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FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 20:50:49

Post by: MajorTom11

Recent comments by FW at Open Day seem to indicate they feel there isn't much interest in Errant Armor and based on that they wouldn't be doing it. Part of the reasoning was that it was too close to the plastic MKVII tac kits to be worth doing.

I don't know about you guys but I LOVE Errant armor and have been eagerly waiting for them to do it... The high collar, the bracers and greaves, the helmet and the overall futuristic not-gothic look really appeal to me. And I certainly know I would be in line to pick some up if they released them... If the reason is they are too close to MKVII, then go ahead and spruce up the design I say! Additionally, they did MKVI Corvus kits even though you could build them in plastic...

Now Dakka, what is your take? If we do indeed have interest for MKVIII, best to let them know!

Whatever your opinion, please vote in the poll, let's get some tangible numbers going here!

A little reminder of what we are talking about too -

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 21:05:23

Post by: -Loki-

MajorTom11 wrote:If the reason is they are too close to MKVII, then go ahead and spruce up the design I say! Additionally, they did MKVI Corvus kits even though you could build them in plastic...

The difference between the Errant and Corvus patterns in the plastic kits is people scrambled to get beakie heads. There was always someone who wanted to buy your spare beakies because he was working on an all beakie army or something. I barely see people use the errant torso you get in some boxes, let alone an almost black market trade of them like beakies.

That said, I do think FW should do the kit for completeness sake. Some people obviously do like Errant armour, and having readily accessible complete models of all of the different patterns of armour is only a good thing.


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 21:14:09

Post by: Emerett

I don't think it's different enough to justify them making a new kit for it. I wish they would stop making kits with subtle differences and do something more drastic.
That being said, MKVIII is very neat and cool, but not cool enough for them to justify making it over something else.

No, not interested in MKVIII

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 21:34:46

Post by: sockwithaticket

If FW could a) make them look like that example Imperial Fist and b) fix the problem with the plastic torso (of which I tracked down 18 to build my two Sternguard units) whereby most helmeted heads don't fit comfortably unless their chin is raised above the collar.

Yes I want MKVIII !!!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 21:38:27

Post by: Lorizael

I'd be happy if they'd never done the earlier marks and only produced MKVIII. Actually I'd prefer a range of plastic MKVIII but there you go...

Do people actually want MKVI / beakies that much? I can't stand them and try to avoid using them in my armies- normally throw away most of my beaky helmets.


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 21:46:41

Post by: Medium of Death


Like I said in the FW thread. If they want to make it more unique maybe make it a tad more angular in places.

I'd like to see it as is though. Hopefully keeping the the trend of 'no purity seals' as well!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 21:49:35

Post by: Just Dave

Nice try attempting to get people to use the coloured phrases/tags Tom! Maybe a poll would work better?
I would like Errant Armour, but I can completely understand FW not doing so as it's not really that different IMHO.


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:04:30

Post by: Commander Cain

I would love some errant armour!

Provided that FW followed the original sketch, the one with PF gauntlets and differently shaped greaves along with the backpacks.

That being said, the GK box contains not only all errant armour chest pieces, it also has a more futuristic backpack...


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:06:52

Post by: Lorna

Hells yeah.

Would allow me to do my army which is mix of iron armour and this.

YES, I want MKVIII feth to the yeah

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:08:41

Post by: Perkustin

The more forgeworld kits the better!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:10:24

Post by: MajorTom11

That's a lot of Yellow Yes! Keep it coming boys!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:22:56

Post by: Fifty


I love Mk6 and Mk8 armour. It is the Mk7 armour that I find boring and even ugly.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:31:06

Post by: Medium of Death

As stated before, you should make this a Poll, but get it featured on the front page... to ensure... COMPLETE. GLOBAL. SATURATION.


I mean to ensure the spread of this glorious message more fully.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:35:03

Post by: Johnny-Crass

I want MKI armor

So that is a big NO from me

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:37:01

Post by: inquisitorlewis

I prefer it over the corvus pattern to be honest.


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:40:21

Post by: MajorTom11

Medium of Death wrote:As stated before, you should make this a Poll, but get it featured on the front page... to ensure... COMPLETE. GLOBAL. SATURATION.


I mean to ensure the spread of this glorious message more fully.

Lol you are probably right MoD, will look into it

Johnny-Crass wrote:I want MKI armor

So that is a big NO from me

Why would one preclude the other lol?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:45:58

Post by: Johnny-Crass

Because I would rather a focus on MKI suits than MKVIII suits

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:46:15

Post by: FabricatorGeneralMike

The only thing I don't like MKVIII armour is the fact that I can't use beakie helmets on it..... but if FW makes the models look like that IF pic I will gladly sell my firstborn kid and give FW one of my kidneys in exchange for them....or maybe just money.

So in short IF pic Mk VIII 'Shut up and take my money' If they look like the old metal models, no thanks.

[Thumb - 484.jpg]

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:54:47

Post by: MajorTom11

Johnny-Crass wrote:Because I would rather a focus on MKI suits than MKVIII suits

Uh, ok, if they did mk1 suits firs THEN would you want mk8? Btw, they released several marks at once when they did the others, there there really isn't a need for an either/or mentality. I also would want mk1 for the record, but they seem to be steering thunder warriors away from marines in the newest fluff... Not sure how it would work rules wise as a thunder warrior can now take on 5 current marines at once..,

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 22:57:42

Post by: Johnny-Crass

Really? THey changed the thunderwarrior fluff? I guess I could be yoked into support MKVIII.

Yeah why not

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:04:43

Post by: MajorTom11

Ya, in a recent HH book, Outcasts I think? Basically, the Emperor needed hyper-murder machines to win the Unification Wars, and the Thunder Warriors were actually quite different than Astartes, uber-powerful but also explicitly designed to genetically burn out in a few short years. Something about them being too unruly and singularly powerful to continue into the Crusade. In other words, he created the Astartes to be soldiers, the Thunderwarriors to be killers. Power-wise, they sit somewhere between an Astartes and a Primarch...

Cherry on top, the Emperor had the Custodes kill them after the wars were won to make sure they didn't slip the chain.

To find out the rest, read th ebook, it wasn't bad!

Back OT, we have a convert, put Johnny in Yellow!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:08:05

Post by: Zuul

I have fought tooth and nail on eBay to gather just 3 of the old metal MkVIII models for my army (sorry to any dakkaites I may have sniped). It broke my heart when a lot of about 20 of them went for under $20 in a uk only auction.

I can say without hesitation: YES, I want MKVIII. Especially if they stuck closely to Jes Goodwin's concept art.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:10:05

Post by: FabricatorGeneralMike

MajorTom11 wrote:Ya, in a recent HH book, Outcasts I think? Basically, the Emperor needed hyper-murder machines to win the Unification Wars, and the Thunder Warriors were actually quite different than Astartes, uber-powerful but also explicitly designed to genetically burn out in a few short years. Something about them being too unruly and singularly powerful to continue into the Crusade. In other words, he created the Astartes to be soldiers, the Thunderwarriors to be killers. Power-wise, they sit somewhere between an Astartes and a Primarch...

Cherry on top, the Emperor had the Custodes kill them after the wars were won to make sure they didn't slip the chain.

To find out the rest, read th ebook, it wasn't bad!

Back OT, we have a convert, put Johnny in Yellow!

I would love to see FW or BL do a Pre-Unification line. Never going to happen but it would be cool still. Umm one thing Tom, both of the Thunder Warriors where like the top dogs so yeah they where uber good. Still doesn't excuse Mr. McNeil's poor writing, but that is way OT even for me.

Mk VIII (like the Imperial Fist pic) for the win

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:15:59

Post by: MajorTom11

Poll is up, embarrassed to ask, but if anyone comes back in the thread who already posted, please go ahead and vote -


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:17:53

Post by: marmaduke




FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:25:39

Post by: Alpharius

I am 100% serious when I say I would buy an army's worth of MKVIII armor if FW will make them!

So yes, I too want my MKVIII armor, please!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/08/02 14:11:32

Post by: InquisitorMack

I already bought 3 sets of FW armor plus contemptor and Badab Wars & all sorts of cool stuff.

YES, and keep the knees pointy!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:38:44

Post by: MajorTom11

Odd the responses are so uniform and the poll is so close!

Still, if even 50% of fw customers are interested, that's still pretty impressive!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/01 23:59:52

Post by: Alpharius

There's definitely an anti-anything Marine sentiment to what FW decides to put out, so that may be some of it.

Still, FW likes selling lots of their items, I'm sure.

And I'm sure Marine stuff sells lots, so...

MKVIII for the win!

Everyone may not like it, but lots and lots of people will buy lots of them!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 00:52:02

Post by: Mr Nobody

The heavier the armour looks, the better.

Yes, I want MK VlllText.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 08:51:46

Post by: Medium of Death

I wouldn't have bothered with abstain.

You are looking for a specific target group, people who don't play 40k shouldn't really care about the poll.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/04/02 10:54:58

Post by: DJFisher

Personally i have not yet bought any of the armour sets but i would like to see all the armour marks avalible.

So I would like to see MkVIII

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 12:08:42

Post by: Talarn Blackshard

Yes would love some Mx VIII Armor.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 12:08:53

Post by: The Mad Tanker


I love MKVIII Errant Armour, it is the the best looking marine armor designed!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 15:50:29

Post by: rockerbikie

YES, I want MKVIII. It would be epic.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 16:30:49

Post by: mwnciboo

Hell yeah, and some of that nice looking armour from the Dorian Heresy...

This stuff...

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 17:18:21

Post by: Gargantuan

Yes, I'd like that.
That first pic (the sketch) is exactly what true scale marines should look like. Much better than the bulky terminator based conversions.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 17:24:09

Post by: Chowderhead

Dear Sirs, I would quite enjoy a nice dose of Mk.VIII Armor.

It's the fething best armor besides for Iron.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/02 20:11:39

Post by: Commander Cain

mwnciboo wrote:Hell yeah, and some of that nice looking armour from the Dorian Heresy...

This stuff...

If there was ever a MK IX it would be this. Someone make it!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 08:06:42

Post by: mwnciboo

You know what? Where will this end? In 2020 will we be demanding Mk X Armour? Maybe we need to stop this thing because it seems it will never stop.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 11:02:40

Post by: ifStatement

MajorTom11 wrote:

I'm not completely against this but I think there is something in leaving some of the things in amongst GW fluff and imagery untouched so people with the ability to make awesome conversions like that ^ (and anyone of any ability for that matter) can have a crack at it themselves.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 11:12:38

Post by: DijnsK


i think it would be great to have a couple of squads or mixed marines with this torso... its a pain to get more then 2/3 from websites like bitsbox and bitsandkits and stuff...

although i can understand why FW wouldnt wanna put effort into making them

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 11:33:15

Post by: mwnciboo

If FW made a True Scale Marine Kit, they would shift so much by volume GW would take notice.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 11:57:27

Post by: Electro

Gif meee mk VIII!!!!

I would definatly by some for my DA force! I have a mix of all the marks to give the feel of a chapter that has been around for a long time and that every single suit of armour is sacred. I mix them up for a feel of each marine having been given what was avalable at the time. More choices is always good.

Lets have some diffrent types of TDA as well, and some more wepon styles!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 12:36:15

Post by: Alpharius

mwnciboo wrote:You know what? Where will this end? In 2020 will we be demanding Mk X Armour? Maybe we need to stop this thing because it seems it will never stop.

There is no official mark of armor beyond MKVIII so, to answer your question, as of right now, it ends with MKVIII!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 15:07:26

Post by: Scambone

I like errant except for one thing: corvus helmets don't work with them. This is OK in and of itself, but the video games are now snubbing off the beaky nose to make it fit inside the errant collar. The snub nosed beaky looks like crap, ruining my favorite helmet. I haven't bought any FW stuff yet anyway, but I'm still all for as much variety as possible. Go FW Errant armor!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 15:25:38

Post by: Alpharius

MKVI helmets are really not intended for use with MKVIII suits - I think that's even listed as one of the 'drawbacks' to the MKVIII armor!

But that's no drawback for us, if FW makes full on suits!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 16:52:26

Post by: inmygravenimage

Having had to make mk8 torsos for Mentors? Hell. Yeah.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 17:18:00

Post by: Legion of Damnation

yes I want mk VIII. YES YES YES!!!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 17:25:00

Post by: nerdfest09

Yes i would support any production of an armour variant that would allow us as hobbyists to grow our collections and produce our forces as we want to see them even if it is similar in theme to the current mk of armour.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 18:01:42

Post by: Fra Charmelandro

It's an old figure but I still like it, even if it doesn't lend itself particularly readily to action poses because of the more rigid articulation of the suit.

[Thumb - SAM_1616.JPG]

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 18:23:33

Post by: mwnciboo

Alpharius wrote:
mwnciboo wrote:You know what? Where will this end? In 2020 will we be demanding Mk X Armour? Maybe we need to stop this thing because it seems it will never stop.

There is no official mark of armor beyond MKVIII so, to answer your question, as of right now, it ends with MKVIII!

I know, but something else will be mentioned in some new fluff from FW in the next 10 years ( just like the Red Scorpions or the Minotaurs). Next thing you know we will have Custodes MkII Armour or some such made up stuff. Look at the contemptors, and 30k stuff all inspired by the visions of the heresy stuff.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 19:32:59

Post by: Alpharius

mwnciboo wrote:
Alpharius wrote:
mwnciboo wrote:You know what? Where will this end? In 2020 will we be demanding Mk X Armour? Maybe we need to stop this thing because it seems it will never stop.

There is no official mark of armor beyond MKVIII so, to answer your question, as of right now, it ends with MKVIII!

I know, but something else will be mentioned in some new fluff from FW in the next 10 years ( just like the Red Scorpions or the Minotaurs). Next thing you know we will have Custodes MkII Armour or some such made up stuff. Look at the contemptors, and 30k stuff all inspired by the visions of the heresy stuff.

Not to get all Kanluwen on you , but...

The Contemptor design has been around for a long time now!

If Forge World want s to go back to the past, update stuff to make it even more awesome, and release it now... I'm all for it!

MKVIII armor has been around for a long time now too, actually...

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/03 20:06:01

Post by: SilverMK2

I like it but I would not buy it (as I don't buy any products from GW any more).

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/04 15:00:20

Post by: mwnciboo

Wow, never seen the comtemptor on the front of the Epic Stompers... I've even got EPIC 40k and SPACE MARINE.

I've got the old Dreadnoughts but they don't look like contemptors, point taken.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/04 15:05:34

Post by: Alpharius

mwnciboo wrote:Wow, never seen the comtemptor on the front of the Epic Stompers... I've even got EPIC 40k and SPACE MARINE.

I've got the old Dreadnoughts but they don't look like contemptors, point taken.

Don't feel too bad - I have (or had) all of those too, and I certainly didn't remember them either until someone else pointed it out!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/05 03:55:05

Post by: btemple0

Personally I like the Mark IV, V, and VI armour sets over the VIII, but to be completely honest, I have not really wanted to invest in 40k so much since I only need to model units for use in Deathwatch.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/05 13:44:59

Post by: PapaPiggy

The thing that got me, was from forge world. Their stuff is pretty good every once and awhile. But with all the air bubbles and the resin issues. I would rather see GW come out with a plastic upgrade spure. That would be a cool little thing, and i would probably buy it then.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/05 16:02:49

Post by: Squat Kid

mwnciboo wrote:Hell yeah, and some of that nice looking armour from the Dorian Heresy...

This stuff...

It just looks like a techmarine got ahold of some tau stealth armor...

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/05 17:18:21

Post by: Alpharius

I think that is kind of what did happen in the Dorisn Heresy history... Maybe?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/06 09:03:20

Post by: Kepora

SilverMK2 wrote:I like it but I would not buy it (as I don't buy any products from GW any more).

Well, Forgeworld products are COMPATIBLE with Games Workshop stuff, not made BY Games Workshop...

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/06 14:32:23

Post by: MajorTom11

Alpharius wrote:I think that is kind of what did happen in the Dorisn Heresy history... Maybe?

That is exactly what happened, the Ultramarines conquered the Tau, and as they were not beholden to Imperial tech restrictions, they innovated and incorporated alien tech.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/06 15:11:09

Post by: MightyGodzilla

I like Mark 8, let it be said and voice heard. If FW made some I'd order some kits.

Now that being said, do we have anyone from FW, or with FW connections who actually visits this site? If the answer is "no", "idk" or "what?" they MajorTom11 you should consider sending a link to the FW people stating your case. Actually if you posted this same thread on some of the other big boards (apologies if you have already do so - I only hang @Dakka because of work restrictions (and it's the awesomest)) you could provide link FW your many links so they could see just how popular Errant Armor is.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/06 15:50:40

Post by: Alpharius

Option 2 should more correctly read:

"NO, the plastic torso is more than enough if I want MKVIII, even though it actually isn't a true MKVIII torso!"

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/07 12:03:46

Post by: MajorTom11

MightyGodzilla wrote:I like Mark 8, let it be said and voice heard. If FW made some I'd order some kits.

Now that being said, do we have anyone from FW, or with FW connections who actually visits this site? If the answer is "no", "idk" or "what?" they MajorTom11 you should consider sending a link to the FW people stating your case. Actually if you posted this same thread on some of the other big boards (apologies if you have already do so - I only hang @Dakka because of work restrictions (and it's the awesomest)) you could provide link FW your many links so they could see just how popular Errant Armor is.

Dakka is big enough

Once we get enough #s on this poll, will send it to them, or just bug them in person at adepticon!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/07 18:14:25

Post by: Kepora

MajorTom11 wrote:
Alpharius wrote:I think that is kind of what did happen in the Dorisn Heresy history... Maybe?

That is exactly what happened, the Ultramarines conquered the Tau, and as they were not beholden to Imperial tech restrictions, they innovated and incorporated alien tech.

Actually, the Tau are still their own thing in the Dornian Heresy storyline, but them and the Ultramarines got along far better AFAIK.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/07 21:24:59

Post by: MajorTom11

Was it Kep? I thought they beat them but didn't wipe them out, but you may be right, I haven't read that document in a long while!

Highly recommend it though, anyone interested should check out www.bolterandchainsword.com for the free pdf!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/08 09:15:21

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Will work for food!

Wait... what was this topic again? Oh yes!


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/08 12:46:45

Post by: Alpharius

"Help us Minotaur Chapter, you're our only (FW) hope!"

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/11 03:25:07

Post by: Galdos

I feel this is kind of limited.

I want to see the new Errant Armor because it is new. I want to see the storyline moving foward and have Space Marines start to upgrade their armor actually represents that.

Do I want Forgeworld to go out of it's way and start making kits for it? No not really, I just want to see a few of them in Tactical Marine boxes

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/11 12:11:51

Post by: Alpharius

Galdos wrote:I feel this is kind of limited.

I want to see the new Errant Armor because it is new. I want to see the storyline moving foward and have Space Marines start to upgrade their armor actually represents that.

Do I want Forgeworld to go out of it's way and start making kits for it? No not really, I just want to see a few of them in Tactical Marine boxes

FW's entire business model is all about "going out of their way" - they essentially work on whatever it is that they feel like, for the most part.

Or so we've been told.

And if the Minotaurs are now FW's new Red Scorpions, we might very well see some MKVIII suits of armor after all!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/11 14:03:29

Post by: Akroma06

I'm definently a fan of the more older patterns of armor, and I'm just not a big fan of VIII so I have to join the minority here and say no.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/11 14:45:31

Post by: Alpharius

Thankfully you are in the minority, and it is quite minor at that!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/17 02:45:51

Post by: Alpharius

Tom - have you sent the results to FW yet?

Maybe play up how much you love the Minotaurs chapter too?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/18 21:47:52

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

Fwiw, yes please to Mk VIII, even though i refuse to buy any more marines.

Having gone TS for a couple of messing around projects, i can no longer justify dumpy marines. Such a shame warsmith stopped.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/19 00:07:11

Post by: mega_bassist

As much as I like the MKVII, I think the Errant Armor is dead sexy, and the collar really makes it awesome...

Yes, I want MKVIII Armor!!!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/19 05:31:01

Post by: Snrub

MajorTom11 wrote:

As long as they have head options that look like that im all for them... Put me down for YES, I want MKVIII

Squat Kid wrote:

It just looks like a techmarine got ahold of some tau stealth armor...
I like where this is going.....

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/20 08:26:34

Post by: MrMerlin

Thes pics look awesome!


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/20 13:11:29

Post by: TyraelVladinhurst

yes, i want MK 8 armor........but i want MK 16 armor even more

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/20 15:29:25

Post by: inmygravenimage

I trust someone will be prodding fw over this at Adepticon this weekend?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/04/20 15:38:05

Post by: Vitruvian XVII

I sincerely hope so *ahem*Tom*ahem*

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/20 12:21:47

Post by: kizzdougs

Errant armour would be awesome! I'm all for more variation in SM armour Mks. The more FW the better.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/20 12:36:42

Post by: htj

Emerett wrote:I don't think it's different enough to justify them making a new kit for it. I wish they would stop making kits with subtle differences and do something more drastic.
That being said, MKVIII is very neat and cool, but not cool enough for them to justify making it over something else.

I agree with this. So...

No. I'm not interested in MKVIII.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/20 16:04:27

Post by: Alpharius

The overwhelming majority (!) here say YES to MKVIII armor.

Tom - have you forward these clearly impressive and obviously statistically relevant results over to FW yet?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/22 04:14:53

Post by: ICleadpeople

I like this pattern. I always thought that was a special suit for the SRGT. Not going to go out of my way to get it.

Now if they had a pack of Beakies I'd be all over it!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/22 12:47:26

Post by: Alpharius

ICleadpeople wrote:I like this pattern. I always thought that was a special suit for the SRGT. Not going to go out of my way to get it.

Now if they had a pack of Beakies I'd be all over it!

They do have that already!

Stop hatin' on a pack of MK8's!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/22 14:52:19

Post by: Trondheim

YES YES! I do desire these fabelous sets

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/29 13:08:06

Post by: Vampirate of Sartosa

This is a bit of a bump, but yes, I'd like MKVIII. Only if it was Goodwin-MkVIII, not MkVII with a collar.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/05/29 13:29:58

Post by: Alpharius

Vampirate of Sartosa wrote:This is a bit of a bump, but yes, I'd like MKVIII. Only if it was Goodwin-MkVIII, not MkVII with a collar.

Mk8 without the high collar isn't MK8 for me.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/06/06 10:30:10

Post by: ergotoxin

Sorry, not a fan of Forge World (or anything resin).

But I would love a plastic veteran kit with various armor options, including MK8... That would be great.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/07/08 14:43:31

Post by: HAZZER

Yes I do want FW to make it!!!!!!!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/07/08 20:08:24

Post by: Florintine Mallorean

I don't want it as I prefer other things for my army. But I would love some Mark I helmets for some of my units.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/07/08 20:17:35

Post by: Alpharius

Florintine Mallorean wrote:I don't want it as I prefer other things for my army. But I would love some Mark I helmets for some of my units.

Go start your own poll thread then - why come in here to rain on our parade?!?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/07/08 21:36:35

Post by: Adrian Fue Fue

No way,

Those are way too simple, why not add some more circles or bars?

The more and more simple they look the more and more they will be like Gundoms, or other pre painted plastic models that you might buy from Japan.

I also don't like the "No..." option, because I dont think the chest piece or leg piece is enough. Look at other sets they have made...

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/07/09 05:12:39

Post by: Florintine Mallorean

Alpharius wrote:
Florintine Mallorean wrote:I don't want it as I prefer other things for my army. But I would love some Mark I helmets for some of my units.

Go start your own poll thread then - why come in here to rain on our parade?!?

I'm not raining on your parade. The poll asked if I wanted it or not and that was my answer.
I simply just don't like forgeworld as I already pay an arm and a leg to play this game and forgeworld just wants me to sell my other arm and leg.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/07/09 05:31:38

Post by: BrotherVord

I like Errant armor fine, I've always liked a more utilitarian look to my armies; stuff that looks more practical on the battlefield is what I like to build (I only recently caved and started painting anything without a helmet)

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/08/12 04:02:11

Post by: MetalOxide

No because loyalist Space Marines have too many minis and sets already in their bloated range, I want to see more xenos and heretics!

Also they look practically the same as normal torsos, only with the collar thing on it.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/08/09 10:45:12

Post by: automatonsleuth

MetalOxide wrote:No because loyalist Space Marines have too many minis and sets already in their bloated range, I want to see more xenos and heretics!

Also they look practically the same as normal torsos, only with the collar thing on it.

It's not only the torso that defines MK VIII though, the gauntlets, shins, kneepads, waist and backpacks are all different. A full set of MK VIII armour is as aesthetically different from MK VII as MK IV, and even more so than MK VI, yet Forge World still felt there was sufficient demand to create them.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/08/09 12:41:49

Post by: Alpharius

automatonsleuth wrote:
MetalOxide wrote:No because loyalist Space Marines have too many minis and sets already in their bloated range, I want to see more xenos and heretics!

Also they look practically the same as normal torsos, only with the collar thing on it.

It's not only the torso that defines MK VIII though, the gauntlets, shins, kneepads, waist and backpacks are all different. A full set of MK VIII armour is as aesthetically different from MK VII as MK IV, and even more so than MK VI, yet Forge World still felt there was sufficient demand to create them.

Well said automatonsleuth, well said indeed!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/12/13 15:00:34

Post by: phoenix darkus

Yes, would be cool to make an elite unit with it like a sternguard or deathwatch with it.

They wouldn't even need to create a full model, just the front torso since the rest is the same.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/12/13 17:07:25

Post by: FearTheHappyChair

I dont plan on buying it, but it looks GREAT!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2012/12/15 19:42:48

Post by: Zuul

 phoenix darkus wrote:
Yes, would be cool to make an elite unit with it like a sternguard or deathwatch with it.

They wouldn't even need to create a full model, just the front torso since the rest is the same.

Actually the helmet, bracers, and greaves of the Mark VIII differ from those of the Mk VII. If you go by the concept art the power pack does a s well.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/05/18 10:18:22

Post by: Know No Pear

I would start building a loyalist force just to get a handful of MK VIII's standing around lookin' nice.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/05/18 14:39:05

Post by: mwnciboo

It would also fit with certain Chapters neatly. Namely:-

Minotaurs (because the High Lord Sponsoring them or what not)
Iron Hands, Praetors of Orpheus (Due to close ties with AD MECH)
Deathwatch & Grey Knights (Due to the Inquisitors having the power to requisition whatever they want).

Mk VIII would be probably sell pretty well for conversions and pet projects of Home-Brew Chapters who want the extra pieces to give more flavour to their Forces.

Also Dorian Heresy Armour would be bloody epic...But I put the picture of that armour up a few pages ago.

Still "Me wantee!!"

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/05/18 15:28:41

Post by: Mad Boss Morgrot

Personally I much prefer MK II crusade and MK III iron armour. But the MK IV Errant is still nice.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/05/18 17:41:11

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

IF... IF it's to Goodwin's sketch... then:


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/05/18 21:09:13

Post by: Tyranid Horde


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/07/05 18:53:27

Post by: gossipmeng

Forgeworld marines always look great, so I'm sure the errant armour would look top notch as well.

It is amazing how giving marines straighter legs can make them look more properly proportioned as opposed to the almost squatting GW marines.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/07/20 12:00:52

Post by: dementedwombat

No objection from me. Don't play SM, but I can't imagine it would be a very difficult sculpt, so it shouldn't take too much time away from other things and if it makes people happy to own them then go ahead.

I do agree it looks awesome, but the only part I don't like about it is that it enforces a "aim for the groin" policy since the hip joints are the last "weak spot" left on the armor (I don't think my Tau will appreciate that particular order, although for some armies out there it might be a welcome change...). The obvious solution is to add a power armored kilt to complete the uniform. Whose up for requesting the MK IX "Highlander"?

We could have it give a 2+ save with no invulnerable (or 3+/5++, which would probably be infinitely more useful come to think of it), representing a "halfway" between power armor and terminator armor. Give it a special rule called "there can only be one" which allows you to chose any one squad in your army and replace all other power armor with the MK IX for some amount of points per model.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/07/21 10:20:30

Post by: mwnciboo

I think Mk IX Armour would be "Taurus Armour" mainly because it looks like the MINOTAURS in 40k are the most "Fapped Over chapter by the High Lords" .

So it would make sense they tested it and therefore named it. Much like the RAVEN GUARD and Mk VI Corvus.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/07/23 16:28:15

Post by: zellway

I think some bit kits for all the diffrent stuff "mark IV' would be great to jazzy up the plastic marines. I like the templar kit! somthing like that would be great for kit bashing

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/08/02 14:14:09

Post by: sing your life

Yes, but only if it looks like suit from the Sternguard kit.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/08/21 10:16:52

Post by: rhino-40-000

it would be better just to have upgrade kits though

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 sing your life wrote:
Yes, but only if it looks like suit from the Sternguard kit.

yeah their so cool

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/09/22 23:08:15

Post by: Knockagh

I would love, just to model and have a squad of MKI Thunder Armour. Or perhaps when the heresy runs it's course we could have a unification wars series if novels and associated models..... This could be a way cool box set!! Just for completeness a squad would be immense. Obviously same completeness compulsion drives my need for MKVIII

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2013/09/23 16:03:29

Post by: Rune Stonegrinder

I don't see the point in such a kit. I only used that armor as the sargent who i always modeled without a helmet on. Otherwise its was usless to me

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/01/26 10:09:57

Post by: BoomWolf

No, because I am a loyal member of the tau empire.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/01/26 17:33:45

Post by: Alpharius

A vast majority of people on the World's Largest and Best Miniature Wargaming Forum have spoken!

Someone get this info over to FW STAT!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/02/27 16:43:27

Post by: Overlord Thraka

Being not a Spess Mehrines player I must abstain

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/02/27 18:08:54

Post by: Alpharius


Thanks for stopping by!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/03/04 01:33:39

Post by: Omicron-Fenrir

ide love to make a sterngaurd squad for my Minotaurs out of it so Yes

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/05/29 17:08:10

Post by: Dust

While at this particular juncture I wouldn't buy a bunch of Mk8 torsos I would love to see them offered. I did a squad of honor guard with Mk8 armor, five guys in total, and I just used plastics for them because I had the bits handy. If I didn't have them on hand though I would have probably looked to source the bits in some other way.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/06/30 11:46:00

Post by: Carlson793

I'm votoing 'Other'. For myself, I don't need it - I typically run whatever I can buy cheap/second hand off eBay (...usually...) - but having it there should I get a the desire to buy it (like my now needed but 'Not Available' Damned Legionnaire with Flamer) would be nice.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/09/01 18:12:12

Post by: tundrafrog1124

I say yes because then it may allow with time for Errant to slowly become more and more common as fluff wise it provides better protection.

Who knows maybe once Errant is around for awhile a new power armor type may arrive

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/11/03 18:54:33

Post by: Davespil

No. Simply because I think FW is spending way too much time on 30K as it is and that armor isn't very impressive anyway. But, since they saw fit to waste so much of their effort on making a contemptor for every legion I am surprised they were able to find the restraint to say no to this. Maybe there is hope after all.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2014/11/03 19:01:07

Post by: Alpharius

MKVIII armor isn't even close to 30K!

But maybe you just meant spending too much time on Marine stuff?

I'm still surprised and happy to see that the 'YES' votes here are the overwhelming majority.

Maybe we'll see some Errant Armor when FW gets around to making more Minotaur stuff?

I just hope it is 'generic' enough to use for other Legions/Chapters without too much cutting, shaving, sanding, etc.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2015/02/02 10:57:41

Post by: Januine

I like the high gorget on MK VII especially. Defintely would like to see more models coming out wearing the Errant armour. Mind you I also wish the Corvus helmet would just dissappear completely.
Made by FW though? No bloody way

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2015/10/10 14:28:09

Post by: Tactical_Spam

 Januine wrote:
I like the high gorget on MK VII especially. Defintely would like to see more models coming out wearing the Errant armour. Mind you I also wish the Corvus helmet would just dissappear completely.
Made by FW though? No bloody way

The Aquilla helmet fits with the errant armour

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2015/12/12 18:35:26

Post by: Megalo

Mk.viii armour is really cool, but I would like to see what Mk.IX looks like. Mk.8 I for those who want a medieval jousting knight look to their chapter or a squad sergeant/captain.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2015/12/12 20:11:11

Post by: Alpharius

To the best of my knowledge, there is no MKIX armor!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2015/12/13 04:48:41

Post by: War Kitten

I would love to see FW make some Errant pattern armor, I love the high gorget on it, and since I'm (eventually) looking to buy some stuff from FW I could just throw in an order or two of the armor along with it.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2015/12/15 07:54:25

Post by: Kojiro

I already have some MKVIIIs actually.

But more wouldn't hurt. I should probably get around to painting these ones.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2015/12/15 16:29:46

Post by: SagesStone

Would be good, always think they look better as assault marines or devastators. Just that slightly more protected look.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2016/07/19 22:52:03

Post by: Thymais

I am abstaining because I only play 30k Space Marines. But I think having the Mkviis ould be good for conversions and the like. So I think I should have voted yes?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2016/10/23 12:18:28

Post by: NivlacSupreme

With the new deathwatch kit it is readily available but with story advancement looking more and more likely I say that mkVIII should become standard, mkVII should become the current beekie armor and mkVI should become like mkIV: the occasional parts showing up in a box

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2017/10/05 18:19:48


Looks too much like Aquila/Imperator armour {MK.VII}. I would definitely get Resin Thunder Warriors though, even if there's only one.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2017/10/05 18:22:10

Post by: Alpharius

MKVIII - when done correctly - is very distinct looking and, more importantly, awesome.

I'm tired of waiting for a real, right and proper set of MKVIII armor!


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2017/12/07 10:47:36

Post by: Just Tony

Not at FW prices.

I'm content with what comes on the sprues.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2017/12/07 13:55:05

Post by: Alpharius

There is no option for 'true' MKVIII yet - not even from FW.

Is there?

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/01/08 18:25:00

Post by: clively

I'd be interested if MK VIII was in plastic.

Otherwise no.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/06/14 13:42:17

Post by: Mysterio

1) Anubis is my favorite Egyptian deity (yes, I have a favorite Egyptian deity).

2) MKVIII is my favorite mark of Marine Power Armor.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/06/14 14:18:12

Post by: Shadow Walker

As a separate kit than a Deathwatch one? Yes, but only in plastic.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/10/17 11:33:17

Post by: Andykp

Forget old marines, the future is primaris. Mk8 is history. It’s all mk10 now.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/10/17 11:37:25

Post by: Lord Damocles

 Alpharius wrote:
There is no option for 'true' MKVIII yet - not even from FW.

Is there?

The Deathwatch Veterans have Mk.VIII.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/10/17 21:05:55

Post by: DeadestDai

Andykp wrote:
Forget old marines, the future is primaris. Mk8 is history. It’s all mk10 now.

This. No more Stumpy Marines thank you very much.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/10/17 22:30:05

Post by: Andykp

 DeadestDai wrote:
Andykp wrote:
Forget old marines, the future is primaris. Mk8 is history. It’s all mk10 now.

This. No more Stumpy Marines thank you very much.


FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2018/10/18 10:29:20

Post by: robbienw

Bore off. This is a poll about wanting mk8 armour from FW. Not a place for primaris propaganda.

There are lots of us who still want regular marine stuff, not chunky ugly primaris.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2019/01/20 17:23:35

Post by: Andykp

No, primaris all the way. Be happy if nothing new was released for old marines. I’d like to see forgeworld start making some primaris upgrades kits.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2019/01/21 04:12:03

Post by: Malathrim

I like Mark II and III. Segments are COOL!

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2019/02/08 13:48:54

Post by: robbienw

Andykp wrote:
No, primaris all the way. Be happy if nothing new was released for old marines. I’d like to see forgeworld start making some primaris upgrades kits.

But this is a poll about FW mk8 errant armour son, your ugly primaris are irrelevant.

You are going to be unhappy in the future because FW are still turning out a nice amount of old marines and its likely there will be a series 3 of the space marine heroes at least from the studio

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2019/02/21 14:04:42

Post by: Wolf_in_Human_Shape

None of the above. Yes I want Mk VIII, but I want it in GW plastic.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2019/02/21 15:49:34

Post by: Alpharius

With the Rise of the Primaris marines and MKX armor, I'm afraid that IF we ever see MKVIII, it will be via FW and not GW proper via plastic.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2019/02/21 18:58:14

Post by: Wolf_in_Human_Shape

Are the Deathwatch minis not wearing Mk VIII? Inquisitorial trappings, but I thought that's what it was.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2020/06/08 16:12:38

Post by: jdouglas

When I think of the original MKVIII, i immediately think of Grey Knights. Therefore to me it should fall under the umbrella of Artificer Armor. I think that adoption of Mk8 into the general chapters (even if only for squad leaders) makes it more commonplace, therefore diminishes the distinctive armor style away from the GK. The new Primaris armor except for the helmet reminds me of a Breacher version of Mk8. But Primaris armor also rips off attributes from GK terminator armor as you can see with the P-Aggressors. Which again diminishes the Grey Knights. Next thing you will be seeing is the Primaris using nemesis weapons. Then that would make the GKs totally superfluous.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2022/01/18 20:39:29

Post by: Ashes and Temples

I just use Deathwatch kits to make MKVIII sets, which I use for the Forlorn Hope's entry teams.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2022/01/21 23:23:48

Post by: Tawnis

I'm torn, on the one hand, the Mark VIII Errant armor is my favourite SM armour, (followed closely by the Corvus armour). However, FW is really expensive and I probably wouldn't buy it. If it came out in plastic from GW, hell yeah I'd get a box or two, but it'd be a bit too pricy for me to justify when I have so many marines already. Maybe I'd get one kit.

FW MKVIII Errant Armor, do you want it??? (POLL ADDED, please vote if you already typed a reply) @ 2024/04/16 15:37:06

Post by: bullisariuscowl

I love the MKVIII pattern armour. Giving your tac sergeant a weird turtleneck neck cover looks great and really funny. I'd love an all errant veteran squad.