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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/11 00:15:26

Post by: Sherrypie

Hiyo Dakka!

Been stalking this forum for years, guess it's time to actually post something here.

Having fallen in love with Betrayal at Calth, it dawned on me that I'd have to build a legion of my own. So, as a quick challenge to myself last year, I tried to quickly build something useable to demo the game out. Being the glutton for punishment that I am, this of course meant that those "quick" miniatures would have to be something I am not too ashamed to look at for the rest of my life, scaled to sensible proportions, characterful and balls-to-the-walls conversionfests from the get go. And I needed at least 20 of them done in two weeks time. Bollocks. I've always liked up-scaled marines, though reasonably so, and I was very inspired by Veteran Sergeant's miniatures here on this forum. Taller, closer to human proportions instead of somewhat gorrilla-shaped steroid junkies, embracing the XIV's doctrine of the perfect infantryman loaded up with gear... Yup, right up my alley! This blog will now be my personal motivation tool for getting off my lazy arse and getting something done.

The humble beginnings, stumbling along to get the size right. I used 1 mm plasticard in the shins and near the waist, while also lenghtening the body about 2 mm by putting a bit of plastic sprue between the legs and the torso.

After some evenings of work, bunch of dudes almost ready to get built. You know what's funnier than glueing little men made of dozen pieces together? First slicing them into thirty bits, pinning the bastards in about a dozen places and filing them down to hide stretching before we even get to that phase

And with some arms then:

But, that isn't right. Ye need some gear on you, you blighters. Pockets, packs, ammo, grenades and all sorts of dangly whatnots are going to feature prominently in this army when it inevitably gets finished in 2068 (perhaps).

Checkin' out mah Pokemon GO!: Pidgeotto Boogaloo:

Chucking grenades is always useful, though the guy probably needs to have the bolter too. Lying on some broken masonry, when the base gets done, perhaps?

The second vexilla.

Melta babe.

Plasma gunner.

Basic joe. I personally really like the skull-like visage he's got, especially when taking into account the intimidating effect his scaled height has.

The first sarge. Man this guy is brutal in BaC, his chainsword-powered rampage rips through normal marines like paper when combined with the vexilla's rerolls.

Some heavy ammo there. The melta bomb without the handle is one of my favourite bits, fits about anywhere as some sort of storage device.

Run, Forrest, run!

Just pew pew.

Death Guard doesn't afraid of anything. Forwards!

This one feels pretty sweet to me, calm yet menacing. My diabetic lady is ever so kind as to produce lots of insulin related trash, some of which are very well suited to new life as spare magazines for this heavy bolter.

Some evasive manouvering there, dodging those bullets.

Surveying the battlefield.

Sarge Fist.

Not sure what this guy should lean on. Debate rages on a year later.

"Get douwn if yoo want ta live!"

First paints on, going for a bit more worn and sandy theme here. These paints are not by any stretch of the imagination final, but all I had time for in those two weeks as I had to get the miniatures on the demo table in a convention. Now, in 2017, when I get to it, they are all going to get more leaks in them, armour is getting scratched and chipped, gold parts will be highlighted, armour will get weathered by the dusty radio-active hell they operate in, weapons get more details and legion decals get put in place. Perhaps this blog will motivate to further that goal

Then, something a bit more recent: a sudden burst of activity and in two evenings I made a start for the terminators. And boy do Death Guard love them some terminators.

From left: normal marine, scaled up marine, Space Hulk termie, scaled up termie sarge. As the termie legs are much longer than the tacticals' already, I didn't really feel any need to lenghten those. After all, these are pretty much the same men but in bigger suits. So, I thought it better to mostly pump up the mass sideways, but to get more pleasing proportions I did again put a piece of sprue between the legs and the torso.

I kitted the sarge with an old plastic soldier's MG as a communication antenna and exchanged his huge spade of a sword for the more sleek tac sarge blade. Which is pretty sweet sculpt, I dare say. These cataprachtii also have a boatload of things to carry and since I found a bunch of old kasrkin backbags from my bitzbox, I decided to give them all cute little manbags for their belongings. Since we are Death Guard, we obviously need some exhausts and pipes too, so I fitted them with old smoke launchers as the beginnings of alchemical pipe arrays on their backs. More to come when I get to it, adding cables, breathing apparatus and other DG-trappings to them.

Mr. Flaming Death Man, with a (barely visible) extra bottle of flamer juice in the back.

Some unchained chains and wicked claws here. Man do I love these cataphractii claws, totally badass.

Well, that's a start. Comments and suggestions are welcome, citizens. Perhaps even appreciated

I have some plans in mind for the next tactical team, which could include setting up communications and lots of cable...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/11 04:15:08

Post by: RiTides

Wow - it's extremely impressive! The first WIPs look like madness ensuing, and the later pics only confirm it, but the end result is awesome! 32mm bases really make the "lengthened" marines look just right

Only minor quibble - I dislike Roman-esque garb on my space soldiers from another universe. It's only on the sergeants, and probably relevant to the chapter, but darn it I get a quibble don't I

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/11 04:30:32

Post by: Asmodai_00

I'm happy to see a true-scale project actually getting to the "large number of painted models" stage!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/18 22:04:36

Post by: Sherrypie

Dabblin' continues, some more things like rebreathers on the termies and basing tests this time. One inspiration for this project has been a fluff piece from the early black books of Forge World, where the still loyalist legion plunges through a rebelling system's space defences, crashes a battleship on top of their capital, proceeds to murder everyone and then tear all the cities on the planet down before hunting down every last one of the fleeing traitors in the irradiated atomic wastelands of the planet as a warning to others. Thus, dust and broken masonry inbound as the project rolls onwards.

Sarge and his new tubing:

Mr. Claws now has some pneumatic tubes going into his grenade harness, ripped off from a Chaos Marine's backpack:

Same backpacks also worked wonderfully as a source for breather grills:

And boy did they just beg to donate their mid-sections to bulk out the pipes at the cataphracts' backs:

The buggers are almost ready to get painted, if I'd ever have time for that

Then again, I also have this lil' fella pressurizing me to get him done in time for that priming...

C&C very welcome, lads!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/19 11:44:08

Post by: Sherrypie

Oh bloody hell with Google and its picture service... Links should be working now, amirite?

RiTides and Asmodai_00: madness is indeed a proper word for this project, as it is eventually going to grow into a full fledged footslogging legion of several hundred miniatures, though it might take a while

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Dreddy got some love today, sadly the pictures got a bit overlit. Since DG's creed is the ability to do everything with well-prepared infantry, I figured the Contemptor is going to double as a battlefield tractor from time to time, thus the hook on his back. You never know when your brother's Rhino has to be dragged out of the ditch and back into your lines.

Also bugger you, GW, your horribly stiff sculpt ain't going to keep this guy from getting some dynamic action

His arms will probably be separate until I paint them, so he can hoot his wrestling victories 'til then

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/20 12:34:56

Post by: RiTides

You are just prolific, and man, I really love those terminators! Hope they get something special for paint too

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/20 14:03:53

Post by: evildrcheese

These are looking great, some really top notch customisation.


Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/21 02:08:50

Post by: Sherrypie

 RiTides wrote:
You are just prolific, and man, I really love those terminators! Hope they get something special for paint too

Thanks, it's kinda hard not to make these when they take up all the space on my table and prevent me from doing any academic work

Which means it's time to put something on display again!

I was wondering what to make of BaC's termie captain when I stumbled onto some unused Grey Knight bits, including a narthecium, which led to me rummaging through some tartaros bits and cutting the poor sod up. So, here we have the beginnings of a Primus Medicae, as one simply can't have enough apothecaries in the XIV legion. Gotta give those poor terminators some FnP-love too, fragile as they are
Random unscaled marine for scale, ironically.

I've also created some heavily home brewed grenade launchers, so some Grave Wardens may or may not be inbound sooner than later...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/02/21 04:34:50

Post by: ghostmaker

Love it cant wait to see more!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/03/27 21:36:36

Post by: Sherrypie

Amidst the darkness of teaching physics and writing research plans there isn't always time to crank out some miniatures, but when there is... This time in Death Kino it's Grave Warden time.

There are loads of different grenade launchers out there but I had none, so improvising was once again in the cards. I figured the gas grenades these guys use can't be too large, probably about bolt sized as they have to carry and use them in large volume over prolonged times, so the guns used are not using the largest of calibers. Other than that the theme of "be prepared" continued and the guys are loaded up as usual, up to the point that every one of them has a side arm and a knife. Just in case your grenade launcher jams up, your chainfist refuses to rip and tear and you just have to find a way to open your tune can. Being Grave Wardens, these guys have extra vents on their shoulders to better spray corrosive toxins on their foes (the green stuff is actually much smoother in real life, it just photographs pretty sharply late at night, when it still has some grease on it from the sculpting). Bases and some more tubing to follow, especially on the trio that have poison canisters on their backs, but other than that I think they are done.

Which means that I now have about 20 tacticals, a centurion, 10 termies and a dreadnought built, enough for some Zone Mortalis action! Me and one of my mates have already began the steps of building our own 3d space ship interior for some hot marine on marine boarding action...

But before that there is one final confrontation, the painting! *dramatic drum beats* That will probably start to happen within the next month or so, we'll see. Anyhoo, pics ahoy!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/04/15 22:35:45

Post by: Sherrypie

Yo-ho, a small update on this rad-blasted front seems to be in order. I based my terminators after basecoating them, perhaps the rest of the colours will also follow one of these days. I'm personally very pleased by how the conversions look, now that they meld with the rest of the miniature under the paint. Really wouldn't want to bump into these guys on the streets at night.

Given the brutal, attrition based style of warfare we in the Guard aim for, I needed some sort of rubble to be crushed underfoot. Thus I decided to go with piles of smashed concrete, tons of bricks, torn and bent steel beams and what-nots one might expect when his city is torn asunder. I apologize for the low quality of pictures, I really ought to get a lightbox for proper photographing. Or just stop taking the pics at night

Anyhoo, the bases will mostly be very strictly sepian in their tone, as befits my idea of irradiated ruins amidst raging sandstorms, dying as much as the very world around them under Death Guard's relentless alchemical assault. I imagine the whole army looking like something out of an old and worn photo, with only few specks of colourful life here and there while they march on, like ghosts in the light of day.

Legion Terminators

Grave Wardens

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/04/16 19:49:33

Post by: Sherrypie

Dang it with these newfangled systems and their restrictions on sharing links

Well, maybe it works now. I hope.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/06/10 08:12:40

Post by: Sherrypie


Been a while, but this week I've started to work on the terminators. Currently they are maybe half-way done, but I thought I'd still share some preliminary pics as they start to find their shape.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/10/15 10:47:11

Post by: Sherrypie

Beyond the grave, my Unbroken Blades!

Now that I've actually had about the first weekend after Summer when there was nothing critical to be done, it was painting time. Tacticals have had some mud splattered on 'em and termies got done. The camera is still a potato and eats all the colours, one of these days I'll probably invest some time in a proper background and lighting. But that is not this day. This is the day when I'm a happy little blighter and as I'm flipping through the new Death Guard codex, it feels nice to actually have a fluffy 40k 'dex once again. Yeah, 40k, not 30k, as that's the way local meta goes. Still, I feel this codex is really fun for our still loyal, undaunted bunch of mass murderers with their unrestricted use of biological, chemical and rad weapons of war spilling mortal wounds and debuffs everywhere. Won't be using any daemons and bam, Echoes of Eisenstein are ready to roll.

All the buggers thus far:


Grave Wardens, which will eventually be spread around squads as weapon specialists in the future:

Primus Medicae, or in the grimmer and darker future, a Termie Centurion.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/11/12 18:52:04

Post by: Sherrypie

Now that I've gotten some games of 8th under my wings, there was a definite need of more armour on the field. My pal plays mostly Guard, which means there's Russes aplenty and I think I might need some tanks of my own to not be the only one who forgot to bring warmachines to a knifefight. So, I dug up a Rhino, a Predator and a Land Raider my cousin gave me some years ago from the dusty depths of Mt. "will be done someday" and got to work. One simply cannot leave models untouched, just can't.

Anyhoo, Rhino was the first to get painted and one mud-splattered afternoon later, here it is:

With mandatory towing hooks and cables too, of course, in case somebody needs a tractor and not an APC. An armoured tractor, even?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/11/12 20:58:02

Post by: Meph

Oh man, such a brilliant job on truescaling those minis. The scale looks great, but the poses are awesome!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/11/12 21:50:52

Post by: Sherrypie

 Meph wrote:
Oh man, such a brilliant job on truescaling those minis. The scale looks great, but the poses are awesome!

Thanks mate

There's a whole lotta more coming when I get around to them, I got like 70 mk IV and III guys worth of bitz lying in wait, three or four dreadnoughts, some more tanks and what not. But the part that excites me the most right now are some 70+ Perry miniatures WW II germans, which will be used as my cultists / auxiliaries, and since they are pretty realistic in proportions, they work as a lovely contrast for the huge marines

... which means I have my hands full of converting things for the rest of eternity. Bugger.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/11/13 00:05:30

Post by: kestral

Great stuff! Your scaling works really well - I 'll be interested to see how it works with the germans. Usually 40K works like crap with perry type historicals, but I think you might pull it off as you say. I wasn't sure about the basing but it looks great when finished.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/11/13 01:07:41

Post by: Zid

Those are cool as hell man. Keep up the great work!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 0021/11/25 01:00:57

Post by: Sherrypie

Pumpin' some more iron, Predator is ready to roll out just in time to claim its first kills next weekend. This one was a bit tricky, as it was given to me as an already built hand-me-down without any sponsons and required some other surgeries too. Especially the left side, which has a huge iron sheet as a tank bandaid and required some trickery to even hold a sponson.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/11/30 23:04:40

Post by: Sherrypie

As promised, the legion is getting some reinforcements in: our morbid fellows are bolstered by their meeker compatriots, eager to bear their part of the burden on the all-consuming fields of war. Enter the culti... brave guerrilla warriors, who'll get the enviable job of rushing to objectives and sitting tight, trying not to explode in the artillery fire while the big boys go hurt things.

First 30:

Perry miniatures are undeniably slender and less buff than GW's, but they are similar in height to their normal humans. And don't look like they've eaten steroids since they were six, like normal Cadians. I personally like it that way, as it also makes the marines look all the more intimidating monsters that they are, when their bulk really shows in contrast. With normal Cadians and jazz it often looks like power armour is made of paper, whereas against these laddies' clothes it looks properly thick and sturdy. And hey, they can use the legion's leftover guns as heavy stubbers

I'll add some razor wires and other things before basing, but the biggest question remains: helmet spikes, yes or no? I'm tempted to go yes, buuut...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/12/01 00:22:37

Post by: ghostmaker

Love all of it ! It rocks!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2017/12/13 15:46:55

Post by: Sherrypie

All right then, a week of erratic painting later and puff, suddenly there's 30 eager if a tad unhinged fellows on my desk. I'll take better pictures later, when I find time and a better backdrop that doesn't eat up all the pixels (one of my spouse's skirts has proven very good at that, as the tanks above can attest).

All 30:

For comparison from left, a non-scaled marine, a scaled legionnaire and a scaled termie showing the little people why TDA truly is a walking tank.

Onwards, for Terra and Mortarion!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/02/19 12:14:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Up from the depths once more!

This time I've been avoiding real work and exercises in astrophysics by cobbling together some terrain. My partner has diabetes, which tends to produce quite a bit of plastic waste, so in the spirit of recycling and saving the planet yours truly decided to turn it into some heavy gear. With some plywood, bad equipment, cursing and procrastinating these came to be and are now usable in all sorts of games. I had a boring morning and wrote Zone Mortalis rules for 8th just for giggles, perhaps I can try these out with them next weekend.

From this...

... to these. Some are unfinished, though, like the grey canisters, pipes sitting on my window and whatnot. Still undecided how I should do the bases, leave them abstractly black or try to emulate the grey-bluish metal on the Calth tiles...

On the Death Guard front, I managed to get me some Deathshrouds from Forge World. It'll be interesting to see how they'll shape up when I get to them, for they too must be mutilated and built again before they can join my ranks. And gosh those scythes are delicate, it seems like a small wonder they survived this far without snapping!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/02/21 11:34:31

Post by: Sherrypie

More paint on the grey ones. This time I tried my hand at painting scratches and chips in addition to the flaking rust. Easy steps, as these cuts easily look too cartoonish for my tastes. Just a brown line, with a dark grey line partly on top of it, with a lighter grey line partly on top of that to look like reflecting light. Opinions?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/03/02 09:30:31

Post by: Sherrypie

Entirely by accident I ended up throwing some money to my hobbies, as some nice fellow was selling his Deathshrouds. Being the chronic dabbler that I am, not even these could be spared from rough cutting and restructuring. Or from getting an abdomen. It is funny how much the normal marine physiology resembles a cross between a gorilla and a ball.

Curious to see how they'll perform eventually, given how overcosted they are in the Death Guard codex while also suffering from mere two Wounds. Should be three, me'thinks, as they are slow as molasses and lack any meaningful shooting. Then again, they could be very interesting in Zone Mortalis with proper support characters.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And apparently this afternoon was otherwise productive too, as El Capitan chose to get done too. As this is a loyalist force, he's not going to be Typhus himself, but it's nice to have a manreaper lord hanging around in case I wnat to play a Lord of Contagion or counts-as Typhus one of these days.

Also, geez the original FW pose for this guy is bad. I can't for the life of me figure out how you could make him look good without slicing him up. Which I'd do anyway, so no biggie there

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/03/05 14:12:22

Post by: Sherrypie

Scythes and brushes be swingin', as the Contemptor marches to war. Having tried more scratches and dents in the armour, this will probably be the way forward. I like the beat up and muddy look, but since Death Guard doesn't really have paint to chip and power armour is ceramite which doesn't really rust, it gives me the opportunity to have peace of mind and decent wear and tear

It might not be too easy to see, but the chest roll says "augusta per angusta", honour through difficulties. As is just and proper.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/06/01 00:12:18

Post by: Sherrypie

Tally ho, projects are go.

Herr Kapitan has been painted and will probably ruleswise operate as a Lord of Contagion (which is laughably bad) or Typhus (who is sadly a traitor) on the field. Sigh, why can't they just allow Manreapers on normal Chaos Lords... This time I tried to make the green parts a bit more subtle than they were in the Contemptor, though I've also tweaked him a bit since the earlier pictures. Also, since pictures taken with a potato aren't nice to look at, I bashed together a little light box from a candy box. Truly, it makes all the difference.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/03/18 22:12:00

Post by: Big H

What a nice project to stumble upon !

You , Sir have done everything I was planning to do but couldn't quite find time for !


Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/03/18 23:00:09

Post by: Sherrypie

 Big H wrote:
What a nice project to stumble upon !

You , Sir have done everything I was planning to do but couldn't quite find time for !


Thanks mate!

Somehow with time, I've noticed that I get more miniatures done when I ought to be doing something else entirely. Like work

Although as the project rolls onwards I find it takes a lot less diddling about to get a squad up from the scratch. Unified looks help, got a pattern down by this point. Which is why it's always fun to think about new shinies yet untouched, like whence do I scratch my upcoming Scorpius from or what will my non-nurgly Drones be like.

Also, anyone have any ideas about the working principles of Soulburners? I'm contemplating making another Contemptor, this time with dual chainfists and Soulburners for a nasty tankbuster and it got me wondering: what would the non-chaos worshipping weapon be like? I'm picturing some chemical containers and radiation signs bolted on the fists, but not sure yet.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/04/02 17:36:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Time for some more terrain it seems.

I built a bunch of stuff maybe a year ago at the club, but didn't find time to paint them until now. Still a bit of a rush job, but works pretty well I think. It was also really fun to try using posters, weathering those was simply delightful.

Arska and Pera for scale, taking you on the tourist trip to our friendly local bunker tour which just might end up at an angry caretaker's face. And at the wrong end of an assault cannon, whoops.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/05/11 19:24:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Been a while since I posted here, but this week saw some more building going on. I was bummed about my lacking collection of fortifications and siege equipment, so after a small rummage in the kitchen I discovered that some dairy products came in very handily scaled packages. I had also been wondering for some time how to incorporate insulin tubes somewhere, as they make pretty rad artillery pieces, so...

Today I got the turrets of the famed Arla pattern painted

Then, to the bunkers!

[Thumb - DSC_0746.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_0750.jpg]
[Thumb - DSC_0751.jpg]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/05/13 04:58:20

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Great blog, I love the WWII guard, and recycled terrain.

Posters are ace too!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/05/13 06:57:08

Post by: Sherrypie

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Great blog, I love the WWII guard, and recycled terrain.

Posters are ace too!

Thanks Kid

Recycling is the word of the day, 'innit? Helps with the trash, saves the planet and allows one to buy more plastic crack later on... #TitanicusHype

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/05/18 03:15:02

Post by: Sherrypie

To the bunkers, then! Test piece C3 is done and while I might still add water lines or dead vegetation in flock form over it in the future, it is now sufficiently good looking to get on the table this weekend. Only problem is painting five more like it before Saturday

*gets back to swinging the brush*

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[Thumb - DSC_0768.jpg]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/07/01 14:24:30

Post by: Sherrypie

Hum dum.

It is funny how the greatest urge to fiddle with things comes when one cannot do so. Here I am at CERN for the whole summer and my modeling projects languish at home on the other side of the continent, bwah! Well, at least I have time to think about what I want to do when I get back to the frozen wastelands of Finland from this horrid heat.

Destroyers! The current Death Guard codex for 40k let's plague marines go pretty nuts with weapon customisation, so obviously I also need pure melee loadouts with axes, chainswords, picks, maces, scythes and what not, supported by alchemical flamethrowers and phosphe... I mean biochemical grenade volleys from hell. I've been thinking about mk III armour for those troops, as it was the thickest and most protective choice when boarding or assaulting entrenched positions.

Here's some sketches on the look I'll be going for.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/07/03 11:20:52

Post by: monkeytroll

Great blog Some nice conversions, sensibly thought out, and lovely use of scrap for terrain.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/07/03 21:39:03

Post by: Sherrypie


Aim is to leave no model unconverted, or it wouldn't really be my very own and personal army.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/08/31 22:24:01

Post by: Sherrypie

Hello Dakka, long summer no see. It was exciting to work at CERN but boy is it nice to be back at home again, away from the constant 30 C heat. And at my work table!

Having barely gotten out of the plane, I went and dropped all the cash to get Adeptus Titanicus GME. Gimme dem sweet God-Machines, yo, I need them yesterday! So that'll take over this blog for a while.

I'm going for a sinister, archaic legio with autumnal colours. Lots of browns, red and bonelike parchments. The first Warlord is a bit regal, whereas the second will be a walking ossuary that instills mortals with an acute sense of their passing insignificance. Moar inbound as we get to the green stuff phase

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/01 14:00:07

Post by: Sherrypie

Sculpting trudges on, pretty proud of that skull on the shin guard.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/01 14:30:48

Post by: Zid

Fantastic work here! Keep it up

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/01 17:53:15

Post by: Sherrypie

 Zid wrote:
Fantastic work here! Keep it up

Thanks, intending to!

The base will be a little diorama, as this little guy stands in awe before the God-Machine, having dropped his gun on the ground.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/06 14:30:22

Post by: Sherrypie

First titan base getting some paint. Painting roads is surprisingly fun

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/06 20:01:41

Post by: Sherrypie

And so begins the work on the plates. Trying out some red as a spot colour ala old Blanche paintings.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/06 21:13:02

Post by: Zid

Love that base man, so awesome!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/07 21:08:35

Post by: GMSchofield

Those marine conversions are just incredible, I am in awe. Bravo.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/15 16:33:45

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks fellas!

Also, I might have made mistakes in my life. I started doing the titans' metals with NMM out of the blue without prior experience... This may get weird.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/16 14:50:55

Post by: Sherrypie

Never forget the leg day.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/20 10:14:30

Post by: Sherrypie

The trim, all the trim...

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/20 12:17:58

Post by: Sherrypie

Bit by bit she comes together. *sigh* If only one had more hours in a day...

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/09/30 11:36:45

Post by: Sherrypie

Damn this thing takes time, the Warhounds are almost upon us and I'm still dillying about the first machine

At least the end result will be pretty, when we'll eventually reach it in 2030...

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/02 11:10:39

Post by: Sherrypie

Damage and weathering to go, otherwise the body is about done. Just the weapons then

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/03 17:07:32

Post by: Sherrypie

Ho boy, it's time: Legio Favilla walks! Tremble before the Ashen Gods!

Finally the first titan is done. Well, in the sense that it's reasonably table-ready and I should get the others to the same point before spending yet more hours on freehanding the banners and so forth. I'm reasonably pleased with the NMM for a first try, the rest should be quicker now that I actually have an idea about what the hell I'm doing.

Some knights next, then, got to get things ready for a game in ten days

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/03 17:54:02

Post by: Tyranid Horde

That colour scheme is gorgeous, very well done and I love the base! The NMM looks good too, I should try that at some point...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/03 21:27:18

Post by: Sherrypie

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
That colour scheme is gorgeous, very well done and I love the base! The NMM looks good too, I should try that at some point...

Thanks! I had fun trying to evoke that baroque blend of red and browns, heavy shadows and stark metals with a reasonably limited palette.

Also, bases might just be the best thing about this scale, really let's one to have small dioramas there.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/04 00:55:36

Post by: Commander Cain

That titan looks incredible! The whole colour scheme just blends together so well, very regal looking

Great work on the base as well, though I do feel sorry for the poor guy's apartment that just got turned to rubble!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/04 05:17:35

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

Cracking scheme and excellent execution, as you say that red and brown almost reaching black at points is really fitting for the Titans. The broken pavement, building and figures for scale are brilliant as well. Have you got a Warlord lined up and any intention of getting some Warhounds?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/04 05:53:16

Post by: Sherrypie

ListenToMeWarriors wrote:
Cracking scheme and excellent execution, as you say that red and brown almost reaching black at points is really fitting for the Titans. The broken pavement, building and figures for scale are brilliant as well. Have you got a Warlord lined up and any intention of getting some Warhounds?


Yeah, the second Warlord and six knights are primed and waiting for the weekend. There's also three Reavers in their boxes, not yet built, and I'm going to order at least four Warhounds in a few days. It's nice to have a game with so few models yet enough variety to still carry itself ruleswise.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/07 20:45:28

Post by: Sherrypie

And knights we go! A weekend's worth of effort and ready they are, sans some small details here and there (like pipes, banners and such).

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/22 17:59:49

Post by: Sherrypie

Well blimey if it isn't time to base some titans instead of being productive.

Got to try some splashy effects with that pool of the Warhounds step into :3

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/24 16:37:51

Post by: Tyranid Horde

The bases look like a great start, if they're anything like the previous ones you've done I can't wait to see them done!

The water effects is something I'm keen on seeing, bases with water are always something I'd like to try.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/25 18:55:41

Post by: Ketara

I know you're all over Titanicus now, but I loved seeing the True Scale stuff; especially next to the more normal sized Perry models. Genuinely grand, top quids, next round on me.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/10/25 19:10:09

Post by: Sherrypie

 Ketara wrote:
I know you're all over Titanicus now, but I loved seeing the True Scale stuff; especially next to the more normal sized Perry models. Genuinely grand, top quids, next round on me.

Thanks mate! Worry not, they aren't forgotten though it might take me a while to get back in that business. Titans have indeed elbowed their way to the top of the queue, but I'd reckon I'll get them done (for the time being) before Christmas and can then also expand the XIV a bit. I've gotten a bunch of badly mauled Rhinos that await rescuing, either to more battlefield taxis for the upcoming Destroyers or as Scorpius artillery, and have been eying some terminator legs for more beefy characters like Blightspawns or Biologists. In this case they'll of course be the more unhinged parts of the Destroyer corps more than crazed demonological alchemists, but for the opposition the result is still the same.

Now if we could only get phosphex in 40k...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/07 22:30:40

Post by: Sherrypie

Quick WIP snap, one evening of painting on the 'Hounds gets torsos mostly done. Aim is to get them ready for the weekend, we'll see how that goes.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/08 22:19:31

Post by: Sherrypie

Two evenings down, one left before game. *deep inhale* I can do this.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/09 18:56:21

Post by: Sherrypie

Third night, sadly fatigue hits in and I must concede: the three others aren't going to get their chrome legs before Saturday. Bugger. Well, they're table-able at this point so bleh, legs, transfers and weathering shall wait till next week.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/18 17:09:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Raaah! Fifth session has been finished and they are done! Done I say! ... done I say and retreat to the corner muttering about how the scroll work remains undone until the blighters have earned them on the battlefield and how the water effect is still going to dry transparent and get higher sprays to show the mass of the engine and...

Bah! Pretty much done anyway to the point where I am damn satisfied with them and the fact I'm still not a shaking, nervous wreck after all that trim.

So, joining Warlord Iudex Ultionis, the just and all-powerful Judge of Vengeance, we have:

Edax Rerum, Devourer of All like time itself.
Occisor Spesi, the unescapable Murderer of Hope.
Echo Dolorum, the Echo of Sorrows that rings over the land.
Cineres Immensi, the Vast Ashes are all that remain from those who dared to oppose their doom.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/21 21:07:14

Post by: Sherrypie

AT train has no brakes, now it's time to get a legal maniple, so... Reaver time! Ruina Superborum, Fall of the Haughty, shall be the first with its double fists to give a little shakeup to the roster.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/21 21:28:07

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Lovely set of Warhounds, really nicely painted. Keen to see that Reaver painted up!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/23 16:06:20

Post by: Sherrypie

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
Lovely set of Warhounds, really nicely painted. Keen to see that Reaver painted up!


Second session with the Reaver, mainly detailing the metal skeleton and plotting where some colours should go (as well as trying to avoid having to start with the trims...). I think this blighter should have some checkers on its knee, possibly on the shoulder shield too. We'll see where the inspiration goes when I get that far.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/26 15:53:53

Post by: Sherrypie

Oh yeah, just four sessions and this cute little murder-machine is done!

Ruina Superborum, Fall of the Haughty, joins its kin at the front, ready to RIP AND TEAR! I didn't bother magnetizing the arms, as one just has to have at least one dedicated double fister in the force. Carapace weapon is swappable, though, if one would like to run something else than the one-shot wonder of overcompensation that is the Warp Missile there. Like the turbolasers, pretending like it's almost capable of shooting something.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/27 18:37:00

Post by: Boss Salvage

Love your brown scheme, and warhounds are definitely my favorite of the AT sculpts. Awesomely enough you're headed toward just about the only maniple I'm interested in running, including the double fists

Great work all around, I'm content to live through your tinyhammer escapades

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/27 20:26:45

Post by: Sherrypie

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Love your brown scheme, and warhounds are definitely my favorite of the AT sculpts. Awesomely enough you're headed toward just about the only maniple I'm interested in running, including the double fists

Great work all around, I'm content to live through your tinyhammer escapades

Cheers, Boss!

I'm headed for all the maniples all day long, as I can run two or even three at the same time when I get these guys painted

My impulse buying trigger finger is itching, I don't really need a third Warlord right now, but the new one does hit the shelves before separate weapon sprues and I need plasma annihilators anyway...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/29 20:49:47

Post by: Sherrypie

Hm, some impromptu Death Guard started while watching the latest Titanicus stream. I found some extra Rhino sides from my piles and started fiddling with them. This might turn into a Plagueburst Crawler or a Scorpius, depending how it starts to form. Also, first time with larger plasticard bits. Never too late to learn.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/11/30 20:34:22

Post by: Sherrypie

Scorpius it is, then, as I found a nice looking megabolter bit to fiddle with. Add some miscellaneous stuff, a metric ton of boltheads and a nice crew diorama for the backfield and bam, steel rain inbound.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/12/01 01:37:49

Post by: kestral

Those warhounds look brilliant - particularly as a group against the box backdrop. Brightened up my day - thanks!

I should get into titanicus.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/12/01 07:52:48

Post by: Sherrypie

 kestral wrote:
Those warhounds look brilliant - particularly as a group against the box backdrop. Brightened up my day - thanks!

I should get into titanicus.

You're welcome! And yes, you should, especially now as GW is putting out a very nice discount box with free warhounds...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/12/01 19:12:58

Post by: Sherrypie

Now with a bunch of bolts and the driver's window:

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/12/07 22:02:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Yaharr, moar titans thar be about!

Or at least knights, accidentally bought some while browsing other stuff

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/12/10 13:45:54

Post by: Sherrypie

Test-building some Acherons.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/12/15 21:57:45

Post by: Sherrypie

These knights join the queue of stuff that's ready to paint, finally. Also, is that a sneaky little deathmachine for the XIV I see there among the larger ones? Why yes, I finally got me a Leviathan to play with~ :3

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2018/12/21 11:58:34

Post by: Sherrypie

The Leviathan is getting along nicely. Not sure if it needs something more, like cables. I quite like the sparse front and the backside is nicely packed as is. What's your opinion?

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/01/20 15:30:15

Post by: Sherrypie

New year, new tricks... Testing out painting with very runny paints as my darker green decided to die, as well as wrangling with my angst about the riddle of steel. For some reason steel just doesn't look right to me if done with my crappy metallics, whereas I really like rich gold with real metallics. Eh, we'll see how it goes.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/01/23 13:21:29

Post by: Sherrypie

Small steps between real life, first arm getting there (minus weathering, chipping and transfers that get applied as a whole at the end).

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/01/23 22:00:05

Post by: Sherrypie

Bleh, fourth (?) session over. Shaping up nicely, I'm kinda proud of the grav arm.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/01/24 18:31:39

Post by: Sherrypie

And finally it's done! Feeling pretty good after this one, marks something of a milestone in my painting skills when comparing it to the Contemptor or previous DG fellas. Especially considering I had to emergency CPR all my green paints back to life from their dehydrated hibernation, which resulted in them being nearly useless puddles of water

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/03/21 10:51:12

Post by: Sherrypie

Real life, why doeth you keep getting in the way of hobbying :/

Small teasers from the warp, however, as I got the idea stuck in my head about making a melee oriented counts-as force of worm riders ala Dune... We'll see how this develops.

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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/03/21 13:06:48

Post by: Boss Salvage


Love those great worms, good luck outfitting them with riders

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/03/21 15:35:43

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks, Boss

The plan is to make a bunch of worms in different shapes and sizes, convert a bunch of Epic miniatures clinging onto them and drive them closer to hit the enemy with their worms. Reaper's worms are roughly similar in size to Titanicus Warhounds, though slimmer, and my vision is to run these guys as very melee oriented Hounds, toting Inferno cannons all day long (ie. vomiting on things) and crashing against others like the maveriks they are.

If I find properly large ones, they'll sport spotters on their backs for artillery that hangs further back (as Carapace guns are obligatory for bigger classes).

Of course Doom of Molech teases some rules for great beasts to throw dirt in my gears, gah

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/03/21 17:41:40

Post by: Boss Salvage

Are you saying you're looking for more, bigger purple worms?? Pretty sure I've tracked some of these down before, but here's some options:

https://www.amazon.com/Minis-Purple-Worm-Dragon-Queen/dp/B005MUAH1A (Do not pay that much!)

https://www.thingiverse.com/search?q=purple+worm&dwh=1005c93cad2b4fe7 (3D print files)

http://chestofcolors.com/giant-purple-worm/ (Beautiful huge sculpt, do want. This is a D&D Collector's Series Purple Worm)

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/03/21 18:40:04

Post by: youwashock

That idea sounds completely awesome. Have you considered Goremaw? Also available in Bones. He's a big'un.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/03/21 19:21:29

Post by: Sherrypie

Goremaw looks nice and all, but I'm leaning towards more worm-y look I think. The sandworms of Dune never felt heavily armoured to me, the carapaces are aesthetically off for this purpose in my eyes.

These Dholes are reasonably awesome and more about flesh and hide than plates of chitin (not my picture):

If only I could get my grubby hands on some :(

Depending on how the winds blow, I might end up just straight up sculpting some.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/03/25 16:56:59

Post by: Sherrypie

In other news, I accidentally trees... 50 of 'em, in fact. Got to ruffle them about a bit at some point so their branches look a bit more natural, but it's nice to get some variation on our usually urban or desert styled boards.

[Thumb - _20190325_183733.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/04/08 17:37:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Nothing major happening on the modeling front, but while hyping myself up for an upcoming game I got more trees and made some explosions out of tea lights (that refuse to photograph nicely, bweh). This naturally led to playing around, that's what these things are for after all

[Thumb - DSC_4948.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_4909.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_4910.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_4911.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/04/12 18:57:08

Post by: Sherrypie

There was an attempt at Man versus Hobby to not buy stuff... It failed. Finally found a relatively affordable source of barrels and stuff, also piles of dragon's teeth for prettier tables that actually do something for gameplay

[Thumb - _20190412_210929.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/04/25 18:07:43

Post by: Sherrypie

Long time no paint, but finally, some time for the grind! First four hours of work with Aurora Terribilis, mostly basic colours at this point. Perhaps ready this week?

[Thumb - _20190425_205538.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/04/25 18:10:53

Post by: youwashock

Sweet. Never can have enough big robots stomping around. Like that base, too.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/04/27 13:00:58

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks, youwashock

Some progress, will not get it ready as work interferes for the next week, but soon anyway. Pretty happy with the weapons thus far.

[Thumb - _20190427_154615.JPG]
[Thumb - _20190427_154742.JPG]
[Thumb - _20190427_154529.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/05/08 17:15:43

Post by: Sherrypie

Roight! Finally got some more painting done, as Aurora Terribilis marches to war. No more falling over mid-battle for you, mr. I-can't-be-glued-until-subassemblies-are-painted!

The carapace looks a bit weird as it got done the way it is after I managed to glue a magnet in the hole wrong way up and couldn't get it off anymore, but I like having bit of variation in the force (though it should be pretty obvious that missile pod is not really meant for this engine, I just painted it at the same time ).

[Thumb - IMG_5031.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5033.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5036.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5039.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5041.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5042.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5049.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5050.JPG]
[Thumb - IMG_5064.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/05/08 18:40:14

Post by: youwashock

That's really cool. I love all the details and weathering. The weapons look especially good.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/05/08 20:15:01

Post by: Sherrypie

 youwashock wrote:
That's really cool. I love all the details and weathering. The weapons look especially good.


It's nice to work with these kinds of projects, where it takes forever to get the job done but where you can really go to town with all the little details. 90% won't even be noticed on the tabletop, but going "huh, that's neat" after picking the thing up for a closer look feels warm and fuzzy years later

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/22 19:43:16

Post by: Sherrypie

Something completely different! Social pressure required taking up the brush, four hours later we are open on the Deathshroud front. Quite happy with the guy, given how quick that was for me.

[Thumb - _20190722_222829.JPG]
[Thumb - _20190722_223107.JPG]
[Thumb - _20190722_223201.JPG]
[Thumb - _20190722_223303.JPG]
[Thumb - _20190722_223415.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/22 22:49:21

Post by: youwashock

Huh. I suppose he is titanic in his own way. Certainly looks cool.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/23 13:08:34

Post by: Boss Salvage

Love that scythe color, both the gradient and deviation from the theme

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/23 21:11:25

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers lads. I like the result on the blade too (thanks, wet palette), the dull red doesn't scream POWER FIELD *ZAP!* but clearly is something in that vein even at a glance.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/24 21:40:49

Post by: Sherrypie

You know what, this thread needs something. Group pictures! It's been what, three years and I haven't done a proper shot of the whole detachment for shame?


- Tactical squads (still unfinished, though )

- Terminators, the medicae lord
- Rhino, Predator, auxiliaries

- Contemptor, Typhus

- Leviathan, first Deathshroud

Let's get a proper camera this time. Avanti!

I see a new challenger trying to enter the size comparison pic...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/24 22:52:10

Post by: youwashock

That is danged awesome. So delightfully dirty.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/25 13:16:56

Post by: Boss Salvage

Size comp pic is brilliant

Speaking of building contrast into an army, love those cultists. Not hideously mutated pox-things or raving lunatics, but quasi-competent (yet still cannon fodder let's be real here) traitor guard. Nice contrasting green against the DG white too.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/25 16:02:02

Post by: Sherrypie

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Size comp pic is brilliant

Speaking of building contrast into an army, love those cultists. Not hideously mutated pox-things or raving lunatics, but quasi-competent (yet still cannon fodder let's be real here) traitor guard. Nice contrasting green against the DG white too.

Yeah, that one guy is like "yaaa boiis "

Thanks, the wee men are indeed fun in that aspect: they take on the same field as their astartes overlords, doing sort of similar jobs and so... until they attract any attention and fly apart in a rain of gore. But hey, nobody said it's a large portion of potential applicants that will ever make it so far they'll get a chance to join the legion proper (because of course we recruit by funneling recruits into the grind and checking if any live through hell, duh).

The green is very much inspired by this traditional protective equipment most Finns are intimately familiar with. It's good for rain, mud, nuclear accidents and foreign invasions, it'll be good enough for 6+ saves

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/07/27 03:33:47

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

Very cool army. And really nice weathering.


Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/01 20:43:02

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks Rids

On the frontlines, tol scale has become smol scale as the XIV finally take steps towards the glorious fields of 6 mm too (instead of being simply stomped on by titans)!

There's "some" stuff in my Epic pile, like ~300 marines, trio of Baneblades and a reasonable squat army swimming side by side with old eggy sentinels and beastmen, so my table is currently like this:

One evening of diddling around yielded some test results:

I had quite some angst over basing with these guys, as I really do like round bases the most but then the 40 x 10 mm strips are best in case I eventually get to play E:A but they tend to produce really monotonous looks. I had some 20 mm disks lying around and they looked nice... with three marines, max. But I really want to have five per base for fluff reasons and... argh. Then I found some other bases I had lying around, which are actually something like 44 x 20 mm or whatever, which is a tad over the suggested maximum for E:A but... Sod it, we're going with these as they look nice and let the minis have some breathing room, damn it! At least they'll work just fine with their intended purpose of playing the new Apocalypse with some sense of actual battles instead of an overcrowded mess

Some space is nice, as then I can do little things like this base where the sarge is aiming the defence cannon.

Though we're at 6 mm scale, there's no exception to the guiding philosophy of #ConvertEverything and thus I tried to slice some dynamism into these killerbots (probably counts as Contemptors on tabletop). Repositioned legs and fists, mostly. I'll take less potato-ey pics when they're painted

Personal favourite from this batch has to be the witch. Body of a tactical with one side gouged away, a staff from an imperial guard standard bearer and a head of a beastman on top of his armour for that dignified occult flair.

For the future I'm pondering how to make something useable out of those horrible land speeders. The seat part is reasonable and the front... thingy looks like I could take it apart for parts to make predators out of some rhinos... We'll see what comes out of those.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/01 21:22:05

Post by: youwashock

Beyond awesome. Each base is like a little diorama. Do you have any Terminators? I always loved the Epic Terminator models. And I bet you'd make them look fantastic.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/01 21:43:51

Post by: Sherrypie

 youwashock wrote:
Beyond awesome. Each base is like a little diorama. Do you have any Terminators? I always loved the Epic Terminator models. And I bet you'd make them look fantastic.

Thanks for the confidence, youwashock

Sadly I do not have any terminator models currently, but I might go and try the 3D printers at a local library at some point if this project gets going. I do however have some ogryns and squat hearthguard, which have piqued my interest as a possible source of mishmashed Cataprachtii... still, not nearly enough of those to fill the eight land raiders revving at the back. Then again, I've also considered if those old raiders would be better hacked apart and combined into four Spartans. Too much heresy to smash such vintage models? Potentially awesome?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/02 18:33:20

Post by: Sherrypie

Epic adventures continue, this time in the form of armoured support.

So we had some killerbots, how about more?

I made some shooty dreads by removing the great ham-fists of doom from these robots and replaced them with ogryn ripper guns. The zippy guy with a fist received a knee surgery as well as a hip relocation.

Obviously we also need some tanks to fight tanks, so why not make some Predators? Bits come from all over, old land speeders and Titanicus Warhounds included

But there is one above others in Astartes armoury: the Land Raider. The OG model happens to be butt ugly, how to fix it while still staying true to the awesomeness that is the Land Raider? Answer: two Land Raiders (making up a Spartan)!

That one requires some stuffing on a later date, but otherwise it's just so much better use for those models.

Also, some more footsloggers.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/02 19:16:26

Post by: youwashock

The Predators and Spartan are some damn fine micro-modeling. Love it.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/03 17:27:52

Post by: Sherrypie

Bweeh, I ran out of superglue! The next 60 men will get their time soon...

Also, damn sawing those Raiders creates a ton of fine plastic powder. At least it's good for basing

Moar lords, slicin' and dicin' like there's no tomorrow.

A company needs a standard, which is also ruleswise cool in Apoc (Blightbringer ushers Death Guard forwards +2").

Getting there! When I get more glue, there's 100 marines, 10 dreads, 10 rhinos, 4 preds, 4 spartans, two lords, a witch and the standard bearer ready to march. That's a bit south of 400 Apoc points or 6000 40k points, which should allow for some swell gaming (especially when mixed with AT knights and God-Machines).

Now, if only I had terminators

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/05 18:09:12

Post by: Sherrypie

Tried to prime lil' guys but the spray died, bashed a big guy together for comfort

He'll be a Foul Blightspawn, or more accurately an old Destroyer veteran who has been handed some cans of ol' phosphex and shoved in the general direction of the enemy. Was fun to build, took maybe two hours.

Reasonably happy with the tartaros legs, might use them for other characters too since the termies themselves are bleh compared to cataphractii. But man, assembling those torsos gets weird.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/05 19:35:08

Post by: youwashock

That guy is a lot of fun. I dig the battle damage and weapon loadout.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/07 21:20:01

Post by: Sherrypie

Huh, more idle progress on the support character front.

I like Plaguecasters. Some psychic shenanigans are quite important, I've found. While the Echoes do share the XIV's original disdain for witches, they do utilize them more often than millenia ago, largely because of their isolationalist circumstances. Which naturally means more failed aspirants, some fleshchange victims and oooh is that an excuse to field Spawns in the future that I see... Anyway, here's a new addition from the librarium (with some stuffing happening on a later date, namely in the wrist and over the I-marks):

The real deal for me today, though, was this guy:

I AM. THE LAW! *whack! thud!*

I've always liked the idea of military police among the Astartes, keeping the unruly superhuman monsters in some semblance of order when they get too much into the thick of things or otherwise just behave like gakkers. I believe there was a pig-latin name for these guys during the 30k times, but cannot for the life of me recall what it was. In-game he'll be a Tallyman, pushing aggressively onwards with a melee squad of the more hotheaded brethren and occasionally cracking some skulls for good measure. He also gets a badge of rank, even if the XIV as a whole isn't too big on such embellishments

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/07 21:45:00

Post by: youwashock

Dredd there is looking pretty awesome. He even has his badge and law book.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/07 21:51:26

Post by: Sherrypie

 youwashock wrote:
Dredd there is looking pretty awesome. He even has his badge and law book.

Yes, the book is very important. Hard to break a rookie in form if you can't also cite them what they did wrong THIS time. One of those pockets probably has a stash of parking tickets ready for handing, too

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/08 19:42:53

Post by: Sherrypie

Speaking of which, it seems Bio-Corporal Oprah and his "you get a 'nade! You get a 'nade! Everybody gets a grenade!" tour are ready to take off, but suddenly an ancient challenger appears from the depths of the bitz box...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/08 21:36:20

Post by: youwashock

Oh, man. That's an old one, right there. The latest kitbash is very cool. Lots of character.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/10 15:44:31

Post by: Sherrypie

It is indeed, older than I am

Also, adventures in 6 mm jog on, this time there's even paint!

"Ach, Hans, run! It's the tanks!"

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/10 19:24:35

Post by: youwashock

It was then that the marine realised the enemy had discerned his greatest weakness: tiny tanks. And a bonus Magic reference.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/11 16:32:17

Post by: Sherrypie

And more paint. I'll probably add some bushes on the bases when I could bother, first I need to adjust my eyes back to normal

Phonecam doesn't do justice to the gradients here, might take proper pics when I get the army done. One week to the games, on to the infantry then. Bwee.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/12 19:45:08

Post by: Sherrypie

Phew, ALMOST a company done in a day. These still need a lot of highlights and details like powerswords and bushes on bases but such little concerns aside, I'm pretty satisfied with the pace

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/13 01:59:04

Post by: youwashock

They looked awesome before. They look even better with paint on. Fantastic approach.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/13 11:51:39

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers You, glad to hear it

Trundling onwards, now a bit brighter after highlighting the armours.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/15 00:07:12

Post by: Sherrypie

Roight, ye gits! Back to the front!

Done! Ish! I'm reasonably happy with these guys as it comes to getting them on the tabletop and not (yet...) spending the next month scribbling legion insignia on their pauldrons, painting trims and such frivolities. Which is good, as I'll be trying the new Apocalypse rules out against my buddy's Krieg this weekend and might still have to paint some buildings before that.

Here's the current 284 point force. Basically a truckload of marines get hauled forwards in the hopefully sturdy Spartans, jump out midfield spitting death everywhere, Spartans smash against their line (which they can really do in Apoc! Super-Heavies are not bogged by melee and since they use Hellforged rules, they actually know how to kill in melee ) shutting down those pesky Russes all while the dreadnoughts rain death from afar with lascannons. That's the plan anyway, let's see how horribly outgunned we'll be

The basing system worked like a charm, just look at this glorious flood of ceramite:

Changing from the potato to a real camera, I took some better shots from the ones already seen so you can now actually see something (like the gradient work on the dreads, pretty proud of that).

Newer work includes the first officers: lords, witches, standards etc.

Here's the main force, with a leader and a heavy weapon on each base. Damn these were fun to do and work with, so glad I didn't take the "five dudes in a parade formation" route.

I'm especially chuffed by how well this project managed to capture the feeling I originally had with my truescale project: silent, ominous figures appearing from the rad blasted wastes, the whole thing looking like an old washed out photograph with barely any colour left. Would you say that comes across?

Thanks for looking!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/15 13:16:28

Post by: youwashock

Though they be but little, they are fierce.

Great work. I think you have accomplished your goal as far as the look is concerned.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/15 13:19:43

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Sherrypie wrote:
The basing system worked like a charm, just look at this glorious flood of ceramite:

I play Kings of War, and it's always fun to stack my unit bases together to form my very own little battlefield. And then you have the freaks who plan them all to actually interlock into a large scale diorama thing ....... Enough about KOW!

Your APOC crew looks really tight, I think the magic for me was that step when you passed through and picked out some details, which really popped the minis up from their rad-blasted bases. I'm excited to hear about your Krieg game, APOC in 6mm seems really fun (right right it's 'just' Epic ), particularly as I've been doing lots of scheming about APOC in 30mm and running into that damn $$$$ wall when it comes to really cool stuff.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/15 16:09:29

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks, both of you!

I've heard lots of good things about KoW. Not removing singular models is something I enjoy in massed rank and flank games.

I'll try to take some pictures and maybe write a report after the weekend, if things go as planned. I'm excited, this'll be fun

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/18 10:44:11

Post by: Sherrypie

Tried the new Apoc for the first time, though with 6 mm armies. We played a ~250 PL match between Death Guard and Krieg, worked pretty swimmingly. The XIV took hold of the center field, held ground and racked up the victory points while the Krieg kept hammering them with their tanks. Much clamour was had in the middle. A full report coming later on, got to play a game or two more first today.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/19 13:21:49

Post by: Sherrypie

Battle report time, ~250 PL armies!

The first contact between Death Korps of Krieg 17th line korps, under marshall Karis Venner, and the XIV's 3rd mechanised,
led by captain-commander Erasmus, had ended with the mobile astartes claiming the area and gunning down all opposition as
the Krieg consolidated their still formidable armoured assets away from the confrontation. Much was learned in the clash,
such as the imposing nature of almost unstoppable Spartans and the fear of destructive if short ranged Demolishers.

* Krieg order of battle *

- Supreme commander marshall Karis Venner, along with his court of aides, medics and 4 squads of 10 infantrymen.
- 40 grenadiers in 5 Chimeras led by a field officer, towing two heavy stubber teams along.
- 6 heavy weapon teams led by a commissar.
- 5 mortar teams led by a commissar.
- 5 Leman Russes with battlecannons led by a vanquisher commander.
- 3 Leman Russes with demolishers led by a battlecannon commander.

All Krieg tanks are of robust make and have Ignore Damage (6+).

* XIV order of battle *

- Supreme commander captain Erasmus (Chaos Lord), leading 4 squads of 10 (plague) marines.
- 4 squads of 10 marines, led by a witch (Malignant Plaguecaster).
- 4 super-heavy Spartan transports with havoc launchers transporting the above two detachments.
- 2 squads of 10 marines, led by a biologist (Putrifier).
- 3 long range support dreadnoughts (Helbrutes) led by a lieutenant (Chaos Lord).
- 3 assault Contemptors with lascannons and soulburner fists.

All marine squads are equipped with two blight launchers.

Our second game turned out to be a raid, with both sides trying to strike through the opposing lines and raze their supplies.
The XIV was still on the attack and like rolling thunder, the 3rd mechanized entered the battle.

Objectives ringed with red, VP's awarded for controlling and destroying those on the opposing side.

First detachment, led by a plucky biologist, enters the soon to be nicknamed "House of Death" in the center of the field
as Contemptors rain lasfire on the faraway Russes.

Catching the Krieg line in a crossfire, the support dreadnoughts on the
right flank take position to bully the grenadiers' rides. This prompts the Krieg to move towards their right flank in an
attempt to bypass the marines' firing positions midfield and protect their important Demolishers until they are ready to
pound the Spartans to dust.

Midfield, Spartans rumble forwards and pour more lasfire into the flanking Chimeras, half of which explode midway spilling
men and flames everywhere. Return fire from the battlecannon Russes and heavy weapons lays low the squads occupying the
House of Death, leaving the biologist all alone in his tower. Despite losses, grenadiers push forwards through the flank
and speed to their objective, which they manage to take and burn to the ground despite a talon of Contemptors blowing their
rides open with deadly radiation.

The midfield starts crawling with marines as Spartans' ramps crash down under ceramite boots and bolter fire fills the air.
Marshall Venner sees his chance and urges his cohorts onwards to take the building in front of them before the astartes can,
leaving the XIV in the open for a crucial minute that allows the Russ squadrons to blow holes in their midst. This does not
come without cost as the lonely biologist calls an air strike on the Demolishers, taking most of the nearby infantry and
some command personnel to their grave on the side. Unceasing tank fire manages to down one Spartan, which crashes against
the tortured walls of the main building, shaking dead men down like leaves in the wind. More marines took position in the
House of Death, only to be gunned down like dogs by the autocannon teams in the woods while shooting apart some of the
Demolishers in their sights.

Uttering something horrible, the witch pulls out all stops and rampages through the Krieg forces with corrosive winds of
unearthly sickness, blasts apart brave footslogs with mind bullets and bends reality so that the three forward Spartans
blink forwards ready to roll the opposition under their tracks. Both tank squadrons are taken by some surprise and lose
valuable shooting time as the assault tanks from their nightmares are trying to capsize them by force. They try to fall back
as well as they can, taking positions by their own objectives but open themselves for the support dreadnoughts to pour fire on.
At the same time, the grenadiers take the fight to the enemy and charge, shovels in hand, against the Contemptors to tie them
down while their last Chimera bravely rushes deep into enemy territory to take the second objective in preparation. Their
commading officer, who due to much confusion though he was a commissar this far into battle, charges the lone biologist
in the House of Death and ultimately bests him, kicking his broken body down from a window. Orbital lasers sweep the tanks
and evaporate the commander of the mortar teams, who then in turn get wiped almost to a man by the anti-personnel rounds
from the Spartans nearby. Though it seems that the Spartans are next to untouchable, there is a loud cheer in the Korps
as the autocannons kick into overachieving gear again and pour hit after hit on the tank sitting on objective 1, slaying
the beast in a spectacular explosion that also greatly hinders their nearby Russes' survival. Captain Erasmus and his
remaining men charge the last sneaky Chimera, but do not manage to destroy it outright.

Before the poor machine can drive towards the last objective further away, it is surrounded and torn down.

The fighting in the Krieg's left heats up to its final crescendo. The last Russes blaze through their last moments under
dreadnought's fire but manage to almost wipe them out in return with the aid of the autocannon teams on the right side of
the field, but the objective is finally lost under the weight of XIV's wrath as bolt fire tears through the last remaining
mortar team and everything burns to ashes.

On the right flank, the last Demolishers have retreated to the final objective (having given up the midfield where the
infantry holding it was lost to bolter fire after the Spartans' rampage) but cannot hold their nerve under the fusillade
of lascannons coming their way. Krieg is now out of tanks and their morale is wavering, but the battle is not yet over.

Out of the burning wreckage of the last Chimera scramble two heavy stubber teams, coats blown to bits and packs aflame,
but with the gusto of the grenadiers and imperial steel in their hands manage to tear down the enemy commander! Erasmus is
wounded by the assault and as the last proper grenadier squad falls back from the Contemptors, the Krieg actually does have
more units near the objective, bringing the situation to an exciting 2-2 as we enter the final turn.

The final charge of the grenadiers is sounded through a dastardly Seized Initiative by the field officer, who charges the
marines from one side while the grenadiers plunge suicidally into the other squad, buying time for the now free heavy teams
to leg it at the double towards the third objective. At the same time there is a fierce firestorm from the witch and his
marines into the woods holding the last couple of autocannons, but they do not manage to cut their targets down in any
meaningful numbers as they swarm the final objective on their side of the board to prevent the charging Spartan from taking
it as it comes crashing down on the ragtag heroes defending it.

On the other side, the XIV see there is no victory to be had any longer and turn their remaining guns to ensure the grenadiers
won't be smiling in victory either. The marines on the ground slaughter their assailants while the trio of Contemptors turns
around to bathe the would-be arsonists in agonising gamma bursts before puncturing them with over the top lasfire. With a
harsh "KA-FREEEM!" sound and a whiff of burnt flesh, the heavy stubber teams are no longer.

As a final note to a bitter draw, marshall Venner (having already marched through a bombardment, weathered several salvos
of bolter fire and a Spartan assault that crushed the Demolisher's next to him) charges the final behemoth and drives his
power sword through its thick hide in a spiteful gesture of defiance.


A 2-2 draw on objectives, with almost complete destruction of the Krieg forces at the end. Bloodied but unbroken, the guard
had only two officers and two autocannon teams left alive in the end while marines had lost about half of their forces in
total. 60 men, two commanders, two Spartans and two dreadnoughts were lost in the engagement. Being mechanized is a HUGE
boon in Apocalypse, as casualties are not taken until the end of the turn you can always get some way up the board and it can
deny your opponent a lot of fire as they don't have light targets available until turn two. Being able to actually get
somewhere helps, too

I'm really enjoying the system, though there are some wrinkles we'll settle among gentlemen anyway (like making it harder
to shoot characters, using some thematically fitting command cards on factions other than those specified, using hidden
Orders through the whole turn instead of revealing them all before acting etc.). I must paint more stuff in this scale for
variation, as my buddy was getting a bit demoralized by the near indestructable Spartans without having super-heavies of
his own to counter them. Well, it's easy to fix that hole given we both have Titanicus armies to go, too

Thanks for looking!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/21 11:59:24

Post by: Sherrypie

Back to building, then.

I needed a cheaper chaos lord to hang around my shooty marines for rerolls, so 'ere we go then. Captain-commander Erasmus joins the fray to lead his few, the happy few, this band of brothers. For he who stands with me today, shall forever be my brother.

Always wanted to use Kurtha Sedd's bits for some command figure, now they can finally hit the field. He'll get a proper base soon

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/21 15:07:30

Post by: youwashock

Great battle report. Looks like it was a blast.

Nice commanding pose on the new guy. Sedd's a great model to use for something else.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/21 16:01:39

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks youwashock, it was indeed. Enjoyed and can recommend, Apoc flows nicely and 6 mm is a great scale for company level and up conflicts.

Also, our first 21st man joins the crew! Woo, 5% increase in survivability, yay... within 3"... Yay... But hey, he's got a sword! That counts, right?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/08/23 18:43:10

Post by: Sherrypie

And in the spirit of gotta catch them all, we also need an inspirational speaker in the ranks to finish the set of supporting characters. So here's the beginnings of a company standard, standing in for a Noxious Blightbringer. Inspire us to run, instill fear in them. Sounds like a swell day job.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/02 17:46:30

Post by: Sherrypie

Well, there was some stuff on sale and...

He's a chunky boy, twice the height of his sons, but the gaunt reaper has always been a tall, pallid shadow in the fluff. No wings or daemonic greebles, as usual, just pure unabating self-loathing and alchemical doom. Except for Silence, but that's a daemon / xeno weapon to begin with. I will probably be running him with daemon prince rules, since they feel more in line with the primarchs (pre-daemonhood) being just that much beefier but not to titanic levels.

Fluffwise, I've been pondering this just in case and I'm leaning on the legio apothecarium having been on a quest to create their father again, this time without the disaster (eeh, best laid plans and stuff...). Much like Fabulous Bill alledgedly made Horus and Ferrus again, albeit this might not work as well, meaning that the simulacra thus wrought fall into decay soon after their birth. But as it is, some parts of our sire's consciousness remain after each try, learning and guiding our hands, eventually to succeed truly though it might take hundreds of lifetimes...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/02 19:29:45

Post by: youwashock

Wow. Very cool repose. Really dynamic.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/02 20:00:57

Post by: RiTides

Agreed, that's an awesome conversion there

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/04 13:16:38

Post by: Boss Salvage

Pumped to see your take on big ol' Morty. Also that's a serious brass rod!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/04 16:24:06

Post by: Sherrypie

Serious rods for serious people

But really, besides the blade being massive and thus requiring a proper shaft, I can't for the life of me understand who designed the model's default shaft and thought it was okay. It's a mess! Having grown up with proper scythes, my heart cries bloody tears every time I see them done dirty in fiction. Like Morty's 30k model, who the hell decided where those handles were placed? Utter bollocks, why was there so much wasted space at the butt of it! Even here I debated (far longer than necessary) should there be a perpendicular handle midway, but eventually decided against it since it is a war scythe of sorts and thus uses a different strike angle and balance (and thus fits more in with the aesthetic of other power scythes in the force).

Overthinking, nah

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/17 21:28:39

Post by: Sherrypie

Huzah, random pictures time!

We had a freshmens' night at the roleplaying club and as the resident miniature nut I led some incursions into Space Hulk for the new blood. Always nice to have a 3D board ready for random layouts, slap every player two marines and it's burninating time

Attempting to reroute a hulk full of 'stealers away from the rich agriworld below, first eight men died, next twelve men died but finally the last fourteen had the spine to blow up their objectives (and then die immediately afterwards). Some pics taken by a friend:

"Ach, Gynter, we're all gonna die!"

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/18 18:25:38

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Awesome, can you show or tell more about the table?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/18 23:24:50

Post by: Sherrypie

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Awesome, can you show or tell more about the table?

Sure, there are some pictures of the newer bits on page 2 of this thread I think but most of it was made in 2009, when I got my Hulk and wanted to have a cooler board. The then teenaged me, stupid as he was, of course built the damn thing with 30 mm squares instead of 40 mm, so the project has been in limbo since as I'd want it to be bigger were I to expand it to encompass the whole tileset and... argh. Still, this current set has enough tiles for Suicide Mission, which I often use as a demo in conventions and it works as a solid basis for Kill Team / Shadow War / ZM games with models smaller than terminators. It's made with zero budget from insulation foam, cardboard and trash, like most of my terrain. Plywood bases and good planning give it a reasonably uniform look on the table, even if I never got around to create an interlocking magnetization system for the bits to keep them from shifting around during play. I might do that for the larger version that undoubtedly happens during the next decade or so with the current skill level. I'll take some proper pictures in a week or so, if you're interested in details.

Great fun and a terrific tool to draw people in, for some reason everybody wants to gawk at these things

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/28 19:00:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Bleeh, I swear I'll get to taking those photos one day... Soon(tm).

Got some Titanicus in after a while of other games, testing a funky custom Legio list for an upcoming tournament and wow did it tear through the opposing Astorum line. ~1700 points, two maniples on both sides.

Mission was for him to break through to my depo and for me to prevent that, with extra points for kills on both sides. The Astorum list had a barebones Axiom and Lupercal maniple with nice midrange guns while my list was a bit more complex. Both lists had a Warlord, a Reaver and four Hounds. My custom set used Fortidus' swap to put a long range Warlord into a Venator maniple, Krytos' earthbreaker missiles to control enemy advance, elite magi to keep my engines running and a signature stratagem of quake shells to harry their maneuver game hard. With the remaining points I took aerial support.

Brutality ensued. From the getgo, their lines got ravaged with shield stripping shelling, bombing runs and ceaseless artillery that bogged down any hopes of advancing while the terrain allowed me to maneuver into natural chokepoints while Venators meant my leaders could hammer the opposition with Melta and Mori/Belicosa fire. The Astorum pushed valiantly, but in vain as eventually they were wiped on the final turn with 6-1 engine kills. Harsh, but the mission played perfectly to my strengths. Swapping around, we'll try again tomorrow and see if I can break their line

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/09/30 19:33:18

Post by: Sherrypie

Weekend requires all the quake and I'll probably never need four Belicosas anyway so it's time to butcher one of the unpainted ones. Most fitting, Mori built out of the arms meant for Memento Mori...

Transparent plastic makes it look a bit wonky, but really it's straight.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/01 17:25:38

Post by: Sherrypie

Also, paint! Tremble before the Judge, as he Quaketh thee.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/01 19:32:36

Post by: youwashock

That's really cool. So much weight and presence in the model.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/07 15:02:15

Post by: Sherrypie


AT tournament at Kuopio, Finland 5.-6.10.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

~10 players, five rounds and lots of fun for all even though I might have taken a bit rough list for the occasion given the synergy offered between my strong list, good tactics and somewhat sparse terrain which resulted from larger than expected attendance and stretching to have a fifth table operational. My Legio Favilla, the brown and baroque Ashen Gods in the pictures, took the field by storm and pounded the opposition to dust pretty convincingly. Though the tournament was more for fun and the prize Reaver kit was randomized at the end between all, I did end up getting it anyway for good measure biggrin.png

The event called for a 1750 point list, so I tried out an idea I had been brewing for a while: how about a reliable firebase combined with a mobile hammer for flank attacks to harry the enemy into bad position while they are under an unceasing bombardment that will hit them hard unless they compromise their own maneuver game by spreading out, except if they do that they come to my trap? Suits my fluff and playstyle, check. So, custom legio rules open and let's see how to crack some worlds.

- Splinter Legio (Fortidus) to swap a titan with roles intact for a Warlord lead Venator.
- Elite Magos for some reliability on my Hounds' reactors, because they are going to get hot at the aggressive front lines.
- Warchest (Earthbreaker Missiles) for another tool in the Swiss army titan set, cutting movement in half could be useful in missions like Retrieval or Breakthrough (part of the tournament pack).
- War Doctrine (Quake Shells), as we get 3 command points I needed this for one cheaper for the master plan to go off. The other two points will then go to Strafing Run so that every turn opens with a massive steel rain on the opposing side.

Basically I took two Venators, one lead by a melta-Reaver pushing a pincer move with a squadron of two aggressive forward Hounds (twinfeeeeernoooo, baby!) while the other had a Mori/Belicosa Warlord in the lead to lend artillery support from the edge of the battlefield in maniple with two separate Hounds that roam the field further up stripping shields and giving the Lord a bunch of opportunistic extra shots with the big guns, especially Quake. Okay, one was a double turbolaser doggie Shieldbaning last shields off here and there.

Here's the synergy:
Strafing Run causes d3 hits on every unit in a 4" wide line, which is rather nasty if one is infamous for rolling high. This combines with Quake Shells, that also tickle some shields here and there but more importantly they push engines around regardless of shields falling or not. That is rather strong and caused horrible damage on more than one list that did not realize the danger in their deployment, because Collisions are a thing. This barrage, which to reiterate, drops down every turn, taxes shields pretty nicely and allows the roaming Hounds to more easily activate their leaders' Venator abilities time and again without overreaching themselves. Melta, Belicosa and Mori shots were flying often enough that any slip in the defences was quickly exploited to deadly effect. It also helped that because I almost always agressively pushed my squadroned Hound pair to the fore, they had to be focused on and soaked fire for two or three turns before turning to fireballs which left my Reaver and Warlord almost untouched for most of the time, giving them time to brutalize their intended targets. If sprung on an unexpecting opponent or a newer player, this can snowball.

First game vs. Mortis, the Quakes smacked his Warlord so that it crushed all his Cerastuses to death and caused havoc in general to the extent that they conceded the game before turn two after some good rolling saw me almost cripple a Warhound in addition. Well, got time to take photos.

Second game vs. Fureans with lots of big guns but not that much volume to break shields. They focused my Warlord to death (only time in the tournee), but their Fortis maniple lost most of its benefits under the quake shelling and was eventually annihilated. Twinferno Hound licked their Warlord to flaming ruin, woo!

Third match vs. Gryphonicus that had taken only heavy engines, quickly reduced to a survival game as their forward Reavers came too close on Full Stride and my Hounds got the pounce to kill both. Their Warlords did stand until the end, though.

Fourth vs. Fortidus proper, again a match I'd basically won from turn one because Warlord and Reaver would have annihilated each other through double collisions but we agreed on the spot to let quake shell results of "Hit" stay still and rather have a good game. And it was, the one I enjoyed the most as it got tough when his 24" wide Dangerous Terrain minefields basically stopped my Hounds in their tracks and immobilized my midfield quite hard (and literally, there were lots of leg injuries in the midfield full of burning Hounds biggrin.png). It was nominally a Retrieval scenario for both, but by turn three it was clear NOBODY was going to get it off from the blazing inferno that was raging in the middle and it got quite close by kill point secondaries, but as his Warlord was a smidge too close for his carapace lasers he could not finish off my Reaver and the Ashen Gods carried the day. This game is the one on the snow table with everything burning at the Fortidus' Warlord's feet.

Final game vs. Ignatum, custom rules for extra repairs, extra shots and an overcharged +4 plasma weapon. The original plan worked like a charm: artillery Warlord took position and others maneuvered so the enemy was stuck in its fire arcs, bombs rained from the sky and Hounds took remaining shields down effectively enough that the Mori cannon punched their Reaver to its death against the Warlord behind it. On turn two there was a memorable nuclear blast on the left flank as I accidentally shot my own critically injured Hound to death, which exploded and killed the shooter, which exploded and killed the enemy Hound near it, which exploded and caused the imminent destruction of their Warlord behind it and... By turn three, they had a single remaining Lord on the field. The mission was to have lots of Scale near the center of the field, and even though I already had more Scale in my remaining Warhounds there, as a last act of spite my Warlord managed to punt theirs out of the scoring range with its Mori cannon, because of course it did. Brutality.

Immense fun, good people, awesome venue. If you're somehow stuck in Kuopio, check them out at the Bunker 34 smile.png

~50 pictures here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/H7qXX15gqgqbhnWe9

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/09 18:25:23

Post by: Sherrypie

On the workbench, at last it was the time to bust out the chunky bois. First guy is a test subject to see how horrid the feet will be and is there any hope for alternative poses (surgery, here we come...) but man are these guys bulky. Aesthetically, I love 'em.

Some springs under the mortar, a skull or two and he's ready to stomp. I'll probably try to model a small flood rushing out of the broken chem-pool after painting for funsies.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/09 19:12:44

Post by: youwashock

Amazing battle shots. Congrats on the win!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/10 19:01:19

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks, youwashock! Always a pleasure to see and photograph beautiful armies at each other.

On the building front, I cut the next one's leg above the knee and pushed the thigh cabling a bit to get more motion in its stride as it's crashing a store house. All sorts of caps are just the best for this scale's tactical rocks

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/12 12:34:55

Post by: Sherrypie

Huh, got all four built and ready to gather dust unpainted for... a time.

There was a lot of chopping going on with some of those legs, like this guy who is sort of hopping on the building under its right foot. Both knees got cut, toes and armour bits were bent, hydraulics rebuilt and so on.

There's also a wounded little guy on the base here:

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/15 20:59:52

Post by: Sherrypie

Adventures in smolscale continue, tanks galore!

They aren't yet ready, but I'm happy with how much got done in a day. Tomorrow it's correcting decals and numbers, weathering, battle damage and small details like headlights. Now my third mechanized can drive around without super-heavies

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/15 21:42:33

Post by: youwashock

Rhinos look fantastic. I love the little guys milling around on the bases.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/20 20:40:19

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks youwashock!

On the painting front, the damn tanks are finally finished. These blighters are just too cute for their own good.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/20 21:42:11

Post by: youwashock

Oh, I missed the Predators in the first photo. Very cool. These are some of the most lavishly painted Epic models I have ever seen.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/21 13:04:03

Post by: Boss Salvage

Yea, I'm impressed - look at those teensy decals!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/21 13:23:14

Post by: Sherrypie

I'm flattered, lads.

Decals come from the AT Cerastus box, little skulls of just the right size. They miiiight even just fit the marines' pauldrons, if I want to go back at them and apply 100+ little skulls on. That would require some investing on the Knight front, though, so not to be expected on the immediate front

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/25 18:33:22

Post by: Sherrypie

On somewhat bigger front, I finally painted the Blightspawn! Phosphex for everybody, we'll see how he fares against Custodes tomorrow (damn invulnerables everywhere!). It's nice to have the style down so it only takes an afternoon to knock one of these guys out.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/28 22:30:10

Post by: Sherrypie

Had a few matches versus my pal's Custodes and after splatting them left and right with the dreads my love for them was rekindled again. So here we go, another go at making the monopose horrors from BaC look like they're actually doing something. I got some second-hand pieces lying around, so a lot of chopping later this guy is shaping up nicely. Green stuffing and cabling to come. Funny sidenote, terminator lightning claws fit right in at the dreads fingertips to elongate them to claws

Not visible here, but I tore the ammo boxes from the fists and replaced them with death's head containers to represent something nasty. I'll probably paint some radiation warnings on the sides and use them as Soulburners as this merry box of murder thunders down the field.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/28 23:24:01

Post by: youwashock

Burner looks great, and that is one aggressive looking Contemptor. Nice job.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/30 19:08:51

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks youwashock, amping up the aggression now that he's also stuffed up

Meanwhile, got the dread done and tried out my tube rollers finally. Lovely tools, those, though it seems to take some time to understand how much stuff they want to have put in at a time.

And while at it, I made another one

With BS 2+, 5++ saves and no minuses to hit from moving, DG Contemptors make for very nice shooty support so some anti-tank was in order. Didn't have that many lascannons hanging around currently, so I scratched a conversion beamer for the other arm instead. It might be nice and flexible against Guard, question mark? At least it was fun to make, which is mostly what matters.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/10/31 21:31:46

Post by: Sherrypie

Roight, report time! Clicking on the pictures gives a clearer view, this might get heavy.

My buddy, reasonably new to 40k, finally got his army
of rough and morally less than shining Custodian death
squads painted and what better way to celebrate it than throwing down. Them golden bois are so points heavy we ended up throwing some ~2200 points on the table as the XIV clashed against the lapdogs of the Master of Mankind.

My list, pretty much all the stuff I had painted sans one Rhino, was pretty heavy on (tactical) dreadnought armour while the Custodes brought mostly guard-trios spiced with some variant spears. Sadly, I still have to proxy my witches with vexillas for the time being before they get proper models done. Pretty basic CA18 missions, CoD terrain rules and go go it is.

First match, characters with intel score points by hanging near the bubbling tank in the middle.

Both sides held large chunks of reserves, Allarus and terminator squads rearing to jump into action in their teleport chambers.

Death Guard take the initiative and surge forwards to take the centre with heavy armour in the fore, Predator claiming one guardian in the opening salvo as everything on my right flank opens on the Vertus bikes, hurting the foolishly optimistic captain at their front before they dive in the cover of the trees.

There is a furious firefight on the right flank, with the human auxilia exploding to fine red mist in the middle as the XIV blow apart most of the bikes before their inevitable charge as the air cracks and terminators emerge on the field guns blazing. More appear north of the previous picture, catching the Custodes' line in an iron pincer.

Another flash at the backfield sees the meltaspears hit the field, led by captain Enkidu Akhianus. Though they unsurprisingly blast the opposing auxilias protecting the tank to kingdom come without breaking sweat, this proves to be a grave tactical error as they are too far away to charge the Predator and thus effectively misplaced for the rest of the battle.

At the main front, things heat up as the superior creations charge everything but are stymied by the noxious vapours emanating from the Destroyer (Blightspawn) in their midst. In the left flank guardians crash against the second line of terminators who stand their ground, as the Contemptor seizes the moment and rips the wounded bike captain, Setanta Hadrias, down from his saddle as he tries to impale it. Fighting with the fury of a dying man, even in death Hadrias strikes back and carves the ruthless machine open for the Vertus squad to finish off. The guardians next to the flaming wreck brutally murder all auxiliaries while the astartes witches (almost killing themselves in the process) rip them apart with eldritch energies in return as the line marines open fire and down the bikes as they fly through the burning Contemptor.

(Note the one brave mortal left on the battlefield under the bridge, surviving where others fall is the one true way to get inducted into the ranks of the XIV )

After this mutual destruction, there is a sharp clap of pain and the paintrain of heavy armour rolls up on the Custodes' line. Leviathan smashes through the recently arrived Allarus in its way, as do the terminators who deny death against everything thrown their way while the two astartes captains butcher captain Harkynn and his aide is soon overwhelmed in a wave of terminators without mercy or hesitation. The single remaining Custodes group sees there is no way to remedy this disaster anymore and is whisked away in a flash.

Ouch, that was a pretty thorough thrashing the golden bananas received in their first outing, taking mainly the cultists and one dread with them. But such things happen when trying the game out, so we immediately threw another one down.

Take two, aerial supplies floating down at the places marked with green dice. Imperials have misplaced their drop and our sneaky recon forces are trying to seize the opportunity for supply gathering. A rapid counterstrike of murder bananas is dispatched to deal with this annoyance.

The situation seemed a bit more favourable for this retribution strike Custodes were mounting to avenge the previous disgrace, but their low numbers would pose a real problem if they were to follow their orders instead of simply carving a bloody trail of vengeance through the astartes.

There is barely any shooting in the beginning, as the bikes swerve left hard intending to take the Leviathan out without getting shot by its horrendous guns and othersrush towards the middle objectives. Their eagerness betrays them, though, as the Custodes commander ponders why exactly did he not leave someone to take the first objective right in their lines. Predator opens fire and claims the first kill again, punching though a single guardian like paper as the marines advance forwards to catch all supplies that they can pocket before the imperial warmachine retaliates in force.

Captain Hadrias, miraculously recovered from the previous encountered, leads his praetors on their left flank and utterly crushes one tactical squad before swinging into the Leviathan's side while the right flank crashes into the Contemptor but is halted as the mechanical monstrosity defies their blades. With fitting contempt, the veteran inside burns with desire to take its pound of flesh for the destruction of its previous prison and rips apart some of its assailants, sucking their vital essences into its ever hungry reactor (from two wounds remaining, this thing managed to rip and tear its way way up in wounds through the battle ).

The bike brawl spreads as witches, a termie captain and others join in while the Predator escapes Allaruses that appeared behind it. Wounds abound for all as men clash, bikes killing the captain, Leviathan smashing Hadrias down again and general mayhem ensuing.

Another crack and a flash, as the terminators arrive to take the enemy line from behind. This prize is ours now, scrum. Amidst bolt fire and falling comrades, Iblim Dysion decides this area is lost and instead falls back to charge the Leviathan, which he then fells to avenge poor Hadrias!

On the backfield, brave auxiliaries rush to delay the golden terminators threatening their tank.

What's the worst that could happen?

Terminators swoop in on the left with the Contemptor, crushing captain Harkynn and his men though Phaeston Gordias puts up a remarkably long last stand with his Vexilla held high.

Eventually the Allarus punch their way through the last auxilias and rush the middle as the last bikes flew past to decimate the left tacticals only to meet their end in the Contemptor's hands.

Brutal and effective, the golden boys crack the tank out of the way to rush towards the objectives. That victory will however be short-lived, as the terminators in front countercharge the captain, shielding the sergeant behind them (who's too busy stuffing his bags with munitions). As captain Enkidu falls, so too do Iblim and the last Allarus, felled by foul sorcerous powers amidst the broken forms of astartes engines. No more than a singular Custodian is left watching the carnage, jaw tight and vexilla clutched in hand, as he too is blinked away from a bitterly lost skirmish.

Phew, a bit tighter match this time as the bikes absolutely destroyed everything they charged (on my turn, too, the buggers!) and the first points for anyone were scored on turn three as the objectives kept moving and slipping from anyone's grasp. As the game went on, it however became clear that the purely golden boys simply didn't have the numbers to sit on any objectives while exerting any force further down as my terminators relentlessly drove them in front of them, claiming ground as they went. We'll see how things change, when he tunes this group with an allied slavegroup of AdMech support and gains more experience on the field. Good show, if a bit of a bloodbath when lines closed

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/03 21:45:37

Post by: Sherrypie

Also, a fit of painting! More Contemptors and testing things with chipped steel-nmm finished in a day.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/04 15:03:36

Post by: Boss Salvage

Great reports! Custodes vs Death Guard is much more entertaining to read about than the usual tournament-level reports I typically read (i.e. Eldar flyers and NuMarine netlisting ) ...

Really dig the claws on your Distraction Contemptor, and the dynamism you've added to his old plastic derp pose

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/04 15:56:58

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks Boss! Glad you liked them, always fun to scribble something for posterity.

The claws were kinda serendipitious, as I just out of curiosity tested if the terminator claws would fit in the dread's fingertips. Might happen again, if I come across a fourth one cheaply enough at some point. The idea of a melee dreadnought spewing flames and radiation everywhere as it crashes about is just too appealing not to make more of these.

He's naturally going to die as the first thing this weekend, I bet, as the Echoes finally try their hand against the Primaris...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/05 00:33:57

Post by: youwashock

Great painting on the Contemptor. Solid BR, too.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/18 22:46:36

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks, youwashock

Some Titanicus after a while, too. I finally got motivated to get some terrain painted as there's an upcoming convention nearby and I will not demo games on a substandard board, damn it! So, here's where we're at after three days of furious brushbuckling (apologies for terrible lighting):

It's all about this quality, two or three layers of grey with brown glazes and lighter edge work everywhere as drybrushing just ain't doing it for me:

Also a bunch of bunkers, silos and storage units made with Epic in mind as well as finally, some pools! Water features are something I always like seeing on battlefields but that are often absent.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/19 07:23:19

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Great terrain, please put up pics of your table when it's done. I'd love to see what you consider 'standard'.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/19 11:03:28

Post by: Sherrypie

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Great terrain, please put up pics of your table when it's done. I'd love to see what you consider 'standard'.

I'll try to take some on the weekend. My little Epic guys will also be running there as scenery to make it a bit livelier for the con-goers

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/20 18:39:40

Post by: Sherrypie

And to bring some life among the industrial buildings, some defensive works and brave souls manning them:

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/20 22:48:33

Post by: youwashock

Wow. Those gun emplacements are works of freakin' art.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/21 11:25:41

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks youwashock! Bringing some life to the urban greyness.

...and more greyness.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/24 19:59:28

Post by: Sherrypie

Roight, proper pics from the last week's hurdle coming together at the demonstration table!

I went to Tracon Hitpoint, a small gaming convention at Tampere, and demoed some 7-8 games of AT over the weekend. Lots of folks came to see and compliment the visual display, some quite convinced they might buy into the game too after seeing it in action. A resounding success, almost as grand as Edax Rerum's heroic action in one game where I managed to first in a single volley of bolt and plasma to kill a Hound from zero to silenced with four criticals, next turn run under a Reaver's shields and do the same thing to it AND survive to tell the tale even as the third opponent tried to avenge its comrades but only managed to take Edax to three crits on its legs. Brutality

I went with a Reaver + 2 Hounds on both sides, as three moving parts are required for proper tactical decisions on the field, games took between 1-2 hours depending on the players. Felt good, will do again, though next scenery projects will include ruins and glowing craters too. Some height for Warlord LOS-blocking also required, though for demos this setup worked very well. Some hard blocks, lots of -2 and difficult terrain to tackle.

These pictures really benefit from you clicking them larger. Hope you enjoy them too.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/25 20:30:26

Post by: youwashock

Really good looking setup. The chem pools are fantastic.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2019/11/27 13:27:15

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks, youwashock!

I agree, they turned out real nice for being simple plastic lids painted green and plastered with water effects. It's nice to have options like that on the battlefield, too: doesn't block sight or movement, but running through slows you down and might melt legs off from your engines. Letting players choose their own poison if push comes to shove is always fun.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The Epicalypse continues, now with more minisuperheavies as the 10th Bavarian rolls out in support of the XIV

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/16 22:39:09

Post by: Sherrypie

Surprise, it's Death Guard time again! Got 25 cataphractii on the operating table, since who doesn't need 2000+ points of termies right? Got hold of some IW tyrants to spice up my ranks, they got studs and spikes and all the jazz we like on them. Sadly, ruleswise Blightlords don't get fists and I'd like to be more wysiwyg so... Chopety chop, cut those powerfists together with chainfist hands and cook up some poweraxes.


Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/17 22:55:57

Post by: Sherrypie

Here's the first batch before chains and green stuff work. I'll be sculpting some abs in the near future

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/18 21:45:04

Post by: Sherrypie

While stuffing, a happy little accident happened and I made a new termie lord. There's just never enough manreapers.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/19 00:36:03

Post by: youwashock

That helmet is sick. I like the Big Daddy a lot.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/19 22:08:20

Post by: Sherrypie

I guess Daddy should've had gotten a huge drill, but maybe in a future build...

Another six done, tried out how to most easily sculpt a poison gas dispenser: press a ball of stuff flat, press a smaller one on top of it, press the center with a rod to create edges and punch a few holes with a needle. Neat!

And that's where my current stamina faltered, after 19 men, and I had to make bases and look forwards to priming them. Ran out of glue and greenstuff, too

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/22 23:57:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Battle report time, Favilla walks again!

1500 points, getting my Mortis buddy back into Titanicus again with a good ol' pedagogical trashing. He played a full Axiom with midrange guns and fists, I had a turbo-agressive light Venator/Ferrox combo with Tempestus rules (basically I may get to shoot back with vengeance when my engines die, which proved very impactful in this game). We drew a basic mission setup and he went for Vital Cargo while I took Retrieval. Captain Erasmus was in trouble and needed extraction, a titan warzone is no place for small but important individuals!

My Retrieval objective is the little marine near the toxic pools.

The battle started with the sound of ringing klaxons as my air support screamed over the Mortis lines, dropping bombs and mines all over the place. I really rate the Strafing Run stratagem, since it forces constant small admin on their shields and allows more opportunistic situations to rise for my Venator team (with a Melta Reaver paintrain at its head). I also threw Scatter Mines in their lines, making it hard for the Mortis to sprint forwards with their cargo if they didin't want to risk leg injuries. If they didn't, and they didn't, they'd be boxed in their deployment zone as I surged against their formation.

Fight for the dominance of the anti-air battery raged on as the unheeding gods battled around them.

As the Mortis deployed hard on the left flank, Favilla's frenzied Ferrox group strode on to meet them.

The Hounds rush on full speed, as the Mortis half-heartedly fire in their general direction. Cineres Immensis catches a bit of flak though and almost manages to blow its core out, but carries on bravely.

Meanwhile, the centre erupts into a hellscape. Captain Erasmus climbs aboard Occisor Spesi as the two Hound squadrons and the nearby Reavers unleash a torrent of death against each other. Concentrated firepower, raging machine spirits and defiant princeps giving their all weave into a blur as Occisor blows up, almost takes its attacker with it (Tempestus rules are awesome), falls into a slag injuring Echo's legs, Erasmus is thrown out of the window into the acid pool and everything catches fire as mines and bombs rain down from the skies above.

The left flank advances and takes position for a future charge as the Hounds let loose on the Reaver, who loses its shields and is then carved open by Aurora Terribilis down the field.

Sensing their cargo being in danger, Mortis call a Blind Barrage on the Reaver on death's door, but too late as Cineres next to it bathes it in autohitting flames. The roaring hellhound and its mate get a bit trampled in return, as the fallen god-machine topples on them and injures both doggos legs before the furious Warlord charges in to silence Cineres permanently for its deeds. Again, the defiant princeps refuse to give in and as the power wanes down in the grip of the Warlord's powerclaw, they empty all promethium from their inferno cannons and burn the Warlord some, opening the way for Ruina Superborum as it picks up speed and counter charges through smoke and rubble. A whirr, a screech and a horrid snap follow as the Reaver strikes six times into the burning midriff of the Warlord, tearing it open and trampling its fallen form to dust in triumph.

The midfield is littered in wrecks and flames as the last two Mortis engines try to stop Aurora Terribilis from running home with the captain, but barely get past its shields in time.

Just before running home, the battle is cut short at the end of the fourth turn. The Mortis were badly stuck in their deployment zone and lost the cargo to the rampaging Ferrox group, scoring nothing while the Favilla were one turn short of running away with their prize. As consolation, the secondary kill points were quite truely enough to show that this field was ours, and the Death's Heads were driven out to the wastelands by the vengeful Ashen Gods.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/24 22:10:08

Post by: Sherrypie

Tried painting a dude, grasped two, put too much paint on the palette and it just escalated. Well, why not do the whole character support at once

The surgeon is shaping up nicely, his harness will be pretty cool after washes. Testing out painting liquids, those containers at his back need to have some sloshing blood in them. Fun thus far.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/25 20:07:20

Post by: Sherrypie

Almost done, details and corrections missing but main colours are in. Better photos when finished.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/30 19:20:16

Post by: Sherrypie

Booyah, done! Tried out some new ideas with things like leather and cloth, as well as the obligatory checkers with our retro friend.

Captain-Commander Erasmus, the lord of the III mechanised.

Company standard, an inspiring and dreadful sight (blightbringer).

A munitions master from the experimental department (biologus).

A librarian (plaguecaster).

A termie leader, most revered veteran.

A disciplinary officer to keep our own in line at the crush (tallyman).

A 21st man (plague surgeon, now if only they got rules worth playing T_T).

Enjoy! C&C appreciated

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/30 19:28:50

Post by: youwashock

The splatter is so good. The weathering is just perfect. Love seeing the ancient Terminator in the mix. Great batch of models.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/30 19:42:28

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers youws! It would be kind of criminal not to splash some on that nice, creamy armour they wear. Fun to do and looks nice

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/30 19:52:13

Post by: Boss Salvage

Those banner ... decals? Super good, nice incorporation.

Love the de-Nurged DG heroes, biologus might be my favorite. Also OG terminator is a treat

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/01/30 20:56:20

Post by: Sherrypie

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Those banner ... decals? Super good, nice incorporation.

Love the de-Nurged DG heroes, biologus might be my favorite. Also OG terminator is a treat

Ta, Boss!

Yeah, they are more detailed FW decals. Figured these might be good use for them, as they look somewhat out of place in my eyes on non-cloth surfaces in a legion known for their ascetic looks, but an occasional banner could do just fine.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/01 10:10:37

Post by: Sherrypie

Spurred on by the judging ghost of H.G. Wells, who likes to see all miniatures painted, I picked up the brush again and eight hours later the third Contemptor emerged ready for battle. Bit of a rough job, but decent enough to hit the field.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/06 10:30:25

Post by: Sherrypie

Since making more things is a bit slow currently, it's gaming time again. This time I had the pleasure of facing against a new Astorum commander, who besides being an all around great sport didn't mind playing a bit harder and... well, let's say the double Venator plan I devised earlier on for 1750 points is still absolutely brutal.

Full Astorum Axiom on Retrieval vs. Favilla's double Venator with Hold the Line, go!

With both sides using Strafing Run and me dropping more artillery on this once peaceful agrihub, the battle was off to an explosive start as the Warp Runners true to their name went on Full Stride across the line sans one tactical Hound in the middle. My hunters took positions on the flanks, even as my right flank was already struggling with heat problems (damn hot dogs always trying to catch on fire) but so did their furthest doggo too stop in its tracks as the uppity machine refused to run.

Foolishly, the tactical doggo ran forwards on its own and found out standing in the range of most of your opponent's line is bad for your health. Bazillion shots later a new sun was born as the first ENGINE KILL rang through the air.

Astorum got some payback though, as soon the Warlord running forwards blasted Cineres Immensis apart with pointblank plasma death, setting it to stumble into the field below.

Forgot to take more pics from that match (derp ) as the game was too much fun to interrupt, even if quite onesided from then on. Bombardment and flanking doggos kept their fisty Reaver from getting away with the objective, Warlord was silenced and subsequently toppled on top of the dead Hounds in the middle and the long range Reaver in the middle found itself quite outclassed by the artillery Warlord pounding it ro dust from afar. Last remaining Warhound tried, in vain, to exact small revenge by gutting Aurora Terribilis but was stymied by its formidable shields before being blown up in return. Ouch.

But, being the absolute champ he was, the Runners' commander was up for another and we took a smaller 1500 game. For the sake of expediency, I just swapped the Warlord to the punchy Reaver and played the same Tempestus Venator + Ferrox list that I used against Mortis a while ago.

While less onesided, the second game turned brutality up to eleven immediately

Both sides took Vital Cargo, deployment was 18" upfield with the lightest engines and the Runners started with their package carrier rushing for the narrow canyon in the left flank. Oh boy, this can only end well. I blocked the way with my hounds, Ruina Superborum at the back ready to rush in and kill what is left of the inevitable crush, while keeping Aurora (and my cargo) on the right where it can take cover from the twin-Belicosa Warlord and rush ahead while everything dies on the left.

It's not the fighting, it's the wait as you watch gods walk from the horizon that gets you. Casting doubts aside, the second hunter pair kicked into gear and strode to war as bombers screamed above sowing the land with mines and bombs.

Cineres Immensis breaks formation and readies the infernoes, well aware of being the first sacrifice in the blocking maneuver that sees it blown apart immediately, but not before it takes its pound of adamantite spraying flames everywhere as the rest let rip and take down most of the Regia testudo's shields. The leading Astorum Warhound, its legs already molten and twisted from mines and flames, is soon immobilized by a bomber above while Echo Dolorum, having taken a foolishly high position on the hill, has its legs blown off underneath by the Belicosa Warlord.

Second turn kicks off with Ruina Superborum charging through Cineres' remains, jumping from its carcass like a ramp and punting the other Hound backwards, where it limps a bit to the side and makes way for Iram et Lux before being shot to pieces by Favilla's midfield guns. At this point it is starting to show that while Regia may initially be tougher to break from afar, if shields are being collapsed through them all at the same time the comeback gets a lot harder if your opponent doesn't give you any breathing room.

Astorum Warlord joins the fray, but misses pretty badly with its plasma gun and doesn't outright smash Ruina apart either, who then in conjunction with the limping Edax Rerum behind it proceed to rip out its power core with its fists, sending the mighty god-machine stumbling backwards, but before its limbs give way the princeps lurches forwards and crashes into the choked canyon. The falling giant buries Ruina under its mass as it furiously but futilely tries to claw its way up and batters Edax ever nearer to destruction, though the plucky dog does manage to make its way through the burning charnelhouse eventually.

At this point we actually reach turn three with 3/4 Astorum engines flaming corpses (3/6 for Favilla), their package lost and the Ashen Gods circling on the last Warlord already suffering from reactor problems (twin Belicosas are reliable and safe, err...). As a gesture of contempt it blasts Edax with everything, plasma cores screaming towards red, but the defiant Hound refuses to break (...I think I used Overloaded Voids on the bazillion Apoc Missiles and rolled only 2's. Why try harder than necessary, I guess ) and eventually becomes the one to finally saw through the Lord's ankles with its megabolters after other guns fall silent, throwing a barrage after barrage into the falling behemoth as it unceremoniously fell deeper and deeper into the soft, fertile soil of the fields below.

GEEZ that was a blast. AT is great.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/06 18:34:11

Post by: youwashock

Looks like a lot of fun. The new Contemptor is great. Love the pose and basing.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/08 21:20:31

Post by: Sherrypie


Another project got back to speed, as I finally started on painting the last model of my Titanicus start of 2018. Memento Mori will soon join Favilla's ranks properly.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/09 21:09:12

Post by: Sherrypie

11 hours down, getting somewhere.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/11 01:10:48

Post by: jamessearle0

What a great blog, cant wait for more! love the epic stuff!! and the 30/40k stuff too!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/12 21:51:32

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks James! There's more to come

17 hours in, Memento Mori plods onwards. Getting nearer to the factory finish state before weathering, now to decide what to do with the shoulders. Plain? Checkered? Dance macabre'd?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/12 22:34:00

Post by: youwashock

There is nothing about that thing that isn't totally awesome. Those vents! Superb.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/12 23:15:01

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers youws! The secret sauce is giving the grills a lick of darker paint after the glow, so it looks like there's something in front of the furnace

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/15 19:30:31

Post by: Sherrypie

Repent, for tomorrow you die!

Memento Mori walks, crushing the fighting spirit of all those foolish enough to stand against the Ashen Gods as they gaze upon a reminder of their own mortality and weep. This poor fellow here has already dropped their gun, what teeth has a piece of junk against the doom of Man?

27 hours it took and the base might require yet some fiddling, but my original GME preordered when the game launched is finally DONE! Yeah! Took only one and a half years, but still.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/15 19:52:35

Post by: youwashock

Awesome job! A testament to the wartorn grimdark sweetness we all love.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/15 20:06:06

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers youws!

What better testament could there be than a walking battle-cathedral in the shape of a man, indeed

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/17 19:48:27

Post by: Sherrypie

Today was an arm day, finally got my plasmas and fists done (and spent an inordinate amount of time just posing them around making "swoosh" sounds, khem). Now to make more carapace guns and I might even have decent midfield Lords in use soon.

As ever, enjoy

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/19 22:51:44

Post by: Sherrypie

Bit on the speed paint side, almost finished four Acastii in a day. Tomorrow these get the final touches.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/20 18:04:06

Post by: Sherrypie

Aaaand they're done, except for the still drying chemical pool which will be a lot greener in a few days. Now if they'd just get on with the nerfs so I could actually field these chonky bois without feeling like a bad man

As a whole, somewhat rushed job of maybe ~12 hours in total, but looking the part on the battlefield.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/20 18:55:56

Post by: youwashock

They look pretty awesome. Nice batch of models, and quick.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/22 16:55:04

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks youws.

Got some Warbringers, still not entirely impressed with them though there is hope on the horizon. Changed the head to a Warlord version, put some proper ordnance on the shoulders, chuck the weird upper arm hinges for something more Reaver-like, put a bit of step in it with bent toes and... these might take some doing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
While building, also finally put together a Warlord gatling. Hellforged Leviathans can't use the melta anyway, so finally got to use that bit too.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/24 13:27:29

Post by: Sherrypie

More battle reports (and reduced pictures, click open for proper resolution)!

Having painted some new models, they of course needed to take to the field and we hit off with a bigger narrative game from Shadow and Iron, a 2500 vs. 2000 point scrap at an agri-sprawl. Astorum's player had about 2100 points worth of engines with him, so they took the defensive role of a fighting retreat under Favilla's onslaught. I hadn't actually thought about my lists beforehand, so in order to not waste time I just used an improvised custom legio off the top of my head that I will soon be refining a bit for proper effect: ability to swap a Warlord in, Vulpa's disruptors for melee goodness and elite magos for a bit of repairs. Didn't even take a fourth item, all important bits were in and normal stratagems weren't in use in this narrative scenario anyway so what the heck.

Both sides had artillery barrage representing violent storms in the area (which also gave each unit a 1/6 chance of being Quaked every turn), as well as titan hunter infantry running around. The Astorum side also had some sneaky thermal mines. In the chaos of war, both sides could put Warhounds in ambush that would then jump from the shadows second turn onwards when they wished. While the objective of the game was to smack the other at least 500 points harder, burning hatred between the leaders of the battlegroups meant double points were awarded for felling the overall commanders aboard Iram et Lumen and Memento Mori. Astorum had a strong Fortis maniple supported by two hidden Hounds, while I took two Ferrox maniples supported by two Acastii pairs (which I houseruled to lose their Blasts and not be able to aim, because no way am I using their normal rules from an already stronger position).

Deployment was agressive: the defender could put their stuff anywhere on their table half, the attacker on theirs over 8" from any enemies. Astorum deployed close to the front, which on immediate hindsight might have been quite optimistic given the amount of fists running in their general direction, but this was partly due to the fighting retreat that meant that Astorum had to be closer to their table edge from turn three onwards and any lost ground meant reduced tactical options. With that said, Favilla gleefully strode to meet the haughty Warp Runners.

Storm clouds cracked and shields sputtered as the fight began. Infantry didn't really do much in the whole game, as both sides kept sending their troops to counter the other's as Astorum command realised they didn't have time nor room to spare for any lost shields.

We have been informed by a most unrealiable narrator that good guys use blue plasma, red is for baddies. This is obviously false propaganda.

The opening maneuvers are limited, as the Warp Runners take this moment to either shuffle backwards out of charge range or throw some politely missed melta shots towards the Favilla line that starts to encircle the right flank. Ruina Superborum did get a little scratch on Cyntar Volta before its retreat, however, which it then followed next turn by running it down entirely through thermal mines that almost blew its legs off underneath. As Volta crashed down in flames, it let loose with all its guns and unfortunately singed Solem Ignem next to it.

As the first god-engine came crashing down, two Astorum Hounds leapt up from their hiding bunkers near a factory house in their backlines, letting loose on the midfield.

On the right flank Memento Mori had been denied a charge on Proudstrider, as the sandstone hill had crumbled under its weight. Frustrated, it had sated its war lust by mauling the brave Reaver with Edax Rerum and the supporting knights so badly, that it was finally brought low by a thunderbolt from the heavens above... and naturally turned around, firing blindly into Iram et Lumen as it fell.

In the middle, Iudex Ultionis sped up and charged Solem Ignem, ripping its wounded legs off in one go. As the mighty god of war stumbled backwards, tossed around like a broken doll, it let out one last cry of defiance and, nomen est omen, blew up like a raging star. With so many engines packed near, bits of armour and molten metal spattered everyone.

Wounded, but still standing, Iram et Lumen tried to bring Iudex Ultionis down but was ultimately not quite succesful before Memento Mori waded through the bedrock up on the hill behind it, power fields humming around its hand as it flexed its claws in anticipation. Though the Astorum Hounds acquitted themselves well, one blasting Ruina Superborum apart and the other finally felling Iudex on top of the burning slagheap in the canyon, they could not hope to stem the tide alone. Memento Mori stepped forward and rammed its fist through Iram, crushing its spinal superstructure and sending it toppling down through the pulverized buildings nearby, war horns blasting in triumph over the noise of the storm. As Eclipsor was subsequently taken down by longrange lasfire from the Acastus, the surviving crew of Crudelis Ortus beat a hasty retreat.

Brutal! The close quarters deployment meant the Clawlords could get stuck in pretty quickly and given that in Ferrox they hit on 2+ rolling 15+d6 for armour (ie. criticals on 2+ anywhere), those charges straight up murder things. Astorum's straight frontal deployment was perhaps foolish, but such are the wagaries of war and much fun was had by all. Including bystanders, always keep an eye out for recruiting more folks into the fold

Regarding Acastii, I felt they were pretty good with these changes. Flexible, not oppressive and pretty nifty additions to an already dangerous titan group.

We also took a lighter 1500 matched game afterwards (sadly no pictures), which was interesting. He took a full Axiom maniple, I took one Ferrox (a WL, 2 R and a WH) with one Acastus with straight normal rules to see how they really perform. Both went for Engage and Destroy. I wanted to try out War Lust boosted movement for a first turn surge, which failed pretty hard since only my Warlord got Full Stride off and the rest failed their orders immediately, resulting in a less than ideal rush forwards into their waiting guns. Compounding this was a Scatter mine barrage, which resulted in a devastating hit on every single titan I had, because little explosives weren't going to stop me from blasting ahead. As he kept kiting my Warlord out of charge range and hampering my advance with more mines while I kept immediately failing my orders going forwards, things looked a bit grim but all was not lost. Running heedlessly through mines and laughing all the way to bank as only superficial damage was taken, Ruina Superborum withstood another Reaver's charge and slipped past to brutalize a Warhound behind as it was once again almost blown apart by thermal mines. On the other flank I concealed a shieldless Memento Mori with a LoS-blocking smoke pillar and maneuvered to threaten a charge in the near future. This actually realized sooner than later and one broken Warhound was kicked out of the way, though its pound of flesh was had as Iram et Lumen avenged it by smashing Memento against a hill with its own fist from behind. Funnily enough, this was around the time my luck had changed: while Ruina's charge hadn't killed the Warhound it targeted, said Warhound shot Ruina's legs off and managed to make it fall both on itself (killing it instantly) and their mostly untouched Reaver nearby. In its death throes, Ruina's fall managed to put three criticals on said Reaver and without wasting a second, it was then immediately killed by Aurora Terribilis' sniping missile launcher. All this time my one Acastus had been pumping a HORRIFIC amount of fire on the clumped opposition, regularily throwing such lines as "four hits on this guy, two on the other and one on that third" out there. This was taxing on the opposition's shields and gave me time to pump unfettered plasma and melta shots into Iram et Lumen from pointblank range, which eventually resulted in its death and the closing of the game with me a bit ahead. A good game and a surprising victory, even after Igot absolutely shafted for the first two turns by my orders and those mines.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/24 17:35:24

Post by: Boss Salvage

Memento Mori looks fantastic, particularly with that little dude on his base for scale
BUT Memento Mori with double fists looks even more epic I have no idea if double fists is any good in the game, but hot damn dude.

Also a slightly smaller high five on the new batch of knights, most of my interest in AT are knight-heavy lists. Smashed in chem vat is a particularly sweet basing flourish.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/24 18:12:38

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks Boss!

I know, right? There's just something too perfect about the idea of silly big honkin' robots roaring at the world with claws for hands. After all, we all know how useless guns were in Evangelion...

Knight households are a funny thing, they epitomise brave little glasscannon ants attacking lions very well. They just ignore most of the cool stuff in the game mechanics, which is a tad iffy in my personal opinion buuuuut I will have a functional household force done this year, too. 4 Acastii and 6 Questorii are painted, 12 Cerastii, 6 Questorii and 2 more Acastii await in the hangars to hop on the assembly line. Eventually.

But first I've pledged to complete Damnatio Memoriae (Reaver) and Contemptus Mundi (Warbringer), who'll probably walk sometime next month.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/28 23:05:12

Post by: Sherrypie

Carrying on, I tried to see if I could squeeze an engine out in a day. Almost, just battle damage, stains and basing to do tomorrow but Damnatio Memoriae is soon in walking condition.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/02/29 14:09:45

Post by: Sherrypie


Damnatio Memoriae is ready to walk and burn some worlds! As the name gives away, this engine is called to war when no trace of civilization is to remain, sweeping the pages of history clean with atomic fire.

I had a lot of fun incorporating this idea into its heraldry:

Also, since Fajita Fan brought up Fureans some time ago, I was inspired to try some yellow:

...Never again, yellow is just horrible to paint

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/03 14:32:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Alright, Contemptus Mundi is pretty much ready to get primed. Reaver arms are a bit scrawny, but they'll do as the default hinges are just horrid.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/05 14:34:51

Post by: Sherrypie

Still in smol scale, but some Death Guard for change! Some 80+ terminators and other bits dropped in, finally found a catapracht design that looks nice on the field

Time to get cleaning.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Started on the first batch of too many termies, ended up only using three per base as they are rather chonky. Made some support too, as the Epic30k lists have the option for some field artillery and the idea is just too cool not to.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/08 22:36:21

Post by: Sherrypie

Some paint, then. Refreshing to do things on a scale where you can get multiple things done at once

Battle damage and bases tomorrow, otherwise pretty much done.

That's less than half used, I might convert some Deathshrouds next if the printer can supply me some scythes.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/09 16:23:42

Post by: Sherrypie

Haa, and done they are! Click for proper resolution.

Epic scale is just the best scale, for me 40k is either about huge swonking armies or little groups of deranged individuals.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/15 15:01:09

Post by: Sherrypie

It's psi-titan time.

"Undecorated bar a lion on the shoulder..." what blog do you think this is? It's extra gothic time with bling all day every day.

Number one: get a grimdark head. It's a dead sea animal that looks disturbing. Check.

Number two: the Ciricrux looked tacked on and lacking in gigerian tubes. Integrate it better. Chopped an old Necron destroyer. Check.

Number three: it has a bigass gun. Make one with a chonky imperial base but an alien look as a whole. Check. Wondering about making arcing warp flames to dance on its surface.

Number four: test out some chains, those are cool. Check.

There'll be more spikes, lightning bolts and whatnots after the green stuff phase, as well as hexagrammic wards and other esoteric shenanigans when painted. Given the deviation from the unmarked default scheme, I might go more in the wolf direction rather than a lion when sculpting a roaring maw on the other shoulder. For basing there's going to be a pile of corpses, perished from the psychic horrors unleashed by this thing. Perhaps the flickering arcs of warpfire could go there?

Not entirely sure about the name yet, besides Horror Vacuii for a laugh

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/20 15:19:10

Post by: Sherrypie

Chugging along, added green stuff and basing.

Put some fifteen or so corpses on the base, both psychically fried and physically crushed. I'll probably put the dancing warp flames as a ring around the left foot, licking away at the piles of the dead.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/22 20:27:01

Post by: Sherrypie

And 'ere we paint again, with the first Warbringer getting near the dreaded trim stage and overflow paint going into the psi-titan. This time we'll be stomping some Angels, it seems.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/23 22:28:28

Post by: Sherrypie

Progress, mainly details like decals and weathering left after a day of trim-slogging. Must also paint a few guys running on the gunnery deck.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/24 01:09:55

Post by: youwashock

Wow. Those are amazing. The infantry further up the page is stunning, but these new titans are just fantastic. I love what you have done with details like the wolf head to lion head sculpt.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/24 08:27:06

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks youws! Details give life and personality to the figures, as well as being just fun to create

I'm a bit miffed about the lion's head, as I originally thought it would be a good idea to base it on something so I wouldn't have to sculpt the fangs myself, but it kinda grew to a point where I had to do it anyway and now the result is a bit of a mix between a wolf, a rat and a lion. Not that I don't like the current result, just turns out I could've done it from scratch with less hassle. Luckily there are always more projects to keep on testing with...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/25 19:17:03

Post by: Sherrypie

Contempt for the World walks!

The first Warbringer joins the Ashen Gods, bringing us up to ten painted engines. Put a few guys on the deck, tried out some more damages on the metals and freehanded some stripes.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/25 19:41:04

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice job! Some great work on the titans. And what's not to love about a snarling wolfrat-lion?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/25 22:24:05

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers, monkeytroll!

It is a bit ratty, isn't it. Some already confused the wolf bit for a skaven head

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/25 23:22:14

Post by: Insectum7

Oh damn! There's some beautiful work in here. Loving the small scale stuff, it makes me miss my old Epic collection.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/26 00:28:38

Post by: Sherrypie

Glad you like it, Insectum7, there's always more to come

Small scale seems to be the motivating stuff at the moment, there's something very satisfying about both properly large armies and huge honking engines that can be used without playing on a football field.

Though I did basecoat the last batch of 20 upscaled terminators, too, in case I run out of other things to do

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/26 03:38:03

Post by: Veteran Sergeant

 Sherrypie wrote:
I've always liked up-scaled marines, though reasonably so, and I was very inspired by Veteran Sergeant's miniatures here on this forum.

Hey! That's me! This is a great project. I especially love the stuff you did with the Epic. I have two boxes stuffed full of Epic Space Marines that I never really knew what to do with. Maybe now I do.

This is a fantastic model:

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/03/26 06:19:09

Post by: Sherrypie

 Veteran Sergeant wrote:
 Sherrypie wrote:
I've always liked up-scaled marines, though reasonably so, and I was very inspired by Veteran Sergeant's miniatures here on this forum.

Hey! That's me! This is a great project. I especially love the stuff you did with the Epic. I have two boxes stuffed full of Epic Space Marines that I never really knew what to do with. Maybe now I do.

This is a fantastic model:

Yes, that is you indeed! Your work, alongside names like Doghouse, all those years ago sparked this project and my current "proper" modeling spree. Thanks for the inspiration, no model left unconverted

Epic is great, both from gaming and visual aspects. Do it!

Glad you like the biologist, I'm very happy with him. The glove is a great bit and it was fun to try and visually communicate his battlefield role through the miniature.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/01 13:03:24

Post by: Sherrypie

And now for something completely different.

With self-isolation and all that jazz going on, but the itch to game still burning strong, it seemed a fitting time to try out something I've been eyeing for a while. As wargames go, there are basically two broad categories: Little Wars (from Wells) with opponents clearly gaming it out between each other and good ol' Kriegspiel, where it's more about command and orders in a more lifelike situation as refereed by an umpire. But why not a bit of both, one wonders?

So, with that idea in mind I wanted to both get a better idea of how Epic Armageddon works and offer a few pals of mine a chance to hop in the boots of various bigwigs up in the command chain. I set up the field, lists and the scenario and gave the players a rundown of what their sides have and how they do in descriptive terms. The commanders would not worry about mechanics or see any of the dice rolling, they'd have to see the effects and live with what info they can glean. Naturally I'd give them clarifications on what can be achieved, what odds are in general for different situations and so on, but for the most part they sat on the edges of their command thrones and pondered what general orders they'd issue to the lines while I processed their subordinates who actually carried out... something along those lines. Both sides were in the dark about what their opposition is bringing, where they are and so forth until they came close enough to see something, used scouts, fired flares for spotters and so on. Naturally some liberties and oddities were taken with the rules corpus, as the situation was much more of a narrative simulation than a straight up battle game. Great fun was had in the cruel fog of war with secret orders, hurried phone calls to the front and all-important initiative rolls to see who actually gets to act before all is lost

On with the show!

Seren II, a verdant agriplanet, had for the longest time been at peace. In the centuries long lull of solitude, generations of laxed standards had left the higher-ups in the defence forces and political powers that be to slowly slide into a silent separation into a self-dependent government beyond the oppressive Imperium's grasp. At some point the cessation of enormous food exports would be noticed in the wider Imperium and provoke action to remind the Serenites that their's was not a position of negotiation. While larger forces of imperial guard were gathering in the system for a massed planetary assault, a lightning strike from a nearby Benith flotilla of Black Templars shot through the blue skies on wings of fire.

Aboard the strike cruiser "Fist of Dorn", marshal Taraxacum adressed the situation. Planetfall was made in the dark of the night near the rural heart of the Taranus area and the first troops under castellan Grimwald were rumbling towards the important depot complex that was key to cutting the breadbasket of the separatists in half. It must be taken and held, unharmed, until the larger forces can arrive to crush the disorganised defences. Nodding to his terminator brothers as they were preparing to escort Langbar, the visionary champion, to the teleportarium, he turned his attention to the camera feeds from below.

On the planet's surface, commander Archibald 'Blood'n'Guts' Wodestone-Callahan of the planetary defence forces was rudely woken in the night when alarms of fiery dropships were sounded. Having time to only pick up his smaller hat (boasting fewer skulls), he rushed off to kick the 157th linecompany of the 4th home army moving. The Taranus depot must not fall into the oppressor's hands nor can it be destroyed or we'll have a famine in our hands. Get to it!


The situation starts before dawn in the dark. Texts were in Finnish, "short" and "mid-range" for scales, "agri depot Taranus" and "bio-center Taranus Minoris". Marine forces in the lower right corner were in transports, as were most of the guard units in mechanised detachments. Infantry markers are 10 men, vehicles 1-2 per.

With the initiative on their side, the black clad Astartes slowed to combat approach and trundled onwards. Both commanders order moderately cautious advance before a contact is made to see what is happening.

The homefront sends Valkyries to drop sergeant Benetto and his storm troopers to the woods near bunker 3 but they are intercepted by the Thunderhawk Sword of Justice as it screams over the field on reconnaisance flight, forcing the air taxis to dive hard into the woods in order to avoid effective fire. Hetman Trajan and his cavalry scouts trot towards bunker 3 to see if anything moves on the flank, but are soon taken by surprise as the Templars led by sergeant Holz jump out of their still moving Rhinos and start sending missiles towards them. An explosion throws ground and stumbling horses around, but miraculously none are lost as the riders turn sharply and retreat to relay information back to HQ. The 157th take positions along the main road as artillery commander Felix and his Basilisks drop flares near the road, where castellan Grimwald and his men are approaching in their Land Raider Crusaders.

The action opens up properly when the hidden Basilisks open against Holz's men near bunker 3. Fields are ripped open as Rhinos and marines are blasted apart in the rain of death, survivors scrambling towards the bunker firing half blindly in the woods where the concealed storm troopers return scattered potshots in their general direction. Something is stuck with the Valkyries after the rough landing and they are forced to spend a while fixing their stuff, while Trajan's men take a piss at the order to charge bunker 3 and instead dismount to enjoy a bottle of local vodka. In the middle, Grimwald and the Crusaders crash through the woods before the waiting (but startled) guns of the defenders. Even though the mighty Baneblade, Freedom's Yearn, opens on them it is too far to bring effective stopping power against the veritable moving fortresses that are Land Raiders as they take the intersection and charge towards the biocenter and corporal Betson's group. One brutal clash later Betson and thirty men lie dying on the ground, rest fleeing for their lives even as commissar Len is shouting at them to grow some spine. While this is going on, corporal Huts is rushing southwards to capture bunker number two and roll out some prepared anti-air guns as the Sword of Justice rakes them from above. Even worse, something moves beond their sight at the flare's edge as the level headed brother Corvan, commander of the Predator detachment, opens up with a deadly accurate laser fusillade that skewers half of their Chimeras on the road.

Castellan Grimwald is in bloodlust and unable to see how his subordinates are utterly pinned in the crossfire at the center, under las- and autocannon skots from all directions as Freedom's Yearn rolls on their position. As it blows up one Crusader and a few men, it in turn is devastated in a huge fireball as brother Corvan's impeccable Predator team hits a critically pressurized coffee maker behind it's front plates with longrange laserfire. Before Grimwald's position is overrun from all directions, Sword of Justice comes for another pass way too low for an attack run and opens its sides as furiously screaming angels of death shoot out on fiery jump packs and crash into Huts' detachment by bunker 2. Most of their men are slain by the transhuman monsters as the rest throw down their guns and run for their lives. From the North, corporal Ramirez and his fresh reserves charge out of the woods to take the biocenter's gardens from Grimwald but are brutally beaten back by the black knights, who fight a tenacious retreat out of there, dragging their crazed commander with them as plunging fire from colonel Halliwell's group at the depot wreck another Crusader. Situation at the eastern flank gets dire, as the Valkyries finally take flight again and unleash a rocket barrage on ancient Antaberro and the other dreadnoughts, breaking them, while Benetto draws his saber and charges sergeant Holz's position at the bunker.

The air crackles as terminators appear in the northern crossroads, charging up the depot led by Emperor's Champion Langbar and take the enemy HQ by surprise. As they slaughter colonel Halliwell and his fiery orator aide, commissar Hart, hero of the revolution with scant casualties back, the rest break and scramble out of the windows and gangways to get away from the avenging horrors clad in black. Simultaneously Corvan shows again why he is an absolute boss as the Predators drive up and blow up five Chimeras on the field before they can support the right flank, driving them away just as broken as the other remnants of Halliwell's detachment. All is not gloomy for the defenders, though, as castellan Grimwald regrouped towards bunker 2 only in time to eat an artillery barrage, breaking his last men again and driving them out of there. Fritz, the leader of the bloodspattered assault marines, takes to the skies to avoid the worst of the barrage and jumps to take the fight towards the biocenter, but misjudges the situation and is torn down by massed lasfire and bayonets of the men there after decapitating the brave commissar Len in a duel. Trajan's riders, having drunk all their current alcohol reserves, finally see the order to Emperor-fokken-dammit charge out and fix explosives in their lances before rushing to bunker 3. Holz, already under fire from the commandos and exploding dreadnoughts, is crushed by the cavalry charge even as his power fist punches through one rider as a last ditch effort. Benetto's group slips into the bunker's vault just in time to avoid the wrath of the Sword of Justice as it bombards the ground above. With their charges underground, the Valkyrie squadron decides to call it a day and disengages from the airspace before actually having to deal with the Sword of Justice again. Wodestone-Callahan is livid as he hears of this cowardice.

At the break of dawn, Benetto's men would roll a back-up Baneblade, Aigal's Might, out of bunker three as a great pillar of fire flashes down from the heavens to obliterate Felix's battery near bunker one in an orbital strike from the Fist of Dorn.

Situation seems drawn and no clear winner has taken the field as reserves start pouring in. This might escalate into some sort of a campaign during the Spring...

Thanks for reading!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/12 16:40:12

Post by: Sherrypie

Progress on the psi-titan. My desk lamp died, so picture quality and length of painting sessions plummeted a bit

Base colours are getting there, trim is taking a year to do before proper washing can begin. I'm going for a deep space look with stars here and there, theming my fortress around the old sublunar / aetheric distinction where the idea is that these engines belong to worlds other than that of man. Not sure yet how to approach the runes and wards yet, glowing red or green perhaps?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/13 17:14:53

Post by: Sherrypie

Mostly trim, metals and washes today before light ran out, but progress nonetheless.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/13 17:51:09

Post by: monkeytroll

Coming together nicely - that is a lot of trim to work through...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/14 15:21:06

Post by: Boss Salvage

Digging the progress! I may have missed why one of her guns is red, but I like it

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/14 15:39:44

Post by: youwashock

Looking amazing. The otherworldly vibe is really there.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/14 20:00:01

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks guys! Trying to finish this chonker soon.

@Boss: these psi-titans are armed with the Left Hand of Darkness in their, well, left arm, and traditionally have the Red Right Hand (of the vengeful God) as well. That harks back to Milton's classic Paradise Lost, which is just as well given the canonical Sinister titans riff with the classics of antiquity anyway with fortress names like Occidentalis and other cardinal directions of good old Terra. I'm taking the route of spheres of heaven, the division between sublunar normal world and the aether beyond it, where no laws of physics apply.

Witness the birth of fort Aetheris and horrors born in the cold cradle of stars that shine no light.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/14 20:19:47

Post by: Stevefamine

Insane work! Awesome

Will be checking in regularly

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/14 20:37:31

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Sherrypie wrote:
@Boss: these psi-titans are armed with the Left Hand of Darkness in their, well, left arm, and traditionally have the Red Right Hand (of the vengeful God) as well. That harks back to Milton's classic Paradise Lost, which is just as well given the canonical Sinister titans riff with the classics of antiquity anyway with fortress names like Occidentalis and other cardinal directions of good old Terra. I'm taking the route of spheres of heaven, the division between sublunar normal world and the aether beyond it, where no laws of physics apply.
Well that's all just fething awesome

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/14 21:00:09

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Just found your blog and am blown away. I love how the psi-titan is coming together. Lovely conversions and lovely paint jobs.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/14 22:21:02

Post by: Sherrypie

Welcome and warm thanks, Stevefamine and Don Qui Hotep. Conversions shall flow... for I accidentally got a box of skulls today. This won't end well

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/15 15:38:30

Post by: Sherrypie

Besides some little fixes on the base later on, like the name, this fella is done.

Aetheris-Anathema, a horror born in the cold cradle of the void between lightless stars, walks.

After painting brown all day long, this was a refreshing change. I do love me some purple.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/30 21:09:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Well well, if there isn't something in the air... Got a pair of little Hawks, some thirty dreadnoughts and a bunch of Deathshroud conversions waiting for any openings in the schedule...

[Thumb - _20200430_215313.JPG]

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/04/30 22:26:05

Post by: youwashock

Those are some cool looking little guys. The titan is SICK. Modeling, paint, the whole shebang. Awesome piece.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/01 21:56:37

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks youws!

I'm chomping at the bit to get it on the battlefield as soon as the pandemic is dealt with. Well, better paint some more in the meanwhile...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/02 18:44:33

Post by: tinfoil

I'm a little bit late here to chime in, but I feel compelled nonetheless: That titan is siiick! Really nice work.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/02 18:59:56

Post by: Sherrypie

Never too late, tinfoil. Appreciated

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/02 19:34:56

Post by: monkeytroll

Aww, look at the tiny dreads.....

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/03 20:40:50

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I'm super impressed with Aetheris-Anathema! You really nailed the void-born look. It looks like those lightening effects could work pretty well for Night Lords ~ ever think of giving them a try?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/04 08:08:49

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks DQH, it was a fun experiment

I like the look of Night Lords in general, but there's already a great Finnish NL modeller doing them and I don't want to spam the same spaces with similar content

I want to make some proper traitors eventually, but probably on the more sex-drugs-&-rock'n'roll side with hot pink and EXTREEEEEEME attitude which our favorite space Batman gone bad and his sons don't really sell to me.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/04 09:33:02

Post by: IGtR=

That titan is absolutely sick! Looking forward to seeing the mob of dreadnoughts

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/10 20:32:56

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers IGtR=!

Before dreads though, we got more tactical variety... Deathshroud hit the field, #ConvertEverything!

Brittle resin is a bit of a pain at this scale

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/11 01:36:59

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I'm sure! How many tiny orange scythes did you go through before getting them lined up? Love the attention to detail, even at this scale.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/11 05:50:00

Post by: Sherrypie

 Don Qui Hotep wrote:
I'm sure! How many tiny orange scythes did you go through before getting them lined up? Love the attention to detail, even at this scale.

There were some quibbles with getting them to print at all and even then it took iterating to see how many supports one could use before it became impossible to get the parts out. Didn't really lose any here at the user end, though, only two snapped apart and even those were still salvageable.

Still, wouldn't recommend, get chunkier bits to preserve your sanity

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/11 14:37:30

Post by: Boss Salvage

Tiny Deathshroud are impressive

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/11 16:47:07

Post by: monkeytroll

Oh, love the tiny scythes!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/11 18:02:55

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks fellas.

Carrying on with the tinies, found I still had some old Rhinos and decided there was a need for some Vindicator support. WIP before some stuffing later on, but shaping up nicely.

Found a good use for those Warbringer arm bits, because blimey I ain't using them on the Bringers themselves : P

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/14 16:48:41

Post by: Sherrypie

After some stuffing and up-armouring, I think our latest batch of smol tanks is done.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/14 17:35:12

Post by: Vejut

NIce! Be fun putting those on the table for some Epic (or just as titan base toppers!)

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/14 18:22:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Vejut wrote:
NIce! Be fun putting those on the table for some Epic (or just as titan base toppers!)

Been having a bit of an Epic bug again, great game. Did a bit of counting and currently I'm standing somewhere around 8000 points for Armageddon.


20 stands of tacticals.
12 stands of terminators.
10 dreadrobots.
10 field guns.
10 Rhinos.
4 Predators.
4 Spartans.
4 leaders.


24 Contemptors.
4 Leviathans.
8 stands of Deathshrouds.
5 Vindicators.
3 Whirldwinds.
2 Thunderhawk gunships.

On the dock:

A Thunderhawk transporter.
Destroyer jump troops.
More terminators.
More leaders.
More air support.
More... stuff?

Might've slipped a bit, small stuff gets addictive when it's so quick to add more stuff

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/18 12:15:44

Post by: Sherrypie

Whoosh! Thunderhawks are go!

Two printed Gunships and one old Transporter from GW I got as a hand-me-down, ready to ferry our grumpy legionaries around myriad battlefields.

The detail on the Transporter kit is absolutely ludicrous.

The Gunships have visible printlines, but you really can't see them from over 30 cm away so for playing purposes, excellent stuff.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/18 20:52:28

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

For what it's worth, you can't see the print lines in the pictures either. Weathering effects look really good! Very naturalistic despite the scale.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/19 04:36:41

Post by: Sherrypie

 Don Qui Hotep wrote:
For what it's worth, you can't see the print lines in the pictures either. Weathering effects look really good! Very naturalistic despite the scale.

Thanks! That's reassuring, little things like that just keep one up at night

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/19 16:09:29

Post by: monkeytroll

Yeah, you can't see the printlines without opening gallery and zooming in, so think you're fine there

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/20 18:41:50

Post by: Sherrypie

And another day's work, getting somewhere with 28 dreadnoughts at a time

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/20 21:32:26

Post by: monkeytroll

Not bad going

They're looking great.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/24 08:11:25

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks monkeytroll

Alright, better pics now that this lot is done.

Just some terminators and tanks to go before we can have a nice photoshoot for the whole gang.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/24 08:31:17

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I did a double-take scrolling through your photos - that was the cutest batch of dreadnoughts I have ever seen! They look so fierce.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/24 08:50:00

Post by: Sherrypie

 Don Qui Hotep wrote:
I did a double-take scrolling through your photos - that was the cutest batch of dreadnoughts I have ever seen! They look so fierce.

Who's the cutest liddle murder machine, who? You are, yes you are!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/05/26 15:40:31

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Don Qui Hotep wrote:
that was the cutest batch of dreadnoughts I have ever seen! They look so fierce.
QFT, extremely adorable dreadswarm is extremely adorable

Because page flip:
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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/06 18:59:05

Post by: Sherrypie

More friends for the cutie swarm!

Deathshrouds come for a hug!

Hyperioi give even the flyers hugs!

Vindicators bring hugs through their METAL BAWKSES!

And finally, some family portraits of the happy XIV. Just click the pic bigger to actually see something

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/16 05:24:25

Post by: Sherrypie

Huzah, got some gaming in for a change! A fellow at the club has gotten enough of his Nova Guard painted that we threw down a 1250 point game of Titanicus.

I put up two tables, but before we got to the game I had time in my hands and went a bit overboard playing with the rest of my models in case someone else came down to see what was going on. You know miniature gamers, it's easy to tempt them into new games by showing them some shinies

Click the pics to see details!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The game itself, a simple meeting engagement to the death amidst the toxic sludge swamps. No visibility, bogged down wherever one goes, guns in the jungle. Just perfect.

Fairly straighforward affair for fun as the Defensor player was learning the game. I ran a full Venator maniple with Tempestus rules and had a pair of Thunderhawks carpet bombing the place with Strafing Run stratagem (the best excuse for making nwooooom noises) against his Axiom, which got stuck in the mud in front and pincered between my dogs until there was chain of exploding Hounds in turns 3-5 in the middle over the dying Reaver while my leader aboard Damnatio Memoriae kept on hammering everything with its melta cannon. In the end, only the Warlord of the Nova Guard stood, bleeding and bruised only a breath away from death, yet defiant. Having killed two Hounds and his Reaver against three of my Hounds, it was another notch for the Ashen Gods.

Refreshing to play on a marsh table for once

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/16 19:04:18

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Thanks for including game shots! I love it when plogs show the models in action, it's like the last step before a model is finally done is to baptize it in fire. Throw in some scale terrain and a fully themed board, buddy, you got yourself an exalt.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/16 20:28:04

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers Don

I agree, it's great to see finished models in action. Especially on pretty boards, whenever possible.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/16 21:03:59

Post by: Stevefamine

Wonderful board and terrain!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/17 03:40:56

Post by: Sherrypie

Thank you, Stevefamine. Eye candy is the best candy (it's even healthy)

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/20 11:07:16

Post by: Sherrypie

Another buzzer in the works, more chainfists for everyone as Flagellum Dei (Scourge of God) strides forth!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/21 16:11:28

Post by: Albertorius

Ohh, looking pretty badass so far!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/21 16:56:26

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks, Albertorius

Now that I had the boxes out, might've also started work on the fourth Warlord, oh dear...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/21 18:27:28

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

I agree with Albertorius, I like how it's coming together. The chain fist looks really scary. I'm imagining the princeps scraping it against the walls of a habblock like Freddy Kreuger!Are those Astartes chainswords for fingers?

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/21 18:33:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Yes they are, from the Prospero box mk. III marines. It's a similar construction that Ruina Superborum has in its left hand, I like the over the top brutalism of it more than the shovel of doom that's in the kit.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/22 17:58:21

Post by: Sherrypie

It's dangerous to start building, one might get carried away... by the Eraser of Deeds, Delictor Profectuum and his bigger boomsticks. It's time to get some proper missiles in 'ere

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/22 19:40:27

Post by: Albertorius

Well, that looks like a whole load of dakka to me ^_^

Love the little bretonnian helmet tops , too.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/22 19:51:08

Post by: Sherrypie

Dakka is easier to lug around if you just roll loads of it into one convenient tube, it's genious.

The helmet crests are just the best, all three of the Legio's Warlords have 'em and I still got some for one or two more in the bitz box. The psi-titan didn't, not its style. I should come up with a use for the poor sods whose heads have been scalped for this, though

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/25 11:16:48

Post by: Sherrypie

More Warhounds too, eh? Both had some leg surgery done on them to either get a more comfortable lean on the bunker or to run properly with curled toes and raised knees. The second Twinferno dog will also have a burning emplacement on the base for funsies.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/25 14:32:54

Post by: youwashock

All the decoration on the new Warlord is fantastic. As always, great game pics, too.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/25 14:45:59

Post by: Sherrypie

Cheers youws, haven't yet ran out of those bits

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/27 08:37:19

Post by: Sherrypie

Gaming, ahoy!

Me and Dagany were at it again, this time trying out the Wreck of Arutan from the main rulebook. His 2500 or so points of Astorum would surge forwards against a thin 1500 point line of Favilla (played as Praesagius here for style, since they are the defenders in the original scenario), their objective to smash through and destroy the crashed carrier ship behind them before any survivors can claw their way out. Dogged resistance and general chaos slowed them down, however, and they tarried too long. On the fourth turn, my 2500 points of reserves burst from the wreck and roared in anger as their counter charge broke the Astorum into retreat. With casualties 6-3 in favour of the Ashen Gods, the Warp Runners were set packing though it had seemed very different just a moment before.

Got to try out the psi-titan, what a beast. Given I was facing a superior force with orbital strikes, strafing runs and what not, the first three or four turns would be hard. I shot Scatter Mines (dreadnoughts and infantry, clawing at their ankles ) on one side to harry their lighter elements and used the Quake psychic powers on the other flank to try and limit their mobility, which worked out pretty damn well. The Astorum floundered for a turn and I could bide my time even as bombs fell on my line. Sure, the abomination fell after two turns, taking the whole enemy front to kill it through tracers and smoke pillars, but in that time it managed to kill one Warlord with the help of my flanking Reaver and kept them busy instead of advancing full throttle. Must try again later on, especially supporting lighter maniples that grant you enough activations to have free reign on targeting.

Click to see details!

Happy wargaming

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/27 08:54:17

Post by: Albertorius

Wow, lovely table, and great pics!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/06/27 09:04:48

Post by: Sherrypie

Thanks Albertorius, trying out things with the badlands stuff as we'll soon have a larger multiplayer slam with a table thrice the size...

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/07/01 19:00:47

Post by: Sherrypie

Since it's too wet to prime, it's time to build some more knights. Eventually, I shall blast through the pile of shame

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/07/08 11:21:45

Post by: Sherrypie

More reinforcements inbound, cracking through 10k+ points with these

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/07/15 18:29:22

Post by: Sherrypie

Some painting happened on the Cerastoi, but more on that later when they are finished.

Got some gaming in again, 4000 points of Epic Armageddon as my XIV butted heads against an armoured Ork force. Due to unexpectedly light aircover, my two Thunderhawks full of terminators smacked right against the Orks' artillery positions and proceeded to absolutely wreck hordes of buggies and bikers sent against them in countercharge. While this crumbling of their right flank was happening, their gunwagons pushed too eagerly forwards and met a line bristling with lascannons. After even the warlord in his mighty gargant fell down in flames, it was clear this day would go the XIV.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/07/15 19:15:39

Post by: youwashock

Congrats on the victory. Your friendss Gargants have a ton of classic style.

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/07/15 19:25:57

Post by: Don Qui Hotep

Lovely Epic battle reports. Sounds like the XIVth have had some great successes lately - the Terminators weathering the artillery is also exactly what you'd want out of the Death Guard. Stubborn, resilient, they tough!

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/07/15 21:14:24

Post by: Sherrypie

youwashock wrote:Congrats on the victory. Your friendss Gargants have a ton of classic style.

They sure have, his army is gorgeous. If only it one day managed to hit something as well!

Don Qui Hotep wrote:Lovely Epic battle reports. Sounds like the XIVth have had some great successes lately - the Terminators weathering the artillery is also exactly what you'd want out of the Death Guard. Stubborn, resilient, they tough!

Indeed! Though it might also have something to do with my opponent rolling 2 succesful 4+ rolls out of 14 in the fight before I reaped his bikers down, buuuut... Still made it with only one terminator lost from both detachments in the end

Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (DA vs AM, Epic 21.9.) @ 2020/07/19 19:51:14

Post by: Sherrypie

Started painting a quartet of Fellblades, pretty little things.