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Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/04 01:02:32

Post by: legoburner

Poll suggested by kitch102

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/04 17:48:28

Post by: SpetZoo

Yes, I use my old reading glasses when I paint details.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/04 18:05:07

Post by: Razorspirit

I use a tabletop light/magnifying glass. Really like it as it lets me see all the edges and cracks I've missed

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/05 16:02:49

Post by: MrMerlin

luckiely my eyes are very good, so there is noo need to do o

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/18 10:29:30

Post by: Brunius

According to my optometrist I have superhuman vision - people also can't believe my hearing...maybe I'm Homo Novus...

Point is, no, I don't. I can never get the magnification right, then my depth perception gets off and...ugh...

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/18 10:36:39

Post by: Necroagogo

I use a magnifier / daylight lamp. Handy for painting in the wee small hours once the kids and wifey are abed.

Comes in really handy for fine detail, too.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/18 11:50:41

Post by: Nurglizer

The main reason to use a magnifier is to see the brush. It is hard to see exactly where the point is. I've been thinking about buying some expensive dental loupes-- $140+ but they are the perfect lenses.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/19 01:47:15

Post by: privateherbert24

I've tried, it messes with my depth perception. But it's not really an issue, what with superhuman vision and all haha

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/19 04:23:10

Post by: chromedog


But this is not JUST for modelling.

I wear specs.

They magnify (Right one does anyway) but mostly they correct for short and long-sightedness.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/19 05:10:01

Post by: Jihadnik

I started off using one of those headsets, but I don't need to anymore. Plus, it just looked ridiculous!

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/19 13:31:07

Post by: el_groovatore

Like many folks here, I find magnifying screws up my painting, rather than improving it. Whilst my distance vision is pretty shocking, my close/detail vision is perfectly solid that I don't really need the magnifying anyhow,

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/01/19 15:18:58

Post by: danpieri

I HAD a nice magnifier with roach clips on it to hold the stuff. My 5 and 3 year old boys kinda took it apart and pieces were lost. Good thing I never really had to use it since I have good eyesight and a very steady hand.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/02/16 17:50:25

Post by: Jimsolo

I'd like to but don't.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/02/16 22:12:43

Post by: kirsanth

I have one, but find it to be rarely useful.

Maybe because I have good (20/13) eyesight. It's not so useful for modeling in that case and I am not a good enough painter to make use anything that would need it.

Not sure how to vote, though.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/06/24 10:10:34

Post by: mwnciboo

I have fairly good eyesight and I am resisting using a magnifier, because of fear of becoming overly dependant on them. I have experimented with one and found my depth perception, lightness of touch and mis-judging distance became an issue especially when doing Lenses etc.

I'm sure if I had stuck with it a week, I would have adjusted. But to be honest at this point of time, I don't need it so it's like handicapping myself. I do however use a Daylight lamp, as this is brilliant at giving true colour.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/06/24 10:43:28

Post by: Deadshot

I actually got a magnifying glass 2 Xmases ago. Hand held so I couldn't use it as I need both hands.

For my birthday 2 months after ny grandad got me an awesome.little hightech one with built in LED lights on the rim and high powered magnification. Hand Held.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/06/24 11:02:29

Post by: butchyboy73

I use a magnifier headset thing with a variety of clip in lens for different magnification. It's great and fairly cheap, £25, my eyesight ain't the best and it gives me great depth of vision and my standard of painting has improved immeasurably, It also allows me to see exactly what some of those lumps and bump of GW figures are! "oh, it's a purity seal, thought it was a handkerchief sticking out of his pocket!"

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/06/24 16:33:17

Post by: dalsiandon

I use a magnifier for some things and not for others, but I am grateful to have it for sure.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/06/30 19:02:18

Post by: chilledmonkeybrains

Ditto. I find a magnifying glass very handy when sculpting tiny details, but otherwise it tends to get in the way.

Good bit of kit, though

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/07/26 10:13:32

Post by: LumenPraebeo

I have a hobby lamp. It gives off day light, and has a 2x/4x magnifying glass, but i only use the lamp for the light now, i keep the magnifying glass around for doing the rare really really small detail when i model an paint

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/07/26 10:20:15

Post by: ThunderfireMac

I have a magnifier lamp but i rarely use it

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/07/26 10:28:54

Post by: stubacca

I can't get my head around the messed up depth perception. Thankfully I've got a spot that gets plenty of daylight but during winter, without a daylight lamp, I could only paint for a short window during the days

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/07/26 11:48:42

Post by: vigilante87

My eyes havnt failed me yet

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/07/26 18:24:05

Post by: Adrian Fue Fue

I used to use a pivoting light with a 4 inch magnifying glass on it. Worked well at a work desk, but I haven't been at my work dest for years...

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/08/14 13:13:41

Post by: Papasmerv

I have one of those magnifying glass desk lamps but I don't use the magnifying glass part. It just shows me in greater detail how bad my painting is lol

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/08/15 07:58:04

Post by: kizzdougs

No, never. I don't think it would be very beneficial and in fact rather fiddly.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/08/27 10:14:11

Post by: Edd

No but I have often thought about making a rig with clamps lights and magnifiers, especially for the more delicate jobs.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/08/27 12:10:19

Post by: Nuclear Mekanik

I've been trying to paint for the first time in 2 years and I've realised that I now do need some form of magnification. My eyes are a bit shot anyway, and I don't really have any depth perception normally without glasses. I get around fine but think I'm going to have to relent and get some new glasses, and probably a magnifier for modelling/painting, if I want any hope of getting my painting up to the standard I want it at.

I'd also agree with the folks that use a magnifier with a built in light, if for no other reason than to have a decent light source for painting at night as that's when most people get decent hobby time.

Maybe a good question for another poll?? What time of day do you normally set aside tiem for hobbying, and/or how many hours a week do you hobby?? I don't mean actual game time or playign time, I just mean modelling and painting time.

Me personally it's pretty much only ever in the evenings, no earlier than 18:00, up to around midnight at the latest. Varies depending on work pattern, but I try and do at least 2 nights a week, and maybe a lot more if I've got something to get ready for.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/08/27 12:33:40

Post by: IDICBeer

I only use it for really small things like teeth and eyes

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/08/27 12:38:02

Post by: illusion2269

Funny, I just picked up a magnifying lamp this weekend, and it has already been very helpful with brush control and details.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/09/28 10:47:09

Post by: decoste007xt

I do not use a magnifying glass, I can see my brush bristles pretty well. But I do use a white LED bulb that it harsh enough that i can see any flaws on the model.

The good thing about the harsh white light, is if it looks good in that, it's going to look great in normal room lighting

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/09/28 16:10:24

Post by: BrotherVord

I don't use one, there are some instances where I can see one coming in handy, but I generally find that the appropriate lighting is much more important than magnification...for which I use an adjustabledesk lamp

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/10/02 10:22:37

Post by: WaaaaghLord

I understand the concept but really find it easier without a magnifier, simply because, as the model gets bigger under the magnifier, so does the brush. I work better without one, but I suppose that's just me.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/12/01 14:13:08


Takes up too much time for me

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/12/01 14:47:22

Post by: Deathshead420

I bought one of these.


And was in the middle of painting up some cultists. So i opened it plugged it in and started to paint to see if i could get used to it when the bulb sparked and popped less the 5 inches from my face. I contacted the seller and the sent me out a free one which was nice of them. Now I am to scared of the thing to use it. I even plugged it in and turned it on for over 5 hours sitting off to the side and it was fine, I just cant work up the nerve to try it again.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/12/01 22:03:43

Post by: sarpedons-right-hand

Not at the moment, but I plan on picking up a table magnifier when I start my new Ork army and DKoK force...My brother uses one, as does my dad who makes obscenely detailed F1 models.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/12/24 03:56:30

Post by: Smitty

I put other, because while I don't currently, I want to get a desktop lamp/magnifier thingy.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2012/12/26 14:08:00

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

I haven't used any up till now, but I just got one of those headsets for Christmas, so I guess I'll give it a try.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/01/02 10:48:42

Post by: Outbreak Undead

Yeah I have too. The eyes aren't what they used to be! xD

Tabletop illuminated magnifying glass. It allows me to see detail that I would otherwise miss.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/01/02 17:51:42

Post by: varl

despite having nearly perfect vision, I *do* use a magnifier for fine detail work. it really makes a difference and I feel that my painting is better as a result.

I use one of those headsets that gives you true, stereoscopic vision (dual lenses). I think that's the key and what turns a lot of folks off about using magnifiers. if you're using a single lens, like one attached to a lamp, your depth perception is going to get wonky and that takes a lot of getting used to. if you use a headset with a lens for each eye (or strong reading glasses, etc), you shouldn't have any depth perception issues.

it can become a crutch, though, so you need to exercise a bit of discipline. you really don't need a magnifier to base coat, etc :p

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/01/09 01:55:16

Post by: Elector

I have the table lamp/magnifier, but I only use it for light.

The magnification messes with my aim and depth perception too much, despite being near blind, I find I do better without.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/02/03 13:49:55

Post by: celeborn

I sometimes use a magnifing glass if I can't see details very well or in awkward positions, but for the mostpart thankfully my vision is great (touchwood) so i dont need to use one.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/03/06 15:43:13

Post by: Jack_Death

My answer is no, but maybe not for long. I am nearsighted which has been a blessing in disguise when painting. I've noticed lately that I am losing close focus, just enough to be annoying. Getting old sucks.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/03/06 16:07:31

Post by: Baldsmug

I like to use reading glasses at 1.75 magnification and an Ott light. The glasses don't hinder my depth perception as much as a magnifying glass.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/04/07 23:34:07

Post by: Uial-Ras

I don't even wear my glasses when I paint although I do use a lamp it helps me see the colors better

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/04/08 01:52:23

Post by: scadianforlife

20/19 vision, but plenty of rest. I usually paint for one hour (one fig) then rest for 30 mins. If there a lot of layers, I can probably get away with resting while waiting for the fig to dry.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/05/10 12:19:26

Post by: beartree

 illusion2269 wrote:
Funny, I just picked up a magnifying lamp this weekend, and it has already been very helpful with brush control and details.

I have perfect vision.

But I've been looking at buying some magnification in combination with lighting, where did you get your magnifying lamp?

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/05/10 19:23:57

Post by: Mad Boss Morgrot

The problem I have is not with my eyes it's with my unsteady hand!!

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/05/11 02:55:53

Post by: inquisitorlewis

I wear reading glasses to paint.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/05/11 04:42:17

Post by: Mr Nobody

I just get really close up to the model I'm painting. Granted, I look like Smeagol, hunched over, clutching the model to my face.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/07/12 13:46:55

Post by: Spaz431

Before a few days ago, my answer would have been no. My oil sister bought me a magnifier lamp for my birthday.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/09/14 10:20:17

Post by: moogy

I think there should have been an option for 'sometimes'...

Things like tanks, bikes, dreadnoughts = no.

Tactical marines = no.

Sergeants, characters etc (as in, those infantry minis with added details) = yes. Sometimes...

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/09/14 10:40:22

Post by: weetyskemian44

Luckily I have a zoom function built in. But I cant see more than a few meters away without my specs though!

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/09/22 10:14:21

Post by: StyleXHobby

No, but maybe some day.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/11/16 18:32:03

Post by: Corporal_Chaos

I wear my cheater glasses because my 50 year old eyes are blurry... LOL

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/11/17 00:26:36

Post by: Rhich

Jack_Death wrote:
My answer is no, but maybe not for long. I am nearsighted which has been a blessing in disguise when painting. I've noticed lately that I am losing close focus, just enough to be annoying. Getting old sucks.

Amen, brother, amen..... getting old in this hobby is tough on the eyes...

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/12/07 14:36:41

Post by: Haight

I voted "other", as i don't currently, but i'm considering it, especially for face painting.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/12/07 17:07:14

Post by: marv335

I didn't used to, but in recent years I've started to use one for fine details.
I fancy one of the big ones with built in daylight lighting, but they are a little hard to come by out in Saudi.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/12/17 12:50:52

Post by: Dr H

I have perfectly good eyes and yes, I do use a magnifier while modelling/painting.

I used to use a hand-held glass to check my work and then still find little issues when I blow up photos on my computer.
But now I have a large (5 inch diameter) glass on a bendy arm that I use for all but the largest of work.

I got used to the magnification quite quickly and my hand movements now adjust automatically when working under mag'n or not.

It really helps with all the little details I like to add to my models.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/12/17 13:05:34

Post by: Hivefleet Oblivion

I (Paul) wear a magnifying visor, just like the fella repairs Woody in Toy Story 2. I hurriedly remove them anytime I hear someone at the door.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/12/19 15:04:16

Post by: carlos13th

My lap has a magnifier in it. I use it on occasion but not too often.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/01/19 02:07:43

Post by: Krucho1986

No, but I probably should.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/01/20 13:18:09

Post by: deepstriker

Just a reading lamp. No magnifications for me. Spoils the eyes.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/03/01 23:12:06

Post by: Sammy

I use a magnifying lamp. Works best for me

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/03/03 13:50:54

Post by: eldar 1

This old dog has been painting since 1979 so yep.I cant always take an Illuminated magnifier with me,so I built my own glasses.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/03/03 20:19:14

Post by: Troike

I never do. I have one of those lamps with the built-in magnifier, but never seem to need it. Even when painting tiny details like eyes.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/03/05 05:58:43

Post by: 40KNobz11

No I don't use anything. I find it makes it difficult to judge distances

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/06/27 17:19:40

Post by: Snilbog

I voted no, but I had to think about it as I wear long sighted glasses.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/06/28 00:08:44

Post by: Bonegrinder

Yes, I use this for small details


It's very handy, but the change in depth perception takes a bit of getting used to.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/06/28 03:02:27

Post by: Carlson793

Tried using a couple magnifying glasses on an armature for a time, but the shifting perspective made it impossible for me to know how far I was from what I was working on - ended up stripping a number of near complete jobs due to misjudging how close the brush was to mini. Now I stick to a pair of 3X reading glasses purchased from a local book store - they're always the same distance from my eyes, so my perspective never shifts and my aging/reverting-to-the-crosseye-of-my-youth eyes can see exactly what I'm doing.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/06/29 13:54:27

Post by: MordorMiniatures

I Dont get how people can... It gets in my way and I end up getting a false sense of where my brush is!

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/06/29 18:03:50

Post by: SirSertile

I might try using a magnifier, but as stated, it may mess with depth perception/ ability to move hand.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2014/12/03 23:27:48

Post by: lliu

 Necroagogo wrote:
I use a magnifier / daylight lamp. Handy for painting in the wee small hours once the kids and wifey are abed.

Comes in really handy for fine detail, too.
Wee hours as in...

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/02/04 14:00:23


Yes, I move my head closer to the model (so no on the vote)

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/02/04 19:00:50

Post by: Gragga Da Krumpa

I find that my hands steady themselves a bit when I look at the tip of the brush through a magnifier.

However, my eyes fatigue faster, too.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/02/06 04:04:22

Post by: Red Harvest

Over the counter reading glasses, +2.00, and +3.00. I like them better than a magnifying glass because they don't mess with depth perception etc.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/03/09 14:58:28

Post by: nettraper

With all the sheet amount of detail we put into each step of the hobby, I found myself painting through a magnifier a bit strenuous on eyes.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/03/10 00:38:24

Post by: Stormonu

I started using an overhead magnifying lamp a year ago (a year after I started using glasses). Couldn't go back to painting without it now.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/04/10 13:09:12

Post by: NinjaJc01

One of my eyes is much better that the other, so while I need glasses to boost the bad eye, the good eye is very very good, I have never tried magnifying my figures, maybe I will

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/04/10 21:05:25

Post by: Voodoo_Skaven

(Other) I don't use one....at the moment. I am going to be buying one though, becasue I think it would help a great deal with both illumination and small detail painting.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/04/19 11:06:02

Post by: granander

I presently don't but I have been thinking about it...

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/08/02 23:37:13

Post by: StarDrop

I use a table-top arm magnifier that has a built-in light in it. Comes really handy, as I can change the type of bulb I have inside.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/08/07 08:23:22

Post by: Harley Quinn

I have a magnifying lamp but only use it for the light. I guess I'm lucky enough to have good eyes to see all the detail without one. Might be the fact that I'm only 18 too.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/09/15 11:35:47

Post by: Zingraff

I've also experienced that it ruins my depth perception, so I only use mine to inspect details, but not while I'm painting.

I have it built into a circular desk lamp, and while I'm always using the lamp, I rarely use the magnifier. Also the lamp often gets in the way of the brush.

I use glasses, and I've found that most of the time I'm able to see things better without the magnifier.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/09/15 12:02:27

Post by: casvalremdeikun

I don't. This issue with painting is not that I can't see what I am doing, it is that I get really jittery when painting. It is funny, I can stick a very tiny needle in a very tiny vein on a patient that is rampaging around their bed, but GOD FORBID I can paint a thin line on a model that isn't even moving.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/10/16 18:00:04

Post by: Zarash

I actually take my glasses off when I paint. It messes with my eye site when I try to paint and wear them.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/10/17 14:18:20

Post by: QuazzaP

Never used one, but I might in future - could be helpful for detail and stuff.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/11/15 12:24:12

Post by: GamesEtc

Mag lamp that clips onto my desk =D

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/11/18 01:55:16

Post by: Joyous_Oblivion

For this one thing only I'm glad I'm bear sighted. Don't need any magnifying devices since my eyes actually work close up, lol.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2015/12/01 22:31:24

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

No, but my eyes are getting bad enough to where I should

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/01/19 16:08:46

Post by: EmberlordofFire8

I use a lamp when it's dark, but otherwise no magnifier.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/06/23 16:03:43

Post by: CaptainZebra

I only use one on occasion. The clips can sometimes be useful for modelling and for applying washes

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/04/23 10:38:26

Post by: Haravikk

This really needs an option for "No, but I probably should". That said I've kind of adapted a "rough" paint style that suits me quite well and which I think still looks good; gives my models a kind of dirty/worn look without specifically having to do any weathering, minimal highlighting required and such. Absolutely no freehand of any kind ever because I suck really hard at anything like that.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/04/24 05:59:53

Post by: ced1106

For under ten bucks at Harbor Freight, I picked up a "helping hands" magnifier with light and alligator clips. Inexpensive and useful.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/04/24 17:07:14

Post by: Hordini

I have a magnifier, but I've never used it. The only additional item I usually use is a lamp of some sort.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2013/04/24 17:21:07

Post by: Silentz

 Necroagogo wrote:
I use a magnifier / daylight lamp. Handy for painting in the wee small hours once the kids and wifey are abed.

Comes in really handy for fine detail, too.

Exactly this, including the time of night I paint.

My only issue is that sometimes you find yourself looking through the lens at a weird angle, and your depth perception/aim goes awry.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/05/24 18:00:10

Post by: Huron black heart

I bought a hobby lamp from Maplins about a year or two ago. It has a large round magnifying glass surround by a light. As much as I tried I can't get on with painting under magnification. Fortunately the light is great so my money wasn't wasted.
I also tend to have something to watch on either my TV or iPad and find that I become temporarily short sighted when I look up to watch a program.
I also have one of those small desktop magnifying glasses with two crocodile teeth that hold what you'r working on, this now sits in a draw unused.
I do like a gadget

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 0008/05/15 19:28:16

Post by: morfydd

3 different varieties..Main one is a lamped large glass magnifier..2nd has a set of hands to hold small parts shile i paint them and a glass that is positionable..Thrid is a jewlers loop for some fine detailing ..

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/06/25 14:01:19

Post by: Lamoura

I dont see how it could really help its not gonna make my hand more steady

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/06/25 14:44:19

Post by: Engine of War

I have a magnafyinglass/light hybrid thing. I can't recall its name off hand.

But I rarly use the magnifying portion of it as its sits at such an odd position and even then I can see my model well enough.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/11/11 16:20:18

Post by: JimOnMars

My eyes focus at 4 inches. When I paint the model is so close to my eyes it seems magnified.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/07/26 17:23:47

Post by: murgel

I use both, a magnifying lamp and my reading glasses. and had to do so for about 2 years.
If I didn't I would produce blobs.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/07/26 23:12:41

Post by: lindsay40k

I take digital photos of painted faces with a macro lens and then mirror them. This makes errors stand out clearly and informs me where I need to lick a few more highlight or shade layers over the model.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/08/27 10:17:46

Post by: Ryuhoshi

Nope, i cant control the distances if I use a magnifier XD

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/09/29 21:07:54

Post by: Red_Ink_Cat

Nope, no magnifiers. But I am horribly nearsighted, so I have a built in magnifier if I take off my glasses and hold the model close to my face.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2016/10/03 03:35:45

Post by: JimOnMars

 Red_Ink_Cat wrote:
Nope, no magnifiers. But I am horribly nearsighted, so I have a built in magnifier if I take off my glasses and hold the model close to my face.

Myopia is an actual, real-life honest to gods super power.

Who knew?

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2017/08/17 14:09:04

Post by: ChargerIIC

It's rare, but i've used one for attaching small pieces. I don't believe in using one for painting. If you can't see it with the naked eye at 6 inches away no way in heck you opponent is going to appreciate it from two feet.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2017/08/22 17:10:25

Post by: Xenomancers

I think you guys are confused about what nearsightedness means. It doesn't give you super human close ranged vision. It is literally an issue of being unable to focus light at the correct point in eye. Nearsighted peoples vision is worse at all ranges essentially. I am near sighted - but my vision is normal with glasses. I find the mag lamp helpful for fine detail - though it is incredibly stressful and sometimes can even make you dizzy. I just started using it - it might get better over time.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2017/08/22 18:08:02

Post by: JimOnMars

 Xenomancers wrote:
I think you guys are confused about what nearsightedness means. It doesn't give you super human close ranged vision. It is literally an issue of being unable to focus light at the correct point in eye. Nearsighted peoples vision is worse at all ranges essentially. I am near sighted - but my vision is normal with glasses. I find the mag lamp helpful for fine detail - though it is incredibly stressful and sometimes can even make you dizzy. I just started using it - it might get better over time.

I disagree 100%. I am very nearsighted, and my eyes focus exceptionally well at 4 inches. At that distance, because the object is closer, it looks bigger and I can see finer detail that most people at any range (without magnification, of course.)

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/01/22 10:04:18

Post by: FrozenDwarf

nope, and dont need it as i can see sharply even tough i am nearsighted.

what i DO need tough is a exo suit connetect to my hands to prevent them from shaking..........

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/01/22 12:51:31

Post by: boundless08

I picked up a jewelers head magnifying thingy with a lamp last summer as I just could not see the models correctly and my painting looked like a three year old did it. Last December my company was doing some free eye exams and I found out I'm long sighted. I don't need glasses, yet anyway, but I find it hard to focus on anything close to my face so can't make out the detail without the magnifier

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/01/22 14:18:58

Post by: jeff white

I use reading glasses.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/01/22 14:29:01

Post by: Talizvar

I am only a couple years shy of 50 and could paint without glasses.
For the really tiny stuff it is just easier to use the jeweler's visor (less eye strain or headaches).
Reading glasses are ok in a pinch, I find the visor works better at blocking the stray light (I light the heck out of my paint area).

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/02/23 14:48:40

Post by: ekipage

I unfortunately have Presbyopia (need reading glasses as my eyes don't focus up close anymore). I have to use a magnifier otherwise I can't see any detail in a miniature when painting it. I actually have two sets one with interchangeable lenses that I got for about $15 off of Amazon and I also bought one of the Donegan Optivisors. I find them both quite useful.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/03/13 20:02:39

Post by: RedMesa2391

No, maybe I should though, when I see the detail some people can do on their models I can't imagine how they could do it without magnification.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/03/13 20:17:07

Post by: Aetare

Used to have a magnifying lens with a built in light, but I have it to my brother when his eyesight started to deteriorate.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/05/26 11:38:58

Post by: Zillian

No, but maybe I should. I think light is a bigger issue for my eyes. Sometimes I have trouble seeing where the tip of the brush is until it hits the mini..

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/05/27 19:01:19

Post by: TobbitHobbit


Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/08/04 19:27:40

Post by: battyrat

This is one of my bug bears. As I have got older my eye sight has got bad. I use reading glasses for close up work, but still need good light and nearly always wear Optivisors these days otherwise I cannot see what I am doing.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/10/02 04:21:51

Post by: NecronLord3

I’m near sighted, so no need

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/10/31 15:59:16

Post by: MKoth

Got to break out the 'readers' when it comes to painting. These eyes ain't what they used to be!

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/10/31 21:10:43

Post by: parakuribo

I don't use one, but I kinda wish I did….

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2018/10/31 21:16:10

Post by: Hivefleet Oblivion

oh god, yes.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2019/02/04 17:15:07

Post by: deotrims 16th

It depends what scale. For 40k no, but for my 1:1200 HMS victory and HMS Alexander yes definitely.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2019/02/05 09:30:07

Post by: StormX

I'm starting to think i need to, especially for the eyes for minis. I struggle there.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2019/07/16 22:53:20

Post by: Smotejob

Just the good ol issued Mk. I Eyeball

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2019/07/16 23:46:28

Post by: Excommunicatus

No, but it's next on my purchase list.

I've recently decided to try painting properly and I've discovered that after about half an hour of doing so my eyes get tired and need a break.

It's not an issue when you just drybrush the [Expletive Deleted] out of everything.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2019/07/17 01:10:43

Post by: Argive

Well, I have a daylight lamp with a magnifying glass as well as a magnifying glass on a clamp. I tried them out years ago but I find resting my elbows on table and bringing the mini really close to my eyes for detail gives much stabler result than using a magnifying glass. My hands appear to shake like I've got hypothermia!

Might re-visit as I haven't really thought about it in a while nor used it enough to get used to it...

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2020/06/03 13:15:27

Post by: tauist

I use a magnifier lamp combined with a regular 6500K lamp. And still the amount of light is nowhere enough for my old eye. Getting a more powerful lamp is just a matter of time. Old geezers like me need insane brightness for working on a small scale like 28mm minis, I just read surgery rooms use insane lighting, and it makes a lot of sense really.

I hadn't thought of the depth perception loss earlier.. explains why it takes getting used to the magnifier part

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2020/06/07 16:26:29

Post by: Shadow Walker

So far no, but who knows what the future would bring?

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2020/10/07 22:56:40

Post by: CEO Kasen

Getting a magnifier is like making a deal with Tzeentch. You will gain knowledge, and there will be a price.

Seeing the flaws and mistakes in my painting that I would not have noticed brought to mind that Marine chapter that fell to Chaos because Tzeentch gave them the ability to discern all the lies they were told.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2020/12/09 19:41:47

Post by: callidusx3

Generally, no. Though I did buy a magnifying device (with illumination), I found it unhelpful for painting. On rare occasion, I find it useful for modeling.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2020/12/09 23:41:27

Post by: Fluid_Fox

The results of this poll surprise me.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2020/12/30 23:58:40

Post by: Batty

Starting to paint miniatures again has simply shown me how bad my eyes are even with glasses. Not even sure if its the mini I have painted and not my finger instead.

So yes I do need a little extra help with seeing close up.

Hopefully I will obtain a new pair of glasses soon.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2021/02/11 11:13:38

Post by: Just Tony

Old age is finally affecting me, I have to use these sexy 2.5X reading glasses that look reminiscent of the glasses McCoy gave Kirk in Wrath of Khan.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2021/05/13 17:37:57

Post by: Insectum7

I didn't use any magnification up until I hit about 35 years of age. I now have a 2.5 or 3x (I forget) magnifier glasses that I use for many infantry models that require detail work. I wouldn't say I needed them, but it is a lot more comfortable and I can feel that my eyes don't have to work as hard. Feels like a good policy to not put undue strain on my eyes.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2021/06/02 12:29:13

Post by: Infidel305

No but i actually told my wife yesterday i need one cause I cant make out some detail on the faces.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2022/02/03 11:52:54

Post by: Cthulioh

I was gifted a magnifying lamp for Christmas and it's an absolute game-changer.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2022/11/08 07:37:26

Post by: brumbaer

The other way round. I take off my glasses when painting details.

Do you use any form of magnifier for painting or modelling? @ 2023/05/01 10:10:14

Post by: tauist

After some experiments with various magnifying solutions, I'm coming to the conclusion that the combo of using reading glasses (+3.0 in my case) and a jeweller's loupe for exteme closeup inspections, is a better fit for me than anything else. The loss of depth perception is too great with a larger magnifying glass IME, reading glasses dont enlarge as much but depth perception is way better