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Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/13 11:57:04

Post by: legoburner

Available for all dakka users at:


No griefing! Backups every 6 hours. Other than that, just have fun and build cool stuff.

The server is whitelist controlled so post your minecraft username here and darkinnit (who kindly runs and administers the server for us) will add you provided you have been a dakka user for long enough.

Here is the link to the map of our Dakka world - now fast loading:


You can see if the server is being restarted here:
on twitter

and learn about updates, etc without having to trawl through the massive minecraft thread to find them.

EDIT: for clarification - griefing = a ban from the MC server AND dakka. Suggestion of griefing, generally being annoying/threatening/aggressive = de-whitelist.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/16 15:39:15

Post by: cynicaldoubt

Hey! Can i join this server please? My in game name is cynicaldoubt

I look forward to playing on the server.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/16 16:56:36

Post by: legoburner

added, you can sign in now.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/17 04:40:54

Post by: Son Of Horus

User name: K9 canine

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/17 04:42:37

Post by: Squig_herder

Minecraft user name: schizo31

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/17 04:53:40

Post by: Perkustin

Just downloaded minecraft. My UN is 'Perkustin' funnily enough. I am rubbish at Pc games.....

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/17 09:05:53

Post by: legoburner

added you all except k9 canine - names with spaces are not supported for some reason - is there supposed to be an underscore between the two parts of your name?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/17 10:20:36

Post by: Son Of Horus

Yea sorry its K9_canine

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/17 11:25:02

Post by: legoburner

ok added

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/18 01:39:22

Post by: DarkAngelz

hey can I join the server please ive been rly wanting to play online please add me my name is vib777

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/18 13:36:12

Post by: Necoss

Hey can i join my MC name is Necoss.


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/18 13:39:25

Post by: ghosty

Ah isn't it worrying when new people join with the sole intent of using our server.


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/18 21:11:46

Post by: legoburner

both are added, you can sign in now

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/19 12:26:46

Post by: SagesStone

Username: Iustis

Net's finally good again so I should be able to join in the fun now.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/19 13:25:50

Post by: johnscott10


Should hopefully be able to connect

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/19 17:22:05

Post by: biccat

user is biccat

Probably won't be able to spend much time online, but it would be neat to check out some of the architecture.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/19 21:42:22

Post by: legoburner

all of you are now added

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/19 21:48:46

Post by: Cheesepie

User name : LordCheesepie

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 08:27:07

Post by: Brunius

IGN: Ben141. Add please

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 10:33:52

Post by: SagesStone

Unable to connect to it. Says I'm not white listed.
Maybe a typo or something, username starts with a capital i.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 12:09:05

Post by: legoburner

yup typo, all are added now.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 17:47:28

Post by: Melissia

Same as my Dakka account (Melissia, with a capital M).

Finally got a chance to pay.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 21:30:08

Post by: miskatonicalum

I would like to join.
mc username: MiskatonicAlum

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 21:35:08

Post by: Cyporiean

miskatonicalum wrote:I would like to join.
mc username: MiskatonicAlum

Not a spambot, just my husband

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 22:13:35

Post by: legoburner

added your hubby

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 22:14:33

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Wait cy is female?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/12/02 22:25:26

Post by: Cyporiean

corpsesarefun wrote:Wait cy is female?

Yep, my name is in my sig.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 22:17:21

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Aren't I clever...

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 23:45:49

Post by: legoburner

server is glitchy, have to wait for the glitch to stop before I can restart properly. Will just leave it to restart naturally 2 hours from now.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/20 23:46:51

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Probably just bugs from 1.5 screwing things up, ride the storm for a few days people

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/22 16:45:31

Post by: Gooda

I'd like to join my username is the same as this...I think

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/22 22:21:16

Post by: legoburner

added gooda

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/23 20:36:48

Post by: typhus

my names typhus

Automatically Appended Next Post:
sorry its typhus777

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/24 08:56:54

Post by: legoburner

added typhus777

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/24 09:54:09

Post by: haloreach4ever

I cant get minecraft till i get home but when i do i will have the same name as i do on dakka.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/24 10:16:19

Post by: Ifalna

Is it survival or creative, and are mob spawns on?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/24 10:29:52

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Ifalna wrote:Is it survival or creative, and are mob spawns on?

Survival, mob spawns on and only lego/yak can use op's codes.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/24 10:58:14

Post by: Ifalna

corpsesarefun wrote:

Survival, mob spawns on and only lego/yak can use op's codes.

Yesss! Would love in, name Iffymoo.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/24 11:19:13

Post by: Content Josho

Might I participate? Gots me an Orky skin, I 'ave.


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/24 12:16:37

Post by: BrookM

After a lot of tossing and turning I've decided to also enlist: BrookM That's a capitol B and capitol M.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/25 18:48:21

Post by: marzipan39

Hey, can i join?
Name is marzipan309

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/25 19:38:14

Post by: typhus

whats the server I.P?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/25 21:53:41

Post by: Cyporiean

typhus wrote:whats the server I.P?

Read the first post in the thread, second line.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/25 22:16:13

Post by: legoburner

added everyone who has an account already except marzipan for reasons outlined to me in private.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 4012/03/20 19:00:49

Post by: typhus

It says failed to log in user not premium

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/26 11:20:53

Post by: lord_blackfang

Can you please add me? lord_blackfang of course

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/26 12:40:14

Post by: Ifalna

Hmm, can't get online. Might just be due to it being from a work pc though.

Connection timed out.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/26 12:46:28

Post by: Corpsesarefun

typhus wrote:It says failed to log in user not premium

You have to buy minecraft to play online.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/26 14:04:22

Post by: typhus

I did buy it though!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/26 15:56:35

Post by: marzipan39

legoburner... read your PM

Automatically Appended Next Post:
legoburner wrote:added everyone who has an account already except marzipan for reasons outlined to me in private.

If you want to know why shrike told you not to add me.. read your PM

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/26 18:41:49

Post by: johnscott10

Hey Lego, any chance you could grab the plugin for the server that stops creepers destroyin blocks?? It still damages players as far as im aware.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/26 23:27:29

Post by: Prawnkus

You mind adding me? My name is Prawnkus, same as here on dakka.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/27 03:40:54

Post by: Your Friend Doctor Robert

Could you add me to the list? My name is drrobert14

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/27 09:52:30

Post by: legoburner

added prawnkus and drrober14.

No mods will go on here, just the stock application as I dont want to muck around supporting things when stuff breaks from upgrades more than it already does.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/27 10:21:53

Post by: lord_blackfang

legoburner wrote:added prawnkus and drrober14.

Aww you forgot me (lord_blackfang)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/27 10:31:08

Post by: legoburner

added you too, sorry

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/27 17:53:22

Post by: Terje-Tubby

I`d like to join. Username: LamaOfRegret

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/27 21:54:57

Post by: haloreach4ever

Please add me, my name is haloreach4ever.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/28 22:12:35

Post by: legoburner

added you both

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/29 00:09:58

Post by: kesselring

I would like to join as well please. Username is Kesselring

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/30 17:26:55

Post by: typhus

you unwhitelisted me for griefing that I NEVER DID i am requesting to be whitelisted again.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/04/30 21:00:06

Post by: Cybronx

I'd like to join. Minecraft user name is Cybronx.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/01 09:56:35

Post by: Terje-Tubby

Oops, i just realized It`s supposed to be LamaOfRegret

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 0028/05/01 23:07:54

Post by: legoburner

added kesselring (on gooda's pride), lamaofregret, cybronx.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/02 16:09:41

Post by: infinite_array

I'd like to join in - name's infinite_array.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/04 01:20:10

Post by: Pvt. Crowbar

A Minecraft server? I know I'm new, but do you think I could join? Cybronx can vouch for me I'll just build with him.

EDIT: Almost forgot, my Minecraft name is PrivateCrowbar.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/04 02:29:43

Post by: Cynick

I'd like to join too please. My Minecraft name is iyayoh

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/04 06:49:37

Post by: archonalrox

can i please join this sever my name is alrox99


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/04 10:53:41

Post by: legoburner

added all four of you

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/05 04:27:38

Post by: archonalrox

whas the ip for this sever


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/05 08:25:39

Post by: Lord-Loss

My Minecraft username is iLordNoob

Would be great if I could be added, wouldn't mind having a look around.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/05 21:13:07

Post by: legoburner

added lord-loss

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/06 16:11:17

Post by: Goliath

Can I please be white-listed?

Minecraft Username is Goliath11111

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/07 00:49:06

Post by: Avatar 720

archonalrox wrote:whas the ip for this sever


You don't need the IP, just type in the address in the OP.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/07 12:29:01

Post by: typhus

OK i have tha all clear
its typhus777

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/07 15:24:34

Post by: legoburner

added the two of you and banned alrox

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/07 16:20:54

Post by: Chowderhead

legoburner wrote:added the two of you and banned alrox

Hold on, PM incoming...

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/08 21:23:42

Post by: bloodjunkey

It would be oh so lovely if I could join. my name is ljTHEFREAKINGOD

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/08 21:46:12

Post by: marzipan39

Could you add me? name is marzipan309, (will build with cheesus as he is my brother after all)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/09 12:54:25

Post by: Vimes

Name´s Vimes88

Would be most pleased if I could join your merry round

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/09 16:56:55

Post by: ToxicsLayer

Have not played minecraft in a bit but would love to join. UN is same as here. All mobs will die to a fist!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/11 06:59:24

Post by: legoburner

added all except marzipan, I'll add you when your bro PMs me to say it is ok and vouch for you.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/11 22:56:18

Post by: Flaming Troll

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/12 18:38:04

Post by: Laodamia

Hi there!

Could I join? I would love to!

My minecraft name is frenchyvinnie.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/13 00:25:28

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

User name Ma55terfett

looking forward to leveling mountains

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/13 17:15:20

Post by: legoburner

the three of you are now whitelisted

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/15 19:14:40

Post by: BoyMac

User name: BoyMac

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/16 09:56:35

Post by: legoburner

added boymac

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/16 19:22:59

Post by: BoyMac

Thanks .

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/17 17:55:26

Post by: marzipan39

legoburner wrote:added all except marzipan, I'll add you when your bro PMs me to say it is ok and vouch for you.

Will tell him to.. if he wants me to -_-

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/22 17:54:46

Post by: falcons13atlanta

Minecraft Used ID: falcons13atlanta

I request permission to join the official Dakka Minecraft server.

Please and Thank You

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/22 19:24:55

Post by: Battle Brother Lucifer

I'm vouching for falcons13atlanta
I know him irl

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/22 22:57:56

Post by: legoburner

added falcons

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/23 20:07:45

Post by: The Revengineer

My user name: jeffwilkie2

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/23 20:11:34

Post by: BoyMac

The Revengineer wrote:My user name: jeffwilkie2

I can vouch for him. He is a friend of mine.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/23 21:59:23

Post by: legoburner

added jeff

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/24 00:16:13

Post by: BoyMac


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/24 00:29:29

Post by: johnscott10

Sorry if this sounds like me QQin but I thought that the minecraft server was for Dakka users. I hardly consider people with 1 post solely for the purpose of joining the server a user.

Its a lil screwed up methinks.

Then again its your server so meh.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/24 06:23:34

Post by: the scarecrow

i am new here, but could you add me to those whitelisted for the server?
UN is Lord_Typhon


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/24 10:20:43

Post by: BoyMac

johnscott10 wrote:Sorry if this sounds like me QQin but I thought that the minecraft server was for Dakka users. I hardly consider people with 1 post solely for the purpose of joining the server a user.

Its a lil screwed up methinks.

Then again its your server so meh.

He was a lurker for a long time. Just because you don't post doesn't mean you aren't a part of the community...

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/24 10:32:37

Post by: johnscott10

BoyMac wrote:
johnscott10 wrote:Sorry if this sounds like me QQin but I thought that the minecraft server was for Dakka users. I hardly consider people with 1 post solely for the purpose of joining the server a user.

Its a lil screwed up methinks.

Then again its your server so meh.

He was a lurker for a long time. Just because you don't post doesn't mean you aren't a part of the community...

Okay so me and you may have different views on what counts as community, as to me somebody standing on the sidelines not contibuting things doesnt count as part of the community.

Its to me like building something (reference to minecraft not intended) its not exactly fair to have a community build it to then have outsiders use it freely.

But like I said its legos server, he can do what he wants.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/24 10:37:49

Post by: Corpsesarefun

I agree with Johnscott to be honest.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/25 17:34:15

Post by: Diddleshot

Hello, I am a good friend of someone on your server 'Cheesus309' something or other in real life.
I can be easily trusted as someone to input and build structures correctly, or even just admire what you guys have made. (By your guidelines, if you don't support towers or underground bases then thats fine.) I am an experienced Minecraft player, and would love to adapt to your Warhammer 40k environment etc. My Minecraft IGN (In game name) is 'MineTruck'.

I hope I can join you guys. I have been looking for a good Minecraft server with my friend, and yours seems like the ideal place.


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/26 14:09:10

Post by: legoburner

added Lord_Typhon, Diddleshot, get Shrike to post in this thread confirming you are a non-griefer and I'll add you.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/26 20:14:12

Post by: the scarecrow

thanks lego.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/26 21:12:21

Post by: Grundz

access please

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/26 21:34:42

Post by: legoburner

both added

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/27 08:19:56

Post by: illuknisaa

I'd like to check this out

id: illuknisaa

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/27 20:00:07

Post by: snikkrot

hey all my mine craft name is malchnor, i'd like a chance to show i'm not one of those goober griefers. i've done a minecraft server myself just looking to join your community and check it out.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Awwww no love for the new guy? long time reader of posts sorry for just reg. the account really though if it helps for showing how long i've been here aliros's (sorry if i misspelled) IG with his custom evisarator priest whooping up on other troops almost made me join the IG team. But alas the green in my blood was too strong.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Still no love? Hey legoburner if you want just PM the info. I hope this is enough proof i'm legit. just wanna join up and help out. stake a claim and have fun.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/28 16:20:41

Post by: legoburner

added marizpan309, illuknisaa and malchnor

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/28 23:15:44

Post by: Laodamia

I am having a problem here.

I keep trying to connect to the server, without any result so far.

What bothers me is that when I check the list of the connected people on the server, I read frenchyvinnie and cheesus as connected players (frenchyvinnie being my MC name).

Either this is a bug or someone hacked my MC account.

So, Shrike, when you last played on the server was I connected? I mean, did you see someone playing with my account?

Last time I played was the 28th, sometime around 3PM. I didn't connect since that time.

I hope it's only a bug.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/28 23:30:53

Post by: Corpsesarefun

I can't connect and I am also seeing frenchvinne and cheesus as the only people that have been on the server (non stop may i add) for the last two hours.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/28 23:31:56

Post by: legoburner

The new way of crashing is odd, it leaves the connected list as still being connected, even when they are not. It is also not possible to detect automatically (easily) and is a total pain. Have to wait for mojang to bring out an updated version I'm afraid, as it just wont stop crashing.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/28 23:46:06

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Aye I think that is the best idea.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/29 00:04:36

Post by: Avatar 720

It seems we'll just have go back to what we did before the dakkdakka server...

...Can anyone remember what we did before the dakkadakka server?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/29 00:22:30

Post by: Corpsesarefun

I uh....

Who am I ?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/30 11:47:52

Post by: jamessearle0

can you please whitelist me, "gestapoface"

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/31 18:49:19

Post by: legoburner

added gestapoface

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/31 19:06:13

Post by: Ian Sturrock

Can you add me, please?


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/05/31 19:07:17

Post by: legoburner

added you Ian, good to see you on there too

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/01 16:19:49

Post by: Sengoku

please can i join
MC username: lvs2spooge1

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/04 08:49:24

Post by: RaptorsTalon

I would please like to join:

Username: RaptorsTallon

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/04 17:58:25

Post by: Ian Sturrock

Ta! I bought the game last autumn, but haven't had a chance to play it much till a few days back.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/05 01:41:02

Post by: legoburner

added RaptorsTallon. Sengoku, I'm not adding you as I have no idea who you are and you are not an established user and/or have no recommendation from other players.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/05 03:51:26

Post by: Matoro

Could I join please? My friend referred me to this. My minecraft name is Rireyu

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/05 04:00:30

Post by: Chowderhead

Hey Lego,

I can personally vouch for Rireyu. He's a friend of mine.

Yes, folks, I have friends

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/05 04:03:47

Post by: Matoro

^  ♥


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/07 00:57:01

Post by: legoburner

added rireyu

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/07 12:19:52

Post by: Zn

Can I join the server? My minecraft username is xHSL. I will not grief

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/07 12:20:17

Post by: EagleArk

Zn wrote:Can I join the server? My minecraft username is xHSL. I will not grief

I`ll vouch for him, he`s a friend of mine.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/07 14:25:16

Post by: Leigen_Zero

Yet Another Server Join Application

MC Username: Leigen_Zero

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/07 14:28:50

Post by: RaptorsTalon

Zn wrote:Can I join the server? My minecraft username is xHSL. I will not grief

I also know Zn.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/07 15:37:03

Post by: legoburner

added both

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/08 00:26:52

Post by: Matoro

legoburner wrote:added rireyu

Gracias :3

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/09 21:07:01

Post by: SpitfireArsonist

Add please: Darkang3l4

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/10 10:57:33

Post by: darkinnit

SpitfireArsonist wrote:Add please: Darkang3l4


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/10 11:10:59

Post by: SpitfireArsonist

darkinnit wrote:
SpitfireArsonist wrote:Add please: Darkang3l4


Strange, it says I'm not white-listed. Damn this stupid login.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/10 11:29:23

Post by: darkinnit

SpitfireArsonist wrote:
darkinnit wrote:
SpitfireArsonist wrote:Add please: Darkang3l4


Strange, it says I'm not white-listed. Damn this stupid login.

Ah here's the teething problems lego was talking about. Is that an l for Lima, an i for India or a number 1 between the 3 and 4 in your username? I did copy and paste it, but I'll check again.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
SpitfireArsonist wrote:Strange, it says I'm not white-listed. Damn this stupid login.

Actually, it may have just needed to reload the whitelist. The Minecraft server has just restarted, so try now?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/10 11:51:18

Post by: SpitfireArsonist


You're awesome. Thanks.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/11 03:39:51

Post by: pabbp

hey im new to dakka dakka just wondering if i can join the minecraft server

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/11 03:40:28

Post by: Malchnor

for what its worth i can vouch for pabbp i know him in real life

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/11 11:47:10

Post by: darkinnit

pabbp wrote:hey im new to dakka dakka just wondering if i can join the minecraft server

What is your Minecraft user name?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/11 19:09:49

Post by: Malchnor

his minecraft name is the same as his posting name pabbp

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/11 20:50:20

Post by: darkinnit

pabbp wrote:hey im new to dakka dakka just wondering if i can join the minecraft server

As you've been vouched for, I've added the Minecraft username pabbp to the whitelist.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/12 20:16:06

Post by: brainscan

Can I join? My mc name = layyz

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/12 21:22:05

Post by: darkinnit

brainscan wrote:Can I join? My mc name = layyz

I've whitelisted you, but the server's currently down. Read my FAQ while you wait :-)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/13 09:00:58

Post by: brainscan

thanks i will check FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/14 10:09:55

Post by: Drk_Oblitr8r

Can I join? I'm DrkOblitr8r (picked to avoid confusion with every single other thing I've signed up to )

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/14 10:47:03

Post by: darkinnit

Drk_Oblitr8r wrote:Can I join? I'm DrkOblitr8r (picked to avoid confusion with every single other thing I've signed up to )

You're now whitelisted, please read the FAQ.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/15 19:54:45

Post by: Rabtorian

I would also like to join. Username is Rabtorian, same as pretty much every other account I have ever made for anything.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/15 20:54:16

Post by: darkinnit

Rabtorian wrote:I would also like to join. Username is Rabtorian, same as pretty much every other account I have ever made for anything.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/15 23:24:13

Post by: SpitfireArsonist

Hey Darkinnit, I'm currently registering a new account under my forum name SpitfireArsonist.

Can you whitelist this name and un-list Darkang3l4 please?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/16 08:09:27

Post by: darkinnit

SpitfireArsonist wrote:Can you whitelist this name and un-list Darkang3l4 please?


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/16 08:13:33

Post by: SpitfireArsonist

darkinnit wrote:
SpitfireArsonist wrote:Can you whitelist this name and un-list Darkang3l4 please?


Thanks again. Awesome mod.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sorry to bug you again Dark. I was originally using my brother's account (Darkang3l4) to play on the server, bought my own, and now he wanted to know if he can join us on his account.

I'll vouch for him and take the rap if he does anything to make anyone upset.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/16 21:20:10

Post by: Lego397

Can I join? The name is Jake397

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/17 10:09:40

Post by: darkinnit

SpitfireArsonist wrote:I'll vouch for him and take the rap if he does anything to make anyone upset.

White-listed, but if anything bad happens from either account, both accounts get de-whitelisted. So be good and play nice.

Lego397 wrote:Can I join? The name is Jake397

Sorry Lego397, you're still quite new to Dakka. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server. Ask again in a month or two if you are still here, or if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you I'll let you on.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/19 13:02:40

Post by: Imperator97

Can i join up?


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/19 21:31:29

Post by: darkinnit

Imperator97 wrote:Can i join up?

Sorry Imperator97, you're still quite new to Dakka. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server. Ask again in a month or two if you are still here, or if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you I'll let you on.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/19 22:14:48

Post by: Ian Sturrock

I have a self-imposed Minecraft ban for the next month. :( Too much work & stuff to do. See you guys in mid-July!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/20 18:45:29

Post by: Pulse

Hey Legoburner, could you whitelist me? I'm Valley33.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/20 21:15:28

Post by: darkinnit

Pulse wrote:Hey Legoburner, could you whitelist me? I'm Valley33.

Sorry Pulse, you're still quite new to Dakka. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server. Ask again in a month or two if you are still here, or if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you I'll let you on.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/22 07:21:02

Post by: Shooms

Damn, I was really keen to play as soon as I saw you guys had an MC server :( I've actually got my own, but It's only between myself and a few friends.

But I can see the issue you guys could be having. My minecraft username is Shooms if you ever get around to adding me


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/24 23:23:13

Post by: Samus_aran115

.I'd like to join please Samus_aran115, naturally.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/25 00:52:41

Post by: darkinnit

Samus_aran115 wrote:.I'd like to join please Samus_aran115, naturally.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/25 07:24:04

Post by: Sengoku

I would like to join the mc server.
My mc name is: lvs2spooge1

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/25 15:43:58

Post by: darkinnit

Sengoku wrote:I would like to join the mc server.

Sorry Sengoku, your only two posts on Dakka have been asking to join the Minecraft server. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server so I'm not going to whitelist you as that appears to be exactly what you're doing. However, if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you it will be considered.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/25 21:58:38

Post by: Samus_aran115

darkinnit wrote:
Samus_aran115 wrote:.I'd like to join please Samus_aran115, naturally.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ.

Fantastic! Thank you so much

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/25 22:03:55

Post by: HerpDerpington

I'd like to join, as my usual server is down. Add Cato_Sicarius, please.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/25 23:40:55

Post by: darkinnit

HerpDerpington wrote:I'd like to join, as my usual server is down. Add Cato_Sicarius, please.

Sorry HerpDerpington, your only post on Dakka is asking to join the Minecraft server. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server so I'm not going to whitelist you as that appears to be exactly what you're doing. However, if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you it will be considered.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/26 02:10:04

Post by: Battle Brother Lucifer

Man, these guys read the thread before posting, huh?
You must have set your MOD voice onto 'broken record' mode

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/06/30 21:06:04

Post by: Laodamia

I'm actually wondering how these guys find out about our server. I mean, I had been on dakka for months before even hearing about the server. And that was just because I got bored of the background forum and checked out the video games forum.

Are we becoming famous???

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/01 18:36:53

Post by: EagleArk

Laodamia wrote:I'm actually wondering how these guys find out about our server. I mean, I had been on dakka for months before even hearing about the server. And that was just because I got bored of the background forum and checked out the video games forum.

Are we becoming famous???

Most probably all of the unregistered users that patrol dakka, and because here were all nerds, they have minecraft!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/04 22:43:48

Post by: Juvieus Kaine

Well this might eat my spare time up

Username is juvieusk. Please?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/05 08:34:29

Post by: darkinnit

Juvieus Kaine wrote:Well this might eat my spare time up

Username is juvieusk. Please?

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/06 10:26:44

Post by: The Dreadnote

I'd like to join please, username is The_Dreadnote.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/06 10:41:58

Post by: darkinnit

The Dreadnote wrote:I'd like to join please, username is The_Dreadnote.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/07 18:08:31

Post by: Jombo

I would like to join as well. My username is deathtoearth596.

I know I haven't posted here before but I read it all the time, and I'm active over on the miniwargaming forums, but their server has been down for like 2 months now, so I need a new one.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/07 20:55:12

Post by: Corpsesarefun

You won't get whitelisted unless you become a vaguely active member of dakka or get a recommedation.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/07 20:59:28

Post by: Avatar 720

Also note that people vouching for you must themselves be active forum members, and preferrably well known on the server already.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/07 21:04:53

Post by: Jombo

corpsesarefun wrote:You won't get whitelisted unless you become a vaguely active member of dakka or get a recommedation.

That makes sense. I'll get on it.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/08 23:11:44

Post by: Valkyrie

Can you add me please: The_JBear (don't ask about the name)


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/09 09:35:26

Post by: darkinnit

Valkyrie wrote:Can you add me please: The_JBear

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/09 15:58:40

Post by: DaemonJellybaby

can you also add me?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/11 10:15:33

Post by: darkinnit

DaemonJellybaby wrote: can you also add me?

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/11 15:42:21

Post by: DaemonJellybaby

FAQ Read and am ready to go

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/12 18:27:39

Post by: raynerboy

add me please

UN: Raynerboy

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/12 20:50:39

Post by: darkinnit

raynerboy wrote:add me please

Sorry, your only post on Dakka is asking to join the Minecraft server. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server so I'm not going to whitelist you as that appears to be exactly what you're doing. However, if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you it will be considered.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/13 14:21:19

Post by: raynerboy

@Dark, its cause i hardly check my dakka dakka, as im usualy doing something else

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/13 20:32:52

Post by: jamessearle0

would someone be able to teleport me off of the nether roof? (gestapoface)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/13 21:20:49

Post by: darkinnit

raynerboy wrote:@Dark, its cause i hardly check my dakka dakka, as im usualy doing something else

Sorry, I misread your joining date. However, we're currently keeping it to just active members of Dakka, so you'd need to know someone who's currently whitelisted to vouch for you.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/16 16:19:52

Post by: avantgarde


I swear this is not a puppet account set up just to get access to dakka's minecraft server. Maybe.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/16 16:28:54

Post by: Avatar 720

Well, you've been a member for over 3 years and you've got over 1100 posts on the forum... I dunno, seems like you just signed up for the server to me...

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/16 16:32:32

Post by: Corpsesarefun

I'm not sure about avantgarde... only 1151 posts in 3 years looks a bit dodgy, he may be a troll/greifer.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/16 17:34:12

Post by: darkinnit

avantgarde wrote:moremthanm

I swear this is not a puppet account set up just to get access to dakka's minecraft server. Maybe.

Hmmm... ok, as long as you swear, you're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/17 01:55:00

Post by: crh55

Hi can you add me to the dakka server.
My minecraft profile is crh55

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/17 06:24:28

Post by: The Dreadnote

"Sorry, your only post on Dakka is asking to join the Minecraft server. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server so I'm not going to whitelist you as that appears to be exactly what you're doing. However, if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you it will be considered."

I wonder if dark has a keyboard shortcut for posting that?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/17 06:40:32

Post by: infinite_array

The Dreadnote wrote:"Sorry, your only post on Dakka is asking to join the Minecraft server. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server so I'm not going to whitelist you as that appears to be exactly what you're doing. However, if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you it will be considered."

I wonder if dark has a keyboard shortcut for posting that?

Ouch. Could I help him out? He's a friend of mine IRL, and I've been trying to get his attention to Dakka. He's the guy who introduced me to Minecraft, so when I joined the Dakka server, I told him about it.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/17 14:00:29

Post by: Corpsesarefun

If you vouch for him he can get on no problem.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/17 15:45:24

Post by: darkinnit

crh55 wrote:Hi can you add me to the dakka server.
My minecraft profile is crh55

As you've been vouched for, you're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/18 09:59:08

Post by: Ham Paninis

my minecraft name is patrickpanini24 please add me. (im the guy halo was talking about.)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/18 11:53:14

Post by: darkinnit

Ham Paninis wrote:my minecraft name is patrickpanini24 please add me. (im the guy halo was talking about.)

Sorry, but Halo is not whitelisted, so he cannot vouch for you. However, if you do become an active member of Dakka, then you could be whitelisted later.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/02/22 03:51:03

Post by: Inquisitor Lord Bane

My in-game name is ILBane if you could add me please. Thanks.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/20 09:41:33

Post by: darkinnit

Inquisitor Lord Bane wrote:My in-game name is ILBane if you could add me please. Thanks.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/20 16:39:52

Post by: MrDwhitey

Would it possible to add me please? My ingame name is MrDwhitey .

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/20 17:13:48

Post by: darkinnit

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/29 23:16:42

Post by: Sir Pseudonymous

Could I get whitelisted? The username is Sir_Pseudonymous.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/30 12:29:06

Post by: darkinnit

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 18:06:03

Post by: Anvildude

Duuude, someone's making a Cathedral? Awesome...

I'm thinking giant obsidian pyramid in an underground Necropolis...

Anywhoo. could you add me? My Minecraft name is, well, guess what? Anvildude.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 18:23:56

Post by: Corpsesarefun

This is a legitimate server so you would have to mine all the obsidian by hand.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 18:27:43

Post by: Anvildude

Well, yeah. I'm no stranger to hard work, and at least I'd be able to use buckets on this one. The server I usually run on has much more strict rules about that stuff, and on one of the temp maps, I built most of a full-scale Great Pyramid out of Sandstone. Collected by hand.

There wasn't a block of unprotected sand within 5 chunks of that thing by the time the regular map came back online...

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 18:36:13

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Just make sure you don't build too close to people and you should fit in just fine.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 18:49:32

Post by: Anvildude

So I guess folks would get annoyed if I overshadowed them with something? And is there a mass-public transit system in place yet?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 18:52:51

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Lets just say you overshadowing us is unlikely

We have a nether gate system that works for public transit pretty well.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 18:53:42

Post by: Anvildude

Rails? Or a , what was it called, e-road? The one with the boats.

You know, it'd be awesome if you could use Minecarts as boats through lava.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 19:02:56

Post by: Corpsesarefun

We have rails for the longer nether journeys but it is unlikely you will need them due to the whole 1 steps in the nether is 8 in reality thing.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/07/31 23:54:58

Post by: darkinnit

Anvildude wrote:Anywhoo. could you add me? My Minecraft name is, well, guess what? Anvildude.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 05:51:03

Post by: Anvildude

Cool. Was looking for another server since I was brutally murdered and stranded in the middle of the Nether, naked, on my last one. I will return one day to wreak my vengeance, oh yes, but until then, I need my smp fix!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 14:12:56

Post by: Alfndrate

First post says to post here:
Minecraft username: Alfndrate (look I made it easy on you guys)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 16:47:57

Post by: darkinnit

Alfndrate wrote:First post says to post here:
Minecraft username: Alfndrate (look I made it easy on you guys)

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 17:54:14

Post by: Alfndrate

Done and done! Time to go claim a mountain on the edge of the world.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 18:48:16

Post by: Nob 'ead

Username: Clumsy_Iguana

Thanks a bunch guys!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 21:38:03

Post by: darkinnit

Nob 'ead wrote:Username: Clumsy_Iguana

Thanks a bunch guys!

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 21:49:21

Post by: darkPrince010

username is darkPrince010


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/01 23:28:40

Post by: darkinnit

Sorry darkPrince010, you're still quite new to Dakka. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server. Ask again in a month or two if you are still here, or if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you I'll let you on.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/02 00:08:32

Post by: darkPrince010

Alrighty. Thanks for the heads-up! (And I had no idea the Dakka minecraft server was THAT popular... )

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/04 08:16:48

Post by: The Unforgiven Angel

Can you add me me Minecraft name is Crm72

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/04 10:17:00

Post by: darkinnit

The Unforgiven Angel wrote:Can you add me me Minecraft name is Crm72

Sorry, you're still quite new to Dakka. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server. Ask again in a few months if you are still here, or if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you I'll let you on.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/04 10:23:23

Post by: jirc

Hi there, I know nothing about Mine craft, could someone direct me to where I can read about it, as from what I have been told it sounds pretty addictive. Cheers, James

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/04 12:34:21

Post by: Anvildude

Check out some Youtube lets plays. Nagidal has a decent one, as do the Yogscast, and OMFGCata's got a somewhat short but hilarious (and truthful!) Let's Play. There's InTheLittleWood, also known as Martin, who does it too, and Static's got one up.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/04 12:49:32

Post by: darkinnit

jirc wrote:Hi there, I know nothing about Mine craft, could someone direct me to where I can read about it, as from what I have been told it sounds pretty addictive. Cheers, James

The MinecraftWiki is a very good resource. You may want to start with their FAQ: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Frequently_Asked_Questions

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/04 19:18:58

Post by: The Unforgiven Angel

darkinnit wrote:
The Unforgiven Angel wrote:Can you add me me Minecraft name is Crm72

Sorry, you're still quite new to Dakka. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server. Ask again in a few months if you are still here, or if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you I'll let you on.

Fair enough, and i do actually play Warhammer 40K btw.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/06 01:11:03

Post by: Coolyo294

My name is Coolyo294.
Please add me.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/06 13:44:09

Post by: darkinnit

coolyo294 wrote:My name is Coolyo294.
Please add me.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/07 15:57:57

Post by: Vulkan_He'stan

Could you whitelist me?
Minecraft ID's sniper_dan

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/07 17:43:11

Post by: darkinnit

Vulkan_He'stan wrote:Hey
Could you whitelist me?
Minecraft ID's sniper_dan

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/07 19:40:50

Post by: Avatar 720

Vulkan, if you don't figure it out before you read this, you can re-log about a minute or two after a sever reboot; reboots occur every 2 hours at about 35 minutes past every even-numbered hour.

If you already know this, then disregard this message

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/13 20:23:20

Post by: DarkCorsair

Can I get whitelisted? IGN = DarkCorsair

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/13 22:57:09

Post by: Bloodhorror

May I request my username to be added to this list of loved people???


And am I allowed to add my Mate who has started to play minecraft at the same time as me?

She doesn't know what Dakka Dakka is but she knows how to obey rules and play minecraft ^^!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/14 14:21:57

Post by: darkinnit

DarkCorsair wrote:Can I get whitelisted? IGN = DarkCorsair

Bloodhorror wrote:May I request my username to be added to this list of loved people??? Janje2

You're both whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Bloodhorror, as you're vouching for you friend, let me know their Minecraft username (either here or via PM) so I can whitelist them. However, note that that your account will also bear any responsibilities for any wrong doing (but that's nothing to worry about if you're both fantastic friendly people) :-)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/14 15:16:39

Post by: whatwhat

merlin87 can I be whitelisted?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/14 15:42:56

Post by: darkinnit

whatwhat wrote:merlin87 can I be whitelisted?

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/15 19:27:22

Post by: RandomSauce19

Hey can I join it I am an avid minecraft player

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/15 22:19:19

Post by: darkinnit

RandomSauce19 wrote:Hey can I join it I am an avid minecraft player

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/20 16:24:39

Post by: Chowderhead

Hey Dark, I can Vouch for Valley33, or Pulse, as he is known on Dakka. He's kinda my brother.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/21 03:03:25

Post by: Pulse

Chowderhead wrote:Hey Dark, I can Vouch for Valley33, or Pulse, as he is known on Dakka. He's kinda my brother.

A bit late there, bro?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/21 11:31:34

Post by: darkinnit

Pulse wrote:
Chowderhead wrote:Hey Dark, I can Vouch for Valley33, or Pulse, as he is known on Dakka. He's kinda my brother.

A bit late there, bro?

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/21 14:02:20

Post by: chompy158


Automatically Appended Next Post:

im chompy158 can i b whitelisted

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/21 14:11:38

Post by: shrike

I can vouch for him.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/21 19:10:08

Post by: darkinnit

chompy158 wrote:im chompy158 can i b whitelisted

As you've been vouched for by Shrike, you're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 10:53:17

Post by: Dastardly Dave

Well, since I have minecraft but currently no MP server, I might as well see if I can get involved with this one.

Do I need vouching for? I have been on Dakka for a while...

At any rate, how many regular players are there currently, and how far out do I have to go to find that precious unclaimed land?

Oh, and before you ask dark - I already have.


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 12:52:44

Post by: darkinnit

Dastardly Dave wrote:Do I need vouching for? I have been on Dakka for a while...

At any rate, how many regular players are there currently, and how far out do I have to go to find that precious unclaimed land?

You don't need vouching for, just let me know your Minecraft username and I'll whitelist you.

There are around 30 regular players (depending on your definition of regular) but usually up to around 10 people on at the same time at peak times (e.g. the UK/US timezone overlap). That's not to say there aren't times when it's completely dead.

You can find (and see) some unclaimed land quite close in the south-west-ish area of the map (the large forested area), but if you want to go North or East you'll probably have to head out beyond the edge of the shown map (around 1000 blocks). You can use other people's portals to get far out quickly and then it's generally a good idea to head at least 300 blocks away from anyone's large structures or bases to avoid complaints :-)

If you get lost, x:0, z:0 is the location of the sanctuary (the place near your original spawn point) and a drastic measure is to type /kill which will take you back to your last bed or the original spawn point (but you lose all your items).

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 12:58:54

Post by: Grundz

yeah and dont build near my castle because it is constantly growing

//edit, im also looking for people to build houses and help out, esp if you want to go download structure planner and help with the space marine statue

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 13:09:14

Post by: darkinnit

Yeah, if you are just wanting to build something small to begin with, there are various "community areas" where people will give you a small section of land with some restrictions on height, depth etc

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 13:31:18

Post by: Dastardly Dave

Ah, excellent - thanks.

Grundz - I'd be happy to help out, at least for a bit. Let me know what needs doing once I'm on and I'll get right onto it.

My minecraft username is lm276

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 13:39:57

Post by: darkinnit

Dastardly Dave wrote:My minecraft username is lm276

You're whitelisted, have fun!

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 13:43:32

Post by: Inquisitor Lord Bane

Grundz wrote:yeah and dont build near my castle because it is constantly growing

//edit, im also looking for people to build houses and help out, esp if you want to go download structure planner and help with the space marine statue

Where are you at? I'm heading south currently and have found a very "slannesh" building, I'm mildly disturbed lol

@Dark- Think you or Lego might be able to update the map and put the new one up? It's outdated and I myself used it as a reference when I first came on the server, just to find stuff built in all the areas that looked clear.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2112/03/09 15:51:05

Post by: Grundz

Inquisitor Lord Bane wrote:
Grundz wrote:yeah and dont build near my castle because it is constantly growing

//edit, im also looking for people to build houses and help out, esp if you want to go download structure planner and help with the space marine statue

Where are you at? I'm heading south currently and have found a very "slannesh" building, I'm mildly disturbed lol

I am the large castle structure to the northeast of start, if you look at the large map you should be able to see the pink area where i started laying netherwrak
//edit on the current map it is directly east of center you'll see a pink square, zoom in on it and you should be able to see the castle, it should be the biggest structure on the server but since it has no roof its hardish to see ;P

you can also find "grundz castle" through the flaming skull near the sanc portal in the nether (to the left just after the skull)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 13:58:45

Post by: darkinnit

I don't have access to update the map (it involves publishing it on the main Dakka web server) and Lego is travelling right now. So unfortunately it will have to wait I'm afraid.

Most of the major landmarks are there. If you get lost, try to use the coordinates display (F3) to find your current location then compare it with the map. The axis of the map are diagonal, i.e:
x:-1000 z:0 top left
x: 0 z: -1000 top right
x:1000 z:0 bottom right
x:0 z:1000 bottom left

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 14:10:50

Post by: Grundz

can you get a map and not publish it to the server?

//edit. also dark, is there a way of moving the start location?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 14:30:02

Post by: darkinnit

I've been instructed not to generate the world map, as it's a intensive process and can interfere with other more important processes on the server. Lego is the best person to do the map, as he knows how his server works. Besides, it's not urgent.

The start location can apparently be moved using a world editing program, but I'm not going to mess with the world save. The start location is ok where it is.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 14:43:15

Post by: Grundz

Okay, can I have permission to build around it a start area?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 14:59:18

Post by: darkinnit

Of course. I'd recommend building something in the tunnel I made heading towards the sanc. Just try not to obscure the ork face from the map as I intended it to be a point of reference.

Also you'll be unable to edit anywhere within a 24 square block radius of the spawn point (roughly the size of the square around the orc face). But feel free to build a start area as close to it as you can (or at least better directions to the sanctuary).

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 15:06:55

Post by: Grundz

well i havent died in a while but i'll bring some materials and see what i can do

IIRC there was a hill right next to it and a cobble wall that made it a pain in the ass to give directions to the sanc,

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 15:17:00

Post by: darkinnit

Well I made some giant arrows, but some people have still been getting lost. It might just need some signs saying to look for the building with the wood and water walls surrounding it, to help themselves to the tree farm, replant everything etc. Lots of signs with basic instructions :-)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 15:18:40

Post by: Grundz

well the grand plan was to probably rebuild around the start area and have a tunnel to the current sanc, but a 25 block radius means there's a 50 block sphere of no touch which will make life difficult

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 15:23:36

Post by: darkinnit

Noo, sorry, I initially typed 24 block radius, then corrected it to 24 square block, but forgot to delete "radius". The area you won't be able to edit is not much larger than the square that the orc face is on, certainly not 50 block sphere of no touch. The 24 block square of no-touch is bedrock to sky limit though.

There is a tunnel to the current sanc, with massive arrows, but I guess you'll see it when you get there. :-)

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 15:28:13

Post by: Grundz

I have an idea

however best solution is still moving the sanc or moving the start location with proper supervision and backups

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 15:38:08

Post by: darkinnit

I think moving or improving the Sanctuary would be a better idea than messing with the spawn point location. Perhaps make a "super-sanc" that links all the way to the original (whilst avoiding Yak's floating place). As I think the current one is getting a bit cramped, but it does occupy the nice 0,0 spot.

I can make changes within the 24 block square, but any plans would have to bear in mind that new spawns arrive as high up as possible (e.g. new people would not spawn inside a building, they would spawn on the roof).

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/22 15:40:24

Post by: Grundz

actually i would take that as an advantage then it would be easier to build higher up than at ground level (and safer)

//edit after seeing it, i think the best solution is building into the mountain that the tunnel goes through

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 09:04:37

Post by: bloxerdudekiller123

my minecraft is bloxerman158 can i be whitelisted please

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 09:06:42

Post by: chompy158

i can vouch for bloxerman158

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 16:20:02

Post by: darkinnit

chompy158 wrote:i can vouch for bloxerman158

Sorry chompy, you were vouched for by Shrike and are still quite new on the Minecraft server, so you can't vouch for people just yet. I may reconsider it later.

Bloxerman, your Dakka account was only just created and chompy is still too new too, so I won't whitelist you yet, unless one of the other whitelisted players can vouch for you.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 17:32:19

Post by: chompy158

ok i understand
btw bloxerman had to make a new account because he lost the password for it, hes been on dakka for ages

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 17:33:07

Post by: Avatar 720

Can he remember the name of his older account?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 17:33:29

Post by: chompy158

has the server gone down cos i cant connect to it

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 17:34:17

Post by: Avatar 720

It'll be entering it's 2-hourly restart around now; wait a few minutes and try again.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 17:34:47

Post by: SagesStone

Looks like it at the moment but the auto restart should be in about 5 mins, so relog in about 7-8ish.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 17:35:20

Post by: chompy158

ok and no bloxerman cant remember his old account he just remembers the numbers being 454

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/26 17:46:53

Post by: Avatar 720

The only usernames with 454 in them have 0 posts, 0 posts, and 7 posts respectively, so I doubt he would've qualified anyway

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/29 20:14:50

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Out of curiosity, I noted this game is coming to the 360, does anyone know if PC users and Xbox users will be able to mingle on the same server, or would I need to bite the bullet and grab it on PC to take a look around the Dakka Server?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/29 20:18:33

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Morathi's Darkest Sin wrote:Out of curiosity, I noted this game is coming to the 360, does anyone know if PC users and Xbox users will be able to mingle on the same server, or would I need to bite the bullet and grab it on PC to take a look around the Dakka Server?

No word yet but I think it is more likely that xbox users wont be able to use pc servers.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/29 21:24:45

Post by: darkinnit

I think it was mentioned at some point that the 360 version would be somewhat different from the PC version (it's also being made by a separate team) and players would not be able to play on the same server as PC players. Of course that's just word of mouth, so don't take it as verbatim.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 13:11:51

Post by: saintkicky3000

Hi my username's saintkicky3000 on minecraft.
I'm friends with shrike/cheesus309.
Can I join the server?

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 13:13:25

Post by: shrike

saintkicky3000 wrote:Hi my username's saintkicky3000 on minecraft.
I'm friends with shrike/cheesus309.
Can I join the server?


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 13:22:37

Post by: Breeezy

does anyone know the ip to this server i love minecart becuase my brother snapped the disk for it and i felt like crying and then i asked for it back and glued it together with my warhammer gule andf it works now lol

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 13:49:36

Post by: darkinnit

saintkicky3000 wrote:Hi my username's saintkicky3000 on minecraft.

As you've been vouched for by Shrike, you're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 13:50:05

Post by: SagesStone

In the first post of this thread, Minecraft doesn't come on a disk...

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 13:53:07

Post by: darkinnit

Breeezy wrote:does anyone know the ip to this server

Please read the initial post in this thread. The server runs a whitelist. However, you're still quite new to Dakka so I won't whitelist you yet. We've had trouble with people signing up to Dakka just for the Minecraft server. Ask again in a month or two if you are still here, or if one of the current whitelisted Minecraft people can vouch for you I'll let you on.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 20:12:31

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Can I join? I got MC recently... Name: Sky_Slasher78

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 20:33:34

Post by: darkinnit

Tyranid Horde wrote:Can I join? I got MC recently... Name: Sky_Slasher78

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 22:24:33

Post by: Valkyrie

Just had a look at the map of the server, how can I get such a map for another server? Is it some sort of mod, or something already built into the game?


Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 23:10:20

Post by: johnscott10

Valkyrie wrote:Just had a look at the map of the server, how can I get such a map for another server? Is it some sort of mod, or something already built into the game?


It just a program called Cartographer, easy to find via google.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 23:19:05

Post by: darkinnit

Valkyrie wrote:Just had a look at the map of the server, how can I get such a map for another server? Is it some sort of mod, or something already built into the game?


The exact one we use is c10t, but there a various others available with many different features and that run for Windows/Mac/Linux etc:

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/30 23:56:59

Post by: Valkyrie

darkinnit wrote:
Valkyrie wrote:Just had a look at the map of the server, how can I get such a map for another server? Is it some sort of mod, or something already built into the game?


The exact one we use is c10t, but there a various others available with many different features and that run for Windows/Mac/Linux etc:

Ok thanks to both you and johnscott10 for the help ^^

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/31 11:10:16

Post by: purplefood

Name is Purplefood

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/08/31 12:52:58

Post by: darkinnit

purplefood wrote:Name is Purplefood

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/09/02 22:28:05

Post by: Macok

Macok, same as here.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/09/02 23:40:05

Post by: darkinnit

Macok wrote:Macok, same as here.

You're whitelisted, please read the FAQ

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/09/03 00:53:56

Post by: Corpsesarefun

Could you whitelist ProfDrWarthog please dark?

May grab a new upgrade that account at some point.

Dakka Minecraft Server... @ 2011/09/03 02:25:12

Post by: Avatar 720

corpsesarefun wrote:Could you whitelist ProfDrWarthog please dark?

May grab a new upgrade that account at some point.

It might just be because i'm sleep-deprived, but my brain can't seem to process this sentence