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Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/03/27 11:46:32

Post by: Llamahead

[i] Aeronautica Imperialis is one of my favourite GW games however the fact it and the models are exclusively produced by Forgeworld makes it fairly dear for a game I won't be playing regularly. Then I encountered the free Solid State Air War kit Dave Graffam games was putting out. At roughly £3 for a game and 2 kits I realised I had to give it a go and as it was scaled reasonably for Aeronautica I could kill 2 birds with one stone. The first kit I assembled was the Tigress. Here it is when I photographed it

The small size of the kit makes it rather fiddly. After finishing it I realised that by using the more gracile Interceptor as a Fighta I could turn this craft into a Fighta Bomma. Looking at the official model I realised this required a few more details specifically some Bombs and a rear turret which I added using Mortars and plasticard respectively. I then painted it to fit with my Dethskulls so predominantly Blue with a Flame motif.

After starting to paint this model I realised that the intakes were best made 3D using a hole punch rivet while the Cockpit which was the trickiest part of the kit could be easily replaced with some sculpted sprue both of which improvements I've used on my second craft an Interceptor. I haven't played the game yet but the best fact is that the dice tell you what the result means saving a lot of looking at tables which is a nifty idea......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/05/31 21:48:56

Post by: Llamahead

Haven't updated in a while I've got 3 other Dave Graffam craft painted up but today I got frustrated with 1 and decided to go mad on a pen lid this was the result;

I like the X-wing vibe I ended up with.
I decided to then play about with some plasti knifes and got this

It's a bit aerodynamic for Orks.
At this the cheap glue I was using must have got to me as this was the result.

It's a Blasta Bomba and consists of plastic knifes, 2 plastic shot glasses, a paint pot lid, a superglue lid and more guns than I can shake a stick at. I call it the Orville........

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/07/26 19:40:44

Post by: Llamahead

Decided to broaden the scope a bit with this blog. I've just about finished the AI fleet and already lost my first game with it! AI's still a really nice mechanic though. I've also painted up Da Orville

I've also made up some Killa Kans from the Patorcah kits available here http://paperhammer40k.com/ . Made by the highly skilled Patorcah

Nice and simple kits these ideal for a beginner like me.

More importantly I've started bodging together my Ork Fleet.
The first prototype was this a gluetube lid Ravager

Hopefully it'll look more menacing painted.

The second craft is a Brute Ram Ship based upon Jihad Ragsta's idea of using a screw.

For the rest I'm going to continue mucking about. I've got some vague plans involving cheap plastic battleship kits and possibly basing one upon a cheap submarine kit. Hope you like them.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/07/26 20:51:29

Post by: monkeytroll

Interesting stuff Llamahead I thought the first knife version was pretty cool, maybe a bit aerodynamic, but brutal enough to have been looted by orks And I'll be looting the idea of knives for control surfaces, save a bit of cutting

I like the mix of papercraft and home-brew stuff, always good to see cheap models Keep it up.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/07/26 21:00:06

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot I've always admired your work. The knifes were brought to get a bunch of nice shapes for this type of stuff and have worked well £1 for about 20 with spoons and forks to use somehow as well......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/07/27 14:31:33

Post by: Ragsta

Alternative models are always nice to see these days - its a big 'get stuffed' to GW prices! Thank you for postinglinks to these sites, I'm going to have a look myself.

I like Da Orville in particular! Nice paintjob and some sleak lines to that build (you get away with it despite it being an Ork). Those Kans look like metal ones too, well done

I like the start to that Ravager - the jaw looks cool. Fun looking Ramship too I would suggest adding some rivets to them both to break up the blank hull spaces. You can use beads or chopped up bits of plasticard for that.

Keep them coming!


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/07/27 20:43:58

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers thanks a lot. The problems with rivets on these guys is that at scale a rivet you can see on them would be at least the size of a man and I'm not sure it would look right. Plates however are a good idea and I may go back and add some. The Orville was one of those serendipitous moments when I just got on with it and didn't worry. It just gelled together beautifully.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 1688096/03/29 16:07:01

Post by: Llamahead

Well I'm getting the fleet built up. Got a group of 8 escorts 2 of each class and a Terror Ship to put up tomorrow. Does anybody know of anywhere which sells cheap flight bases? I'm looking for an alternative to GW's flight bases so round and 30mm and 60mm. I've also picked up a lot of bashing supplies mainly Rawl Plugs. Another plan is to buy some cheap WW2 ship kits and cannibalise them for spares.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/07/30 14:37:14

Post by: Llamahead

Bah I say again Bah! I've got the first ship painted and two kroozers done the Waaghfarer and the Orkerprise that's great however my cable for my digital camera's got bust. Bugger just ordered a new one from Ebay.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/07/30 16:23:12

Post by: 40k Ninja

Looks good so far. Keep up the good work.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/08/03 16:42:46

Post by: Llamahead

Hmm replacing the cord hasn't done it. It's irritating as the computers fine and the camera works they just won't communicate. So for now the blogs on hiaitus probably until the end of October certainly as far as photographs go.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/08/04 15:23:26

Post by: Llamahead

Goog news a Memory Card Reader has been acquired and now I can transfer images fine. Where am I in the project. Well I have 4 of each design of Escort, 2 Roks and 3 Kroozers built. I also have 1 of each escort and a Kroozer painted. Here's the Kroozers;
As you can see this one is obviously inspired by Star Wars

This is the Waaghfarer the Terror Ship

Here it is painted.

Heres the painted Brute.

This is the painted Ravager the Torpedoes can't be seen in this shot as they are under the nose.

This is the Onslaught. It was the prototype for the Kill Kroozer and has a nice US Civil War vibe going for it. The Long Guns are deliberate giving it a nice simple visual difference from the Savage.

The Savage as you can see has a lot of different Short Guns.

These are really rushing off the assembly line now.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/08/09 18:56:57

Post by: Llamahead

Got the first Rpok painted up

I've also started on the 2nd group currently I plan to make one of each type of escort a kroozer and a rok then start again I'll paint them in the same order. Currently I have 4 of each Escort 4 Kroozers and 4 Roks. Heres the second Brute. Theres something so Orky about making a flying spaceworthy Chainsaw that I had to do it!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/08 19:03:03

Post by: Llamahead

Today is a very special day it's my first Compleat Llamahead post ever that means I have something new going up on all 4 blogs.
Check out the Conclave of Hrin (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/279068.page), the 24th Islandlwanda (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/252579.page) and the Nurgle Beastmen (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/120/231101.page) for more.

This is a model I've had done for a while but I've just got painted up it's a Ravager. I deliberately accentuated the eyes by using them as torpedoes it's based on a variety of dohickey's picked up from a DIY shop and thats about it......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/09 23:51:20

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice to see some orky ships still in production

Can't go wrong with dohickeys. Unless you have some thingummyjigs to hand.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/10 00:18:49

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers monkeytroll yeah I've been working away from home for a while and so these got left behind. However their nice and quick to paint s finishing a few didn't take long. Production on mores going to wait until I've got this lot painted up and then I'll play a couple of games and see what I like. Nice thing about scratchbuilds like these is I can always just make a few more if I prefer one type. The Thingummyjigs are definitely in some of my ships all though I think I need some more whajamacallits and hoojahmeflips as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/10 20:43:27

Post by: Llamahead

Being out of work always helps progress on these things heres another Onslaught ready for battle

Apologies for the washed out shot. The core is some styrene stuff used to cover ducts chopped to size a rawl plug makes the engines and the front bits are DIY bracey things. The guns come from various plastic tubing. Todays another Compleat Llamahead days so there is updates on everything else as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/11 23:37:12

Post by: Llamahead

This Savage is another Pen Lid based gunship. The pen lid forms the hull while the worky bits are a screw cover and half a rawl plug with some cardstock. The weapons are made out of a combination of paperclip and plastic tubing. I decided to paint it red with blue and flame details to give the idea that she's an Evil Sunz ship painted Red to go Fasta. (I've come to the conclusion that my Orks looted one of the fabled convoys from the Forge World of Dulux in the Sirius Sector. Paint producer for most of the segmentum. I still have no idea how they get rusty!)

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/14 21:38:40

Post by: Llamahead

Star Trekkin cross the universe..............

It's a Compleat Llamahead day so check out all 3 of my Blogs.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/31 14:55:03

Post by: bigfish

I like your scrach building stuff, a lot of the time with the images youve got i am seriously thinking "nooooo thats not going to work" and then you paint them in this dirty grimy style and it just works. that said the occasional 40k bit would'nt go amis and if you dont want to buy from GW just buy bags of bits from ebay there dead cheap. anyway keep doing what your doing

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/15 17:42:13

Post by: neil101

Very orky , nice work so far mate.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/15 20:33:05

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot. neil 101. Big Fish part of the problem with using GW parts on the ships is that their epic or smaller and therefore far less common than normal 40k gear. I agree though a few bits wouldn't go amiss and I need to add more plates as well. I am however glad that you think my painting style works!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/15 20:45:05

Post by: Ragsta

This is some damn fine stuff, mate, I like all your recent developments. I too am planning on doing a kroozer based upon the Enterprise! Ya thieving grot!

Still looking for flying bases? There's a company called GZG that does hexagonal ones for pretty cheap - although EBay in general have the same bases for relatively good value too.

I think your ships will really come together once they are based up.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/15 21:17:10

Post by: Norn King

Looking good!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/15 22:34:11

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Jihad Ragsta I picked up sme cheap hexagonal bases from my FLGS. I'm leaving them for a bit as I still have nightmares from the ones on my Land Speeders......
Thanks Norn King much appreciated.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/16 20:21:38

Post by: Llamahead

I've got another Rok painted the battery style guns are made using card and a hole punch. I decideded to paint it grey on the basis its come from another asteroid belt to the first rock.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/18 20:32:19

Post by: Llamahead

Finished painting my 3rd Ram Ship using the screw idea again. It's built around some lengths of tube a screw and a rawl plug with a sprue and wire gun turret.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/20 15:37:29

Post by: Llamahead

Here's a mob of Ladz. These are figures I'd got at random in my bitz box (mainly from ebay) and decided to paint up. Thats why theres Gorkamorka ladz, crew torsos and possibly Space Crusade in there it provides variety which in an ork army is never bad. The looted heavy weapons are because my army is a Deathskull list and I had lots of spares from the 24th Islandlwanda......

Back to the scratchbuilds soon.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Decided to redo another photograph so got an in focus shot of the 3rd Ravager

Quite like the blocky fish shape......
Still not sure how I can explain the space rust though!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/11/21 18:50:03

Post by: Llamahead

Here's the 3rd Savage. I really appreciate the simplicity of ork vehicles to paint, neaten naah paint it as paint chips and rust....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/01 19:05:33

Post by: Llamahead

3rd Onslaught. Looted Rawl Plug, Plastruct and a thingy are parts of this one.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/02 21:00:32

Post by: Llamahead

Heres the 3rd Rok from the sun. Basic insulation board core straw missile launchers and a group of the titchier guns. Another Terror Ships next.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/02 23:27:56

Post by: neil101

Hey Llama , glad to see this is still going strong. The 3rd rock is pretty original mate. I guess your original three pound plus two pound investment paid off ;-)

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/05 22:02:03

Post by: Llamahead

Definitely did Neil, I've spent a bit more on raw materials but it gave me the impetus and encouragement to move on to more challenging projects. I still haven't played Solid State War itself but I've had a good game of Aeronautica Imperialis, which if I'm honest is one of my favourite GW games but sadly I'd never have been able to justify the fifty plus quid to start out. I'd have definitely played more if I'd not been on an away job. I wouldn't say the Roks that original it resembles the ones done for BFG, the only difference is I scratchbuilt the weaponry. I've also finished a third kroozer another Terror Ship. The aesthetics for this one are a blocky bulk transport stolen and modified by Orky pirates. Hope you like it.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/07 22:24:12

Post by: Llamahead

Basic brute with a poor shot. Got frustrated with the painting and cut down a lot but they shouldn't all have all the details that wouldn't be orky. But with this one done it means the squadron's finished and as I'm out of orange paint I'll be basing it up fairly sharpish.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/11 18:37:51

Post by: Llamahead

Oops pressing the wrong button mean't I editted the original content away sorry

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/11 21:26:23

Post by: bigfish

still loving these, keep up The good work

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/14 20:28:43

Post by: monkeytroll

Wow, lot of stuff put up whilst I was scratching around with a tin can and a length of string

Really digging that last looted transport, and nice to see some getting based. Any plans for the bases, or you keeping them clear?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2011/12/18 20:16:13

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers Bigfish and Monkey Troll. I'll keep them clear which will mean I can just detach them and use them on something else (like AI) when I have to.

I've been reviewing all my projects as it's nearing the end of the year. My Orks have been my primary gaming army since mid 2008 and are the army I'm most comfortable with. While the painting standard is low the core of these brutes is good enough to continually expand on. This project has been the most helped by my current poor work situation. If I had money I wouldn't have started scratchbuilding and I'd have probably added tto my Guard, Beastmen or Hrin instead of going back and adding to these guys. This has instead led me to build several units based on stuff I'd already got, Lobbas and the mob of ladz as well as the Kans. The Kans were really to improve my papercraft skills and have done that well. I've learn't some useful cheats to apply to other projects.
The best thing though is with my new scratchbuilding bug I've been able to widen my modelling skills and broaden my horizons. I'll be able to consider adding some of the Imperial Armour units. I've got my eyes on doing a classic style Ork Mekboy Speedsta at some point probably based on some form of classic car kit. But most importantly of all I've added AI and I'll soon be adding BFG to my gaming. My club has two long running complex campaigns for Warhammer and 40k and owning all 3 elements of the Orkz will allow me to play games to represent far more. The futures bright! In the short run I'll finish my fleet and create a new Blasta Bomma (Da Orville turned out to apparently be rather too large ). I'm not sure what I'll add to the fleet. A battleship and hulk of some kind certainly at some point although with my current scale problem (I've built most of my stuff rather too large) I might have a simple solution. Seriously though I want to get games in before I bother to create more as knowing what works will allow me to create more useful stuff. I've also got a Dread to make up from card. Ideally I'd also buy several more Ramshackle vehicles but sadly financial problems aren't going to go away any time soon (and if they do I've got plans for an Empire army...)
Oh and heres the fourth and final Savage need to base up the rest of the squadron.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/06 19:44:00

Post by: Llamahead

Heres the final Onslaught and the last of my Escorts. I've got another Rok and a Kroozer to do and then the fleet is finished. I'll then get them all based up and hope to get some games in. I've also found these intriguing bits on Ebay. The masts cranes and guns all look useful to me http://stores.ebay.co.uk/MB-Models-and-Spares?_rdc=1

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/06 19:53:24

Post by: Bash the Bosh

Your scratch building is fantastic! It's nice to see original work for a change. Consider me subbed good sir!


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/06 19:58:27

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Looking nice. Have you considered ork skulls for prows?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/06 23:20:11

Post by: Llamahead

I'm a bit leary about that. Thats as the scale would mean they'd have to be made out of metal and making it look right for that would be a challenge. It's the idea I won't to nick from your Tau drone using Ork Bike frames to do something similiar though!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/06 23:29:40

Post by: Tortured-Robot

Nice- really think orks are your thing, I love how you put bits together!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/08 19:29:22

Post by: Llamahead

This is the first Compleat Llamahead of the year.
I've got Logistar Cuthbert's Black Scribes on show here http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/90/279068.page
Two new Escort Squadrons here http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/30/356363.page
The first rebased Platoon for my 24th Islandlwanda here http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/240/252579.page
And finally a new group of minions for my Forces of Nurgle (and above a new BSB) http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/150/231101.page

Thanks a lot Tortured-Robot I think I'm addicted to Rawl Plugs they have so many fun shapes to use........
I've got two more finished attack craft squadrons my Onslaughts

and my Savages.

I'm currently finishing off the last Rok and I've only got one Kroozer after that before I start gaming and work out what I actually want! The nice thing about Scratchbuilding means it's no problem rejigging my fleet at all.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Should add this here http://myhobbycraft.blogspot.com/view/magazine has some of the nicest FREE kits I've seen. I've got the M977 and one of the APC's for my Zulus printed of but the M915 Gun truck, the G6 Rhino Artillery piece, Alkett Minesweeper and Husky Towing Vehicle all scream Orks to me and they're available in 1/35 perfect. Did I mention they're FREE.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/08 19:55:53

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Llamahead wrote:I'm a bit leary about that. Thats as the scale would mean they'd have to be made out of metal and making it look right for that would be a challenge. It's the idea I won't to nick from your Tau drone using Ork Bike frames to do something similiar though!

Nice complete Llamahead!

For the skulls, the old WHFB orc frame had an orc skull; maybe this would help out. It might be hard to pull of indeed, maybe file it more angular? Anyway, I'll be looking forward to whatever you can comer up with, like the creative juices flowing here!

EDIT: the killa kan sprue has armour plates in the shape of skulls; those might be an idea?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/08 23:06:05

Post by: Llamahead

May well be if I ever get my hands on some Kans.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/10 20:31:04

Post by: Llamahead

Finished Mega Mek Zaplug's Rokwerks. This Rok has a lot of zany turret emplacements made using rawl plugs. A great source of bits for scratch building available at any DIY shop they are especially good for Rokkit Engines and Sciencey Doodads.

This is also gives me a complete Rok Squadron and means I have one more ship to do to complete my fleet. Although I'll add several more after play testing. Here's the squadron in their completed state.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/13 22:21:20

Post by: Llamahead

Last of the Kroozers is done. I seem to have lost all my large flying bases somewhere but I'm currentlybasing the rest for a group sot sometime tomorrow. hopefully I'll get some games in and pick one of the large ones to do next......

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh the inspiration for this guy was mainly old 19th century battleships and the french submarine Surcouf.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/14 00:58:03

Post by: bigfish

Everything is still looking ork and awesome, orksome. great job!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/14 06:42:04

Post by: CommissarKhaine

The krooza is looking great!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/14 17:14:36

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot for the kind word's. The first part of the fleet is done. I'm having too much fun with it not to plan to continue soon however.
Here are the Kroozers Closing

Them Abeam

The Entire Fleet ready to Waagh!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/14 20:11:22

Post by: monkeytroll

All still looking very orky round these parts I see

Glad you're planning on expanding, we won't stop you

Out of interest, what kind of size are BFG fleets usually?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/14 20:55:49

Post by: Llamahead

Uh good question still haven't read the rules. At my society we generally play 1500pts so thats what I've aimed for all though what I'e done is build some of each. I'll get a few games in and then begin the refining process!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/23 21:06:32

Post by: Llamahead

Been playing with a kit from http://www.toposolitario.es/workshop/index.html as it's for my Grey Knights I'll showcase it there but I've hit on a good new cheat. Cable Ties have a zippy bit which make a great surface for vets providig a ice simple piece of 3d Texture.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/26 16:40:18

Post by: Llamahead

I've just got a new job starting next week which means this fleet is going to Tourney. Without me knowing the rules...........Should be fun!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/26 18:55:54

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Gratz on the new job, and good luck in the tourney!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/26 19:26:16

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers mate it's only a month's work but hey it's a quarters rent it's based nearish home and it's archaeology which is what really matters. I'm lucky I've currently managed to survive the recession with only serious damage rather than total destruction to my career a lot of people haven't.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/27 19:17:07

Post by: monkeytroll

Hey, good news bud

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/01/27 19:19:20

Post by: Llamahead

Definitely less time more goodies and enthusiasm!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/02/07 20:24:35

Post by: Llamahead

Played 2 games on Saturday. Lost both. Forgot to disengage at the correct time. Ineed to remember to concentrate my force and that Ork's really hate enemy bombers. The close range weapons seem to be a bit of a liability. Also Roks don't keep up with the rest of the fleet and are pointless alone.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/02/10 21:20:57

Post by: Llamahead

Acquired the most macho glue gun in the entire world today.

It worked out at less than £7 with 10 sticks so I can't complain its designed for papercrafters who are mostly young girls but it'll do the light jobs I want it for!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/02/11 00:49:27

Post by: monkeytroll

Ahh, the Hello Kitty glue gun, comes complete with scented glue sticks

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/02/19 20:05:27

Post by: Llamahead

Da fleet has won the game. Massing together and lots of luck and point blank firepower crippled most of my enemies fleet before they disengaged. I did lose most of my escorts but only received a few scratches on the capital ships. Discussing the rules and gaming has produced two fleets I want to try one swops all the escorts out for two Hammer class Battlekroozers. The other retains the escorts but swaps them for Ravagers and Brutes. The Ravagers certainly did me proud in the last game. But given the amount of resources it will require to make these I'll just get a start on both fleets.......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/08 21:39:52

Post by: Llamahead

Finished the first of the new lot a while back only got round to posting it today. The first Hammer and the second Ravager are both well on their way to being done as well. I'm also going to bodge together a pair of Kroozers for the correct armament Kill Kroozer and Terror Ship. The Space Hulk will be on the back burner for quite a while due to possibly starting a new job with a long commute on Monday.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and we should be playing more Epic at the society meaning I need to bring my Orks up. I don't own any Gargants but I do own 2 Warlords............Looted Titans here we come!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/09 21:18:40

Post by: Llamahead

I've got another Ravager done

But the star of this update is definitely the first of my two Hammers. This one's mainly bits of random toy especially gunz and the head thingy based around a Ramshackle Games Cab. I like the look as it resembles some of the art work and also resembles a Terror Fish which appeals to my love of Gerry Anderson. Both of these Hammer Classes I imagine being referred to as either the Hammer of Gork or Mork and a giant constant scrap with the crew fighting over it all the time. I imagine failed leadership tests are when the contest gets out of hand......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/19 19:55:00

Post by: Llamahead

First the regular stuff. I've got a pair of Escorts finished.

Now for something a bit more special.

It's my second scratchbuilt Hammer class Kroozer the Hammer uv Mork or Gork. This one is vaguely more traditional than the first but makes up for that by being a good bit bigger.

And now for something of Epic Importance

My gaming groups been picking up the Net Epic rules found here http://www.netepic.org/. I therefore decided to bring this group back from home. They were painted ages ago but should make a good starter for a large force. I've won several lots of infantry and vehicles on Ebay and thanks to the generosity of my friend Rykk I've got a rather substantial force to be getting on with. These should provide something new and interesting to play with it'll also give me a painted ork force for every 40k based game GW does which'll be great for campaign play!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/19 20:10:33

Post by: Goresaw

Oh Epic... how I loved thee...

Its kind of sad. Epic was all about huge tank battles and large war machines. 40k has more or less become Epic, just with larger minis. Larger armies, more tanks, etc. No wonder they killed it.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/19 21:05:30

Post by: MrMerlin

Cool stuff! Your scratchbuilds look like they are a lot of fun to build!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/20 00:20:01

Post by: Llamahead

Goresaw I'd have to agree although Epic still allows far more game in a sensible space than 40k.

Mr Merlin thanks they are fun to do and extremely simple as well

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/20 22:42:11

Post by: Llamahead

Here's my latest Ravager

Working on first of two Kroozers with optimised armaments and starting to crank out the Epic stands.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/25 17:18:27

Post by: Llamahead

It's a Compleat Llamahead post ever that means I have something new going up on all 4 blogs.
Check out the Conclave of Hrin (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/279068.page), the 24th Islandlwanda (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/252579.page) and the Nurgle Beastmen (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/120/231101.page) for more.

I've got the alternative Kroozers done this'll give me 6. I made them as I feel keeping all my Ordnance on the Carriers and Guns on the Kill Kroozers gave me a more optimised fleet.
This is the Terror Ship based around a pipe and some bits and bobs giving a rather utilitarian shape. I think it's the weakest so far

This involved some very random bits mostly spare parts from a Star Wars Kit and some 80's toy parts. It's odd as in many ways its the most futuristic ship but it looks sort of like a sailing ship as well.

I've also decided to use washers below the hex bases to give me a weighted circular base. On the gaming front I got massacared twice recently. I do however like the Hammers and might instead drop the Roks and use them with the Escorts instead.

I've also painted up a bunch of Epic Orks which I'll photograph as I complete cards. So the first completed unit is this Shokk Attack Gun Battery. I've gone for urban bases and decided to paint everything with a Deathsull theme including Kults of Speed and over Clan specific troops as I like the idea more than the traditional exploding paint factory scheme.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/25 19:43:19

Post by: Ragsta

Loving all the latest stuff! I used to have an Epic Ork army too - I think it's where my fondness for Ork warmachines started.

You're annoying me, mate - you're churning out lots of cool ships at a very fast rate! I wish I could be that productive!

You should think about posting up a short battle report the next time you play, would be cool to see some action shots.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/25 21:48:10

Post by: Llamahead

Will do. To be honest part of the reason for the pace is an upcoming tournament. The other reason is unemployment (I work on short term temporary contracts so I have gaps with very little to do).

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/28 20:30:11

Post by: Llamahead

Here's my first Deathskull Warband. All the Orkz will be painted in this style regardless of which warband they're with.

I've also been converting up some stuff mainly Mekboy Speedstas, a battlefortress and some Battlewagons. As well as that I've been buying lots of stuff on Ebay including some old Stomper sprues. What are the Imperial vehicles especially the one that looks like the Contemptor Dreadnaught and the tiny Warhoundish looking one mean't to be?

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Looted a Warlord Titan!

Fit of Energy, Styrene, Card and enthusiasm. The parts are one Warlord Titan leaving the Mega Cannon and one shoulder weapon. A styrene bodged Ripper Fist using a Battlewagon turret and Nob Chain Axe for the business end. The other Shoulder features a Battlewagon turret Cadian Flamer bodge as a Scorcher Shoulder while the heads an Ork Bike Front add a straw for a belching smoke stack.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The gut burster went where the titan head originally was.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/31 15:13:04

Post by: Llamahead

Done the models to have an Evil Sunz warband. However to make my life easier when sorting out the army I've just decided to paint all the ladz as Deathskulls.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/31 17:28:43

Post by: bigfish

really like that looted warhound very cool

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/03/31 19:28:43

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks although it's a Warlord the one two sizes bigger!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/01 19:16:59

Post by: Llamahead

Here's a painted buggy squadron these are the old plastics that I hadn't even realised existed before I restarted Epic and even for Epic they are tiny!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/03 19:09:40

Post by: Llamahead

This is the Warboss and his mates for now. I'm considering doing some fiddling with Epic Terminators to create my Warlord Da Verminator in Epic. Naturally in Deffwing colours.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/17 18:09:42

Post by: Llamahead

Well the Nationals happened and Sheffield won yet again which means next year I'm helping to run it. I played 5 great games of BFG and won 1. I'm rubbish at names so won't mention anybodys. My fleet was 2 Hammers, 2 Kill Kroozers, 2 Terror Ships and 6 Ravagers
* Space Marines
This was the eventually winner and a bloke I've been playing for 8 years regularly without being beaten and yet again I lost simply put he got the pounce and his massed Space Marine escorts blasted apart several ships. I didn't focus fire enough and he isolated several single ships. The scenario involved capturing the admirals he caught mine so I rescued him and then he was caught again.
This was against a really nicely converted fleet. It was an escalating engagement and I was lucky with both my Hammers coming behind the Hive Fleets. Tyranids also have to get close which helped me a lot. My opponent also suffered from losing a Hive Fleet to a Warp Rift. I won this one closely.
I took no damage in this game but lost. The entirety of the centre of the board was an asteroid belt and with all my cruisers on Ld5 I decided to go around. This mean't I never engaged the body of the Tau Fleet. The objective was found by him and so he won. I did however get to watch a Protector cripple itself inside the field and drove off another.
This game was against a Nova Cannon Fleet. It also had a Blackstone Fortress in the middle. I didn't actually fight my opponent but instead took so much damage from long range shots and the explosion when I destroyed the fortress that I had to disengage without closing with the foe.
This game involved a star blowing up. It was an interesting scenario with a fun random table. We however kept rolling Gravitic Anomalys which meant my fleet kept getting dragged back rather than closing with the foe. This allowed the planet killer to blow up my fleet one ship at a time and I failed to accomplish anything.
In both of the last two games I also had a Cruiser crippled in the first turns firing.

What did I learn?
Orks need to close and work best in the centre of the Table with two scenarios which interfered with it I had trouble. The fleet list was about as good as it could be. The Orks problem is that they are close ranged and vulnerable. To get both broadsides working most Imperial/Chaos ships need to be in 30 the Orks need to be within 15 and have a maximum of 10 firepower which isn't much. Also they rely on hull points not shields which means they take damage far more easily the extra power field upgrade could have been a good idea. Another factor is that getting the first blow in BFG is vital and Orks find that very hard. What I need to do is focus my fleet and keep it together and aim it to come at the stern or hit one element of my opponents force. Possibly massing my fleet as I did made me far too easy to predict as well.

I'm looking forward to a few more games........But at the moment I'm going to focus on Epic for a bit.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/19 17:24:19

Post by: Llamahead

Sometimes you just need to smash the scum. I did some mild converting beefing up the CCW and adding the Warlord Head the gunz got fiddled about a bit more to give me some fun options than anything else. I've also got Snakebite and Goff warbands painted up.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/20 19:03:44

Post by: Llamahead

Got a classic Mekboy Gargant painted up. Sorry for the quality of the photograph.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Really enjoying the 6mm stuff might have to use the Baccus Zulus to create an IG army in the same style as the 24th............

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/20 19:15:39

Post by: monkeytroll

Cool stuff Llama That last ship was pretty funky, what did you use for the side cannon mounts?

Epic stuff all looking good, I used to love converting epic stuff to chaos

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/20 21:27:20

Post by: Llamahead

Good question they were in somebody's old bitz box from Ebay sadly enough I don't know where he got them from I've got a few more in similiar styles spare if your interested?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Epic's great fun I've also bunged together some extra Skullhamma's and bodged a few Flakwagon's together which I'll show off when I get round to it.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/20 21:51:28

Post by: monkeytroll

No it's cool, I was just wondering what they were On the first pic I thought maybe you'd cut up some termie armour, but it obviously wasn't from the second, so I just wondered

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/24 19:16:43

Post by: Llamahead

Fair enough mate.

Here's another of my Gargants a small basic Slasher using the most recent Epic Gargant model. I used another Warlord head (both of mine are joining Da Waagh so....). This was combined with a Warlord Mega Cannon for the Slasha Attack Gun while one of the regular Belly Guns was fine for that. The Ripper Fist is a Nob Spike Arm with plastruct stuff and a couple of Battlewagon Turrets. This is actually the Gargant I plan on using most often as it's cheap and simple to use. Both the Mekboy Gargant and the Mega Gargant strike me as fairly complex....

I've also got a squadron of Bowelburna's done. These old Epic vehicles are a great idea for the basis of 40k conversions. The third one is an Epic Battlewagon bodge as these are purchased in groups of 3 and if you buy Epic Ork models on Ebay you end up with loads of them.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/26 18:18:48

Post by: Llamahead

Got my Spleenrippa's done really fond of these. Might have to make myself a 40k version someday. Really something to make you miss the old Vehicle Design Rules

Heres the second looted Warlord as well it uses far more Ork Gargant bits.

I've also wrote up some background for the fleet may as well bung it up here with pictures.

Da Fleet uv da Verminator
Da Deff Fish Lost Count
Da Deff Fish Lost Count was a replacement for the Deff Fish Many, which was a replacement for the Deff Fish Lotz, which was a replacement for the Deff Fish Sevral which replaced da Deff Fish Arf’Dozen which was a replacement for da Deff Fish dis is getin Ridickulus. An ‘Ammer Class it has ded good guns and a bad habit of getting lost in da Warp which is good fer meetin new life forms and fightin dem.

Da Hamma’ uv da Waagh
This is anuvva Hamma’ class Kroozer the Kaptin Snikpanzee Skumdakka genrally follows da Verminator as ‘e’s got a gud idea uv where da best fightin is and genrally can provide loads uv gubbins for is mech boys to fix da dentz. Last seen idly driftin away from a Super Nova Da Hamma will probably turn up eventually.

Da Waaghfarer
Dis ship was originally captured on one of the Deff Fish’s saunters through an alternate realetee. Originally it had ded good long range missiles but dey’ve all been fired at random planets. Dee humies on board sounded right posh and didn’t look much like da Emperor’s boyz at all. Dis wun actually left da Supenova and arrived back at da bass world unda it’s own steam. It be a Terror Class

Da Bismork Manee
Dis ship be anuvva Terror Kroozer based on an ole Imperial Transport what da Verminator snagged from da original ownas it has the least gud reputation uv any ov da ships in da fleet.

Da Orkerprise
On anuvva of da Deff Ships meanders through da Warp it ended up meetin des craft. Da ship tellyported sum lads ova who tried ta kommunikate wiv dem. Den da weerd panzee boy wot wuz leadin dees red shirted umies wot wuz relly easy ta shoot annoyin dat meant dere weren’t enuff ta crump propa. Anywey dis panzee pulld da vees sign on da Verminator an ‘e wasn’t havin dat so he decided ta crump dem an nick da ship. Da Kaptin ov it was a roight scary purve kept on lookin fer green gurlz.

Da Viktoree
Dis was niked ov an Ork wiv funnee idees wot ‘e wanted ta do was mimick dem panzee gitz although why any gud Ork would wanna run about and chicken out like dat be beyond me. Cov he was an idiot da Verminator nicked it uv him. He efen left da key inda ignition!

Uvva Boats
Every now an den some uvva Kroozers might turn up an some pirate ladz often join in da fun with dere liddle boats. Da Torpedodoers and Rokkitteers in dere Ravagers are most likely. Evry now an den in da Mabb nebula sum uv da locals join in on dere Roks.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/27 19:16:51

Post by: Llamahead

So heres the full gang of Gargants.

This much brutal combat power makes me happy!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/04/29 16:01:48

Post by: Llamahead

Got a quick tip first. The Gnoblar crew in the Ironblaster kit would make some excellent grot riggers. There liable to be cheap as there not necessary in half of the models made from that kit anyway.

But back to Epic. These are my Battlefortresses.

From left to right you've got
#Brutal version made from the rear tracks of the Wartrak kit with a bit of Plastic/Card bodging to give a cab and 3 Epic turrets to provide Dakka.
#A Gibletgrinda as is
# 2 Skullhammas with variant turrets mainly to free up the originals for some more random conversions
#One based of the rear unit of a 2nd Ed plastic warbike given a rawl plug and straw chimney a bit more bulk and a couple of turrets.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/07 20:50:42

Post by: Llamahead

Stabba-Blasta the smallest of the four has received paint it's painted in the same random patches and fire motif as my fleet.
Stabba-Blasta from the front

Stabby Arm

Blasty Arm

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/07 21:52:25

Post by: bigfish

really liking these gargants, they just look so orky and awesome. keep up the good work

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/10 20:49:35

Post by: monkeytroll

Missed a few updates here.

Enjoyed the fleet 'data', some fun little touches in there However it does appear as if Da Waaaghfarer and Da Bismork Manee have somehow corrupted your data library and switched in duplicate vid-grabs

Big guys are all looking good, but I really liked the battlewagons, particularly the 'brutal' based on the wartrakk, and the one using the old warbike. Nice

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/10 21:26:54

Post by: Llamahead

Oops bloogy Gremlins. Thanks for the kind words on the gargants. I'm happy with the Battlefortresses as well. They're a bit too big to be Battlewagons.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/15 09:44:51

Post by: Ragsta

That is an awesome mob of Gargants My experience of playing Epic suggests you should always field two of them if possible (I lost a Gargant to two salvoes from a Warlord).

I really do like all the conversions you're doing on this force, and the fluff for your BFG Orks made me chuckle too.#

I have 6 Fighta Bommers doing nothing - PM me if you want them, mate.

Looking forward to the Epic battle reports ;P

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/16 17:58:47

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot interestingly enough they seem to be far tougher in Net Epic. Glad you enjoyed the fluff as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/19 22:41:04

Post by: Llamahead

Played my first game of Net Epic good grief was it brutal. The games resolve in fewer more action packed turns than 40k. It was 4000 pts I had a large Evil Sunz Warband, a shooty Deathskull Band and a large Snakebite host. I was facing a Veteran Company, a Devestator Company and a Land Raider Company with 2 Land Speeder Squadrons in support backed up by 3 titans 2 Warhounds and a Reaver. Basically in the first turn I charged with everything (literally every unit in my army was on charge orders and he advanced). In the second turn I broke the veteran company and had the Snakebites broken. The Boarboyz and Warlord and Evil Sunz warband both broke detachments in Assault. Unfortunately in the third term while I broke the two Landspeeder squadrons he broke the Deathskulls with Warhound fire and the few battered survivors of the Veteran Company lashed out in their deaththrows managing to break the Evil Sunz and giving the Marines the victory. Great fun. The nice things was that it looked right everything looked in scale especially hills. Basically it was a great game and has got me really fired up for more. I've also won elements for a large Kult of Speed on Ebay. I think what I enjoyed most was that it wasn't about precise playment and chiselly unit selection but instead about strategy and bloody glory. It was the most enjoyable game of anything I've played in ages.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/20 14:51:58

Post by: Llamahead

Triples was great expensive but great. Ground Zero Games was there with lots of cool stuff. I've picked up a few packs of their 6mm vehicles mainly engineering gubbins and stuff for battlewagon variants. I also grabbed some of their 2mm artillery pieces and VTOL's for Zzap Guns and Dethkopta's the best bit however is the Bolo. I've wanted one since reading a lot of the reimagined stories especially John Ringo's Road to Damascus. I've also picked up a few Pendraken games Tankettes (tiny gunz definitely need more dakka) and some Flak 88's as Super Gunz. I'll get dat pesky Titan!

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Couldn't resist I'll be able to use it as a Battlefortress easily although the model would match a Squat Cyclops far better. It's worth bearing in mind that this model is 2mm it's mean't to work with models a third the size of an Epic Infantryman. With smaller scales where there are less reference markers it's perfectly possible to bodge and use models intended for different scales together. Especially with Science Fiction where the loser background means if it looks right itis right. That's one of the benefits of not buying these things online as it's something you need to gauge yourself when you can see the figure. A lot of the 6mm historical stuff I was planning to buy looked slightly off although I'll check again another time.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/05/26 14:34:30

Post by: Llamahead

Heh the 2mm gunships I brought as gawky copters look a loot like the new Storm Talon kit...

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/06/30 07:46:46

Post by: Llamahead

Ebays been fortunate to me lately with several dozen ork vehicles won mostly metal and including three gargants. I've also added lots of 6mm historics to make the force even more eclectic. However being away for work means the painting and modelling has been badly neglected. Jobs going well however.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/08/27 19:21:51

Post by: Llamahead

I've been doing well with work which means the painting and modelling has been badly neglected. However with several fortunate Ebay wins I now don't actually want more epic Orks I'm satiated. Well with that and an order from Microworld games to give me some more Feral Orks http://www.microworldgames.com/collections/6mm-fantasy/Orcs It's hopefully winging it's way to me from the states as I speak. At a grand total of 11 Gargants and loads of minions I've got all I'll use in a game. Now all I need to do is get them painted and finished.

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Oh and some toy dinosaurs for Squiggoths.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/06 17:33:15

Post by: Llamahead

Just picked up some 1/700 ship detailing sets these will work great as spare turrets.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/06 19:26:31

Post by: monkeytroll

 Llamahead wrote:
Oh and some toy dinosaurs for Squiggoths.

Quite right too

Ship detailing kits are great for little gubbinz

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/06 19:58:18

Post by: Llamahead

Yep got a harbour scene kit as well. Nice Tower Crane perfect for an Epic scale Gargant construction site or Ork scrapyard or both at the same time. I've also decided one of the looted Warlords will definitely delight in the name "Rightyus Indygestun"

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/08 09:58:16

Post by: Llamahead

I'm enjoying my weekend with access to my bitz box an awful lot.

The Aoshima 1/700 ordnance sets come highly recommended for this sort of work. As well as the traditional looted Imperial Vehicles my Orks have also gone for some more exotic victims with lots of historic vehicles and some Ground Zero Games pieces grabbed as well. My favourite at the moment is the Simple Ork Mekboy Battlewagon (the one with the dozer bucket). Part of the joy of epic is the huge size of the armies. This project is going to be my focus for painting for some time as I can easily transport models. I'm still waiting on the Microworld games models and I'm also still looking for the dinosaurs. I'll be modelling for this project for some time to come as I've still got 5 gargants to prepare........

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/08 19:54:57

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice selection of base models there That bucket arm is a nice little bit.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/08 20:32:41

Post by: Llamahead

Yep it's from Ground Zero Games. I can't remember whether it's part of the diggers I brought or one of their engineering pieces. Can't take too much credit for the selection of base models they're mainly what I could get for a reasonable price on Ebay. except for the Ground Zero Games stuff those I selected from the stand.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/16 16:15:40

Post by: Llamahead

The Microworld games lads came through yesterday. Their less detailed than the GW plastics but thats as their metal castings and they'll look fine at 3 ft away until I paint them. There is a good variety available with all the basic units for warhammer there.

From left to right you've got the Standard Bearer, Boss, Shaman & Musician (all from the Command Pack). Next to them are a Boar Rider 2 Orc Warriors 2 Orc Brutes and a Goblin Warrior.
These guys are going to be used to add numbers to my force and to bulk up my Wildboyz contingent. They've been blue tacked to a plant label which I've picked up a pack off as painting sticks for the ladz. Quite a few of my ebay Orks came off sprue as well.
Incidentally does anybody know where you can find little cheap toy dinosaurs (about an inch). I've checked the obvious candidates but they seem to have suffered inflation. Probably to stop children choking to death when everybody knows thats a perfectly good punishment for siblings who break your toys.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/25 19:46:34

Post by: Llamahead

The two at the back are regular buggies but at the front we have a light tank and armoured car both were historical models I picked up heap on Ebay and a Ground Zero Games buggy.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/09/26 23:25:25

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Hmm. I'm not sure why I wasn't subbed to this thread, but I fixed that.

Too much stuff to go over, but really liking the Epic miniatures. Man, I miss Epic. A lot. My friends don't play it. In fact, all they play from GW is WFB and W40K. I can't get them into Blood Bowl or Mordheim or anything.

I'll be following along from here on out.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/10/12 17:20:32

Post by: Llamahead

More Orks for you Ladz.
Blood Axes with Looted Rhinos nicked from a variety of Imperial Factions.

Naturally most were acquired from the Dark Angels.

These showcase the historicals and GZG models as well as the Aoshima weapons seriously for BFG and Epic scale check them out.

This Mekboy Speedsta use the larger GZG hull I've got and a Speedsta weapon. I rather like these large wheeled hulls.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/10/12 20:53:30

Post by: monkeytroll

That speedsta looks great, nice hull and the colour's lovely. Good job!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/10/14 16:03:03

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers thats mostly an accident of the photo processing. Unusualy I got a photograph to process nicely.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/10/30 20:16:15

Post by: Llamahead

Unleash da Rightyus Indergestyun.

I'm happy with this it looks like something from a Tehpriests worst nightmare an ultimate profanity against the machine god. I can't wait to use the blighter in a game.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/11/12 18:05:12

Post by: Llamahead

I said I didn't need any more Ork models for this lot right? Well Ebay disagrees a lot. I also seem to be picking up a Chaos Force by accident. For some reason I just love painting 6mm. This model is my Goffic Rok Tour Wagon.

The chassis is a Wartrak rear unit, while Weirdboy Battle Towers provide the sound system and the searchlights come from the Aoshima naval kits. The band are Micro Art figures.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/11/12 20:04:01

Post by: monkeytroll

Epic goff rockers? On a tour bus/stage?

That is epic

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/11/13 00:40:08

Post by: Llamahead

Wish I could take the credit but it's an official Net Epic unit. Wasn't planning to do one but I couldn't resist. Now all I need is some small plasti dinosaurs and something for the wyverns and I've got my list (I could use the official models but I want a proper herd of them and surfing ebay gets expensive)

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/11/20 21:03:14

Post by: Llamahead

Ebays a bad habit. Managed to get the Squiggoths (although I still think the plastic dinosaurs would be fun). I've also slipped up and started to acquire a chaos army by accident. Currently I'm planning to mostly use repainted loyalists, my homebrew chapter is black with gunmetal heraldry so I'll be able to use them as both. The problem is that a lot of the cult troops are rare and going to be a problem to acquire chief among these are the Daemon Lords. However the Nurglings work nicely as a 6mm Great Unclean One while the weird buggy thing with knifes can pass for a Daemon prince of some kind. The engines are going to be even more problematic however.

Edenite tanks from the Exodus Wars range will work nicely however as well as some of the Micro Art models Beastmen.

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Hopefully Micro Art will begin produing some Daemon style aliens at some point

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/11/25 14:55:42

Post by: Llamahead

Sadly enough a mistake with the ebay listings means its back to plastic dinosaurs. An honest typo on the sellers part he wasn't trying to rip me off.

I also managed to get a game in on Saturday Marines versus Orks again with the menacing forms of two Reaver Titans backing up the Assault, Devestator and Veteran companies of the Salamanders. In response I had the Rightyus Indergestion, a Warboss, a Goff mob in Skullhammas, a Bad Moon Dred Mob and a Blood Axe warband. The first turn consisted of the ork mobs charging forwards with the only combat being an Assault detachment charging the Blood Axes As they were still inside the Rhinos over half the band were killed. The next turn was rather more eventful with the Goffs bundling another Assault detachment only to have a veteran company charge them. My warboss was killed charging the Land Speeders by a snapfiring Reaver. The Blood Axes dismounted only to be harged by another veteran detachment fortunately the Bad Moons Dreads could counter charge them. During the First Fire segment the other Reaver destroyed the Bad Moonz Boys leaving them dangerously understrength. The Assault phase was a swirling melee with the Blood Axes being reduced under half strength and the Bad Moons Dreads also taking hideous losses reducing them to under half strength. Fortunately the Assault Company was a stand away from breaking and the veterans were savaged. The Goffs were fairly happy in their ruck. My firing involved the Great Gargant overkilling a Vindicator Squadron and most epicly of all the 5 Skullhammas of the Goffs managing to destroy the Reaver avenging the Warboss in a massive volley of cannon fire ripping apart its legs. Sadly however I'd lost the two broken Clans and Matts two extra objectives taking him over the forty points necessary for victory. To be honest I'm finding these games too short and would like a few more turns so I'm probably going to suggest next game that we move the victor points goal higher. Matt deserved his win however with the crucial mistake being me allowing him to charge my embarked Blood Axes. The stars of the game were certainly the Goffs in Skullhammas with the Rightyus Indergestion probably being more useful for the morale bonuses than the weapons.y

Been thinking about the Chaos lads and currently I'm planning on painting them up as Word Bearers sadly enough though this means I'll have to ignore the Codex list for them as it bans cultists and I wants them. I've selected an Undivided legion as currently I have lots of chaos cavalry of Tzeentch, Khorne and Slaanesh with very little of anything else.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/03 22:00:10

Post by: Llamahead

I've got the first main detachment for my Epic Chaos army done. I've gone with Word Bearers and I'll ignore the Codex the fluff supports my interpretation of them. The Chaos Renegade detachment I've done consists of an Epic Chaos lord, 5 Chaos Marine stands, 10 Beastman stands and 10 Cultist stands. The Chaos epic list has a lot of old skool charm.

Speaking of old skool charm SQUATS OF CHAOS!!!!!!Mwahahahahahheeeheehee

Plans now include some of the Dystopian Wars vehicles for Chaos Engines and either Dropzone Commander or Dark Reign miniatures walkers for Slaanesh knights. Microarts miniatures for some extra Beastmen and Evil Witch Elves for Daemonettes.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/07 21:42:31

Post by: Llamahead

Some people go to huge lengths and complex details to make Squiggoths. Me I just chucked some Card plates and turrets on the back of a Dinosaur and called it a day! At 2.99 for 48 it's significantly cheaper than using proper models. I'll also be honest the simple bodges appeal to the childest part of me. What could be cooler than Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs in F14's uhh well Dinosaurs with Orks on the back are cool to. If anybody asks why they don't look like Squiggoths I have two excuses. a)Orks get sent back in time to the Dinosaur times. Orks cause extinction of dinosaurs in landing accident loot survivors as dinosaurs are cool. Ork responsible for humanity........b)looted SAUROPODS from HARRIHAUSEN!!!!!!

I'm also still not sure what to do with the two legged ones, any ideas?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/10 18:37:48

Post by: Llamahead

I started the Chaos Army because I got a bunch with a bodged up Warlord Titan I planned to loot for my Orks remember?

The Bane Lord is a model I love but like a lot of the chaos daemon engines is far too exensive on ebay. This used the bashed up Warlord as a basis. The head is the Khornate Spawn head with a Bonecruncha gun on the side. The Tail and Arm are both Spawn arms with guns bodged in. The Cannon arm is from a Rat Ogre while the missile rack is IG missiles and plastic I beam. Milliput has been used to bodge it all together. Basically I see the entire thing as a giant obliterator style combination of daemonic flesh and steel morphing constantly. It will be painted in Word Bearer colours. Why do I blame Monkey Troll well stumbling back upon his heretical ramblings game me the urge to listen to the polystyrene cement daemons and go where the fumes led me.

I've also made an utterly daft discovery the cheapest source for Daemons will be the Specialist Games warmaster range. They actually go for less than on Ebay. They are also far closer than the original Epic or any third party fantasy to what I want. So my current source plan is this;
Exodus Wars
Edenite Tanks-Chaos Vehicles Either Predators or lighter Daemon Engines
Micro Arts Games
Dark Elf Witches-Daemonettes
Beastmen-Beastmen and Minotaurs
Dystopian Wars
Daemon Engines mainly Artillery and Tzeentchian flyers.
Games Workshop Chaos Space Marines
Hawk Wargames
Dropzone Commander Post Human Republic Walkers-Slaanesh Knights
Games Workshop Specialist Games Range
Warmaster Daemons.
I might be heading to Warhammer World with the gaming club after Christmas if so I'll probably acquire an expensive lot of Warmaster Daemons before GW finally axes them completely.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I'm an idiot the Chaos horde sprue is still available on Ebay. Thats the cheapest source for both Daemons and CSM huh who'd have thunk it.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/11 19:36:51

Post by: Llamahead

I've got my own Christmas present eyed up. The Warmaster Greater Daemons are too much nicer than the old ones to pass up and the metal daemons will provide lots of variety along with several boxes of Chaos Hordes. I've got plenty of tanks between those brought for my Space Marine army and those brought for the Blood Axes (Ebay played up and I ended up with over a 100 Rhinos for about £20 during the summer). This'll either be Christmas money or a first pay day splurge when I find a new job. This could mean I don't need the Micro Arts or Exodus Wars models at all but frankly thats crazy talk. They'll be added for the next new job after (4 employers possibly 5 in a year I'm entitled to be cynical). The Dropzone Commander and Dystopian Wars models are of course still necessary as GW haven't re-released the Daemon Engines. I also genuinely prefer the alternatives. I may leave the Dropzone Commander models till last as the Scourge range if it receives a Walkers would provide a nice techno-abomination.

This segues nicely into my next subject. The Lord of Battle.

Models go for ridiculous prices on Ebay so I kitbashed one based upon the old 2nd Ed Ork Warbike. The CCW is a Pit Slave arm while I don't know the source of the Ray Gun. Both are led which is why it's based so oddly for balance. The head is the top from the Chaos Knight Standard. WW2 tank turrets were added for the Flamethrowers.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I need a hand I've been going through my Imperial units and found a bunch of models to bodge into this force. To make them look the part the best component would be the old Dark Eldar plastic spike you know the really stupid irritating ones. I'd like lots if anybody has any spare? I'll bung some bobbins back in trade of course. Its not this generation of Dark Eldar plastics its the previous one.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/13 21:19:59

Post by: Llamahead

Heh first of all a correction the Chaos Horde sprue is actually still available from GW direct. Now onto the fun stuff I've got a card worth of each of the three kinds of Chaos Cavalry painted up.

As you can see none of them are in the current Chaos Codex. I've also gone slightly mad(der) and converted some Imperial Terminators to Chaos. Oddly enough the spikes on the back are actually ships anchors. The use of Word Bearers is working nicely as they can ride any of the beasties so I get a coherent host.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/13 22:18:55

Post by: monkeytroll

Got to be honest - I can't see straight enougfh at the moment to look at all the stuff I've missed, but I do like where you're going with that Lord of Battle - and you're lucky you caught me in this state as I'll happily accept all the blame you want to throw my way

Following the fume gods is (nearly) always a good idea

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/14 18:20:18

Post by: Llamahead

Monkeytroll your right I've added some spikes bells and icons to take it away more from the Ork Warbike it once was. If you value your sanity don't convert Epic Infantry.
I don't. I've managed to stick it out in field archaeology through the last six years. If I valued sanity I'd've given it up years ago......
Here's the Chaos Raptors (Former Assault Marines who knew Ship Anchors were so effective at converting people to Chaos!)

Here's the Dark Apostle with his subtle basing.

I'm going to leave the Bikes until I get my hands on the Dark Eldar spikes.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/14 21:24:54

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Apparently you do not value your sanity, and it shows.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/14 23:32:54

Post by: Llamahead

Yeah well only the insane have strength to prosper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/14 23:32:54

Post by: Llamahead

Yeah well only the insane have strength to prosper. (and declare their insanity by double posting).

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/15 00:25:48

Post by: bigfish

Really like the tiny termi's

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/19 22:15:28

Post by: Llamahead

First of all I've got either a really old dreadnaught or stompa to use as a Supa-Stompa just a lovely classic model I knew would fit this role.

These crazed contraptions are Deathwheels a new unit for Epic Armageddon. I wasn't planning on making any as they are rather silly. But I was rummaging though my bitz and found a pair of old ork artillery wheels which I realised would be perfect. The body is sprue with a Beastman banner skull as the control centre. Weapons came from the Aoshima ship sprues while the engines were Heavy Bolter ammo boxes with flamer nozzles added. They are insanely fast units with a charge range of 60cm and the Death Roller rule which means they can just role over intervening units......Should be great fun.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/21 16:26:59

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

It's a really old Dreadnought.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/21 17:46:43

Post by: Llamahead

Thought so but on the base it's the right size and it's distinctive enough to work well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/22 15:11:35

Post by: Llamahead

Ebay's been good to me right before I realised how broke I was I won some Khornate forces, a bunch of Chaos Marines and a huge batch of the first edition guard. The basic troopers and ogryns of the first edition guard will stay here but the bikes and rough riders will eventually be added to some Exodus Wars Royal Empire Infantry and Guild tanks for an IG force. That'll be after I've got what I want for this lot.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/22 15:29:28

Post by: monkeytroll

Nothing wrong with converting Epic infantry - used to do a bit myself Great for making tiny dioramas on 25mm square bases too

Like the death wheels - so do my meks, they want one now

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2012/12/29 15:36:06

Post by: Llamahead

Did you ever see the Rackham Goblin mono-wheels utterly awesome sculpts sadly enough released just before Rackham went under.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/01/03 21:03:55

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The only mono wheel I remember is the GW one from RT or 2nd Ed, can't remember which, I just know it was around when I was playing the first time back in the day.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/01/04 12:36:51

Post by: Ragsta

Very funky mono wheels indeed! You are totally bonkers!

Any recent work you can share? I find it helps make me want to build more Orks!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/01/28 20:29:38

Post by: Llamahead

Signed the Word Bearers up to the Tale of Epic Gamers over on Tactical Command http://taccmd.tacticalwargames.net/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=24536 There's some great and amazingly detailed stuff over there. My January's pledge has been this basic Chaos Marine formation.

I've also hit on agreat way to Spike up Rhinos from a Bizarre source. In Traitors Hand there's a bit where Commissar Cain describes a Traitor Russ as having for some strange reason a bit of fence strapped to it. I decided to do the same. By using OO scale spear link fence I get rows of spikes which are easy to stick onto vehicles. The spear links look perfect as the traditional Chaos spikes.

This is just a bizarre bit of idiocy. I took a toy Pterasaur and a bit of a robot toy and bunged them together and got a Heldrake. It looks a bit dumb now and I'll probably replace it with a Dystopian league model but I'll see what it's like painted first.

Jihad Ragsta-I've painted up a bit more Epic Ork stuff but I haven't done aything really worth posting for a while.
Skalk Blood Axe-The monowheels are an Epic Armageddon addition I'm not sure they've ever been GW official but they have rules in both the Online versions of Epic

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/01/30 16:07:42

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I disagree, the Heldrake looks really good!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/01/30 22:58:21

Post by: Llamahead

I've had a fun day working out exactly what I've got painted for my Orks. This is as I've painted up all the already based stands. It's more than I thought. Bear in mind I speed paint like crazy and I've been out of work a lot of this year. However I was surprised when I realised I had over 39k points painted (using Support cards and bearing in mind over sixty stands are free). It works out as 17 Super Heavy Vehicles, 320 other vehicles, 84 Artillery pieces and 724 Infantry and Cavalry Stands. Highlights include a 75 vehicle Kult of Speed, 94 Battlewagons and over 460 basic Boy Stands which work out at well over 1800 boyz. 13 Weirdboyz are also ridiculous. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Bear in mind I've still got a bunch of Gargants & all my Micro Art models and plenty more Orks on sprue as well as Squiggoths. The annoying thing is I definitely need to paint up more Wildboyz, Boarboyz and Bikeboyz. I'm also going to paint up a Madboy as Wally for the next one.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/01/31 09:31:47

Post by: bigfish

That is so awesome. Them all together like that is just so cool, almost how i imagine an actuall waaargh looking on the battle field. just awesome. cant wait to see the other stuff you have in the piplines

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/01/31 17:56:11

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks its what makes Epic so good the sense of scale.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/01 16:17:45

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Not using hyperbole here... that is the most amazing and impressive Epic 40K layout I have seen and likely ever will. I even saved the pics to my 'Awesome' folder on my computer.

Just 'wow'. I am staggered.

*edit*- how long did it take you to set that up for the photos???

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/01 22:30:05

Post by: Llamahead

Almost all afternoon so a couple of hours. Well worth it though. I'm still embarassingly buzzed I knew I'd painted a lot but I hadn't fathomed out that it was that much.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/01 22:55:51

Post by: uk_crow

That's awesome! Can just imagine that being the view of some poor IG soldier on a fortress wall!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/03 09:52:11

Post by: Ragsta

I am joining the 'awesome' crowd - that is a fantastic sight! Well done, very well done indeed.


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/03 18:48:34

Post by: monkeytroll

Holy feth....that is a waaagh.

Good going Llama, that's a sight to behold.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/04 00:16:57

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks everybody had a great game on Saturday as well, 6000 pts so it lasted a while. Managed to even get a draw! It started extraordinarily well with the Evil Sunz wiping out some Predators and the Fighta Bommas managing to devestate and break an entire Battle Company. Turn 2 however involved the absolute devestation of the Evil Sunz and the mangling of the Goffs, fortunately the Fighta Bommas continued their superb form and broke the Land Raider Company as well. However I was 6 points from losing and there were two nasty unsrathed Warlords rampaging around. On turn three nothing much happened with the ony losses of note being some Freebootas who attracted the attention of a Warlord Titan. My surviving Goff boys hilariously wiped themselves out using their Super Stikkbomz (A Mekboy card in CC they can role 3D6 rather than 2D6 but if they role a double they die I managed to get 5 doubles). At this point my Mekboy Gargant had also been set rather catastrophically on fire. Next turn it was over. The next turn started well with some snap firing Lootas devestating a retreating veteran detachment. Then my Skullhammas finally brought down a Warhound after damaging the two which had been on their flank. The Bad Moonz and the Nob Warbikers then managed to kill enough Veteran to break that company and also enough Assault Marines to break the Battle Company somehow I'd managed to string out a draw.
This has led me to some conclusions Fighta-Bommas are awesome and that charging into the middle of a plain opposite a snap firing Warlord Titan is a bad idea they have a lot of firepower. I also could have done with more Titans. Tomorrow I should have some scenery to show and some Daemon Engines on a budget to reveal.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/04 12:03:56

Post by: Ragsta

Wow, my sophisticated suggestion of more gargants was actually viable!

Glad those Fighta Bommers have worked out well for you, Llama - sorry they didn't have bases though :(

It's shame you didn't take any in game shots, we want to see more pics of the horde after that last load!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/04 21:51:30

Post by: Llamahead

More Gargants is always a good idea. Ah don't worry about the bases I've got the ones I've used for my fleet. I'll try and get a photo battle report done at some point several more people are taking an interest at the society so there's going to be a t least 6 epic forces there which is great news. These include a good friend of mine whos got some stunning Epic 'Nids which should turn up soon.

As a treat for finishing all my based up Orks I painted up my Bolo. Rather than the Ork colour scheme he received a blue metal look like some of the Baen book covers. I was going for a Dinochrome bright shiny future look. The exact opposite of 40k in other words.

I've also been bodging up some terrain. These things are storage tanks made from plastic Shot Glasses (20 odd for a quid pound shop find) and some sprue with a cable tie ladder. Easy as can be. i'll avoid scale references while painting them and they can be used as stills for 40k and Necromunda as well.

I also amused the ladies in the haberdashery section of Atkinson's no end it can't be often they get a shabby young man buying beads and sequins.

These are Satellite Up-Link beacons based on the ones from Dawn of War 2. I'm planning to paint 10 blue and 10 red and along with the dormant ones we'll get to change the colours. I used the end of a cable tie (also good for 40k scale locks and door handles as the base and a tiny bead and sequin made the antennae they were then mounted on delicate spear shafts from my Zulus.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/05 18:34:59

Post by: Llamahead

I've got my second and third group of Daemon Engines converted. Part of the reason is that I received a bunh of free plastic battlewagons on Saturday and I need more Ork Battlewagons like I need a kick up the arse. My first group were some Cauldrons of Blood but I was spraying the day they were completed so they'll have to wait for paint to go on show (undercoated models do not good pictures make, created look good and painted ok undercoated will never show detail). These are both sets of the little Nurgle Engines although now I want a Plague Tower. I've got plans to kit bash Brass Scorpions and maybe Death Dealers and the Tower of Skulls. Silver Towers I'll take a bash at as well. For the Warp Tower I have an Exodus Wars model in mind while the Defilers, Cannons of Khorne, Doom Blasters, Doomwings and Firelord I have Dystopian Wars models in mind. While Knights of Slaanesh will be Post Human Republic walkers from Drop Zone Commander. For the Plague Tower I'll probably pick up a siege tower kit somewhere and bash it on from there. Talky bit over onto the models.

The Breaths of Nurgles or Nurgle's Oom-Pah-Pah band of Doom are based on Epic Rhinos, 40k gas cylinders and the musician bit from the skeleton kit (I got the regiment set with the Vampire Count Battalion box set I brought for the Beastmen years ago finally gave in and took them of the sprue I was planning to trade them but never got round to it). All my Daemon Engines will have a head to unify them mildly.

My Contagions of Nurgle are based on Skeleton legs for the throwing arms with hands and beads for the stone and throwing bit. A variety of vehicles provide the main chassis. They are also based on the theory that the prices these things go for on Ebay means I'll never actually buy the proper models.

One of the key inspirations for these was Skalks Death Guard blog. The flesh really ties the disparate components together and puts the Daemon into the engine as it were.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/06 00:04:23

Post by: Bruticus

I can't believe you made so many points of Orks and with only a couple of gargants... incredible commitment to a task!

Are you planning any mega-gargants?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/06 20:56:47

Post by: Llamahead

Well Bruticus, Part of it's being unemployed and having lots of free time, I'm also lucky enough to have a set up modelling desk. The other part is disiplined batch painting and really enjoying finishing models. I have four batches on the go at once and paint one colour on them all every now and again. If one batch is relatively close to finishing that usually encourages me to paint more times and get it done that day. 5-10 minutes every now and then on it really adds up. Another trick is I've used the support card costs to make the math easier the actual points total is probably nearer 35k when the company card discounts are applied, it was just too much hassle to work them out like that. I've got a Mega Gargant in the pipeline as well it's undercoated and it's on the blog.
On to what I came here to post. Squiggoths

Toy dinosaurs with card howdahs and gunz added. £2.99 for 12 suitable for Squiggoths 4 Pteranodons to use as Firelord/Helldrakes and 32 I'll make up something with possibly Daemon Engine Heads. Or 40k Dinosaur petting zoo. Originally I wasn't planning to add figures as I thought I needed more infantry. Yeeeaaaahhh they got some used as crew.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just finished this and I am really proud of it. It's my first brass scorpion. Simply put its just a Skeleton torso rejigged to be horizontal with knives for hands and rather than legs a traction engine made with watch part wheels and a Ground Zero Games gun has been added to the tail.

The watch parts will also be used to add circular saw arms to stuff.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/02/13 20:14:18

Post by: Llamahead

Got my Tale of Epic Gamers pledge detachments done.
Chaos Cultists

Beastman Warband

Net Epic still gets both of these. Still at least 40k got the Cultists back.

I also painted up these my Cauldrons of Blood.

Left to right we have an Ork Bonecruncha with an Imperial Guard Mortar & Chaos Warrior head topped of with a Corpse Cart torch, a T28 hull with Cadian Flamer spliced with Ork Battlewagon head topped of with the torch again and finally a WW2 self propelled gun bodged with an Ork Battlewagon with skull and nozzle. These are all tied together with the use of the Corpse Cart Torch. The colour scheme is designed to reresent Khornate Daemons made by Word Bearers. All my Daemon Engines will involve a scab red and there god colours.

I've also bodged together this its either a Tower of Skulls or a Blood Reaper.I haven't decided. Both involve wheeled towers with lots of guns which this does fine. It's based upon a Rawl plug with sprue and plasticard chassis. I'm less happy with this than the Blood Scorpion.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/01 23:18:56

Post by: Llamahead

This Silver Tower is a bodge job based on a glue lid and rawl plug. I had an utterly original idea for the ray beam. An eye surrounded by fire above a tower. My sculpting of the fire isn't great but hopefully it'll grow on me. I need another but I haven't finished the glue yet! The eyes odd it's actually the joint for a plaguebearer arm.

I've also finished my classic Bloodthirster and can't help but notice a twisted resemblance to Muttley

As well as that last Saturday I had my first game against somebody other than Matt. I was playing Tyranids and everything was going so well until my Gargant flukishly detonated in a single round breaking the previously un hurt Death skulls who were standing around it. Magazine hit started a fire which caused another magazine hit which killed it. Bugger.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/03 13:17:29

Post by: Llamahead

Played two more games of Epic on saturday. I go to a regular wargaming club and my pestering has paid off we now have at least 7 people with Epic forces. The force I used consisted of Stab-blasta II, My Gargant, didn't change the weapon fit so kept the name, an Evil Sun clan with loads of tanks, a Deathskull detachment with plenty of Lootas and a Blood Axe force with Kommando's and Stormboyz. The first game was against Guard. I lost mostly due to not focussing enough on killing the artillery. Highlights included the Blood Axes snapfire killing a Baneblade, Blood Axe Rhinos stopping the charge of a Reaver against the building and Stab-blasta's last turn rampage. Getting charged by the Reaver killing it with a pinch of his Stabba and then taking out a Shadowsword during the same turn. Mwee-hee-hee. After that I played Dark Angels. The next game basically involved my Orks getting shot to death outside of vehicles and being unable to hurt or charge effectively against Marines in buildings. Marines are a tough army to deal with as its hard for Orks to effectively counter-attack them as they have so many more activations than you. Both these games showed roblems in the list. Frankly the large mobs of Kommando's and Stormboyz weren't worth while in large numbers in this size of game. I needed some stuff to deal with Super Heavys and stuff in buildings. Scorchers and Bowelburnas will effectively deal with things in buildings and Stompas or Brainburstas will deal with the super heavys.

I've aso got this painted up.

It's the first Deathwheel. I've deliberately painted it as Undivided with iconography from each god. Thats as its an unassigned daemon-engine. My cuurrent thoughts for God colours are the traditional ones. So Red & Bronze for Khorne. Flesh and Pastels for Slaanesh. Blues and Purples for Tzeentch. Green and corroded metal for Nurgle.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/11 19:05:33

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I really enjoy going through your builds and finding the different parts you used to make them. It's like 'I Spy- Epic Version'.

Ever since I stumbled across your threads I have been impressed with your creativity and ingenuity to use what you have instead of focusing on how to get the newest - latest- greatest into your force. It is a lesson I've tried to emulate and aside from a massive run on Imperial Sector buildings for a while I've made a good run of it so far.

Always looking forward to seeing what comes next.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/11 19:23:26

Post by: Novelist47

holy shet now is that a proper epic army
love how you do all these originial conversions to make ur models, very good

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/11 20:13:49

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks Novelist472
Thanks Skalk it's a combination of budget, miserliness and the whims of the mystical lands of Ebay. I also really enjoy the modelling of these and it's just so satisfying to relise that a lid and some cardboard can make a jet fighter.It's just fun to play.

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I should also add I am an Englishman and a fan of William Heath Robinson.
Basically Englishman operating on his own in a shed on a shoe string create amazing inventions, Whittle and the Jet Engine for example, Newcomen and the Steam Engine, Trethithik and the first Railway Engine
When they get given a budget you end up with Railtrack .

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/12 19:57:35

Post by: Llamahead

A while ago I managed to win a junk lot of Epic Orks on Ebay in among all the random good stuff was two Slasher Gargants back and sides oddly enough without the front plate. In excitement about a new job (3 days work so new models are unlikely but far more possible than they seemed last week) I decided to bodge one together. I'd also realised I lacked one of the Gargant types, a Steam Gargant, so one of these hulls became Smokey Joe. The steamworks on the back come from the warbuggy kit with rawl plug and straw chimneys. The head is a Beastman banner. The Soopa Blaster Kannon is a pipe with some cable ties used to provide superstructure. Card was used to replace the missing armour. The Blasta Kannon is simpler an Ork Gargant weapon while the Big Choppa comprises another warbuggy engine bit and a Space Crusade Ork Gun. It's a little light for a Gargant weapon but appropriately old skool for Snakebites.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/17 21:10:11

Post by: Llamahead

In a state of insanity brought on by sleep deprivation, exhaustion and heavy lifting me and 3 mates made the plunge into Dystopian Legions I picked the Prussians and am still onsidering how to paint them. Dark Red will not be involved and weathering will. Helped out at this years student nationals mostly as a grunt moving tables about but also providing Epic scenery and models for the Geek of Steel. Good event but knackering

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/18 21:07:36

Post by: monkeytroll

Love the look of Smokey Joe there And you just reminded the mek's about the deathwheel.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/19 19:00:31

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers. Death Wheels are just gloriously chaotic and very very silly.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and by the way any advice on painting moustaches?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/22 16:44:47

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Gargant is looking excellent. Another bash that works well and will be a fine addition to you 1,000,000 point force. Ha.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/22 20:54:15

Post by: Llamahead

It's only about 40 or 50k actually. At that point I realised it was too silly and moved onto Chaos and painting the stuff I aquired.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/24 20:27:11

Post by: Llamahead

New minion of Tzeentch just a familiar I can use as a Daemon Prince or Magus.

Nice and simple easy does it.

Something more exciting. I've got the Prussians assembled this is £42 worth with the rulebook dice and a measuring thingy. Seems mildly pricey.

Now look at the size these are about the size of Britains toy soldiers and far bigger than any of their competitiors irritating if you want to use them for counts as and merge scenery. Great for large scale skirmishes. The Teutonic Knights which are the big guys also sell as a pack of three for £24 or £3 less than GW's troll kit for bigger models. The value now looks far better.

I like these and prefer them to Privateer Presses models. They are certainly on par with the old GW guard models. Each of the Prussians is a unique sculpt and they combine well to form a cohesive force. The Teutonic knights are multi-part hybrid kits and easy to put into a variety of poses.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/26 19:18:20

Post by: monkeytroll

Hmm, now the teutonic knights look like they might be useful.......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/27 20:50:49

Post by: Llamahead

The Spartan games stuff would make intriguing Ork vehicles. The FSA Treadbikes and Blazing Sun Jetbikes would be right up your street. Bear in mind though that the core body is a one-pose resin piece not that that'll matter to you.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/27 20:58:20

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Wow. It looks pretty big compared to that Ogryn and Troll. Is it big enough to be a 'counts as" Dreadnought?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/03/29 09:42:01

Post by: Llamahead

Heights ok but its about half the width although bulk out the shoulders and it might work. Obliterators or a Daemon Prince might work as well

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/01 21:38:17

Post by: Llamahead

Post got eaten twice new models going up here. http://www.tacticalwargames.net/taccmd/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=24536

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/02 18:51:34

Post by: Llamahead

Ok let's try this again. Over the Easter weekend I did a bit of painting.

Just a chaosified Land Raider Squadron I've got a ffull company to convert literally and philosophically to the cause.

I also finished the 2nd Deathwheel

Which gives me a pair.

I also decided to have some fun with bits and created some Khornate Daemon Engines including two new Brass Scorpions and a trio of Death Dealers.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/02 19:30:32

Post by: inmygravenimage

Ah so this is where you've been hiding! Cool stuff, great battlewagons there.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/05 20:41:40

Post by: Llamahead

Thats what I've got done for the Chaos lads. I'm just about to finish Androids and Terminators as well. I also slipped and managed to win another pair of plastic Warlord kits on Ebay. Current plan is to do them as a Nurgle and Tzeentch titan. Zappy nastiness for the Tzeentch guy and giant chemical weapons missiles for the Nurgle Bloke.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/06 18:32:34

Post by: Llamahead

Got the Terminators and Androids done.

Chaos Androids pre-date Necrons by about a decade I believe they were Space Crusade troops. I decided to go for a skeletal look to make them obviously not Necrons. They are hilarious in Net Epic each turn you dice off with your opponent and the winner gets to give them orders. I've also realised I've got a usable 4000pt list painted up. I painted 6 stands in a mildly Tzeentchian colour scheme of Word Bearer dark red with Midnight Blue details so I have the Thousand Sons Century done. I have a nifty Daemon Prince and lots of Disc Riders. Irritatingly for Khorne I lack the basic troopers, Bloodletters and Berzerkers to make a decent force. That'll have to wait until after my OU exam in June when I'll have earned them regardless........

I've also got my Wildboyz done.

These include lots of the Microworld Ork ladz which scale perfectly and give some much needed anarchy among the ranks. They paint up nicely and where great value. I'll definitely be ordering more stuff from them at some point. http://www.microworldgames.com/ I have a large order of Beastmen earmarked along with some of the Dark Elf stuff for my Chaos although that'll wait until after their Evil Men range come out as I'm sure some o them will be useful.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/06 23:47:28

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

This thread just staggers me. Between your Orks and your Chaos I'm amazed you have time for your other projects, and your collection is making me disgusted w/ myself for the envy and jealously I feel.

I checked the link you posted. It's nice to see your working getting the attention that it doesn't get on Dakka.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/20 11:27:33

Post by: Llamahead

I was feeling the same about your Necromunda Haul
I've been without Internet for two weeks and the paintings gone well. But first of all a confession these were going cheap on E-bay and I got the two packs for about the retail price of one.

They're both from Dystopian Wars the top ones being French Marteau class Bombards and the bottom ones being Polish-Lithuainian Burza Class Bombards. They'll be Cannons of Khorne and Doomblasters respectively.

I've also got some Khornate Daemon Engines painted. My Brass Scorpions are ready to be unleashed

As well as that I've got some Flesh Hounds done.

Beyond the Khornate stuff I've painted some Nurgle stuff.

The flesh on both the Rhinos and Breath of Nurgle Daemon engines was an idea stolen from Skalk.

Finally for the Chaos stuff I've got a Daemon Horde finished of I've been painting odds and sods towards it for ages.

The last thing for Epic is an Ork Supa Kannon based on a Pendraken 10mm Flak 88mm.

I've also got two of the Prussians painted. I've gone for a Dark Blue Grey with Midnight Blue detail scheme to get a half way house between the ornacy of the Napoleonic and austere World War One gear. The guns were painted bright and shiny as befits steam punk gear.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/20 16:56:58

Post by: inmygravenimage

Dystopian wars are sooooo purty

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/20 18:40:09

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks they're bigger figures and seem to paint easier. The temptation is now rising though a Prussian Naval and Land box are calling their siren song. However it's the chaos order I've been promising myself since last year and possibly a final Warlord to finish the God Squad.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/20 19:34:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well you can always get my dwarven fleet off me to convert if you'd rather

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/21 08:56:15

Post by: Llamahead

Hmmm already done a Shroud Mage fleet and that was a lot of fun...

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/21 11:07:32

Post by: inmygravenimage

Well I have a dwarf fleet, cards and custom cut foam tray + case, and I'm certainly looking to shift it, so pm if interested me, I'll send you a list - yours for a steal of a reasonable offer

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/21 14:46:24

Post by: Llamahead

Sorry I'm not really that interested thinking about it, it just wouldn't really tie in with any of my forces and I have plenty of models to be getting on with.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Got my Officer and another Grenadier finished this weekend.

Yes they look pretty grubby but I can't imagine any battlefield let alone one of the steam powered Sturginium age being clean. I've stuck with the shades of grey and blue scheme with bronze as a bit of contrast. The Lieutenant received an Indigo coat made from mixing Midnight Blue and Purple. I'm enjoying these as the slightly larger scale means bigger details. They also aren't fussy without all the gothic bling 40k has which makes them simpler to paint.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/23 21:18:12

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Nice haul on those resin vehicles. They look really decent. How does the scale match up w/ the rest of your stuff?

Also, nice job on those Brass Scorpions and Nurgle Rhinos . I like the variety in your conversions. They exemplify the fickle and unpredictable winds of Chaos.

And finally, congrats on getting that Horde done. Tiny fiddly annoying things! I still have not painted mine.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/24 17:43:33

Post by: Llamahead

Sticking 10 or so of them onto plant labels from the garden does make painting them much easier. It replaces the sprue for painting. I'll definitely do a scale shot at some point on those resin vehicles as well but they're roughly the same size as the newer plastic Land Raider which is exactly the rough size I wanted anyway.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/25 20:55:49

Post by: Llamahead

I've been looking at the Prussians for Dystopian Wars and wondering. The main thing putting me off is a lack of Infantry in the game. I then realised Baccus does a 6mm Prussian army which with Prussian Vehicles could work rather nicely as a 6mm Guard force. Hmm to be contemplated seriously.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/27 09:58:35

Post by: Llamahead

Painting up my first Teutonic Knight I had a go at free handing some Iron crosses and it worked abysmally so I'm now looking for a transfer sheet to print. Bugger it just realised what I want is the Luftwaffe symbol going to google it now.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/28 10:24:16

Post by: Llamahead

Ok technically it's the Maltese Cross I'll acquire a bunch and add to the Teutonic Knights at some point. On other sorts I had my first game with the Chaos force. A 4000 pt match up against Eldar. Mostly it involved being shot at although the Deathwheel taking out the Bright Stallions and the Juggernaughts brawl with the Avatar were favourites. The detachment of 5 charged it and the last one brung it down after he'd slaughtered the first dozen. Unfortunately I just didn't have the firepower to do the damage with poor deployment of the Brass Scorpions being crucial. The Tempests on his side were excellent while my Beastmen and Minotaurs were poor in the final Close combat phase. Another key mistake was charging the Bloodthirster at the Tempests rather than the Harlequins on an objective. Snapfire from the Tempests slaughtered him. Originally I'd decided to charge the Harlequins but as they weren't worth any victory points changed my mind to hit the Tempests. The other factor which lost me the game was having nothing to deal with his Phantom Titans outside of Close Combat. Inside of Close Combat both the Deathwheels and the Bloodthirster had a fair chance.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/29 14:23:42

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Sounds like a brutal fight. I think the next game I introduce my friend to is Epic. It's been way too long since I've played it (like... '97 maybe?)

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/29 21:26:38

Post by: Llamahead

Definitely it's a great game. The Net Epic rules are probably the best place to start http://www.netepic.org/ that's as they've sensibly updated the Space Marine rules making things gel better and adding rules for new-fangled notions like Tau........
We'll start with the most dull update. A Prussian Fusilier

Next we move on to my response to the last game. A Lord of Battles painted up

Finally we move on to the best bit the first Teutonic Knight painted up. All it requires is some Maltese Cross transfers which are still to be scrounged.

Actually it might be worth your while looking at Spartan Games products Dystopian Wars and Firestorm Planetfall both have a similar scale and sweep to them and are living games which might make them preferable.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Llamahead wrote:
Aeronautica Imperialis is one of my favourite GW games however the fact it and the models are exclusively produced by Forgeworld makes it fairly dear for a game I won't be playing regularly. Then I encountered the free Solid State Air War kit Dave Graffam games was putting out. At roughly £3 for a game and 2 kits I realised I had to give it a go and as it was scaled reasonably for Aeronautica I could kill 2 birds with one stone. The first kit I assembled was the Tigress. Here it is when I photographed it

The small size of the kit makes it rather fiddly. After finishing it I realised that by using the more gracile Interceptor as a Fighta I could turn this craft into a Fighta Bomma. Looking at the official model I realised this required a few more details specifically some Bombs and a rear turret which I added using Mortars and plasticard respectively. I then painted it to fit with my Dethskulls so predominantly Blue with a Flame motif.

After starting to paint this model I realised that the intakes were best made 3D using a hole punch rivet while the Cockpit which was the trickiest part of the kit could be easily replaced with some sculpted sprue both of which improvements I've used on my second craft an Interceptor. I haven't played the game yet but the best fact is that the dice tell you what the result means saving a lot of looking at tables which is a nifty idea......

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/30 16:57:24

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The Lord of Battle looks great! And once again I enjoyed playing 'I Spy" with the different bits you used. You are the King of Kitbash!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/04/30 19:34:21

Post by: Llamahead

Everything was going so well until I turned up on Dakka and read GW's latest plan. Axeing Specialist Games is a pain in the arse for me, fortunately nothing I want will be that rare or popular but I'll be making my last GW order through Wargames Emporium for the foreseeable future and the chances of me buying anything from Forgeworld has plummeted. Sad that.

On to better news oddly enough mainly involving Spartan Games

I've got the Vierling Gunner finished.

I've almost got the box set finished.

I've also got scale shots of my Chaosified Artillery

Thanks Skalk and rather than trying your friend on Epic I think you might be better of with one of Spartan Games products.

To make things even more expensive I won a rather impressive lot on Ebay which should be winging its way towards me.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/01 17:10:43

Post by: Llamahead

Finished of this.
Verum Irae, Truth of Wrath. Khornes follower among the Verum Consumptis, The Truth Bringers my Chaos Titan Legion.

Also got my Birthday present on order a month earlier than I planned.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/02 14:04:19

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Thanks for the scale ref. Right now I have a lot of Space Marine, Ork, and Chaos (3 sets, 3 sets, 1 set) models from forever ago. I'd like to get into Epic later this year. Right now everything is Necromunda but Epic (or Blood Bowl) .

Your Titan is another great example of your vision for Chaos. Every model you create is unique and displays a creativity that doesn't come from a box.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/02 21:58:51

Post by: Llamahead

Fair enough mate. It's great to be working at different scales and it really encourages army painting. However with the Specialist Games range going Chaos is going to be a pig to get hold of. The key box is only really available from GW and rarely turns up on Ebay however Orks and regular Space Marines are easy to get hold off I just add spikes to tell you the truth. Painted yesterday Verum Irae then had his head bitten of by a Bio-Titan after his reactor was almost criticaled and he was mind controlled. The rest didn't go at all well as well. Easy win for the Tyranids.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/03 18:18:48

Post by: Llamahead

Got a few things done today.
Heres the Fusilier.

I've also got the Contagion Engines done as well might roll out the Nurgle forces next time I play Chaos. Although I still don't own any Nurgle Daemons although I've got some on order and a few from the magical land of Ebay to come in.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/05 17:47:18

Post by: Llamahead

The glorious leader of my Prussian band. He hav vays of making you talk....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/05 19:40:56

Post by: inmygravenimage

Looking good! Have you tried brushing on quickshade dark tone? Adds a lot of depth and varnishes simultaneously.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/12 16:18:53

Post by: monkeytroll

Interesting kit-bashes as usual

Those Burza class Bombards look very nice, reckon they'll make some lovely track units for some poor boyz who have lost their lower limbs.....

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/12 19:44:57

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The Contagion Engines are excellent.

Your thread has inspired me to at least dig out my stuff. I'll take pics and share them w/ you soon.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/14 19:28:37

Post by: Llamahead

That means it's time to PARRTTYY with some Goffik Rok

I've also got a Gargant done

My Chaos has also seen some reinforcements

The tanks are my old Imperial tanks with extra spikes and skull racks made using the fence post and small beads.

As well as that I've got my Prussians finished with the final Fusilier the Sergeant and the Armsman all done.

I've also got my first games in my Armsmen are monsters in close combat and shooting as you'd expect generally their rampaging on their own after the rest of the force is dead. It's worth noting though Dystopian Legions is not a Skirmish game its a battle game. To be honest the mechanics are arguably more suited to larger games than we're playing at the moment but it's certainly fun.

I also have my birthday present to myself brought it's in boxes and I won't start till play till it's time. The GW end to specialist games meant my planned order had to be earlier. Oddly enough I've only made 3 real mail orders and two of them were for Specialist Games and the last one was to take advantage of the bit service. To keep me amused until June I was slightly extravagant on Ebay and brought the Primarchs all of them (weeeelllll with a spare Magnus the Red) at a relatively reasonable price.

Oh by the way Duelling between them Magnus wins as he has by far the best reactive shooting.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/14 20:00:38

Post by: inmygravenimage

Wowser! That's some haul. And I love gargant, although I thought Orks were appendage-less?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/14 21:42:27

Post by: Llamahead

He's not pleased to see you it's a gun in his pocket. Yep that haul was excellent it also included 5 of the metal Slaanesh Daemons including a tiny Keeper of Secrets and two sprues for the sum of £35 including postage. It also means I own three generations of Keeper of Secrets (two versions of the Epic one and the Warmaster one and they've definitely been suffering from inflation over the years.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/16 23:04:53

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

 inmygravenimage wrote:
Wowser! That's some haul. And I love gargant, although I thought Orks were appendage-less?

It doesn't look so... 'appendage' on the original model:


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/20 18:32:49

Post by: Llamahead

Yeah. uh part of that is it was part of an Ebay junk lot and I only got three of the official parts equally it was enough for the pair. The sides and back are the original kit but the card front on this, Smokey Joe and the Great Gargant here which also lacked a front plate was to get the most use out of them. Incidentally why are Ork Gargant front plates so often missing it was the same bit from three of them doesn't quite make sense. Anyway I went to Triples this weekend and my imaginary friend and the voices in my head got me some nice birthday presents which'll have to wait and you'll have to wait till I can officially play with them. There is a method to the madness I expect to get some money for my birthday but Triples is just a great opportunity to look and buy while saving the postage. The highlights to me were of course Ground Zero Games and Dark Realm Miniatures where I indulged. The three other stands which had the nicest stuff were Hawk Wargames, Antenociti's Workshop and Black Scorpion. Hawk Wargames Dropzone Commander sculpts are gorgeous Resin models and look absolutely beautiful seeing them in the flech mean I want to use the large Shaltari Walkers for something probably Slaanesh Titans and I'm hoping for small walkers for them on the way no plans in the pipeline yet. Antenociti's Workshop has one of the most interesting ranges of Resin vehicles for 28mm bar none the futuristic sports car was especially exciting as I haven't seen a nice one by anybody else. I wants one I do's.....Hmm Inquisition transport? The other vehicles have a nice future tech rather than WW2 gothic vibe ging on and are well worth a look. Black Scorpion are a tiny manufacturer of really nice models I've got several of them in the Conclave of Hrin and my gallery and they've done a Skaven Bloodbowl team which might be good for the Nationals. If a wargaming like Convention is within easy distance of you do try and get there. Seeing models in the flesh is so much more real than seeing them on the website. The only disappointment was Exodus Wars who said they'd be there not making it which is a shame as I'd have liked to see the size of a few of there tanks before I make an order for an IG army. But enough of my wittering here's what your here to see more Gargants with protruding appendages.......

Yes two of these have Snappers mostly because I play Net Epic and can. These have been produced as rewards for getting stuff done. I've also got some painting done

Not as happy with the Deathdealers as the Brass Scorpions or the Cauldron of Blood but these are usable.The Marteau bombards as Cannons of Khorne have come out really well even if I do say so myself.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/21 21:34:34

Post by: Ragsta

Hot DAMN this is more like it - your Orks needed some serious Gargant reinforcements and now they're getting them! I wish I hadn't flogged mine - I'd have loved to send them to you, mate.

Everything looks very good as always - still waiting for a battle report from ya though ;P

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/22 21:24:29

Post by: Llamahead

I'll admit Jihad Ragsta part of me's glad you didn't this way I got to bodge the blighters myself and individualising Gargants is one of the true pleasures of Epic Orks,

I've finished painting the first of the Primarchs, Magnus the Red, the ability of his shooting makes him a really useful Primarch he's got one of the most effective none titan anti-titan weapons in the list and hits on 2's guaranteeing a role of a 1!

I've also got the Doomblasters done.

These are Hunter-AA Vehicles its the Flak Rhino created for Epic Armageddon. These however are conversions. The weapon is a triple torpedo turret from the Aoshima naval weapons sprue with a plastistruct turret bodge based upon a hole-punched disc, a hexagonal piece and a triangle piece which I think looks effective and is a lot cheaper than buying them either new or on Ebay.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/30 18:39:21

Post by: Llamahead

First of all some terrain. An utterly crude landing pad. Cheap as Pizza the most expensive part of it was the Milliput. I've got another 4 done and they should make up a fun space port table.

Basing and painting should cover up a multitude of sins and the idea is to resemble a crude crumbling pad at a small Mediterranean airport.

Painting wise I've got some old Slaaneshi Daemons the oldest of the Small scale Keeper of Secrets and 4 old Daemonettes. The stockings on the Keeper of Seret amuse me and the masculine faces on the Daemonettes make them much scarier.

I've also got a pair of Silver Towers done up based on glue lids I'm fairly happy with them although the blue flames on top look more like Anemones than blue hell fire.

The last thing I've been up to involves Aoshima ship bits with some Mammoth tanks and Predators. The Predators are one E40k metal and a pair of Rhinos with added Aoshima weaponry.

The Mammoths have been painted differently. They are part of the Imperial Guard PDF list which I've decided to use for this force as bits like the Warriors and Cyber Berzerkers just fit nicely. They were T35 tanks which I decided were too small for Ork Gunwagons and would fit better in here. The Mammoth tank is an ideal representation.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/30 21:06:04

Post by: CommissarKhaine

Ooh tiny stuff. It's been a while since I dropped by, love what you're doing here!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/05/31 18:10:08

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot Commissar Khaine.
Excellent news it turns out that Wessex Archaeology has decided to give me a birthday present and I'm of to Perth. Unfortunately it means my plan of a big post then to discuss all my new toys is out of the question I'll have to do it this weekend. Ah well means I get to play with new toys early and incidentally means I might be able to fund Troublemaker Games 6mm kickstarter.......http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/6mm-scale-armies

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/01 17:14:30

Post by: Llamahead

Well my Birthday's on Monday but as I'm being a good boy and sodding of to Perth to start a new job (4;30 Friday Afternoon can you start a job for us? Sure where? Perth. Uhhhh. We'll pay accommodation. Great When? We'll get back to you. 5;10 another bloke, Monday..... bear in mind Perth is 5/6 hours drive or train from Sheffield and I have an exam in Sheffield week after next and shenanigans are sure to ensue. I'm taking the train it'll cost me about the same to drive and it's far more civilised. Equally it's only for three weeks up in Perth the money will be good with overtime and weekend work and it beats being out of work. It's also Archaeology work with a unit that has a Sheffield office although whether i'm actually working for them I don't know we'll see when my contract catches up to me. I'll be working away from home for a while though although accommodation is provided. This doesn't affect you at all except for the fact it means I get to show of my Birthday presents early.

I've got another 9 of the Chaos sprue it's the current one and I ordered it before the plug was pulled. The blisters are from Warmaster and are Horrors of Tzeentch, a Great Unclean One, a Keeper of Secrets and a Lord of Change. These were pricey but lovely models.

I then had a spree at Triples with the Ground Zero Games and Dark Realm Miniatures stand.

This is a scale shot showing all the types of model I picked up.

Basically I focussed on getting the Daemon Cavalry units which weren't on the sprues (Fiends and Beasts of Nurgle) and got some fun stuff.

These Dark Realm Defender Critters and will work nicely for Fiends. Maybe they're a bit small but that'll be fine.

These Ground Zero Games alien beasts are earmarked as Beasts of Nurgle. I really like them and they were one of the main reasons I went as I'd earmarked them for this use before I went. These were both planned purchases along with Exodus Wars Zombies sadly thwarted by the lack of Exodus Wars.

My more impulsey buys were these three thingies.

These Malcore Beasts from Dark Realm Miniatures are my Chaos Spawn models and are nice chunky pieces with a great gribble factor. Seeing them in the flesh made me realise they'd be perfect for Spawny goodness.

I picked up a pair of these Castellans they are big and imposing pieces of metal. Sadly one of these was mid badly miscast, not the worst miscast I've ever seen certainly but if I'd still been at the show when I'd spotted it and wasn't looking for excuses to convert them I'd have asked for a replacement. Basically there is no detail on the rear track and as I wasn't brought up on finecast it bothers me. I'd still use the company again and I'd recommend them happily to other people I just thought it was worth mentioning. Irritating as other than that they are lovely mega siege guns with a nice She-Va vibe. These will be Spikeified and most likely Skullinated which will make them look like Decimators the Undivided super heavy Shadowsword equivalent.

These Ground Zero Games Spider Drones (in 15mm) were the real find. Seeing them in real life made me realise they'd make a perfect chassis for the Defiler a key vehicle in current 40k which post dates them making Epic Chaos models. Incidentally a lot of new vehicles have better representations in Epic than you'd think the Wraith Monster resembles a lot of Epic Knights (am I the only one whos sulking that it wasn't a Bright Stallion someone has to do it. At £3 for 3 I'm probably going to be picking up many more of these. They could also be a possible basis for a Slaaneshi knight with a suitable torso maybe from a Skeleton or a Dark Eldar if that looks to close to the Brass Scorpions I've made. I've got six at the moment but I have delusions of grandeur and frankly it allows me to skive of the worst of the fiddliness in Defiler creation.

Long term plans for this force mwwweeeeehheeeehheee. At least one more Warlord to complete the god squad and possibly supporting titans. Probably Exodus Wars Behemoths although other options are possible. Flyers and some more Dystopian Wars vehicles are also desired (I need more Death Dealers and I'd like some Blood Reapers and more Towers of Skulls). I also want to add a large order of Beastmen from Microworld Games but I'll wait until their Dark Alliance (Chaos Warriors (technically GW couldn't object as A) they've never made them in 6mm B) it's from Micheal Moorcock any old how) are realised. I've also got a hankering to have the models to use a possessed PDF list which might really start including obscure stuff (Angel Barracks Civilians although the long scarf bloke is becoming an Inquisitor). The rational behind adding Guard to the Chaos forces is that I've already got a Mammoth company which an't be fielded without using the PDF list and also want to field Predator companies which for some reason aren't options for either Imperial or Chaos Marines. This is probably a legacy of Net Epics early Rogue Trader and 2nd Ed routes. They also get Land Speeder companies as the profile doesn't change between lists they can be hired as allies sensibly enough. I'm also hoping to create several Epic Battlefields as I enjoy making coarse and crude terrain and 6mm stuff can be stored easily. The current project is a Space Port to add to my Cardstock city and after that some Industrial bobbins and mines and maybe some quarries.

My Orks don't need anything at all. EVER. Remember I had roughly 40,000 points painted and I have another 8 gargants to paint. Since then I've painted a lot more. This plan may be scuppered by the new 6mm plastics Troublemaker Games are producing especially with those brilliant bikers. Fortunately the voices in my head have told me they might not be Orks at all and don't count........I mean unnamed alien scavenger barbarians with a slave race are obviously something else right? Another factor is more guardsmen definitely won't hurt the PDF list and I'll definitely require Chimera proxies. I'd prefer them to be split onto separate sprues but that's not an option. Swapping with mates always is. Thinking about it I might have a play with more BFG ships and finally make the Space Hulk in the grim distance of the far future.

Dystopian Legions will probably do quite well out of the new job. I really like the Sturmwagen and they get an Igor I mean how cool is that? I'm going to hold off on this for quite a while however certainly until after pay day as my birthday feels hugely extravagant and the kickstarter ends at the end of June.

I'm also going to become far more time poor (I have periods when I'm time rich and money poor and periods when I'm money rich and time poor. You'll never be rich in both so make the best of both periods.) This means my painting will slow down and I don't feel that Epic is a good thing to take on away work painting. Yes I take toy soldiers with me to paint when I'm on long term away work contracts especially if I'm away over weekends (it may drive away some women but never the ones I've been actually attracted to myself oddly enough and most colleagues will find something to take the mick of anyway and a bit of bickering in good sports rather fun). Models I'm planning to paint as individuals are the best as these take more time to paint and weigh less they also have far more variety. Epic isn't good for this as I basically speed paint it and I'm worried that I'll probably lose some of the models and neithers anything I'm going to heavily batch paint.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/01 17:58:46

Post by: inmygravenimage

All the best people are born in June mate and if you can swing by Glasgow then a beer - or a game - might just be in order!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/01 19:46:14

Post by: Llamahead

Wish I could sadly I'll be working long hours and its only a short project then I'm going somewhere else. They'll probably tell me where at about 5 on a Friday as well. Given I actually applied for either Salisbury or Rochester on the basis of why not if they had away work it'd be fine I don't have a clue which part of the British Isles it will be. Which is part of the fun. I take it either you, your missus or one of the kids is a June birthday if so wish them many happy returns from me.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/01 20:00:36

Post by: inmygravenimage

Me; bummer that you won't be about!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/01 21:34:57

Post by: Llamahead

Happy birthday, maybe another time I never quite know where I'll be but if I'm in that part of the world I'll be sure to let you know.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/02 20:11:26

Post by: Llamahead

The Landing Pads been painted up crude but effective just the way I like it. 4 more to go.

I've also got a second company of the Aoshima pattern Predators done a nice simple way to easily kitbash Predators needs Spikeifying however

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/09 21:46:59

Post by: Llamahead

Down from Perth for the course exam at the middle of the week. Been playing with models instead of revising mostly.

The Warmaster Daemons are big perfect for Heralds. I left the Lord of Change as is. The Keeper of Secrets got a weapons swap for a pair of Dirz Scimitars while the Great Unclean One received a book and scythe. Mega Spray Paint day tomorrow. I also slipped up on my projects plan a week after posting them. Wargames Emporium had some Foundry Urban War Zulus which I nabbed for the 24th Islandlwanda.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/10 21:49:34

Post by: Llamahead

http://dieselpunks.blogspot.co.uk/search?updated-max=2013-01-01T01:30:00-08:00&max-results=7&start=154&by-date=false has some interesting piccies. Exam tomorrow spent today hunting down my paper driving license. My sister found it in Suffolk but fortunately a scan will do. This is after sending a copy of my earlier driving license to the company. Only time you ever need them as well. Found myself unusually greatful to have a sibling she may have finally been useful for once..... . Getting a Gargant finished tonight and I'll have the final landing pad done as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/14 15:30:35

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

How many porters do you hire when you move your army around?

Every time I read your updates I'm amazed with the creativity and use of available resources. Yes you are buy new stuff, but the conversions you make are excellent and remind me of my own bitz box sometimes.

Good news on my end- my Necromunda partner is interested in Epic and Blood Bowl! I'll keep you updated.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/14 21:16:34

Post by: Llamahead

Pah I just own a van. A little one even by European standards but it can carry my tool load and clothes for a month or so and it could certainly fit my entire Epic collection. After that it's all in little screw sorters I get for a quid each makes keeping it sorted and carrying it easier. 1 compartment per formation.
I feel the same way when I look at your scenery.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/21 13:21:53

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

 Llamahead wrote:
I feel the same way when I look at your scenery.


Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/21 18:23:05

Post by: Llamahead

After 3 weeks in gorgeously sunny Perth in Scotland the powers that be at work have in their glorious wisdom decided to send me to Somerset. The exact opposite end of the country. I have however used my ill-gotten games to acquire a 4th Warlord to finish of the God Squad and back Troublemaker games campaign. I'm £1 of the £8000 reward as well. Hmmmmmm.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/22 21:14:16

Post by: Llamahead

Got the Decimators finished.

The head on the right one is an odd use of parts its a Chaos Warrior Shoulder Pad of all things.

This fellas the star. Spent most of the day hurrying up and doing nothing.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forth_Bridge Went over this recently all 6.5 million rivets of it. Over a century old and still going strong.

Thought it might inspire certain crazed riveters.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/23 21:33:26

Post by: Llamahead

This is one of my kitbashed Battlefortresses. When I realised I had an insane number of Ork Vehicles I decided to bash a few together to create some Super Heavies. This one particularly pleases me as I imagined looting one of these as the key dream of my first Ork Warboss Snikpanzee Skumdakka who led a Kult of Speed before Assault on Black Reach made amass infantry horde affordable and I could reate my Deffskull army.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/28 12:43:40

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

*intentionally ignoring the bridge*

The Battlefortress is excellent. Looted rigs bashed in wif a hammer an' lotz of loud shooty stuff.

An' red wuns go fasta.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/28 17:14:05

Post by: rustproof

Such cute little super heavys.. nice work.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/28 19:35:16

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks Rustproof. The Forth Rail Bridge shouldn't be ignored it's the pinnacle of 19th century British engineering at the time certainly the best in the world. Even now it's working life will be longer than the road bridge built 70 years later. The road bridge didn't contain near enough rivets obviously.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/06/30 20:12:55

Post by: Llamahead

Horrors are the one traditional iconic Daemon type that didn't get onto the plastic Chaos Sprues. I therefore picked up the Warmaster pack. This has been broken down into 10 bases worth giving me 2 formations. However upon reading the rules I reaised I needed blue horrors. The obvious answer painting basic ork boyz blue didn't seem right and too much of a cop out and the suggested conversion of the Plaguebearer model would require me to get enough Plaguebearers unlikely to say the least. Fortunately I was in the late night lack of coffee requiring sleep madness place. A solution presented itself. Glue gun glue looked sort of tendrilly and oozy paint it blue and bam a blue horror metamorphosing and stuff. Fortunately I created them before sanity regained control. After painting them up I can honestly say that it'll work at epic scale and distance although a good replacement would tempt me.....

I was inspired by somebody who'd made complete flamers for 40k based upon this method with an armature can't remember precisely where but it certainly worked.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/05 19:39:45

Post by: Llamahead

Latest job going well although having to drive around Birmingham twice a week is a nuisance had a really nice surprise though 4 Warhounds and 2 Reaver titans are mine........

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/07 20:35:01

Post by: Llamahead

Ok weekend of utter geekiness even by my standards. After breaking down and collapsing on Friday night (5 hour long drive mostly due to traffic around Birmingham) I woke up early on Saturday morning. about midday I headed up to York and brought some paint from Boyes (Vallejo at £1.75 a pot yes please......) I bumped into a friend and had a quick half at random chatting mostly about oldhammer. Mentioned Net Epic and will attempt to lure him into it at some point. Then I headed to the main attraction the Great Gathering at the National Railway Museum. The 6 A4 Pacifics were naturally the stars although if your interested in Victoriana and Steam Punk its well worth a visit. Some really interesting examples of rust and decay as well I might put up at some point. Sadly I only managed to get into the cab of Dominion of Canada and as the place was infested with people taking pictures I couldn't get any decent shots myself. However your not really interested in that. Painting wise I got several sprues of infantry painted but none based nor any formations finished. That'll be a gradual grind. Excellent news on the Ebay front however this weekend I've parted with a ridiculous amount of cash and am now the proud owner of 10 new Titans. I have 8 Warhounds and 2 Reavers coming in the post....... I can honestly now claim to have a Chaos Titan Legion only maybe another 7 needed to finish it off...........(Ideally 2 more Reavers 4 Slaaneshi Scout Titans and an Imperator........crazy dream but coming closer. To celebrate this guy got converted up.

Verum Sotirias is a long range bombardment specialist as befits a titan of Nurgle. The body is an Ebay recovery first generation "beetle back" Titan. The two cannons are based around Autocannons and Skulls and are designed to be either Deathstorms or Quake Cannon depending on my mood. The shoulders mount Multiple Rocket Launchers bodged from Searchlights and Whirlwind Rocket Launchers while the Head and Banners come from the Plaguebearer sprue. A sprue I am becoming more and more fond of as I actually work with the components. Tail is a Plague Monk Plague Censor and a Chaos Spawn tentacle. I am currently alsso humming and harring about buying a Spawn box and mixing them in with these Plastic Titans for more options.

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The boils are mean't to represent something nasty possibly egg sacs or something of the ilk.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/13 22:19:46

Post by: Llamahead

It took me six and a half hours to get home on Friday night................
Fortunately today I picked up these from the sorting office.

8 Warhounds and 2 Reavers. Wonderful. They're all having a Dettol bath as its the safest most effective paint stripper. One of these guys didn't need striping at all and I assembled him with a couple of trophy racks.

Not the most chaosy and converty of titans but a nice simple provider of long range anti-tank firepower with his twin turbo-laser destructors. Current thinking is he's Tzeentchy.

Painting wise I got this Battlefortress done

It's based on sprue and Ork Battlewagons something any Epic Ork player with a knowledge of Ebay will be inundated by.#

Speaking of things based upon Ork Battlewagons

This is my Defiler based around GZG spider mech legs and an Ork battlewagon. Weapons are a skeleton arm with watch part buzz saw and an Aoshima Torpedo turret.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/14 21:21:56

Post by: Llamahead

Thought I might try a little cross pollination with the Conclave of Hrin my Inquisitor Warbands thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/180/279068.page#5844773 This is Inquisitor Thaddeus Oak and to find out why he looks as crazed as he does you'll have to check out the other blog.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/20 18:47:02

Post by: Llamahead

Got the first three Malcore beasts painted up as Spawn excellent critters these they'd make great bugs in Necromunda as they have a Ripper Jack Vibe. Been painting these with a mix of Chaos Cavalry stuff on seed labels for variety which is why they've taken so long.

As well as that I've finished Aequus a mighty Lord of Change and one of the flattest models I've ever worked with. Nice and quick to paint though. I'm really liking Vallejo's Electric Blue.

I'm also heading to the Joy of 6mm a Wargaming show of 6mm stuff in Sheffield tomorrow so look forward to a review.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/21 15:41:19

Post by: Llamahead

Well the Joy of 6mm was a small show and mostly historicals. There were several lovely massed battles including a 20ft ECW table with tons of models on it. As well as pretty Napoleonic and Seven Years War games all on lovely scenery, It was run by Baccus who are a 6mm manufacturer based in Sheffield and one of the go to guys for none WW2 6mm. I got in a demo game of some rough and ready rules for Islandlwanda basically get shot at lots and finally charge an had a good time. I also picked up some stuff from the retailers and eyed up some other stuff mainly Baccus bobbins. The Prussian Guard are a definite option and they look to scale far better with GW stuff than GHQ which is far too gracile. My toys were a lovely Basilica churchy building as an Imperial Temple and a bundle of Rapier Games fantasy critters lots of Harpies, Minotaurs (earmarked for Ogryns), Ettins, Cyclops, Chimera and Griffins.

Will I be going back next year Yes. Would I recommend it to you? It's a Specialist show even for a Wargames show so only if your really into Micro-Scale wargaming.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/27 18:23:03

Post by: Llamahead

Turns out Wargames Emporium stocks the Solar Empire Marines line from C-in-C I've picked up a pack of their civilians to bulk up my cultists. I will confess this greatly boosts the chance of them being the basis for my planned IG army. Shops are always the best venue for an impulse buy. I'm also a little leary about dropping the cash for an army sight unseen. I've also been plotting for the future and with the Basilean Army being released by Mantic it seemed like my Empire force or a kick up my Brettonians Arse was in order. However I don't like them they're far too high fantasy for me I prefer grim & gritty to bright and shiny it just makes the heroism shine like a beacon. I also considered it in more depth and found out that I was more interested in the prospect of a fantasy 6mm game than 28mm. Microworld games miniatures produce some cracking stuff and I'll be ordering most of their Dark Alliance range as their wonderful sculpts including a dual sword wielding Dragon as soon as they come out. I also just like huge games and the prospect of a giant tiny fantasy army possibly based upon the Bacchus historical range appeals far more. I'll need to recruit opponents but this may have to be a project for some time in the future.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/07/28 19:25:13

Post by: Llamahead

Been basing up Daemons today. I've got the fifteen needed for 3 to a base formations. I've decided to use 20mm square bases as I feel they suit anarchic rabble better than the skirmish lines. Bloodletters and Flamers for your perusal.

I've also been painting up another bodged up Battlefortress. When all are painted I'll have a total of fifteen.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/02 19:13:31

Post by: Llamahead

The Empire has fallen through good and ill the Elven Mage Emperors of Lyonesse commanded the civilised races to live in harmony and with the threat of their sorcery and legions that they did. Elves, Centaurs, Dwarves and Men combined to forge a magnificent city in the verdant plains of the Bythain Delta. The city ruled civilisation all owed fealty to this the jewel in the crown. Then came The Slaughter when the great mountain Tiryashok The Devil Cage finally erupted the eruption slaughtered all within it’s path hellfire and ash burying millions. Worse still was to follow. The seismic shock rent the very earth itself causing huge earthquakes and landslides which led to the sea engulfing the delta no trace of the Emperor and fabled Lyonesses was left and the empire crumbled in weeks the Legions shattered and roads torn apart. Starvation, crop failure, aftershocks and ambition have created a cradle of violence and intrigue as the shattered remnants begin to reform and forge anew. They have also been driven by the hunt of resources into competition with the wild peoples of plain and forest. Black magic’s have also been unleashed by the slaughter and whatever was imprisoned within the cage has escaped. Rather than peace the disaster has produced a vacuum that only strength can fill.

Been starting on playing with a 6mm rule set and setting for fantasy. This is the starting blurb. Massed combat and grey morality but not a Warhammer clone. Warhammer is defined by Grey and Black morality while Tolkien is one war between good and evil neither of which appeal. I'm aiming for a more realistic Dark Ages/Classical Milieu........with far more species. The setting is very much designed to produce lots of splintered factions. I'm not sure if this is the right place to present it and as a pipe dream much will change. I need to convince opponents to play and as well as that this isn't really the right place to discuss it. But hopefully from these Volcanic Embers something beautiful will grow.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/04 18:59:57

Post by: Llamahead

Basing up Daemons go's on apace.

I've also picked up some more 1st Ed Space Marine Land Raiders. This variant of Land Raider had a crucial flaw if turned upside down the machine spirit becomes corrupted and it get's possessed by a Daemon. The one on the left is a Deathdealer (the transport) while on the right is a Bloodreaper (the shooty one)

This Warhound received a head swap. Now I know where the head for the classic Space Wolf Veteran Sergeant came from. It would make an awesome Space Wolf or Khornate Head........The reason for swapping the head isn't that I dislike them it's to create more character and individuality. I see eah titan as a lifes work and each festooned with individuality.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/10 13:56:08

Post by: Llamahead

I blame Graven. I decided to enter a 6mm piece for the great repurposing and decided to really go silly mounting a commander on a griffon for a fantasy army only well I didn't have any suitable commander models so I thought of picked up the Bacchus Yorkist army pack with a few spare models in it (32 more cavalry & over 500 infantry) giving me a good start on a low fantasy human army which means I'd better actually write those rules and sort out a spare army for playtesting and maybe an opponent at some point. Either way I'm really looking forward to painting this force up.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/11 20:53:52

Post by: Llamahead

Got these guys done for my Chaos Army. Fiends and Vindicators the Fiends using the Dark Realm Critters.

I've also been a busy boy having managed to buy and undercoat the models yesterday I started work on painting the force of New Haven. The aim is a simple low fantasy style so I just chose midnight blue for hats on the Longbowmen and Hauberks on the Billmen. It's a quick effective scheme which is a good thing as I'm already planning on expanding the force..........

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/18 22:21:58

Post by: Llamahead

[url]http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/3510/300224.page#5960454[/url] My entry for Inmygravenimage's repurposing contest has been done. I've also been mass painting 6mm models for the army and for two weeks from purchase I'm rather proud of what I've accomplished

That's 12 stands of Archers 7 of Billmen and 2 each of Knights, Pike and Handgunners as well as the mighty Baron Tourville.
I've also got this done for my Chaos forces.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/23 17:20:46

Post by: Llamahead

Contract ends next week won't be renewed and rather narked with archaeology in general, Jobs wonderful careers awful. I have however just indulged in some more 6mm fantasy an Undead army to oppose the brave men of New Haven.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/23 19:49:37

Post by: inmygravenimage

I feel your pain bro and you just totally nailed it.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/25 20:22:57

Post by: Llamahead

Been playing around with Chaos Titans today. Got my first pair of Warhounds painted these will be fighting at Long Range with a pair of Turbo Laser Destructors to take out tanks and Super Heavies.

Not the best photograph but meh.

This is a Nurgle Reaver. Plaguebearer Head and the weapons are a heavy bolter bodge (Grenade Launcher for the barrel), as well as a Sentinel Rocket Launcher and a Troll Fist with an ancient Ork Gun as the Doomfist. Doomfist and Mulitple Rocket Launcher are the guns I know but the last one depends upon what I feel at the time.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/08/26 22:01:00

Post by: Llamahead

Thinky wordy bit. Getting fairly quickly through my 6mm human force. I want to add a few more curlicues to it more Pikemen, Crossbowmen, Artillery and Dismounted Men-at-Arms are on the cards eventually. I'm also anticipating with delight the arrival of the Undead. I'll paint the force of them up and have both sides for Demo Games with the rules I'm writing. Basically a simple rip off of Epic with a tad of Confrontation to it. The main difference with most 6mm rules out there is a lack of an order test mechanic. I remember too many Inquisitor games where my mutants spent the entire game staring at their feet for that. It'll be interesting to see how my mates start to break the rules and how many daft mistakes and things I've forgot to mention there are. I've always really liked the tiny manufaturers and have always had a strong desire to play more games at this level. The ultimate goal for me now is to get to the stage where I can run a demo game at the Joy of 6 next year. The mega pipe dream is to get the rules to a publishable state Fat chance but it'll give me something to aim for.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/01 12:29:17

Post by: Llamahead

We'll start with this my camera was co-operating and I got another shot of the Warhounds

As well as that I've done a Skullhamma for the Orks.

I've based up my Beasts of Nurgle (the GZG Alien bugs) as well as the Flesh Hounds

I've also completed a detachment of Chaos Terminators.

The Marteau Bombards and Dreadnaughts have also been painted.

Quite a batch. i'm especially fond of the Dreadnaught with mutated claw.

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Painted up all my formation the banner was ust something I came up with in Paint shrunk down enough in Word. It symbolises the New Dawn after the Catatclysm and the re-establishing of New Haven.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/02 19:04:32

Post by: Llamahead

Been fairly virtuous with my first day out of work sorted out my CSCS card test for tomorrow and finished of this feller. I've also began play testing After the Catalysm. Mechanics seem sound but the devils in the details.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/04 21:32:03

Post by: Llamahead

Post office is holding my Undead ransom if I'd known how much that would be I wouldn't have treated myself to the Roman Seas PDF files. which do come highly recommended. I'll bung some photos up another time.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/05 20:35:53

Post by: Llamahead

Undead are here from Microworld Games. This is a good thing as I've nearly finished the humans.Great service swift dispatch only problem was with the Royal Mail customs charge. Hopefully they'll get a UK distributor soon as the customs charges means I can't impulse buy packs from them and have to make big orders like this. The Giant is significantly bigger than a 28mm model which is a good thing and the Dragon is awesome. Current backgrounds include a shark obsessed Vampire who walked under the sea from where he'd been washed out to during the cataclysm haven't decided a name yet.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/07 15:38:19

Post by: Llamahead

Got a few units finished for the Chaos Forces

Things like the Noise Marines will continue to dribble in as I finish of sprues. 6mm stuff should always be painted on sprues or seed labels or something to make handling possible. The Bombars are the best use of the Dave Taylor style iconography so far in my Chaos army.

Cardstock scenery is something I'm all for and this shows some Roman Seas stuff and my rather fiddly attempts to resize the Dragonshire buildings. Resizing PDF's to approximately 6mm from 28mm is relatively easy just use the multiple pages print option and go for 4x4. This'll give me either a rather odd looking Epic city (odd but accurate take a look around York to see what I mean). These pieces are naturally more for After the Cataclysm and should give me a nice juxtaposition between pre-Cataclysm Lyonessian buildings (Elven) and post-catalysm New Haven (Human) construction. Elven society is far more Byzantine and far more earthy than most classical fantasy renditions in this setting.

These are the more fun options a pair of bodged fortresses and a new Gargant complete with Snapper.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/17 16:15:34

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Great stuff as ever. I especially like the Nurgle Titan, and the Dreads look excellent. You have always had an eye for conversion and this latest batch is no exception.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/17 21:05:10

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks Skalk.
Good news on the job front I've got several weeks work in Warwickshire coinciding with a big Wargames show in Derby I'm planning to visit. Bacchus and Irregular are my planned calling points as well as more 28mm skeletons. Painting wise I've got a good start on the Undead.

I've also got a few Super Heavies done for both Epic Forces

And a Daemon Prince (Warmaster Plaguebearer) done

The Rapier Miniatures critters have also been begun.

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Oh by the way written the rules while out of work Epicspartanhammerconfmachine is ready for other people to see it. (It's not plagiarism if you steal ideas from everybody)

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/18 20:51:24

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

What did you use for those tiny spikes on the Baneblade? And cool to see the employment front picking up again, especially when it takes you somewhere you were going anyway.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/19 12:45:47

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot. I've slipped and picked up a bunch of fields and new spray colours (chopped up floor mats to be honest) It's the GWR spear fencing it works beautifully for micro spikes and the trophy racks as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/27 17:10:45

Post by: Llamahead

Got my first stuff from the Troublemaker games campaign through awesome not Ork bikeboyz!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/28 14:27:59

Post by: Llamahead

Nah it was more to free the wallet Skalk. The show was good. I spent a morning around there and probably saved money comparing postage to fuel and entry it's also more interesting. First things first the new Dropzone Commander box set is awesome quite dear but good value I want. I do. Although the Junkers are more my cup of tea and some of them are earmarked for Orks.................. instead however I picked up stuff for 6mm fantasy. I got the extra Bacchus troops and artillery I was after for my humans as well as some Irregular Druids for Wizards some monstrous critters an 10mm elementals. Big batch actually and the army is complete. For the Undead I picked up an Irregular army pack cheap and cheerful but going to require a lot of flash removal and some 10mm Pendraken stuff for Ogres and monsters. As well as that the Wargames factory Skeletons at £10 for 24 just over 25p are earmarked for Chaos Daemon Engines.

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For a start the Wargames Factory Skellies worked out about 50p each secondly they are genuinely awful. This was the original style picked up dirt cheap as I wanted skulls legs and ribcages. I'd heard bad things about them but had genuinely liked all the other Wargames Factory models I'd got (Celt Chariots & Horse, Ancient Germans and Zulus). They are extremely gracile an the separate feet are bizarre. They come with exactly the right number of Skulls which is not what I wanted spare skulls are one of those things fantasy gamers can usually use. They come with far to much sprue to the number of parts it's frustrating to see that much wasted. They also don't come with a full set of equipment without enough weapons to arm them all which is an irritating flaw. In other words people were right to moan about them which came as a shock and the decision to redo them was correct. These comments only apply to the originals. Frankly I'd rather have brought the old original GW ones and happily accepted having 4 less. So for those looking for 28mm Undead check the redone ones but probably go for Mantic. As I'm looking as these as spare fodder I'm fine with what I've got.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/09/29 18:39:33

Post by: Llamahead

Some scenery's been finished of. 6mm is excellent for narrative scenarios involving specific pieces as storage is so simple. Therefore my Undead have a complete set of Long Barrows. Crude ones mind based on simple Insulation foam cutting. The central mound is far larger and based on Silbury Hill except that the real thing is a) far more regular b) not a funerary monument regardless of the name there is no evidence of any burial whatsoever upon the artificial mound. Also there is no evidence for a dark altar upon the top nor is it a burial ground for an abomination of some description. Posing on top is a Microworld games Vampire.

The Dark Altar is an Undead shield and a piece of sprue.

These fields are simply cheap doormats spray painted and then with the ruts painted brown. They'll give quick simple cover and broken ground. Providing interest are some of my Wight Cavalry. I've also got the Irregular games Undead and the Bacchus humans sprayed up. Looking through the Pendraken stuff also tells me that I have lots of big skellie monsters of two sizes Ogre and Giant equivalent.

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Ok remembered the main mound was actually based upon Phillip of Macedon's tomb at Vergina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vergina arguably one of the most impressive treasures found internationally and certainly one of the best from Ancient Greece

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/01 16:56:24

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

The flock you use for your scenery looks familiar. Do you use model train flock? I used to use that for everything when I had a 6'x12' table. I took a look at how much the 'real' wargaming flock cost and I could have bought an army for the same price. Ugh.

Nowadays I stick to the 4x6 and I used bags of those tiny crushed rocks mixed w/ PVA for texture.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/04 16:03:06

Post by: Llamahead

Yes I use railway modelling flock and gravel. I brought several bags of the cheapest stuff a few years ago and mixed it. I'm still using it. My dads fairly into railway modelling and I used to be although Airfix was more my interest. I always enjoyed assembling plastic model kits. So most of my scenic techniques actually came from his railway modelling magazines originally. I pretty much entered 40k because of the multi-part Tactical Marine kit in 3rd Ed.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/06 18:38:19

Post by: Llamahead

Had a demo game of Tor Gamings Relic yesterday interesting idea and quite a nice rule set. It's a squad based game not a Skirmish game (in my mind in a Skirmish game models move as individuals not as units). I won't be picking it up as I've got enough various games but its a fun game and if your interested it plays well. I'm not to sure about the grim fairy model style myself. Talked somebody else into starting Dystopian Legions as well and I've got my eye on a few units for that at some point. Both the Landsweher and Luftlancers look like great options for my Prussians. The main gameplay thing however would be another 4 Teutonic Knights and the parts to have 2 squads of 3. Won't be doing that in a hurry though. Actual progress has been slow as the societys started up for another year (apparently University societies can't run when there aren't any students about proving the little blighters are useful for something. It's also my tenth year as a member ..........)I'm still working in Warwickshire and I get to find out whether I have a job week after next on Tuesday. Apparently the jobs taken too long so they need to lay people off. If you can understand this which'll naturally result in the job taking even longer you probably need help. Meh you have to laugh or slaughter people and that's messy and I don't want the bloodstains in the van also monthly pay sadly precludes slaughter as an option. . Basically I'm hoping to move onto another employer although to be in work until I've got something else lined up would be nice.

So to apologise for the rant I'll show you some of my toys.

This is one of my 8 Cannon with Limbers. I'm making nice scenic set up bases for the guns as well. A full battery of 4 of these comes to £6 including Limber that's what half a plastic character at GW's current prices.

I've also got the kitbash I brought the Wargames Factory skeletons for on show although this one used GW bits.

It's a Hell Knight based around a pair of beads and skeleton legs. These are Slaaneshi Daemon Engines and rather expensive on Ebay.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/07 18:37:03

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe


I cannot figure out at all what you used to make this model. I get the skeleton legs etc, but what it the main body? It's glowing like LED.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/11 17:22:25

Post by: Llamahead

Weird bad photography effect. It just wouldn't not blur for some reason. It's a bead I got from a craft shop as are the head and eyes. At 99p for 50 I decided it was worth a gamble. Their a nice shark tooth style shape. I thinks their made for necklaces for little girls.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/11 20:48:10

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Ah! I can see it now that you've explained it. I remain awed by your vision and execution of building models out of things that are not made for modeling.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/12 12:11:56

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot Skalk and I've been continuing that with a second better photographed example. The hardest bit to get together was the Wargames Factory skeletal legs and feet. Mantics probably the best source for Skeletons.

Speaking of none modelling materials I've also painted up some more Squiggoths

I've also got enough Rapier Minotaurs done to retire the Ogryns from my Chaos Army

I've also got Khorne Berzerkers and another Skullhamma done.

I should be trading some Epic Orks for some Black Scorpion Blood Bowl Skaven of a friend from the society shortly. Although sadly I'll be missing next weekend. I'm getting overtime though and that may mean new models although I've got plenty to be getting on with.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/13 13:54:50

Post by: Llamahead

First of the Donington show goodies all painted up these are Megalodytes or Greater Earth Elementals made by Kallistra in their Hordes and Heroes range. 10mm but excellent as giants for 6mm. I also played an excellent close game of NetEpic me and my usual adversary were both a turn away from breaking when time was called. Given my Banelord had suffered a Reactor detonation on the first turn this was a good success. My Warhounds were the Stars on my side although the Daemon Engines of Khorne were a let down getting shot and blowing up. With the ignominy of a Brass Scorpion killed by a Rhino in Close Combat........

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/26 14:06:26

Post by: Llamahead

Did quite a bit of overtime the last two weeks and I've still got work next week. You know what that means I treated myself to the Luftlancers and Landswehr. The Luftlancers are excellent think Death Korp with rocket packs and I can't wait to paint them. I've also traded away some Epic Orks for a Black Scorpion Skaven blood bowl team. This'll mean some more larger scale stuff here.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/27 08:31:35

Post by: Llamahead

These guys are awesome as I said. Big chunky models. At £22 for 5 they come to just over £4 for a chunky resin and metal model. That's less than GW sells plastic these days. Given I'm painting these with a black undercoat I've fully assembled them. The problem with all the Dystopian Legions is they're resolutely monopose metals their isn't the flexibility other ranges have equally as far as I'm concerned they're far nicer than Privateer Presses models. The two new units I've acquired give me 150 points and some nice options. As alternative 28mm battle games go take a look at Dystopian Legions.
I've also added more Undead to the host. First of all I've got some Undead Abominations. These are Pendraken Games Giant 10mm Skeletons and make great giant skeletons for 6mm. Slightly gawky proportions but fun with it. The regular 10mm models are earmarked for Undead Horrors (Ogre sized beasties)

I've also got my first lot of Irregular Games Undead painted up.

Part of the scaling problem is I've used thinner bases by accident on the Irregular stuff. However I don't think they mix as the same thing that well. I'll be using the Irregular models for Skeleton Horsemen as opposed to Cursed Knights and for now as Zombies as well. I think when I add more Undead It'll be from the Microworld Games range although postage is a problem. I'm hoping for a UK distributor to pick them up.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/27 09:17:18

Post by: inmygravenimage

Thos 10mm skeletons look boss!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/10/27 09:59:51

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers the rank and file are actually 6mm while the big ones are monstrous 10mm.

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Got my Irregular Miniatures Treeman or Life Elemental finished.

As well as that the Luftlancers and Landswehr are assembled ready for undercoating. Monopose models are nice and simple to assemble after all.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/03 21:51:21

Post by: Llamahead

Good news I think I've made it into the top four of the completed Great Repurposing entries! After my triumphant sixth in the Pimp my Wizard contest I'm certain to make it two places higher in this competition. Seriously through things like this are great fun to provide a little variety and spice into your hobby diet and more people should take part. I'm still slightly grumpy about the pimp my wizard thing to be honest 40 people showed interest and then only 6 entered the open competition.....

Been focussing on the Chaos force this weekend.

Based up the final elements of the Havoc Company.

This gives me the option of fielding a pure Chaos Space Marine army as well as my regular and Khornate Chaos Forces.

My Decimator also received painting

Like most of my IG tanks I painted it the simple green camo with Dave Taylor/Kraut Scientist inspired chaos decoration. It's a Dark Realm Miniatures Castellan a sturdy beast of a super heavy artillery piece.

Finally Verum Glaudium strides to war. My Slaaneshi Beetleback it finally uses two of my bitz boxes rarest gems, a Rackham Nefarius Clone head and an Inquisitor Chaos Renegade pack tentacle. The trumpets of doom are Chaos Warrior horns and the torch I think comes from the back of the Island of Blood Warlord. I'm not sure what they represent yet and that'll probably depend between games. The final gun is a bodge from an IG autocannnpn and a Tyranid Barbed Strangler.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/05 16:08:14

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Congrads on the placing. I always enjoy your conversions.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/05 22:53:02

Post by: Llamahead

Eh I was being slightly sarcastic only 6 people actually finished models and this time 4 did. Thanks through.

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Should have a good update tomorrow after a great game against Rykk's Nids with my Word Bearers with a Nurgle Twist.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/06 18:30:02

Post by: Llamahead

I was planning to do an Epic battle report but time limits mean't I didn't really record well enough. The highlight for me was gunning down the Bio-Titan n the last time and Mortarion chopping up the Dominatrix. However sadly Mortarion met his doom to a Winged Hive Tyrant and a pair of Malefactors so it wasn't to be. I do however have some pretty pictures. All Rykk's armies are absolutely awesome and he has a 40k Nid army painted to the same incredible standard. Basically he's painted most of the best models I've ever seen in the flesh.

Rykk won mainly because his Exocrines were awesome and I never managed to secure enough objectives.

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Thanks to inmygravenimage and briancj I discovered I came 2nd in the Great Repurposing. Gitsplitta's Servitor was the well deserved winner, While Skalk Bloodaxe and Viktor van Doom's entrys were also excellent. I'm really ecstatic with the placing and I'm hoping to get a bit more traffic here due to it.

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I've also managed to win a Space Marine box set of Ebay lots of toys and prizes on there way awesome!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/07 04:12:18

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

I wasn't kidding when I said congratulations, I honestly had no idea only 4 people completed. It's about time someone recognized you for your modeling skills. I've been impressed with your skill since I first saw your work, and I'd guess that 90% of any army you own is made of repurposed parts. You are the repurpose master. No one else I have seen comes close. Gitz stomped usall and while thast is hardly a surprise it was a lot of fun.

Short battle report but still very cool.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/07 16:31:23

Post by: Llamahead

Definitely cheers Skalk its a shame more people didn't compete it was fun and it certainly helped prod me into doing something totally different

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/08 18:30:42

Post by: Llamahead

First of all a close up of Mortarion painted for the battle report.

Secondly a Chaos Cult using genuine Cultist models.

The walls are a lid chopped up and bulked out to make shallow barricade walls. Cheap and cheerful just the way I like it. I've got 4 long pieces and 8 corners giving me about a foot of wall for a few bits of rubbish.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/08 21:58:08

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice to see you're still churing out original pieces out of odds and sods here Llama

Really liked the paint job on those gargants a few pages back, very nicely done.

And nice job on the slaaneshi daemon engines, certainly looking the part.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/09 00:43:30

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks a lot great to see you here, It's good to see the Daemon Knights are in the right place and coming from you creating original pieces from odds and sods is a great complement.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/09 21:01:45

Post by: Llamahead

Got the first of the new lots of Prussians completed. A LAndswehr and Luftlancer are both ready to hear the call of duty.

Had a quick look at Skalks junkpile competition I'll probably give it a go.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/11 18:42:06

Post by: Llamahead

Began the Artillery for the Army of New Haven

This is a Bacchus Mortar with Limber Team. I have 4 of these in total providing some brutal bombardments to deal with the numberless hordes of Rising Dead.

I've also got the first of my Skaven Blood Bowl team painted up.

Hopefully with actual player models rather than proxies I'll be able to pick up the ball. These are rather nifty Black Scorpion Miniatures. Blood Bowl seems to have attracted loads of excellent alternative miniature manufacturers so have a look around

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Got a Wizard done this means the forces are both ready to be playtested.

He was part of the Irregular Miniatures Druids diorama I chopped that into bits and now have several Wizardy models and a Sacrifice piece.

These guys are a Solar Priest in 28mm, Microworld Games 6mm and Pendraken Games 10mm and Giant 10mm This shows the size I'm actually working at of. Incidentally the 10mm are designated for use as Umdead Horrors basically Ushabti/Crypt Fiend equivalents

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/12 21:45:52

Post by: Llamahead

Received a Space Marine box game from Ebay today it doesn't have all the models but does have most of them including the titan. Even better it's got both the Space Marine and a bunch of extra Epic buildings as well as better counters and a set of official Up/Down Left/Right dice. The Ork buildings and Skalks junkpile contest also mean I'm eyeing up creating an Orky settlement the Gargant building short makes it a requirement sadly enough the 1/700 harbour crane is too big for the competition. I've also made a start on some trenchlines for Epic I want to create at least one each of the fortification cards.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/16 00:01:30

Post by: Llamahead

Got a varied update for you today. Got new blokes finished for the Blood Bowl and Landswehr Teams

I've also finished a second Wizard from the Druid set for the Army of New Haven

These are the most interesting addition some Troublemaker Games Skinna Warbikes from the Kick Starter. Utterly cool models and nicely varied.

But the craziest thing I've been doing this week involves scenery. The Defense lines from tub lids have worked well.

The craters are just papier mache over a pizza foam core.
Most amusingly I went slightly loopy with scenery producing these contraptions.

From left to right you have a mostly Rawl Plug Smelter, A train fueling point and engine shed as well as that you've got the train itself. Mostly made from Ork Battlewagon and plastic I beam with the cab being a bolt pistol back. The smelter was inspired by the junkpile competition Skalk Bloodaxe will be running.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/16 01:24:43

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice update. Skinna bikes look interesting.

Love the smelter, nice use of rawl plugs there.

Will there be more track sections for the train?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/16 21:42:36

Post by: Llamahead

Definitely all it is is cable tie. The Skinnas have also got some reinforcements up on indiegogo. A cool Landa and some nice Fighta's. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/6mm-scale-armies-wave-2. I'm probably going to back for some Cybershadows Dark Mechanicus and cultists for the Word Bearers me thinks.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/20 18:33:40

Post by: Llamahead

Got Nelly's Wrath the first of my 6mm Cannon painted up.

As well as that I've got some nice shots of massed 6mm troops for you

These are my current play test forces for After the Cataclysm. I've also read the Mantic rules for Warpath and they'll make an excellent plan B.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/20 19:27:17

Post by: inmygravenimage

That's a mighty horde there sir!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/20 19:53:24

Post by: Llamahead

It's all your fault you know. Hmm know what I feel like doing for the Great Repurposing a Hero on my Rapier Griffon no character packs of 6mm heroes right then army..........Then they needed opponents and scenery and it's rolling on.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/23 19:41:23

Post by: Llamahead

The Junkpile contest has been encouraging me to make some Epic terrain with my random basing box I put together for the 24th Islandlwanda however none of it's technically junkpiles.

These sheds are mainly cable clips cable ties and rawl plugs but will give some good clutter for my Epic Industrial zone.

These are the mine shafts for Mining Complex Omnicron simply pizza base foam and insulation along with a cable clip entry and cable tie tracks. Then use papier mache to make a natural looking hill easy and cheap as chips.

I've also been looking at woods for 6mm. This tutorial seemed to simple not to try. http://www.terragenesis.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8655.

They are simply pipe cleaner lengths shoved through the hole of a green paint tube and then cut to shape and based. Not beautiful but good for gaming.

Here they are with the Mammoth company of rebel T35's painted up.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/23 20:37:54

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice cheap terrain

The mines in particular are great.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/24 14:10:11

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks 6mm is perfect for junk terrain it means I can make loads and store loads as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/25 19:08:23

Post by: Llamahead

More junk terrain.

This works consists of a bottle top wiring blocks and some bits of rawl plug and cable tie.

Here it is bombed out the explosions simply consist of died cotton wool glued to transparent plastic.

I've also been playing about with Skalks Junk pile contest the first one I made was ok but I forgot to photograph it before undercoating it it was based around a papier ache crater filled with junk and rubble. I made another version but it still didn't gel as a competition piece. For a start I made several of these a year or so ago for the Wargames society and based my Zulus in this Industrial waste from found objects style. It just wasn't special to me. The other problem was I'd asked whether I could make a micro-scale piece and it just didn't look like that at all. It could do perfectly adequate service on a 28mm table and when your being fussy like I was you need to make the dispensation worthwhile. This led to this piece a 6mm junkyard. It's on a less than 60mm base and is just stuff from my basing box.

Inidentally the Chrono-Gladiator was made in direct response to Skalks version and is still one of my best conversions in it's simplicity and juxtaposition

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/26 19:17:36

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

You are a machine and could teach the Adeptus Mechanicus a thing or 12 about mass production.

Junk pile looks decent!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/26 20:43:45

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks 6mm terrain is a doddle however it's about shapes and that's something that I've got good at over the years.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/29 20:45:23

Post by: Llamahead

Good news first game of After the Cataclysm went well. I lost as some idiot who wrote the rules made Cursed Knights far too tough. As well as that I've painted my Greater Air Elementals or Aureoluses. These are the Kalistra Fire Elementals with an airy paint scheme. I'll be using toy dinosaurs as Salamanders for the Fire Elementals.

My Prussians have another pair of recruits a Landswehr Specialist and a Luftlancer the face on the Specialist didn't go well I've started using some new flesh colours and it just didn't work on this feller. I'll claim he's an albino if asked.

The next thing to look at is the terrain an icky sump based upon a lid. The sump mix is red and yellow paint and PVA

These container yards are based on the cardstock templates from http://www.papershipwright.co.uk/category/free-downloads/ they fit enough to a page it's feasible to use these 1;200 models for a large area. One is a complex store shed thing while the other is a pair that has been stomped on by a titan.

Finally we have finished cards of Defilers and Hell Knights. The Defilers are based on an Ork Battlewagon and a 15mm GZG spider drone.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/11/30 21:57:39

Post by: inmygravenimage

Those defilers are cracking mate!

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/12/01 13:05:30

Post by: Llamahead

Cheers I'm delighted with them the Ground Zero Games Spider Drones legs are perfect and at £3 for 3 as soon as I saw them I realised they'd be perfect. The Battlewagon top was just a pure moment of serendipity. They are one of the cheapest epic vehicles to find and they are so useful for various projects in this scale.

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Got some of the Irregular Undead painted

Value is great and there's a definite olde schoole charm about them. I'm hmming and harring about another order in the near future as there Dwarves are more varied than either Microworlds or Baccus's offerings and the Halflings are tempting. My Epic has also got some scenery done. A rawl plug smelter and a disco ball key ring hab dome.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/12/02 00:10:39

Post by: monkeytroll

Hmm, methinks some of my grots might be getting those drone legs in the future

Lovely smelter, and I presume there may be another dome of similar ilk being built at some point?

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/12/02 19:39:51

Post by: Llamahead

Probably although maybe not it depends what happens when I get round to it. They've also provided interesting fuel tank tops as well.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/12/03 15:00:49

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

That is excellent. Among all the other great things you've done recently this one impressed me the most. It's really well done and makes me want to build on in 28mm now.

Llamahead's Science Fiction Shenanigans-Shenanigan @ 2013/12/03 20:37:01

Post by: Llamahead

Thanks Skalk it would be far less easy to do one in 28mm in 6mm it's an exercise in basic shapes. Shelf Support, Screw Cap, 2 different types of Rawl Plugs, Cable Clip and tie in 28mm you'd need to find larger replacements doable though. A cup for the main funnel a tin for the smelty bit plasticard ramps and railway track all usable.

These are my 6mm Undead Monsters
A pair of Undead Mammoths one a Necromancer mount

Zardos and his mighty Dragon

This is a big model hugely impressive especially as it's 6mm.