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Reputable Traders List @ 2012/06/29 21:32:15

Post by: filbert

The Reputable Traders list is no longer being maintained in anticipation of a new system currently in the planning stages. Please see this thread for further details:


This thread will be left open for the time being for cross-reference and historical purposes.

Trading on DakkaDakka is done at your own risk. However, in order to allow people to have that little bit more confidence in who exactly they're trading with, this thread will be dedicated to hosting a list of those members who have conducted satisfactory trades on both ends. Here's how it works.

If, at some point in the last month, you have successfully completed a trade with another member, post their username here. Then I will edit their username, and their trade with you into the List. For example(this is made up) if you had completed a successful trade with Lunahound, you would simply post:-

'Lunahound, 1 trade'

That's it. No other information is necessary, although if you like, you may give the details of the trade, or the approximate value of it.

I will then edit into this post(the 1st post), the username of the member you just recommended. This is so that if you wish to conduct a trade with another member, and they have conducted several trades, you can look here, and know that you are dealing with a trustworthy member.

A few points though:
  • This thread is for listing of positive trade experiences only. Trading on DakkaDakka is at your own risk, with the admins and mods being NOT liable for anything that goes wrong. It is NOT their job to try and recover lost goods or money. DakkaDakka is not a trading site, and never will be. That's what Bartertown is for. So there will be no list of 'Negative/untrustworthy traders'.

  • This is not a discussion thread. You should only post who you traded with, and, if you want, the details of the trade.

  • You may not recommend yourself. You may only give the usernames of other members. If another member does not post your name in here, tough luck. You can suggest to them via PM that they post your name into this thread but it is ultimately up to them whether or not they want to bother. Please DO NOT badger other users into posting into this thread just because you posted their name.

  • Names will not be removed once posted (to give a record of who posted what), so please only post the trade after it has been satisfactorily completed upon both ends.

  • Make sure you spell the user's name correctly when posting - I will not check the names to make sure they are spelled correctly as it takes too much time when updating - so if you spell the name wrong, then it will be entered wrong on the list.

    Reputable Traders List

    09Aggie: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Gavin Thorne, Nurglitch

    1-UP: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Zid, AJCarrington, Brazila, CleverAntics, NeuroticHitman, Alastergrimm, JHall

    1voice2many: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Dakka_X3

    1000_Sons: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eldarain

    2000 Volts: Successful Trades: 3
    With: greenskin lynn, devinb1690, Alpharius

    31rls31: Successful Trades: 19
    With: Lunahound(2), Uriels_Flame, Dashofpepper, porkuslime(2), Vindicator#9(3), rokitchikin, UnsunGunner, devinb1690, jtw1n, Loricatus Aurora, magodedisco, aderdere, matphat, lilted, beefarooni

    455_PWR: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jawmonkey

    88elite: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Kiljoy00

    92acclude: Successful Trades: 13
    With: Pipboy101, porkuslime, Magos Explorator(2), Lunahound, mikeyboyj, Gearhead, DarkTraveler777, Primarch_of_mechmarines, beezley1981, wretrop, Miner Musician, compdrag

    99MDeery: Successful Trades: 6
    With: mercer, Muller, Lunahound, Morathi's Darkest Sin, wardancer, dullblade35

    a1steaks: Successful Trades: 12
    With: Pipboy101, Vindicator#9, kenneydee, thegreatcow, Papaskittels, Choose Nothing, xFinality, coolstream, Hurricane, Captain_Obvious, baptistcreature, lilted

    aaziz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: sharkticon

    Abaddon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: CottonJaw

    Abaddonthejoiner: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Phototoxin, swalker91, Remadyz

    abadon09: Successful Trades: 2
    With: RustyKnight, RiTides

    abortedsoul: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    abuabu: Successful Trades: 2
    With: wardancer, hungryp

    abyss: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Battle brother lucifer, Vogal(2), Markillius08

    Acardia: Successful Trades: 2
    With: bloodwars, sental

    acheman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    acidchalk: Successful Trades: 6
    With: porkuslime, Squilverine, TheLastEmperor, LakotaWolf(2), Iboshi2

    Adamius: Successful Trades: 3
    With: japehlio, razieltemplar, CitizenVll

    aderdere: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Brother SRM, Dessloch, 31rls31, Snipafist

    adienpryde: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Muller, Eureka, don_mondo

    aerethan: Successful Trades: 5
    With: RiTides, Xizindar, o Oni o, JHall, hungryp

    AfrikProphet: Successful Trades: 4
    With: bleumike, joshuafalcon, Bunker, Lonecoon

    afrojoe21: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Head_Hunter7025

    AgeofEgos: Successful Trades: 18
    With: Breotan, grey_death, ArtfcllyFlvrd, MajorTom11, Pyronick, endtransmission, DX3(2), ubermosher, djphranq, whalemusic360(2), Ouze, Alfndrate, endtransmission, WarOne, curseyoukhan, Myrthan

    Agent.Grey: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ender502

    agentdark: Successful Trades: 2
    With: MasterDRD, warducky

    Aglobalthreat: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Viagrus

    ahtman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thedmstrikes

    aidangunn: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Sabatine, Lictors_Lovemachine, Iboshi2(2), ILUSPB

    Ailaros: Successful Trades: 2
    With: alarmingrick, Khestra the Unbeheld

    AJcarrington: Successful Trades: 4
    With: rodfarruguia, catharsix, 1-UP, Biohavok

    aka_mythos: Successful Trades: 3
    With: DrZoidberg42, Plankwalker, Ketara

    Akaiyou: Successful Trades: 1
    With: blood angel

    Alanjazz: Successful Trades: 2
    With:Arschbombe, lilted

    alabamaheretic: Successful Trades: 4
    With: warducky, ChaplainofAmon, tomjoad, saga

    AlannahGrimm: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Shenra(2)

    alarmingrick: Successful Trades: 17
    With: BaronIveagh, Pipboy101, BLARGAG!!!, don_mondo, Ailaros, econtutor, Gearhead, odorofdeath, Barksdale, LidlessPraetor, ImperialArmoury, MrMoustaffa, Iboshi2, quickfuze, martin74, syypher, Brokksamson

    Alastergrimm: Successful Trades: 32
    With: fett14622(2), Shas'O Dorian, Ninjabiscuit(2), AtraAngelis, Che-Vito, Gizmodious, DeJolly, jawmonkey(2), flimmyyip, Mark_Autarch, Shenra(6), TheCupcakeCowboy, The_Savior, 1-UP, Jareth009, The Night Stalker, sum1thtdiesalot, JHall(2), blood angel, ArtfcllyFlvrd, Lakotawolf, Slackermagee, ChildofChaos

    Alex0077: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Brother SRM

    AlexHeap: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Flying Pooo, inmygravenimage, kenneydee, redeyed, Valek, maxson, KingmanHighborn, DarkStarSabre, Rurouni Benshin, muse1c

    Alfndrate: Successful Trades: 7
    With: skull boy, TheLastEmperor, djphranq, inmygravenimage, WarOne(2), Gitsplitta

    alistarv: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ecurb the Mighty, econtutor

    allmypulp: Successful Trades: 4
    With: te3b0r, Killjoy00, fett14622, theblessing8386

    allworkandnoclay: Successful Trades: 18
    With: Blood Lord Soldado, Mugsy1999, The_S3ormrider, resipsa(2), Cruentus, fenrir1997, Sekai, DarkTraveler777, crowe, Strafe, biccat, poda_t, bloodwars, azazel the cat, piprinx, strengthofthedragon2, NCPawnee

    Alpharius: Successful Trades: 19
    With: Lunahound, jamsessionein, porkuslime, napoleon, Gamble(3), sonofruss(2), Jin(2), Thortek, vwjetta1997, Janthkin, 2000 Volts, Gamble, mikhaila, loyce8869, logg_frog, JHall

    AlphariusOmegon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    alqadim: Successful Trades: 3
    With: don_mondo, syypher, JWMarines

    allibator: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Eternalhero1983, Ineedvc2500, skiman94, Fallen_Veteran, LordofRust, vhwolf, Kapton Morgunz

    alsycho: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BaronIveagh

    Amaya: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Miners Musician, syypher, carldooley, TyraelVladinhurst, joshuafalcon, Spartacusbob

    Ambo: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Dave-c, evildrspock, Inigo Montoya

    amrogers3: Successful Trades: 3
    With: GREY88, Theophony, midget_overlord

    an00bis: Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, JohnHag

    anarchistofgoodtaste: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Hulksmash

    AncientSociety: Successful Trades: 7
    With:lictors_lovemachine, thedmstrikes, maxstreel, Empchild, mrbutcherer, LakotaWolf, djphranq

    AndrasOtto: successful Trades: 1
    With: Albeezie

    AndrewC: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Wakinglimb

    andrewdrexler: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Mad4minis, Polish Para

    Andy06r: Successful Trades: 2
    With: thechr1s, Enslaviour

    andyg: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Faux Pas

    Angel: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Baron Von Eptastic, primalexile

    Angel_Of_Rust: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Cave Midget, Captain_Obvious, Keigan, Rybnick, catharsix, racta, FirePainter, D'Natagal

    angelofdeath8950: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dannygee, Fallen_Veteran

    Angel of Absolution: Successful Trades: 1
    With: themrsleepy

    anticitizen013: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Vindicator#9, Brother SRM, deffskullz

    antone3x7 : Successful Trades: 1
    With: Theophony

    AnUnearthlyChilde: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DarkStarSabre

    apkorn69: Successful Trades: 1

    Aramis_The_Red: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Solancea

    Aramus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: garuss acine

    Arander: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Wehrkind, athelu

    ArbitorIan: Successful Trades: 6
    With: joshuafalcon, thedmstrikes, inmygravenimage, Dysartes, rez, Mick A

    Arcadia: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Pnyxpresss, VarguardObrien, Thornkill, BigJon

    Archangellus : Successful Trades: 1
    With: syypher

    Archibald Jack: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Gearhead

    Arcsoll: Successful Trades: 8
    With: JHall, WarOne, Ckilleen, WUWU, Jordancw90, djphranq, TheJadeTiger, puma713

    AresX8: Successful Trades: 3
    With: o Oni o, Jardaddy, dod_rules

    arising: S uccessful Trades: 1
    With: Theophony

    arkhamjack: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Foo

    arklite: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rryann

    armitron187: Successful Trades: 1
    With: carmachu

    army310: Successful Trades: 3
    With: timofeo, Sckitzo, Zefig

    Arnik: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Envy89

    Arschbombe: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sazzlefrats

    art.greig86: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    ArtfcllyFlvrd: Sucessful Trades: 4
    With: Alastergrimm, dahli.llama, midget_overlord, CitizenVll

    Artik-firangi: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porksulime

    Artsoldier35: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    artyboy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: RiTides Nids

    Ascalam: Successful Trades: 22
    With: Shenra, skull boy, Tzeentchling9, l0k1, mr_maxime, catharsix, Erudog, WarOne, NaZ, gman1401, Dejolly, less_than_ed, Dave-c(2), mikeyboyj, Gizmodious, extropymine, Orminah, IronFrontAlex, McCheesums, Hulksmash, Rogues Gambit

    ashrog: Successful Trades: 4
    With: CaptainRexKrammer, Commissar Wolfie(2), Death By Monkeys

    ashtekka: Successful Trades: 1
    With: diesel7270

    asiaacs: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jon Garrett

    asp69: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Asphalt: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dressd2kill

    AspireToGlory: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dakka_X3, mizzra

    Astrozombi: Successful Trades:: 1
    With: jetjetex

    Asuryan: Successful Trades: 2
    With: motyak, CaptainJay

    Atakorin: Successful Trades: 2
    With: kenneydee, CaptainJay

    AtariAssasin: Successful Trades: 9
    With: DeathReaper, NicktheButcher, Benamint, pretre, paulguise, jmsincla, threedguru, coyotius, djphranq

    athba: Successful Trades: 2
    With: The Strange Dude, Cheif Librarian Vaako

    athelu: Successful Trades: 58
    With: Nurgleboy77, Centurion, S6lorg, Killjoy00, J-Roc77, jetjetex, BITZJUNKIE, carmachu, sub-zero, rocklord2004(2), Ostrakon, IILeiBlazeII, mobirds4all, drpieceofme, Shellfishguy, Leo_the_Rat, mobirds4all, porkuslime(3), thedmstrikes, blood angel(2), Roguemarket, Papaskittels, jtw1n, Lost Boyz, Cajunman550(2), eNvY, Envy89, kaneka, blankmass, lilted, The10thnazgul, carldooley, Dakka_X3(2), rocklord2004, wardancer, Gizmodious, erwos, Ouze, chrisocasio, syzixx, jawmonkey, DarkTraveler777, skavenfreak, Grimgob, Glimpse The Void, thegreatcow, whalemusic360, hiperviper6, blankmass, Arander, Fxeni, VintageMustangs, godswildcard, Tyrius

    Atmos: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lord_Osma

    AtraAngelis:Successful Trades: 6
    With:Khestra the Unbeheld, Alastergrimm, BloodFrenzy187, Ouze, Foda_bett, Hytanthas

    Augustus5: Successful Trades: 11
    With: RiTides Nids, Vindicator#9, StarGate, Brazila, rocklord2004, Farseer Jenkins, guardpiper, kenneydee, MikZor, poda_t, Enslaviour

    Avarice711: Successful Trades: 1
    With: te3b0r

    AvatarForm: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Huntmaster, MikZor

    Avent: Successful Trades: 1
    With: sirharris1507

    averageangryguy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Avrik_Shasla: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Old Man Ultramarine(2), alarmingrick, Lt. Coldfire, thehod, scud1703

    Aviom: Successful Trades: 1
    With: CaptainRexKrammer

    Awestrn: Successful Trades: 1
    With: charley29

    axehigh: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy

    AxelPeterson: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld

    axeshigh: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Wolf

    axiom: Successful Trades: 1
    With: reimermath

    azazel the cat: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jspyd3rx

    Azden: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Magos Explorator

    azezeil: Successful Trades: 1
    With: beezley1981

    azreal13: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sasa0mg

    Azure: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Boba Fex, hyperviper6, Sentinel, WarOne, jetjetex

    backfromthedead: Successful Trades: 3
    With: monstr369, Darkzephyr, ski2060

    Bad_sheep37: Successful Trades: 1
    With: guardpiper

    BadFriction: Successful Trades: 1
    With: carldooley

    Bacms: Successful Trades: 2
    With: legopirate, wardancer

    Bangbangboom: Successful Trades: 3
    With: The Great Wolf, Eggroll, timetowaste85

    baptistcreature: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Viagrus, Lotus, Jartol, djphranq(2), Pipboy101, DukeofLazy, djphranq

    Baritowned: Successful Trades: 3
    With: LakotaWolf, wretrop, itsacoyote

    Barksdale: Successful Trades: 13
    With: alarmingrick, guardpiper, Necroshea, Moopy, Iboshi2, Markillius08, giothulu, ryanguy322, Vermillion, Gearhead, KalashnikovMarine, WarOne, wardancer

    barlio: Successful Trades: 3
    With: nickt2245, Jin(2)

    Baron Von Eptastic: Successful Trades: 10
    With: lucasbuffalo, starhawks1, bitsnsprues, punkisdead, dropkickdragout, JHall, Theophony, blood angel, WarOne, JennyP

    BaronIveagh: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JB, alarmingrick

    Barthonis: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Brother SRM

    baseballclu: Successful Trades: 2
    With: skycapt44, cowpow16

    Bash the Bosh: Successful Trades: 16
    With: wardancer, SilverMK2, DispatchDave, Wolf, thedmstrikes, squilverine, col. krazy kenney, inmygravenimage, Morathi's Darkest Sin, Earthbeard, djphranq, Yggdrasil, madman12367, inmyravenimage, endtransmission, petercooman

    Battle brother Lucifer: Successful Trades: 35
    With: Shas'O Dorian, Vladsimpaler, Sageheart, Dejolly, syzixx, Luco, sbu, warboss, porkuslime, Robert Facepalmer, lance002(2), abyss, InquisitorMack, WarOne, Death by Monkeys, dod_rules, blood angel, TheFatElf, Dejolly, Rurouni Benshin, Tronzor, Nosferatu2113, Death By Monkeys, whitedragon, BronzeJon, Wulfe Luer, BronzeJon, catharsix(2), Settrasands, foolishzero, Vitruvian XVII, SoloFalcon1138, Valek

    Battles: Successful Trades: 1
    With: darkdm

    bd1085: Successful Trades: 2
    With: igor23, aderdere

    bdix: Successful Trades: 4
    With: insidejoke, exodusofman, djphranq, ryanguy322

    BeakyMarine: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld(2)

    bebe-paquito: Successful Trades: 1
    With: SirRouga

    Bebi626: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Envy89, charley29

    bedwyr: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Colfax

    beefarooni: Successful Trades: 1
    With: 31rls31

    Beefwhistle: Successful Trades: 2
    With: The_Savior, blood angel

    Beer_&_Bolters: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Beezley1891

    beezley1981: Successful Trades: 9
    With: MagickalMemories, sk82712, whalemusic360, Viagrus, R3con, Gitsplitta, DarkTraveler777, North101, ironicsilence

    Beork: Successful Trades: 1
    With: RyanA

    bdix: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pipboy101, warducky

    Beastwarrior: Successful Trades: 1
    With: japehlio

    Beast Warrior: Successful Trades: 2
    With: spiritfuryfire, japehlio

    Belphegor: Successful Trades: 2
    With: GoFenris, porkuslime

    beltenebros: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Rurouni Benshin, CageUF

    Benamint: Successful Trades: 19
    With: Garuss Acine, compdrag, AtariAssassin, inquisitorlewis, jawmonkey(3), Clauss, DeathReaper, Sigmatron, xole, funkyh, WarOne, max_power, Telsiph, Death Gear, blessed be thy emperor, ArchVile, l0k1

    besthegreat: Successful Trades: 5
    With: zachwho, Rurouni Benshin, J-Roc77, reimermath, BrotherTri

    Beta_X: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mrwhoop

    beware: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    BewareofTom: Successful Trades: 9
    With: jordanis, Canuckish, skiman94, gameandwatch, leohart, Mecha_buddha, IdentifyZero, Grix, Mongooli

    bfdhud: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    bigblackzach242: Successful Trades: 4
    With: CitizenVII, DX3, bobdollio, dauntless

    BigBuddha: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TwlightWalker

    big_D: Successful Trades: 2
    With: darkdm, warducky

    bigduncm24: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    Big'uns: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Zid

    Big Tim: Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, bloodwars

    bigyounk: Successful Trades: 2
    With: jetjetex, Slayersan

    BikeMenace: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ruruoni Benshin

    billman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rcguy111

    billybilly2: Successful Trades: 3
    With: I Missed on Purpose, Eilif, lance002

    Biohavok: Successful Trades: 7
    With: JohnDeSilva, nirvana69, iz a kitty, AJcarrington, Nicorex, Breotan, rcguy111

    Bio-Merc91207: Successful Trades: 5
    With: PenobscotNative, Bloodfrenzy187, xRyuujinx, RiddleBox85, chesirecat258

    bitsnsprues: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Baron Von Eptastic

    BITZJUNKIE: Successful Trades: 4
    With: pmavoider, Zero_Cool, athelu, MagickalMemories

    bixeightysix: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pnyxpress, MightyGodzilla

    biztheclown: Successful Trades: 1
    With: MrTrain

    BLACKHAND: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Porkuslime, inmygravenimage(2)

    Blackclaw: Successful Trades: 10
    With: xFinality, Magos Explorator, SonsofGuilliman, Tavitin, Revarien, porkuslime, Sprak, Cuththroatcure, vhwolf, ILUSPB

    Blackfang: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Frankenberry

    Blacknight: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Breotan

    BlackSails: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Dakka_X3, Fix, Gearhead, DeJolly

    Blackspade: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Death By Monkeys

    BladeWalker: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rothrich

    blang86: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    blankmass: Successful Trades: 6
    With: athelu, parcival42, deathklaat, athelu, Generalstoner

    BLARGAG!!!: Successful Trades: 1
    With: alarmingrick

    Bleedge: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    blessed be thy emperor: Successful Trades: 4
    With: djphranq, wilsmire, Garuss Acine, Benamint

    bleumike: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Porkuslime

    Blightdron: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Jon Garrett, mercer, Yggdrasil, mercer

    blindfire: Successful Trades: 1
    With: evildrspock

    blood_ravens_marine: Successful Trades: 3
    With: TheLastEmperor, crazy beanz, Maxstreel

    blood angel: Successful Trades: 60
    With: Redbeard, HurricaneGirl, Pipboy101, makr, RiTides, v00d00blu3, athelu(2), mike_houghton98, theblessing8386, biccat, Alastergrimm, mbutler132000, Lonecoon, Enslaviour, syypher, Wulfe Luer, inquisitorlewis, Emeth, NeonHate, besthegreat, str00dles1, thehod, Da Piper, Angel_of_Rust, kuro_khan, Helbig, Battle Brother Lucifer, Quinthalas(3), JSwoff, bricksxe, BrotherTri, jkpz28, Magos Explorator(2), crayola, Nosferatu2113, Jordancw90, o Oni o, Tsilber, Baron Von Eptastic, azazel the cat, Mortarion's Herald, timetowaste85, th3eviltwin, Jordancw90, Beefwhistle, CommisarBruno, CitizenVll, wileythenord, TheMostWize, eldartau1987, mp40guy, cobra.commander, kuro_khan, knightpredator, l0k1

    Blood Lord Soldado: Successful Trades: 15
    With: goldlinkdawg, hemingway, The_Savior(2), Redhat, zachwho, allworkandnoclay, Erudog, paleopoe, tiekwando, Joshawa, TTG BUNKER, strengthofthedragon2, cormadepanda, strengthofthedragon2

    Bloodangles_Chris: Successful Trades: 2
    With: dahli.llama, Dracos

    Bloodfist: Successful Trades: 4
    With: dressd2kill, Jawmonkey(3)

    Bloodfist28: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    Bloodfrenzy187: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Killjoy00, kenneydee, jawmonkey, AtraAngelis, thebaroness

    bloodhorror: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Neith, SpankHammer III

    BloodQuest: Successful Trades:
    With: augustus5, porkuslime

    bloodwars: Successful Trades: 16
    With: Revarien, rush0312, haendas, JustPlainJim, CleverAntics, Necroshea, don_mondo, IdentifyZero, dmthomas7, LakotaWolf, Big Tim, Acardia, optimusprime14(2), ryanguy322, dgree

    BlueDagger: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ruruoni Benshin

    bluedevil27: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Faux Pas

    Blue Orphen: Successful Trades: 1
    With: guardpiper

    Boba Fex: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Azure

    BobDaBeast: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Miner Musician

    Bobdollio: Successful Trades: 2
    With: bottomfeeder, keisukekun

    Bobo_5: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    bohle: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vintagemustangs

    Bolognesus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Dalteth

    Boneblade: Successful Trades: 4
    With: TheLastEmperor, exodusofman, Ruruoni Benshin, Caboose

    bongfu: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Wolf

    bontello63: Successful Trades: 1
    With: revackey

    boogeyman: Successful Trades: 3
    With: burb1996, kirbinator, The_Savior

    Bookwrack: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lucasbuffalo

    bootlegbaker: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Jin, Farseer Jenkins(2)

    Boss GreenNutz: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Frosty Hardtop, gentlepsycho

    Boss_Ruffgutz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: leetbeef

    Boss_Salvage: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Vindicator#9, GMMStudios, Jin

    bottomfeeder: Successful Trades: 2
    With: CitizenVII, bobdollio

    bra'tac: Successful Trades: 2
    With: smurfwedge, hemingway

    Brainslap: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheLastEmperor

    Brainwashed: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Rurouni Benshin

    branstorm: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Iboshi2

    brassangel: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wyomingfox

    BrassScorpion: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mikhaila

    Braverifles: Successful Trades: 2
    With: theblessing8386, threewolves

    Brazila: Successful Trades: 9
    With: rocklord2004, Envy89, augustus5, DeathPsyker, 1-UP, DISCIPLE_SoC, Noisy_Marine, Clauss(2)

    Breotan: Successful Trades: 16
    With: whalemusic360, kenneydee, porkuslime, Robert Facepalmer, MagickalMemories, Gavin Thorne, Biohavok, Moopy, Theophony(2), l0k1, Jardaddy, Uriels_Flame, Chowderhead, John Garrett, BlacKnight

    Bretac: Successsful Trades: 1
    With: Jon Garrett

    Brian P: Successful Trades: 1
    With: puma713

    Briancj: Successful Trades: 4
    With: IILeiBlazeII, Pipboy101, djphranq, Eternalhero1983

    bricksxe: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Commissar Wolfie, blood angel, TheContortionist

    Brokksamson: Successful Trades: 2
    With: alarmingrick, tomjoad

    brokenfang: Successful Trades: 1
    With: econtutor

    Brometheus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Twinkle Starchild

    BronzeJon: Successful Trades: 2
    With: puma713, Battle Brother Lucifer

    Brother Gyoken: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tails9095

    Brother Heinrich: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Brother Malleus: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Vermillion, Ineedvc2500

    brother noobicus: Successful Trades: 2
    With: theeldar, Samus_aran115

    Brother SRM: Successful Trades: 32
    With: porkuslime, anticitizen013, Capn_vivi, Paintbrushturkey, Vindicator#9, Ulfar, Rogue Market, Khestra the Unbeheld(3), aderdere, sonofruss, Motograter, spacemarine17, chowderhead13, The_Savior, warboss, narceron, Daemon-Archon Ren, porkuslime, Shadowmarine, TalonZahn, crowe, syypher, MagickalMemories, Alex0077, resipsa, witeout69, $pider, KevR1025, Envy89, Barthonis

    brother-kormak: Successful trades: 1
    With: Deathreaper

    brother_zach: Successful Trades: 5
    With: dod_rules, Schnitzel, citadel_security, djphranq, Mr. Feel Good

    Brotherjulian: Successful Trades: 1
    With: 92acclude

    BrotherTim: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rodgers37

    BrotherTri: Successful Trades: 26
    With: SlavetoDorkness, sharkticon, Moopy, greenskin lynn, Steak, resipsa, besthegreat, CaptainRexKrammer, sum1thtdiesalot, Jordancw90, puma713, fastnthefeared, Flyin Pooo, xcutionr2, blood angel, Commissar41.0, Rurouni Benshin, totengraber, lilted, Grizgrin, funkyh, Lormax, Casey's Law, Iceman, Samurai_Eduh, voxplayer

    brush_slip: Successful Trades: 2
    With: dwerger13, Kezzman

    Bruticus: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Captain John Wesker, pancakeonions

    BSent Successful Trades: 4
    With: Ruruoni Benshin, catharsix, TheLastEmperor(2)

    btemple0: Successful Trades: 2
    With: wolfshadow, whalemusic360

    bubbaduck76: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ghiest1

    bubber: Successful Trades: 3
    With: wardancer, NoBaconz4You, Deadeight

    bubbinski: Successful Trades: 1
    With: tomjoad

    buckero0: Successful Trades: 7
    With: timofeo, LakotaWolf, Jamora, Johnny-Crass, death By Monkeys, djphranq, variable

    bucketwalrus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld

    BuFFo: Successful Trades: 3
    With: haendas, Rybnick, l0k1

    Bugglove114: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DeathReaper

    Bullockist: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lakotawolf

    Bunker: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Hulksmash, Rocklord2004, hungryp(2), Master Melta

    BunkerBob: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dave-c, godswildcard

    Burb1996: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Envy89, boogeyman, Old Man Ultramarine, lictors_lovemachine, Talonzahn, randall3rd, xSoulgrinderx

    Buttlerthepug: Successful Trades: 2
    With: athelu, rcguy111

    by.a.teammate: Successful Trades: 1
    With: redeyed

    Byte: Successful Trades: 10
    With: carldooley, Farseer Jenkins, cormadependa, paulguise, ryanguy322, natedogg710, Gearhead, Helbig, gentlepsycho, skkipper

    C_Harte: Successful Trades:
    With: The_Savior

    c5low13: Successful Trades: 2
    With: hyperviper6, BlueDagger

    caboose: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Vindicator#9, Killjoy00, RiTides, Dakka_X3, midget_overlord, truck, steamdragon, Jin, Boneblade

    Cacophonous: Successful Trades: 1
    With: carldooley

    Cadian16th: Successful Trades: 3
    With: FeistierErmine, TiB(2)

    CadianDAC: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    Caffran9: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TalonZahn

    CageUF: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Masterofmelee, beltenebros

    Calamitycal: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jawmonkey

    Calibanite Lion: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    Calvinus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    camcam_Halo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: The_Savior

    canadianguy: Successful Trades: 2
    With: loyce8869, Eldarain

    Canuckish: Successful Trades: 2
    With: BewareOfTom, IdentifyZero

    Caesear3594: Sucessful Trades: 1
    With: bloodwars

    ChrisHarris: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Zain60

    Cairnius: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Orlanth

    CajunManj: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    cajunMann550: Successful Trades: 17
    With: PenobscotNative (2), FoxPhoenix135(2), Red9, Hulksmash, madmen, MrDrumMachine, Garuss Acine, TheCupcakeCowboy, Skarboy, Murdock129, athelu(2), sk82712, Gibbsey, LakotaWolf

    Cannerus_The_Unbearable: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, ChaoticFlanagan, Maxstreel

    Capnvivi: Successful Trades: 3
    With: porkuslime, Brother SRM, P1NK3Y3

    Capt Karuthors: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thehod

    captain callius: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ineedvc2500

    Captain Chaos: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mike_houghton98

    CaptainJay: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Atakorin, Nuclear Mekanik, cormadepanda, Asuryan

    Captain Vyper: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Thyrkill

    Captain Xavier: Successful Trades: 1
    With: elspedo

    Captain_Obvious: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Angel_of_Rust, Lt. Coldfire, rcguy111, a1steaks

    CaptainRexKrammer: Successful Trades: 13
    With: The_Stormrider, Hell_Jumper_056, BrotherTri, JustPlainJim, Taubeast, lilted, Polonius, Tomb King, cricketofdeth, axiom, BrotherTri, ashrog, Nuul Nalio

    captaintf: Successful Trades: 3
    With: wardancer, Gorrath, Uriels_Flame

    CaptainGarro: Successful Trades: 2
    With: dgree, Gharron

    CaptainLoken: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ruruoni Benshin

    carldooley:Successful Trades: 26
    With: te3b0r, foolishzero, Dakka_X3, Lt. Coldfire, Zid, thedmstrikes, Byte, jdamaso111, synchronicity, FoxPhoenix135, Jokorey, don_mondo, I Missed On Purpose, athelu, mrwhoop, skull boy, Dannicus, Amaya, Mr. Feel Good, lictors_lovemachine, DX3, Gharron, Cacophonous, Trogdor, Rurouni Benshin

    carmachu: Successful Trades: 26
    With: athelu, HurricaneGirl, WarOne, dietri20, Killjoy00, DeJolly, Phoebus28, Kezzman, chowderhead13, Masterofmelee, jacetms87, JHall, djphranq, Wehrkind, DarkTraveler777, whigwam, Cruentus, reorox(2), Viagrus, Benamint, Moopy, ruff, gentlepsycho, skyfi, armitron187, giothulu

    Casey's Law: Successful Trades: 1
    With Brother Tri

    CATACLYSMUS: Successful Trades: 4
    With: JonnyDelta, CapNCaveman!, Masterofmelee, Shenra

    catharsix: Successful Trades: 45
    With: AJCarrington, Mattlov, Solancea, mike_houghton98, kill dem stunties, Clever Antics, Dez, xRyuujinx, LidlessPraetor, wileythenord, porkuslime(2), Soulx, Khestra the Unbeheld, midget_overlord(2), Ascalam, Fizzics, MajorTom11, Fallen_Veteran(2), midget_overlord, derek, o Oni o(2), DarkStarSabre, Markillius08, keneydee, Ascalam, Lt. Coldfire, IILeiBlazeII, inmygravenimage, timetowaste85, Battle Brother Lucifer, Ravenger, ZombieJoe, Angel_of_Rust, brother-kormak, marcus.iscariat, gregornet(2), Flying Pooo, porkuslime, giothulu, nerdfest09

    Catsclaw: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Magister187

    Cattafish: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lt.Soundwave

    Catyrpelius: Successful Trades: 1
    With: pretre

    cavemidget: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Angel_Of_Rust

    cavmedic79: successful Trades: 1
    With: Private Jackson

    CDiablo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: revackey

    Celtic Strike: Successful Trades: 1
    With: xFinality

    cerealkiller195: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Solorg

    Centurion: Successful Trades: 3
    With: athelu, jetjetex, Nurglitch

    cgage00: Successful Trades: 2
    With: E.Z.KillPoint, DX3

    chadbacca: Successful Trades: 11
    With: lilted, sum1thtdiesalot, SpacePup1987, biccat, djphranq, Wulfe Luer, Shu, beltenebros, xFinality, winterman, Uriels_Flame, The Sarducci

    chainsword135: Successful Trades: 1
    With: MajorTom11

    chaos0xomega: Successful Trades: 4
    With: SlaveToDorkness, CitizenVII, porkuslime, Grimgob

    Chaosette: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ecurb The Mighty

    Chaosismyantidrug: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy

    ChaoticFlanagan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cannerus_the_Unbearable

    ChaoticMind: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    chaplaincliff: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hyperviper6

    ChaplainofAmon: Successful Trades: 3
    With: DocXavier, Farseer Jenkins, mgraham

    chaptermaster: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JohnHag, don_mondo

    charley29: Successful Trades: 3
    With: poda_t, Awestrn, Bebi626

    Che-vito: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Alastergrimm

    Cheif Librarian Vaako: Successful Trades: 1
    With: athba

    Cherokee: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Clauss

    Chesirecat258: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Dez, syzixx, jawmonkey

    ChildofChaos: Successful Trades: 3
    With: jetjetex, Alastergrimm, Hallowed_Da'Credo

    Choboking: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Wolf

    Choose Nothing: Successful Trades: 4
    With: WarOne, Deathfang, warpcrafter, o Oni o

    Chosen Praetorian: Successful Trades: 2
    With: squirrelsrage, godswildcard

    Chowderhead: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Breotan, inmygravenimage, piprinx

    chowderhead13: Successful Trades: 1
    With: carmachu

    chriachrias: Successful Trades: 3
    With: romulus571(2), FoxPhoenix135

    chrisharris: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Murdock129, inmygravenimage, Magos Explorator, Brother SRM, EvilTim, bra-tac, Praxiss

    chrisocasio: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Eureka, Iboshi2, athelu

    Chrispy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    Chuckachu: Successful Trades: 1
    With: kellymatthew37

    Chute82: Successful Trades: 1
    With: blood angel

    CIsaac: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Hairballs58

    CiaranAnnrach: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vintagemustangs

    cincydooley: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pael

    CinderBlack: Successful Trades: 6
    With: SlavetoDorkness, CinderBlack, Wulfe Luer, GREY88, Magos Explorator, zariart

    Cirronimbus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Rageaholic

    citadel_security: Successful Trades: 3
    With: WarOne, poda_t, brother_zach

    CitizenVII: Successful Trades: 22
    With: Dannicus, skiman94, DeJolly, bottomfeeder, chaos0xomega, Keigan, Teej, dmthomas7, Polonius, Lunahound, blood angel, jason2250, deathholydeath, saylor17, Vaercathor, Enslaviour, l0k1, ILUSPB, Solorg, eohall, skiman94, strengthofthedragon2

    cjms123: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dantay_xv

    Cjsuner: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Choboking, lessthan1337, te11ah, Impy

    Ckilleen: Successful Trades: 3
    With: thehod, Arcsoll, jdjamesdean@mail.com

    Clang: Successful Trades: 4
    With: SoloFalcon1138, fridgepicker, Khrysaor, Soccerlfb6

    Clauss: Successful Trades: 9
    With: hosstang, tantan628, Vogal, Swara, Sekai, Benamint(2), denomic, Cherokee

    Clay Williams: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Grimpost

    CleverAntics: Successful Trades: 20
    With: catharsix, DispatchDave, 1-UP, The_Savior, wolfshadow, Shenra, hemingway, ForrestFireNY, JHall, Envy89, Ssgt Carl, bloodwars, Jardaddy, lictors_lovemachine, Dannygee, Fallen_Veteran, djphranq, KarsaOrlong, strengthofthedragon2, eohall

    clidefr0g: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Krax

    ClintonG: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Tyrius, vhwolf

    clthomps: Successful Trades: 8
    With: slann, mrwhoop(2), Corbett, 1-UP, spacemarine17, JHall, curran

    CoI: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Lakotawolf(6), drpieceofme

    Col. Krazy Kenny: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Bodichi, lictors_lovemachine, Killjoy00, Silverkell, Gavo, JonnyB, Skelly, ryanguy22

    Col.Gravis: Succssful Trades: 4
    With: Simonbarsinistr(2), wardancer, Briancj

    ColonelDakura: Successful Trades: 1
    With: municipal

    combat engineer: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Cutthroatcure(2)

    Come2MeCaroline: Successful Trades: 1
    With: pretre

    commandercd: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warducky

    CommanderEndova: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Commissar Marbh: Successful Trades: 8
    With: mrwhoop(2), Magnalon, lucasbuffalo, revackey, 92acclude, thedmstrikes, Paraplegic

    Commissar Wolfie: Successful Trades: 18
    With: Yeargh, Serder, Corbett, Uriels_Flame, LakotaWolf, Maxstreel, djphranq, warpcrafter, Da Piper, mrwhoop, winterman, bricksxe, JollyDevil, ashrog, martin74, Dr Mathias, conker249, alarmingrick

    Commissar41.0: Successful Trades: 6
    With: WarOne, BrotherTri, Iboshi2, KalashnikovMarine, gameandwatch, giothulu

    compdrag: Successful Trades: 3
    With: 92acclude, Benamint, TiB

    config2: Successful Trades: 1
    With: LakotaWolf

    conker249: successful Trades: 5
    With: Nashole211, R10T, Commisar Wolfie, Telsiph, urza8188

    coolstream: Successful trades: 8
    With: Zero_Cool, Jon Garrett, porkuslime, Empchild, serder, North101, Lakotawolf, bloodwars

    Corbett: Successful Trades: 3
    With: WarOne, Commissar Wolfie, ruff

    Corelton: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Revarien

    Corey85: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Hectorvictorious3, pdawg517

    coreyzat: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Jordancw90, The Sarducci

    cormadepanda: Successful Trades: 7
    With: carldooley, Byte, Markillius08, giothulu, CaptainJay, WillyBRags, Blood Lord Soldado

    CorpseGrinder: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vintagemustangs

    CrovidMP: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    Cosmic: Successful Trades: 1
    With: IdentifyZero

    cosmic pixie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Gitsplitta

    CottonJaw: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Fix, Abbadon

    CountTheSeven: Successful Trades: 3
    With: husker231, lukesdabest, medd

    Coventant84: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    cowpow16: Successful Trades: 1
    With: blood angel

    Coyotius: Successful Trades: 6
    With: cr0m300, yaDigg, AtariAssasin, kitsunez, jawmonkey, Sprak

    cp66701: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Sekminara, djphranq, kellymatthew37

    CptCortez128: Successful Trades: 5
    With: squilverine(2), thedmstrikes, whalemusic360, IronAngel

    Cpt Horatius: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Pipboy101, ICleadpeople, djphranq, DarkTraveler777

    CptJake: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rokitchikin

    CptZach: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DispatchDave

    Crayola: Successful Trades: 1
    With: blood angel

    CrazyB: Successful Trades: 1
    With: makr

    Crazy Beanz: Successful Trades: 18
    With: thedmstrikes, Brother SRM, Enslaviour, blood_ravens_marine, Maxstreel, Iceman, poda_t, bloodwars, thehod, lilted, Flying Pooo, DX3, dracosz, 31rls31, Gorrath, Saintspirit, Pnyxpresss, Lotus

    CrazyThang: Successful Trades: 2
    With: djphranq, qballony

    Cretella2: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lance002

    Cricketofdeth: Successful Trades: 8
    With: CaptainRexKrammer, Uriels_Flame, praetor24, kenneydee, mbutler132000, Bad_Sheep37, WarOne, Fisher001

    Crimthaan: Successful Tades: 2
    With: Da Piper, Makutsu

    Crimson-King2120: Successful Trades: 2
    With: pretre, giothulu

    CrisisZero: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hosstang

    Crom: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TalonZahn

    cr0m300: Successful Trades: 1
    With: coyotius

    crossbonesx11: Successful Trades: 2
    With: SonofGuilliman, syzixx

    crowe: Successful Trades: 1
    With: syypher

    Cruentus: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Talonzahn, Garuss Acine, porkuslime, fett14622, mullhead, carmachu, joshuafalcon, o Oni o, Iboshi2, djphranq

    Cryonicleech: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    Ctan_Ajax: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jawmonkey

    CT Gamer: Successful Trades: 6
    With: wonkobaggins, Vindicator#9, Nurglitch, Rurouni Benshin(2), Revarien

    Cult of My Boy Blue: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tomb King

    Curran12: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Dannygee, Clthomps, Viagrus, Griever

    currymonster: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hungryp

    Cutthroatcure: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Arschbombe, joshuafalcon, Keigan, K262, jmpnfool, Blackclaw, Laycas49, WarOne, Pael

    Cygnnus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cruentus

    Cypher's Sword: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Spartan089, InquisitorMack, killjoy00

    Cypher871: Successful Trades: 1
    With: feediz

    Cyporiean: Successful Trades: 2
    With: alarmingrick, djphranq

    cyrax777: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Lakotawolf, uscmbuzz, syypher, lictors_lovemachine, cp66701

    D.Azrinae: Successful Trades: 1
    With: quickfuze

    D'Natagal: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Ferrum, jason2250, Helbig, leohart, Angel_of_Rust, TheContortionist, quickfuze, l0k1, disel24, mathisking

    Da Bank: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Solorg

    Da Boss: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Morathi's Darket Sin, Jin

    Da Piper: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Lakotawolf, Commissar Wolfie, jacetms87, Enslaviour, Crimthaan, Rurouni Benshin

    dacommissar357: Successful Trades: 5
    With: vwjetta1997, DISCIPLE_SoC, don_mondo, mch21689, Sasori

    daedalus: Successful Trades: 2
    With: hyperviper6, WarOne

    Daemon Archon Ren: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Papskittels, Uriels_Flame, TheCupcakeCowboy, Brother SRM

    Daesung: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Wolf

    dahli.llama: Successful Trades: 4
    With: dressed2kill, jbunny, dschlot, mrfish

    Dainty Twerp: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Iboshi2, Lunahound, Hulksmash

    DaKrumpa: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Dannicus

    Dallo019: Successful Trades: 4
    With: muse1c, swalker91, jawmonkey, K3

    Dalteth: Successful Trades: 4
    With: snakecharmer, tantan628, Rageaholic, Bolognesus

    damascusxie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jordanis

    dangerhawk: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    DangerousBeans: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Thereaper78, TheJadeTiger

    Dannicus: Successful Trades: 16
    With: DaKrumpa. Skarboy(2), rednekgunner, Alpharius, lilted, Ghiest1, Shenra, carldooley, CitizenVII, Polonius, SpaceWolverine, Vhalan, warducky, helium42, Tsilber

    Danny cyanide: Successful Trades: 1
    With: cricketofdeth

    Danny Internets: Successful Trades: 5
    With: RustyKnight, lance002, bdix, djphranq, Rurouni Benshin

    Dannygee: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Shu, curran12, KalashnikovMarine(2)

    dantay_xv: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Gitsplitta, ellis_esquire, cmjs123, TheMostWize, KhornateCake, Kijamon

    DarkAngelHopeful: Successful Trades: 2
    With: kharn138, Miner Musician

    Darien13: Successful Trades: 3
    With: WarOne, Khestra The Unbeheld, Gearhead

    Darkdm: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Battles, Maxstreel, big_d

    Dark_Angels_Sav: Successful Trades: 2
    With: lilted, Gavin Thorne

    Dark_Gear: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Aduro, LostSoulCasey'sLaw

    Darkness: Successful Trades: 5
    With: thehod(2), Hraktaddon, ShadowMageAlpha, l0k1

    Darknight: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Jon Garrett, TalonZahn

    darknightwing: Successful Trades: 3
    With: jdamaso111, deathholydeath, Dez

    DarkStarSabre: Successful Trades: 6
    With: inmygravenimage, lictors_lovemachine, Pipboy101(2), Rayvon, seapheonix

    DarkTraveler777: Successful Trades: 13
    With: athelu, 92acclude, wileythenord, Leo_the_Rat, beezley1981, whalemusic360(2), Requia, carmachu, Kirbinator, Sigmatron, ryanguy322, Cpt Horatius

    Darkzephyr: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Pipboy101, sons of lorgar, Vindicator#9, thedmstrikes, Lucid, Cutthroatcure

    Dartdon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DangerousBeans

    Darth Lakey: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Solorg

    Das_Ubermike: Successful Trades: 1
    With: NoBaconz4You

    Dashofpepper: Successful Trades: 9
    With: 31rls31, hulksmash(2), Vindicator#9, WarOne, J-Roc77, SirRouga, Killjoy00

    Dashootyestgit: Successful Trades: 1
    With: martin74

    dashrender: Successful Trades: 1
    With: barlio

    Daston: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Jon Garrett, Nuclear Mekanik

    Datajax: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Death By Monkeys

    Dauntless: Successful Trades: 6
    With: bigblackzach242(2), jeratoll, eohall, IMPERIALGUARD40K, TheContortionist

    Dave-C: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Ascalam(2), Rurouni Benshin, Great Deceiver, BunkerBob, Khestra the Unbeheld, l0k1, Ambo

    dave47: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rryannn

    daveking: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Dalteth

    DB: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Misguidance, imcdonnell

    dbs101: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pnakotus

    ddavidc: Successful Trades: 3
    With: SlaveToDorkness, SRMcG, wardancer

    DeadBabySoup: Successful Trades: 4
    With: kabniel, kenneydee, mikhaila, Sigmatron

    Deadeight: Successful Trades: 1
    With: bubber

    Death By Monkeys: Successful Trades: 14
    With: Lunahound (2), TalonZahn, makr, Eilif, MajorTom11, Maxstreel, Battle brother lucifer, DeathReaper, buckero0, CitizenVll, WarOne, Lotus, Jardaddy

    Deathklaat: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Hallowed_Da'Credo

    deadman564: Successful Trades: 2
    With: I Missed On Purpose, MagickalMemories

    deathfang: Successful Trades: 2
    With: warboss, Choose Nothing

    DeathGuard633: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Hell_Jumper_063, hemingway, pretre

    Deathholydeath: Successful Trades: 3
    With: FullyPainted, theQuanz, Sigmatron

    Deathklaat: Successful Trades: 4
    With: blankmass, lance002, racta, Commissar Wolfie

    DeathPsyker: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Brazila, Motograter

    DeathReaper: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Rurouni Benshin, Sigmatron, Death By Monkeys, AtariAssassin, quickfuze, Obrek, brother-kormak, Benamint, Phoebus28, Twin .44

    Deathshead420: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Heavymetal, Robert Facepalmer

    Deeaybur: Successful Trades: 1
    With: vhwolf

    DeffDred: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    degree: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lt. Coldfire

    Dejolly: Successful Trades: 43
    With: Alastergrimm, Jokorey, Lucid, carmachu(2), Vomit, Uriels_Flame, battle Brother Lucifer, The_Savior, Ouze, fett14622, IGCommander, jetjetex, carmachu, JB, Uriels_Flame, sum1thtdiesalot, DeadBabySoup, jordanis, Boss GreenNutz, Ascalam, Blood Lord Soldado, Lonecoon, hungryp, rryannn, dod_rules, Blacksails, sparkywtf, Maxstreel, lictors_lovemachine, joshuafalcon, Necroshea, warboss, Battle Brother Lucifer, lod marcus, LakotaWolf, stormleader, CitizenVII, zeke48, Torentu, The Night Stalker, Scnitzel, lonedrow02

    Delephont: Successful Trades: 4
    With: WingWong, Dahlberg66, endtransmission(2)

    Delta6ix: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jordancw90

    DemonBunnyMan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rokitchikin

    demoncougar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Biohavok

    demonfell: Successful Trades: 3
    With: pantsmessiah, mikeyboyj, porksulime

    Derek: Successful Trades: 6
    With: gardeth, o Oni o, Green is Best!, Flying Pooo, GamingKeefer, Herod

    derrick86: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lakotawolf

    Dessloch: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Nice Kans, aderdere, vyndetta85

    Deus Mortis: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jason2250

    devilfluff: Successful Trades: 1
    With: PenobscotNative

    devinb1690: Successful Trades: 9
    With: VermilionButterfly, Mike35, Foolwhip, kenneydee, HFCatoblepas, romulus571, Kilgore19d, jtw1n

    DexKivuli: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pressureman98, TofuZombie

    Dez: Successful Trades: 20
    With: Simonbarsinistr, SonofGulliman, Garuss Acine, Robert Facepalmer, catharsix, Gizmodious, Uriels_Flame, chesirecat258, The_Savior, Waynebo, The_Stormrider, disel24, bontello63, Enslaviour, dracosz, vhwolf, darknightwing, IMPERIALGUARD40K(2), ski2060

    dgree: Successful Trades: 10
    With: fenrix19, Magos Explorator, Viagrus(2), Fxeni, puma713, Rurouni Benshin, bloodwars, jawmonkey, porkuslime

    dicewar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: bobdollio

    dienstuhr: Successful Trades: 1
    With: exodusofman

    Dierolanddie: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Lakotawolf(2), necrondude89

    Diesel7270: Successful Trades: 2
    With: sharkticon, Jardaddy

    dietrich: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, carmachu

    Dinamarth: Successful Trades: 1
    With: syypher

    DISCIPLE_SOC: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Zid, Doctrin, Brazila

    discok3: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    disdainful: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eeps

    With: Dakka_X3(2), puma713(2), syypher, Dez, eledamris, Benamint, Sekai, D'Natagal, jawmonkey, giothulu, vhwolf

    Disjointed Entity: Successful Trades: 1
    With: troy_tempest

    DispatchDave: Successful Trades: 16
    With: inquistor_bob, porkuslime, Lt. Coldfire, templeorks(2), DruidODurham, Hallowed_Da'Credo, CptZach, parcival42, kenneydee, theblessing8386, CleverAntics, Ouze, Khestra the Unbeheld, FoxPhoenix135, eledamris

    Dissarray: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    Distaff: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hemingway

    DJ3: Successful Trades: 2
    With: theQuanz, jason2250

    djones520: Successful Trades: 5
    With: slice of toast, ieatsquigs(2), P1NK3Y3, Necronilis

    djphranq: Successful Trades: 61
    With: rodfarruguia(army painting service), Rico, slann, thedmstrikes, puma713, WarOne(3), Riddlebox85, bdix, GMMStudios, AresX8, Iskandur, MeanGreenStompa, DX3, Zid, CrazyThang, carmachu, DX3, Lunahound, Alfndrate, Pipboy101(3), Gavin Thorne, sonofruss, Helbig, Commissar Wolfie, Hurricane, inmygravenimage, Yggdrasil, fenrir1997, cp66701, rhich(2), CorvidMP, buckero0, warriorpriest, baptistcreature(3), Razgriz22, Briancj, brother_zach, lilted(2), ICleadpeople, lucasbuffalo, AtariAssasin, Cruentus, Cpt Horatius, Eggroll(2), ArcSoll, Jin, whalemusic360(3), slyndread, mathisking, CleverAntics

    DK: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Benamint

    Dmikulasr: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Bobino

    dmthomas7: Successful Trades: 2
    With: optimusprime14, bloodwars

    Doctadeth: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Sekai, motyak

    Doctor Optimal: Successful Trades: 3
    With: skull boy, joshuafalcon, whitedragon

    Doctrin: Successful Trades: 2
    With: DISCIPLE_SoC, The Night Stalker

    Dod: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Death By Monkeys, lilted, Johnny-Crass

    dod_rules: Successful Trades: 4
    With: brother_zach, DeJolly, poda_t, AresX8

    dodgywop: Successful Trades: 2
    With: LakotaWolf, AtariAssassin

    Dog.: Successful Trades: 5
    With: mrwezmond, Eirikr, Marthike, Etharin, Khazgor

    DOK: Successful Trades: 1
    With: LakotaWolf

    Dolemite: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Belphegor, Zaxon

    Don_Mondo: Successful Trades: 18
    With: barlio, Death By Monkey, carldooley, alarmingrick, RandomX, revackey, sub-zero, chaptermaster, RustyKnight, Pael, Gitsplitta(2), Rayvon, bloodwars, mrwhoop, reimermath, alqadim, strengthofthedragon2

    Doomface81: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shadowseer_Kim

    Dorantana: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Trechor

    double-dash: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eldarain

    Dracos: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BloodAngles_Chris

    Dracosz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sigmatron

    dragonjaj: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Biccat, WarOne

    Drawomancer: Successful Trades: 1
    With: coolstream

    drazz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JunkyOrk

    dreamspirit: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Serder

    dressd2kill: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Earthbeard, dahli.llama, Benamint, Uriels_Flame, cp66701

    Drewcasket: Successful Trades: 1
    With: poda_t

    drglnc: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    Dr Mathias: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Commisar Wolfie

    Dr. Temujin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: acidchalk

    dropkickdragout: Successful Trades: 10
    With: kenneydee, gregor_xenos, jedig42, gregor_xenos, usxmbuzz, Viagrus(2), Baron Von Eptastic(2), Bobino

    drpieceofme: Successful Trades: 10
    With: lictors_lovemachine, Thyrkill, athelu, RustyKnight, puma713, MadMaverick76, aaziz, Viagrus, NeuroticHitman, CoI

    Druid13: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    DruidODurham: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DispatchDave

    DrunkenPanda: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warboss

    Dr. What: Successful Trades: 2
    With: l0k1(2)

    dschlot: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dahli.llama

    dukegarda: Successful Trades: 1
    With Iboshi2

    Ductape: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Miner Musician(2)

    Ductvader: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warducky

    Duffelbag: Successful Trades: 1
    With: vhwolf

    dufflebag: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Brother SRM

    DukeofLazy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: baptistcreature

    dullblade35: Successful Trades: 3
    With: 99MDeery, elvic, Envy89

    dumplingman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: foolishzero

    Duranias: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Uriels_Flame, Vel'cona

    Dust: Successful Trades: 1
    With: The Night Stalker

    dwerger13: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Spellscape, Skelly

    Dystartes: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ArbitorIan

    DX3: Successful Trades: 43
    With: Envy89, Ulfar, Vindicator#9, Lunahound, carldooley, Kav122, 1voice2many, Farseer Jenkins, Alpharius, athelu(2), Pipboy101(2), Schnitzel, disel24, Gorrath, fett14622, Blacksails, Erudog, TheCupcakeCowboy, RustyKnight, Skelly, xFinality, djphranq, RiTides(2), Koz, syypher, SilverMK2, warboss, Yggdrasil, Gavin Thorne, crazy beanz, erewego86, Killian, carldooley, The_Stormrider, bigblackzach242, Iboshi2, Spartan089, kenneydee, Newabortion, giothulu

    Dysartes: Successful Trades: 2
    With: notprop, praetor24

    Earthbeard: Successful Trades: 3
    With: dressd2kill, joshuafalcon, Lara

    econtutor: Successful Trades: 20
    With: Shellfishguy, Vindicator#9, brokenfang, thedmstrikes, lictors_lovemachine(2), Lunahound, spacemarine17, kenneydee, alarmingrick, revackey(3), Gearhead, WarOne, powerclaw, Maxstreel, uscmbuzz(2), alistarv

    Ecurb The Mighty: Successful Trades: 6
    With: pr0t011187, Vindicator#9, te3b0r, lictors_lovemachine, alistarv, TheLastEmperor

    Eeps: Successful Trades: 1
    With: MagickalMemories

    Eggroll: Successful Trades: 3
    With: BigBangboom, djphranq(2)

    ehsteve: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Iboshi2, Gearhead

    Eight Ball: Successful Trades: 1
    With: vipcaniac

    Eilif: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Red9, Gavin Thorne, Khestra the Unbeheld, porkuslime(2), Death By Monkeys, billybilly2, lord marcus

    eimaj: Successful Trades: 1
    With: aka_mythos

    el_hammer: Successsful Trades: 1
    With: Skarboy

    Eldanesh2011: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BloodHorror

    Eldarain: Successful Trades: 11
    With: canadianguy, double-dash, Demdiddydizzy, Angel, K3, 1000_Sons, eledamris, Machinepriest, helium42, phxlord Eldrad, l0k1

    EldarMPuls3: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Synister_Intent, godswildcard

    eldartau1987: Successful Trades: 1
    With: blood angel

    Eldrad40K: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lt.Coldfire

    Eldred Jonas: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Captain Xavier

    eledamris: Successful Trades: 14
    WithispatchDave, midget_overlord, The_Savior, Maxstreel, Witch King of Angmar, sbu, Misguidance, joshuafalcon, Japache, disel24, Benamint, Eldarain, mgraham, Zylor

    elfboy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    ellis_esquire: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dantay_xv

    else: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pipboy101, wardancer

    Elspedo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: IdentifyZero

    elvic: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dullblade35

    Emissary1701: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Garviel, laam999, ArbitorIan

    Empchild: Successful Trades: 15
    With: Accolade, JHall, RustyKnight, mwnciboo, ancientsociety, catharsix, Mannahnin, coolstream, whatisntart, djphranq, o Oni o, Moltar, jason2250, porkuslime, whalemusic360(2)

    Emperor awfulness: Successful Trades: 2
    With: CleverAntics, Redbeard

    endtransmission: Successful Trades: 2
    With: inmygravenimage(2)

    Enochi: Successful Trades: 1

    enomis: Successful Trades: 2
    With: alarmingrick, Death By Monkeys

    enron: Successful Trades: 2
    With: thedmstrikes, mikeyboyj

    Enslaviour: Successful Trades: 31
    With: goldlinkdawg, lucasbuffalo, Japache, Tylerkabana, crazy beanz, blood angel, LakotaWolf, syypher, MasterDRD, kNyne83, o Oni o, sparkywtf, Flying Pooo, Valek, augustus5, Da Piper, Dez, rickross, Shotgun, Andy06r, joshuafalcon, Kiliian, jkpz28, witeout69, joshuafalcon, Green is Best!, Ukla, CitizenVll, Ghiest1, ted777ccg, mgraham

    Envy89: Successful Trades: 25
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, Eureka, rokitchikin, Solorg(2), max1001_99, Dakka_X3, FITZZ, RustyKnight, monstr369, Solancea, walls, WarOne(2), rocklord2004, wee-dub, athelu, punkisdead, lictors_lovemachine, CleverAntics, dullblade35, Grinak, Brother SRM, Bebi626, Arnik

    eohall: Successful Trades: 2
    With: dauntless, CleverAntics

    ephrael: Successful Trades: 2
    With: jetjetex, jahpelio

    erewego86: Successful Trades: 13
    With: DX3, Corbett, lance002, l0k1, Talarn Blackshard, Benamint, Miaou, giothulu, serathnal, KarsaOrlong, Trogdor, lictors_lovemachine(2)

    Eriochrome: Successful Trades: 2
    With: CaptainRexKrammer, Nosferatu2113

    ernshmagl: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tomb King

    Erudog: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Blood Lord Soldado, hungryp, DX3

    erwos: Successful Trades: 2
    With: athelu, fett14622

    ESandoval: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Theophony

    Escudo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: imcdonnell

    Eshm the Skintaker: Successful Trades: 3
    With: pilsboy, revackey, seapheonix

    Eszharen: Successful Trades: 1
    With: weiler

    EternalHero1983: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Wumby, Briancj, Myrthan, whalemusic360(2), Private Jackson

    Etharin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jon Garrett

    Evewalker: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tironum

    evil_red_ork: Successful Trades: 1
    With: CitizenVll

    evilrspock: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Ambo, strengthofthedragon2, blindfire103

    EvilTim: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Murdock129, GBDarkAngel

    Evolvingeye: Successful Trades: 1
    With: vyndetta85

    exodusofman: Successful Trades: 7
    With: imnottheonly, dienstuhr, Boneblade, Tyrius, bdix, Tomb King, wee-dub

    extropyman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    Ezekiel3000: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lord of Kaith

    E.Z.KillPoint: Succsssful Trades: 2
    With: cgage00, WarOne

    FabricatorGeneralMike: Successful Trades: 2
    With: jillyjally, Horst

    Facet_X: Succesful Trades: 3
    With: Solorg, slann, porkuslime

    faintpremonition: Successful Trades: 1
    With: gman1401

    Fallen668: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JHall, porkuslime

    Fallen_Veteran: Successful Trades: 12
    With: NashVentress, Vhalan, tobi-nid-guy, catharsix, timofeo, Rainyday, Iboshi2, Markillius08, leohart, CleverAntics, HereticWolf, vhwolf

    fallout43: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pael, djphranq

    Fango: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Veskrashen

    farley001: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Hallowed_Da'Credo

    FarseerAndyMan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Marshall Ragnar

    Farseer Jenkins: Successful Trades: 23
    With: RiTides Nids, Scarab, Sazzlefrats, midget_overlord, Byte, romulus571, bootlegbaker, truck, Dakka_X3, DrunkenPanda, Vindicator#9, WarOne, aderdere, augustus5, dgree, mikeyboyj, Teej, jdjamesdean@hotmail.com, Pipboy101, Griever, hemingway, thehod, ChaplainofAmon

    fastnthefeared: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BrotherTri

    fateweaver: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ecurb the Mighty

    Fathead: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pipboy101

    feediz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Squilverine

    FeistierErmine: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Sergeant Horse, Cadian16th

    felixander: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Necroshea

    felixcat: Successful Trades: 4
    With: artyboy, midget_overlord, Lehnsherr, Valek

    fellblade: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Maxstreel

    fenrir1997: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Ruruoni Benshin, Markillius08, ToI

    Fenrix19: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Skelly, dgree

    Ferrum: Successful Trades: 1
    With: D'Natagal

    fett14622: Successful Trades: 21
    With: Alastergrimm(3), allmypulp, Vindicator#9, Ruruoni Benshin(2), gregor_xenos, sum1thtdiesalot, SoloFalcon1138, thehod, Cruentus, Leo_The_Rat, Heavymetal, Gavin Thorne, North101, tekk_45, Dakka_X3, wolfshadow, Foxphoenix135

    fhg1893: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rowenamosgallant

    Field Marshal Wiley: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Fiend: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    fiercegoldfish: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Vindicator#9, Old Man Ultramarine, GREY88

    FifteenHours: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Settrasands

    Fifty: Successful Trades: 3
    With: inmygravenimage, squilverine, Gavin Thorne

    filbert: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Ketara, Neith, porkuslime, inmygravenimage, Sgtwaz, rodgers37, Vermilion

    Filthy Sanchez: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jason2250

    Finnlock: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Firefall: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Battle Ready Studios

    FirePainter: Successful Trades: 2
    With: hungryp, Angel_of_Rust

    firmlog: Successful Trades: 5
    With: The_0perator, Pipboy101, JHall, hosstang, MandalorynOranj

    First: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Garuss Acine

    Fishborne: Successful Trades: 5
    With: bloodwars, vhwolf, Revarien, Sprat, Commisar Wolfie

    Fisher001: Successful Trades: 2
    With: cricketofdeth, slyndread

    Fists of the Emperor: Successful Trades: 6
    With: SRMcG, Dez, JudgeShamgar, Viagrus, victorman, paulguise

    FITZZ: Successful Trades: 10
    With: biztheclown, Dashofpepper, slann, Lunahound, Envy89, StarGate, revackey, pilsboy, Makutsu, Maxstreel

    Fix: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Cottonjaw, Blacksails

    Fizzics: Succcessful Trades: 9
    With: Ruruoni Benshin(2), Petitie Francois, Wargamer's Cave Ray, midget_overlord(2), catharsix, Lakotawolf(2)

    flimmyyp: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Alastergrimm, lilted

    Flying Pooo: Successful Trades: 10
    With: kabniel, AlexHeap Ruruoni Benshin(2), Major Downer, Enslaviour, nerdfest09, BrotherTri, vossyvo, tekk_45

    Foda_Bett: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Garuss Acine, AtraAngelis

    foolishzero: Successful Trades: 16
    With: Twisted_Thrasher, carldooley, Topher21, Plankwalker, Motograter, wldside, Old Man Ultramarine, spacemarine17, smackpie, dumplingman, mortetvie, TwilightWalker, sental, Battle Brother Lucifer, ta2rtist, theQuanz

    Foolwhip: Successful Trades: 1
    With: devinb1690

    ForgeMarine: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Battle Brother Lucifer, talljosh85, FenrisianStuart21

    forgotmytea: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Magos Explorator

    fortysix.and.2: Successful Trades: 1
    With: XpresoAdct

    Foster: Successful Trades: 1
    With: seapheonix

    fox40: Successful Trades: 3
    With: squilverine, Calibanite Lion, Masterofmelee

    Foxphoenix135: Successful Trades: 21
    With: romulus571, hisdudeness, Old Man Ultramarine, JHall, carldooley, Kav122, chriachris, gmpoto, Jhall, Nurglitch, steamdragon, DispatchDave, Gavin Thorne, Shenra, RustyKnight, rodt777, DeathReaper, LittleCizur, fett14622, syypher, Maxstreel

    Frankenberry: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Masterofmelee, Gorrath, LakotaWolf, virus646, vhwolf

    fridgepicker: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    Frogboy14: Successful Trades: 1
    With: poda_t

    Frostbitten: Successful Trades: 1
    With: quickfuze

    Frosty Hardtop: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Boss GreenNutz, WarOne, NeuroticHitman, The_Savior

    Frowbakk: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Blightdron, joshuafalcon

    Fullheadofhair: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Razzle, WarOne, Maxstreel, CitizenVII, WarOne

    FullyPainted: Successful Trades: 2
    With: deathholydeath, Farseer Mael Dannan

    funksobeefy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jawmonkey

    funkyh: Successful Trades: 3
    With: BrotherTri, tekk_45, Benamint

    fxeni: Successful Trades: 7
    With: chaptermaster, The Night Stalker, athelu, gregor_xenos(2), dgree, Dmikulasr

    fynn: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Jon Garrett, Magos Explorator

    Galaeryn: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Alpharius

    Gamble: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Alpharius(4), Pyriel-

    gameandwatch: Successful Trades: 5
    With: pjmcgrath07, zatchmo, haendas, BewareOfTom, lictors_lovemachine

    gam3rfr3ak89: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    GamingKeefer: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Derek, thehod, Ssgt Carl

    gardeth: Successful Trades: 3
    With: derek, Revarien, Joshawa

    Garner1485: Successful Trades: 6
    With: gregor_xenos, DISCIPLE_SoC, Swara, symbiot, jacetms87, jadefalcon777

    garuss acine: Successful Trades: 11
    With: slann, Gearhead, Zid, lilted, Aramus, Twilight Walker, SRMcG, Vogal, WarPetrie, keisukekun

    Gascogne: Successful Trades: 2
    With: HurricaneGirl, Brother SRM

    Gatekeeper: Successful Trades: 1
    With: knightpredator

    GaussGuy: Successful Trades: 2
    With: skycapt44, Trogdor

    Gavo: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Shellfishguy, radical bob, revackey(2), Khestra the Unbeheld

    Gavin Thorne: Successful Trades: 30
    With: jawmonkey, te3b0r, wilsmire, Necronilis, MeatShield, MrNuggets151, romulus571, jake, WarOne, CptJake, Eilif, Lt. Coldfire, Brainslap, fett14622, 09Aggie, TheMostSlyFox, FoxPhoenix135, Shenra, MellowYellow, Breotan, porkuslime(2), Wulfe Luer, xFinality. djphranq, greenskin lynn, Dark_Angels_Sav, revackey, Sc077y, c0un7_z3r0

    gazelle: Successful Trades: 1
    With: don_mondo

    GBDarkAngel: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Magos Explorator, Wili, mrfish, EvilTim

    Gearhead: Successful Trades: 34
    With: Simonbarsinistr, Pipboy101, Garuss Acine, 92acclude, Archibald Jack, chriachris, revackey, poipo32, The Night Stalker, econtutor, tekk_45, Inigo Montoya, Leo_the_Rat, harshr3ality, lucasbuffalo(2), warhammerpainters, Darien13, alarmingrick, Blacksails, pretre, Grenat, kenneydee, Theophony(2), Ghiest1, poda_t(2), hemingway, BronzeJon, illusion2269(2), Barksdale, Vel'cona, Byte

    gendoikari87: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warhammerpainters

    generalstoner: Successful Trades: 3
    With: JHal, blankmass, Nicorex

    gentlepsycho: Successful Trades: 12
    With: Viagrus, pretre, haendas, BlueDagger, Iceman, Raveworg, Uriels_Flame(2), zasz, carmachu, Byte, WarOne

    Gharron: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Leth, CaptainGarro, carldooley(2), Pnyxpresss, slyndread

    Ghiest1: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Dannicus, Gearhead, Enslaviour, Iceman

    Ghost In The Darkness: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    Ghostflame: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Suika

    Gibbsey: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Gizmodious

    gimpskin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: kenneydee

    giothulu: Successful Trades: 16
    With: LakotaWolf, Rurouni Benshin(2), xcutionr2, Polonius, gruebot, RustyKnight, Barksdale, fridgepicker, DX3, Mister Chaos, Khestra the Unbeheld, AlphariusOmegon, Commissar41.0, disel24, bfdhud

    Gitsnak: Successful Trades: 2
    With: NeuroticHitman, lilted

    Gitsplitta: Successful Trades: 18
    With: DashofPepper, FITZZ, Skarboy, inmygravenimage, Foxphoenix135, paulguise, mercer, casualcryptic, beezley1981, WarOne, GREY88, don_mondo(2), whalemusic360, Angel_of_Rust, Jin, Alfndrate, dantay_xv

    Gizmodious: Successful Trades: 16
    With: athelu, Dez, Alastergrimm, WarOne(3), Ruruoni Benshin(2), Gibbsey, mrwhoop, Arschbombe, whalemusic360, Ascalam, the Quanz, WUWU

    Glimpse The Void: Successful Trades: 3
    With: hyperviper6, JHall, athelu

    glon52: Successful Trades: 11
    With: auugustus5, Vindicator#9, SlavetoDorkness, Uriels_Flame, Thaylen, J-Roc77, aburnier, lance002, lessthan1337, allworkandnoclay, ,LittleCizur

    Glorious Doom: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    gman1401: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Ascalam, whalemusic360, faintpremonition

    GMMStudios: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    gmpoto: Successful Trades: 2
    With: porkuslime, FoxPhoenix135

    God_grinder: Successful Trades: 1
    With: poda_t

    godswildcard: Successful Trades: 12
    With: Chosen Praetorian, Joyous_Oblivion, athelu, o Oni o(2), $pider, chaos0xomega, vhwolf, buckero0, Red Comet, Ulfar, BunkerBob

    GoDz BuZzSaW: Successful Trades: 2
    With: wardancer, Wakinglimb

    Gohkm: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Skelly

    goldlinkdawg: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Ruruoni Benshin(2), Blood Lord Soldado, hungryp, The_Savior(2), Enslaviour, hyperviper6, Vintagemustangs, WarOne

    Golga: Successful Trades: 2
    With: P1NK3Y3, Uriels_Flame

    golindar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Golga

    Gorgon: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Iboshi2, nivekdaork, Twin .44, Jardaddy, Tyrius

    Gorlak: Successful trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    Gorman: Successful Trades: 4
    With: leontheconfused, Yggdrasil, Ketara, inmygravenimage

    Gornall: Successful Trades: 3
    With: SEEEZZRR, Calypsius, Sentinel

    Gorrath: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Silverkell, captaintf, revackey, Dakka_X3, zulander, Ruruoni_Benshin, crazy beanz, Frankenberry

    gowestover: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    GPFunk: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Hibrass

    Grambo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Envy89

    graeye: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Magos Explorator, strengthofthedragon2, Ineedvc2500

    Gray1378: Successful Trades: 2
    With: rcguy111, ILUSPB

    Great Deceiver: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dave-c, Ineedvc2500

    Green is Best!: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Pipboy101, Killjoy00, wardancer, Squilverine, InquisitorMack(2), neonhate, Enslaviour, warboss, Tronzor, the Quanz

    greenskin lynn:Successful Trades: 19
    With: artyboy. djphranq, Cannerus the Unbearable, lictors_lovemachine, rotorwash, MagickalMemories, backfromthedead, romulus571, WarOne(2), Solorg, templeorks, Sageheart, Lakotawolf, Pael, BrotherTri, syypher, Gavin Thorne

    gregornet: Successful Trades: 2
    With: paulguise, Cruentus

    gregor_xenos: Successful Trades: 9
    With: fett14622(2), LakotaWolf, Xicsess, Viagrus, dropkickdragout, kenneydee, Fxeni, Clauss

    Grenat: Successful Trades: 1
    With: skull boy

    gretar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: battle Brother Lucifer

    Grey Knight Luke: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, theblessing8386

    grey knight paladin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Optio

    grey_death: Successful Trades: 7
    With: AgeOfEgos, The Green Git, WarOne, Yggdrasil, inquisitorlewis, DX3

    GREY88: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Fiercegoldfish, Rochronos, BladeWalker, CATACLYSMUS, kenneydee, Gitsplitta, CinderBlack

    GreyDeathOne: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Skalk Bloodaxe

    greyen: Successful Trades: 2
    With: TheLastEmperor(2)

    greykll: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vindicator#9

    greywolf: Successful Trades: 1
    With: foolishzero

    griever: Successful Trades: 8
    With: starhawks1, Erudog, Nerrik, JHall, djphranq, Jardaddy, curran12

    griffen127: Successful Trades: 2
    With: vindicarej, Sprak

    grilledflame: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Leth

    grimdog: Successful Trades: 3
    With: StarGate, JHall, lilted

    Grimel: Successful Trades: 1
    With: bigduncm24

    Grimgob: Successful Trades: 5
    With: athelu, jbarket, heffling, witeout69, chaos0xomega

    Grim Smasha: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Makutsu

    Grimwulfe: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Uriels_Flame, Private Jackson

    Grinak: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Envy89, carldooley

    Grix: Successful Trades: 7
    With: RiTides, mizzra, Zefig, quickfuze, Tronzor, BewareOfTom, KingCracker

    grizgrin: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Heffling, BrotherTri, hungryp

    Groo the Wanderer: Successful Trades: 1
    With: empirespy

    Grot 6: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Eisenhorn, Tortured-Robot, judgedoug

    Gruebot: Successful Trades: 4
    With: optimusprime14, porkuslime, giothulu, lilted

    Grundz: Successful Trades: 10
    With: FeistierErmine, mike houghton98, econtutor, WarOne, besthegreat, Maxstreel, Jardaddy, joshuafalcon, BewareOfTom, Sirzachary

    Grunt_for_Christ: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Pael, Khestra the Unbeheld, JHall

    gruntrebel: Successful Trades: 1
    With: resipsa

    Gruterooter: Successful Trades: 1
    With: kenneydee

    Guardians Eternal: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Rurouni Benshin

    guardpiper: Successful Trades: 14
    With: Iboshi2, joseofsa, niceguyteddy, Zefig, lucasbuffalo, Blue Orphen, augustus5, Barksdale, Tronzor, witeout69, Brokksamson, spiralingcadaver, Mecha_buddha, Herod

    gunsanroses91: Successful Trades: 1
    With: KingCracker

    GuitaRasmus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Saintspirit

    gurr: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Solorg

    GVMV: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Traceoftoxin

    Gwar!: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Wolf, zinge, Khestra the Unbeheld, Jon Garrett, Icereaver, Old Man Ultramarine, Wakinglimb

    Gymnogyps: Successful Trades: 1
    With: coolstream

    haendas: Successful Trades: 8
    With: nerdfest09, bloodwars, Widowsbane, LakotaWolf, BuFFo, gameandwatch, gentlepsycho, Leth

    Haeslich: Successful Trades: 2
    With: revackey, lance002

    Hairballs58: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JWMarines, CIsaac

    Hairybeast: Successful Trades: 1
    With: latrodectus

    Hallowed_Da'Credo: Succesful Trades: 6
    With: DispatchDave, farley001, lostprophet217, pbkeeney17, lictors_lovemachine, ChildofChaos

    HaLLuCiNaTiOn: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shenra

    halsfield: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Raumkampfer, joexxv

    HammersIR: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    HandsNFeetFace: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Leo_the_Rat, lessthan1337, Wolf, Ultimate 40K(2)

    Hans: Successful Trades: 2
    With: RaGe-at-Random, Thyrkill

    Hans Chung-Otterson: Successful Trades: 2
    With: o Oni o, kenneydee

    Happygrunt: Successful Trades: 1
    With: KingmanHighborn

    Harms66: Successful Trades: 1
    With: feediz

    harshr3ality: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Amaya, revackey, Gearhead

    HarveyDent: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jedi76

    Haunted_Undead: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Relentless

    Havoc13: Successful Trades: 3
    With: RiTides Nids, alarmingrick, Smashotron

    Hawkeye: Successful Trades: 3
    With: samas990, Jamora, kellymattthew37

    Hawkins: Successful Trades: 2
    With: IRPurple, Xanthos

    H.B.M.C: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Two_heads_talking

    hcordes: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warboss

    hd300: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Uriels_Flame

    Head_Hunter7025: Successful Trades: 4
    With: lucasbuffalo, Lax35, pretre, afrojoe21

    Heavymetal: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Fett14622, Leth, Deathshead420

    HectorVictorious3: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Corey85

    Heffling: Successful Trades: 8
    With: The Bloody Handed God(2), thegreatcow, Grimgob, Shenra(2), Grizgrin, Gitsplitta

    Helbig: Successful Trades: 7
    With: djphranq, Widowsbane, mrfish, vhwolf, D'Natagal, BloodWulf, Byte

    helium42: Successful Trades: 4
    With: radarbabyeater, Dannicus, Nashole211, Eldarain

    Hell_Jumper_056: Successful Trades: 5
    With: CaptainRexKramer, DeathGuard633, wretrop, CaptainRexKrammer, wretrop

    Hellstorm: Successful Trades: 2
    With: RedHat, theQuanz

    hemingway: Successful Trades: 18
    With: jawmonkey, The Night Stalker, Leo_The_Rat, bra'tac, wolfshadow, Distaff, Schneedrache, Blood Lord Soldado, te11ah, lance002, TheLastEmperor, Farseer Jenkins, Gearhead, DeathGuard663, lance002, theeldar, pballer, vhwolf

    HereticWolf: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Fallen_Veteran

    Herod: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Derek

    herpguy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: te11ah

    hesus321: Successful Trades: 2
    With: mrwhoop, BSent

    heybiff: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    heysparky: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cruentus

    HFCatoblepas: Successful Trades: 1
    With: devinb1690

    hisdudeness: Successful Trades: 1

    HiveFleetColussus: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WarOne, vindicarej

    Hive Fleet Scarecrow: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tails9095

    Hixon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Enslaviour

    Hoarmurel: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vindicator#9

    Hogleg: Successful trades: 6
    With: LakotaWolf, Ascalam, Lakotawolf(2), WarOne, lictors_lovemachine

    Holy Blessed Homicide: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheLastEmperor

    Homenutt: Successful Trades: 3
    With: yaDigg, zedmeister, Son of Loki

    Horst: Successful Trades: 2
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy, vhwolf

    Hosstang: Successful Trades: 7
    With: firmlog, TheLastEmperor, Lt. Coldfire, SlavetoDorkness, JHall, Clauss, DX3

    Hoyota: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TwilightWalker

    Hraktaddon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Darkness

    Hubba Bubba: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Rejn

    huitzilopochtli: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rebecca

    Hulksmash: Successful Trades: 14
    With:JB, Unclehomefries, Dashofpepper(2), Death By Monkeys, UnsunGunner, Robert Facepalmer, porkuslime, Daemon-Archon Ren, Drunkenpanda, JHall, DispatchDave, Ascalam, ivoreagleye

    hungryp: Successful Trades: 12
    With: Bunker(2), xblackdog, goldlinkdawg, Erudog, Dejolly, Soccerlfb6, JaxnFury, Aerethan, Jardaddy, abuabu, currymonster

    Huntmaster: Successful Trades: 3
    With: AvatarForm, Lictors_Lovemachine(2)

    huppelspin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Hurricane: Successful Trades: 9
    With: vwjetta1997, djphranq, winky, midget_overlord, thechr1s, o Oni o, smuksta729, Lance002, Midnightdeathblade

    HurricaneGirl: Successful Trades: 7
    With: porkuslime(2), Old Man Ultramarine, P1NK3Y3, blood angel, carmachu, Dispatch Dave

    hyperviper6: Successful Trades: 18
    With: chaplaincliff, bigduncm24, daedalus, warducky, Old Man Ultramarine(2), Glimpse The Void, Shellfishguy, WarOne, SRMcG, athelu, narceron, goldlinkdawg, Tironum, Azure, RaGe-at-Random, doktor_g, leohart

    Hytanthas: Successful Trades: 4
    With: offdutyninja1, o Oni o, WarOne, AtraAngelis

    I Missed On Purpose: Successful Trades: 7
    With: carldooley, deadman564, greenskin lynn, Valek, Slayersan, billybilly2, dacommissar357

    I-Bounty-hunt-the-elderly: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Tortured-Robot, dullblade35

    Iboshi2: Successful Trades: 23
    With: Jin, menziez, guardpiper, Dainty Twerp, Majesticgoat, Kid_Kyoto, acidchalk, Paraplegic, Nurglitch, lance002, zeke48(2), l0k1, Cruentus, keisukekun, Fallen_Veteran, Barksdale, alxndrmlr, JB, alarmingrick, warriorpriest, aidangunn(2)

    Iceangel: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sageheart

    Iceman: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Pnyxpresss, BrotherTri, gentlepsycho, Ineedvc2500, Ghiest1, mp40guy

    Icereaver:Successful Trades: 3
    With: P1NK3Y3, Gwar!, JHall

    ICleadpeople: Successful Trades: 2
    With: djphranq, Cpt Horatius

    IdentifyZero: Successful Trades: 16
    With: Stormfather, Cosmic, thechr1s, elspedo, Tomb King, bloodwars, the Quanz, orctez, Ukla, jawmonkey, Private Jackson, pancakeonions, BewareOfTom, kungfujew, Iron Dragon, lilted

    Ieatsquigs: Successful Trades: 2
    With: djones520, Noble713

    iflywhirlybirds: Successful Trades: 1
    With: CitizenVll

    Ifurita: Successful Trades: 3
    With: TheLastEmperor, Pael, Pipboy101

    IGCommander: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jack_merridew

    Ignus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jake1022

    igor23: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Caboose, JohnHag, Cadaver

    IGotBodied: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    IILeiBlazeII: Successful Trades: 17
    With: Lunahound, joshuafalcon, Briancj, Thyrkill, athelu, lilted, JHall, Vindicator#9, Lucid, Shenra, TiB, tmac, Viagrus, o Oni o, Corbett, catharsix, Iceman

    illusion2269: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Gearhead(2)

    ILUSPB: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Revarien, Viagrus, BladeWalker, smuksta729, xLokenx, CitizenVll, ivoreagleye, aidangunn, baptistcreature

    imcdonnell: Successful Trades: 1
    With: SilverMK2

    imnottheonly: Successful Trades: 1
    With: exodusofman

    Imperial Renegade: Successful Trades: 2
    With: ToI, Siphen

    imperialfiss2ndcompany: Successful Trades: 1
    With: LakotaWolf

    IMPERIALGUARD40K: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Dez(2), Enochi

    ImpuardPanzies: Successful Trades: 1
    With: beefarooni

    Impy:- Successful Trades: 2
    With: Cjsuner, lucasbuffalo

    Ineedvc2500: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Iceman, captain collius, CaptainJay, Brother Malleus, Khestra the Unbeheld, Great Deceiver

    infamousxiii: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thedmstrikes

    infinite_array: Successful Trades: 2
    With: djphranq, Commissar Wolfie

    InfrontAlex: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    Inigo Montoya: Successful Trades: 8
    With: T_VanderZwaag, Gearhead, Ruruoni Benshin, FoxPhoenix135, [SO]Rice, The Sarducci, wileythenord, Ambo

    inmygravenimage: Successful Trades: 31
    With: The Strange Dude(2), Gorlak, Kid_Kyoto, Gorman, ArbitorIan, chrisharris, jimmy72nd, Gitsplitta, Fifty, WarOne, grey_death, Yggdrasil, sonofruss, SilverMK2(2), Alfndrate, DarkStarSabre, Miss Dee(2), tipios, Spellscape, Filbert, Spaced, vhwolf, dangerhawk, snofruss, endtransmission, Llamahead, Redbeard

    inquisitor_bob: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Destroyer, Little Cizur, DispatchDave, Rune Stonegrinder, Noisy_Marine

    InquisitorFabius: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dcrowley06

    inquisitorlewis: Successful Trades: 5
    With: blood angel, Magos Explorator, Benamint, logg_frogg, Spartan089

    InquisitorMack: Successful Trades: 15
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, thegreatcow, The_Savior, uscmbuzz, macace, Green is Best!, Slider Da Feral, Kilgore Trout 420, Battle Brother Lucifer, tiekwando, Cyphers_sword, SonsofVulkan, The_Stormrider, puma713, CT Gamer

    insidejoke: Successful Trades: 4
    With: JohnHag, The_Savior, bdix, WillyBRags

    Invicta: Successful Trades: 1
    With: don_mondo

    Irak: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Wolfun

    IronAngel: Successful Trades: 2
    With: nirvana69, CptCortez128

    IronEagle: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld

    IronfrontAlex: Successful Trades: 3
    With: wardancer, catharsix, grilledflame

    ironicsilence: Successful Trades: 2
    With: beezley1981(2)

    Iron Dragon: Successful Trades: 2
    With: vhwolf, IdentifyZero

    IronKing: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jon Garrett

    Ishik: Successful Trades: 3
    With: o Oni o, Ascalam, Cadaver

    Iskandur: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Cadaver, Strelka(2), djphranq, midget_overlord

    italiaplayer: Successful Trades: 11
    With: CrazyThang, Nurgleboy77, theblessing8386, Suzzy, Biohavok, themrsleepy, Gavin Thorne, fotta, Clauss, Green is Best!, witeout69

    Ivangterrace: Successful Trades: 7
    With: jerhien, Hallowed_Da'Credo, Necros, o Oni o, Iboshi2, Lictors_lovemachine, Lt. Coldfire

    ivoreagleye: Successful Trades: 6
    With: pretre, gregornet, Hulksmash, DangerousBeans, ILUSPB, variable

    iz a kitty: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Lunahound, v00d00blu3, WarOne, Biohavok, tprize

    Izeya82: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Uriels_Flame

    J-Roc77: Successful Trades: 10
    With: athelu, DashofPepper, NeuroticHitman, WarOne, sal3m3nd3r, narceron, glon52, threewolves, Shas'O Dorian, besthegreat

    J'santai Khan : Successful Trades: 1
    With: jb50c

    jacetms87: Successful Trades: 6
    With: carmachu(2), lance002, Rurouni Benshin, Da Piper, garner4185

    jack_merridew: Successful Trades: 1
    With: templeorks

    Jackal: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Underachiever

    Jackanory: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Bruticus

    Jackswift: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Shadowseer_Kim, samrtk, warriorpriest

    Jadefalcon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lunahound

    jadefalcon777: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rcguy111

    Jagdcarcajou: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pipboy101

    jah-joshua: Successful Trades: 1
    With: HD300

    jaimeribg: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    jake: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Gavin Thorne

    jake1022: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ignus

    Jakka: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Red Comet

    Jakuri: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Skelly, Marshall Ragnar

    jamsessionein: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Alpharius, rokitchikin, Vindicator#9, Rogue Market

    jamessearle0: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Smashotron, Muller

    Jamora: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Vitruvian XVII, LakotaWolf(2), Kingmanhighborn, hawkeye, syypher

    Janthkin: Successful Trades: 3
    With: JHall, thehod, Alpharius

    Japache: Successful Trades: 2
    With: syzixx, Enslaviour

    japehlio: Successful Trades: 3
    With: mikeyboyj, sumi808, motyak

    Jardaddy: Successful Trades: 15
    With: JHall, Aresx8, diesel7270, gardeth, vyndetta85(2), Theophony, Breotan, CleverAntics, puma713, Griever, Death By Monkeys, warboss, hungryp, gorgon

    Jareth009: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Alastergrimm(2), Shenra, Alannahgrim

    Jaric: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Twalks

    Jartol: Successful Trades: 1
    With: baptistcreature

    jason2250: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, xLokenx, CitizenVll, timetowaste85, TheMostWize(2), D'Natagal, Sigmatron, Eisenhorn(2), Filthy Sanchez

    jasonbeauchene: Successful Trades: 1
    With: theblessing8386

    Jaume: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shellfishguy

    jawmonkey: Successful Trades: 31
    With: joshuafalcon(2), Solorg, Cruentus, Garuss Acine, thedmstrikes, funksobeefy, smuksta729, lethlis, athelu, Bloodfrenzy187, hemingway, AlasterGrimm(2), threewolves, rryann, chesirecat258, Uriels_Flame, Bloodfist, porkuslime, Benamint(2), WarOne(2), pretre, primalexile, Dallo019, disel24, vindicarej, IdentifyZero, coyotius

    JaxnFury: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hungryp

    Jazzman674: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Blood Lord Soldado

    JB: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Hulksmash, BaronIveag, Dejolly, joshuafalcon(2), powerclaw, necrongod, whalemusic360, Yggdrasil, Iboshi2

    jb50c: Successful Trades: 5
    With: kenneydee, Flying Pooo, LakotaWolf, Lotus, Iboshi2

    jbarket: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Grimgob, Ruruoni Benshin, IILeiBlazeII, JHall, xSoulgrinderx, inquisitorlewis

    jbunny: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dahli.llama

    Jburch: Successful Trades: 1
    With: pretre

    jcroxford: Successsful Trades: 5
    With: porkuslime(2), zer0, Timmah, Tomb King

    jdamaso111: Successful Trades: 5
    With: carldooley, theblessing8386, lance002, darknightwing, pnyxpresss

    jdicarlo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: o Oni o

    Jebush: Successful Trades: 1
    With: syypher

    jedi76: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Vintagemustangs, rcguy111, HarveyDent, Arschbombe

    jedig42: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dropkickdragout

    jeff hall: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Empchild

    Jeff Tracy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: biccat

    JennyP: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Wumby, WarOne, Private Jackson, Baron Von Eptastic, Trogdor

    Jeratoll: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Tsilber, ShadowMageAlpha

    JesusHULKchrist: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Faux Pas, The Green Git

    jetjetex: Successful Trades: 10
    With: athelu, Centurion, Astrozombi, nivondu, WarOne, Dejolly, Looks Infected, ChildofChaos, Azure, ephrael

    JHall: Successful Trades: 76
    With: djphranq, joshuafalcon, Janthkin, porkuslime(2), Joeya2001,Envy89, Zatchmo, pjmcgrath07, Fallen668, porkuslime, Icereaver, Saintspirit, the dmstrikes, Old Man Ultramarine, FoxPhoenix135(2), Vindicator#9, Zulander(2), Zid, Phat13uddha, Fiend, IILeiBlazeII, Talonzahn, lethlis, Generalstoner, Phat13uddha, Glimpse The Void, Miner Musician(3), jbarket, Garuss Acine, Erudog, Finnlock, napoleon, NobleSeven(2), kenneydee, firmlog, Jardaddy, Neroku, Looks Infected, 1-UP, Alastergrimm(2), just2fierce, hosstang, NobleSeven, nivondu, LakotaWolf, huppelspin, Uriels_Flame, allworkandnoclay, Kirika, Spartan089, Baron Von Eptastic, ClerverAntics, Spartan089, te11ah, LittleCizur, Kirbinator, PlusD6, Grunt_For_Christ, lilted, timetowaste85, Rurouni Benshin, Clthomps, aquilaenet, Redaxe13, Alpharius, threewolves, Aerethan(2), strengthofthedragon2

    jillyjally: Successful Trades: 1
    With: FabricatorGeneralMike

    Jin: Successful Trades: 16
    With: barlio(2), wyomingfox, Ib6shi2, Alpharius(2), RiTides(2), sonofruss, Caboose, Pipboy101(2), Morathi's Darkest Sin, Yggdrasil, Da Boss, Gitsplitta, djphranq

    jimmy72nd: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    jkpz28: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Enslaviour

    jmpnfool: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cuthroatcure

    jmsincla: Successful Trades: 8
    With: saga, WarOne, vhwolf, blessed be thy emperor(2), Uriels_Flame, wardancer, AtariAssasin

    Jocast: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    joetaco: Successful Trades: 1
    With: 92acclude

    joexxv: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Halsfield

    Joeya2001: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Joeyfox: Successful Trades: 4
    With: rcguy111, theblessing8386, Necroshea, rcuy111

    johndesilva: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Killjoy00

    Johnhag: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Tedintheshed, chapetermaster, igor23, an00bis, insidejoke

    Johnny Crass: Successful Trades: 7
    With: buckero0, quickfuze, stormleader, vhwolf(2), chadbacca, Revarien

    JohnnyB: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Blood Lord Soldado

    Johnnyboy955: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thegreatcow

    jojogoblin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Plankwalker

    jokorey: Successful Trades: 2
    With: carldooley, DeJolly

    Jollydevil: Successful Trades: 3
    With: romulus571, Rurouni Benshin, Commissar Wolfie

    Jon Garrett: Successful Trades: 27
    With: The Strange Dude(2), Blightdron, 99MDeery, fynn, athba, anzelpall4, Gwar!, Wardancer(7), Vindicator#9, Pipboy101, Neith, Red9, Gleesman, Kopnyol, Magos Explorator, Phoebus28, Marushi, Etharin, wiper,

    Jordan: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Uriels_Flame, Ukla

    jordancw90: Successful Trades: 11
    With: puma713, BrotherTri, Arc Soll, Rurouni Benshin, CitizenVII, blood angel, gregornet, delta6ix, vyndetta85, coreyzat, NCPawnee

    jordanis: Successful Trades: 8
    With: DeJolly, damascusxie, BewareofTom, DX3, drglnc, ruff, l0k1, UltramarineFTW

    joseofsa: Successful Trades: 1
    With: guardpiper

    Joshawa: Successful Trades: 2
    With: gardeth, Pnyxpresss

    Joshh: Successful Trades: 1
    With: optimusprime24

    joshuafalcon: Successful Trades: 46
    With: RogueMarket, Solorg, Penobscotnative, jawmonkey, Muoio 117, Lunahound, studderingdave, Watsabi, lictors_lovemachine(2), slice of toast, te3b0r, IILeiBlazeII, jawmonkey, Relic669, Rustyknight, Cutthroatcure, pzbw7z, an00bis, Wulfe Luer, uscmbuzz, JB(2), thebaroness, Earthbeard, NU11nV01D, squirrelsrage, Lonecoon, LucasLAD, Field Marshal Wiley, rocklord2004, Ssgt Carl, Amaya, Cruentus, plume1978, MrFlutterPie, Enslaviour, zerosevensevenzero, Kodeack, mortetvie, Theophony, Nosferatu2113, Big Tim, Theophony, Sprak, Druid13

    Joyous_Oblivion: Successful Trades: 2
    With: aerathan, wardancer

    jpwyrm: Successful Trades: 1
    With: D'Natagal

    jspyd3rx: Successful Trades: 3
    With: augustus5, Ascalam, azazel the cat

    Jstncloud: Successful Trades: 3
    With: SoloFalcon1138, Markillius08, vhwolf

    jtw1n: Successful Trades: 16
    With: RiTides Nids, fotta, Muller, TalonZahn, ssjzuken, 31rls31, templeorks, spacemarine17, WarOne, The10thnazgul, athelu, KingCracker, devinb1690, FeindusMaximus, leohart, Eternalhero1983

    judgedoug: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Grot 6

    JudgeShamgar: Successful Trades: 2
    With: lictors_lovemachine, Lunar Eclipse

    JunkyOrk: Successful Trades: 2
    With: whalemusic360, narceron

    just_gabe: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Grekyll

    just2fierce: Successful Trades: 7
    With: mercer, LucasLAD, valiantjared, JHall, NeonHate, Nivondu, Kirika

    JustPlainJim: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Mr.Malevolent, bloodwars, CaptainRexKrammer

    JWMarines: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Hairballs58, alqadim, Samus_aran115(2)

    jwoolf: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    K262: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cuthroatcure

    K3: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dallo019, Eldarain

    kabniel: Successful Trades: 5
    With: porkuslime, rokitchikin, porkuslime, DeadBabySoup, Flying Pooo

    Kal El: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Kamsm8: Successful Trades: 1
    With: o Oni o

    Kanis: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DarkAngelHopeful

    kaiservonhugal: Successful Trades: 2
    With: gannam, hungryp

    KalashnikovMarine: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Dannygee, vindicarej, wardancer, Barksdale, Starfarer, syypher

    KamenRiderW: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Tails9095, Dez

    kamikazeguy: Successful Trades: 2
    With: captaintf, Maxstreel

    KamenRiderW: Successful Trades: 1
    With: theQuanz

    Kamsm8: Successful Trades: 3
    With: ork_smash, ScottyWan82, Rurouni Benshin

    Kaneka: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WarOne, athelu

    Kapton Morgunz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TEich

    KarsaOrlong: Successful Trades: 1
    With: erewego86

    Katavus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: StarGate

    Kav122: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Dakka_X3, FoxPhoenix135, MajorTom11, poipo32

    kavika0311: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sigmatron

    Kavion: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Brother SRM

    kdstang: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    Keigan: Successful Trades: 4
    With: weiler, Cuthroatcure, CitizenVII, Angel_of_Rust

    keisukekun: Successful Trades: 4
    With Iboshi2, Garuss Acine, bobdollio(2)

    kellymatthew37: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Rurouni Benshin, hawkeye, jawmonkey(2), chuckachu, cp66701

    kenneydee: Successful Trades: 47
    With: devinb1690, Neith, gimpskin, Paintbrushturkey, Robert Faceplamer, warducky, Lethargic Ulfar, Breotan, Thyrkill, Old Man Ultramarine, Bloodfrenzy187, Pipboy101, Shas'O Dorian, Dispatch Dave, mpb287, lethlis, Thaylen, syzixx, a1steaks, econtutor, leetbeef, thehod, jb50c, JHall, DeadBabySoup, The_Savior, DX3(2), Atakorin, dropkickdragout, Hans Chung-Otterson, gregor_xenos(2), GREY88, Legion91, the color purple, Viagrus, Skull Boy, Khestra the Unbeheld, Swara, Kingmanhighborn, AlexHeap, augustus5, cricketofdeth, Cadaver, ryanguy322, variable

    Kerminsr: Successful Trades: 1
    With: l0k1

    Ketara: Successful Trades: 7
    With: WingWong, Swordguy, aka_mythos, filbert, Gorman, Lakotawolf, KingCracker

    Kevin Nash: Successful Trades: 1
    With: NU11nV01D

    kevinandthingy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: NoBaconz4You

    KevR1025: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BrotherSRM

    Kezzman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: carmachu

    Khadorcollector: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Haelyn

    kharndude: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Faux Pas

    Khazgor: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Wolf, Dog.

    Khestra the Unbeheld: Successful Trades: 40
    With: Gwar!, MrTrain, Muller, Brother SRM(2), DispatchDave, Skelly, Ailaros, theblessing8386, Ruruoni Benshin, WUWU, TedintheShed, Darien13, SkavenKnight, Primarch_of_mechmarines, Tyrius, mikhaila, BeakyMarine, Gavo, Tabo, BeakyMarine, Grunt_For_Christ, kenneydee, Tyrius, Eilif, Nuul Nalio, pdawg517, porkuslime(3), razzeldazzle, optimusprime14, TheMostWize(2), WarOne, slyndread, giothulu, Dave-c, strengthofthedragon2, TheContortionist

    Khornate25: Successful Trades: 1
    With: denomic

    KhornateCake: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Nocturn

    KhornateDemon: Successfuol Trades: 1
    With: SPARKEYG

    Khrysaor: Successful Trades: 2
    With: zariart, wettrain

    Kid_Kyoto: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, Iboshi2, inmygravenimage, porkuslime

    kijamon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dantay_xv

    Kilgore Trout 420 : Successful Trades: 1
    With: InquisitorMack

    kill dem stunties: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Catharsix, Uriels_Flame

    Killian: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Enslaviour (2), Nosferatu2113

    KilliC: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cjsuner

    killjoy00: Successful Trades: 18
    With: allmypulp, WingWong, athelu, Green is Best!, MasterDRD, sub-zero, lictors_lovemachine(2), 88elite, Kra_Z, Bloodfrenzy187, Riddlebox85, carmachu, lilted, pilsboy, Ruruoni Benshin, Redhat, Cypher's Sword

    Killystar Guldakktica: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Lakotawolf(2)

    kingarthur: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Crylonicleech

    kingcr02: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hyperviper6

    KingCracker: Successful Trades: 4
    With: jtw1n, Ketara, WarOne, gunsanroses91

    Kinglization: Successful Trades: 1
    With: theQuanz

    Kingmanhighborn: Successful Trades: 11
    With: LakotaWolf(5), Jamora, kenneydee, Happygrunt, Alexheap, lictors_lovemachine, SoloFalcon1138

    King of chaos: Successful Trade: 1
    With: nekronuke

    Kirbinator: Successful Trades: 3
    With: boogeyman, JHall, DarkTraveler777

    kirika: Successful Trades: 4
    With: lance002, JHall, just2fierce, rcguy111

    Kitsunez: Successful Trades: 4
    With: menziez, Rurouni Benshin, Vintagemustangs, coyotius

    Kiwidru: Successful Trades: 1
    With: whalemusic360

    knightdrake: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Simonbarsinistr(2), thedmstrikes

    Knightley: Successful Trades: 2
    With: inmygravenimage(2)

    Knobibrot: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sgtwaz

    ko321: Successful Trades: 1

    Kodama: Successful Trades: 1
    With: whalemusic360

    Kodeack: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Kohala: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sigmatron

    Konversions: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Mick A, Jon Garrett, joshuafalcon, The Strange Dude, Brother SRM

    Kopnyol: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jon Garrett

    Koz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DX3

    Krauseer1: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    krax: Successful Trades: 2
    With: clidefr0g, winterman

    Krootox008: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Rurouni Benshin, BigBangboom, ephrata

    krusty: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    Kudabra: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    Kungfuhustler: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thedmstrikes

    Kungfujew: Successful Trades: 1
    With: IdentifyZero

    kur0n: Successful Trades: 1
    With: The_Stormrider

    kuro_khan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: blood angel

    kutzmon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thedmstrikes

    Kuurii: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rryannn

    Kyric: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    Kyrolon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: The_Savior

    laegim: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Killjoy00

    latrodectus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: l0k1

    l0k1: Successful Trades: 22
    With: Ascalam, wolfshadow, Breotan, kerminsr, uscmbuzz, sharkticon, lilted, Uriels_Flame, BuFFo, Iboshi2, Jardaddy, jordanis, skiman94, Dr. What(2), latrodectus, CitizenVll, slyndread, Benamint, Dave-c, blood angel, Eldarain

    labmouse42: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warboss

    LakotaWolf: Successful Trades: 104
    With: gregor_xenos, theeldar(2), Killystar Guldakktica(2), hogleg(2), lilted, dierolanddie, porkuslime, Schnitzel, Pael, bontello63, Ketara, WarOne, cyrax777, uscmbuzz(2), persephone 66, Strelka, coolstream, Fizzics(2), sexiest_hero, Bullockist, dierolanddie, Derrick86, squirrelsrage, acidchalk(2), Alastergrimm, JHall, Orfeo, sum1thtdiesalot(4), laststand, sum1thtdiesalot, Ruruoni Benshin, Lt. Coldfire, ancientsociety, greenskin lynn, Vogal(2), Enslaviour, CoI(7), SonicPara(2), SonofGuilliman, ZombiePizza, tiekwando, orctez, LegendJRG, Ruruoni Benshin, rcguy111(10), KIngmanhighborn(6), Commissar Wolfie, buckero0, Jamora, Da Piper, municipal, lictors_lovemachine, medabee, Lunar Eclipse, WarOne, giothulu, Primarch_of_Mechmarines, cp66701, haendas, lictors_lovemachine, jb50c, porkuslime, Confi2, DeJolly, NickTheButcher, Dok, Baritowned, Frankenberry, o Oni o, zorfex, bloodwars, ImperialFists2ndCompany

    lance002: Successful Trades: 18
    With: hemingway, lictors_lovemachine, Iboshi2, crowe, mch21689, Battle Brother Lucifer, Kirika, Haeslich, mch21689, Nowoo, hemingway, erewego86, jdamaso111, Cretella2, Rurouni Benshin, perezba7, Hurricane, sub-zero

    Laneroco: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Uriels_Flame

    Lara: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Earthbeard

    Lars: Successful Trades: 1
    With: beezley1981

    Laststand: Successful Trades: 4
    With: DarkAngelHopeful, Silverkell, LakotaWolf, Miner Musician

    Lax35: Successful Trades: 3
    With: mercer, Blood Lord Soldado, Head_Hunter7025

    Laycas49: Successful Trades: 3
    With: dgree, Shadowseer_Kim, Cuthroatcure

    laz3r: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Thyrkill

    LeetBeef: Successful Trades: 3
    With: RogueMarket, Papaskittels, kenneydee

    Legendjrg: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Lakotawolf, Hallowed_Da'Credo, Masterofmelee, NeonHate

    Legion91: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Riddlebox85, tony_nids_10, kenneydee

    LegoBurner: Successful Trades: 1
    With: KingCracker

    legopirate: Successful Trades: 4
    With: redeyed(2), Bacms, n1ghtl1fe

    lehnsherr: Successful Trades: 3
    With: lukesdabest, wolfshadow, ThelastEmperor

    Leo_the_Rat: Successful Trades: 9
    With: athelu, hemingway, fett14622, Mad4minis, thegreatcow, Gearhead, DarkTraveler777, HandsNFeetFace, stormtitan

    leohart: Successful Trades: 8
    With: lilted, Leth, Phragonist, Fallen_Veteran, Commisar Wolfie, Sigmatron, D'Natagal, BewareOfTom

    lennysmash: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Sageheart, inmygravenimage

    less_than_ed:Successful Trades: 3
    With: Ascalam(2), Neroku

    lessthan1337 :Successful Trades: 3
    With: HandsNFeetFace, Cjsuner, glon52

    Leth: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Primarch_of_Mechmarines, Kirbinator, Gharron, leohart(2), sub-zero, haendas, Heavymetal, Tsilber

    Lethargic Ulfar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: kenneydee

    Lethlis: Successful Trades: 3
    With: JHall, jawmonkey, kenneydee

    Leviathan2009: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    lexx108: Successful Trades: 1
    With: darkdm

    lictors_lovemachine: Successful Trades: 65
    With: Rico, Tizz, greenskin lynn, The Grundel, joshuafalcon, dwarven pain, bleedge, Death By Monkeys, mon-keigh slayer, col. krazy kenny, romulus571(2), econtutor, drpieceofme, burb1996, catharsix, theblessing8386, templeorks, Gavin Thorne, Papaskittels(2), Killjoy00(2), aidangunn, necrongod, uscmbuzz(2), Hallowed_Da'Credo, hogleg, Ecurb the Mighty, joshuafalcon, Envy89, lance002, thehod(2), Vintagemustangs, DarkStarSabre, LakotaWolf(2), carldooley, cyrax777, Taubeast(2), lilted, Huntmaster, DeJolly, Obrek(2), JudgeShamgar, CleverAntics, Glorious Doom, CajunMan, KingmanHighborn, Rurouni Benshin(2), pilsboy, talljosh85, IGotBodied, Farseer Jenkins, Twoshoesvans, Moronic Nonsense, strengthofthedragon2, cormadepanda, NakedSeamus, gameandwatch

    LidlessPraetor: Successful Trades: 2
    With: alarmingrick, Uriels_Flame

    lilted: Successful Trades: 29
    With: athelu, IILeiBlazeII, templeorks, blang86, WarOne, Killjoy00, MaliceSpite, flimmyyip, chadbacca, Maxstreel, Lakotawolf, Pipboy101, NobleSeven, 31rls31, Markillius08, xSoulgrinderx, JHall, Vhalan, Miner Musician, CaptainRexKrammer, l0k1, Tronzor, BrotherTri, djphranq(2), a1steaks, Twin .44, vindicarej, gruebot

    Limey: Successful Trades: 2
    With: chesirecat258, devilfluff

    Lindsay40k : Successful Trades: 1
    With: Mr. Feel Good

    Lint: Successful trades: 1
    With: Vindicator#9

    Liquidice281: Successful Trades: 1
    With: radical bob

    LittleCizur: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Stimutacs, inquisitor_bob, Vintagemustangs, Foxphoenix135, WarOne, MangeledMetal, syypher, glon52

    liturgies of blood: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Benamint

    llamahead: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    Lloyce: Successful Tades: 1
    With: mikhaila

    Lobukia: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wileythenord

    Logan69: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Zippocat

    logg_frogg: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Magos Explorator, thehod, Alpharius, zariart, Pipboy101, InquisitorMack

    Lone_Gunman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: tabletopgames43

    LoneCoon: Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, blood angel

    Looks Infected: Successful Trades: 4
    With: jetjetex, revackey, warboss, JHall

    Lord_Osma: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Atmos

    Lord of Kaith: Successful Trades: 2
    With: porkuslime, Ezekiel3000

    lord marcus: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Miner Musician, porkuslime, DeJolly, Eilif

    LORDEATSALOT: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WarOne, Shas'O Dorian

    Lordy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Mick A

    Lord_GhazghkullL: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Panther_Modern

    LordofRust: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Mick A

    Loredragon2: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Strelka, revackey

    Lorek: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Lunahound, AgeOfEgos, Empchild

    Loricatus Aurora: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Paintbrushturkey, Vindicator#9, wardancer, SandSons

    loritheladybug7: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Obrek

    Lorizael: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WingWong, leetbeef

    Lormax: Successful Trades: 6
    With: UnsunGunner, porkuslime(2), Tyrius, CinderBlack, JunkyOrk

    Lost boyz: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Death By Monkeys, WarOne, athelu, Dez

    lostprophet217: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Hallowed Da'Credo, Iceman, xole, Breotan

    Lotus: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Bongfu, rcguy111, Rurouni Benshin, jb50c, Death By Monkeys, baptistcreature

    Lovechunks: Successful Trades: 1
    With: strengthofthedragon2

    lovelyfeyd: Successful Trades: 2
    With: o Oni o, Revarien

    lowmanjason: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DashofPepper

    loyce8869: Successful Trades: 2
    With: canadianguy, thisisnotpancho

    Lsrwolf: Successful Trades: 1
    With: martin74

    Lt. Coldfire: Successful Trades: 20
    With: carldooley, Thyrkill, vizier, Gavin Thorne, DispatchDave, pilsboy, WarOne, hosstang, puma713, sirharris1507, LakotaWolf, Saintspirit, racta, catharsix, bleumike, mikhaila, Eldrad40K, Nosferatu2113, Captain_Obvious, Serathnal

    Lt Jkoll: Successful Trades: 7
    With: MrTrain, leetbeef, Zain60, carldooley, Dakka_X3, jetjetex, I Missed On Purpose

    Luanas: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jcroxford

    lucasbuffalo: Successful Trades: 20
    With: Vindicator#9, guardpiper, syzixx, Gearhead(2), Baron Von Eptastic, Enslaviour, Synister_Intent, xlEternitylx, Tyrius, The Night Stalker, Samus_aran115, Impy, Head_Hunter7025, md5114a, djphranq, xLokenx, disel24, JWMarines, Veskrashen

    LucasLAD: Succesful Trades: 7
    With: mgraham, te3b0r, ernshmagl, Silverkell, Dez, just2fierce, joshuafalcon

    Lucid: Successful Trades: 7
    With: WarOne(2), DashofPepper, DeJolly, rocklord2004, IILeiBlazeII, Maxstreel

    Luco: Succesful Trades: 5
    With: porkuslime, battle Brother Lucifer, Wulfe Luer, Uriels_Flame(2)

    Lukesdabest: Successful Trades: 1
    With: CountTheSeven

    Lunahound: Successful Trades: 28
    With: 31rls31(2), Alpharius, 99MDeery, Lorek, Death By Monkeys(2), CajunMan550, warmaster, Sliver, Mattlov, deffskullz, iz a kitty, IILeiBlazeII, Scipunk, 92acclude, mrwhoop, The_0perator, Dakka_X3, mikhaila, econtutor, mrwhoop, InquisitorMack, Skarboy, djphranq(2), Rurouni Benshin, catharsix

    Lunar Eclipse: Successful Trades: 3
    With: LakotaWolf, Gizmodious, JudgeShamgar

    Luthon1234: Successful Trades: 1
    With: syypher

    Lycaeus Wrex: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JB(2)

    Mabrothrax: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    macace: Successful Trades: 1
    With: InquisitorMack

    maccar86: Successful Trades: 1
    With: pretre

    Machinepriest: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eldarain

    Mad4minis: Successful trades: 3
    With: Leo_the_Rat, Eilif, Altamont

    Mad Maverick76: Successful Trades: 4
    With: thehod, drpieceofme, krillduken, paulguise

    madman12367: Successful trades: 4
    With: EvilTim, Bash the Bosh, samrtk, Sirgod2k1

    madmartykmf: Successful Trades: 1
    With: whalemusic360

    MadMaverick76: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Trogdor

    madmen: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Brother SRM, zedsdead

    Mad Doc Grotsnik: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mercer

    Mafty: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultrmarine

    MagickalMemories: Successful Trades: 21
    With: Pipboy101, greenskin lynn, Raumkampfer, BITZJUNKIE, eep, beezley1981, Lost Boyz, Paraplegic, deadman564, IILeiBlazeII(2), Breotan, Ruruoni Benshin, BrotherSRM, TyraelVladinhurst, SoloFalcon1138, Viagrus, porkuslime, Cherokee, Midnightdeathblade, TheCupcakeCowboy

    magodedisco: Successful Trades: 2
    With: 31rls31, thelordcal

    Magnalon: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Ruruoni Benshin(2), WarOne, fett14622

    Magos Explorator: Successful Trades: 15
    With: 92acclude, Jon Garrett, fynn, muppet slayer, Millest, TheCupcakeCowboy, Blackclaw, Forgotmytea, inquisitorlewis, blood angel(2), skiman94, piprinx(2), graeye

    major downer: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Stapletotheface, Flying Pooo

    MajorTom11: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Death By Monkeys, catharsix, whalemusic360(2), AgeofEgos, inmygravenimage(3), sonofruss, Von Skyfury, giothulu

    MajorZod: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Grinak

    Makov: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Arschbombe, 1-UP, the dmstrikes, Dakka_X3, porkuslime, Poofish, Obrek

    makr: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Plankwalker, CrazyB, vizier

    Makutsu: successful Trades: 1
    With: FITZZ

    MaliceSpite: Successful Trades: 3
    With: syypher, lilted, DocXavier

    Malnourished: Successful Trades: 2
    With: alarmingrick, Khestra the Unbeheld

    MandalorynOranj: Successful Trades: 2
    With: firmlog, rcguy111

    Mangeled Metal: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Pipboy101, Kogwar, LittleCizur, Samus_aran115, natedogg710

    Mannahnin: Successful Trades: 3
    With: sonofruss, mikhaila, Yggdrasil

    manowar2: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Death By Monkeys

    manstein: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Zid

    marcus.iscariat: Successful Trades: 1
    With: catharsix

    Mark kelly: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sickynick

    Mark_Autarch: Successful Trades: 5
    With: KillJoy00, Alastergrimm, Khestra the Unbeheld, Lax35, gentlepsycho

    Markillius08: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Darth Lakey, Fallen_Veteran(2), catharsix, lilted, fenrir1997, puma713, Barksdale, cormadepanda

    Marshall Ragnar: Successful Trades: 15
    With: The AvengingKnee, just2fierce, Jardaddy, MiketheCobb, buckero0, Miner Musician, CATACLYMUS(2), Wulfe Luer, quickfuze, midget_overlord, Jakuri, seapheonix, giothulu, FarseerAndyMan

    mars2024: Successful Trades: 1
    With: gentlepsycho

    Marthike: Successful Trades: 1
    With: motyak

    martin74: Successful Trades: 15
    With: TheLastEmperor, Atakorin, xFinality, Tronzor, Red Comet, stormleader(2), dgree, vhwolf, l0k1, Solorg, Commisar Wolfie, gentlepsycho, Rurouni Benshin, souldakka

    Marzooky: Successful Trades: 1
    With: squirrelsrage

    Master Melta: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Bunker

    MasterDRD: Successful Trades: 5
    With: agentdark, Raumkampfer, porkuslime, Killjoy00, Enslaviour

    masterconstantine: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thedmstrikes

    masterjock: Successful Trades: 2
    With: CaptainJay, Scouseboy

    Masterofmelee: Successful Trades: 8
    With: wee-dub, CageUF, CATACLYSMUS, fox40, carmachu, Noisy_marine, djphranq, Frankenberry

    MasterSlowPoke: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shrike325

    MasticatorDeelux: Successful Trades: 3
    With: porkuslime, Pipboy101, rowenamosgallant

    mathisking: Successful Trades: 2
    With: D'Natagal, vindicarej

    Mattlov: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Old Man Ultramarine(2), Lunahound, catharsix, RiTides, Thyrkill, Vladsimpaler

    Matt Varnish: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JonnyDelta

    Mattywillyroby: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Iceman, Vargas79

    max1001_99: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Envy89

    Maxaile: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shenra

    max_power: successful Trades: 2
    With: jason2250, Benamint

    maxson: Successful Trades: 1
    With: AlexHeap

    Maxstreel: Successful Trades: 24
    With: aka_mythos, Death_By Monkeys, Brother SRM, Shellfishguy, econtutor, Narceron, lilted, Lucid, The_Savior, FoxPhoenix135, [SO]Rice, Dakka_X3, necrongod, Strelka, Legacy40k, Cannerus_The_Unbearable, Commissar Wolfie, necrongod, blood_ravens_marine, Warboos Zarruk, vhwolf(2), darkdm, djphranq, FITZZ

    Mbutler132000: Successful Trades: 2
    With:- Boneblade, cricketofdeth

    McCheesums: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    mccourt1800: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Etharin

    mch21689: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Garuss Acine

    mcpothead: Successful Trades: 1
    With: NoBaconz4You

    MDS: Successful Trades: 1
    With: sonofruss

    md5114a: Successful Trades: 1
    With: variable

    MeanGreenStompa: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    MeatShield: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Gavin Thorne, Blood Lord Soldado, lilted, rothrich

    Mecha_buddha: Successful Trades: 1
    With: saga

    medabee: Successful Trades: 1
    With: LakotaWolf

    Medd: Successful Trades: 2
    With: syzixx, Rurouni Benshin

    megamarines: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Dakka_X3, pantsdown, JonnyB, BlackKnight182

    MelloRain: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Orkimedes, cp66701, Boneblade

    menziez: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Paintbrushturkey, kitsunez, Iboshi2, Paintbrushturkey, Wakinglimb

    Meph: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Whalemusic360

    Mercer: Successful Trades: 16
    With: Blightdron, 99MDeery, Green is Best!, Wolf(2), GlauG, Lax35, Shenra, Gitsplitta, SilverMK2, slinky, just2fierce, Rochronos, Valek(2), Sneaky_Gobbo

    mercoutlaw: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Solorg, whalemusic360, Solorg

    mesmetron: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JudgeShamgar

    Mexicola: Successful Trades: 1
    With: bebe-paquito

    Mezmaron: Successful Trades: 1
    With: heinkev

    Me... : Successful Trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    mgraham: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Shenra, Enslaviour, ChaplainofAmon

    Miahamm949: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vogal

    Miaou: successful Trades: 1
    With: erewego86

    Mick A: Successful Trades: 5
    With:WingWong (2), djphranq, LordofRust, ArbitorIan

    midget_overlord: Successful Trades: 26
    With: mikeyboyj, Farseer Jenkins, Caboose(2), felixcat, rocklord2004, Brazila, Pyronick, eledamris, jbarket, acidix, Fizzics, catharsix(4), Theduke07, goldlinkdawg, syypher, Iskandur, Hurricane, chaos0xomega, Razgryz, tekk_45, amrogers3, zachwho

    midnightdeathblade: Successful Trades: 6
    With: WarOne, MagickalMemories, Hurricane, slk28850, l0k1, Fallen_Veteran

    MightyGodzilla: Successful Trades: 1
    With: bixeightysix

    mike35: Successful Trades: 1
    With: devinb1690

    mike_houghton98: Successful Trades: 5
    With: catharsix, VintageMustangs, blood angel, Ifurita, Jardaddy

    Mike Noble: Successful Trades: 2
    With: thehod, Polish Para

    mikeyboyj: Successful Trades: 11
    With: demonfell, wardancer, midget_overlord, wonkobaggins, Redbeard, Ascalam, Primarch_of_Mechmarines, jahpelio, Magos Explorator, Kal-El, CaptainJay

    mikhaila: Successful Trades: 16
    With: rodfarruguia, WarOne(2), Alpharius, Mannahnin, BrassScorpion, Khestra the Unbeheld, porkuslime, Pipboy101, Lt. Coldfire(2), tenrag, AtraAngelis, stormleader, timetowaste85, DX3

    miko3ed: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pael, Killjoy00

    MikZor: Successful Trades: 1
    With: orctez

    Milez: Succesful Trades: 1
    With: Shaman5965

    Militarized: Successful Trades: 1
    With: iz a kitty

    Millest: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Magos Explorator

    million: Successful Trades: 3
    With: The Strange Dude, Wolf, inmygravenimage

    Miner Musician: Successful Trades: 15
    With: lord marcus, Shas O'Dorian, JHall, Amaya, Shenra, RiTides, Ruruoni Benshin, Thrax, o Oni o, Ductape(2), lilted, porkuslime, Revarien, 92acclude

    Miss Dee: Successful Trades: 4
    With: inmygravenimage(4)

    Mister Chaos: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    Mistress of Minis: Successful Trades: 3
    With: radical bob, truck, djphranq

    mizzra: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Grix

    Mjobrien: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tlo148

    Mobileray2: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    mobirds4all: Successful Trades: 4
    With: athelu, djones520, guyver074, Green is Best!

    Modakka: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    Moloch: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Aduro

    Moltar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Empchild

    Mongooli: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BewareOfTom

    Mon-Keigh Slayer: Successful trades: 1
    With: lictors_lovemachine

    monkeysmut: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Miner Musician, Cadaver

    Monkeytroll: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    Monster Rain: Successful Trades: 1
    With: grey_death

    monstr369: Successful Trades: 3
    With: backfromthedead, Envy89, rocklord2004

    Monument89: Successful Trades: 1
    With: NoBaconz4You

    Moonscar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Phragonist

    Moopy: Successful Trades: 7
    With: alarmingrick, Breotan, BrotherTri, Barksdale, Iceman, carmachu, sental

    Morathi's Darkest Sin: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Jin, Vermillion, 99MDeery, Da Boss, xFinality

    morbids4all: Successful trades: 3
    With: Vindicator#9, Biohavok, l0k1

    Moronic Nonsense: Successful Trades: 3
    With: threewolves, Mr. Grey, lictors_lovemachine

    mortetvie: Successful Trades: 2
    With: foolishzero, joshuafalcon

    Motograter: Successful Trades: 5
    With: BrotherSRM, wardancer, jetjetex, Daemon-Archon Ren, thedmstrikes

    motyak: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Asuryan

    Mousespook: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Sentinel, thehod, WarOne

    movingon: Successful Trades: 2
    With: don_mondo, Primarch_of_mechmarines

    mp40guy: Successful Trades: 4
    With: leohart, blood angel, baptistcreature, Iceman

    mpb287: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pael, The_Saviour

    Mr-_-Flidd: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    mr_maxime: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    Mr. Burning: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Harms66

    Mr. Feel Good: Successful Trades: 9
    With: vwjetta1997, timetowaste85, pdawg517, lindsay40k, carldooley, n1ghtl1fe, brother_zach, deadairis, brother_zach

    Mr. Grey: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Moronic Nonsense

    MrMoustaffa: Successful Trades: 1
    With: alarmingrick

    mr.petey: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WarOne, ultraatma

    mrfish: Successful Trades: 2
    With: GBDarkAngel, Helbig

    MrFlutterPie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Joshuafalcon

    mrgraham:Successful Trades: 1
    With: LucasLAD

    MrMerlin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: zariart

    MrNuggets151: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Gavin Thorne, wonkobaggins

    MrTrain:Successful Trades: 2
    With: biztheclown, Khestra the Unbeheld

    mrwhoop: Successful trades: 11
    With: Lunahound, Old Man Ultramarine(2), clthomps, carldooley, hesus321, spacemarine17, TiB, Gizmodious, Commissar Wolfie, don_mondo

    Mudgeblack: Successful trades: 2
    With: Ouze, Ruruoni Benshin

    Muggzy: Successful Trades: 2
    With: CaptainRexKramer, vhwolf

    Mulligan189: Successful Trades: 1
    With: disel24

    Muller: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Jon Garrett, 99MDeery, Khestra the Unbeheld, slann, jamessearle0, porkuslime(2), Plankwalker, sonofruss

    mullhead: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cruentus

    municipal: Successful Trades: 2
    With: LakotaWolf, Randomsauce19

    Muoio 117: Successful trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Muppet Slayer: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Magos Explorator

    Murdock129: Successful Trades: 4
    With: wardancer, Squilverine, EvilTim, Redhat

    muse1c: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Jon Garrett, AlexHeap, Dallo019

    MVBrandt: Successful Trades: 1
    With: puma713

    mwnciboo: Successful Trades: 4
    With: wardancer(2), Old Man Ultramarine, Popsicle

    Myrthan: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Rurouni Benshin, Eternalhero1983, Shas'O Dorian, Tsilber

    N1ghtl1fe: Successful Trades: 3
    With: legopirate, rob-or-ross, Mr. Feel Good

    NakedSeamus: Successful Trades: 2
    With: lilted, lictors_lovemachine

    napoleon: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Pipboy101, Alpharius, Tironum, JHall(2)

    naramyth: Successful Trades: 1
    With: RiTides

    narceron: Successful Trades: 8
    With: J-Roc77, JunkyOrk, disel24, battle Brother Lucifer, hyperviper6, Maxstreel, Brother SRM, wee-dub

    Nashole211: Successful Trades: 2
    With: helium42, conker249

    NashVentress: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Fallen_Veteran

    Natedogg710: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Mangeled Metal, Byte

    NathanD298: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Abaddonthejoiner

    NaZ: Successful Trades: 9
    With: thedmstrikes, Dr_Salt, rocklord2004, lilted, Daemon-Archon Ren, Ascalam, pretre, DeadBabySoup, jacetms87

    Nazdrek: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ironKing

    NCPawnee: Successful Trades: 2
    With: vindicarej, Private Jackson

    nealtk: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thedmstrikes

    Necanor: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Slinky, madman12367

    Necron God: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Blood Lord Soldado, lictors_lovemachine

    necrondude89: Successful Trades: 2
    With: dierolanddie, allworkandnoclay

    NecronLord3: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Robert Facepalmer

    Necros: Successful Trades: 3
    With: alarmingrick, whatisntart, Ruruoni Benshin

    necrongod: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JB, Maxstreel

    Necronilis: Successful Trades: 3
    With: djones520, Pipboy101, thehod

    necroshea: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Skelly, DeJolly, bloodwars, Barksdale, JoeyFox, felixander, thejughead

    needsmoardakka: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Breotan, Dave-c, l0k1

    Neith: Successful Trades: 5
    With: kenneydee, Jon garrett, SilverMK2, Bloodhorror, filbert

    NeonHate: Successful Trades: 7
    With: o Oni o, Theophony, tiemtowaste85, theeldar, Green is Best!, blood angel, optimusprime14

    Nephren-Ka: Successful Trades: 4
    With: JHall, tremulant, Lormax, Sirzachary

    Nerbil: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    nerdcore7863: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    nerdfest09: Successful Trades: 4
    With: poda_t, CaptainJay, haendas, jetjetex

    Neroku: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WarOne, JHall

    nescent: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Gavin Thorne, Envy89

    NeuroticHitman: Successful Trades: 7
    With: WarOne, J-Roc77, tiber55, 1-UP, Swara, drpieceofme, pancakeonions

    Newabortion: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DX3

    Newtoncain: Successful Trades: 1]
    With: Tomb King

    Niccolo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    niceguyteddy: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, aka_mythos, guardpiper, thedmstrikes(2), Polish Para, porkuslime

    Nice Kans: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dessloch, thegreatcow

    nick2245: Successful Trades: 1
    With: barlio

    nickthewise: Successful Trades: 6
    With: xlEternityxl, beltenebros, Reckoner, pretre, Rurouni Benshin, disel24

    Nicorex: Successful Trades: 1
    With: syypher

    Nightbringer's Chosen: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JHall, Rurouni Benshin

    nimnoD: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Kirbinator

    Ninjabiscuit: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Alastergrimm(2)

    nirvana69: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Biohavok, Old Man Ultramarine

    nivondu: Successful Trades: 6
    With: jetjetex, Sigmatron, wee-dub, thedmstrikes, o Oni o, JHall, just2fierce

    NixonAsADaemonPrince: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ArbitorIan

    Njal the Weatherman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lovelyfeyd

    NoBaconz4You: Successful Trades: 15
    With: Tortured-Robot, SilverMk2, pilsboy, roullier10, Knobibrot, Das_Ubermike, weiler, mcpothead, rebecca. mercer, bubber, DarkStarSabre, Monument89, snorri788, WingWong

    noble713:Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ieatsquigs

    NobleSeven: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Wolf, chris13f, JHall(2), cp66701, lilted, JHall

    Nocculum: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thedmstrikes

    Noisy_Marine: Successful Trades: 7
    With: porkuslime, SpitfireArsonist(2), inquisitor_bob, Nurgulator, Brazila, Masterofmelee

    Noninnervate: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    North101: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Holy Blessed Homicide, joshuafalcon, Witch King of Angmar, beezley1981, coolstream

    Nosferatu: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Icereaver

    Nosferatu2113: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Killian, blood angel, Rurouni Benshin, timetowaste85, Battle Brother Lucifer, azazel the cat, Lt. Coldfire, joshuafalcon

    notprop: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Dysartes

    notrab: Successful trades: 1
    With: Trench-raider

    novacaine: Successful Trades: 1
    With: GREY88

    NTFH: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Iboshi2

    Nuclear Mekanik: Successful Trades: 3
    With: CaptainJay(2), Daston

    NuclearMessiah: successful Trades: 1
    With: jason2250

    Nu11nV01D: Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, pretre

    Nungunz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: HiveFleetCollossus

    Nurglitch: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, FoxPhoenix135, Centurion, Ruruoni Benshin, Iboshi2, CT Gamer

    Nurgulator: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Noisy_Marine

    Nuul Nalio: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, CaptainRexKrammer, buckero0

    o Oni o: Successful Trades: 27
    With: RustyKnight, AresX8, RaGe -at-Random, pretre, nivondu, Thaylen, revackey, Empchild, NeonHate, Hans Chung-Otterson, rcguy111, SonofGuilliman, jdicarlo, catharsix(2), Derek, Enslaviour, Miner Musician, Kamsm8, Sekminara, lictors_lovemachine, Cruentus, Grimgob, Aerethan, Hurricane, LakotaWolf

    Obrek: Successfully Trades: 6
    With: lictors_lovemachine, wretrop, hungryp, DeathReaper, Tsilber, templarM

    Occius: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    odorofdeath: Successful Trades: 1
    With: alarmingrick

    offdutyninja1: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Trogdor

    ohhnoez: Successful Trades: 1
    With: vindicarej

    ohm242: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    Old Man Ultramarine: Successful Trades: 57
    With: Redbeard, Watsabi, SonofGulliman(5), Mattlov(2), Chrispy, Ghost in the Darkness, niceguyteddy(2), Envy89, Kid_Kyoto, GREY88, P1NK3Y3, bigduncm24, Cannerus_The_Unbearable, tpears, Paraplegic, dietrich, ohm242, Slinky, warducky(2), Rurouni Benshin(2), Gwar!, Fiercegoldfish, StarGate, Paintbrushturkey, Brazila, hyperviper6(3), Nurglitch, warducky, romulus571, JHall, visavismeyou, mwnciboo, Grey Knight Luke, mrwhoop(2), krusty, burb1996, orctez, spacemarinejunkie, FoxPhoenix135, kenneydee, foolishzero, jaimeribg, Mafty, syypher

    Olympia: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pipboy101

    Opticus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: giothulu

    optimusprime14: Successful Trades: 5
    With: dmthomas7, gruebot, Morpheus, Khestra the Unbeheld, WarOne

    Orctez: Successful Trades: 11
    With: KByrd, the dmstrikes(2), Old Man Ultramarine, TheRedArmy, mizzra, Revarien, LakotaWolf, Shu, MikZor, zephel

    Ordo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WeeDawgNYC

    Orfeo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lakotawolf

    Ork Intelligence: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thecosen1

    Ork_smash: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Kamsm8

    Ork12: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Yggdrasil

    Orkimedes: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Xicsess, ryanguy322, MelloRain

    orkyben: Successful trades: 2
    With: wardancer, The_Happy_Pig

    Orlanth: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Cairnius, salsatron

    Orminah: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    Ostrakon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: athelu

    outplayed76: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cuthroatcure

    Ouze: Successful Trades: 5
    With: athelu, DispatchDave, AtraAngelis, DeJolly, Mudgeblack

    Ovion: Successful Trades: 2
    With: aaziz, don_mondo

    Ozymandias: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Orlanth

    ozzmanfan16: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Viagrus

    P1NK3Y3: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Golga, Old Man Ultramarine, Capn_vivi, djones520, Icereaver, HurricaneGirl

    Pael: Successful Trades: 12
    With: WarOne(2), mpb287, Skelly, Ifurita, poda_t, don_mondo, o Oni o, Grunt_For_Christ, Cutthroatcure, Pipboy101, Viagrus

    Paintbrushturkey: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Brother SRM, menziez, kenneydee, Archibald Jack, Papaskittels, SEEEZZRR

    paintedpotato: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    Paintraina: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jerhein

    PaladinKnight62: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    paleopoe: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Blodd Lord Soldado, gregor_xenos

    pancakeonions: Successful Trades: 4
    With: porkuslime, Bruticus, NeuroticHitman, IdentifyZero

    Panther_Modern: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lord_Ghazghkull

    pantsdown: mSuccessful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    pantsmessiah: Successful Trades: 1
    With: demonfell

    Panzeh: Successful Trades: 1
    With: xLokenx

    Panzerbjorn: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    Papa_Smurf: Successful Trades: 1
    With: 1-UP

    PapaPiggy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    Papaskittels: Successful Trades: 17
    With: Penobscotnative, leetbeef, Pipboy101, Daemon-Archon Ren, theblessing8386, WarOne(2), Khestra the Unbeheld, lictor's_lovemachine(2), xufan248, Maxstreel, Wulfe Luer, TyraelVladinhurst, Solorg, Debbin

    Paraplegic: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, Iboshi2, MagickalMemories

    parcival42: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Sorgon, blankmass, DispatchDave, Pnakotus

    paulguise: Successful Trades: 4
    With: gregornet, AtariAssasin, Fists of the emperor, Byte

    pballer: Successful Trades: 4
    With: runmymouth, hemingway, WarOne, SetantaSilvermane

    pbkeeney17: Successful Trades: 2
    With: FoxPhoenix135, Hallowed_Da'Credo

    pdawg517: Successful Trades: 3
    With: corey85, Mr. Feel Good, Khestra the Unbeheld

    Peacemaker 45: Successful Trades: 1

    peacemystic dude: Successful Trades: 1

    penfold187: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Uriels_Flame

    PenobscotNative: Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, Papaskittels

    perezba7: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lance002

    Perkustin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: NoBaconz4You

    persephone 66: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lakotawolf

    petercooman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Bash the Bosh

    PeterElias: Successful Trades: 2
    With: paleopoe, NobleSeven

    Petite Francois: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Fizzics

    petty3: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Death By Monkeys

    Phat13uddha: Successful Trades: 3
    With: JHall(2), SlavetoDorkness

    phillipsjr4: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Vindicator#9, romulus571, Gornall, CottonJaw, Schnitzel

    Philly: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    Phoebus28: Successful Trades: 6
    With: BlueDagger, Jon Garrett, WarOne, carmachu, Killjoy00, porkuslime

    Phototoxin: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Sickynick, str00dles1, Abaddonthejoiner

    Phragonist: successful Trades: 1
    With: leohart

    phxlord Eldrad: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eldarain

    Piccolo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: gregor_xenos

    pilsboy: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Thyrkill, Lt. Coldfire, Killjoy00, FITZZ, NoBaconz4You, Eshm the Skintaker, Viagrus, lictors_lovemachine

    Pipboy101: Successful Trades: 55
    With: Zero_Cool, Mangeled Metal, olympia, a1steaks, sexiest_hero, Ultra Magnus 15, porkuslime(2), alarmingrick, blood angel, Papaskittels, Uriels_Flame, Rurouni Benshin, Green Is Best!, 92acclude, Tironum, wilsmire, MagickalMemories, napoleon, Necronilis, else, Jon Garrett, Stubs, SEEEZZRR, RiTides, bdix, WarOne(4), Darkzephyr, uscmbuzz, Dakka_X3, kenneydee, Fathead, Jagdcarcajou, lilted, firmlog, Jin, uscmbuzz, Ifurita, The Green Git, Farseer Jenkins, Briancj, poda_t, sonofruss, DarkStarSabre, MasticatorDeelux, Cpt Horatius, Pael, Redbeard, baptistcreature, djphranq(2)

    piping_piper: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    piprinx: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Magos Explorator(2), Chowderhead

    Pistols at Dawn: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eszharen

    pjmcgrath07: Successful Trades: 6
    With: porkuslime, T_VanderZwaag, JHall, gameandwatch, Vindicator#9, thehod

    Plankwalker: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Solorg, makr, Muller, jojogoblin, aka_mythos, Hulksmash, Zaxon

    plastictrees: Successful Trades: 4
    With: poda_t, Benamint, MajorTom11, Cruentus

    Platuan4th: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Uriels_Flame, Zefig

    plume1978: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    PlusD6: Successful Trades: 4, Taubeast
    With: WarOne, JHall, The_Stormrider

    Pnakotus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Wakinglimb

    Pnyxpresss: Successful Trades: 15
    With: porkuslime, Gharron, NoBaconz4You, Iceman, Stevey293, WarOne, warriorpriest, Joshawa, itsacoyote, SickSix, bixeightysix, Sarpedon_702, walledin, Briancj, cowpow16

    poda_t: Successful Trades: 16
    With: Pael, Viagrus, citadel_security, pdawg517, Hairballs58, nerdfest09, dod_rules, Gearhead, Rurouni Benshin, Polonius, Pipboy101, Red Comet, logg_frogg, charley29, Briancj, plastictrees

    poipo32: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Gearhead

    Polish Para: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    Polonius: Successful Trades: 20
    With: TwilightWalker, porkuslime, Zaxon, poda_t, lilted, CaptainRexKrammer, Hmelrose, KingmanHighborn, CitizenVII, Revarien, giothulu, Dannicus, Theduke07, Sekai, Lomax, WarOne, Cruentus, NamelessBard, AtariAssassin, walledin

    Polonius42: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sekai

    pom134: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Envy89, romulus571, Gizmodious, carldooley

    pombe: Successful Trades: 1
    With: vipcaniac

    poppadeke: Successful Trades: 1
    With: SlaveToDorkness

    Popsicle: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mwnciboo

    porkchop806: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Rurouni Benshin

    Porkuslime: Successful Trades: 145
    With: tabletopgames43, Jin, mercer, Solorg, Capnvivi, Sgt Jelal, warhound123, 31rls31(2), HurricaneGirl(2), Death By Monkeys, Brother SRM(2), pjmcgrath07, Muller(2), bleumike, Cannerus_The_Unbearable, Covenant84, Big'Uns, JHall, Pyriel-, Paintbrushturkey, kabniel(2), Lord of Kaith, jcroxford(2), JHall(2), Pipboy101(2), synchronicity, 92acclude, Reason, nivondu, gmpoto, MasterDRD, whalemusic360, Thunderfrog, WarOne, Alpharius, nivondu, zedsdead, theblessing8386, warhammerpainters, Johnnyboy995, athelu(2), WarOne(4), spacemarine17(2), Luco, The Night Stalker(2), DispatchDave, Hulksmash, Filbert, acidchalk, Cruentus, Kyric, BLACKHAND, demonfell, Polonius, DashofPepper(2), Ruruoni Benshin(2), SaintHazard, Belphegor, gam3rfr3ak89, iz a kitty, battle Brother Lucifer, Sageheart, gowestover, lord marcus, Makov, Noisy_Marine, Polish Para(2), catharsix, Luco. Viagrus, Samus_aran115, Thirdstorm, Arctik_Firangi, sum1thtdiesalot, TheCupcakeCowboy(3), Lakotawolf(3), Strelka(2), Breotan, Slinky, coolstream, Gavin Thorne(2), mikhaila, athelu, Fallen668, DeadBabySoup, Lormax, niceguyteddy, piping_piper, ArtSoldier35, Phoebus28, sleazy, skycapt44, Mobileray2, Eilif(2), Miner Musician, qballony, MagickalMemories, Tronzor, Kid_Kyoto, Blackclaw, catharsix(2), chaos0xomega, Khestra the Unbeheld(3), Jawmonkey, MasticatorDeelux, gruebot, jadefalcon777, winky, Spacewolverine, Pnyxpresss, vhwolf, jawmonkey, PapaPiggy, dgree, Lormax, Rainyday, Empchild, pancakeonions, slyndread
    powerclaw: Successful Trades: 3
    With: econtutor, joshuafalcon, JB

    poytadlock: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vermillion

    pmavoider: Successful Trades: 2
    With: BITZJUNKIE, Old Man Ultramarine

    pr0t011187: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Ecurb the Mighty, Gavin Thorne

    praetor24: Successful Trades: 2
    With: cricketodeth, Dysartes

    Pressureman98: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DexKivuli

    pretre: Successful Trades: 27
    With: Cadaver, Baron Von Eptastic, R10T, Sigmatron, Nu11nV01D, SHORTY!!!, o Oni o, poda_t, Gearhead, thehod, maccar86, lictors_lovemachine, WillyBRags, ivoreagleye, lictors_lovemachine, Tomb King, AtariAssassin, Vhalan, Catyrpelius, Jburch, jawmonkey, DeathGuard633, gentlepsycho, Crimson-King2120, vindicarej, nickthewise, Head_Hunter7025

    primalexile: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jawmonkey

    Primarch: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Uriels_Flame

    Primarch_of_mechmarines: Successful Trades: 6
    With: 92acclude, Khestra the Unbeheld, mikeyboyj, Rurouni Benshin, LakotaWolf, Uriels_Flame

    Private Jackson: Successful Trades: 7
    With: JennyP, cavmedic79, IdentifyZero(2), Eternalhero1983, NCPawnee, Grimwulfe

    puma713: Successful Trades: 21
    With: Killjoy00, Disel24, drpieceofme, djphranq(2), Lt. Coldfire, dgree, markillius08, Brian P, InquisitorMack, BronzeJon, Jordancw90, Jardaddy, Wildstorm, BrotherTri, Tronzor, Revarien, wileythenord, revackey, Rurouni Benshin, ArcSoll

    punkisdead: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, Envy89, virus646, Baron Von Eptastic, SonsofVulkan

    PurifyingFlame_7: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Rodgers37, witeout69, jason2250

    Pyriel-: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Gamble

    Pyronick: Successful Trades: 6
    With: templeorks, midget_overlord, Manstein, Brother SRM, kikayoaka2, AgeofEgos

    pzbw7z: Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, Khestra the Unbeheld

    qballony: Successful Trades: 4
    With: CrazyThang, Rurouni Benshin, porkuslime, Traceoftoxin

    Quark!: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Traceoftoxin

    quickfuze: Successful Trades: 13
    With: WarOne, Grix, The_Stormrider, DeathReaper, Johnny-Crass, Dashootyestit, Shadowseer_Kim, D'Natagal(2), vindicarej, alarmingrick, DangerousBeans, conker249

    Quinthalas: successful Trades: 1
    With: blood angel

    Quirk21: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Ascalam, Twin .44, alabamaheretic

    R10T: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    R3con: Successful Trades: 2
    With: beezley1981, Ssgt Carl

    Raatcharch: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld

    Rabbitucker: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rocklord2004

    Racta: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Sigmatron, whalemusic360(2), Lt. Coldfire, Angel_of_Rust

    radarbabyeater: Successful Trades: 2
    With: helium42, Lunahound

    radical bob: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Shellfishguy, Gavo, randall3rd(2), Mistress of minis

    RaGe-at-Random: Successful Trades: 4
    With: o Oni o, susejo239, hyperviper6, Brazila

    Rageaholic: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dalteth, Murdock129

    Ragewind: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DISCIPLE_SoC

    Raikoh: Successful Trades: 1
    With: o Oni o

    Rainyday: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Fallen_Veteran(2), porkuslime

    Ralin Givens: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TraceofToxin

    randall3rd: Successful Trades: 3
    With: radical bob(2), burb1996

    randomguess: Successful trades: 3
    With: puma713, beezley1981, derek

    RandomX: Successful Trades: 1
    With: don_mondo

    Ratch: Successful trades: 1
    With: Blackclaw

    Raumkampfer: Successful Trades: 4
    With: MasterDRD, MagickalMemories, Halsfield, Nurgleboy77

    Ravenous D: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Mecha_buddha

    Raveworg: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Colfax, gentlepsycho

    Rayvon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: don_mondo

    Razgriz22: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    Razgryz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: midget_overlord

    razieltemplar: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Twin .44, Rurouni Benshin

    razzeldazzle: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld

    Razzle: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Rico, whalemusic360

    RB: Successful Trades: 2
    With: athelu, giothulu

    rcguy111: Successful Trades: 32
    With: o Oni o, Vogal, LakotaWolf(10), syypher(2), Biohavok, Billman, Uriels_Flame, Kirika, Rurouni Benshin, witeout69, SonsofVulkan, Ascalam(2), Joeyfox(2), jedi76, Khestra the Unbeheld, Gray1378, jadefalcon777, Captain_Obvious, Skeg, MandalorynOranj

    reaper501: Successful Trades: 1
    With: itsacoyote

    Reason: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    rebecca: Successful Trades: 1
    With: huitzilopochtli

    Red Comet: Successful Trades: 4
    With: poda_t, martin74, Jakka, godswildcard

    Red_Lives: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Gearhead, Julnlecs, Demosthanese03, Ferrum

    Red_Rage: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Slayersan

    Red9: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Jon Garrett, Redgar, Eilif

    Redbeard: Successful Trades: 6
    With: blood angel, Old Man Ultramarine, Uriels_Flame, BigJon, Pipboy101, CT GAMER

    redeyed: Successful Trades: 7
    With: by.a.teammate, AlexHeap(2), legopirate(3), Wolf

    Redfinger: Successful Trades: 7
    With: North101, Lord PoPo, augustus5, rcguy111, dressd2kill, Wulfe Luer, Iceman

    Redgar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Red9

    Redhat: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Blood Lord Soldado, Hellstorm, Murdock129

    rednekgunner: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Dannicus

    Red Thirst: Successful Trades: 1
    With: P1NK3Y3

    Redscorps: Successful Trades: 1
    With: nerdfest09

    reimermath: Successful Trades: 4
    With: besthegreat, don_mondo, Ultimate 40K, axiom

    Rejn: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Teej, strengthofthedragon2

    Relic669: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Remadyz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Abaddonthejoiner

    reorox: Successful Trades: 2
    With: carmcachu(2)

    resipsa: Successful Trades: 2
    With: BrotherTri, Shadowseer_Kim

    revackey: Successful Trades: 23
    With: The Night Stalker, Vindicator#9, templeorks, CleverAntics, Samus_Aran115, econtutor(3), Gorrath, FITZZ, Commissar Marbh, don_mondo, Looks Infected, harshr3ality, carldooley, Gavo, bontello63, TheLastEmperor, CDiablo, SatanicMonkey10, Gavin Thorne, puma713, Eshm the Skintaker

    Revarien: Successful Trades: 14
    With: wolfshadow, TheLastEmperor, rocklord2004, gardeth, lovelyfeyd, Blackclaw, bloodwars, Miner Musician, winky, puma713, ILUSPB, Polonius, CT GAMER, Johnny-Crass

    revilo701: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sekminara

    Revnow: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ruruoni Benshin

    rez: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ArbitorIan

    r_h_knight: Successful Trades: 1
    With: alarmingrick

    Rhich: Successful Trades: 3
    With: djphranq(2), timetowaste85

    RhythmDoctor: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eshm the Skintaker

    Rickfactor: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Rurouni Benshin

    Rickross: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Kay, Ineedvc2500

    Rico: Successful Trades: 3
    With: lictors_lovemachine, Razzle, Waynebo

    Riddlebox85: Successful Trades: 4
    With: WarOne, Legion91, Kiljoy00, djphranq

    Rimmy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: theQuanz

    RippedDragon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: gregor_xenos

    RiTides: Successful Trades: 28
    With: BLARGAG!!!, artyboy, Ulfar, tabletopgames43, Vertrucio, Farseer Jenkins, augustus5, dwarven pain, jtw1n, Rogue Market, blood angel, Pipboy101, abadon09, aerethan, Caboose, Mattlov, thedmstrikes, Jin(2), Miner Musician, Grix, whalemusic360, mikhaila, DX3(2), Briancj, WarOne, ski2060

    rjrxpxo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ecurb the Mighty

    Rob-or-Ross: Successful Trades: 1
    With: n1ghtl1fe

    Robert Facepalmer: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, NecronLord3, kenneydee, Dez, Hulksmash, nivondu, Uriels_Flame, vitki, Breotan, Battle Brother Lucifer, Deathshead420

    robocarullo42: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eight Ball

    Rochronos: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mercer

    Rockbeatsscissor: Successful Trades: 1
    With: CPTPromotable

    rocklord2004: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Bunker, athelu(3), Zid(2), augustus5, Lucid, joshuafalcon, Revarien

    rodfarruguia: Successful Trades: 1
    With: tabletopgames43

    Rodgers37: Successful Trades: 3
    With: BrotherTim, PurifyingFlame_7, Filbert

    rodt777: Successful Trades: 2
    With: wolfshadow, FoxPhoenix135

    Rogue Market: Successful Trades: 10
    With: studderingdave, RiTides Nids, leetbeef, Brother SRM, Dakka_X3, kenneydee, ArcSoll, Uriels_Flame, athelu, econtutor

    Rogues Gambit: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    rokitchikin: Successful Trades: 9
    With: DemonBunnyMan, Envy89, CptJake(2), 31rls31, jamesessioneinm WingWong, kabniel, !$#

    romulus571: Successful Trades: 14
    With: FoxPhoenix135, Jollydevil, devinb1690, greenskin lynn, WarOne, Old Man Ultramarine, Stubs, Killjoy00, chriachrias(2), Papaskittels, lictors_lovemachine, Gavin Thorne, Farseer Jenkins

    Rossko: Successful Trades: 1
    With: steinerp

    rothrich: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Ruruoni Benshin, stangfan94, BladeWalker, MeatShield

    rotonia: Successful Trades: 1
    With: RogueMarket

    rotorwash: Successful Trades: 1
    With: greenskin lynn

    roullier10: Successful Trades: 2
    With: NoBaconz4You, Valkyrie

    rowenamosgallant: Successful Trades: 4
    With: xlEternitylx, MasticatorDeelux, fhg1983, MasticatorDeelux

    rmeju: Successful Trades: 2
    With:Frosty Hardtop, Blackclaw

    rryannn: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Dave47, The Blue Pyramid, DeJolly, Kuurii

    RSJake: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Skalk Bloodaxe

    Ruff: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Warboss mrowl, carmachu, jordanis, Corbett, timofeo

    Rukus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: petercooman

    Rune Stonegrinder: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inquisitor_bob

    Rurouni Benshin: Successful Trades: 117
    With: Pipboy101, kabniel, brainwashed, warducky, Old Man Ultramarine, Desslo8h, Whalemusic360, fett14622(2), Fizzics(2), porkuslime(2), eNvY(2), nirvana69, thegreatcow, Magnalon, Wampum, BlueDagger, Khestra the Unbeheld, Schnitzel, Gavin Thorne, teh_jake, Gizmodious, revnow, Soulx, Magnalon, scubasteve04, goldlinkdawg(2), Frenndi, BikeMenace, jbarket, Thaylen(2), Gizmodious, Killjoy00, syypher, Inigo Montoya, Nurglitch, CaptainLoken, Miner Musician, themrsleepy, Mudgeblack, The Blue Pyramid, Khestra the Unbeheld, Necros, Boneblade, kitsunez, susejo239, MagickalMemories, Tyrius, guyver04, WarOne, Solancea, fenrir1997, LakotaWolf, Spartan089, Swara, timofeo, Flying Pooo(2), poda_t, besthegreat, JHall, sparkywtf(2), jacetms87, kellymatthew37, krootox08, theeldar, beltenebros, Primarch_of_mechmarines, DeathReaper, Dave-c, thehod, rothrich, dgree, Gorrath, susejo239, qballony, Sekai(2), SkavenKnight, rcguy111, giothulu(2), Battle Brother Lucifer, CT Gamer(2), medd, Nosferatu2113, porkchop806, BrotherTri, lictors_lovemachine(2), Guardians Eternal, Da Piper, Kamsm8, Jordancw90, Tronzor, Lotus, skycapt44, AlexHeap, Rickfactor, lance002, Wulfe Luer, Danny Internets, puma713, tekk_45, razieltemplar, Nightbringer's Chosen, carldooley, Myrthan, nickthewise, martin74, Vel'cona

    rush0312 : Successful Trades: 3
    With: syypher, Seraf666, bloodwars

    Rustyknight: Successful Trades: 13
    With: abadon09, Empchild, Envy89, Uriels_Flame, joshuafalcon, Foxphoenix135(2), don_mondo, skull boy, o Oni o, DX3, WarOne, giothulu

    RxGhost: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ArtfcllyFlvrd

    ryanguy322: Successful Trades: 8
    With: athelu, Grey Knight Luke, col. krazy Kenny, kenneydee, Barksdale, Byte, bdix, DarkTraveler777

    ryanrukus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    Rybnick: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Angel_of_Rust, BuFFo

    Sabatine: Successful Trades: 1
    With: aidangunn

    Sacrificial_Soul: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Xizindar

    sadpanda: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lovelyfeyd

    saga: Successful Trades: 2
    With: jmsincla, Mecha_buddha

    Sageheart: Successful Trades: 2
    With: battle Brother Lucifer, Solorg

    SaintHazard: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    Saintspirit: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lt. Coldfire

    sal4m4nd3r: Successful Trades: 2
    With: J-Roc77, Xizindar

    Salacious Geed: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Reckoner

    salsatron: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Orlanth(2)

    SaltyBacon3: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Polish Para, uscmbuzz

    samrtk: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Jackswift, madman12367

    Samurai_Eduh: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BrotherTri

    Samus_aran115: Successful Trades: 10
    With: revackey(2), Mangeled Metal, porkuslime, mobirds4all, Skalk Bloodaxe, lucasbuffalo, JWMarines, brother noobicus, vhwolf

    Saros: successful Trades: 2
    With: arkhamjack, piprinx

    Sarpedon_702: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Theophony, WarOne(2), The Green Git

    Sasa0mg: Successful Trades: 1
    With: azreal13

    Sasori: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dacommissar57

    SatanicMonkey10: Successful Trades: 2
    With: revackey, l0k1

    Savnock: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Death By Monkeys

    saylor17: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WarOne, Redgar

    Sazzlefrats: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Jin, Yggdrasil, Thrax

    Sc077y: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Gavin Thorne(2)

    scarab: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Farseer Jenkins

    scarletsquig: Successful Trades: 1
    With: laam999

    Schneedrache: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hemingway

    Schnitzel: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Twisted_Thrasher, StarGate, Ruruoni Benshin, Dakka_X3, Lakotawolf, Talonzahn, brother_zach, Waynebo, Snowman90, DeJolly, Frankenberry

    Scipunk: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Das_Ubermike, ernshmagl

    Scott_K: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Waynebo, poda_t

    Scott-S6: Successful Trades: 1
    With: imcdonnell

    Scottywan82: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Cruentus, Kamsm8

    Scouseboy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: spears

    scout_bjen: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shellfishguy

    scubasteve04: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ruruoni Benshin

    seapheonix: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Eshm the Skintaker, dpal666

    SebastionSynn: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy

    SEEEZZRR: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Pipboy101, Gornall, Wakinglimb

    Sekai: Successful Trades: 19
    With: Cyporiean, Trechor, WarOne, Theophony, thehod, Rurouni Benshin, mrfish, The_Stormrider, Clauss, Doctadeth, Polonius, wretrop(2), Blackclaw, skarousis, gruebot, joshuafalcon, warriorpriest(2)

    sekhemet: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warboss

    Sekminara: Successful Trades: 2
    With: o Oni o, cp66701

    Sental: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Moopy, foolishzero

    Sentinel: Successful Trades: 4
    WithL mousespook, Gornall, Azure, MalkierGaidin

    Seraf666: Successful Trades: 2
    With: rush0312, kellymattthew37

    Serathnal: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lt. Coldfire

    Serder: Successful Trades: 2
    With: coolstream, Commissar Wolfie

    sergeant horse: Successful Trades: 1
    With: FeistierErmine

    Settrasands: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Battle Brother Lucifer

    sexiest_hero: Succesful Trades: 2
    With: Pipboy101, Lakotawolf

    sgtwaz: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Knobibrot, Filbert

    Sgt.Roadkill. : Successful Trades: 1
    With: Yodhrin

    Shadelkan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: seapheonix

    ShadowMageAlpha: Successful Trades: 2
    With: jeratoll, Darkness

    Shadowmarine: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Sigmatron, Brother SRM

    Shadowseer_Kim: Successful Trades: 4
    With: MikZor, resipsa, quickfuze, Jackswift

    ShadowZetki: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    Shakespear: Successful Trades: 1
    With: samas990

    Shaman5695: Successful Trades: 2
    With: The_Savior, Milez

    sharkticon: Successful Trades: 7
    With: diesel7270, BrotherTri, aaziz, l0k1, CenturionPainting, Solorg, IdentifyZero

    Sharkvictim: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Veskrashen

    Shas'O Dorian: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Solorg, LORDEATSALOT, kenneydee, battle brother Lucifer, Timmah, Alastergrimm, Miner Musician, JRoc-77, Myrthan

    Shatnersghost: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Dakka_X3(2), Kabniel, Bloodquest, Finnlock, Maxstreel

    Shellfishguy: Successful Trades: 9
    With: econtutor, Gavo, athelu, thedmstrikes, hyperviper6, radical bob, vizier(2), Maxstreel

    Shenra: Successful Trades: 33
    With: Miner Musician, Gavin Thorne, NightChild, Alastergrimm(6), WarOne, CleverAntics, AlannahGrimm, FoxPhoenix135, Xizindar, IILeiBlazeII, Tyrius, mercer, heffling, HaLLuCiNaTiOn, Ascalam, TheAvengingKnee, WarOne, Dannicus, CATACLYSMUS, maxaile, TheLastEmperor, Jareth006, xFinality, jdicarlo, The AvengingKnee, Soccerlfb6, deathholydeath, Blood Lord Soldado

    shepherd23: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Uriels_Flame, WarOne, jason2250

    Shinene74: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wee-dub

    Shorty: Successful Trades: 1
    With: pretre

    Shotgun: Successful Trades: 2
    With: army310, Enslaviour#

    shrooms: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Doctadeth

    Shu: Successful Trades: 4
    With: SonsofVulkan, Son of a Dark Star, Spacepup1987, Dannygee

    sgierlinger: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mike_houghton98

    Sgt Diablo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Grizgrin

    Sgt_Jelal: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    SgtEaston: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tsilber

    Shae-Konnit: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Revenent Reiko(3), MarcoSkoll, Von Skyfury, LordofRust

    Shamanlord1961: successful Trades: 1
    With: Twoshoesvans

    SHORTY!!!: Successful Trades: 1
    With: SlavetoDorkness

    Sidstyler: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy

    Sigmarus: Successful Trades: 1
    With: vipcaniac

    Sigmatron: Successful Trades: 14
    With: nivondu, racta, pretre, Vhalan, DeadBabySoup, DeathReaper, leohart, dracosz, stewy37, Benamint, DarkTraveler777, deathholydeath, kavika0311, Kohala

    Silverkell: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Gorrath, col. krazy kenny, thehod

    SilverMK2: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Neith, Bash the Bosh, NoBaconz4You, mercer, inmygravenimage(2), Skinnereal, DX3

    simonbarsinistr: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Col. Gravis, Dez

    siphen: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Imperial Renegade

    sirgod2K1: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Widowsbane

    sirharris1507: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Avent, Lt. Coldfire

    sirzachary: Successful Trades: 2
    With: theQuanz, Nephren-Ka

    sk82712: Successful Trades: 1
    With: beezley1981

    Skarboy: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Dannicus, TheCupcakeCowboy, el_hammer

    skarousis: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sekai

    skavenfreak: Successful Trades: 2
    With: athelu(2)

    SkavenKnight: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, Rurouni Benshin

    Skelly: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, Pael, gohkm, Khestra the Unbeheld, dwerger13, fenrix19, DX3, col. krazy kenny, threewolves, Necroshea, Jakuri

    skkipper: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Byte

    ski2060: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Dez, backfromthedead

    skiman94: Successful Trades: 6
    With: CitizenVII, Magos Explorator, l0k1, BewareOfTom, Veskrashen, ultraatma

    Skinnattittar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thehod

    Skohm: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Gavo, Garvil_Loken, Wardragoon, voxplayer

    Skrall: Successful Trades: 1
    With: swalker91

    skull boy: Successful Trades: 14
    With: Alfndrate(2), carldooley(2), Ascalam, WarOne, carldooley, thebaroness, RustyKnight, Tabo, Grenat, kenneydee, Tsilber, Cadaver

    skycapt44: uccessful Trades: 6
    With: pretre, porkuslime, thechosen1, Rurouni Benshin, Iboshi2, GaussGuy

    skyfi: Successful Trades: 1
    With: carmachu

    SlackerMagee: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Alastergrimm

    slann: Successful Trades: 15
    With: djphranq, Orlanth, Muller, sonofruss, xRyuujinx, DarkAngelHopeful, Granesh, Gunny_Frost, Looks Infected, uscmbuzz, Khrysaor, lilted, Mr. Feel Good, Kuurii, xFinality

    Slavetodorkness: Successful Trades: 14
    With: joshuafalcon, athelu, devinb1690, Raumkampfer, Uriels_Flame, ddavidc, valhallanguitar, WillyBRags, Phat12uddha, CinderBlack, BrotherTri, 31rls31, Commissar Wolfie, poppadeke

    Slayersan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Red_Rage

    sleazy: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Col.Gravis, porkuslime

    Slice of toast: Successful Trades: 3
    With: barlio, joshuafalcon, Iboshi2

    Slinky: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Old Man Ultramarine, mercer, porkuslime

    Slipknotsomeone: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    Sliver: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lunahound

    slk28850: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Midnightdeathblade

    slyndread: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, xLokenx

    smackpie: Successful Trades: 3
    With: foolishzero, DeJolly, WarOne

    smuksta729: Successful Trades: 3
    With: jawmonkey, Hurricane, ILUSPB

    smurfwedge: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Squilverine, bra'tac, Mighty

    snakecharmer: Successful Trades: 3
    With: redeyed, Dalteth, Cypher's Sword

    Sneaky_Gobbo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mercer

    Sneezypanda: Successful Trades:1

    Snipafist: Successful Trades: 1
    With: aderdere

    snorri788: Successful Trades: 1
    With NoBaconz4You

    Snowman90: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Scnitzel, Duranias

    SnowMongoose: Successful Trades: 1
    With: optimusprime14

    Soccerflb6: Successful Trades: 3
    With: hungryp, Shenra, syypher

    Solancea: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Envy89, wardancer, Ruruoni Benshin

    Solar_Lion: Successful Trades: 2
    With: inmyravenimage(2)

    solidbarton: Successful Trades: 1
    With: pdawg517

    Solofalcon1138: Successful Trades: 7
    With: fett14622, thegreatcow, MagickalMemories, wretrop, KingmanHighborn, Battle Brother Lucifer, Jstncloud

    Solomon Lok: Successful Trades: 1
    With: madmen

    Solorg: Successful Trades: 18
    With: joshuafalcon, porkuslime, jawmonkey, Da Bank, Plankwalker, Envy89, athelu, cerealkiller195, Shas'O Dorian, mercoutlaw, Envy89, templeorks, The_Savior, Sageheart, DarthLakey, treadhead1944, martin74, Papaskittels

    solosam47: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cruentus

    Some_Call_Me_Tim?: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    Son of a Dark Star: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shu

    Son_Of_Iron: Successful Trades: 1
    With: poda_t

    SonicPara: Successful Trades: 6
    With: LakotaWolf(2), Green is Best!, Uriels_Flame, lilted, erewego86

    Sonnenberger: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Eldarain

    SonofGuilliman: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Old Man Ultramarine(2), Redgar, Wolf, Blackclaw, o Oni o, LakotaWolf, hungryp, M1ckjagger

    sonofruss: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Muller, BrotherSRM, Alpharius(2), Jin, Mannahnin, whalemusic360, inmygravenimage, Pipboy101

    sonsoflorgar: Successful Trades: 3
    With: romulus571, Darkzephyr, athelu

    SonsofVulkan: Successful Trades: 5
    With: punkisdead, damascusxie, Shu, InquisitorMack, rcguy111

    Sorgon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: parcival42

    Soul of Iron: Successful Trades: 1
    With: matphat

    SoulBellow: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sneaky_Gobbo

    Soundwave591: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ork_smash

    Sp4m: Succcessful Trades: 1
    With: judgedoug

    Spacebase: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Samus_aran115

    Spaced: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    spacemarine17: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Zid, foolishzero, porluslime(2), theblessing8386, WarOne, BrotherSRM, econtutor, mrwhoop

    spacemarinejunkie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    SpacePup1987: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Chadbacca, Shu, haendas

    Spacewolverine: Successful Trades: 5
    With: NicktheButcher, porkuslime, l0k1, Maxstreel, kabniel

    sparkywtf: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Rurouni Benshin, DeJolly, Enslaviour, witeout69

    Spartacusbob: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Amaya

    Spartan089: Successful Trades: 6
    With: JHall, Rurouni Benshin, lesboss, DX3, te11ah, Druid13

    spears: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Scouseboy

    speedninja: Successful trades: 1
    With: warducky

    Spellscape: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    Spiku: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    Spiralingcadaver: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Centurionpainting, guardpiper

    spiritfuryfire: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Beast Warrior

    SpitfireArsonist: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Noisy_marine, Noisy_Marine, whalemusic360

    Sprak: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Blackclaw, coyotius, VaUgHaNy86, joshuafalcon

    Squallbuddy: Successful Trades: 3
    With: The Night Stalker, busby, Bishop99

    squigherder: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Gutteridge

    squirrelsrage: Successful Trades: 11
    With: joshuafalcon(3), Chosen Praetorian, Lakotawolf, thehod, JHall, Marzooky, Xizindar, CitizenVll, CT GAMER

    Squilverine: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Green is Best!, CptCortez128(2), Murdock129, feediz, smurfwedge, wardancer, fox40, fifty

    Squishy Boots: Successful Trades: 1
    With: IdentifyZero

    SRMcG: Successful Trades: 5
    With: hyperviper6, Liquidice281, ddavidc, Fists of the emperor, racta

    Ssgt Carl: Successful Trades: 4
    With: joshuafalcon, R3con, CleverAntics, GamingKeefer

    ssjzuken: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Plankwalker

    stangfan94: Successful Trades: 2
    With: rothrich(2)

    Starfarer (user formerly known as Cadaver): Successful Trades: 10
    With: te3b0r, monkeysmut, pretre, tobi-nid-guy, Ishik, don_mondo, skull boy, kenneydee, KalashnikovMarine, joshuafalcon

    StarGate: Successful Trades: 4
    With: FITZZ, kenneydee, Old Man Ultramarine, Schnitzel

    Starhawks: Successful Trades: 1
    With: squirrelsrage

    starhawks1: Successful Trades: 2
    With: lilted, Baron Von Eptastic

    Steak: Successful Trades: 2
    With: WarOne, BrotherTri

    steamdragon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Caboose

    Steinerp: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Rossko, Waynebo

    Stevey293: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pnyxpresss

    stewy37: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sigmatron

    stimutacs: Successful Trades: 1
    With: LittleCizur

    Stinlin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Vintagemustangs

    stompygitz: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Uriels_Flame, Viagrus, pretre

    Stonedog:Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, Hellstorm

    Stonefox: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Redbeard

    Stormcallers: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tomb King

    StormFather: Successful Trades: 2
    With: jedi76, IdentifyZero

    stormleader: Successful Trades: 3
    With: martin74, Johnny-Crass, vhwolf

    stormtitan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Leo_the_Rat

    stormwell: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Dalteth

    stratassj: SAuccessful Trades: 1
    With: bontello63

    Strelka: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Talonzahn, porkuslime, Lakotawolf, Maxstreel

    strengthofthedragon2: Successful Trades: 8
    With: don_mondo, Khestra the Unbeheld, Blood Lord Soldado, CleverAntics, kcwm, brother noobicus, lilted, lictors_lovemachine

    Strimen: Successful Trades: 1
    With: templeorks

    StrixStruma: Successful Trades: 3
    With: vipcaniac, Wolf, Envy89

    str00dles1: Successful Trades: 5
    With: crowe, blood angel, Phototoxin, wileythenord, vindicarej

    StubbyGB: Successful Trades: 1
    With: aka_mythos

    Stubs: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Pipboy101, romulus571, Zain60, synchronicity

    studderingdave: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Sturmtruppen: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Spuj

    sub-zero: Successful Trades: 6
    With: athelu, Killjoy00, don_mondo, TyraelVladinhurst, lance002, Leth

    sum1thtdiesalot: Successful Trades: 12
    With: fett14622, chadbacca, porksulime, DeJolly, Rune Stonegrinder, Alastergrimm, Lakotawolf(5), BrotherTri

    Sumi808: Successful Trades: 1
    With: japehlio

    supercrazy05: Successful Trades: 1

    susejo239: Successful Trades: 1
    With: RaGe-at-Random

    Svartey: Successful Trades: 1
    With: The Night Stalker

    swalker91: Successful Trades: 5
    With: wileythenord(2), Dallo019, Abaddonthejoiner, Trogdor

    swampyturtle: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy

    Swara: Successful Trades: 3
    With: garner4185, NeuroticHitman, kenneydee

    swordbrotherjim: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dantay_xv

    Swordguy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ketara

    sworth9411: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Shas' O Dorian

    Symbiot: Successful Trades: 1
    With: garner1485

    synchronicity: Successful Trades: 2
    With: porkuslime, carldooley

    Synister_Intent: Successful Trades: 4
    With: lucasbuffalo, EldarMpuls3, NuclearMessiah, conker249

    Syraphym: Successful Trades: 3
    With: JHall, WarOne, seapheonix

    systemofaclown: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wardancer

    syypher: Successful Trades: 49
    With: thegreatcow, MaliceSpite, disel24, thedmstrikes, Ruruoni Benshin, FoxPhoenix135(2), Amaya, Nicorex, warhammerpainters, TheVacahaha, Luthon1234, Old Man Ultramarine, midget_overlord, TheLastEmperor, The_Savior, Jebush, samius, crowe, skycapt44, th3eviltwin, cyrax777, Jackal969, Archangellus, tantan628, vyndetta85(2), Brother SRM, The Duke07, Enslaviour, LittleCizur, greenskin lynn, CiaranAnnrach, rush0312, DX3, whigwam, PotatoSalad, rcguy111, jdjamesdean@mail.com, fastnfeared, Jamora, alqadim, talljosh85, Chancetragedy, KalashnikovMarine, Soccerlfb6, Markillius08, alarmingrick, Dinamarth

    syzixx: Successful Trades: 7
    With: kenneydee, athelu, gregor_xenos, Japache, battle Brother Lucifer, chesirecat258, lucasbuffalo

    T_VanderZwaag: Successful trades: 2
    With: pjmcgrath07, ChaoticFlanagan

    tabletopgames43: Successful Trades: 2
    With: RiTides Nids, rodfarruguia

    Tabo: Successful Trades: 4
    With: skull boy, tobi-nid-guy, Khestra the Unbeheld, gorgon-locke

    tadaka: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Tails9095: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Brother Gyoken, Hive Fleet Scarecrow, KamenRiderW, talljosh85

    Talarn Blackshard: Successful Trades: 1
    With: tiekwando

    talljosh85: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Tails9095, TheSpillmonkey, syypher, lictors_lovemachine

    TalonZahn: Successful Trades: 12
    With: Darknight, Zid. Samus_aran115, JHall, burb1996, Strelka, Schnitzel, void stalker, TheLastEmperor, wee-dub, BrotherSRM, whitedragon

    tantan628: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Clauss, syypher, WarOne, Dalteth, Frankenberry

    tarvos: Successful Trades: 1
    With: warboss

    Tau Lord: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Perkustin, Storm Lord

    Taubeast: Successful Trades: 6
    With: lictors_lovemachine, Ssgt Carl, CaptainRexKrammer, Wulfe Luer, lictors_lovemachine, Waaaaghmaster

    Tauzor: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    tavitin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Blackclaw

    Tbone: Successful Trades: 1
    With: KingmanHighborn

    Tcairns33: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    te11ah: Successful Trades: 1
    With: threedguru

    te3b0r: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Gavin Thorne, allmypulp, Avarice711, joshuafalcon, Ecurb the Mighty, carldooley, LucasLAD

    Technoscream: Successful Trades: 1
    With: mercer

    Tedintheshed: Successful Trades: 3
    With: threewolves, Khestra the Unbeheld, JohnHag

    ted777ccg: successful Trades: 2
    With: Enslaviour, vhwolf

    Teeef: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Spacewolverine

    teej: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Farseer Jenkins, CitizenVII, Rejn

    teh_jake: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Ruruoni Benshin(2)

    TEich: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Kapton Morgunz

    Tek: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ultimate 40K

    tekk_45: Successful Trades: 6
    With: fett14622, Flying Pooo, Rurouni Benshin, funkyh, midget_overlord, Gearhead

    te11ah: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Tellah: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hemingway

    Telsiph: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Benamint, WarOne, conker249, Ineedvc2500

    TemplarCoyote: Successful Trades: 3
    With: primalexile, eldartau1987, jason2250

    templarM: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Obrek

    templeorks: Successful Trades: 12
    With: jtw1n, Solorg, jack_merridew, DispatchDave(3), lilted, Pyronick. greenskin lynn, lictors_lovemachine, revackey, Thrax

    Tenz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Kaldolar

    th3eviltwin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Erudog

    TH3 UND3RK1NG: Successful Trades: 1
    With: wee-dub

    Thaylen: Successful Trades: 5
    With: kenneydee, Rurouni Benshin(2), glon52, o Oni o

    )Note: All Usernames starting with any variation of the word 'The' are placed in direct alphabetical order instead of taking account of spaces and underscores in the name. This is because there's so many of them!)

    The 0perator: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Lunahound, Ckilleen, firmlog

    The10thNazgul: Successful Trades: 2
    With: jtw1n, athelu

    theadmiraloffun: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    Theangelking47: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thehod

    TheAvengingKnee: Successful Trades: 3
    With: TheLastEmperor, Untoldstory, Shenra

    thebaroness: Successful Trades: 4
    With: skull boy, BloodFrenzy187, joshuafalcon, wizardofgore

    theblessing8386: Successful Trades: 14
    With: Vindicator#9, Uriels_Flame, Grey Knight Luke, porkuslime, spacemarine17, blood angel, Zenkaron, DispatchDave, Khestra the Unbeheld, allmypulp, Viagrus, Valek, Joeyfox, bubbinski

    The Bloody Handed God: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Heffling

    The Blue Pyramid: Successful Trades: 3
    With: devilfluff, Ruruoni Benshin, rryann

    TheBrandedOne: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    thechosen1: Successful Trades: 2
    With: skycapt44, Vel'cona

    thechr1s: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Andy06r, BeefCakeSoup, Biohavok, gentlepsycho

    the color purple: Successful Trades: 2
    With: kenneydee, Hewittv18

    TheContortionist: Successful Trades: 4
    With: D'Natagal, bricksxe, Khestra the Unbeheld, dauntless

    TheCupcakeCowboy: Successful Trades: 24
    With: Sidstyler, Daemon-Archon Ren, Zulander, Skarboy, AlasterGrimm, porkuslime(3), joshuafalcon, TheLastEmperor, coolstream, DX3, Magos Explorator, SebastionSynn, swampyturtle, warboss, Tronzor, Horst, axehigh, baritowned, Xjs53v12, slyndread, giothulu, MagickalMemories

    The_Curator: Successful Trades: 2
    With: DeathReaper, biccat

    thedmstrikes: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Dashofpepper, jawmonkey, econtutor, infamousxiii, RiTides, carldooley, Shellfishguy, athelu, syypher, crazybeanz

    Theduke07: Successful Trades: 3
    With: [SO]Rice, midget_overlord, syypher

    theeldar: Successful Trades: 9
    With: lakotawolf(2), brother noobicus, Emeth, Rurouni Benshin, hemingway, Drewcasket, NCPawnee, big_d

    TheFatElf: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Battle Brother Lucifer, zariart

    Thegreatcow: Successful Trades: 8
    With: beb-paquito, Heffling, athelu, Ruruoni Benshin, Inquisitor Mack, Dez, syypher, Leo_The_Rat

    The Green Git: Successful Trades: 4
    With: JesusHULKchrist, Sarpedon_702, tiekwando, Pipboy101

    thegreatpinto: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Fists of the emperor

    The Great Wolf: Successful Trades: 1`
    With: Bangbangboom

    The Grundel: Successful Trades: 1

    The_Happy_Pig: Successful Trades: 1
    With: orkyben

    thehod: Successful Trades: 19
    With: Janthkin, pjmcgrath07, fett14622, Silverkell, TheAngelKing47, kenneydee, Mike Noble, CKilleen, squirrelsrage, Darkness, whalemusic360, lictors_lovemachine, Necronilis, Rurouni Benshin, pretre, Farseer Jenkins, Sekai, mousespook, GamingKeefer

    TheJadeTiger: Successful Trades: 3
    With: DangerousBeans, ArcSoll, Herod

    The Jetpack Al: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Xizindar

    thejughead: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Vel'cona, Necroshea

    TheLastEmperor: Successful Trades: 32
    With: Holy Blessed Homicide, zeronyne, Ifurita, acidchalk, Alfndrate, FITZZ, Revarien, Ifurita, Boneblade, Ascalam, WarOne, Warmonger33, greyen, Soulx, Tomb King, hosstang, TheCupcakeCowboy, TalonZahn, Shenra, blood_ravens_marine, o Oni o(2), syypher, revackey, TheAvengingKnee, martin74, Ecurb the Mighty, hemingway, DeathReaper, rcguy111, Lehnsherr, Portugal Jones

    Thelion1220: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Commissar Wolfie

    TheLionofTheForest: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cruentus

    thelordcal: Successful Trades: 1
    With: magodedisco

    thelordoflife: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Squilverine, Gorechild, Khargrim, Caboose

    TheMostSlyFox: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Raxxamous, revackey, Gavin Thorne, dahli.llama

    TheMostWize: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld(2), jason2250, warriorpriest, dantay_xv

    The Night Stalker: Successful Trades: 20
    With: porkuslime(2), Doctrin, revackey, WarOne, hemingway, Svartey, dahli.llama, FITZZ, Gearhead, AlasterGrimm, madman12367, Vogal, tiekwando, Maxstreel, dressd2kill, DeJolly, lucasbuffalo, JackSwift, Bash the Bosh

    Theophony: Successful Trades: 12
    With: Breotan, amrogers3, Sarpedon_702, NeonHate, Breotan, Jardaddy, antone3x7, Gearhead, Baron Von Eptastic, Sekai, joshuafalcon(2)

    Thereaper78: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DangerousBeans

    theQuanz: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Hellstorm, theeldar, Rimmy, Tronzor, IdentifyZero, void stalker, Green is Best!, Kingilization, deathholydeath, foolishzero

    The Sarducci: Successful Trades: 2
    With: chadbacca, coreyzat

    The_Savior: Successful Trades: 24
    With: WarOne(2), mpb287, Solorg, Choose Nothing, Frosty Hardtop, Dez, Blood Lord Soldado, Maxstreel, goldlinkdawg(2), Brother SRM, insidejoke, Alastergrimm, skull boy, kenneydee, syypher, Kyrolon, docDOOM815, Beefwhistle, boogeyman, C_Harte, poda_t, Shaman5695

    TheSpillMonkey: Successful Trades: 1
    With: talljosh85

    The_Stormrider: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Tomb King, warboss, CaptainRexKrammer, Dez, InquisitorMack, Uriels_Flame, Sekai, quickfuze, DX3, kur0n

    The Strange Dude: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Jon Garrett(2), mercer, WingWong, TalonZahn, inmygravenimage(2), jadefalcon777

    TheVacahaha: Successful Trades: 1
    With: syypher

    thisisnotpancho: Successful Trades: 1
    With: loyce8869

    Thomasdowd: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Maxstreel

    Thortek: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Dez, mizzra(2)

    Thrax: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Miner Musician, D.Azrinae

    threewolves: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Tedintheshed, jawmonkey, J-Roc77, Skelly, JHall

    thrilliswear1: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Cuthroatcure

    thyrkill: Successful Trades: 4
    With: IILeiBlazeII, drpieceofme, Mattlov, Lt. Coldfire

    Thirdstorm: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Redbeard, Death By Monkeys, Ulfar, Sorgon, Talonzahn, porkuslime

    Thomasdowd: Successful Trades: 1
    With: daedalus

    Thortek: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ascalam

    Thrax: Successful Trades: 2
    With: templeorks, Sazzlefrats

    threedguru: Successful Trades: 1
    With: AtariAssasin

    Thunderfrog:Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    Thunderjaw: Successful Trades: 1
    With: InquisitorMack

    Thyrkill: Successful Trades: 4
    With: makr, pilsboy, Halsfield, laz3r

    TiB: Successful Trades: 4
    With: mrwhoop, IILeiBlazeII, Cadian16th, compdrag

    tiber55: Successful Trades: 4
    With: NeuroticHitman, fett14622, Theophony, Skelly

    tiekwando: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Vogal, The Night Stalker, Blood Lord Soldaldo, The Green Git, lakotawolf, Shu, InquisitorMack, Talarn Blackshard

    tigonesskay: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    timetowaste85: Successful Trades: 9
    With: Mr. Feel Good, NeonHate, JHall, catharsix, Tronzor, Waynebo, blood angel, Newabortion, jason2250

    Timmah: Successful Trades: 3
    With: joexxv, Shas'O Dorian, JHall

    timofeo: Successful Trades: 5
    With: army310, Fallen_Veteran, Rurouni Benshin, buckero0, ruff

    tipios: Successful Trades: 2
    With: inmygravenimage(2)

    Tironum: Successful Trades: 5
    With: JHall, Pipboy101, napoleon, hyperviper6, Evewalker

    Tizz: Successful Trades: 9
    With: WingWong, RogueMarket(2), Lictors_Lovemachine, Simonbarsinistr, Vindicator#9, pantsmessiah, tpears, elfboy

    tlacarra: Successful Trades: 1
    With: piprinx

    tldr: Successful Trades: 1
    With: augustus5

    tmac: Successful Trades: 1
    With: IILeiBlazeII

    tobi-nid-guy: Successful Trades: 8
    With: WarOne, Lax35, DeathReaper, Cadaver, Biohavok, Tabo, Benamint, brother noobicus

    Toeko: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lucasbuffalo

    TofuZombie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DexKivuli

    ToI: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Imperial Renegade, fenrir1997

    Tomb King: Successful Trades: 28
    With: TheLastEmperor, bontello63, jcroxford, wee-dub, Comrade, Ifurita, nearchus, Revarien, exodusofman, NU11nV01D, ernshmagl, Midnightdeathblade, Larghter, huppelspin, The_Curator, The_Stormrider, Stormcallers, Cult of My Boy Blue, CaptainRexKrammer, IdentifyZero, newtoncain, Tronzor, pretre, pdawg517, kellymatthew37, Trechor, mercer, baptistcreature

    tomjoad: Successful Trades: 3
    With: bubbinski, Brokksamson, saga

    tony_nids_10: Successful Trades: 5
    With: templeorks, catharsix, greenskin lynn, Legion91, whalemusic360

    tony_the_nids: Successful Trades: 1
    With: inmygravenimage

    tonytidus916: Successful Trades: 1
    With: aka_mythos

    Topher21: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Vintagemustangs, foolishzero

    Torentu: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DeJolly

    Tortured-Robot: Successful Trades: 2
    With: NoBaconz4You, Khrysaor

    totengraber: Successful Trades: 1
    With: BrotherTri

    toymaker: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Redbeard, 31rls31, Zaxon, lilted, Choose Nothing, Ifurita, dgree

    tpears: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old man Ultramarine

    tprize: Succesful trades: 7
    With: iz a kitty, Lt. Coldfire, Frosty Hardtop, racta, Ifurita, cyrax777, faintpremonition

    Traceoftoxin: Successful Trades: 5
    With: warboss, Quark!, IdentifyZero, qballony, ZombieJoe

    trade: Successful Trades: 1
    With: djphranq

    treadhead1944: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Solorg

    Trechor: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Sekai, winterman, doantana

    Tremulant: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Nephren-Ka, Trogdor

    Trogdor: Successful Trades: 7
    With: warducky, carldooley, offdutyninja1, wileythenord, JennyP, swalker91, WillyBRags

    Tronzor: Successful Trades: 11
    With: puma713, theQuanz, guardpiper, lilted, Green is Best!, TheCupcakeCowboy, Grix, Tomb King, timetowaste85, Rurouni Benshin, martin74

    Troz: Successful Trades: 1
    With: John Garrett

    truck: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Caboose, Farseer Jenkins(2), Mistress of minis

    Truffle: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pnyxpresss

    Tsilber: Successful Trades: 8
    With: ?, skull boy, blood angel, sgt_easton, Obrek, Dannicus, Myrthan, jeratoll

    TTG BUNKER: Successful Trades: 1
    With : Blood Lord Soldado

    TwilightWalker: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Polonius, Hoyota, foolishzero, BigBuddha, garuss acine

    Twin .44: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Sigmatron, Iboshi2, razieltemplar, DeathReaper, lilted

    Twinkle Starchild: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Brometheus

    Twisted_Mister: Successful Trades: 1
    With: AnGeLsOfDeAtH

    Twisted Thrasher: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Schnitzel, foolishzero

    two_heads_talking: Successful Trades: 1
    With: alarmingrick

    Twoshoesevans:Successful Trades: 7
    With: greenskin lynn, thedmstrikes, Vintagemustangs, smuksta729, jawmonkey, Shamanlord1961, lictors_lovemachine

    Tylerkabana: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Enslaviour

    TyraelVladinhurst: Successful Trades: 7
    With: mike_houghton98, beezley1981, Blood Lord Soldado, [SO]Rice, Amaya, sub-zero, Green is Best!

    tyranids? :Successful Trades: 1
    With: 31rls31

    Tyrius: Successful Trades: 11
    With: Shenra, Khestra the Unbeheld, exodusofman, xLokenx, Ruruoni Benshin, Lormax, Khestra the Unbeheld, athelu, lucasbuffalo, blood angel, gorgon

    Tzeentchling9: Successful Trades: 2
    With: J-Roc77, Ascalam

    Ukla: Successful Trades: 2
    With: IdentifyZero, Enslaviour

    Uktena66: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Zefig

    Ulfar: Successful Trades: 3
    With: RiTides Nids, Dakka_X3, Brother SRM

    ulfs: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WarOne

    Ultimate 40K: Successful Trades: 6
    With: WarOne, HandsNFeetFace, reimermath, gendoikari87, DeathGuard633, deathholydeath

    Ultraatma: Successful Trades: 2
    With: skiman94, mr.petey

    Ultra Magnus 15: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Pipboy101

    ultra vulkan: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Mattlov

    UMGuy: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sigmatron

    Unclehomefries: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Hulksmash

    unclenurgle59: Successful Trades: 5
    With: kabniel, Vladsimpaler, Halsfield, 1-UP, hemingway

    UnDeAd: Successful Trades: 1
    With: CleverAntics

    Underachiever: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jackal

    unityvybe: Successsful Trades: 4
    With: poda_t, o Oni o, DX3, Yggdrasil

    UnsunGunner: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Vindicator#9, 31rls31, Hulksmash, Tangent

    Untoldstory: Successful Trades: 3
    With: TheAvengingKnee, Thyrkill, Da Piper

    Uriels_Flame: Successful Trades: 38
    With: Faux Pas, smackpie, Redbeard, Pipboy101, penfold187, HD300, theblessing8386, WarOne, laneroco, thedmstrikes, Vitruvian XVII, Daemon-Archon Ren, kill dem stunties, SlaveToDorkness, RustyKnight, Dez, Golga, jawmonkey, JHall, Izeya82, Breotan, Commissar Wolfie, SonicPara, Luco, loyce8869, The_Stormrider, Shepherd23, rcguy111, LidlessPraetor, dressd2kill, cricketofdeth, l0k1, Primarch_of_mechmarines, jmsincla, gentlepsycho(2), serathnal, Duranias

    Uri Lee: Successful Trades: 1
    With: sonofruss

    urza8188: Successful Trades: 1
    With: conker249

    usafmtl: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    uscmbuzz: Successful Trades: 18
    With: Pipboy101, thegreatcow, Foxphoenix135, lictors_lovemachine(4), LakotaWolf, sbu, InquisitorMack, Hans Chung-Otterson, Kamsm8, L0k1, aaziz, jawmonkey, Bluetau, CitizenVll

    v00d00blu3: Successful Trades: 2
    With: iz a kitty, blood angel

    Vaercathor: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Redbeard

    Vafthrudnir: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Waynebo

    Valek: Successful Trades: 8
    With: poda_t, Alexheap, mercer, Shadowseer_Kim, I Missed on Purpose, Enslaviour, theblessing8386, Battle Brother Lucifer

    valhallanguitar: Successful Trades: 3
    With: The_Savior, SlaveToDorkness, Field Marshal Wiley

    valiantjared: Successful Trades: 1
    With: just2fierce

    valkyrie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rouiller10

    Vandil: Successful Trades: 1
    With: JHall

    VarguardObrien: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Acardia, Byte

    variable: Successful Trades: 4
    With: kenneydee, buckero0, md5114a, ivoreagleye

    VaUgHaNy86: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Sprak

    Vel'cona: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Gearhead, Rurouni Benshin, Duranias

    Vermillion: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Morathi's Darkest Sin, Filbert, Barksdale, poytadlock, Brother Malleus

    Vero: Successful Trades: 1
    With: sleazy

    Vertrucio: Successful Trades: 1
    With: RiTides Nids

    Veskrashen: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Fango, Sharkvictim, skiman94, lucasbuffalo

    Vhalan: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Fallen_Veteran, Sigmatron, lilted, pretre, Dannicus, Jordancw90

    vhwolf: Successful Trades: 21
    With: Joihnny-Crass, Maxstreel, stormleader, dufflebag, Fishborne, godswildcard, inmygravenimage, Helbig, Blackclaw, Dez, Frankenberry(2), porkuslime, Filbert, jawmonkey, ted777ccg, hemingway, Samus_aran115, Fallen_Veteran, ClintonG, Iron Dragon

    Viagrus: Successful Trades: 20
    With: porkuslime, beezley1981, pilsboy, gregor_xenos(2), kenneydee, MagickalMemories, drpieceofme, theblessing8386, Magos Explorator, Wulfe Luer, carmachu, ILUSPB, gentlepsycho, xLokenx, baptistcreature, warriorpriest, Pael, Aglobalthreat, curran12

    victor.IG: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Cruentus, nerdfest09

    Viktor Von Domm: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Tlo1048

    vindicarej: Successful Trades: 13
    With: pretre, KalashnikovMarine, quickfuze, ohhnoez, jawmonkey, lilted, HiveFleetCollossus, Eternalhero1983, NCPawnee, Sprak, str00dles1, mathisking, guardpiper

    Vindicator#9: Successful trades: 29
    With: anticitizen013, Boss_Salvage, Caboose, glon52, Grekyll, pjmcgrath07, Chugosh, Brother SRM, Dakka_X3, Lint, Jon Garrett, Fiercegoldfish, WarOne, Hoarmuel, econtutor, Darkzephyr, a1steaks, theblessing8386, JHall, 31rls31, Loricatus Aurora, Farseer Jenkins, Zulander(2), revackey, CT GAMER, fett14622, IILeiBlazeII, whalemusic360

    Vintagemustangs: Successful trades: 19
    With: Corpsegrinder, Topher21, smackpie, Twoshoesvans, LittleCizur, stinlin, mike_houghton98, athelu, Xizindar, kitsunez, jedi76, What Just Happened?, Legion91, lictors_lovemachine(2), goldlinkdawg, te11ah, CiaranAnnrach, inquisitorlewis

    vipcaniac: Successful Trades: 5
    With: StrixStruma, Sigmarius, Eight Ball, pombe, Death By Monkeys

    viralx101: Successful Trades: 1
    With: void stalker

    visavizmeyou: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Old Man Ultramarine

    Vitruvian XVII: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Jamora, Uriels_Flame, Battle Brother Lucifer

    vizier: Successful Trades: 7
    With: makr, guardpiper, Death By Monkeys, Lt. Coldfire, joshuafalcon, Shellfishguy, jack_merridew

    Vladsimpaler: Successful Trades: 1
    With: battle brother Lucifer

    Vogal: Successful Trades: 9
    With: The Night Stalker, Lakotawolf(2), abyss, Zid, tiekwando, Garuss Acine, Clauss, Son of a Dark Star

    void stalker: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Talonzahn, theQuanz, viralx101

    Vomit: Successful Trades: 2
    With: revackey, DeJolly

    Von Skyfury: Successful Trades: 1
    With: MajorTom11

    vossyvo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Flying Pooo

    voxplayer: Successful Trades: 4
    With: BrotherTri, Skohm, hungryp, ryanguy322

    vwjetta1997: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Alpharius, Hurricane, Mr. Feel Good, dacommissar357

    VWolf: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Muggzy

    vyndetta85: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Dessloch, Jardaddy, syypher, WulfeLuer, Jordancw90

    w/ mpb287: Successful Trades: 1
    With: kenneydee

    WAAAAGGHH-God: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pipboy101, Blood Lord Soldado

    Waarg: Successful Trades: 1
    With: dgree

    Wakinglimb: Successful Trades: 7
    With: Garuss Acine, wardancer, Gwar!, menziez, AndrewC, GoDz BuZzSaW, Pnakotus

    Walledin: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lormax

    Walls: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Envy89

    warboss: Successful Trades: 17
    With: DrunkenPanda, [SO]Rice, tarvos, Looks Infected, Brother SRM, Battle Brother Lucifer, The_Stormrider, deathfang, DX3, DeJolly, sekhemet, TheCupcakeCowboy, Green is Best!, jardaddy, labmouse42, Traceoftoxin, hcordes

    Warboss mrowl: Successful Trades: 3
    With: drglnc, FenrisianStuart21, Asuryan

    Warboss Zarruk: Successful Trades: 1
    With: lilted

    Warcaster: Successful Trades: 2
    With:Mick A, Old Man Ultramarine

    Wardancer: Successful Trades: 42
    With: Wakinglimb, Jon Garrett(5), mwnciboo(2), else, elfboy, Green is Best!, mikeyboyj, WingWong, Mr-_-Flidd, Murdock129, Bash the Bosh, Loricatus Aurora, Motograter, captaintf, athelu, Solancea, ddavidc, squilverine, orkyben, Calibanite Lion, Joyous_Oblivion, warhammerpainters, 99MDeery, pantsdown, systemofaclown, weiler, bacms, Spiku, Jon Garrett, discok3, Garviel, Atonuts, jmsincla, Nerbil, abuabu, KalashnikovMarine, Barksdale

    Wardragoon: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Skohm

    warducky: Successful Trades: 13
    With: rogueeyes, ductvader, bdix, speedninja, WarOne, Old Man Ultramarine(2), hyperviper6, keeneydee, commandercd, Ruruoni Benshin, Dannicus, big_d

    Wargamejunkie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: xole

    Wargamer's Cave Ray: Successful Trades: 3
    With: revackey, midget_overlord, Dracos

    warhammerpainters: Successful Trades: 1
    With: porkuslime

    warhound123: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Porkuslime

    warlordgarou: Successful Trades: 1
    With: slyndread

    WarPetrie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Garuss Acine

    Wakinglimb: Successful Trades: 1
    With: SEEEZZRR

    Wampum: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Ruruoni Benshin

    Wandre: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jamora

    warhammerpainters: Successful Trades: 2
    With: syypher, Gearhead

    Warmaster: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lunahound

    WarOne: Successful Trades: 119
    With: Pipboy101(4), warducky, romulus571, Vindicator#9, porkuslime(5), Killjoy00, Uriels_Flame, greenskin lynn(2), carmachu, LORDEATSALOT, kaneka, Frosty Hardtop, Envy89(2), Leviathan2009, Lost Boyz, citadel_security, hyperviper6, NeuroticHitman, Gavin Thorne, jtw1n, Farseer Jenkins, Riddlebox85, The Night Stalker, Pael(2), lilted, Darien13, Corbett, Slipknotsomeone, Lucid(2), DashofPepper, spacemarine17, Papaskittels, Gizmodious, J-Roc77, Phoebus28, Magnalon, The_Savior(2), econtutor, mikhaila, iz a kitty, jetjetex, Lt. Coldfire, Arcsoll, ShadowZekti, Shenra(2), LittleCizur, Choose Nothing, Smackpie, skull boy, Neroku, TheLastEmperor, Ascalam, Lakotawolf, wee-dub, Neroku, inmygravenimage(2), KingCracker, RustyKnight, Gitsplitta, Ultimate 40K, whitedragon, Sarpedon_702(2), saga, Battle Brother lucifer, jmsincla, saylor17, Syraphym, Steak, Azure, PlusD6, daedalus, Alfndrate(2), goldlinkdawg, Yggdrasil, mr.petey, Disarray, Noinnervate, LakotaWolf, quickfuze, ryanrukus, PanzerBjorn, acheman, pballer, cricketofdeth, jawmonkey(2), Shepherd23, Pnyxpresss, Khestra the Unbeheld, Death By Monkeys, Cutthroatcure, Benamint, DX3, djphranq, Telsiph, JennyP, Baron Von Eptastic, mousespook, Barksdale, gentlepsycho, Benamint, optimusprime14

    warpcrafter: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Ascalam, Commissar Wolfie, Choose Nothing

    warriorpriest: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Iboshi2, TheMostWize, djphranq, Sekai, Viagrus(2), Jackswift, LordofRust

    warwookie: Successful Trades: 1
    With: shingouki

    Watsabi: Successful Trades: 2
    With: joshuafalcon, Old Man Ultramarine

    Waynebo: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Schnitzel, Dez, Rico, Vafthrudnir, Zro1312, timetowaste85

    Wee-Dub: Successful Trades: 12
    With: 1-UP, Envy89, DispatchDave, WarOne(2), TH3 UND3RK1NG, TheCupcakeCowboy, Masterofmelee, skull boy, TheLastEmperor, nivondu, Talonzahn

    Weeheee: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Iboshi2

    weetyskemian44: Successful Trades: 1
    With: DarkStarSabre

    Wehrkind: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Arander, carmachu

    weiler: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Keigan, Eszharen, adeptus ludus, NoBaconz4You, Randomsauce19, eldanesh2011

    wettrain: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Khrysaor

    whalemusic360: Successful Trades: 30
    With: Razzle, Gitsplitta(2), Breotan, mercoutlaw, Ruruoni Benshin, CptCortez128, Kodama, athelu, Vindicator#9, battle Brother Lucifer, Sageheart, JunkyOrk, beezley1981, gman1401, inmygravenimage(2), DarkTraveler777, MajorTom11, RiTides, sonofruss, Mr. Feel Good, thehod, SpitfireArsonist, racta, Yggdrasil, Papskittels, endtransmission, djphranq, Eternalhero1983

    What Just Happened?:- Successful Trades: 5
    With: GREY88, Serder, xFinality, Vintagemustangs, AresX8

    Whembly: Successful Trades: 1
    With: gregor_xenos

    whigwam: Successful Trades: 1
    With: carmachu

    whitedragon: Successful Trades: 8
    With: Gavin Thorne, whalemusic360, RustyKnight, Talonzahn, Redbeard, WarOne, Kid_Kyoto, Battle Brother Lucifer

    Who: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jawmonkey

    Widowsbane: Successful Trades: 4
    With: xSoulgrinderx, Helbig, haendas, Sirgod2k1

    Wildstorm: Successful Trades: 1
    With: puma713

    wileythenord: Successful Trades: 7
    With: DarkTraveler777, midget_overlord, puma713, Lobukia, swalker91, Inigo Montoya, Trogdor

    WillyBRags: Successful Trades: 4
    With: Slave to Dorkness, insidejoke, pretre, cormadepanda

    Wilsmire: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Pipboy101, Rainyday

    WingWong:Successful Trades: 17
    With: Mick A (2), Col.Gravis, The Strange Dude, Ketara, mercer, rokitchikin, Killjoy00, wardancer(2), YoungJohn, Wazzdig Dagga, CaptainJay, Byronic, rez, NoBaconz4You, ArbitorIan

    winky: Successful Tades: 4
    With: Revarien, Siphen, porkuslime, stewy37

    winterman: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Krax, Trechor

    witeout69: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Grimgob, jkpz28, Enslaviour, Iboshi2, guardpiper, sparkywtf, Brother SRM, kenneydee, Purifyingflame_7, Eternalhero1983

    winterman: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Commissar Wolfie

    wiper: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jon Garrett

    Witch King of Angmar: Successful Trades: 1
    With: North101

    with an iron fist: Successful Trades: 1
    With:Faux Pas

    wittzo: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rryannn

    Wizardofgore: Successful Trades: 1
    With: thebaroness

    Wolf: Successful Trades: 20
    With: Gwar!, Maxstreel, deadly chicken, StrixStruma, Million, mercer(2), Grundz, daesung, NobleSeven, Gavo, Choboking, Khazgor, Kuurii, Bongfu, redeyed, HandsNFeetFace, mrfish, axehigh, Griddlelol

    wolfe lauer: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Chadbacca

    wolfguard99: Successful Trades: 3
    With: slice of toast, djphranq, Redbeard

    wolfkin03: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Xizindar

    wolfpack: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Belphegor

    wolfshadow: Successful Trades: 6
    With: hemingway, Lehnsherr, fett14622, rodt777, Revarien, l0k1

    Wolfun: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Irak

    wonkobaggins: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Death By Monkeys, mercoutlaw, mikeyboyj, MrNuggests151, swampyturtle

    wretrop: Successful Trades: 13
    With: 92Acclude, Hell_Jumper_056, Obrek, Sekai(2), baritowned, Hell_Jumper_056, xole, Obrek, SootWolf, SoloFalcon1138(3)

    Wulfe Luer: Successful Trades: 12
    With: joshuafalcon, Luco, NobleSeven, WarOne(2), dahli.llama, vyndetta85, Viagrus, Battle Brother Lucifer, Rurouni Benshin(2), warriorpriest

    WulfOfCadia:Successful Trades: 1
    With: Death By Monkeys

    Wumby: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JennyP, Eternalhero1983

    WUWU: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld, Gizmodious

    Wyliex: Successful Trades: 1
    With: ernshmagl

    wyomingfox: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Jin

    Xanthos: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Hawkins

    xblackdog: Successful Trades: 1
    With: hungryp

    xcutionr2: Successful Trades: 2
    With: BrotherTri, giothulu

    xFinality: Successful Trades: 6
    With: a1steaks, Shenra, DX3, Blackclaw, Gavin Thorne, chadbacca

    Xicsess: Successful Trades: 1
    With: gregor_xenos

    Xizindar: Successful Trades: 10
    With: The Jetpack Al, Sal4m4nd3r, eNvY, aerethan, squirrelsrage, wolfkin03, Vintagemustangs, Shenra, Sacrificial_Soul, TheSpillmonkey

    Xjs53v12: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy

    xlEternitylx: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Obrek, lucasbuffalo, rowenamosgallant

    xLokenx: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Tyrius, jason2250, Viagrus, ILUSPB, slyndread, lucasbuffalo

    xole: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Starfarer

    xRyuujinx: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Bio-Merc91207, catharsix

    xSoulgrinderx: Successful Trades: 9
    With: jbarket, Widowsbane, burb1996, beasley_d, lilted, JoeyFox, quickfuze, Deathreaper, warducky

    xufan248: Successful Trades: 2
    With: TheCupcakeCowboy, Killjoy00

    yaDigg: Successful Trades: 1
    With: coyotius

    yamagogimon18: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Liquidice281

    Yeargh: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Commissar Wolfie

    Yggdrasil: Successful Trades: 10
    With: Blightdron, Ork12, Gorman, vindicator#9, inmygravenimage(2), WarOne, Mannahnin, I Missed on Purpose, whalemusic360

    YoungJohn: Successful Trades: 1
    With: WingWong

    Zachwho: Successful Trades: 5
    With: Blood Lord Soldado, besthegreat, poda_t, vyndetta85, midget_overlord

    Zackwho: Successful Trades: 2
    With: penfold187, steamdragon

    Zambro: Successful Trades: 2
    With: legopirate, nerdfest09

    Zariart: Successful Trades: 3
    With: CinderBlack, Grix, CitizenVll

    Zarim: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Khestra the Unbeheld

    zasz: Successful Trades: 2
    With: knightpredator, gentlepsycho

    Zatchmo: Successful Trades: 2
    With: JHall, gameandwatch

    Zaxon: Successful Trades: 3
    With: LuigiX, Plankwalker, NeuroticHitman

    zedsdead: Successful Tradea: 2
    With: madmen, porkuslime

    Zefig: Successful Trades: 3
    With: guardpiper, Grix, Platuan4th

    zeke48: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Iboshi2(2)

    Zenkaron: Successful Trades: 1
    With: theblessing8386

    Zephel: Successful Trades: 3
    With: Lakotawolf, Sekai, deathholydeath

    zer0: Successful Trades: 1
    With: jcroxford

    zer0kamina: Successful Trades: 1
    With: swbruni

    Zero_Cool: Sucessful Trades: 4
    With: Pipboy101, HurricaneGirl, Belphegor, BITZJUNKIE

    zeronyne: Successful Trades: 1
    With: TheLastEmperor

    zerosevensevenzero: Successful Trades: 1
    With: joshuafalcon

    Zid: Successful Trades: 14
    With: TalonZahn, Big 'Uns, spacemarine17, carldooley(2), DISCIPLE_SoC, 1-UP, rocklord2004(2), Garuss Acine, JHall(2), djphranq, Vogal

    zinge: Successful Trades: 2
    With: Gwar!, NoBaconz4You

    ZMC: Successful Trades: 3
    With: ILUSPB, R10T, jeratoll

    ZombieJoe: Successful Trades: 2
    With: catharsix, Traceoftoxin

    ZombiePizza: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Lakotawolf

    zorfex: Successful Trades: 2
    With: LakotaWolf, wileythenord

    Zro1312: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Waynebo

    Zulander: Successful Trades: 6
    With: Vindicator#9(2), TheCupcakeCowboy, revackey, carldooley, Gorrath

    $pider: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Brother SRM

    !$#: Successful Trades: 1
    With: rokitchikin

    ~UnDeAd~: Successful Trades: 1
    With: Popsicle

    [SO]Rice: Successful Trades: 2
    With: warboss, Theduke07

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/06/30 15:59:54

    Post by: warriorpriest

    +1 for TheMostWize

    Awesome chap that sent a few goodies for my son.


    +1 for Viagrus

    Got some bases from him and he got some terrain from me.

    Edit 2:

    +1 for Wulfe Luer

    Traded a RT beaky i had for some bits and a SW model for my son. Thank you.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/01 17:55:05

    Post by: warriorpriest

    +1 for djphranq Thank you my friend.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/01 22:49:23

    Post by: kenneydee

    +1 DX3
    +1 variable

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 02:13:49

    Post by: baptistcreature

    +1 for Lotus
    +1 mp40guy

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 13:04:26

    Post by: TheMostWize

    +1 warriorpriest

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 14:26:06

    Post by: Vhalan

    +1 Dannicus

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 14:26:07

    Post by: big_d

    +1 warducky

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 18:01:30

    Post by: gentlepsycho

    +1 thchr1s

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 18:21:55

    Post by: pancakeonions

    Bruticus, 1 trade. Thanks Bruticus, for taking the leap of faith of such a big trade before I had any "reputation" on this site. In exchange for my Chaos and IG epic-scale armies, Bruticus, in one fell swoop, nearly filled all the gaps in my Eldar, IG and Space Marine 40K armies. Very good trade.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 18:27:54

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For warriorpriest

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 18:30:15

    Post by: Eldarain

    +1 Sonnenberger traded me an IoB Skaven force I needed

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 19:18:28

    Post by: Lotus

    +1 to baptistcreature

    Bought some Ork Bits from him, went perfectly.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 20:19:21

    Post by: Eisenhorn

    +2 to jason2250 bought a rare inquisitor and Inquisitor Kaz off of him.
    Both arrived fast

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/02 23:41:35

    Post by: Ascalam

    +1 DeffDred

    My $$$ for his partially assembled Stompa.

    Should make a nice orky Bastion or similar

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 00:00:22

    Post by: Kal-El

    Trade completed with mikeyboyj - forge world event model for 40$. No problems.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 00:59:36

    Post by: Dannicus

    +1 Vhalan

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 01:30:38

    Post by: Jartol

    +1 baptistcreature

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 01:41:10

    Post by: warriorpriest

    +1 Pnyxpresss

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 01:41:12

    Post by: Bruticus

    +1 pancakeonions, great trade, nice guy, no problems.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 02:32:46

    Post by: DarkTraveler777

    +1 for Sigmatron. I bought some codices from him and it was a perfect transaction!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 03:07:35

    Post by: baptistcreature

    +1 for Jartol

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 04:24:26

    Post by: Briancj

    RTides, 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 06:57:48

    Post by: Sigmatron

    +1 DarkTraveller777 paid extremely quick, great guy!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 09:11:34

    Post by: Nerbil

    +1 Wardancer. Communication was perfect, models were sent as promised, received in superb quality.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 11:48:49

    Post by: wardancer

    +1 Nerbil great to deal with!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 14:20:24

    Post by: DX3

    +1 Newabortion

    Excellent Communication, Very Well Packaged, Stupid Fast Shipping! Thank you, Thank you!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 15:22:15

    Post by: Newabortion

    +1 DX3
    Pictures of his trade without being asked, No hassle, Great communication, and fast shipping. Will trade with him again if given the chance!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/03 16:25:21

    Post by: huitzilopochtli

    +1 rebecca

    Excellent communication, very patient. Recommended to all.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/04 00:18:23

    Post by: AtariAssasin

    +1 jmsincla
    Fast delivery, parts as described. Good trade.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/04 13:46:53

    Post by: DangerousBeans

    ivoreagleye, 1 trade

    Thereaper78, 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/04 15:34:51

    Post by: ChaplainofAmon

    Alabamaheretic, 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/04 15:56:02

    Post by: drglnc

    Jordanis +1 for quick payment when deal was struck!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/04 16:31:29

    Post by: aderdere

    +1 trade with bd1085

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/05 00:10:01

    Post by: seapheonix

    +1 with Shadelkan

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    +1 with Foster

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/05 06:46:36

    Post by: filbert

    Updated to this point.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/05 21:48:33

    Post by: variable

    +1 kenneydee. Just bought an IG Codex and a sentinel, arrived in an awesome 1996 Battletech box. Packaging: WIN!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/06 00:06:35

    Post by: jmsincla

    AtariAssasin +1, Great to work with, would do so again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/06 01:24:36

    Post by: rebecca

    +1 huitzilopochtli for a good trade and a very polite way of doing it.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/06 04:01:33

    Post by: Cutthroatcure

    +1 combat engineer

    Real joy to do business with and was super quick to ship

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/06 09:12:51

    Post by: inmygravenimage

    +1 tipios

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/06 11:48:16

    Post by: WarOne

    +1 RiTides
    +1 Alfndrate

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/06 18:07:33

    Post by: wardancer

    +1 WingWong

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/08 04:40:28

    Post by: hungryp

    +1 for FirePainter. Good buyer.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/08 22:24:15

    Post by: itsacoyote

    +1 reaper501

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/09 00:46:21

    Post by: baptistcreature

    +1 djphranq

    Fast shipping and great communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/09 00:58:05

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For baptistcreature

    Prompt payment and great communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/09 02:28:59

    Post by: DX3

    +1 kenneydee - Rapid shipment.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/09 14:58:06

    Post by: Joshawa

    Pnyxpresss +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/09 15:20:39

    Post by: Pnyxpresss

    Joshawa +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/09 18:07:40

    Post by: Ecurb The Mighty

    +1 Chaosette. Good trader.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/09 22:42:41

    Post by: Purifyingflame_7

    +1 Witeout69

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/10 01:22:40

    Post by: itsacoyote

    +1 Pnyxpresss

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/10 07:38:49

    Post by: nerdfest09

    +1 succesful trade with victor.ig, excellent communication and good packing of 2 Necron destroyers! very happy :-)

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/10 12:25:11

    Post by: witeout69

    +1 for Purifyingflame_7

    smooth trader

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/10 12:58:53

    Post by: jason2250

    +1 for Purifyingflame_7

    Easy guy to deal with, prompt responses and shipped perfectly on time frame. Would trade again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/10 16:07:26

    Post by: AlexHeap

    redeyed +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/10 17:36:18

    Post by: Alfndrate

    WarOne +1 (like he needs it )

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/10 18:35:10

    Post by: funkyh

    +1 tekk_45. Shipping issues on my end but he was very helpful with the issue.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 11:50:02

    Post by: SickSix

    Pnyxpresss +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 15:41:38

    Post by: bixeightysix

    +1 Pnyxpress. Great to work with! Thanks.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 15:45:11

    Post by: Pnyxpresss

    +1 bixeightysix

    Great buyer - easy to work with. WDBWA

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 17:17:12

    Post by: variable

    +1 buckero0, just bought some Tallarn Raiders from him, shipped well and very quickly.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 17:26:35

    Post by: Jardaddy

    Warboss +1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 17:32:14

    Post by: Benamint

    +1 liturgies of blood.

    Very nicely custom converted runepriest model!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 17:33:12

    Post by: Pipboy101

    +1 for logg_frogg and DX3.
    Perfect transactions, great communications and super fast payments for both!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 18:39:23

    Post by: buckero0

    +1 variable

    he just bought something from me and was very pleasant to deal with

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 18:47:50

    Post by: filbert

    Updated to this point

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 19:45:30

    Post by: ILUSPB

    +1 xLokenx. Shipment arrived quickly. Great clear communication.

    Would certainly trade with again!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 19:51:39

    Post by: Byte

    +1 ryanguy322

    Buy or trade with him now!

    Stand up guy.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/11 20:19:51

    Post by: ryanguy322

    +1 Byte

    Great trader!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 01:08:01

    Post by: warboss

    +1 Jardaddy. Thanks for the quick shipping!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 11:24:31

    Post by: Pipboy101

    +1 for Cpt Horatius
    Good communications and fast payment.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 11:41:34

    Post by: xLokenx

    +1 ILUSPB

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 13:42:33

    Post by: Sarpedon_702

    +1 Pnyxpresss

    Great deal, great communication!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 14:14:54

    Post by: Cpt Horatius

    Pipboy101, prompt and efficient trade of excellent quality.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 15:40:59

    Post by: Optio

    +1 Grey Knight Paladin
    Models arrived safe and sound in good time

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 18:34:13

    Post by: variable

    +1 md5114a, sold some Necron goodness, lots of good communications.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 18:54:15

    Post by: warducky

    +1 big_d, +1 Dannicus, +1 Trogdor, +1 xSoulgrinderx

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 21:11:08

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For Razgriz22

    Patient. Excellent communication. prompt payment

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/12 22:34:54

    Post by: jordanis

    +1 for l0k1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/13 05:50:48

    Post by: Razgriz22

    +1 djphranq
    Super fast shipping and very good communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/13 06:00:58

    Post by: kellymatthew37

    cp66701+1 was really fast shipped well and was right on the mark

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/13 08:43:22

    Post by: cp66701

    kellymatthew37 +1 easy to trade with and shipped fast.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/13 15:17:48

    Post by: xole

    +1 to Benamint. No trouble.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/13 16:16:24

    Post by: Rayvon

    +1 to DarkStarSabre, stuff arrived not long after paying !!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/13 20:42:29

    Post by: magodedisco

    +1 for thelordcal

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/13 21:53:28

    Post by: jason2250

    +1 Filthy Sanchez - Fast shipper and took care of damaged no questions asked.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/14 00:17:26

    Post by: Filthy Sanchez

    +1 Jason2250 - Patient buyer, pleasure to deal with, would trade again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/14 00:44:38

    Post by: thelordcal

    +1 magodedisco purchased 2 dreads, fast shipper.

    Would trade again, great pleasure

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/14 10:26:48

    Post by: Dallo019

    +1 jawmonkey

    First trade to USA, went very smoothly, good communication

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/14 13:52:23

    Post by: Garuss Acine

    keisukekun +1 Trade. Awesome guy to work with, very open and friendly. Would be more than happy to trade with again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/14 15:50:15

    Post by: keisukekun

    Did a successful trade with Garuss Acine. +1!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/14 20:55:43

    Post by: tekk_45

    midget_overlord +1

    Deal was international so it took a little longer than was ideal, but all in all great communication and stuff was exactly as described. Thanks!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/14 23:20:47

    Post by: midget_overlord



    Great communication, no hassle.

    Would trade with again!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/15 02:50:52

    Post by: jawmonkey

    Dallo019 +1!

    Tau for Tau, nice guy across the pond, easy trade!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/15 02:57:57

    Post by: xLokenx

    +1 Panzeh

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/15 04:27:25

    Post by: Cutthroatcure

    +1 Combat Engineer! Great guy to trade with...Total recommend!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/15 12:52:36

    Post by: SetantaSilvermane

    +1 for Pballer. shipped fast.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 00:45:37

    Post by: Gearhead

    +1 for tekk_45

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 02:35:30

    Post by: Benamint

    +1 for funkyh (easy sale of NiB Astorath)

    +1 for WarOne (FW Nurgle stuff for Sallys!)

    Both guys are great communicators

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 02:37:12

    Post by: ruff

    Jordanis +1

    Excellent Trader.. Hope to do more trades in the future..

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 03:09:19

    Post by: timetowaste85

    +1 to Rhich. Fast service, and very helpful getting me the bit I needed. Great guy, trade/buy with confidence.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 16:12:13

    Post by: SoloFalcon1138

    +1 to Clang. Even across the world from me, he was very fast with responses and shipping time was as expected. Hope to do business with him again!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 20:26:33

    Post by: pancakeonions

    NeuroticHitman, 1 big trade. My cash for tons of his orks.

    Thanks heaps!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 20:41:23

    Post by: NeuroticHitman

    (+1) to pancakeonions
    I sold him my 40k Ork Army / He payed me $$$ via Paypal.
    Super nice, easy to deal with dude. New account aside he is a GREAT trader!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 22:05:49

    Post by: Eldarain

    +1 for K3

    I sold him some terrain. A very smooth transaction, would definitely trade with again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 22:09:01

    Post by: K3

    got 2 for me to do here:

    +1 for Dallo019 - bought some LOTR. handled well


    +1 for Eldarain - bought some terrain, constant updates where necessary.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/16 22:40:25

    Post by: funkyh

    + 1 Benamint

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 00:22:34

    Post by: warriorpriest

    +1 Sekai

    great seller.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 00:55:58

    Post by: Khestra the Unbeheld

    +1 for slyndread

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 01:05:05

    Post by: Makutsu

    +1 Crimthaan
    Good trader, helpful and nice price for Dark Eldar Army~

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 03:33:17

    Post by: Nephren-Ka

    +1 tremulant

    It was an international trade and went smoothly. Traded my 40k dark eldar for his warmachine retribution force. Seems like a really nice guy, cuts a good deal, and great at communication. I would happily trade with him again and have a positive impression of him to share with other potential traders.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 03:46:42

    Post by: tremulant

    +10 to Nephren-Ka.

    Very friendly, easy to work with, and fast/very safe shipping! Was an international shipment that went extremely smooth. Would work with again, and recommend to others!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 04:01:28

    Post by: Duranias

    +1 Snowman90 (trade)

    Everything was perfect and shipped incredibly fast, and he was completely accurate in representing what he was sending to me!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 05:51:42

    Post by: jordanis

    +1 for ruff. I would recommend

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 07:33:16

    Post by: filbert

    Updated to this point

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 12:01:36

    Post by: Revenent Reiko

    +1 for Shae-Konnit.

    Excellent service, great price....definitely will be contacting them again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 12:43:38

    Post by: WarOne

    +1 Benamint.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 13:09:36

    Post by: MarcoSkoll

    Another +1 for Shae-Konnit.

    I've bought Infinity from him twice now (both for regular buys and his "split box" service), and both times have been very successful, well priced (he's the cheapest UK based Infinity trader I know) and fast.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 15:29:27

    Post by: yaDigg

    Homenutt, 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 15:38:04

    Post by: deathholydeath

    Zephel, +1 smooth trade.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 15:44:23

    Post by: GaussGuy

    Skycapt44, +1 sold him some nids. Fast, great with communication regarding what he wants. Easy to work with to make a deal.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 15:52:04

    Post by: NoBaconz4You

    WingWong +1, thanks for the trade!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 17:16:03

    Post by: Eldarain

    + for 1000_Sons

    I sold him a small Dark Elves army. Quick to respond to PMs and a smooth transaction all around. Highly recommended.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 17:17:39

    Post by: 1000_Sons

    +1 Eldarain Everything as described. Fast shipping. Great!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/17 17:22:20

    Post by: Von Skyfury

    +1 for Shae-Konnit !

    It's the 3rd time I order a bunch of minis from him. Always received a great service. Good prices and pretty fast (it's usually much longer to get stuff from UK to Canada)
    Couldn't recommend him more !
    And his split box deals are really really awesome !

    Thanks Shae !

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 04:41:52

    Post by: l0k1

    +1 for jordanis!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 06:37:51

    Post by: jordanis

    nevermind, already gave a +1 for this member

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 14:20:43

    Post by: md5114a

    +1 for lucasbuffalo. The trade went smoothly and he delivered as advertised.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 14:55:44

    Post by: pretre

    +1 Crimson-King2120

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 15:30:57

    Post by: Crimson-King2120

    +1 pretre ast delivery quality items

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 18:05:54

    Post by: ryanguy322

    +1 bdix

    Great communication and fast shipping.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 19:01:57

    Post by: bdix

    Ryanguy322 +1. Excellent trader, superb packaging.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/18 22:06:40

    Post by: WingWong

    NoBaconz4You +1 - Great trade!"

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/19 05:46:02

    Post by: l0k1

    +1 for skiman94. Fast and easy transaction. Received his models in only a few days! Highly recommended!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/19 05:51:58

    Post by: skiman94

    +1 for l0k1. Good trade and fast shipping. Highly recommened.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/19 19:07:08

    Post by: Benamint

    +1 eledamris

    Great trader and nice guy!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/19 20:40:30

    Post by: Murdock129

    Rageaholic + 1 Trade, shipped fast and great deal

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/19 20:47:48

    Post by: JB

    +1 to Lycaeus Wrex

    Beautifully painted, well packed, and really fast shipping!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/19 23:09:53

    Post by: Eldarain

    +1 for eledamris. I traded some Wood Elves for his Bretonnians. There was a mix-up with the contents of what I received but he rectified the issue with great speed. Highly recommended.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 03:51:34

    Post by: xole

    +1 for Wargamejunkie

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 03:59:07

    Post by: Lormax

    +1 to Nephren-Ka, commissioned me to do some magnetizing for him.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 04:15:52

    Post by: primalexile

    Angel +1 my menoth and cash for his gators. A++++

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 17:47:55

    Post by: Sekai

    warriorpriest +1, Fantastic trader!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 17:56:10

    Post by: warriorpriest

    +1 Sekai Wonderful person to deal with.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 19:52:37

    Post by: walledin

    Pnyxpresss +1 super fast shipping and great communication. I would trade with him again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 21:03:52

    Post by: Iceman

    Indeedvc2500, +1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/20 21:58:26

    Post by: sental

    +1 to foolishzero

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/21 01:56:29

    Post by: foolishzero

    sental +1... Bought a couple models from me. Had no issues at all and was a smooth transaction

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/21 02:50:58

    Post by: Phoebus28

    +1 DeathReaper

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/21 17:14:09

    Post by: Iceman

    gentlepsycho, 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/21 19:42:00

    Post by: Twin .44

    Gorgon +1

    Fast Shipping, great communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/21 20:40:26

    Post by: Angel_of_Rust

    racta +1

    Prompt payment and very personable through correspondence. Would definitely trade with him again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 00:14:25

    Post by: Briancj

    djphranq +1

    Well packed, and shipped fast. Thanks!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 00:55:22

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For Briancj prompt payment. Excellent communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 01:49:03

    Post by: brother_zach

    djphranq +1

    This guy is the best.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 01:52:06

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For brother_zach

    Excellent communication. And a pretty damn good painter... please check out his tumblr.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 02:50:28

    Post by: lilted

    +1 djphranq
    Best prices around!

    +1 CadianDAC
    All around good guy

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 02:52:18

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 for lilted

    Prompt payment. Great communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 03:33:54

    Post by: Viagrus

    +2 to warriorpriest for 2 flawless trades. Will definately trade with again, great terrain with a quick turnaround time, you won't be disappointed.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 14:42:16

    Post by: mgraham

    +1 for eledamris

    Great price, excellent communication, and very fast shipping.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 22:48:57

    Post by: Benamint

    +1 erewego86

    Good amount of TLC Wood Elves for $50!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/22 23:33:23

    Post by: erewego86

    +1 Miaou

    Fantastic trader! Goods arrived early and in perfect condition.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 00:09:11

    Post by: Miaou

    erewego86, 1 trade.
    Worked out a fair trade easily, very polite and everything went smoothly.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 01:24:43

    Post by: ICleadpeople

    +1 Cpt Horatius

    Super fast to pay, lots of communication, easy to deal with, I would trade with him again any time. THANKS. A+A+A+A+A+A+A+

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 02:02:12

    Post by: Zylor

    eledamris, 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 03:04:49

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 for Maxstreel. Prompt payment. Excellent communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 09:00:31

    Post by: dantay_xv

    +1 for ellis_esquire, I sold Marneus Calgar to him. Quick payment and good communication

    +1 for gitsplitta. Sold 1 plastic librarian, 2 old school assault cannon terminators and old school cyclone terminator.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 14:08:19

    Post by: Enslaviour

    ted777ccg +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 15:08:25

    Post by: gentlepsycho

    +1 Mark_Autarch good communication and quick shipping.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 15:38:44

    Post by: ted777ccg

    +1 Enslaviour, excellent comms, and fast shipping. Thanks again!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 17:38:10

    Post by: Quinthalas

    blood angel Bought some models, awesome as always

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 18:11:02

    Post by: SoloFalcon1138

    +1 to wretrop again. Wonderful communication, shipping, and turnaround.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 18:36:53

    Post by: blood angel

    +1 Quinthalas. Top notch guy.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 19:59:49

    Post by: jawmonkey

    vhwolf +1 trade

    x2 Valkyries and Chimera for a Fortress of Redemption. Took a bit of haggling but we both got a pretty good deal!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 21:04:07

    Post by: racta

    Angel_of_Rust +1

    Quite possibly the easiest transaction I've ever had. Also he just might be the best miniature packer ever, I was impressed!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 21:56:05

    Post by: lilted

    +1 a1steaks

    Top notch guy.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 22:28:00

    Post by: ellis_esquire

    Dantay +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/23 23:20:37

    Post by: gentlepsycho

    +1 to Iceman and Raveworg for excellent packaging and quick shipping. hassle free trades on both counts.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 00:16:05

    Post by: ICleadpeople

    djphranq 1 trade

    Great guy to trade with. He shipped super fast, packed everything very well and even added some insurance as a bonus. I would trade with him again for sure. Thanks.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 01:40:19

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For ICleadpeople

    Prompt Payment. Excellent communication. Would do business with them again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 02:51:04

    Post by: a1steaks

    +1 lilted. Great trader!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 12:02:10

    Post by: Markillius08

    +1 cormadepanda

    Traded for three hellhounds. FANTASTIC.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 12:44:42

    Post by: Heavymetal

    +1 for Leth.

    Bought a FW Raven Fighter from him. Shipped fast. Great trader.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 13:07:29

    Post by: skycapt44

    +1 GaussGuy Excellent trader, very smooth and fast delivery.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 13:39:29

    Post by: Leth


    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 15:19:14

    Post by: cormadepanda

    Markillius08 + 1 for nice trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 18:35:41

    Post by: AtariAssasin

    +1 threedguru

    Fast shipping, items in good shape. Would trade again

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/24 21:38:37

    Post by: threedguru

    +1 AtariAssasin

    Fast Payment, lots of communication. Trade worthy

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/25 00:38:01

    Post by: brother noobicus

    tobi-nid-guy +1 trade, thorough and honest and efficient on getting things shipped. Good trade here!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/25 15:57:05

    Post by: Wardragoon

    Skohm +1, Honest, fast, very cooperative, excellent communication. Also sent me a few things that he didnt list, all in all an excellent first trade for me.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/25 22:28:09

    Post by: FirePainter

    +1 for Angel_of_Rust

    Good communication and mad packing skills

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/25 23:38:03

    Post by: Skohm

    +1 Wardragoon
    Just had a nice and easy trade!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 01:13:25

    Post by: Cutthroatcure

    +1 Pael

    Really worked with me to get me my stuff and really saved me on Postage..Awesome person to trade with~!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 02:14:35

    Post by: Angel_of_Rust

    +1 FirePainter

    Quick payment, and very easy to work with.

    +1 D'Natagal

    Shipped very quickly and was well packed. Everything arrived just as described.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 02:20:30

    Post by: D'Natagal

    +1 Angel_of_Rust

    Easy to deal with. Quick payment.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 02:48:07

    Post by: Waaaaghmaster

    +1 for Taubeast
    excellent communication, shipped quickly and everything was exactly as described

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 07:01:11

    Post by: Pael

    +1 Cutthroatcure

    Great communication and easy transaction.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 10:04:09

    Post by: labmouse42

    +1 for Warboss

    Did an army trade. The guy was friendly, communicative, packaged the army well, and delivered the army quickly.
    Would trade with him again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 11:12:02

    Post by: filbert

    Updated to this point

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 11:25:09

    Post by: warboss

    +1 labmouse42. Very nice packaging of minis and shipped within 48 hours of trade agreement. Thanks!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 16:12:34

    Post by: LordofRust

    Shae-Konnit, 1 trade

    Infinity starter sets, ~£80, very good communication, flexible, freindly, well-priced, and very helpful for a newbie to the game.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 16:54:58

    Post by: Eshm the Skintaker

    +1 for seapheonix

    I bought a couple Eldar from him. He shipped same day. Great seller.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 18:24:31

    Post by: l0k1

    +2 for Dr. What, great person to do business with, fast payment, and great communication!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 20:05:16

    Post by: brother_zach

    High remarks for Mr. Feel Good. Outstanding Communication and easy to work with.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 20:20:12

    Post by: baptistcreature

    +1 djphranq

    Very quick shipping and great price.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 20:27:25

    Post by: pretre

    +1 vindicarej

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 20:39:21

    Post by: vindicarej

    +1 pretre

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 20:39:47

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For baptistcreature

    quick payment and excellent communication

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 21:00:36

    Post by: gentlepsycho

    +1 Uriels_Flame great packaging, good communication

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 21:58:07

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 for whalemusic360

    Fast payment excellent communication

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/26 23:06:46

    Post by: seapheonix

    +1 Eshm the Skintaker
    +1 Marshall Ragnar
    +1 Syraphym
    +1 DarkStarSabre

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 04:07:40

    Post by: Ineedvc2500

    Iceman 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 05:18:18

    Post by: Sneaky_Gobbo

    +1 for SoulBellow

    Very friendly, good comms and shipped quickly.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 13:59:24

    Post by: Raveworg

    gentlepsycho +1, we completed our trade quickly and good communitcation

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 14:02:34

    Post by: Uriels_Flame

    +1 gentlepsycho. Great transaction.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 15:32:29

    Post by: Briancj

    +1 to Pnyxpresss, VERY well packed box.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 15:44:29

    Post by: Twin .44

    Quirk21 +1

    Excellent communication, very fast with shipping. Would trade with again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 18:49:58

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 for Tcairns33. Excellent communication and patient. Prompt payment.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 19:05:24

    Post by: coyotius

    +1 for AtariAssasin

    Purchased Assault Sergeant from my listing. Paid right away with Paypal.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/27 21:24:51

    Post by: Traceoftoxin

    +1 Warboss - Bought some Deathwatch books, great communication and fast shipping. Awesome deal.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 02:35:28

    Post by: warboss

    +1 Traceoftoxin Thanks for the fast payment!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 07:58:34

    Post by: UltramarineFTW

    +1 jordanis
    I would trade with him again for sure.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 14:05:31

    Post by: bubbinski

    +1 theblessing8386

    Fast shipping. As described

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 17:41:10

    Post by: lucasbuffalo

    +1 djphranq

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 19:02:38

    Post by: D'Natagal

    +1 TheContortionist , purchased Codex
    +1 quickfuze , purchased Chaos Bikers, fast payment
    +1 disel24 , purchased a bunch of Grey Knights...great guy to work with

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 20:59:48

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For lucasbuffalo

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 22:15:41

    Post by: bricksxe

    +1 for TheContortionist , quick response, good communication, and fast shipping. I would recommend to anyone else here!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 22:32:47

    Post by: FenrisianStuart21

    ForgeMarine 1 trade

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    Warboss mrowl 1 trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 23:13:08

    Post by: Cypher's Sword

    +1 Killjoy00 great trade, good deals, will trade again!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/28 23:39:44

    Post by: Killjoy00

    +1 cypher's sword!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 14:15:28

    Post by: grilledflame

    IronfrontAlex +1

    Super fast shipping on necrons i bought from him.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 16:15:57

    Post by: BewareOfTom

    +1 skiman94

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 16:55:57

    Post by: coyotius

    +1 yaDigg

    Bought a squad of AOBR tactical marines, paid with paypal without hassles.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 20:53:50

    Post by: Byte

    +1 natedogg710

    Trade and buy from him now.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 22:21:44

    Post by: Dannygee

    +1 angelofdeath8950

    Great to work with.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 22:40:51

    Post by: natedogg710

    +1 Byte

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 22:57:43

    Post by: dpal666

    +1 seaphoenix

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 22:59:20

    Post by: yaDigg

    coyotius, +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 23:12:53

    Post by: AtariAssasin

    +1 djphranq

    Quick trade, and talkative. Would trade again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 23:17:11

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 for AtariAssasin

    Prompt payment. Excellent communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 23:44:40

    Post by: Cruentus

    +1 djphranq

    Super easy transaction, fast service. Excellent all around!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/30 23:45:54

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For Cruentus

    Prompt payment. Excellent Communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 00:28:50

    Post by: skiman94

    +1 for beware oftom. Great trader

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 01:53:06

    Post by: Dr. What

    l0k1, 2 trades

    Great Shipping and Great Prices

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 04:29:00

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 For Cpt Horatius

    Fast Payment. Great Communication. Patient.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 04:52:02

    Post by: KalashnikovMarine

    +1 Dannygee

    Fast shipping, parts as described, great communication.

    + 1 vindicareaj

    Great shipping, great communication, excellent trade

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 05:00:25

    Post by: TheContortionist

    D'Natagal +1

    bricksxe +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 07:04:59

    Post by: dantay_xv

    +1 for cjms123 brilliant trader, good communication and great to deal with.

    Thanks Callum

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 14:35:22

    Post by: AtariAssasin

    +1 coyotius

    Quick trade, good deal.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 16:01:47

    Post by: Cpt Horatius

    ICleadpeople and djphranq are +1! Both were prompt and professional with thier goods and quality was up to, or beyond, expectations.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 17:50:13

    Post by: DX3

    +1 WarOne.

    Yippee Shippee!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 17:52:59

    Post by: catharsix

    +1 positive ref, Porkuslime

    A class act alot the way. A pillar of the online Warhammer trading world, no exaggeration!


    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 18:08:33

    Post by: Dannygee

    +1 KalashnikovMarine

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 20:21:30

    Post by: Dracos

    +1 BloodAngles_Chris

    edit: Items shipped in the agreed timeframe, well packaged and as advertised.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 20:45:22

    Post by: porkuslime

    +1 to Catharsix

    my money for his extensive bittage.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 20:57:53

    Post by: BloodAngles_Chris

    +1 for Dracos, fast and prompt payment!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 21:52:02

    Post by: cmjs123

    +1 for Dantay_xv. Great communication throughout, and overall a great service.

    Thanks again Danny

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 22:14:00

    Post by: mgraham

    +1 Enslaviour

    Great deal, excellent communication; thanks!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 22:26:09

    Post by: quickfuze

    Frostbitten +1 trade

    I got a T-fire cannon with Tech and a LoD squad
    He got some cold hard cash and a diseased rat

    Good communication, and really easy to deal with

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 23:02:26

    Post by: WarOne

    +1 djphranq

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/07/31 23:40:12

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 WarOne

    Prompt Payment. Excellent Communication. Smells like roses.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    +1 Eggroll

    Prompt payment. Excellent communication. Patient.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/01 02:02:00

    Post by: Eggroll

    +1 djphranq

    Always fast to respond to PMs, fast shipping, everything was well packed. Thanks djphranq!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/01 03:30:23

    Post by: BewareOfTom

    +1 gameandwatch

    took some catachan bits off my hands

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/01 08:24:03

    Post by: gameandwatch

    +1 for BewareOfTom

    fast delivery, great bargain!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/01 14:10:52

    Post by: Enslaviour

    mgraham +1

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/01 20:15:22

    Post by: KingmanHighborn

    +1 to SoloFalcon1138

    I couldn't of asked for a better trade. Dude is awesome.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 01:27:13

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 ArcSoll

    Prompt payment. Excellent communication. Would do business with them again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 01:29:59

    Post by: Twin .44

    DeathReaper +1

    Very fast and reasonable shipping. Understandable of delays, and most certainly would do business with again!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 03:59:20

    Post by: Aerethan

    Another +1 to Jhall. Always a pleasure.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 02:05:31

    Post by: razieltemplar

    +1 Twin .44 Communication was great trade went without a hitch! Defiantly would trade with them again!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 02:31:08

    Post by: vindicarej

    KalashnikovMarine, +1 trade

    bought a big lot of sisters of battle from me, quick responses and a pleasure to deal with all the way through, cant wait for next deal!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 05:30:53

    Post by: DeathReaper

    +1 Twin .44

    Great Trade!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 14:46:50

    Post by: Pipboy101

    +1 for baptistcreature

    Fast payment and great communication. A+

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 14:52:04

    Post by: ArcSoll

    +1 djphranq

    He was on the ball for shipping. I paid him on Sunday and received the stuff on Wednesday. Next time he's selling what I want, I will be buying!

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
    snap, forgot, great communication as well!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 17:30:44

    Post by: Pipboy101

    +1 for Pael.

    Super fast payment and great communications. A+

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 19:27:54

    Post by: cowpow16

    Pnyxpresss +1 bought some models got everything as advertised.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 21:51:31

    Post by: Jin

    Chalk up another +1 to djphranq for good deals and speedy delivery.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 22:46:17

    Post by: whalemusic360

    Yeah +1 for that djphranq guy too. He's a selling machine!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 22:57:19

    Post by: djphranq

    +1 for Jin

    Prompt payment. Excellent communication.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/02 23:03:16

    Post by: deadairis

    Mr. Feel Good, 1 trade.
    Everyone ended up happy. Great shipping.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 05:11:34

    Post by: Ulfar

    godswildcard +1
    Great and very easy to deal with.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 07:16:47

    Post by: WarOne

    +1 AgeofEgos

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 10:23:52

    Post by: Twin .44

    razieltemplar +1

    Great trade, great communication, very reassuring, would trade with again!!!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 12:05:45

    Post by: WarOne

    +1 E.Z.KillPoint

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 14:00:06

    Post by: japehlio

    +1 to Adamius, for free marines lol

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 17:19:50

    Post by: filbert

    Updated to this point

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 20:57:26

    Post by: KalashnikovMarine

    +1 to Commissar41.0 good communication and fast shipping

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 21:13:47

    Post by: Benamint

    +1 max-power

    Great guy with fast communication!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 21:48:04

    Post by: Ascalam

    +1 MoDakka

    $$$ for Daemons

    Would happily trade with again.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/03 21:54:02

    Post by: quickfuze

    D'Natagal +1 Positive trade
    I got a whole bunch o crazed chaos bikers, and he got greenbacks
    Easy to deal with and fast shipper!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/04 02:15:49

    Post by: D'Natagal

    +1 quickfuze

    Fast pay and easy to deal with

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/04 06:13:04

    Post by: coyotius

    +1 kitsunez

    Bought techmarine from me, paid right away, no problems.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/05 22:44:04

    Post by: kitsunez

    +1 to coyotius helping admech on their way

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/04 15:12:23

    Post by: latrodectus

    1 trade completed with l0k1. +1

    Excellent communication, models are exactly as expected. Recommended!

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/04 18:05:04

    Post by: l0k1

    +1 latrodectus. Fast payment, very smooth and easy transaction.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/04 18:20:15

    Post by: D'Natagal

    +1 mathisking
    fast payment and great communication for 1 whirlwind.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/04 18:52:28

    Post by: l0k1

    +1 for D'Natagal. Great sale, fast shipping. Highly recommended.

    Reputable Traders List @ 2012/08/04 19:16:28

    Post by: SoloFalcon1138

    +1 to kingmanHighborn.
    excellent delivery, communication and items were exactly as described. Definitely will do business again!