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What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 08:06:04

Post by: Da Stormlord

As the title says. Still adding more options

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 08:13:38

Post by: Riquende

None of them in an official release as the games would get completely messed about with.

I'd like it to be easier to get a game of Epic: Space Marine (not Epic 40K) than it currently is, though.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 08:20:27

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Necromunda. No question.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 09:17:43

Post by: Haight

This poll needs a mordheim option.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 09:20:41

Post by: Herzlos

I'd be right onto Epic if it was re-released. 40K actually makes sense at that kind of scale.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 09:27:39

Post by: BrookM

This poll lacks the Mordheim option..

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 09:49:13

Post by: Vermis

I have to agree with Riquende. My finger is hovering over the the games I like most, but then I realise I still have (what used to be) the LRBs, the minis, more and more great proxy options, and opponents who aren't infected with officialitis and Pokemon syndrome.

In a nutshell, I don't want GW to bring them back because I've already got them, in a pretty good form.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 10:04:42

Post by: Rayvon

I have everything on the list in pretty good form, still I would like them to bring it all back.
Particularly Blood Bowl and Epic !!

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 10:42:01

Post by: Polonius

I'd love a version of necromunda that got people excited, I think that has the best chance of being a cool game that actually leads to a lot of play. Deadzone's relative success shows that there is a market for it, as does Inifinity (although on a very different level).

Personally, I'm a huge fan of 10mm fantasy, so I'd love warmaster to make a comeback. It had unusually good minis for the scale, and fun rules.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 10:45:37

Post by: Howard A Treesong

They could always do something new and release that inquisimunda game that was so heavily rumoured a few years ago and which turned out to be nothing at all.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 11:09:36

Post by: MeanGreenStompa

With Necromunda trailing in second place for me...

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 11:13:24

Post by: thegreatchimp

Necromunda. Highly detailed skirmish games are where it's at for me. It would need some serious updating though.

With Gorkamorka in 2nd place, loved the Mad Max feel of that game.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 11:29:36

Post by: Ratius

BFG for me no doubt.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 11:40:48

Post by: manrogue

I'd love Epic back, followed by Necromunda.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 13:23:48

Post by: Eilif

Necromunda. Though there's really no reason to wait around for GW. Lots of opportunities for proxies and the rules are still free. Our club is starting a campaign next meeting using Yaktribe's "Necromunda Community Edition" (NCE) verison.

Also, Dark Future is not a Specialist game. It's one of many board games (some with minis lines, some without) published by games workshop and then dropped. It was gone for a decade by the time "Specialist games" was formed. If Dark Future is going to be included, there's a host of other games that would need to be also included. Bombers over da sulfur river, Space Hulk, Man o War, Ultramarines, etc...

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 13:50:12

Post by: Howard A Treesong

I think the rules for Dark Future were made available through the specialist games section of the GW for whatever reason. But of a funny choice, maybe it was their way of continuing to claim the IP on it.)

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 17:52:40

Post by: Eilif

Good point, that's where I first read the rules.

However, I don't think it was anything more than an easter egg. SG certainly never supported the game in any way.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 19:07:33

Post by: Kaiserbudheim

Where's Man O War? I've always wanted to play that proper, and not the "lite" version called Dreadfleet that we got a while back....

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 19:13:40

Post by: Eilif

 Kaiserbudheim wrote:
Where's Man O War? I've always wanted to play that proper, and not the "lite" version called Dreadfleet that we got a while back....

I don't think Specialist Games ever supported Man O War.

The Whole "Specialist Games" thing seems to be confused by an incorrect wikipedia entry that lists most anything other than the core games as a "Specialist Game", when if fact there was a fairly limited number of games that were actually supported (albeit for a limited time) by the "Specialist Games" division. The rest are just other games that GW made at one point.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 20:38:00

Post by: Polonius

Specialist games proper was pretty much just:
Blood Bowl
Battle Fleet Gothic
Epic 40k

Of those, Epic got the most comprehensive support, with a pretty big range of new metals for IG, Marines, Orks, and Eldar.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/10 23:06:08

Post by: Eilif

 Polonius wrote:
Specialist games proper was pretty much just:
Blood Bowl
Battle Fleet Gothic
Epic 40k

Of those, Epic got the most comprehensive support, with a pretty big range of new metals for IG, Marines, Orks, and Eldar.

Yep, that's the list I was working from..
Though to be fair, Necromunda got at least proportional (if not numerical) attention. At least half the gangs got all-new new models, IIRC.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/11 00:28:51

Post by: AnomanderRake

BFG or AI. Both are more streamlined and better-engineered systems than the rest.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/12 10:46:23

Post by: Funbug No.1

I voted Gorkamorka. Although it doesn't appear to be the most popular choice, nostalgia reminds me how much fun my mates and I had playing it and how interesting (I thought) the sociology of Orks was back then. Furthermore, it was with Gorkamorka that I learned how to drybrush, build terrain and convert stuff. I didn't think much of the Diggas and Muties, though.

Bloodbowl would be a close second.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/12 13:18:44

Post by: Da Butcha

I love Gorkamorka the most of all, but I voted for BFG, because I think it would be the one that would bring the most enjoyment to the widest variety of gamers. It offers something for fans of every army (basically) and a useful window into the scale of 40K combat that 40K doesn't offer. Epic would be good for the same reason, but if you really want the two ends of the scale, individual soldiers and fleet battles in space kind of bracket the action.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/12 13:44:26

Post by: Carlson793

Toss up between BFG and Epic, but voted BFG because there needs to be a space combat game available.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/12 15:18:53

Post by: Corporal_Chaos

Necromunda and Mordhiem. I crave the skirmish and advancement. Ahh the lost past.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/19 04:35:39

Post by: Eadartri

Hey, didn't they make a game called "Space Marine"? Was that before Specialist Games? I think it was about 6mm scale.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/19 10:21:14

Post by: sing your life

Eadartri wrote:
Hey, didn't they make a game called "Space Marine"? Was that before Specialist Games? I think it was about 6mm scale.

Yes it was a renaming of Epic IIRC.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/19 10:57:23

Post by: granander

I actually picked BFG without ever having played it... BFG and 40k makes for an epic combination för large scale campaigns.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/19 11:13:00

Post by: Eilif

 sing your life wrote:
Eadartri wrote:
Hey, didn't they make a game called "Space Marine"? Was that before Specialist Games? I think it was about 6mm scale.

Yes it was a renaming of Epic IIRC.

It was actually the name one of the two games that made up each of the first and second editions of Epic. The Space Marine name was used for both editions. Adeptus Titanicus and Titan Legions were the names of the other of the rules for first and second edition respectively.

It was third edition where the entire rules were released in one book called "Epic 40k".

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/19 11:49:58


bring back battle fleet !

I don't really mind I play X wing now its pretty good, I recommend it to anyone on the fence.

its a very good game

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/04/19 22:32:27

Post by: JamesY

BFG, when it came out it didn't interest me at all. Now I think I'd really enjoy it. Oh well, dystopian wars does a good job of filling the need.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/05/13 11:25:57

Post by: Januine

oooohhh - tricky tricky.....Necromunda would be sweet for the game. BB is pure quality but the video games out do the tabletop (imho)....BFG....models were a bit on the wee side for me. Just didnt do it justice. Gotta go with Inquisitor. Loved the models and that's the most important thing for me. But with Inq. I would be more likely to actually play as well as paint

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/05/13 16:04:21

Post by: calamity teacher

Man O War. I would love them to expand the fleets before the 4 ship types and a flyer or two that each have.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/05/13 21:52:12

Post by: 02Laney

Blood Bowl (not for the rules - the new models would interest me more). Then any/all of mordheim, necromunda and BFG.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/06/14 10:59:49

Post by: Dust

I loved Battlefleet. But my vote is with Aeronautica. I got into Aeornautica a scant few months before it got shitcanned. I even had an order of models arrive from Forgeworld AFTER the game had been shut down. I'm still bitter about it.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/06/14 11:52:39

Post by: Bottle

Necromunda! Would love to be able to buy more scenery without paying the ebay tax on it

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/06/14 12:23:41

Post by: Eilif

 Bottle wrote:
Necromunda! Would love to be able to buy more scenery without paying the ebay tax on it

Have you considered Mantic Battlezone scenery? I've gone a different way for my Necro scnery, but if I were going to recreate the old Necromunda scenery look with new products, that's what I'd use. The bulkhead/panel sizes are almost the same and the overall look is pretty similar.

Also, yaktribe has digital versions of the cardboard scenery parts if you want to print it out on card.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/06/14 14:07:48

Post by: Camkierhi

Voted Necromunda, because I want a small skirmish game, I know there are many others out there, but I loved the models.

However I miss and would love to have again Epic, it's not really represented by any other. BFG you got X-wing and the Trek games and Dystopia Wars. I suppose you have some of the historic small scale games, but is there a direct equivilent to Epic? Just miss having massive amounts of tanks and troops. Really being a general.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/06/14 22:08:02

Post by: The Shadow

Never actually played any of them, sadly, but Mordheim looks the most appealing to me, and I remember enjoying reading a Mordheim battle report they did in an old WD.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/06/14 22:38:38

Post by: Knockagh

Toughest poll I have answered on here. Went for necro but. Like have easily choosen BFG. Or maybe inquisitor, not that board game they released. Wouldn't mind seeing epic re releaesed either...... Sigh

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/07/16 02:32:26

Post by: Gluboy

BFG, my Eldar fleet is still waiting for another game.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/08/16 10:39:26

Post by: ChazSexington

Voted BFG, but would love Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Mordheim, and Gorkamorka!

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/08/16 14:38:53

Post by: ionusx

gorka morka!!!

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/08/17 04:18:57

Post by: Grumblewartz

BFG all the way. I still have a massive fleet collecting dust. Gorkamorka is definitely a close 2nd.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/08/17 06:49:47

Post by: toasteroven

Tough call between BFG and Mordheim. I can still remember seeing figures from both in my local store way back in that day, and wanting so much to try them out.

Never could, never did, and then they were gone.

I voted for Battlefleet, but my heart is with both.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/09/08 12:54:28

Post by: oldzoggy

Warmaster I love using those models for RPG games.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/11/19 10:37:18

Post by: ergotoxin

Necromunda and Epic for me, though Necromunda wins, simply for the possible modularity with 40k kits and terrain.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/11/19 11:00:47

Post by: Lithlandis Stormcrow

Even though I like Mordheim more, I put BFG mainly because I think Mordheim is already pretty good as it is and has way more miniature support than BFG.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/11/19 13:29:40

Post by: notprop

My hand voted Epic but my heart wanted Trolls in da Pantry.

In truth, I'll take any revised SG game in any order.....except Bloodbowl. I've never manage to get any enthusiasm despite my starting out with 1st edition in 1988 (yay cardboard models!).

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/11/19 15:13:50

Post by: Lithlandis Stormcrow

 notprop wrote:
My hand voted Epic but my heart wanted Trolls in da Pantry.

In truth, I'll take any revised SG game in any order.....except Bloodbowl. I've never manage to get any enthusiasm despite my starting out with 1st edition in 1988 (yay cardboard models!).

I am still looking for a decent looking High Elf team that doesn't cost me my eyes.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/11/20 09:31:03

Post by: winterdyne

I actually want the Troll games back. With CD's as even if I could find the cassettes, I've not had a tape player in a long long time.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 notprop wrote:
My hand voted Epic but my heart wanted Trolls in da Pantry.

A thousand times, this.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/11/20 17:44:29

Post by: Rune Stonegrinder

3 of the 4 top pol picks are what I am interested in.

In order of interest


What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/12/04 02:35:39

Post by: Vroomer

Blood Bowl

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/12/20 10:44:30

Post by: VikingChild

BFG out in front, 28%, really? I would never have thought that game was so popular! For me it was Necromunda, closely followed by Epic and Bloodbowl

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2015/12/21 09:02:32

Post by: Shadow Walker

Epic - to command real Tyranid swarm but only when it will come in plastic so not in foreseeable future :(

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/01/12 22:22:02

Post by: Dregstar

Necromunda. Its needs updating to be closer to the newer rules set.
I love BFG,Mordheim and Bloodbowl but tbh the rule sets for these are pretty much perfect so its just a case of finding the minis...

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/01/13 11:31:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Y'know what would be epic? Epic! New Epic would be epically epic.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/01/13 16:44:04

Post by: Bonegrinder

Would be nice to have some new multi part kits for Necromunda.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/01/15 11:35:30

Post by: wuestenfux

BFG would be nice to have back.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/01/15 21:11:30

Post by: Septimus Severus

None, as I am convinced they would make a dog's dinner of them (For all the technical brilliance, AoS miniatures, to my mind, look extremely bland and dull. I dislike the Scions, the new Ogryns are appalling. The only recent miniatures I like are the Adeptus Mechanicus, which is in fairness a very good to brilliant range, and the Forgeworld Mechanicum is often brilliant too). Sadly, even in that excellent range, the Kastellan robot looks silly in the extreme and I personally dislike the Onager -- I like the idea, but it seems almost toy-like) There are a fair few BFG and Inquisitor (oddly the two I like the sound of most) miniatures on eBay.

Forgive me for sticking in a rant, but the wonderful work of Blanche (in art) and the older metal miniatures (the metal Witch Hunters retinue has one of the best models I know of, the Lexmechanic -- so much character!) has been replaced by work that may be technically elaborate but lacks soul and character.

* clambers down *

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/05/25 10:29:56

Post by: Haravikk

For me it's between Battlefleet Gothic and Necromunda. Personally I think that Necromunda is the better business proposition for GW, as it's a small skirmish game requiring only a handful of models, that could act as an ideal gateway to 40k if handled properly. Granted 40k scales down okay, but it's still squad based at its core.

I still love Necromunda, and the old rules aren't even that complex, as they already simplified a lot compared to 2nd edition in order to focus on characterful battles between small gangs. They also have great little rules like the inability for a grenade to scatter further than you threw it, which is always handy.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/05/25 11:32:26

Post by: Swan-of-War

Mordheim!!! I've not yet a gamer who hasn't played / wants to get a campaign going again. Would love it if/when it gets rereleased. Already have a board going and everything.

Blood Bowl still has a healthy following in my area

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 20264/05/26 02:26:06

Post by: sebster

I still play Epic Armageddon, Necromunda and Bloodbowl, so at first I was trying to decide between one of those options.

But then it occurred to me that there's little issue in playing any of those three games right now. It can be a bit expensive to get old models on ebay, but for Necromunda and Bloodbowl the price point is pretty low anyway, and in general the games are very well serviced by non-GW suppliers anyway. Necromunda especially is stronger these day because players go and source unique terrain and miniatures, boards look much more diverse than they used to. And if you know where to go there's an incredible range of miniatures for Epic in the secondary market.

So instead I picked Gorka Morka. That was a game with a great concept and solid ruleset that was unfortunately limited by the extremely crappy range of ork vehicles that were around at that time. Take the trukk and other Ork kits that came out after Gorka Morka was canned, and re-package them with a few more customisable options, and GW has the potential for an amazingly good game. Then release the humie rules again with real support for their stuff, and maybe even go back to the easter egg in the original sourcebook that hinted at the Necrons. Three factions that could make for really unique games.

Really, most GW games the best we could realistically hope for is a reprinted ruleset (I'm not confident that in the company's current state any revision would improve things), and new models that are possibly a little better, but certainly no cheaper. With Gorka Morka there's scope to make the game it always should have been.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/06/27 01:13:06

Post by: Chef_of_Cadia

I'd like a PDF release of all if them at least. Optimally, reprints and updated minis.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/06/27 03:04:30

Post by: argonak

A big budget return to Necromunda with additional rules for all armies would be best for 40k. I'd suggest changing the name and setting to Armageddon, so that the maximum number of races can be easily supported in the ruleset. Lots of room to fit various armies into that setting, and fighting turf wars over the ruins of a hive allows for a variety of interesting terrain and story settings.

A Necromunda sized skirmish game is the perfect introduction to 40k and a great place to try out all kinds of new ideas and concepts. GW really ought to get on it.

But for me personally I'd rather Epic 40k came back, as I enjoy the smaller scale combat and I personally loved the ruleset. I think its the most modern of GW's rules, and had people been able to lose the Epic: Space Marine rose tinted glasses, they might have liked it a lot more. It included a lot of features that most other modern table top games are using now.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/06/27 04:25:02

Post by: -Loki-

Not sure I do anymore. I really wanted Warhammer Quest back, but seeing it mutilated with the Age of Sigmar aesthetic was painful.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/07/27 13:00:33

Post by: Huron black heart

I started with Epic, so that'd be my number one.
After that I really enjoyed playing Man O War.
I never really got into Necromunda when it came out but I now wish I could play it.
So that's my top three

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/07/27 21:35:38

Post by: Just Tony

Voted BFG with the caveat that the rules already in print get a smidge tidier and they release a plastic fleet kit for each race and give enough options from there to build whatever you want.

If I could vote for one to get zero support and maybe get shelved indefinitely, I'd pick Warmaster. That game seriously brought nothing new to WFB except smaller minis and the Epic mechanic. It's not like when Epic was the way to get Titans and superheavies and the like while 40K was the small scale game. Armies for both WFB and WM both wound up looking about the same regiment count, and to me that always seemed wrong, especially when almost every monster you could get was already available in WFB proper

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/07/28 08:28:05

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I voted Aeronautica Imperialis, but I'm probably biased in that I...

a) love aircraft.

b) was in the middle of collecting squadrons for several factions when they killed the game

But aside from that it was a really fun and interesting game.

If I had a 2nd vote, it'd probably go to Warmaster. While I liked Epic, I prefer 10mm scale to 6mm. I'd loooove to see Warmaster done in 15mm scale.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/10/22 04:39:19

Post by: gnome_idea_what

For me, GorkaMorka.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2016/10/22 17:43:21

Post by: Orlanth

BFG no question.

Though I would also want Necromunda and Mordheim. The trouble is if they remake Mordheim they will Age of Sigmar it up and it will be crap.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/05/28 13:18:48

Post by: CommanderRednaxela

Shadow wars?

BFG definitely.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/06/01 19:06:46

Post by: Popsghostly

Never got my Cathayan army in Warmaster... After they made Kislev and Araby, I waited... and waited... and waited...

Bring it back and give Cathay and the Great Bastion some love.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/06/03 07:10:02

Post by: Baron Klatz

Warmaster for both the Old World and AoS.

Would gladly buy legions of Bretonnian knights and Stormcast armies.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/06/29 11:02:32

Post by: MagicJuggler

Can we get Warhammer Historicals back? Or old-school WHFB? I'd enjoy an Araby army plox.

As for my answer, I chose Mordheim though I wouldn't be opposed to Gorkamorka.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/06/29 11:14:38

Post by: BallinWitStalin

Warhammer fantasy battles :/

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/07/30 10:24:53

Post by: schoon

I'd argue that Necromunda already is back with SWA.

And that Titanicus is already in the works.

So, BFG would be what I want next.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/07/31 00:20:33

Post by: FreeFrag.UK

I'd like to see the return of Epic. I said for a long time that I'd only return to GW upon the release of Epic but due to the brilliant job they've done with 8th (as least so far) I have made my return with 40k

I must admit though, if Epic were to make a return and see proper support, Warhammer 40K may return to the periphery.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2017/12/04 13:33:49

Post by: DeathGuard633

dare I say it???? Man O' War???? Heck there is a video game on it why not resurrect the ole classic!!!!

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/01/05 11:30:12

Post by: Cat_astrophe

I’d like for them to release the epic models again but stay away from the rules

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/02/06 18:32:34

Post by: Inquisitor Lord Cuthbert


What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/03/13 20:05:10

Post by: RedMesa2391

BFG, I regret not getting into it back in the day but looking at the cost of models on eBay I won't now unless there's a re-release.

Previously I'd have said Necromunda but since we've got that back now.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/05/10 02:25:35

Post by: Pointer5

Man o War should be on the list. For some reason it's been left off for a while now. It had more support than dark future. It was a great game that had good rules and was easy to play. The mins are still some of my favorites.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/05/10 05:33:21

Post by: deathwinguk

I voted Epic 40k, but only because there was no Space Hulk option...

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/10 21:18:47

Post by: Pointer5

It's time to drop necramunda and blood bowl from the poll since they have been out for a while. Put man o' war on since it was newer than dark future and had more support.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/11 07:08:41

Post by: Knockagh

 RedMesa2391 wrote:
BFG, I regret not getting into it back in the day but looking at the cost of models on eBay I won't now unless there's a re-release.

Previously I'd have said Necromunda but since we've got that back now.

I can’t see the new models being much cheaper. I really hope they up the scale for BFG if and when it comes out. Bigger ships would be amazing.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/12 02:51:15

Post by: Yodhrin

 Knockagh wrote:
 RedMesa2391 wrote:
BFG, I regret not getting into it back in the day but looking at the cost of models on eBay I won't now unless there's a re-release.

Previously I'd have said Necromunda but since we've got that back now.

I can’t see the new models being much cheaper. I really hope they up the scale for BFG if and when it comes out. Bigger ships would be amazing.

That would be absolutely awful. The whole point of BFG is to field big fleets with plenty of room to maneuver and the models were the perfect balance between visual detail and playability, not to mention that with modern plastics and design tech they could substantially up the amount of detail on the models without increasing their size at all.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/12 02:55:50

Post by: Thargrim

BFG could be cool, but with Titanicus coming out and FW getting rid of many horus heresy kits I doubt FW/specialist games can keep up with supporting all these games. So as of my feeling now...i'd rather they released titanicus and called it a day and just supported the games we already have well into the future.

Even if they brought back Mordheim i'm unsure if they could capture that same blanchian weirdness and vibe. I'm just not sure it would be a good idea, as cool as it could possibly be.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/12 08:42:35

Post by: Da Boss

Battlefleet Gothic is the coolest specialist game. I would love to see BFG and Epic come back, as I think they best represent the scale of warfare in the 40K world. Epic with nice modern plastic figures would be amazing.

I also love Mordheim but really, I do not want the old game ruined by the modern aesthetics.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/12 09:57:39

Post by: AndrewGPaul

Advanced Heroquest, please. OK, never a Specialist Game, but still my favourite of GW's various goes at dungeon-bashing; well, that and Space Hulk.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/12 12:02:05

Post by: Adeptus Doritos

 AndrewGPaul wrote:
Advanced Heroquest, please. OK, never a Specialist Game, but still my favourite of GW's various goes at dungeon-bashing; well, that and Space Hulk.

This, please.

And a 'New' version of Mordheim would be great.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/12 19:55:25

Post by: Yodhrin

I...just don't know about Mordheim. Don't get me wrong, it's the one I most want to see come back, and I'd love it if it happened, but I just don't know that it would actually "come back".

Would GW really miss an opportunity to flog more Goldenboys? And no matter how they decided to do that - either putting Mordheim in a bubble and transporting it to AoS, or doing a "spiritual successor" that's vaguely Mordheim-ish in tone and gameplay style but isn't actually Mordheim as-was - I'd really prefer they just didn't do it at all in that case.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/13 06:56:57

Post by: Da Boss

I mean, I could ignore a new Mordheim, but it would itch at me in the same way Silver Tower does. I loved Warhammer Quest, but the new one just looks wrong to me - the tiles don't look like any kind of flooring, the style of the models is way too OTT and I don' t think they look very good, barring the Oni thing.

Mordheim was great because it was pretty much the MOST Old World Warhammer game ever. It had everything that made the Old World fun and unique turned up to 11. If I am not obsessing about small cultural differences between fictional city states in the Empire, it hasn't been done properly.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/06/13 20:50:10

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

Man o' War! But I've got a vested business interest.

Failing that, BFG: All of them would be nice to have back, however.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/07/11 12:31:38

Post by: Rybrook

BFG and mordhiem for me

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/07/11 12:36:28

Post by: iGuy91

B F G baby!!

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/07/12 09:56:59

Post by: Pointer5

It's time to drop bloodbowl and necramunda from the poll and add man o' war already. That way the results would be more accurate. I would be interested in mordheim since I wasn't able to get it the last time around.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/11/15 10:20:42

Post by: IHateNids

Not that it's the same by any stretch, the BFG:Armada are fabulous if you like RTS

But, yeah, minis are better a lot of the time

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/11/17 17:50:44

Post by: Grey Templar

BFG for sure. Preferably just a rebalancing of some of the point costs for certain factions rather than a redo of the whole ruleset, the basic rules are perfectly fine as is.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2018/12/17 08:15:15

Post by: Private Benjamin

28mm Dark Future would be awesome; Hive hangers building custom vehicles like bikes, bikes with sidecars, trikes, pick-ups, like an ISIS arm of technicals

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2019/09/23 05:39:32

Post by: Elbows

Proper Old World Warhammer Quest - not the new boxed games. However, with the direction GW is going with more and more products...I'd actually rather they don't do this. Short of pushing "print" on a new copy of the old game, I've zero interest in GW's "modern" take on WHQ.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2019/09/23 06:22:29

Post by: Thargrim

Now that i've played it, i'd go with Aeronautica Imperialis. I want to see those plastic Tau Barracudas, Eldar nightwing, etc.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/01/11 18:32:42

Post by: tauist

I've been thinking about Space Marine 2nd Ed alot lately. Always had a blast playing that one.

Now that there is AT & AI, epic of sorts which combined all three to form a trifecta would be killer! Finally you could have > comany level battles with titans and flyers like the lore depicts. Apoc is not the same, not even close.

Actually, why not go all the way in and add BFG of sorts into it. You could actually play out a whole planetary invasion game, starting from space, closing into orbit and all the way to the ground battles.

You could also play all these separately like now, however being able to meaningfully combine them would be the novel idea.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/01/14 12:05:31

Post by: Knockagh

I want to see battle fleet gothic, but I after playing and loving X-Wing I would only be interested if the models are pre painted. If not I will just stick with X-Wing

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/03/14 01:48:51

Post by: Akar

Heroquest would've been on the top of my list, but I got in on the Kickstarter. Epic would be my next choice.

Although I kind of feel that 40k should be on this list with how screwed up 9th is.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/03/14 23:25:59

Post by: Hordini

Battlefleet Gothic with Mordheim being a close second.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/03/15 08:37:57

Post by: Cyel

Most of these games now have modern, much better equivalents by design teams with much better design philosophy and way more skill. So I don't think that -apart from the nostalgia value - having these games again, done the old-fashioned GW way (randomness, little player agency, tedious upkeep) makes a lot of sense.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/15 11:37:28

Post by: Jarms48

BFG 100%. Great additions to the lore. Amazing models. Good rules (except for OP necrons). It's such a great sister game to 40k and it'd be awesome to see it come back and even tie into narrative games.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/16 14:29:48

Post by: Grey Templar

Jarms48 wrote:
BFG 100%. Great additions to the lore. Amazing models. Good rules (except for OP necrons). It's such a great sister game to 40k and it'd be awesome to see it come back and even tie into narrative games.

Yeah, Necrons were weird. They were balanced around you playing a campaign, not a one-off battle. Though even a 1 off battle you could still "win" just because their ships gave silly points for crippling or destroying them. I once had a game where I lost 6 of my 8 ships, the necrons lost 1 destroyed and 1 crippled out of 5, but I won because of the overall points. Point for point, they were OP, but they were the only fleet where a dead ship was worth far more points dead than alive, so even crippling 1 necron ship was worth several not being crippled.

You just really had to play suicidally against necrons.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/16 15:08:07

Post by: Polonius

Mordheim gets a lot of love, and I get it, but I think there are just really good alternatives for grim dark fantasty skirmish. Rangers of Shadowdeep is amazing for coop/solo play. Frostgrave is a bit focused on wizards, but I'd also look at Freeblades, a tiny indie game that's a lot of fun.

There's really no game with market presence to replace Epic/Epic Armageddon/Space Marine. Drop Zone commander does okay, but that focuses heavily on the air assault aspect. Just the idea of hordes of sci fi legions engaged on a big table is so satisfying, it annoys me that it's not more popular. (Warmaster has a ton of replacments, which while not always commercially popular, are well known).

BFG has no shortage of pretenders to the throne, with at least a half dozen sci fi fleet combat games being launched since it folded. None really took off, even Armada, which has the Star Wars license. BFG is also the game that arguably needs the least work. the models are still great, the rules need a tweaking, but it could drop quickly.

Personally, i'd vote Epic. It's the game I'd buy the fastest, but from an untapped market perspective, I think you have to go BFG.

Mordheim also suffers from the same problem as Necromunda. You can play with a $40 gang/crew/warband box, which is 100% true, but it's not really fun without $300 worth of terrain.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/16 22:01:00

Post by: privateer4hire

GW bringing back these games, so far, has been like Pet Semetary. Sometimes dead is better.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/17 16:13:13

Post by: MiniOrkTrooper

I'm very interested in Blood Bowl. I would love to start collecting Blood Bowl miniatures. I played a little bit of the Blood Bowl 2 video game recently, and now I'm heavily considering picking up some Blood Bowl Orks.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/17 20:38:04

Post by: Morathi's Darkest Sin

Ignoring the fact some of these are already back.

At the moment I would love to see an equivalent to the old 'Space Marine' epic release, a load of Heresy Marines with Vehicles to add troops to the Adepticus Titanicus game. That is still one of my all time fave games in the past and although I am enjoying AT immensely, its not quite the same without the troops and vehicles darting around between the Titans.

Other than that Mordheim would be great, think I don't really mind if it was AoS or the Old World, BFG would be interesting and part of me always thinks if Dark Future came back I'd get on board.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/21 07:04:38

Post by: FrozenDwarf

I have allways wondered what kind of game Inquisitor was, i saw the models in the specialist catalgue and they allways looked innresting.

Other then that, epic naturaly, i love 10mm or smaller, there is NOT enugh epic scale games in the mini world!

If BFG was not doing so well with community rules support and lots of 3d printer options, i would have say that one too, but it needs no remake, it is perfect right where it is.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/21 07:06:36

Post by: AnomanderRake

Inquisitor's rules were sort of a prototype of the d%-based RPGs (Dark Heresy and derivatives).

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/21 22:19:38

Post by: Albertorius

Seeing what GW feels about fan work (updated today, even) and the results shown with Newcromunda... I kinda rather seem the games stay as they are nowadays, meaning fan driven games with a thriving, do it yourself community.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/22 10:40:56

Post by: H.B.M.C.

You could give the snarky answer and say "Necromunda", given what modern Necromunda has turned into.

But no, BFG. I want naval combat with 5km long flying cathedrals, multi-gigaton broadsides, swarms of torpedos and ramming speed!

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/22 14:52:14

Post by: The_Real_Chris

If I were to 3D print I would love to make BFG... but small!

GW would never do it, indeed I reckon they couldn't resist making the rules very different.

But with the old rules and cruisers the same length as the diameter of the base model placement would be easier and the game would seem far more grand in large battles.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/07/28 00:50:02

Post by: Goose LeChance


They would all be poorly balanced and have 12 different rulebooks and piecemeal DLC addons.

BFG and Mordheim are completed games, you can just houserule anything you don't like, and you'll never have to follow the treadmill of new rules again.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/08/02 08:30:39

Post by: Sunno

Inquisitor remains my favourite GW game ever. Really captures the level of detail you get in something like the Eisenhorn books. Down to the individual rounds loaded in the gun. I still get 1 or 2 games a year in. Have lots of 54mm models as well for painting and modelling. BUT. It will never make a comeback. Its to in depth and detailed for GW to sustain any interest in and too complex and detailed for most people these days.

If BFG was done properly i would be interested in playing. And by properly i mean, all races, all ships, full models and supported rule set. Not "set it in the horus heresy so we can make you buy the same ships twice, paint one blue, one red and call it a game".

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/08/07 06:38:00

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
You could give the snarky answer and say "Necromunda", given what modern Necromunda has turned into.

That's kind of how I feel about AI, they brought it back but the gameplay is a big step down over what it used to be.

For a game that wasn't perfect but only needed a few tweaks, they sure did mess it up.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/08/09 08:28:46

Post by: kirotheavenger

I really like new Necromunda, especially after GotU.
I think the most recent book releases have really taken it in a direction I disagree with though.

Definitely agree on Aeronautica, it's a shame as the new models look absolutely superb.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/10/20 14:26:50

Post by: Tawnis

I miss Battlefleet Gothic so much. I got the starter set when I was a kid and loved it to bits. However I didn't really know about forge world and special orders back then, so I was waiting patiently for more models to come to my FLGS that never did. I would love to take a crack at this game again.

Is Aeronautica discontinued? I literally just bought a starter set for it last week. It looks like a lot of fun.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/10/20 15:14:18

Post by: lord marcus

BFG all day

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/10/20 18:24:22

Post by: Tawnis

I miss Battlefleet Gothic, I only ever got the starter set, but it was a blast. I'd love to see a plastic line with proper support. I'd be all over that.

Is Aeronautica discontinued now? I literally just bought the starter set last week, it looked really interesting.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2021/10/20 18:28:48

Post by: grahamdbailey

I really like the direction Necromunda has taken, and think the new books add so much to the game; I'm excited to see where it will go in the future.
BFG would be an auto-buy, as long as it's a full game with models for all of the main factions. AI was such a let-down. The new models are stunning, but the game is a giant step down from the previous version and the strange decision not to release Chaos models means it feels incomplete to me.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2022/03/12 03:48:50

Post by: Havic1137

Battlefleet Gothic for me. Void warfare is just as important logistically as ground warfare in terms of narrative.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2024/03/05 19:55:54

Post by: Paule

I loved Warmaster. But before my army was ready, it was over again. Now the stuff is lying around unfinished.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2024/05/07 17:32:12

Post by: tauist

Now that Epic has returned, I want to see BFG return as well. It'd be awesome to play a multi-system Campaign using BFG, Epic and 28mil models, BFG would complete the trifecta

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2024/05/07 19:43:26

Post by: gorgon

I had a lot of fun with BFG and still have my Eldar fleet. But if the game ends up being Battlefleet: Heresy as rumored...I don't really see myself getting into it.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2024/05/09 09:08:09

Post by: lord_blackfang

I don't want anything else return the way "Epic" did.

What GW specialist game would you want back the most? @ 2024/05/09 12:01:17

Post by: Eilif

 Eilif wrote:
Necromunda. Though there's really no reason to wait around for GW. Lots of opportunities for proxies and the rules are still free. Our club is starting a campaign next meeting using Yaktribe's "Necromunda Community Edition" (NCE) verison.

How naive I was in 2015. Thinking that GW could do a tight redo of a fantastic game. As opposed to the rules-bloated mess they came up with that I dropped after a box set and 4 "Gang Wars".

Ironically, my advice remains roughly the same. Skip NewCrowMunda and go for NCE .

Now as the club turns toward a summer Mordheim campaign, I'm torn between thinking it would be a great setting for GW to revisit but knowing full well I'd likely not be interested in the result.