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Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 13:27:05

Post by: Malika2

Ok, that top line sounded a bit corny, need to come up with a better one!

In the modeling section I've been posting a bit about some of the projects I've been working on, and in the last couple of days I've opened up a shop on Shapeways named Bits Blitz. The idea is to make some stuff modelers can use for their existing games and expand on their conversion work.

I hope that in the longer run I'll be able to find a caster who can produce them. But for now it's all printed material.

The modeling threads will keep the whole WIP updates, but I thought this thread would be more fitting to have official releases and teasers posted on.

First of all some space ship oriented stuff!

Martinet Light Cruiser (Aquila Pattern)

The Martinet Light Cruiser has been the backbone of many fleets in the sector. Able to carry vast amounts of fighter craft and bombers, the Martinet is often used as an escort to transport envoys. However, the lack of serious firepower means that the ship cannot operate without support of others. Kit includes a single two piece model. Base not included.

Absolutist Light Cruiser (Aquila Pattern)

The Absolutist Light Cruiser can function as a flagship for smaller fleets. What it lacks in speed, it compensates in firepower. However, without extra support as for example the Martinet the Absolutist would remain a fragile target. Kit includes a single two piece model. Base not included.


40 models that could either be used as missiles or torpedoes. Each model is about 15mm x 3.7mm x3.7mm. Does not come with bases and/or stems. I could imagine these being used as torpedoes for a space ship game, but they could also be used as alternative missiles models for Tau battleships or whatever you can come up with.

Some 28mm (or 32mm, whatever interpretation you use for this) scaled stuff:

Spiked gauntlets

Feel like beating your enemies to pulp? These spiked gauntlets will do the trick! Suitable for 28mm scaled models. Set includes one left and one right hand. You can get a better deal
here, by getting a pack of five pairs instead of one.

Buzz saw

The essential weapon and power tool for the madman! Perfect fit for 28mm scale miniatures. The model comes in two components: the weapon and the buzz saw wheel. The weapon itself is around 21mm long. The saw wheel has a diameter of about 7mm. You can get a better deal here, by getting a pack of five weapons instead of one.

Expect more stuff in the coming weeks!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 13:43:29

Post by: Snrub

Cool looking buzz saw. Is it oriented towards greenskins (size wise) or would it fit in the hands of a standard human sized figure? Say the kind of human who is a religious fanatical that occasionally feels his job requires the use of a large rotary saw for eviscerating things

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 13:48:14

Post by: Malika2

The model is based on heroic scale weapons, so everything is a bit bigger than normal. Whilst designed for human fanatics/workers/gladiators/barbarians, it could also fit the hands on a larger creature since both grips are 5mm long.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 13:48:47

Post by: Hulksmash

For the BFG ships you should get one of each printed off and painted. It would probably help move them.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 13:51:13

Post by: Malika2

That is the plan. Some people have expressed interest in ordering them, so hopefully I can show you some of those in the near future.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 13:56:43

Post by: Snrub

They are made for humans? Oh good.

Bookmarked this page for future use.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 15:38:31

Post by: Commander Cain

Those ships look awesome! I agree that you should get them printed off so that we can see what they look like in the flesh plus we get a decent scale shot.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/21 16:00:39

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Hulksmash wrote:
For the BFG ships you should get one of each printed off and painted. It would probably help move them.

There's a reason Shapeways stores typically don't display printed items. It's because it doesn't help move them

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/24 07:06:05

Post by: Malika2

I've tweaked the buzz saw weapon[ a bit to make it more print friendly.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/24 07:16:03

Post by: stormoffires

print one out, then cast it for relativly cheap and then just pour your own resin. i do that for all my extra weapons and custom combis that im making. good for helms and shoulders too.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/24 07:16:29

Post by: Sikil

A tad bit expensive, but I might buy an Absolutist Light Cruiser. What material is best suited for wargames?

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/24 09:22:37

Post by: Malika2

I would recomment Frosted Detail or Frosted Ultra Detail. The strong + detailed plastics are cheaper, but tend to be less detailed.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/28 14:26:07

Post by: Malika2

Brontes Assault Boats

Named after an ancient deity for thunder, the Brontes Assault Boat has become somewhat of a rare sight amongst naval forces. With other types of assault boats becoming more standardized, the Brontes is currently only carried by the oldest of battleships. However, elite forces often still use the Brontes due to its additional armor.

Kit includes 40 Brontes Assault Boats, suitable for spaceship scaled games. Each model is 10mm long, 5.2mm wide and 2.8mm high.

Bases and stems not included.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/10/29 13:00:18

Post by: Malika2

Aquila Hammers

Smaller than conventional war hammers, the Aquila Hammer can be used with one hand. For this reason it is quite common for warriors to wield two such hammers when fighting heretics, aliens and horrors much worse. Kit includes 5 Aquila Hammers, suitable for 28mm to 35mm scaled miniatures. Each hammer is around 13.4mm high and 14.4mm wide.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2013/11/28 19:09:18

Post by: Malika2

As a tribute to by Gun_wun's amazing Ork fleet, I've quickly put together some Scrapfleet turret kits, which are now available on Bits Blitz:

Heavy Turrets:

Comes in a set of 10 turrets. Each one of them is 11.84mm x 7.08mm x 8.7mm. You can get them here.

Light Turrets:

Comes in a set of 10 turrets. Each one of them is 10.12mm x 5.86mm x 4.52mm. You can get them here.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2014/04/02 20:37:06

Post by: Malika2

Look what just became available at Bits Blitz: link.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2015/01/30 19:12:32

Post by: Malika2

Got some more possible BFG proxy stuff available!

Transportship Alpha:
The Alpha transportships were designed to carry liquids, from fuels to water. The kit includes 5 ships that could be used for existing spaceship games. Stems and bases not included. Each ship is 11.75mm wide, 14.57mm tall, and 51.54mm long.

Transportship Beta:
The Beta transportships were designed to carry solid goods, anything from foodstuff to weapons. The kit includes 5 ships that could be used for existing spaceship games. Stems and bases not included. Each ship is 16.12mm wide, 17.62mm tall, and 41.62mm long.

The 'heavy fighter' models would make great ordnance markers for spaceship oriented wargames. Kit includes 25 heavy fighters. Each model is 8.48mm wide by 7.68mm long by 2.90mm tall. Bases and stems not included.

Escort craft:
Escort craft can form the backbone of many fleets. Each craft is 37mm long, 13.5mm wide and 8.8mm tall. Comes in a squadron of 10, stems and bases not included.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2015/04/09 11:52:10

Post by: Malika2

Looking for some Destroyer sized escorts?

Kit includes 5 ships, each one of them is 9mm wide, 10mm tall and 34mm long.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2018/01/25 20:34:24

Post by: Malika2

Need some extra pistols?

Available here: http://shpws.me/PsOY

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2018/01/25 21:59:09

Post by: RiTides

It might be worth making a new thread, since all the previous pics in this one are broken links (cursed Photobucket!)

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2018/01/26 06:27:37

Post by: Malika2

Hmm, maybe I should....

By the way, if I would find a producer for them...what material would you guys prefer: metal or resin?

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2018/01/26 13:36:18

Post by: Alpharius

Resin, please!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/16 08:49:50

Post by: Malika2

This project has been quiet for way too long!

Shapeways' quality and markup have left me very disappointed. This means that in the coming weeks I'll be opening a new shop to sell my designs (STL's) directly to the community. For now the main focus will be 'smallscale' (anything between 6mm, 8mm, and Titanicus scale whatever each of those three might be) components, but at a later date it might also include other stuff.

In the meantime I've opened up some social media channels, so follow and like them!



Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/16 08:53:40

Post by: ingtaer

I hope small scale includes the ships. Best of luck on your new shop!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/16 09:01:50

Post by: Malika2

Ships will be added at a later date I think. Most of my ship designs that are 'grimdark' in nature are done for Vanguard Miniatures.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/16 13:03:01

Post by: Prometheum5

You need to make your multi-part models onto sprues. Shapeways hates handling multi-part models and they are prone to part loss/error, and you're killing yourself on pricing. For something like those torpedos or small ships, make a small condensed sprue in something like a cylindrical formation with a mm or two gap between parts. You want the volume of your model to be as small as possible based on how SW pricing works, and so that they can fit your model easier into a build plate full of files. There's no reason those torpedos or turrets should cost anywhere near that much if you design your files for the process.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/16 13:22:45

Post by: Malika2

Here’s the thing with Shapesways: they change their policy every once in a while. Back in the day I’ve sprued up all my stuff, but then they changed it to it being cheaper when everything is separate. On top of that, even if I would make the model optimal, I’m very limited in the markup I can add without it becoming too expensive.

Also the quality of the prints are a bit of a hit and miss.

So because of that I’d rather sell my products through another platform.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/16 13:26:03

Post by: Prometheum5

 Malika2 wrote:

So because of that I’d rather sell my products through another platform.

No argument there I have a few things that have somehow turned out to be great evergreen products on SW and a whole bunch of stuff that was useful once and never gets ordered as the prices keep going up.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/17 05:29:15

Post by: schoon

Awesome that you'll be doing 8mm/Titanicus stuff.

Looking forward to seeing it!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/17 08:42:32

Post by: Malika2

In case you're not following the social media channels (I'm now also on Twitter), here are some pics of upcoming stuff:

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/30 09:57:39

Post by: Malika2

The first bunch of kits are now available on my Cults3d!

Type Alpha Logistics Crates:

The Type Alpha Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 16 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)


Type Beta Logistics Crates:

The Type Beta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 6 combinations of stacked crates
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.4mm tall)


Type Gamma Logistics Crates:

The Type Gamma Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 15 opened crates (various types of contents)
- 1 crate handler (figure is about 7.3mm tall)
- 8 combinations of stacked crates


Type Delta Logistics Crates:

The Type Delta Logistics Crates fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 closed crate
- 10 combinations of stacked crates
- 2 crate handlers (each little less than 7.5mm tall)


Type Alpha Transport Drums:

The Type Alpha Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 7.2mm tall)


Type Beta Transport Drums:

The Type Beta Transport Drums fit perfectly on smallscale terrain. Originally designed for 6mm-8mm scales, it can probably be upscaled for 15mm gaming as well.

- 1 individual transport drum
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked on top of each other
- 5 combinations of transport drums stacked next one another
- 1 handler (figure is about 6.9mm tall)


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/08/31 06:47:26

Post by: Malika2

Simple free sample pack!


Just some free samples for you guys to try out. The kit contains:
- 1 drunk worker
- 1 potted cactus
- 1 closed Type Alpha Logistics Crate
- 1 empty Type Beta Logistics Crate


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/03 08:29:28

Post by: Malika2

Coming soon: "Bring out your dead!"

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/03 08:53:32

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Fun stuff!

As they say Lieutenants study tactics, Colonels study strategy, but Generals, Generals study logistics!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/04 14:33:31

Post by: Malika2

New kits out!

Smallscale speaker boxes

These speaker boxes are great for those who'd love to kitbash in smallscale (6mm / 8mm). Whilst originally designed for 6mm / 8mm scales, these might also work for bigger ones. You might want to check the details when going bigger than 15mm scale.

This set contains the following parts:
- 3 types of individual speakers
- 10 individual handing speakers
- 4 types of racked hanging speakers
- 9 combinations of stacked speakers
- bonus worker


Smallscale graveyard

Bring out your dead! This kit will allow you to easily build cemeteries in 6mm / 8mm scales. The necropolis structure and graves are modular, allowing for many different combinations to be made.

This kit contains the following parts:
- modular necropolis (crypts with terminal, crypts, roof)
- modular graves (4 graves, 4 gravestones)
- 3 caskets
- 6 dead bodies*
- 9 bundles of candles

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!

*one of the corpses might have an orientation issue on the faces, the software are contradicting one another. Which is why I've included two versions of it. Please let me know if there are any issues!


Smallscale cacti

These cacti will allow you to decorate your smallscale terrain and bases. Whilst originally designed for 6mm or 8mm scale, they should also work for larger scales if resized.

The kit contains the following bits:
- 28 potted cacti
- 13 unpotted cacti
- 8 empty pots
- 1 worker

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Smallscale vending machines

Even in the grimdark future one might need a quick drink or snack! These vending machines are suitable for many smallscale (6mm or 8mm) projects, but could also be resized for bigger stuff. I wouldn't recommend going bigger than 15mm without redoing the details.

This set contains the following bits:
- 10 different vending machines
- 3 drunk workers

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/11 10:27:49

Post by: Samsonov

Very nice. A lot of them could just be glued onto building as random building parts like vents, rather than being speakers or vending machines.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/12 09:53:31

Post by: Malika2

New release!

Smallscale Shipping Containers (Type Alpha):

Various types of shipping containers are found throughout the human colonies. The Type Alpha Shipping Container is one of these. Besides being used to transport goods, it also has a market stand variant.

This modular container designed for 6mm/8mm scaled gaming, so it would fit perfectly with stuff like Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech. But it could probably be upscaled to larger scales as well.

The kit contains the following parts:
- standard shipping container (19.75mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- ventilated shipping container
- long shipping container (39.5mm long x 13.5mm tall x 11mm wide)
- 6 types of standard containers converted into market stands
- 8 types of container hatches


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/16 10:44:29

Post by: Malika2

Don't on a 3D printer, but still want my bits? I've been reaching out to some parties to distribute my designs. First of them are TapThatGames. I've sent them my entire catalog, so hopefully you'll be able to order your printed models from there soon.

But first up is the Cemetery Kit:

Available here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1070467620/bits-blitz-cemetary-kit

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/18 14:54:38

Post by: Malika2

Need some civilian shuttles?

Scarab class civilian shuttle

The Scarab class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- separate landing gears
- 2x crew members


Beetle class civilian shuttle

The Beetle class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- 2x engines
- 3x hatches (closed, opened, crew member walking out)
- separate landing gears
- crew member


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/18 18:43:00

Post by: KidCthulhu

I really like those civilian fliers! Shame those shuttles are 6mm/8mm. If they were 28mm, I'd likely buy at least two (depending on the pricing).

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/18 18:48:30

Post by: Malika2

 KidCthulhu wrote:
I really like those civilian fliers! Shame those shuttles are 6mm/8mm. If they were 28mm, I'd likely buy at least two (depending on the pricing).

Well, in theory you could resize them to 28mm scale. You might have to tweak a few of the details though.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/19 17:12:36

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

That Scarab class ship looks like someone took a Stargate Tel’tak and told 1990’s Rick Sternbach to turn it into a Star Trek ship. I like it.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/22 15:25:35

Post by: Malika2

Still a work in progress, hoping to be able to release it in October. Don't pin me on that one though!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/23 08:07:48

Post by: Malika2

New release!

Smallscale ventilation systems

These smallscale (6mm/8mm) ventilation systems were designed to be used on buildings and vehicles for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, and Dropzone Commander. It could of course also be used for other projects and resized if needed.

The kit contains the following items:
- 21 types of ventilation systems
- 2 types of windcatchers
- 1 mechanic

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/28 09:19:12

Post by: Malika2

Various of my items have become available on Tap That Games!

Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Vending Machines


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Gamma Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Delta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Beta Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Transport Drums


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain Type Alpha Shipping Containers


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scattered Terrain- Type Alpha Logistics Crates


Bits Blitz 6/8mm Scatter Terrain- Cacti Set


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/09/30 16:35:09

Post by: Malika2

New WIPs:

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/10/01 09:19:11

Post by: Malika2

Another free sample pack out!

Just some free samples for you guys to try out. The kit contains:
- 1 luggage carrier
- 1 logistics worker
- 1 speaker box
- 1 bundle of candles
- 1 ventilation box


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/10/21 09:28:24

Post by: Malika2

I've been a bit quiet lately, this is mainly due to me doing various designs for Vanguard Miniatures at the moment.

But yeah, for Bits Blitz I've been working on some modular buildings. I hope to be able to release the first one by the end of the month...

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/11/09 14:57:17

Post by: Malika2

My first building just got released!

Alpha Hab Tower

The Alpha Hab Tower is designed for 6mm/8mm gaming, but it could probably be upscaled for 10mm and 15mm scaled gaming as well. This makes the Alpha Hab Tower suitable for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Dropzone Commander, or Battletech.

The kit consists of the following parts:
- 3 types of entrances (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 3 types of back walls (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 3 types of side walls (all windows, single row of balconies, double row of balconies)
- 2 types of roofs
- 7 types of balconies

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/11/24 16:29:03

Post by: Malika2

Don't have your own printer but still wanna get your hands on the Alpha Hab Tower? DG Minis UK have got you covered!

Available here!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/12/16 12:40:19

Post by: Malika2

Bring out yer dead!

I've decided to release the dead workers from the cemetery kit as a separate package.
The dead workers can be found here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-dead-workers

The original cemetery kit can be downloaded here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-cemetery-kit

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/12/16 12:54:03

Post by: JWBS


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2021/12/29 13:41:43

Post by: Malika2

Final release of the year!


Designed for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Epic, or Battletech in mind, these crude structures will give your battlefield some extra character. This kit includes 6 highly detailed 6mm/8mm scaled structures.

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/06 09:02:12

Post by: Malika2

For those who don't have a 3d printer of their own:


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/06 15:47:21

Post by: porkuslime

$10 US for the set? or is that $10 per building, because if it is for the set, omg, that is a deal

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/06 17:27:34

Post by: Malika2

It’s for all 6 buildings. Do note they are in Titanicus scale.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/06 18:41:07

Post by: MajorWesJanson

I dont know why, but I really want to paint them up like sesame street.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/06 20:44:05

Post by: Malika2

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
I dont know why, but I really want to paint them up like sesame street.

Oh please do! Who doesn’t want some grimdark Sesame Street?

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/07 19:20:21

Post by: porkuslime

 Malika2 wrote:
It’s for all 6 buildings. Do note they are in Titanicus scale.

I figured as such, but still used to GW prices..

Any chance of a print or physical models next to your other models?

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/13 12:34:02

Post by: Malika2

I've just released the Titanicus scaled candles from the cemetery kit as a separate set.

Candles available here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-candles

Smallscale human (he's about 7.8mm tall) only added for scaling purposes. I guess you could also use those candles for bigger stuff, like lets say INQ28 oriented stuff.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/13 17:38:20

Post by: Theophony

 Malika2 wrote:
 MajorWesJanson wrote:
I dont know why, but I really want to paint them up like sesame street.

Oh please do! Who doesn’t want some grimdark Sesame Street?

Grimdark Mr. Rogers

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/13 18:22:21

Post by: Hankovitch

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
I dont know why, but I really want to paint them up like sesame street.

The dudes in the balconies immediately brought Statler and Waldorf to mind.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/13 19:52:03

Post by: Malika2

Grimdark Muppets! DO IT NOW!!!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/01/31 13:13:44

Post by: Malika2


The Sononis pattern prefab unit is widely used throughout the colonies either as a storage unit or a cheap alternative for housing. The design itself is very ancient, based on the old prefabricated steel structures developed by the military engineer known as the son of Nis.

The kit is now available on my Cults3d shop (link in bio) and contains the following parts:
-single structure
-10 different door options


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/10 15:20:53

Post by: Malika2

Just released a smallscale salvage crew:


The set includes 15 crew members and 5 pieces of debris. The miniatures are about 7mm tall, making them very suitable for games such as Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/20 09:34:46

Post by: Malika2

A little announcement!

The STLs of Bits Blitz Designs stuff are now also available through Vanguard Miniatures. For now you can only buy the STLs there, but soon you can also buy printed versions of my designs through them. You can find the current catalog over HERE!

Note that Bits Blitz Designs' shop on Cults3D also stays open.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/23 12:52:01

Post by: Malika2

Drunk workers are now available! Always handy for your Titanicus scaled projects!


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/23 15:22:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I never knew I needed these until today.

Now I just need an AT army.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/23 16:33:51

Post by: Malika2

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I never knew I needed these until today.

Now I just need an AT army.

You don't need an AT army to build a kick ass AT scaled diorama

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/23 16:45:40

Post by: Dryaktylus

DUFF (the Cyrillic one)? Better don't let this fat bald worker near to the reactor of a Titan.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/23 20:58:22

Post by: Malika2

 Dryaktylus wrote:
DUFF (the Cyrillic one)? Better don't let this fat bald worker near to the reactor of a Titan.

Ha! I wonder how long it would take for someone to recognise that one!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/24 09:43:46

Post by: Malika2

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/24 12:14:36

Post by: Pacific

Haha those are so great! Really cool ideas, I love the amount of variety of stuff that you're now able to get hold of due to 3D printing. It has really opened the floodgate of creativity it seems.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/24 13:29:35

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
Haha those are so great! Really cool ideas, I love the amount of variety of stuff that you're now able to get hold of due to 3D printing. It has really opened the floodgate of creativity it seems.

As an independent I'm a bit less bound by "what will this proxy for".

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/24 16:35:33

Post by: Pacific

Well I suppose they have so much utility! I've got the AT Warmaster kit, and want to do the base as just one drunk guy stood by his feet looking up at it

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/02/24 16:36:59

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
Well I suppose they have so much utility! I've got the AT Warmaster kit, and want to do the base as just one drunk guy stood by his feet looking up at it

Oh please do!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/03/08 12:23:11

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I don't know if this is of any use to you Malika but I was looking at some powerlines the other day and wondering what grimdark powerlines might look like.

I was thinking maybe 6 armed statues holding the cables, sculpted to look like Art Deco spirits of electricity (armored, lightning bolts on helmets etc). Or even if they were just more gothic with arches and buttresses.

they could be some kind of barrier or trap, I remember a Godzilla film where they tried to trap him in power lives and shock him to death.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/03/09 12:52:03

Post by: Malika2

Funny you should mention those. Did you see these by Grimdark Terrain?

Also, I've done these for Vanguard Miniatures. No clue when/if they will ever release those:

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/03/09 15:21:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

The Grimdark ones are nice, but I like yours better.

Still no 8mm for me, got a ton and a half of 28mm to do and then I have to get back to pretty space ships, but I think the power pylons would be a good addition to a lot of boards.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/03/09 16:14:43

Post by: Malika2

Note that the power lines I've done for Vanguard will most likely be released as STLs (if they come out), that means you could resize them for 28mm gaming if needs be.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/03/24 14:32:23

Post by: Malika2

So...the BU-11 transport shuttle (AKA 'the Bull') has just been released!

Get yours here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/bull-class-civilian-transport-shuttle

The BU-11 class civilian shuttle, also known as the 'Bull', is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, no landing gears at all)
- cockpit
- front hatch
- engine*
- separate landing gears**
- 2x crew members

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!

*Note that you'll have to print the engine 4 times.

**Note that you'll have to print each of the landing gear parts 2 times if you're planning on using them on the hull without the landing gears.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/03/28 09:19:59

Post by: Malika2

Printed versions of the Salvage Crew and BU-11 Shuttle are now available at FilamentResinHunter!

BU-11 Shuttle

Available HERE!

Salvage Crew

Available HERE

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/08/02 08:28:14

Post by: Malika2

New freebie! Who needs some workers to climb their ladders or giant robots?

STL's of these four workers available here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-ladder-climbers

Note that the ladder in the render is not included in this set and is available through Vanguard Miniatures: https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/6mm-raised-industrial-walkways-set-1-stl-download/

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2022/08/05 10:25:28

Post by: Malika2

Another freebie!


Each shrine is about 10mm tall. Making it perfect for Titanicus scaled terrain and what not.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/07/08 09:46:21

Post by: Mr. Burning

Now they look interesting!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/07/08 18:18:14

Post by: Pacific

Very cool! I like that the climbing guys could probably be used for some sort of Gangnam-style dancing diorama, if anyone is in need of a joke, decade-old and rubbish reference

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/07/08 19:08:51

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
Very cool! I like that the climbing guys could probably be used for some sort of Gangnam-style dancing diorama, if anyone is in need of a joke, decade-old and rubbish reference

Do it now!!!!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/08/01 02:01:36

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Looking good!

May I suggest some odder building shapes ala Judge Dredd's city blocks (the comics that is).

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/08/01 07:07:56

Post by: Malika2

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Looking good!

May I suggest some odder building shapes ala Judge Dredd's city blocks (the comics that is).

You mean like the Tech Shanty structures?

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/08/10 05:08:31

Post by: schoon

The lander on top of the building is nice. What model is that?

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/08/10 08:26:24

Post by: Malika2

 schoon wrote:
The lander on top of the building is nice. What model is that?

It's the Scarab class shuttle, STL's available here!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/08/11 06:17:42

Post by: schoon


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/08/11 10:22:17

Post by: Malika2

 schoon wrote:

No clue if you have access to a 3d printer. In case you don't, I noticed you are US based. FilamentResinHunter sells printed versions of the Scarab: LINK.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/08/15 08:58:15

Post by: Malika2

Just released the Alpha Hab Lofts!

Get yours here: LINK

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/09/04 09:25:25

Post by: Pacific

Extremely cool! Love the very characterful bar and market, that would be a great little easter egg to add to an AT or Epic table.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/09/04 09:29:07

Post by: Malika2

 Pacific wrote:
Extremely cool! Love the very characterful bar and market, that would be a great little easter egg to add to an AT or Epic table.

That's the whole idea behind these kits. But in reality I'm hoping to one day see a whole city built using all sorts of terrain like this, going really really really hyper detailed on the civilian life. Would be totally useless for gaming I suppose

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/09/06 10:12:39

Post by: Malika2

Two new items to the smallscale (6mm / 8mm) range!

Container Market - esoteric bookstore:


Environmental suits:


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/09/20 09:04:13

Post by: Malika2

New releases!

Smallscale consoles: these would fit perfectly inside the upcoming Legions Imperialis ruins:


Also did a missile pod for the Porphyrion Knight, for those who want to turn it into a grimdark version of a Battletech Longbow I guess?


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/10/24 19:29:09

Post by: Malika2

So this happened...

This Alpha Hab Tower turned Tech Shanty is designed for 6mm / 8mm games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Epic, or Battletech in mind. This kit includes two versions of the same structure (one with commercial signs that are flat, the other one with three dimensional signs) and a simple balcony. Note that the balcony used is compatible with the Alpha Hab Tower and Alpha Hab Loft kits.

Dimensions (including signs etc that stick out): 75mm wide x 66.92mm deep x 108.55mm tall.

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/10/31 13:35:39

Post by: Malika2

Latest addition to the Container Market is out!


Designed for 6mm/8mm gaming in mind. Compatible with games such as Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech.

The 'Smallscale Container Market - Interplanetary Express' kit includes the following items:
1) Container based stand
2) Shipping container
3) Cargo scale
4) 6 different crates
5) 6 ground crew

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/09 19:32:05

Post by: Malika2

Two new releases!

Robert's Breaded Meats!

Designed for 6mm/8mm gaming in mind. Compatible with games such as Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech.

The 'Smallscale Container Market - Interplanetary Express' kit includes the following items:
1) Container based stand
2) Waiter
3) 2 clients
4) 2 scavenger scrapbots
5) 4 tables

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


And a freebie!


Designed for smallscale games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, or Dropzone Commander in mind.

Kit contains a single Type Alpha Shipping Container, its dimensions are 11mm wide x 19.75mm deep x 13.5mm tall. Note that the model is hollowed out.

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/13 11:03:23

Post by: Malika2

Another release!

BU-F410 (also known as the 'Buffalo') ready for deployment!

The BU-F410 class civilian shuttle, also known as the 'Buffalo', is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 2x hulls (landing gears out or landing gears in)
- front hatch
- 2x Type Alpha Shipping Container (one with a basing hole and one without)
- 2x ground crew members

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/13 18:03:35

Post by: RexHavoc

 Malika2 wrote:
Another release!

BU-F410 (also known as the 'Buffalo') ready for deployment!

The BU-F410 class civilian shuttle, also known as the 'Buffalo', is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 2x hulls (landing gears out or landing gears in)
- front hatch
- 2x Type Alpha Shipping Container (one with a basing hole and one without)
- 2x ground crew members

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Ah yes! These are cute!

Any chance these ones might make it to physical models at vanguard?

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/13 18:42:34

Post by: Malika2

 RexHavoc wrote:
 Malika2 wrote:
Another release!

BU-F410 (also known as the 'Buffalo') ready for deployment!

The BU-F410 class civilian shuttle, also known as the 'Buffalo', is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 2x hulls (landing gears out or landing gears in)
- front hatch
- 2x Type Alpha Shipping Container (one with a basing hole and one without)
- 2x ground crew members

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


Ah yes! These are cute!

Any chance these ones might make it to physical models at vanguard?

Maybe as a print on demand model, but that’s up to Vanguard Miniatures. I’ve submitted mouldable versions of the smaller Scarab and Beetle shuttles, but so far they were still in Vanguard’s production queue I guess.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/14 07:23:07

Post by: Pacific

They look lovely !

John from Vanguard, if you are reading this please produce these ones!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/14 08:47:54

Post by: SamusDrake

Second that. The Buffalo shuttle looks great and some of us don't have 3D printers.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/14 09:29:49

Post by: Malika2

Do note that I’ve sent STLs of the Buffalo to my regular Print on Demand parties (ROK Minis, MegaSonicPunch, and Mighty Minis UK) as well. So if Vanguard won’t sell printed versions, these three should soon have you covered as well.

Should still try to convince BattleBling to sell printed versions of my designs as well…

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/14 10:21:52

Post by: Pacific

Again if you are reading this BattleBling, do it!

Excellent if Mighty Minis are doing them I can get from there, I will keep an eye out.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/21 19:22:50

Post by: Malika2

So I've decided to join in the Black Friday madness for all Bits Blitz Designs items on my Cults3d store.

Use the promo code BLITZDISCOUNT to get 50% off all items.

(promo code valid until the 30th of November 2023!)


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/24 12:38:32

Post by: Malika2

So I've started work on bases that match my Tech Shanty aesthetic. First up: 25mm round bases!


Designed for various scifi 6mm / 8mm scaled tabletop wargames, these bases are perfect for mounting infantry or light vehicles.

This kit contains the following parts:
- 10x 25mm diameter round bases
- 10x 25mm diameter round bases with 5x holes of 6.10mm
- 50x 6.10mm diameter inserts for holes in the bases (texture matching the base)
- 50x 6.10mm diameter inserts for holes in the bases (matching texture + additional details bits on top)

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Note that the final picture with the infantry and Barghest on top only shows what can be done with these bases. Infantry and Barghest are not included in this kit!


Also, don't forget to use the promo code BLITZDISCOUNT to get 50% (valid until the 30th of November 2023).

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/25 07:28:42

Post by: schoon

Very nice design set!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/27 10:13:37

Post by: Pacific

Lovely! And a very well-timed release I will say.

I would ask for you to please do some square ones, but I seem to be a minority in thinking they look better at this scale!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/27 10:22:30

Post by: lord_blackfang

FoW bases look best imho, followed by old epic 1x4 cm strips. 5 people on rounds to me always looks like they're trying to do an Avengers pose with the camera rotating around them

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/11/27 13:02:10

Post by: Malika2

Don't forget to use the promo code BLITZDISCOUNT until November 30th when checking out my Cults3d shop!


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/12/04 10:43:59

Post by: Malika2

Another week, two new kits!


Designed for various scifi 6mm / 8mm scaled tabletop wargames, these bases are perfect for mounting vehicles or small mechs.

Not counting the many details, these bases are about 2.25mm thick.

This kit contains the following parts:
- 10x 40mm diameter round bases
- 10x little detail bits to add on your bases

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.



I've always wanted to see Adeptus Titanicus expand into some sort of weird grimdark version of Battletech. That means lots of new Titans, Knights, and weapons. These gatling cannons were designed to be compatible with the AT18 scaled Cerastus Knight.

This kit includes the following items:
1) Five different left arm gatling cannons
2) Five different right arm gatling cannons

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2023/12/05 10:12:40

Post by: schoon

Very nice work on the Gatling Cannons.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/02/28 11:43:09

Post by: Malika2

Finally got my 32mm bases ready!

STL's here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/32mm-round-bases-for-6mm-8mm-miniatures-tech-shanty-texture

Designed for various scifi 6mm / 8mm scaled tabletop wargames, these bases are perfect for mounting cavalry, light vehicles, or objectives.

Not counting the many details, these bases are about 2.25mm thick.

This kit contains the following parts:
- 10x 32mm diameter round bases
- 10x 32mm diameter round bases with 4x holes of 6.10mm
- 40x 5.80mm diameter inserts for holes in the bases (texture matching the base)
- 40x 5.80mm diameter inserts for holes in the bases (matching texture + additional details bits on top)

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Note that the final picture with the Squid Drones and Warbikes on top only shows what can be done with these bases. Squid Drones and Warbikes are not included in this kit!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/03/04 11:50:22

Post by: Malika2

Released some smallscale Heavy Warbikes the other day:

STL's here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-heavy-warbikes


For those without a 3d printer, I've started a new collaboration with Metal Oak Casting Studios. They've added a bunch of my designs to their shop, the rest will follow eventually!

Go here: https://metaloakcastingstudios.com/collections/bits-blitz-designs

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/03/22 17:19:34

Post by: Malika2

Just released these...

Close Combat Brutes


Designed for 6mm/8mm gaming in mind. Compatible with games such as Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech.

This kit contains the following miniatures:
- 10 Close Combat Brutes (with 6mm inserts)
- 10 Close Combat Brutes (without 6mm inserts)

*NOTE: 25mm round bases on picture not included in this set, they are available separately though! *

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/09 16:13:37

Post by: Malika2

After several requests I've decided to also do a modular version of my previously released Beta Hab Blocks.

The Beta Hab Blocks are designed for 6mm / 8mm gaming, think of games such as Battletech, Adeptus Titanicus, or Epic.

This kit is basically a modular version of the previous Beta Hab Blocks I've released. It consists of the following parts:
- 4 entrance components
- 7 level components
- 7 roof components

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Note that the final picture with the infantry on the roofs only shows how 25mm round bases can fit on the roofs. Infantry and bases not included in this kit.

STL's available here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/beta-hab-blocks-modular-kit

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/10 09:30:14

Post by: leopard

Q: whats the size of these? as in the width and depth?

that level of detail is crying out for resin prints and wondering if they would fit on a Mars 3

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/10 16:07:24

Post by: Malika2

leopard wrote:
Q: whats the size of these? as in the width and depth?

that level of detail is crying out for resin prints and wondering if they would fit on a Mars 3

They are 110mm wide x 55mm deep. Height depends on how high you build them.

You could print them in resin or FDM. Here are some pics of the modular kit printed in FDM:

And here are some pics of the single piece version, most likely printed in resin:

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/11 11:38:12

Post by: leopard

Cheers, for that price, bought & downloaded

will give then a try out over the next few days, Ender 3 ready to go, Mars 3 needs cleaning, again

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/11 12:54:13

Post by: Malika2

leopard wrote:
Cheers, for that price, bought & downloaded

will give then a try out over the next few days, Ender 3 ready to go, Mars 3 needs cleaning, again

Thank you so much for your support!

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/12 11:52:28

Post by: leopard

got a partial print via the Ender, only failed as the spool was near empty.

have to say the detail that came out with just the default settings and a 0.2mm layer height are good.

will try with resin, suspect a few adjustments will be needed for better adhesion, but think the FDM option will be fine.

aim is more battletech than legions and these should paint up nicely for that

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/13 08:35:38

Post by: Malika2

Another day, another release! Flamethrowers!


Designed for 6mm/8mm gaming in mind. Compatible with games such as Adeptus Titanicus or Battletech.

This kit contains the following miniatures:
- 10 Flame Troopers (with 6mm inserts)
- 10 Flame Troopers (without 6mm inserts)

*NOTE: 25mm round bases on picture not included in this set, they are available separately though! *

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/14 13:08:15

Post by: Malika2

So I started doodling a bit, and ended up doing a set of eight 50mm round bases!


Designed for various scifi 6mm / 8mm scaled tabletop wargames, these bases are perfect for mounting vehicles or small mechs.

Not counting the many details, these bases are about 2.25mm thick.

This kit contains the following parts:
- 8x 50mm diameter round bases
- 10x little detail bits to add on your bases

Please do not share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/21 19:11:31

Post by: Malika2

Another day, another release!

Alpha Hab Block One:


The Alpha Hab Block One is designed for 6mm/8mm gaming, but it could probably be upscaled for 10mm and 15mm scaled gaming as well. This makes the Alpha Hab Tower suitable for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Dropzone Commander, or Battletech.

The kit contains both single piece as two piece (separate roof) versions of the building.
- 4 single piece Alpha Hab Block One (which each of the 4 roof types)
- 4 separate roofs
- walls put together as a single piece

The dimensions of the buildings are 62.4mm deep and 66.8mm wide. The heights vary (depending on the roof type), but the "walkable" part of the roof is 67.6mm tall.

Note that the final picture with the infantry base only shows how 25mm round based infantry look on and next to the building. Infantry and bases are not included in this kit.

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/04/24 12:40:19

Post by: Malika2

Another Alpha Hab Block building? That's right!



The Alpha Hab Block Two is designed for 6mm/8mm gaming, but it could probably be upscaled for 10mm and 15mm scaled gaming as well. This makes the Alpha Hab Block suitable for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Dropzone Commander, or Battletech.

The kit contains both single piece as two piece (separate roof) versions of the building.
- 3 single piece Alpha Hab Block Two (which each of the 3 roof types)
- 3 separate roofs
- walls put together as a single piece

The dimensions of the buildings are 77.64mm deep and 65.67mm wide. The heights vary (depending on the roof type), but the "walkable" part of the roof is 83.12mm tall.

Note that the final picture with the infantry base only shows how 25mm round based infantry look on and next to the building. Infantry and bases are not included in this kit.

Please do no share or sell these files (including prints and remixes) without my written permission.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/05/02 11:47:16

Post by: Malika2

Another day, and some new (modular) buildings are out! You can basically stack them up as short or tall as you want, depending on how many level components you wanna print out and cram in there.

Alpha Hab Block Three:

The Alpha Hab Blocks are designed for 6mm / 8mm gaming, think of games such as Battletech, Adeptus Titanicus, or Epic.

It consists of the following parts:
- 1 entrance component
- 1 level component
- 3 roof components

Delta Hab Block One:

The Delta Hab Blocks are designed for 6mm / 8mm gaming, think of games such as Battletech, Adeptus Titanicus, or Epic.

It consists of the following parts:
- 1 entrance component
- 1 level component
- 1 roof component

Delta Hab Block Two:

The Delta Hab Blocks are designed for 6mm / 8mm gaming, think of games such as Battletech, Adeptus Titanicus, or Epic.

It consists of the following parts:
- 1 entrance component
- 1 level component
- 1 roof component

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Beta Hab Tower:

The Beta Hab Tower is designed for 6mm / 8mm gaming, think of games such as Battletech, Adeptus Titanicus, or Epic.

It consists of the following parts:
- 1 entrance component
- 1 level (single) component
- 1 level (triple) component
- 1 roof component

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/05/27 22:28:35

Post by: Malika2

So I've designed these a while back, they were originally meant for Vanguard Miniatures but got rejected. So I've decided to release them myself. STL's here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-weapon-morphing-infantry

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/05/28 22:42:36

Post by: Malika2

Finally finished this one, and just had to release it!

The 804-R class tracked transport, also known as the 'Boar', can now be downloaded from my Cults3d.
STL's here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/boar-class-tracked-transport

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/06/04 20:00:25

Post by: Malika2

I know I should spend more time on my own Void Barons setting, or my The Fringe inspired stuff, yet here I am getting distracted doing Adeptus Titanicus compatible parts. This time it's a Cerastus Knight compatible Gravity Gun.


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/06/05 04:49:44

Post by: schoon

Excellent work.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/06/10 13:05:41

Post by: Malika2

Decided to bundle my armed worker gangers and 25mm bases: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-worker-gang-package


Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/08/07 12:29:15

Post by: Malika2

Just released these ones on Cults3d, thought you might appreciate some rubble!

STL's here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/smallscale-piles-of-rubble

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/08/21 14:46:45

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Gorgeous as always!

I'd love to see it in 28mm.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/08/29 16:23:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Rolling hunk of pig iron. I love it.

Bits Blitz Designs - Aug 28: 904-T tracked vehicle @ 2024/09/11 08:19:22

Post by: Malika2

Teaser of things to come...