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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/01/18 22:07:33

Post by: Skinflint Games

Focus isn't our strong suit in our little gaming group, so Dan & I figured why not start a Dakka plog to show what we're up to? There will be various themes here, but all will be the united by the love of little plastic soldiers and the hatred of spending money..

Step forward 1/72 40k:

https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/da-skooderia-pt-2/ - Da Skooderia Ferrorki, Evil Sunz Warband

Khornate Chaos Cultist

Guardsman of the Hazzard 1977th

Our own 1950s retro sci fi/ WW2 mishmash, Apocalypse Earth:

featuring the noble Atlantic Alliance defying the evil hordes of the Holy Soviet Empire.. at least sometimes..

Apocalypse Earth's steampunk/VSF/fantasy cousin, Hyperian Wars:


The skirmish/RPG Apocalypse Earth: Black Ops spinoff:


And not forgetting our guilty love of 2nd Ed Space Marine!


Over the last 18 months or so our modelling skills have come on apace, largely thanks to many of the posters here on Dakka. Hopefully we can post the odd thing you guys will enjoy, and the karmic balance will be complete!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/01/22 23:19:36

Post by: Skinflint Games

So post battle report, I've been tidying up the marines, rebasing them with a mix of dust and flock, and the difference is just off the scale. Thoroughly recommend as an alternative to straight flock.

Check out the full post - LOTS of pics - here: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/01/23/epic-new-year/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/02/23 15:24:02

Post by: Skinflint Games

Almost forgotten about this

Right, who wants to see scratchbuilt Rhino, giant spider, fold away urban terrain board and some cool urban terrain scatter pieces? All made for the princely some of £0?

Hop on over to https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/02/ and have a look

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/05/08 20:54:43

Post by: Skinflint Games

Just finished up painting the first tranche of Guardsmen for the Hazzard 1977th - check out the full story here: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/05/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/06/20 14:27:31

Post by: Skinflint Games

Working towards a big blog post - a BIG repaint and reinforcements for the Atlantic Alliance!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/06/27 23:36:57

Post by: Skinflint Games

Slapped some paints on the beginnings of a 1/72 Evil Sunz warband

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/07/02 12:17:45

Post by: Skinflint Games

Tried a few small scuffles using the rules from the Battle Primer and the old RT statlines for Orks vs Guard - good fun!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/07/20 19:36:19

Post by: Skinflint Games

Terrain we made for The Battle At The Farm:

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/07/26 13:52:56

Post by: Skinflint Games

Built another hill having followed the "Dynamic, Craggy Hill" article on here, also having watched The Terrain Tutor channel and Lukes' APS "The Extra Mile" video series (thoroughly recommend these to all terrain builders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN16RxVNrvc and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsmD5774MOQhjYBkXqu3Jdw )

Anyway, hill including WIP shots:

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/07/31 15:37:55

Post by: Skinflint Games

Finished upgrading a ruins piece of terrain originally made from a wine box and some paper mache... now reworked with filler, detailing, textures etc. Used cocktail sticks and guitar string off cuts for the cables and rebar rods.

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/07/31 19:36:08

Post by: Llamahead

What are the Crimson Fists based on?

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/08/01 12:33:36

Post by: Skinflint Games

Leftover 1/72 Vietnam War US infantry- cardboard for chest plate, green stuff for shinpads, pauldrons and beaky helmet. Not exactly Forge World quality, but good enough for a fun game!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/09/03 21:53:33

Post by: Skinflint Games

Followed the advice of The Terrain Tutor, Lukes Aps and 3T studios, and came up with this method for building hills: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/09/03/terrain-talk-pt-2-hills/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/09/15 20:42:06

Post by: Skinflint Games

Scratchbuilding a BIG ASS HEAVY MECH for the Holy Soviet Army - step forth Stompy Uncle Joe... (currently WIP paintjob)

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/09/16 12:05:15

Post by: Skinflint Games

Stompy Uncle Joe all painted up and leading the Soviet Holy Army:

[Thumb - DJzNTvQWkAEJMdI.jpg]
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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/09/16 12:15:06

Post by: kestral

Love that mecha. Although I have my doubts about 1/72, hats off to you for making work!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/09/16 12:17:43

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks man, I think the papercraft template was actually for 28mm but it's made for a monstrous centrepiece! He's packing dual anti-aircraft machine guns, a power fist with attached flame thrower and a lightning launcher so LOTS of short-range assault firepower... Let's see if he survives his first game...

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/09/17 21:32:10

Post by: Skinflint Games

Complete post on build and painting now here: https://wordpress.com/post/skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2458

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/10/18 11:17:12

Post by: Skinflint Games


First half is now up covering army lists, deployment and general strategy – second half will be the game itself, our biggest yet!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/10/28 15:14:12

Post by: Skinflint Games

And DONE! Biggest EVER battle report - Flying saucers, giant mechs, stealth tanks and more! https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/10/28/apocalypse-earth-battle-report-the-battle-of-kubica-pass-pt-2-fight/

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/11/21 20:10:50

Post by: Skinflint Games

After MANY gremlins during the build and painting process, cardboard 1/72 Leman Russ is done - here in situ with similarly proportioned Chimera, waiting to deal with the enemies of the Emperor!

[Thumb - 20171121_135412.jpg]

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/12/03 22:24:32

Post by: Skinflint Games

For those who follow the blog, just put a post up detailing the build/paint process for these little guys : https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/12/03/cheaphammer-40k-scratchbuilt-imperial-armour-in-1-72/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2017/12/19 14:19:22

Post by: Skinflint Games

Airfix guys with greenstuff & bitz conversions, scratchbuilt papercraft Russ & Chimera - full post here: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2017/12/19/armies-on-parade-the-hazzard-1977th-astra-militarum/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/01/30 20:14:52

Post by: Skinflint Games

Second plasma reactor online now, superglue makes everything so much easier:

Check out the build process here:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/02/08 23:14:51

Post by: Skinflint Games

Scratchbuilt warbuggies and battlewagon for 40k in 1/72!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/02/13 20:28:23

Post by: Skinflint Games

Hmmm... what could be going on here?

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/02/15 22:31:44

Post by: Skinflint Games

Something in the paint and primer process has reacted with the glue, giving him a slightly wonky gait, but he's coming together!

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/02/15 23:31:29

Post by: Skinflint Games

Painted, weathered and done! :-)

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/02/20 14:19:41

Post by: Skinflint Games

Having caught up with Small Bloodaxe's superb thread, I'm inspired to try my hand at something tricky... The trickiest something yet... Stay tuned!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/02/21 00:25:36

Post by: Skinflint Games

Spent a little time adding details- ladders, hatches etc

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The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/03/02 20:37:46

Post by: Skinflint Games

Finally complete! A 1000pts of Orks for under £15? YES WE CAN


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/04/03 22:14:34

Post by: Skinflint Games

So after trying 40k in 1/72 the other week, we figured we'd stat up our forces for our WIP sci fi spin off of Apocalypse: Earth and give it a try:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/05/01 22:07:34

Post by: Skinflint Games

So, inspired by a certain Dakka Dakka user by the handle of Skalk Bloodaxe, and buoyed by the success of the plasma reactors we built earlier in the year, we went a bit mad and built something HUGE and COMPLICATED...


This was a BIG job, and we made quite a few mistakes along the way, but it was an interesting process and hopefully some of you can learn from our mistakes!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/05/13 22:12:43

Post by: Skinflint Games

"So, so far the casual observer of our Apocalypse: Earth battle reports might have thought that it was all just about the Atlantic Alliance vs the evil Holy Soviet Empire.. but that's a long way from the truth. As anyone (both of you) who has read our fluff will know, the fateful Soviet invasion of February 1954 crashed across the German border with devastating force, catching the League Of European Nations not quite with their pant down, but certainly at half mast!

With Germany winning a Pyrrhic victory in the Great War at the Battle Of Paris in November 1914, and the League of European Nations being set up in the wake up the military coup that toppled the Kaiser two months later, it was German patterned equipment, doctrine and armaments that formed the backbone of LoEN armed forces in the early years of the war.."


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/05/24 17:46:44

Post by: Skinflint Games

So as it turns out, Betrayal At Calth isn't just a starter set of 30k miniatures, it's actually a game. And as we've been discovering, really quite a good one:


I recommend this for anyone who wants to get a little extra "bang for buck" with their model collections, there are a good few eBay sellers who buy the game for the minis and sell the rest on for a pittance.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/06/03 22:33:10

Post by: Skinflint Games

So as the League Of European Nations finally hit the table, I decided to scratchbuild a motorised laser cannon carriage from cardboard, batteries and general junk. Turned out looking pretty good (although so far it's not fared too well on the tabletop!)

Build log here:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/06/14 21:30:15

Post by: Skinflint Games

Learned a few things over the past few months about leopard spotting and texture paste - finally got a chance to put them into practice. Hopefully can help out a few terrain builders! Credit to Mel The Terrain Tutor and Lukes' APS as always.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/08/16 20:49:46

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Skinflint Games wrote:
Accidentally bought a copy of 2nd Ed box set a few months back, in it were these guys:

Now repainted as Deathwatch - first proper Citadel minis I've painted since the '90s, quite pleased with the results!

Full post here for those interested:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/08/21 23:17:33

Post by: Skinflint Games

Finally managed to get this done! The biggest battle we've done yet, and it was a BLAST


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/08/22 05:02:12

Post by: Chamberlain

The shots of everything on the table look really good. I'd take this over a sea of unpainted models any day of the week.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/08/22 19:22:10

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks man! And most of what you see is either scratchbuilt or converted from Airfix and Revell 1/72 stuff

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/08/22 20:44:12

Post by: Chamberlain

Old gaming buddy used to put on 1/72 WW2 games. I always thought it was a great foundation for gaming. You can do so much with that scale.

Love the dreadnought/kan on the hill. That's probably my favorite picture.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/08/23 21:01:52

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks man - yeah, I love this scale, it's dirt cheap, you can convert and do damn near anything and if it goes wrong, so what? The figures are £7 for a box of 40! Building a WHFB Skaven army using 1/72 Caesar Ratmen - £36 has bought me 160 figures!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/09/28 18:19:20

Post by: Skinflint Games

So, we've decided that 1993 was so much fun we want to stay there - and to that end:


We're getting our inadvertant alcohol-influenced retro haul painted up and ready for a Christmas mini-campaign, so who's up for some serious RetroHammer?

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/09/28 19:21:21

Post by: Jin

Ooo... This looks like it should be fun.


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/10/12 13:58:08

Post by: Skinflint Games

With the Marines underway, we've got some hot Greenskin action to bring you this month!: https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2018/10/07/cheaphammer-40k-the-2nd-ed-revival-project-pt-3-wotta-lotta-grots/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/10/26 22:46:41

Post by: Skinflint Games

Marines and Grots can do other things, as it turns out...and one of those things is Deadzone!

" border="0" />

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/10/27 08:03:08

Post by: Camkierhi

Miss my mass rank gretchin.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/10/28 19:57:44

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Camkierhi wrote:
Miss my mass rank gretchin.

There's something about them, isn't there? ;-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/11/08 23:08:05

Post by: Skinflint Games

So, having built a skirmish board and a Deadzone board, we flipped the chipboard shelves that formed the basis of our trusty board and decided to build an urban alter ego:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/11/22 12:18:52

Post by: Cleatus

Love seeing those old Gretchin haha. The board looks great.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/11/30 16:16:59

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Cleatus, praise from the Scratchbuildin' Mekboy himself is praise indeed! Love your work bud ;-)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
This week we've been revisiting an overlooked little gem from the early '90s - the excellent Firefight, from Alternative Armies!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/12/03 12:55:08

Post by: Camkierhi

We used to have actual imaginations once upon a time.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/12/03 15:01:27

Post by: Skinflint Games

Too true...

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2018/12/12 23:13:58

Post by: Skinflint Games

Needed to make a load of these for our 2nd Edition 40k Revival project, so we came up with a way of mass producing quick, sturdy and actually pretty tidy looking walls. 20 from one A4 sheet of foamboard and some cat litter!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/01/03 17:37:00

Post by: Skinflint Games

Kicking off 2019 with a dose of 2nd Ed retro gaming –

Brother Lorenzio tapped his comm-link again and muttered a curse. No matter what he did, he couldn't tune out the sibilant high frequency pulsating that he would almost swear sounded like some form of rhythmic high pitched bell… He put it out if his mind as the sonorous voice of Brother Sergeant Garcia came across the squad net.

"Stay close, brothers, the enemy is lightly armed but numerous. Brother Fiorian, your flamer to the fore."

The net chimed as Brother Enricio chimed in. "Forgive me, Brother Sergeant – enemy sighted, three contacts, each ten strong, bearings 294, 012 and 027"

The combat squad clustered behind a ruined wall. Garcia's voice across the net again – "Close and destroy, brothers. Grenades and flamer, bolter and sword. On me!"

With that, the five Space Marines roared their assent and charged toward their foe..


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/01/16 22:43:39

Post by: Skinflint Games

After an eBay raid (in like a ninja), we've got enough Orks for Game 2 in our mini campaign, and we've even got a few painted!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/01/17 00:52:32

Post by: kestral

I started out with those orks back in the day - converted the plastics sooo many different ways. Enjoy! The real trick was finding interesting things to do with the Grots - I liked those little guys.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/01/27 12:08:52

Post by: Skinflint Games

Our attempts to travel back in time to Christmas 1993 continue with Marines v Orks in the second scenario from our mini-campaign:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/02/05 23:19:49

Post by: Skinflint Games

With the third and final game on the horizon, it was either shell out £30 for a dreadnought, play with the cutout, or get busy... We chose option C!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/02/14 20:32:41

Post by: Skinflint Games

Back to Feb 14 1954 in our alternate "history" of Earth as the Holy Soviet hordes steamrolling their way across Europe get to grips with the Atlantic Alliance for the very first time in this scenario from Operation IRON HEART!

Lots of explosions, lots of scratchbuilt stuff, most of it on fire by the end of the first turn – enjoy!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/03/08 19:13:37

Post by: Camkierhi

Corrected that for you.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/03/11 00:46:35

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Camkierhi wrote:

Corrected that for you.

wait for the battle report Can! ;-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/03/15 11:01:03

Post by: Skinflint Games

The ladz are all painted up and ready (along with their papercraft DIY dread) to bring the pain to the Marines! It's 1-1 as we go into the third and final game of the campaign..


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/03/31 13:28:53

Post by: Skinflint Games

The final climactic game from the 2nd Ed campaign book, can the Greenskins drive the Deathwatch back or will the xenos fall under the might and fury of humanity's finest?


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/04/11 22:27:31

Post by: Skinflint Games

Adding some badass firepower to the League of European Nations faction before we try to wrest back control of Skalk Point from the evil Holy Soviet Empire - fun little build, check it out:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/04/11 23:11:22

Post by: amazingturtles

You've got some really neat projects here!

I don't know if it's my browser, but on all of your blog posts that i look at from here i can only see the first two or three images at most.

Those are quite nifty little... spheres.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/04/20 22:34:18

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks man! Glad you're enjoying them, plenty more to come

For anyone interested, here are the test rules we're going to be using with them...


Comments and criticism welcome!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/05/01 15:15:07

Post by: Skinflint Games

My long time comrade in arms has just thrown down the terrain building gauntlet to me… it's ON!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/05/12 22:23:58

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Skinflint Games wrote:
Focus isn't our strong suit in our little gaming group, so Dan & I figured why not start a Dakka plog to show what we're up to? There will be various themes here, but all will be the united by the love of little plastic soldiers and the hatred of spending money..

Step forward 1/72 40k:

https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/da-skooderia-pt-2/ - Da Skooderia Ferrorki, Evil Sunz Warband

Khornate Chaos Cultist

Guardsman of the Hazzard 1977th

Our own 1950s retro sci fi/ WW2 mishmash, Apocalypse Earth:

featuring the noble Atlantic Alliance defying the evil hordes of the Holy Soviet Empire.. at least sometimes..

Apocalypse Earth's steampunk/VSF/fantasy cousin, Hyperian Wars:


The skirmish/RPG Apocalypse Earth: Black Ops spinoff:


And not forgetting our guilty love of 2nd Ed Space Marine!


Over the last 18 months or so our modelling skills have come on apace, largely thanks to many of the posters here on Dakka. Hopefully we can post the odd thing you guys will enjoy, and the karmic balance will be complete!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Right, it's ON!

For better or worse, Dan and I have signed up to the League of Extraordinary Riveters terrain competition... We've ogled other people's work for long enough, time to throw our hat into the ring.

This time the theme is using something food based as a start point - full explanation here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/775200.page

So we're beginning with this:

Every year I get a Cadbury's Creme Egg for Easter, and once my blood sugar level has subsided enough to allow rational thought, I look at the packaging and think "What could this be.." - and inevitably chuck it in the recycling before it gets the chance to be anything


This is going to be... a Vrilfire Reactor!

A what?

A Vrilfre reactor - a piece of terrain for our steampunk/ fantasy/ VSF version of Apocalypse: Earth, the as-yet-unpublished Hyperian Wars! This is for the Virum Nascii faction (who bear an uncanny, but purely coincidental resemblance to Skaven but in 20mm scale) - essentially Skaven Chernobyl. On the world of Hyperia, Vril powers all things magickal and makes civilisation possible - a VrilFire reactor can generate enough power to supply a whole province. But the Virum Nascii are renowned looters and thieves, their engineering feats based on corrupted magicks... so this should get interesting.... I haz IDEAS!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/05/19 21:46:13

Post by: Skinflint Games

Wow, that was a big 'un... possibly our most ambitious terrain project yet! Shout out to Mel Bose himself, it was his D-day board that inspired this:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/05/20 18:12:22

Post by: Camkierhi

That looks great.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/05/20 19:09:01

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Cam!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/06/01 10:40:39

Post by: Skinflint Games

Like, totally not-Skaven, bro.... Miniknight (or Caesar, depending on which bit of the box you believe) Ratmen army WIP, for Age Of Sigmar, Age of Fantasy (from OnePageRules) and our own WIP Hyperian Wars system:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/06/09 22:20:09

Post by: Skinflint Games

Our D-Day commemoration game, a slightly odd nerdy salute to the heroes who landed that day but a salute nonetheless! (this is a biggy – grab a beer…)


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/06/19 23:09:38

Post by: Skinflint Games

Battle report up! 1000pts, Orc Marauders vs Human Defence Force. Thoroughly enjoyable game, maybe a little over simplified but a great start ruleset for those getting in to the hobby. Remind me how many rulebooks/ codexes/ chapter approved you need to have to play 8th?


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/06/20 21:37:41

Post by: Camkierhi

Very good, and enjoyable batrep, off to look up 1p40k. Great stuff bud.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/06/26 14:35:03

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers Cam, go for it - going to try out Age Of Fantasy on Friday, essentially 1pAoS, should be fun!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/07/02 22:49:24

Post by: Skinflint Games

Ratmen vs Humans – figures are 1/72 Caesar Ratmen and Airfix Napleonics, all terrain scratchbuilt.. Cheap and cheerful wargaming!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/07/10 13:31:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

So the other day we were supposed to be building some terrain for the LoER competition, but then we caught sight of some yoghurt pots and this happened…


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/07/18 18:21:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

A flat out, balls to the wall smackdown this week as a platoon of elite Sky Marines take on a horde of villainous Virum Nascii ratmen...


Added bonus - this one is Gav Thorpe approved!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/08/16 22:24:15

Post by: Skinflint Games

With all the Virum Nascii work we've been doing recently, it seemed only fitting to go back and upcycle an old model for the human Ancien Regime faction…


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/08/18 10:55:57

Post by: Camkierhi

That is a nice rework. And your entry for the comp was brilliant, thank you so much for taking part, just an excellent piece, tough contest though.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/08/18 12:41:12

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Cam, praise from a master is praise indeed :-) was fun to have a crack even if it didn't quite pan out the way I wanted it to, plenty of lessons learned for next time ;-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/09/08 22:18:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

Following on from our last game, Lord Ratticus' Virum Nascii forces are emboldened and more numerous, and this time it's the human Ancien Regime faction who are in their way...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/09/21 09:42:32

Post by: Skinflint Games

Our take on the classic pan scourer hedgerow trick - cheap, simple, but very effective!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/09/21 11:45:37

Post by: Gordy2000

Loving this thread Skinflint - so much creativity and just good old fashioned fun!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/09/21 22:51:33

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks mate, we've taken a hell of a lot of inspiration from you and your group :-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/10/01 22:38:57

Post by: Skinflint Games

Epic scale scratchbuilding? You know it ;-) Foamboard, cardboard, granny grating and drinking straws!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/10/12 23:00:46

Post by: Skinflint Games

The Redeemers Marine Chapter, together with their Guard allies, against the ravening hordes of WAAAAAGH! BOZZHOG - spectacular, bloody and fun!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/10/31 21:04:53

Post by: Skinflint Games

So last week we tried our hand at an "open plan"version of the classic skirmish game from Alternative Armies, "Firefight".. and there was much rejoicing!


Great fun to revisit this classic ruleset, some really innovative ideas, fast playing and dynamic

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/11/08 11:05:48

Post by: Skinflint Games

The Ratmen, aka Virum Nascii, are back with a vengeance! Grey Seer, Death Master and Night/ Gutter Runner skirmishers


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/12/13 22:59:40

Post by: Skinflint Games

..or, can 40k ever be "good"? When a company depends on an ever expanding model range, with new rules to boot, is power creep and "unbalancing" an inevitable? How much "support" is not enough, and how much is too much?

Don't have any answers, but I'm intrigued to hear others views. Drop us a comment with your thoughts!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/12/19 19:57:57

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Skinflint, good thoughts. I think a lot of folks agree that 3rd - 4th/5th was a golden age for 40k where the rules were simplified from 2nd edition and the rules bloat hadn't gotten out of hand. Initially, I was excited about 8th edition and the rumors of a simplified core rules system. But this was vastly overshadowed by the immense complexity they have introduced in formations and strategems and command points and special rules for each units, as well as so many books with rules and points updates. It used to be that you could wrap your head around an edition, even as a casual player. But now it feels like unless you are fully embedded and saturated in the game, you cannot keep up with what are the latest rules. The pace of updates is too frequent for a book-based game and maybe they just need to move all digital rules so they can be constantly updated, if that is what they want.

Personally, I like a game that is a little slower-moving. I only get in a max of one game per month so it takes me and my brother about two years just to thoroughly learn a rules system so we don't like frequent changes. Also, to me, the fun of the game is not in using a command point at the right time to throw down some card to beat my opponent's unit. To me, it is about strategic deployment and maneuvering into better positions than my opponent. But I understand that the hardcore players who play all the time likely get bored unless there are constant updates and new things.

All of this is a big part of why my brother and I have shifted to playing Horus Heresy, where the system in a little more stable over longer time periods. And we just love classic things like vehicles facing, flamer templates, etc. But just re-reading the 3rd edition rulebook the other day, it made me a bit nostalgic for when things were so simple. The 7th edition/Horus Heresy rule set is unnecessarily complex with so many rules that add lots of things to remember (and result in multiple trips to the rule book in every game) that don't add much to the enjoyment of the game for me, such as Challenges between characters and Look Out, Sir! that seem to just make characters extra powerful at the expense of the rank and file.

Ideally, I would like the game to be simple and fast-paced where there is almost no need to refer to any books or cards during the game. Our eyes should stay on the table and the beautiful models! This should be a battle simulation, not a card game. The complexity should come from the difficult tactical decisions you need to make in the game that should vary with the situation and not be no-brainers.

To your point, all of that would drastically reduce the number of models and books they could sell so it is unlikely. But I am going to propose to my brother maybe getting out our old 3rd or 4th edition rules and codexes and play a few games to see if the older, simpler rules are as fun as we remember.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2019/12/27 14:11:38

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers Riddle! Always interesting to hear another person's views about how much support is not enough, and how much is too much.. and how inevitable it is when you have a monthly magazine to sell packed full of new stuff..

And now, for something completely different!

Who wants to see my little tiny tanks… :-D


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/01/10 01:27:53

Post by: Camkierhi

Love them. Truly epic.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/01/27 14:27:45

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Cam! Right, it's been a while since we posted anything - but here's why. Our biggest battle report yet! Melding Apocalypse: Earth with her sister systems, Hyperian Wars (fantasy/ VSF/ steampunk) and Future Force Warrior (sci fi):


And there was carnage! Enjoy! :-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/02/01 08:49:45

Post by: Camkierhi

Awesome. Your games always look fun. Just as they should be.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/02/04 00:36:21

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Cam, was a blast! Few notes made on rules to tweak, and now we need to finish off the Totally Not Skaven with some weird weapons and war engines.. stay tuned!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/02/23 23:33:57

Post by: Skinflint Games

If you're a Father Ted fan, you'll get the reference...


This MAMMOTH project may be nearing it's end... although Mother Nature herself protests it, till we convert! Still we paint!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/03/12 23:58:26

Post by: Skinflint Games

For a while now we've been playing with the idea of "scaling" the Apocalypse: Earth setting for different games – just as back in the day GW had Epic, 40k and Necromunda for massed battles, intermediate and small scale skirmishes with different levels of detail, we've been toying with the idea of a 6mm mass battle version as well as an intimate, up-close-and-personal RPG (of sorts) set in the shadows of the Apocalypse: Earth universe…


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/03/19 20:58:07

Post by: Skinflint Games

Yes. After almost two YEARS, I've FINALLY finished the ratmen! Now it's just the war machines to build…


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/03/30 22:47:23

Post by: Skinflint Games


With time on my hands and no gaming buddy to play with, I'm getting started on a new faction for Grimdark Future / Future Force Warrior / 40k (maybe) - the Rebel Guerillas. What are they rebelling against? Whatever you've got...

Infantry coming soon, but first, introducing the Creighton-pattern light assault vehicle, native to the world of Hazzard Prime!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/04/09 13:14:18

Post by: Camkierhi

Great to see you still kicking bud. Love the ratmen, guess I better get going on mine.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/04/16 23:26:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers Cam, still very much alive and well and stealing ideas from you! An on that topic -

Here to bring social justice to the good people of Hazzard Prime, it's the Hazzard People's Front 237th Freedom Brigade!

Every game needs it's generic "rebel" faction, and this is ours –


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 0009/09/28 05:25:17

Post by: Skinflint Games

So with both the missus and my gaming buddy on lockdown, I decided to get creative and test out or "solo" gaming rules..


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/05/12 22:54:18

Post by: Skinflint Games


Taking the Skinflint Way t near certifiable levels, I am now attempting to create an Epic Imperial Guard army for absolutely no money at all.. and do you know, I think I might be succeeding..

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/05/20 22:25:22

Post by: Skinflint Games


Taking the time to "upcycle" some of our terrain, and a VERY useful new basing technique!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/05/31 22:35:27

Post by: Skinflint Games

Building what I learned upcycling our collection of trees, I've started added some rock clusters for that White Dwarf 1993 vibe ;-) Hope you like them, it's a fun, cheap, easy and effective build


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Skinflint Games wrote:
Focus isn't our strong suit in our little gaming group, so Dan & I figured why not start a Dakka plog to show what we're up to? There will be various themes here, but all will be the united by the love of little plastic soldiers and the hatred of spending money..

Step forward 1/72 40k:

https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/da-skooderia-pt-2/ - Da Skooderia Ferrorki, Evil Sunz Warband

Khornate Chaos Cultist

Guardsman of the Hazzard 1977th

Our own 1950s retro sci fi/ WW2 mishmash, Apocalypse Earth:

featuring the noble Atlantic Alliance defying the evil hordes of the Holy Soviet Empire.. at least sometimes..

Apocalypse Earth's steampunk/VSF/fantasy cousin, Hyperian Wars:


The skirmish/RPG Apocalypse Earth: Black Ops spinoff:


And not forgetting our guilty love of 2nd Ed Space Marine!


Over the last 18 months or so our modelling skills have come on apace, largely thanks to many of the posters here on Dakka. Hopefully we can post the odd thing you guys will enjoy, and the karmic balance will be complete!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/06/11 10:15:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

As 9th gets ever closer to launch, I got philosophical about game design... https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2020/06/10/further-musings-on-game-design-what-will-9th-bring/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/06/25 21:18:41

Post by: Skinflint Games

Been at the granny grating again - here are my teeny tiny Epic Imperial Guard Rough Riders!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/07/08 22:10:13

Post by: Skinflint Games

In advance of our hoped for sci fi gaming league, I've added a DIY Rhino to our little band of 1/72 Crimson Fist Marines (40K)/ Battle Brothers (Grimdark FUture)/ PSLA Spetsnaz (Future Force Warrior) - cardboard, foamboard , cocktail stick, IDE cable (thanks Zrunelord) and sprue bits, enjoy!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/07/17 22:42:04

Post by: Skinflint Games

Seeing as 2020 sucks, Jim and I have been getting nostalgic (via Skype - bloody Leicester lockdown) and after scoring a terrific deal on eBay I found myself with a bit of a vanity project on my hands:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/08/01 10:51:37

Post by: Skinflint Games

In what is becoming something of a tradition, we celebrated both the end of our local lockdwon and the release of 9th ed 40k by revisiting the classic Battle At The Farm with our DIY 1/72 minis:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/08/30 23:08:49

Post by: Skinflint Games

Because I need another project.

Apparently painting EVERY SINGLE SURFACE in my house has't made me put down the brushes…


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/10/04 14:16:21

Post by: Skinflint Games

OK, for some reason Wordpress has logged this as being posted back in June, but I assure you it's brand new! The rosters for our GrimDark Future 1000pt Fight Club, with occasional dalliances into 40k and our own Future Force Warrior system...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/10/13 21:44:27

Post by: Skinflint Games

Right, we are (almost) all caught up with GrimDark Future Fight Club, who wants to see lots of stuff blow up?


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/10/20 23:05:53

Post by: Skinflint Games

The adventure/ journey/ lunacy continues...


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Skinflint Games wrote:
Focus isn't our strong suit in our little gaming group, so Dan & I figured why not start a Dakka plog to show what we're up to? There will be various themes here, but all will be the united by the love of little plastic soldiers and the hatred of spending money..

Step forward 1/72 40k:

https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/da-skooderia-pt-2/ - Da Skooderia Ferrorki, Evil Sunz Warband

Khornate Chaos Cultist

Guardsman of the Hazzard 1977th

Our own 1950s retro sci fi/ WW2 mishmash, Apocalypse Earth:

featuring the noble Atlantic Alliance defying the evil hordes of the Holy Soviet Empire.. at least sometimes..

Apocalypse Earth's steampunk/VSF/fantasy cousin, Hyperian Wars:


The skirmish/RPG Apocalypse Earth: Black Ops spinoff:


And not forgetting our guilty love of 2nd Ed Space Marine!


Over the last 18 months or so our modelling skills have come on apace, largely thanks to many of the posters here on Dakka. Hopefully we can post the odd thing you guys will enjoy, and the karmic balance will be complete!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/11/03 10:53:59

Post by: Skinflint Games

More scrapping in the GrimDark Future, although the new UK lockdown means we may have to wind up this year's campaign early :-/


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/11/10 11:42:41

Post by: Skinflint Games

Yes, it's another Ebay Oops story, but I think this one may have a happy ending ;-)


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/11/12 10:29:29

Post by: Ragsta

Lovely pictures ad kit bashing, this is great stuff mate!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/11/12 19:09:57

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Ragsta wrote:
Lovely pictures ad kit bashing, this is great stuff mate!

Can't take credit for the conversions, but thanks mate!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/11/25 12:07:38

Post by: Skinflint Games

So productivity has dropped off a bit of late as I've found myself in a bit of a COVID inspired slump, but I've still managed to make a bit of progress even with lockdown stopping us from meeting up:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/11/25 14:18:17

Post by: Da Boss

Nice ruin! Your blog is a big inspiration to me, helped get me back into sci fi wargaming, so I hope you keep on truckin!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/11/29 22:43:32

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks man! Yeah, getting back into the swing of things now, going to be a few more of these ruins coming as we try and make a city table's worth :-)

That's wonderful to hear, please keep us posted with your stuff :-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2020/12/18 21:48:02

Post by: Skinflint Games

More terrain this week, with the help of Midwinter Minis Youtube channel helping us master the mysteries of polystyrene...

This is their video:

This is what I did with it:



The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/01/08 00:11:10

Post by: Skinflint Games

It's up, the inevitable Hobby Retrospective post of 2020! A year to forget, but also we did get some good stuff done...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/01/14 00:19:00

Post by: Skinflint Games

When the going gets tough, the tough get retro, it was only a matter of time!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/01/14 12:33:39

Post by: Da Boss

Looks lovely! Been thinking about doing something like that (minus the grid) on black felt or something.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/01/28 10:50:55

Post by: Skinflint Games

Do it, I was originally going to use a bedsheet but for Space Fleet you need a grid and didn't trust my ability to do straight lines.. when we grow up and try Battle Fleet Gothic we'll probably do it for that.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
It's taken a while, but the Devastators are here:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/02/09 11:25:09

Post by: Skinflint Games

Going all the way back to 1991 with the help of some disposable razors, cardboard, superglue and prayers to the Omnissiah...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/02/09 12:16:00

Post by: Da Boss

Awesome and very clever conversions! I'll have to have a look at that sort of thing myself when I get around to making some sci fi fleets.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/02/18 00:22:11

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks mate! Please do, let us know how you get on :-)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
You asked (well, some of you did) we delivered! The first of hopefully many SpaceFleet battle reports with DIY minis as the Imperium goes up against the Eldar...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/02/27 10:52:30

Post by: Skinflint Games

Swapping periods and scales, here's a big block of 30 1/72 Caesar Fantasy Orcs - part of a big batch I picked up for an absolute steal last summer... will be using these in the hopefully-not-too-distant future for Warhammer Fantasy, One Page Rules' Age Of Fantasy, Age Of Sigmar (maybe) and of course our own Hyperian Wars.

20mm/ 1/72 fantasy does seem to have a growing level of support and if you're looking to get into rank & flank fantasy gaming it's worth checking out - This whole army of around 150 figures came in at under £30 and the Caesar stuff is really good quality.


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/02/27 13:30:50

Post by: theCrowe

A full army for £30 is nuts. Your bargain-fu is strong my friend.
Nice plan to strip the rules down and drop the scale. Are there nice beasts and dragons and the like at that scale?

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/02/27 13:33:26

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

I’m loving those old old school Blood Angels! Straight out of late 2nd Edition and 3rd Edition right there. The back banners, the poses, the bases, the helmets... takes me back to the good old days.
The orcs look good, too. And an unbelievable price.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/03/11 10:56:59

Post by: Skinflint Games

 theCrowe wrote:
A full army for £30 is nuts. Your bargain-fu is strong my friend.
Nice plan to strip the rules down and drop the scale. Are there nice beasts and dragons and the like at that scale?

Strong with the thrift are we ;-) These were all missing boxes, but even had they been full price it would have still come in under £40 - 20mm has much to recommend it! No beasts and dragons scaled to this that I've found so far, but there again who's to say what size a dragon should be?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 The Riddle of Steel wrote:
I’m loving those old old school Blood Angels! Straight out of late 2nd Edition and 3rd Edition right there. The back banners, the poses, the bases, the helmets... takes me back to the good old days.
The orcs look good, too. And an unbelievable price.

Thanks man, 2nd was my jam! when the going gets tough, the tough go retro

Automatically Appended Next Post:
My eBay rescue project completed! Until I buy some more...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/03/12 08:01:45

Post by: Ragsta

Good work as ever, mate, always satisfying rescuing minis like this.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/03/14 00:35:16

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks man, there is always a joy to be had in that :-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/03/23 00:08:18

Post by: Skinflint Games

Inspired by the Squire Of The North, I've been at the granny grating again..


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/04/09 10:32:11

Post by: Skinflint Games

Experimenting with the oversized "Heroic 20mm" Valiant miniatures as a basis for cheap Imperial Guard/ Colonial Marines/ generic human sci-fi troops. Accessorised with cardboard, greenstuff and granny grating, I think these make for a pretty decent and VERY affordable alternative... check it out:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/04/22 11:07:00

Post by: Skinflint Games

In which I concoct a battlefield using caulk, paint and a plastic backed drop cloth….


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/05/06 11:21:54

Post by: Skinflint Games

Dan has converted me to the church of granny grating, and this is what I've made:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/05/14 22:35:37

Post by: Skinflint Games

More granny grating excursions, this time creating the OPFOR for the KoW Orc warband - the Dwarves!


As ever, little to no money was spent in the completion of this project...

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/05/31 21:31:58

Post by: Skinflint Games

And continuing with the Epic Star Wars Granny Grating project, allow me to present The Rebel Scum:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/06/25 13:14:48

Post by: Skinflint Games

Back again to 1991 we go, where the grass is always greener... Goblin Green, to be precise!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/07/13 10:40:17

Post by: Skinflint Games

I've been distracting myself from the emotional rollercoaster of England's Euro campaign with some DIY miniature building:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/08/05 01:46:43

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Very cool to see the old Blood Angels in the old color scheme. And nice jump packs!

And those are some impressive blocks of orcs. Looks like you are setup for some monster battles there.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/08/05 08:19:26

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

My goodness, those are thick blocks of infantry! You've certainly got a wide variety of topics here. Nice Kings of War stuff.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/08/20 16:03:30

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks guys!

Allow me to present Part 1 of our Freedom Game Mega Summer Smackdown Battle Report...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/09/17 16:17:29

Post by: Skinflint Games

It's been a bit hectic after the last battle report but I've managed to keep the brushes moving and the results are in:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/09/18 02:27:42

Post by: Camkierhi

They look classically beautiful bud. Very clean work. Wonderful to see you about.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/09/19 12:53:06

Post by: theCrowe

Only the base size would give it away that these aren’t in fact relics of a 90s collection. Great fun throwback choice! Love it!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/12/09 22:15:34

Post by: Skinflint Games

New battle report up - trying our hand at the '90s classic "Hellfire" with our DIY Star Wars armies:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2021/12/30 23:08:33

Post by: Skinflint Games

Resplendent in all his technicolour glory, I've cobbled together one of the Blood Angel's earliest celebrities to serve as a leader:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/01/11 23:02:04

Post by: Skinflint Games

It's time for The Inevitable Hobby Retrospective.. for those interested, here is a brief summation of some of what we've been up to over the course of 2021!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/01/17 19:36:53

Post by: Skinflint Games

First build of 2022! Imperial command and communications bunker for Epic 40k, built entirely out of junk..


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/01/17 20:31:49

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

That's a nice build. Simple, yet effective.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/02/06 23:22:56

Post by: Skinflint Games

Inspired by my compatriot, I've been at the granny grating again:


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
That's a nice build. Simple, yet effective.

Thanks man! Hope you can take a few ideas away from it,

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/02/20 23:06:27

Post by: Skinflint Games

Heading on back to the '90s for some Firefight, I've finally gotten around to finishing my Levy platoon built from Valiant "1/72" minis, greenstuff, cardboard and granny grating:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/04/20 14:39:40

Post by: Skinflint Games

With May the 4th being right around the corner, I've added some vehicles to the teeny tiny Rebel Scum:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/05/11 09:31:27

Post by: Skinflint Games

Ahead of the May 4th battle report, allow me to present support infantry E-Web blaster teams and Imperial ATPT walkers!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/05/24 15:48:07

Post by: Skinflint Games

Posting in slight trepidation here, as although these initially looked OK to me, under the harsh cold light of the camera they look a bit crap. Therefore I post not to show off, but to ask for guidance - I struggle to focus close up, so are there any specialist glasses or magnifying devices that might help me out?

Also, very much struggling to keep a point on the detail brush - it's a W&N S7, so it's me not the brush. I've got some brush soap to clean it with, but it still doesn't hold a point - anyone got any ideas?

Planning to redo the banners after some practice doing freehand - I mean, I'd never actually practiced it so why I thought I'd be good at it is anyone's guess!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/06/01 22:55:11

Post by: Skinflint Games

While my compadre has a crisis of confidence about whether or not he can paint... I KNOW I can't! So here is our EPIC Star Wars battle report, Rebels vs Imperials for the Battle Of Outpost 44!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/06/07 16:28:10

Post by: Camkierhi

I cannot put into words how jealous I am of the epic scale gear here. God's I miss that game.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/06/08 17:09:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Camkierhi wrote:
I cannot put into words how jealous I am of the epic scale gear here. God's I miss that game.

Cheers Cam, all home made models from greenstuff, foamcore, cardboard and granny grating!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/06/17 21:36:14

Post by: Skinflint Games

Taking a break from the Blood Angels, I've turned to my other, other project - 1/72 fantasy orc army picked for £25 from a retailer all because they'd lost their boxes! And as a bonus, you also get to see them in action..


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/07/06 22:52:27

Post by: Skinflint Games

Yep, when the going gets tough, the tough hit the granny grating:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/07/28 19:47:51

Post by: Skinflint Games

Allow me to present my newly legal Guard army – now with Commissars, and FLAGS!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/08/02 08:30:18

Post by: Ragsta

Really great efforts here, I’m a sucker for Guard in general and I love the massed effect of these (plus price tag of course)!

EDIT: regarding close up work, my wife keeps suggesting I invest in some head mounted ‘loops’ to assist. Might be worth considering if you’re thinking about that kinda stuff? ‘Head mounted magnifier’ seems to show the sort of thing I mean..

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/08/02 17:46:46

Post by: Camkierhi

Simply inspired! Brilliant work sir.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/08/12 20:37:54

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Cam & Ragsta! Once the games shed is sorted out they're well overdue an outing :-)

Right, have finally gotten around to posting how I did the 90's retro rock spires - dead easy, actually!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/08/27 16:55:06

Post by: Skinflint Games

Taking a trip back to 20mm fantasy, this is the last regiment of my Orc horde - just the shamans...

...and maybe some war machines....

... and there is something special lined up...



The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/09/28 19:55:36

Post by: Skinflint Games

That's it, as long as I don't move the goalposts for myself again we can put a tick by this project...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/10/03 13:31:14

Post by: Camkierhi

Awesome. The level of detail is quite brilliant.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/10/10 17:01:05

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Camkierhi wrote:
Awesome. The level of detail is quite brilliant.

Cheers Cam, praise from a master is praise indeed!

Hot on the heels of the Whippet walker, here is the revitalised MkII Skycutter, the ASV Dauntless!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/10/24 13:54:48

Post by: Skinflint Games

Added a Death Skull Clan with reinforcements to my 2nd Ed Space Marine Ork Horde:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/11/04 22:58:22

Post by: Skinflint Games

So this was how I spent my Orktober - surprise surprise, another new project for myself!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/11/19 15:08:09

Post by: Skinflint Games

The world may not be in a great place right now, but at least the dead aren't rising...



The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/11/21 06:42:42

Post by: Ragsta

So much hobby goodness as ever! I live bc a good zombie swarm! Awesome efforts - it looks like some of them are posed to dance to Thriller??

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/11/21 07:48:12

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Great blog, love that you're keeping the epic flag flying.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/11/22 09:37:10

Post by: Camkierhi

Excellent work.

Keep missing to write this, but those £1:99reading glasses at different magnifications, get a pair at 3.5 and work off the end of your nose, trust me it works a treat. And if you want to go better you only paid a couple quid to find out.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/11/23 15:09:43

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Ragstsa & Kid Kyoto!

 Camkierhi wrote:
Excellent work.

Keep missing to write this, but those £1:99reading glasses at different magnifications, get a pair at 3.5 and work off the end of your nose, trust me it works a treat. And if you want to go better you only paid a couple quid to find out.

Cam, that's uncanny, I was about to hit up eBay to check out magnifiers but your way sounds more wallet friendly :-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/11/30 22:46:52

Post by: Skinflint Games

In which Da Black Ork Cav and the 1991 Blood Angels 3rd Company square off for a 1000pts of 2nd Ed...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/12/14 22:41:44

Post by: Skinflint Games

After a slight hiatus, I am proud to present the Epic Squat Colossus, "Breathless Vengeance"!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/12/18 10:49:53

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That's some A+ recycling there!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/12/19 12:44:59

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

Lovely scratchbuilt Colossus!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/12/20 12:38:35

Post by: Olthannon

Squat colossus is fantastic, great use of the inhaler!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/12/25 03:39:37

Post by: Camkierhi

Merry Christmas bud

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2022/12/27 20:02:41

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers guys, and a very merry Christmas to you too Cam, hope you're not in -45 conditions right now :-/

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/01/09 11:23:56

Post by: Skinflint Games

Here we are, the Inevitable Hobby Retrospective 2022 - What We Dun This Year!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/01/10 01:07:42

Post by: Camkierhi

Nice write up. Was a.year for sure. Hope this year is better for us all.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/01/11 20:18:40

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers Cam - As my more apocalyptic predictions so far haven't come to pass, I'm going to sound a note of cautious optimism for this year, as long as we hold our nerve...

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/01/30 22:51:15

Post by: Skinflint Games

And we're back to Epic! Let's see how all that granny grating, foamcore, yoghurt pots and asthma inhalers performs on the tabletop...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/01/30 22:54:34

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Cool little battlefield. Reminds me of the old school photos of big battles from the original Rogue Trader and Epic Spacemarine books. Before they had established the overwrought gothic aesthetic of the current games.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/01/30 22:55:51

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks man, it's the early 90s vibe that inspired us!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/02/07 23:14:43

Post by: Skinflint Games

Back to 40k Old Edition style.. who wants to see how Ork terrain used to look?


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Skinflint Games wrote:
Focus isn't our strong suit in our little gaming group, so Dan & I figured why not start a Dakka plog to show what we're up to? There will be various themes here, but all will be the united by the love of little plastic soldiers and the hatred of spending money..

Step forward 1/72 40k:

https://skinflintgames.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/da-skooderia-pt-2/ - Da Skooderia Ferrorki, Evil Sunz Warband

Khornate Chaos Cultist

Guardsman of the Hazzard 1977th

Our own 1950s retro sci fi/ WW2 mishmash, Apocalypse Earth:

featuring the noble Atlantic Alliance defying the evil hordes of the Holy Soviet Empire.. at least sometimes..

Apocalypse Earth's steampunk/VSF/fantasy cousin, Hyperian Wars:


The skirmish/RPG Apocalypse Earth: Black Ops spinoff:


And not forgetting our guilty love of 2nd Ed Space Marine!


Over the last 18 months or so our modelling skills have come on apace, largely thanks to many of the posters here on Dakka. Hopefully we can post the odd thing you guys will enjoy, and the karmic balance will be complete!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/02/15 04:57:11

Post by: Camkierhi

Got to love ßome ork buildings. Funny how noŵ they don't bother somehow!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/02/16 20:32:39

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers Cam - yeah, that was such an iconic look of the 40k I remember as a kid, real shame! More to come as the campaign plot thickens... ;-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/02/17 08:06:19

Post by: Pacific

Love the classic looking Ork buildings! And the Battlewagon, reminded me of the "will carry as many miniatures as will physically fit" rule in that early edition

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/02/27 00:05:40

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Pacific wrote:
Love the classic looking Ork buildings! And the Battlewagon, reminded me of the "will carry as many miniatures as will physically fit" rule in that early edition

Cheers Pacific, that's about as Orky a sentiment as it gets ;-)

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C'mon, you knew these were coming...

Except we didn't have any polystyrene balls - so we had to improvise... check out the results!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/03/03 23:09:14

Post by: Captain Brown

You know when I made these, I quickly decided to gift them to other members of my group…as the were dangerous to place and have troops near them.


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/03/06 04:14:30

Post by: Camkierhi

Glorious alien cacti. Wonderful to behold. Reminding us not every planet out there has pine trees on it. Never knew why the alien life was not expanded more. Just think they could have the ip for purple trees and orange with green polkadot shrubberies!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/03/29 22:50:04

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Camkierhi wrote:
Glorious alien cacti. Wonderful to behold. Reminding us not every planet out there has pine trees on it. Never knew why the alien life was not expanded more. Just think they could have the ip for purple trees and orange with green polkadot shrubberies!

That's a VERY good point - back in RT you had rules for damn near anything and everything... they missed a trick there

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The second instalment - can the GLORIOUSLY TECHNICOLOUR Blood Angels rescue their Captain from the clutches of Warboss BludGuzzla IV?


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/04/12 13:54:32

Post by: Skinflint Games

The inevitable has happened -


I blame an excess of Creme Eggs afflicting my judgement...

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/04/26 19:33:03

Post by: Skinflint Games

With 10th looming, let's take a look at gaming in the other end of the financial spectrum...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/04/29 17:28:09

Post by: Captain Brown

Skinflint Games,

First image link is messed up, needs the [ for the IMG close.

Never played Combat Zone, but it looks bit like a one floor Necromunda set.



The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/04/30 12:21:58

Post by: Skinflint Games

 Captain Brown wrote:
Skinflint Games,

First image link is messed up, needs the [ for the IMG close.

Never played Combat Zone, but it looks bit like a one floor Necromunda set.



Cheers CB, fixed now - yeah, I think that's the idea, but it feels very different to GW turn structures. When we've got thr contents painted there'll be a battle report coming

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/05/16 20:50:21

Post by: Skinflint Games

It's that time of year again, and we're breaking out the granny grating for the newest instalment of the saga...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/06/12 19:16:14

Post by: Skinflint Games

The People's State Liberation Army do battle with the nefarious do-gooders of the People's Front Of Hazzard 237th Freedom Brigade....


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/06/27 20:05:19

Post by: Skinflint Games

It's amazing the stuff you put aside for a project to happen "soon" - and then find again five years later....


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/07/03 19:02:29

Post by: Camkierhi

Awesome stuff.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/07/04 13:38:26

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers Cam, praise from a master is praise indeed :-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/07/11 14:56:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

Taking our first steps painting the contents of EM4s "Combat Zone" box set with some Corporate Security Troopers


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/07/29 14:27:51

Post by: Skinflint Games

In which the Grots try to make it back to camp, avoiding the worst of Captain Tycho's lust for vengeance!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/07/29 15:03:02

Post by: amazingturtles

Go grots got!

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/07/29 15:23:16

Post by: Skinflint Games

 amazingturtles wrote:
Go grots got!

Was nice to see the little dudes in the limelight for once ;-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/08/08 12:15:33

Post by: amazingturtles

That's so neat. The pen guns are I think my favorite part.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/08/08 12:38:47

Post by: Skinflint Games

 amazingturtles wrote:
That's so neat. The pen guns are I think my favorite part.

Thanks mate, if you like that you'll totally love what I did with the rest of the pen ;-)

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/08/29 18:57:57

Post by: Skinflint Games

Time for Ze Churmans to show their metal - The League of European Nations take on their erstwhile allies, the Atlantic Alliance!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/09/15 22:11:53

Post by: Skinflint Games

Returning to the Combat Zone, here are the OPFOR to Musk's Marauders, and a quick write up of our test game:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/09/28 20:51:20

Post by: Skinflint Games

Heading toward a big Hyperian Wars fantasy/ steampunk/ VSF smakcdown, let's review the factions involved so far:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/10/23 09:52:21

Post by: Skinflint Games

The first of our #orktober projects to come to fruition...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/10/23 20:36:21

Post by: Captain Brown

Well, a very nice 2nd Addition Ork force complete with building.



The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/10/23 22:22:53

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Captain, from a master of the craft such as yourself that's quite the compliment

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/11/14 17:56:41

Post by: Skinflint Games

Yep, I've been at the recycling again... creating a "superheavy" for the villainous Virum Nascii/ Skaven (delete as applicable)


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/12/03 09:51:45

Post by: theCrowe

I would Raid any Land in that! Top job. Looks like it could pinball through a tabletop of red-spiked cactus blobs rightly. The Classic unmistakable profile of the old LR is coming though well. The only addition it might have wanted was the round bumpy tracks but I can’t think what you’d recycle to do that as easily. Great job of skinflinting.

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2023/12/04 15:37:15

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks @theCrowe! I did toy with the idea of using drinking straws slicked in two for that effect but I also fancied getting it finished sometime before 2030 so this was a compromise solution ;-) The lascannons didn't come out quite as I'd hoped but she'll do well enough leading the assault on Orklahoma City when the time comes

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/01/17 21:48:48

Post by: Skinflint Games

Whoops, no wonder views are down - had wholly forgotten to plug our posts here.. you can't get the staff these days...


We dip our toes a little further into EM4's excellent "Combat Zone" skirmish system....


And the Inevitable Great Hobby Retrospective casts an eye over 2023 progress...

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/02/01 20:49:07

Post by: Skinflint Games

"Cast your eye over these holiest of places. This, this, is where Humankind came to Hyperia so many centuries ago, fleeing the dying world and the ceaseless war. Here our prophet planted his flag and said “Today mankind stands reborn!”.

Many are those who have left to seek fortune elsewhere, to explore and conquer this world. Humanity - or those close enough to fit the genus – raises it’s flag on every island and continent on Hyperia. But here is where it all began. Here, on this, hallowed ground. Here the Ancien Regime was born, and in the unnumbered millienia of our history, here is where we have weathered every storm, beaten back every would-be destroyer, built our world anew. This is humanity’s rock on which all others will dash themselves."

Join us for a look at the fourth and (currently) final Hyperian Wars faction, the Ancien Regime!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/02/02 04:33:48

Post by: Captain Brown

Fine work Skinflint Games.



The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/02/14 14:38:25

Post by: Skinflint Games

Cheers CB! Currently the few survivors are cooling off in the shed after a mega Hyperian Wars smackdown against the combined forces of the not-Orcs and not-Skaven... battle report to come!

Meantime, who amongst us has soul so dead to not feel a tingel when they see this:


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/02/15 02:29:24

Post by: RedSarge

More scratchbuilding! More! Maybe some more aircraft or tanks in the future?

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/02/15 11:09:12

Post by: Skinflint Games

 RedSarge wrote:
More scratchbuilding! More! Maybe some more aircraft or tanks in the future?

On it, Sarge ;-) After all, May 4th isn't far off and that measn our Epic-scale DIY Star Wars forces will need reinforcements...

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/03/04 15:40:24

Post by: Skinflint Games

With LI out and Mantic getting in on the action, we felt it was time to revisit the Glory Days of Middlehammer with a 2nd Ed Space Marine project...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/03/15 16:02:49

Post by: Skinflint Games


Smoke was rising over the dawn horizon as the tired sentry swigged the last of the water in his canteen. Squinting over iron sights, he peered down into the valley below and was suddenly snapped back to wakefulness.

The horde below seemed to have multiplied during the night. The Orca warhorde they had been tracking was far larger than intelligence had led them to believe – their brute warchiefs bellowed orders in their foul tongue, and although much of the camp was wreathed in smoke, the vibrations through the ground betrayed the steps of some far larger creature.

Could it really be true? The machinations of this new warchief that had been terrorising the northern quadrant had all been to summon some abomination from beyond the veil? The possibility was to hideous to contemplate, yet in the face of such terror, the Sky Marines stood tall…

The bushes rustled behind him. The next watch was arriving. He turned and hissed the password “Thunder?”

No answer.

“Thunder?” he hissed, irritated.

With inhuman swiftness, the chittering shadow leapt upon him, it’s blade cleaving a bloody arc through the man’s battledress.

“Die-die, man thing!” hissed the Ratman, wiping the Sky Marines’ blood on its’ cloak…

Well, it’s been a long time coming but we’ve finally managed to bring the Hyperian Wars mini-sort-of-campaign to a conclusion! And now the Orca horde of Warchief Ghazhrag The Bloody have established their status as Senior Baddies by beating seven shades out of Lord Ratticus’ Virum Nascii, we figured a suitable climax would be having them team up against the combined forces of humanity, the Ancien Regime and the Grand Alliance 301st Skyborne! And in doing so, we figured we could shake down the Hyperian Wars ruleset by seeing how it coped with a battle fo this scale and complexity…

Grab a beer, this is going to be a good one 😉

The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/04/03 14:01:35

Post by: Skinflint Games

In which we get back to upcycling terrain and find a glorious excuse for buying all the Cadbury's Creme Eggs you can get your hands on...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/04/17 13:31:28

Post by: Skinflint Games

In which the 4th big faction of the Apocalypse: Earth universe start to make an appearance - welcome the Asian Communist Federation!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/04/22 03:09:08

Post by: Camkierhi


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/05/08 13:33:19

Post by: Skinflint Games

Thanks Cam! Now to organise, convert and paint up the infantry....

Meanwhile - Heroquest!


Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Skinflint Games wrote:

Thanks Cam! Now to organise, convert and paint up the infantry....

Meanwhile - Heroquest!


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/05/14 13:34:11

Post by: Skinflint Games

Will stick the full bat rep in the Battle Reports thread, but for those wanting early access...


The Armageddon Diaries - Game 4- Stop Da Stompa! @ 2024/06/03 22:05:53

Post by: Skinflint Games


A quick and simple addition for any battlefield - a few old CDs, a bit of filler and cat litter and away you go!