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Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:13:54

Post by: Frozocrone

I've decided to stop playing and painting 40k for the time being. The reasons why mainly me becoming tired of the imbalance in the game and generally getting no enjoyment from the hobby,. Why spend my time and money into something that clearly isn't doing any good for my wellbeing? There is no answer that could convince me otherwise, even when I forced myself to paint to try and enjoy it.

That said, I'm not selling my models, they'll probably go back into my attic for if I do decide to start again, then I don't have to buy all the stuff required to start.

I'm curious, how many people have been tempted or have actually quit the hobby? Poll included for answers, possibly left out some response options.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:16:12

Post by: Azreal13

You realise posting this in 40K Discussion is going to skew the result somewhat?

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:18:37

Post by: Frozocrone

Yeah, I didn't think it through xD I'm not sure where it could have gone. Wasn't sure about Dakka discussions.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:20:02

Post by: Azreal13

There's a Polls section...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, and I think there's scope for a "I've stopped for now, but hope to find a way back some day should things change" sort of flavour answer, as that's what I've done.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:22:09

Post by: Frozocrone

I can't believe I've missed that sub-forum.

Edit: knew I missed an option - added.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:31:56

Post by: wuestenfux

I play less these days since WMH is also part of my weekly games.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:32:44

Post by: Davor

I have quit many times. I come back when I feel like it. Just like you I didn't get rid of anything and I am so glad I did.

While I don't play no more, I do like to paint and model. It's sad that us geeks and nerds are so toxic and GW is so incompetent it does take the fun and enjoyment out of the hobby.

When I become less enthused I just take a break, or even long breaks. Eventually I do pick up a mini to paint again.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 19:41:53

Post by: durecellrabbit

I like painting my models and it might be a bit narcissistic but I like to display all my painted models so I can admire them however I'm not really in hurry to play actually play the game.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 20:04:56

Post by: Ratius

I quit after 2nd ed and came back circa late 4th. Been playing since then and overall enjoying things. However I wouldnt rule out another periodic break. Havent been playing as much of late due to RL stuff.
Having said that, I still enjoy the game (despite a lot of flaws), love the models and armies I have and enjoy painting when the mood takes me.

tl, dr probably not.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 20:24:46

Post by: Nerazim

I stopped in my late teens when other interests took over and I kinda just stopped playing / painting.

Got back into it now I have more money and my own place. Hobby stuff is good for unwinding.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 20:29:51

Post by: djphranq

I've taken breaks before... But I always come back...

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 20:37:45

Post by: bocatt

I quit cold turkey. Wanted to find other new games to play. I did. But now the Genestealer Cult has sucked me back in.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/12 20:40:39

Post by: Chute82

I haven't played 40k in a few years, the December to remember during 6th was my final straw. I still paint models for my orks but haven't bought anything new for them from GW in 4 years. Most of my new ork purchase have been kromlech.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/13 04:34:42

Post by: -Loki-

I wouldn't say I 'quit'. I haven't played in a few years when I started playing other games for many various reasons (price, game balance, amount of models required, etc). I'm very open to coming back - I really love my Tyranids, and didn't sell them when I stopped playing. But GW would need to make some serious changes, which for various reasons I don't see them making. But my Tyranids will sit around, waiting for the day.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/13 04:49:54

Post by: ZergSmasher

I'm never going to quit. I enjoy the game even with its flaws. Plus, I enjoy the story and of course the painting/modelling side.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/13 06:35:25

Post by: toasteroven

Stopped, been a year or so since I played, probably more than that since I played anything in the current edition. Unless I can get some sort of oldhammer going where I'm at, that's not going to change. The direction they're taking the game is not one that interests me.

And I've gone from liking parts of the setting to loathing the whole thing, which definitely drops my interest too.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/13 08:37:11

Post by: Sanka

GW has shown an ability to screw up new codexes by overpowering the army. So most of the time the latest army has a higher chance of winning. But i stil enjoy modeling and the ocasional game. Thank Mork for not having to much powerplayers in our club.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/13 09:27:40

Post by: Silent Puffin?

I stopped shortly after 3rd hit, I didn't like the direction that the game has taken and modern 40K has absolutely no interest for me.

If 40K should ever go back to its roots as a skirmish game (with actual skirmish game rules and model counts) then I will be interested.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/13 22:02:51

Post by: Boggy Man

I stopped for a year after the last AM and Orks dexes hit. (Plopped?)
But I still painted and modeled for others or myself whenever the mood struck. After the 7th ed rules got more fleshed out i realized I had enough for a small army so I got back in.

My advice is put it on the back burner and find something else like KOW or malifaux small enough to keep your interest in ttg alive while not being overwhelming.

Remember, 40k has never been balanced; 7th edition is about finding a cool group of friends and then whipping up whatever mulligan stew army strikes your fancy. After a few months break something just might.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/13 23:02:35

Post by: -Loki-

 Boggy Man wrote:
Remember, 40k has never been balanced

This doesn't mean it can't be. It just means they don't want to. Considering Rick Priestleys remarks about the marketing department calling the shots on a units rules, it also likely means it won't ever be.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/03/14 06:06:17

Post by: chromedog

Yes. I stopped playing 40k three years ago for good after about 25ish years (started in 1987 with Rogue Trader). I stopped the churn and burn edition release cycle.
Does it mean I sold all my stuff?
No. Models and game rules in my paradigm are two separate things. The models for one are not restricted to ONLY being used with that one.
I downsized and kept the models I liked, but unless there's a serious regime change and total rewrite of the rules I'll play the odd older-edition ruleset game 5th ed) but I'm otherwise out of the game.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/11 10:33:55

Post by: Meos

I used to play as a early-teen/teen (time of the third edition) but as is common for that age other hobbies and interest replaced miniatures as time went by. A couple of years back, while visiting a friend of mine he managed to convince me to try it out again. I decided to go for something that i thought would be simple, a GK terminator set. Slowly things got out of hand and now i hoard Imperial Armour books and Codices with an ever increasing pool of project pooling up as well as being worked on.

However, when i got back to the hobby i decided i would not give a damn about the competitive aspect of the hobby, instead building armies that fit themes. I personally don't even understand the point with serious competition in a hobby which mostly revolves around things other than the actual tabletop games played. For me points and lists are there to create vague guidelines, the games are played for the stories that unfold and that is why I'm really pleased with the way GW decided to go for formations and more choice in force organization. I also tell my friends to shut up when they start the bickering about GW messing the game up, and tell them to consider the tonnes of awesomeness instead. I mean, as a hobbyist, we get to choose what we want from the huge pool of lore and products available. Most importantly one should not judge his friends on their choices (not even if they happens to like the centurions).

In regards to building and painting. Why force it? So what if you don't want to paint for a month or even a year. It's your hobby, and it belongs to you and nobody else and it should be your escape form worries, not the cause of them.

Don't worry, take it easy.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/11 16:37:35

Post by: SkavenLord

I didn't really care much for imbalance (I actually really like 6th), but I felt it had somewhat of a slow pace. Time constraints are also being more prevalent, so there's that too.
Still, the fluff is what keeps me coming back. I still find a coolness factor by throwing some of the things the armies have at each other.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/11 23:33:33

Post by: flamingkillamajig

I left 40k for warhammer fantasy as it was good in ways 40k was not. There were no space marines (which were mary sue in every level built with young boys in mind), the setting was too grimdark and emo and took itself far too seriously (fantasy though serious at times had many moments of comedy dark or otherwise), the lack of diversity of armies played (generally space marines were always played at the time but usually it's the 2-3 most OP armies of the game) and finally the power gamers.

Fantasy dies and they mostly kill off what I enjoyed about the game. I come back to 40k and find the faction I want to play (dark eldar) in desperate need of a power increase, people even more so playing the OP lists of the OP factions, space marines still being poster boys of the game (though thankfully not played as much far as I've seen) and maybe the setting takes itself slightly less seriously.

I could totally see myself leaving GW completely or just playing against less power gamer heavy factions. Seriously you know something's wrong when one of the power gamers does double stormsurge in like 1500 to 2000 pts game. It's a game of centerpiece models and not much else. The army tactics are just not there anymore. OP centerpiece models for really high prices. I just can't get into that. Tell me it's tactical all you want but I just don't care about some dude spending 5-10 times as much auto-winning.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/12 13:27:32

Post by: djones520

I've shifted largely over to 30K. I guess it is technically still "40K" but it's really not.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/12 13:33:53

Post by: SharkoutofWata

Pulled out until my local meta gets past their current tournament or I spend the money to build my Necrons up to where they should be. For now, none of the other armies' tournament quality lists interest me and I will only run armies I really like to see. If Tyranids get a good update, that would do it too.

I can't even bring myself to buy the Genestealer Cult... I'm pretty friggin run down on spending more money on models I can't even put on the table for longer than Turn 1...

But, once my meta changes back to the friendly casual way it once was, I'll be back.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/12 18:31:39

Post by: Da Boss

Stopped playing pretty much after 5th to be honest. I bought the Dark Vengeance set when I moved to Germany but never finished painting it and never played a game with the new rules.

7th edition does not appeal to me at all, I don't like all the ginormous new models being part of the core game because I think they just look silly on a standard 6' x 4' table.

I'm pessimistic that it will ever swing back around to the kind of game I like, but I'm keeping my models in any case. If it does become more my cup of tea, I will probably jump back in - there have been a number of nice plastic Ork kits released, and I do love 40K Orks. Until then, the models will sit in storage.

Edit to add: This is exactly the process I went through with Warhammer Fantasy as well - though I did play a couple of games of 8th before deciding it wasn't for me.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/12 19:10:15

Post by: Frozocrone

I'm selling a lot of my models. Only keeping my Orks and Blood Angels. So my Tyranid collection, which must be at least 3k - 4k points by now, is all going on eBay. The internal balance actually caused me to hate the first army that I picked up. I don't like using the word hate, but yeah, no desire to play them. Only reason I've not put it on yet, is because the Nids don't have an official 7th edition Codex. If it's a copy and paste job from their current book, it's all going online. Might as well cut my losses.

I have a lot of Infinity to assemble anyway. Enjoy it much more. My mates and I had about 150 points worth of games for Infinity (playing through Icestorm while we get rules down). We ended up managing to fit in two missions in the time it took for my other mates to finish a 750 point game of 40k.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/12 19:16:28

Post by: Kaiyanwang

Finished my aspect warriors army, new paradigm of updates hit, no way to plan games back home (CSM and Ork players quit, only tau remained), AoS hit (contempt for GW increased).

I ended quitting. I will finish the eldar eventually, but buying from ebay. I started lotr (still ebay generally) and I happier with the models. Building armies for my friends an me now

I could come back (I will still finish the eldar I have) I just feel sick thinking about my friends with CSM and orks and my old WFB group. I just don't feel giving money to GW now, barring the paints (I have many of those, I like some and I do not want to buy all from scratches - I can sell the Eldar eventually).

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/04/13 13:34:29

Post by: Herzlos

I've pretty much given up; I'm painting other stuff, and haven't played it since 7th Ed dropped. I'm not going to sell off my entire army though, so I might pick it up in future.

I'll get round to finishing painting too, but it's about 30 years down the backlog.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/05/12 11:16:21

Post by: thegreatchimp

Came back to the hobby after a 14 year break. Read the rules, started ammending some things my playing group didn't like. Realised there's more I dislike than like about the rules. Am writing up my own generic sci fi rules. Will continue to buy and use GW models though.

I don't think the rules are un-fun or anything, Just often illogical and written with little regard to balance and tactical gameplay. And the amount of material is increasingly expansive (and therefore expensive) to keep up with.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/05/12 12:01:45

Post by: malamis

The speculative loss of the Vendetta hit me hard and caused me to rethink what GW is doing to IG, since i'm really not that fussed about being a cutting edge marine player.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/05/13 03:23:27

Post by: -Loki-

Ha, they're finally getting rid of the Vendetta? Took them long enough.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/05/13 05:51:34

Post by: BigWaaagh

Left WH40K 4 years ago and haven't looked back. Okay, I I've looked back, around and forward, but nothing has got me to return to the 40K gaming fold. I still have painted armies for 'Nids, SM, IG and Orks. I highly doubt I'll ever get rid of them, but who knows. That doesn't stop me from still collecting miniatures that strike my fancy...like Knights!

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/06/13 10:23:31

Post by: Soldier0Fortune

I personally used to play weekly, and paint whenever I had the mix of time and inspiration.

My local Store underwent some changes which drastically changed the clientelle and a lot of the regular visitors became ghosts, and a lot of hyper competitive players stayed, creating a very unfriendly and pretty boring environment. Once deciding I didnt wanna make the travel to play 3 turns of getting my behind whooped, I became purely a painter for pleasure.

However I will admit, the more time goes on the less motivated I am becoming and my extremely poor completed model output is reflecting this.

The Blacklibrary fiction books though, I dont think I'll ever stop reading. I just love the Warhammer 40k Universe too much Nothing beats bunkering down and reading about the mayhem and heroic antics of the characters of the 41st millenium

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/06/13 15:12:45

Post by: Da krimson barun

Bought an ork army and gave up fairly quickly. I think the game is a mess.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/14 13:59:44

Post by: Strombones

I still buy their stuff from time to time to use in home-brew skirmish games but I haven't played by the book since early in 6th.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/14 15:00:46

Post by: odinsgrandson

 Frozocrone wrote:

I'm curious, how many people have been tempted or have actually quit the hobby? Poll included for answers, possibly left out some response options.

It has been a very long time since I've played 40k, but I am very far from leaving the hobby. I play games with miniatures two to three times a week, and I paint with an unreasonable percentage of my free time (not just professional time).

I still paint GW minis- even 40k minis from time to time. In fact, I'm working on restoring a Space Crusade set.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/20 07:38:33

Post by: nou

I started in 2nd ed, played for a couple of years (mostly small skirmish back then due to limited budget), but deeply enjoyed the game and fluff. Then 3rd ed happened and I just couldn't adapt to the huge crippling of the game. Stayed a while longer with Necromunda, but struggled with finding players, so I finally left, but kept all my minis.

I go back a year ago and I must say, that I deeply enjoy 7th ed, exactly because all that "bloated mess" and randomness people keep complaining about. It feels a lot more like 2nd ed now and I can "sink" into it just like I did back then, which was impossible for me in 3rd (and from what I gathered i would not enjoy 4th and 5th ed also)...

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/14 19:10:50

Post by: odinsgrandson

You might have enjoyed 4th. Honestly, I think GW drifted away from the

i started in 2nd, like you, and was shocked when 3rd ed took away all of our cool wargear, strategy cards and stuff. Didn't play for a while (did some Mordheim and Battletech in the interrim).

By the time they finished all of the 3rd ed codexes, they had really changed their philosophy away from the minimalism of 3rd, and were moving towards customization of your individual forces:

The Chaos Space Marine, Imperial Guard and Space Marine codexes at the beginning of 4th had tons of neat and fluffy options available. They really moved things away from the vanilla flavor of 3rd.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/14 21:29:27

Post by: NuggzTheNinja

Left 40k at the tail end of 6th. Switched to Infinity and I've never been happier: better models, better rules, better product support.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/14 21:38:31

Post by: Talizvar

I play on occasion with friends only.
Pickup games are for other game systems.
The present game of 40k does not lend itself well to strangers playing together.

I am unsure I could ever completely leave the overall story of 40k.
Too many books, PC games and miniatures for that ever to really happen.
I may complain of GW as a company now, but the body of work the company has put out over the decades is greater than the managers that presently run it.

<edit> I like my science fiction, the mentioned "Infinity" may be the next step outside of Star Wars for me to get into.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/14 23:37:56

Post by: Phydox

Played a lot during 3.5 to 4th. During the Golden Age of Chaos.

I stopped right when 5th came out. Bought rulebook and played 1 game.

6th ed played 1-2 games but still chatted with current players about game.

7th ed. Actually started playing weekly again. Oddly. the closure of a local shop forced me to put together a gaming table and build buy terrain. At the same time because of the stores closure, a friend started playing. Past few seasons we've played a narrative campaign. I write a storyline to follow games and create custom scenarios. I usually build balanced lists for the weekly scenario and divide armies based on who shows..

Its all FAAC, a lot of prep work but Im really enjoying the game more.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/15 01:31:00

Post by: Stormonu

I quit during 2nd - but still collected the models. Came back at the tail end of 5th.

Right now I feel like I have full-up armies and I don't like where the rules have gone, so I haven't been playing 40K. I have instead been working on my own ruleset and intend to include armies from other games (such as AT-43) in my updated rules.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/15 02:40:00

Post by: Ouze

I left 40k after 5th edition, right when 6th came out. I still like assembling the models a lot and I sometimes even paint them, but I haven't out a mini on a table to play a game of 40k in over 4 years.

I haven't bought anything new in a long time - I accumulated enough models prior to quitting that at my assembling and painting pace should last me a decade. I will occaisionally pick up some third party stuff now and then, like Ork stuff from Kromlech or those Necron-ish heroes from that Costa Rican guy on ebay. I think the last GWS kit I bought was one of those big Ork transport mechs, I forget the name - they have 2 variants and transport 6, something like that? And I only bought that because it was half-price on clearance. I've never even opened the box.

The rules are just too much of a mess. GWS really should abandon rules entirely, outsource it to FFG or someone else, and just do models.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/15 03:18:01

Post by: Real News

Not much 40K going on at gaming stores in my state or region these days, so I'm effectively out of the game. The FLGS tends to get resentful when people play games in their store if they're unwilling and unable to pay anything close to retail price for the product. Meanwhile people just don't seem to have fun at games. Everything takes forever, the rules are unwieldy, games are one-sided and players exude a depressed and morose aura. I have more fun sitting down with them and shooting the breeze about GW fluff than actually playing the game.
Can't stand the gamey attitude players are taking toward army list design these days. I'm glad we can't have eldar or skitarii in drop pods anymore, but unfluffy ally combos just make me sad. If players were nerfing themselves by taking Sisters with Marines or CSM with daemons that'd be one thing, but they only seem to do it in the spirit of gaining the advantage. Doesn't prove a lot if you ask me.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/15 03:33:40

Post by: Vitali Advenil

I just got in and I have no plans of getting out. The disadvantages of being orks is getting to me a little, but I've had a history of playing underpowered characters/classes/etc., so it's nothing I'm not used to. Also, I plan on starting a higher-tier army sometime eventually, for when I want to be a bit more meta. I just like the setting, the models, and, oddly enough, my local community to stop.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/15 12:38:12

Post by: Skinnereal

I just cannot be bothered these days.
It's been 3-4 months or so since I played 40k at the regular Saturday afternoon club.
Painting time (when I get around to it) is on Zombicide and other side games, which get played 1-3 times a month.

Basically, gaming is too much trouble, and it's all 40k's fault.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/07/17 08:40:25

Post by: General Annoyance

I left 40k at the start of 7th for a similar reason to many people here; it's just a mess that most of the time doesn't reward both player's time investment. I would be happy to return someday if the game was to somehow fix itself.

So because the game will never be fixed, I've been writing my own game up for use with friends and possibly any locals who want to play it. However I've just moved, so I don't really know anyone in my area, and therefore have stuck with improving my painting skills and dreaming up mad 40k stories.


Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/15 11:20:08

Post by: Just Tony

I voted somewhat since Classichammer wasn't an option. Sticking with 3rd unless something monumental happens.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/15 22:41:56

Post by: LeCacty

Left 40k, started playing Epic, no ragrets.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/16 08:46:21

Post by: tneva82

Yes and no. Yes to the GW official following, no to 40k world. I switched to superior edition aka 2nd ed with some small tweaks. No point keeping models collecting dust so it's either sell models, keep following GW's constant money grabbing strategy or say "screw GW" and go independent. I went independent.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/16 22:42:52

Post by: Imposter101

Sold off my armies sometime during early 7th after playing only a dozen or so games in 6th. The game is pretty garbage in terms of just about everything and I'd lost most of my interest in it. I still enjoy the fluff (I actively moderate a 40k wikia) but I'm not a big fan of how GW handles it's consistency or quality. I now regularly play Flames of War instead. It's got real life bad guys.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/17 09:39:06

Post by: SixT4Pixels

I'm thinking of moving away from 40k to something else, but I haven't stopped outright (yet) because no one near me plays much else other than X-Wing or Armada.

I do really enjoy painting and modelling my 40k minis though.

EDIT: Recently I found a random file on my PC that turns out to be a more "streamlined" version of 40k that my friends and I stopped working on because we just couldn't keep working on it due to school related stuffs I think we were going to use that but never did, probs never will.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/17 12:01:16

Post by: krodarklorr

I've taken multiple hiatuses, usually lasting a few months at a time. Then I get hit with an urge to play, and I play a few games and have fun at first, then get hit with the realization that GW sucks at game balance, prefers certain codexes and couldn't care less about the others, and it just gets to me. Then I go right back to not playing and switching to things like X-wing or back to my PS4.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/20 09:28:09

Post by: DeffDred

I've played maybe 5 games of 40k in the past 6 years. Once everything became flyers and titans I lost all interest in the game. The codexs haven't really been helpful either.

Leaving 40k? @ 2016/08/20 13:52:48

Post by: master of ordinance

I have tried to leave as much as possible but as it is the most played game at my club by a long margin I have remained somewhat, although I do a lot less 40K than before, and I have not purchased a 40K model in several years..

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/03/22 10:15:31

Post by: techsoldaten

I leave and come back.

In college, I was focused on my studies. There was no time for 40k, nor was there interest. Filled the hole with sports, women and poetry (was an English major.)

Did not play for about 8 years. Then my Dad had a stroke and I had to take care of him. Painting models was therapy. Slid back in during 5th edition.

During this time, a friend opened a FLGS. Operated at a serious loss. Helped him to build a community, which lasted until 7th edition came out. A lot of players decided to boycott. Except for the occasional game, I stopped playing with anything but 2nd edition / 4th edition rules (which I guess means stepping away.)

Started playing 7th edition with the release of Traitor's Hate. Am not too enamored with the game in it's current form but am optimistic about 8th edition. Feels like GW may have learned some lessons / got rid of some of the people that were holding it back.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/03/22 12:23:42

Post by: Quarterdime

I took a hiatus, but never left. I've entertained the idea, but ultimately here I am.

Also, the results seem to be quite a spread.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/03 01:34:25

Post by: gummyofallbears

I took an almost year long break, and came back to some really intense changes.

I am probably gonna be taking another beak from 40k to focus mainly on 30k and Shadow War Armageddon (it looks fun...?)

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/03 08:42:53

Post by: Dakka Wolf

Work gets in the way, my collection is getting a bit big for storage, fluff is getting kind of crummy, too many things are getting released as e-books and I hate reading on the phone, tablet, computer...I think about quitting for some reason or other every time I look at my stuff.
Then I see my gaming group and don't want to.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/03 10:02:51

Post by: wuestenfux

Well, I decided to stop buying and painting. My armies are half way (Eldar and Necrons are fine and painted, while 30k Marines are totally unpainted including Angron). Painting takes a lot of time and I'm busy with other things atm.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/03 10:04:16

Post by: SagesStone

I've taken a few breaks now and then from it.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/23 14:55:55

Post by: Andross

I'm a but shakey with where things stand at the moment. so Ipicked option 2.

I've been playing this game for 24 years. I got the 2nd edition starter set for my 12th birthday, I already had Hero Quest from two Christmas' prior, I scooped my orks, Blood Angels and wargear cards and bang I was well and truly hook.

I have never missed a single eedition but I'm worried the game might be going somewhere even I can't go.

When Worhammer became Age of Shitemar (that's not a typo) I got rid of everything I couldn't covert for 40K. Just so you know how painful a stab in guts this was I had 5 different armies all painted by me to a displaay standard and all I could save were my daemons, maybe half my chaos wariors and my witch elves which became hekatrix bloodbrides. The rest of the collection about £3,000 worth went ebay and at games fares.

Now it looks like the bloody idiots are going to do with 40K, and sunk more like 20,000 into that games system.

Games Workshop are disloyal to their fan base, and don't care anything but money. They know that most people can't afford to put the amount of money I have into the and then get rid of it all when the game becomes unplayable.

What I will probaly do is take the 7 rule books I have and use them to creat a decent set of rules and play using those.

Either way I willl wait and reserve judgment till I've played with the new rules, but if it turns out to be Age of Stinkmar in space it's going to be utter dog's vomit.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I'm a but shakey with where things stand at the moment. so Ipicked option 2.

I've been playing this game for 24 years. I got the 2nd edition starter set for my 12th birthday, I already had Hero Quest from two Christmas' prior, I scooped my orks, Blood Angels and wargear cards and bang I was well and truly hook.

I have never missed a single eedition but I'm worried the game might be going somewhere even I can't go.

When Worhammer became Age of Shitemar (that's not a typo) I got rid of everything I couldn't covert for 40K. Just so you know how painful a stab in guts this was I had 5 different armies all painted by me to a displaay standard and all I could save were my daemons, maybe half my chaos wariors and my witch elves which became hekatrix bloodbrides. The rest of the collection about £3,000 worth went ebay and at games fares.

Now it looks like the bloody idiots are going to do with 40K, and sunk more like 20,000 into that games system.

Games Workshop are disloyal to their fan base, and don't care anything but money. They know that most people can't afford to put the amount of money I have into the and then get rid of it all when the game becomes unplayable.

What I will probaly do is take the 7 rule books I have and use them to creat a decent set of rules and play using those.

Either way I willl wait and reserve judgment till I've played with the new rules, but if it turns out to be Age of Stinkmar in space it's going to be utter dog's vomit.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 flamingkillamajig wrote:
I left 40k for warhammer fantasy as it was good in ways 40k was not. There were no space marines (which were mary sue in every level built with young boys in mind), the setting was too grimdark and emo and took itself far too seriously (fantasy though serious at times had many moments of comedy dark or otherwise), the lack of diversity of armies played (generally space marines were always played at the time but usually it's the 2-3 most OP armies of the game) and finally the power gamers.

Fantasy dies and they mostly kill off what I enjoyed about the game. I come back to 40k and find the faction I want to play (dark eldar) in desperate need of a power increase, people even more so playing the OP lists of the OP factions, space marines still being poster boys of the game (though thankfully not played as much far as I've seen) and maybe the setting takes itself slightly less seriously.

I could totally see myself leaving GW completely or just playing against less power gamer heavy factions. Seriously you know something's wrong when one of the power gamers does double stormsurge in like 1500 to 2000 pts game. It's a game of centerpiece models and not much else. The army tactics are just not there anymore. OP centerpiece models for really high prices. I just can't get into that. Tell me it's tactical all you want but I just don't care about some dude spending 5-10 times as much auto-winning.

No one has played ISM since maybe 4th edition. fielding Imperial Space Marines is like taking a modern machanised forced back to the 12th century. Funny for the first fight, pointless after that

a total nube with training wheels on could take a vanilla space marines army and give me (no to blow my own trumpet but) tactically superior player a real hard time.

I think a sound analogy would be a game of chess where the ISM Player starts the game with 1 king and 15 queens.

As for modern Tau mech and markeright combos there is no curse in any tongue damning enough to discribe them.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/24 07:52:34

Post by: Skinnereal

I'm leaving 7th-ed 40k until 8th-ed drops.
So, since 8th is supposedly using very similar rules to ShadowWars:A, I'll play that instead.
If 8th fails, I'll go back.

But, "Leaving 40k?":
Yes, but not for long.
I hope.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/26 00:02:45

Post by: Megaknob

I've come back from 5th

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/04/26 08:36:20

Post by: Skinnereal

 Megaknob wrote:
I've come back from 5th
But, what version are you playing just now?
Still 5th, or you've moved up to 6th or 7th?

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/05/24 14:50:31

Post by: Lobokai

Those that think AoS in space would be a bad thing have very confused perceptions of game design and most likely don't understand the state of AoS as it is.

I started 40k in the RT days. Left it when 3.5 bloated to stupidity and then was burned to the ground by 4th. 6/7th was much the same for me. It was good-ish, but then quickly bloated to possibly the worst edition of any in print war game I have ever seen. So bad that my entire club just walked away. I could fill the page with the utter garbage that 7th was and anyone who touts its past year of existence as written and is wanting to keep it over AoS in space has lost any credibility from that point on

I hope 8th can show us a little restraint on GWs part. I've never seen such potential in a new edition before... I just hope that they follow through.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/05/24 17:14:27

Post by: Just Tony

Bloat in 3.5? There wasn't EVEN a 3.5 except the 3rd Ed. codices that were redone, Chaos being the most infamous. And if you think that 3rd was bloated in any way, yet you were fine with 2nd? Maybe bloat doesn't mean what you think it means.

Leaving 40k? @ 2178/01/28 18:17:21

Post by: Inquisitor Lord Bane

I left in 4th Edition, sold my army for an engagement ring for the now wife. I've been following the game the whole time, and partaking in other 40k related things. With the hope of slightly lower prices, and more income, I'm looking to come back just in time for the launch of 8th. Pre-ordering Dark Imperium on the 3rd.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/06/04 18:53:05

Post by: theCrowe

I could say my hiatus is more to do with starting a family and waiting till my two boys are interested in "daddy's toys" beyond just mucking about and breaking them.

That said I did find the advent of breaking out of the 40k pack to be a real eye opener. Playing different games, different scales, historical, RPG. (I know GW have done all these things.) has given my hobby enjoyment a much needed boost.

I still have three over large 40k armies that I'm not for selling but at the same time my most recent dexes and rules are 6th ed!
Same goes for all my WFB collection. AoS, what's that?

Just been enjoying collecting tiny WWII aircraft and Battletech mechs to be too bothered with keeping up with the GWs.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/06/25 21:20:44

Post by: Lazzamore

I played back in 5th as a kid, and left with my brothers. It dropped off my radar until late 7th, when I at last had the money to jump back into the hobby. I was rather disappointed with the state of the game in 7th, so I bought some fantasy orcs for more niche games like Dragon Rampant. But now that 8th has dropped and I tried it and liked it, I think GW will finally deserve some of my money, should it really work out.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/09/04 09:32:06

Post by: Firefox1

Played 2nd with great fun. When 3rd dropped i was really disappointed and left 40k.
My gaming group proposed to play 40k again when 5th came out. We played quite a long time, but i still hated some rules and flyers didn´t do it better. So i dropped.
Watching 6th and 7th i was about to sell my miniatures. Then there was news about a 8th edition.
Now we are playing 40k again and like it so far, best edition since 2nd.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/09/28 10:43:27

Post by: Blackie

I've quit two times from 40k. At the beginning of the 4th (I've started during the 3rd edition), I came back at 5th and abandoned the hobby once again before the 6th dropped and then started again at the beginning of the 7th.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/09/29 04:15:11

Post by: thekingofkings

left 40k because of 8th edition, absolutely cant stand it (only hate AoS more than this edition) will be waiting for 9th edition.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/10/27 14:59:37


durecellrabbit wrote:I like painting my models and it might be a bit narcissistic but I like to display all my painted models so I can admire them however I'm not really in hurry to play actually play the game.

It's like your reading my mind. I'm mostly interested in the models & the hobby aspect of this thing. I only want to paint the great models & not some generic 10+ blue SM.

BigWaaagh wrote:
Left WH40K 4 years ago and haven't looked back. Okay, I I've looked back, around and forward, but nothing has got me to return to the 40K gaming fold. I still have painted armies for 'Nids, SM, IG and Orks. I highly doubt I'll ever get rid of them, but who knows. That doesn't stop me from still collecting miniatures that strike my fancy...like Knights!

Can we be friends? It's funny, but I feel the same way. Love the models but don't really feel like playing with others.

Soldier0Fortune wrote:
... a lot of hyper competitive players stayed, creating a very unfriendly and pretty boring environment. Once deciding I didnt wanna make the travel to play 3 turns of getting my behind whooped, I became purely a painter for pleasure.

The Blacklibrary fiction books though, I dont think I'll ever stop reading. I just love the Warhammer 40k Universe too much Nothing beats bunkering down and reading about the mayhem and heroic antics of the characters of the 41st millenium

Testify my brother! What I want out of this hobby is to only paint glorious models & read great stories. The only GW games I want to play involve an computer or xbox.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/11/07 08:33:22

Post by: ced1106

Never played it but the models are nice, and I have the 3rd edition rules. Or something!

I started with Space Crusade and the other GW miniatures boardgames, and recently picked up Shadow War : Armageddon (?) in a trade.

I'm not sure if I actually bought any GW models, except for some Citadel ones. I think I got almost everything from gamers leaving the hobby!

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/11/07 08:54:51

Post by: Just Tony

odinsgrandson wrote:You might have enjoyed 4th. Honestly, I think GW drifted away from the

i started in 2nd, like you, and was shocked when 3rd ed took away all of our cool wargear, strategy cards and stuff. Didn't play for a while (did some Mordheim and Battletech in the interrim).

By the time they finished all of the 3rd ed codexes, they had really changed their philosophy away from the minimalism of 3rd, and were moving towards customization of your individual forces:

The Chaos Space Marine, Imperial Guard and Space Marine codexes at the beginning of 4th had tons of neat and fluffy options available. They really moved things away from the vanilla flavor of 3rd.

The 3.5 codices were the main reason I switched to fantasy pretty much across the board at the time. What you call vanilla, I called structure, something that was lacking in the games of 2nd I saw, and certainly with the 3.5 books.

Just Tony wrote:I voted somewhat since Classichammer wasn't an option. Sticking with 3rd unless something monumental happens.

And definitely sticking with 3rd for the forseeable future.

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/11/20 08:58:28

Post by: Rygnan

Pretty suitable time for me to post, because I'm almost finished the process of downsizing my Warhammer collection to a single small Ravenwing detachment with a little bit of extras for 40k, and a Blood Bowl team. Bit the bullet and completely wrote off my old Fantasy army, mostly out of acceptance that the things I dislike about Age of Sigmar are only going to get worse (which I'll go into below because it's largely issues I have with GW as a whole), and sold off most of my 40k collection, including my entire Imperial Guard, over 70% of my Dark Angels and the entirety of my 30k Dark Angels.

I have a few reasons for doing this, but here they are:
- Ease of skirmish gaming- I play a huge amount of skirmish games now, especially Batman and Malifaux. The ease of the games (Batman is super easy when you play as many games as often as I do, and even Infinity is easy to remember your own rules for the most part) combined with how quickly I can play (and hobby) makes things so much more appealing than lining up a huge amount of miniatures to just remove half without doing much. The IgoUgo mechanics in GW games is also massively unappealing to me, as it feels far less interactive than the various forms of alternate activation in games I play (or the active/reactive mechanic in Infinity, which is great fun and adds a heap of strategic depth when it comes to movement)
- Massacring of established fluff- I got into Warhammer in the first place for the dark, gothic world that didn't entirely take itself seriously, and the mysteries the galaxy held in a lot of ways kept me thinking constantly about new possibilities. Cut to now, when it's pretty much just over the top superheroic nu-Marines saving the day 24/7 while the oldies get left in the dirt (which yes, was exactly the same as the early AoS fluff I read before I got sick of it and stopped). AoS is a much more significant example, but it's clear GW are trying to reinvent their worlds by tearing down the old one, which isn't the best way to go about it by any means
- Price- obviously a cause for debate, but I'm a uni student in Australia, so the ever increasing pricing is just absurd. That is all
- Rules- Not as big of a complaint, the super simplified rules aren't personally my cup of tea but I can see the appeal behind it
- Balance- Balance in GW games is horrible, plain and simple. There are paradigm shifts, but all they do is make something the new shiny at the expense of something else. Sure, GW appear to be putting in an effort to fix their games now, but I would argue it is smoke and mirrors to conceal the fact they simply can't (as would a great deal of people in Dakka Discussions, it seems). I understand that perfect game balance is unattainable, I'm not an idiot, but all the other games I play currently are far closer (Warmachine is another story, but that's something for a different thread).

I was interested in Shadespire, then they showed the Skaven which were quite frankly underwhelming (and all I'm interested in for that game) so that's out. I am looking forward to seeing the new Necromunda, and I have a few ideas for converting a gang, but I'm not doing anything until I see the rules up close. As it is, I've had more than enough enjoyment out of Batman, Malifaux, Infinity and now recently Bolt Action that I simply don't need to play any GW game, let alone 40k (and in most cases I don't want to play them either)

Leaving 40k? @ 2017/11/22 02:16:59

Post by: DarkBlack

I only play Warhammer (either) if invited to these days.

It's not the experience I'm looking for. 8th is free from the terrible rules structure of 7th making it easy to do, but the experience of the game after that is pretty much the same as 7th and similar to AoS.

I started going downhill after I played quite a bit of 40k for several months and attended a (big for around here) tournament.
The competitive scene around a game that is really not suited to played competitive is awful and 8th is not any better in that regard.
Now I have found better games. Still have my daemons though, I use them in KoW and a game of (still very popular) Warhammer is better than no game (against the right people).

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/02/01 21:39:47

Post by: Private Benjamin

After wearing a suit a tie six days a week as a banker, I became a hippie and went into the orchards so I couldn't bring my hobby with me.

However, small towns had hobby stores and after buying some used Imperial Guard from the owner of a small shop I got right back into it!

The Imperial guard had belonged to a close friend who passed recently, so i thought heck i'll put these to good use

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/06/20 09:26:12

Post by: Pointer5

Private Benjamin that's a great way to keep not just your hobbie going but to keep someone else's hobbie remembered. I don't play much anymore but I keep painting. Jumping on dakka is a way I am looking to expand what I am doing with the hobbie. I can't wait till the ork and space wolves codexes drop. Then I hope to get some casual gaming going.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/08/07 10:17:05

Post by: ValentineGames

 Frozocrone wrote:
or have actually quit the hobby?

I'd never quite the hobby. That'd be silly. Quitting wargaming just because of GW and it's games makes no sense.
But I've definitely quit playing 40k. And have no regrets doing so.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/09 10:33:19

Post by: Mymearan

I mostly play AoS nowadays since I find it more fun, varied and balanced.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/09 14:28:34

Post by: Maniac_nmt

I'm out and have no desire to come back to 40k (I played 3rd and some of 4th edition). I briefly tried to get back in, but by the time I had most of the army assembled, the edition changed (think 6th to 7th). That was it for me after shelling out for rules and models. I still paint some of GW's stuff, or use it in modeling, but the rapidity that 7th and 8th came out with ever rising costs for minis made me hop out.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/09 17:13:23

Post by: Davidian

I haven't played in a long time. Played a campaign argue beginning of 8th to try it out but it's no improvement.

The Last time I enjoyed it was 4th ed with the experimental assault rules? (Or was 4th after 3rd with exp. rules?) t's been a while and my memory has faded.

Either way, I love the universe and it's lore. The primaries marines are an abortion of a faction omho.

Atm I feel like GW is scraping the barrel in terms of rules writing and creativity.

I'm still enjoying painting my FW World eaters. Taking my time with them and doing them well.

No interest in playing though. None whatso ever.
Playing lo5s of other games though.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/24 17:11:50

Post by: K9ofChaos

Haven't had a chance to leave since I haven't started out yet.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/26 19:24:10

Post by: DarkBlack

 DarkBlack wrote:
I only play Warhammer (either) if invited to these days.

It's not the experience I'm looking for. 8th is free from the terrible rules structure of 7th making it easy to do, but the experience of the game after that is pretty much the same as 7th and similar to AoS.

I started going downhill after I played quite a bit of 40k for several months and attended a (big for around here) tournament.
The competitive scene around a game that is really not suited to played competitive is awful and 8th is not any better in that regard.
Now I have found better games. Still have my daemons though, I use them in KoW and a game of (still very popular) Warhammer is better than no game (against the right people).

I have other models to play Kings of War with now (I got two armies to do demos with) and my daemons sit in a box. I have other games to spend time on and just have no desire to get in games of either Warhammer. Plus Infinity has become popular enough that I can use all my hobby time and find a new crowd (when I move) without needing 40k to fall back on.
Listing and potographing my daemons to sell them and pay for new ALEPH, Kings of War Vanguard and to pick up a dead rider.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/27 05:56:36

Post by: NH Gunsmith


It looks like you have you been bit by the Infinity bug as well. I was on the fence about starting up Infinity, and was waiting for the Kill Team rules before making a decision... The day the Kill Team rules dropped, I bought the 300 point Steel Phalanx starter and haven't looked back.

Haven't broken out my 40k stuff in months since I have been playing Infinity, Warmachine/Hordes, and X-Wing. I won't talk trash on other people's games, but I have been having far more fun playing games since I stopped playing GW games for now.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/27 18:19:14

Post by: DarkBlack

 NH Gunsmith wrote:

It looks like you have you been bit by the Infinity bug as well. I was on the fence about starting up Infinity, and was waiting for the Kill Team rules before making a decision... The day the Kill Team rules dropped, I bought the 300 point Steel Phalanx starter and haven't looked back.

Haven't broken out my 40k stuff in months since I have been playing Infinity, Warmachine/Hordes, and X-Wing. I won't talk trash on other people's games, but I have been having far more fun playing games since I stopped playing GW games for now.

The Kings of War bug is my favoured one at the moment, but yes, Infinity is amazing. Itnfinity also seems to be the next biggest after GW, at least where I'm looking. To the extent that always being able to find games for 40k isn't actually a point keeping me playing anymore.

I agree on not trashing other peoples games, I'll speak plainly if it comes up though.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/10/27 18:25:27

Post by: Davidian

CONQUEST has me utterly gripped. It's my new main game and it isn't even released until Q2 next year.... not the Conquest that might have first thought

GW can live long and prosper...


Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/10 22:41:59

Post by: mordoten

Found Epic a few years ago. That has me covered for massive sci-fi battles in the 40K universe. So no more 28mm grimdark for me...

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/11 07:57:52

Post by: DarkBlack

 Davidian wrote:
CONQUEST has me utterly gripped. It's my new main game and it isn't even released until Q2 next year.... not the Conquest that might have first thought

GW can live long and prosper...


Have heard about this and Alessio is a good sign, how is it different from KoW though?

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/11 09:50:30

Post by: An Actual Englishman

I left when I was much younger, around 15. There were a few things that impacted on my decision; peer pressure, other interests taking priority, girls etc but there was a very specific moment when I decided I had had enough.

I had just purchased a grav tank (used to collect Eldar back then, Ulthwe) which was my first heavy vehicle. I also purchased a bottle of GW's own black spray paint. I'm not sure if many will remember this because it predates the internet but GW sold a gloss spray paint back then. As there was no internet there were limited instructions in terms of 'how to use different paints'. I took the tank out of the box and part assembled it, taking great care to do everything correctly. I placed it in a box to spray outside and gently, lovingly laid said box on the floor in my garden. Then I proceeded to hold the model approximately 5 cm away and spray so much paint on this model the details completely disappeared. Gems were lost under a thick, heavy coating of gloss paint. I also expected the paint to be matt, rather than gloss. So I took a knife to the model to try and get the paint off which only scratched it and ruined it further. As I looked at this mess I had made of the largest and most expensive model I'd ever purchased I just rage quit. Right there and then. Literally threw the model across our garden, went upstairs, packed all my gak into boxes and asked my parents to put it in the loft.

So then I kinda had nothing to do with 40k or Fantasy for the next 7-10 years. I'd check on new model releases probably once a year and reminisce about the good old days while fantasising about painting a model half as well as those on the store.

Then the model checks became more frequent. I found myself downloading older codexes and reading them. Suddenly i was invested again. At some point I decided that I wanted to paint a model to a good standard, something I'd never done as a child. I decided to buy a box of Ork boyz because of all the fluff and codexes I had read theirs was my favourite. I watched many tutorials online and eventually repurchased paints from GW. The first Boy I painted took probably 10 hours and was better than all my other, older models (that I still have) combined. Then I did another Boy. Then the rest. Then the Nob. Then I decided I liked the idea of a biker gang of Orks. So got a few boxes of bikes. Got them painted along with a few more Boys and other, supplementary models. Eventually I got 500 pts painted, went to a store and had a game. Then I was hooked. I started pushing 40k on friends like a drug peddler. One had a history with the game so joined also. We found a club to play where we can get drinks and food and now we play once a month, sometimes twice. Sometimes I'll go alone and play the other guys if my bud isn't free.

And that Grav tank that I wrecked? The one that originally made me leave the hobby? I found him again. He's stripped down and is becoming a looted Trukk or trakk for my Boyz as I write this. The circle of hobbying continues.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/11 10:00:23

Post by: Excommunicatus

I played for about a year, '95-'96 and then sold of all my Dark Angels to a mate for £15.

I stayed out until 2010, when a uni housemate roped me back in by lending me Dawn of War. Between 2010 and 2014 I built up sizable Tyranid, Guard, Dark Angels and Blood Angels forces, which all got sold on ebay after I got divorced.

I was out again for less than a year before starting work on an Emperor's Children force based on the old Summoning mechanic. Then I lost my job and they got sold.

When I got a new job I started Slaanesh Daemons, which has turned into a Slaanesh soup I'm still working on here.

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/12 00:25:31

Post by: Davidian

 DarkBlack wrote:
 Davidian wrote:
CONQUEST has me utterly gripped. It's my new main game and it isn't even released until Q2 next year.... not the Conquest that might have first thought

GW can live long and prosper...


Have heard about this and Alessio is a good sign, how is it different from KoW though?

Different from KoW?

Mate, if this was lego technics, kow is duplo XD

Have a scroll through this thread mate... you'll see what I mean. There's a buzz surrounding this game and it's well earned...

There are lore and gameplay videos linked in it


Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/12 04:02:24

Post by: DarkBlack

 Davidian wrote:

Different from KoW?

Mate, if this was lego technics, kow is duplo XD

Have a scroll through this thread mate... you'll see what I mean. There's a buzz surrounding this game and it's well earned...

There are lore and gameplay videos linked in it


In what sense? You could give a short description instead of taking stab at something that I enjoy.

The simplicity of KoW is actually a draw, mastering the game and outhinking your opponent is the hard part, not learning how to play and remembering rules.

Edit: is except Conquest apparently also favours being simple and easy to learn, so not sure what your Lego metaphor is supposed to mean?

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/12 08:48:10

Post by: Davidian

I play KoW too. I have 2 armies and enjoy it also, no offense mate.

In short, it's a modem fast paced rule set that amplifies rank and flank strategy you get in KoW.

It's alternate unit activation (although theres an ability to do some coordinated unit activations). The order you avtivate units is decided by building a command stack (using one card per unit) each turn. Theres no deployment, you just start moving on but it escalates starting with light troops then medium then heavy (some overlap with dice rolls but also hard caps so you can't get totally screwed by dice). As you advance ul the board, your deployment zone follows you up the table edges as flanking deployment zones aswell l...

It is very simple and as a KOW player I really appreciate the simplicity of its component parts but when you add it all up it has brilliant tactical depth and it's really.dynamic. Play never slows down (Not sitting down for 20 mins whilst your opponent takes his turn).

It's hard to wrap it up in one blurb. I recommend watching the lets play videos on Beasts of War (they exclude unit upgrades, terrain and magic to keep it simple) and see what you think. It might not be for you but after having demod it, it so is me!

Edit# To elaborate on the Lego analogy, putting 2 prices of Lego duplo together and putting 2 prices of Lego technics together are just as easy as the other. Only one has more potential in what you can build. (I love a bad analogy XD).

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/12 11:40:21

Post by: DarkBlack

I see. Looks better than Runewars at least.
KoW seems to have more space to do your own thing though, plus I like my fantasy a little Old School.

Seems to lean some concepts from skirmish games, which is interesting and cool, but I already play Vanguard and Malifaux. I have more hobby than time already too.

Looks like fun so enjoy it!

Leaving 40k? @ 2018/11/12 12:48:13

Post by: ValentineGames

Never heard of this.
I shall download the rules.
Allesio Cavatore is certainly something to get excited over

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/01/12 10:52:43

Post by: Woodbro_Chillson

I played the battle for macragge set with a buddy of mine. We never got into building the armies up but from what was in that set we played dozens of games. Fast forward 7 years and now im back into it full force

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/01/12 13:19:04

Post by: Stumme

Kinda. I play once a year and always have a bad experience. Not to mention it's hard for me not to swear, so I always struggle in public hobby stores with kids around. It takes a lot of effort for me to curtail the vocabulary I picked up in the Military and on contracted deployments, sooo... I also find that I'm stumbling into the wrong communities. People just have a bad attitude, and don't let you play with the models you want (like three flyers) because it's unfair and they don't have the right models to counter your strategies. So you take all these models off the board to appease other people in the interest of fairness and fun, and then they stomp your army because you're handicapped and have to play with something less exciting. I've since found other strategies, but every single one I go with seems to ruffle feathers, and the passive aggressive nature of most players I've encountered make the whole experience sour. If I could be drunk while playing, I'd probably have a lot more fun, but then I run into the first issue I described: The F Bomb. I've never had a problem with the rules of the game though, except for when a bolt pistol can take down my Valkyrie Vendettas.

Regardless, I enjoy painting the models more than anything. I bought the DKOK platoon and a ton of the Sisters of Battle look-a-likes from Raging Heroes and they're dope. I can't wait to paint everything. My fiancee even wants to get in on the painting action. Buying some stuff from Secret Weapon Miniatures to make mud and blasted wetlands bases for all of them, too. My next purchases will probably be from Victorian Miniatures- I plan to have a platoon of every Imperial Guard regiment available. I've already got a full platoon of Cadians, a full platoon of Steel Legion, a full platoon of Kasrkins, a full platoon of the new Tempestus Storm Trooper guys, and now DKOK. Since I ever only field about a platoon worth of infantry anyway, it works, and my Cadians can always be my bullet-sponge conscript platoon if I want one. If I do play again, it will NOT be at a Games Workshop. Not only do I refuse to speak the words "Astra Militarum" out-loud, but I also don't like the restrictions on what models I can buy and play with on a table. Way better to support a local hobby store anyway, I suppose.

Also, why people gotta pick on me for playing deep-strike Kasrkin squads!?!? Lmao, they look badass! And half the time, they DO blow up your big tanks in the rear of your formation.


Painting, yes

Playing, maybe

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/04/15 11:49:19

Post by: Lord Royal

I left 40k in 7th, after many many frustrating games that didn't feel right anymore. Now with the ever growing library of books you need to play certain factions I really have no intention to ever come back. My three 3000 point armies are now degraded to a huge bitzbox for my Wastelanders I use in my own system.
I still buy GW-Models from time to time for conversions but I'm just annoyed by GWs dated game mechanics that keep surviving the 90s and the still obviously huge lack of playtests.
I'm really tired of explaining why GW won't ever win a prize for great game design and conjure a shitstorm that way.

I'm more into skirmishers today anyways, but if I look into Kill Team I want to vomit more than I can eat. Too many randomizers for things that shouldn't be random. Randomizers often seem to me as GWs lazy copout for balancing issues. I really grew out of that. Model's are top notch, rules are pathetic. Sry, if someone feels offended, keep on playing that crappy game... as long as you have fun, it's okay... but leave me alone with that bad excuse of a game.

Maybe I come back, if Tom Kirby dies and the game is changed from the ground up. 8th did it already but not enough for my taste. I could come back if GW releases Unit rules for free download that are patched regularly, but to publish changes in a book I have to buy to lookup the changes is shameless imao. Just imagine if a video game would let you pay for a patch! I can almost hear the shitstorm and the call for boykott. I'm a video game designer and would get lynched if I let my customers pay for my fails. Why are you supporting that behaviour? I really can't understand that.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/04/15 16:06:23

Post by: Edd Crumpett

I painted 3 guys, decided they looked terrible, and stopped. Going to paint other things before making $80 look like horsecrap.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/04/29 00:57:24

Post by: Tokhuah

My storage shed now doubles as a tomb world.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/17 12:27:54

Post by: Elian

I've started in 2006 stopped mid '09 started at the end of the 7th and now we're here

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/17 13:49:20

Post by: oni

It's good to get away from things that do not bring you enjoyment. It's also the right call to hold onto your stuff, IMO.

I've seen a lot of people take a break and come back once things have shifted enough. Sometimes their break is short, sometimes its several years, but they always seem to come back eventually; myself included.

I 'quit' shortly after 3rd ed. came out, a lot of people did as it was such a huge change; similar in regards to the change from 7th to 8th edition. But, I came back right at the 4th to 5th ed. change. So for me, that was a full decade hiatus.

It would take quite a bit to get me to quit now, however. Short of GW going fully mental (e.g. pandering to PC culture), I"ll be plugging along until old age catches up to me.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/18 00:47:04

Post by: Gangland

 Stumme wrote:
Kinda. I play once a year and always have a bad experience. Not to mention it's hard for me not to swear, so I always struggle in public hobby stores with kids around. It takes a lot of effort for me to curtail the vocabulary I picked up in the Military and on contracted deployments, sooo... I also find that I'm stumbling into the wrong communities. People just have a bad attitude, and don't let you play with the models you want (like three flyers) because it's unfair and they don't have the right models to counter your strategies. So you take all these models off the board to appease other people in the interest of fairness and fun, and then they stomp your army because you're handicapped and have to play with something less exciting. I've since found other strategies, but every single one I go with seems to ruffle feathers, and the passive aggressive nature of most players I've encountered make the whole experience sour. If I could be drunk while playing, I'd probably have a lot more fun, but then I run into the first issue I described: The F Bomb. I've never had a problem with the rules of the game though, except for when a bolt pistol can take down my Valkyrie Vendettas.

Regardless, I enjoy painting the models more than anything. I bought the DKOK platoon and a ton of the Sisters of Battle look-a-likes from Raging Heroes and they're dope. I can't wait to paint everything. My fiancee even wants to get in on the painting action. Buying some stuff from Secret Weapon Miniatures to make mud and blasted wetlands bases for all of them, too. My next purchases will probably be from Victorian Miniatures- I plan to have a platoon of every Imperial Guard regiment available. I've already got a full platoon of Cadians, a full platoon of Steel Legion, a full platoon of Kasrkins, a full platoon of the new Tempestus Storm Trooper guys, and now DKOK. Since I ever only field about a platoon worth of infantry anyway, it works, and my Cadians can always be my bullet-sponge conscript platoon if I want one. If I do play again, it will NOT be at a Games Workshop. Not only do I refuse to speak the words "Astra Militarum" out-loud, but I also don't like the restrictions on what models I can buy and play with on a table. Way better to support a local hobby store anyway, I suppose.

Also, why people gotta pick on me for playing deep-strike Kasrkin squads!?!? Lmao, they look badass! And half the time, they DO blow up your big tanks in the rear of your formation.


Painting, yes

Playing, maybe

You would love my group. All we do is play, drink, and cuss at each other. Good times had by all!

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/18 18:30:16

Post by: Sazzlefrats

 Stumme wrote:
Kinda. I play once a year and always have a bad experience. Not to mention it's hard for me not to swear, so I always struggle in public hobby stores with kids around. It takes a lot of effort for me to curtail the vocabulary I picked up in the Military and on contracted deployments, sooo... I also find that I'm stumbling into the wrong communities. People just have a bad attitude, and don't let you play with the models you want (like three flyers) because it's unfair and they don't have the right models to counter your strategies. So you take all these models off the board to appease other people in the interest of fairness and fun, and then they stomp your army because you're handicapped and have to play with something less exciting. I've since found other strategies, but every single one I go with seems to ruffle feathers, and the passive aggressive nature of most players I've encountered make the whole experience sour. If I could be drunk while playing, I'd probably have a lot more fun, but then I run into the first issue I described: The F Bomb. I've never had a problem with the rules of the game though, except for when a bolt pistol can take down my Valkyrie Vendettas.

Regardless, I enjoy painting the models more than anything. I bought the DKOK platoon and a ton of the Sisters of Battle look-a-likes from Raging Heroes and they're dope. I can't wait to paint everything. My fiancee even wants to get in on the painting action. Buying some stuff from Secret Weapon Miniatures to make mud and blasted wetlands bases for all of them, too. My next purchases will probably be from Victorian Miniatures- I plan to have a platoon of every Imperial Guard regiment available. I've already got a full platoon of Cadians, a full platoon of Steel Legion, a full platoon of Kasrkins, a full platoon of the new Tempestus Storm Trooper guys, and now DKOK. Since I ever only field about a platoon worth of infantry anyway, it works, and my Cadians can always be my bullet-sponge conscript platoon if I want one. If I do play again, it will NOT be at a Games Workshop. Not only do I refuse to speak the words "Astra Militarum" out-loud, but I also don't like the restrictions on what models I can buy and play with on a table. Way better to support a local hobby store anyway, I suppose.

Also, why people gotta pick on me for playing deep-strike Kasrkin squads!?!? Lmao, they look badass! And half the time, they DO blow up your big tanks in the rear of your formation.


Painting, yes

Playing, maybe

I bowed to voluntary "compostion" rules in a tournament once to be more friendly and not get penalized for comp scores, got my teeth kicked in because of it in a few games... cost me a lot more than if I just accepted that my army needed x more models to win. If you go to a public game store, bring two lists. No one wants to play against 3 identical flyers unless... thats what they are bringing too. I'm struggling to understand the difference between tournament quality and "friendly" lists. Also.. my first couple of games after my 1st one this year was not enjoyable, I expected all my armies to be balanced and thats just not the case. Although with the newest books and FAQs, its looking closer.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/19 03:41:28

Post by: Adrassil

While I still read the novels and write stories based in the 41st Millennium and GM Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader, I've given up on collecting and playing the game. It's just too expensive here in New Zealand, especially as I'm a student right now.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/19 03:46:07

Post by: Argive

Nobody else think its weird this thread originates back in 2016...

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/19 03:49:45

Post by: ingtaer


Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/19 03:50:47

Post by: StormX

By the time i have learnt every thing about 40k, it will be too late too leave ahahaha.

But nah i wouldn't leave, too much awesomeness.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/19 03:52:12

Post by: Argive

Don't get me wrong I do love a good poll...

@Storm - I think 40k will end by the time I paint all my Eldar

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/06/19 06:52:54

Post by: DarkBlack

Seeing as this thread is still going.
It's been 7 months since I sold all my Warhammer stuff, no regrets. Just Kings of War and Vanguard has most of the hobby that I have time for covered, Infinity could too. Then there is Gaslands for the rest of the time or if I'm in the mood to have just casual and ridiculous fun.
I also have a Malifaux crew.

Every now and then I overhear or have a look at the other side of the shop and never see anything I would miss. It's the same unclear rules, awful balance and struggle with competitive vs casual list/players (which is only a actual problem in Warhammer, because of the balance being that bad) that was terrible in 7th edition.
Why would I put up with GW's bad decisions and obvious money grabbing when there are so many other games and companies that are good? More than I can play. I've had to turn down new games (that also look fantastic) because there are too many

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/09/20 12:04:18

Post by: Insurgency Walker

You should add the option of " continue to play with older edition " as an option.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/09/20 16:26:07

Post by: Nurglitch

I wouldn't say I've left. It's just that earlier this summer I realized that I didn't want to play anymore. Not selling any of my stuff. Indeed, I'm enjoying the painting more than ever. Just not jonesing for it like I used to. It's weird.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/09/20 18:56:29

Post by: LunarSol

I don't really define myself as playing a game. I play a couple games a week. Sometimes that game is 40k. More often than not its something else, but not because I've quit or anything. Just other games to play.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/09/22 15:27:01

Post by: Turnip Jedi

I'm done

Mid to late 7th was just an cluster fup of awful, X-Wing was on the rise and even when that began to wobble in the year or so before 2.0 I just picked up other games as whilst I have an 8th BRB along with an Eldar Codex I felt no urge to return

Would have maybe been tempted by Kill Team but Guild Ball covers my low count skirmish needs (although have also pre-ordered Crisis in case SFG bungle GB)

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/09/22 22:04:20

Post by: Da Boss

I started playing toward the end of 2nd edition. I was one of the people that really liked the change to 3rd edition and got even more into the hobby back then.
I left the game at the end of 5th edition. I bought the 6th edition starter, but never got around to painting it despite really liking the miniatures in it. I just did not like the direction the game was taking, the way fliers and other Epic scale miniatures were creeping into the game, and I did not feel the 6th ed rules were an improvement over 5th edition. I moved country around the same time, so I lost my old group. I would plan to get games in from time to time but it never worked out in the end and I gave up on it.
As 7th edition rolled around I got interested, but saw that if anything it was even worse than 6th. I stopped paying attention and stopped following the game.

Then 8th hit and I heard the setting had advanced. I saw that the core rules had changed, and had a look at them. I figured the game was probably a lot better, but my years away had made me realise that I was not that bothered with the game if it was not what I wanted to be playing.

Recently, the Sci Fi bug has bitten me again. I am looking at my old models, buying stuff for new forces, and planning some terrain. I have some friends who might like to play (I will provide the forces) and I am excited to get back into it.
But I am gonna play Grimdark Future from One Page Rules instead of GW. It seems easier to teach to newbies, everything is pretty straightforward to understand and consolitdated especially in terms of list building, and it brings the scale of the game back down to what I consider to be about right. Alternating activation does away with a lot of the issues with overwhelming firepower that plagued previous editions.

I am very excited to get back to the universe I love in the spirit I started in. Gonna make my own minis, build a bunch of terrain and have a good time.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/09/23 05:30:51

Post by: Elbows

Played from 2nd through 3.5/4th edition. Lost interest, left for 9-10 years.

Came back in late 7th, tried it...realized it was still re-skinned 3rd edition, so I didn't play. Hopped in with 8th at the start. Stopped playing about six months ago. Simply not having fun when I play the game (I simply lose all interest when units start rolling hundreds of dice...sometimes more than once). Will probably revert to playing a modified form of 2nd edition, and 8th occasionally if requested by friends.

I don't believe I'll be playing any future editions of 40K. I'm oddly okay with that, just gotta find another way to use the minis now (not a big deal).

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/11/29 03:56:59

Post by: Masonicon

I never leave 40k, cuz it's one of my biggest fandoms. the only reason I make me leave 40k is: it's crossovers are branded heresy

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/11/29 04:47:58

Post by: Adeptus Doritos

Hold on to your models, try some other games out there. If you like the setting, give Necromunda a try. Or just experiment with some narrative things, some of the games like Blackstone Fortress, or venture outside the GW racket and play with some other cool games like Infinity, Specter Operations, Frostgrave, Reality's Edge, or Tummysticks.

There's cool miniatures out there, and there's a lot of things you can do with cool miniatures if that's what you like.

The only reason I've not left 40k is because my friends enjoy it. My friends keep me motivated, we try new things, and find ways to "make the game be fun for us", rather than waiting for GW to do it (because they're not always good at it). I also struggle to find the motivation to sit down and paint, and when I'm alone I often get into a 'funk' and don't want to do anything- so my friends and I have "paint days" where we just talk about stuff, put on a movie, paint models, and go into the closet and take turns playing Tummysticks.

All creepy lewd jokes aside, you do what's best for you and your money. No one is required to be actively playing 40k to enjoy aspects of it. For many years, I just bought random models and read books and watched other people play and it was enjoyable.

Overall- for me, this hobby is more than the rules and the meta. It's my friends that make this game, and honestly this game has made me a lot of friends.

Tummysticks, on the other hand...

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/12/13 11:16:26

Post by: SamusDrake

I had left the hobby a very long time ago, after enjoying 3rd edition, to pursue software development and the like; sometimes we have to make sacrifices and it involved seeing almost all my collection of models going in the bin.

Long story cut short, Lost Patrol and Space Hulk: The Card game bought me back to the 40K universe, but Kill Team(released in 2018) was my return to 40K itself. Dipped me toes in AoS and now looking at a possible return to modern 40K with Eldar and Tyranids - slowly rebuilding what was lost many years ago.

Will not be going beyond casual open play as the rule books would be too heavy. expensive and fluff-focused. This is where Kill Team knocks it out of the park.

Leaving 40k? @ 2019/12/13 22:37:41

Post by: Vertrucio

I'm never leaving 40k.

But that doesn't mean that 40k didn't leave me.

A lot of my friends think I hate 40k, but the reality is, I'm not going to buy 5 main rulebooks to play, and then pay for basic balance updates, and 100s of strategems to remember. All for a game that's only a bit above mediocre in terms of gameplay.

Love the setting, love the fiction. I will actually buy the models that I like still. Then again no $35 dollar single characters.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/01/05 18:47:27

Post by: Nightlord1987

Had a Tourny set for April, rescheduled July, and then my gaming store, and rec center closed. No games all of 9th.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/01/05 19:38:03

Post by: Steel Rabbit

I never quit the hobby of miniature painting and collecting, but from 2002–2004 and then a year or two around the 2010s I didn't play any GW games. In those days it was all Warzone, Void, Warmachine, and Confrontation. Nothing wrong with taking a break if you're not having fun.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/01/06 10:19:38

Post by: kirotheavenger

If I had the choice, I'd leave 40k.
But there's just so few opportunity to play other games due to the sizes of communities.
In my city there's at least 4 different groups, all of at least a dozen members, playing 40k (albeit some members cross over).

Conversely there's about a dozen people across the whole city playing Necromunda, which is one of the more popular non-40k/AoS games.

So in a choice of playing 40k with friends or playing nothing, I'm forced into 40k. But I take any other game when I can.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/01/06 12:03:35

Post by: DarkBlack

 kirotheavenger wrote:
If I had the choice, I'd leave 40k.
But there's just so few opportunity to play other games due to the sizes of communities.
In my city there's at least 4 different groups, all of at least a dozen members, playing 40k (albeit some members cross over).

Conversely there's about a dozen people across the whole city playing Necromunda, which is one of the more popular non-40k/AoS games.

So in a choice of playing 40k with friends or playing nothing, I'm forced into 40k. But I take any other game when I can.

You might be surprised with what there is if you can figure out how to find it. Are there other game nights at your FLGS?
Look for Facebook groups in your city and/or province,
Infinity has risen in popularity such that you should be able to find players is most cities.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/01/06 12:11:50

Post by: Jackal90

Been playing 40k since around 3rd, but after the big changes I stopped.
Moved to 30k, necro etc and then picked up AoS a lot more too.

As it is now, the game just feels like the launch of AoS all over again.
It’s clunky, has a lot of blatant issues and the way rules launches are handled just makes it a mess to me.
In time I’ll likely go back to it (as I did with AoS) but for now? It can wait.

The other reason to leaving 40k is just the models at the moment.
I can happily sit down and paint 1000 points of AoS in a week or so without any issue.
For some reason (maybe aesthetics?) I just cannot sit down for long to paint 40k, I just get bored and stop after a couple of hours.
The models just don’t really inspire me to paint at the moment if that makes any sense?

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/01/06 14:13:13

Post by: kirotheavenger

 DarkBlack wrote:
 kirotheavenger wrote:
If I had the choice, I'd leave 40k.
But there's just so few opportunity to play other games due to the sizes of communities.
In my city there's at least 4 different groups, all of at least a dozen members, playing 40k (albeit some members cross over).

Conversely there's about a dozen people across the whole city playing Necromunda, which is one of the more popular non-40k/AoS games.

So in a choice of playing 40k with friends or playing nothing, I'm forced into 40k. But I take any other game when I can.

You might be surprised with what there is if you can figure out how to find it. Are there other game nights at your FLGS?
Look for Facebook groups in your city and/or province,
Infinity has risen in popularity such that you should be able to find players is most cities.

Well, like I said, there's a dozen or so Necromunda players and we're pretty close with similar visions of the game. It's enough to get semi-regular games and I really enjoy it.
I've also recently picked up Titanicus, which seems to have a small community as well.
Napoleonic seems quite popular, although not my bag.
But there are other games I want to play, like Blood Red Skies, but that has only had buy in from three people including myself, which makes games very difficult to get.

But 40k? You're tripping over people playing 40k, the numbers are insane compared to anything else.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/01/07 12:14:04

Post by: Snake Tortoise

The standard game size is too big these days. My problem is time, not money, if 1000 or 1250 points was the standard competitive game I'd manage, but I can never stick to one project long enough to paint 2000 points of models.

I still paint and list build but I doubt I'll actually play the game again.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/03/07 17:41:58

Post by: Semper

Played all through 3rd then skipped 4th but played a year of 5th. Then came back in right at the end of 6th and have stayed.

No particular reason, it was just a mix of usual friends dropping out so games became tight, life getting in the way (uni, travel). Found some players abroad (NZ) so took my models with me and played 5th ed there but eventually came back and had no local players for 6th but eventually stumbled into a new group of mates/players and we've had regular games since.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/03/07 18:10:17

Post by: Cyel

Having moved to Warmachine 7years ago I've never felt an urge to invest more in 40k since then. It was like a revelation - "so a wargame doesn't have to be silly 'roll dice and see what happens' affair but can be extremely decision heavy and intellectually challenging like a good boardgame?"

Even with WM&H plunge in popularity I can't see myself going back to WH40K in its current form. It would be like going back to Snakes&Ladders after years of playing Brass Birmingham, Dominant Species and Forbidden Stars.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/03/07 19:39:20

Post by: Momotaro

I left the hobby completely for about 15 years. LotR drew me back in: 40k and WFB followed.

More recently, I had a quiet couple of years where I couldn't face painting minis and just gamed. Covid gave me the space again, and I've completed several painting projects.

Modern 40k and AoS don't really do it for my group. We started an Estalian campaign for 6th Edition Fantasy before lockdown, and we've been collecting 2nd Edition 40k books to have some fun when we're allowed to meet up again.

One piece of advice: if you give up, keep your minis unless you really need the money. You never know when you'll get interested again, or meet a bunch of great players.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/03/08 17:07:54

Post by: Cothonian

I'm done with 40k. It saddens me, because I am a huge fan of the lore. As a guard player, it's been a roller coaster.

7th edition was very rough to play, but Guard felt right. Platoon organization, command structures, it just felt right (general weakness of the faction aside.)

Early 8th edition was a breath of fresh air and I felt like it played great. Unfortunately, Guard felt very bland. Far more effective, but lacking character. The massive buffs that came with the codex didn't make sense to me.

9th edition's core rules seem very good, but the codex's throw any sense of balance out the window. It's an exercise in putting models on the table then packing them back up.

The other major issue which I've had is the price increases. Even as I started to back out of playing the game, I still collected and painted the models. They were a great outlet for creativity. With the most recent price increases, I cannot justify it anymore. The value just isn't there.

Again, it makes me sad. I love the lore and I love painting the models. If they literally cut the prices of models in half, I might get back to it. But that's not happening.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/03/11 21:09:00

Post by: Nurglitch

Nurglitch wrote:
I wouldn't say I've left. It's just that earlier this summer I realized that I didn't want to play anymore. Not selling any of my stuff. Indeed, I'm enjoying the painting more than ever. Just not jonesing for it like I used to. It's weird.

I'm still not playing Warhammer.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/04/08 16:26:53

Post by: vecuu

"Give up 40k" is a bit too final for my tastes.

I started collecting about 20 years ago. I love the flavor, the models, and the game, but it's a pretty time intensive hobby, so it frequently gets de-prioritized, sometimes for years at a time.

I'm not choosing to leave, it just sort of happens naturally, and I'm never far from getting inspired to return whether by my old projects or a shiny new one.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/05/09 13:32:05

Post by: ERJAK

I deliberately play at least 2 systems so that at any given time if one game gets stale I can ditch it and switch to the other one.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/05/09 16:00:54

Post by: Sim-Life

Warning: ranting ahead.
Been playing since 2nd. 40k was never really my favourite game. WHFB would take that title in ANY edition.

I stopped playing when 9th released. I was already losing interest when Psychic Awakening began because it was the ONLY game my group played from the launch of 8th and every game felt the same.

Psychic Awakening, CA and other misc supplements were already bloating the rules and making things hard to keep track of everything going on (especially as I own six armies), then 9th turned up and both added more bloat AND changed the rules and shoved in more book keeping it became a chore to keep up. I'd hoped that after Psychic Awakening was done GW was going to release 8.1 Ed with a few tweaks and a much longer release time between rules updates. Maybe catch up on some ranges that badly needed updating and release a codex every 6 months like they used to but it doesn't seem like they intend to slow down. The only thing that HAS slowed GWs releases was a literal plague.

Around the time 8th started I also started playing board games and I was introduced to games with multiple layers of strategy and tight, well balanced rules that the creators had clearly put a lot of time and love into and I just don't want to go back to the bloated time sink that 40k has become. Each decision in my lightest games feel more considered than when I play 40k. Even the most complex board game I own takes less time and effort to set up and play than 40k. Board games are also a fraction of the price. For the price of a single 40k model I can get what people would consider an expensive board game or even two mid-range cost games and I'll get more value, plays and satisfaction out of them than a €100 GW model. It hasn't helped that I'm renovating a house and the changed in priorities means GW basically priced me out of the game.

I tried playing 40k and enjoy it towards the end of 8th, mostly because of the SoB release and getting to use my metal models but it just felt so bland and repetitive. So I made an effort to paint the models I have and I've packed them away for the time being and given up on GW. I'm content to sit on the sidelines and watch GW continue to make the same dumb decisions they always did and watch them make continued EA level decisions that people will support for some reason.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/05/09 18:27:37

Post by: aphyon

 Frozocrone wrote:
I've decided to stop playing and painting 40k for the time being. The reasons why mainly me becoming tired of the imbalance in the game and generally getting no enjoyment from the hobby,. Why spend my time and money into something that clearly isn't doing any good for my wellbeing? There is no answer that could convince me otherwise, even when I forced myself to paint to try and enjoy it.

That said, I'm not selling my models, they'll probably go back into my attic for if I do decide to start again, then I don't have to buy all the stuff required to start.

I'm curious, how many people have been tempted or have actually quit the hobby? Poll included for answers, possibly left out some response options.

You need an "other" option.

I have stopped following 40K because i hate 9th edition and the direction GW is taking the game and lore. to me it isn't 40K anymore so i jumped off the train. i don't follow or care about new rules, models or lore.

However that doesn't mean i don't love all the models i have in my large collection, or that i do not still play 40K. our group just plays 40K when it was fun via 5th edition with a few house rules. so it isn't quitting 40K, it's quitting GW as i have no interest or need to buy anything from them ever again.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/04 14:48:24

Post by: Pointer5

I've been on again off again since 2nd edition. Life gets in the way. Take some time off and don't get rid of anything. You will regret it. Both from a collector's view and the cost to replace models. I am looking to see how the new Orks shake out. That will determine if I play 9th or not. Right now prepping for a move and everything is on hold.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/11 20:18:32

Post by: MegaDombro

I want to leave 40k, permanently, but its a tough go for miniature players to do so.

I enjoy other GW games like Underworlds and BB much much more, and I can comb through gaming stores in the whole state, work forums, and help grow communities for maybe a few games I have to drive far for...or I can dust of the 40k collection and get a mediocre game at will.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/12 00:38:59

Post by: DarkBlack

MegaDombro wrote:
I want to leave 40k, permanently, but its a tough go for miniature players to do so.

I enjoy other GW games like Underworlds and BB much much more, and I can comb through gaming stores in the whole state, work forums, and help grow communities for maybe a few games I have to drive far for...or I can dust of the 40k collection and get a mediocre game at will.

I recall hanging on to Warhammer for the same reason, but then I realised that I could find a game of Infinity in pretty much any major city (even in South Africa), so that reason went away.

I have miniatures for more games than I have time to play and I have stopped playing Infinity too (for very different reasons).

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/12 01:29:47

Post by: AnomanderRake

I think to me the straw that's broken the camel's back on GW is the people who play it, much more so than the game. The game's still pretty much the same; GW's still gouging people on rules they couldn't be bothered to test or edit, updating one army at a time to be absolutely sure people buy second, third, fourth, etc. armies to tide them over while they wait for the rules for the minis they actually like to be a bit less gak, letting the sculptors lead the way on what minis to release instead of considering what the customers might want, and slowly strangling the last vestiges of creativity out of the hobby. If that was enough to drive me away I'd have quit years ago, all that's been going on since Priestly left. The thing that's convinced me it's time to quit is the army of slavishly-devoted cultists who are convinced that 8th was the beginning of a glorious sunlit upland of redemption. I used to be able to talk to Warhammer players; we could commiserate over gakky things GW did to our armies, acknowledge that maybe we need to fiddle with the rules a bit to play the game, discuss the lore, have a game that might approach being fun. These days if I suggest trying to do anything other than the exact as-written sanctioned GW experience I get ignored, or get strange looks, or get rants about how everything in 9th is perfect because it's better than 7th (and if I point out that I liked 7th better the rant extends to a long explanation of why everything I like is awful), or get people gently taking me aside and suggesting that if I don't like tournament-standard 9th maybe wargaming isn't the hobby for me. I don't know if I've gone insane or if everyone who plays Warhammer has gone collectively insane, but I can't deal with it anymore. I'm still on Dakka because this feels like the last bastion of negativity where anyone's willing to acknowledge what GW actually is and does, and I still have some minis to play 30k or homebrew systems with when I can find people to play with, but I don't think I'll ever read another new GW rulebook again. Probably. Maybe if GW announces the heads of design on 10th edition are Rick Priestly and the ghost of Alan Bligh I'd come back.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/12 10:00:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

 AnomanderRake wrote:
I think to me the straw that's broken the camel's back on GW is the people who play it, much more so than the game. The game's still pretty much the same; GW's still gouging people on rules they couldn't be bothered to test or edit, updating one army at a time to be absolutely sure people buy second, third, fourth, etc. armies to tide them over while they wait for the rules for the minis they actually like to be a bit less gak, letting the sculptors lead the way on what minis to release instead of considering what the customers might want, and slowly strangling the last vestiges of creativity out of the hobby. If that was enough to drive me away I'd have quit years ago, all that's been going on since Priestly left. The thing that's convinced me it's time to quit is the army of slavishly-devoted cultists who are convinced that 8th was the beginning of a glorious sunlit upland of redemption.

As someone that fell for that, initially during 8th only to see his main army being disasmbled step by step by GW, and the secondary being baseline the 2.0 laughing stock dex that hurt and the realisation of that hurt even more. Also people don't like being told that their investment for their "baby" (and gw 40k collections are certainly in that realm considering time and money invested in some collections) has been invested upon false hopes on GW..

I used to be able to talk to Warhammer players; we could commiserate over gakky things GW did to our armies, acknowledge that maybe we need to fiddle with the rules a bit to play the game, discuss the lore, have a game that might approach being fun. These days if I suggest trying to do anything other than the exact as-written sanctioned GW experience I get ignored, or get strange looks, or get rants about how everything in 9th is perfect because it's better than 7th (and if I point out that I liked 7th better the rant extends to a long explanation of why everything I like is awful), or get people gently taking me aside and suggesting that if I don't like tournament-standard 9th maybe wargaming isn't the hobby for me.

FWIW, i understand where you are comming from, the end of simulationist elements initially was one of the few big jarring points from 7-.8th for me personally.
GW also fostered a competetive community type deal for the first time and it shows.
Further, i had also more fun in 7th, but that was despite 7th and the dexes and formations and had more to do that R&H for the first time really had a list that was fun and i had a group that were aligned in that fun department as in no formations and the worst excesses were kept from the table or 30k rules were brought over to fix the mess that was 7th.
8th just felt bland, less strategic overall. Stratagems have become a blight upon the game and when you lose a main army to detirioation and bad design overall (free traits , lmao) and preferential treatment i don't think that 8th overall was much better than 7th.... Especially after marines 2.0 and pre castellan nerf.
Further praising something from GW because it " Is BeTtEr tHAn 7Th " is a really damn low bar and by virtue of that not really an argument.

I don't know if I've gone insane or if everyone who plays Warhammer has gone collectively insane, but I can't deal with it anymore. I'm still on Dakka because this feels like the last bastion of negativity where anyone's willing to acknowledge what GW actually is and does, and I still have some minis to play 30k or homebrew systems with when I can find people to play with, but I don't think I'll ever read another new GW rulebook again. Probably. Maybe if GW announces the heads of design on 10th edition are Rick Priestly and the ghost of Alan Bligh I'd come back.

Sideeffect of GW fostering and discovering competitive personalities using them as makreting tools.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/12 10:20:16

Post by: aphyon


I was planning out a scenario game for next week when one of our regulars piped up and said "quite trying to sell him on 5th edition' the player i was talking to said "shut up, he already has" and a few added colorful anecdotes.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/12 10:57:12

Post by: kirotheavenger

I'm not allowed to mention 5th edition, it gets immediately shut down with how bad 7th edition was

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/07/12 11:31:35

Post by: Blackie

Here those that are into "oldhammer" basically prefer 3rd over 5th. I love both editions.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/08/12 12:57:40

Post by: Sim-Life

 AnomanderRake wrote:
I'm still on Dakka because this feels like the last bastion of negativity where anyone's willing to acknowledge what GW actually is and does

/tg/ on 4chan has frequent GW hate threads with the added bonus of not having to be polite or have arguments that make sense. But I'm with you on this. I feel dumb that I used to defend 8th with the exact same arguments I criticize now but I feel the fact that I can acknowledge that I was wrong then gives me some credibility. Not that anyone cares, its always the same chorus of "GOD FORBID you talk to your oppoenent before a game and have them tone down their list" or "Just play Open or Crusade".

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/08/12 13:43:24

Post by: Byte

 Sim-Life wrote:
 AnomanderRake wrote:
I'm still on Dakka because this feels like the last bastion of negativity where anyone's willing to acknowledge what GW actually is and does

/tg/ on 4chan has frequent GW hate threads with the added bonus of not having to be polite or have arguments that make sense. But I'm with you on this. I feel dumb that I used to defend 8th with the exact same arguments I criticize now but I feel the fact that I can acknowledge that I was wrong then gives me some credibility. Not that anyone cares, its always the same chorus of "GOD FORBID you talk to your oppoenent before a game and have them tone down their list" or "Just play Open or Crusade".

Yeah, pretty any rando game is gonna be stump face level. I asked for a get my feet wet game of ITC rules and dude brought a death list. I was like fair... don't like ITC rules (this was an 8e experience)

9e well. The magic card feel of stratagems have really turned me off from the game. I've played since 1995 and this is the worse I've felt about everything 40k.

GW has really seemed to double down on the rapid continuous releases and with power creep.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/08/13 01:59:13

Post by: Adrassil

By contrast, I was getting back into the hobby and quite extensively. Mostly inspired by doing research for making my own Table Top Skirmish game, was quite getting back into it and I was really excited for the new edition of Kill Team, but now after this crap with GW and their draconian IP guidelines (I say "guidelines" as most of their stuff they say in that crappy article they can't legally back up), I'm wanting to frig off again. And I also don't want to spend 83 NZD on an Eldar codex that's for a sub-optimal army and a codex that'll be made redundant sooner or later.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/08/13 10:51:50

Post by: The_Real_Chris

Elbows wrote:
Played from 2nd through 3.5/4th edition. Lost interest, left for 9-10 years.

Came back in late 7th, tried it...realized it was still re-skinned 3rd edition, so I didn't play. Hopped in with 8th at the start. Stopped playing about six months ago. Simply not having fun when I play the game (I simply lose all interest when units start rolling hundreds of dice...sometimes more than once). Will probably revert to playing a modified form of 2nd edition, and 8th occasionally if requested by friends.

I don't believe I'll be playing any future editions of 40K. I'm oddly okay with that, just gotta find another way to use the minis now (not a big deal).

Similar boat. Dropped 40k when 3rd edition changed 2nd edition too much for me (movement was the biggest issue I seem to remember - the idea a guardsman could run away as fast as my Genestealer could chase him seemed wrong), but played other GW games and liked the background. GSC almost got me playing in 7th, but did go back with 8th, if only because so many people at the club wanted to play it. 9th's been a bit of a disaster, currently playing in a crusade but enjoying it less and less. Can't imagine wanting to play a 2000 point game.

The lack of tactics like in a regular wargame (or indeed GWs other games like Warmaster and EpicA) in 40k and the use of cards, listbuilding and gothcha's instead doesn't really appeal, though I get why it would appeal to a lot of people.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 kirotheavenger wrote:
If I had the choice, I'd leave 40k.
But there's just so few opportunity to play other games due to the sizes of communities.
In my city there's at least 4 different groups, all of at least a dozen members, playing 40k (albeit some members cross over).

Conversely there's about a dozen people across the whole city playing Necromunda, which is one of the more popular non-40k/AoS games.

So in a choice of playing 40k with friends or playing nothing, I'm forced into 40k. But I take any other game when I can.

In Bristol? There is a horde of wargames clubs, plus the professional guys in Abbey Wood, playing every setting imaginable. Maybe they closed because the pandemic, but I can't imagine they will be gone forever.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/08/14 11:32:10

Post by: kirotheavenger

Yeah, I discover new groups every day
I think I'm up to 6 that I'm aware of.

Point stands though, I can close my eyes, throw a rock, and I'm also guaranteed to hit a 40k club. But another game? That takes digging.

Leaving 40k? @ 2021/08/14 13:43:22

Post by: Sim-Life

 kirotheavenger wrote:
Yeah, I discover new groups every day
I think I'm up to 6 that I'm aware of.

Point stands though, I can close my eyes, throw a rock, and I'm also guaranteed to hit a 40k club. But another game? That takes digging.

JuSt InTrOdUcE tHe GaMe To NeW pLaYeRs BrO

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/09 17:11:01

Post by: popisdead

I played Rogue Trader/1st ed with my friends in middle school. By the early 1990s girls took over as we hit high school.

After I got my degree, 3rd ed was ending can I came back and stuck with it.

I don't buy many models these days but I finally finished the Eldar army of all aspects from 1991 that I bought for $25 off a friend quitting in 1994.

I also take part in JOMO. I just play my friends and when I play someone who usually wins we agree for a casual competitive game and still have fun. And I have fun painting my models. And I have fun reading the odd book I pick up.

I think the key to not rage quitting is finding things that are important in your life and just being more self-aware. If you want to be WAAC top winner, embrace it and don't make up stories that you have a "$150 buy in." If you want to just paint your favourite army and play it for fun all the power to you.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/09 18:21:58

Post by: John Prins

I've taken long breaks from 40k, but never sold off my stuff/gave up on the game.

I'm mostly a painter, though. I picked up Rogue Trader back in the day but mostly painted a bunch of random models. Skipped all of 2nd but came back when the Tau were released, played the game a bit in 3rd, skipped 4th entirely and did a some tournaments back in 5th. I skipped 6th and most of 7th to paint other stuff, came back in time for 8th, had only a few games of that then COVID hit and I'm mostly back to just painting in 9th.

I mostly pick up codexes for theorycrafting and making sure my models are built sensibly/legally should the clouds part and I actually get in a game. Until the last few years it took me a long time to get an army to tournament size as I generally was doing character level paint jobs on everything. Even my tournament Death Guard army took a while because I heavily converted it, though the painting was pretty slap-dash.

GW's price shenanigans probably affect me a lot less because I'm not chasing tournament level forces in short time frames. If you spread the cost of 2000pt army across 2-3 (or longer!) years the price jumps really don't bother you nearly as much as if you wanted to get up and running in 3-4 months or are chasing the meta. Also at my age my planning horizon is a lot longer and I'm a lot more patient in waiting for deals for projects I might want to do.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/09 22:36:30

Post by: LunarSol

I play a ton of different game systems and they rise and fall in popularity. There's general favorites, but I just have my armies for when people are excited again. Right now I'm very cold on 40k so its pretty middle of the pile and isn't really seeing much play. No reason to quit things; just play something else for a while.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/10 20:05:40

Post by: Adrassil

As some people on the Eldar rumours thread might've seen. I'm not happy about the high prices GW are selling the new Eldar minis here in New Zealand, it's frigging ludicrous $105.00 for the two Warlock kit. $115.00 for five Dark Reapers I should have seen this coming with the 355.00 Eldritch Omens box. It is ridiculous and I'm seriously considering leaving the hobby again out of protest. The price gouging here in NZ is just insane even with outfits like Mighty Ape giving discounts.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/11 11:43:06

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Adrassil wrote:
As some people on the Eldar rumours thread might've seen. I'm not happy about the high prices GW are selling the new Eldar minis here in New Zealand, it's frigging ludicrous $105.00 for the two Warlock kit. $115.00 for five Dark Reapers I should have seen this coming with the 355.00 Eldritch Omens box. It is ridiculous and I'm seriously considering leaving the hobby again out of protest. The price gouging here in NZ is just insane even with outfits like Mighty Ape giving discounts.

the only other option realistically is, to find 3rd party minis (depending upon faction very difficult and or even more expensive) and to not bother anymore with official GW minis.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/12 08:57:11

Post by: Adrassil

Not Online!!! wrote:
 Adrassil wrote:
As some people on the Eldar rumours thread might've seen. I'm not happy about the high prices GW are selling the new Eldar minis here in New Zealand, it's frigging ludicrous $105.00 for the two Warlock kit. $115.00 for five Dark Reapers I should have seen this coming with the 355.00 Eldritch Omens box. It is ridiculous and I'm seriously considering leaving the hobby again out of protest. The price gouging here in NZ is just insane even with outfits like Mighty Ape giving discounts.

the only other option realistically is, to find 3rd party minis (depending upon faction very difficult and or even more expensive) and to not bother anymore with official GW minis.

I would like to get a 3D printer as there are some great looking files to buy online everything would be so much cheaper, just can't play them at GWs but oh-frigging-well.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/15 01:56:22

Post by: flamingkillamajig

Honestly these days i feel like i'm forcing myself to play 40k rather than enjoying playing 40k. That isn't a good sign.

Honestly i just want to play another game system but i dunno what game communities are available in my local area. As is the GW is like 20 mins away and the last game store i went to was at least 30 mins. away. I want to continue gaming but maybe leave GW. It's a mixture of imbalance, toxicity, prices, factions given preferred attention or love, the arms race between factions changing every month or two (forcing constant buying of new models), the death of Warhammer Fantasy, GW's treatment of fan sites and work and just so much.

I know a 40k player that played chaos and he just was so sick of GW's treatment of them he went to AoS. Honestly i'd leave GW completely if i wasn't a creature of habit with things.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/15 09:53:33

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Adrassil wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
 Adrassil wrote:
As some people on the Eldar rumours thread might've seen. I'm not happy about the high prices GW are selling the new Eldar minis here in New Zealand, it's frigging ludicrous $105.00 for the two Warlock kit. $115.00 for five Dark Reapers I should have seen this coming with the 355.00 Eldritch Omens box. It is ridiculous and I'm seriously considering leaving the hobby again out of protest. The price gouging here in NZ is just insane even with outfits like Mighty Ape giving discounts.

the only other option realistically is, to find 3rd party minis (depending upon faction very difficult and or even more expensive) and to not bother anymore with official GW minis.

I would like to get a 3D printer as there are some great looking files to buy online everything would be so much cheaper, just can't play them at GWs but oh-frigging-well.

TBH i have no idea about how your community is structured, if you require GW stores then yeah, tough luck , but if you don't then honestly go ahead.
The issue as of yet with 3d printing is the learning curve, toxicity of the material (resin) and space it takes. Whilest GW / 3rd parties offer an ease of access so to speak.
Otoh, i just recently did my last or second last purchase from gw due to the pricing, gonna finish my pile of orky shame instead.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/03/16 20:56:35

Post by: DarkBlack

flamingkillamajig wrote:Honestly these days i feel like i'm forcing myself to play 40k rather than enjoying playing 40k. That isn't a good sign.

Honestly i just want to play another game system but i dunno what game communities are available in my local area. As is the GW is like 20 mins away and the last game store i went to was at least 30 mins. away. I want to continue gaming but maybe leave GW. It's a mixture of imbalance, toxicity, prices, factions given preferred attention or love, the arms race between factions changing every month or two (forcing constant buying of new models), the death of Warhammer Fantasy, GW's treatment of fan sites and work and just so much.

I know a 40k player that played chaos and he just was so sick of GW's treatment of them he went to AoS. Honestly i'd leave GW completely if i wasn't a creature of habit with things.

I remember thinking that I could safely leave GW behind because Infinity was popular enough to find a game in almost any city.
Which kind of games are you looking for? If you can find the forum or Facebook group or that game you will likely get pointed to players near you if you ask.

There are so many good games out there and the have players closer than you think.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/08/14 21:37:17

Post by: Luke1993


Leaving 40k? @ 2022/09/15 17:09:29

Post by: popisdead

Left when I hit 1st year, came back after I graduated with a degree.

The game (slowly) improves continually so I stay in it.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/09/15 17:27:26

Post by: Gregor Samsa

Don't think ill be able to play 40k again unless an updated ruleset including AA and a return of unit facing, initiative and meaningful leadership. Games feel too static, with little option to decide the game using movement and positioning.

Extreme weapon ranges, odd strategems. Everyone says the game is "won in the movement phase", but I don't really feel there is that much strategy in movement, the decisions to be made are fairly obvious and victory comes through tricking your opponent with a strategem they didn't know about/forgot. There's nothing chess-like about that kind of manoeuvring.

It feels more static than MTG. I enjoy 28mm GW minis for some skirmish games (Inquisitor 28 mostly).

Small scale rank and flank is what occupies my time along with classic epic40k.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/09/15 23:18:15

Post by: Eilif

It's nitpicking, but there's a difference between leaving 40k rules (which I assume the OP is referring to) l, leaving the official minis and leaving the setting.

For myself, I stopped playing 40k (rules, setting and minis) entirely in 5th edition, but a few years later I dug out my armies and started occasionally dabbling in battles with the minis and 40k setting but using different rules.

Now I regularly play Grimdark Future with my son using nearly all official 40k minis and outdated Codices and such for fluff and setting. We're having allot of fun.

I can say I quit 40k as I left the rules long ago and haven't bought nearly any new GW miniatures in a decade. But have I really quit if I'm still buying novels and used figs and Codices and regularly putting my armies on the table?

As a further example, our clubs KoW campaign is set in the Warhammer Old World Border Princes Region and the players are about split 3 ways between those whose armies are all/mostly GW, half GW and no GW figures. By the math, is our campaign half Warhammer?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Sim-Life wrote:
 kirotheavenger wrote:
Yeah, I discover new groups every day
I think I'm up to 6 that I'm aware of.

Point stands though, I can close my eyes, throw a rock, and I'm also guaranteed to hit a 40k club. But another game? That takes digging.

JuSt InTrOdUcE tHe GaMe To NeW pLaYeRs BrO

It's not easy
Lots of digging! I've got a 10 year old club with folks that play other games and -from speaking to folks who have tried the same thing unsuccessfully- I still view that largely as a strike of luck, helped along allot by living in a major metropolitan area

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/09/16 00:09:21

Post by: Thargrim

I just can't do army games anymore, I much prefer smaller skirmish systems closer in scale to stargrave. And the price increases have made the choice even easier, with 10 man box now costing almost as much as a brand new AAA video game.

I really love the new squats, but I might just wait and see if they get killteam rules. Starting up a 2k point army with the way things are going seems inconceivable.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/09/16 02:43:02

Post by: Gregor Samsa

 Thargrim wrote:
I just can't do army games anymore, I much prefer smaller skirmish systems closer in scale to stargrave. And the price increases have made the choice even easier, with 10 man box now costing almost as much as a brand new AAA video game.

I really love the new squats, but I might just wait and see if they get killteam rules. Starting up a 2k point army with the way things are going seems inconceivable.

Its hard to overstate the crippling prices of 40k, it ultimately drove me into 3d printing, which i never would have willingly done - it was drive strictly by economics. I like to relax listening to audiobooks while I paint stuff and then have weekend games with friends with the models. But none of us can reasonably budget the massive cost of multiple 2,000 point armies. The value for the product isn't there. GW prices are divorced from reality. Plain and simple.

Now with a few patreon subs and a 3d printer, a lot more is possible (and also finicky and time-consuming). But like any hobby with practice comes skill and now i'm quite happy to support small-time creatives who sculpt as their side-hustle. They do awesome work and appreciate my hard-earned cash much more.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/10/16 14:39:26

Post by: Durandal

I'm kind of stuck in this space where the new rules are way to confusing, in that I can't just look at a model and get a base understanding of what it's going to do.

8/9th seem to be much more: This model is a stand in for all these card abilities that I will now play to cause it to do 14/15 damage.

it's so bad GW is now adding rules limiting the amount of damage models can take per phase. Which just compounds the issue.

I also have lots of older models which are getting phased out via unsupported or poor rules. And I have less time to play anyway due to kids.

Even HH, where I was very hopeful, has pulled the "half your models suck or are unusable now"

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/11/07 08:13:51

Post by: nerull

I haven't played a 40k game in probably about 10 years.
The only opponents I could find seemed to only be interested in min maxing, and by the time I had finally painted a playable 1500 pt army there was already a new edition to the rules, if not two.

I still have fond memories of my early games, and have only sold a little bit of my unpainted minis, but for me the only enjoyment left in the hobby is solely tied to the building/painting aspect.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/11/07 15:31:56

Post by: Voss

Durandal wrote:
I'm kind of stuck in this space where the new rules are way to confusing, in that I can't just look at a model and get a base understanding of what it's going to do.

8/9th seem to be much more: This model is a stand in for all these card abilities that I will now play to cause it to do 14/15 damage.

it's so bad GW is now adding rules limiting the amount of damage models can take per phase. Which just compounds the issue.

Hey, no worries. Its already progressed to the point that models have rules that state that the damage they do can't be limited And invulnerable saves that can't be ignored by things that ignore invulnerable saves.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/11/09 03:35:23

Post by: Adrassil

For a while now, I guess I've been "soft, leaving" 40k. Now, interested in One Page Rules, but Space Station Zero even more so (which is a TT Skirmish game mixed with a Choose Your Own Adventure book). I've been buying minis off Etsy and W Artel. I bought some Warp Spider proxies from them, and they're brilliant. Not too many details, amusing to paint, and the quality of the resin is 100x better than GW's Failcast. Buying minis 2nd hand on Amazon, too (but that isn't too much cheaper than buying from GW here due to really high freight costs to here in NZ, though)

I'm also becoming increasingly a fan of Mantic stuff, especially their terrain. I bought a box of Zombies, and I like giant monsters and some drones, and the level of detail is damn lovely. They and twenty robots from Anvil Industries, and while the proportions are old school GW (three heads tall including the head), They're very detailed and easy to paint.

Also, I found a locally based mini outfit that I had custom print a bunch of Hero Forge minis I made. They'll be an excellent place to go to until I get my own 3d Printer; it's also a lot cheaper than buying directly from HF. I've also tried to spread out and buy non-GW things like paintbrushes, primer, bases, etc. Some paint from Scale 75, their flesh paint is excellent. Maybe one day, I won't have to buy much from GW again.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/06 08:09:35

Post by: Adrassil

Now having a lot of fun with Space Station Zero. I played two games today, and the only GW minis I used were the 2nd hand scarabs I bought from eBay. It's also a much simpler and streamlined game than Kill Team 2: Electric Boogaloo and one player, so it really appeals to me as a hermit from society lol. I remember back in the Astronomican days when during an RP session against another forum member described my character as living in a cave which I found very fitting, indeed lol. Man...I miss that forum.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/06 10:32:01

Post by: aphyon

 flamingkillamajig wrote:
Honestly these days i feel like i'm forcing myself to play 40k rather than enjoying playing 40k. That isn't a good sign.

Honestly i just want to play another game system but i dunno what game communities are available in my local area. As is the GW is like 20 mins away and the last game store i went to was at least 30 mins. away. I want to continue gaming but maybe leave GW. It's a mixture of imbalance, toxicity, prices, factions given preferred attention or love, the arms race between factions changing every month or two (forcing constant buying of new models), the death of Warhammer Fantasy, GW's treatment of fan sites and work and just so much.

I know a 40k player that played chaos and he just was so sick of GW's treatment of them he went to AoS. Honestly i'd leave GW completely if i wasn't a creature of habit with things.

I got you beat my FLGS is an hour away, some of the guys are close buy within a few miles but others are nearly as far out as i am.

That is why game night is an all day thing. we are usually there at least 12 hours. and since it is not a GW store we play a bit of everything. the hot trend right now is FOW and BattleTech, but we run things as obscure as B5 wars, specter operations, DUST, castles in the sky, monpoc etc... and of course all the GW games no longer allowed in GW stores.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/06 11:40:10

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Someone said, GW is the entry point to the hobby, but like all things that fase will end.

Dropping GW is a natural evolution of the hobby, as that is when the world of miniature games realy opens up to you as you.
I dropped main GW in mid 20, and specialist games in early 21.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/06 15:26:26

Post by: Adrassil

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Someone said, GW is the entry point to the hobby, but like all things that fase will end.

Dropping GW is a natural evolution of the hobby, as that is when the world of miniature games realy opens up to you as you.
I dropped main GW in mid 20, and specialist games in early 21.

I...guess. I see many people stay lodged in the GW echo chamber, though. The strange, crazed GW fanatics I see in the Facebook groups or subreddits who hate YouTubers like Discourse Miniatures or The Outer Circle with a passion that should be reserved for actually horrible people and have no interest in other companies in the hobby. It's scary how many people are like that.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/06 15:51:15

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 Adrassil wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Someone said, GW is the entry point to the hobby, but like all things that fase will end.

Dropping GW is a natural evolution of the hobby, as that is when the world of miniature games realy opens up to you as you.
I dropped main GW in mid 20, and specialist games in early 21.

I...guess. I see many people stay lodged in the GW echo chamber, though. The strange, crazed GW fanatics I see in the Facebook groups or subreddits who hate YouTubers like Discourse Miniatures or The Outer Circle with a passion that should be reserved for actually horrible people and have no interest in other companies in the hobby. It's scary how many people are like that.

That is addiction, or Fan fever. (we all know how bad that can get if not kept in control)
I think thouse people did not get any alternatives to GW when they started. I supplemented this 40k fan forum with beastofwar(ontabletop) and got a healty dose of perspective about this hobby very early on. Only reason i am still using this place is the painting and modeling, news, and other games sub section.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/06 19:05:38

Post by: Eilif

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Someone said, GW is the entry point to the hobby, but like all things that fase will end.

Dropping GW is a natural evolution of the hobby, as that is when the world of miniature games realy opens up to you as you.
I dropped main GW in mid 20, and specialist games in early 21.

Maybe it ends completely, but maybe it just gets incorporated on your own terms. I mentioned earlier that I've been playing Grimdark Future with my son recently. Brought out my IG army for the first time in years for a game this weekend and I was struck by both how much I never want to go back to 40k rules and how much I still like the 40k figures and setting.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/07 07:50:38

Post by: aphyon

 Eilif wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Someone said, GW is the entry point to the hobby, but like all things that fase will end.

Dropping GW is a natural evolution of the hobby, as that is when the world of miniature games realy opens up to you as you.
I dropped main GW in mid 20, and specialist games in early 21.

Maybe it ends completely, but maybe it just gets incorporated on your own terms. I mentioned earlier that I've been playing Grimdark Future with my son recently. Brought out my IG army for the first time in years for a game this weekend and I was struck by both how much I never want to go back to 40k rules and how much I still like the 40k figures and setting.

Not all the old rules are that bad, you just have to put the best together. not that it should come as any surprise many of us old time gamers have come to the same rules fixes in our own local areas, game design isn't that hard of a concept, except for GW of course.

Our group has been having loads of fun playing a hybrid 5th edition with large helpings of rules from 3rd and 4th replacing bad design choices. even a few of the 6th and 7th rules make for fun game play in the older editions (although they tend to resemble versions of rules from 2nd edition).

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/08 15:51:19

Post by: Eilif

 aphyon wrote:

Not all the old rules are that bad, you just have to put the best together. not that it should come as any surprise many of us old time gamers have come to the same rules fixes in our own local areas, game design isn't that hard of a concept, except for GW of course.

Our group has been having loads of fun playing a hybrid 5th edition with large helpings of rules from 3rd and 4th replacing bad design choices. even a few of the 6th and 7th rules make for fun game play in the older editions (although they tend to resemble versions of rules from 2nd edition).

I see your point. I'm personally having more fun now with Grimdark Future than any previous edition of 40k as there are certain foundational elements of 40k I'm generally not fond of in a large battle game. I confess also that I like how with Grimdark it's pretty much all done for me in terms of rules, army lists and an online army builder.

However, for folks who prefer more of the GW-ish style of rules I think picking and choosing from what's come before is a great solution. 9 Editions in, there's certainly a large toolkit of options available to draw from.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/18 22:00:53

Post by: Commissar von Toussaint

 aphyon wrote:

Not all the old rules are that bad, you just have to put the best together. not that it should come as any surprise many of us old time gamers have come to the same rules fixes in our own local areas, game design isn't that hard of a concept, except for GW of course.

Our group has been having loads of fun playing a hybrid 5th edition with large helpings of rules from 3rd and 4th replacing bad design choices. even a few of the 6th and 7th rules make for fun game play in the older editions (although they tend to resemble versions of rules from 2nd edition).

Yeah, that's where I'm at. Burned out in the transition to 4th, quit for a while, and then went back to 2nd, which in retrospect had some very easy fixes for it.

Nice thing about playing an OOP game is that codex creep is a thing of the past. You take what's there, fix what's broken, and enjoy. I hit "permanently quit" because while I would come back if GW actually produced a solid rules set, I see zero probability of that ever taking place.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/20 06:35:40

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Commissar von Toussaint wrote:
 aphyon wrote:

Not all the old rules are that bad, you just have to put the best together. not that it should come as any surprise many of us old time gamers have come to the same rules fixes in our own local areas, game design isn't that hard of a concept, except for GW of course.

Our group has been having loads of fun playing a hybrid 5th edition with large helpings of rules from 3rd and 4th replacing bad design choices. even a few of the 6th and 7th rules make for fun game play in the older editions (although they tend to resemble versions of rules from 2nd edition).

Yeah, that's where I'm at. Burned out in the transition to 4th, quit for a while, and then went back to 2nd, which in retrospect had some very easy fixes for it.

Nice thing about playing an OOP game is that codex creep is a thing of the past. You take what's there, fix what's broken, and enjoy. I hit "permanently quit" because while I would come back if GW actually produced a solid rules set, I see zero probability of that ever taking place.

Then you keep doing 2nd, or hit up specialist games. dont think there is any of the old games that dont have 3d print proxi models out there, and epic+bfg has a good amount of fan support when it comes to the rules.
And while it has become a bit bloated over the years now, AT still has one of the best modern core rulebooks made over the past 6 years by gw.

Leaving 40k? @ 2022/12/21 00:11:13

Post by: Commissar von Toussaint

 FrozenDwarf wrote:

Then you keep doing 2nd, or hit up specialist games. dont think there is any of the old games that dont have 3d print proxi models out there, and epic+bfg has a good amount of fan support when it comes to the rules.
And while it has become a bit bloated over the years now, AT still has one of the best modern core rulebooks made over the past 6 years by gw.

No need for proxies, tons of 2nd ed. stuff being dumped on ebay and such places. The one-pose sculpts for orks are really cheap, along with the old plastic genestealers.

Indeed, I only had 1 army prior to 1998, and now I have all of the 2nd edition codex ones (well, okay, I didn't bother to collect all four flavors of marine...) and that probably cost me less than collecting one army in the "current" edition.

Leaving 40k? @ 2023/03/21 17:06:40

Post by: Just Tony

I didn't leave 40k, 40K left me

Leaving 40k? @ 2023/03/21 22:58:54

Post by: cody.d.

Does it count if I exclusively play 30K at the moment?

Leaving 40k? @ 2023/03/22 05:34:41

Post by: Just Tony

I think it counts if you aren't playing whatever the most recent form of 40K is. I still play 3rd Ed. 40K, but I still consider myself as having "left".

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/01/31 18:58:10

Post by: bullisariuscowl

not really, I have been painting bolt action and battletech more often, and I get more enjoyment out of battletech. Both games are better Price Wise too.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/02 15:43:36

Post by: SirDonlad

Left 40k for The Horus Heresy.
Now i only play original Horus Heresy so technically ive left HH too

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/15 14:12:43

Post by: Da Boss

I posted in this thread in 2019, and now in 2024 I was reflecting that I achieved everything I was hoping for in my post.
I've painted a massive Crimson Fists force, a huge mostly 2e Imperial Guard force, and a decent sized Chaos Space Marine, Chaos Demon and Necron force.
Got games in with all of them on terrain I scratch built.
All done in OPR. Funny enough, I've now "left" OPR because they upgraded to Version 2.5 and I was happy with 2.X and didn't much like the changes. So now I'm out of edition in the game I switched to because I was falling behind the editions in 40K.

Honestly, feels good. Editions are mostly only useful for publishers.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/15 23:28:40

Post by: Eilif

 Da Boss wrote:
I posted in this thread in 2019, and now in 2024 I was reflecting that I achieved everything I was hoping for in my post.
I've painted a massive Crimson Fists force, a huge mostly 2e Imperial Guard force, and a decent sized Chaos Space Marine, Chaos Demon and Necron force.
Got games in with all of them on terrain I scratch built.
All done in OPR. Funny enough, I've now "left" OPR because they upgraded to Version 2.5 and I was happy with 2.X and didn't much like the changes. So now I'm out of edition in the game I switched to because I was falling behind the editions in 40K.

Honestly, feels good. Editions are mostly only useful for publishers.

Glad you met your hobby goals. I haven't painted nearly as many figures as I'd hoped, but my use of Grimdark as a 40K substitute has been doing like gangbusters. I've probably played more games of Grimdark in the past 3 years than 40k in the previous 25.

As for versions, I happily made the switch to 2.5 and will likely follow every version change. Even if I felt strongly about a previous edition, the Army Forge builder is just too handy for me to want to pen and pencil out out lists just to keep to a previous version and I suspect my club feels the same way.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/19 11:31:55

Post by: Da Boss

I've never been a big app user when it comes to my hobby, I like doing things out by hand and so on, so no skin off my nose not to keep up to date.

If I ever venture into a bigger OPR community I would just upgrade, but seeing as I run all the games myself with armies I make and paint myself, I felt no reason to "upgrade".

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/19 11:51:57

Post by: tauist

I've been on and off of 40K several times already. Got back in around 8th the last time, and now am leaving again after 10th edition.

After 10th edition, I will only play other GW games in the 30K/40K setting or older editions. I have always been a Space Marine player (Ok, did collect Orks in the 90s but didn't play 40K back then), and Primaris are not the Space Marines I know and love, they are just another generic scifi branded action figure franchise. Heck, even Orks have been "ruined" by 40K modernizations.. Eldar, Guard and Chaos players still have their essentials pure, I'm kind of envious, but not enough to change the army I play.

I absolutely fricking love the modern GW models, detail levels, lack of undercuts on the assembled models, proportions, all very much improved since the 80s.. And the gaming aids we have today! A dataslate that contains every rulebook and WD article ever written.. keeps track of my army lists and any other bookkeeping I might require.. but the current rules of GWs main games are not too hot and the constant churn of new releases and changes is making me hella cynical, bit by bit.

It's easy to turn to the past editions of the game and see a lot of fun opportunities.. Ironically, the rules were better in the past, whereas the models, gaming aids, paints and hobby stuff is now lightyears beyond the old stuff.. If only we could combine the old rules with the new models and gaming aids.. The old editions could thrive like never before.. But the interest in combining the old and the new seem nonexistent..? Either its "Only the new stuff!" or "Only lead models, paper and pencils!" and I'm stuck in the middle, in no-mans-land..

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/19 15:03:25

Post by: Da Boss

I think many of us feel similarly. The modern setting doesn't really interest me, and I'm not a fan of all the scale creep in the miniature ranges. But there's still some nice stuff being released now and then. I'm pretty content to tinker around (I bought a lot of stuff back when Start Collecting boxes were better value, and I have a lot of stuff since 2e still hanging around) and make my own way.

I think as we get older our tastes get more idiosyncratic and it's harder to find a community with exactly the same outlook. So I've moved to just "games mastering" games with my friends from RPGs, slowly getting them involved. That means I prefer simpler rulesets that are easier to teach non-wargamers these days.

Someday in the future, maybe I'll come back to "the community" but I feel it is moving on without me, and perhaps I won't ever feel like coming back. But I think that's just a natural evolution for a lot of hobbyists.

I have to say, pure sticker shock from the prices plays a part in making me drop out too. I've got a decent income, but it's hard to justify what they're asking for when plenty of competitors make nice models that aren't as pricey.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/19 18:08:08

Post by: theCrowe

I’ve been “leaving 40k” for decades. But now I have kids and lots more excuses to play with my old toys. So why leave? Just keep playing what’s fun? I mean, modern 40k is just a thing in the background that keeps the old stuff circulating onto eBay for me to snaffle at when my kid wants a new thingy for our latest project idea.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/20 13:43:10

Post by: Eilif

 theCrowe wrote:
I’ve been “leaving 40k” for decades. But now I have kids and lots more excuses to play with my old toys. So why leave? Just keep playing what’s fun? I mean, modern 40k is just a thing in the background that keeps the old stuff circulating onto eBay for me to snaffle at when my kid wants a new thingy for our latest project idea.

This is roughly my situation. My kid makes it even easier to stay in the 40k universe, it's just that we use Grimdark Future and used minis. Even without using GW rules I can't say that I really left if my 40k figures have seen more table time last year than any of the 25 years I've been in the hobby.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/20 21:00:12

Post by: Adrassil

I'm on Grimdark Future as well (mostly Firefight; I use Grimdark Future: Firefight as the main game of the miniature wargaming club I run for kids in my town). I'm a patron of them and have been using the Army Forge Studio app a lot, mostly to make my factions based on my 40k fanfic Secret War. Which I love.

But I use the GFF rules and the 40k fluff as it's much better than OPR's, mostly because OPR doesn't have 36 years of writing and development on their lore, though.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/21 15:52:35

Post by: Eilif

 Adrassil wrote:
But I use the GFF rules and the 40k fluff as it's much better than OPR's, mostly because OPR doesn't have 36 years of writing and development on their lore, though.

Agreed. I've got nearly zero interest in OPR fluff. Even if I leaned into their additions and got a Jackal army, I'd be running it as a Tau affiliate or inserting it into the 40k universe somehow.

I do roughly the same with KOW rules (a favorite of mine) in the WHFB universe, with a mix of GW and i other figures.

With such a great variety of settings, miniatures and rules available, there's no reason to be confined to one source.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/21 19:26:43

Post by: aphyon

It's been a while since i posted in this topic, and i see it has come back to life.
So on the update side our 5th ed based oldhammer group is still going strong and gaining players/interest. so all is well with the world without current GW.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/22 10:14:09

Post by: Da Boss

 Eilif wrote:
 Adrassil wrote:
But I use the GFF rules and the 40k fluff as it's much better than OPR's, mostly because OPR doesn't have 36 years of writing and development on their lore, though.

Agreed. I've got nearly zero interest in OPR fluff. Even if I leaned into their additions and got a Jackal army, I'd be running it as a Tau affiliate or inserting it into the 40k universe somehow.

I do roughly the same with KOW rules (a favorite of mine) in the WHFB universe, with a mix of GW and i other figures.

With such a great variety of settings, miniatures and rules available, there's no reason to be confined to one source.

I took the chance when "leaving" to restructure 40K into something more to my liking. Made it more "Rogue Trader" than modern 40K, with significant chunks of the galaxy under human, but not Imperial control. Sort of had the Great Crusade limping on post Heresy, slowly, and allowed for more interaction between humans and xenos in non Imperial areas. Primarchs are just famous leaders of space marine legions and not giants with magic powers.
Cut down the number of space marine subtypes to basically loyalist and traitor, dropped Craftworld Eldar as a military force (they just run away from conflicts) and have my Eldar mostly be Dark Eldar pirates. Demiurg instead of Squats, because I like the idea of another Xenos species better than abhumans, and if you use closed helmet Forgefathers you can imagine they look like anything underneath the helmets (I imagine something like the Volun from Mass Effect, like deep sea fish that need pressure suits to survive at pressures that are good for humans). Tau, Tyranids and Orks are basically unchanged. Necrons are an ancient AI that infests machines, and Necron Warriors are human-built androids that have been taken over. The other constructs are older or AI built creations. Said AI is the reason for the anti-AI stance of the Imperials and the source of the "Men of Iron" myths.

The idea is that this sort of setting is a bit more amenable to sandbox style RPG play for various things, and cuts out stuff I don't like too much in the normal game. I've done similar with Fantasy.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/02/26 22:05:50

Post by: Eilif

 Da Boss wrote:
 Eilif wrote:

With such a great variety of settings, miniatures and rules available, there's no reason to be confined to one source.

I took the chance when "leaving" to restructure 40K into something more to my liking. Made it more "Rogue Trader" than modern 40K, with significant chunks of the galaxy under human, but not Imperial control.
Sort of had the Great Crusade limping on post Heresy, slowly, and allowed for more interaction between humans and xenos in non Imperial areas. Primarchs are just famous leaders of space marine legions and not giants with magic powers.
Cut down the number of space marine subtypes to basically loyalist and traitor, dropped Craftworld Eldar as a military force (they just run away from conflicts) and have my Eldar mostly be Dark Eldar pirates. Demiurg instead of Squats, because I like the idea of another Xenos species better than abhumans, and if you use closed helmet Forgefathers you can imagine they look like anything underneath the helmets (I imagine something like the Volun from Mass Effect, like deep sea fish that need pressure suits to survive at pressures that are good for humans). Tau, Tyranids and Orks are basically unchanged. Necrons are an ancient AI that infests machines, and Necron Warriors are human-built androids that have been taken over. The other constructs are older or AI built creations. Said AI is the reason for the anti-AI stance of the Imperials and the source of the "Men of Iron" myths. [spoiler]

The idea is that this sort of setting is a bit more amenable to sandbox style RPG play for various things, and cuts out stuff I don't like too much in the normal game. I've done similar with Fantasy.

Absolutely no reason not to reshape fluff to your own liking or completely invent your own. Most of the club has an affinity for the classic Warhammer and 40K universes so we use those allot recently.

However, for a couple years we used our own homebrew universe "The Galactic Frontier" as a meliu for a variety of sci fi rulesets and miniature collections.

Leaving 40k? @ 2024/05/05 15:24:14

Post by: odinsgrandson

 Azreal13 wrote:
You realise posting this in 40K Discussion is going to skew the result somewhat?

I dunno- hating on GW is a pretty standard practice for 40k fans.