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How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/05 16:08:20

Post by: MrMerlin

Thanks again for adding my suggestion!
I spend a little les than half an hour on an ork, but my brother needs several hours for it..... sheesh!

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/09 01:23:13

Post by: DarkTraveler777

I answered "Several Minutes" but the amount of time varies based on the medium of the model. Most of my IG army is metal so mold lines can take a while to file off but the plastic troops in my Ork and Dark Eldar armies may only require a few minutes each.

Generally I am pretty obsessive about getting mold lines off even my regular troops but I'd never get anything finished if I spent more than half an hour per model.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/09 03:45:43

Post by: Johnny-Crass

I do not normally remove them unless I can see them at more than arms length

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/09 07:51:52

Post by: marv335

I answered a few minutes,
That's all it usually takes me, but I always remove all the mould lines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/09 08:30:43

Post by: Shadowseer_Kim

Several minutes for me as well. It is not that difficult especially on plastic models but it does need to be done, as a lot of these lines tend to be in obvious places.

I usually do my line cleanup in two passes, once while everything is still on the sprue. Then I prime. Then I clip cleaning the small bit of mould like there, assemble and prime second coat.

Works really well and gets a nice finish.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/09 08:44:49

Post by: CrashUSAR

I chose several minutes, and it varies greatly. If I'm doing one of my SW, it takes me longer than doing another Cadian. Mostly because I've done somewhere in the ballpark of 150 IG grunts, and maybe only 10 or so marines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/09 08:49:55

Post by: cricketofdeth

I voted "other"; however long it take.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/10 08:11:11

Post by: FabricatorGeneralMike

I voted other; As long as it bloody well takes to either file or scrape all the mould lines off. I don't know how many models I have seen that have AWSOME conversions or paintjobs that is ruined by mould lines. If you can take the time to do awsome Greenstuff work or a neat kit-bash please take the time to remove the mould lines.

Everytime you don't remove a mould line before painting a model GW kills a kitten, Why wont you think of the kittens!!!??

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/15 10:43:28

Post by: Einhänder

I often debated whether or not I have OCD. It sometimes takes me an hour or so to remove the mold lines/flash in a model.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/15 11:06:20

Post by: Jomy

Yeah half an hour for me. Tedious.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/01/15 21:25:29

Post by: Commander Jimbob

I feel pretty amateur now, I don't bother removing them unless they're really obvious

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/02/16 17:44:35

Post by: Jimsolo

For basic troopers I don't put a whole lot of work into it.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 10:04:24

Post by: HAZZER

About 5 minets.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 10:20:01

Post by: WaaaaghLord

A few minutes, varying, depending on how bad they are, obviously.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 10:55:58

Post by: Erasoketa

Several minutes, and it's sooo boring... the part I dislike the most in the whole process.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 12:20:53

Post by: Bear LaMorte

Anyone that doesn't remove mold lines shouldn't bother painting the model.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 17:55:40

Post by: grayshadow87

Around five minutes or so, maybe a little more for metal models. Granted, I occasionally miss a line or two, but the ones I miss are usually very minute lines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 17:59:32

Post by: Tara

I concur with my son!!!
Only a few minutes and while you are at it, drill the darn gun barrels!!!
I perfer a medium paint job and a clean look than a nice job with flash!!!
The task sucks, but it is part of the MODELING man... so just do it!!!

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 19:37:22

Post by: HAZZER

LOL, 944 views and only 16 or so replies.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 21:18:56

Post by: Sharkvictim

Just a couple of minutes. If it's going to be getting the plague marine treatment sometimes I don't even bother, as the nurglifying process will mask/destroy them in most cases.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 21:26:15

Post by: Destrado

I voted an hour, as I basically lose count... That's somewhat an exaggeration, but I need to find every little buggery dodgy line on even the smallest detail, whether it's seen or not after the miniature is painted. I then give each miniature a wash with soap to remove dust particles and grease.

I've found some kits to be harder than others. Lootas are a chore, and the first AoBR I got was absolutely dire, with more plastic in the mould lines than the rest of the kit combined

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/21 21:40:35

Post by: DarkKnights44

Tara wrote:I concur with my son!!!
Only a few minutes and while you are at it, drill the darn gun barrels!!!
I perfer a medium paint job and a clean look than a nice job with flash!!!
The task sucks, but it is part of the MODELING man... so just do it!!!

I'm with you guys, take the time to do some prep work to make your figures look good. I voted a couple minutes, but probably more like 15. I get mold lines, and and little mistakes that might have happened in the molding process. I'm not a Golden Daemon painter, but I like to take pride in my work.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/22 02:44:18

Post by: RiTides

Not worth it to me... I once removed the mold lines of all parts of 100 hormagaunts, before assembling them. So, every mold line, even those not visible when assembled............

I did this in a row, before doing anything else. Ended up selling the army due to burnout. Ever since then, I vowed not to discourage myself that much on a project and only remove mold lines that are very obvious.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/06/22 03:03:51

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

A couple minutes, but I usually forget.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/24 10:08:20

Post by: mwnciboo

I used to spend hours and I always missed stuff. My system is now like this:-

1. Drill out the Barrels of any weapons.
2. Remove Mould lines for about 30mins.
3. Light prime in black and allow to dry,
4. Inspect model and remove any other lines that become visible or are still obvious.
5. Final light Coat of Black primer to cover those area;s and any that you missed with 1st primer.

It is long winded but gives good results. Many a well painted model is ruined by mould lines being visible. Patience and diligence gives the best results.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/24 10:51:39

Post by: Redbeard

I tend to do it by kit, not by model. It's one of the 'I'm watching TV (or my wife play Skyrim) tasks. I clip everything off the sprues into a box, then piece by piece de-line them into another box.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/24 11:27:19

Post by: SorataZ

As I remove mold lines from random bits in a box, placing the finished ones into a new box, I'd say several minutes to about an hour for enough bits to build a full miniature.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/24 12:43:21

Post by: themadgod

I never knew how to remove them so i just left 'em there.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/24 19:11:22

Post by: dalsiandon

I can usually get a terminator space marine done to the point I'm happy with in about a half an hour or so, I can get a gaunt done in about 10 minutes and a regular space marine in about 15 or so.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/24 19:23:54


For just a standard troop.. I use maybe a minute. But I try and get rid of all the lines as I'm clipping them off the sprue.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/25 13:02:08

Post by: Trondheim

I don`t bother with it for the regular rank and file trooper for my IG: Seeing how I have some 350 Guardsmen in various forms and some twenty vehicles nobody will notice it either.

For my Dark Eldar there has been no need nor for my SM force

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/08/25 16:44:15

Post by: el_groovatore

As a lot of folk have already stated, it very much depends on the model - the material, the quality of the casting etc. But on average, anywhere between one - ten minutes per model, I guess.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/09/02 13:40:24

Post by: Ezki

Very much depends on the model and the material, but an averige of a few minutes.
For troops, like boyz, it's usually something under a minute. I remove the mould lines which can easilly be seen.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/09/26 05:07:38

Post by: BrotherVord

I take a couple of minutes per model...but it also depends on the model itself...I have a huge batch of Chaos guys that I'm getting ready to paint and if I tried spending many minutes on every cultist I would never get any actual painting done. I usually end up spending more time on models that I really like the look of and want to be perfect - my Black Templar Space Marines have a lot of time and care put into them, even the basic troops, so I naturally spend more time prepping them, unlike the Chaos army I am building which is more or less just for the RP that I run (we like to represent things with actual models, even in the Deathwatch RP)

For my Chaos guys, I do a brief runthrough, basecoat them, then speed paint them and slather them in quickshade, a process that I would never subject my Black Templars to

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/10/27 11:39:34

Post by: Yggdrasil

Waaaaaaaay tooo loooonngg....

Sometimes, it almost makes me want to quit the Hobby, just for those nasty mould lines...

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/10/27 13:33:32

Post by: Sigvatr

Only removing those that really stand out. Cba to care for the rest

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/10/27 18:31:38

Post by: KalashnikovMarine

Per individual model? Hmmm I paint assembly line, and it takes me a couple hours spread out over a couple weeks to paint a batch, usually groups of 25.... probably averages out to a couple minutes.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/10/27 22:23:22

Post by: zgort

 Bear LaMorte wrote:
Anyone that doesn't remove mold lines shouldn't bother painting the model.

I have about 100 guardsman I am in the process of painting (not half badly actually). I take an 'exacto blade' to that sucker, and if it takes more than 30 seconds to take that line down, ain't NOBODY gonna notice.

I suppose if I had MEQ's or something that I didn't have tons of, it'd be worth it to make it all nice and neat.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2012/10/28 04:18:47

Post by: silence indigo

When I buy minis, I clip them, put them in a bag then I file the mold lines away (all of them, and I mean all of them) before assembling the thing. Great thing to do in the bus while listening to your Ipod. So there's no easy way to measure how long exactly it takes per trooper, but it takes at least 5-10 minutes per bit, depending on its complexity.

Edit: I found out that cyclindrical files usually work best. Knives = blood and mess.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/01/22 19:52:22

Post by: jprp

For me its one aspect that has got worse over time, metal figs are easier, gw plastics must be the worst ever-mould lines all the way round every part.
Old Grenadier stuff had no mould lines, just the odd flash spike on the base. I think it was Mithril miniatures in the early 80`s that came primed with no mould lines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/01/30 16:06:15

Post by: ArbitorIan

Seconds. Again, I just don't care if you can't see it from arms length. So, a quick run around with a scalpel, removing any obvious bumps, lumps and bits and good enough for me...

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/01/30 17:51:15

Post by: Firehead158

I usually spend 3 to 4 minutes per model, depending on the severity of the mouldlines, and the area in which they are located.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/03/03 22:00:40

Post by: sergeant-valentine

It depends on how many models I am working on. If I have twenty models to build, base, and paint, then I spend about a minute each, but if I only have about five to build, I'll spend more time.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/03/04 06:25:09

Post by: NuggzTheNinja

I generally only hit the ones on flat and raised surfaces, and the really awful ones on IG boots.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/03/04 19:25:30

Post by: kronk

For a single troop, 1 dude? Several minutes. A Dreadnought might take me a half hour, or so.

I'm in no particular hurry when I hobby. That's the whole point for me. I care more about painting and modeling than I do about playing, so if a unit takes ages, then it takes ages.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/03/10 09:43:38

Post by: IGtR=

 FabricatorGeneralMike wrote:
I voted other; As long as it bloody well takes to either file or scrape all the mould lines off. I don't know how many models I have seen that have AWSOME conversions or paintjobs that is ruined by mould lines. If you can take the time to do awsome Greenstuff work or a neat kit-bash please take the time to remove the mould lines.

Everytime you don't remove a mould line before painting a model GW kills a kitten, Why wont you think of the kittens!!!??

SO True. Especially with uber detailed models such as Black Templars, Dark Angels, Sanguinary Guard it is really obvious as the power armour looks wrong with a great big line going down it. The downside is that you have to spend forever filing and trimming down lines that go over tabbards, purity seals, cloaks, icons, censors, etc. Such a pain!!
Equally Chaos Marauders and Catachans are impossible to do in less than an hour as the parts don't even line up on many of them. This is insanely frustrating and means you have to combine removing mould lines with slicing up shoulders and greenstuffing. This makes the actual mould line removal time impossible to determine.
My Eldar are by far the easiest of all my models to trim-nice clean lines make them really obvious before you start to paint, and they are realtively uncluttered with kit, and are in nice open poses to make it that bit easier.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/04/04 10:41:34

Post by: Flashman

Depends on the mini, number of parts etc, but I guess it takes me about 20-30 minutes per model.

I did have recently spend a couple of hours neatly filing down the mould lines on a Tactical Marine for a painting project.

I really hate mould lines btw

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/04/07 06:03:27

Post by: Trasvi

My least favourite mould lines ever are on Tau tanks. The engines are two parts and never seem to line up properly. For an army thats signature feature is clean lines, mould lines running through the centre of the tanks is just horrible. I got together 7 tank's worth of engines and spent the better part of a day filing and greenstuffing them.

Now the other guys at my club come over and say 'hey, no mould lines on your engines. neat'..... so not worth the time investment

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/05/07 10:46:51

Post by: Skinnereal

I've found that most mould lines don't show, so I glance at the model with a dry-fit, and only bother with the visible ones.
I _always_ drill gun barrels (scatter lasers are a pain), but mould lines are taking something of a back seat.
It's still a few minutes per model, though.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/05/07 11:09:43

Post by: Mad Boss Morgrot

Depends on miniature, marines, several mins. Boyz....a min tops.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/05/07 16:37:54

Post by: c0un7_z3r0

Half an hour or so (depending on the model), and it's truly the most boring part of the whole process!

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/05/07 17:20:30

Post by: Phydox

This is my least favorite part of the whole hobby. I basically spend as little time as possible on this because I hate filing mold lines more then seeing mold lines on my painted figures.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/05/07 18:29:42

Post by: Eldarslayer26

I voted 'don't remove them.' Its because, I would prefer to do something more fun than just sit there are remove moldlines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/05/07 20:17:38

Post by: Sgt_Smudge

I use a production line approach, but only about a minute or so for each Space Marine/Guardsman sized model.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I prefer blades to files though: more precise, quicker and NO BLADE HURTS ME, SUCKA!

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/05/07 23:20:33

Post by: Kal-El

I spend as long as it takes to get them off. If I am the one pulling off the sprue then I wont put the piece down until its flashed all the way. I often even sand out glue spots where joints meet on vehicles.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/07/09 10:37:34

Post by: kronicpsycho

I did several minis... but you should put another one in that is like "Until all mold lines are completely removed" as that's what most people do I believe. I wouldn't spend 30mins on a space marine if it really only took about 15mins... waste 15 more mins xD dunno just what i'd do.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/07/09 11:25:01

Post by: dementedwombat

Voted several minutes, but really I don't worry about them unless I see a particularly atrocious one while I'm working over the part with a knife and file to remove any little hunks of sprue left over after I clip them free.

On that subject I really need to get a new set of clippers...the ones I have are an ancient pair of my dad's he's used to strip wires his entire life. They don't cut the piece off the sprue so much as tear it out by raw force. I usually spend more time filing down the plastic nubs than I do actually assembling the model.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/07/09 11:28:39

Post by: M4cr0Dutch

Usually five minutes or so. Much more for resin miniatures, particularly FW MkIII Iron Armour. I have scars from those guys, both physically and mentally.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/07/09 19:55:58

Post by: ferret61

I usually don't bother as i usually don't have to. But i answered a minute because sometimes i spend about 30 secs clipping obvious bits off. i even use clippers for the tiny bits(when I can be bothered), much quicker than filing.

Now finecast, there's a different story.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/07/09 22:22:18

Post by: 13whited

I don't.
As of right Now my painting is mediocre, so why bother? I only really want a decent looking at,y for fielding.

Once I start getting the skill and time to make my models really good ill take the stats effort

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/07/09 22:23:37

Post by: SelvaggioSaky

'till I'm done with It and always missing one

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/07/10 12:54:23

Post by: Gandohar

Other. Just however long it takes to get it done. You're only going to assemble and paint these expensive models once, might as well do it right.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/09/12 00:05:48

Post by: Admiral General Aladeen

How could you possibly spend an hour cleaning mold lines off ONE basic model? There is only one line per piece on the model and its a half a millimeter tall, it literally takes seconds with an exacto knife to remove them to the point of never knowing they even existed.. and half of them are under stuff like shoulderpads or heads and backpacks anyway.

A note to those that dont remove them: The lines look 10 times worse after you paint the model as it does before paint.

I dont get it man.. I dont think tedious is the word, I think its SLOW

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/11/13 10:29:43

Post by: angelofvengeance

Didn't use to take them off but now I get them cleaned up. Occasionally I have missed the odd flash line after painting- kind of annoying but not really noticeable unless you scrutinize it up close.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/11/14 00:26:44

Post by: Da krimson barun

 Bear LaMorte wrote:
Anyone that doesn't remove mold lines shouldn't bother painting the model.
YEAH!Screw them if they don't have the tools/didn't see it/Other reason. them!

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/11/16 13:57:44

Post by: DouglasJB

I voted "Other" meaning as long as it takes.
I do not paint a figure or ask to have it painted unless the mold lines are gone.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/10 18:13:06

Post by: Ensis Ferrae


It depends greatly on the army.

For instance, my Space Marines, and Chaos Marines I spent a good deal of time on everyone, since there are lower numbers, mold lines stand out.

My guard and Nid armies on the other hand, I spent far less time (on some models, none) per basic trooper due to having a metric gak-ton of them to do.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/10 20:18:31

Post by: celeborn

I voted for a minute, although in reality it's probably two or three minutes maximum.

Usually just involves a quick look over with a craft knife and a quick file with a file.

Not sure how you could spends hours doing so... surely there are only a few mold lines per miniature anyway?

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/10 22:33:33

Post by: jprp

... surely there are only a few mold lines per miniature anyway?

Er... what???? GW plastics are the worst-full visible mould line all the way around every part, i could clean up 10 metal figures for 1 plastic from GW.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/13 19:20:15

Post by: fishy bob

Lately, too little time. Sigh... Have to go back and file some more.

jprp wrote:
Er... what???? GW plastics are the worst-full visible mould line all the way around every part, i could clean up 10 metal figures for 1 plastic from GW.

Get yourself some PP plastics and come back.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/13 22:09:53

Post by: jprp

PP plastics?

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/13 22:13:07

Post by: timetowaste85

I really don't, unless they're really bad. Then I take a minute or two to remove the worst offender. For metal, I remove it all.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/14 18:57:55

Post by: celeborn

jprp wrote:
PP plastics?

If I am honest, I don't see that many mould lines, but then again I'm a Lotr player so maybe these models have fewer? I don't know.

I believe the person meant Privateer Press.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/14 20:09:11

Post by: jprp

So are the PP models good or bad?

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/14 20:18:25

Post by: fishy bob

What I meant was that when it comes to mold lines and flash, Privateer Press' plastic models are much worse than those of Games Workshop.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/14 20:50:27

Post by: jprp

 fishy bob wrote:
What I meant was that when it comes to mold lines and flash, Privateer Press' plastic models are much worse than those of Games Workshop.

Ok thanks, i wasnt sure if you meant try them and you will like plastics, if its as you say they will get none of my money.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/15 00:04:47

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 fishy bob wrote:
What I meant was that when it comes to mold lines and flash, Privateer Press' plastic models are much worse than those of Games Workshop.

This probably depends greatly on model, as none of my plastic Mercs had very bad mold lines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2013/12/15 05:08:32

Post by: Rotary

Hmm on hoard armys, a minute or less. If i could paint better i'd spend longer.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/01/15 12:01:21

Post by: Bishop F Gantry

Mold line removal tool any good, benefits over exacto blades?

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/02/12 04:31:47

Post by: 40KNobz11

With a huge army like 40k orks I don't spend a lot of time on mold lines on my boyz. Theres probably 200 of em..

I do however take careful care on specialty models like bigs meks and deff dreads

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/03/19 10:43:15

Post by: Drefan

Been getting pretty good at taking off the mould lines with the edge of a sharp knife, so probably only a few minutes per model.

Having said that, there is nothing worse than starting to paint and finding the mould lines you didn't notice.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/03/19 16:10:00

Post by: undeadhippy

I answered a few minutes. Generally I'll stick to a quick bit of filing, taking maybe a minute or two, but for some Finecast hobbits I got recently... Well

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/04/20 10:38:21

Post by: frozenmilk

I usually spend a couple minutes on average, but I don't stop until the job is done. I've been working on DA from Dark Vengeance and It hasn't taken too long for each model. The Terminators are more difficult because they're more ornate.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/04/20 11:51:12

Post by: ingtaer

Always have to remove every mould line, sprue marks, flash etc. Just finished a wraithknight, took me around 6 hours. Only 30 mins or so to put together. Damn.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/04/20 14:33:59

Post by: StewRat

As long as it takes! Usually a couple of minutes but may be much longer.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/04/22 02:45:25

Post by: Mattlov

It really depends on how jacked the model is. Some things clean up in a few seconds, while others have a 2 mm mold shift and need tons of work just to look sort of right.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2014/04/22 13:27:47

Post by: Schlyne

My imperial knight in particular is driving me crazy. It's a really nice model, and I know it's going to get looked at, and if I don't get the model lines all the way off, it'll show up in the pictures after I've painted it.

They might be an army of their own,but I'm not counting one of those as a "basic troop". I'm pretty sure I've spent at least 30 minutes on that so far.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/05/08 10:27:37

Post by: Talys

I won't hit it with primer unless the model is 100% perfect. It's not really a race for me, and a well prepped model makes a huge difference to model's potential.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/05/08 16:46:07

Post by: Xenomancers

I said a few minutes but it is probably more like 3-4 per model. As I remove the plastics from the sprues I usually remove all the pieces and clean them as necessary with the modeling knife. Then I assemble and look for any imperfections. I mostly work with plastic though.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/05/09 05:15:52

Post by: ZergSmasher

I only spend a little bit of time as I only get rid of the worst of the mold lines. On character models I spend a little more time, but for rank and file troops, its just not worth the effort to me (I'm not planning on winning any modeling competitions or anything).

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/06/09 12:29:27

Post by: Olgerth Istaarn

My personal oath is "suffer no mold line to live", so I spend as much as I need to. But rarely more than 10 minutes, because if there are more mold lines than you can remove in 10 minutes... the model is probably a particularly bad cast.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/06/11 18:41:40

Post by: mdauben

I said a couple minutes, as that's how long it usually takes with a plastic GW figure. Really though the answer is however long it takes. I can't stand finsihed models with visible mold lines. If I miss a mold line and don't notice it until I'm finished painting, I won't hesitate to go in there and scrape or file it off, even if I have to redo the paint.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/06/13 07:52:52

Post by: JamesY

Probably 30 seconds with a mould line scraper, but I only go after big ones, they aren't something that bother me too much. Although there have been instances where I wish I'd spent more time doing it, but not often.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/10/13 11:03:52

Post by: damattybear

Generally around five minutes though I could spend up to a half hour, if not longer, if I'm feeling persistent enough or have something to prove to the stubborn flash all over a particular model.

When I first got into the hobby I never even fathomed cleaning flash off my model. Now? I can't see myself throwing away a model I just spent over an hour painting, only for it's paintjob to be completely ruined by leftover lines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/10/13 20:33:55

Post by: Exalbaru

I absolutely hate doing mould lines but it takes me about half a hour for skitarri and less than that for most others, it talks me forever to paint because I have to greenstuff in gaps and remove lines and drill barrels and stuff.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/10/14 19:35:06

Post by: Sword Of Caliban

I'm really cba when it comes to mould lines, I just want to get the model assembled.... Don't have the patience for it, yet I can happily spend ages painting lines on a model......

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/10/23 19:54:28

Post by: Chrissy_J

I scrape it all off, or as much as is decently possible. My kids can't understand why I'm still scraping when they've almost finished block painting their mini's, but I want my mini's to look right.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/11/03 16:43:45

Post by: Coldnap

Ive been using a razor blade and its quite quick to get off everything I can see. 1-2 minutes max (on plastic troops).

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/11/05 00:12:20

Post by: Fugazi

 mwnciboo wrote:
I used to spend hours and I always missed stuff. My system is now like this:-

1. Drill out the Barrels of any weapons.
2. Remove Mould lines for about 30mins.
3. Light prime in black and allow to dry,
4. Inspect model and remove any other lines that become visible or are still obvious.
5. Final light Coat of Black primer to cover those area;s and any that you missed with 1st primer.

I do 1, 2 and 3. Then curse myself when I see a mould line while painting.

I try to drill out the barrels while the weapons are on the sprue. Anyone else do that? I hate priming loose weapons. They fly all over the place. So what will happen is I'll end up filing the weapon again after priming and removing from sprue. Tedious.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/11/05 00:13:53

Post by: War Kitten

I usually take a few minutes to remove the lines. But as I play guard and paint tons of bodies I tend to not be too irritated if I miss any.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/11/05 03:01:13

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 War Kitten wrote:
I usually take a few minutes to remove the lines. But as I play guard and paint tons of bodies I tend to not be too irritated if I miss any.

I've recently been working on replacing my 80+ infantry model guard army.... and I realized that taking THAT many mold lines off of metal models was simply going to be too much. So, I inspect each model and give a few swipes of the file if necessary just to lessen the severity of some mold lines. Luckily, it would seem that Vostroyans are, by and large a decently molded line of minis, so the work isn't so bad.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/11/14 14:29:11

Post by: hungryp

Depends on the model, but an hour+ isn't uncommon. Most importantly,

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2015/11/15 12:13:59

Post by: GamesEtc

I said a few minutes.....for plastic figs.

For metal figs I spend much more time

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/01/16 14:16:54

Post by: hutber

The problem I find is that some mould lines are really difficult to remove. How do you guys get round that?

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/01/16 17:46:17

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 hutber wrote:
The problem I find is that some mould lines are really difficult to remove. How do you guys get round that?

Since I use the edge of my X-acto knife, I basically just get in there as best I can. In hard to reach, or hard to remove ones (such as on metal), I try to smooth things down such that I'm merely limiting the abruptness of the line, as opposed to getting rid of it entirely.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/01/16 20:41:38

Post by: num816

Till all the mold lines are gone. No matter what the model is.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/01/18 09:16:41

Post by: Skinnereal

 hutber wrote:
The problem I find is that some mould lines are really difficult to remove. How do you guys get round that?
If you can't see it, don't bother that much.
Unless it will cause problems later on, leave it.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/04/20 16:21:34

Post by: DaemonColin

Yeah, I always make sure that I remove my mould lines. It can take me anywhere from 5 mins up to half hour, but I feel that it is a vital stage of the hobby, and needs to done. When I see people haven't cleaned their mould lines, it makes me sad cos it makes me think that they don't really care about the models. I mean, after all, if you're gonna spend the money on this hobby, you might as well assemble them correctly.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/04/20 16:26:21

Post by: Ratius

Dont think Ive ever removed a mould line in my life.
Thinking about it, Im not even sure what a mould line is.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/04/20 20:45:07

Post by: Fugazi

 Ratius wrote:
Dont think Ive ever removed a mould line in my life.
Thinking about it, Im not even sure what a mould line is.

Ignorance is bliss, you lucky sod.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/04/22 06:26:19

Post by: BigWaaagh

Best thing I ever picked up for pesky, hard to reach mould lines are the Testors Master Modeller mini-files. They can pretty much get in anywhere and get the job done. I needs 'em, cause I hates me some mould lines!
As for time. Depends on the model. Average dude? About 15 minutes.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/08/24 11:25:42

Post by: Ryuhoshi

"As long as it takes"
...which is more or less around 10min to put it off the mold and then about 20min if it needs work with greenstuff to remove lines etc (which is normally not the case)

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/08/26 01:55:14

Post by: SixT4Pixels

I chose other; however long it takes.
Which usually depends on how tired I am when I pick up my minis. I can spend anywhere between a couple of minutes to a full hour removing mouldiness on a single mini because I can get really obsessive over getting rid of those things.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2016/08/27 05:15:37

Post by: TheCustomLime

As long as it takes. Nothing irritates me more than finding a surprise mold line when painting!

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/01/03 13:22:23

Post by: minisnatcher

Several minutes, unless it is finecast, then it takes a lot longer...

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/01/03 15:26:01

Post by: Thymais

I'm terrible with it. I spend like ten or twenty seconds filing down stuff.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/03/07 21:58:55

Post by: FrozenDwarf

depends on the model. i dont file, but i do use the tip of a knife on all parts of the figure.

but say 15 min on a defualt guardsman.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/03/20 13:14:28

Post by: Blackie

I remove every mold line I can see, it takes 1 minute for every bitz that I cut from sprues on average.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/03/20 18:46:26

Post by: ced1106

Absolutely hate mold lines.

Q&D way to do it is to slap Vallejo Plastic Putty on the seam, then scrape and trim with a hobby knife, and file down with the jeweler's files. Engraving pens help as well. How good are sanding sticks?

I also paint boardgame plastic (yuck!) and scraping off soft plastic is a pain! Serves me right for being cheap!

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/03/20 18:56:23

Post by: Snake Tortoise

Hate hate hate scraping mold lines off

I voted half an hour but actually that's to clip the bits off the sprue, get rid of mold lines and then assemble- although the vast majority of that time is getting rid of mold lines. Per model, it's definitely the most time consuming part of the entire process (if each paint stage is considered separate) because if any single stage of painting a troop sized mini took as long as scraping off mold lines I wouldn't do it

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/08/12 20:04:37

Post by: Sam V.

Oh my god.. Too much time hehe !

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/08/13 05:46:32

Post by: Verviedi

Until they're all gone. Suffer not the mould line to live.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/09/13 17:24:49

Post by: Andross

I clean mold lines till they're gone.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/10/14 10:24:06

Post by: Chiashi_Zane

I'll generally do it for characters, but not for Rank-and-File. For the most part the lines on my RaF are along the seam-lines for clothing anyway, except the shoulderpads, so I'll give those a quick scrape after the model is assembled, and treat the rest as part of the model.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2017/11/15 10:07:40

Post by: Inquisitor Kallus

far ffar too long it feels like...

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2018/06/22 15:18:59

Post by: Guardsmanwaffle

The correct answer for me would be "till all of them are gone".

For most GW plastic that mean a few minutes max, but for resin and metal that could take anywhere from a few minutes to a hour.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2018/08/24 11:05:04

Post by: Eowyn Cloud

I answered just a few minutes, though on bigger models like a Forgeworld Daemon Prince or generally models made out of resin I tend to take a bit longer than that.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2018/09/25 14:23:47

Post by: Davidian


As long as it takes to remove them.

Some minis longer than others.

Must have spent hours cleaning up tempestus scion. Disgusting. Never bought another box because of it.

Whereas gates of antares mini from warlord didn't have any and where they did, it was hidden where the models went together.

It definitely influences my choices to a degree

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2018/09/25 19:25:04

Post by: odinsgrandson

 Davidian wrote:

As long as it takes to remove them.

Some minis longer than others.

That's fair, I suppose. I wrote down a minute, because I think that's my average, but I'll clean and paint minis that take longer to clean, and it will take longer.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2018/09/25 21:25:43

Post by: ccs

Depends upon the mini, the medium, & the mold line.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2018/09/25 22:46:00

Post by: Ashaar

I chose "Other", as like a few people have said already, it depends on the model. I've not timed myself, and so far I've been trying to group it into doing eg. all the legs, then all the torsos, then all the weapons, so I can't estimate reliably.
It feels like it takes me a long time, and if I've cut my thumb it takes longer I'm hoping I'll get quicker as I become more experienced, but I'd rather take my time than rush and make a mistake.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2019/01/29 11:56:06

Post by: Edd Crumpett

It depends ENTIRELY on how bad the mold lines are. Some models I have spent more time fixing bad molding than time actually building. Others it takes less than a few minutes.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2019/11/12 10:31:58

Post by: tauist

Hours and hours. Removing mold lines and assembly both take up way too much time in this hobby. Someone needs to come up with a new tool that allows fast work, but is still delicate enough so it will not accidentally remove detail or otherwise mess with the surfaces.

I could just let the moldlines be, but with GW's prices being what they are, I have to try to treat each mini as a luxury item..

EDIT: I recently got myself an AK fibreglass pencil and a box of refill tips. Loving it! Very good for delicate filing work that leaves a perfect finish. Only thing to watch out with it is that it practically turns the filed plastic into smoke, and I can't imagine inhaking plastic smoke is good for your health. So ideally you'd use one with a mask.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2020/12/26 13:55:22

Post by: dadx6

I don't even look at mold lines, let alone scrape them off or whatever. I might spend 30 seconds on them with an Xacto knife if they're right across a prominent part of a model that I want to kitbash into something cool, but otherwise I don't even care. Basic troop model? Zero seconds.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Ratius wrote:
Dont think Ive ever removed a mould line in my life.
Thinking about it, Im not even sure what a mould line is.

I think you and I should get together for some WH40K games and laugh about all these other OCD guys who would sneer at us and tell us we aren't doing the hobby right.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2020/12/26 16:49:30

Post by: Shadow Walker

 Edd Crumpett wrote:
It depends ENTIRELY on how bad the mold lines are. Some models I have spent more time fixing bad molding than time actually building. Others it takes less than a few minutes.


How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2020/12/26 19:08:05

Post by: Momotaro

Basic tidy up of connection points then build models. Once the glue has dried, remove remaining mould lines. It's amazing how much of the problem just vanishes.

Gaps in obvious places, like a horse's rump get filled with plastic cement if small, or Milliput/Greenstuff if deep. Milliput is water soluble when freshly mixed, so it's easier to get a good, smooth butt...

Lines on smooth helmets and upper surfaces get the most attention, so they're really clean. You'll notice a mouldline there almost instantly!

Then sides and finally undersides. Anything left that won't be seen, like the insides of riders' legs, are scraped to the point they won't cause problems for final glue spots.

I think I took a weekend (10-12 hours?) to clean 51 Eisenkern troops in HIPS. My Sedition Wars figures, about 100 of them in a mix of PVC and styrene, took about 14, 000 years to clean up.

Metal figures are generally in fewer parts and take a few minutes to file mould lines. If I'm taking hours to saw or cut off big chunks of metal, it really needs to get sent back as a miscast (mould slippage is a thing with cast minis).

Resin - take my time, it's a delicate material and the dust is nasty stuff.

After Sedition Wars, Reaper Bones 1 and the first Mantic Deadzone KS, I don't waste my life on "exotic" plastic materials that are a pain to scrape clean.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2021/03/29 10:48:28

Post by: Just Tony

As long as it takes. I'm shocked at any other answer.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2021/03/29 15:32:13

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 Just Tony wrote:
As long as it takes. I'm shocked at any other answer.

Its funny. . . I keep seeing responses to this thread, while not having painted a GW mini in quite some time. Since I've "left" the hobby, I have been doing a ton of scale models, and hence joined a number of scale model groups, subreddits, facebook, etc. etc.

You'd probably have an aneurysm with the number of models proudly displayed on these sites/pages where no effort, or only token effort was given to removing mold lines. Even where rules are all "must remain positive" I want to just yell at these guys, like what the feth are you even doing?!?"

I mean, there are some model companies out there, like AMT who are still putting out kits with mould lines as bad as those 05-07 Space marine kits.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2021/03/30 15:40:04

Post by: ArbitorIan

 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
 Just Tony wrote:
As long as it takes. I'm shocked at any other answer.

Its funny. . . I keep seeing responses to this thread, while not having painted a GW mini in quite some time. Since I've "left" the hobby, I have been doing a ton of scale models, and hence joined a number of scale model groups, subreddits, facebook, etc. etc.

You'd probably have an aneurysm with the number of models proudly displayed on these sites/pages where no effort, or only token effort was given to removing mold lines. Even where rules are all "must remain positive" I want to just yell at these guys, like what the feth are you even doing?!?"

I mean, there are some model companies out there, like AMT who are still putting out kits with mould lines as bad as those 05-07 Space marine kits.

For most people, me included, this hobby isn't about 'building the best models you can possibly build'. Like, I'm not aiming for 'best'. At all. Mold lines, drilled barrels, spending hours painting a single model, blending, all of it is an option. The entire idea of 'improving' my painting or modelling just....isn't the point of this for me.

I have limited time available, and everything I choose to do has to be something I enjoy doing, or consider worth it when looking at my models from four feet away.

I COULD spend ages doing all the detailed things or making models to a much higher standard, but that wouldn't be fun. And if it means some mold lines are still visible at the end that just doesn't matter.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2021/03/30 23:30:40

Post by: Ensis Ferrae

 ArbitorIan wrote:
 Ensis Ferrae wrote:
 Just Tony wrote:
As long as it takes. I'm shocked at any other answer.

Its funny. . . I keep seeing responses to this thread, while not having painted a GW mini in quite some time. Since I've "left" the hobby, I have been doing a ton of scale models, and hence joined a number of scale model groups, subreddits, facebook, etc. etc.

You'd probably have an aneurysm with the number of models proudly displayed on these sites/pages where no effort, or only token effort was given to removing mold lines. Even where rules are all "must remain positive" I want to just yell at these guys, like what the feth are you even doing?!?"

I mean, there are some model companies out there, like AMT who are still putting out kits with mould lines as bad as those 05-07 Space marine kits.

For most people, me included, this hobby isn't about 'building the best models you can possibly build'. Like, I'm not aiming for 'best'. At all. Mold lines, drilled barrels, spending hours painting a single model, blending, all of it is an option. The entire idea of 'improving' my painting or modelling just....isn't the point of this for me.

I have limited time available, and everything I choose to do has to be something I enjoy doing, or consider worth it when looking at my models from four feet away.

I COULD spend ages doing all the detailed things or making models to a much higher standard, but that wouldn't be fun. And if it means some mold lines are still visible at the end that just doesn't matter.

For a hobby such as the one this board is built around, your approach makes sense. . . Even among my various armies, there were varying degrees of time spent on mould lines. Horde armies got obviously less attention than a marine army (for example). As a result, some minis, like Gants had "flat spots" where mould lines once were, while marines still retain rounded spots where I took the time to smooth out the line removal. . . But, I guess where I was going with my comment was that, in THIS hobby, you can produce 10 individual models over a day (if you're speed painting and whatnot) or a weekend+ (if you're taking more time per mini), and as such spending less time making an individual model look "perfect" is understandable. Whereas in the scale world, most builders are producing 1-2 models per month, tops. Most guys are simulating a real life object, and truly are (or should be) aiming to make it look as close to the real thing as possible. I mean, with scale models, they are literally built as display pieces (as opposed to gaming pieces that are GW minis) and, at least in my view, should change your approach to building and displaying your work.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2021/04/30 13:59:10

Post by: vecuu

I build one model at a time usually and don't fully clip and clean the sprue all at once to help track the numbers for the directions, so I go back and forth between clipping, cleaning, and gluing pretty frequently.

I'm pretty quick with a hobby knife, so I doubt I spend a full half hour on a single infantry. Maybe 15-20 minutes of actual scraping if the model has a lot of detail? I also tend to spend more time in 'carve' mode than 'scrape' mode, so I don't need to go over a mold line more than once very often, although I will rarely gouge the model a bit if I'm not focused enough.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2022/04/05 15:07:24

Post by: Nightlord1987

Half an hour, since there's multiple components including weapons and accessories.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2022/04/05 15:12:27

Post by: Stevefamine

About 1-2 minutes should suffice for most 28mm minis. I use an xacto blade and think files are mostly useless unless youre working with large resin minis.

I did not count drilling barrels as part of the mold line process as this is only required for 40k Space Marines. Maybe 3-5 minutes for a marine character if you go all out and drill their barrel

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2023/07/20 21:32:14

Post by: bong264

Probably 10 minutes or more lol. Has anyone found a better way to scrape em off pipe tubing, knuckles, or spikes/ rivets? It's 2023 and I still can't believe they're still placing em there.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2023/08/21 10:11:52

Post by: bullisariuscowl

I fething hate mould lines ! Just kidding, but seriously they are the worst thing about building models IMO. I drybrush chaos marines which makes it even more important to remove them. The ones that you can't even remove are the most annoying.

edit: wait a minute... feth... f

never knew dakka had a filter

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/08/02 19:49:06

Post by: Iron_Hands_Fan

I 3D print my models so they don't really have mould lines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/08/09 12:52:07

Post by: chromedog

With the right tool, it only takes a couple of minutes per model - less for a space marine or elf.

I've never had any particularly spiky or odd shaped minis, though (no tentacles or spiney bits poking every which way), so yeah.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/08/09 13:35:14

Post by: Jammer87

It’s part of my building routine when assembling models. I do it exactly the same if it’s a push fit starter box infantry model or a $100+ center piece model.

Clip from sprue, file, drill barrels, mold line removal, dry fit, glue, and then glue magnet to the bottom of the base of the model.

I’ve been doing it almost exactly the same way for the last 20+ years. Mold line tool makes it easier to get every mold line vs only the really obvious ones.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/08/09 15:56:58

Post by: The_Real_Chris

A review of my timesheet reveals the answer 'all the time' :(

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/08/19 09:35:13

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

Probably half an hour to several hours, depending on the detail level, rifled surfaces and so on. Less if the surfaces are smooth and easily cleaned from mouldlines.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/08/19 13:03:50

Post by: Mactire

As long as it takes.

I'm used to build single models (D&D and such) and I underestimated the time investment in painting an entire army.

I got the most of it second hand and it was a pain to remove the mouldlines and sprue-nubs from the models. It takes so much longer than doing it part-by-part.

I'm not building a Helbrute, got it new, and there are parts that are a pain to clean, like the spine. But a pointy scalpel does the job. It just takes a bit of time and attention.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/09/01 11:06:41

Post by: Souleater

As much time as it takes to remove all of them. I’m currently building Star Wars Legion B1s. Each takes me a good forty minutes or so.

I hate mold lines. I like building things.

How much time do you spend removing mould lines from a basic troop type model? @ 2024/09/05 17:50:46

Post by: Optio

A minute with the back of a knife blade sees a plastic model clean most of the time. Couple minutes extra with a nail file stick if required.