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I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 00:32:27

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

Your post must begin with 'I hate it when'

For example 'I hate it when Jesus rides dinosaurs in my house.'

Since its my thread, I will begin first.

I hate it when someone throws a Walrus at my grandmother.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 00:56:16

Post by: Happyjew

I hate it when KaptinBadrukk does not corrupt wishes in the Corrupt a Wish thread.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 00:59:06

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Voldemort uses my shampoo without asking.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 01:20:23

Post by: TheManWithNoPlan

I hate it when Nigel Farage doesn't share his class banter.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 09:18:22

Post by: snurl

IHIW GW raises prices.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 09:31:01

Post by: Matthew

I hate it when I play with people who won't use mics in CS: GO. They take too many pisses at me.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 10:57:36

Post by: Trondheim

I hate it when one is hauling home supplies, and the heavens decide to hose one with enough water to drown all life in the whole county

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 12:04:49

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when a chinchilla eats the universe.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 13:23:26

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when people don't post on threads I like on this sub-forum.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 14:08:36

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when a llama named Carl stabs me 37 times and eats my hands

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 14:24:20

Post by: Matthew

I hate it when people troll. Wink. Wink.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/20 14:36:40

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when I get my pot of Ben&Jerry's ice cream out of the freezer and Hitler has already eaten some of it.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/21 00:31:14

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when spiders just sit there and act like they pay rent.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/21 08:50:22

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when my Bass Guitar notes cause a tiny seismic waves that escalates until devastates some Latin America country.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/21 13:14:27

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Jesus rides dinosaurs in my house

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/21 14:08:31

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when KB acts weird and you can't help but join him.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/21 16:31:30

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I'm studying and a velociraptor throws bananas on me

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 05:29:27

Post by: snurl


I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 05:34:42

Post by: Vitali Advenil

I hate it when I feel like I'm missing out on some sort of joke.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 09:42:57

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when me and my girl go on a date and there are pelicans following us about laughing at nothing in particular.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 13:12:49

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when my seatbelt randomly locks and I can't move

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 13:16:35

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when I feel a mild burning sensation in the back of my throat for no discernible reason.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 13:21:05

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when there's no storms going on in your area

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 18:47:26

Post by: Trondheim

 sing your life wrote:
I hate it when I get my pot of Ben&Jerry's ice cream out of the freezer and Hitler has already eaten some of it.

It tasted delicious

I hate it while playing Bloodborne, and some homicidial homeless person kills the persons I have saved

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 18:56:18

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I can't be on Dakka for infinity minutes.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 19:01:05

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when I'm browsing dakka and suddenly John Cena is watching me through the keyhole.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/22 19:02:13

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when the bell rings in the middle of something.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/23 12:00:14

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when my dishwasher flips me off.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/23 12:04:30

Post by: 2BlackJack1

I hate it when I don't have time to work on my Kroot story.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/23 12:15:51

Post by: snurl

IHIW the grass needs mowed again.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/23 13:01:13

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when the Poodles drop flour on me from their Microlights.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/23 13:14:05

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Snurl uses the abbreviation IHIW

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/23 21:13:43

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when you fething laugh.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/24 08:13:26

Post by: snurl

IHIW someone doesn't like my abbreviations.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/24 09:56:33

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when my computer is slow.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/24 12:38:42

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I can't troll on yahoo answers.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/24 15:30:46

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when I get Ninja'd.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/24 16:32:34

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Gul Dukat broke down

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/24 20:58:16

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when I don't have time to read a review of a film before seeing it.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/24 22:36:22

Post by: snurl

IHIW skunks are between me and my truck.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/25 00:19:00

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when there's a tiger in the bathroom.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/26 15:22:30

Post by: sing your life

IHIW you horse you betted on decides to stop just before the finish line and sing O Fortuna in Swahili whilst the other riders overtake it.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/28 18:10:42

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when the power goes out

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/29 06:09:48

Post by: snurl

IHIW the chalk breaks and my fingernails make that SCRREEEEAAACHHing sound as they scrape across the chalkboard.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/29 13:16:16

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I have to get off the computer

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/29 13:16:32

Post by: sing your life

IHIW it turns out the guy trying to sell you vacuum cleaners over the phone was actually Garry Glitter.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/30 01:07:59

Post by: 2BlackJack1

IHIW I can't find the thread I'm looking for.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/30 05:54:45

Post by: snurl

IHIW someone tries the Jedi mind trick.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/30 09:51:07

Post by: sing your life

IHIW Justin Bieber is a donkey-cave.

So basically, Justin Bieber in general

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/30 11:42:58

Post by: snurl

I hate it when the neighbor kid practices the piano. You would think after all this time she would have improved somewhat.

I hate it when... @ 2015/09/30 12:15:13

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when future track is uncertain.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/01 04:29:35

Post by: snurl

IHIW I have to wait for primer to dry.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/01 10:00:25

Post by: sing your life

IHIW my bike is slow.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/01 13:55:10

Post by: Zognob Gorgoff

IHIW i spill plastic glue on my carved polystyrene terrain sculpt

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/01 14:33:31

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Model Guidance for Hurricane Joaquin diverges.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/02 07:31:51

Post by: snurl

IHIW hurricanes dont stay down south where they belong.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/02 11:23:05

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I'm using a cash machine and a Tiger suddenly pounces on me and stuffs cheap watches into my pockets before escaping on its bicycle.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/02 15:06:26

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when a storm goes OTS

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/02 23:28:59

Post by: welshhoppo

I hate it when I'm painting and listening to my vinyl and then my girlfriend walks in and has the audacity to complain about the noise and turn it down. I also hate it when I have to teach her a lesson too.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/03 05:06:38

Post by: snurl

I hate it when it rains on my hayride.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/03 09:49:23

Post by: NoPoet

I hate it when female friends say they see me purely as a friend when they're sober, but when they are lonely, drunk or horny they imply they see me as something more.

Although that gives me the tremendously empowering satisfaction of saying "No thanks, we're friends remember?"

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/04 15:22:18

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when a giant Squig Dragon swoops down trying to make off with my Fish and Chip tea.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/05 16:45:26

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when nothing weatherwise happens

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/06 04:35:16

Post by: snurl

IHIW it rains on weekends in October.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/06 16:14:26

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when a teacher is not there.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/07 06:06:41

Post by: snurl

IHIW snowmen put their rainbows in the dishwasher.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/07 12:07:56

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when spam

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/07 13:09:47

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when my alarm clock is infected by Ork Spores

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/07 13:12:34

Post by: snurl

IHIW Sigmarites leave phamplets in my screen door.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/07 13:14:30

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Brunt says 'DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!! I SURRENDER!!!!' but a Jem'Hadar shoots him anyway.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/07 13:32:50

Post by: sing your life

IHIW it rains a lot in the daytime.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/07 16:37:44

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when storms speed up and go extratropical.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/08 06:36:14

Post by: snurl

IHIW the horse dies in quicksand.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/08 12:26:55

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I have to get up, but don't want to.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/08 12:28:09

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I go to school for a pep rally.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/09 09:43:20

Post by: snurl

IHIW i forget important details.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/09 14:08:13

Post by: sing your life

IHIW someone says AOS is good.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/09 21:43:51

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when nobody asks for an INSANE army list

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/10 07:18:49

Post by: snurl

IHIW i have an away game, and have to pack a ton of crap.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/10 17:04:12

Post by: sing your life

IHIW when Olives are really salty.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/11 06:39:42

Post by: snurl

IHIW the band quits early.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/11 15:40:55

Post by: sing your life

IHIW the 15mm British I bought might actually be useless.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/12 12:52:42

Post by: snurl

IHIW the trash is full.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/13 16:24:01

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I eat chicken with no barbecue sauce.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/15 21:01:20

Post by: DevoutGuardsman

IHIW Slaaneshi daemons crawl out of my monitor.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/16 09:37:09

Post by: snurl

IHiW nobody seems to rake their leaves but me.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/16 13:56:22

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I have few leaves in my front yard.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/16 13:58:27

Post by: LethalShade

Sorry, felt obligated to put it here.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/16 16:29:52

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

No IHIW. The Borg Assimilate you.

I hate it when there's no freeze warning, but a frost advisory instead.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/17 07:49:32

Post by: snurl

IHiW there is frost on my pumpkins.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/21 18:45:55

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Texas gets 9.21 inches of rain and I get 0.75

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/22 06:00:20

Post by: snurl

IHiW I am cold and wet at the same time.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/22 12:26:01

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when my great grandfather dies and I have to go to school while my parents go to get his funeral in orer

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/23 03:22:46

Post by: snurl

Sorry for your loss.

IHiW I have to say that. Funerals suck.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/23 07:28:57

Post by: LethalShade

Sincères condoléances.
(Sincere condolences, but it's much better in French imo)

IHiW I have to say that as well.

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/23 13:11:28

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

snurl wrote:Sorry for your loss.

IHiW I have to say that. Funerals suck.

LethalShade wrote:Sincères condoléances.
(Sincere condolences, but it's much better in French imo)

IHiW I have to say that as well.

Thanks guys.

I hate it when a hurricane at 200mph threatens land

I hate it when... @ 2015/10/24 07:21:21

Post by: snurl

IHiW my feet hurt after a long night.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/04 20:30:19

Post by: Trondheim

I hate it when one is stranded in the wild hinterlands of Norway, and have to remain there for two weeks fixing the costly mistakes made by imbecilic people

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/06 08:02:10

Post by: snurl

IHiW the cat pukes in my slippers.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/06 23:41:10

Post by: Trondheim

I hate it when some inbred yokel slashes the tirres on my car

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/07 02:45:21

Post by: War Kitten

I hate it when I finish painting a model and take a picture of the squad and notice all the mistakes I made in the painting.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/08 08:01:09

Post by: snurl

IHiW the zombies come.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/10 17:57:58

Post by: sing your life

IHIW a gang of pigs spray paint my bike with really thick gold paint.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/11 13:05:33

Post by: DevoutGuardsman

IHIW I can't get Fallout 4 because I have no money.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/11 14:00:37

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I type the wrong key on my keyboard.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/16 04:18:45

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I get army ADD and want to start a 30k army 4 days after I bought some Eldar stuff

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/16 04:19:53

Post by: Tactical_Spam

 War Kitten wrote:
IHIW I get army ADD and want to start a 30k army 4 days after I bought some Eldar stuff

IHIW I suffer from this very same problem

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/16 14:41:09

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I want to start a 30k army but FW delivary is insanely high unless you're spending hundred in a single order.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/17 08:29:11

Post by: snurl

IHiW everyone just has to run right out and buy the newest shiny thing.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/17 17:03:58

Post by: DevoutGuardsman

IHIW my inspiration dries up when I'm writing my fiction.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/17 18:51:53

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW when dealing with the goverment
IHIW when feeling the urge to create a rebel movement and burn down the capitol

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/17 21:05:09

Post by: sing your life

IHIW the Soldier spends days just teleporting bread.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/18 01:25:26

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW Engineer's don't build dispensers in TF2

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/18 06:24:59

Post by: snurl

IHiW the lowest bidder makes everything.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/19 14:59:38

Post by: DevoutGuardsman

IHIW coilguns aren't a thing in the Imperium (at least I think so...)

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/19 22:11:34

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I'm out shopping and are suddenly attacked by a tornado full of slappy fish.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 00:36:38

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I'm suddenly slapped by a fish

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 00:46:25

Post by: sing your life

IHIW when KB suddenly stops posting in the sub forum.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 01:22:27

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW SYL stops posting in Avatars in a Room for long periods of time.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 08:17:54

Post by: snurl

IHiW all of the threads here are dead.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 14:05:14

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people assume that the Forum Games are dead.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 15:29:15

Post by: DevoutGuardsman

IHIW Forum Games temporarily die.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 17:29:50

Post by: sing your life

IHIW steam has connection problems.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/20 18:49:06

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW my Laptop won't turn on.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/21 21:24:43

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I feel like Playing Battlefield 4, but I can't because I sold my Xbox 360 last january.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/21 23:42:58

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I have to install every game on the Xbox one just to play it.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/22 20:15:56

Post by: Trondheim

 sing your life wrote:
IHIW I feel like Playing Battlefield 4, but I can't because I sold my Xbox 360 last january.

And that is why you should have a computer able to run it

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/22 20:49:36

Post by: sing your life

IHIW my computer isn't very powerful.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/24 11:42:07

Post by: snurl

IHiW the celery is squishy.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/24 17:41:33

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW my car won't start in the morning.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/26 08:19:21

Post by: snurl

IHiW I have to wash all of the dishes.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/27 13:01:09

Post by: Trondheim

 sing your life wrote:
IHIW my computer isn't very powerful.

IHIW when people suffer from the lack of a powerful computer

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/27 14:07:15

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people don't post as much as they used to in the Forum Games

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/27 17:00:42

Post by: DevoutGuardsman

IHIW Guardsmen are ridiculously hard to paint.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/27 18:28:23

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW Guardsmen are difficult to paint as well

I hate it when... @ 1215/09/28 05:43:31

Post by: snurl

IHiW French Grenadiers of the Old Guards are ridiculously hard to paint.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/28 13:22:11

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW People drive stupidly on the highway

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/30 09:04:24

Post by: snurl

IHiW The Walking Dead isn't on again until February.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/30 17:41:49

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I can't make my computer more powerful without rebuilding it from the ground up.

I hate it when... @ 2015/11/30 19:41:14

Post by: Trondheim

I hate it when after moving. You reallize that your friends have the same gentle touche as a herd of Trolls

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/01 22:34:39

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW People drive like maniacs on campus and nearly run me over

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/02 07:34:21

Post by: snurl

IHiW skunks hide under my shed.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/02 11:34:14

Post by: sing your life

IHIW anyone thinks Donald Trump would be a good President.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/03 01:44:06

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people start discussing politics

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/03 09:51:45

Post by: snurl

IHIW people try to spin things you say into their political agenda.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/03 23:04:33

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people ask me about my political views.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/04 07:46:12

Post by: snurl

IHIW the cat and the skunks have a tussle.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/08 21:20:17

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW my friend tries to run me over with a golf cart.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/09 08:14:44

Post by: snurl

IHIW Golf carts have no high gear or shrubbery clearing devices attached to the front.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/09 19:54:57

Post by: Trondheim

I hate it when playing a game of Pike&Shot, and the other player is hasseled by a human variant of a greater daemon of Nurgle

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/10 04:32:26

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I'm playing TF2 an the Medic ignores me completely when I'm badly hurt as a Soldier

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/15 05:59:42

Post by: snurl

IHIW my tanks are pin-spammed in Bolt Action.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/18 05:49:24

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW everyone at my LGS stops playing 40k and switches to Warmahordes right after I buy a start to a new 40k army

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/18 11:58:42

Post by: snurl

IHIW companies go out of business before you get around to ordering from them.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/20 04:30:50

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW College finals are super stressful

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/20 04:33:17

Post by: Vitali Advenil

IHIW I'm playing TF2 and the soldier I'm healing decides it's a good idea to completely abandon me when absolutely no one else is near.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/22 23:11:30

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I'm playing TF2 and my entire team is Snipers.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/22 23:18:08

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I'm wrong

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/23 05:17:41

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I have to go take holiday pictures with my family

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/23 11:53:44

Post by: snurl

IHIW most of my family is not there anymore to take pictures with.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/24 18:34:54

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

 snurl wrote:
IHIW most of my family is not there anymore to take pictures with.

Sorry about that.

I hate it when I use my grandmother's slow computer

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/27 10:59:01

Post by: sing your life

IHIW the guess song lyric thread dies.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/27 14:22:49

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Thread Necromancy happens.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/28 01:09:13

Post by: sing your life

I hate it when I miss a spot shaving.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/28 09:15:09

Post by: snurl

IHIW the cat wakes everyone up.

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/29 08:15:41

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW when I is lett disabled and batterd after a work related incident

I hate it when... @ 2015/12/30 07:46:43

Post by: snurl


IHIW I waste all day driving.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/01 03:29:59

Post by: sing your life

IHIW Trondheim is injured.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/04 02:44:49

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people don't post in the Avatars in a Room thread.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/05 01:27:32

Post by: sing your life

IHIW my Ipad autocorrects my writing incorrectly.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/08 01:06:04

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW My phone keeps crashing.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/08 05:54:57

Post by: snurl

IHIW my interruptions get interrupted.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/08 19:18:02

Post by: sing your life

IHIW when I have a squid thrown at me by Kanye West for no apparent reason.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/09 07:07:22

Post by: snurl

IHIW snow happens.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/09 18:30:34

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I have to defend my midget friends against psychotic cheese burgers.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/10 20:43:41

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I nearly wreck my car on a seemingly clear road that's secretly covered in black ice

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/11 09:47:50

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I can't stop talking to Eviebot no matter how annoying she is,

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/11 13:01:54

Post by: snurl

IHIW famous musicians pass away.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/12 00:47:53

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW random stuff happens to me.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/12 02:48:16

Post by: ChiliPowderKeg

IHIW Indian Call Centers tell me I haven't paid the IRS my computer has a virus which can get me a notice for insurance over a surgery I or a family member recently had. Especially when waiting for important calls.

Seriously though, screw those guys. I hope which ever nation they're in if it isn't India wakes up to their shenanigans

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/12 09:05:12

Post by: snurl

IHIW my nose hairs freeze outside.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/12 21:47:50

Post by: sing your life

IHIW Hollyoaks is on the TV.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/13 01:46:32

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I discover NSFW articles on Wikipedia.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/13 05:27:04

Post by: snurl

IHIW The president talks for an hour, yet says nothing new.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/13 11:44:37

Post by: Trondheim

 snurl wrote:
IHIW The president talks for an hour, yet says nothing new.

One would think Americans had grown used to this by now

IHIW politicians happen

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/13 15:51:20

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when Donald Trump may win over Bernie Sanders.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/14 00:45:57

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW People start talking about politics

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/14 00:48:36

Post by: sing your life

IHIW a petition calling for a no confidence motion on David Cameron gets 200k signatures but Parliament still refuses to debate it, and their response sounds like something from the Reich propaganda ministry.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/14 08:10:13

Post by: snurl

IHIW I start a flurry of political comments.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/14 16:19:09

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I'm making a milkshake and boys just show up

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/14 20:06:33

Post by: Trondheim

 KaptinBadrukk wrote:
I hate it when I'm making a milkshake and boys just show up

Would that be strawberry or vanilia? And do the boys get your cherry?

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/15 07:29:19

Post by: snurl

IHIW someone says milkshake.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/15 10:43:30

Post by: sing your life

IHIW Orks leave bananas on my porch.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/15 11:42:55

Post by: snurl

IHIW I'm on call on the weekends.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/17 04:34:24

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW an Ork WAAAAGH! burns my house down.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/17 08:26:10

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I can't understand how to post picture on an IPad.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/19 20:16:43

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW SYL can't figure out how to post a picture on an IPad

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/20 13:09:39

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I have run out of chocolate biscuits.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/22 07:03:58

Post by: snurl

IHIW it snows heavily while i'm at work.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/22 11:08:11

Post by: sing your life

IHIW a Centipede bites my finger.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/22 18:04:32

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I run out of Macragge Blue while painting my Ultramarines

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/23 05:56:20

Post by: snurl

IHIW it snows.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/23 11:45:55

Post by: sing your life

IHIW the acronym IHIW isn't part of the Dakka glossary.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/23 12:17:45

Post by: snurl

IHIW my cat wants out in a blizzard.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/25 20:21:24

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW my dog decides to poop right outside my bedroom door.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/27 04:04:19

Post by: sing your life

IHIW when a clown breaks into my house and jizzes in my oven.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/27 13:22:41

Post by: snurl

IHIW people leave their ovens open.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/27 20:06:03

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW the house is empty and silent

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/28 03:11:51

Post by: War Kitten

 sing your life wrote:
IHIW when a clown breaks into my house and jizzes in my oven.

IHIW SYL's oven gets jizzed in

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/28 06:14:11

Post by: snurl

IHIW I forget my cigars.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/28 12:18:41

Post by: sing your life

IHIW my coffee is bitter.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/29 09:18:12

Post by: snurl

IHIW there is no coffee left.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/29 12:37:16

Post by: sing your life

IHIW a dwarf glues a harmonica to my coat.

I hate it when... @ 2016/01/31 03:06:04

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I spill paint all over my counter

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/03 19:29:44

Post by: sing your life

IHIW BOLS reposts the same article multiple times.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/05 03:33:01

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people complain about the Guard codex being OP

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/05 19:19:19

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I go on a picnic and goblins steal the food.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/06 09:19:29

Post by: snurl

IHIW GW makes new models that look terrible compared to past versions and they act like they're something great.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/06 20:16:13

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW when mutons suprise buttsex my ranger

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/06 22:59:42

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I may be eaten by a grue.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/07 02:58:48

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW SYL is eaten by a grue

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/08 07:21:08

Post by: sing your life

IHIW I run out of bagels.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/08 16:20:59

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW coming home, and You reallize that You will eat alone, watch TV alone and fall asleep alone......

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/08 17:28:58

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when snow falls but doesn't accumulate.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/08 22:01:25

Post by: snurl

IHIW the mailman is late.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/10 21:24:39

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I get fish slapped repeatedly

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/11 03:56:34

Post by: snurl

IHIW I have to fish-slap someone.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/13 01:28:53

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW Snurl comes after me with a fish

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/13 08:11:11

Post by: snurl

IHIW my truck windows are frozen shut again.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/13 21:16:48

Post by: sing your life

IHIW those damned koala bears are dancing the sabbat on top of the Empire State Building.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/14 07:30:30

Post by: snurl

IHIW Warhammer is not on TV.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/15 13:52:27

Post by: sing your life

IHIW my IPad charge lead is too short.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/15 19:55:24

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW when Orks ransack my kicthen and eat all the cake

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/15 19:55:59

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW Trondheim tries to steal my cake after Orks ate all of his cake.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/15 20:04:46

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW when I have to raid and plunder War Kitten

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/16 03:32:07

Post by: snurl

IHIW cake is eaten.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/16 10:30:54

Post by: sing your life

IHIW the cake is a lie!

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/18 03:09:54

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people make Portal references as I'm trying to fight Trondheim off with a broom

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/18 06:31:56

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW War Kitten plays hard to Get! Resistance only makes more determined!

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/18 15:43:13

Post by: sing your life

IHIW my soya yoghurt has a nasty aftertaste.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/18 16:04:21

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW SYL eats soy yogurt as I'm fighting off Trondheim

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/21 07:03:06

Post by: snurl

IHIW rules are updated, just after you've bought the book.

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/22 18:15:07

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW inbred coworkers happen

I hate it when... @ 2016/02/23 19:26:58

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW all my professors arrange for exams on the same week

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/01 19:59:17

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when time passes slowly and there's only an hour left of school.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/01 20:05:38

Post by: WarbossDakka

IHIW a food advert comes on TV and makes you hungry.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/01 20:47:48

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I have to type quietly.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/02 10:27:54

Post by: snurl

I hate it when the clown statue moves around in the dark.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/02 17:29:27

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when people abbreviate.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/05 18:24:37

Post by: War Kitten

I hate it when people drive like morons

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/08 17:23:12

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

I hate it when I have to wait so long for something that may never happen.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/09 18:51:07

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW Forgeworld's prices make me sad

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/12 10:09:14

Post by: snurl

IHIW Dwarvenforge's prices make me sadder.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/14 19:36:11

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW Snurl is sad

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/15 08:28:08

Post by: snurl

So do I.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/17 22:23:04

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW the thread takes a dark turn

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/18 20:09:45

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW when someone tries to break into myn home

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/19 16:48:31

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I fall down the stairs

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/20 05:32:38

Post by: snurl

IHIW I have to clean up after.

I hate it when... @ 2016/03/23 20:03:00

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I have to write a 7-10 page paper

I hate it when... @ 2016/04/02 06:11:36

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW when familiy intrudes

I hate it when... @ 2016/04/06 00:36:02

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I feel like I never get anything done

I hate it when... @ 2016/12/29 02:44:31

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

I hate it when people commit threadomancy.

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/05 19:18:15

Post by: War Kitten

I hate it when a Chaos Legionnaire appears in a thread and makes me feel guilty for forgetting about it

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/06 00:38:31

Post by: BigWaaagh

I hate it when I have to call and deal with my wireless provider's Customer Service about an issue.

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/07 18:00:23

Post by: War Kitten

I hate it when I want to drive down to my FLGS to make a pre-order and a Blizzard starts up

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/08 04:32:05

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW when there's so much bullgak in this world to hate, that I have trouble choosing just one thing for this thread!

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/08 07:04:41

Post by: snurl

IHIW people can't make up their minds.

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/11 02:28:36

Post by: blood ravens addiction

IHIW I can't find anything to do so I come here

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/12 07:55:20

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW squirrels lose their nuts.

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/20 04:43:01

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I fall down a stair case

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/23 14:07:07

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW I fall down an elevator shaft.

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/30 05:11:36

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW Chaos Legionnaire falls down my elevator shaft, do you know how much of a mess power armor makes when it smashes through concrete?

I hate it when... @ 2017/01/30 14:21:20

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

Tell me about it....

IHIW the cat jumps on my head.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/02 05:57:05

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW there are cats.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/03 04:33:38

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW I'm forced to agree with BigWaaagh.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/06 17:10:37

Post by: Trondheim

IHIW my opponet decides that this turn is perfect to charge me with two units of 80 Winged Hussars when I am busy dealing with his pike men.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/07 14:11:26

Post by: snurl

IHIW the Patriots win.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/11 18:07:17

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW people argue about football

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/11 21:27:17

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW clowns rampage unchecked through our cities.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/12 13:20:29

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW cities are left unchecked.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/12 13:34:10

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW I'm swimming at the beach and I'm suddenly surrounded by jellyfish.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/12 14:29:59

Post by: Freddy Kruger

I hate it when my overlord, Assholetep, is such an donkey-cave. Every time I'm cleaning my necroteslagaussflayergun he comes in and is all "heh, still not as big as mine" and winks and laughs all the way down the stasis chamber.

What an donkey-cave.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/12 22:24:42

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW chocolate gift boxes have selections with only milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/13 18:53:03

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW a spider crawls into my ear.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/14 15:12:24

Post by: snurl

IHIW it won't come back out.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/14 19:52:41

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW I'm priming my models and don't realize the spray can is pointing the wrong way.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/15 15:05:25

Post by: snurl

IHIW I grab the primer instead of the clear coat.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/16 19:00:10

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW a scorpion stings me in the neck.

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/26 16:52:02

Post by: War Kitten

IHIW I rolls 1's on armor saves

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/26 16:57:46

Post by: hippyjr

IHIW I see people complain about 40k power creep then suggest "balances" through buffing weaker units to catch up with the cheese of the week

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/26 19:22:55

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW I say "Marco" and nobody says "Polo".

I hate it when... @ 2017/02/28 18:03:13

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW I'm cornered by a rattlesnake and the only escape is to jump into an alligator-filled lake.

I hate it when... @ 2017/03/01 05:32:35

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW the only Halloween candy left in the bag is Whoppers.

I hate it when... @ 2017/03/01 12:25:00

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW a guitar string breaks right in the middle of a concert.

I hate it when... @ 2017/03/02 19:24:56

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW bands use cheap guitar strings.

I hate it when... @ 2017/03/03 17:54:10

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

I hate it even more when the expensive ones break. (Some of that may be my fault though..)

I hate it when... @ 2017/03/04 14:03:47

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW pizza delivery drivers can't figure out how addresses sequentially work on a city block.

I hate it when... @ 2017/03/05 21:41:52

Post by: Chaos Legionnaire

IHIW someone drinks straight out of the milk jug and then sticks it back in the fridge.

I hate it when... @ 2017/03/07 04:04:20

Post by: BigWaaagh

IHIW I forget the color scheme to an army I've painted and want to add to it at a later date...grrrrrr!