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How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/04 01:04:10

Post by: legoburner

Poll suggested by Raza`

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/05 16:06:39

Post by: MrMerlin

Sadly its less than once a month......

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/13 10:12:36

Post by: HoverBoy

I try to play every week but will fail occasionally.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/13 10:15:35

Post by: automatonsleuth

I used to be a regular gamer in our local GW, but as time's gone by, and I've grown steadily more fed up of waiting two hours to play a game on the store's single 4' x 4' table, my average has dropped to around 1 game every 10 weeks.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/13 11:05:47

Post by: Xeriapt

Last year I think I played around 3 or 4 games...

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/13 11:11:01

Post by: Boggy79

I've got my first game in 7 years tomorrow....

Guess that means I should vote 'I don't play'

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/13 12:09:57

Post by: necrovamp

Once a week with my local buddy, however sometimes my friends from afar come and we run a mini tourney.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/13 16:55:18

Post by: Sharkvictim

Once a week. Should be more fun than it is, but lately every game has been my CSM playing against Chaos Daemons, and my opponent refuses to play lower than 1500 pts and refuses to play objectives. My army generally gets fed through a slow, boring meat grinder.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/13 17:10:46

Post by: Cutthroatcure

MrMerlin wrote:Sadly its less than once a month......

Same here, in the summer its like 4 times a week but sadly the average is very rare!

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/20 20:31:46

Post by: Johnny-Crass

2 a week normally. During the tournament week I get about 6 atleast

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/20 22:31:33

Post by: Marshal_Gus

I'd like to play once a week...but the two game stores in my area are filled with more people who'd rather talk about 40K than actually play it. I get confused when I see several tackle boxes, battlefoam bags, etc. and no one is playing... Oh well. I guess games are more fun when you don't play them...

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/20 23:32:26

Post by: mega_bassist

I'm getting back into the weekly habit, but it's twice a month normally

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/20 23:56:06

Post by: chromedog

About 2 games a given month.

My main venue is a monthly club. About 2 games in a given month is about all I can handle. I hate tournaments and their asmanygamesthatwecanfitintoagivenweekend schedules.
Beer is available, and I no longer have to play in a store that reeks of magic players.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/21 18:27:38

Post by: Noobie2k7

I can only get down to my local store once every couple weeks and the only guy i know with this own table lives further away than that lol.

So i tend to only play once every couple weeks, sometimes less. Our local store is pretty good for organising games and little mini tourneys if loads of people want to play games.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/22 06:03:53

Post by: Ogryn

Several per week.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/01/23 07:09:47

Post by: Locclo

One a week to several a week, depending on my mood. Generally one a week (I'm in a weekly league at my FLGS) but I've also been known to test builds or just dick around using Vassal when I'm bored.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/07/21 10:46:32


Once or twice a month, i mainly model and paint

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/07/21 10:50:11

Post by: SilverMK2

I play maybe one or two times a year. Would love to play more but just never seem to have the time/motivation to go into town with all my stuff

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/07/21 12:18:36

Post by: Nocturn

I just played my first match in about 14 months...

Should definitely be able to work on those stats though.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/07/21 14:22:59

Post by: Trondheim

It all depends really, but I normaly get like 3 to 4 games in a week if I am keen on gaming. But seeing how my former club is filled with neckbeards and trolls its alot less

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/07/22 08:35:51

Post by: Adrian Fue Fue

Less then once a month.... Since I live in a combat zone it is hard to find people who play games at all, even harder to find people who have models with them here.

Found some the other day, now time to practice this new 6th ed.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/14 13:30:53

Post by: Papasmerv

Table top? Several every week. 40k? About 1 every 2 weeks.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/22 10:43:07

Post by: DizMo

I do not play. I want to but because of where I live it's kind of a no wargaming community. I can play if I want to drive an hour to get to a store and then maybe someone might be there for a game, so with the cost of gas prices and the chance that no one will be there it's like why bother. So now I just continue with the hobby side of things. Maybe one day I will play my first game.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/22 11:05:22

Post by: Far Seer

I haven't played a tt game in a year :(

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/22 12:45:25

Post by: Naminé

I wish I could play more, but there only seems to be one group where I live and I don't really like gaming at the local GW (too many children. Nothing against them I just want to play people my own age :p) so I only play about once a month.

I have Vassal but that doesn't really count.

So... anyone in Lincoln UK got room to play? :p

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/22 19:10:11

Post by: djphranq

You mean you can play with this stuff?

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/22 22:49:36

Post by: Ezki

3-4 times a month.
If I'm lucky might even play few games a week, but that's quite rare.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/22 23:08:25

Post by: Lloyld

Unfortunately I haven't actually played in about half a year. Work and college makes timing difficult.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/23 07:40:41

Post by: MetalOxide

I used to be a regular to games-workshop, popping in several times a week, but I have been slowly getting more frustrated with having wait an hour for a table and sometimes not being able to get a game because some new booking system has been put in place where you can book a table but its first come first serve.

Also there are other factors like 6th edition really ruining 40k for me with all the tables and random dice rolls you have to make. Plus prices makes collecting a new army virtually impossible for me.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/08/23 08:22:28

Post by: Poppabear

Usually play a game or two once a week and a tournament once everyone month or two.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/09/23 10:25:19

Post by: SorataZ

I try to play at least once or twice a month but since I have a lot of units to make my army simply isn't ready for most battles so it's actually less than once per month :(

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/09/23 23:22:40

Post by: Thesneakycyberman

Hmmm, it depends really, I haven't tried playing any games at my LGS so that is one reason I don't play very often, but sometimes when I get together with my two wargaming buddies, we like to play a few rounds with each other, but on average, it's more like once a month. It's not a really big deal to me because I like to paint more than actually play.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/10/19 02:11:41

Post by: kwah

haven't gotten any games in lately work and financial issues keep me home or at work unfortunately but in a few months that might change.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/10/19 08:52:25

Post by: Yojiro

Less than once per month... like, 0.25 per month or so

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/10/24 10:39:57

Post by: deejaybainbridge

Every Wednesday our gaming group meet. It's good to have a regular event.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/10/25 04:07:20

Post by: Firstborn

Lately 3-4 times\week. Half face to face and half on vassal.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 0026/12/25 04:58:49

Post by: Riddick40k

I used to get a game in every Saturday in the year but sadly with having school, a job, and a serious relationship I'm lucky to get 2 or 3 games a month and that's with cramming a couple games in one day...

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/11/04 04:01:14

Post by: mydartswinger

Generally about once a month due to the distance to the nearest FLGS and lack of transportation. Used to be once or twice a week when I had an FLGS less than 5 minutes from my house.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/11/25 19:21:35

Post by: FearTheHappyChair

Once a week at the local GW.
Usually the same group of about around 10 people are there.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/12/27 00:42:52

Post by: Kiryu Mk 3

Before I left the service I'd visit the LGS once a week and get a couple of games in. Play in a tournament, the like. Got a of good experience that way.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2012/12/28 22:59:24

Post by: phantommaster

Depends how busy the local store is but usually one or two per week.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/01/01 18:41:48

Post by: SneakyMek

None, i only collect and play myself since its a pain in the rear to keep up with the all the new rule books and up dates that are being released so often and cost a lot too.

I'd rather spend my money on more minis and supplies such as paint and stuff than buying a new rule book for say 70 dollars where there are like 7 rules that have been slightly altered since the last edition and the rest of the book is the same as before.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/01/02 02:58:42

Post by: btr75

Average of once a week. Wish I could play more.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/01/27 14:38:48

Post by: FoWPlayerDeathOfUS.TDs

I play 5 games a month at one time, local gaming club.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/01/29 17:36:29

Post by: ghpoobah

I'm lucky enough to have 3 good gaming clubs near me and an awesome FLGS where you can book a table

I regularly get to 1 or 2 club meetings per week. So on a good month I can manage to game maybe 12 times in total.

Support your local club, if you haven't got one, maybe give it a go!

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/01/30 02:31:39

Post by: -Loki-

If I got a game a month in, I'd consider myself lucky. I ususally get one game every 2-3 months in.

It's never an issue with getting a table, as I have an awesome FLGS with an abundance of tables and terrain. I have 3 regular opponents, and all of them are busy either with family or work. Same with me. So finding a time when one of them, and myself, are not busy for a day at the same time is difficult.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/03/13 23:59:50

Post by: Nevelon

I try to make it to my FLGS monthly tournaments. When I do make it, I get 3 games in one day. Outside of that I might get a game in every other month.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/03/14 18:31:19

Post by: Farseer Faenyin

We have a dedicated 40k night at our FLGS that we coordinate through a Facebook group.

It works quite well. :-)

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/03/29 10:16:15

Post by: stubacca

 Farseer Faenyin wrote:
We have a dedicated 40k night at our FLGS that we coordinate through a Facebook group.

It works quite well. :-)

Same here, ours has just started up a league

Originally I voted that I don't play but one BRB and three codexes later (BA, DA + Tau) have changed that to playing quite often!

I stopped going over Christmas, I'd just started a new job as well, so finding time was a nightmare.

Now I play on Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons, works really well because a few guys from Thursday go down on Saturday, and vice versa so the league has about 12 people regularly turning up (not a lot but it's more than enough variety plus everyone gets on)

So I'm probably playing 10 games a month now, from zero

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/03/29 11:55:53

Post by: Orkimedes1000

 Farseer Faenyin wrote:
We have a dedicated 40k night at our FLGS that we coordinate through a Facebook group.

It works quite well. :-)

This is what i am attempting to achieve where i live. in the manner you described. not having as much luck though. sometimes i think it'd be easier if i moved back to the city instead of where i live now. there is interest here but
it seems no one is keen to play 40k. even at the FLGS which advertises it host's a 40k night (which it doesn't), that doubled with the fact i no longer have a working car means that my gaming time is next to non existant. really wish i'd game more but alas it seems how hard i try it's not mean't to be. if that's the case then i guess i'll continue the hobby but just not from a gaming POV

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/03/29 16:29:15

Post by: Selym

Well, in the past two years I have has roughly ten games...

The chaos gods are starting to call me "pitiful weakling".

Hopefully, they'll enjoy my way of getting more larger battles in the near future!

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/04/05 21:44:03

Post by: Grotzar

I've gone to about less than once a month.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/04/08 12:11:51

Post by: strybjorn Grimskull

I'm quite lucky, i have a club open from 6:00 till 9:00 on a Friday and me and my friends play on a thursaday from 6:00 till 9:00 and earlier if we can all make it.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/04/30 14:23:45

Post by: Mad Boss Morgrot

It's sad to see that most, like me, cant find the time to play more. I'd play a lot more i I could get the wife to play!!! Lol!!

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/04/30 18:15:03

Post by: The Shadow

Most Saturdays I get down to my local GW, which means either participation in one big scheduled game, or one or two smaller games. When I can, which is fairly rarely, I also go to games night there, which constitutes another couple of games a week.

I guess I'm somewhere in between "once" and "several" a week, really. It depends.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/05/31 16:58:02

Post by: Lloyld

Unfortunately only once a month at most due to my work schedule and the only people I know that play, play on the days I work.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/07/03 10:01:02

Post by: caledoneus

probably around once a month, sadly. Working 50ish hours most weeks, and a 2 year old boy cut down on time to play... lol.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/08/04 18:37:41

Post by: 13whited

Marshal_Gus wrote:
I'd like to play once a week...but the two game stores in my area are filled with more people who'd rather talk about 40K than actually play it. I get confused when I see several tackle boxes, battlefoam bags, etc. and no one is playing... Oh well. I guess games are more fun when you don't play them...

This made me sad. I only have two games under my belt, and with my crammed schedule I rarely have a chance to play. But if I could, I'd play at least 3 or 4 times a week

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/11/07 20:58:23

Post by: whitehorn

Definately once a week at my local club.
Some times extras depending on who's around and the odd tourny.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/11/08 08:31:17

Post by: dakkajet

Once a month if lucky.
Drives me insane!

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/11/08 12:25:21

Post by: Selym

 dakkajet wrote:
Once a month if lucky.
Drives me insane!

I got in 6 games last year. Four of them were kill-team.

I know dem feels

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/11/15 16:44:28

Post by: SkavenLord

Depends for me. If playing against myself to see how one army does against another counts then it's everyday. If not, it's incredibly rare (hoping to change that soon though).

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2013/11/18 12:02:43

Post by: master of ordinance

Recently gone down to rock bottom, due to college.
I fething hate this place.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/02/11 10:39:15

Post by: Inget namn

Sadly less than one per moth. Not a lot of people interested in warhammer 40k in my area...

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/02/11 10:50:44

Post by: eskimo

Mad Boss Morgrot wrote:It's sad to see that most, like me, cant find the time to play more. I'd play a lot more i I could get the wife to play!!! Lol!!

As i see it, having a family is the only thing that prevent people playing. I don't understand how others don't have the time to play a single game in one week.

I feel for the people like me who don't actually have anywhere local to play. Being in a small town has it's advantages but if there ain't the players, then there isn't much you can do. No doubt there's probably 1 or 2 kicking around here, but trying to find them is kinda hard. Maybe i should stick a few posters on some lamp-posts saying, "Play 40k? txt me". My local FLGS costs me £10 to get to and play + the hour and half commute. The next city club is the same-ish but with a single 4x4 board. And the other club has next to no 40k players, i played my first game there in several months.

When i finally get the money together to move out, i'm going to build a 6x4' board. I can get most stuff free which is good. Then i'm definitely running with the lamp-post idea!

I'd happily buy stuff from GW if the facilities were any good. But as others say, 4x4 boards and waiting unreliably for games is just plain bullshizzle.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/02/11 15:34:58

Post by: Tylermc4119

 Sharkvictim wrote:
Once a week. Should be more fun than it is, but lately every game has been my CSM playing against Chaos Daemons, and my opponent refuses to play lower than 1500 pts and refuses to play objectives. My army generally gets fed through a slow, boring meat grinder.

Wow that guy is a real jackass, no one likes boring games. That just sounds painful to both watch and play.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/02/11 18:06:46

Post by: hellrath

How do these people have time for several times a week?

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/02/11 22:11:38

Post by: Onespec

Once a week at least, considerably more during holidays.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/02/12 11:27:21

Post by: eskimo

 hellrath wrote:
How do these people have time for several times a week?

I imagen jobs that able people to forget about then when they get home paired with quick meals, no family commitments and refusing to tidy the house/ do odd jobs. It's doable but requires no dilly dallying around. Also if the place is on your doorstep, that helps considerably. I find painting is the hard one, much more time consuming imo.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/05/19 13:51:37

Post by: LotLP

I get with my club on thursdays, generally also fridays, sometimes saturdays, and I tend to play 2-3 games a day then. Usually around 1500 points, give or take 500

 hellrath wrote:
How do these people have time for several times a week?

I work at home and my gaming club is a 3 minutes walk from my home

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/05/20 05:42:25

Post by: Knockagh

That 10% don't play at all is pretty sad. I know as I get older it's harder to find the time for full games. Zone mortalis has given my gaming a new lease of life, smaller more compact games allow gaming to continue!

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/06/07 23:01:22

Post by: scarletsquig

Deadzone every couple of weeks currently, with some other stuff sprinkled in.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/06/20 15:45:08

Post by: ChiliPowderKeg

Saturday has become too much of an opportunity to get extra work done to waste it on the local tournament

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/06/23 07:29:07

Post by: WallofMeat

Once a week at a pub club (40k + BFG - other people play Munda n WFB). If there are no clubs near you (I live in a city) - why not start a meet up group? - you can be surprised how quickly that ramps up.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/07/21 21:18:21

Post by: Snilbog

Would really like to do more, but the average is once a fortnight because of school and homework. Such a bummer.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/07/22 05:19:04

Post by: Orsai

Once a week on my dining table with a friend. 1000pts every Tuesday afternoon.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/08/22 23:52:14

Post by: Forgemaster Argos

There's a reason my profile says Jericho Reach. Wish I could play my 4th game and all my buddies are COD-bros. I'm the only table gamer I know and the nearest flgs and GW are 45 minutes away with no traffic. The ole hobby forge is always humming with painting and converting, but sadly, tis a lonely watch out here at watch station Washington.

FM Argos

(Edit: yay post upgrade text. This one got me a shiny new Harley. )

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/08/23 01:06:04

Post by: chromedog

Somewhere between 5 and 10 games a month.

Some months I don't game at all, though. So these other months have to make up for them.

I'm fortunate that I have 2 clubs to play at though.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/10/24 22:35:46

Post by: Stormonu

I get a game in at least once a month. For 40k/WHFB, about once every 3 months.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2014/12/26 17:51:41

Post by: Noble Korhedron

 automatonsleuth wrote:
I used to be a regular gamer in our local GW, but as time's gone by, and I've grown steadily more fed up of waiting two hours to play a game on the store's single 4' x 4' table, my average has dropped to around 1 game every 10 weeks.
Where I'm from we're lucky enough to have an FLGS with up to a dozen or so 6' x 4' ply-board gaming tables. Which are usually covered with loose old Citadel battle mats, albeit in very good condition. So if my local GW is ever full, we can just go there and start setting up almost immediately.....

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2015/02/28 10:44:13

Post by: Brother Michael

Every Thursday I'm not playing Dark Heresy

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2015/08/02 23:41:23

Post by: StarDrop

I play few times a week, so... I would average on 15 times a month.
WH40K, Lords of WaterDeep, Mini Jenga, Tokaido, Phase 10, Imperial Assault, Jungle Speed, M:tg, CAH, few other titles.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2015/11/13 04:11:59

Post by: Nalydyn

Just lately been getting to know more guys at my FLGS, so been playing a couple games a week typically. But before like last month pretty much never... Just got a guy who left Fantasy after AoS to come over to the future side. He's lovin it, he's getting quite comfortable with his space wolves.

Anyways ya I put once a week because I sometimes don't have time for any matches, so it balances out.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2015/11/15 12:18:01

Post by: GamesEtc

I typically dont have a lot of time to play, and I prefer the modelling aspect of the hobby more anyways

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/03/12 16:51:20

Post by: Dicey1

Once a month average...but sometimes also 3 in a week. It depends.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/03/12 17:25:29

Post by: CthulhuDawg

I haven't played a game of 40k since 5th to be totally honest, but I have been playing AoS at least once a week since it was released. I went back to college (not everyone finishes in 4 years straight through as your counselor may have you believe) the summer 6th dropped and lost my few opponents. When I came back home for a break I realized my 3 opponents and myself were the only thing keeping 40k alive at my favorite FLGS and the community was completely gone replaced by Infinity, Warmahordes, Malifaux and Bolt action. I didn't dig the scene at the store near my school, no formations and excessive list restrictions = no fun for me. I'm of the opinion 40k is meant to be played at 3000 pts and above, smaller scale makes combos way too op and is why people ban them. I get that and totally understand but if I had my way all 40k games would be planet strike apocalypse games. That leads me to my next problem. I was born with health problems that only get worse every year and effect all of my major joints making it hard for me to get around or lift anything. As I approach 30 (not that old I know but my doctor just told me I have the knees and ankles of a 75 year old) this has made hauling large armies to and back from FLGS a major hassle, and I don't even want to get into tables that are too high and places that don't provide chairs. In the recent years I have definitely become more of a collector because of that, and whats funny is as I play less the more models I actually get to complement my forces. Assault marines are garbage in the current meta? I don't care, they look badass and I have a great idea on paint scheme, few years ago I never would have even considered picking them up. I do get together with a buddy to play AoS on skirmish levels. I toss my forces into the smallest troop carrier I have, grab my binder with my warscrolls/battleplans, dice and rulers, throw everything in a bag and I'm set. No huge books to carry en masse, no need to carry three full packed Battlefoam 720s and I get in a few games instead of one. AoS has been good for my body.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/03/16 05:24:31

Post by: ZergSmasher

I try to play 40k once a week, but sometimes that is impossible. I want to play as many games as I can as that is probably the only way I'll get any better at it. Plus I want to get as much mileage out of all the money I've dropped on 40k as I possibly can. I didn't buy the stuff for it to sit around and collect dust.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/03/24 17:16:12

Post by: Selym

I've not had a single 40k game this year, and the prospects for the next 6 months aren't inviting...

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/03/24 17:30:42

Post by: Talizvar

Once every 2 weeks at least.
Sometimes once a week.
I do attend various conventions during the year so it could push up my numbers to more than 1 a week.
Attended Hotlead and played 5 games at about 3-4 hours each.

I am shocked how much support my area has for Malifaux, Battletech, X-wing / Armada and 40k.
Since I am spoiled for choice in the model department for all of the above games: I can play pretty much any time I want.

Job, wife, kids and various repair "man's work" obligations as well as kid's hockey taxi work seems to cramp my style.
The man-child does not get out as much as one would want.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/03/27 17:11:04

Post by: Selym

I'm finding it silly hard to get a game since 2012, it's like nobody plays 40k anymore. My two closest gw stores don't like gaming, and there are no available clubs.

Now down to two friends who play 40k, and neither of them are in reach for most of each year.

Anyone else thinking that their era of 40k is over?

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/07/21 21:03:14

Post by: metallifan

"Not as often as I'd like" should just be an option

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/08/22 10:23:06

Post by: Selym

Currently, I stand at one game this year. One game of 40k Kill Team.


How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/08/22 14:52:04

Post by: Just Tony

Less than once a month. It would be once a month, but I usually only game Classichammer on drill weekends, and half of those are away. Found out there is at least one other gamer in my unit, so may be able to get more.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/08/22 15:27:42

Post by: Ryuhoshi

I dont really play, I only have fun painting XD

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/08/23 12:30:08

Post by: Singleton Mosby

I play once a week on thursday evenings. And then some small tournaments and bigger cames once every other month on a saturday. Will be less in the future because we're moving away to another province.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/08/28 09:43:46

Post by: SixT4Pixels

I play only about 4 games a month, not as many as I'd like, but all my local players (near my FLGS) are usually only available Thursday nights, when I'm busy with school stuff.

Every few weekends or so, I head over to the nearest GW (about an hour away) and get a game or two in, but that's about all I can get since there are only two tables.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/08/29 18:28:49

Post by: JamesY

I've had two games so far this year, no way near enough. Might have to swap Saturday morning coffee for gaming if it continues.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2016/09/29 21:06:10

Post by: Red_Ink_Cat

I've been trying to up my amount of play to once or twice a month (ideally every other week), but it has not been working very well. Hence less than once a month

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2017/03/05 11:00:33

Post by: ShadowPug

I want to get my army painted first and the focus at my club at the minute is to get our armies ready so yeah, not yet.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2017/04/30 00:16:17

Post by: Megaknob

Played when ever I could in 5th worked out at once per fortnight

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/06/20 21:47:02

Post by: Engine of War

Havn't been able to play since I can't find a place too play since I moved.

Not too keen on 8th (Don't want to relearn everything again, Im lazy). That and I need to find a place that is receptive to my extensivly customized and converted army.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/06/21 05:34:35

Post by: papaseven

I'm really interested in this spread of answers. I expected it to be generally high or low!

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/06/26 19:12:39

Post by: pancakeonions

"in a month"


How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/06/26 19:19:37

Post by: Selym

 pancakeonions wrote:
"in a month"

Try "games a year" for useful numbers

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/09/23 17:51:26

Post by: ccs

Sat. is typically my minis gaming day. For the longest time it was limited to 5pm+ & (generally) 1 Flames of War match. But with a recent scheduling change I'm able to play earlier. So for the past 2 months I've gotten in an additional game of X-Wing/Bolt Action/etc. Soon I'll add 40k to that list.

And sometimes we'll squeeze a quick minis game in on our D&D night. Or to fill those sessions that would otherwise get canceled for whatever reason

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/09/28 11:02:42

Post by: Sunno

Normally at our weekend gathering I get 1-2 games of WM/H in. Some weeks I get the option of another random game but normally its a couple of games on a Sat or Sunday afternoon/eve.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/09/30 09:02:51

Post by: battyrat

Between work and family I hardly get enough time to paint let alone get a game in here and there. I have been trying to find a local group or some gamers more interested in similar games to myself but with no luck. My last attempted game was against my brother who was high as a kite on beer at the time...so I ended up joining him. The End result was a game where we both ended up staring blankly at the table and nothing happened. Pretty sure those Squigs are still laughing at us both.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2018/10/24 21:14:33

Post by: Just Tony

 Just Tony wrote:
Less than once a month. It would be once a month, but I usually only game Classichammer on drill weekends, and half of those are away. Found out there is at least one other gamer in my unit, so may be able to get more.

I get to amend this. for 3rd Ed. 40K, I will wind up getting a game in at every drill I have that isn't a field drill. My brother now lives far closer to me, and is in my town several days a week for work. That facilitates some 6th Ed. WFB gaming at the local shop that's about four blocks from my house. So it looks like I'm going from less than once a month to potentially every weekend.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2019/01/28 01:09:21

Post by: Edd Crumpett

Sadly nowhere near as often as I wish I could. I haven't got a store near me at all, so I'm reduced to playing with friends, and mostly they don't play, or are too busy.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2019/02/28 14:56:59

Post by: Woodbro_Chillson

My girlfriend and I play a game once a week.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2019/05/01 16:56:50

Post by: Edd Crumpett

I rarely get a chance to play... Worst part? I don't just have 40K- I have multiple WWII games as well (and they can be played in short amounts of time as well).

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2020/01/09 11:26:15

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Out of more than 5k votes? This is a surprise to me.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2020/01/09 11:28:49

Post by: aphyon

I run late night gaming at a FLGS so minimum of 1 sometimes as many as 3 every Saturday. now you understand why I play so many systems, got to have variety when you play all the time.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2020/10/20 16:47:30

Post by: Deikov

Before the pandemic? I aimed for once a week, sometimes managed twice a week, but not less than once a month.
Since the pandemic? Once every 3 or 4 months?

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2020/10/20 18:20:50

Post by: infinite_array

Yeah, this year has been a big hit to my gaming. I had a stretch of years when I was playing 100+ games. That dropped in 2019 when I only had 61 games played, which I thought was lacking.

This year, however - oof. With no conventions, tournaments, campaigns, or club meetings, I'm way down in games played. Only at 30, and I can't imagine that's going to get much higher as things get worse with the weather getting colder.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2020/10/21 06:04:56

Post by: Cyel

Boardgame Wednesday with buddies (1-2games/w)
occasional wargame visit of a friend (2g/m)
a Warmachine tournament (3g/m)
boardgaming with wife (1-2g/w)
boardgaming club I run at school (2g/every 2w)
solitaire plays at home: Aeon's End, Machina Arcana, Spirit Island, Mage Knight (2g/w)

I'd say close to 30 tabletop games / month is about right. Pandemic cut that number down a bit, obviously.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2020/12/22 19:35:01

Post by: Crusty

Zero as of now used to be 1-2 a week then one a month.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2020/12/23 09:57:10

Post by: Shadow Walker

Used to play once a week but my group is no more (people lost interest or moved to different cities/countries). Also covid/lockdown.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2021/02/24 17:34:46

Post by: popisdead

Surprised people are playing frequently giving it's a method of transmission in a pandemic.

What a weird poll.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2021/02/24 17:40:03

Post by: ingtaer

popisdead wrote:
Surprised people are playing frequently giving it's a method of transmission in a pandemic.

What a weird poll.

This poll has been running since 2012. Also peoples circumstances are different, I play 3 times a week because I live with people who play, previous to that I played twice a week because the country I was in dealt with the virus really quickly.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2021/02/24 18:35:56

Post by: Esper

Many years ago, I played almost daily, either with someone else or solo.

Nowadays, I'm lucky if I manage to squeeze time to play once a month.

How many tabletop games do you play in an average month? @ 2022/03/02 14:23:22

Post by: Havic1137

I answered "a few times a week" in reference that I have a couple D&D games on weekends.

As far as wargaming, I don't really have anyone to play with right now so that would be nill. I play with some friends once in a blue moon over TTS but most of them don't really have the interest in wargaming that I do or have been too busy.

I know a couple discord communities I can play in, but a mix of my natural shyness and my concerns with 9th edition 40k have made me hesitant to take part.

I've poked at battletech a little bit as well and I do like the setting, but I admit I have a soft spot for space wizardry.