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Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/06 18:08:06

Post by: aku-chan


I've decided to upgrade my Dakka status from Lurker to Low-level Paint Blogger.
I'm not a particularly good painter or a fast one, but hopefully there will be some interest in my postings!

So what do I paint?
All kinds of minis really. Although a combination of rediscovering my love of assembling plastic minis and a need to stop buying so much random junk I'll never get around to painting, has got me back into Warhammer minis in a big way recently.

So what have I been painting?
My last two finished things were:-

The Blood Secrator from the Age of Sigmar boxset.
I've been working through this set very slowly, this brings my total to 6 Chaos dudes but only 2 Stormcast guys.

The Phoenix from Kingdom Death: Monster. This one took ages, don't really have the patience for big minis, and when it's finally done it doesn't fit properly into my little photobooth thingy and the colours get all messed up in the picture

So what am I painting right now?
On my desk currently are:-

A test trooper who's helping work out the colour scheme for my little Skitarii group and the Lord-Relictor (gotta get more Stormcast finished).

Hopefully I'll be back soon with some progress.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/06 19:29:29

Post by: Breslerek

They look really nice - especially this chaos guy

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/06 19:34:47

Post by: corpuschain

Never seen a blue khorne warrior before, but it looks cool!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/07 09:22:47

Post by: aku-chan

Breslerek wrote:They look really nice - especially this chaos guy


corpuschain wrote:Never seen a blue khorne warrior before, but it looks cool!

I'm not very good at painting red, so these guys are either generic Chaos dudes using the Khorne symbol 'cause it's cool or they're colour-blind.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/07 10:18:59

Post by: Astro Wolf

Really awesome dude

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/10 19:19:48

Post by: aku-chan

 Astro Wolf wrote:
Really awesome dude


Finished my test Skitarii:-

At some point the gritty and realistic (in a Weird World War kinda way) image I had in mind turned into a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
Doesn't look too bad though, my whole Start Collecting Skitarii set in this scheme will certainly be colourful.


Lord-Relictor is getting there slowly. His body is done, and his hammer just needs highlighting, leaving just his fancy staff and ribbon cape to go.


Started prepping the next dudes in the queue, the Man Hunter (a lovely Kingdom Death:- Monster mini, even if it does seem like he wandered in from another game) and my first ever Space Marine. the Interrogator-Chaplain (not doing him as a Dark Angel though, he's (and any other Space Marines I get) going to be a generic Space Knight wearing his own personal heraldry).


Prepped Kingdom Deaths Lonely Tree as my next big mini.
Needed quite a bit of Greenstuffing, I'm finding the larger KD plastic kits aren't as good at hiding the joins as the smaller ones.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/20 15:10:43

Post by: aku-chan

Haven't gotten as much painting done as I wanted this week.

Lord-Relictor is almost done. Just his base to go once the varnish dries.

Also made a start to the Lonely Tree. The faces are finished, but the roots and vines have only had a basecoat plus wash so far. Kinda disappointed that once I started painting it I discovered I hadn't done a particularly good of filling the gaps, really thought I'd started to level up in the greenstuffing department.

Most of this weeks hobby time went on building these:-

Did better than expected selling some old Kingdom Death minis, so I could pick up not only the Deathwatch box but the Dark Vengeance box too (and I've still got more to sell, so hopefully I can put a bit aside just in case that upcoming AOS box is packed with awesome minis).
On the downside, it's given me so many little dudes to put together, might have to give assembly a break so I can get some decent painting done next week.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/22 15:27:37

Post by: aku-chan

Got my Lord-Relictor based faster than I thought I would:-

Had fun painting him, hopefully no one can see the bits of his ribbon-cape that I didn't paint (in the end I gave up trying to get into the hard to reach areas).
This brings my AOS starter set score to Chaos 6 Stormcast 3.

Also got some paint on the Manhunter and Chaplain:-

Manhunter just has a basecoat and wash on his skin so far, but the Chaplain has had his armour finished and is now officially The Knight of Bones.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/22 16:26:59

Post by: Astro Wolf

Wow they're really coming along nicely.
How long does it take to do skin like that?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/22 17:10:58

Post by: hk1x1

That Lord-Relictor looks stunning, very well done. I cant wait to see how you paint up the new Genestealers.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/03/23 08:11:00

Post by: aku-chan

Astro Wolf wrote:Wow they're really coming along nicely.
How long does it take to do skin like that?

Not too long to get to that point, it's just a basecoat of a 1:1 mix of Vallejo Dwarf Flesh and Bronze Fleshtone and a quick wash of Fleshshade so far, still needs highlighting though.

hk1x1 wrote:That Lord-Relictor looks stunning, very well done. I cant wait to see how you paint up the new Genestealers.

Thanks. Its going to be a while before I get to my Deathwatch box, want to make a decent dent in my pile of older stuff first.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/07/30 10:48:37

Post by: aku-chan

Hello there.

Well this poor blog died very rapidly didn't it?
Basically, my motivation to paint stuff had been drying up for a while and it hit the point where I didn't even want to look at a paintbrush let alone use one, so I had to take a bit of a break.

But now I'm (somewhat) regularly painting again, I thought I'd revive the blog, see if I can make it past page 1!

So what have I been doing? I finished my Dark Angels Chaplain (aka The Knight of Skulls):-

And I've finished one Marine from the Deathwatch set:-

I'm calling him The Knight of the Storm.

And currently, I'm working on this Tiefling bust from Darksword:-

It's going well, but I'm getting a little bored of painting it, so I might work on something else for a while.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/06 09:06:33

Post by: aku-chan

Finished up the corset on my bust:-

Just the sleeves and final assembly to go, but I'm not really feeling this one now, so I've put it aside.

So now I'm working on a Plague Lord:-

He's one of the few survivors of my large purchase of Finecast and Forgeworld resin last year (I was worried AoS would sent them all out of print), such a fantastic waste of money, don't know how anyone has the patience to properly prep this stuff.
Any ways, got his poor horse almost finished, just need to do the eyes.

Also working on my Silver Tower Cultists:-

Got them all assembled and made them fancy bases, but I'm concentrating on this guy first to figure out the paint scheme (they are super blingy even by normal Chaos standards). His skin is almost done, just need to figure out how to do the thingamajigs poking out of his shoulders.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/06 11:48:36

Post by: evildrcheese

Cool stuff. That Plague Lord model is brilliant.


Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/06 21:30:13

Post by: WarbossDakka

Yeah, nothing like having a big ass scythe to carve your foes with. Looking forward to see what's next!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/07 10:09:30

Post by: angelofvengeance

Hey, aku-chan. Great stuff so far . Keep it going, mate! That Plague Lord is coming along nicely, and I quite like your paint job on Suberei from DWO . Sadly the hawk pole on my model snapped off.

Not the only one suffering from lack of painting enthusiasm, I can assure you of that!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/13 10:11:30

Post by: aku-chan

evildrcheese wrote:Cool stuff. That Plague Lord model is brilliant.


WarbossDakka wrote:Yeah, nothing like having a big ass scythe to carve your foes with. Looking forward to see what's next!

Thanks guys! Yeah, it's a great sculpt, wish it had been a bit better cast, but at least with this one you can just consider it extra Nurgly.

angelofvengeance wrote:Hey, aku-chan. Great stuff so far . Keep it going, mate! That Plague Lord is coming along nicely, and I quite like your paint job on Suberei from DWO . Sadly the hawk pole on my model snapped off.

Not the only one suffering from lack of painting enthusiasm, I can assure you of that!

Thanks! I'm surprised the pole didn't break on mine either, with the amount of times I caught that stupid bird on something,

Life got in the way of finishing the painting on my dudes this week, but I got close.

The Plague Lord just needs his sword, shield and a few bony bits finishing.

And my test Silver Tower Cultist just needs a couple things done as well.

Hopefully I should be able to get them finished and based so I can get my next two (two is my batch painting limit) Cultists started next week.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/13 20:33:47

Post by: angelofvengeance

I like where that Tzaangor is going

That Plague Lord is looking well...sick! Love the biblical nod there too with the pale horse

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/20 10:13:25

Post by: aku-chan

 angelofvengeance wrote:
I like where that Tzaangor is going

That Plague Lord is looking well...sick! Love the biblical nod there too with the pale horse

Thanks! Yep, you can't go wrong with Death (or a lookalike) on a pale horse.

Again, didn't get as much done this week as I hoped, but I did at least get the dudes I was working on finished.

Really pleased with how this one came out (though he ended up a little more purple than planned).

This is the guy that caused problems this week. Turns out Blu-taccing him to a temp base was not the brilliant idea I thought it was, and I ended up having to scrape a load of stuff off his feet and re-paint them.
Despite that, I'm still happy with the job I did on him, need to work on my gems though.

Started the next two Beastman Cultists, between fixing the other guy and getting these ones corked, didn't get much paint on them, I'm up to the first highlight on their skin.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/20 10:37:35

Post by: Sgt. Oddball

You have a really nice style. Love your bike dude!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/28 09:12:13

Post by: aku-chan

 Sgt. Oddball wrote:
You have a really nice style. Love your bike dude!


Almost got my Cultist Beastmen finished, but not quite:-

Still need more practice with painting gems.

Also got some new stuff:-

A pair of Skaven characters (I'm trying to clear my Games Workshop wishlist by buying a bit every month), and my Norsgard Kickstarter pledge.
I was pretty excited for the Norsgard minis because they looked great, but a closer look revealed they would probably need more prep work than I have the patience for (hard plastic minis have made me so lazy about that sort of thing), so I don't know if I'll ever do anything with them now.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/28 09:16:15

Post by: WarbossDakka

Welp, that's another person to add to the list of "can paint white pretty well". Nice job!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/30 12:38:56

Post by: aku-chan

 WarbossDakka wrote:
Welp, that's another person to add to the list of "can paint white pretty well". Nice job!

Thanks, but I also do not yet understand the mysteries of painting white, I paint things very light grey, it's easier.

Got my Silver Tower Beastmen finished sooner than I thought, so figured I'd do an update today instead of leaving it until the weekend.

Sword Beastman:-

Axe Beastman:-

And a group-shot:-

I think, overall, they ended up looking pretty decent.
Now I just need to paint the 4 Silver Tower Acolytes to complete my set of Cultists, but I'm going to take a little break from painting up that particular colour scheme and work on this guy:-

Not normally a fan of Orks (or even Orcs), but I love his crazy contraption!
It's early days so far on him, just basecoated the skin.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/08/30 15:52:46

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

How have I not found this plog earlier? Fantastic work Aku, really digging your varied model collection and vibrant schemes. That ork looks like it gunna be awesome and I can't wait to see what you paint up next.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/03 20:41:41

Post by: aku-chan

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
How have I not found this plog earlier? Fantastic work Aku, really digging your varied model collection and vibrant schemes. That ork looks like it gunna be awesome and I can't wait to see what you paint up next.

Thanks. I've tried fighting it in the past, but I've come to accept that bright and colourful is my thing.

Been slowly chipping away at the Ork, I keep finding new things to paint every time I work on him. (Plus Masterchef Australia is back on TV and that always eats up a big chunk of my painting time)

Should have his main body finished by next week, and maybe even a bit of progress on his big gun.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/04 09:33:42

Post by: WarbossDakka

He's looking very nice. The bright tones suit him very well.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/10 19:35:20

Post by: aku-chan

 WarbossDakka wrote:
He's looking very nice. The bright tones suit him very well.

Thanks! He's even brighter now.

So, I managed to get the Ork body finished, and I've made a start on his gun:-

The yellow parts were originally a half decent attempt at hazard stripes, but I didn't like how they obscured the face details, I did like the yellow though.
The gun is coming along nicely, but I've run out of a colour I need to finish it and I can't place an order until the end of the month, so I may not get much further.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/10 20:25:05

Post by: WarbossDakka

Depending on what colour it is, you could always try to get a colour close to it and add white/a brighter version of that colour.

Coming along very nicely!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/11 07:51:19

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Looking great! I'm firmly in the camp that miniatures look really good in vibrant colours. Considering their size and that we generaly see them from 2-3 feet away the bright colours really help them to stand out.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/19 14:20:32

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

It was the yellow I was using (Reapers Palomino Gold to be exact) that I ran out of, and I don't have anything close to it.

Since I was on the verge of having nothing to do, I brought forward this months hobby purchase, and got myself a new yellow plus a pair of Harlequins (Shadowseer and Deathjester, not a fan of the Solitare mini).

While waiting, I tried to finish off my Tiefling Bust:-

Doesn't look too bad, but the superglue dried on the left arm before I could get it fully flush, so I'm left with a rather annoying gap.
Just got a little bit more to finish off, then I'll get some nice pictures for next weeks update.

And with new yellow in hand, I could get my Shokk Attack Gun finished:-

Just waiting for the varnish to dry, then I can attach it to my Ork.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/19 21:11:48

Post by: WarbossDakka

That new paint has really worked well. Nice progress!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/20 13:05:58

Post by: aku-chan


Woohoo! I've made it to page 2!
Didn't have much to do today, so I took some pictures of my finished Tiefling Bust:-

Apologies for the bad photography, I can just about take decent pictures of the smaller stuff, but the large ones are always a bit of a nightmare.
Don't think it ended up looking too bad, don't know if I'll get any more busts though, don't really have the patience or skill to paint such large scale minis.

Managed to get the two bits of my Ork together too:-

Used up the last of my plastic glue doing it though, and this time I really do have to wait a while before I make another hobby purchase, so I've put him aside again.
In the meantime, I'm going to get some more of my Deathwatch: Overkill guys done:-

Paintin' heads so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/20 15:52:33

Post by: WarbossDakka

You say that, but I think you've done a great job of the bigger mini. Lets you go to town on the brighter colours.

Ork is shaping up nicely too. Well done.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/21 16:57:08

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Your style blends an amazing crispness and smoothness to it at the same time. It's very unique and very pleasing to the eye, that ork gun is looking great and the tiefling bust is beautiful.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/09/24 20:02:41

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys! I still feel my Tiefling bust looks rather flat and rushed, despite how much work I sunk in to it, guess I'm just more at home with the smaller scale stuff.

Spent the week slowly making progress on my Space Marines:-

I've finished the heads and left arms on both of them, now I'm slowly blocking in the basecoats on the bald guys armour.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/04 13:31:35

Post by: aku-chan

Finished off my bald Space Marine dude, I'm learning to take photos with a new desk lamp so they're a bit dark:-

He was a lot of fun to paint, but he was covered in way too much stuff!

I'm putting Mohawk Space Marine guy aside for a bit (don't think I could handle another detail heavy Space Marine at the moment), and doing a bit of fantasy:-

We've got the Silver Tower Barbarian and Dark Elf Pirate Captain on the table now, just starting work on their skin.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/04 16:00:54

Post by: WarbossDakka

He looks nice! The face is very well detailed too. Nice stuff

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/05 01:49:49

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Great job on the marine, that purple armour is very striking. Really digging the skin tones for the barbarian guy and dark elf, you have ridiculously smooth transitions in the skin depth from light to dark. I'm very jealous of your skill.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/15 10:36:50

Post by: aku-chan

WarbossDakka wrote:He looks nice! The face is very well detailed too. Nice stuff

Thanks! I was really pleased with his face too (it helps that GW have got seriously good at sculpting them), got to remember to use less black wash when I paint those head stud thingys again though.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Great job on the marine, that purple armour is very striking. Really digging the skin tones for the barbarian guy and dark elf, you have ridiculously smooth transitions in the skin depth from light to dark. I'm very jealous of your skill.

Thanks for the compliment, but I really don't think I do anything special when I paint skin, it's just basecoat, wash, highlight, highlight.

Still slowly nibbling away at stuff, I'm about halfway through the Barbarian:-

Got his head and arms finished while I was figuring out his colour scheme, now I just need to paint the rest of him.
Since I've been concentrating on this guy, I haven't gotten as far with the Pirate:-

Did the best I could with his head (should've left his hair off until later), and I've finished his fancy scale cape, but there's still a lot left to do.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/15 20:28:42

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Looking good. They're both coming along nicely.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/15 21:18:56

Post by: WarbossDakka

Both looking really good. With the Pirate dark elf, you can pull off some crazy techniques with it. Should give it a go, maybe a smooth transition to black?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/21 11:23:25

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

@WarbossDakka:- I'm not too comfortable painting black, just can't get it looking right, I do want to try doing something funky with his hair though.

Got the Barbarian finished:-

Had a ton of fun painting him, and I think the result is one of my best paint-jobs to date.
It's just a very nice mini and I'm hoping he's the prototype for an updated Chaos Marauder set.

Made a little progress on the Elf Pirate, but not enough to warrant an update pick, I'm having to take it really slowly so I don't mess it up too much. I think this is the first mini I've owned that I should have painted up completely unassembled.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/21 15:10:50

Post by: WarbossDakka

Looking nice. I like his hair colour!

Have you tried picking out his eyes? I know its quite a difficult task but if you pull it off it gives a nice focal point. Should give it a go!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/21 20:47:07

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

The barbarian looks fantastic, great work. I agree with warbossdakka, picking out the eyes is hard but when done right it really does add that next level of awesomeness to a model.

Straight black is indeed a really hard colour to make look good. You're almost always better off doing a really dark grey or a colour (that blends with your model) that is darkened down greatly.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/28 11:33:56

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!
I've tried doing eyes in the past, and it's something I've always struggled with (having shaky hands makes it really difficult!), but on GW minis I find the eyes too small to even try, half the time I can't even see them!

Despite being increasingly frustrated by it, I finished the Pirate:-

And I think I did okay on him.

Nothing work in progress to report on this week. I did get some hobby supplies in, so I can finally get back to my Ork Mek, but new hobby supplies means new minis too, and I've been busy building some Skaven Stormfiends.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/10/28 21:41:45

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Looks great, love the blend on the hair and the basing came out really nice.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/04 14:21:22

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks! I wish I could have got light pink tips to blend a bit better, but I'm pretty pleased with the job I did.

Nothing finished this week, but I'm making progress.

Finally got my Ork Mek all painted up and assembled, just need to get him based.

And I've made a start on one of my Skaven Stormfiends, I've got the skin done so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/04 18:43:18

Post by: WarbossDakka

The Mek looks great! You're quite good at skin tones aren't you? I'm jealous

Stormfiends are weird things, very Skaven-esque. Love to see what you do with it.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/04 23:38:04

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

the Mek looks amazing! The leather tube on his back is a real standout for me for some quality painting but truly the whole model came out awesome.
Stormfiends are great looking models. Can't wait to see what you do with this one.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/10 10:37:22

Post by: aku-chan

WarbossDakka wrote:The Mek looks great! You're quite good at skin tones aren't you? I'm jealous

Stormfiends are weird things, very Skaven-esque. Love to see what you do with it.

Thanks for the compliment! Personally, I think I'm far too reliant on Flesh Wash though.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:the Mek looks amazing! The leather tube on his back is a real standout for me for some quality painting but truly the whole model came out awesome.
Stormfiends are great looking models. Can't wait to see what you do with this one.

Thanks. I was surprised by how well the tube came out too, considering it's just basecoats of various browns and a heavy brown wash.

Got the Ork Mek finished:-

I had a lot of fun painting him, but I'm also kinda pleased he's finally off my painting table.

In WIP news, I've made a little bit of progress on the Stormfiend:-

And did his fur and tail. I haven't worked on this kind of partially textured fur before, so it took a few attempts before I was happy with it.

I've also made a start on Steampunk Dorothy:-

Who is teeny tiny compared to all the Games Workshop stuff I've been working on lately.

And the Flower Knight:-

Who is larger, but comes with his own problems.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/10 17:39:05

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

that Mek turned out amazing. The skin on your stormfiend is stellar, something about your style of skin that is just so damn pleasing to me, and especially how you reddened his skin around the implant or scarred areas, nice detail.

That steampunk Dorothy and Flower Knight are going to be fun to watch come together, you use such bright colours in your painting that will suit these models perfectly.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/10 20:50:17

Post by: WarbossDakka

So many bright colours on the flower knight. I think you've found the perfect model to compliment your style.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/12 03:25:07

Post by: kakita

I like the flesh tones you've got going on the stormfiend.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/24 16:18:40

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:that Mek turned out amazing. The skin on your stormfiend is stellar, something about your style of skin that is just so damn pleasing to me, and especially how you reddened his skin around the implant or scarred areas, nice detail.

That steampunk Dorothy and Flower Knight are going to be fun to watch come together, you use such bright colours in your painting that will suit these models perfectly.

Thanks! I copied that bruised skin look from one of the Warhammer TV painting vids, as usual it wasn't quite as easy as they made it look.

WarbossDakka wrote:So many bright colours on the flower knight. I think you've found the perfect model to compliment your style.

Yep, he should be fun to paint.

kakita wrote:I like the flesh tones you've got going on the stormfiend.


Missed my target of updating weekly, but a bad back has kept me from the painting table so I just hadn't done enough to justify an update last week (or this week to be honest).
However, here's a little progress update to stop my plog falling too far into the depths of the forum.

Told you I was bad at painting eyes!
What little painting I've managed to do, I've been funnelling into Steampunk Dorothy. Don't have that much more to paint so she might be finished by the next update.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/24 17:06:12

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

It's looking very nice. That purple looks great and the small details you put in like her red lipstick and the hamds from her pocket watch really help bring the model to life.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/29 11:23:53

Post by: aku-chan

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
It's looking very nice. That purple looks great and the small details you put in like her red lipstick and the hamds from her pocket watch really help bring the model to life.

Thanks. It's one of those minis where the little details are big enough that they would annoy me if I didn't paint them, it's why I made an attempt to do her eyes.

An unusual burst of productivity means Dorothy is finished:-

I'm rather pleased with how she turned out, certainly feeling a lot more confident about being able to tackle my Twisted minis when they arrive.

On the WIP front, there's been a bit of a change.
When I couldn't paint, I put together my box of Blightkings, I liked them so much they got a serious bump up the painting queue, and I'm currently working on a test colour scheme with this guy:-

He's way too happy about slowly turning into a horrifying plague monster.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/29 11:26:58

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Dorothy looks great. Fantastic work.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/30 10:59:37

Post by: Cleatus

Just found your blog. Dorothy looks great, and I'm rather fond of the Ork Big Mek as well. I really like your work. Thanks for sharing!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/11/30 17:46:24

Post by: WarbossDakka

I love the Blightking. The nurgling face works really well

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/12/09 18:08:50

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

Nothing finished to post, but I was determined to post an update of some description this weekend, so I did a bit of painting today:

Got the arm cannons on my Stormfiend mostly finished, just need to tidy them up a bit.

Made the most progress on this guy. Steel bits, wooden bits and bone bits are done.

And very little progress here, the filigree work on the armour took a lot longer to basecoat than I thought it would.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2016/12/09 19:07:08

Post by: WarbossDakka

I like the green cannon things on the rat. Fancy knight person lookin' sweet too!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/01/02 20:48:29

Post by: aku-chan

 WarbossDakka wrote:
I like the green cannon things on the rat. Fancy knight person lookin' sweet too!

Thanks! I was kinda worried the cannon ammo looked too much like tennis balls!

So it's been a little while.
I managed to hurt my back again, so painting has been off the agenda, and instead I've been putting together all my unassembled Kingdom Death minis:-

Turns out I have a lot more than I thought!

So as my New Years Resolution, I've decided to spend the year working to reduce this particular pile of plastic.
I've started with the Gorm Armoured Survivors:-

I'm still not a huge fan of these multi-pose minis, but the amount of detail and general weirdness does make up for the awkwardness of the assembly and posing a bit.

The stuff I was painting will return one day, unfortunately I do rapidly lose interest in things if I stop working on them, it's why I have so many unfinished minis packed away in boxes.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/02/15 17:32:12

Post by: aku-chan

Hello again, apologies for the lack of updates.
I've been painting, but this whole plog thing has been feeling a bit pointless, so I kept putting off making updates.

Any ways, making slow but steady progress on my Kingdom Death stuff, painted up the Dung Beetle Knight:-

Who was a fun , if time consuming, mini to paint.

Finished 3 of my Gorm Armoured Survivors:-

Old Man



I'm waiting until I finish the set before I take nicer pictures of them, but I'm pretty burnt out on them (I'm not very good at this batch painting thing), so it'll be a while before that happens.

On the work in progress front, I've got a test Sunstalker Armoured Survivor who is mostly finished:-

Despite being an archery heavy armour set, I hate the quivers that come with it, so this is the only one I've assembled with a bow, and I'm using it as more of a funky double ended sword.

And a mostly finished Twilight Ninja:-

Just her sword and shoes to go.

Away from the world of KD, I'm also working on an Tauvox (I think I spelt that right).

...And it appears I forgot to take a picture of that one, so that will have to wait for next time.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/02/16 17:30:15

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Fantastic work all around, I'm really digging your style. That Twilight ninja is that a KD model too? It looks fantastic even if the photos are a bit blurry. Can't wait to see what you do with that Taurox, I have a couple to paint myself but haven't gotten around to it, I can't decide on a scheme.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/02/16 18:19:36

Post by: WarbossDakka

Ehh? I could have sworn I put a reply in yesterday. I'll try and repeat what I said though.

I love the stone (boulder? I think its a boulder. I kind of hope it's a boulder ) head model, and you've nailed the ancient stone look on it. The technique you've used is great for the model!

The scaled armour also takes a lot of skill, an impressive feat if I do say so

As for the lady at the bottom, the white and blue is a very refreshing colour scheme after looking at more gritty stuff recently. I know it isn't finished, so it should look great when the detail is put in on the face and hair in particular. That model is full of character, and a bright colour palette has served it well. Fantastic work mate

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/02/27 16:45:25

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Fantastic work all around, I'm really digging your style. That Twilight ninja is that a KD model too? It looks fantastic even if the photos are a bit blurry. Can't wait to see what you do with that Taurox, I have a couple to paint myself but haven't gotten around to it, I can't decide on a scheme.

Thanks! Yes, the Twilight Ninja is from KD, she's their company mascot and they're always putting her in different costumes.
I haven't settled on a colour scheme for my Taurox either, I've been busy painting the inside (I know it can't be seen, but if I don't paint it, it'll bother me).

WarbossDakka wrote:Ehh? I could have sworn I put a reply in yesterday. I'll try and repeat what I said though.

I love the stone (boulder? I think its a boulder. I kind of hope it's a boulder ) head model, and you've nailed the ancient stone look on it. The technique you've used is great for the model!

The scaled armour also takes a lot of skill, an impressive feat if I do say so

As for the lady at the bottom, the white and blue is a very refreshing colour scheme after looking at more gritty stuff recently. I know it isn't finished, so it should look great when the detail is put in on the face and hair in particular. That model is full of character, and a bright colour palette has served it well. Fantastic work mate

Thanks! I was really pleased with the textured look I managed to get on the stone, it's one of those rare times I got drybrushing to work right!

Not much to report on, I've been incapacitated with a bad back for most of last week, but I did a bit today and want to get into the habit of regular updates again.

Twilight Ninja is finished, but I can't get to my photo set-up to take a nice piccy, so here's some desk piccys after I'd finished painting but before I'd based her:-

I've finished painting the inside of my Taurox:-

Now I just need to finish the two crewmen, before I seal them inside forever:-

I'm taking my time with them as they're the test colour scheme for the rest of the troopers in the set.

Also, despite my good intentions to concentrate on my Kingdom Death stuff, I've dug into my Games Workshop box again, and I've started an Ork Painboy:-

Just done the skin so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/03/14 15:10:58

Post by: aku-chan

I continue to make slow but steady progress!

Finally got some finished pictures of the Twilight Ninja (I needed to figure out a new photo setup and an annoyingly simple solution popped up after much time wasted faffing about):-

Not much to report on the Work in Progress front, I managed to hurt my back (again), I have now learnt how I can still paint while it heals but it does still slow me up considerably.
My Ork Painboy is nearing completion though:-

Should be done by next week.
The Taurox is on hold at the mo though, I managed to lose the driver and until I can move out the sofa to rescue him there's nothing I can really do to it.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/03/14 18:12:35

Post by: WarbossDakka

Looks like an ace model, fantastic highlighting on the hair. You've got the impression of the reflecting light dead on.Well done! Hope the back gets better.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/03/19 11:49:20

Post by: kestral

I like your use of color and the different subjects. Your metallics are really awesome too. Not sure about the KD purple and blue guys, but to each their own!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/03/21 16:54:14

Post by: aku-chan

WarbossDakka wrote:Looks like an ace model, fantastic highlighting on the hair. You've got the impression of the reflecting light dead on.Well done! Hope the back gets better.

Thanks! Yeah, I think that's some of my best painted hair to date.

kestral wrote:I like your use of color and the different subjects. Your metallics are really awesome too. Not sure about the KD purple and blue guys, but to each their own!

The idea was to highlight how weird and exotic the materials that they made their armour from are, but I admit it may have gone a bit wrong.

Got the Painboy finished:-

Had a lot of fun painting him up, I will have to get some more Orks in the future.

On the Work in Progress front, still can't rescue my Taurox driver, so I've made a start on the Bloodreaper, a large scale display mini from Mindworks:-

He's been a serious pain in the bum to assemble (why can't everything be hard plastic?), but things are going smoother now I'm at the painting stage.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/03/21 18:49:37

Post by: Cleatus

The Twilight Ninja is really nice. Great job.

I like the Painboy. Interesting choice on the skin tone.

Thanks for sharing!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/03/21 22:19:24

Post by: hungryp

Nice work all around! It's always fun to see a different take on the typical green ork skin.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/01 21:23:34

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys! I can only really paint the one skin tone, so I use it for everything.

I've finished a mini, but not the one I was working on, it's Grand Master Voldus:-

Gotta get myself some more old man Space Marines, they look so cool!

In case anyone is wondering what happened to the Bloodreaper, the assembly problems kept reoccurring and the stupid thing just wouldn't stay together, so he's back in the box for now.
In other Work in Progress news, I'm back to getting some more Kingdom Death stuff done:-

Starting with getting the Manhunter finished.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/01 22:03:56

Post by: youwashock

Manhunter's coat is looking good.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/01 22:11:54

Post by: WarbossDakka

He's one sweet looking miniature. I'm also envious of your clothing painting skills, I can never get that right.

If you're looking for more old men to paint, I always loved the pose for the Watch Master. A stoic pose for an old Marine.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/02 06:19:47

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Very refreshing to see a grey knight who's not all silver, great job. The skin tones and clothing on that manhunter are fantastic.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/13 15:40:03

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Manhunter's coat is looking good.


WarbossDakka wrote:He's one sweet looking miniature. I'm also envious of your clothing painting skills, I can never get that right.

If you're looking for more old men to paint, I always loved the pose for the Watch Master. A stoic pose for an old Marine.


Yeah, he's already on my (ever growing) wishlist.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Very refreshing to see a grey knight who's not all silver, great job. The skin tones and clothing on that manhunter are fantastic.


I like coming up with my own colour schemes, plus it stops me endlessly comparing my minis with their vastly superior official versions.

Another finished mini, when I dug out my half-painted Manhunter, I also dug out 'Smiler' my half-painted Blightking colour scheme test mini:-

Now I've got the colours sorted, I can get the rest of the set painted... Eventually.

On the Work in Progress front, the Manhunter is all painted up, just got the base to do (I based him when I was going through a phase of using lots of resin bits on my bases, so they take a while to paint).

Fresh to the painting table, I've got another Gathering Storm mini Cawl:-

Well his lower half at the moment, had to leave him in quite a few bits to get into all the nooks and crannies.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/13 22:18:44

Post by: WarbossDakka

Though I'm not too fond on skin toned Nurgle, you got the metallics down pat. Well done!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/18 09:49:56

Post by: aku-chan

 WarbossDakka wrote:
Though I'm not too fond on skin toned Nurgle, you got the metallics down pat. Well done!

Thanks! I was worried he was a bit too shiny for a Nurgle dude.

Finally got the Manhunters base finished:-

Glad I've got another Kingdom Death mini out the way, but there's still so many left to do!

On the WIP front, Cawl continues slowly but surely:-

I think the colour scheme is making him look kinda evil though.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/04/18 16:43:05

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

The manhunter model came out fantastic and that base is stunning. Great job. Loving the alternate take on Cawls colour scheme, to me he always looked "morally ambiguous" at best anyways, I'm not getting an evil vibe from your colour scheme at all.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/05/06 16:34:23

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks! All my Kingdom Death minis were originally going to have bases like that, then I realized it was going to cost me a small fortune in resin accessories! Plus the range seems to be moving towards unique base inserts for each mini.

Finished another mini, not Cawl (more on him later), but Kingdom Deaths Percival:-

I went a little too pale with her face, so it bleaches out pretty bad in piccys, but it looks okay-ish in hand so I'm happy.

On the work in progress front, I'm getting there slowly (very slowly) with Cawl. I've finished his bottom half:-

And made him a snazzy base:-

And made decent progress on his top half:-

but I've still got a lot of fiddly bits to paint up and attach.

While Cawl is going to be my main focus for now, I've also made a start on my remaining Blightkings:-

They are at a very early stage though.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/05/06 16:50:51

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Gorgeous work as always Aku-chan. I don't know if it's the paint you use or the colour selection or what but your style is very unique and appealing, the word "soft" comes to mind and they remind me of well animated cartoon characters. That Percival is great, the padded skirt looks plushy (a standout feature to me) and everything has a nice crispness to it. If I had to make any critiques it'd be that his eyes could use the brush. I know it's a pain to paint eyes on models so small but in his case I feel it'd be well worth the effort.

The progress on Cawl is looking great, can't wait to see him all put together. I'm normally not a fan of nurgle models but what you've done so far looks great. That skin tone emphasizes once again that "soft" style and makes me feel like if I were to poke them they're skin would actually be squishy. Good job.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/05/06 18:43:01

Post by: WarbossDakka

Wow, the blue skirt on the Percival miniature is awesome, it looks watery but gem like as well. I love it!

Cawl is shaping up very well too, it's nice seeing Cawl in a different colour scheme to the usual Mars scheme. Well done Aku!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/04 16:49:57

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Gorgeous work as always Aku-chan. I don't know if it's the paint you use or the colour selection or what but your style is very unique and appealing, the word "soft" comes to mind and they remind me of well animated cartoon characters. That Percival is great, the padded skirt looks plushy (a standout feature to me) and everything has a nice crispness to it. If I had to make any critiques it'd be that his eyes could use the brush. I know it's a pain to paint eyes on models so small but in his case I feel it'd be well worth the effort.

The progress on Cawl is looking great, can't wait to see him all put together. I'm normally not a fan of nurgle models but what you've done so far looks great. That skin tone emphasizes once again that "soft" style and makes me feel like if I were to poke them they're skin would actually be squishy. Good job.

Thanks! I've never considered that I have a painting style, but cartoony seems very fitting!
Yeah, Percivals eye is a little too large to leave unpainted, I might go back and tackle it one day, when I'm feeling a little braver.

WarbossDakka wrote:Wow, the blue skirt on the Percival miniature is awesome, it looks watery but gem like as well. I love it!

Cawl is shaping up very well too, it's nice seeing Cawl in a different colour scheme to the usual Mars scheme. Well done Aku!

The blue is a colour I don't use too often as it has a weird finish when dried, but it worked out well if not the way I intended!

So it's been a little while, most of May was pretty much a write-off painting-wise, but Cawl is finished:-

Now I have him finished, he is a little bit too busy detail-wise, but overall he was a very fun project to work on.

On the work in progress front, the Blightkings are getting there slowly:-

Not sure why I keep trying to batch paint things, it's just not something I'm good at and actually means they take longer to finish.

Also working on a Screaming Antelope from Kingdom Death:-

Wanted something a little simpler to work on after the madness that was Cawl.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/04 17:00:33

Post by: WarbossDakka

Looks like Cawl is a heretic after all - he's looking menacing! Green is a great colour choice for him, and contrasts well with the cream colours on his back. The cloak looks realistic too, very well blended I think. Well done!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/07 23:44:06

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Cawl looks stunning, great work. That green sludge on the base is so vibrant, I love it. It looks like it's glowing, what did you use and how'd you get it so bright?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/12 11:51:14

Post by: aku-chan

WarbossDakka wrote:Looks like Cawl is a heretic after all - he's looking menacing! Green is a great colour choice for him, and contrasts well with the cream colours on his back. The cloak looks realistic too, very well blended I think. Well done!


Inevitable_Faith wrote:Cawl looks stunning, great work. That green sludge on the base is so vibrant, I love it. It looks like it's glowing, what did you use and how'd you get it so bright?

With the sludge, I painted the bottom of the puddles white, then filled them up with several layers of PVA glue and then finally painted over that with Vallejo Fluorescent Green.

Finished another mini, my 2nd Blightking Mr. Jingles:-

Unfortunately, I'm completely burnt out on Blightkings now (again, why am I trying to batch paint?), so it'll probably be a while before I finish the final 3.

Nothing on the work in progress front.
I made a start on one of my Sky Dwarves, but messed up his armour, so that kinda killed my painting enthusiasm and I'm going to take a little break until I feel motivated again.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/12 18:17:01

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Thank you for the puddles advice, I'll definitely be throwing that technique in my painters toolkit. The blightking looks great, hopefully you get your mojo back quickly so we can see more of your fantastic work.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/28 14:54:18

Post by: aku-chan


Since I can't seem to stop buying things, I had to get back to the painting.
Got a couple of minis finished this time, first there's the Screaming Antelope from Kingdom Death:-

I'm not actually too fond of the monsters from Kingdom Death (I prefer my minis to be a lot more detail heavy), so it was a bit of a struggle to finish, but I think it turned out okay.

I also finished my 3rd Blightking, Wriggly Jim:-

Just two left!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/28 17:55:37

Post by: youwashock

Great job on the Screamalope.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/06/28 23:02:29

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Both models look great aku-chan. The eyes on the goat are a great little detail that solidifies that it still is a goat after a fashion and gives it an eerie stare. Wriggly Jim is another fine addition to your Blightkings and I love the extra bit of shine on his red tentacly thing. Little details like that really bring the model to a nice finished look.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/07/14 16:25:53

Post by: aku-chan

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
Both models look great aku-chan. The eyes on the goat are a great little detail that solidifies that it still is a goat after a fashion and gives it an eerie stare. Wriggly Jim is another fine addition to your Blightkings and I love the extra bit of shine on his red tentacly thing. Little details like that really bring the model to a nice finished look.


Don't have anything finished to show off (as usual the summer has slowed down my painting beyond even its usual snail-like pace), but I thought I'd show what I've been up to.

Been working on another Kingdom Death mini, the Butcher:-

He's actually quite close to done, just need to finish the doodads on his cloak and base him.

Been making good progress on my second attempt to paint Brokk:-

Going more smoothly this time, got his exoskeleton attached today, though it still needs highlighting.

And finally, there's my Bloat Drone:-

Wasn't planning on starting my Death Guard dudes yet, but wasn't sure I could pack this one away safely so it's become the colour scheme tester.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/07/14 21:24:31

Post by: youwashock

That Butcher is coming along real nice.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/07/30 10:29:23

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks! I thought he would be a bit of a pain in the bum to paint, but he came together quite nicely.

Finally managed to finish another mini, The Butcher from Kingdom Death:-

Struggled to get his various trophy faces to look right (why can't he just collect skulls like everybody else?), but I'm pretty pleased with how he looks overall.

On the work in progress front, Brokk is mostly done now:-

Just got to paint up his blimp.

Also about half done with my Bloat Drone, but I forgot to take a picture of it

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/06 21:39:20

Post by: Wirecat

That Butcher has a very clean look for his profession, but otherwise is an excellent paint job. My other "complaint" would be flat color on lanterns, but that's a thing of taste and preference.

Cool stuff all around, please keep up!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/06 21:50:54

Post by: youwashock

Oh, yeah. Butcher looks cool. You should do a group shot of all the KD you have done so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/17 21:25:24

Post by: aku-chan

Wirecat wrote:That Butcher has a very clean look for his profession, but otherwise is an excellent paint job. My other "complaint" would be flat color on lanterns, but that's a thing of taste and preference.

Cool stuff all around, please keep up!

No I totally understand, I wish I could do a better job on my lanterns, I just can't figure out how to make them "glow".

youwashock wrote:Oh, yeah. Butcher looks cool. You should do a group shot of all the KD you have done so far.

I will have to dig them all out, although seeing how little of my Kingdom Death pile is actually painted up will probably be extremely depressing!

So, after struggling to make much progress painting-wise, I realized I've been juggling too many minis lately and it was really draining my mojo.
Setting everything aside, I looked to find something easy I could finish quickly (quickly by my standards any ways), and found my Wolsung minis.

Presenting Roberto Vendetta - Halfling Hitman:-

And one of his "boys", an Ogre Gangster:-

The pose on the Gangster makes him a bit of a pain in the bum to photograph, but I'm super pleased with how both turned out (especially Roberto, that has to be one of my best minis to date).

Despite this success, I'm still not up to finishing off my other stuff. So up next is another Ogre Gangster and I'm going to make a start on my recently acquired Shipwreck Revenant.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/18 02:19:12

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Once again beautiful work on these models. Your colours always come out so rich and vibrant it's impossible not to be able to identify them as yours. Can't wait to see what you do next.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/18 12:52:37

Post by: aku-chan

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
Once again beautiful work on these models. Your colours always come out so rich and vibrant it's impossible not to be able to identify them as yours. Can't wait to see what you do next.


Running with Youwashocks suggestion, I dug out all my Kingdom Death minis to see how many I'd painted.
Turns out, it's quite a bit more than I thought (please pay no attention to the random junk in the background, didn't have a big enough backdrop for a group-shot):-

In this one (from left to right) you've got Storm Knight, Gold Smoke Knight, Twilight Order Knight, Great Game Hunter Rogue and Nightmare Ram (all in resin, from when I still used to buy their limited resin stuff). Then there's the Phoenix, Manhunter, Butcher, Kingsman, Antelope, Dung Beetle Knight and his good friend Mr. Ball.

And this half contains 4 Lion Armour Survivors, Lion Armour Pin-up, 3 Gorm Armour Survivors, a Sunstalker Armour Survivor (who needs her base doing), Percival, Sci-fi and Ninja Twilight Knight Promos, 2 Messengers (Spiral and Scout?) and 4 of the original pin-up set (Twilight Knight, Great Game Hunter, Forsaker and Survivor).

Still got a ton of the stuff to paint up (plus at least a couple more tons on the horizon thanks to getting carried away on their 1.5 kickstarter), but discovering I've made a bigger dent in the pile than I thought is a nice motivational boost.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/18 14:44:39

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

That's quite the progress so far, you've got a great looking collection finished to date. I do find it's always great motivation to sometimes pull out what you've accomplished to date so you can put what you still need to work on in perspective.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/29 13:32:56

Post by: aku-chan

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
That's quite the progress so far, you've got a great looking collection finished to date. I do find it's always great motivation to sometimes pull out what you've accomplished to date so you can put what you still need to work on in perspective.

Yeah it was a nice boost, I didn't even remember painting half of them!

Got something else finished.
Well sort of, I've finished the legs of my Shipwreck Revenant from Reaper:-

I'd forgotten how much I dislike working with Reapers Bones material, but I've been having a lot of fun painting it. It's nice to be able to go crazy with the drybrush for a change.

I've also made decent progress on my final Ogre Gangster:-

It's a lovely mini, but the casting is pretty sub-par, there's cracks and rough patches all over it.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/08/29 20:02:24

Post by: youwashock

Wow. Those group shots rock. A collection to be proud of and happily add to.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/09/08 17:41:13

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Wow. Those group shots rock. A collection to be proud of and happily add to.


Another finished mini, my final Ogre Gangster from Wolsung:-

And a groupshot:-

Kinda sad I don't have any more to paint.

On the Work in Progress front, my Shipwreck Revenant continues to grow:-

The torso has lots of details where I'm not entirely sure what they are, so it's going slower than the legs.

I'm also keeping the Wolsung train rolling with The Gardener:-

Very early days on him though.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/09/25 18:18:52

Post by: aku-chan

And the Gardener is finished:-

I had fun painting all his little details!

On the work in progress front, the Shipwreck Revenant is on hold until I find a suitable replacement for Oiled Leather paint (the one I brought wasn't even close), so I've been noodling around with the Lord of Corruption:-

Just his armour done so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/10/12 21:49:04

Post by: aku-chan

Still puttering along with things.

The Lord of Corruption is about 90% done now:-

Just a few odds and ends to finish, plus file down his arms as they don't fit too well at the moment.

Also started working on a Deathbringer (? I'm not too hot on the weird AOS names everything has now):-

Non-human skintones are outside my comfort zone, but I think that's a passable attempt.

He's been put aside for the moment though, as I received my Twisted Kickstarter stuff and couldn't resist the new shineys, so today Bill Sykes and Bullseye got assembled and primed:-

Luckily, not as hard to put together as I had feared, I tend to suck at assembling metal minis.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/10/12 22:34:10

Post by: The Brave

I'm happy to see some not-green orks.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/10/13 00:30:28

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Lord of corruption is coming along very nicely, love how your painting style interacts with the models to give them such a different unique feeling.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/10/27 14:57:00

Post by: aku-chan

The Brave wrote:I'm happy to see some not-green orks.


Inevitable_Faith wrote:Lord of corruption is coming along very nicely, love how your painting style interacts with the models to give them such a different unique feeling.

Thanks, I was aiming for something a bit more grim and gritty this time, but he still turned out quite cartoony, bubblegum Nurglings was probably not the best choice even though I like them!

Finally finished my Lord of Corruption (I've been waiting on some plastic glue):-

Not totally happy with this one.
Made a bit of a mess gluing sand on the base, it's all clumped around his foot and the Nurgling pile, and I never did manage to get his arms to attach properly (they dry-fitted perfectly at the start, so I'm not sure what went wrong). Doesn't look too bad though.

On the WIP front, I've finished Bullseye:-

And Bill is about half done:-

Going back to painting true-scale minis has been more difficult than I thought, but I'm getting there!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/10/27 23:45:05

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

The lord of contagion certainly does look more grim and worn than your usual style but you can still see some of the tells of your style poking through (which is a good thing). The cloak and wrap on his axe definitely help show some grittiness on the model. Personally I love nurglings as the adorable foetid little miscreants they are and the bubblegum nurglings fit just fine, they help to offset the darker greens with a livelier colour. All told I really like him and think you did a great job.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/10/28 17:41:16

Post by: WarbossDakka

Lord of Corruption looks ace. The brown cloak goes quite well with his armour!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/11/07 18:08:14

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys! Sounds like the all-over brown wash I gave him did it's job.

Today, I've finished three (!?!) minis.
First there is my Chaos Champion:-

I know technically he's an Exalted Deathbringer with Ruinous Axe, but that's too hard to remember.
Was a bit apprehensive of painting this one as non-human skin tones are outside my comfort zone, but he turned out to be quite fun to work on.

Also finished Bill Sykes and Bullseye from Twisted:-

Been looking forward to getting my Twisted minis for ages, and they did not disappoint, so much fun to paint!

Not much to show off on the Work in Progress front. I did finally pick up some Oiled Leather paint so finishing my Shipwreck Revenant is probably next.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/11/08 00:48:06

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Everything is looking top-notch here. I particularly like the doggo with harness. The basing on him is pretty awesome.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/11/08 01:18:23

Post by: youwashock

I really like steam punk Spuds McKenzie, but that patriotic Chaos champ takes the cake. Great paintjob. The richness in the skin is fantastic.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/11/08 05:34:41

Post by: Yorkright

There is so many wonderful things to see in your thread. Each of them have so much character, but what keeps me looking is all the little details that you pick out. Thanks for sharing your work.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/11/21 22:59:48

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Everything is looking top-notch here. I particularly like the doggo with harness. The basing on him is pretty awesome.

Thanks, I am slowly getting better at using my basing stamps.

youwashock wrote:I really like steam punk Spuds McKenzie, but that patriotic Chaos champ takes the cake. Great paintjob. The richness in the skin is fantastic.


Yorkright wrote: There is so many wonderful things to see in your thread. Each of them have so much character, but what keeps me looking is all the little details that you pick out. Thanks for sharing your work.

And thank you for looking.

Nothing finshed to show off.
Despite intending to be good and get back to some half done stuff, I started new minis...
First, we have a random Goth Sorceress from Reaper:-

She's been frustrating me a bit due to her ridiculous number of layers of clothing, but I'm almost there.

Then there is a Robot Blacksmith from Twisted:-

Been having lots of fun painting this one!

And today I started another Twisted figure, Witch-hunter Gretel:-

Twisted are having a painting competition, and I think Gretel will make a slightly more impressive entry than the Blacksmith, but it's very early days on this one.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/11/22 17:55:05

Post by: WarbossDakka

That robot guy is a fantastic model. Can't wait to see him done!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/01 15:57:08

Post by: aku-chan

 WarbossDakka wrote:
That robot guy is a fantastic model. Can't wait to see him done!

Yeah he's great, he's even better with his chimney attached.

Finished another mini, Terezinzya the Goth Sorceress from Reaper minis:-

I'm quite pleased with how she turned out, although my poor photography skills make it difficult to see a lot of her details.

On the work in progress front, I'm working on the Blacksmiths chimney:-

He's close to done.
And Gretel is finished from the waist up:-

Not looking forward to picking out her wand collection though.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/02 22:23:12

Post by: youwashock

Gretel is looking very good. I like your color choices so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/02 23:42:13

Post by: WarbossDakka

He has a chimney? He just keeps getting better!

The Sorcerer looks ace too, the colour choice works really well. Fantastic work Aku.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/03 03:28:58

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Lovin Terezinzya, she looks great. Gretel is coming along wonderfully too.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/04 22:57:37

Post by: JoshInJapan

Lots of nice models in this pblog, most of which I've never seen.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/05 05:43:53

Post by: bunnygurl

Wow. What a great blog. Them be some very nice looking minis. Although it makes me giggle a bit that you paint like me with major ADD. I've got the attention span of a gnat but I also have a lot on my plate with 3 kiddos but if I can get projects done, so can you! I'm cheering for you and very much eager to see more. Thanks for sharing!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/10 21:52:21

Post by: kestral

Love your vibrant colors and choice of figures to paint. I think Gretal is a great choice for a figure in your style - good luck!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/11 19:59:25

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Gretel is looking very good. I like your color choices so far.


WarbossDakka wrote:He has a chimney? He just keeps getting better!

The Sorcerer looks ace too, the colour choice works really well. Fantastic work Aku.


The chimney makes the mini doesn't it?

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Lovin Terezinzya, she looks great. Gretel is coming along wonderfully too.


JoshInJapan wrote:Lots of nice models in this pblog, most of which I've never seen.

Yeah my mini tastes are pretty random!

bunnygurl wrote:Wow. What a great blog. Them be some very nice looking minis. Although it makes me giggle a bit that you paint like me with major ADD. I've got the attention span of a gnat but I also have a lot on my plate with 3 kiddos but if I can get projects done, so can you! I'm cheering for you and very much eager to see more. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, I'm easily distracted, I don't think I've ever finished a full set of anything.

kestral wrote:Love your vibrant colors and choice of figures to paint. I think Gretal is a great choice for a figure in your style - good luck!

Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun painting her at the moment.

Another finished mini, the Gentlefolk Blacksmith from Twisted:-

As I thought, I did attach the chimney a little wonky, but I think it works, it at least explains why the bird nesting in it is panicking!

On the work in progress front, I'm making slow but steady progress with Gretel and the Shipwreck Revenant has returned to the table, but not enough has happened to warrant taking a piccy.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/11 20:19:10

Post by: youwashock

I like the festive stocking.

He came out cool. The tilt of the chimney adds to the story, like he is upsetting the balance of it while he tips his hat.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/26 18:29:49

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
I like the festive stocking.

He came out cool. The tilt of the chimney adds to the story, like he is upsetting the balance of it while he tips his hat.


The cold weather has meant not a lot of painting has been going on (stupid shaky hands!), but I have managed to finish one final mini for the year, Reapers Shipwreck Revenant:-

He probably could've done with a little bit more love and attention, but as much as I liked the sculpt I just couldn't get over my dislike of working with the Bones material (the mold-lines are so hard to get rid of!). I think I made a decent job of it though.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/26 21:56:24

Post by: youwashock

It looks cool! Nice job picking out all the little details.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/26 23:47:31

Post by: Meer_Cat

Very nicely done and nary a mould line in sight! I look forward to coming back often to see more.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2017/12/27 00:17:16

Post by: JoshInJapan

That's a nice paintjob on a very busy model. Color me impressed.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/07 17:24:31

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:It looks cool! Nice job picking out all the little details.


Meer_Cat wrote:Very nicely done and nary a mould line in sight! I look forward to coming back often to see more.

Thankfully the moldlines tend to blend into the sculpt!

JoshInJapan wrote:That's a nice paintjob on a very busy model. Color me impressed.


Finished my first mini of 2018, Kingdom Deaths White Lion:-

Not one of my best, but I wasn't really all that interested in painting it. It does take me one more step to having a fully painted Monster game.

On the work in progress front I'm having a bad case of the hobby butterflies, not only have I started yet more new minis I can't seem to settle on one for a decent length of time.
On the table at the moment I now have:-

Mr and Mrs Silence from Kingdom Death.

Man with skull, Man with head, Tentacle Wizard, Goth Girl and Happy Druid all from Reaper.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/07 18:30:29

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

That lion is beautiful. I'm such a fan of KD miniatures I'm excited to see Mr and Mrs Silence get completed. You have a great Reaper lineup there, 2018 is going to be an exciting year! I'm currently having a hard time focusing on one project too, I'm bouncing around a lot without finishing anything. Just give yourself some time, don't pressure yourself and your focus will come back

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/07 19:22:32

Post by: youwashock

Awesome base choice for the Lion. The Silence duo is off to a fantastic start. I look forward to seeing them develop.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/20 17:51:19

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:That lion is beautiful. I'm such a fan of KD miniatures I'm excited to see Mr and Mrs Silence get completed. You have a great Reaper lineup there, 2018 is going to be an exciting year! I'm currently having a hard time focusing on one project too, I'm bouncing around a lot without finishing anything. Just give yourself some time, don't pressure yourself and your focus will come back

Yeah, you just have to look through this thread to see I'm not the greatest when it comes to sticking with things until the end! One of the things I want to do this year is get the half-painted pile reduced a bit.

youwashock wrote:Awesome base choice for the Lion. The Silence duo is off to a fantastic start. I look forward to seeing them develop.


Nothings fully finished yet, but I did manage to focus and make a bit of head way:-

Jakob is fully painted, but he's part of a set and I'm waiting until I've finished them all before I do their bases, he'll get proper piccys then.

I've made decent progress on Andowyn.

The Silences are getting there too, but Mrs. Silence is taking a bit longer.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/21 11:52:09

Post by: WarbossDakka

The Mr and Mrs. Silence models look crazy good. Every time I come on your blog I see loads of great models I've never seen before, I need to be more adventurous!

The lion model itself I'm not a massive fan of I have to say, but I think the paintjob is definitely well done. I know pelt and muscles can be hard to do without them looking weird, but I think you've done a great job of it.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/22 17:47:51

Post by: youwashock

The purple, white, and gold on Lady Silence are really looking good.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/29 17:36:34

Post by: aku-chan

WarbossDakka wrote:The Mr and Mrs. Silence models look crazy good. Every time I come on your blog I see loads of great models I've never seen before, I need to be more adventurous!

The lion model itself I'm not a massive fan of I have to say, but I think the paintjob is definitely well done. I know pelt and muscles can be hard to do without them looking weird, but I think you've done a great job of it.

I'm not too fond of the Lion mini either, it's a pretty bland sculpt by normal standards let alone crazy Kingdom Death ones!

youwashock wrote:The purple, white, and gold on Lady Silence are really looking good.


So I finally finished Mr. Silence (from Kingdom Death):-

I just think he's such a cool mini.
Mrs. Silence is on the back-burner at the moment, I made a bit of a mess attaching her arms and I can't face the re-painting.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/31 17:03:13

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

That blue looks amazing, it's so rich. Great work.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/01/31 19:14:28

Post by: youwashock

He (she? Hard to tell with the belt on) looks great!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/02/02 23:06:07

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:That blue looks amazing, it's so rich. Great work.

Thanks. Although I think it's mostly down to that particular blue always having a pretty glossy finish.

youwashock wrote:He (she? Hard to tell with the belt on) looks great!

Ha, I thought their belts looked familiar!

More finished stuff!
I got Jakob and Andowyn (from Reaper) all based up, Jakob:-

And Andowyn:-

I'd forgotten how surprisingly detail heavy Reaper minis could be, and how fun they are to paint!

I'm having trouble deciding what colours to paint the others in the set, so while I think I've brought some more Kingdom Death stuff to the table:-

A quartet of Rawhide wearing Survivors.

And a rather busty Witches Disciple.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/02/02 23:15:09

Post by: JoshInJapan

Those Reaper models turned out quite nicely. I really like the half-sunken bases-- how did you make them?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/02/03 01:37:24

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Jakob and Adowyn look great, the colours are so lively on them.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/02/03 02:23:08

Post by: youwashock

Andowyn really did turn out nice, and I am excited to see you working on more KD.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/02/04 10:56:23

Post by: aku-chan

JoshInJapan wrote:Those Reaper models turned out quite nicely. I really like the half-sunken bases-- how did you make them?

I cheated on the bases, they're resin ones I brought off Ebay for another project that never happened.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Jakob and Adowyn look great, the colours are so lively on them.


youwashock wrote:Andowyn really did turn out nice, and I am excited to see you working on more KD.

I've got so much Kingdom Death stuff (and more on the horizon!) I want to try and get some finished up on a regular basis.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/02/14 23:28:01

Post by: aku-chan

Got the band of Rawhide Survivors finished:-

There's Guy with a Bone Sickle and Rawhide Whip:-

Girl with a Bone Dagger and Bone Darts:-

Guy with a Skull Helm and Bone Axe:-

And finally, Girl with a Skull Helm and a Bone Blade:-

I'm quite pleased with them, for speed-painted minis (by my standards anyways) they came out pretty nice.

On the Work in Progress front, the Witch is proving trickier to paint than I thought but she's getting there:-

I've also recently become obsessed with the Guildball mini range, so I now have some of them on the desk, I'm starting with Veteran Hearne of the Hunters Guild:-

But these are absolutely the last new things allowed in the painting queue, gotta start finishing stuff off!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/02/14 23:41:59

Post by: youwashock

Ride 'em in, RAWHIDE. They look good. The Witch is coming along nicely. I like the red.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/03/02 19:00:02

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Ride 'em in, RAWHIDE. They look good. The Witch is coming along nicely. I like the red.

Wishing I hadn't gone for red with the Witch, it made a tricky model even trickier.

Two finished minis this time1
First, I've got a Witches Disciple from Kingdom Death:-

Not one of my best, I really struggled with her in places and it shows.
The remaining four Disciples have dropped quite far down the painting queue.

Second, from the mists of last year comes Witch-hunter Gretel (Twisted):-

Much happier with this one! Plus it's always good to get something out of the unfinished pile.

On the work in progress front, Veteran Hearne is coming along slowly:-

Just got a load of fur to paint.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/03/02 22:24:58

Post by: youwashock

I don't know, I think you did a bang-up job on the disciple. I missed the monkey on Gretel before. That's awesome.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/03/03 17:33:53

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Those witches look fantastic, really great work.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/03/11 20:11:22

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:I don't know, I think you did a bang-up job on the disciple. I missed the monkey on Gretel before. That's awesome.

The Disciple is growing on me now I'm no longer struggling to paint her.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Those witches look fantastic, really great work.


Got another mini finished, this time it's Veteran Hearne (Guild Ball):-

Loads of fun to paint, I think I'm going to enjoy my new obsession with the Guild Ball range.

But before I start the next member of the Hunters Guild, I'm finishing off some older stuff.
I've got the Herald back on the desk:-


Not much left to do to him.
I've also got a couple of Urkins on the go:-

Lots left on these, they're small but very detailed.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/03/22 15:24:14

Post by: aku-chan

More finished minis!

Got my first two Urkins painted up (from Twisted), first there's Porker:-

He's going to beat you with his meat!
Second, there's Library Owl:-

Super fun little minis to paint, got quite a few more to do too.

The Herald is still getting there slowly:-

I added some Greenstuff tentacles to help him connect to his base a bit better, but now that's out the way I'm making decent progress.

I've also started on my Farmers Guild set:-

I just really, really wanted to paint a pig in a bathtub, I'm calling him Stinky.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/03/30 20:56:38

Post by: aku-chan

Another update, another pair of finished minis.

First there is the Herald (from Reaper):-

All those new tentacles I added didn't half make the base hard to paint!
Not too sure if I like this one or not, it just seems to be missing something.

And Mr. Stinky, the goalpost from my Farmers Guild set (Guild Ball):-

He's so cute!

Got some new stuff on the desk, there's an Iron Priest (GW):-

I may have already got carried away with the colours on this one.
I've also got two more members of the Hunters Guild (Guild Ball) on the go, Snow the Wolf and Skatha:-

Early days on these two.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/03/30 21:10:49

Post by: youwashock

The Herald looks very cool. The patina on the mask is well done.
The Guild Ball minis have a lot of personality. The wolf is an especially cool figure. Looking forward to seeing your take on them.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/04/16 15:00:07

Post by: aku-chan


Not at lot of painting going on at the moment, slowly nibbling away at the ones on my desk.
Snow is finished:-

She'll get a better picture when I've finished the other two.

Skatha is about 50% done:-

Fighting with her hair has taken up a lot of time.

The Iron Priest is also about 50% done:-

So many little bits to paint! I'm quite the fan of GW's detail heavy approach to sculpting, but even I think they got a little carried away on this one.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/04/17 02:31:53

Post by: youwashock

They are all looking quite good. Striking color on the Iron Priest.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/04/21 20:45:55

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
They are all looking quite good. Striking color on the Iron Priest.

Thanks! I was worried he'd end up too colourful, but it seems to be working at the moment.

With Skatha finished that's another two Hunters Guild (Guildball) members painted!



Still not that happy with Skathas hair, but the rest of her turned out okay.
Snow continues to be surprisingly hard to photograph.

On the work in progress front, the Iron Priest is almost there:-

Just the fancy backpack to go.
Also, Mrs. Silence has returned to the table:-

Still needs a head.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/04/22 02:29:42

Post by: youwashock

Great job on Skatha's face. The expression is amazing. And glad to see Mrs. S back.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/04/22 16:16:08

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Skatha came out beautifully. I agree with youwashock, her face an expression are perfectly accomplished. I feel your pain on the struggles of photographing really bright or near-white models, it's a huge struggle.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/04/27 17:50:49

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Great job on Skatha's face. The expression is amazing. And glad to see Mrs. S back.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Skatha came out beautifully. I agree with youwashock, her face an expression are perfectly accomplished. I feel your pain on the struggles of photographing really bright or near-white models, it's a huge struggle.

Thanks guys! It helps that her face was really well sculpted in the first place.

Another mini down, my Iron Priest is done:-

He was a lot of fun to paint, and ended up not looking anywhere near as busy as I feared.

Mrs Silence is still work in progress:-

I had hoped to finish her too, but I used too much glaze medium on her hair so it's taking an age to dry!
Also on the work in progress front, I've got a couple Guild Ball bits on the go, Ulfr from the Hunters Guild:-

He's super heavy for his size.
And a bit of terrain from the Farmers Guild:-

It's got some mold lines I can't get to, but it's looking good so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/01 13:46:17

Post by: aku-chan

And with a final bit of basing the female half of my Silence duo (Kingdom Death) is finished:-

Despite the troubles I had with her, I'm very pleased with the end result!

The Guild Ball stuff is coming along nicely too.

Ulfr has a fully painted head.

And the millstone has sacks of grain.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/01 16:10:42

Post by: Wirecat

Great attention to details and amazing blues and purples - definitely eye-catching. Subscribed (ashamedly for not doing so sooner).

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/02 00:09:06

Post by: youwashock

She came out looking beautiful. You are really getting to show off your skin chops on that big guy, too. Looking great so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/02 01:03:29

Post by: JoshInJapan

Very nice work on the KD:M models. I don't play the game and won't be buying the models anytime soon, so I enjoy seeing what good painters can do with them.

Speaking of never playing, how is Guild Ball as a game?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/02 01:35:40

Post by: Meer_Cat

Truly excellent work- it is a pleasure to see updates on what you have accomplished!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/07 11:26:06

Post by: aku-chan

Wirecat wrote:Great attention to details and amazing blues and purples - definitely eye-catching. Subscribed (ashamedly for not doing so sooner).

Thanks, and welcome to the thread!

youwashock wrote:She came out looking beautiful. You are really getting to show off your skin chops on that big guy, too. Looking great so far.

I'm still not too sure about his lips, it's not a body part I paint too often.

JoshInJapan wrote:Very nice work on the KD:M models. I don't play the game and won't be buying the models anytime soon, so I enjoy seeing what good painters can do with them.

Speaking of never playing, how is Guild Ball as a game?


I don't play Guild Ball (I don't play much of anything), I just really like their minis for some reason.

Meer_Cat wrote:Truly excellent work- it is a pleasure to see updates on what you have accomplished!


Finished my bit of Farmers Guild (Guild Ball) terrain:-

Not quite sure what I'm going to do with it, or the other bits I've got to paint.

Haven't been doing a whole lot of painting lately, but Ulfr has pants now:-

Still a lot to do though.

Most of my hobby time the last few days has gone to assembling this guy:-

It's Slimux and Mulch!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/13 21:26:25

Post by: Wirecat

Rolling mill looks fabulous!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/16 17:27:44

Post by: aku-chan

Wirecat wrote:
Rolling mill looks fabulous!


Bit more progress, finished Ulfr (Guild Ball):-

Glad to have this one finished, he was fun to paint but surprisingly heavy, and was a real killer on my poor wrists!
This also completes my 'Heralds of the Winters Moon' Hunters Guild set:-


On the work in progress front, Mulch has a shell, and I've started on his skin:-

You can also see a partially complete Slimex in the background.

I've also dug back into my Kingdom Death pile and come up with Paul the Survivor:-

Just starting on his skin.

And I'm continuing with my Farmers Guild with Millstone:-

Again, just started the skin.

Kinda stuck at the moment though, my last decent brush died getting into Mulchs nooks and crannies, so no painting until I can get some new ones.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/18 04:05:14

Post by: youwashock

That shell is positively vivid. I love it. The Guild group turned out great, too.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/05/21 23:26:12

Post by: Meer_Cat

The Guild group shot is great! Very nice shading on the snail shell- I'm noting down ideas for when I start working on my Eldar paint schemes.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/06/01 19:41:57

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!
The blue ink and satin varnish worked wonders on Mulchs shell.

Finished another mini, this time it's Millstone (Guild Ball):-

Wasn't too happy with this one when I started, the details of her face are rather soft, but from the neck down it's a pretty decent PVC mini.
Still wish they had stuck to making metal ones though.

Still nibbling away at Paul the Survivor:-

Struggling with this one at the moment, for a Kingdom Death mini he's quite meh in both sculpt and casting, and I don't have much enthusiasm to work on him.

Also working on Slimux and Mulch:-

Spent way too much time faffing about with their skin.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/06/17 14:44:31

Post by: aku-chan

Poor Millstone, no one is interested in muscular farm-girls...

Had a break from the stuff on my desk, though still very firmly stuck in the world of Guild Ball, and painted up Grace and Benediction:-



I was quite intimidated by that rather ornate armour they're both wearing, but I think I did a decent job on it.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/06/26 19:48:44

Post by: aku-chan

Still working on Guild Ball stuff, this time it's Vileswarm, one of the Mortician Guilds mascots:-

No one of my best paint jobs, but there's not much you can do with a pile of rats.

I've also got a Storm Knight (Kingdom Death) on the go:-

This is the second one I've painted (I did the resin version a couple of years ago), hopefully I'll take a better picture next time.

And more Guild Ball, Farris the Blacksmith:-

Just her head painted so far.
I'm liking how the more Guild Ball stuff I paint, the less it looks like a range of fantasy football minis.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/06/27 02:52:19

Post by: youwashock

Grace and Benediction turned out quite cool. I am also very interested in seeing how the Storm Knight turns out.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/06/27 05:38:24

Post by: JoshInJapan

If I'm interpreting those photos correctly, you do a wash/glaze over a white basecoat before you start painting? I don't think I've seen that before.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/07/04 11:53:29

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Grace and Benediction turned out quite cool. I am also very interested in seeing how the Storm Knight turns out.

Thanks! I'm having fun with the Storm Knight, I think I chose a better colour scheme this time around.

JoshInJapan wrote:If I'm interpreting those photos correctly, you do a wash/glaze over a white basecoat before you start painting? I don't think I've seen that before.

Yeah, now I'm back to priming in white I like to give my minis a quick brown wash just to make the details a little easier to see.

Nothing to show off this update, the warm weather is making it too uncomfortable to paint for any decent length of time, and after messing up the Storm Knights cape by rushing things I've decided to take a bit of a break.
I'll be back in a couple of months when, hopefully, it's a bit cooler.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/08/01 15:52:17

Post by: aku-chan

Back sooner than expected, I got bored (I need a summer hobby).

Braved the heat and finished a mini that was on my Shelf of Shame (it's actually more of a cabinet), Sowerberry from Twisted:-

Had fun painting all his clocks, but I don't think I'll bother making any more stamped greenstuff bases, I just can't make them look decent.

Next up, on the work in progress front, there's something new:-

Sir George the Gangelly!
I found a box of old school-style Chaos Warriors while tidying up, I expect they came from some random Kickstarter, prepare to see more in the future.

I also finally finished assembling the rest of my Kingdom Death armour kits, and I've started slowly painting them up while waiting for other stuff to dry:-

This batch is Lantern Armour Dude, Leather Armour Dude, Phoenix Armour Dudette and Dragon Armour Dude.
Not putting a huge amount of effort in to these, they're just too hit and miss sculpting-wise, but they're still too nice to just bin them.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/08/02 01:57:55

Post by: youwashock

Yay, more Kingdom Death! Always nice to see what you do with those guys.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/08/13 17:55:08

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Yay, more Kingdom Death! Always nice to see what you do with those guys.

Thanks! Not going to work too hard on these ones though, they're going to be speed-paints (or as close as I get to speed-painting).

Finished a couple of minis.
First there's Sir George the Gangly:-

Still not entire sure where this guy is from, but he was fun to paint.

Also finished the first of my little band of Kingdom Death Survivors, the guy with the fancy hair:-

He ended up looking pretty good, but he is the least complicated of the four.

On the work in progress front, along with the remaining three Survivors, I now have:-

The Gentlefolk Highwaywoman (Twisted) on the table.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/08/13 23:02:37

Post by: youwashock

That Highwaywoman is an amazing mini. Fabulous details.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/08/14 12:18:18

Post by: IGtR=

I love your style - really reminds me of the vibe when I first got into the hobby.

Thanks for sharing

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/08/21 19:18:16

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:That Highwaywoman is an amazing mini. Fabulous details.

Yeah, the Twisted range has some really nice minis.

IGtR= wrote:I love your style - really reminds me of the vibe when I first got into the hobby.

Thanks for sharing


Finished another of my little group of Kingdom Death Survivors:-

This time it's Lantern Armour Dude with his impractically large weapon.
Another simple yet fun to paint mini, got the complicated pair to do now though.

In a related hobby project, I also finally finished assembling the organiser I brought for my Kingdom Death Monster game:-

It's very snazzy, but it makes an already heavy box even heavier.

On the work in progress front, the Highwaywoman is getting there slowly:-

I'm particularly pleased with her leather coat, it looks rather good in hand.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/09/01 17:29:11

Post by: aku-chan

In an effort to actually finish things for a change put some partially painted Guild Ball back on the table, Farris the Blacksmithing Knight and some Blacksmith Guild terrain.
Farris still has some way to go (mostly her horse Judgement), but I knocked out the terrain for an easy win:

I really like how Guild Balls sculptor does wood grain.

On the work in progress front, there's the already mentioned Farris:-

She's coming along nicely.

And the Highwaywoman is almost done:-

So many layers!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/09/01 19:06:54

Post by: WarbossDakka

Guild ball has some impressive minis (that you've more than done justice to), coming back to this thread has got me wanting to buy stuff again...

The terrain looks gorgeous, the wood looks real! Can't wait to see how the Highwaywoman comes out.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/09/06 20:48:51

Post by: aku-chan

 WarbossDakka wrote:
Guild ball has some impressive minis (that you've more than done justice to), coming back to this thread has got me wanting to buy stuff again...

The terrain looks gorgeous, the wood looks real! Can't wait to see how the Highwaywoman comes out.


Yeah, love the minis Guild Ball puts out!
(Even if the newer PVC ones can be a bit hit and miss).

Another mini finished, the Robot Highwaywoman (Twisted):-

A little bit messy in places, but really pleased with the end result.

And with Farris almost finished too, it was time to pick and prep the next mini, after much randomising it was another Guild Ball one - Compound:-

He should be fun to paint.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/09/14 19:09:42

Post by: aku-chan

Another mini finished!
This time it's Farris (Guild Ball):-

Pretty pleased with how this one turned out in the end, need to get more experience working with PVC though, so many missed mold-lines

On the work in progress front, Compound is coming along slowly:-

Been fighting with his skin all evening, painting big fat men is harder than I thought.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/09/29 20:28:20

Post by: aku-chan

Another mini done!

Compound (Guild ball) is finished:-

Despite my struggles with his skin (and the paint I used on his glowy green tubes) I'm really pleased with the end result.

On the work in progress front, Brokk (Age of Sigmar) has returned from the cupboard of unfinished things:-

The idea is I have to finish one part-painted mini, before I can start a new mini from that company. Being one of a long line of ideas to get me to actually finish things, I don't know if it'll work, but we'll see.
And with the just the fins left to paint on Brokk, I can start prepping my...

Starstriders! Woohoo!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/09/30 21:46:36

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work in the alchemist-- the glowy green containers turned out quite nice. I remain impressed that you can get such a strong contrast over a white basecoat like that.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/10/03 15:51:43

Post by: aku-chan

 JoshInJapan wrote:
Nice work in the alchemist-- the glowy green containers turned out quite nice. I remain impressed that you can get such a strong contrast over a white basecoat like that.

It does use up an awful lot of brown wash though.

And another mini finished, Brokk Grungsson (Age of Sigmar):-

Pleased with how this one turned out, but mostly just glad it's finally finished!
Wish I'd put a bit more effort into the base though.

On the work in progress front, made a start to one of my Starstriders:-

Went with one of the Voidsmen first, just to get a solid idea of what I want their uniforms to look like.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/10/15 18:10:55

Post by: aku-chan

Another mini done!

Presenting my finished test Rogue Trader Voidsman, Ensign Roxy "Hotshot" Malone.
I think my test scheme works, so now to paint up the others, eventually.

On the work in progress front, pulled out another unfinished mini, this time a lady necromancer from Reaper Miniatures:-

Almost done, just struggling to think of colours for all her various doodads.

And I've started another mini from Reaper, one of their Ltd. Edition Sophies:-

I think fully assembling this one before painting may have been a bad idea.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/10/16 01:16:35

Post by: youwashock

That's a really cool Sophie. Off to a good start, as well. I dig the RT figure. The orange and green are a funky combo, but it works.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/10/25 18:06:29

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
That's a really cool Sophie. Off to a good start, as well. I dig the RT figure. The orange and green are a funky combo, but it works.

I wanted a pair of colours that contrasted well to show off all that detail the Rogue Trader minis have on their coats.

Got another mini finished, D'Vandra Lukesia from Reaper Minis:-

Happy to get another mini out of the unfinished pile, sadly the water effect on her base is already clouding up, don't think I'll bother doing anymore bases like that, just can't get my bottle of Vallejo Still Water to work properly.

On the work in progress front, Sophie is getting there slowly:-

As I thought, having massive trouble getting to some areas with my brush, but looking nice so far.
Speaking of troublesome areas, also started the Fighter from Kingdom Death:-

Spent a whole painting session just trying (and failing) to paint her mostly obscured eyes.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/11/20 19:55:37

Post by: aku-chan

Apologies for the slight absence, been fighting a really bad cold that just wouldn't go away.

And then, when I finally get back to the painting table, I had to start new minis to get my mojo back.
So much for clearing my Cupboard of Unfinished Things!

Any ways, finished a couple more minis, first there's Angel (Guildball):-

Being a member of the Fishermen Guild, she is wearing fishnet leggings, which I was pretty terrified of painting, but I think they came out okay.

And I also painted Nimble the Urkin (Twisted):-

Ninja kick!

Started prepping my next two minis, the rather awesomely named Mara Frostraven from Reaper (she's an evil knight or a vampire or something) and Hookah (a Guardian of Set) who's another Twisted figure:-

Hopefully, I'll be back to regular updates now.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/11/21 23:16:38

Post by: youwashock

I like Angel. She is a cool little mini.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/11/25 13:34:43

Post by: Wirecat

Your skin tones and shadows are amazing...

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/12/11 18:50:08

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:I like Angel. She is a cool little mini.

Thanks! She was a lot of fun to paint.

Wirecat wrote:Your skin tones and shadows are amazing...

Thanks! I have been trying to improve my shading, but I think most of the shadows are still down to lucky photography at the moment.

Almost managed a fortnightly update, made a bit of a mess of the two minis I was working on and spent some time in a 'Why bother painting, I'll just screw up' funk.
But I got my mojo back working on one of my simpler Guild Ball minis, Iron:-

I also knocked out another bit of Blacksmith Guild terrain.

On the work in progress front, made another start on Mara and Hookah:-

Not mistakes yet, but it's early days.
Also made a start on my Kingdom Death Sunstalker:-

This one is very much a long term project, I don't have a big enough brush so it takes ages to do anything.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/12/12 20:31:28

Post by: youwashock

Sunstalker! Looking forward to seeing how that turns out. Loving the armor on Mara so far, too.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/12/12 20:51:06

Post by: Fifty

Looks like Slimer!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/12/27 20:20:06

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!
Haven't got too much further on the Sunstalker though, big minis are so much work!

Finished another model, Mara Frostraven evil knight (from Reaper):-

Since she was already so metallic, I gave her an ice sword.

On the work in progress front, Hookah is getting there slowly:-

I need some new Sepia Wash to paint his robe and, of course, didn't order any until Boxing Day, so it could be a while before he gets finished.

And I'm making a start on Veteran Decimate:-

It's nice when I don't have to paint eyes.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/12/28 17:42:53

Post by: IGtR=

A long time since I properly checked in but some awesome work here! I really love your style, and I think that it will make for an awesome retinue for the Rogue Trader.

As ever, thanks for sharing with us all

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/12/29 05:48:07

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Evil knight looks aces and I'm really excited to see the Veteran Decimate come along, it looks to have a great start already.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2018/12/30 23:57:08

Post by: aku-chan

IGtR= wrote:A long time since I properly checked in but some awesome work here! I really love your style, and I think that it will make for an awesome retinue for the Rogue Trader.

As ever, thanks for sharing with us all

Thanks! I really need to get going again with my Rogue Trader set.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Evil knight looks aces and I'm really excited to see the Veteran Decimate come along, it looks to have a great start already.


So the last few days I've been kinda curious about how many minis I managed to paint this year, seeing as I'm always in a losing battle against my unpainted hordes and my own woefully poor attention span.

I counted 37.
Which is small beans compared to the output of most blogs in these parts, but is almost twice as many as I thought I'd finished so I'm actually pretty happy.

Doesn't come close to even starting to put a dent in my backlog (It doesn't help that I brought an awfully large amount of Guildball minis this year), but it's nice to see some actual progress.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/06 19:41:33

Post by: aku-chan

First model of 2019 done, the Hookah (Twisted):-

Wished I could've done a better job on his face, but the rest is pretty good.

On the work in progress front, Veteran Decimate is almost done:-

Was trying to get her finished in time for this update but life got in the way, at least I only have the base to go.

I've also got a Dwarf Engineer on the table:-

I backed Stonehavens recently finished second Dwarfs kickstarter, so thought I'd better make a start on finally finishing the first lot.

And I've made decent progress on the Sunstalker:-

Working on it's hand flappers.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/06 23:36:19

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Nice seeing those Twisted figures getting painted out in the wild. The Egyptians were definitely the coolest models.

I hereby nominate you get that Kingdom Death Fighter done after the current batch of stuff!

I can't be arsed to figure out how to finish mine so better someone else do it first and then I can take copious notes...

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/06 23:52:48

Post by: youwashock

Nice fade on the Sunstalker, and the purple in the mouth works great.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/13 20:11:58

Post by: aku-chan

highlord tamburlaine wrote:Nice seeing those Twisted figures getting painted out in the wild. The Egyptians were definitely the coolest models.

I hereby nominate you get that Kingdom Death Fighter done after the current batch of stuff!

I can't be arsed to figure out how to finish mine so better someone else do it first and then I can take copious notes...

Thanks! I actually wasn't too keen on the Egyptian faction at first, but once they started showing off the sculpts I had to have them.

You're in luck, she's back on the table and slowly inching towards completion.

youwashock wrote:Nice fade on the Sunstalker, and the purple in the mouth works great.

Thanks! I'm keeping it simple with lots of washing and drybrushing but it seems to be working.

So, another mini finished, Veteran Decimate from Guild Ball:-

Really happy with this one.

On the work in progress front, the Dwarf and Sunstalker just need basing (I think stuff not quite being finished in time is going to be a reoccurring theme).

Kingdoms Deaths Fighter is back:-

Getting there very slowly, I keep snapping off the dangly bits of her headband or finding areas I'd missed hidden under that danged hair of hers.

And Twisteds Urkin Shaman is fresh to the table:-

Very early days on this pair.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/14 19:46:50

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

the fighter with the pink hair is looking amazing, love how you got her hair so vibrant. Very much looking forward to seeing how that one turns out.

Veteran Decimate looks great, love the model design on that one, great palette too.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/14 22:21:13

Post by: IGtR=

I completely second all of the above. In particular, the pink looks fantastic!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/21 15:04:34

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks for the kind words about her hair guys!
I just really should have painted it last.

A pair of minis finished this time, Kingdom Deaths Sunstalker (He's a bit NSFW due to his penis tentacle, so links instead of piccys):-


Actually really pleased with how this one turned out, despite having to keep it simple to get him done I think he looks pretty decent.

And Stonehavens Dwarf Engineer:-

He's a bit rough around the edges, he was based and primed a few years ago and I really didn't put much effort into prepping my minis then, but I think he painted up okay.

Not much to show work in progress wise, stupid cold weather is making my hands shake too much.
I should hopefully get my Kingdom Death Fighter finished this week, but I'm not sure how much more painting I'll get done.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/21 22:38:29

Post by: JoshInJapan

That Sunstalker is a very weird monster. I like the mane of hands on the back of his head. What, exactly is it supposed to be?

Your hands are shaking from the cold? I thought only Japanese houses got that cold in winter.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/21 23:45:12

Post by: Flinty

If there was ever a monster that looked like it needed a hug!

Weird, but looking good.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/22 00:19:43

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Both look good. Stonehaven figures are always fun to paint, despite my strong dislike of short and stocky humanoid races.

Cold weather is never fun. Being from Southern California, I have no idea what that's really like, other than when we're in Japan in the wintertime, so I feel Josh on that one.

I actually had to turn the air on in the car it was so warm today.

Get that fighter done so I get off my arse to paint mine!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/22 19:04:11

Post by: youwashock

Yay for a finished Sunstalker! He looks good. As you say, the paintjob itself is a little simple, but it is effective. That is one of those models where you can give it a simple, clean paintjob and let the sculpt do a lot of the work. Nicely done.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/27 20:24:45

Post by: aku-chan

JoshInJapan wrote:That Sunstalker is a very weird monster. I like the mane of hands on the back of his head. What, exactly is it supposed to be?

Your hands are shaking from the cold? I thought only Japanese houses got that cold in winter.

I don't really know much about the Sunstalker, it's part of rather advanced looking Kingdom Death: Monster expansion and I can barely play the base game, so I haven't gone anywhere near it yet.

I doubt it's really that cold, I'm just rather temperature sensitive, in a few months I'll be complaining it's too hot to paint!

Flinty wrote:If there was ever a monster that looked like it needed a hug!

Weird, but looking good.


highlord tamburlaine wrote:Both look good. Stonehaven figures are always fun to paint, despite my strong dislike of short and stocky humanoid races.

Cold weather is never fun. Being from Southern California, I have no idea what that's really like, other than when we're in Japan in the wintertime, so I feel Josh on that one.

I actually had to turn the air on in the car it was so warm today.

Get that fighter done so I get off my arse to paint mine!

Thanks! I used to have quite a few Stonehaven minis, but I only seemed to paint the Dwarfs.

Fighters done, now it's your turn!

youwashock wrote:Yay for a finished Sunstalker! He looks good. As you say, the paintjob itself is a little simple, but it is effective. That is one of those models where you can give it a simple, clean paintjob and let the sculpt do a lot of the work. Nicely done.

Thanks! Yeah I'm glad it worked out, I really didn't have the patience for anything fancier.

Another mini done, Kingdom Deaths Fighter (Echoes of Death version):-

I think the shield could do with another highlight, and I had to convert her headband a bit (I lost the fluttery end I kept breaking off, so I had to cut a piece off the remaining one to use instead), but overall I'm pretty pleased with the end result.

On the work in progress front, I managed to get quite a bit of my Urkin Shaman (Twisted) done, despite the cold weather:-

Still got quite a lot of little bits and bobs to do, so I don't think I'll get them done by the end of the week but I'll try!
And for the days when I'm not up to painting the small stuff, I've got the mighty Dragon King (Kingdom Death) to work on:-

Currently I'm painting the little man who lives in it's chest, so I can finish assembling it.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/27 22:29:58

Post by: youwashock

Oh, man. Dragon King in progress. That is sure to be cool. The Fighter's pink hair is all win.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/01/30 04:06:14

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

That fighter looks amazing, fantastic work!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/02/03 11:39:11

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Oh, man. Dragon King in progress. That is sure to be cool. The Fighter's pink hair is all win.

Thanks! I'm going to be keeping the Dragon King fairly simple, hopefully it works out as well as the Sunstalker.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:That fighter looks amazing, fantastic work!


Not a lot of painting done this week, so nothing to show off.
Got the Dragon King fully assembled, and started basecoating his skin, but it's slow going (these big minis are making me understand why people use airbrushes!):-

Got a little further with the Shamans, but not enough to warrant a new piccy.
Mostly I've been assembling stuff. First I put together a set of Reaper minis to work on, but the casting on them was surprisingly poor and by the time I'd finished prepping them, I'd lost interest in painting them!
So I set them aside, and put together the King of the Sea Elves (Games Workshop) and a 'Journey to the West' group (Twisted):-

The Twisted minis have me really intimidated at the moment, Tzandi in particular is probably the most detailed mini I've owned, but all four have their fair share of little tiny things that need painting.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/02/03 17:56:53

Post by: youwashock

Woot, dragon!

I think if you have a glance back at your painted minis collection, you will find there is nothing on those new guys you can't handle.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/02/03 20:45:55

Post by: Wirecat

Watching intensifies (dragon is dragon, but I am eagerly waiting to see what You will do to the Twisted and that other, sea-dragon riding elf)!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/02/09 20:22:33

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Woot, dragon!

I think if you have a glance back at your painted minis collection, you will find there is nothing on those new guys you can't handle.

Thanks for the vote of confidence!
It's pretty normal for my minis to intimidate me, I seem to be drawn to the fiddly ones, though I rarely let that stop me painting them.

Wirecat wrote:Watching intensifies (dragon is dragon, but I am eagerly waiting to see what You will do to the Twisted and that other, sea-dragon riding elf)!


Got my Urkin Shamans (Twisted) finished:-

Fun to paint, if a bit annoying in places, still can't paint glass bottles very well though.

On the work in progress front, Dragon King hasn't gotten much further yet, it's taking a lot of red to get a solid basecoat.
Started on the first of my Twisted Journey to the West minis, the irrepressible Monkey:-

Hopefully, I might get him done by the end of the week, if I get a move on.

Also started another Guild Ball mini, Veteran Gutter:-

I'm further along than it looks, her apron is just blending in with the unpainted bits.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/02/10 18:55:35

Post by: Wirecat

as much as expected, and maybe even more so! Amazing... Clean, bright - please excuse me while I drool. That second (larger) Twisted is way to clean!

Your presentation is also top-notch. Well light and... where is the 3D rotation option?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/02/10 20:13:47

Post by: youwashock

Great job on Gutter's face.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/02/17 12:52:38

Post by: aku-chan

Wirecat wrote:as much as expected, and maybe even more so! Amazing... Clean, bright - please excuse me while I drool. That second (larger) Twisted is way to clean!

Your presentation is also top-notch. Well light and... where is the 3D rotation option?

Thanks! I'm slowly working out how to take a decent picture.

youwashock wrote:Great job on Gutter's face.

Thanks! I think it helps that it was mostly covered by hair.

Managed to finish three minis this week! Admittedly one was already almost done, but it's still quite the achievement for me.

First up, Guild Balls Veteran Gutter:-

The mini itself had quite a few mold-line and flash issues, but I think she turned out okay in the end.

Second, Twisteds Monkey:-

Turned out to be a lot more straightforward to paint than I thought, doesn't want to photograph easily though.

Third, Cal and Aponne from Wolsung:-

Had these guys hanging around almost finished for a few years now, thought it was time to get them done.

Nothing to report on the work in progress front. Going to be drybrushing my Dragon King today or tomorrow, so I'm keeping the table clear of things that would otherwise get splattered.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/12 15:09:20

Post by: aku-chan

Apologies for the lack of regular updates recently.
Made a bit of a mess of my Dragon King (he's not as amenable to a half-arsed paint job as the Sunstalker was), so I had to set him aside while I rethink things and this seems to have had a bit of a knock on effect motivation-wise.

But I managed to get my Flower Knight finished (which wasn't difficult as I'd left it at about 90% done), and that seems to have got me back on track.

So here's the finished Flower Knight (Kingdom Death):-

Nowhere near as good as the many other Flower Knights out there on the Internet, but I'm happy with it.

On the table I also have, Inquisitor Greyfax (GW):-

Not much done at the moment.

And the Leather Queen (Kingdom Death):-

Haven't tackled a pin-up in a while, so I'm rather rusty at painting such large areas of skin, the hard part is going to be figuring out what's hair and what's decoration.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/12 16:45:49

Post by: youwashock

Nice Flower Knight! I like the use of different colors for the puff n' slash areas. Upcoming stuff looks very promising.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/17 19:04:15

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Nice Flower Knight! I like the use of different colors for the puff n' slash areas. Upcoming stuff looks very promising.

Thanks! Thought a quartered colour scheme would make him a bit more interesting.

Haven't managed to finish anything else yet, just trying to get back in to the habit of doing a Sunday update.

Grayfax is coming along slowly:-

I've got her armour mostly done, but there's still plenty to do.

Leather Queen has hair:-

Not entirely sure it looks like hair though.

And I've added another lady to the table, Ziba (Reaper):-

Picked her up to see what Reapers new Bones Black is like.
So far, it's a step up from the normal Bones material but I'm still not that sold on it.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/17 22:12:41

Post by: youwashock

I am sold on that white and gold look for Greyfax. Quite nice. Cool to see the new Efreeti lady, as well. It is a pretty cool model. Thought about getting one myself, but wound up passing due to the extensive amount of unpainted BONES I have already. It will be nice to see how she turns out.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/17 23:33:28

Post by: kestral

You have fantastic taste in figures - and great skills!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/25 20:21:04

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

Not painting as much as I'd like, so still nothing finished (that's why this update is a day late, was hoping to have something done but nope).

Leather Queen is almost done (just the base to go), so I should have at least one thing to show-off next week.

Greyfax is still getting there slowly:-

I keep having to go back and tidy bits up.

Ziba is also slowly progressing:-

she's finished from the neck up so far.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/27 00:57:46

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

I'm absolutely loving the progress on that greyfax model.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/30 19:44:43

Post by: aku-chan

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
I'm absolutely loving the progress on that greyfax model.

Thanks! She's been a lot of fun to paint but very time consuming.

I've finished something, yay!
First, I finished the Leather Queen (Kingdom Death):-

I'm somewhat out of practise working on my pin-ups, so she's rather roughly painted in places, but at least it's another one done at last.

I also finished Greyfax (Warhammer 40k):-

Really pleased with this one, I even managed a colour-coded scale on her power gauge.

Just got Ziba on the desk now:-

She is slowly progressing.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/30 20:54:34

Post by: JoshInJapan

I just realized that the Leather Queen has two huge bundles of hair. I thought that was some kind of weird backpack. The model makes a lot more sense now.

Another nice set of finished models. I am impressed by how clean and smooth you make the large patches of the same colors (leather queen's legs, for example, or the inquisitor's cloak).

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/30 21:09:47

Post by: youwashock

Greyfax looks really good. The gauge IS a fantastic detail.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/03/31 13:08:43

Post by: IGtR=

Brighter Greyfax looks perfect. The Kingdom Death models look really good, and you paint them in a way that is so different to the majority of interpretations I see.

A great style, and nice to see it survive - really reminds me of the early days of the hobby as I knew it. Can really see these being in a FLGS display cabinet or in a White Dwarf back in the day.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/03 16:55:33

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

That pinup is awesome, I'm always impressed by how well your skin tones come out.

Greyfax is absolutely stunning, I love your colour choice for her armour plates, that pale tone is very striking. The gauge is a perfect little detail as well. All in all Greyfax is a contender now for my favourite model you've painted to date.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/03 20:15:28

Post by: Max Moray

Great Guild Ball minis you got there. Love the Veteran Gutter.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/07 18:59:23

Post by: aku-chan

JoshInJapan wrote:I just realized that the Leather Queen has two huge bundles of hair. I thought that was some kind of weird backpack. The model makes a lot more sense now.

Another nice set of finished models. I am impressed by how clean and smooth you make the large patches of the same colors (leather queen's legs, for example, or the inquisitor's cloak).

Thanks! I never really did get her hair looking like hair so I'm not surprised it took a while to click.

youwashock wrote:Greyfax looks really good. The gauge IS a fantastic detail.


IGtR= wrote:Brighter Greyfax looks perfect. The Kingdom Death models look really good, and you paint them in a way that is so different to the majority of interpretations I see.

A great style, and nice to see it survive - really reminds me of the early days of the hobby as I knew it. Can really see these being in a FLGS display cabinet or in a White Dwarf back in the day.

Thanks! Yeah, my minis always seem to stay pretty bright and cartoony regardless of how dark and gritty the setting is meant to be.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:That pinup is awesome, I'm always impressed by how well your skin tones come out.

Greyfax is absolutely stunning, I love your colour choice for her armour plates, that pale tone is very striking. The gauge is a perfect little detail as well. All in all Greyfax is a contender now for my favourite model you've painted to date.


Max Moray wrote:Great Guild Ball minis you got there. Love the Veteran Gutter.

Thanks! I really need to get a few more painted.

Nothing finished again this week.
Ziba is getting close though:-

Just her legs and skirt to go.

My success with Greyfax has sent me on a 40k kick, so I've started on the Medic from my Rogue Trader set:-

Their animal logo uniform trims are so danged difficult to paint!
And the Priest from my Blackstone Fortress set:-

I hadn't built this set yet, so he's not quite so far along.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/08 04:01:16

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Things are looking great. Really looking forward to that Rogue trader medic.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/10 06:32:55

Post by: mcmattila

Wow, you can really paint female skin! Looks wonderfully smooth and soft! Looking forward to seeing Ziba and the RT Medic finished.

I'm not completely sold on your Greyfax, or more specifically, her hat. The model is technically well painted and detailed (that gauge is so nice!), but from the front the red hat just stands out wrong to me..

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/14 18:56:52

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Things are looking great. Really looking forward to that Rogue trader medic.


mcmattila wrote:Wow, you can really paint female skin! Looks wonderfully smooth and soft! Looking forward to seeing Ziba and the RT Medic finished.

I'm not completely sold on your Greyfax, or more specifically, her hat. The model is technically well painted and detailed (that gauge is so nice!), but from the front the red hat just stands out wrong to me..

I must admit I'm not seeing whats wrong with her hat, is it too bright or just doesn't fit colour-wise? (I know I'm not great with my colour theory).

Got another mini finished, Ziba the Giant Woman (Reaper):-

I had fun painting her, and I do think Bones Black is a big step up from the ordinary Bones material, but I don't think I'll ever actually like PVC minis.

Still on the table, both my Medic and Priest have made a bit of progress:-

But not as much as I would've liked.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/14 20:44:38

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Ziba looks amazing! Love the way you painted her face, such personality and a great focal point. Great work.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/14 21:00:08

Post by: Wirecat

 aku-chan wrote:

I had fun painting her, and I do think Bones Black is a big step up from the ordinary Bones material, but I don't think I'll ever actually like PVC minis.

Yep, amazing is a right word. Bright in a cartoony way, but full of character. Sad about the PVC, it seems this material, despite all progress, is destined to cause a lot of torn hair and clothing. :(

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/15 23:31:39

Post by: youwashock

She turned out very well.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/22 12:53:48

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Ziba looks amazing! Love the way you painted her face, such personality and a great focal point. Great work.

Thanks! It helped a lot that her face was really well sculpted.

Wirecat wrote:
 aku-chan wrote:

I had fun painting her, and I do think Bones Black is a big step up from the ordinary Bones material, but I don't think I'll ever actually like PVC minis.

Yep, amazing is a right word. Bright in a cartoony way, but full of character. Sad about the PVC, it seems this material, despite all progress, is destined to cause a lot of torn hair and clothing. :(

Thanks! Yeah, it's a shame I can't get on with PVC stuff, I miss out on a lot of interesting minis.

youwashock wrote:She turned out very well.


No progress to report.

I managed to give myself a panic attack painting my Priest and, at the moment, I can't even think about painting without freaking out a bit.
So I'm taking a bit of a break until I can get my head straight.

Hopefully it won't take long, but this is new territory for me, so I don't know when I'll be getting my hobby on again.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/23 19:28:27

Post by: youwashock

Sorry to hear about the slump. Maybe grab some random Bones model and sling some paint to throw off the blues?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/04/28 14:45:02

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Sorry to hear about the slump. Maybe grab some random Bones model and sling some paint to throw off the blues?

Forcing myself to paint tends to just make things worse, so I'm best off just taking things slow.
I did manage to assemble a pair of minis today with minimal freaking out, so I'll try working on them this week, see how things go.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/05/05 14:08:52

Post by: aku-chan

I have painted and I have the pictures to prove it!

Admittedly I haven't gotten very far, but progress is progress.

There's Bregan, a rather happy looking Valkyrie from Reaper:-

And an android flower-seller from Twisted:-

Don't think I'll get either done this week, but hopefully I'll get a bit closer.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/05/05 17:08:17

Post by: Meer_Cat

What unusual and interesting subjects! I will give Reaper especially a new look-over, been awhile since I checked what they had on offer. I look forward to seeing your interpretation of these.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/05/05 22:25:48

Post by: youwashock

That flower seller is weeeeeird. But also very cool. I imagine it will be quite striking by the end.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/05/18 17:51:59

Post by: aku-chan

Meer_Cat wrote:What unusual and interesting subjects! I will give Reaper especially a new look-over, been awhile since I checked what they had on offer. I look forward to seeing your interpretation of these.

Thanks! Yeah, Reaper do some good minis. It's just a shame they tend to be a bit of a hassle to buy, or I'd have a lot more!

youwashock wrote:That flower seller is weeeeeird. But also very cool. I imagine it will be quite striking by the end.


I've finished things! Woohoo!

First, there's Bregan the Valkyrie from Reaper:-

Bit of an odd sculpt this one, something just feels a bit off (although I'm not sure what), fun to paint though.

Next, the Android Flower-seller from Twisted:-

Pretty pleased with this one, although I probably should have done her basket of flowers a bit brighter.

Finally, the Rogue Trader Medic:-

She's been sitting at 90% done since my freak out, so I thought I'd get her done before starting something new.

Nothing on the desk now, I haven't figured out what to paint next, mostly I've been assembling all the Shadespire sets I recently picked up.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/05/19 13:14:36

Post by: Wirecat

Bit of an odd sculpt this one, something just feels a bit off (although I'm not sure what), fun to paint though.

Maybe it is the lack of her neck, which some Reaper sculptors are known to omit from time to time? But still You did her very well, although of the trio I like medic the most - wonderful bright colors!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/05/19 15:29:11

Post by: Theophony

The flower lady is a neat little model, I almost got the not the Kickstarter they did because of all the funky characters like that one.

The patient that the doctor is “taking care of” looks like he’s trying to go get a second opinion but she’s not letting him , that’s a bad bedside manner right there .

Love to see what you come up with on your Shadespire Warbands as I’m on them right now as well.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/05/31 21:55:28

Post by: aku-chan

Wirecat wrote:
Bit of an odd sculpt this one, something just feels a bit off (although I'm not sure what), fun to paint though.

Maybe it is the lack of her neck, which some Reaper sculptors are known to omit from time to time? But still You did her very well, although of the trio I like medic the most - wonderful bright colors!

That could be it, she has a bit of a turtleneck sweater thing going on which does look weird.

Theophony wrote:The flower lady is a neat little model, I almost got the not the Kickstarter they did because of all the funky characters like that one.

The patient that the doctor is “taking care of” looks like he’s trying to go get a second opinion but she’s not letting him , that’s a bad bedside manner right there .

Love to see what you come up with on your Shadespire Warbands as I’m on them right now as well.

The Shadespire stuff is in the queue, it's about third or forth depending on how quickly my mummies arrive.

Finished another mini, took my Skaven Stormvermin out of the Cupboard of Unfinished Things for an easy win:-

Not super happy with him. Don't know if it's because he was mostly painted a couple of years ago, or my continuing problems painting bigger minis, but I just feel like I can do better.
I still have the other two to paint, so I might find out one day.

Also on the table I have a couple Guild Ball minis, a rather badass Spigot from the Brewers Guild:-

And a Masons Guild woman (She has a name, I just can't find her packaging):-

Should have them both finished soonish.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/01 22:25:45

Post by: youwashock

Not familiar with that Skaven model. Love that mask. The red and green is super striking! It is like a more sophisticated version of GW's red/green era.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/05 03:59:50

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Loving that Skaven model, great colour picks and that high-contrast green is amazing.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/07 13:26:28

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!
Glad people like the green, it was worth painting all those layers!

Finished a couple more minis, Veteran Spigot (Guild Ball):-

Had a lot of fun with this one, just a very enjoyable mini to paint.

And, Veteran Chisel (also Guild Ball):-

This one was a bit problematic (my poor Guild Ball minis are always losing their fingers!), but I think she turned out okay.

My mummies arrived and jumped to the head of the painting queue on account of being really cool looking.
Rotten Mummy:-

And Scarab Mummy:-

So far I've painted their skin (although I keep finding bits I've missed) and now I'm slowly working on their wrappings.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/08 03:27:11

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Guild ball minis looks aces, great job.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/08 05:20:47

Post by: Theophony

Guildball figs are great looking , what is on the back of the rat ogre? Is it a misshapen small skaven dude?

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/17 17:51:29

Post by: aku-chan

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Guild ball minis looks aces, great job.


Theophony wrote:Guildball figs are great looking , what is on the back of the rat ogre? Is it a misshapen small skaven dude?

Yeah it's a little shrivelled up Skaven with a massive brain.

Finished another mini, this time it's the fourth of my Blightkings, Fly Guy:-

I wonder how many years I've been painting these five dudes? I do know I no longer own some of paints I used on the earlier ones, at least there's only one left.

The mummies are coming along slowly, a bit too slowly, I've got their wrappings finished, but now I'm just concentrating on Scarab Mummy so I don't get fed up of looking at them:-

Still got far too much to do.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/28 18:27:39

Post by: aku-chan

Finally finished the Scarab Mummy (Twisted):-

Had a lot of fun with this one, and I think I'm slowly getting better at painting gems.

Next up, had a dig around in my Games Workshop box to see which Shadespire set I fancied, ended up with Cypher:-

Haven't gotten too far yet, I've mostly been fighting with that wacky double cape look he's rocking.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/06/28 19:14:25

Post by: youwashock

The mummy turned out awesome. Quite an interesting model. The shell just rocks. Nice work.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/13 16:36:45

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:The mummy turned out awesome. Quite an interesting model. The shell just rocks. Nice work.


The hot weather has slowed down my painting, but I'm still beavering away.
Cypher is getting there:-

Just his fancier gun and backpack to go.

Also, I fancied painting something with lots of skin, so dug out a Kingdom Death girl, the Rawhide Dame:-

Only problem is, I seem to have forgotten how to paint flesh.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/14 03:16:52

Post by: youwashock

Looks ok from here. You'll get your skin mojo back. It's one of your strengths.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/14 03:18:00

Post by: Theophony

Yeah, I’m not seeing any bad skin there .

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/22 21:53:52

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!
Her skin doesn't look too bad in the photo, but in hand it's rather blotchy, I think my final glaze of Flesh Wash dried a bit weird in the heat.

It took way too long, but I finally finished Cypher:-

Still ain't great at painting Space Marine armour, but he didn't turn out too badly for a mini I only picked up because of that fancy sword scabbard.

The Rawhide Dame is still getting there slowly:-

I'm quite pleased with the fur trims.

And the Sea Elf King is back on the table:-

Of course I chose to paint his seahorse in colours that are going to need a ton of coats before I get a solid base layer

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/22 22:27:42

Post by: Theophony

I haven’t paid attention to AOS that closely, that sea king isn’t awesome.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/23 00:55:37

Post by: Inevitable_Faith

Theophony did you mean "is" or truly meant "isn't"? I like the see king a lot, looking great, the high contrasting colours are really making him pop. Looking forward to seeing more.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/30 17:52:55

Post by: aku-chan

Theophony wrote:I haven’t paid attention to AOS that closely, that sea king isn’t awesome.

He's going to be so depressed now.

Inevitable_Faith wrote:Theophony did you mean "is" or truly meant "isn't"? I like the see king a lot, looking great, the high contrasting colours are really making him pop. Looking forward to seeing more.


Finished another mini, Kingdom Deaths Rawhide Dame:-

Not my best work, but overall I'm still pretty happy with her.

The Sea Elf King is still on the table:-

It may not look like I've done much, and that's because I haven't.
I totally picked the wrong time of year to work on a big mini.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/30 18:23:19

Post by: Theophony

Definitely IS awesome , stupid autocorrect gets me in more trouble than anything else in life .

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/07/30 19:49:55

Post by: youwashock

Whatta Dame! She looks good. Cypher worked out well, too. Nice move going with green armor. I like the extra bit of color.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/04 17:31:17

Post by: Wirecat

Bright, neat and clean - very nice pieces!

Actually, You took me by surprise with these plain brown cloaks Aku-chan. I was sincerely expecting tear and wear on the edge, contrast between hide on one side and skin on the other... But just doing a believable brown is more than good here.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/12 18:37:21

Post by: aku-chan

Theophony wrote:Definitely IS awesome , stupid autocorrect gets me in more trouble than anything else in life .

youwashock wrote:Whatta Dame! She looks good. Cypher worked out well, too. Nice move going with green armor. I like the extra bit of color.


Wirecat wrote:Bright, neat and clean - very nice pieces!

Actually, You took me by surprise with these plain brown cloaks Aku-chan. I was sincerely expecting tear and wear on the edge, contrast between hide on one side and skin on the other... But just doing a believable brown is more than good here.

Honestly I think weathered leather capes are some what beyond me, I'm still struggling to highlight them properly.

Still not painting as much as I'd like but I'm making progress slowly on things.

Sea Elf King:-

After a couple failed attempts painting his fish, I've been concentrating on the King himself lately.

I've also added Pigsy (Twisted) to the desk:-

He's been a lot of fun to paint so far.

And, when my hands have been too shaky to do any detail work, I've been prepping my Shadespire minis (Gotta make a start on them with Season 3 on the horizon).
Started painting my first one today, Jailer Ghost:-

I know I should be batch painting these guys, but I've learnt that I just don't work that way.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/12 22:42:16

Post by: Theophony

Watching my autocorrect......

Pigsy is interesting, is his pistol attached to a rake?

Also neat take on the ghost, different color scheme than I’m used to seeing, almost looks like a nice ghost instead of an evil undead guy. Maybe call him Casper .

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/13 02:20:51

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Lots of cool models on here that I haven’t seen before. You do a great job on your skin tones and hair.


Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/19 19:56:40

Post by: aku-chan

Theophony wrote:Watching my autocorrect......

Pigsy is interesting, is his pistol attached to a rake?

Also neat take on the ghost, different color scheme than I’m used to seeing, almost looks like a nice ghost instead of an evil undead guy. Maybe call him Casper .

Yes, yes it is.
If I read his game card correctly, it actually shoots the rake at people.

The ghost had a little change of direction, he probably looks a bit more evil now.

The Riddle of Steel wrote:Lots of cool models on here that I haven’t seen before. You do a great job on your skin tones and hair.



Still making slow progress on everything.

The Elf King is the slowest:-

I'm pretty desperate to not have to go back to fish painting, so I've been taking my time, but all I've got left to do on the King (for now) is his gems.

Pigsy is getting there much faster:-

Just his pistols left.
Although I want to know why a pig-man is carrying a string of sausages.

Jailer Ghost just needs his base doing now:-

He's had a pretty big colour scheme rethink.
Originally, he was going to be whatever colour Nighthaunt Gloom is, but I got a bad pot of it (I think), and it prompted me to put a bit more thought into it.
So now every ghost is going to get a red robe with a different coloured hood.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/19 22:04:48

Post by: youwashock

A gun...that fires rakes...ok, I'm good with that.

I love the richness of the ghost's robes combined with the worn metal. Great look.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/26 15:06:53

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
A gun...that fires rakes...ok, I'm good with that.

I love the richness of the ghost's robes combined with the worn metal. Great look.

Yeah, being forced to put a bit more thought into my ghost scheme seems to have paid off.

Finally got something finished! Pigsy (Twisted) is all done:-

Had a lot of fun with this one.

And Jailer Ghost (Warhammer Underworlds) is also done:-

Also had fun on this one, but he makes me feel like I'm being really lazy when it comes to basing my other minis.

Apart from getting those done, not a lot of painting has been happening (it's too dang hot again). All I've done hobbywise is assemble my Gigalion (Kingdom Death) set:-

Really looking forward to painting these guys.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/08/26 16:46:03

Post by: youwashock

Coincidently, I look forward to you painting those guys.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/02 22:43:39

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
Coincidently, I look forward to you painting those guys.

Hopefully I don't disappoint.

With the weather starting to cool down, I can get back to painting.
Still chugging along with the Elf King:-

I've finally accepted that I'm never going to get this one looking particularly good, so I can make progress now instead of endlessly fiddling with it.
Was hoping to get the fish finished today, but I managed to forget it had a mouth.

New to the table, I have Ballista (Guildball):-

It's early days at the moment.
And the Glade Guardian (Warhammer Underworlds):-

Decided to rotate through my Underworld sets, so I don't get fed up of painting similar things.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/03 01:21:51

Post by: youwashock

Like so many artists, you sell your own skills short.

Elf fish is looking grand. I keep seeing it as some sort of kirin rather than an ocean creature. Celestial rather than aquatic.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/03 01:28:54

Post by: Theophony

Elf King is looking great.

Piggy is fantastic Are those sausages sticking out of the back of his trousers sick

I look forward to your take on the Ylthari’s Guardians for inspiration.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/10 16:36:09

Post by: aku-chan

youwashock wrote:Like so many artists, you sell your own skills short.

Elf fish is looking grand. I keep seeing it as some sort of kirin rather than an ocean creature. Celestial rather than aquatic.

It looks okay in these little pictures, but up close you can really see how sloppy the paint job is.

Theophony wrote:Elf King is looking great.

Piggy is fantastic Are those sausages sticking out of the back of his trousers sick

I look forward to your take on the Ylthari’s Guardians for inspiration.

Yeah, I don't think I want to know why Pigsy is carrying a string of sausages with him.

You insprired me with the Guardians, I too am going with the Wooden Elf Cyborg look.

Made a little bit more progress on everything.
No pictures for the Elf King, finally got him to the point where I could glue on his cape, but haven't gotten any paint on it yet.

Ballista is getting there slowly:-

Still got all his little tools and things to do.

The Glade Guardian is the furthest along:-

His axe took up a lot of thinking time. Originally it was going to look like it was made of wood, but then I thought perhaps that would be too much wood overall, plus I really like using my metallic paints.
Just his sprite and base to go, so hopefully this one will wrap up during the week and I can start another ghost.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/10 16:42:53

Post by: youwashock

That bold blue on the tree-elf is a neat choice. Adds a lot of pop. The skin looks good and the choice to go metal for the axe I think will be a good one.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/16 19:06:39

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
That bold blue on the tree-elf is a neat choice. Adds a lot of pop. The skin looks good and the choice to go metal for the axe I think will be a good one.


Got two minis finished, Ballista (Guild Ball):-

Had a lot of fun painting up all his little details.

And the Glade Guardian (Warhammer: Underworlds):-

Really pleased with this guy, I think he's one of my better paint-jobs.

On the desk, the Elf King is in the final stretch:-

He's fully assembled now, so, hopefully, I should get him finished this week.

I've also added two new minis, I'm back to the ghosts set now so I've gone with the Hanging Ghost:-

I also got a Kingdom Death guy, Mr. Lovely Locks:-

Early days on both of these.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/25 22:36:47

Post by: aku-chan

It feels like I've been painting him forever, but I finally finished painting Volturnos the Sea Elf King (Warhammer AOS):-

Not my best work, but he's done so I'm happy.

Mr Lovely Locks is getting there:-

As is the latest Ghosty:-

If I work hard I might have them done next week sometime.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/25 23:21:02

Post by: Meer_Cat

The Sea Elf Lord is terrific- I'm particularly struck by the detail on the scales and the shading on the cloak. I can see why this one felt like forever- lots of close detail work here- very nicely done.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/26 00:24:29

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Volturnos came out QUITE impressive. Nice job!

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/26 01:39:53

Post by: youwashock

Man, that Sea King came out rad.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/30 16:47:28

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

I'm glad people like him, even though I'm not too keen.

So, I was going to do an update when Mr. Lovely Locks was finished (he's so close!), but I don't know how much painting I'll get done this week so you'll have to settle for just the Hanging Ghost (Warhammer:- Underworlds):-

Two down, five-ish to go.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/09/30 17:36:03

Post by: Theophony

Sorry for infrequent responses, my work schedule was topsy turvey for a bit and most of my posting was I never quick order.

Guildball Ballista guy is great, the wood grain on his quiver is excellent work.
Goldi-locks is fantastic, almost want to get one to paint him as the Ultimate Warrior from wrestling .
Elf-King is great, I hadn’t looked much at the Idoneth range, but he is a nice center piece.

I think I’m going to repaint all my ghosts , I liked how they looked initially with the Nhalik oxide, but I’ve seen so many nice ones like yours and with this months painting competition being “Scary” I can redo some ghosts.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/04 12:40:37

Post by: aku-chan


Yeah, whoever sculpts for Guild Ball does a really nice, easily paint-able wood grain.

I liked your ghosts! they looked like proper spooky ones, I think mine are a bit too colourful.

Managed to get a bit more painting time in this week, so Lovely Locks (Kingdom Death) is finished:-

The fur trim could've gone better (I think my Vallejo Grey Wash is getting a bit old and gloopy), but I am really pleased with his skin, those are some of my best abs!

New to the table, Mulch (and Slimex) has returned:-

Hopefully I'll actually get them finished this time.

And the Glade Witch:-

Really should not have attached her to her base before painting , but at least I got the hard parts done without making a mess.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/04 13:17:43

Post by: youwashock

The Kingdom Death rockstar looks awesome. Great start on the witch.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/04 14:33:48

Post by: Theophony

I know what you mean about the glade witch and hard to paint. Luckily I hadn’t glued mine to the base, still didn’t help the paint job.

The skin on the Rockstar is really well done.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/14 22:17:15

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

Didn't get as much painting time as I wanted this week, but made a little bit of progress on everything.

Mulch is almost finished:-

The little dangling dude is the roadblock at the moment, I wanted him orange so it's taking a lot of layers.

Glade Witch is also almost finished:-

It's mostly just her critter left.

Also added the mighty Mash (Guild Ball) to the table:-

Had a bit of a disaster with his skin (the Flesh Wash dried really dark for some reason), but I managed to get it back to something passable.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/15 13:09:47

Post by: youwashock

The Glade Witch looks really good. The eyes really draw your attention to her face. Mash is a brilliant model. Looking forward to seeing him done.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/21 22:44:19

Post by: aku-chan

 youwashock wrote:
The Glade Witch looks really good. The eyes really draw your attention to her face. Mash is a brilliant model. Looking forward to seeing him done.

Thanks! I seriously need to practise painting eyes, took way too many attempts to get those dots in there.

So, finished the Glade Witch (Warhammer: Underworlds):-

These Tree People continue to paint up well for me, and with only two more to do, I might actually get the set finished by the end of the year.

I also finished Mulch, but he'll get nice piccys when I've finished Slimux:-

Who still has a little ways to go.

Mash is almost finished:-

Just needs shoes.

Also started my next ghost:-

It's early days.

And I've also got some Gnomes (Reaper) on the go:-

Wanted to see what Reapers Bones Black material was like on smaller models, while their Bone 5 Kickstarter was going on, so far I'm rather impressed (Casting-wise they may actually be better than some of the rather poor metal minis I've got from them recently).

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/22 03:57:49

Post by: youwashock

Good stuff. The expression on the lady-gnome is all business. Very effective.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/28 20:50:54

Post by: aku-chan


Got some more stuff finished!
Mash (Guild Ball) is done:-

Skin didn't look as bad as I thought it would after I got everything finished, so I'm quite pleased with him.

Also finished Slimux and Mulch (Warhammer):-

Very happy to finally get this one done, the fact it looks decent too is just a nice bonus.

Most of my painting time this week went to getting those guys finished, but both the Ghost:-

And the Gnomes:-

Have progressed a little bit.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/28 21:30:48

Post by: tzurk

Those Guild Ball minis are awesome! I’ve never seen them before and I want all of them for DnD...

I love your painting work mate, clean and vibrant - lovely palettes. The eyes on the snail are a nice touch

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/10/28 23:14:37

Post by: youwashock

Snail and rider are fabulous. So quirky, and the colors are just great. The base is really well done. All the grass makes them feel like some twisted lawn ornament getting ready to bring plague to a fairy garden.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/11/04 20:30:14

Post by: aku-chan

Thanks guys!

More finished minis!
My third Ghost (Warhammer Underworlds):-

The green didn't come out too good (none of my dark Vallejo colours work that well), but the rest went okay.

And a pair of Gnomes (Reaper):-

These were so much fun to paint up! And I finally seem to be getting over my PVC snobbishness.

So three new minis on the desk.
Tzandi (Twisted):-

So many tiny details!

Lady Fancy Hair (Kingdom Death):-

Slightly less tiny details!

And Lady Vulnavia - Space Pirate! (Warhammer 40K):-

Again with the tiny details!

Early days on all three, so it could be a while before anything gets finished.

Painting towards a brighter tomorrow! @ 2019/11/04 20:51:36

Post by: youwashock

Exciting new stuff in the works! The gnomes came out great, as well.