at the moment is some of the larger parchments on the shields... some seem to have a very dip looking wash pool that looks out of place compared to your normal standards?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/29 20:36:44

Post by: Sigur

@Alpharius: Thanks. (It's not an army from Nuln )

@Tmonster: Fantasy's a great game and personally, I enjoy painting WHFB armies very much.

@iheartlargeblasttemplates: Cheers!

@MajorTom11: Yeah, I was in quite a hurry when doing the shields. You're right about the unfortunate dipping look. maybe I'll fix them later on when I do the rest of the Empire dudes.

But now it's time for a new sci-fi project and again it is set in the grimdark future of the 41st millenium!

Here's a testmini that's still a little WIP:

I have no idea what went wrong with the lighting on this one. Some days that just happens. Anyway, stay tuned for more of his brethen and some dudes to fight them!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/29 20:43:16

Post by: MajorTom11


I have a little bit of man-love for you right now, looks AMAZING!

Does this pic look more like you wanted?

So happy with how this is starting!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/29 22:33:18

Post by: Alpharius

OK, if that's not from Nuln, where are they from?

And either way - they are awesome!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/29 22:40:45

Post by: MajorTom11

They are from the city of Kick Ass on the planet Awesome in the galaxy of 'Who's your daddy? Sigur's your Daddy'.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/11/29 23:48:31

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Yeah, thanks, that's more like it. I didn't want to fiddle around too much with the picture because I wanted to get your opinion on it without it looking too "processed". Thanks for the piccie though, you really neatened it up!

@Alpharius: They're from Averland.

Better picture along with a Magus (guess how psyched I am to get the chance to paint this venerable sculpt ):

Hope you like them!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 00:19:58

Post by: MajorTom11

Dude straight up I'm going to have a seizure.

*big goofey smile*

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 01:29:30

Post by: Savnock

That augmetic arm is really, really good. I can't wait to see what you do with a whole stealer cult!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 03:03:54

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks (I guess. ).

@Savnock: Cheers!

Here's a little preview shot of the rest of the 4th generation Hybrids:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 15:53:43

Post by: Sigur

@Vitriuvian XVII: Thanks. and welcome on board.


I plan to finish these by Sunday at the latest, hope to finish them until Friday, expect to finish them by Saturday. :p

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 15:57:49

Post by: MajorTom11

Looking good Sigs, did you get my emails btw? Let me know!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 16:02:25

Post by: Sigur

You scare me. Mere seconds after the update you manage to reply already. Got your first mail, only now noticed your second one. Planned to do slightly different clothing anyway, will add the white armour to some of them as well.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 16:05:01

Post by: MajorTom11

lol, don't worry, I'm not in the bushes outside your house, got ye olde 'email me when this thread changes' option on, as I have for this thread for quite some time

Will email you in a minute or 2 -

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 18:30:43

Post by: Sigur

@Alpharius: Thanks.

@MajorTom11: Still, even for the little notification thing you're fast.

Alright, here's a little update on the colour scheme:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 18:37:40

Post by: MajorTom11


How are you finding them to work with? I hope I had cleaned them up sufficiently? I was worried about 'Fatty' but he is looking like it is going fine!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/30 19:11:08

Post by: Alpharius


Any chance for a quick 'how to' on how you painted the flesh color?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 13:43:47

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Perfectly fine to work with, cheers. There were a few tiny little things to clean up on the Terminators and the Hybrid with the Bolt Pistol needs the pistol muzzle drilled out but that's really minor stuff. I was also a bit worried about the skin on the fat guy but I think it'll work out fine.

@Alpharius: Thanks! As for the flesh - it's basically one very light basecoat followed by a mix of heavy washes and lighter washes lateron. Due to the fact that I use different recipies for skin on each army or character I do, a case-specific description isn't necessary I think. You can look the way I paint flesh up in my Step-by-Step Painting Guides in which I describe the whole procedure in detail:

Dark Elf (Steps 3 and 11)

Space Marine (Step 16)

As for the Hybrids - Update:

Hope you like them.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 14:00:20

Post by: MagickalMemories

So, I'm confused.
You're using 40K terminology (Stealer Cult), but they are on 30mm round lipped bases.
What's up with that? Are they going to be used in 40K or a different game?


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 14:08:42

Post by: MajorTom11

@MM Those are my Genestealer Hybrids, custom made - They are meant for SpaceHulk, my mission was to create every option from the core first Edition games for BA and Genestealer cults. Since it is for SH, AND since I don't actually play 40k, I went with the most aesthetically pleasing bases I could!

Besides, and forgive my noobness, does it make a big difference to use round-lips?

@Sigur Looks fantastic! I particularly love the 2 in white, they look like rogue arbites to me now, very cool! The only thing I see missing is to mix in the alternate scarf colors in, again to make them a bit more rag-tag. You could possibly leave a band of purple near the 'ends' of the scarfs as a unifying element though what do you think?

As always, super impressive!

For the record guys Sigur got these on Monday, you can see his frequency of updates and also his willingness to collaborate and get feedback, it's not over yet but honestly I can't speak highly enough of the service so far!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 14:15:24

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom: Thanks. Yup, scarves will be done soon, no worries. I was thinking of keeping them mainly purple-ish but with different hues so on some guys it's going to be blueish purple, on others it's more of a deep purple, lighter purple on others and so on. Sounds okay to you that way?

By the way, if you like the pictures in here, feel free to have a look at Battle Brush Studios' Facebook page! I'd appreciate it.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 15:48:48

Post by: Mister Feral

I agree in that lipped bases look better than the flat edged ones.

Great work on the Hybrids Sigur, I love the dark moody blues and purples, and well as the hints of rust on the bases.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 15:56:38

Post by: MajorTom11

@sigur - That sounds perfect! I trust you 100% to hue the color, based on the 3 stealer skin colors of purple, purplish blue/grey and purplish magenta with hints of dwarfskin or tangerine type coloring.

I like the idea of leaving a similar tone though, as seeing the concept coming together, it will also help them have common elements as well. The white are really looking good btw, I love them!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 16:07:37

Post by: MagickalMemories


If these are for Space Hulk, then I agree whole-heartedly with your decision. I don't think the round-lipped look any better than standard 25mm bases, but the inserts you have in these are VERY nice. Also, the 30mm round lip will fill the Space Hulk squares on the new game board better.

As for base size mattering... it matters if you're playing 40K. I doubt it would matter in SH (though I haven't seen the rules for the new version, I doubt they've changed much). For 40K, 25mm and 40mm (for larger models) are the most common/standard base sizes. If you're using the 30mm bases on troops, you have the potential to use that to an unfair advantage. So, opponents might take issue with in, in that case. Otherwise... Nope. Doesn't matter.


P.S. "Fatty" rules!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 16:12:19

Post by: MajorTom11

That's interesting, I would think that as many disadvantages would be taken as advantages?

Good to know before getting on with my BA army though!

I'm pretty proud of Fatty, he was the most scratch sculpted of the lot, especially my first attempt with the pants chest and head... not too bad! I think the flamer came out pretty well too from a design standpoint, I tried to keep things looking functional if a bit mad-max-y -

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 18:12:04

Post by: MagickalMemories

Well, they look good. Plus, Siggy does excellent work. I'm certain they'll shine in the end.

Re: Advantage vs. disadvantage

Using larger bases can affect a few things on the board. One of these is deployment. If your guys are in a vehicle, then disembark, they all have to deploy within 2" of the exit point (not "fully" within - just part of the base). So, if you're on a larger base than you should be, your guys will be that much closer to their objective than they'd have been, otherwise.

You'd be surprised how many times a charge or something is *just* missed by less than the 5mm difference in the base sizes.

So, that's the reason I asked.
Sorry for the OT.


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/03/31 18:21:20

Post by: MajorTom11

Ah ok I see, thanks for the answer. Sorry about the OT too Sigur!

Sure it will be right back on the models when they pop up!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Btw, had a look through your facebook page, there were a few pieces I hadn't seen, the Bloodbowl stuff is epic!

Also, those discworld pieces are probably my favorites though, so much character, and amazing metals and detailing.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/01 05:04:18

Post by: tallmantim

Love your stuff - the impact of the Chimera is amazing though. You are drawn into the lion face!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/01 13:46:32

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks. Yeah, the discworld minis are amazing. You can see that the sculptors really tried to get the characters right and that they understood that if they mess up they'll summon the wrath of thousands. Instead, they did perfect figurines. I really enjoyed painting them.

@tallmantim: Thanks muchly. The Chimera model itself is a beauty.

So, the 4th generation (sans "Fatty" on whom I'm redoing the skin from scratch to make him look right) is finished:

Hope you like them. Next up: 3rd generation Hybrids, where things get a little more alien.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/01 14:14:25

Post by: neil101

wow beautiful colour scheme on those guys , the purple and blue look fantastic , and harp back to the old genstealer , colour scheme . fond memories.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/01 17:42:54

Post by: MajorTom11

Looks amazing! What are your plans for the palletes on the 3rd gens? I'm thinking a bit more white on them what do you think?

I cannot wait to see what you do with the skin and claws on them. These are favorites of mine

P.s, noticed the little touches like the Chevrons on the ground etc - great! I will have to get your color recipes from you!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/02 09:27:43

Post by: Sigur

@neil101: To me, there's no other possible colour scheme for those. Thanks.

@MajorTom11: Thank you. I thought of going for a similar scheme as on the Magus except for the Meltagun guy who gets white armour and different colours on shirt and trousers to make him look more along the lines of the other guys in white armour. Sure, you'll get the recipe on the bases. Apart from all of that, I noticed that I still hadn't painted the Tyranid helperling's claws black - that's fixed now.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 11:54:48

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks for you e-mail. Fixed the belt buckle on that one guy you mentioned. it's brassy now. Props from all over the interwebz for your conversion skills.

The weekend has been rather eventful (friday and saturday at least. Sunday I wasn't able to do anything) so the first WIPs of the 3rd generation Hybrids are a little late:

Not all that much to say about these. I hope to finish them tonight. C&C welcome!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 13:57:10

Post by: Baiyuan

You are really doing MajorTom's fantastic miniatures justice! Great (paint)job!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 15:07:38

Post by: MajorTom11

Looking good!

These are some of my favorites 

I am interested to see how you treat the super pale carapace and nails on the 3rd arms too! Out of curiosity though, I would be interested in seeing the skin tones side by side with the 4ths? It is hard to tell how different it is atm just for lack of comparison. Only other comment is that the stealer carapace shoulder guards were intended to look like a piece of purestrain armor, but I should have mentioned that!

Will you be hitting up the main 3rd gen and the 2 metal hybrid 3rd gens next? I think the other custom Melta 3rd gen will look amazing in white with the gray cloths and a blue scarf… He was one of the conversions that took me longest, so I have a bit of love for him!

Very exciting seeing them all come together!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 16:10:51

Post by: Sigur

@Baiyuan: Besten Dank!

@MajorTom11: Ah, alright. What do you think of that: I'll change the shoulder armour on the guy with the metal armour but will keep the shoulderpad the way it is on the guy with the white armour, okay? I just found the fourth 3rd generationer just an hour ago or so; guess he got left out because I had to prime his friends and he came primed already so I guess that's why I had forgotten about him. At the moment I read your reply, I actually had the guy and the 2nd generation hybrids in the work already because I had gotten bored with the 3rd genners. :p You can see that you've put much work into that second melta guy; he looks seriously badass with that pose, the tilted head and the combination of arc-y thing over the back of his head and the respirator piece.

Here's some quick pictures for skin comparison:

...and a first WIP of the second Meltaguy:

It's still a bit hard to spot the difference between the skintones in the picture; it comes out much clearer in real life how the 4th genners' skin looks much more human while the 3rd genners clearly have a more purple-ish tint. Hope you like them!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 16:17:03

Post by: GreyDeathOne

Sigur beautiful and amazing as usual. Those genestealer hybrids bring back some memories . Keep the great work.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 16:25:12

Post by: Some_Call_Me_Tim?

Dang Sigur, when did you get so good? It was around 2 years ago when you first posted on Warseer, and you where pretty OK back then (I was one of the first to comment on your stuff, my username was Bravey), but now you are amazing. Those Empire troops are especially good!


Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 20:49:47

Post by: MajorTom11

Awesome, can't wait to see the progression from generation to generation! I am particularly curious to see how the fade from stealer blue to bone'ish blue carapace is going to look, I have a feeling this may be one of the biggest successes, as previously we have only seen a pretty sharp shift from stealer to human hues, the gradual fade should definitely be something to see!

As always, very excited to see more

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 21:00:56

Post by: Sigur

@GreyDeathOne: Thanks.

@Some_Call_Me_Tim?: Hey there, thanks for the comment and for remembering me. In fact, I started posting pictures on Warseer basically the day it reopened after The Fall, and I'm very sure that I posted pictures of my minis on Portent as well. I must have started posting pictures on there just shortly before The Fall though which makes that probably about 7 years ago I suppose. Many thanks for the compliments though.

@MajorTom11: Cheers. I have to admit that I missed the gradual change and that you want the carapace on later generations to be very pale in colour compared to the earlier ones just until two posts back or so, so I'll have to redo the third arms on the 3rd genners a bit I guess. The flesh should be okay as it's pretty pale and close to the rest of their skin but the carapace came out pretty dark-purplish-blue already. But it's nice that you wrapped that up in "I have a feeling this may be the one of the greatest successes".

Here's probably the last update for tonight:

The second Meltagun dude in the far left is a very cool conversion. That thing arching over the back of his head almost makes him look like he's got a topknot which makes for insta-coolness.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/04 21:03:09

Post by: MajorTom11

I like to think of him as the lead 3rd gen dude


Get some well deserved rest my friend, I will oogle these in more detail tonight!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/05 00:29:58

Post by: Inquisitor Earl

I cannot believe how wickedly awesome these have come out. From what I did, to your additions Tom, and finally this amazing painting. Definately a project I am proud to have worked on.

I think a set of hybrids is due for my own space hulk set, somewhere down the line.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/05 03:09:58

Post by: MajorTom11

Yup certainly a group effort! Seeing all these together with the purestrains and remaining hybrids is gonna be a heck of a group shot, especially when I add that new IG Crassus troop carrier as the cult 'limo'

Going to have to get my hands on one of those throned patriarchs too eventually...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/05 10:12:26

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Maybe put the throne in the Crassus front 'cockpit'!?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 00:57:48

Post by: Sigur

Thanks everybody!

Okay, here's a little update. The 3rd Generation finally is as good as finished now:

...and the 2nd generation is WIP:

Hrm. Not much to say. I picked up my Marienburger Landship up from the GW store but I'm afraid I won't get to work on it any time soon, otherwise some people will get real angry at me unless I finish some commission jobs quickly. :p

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 01:04:40

Post by: MajorTom11

I don't have much to say either, except #$#@$@#$@# awesome.

Hope the amount of guys isn't wearing you down! It's hard to imagine belting out this many minis in one week!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 01:10:55

Post by: Sigur

Cheers, glad you like them. It's not really the amount of minis on this project that's wearing me down; it's the rough estimation of minis I have yet to paint that's kinda straining.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 13:43:27

Post by: Sigur

Hey there, I did a little more work on the 2nd genners:

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 14:41:51

Post by: Baron Phlegm

Lovely work on the Hybrids and throughout the thread :}

Expect it's creating a bit of envy amongst SpaceHulk fans!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 16:53:06

Post by: MajorTom11

Looking good!

Out of curiosity, you never use an airbrush right? One reason I like your work so much, particularly on minis as individual as the hybrids is the fact you use pure brushwork mind you, but on things like daemons and space marines it sure comes in handy!

I just started my first airbrushed mini this week, a grey knight as a test/practice before getting going in earnest on painting the StormRaven and then my other BA stuff, and wow... it really sped things up and if you take the time to do proper brushwork after, the result is extremely pleasing I must say.

For the 2nd genners, everything is looking hot, the only things I see at the moment is to make sure the nails are a medium grey/bone like in the chart, and also the guy on the right's feet should be bare skin. It looks like you are powering through, and I can't wait to see what you do with the 1st gens!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 17:22:09

Post by: Sigur

@Baron Phlegm: Many thanks, but that won't be enough. I want everybody to envy me! Everyone shall hate me, MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

@MajorTom11: I do use my trusty airbrush but only really on things where I see it fit and where it won't cause me more work than going without it. On more or less monochrome stuffs like certain Space Marines chapters or tanks, naturalistic looking things like the chimera or horses I use it but things like these hybrids which have a pretty diverse look colourwise I won't use it. Also as long as I'm painting less than a squad at once (like when I paint one character model), I wouldn't use it either because the preparation and cleaning up afterwards isn't worth it really.

Here's the finished 2nd generationers. The guy in the middle isn't wearing pink slippers. I thought he was wearing some kind of modified boots that were made to look like claws but then I notice that I had to change that to being his regular feet so that's just the basecoat of the skin I have to redo.

Hope you like them. I'll go redo the feet now.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 17:33:27

Post by: MajorTom11

Awesome, I really love the thin Chevrons you put on! There is one missing second genner though, the guy with the remote and bionic eye?

Man you have such a good work-ethic, seriously, a lot of people would get bitchy or frustrate when the customer keeps pointing out little things like the feet of the shoulder armor etc, but you just come right back with a beautifully correct product! I can't believe how easy you have made this process so far, I would hire you in a second for just about anything!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 17:51:50

Post by: Sigur

Cheers. I just put the customer's vision into practice. You obviously have a very clear vision of what you want your minis to look like so I roll with that. Doesn't happen often that someone knows so specifically about what he wants but clearly this warband of Hybrids is a precious project to you so I gladly help to make that happen. And as long as it's just some feet on one guy I wasn't too sure about to begin with it's not that bad. Speaking of which, the new feet are in the attachment.

As for the fourth 2nd genner - I found him right after I had posted the update and put the metal hybrids on the "finished stuff" shelf. Quite a "hey, who are yo- oh NO"-moment there.

[Thumb - 2ndgenfeet.jpg]

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 17:59:36

Post by: MajorTom11

LOL, sneaky little bastard eh?

I know I am a picky dude, so I figured it was incumbent on me to prep the design notes doc for you, If I put myself in your shoes and a client had that only in his head and expected you to just 'figure it out' i'd tell him to... do something not nice to himself...

I get it in my line of work, not fun! I am still being a bit of a pain though but you are a total pro

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 21:18:50

Post by: Baiyuan

Terrific progress! I'm one of those guys who would rather die, than let someone else paint one of their babies, but I can admit your approach to commission work seems to be great. Very high quality, very fast progress and as it looks from my POV good communication.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 21:23:26

Post by: MajorTom11

Baiyuan wrote:Terrific progress! I'm one of those guys who would rather die, than let someone else paint one of their babies, but I can admit your approach to commission work seems to be great. Very high quality, very fast progress and as it looks from my POV good communication.

I am still painting and building away, but at this point, I would die before getting to these... of old age lol! Plus I find Sigur paints so close to my own preferred style that they won't feel out of place with the rest of the set -

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 22:13:30

Post by: Sigur

@Baiyuan: Cheers. I know exactly what you mean so I regards the compliment as being even more ...er...worthwhile. If that makes any sense.

@MajorTom11: Thanks.

Here's a little update on the 1st generation Hybrids (a.k.a. "Genestealers would work much better if we strapped heavy weapons to their back test run 01") and the last of the 2nd genners.

I'm sure you'll like these guys. You can't see it in the picture but the guy in the middle has a scratch-built Conversion Beamer on his back.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/07 22:39:20

Post by: vent

Wow man. These are just great. Each one of them has some real individuality and when you put together the miniature and the paint-job the result is phenomenal.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/09 15:06:24

Post by: Sigur

@Vent: Thanks very much. Each one of them pretty much is a character in itself, very true.

Little update; things have been slowly the past few days.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/09 17:22:31

Post by: MajorTom11

I still can't believe you plowed through 20 minis in a week lol, love it!

1st gens look fantastic, I particularly like how you approached the weapons, ESP the conversion Beamer! I can't see if you did the straps and tabards yet, but I think it will be important to make the visible and contrasty vs the stealer colors, I can't wait to see more! Totally awesome!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/09 22:22:08

Post by: Sigur

Cheers, figured you'd like the white on the weapons as well. Technically, it's been two weeks already for which just over 20 miniatures actually isn't that much. But as I said, they're all pretty much characters on their own so ....nah, I'm still being slow. Especially regarding all the work that's piling up in the meantime. :p

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Alright, so here's some finished 1st generation Hybrids:

Hope you like them. Next things: I guess the remaining fat gut from 4th generation, remaining 2nd generation guy I suppose. Or maybe BA terminators. Or some Adeptus Mechanicus guys and some other dude. What are they again?

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/10 03:01:03

Post by: MajorTom11

Lol, left to go are Fatty and 2nd Gen Controller - (btw, I don't know if I ever explained the concept, but the idea with the first gens is that they are too dumb to fight unsupervised, their stealer instincts are diluted, but their human intelligence isnt much either, but they are strong as hell. The idea is that they are heavy weapons mules, and are smart enough to follow instructions about where to go, send by the 2nd gen controller. Thats why they all have cameras with them too, hope it makes more sense now lol!)

Then the Termies, and then 2 enginseers and a low level techpriest dude. You are going to get as sick of reds as you are of blues lol!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/11 17:01:31

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Haha, awesome concept. I like that a lot. Alright, thans for the info; just wasn't all that sure if all three of the robed guys were Adeptus Mechanicus or if the FW one was someone Genestealers-connected.

Speaking of being sick of blue....

Here's some more or less finished Harlequins for a change.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/11 17:05:05

Post by: MajorTom11

Very nice as always! How will you be basing them? A nice desert base would look awesome and really bring out the colors I think!

And yes, definitely once that last 2nd genner is done, it is all reds for you lol! Rusty on some, bloody on others, at least it's a little variety right??

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/11 17:08:32

Post by: rwzimmerman

I love the hybrids. If you have any pics of the conversions before any paint was applied. I love to see that too.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/11 17:11:58

Post by: MajorTom11

Click the Space Hulk link in my sig to go to my blog, it is long, but it covers EVERYTHING. Exhaustively so lol

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/12 12:00:56

Post by: Inquisitor Earl

Those 1st gens are outstanding. I love how the beamer turned out. Quite proud of how i built it but the paint makes it really awesome.

This is going to be the best space hulk set ever.

Sigur, your painting is a real inspiration.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/12 18:51:13

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Sadly, it's one of those commissions which I don't get to base because the customer wants to make them go with the rest of their army.

@Inquisitor Earl: Likewise. I wasn't aware at first that you were involved in making these models but I'll add you to the praises I spread about these scratchbuilts of course.

So here's the last two Hybrid fellas finished - "Fatty" the 4th generation guy and the guy who controls the 1st generation hybrids (the ones with the heavy weapons on their backs):

Next up: Errrr...Space Orks and Space Marines I think. Space stuff in general.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/12 20:32:05

Post by: Baiyuan

Again, awesome sculpts, awesome paintjob!
The only thing I can't help to dislike is Fatty's skin. It's not about your technique of course, I just would have painted him much paler, he looks to vivid to me. I also would have liked him with a veery slight purple touch in his skin, but I know he is 4th gen, so he should look quite normal, still.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/12 23:31:56

Post by: Sigur

@Baiyuan: Thanks for the feedback. I'm not entirely happy with Fatty's skin either to be honest but it looks good enough. I added a purple shade on his face; maybe that's practically invisible due to the tattoos and the fully purple guy standing next to him. But I get your point; maybe I'll redo the skin a little.

In the meantime, here's a little first wip of a mob of Evil Sunz Orks:

These are a very nice change from the stuff I did lately in the way that they are very straightforward, very uniform looking and they don't require me to paint human(ly) skin but dead 'ard green. You gotta love Orks, even though they are of the post 2nd edition kind. :-)

Hope you like them so far. There's a FW-upgraded Trukk coming up as well!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 02:56:08

Post by: MajorTom11

Sweet! lol good ol' fatty, love him! If you want to retouch, by all means, but don't worry too much about it on my account -

Orks look awesome, I am not sure I recall seeing you do Orks before, and they look as good as I would expect from you sir. I'd love to see some super close ups of your work some time (which I will when the hybrids come back I suppose!). It always seems from the pics there is so much more to appreciate up close too with the way you shade and highlight.

@Inquisitor Earl - Sorry dude I am so used to telling the story I just assumed that everyone knew lol! I forgot Sigur may not have seen the SH thread, or at least, not read all 26 pages lol!

Earl is responsible for the 2 first gens with the beamer and melta, the 2nd gen with the controlling apparatus, and 3 of the 2nd gens, the one with the melta and big backpack is mine. I designed the concept on paper first, then did the prototypes, 1 for each gen for him to base himself on. All the first gen's are mine as well. Similarly I did some extra work on them on return, but not much, just a few little touches that came to me staring at them.

I must say that he was also a pleasure to work with, and the quality of work speaks for itself and like Sigur here, he really went above and beyond to meet the very specific requests I had. His greatest work though, IMO, is not here though, I kept his custom sculpted Magus for myself, and it is sitting at the workstation right now prepped for initial Zenithal passes with the airbrush! Seeing Sigur slam through the hybrids, having them look as good as they do has really gotten me motivated to finish out this project with a bang.

So yes, a huge thanks to both of you for your fine work and collaboration on this project!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 04:51:50

Post by: Metsuri

Excellent work on the hybrids, you managed to bring the distinct looking figs together into nice and coherent force. MarjorTom11's figs looked good, but I was wondering how they would look as a army, but the finished paint jobs are excellent.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 14:40:46

Post by: Sigur

@MajorTom11: Thanks muchly. I'll do some close-ups once the boyz are finished. As for Orks from me - I did an Orks army a few years back. Kind of like the army I always wanted but never could do back then. This army is for playing mainly and the painting quality isn't as high as I'd probably paint it today but I still love these buggers. Here's some shots of the army:

First testmini:

Redgit's mob:

Grimsnaga's mob:

Boarboys (including WIP-Warboss):

Nobz on Cyboars:

Gretchin Mob with Runtherd:

...as the mob grew larger and larger, another Runtherd was needed to keep the Gretchins in check:

Artillery crew and ammo runts:



Warboss on Super Cyboar:


Warboss on Foot:

Power-Armoured Nobz:



Goff Boyz:

WIP Mekboy with Kustom Force Field:

Army shots:

@Metsuri: Cheers!

Here's a little WIP in between. Reds, freehands and combat damage done, a bunch of trousers and shirts done as well and some boots, started painting metallics.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 14:59:49

Post by: whalemusic360

Wow those older models are wonderfully terrible, or terribly wonderful. Regardless your paint is the wonderful part. Looking forward to the current orks.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 15:38:45

Post by: MajorTom11

Oh man, serious nostalgia there! I really miss some of those models, esp some of the power armored nobz... so cool...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 15:40:42

Post by: Alpharius

Ah, memories of 2nd edition - awesome!

Your paint jobs clearly help, a lot...

Very reminiscent of the old school Heavy Metal work, but even better here!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 16:47:48

Post by: Arakasi

Such wonderful memories - and wonderfully painted too! Made my day

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/13 23:05:49

Post by: Sigur

Thanks for the comments. I just love GW's Orks (and Orcs/Goblins) from the early 1990s up to around 1997. First edition Ork background is just not possible to top in terms of colourful ideas, very amusing satire and a uniquely intriguing mix of sympathetic elements and barbaric elements to Ork kultur. And the models are just amazing.

Anyway, the previous picture didn't come out too well. It's always around that time of the year that pictures I take during daytime turn out badly. Here's some closer shots of the mob split up in two groups of six. These pictures are still WIP of course.

Hope that these get you a better view of the minis.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/14 00:53:25

Post by: MajorTom11

It's a very interesting green you achieve, your choice to mix in khaki type tones really makes it seem earthier and more realistic, I like!

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/14 08:34:35

Post by: Metsuri

As Tom said the flesh color looks good, I'm also a fan of more natural looking skin. The reds give nice contrast to the skin and cloth.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/14 08:46:30

Post by: Sigur

Thanks for the comments. That's basically the recipe I used on my own Orks' skin, the customer likes it and asked me to do the same on his. I came up with that recipe when I tried to recreate the look of 1st edition Orks as painted by the 'Eavy metal team back then when everything looked more muted and a bit like it's painted with enamels. I also finally wanted to figure out a way to make use of GW's Camo Green.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Alrightyright, I did a double-shift and painted the Trukk last night and today:

In case you have been spared of my rants about what Orks were turned to in 3rd edition 40k ([insert pages of rants about 3rd edition 40k in general at this point]) - I'm not a great fan of the redesign that happened to Orks in general. I love RT-era and 2nd edition Orks.

But frankly, this Trukk has been the most fun-to-paint vehicle I've done in years. Especially with these FW upgrade parts. I loooooove how they reused the front wheel design from 1st edition. Had a hard time stopping myself painting the metal plates black and every single bolt on them bright red and a nice black-and-white checkers pattern around the rims.

Anyhoo, I really enjoyed painting this thing and I enjoyed the colours greatly. All the chipped paint was quite a bit of work but I really dig the effect. Hope you like it as well.

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/14 20:02:33

Post by: Baiyuan

Painted in 24h, eh? That amazes me even more than the high quality you keep on showing. This combination of speed and quality is a rare thing to see and I envy you for it. I think I could compete with the quality, but the speed, no way...

Battle Brush Studios' Commission Painting Log - Massive update! 40k, WHFB, Historicals, Infinity, .. @ 2011/04/14 20:36:37

Post by: MajorTom11

Awesome! Love the Sunz Colors... after years and years of all Goff all the time, it is nice to see Sunz and Moonz making a comeback.

I like the new orks designs to be honest, I do not think they are inherently bad, however, a decision was made to step away from the humor and light fun elements... I still think the 2 can be reconciled, as I do like the scrap look of their vehicles and weapons still. New heads too. Don't get me wrong, still love the old stuff too, but it was more hit or miss for me. Some stuff was so characterful and fantastic, other minis were very meh.

Sooooooooo whats next???