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How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/05 01:09:32

Post by: mega_bassist

Thus far, a little over $400 USD

...not as bad as my airsoft collection...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/05 04:05:54

Post by: CuddlySquig

Couldn't be below $1000.

If you can find me someone who's spent more than $100 000 on the hobby I'll be blown away.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/05 04:21:41

Post by: Horst

Probably in the $3000 to $6000 range if you include art supplies....

Yea, that sounds about right.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/13 00:07:22

Post by: Dynamix

Wargaming hobby in general ?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/18 10:21:59

Post by: Ashrag

Wow including Airbrush, Showing cases, Painting supplies and 17 years worth of miniatures, books, tools, etc ... not to mention especially looking for a flat with an extra room only for the hobby and furnishing it ... I'd say somewhere between 20k and 30k.

That number there scares me - please someone say that's normal ...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/18 14:12:32

Post by: rodgers37

Must be around $1-3000, but I sell quite a lot so that negates some of the cost.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/18 16:39:16

Post by: col. krazy kenny

What is the time frame?I have been collecting for 20 years.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/18 17:19:44

Post by: Big Tim

I am somewhere between the $3000-$6000 mark, which hurts me to think about... at least I am having fun with it all...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/18 21:00:44

Post by: ParatrooperSimon

I keep a record for NZ insurance reasons, I've spent a total of $5798.20 on Figures and Terrain, and 500.70 on art supplies

their on some .000000100200100010 in their but whats the point in mentioning those.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 10:06:53

Post by: Dr. Temujin

I'm pretty sure it's around the $200 range so far. And I'm not even done yet!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 10:08:02

Post by: M@MAX

If it's free it doesn't count as a hobby :-)

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 10:42:14

Post by: HoverBoy

col. krazy kenny wrote:What is the time frame?I have been collecting for 20 years.

The frame is you'r lifetime

Still under $1000, will probbably be able to keep it that way at least untill summer i hope longer

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 11:28:10

Post by: Wolf_Ov_The_Void

350$+ on my chaos, at least 650-700 $ on my Space Wolves and at least another 700$ on paints, tools and other bits/kits

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 15:15:18

Post by: danpieri

Slightly over $300 on 40k since I am able to convert old figures from other games into my IG army. Scratchbuilding also helps keep the cost down a lot.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 16:59:40

Post by: Sharkvictim

Over $500 for sure, probably closer to 650 or 700. I convert/kitbash/repurpose Plague Marines so other peoples trash is my treasure. I should have my tax return shortly, which will either see me buying a full Dark Eldar force, or starting IG so my buying total will be rising drastically soon.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 17:30:45

Post by: BryanC

clearly the amout will very greatly depending on how long you have been in the hobby.

Personally i have been addicted to wargaming for 20 years, so it adds up.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 17:54:22

Post by: GoldenKaos

Counting rulebooks, paint supplies and so on, I'd estimate it roughly at... I honestly don't want to think about it. Videogaming is considered quite an expensive hobby, but it's probably nothing compared to wargaming...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 18:52:11

Post by: Reaper Man 2020

Over $10,000 probably nearer $15,000. I have been doing the hobby for 27 years though and I have a love of Forge World!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 20:25:26

Post by: Drwhere

Ugh.... How much is too much?... I think ive spent rite around there....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/19 23:32:20

Post by: Mad4Minis

This year...around $100. Lifetime...I couldnt even begin to guess.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/01/20 10:20:39

Post by: Noobie2k7

I've technically only spent about $200 if you factor in things i've sold as i got rid of about $2000 worth of Nids a couple years back. Kinda wish i didn't sell my army but oh well :(

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/02/16 10:14:48

Post by: darknessforbid

Probably about $2500...that is on LOTR and Warhammer 40k

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 10:47:08

Post by: Xeriapt

Im probably at about 6-10k, I blame forgeworld goodies lol.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 10:53:19

Post by: mingus89

Probably about $300-1000 as i am a 'new' hobbyist and haven't developed ''that look shiny... me need!'' syndrome

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 10:55:10

Post by: VikingScott

Urgh. Uurggggggghhhhh.

Approaching £3K so I'll guess at $4k.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 11:26:21

Post by: Kiryu Mk 3

I actually have to ask. Do you mean since I started? Or this year?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 14:09:09

Post by: Lazarus426

3-6k. Starting my Monday ashamed ... for not being able to spend more.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 16:30:35

Post by: IHateNids

£500, so about $750 US Dollars

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 17:05:50

Post by: Grthorto

Wow I am in the upper half here. I started playing Warhammer 40k back in 1992.… I would say I am into it for 6k or more. Years of book up grades and model upgrades, I have a full 3000 point tyranids high born army that I can’t even play with because they took them out of the game. My friend Jeff had a full 5000 point squat army form back in 02. Crap I have probably 1k in just white dwarf magazine subscriptions over the years. The whole new paint set the just released 2012 set my back $530 USD I believe. Any how I love building models and then getting to play with them.
Hey can we count the new Fantasy Flight Game stuff as well? It has Games Workshop all over the books as well…. I would say I am close to $700 USD in the RPG game as well. Thank god I have been able to save a buck or to by using Ebay. Any how I love gaming

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 18:23:31

Post by: Trondheim

Last I checked I had spent some 15k. A good deal of this went to Forge World as I used to have dreams of a DKoK army. Needless to sat that was not cheap.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 20:11:30

Post by: Shadowbrand

I chose the 3k range, because I often sell, trade or rebuild my armies.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/25 21:39:30

Post by: nolzur

I am probably close to 3k. I've been into the hobby for a little over a year, and I have 40k and fantasy armies for both myself and my wife, as well as warmahordes armies for both of us, along with a lot of stuff that I have picked up for use in Mordheim.

*edit- This price includes the roughly $800 that I recently spent right before the price hike (I needed some tanks for my Dark Angels, and $75 for a land raider was not going to happen)

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/26 02:13:08

Post by: Douglaspocock

Probably about $2000, I've been playing for three years.
Sounds about right.
Paint is expensive.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/26 11:04:30

Post by: chilledmonkeybrains

Going all the way back to 1989 when I'd just started secondary school... I have no idea. To be honest, I don't really want to think about it...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/06/27 14:33:35

Post by: K3

Do i have to add in the fact that i bought a house that was $30,000 more than the other one i wanted purely because it meant i could have a wargaming room?

Ive spent around the $7,000 mark on models and materials.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 10:50:13

Post by: djones520

In the top 12 percent... Guess it's not that bad when figured over 15 years.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 12:29:08

Post by: Ross74H

Seeing as I have only just started...

IG probably £200 (box set, 3 chimeras, a russ and some forge world details bits)

my "new" army - Blood Angels successors (no name for them yet!) £60

Paint and stuff - £50

So around £300 so far. Not good for less than 6 months in the game!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 14:54:05

Post by: Scambone

somewhere around $500. I try to keep things cheap and convert rather than buy bitz, but books, models, paint, brushes, knives, boxes... yeah even a little army gets expensive fast. Nice to see I'm right in the middle of the most popular range

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 15:22:49

Post by: Billinator

I was thinking closely, and... At first I was stuck at the 1-3k range. But now I think about it, it's more around the 3-6k range.

Still staring at the 2% in the bottom though! :s

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 15:41:31

Post by: BrotherVord

In total it's probably somewhere over the two thousand dollar mark. I've been collecting for about 6 years...So it's really not too bad for a hobby that I love.

It would be significantly less, but I enjoy collecting other armies, as well as terrain pieces, I own the citadel realm of battle table, for example. (i got a deal on it, bought it from my FLGS that was looking to get rid of it and it had a small tear in the carrying case)

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 15:53:37

Post by: djdutton

I try and get my stuff on sale, but even then I would say in the 1k-3k range. Ive been doing it for 5 years so I guess that's not too bad.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 16:32:15

Post by: Jumpin Jesus

My force isnt too big (currently) but I'd say about 300$.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 19:15:58

Post by: Adrian Fue Fue

I am at about $4,000 maybe $5,000

I have about 25,000 total I think, Haven't assembled, painted, added up points, or deligated models yet. I am maybe 40% ready to field and play them all.

Have to think about parts, art supplies, and shipping fees too.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 19:39:04

Post by: Horst

I've spent about $700-$1000 per year on this (not too bad, I guess) over the past 4 years.

So between $3,000 and $4000

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 21:21:02

Post by: Gunnvulcan

17 votes for 100,000 dollars or more?!?!?!??! I wanna see those collections.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/07/27 21:39:34

Post by: dajobe

prob around $4000... but that is since 2005, unfortunately i think about 2/3 have been over the last year and a half...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/03 11:41:45

Post by: sierra 1247

roughly $900/$1100......
so THATS why i dont have a girlfriend.....

Automatically Appended Next Post:
roughly $900/$1100......
so THATS why i dont have a girlfriend.....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/13 21:37:59

Post by: Papasmerv

Don't know where to even begin calculating. Been playing since late 2nd Ed and have bought and sold more armies than is probably healthy.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/13 22:18:38

Post by: DemetriDominov

100,000+? Really? Who even has that much money to spend on a hobby?! I'd have a house with that much! (1000-3000 over almost 9 years now).. including books and video games.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/14 02:14:22

Post by: Cruentus

6-10k probably. I've also been playing and collecting for 14 years or so. I would probably cry if I actually totaled it up.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/23 14:56:06

Post by: Ensign Elliott

Total 40k must be about £650 (so about $1000) not including airbrushes, compressor etc.. as I already had those.

Not as bad as re-enactment gear...nearing about £3000 by now including clothing, musket, pistols, revolvers, tentage, etc.. :O

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/23 17:40:35

Post by: The Obsidian King

About 2,000$ for two years of seniority

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/28 10:16:53

Post by: starbomber109

I know I spent more than 300 on the hoby, but less than 1000. If I may say so, that feels like a really really big range, that's a $700 spending range.

Edit: there are people who spent over 100k on this hoby!?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/28 12:15:21

Post by: illusion2269

I'd have to say i am at about $2000 so far, would be far more if I had paid full MSRP for everything instead of getting a lot of it online lol

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/28 12:32:15

Post by: zombie

I honestly do not want to know exactly how much I have spent on figures.

Their pure retail replacement value would seriously depress/scare me but including all rule books + figures + consumables I think I would be far to close to 15 grand for my liking

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/28 14:56:21

Post by: edbradders

Definitely a couple of thousand. Maybe more...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/08/28 19:18:18

Post by: Cirronimbus

I try not to think about this, but I'd say $3-6K is my window, dropped off a lot in recent years do to me being a broke uni student now.

I enjoy it though and I suppose I'd spend that money on some hobby anyways, so I guess that's not that bad.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/09/24 06:44:39

Post by: Asmodai's Joy

Closer to the 1k mark, counting my vague attempt to get involved back at the end of 4th edition. This time around it's being fairly affordable, though that's due in no small part to the fact I'm building a Deathwing List and the local hobby store sells not only Dark Vengeance boxes, but also sells each DV army individually and the book/templates individually which makes it even more affordable.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/09/29 10:53:59

Post by: Ovion

12,000+ Pts of DE, 3000+ pts of Tau, coming up 1000pts of Chaos, a few hundred of Eldar and 2000+ pts of Skaven... through frugal spending / luck / ebay can't have spent more than 1/3rd retail for the lot : D

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/09/29 13:03:20

Post by: gunslingerpro

Up over 1k in discounted (online) retail in models alone.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/10/04 00:17:43

Post by: WaaaaghLord

Probably about £3,000, so about $5,000 I think?
That includes buying stuff second hand, including a 125pts Cryx army, 6000pts of Orks, 5000pts of CSM, 3000pts of Daemons and a 2000pts Warhammer Goblin army.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/10/04 10:36:35

Post by: Spuj

Probably about £500 ish total so around $750 dollars. That will be increasing though, guranteed!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/10/31 10:31:26

Post by: Zande4

Added it up and it was not as bad as I thought!

about $12000 AUS which includes 10 years of being the hobby, 1500 I spent on my friend, a few forgeworld bio titans and loads of IA books and some other goodies, loads of spray paint and other modeling supplies, lord of the rings crap and my beastmen army and a bunch of unique models from 3rd party sellers! And considering I bought a fair amount of that at my FLGS for aussie prices... not too bad

Of course baring finecrap my entire necron army, beastmen army and like 250 of my gaunts came from ebay sellers.

oh and throw a realm of battle board into that at aussie prices... >< not my finest moment..

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 0027/01/31 11:13:17

Post by: Poppabear

A couple of thousand, between 2-5 grand.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/10/31 17:43:48

Post by: Jstncloud

I voted I don't wanna think about it...then I thought about it...

Across my armies I have, including FW models and 4 Sabol Designs Army Transports, spent roughly $3793.50. Some of my models were 30% off some were not, some where pewter some were finecast but I think this gives a good estimate at what I've invested in the last 3 years (not including my massive amount of paints).

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/10/31 19:51:26

Post by: xSoulgrinderx

YAY MY POST IS UP!!!! I wanna know who the insane guys with $$$100,000+ spent!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/10/31 19:58:59

Post by: Rimmy

10 years in the hobby i'm at least 10 grand into this. it gets deeper. I think I spend at least $100 a month on wargaming material. usually terrain items for my table. we just dropped $140 on Hirst Arts molds. needless to say, there is some serious casting and table development being done

yea i'm at LEAST 10 grand into it. but across the years, thats not so bad really.

I'm at LEAST $80K down from motorcycles. (over the years)

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/11/01 16:10:40

Post by: Lt. Coldfire

Wow, shocked at the number of people at $50k+. That's a hell of a lot. I hope none of you got caught in the recent hurricane on the US east coast. Damn.

I'm in for around $5k I'd say.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/11/01 16:28:34

Post by: Polonius

I thought about this for a while before simply giving up.

Between buying and selling used, trading, acquiring stuff at reduced rates from closing stores or quitting players, gifts, and simply being in the hobby for over a decade, I couldn't do more than guess. I'd imagine around $10,000.

I mean, I have spent well over a grand on paints, brushes, battlefoam, and other supplies alone...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/11/05 04:22:06

Post by: cox.dan2

I can't imagine it being any less than a couple thousand. there were a few weeks this summer I spent $100+ a week. And that doesn't include the 100s in gifts.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/11/07 02:07:48

Post by: Color Sgt. Kell

Probably about $2000, but you just don't realize it when you're "Only buying a $30 set every week, that couldn't add up"

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 10:33:22

Post by: devatationx

i spant under £100, buy and sell on ebay for cheap models, although it may be more dissapointing to get the models.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 11:03:45

Post by: grefven

I went over my current collection, and I'd estimate that I've put close to $20,000 to it. But then I've thrown away a lot of my early collections (early 90s) that I had when I was young, and my entire collection of White Dwarf and early army books (which would be around $1500-2000 worth). Painting supplies, etc. while not that much also adds up. All in all, I think I've spent around $30,000 during my aprox. 20 years of being in this hobby.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 14:45:28

Post by: Guardsman Bane

Easily 1k, probably closer to 1.5k. Mostly 2nd hand though, probably be up around 5k otherwise

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 20:07:21

Post by: Kiryu Mk 3

Lets see. 10 years of gaming + various price changes + ebay deals + random bits deals adding in trying different armies comes to......... maybe 5 or 6 grand. Ok, or even 7.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 20:32:45

Post by: Mr Morden

Oh god way to much - spent at least £500 this year and been collecting for more than 20 years.

So say around £10-£15,000

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 20:35:22

Post by: sarpedons-right-hand

I genuinely don't want to think about this... I suppose at a rough guess, since 1994....ummmm errrr, £3000-4000, possibly more. Just spent £50 today actually...So in US $'s I guess around $5500....

On a side note, are there really people out there who have spent $100,000 plus?!?! That's a supreme amount of money guys.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 20:40:35

Post by: Ovion

Recently 'catalogued' everything I have...
A total of 18018pts of models.
451 on 25mm bases, 43 on 40mm bases, 14 60mm bases, 14 Bikes, 20 Vehicles and 6 (scratch built) Super Heavies and have spent probably £700-800 between models, paints, books and cases over 3 years.
I can live with that.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/02 21:59:48

Post by: Jacknife

I have multiple armies - i realy dont want to think about it

 M@MAX wrote:
If it's free it doesn't count as a hobby :-)

if you voted $0, why are you here??

Automatically Appended Next Post:
That came out wrong, i dont mean you M@MAX, i mean the 9 or so people who picked '$0'

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2012/12/03 00:47:06

Post by: keisukekun

I would say over 3k but not by much

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/01/03 21:29:03

Post by: monkeyh

WTF! People have spent over $100K? really? You'd need a special room - no, a special house to fit all that in! I'm guessing around $3-4K for my lot though (quite a few FW goodies).

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/01/09 01:37:44

Post by: Elector

440+ on my Fantasy
710 on my Marines
210 on my CSM
500 on my IG

Including hobby supplies, Jebus, that's almost 2.3k

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/01/12 11:07:22

Post by: cybogoblin

I recently had to calculate the value of my models for insurance purposes. I started adding it all up in my head, but that was a little difficult - I have models I bought in the early 90s. Instead, I just tried calculating the value of the models I would like to replace should they all be destroyed/stolen, but that was also pretty difficult.

In the end, I settled for about NZ$2500-NZ$3000. Only a fraction of the total.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/02/04 23:24:34

Post by: Deesel

I have spent about $7,200(USD) just for the models for my 4 armies. My Marines have the lion's share with over $4,100, followed by my Tau at over $1,600. In third place is my Inquisition army with over $700 and in last place is my Grey Knights with almost $700 worth of models.

As for the paints, anyone know where I can get Ral Partha's "Dragon Scale Red" and "Dragon Scale Blue"? I'm almost out and I still have 7 more companies to do for my Space Marine Chapter "The Lord's Disciples"

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/02/06 01:57:23

Post by: The crater good

does that include what we sold online

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/02/07 15:41:55

Post by: Chongara

Who even has $100,000? Can I have some of your money?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/03/10 01:07:18

Post by: cadbren

I'd be interested in what one of the bigger spenders has got for their tens of thousands. I assume at that level that it's not just run of the mill models but includes casting equipment, desktop mills etc and large models like titans.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Plus expenses like having someone else paint your army for you.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/03/14 18:33:55

Post by: Farseer Faenyin

LoL at people with the 100k+ mark. You'd need a warehouse just to store your miniatures unless they are simply 20 Tau Mantas. :-P

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 10:33:28

Post by: Gorbad

30k at least but that includes everthing and a timespan of ~22years now. Started with revell stuff when I was 8 years old and while I never had much money when I was a child I spent every single bit on models and minis. It rapidly increased when I get older and nowdays it's kinda an obsession

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 10:37:19

Post by: daehan13

somewhere around 20-30k

7500 points of blood angels roughly - lots of forgeworld updgrades
7-8k of chaos space marines, again roughly and numerous forgewolrd pieces
6k of eldar - 1 forgeworld avatar
6k in Tyranid models - 2-3 forgeworld models that i havent even cracked the zippy bag on - this unit was primed and packed away
3 forgeworld rhinos
20 forgeworld heresy jump models
6k in metal sisters (like ther are any other kinds
8-10 k of Chaos demons including
Forgeword Ku'Grath, 2 thirsters and a keeper (picking up at adepticon)
Plague Hulk
approx 20 forgeworld terminators
Tons of greenstuff
3k just in paint set up
2-3 k in brushes tools, hot knifes and desks
citedel game board
4x6 custom made gaming table
lighted glass desplays for the miniatures
1k of WH fantasy models (some to paint and some just for god ole kit bashing)
about 1k in mantic models
LOTR models here and there
LED kits
about 1k in marine bits alone.

thats just off the top of my head. There are many boxes of model i buy at a good deal and squirrel away for a rainy day.
I look and say, well i could spend it on a negative hobby like crack.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 10:41:49

Post by: Enzephalon

I'm pretty sure the guys who voted 100k are just trolling.
Pics or didn't happen....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 11:29:38

Post by: strybjorn Grimskull

I've been lucky.

When i started playing Space Wolves my friend Ruari (who has spent at least £1000's ($1300-$1500) on stuff gave me alot, all i had to do was get a space wolf battle force, at %20 off and a drop-pod (£10's) all the other things that i have bought add up to around £20's. So in total around £78's so ($100-$120).

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 14:38:29

Post by: Morachi

There are at least 49 members of this forum that have spent over 100kUSD... my anus is puckering at the mere thought.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 14:56:02

Post by: gobbsmakkar

3001-6000 easy! All the books , models , tools , and paint , model cases, cookies i like to eat whit the coffee it takes sometimes.....All worth it!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 21:36:58

Post by: ProfessionalAmateur

A shiver goes down my spine just contemplating it.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/08 22:24:40

Post by: Color Sgt. Kell

Maybe under $10,000... Maybe....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/09 12:04:14

Post by: Scolas

Started my Warhammer 40K addiction around the end of January this year and I've spent about 4,000$~

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/09 12:08:25

Post by: IHateNids

1000 dollars a month is bad....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/12 08:28:08

Post by: Vermillion

Been doing it over 2 decades... a hell of a lot, especially before the past decade.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/13 03:21:44

Post by: JWhex

LOL, like others I have been collecting for decades (since about 83) not going to even think about it.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/13 13:32:17

Post by: p_gray99

Assuming that everyone spent exactly the mid-point of the amount of money they wrote and that those that put $100,000+ meant $100,000, that totals at $16,068,750 spent so far.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/04/13 18:57:09

Post by: IHateNids

p-gray99, bringing useless information to DakkaDakka since 2011.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/05/11 10:50:39

Post by: beartree

Why oh why did I answer this poll?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/05/11 15:30:07

Post by: TheDiscoSpider

Had I bought all my models from GW today, it'd probably be double the cost I'd originally paid.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/05/11 16:16:13

Post by: Ovion

Had I bought all my models new from GW I'd have spent over 5 times what I have...

Your average GW army, bought new is roughly 5 points per pound (5p/£)

My collection stands at roughly 27p/£ atm.
I shudder to think what I'd have spent... (or what I wouldn't be able to get) had I bought all new from GW.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/05/12 11:09:20

Post by: Mad Boss Morgrot

I don't think so!
I think I've gone overboard with about £5,000
That equate to about 3,500 pts of each of my 4 armies. So anyone saying they've spent $100,000 on war gaming needs to redo their maths. Additionally they should rethink their finances!
One last point, it's a good thing my wife doesn't have a profile or see what I write on here. She'd skin me for spending what I do!!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 1418/09/05 01:27:23

Post by: jason1977

I dont even wish to think about how much money I have spent on my 40k hobby. Between a total of 7 different armies for 40k, a GOTHIC fleet, an EPIC wagh, GW store buys, Forge World items (remember when you could buy from a GW Bunker and have them ship it??), the items I got at my one GamesDay, EBAY, local club auctions, overseas fund raisers for a kid, charity events, BL books, and local mom and pop stores.

Yea. I should have a new truck.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/05/13 13:57:10

Post by: troy_tempest

Around 4.3k USD.. around 1k per annum. Like gobbsmacker I am unrepentant as I've had far too much fun over the past 4 years or so. Girl-pursuit at University was fun, but toy soldiers is so much better for a married soon to be dad!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/06/12 14:17:08

Post by: Gandohar

In the $3000-$6000 bracket. Probably closer to the higher end of the bracket though. Makes me wish I never made those spur of the moment purchases on new armies which never got anywhere near completion.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/06/13 05:00:00

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

Under 3 grand. Maybe 1500 - 2k. I built a large SM force many years ago, probably spent about 700 bucks with codexes and rulebooks, etc.

Then I had a long hiatus. I'm back, and since rejoining I've started several new armies, bought a lot of stuff secondhand and have expanded exponentially. 90% of my purchases were off eBay/Dakka/Bartertown, the only things I've bought from GW directly are paints, and a couple of direct-only heroes.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/06/13 05:05:23

Post by: JWhex

LOL, I am not buying into the idea that 56 people have spent 100 grand or more on this hobby. Totally calling BS on that.

What are they doing taking their metal figs down to the gold plating service???

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/06/14 04:36:04

Post by: PrehistoricUFO

I know a guy who lost his house because of his obsession with the hobby. He literally had to sell his crib and move into an apartment, where a lot of his miniatures couldn't even fit.

Some people take it to a whole new level, and if you factor in the passage of time, it's possible some people are indeed spending 100K+ over the decades.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2024/03/11 22:09:03

Post by: VensersRevenge

So far only 60$ Can. Dark Vengeance was a gift so I have only bought my CSM Codex.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/06/23 22:13:20

Post by: Canine Gallows

I don't really know....

The thing is, I had a hobby spurt in about 2005 and then another in 2012...

I want to say at least under $200.

I remember going to a Games Workshop and spending about £70 when I was younger on Tau and I still feel ashamed for spending that much as a kid, my family chipped in so I could have spending money too.

Then looking at the Flames of War stuff, I was going to think it would be really high but from what I remember I've spent like.... £50 on it? It was my own money though so I don't feel bad.

This year... I've easily spent £70....

Damn, I've spent more money than I want to have spent

Oh well, I'm going to try and make scenery for FoW to sell on Ebay over the summer, hopefully it will pay for the gym costs and give me some experience in scenery/terrain making.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/07/02 03:07:11

Post by: Sinful Hero

Far far too much for what I actually have painted...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/07/13 10:28:05

Post by: LeadLegion

Between 30 and 50k. But bear in mind this is what I do for living, and I'm counting painting supplies, modelling supplies etc in that total.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/07/13 11:47:30

Post by: fishy bob

I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time believing 58 people on this site, voting in this poll, actually spent over 100.000 dollars on figures.

I end up in the $301-$1000 region.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/07/13 15:06:20

Post by: LeadLegion

When you consider that 40K alone has been around for 26 years and that Warhammer has been around for about 30, I don't find it difficult to believe at all. That's just over $3000 dollars a year. Or about £2000. I've easily spent £2000 a year on this hobby every year since my early twenties. At least, in those years where I've actively been wargaming rather than concentrating on pen and paper RPGs.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/08/14 10:17:49

Post by: Bomster

I guess it must be around 2500-3000. Which is pretty frugal for a period of 25 years (including a (so far not entirely finished) attempt to collect all printed rulebooks/expansions/codices since RT), I suppose.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/08/14 11:08:11

Post by: Loopstah

Probably about $15,000 (bearing in mind I'm in the UK so that's more like £10,000).

Not much really seeing as I've been in the hobby on and off for the past 20 years. Works out at about £500 a year but most of that will be in the last 10 as I didn't have much cash as a child.

Would have been much less if I didn't constantly change armies every 5 minutes before I even use them. About 1/2 that would have been paid for by selling off one army to buy another as well.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/08/14 15:41:28

Post by: DieselJester

Just by getting though half of my collection I'm already well over the $1000 mark and still counting...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/08/15 00:07:54

Post by: Corporal_Chaos

Since Rogue Trader.....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/08/18 22:31:41

Post by: SilentScreamer

1000-1500, probably closer to 1500 when It's dollars... the thing is... I have only just reached the point where I have a 1k army

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/08/19 09:54:12

Post by: Herzlos

On GW mini's and rules? Probably $3k easily.
On other mini's and rules? At least another $2k

On actual gaming (going to events, gas, hotels), another $1k easily.

Many hundreds of $$ on materials.

So we're up to $6-10k.

But that's over about 15 years on and off, so it's not that bad

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/08/23 22:24:23

Post by: Col. Dracus

I would estimate between 3,000-6,000. With 7 armies and 13 years in the hobby I don't think that is to bad considering the $/hr payout.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/09/15 11:05:57

Post by: jgemrich

I think time in the hobby adds up. Multiple game systems. Toys that surround hobby.

I've been back in hobby for almost 10 yrs now. So 120 months x 200/month Budget is $24K.
Now add in 8 Gen Cons at $1000 for hotel over 4 nights per and 4 adoptions at approx same and that is another 12k.
Now...flight to a few tournaments when I was doing that another 1500.

Cases to hold my figures (pretty sure I paid off Romeo's mortgage) -
Storage racks
Display cases (500+ for a nice curio)
Reaver Titan and a thunder hawk
Planning and personal outlay to run tournaments (they all aren't in the black at onset when you need to buy boards..terrain and rent space)

So.... For me not hard to get up to a biggish number.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/09/15 11:34:24

Post by: spacewolved

Since 2007 on just 40k and fantasy including modeling supplies I have spent between 10-15k

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/09/15 12:48:56

Post by: Lt. 'Tweek'

To my reckoning, "I've" spent about ($290) since seriously taking up the hobby last year.
But if you include what other people bought me (Dark vengeance, scenery to start me off), you're looking at double that.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/09/17 01:04:40

Post by: Xenocidal Maniac

Ack. For some reason I misread the poll as asking how much I've spent this year, to which I replied $1,000 - $3,000.

I understand now it's asking how much have I spent in total. I am certain it exceeds $10,000, but I would be surprised if it is more than $20,000.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/09/21 08:21:31

Post by: StyleXHobby

 Reaper Man 2020 wrote:
Over $10,000 probably nearer $15,000. I have been doing the hobby for 27 years though and I have a love of Forge World!

That's a lot, but 27 years is a long time!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/09/22 04:49:25

Post by: Mattlov

Considering I own more than 1200 BattleMechs (let alone book material) before I even get to GW stuff, I'm in pretty deep. I'm guessing the 10k-20k range.

If it is only GW, that number is MASSIVELY lower. More than half of my GW is second hand and discounted.

If we add RPGs and attendant items, I might need psychiatric help.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/09/22 04:55:50

Post by: wufai

I restarted by hobby back in 2009 with Space Hulk. Rough Estimate I would guess in the 4k range. I try to go cheap and buy mostly starter sets to paint.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/10/09 01:59:55

Post by: IXLoiero95XI

I my self have spent around $1000-$1500 on my armies. That being said, I know a bloke who buys every thing imperial for 40k, and when he walks in to GW spends $300-$600 almost every time. His collection, although a lot of it is in boxes would probably be around $15000-$20000, it's unreal to see it all

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/10/16 10:39:51

Post by: willb2064

17 years of minis, paints and hobby supplies. I'd guess $20-$30k, possibly more given that is under $2k a year, but I have sold a lo twice in that period due to moving between countries.

 Ashrag wrote:
Wow including Airbrush, Showing cases, Painting supplies and 17 years worth of miniatures, books, tools, etc ... not to mention especially looking for a flat with an extra room only for the hobby and furnishing it ... I'd say somewhere between 20k and 30k.

That number there scares me - please someone say that's normal ...

Hell, if you're going down that route including the cost of the hobby room then I'd comfortably hit the $50k+ range.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/10/16 10:55:45

Post by: General Duf

About 1500 in about a year. That's not including the Dark Angels army I bought for a friend so he could play.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/10/16 13:49:56

Post by: Knockagh

10 to 15k..... Frightening. Forgot about paints etc when calculating as well. Been in this rackets over 20 years but at the same time thats crazy!

Have largely stayed off forge world until last year, but the horus heresy arrived and well.......

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/11/09 08:14:58

Post by: DouglasJB

Where was the choice of, "I have literally given them part of my life!" for those of us that have worked for the Corp?
As it was I had to vote that "I did not want to think about it".
Seriously, I left GW-US in the late '90s with over a literal Imperial Standard ton(2,000lbs) of metal (getting close to a second) and who knows how much weight in paper, cardstock and plastic plus my polos, sweatshirts and other GW garb.

I had for:
WFB 3,500+pt armies: Empire, High Elves, Wood Elves (actually this was the wife's), Bretonnia, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Orcs, Chaos (Undivided - it was just breaking up into Beasts, Warriors and Daemons when I left GW), Skaven, Undead (Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts and Necromantic were all one army back then), Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarves.
Actually the last six armies were mostly for the OpFor in Warhammer Quest with a little bit cavalry and war machines added for the WFB battlefield.
W40K 5,000+pt armies: Ultramarine, Space Wolves, Imperial Guard (I was a serious treadhead), Eldar(actually this was the wife's again), Orks (2 armies - Snakebite-focused & Blood Axe-focused) and I had the five different Necron figures they had released at that point.
Blood Bowl: 34 teams - all nine of the third edition teams released before the re-release of Third Ed Blood Bowl, Gary Morley's human and norse teams two years+ before they were publicly released, most of the second edition teams, mixed teams of second and third edition figures, a converted Minotaur team including the three second and third edition figures, a converted Estalian team (plastic bodies with '90s Citadel/GW 16th Century-style helmeted Empire hand gunner heads), a converted Tilean team (plastic bodies with '90s Citadel/GW 15th Century-style soft hatted Empire crossbowman heads), a converted up a Lizardman team and so forth. Yes, I was called the "Blood Bowl Nut" at GW-US for good reason.
Warhammer Quest: had all the metal and everything paper, cardstock & plastic portals multiple times over what was in the boxes.
Talisman: Had everything for the Third Edition twice over. That way you have enough cones and such for 10+ players so you can have "big" games.
Man O' War: Had huge fleets for every race for this. GW's buying back or trading back of this product line from retailers expanded my fleets beyond logic according to my co-workers.
Space Fleet: Had nice-size fleets for every race. Only about half of what I had for Man O' War though.
Epic W40K: I had sizable armies for the SM/TL rules for Space Marine, Imperial and Orks with bits and pieces for all of the other armies. After the relaunch as Epic 40K, I had huge armies for Space Marine/Imperial, Eldar and Orks.
Necromunda: Large gangs for Van Saar, Orlock and Escher along with all of the Adeptus Arbites troopers, Bounty Hunters and Spyrers available at the time.
Gorka Morka: Only one Digga gang - I just could not get into this game. At US Games Day '97 I witnessed one of the biggest idiocies I ever saw at Games Workshop, and I saw several on both sides of the Pond. Staff members on one side of the Baltimore Convention Center yelling "Gorka!" at other GW staffers on the other side of the room, who responded with "Morka!" and then the two groups advanced upon each other until finally they were yelling in each others' faces. I excused myself quickly in the name of cleaning up or some other reasonable nonsense when this started and then watched it evolve, or rather devolve, from the distant sidelines. Almost as bad was Robin Dews' "Tanks are Sex! Tanks are Sexy!" chant on the roll out of Epic W40K. Ugh!
And then I had all of the Wargames Series games, Krunch, Blood Royale and a few other of the box games on top of all that.

I do not have everything still though; I kept two armies for W40K, a bit from Necromunda, the rules from Gorka Morka, the various old box games, just a sizable amount of WFB and all my Warhammer Quest stuff to make Warhammer Quest work well, I retained all of my Talisman Third stuff (still want another whole Dragon's Tower {can you believe the prices people want for even a worn copy of that supplement?!?}) and then I could not bear to sell any of my Blood Bowl guys.
I sold off a fair amount of figures in the few years after I left.
I was not in a positive frame of mind about GW when I left GW; I will leave it at that.
I might have gotten rid of just over half especially to one of the game dealers on-line that specializes in the Out of Print; I got some serious trade cred on other company's game materials with Aaron after sending him two large cases of GW stuff.

Additionally, I left GW before Battlefleet Gothic, Inquisitor, Warmaster, Mordheim and LOTR/Hobbit came about and before Blood Bowl came back about in Fourth Edition and later so I have little-to-nothing from these games.
That does not mean I have not bought any of the newer figures of Blood Bowl for even more BB teams (gee, I did not add ten more teams using those figures - uh uh) or been very liberal dipping into the Mordheim collection for Warhammer Quest characters.
I do have to admit I have picked up nothing for Third Edition or later 40K (perfectly happy with Second Ed), but I have dipped a bit into the newer WFB figures collections for Warhammer Quest despite staying contentedly with Fifth Ed WFB ruleswise.

Not sure if I would be in favor of a new edition of Warhammer Quest.
On the other hand, I would be right behind a re-release of the old game with additional characters and adventures!

Well, have I revealed just how nuts I am by this point?
Any way, we all have to have a hobby, right?
Do not get me started on BattleTech, BattleTroops, Crimson Skies or any of the other dead or comatose games I play.
Or even 1970s Airfix figures and my self-made wargaming rules for those and more back then.

Yes, I am an "ol' fart" that plays with toy soldiers and have done so for decades!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/11/12 21:02:30

Post by: dakkajet

I never, never want to know!!!!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/11/15 00:29:19

Post by: doc1234

BattleTech ain't dead Just getting the gears going again. New rules set recently released if I recall and a lot of talk of a redo of the starter box

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2013/11/16 11:30:22

Post by: DouglasJB

Hi doc,

It is nothing like it used to be in the '80s or early '90s.
Much simpler, but not simple, back then.

I hope you are enjoying your current BattleTech experience though.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/02/20 15:08:08

Post by: odinsgrandson

 Ashrag wrote:
Wow including Airbrush, Showing cases, Painting supplies and 17 years worth of miniatures, books, tools, etc ... not to mention especially looking for a flat with an extra room only for the hobby and furnishing it ... I'd say somewhere between 20k and 30k.

That number there scares me - please someone say that's normal ...

When you're spreading it out across 17 years, it should add up.

I've been painting and gaming for twenty three years now. I'm also at the point where I don't know if I could consider it a hobby so much as a lifestyle.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/02/20 15:09:44

Post by: Overlord Thraka

still somewhat new to the hobby. And still haven't gotten my 45 lootas. So under $1000 methinks

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/02/20 16:42:29

Post by: Mooks

Started the hobby with Rogue Trader back in 1990 ish and left it in 1995. in the 90's i had a SM army and an Ork army worth 500 quid or so. Got back into it with my kids in 2012 when they showed in interest in board games. Kickstarter and a few painting projects mean I am into a tune of a K or there a bouts. firmly in the 1K to 3K bracket. Strangely relieved.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/02/21 04:11:00

Post by: 40KNobz11

1000-3000 I assume. Could be higher tho haha!! Hard to keep track of everything

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/02/24 11:50:44

Post by: Ruberu

$3,000-$6,000 range I guess. I don't really know for sure. I felt bad about it for awhile, but then again i've spent around $20,000 on my other hobby.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/05/27 13:58:21

Post by: Thatguyhsagun

Ive got at least 1k invested in models, including paint and terrain id have to be close to at least 1250$

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/05/27 16:25:14

Post by: Da GeneruL

Yeh 10 years and a reaver titan later, these numbers are looking big...
Probs in the region of £10,000 (~$17,000)

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/05/28 04:23:19

Post by: ravengatorfan

O jeez. Way to much. At least 10000 and that's a really lowball estimation. And it's going up more and more cause I'm now getting forge world things and doing a legion Apoc army. That's just for 40k. Got fantasy, warmachine, and infinity as well. (Probably another 1000). Been playing since the 4th edition rule book came out.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/05/28 05:27:19

Post by: Johnnytorrance

You make the call, my son plays as well...
I have 8000+ points in Ultramarines
2000 in plague marines
2000 in Orks

Son has 6500+ in chaos space marines
2500+ in chaos daemons

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/05/28 05:33:58

Post by: Morachi

91,000 points of Eldar, 15,000 points of Nids. Eldar are commission painted, custom table, etc.

Plus I live in Australia... Good times. I'm probably the reason GW can report a 10% increase in shareholder profits each year.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/07/23 03:05:33

Post by: randomguess

In 40k since 2nd ed, I think I've spent enough to be considered by individuals not involved in the hobby to have
some sort of addiction problem

Of course the loop of buy cool army minis, army no longer fun, sell/trade former fun army for newer "more fun" army,
lose interest in "more fun" army and go back and purchase again original "cool army". GW releases a new-new line
of "cool army" miniatures that will make the "cool army" into the "WAY COOL ARMY" ---- Repeat....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/07/30 11:20:32

Post by: Karl the Jarl

Over 100 people have spent 100,000+...... ಠ_ಠ

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2014/12/05 13:29:33

Post by: Minicannuck


I start adding up everything over the years (I'm 44 and been in the hobby since I was 11) and I'm probably being conservative.

It isn't just stuff. It is the traveling to conventions (I go to a lot) and converting my garage to a gaming studio.

I love my hobby and don't feel bad about the money I spent. I know many people who probably have the similar amounts tallied up on their "drinking" hobby and at least I don't get a hangover from mine.

My drinking hobby is much more conservative

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/01/06 11:39:01

Post by: Exalbaru

Sadly, I'm over 10k. I had that extra money rolling in last deployment and was spending left and right. Got a ton of stuff and paints and everythinga nd lots are still in box or unpainted because of other hobbies and work and university. I wish I hadn't spent so much but at the same time I dont plan on selling it.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/01/06 13:46:33

Post by: shirlzknight

I kept (for some reason) my GW till receipts from when I started again back in June and 've spent a whopping £1500 approx and thats not including all my other hobby bits and bobs ie airbrushes etc Thats a figure I'll keep well hidden from the trouble and strife!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/01/06 15:41:19

Post by: Son of aY3ti

I am at about $1000....but I started last month :(

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/01/06 22:11:49

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

Well after this Christmas, its well over $10,000 ughh plastic crack.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/01/07 08:23:25

Post by: RageQuitRabbit

About 2-3k USD, although I'm in NZ and its much more expensive for me.
Oh btw i turn 14 this year and it will be my 7th year in the hobby.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/01/07 16:06:37

Post by: Looosha

Rolling on a little over $400 right now on 4 months of playing.
Would probably have a lot more to show for it points wise if it weren't for my love of Diaz Daemonettes. T.T

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/01/09 12:04:57

Post by: TimmyTheNerd

I received all my 40k stuff as gifts.

Assault on Black Reach for graduating High School.

Dark Vengeances, Dark Angels Veteran Kit and Sniper Scout Kit as a gift from my Landlady because I took really good care of the property and apparently the best tenant she's every rented to.

Sold the marines and chaos stuff, but I haven't bought anything yet. I'm trying to sell various things to get money for Orks, as that's the army that calls out to me.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/02/07 22:42:07

Post by: fatty

0$ on my current army I have a 750 points of "space wolves" build and currently I am painting it. And all I used where stuff I allready had

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/02/08 02:42:17

Post by: ciaotym

Guessing north of $6k. I worked at a FLGS for four years and got a nice discount, but that ended, so paying retail has slowed down the collection.
I'm guessing this total includes the books - updated codices is killing me, but love the hobby. Been in it for 13 years and have done several large Ork scratch-builts
that cost me some bucks. Guess averaging it out comes to about $500 a year. Hard to resist the beautiful models they put out. Have some finecast (so they call them...)
Harlequins I was going to use as an adjunct for my DE, and now they're coming out with jet bikes for them and if I'm lucky they won't put out one of those $50 books for them.
Hoping they put it in White Dwarf. The horror.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/03/10 13:41:05

Post by: Lightish Red Space Marine

Wow. This makes me sad to think about.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/03/10 15:05:52

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

OK, I'll go ahead and calculate.
So, the first thing I got when I started the Hobby was 4 ork boyz for $10
Second thing I got were 5 vampire count skeletons for $10
Third thing I got was a box of 3 chaos warriors for $10
And to save you all some time, here is a list.
Ork Boyz (4 models) $10
Vampire Count Skeletons $10
Chaos Warriors $10
Dwarf Cannon\organ gun $22.50
Ork Boyz (11 models) $29
Space Marine Rhino $33
Space Marine Tactical Squad $41.25
Ork Warbuggy $25
Imperial Bunker $33
Gretchin $16.50
Space Marine Scout Bike $15
Lootas And Burnas $25
Land Speeder $30
Ork Trukk $37.25
Battlewagon $66
Sheild of Baal Deathstorm $120
BA Sanguniary Guard $33
Subtotal: $531.50
Add in all the paints we got ($28), your grand total is.....
Cool, right?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/03/10 15:14:27

Post by: GavinCapener

Eh, I've spent a ton. I don't regret it though. I'd do it again!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/03/10 19:13:38

Post by: Ranzetta

I was going to click I don't want to think about it... but then that made me think about :(

Over the last 16 years, a quick count brings me a little over of $25k... Since I didn't count paint and tools and stuff like plasticard, foam core and other mats... I'm sure I'm in the 30k to 50k bracket...
And that doesn't include all the money I've encouraged Significant Others to spend as I corrupted them to the hobby ...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/03/11 11:42:39

Post by: Pete Melvin

10K plus Id imagine but I have been at it for over 25 years

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/03/11 11:45:18

Post by: lliu

That's scary! I have spent over 4000 dollars on little plastic dolls!!!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/03/12 01:26:11

Post by: tjnorwoo

Its hard to say exactly since I have most of my models in cases.

my armies include:


2-3k pts.

high elves


orks and goblins
warriors of chaos

various models

dark elves
wood elves

40K Army

2-3k points astra militarum
include 125+ infantry + various tanks/walkers, 2 vendettas, and special characters

1-2k pts. various space marines and chaos space marines.


a large mercenary army capable of playing a big battle


30+ metal figures


2 small armies

Not to mention tons of terrains, modeling equipment, and paints

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/05/12 10:31:47

Post by: Shas'O Dorian

Probably in the $10-$20k range. But I've been wargaming for over 10 years and I'm including all expenses (Driving, tournament fees, food, lodging for further tournaments / after game night drinks etc.), not just the cost of my figures / paints.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/05/16 03:12:29

Post by: Drasius

Hmmm... Voted 6-10K as that sounded pretty close, but then decided to add it up for realz.

7199 AUD (~5800 USD) on 40k and general supplies with another 942 AUD (~750 USD) on fantasy. That's in 3 years. Still notably less than a bike (either kind), so it's not really close to my more expensive hobbies. Yet.

That buys you roughly:

3500 of Chaos
2000 of Daemons
1500 of Sisters
5 Imperial Knights
1 Stormwing formation
1 Plasma Obliterator
All required books and enough cases to transport about 1/2 of them.

along with about 2k of Skaven

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/16 11:30:14

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Between having twice worked at a GW retailer (with insane discounts on everything at the time), and all the other games I've bought but never played (or bought and played) and all the branded terrain, I've easily spent at least $50,000+ on this hobby over the past 2 decades. Without that employee discount I don't know that I would have spent as much.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/16 17:46:49

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

So, here's my calculation for Bones minis.

Orc warboss Kavorgh: $3.29
Orc Stalker: $2.79
Orc Archer: $2.79
Orc Berserker: $2.79
Female Dwarf: $2.29
Dain Deepaxe: $2.29
Female Frost Giant: $7.99
Stone Golem: $2.99
Fire Daemon: $10.29

So, that adds up to...
$37.51 (and that's for bones minis)

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/16 17:54:06

Post by: fyrblckdragon

$30,000+, been playing for 15 years, and have built most armies I own to well over 10k points, and spent a small fortune on art supplies over that time, and equipped a studio...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/17 05:17:14

Post by: damattybear

I've been into 40K for over ten years but I rarely get into the wargaming side of it, I've easily spent up to $3,000. The Maccrage starter, paints, glues, Tyranids, Necrons, tons of Chaos Space Marines, tons of Space Marines in general... some Grey Knights even. And my recent purchase was a handful of Tau. I've still got unpainted Dark Vengeance pieces sitting around and a lot of guard chillin in my closet. Codexes add up as well. Ugh.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/18 09:31:41

Post by: Aszubaruzah Surn

300-1000$, I think.

Battlefleet Gothic box.
Desolator Battleship
Mega Paint Set
4 blisters of greenstuff
About 30 of White Dwarfes
About 20 BL novels
About 25 Warhammer Monthly comics.
Hordes of Chaos
Champions of Chaos
Chaos Warriors box.

Wh40k Rogue Trader
Wh40k Compendium

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/19 08:15:00

Post by: JamesY

It's near impossible to calculate with any kind of accuracy, the models, consumables like paint/glue etc, furniture for the hobby room, the extra rent on a bigger flat to have a hobby room, the extra electricity used on lamps and airbrush, flowers and gin for the missus so she doesn't mind you painting all weekend...

When do you stop?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Between having twice worked at a GW retailer (with insane discounts on everything at the time), and all the other games I've bought but never played (or bought and played) and all the branded terrain, I've easily spent at least $50,000+ on this hobby over the past 2 decades. Without that employee discount I don't know that I would have spent as much.

I echo that, I spent x3 on the hobby whilst getting staff discount than I did before or since. It's a sickness.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/21 03:51:25

Post by: GodlessOne

about 5000 ish .. but then again Ive been playing for 20 years

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/22 18:05:01

Post by: lastaly

GodlessOne wrote:
about 5000 ish .. but then again Ive been playing for 20 years

Same thing here I think.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/09/23 03:33:17

Post by: darkcloak

I'd say around the $1500 mark. That's probably very conservative too, could actually be closer to 2...

Kind of staggering to think about really. All I really do is paint and assemble.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/10/18 01:55:31

Post by: superflytnt

20 years, $500 a year minimum....


How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/10/23 20:14:28

Post by: Chrissy_J

How much have I spent so far (since restarting three or four years ago)?

Not enough to buy all that I want, and too much to dare admit to my partner.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/10/27 23:48:45

Post by: Coldnap

Just over $600 if I count my Chaos army that I gave away a few years ago.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/11/15 12:21:11

Post by: GamesEtc

Gotten most of my huge collection of figs through trades when I owned my game store.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2015/12/19 19:32:47

Post by: porkuslime

As long as postage counts (part of trading online) I am well over 10k

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/02/21 10:31:16

Post by: korbenn

Somewhere between 6k to 8k over the last 20 years. Although its a rough approximate since I started when we still had the Gulden and than moved on to Euro's not taking the Euro to Dollar exchange rate into account.
Divided between approximatly 60% GW and 40% other miniature manufacturers. Not counting paint and modeling tools.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/03/26 10:50:12

Post by: ssisal

This will be entertaining for ya all.. Ive been a fanbo for years, just havnt been able to afford an army and didnt want to buy one package per few months, or years.

1978-2014:$85 (stormfang)
2015: $412
2016: $577 (at the same rate ill spend around 2400 this year on the chapter.)

At the moment the Dark Angel Chapter has grown to 4750 in just troops/vehicles worth of points, not counting gear. in under a year.

If were counting paints and brushes, ill still under 120 bucks worth of modeling supplies/paints.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/03/26 19:06:20

Post by: 40KNobz11

Everything i own is worth around 12-14,000 CAD retail. OMG why haha!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/06/29 10:45:41

Post by: Holy_Dakka_Cow

Jeez, on and off easily more than £2000. Soooo I don't know what that is worth in dollars now but... A lot

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/06/29 12:35:14

Post by: MARC C

At 1,000$ per year for the last 10 years + 500$ for about 5 years before that.

The big difference is that all the money used to go to GW. Now it goes to Corvus Belli INFINITY (80%) and small indie skirmish games (20%).

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/06/29 13:56:55

Post by: odinsgrandson

Man, I've been doing this for way too long to be able to calculate that. i might have been able to do it when I was saving up my allowance. Or when I was in college.

At this point, things like convention attendance is a professional expense.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/06/29 14:29:34

Post by: drunkorc

Lol, I jumped in Warhammer in the 80's. With brushes, paints, dice, Rule books, army books, dex's, and Miniatures?

I spent Alot!!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/06/29 15:27:06

Post by: Dowager Countess M

I've only been in this hobby for a year and a half and I've already spent $740.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/06/29 21:50:22

Post by: OgreChubbs

There is no way over 100 people just on this website spent 100k plus lol. That would be like 5 greater daemons a year for 2 years.

For me I would say 10k plus easy.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/06/30 11:17:23

Post by: HoverBoy

You realise this hobby is nearly 30 years old at this point, stuff builds up.
I only started in 2008 and am already getting scary close to the 10000 mark...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/07/30 16:42:15

Post by: Lamoura

i feel bad about how much i spend but at least the dark gods can use the money to invade terra

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/07/31 00:52:54

Post by: lliu

I have spent about 700 by know.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
This whole post is basically an altar to the GW gods so they can gloat over all the money they have made.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/07/31 11:57:18

Post by: Turnip Jedi

I've been gaming since about the age of 10 or so, and am a somewhat ancient 43 now, lumping in RPG's, assorted miniatures games and CCG's plus travel to events etc, I reckon somewhat betweeen $50-$70k

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/09/01 01:46:48

Post by: Rolsheen

I worked it out not long ago and it came to $500,000 AUS, no that's not a typo half a million spent on hobbying.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/09/01 12:27:11

Post by: eatcha

I dread to think, once I got beyond 3000 I start not not count paint or even the rental space to put all the boards

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/09/02 18:52:23

Post by: Lennac

Just getting started put me in the $200 range. Start Collecting! CSM cost $80, then the Codex (soft cover) and art supplies... then the taxes pushed me up to $202 at checkout.

But that's Canadian, so... $155 American.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Rolsheen wrote:
I worked it out not long ago and it came to $500,000 AUS, no that's not a typo half a million spent on hobbying.

... How?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/09/03 10:49:18

Post by: Rolsheen

28yrs of collecting, 21,000 pts of Eldar, 18,000 pts of Nids, Every model that Forgeworld released.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/09/06 20:57:07

Post by: Stevefamine

Wargaming $3000-6000 bracket

Cycling as a hobby/sport is around $3000-4000

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2016/12/01 06:08:52

Post by: Howlin' Mad Murdrean

quite a bit come to think of it XD

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/01/08 10:13:20

Post by: Stortotta

23 years of collecting, with a good deal of disposable income (rich parents) while young... I'm probably in the 20-30,000. Wich is not alot if you compare it to goalie equipment for hockey, or off-road motorcycling, both of wich had a tendency to cost that much each or every other year.

Warhammer is cheap.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/01/08 23:39:51

Post by: Iron Guard

800+€ mainly on LotR

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/01/10 05:41:02

Post by: Commander Cain

 Rolsheen wrote:
I worked it out not long ago and it came to $500,000 AUS, no that's not a typo half a million spent on hobbying.

Ah but if that's all GW stuff then that would only a few hundred in real money!

Without going through my many boxes of hobby stuff it's hard to calculate how much I've spent in the 8 years or so that I have been collecting, definitely no more than $10,000 CAD. Considering I have enough marines to keep me busy painting for another 8 years that figure shouldn't (I hope) go up much more than that for a while...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/02/10 01:21:31

Post by: Jacall

Well... Starting in 1984 with Battletech, then to Rogue Trader I shudder to even try to calculate it. Buying and selling over the years... likely a mortgage down payment at least...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/02/12 12:22:55

Post by: Blackie

A little bit more than the equivalent of 2k US dollars for my 16000 points of 40k miniatures, including lots of conversions and scratch built models, but they're 99% unpainted.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/02/13 23:32:52

Post by: Ifurita

no idea, but last year I spent $4K USD on Forgeworld orders alone. $200 per month, each month, for 20 years comes out to close to $50K.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/03/14 11:41:09

Post by: SunshineDakka

Something like 1k. But i count the paints, the airbrush and all the other hobby stuff. The army itself must be like half of that.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/10/06 12:11:40

Post by: Fan67

Not counting the losses on the store I once had as a hobby project, I spent... oh my... almost 30k on models and more than 70k on painting services.
Gosh, no wonder my wife hates warhammer.

But I stopped playing (and paying) at the end of 5ed, so there were several idle years and there is a spike from 1 year ago up until now, while I catch up.
I hope next year spendings settle at around 1-1,5k per month, but there are rumors about Hrud release, and they might release 40k rules for FW Custodes units.
It will apply pressure on my budget no doubt.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/10/06 12:53:14

Post by: Eilif

Dang near impossible to figure, but over 20 years in the hobby, I estimated 3-6 grand. Probably closer to the top end of that.

Also, that's not net spent since for much of my hobby I was buying alot of figures that I later sold for more than I paid, sometimes deliberately buying big lots stripping them and then parceling them out.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/10/06 14:17:45

Post by: Talizvar

Ah, that is terrifying.
Got into 40k around 1997 a bit before 3rd edition, so about 20 years.
I shudder to think having every codex from 3rd edition to 5th edition including Armageddon to codex and the large battle books expense?? ~$1200
Every BRB from 3rd edition to now (about $100 each)? ~$600
Every White Dwarf from 2001 to 2010. ~ $1200

Got rid of:
- Full Biel-Tan Eldar army gave to cousin just before they released the "new" wave serpent: ~$400
- Full Tau force when they made the box set way back when (metal stealth suits) sold it all later after assembly, magnets and prime: ~$400

- Chaos Space Marines (Daemons kinda) since 2nd edition, old terminators, the original 28mm obliterators, the bat wing jump troops, original mono-pose metal and plastic CSM, 3 generations of each daemon type, original metal juggernaughts, metal dreadnaughts, original Rhinos and metal turret razorbacks and Predators, I have all the original metal special characters... This was my first army and I have always at least have one model of each type released (got enough for each army to fight amongst itself): ~$3000
- Black Templar Space Marines: Ouch. 3 Land Raiders, 3 Preds, 4 Vindicators, 3 whirlwinds, 8 skimmers, 5 drop pods, 4 full jump troop, 2 full Vanguard and Sternguard, 20 metal scouts, 8 bikes and 3 attack bikes, 500 or so marines with their various weapons, pretty much at least 1 box of everything else. Looking at about a similar size force as my CSM so ~$3000.
- Grey Knights: Metal guys, plastic kits (4 Termi squads, 1 termi command, 8 "normal" some magnets for jump troop), dakka-dreadnaughts (magnets!) and 3 baby carriers (magnets!), Stormraven, couple razor backs and the various special characters all in metal: ~$1200
- Deathwatch: 3 aircraft, 1 each of termies, bikes and jump troop, collecting box set, Cassius, 3 boxes of the normal squads, watch master, Librarian, Captain, 2 Razorbacks: ~$1100
-Inquisition: All the various characters mainly in metal. Much Kaskirin / Storm Troopers in metal: ~$700
- Imperial Guard / Astra Militarium: Umm.... this may break me figuring out. Baneblade, Shadowsword, maybe 500 troops? At least 8 Chimeras, 8 Leman Russ tanks of one kind or another, Wyverns, Basilisk, 6 Armored walkers, many metal characters and probably one of each Commisar metal or in new release plastic, the various psychers, bah... too much... ~$3000.

- 3 Box sets of Armageddon Shadow War ~ $600
- Bought two of the Imperium triumvirate packs - $300
- At least one of each of the 8th edition release Primarus stuff: ~$900

Not including paint or much of my other terrain (Cities of Death, fortress of redemption, Bastions, Defense lines)

So, grand total(ish): $16,400

Much of this is a flying guess due to price changes over time and so many odds and ends that picked up (like the BT upgrade kits I think I bought 5 of them...) unless you started in the last couple years or kept exceptional records, it would be exceedingly hard to do.
Worth looking at it though.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/11/07 10:20:36

Post by: Pandabeer

Probably a bit over 1k € in a year... and I'm just getting started My wallet's gonna hate me

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/11/07 10:27:58

Post by: Skinnereal

I was around £1000 per year to start with. 3 1/2 armies later, and I only spent around £400 this year. Mostly for Necromunda terrain and new rules and codexes.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/11/07 15:35:11

Post by: BigWaaagh

 Rolsheen wrote:
I worked it out not long ago and it came to $500,000 AUS, no that's not a typo half a million spent on hobbying.

Exalted! Well played sir!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/12/08 12:14:31

Post by: Malachon

I think about 20k if I just take wargaming (40k, Fantasy). Spent at least 5k this last year alone. If I start to include RPG's (which I think is a somewhat related hobby, seeing how it started as a spin-off from a wargame), its more like 35k.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/12/08 13:27:42

Post by: IandI

24,000+ points of fully painted goodness and still counting. I don't really think of the total cost outlay. I think of it in terms of how much entertainment I got out of my money. For example, if I buy 10 tactical Marines for $50 and spend 3 hours building them, 12 hours painting them, and 2 more hours basing and decaling them I've been entertained for 17 hours for $50, which is about $3 per hour. That's completely disregarding any play time I get out of them, play time probably cuts it down to about $1 an hour. So 40k is actually pretty cheap as far as hobbies go. I also shoot competitively, I can burn through $50 worth of ammo in about 30 minutes without even really trying.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2017/12/08 17:20:18

Post by: kernbanks

Survey is closed... but a low ball estimate based on
$50/mo through highschool
$100/mo during college
$200/mo for the first 5 years of employment
$300/mo for the last 10 years

puts me right around $50k. Now this is mostly GW stuff... there were months lower, and months that are higher - especially when getting into games or grabbing up big lot deals.

But as a few others have written... this has been a 30 year hobby, countless hours of entertainment and hobby time, not to mention an amazing collection of armies ranging from 40k, Man'O'War, Deadzone, XWing, Armada, Imperial Assault, etc on display and a lot of CMon kickstarters and other board games for family and friends to play.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/01/09 10:54:50

Post by: Sesquedoodle

Probably a little over $300?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/01/12 09:40:38

Post by: AndrewGPaul

I could probably sit and count up the current prices of all my miniatures (I did that once for my Warmachine and Confrontation collections a decade ago, and those two games alone were a couple of grand), but that won't give a true figure. It overestimates stuff I got cheap 2nd hand, but more importantly doesn't include stuff I've subsequently got rid of, or consumables like paint, glue and brushes, magazines and rulebooks. It doesn't include travel and accommodation for going to wargaming events (or just the cost of attending my games club for the last 20 years). It doesn't include the cost of food and drink for hosting RPG sessions, and doesn't include additional heating and lighting costs for the late nights sitting up painting.

All in all, it's probably several tens of thousands of pounds over the 27 years I've been doing this.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/01/28 03:51:59

Post by: paulson games

I've been gaming for 30+ years and just thinking of what I've spent over the years is a bit staggering but I think it that would be the case with most people if they added up their entertainment cost over the years, going to dinners, movies, dating it all adds up incredibly fast.

I've been playing 40k since 1990 and a conservative estimate is probably in the $30-40k range, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it were somewhere between $50-60k. I invested very heavily at the time that Apoc first released. I collect a lot of Forgeworld and at my peak I had a pair of Thunderhawks and an Apoc army full of crisis suits and tanks entirely made with FW models. My brother worked at a GW so being able to get things at a very deep discount was like taking the brakes off the addiction train and we both went a bit crazy.

I started gaming with Battletech and while my spending on that was more "limited" I've probably had $10k of those models over the years since I've slowly collected them over 32-33 years.

For non-GW stuff I played MTG and L5R ccgs very heavily for about 15 years and ran a side business buying and selling cards plus I traveled a lot playing on the pro-tournament circuit so If I add that into the calculation I've spent well over $500k on sealed ccg products alone, I'd easily spend 10k+ on each new release as I was buying cases of product in bulk. I have no clue how much used stuff I bought for resale but it was a huge amount. It's a bit skewed though as the ccgs were a money making venture for me so while I spent very heavily on them and going events it was an expense of generating income so it wasn't going into the negative in the same fashion that my personal miniatures collection has been.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/05/01 10:15:35

Post by: Fan67

I wonder if rental services for gaming club accomodation should be included?
That would spike the spendings significantly, cause I've rented the nice place recently.
But i think it shouldn't, cause rental rates are location based more than hobby based.

Yet it eludes me how to spend 500k in 30 years for just 2 armies like Rolsheen.
Given the current exchange rate for my currency and painting services rates, 500k would yield me every current army in range painted to top standarts for 3-4k worth of points each.

2500 points of death guards costed me around 3000$ to buy and painting commision.
The most expensive singular project to date is when I ordered three 2000 points list to paint for the local AoS Team tournament (Ironjaws, Tzeentch Arcanites and Skryre) - this 6000 worth of points costed arround 4,5$k.

So... 500k shoud approximately yield 200 000 worth of points painted to the very high standards. 0_o
I think this year I won't break 200k, exchange rate fluctuations help a bit, but I estimate Q1-Q2 2019 when I finally reach it (not that this is the thing to be proud of, especially according to my wife).

Still far away from 500k, and I assume I won't even get there anytime soon, because in 6-7 month I will get the core of every army painted, and painting new releases only will significantly deminish the monthly hobby budget requirements.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The other way to look at it.
500 000$ is around 150 painted Warlord Titans... that's enough to man arround 20 titan legions.

Just imagine the size of the room required to field and play them.
Still, curiously, the time to the play the actual game won't be that long, around 4-6 hours I think.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/06/08 17:08:15

Post by: deathwinguk

£200 in the 3 months I've been back in the hobby. That spend rate should drop now I'm starting to paint though.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/06/08 21:00:03

Post by: Xenomancers

Easily in the 20-30k range.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/07/03 12:07:10

Post by: jeff white

 Rolsheen wrote:
28yrs of collecting, 21,000 pts of Eldar, 18,000 pts of Nids, Every model that Forgeworld released.

Every model?
Holy crap...
Where do you keep all of this stuff?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
kernbanks wrote:
Survey is closed... but a low ball estimate based on
$50/mo through highschool
$100/mo during college
$200/mo for the first 5 years of employment
$300/mo for the last 10 years

puts me right around $50k. Now this is mostly GW stuff... there were months lower, and months that are higher - especially when getting into games or grabbing up big lot deals.

But as a few others have written... this has been a 30 year hobby, countless hours of entertainment and hobby time, not to mention an amazing collection of armies ranging from 40k, Man'O'War, Deadzone, XWing, Armada, Imperial Assault, etc on display and a lot of CMon kickstarters and other board games for family and friends to play.

300bux a mnth consistently on games for 10 years.
That's the way to do it.
Still, where do you keep it all?
This is like a pretty big game shop in your house...

Here in South Korea,
I hardly have room for what I thought was a large collection.
The table can't be kept up, as it occupies most of a room.
Yeah, maybe we need a bigger apartment, but still.
I wonder what 50k or for that matter a half million USD in models looks like.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/07/03 12:49:55

Post by: Haanz

I just sat and, incredibly depressingly, went through my order history from Element Games, Wayland Games, DarkSphere, ForgeWorld and eBay to get a rough estimate.

I've been back in the hobby for about 2 years now, and I've managed to spend about £8000 or thereabouts. A very large proportion of this has been Horus Heresy, from looking at the numbers.

Element - 1258.44
ForgeWorld - 2174.62
Wayland - 804.51
DarkSphere - 240.38
Ebay - 3500

And this isn't including Amazon, where I've spent a few hundred no doubt on texture paints and glues and the like.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/07/03 12:51:37

Post by: Skinnereal

I used to have a £1000/year habit. It's down to ~£300 now, what with rules and codexes to buy.
That's been since I restarted in 2011.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/07/03 16:44:51

Post by: Alessander

I've joked that the number in the name of the game is how much i've spent on the hobby since 1994...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/08/04 11:17:40

Post by: Scott-S6

I've currently got about $2K in cases (the cases, not the stuff in them).

Couldn't begin to add up the cost of minis, books and terrain over the last 30 years.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/09/05 13:43:54

Post by: some bloke

I daren't think about it, my largest army is Orks with 12,650 points, with most models requiring several kits to bash out...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/10/07 04:28:27

Post by: ccs

Well I guess I'll have to admit to $100k+.

But that's spread over a 35 year span, many different miniature wargames (not just GW stuff), supplies/misc, & 30 years of traveling around to gaming cons.
Obviously if you wanted it broken down to just GW, or just 40k, the tally would be lower.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/10/23 01:08:49

Post by: brr-icy

This hobby? Less than one figure from my other hobby. lol

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/11/07 17:25:59

Post by: alienux

If I include stand alone games, like Space Hulk, Blood Bowl, etc., I've probably spent between $1000 and $1200. If I include stuff I've bought for my son, even more.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2018/12/08 11:36:15

Post by: Excommunicatus

Since 1996, probably about $10,000 USD.

Currently my budget is $200 CAD a month, so it's increasing at roughly $2,000 USD per year now.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/02/10 12:46:26

Post by: BRB

it should be ~€5.000 over a period of 20 years for me.

The largest chunk would be my 1/2400 GHQ collection, followed by GW (Terrain, Space Marines, IG, Scions and a few Kill Teams), Flames of War (Terrain, Germans, US Airborne, LW British, LW Canadian), 1/285 GHQ, Sails of Glory, X-Wing and Armada.

If I had to add my Collectibe Card Games (Star Trek, WoW) and Board Game Series (e.g. Descent 2 /w all expansions), that number would go up a bit. Travel costs/housing for tournaments or game fairs aren't included either.

It sounds like a lot of money, but in the end it comes down to ~20-30€ a month. I've spent a lot more into restoring and racing my Escort Mk.1

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/02/11 01:17:55

Post by: DeathKorp_Rider

More for me because of my main two armies, one is FW as partially OOP, and another is FW and completely OOP.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/04/02 02:17:43

Post by: Lord Royal

Too. Many. Models. Need. More. Must. Resist. The. Urge!!!!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/05/02 10:58:55

Post by: Dovis

 Ashrag wrote:
Wow including Airbrush, Showing cases, Painting supplies and 17 years worth of miniatures, books, tools, etc ... not to mention especially looking for a flat with an extra room only for the hobby and furnishing it ... I'd say somewhere between 20k and 30k.

That number there scares me - please someone say that's normal ...

100 usd a month for a hoppy is really not that bad, though yeah, over time it really ads up, but so does everything, engaging in a hobby activity is a stress relief, consider how much in healthcare costs you have saved and you've actually made a profit!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/05/02 17:59:23

Post by: JohnHwangDD

Honestly, I'm not sure how much I've spent on wargaming / hobby.

At the very start, I had a "fun" budget of $100 per month, but then I tapered to <$500/year, then I went to "net zero", and most recently, I've been selling stuff. I'm going to guess that my net spend is in the $1000-$3000 range, but it could be more, it could be less.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/05/02 19:41:51

Post by: aka_mythos

Over the last 24 years... ~$66,000 or ~$2750/yr or ~$230/mo.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/05/02 19:46:34

Post by: Edd Crumpett

Probably slightly over $100 on 40K... Scale models on the other hand- I think I need to get another job to support this... hobby Yet I am still minor leagues compared to a lot of y'all.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/06/03 11:48:40

Post by: SirDonlad

I recon i've spent around $8000 since 2011 on GW and FW products.
Models mostly, some books and a few scenery items.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/06/04 03:39:23

Post by: Zillian

No idea, but I don't want to add it up.

I have over AUD1500 in untouched boxes and starter sets sitting around me. Over 100 pots of paint. At least 10 characters/limited edition models in unopened boxes...

As for painted stuff, there's a large Dark Angels army (5000+ points), a small Death Watch army (1000+), a small Thousand Sons/Tzeench Demons army half painted (1000+)...

Oh, and all the rulebooks I have bought over the years.. The datacard packs, the paints that died up and were binned..

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/07/04 23:35:07

Post by: Gamarharr

almost 2 decades in hobby...some10-12k$ i think ...muahahaha but I want MOOOORE!

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/08/05 20:12:54

Post by: stroller

Over the last 40 years .... about $60k. Many lots....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/09/23 05:34:56

Post by: Elbows

I guess $10K+, but that's from a variety of games, hobby accoutrements, and some complete do-overs (buying stuff up that I sold previously).

Also, a lot of the money spent has been "created" by selling off prior hobby stuff, so the actual net outcome is probably less.

Been gaming for 25-30 years.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/09/23 08:14:14

Post by: Scott-S6

 Elbows wrote:
I guess $10K+, but that's from a variety of games, hobby accoutrements, and some complete do-overs (buying stuff up that I sold previously).

Also, a lot of the money spent has been "created" by selling off prior hobby stuff, so the actual net outcome is probably less.

Been gaming for 25-30 years.

If you've averaged less than $35 per month for more than 25 years then I applaud your discipline.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2019/09/23 17:46:24

Post by: Elbows

Oh I definitely have.

1) Didn't buy much in college.
2) Shortly after college had a roommate who was a GW store manager so I got everything at cost/weight (the old metal bits were available paying purely by weight)
3) I didn't game for a solid 5-6 years while serving in a desert somewhere.
4) I mainly do non-GW games, so you get far more bang for buck.
5) If we include money recouped via eBay...

Yeah I'd say $35 a month is probably close to correct. This month I've spent maybe $60-70...all of which came from eBay sales of other random gaming stuff, so my net spending is in the negative this month (still got a stash of cash in PayPal).

The only thing that might ruin it was a splurge when I was very well off, where I may have picked up $2K worth of dwarven forge dungeons...

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/01/10 12:38:07

Post by: Ernestas

It is difficult to calculate due to a lot of little costs which adds up over time. It is easily 400 euros, I'm including all miniature games. I will get 500 euro investment at the end of this month. I will also buy some starter pack and essential kit for my friend as a way to thank him. So far it was mostly were those big starter packs which costed me 300 euros. I'm fine in spending another five hundreds in getting all the essentials like cases, brushes, more colors, expanding my armies from starter kits into functional ones, starting to collect armies which I actually like over the ones present in bundles, etc.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/02/11 10:53:07

Post by: Gabbi

When last year I started shooting a bow and was looking at what bow to buy, people at the club usually tell me "I know, archery is a quite expensive activity...". Yeah, you know nothing about miniature wargaming, right?

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/02/11 11:34:14

Post by: aphyon

well lets see-

40K-armies/parts of armies/formations since 3rd edition(do not still own them all, sold off a bunch)
.salamanders(DIY successor)
.dark angels-mostly gone
.pure deathwing-reduced
.pure ravenwing -reduced
.sisters of battle-gone
.imperial guard
.baneblade tank
.macharius tank



.CEF force

.khador army

B5 wars
.narn fleet
.ea fleet
.shadow fleet

.armada ships (for b5 wars)
.collectable minis for use in RPGs

attack wing ships(for B5 wars)

.german battle group
.russian battle group

.japanese fleet
.british fleet


.basic starter


.forge fathers

.enough to build 3 sectorial and one main force for haqqislam

.lots of dice, templates, measuring devices etc..
.various rulebooks and codexes
.A dozen game mats
.large amounts of terrain
.lots of pluck foam
.several transport containers
.paints,brushes, modeling tools.

It has been over 20 years so it doesn't feel like i have spent that much, and GW prices used to be alot less, but still easily in the 10K range. i guess i am sticking with gaming for now

but thats like 1/3 of what i spent importing anime(videos/goods/figures/toys/models/art books/manga etc... in the 80s and 90s-still have all that)

damn i have expensive hobbies.... and thats not counting guitars and motorcycles/cycling i used to be into.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/02/11 13:14:28

Post by: Pyroalchi

I thought it was less, but looking over my collection so far and all the paints I bought since I startet last year it should be something slightly above 1000 $, But on the other hand looking at the many hours of fun and relaxation it brought me I would say money well spent.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/02/13 18:30:28

Post by: Insectum7

Over the years I've spent a lot, but I've also sold a lot of painted models for profit, so for most of my 40K career my overall my net cost isn't too bad.

Haven't sold much in the past few years though. . . and my collection seems to keep growing. . .

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/02/14 05:25:45

Post by: Murrax9

It's definitely somewhere between 3k and 6k in raw value when counting supplies, but I have sold a lot of models and armies to fund new ones. I've sold my Imperial Fists and bought my Thousand Sons, I sold my Iron Hands and bought my Deathwatch, and I sold my big Tau titan to buy my Blood Angels. I also bought a lot of my stuff in lots from ebay and got a few really good deals.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/02/15 17:42:41

Post by: Orlanth

Already voted on this, cant remember when or how much.
All I know its likely to be a category or two higher than last time.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/10/09 20:35:03

Post by: Deikov

I can only guess, but my best guess is at a minimum of $3000+.
I know the total retail value of my everything is in excess of $10,000, but I can't use that number as a basis given how much of what I have was second-hand (so, 50% of retail or less).
One day I will do the math on this, and then I will allow myself to be sad about it. And then hopefully I can use that sadness to motivate me into finally getting everything painted.....

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2020/10/10 11:51:31

Post by: Oborosen

Yeah, let's just say that 40k, 30k and all it's associated hobbies.

Are not exactly cheap..

I've fielded four armies in the past and I'm currently batting with a little over 5k pts in GKs right now. 6k in IG, not including traitor guard. As well as around 2.5k in Crimson slaughter and Iron Warriors for my CSM armies. Hell, I have a ravager titan still in three pieces somewhere. Along with a Knight: Paladin build from when they first launched.

That's only just accounting for the last three editions of the game. Not counting my 30k either.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2021/02/13 12:49:02

Post by: Sarigar

An old poll but interesting to think it over. I've been in the 40K hobby over 30 years now and have no real way to know how much I've spent. I voted the $30-50K range as an estimate without factoring in conventions and tournament costs. However, it does not bother me as I've derived so much enjoyment and comraderi from this hobby.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2021/06/03 16:52:16

Post by: Fingolfen

I don't even know how I'd begin to calculate this...

I've been painting miniatures of one form or another since the early 1980's, 40K since 1989...

Original dollars?

Current dollars?

Oi - ultimately I think the answer would be "way too much"! *lol*

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2021/07/15 11:31:19

Post by: Jarms48

In US dollars I can't be 100% sure. Between 3rd and 4th edition I probably spent around $2000 AUD. Between 4th and 5th edition I probably spent another $2000. Between 5th and 6th that probably jumped up to $4000, basically all FW models here. Between 6th and 7th it dropped drastically, probably around $500 and that was basically just books.

I stopped playing later into 7th because of all the formation bs. Came back into 40k towards the end of 8th. I've maybe spent around $250 on books in 9th.

So $8750 AUD roughly. Punching those numbers in a converter it's giving me roughly $6500 USD.

That's just Guard stuff too. I don't touch any other factions.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2022/03/31 21:04:01

Post by: popisdead

I don't know how to calculate it because I've been buying models since 1987 and they were DANG cheap back then.

In 1993 I bought my entire eldar army for $25 (10 of each aspect, plus farseers, warlocks, pheonix lords, etc) and then picked up the vehicles to support dirt cheap.

And in the past GW has sales on things, and auctions. So Apocalypse was a great time to buy guard vehicles to loot.

Also it's been a no brainer to pick up a Beasts of Chaos army for the last 18 years because they've been so bad for so long people gave them away for peanuts.

I would guess $5k max and that's 5 huge armies plus loads of others.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2022/05/21 01:17:38

Post by: boyd

I've been doing this for nearly 27 years now. Back in the day an army of space marines was some $2/ model and tanks were about $30 so an entire army was $120. But over time I've picked up some 15 armies (9 40k; 6 AOS). Moat of my armies average 2500 points but a couple of my armies are very large. My Vampires and Slaves are about 5-6,000 each and my Dark Angels is 8,000 points. My smallest are Beastmen at 1500 points and Ultramarines at 1500 points.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2022/10/08 23:03:22

Post by: Anvilbrow

Not sure whether to be proud or ashamed, but in over 30 years of playing Warhammer games, I estimated well north of $50K. Taking just Blood Bowl into consideration, one of the least expensive aspects of the GW hobby, I have around 35 painted teams. Each ran somewhere in the. $100-150 range to purchase with full positionals etc. So that’s $3500-5000 ish. Add in the cost to paint them all (I pay a contract painter $400/team) and that’s another $11000 (only 28 of them are painted thus far). Plus half a dozen pitches, dice towers, rules for multiple editions, Blitz Bowl versions, Dungeon Bowl, dice for every faction etc I imagine is another $2000. Not to mention Figure cases for them all at around $70 each…. Damn, I might have $20K in Blood Bowl alone. Not to mention multiple 40K armies, a dozen Kill Teams, Warmaster armies, Mordheim war bands, a couple of AOS armies and every Warhammer Army including Chaos Dwarfs, DoW and Kislev…. Actually my estimate might be waaaay low…

I know there are other old timers out there like me… help.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2022/11/09 22:53:44

Post by: RustyNumber

Hah wow this is an ancient poll! I've spent more on vintage machinery than I have mandollies, so that's a fair way of justifying the hobby I suppose.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2022/11/12 00:07:01

Post by: Veldrain

According to shopify records I have spent $5,600 in a little under six years at my main store. This does not count the second, less supported store. Nor does it count custom bases, online orders, conventions, or trades.

It also does not count the twenty years of gaming before the current store opened.

Meh, worth it.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2023/02/11 23:48:18

Post by: triplegrim

 Ashrag wrote:
Wow including Airbrush, Showing cases, Painting supplies and 17 years worth of miniatures, books, tools, etc ... not to mention especially looking for a flat with an extra room only for the hobby and furnishing it ... I'd say somewhere between 20k and 30k.

That number there scares me - please someone say that's normal ...

I would say it is normal.

I have been collecting since 1999 and would say I've spent about the same; a little above 30k.

For both of us thats around 100 dollars each month on average, on the hobby.

30k is a lot of money. But just painting supplies, glue, terrain, a crapload of books, bases, flock, a few tools and carrying cases? Minimum 5k in total through the years.

I've been yearly to tournaments the past 7 years, which alone is about 1000 dollars in average in plane, hotel, food and a few boxes of latest shiny to keep my existing army competative.

So that leaves 18k to account for. Looking at GWs webstore, a 2k 40k army costs around 800-1000 dollars (outside combat boxed sets). Matches the 8 WHFB armies and eight 40k armies I have bought from scratch, pretty well.

Then there are a few boxed sets bought back in the days, like Mordheim, Hero Quest, Space crusade, a few failed forays into stuff like BFG, and a few computer games and a handful of Thanquol novels.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2023/07/04 16:02:39

Post by: nemesis464

Since 2007 I’ve spent maybe $2000 and had lots of armies, but I’ve sold all but one of them and broken even. Because GW increase prices at such a ridiculous rate, all the stuff I’ve had in the past easily sells for its value on eBay, especially when I’ve painted it

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2023/07/04 16:11:01

Post by: NapoleonInSpace

Good God. I have no idea, but I shudder to think what it would amount to if I'd spent it on Microsoft equities instead

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2023/07/05 01:16:50

Post by: bong264

I stared my journey around 2012 so it has to be a couple thousand at this point lol.

How much have you spent on the hobby so far (in us dollars, if you dare calculate!) @ 2024/01/10 18:37:27

Post by: Erudessa

I have been buying and selling my armies for 13 years now so in total it's about 30k, but thats been funded by the hobby itself.