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How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 02:10:44

Post by: legoburner

I have been very bad at adding new polls, but that drought will soon be at an end as a feature is being added to queue up polls for the future instead of just doing big poll dumps once every 6-9 months. Should make things a bit smoother at least. For now, I was wondering how you heard about dakka?

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 02:12:22

Post by: Mordoskul

Found it from a large number of images that linked to the sight.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 03:20:19

Post by: Newt-Of-Death

Yea same with me. Searching for images of models and painting techniques.

So pleased I did!

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 03:23:51

Post by: Chibi Bodge-Battle

I voted "searching for something wargame related."
However Google is one's friend, so I could have gone with that option as well.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 04:01:12

Post by: Vasarto

A friend of mine whom has been playing 40k since its beginnings has told me about it.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 04:04:58

Post by: Monster Rain

Mannahnin himself told me about it at a tournament.

So thank him or curse him for it, depending on your politics.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 05:40:00

Post by: Mannahnin

One of my gaming buddies got involved with this 40k league called "Dakka Dakka" down in Nashua at The Wizard's Tower, back in '99. He found out the guys also had a cool little website, with a bunch of photos. army profiles, and a forum where people posted to set up games, write fluff about their armies and battle reports, etc.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 05:56:45

Post by: WarOne

I found it one fateful day when I was trying to find a forum for Warhammer that didn't suck or wasn't too confusing to navigate.

P.S. I hope one of my poll ideas gets picked.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 06:22:40

Post by: Jon Touchdown

I used google and through forces of magic unknown was here.

A new poll, finally!

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 10:31:28

Post by: Ledabot

Typed tau warhammer into google. few links down was our fav website

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 10:47:18

Post by: Viktor von Domm

did a google piture search for warhammer 40k related pics as an inspiration guide...then i got stuck here^^


How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 17:07:08

Post by: Wyrmalla

I found it through google whilst searching specific 40k related thingies, ending up on modeling blogs etc, and also heard mention of it through other sites whilst doing the same web searching thing. =P

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/18 17:23:41

Post by: Big Mek Dattrukk

Was looking for Ork conversions, saw a couple of Pics from monkeytroll's Plog. been stuck ever since.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 03:48:55

Post by: micahaphone

www.fightingtigersofveda.com (my favorite site for beginner's tactics for space marines) listed this place as "a friendly and intellectual forum for 40k". Just what I was looking for!

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 07:16:37

Post by: Iratus Custodis

Found it via google, can't recall the exact thing I was looking for, though it had something to do with 40K.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 07:56:07

Post by: Ailaros

I played against someone in a game, and he was a regular contributor to Dakka (some may know him as Hellfury), and mentioned the site.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 15:44:47

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

I was looking at 40k conversions online,and I noticed tons where coming from this site.That's how I found Dakka.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 17:08:28

Post by: dark6spectre

saw some kids in the year below me on dakka in our school's IT room.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 17:46:22

Post by: DeadGaurd

Warmaster at my FLGS told me about it

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 23:01:36

Post by: oadie

Came across Dakka VERY early on, relative to my active interest in wargaming. Can't recall whether I was searching for images or info, but I got linked here, poked around a bit, lurked for at least a year, then started posting. I was lucky enough to find Dakka first, which saved me the trouble of getting established on another board and then switching over. From my occasional perusal of other boards, I doubt I would've spent (wasted?) nearly as much time or learned/seen/heard half as much.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/19 23:15:27

Post by: TheCapm

I actually can't remember how I found dakka. Lol

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 00:36:41

Post by: ZacktheChaosChild

Found it on the Battlefoam site, actually.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 02:00:10

Post by: Cryonicleech

Heh, now this is cool.

I was bored, and typed in the website name for lulz, and lo and behold it turned out to be an honest website.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 02:10:13

Post by: Asherian Command

To be honest I found it by accident, I aboustely had no idea that forums like these even existed. And then I got taken away. And Loved it. I have yet to find another forum that is as entertaining. And it has also kept me away from Facebook which is great.

My first thread was people are killing warhammer 40k. And has yet to be beaten in epicness.

(4000 POSTS BABY BANG! I love that its 4000 posts now and that I finally have enough posts now to be considered elite when just last year I was considered a newbie )

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 03:16:02

Post by: Horizon9

My history teacher saw me writing lists after class one day and told me "Don't worship the false emperor, or you will fail my class. By the way, ever heard of this website....."

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 06:31:00

Post by: crazypsyko666

Found in the raw, infinite power of Google.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 11:06:11

Post by: lord_blackfang

How about an option for "been here way too long to remember?"

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 14:10:35

Post by: Beer_&_Bolters

I had just played Space Hulk for the first time, and had some questions. I did a quick search and Dakka was three out of the first five results. Ive been here ever since.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 16:36:49

Post by: Gorechild

After months of googling 40K things and having Dakka come up almost every time I thought getting an account might be a good idea

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/20 16:38:21

Post by: Howard A Treesong

I think I found it while searching for other wargames things. Most likely I searched for something in google that led me to a project thread or the galleries, from which I checked out the site. I visited on occasion for about a year or more before actually joining.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/21 15:07:01

Post by: Azzeh

My cousin sent me here when I was just getting started with 40k.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/21 15:12:58

Post by: Wolfun

Google. <3

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/21 18:08:45

Post by: Yggdrasil

[other] : I don't remember.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/21 21:22:27

Post by: btemple0

I was looking for pictures of painted SW for building and painting ideas

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/21 21:23:43

Post by: loranafaeriequeen

People I know told me about it.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/22 17:59:04

Post by: sgtpjbarker

The big guy at my local game store said. You should post your army on Dakka Dakka, let others enjoy it. I hope they are as much as I enjoy all of theirs.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/22 18:03:33

Post by: SilverMK2

I think I was looking for painting tips/tutorials on google.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/22 18:15:13

Post by: Waricck

I had heard of it from a friend, but I had seen it a couple of times in web searches but clicked on other sites.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/22 21:58:54

Post by: ChronoCupcake

I found it whilst deliberately looking for a 40k forum / message board community on the net, it was either this or heresy online which seemed pretty suck in comparison.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/23 05:34:54

Post by: Happygrunt

Searched "Warhammer 40k forum" First link. Ran with it.

How did you find dakka? @ 2017/04/18 22:15:13

Post by: boyd

a friend of mine told me about this place and portent.com about 15 years ago. Not a fan of the new portent forums but I think that was the *new* management that took over the place. its still the best place to find rumors, but has too much drivel there as well. I still prefer Dakka even though I rarely post.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/24 18:36:42

Post by: shrike

Mordoskul wrote:Found it from a large number of images that linked to the sight.

Newt-Of-Death wrote:Yea same with me. Searching for images

Chibi Bodge-Battle wrote:I voted "searching for something wargame related."

Viktor von Domm wrote:did a google piture search for warhammer 40k related pics

Wyrmalla wrote:I found it through google whilst searching specific 40k related thingies

Melkhiordarkblade wrote:I was looking at 40k conversions online,and I noticed tons where coming from this site.

oadie wrote:I was searching for images or info, but I got linked here.

crazypsyko666 wrote:Found in the raw, infinite power of Google.

Beer_&_Bolters wrote:I did a quick search and Dakka was three out of the first five results.

Gorechild wrote:After months of googling 40K things and having Dakka come up almost every time I thought getting an account might be a good idea

what they said. specifically gorechild's one. I thought I was a regular, daily dakkaite, until I saw people who've been here half as long as me with twice as many posts...I gotta get posting...

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/24 18:47:13

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

I can't really remember, probably just looking for something 40K related.

I didn't have net access until late 2002, and I believe I found the site either late 2002/early 2003, and began posting by late 2003. I know I lurked for nearly a year before I posted.

Oh and this is my third account, first was Captain_Reaper, lost to the mists of time when the site switched over to those orrid boards for a while. Then I was fuzzy_spiral, which I lost my sign in info for when I moved to Suffolk in 2006. (It's still here, I'd transfered it over from the other board) so when I finally got settled in Suffolk after pulling nearly Seven day shifts all through 2007, (family buisness, first year equals ugly) I created MDS, mainly as I'd been using it over at Seer.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/24 19:54:20

Post by: Devastator

found link in sotu and ended here

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/24 20:33:18

Post by: oni

I was searching Google specifically for a 40K related forum. Dakka looked like it had a decent amount of traffic.

I've joined numerous other forums over the years, but I always found myself coming here as the other forums became bland. I've now pretty much renounced all other forums.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/25 01:48:23

Post by: Cable

I have followed a number of game sites in the past year or so. Enjoy the painting/converting aspect of the hobby and usually follow these types of posts. Also keep up with various "new and rumors" posts.

DakkaDakka was my first website choice to join!

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/25 04:05:38

Post by: hungryp

I followed Google here. It led me to the "Simple Two-Piece Mold for Casting with Resin" article, and after looking around the rest of the forums, I decided to stick around.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/25 04:10:49

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

I was trying to find gameing groups in my area useing da google... had no luck finding one before I was back off to university, but gots lots of links to this site (lots of groups in MN but none round about me).

So I lurked and I lurked and behold...

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/25 15:42:38

Post by: Arrias

I googled for 'green stuff' and 'conversion' and found a thread in dakka forums that glued me to the computor. Been here since

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/25 23:06:43

Post by: djphranq

Heard about it from a podcast.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/26 00:13:34

Post by: Element206

was googling pictures of 40k armys and some of the pics on this website caught my eye (thanks RAFF).

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/26 07:41:34

Post by: rzsanguine

I found this site while looking for similar sites.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/01/26 19:50:01

Post by: Gitsplitta

WarOne wrote:I found it one fateful day when I was trying to find a forum for Warhammer that didn't suck or wasn't too confusing to navigate.


How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/01 14:42:28

Post by: kronk

Found out about it from Bolter and Chainsword.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/01 18:48:58

Post by: Just Dave

Saw it as a link on Lexicanum under their supported sites.

First and only Forum I've ever joined.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/02 05:38:42

Post by: Sturmtruppe

If memory serves me correctly, I think somebody was handing out buttons with the web address on them at Games Day 2000 in Baltimore.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/02 21:04:11

Post by: sarge stokes

via 40k radio

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/02 21:13:47

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

A link from www.thewarp.net, probably around 1999.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/02 23:13:26

Post by: Ribon Fox

Found this place when looking for conversion ideas for me IG, so glad that google found it for me

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/03 00:19:37

Post by: Dainty Twerp

went to the store first for some gaming.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/03 20:30:55

Post by: Necanor

Found it while looking around on b&c.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/07 07:23:46

Post by: Müller

Don't remember at all

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/19 20:05:25

Post by: medd

When I got back into 40k, I just searched for "40k forums" and perused the first bunch of links that came up.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/23 15:12:50

Post by: heacy hitter

I was looking for O&G tips when I came across Dakka

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/23 18:36:08

Post by: Built-in

Found this site thru 40k search on google. I was probably looking up pics or rules, dakka rocks at both!

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/24 12:09:33

Post by: Ugavine

I found DakkaDakka while searching on Google to find a 40K Forum. I was a new player and had chosen to play Orks, so naturally the name DakkaDakka stood out.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/27 04:40:52

Post by: Inquisitor Cyotle

I was googleing Warhammer stuff and it popped up like, a hundred times lol

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/28 20:01:46

Post by: shadeyaces

One of my friends told me about the website so i felt like looking up the website and it has helped me with my lists

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/02/28 20:13:30

Post by: pretre

Found it originally when I joined the Dakka Dakka league in NH. Results and standings were posted up, so it was pretty necessary.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/03/01 15:53:23

Post by: Rigger X

I was browsing for some ideas and tips and this was one of the sites that caught my attention. Google is a pretty nifty tool, it was the gallery that drew me here when I was busy doing an image search.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/03/02 12:43:10

Post by: Sneaky_Chicken_sal

I was with my wife outside underneath the stars when she pulled me close and whispered: "Dakkadakka.com"

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/03/03 01:07:28

Post by: Battle_Brother_Bruening

I found it through the Warhammer 40k wiki when looking for background information

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/03/07 00:03:17

Post by: Jaon

Bought a minigun, but wasnt satisfied....

Typed in google "Need moar dakka!"

Then I was here "thumbsup"

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/03/07 04:50:14

Post by: bthom37

Heard the name a lot - maybe even as far back as on the newsgroups? Not sure anymore, as it's been a while.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/04/18 16:54:06

Post by: storm wolf

I heard of it when i was listening to various pod casts

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/05/07 17:43:07

Post by: Sinful Hero

A friend told me about it. Since then I've been posting a little, and lurking more.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/04/21 20:23:06

Post by: mega_bassist

I googled the words "dakka dakka" and stumbled upon this site

I accidentally clicked "Found it when searching for something not wargaming related"

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sneaky_Chicken_sal wrote:I was with my wife outside underneath the stars when she pulled me close and whispered: "Dakkadakka.com"


How did you find dakka? @ 2011/04/21 20:43:58

Post by: ShivanAngel

I think i was on Librarium online and heard someone mention dakkadakka... one google search later and here I be!

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/04/22 02:14:52

Post by: lord commissar klimino

A friend,whats better than friend?

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/04/22 04:01:04

Post by: shrike

what's better than a friend?
a FRIEND friend?

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/04/22 11:51:55

Post by: Helbrecht

Every time I searched anything related to 40k a Dakka page came up, after about the third time I made an account

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/06/08 19:58:44

Post by: Mad4Minis

I really dont remember...most likely through an image search or link.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/07/22 16:42:32

Post by: zombie

I put down other since for a long time I was lurker before registering or posting I simply can't remember when or how I found the place

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/08/19 12:44:50

Post by: Begel Dverl

I had found Dakka just surfing the Interweb a couple of years ago. I joined recently.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/08/19 20:06:15

Post by: Akroma06

Buddy told me but I can't remember his screen name now.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/08/29 01:31:16

Post by: boyd

I heard about Dakka Dakka from Portent.net back in the day

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/08/29 01:45:03

Post by: Coolyo294

I heard about in on 40k Radio.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/08/29 01:51:03

Post by: Wellpaintedstudios

I found it in the back of one Victories of space marines if I remember correctly

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/08/29 18:43:36

Post by: Boss Goretoof

Found the site through BoLS.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/08/29 18:56:50

Post by: woodbok

Not sure, but I think I was searching for 40k related stuff.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/09/10 21:58:29

Post by: MasterOftheScott

40k Radio. Anyone else?

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/10/10 19:02:48

Post by: kitch102

Found on google. Was specifically looking for a forum and compared a few, chose dakka as it seemed to have the most interesting content

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/10/11 01:37:17

Post by: Elector

Turn Signals On a Land Raider had a bunch of forum links on the side. Dakkadakka was the one I chose after going through a few of them.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/11/07 15:54:11

Post by: Sharkvictim

Found references to this place on SA. Miniwargaming.com mentioned Dakka Dakka alot in their videos. And seeing as how whenever you do a google image search of anything warhammer related a very large percentage of them link back here, this seemed like the obvious place to hang my hat. I belong to pretty much every other forum out there, but this is the only one I ever post in with any kind of regularity.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/11/08 01:25:07

Post by: Remulus

I found dakkadakka after googling warhammer 40k questions and having many results come here.

How did you find dakka? @ 2011/11/08 03:59:09

Post by: ParatrooperSimon

Found Dakka on google images when searching wargaming stuff

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/07/06 12:23:05

Post by: DijnsK

i saw a shiny light in the sky and i followed it and it led me to dakka!

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/07/06 18:49:57

Post by: Ezki

I don't quite remember, but I think a friend of mine told me about Dakka.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/07/06 22:10:11

Post by: TerminalDragon

Many moons ago a friend of mine mentioned it in passing about the rumour section so when I restarted 40k this was my fist stop!

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/07/06 23:38:37

Post by: Cavash

I came here searching for a particular fluff piece written by Beaviz.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/07/07 06:16:30

Post by: Kavish

I was looking for rules clarifications. Dakka was clearly the best 40k site on the net. I got sucked in. Don't even look at the other sites.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/07 10:08:33

Post by: Raid

Google...pretty much how i found this wondrous place

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/07 18:31:15

Post by: Trondheim

A friend told me about this place.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/07 02:22:51

Post by: sarpedons-right-hand

My lil brother told me about it during a lazy afternoon playing Blood Bowl. Checked it out and signed up within 2 minutes.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/08 04:05:46

Post by: Iur_tae_mont

I was on ATT, but no one was posting any Batreps or Tactical articles(early 2009). So I googled 40k Battle Reports and lurked in there for about a 6 months before I learned there were other parts of Dakka Dakka. After about a year of lurking across all over the 40k part of Dakka, I signed up.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/11 04:18:32

Post by: Fury_00011

Throught lexium (or how ever you spell it) my second favorite 40k research site.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/11 21:57:08

Post by: Lt.Soundwave

Google led me to dakka, glory be to the holy search engine.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/13 20:32:53

Post by: OccasionalWargamer

Found it listening to the D6G

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/08/14 17:12:52

Post by: Fervor

If I recall correctly, I found Dakka while googling for either 40k army lists or fluff.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/09/09 10:27:06

Post by: Ratbarf

A redshirt gave the url when I was in a games workshop once. Decided to follow it up, been here 4 years now?

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/09/09 10:53:05

Post by: Nuclear Mekanik

I was googling looking for a good 40k forum... found the Waaaagh forums too Orky (didn't know that was possible) and Bolter and Chainsword too derpy, and BoLs too american, came here and it's the perfect mix for me, stayed here a long time, not interested in anywhere else!!

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/09/09 16:24:40

Post by: redrooster148

Saw my brother on it so i tried it.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/09/09 22:08:52

Post by: scarletsquig

If I remember correctly, someone on Warseer ranted about how horrible dakka was, so I thought I'd check it out (it seemed okay to me, but I got the impression that it was an American-focused website for some reason). That was the first time I'd ever heard of this place... I lurked casually for a very long time before bothering to sign up.

I quite like it here. It's a little rougher in terms of signal-to-noise, but I find the moderation to be less obtrusive and fairer, with a greater level of support/ tolerance for non-GW parts of the hobby. Well, maybe not Mantic specifically, but PP/Infinity seem to have an easier time on here, so I'm happy with that, at least!

Plus, warseer deletes all threads about kickstarters as a matter of policy, and those are the main thing I like to chat about at the moment, so I'm slowly migrating over here as my main forum of preference.

How did you find dakka? @ 2012/11/05 06:25:36

Post by: cox.dan2

I got referred here by GW, after I asked them why they don't do articles anymore.

How did you find dakka? @ 2023/02/14 05:44:30

Post by: gobbsmakkar

Not super sure , i am ork so probebly the name DakkaDakkaDakka spoke to me.