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What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/04 01:07:02

Post by: legoburner

Poll suggested by IHateNids

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/04 02:31:43

Post by: Johnny-Crass

If we are also counting WHFB I would love a Storm banner in every list

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/04 04:46:14

Post by: Pumpkin

A Blood Angels DoA army with Fleet of Foot would just be deliciously evil. I don't think anybody would enjoy playing against something like that, though.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I was specifically thinking about BA Vanguard Veterans, who can already assault on the turn they arrive from deep strike. Mmm... Overkill...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/04 22:00:22

Post by: Do_I_Not_Like_That

For Dark Elves, Brettonian peasants would be ideal, as you'd be able to beat a few up before the battle started

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/04 22:16:24

Post by: pretre

Pumpkin wrote:A Blood Angels DoA army with Fleet of Foot would just be deliciously evil. I don't think anybody would enjoy playing against something like that, though.

Not sure I get what you're getting at here. If it's a DOA army, they're deep striking and they can run anyways and not assault. Unless you mean for Vanguard, in which case, yes that's evil.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 00:22:51

Post by: Pumpkin

pretre wrote:Not sure I get what you're getting at here. If it's a DOA army, they're deep striking and they can run anyways and not assault. Unless you mean for Vanguard, in which case, yes that's evil.

Oh, right. I should have been clearer...

That is precisely what I was getting at.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 10:52:16

Post by: Kaime

Sisters of battle with leman russes Like the good old days.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 10:54:01

Post by: LunaHound

this is going to happen in the next few releases ( until next edition )

Anti av 10-12 weapons

So str 7+ multi shot ( special rules )

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 11:47:24

Post by: DarkCorsair

Fateweaver. Fateweaver with 3++ save wraiths that have two wounds would be hilarious.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 12:47:51

Post by: sgtspiff

I would love to have Lash for my farseers.

Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom. Lash and Doom.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 13:23:47

Post by: Evil Lamp 6

SoB with Land Raiders.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 13:44:38

Post by: necrovamp

A Tank

I'd bring some of the Space Marine tanks into Chaos Space Marines or more probable to give variety design new vehicles on the rhino chassis for the Chaos Marines as it's been said before, Why do they Razorbacks etc and Chaos don't!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 14:43:44

Post by: kitch102

Is love my de archon to be able to take a pet carnifex or something similarly huge

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 15:52:20

Post by: The Mad Tanker

Land Raiders in an Imperial Guard List Oh, deliciously evil.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 17:44:53

Post by: Sharkvictim

You can't tell me that in ten thousand years the forces of chaos haven't gotten their mitts on so much as one crate of storm shields...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 19:10:43


nemesis force swords on my thuosand sons

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 20:26:55

Post by: DeadGaurd

I just want guards men with bolters

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 20:27:45

Post by: pretre

DeadGaurd wrote:I just want guards men with bolters

GK Henchmen army?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 22:05:47

Post by: Reaper Man 2020

I want mindshackle scarabs for my marines!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 22:45:49

Post by: Jaraknarn

Evil Lamp 6 wrote:SoB with Land Raiders.

SoB with an Assault vehicle of any kind…

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/05 22:48:59

Post by: Samus_aran115

A daemonic trygon

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/06 01:00:17

Post by: CT GAMER

Kaime wrote:Sisters of battle with leman russes Like the good old days.

I'd settle for Drop pods for SOB...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/06 01:55:35

Post by: Baldsmug

I'd like a Terminator Command Squad for Vanilla Spacemarines OR Plague marine rules for vanilla Devastators. I apologize in advance for my SM fanboyhood.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/06 01:56:28

Post by: sgtpjbarker

Necron's need Melta, big issues with that.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/10 10:15:57

Post by: rodgers37

Chaos need Psychic hood, now please

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/16 03:03:08

Post by: BattlePope

A Monstrous Creature. I'd like to see Grotsnik's supa ork on the table!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/16 06:08:03

Post by: Avatar 720


3rd Ed. Codex: CSM into current Codex: CSM

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/16 14:52:56

Post by: vercingatorix

predator annihilator with my orks, we need some anti-vehicles!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/17 21:49:56

Post by: Trondheim

And they shal know no fear for my Guardsmen. And eternal warrior for my commisar Lord

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/17 21:50:57

Post by: Horst

Let me mount rail cannons on my predators / land raiders instead of twin linked lascannons, and I'll be a happy man.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/17 22:15:22

Post by: warpcrafter

I want to field a Storm Raven in my upcoming Space Wolves army, or two, or three. Full of Thunderwolf Cavalry with storm shields and thunder hammers. ("Oh, I'm sorry, did I just destroy your whole army? My bad.")

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/17 23:20:51

Post by: Akroma06

Technically a weapon, maybe considered a special rule. Frag and Krak to the Templars. No offenseve grenades for what in fluff is an assault army base like every other SM army.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/18 01:51:39

Post by: soncka

I would like to have the Land Speeder Storm for my Dark Angels.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/01/18 01:52:42

Post by: JohnnoM

drop pods in chaos space marines. Nice Tau gunline, MEET MY DROP POD BERSERKERS!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/02/01 20:45:20

Post by: oni

I chose other because I couldn't select multiple answers.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/09 10:04:13

Post by: mattyrm

Space Marines in Battlewagons with Deffrollas.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/09 10:24:59

Post by: Urien_Rakarth

DE with torturous, maddening Psychic Powers FTW!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/09 10:28:55

Post by: htj

Four words:

Reanimation Protocols for everyone!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/09 13:47:16

Post by: martin74

For my orks, the simple melta gun and multi melta would be nice to have. Lets look at it like this.

SM: Melta, multi melta, lascannon, melta bombs, krack grenades and powerfists. All those are able to take out vehicles.

IG: Melta, multi melta, lascannon, melta bombs, krack grenades and powerfists. All those are able to take out vehicles, even though power fists in IG are rare to see.

Tau: Not for sure, but, they get there good anit tank weapons.

CSM: see SM

Eldar/dark eldar: Lance weapons, melta weapons, haywire grenades.

Orks. Our best long range weapons are the dakka guns(everyone else gets autocannons too), custom mega blaster (rarely fielded), and zzap gun, all at balistic skill 2. Yes, that is so fair.

Just something other than getting into close combat with a vehicle to destroy it.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/09 18:10:47

Post by: Adrian Fue Fue

I voted for monstrous creature.

Seeing a line up of tanks is fine, (and boring) and giving Chaos cheap drop pods, or Orks some cool spells would be nice.

But having large unique models that go for just one army is what give a good focal point. Big monster vs Big Monster.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/10 00:38:03

Post by: zman111

I would bring a carnafex into my ork army from the nid hordes!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/10 05:54:33

Post by: baseballclu

I want chaos daemons in whfb with primal fury and the ability to pray like brets for a 4+ ward

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/10 10:36:03

Post by: Frozen Ocean

Land Raiders. For Tyranids.

Oh yeah.

EDIT: @Adrian Fue Fue: You should play Warmachine.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/12 06:30:22

Post by: King of the Elves

Bolters to IG conscripts

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/12 06:39:57

Post by: Phototoxin

SoB - plastics like everyone else *ho ho*

Salamanders to have the option of Infernus Pistols and a 2nd special weapon in a tac squad like blood angels.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/13 16:21:09

Post by: Lt.Soundwave

I'd like a decent commander for tau.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/13 22:55:43

Post by: Daemonhammer

Baneblade for my orks :!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/06/13 22:58:54

Post by: Big Mek Dattrukk

A gun, ANY gun capable of reliably damaging AV14 WITHOUT risking the life of its operator. i should not have to assault your tank to crack it open.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/11 10:26:51

Post by: undead flesh addict

Terminators for my guard
nuff said

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/11 10:34:09

Post by: Melkhiordarkblade

I'd love to have a giant in my VC army.. like the old days. :-(

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/11 11:30:53

Post by: Florintine Mallorean

I voted for other as it varies depending on the army and if it if 40k or WHFB.

I would love to have some of the items from the old WHFB Empire Book in the new one. I don't really like how all the gear is downsized because they want you to use the stuff from the main rulebook.

As for 40k I would like my Space Wolves to get a few things from the normal Space Marine book.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/11 13:32:16

Post by: TerminalDragon

Eternal Warrior for my SM captain. OOOO YEAH, or maybe FNP. Or maybe fearless. Any of them or all of them...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/12 01:45:39

Post by: Black Dragon Ninja

Eldar with Assualt Vehicles would be amazing =D Then again so would Force Weapons for Eldar Psykers, just saying, not much sense that we don't IMHO

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/12 05:06:25


I would really like Land Raiders for my IG.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/24 23:31:41

Post by: talljosh85

Guardsmen blobs to hold objectives for my BA, I just feel they don't kill enough if holding a backcourt objective...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/25 03:39:57

Post by: Eydude1

Wouldnt mind some anti tank in my BT army, preferrably vehicles.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/25 03:45:16

Post by: Thaanos

Eldar/Marine BS for my Orks

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/25 09:18:54

Post by: Davylove21

Some of those Imperial Guard Quad Guns and Medusas for my Tau and Broadsides for my Orks.

Hello allies rule!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/25 09:33:08

Post by: Phototoxin

soncka wrote:I would like to have the Land Speeder Storm for my Dark Angels.

ditto for blood angels

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/07/25 11:06:30

Post by: liquidjoshi

Deathwing with Leman Russ Demolishers. Beautiful.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/08/12 10:49:13

Post by: Farseer Tahril

A descent Eldar assault unit to go in an assault vehicle ...
And good vehicle BS too ...
And access to more disciplines - Telekinesis

And for Tau ...
Just re-do the whole codex ... PROPERLY, not like Matt Ward writing it

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/08/12 11:00:29

Post by: mwnciboo

OTHER - As a Space Marine Player, I would like some simple changes, make Landspeeder Storms a Transport choice. It would make some interesting Fast attack lists, as due to the cost you could have large formations of Landspeeders, Landspeeder Storms and Storm Talons. It would make for an interesting Scout list.

Decrease cost of Rhino (30pts) and Power fist (20pts), to make Tactical Squads a little cheaper

Maybe 5+ inv for a Techmarine?

Special Character restrictions, e.g One and it counts as double KP's if killed.

A generally re-balancing/ Re-costing to Nerf GK, BA & SW. Increasing points cost of Terminators and FNP options.

Also some changes to under-used units to make them more useful or viable across all races.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/08/12 14:33:33

Post by: Rennoc215

Assassins in every IoM army.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/08/28 10:43:35

Post by: mydartswinger

Raven Guard 8th Company Captain. Give me my Assault Marines as Troops without putting them on the Rag.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/08/28 11:03:10

Post by: kitch102

You know what I'd most like to see for all armies? Sergeant upgrades.

Upgrade one model to sergeant for +10 points

The Sergeant can then specialise in one of the following traits for the allocated points cost.

Apothecary granting FNP
Chaplain granting re-rolls to hit or wound. Further upgrade to Interrogator Chaplain to re-roll both hits AND wounds?
Veteran for access to special ammo

I'd like to think about having the potential to have librarians leading squads (outside of the GK's) though not sure how that could work in a generic SM list. 4 tac squads with libby sergeants, all using VoD sounds a little too cruel imo!

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9or their xenos equivalent, this doesn't have to be just IoM stuff)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/09/08 04:31:18

Post by: Decio

Carnifexes and assault cannons in my IG army!

I'd have a Commander on a Carnifex with a lance and shield, so a medieval-esque knight on a tamed giant killer-thingy

Have the parts and stuff, need approval to actually have rules and use one.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/09/09 16:40:36

Post by: redrooster148

For some reason i want some whirlwhinds for my eldar they look cool and seem fun to play with

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/09/10 12:26:30

Post by: Yojiro

I constantly run three vindicators on my list just so I can compensate for not having Hammerheads.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/09/13 10:54:04

Post by: Sigvatr

Strong psychic defense. As a Necron, you're fethed.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/09/14 02:04:06

Post by: Rustgob

Me Boyz wud love a punisha' kannun from dem oomie fightas, or dem beakie rokkit launchas wot has da frag mode!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/09/17 04:38:36

Post by: Thesneakycyberman

The fluff. If RoS were an imperialistic nation like Khador, than I would have my dream army.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/10/14 14:28:28

Post by: JTDAquila

Storm Ravens for ALL Space Marines, not just Blood Angels/Grey Knights. That would make so much more sense -.-

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/10/14 14:35:14

Post by: Razmere

Probably some sort of vehicle. Like those cool Dark Eldar Pirate Ships!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/10/14 22:56:37

Post by: Gabrial Angelos

For me it would have to be giving everything in the space wolf codex that has accute senses, night vision instead from the dark eldar book. Simply because accute senses are worthless to space wolves now.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/10/15 05:16:26

Post by: thefarseerofnorthryde

The cheese that every other army seems to have and i do not

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/10/16 19:03:35

Post by: liquidjoshi

Chaos player?

I would like some erm... well...

Sod it, nothing. I love mah Tanks in my Guard. Maybe Sternguard because they're pretty cool.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/10/19 02:08:56

Post by: kwah

I really really want more special rules for tau something to help with space marines would be nice.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/05 02:19:15

Post by: cox.dan2

If I had to choose one it would be armour, my Orks would be unstoppable with space marine armour. If I could choose 2, a tank or heavy vehicle would be second, but that's what looting helps with.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/05 04:54:52

Post by: bobtheoverlord

Anti air for tyranids

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/08 03:29:07

Post by: necronuser

Psychic powers because i play necrons.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/08 11:45:40

Post by: A Kvlt Ghost

Drop pods. (so "other")

That said, on second thought, I'd just as soon have access to a worthwhile land raider

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/08 12:04:18

Post by: PredaKhaine

Storm Raven equivalent for my eldar. Fly up with banshees (led by Jain Zar) and a wraithlord, blow loads of stuff up and charge whats left!

And I want eldar guns on the storm raven - d-cannons and bright lances!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/08 15:58:29

Post by: alanmckenzie

The bloodthirster into my blood angels successor.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/10 10:10:21

Post by: WaaaaghLord

Monstrous creature in an Ork army. That would be cool...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/10 11:29:34

Post by: liquidjoshi

MCs in guard. That's one hell of a meat shield.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/12 15:56:06

Post by: geordie09

Land Raider variants for my Berzerkers...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/12 16:19:18

Post by: tom191

Rail gun from tau to pop av14 tanks

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/15 10:37:32

Post by: Forcemajeure

Mob Rule for guardsmen.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/15 14:54:33

Post by: FarseerAndyMan

I would like to see a "Thunderwolf" cav style for my Astral Claws.... I am making a conversion with the DemiGriffs and Marine Riders...Im just gonna rip off the rules from the SW codex and drop em into my army..

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/15 18:03:27

Post by: blood lance

I'm surprised that no one has said this one yet

Plastic models for SoB

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/15 18:13:25

Post by: Bloodecho

Divination for tzeentch sorcerers! Also the old aspiring sorcerer rules would be nice....

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/15 21:51:23

Post by: psychadelicmime

A flyer transport/gunship for tau. Imagine a storm raven with more capacity and rail guns.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/15 22:59:27

Post by: elementofnick

probably Leman Russ' for my salamanders... but id love the special rule of He'Stan for ALL flamer style weapons...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/11/16 02:37:03

Post by: Keny_Free

Its been said a couple times in this thread, but counting a Warboss as a Monstrous creature is the type of dirt mcgirt nonsense I want to see in this next codex. If you want to beat my orks right now, just take a bunch of land raider crusaders/redeemers.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/12/16 10:20:11

Post by: knightofkob

A flyer

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Imagine transport flier for Space Wolves. Would have been grand to just drop 5 combi flamers anywhere on the battle field.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/12/16 18:00:44

Post by: sweetdaddyg

fliers for space wolves

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/12/16 22:20:38

Post by: washout77

Railguns on a Leman Russ.

The reliable long-range AT that the Guard lack (we have LC's, but those are usually on BS3 models...)

Oh, and it would be what the Vanquisher was trying to be.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/12/16 22:32:33

Post by: Novelist47

Khornate Sorcerers for the lolz.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/12/17 01:16:55

Post by: Diezel

Commissars to Give Fearless instead of Stubborn
Old catachan codex added into guard codex
StormTroopers Get weapon options similar to DE's Kabalite True borns ( 4 Special Weapons )

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/12/17 05:50:57

Post by: charley29

Gauss weapons, veil of darkness.

Also, FNP for everyone!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2012/12/17 17:13:32

Post by: Hazardx987

I would really like "And They Shall Know No Fear" on my chaos marines rather than the Dark Apostle yelling "THE POWER OF THE WARP COMPELS YOU!!".

Tzeentch sorcerers being lvl 2 base

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/17 11:24:25

Post by: De_soap

I want Aerial Assault back for mah Razorwing Strikefighters. Boom, boom.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/17 11:53:04

Post by: master of ordinance

Tanks. You can never have enough tanks . And if your tanks arnt working then go find some more bigger tanks. And if they still arnt working its your fault

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/17 15:07:56

Post by: Fenrir Kitsune

Drop pods for chaos marines. Its absurd that they don't have them by now.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/17 18:52:16


Some fricken Flakk missiles for my Wolves and Fliers for my Tau. Give me a way to fight air without having to take fortifications.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/17 22:11:42

Post by: btr75

Trolls and Giants from WHFB to 40k Orkz

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/17 22:24:17

Post by: CurryMaster

Id love to bring some survivability from any other race, to my guardsmen

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/17 23:18:29

Post by: Naito

Imperial Guards with Power Armor or equipped with Storm Bolters

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/20 14:23:04

Post by: Britto

With my chaos space marine army, I like to use ork vehicles, paint schemes (only for the vehicles), and use the ork, put random pieces together, style for my conversions, so the ork frame of mind I guess

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/20 21:52:19

Post by: Grimaldus99

*Other* I'd take the points cost of other Marines for my Templar

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/21 10:36:51

Post by: master of ordinance

Some fricken Flakk missiles for my Wolves and Fliers for my Tau. Give me a way to fight air without having to take fortifications.

This too. My guard are mince meat unless i can somehow get hold of £70+ for a FW hydra. And even then i would need atleast 2

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/25 21:15:51

Post by: Justicar Cliesthenes

Hammerheads for the Grey Knights >

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/01/25 23:08:42

Post by: CurryMaster

Different Mounts for IG Rough Riders.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 10:08:59

Post by: LlamaAgility

 Avatar 720 wrote:

3rd Ed. Codex: CSM into current Codex: CSM

What's wrong with the 6th ed one, except for the price-tag?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 10:16:39

Post by: Draconian

I just want my Chaotic drop pods!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 10:24:34

Post by: Evileyes

I play chaos daemons. Having access to any type of gun for my bog standard guy's, would be great

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 10:28:24

Post by: lupo1982

I'm BA i would like to have in my codex :
1st Artificer armour For Captains(fair every SM codex got it)
2nd Monstrous Creature profile for Dreadnoughts( a sweet dream)
3rd TEchmarine as Indipendet character(fair every SM codex got it)
4th The possibility of squad of ten Sanguinary guard( a sweet dream)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 11:53:18

Post by: dreamakuma

 lupo1982 wrote:
I'm BA i would like to have in my codex :
1st Artificer armour For Captains(fair every SM codex got it)


I would love Legion of the damned in BA. I can fluff it up. The fething storm talon! SM just got the raven....Why can't the talon work for us?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 12:03:29

Post by: Lake

A chaos war altar for WoC in my CSM Word Bearers army for my Dark Apostle would look immense i think

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 12:22:40

Post by: flamingkillamajig

For skaven i'd like to have monstrous beast cavalry or something. Skaven don't have much in the way of flanking units. It doesn't have to be anything heavily armored or even beyond a +4 or +3 armor save but having like stormvermin with halberds on rat ogre or gigantic brood rats would be nice. Even a fast cavalry unit would be nice.

I don't mind the idea of skaven being very hoard-like in nature and we probably already have skitterleap and some digging units but some options for speed would be nice. Also considering warlords can ride special rat ogres now i don't think asking for a rat ogre riding stormvermin or plague rat riding plague monks is out of the question. Of course rat ogre riding stormvermin would pretty much make having normal rat ogres a waste so i dunno maybe have them cost a considerable amount esp. considering the armor.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 13:05:01

Post by: commisar_simon

Space Wolves, a flyer

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 15:08:17

Post by: shtfox13

Vector Dancer for Vendettas
3 Hull Points for my Avenger strike fighters

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 20:22:50

Post by: Algorithm

I voted wargear. I'd want stormshields to stack with Mark of Tzeencth for a nifty 2+ invulnerable.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/02/18 22:29:57

Post by: LlamaAgility

 dreamakuma wrote:
The fething storm talon! SM just got the raven....Why can't the talon work for us?

The Talon was made for C:SM, because they didn't have access to the Raven. Now they do, so maybe if BA get a 6th ed.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/03/14 18:40:02

Post by: Farseer Faenyin

I'd kill to have some AA ability with my Eldar that I could bring to battles without doing one of the following:

Rely on IA being legal
Bring a completely unfluffy Fortification
Spend valuable time modeling my own Fortification

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/03/19 11:26:02

Post by: Toastedandy

Baal pattern predators for my Iron Warriors, that' be fething sweet

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/03/19 15:28:02

Post by: xXWeaponPrimeXx

Nothing, I don't play allies.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/03/19 16:07:59

Post by: Selym

CSM Plague Marines, Cultists, and some Leman Russes

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 LlamaAgility wrote:
 dreamakuma wrote:
The fething storm talon! SM just got the raven....Why can't the talon work for us?

The Talon was made for C:SM, because they didn't have access to the Raven. Now they do, so maybe if BA get a 6th ed.

It was given over because GW realised that the most popular army didn't have an awesome flyer that they originally gave them the Talon. Then they thought "Well, the Raven was popular for BA, lets make it an ultrasmurf for MOAR MONEYZ!".

Next up:
Ultramarine Railguns
Ultramarine Greater Daemons
Ultramarine Emperor's Champion
Ultramarine Flyrant
Ultramarine Force-Weapons-On-Every-Model


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/03/19 16:28:31

Post by: cormadepanda

Orks with a hive tyrant

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/03/19 18:03:47

Post by: Rented Tritium

Flying Hive Tyrant in Tau

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/03/22 08:22:54

Post by: Jimsolo

I would give my Space Marines Reanimation Protocols. Ohhhhh yes....

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/04/20 15:09:53

Post by: Eldarslayer26

A head or grisly trophy.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/04/20 20:04:19

Post by: Bluewulf

a Flyer for the Pups

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/04/20 20:19:12

Post by: Selym

Thunderhawks, Drop Pods, Chaos Marneus Calgar (because LOL), free Titans and cheap Leman Russes for CSM!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/04/20 22:09:28

Post by: Earth Dragon

Cold One Riding Salamanders (or in other words, salamander riding salamanders)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/04/21 00:53:41

Post by: PunkNeverDie110

 warpcrafter wrote:
I want to field a Storm Raven in my upcoming Space Wolves army, or two, or three. Full of Thunderwolf Cavalry with storm shields and thunder hammers. ("Oh, I'm sorry, did I just destroy your whole army? My bad.")

The problem is: SW fluff said clearly that the Wolves hate everything that isn't firmly on the ground, in fact Skyclaws are distrusted by the Chapter's elders.

btw: give my Wolves flakk missiles for those damn fliers and I'll die an happy man.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/04/21 09:16:36

Post by: Mad Boss Morgrot

Nothing major, I'd just like more options for pretty much everything.... Lol!
eg. All gun arms for my killa cans, or all gun arms for my deff dreads.... More big shootas for my boys and some sort of devastator squads for my orks.... Not deff guns, just big shootas, rokkits, skorchas and KMB's! MORE DAKKA!!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/21 14:33:22

Post by: edweird

For my SoB:
-Dark Angels Bolter Banner or Lysander's Bolter Drill rule
-1d6 faith for lists up to 1k, 2d6 for lists 1001 to 2k etc.
-Cannoness to have reroll faith rule as well so Jacobs is not an auto include.
-Psybolt ammo ammo upgrade for flamers?
-Is asking for Fast heavy flamer Immolators to much? I very much miss moving over 6 and being able to shoot my TL heavy flamers.

For my NightLords.
A Character that Force org shifts bikes or raptors to troops
A warpsmith on a bike would be pretty sweet

Vanilla Marines(for a friend of mine)
-Land Speeder storm as a dedicated transport option for scout squads.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/21 19:39:06

Post by: Tortus40k

Vindicare Assassin's Exodus Rifle!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/22 04:20:08

Post by: Commander_Nightflier

as a tau and C:SM player, preseince....

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/22 07:07:53

Post by: JakeCWolf

Monstrous Creature for the Space Wolves, like a Fenrisian Wolf aas large as Squiggoth, maybe even Morkai himself summoned by an awesome psychic power?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/22 15:36:26

Post by: TheDiscoSpider

I wish cultists had more weapon options.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/22 15:48:47

Post by: Pedro Kantor

 Baldsmug wrote:
I'd like a Terminator Command Squad for Vanilla Spacemarines.

This.It would be lovely,plenty of weapon options for my veteran bodyguard to my IC of choice.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/26 22:32:25

Post by: Vryce

Other: Drop Pods for my CSM. Absolutely assinine that we don't get them...


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/05/29 12:53:02

Post by: Farseer Faenyin

I need to change mine from AA for Eldar(yay new Codex!!) to a delivery system for Banshees in the form of a proper transport meant to deliver close combat.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/22 10:05:18

Post by: Blackhair Duckshape

My Necrons want some more MCs.

Or a least make the C'tan shards the size of a Riptide or something.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/22 10:32:47

Post by: la'DunX

I don't think adding anything from another army to my tau is a good idea, it would really mess with balance and make it un-tau.

However I would love to see some XV0, 3 & 5 designated infantry battlesuits.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/22 11:40:02

Post by: Mr.Awesome1

Markerlights for any army would be brilliant.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/22 13:06:40

Post by: Gandohar

I'd definitely love to have a good shooting unit or piece of artillery for my WoC army. It's the only thing that the army lacks.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/22 13:08:40

Post by: Satan's Little Helper

A machanicus style robot swormlord.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/22 20:38:10

Post by: thesilverback

I want some Looted Vehicles rules that actually make enemy vehicle useful and looted.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/23 03:57:26

Post by: Largeblastmarker

Fliers for meh spess marines! (like that one competitive chaos flier with the flamer). Except it has to be loyalist. or a daemon prince. also loyalist

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/06/23 19:08:46

Post by: tomcat31

Land raider and rhino variants for csm.
Are gw seriously saying they wouldn't have "acquired" some in the last 10000 years.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/07/04 19:01:31

Post by: migs6357

Supporting fire from tau

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/07/06 14:50:56

Post by: Hawky

Nightwing for Imperial Guard.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/07/06 17:44:56

Post by: 13whited

Bring drop pods to chaos...

Not sure where drop pods fall in the selections so I put other

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/07/08 21:40:46

Post by: 13whited

 necrovamp wrote:
A Tank

I'd bring some of the Space Marine tanks into Chaos Space Marines or more probable to give variety design new vehicles on the rhino chassis for the Chaos Marines as it's been said before, Why do they Razorbacks etc and Chaos don't!

I want a chaos deathstrike missile...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/07/15 02:40:00

Post by: VensersRevenge

More CSM tanks.
Drop pods would be awesome too.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/07/15 05:44:00

Post by: DemetriDominov

GG Tesla Arc (Special Rule) on any of my IG Vehicles.... That'd actually make the Desolator Cannon useful too.... imagine that on a Punisher.....

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/07/15 10:54:09

Post by: CloudRider

An ork mini squigoth... Plz
That's not apocalypse you know?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/08/24 17:34:59

Post by: TheArchitect

WHFB I'd love if Beastmen could have a War Altar. Kind of like the magic stone carried by the Beastmen army in Gotrek and Felix: Shamanslayer.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/08/24 18:03:51

Post by: epicwalrus

Dark eldar with fast land raiders! It would solve all of dark eldars problems. 14 av all around with an Ăœber weapon load out. I can see it now with marine players and any other army for that matter shatting in their pants.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/08/24 20:00:02

Post by: rowan341

The Necron resurrect on practically any other army....

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/08/31 17:59:43

Post by: sing your life

I'd like the stalker/hunter in my DA army.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/25 11:29:34

Post by: Skye26

White scars ignore dangerous terrain shenanigans for my Eldar Jetbikes plox :p

Fingers crossed for Saim Hann supplement

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/25 11:33:15

Post by: soomemafia

 Pumpkin wrote:
A Blood Angels DoA army with Fleet of Foot would just be deliciously evil. I don't think anybody would enjoy playing against something like that, though.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I was specifically thinking about BA Vanguard Veterans, who can already assault on the turn they arrive from deep strike. Mmm... Overkill...

How about having BA Vanguard Vets with special rule of Eldar Swooping Hawks. No scatter on deep strike... Sweet.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/25 13:44:44

Post by: BladeSwinga

I would very much like to have access to the selection of Leman Russ tanks for C:SM or C:CSM. Sergeant Cronus in a Punisher? Hilarity ensues.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/25 13:47:55

Post by: Spartan-Kun

I want my guardsmen to have bolters :3

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/25 14:02:28

Post by: boredbeard

Open topped drop pod for Orks. That uses "pie plate" before they land and changes to piece of terrain after.

I have heard good name for it somewhere on the internets...

Krash Kabin'


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/25 21:25:34

Post by: SYKOJAK

I would like to see a "Trophy" wargear list for every army. So that each and every army could take wargear from other army lists. Make you pay more for them but still give the option to field what the other army can field. It would really make kit-bashing explode.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/25 21:50:03

Post by: Knockagh

Plastic knight titan please please!! Stupid centurions, we was robbed!!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/09/26 16:18:15

Post by: Niexist

deathwing centurions who can use deathwing strike.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/10/21 16:00:33

Post by: Haight


Both my Tau and Dark Angels lack a good, in army, non-allied flier.

I'd kill for my DA to have access to a stormraven.

I'd like for the Tau to have a non-forge world flier that doesn't suck. At least tau have lots and lots of anti-flier methods in their current codex. Dark Angels have flakk missiles, the overcosted Nephilim, and the supremely terrible other flier with the RIft Terribad Cannon.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/10/26 13:24:19

Post by: KnuckleWolf

Imperial Guard Orders would be generic enough to use and stupid powerful for Tau units. Like "First Rank Fire! Second Rank Fire!" and all that. Give it to the Cadre Fireblade.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/10/31 23:14:20

Post by: Brother Payne

Orks with some kind of monstrous creature would be nice

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/10/31 23:16:07

Post by: Desubot

BA decent of angels > C:SM vanguard vets (again)
Divination for C:SM as well (dont really understand why they dont has that(fluff wise)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/11/04 22:02:08

Post by: sierra 1247

TDA for guardsmen, if not then i'll settle for pulse rifles instead

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/11/04 22:15:09

Post by: Selym

Soulgrinders and ATSKNF for CSM.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/11/27 10:16:10

Post by: SweaterKittens

I would absolutely love a psyker in my DE army. Not fluffy, I know, but that's my favorite thing about Craftworld Eldar.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/11/27 11:01:33

Post by: BoomWolf

My tau would LOVE a ghost ark (just change the necron warrior creation fixing to fire warrior healing)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/11/27 21:50:36

Post by: MechHaven

imperial marine fliers for chaos marines...i prefer post heresy traitor chapters over heresy era warbands

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/11/28 15:39:29

Post by: Prismaform

I want drop pod equivalent (Diggas, Rokks) for my Orks!

(also, it would make sense if CSM's could use pods too)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2013/12/28 10:52:48


I can't name a single army that wouldn't benefit from the cheese that is Mind Shackle Scarabs.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/01/29 10:57:55

Post by: Inget namn

Looks x)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/01/29 14:57:03

Post by: zellway

SOB Bike's. Maybe a melta or flamer talon like the DA plasma bikes? Just for the fluff.
SOB flyer. kinda a shock that Forge world has not done something for them.
Eldar could use a assault transport
Chaos marines need some more wargear, like attack bikes and drop pods
Space wolves with leman russ tanks?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/01/29 17:15:14

Post by: thepowerfulwill

Land raider variants for chaos marines, Godhammer just isn't the best thing for deploying khornates.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/01/29 19:08:45

Post by: Boggy Man

Orks - Tank.
Looted wagons should be just what they used to. You should be able to take any vehicle and orkify it: Have it cost the same but be somewhat unpredictable. Also it should have orky dakka rather than the original gun options. (Say, instead of sponson, hull pintle bolters, you have the option to put rokkitz and big shootas on a russ chassis.)

Chaos Marines - Tank
Needs drop pods, and maybe some chapter tactics for flavor. That would fix any real problem in the codex.

Imperial Guard - Is a perfect codex, and IA brings even more variety. I would make an elite Squat unit just to bring closure to oldtimers and funlovers.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/01/29 22:42:34

Post by: Dezstiny

First off very nice poll.

I play Gk w space wolf allies so I am actually very fine with everything I have right now, and cover almost all my bases other than anti-flyer in my list. As I have 7 incinerators and 4 psycannons, I do wish I could get maybe a slight bit more anti-vehicle to take some pressure off. So If I could just have bladestorm like eldar on all my stormbolters I'd be totally cool

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/04/04 18:43:25

Post by: wiiffler

A Tank for tyranids. Unlikely to happen but how badass would it be?
Meat-on-wheels at its finest!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/04/05 20:15:27

Post by: SilentScreamer

Allow tactical squads to take additional close combat weapons (if they can in the 6th ed codex my bad)

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/04/14 20:12:25

Post by: Colpicklejar

Carcharadon tactical squads in Ork Trukks would be terrifying.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/05 14:42:56

Post by: Hyglar's Hellraiser

I'd like access to chimera's for my platoons in my DKoK assault brigade...or access in rules to my gorgon..

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/05 16:53:31

Post by: Ultra91184

Every Ork with "Feel No Pain" in their Special Rules

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/05 17:08:39

Post by: cardboardcrackhead

Other: I want to see the Helbrute given the ability to take two AC. Or two HB.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/05 21:05:37

Post by: scarletsquig

3rd edition eldar holofields on a land raider.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/07 08:48:09

Post by: Selym

The 5th ed CSM's lack of "Champion of Chaos".

And we'd still be terribad.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/18 09:28:04

Post by: Tiny_Titan

Will be back on all my orks would be nice

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/18 10:16:20

Post by: Selym

 Tiny_Titan wrote:
Will be back on all my orks would be nice

FnP would make more fluff sense though

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/05/25 08:03:39

Post by: Da Ork Killa


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/06/06 20:04:00

Post by: AfrikProphet

For AS: Drop Pods so I can make something along the lines of an SoB strike force. Or failing that Vendettas

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/06/24 20:56:43

Post by: Glorywarrior

I voted weapon, but I think this is actually other.

Serpent shields on my baal predators/stormraven/land raider/any vehicle?

I guess...eh....


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/07/07 12:34:06

Post by: Carlson793

As Johnny-Crass waayy back on the first page (edit: and Da Ork Killa just above), I'd love to bring in various WHFB Dragons and Lizardmen '-saur' mounts for my 40K Salamanders.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/08/08 13:02:05

Post by: Cambonimachine

Wave serpents (with all the upgrades) for any/all of my armies kthx

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/08/08 14:18:04

Post by: Lamoura

A chaos imperial knight would be amazing. ^w^

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/08/08 15:58:29

Post by: Selym

CSM codex: Internal Balance, BB with the IG.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/08/08 20:20:51

Post by: AtlasTelamon

Whoops... there doesn't seem to be anything here.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/08/08 22:48:47

Post by: evil_kiwi_60

Give my Chaos Legions tactics and give Chaos Space Marines a version of ATSKNF. For that matter can we also get our land raider variants, drop pods, and grav guns?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/09/09 11:00:09

Post by: Freakazoitt

I want Land Raider into IG/AM

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/09/09 15:48:09

Post by: Drakeslayer

Land Raider Crusaders for my khorne berzerkers. Oh, and feel no pain. And the ability to take power weapons. Actually, on reflection, I'd rather be able to take death company in my CSM army, with a reclusiarch. Re-rolling failed rolls to hit & to wound on the first turn, in a land raider!
Oh, and I think everyone should be able to take a squad of obliterators.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/09/30 17:57:04

Post by: Brennonjw

eldar battle focus on Tau, so now even my infantry jump-shoot-jump. woo moble Tau

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/11/11 11:17:23

Post by: TheManWithNoPlan

Reanimation protocol. POINT MADE

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/11/11 00:42:03

Post by: Bhazakhain

I'd want my Eldar to have a Webway Portal that Dark Eldar have.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/11/11 17:11:47

Post by: Bellzo

Wave serpents to deliver my purifiers! Bahahaha! :-D

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/11/11 17:50:22

Post by: Dust

I'd like to take one of the Dark Angels fliers in a Codex Marine army. I think the escort rule of the Stormtalon would pair well with the Nephilim or something. That and I like how they look but since I don't actually play Dark Angels I haven't bought one.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/11/12 05:23:36

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

A heavy flamer option for my fething Salamanders tactical squad....

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/11/14 19:48:59

Post by: Dust

 Midnightdeathblade wrote:
A heavy flamer option for my fething Salamanders tactical squad....

I agree completely. Holy gak yes. Not just for Salamanders but for everyone.

In 4th Edition there was a Chapter Tactic that let you take a second special weapon in lieu of a heavy weapon. That went out the window though in fifth and seems to have been gone ever since. Meanwhile it's become a real strength of Chaos to be able to take two special weapons on basic squads. And look, I get it… squad balance between loyalist and chaos, the themes of the Codex Astartes, but c'mon… Infantry-centric Heavy Flamers amongst marines are curiously lacking. Legion of the Damned can take one and you can have two in a squad of Sternguard but beyond that you're looking exclusively at Terminators which I just find baffling. Even moreso when compared to the preposterous amount of Heavy Flamers you can pack into a Guard army or the amount of Incinerators Grey Knights can take if they want to. It doesn't feel like GW forgot to include them, because including them in the present format of the Codex would allow you to take four of them in a Devastator Squad (which admittedly would be really cool but also might bother or confuse a lot of people), but it just feels like an unnecessary omission at this point.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2014/12/12 18:36:58

Post by: agdog91

Let the guard ditch the lasguns and take up the bolter. Then my firing line would be more OP.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/02/14 20:58:11

Post by: Da Stormlord

Id want a daemon prince with my tau and crons

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/02/15 12:22:09

Post by: BoomWolf

My tau would love them some immortals or warp spiders.

RP and ATSKNF are a given naturally.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/02/15 15:12:35

Post by: Matthew

Give me Hand Flamers on my Raptors

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/02/16 14:07:45

Post by: The Home Nuggeteer

My dark angels would love the stuff normal marines get...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/02/17 10:18:57

Post by: Tiny_Titan

Some melta or haywire weapons for my orks

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/15 10:17:03

Post by: The red knight of Khorne

Greater daemons for chaos space marines, need i say any more?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/15 11:07:37

Post by: Talon of Anathrax

Reanimation protocols on daemon princes.
Or let spell familiars give you Tigurius' power to reroll the powers he generates, or even let you choose the powers you want like Severin Loth: the image of a Nurgle Daemon Prince with Invisibility + Endurance + Iron Arm is deliciouly evil

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/15 11:08:32

Post by: agdog91

I want to put Pask in a Wave Serpent

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/15 16:06:53

Post by: ciaotym

My Dark Angels could use one of those anti-aircraft tanks the Ultras have for low point games against those flying Tyranid bugs

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/15 21:10:15

Post by: djphranq


I'd like to get a Stormraven to fly with my DA without having to bring it it via an allied attachment.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/16 02:51:44

Post by: ZergSmasher

Maybe a Stalker for my DA like the regular marines get. They really need some decent AA since the Nephilim jetfighter is overcosted and underpowered.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/23 19:34:26

Post by: ChildrenoftheCorns

A Bolo MK XXXIII planetary siege unit. But unhumourous ork infantry with tac marines mixed in an army would be fun.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/03/30 06:54:41

Post by: Archon Algrim

Wave Serpents for my dark eldar without having to take eldar allies

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/16 13:02:15

Post by: Lonestar413

As a necron player all I want is to be able to upgrade my troops.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/16 18:33:11

Post by: Waaghboss Grobnub

Power armor for my nobz and warboss!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/16 21:37:22

Post by: Shasfowd

Anything with armor NOT made of soggy cardboard

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/19 13:12:03

Post by: Da Stormlord

I want a balanced rule set from another army.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/19 13:52:13

Post by: Selym

 Da Stormlord wrote:
I want a balanced rule set from another army.

Which army, again?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/19 16:48:09

Post by: Da Stormlord

Let me see... Eldar, Daemons, CSM and many others

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/19 18:07:40

Post by: Selym



What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/19 18:33:13

Post by: jreilly89

Storm Ravens and Storm Talons for DA. Our fliers suck

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/23 10:30:43

Post by: Pyeatt

I'd give Leman Russ tanks back to the Space Wolves.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/23 19:33:19

Post by: AnomanderRake

Any kind of accurate Deep Strike with reliable Reserves along the lines of Drop Pods to literally any non-Imperial army.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/04/24 17:22:39

Post by: Tiny_Titan

Any Eldar units as things are at the moment...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/05/11 19:05:49

Post by: FenixPhox

I want my chaos army to be able to stand back up like the dirty necron filth.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/06/18 13:28:55

Post by: Madoch1

a reanimation protocol like rule for adepta sororitas

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/06/19 01:51:58

Post by: AUGmaniac

I want Vanilla SM Command squads and HG to be able to take Jump Packs, like Blood Angels.
And for HG to have bikes
And for Techmarines/MOTF to be able to have jump packs

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/07/01 22:31:10

Post by: Ir0njack

Chapter tactics for IG, also known as Doctrines.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/07/20 04:11:05

Post by: StarDrop

Synergy between Tau and Eldar.
We are allies, right?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/08/20 14:16:36

Post by: Wolf_in_Human_Shape

CSM: loyalist drop pod.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/08/20 16:30:30

Post by: mhalko1

 BattlePope wrote:
A Monstrous Creature. I'd like to see Grotsnik's supa ork on the table!

I have been thinking the same thing. In the old ork dex it said he was working on one monsterous ork. I'm thinking a huge frankensteinesque MC ork.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/08/20 17:26:32

Post by: hanshotfirst


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/08/22 19:46:14

Post by: Selym

 hanshotfirst wrote:


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/09/21 13:09:13

Post by: cheiflibrarian

ATSKNF on Chaos Space Marines. Why does turning evil suddenly make you scared again?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/09/21 14:51:08

Post by: Selym

 cheiflibrarian wrote:
ATSKNF on Chaos Space Marines. Why does turning evil suddenly make you scared again?
Should be Fearless.

If you can withstand being yelled at by Khorne for eight hours a day, you can withstand pretty much anything.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/09/21 14:58:54

Post by: Madoch1

GW would you kindly give a gargantuin creature or super heavy to the Dark Eldar.

Also id import some of the attention given to the spess marines to the Sisters of Battle

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/09/21 19:47:58

Post by: QuazzaP

I've got to agree - a few rail cannons would definitely clean the tabletop a little more.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/10/14 19:51:10

Post by: Sword Of Caliban

A knight sized walker for necrons background wise this should be a no brainer for them. It could be a Canoptek construct that is used for building large tomb structures OR a walker for a very high ranking triarch praetorian of some note. Also a Flayed Lord would be appreciated....

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/10/19 00:52:38

Post by: argonak

I always wished I could have had some sort of steam powered chariot / tank for my dwarves.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/10/19 10:49:16

Post by: Lithlandis Stormcrow

I really wish my DA's greenwing could field Sternguard vets :(

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/10/20 13:35:33

Post by: hanshotfirst


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/10/20 14:39:04

Post by: Selym

 hanshotfirst wrote:
CSM, too

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/11/15 12:23:43

Post by: GamesEtc

I been leaning more towards my SOB rather than my Tau lately and I wish they had more vehicles.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/11/24 05:11:36

Post by: Stormonu

I want to bring in my AT-43 Karmens (intelligent apes) as Tau auxiliaries/allies.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2015/11/26 08:00:17

Post by: the thirteenth praetorian

Gimme a mawloc for my puppies

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/01/25 10:55:38

Post by: oldzoggy

From another what and when?

Borrow a model from an other player?
Add a unit to your codex ?
Use other armies models as count as models ?
Use magnetized weapons of your other army in this army ?

I just don't get it.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/01/25 15:58:55

Post by: KingmanHighborn

Give Chaos access to grav weapons.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/01/28 05:30:56

Post by: ZergSmasher

Give Khorne Daemonkin heralds access to Axes of Khorne. Seriously, its 10 points in the Daemons codex, but 30 in ours and Heralds cannot take one.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/02/26 14:52:00

Post by: phantombap

Definitely would want a warlord titan for chaos

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/02/26 15:18:53

Post by: odinsgrandson

 Johnny-Crass wrote:
If we are also counting WHFB I would love a Storm banner in every list

Hey, if we're talking Age of Sigmar, you can pretty much just grab whatever you like from other forces (at least by the rules- it seems like people prefer to only choose from one faction anyway).

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/04/28 13:21:35

Post by: Palleus

Storm shields for the ork characters! I'm tired of losing in combat just because I have no invulnerable save!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/04/29 18:20:16

Post by: Selym

For CSM: Some useful rules. Any useful rules. CSM could be improved by literally anything from these codexes: BA, SW, DA, C:SM, Eldar (for psyker stuff).

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/04/30 18:42:43

Post by: tjnorwoo

 Johnny-Crass wrote:
If we are also counting WHFB I would love a Storm banner in every list
Storm banner is awesome! I also love the banner that vampire count skeletons can take to force fear tests on 3d6.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/05/23 09:27:24

Post by: Remmick_005

AM access to Grav weaponry
That on a LR hull would be ace
or in a HWS

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/05/29 15:00:08

Post by: The_Lion

I don't know My DA pretty much can use anything. I would like at least a choice with stromtalon, stormraven and even centurion armor.

I would like for Belial to have eternal warrior.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/06/08 06:02:42

Post by: ZergSmasher

 The_Lion wrote:
I don't know My DA pretty much can use anything. I would like at least a choice with stromtalon, stormraven and even centurion armor.

I would like for Belial to have eternal warrior.

Azrael needs it even more. If he had EW and AP2 on his weapon he would be awesome even if he cost 250 points.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/06/30 10:16:44

Post by: snykyninja

Some sort of long range anti-tank for harlequins

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/06/30 14:28:42

Post by: Tiger9gamer

My skitarii need chimeras, and Mah Orks Need Invuln saves in Combat!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/06/30 19:06:46

Post by: MagicJuggler

Let's see, since I'm one of the stubborn guys playing Chaos, an amusing option would be "The Banner of Devastation", the 6th edition one that is. This is assuming a hypothetical ruling that a combi-boltgun does, in fact, count as a twin-linked boltgun rather than being "essentially a twin-linked boltgun", though if you're really concerned about it, you may as well take a combi-weapon instead.

Aside from the irony of being able to proxy up a Fallen Angels army with Cypher, the fact that Chaos vehicles and Terminators use Twin-Linked Boltguns instead of Storm Bolters gives you a rather admirable rate of anti-infantry fire. Even funnier, Thousand Sons go from overcosted pieces of gak to a funny glass cannon. Their Slow & Purposeful becomes less of a drawback when each and every Thousand Son is firing 4 AP 3 shots on the move; Dark Reapers have nothing on this.

On a more serious note, I would like to see a merging "Mark of...", "Daemon of...", "Vehicle of...", "Dedicated to...", "Covenant of...", etc would also be nice. As is, it's rather jarring that a Daemon with the Daemonkin rule with the Mark of Khorne is not a Daemon of Khorne, unless taken in Codex: Khorne Daemonkin. (Have fun with this one). Or the fact that there's no restriction on a Sorcerer of Slaanesh joining a unit of Daemons of Khorne, if those Daemons are from Khorne Daemonkin rather than Chaos Daemons.

Plus, you can get all sorts of fringe combinations, like hiding Exalted Flamers in a unit of Mutilators to grant them Slow & Purposeful, etc.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/09/01 12:15:37

Post by: CthulhuDawg

I want Centurions, Land Speeder Storms, Thunderfire Cannons, Scout Bikers, Storm Raven gunships etc etc etc etc etc for Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves yada yada yada

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/09/02 00:38:45

Post by: erzu07

I would love to see "Legion" tactics for CSM.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/09/15 10:54:00

Post by: SixT4Pixels

I'd like my DA to get what vanilla marines have that I don't. I.e: the anti-air tanks, the other flyers, centurions, thunderfire cannons, land speeder storms, scout bikers, and the cool character models.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/09/29 21:04:17

Post by: Red_Ink_Cat

I would love to be able to take a DT Venom/Starweaver for Banshees.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/11/27 17:28:54

Post by: 2ManyNids

Eternal Warrior on Carnifexes and other Monstrous Creatures. Those 30th Anniversary Space Marines kill soooooo easily.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/11/28 01:50:49

Post by: Cothonian

I play Guard, and although I have a massive selection of armor at my disposal, I'd love to top it off with a Laspredator.

I swear I read somewhere that in the old lore Predators were used as light tanks by the guard...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/11/30 02:22:52

Post by: oldravenman3025

I just would like to see the Guard get their Rhinos, Landraiders, and Land Speeders back.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2016/11/30 13:54:35

Post by: Da krimson barun

Iron hills shieldwall for easterlings

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/02/02 18:34:41

Post by: Black_Sail

Invulnerable saves for my Inquisitors. Every damn priest in the galaxy can get one but not my inquisitor who can literally command anyone to work with him? I mean seriously GW? What da heck? Can't even just give him the 10pt rosarius option?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/03/02 11:25:13

Post by: Blackie

With orks and dark eldar I voted for psychic powers as the weirdoby is meh and dark eldar don't even have psykers.

With SW I won't add a single thing, I love how they currently are.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/05/04 12:32:57

Post by: Kandela

Other - a freaking chimera would be good...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/05/14 12:17:45

Post by: Megaknob

Marker lights for orks.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/05/26 13:29:58

Post by: Shadow Walker

Transport for nids other then Tyrannocyte, working more like Rhino than a Drop Pod.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/07/06 20:16:34

Post by: ChargerIIC

AM Commissar Land Raider. That's all I want

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/07/06 20:45:45

Post by: Selym

"A troops choice that makes fluff sense and isn't both as expensive as a Sternguard Marine and only as effective as a basic Tac Marine." - Eldar Everywhere

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/07/06 21:32:18

Post by: jolyas

living metal for the tyranid, we have no healer at all XD

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/07/06 21:45:17

Post by: fwlr

 Samus_aran115 wrote:
A daemonic trygon


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yeah and storm shields for our termies. We surely have stumbled on a crate of them or looted the body's of loyalist nators.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/07/06 21:48:30

Post by: Desubot

Terminator variants of apothecary and banner.

also eventually non primarus lieutenants.

for vanilla.

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/07/06 21:52:48

Post by: Selym

 fwlr wrote:
 Samus_aran115 wrote:
A daemonic trygon

This series of stories may please you - a plot element midway through is the acquisition of a Zoanthrope, who proceeds to become daemonically possessed. The story is a hilarious retelling of a group's game of Dark Heresy, where the main characters are a bunch of extremely lucky unlucky hapless guardsmen who get sent in to do an Inquisitor's work.


What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/08/07 11:43:26

Post by: U02dah4

Amy allied model that angers the fluff players
My blood angels want daemons my tau eldar

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/10/09 13:17:23

Post by: razarob

As an Ad Mech player....a transport....please!

I don't even want a flyer...just like...a metal box on wheels!

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/10/13 23:10:01

Post by: MagicJuggler

I always found it weird that Radical Inquisitors could employ Daemonhosts and use Daemon Weapons with randomized benefits, but neither option was actually available to Chaos...

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/10/27 14:06:21


Ork vehicles to a Death Guard army should be allowed.

P.S. I do it anyway in my room but what happens in my room stays in my room, see?

What would you most like to bring into your army from another? @ 2017/11/10 10:42:57

Post by: kastelen

Admech with a rhino.