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[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/06/20 17:19:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

"Brothers, we all understood the risks when we made our pacts with the Deathwatch. Routine or not, our missions are sacred undertakings and the promises we made must be kept at all costs. No matter that we have found ourselves lost in this forgotten system, torn from the Immaterium by the abomination our new Admech allies call the [++Redacted++]. No matter that we have no choice but to plunge into the nightmare depths of this derelict hulk to thwart our otherwise inevitable descent into hell with it. And no matter that some of us may die fighting the innumerable horrors we will find within it. We have sworn oaths to destroy the enemies of Mankind wherever they may be found. Let us fulfill our promises of destruction and return the Emperor's light to this forsaken place that we may carry our hatred anew, to dark places yet undiscovered. For we are the Angels of Death and the Deliverers of the Emperor's Grace. Let none stand in our path and live. Let nothing stay our wrath."

-Watch Captain Erophon formerly of the Flesh Tearers, to the Deathwatch contingent aboard the Frigate Intolerance, Hour 14


This is a campaign for two or more players using a slightly modified version of the 40k rules. It plays best when one player takes on the role of "GM" and the remaining players take on the role of the space marines of the Deathwatch. I've taken inspiration from the many MiniWarGaming campaigns, the FFG Deathwatch roleplaying game, the various incarnations of the Space Hulk game by Games Workshop, and my own ideas. The campaign follows a group of Deathwatch marines on board the Gladius Frigate Intolerance after it has been blown way off course and dragged from the Immaterium into an uncharted system by the formation of a "brand new" Space Hulk. Here they find Admech forces that have been trapped here since the middle of the Great Crusade, waiting for a rescue that would never come. From these Mechanicus the Deathwatch learns that at the heart of this growing hulk is a device of ancient design that's drawing ships and debris from both realspace and the warp and adding it to its mass. According to them it's only a matter of time before the hulk reaches critical mass and drags everything into the warp with it. Unless, of course, the Deathwatch can reach the device in time before then and stop it. It's a race against time and the multitude of horrors within. But is everything exactly as it seems? And will your forces be able to unravel the mystery before it unravels you?

I'll be posting rules, scenarios, and background to this thread as I finish writing them. It should be noted that this campaign has not been playtested, so if you decide to run it, feedback is appreciated.

This campaign has seen significant revisions to its Squad Creation rules, Skill rules, and some Talent Trees. These Revisions can be found starting on page.6 of this blog.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/06/24 08:06:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Adversaries and "Allotment"

There are three levels of Adversaries. These are Minion, Miniboss, and Boss Monster. Minions have 1 or 2 Wounds each, Minibosses can have 3 to 5 Wounds each, and Boss Monsters have a minimum of 6 Wounds each. In each Mission decription there is an "Allotment" number. This is a guideline for GMs to control the difficulty of the opposition in each mission.

Each Adversarial level corresponds to a different cost in Allotment.

- Minions are cheap and cost 1 Allotment each.

- Mini Bosses are meant to be a slight challenge and so cost 5 Allotment to deploy.

- Boss Monsters are game changers with a level of lethality not possessed by lesser adversaries and so cost 30 Allotment.

GMs are allowed to tweak the adversaries a player or players will encounter in a given scenario based on their collections of models.

Minions often deploy in groups, flocking together for safety much like schools of fish do. On the tabletop, Minions will always move in the direction of the nearest enemy model in their line of sight. If there are no enemies in line of sight, Minions move towards the closest allied model on the table. If equipped for hand to hand combat, Minions will attempt to charge enemy models in range. If they are equipped with ranged weapons such as lasguns or fleshborers, Minions will move towards cover and attempt to shoot at player models. Unless otherwise noted, Minions of the same Faction and type (such as Ork Infantry, Eldar Cavalry, and Tyranid Jump Infantry) will tend to stick together, forming groups of at least 5 individuals when deployed. Adversary Minions that remain within 2" of another model of their same Faction gain +1 to their Morale rolls when forced to roll. Remember that models can only be Shaken or Pinned when failing their Morale tests, unlike normal 40k (see posts below for rules).

Minibosses often have more daring than Minions and only have to move towards allied models if there is also a Boss Monster in line of sight. Otherwise, they may move as the GM wants. However, Minibosses will always charge enemy models that come within range, even if they are not armed for hand to hand combat.

Boss Monsters always move however the GM wishes, with total freedom of will, attacking or hiding as the GM thinks is appropriate.

For example, if a Mission has an Allotment of 30, a GM may opt for 30 Minions or 25 Minions and a single Miniboss or 6 Minibosses or 1 Boss Monster or 3 Minibosses and 15 Minions or any combination that adds up to 30.

Allotment 2.0
Place holder for better writing, but essentially

Fodder: these are models with no more than 1 wound and a Toughness of 2 or less.
These cost 1 Allotment for 3 models.

Minions: these are models with 1 or 2 wounds and a minimum Toughness of 3.
Minions with 1 Wound cost 1 Allotment per model.
Minions with 2 Wounds cost 2 Allotment per model.

Elites: these models have a minimum of 3 Wounds, but may have up to 5.
These models cost 5 Allotment per model.

Minibosses: these models have a minimum of 6 Wounds, but may have up to 12.
These models cost 12 Allotment per model.

Boss Monsters: these models have a minimum of 13 Wounds, but may have up to 20.
These models cost 20 Allotment per model.

True Monsters: these models have 21 or more Wounds.
These models cost 30 Allotment per model.

-Fodder clusters together, forming enormous hordes that act as one gigantic unit. For every 10 models in a horde of Fodder, add +1 to its base Leadership. If this brings it to 12 or more, the horde is effectively Fearless until reduced in size to lower that score. This category is meant to represent cultists, grots, ship dead, conscripts, and the like.

-Minions cluster in groups of 5 to 20, at the GM's discretion.

-Elites sometimes act independently and sometimes in groups of 3-10, at the GM's discretion.

-Minibosses, Boss Monsters, and True Monsters always act independently, but may join other units as per the 40k rules for Independent Characters.

-True Monsters always have the Terrifying Trait for free.

-Fodder, Minions, and Elites all count as Minions for the purposes of XP and Renown gains.

-Minibosses are still Minibosses

-Boss Monsters and True Monsters count as Boss Monsters for the purposes of XP and Renown gains.

The "Doom Clock"

This is a simple mechanic for advancing the story and generating a sense of urgency in the campaign. GMs ought to keep the details of this clock secret, but it's okay if players figure out that something is going on with it. Principally this is a tool for the GM.

When the [++Redacted++]'s warp drive imploded and the resulting cascade activated the ancient vessel's Arcane Gellar Field, the DoomClock started its countdown (countup?). This was hour 0. Within the first few moments two whole vessels within the system were dragged into the growing hulk's mass. These ships were the Admech surveyor frigate Delta Epsilon and an inert organic vessel the Admech call the Zayex Organism. Along with these two vessels there was also untold billions of tons of rock, wreckage, and ice debris dragged into the hulk's mass as well. At every interval of 9 hours on the DoomClock, another vessel will be dragged out of the warp and added to the hulk's mass.

In fact, it is at hour 9 that the players' ship - the Intolerance - is dragged from the warp by this very phenomenon. At this stage the [++Redacted] had not yet reached an inescapable mass and the crew of the Space Marine frigate were able to steer clear of the growing hulk to the relative safety of the surrounding space. Subsequent vessels and/or wreckage dragged from the warp or from within the system itself will either be unmanned or the mass of the [++Redacted++] will be too great to escape by the time they get close enough to be absorbed. In other words, no future vessels will be as lucky as the players.

The DoomClock assumes that it will take the Deathwatch vessel & its crew roughly 5 hours to make contact and rendezvous with the Adeptus Mechanicus forces in the system & to establish that both factions are trapped here with the [++Redacted++] because of a warpstorm that may or may not have been created by the space hulk itself. The game's first mission briefing, therefore, begins at hour 14.

Every Mission undertaken by the Deathwatch will advance the DoomClock a minimum of 1 hour, pass or fail. The first hour of every Mission assumes briefing, arming, and deployment. The second hour is most of the Mission itself and the last hour is extraction and debriefing. Sometimes this means that a new vessel will impact with the hulk mid-mission, causing hulk-quakes, hull breaches, explosions, and other deadly hazards. Some may block off a line of retreat and add hours of fruitless exploration to a Mission. Each individual event and its effects will be described in full so that GMs can keep track of what's going on. Some Missions might also have options that are safer for the marines, but add significant time to the length of the Mission. Always make players aware of the extra time, but don't actually reveal to them why it's significant. Let them figure it out for themselves as the hordes they face grow larger and more desperate to stop their exploration and advance.

When the DoomClock reaches hour 18, hour 27, hour 36, hour 45, hour 54, hour 63, hour 72, and hour 81, there will be one or more Events Of Significant Magnitude. Additionally, after every 3 hours, the Allotment of every future mission increases by 1. This is a cummulative gain, which means that when the game begins all missions are already at a +4 Allotment and that after Mission 1: Hulk Breach, at hour 17, Allotment will have increased to +5 and will be on the verge of advancing to +6.

Allotment increases take effect at the hour they become available. Sometimes this will increase in the middle of a Mission and sometimes it will take effect during briefing or debriefing.

"Mundane" Events

Not all missions suffer from Events. In missions that do call for Events roll D6 at the start of every Turn. On a 1, roll another D6 and consult this table. If a vessel impacts the [++Redacted++] during a Briefing or a Mission, an Event is automatically triggered every Turn. Roll at the start of every Turn to determine what it is. If a Mission already uses Events when a vessel impacts during a Briefing or Mission, roll on this table at the start of each Player's Movement Phase instead of the start of the Turn.

0 or less) No catastrophic event: you lucked out, the damage has already been done. Treat all open terrain on the table as Dangerous this Turn: if a model moves through it, roll a D6. On a 1, they suffer a single wound with no AP.

1) Hulk Quake: the whole structure begins to shake and shudder, the creak and whine of failing bulkheads echo across the battlefield, threatening to collapse the entire compartment. All models on the table must make a Strength test at the start of their Movement Phase on the Turn the Quake begins, and every turn until the Quake ends, or become Pinned. The GM should also roll a D6 for every room and length of corridor revealed on the table. On a 1, that section suffers catastrophic damage. Models inside it suffer D6 wounds with a -2 AP. Survivors must use their next Movement Phase to exit the area. If they cannot move clear in one turn, remove them as casualties. After which, treat that section as Impassable terrain. If the section in question contained the Objective, the Mission counts as a failure. Quakes end if another Event is rolled.

2) Explosive Decompression: an outer hull plate fails and all the atmosphere in this section violently races into space, dragging whatever isn't nailed down out with it. Roll to randomly decide which table edge the decompression originates from, where a 5 indicates a hole in the floor and 6 indicates a hole in the ceiling. Roll a D6 for each closed door on the table. On the roll of a 1, the door fails and is destroyed. Doors that hold and close off a section away from the direction of the Decompression, create a Safe Zone, retaining the atmosphere behind it until it is opened. Do not apply any of the following effects to Safe Zones until it is breached. All scatter terrain is removed from decompressed areas. Make a Strength test for each model on the table. Each model that fails suffers D3 Mortal wounds. If the model survives, move it 3D6" towards the decompression table edge by the most direct path possible. If this takes the model off the table, remove them as a casualty. Holes in the floor and holes in the ceiling count as being in the center of the table or terrain layout.

3) Implosion: with barely a shudder precipitating, the entire compartment collapses. Roll a D6 for every model on the table. It suffers this many wounds with no AP. Any models that survive must pass a Toughness test or become Pinned. Subtract -1 from all subsequent rolls on this table.

4) Partial Collapse: there's a sudden, shocking crack as whole sections of the Hulk begin to disintegrate. With luck the compartment or tunnel you are in survives. Roll a D6 for every room and length of corridor on the table. In scenarios where the whole map is not immediately revealed, only roll for the rooms and corridors already discovered. On a 1, 2, or 3 that area collapses causing D3 Mortal Wounds to every model in it. Models in collapsed areas must spend their Movement Phases to get out of that area. Once all surviving models have escaped the collapsed area, treat that room or corridor as impassable terrain for the remainder of the Mission. If the section in question contained the Objective (and it isn't possible for a marine to physically remove it because it isn't an object), the Mission counts as a failure.

5) Warp Rift: with an inhuman hissing, a tear forms in the very fabric of reality, pouring forth ectoplasm and malevolence. Roll a scatter die or spin an arrow and roll 3D6. For each 6 rolled, roll an additional D6 and add it to this pool. For each 1 rolled reduce the pool by that much. Measuring from the center of the table (or the central-most region of a partially revealed layout) and in the direction indicated by the scatter die or arrow spin, place a Warp Rift marker (a die will do) a number of inches away equal to the die pool. A Warp Rift opens here. Models within or models that move to within 9" of this Rift suffer +1 Corruption (more on this later) at the start of their Movement Phase. Psychic powers manifested within 9" of the Rift automatically inflict 1 Mortal Wound on the Psyker who used it. Additionally, if the GM has the models for it, the Warp Rift generates 9 Allotment every turn that can only be spent on Daemons. At the end of every Psychic Phase starting on the turn after the Rift opens roll 2D6. On the roll of a 9+, the Rift closes. Models that enter the Rift are removed from play and count as having the maximum number of Wound Tokens for the purposes of Recovery (more on this later).

6) Conduit Overload: there's a massive power surge and what little light there may be flickers out while ghostly arcs of electricity crackle from exposed wiring and terminals. Roll a D6 for every model within 1" of a wall, terminal, or generator. On a 1 or a 6, that model is struck by a single Strength 6 AP -1 hit. Unless the model is equipped to see farther, sight distance for the remainder of the mission is reduced to 8".

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/06/30 23:11:15

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Unit/Character Creation
As the GM, you have two options when having your players create their units. First, if you only have 1 or 2 players, you might want them each to create one whole unit of 3-10 marines. Alternatively, if you have 3 or more players, you have the option to encourage them each to create their own individual marine character. In this way you don't need every player to show up for every game, as unit compositions literally become just whoever showed up for game this time. But it's your game, use whichever of these two options better suit your needs.

Method 1: Whole Units
Each unit consists of between 3 and 10 models. There are minimum requirements and some restrictions to how many of each specialty a player may take for their unit. A player is given 15 "points" to work with and each Specialty costs a number of these points. No starting unit can exceed their allotted "points". Alternatively, your group could opt for "Hard Mode", with only 10 points or "Easy Mode" with 20 points.

The following is a list of Specialties, their minimum and/or maximum limit per unit, and their "point cost". Note that every unit must contain at least 1 Tactical marine.

Limit : Specialty : Cost
0-2 : Apothecary : 3
0+ : Assault Marine : 2
0-1 : Champion : 5
0-1 : Chaplain : 6
0+ : Devastator Marine : 2
0-1 : Librarian : 6
0-1 : Primaris Intercessor : 4
1+ : Tactical Marine : 1
0-2 : Techmarine : 3
0-1 : Terminator : 5

Method 2: Individual Marines
With this method, each player makes a single, individual Marine "character". There are no "points" per se, but the overall Unit has restrictions on how many of each Specialty there may be in total.

With this method of Unit creation there may be no more than 1 of each of the following Specialties: Chaplain, Librarian, Primaris Intercessor, and Terminator. There may be any number of the following Specialties as long as each player only uses 1 model each: Apothecary, Assault Marine, Devastator, Tactical Marine, Techmarine. Note that with this method, the Champion specialty is not an option.

In campaigns where there are 3 or fewer players, each model begins the campaign with 5 wounds each. If you have 4-5 players, each model begins play with 4 Wounds, and if you are using this method with 6 or more players, each model begins play with 3 Wounds each. Terminators and Primaris Intercessors get +1 starting Wound in all cases.

Each model in the Deathwatch squad is a Character, and operates on the tabletop by all the rules associated with that <keyword>. An individual marine is defined by his Specialty and his Chapter of origin. Players select one from each category for each marine when making their squads. Take note of any restrictions imposed by a Chapter.

I highly recommend every squad has at least 1 model with the Tech Skill and 1 with the Medic Skill. Your players will get the most out the Campaign if both of these criteria are fulfilled.

Optional Rule:
Command Points
In this Campaign, the rules for generating Command Points work differently than in standard 40k, as the players' "army" consists solely of individuals and not units. These rules are optional; discuss amongst yourselves (GM and players, both) if you want to use them, come to a consensus, and stick to it. There will be a list of unique Stratagems available in each Mission for both the players and the GM, but these can also be purchased with Renown or Allotment if you decide not to use Command Points.

For players: some of the Specialties generate Command Points at the start of each Mission. Where noted as "per", this means that for each model of that Specialty in the squad, increase the overall starting Command Points by the number indicated. If there is a flat bonus, then as long as there is 1 or more of that Specialty in the squad, the starting Command Points increase by that amount. Note that many of the Specialties provide no Command Point bonus at all.

To start, player squads gain 1 Command Point just for showing up to play. In games where there are multiple players and 1 player's model has been designated the Squad Leader, only that player may use Command Points.

For GMs: for every 10 Minions or single Miniboss, the GM generates 1 Command Point. For every Boss Monster, the GM generates 2 Command Points. The GM begins with a pool of 0 Command Points.

Marine Specialties
There are 10 Specialties to choose from, each with their own load out, Skills, and abilities. Aside from the number of wounds and weapon options available, each of these specialties has the same profile for this campaign as they do in their corresponding Codex or Index. Every Specialty, except the Terminator, is armed with an Astartes Knife (negligible weight), 2 Frag and 2 Krak Grenades (collectively 01 Capacity), a Bolt Pistol (01 Capacity), and 4 Pistol Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity). Total weight: 03. Each of the Specialties are also armed with additional weapons and gear. As models gain in XP and Renown, their options for armament and load out increase. Note also, that every Specialty begins with the Cohesion 0 talent and some may begin the campaign with a skill or another upgrade. Except for Primaris Intercessors and Terminators, all Specialties begin play with 3 wounds, unless you are using the Individual Marines system for Unit creation.

The following is a list of Specialties and a description of their starting armaments, skills & their ratings, and starting Renown.

Apothecary: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Reductor (negligible weight; may be used in close combat instead of knife or bolt pistol; counts as a close combat weapon with Strength as User, AP -2, and Damage 1), Narthecium (01 Capacity; may be used once per Turn to re-roll a failed Medic skill check, or add +2" to the range of a Medic Skill application, or to apply the effects of a dose of combat Stim; holds up to 3 doses of Stim), Deathwatch Pattern Bolter (03 Capacity), 4 Bolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 08; Specialist Skill: Medic1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1)

Assault Marine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Chainsword (02 Capacity; may be used in close combat instead of knife or bolt pistol), 4 Additional Pistol Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity), Jump Pack (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 07; Specialist Skill: Intimidate1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1 per); Assault Marines must pay Quadruple Cost to equip any weapon on the Heavy list

Champion: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Astartes Sword (01 Capacity; may be used in close combat instead of knife or bolt pistol), 4 Additional Pistol Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 05; Specialist Skill: Intimidate1; Renown: 15 (Command Points: 0)

Chaplain: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Rosarius, Crozius Arcanum (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 04; Specialist Skill: Inspire1; Specialist Bonus: *Reduce Corruption; Renown: 1 (Command Points: 0)

Devastator Marine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Heavy Bolter (04 Capacity), Backpack Ammo Supply (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 08; Specialist Skill: Demolition1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1 per); Devastators pay only half Cost for many Heavy weapons, see the appropriate wargear lists for eligible items

Librarian: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Force Sword (01 Capacity), Psychic Hood (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 05; Specialist Skills: Psychic Sense1, Psychic Power: Smite; Renown: 1; A Librarian may attempt to manifest a single Psychic Power per Turn and Deny a single enemy Power per Turn (Command Points: 0)

Primaris Intercessor: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Bolt Rifle (02 Capacity), 4 Bolt Rifle reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 06; Specialist Skill: none; Specialist Bonus: Starting Wounds 4; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1)

Tactical Marine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Deathwatch Pattern Bolter (03 Capacity), 4 Bolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 07;Specialist Skill: Command1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +2 per); Tactical Marines pay half Cost for many Longarm weapons, see the appropriate wargear lists for eligible items

Techmarine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Deathwatch Bolter (03 Capacity), 4 Bolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity), Servo Arm, Mechanicus Frame; Total Load Out Weight: 07; Specialist Skill: Tech1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1)

Terminator: Capacity: 10; Specialist Gear: Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter (04 Capacity), 2 Stormbolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity), Terminator Armor, Powerfist (04 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 09; Specialist Skill: none; Specialist Bonus: Starting Wounds 4; Renown: 15* (Command Points: 0); Terminators may only equip weapons from the Terminator Only wargear lists

*may only take Wargear designated for Terminators

*Roll a D6 at the end of every Mission for every marine that deployed (as long as the Chaplain deployed with them). On a 6, that marine reduces their overall Corruption by 1.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/01 21:18:56

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Chapter Bonuses and Restrictions

In addition to their Specialties, each Marine model is also defined by their Chapter of origin. There are no restrictions on the number of marines in a unit that can be from the same Chapter, except as their Chapter might restrict certain Specialties. Select one Chapter for each Marine model in the Unit. For every 5 models from the same Chapter in a single Unit, decrease the cost of Cohesion upgrades for those models by 1XP, but increase the cost of Cohesion upgrades for all Marines from a different Chapter in that same Unit by 2XP. If more than 1 Marine in any given Unit is from the same Chapter, none of those Marines gain Renown for personal deeds.

Space Wolves: Bonus (player's choice): Acute Senses (in Missions where visibilty is limited, Space Wolves add 6" to their visibility range) or, Legendary Ferocity (at the start of the Players' turn of Close Combat roll a Toughness test for this model; if they pass they gain +1 Renown, if they fail they gain +1 Strength until the end of the players' Turn), Devastators also gain Wisdom (once per Mission, this model may use the Command or Tactics Skill whether they have Ratings in it or not, without expending a Rating and succeeding on a 4+ regardless of their actual Skill Stat), Assault Marines also gain Reckless (if an enemy model moves to within 8", this model must attempt to charge it. If they subsequently win that Close Combat they gain +1 Renown); Restriction Cannot be Apothecary; Gear Space Wolf Terminators may take an Assault Cannon without having to meet the Renown Threshold (although they must still pay the Cost); every Space Wolf model gains Wolf Talismans (re-roll the first failed armor save of every Mission)

Blood Angels: Bonus Blood Frenzy (after making their first kill in Close Combat in a Mission, this model must take a Toughness test. If they fail, the model gains +1 to their Attacks on their profile until the end of the Mission. If they pass they count as Shaken for the remainder of the Turn; in either case, they also gain +1 Renown just for having to take the test), The Thirst (roll a Toughness test at the start of every Movement phase. If the model fails they must move towards the nearest visible enemy model. If there are no visible enemy models, the model counts as having passed the test) Restriction none; Gear every Blood Angels model gains Sanguinary Pendants (as long as the model has caused an unsaved wound on an enemy model this Mission, the Pendant may be used to re-roll a single die once per Mission)

Dark Angels: Bonus Hatred [Traitor Marines] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Chaos Space Marines), Chaplains also gain Intimidate1 that can only be used against Chaos Space Marines, Tactical Marines and Devastators also get Legendary Stubbornness (in any situation where this model stands either at the vanguard [frontmost position] or rearguard [backmost position] between all enemy forces and all allied forces, they become immune to being Shaken or Pinned and when standing still in this position, may fire 1 additional shot from whatever weapon they are carrying in any firing Mode without expending any extra bullets); Restriction none; Gear Tactical Marines may take Plasma guns and Primaris Intercessors may take Plasma Incinerators without having to meet the Renown Threshold (although they must still pay the Cost), every Dark Angels model gains Fragment of Caliban (this may be used to re-roll the first failed Characteristic test, Leadership test - if this model is the Mission Leader - or Skill test of every Mission, player's choice)

Ultramarines: Bonus Authority of Guilliman (once per mission may add +6" to the range of any Skill or Talent); Restriction none; Gear Tactical Marines may replace their Deathwatch Pattern Bolters with Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifles without having to meet the Renown Threshold (although they must still pay the Cost). Additionally, all Ultramarines gain a Copy of the Codex (re-roll the first failed Skill check of every Mission)

*in case it isn't clear, the Ultramarine above and the Ultramarines Tyrannic War Veteran below are 2 different options. Pick one or the other. However, both options count as Ultramarines and therefore count towards the "marines of the same Chapter" rules detailed in the first paragraph of this post. It's also the reason there's only one illustration for both options.

---Ultramarines Tyrannic War Veterans: Bonus Veterans of Macragge (versus Tyranids and Genestealer Cult Infantry, improve the AP of any shooting or Close Combat attacks by 1); Restriction Cannot be Primaris Intercessors; Gear Any Specialty may take Hellfire Ammo without having to meet the Renown Threshold, all Ultramarines gain a Copy of the Codex (re-roll the first failed Skill check of every Mission)

Black Templars: Bonus Hatred [Agents of the Ruinous Powers] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Chaos forces), Reckless Zealotry (if this model's Unit fails a Morale test caused by enemy Shooting or Psychic powers, this model must immediately move D6" in the direction of the closest enemy model, stopping just out of Close Combat range) Restriction Cannot be Librarians; Gear all Black Templars models gain Penitent Chains (as long as this model has already failed a Characteristic test this Mission, the Chains may be used to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Mission)

Iron Hands: Bonus Mechanicus Frame (a prerequisite for a variety of unique upgrades), Metal Over Flesh (whenever this model must roll on the Injury Recovery table, they may reduce the die roll by 1 for every cybernetic or Mechanicus upgrade they have acquired - the Mechanicus Frame bonus detailed above and the Cybernetic Hand detailed below do not count towards this bonus), Techmarines may select any 1 Tier 1 Technological Talent for free instead of an additional Mechanicus Frame; Restriction none; Gear all Iron Hands models gain a Cybernetic Hand (this model gains ignore a Wound on a 4+] for the first Wound suffered in every Mission); Special: once an Iron Hands Marine has gained 3 or more cybernetic upgrade Talents it gains the following - More Machine than Man (grants Ignore a Wound on a (6+)), this improves to Ignore a Wound on a (5+) if the Iron Hands Marine takes 8 or more Cybernetic Talents)

Imperial Fists: Bonus Sons of Dorn (if this model is the Mission Leader, they gain +1 Leadership while in cover. If they are not the Mission Leader they become immune to being Shaken while in cover), Bolter Drill (when using a bolt pistol, bolter, bolt rifle, assault bolter, heavy bolter, stormbolter, or the bolter component of a combi-weapon, this model may re-roll shooting to-hit rolls of 1); Restriction none; Gear all Imperial Fists models gain a Scrimshaw Momento (the first unsaved wound this model suffers in every Mission generates a Wound Token, but does not reduce the model's Wound total)

Salamanders: Bonus Forged in Flames (all flame weapons treat their strength as being 1 lower when used against this model and all flame weapons used by this model treat their strength as 1 higher when rolling to wound); Restriction none; Gear at character creation, all Salamanders marines may upgrade one of their weapons to Exceptional Quality permanently for free; all Salamanders models gain an Anvil Pendant (once per Mission, this model may use this Pendant to re-roll a failed hit roll with any weapon).

Lamenters: Bonus Lamentation (after inflicting their first unsaved Wound in Close Combat per Mission, this marine must pass a Toughness test at the beginning of their next turn. If they fail, they add +1 to their Attack stat for the remainder of the Mission. If they pass, they immediately gain +1 Renown), Penitent (Lamenters marines gain +1 Renown any time they inflict the last wound on a Miniboss or Boss Monster in Close Combat. If there is a Miniboss or Boss Monster on the table, in line of sight, and within Charge distance, the Lamenters marine must charge that model); Restriction none; Gear all Lamenters gain the Tears of Lamentation (if this model is the Mission Leader, they may re-roll their first failed morale check of the Mission. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they may ignore the effects of the first failed morale check of the Mission)

Nova Marines: Bonus Righteous Indignation [Aliens] (re-roll failed to-wound rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against any Xenos forces); Restriction none; Gear all Nova Marines gain Trophies (xenos enemies must pass a Toughness test when charging or when they are charged by this marine. If they fail, treat their Weapon Skill as 1 worse than what it actually is until the start of the Nova Marine's next Turn)

White Scars: Bonus Huntsman (at the start of a Mission, before the first turn begins, this marine can designate one type of enemy model [ork infantry, tyranid monster, and eldar vehicle are examples]. Against his designated target type, he may re-roll to-hit rolls of 1. GMs, it is on you to include at least 5 Allotment worth of enemies of the type designated by this player's marine. Don't be a jerk. Make sure their choices mean something; Players, if you are this marine and you know that all you've been fighting in this section of the Hulk has been Tyranids and Admech, don't be a jerk by declaring your target type as Eldar Vehicle. Come on, man, pay attention to the narrative); Restriction cannot be Devastator Marine; Gear any White Scars model may take a Jump Pack without having to meet the Renown Threshold, any White Scars model may replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Spear for free.

Crimson Fists: Bonus Hatred [Orks] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Orks), Bolter Drill (when using a bolter, bolt rifle, heavy bolter, stormbolter, or the bolter component of a combi-weapon, this model may re-roll shooting to-hit rolls of 1); Restriction none; Gear any Crimson Fists marine can equip a powerfist without needing to meet the Renown Threshold, all Crimson Fists models gain Memories of Rynn's World (when outside Cohesion range, this model adds a D6 to the Mission Leader's Morale tests and takes the best roll. If they are the Mission Leader, the entire squad benefits from this effect. If they are not the Mission Leader only this model counts the better score - meaning they may avoid being Pinned if their die roll would've meant a passed test)

Raven Guard: Bonus all Ravenguard begin with the Skill: Stealth1; Restriction cannot be Devastator Marine; Gear any Raven Guard model may take Lightning Claws without having to meet the Renown Threshold, although they must still pay the Cost, all Raven Guard models gain Crow Skull Talisman (re-roll the first failed armor save or invulnerable save per Mission)

Flesh Tearers: Bonus Frenzied (after the first model in line of sight suffers an unsaved wound per Mission, this model adds +1 to the number of Attacks on its profile for the remainder of the Mission. If an enemy model is within 8" of this marine at the start of his movement phase, the Flesh Tearer must charge it), Render of Flesh and Bone (in any Close Combat where there are living and non-living opponents, the Flesh Tearer will ignore non-living models [such as necrons, automata, and cyborks] in favor of living opponents, using all of their attacks against the living first. In addition, against living opponents, Flesh Tearers melee attacks improve their AP by 1); Restriction none; Gear all Flesh Tearers replace their Astartes Knife with a Chainsword, all Flesh Tearers models gain Enemy Scalps (as long as the model has caused an unsaved wound on an enemy model during any Assault Phase this Mission, the Scalps may be used to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Mission)

Howling Griffons: Bonus Personal Oath (as long as the player who controls this model makes a statement about what he swears to do in the upcoming Mission [kill more enemy models than any other allies, achieve more Objectives than any other allies, or accomplish the whole Mission without firing a shot] and the model achieves this goal, this Howling Griffons marine gains +1 Renown on top of any other bonuses at the end of the Mission. A Howling Griffons marine cannot make the same Oath 2 Missions in a row. If the Howling Griffons marine fails to achieve their Oath, but another marine does, that other marine earns the +1 Renown bonus); Restriction none; Gear any Howling Griffon model except Devastator Marines may take a Jump Pack without having to meet the Renown Threshold, all Howling Griffons models gain Heraldry of Valor (the moment this model first earns Renown during the course of a Mission, they also earn a single die re-roll that can be used for any reason until the end of the Mission)

Red Scorpions: Bonus Hatred[Mutants] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Genestealer Cults, Chaos Cultists, Astra Militarum Ratlings or Ogryns, or Chaos Spawn), all Red Scorpions models gain the Skill: Medic1, Red Scorpions Apothecaries instead replace their Medic1 with Medic2; Restrictions none; Gear all Red Scorpions gain a Genome Relic (as long as the model has suffered at least one unsaved Wound this Mission, they may re-roll failed Medic tests for the remainder of the Mission)

Carcharodon Astra: Bonus Bloodshed Upon Bloodshed (after inflicting an unsaved Wound in Close Combat, this model may immediately make another attack against the same or another opponent. If this extra attack also causes an unsaved Wound, the Carcharodon may make another extra attack); Restriction none; Gear a Carcharodon Astra model may equip Preheresy Armor instead of whatever other type of armor his Specialty normally comes with (reduce the number of Wounds suffered from Events by 1 to a minimum of 0, but their Save is reduced to 4+ when the attack comes from behind this model); all Carcharodons Astra gain a Fang of the Maw (once per Mission, this model may force an enemy model it is engaged in close combat with to re-roll a successful Armor Save)

Minotaurs: Bonus Hatred [Human Infantry] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Astra Militarum, Chaos Cultists, or Human Auxilliaries of the Tau), Hatred[Xenos Infantry] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Orks, Eldar, Tyranid, or Tau Infantry); Restriction none; Gear all Minotaurs gain access to a Storm Shield which they may take as wargear without having to meet the Renown Threshold and without having to pay the Renown Cost; all Minotaurs gain an Icon of the Bull (once per Mission, this model may voluntarily become Pinned in order to remove 1 Wound Token from their total. This ability has no effect if the model has no Wound Tokens)

Raptors: Bonus Very Determined (when within Cohesion range of an Objective, this model is immune to being Shaken); Restriction none; Gear any Raptors marine may equip a Holopictor Device for 5 Renown (if this model survives a Mission, it and all marines who deployed with it gain an additional 1XP), all Raptors gain a Raptor's Talon (once per Mission, they may re-roll their Advance distance)

Sons of Medusa: Bonus all Sons of Medusa marines gain the Skill: Tech1, Techmarines instead replace their Tech1 skill with Tech2; Restriction none; Gear all Sons of Medusa gain a Cog Icon (once per Mission the Sons of Medusa model may forfeit their turn to Regenerate D3 Wounds)

Black Wasps: Bonus Born of Black Ships (any Black Wasps Specialty may attempt to Deny a single enemy psychic Power per Turn, not just Librarians), Librarians replace their Psychic Sense1 with Psychic Sense2, Chaplains gain Hatred [Psykers] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against any model that can use Psychic Powers); Restriction none; Gear any Black Wasps marine may replace their Astartes Knife with a Wasp's Sting (counts as generic close combat weapon that always wounds on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness), all Black Wasps gain a Shard of the Silver Collar (once per Mission they may re-roll a single failed characteristics test [such as a Toughness or Strength test])

Heralds Bonus Presumed Authority (once per Mission may add +6" to the range of any Skill or Talent), additionally, Techmarines gain Friends of Mars (allows one weapon of choice to be upgraded to Exceptional quality each Mission. This need not be the same weapon every Mission. Weapons do not retain their quality Mission to Mission, a new choice must be made every time); Restriction none; Gear all Heralds gain the Heraldry of Rulership (once per Mission, when called upon to make a Characteristics test or Morale test, this model may roll 2 dice instead of 1 and take the more favorable result)

Adjudicators: Bonus Awash in the Blood of Heroes (whenever an Adjudicator would normally gain 1 or more Corruption, they may ignore the gain on a 6+. Adjudicators do not benefit from a Chaplain's Reduce Corruption ability unless the Adjudicator marine also has Cohesion3 or more, in which case this ability gives them a +1 bonus to that roll); Restrictions Cannot be Chaplain; Gear an Adjudicators Assault Marine or Champion may replace their chainsword or sword respectively, with an Adjudicator's Gavel (counts as a Close Combat weapon with Strength as User +2, no AP, enemy models hit with the Gavel one or more times must pass a Toughness test or treat their WS as 6+ in their following turn), all Adjudicators gain a Rememberance of Betrayal (once per Mission, may re-roll a single die for any reason; in Missions where there are any Chaos Space Marine adversaries they may use this ability twice)

Knights Amethyst: Bonus Mechanicus Frame (a prerequisite for a variety of unique upgrades)/Knights Amethyst Techmarines instead gain any 1 Tier 1 Tech Talent for which they meet the prerequisites for free, More Machine than Man (grants Ignore a Wound on a (6+)), Inheritor of Mars (once per Mission any marine in Cohesion range of the Knights Amethyst model may re-roll a failed Tech Skill roll. The model who re-rolls may be the Knights Amethyst model himself); Restriction Cannot be Apothecaries; Cannot be Librarians; Gear Devastator Marines upgrade their heavy weapons to Exceptional quality for free, all Knights Amethyst gain a Memento of Flesh (ignore the first unsaved Wound in every Mission)

Brotherhood of the Bolter: Bonus Icon of the Chapter (Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines never have to meet the Renown Threshold for any bolter, bolt pistol, bolt rifle, storm bolter, or heavy bolter or any relic version of same in order to equip it. They still need to pay the Renown Cost, however); Restrictions Cannot be Terminators; Gear all Brotherhood of the Bolter marines gain Expanded Magazines (doubles the Primary Magazine if using "Bullets" method or allows a model to ignore its first Ammo Check if using the "Dice Rolls" method for Ammo) for their bolt pistols, bolters, storm bolters, and bolt rifles

Blood Ravens: Bonus One Foot in the Veil (Blood Ravens never need to meet the Threshold for Tainted Relics. They still must pay the Cost for these items, however), Champions also gain Tenacious Resolve (at the end of any Mission where this model has equipped a Tainted Relic roll a D6. On a 4+, reduce this marine's overall Corruption by D3 to a minimum of 0. On a 1-3, instead increase this marine's overall Corruption by an additional 1 point); Restriction none; Gear all Blood Ravens gain an Icon of Devotion (once per Mission, if the model would normally gain a point of Corruption, they may roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, they ignore the gain. If the opportunity for gain is at the end of the Mission and there is a Chaplain deployed with this marine, he may resist the gain on a 5+ instead)

Black Dragons: Bonus Adamantium Scythes (Black Dragons often encase their bone spurs in adamantium sheaths and sharpen them to use in Close Combat. All Black Dragons gain an additional Attack in Close Combat with the following profile - Strength as User, AP-); Restriction none; Gear all Black Dragons gain a Ritual Tattoo (once per Mission, this marine may choose to automatically pass a morale test caused by losing a Close Combat)

Red Hunters: Bonus Hatred[Traitor Legions] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines), Legendary Enemies (in Missions where Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines are the adversaries, this model gains an additional D3 Renown if they survive the Mission. GMs, if you don't plan on using any of the mentioned chaos marines in your campaign, tell your players before they select this Chapter. Don't let someone play a character whose abilities won't have any effect on the outcome of the game unless they understand exactly what that means. Alternatively, if a player is determined to play this Chapter, make sure one or more of these Traitor Legions takes a place of prominence in your list of Adversaries.); Restriction none; Gear all Red Hunters gain a Seal of the Inquisition (once per Mission, this model may nominate 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster on the tabletop at any point in the Mission. If a Red Hunters space marine scores the killing blow on this enemy, they gain an additional +1 Renown on top of any other gains for doing such)

Star Phantoms: Bonus Only the Dead (Star Phantoms may ignore the restriction against shooting into Close Combat, randomizing their hits between all participants when they do); Restriction none; Gear all Star Phantoms gain a Funerary Token (if this Model is the Mission Leader they may chose to automatically pass 1 Morale test per Mission. If they are not the Mission Leader, they instead ignore the effects of the first failed Morale test of the Mission)

Black Shield: Bonus Unknown Providence (Black Shields of any Specialty may purchase Ratings in any Skill not normally available to them for 20XP per Rating), Secret Mission (Black Shields begin the campaign with an additional 10 Renown), Feared and Mistrusted (Black Shields must always pay double XP to purchase Cohesion Talents); Restriction there may only ever be 1 Black Shield; Gear all Black Shields may select a single item of Wargear worth 15 Renown or less and add it to their Standard gear for free. The Black Shield does not have to meet the Threshold of this item.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/04 05:11:49

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag


Renown is a measure of a marine's fame and reliability; his ability to get the things he has promised to do done and a consistency to go above and beyond. Marines earn or lose Renown through direct action. Renown is a commodity, but not a currency. In order to equip the best weaponry and gear, or to command the respect of more capable peers, a marine must earn Renown. Each marine earns Renown individually, but some rewards grant Renown to everyone in a unit, whether the marine participated directly or not. In cases where Renown is awarded to a Unit, each marine originally deployed in that mission earns the same amount.

For example, if a mission says "+1 Renown if the Unit completes every Objective", then every marine deployed on that Mission earns 1 Renown each. Similarly, if a mission says "+2 Renown if the Unit stops the Ritual before it is complete", then every marine deployed on that Mission earns 2 Renown each.

Earning Renown
There are many ways to earn Renown, but only one way to lose it. Failing any mission results in a Unit-wide loss of D3 Renown. Roll once and apply the same result to each marine deployed. The lowest that Renown can be reduced to is 0, so if a loss would otherwise reduce a marine's Renown to less than zero, it remains instead at 0.

Any Renown gains listed with an asterisk count as "personal deeds".

The following actions each earn the marine performing that action +1 Renown. These are universal ways to earn.

Scoring a hit on a Boss Monster that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Removing the last Wound on a MiniBoss*
Removing the last Wound on a Boss Monster*
Surviving a Battleround in the Fight Phase*
Charging a MiniBoss or Boss Monster*
Surviving a Mission
Personally completing a Primary Objective

Additionally, each space marine specialty can earn Renown in its own unique way. These are unique to each specialty. Each of the following actions earns the marine of that specilaty +1 Renown.

Specialty: Action
Any Ultima Founding Marine: Is the last allied model to exit a mission where extraction is an Objective*
Apothecary/Primaris Apothecary: Successfully use Medic skill to heal 1 or more Wounds to an allied model*
Apothecary/Primaris Apothecary: Extract Progenoids from a fallen marine
Assault Marine/Reiver: Inflict Wounds on the Adversaries' Turn in the Fight Phase*
Champion: remove an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase*
Chaplain/Primaris Chaplain: Whenever an ally turns a failed roll into a successful one because of your abilities*
Devastator Marine/Aggressor: Every 10 enemy models removed as a casualty because of your direct action (shooting, melee, explosives, etc)*
Intercessor/Inceptor: When outnumbered in the Fight Phase, remove every enemy combatant as a casualty (awarded at the end of any Battleround where the model is no longer in Engagement Range because all Adversary models that had been surrounding them have been removed as casualties)
Librarian/Primaris Librarian: remove an enemy model as a casualty with a psychic power*
Librarian/Primaris Librarian: Deny an enemy psychic power
Model in Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor: Make a successful Save versus a Strength 7+ hit*
Model in Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor: Survive after taking one or more Mortal Wounds
Model in Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor: Survive a Battleround in the Fight Phase while outnumbered at least 3 to 1*
Scout/Neophyte: Achieve any Objective without the aid of another model
Scout/Neophyte/Riever: Remove the last Wound from a Mini Boss or Boss Monster that allied models have also Wounded
Tactical Marine: Rally a Pinned or Shaken ally*
Tactical Marine/Primaris Lieutenant: All allied models survive the Mission
Techmarine/Primaris Techmarine: Repair a machine with Tech Skill*
Techmarine/Primaris Techmarine: Gain information using the Tech skill*

Lastly, if every Mission Objective is completed, each marine deployed on the Mission earns an additional +1 Renown.

GMs be aware that your players will earn Renown like crazy. They will use their Renown to equip themselves to earn even more. This is a good thing. Honestly, this is the point. Space Marines are like gods of war; paladin knights of impossible heroism. The fluff talks about Space Marines surviving suicide missions against the kinds of odds that would easily slaughter whole armies of lesser men that had had time to dig in and prepare. Your objective in this game is not to kill your players' marines. Your objective is to convince your players that their marines are invincible and that the enemies arrayed against them are as chaff; wheat to be scythed with righteous fury. Facilitate this and you are running this campaign correctly.

Spending Renown

Renown is a commodity, but not a currency. This means that while Renown is "spent" on gear and cohort upgrades at the start of a Mission, it is not therefore permanently depleted. Spent Renown replenishes at the start of the next Mission.

For example, Belphegor is as blood thirsty as Flesh Tearers come, and has attained a Renown of 34 in his bid to chainsword every xenos he comes across to death. At the beginning of his next Mission, he opts to spend 15 Renown on an eviscerator, 15 to upgrade that Eviscerator to Exceptional quality, and 3 of his remaining 4 Renown on 3 extra frag grenades. While this looks like he only has 1 Renown left, at the start of his very next Mission, provided he does not fail this one, he will still have 34 Renown. In fact, it's likely he'll have even more as he chainsaws enemies of the Emperor to pieces with his mighty Eviscerator.


Some wargear has what is called a Threshold. This is the minimum Renown a model must have in order to equip the item. Often the Threshold is a different number than the actual Cost of an item. Models are required to meet the Threshold for any item they wish to equip for a Mission (unless otherwise specified by their Chapter bonus or a specific Talent), but always pay the Cost to equip it.

For example, Hellfire Ammo normally costs 4 Renown per 4 extra reloads, but has a Threshold of 5. This means a marine needs to have at least 5 Renown if they want to equip any hellfire. A marine with only 4 Renown could not equip any Hellfire Ammo reloads at all.

Similarly, the relic bolter Carnage has a Threshold of 15, but costs 30 Renown to equip. This means that a marine with only 15 Renown cannot equip Carnage, as he doesn't have enough Renown to cover the Cost requirement, but if a Talent grants them bonuses or if they have access to extra Renown that adds up to 30, they can equip this item.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/06 17:21:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Earning XP

Earning XP is easy. Keeping track of it is the responsibility of both the players and the GM. The GM should use the table below to have a basic idea of how many potential XP will be available to earn per Mission (after all, it's the GM who determines who the adversaries are). If you have a basic idea of potential, you will have a good handle on how quickly your players' marines will improve.

For instance if a Mission has 30 Allotment, 2 tech terminals, and 3 Objectives, then a GM knows there's the potential for at least 35XP to be gained. Bear in mind this number will be spread across all the marines in the Unit, so with an average of 5 marines, this is 7XP per marine, not including the survivor bonus.

For the GM, it's useful to know how your players' models are improving and at what rate, but there's no need to watch your players every move (unless they have a history of being jerks about stuff like this).

For each of the following actions, a model will earn 1XP
Every enemy model removed as a casualty*
Scoring a hit on a Boss Monster that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Scoring a hit on a Miniboss that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Removing an enemy model as a casualty with Overwatch fire*
Surviving a Mission
Personally completing any Objective
Surviving the Fight Phase (awarded at the end of any Battleround where the model was in Engagement Range and ends the Battleround no longer in Engagement Range)
Successfully using a Skill
Manifesting a Psychic Power
Denying an enemy Psychic Power

*an observant person might notice that many of these actions overlap - such as "every enemy model removed as a casualty" and "removing an enemy as a casualty with overwatch fire". In all instances of overlap, a model will always earn XP that they qualify for. Therefore, removing an enemy with overwatch is worth 2XP - 1 for removing it and 1 for doing it with overwatch


Corruption is a measure of the Ruinous Powers' influence over a marine. Onboard the [++Redacted++] the Deathwatch will be exposed to constant dissonant whispers, secret promises of power, and the raw, unbridled essence of the Immaterium as it spills forth from the tear in real space made by its malfunctioning Gellar Field. There are many ways to "earn" Corruption, but few ways to shed it. If any marine accumulates just 10 Corruption, they immediately fall prey to their own hubris and forsake their oaths, making Chaos their new Master forever. Remove them from the Unit roster and add them to the pool of "Reoccurring Adversaries". If they succumb in the middle of a Mission, the controlling player must move them towards the closest table edge in every Movement Phase, but they otherwise act as normal. If the model reaches a table edge, remove them from play. If the model attains 10 Corruption at the end of the Mission, they simply fail to teleport home; treat them as killed for the purposes of determining whether or not the whole unit survived a Mission.

Each of the following circumstances imposes 1 Corruption on the marine in question
Surviving a Mission on board the [++Redacted++]
Equipping a Tainted Relic
Every Turn on the Tabletop where a Chaos Ritual is being performed in line of sight
Every Turn on the Tabletop in the presence of the [++Redacted++]'s malfunctioning Gellar Field reactor

Shedding Corruption
Gaining Corruption is easy. Getting rid of it requires dedication and effort. If a marine spends 5XP, they may reduce their total Corruption by 1. If a Unit contains a Chaplain, roll a D6 at the end of every Mission for every marine that deployed (as long as the Chaplain deployed with them). On a 6, that marine reduces their overall Corruption by 1. Some Talents can also reduce Corruption.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/08 04:43:03

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Replacing Casualties and Expanding the Squad

Replacing Casualties

Inevitably, during the course of the campaign, space marines are going to get taken out of action or even killed. When you're playing a game with an entire squad, casualties hurt, but when you're playing a game with just one space marine per player, losses can be potentially devastating, both emotionally and tactically. Luckily, death need not be the end for a player's participation. There are many options.

First, there is the Talent Marine Cohort. This Talent allows a player to spend Renown on another standard marine to fight alongside him. In the event of the primary marine's death, the player may elevate the Cohort to character status and continue the mission. Afterwards, the Cohort is added to the squad roster and can continue on as that player's character.

Second, when a marine dies (as in takes so many wounds that recovery is simply not possible), the controlling player may, if you have used the Individual Marines method of squad generation, simply create a new marine character following the same rules and restrictions as any other starting player. However, while there may still be restrictions on what Specialties are available to the player, all the restrictions and caveats of Chapter are lifted. In addition, the new marine character begins with the same number of Renown as the dead marine he is replacing. If you are using the Whole Units method of squad generation, then the Chapter restrictions remain and the new marine starts with half the Renown of the fallen marine he is replacing. Additionally, if the fallen marine was the only Tactical marine in the unit, the replacement must also be a Tactical marine.

Third, if you have used the Whole Units method and have already expanded your unit size, then fallen marines are not replaced, but rather their Renown is first divided by 10 (rounding up) and then split as evenly as possible between all the remaining space marines in the squad. If there is not enough to go around, the controlling player decides how much gets assigned to whom.

For example, Thulgir the Long Fang has fallen in battle. At the time of his death, he had accumulated 35 Renown. Because he belonged to a squad generated using the Whole Units method of squad creation, and that unit had already added Xert - a Devastator of the Knights Amethyst - to its roster, Thulgir's Renown is divided by 10. Rounding up we get 4 (3.5). There are 6 other marines in Thulgir's squad - Xert, Skipio of the Ultramarines, Nathaniel of the Dark Angels, Stagadegg of the Black Wasps, Belerophon of the Blood Angels, and Zamot of the Sons of Medusa. The controlling player divides 4 Renown as evenly as possible, granting 1 each to Zamot, Nathaniel, Skipio, and Belerophon.

Expanding the Squad

While there is no upward limit to just how many marines can be in a single unit, it is most practical to keep that number to 10 or fewer. This is mostly due to the fact that many Missions have a limited deployment of 10 marines. Having more models means having more options, but generally also means all members of the squad advance in both XP and Renown slower. Some Skills, Talents, or Missions do allow you to field more models than 10 in certain situations, but generally speaking this is not the norm. Think carefully on this.

There are three ways to add models to an existing squad. The first is with Cohorts (which is a Talent that will be described in more detail in a subsequent post, but for now you need only know that it allows the marine who has it to bring along another marine). This option is universal, regardless of which method you used to create units. The second is by having every member in the existing squad spend an amount of XP equal to 5 times the "point cost" of the Specialty type they wish to recruit. The model is added to the roster with no XP and no Renown. This option is unique to the Whole Units method. The third and final way is unique to the Individual Marines method as it simply requires a new player to show up and express interest in participating. Just have the player make a character, following all the restrictions outlined in the Individual Marines method and then take the average of all the Renown accumulated by the rest of the squad and assign that number as the starting Renown of the new player's character.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/08 22:57:43

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Ways in Which This Campaign Differs From Standard 40k

And They Shall Know No Fear...But They'll At Least Act Sensibly Under Fire

An entire squad of Deathwatch marines deployed during any given Mission will typically number between 3 and 10 models, but multiple squads can be deployed per Mission. If any member of a squad takes any Wounds during the course of the Battleround, the player that controls the Mission Leader model must roll versus the Mission Leaser model's Leadership during the Morale Phase or at the end of the current Turn, if you are using a rule system that does not have a Morale Phase in it. Simply roll the D6, and add the total number of Wounds suffered by the whole squad this Turn to the number rolled. If this total is equal to or less than the Mission Leader's Leadership the test is passed. If the total is greater than the Mission Leader's Leadership, the test is failed.

If the model that was designated the Mission Leader has been removed as a casualty and no new Mission Leader has been selected, instead use the Leadership of the model with the highest Command Skill Rating currently deployed on the table (models that have been disabled for any reason do not count as eligible; if there is a tie, the model with the highest Renown breaks the tie; if there is still a tie, instead use the lowest Leadership of all remaining allied Astartes models, as the squad clearly hasn't found their coherency yet).

If the test is a failure, then models that are in Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader or their Squad Leader are Shaken and models outside Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader or their Squad Leader are Pinned.

Shaken player-controlled models suffer -1 to hit in the Shooting Phase and Fight Phase until the end of their following Turn, when they automatically recover from this effect.

Pinned player-controlled models suffer -1 to hit in the Fight Phase and cannot Move, Advance, Shoot, or Charge until an allied model Rallies them using the Command Skill (see the "Using Skills" section for more details on how this works).

Pinned models will always defend themselves and so can participate in the Fight Phase if they are Charged or are still in Engagement Range from a previous Fight Phase. These models cannot be used to interrupt the normal order of Attacks in a Fight Phase and must always be chosen last, if there is the option to choose.

*Note that this changes how Morale works from normal 40k. Failed Morale tests result in individual, player-controlled models either suffering the Shaken or the Pinned conditions described here.

To Suppress Our Foes
Player-controlled models can attempt to Suppress enemy models by declaring that they are Suppressing during any of their Shooting Phases. There is no need to roll to hit. Simply pick an enemy model in line of sight and in range of the weapon being used to Suppress. The Rate of Fire of the weapon determines how many enemy models can be Suppressed. A model must have a weapon capable of Burst or Autofire Modes, and can only Suppress using one of these two Modes of firing.

The model selected as the target and a number of additional enemy models, up to the total number of shots fired, and within 4" of the original target, gain the Suppression condition. Models suffering the effects of Suppression have a -1 modifier to all of their Shooting Attacks and cannot Move, Advance, or Charge until the Suppression effect is lifted by having an allied model with a higher Leadership and the <Character> keyword end their Movement Phase within 6" of the affected model.

If using the "Dice Rolls" method for Ammo tracking, the model must make an Ammo Check after using the Suppression effect.

If using the Ammo and Grenades method for Ammo tracking, the model must expend a number of shots from their current Magazine equal to number of target models they just used Suppression on.

A model cannot shoot to kill and Suppress on the same Turn, unless a weapon, ammunition type, Relic, or Talent they may have says otherwise.

Let The Enemies of Mankind Quake Before Us in Terror

Enemies of the Imperium do not act sensibly in the face of firepower. If Adversary models are in cohesive groups of 5 or more, each within 2" of another friendly Faction model when forced to take Morale tests (they test for the same reasons Marines do), they gain +1 to their Leadership for the purposes of that roll only. Just like Marines, they may become Pinned - if any member of their Unit is further away than 3" from a Miniboss or further away than 6" from a Boss Monster - or Shaken - if any member of their Unit is within 3" of a Miniboss or within 6" of a Boss Monster. If Minions are not deployed in cohesive units, treat all Minions deployed on the tabletop as 1 massive unit for the purposes of Morale and instead use the normal 40k Morale rules. If Minibosses or Boss Monsters have the ability to share their Leadership, Minions can test against it instead of their own. All Minibosses and Boss Monsters deployed on the tabletop, unless otherwise specified, count as individual models and so never have to test Morale.

Injury, Recovery, and Death


When a Deathwatch model is reduced to 0 Wounds, after any mitigating effects have been made (such as the ability to Ignore a Wound granted by some Traits, Talents, or Wargear), place the model on its side and roll on the following table to determine the effects. Add a modifier to the die roll equal to the number of accumulated Wound Tokens. Eventually, a battered marine will fall. If a model takes Wounds in excess of what it had left, add a number of Wound Tokens to the model's total equal to the remaining Damage.

For example, if a model has 1 Wound and takes 6 Damage, reduce their Wounds to 0 and add +5 Wound Tokens to their Injury roll on the table below.

Injury Table
D6 Roll / Effect
1-2 / Shake it off (stand the model back up with 1 Wound)
3-4 / The bleeding will stop itself (stand the model back up with 1 Wound and +1 Wound Token)
5 / That's going to leave a lasting mark (the model is Pinned with 1 Wound and gains +2 Wound Tokens)
6 / The physiology of the Astartes cannot be understated (the model is Pinned with 1 Wound and gains +3 Wound Tokens)
7-8 / Even for a space marine that's catastrophic damage (if the Teleportarium is functioning for this Mission, remove the model as a casualty. Otherwise, the model stays where it is and becomes an Objective for both his allies and his adversaries. Whichever side reaches the marine first determines if he escapes or dies. If his allies reach him first they must carry him to the extraction point or win the Mission in base to base contact with his model. If his enemies reach him first or if the criteria for his rescue outlined previously are not met, treat it as if you rolled a 9+, as detailed below)
9+ / All that remains is the Chapter's Due (if the Teleportarium is functioning for this Mission, remove the model as a casualty and it gains an additional Wound Token. Even if the marine somehow miraculously survives, he must purchase the Cyborg upgrade and if he cannot*, he is entombed in a stasis sarcophagus until such time as a dreadnaught body can be made available for him. If the Teleportarium is not functioning for this Mission, the marine dies where he lays and becomes a Dead Marine Objective. If there is an Apothecary on the table that reaches the corpse before the end of the Mission and successfully uses the Medic effect "The Chapter's Due", he counts as extracting the Progenoids. See the Skill description for more on what this means. If any other marine reaches the corpse they must drag the body to the Exfiltration point or otherwise end the Mission in base to base contact with the body in order to count the Objective as completed)

*If the model already has the Cyborg Talent, they must instead sacrifice 5XP.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/10 19:01:40

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Recovery and Death

After each Mission, roll a D6 for every model that has accumulated Wound Tokens during the course of the game to determine how well, if at all, it recovers from its injuries. Models removed as casualties via the Teleportarium or models that end the game without any Wound Tokens left (because of recovery or applications of the Medic Skill) may reroll the results of this test. Add to this roll a number equal to the Wound Tokens a model currently has. Models that survive a game without being removed from the table as a casualty reduce their accumulated Wound Tokens by 1 before making this roll.

Models that suffered Wounds, but never accumulated any Wound Tokens automatically recover their full ]Wounds at the end of the Mission and do not have to roll on this chart. Models that suffered Wounds, accumulated Wound Tokens during the course of their last Mission, but shed them or otherwise ended their last Mission without any Wound Tokens must still (technically) roll on this Recovery chart, but considering they cannot score greater than a 6, they automatically make a Full Recovery (lucky them).

Recovery Table
D6 Roll / Effect
1-6 / Full recovery (remove all Wound Tokens and restore the model to its full Wounds)
7-10 / Light wounds (remove all but 1 Wound Token (unless the model's total is already 0 or less for other reasons) and restore the model to its full Wounds. For the next Mission, this model reduces its Move by half and is -1 Weapon Skill)
11-14 / Heavily wounded (reduce the model's Wound Tokens by 2 and restore the model to 1 less than maximum Wounds. If you chose to deploy this model next Mission, reduce its Move by half and all of its other characteristics [except armor save] by -1. If you choose not to deploy him next Mission, he automatically reduces his condition to Light wounds at the end of that Mission)*
15+ / Record his name (unless the model has a Talent to mitigate this, he is dead. All that is left is to remember his name)

*if a reduction in Wound Tokens brings a model's total to 0 or less, treat this recovery result as Light wounds instead

Dead marines can be replaced in the ways already outlined.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/15 11:30:37

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Ammo and Grenades

You'll notice that every Specialty comes with a number of extra magazines and a limited number of grenades. This is because, unlike regular 40k, guns and equipment aren't bottomless vats of infinite destruction. Oh no.

When it comes to these commodities (ammo and explosives) there are two options. Your choice between these options is largely dependent on your desire for paperwork, as one involves keeping track of how many shots you've taken and of what type and from what source while the other is principally concerned with how often you can roll a 6 while shooting at someone.

Method 1: Bullets

With this method two things happen. First, all of your weapons have a magazine capacity that defines how many shots it can fire before needing a reload. Second, all of your weapons gain 3 modes of fire: Standard (the bog standard version of your weapon), Burst (which adds an extra shot to its rate of fire, but halves the weapon's range), and Auto (which doubles its Burst rate of fire, but changes its type to Heavy unless it was already). Some weapons - like lascannons - won't have a Burst or Auto setting, while others - like the Heavy Bolter - lack a Burst setting, but this will be noted in its entry in the Wargear list. Backpack Ammo supplies work differently with this method as they're essentially just gigantic magazines brimming with bullets.

When a model has fired its last round (or energy blast, rokkit, etc.), it must reload. Unless the weapon is Heavy, this takes no action. Just tick off that you've used one of the model's reloads. If the weapon in question is Heavy, the marine carrying the weapon must spend its next Close Combat, Movement, or Shooting Phase (player's choice) to reload.

If it seems like this method is a surefire way of never running out of ammo, because what game lasts that long, then you are partially right. Mostly, this is a fun method for keeping track of specialized ammo types (of which each model is likely to have only a very limited supply) and for those rare Missions that last for more than 6 turns. Additionally some Talents allow a model to take multiple shooting phases in a Turn and so they are likely to burn through ammo at a much faster rate.

Magazine capacity and rates of fire/modes of shooting for each weapon available will be listed in the Wargear section presented later.

Method 2: Dice Rolls

With this method, every time you roll a 6 when shooting you must make what is called an "Ammo check". This works exactly like it does in GW's Shadow War: Armageddon except that a reload allows you to autopass a failed check rather than just re-roll it. If you have a copy of that game, you'll have a list of the target numbers for virtually all weapons in the 40k universe. If you don't have the book, I'm not going to reproduce the list here because that's copyright infringement. Drop some cash or ignore this rule (and also all the reloads for each Specialty).


Grenades are simply limited. Once thrown or otherwise used (for instance to boobytrap a doorway with the Demolition Skill), a grenade is gone. You can use Renown to equip more. They're generally pretty cheap.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/16 01:07:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Skills and What They Do

The Extra Phase

If you opt to use the Skills presented here, they add an additional phase to the very beginning of a player's turn, just before Movement. Skills which have a lingering effect will have one of 2 durations, as stated in the Skill's description. They'll either last until triggered or they'll last until the next Skill phase.

As an alternative method, you can opt to tack the "Skill Phase" onto the Psychic Phase and allow models with Skills to use them during this Phase, before or after Psychic Powers happen.

For example, the Inspire Skill has an effect that grants +1 to a marine's next to-hit roll. This triggers as soon as the marine rolls to hit with a shooting or close combat attack (whichever comes first) and then ends.

Likewise, the Medic Skill has an effect that grants +1 Toughness to target marines until the start of the next Skill Phase. This effect endures throughout the entire turn, including the enemy's turn and only ends at the start of the next Skill Phase.

Each model can attempt to use 1 of their Skills during this Phase.

The Skill Stat and Using Skills
(It struck me that I was using 7th edition rules for leadership and morale, so I have adjusted the Skill rules to reflect the new edition)

Each model has a Skill Stat that they roll against when attempting to use their Skills. This Skill Stat works in the same way as Ballistic Skill & Weapon Skill and for every Marine Specialty it begins at 5+. Scouts and Neophytes start with a Skill Stat of 6+. To use a Skill, select one of the effects from that Skill's list and then make a Skill test using the model's own stat. If the test is passed, the effect happens. If the test is failed, the effect does not happen. In either case, pass or fail, rolling the dice counts as a use of the Skill.

A model can improve their Skill Stat by spending XP. Models can never have a base Skill Stat better than 2+, although there is a Talent that can bend even this rule.

Skill Ratings

You'll likely have noticed that all Skills have been written with a corresponding number, such as Tech1. This number is what's referred to as the Skill's Rating. Ratings dictate the exact number of times a Skill can be used per Mission. If a model has Tech1, they may use it once per Mission. If they have Tech2, they can use it twice per Mission, and so on. No matter what, a Skill can only be used once per Skill Phase, unless the model has a Talent that says otherwise.

If a Skill has an application before a Mission begins, only 1 use of 1 Skill per model may be used.

Skill Range

The range of a Skill's effect is dependent on the Target's Cohesion* rating. Some Skills do not require range. There are also some Talents, such as the Ultramarines' Authority of Guilliman and the Heralds' Presumed Authority that can extend the range of their Skills and other Talents. These increases are added to the base range dictated by the Target.

The default Cohesion for enemy models is 2.

The default Cohesion for inanimate objects is 0.

*this info will be repeated in the section on Talents, but it's worth mentioning here, for clarity's sake, that Cohesion range is simply 6" times a model's Cohesion rating. So, a model with Cohesion0 has a range of 0". Or put another way, base to base contact only.

For example, Brother Daedilus is attempting to use Command to rally a Pinned ally - in this case it's another space marine named Brother Dmetrius. Dmetrius has Cohesion1. Therefore, as long as he is 6" or closer to Daedilus, his Battlebrother can attempt to rally him. If Dmetrius was 7" away, Daedilus would not be able to affect him.

Now, let's take a similar scenario with two other marines. Chaplain Claudius of the Ultramarines and Brother Asteroth of the Blood Angels. Let's say that Asteroth has Cohesion2, but is 13" away from Claudius. If Claudius wanted to affect Asteroth with his Inspire Skill, he would either have to move closer or activate his once per Mission Authority of Guilliman ability. This would add +6" to the range dictated by Asteroth's Cohesion. If there were another marine 13" away, but with only Cohesion1, even the Authority of Guilliman would not help to reach him, as the base range is always determined by the target.

Brother Tigerion wants to Intimidate an enemy cultist. As default enemy Cohesion is 2, that cultist needs to be within 12" of Tigerion in order for him to make the attempt. If Tigerion was either an Ultramarine or a Heralds and his target was 13" or more away, he would have the option of activating his once per Mission ability to extend his range.

The Authority of Guilliman and the Presumed Authority abilities both add +6" to the base range of any Skill or Talent that relies on Cohesion. In effect, it turns Cohesion0 from base to base range to 6" range; Cohesion1 from 6" to 12"; Cohesion2 from 12" to 18" and so on.

Lastly, Brother Ediv is a Techmarine and he wants to interact with a nearby terminal. Because the default Cohesion of inanimate objects is 0, unless Ediv has a Talent that mitigates this, he must be in base to base contact with that terminal in order to use his Tech Skill.

Skill List

There are 10 Skills in this Campaign. These are Command, Demolition, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate, Medic, Psychic Sense, Stealth, Tactics, and Tech. Some are granted for free to specific Specialties and some are earned with XP. Not every Specialty has access to every Skill and not every Specialty pays the same XP cost to purchase each Skill. The upgrade trees presented later will detail these exceptions and costs.

Each Skill has 5 different possible effects. When attempting to use a Skill, a player simply chooses 1 of their Skill's effects and rolls a die versus their Skill Stat. If they are successful, that effect happens. If they fail, the effect does not happen, but they must still mark off that they have used 1 of their Skill Ratings. There are some Talents that allow players to select more than 1 effect with each successful Skill use. In these cases, additional effects do not need to be chosen before dice are rolled. A player need only select the effect they are rolling against and, if they are successful, may select additional effects from those available to them after the die is cast. If a model gains a bonus to using a particular effect, they may choose that as their primary effect to roll against and it is perfectly legal when they also tack on additional effects using their Talents that allow such. A model may never ignore the effect they are rolling for. Skill effects must be situationally relevant. One cannot use the "Get on your feet!" effect if there are no allies in Cohesion range that are either Pinned or Shaken just to expend a Rating. That's what we call cheating.

The following is a list of Skills and their effects:

Command: Whether you are inspiring, intimidating, or effecient is irrelevant in the face of battle. All that matters is that others look to you for guidance when the shooting and the bloodshed begins.
"Fire on my target" (after this model shoots at an enemy model in the Shooting Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion Range of this model who also Shoot at the same enemy target may reroll 1 wound roll against it)
"Get on your feet!" (Pinned or Shaken friendly models in Cohesion range automatically recover and may act as normal this Turn)
"Avenge the Fallen!" (After an allied model is reduced to 0 Wounds, all remaining friendly models gain +1 Attack until the next Skill Phase)
"For the Emperor!" (if there are more enemy models than friendly models in line of sight of this model, all other friendly models in Cohesion range become immune to being Shaken until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"Sworn Brothers, With Me!" (all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll their Charge distance until the start of the next Skill Phase)

Demolition: Structures have weaknesses. So, too, with flesh. You know the correct ratio of explosives to effect. As powerful as needed to collapse a deck or as focused to assassinate a single enemy. You are the grenade whisperer.
"Its All in the Arm, Brother" (until the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range double the range of their thrown grenades)
"And When They Step Through, BOOM" (instead of throwing a grenade in the Shooting Phase, this model may place it as a boobytrap anywhere on the tabletop within 3". Place a Marker to note this. Any enemy model that moves within 3" of this Marker activates the grenade, taking the full brunt of the blast. Any grenade type currently equipped by this model can be used for this boobytrap, so long as the model still has at least 1 left. GMs, Minion adversaries will always move towards these boobytraps. Even if the boobytrap is placed way off in a remote area, away from the main fighting, it's on you to have at least 1 Minion wander over there to "try to figure out what that marine was up to". Minibosses and Boss Monsters are not dumb enough to fall for this trick, but will still trigger any boobytraps they wander into. Once triggered, remove the Marker.)
"I Rigged These Special" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, all grenades used by friendly models in Cohesion range have their effects maximized. If they would cause a variable number of Wounds, they automatically cause the maximum amount. If they have a variable Strength or AP, they automatically have the highest possible Strength and the best AP.)
"Strike There, Where it is Weakest!" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, friendly models in Cohesion range improve their AP by 1 versus targets with the Vehicle or Monster tag)
"First the Green Wire, Then the Red" (If this model is in Cohesion range of an emplaced explosive or booby trap Marker, that Marker is removed without taking effect)

Forbidden Knowledge: Perhaps through the secret work of your Chapter or your experiences fighting strange and myriad enemies, you have gleaned tidbits of otherwise proscribed information. Careful you don't raise suspicions, brother. One of the effects of this Skill may be used before a Mission begins. Players should declare that they are using the Skill during the Mission Briefing. GMs, during the Mission briefing, ask your players if any of them have the Forbidden Knowledge Skill and if so, ask them if they want to use it before they arm for the Mission.
"I Know These Cyphers" (before the Mission begins, have the GM identify the Faction or Factions [orks, tyranids, tau, necron, chaos, humans, eldar] that the adversaries in the upcoming Mission will have. Additionally, the GM will tell you how many of those adversaries will be Minions, Minibosses, and/or Boss Monsters, but does not have to reveal exactly what models those categories will be. For example, a GM might tell you that you'll be up against orks and chaos & that there will be 30 minions and a Boss Monster. They don't have to be any more specific than that.)
"Strike for the Heart of the Beast" (choose an adversary faction and type [such as "ork infantry" or "tyranid monster" or "eldar vehicle"] that is currently in line of sight. Until the start of the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll their first failed wound roll against the designated enemy)
"There, Brother, Take It!" (place an additional Tertiary Objective Marker at least 12" away from any friendly model. Any model other than the one who placed the Marker who secures it gains an additional +1 Renown for doing so)
"This is All Too Familiar" (during Exploration Missions, gain a descriptive narration of the hulk's interiors. According to the Mission this description may add additional time to its duration, but will also allow the squad to roll on an appropriate "treasure table" to glean extra intel, Relics, or munitions. In any case, when you use this effect, all models deployed on this Mission gain an additional +1 XP)
"My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" (according to the Mission, gain narrative insight as to the Faction of origin for the vessel or wreck the squad is currently deployed in. This insight allows the player to do 1 of the following on the next Mission. 1.) place an additional Objective Marker anywhere on the table that is at least 12" from any table edge or deployment zone [in Missions where the layout is obscured until explored, the Marker can only be placed after 3 sections have been revealed]. This Objective is a Relic chosen by the GM from those listed for the vessel in question; 2.) force the GM to spend Allocation on a Boss Monster. If the Faction or Factions are known to the players, they may dictate the type of Boss Monster to be deployed. In any case, this Boss Monster is worth double XP and double Renown to the marine who forced it to be there)

Inspire: Keeper of Catechism and Battle Crier, your faith sustains your brothers and carries them upward to new heights of impossible heroism. Your's is the wisdom of the ancients and the temerity of the Astartes incarnate.
"Brothers in Arms" (all friendly models in Cohesion range gain +1 to hit on their next Shooting or Close Combat attack [whichever comes first])
"Kill Them All" (all friendly models in Cohesion range gain +1 to wound on their next Shooting or Close Combat attack [whichever comes first])
"Fidelis Ultra Mortem" (in the next Morale Phase, the squad may reroll its Morale test)
"Arise my Invincible Knights" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll failed Characteristic tests [such as Strength or Toughness tests])
"Pour Your Fury Unto the Enemy" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll wound rolls of 1)

Intimidate: Let the enemies of Mankind tremble before you. Whether by deed or dirge, your very presence on the battlefield is enough to make weak-minded foes question their courage. But even the strong-willed can be undermined with the correct application of threat or promise.
"Let the Enemies of Man Fall" (choose an enemy model in Cohesion range. That model immediately becomes Shaken)
"I Challenge You!" (choose an enemy model this marine is in Close Combat with. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must concentrate all of their attacks on this model. If they fail, they treat their Weapon Skill as 6+ until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"The Age of the Emperor is Upon You!" (choose an enemy model in Cohesion range. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must concentrate all of their Shooting attacks on this model. If they fail, they treat their Ballistic Skill as 6+ until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"Show Me What Passes for Fury Amongst Your Misbegotten Kind!" (choose an enemy model in Cohesion range. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must concentrate all of their attacks on this model for the duration of their Turn, Shooting and Charging if able. If they fail, they must immediately move 2D6" away from this model and towards the nearest table edge. If they reach the table edge before the start of their next Turn, remove them as a casualty - they count as being slain for the purposes of XP and Renown)
"Tremble Before He Who has Sworn to End You!" (choose an enemy Miniboss or Boss Monster in Cohesion range. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, there is no effect. If they fail, they lose any special rules or abilities affecting them until the start of the next Skill Phase)

Medic: The anatomies of humans and space marines are not dissimilar, although the former are by far the more durable. You have the ability to coax wounds to heal and, when your administrations can do nothing even for an Astartes, the ability to end a brother's suffering & extract what's due his Chapter.
"I am the Miracle Worker" (all friendly marines in Cohesion range immediately remove 1 Wound Token. This has no effect on marines without Wound Tokens)
"The Chapter's Due" (if this model is in base to base contact with a Dead Marine Objective, it may remove the Progenoids and gain +1 Renown. In situations where there is this sort of Objective, players have 2 choices. 1.) they may leave the body behind and so long as they have the Progenoids, it still counts as completed or 2.) they may carry the body out as well and in which case count as completing 2 Objectives instead of 1)
"These Wounds Speak their Secrets Unto Me" (gain narrative insight from battle damage on terrain or injuries sustained during a Mission that help identify the Factions and preferred tactics/weapons of adversaries in upcoming Missions. This model gains +1 Renown and may redeploy itself next Mission after enemy models have been placed, but before the first Turn of the game begins)
"As a Bulwark we Stand" (all friendly marines in Cohesion range gain +1 Toughness until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"Let Chem and Ceramite Gird Us" (all friendly marines in Cohesion range gain the effects of any Stim this model has equipped in its Narthecium until the start of the next Skill Phase)

Psychic Sense: Your mind is open to the Maelstrom of the Immaterium. This is both a blessing and a curse.
"And I Shall Know My Enemy" (determine the type and Faction of psychic adversaries deployed on the Mission, if any [such as ork weirdboy or tyranid zoanthrope] and their location on the tabletop, even if not in line of sight)
"To Pierce the Veil" (nominate a friendly model in line of sight. All friendly marines on the table count as being in Cohesion range of this model until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"None Shall Break My Resolve" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model gains +D3 to any attempts to Deny enemy psychic powers)
"All Things Weak and Corrupt" (against a known* Psychic enemy and until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model may reroll all to-wound rolls)
"For My Eyes See" (chose any 1 known* Psychic enemy and "mark" them. If any marine kills this "marked" model, the Psyker who placed the "mark" earns an additional +1 Renown. If the "marked" model escapes or is otherwise unkilled at the end of the Mission, it is on the GM to spend Allotment on that same "marked" adversary every Mission, until a marine kills it)

*knowing whether or not an enemy is psychic requires 1 of 2 things to have happened. 1.) having previously successfully used the "And I Shall Know My Enemy" application of this Skill or 2.) having that psychic enemy manifest a psychic power in line of sight of any friendly marine model

Stealth: An artform largely forgotten by the hulking Astartes, Stealth can be a useful asset against foes who expect their targets to be visible. And in front of them.
"I am as Shadow" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model cannot be the target of enemy Shooting attacks or Charges)
"I am at One With the Terrain" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model gains an additional +1 to its saves from being in cover. If this model is in the open, it still gains the +1 save modifier as if it were in cover)
"Death is my Trade" (choose an enemy model within Cohesion range. Until the start of the next Skill Phase, it must reroll its successful Armor Saves against Wounds inflicted by this marine)
"Silence is Virtue" (if this model does not Shoot this Turn, it is not affected by failed Morale tests until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"And lo, Death Comes for Thee" (if this marine is in Close Combat, it may forfeit 1 of its Attacks to strike first)

Tactics: Through careful study of the Codex Astartes and/or the lessons gleaned across countless battlefields on countless worlds, you have honed the art of war to a razor's edge. You may find advantage in the most hopeless situation and pull victory from the jaws of defeat. Several of the effects of this Skill may be used before a Mission begins. Players should declare that they are using the Skill during the Mission Briefing. GMs, during the Mission briefing, ask your players if any of them have the Tactics Skill and if so, ask them if they want to use it before they arm for the Mission.
"A Better Defense in the Assault" (place up to 4 Markers anywhere on the tabletop [or anywhere on the revealed sections of terrain in a Mission where that happens]. Friendly models in cover within 3" of any Marker gain an additional +1 to their armor saves)
"We Shall Envelope Them" (before the Mission begins, nominate another friendly marine. That marine is held in Reserve and may deploy via Deep Strike along any table edge on any Turn after the 1st)
"Like They Don't Even Know it's There" (before the Mission begins, but after terrain has been placed, this player may place 1 additional Tertiary Objective (Seize Territory) anywhere at least 12" from a table edge)
"To Face Our Foes" (before the Mission begins, this player may select 1 item from the Wargear list and either reduce its Threshold by 5 or its Cost by 10 [both to a minimum of 1]. After this Mission, Thresholds and Costs return to normal. If multiple models have this same skill, they may each use this ability once and can use them on different items or in tandem [i.e. 2 marines reduce both the Threshold and Cost of the same item or both marines reduce the Threshold of a single item])
"There is Another Way" (before the Mission begins, this player may change the Deployment zone parameters to any Option available)

Tech: You have an intimate working knowledge of the Machine God's will. It aids you in coaxing recalcitrant machine spirits to obedience and resurrecting long dormant engines to new life. The default Cohesion of inanimate objects, like terminals and keypads, is 0.
"Let It Speak Its Name to Me" (extract information from a tech terminal in Cohesion range. The GM will tell you a tidbit of insight based on a list of subjects relevant to the terminal's type, location, and origin of manufacture [such as Xenos, Imperial, or Infernal]. Any information gained will be useful and may be narrative pieces to larger mysteries or clues to the types of adversaries and Objectives the squad has yet to face. This use of Tech is also used to interface with Generators, Keypads, and Security Systems. The Missions will describe how these objects function once successfully interacted with)
"Arise From Your Aeonic Slumber" (increase the Power Level of a machine in Cohesion range by 1 step. The GM will tell you how the machine in question has relevance to the Mission at hand. This counts as an external Power source)
"All Supplication to the Omnissiah" (repair a damaged machine in Cohesion range. Sometimes this application of Tech will be required to succeed at a Mission Objective)
"And at the Threshold, I Command Thee" (open or lock any undamaged door in Cohesion range)
"We Whisper and It Hears" (while in Cohesion range of a tech terminal, remotely activate, deactivate, open, or lock any piece of revealed tech on the table, regardless of actual distance from this model)

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/18 16:01:07

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Upgrade Trees by Specialty

Apothecary: Apothecaries gain a discount on Survival and Skill Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Apothecaries may purchase additional Ratings for their Medic Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Apothecaries may also purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate, Tactics, and/or Tech Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Assault Marines: Assault Marines gain a discount on Melee Talents equal to their Tier times 2. Tier1 Talents in this category therefore cost 8XP, Tier2 cost 16XP, and Tier3 cost 24XP. Assault Marines may purchase additional Ratings for their Intimidate Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Assault Marines may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Stealth, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Champion: Champions gain a discount on Survival and Melee Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Champions may purchase additional Ratings for their Intimidate Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Champions may also purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Stealth, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Chaplains: Chaplains gain a discount on Miscellaneous and Melee Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Chaplains may purchase additional Ratings for their Inspire Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Chaplains may also purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating. Space Wolf Chaplains may also purchase the Medic Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Devastator Marines: Devastators gain a discount on Survival and Shooting Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Devastators may purchase additional Ratings for their Demolition Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Devastators may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Librarian: Librarians gain a discount on Miscellaneous and Skill Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Librarians may purchase additional Ratings for their Psychic Sense Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Librarians may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, Stealth, Tactics, and/or Tech Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Primaris Intercessors: Intercessors gain a discount on Shooting Talents equal to their Tier times 2. Tier1 Talents in this category therefore cost 8XP, Tier2 cost 16XP, and Tier3 cost 24XP. Intercessors may purchase any Skill except Forbidden Knowledge at 6XP per Rating. Intercessors may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge Skill for 9XP per Rating.

Tactical Marines: Tacticals gain a discount on Morale and Shooting Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Tacticals may purchase additional Ratings for their Command Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Tacticals may also purchase the Demolition, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate, Stealth, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Techmarines: Techmarines gain a discount on Skill and Technological Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Techmarines may purchase additional Ratings for their Tech Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Techmarines may also purchase the Demolition, Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating. Knights Amethyst Techmarines may also purchase the Medic Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Terminators: Terminators gain a discount on Miscellaneous and Morale Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Terminators may purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate,, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating. Terminators may also purchase the Demolition Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Black Wasps: any Specialty except Librarians and Chaplains from this Chapter may purchase the Psychic Sense Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Adjudicators, Blood Ravens, Dark Angels, Minotaurs, Red Hunters, and Red Scorpions
: any Specialty with access to the Forbidden Knowledge Skill that is also from one of these Chapters receives a 1XP discount per Rating for that Skill.

Scouts: Scouts may purchase the Stealth Skill at 4XP per Rating, and the Demolition, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 8XP per Rating. Scouts may also purchase the Command and/or Medic Skills at 12XP per Rating.

Neophytes: Neophytes may purchase the Intimidation Skill at 4XP per Rating, and the Command, Demolition, and/or Tactics Skills at 8XP per Rating. Neophytes may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge and/or Inspire Skills at 12XP per Rating.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/18 20:33:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Talents by Category and Tier

Any Specialty may purchase Talents from any Tree, provided they meet the prerequisites, if there are any. Before any discounts provided by Specialty or other Talents, all Talents cost a number of XP to purchase equal to 10 times their Tier. Therefore, a Tier 1 will cost 10XP while a Tier 2 will cost 20XP, and so forth.

Unless otherwise stated, no Talent may be taken more than once. The annotation Faction refers to an adversary's army <Faction> keyword. The annotation Type refers to an adversary's model type keyword, such as <Infantry>, <Monster>, <Vehicle>, etc.

In all cases, the effects of Talents stack

Melee Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Assassin: this model may trade 2 of its Attacks for 1 that strikes at the start of its Fight Phase, before models are chosen to fight with.

Brawler: this model gains +2 Attacks if it fights without any weapons.

Contempt [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed hit roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Crippling Attack: roll to Wound as normal. For each unsaved Wound, this model may instead opt to worsen one of its opponent's WS by 1. No opponent's WS may be made worse than a 6+ in this way. Each penalty reduces the number of Wounds inflicted by 1.

Deadly Opponent: increase this model's Attacks by +1.

Deadly Strike: this model may trade 3 of its Attacks for 1 that causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to its normal Damage, if it hits.

Detestation of the [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed Wound roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Disarming Strike (prerequisite: WS 2+): this model may swap 2 Attacks for 1 that, if it hits, allows the attacker to remove 1 weapon or item from the targeted opponent's possessions. The item in question drops to the ground where it can be picked up by another model or by whomever wins the Fight.

Frenzy: after inflicting a Wound in the Fight Phase, this model doubles the number of Attacks on its profile for the remainder of the Engagement. If this model performs a Fall Back Move or it wins the Engagement, this bonus is lost.

Fury: this model gains +1 Strength on its Turn, the first time it Charges or is Charged per Mission.

God Among Giants: increase this model's Strength by +1.

Hatred [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed hit roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Mauler: when attacking with any weapon with the word "Chain" in it or an Eviscerator, this model rolls twice the number of dice to Wound and takes the best score. If they score 2 hits, they roll 4 dice and take the 2 best rolls.

Mayhem: this model gains +1 Attack on its Turn, the first time it Charges or is Charged per Mission.

Melee Adept: this model gains +1 Attack when there are 2 or more Adversaries within 2" of it in the Fight Phase.

Nimble Fighter: this model gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save against the first Wound it suffers in every Turn of the Fight Phase.

On Guard: this model gains +1 Armor Save on the enemy's Turn, the first time it Charges or is Charged per Mission.

Parry: whenever an opponent rolls their Attacks in the Fight Phase, this model's controlling player may also roll 1 die. If this model's die roll is greater than any of their opponent's die rolls, they may negate 1 of their opponent's hits. A Parry cannot negate an Attack roll of a 6.

Righteous Indignation [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed Wound roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Shield Strike: if the model is armed with a Storm Shield or Combat Shield, they may make 1 additional Attack in the Fight Phase with the following profile: Strength as user, AP -, Damage 1.

Show Off: if this model is outnumbered 3:1 during any Fight Phase in a Mission and survives with at least 1 Wound remaining at the end of the Mission, they gain an extra +1 Renown.

Skilled Fighter: change this model's WS to 2+.

Strong Martial Tradition: this model's unarmed Attacks ("the marine's own fists") are either +1 Strength, 1 better AP, or +1 Damage; player's choice must be made after hits, but before Wounds are rolled.

Sucker Punch: this model may make 1 unarmed Attack that strikes at the start of its Fight Phase, before models are chosen to fight with.

Sure Strike: treat this model's first Attack on each of its Turns in the Fight Phase as +1 Strength and 1 better AP.

Swift and Sure: increase this model's Attacks by +1

Tunnel Fighter (prerequisite: only usable when this model is armed with an Astartes Sword, Relic Blade, Power Sword, Astartes Spear, or Power Spear, or any Relic version of those weapons): if this model is in a corridor (defined as a space up to 4" wide and at least 6" long, connecting 2 or more rooms or other corridor sections), they may Engage enemy models in the Fight Phase from up to 3" away. Additionally, if this model is also equipped with a shield, they grant a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting attacks to any allied models behind them.

Violent: this model must Charge if able. This model gains +1 Damage to all Wounding hits in the Fight Phase of the first Battleround.

Tier 2 Talents

Abhoration of the [Faction] (prerequisite: any Detestation [Faction Type] Talent): one Wound roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Absolute Contempt [Faction] (prerequisite: any Contempt [Faction Type] Talent): one hit roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Berserker: if this model is outnumbered in the Fight Phase, it gains +1 Attack and +1 Strength until this model Disengages.

Blade Dancer: if the model is armed with a Sword, Power Sword, Chainsword, Astartes Spear, or Power Spear (or any Relic version of these weapons), they may make 1 additional Attack in the Fight Phase with that weapon.

Blood Frenzy (prerequisite: any Blood Angels successor Chapter): after removing an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase, this model doubles the number of Attacks on their profile until the end of the Mission. While under these effects, this model cannot voluntarily Fall Back, but it can Charge on the same Turn it Advances. Lastly, if this model can draw line of sight to an enemy model, they must Move towards it, Charging if able. If this model survives the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, they gain an additional +1 Corruption and +1 Renown.

Burning Hatred [Faction] (prerequisite: any Hatred [Faction Type] Talent): one hit roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Deadly Foe (prerequisite: Deadly Opponent Talent): increase this model's Attacks by +1.

Defensive Fighter (prerequisite: Parry Talent): when this model is armed with any melee weapon that has the ability to be used defensively, it may roll 2 dice when Parrying and, if they roll well enough, may negate 2 enemy hits. A Parry cannot negate an Attack roll of a 6.

Ecstatic Fighter: this model gains an additional +1 Attack on the Turn it Charges.

Furious Attacker: this model gains +1 Attack on its Turn, on every Turn it Charges or is Charged.

Gain Control (prerequisite: Disarming Strike Talent): when using the Disarming Strike Talent, the item disarmed passes to the attacker's possession instead of falling on the ground.

Guarded Fighter (prerequisite: On Guard): this model gains +1 to its Armor Saves on enemy Turns during the Fight Phase.

Hammer Blow: the last Attack this model makes on each of its Turns in the Fight Phase is resolved at +1 Strength, and 1 better AP.

Head Taker: if this model removes the last Wound from a Miniboss or Boss Monster in the Fight Phase and takes on a 01 Capacity object (their enemy's head), they gain +D3 Renown if they are still carrying it at the end of the Mission. This counts as taking a Trophy.

Killing Blow: this model's unmodified hit rolls of 6 in the Fight Phase automatically Wound. Additionally, unless the Attack has a better AP, this hit has an AP -3.

Light-footed (prerequisite: Nimble Fighter Talent): increase this model's Nimble Fighter Invulnerable Save to 4+.

Mace Master if this model is armed with a Maul, Hammer (or Gavel), Thunderhammer, Heavy Thunderhammer, Crozius Arcanum, or other Mace-like weapon, they may make 1 additional Attack in the Fight Phase with that weapon.

Mangler (prerequisite: Mauler Talent): when attacking with any weapon with the word "Chain" in it or an Eviscerator, this model improves the AP of their weapon by 1 and may re-roll half (rounding down) of their Wound rolls.

Rampager (prerequisite: Violent): this model gains +1 Damage to the first Wounding hit of every Fight Phase.

Reactive Strike: if this model suffers 1 or more hits in the Fight Phase, but before enemies roll to Wound them, this model may immediately make a single Attack against the enemy model that hit it. If this Reactive Strike hits, roll to Wound. If the Reactive Strike kills the enemy model, do not roll to Wound for the enemy's hits.

Swift and True (prerequisite: Swift and Sure Talent): increase this model's Attacks by +1.

Sword and Board: only usable if the model is armed with a Seige, Storm, or Combat Shield in one hand and a Melee weapon in another hand. During the Fight Phase, this model improves their Armor Save by +1. If the model is equipped with a Combat Shield or a Storm Shield, this Talent instead improves this model's Invulnerable Save by +1. Seige Shields normally provide a 2+ Armor Save and a 6+ Invulnerable Save versus Attacks that come from the front. With this Talent it becomes a 1+ Armor Save. A Storm Shield normally provides a 3+ Armor Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. With this Talent the provided Invulnerable Save becomes 3+. A Combat Shield normally provides a 4+ Armor Save and a 5+ Invulnerable Save. With this Talent the provided Invulnerable Save becomes 4+.

Sworn Indignation [Faction] (prerequisite: any Indignation [Faction Type] Talent): one Wound roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Wrath: this model gains +1 Strength during the Fight Phase on its own Turns.

Tier 3 Talents

Agile Fighter (prerequisite: Light-footed): this model may use their Nimble Fighter save versus every Wound inflicted on it in the Fight Phase.

Alien Hunter [Xenos Faction] (Novamarines count this Talent as Tier 2): all hits inflicted on [Xenos Faction] models in the Fight Phase automatically cause 1 Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage they may cause.

Daemon Slayer (Black Templars count this Talent as Tier 2): all hits inflicted on Daemon and Daemon Engine models in the Fight Phase automatically cause 1 Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage they may cause.

Dangerous Fighter (prerequisite: WS 2+): this model may be chosen to Fight with an additional time in each Fight Phase.

Deft Combatant (prerequisite: Sword and Board): any time this model rolls a successful Armor or Invulnerable Save in the Fight Phase, they may make a single bonus Attack at the end of the Battleround, provided they still have at least 1 ]Wound left.

Ferocity Incarnate (prerequisite: Carcharodons Astra only): whenever this model Charges, enemy models within 6" of their Target must take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must immediately Move D6" away from this model by the most direct path possible. If they fail, they count as Pinned until a Miniboss or Boss Monster Moves to within 6" of them or the Carcharodons Astra model is removed as casualty, whichever happens first.

Fury of the Righteous: +1 Attack for every Battlebrother in Cohesion Range of this model and +1 Strength in the Fight Phase.

Haymaker: this model gains a cumulative +1 Attack in the Fight Phase, at the start of each of its Turns after the first. If this model Disengages from enemy models these cumulative Attacks are lost.

Honor or Death: if this model is reduced to 0 Wounds in the Fight Phase, they may immediately make a single Attack with their best weapon against the enemy model that took their last Wound, but before they roll on the Injury Table to determine what happens to this model.

Melee Master: (prerequisite: Parry Talent) this model gains +1 to all Parry attempts. Additionally, any successful Parry adds +1 Attack to this model's next Turn in the Fight Phase as long as any enemy models are still in Engagement range. Lastly, this model may Parry an enemy Attack roll of a 6, provided this model also rolls a 6.

Potent Fighter: this model gains +1 Attack until the end of the Mission for every enemy model it removes as a casualty.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/18 20:36:45

Post by: Gamgee

Why not use the RPG from FFG? Still plenty of copies kicking around. Easily one of my fav rpg's of all time. Can still use mini's if you want too represent distances ect.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/18 20:39:01

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 Gamgee wrote:
Why not use the RPG from FFG? Still plenty of copies kicking around. Easily one of my fav rpg's of all time. Can still use mini's if you want too represent distances ect.

You're welcome to use that if you want. I'm writing this because I want to. No one is forcing you to use it.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/20 22:33:20

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Technological Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Artificer's Eye (1) (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): this model may re-roll a number of failed Shooting hit rolls per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Binary Technonoise (prerequisite: Sons of Medusa, Knights Amethyst, and Iron Hands Chapter or Techmarine only): add +1" to this model's Cohesion Range for every model in the squad with this Talent (including this model).

Black Blood*: at the start of any Turn where this model currently has less than its maximum Wounds, roll a D6. On a 6, this model regenerates 1 Wound. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Blessing of the Machine*: increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

Cortex Implant* (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): once per Mission, this model may choose to automatically pass its test when using its Tech Skill.

Craftsman's Blessing (1) (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Craftsman's Blessing (+1) (prerequisite: Craftsman's Blessing (1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Cyber Locomotion (Level 1)*: add +1" to this model's base Move. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Cyber Strength (Level 1)*: this model gains +1 Capacity. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Cyborg: grants this model Ignore an unsaved Wound on a (6+) or improve an ability with the same effect the model already has by 1. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Enhanced Optics: in Missions where visibilty is limited, this marine adds +2D6" to its visibility range (roll whenever the lights go out).

Forgemaster's Hand* (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): reduce the Cost of the Exceptional Quality upgrade by -1 Renown for 1 item in this model's Load Out every Mission.

Forgemaster's Privilege* (prerequisite: Forgemaster's Will): reduce the Cost of all Exceptional Quality upgrades for any item in all squad member models' Load Outs by -1 in every Mission.

Forgemaster's Will* (prerequisite: Forgemaster's Hand): reduce the Cost of all Exceptional Quality upgrades for any item in this model's Load Out by -1 in every Mission.

Interface Plug*: as long as this model is in base to base contact with a Tech Terminal, it may add +1 to its Tech Skill roll.

Internal Power Supply*: this model may re-roll its Skill test when attempting the "Arise From Your Aeonic Slumber" effect of Tech. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Magnetic Levitation Implants*: this model may Fall from a height of up to twice its Toughness in inches without the need to test Toughness to avoid damage.

Martian Blood* (prerequisite: Cyborg or Black Blood Talent): increase this model's Ignore an unsaved Wound ability by 1. If it was (6+) before, now it's (5+). If this model did not have an ability like this before, it has it now at (6+).

Respirator Implant: this model may re-roll its Toughness tests versus vacuum and gas attacks. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Servo Rig (1)*: this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Soul of the Machine: this model may extract 2 tidbits of information when using the "Let It Speak Its Name to Me" effect of the Tech Skill.

*When these 3 Talents are combined, they stack. Meaning Forgemaster's Hand and Forgemaster's Will make all of this model's Exceptional Quality upgrades cost 9 Renown and 1 of those upgrades cost 8 Renown. Having all 3 of these Talents means that your squad mates' Exceptional Quality upgrades all cost 9 Renown, all of this model's cost 8 Renown and a single item assigned to this model can be upgraded for 7 Renown.

Tier 2 Talents

Artificer's Eye (+1) (prerequisite: Artificer's Eye (1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Shooting hit rolls per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Craftsman's Blessing (+1) (prerequisite: Craftsman's Blessing (+1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Data Spike* (prerequisite: Interface Plug): if this model is within 3" of a Tech Terminal, it may add +1 to its roll when using the Tech Skill.

Cyber Locomotion (Level 2)*: add +2" to this model's Move.

Cyber Strength (Level 2)*: this model gains +2 Capacity.

Enhanced Internal Comms (prerequisite: Binary Technonoise): add +2" to this model's Cohesion Range for every model in the squad with this Talent (including this model).

Enhanced Limbs (prerequisite: Cyborg Talent): this model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks in the Fight Phase to improve its own Armor Save by 1 versus enemy Melee Attacks in the Fight Phase.

Integrated Displacer: this model is -1 to be hit. Roll a D3 at the start of this model's Fight Phase. On a 3 this model may Fight as normal, otherwise reduce this model's number of Attacks by the amount rolled (to a minimum of 0).

Integrated Refractor: this model gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting.

Machine God's Lure (prerequisite: Magnetic Levitation Implants): during the Shooting Phase, this model's controlling player selects 1 non-Daemon, non-Tyranid enemy model in Cohesion Range. That model must make a Strength test at -1. If they fail, this model's controlling player chooses 1 weapon the target was carrying; that weapon is disarmed from the enemy model and is placed as a Marker 4' from the original owner towards this model. If that would bring the item to or past this model, it instead comes into this model's grasp. Anyone can pick up a weapon otherwise dropped.

Mnemonic Interface* (prerequisite: Cortex Implant): at the start of every Mission, during the Briefing Phase, this model may chose any Skill it does not currently have and grant itself 1 Rating in it. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Reactive Ceramite Integration: this model gains +1 Armor Save in the Fight Phase.

Robotic Enhancement*: increase this model's Strength by +1 and it no longer suffers the effects of Vacuum or Drowning.

Servitor (Apothecaries, Primaris Apothecaries, Primaris Techmarines, and Techmarines treat this Talent as Tier 1): this model gains a Servitor companion, who follows this model and their commands on every Mission. If the model who purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty or moves so that their Servitor is no longer in line of sight, the Servitor becomes inert, no longer acting or reacting to stimuli except to defend itself if Attacked in the Fight Phase. So long as the controlling model survives to return to line of sight, their Servitor will resume normal function. Servitors come equipped with Cybernetic Implants which grant them a 5+ Armor Save, a human hand that can be used to pick up small items, carry small items such as an Auspex, a severed head, or a sample container, and/or manipulate levers and buttons on electronic or machine devices, plus one of the following cyberlimb options: Medical Mechadendrite, Macro Mechadendrite, Heavy Bolter & Box Mag, or Plasma Cannon with 2 Power Cells. Servitors have the Cohesion1 Talent and the Tech1 Skill.*

Servo Rig (+1)* (prerequisite: Servo Rig (1)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Servo Rig (+1)* (prerequisite: Servo Rig (2)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Synaptic Failsafe (prerequisite: Cyborg Talent and Toughness 5 or better): the first time this model suffers the Recovery Table result 15+: Record His Name after taking this Talent, instead of dying, this model becomes Incapacitated. An Incapacitated model must sit out its next Mission and thereafter roll a D6 at the start of the following Mission. On the roll of a 4+ the model progresses to Heavily Wounded. Otherwise, this model remains Incapacitated and must continue to sit out Missions until it progresses to Heavily Wounded. This Talent may be purchased multiple times; each time saving this model from Death just once.

Tactical Cortex* (prerequisite: Cortex Implant Talent): whenever an allied model within Cohesion Range of this model removes the last Wound from a Mini Boss or Boss Monster, this model generates +1 CP.

TechnoMason (prerequisite: Tech1): this model gains +1 to Skill tests when using Tech.

Techno Whispers*: this model adds +3" to the Cohesion Range of inanimate machines.

Telemetry Adjustment (prerequisite: BS 2+): whenever an allied model within Cohesion Range shoots any weapon with the word "missile" in its name, this model grants that shot +1 to hit if it is at a target more than half the weapon's maximum range distant.

Tier 3 Talents

Additional Servitor (restriction: Techmarines and Apothecaries only, prerequisite: the Servitor Talent): : this model gains a Servitor companion, who follows this model and their commands on every Mission. If the model who purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty or moves so that their Servitor is no longer in line of sight, the Servitor becomes inert, no longer acting or reacting to stimuli except to defend itself if Attacked in the Fight Phase. So long as the controlling model survives to return to line of sight, their Servitor will resume normal function. Servitors come equipped with Cybernetic Implants which grant them a 5+ Armor Save, a human hand that can be used to pick up small items, carry small items such as an Auspex, a severed head, or a sample container, and/or manipulate levers and buttons on electronic or machine devices, plus one of the following cyberlimb options: Medical Mechadendrite, Macro Mechadendrite, Heavy Bolter & Box Mag, or Multimelta with Melta Canister. Additional Servitors have the Cohesion1 Talent and the Tech1 Skill.*.

Artificer's Eye (+2) (prerequisite: Artificer's Eye (+1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Shooting hit rolls per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Cyber Locomotion (Level 3)*: add +3" to this model's Move.

Cyber Strength (Level 3)*: this model gains +3 Capacity.

Craftsman's Blessing (+2) (prerequisite: Craftsman's Blessing (+1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Emergency Displacement Field: whenever this model suffers a hit from a weapon that does more than 1 Damage, roll a D6. On a 4+ the GM moves this model D6" further away from the Shooter and this model negates all hits from that source.

Noospheric Interface* (prerequisite: Tactical Cortex Talent and Leadership 10 or better): during the Command Phase, this model generates an extra +1 CP for the squad or, if this model is the Mission Leader, an extra +2 CP for the squad.

Prophet of Mars*: this model adds +3" to the Cohesion Range of inanimate machines.

Servo Rig (+1)* (prerequisite: Servo Rig (3)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Subsonic Disruptor Frequency (prerequisite: Respirator Implant or Cyborg and Iron Hands, Knights Amethyst, Sons of Medusa, or Techmarine only): in addition to Shooting, once per Turn, this model may target all enemy models within 3" of itself. Each model targeted suffers a single hit with a Strength equal to their strongest Shooting weapon's Strength -1, AP-, and Damage 1, as their magazines spontaneously self-detonate.

Target Acquisition System (prerequisite: Enhanced Optics): if this model is armed with a weapon that has more than 1 shot, it may use each shot on any enemy in line of sight, not just models 4" away from the first target.

*these Talents all require the Mechanicus Frame as a prerequisite
*Servitors use their controlling model's Skill Stat to determine the success or failure of their Skill use.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/21 06:33:46

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Shooting Talents *many of the Talents assume you are using the "Bullets" method for Ammo. If you aren't, ignore these Talents.

Tier 1 Talents

Accurate: if this model moved half its Move or less and didn't Advance, enemy models must reroll successful Armor Saves versus its Shooting attacks during its 1st Shooting Phase.

Arsonist (prerequisite: Flame Craft): when using Hand Flamers, Flamers, and Heavy Flamers, this models adds an additional +1 to the number of hits inflicted.

Balanced Blades (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): any Astartes Knives this model is equipped with increase their Thrown Range by +2" and may re-roll 1 failed hit roll per Shooting Phase.

Bandoleer of Blades (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): this model's Standard Load Out now includes 2 additional Astartes Knives with no Weight increase. For every 3 Astartes Knives they equip beyond these, increase their overall Weight by +1.

Bolt Adept*: all bolt weapons (bolt pistol, bolter, storm bolter, bolt rifle, heavy bolter, the bolter portion of combi-weapons, and all Relic versions of same) used by this model roll 1 extra die when rolling to Wound, taking the best scores, up to the maximum number of hits scored. If this model hits a target 2 times, they roll 3 dice and take the best 2 results. If this model hits 4 times, it rolls 5 dice and takes the best 4, etc.

Bomberman: this model may throw 2 grenades instead of just 1 every Shooting Phase, provided it has enough grenades to throw. The two grenades thrown do not need to be the same type and can be thrown at different targets.

Conservationist*: this model adds +1 to the Primary Magazine of all of its weapons.

Crack Shot: Shooting attacks made by this model that roll a 6 to hit, cause +1 Damage if they Wound.

Deadly Aim: this model may make a single shot with any ranged weapon into Close Combat. Name their target, then roll the dice. If they hit, roll to Wound as normal. If they miss, roll a D6. On a 5+ , randomize a hit against one of the other combatants instead.

Defender: when this model uses a Pintle-mounted weapon, increase that weapon's Rate of Fire by +1

Fire From the Hip*: when this model shoots with a weapon in Burst Mode, do not half its range, but impose a -1 penalty to hit rolls.

Flame Craft: when using Flamers and Heavy Flamers, this model adds +1 to the number of hits inflicted.

Gunlugger: if equipped with 2 assault weapons, this model may fire both in its 1st Shooting Phase.

Gunslinger: if equipped with 2 pistols, this model may fire both in each of its Shooting Phases.

Hammer that Position (prerequisite: Tactics2): choose one ally in Cohesion Range. When that model Shoots this Turn, their weapon attacks improve their AP by 1.

Heat Miser: when using any weapon with the word "melta" or the word "inferno" in its name, this model may re-roll failed Wound rolls.

Juggernaut (prerequisite: Strength 5 or more): this model may Move and Shoot with Heavy Weapons without suffering the -1 to hit rolls.

Knife Thrower: this model may make a Shooting Attack with one of its Astartes Knives, with the following profile:
6" Range Pistol Strength as user AP- Damage 1
Using this ability destroys the model's Knife.

Let it Bleed (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): this model's Thrown Melee Weapons gain the Bleed Quality if they didn't already have it.

Long Shot: if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Standard Firing Mode at double the Weapon's range.

Marksman (prerequisite: Weight of Fire): improve the AP of all shots in this model's 2nd Shooting Phase by 1.

Master of Ordnance: once per Mission this model may re-roll a single shot with a Heavy Weapon.

Pacifier Doctrine: when firing at groups of 3 or more enemy models, where each model is no more than 2" apart from any other model with the same Faction keyword, this model gains +1 to its Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes.

Plasma Specialist: once per Mission re-roll a single shot with any weapon with the word "plasma" in its name.

Point Blank: if this model Shoots with a Pistol at half range or less, improve that Weapon's AP by 1.

Precise Targeting: the first hit of every Shooting Phase for this model treats its Strength as +1 or its AP as 1 better, player's choice. The player must make the decision before the dice are rolled for Wounds.

Prize Shooter: if this model causes 1 or more Wounds when using the Calculated Trajectories, Shred the Floor, Trick, Trickier, or Trickiest Shot Talents, it gains an additional +1 Renown.

Purifier Doctrine: when using Hand Flamers, Flamers, Heavy Flamers, and their Relic equivalents, this model may re-roll Wound rolls of 1.

Right Tool for the Job: this model recieves a -1 Renown Cost reduction on all ranged weapons.

Sharpshooter: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn, they add +6" to their shooting weapon's range.

Shootist: if this model has 2 or more Shooting Phases, all shots in their Shooting Phases after their first gain -1 AP if this model fires on the same Type and Faction models as it did with its 1st Phase. This effect lasts until the end of the model's Turn. If a model shot at Ork Infantry in its 1st Shooting Phase, it would gain this benefit if it also shot at Ork Infantry with its 2nd and 3rd Shooting Phases. Shooting at different target types and Factions in the 2nd Shooting Phase doesn't negate this bonus for the 3rd Shooting Phase.

Shred the Floor: when Shooting with any weapon with the word "Bolt" in its name, this model may nominate a point on the floor, walls, or other terrain feature within range as one or more of its targets. Roll to hit as normal. If a hit is scored, all models within 3" of the point of impact suffer D3 hits with the following profile: Strength 3, AP-, Damage 1. If the weapon being used to fire this special shot is a Heavy Bolter, it instead causes D3+1 hits at Strength 4, AP-1, Damage D2.

Sniper: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn, they may re-roll their failed to Wound rolls during their 1st Shooting Phase. Additionally, this model may target Tiny models without suffering the hit penalty normally imposed by that Trait.

Steady: change this model's Ballistic Skill to 2+.

Swift Reload*: when reloading a Heavy weapon, this model simply ticks off one of its reloads rather than having to take the extra Phase to do it.

Trick Shot*: this model may attempt to hit 2 targets with 1 bullet, provided both targets are less than 2" apart from each other. Roll to hit both targets, suffering a -1 to hit modifier on both shots. This may only be attempted with Ranged Weapons that fire a single shot in Standard Firing Mode and may only be used in Standard Firing Mode.

Vendetta [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll one missed shot in each of its 1st Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Vengeance [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll one failed Wound in each of its 1st Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Volume Fire: if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Autofire Mode at double the Weapon's range.

Walking Fire: this model may sacrifice 1 shot from its weapon's Rate of Fire to target another enemy model up to 8" away from its original target. Weapons with fewer than 3 shots gain no benefit from this Talent.

Wall of Knives (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): this model may Throw up to 3 Astartes Knives per Shooting Phase, provided they have enough to do so.

Waste Not (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): Throwing their Astartes Knife does not destroy this model's Astartes Knife if it hits its target. Instead, place a Marker at the feet of the hit Target. If this model Moves within 1" of this Marker they get their Astartes Knife back. If this model ends the Mission with the same number of Astartes Knives it started with, it gains +1 Renown.

Well-Placed Blade (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): unmodified rolls of 6 to hit with a Thrown Astartes Knife becomes AP -1.

Tier 2 Talents

Ace (prerequisite: Bullet Storm): improve the AP of all shots in this model's 3rd Shooting Phase by 1.

Anti-Tanker: when this model shoots at a vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds, improve their Weapon's AP by 1.

Blast Furnace (prerequisite: Heat Miser Talent): when using any weapon with the word "melta" or the word "inferno" in its name, this model increases that weapon's Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes by +1.

Blast Master (prerequisite: Bomberman): when using grenades that cause a variable number of Wounds or hits, this model adds +1 to either roll.

Bolt Master (prerequisite: Bolt Adept): this model treats all bolt weapons (bolt pistol, bolter, storm bolter, bolt rifle, heavy bolter, the bolter portion of combi-weapons, and all Relic versions of same) as having +1 Rate of Fire in all modes.

Calculated Trajectories: when this model kills an enemy model while using a Ranged weapon with the word "bolt" in its name, all models within 2" of the killed target suffer a single automatic hit with the following profile: Strength 2, AP-, Damage 1. If the weapon being used was a Heavy Bolter the auto-hit is instead Strength 3, AP-, Damage D2. If the original target's Armor Save was 3+ or 4+, improve these hits' AP to -1.

Death from Below: when this model shoots at a target in its 2nd or 3rd Shooting Phase from a lower elevation (at least 2" lower), it adds +1 its Wound rolls.

Destroyer*: when shooting with Heavy weapons, this model rolls twice the number of dice to Wound and takes the best score. If they score 2 hits, they roll 4 dice and take the 2 best rolls.

Devastator*: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn, double the Rate of Fire for any ranged weapon it uses this Turn.

Dominus Doctrine: versus Adversaries with a 2+ or better Armor Save, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Eager Vendetta [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 missed shot in each of its 2nd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Eager Vengeance [Faction Type]: this model adds +1 to its 1st Wound roll in each of its 2nd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Fire Flex (prerequisite: Fire from the Hip): if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Burst Mode without having to half their Weapon's range.

Gunfighter*: when firing Pistols with a Burst mode, this model adds +1 to that weapon's Rate of Fire.

Gunner: this model increases the Rate of Fire in every mode for any weapon it is equipped with by +1.

Immobilizer: if this model shoots at and Wounds an enemy vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds, this model may roll an additional D6. If that die roll scores a 4+, the vehicle's Movement is reduced to 0" until it regenerates 1 or more Wounds.

Modified Optics (Raptors treat this Talent as Tier 1): add +2" to the range of all Long Arms this model is equipped with.

Opportunistic Sniper: once per Mission, this model may add +1 to hit when firing a weapon in Standard Firing Mode. If this model hits its target with this shot, it causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects of the hit.

Plasma Drill: reroll hit rolls of 1 when shooting with Plasma Pistols, Plasmaguns, Plasma Incinerators, Plasma Cannons, or any Relic version of same.

Quick Draw: this model may opt to take 1 of its Shooting Phases during the enemy Turn, just before they take their own Shooting Phase. If the model only has 1 Shooting Phase and uses it in the enemy Turn with this Talent, it may do nothing during its next Shooting Phase on its own Turn.

Spitfire (prerequisite: Weight of Fire and Gunlugger Talents): if equipped with 2 assault weapons, this model may fire both in its 2nd Shooting Phase.

Strong of Arm: this model may fire Rapid Fire weapons like Pistols if they are engaged in the Fight Phase.

Suppression Shooter: if this model is armed with a weapon capable of Burst or Autofire mode, they may take a -1 penalty to hit and Wound in order to double their Rate of Fire for 1 Shooting Phase per Mission.

Trickier Shot (prerequisite: Trick Shot Talent): this model may attempt to hit 3 models with 1 bullet, provided all 3 targets are all less than 2" apart from each other. Roll to hit all 3 targets, suffering a -1 hit modifier on all 3 shots. This may only be attempted with Ranged Weapons that fire a single shot in Standard Firing Mode and may only be used in Standard Firing Mode.

Trickiest Shot (prerequisite: Trick Shot Talent): this model may attempt to hit 2 models with 1 bullet, provided both targets are less than 4" apart from one another. Roll to hit both targets, suffering a -1 hit modifier on the second shot. This may only be attempted with Ranged Weapons that fire a single shot in Standard Firing Mode and may only be used in Standard Firing Mode.

Weight of Fire: this model may take 2 Shooting Phases.

Venator Doctrine: versus Adversaries with a Move of 10" or more, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Tier 3 Talents

Bullet Storm (prerequisite: Weight of Fire): this model gains an additional Shooting Phase.

Fire Frenzy* (prerequisite: Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, or one of their Successor Chapters, or Tactical marines only): after an allied space marine is reduced to 0 Wounds, roll a Toughness test for this model. If they pass, they may immediately make a single Shooting attack (literally 1 shot) at every enemy model in range or until their weapon runs out of Ammo, whichever comes first. These Shooting attacks interrupt the sequence of play and do not count towards the number of Shooting Phases a model can take.

Firepower*: whenever this model Shoots using Burst or Autofire mode, every enemy model within 4" of any of the targets hit must test Toughness or suffer the Suppression effect.

Hell Storm (prerequisite: Bullet Storm and Spitfire Talents): if equipped with 2 assault weapons, this model may fire both in its 3rd Shooting Phase.

Infernist (prerequisite: Blast Furnace Talent): when using any weapon with the word "melta" or the word "inferno" in its name, this model increases the Damage of those weapons by +1.

Man Saw*: for every Turn in a row this model does not Move or Advance, increase the Rate of Fire for its ranged weapons by +1. All bonus shots are lost if the model Moves or Advances.

Search and Traverse (prerequisite: Tactics2): choose one ally in Cohesion Range armed with a weapon capable of firing in Full Auto Mode. When that model Shoots this Turn, they gain +1 to hit if they fire in Full Auto Mode. Additionally, regardless of the Mode they fire in, enemy models within 3" of this model's targets cannot Move or Advance on their own next Turn.

Strength Without Measure (prerequisite: Strong of Arm): this model may use any Heavy weapon as an Assault weapon, treating the weapon's range as half the base range.

Titan Killer: Heavy weapons used by this model against enemy models with 5 or more Wounds cause a single automatic Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects so long as at least 1 shot hits the target.

Ultimate Vendetta [Faction]: this model may re-roll one missed shot in each of its 3rd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction].

Ultimate Vengeance [Faction]: this model adds +1 to its 1st Wound in each of its 3rd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction].

Very Long Shot: if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Standard Firing Mode at triple the Weapon's range, while also improving its AP by 1.

*If these 2 Talents are combined - while using a Heavy Bolter - a model scoring 2 hits rolls 5 dice in total (double the hits +1) and takes the best 2 scores. Likewise, 4 hits would indicate rolling 9 dice (double the hits +1) and taking the best 4 and so on.

*Combining Devastator and Man Saw creates a terrifying fusillade of destruction. If the model does not move, Devastator doubles its rate of fire, turning weapons like Heavy Bolters into bullet tornados. When coupled with Man Saw, the extra shot is added after the rate of fire is doubled. So the Heavy 3 weapon becomes a Heavy 7 on the second Turn of not moving, Heavy 8 on the third, Heavy 9 on the fourth and so on. If you're using the "Bullets" method of keeping track of Ammo, you may also fire the Heavy Bolter on Full Auto, churning out 12 shots Turn one, 13 Turn two, and so on. You will tear through enemies as quickly as you drain your magazines.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/23 06:52:26

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Skill Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Advanced Tactics: Pincer (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the "We Shall Envelope Them" effect, the model held in Reserve causes Pinning during its Shooting Phase on the Turn it arrives. Enemy models hit, but not removed as casualties, by this model on the Turn it arrives, cannot Move, Advance, Shoot, or Charge until a Mini Boss or Boss Monster moves to within 6" of the model.

Advanced Tactics: Teleportarium (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the "We Shall Envelope Them" effect, the model held in Reserve may Deep Strike anywhere on the revealed map instead of only at the edge.

And Hell Follows With Me (prerequisite: Intimidate1): whenever this model uses any Intimidate effect except "Tremble Before He Who has Sworn to End You!", they may target D3 enemy models instead of just 1.

Applied Violence (prerequisite: any Talent with the word "Fighter" in it): this model gains +1XP whenever one of their prerequisite Talents causes them to end the Fight Phase more than 1" from any enemy models.

Archivist (prerequisite: Tech1): this model may save unused Ratings from their Tech Skill from one Mission and add it to its Rating for the following Mission. If these extra Ratings are not used in the very next Mission, they cannot be carried over to the following Mission. For example, if a model has Tech2 but only uses 1 Rating in a Mission, the extra Rating is carried over into the next Mission, giving this model a temporary Tech Rating of 3 for the next Mission. If the model doesn't use any of those 3 Ratings in the next Mission, it can only carry over the 2 from its base Rating, not its unused bonus.

Aroused by Bloodshed (prerequisite: Inspire1): for each allied Astartes in Cohesion Range that removes an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase, this model gains +1 to its next Inspire Skill test. If this modifier accumulates to make the bonus high enough that the roll can't fail, this model automatically passes the test and is refunded their expended Rating.

Bomb Layer (prerequisite: Demolition1): whenever this model uses the "And When They Step Through, BOOM" effect with a grenade that has a variable effect, those effects are maximized, without the need to roll. Make sure the boobytrap Marker reflects this if there are more than 1 on the battlefield

Concentration: improve this models Skill Stat by 1 (5+ becomes 4+, 4+ becomes 3+ , etc.).

Deathwing Inductee (prerequisite: Dark Angels, Adjudicators, and their Successor Chapters only and Forbidden Knowledge1): when this model uses the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" effect and the vessel in question is chaos or traitor in origin, the Boss Monster must be a Fallen Angel adversary. The model with this Talent earns quadruple Renown for killing it. If another marine scores the killing blow on this adversary, this model instead loses D3 Renown.

Expert (1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Expert (+1) (prerequisite: Expert (1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Expert (+1) (prerequisite: Expert (+1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Follow the Leader (prerequisite: Command1): whenever this model uses a Command effect, it may extend the effect to itself in addition to its allies in Cohesion Range.

Ingenuity (prerequisite: Tech1 and Forbidden Knowledge1): this model may spend a Rating from either Tech or Forbidden Knowledge to use an effect from either of those Skills.

Litanies (prerequisite: Inspire1): once per Mission, this model may use 1 of the Inspire Skill effects on itself without expending a Rating.

Master Tactician (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Command1): this model may expend a Rating from either Command or Tactics to use an effect from either of those Skills.

Mission Critical (prerequisite: Tactics1 or Command2): during the Briefing Phase, this model's controlling player may nominate 1 Mission Objective as "Mission Critical". If this Objective is completed, all models in the Squad that survive until the end of the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, gain an additional +1 Renown. However, if this Talent is used, the GM gains +2D6 Allotment for the Mission it affects.

Origins of Obedience (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1 and Inspire1): this model may expend a Rating from either Inspire or Forbidden Knowledge to use an effect from either of those Skills.

Ranger (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the "Death is my Trade" effect, this model also adds +6" to the range of its first Shooting Attack this Turn.

Recon (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Stealth1): if this model successfully uses both their Tactics and Stealth Skills at least once each at any point in the same Mission, in the following Mission they gain 1 better AP for all of their attacks against enemy models of the same Faction and Type they previously faced. For instance if they faced Ork Infantry and Ork Vehicles in the Mission where they successfully used both Skills, they gain the AP bonus against Ork Infantry and Ork Vehicles they encounter in the next Mission. Players, be aware that sometimes you will go on Missions in one section and then the following Mission will take place in another section and you might not see the same Adversaries 2 Missions in a row. GMs, don't constantly switch out enemies just to avoid giving players this advantage. They spent hard earned XP on this Talent. Make sure they get to use it sometimes.

Sapper (prerequisite: Demolition1): all grenades used by this model are resolved at +1 Strength.

Slip Into the Shadows (prerequisite: Stealth1): if this model moves into Cover, relative to enemy models that can draw line of sight to it, it no longer counts as "Closest Enemy Model" for the purposes of targeting it with Shooting or Psychic Powers.

Sneaky (prerequisite: Stealth1): as long as this model can draw line of sight to an enemy model with 10 or more Wounds, it adds +1" to its Move.

Stalker (prerequisite: Stealth1 and Intimidate1): when using the "Death is my Trade" effect, enemy models automatically fail any Morale tests they may have to take as a result of being hit by this model.

Strike from the Shadows (prerequisite: Stealth1 or Ravenguard or their Successors): if this model is in Cover and declares a Charge, its target cannot fire Overwatch at this model.

Tactical Acumen (prerequisite: Tactics1): at the start of a Mission, after terrain has been set up, but before Deployment, this model's controlling player may place up to 2 pieces of scatter terrain (Necromunda Barricades are ideal for this) per Rating in Tactics anywhere on the visible board. Doing so does not expend any Ratings.

Triage (prerequisite: Medic1): when using the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect, this model may roll a D6 for each affected ally. On the roll of a 6, that model also regains 1 Wound previously lost this Mission.

Warp Token (prerequisite: Psychic Sense1): when using the "None Shall Break My Resolve" effect, this model gains an additional +1 to Deny attempts.

Whispered in Darkness (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when using the "Strike for the Heart of the Beast" effect, affected allies can reroll up to 2 failed Wound rolls against the specified enemy instead of only the first.

Tier 2 Talents

Abhorrence: this model may attempt to Deny enemy psychic powers that target them directly. If the model is already able to Deny, they gain +D3 to the attempt.

Advanced Tactics: Bounding Fire (prerequisite: Tactics2): if this model starts and ends its Movement Phase in Cover, enemy models suffer -1 to hit this model. If this model does not Move or Advance in its Movement Phase, but remains in Cover while an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range does Move or Advance, this model increases its own weapon's Rate of Fire by +1 in all Firing Modes during its 1st Shooting Phase.

Advanced Tactics: Covering Fire (prerequisite: Tactics2): if this model does not Move or Advance in its Movement Phase, but remains in Cover while an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range does Move or Advance, this model increases its own weapon's Rate of Fire by +1 in all Firing Modes during all of its Shooting Phases and may use Suppression on the same Turn it Shoots to kill.

Advanced Tactics: Mine Layer (prerequisite: Demolition1 and Tactics1): if this model is equipped with a mine or bomb that must be emplaced, this model may emplace the Marker up to 6" away from its current position or, if it passes a BS test (literally just roll to hit as if the model were Shooting at a target), up to 2D6" distant. If the model fails their BS test, the mine or bomb is limited to a 6" range.

Advanced Tactics: Suppressing Fire (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Command1): choose one allied model in Cohesion Range. When that model Shoots this Turn, any targets it hits, but fails to Wound automatically become Pinned instead. Pinned enemy models cannot Move, Advance, Charge, or Shoot until a Mini Boss Moves to within 3" of them or a Boss Monster Moves to within 6" of them.

Applied Learning: this model earns +1 XP from "Successfully using a Skill".

Applied Strategy: this model earns +1 XP from "Every enemy model slain".

Catechist (prerequisite: Inspire2): this model adds an additional effect to their Inspire Skill called "Righteous Fury of the Astartes", with the following use: All allied space marines in Cohesion Range deal 1 Mortal Wound in addition to their normal Damage when they roll 6s to hit until the start of their next Turn.

Clever**: this model may choose 1 additional effect from the corresponding Skill's list when they successfully test that Skill.

Deathwing Crux (prerequisite: Deathwing Inductee Talent): this model qualifies to equip Terminator Armor 2+, regardless of its Renown.

Field Promotion (prerequisite: Leadership 10+ and Command2): this model gains +1 CP.

Field Surgeon (prerequisite: Triage): when using the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect, this model may roll a D6 for each affected ally. On the roll of a 4+, that model removes an additional Wound Token. If that model has no Wound Tokens left to remove for this effect, they instead regain 1 Wound previously lost this Mission. This ability has no effect on models that have either lost no Wounds this Mission or who are otherwise already healed to their maximum starting Wounds.

Forethought: if this model has 2 or more Skills they may expend 1 Rating of any of their Skills to instead use an effect of another one of their Skills. For instance, a model with Command1 and Stealth1, could use their Command Rating to use their Stealth Skill twice or vice versa.

Improved Concentration: improve this models Skill Stat by 1 (4+ becomes 3+, 3+ becomes 2+ , etc.).

Light it Up!: when using the "Fire on my Target" effect of the Command Skill, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range, excluding this model, may fire 1 additional shot at the target without expending any ammunition.

Malleus Doctrine (prerequisite: either Psychic Sense2, the ability to Deny psychic powers, or Black Wasps, Black Templars, or Red Hunters Chapter): when fighting against Daemons or Daemonic Engines, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Orienteering (prerequisite: Stealth2 or Tactics1): after Deployment, but before the 1st Battleround begins, this model may make a free 6" Move.

Pinion Doctrine (prerequisite: either Stealth2, the Cohort Talent, or Ravenguard Chapter and their successors): this model may set-up anywhere on the tabletop at least 9" away from a revealed enemy model, regardless of the Deployment option chosen.

Savage Tactician (prerequisite: Tactics1): this model gains +1XP on any Turn it ends the Fight Phase within 1" of an enemy model.

Scholarly (prerequisite: 4 or more Rating in 2 or more Skills): this model may use 2 Skills per Turn instead of only 1.

Unbreakable Resolve (prerequisite: Command2 or Inspire2): this model gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save when reduced to 1 Wound. If this model then survives the enemy Shooting or enemy's Turn of the Fight Phase where this Invulnerable Save was earned, all allied models in Cohesion Range gain +1 Leadership until the start of their next Command Phase. The 4+ Invulnerable Save remains until the model heals up to 2 or more Wounds or the Mission ends, whichever comes first.

Warp Embraced (prerequisite: Psychic Sense3): whenever an allied Astartes model removes an enemy psyker "Marked" by the "For my Eyes See" effect of Psychic Sense as a casualty within Cohesion Range, this model gains an additional +1XP, +1 Renown, and +1 Corruption.

Warp Touched (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): whenever an allied Astartes model removes an enemy psyker "Marked" by the "For my Eyes See" effect of Psychic Sense as a casualty within Cohesion Range, this model gains an additional +1XP.

Tier 3 Talents

Advanced Tactics: Ambush (prerequisite: Tactics2 and Stealth1): if this model successfully uses the "I am at one with Shadow" effect of their Stealth Skill, their next Shooting Attack gains +1 to hit, +1 Damage, 1 better AP, and, if they survive, forces their target to make a Leadership test at -3. If they fail, the target counts as Pinned until a Mini Boss or Boss Monster Moves to within 3" of that model.

Apothecariat Supreme (prerequisite: Field Surgeon): when using the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect, this model removes D3 Wound Tokens instead of just 1 for each model affected. Roll once and apply the result to all affected models. Alternatively, instead of removing these Wound Tokens, this model may heal 1 Wound previously lost this Mission to each affected model. The controlling player choses which effect, marine by marine, they prefer to use. This ability has no effect on models that have lost no Wounds this Mission or who are otherwise already healed to their maximum starting Wounds; or who otherwise have garnered no Wound Tokens.

Icon of Virtue (prerequisite: Catechist): at the start of every Mission, this model chooses 1 of the effects of the Inspire Skill and applies that effect to itself for the duration of that Mission. This does not cost a Rating. For every squad mate who can draw line of sight to this model when the chosen effect turns a failed roll into a successful one, this model earns +1 Renown.

Lord Commander (prerequisite: Field Promotion Talent and either Leadership 11+ or Command4): this model gains +1 CP.

Pour it on Them! (prerequisite: Light Them Up! Talent): when using the "Fire on my Target" effect of the Command Skill, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range, including this model, may roll 1 additional die when rolling to hit and drop the lowest roll.

Quick Study (prerequisite: at least 2 Rating in any 1 Skill): this model can sacrifice 2 Rating from any 1 Skill to use any standard effect from any other Skill, even if they don't have that Skill and even if it is normally not available to them because of their Specialty.

Renowned Intellect (prerequisite: Applied Learning and Applied Strategy Talents): this model earns +1 Renown every time it successfully passes a Skill test.

Sharp Mind** (prerequisite: 1 or more Ratings in 2 or more Skills): whenever this model successfully passes a Skill test, they may also select an effect from any other Skill they have Ratings in. For instance, a model with Stealth1, Command1 and Forbidden Knowledge1 that successfully tests Command could then select any 1 effect from either Stealth or Forbidden Knowledge and apply that result as well. Doing this does not remove Ratings from that other Skill.

**Models with both of these Talents select 2 effects from the used Skill and 1 from amongst all the effects of all of their Skills.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/25 20:20:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Miscellaneous Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Absolver (prerequisite: Chaplain only): improve this model's Remove Corruption ability by +1.

Acute Senses: in Missions where visibility is limited, this model adds +4" to its visibility range.

Ally of the [Chapter]: choose any Chapter except your own. Whenever this model achieves an Objective, any marine from that Chapter also gains +1 Renown and vice versa. The Chapter selected for this Talent cannot be the same Chapter as that selected for the Rival [Chapter] Talent.

Moved from Skill Talents Applied Violence (prerequisite: any Talent with the word "Fighter" in it): this model gains +1XP at the end of the Fight Phase if there are no enemy models in Engagement Range of it.

Atonement: if this model does not equip any Relics during the Arming Phase, but the Squad finishes the Mission with a Relic in their possession, this model gains an additional +1 Renown.

Attuned to the Darkness: in Missions where visibility is limited due to darkness conditions, this model adds +2" to the Cohesion Range of its allies.

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion0): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 6".

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion1): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 12".

Come Alive in the Darkness: in Missions where visibility is limited due to darkness conditions, this model becomes immune to being Shaken and all enemy models in Cohesion Range suffer -1 to their Leadership.

Deceitful (prerequisite: Heralds and Blood Ravens space marines only): this model can treat its Renown as 10 points higher than it actually is for the purposes of meeting the Threshold of items during the Arming Phase of a Mission. Doing so earns this model +1 Corruption.

Devastator Doctrine (prerequisite: any 3 other Doctrine Talents or Devastator Specialty): Heavy Weapons this model is equipped with improve their AP by 1.

Direction Sense: if this model is deployed on an Exploration Mission with a variable duration, this Talent allows an extra die to be rolled and the squad decides which number to use.

Dodge: this model gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting Attacks.

Enemy of the Mechanicum (restrictions: cannot be taken by Knights Amethyst, Iron Hands, or Heralds): this model does not suffer Renown loss for failed Missions in service to any Faction of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Enhanced Senses: in Missions where visibility is limited, this model adds +4" to its visibility range.

Favorite Adversary [Faction]: whenever any Adversaries from the chosen [Faction] are present during the Mission, this model gains +1 Renown if they Shoot at or Engage those Adversaries in the Fight Phase at least once over the course of the Mission.

Grunt: this model gains +1 Capacity.

Hussle Up: up to a number of times equal to their Toughness per Mission, this model may add +D3" to its Move without counting as Advancing.

Inherent Sense of Direction: if this model is deployed on an Exploration Mission, this model may reduce the overall duration of this Mission by -D3 hours (to a minimum of 1 hour).

Inured to the Ravages of Chaos: this model gains +1 maximum Corruption.

Mule (prerequisite: Grunt): this model gains +1 Capacity.

Oath of the Redeemer: during the Arming Phase of a Mission, roll a D6 for every model in the squad that already has 1 or more points of Corruption. On a 5+ give 1 of that marine's Corruption points to this model. If the model with this Talent survives the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, remove all Corruption points gained during the Arming Phase. If this model is removed as a casualty, all surviving members of the squad gain an additional +1 Corruption from this Mission.

Overkill: whenever this model inflicts more Wounds on a target than it has, and removes that model as a casualty, this model gains +1 Renown.

Rapid Advance Docrine (prerequisite: 2 or more other Doctrine Talents): this model treats any Rapid Fire weapons it carries as if they were Assault weapons.

Retcon: if this model has enough Renown left, after arming for a Mission, but its player wishes it had purchased a particular piece of Wargear or Weapon, it may "retcon" the purchase. Simply deduct the appropriate amount of Renown and arm the item. This is a useful Talent when a squad finds itself confronted by an enemy or an obstacle for which a particular piece of Wargear or a particular Weapon would make life easier, but whose players simply couldn't predict they'd need it during the Arming Phase of the Mission. Like a Chainfist for a sealed bulkhead. Or a Flamer versus a carpet of grots.

Rival [Chapter]: pick any Chapter except the one to which this model belongs (most usefully one of the Chapters of the other models in the squad). On any Mission where a model from the Rival [Chapter] and this model both deployed, if this model out-performs its Rival (by killing more enemy models, achieving more Objectives, and/or winning more Fights), this model earns an additional +1 Renown at the end of the Mission.*

Scout Doctrine: this model may deploy anywhere on the revealed map that is not in line of sight of any enemy models.

Servant of the Ordos (prerequisite: Cohesion3, any combination of 4 Hatred, Contempt, Righteous Indignation, and/or Detestation of the [Faction] Talents, or Red Hunters Chapter): this model gains +D3+1 Renown on Missions where all of the adversaries are Xenos or all the adversaries are Daemons and this model accounts for the most enemy casualties. GMs, if one of your players takes this Talent make sure there are Missions where it becomes relevent.

Sprinter: on one of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Swift: this model rolls 2 dice when Advancing and takes the preferred score.

Tactical Doctrine: Rapid Fire weapons this model is equipped with improve their AP by 1.

Talented [Skill]**] (prerequisite: 1 or more Ratings in the Skill chosen for this Talent): this model gains +1 to their Skill test the first time they use the Skill associated with this Talent per Mission.

Techno Babble: whenever this model's Squad would gain Esteem with any Admech Faction, increase that gain by +1. This marine has learned just enough jargon to make himself sound like he knows what he's talking about.

Trophy-Taker: if this model is in base contact with an Adversary that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds when it is removed as a casualty, this model gains an additional +1XP.

*This Talent can be taken multiple times. Each time, choose a different Rival [Chapter].

Tier 2 Talents

Abhorrence (Black Templars treat this Talent as Tier 1): this model may attempt to Deny enemy psychic powers that target them directly. If the model is already able to Deny the Witch, they instead gain +D3 to their roll when they attempt to do so in this qualifying circumstance.

Agile (prerequisite: Dodge): this model's Dodge Save improves by 1, becoming a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting attacks.

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion2): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 18".

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion3): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 24".

Conditioned Against Corruption: this model increases their maximum Corruption by +2.

Eidetic Memory: In Exploration Missions where there is an option to roll on a "Treasure Table", and this model is the Mission Leader, this model may re-roll 1 of the dice. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they may instead modify 1 of the die rolls by +/-1.

Emperor's Wrath (prerequisite: Codicier Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Emperor's Wrath. It has a Warp Charge of 5+. If successfully cast, the Psyker may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: Range 18", Assault D6, Strength 5, AP -4, Damage 1.

Fanatic (1) (prerequisite: Inspire2): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Contempt Talents.

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (1)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Contempt Talents.

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (2)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Contempt Talents.

Fury of the Ancients (prerequisite: Lexicanum Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Fury of the Ancients. It has a Warp Charge of 7+. If successfully cast, the Psyker may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: measure a straight line from the psyker out to 20". This Attack targets every model touched by that line. Assault, Strength 6, AP -3, Damage D2. Enemy models hit by this attack, but who survive are automatically Pinned.

High Endurance (prerequisite: Sprinter Talent): on two of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Higher Endurance (prerequisite: High Endurance Talent): on three of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Highest Endurance (prerequisite: Higher Endurance Talent): on four of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Honed Senses (prerequisite: Acute or Enhanced Senses): in Missions where visibilty is limited, this model adds +4" to its visibility range.

Monster-Hunter: this model gains a +1 bonus when rolling to Wound Monstrous Creatures.

Monster Slayer: this model gains an additional +1XP when it removes the last Wound from an enemy Monstrous Creature that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds.

Questionable Conditioning (Heralds, Blood Ravens, and any Cursed Founding Chapters treat this as a Tier 1 Talent): increase this model's maximum Corruption by +2. However, this model also gains 1 Corruption when they take this Talent.

Resourceful: this model counts their Renown as 5 higher than it actually is when arming for a Mission. This bonus Renown is not counted when calculating whether or not a marine qualifies for Threshold. This bonus is temporary and only lasts until the end of the Mission.

Tank Hunter: this model gains a +1 bonus when rolling to Wound Vehicles.

Tank Destroyer: this model gains an additional +1XP when it removes the last Wound from an enemy Vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds.

Tech-Savant: after the terrain has been set up, but before Deployment, this model may place up to D3 Terminals anywhere in the revealed terrain as long as each Terminal is no closer than 9" from any Deployment Zone or any other Terminal already placed.

Trophy-Hunter: when this model removes the last Wound from an Adversary that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds, it gains +1 Renown.

Veil of Time (prerequisite: Codicier Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Viel of Time. It has a Warp Charge of 8+. If successfully cast, the Psyker may take an extra Movement, Shooting, or Fight Phase in their next Turn.

Very Talented [Skill]** (prerequisite: 2 or more Ratings in the Skill chosen for this Talent): this model gains +1 to their Skill test on the first and second uses of the Skill associated with this Talent per Mission.

Zealot (1) (prerequisite: Inspire1): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Hatred Talents.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (1)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Hatred Talents.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (2)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Hatred Talents.

Tier3 Talents

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion4): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 30".

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (3)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Contempt Talents.

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (4)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Contempt Talents.

Fury Doctrine: versus Minion Adversaries with 2 or more Wounds, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Iron Mind (prerequisite: Eidetic Memory): during Exploration Missions, if this model is the Mission Leader, it may re-roll up to all the dice when rolling on "Treasure Tables". If they are not the Mission Leader, they may modify up to 2 dice by +/-1 or 1 dice by +/-2.

Might of Heroes (prerequisite: Epistolary Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Might of Heroes. It has a Warp Charge of 6+. If successfully cast, the Psyker immediately gains +2 Strength, Toughness, and Attacks. These effects last until the start if this model's next Psychic Phase.

Most Talented [Skill]** (prerequisite: 2 or more Ratings in the Skill chosen for this Talent): this model gains a re-roll for their Skill test on the first and second uses of the Skill associated with this Talent per Mission.

Psychic Fortress (prerequisite: Lexicanum Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Psychic Fortress. It has a Warp Charge of 9+. If successfully cast, all allies in Cohesion Range of the Psyker immediately recover from being Shaken or Pinned, become immune to the effects of failed Morale checks, and gain a 4+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Psychic Powers used against them until the start of this model's next Psychic Phase.

Voice of the Catechist (prerequisite: Absolver Talent): improve this model's Remove Corruption ability by +1.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (3)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Hatred Talents.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (4)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Hatred Talents.

*A different Skill must be chosen for each of these Talents.
*This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time, select a different Skill.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/27 08:18:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Survival Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Assault Doctrine (prerequisite: Tactics1): improve the AP of Assault weapons used by this model by 1.

Brutish Physique: when rolling Toughness tests to resist Falling damage, this model counts its Toughness as 1 higher than it actually is.

Deathless Will: when this model is reduced to 1 Wound it may ignore future Wounds on the D6 roll of a 5+.

Dive for Cover: when an enemy model shoots at this model from a higher elevation (at least 3" higher) and this model is within 2" of a terrain feature, this model counts as being in Cover from the Shooter's shots.

Drop Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tactics): on any Turn where this model deploys using Deep Strike, it receives a 6+ Invulnerable Save or a +1 improvement to any Invulnerable Save it already has.

Faith is my Shield: once per Mission, this model may ignore a single Wound, as long as that Wound is not its last.

Fated*: reduce the first Mortal Wound suffered by this model in every Mission to a normal Wound.

Hardened: Increase this marine's Toughness by +1.

Hard to Kill: against the first Wound of every Shooting Phase, treat this model's Toughness as 1 higher than it actually is.

Hard Target: if this model Advances during their Movement Phase, enemy models suffer -1 to hit this model in their own Shooting Phase.

Heavy (prerequisite: Strength 5): this model reduces the Capacity of all Wargear it carries that weighs 03 or more by -01.

Hunker Down: if this model is within 1" of a terrain feature they may sacrifice their 1st Shooting Phase to grant themselves a +1 Armor Save bonus until the start of their next Turn.

Implant Recovery: this model gains a 1XP discount on all Cybernetic Implants it qualifies for.

Iron Jaw: whenever this model rolls on the Injury Table, it treats its total Wound Tokens as 1 less than they actually are.

Like no Mortal*: this model can make an Armor or Invulnerable Save against the first Mortal Wound suffered in every Mission.

Mutable Physiology (prerequisite: Toughness 5 or more): against weapons with the Toxic Quality this model may re-roll its Toughness tests.

Ossific Overstim: at the end of any Mission where this model was removed as a casualty, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, this model removes 1 Wound Token from their total before rolling on the Recovery Table. For every 4 such successful rolls, this models adds 1 to this die roll. A Black Dragons Marine that takes this Talent will succeed on a 5+.

Overshielded: if this model is equipped with a Storm Shield - in addition to its normal protections - it gains +1 Invulnerable Save versus enemy hits in the Shooting Phase.

Refusal to Die: at the end of any Turn where this model was reduced to 0 Wounds, but it was not removed as a casualty nor did it become an Objective, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, it regenerates 1 Wound.

Relentless Advance Doctrine (prerequisite: Tactics1): until the end of this model's 2nd Turn it receives a bonus +1 Armor Save whenever they Advance in their Movement Phase.

Resist Cataclysm: If an Event effect would cause 1 or more Wounds on this model, it suffers 1 fewer than rolled (to a minimum of 0).

Resist Corruption: whenever this model would normally gain 1 or more points of Corruption, roll a D6. On a 6, reduce the total gained by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the model has another means of resisting Corruption, such as a Chaplain's Reduce Corruption ability, this Talent instead improves that roll by 1.

Resist Pain (prerequisite: Toughness 5 or more, or Imperial Fists): any time this model would gain 1 or more Wound Tokens, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, reduce the number of Wound Tokens gained by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Right Place: once per Mission this model may discount a single Wound caused by enemy Shooting or discount a single hit from an enemy's Melee Attacks.

Seige Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tactics): on any Turn after the 1st that this model does not Move or Advance, it receives an additional bonus +1 Armor Save from being in Cover.

Soul Bastion: this model treats the first Mortal Wound inflicted by a Psychic Power in every Psychic Phase as a normal Wound.

Survivor (prerequisite: Toughness 5): once per Mission, when this model would be reduced to 0 Wounds, reduce all Damage from that hit to 0 and instead add +3 Wound Tokens to them.

The Binding (prerequisite: ability to Deny psychic powers): whenever this model attempts to Deny psychic powers, they may roll an extra D6 and take the 2 best scores.

Tough: increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

*When these 2 Talents are used in conjunction, Fated turns the 1st Mortal Wound into a normal Wound and Like no Mortal therefore negates the 2nd Mortal Woundof the Mission.

Tier 2 Talents

Aerospace Doctrine (prerequisite: 60+ Renown): on Missions where the Teleportarium is not functioning, this model may pay 50 Renown for a Thunderhawk on standby. When models would normally be Teleported away, but instead become Objectives, if no enemy model reaches them after 1 Turn, they are removed from play to safety by Chapter Serfs operating out of the Thunderhawk as rescue crews. This Talent also reduces the Threshold for the Iudicium Relic Thunderhawk from 150 to 100.

Armor Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tactics): if this model is deployed in a vehicle of any kind, it adds +1 to that vehicle's Armor Save. If this model shoots at an enemy vehicle of any kind, it adds +1 Damage to any weapon it uses against that vehicle.

Bulwark: if this model does not Move or Advance, they may add +1 to their Armor Saves until the start of their next Turn.

Chem-boosted Survivalist (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Medic): at the start of any Turn where this marine has any Wound Tokens, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, reduce this model's Wound Token total by 1.

Command Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Command): any time this model uses a Rating with their Command Skill or expends 1 or more CP, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, they keep their Rating or 1 of their CP instead of expending it.

Divine Protection: once per Mission, if one or more Allies can draw line of sight to this model, they may ignore all Damage from a single hit. If this model survives the Turn, all allied Astartes that can draw line of sight to this model gain +1XP.

Inured to Pain (prerequisite: Resist Pain): when rolling on the Injury Table, this model ignores its first Wound Token gain in every Mission.

No Retreat: if this model is Engaged with enemy models in the Movement Phase during the opponent's Turn and the enemy declares that they are Falling Back, this model may immediately Move towards them up to its Move distance. If this Move brings it to within 1" of the enemy models, both units count as still Engaged.

No Surrender: when outnumbered 3:1 or worse in the Fight Phase, this model may take 1 extra Pistol shot without expending any Ammo in its Shooting Phase.

Parting Shot: when this model declares a Fall Back during the Movement Phase, it may immediately make 1 Pistol shot at the enemy models it was just Engaged with, without expending any Ammo.

Power Through (prerequisite: Resist Pain): when rolling on the Recovery Table, Heavily Wounded removes an extra Wound Token (3 instead of 2).

Prayer of the Purifier (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in either Command or Tactics): if this model does not Move, Advance, Charge, or Shoot on its Turn, roll a D3 at the end of its Turn. This is the number of Wound Tokens the model removes.

Relentless Will: this model gains the ability to ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 5+. If this model already has an ability to do this or has an ability to do this under special circumstances, this Talent improves that by 1.

Self-Repairing Armor (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tech): starting on the 2nd Turn of every Mission, against hits that would normally negate this model's Armor Save because of AP, this model gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save.

Shed Corruption (prerequisite: Shunt Corruption): whenever this model would gain 1 or more Corruption, they may attempt to pass 1 of those to an Allied Deathwatch model in Cohesion Range. Roll a D6. On the roll of a 3-4 this model may subtract 1 from the number of Corruption they are about to gain (this can reduce that amount to 0) and give it to their Ally. On the roll of a 5+ this model may subtract 2 from the number of Corruption they are about to gain (this can reduce that amount to 0) and give 1 to their Ally. On the roll of a 1, this model does not reduce their Corruption at all, but their Ally still gains 1 Corruption.

Shunt Corruption: whenever this model would gain 1 or more Corruption, they may attempt to pass 1 of those to an Allied Deathwatch model in Cohesion Range. Roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+ this model may subtract 1 from the number of Corruption they are about to gain (this can reduce that amount to 0) and give it to their Ally. On the roll of a 1, this model does not reduce their Corruption, but their Ally still gains 1 Corruption.

Stoic Resolve (prerequisite: any 3 other Survival Talents): this model may opt to do nothing during either their Movement or Shooting Phase to roll a D6. On the roll of a 3+, this model regenerates 1 Wound lost earlier this Mission.

Tougher (prerequisite: Tough): increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

Wisdom Doctrine (prerequisite: 50+ Renown): if this model suffers the 9+ result on the Injury Table and cannot afford or chooses not to take the Cyborg Talent, a Dreadnaught body is provided for them. Refer to the Wargear Section for new arming options.

Tier 3 Talents

Legend of the Imperium (prerequisite: Toughest Talent): increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1

Regeneration: if this model does not Move or Advance, it regains 1 Wound at the end of the Movement Phase. If this model does not Shoot in any of its Shooting Phases, it regains 1 Wound at the end of the Phase. If this model does not Charge and is also not Engaged in the Fight Phase, it regains 1 Wound at the end of the Morale Phase. This ability can only be used to regenerate lost Wounds; it cannot be used to gain more Wounds than its maximum. This ability cannot be used if the model is Shaken or Pinned.

Resist Death (prerequisite: Power Through plus any 2 other Tier 2 Survival Talents): this Talent mitigates the death caused by the roll of a 15+ on the Recovery Table. Instead, treat the model as Incapacitated. It must sit out the next Mission. At the end of that Mission roll a D6. On a 4+ the model becomes Heavily Wounded. On a 1, 2, or 3, the model remains Incapacitated and must sit out the next Mission as well. This model must keep sitting out Missions until it rolls a 4+ and progresses to Heavily Wounded.

Toughest (prerequisite: Tougher): increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

Unkillable: against weapons with a Strength of 7 or higher, this model treats its Toughness as 4 higher than it actually is.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/27 22:58:43

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Morale Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Commander (prerequisite: Command1): increase this model's Leadership by +1.

Courageous: whenever this model passes a Morale test it is called upon to take or they automatically pass a Morale test whenever their allies fail it, this model gains +1 Renown.

Dauntless: whenever this model can draw line of sight to an Adversary with the Fearsome or Terrifying Trait at the start of their Turn, they gain +1 Renown.

Determined: when within 3" of an Objective, this model becomes immune to being Shaken.

Dirge: enemy models in Cohesion Range of this model treat their Leadership as -1.

Draw Attention: if this model does not Shoot in the Shooting Phase they may designate themselves as the "Guy Who Needs Killing". In the enemy's next Shooting Phase, any model that can draw line of sight to this model must fire at this model. If the enemy's weapon lacks the range to hit this model, they simply cannot Shoot. If the model survives this barrage of fire, they gain +1 Renown.

Fearsome: enemy models and Units in Cohesion Range of this model add +1 to their D6 rolls for Morale (therefore ending up with a range of 2-7 instead of 1-6).

I am the Death Dealer: enemy Minibosses and Boss Monsters that have suffered 1 or more Wounds from this model's Shooting Attacks must pass a Toughness test in order to Charge this model. If they fail, they may redirect their Charge at another eligible target within range.

Indomitable: this model is immune to the effects of the Scary Trait. In addition, this model gains +1 XP at the end of any Mission that featured any Adversary with this Trait.

I Will Lend my Fire!: if a squad mate in Cohesion Range is Charged by an enemy and this model is not already Engaged in the Fight Phase, this model may fire Overwatch at that Charger without having to expend any CP to do so.

Neophyte* (Black Templars, Brotherhood of the Bolter, and Mortifactors may purchase this Talent for half price): this model gains a Neophyte companion, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player's must purchase Weapons and Wargear for their Neophyte from their own pool of Renown. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Neophyte continues to operate on its own. Refer to the Updated Squad Creation Rules on page 5 of this blog to see how Neophytes come equipped. Neophytes have the same Traits as the Chapter of the model that purchased this Talent. This Talent may be taken multiple times.

Over the Top: if this model is the Mission Leader and any allied Astartes can draw line of sight to this model when the squad passes a Morale test, this model gains +1 Renown.

Pairs Well With [Squad Mate]**: select 1 other model from this model's squad. Skill and Talent effects used by either model that benefit the other gain +2" range.

Protégé* (restriction: cannot be taken by Space Wolves and Black Templars): this model gains a Space Marine Scout companion, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player must use this model's Renown to purchase upgrades and Armor, Weapons, and Wargear for their Protégé. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Protégé must move into Cohesion Range with the closest allied model as soon as possible. Protégés come equipped with Scout Armor 4+, Weapons:Bolt Pistol, Astartes Knife, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, and 4 Standard Bolt Pistol Magazines, plus the same starting Trait(s) of their parent Chapter. Protégés are default Cohesion1 and retain this Talent even if they are eventually upgraded to primary character. Protégés begin with 2 Wounds.

[Rallying Point (prerequisite: Command1): this adds an effect to this model's Command Skill called "Set Rally Point" with the following description: this model may nominate any point on the tabletop in line of sight. Mark this location with a flag or other appropriate Marker. Any allied model that comes within 3" of this Marker automatically recovers from the effects of being Shaken and/or Pinned.]*if using the Revised Skill Rules, this Talent has been clarified and moved to the new Skill Talent Tree.

Ready for Command (prerequisite: Command2): this model generates +1 CP when it is the Mission Leader.

Remorseless: during the Morale Phase, if this model is the Mission Leader and any enemy models are within 1" of this model, this model rolls an extra D6 and takes the better score when testing Leadership.

Seige Wall (prerequisite: Draw Attention): while using the Draw Attention Talent this model gains +1 Armor Save.

Stalwart: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn and is in Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader, they become immune to the Shaken effect of failed Morale tests until the start of their next Turn. If the model is outside Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader, but haven't Moved or Advanced, they become Shaken instead of Pinned on failed Morale tests.

Sworn (prerequisite: Cohesion2): when in Cohesion Range of an allied Astartes model, this model gains +1 Leadership.

Tactician (prerequisite: Command2 or Tactics1): this model generates +1 CP at the start of each Mission.

Tank-Hunter: if there is an enemy vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or Wounds in line of sight to this model, this model becomes immune to being Shaken.

Terrifying (prerequisite: Fearsome Talent): enemy models and Units in Cohesion Range of this model add +1 to their D6 rolls for Morale (therefore coupled with Fearsome the range becomes 3-8 instead of 1-6).

There's Too Many of Them!: if this model is Charged and is in Cohesion Range of any allied Astartes and chooses to Overwatch, its shots hit on a 5+, rather than only on 6+.

Turn the Tide: if a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty within line of sight of this model, all enemy models in Cohesion Range of this model immediately suffer the Shaken condition.

Unflappable (prerequisite: Determined): adds +2" to the range of the Determined Talent.

Unshakable Faith: when in Cohesion Range of another model with the Inspire Skill, this model becomes immune to being Shaken.

Unstoppable: during the Morale Phase, if this model is the Mission Leader and there are no enemy models within 2" of this model, this model rolls an extra D6 and takes the better score when testing Leadership.

**This Talent may be taken more than once. Each time it is taken, nominate a different squad mate.

Tier 2 Talents

Battlebrothers (prerequisite:Pairs Well With [Squad Mate] Talent): for that same pairing of squad mates, Skill and Talent effects used by either model that benefit the other gain an additional +2" range.

Born Leader: increase this model's Leadership by +1.

Cohort*: this model gains a Tactical Space Marine companion, either from their own Chapter, one of their Successors, or, if applicable, its Primogenitors, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player must use this model's Renown to purchase upgrades and Armor, Weapons, and Wargear for their Cohort. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Cohort must move into Cohesion Range with the closest allied model as soon as possible. Cohorts come equipped with Powered Armor 3+, Weapons:Bolt Pistol, Astartes Knife, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, 4 Standard Bolt Pistol Magazines, Deathwatch Pattern Bolter and 4 Standard Bolter Magazines, plus the same starting Trait(s) of their parent Chapter. Cohorts are default Cohesion1 and retain this Talent even if they are eventually upgraded to primary character. Cohorts begin with 1 fewer Wounds than the model that purchased this Talent. If using the optional rules for duplicate Chapters, the Cohort does not count against this limit. This Talent is most useful for groups where each player controls an individual marine as it gives that player the added punch of controlling two models.

Coordinator (prerequisite: Cohesion3): for every 10 Renown this model's squadmates spend to equip themselves during the Arming Phase, this model generates +1 CP.

Exploit Hesitation (prerequisite: Turn the Tide): if a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty within line of sight of this model, enemy models and/or the units they are a part of in Cohesion Range of this model must immediately test their Leadership at -3 (roll a D6 and try to score equal to or less than this modified Stat; this isn't a Morale test). If they fail, the penalties imposed by Turn the Tide and/or Exploit Weakness last until the end of the Mission or until the models are slain, whichever comes first.

Exploit Weakness (prerequisite: Turn the Tide): if a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty within line of sight of this model, all enemy models in Cohesion range of this model immediately suffer -1 to their BS until the end of their next Turn.

Fearless: this model is immune to the effects of the Fearsome Trait and gains +1 Renown at the end of any Mission where there were Adversaries with the Fearsome or Terrifying Trait present.

Fenrisian Cohort* (prerequisite: Space Wolves only): this model gains a Fenrisian Wolf companion, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player may pay 10 of its own Renown to equip the Wolf with Ceramite Barding 4+ that grants the Wolf immunity to the effects of vaccuum, and a saddle which allows the this model to ride the Wolf. Fenrisian Cohorts are default Cohesion2 and enter the Campaign with 4 Wounds.

Ferocious Fighter: during the Morale Phase, if any enemy model is within 1" of this model, that enemy and/or the unit it is a part of, must roll an extra D6 and take the worst score when testing against their Leadership.

Indefatigable: this model is immune to the effects of the Terrifying Trait and gains +1 Renown at the start of any Battleround where they can draw line of sight to an Adversary model with the Fearsome or Scary Trait.

Precise Shooter: during the enemy's Morale Phase, if any enemy model was hit by this model's Shooting attacks, the enemy must roll an extra D6 and take the worst score when testing against their Leadership this Turn.

Purgatus Doctrine: versus Boss Monster Adversaries, this model re-rolls hit rolls of 1.

Revenge: when in Cohesion Range of an allied Astartes that is reduced to 0 Wounds, this model gains Hatred [The model who caused that Wound to his squad mate] and +1 Attack until the end of the Mission. The extra Attack remains until the end of the Mission, even if the model that triggered it subsequently regains their Wound. The Hatred remains until the model that triggered it is removed as a casualty or until the end of the Mission, whichever comes first. If more than 1 allied Astartes is reduced to 0 Wounds on a Turn, this model must choose which ally triggers this effect; it does not trigger for all of them. If an allied Astartes is reduced to 0 Wounds on a Turn and on the next or subsequent Turns, it or another allied Astartes is also reduced to 0 Wounds, this effect is triggered again. The Author recommends using a Marker of some sort to designate the enemy model that is the subject of this model's Hatred(s).

Vehement (prerequisite: any Melee Talent and Intimidate1): this model imposes a -2 penalty to Leadership tests for enemy models within Engagement Range.

Unshakable (prerequisite: Remoresless and Unstoppable): for every allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of this model, it gains +1 Leadership. If this brings the model's Leadership to 13 or more, it becomes immune to the Shaken and Pinned effects of failed Morale tests. This immunity goes away if this model's Leadership score drops back down to 12 or less for any reason.

Words of Weight (prerequisite: Command1): once per Mission this model may extend the range of any of its own Skill effects by +6".

Tier 3 Talents

Avenger (prerequisite: Sworn and Revenge): if this model lands the killing blow on an enemy model that triggered its Revenge Talent this model gains an additional +1 Renown. Additionally, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range when this criteria is met also gain +1 Renown.

Elite Cohort*: this model gains a Space Marine companion of any Specialty, either from their own Chapter, one of their Successors, or their Primogenitors' Chapter, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player must use this model's Renown to purchase upgrades and Armor, Weapons, and Wargear for their Elite Cohort. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Elite Cohort continues to operate on its own. Elite Cohorts come equipped with Powered Armor 3+, Weapons: Bolt Pistol, Astartes Knife, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, 4 Standard Bolt Pistol Magazines, and any other Weapons or Wargear their Specialty dictates, plus the same starting Trait(s) of their parent Chapter. Elite Cohorts are default Cohesion2 and retain this Talent even if they are eventually upgraded to primary character. Elite Cohorts begin with 4 Wounds. If using the optional rules for duplicate Chapters, the Cohort does not count against this limit. This Talent is most useful for groups where each player controls an individual marine as it gives that player the added punch of controlling two models.

Heroic Doctrine (prerequisite: any 2 other Doctrine Talents): if this model is the Mission Leader, reduce the cost of all Squadmates' Chapter Stratagems by -1 CP.

Space Marine Hero (prerequisite: Born Leader): increase this model's Leadership by +1.

Watch Captain* (prerequisite: Command3, 2 or more Rating in any 3 other Skills, and 2 each of any Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Talents, not including this one): this model gains a pool of 50 Renown that can be drawn from by any member of the squad during the Arming Phase of each Mission. This pool of Renown isn't factored when determining if a model qualifies for an item's Threshold. However, this Talent also allows the Watch Captain to designate any other squad mate as meeting the Threshold for a single item of Wargear, regardless of whether or not that model actually does meet the Threshold. Lastly, this model contributes an extra 2CP to the Mission Pool and, if they are the Mission Leader, their controlling player may roll a D6 every time a Stratagem is used, refunding 1CP spent to the Mission Pool on the roll of a 5+.

*Only one model per squad may take this Talent.

*The models provided by these Talents do not gain Renown and only earn XP for surviving a Mission or completing Objectives, unless or until the original controlling marine is killed and the player decides to take on the companion as their primary character. Companion models can only spend their XP on Talents that improve their Stats until they become primary characters. Scouts and Neophytes can be upgraded to Assault Marines or Tactical Marines when their controlling marine dies or they can remain Scouts or Neophytes. Fenrisian Wolves cannot be taken on as primary characters, but will join the player's replacement character as a free Cohort, regardless of that character's Chapter. If players opt not to take their companions on as primary characters, they are lost, along with all of its XP and Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/28 19:43:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Assets of the Deathwatch

First and foremost, the most valuable Assets the Deathwatch can deploy are its Marines. But this is not said to diminish the value of its Aresenal. The frigate Intolerance is trapped in this forsaken system, at least until the marines deployed to it can thwart the catastrophic birth of a new hulk. However, this growing malignancy is also trapped in this system with them. Perhaps it was fate or the divine hand of the Emperor that lead the Intolerance here. Regardless, this was not the intended destination of this vessel.

Erophon, Watch Captain and leader of this mission, was originally tasked with bringing recruits and munitions to the fortress world of Krioss - a bulwark against the Tyranid onslaught and a secret outpost world of the Ordo Xenos. The Intolerance, therefore, was packed to the gills with weapons and ammunition to both equip the recruits and to re-arm the planet's myriad defenses. While this unforeseen sidetrack spells drought and likely doom for Krioss, it is no small blessing to the task now laid before you.

Teleportarium Array

On such a small ship, a Teleportarium is an indulgence; a masterwork of technologies long extinct. Not large enough to Teleport boarding teams sufficient to take down capital ships, it nevertheless provides a tempermental means of transporting small teams of fighters or significant stores of munitions to and from orbit without detection. The maximum safe capacity of the array is 10 marines or a single ton of supplies. After transport, the Teleportarium requires at least an hour of cool-down before it can safely be reactivated for retrieval. Exceeding this limitation runs considerable risk.


Unless there has been a Narrative Setback, the Teleportarium will always be a Deployment option. Additionally, every marine's suit of powered armor is equipped with a homing beacon that automatically activates in the event the marine becomes a casualty. So long as the Teleportarium is functioning, casualties are automatically Teleported back to the safety of the Intolerance.

When some Missions end, the entire squad is Teleported back to the Intolerance. In other Missions, as noted in their descriptions, the team stays onboard the [++Redacted++] and munitions are Teleported to them. Always refer to the Mission's description when determining the parameters of Deployment and Extraction.

When Teleporting, there is no roll. It either happens or it doesn't. The only time a roll is made for the Teleportarium is if the player(s) decide they want to try to transport 11 or more marines. Then roll 2D6 for each model in the oversized squad. Any roll of double 1s or double 6s indicate that that model is gone - lost to the Immaterium forever - along with all of his Wargear, XP, and Renown. Losing any marines in this way temporarily shuts down the array, rendering it nonfunctioning for the next Mission. This counts as a Narrative Setback.

Many Missions will include an Objective where the marines must place a Beacon. Beacons are homing devices for the Teleportarium to lock on to. Careful consideration should be used when placing these Beacons as future Missions' Deployment Zones are often determined by the location of these devices. Placing a Beacon in an unsecured location may tempt enemies to move it once the squad has Teleported away.

Deployments made with Teleportarium Array use the Teleportarium parameters for both deployment zone and extraction, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/30 03:07:01

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag


The Intolerance is also blessed with the Relic Thunderhawk Iudicium, a heavily modified gunship outfitted with a micro-teleportation array and Dreadnaught cradle. Able to transport up to 16 marines or half as many terminators, plus a single Dreadnaught, Iudicium's true marvel is its single-marine, short-range Teleportarium. Not effective for insertions, this array is most useful for extracting dead or gravely injured Astartes from battlefields less than 5 kilometers distant.

Unlike the array onboard the Intolerance, Iudicium's Teleportarium requires a Turn to spool up. This means that casualties reduced to 0 Wounds do not automatically get removed from the table and so must endure 1 whole Turn as an Objective before extraction. Use of Iudicium is restricted by its high Threshold, however models with the Aerospace Doctrine Talent may mitigate this.

Deployments made with Iudicium use the Thunderhawk Insertion deployment zone parameters, but the Teleportarium extraction parameters, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.


The other Thunderhawk on board the Intolerance is known as the Deliverant. It has a transport capacity of up to 30 marines, or half as many terminators or jump troopers. The Deliverant has a far more limited range for extraction than the Iudicium and so many only be used in Missions that skirt the edges of the [++Redacted++].

Deployments made with the Deliverant use the Thunderhawk Insertion for both deployment zone and extraction parameters, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.

The Deadfall

While the Intolerance is not equipped with torpedo bays, it does have in its magazine a single boarding torpedo known as the Insidiatori Mortuum. More commonly referred to as "The Deadfall", this one use boarding craft requires 5 hours of prep time to deploy, but allows up to 30 marines, or half as many terminators, to bore deep into the heart of the ancient wreckage laid before them. As stated, the Insidiatori Mortuum is a one-time Deployment Option that can significantly alter the course of the campaign when used judiciously.

Deployments made with Insidiatori Mortuum use the Boarding Torpedo deployment zone parameters, and the Teleportarium extraction parameters, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/30 06:19:40

Post by: Brutallica

Oh man this looks really good! Might give it a shot next saturday if i can talk some of the guys into it.

But i gotta rant abit. I might tweak the Space Wolves ability. You portrey SW as great shooters who wants to charge the nearst thing mindlessly. I think you missed more stuff from the canis helix geneseed, such as the extreme ferocity and the enhanced physical, including the chance for becoming a wulfen if pushed to the very limit....And not just the classical "fluffy ears, good eyesight and bad temper".

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/30 08:20:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 Brutallica wrote:
Oh man this looks really good! Might give it a shot next saturday if i can talk some of the guys into it.

But i gotta rant abit. I might tweak the Space Wolves ability. You portrey SW as great shooters who wants to charge the nearst thing mindlessly. I think you missed more stuff from the canis helix geneseed, such as the extreme ferocity and the enhanced physical, including the chance for becoming a wulfen if pushed to the very limit....And not just the classical "fluffy ears, good eyesight and bad temper".

The wulfen are the recruits who fail. They cannot tame the savage that grows inside them and they become mindless. Not ferocious. Animals. That is not anything to be proud of.

Besides, ALL space marine chapters' geneseeds make them stronger. Space Wolves don't corner the market on strong just because they look like vikings. Remember that the Blood Claws (assault) are heedless attackers and therefore only they get the Reckless trait.

Visibility is not just about shooting. Sometimes you have to sneak past your enemy. If you can't see them, you can't know where to move to do that.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/30 13:34:32

Post by: Brutallica

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
 Brutallica wrote:
Oh man this looks really good! Might give it a shot next saturday if i can talk some of the guys into it.

But i gotta rant abit. I might tweak the Space Wolves ability. You portrey SW as great shooters who wants to charge the nearst thing mindlessly. I think you missed more stuff from the canis helix geneseed, such as the extreme ferocity and the enhanced physical, including the chance for becoming a wulfen if pushed to the very limit....And not just the classical "fluffy ears, good eyesight and bad temper".

The wulfen are the recruits who fail. They cannot tame the savage that grows inside them and they become mindless. Not ferocious. Animals. That is not anything to be proud of.
Oh, they do become insanely dangerous none the less! Not just dirty animals that will pee on your carpet. Yes im totally proud about the inner beast that can potentially awaken.

Besides, ALL space marine chapters' geneseeds make them stronger. Space Wolves don't corner the market on strong just because they look like vikings. Remember that the Blood Claws (assault) are heedless attackers and therefore only they get the Reckless trait.
No geneseed is the same obviously. Thats what im getting at if any geneseed is makes a Astartes suited for melee fighting its defenetly the wolves. Our primarch was the executioner none the less. Anyways what im getting at is Space Wolves, could be better than you represent them whereas your Blood Angel assault marines are basicly Death Company with double attacks after first kill. Personally id probably include some bonus and extra rules for the the Space Wolf Champion and give some extra attack bonus for the assault marine, blood claws are more than just heedless, comeon. Anyways you seem to really love what you have done, and whatever makes you happy man, you are the designer, im just a lazy fanboy who wants a peice of the pie after all .

Visibility is not just about shooting. Sometimes you have to sneak past your enemy. If you can't see them, you can't know where to move to do that.
My bad, i misunderstood their representation.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/30 16:25:03

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I've slept on your comment and recognize that I did the Space Wolves first. It is clear you are a Space Wolf player and I find everyone argues the strongest for the Chapter that they play. However, I'll revisit the fluff and their Chapter Bonuses in comparison to the other Chapters and see what I can come up with.

In the meanwhile stay tuned for the Wargear Section, the Missions, Adversaries and how/when to run them, the Narrative and NPCs, & a selection of Spaceships to chose from when adding mass to the hulk at every 9th hour.

Thanks for your interest and feedback, Brutallica.

Edit: I've changed the Devastator's Bonus to better reflect the Long Fang's experience and instead of totally revamping the Space Wolves' other Bonuses, I'm creating another Talent Tree called Elite Talents that are all Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 abilities tailored to specific Chapters, including the Space Wolves.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/07/30 22:06:01

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Elite Talents

Tier 2

Anvil of Strength (prerequisite: Salamanders and their successors only): this model gains +1 Strength.

Artisan Without Equal (prerequisite: Salamanders and their Successors only): this model may upgrade the quality of 1 item of its personal Wargear or Weapons to Mastercrafted permanently. Choose which item when you purchase this Talent. Once chosen, there's no changing it.

Blood Hunger (prerequisite: Blood Angels and their Successors only; Blood Drinkers and Flesh Tearers treat this as a Tier 1 Talent): if this model is Engaged in the Fight Phase with an enemy that has already suffered 1 or more [color]Wounds[/color], they must concentrate their Attacks on that model until it is removed as a casualty. When that model is removed as a casualty this model must make a Toughness test. If passed, it gains +1 Renown. If failed, this model gains +1 Corruption. However, it also gains +1 Attack and +1 Strength until the end of the Mission.

Blood Invocation (prerequisite: option to equip Sanguinary Chalice): this model gains +1 use of the Invoke Sanguinius' Might Chapter Ritual. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time adds +1 use of this Ritual.

Champions of the New Era (prerequisite: Ultramarines Champions or Primaris Astartes only): if this model is equipped with a Relic and either is the Mission Leader or the Mission Leader can draw line of sight to this model, the Mission Leader may re-roll any Leadership test.

Chosen of Guilliman (prerequisite: Ultramarines only): gain +1 use of the Authority of Guilliman Trait per Mission.

Codicier (prerequisite: Librarian only): choose any 1 psychic power from this model's Chapter list. This model may now choose between casting Smite or this new power.

Disciplined Denier (prerequisite: the ability to Deny Psychic Powers): this model may attempt to Deny +1 times per Battleround.

ElectroShield (prerequisite: any 3 Technological Talents or ElectroSurge Talent and Librarian only): this model gains a new Psychic Power called ElectroShield. It has a Warp Charge of 5+. If successfully cast, it grants the Librarian a 3+ Invulnerable Save until the start of its next Psychic Phase.

ElectroSurge (prerequisite: any 2 Technological Talents and Librarian only): this model gains a new Psychic Power called ElectroSurge. It has a Warp Charge of 7+. If successfully cast, the Librarian may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: Range 12", Assault 6, Strength 5, AP -2, Damage 1. This Power increases its Damage to D2+1 versus models with the <Adeptus Mechanicus, Daemon Engine, Dark Mechanicum, Necron, Titanic> or <Vehicle> keywords.

Hubris (prerequisite: Dark Angels and their Successors only): in exchange for +1 Corruption this model may use any Skill, whether it has Ratings in it or not, without expending a Rating. This Skill use succeeds on a 4+ regardless of the model's actual Skill Stat.

Indomitable Defence Doctrine (prerequisite: Imperial Fists and their successors only): on any Turn after the 1st, this model may place a Marker anywhere within 3" of itself or an ally in Cohesion Range (no Marker may be placed within 6" of any other Marker). Treat this Marker as a Tertiary Objective that can only be achieved if no enemy model gets within 3" of it for 3 consecutive Battlerounds. Any Astartes model that also stays within 3" of this Marker during that 3 Battleround duration count as personally completing this Objective.

Legendary Stubbornness (prerequisite: Imperial Fists and their Successors only): this model cannot Advance. If reduced to 0 Wounds, this model may voluntarily become Pinned in order to stand back up with 1 Wound and +2 Wound Tokens instead of rolling on the Injury Table.

Let No Beast Survive (prerequisite: Tyrannic War Veterans only): all integral magazines on any weapon with such that this model equips are automatically loaded with Hellfire Ammo at no Cost. Additionally, when using Hellfire Ammo, this model may re-roll 1s when Shooting.

Librarium Guard (prerequisite: Black Wasps only): this model counts as a Psyker and gains the Smite psychic power. This model may attempt to cast 1 Psychic Power per Turn, but only rolls 1D6 when doing so.

Martyrdom (Blood Angels, their Successors, and Black Templars count this Talent as Tier 1): if this model ends the Mission with 0 Wounds they gain +1 Renown.

Not to be Trifled With (prerequisite: Paragon Talent): whenever this model or its squad would lose Esteem with a particular Faction, reduce that loss by an additional 1 (to a minimum of 0).

One Step Away From Madness (prerequisite: Blood Angels and their Successors only; Flesh Tearers treat this as a Tier 1 Talent): any time one of this model's Chapter Traits or Talents triggers an effect that adds Attacks on the fly, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this model totally snaps. It immediately gains +1 Corruption and for the remainder of the Mission, must always Charge the nearest model, friend or foe, if not already Engaged. If already Engaged, they cannot Fall Back for any reason and any effect that would normally cause them to automatically Fall Back instead inflicts a Mortal Wound. On the roll of a 6, this model permanently gains +1 Attack. On any other roll, there is no additional effect.

Outsider (prerequisite: Chapters of unknown Succession and Cursed Founding only): this model must pay +3XP for any Cohesion Talent they purchase after taking this Talent. If this model has already purchased any Cohesion Talents, then the Outsider Talent counts as Tier 4. Whenever a Mission is failed, this model loses 1 less Renown than normal (to a minimum of 0). Additionally, roll a D6 every time this model gains a point of Corruption (after mitigating measures such as Reduce Corruption have been settled). On the roll of a 6, this model may further reduce their overall Corruption by D3.

Paladin of the Omnissiah's Will (prerequisite: Knights Amethyst, Iron Hands, Sons of Medusa, or Heralds and their Successors only, or Techmarine): whenever this model or its squad would gain Esteem with a particular Admech Faction, increase that total amount by +1.

Paragon: whenever this model or its squad would lose Esteem with a particular Faction, reduce that loss by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Signature Gear (prerequisite: 40+ Renown): when this model takes this Talent, select any item of Wargear or Weapon worth 25 Renown or less, for which the model meets the Threshold, and add it to this model's permanent Load Out. This model no longer has to pay Renown to equip the item. If the item is a Weapon, it replaces the standard Load Out normally equipped in that slot. For example, a power sword would replace a model's Astartes knife, a grav pistol would replace a model's bolt pistol, and a plasmagun or lascannon would replace a model's bolter or heavy bolter.

Skulker (prerequisite: Raven Guard and their Successors only): this model may always purchase the Stealth Skill regardless of their Specialty, paying 9XP per Rating, unless it would normally be lower.

Suffer Not the Alien to Live (this Talent counts as Tier 1 for Nova Marines): if this model kills any xenos adversaries during a Mission, they gain an additional +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

Suffer Not the Witch to Live (this Talent counts as Tier 1 for Black Templars): if this model kills any daemonic, psyker, or Fallen Astartes adversaries during a Mission, they gain an additional +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

Trophy Hunter (prerequisite: White Scars and their Successors only): if this model can draw line of sight at the start of their Turn to an enemy model that started the Mission with 5 or more Wounds they must Move towards it in their Movement Phase. Whenever a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty, instead leave the model on the table on its side. If this model moves into base to base contact with the corpse and spends 1 Phase (Command, Movement, or Shooting) doing nothing, it gains a Trophy. Trophies may be exchanged for +1 Renown and/or kept to be used to re-roll any 1 die during a Mission. Each Trophy is Capacity 01. If a model is carrying 2 Trophies, they may re-roll any 2 dice during the course of a Mission; if they have 3, they can re-roll 3 dice, and so on. Once used to re-roll a die, the Trophy cannot be used again until the next Mission. Trophies can be used to re-roll a die in a Mission and also exchanged at the end of that same Mission for +1 Renown. Once traded for Renown, Trophies are lost.

Unbridled Ferocity (prerequisite: Space Wolves and their Successors only): in any Fight Phase where this model has Charged, it gains +1 Attack and +1 Strength until the enemy models it Charged are removed as casualties.

Whispers of the Omnissiah (prerequisite: Techmarines of the Iron Hands and their Successors only): the GM will always point out to this model's player exactly where all the interactive Tech on the table is (even if it is hidden by a partially unrevealed map), what levels of Power each of those nodes have [dead, minuscule, low, full, or overcharged], & the path of power to each plus where it might be severed, how and if it can be repaired, and from whence that power comes (such as a nearby generator, an off-table reactor, an arcane device, or other means as dictated by the GM notes for the Mission).

Tier 3

Ally of the Mechanicum (prerequisite: 30 or more Esteem with any Adeptus Mechanicus Faction or Iron Hands, Heralds, or Knights Amethyst, or one of their Successor Chapters): this Talent grants access to the Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will Wargear list.

Brotherhood of Psykers (prerequisite: Cohesion2 Talent and Librarians only): choose 1 of the Psychic powers normally only usable by Librarians of one of the other Chapters of Marines in this model's squad and add it to this model's list of usable Powers. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time you may choose a new psychic power to add to your repertoire.

Counter Attack (this Talent counts as Tier 1 for Space Wolves): if an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range is Charged by an enemy, this model may immediately make its own Charge towards that Fight; this Charge happens out of sequence. If successful, this model gains +1 Attack for the 1st Battleround of the Fight.

Curse of the Wulfen (prerequisite: Space Wolves and their Successors only): at the end of every round of Close Combat that this model is in, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, an Aspect of the Canis Helix manifests itself in this marine for the duration of the Mission. Choose 1 of the following Aspects: Brute Strength (+1 Strength), Animal Instincts (+12" to visibility range), Insatiable Hunger (+1 Attack on the Charge), Stalker (+1 Armor Save if in cover and have not Advanced), or Terrifying Visage (enemy models in Close Combat with this model must test Toughness and if they fail, reduce their Weapon Skill by 1). Choosing the same Aspect does not stack the effect, but choosing the same Aspect 4 times in a row does make that Aspect permanent. If a model already has a permanent Aspect, that Aspect is removed from the list of options. A model need not have the Canis Helix manifest 4 times in the same Mission in order to make their choices become permanent. Having a permanent Aspect reduces this model's Renown gains every Mission by -1.

Demolisher Doctrine (prerequisite: 50+ Renown and Imperial Fists or their Successors only): this model may equip Centurion Armor 2+ for 50 Renown, which grants the model +2 Capacity and an additional +6 Capacity that can only be used to carry heavier Weapons.

Denier (prerequisite: ability to Deny psychic powers): this model may make +1 Deny the Witch attempts per Turn.

ElectroPulse (prerequisite: ElectroShield Talent): this model gains a new Psychic Power called ElectroPulse. It has a Warp Charge of 5+. If successfully cast, all models, friend and foe, within 9" of the Librarian suffer a single Strength 3, AP-, Damage 1 hit. Versus models with the <Vehicle, Necron, Dark Mechanicus, Daemon Engine, or Adeptus Mechanicus> keyword this hit is resolved at Strength 6.

Guilliman's Pride (Ultramarines and their Successors only): if there are no marines with Tactics in this model's squad, this model counts as having Tactics1. If any model does have Tactics, as long as this model deploys with them in the same squad, they may double any numerical aspect of that Skill's effects. Additionally, if they don't have it already this models gains the Ultramarines Trait: Authority of Guilliman. If the model already has it (because they are standard Ultramarines), they gain an additional use of it per Mission.

Huscarl Transcendent (prerequisite: 50+ Renown and Imperial Fists and their Successors only): this model is immune to being Shaken. Any effect that would normally automatically Shake them (such as failing a Morale test in Cohesion) instead does nothing. Additionally, this model qualifies for any Terminator weapon's Threshold up to 100, regardless of their actual Renown. Huscarl Transcendents that equip Terminator Armor 2+, improve the Invulnerable Save provided by that Armor to 4+.

Infinite Contempt (prerequisite: any Contempt Talent): this Talent allows a model's Contempt Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Contempt Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a miss into a hit, this model gains +1 Renown.

Infinite Detestation (prerequisite: any Detestation of the [Faction Type] or Abhorence of the [Faction] Talents): this Talent allows a model's Detestation and Abhorence Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Detestation or Abhorence Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a whiff into a Wound, this model gains +1 Renown.

Infinite Hatred (prerequisite: any Hatred Talent): this Talent allows a model's Hatred Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Hatred Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a miss into a hit, this model gains +1 Renown.

Infinite Indignation (prerequisite: any Righteous or Sworn Indignation Talent): this Talent allows a model's Indignation Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Indignation Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a whiff into a Wound, this model gains +1 Renown.

Interlocking Fields of Fire* (prerequisite: 1 each of Tier1, Tier2, and Tier3 Shooting Talents): for each allied Astartes (incluiding this one) in Cohesion Range, this model may make 1 additional Shooting Attack that does not expend any ammo.

Knight Imperator (prerequisite: Paragon Talent): whenever this model or its squad would gain Esteem with any Faction, increase that total amount by +D3.

Legendary Gear (prerequisite: 100+ Renown): when this model takes this Talent, select any item of Armor, Wargear, or Weapons, worth 50 Renown or less, for which the model meets the Threshold, and add it to this model's permanent gear load out. They no longer have to pay Renown to equip the item. If the item is a weapon, it replaces the standard weapon normally equipped in that slot. For example, a power sword would replace a model's Astartes knife, a grav pistol would replace a model's bolt pistol, and a plasmagun or lascannon would replace a model's bolter or heavy bolter.

Lexicanum (prerequisite: Codicier Elite Talent): choose any 1 psychic power from your Chapter's list. This model may now choose between casting Smite or any of their other powers. A Lexicanum may attempt to use up to 2 Psychic Powers per Turn.

Lord of Fire (Salamanders and their successors only): against Wounds caused by any weapon that automatically hits without the need to roll, this model may ignore each of those Wounds on the D6 roll of a 3+. Roll separately for each Wound.

Secret Society (prerequisite: Paladin of the Omnissiah's Will): whenever this model or its squad would gain Esteem with a particular Admech Faction, increase that total amount by an additional +D3

Servo Rig (+1) (prerequisite: Servo Rig (4)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Shrike Doctrine (Ravenguard only): this model sets up only after all Adversaries have been Deployed and may be placed anywhere on the table out of line of sight of an enemy model, as long as it is also at least 3" away from same.

Tier 4

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion5): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 36".

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion6): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 42".

Destined for Greatness: this model gains a discount on all future Talent purchases equal to their Tier. That means -1 for Tier1, -2 for Tier2, -3 for Tier3, -4 for Tier4, and -5 for Tier5. These discounts are applied after any discounts for Specialty.

Epistolary (prerequisite: Lexicanum Elite Talent): choose any 1 psychic power from your Chapter's list. This model may now choose between casting Smite or any of their other powers. An Epistolary may attempt to manifest up to 3 Psychic Powers per Turn.

Lightning Arc (prerequisite: ElectroPulse Talent, any 5 Technological Talents, or Codicier, Lexicanum, or Epistolary Talent and Librarian): this model gains a new Psychic Power called Lightning Arc. It has a Warp Charge of 8+. If successfully cast, the Librarian may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: range 18", Strength 6, AP -2, Damage 1, Assault D6. After resolving any hits against the target(s), this power causes an additional hit with the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the original hit to every model within 6" of any original target on the D6 roll of a 4+. These additional hits do not themselves spawn more hits.

Gifted Intellect: this model gains +1 to their Skill Stat. If this would bring a model's Skill Stat to 1+, it instead grants a re-roll if the model rolls a 1 on their test. The re-roll succeeds on a 3+ instead of a 2+.

Honor Guard (restrictions: cannot be taken by Imperial Fists or their Successors): this model is immune to being Pinned. Any effect that would normally automatically Pin them (such as a roll on the Injury Table) instead does nothing. Additionally, this model qualifies for any melee weapon's Threshold up to 100, regardless of their actual Renown. Honor Guards replace their Powered Armor, Phobos Armor, or Mk X Gravis Armor 3+ with Artificer Armor or Mastercrafted Mk X Gravis Armor 2+ for free.

Icon of the Just (prerequisite: 200+ Renown): when this model takes this Talent, select any item of Wargear, worth 100 Renown or less, for which the model meets the Threshold, and add it to this model's permanent gear load out. They no longer have to pay Renown to equip the item. If the item is a weapon, it replaces the standard weapon normally equipped in that slot. For example, a power sword would replace a model's Astartes knife, a grav pistol would replace a model's bolt pistol, and a plasmagun or lascannon would replace a model's bolter or heavy bolter.

Idolator of Mars (prerequisite: Secret Society Talent and Leadership 10 or more): whenever this model or its squad would lose Esteem with a particular Admech Faction reduce that loss by an additional 3 (to a minimum of 0) and any time this model or its squad would gain a variable amount of Esteem with a particular Admech Faction, they may roll an additional die and take the more favorable score.

Pariah (restrictions: cannot be taken by Black Wasps; cannot be taken by any model able to manifest psychic powers; Knights Amethyst count this as a Tier3 Talent): this model is totally immune to psychic powers and neither gains benefits from allied powers nor suffers the effects of enemy powers. Pariahs also increase their Cohesion ranges by 3". Allies that end their Movement closer than 3" from this model automatically become Shaken.

Servo Rig (+1) (prerequisite: Servo Rig (5)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Tier 5

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion7): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 48".

Exemplar of the Astartes* (prerequisite: Leadership 11 or higher, plus Command2, Inspire2, or Tactics2, and 2 each of any Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Talents; this Talent counts as Tier 4 for Ultramarines): this model gains +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, +1 Wound, and +1 Attack. Additionally, this model gains an Ignore a Wound on a 6+ ability or, if they already have some form of this ability, its preexisting ability is improved by 1. Lastly, this model may ignore the first Wound suffered on every Turn. Any allied model deployed on the same Mission as this model gains an additional +1 Renown if they survive just for being in the shadow of this marine's greatness.

Incorruptible: any time this model would gain a point of Corruption, they may negate that gain on the D6 roll of a 2+. This ability cannot be improved in any way.

Rulebreaker: this Talent allows this model to take any single additional Talent regardless of whether or not they meet the prerequisites. The player must still pay the XP cost of the other Talent, but doesn't have to declare what it will be until they decide to pay for it. Once chosen, make a note on their character sheet which Talent is the Rulebreaker.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/02 21:28:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Before I forget and move on to other things, here are the rules for target priority in Shooting and Falling damage.


During the shooting phase, every space marine in the squad operates as an individual model in that they can shoot at whatever they like. However, some of their weapons will have multiple shots, and unlike in standard 40k, very few of their adversaries will be grouped into squads. Therefore, when they declare their targets, these models pick one enemy model in range as their primary and may then allocate additional shots to other enemy models within 4" of the primary. GMs, be aware that this breaks with the current rules of 40k that state that the controlling player decides which models get removed as casualties. It may take some getting used to that your "opponents" will be making these choices for you.

There are Talents that alter the way this targeting priority works, such as by granting a model more than 1 Shooting Phase. Treat each Shooting phase individually. This means that a marine with multiple Shooting Phases may choose a new primary target with each new Phase.

*Edit (4/14/2020) to include the following clarification:

Alternate Shooting Modifiers Rules
Virtually all ranged weapons in this Campaign have more than one mode of firing. For most, these modes are Standard, Burst, and Autofire. Some weapons have a variable sized Burst, which means the Shooting player can choose how many bullets they want to expend in the shot (often this means a choice from 2 to 5 bullets). Firing in Standard mode does not change any aspect of the weapon as it is presented in the 40k rulebook, but changing to either Burst or Autofire changes not only the weapon's Rate of Fire, but also its type and functionality. This may be confusing, so to clarify this rule, I've made the following guidelines by Type.

Because Rapid Fire weapons, in these rules, can fire a variable number of shots in Burst Mode, the controlling player chooses the number of bullets they are willing to expend from the range presented on the weapon's Rate of Fire, unless they are shooting in Burst Mode after an Advance. If the model carrying the Rapid Fire weapon Advances and Shoots in Burst Mode, they must expend the maximum number of bullets as indicated in the weapon's Rate of Fire. If the weapon does not have enough bullets left to do this, it simply fires all of its remaining bullets.

Some Talents may alter how these rules apply to a model.

Pistols: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advance: cannot shoot

Burst Mode
Model does not move: half range, +1 to hit
Model moves: half range, +1 to hit
Model Advances: half range, -1 to hit

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advance: cannot shoot

Rapid Fire: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, +1 to hit
Model Moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Burst Mode
Model does not move: choice of Burst size, half range, no adjustment
Model Moves: choice of Burst size, half range, no adjustment
Model Advances: maximum Burst size, half range, -1 to hit

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Heavy: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Burst Mode
Model does not move: half range, no adjustment
Model Moves: half range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, +1 to hit
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Assault: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advances: max range, -1 to hit

Burst Mode
Model does not move: half range, +1 to hit
Model Moves: half range, no adjustment
Model Advances: half range, -1 to hit

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: max range, -2 to hit

Leaping, Climbing, and Falling

Space marines are super human and can survive all manner of otherwise catastrophic damage. Any Movement, up, down or across a gap, up to 3", counts as Movement and doesn't require a roll.

Movement up without a ladder or staircase beyond 3" requires a Strength test. Passing this test means the model can Move up to its maximum Move or Advance vertically. If this brings it to a flat surface, hooray! If they are still clinging to the wall even after their full distance, they must test Strength again next Turn. Being Wounded while hanging on to that surface requires a Toughness to avoid Falling. Failing the Strength test reduces the model's Move by the amount the test was failed by.

For example, Yusuf has a Strength of 4 and wants to scale an 8" pile of debris. His player rolls an Advance of 3", but botches the Strength test with a 6. This means that Yusuf's total Move (9") is reduced by 2" to 7" and won't carry him to the top of the pile (because 6 is 2 greater than 4). So Yusuf scrambles up the pile, but ends his Movement just 1" shy of the top. On his next Turn, provided he isn't shot off the pile, Yusuf will be able to scale the remaining 1", whether his player passes the Strength test or not.

Movement across a gap greater than 3" wide requires a Strength test also, except here for every 1 full inch beyond 4" a -1 penalty is imposed on the test. If the test is passed, the model makes it across. If the test is failed, the model Falls (see Falling below for details). In the case of leaping, rolling a 1 does not automatically mean the model passes if the modifiers would normally indicate that the roll would have to be 0 or less.

Unless a model has a Strength greater than 4, leaps of more than 8" are impossible. With Strength 5, models can attempt leaps of up to 9", Strength 6 means up to 10" leaps can be attempted, and so on. Movement by leaping greater than a model's Move count as Advancing.

Falling down, whether intentionally or accidentally, requires a Toughness test. A model may drop a distance in inches equal to or less than their Toughness Stat without having to roll. Any distnace greater than that requires a Toughness test. For every full inch of distance fallen beyond the model's Toughness range, the test suffers -1 modifier. If this distance penalty reduces a model's target number to 0 or less, the test counts as an automatic failure. Failing the test incurs a single hit with a Strength equal to the total distance fallen with an AP modifier equal to a quarter that distance rounded down. If the model survives, hooray! If they are reduced to 0 Wounds, roll on the Injury Table.

For example, Yusuf gets himself shot off the pile of debris before he crests the top. He's 7" up when he falls and has a Toughness of 4. That height imposes a -3 modifier to his Toughness, so he must roll a 1 to avoid damage. His player's dice hate him and he rolls a 6. Yusuf takes a single Strength 7 hit with an AP of -1.

As another example, Claudius is exploring the crumbling ruins of a skeletal vessel and comes to a gap in the decking. The hole below extends into darkness beyond his sensory range (if only he were a Space Wolf!). Instead of trying to find a way around, he tries to leap across the gap and fails. The hole is 18" deep. Claudius has a Toughness of 5, but it is a long way down. The depth modifies Claudius' Toughness by -13, making it impossible to pass this test. He automatically fails. Claudius then suffers a single Strength 18(!) hit with an AP of -4. Unless Claudius has an Invulnerable save, he is going to suffer a Wound on anything other than a 1. Additionally, he'll be in a deep dark hole, far from his squad mates.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/07 20:28:44

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Arsenal of the Ordo

There are many weapons locked away in the holds of the Intolerance, both exotic and mundane, righteous and profane. It is the sacred duty of the Watch Captain Erophon to determine who is not just worthy, but also able to carry these items onto the field of battle. Brothers who have proven themselves, by deed of blade and bolter, or by both resilience and will, gain access to ever increasingly potent wargear. After all why would anyone entrust a Relic of the Emperor's Might to a soldier who has yet to prove he can even survive his first Mission?

There is a limit to how much stuff an individual marine can carry. Despite the Imperial propaganda to the contrary, your average marine is not the powerhouse of infinite strength they say he is. And while it is true that a marine can carry far more than even the fittest Guardsman, there's a reason you don't see them toting 2 lascannons each and why some of them drive tanks.

In this campaign we use an abstraction of weight called Capacity. Each item - and sometimes groups of small items - has a numerical value assigned to it. The values of all the wargear a marine is equipped with get added together and subtracted from that model's current Capacity. The maximum unencumbered Capacity for a model is equal to its Strength plus its Toughness. For most models this means they have a starting Capacity of 8. Models may equip more than this, but for every 1 they exceed their Capacity by they must reduce their Move by 1". If the amount of stuff they are carrying reduces their Move to 0, they must Advance in order to move. Models cannot reduce their Move to less than 0 in this way.

If a model's stats increase - such as with the God Amongst Giants and/or Hardened Talents - its corresponding Capacity is also increased by an equal number.

Brother Leono, a Devastator of the Star Phantoms, has earned 9XP over the course of 2 Missions and decides to spend these on the Survival Talent Hardened - remember that Devastators get a discount on this category of Talents because of their Specialty. This brings Leono's Toughness to 5 and also increases their Capacity from 8 to 9. Now Leono has the option to carry even more grenades or heavier weapons without worrying as much about being slowed down by them.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/09 23:06:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag


Ranged Weapons
Weapons that fire a variable number of shots (ie D3, D6, etc), only expend a single "bullet" from their magazines when they fire in Standard mode, 2 "bullets" when they fire in Burst mode, and 4 "bullets" in Auto Fire mode, regardless of the number or size of the dice they roll when shooting.
Rapid Fire Weapons have a range of shots when firing in Burst Mode. The controlling Player chooses how many shots to expend, but may never fire more shots than they have bullets remaining in their Magazine.
Any Specialty that comes equipped with a weapon as part of their standard load out does not need to pay the Cost or meet the Threshold for that weapon. These weapons still take up their normal Capacity, however.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Bolt Pistol / 1|2|- / 4 / -

05 /10 / 01 / Grav Pistol / 1|-|- / 10 / -

15 / 10 / 01 / Plasma Pistol / 1|2|- / 6 / Supercharging a Plasma pistol uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasma pistols cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

15 / 05 / 01 / Hand Flamer / D3|-|- / 3 / Range 6". Strength 3. AP -. Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 6" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets.

20 / 15 / 01 / Inferno Pistol / 1|-|- / 4 / Range 6". Strength 8, AP -4. Damage D3. Hits scored from 3" or less roll 2D3 for Damage and take the better score.

01 / 01 / 01 / Autopistol / 2|3|6 / 6 / Strength 2, AP -. Range 12". Damage 1.

25 / 10 / 01 / Hell's Teeth (Relic Bolt Pistol) / 2|4|- / 4 / -

45 / 20 / 01 / Faustus (Relic Inferno Pistol) / 2|-|- / 4 / Range 9". Strength 8, AP -4. Damage D3. Hits scored from 5" or less roll 2D3 for Damage and take the better score.

25 / 10 / 01 / Icefire (Relic Hand Flamer) / D3|2|- / 3 / Space Wolves and their Successors only, Models hit by Icefire must pass a Toughness test or become Pinned. Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 6" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; shots from Icefire automatically hit.

75 / 44 / 01 / Needler (Sanctified Xeno Pistol) / 1|2|3 / 9 / Strength 1, AP -. Range 12". Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness.

75 / 44 / 01 / Pulse Pistol (Sanctified Xeno Pistol) / 1|-|2 / 6 / Strength 5, AP -, Range 18". Damage 1. 12" range in Autofire mode.

100 / 50 / 01 / Neural Rake (Sanctified Xeno Pistol) / D3|D6|2D3 / 4 / Strength 1, AP -3. Range 12". Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 5+, regardless of the target's Toughness. Every unsaved Wound reduces the target's Leadership by -1. Once all rounds are expended from this weapon's magazine, it becomes inert for the remainder of the Mission.

Long Arms
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

01 / 01 / 02 / STC Bolter / 1|2-4|- / 8 / -

01 / 02 / 03 / Deathwatch Pattern Bolter / 1|2-4|5 / 8 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase. Integral magazines cannot be reloaded during a Mission and come standard loaded with normal bolter bullets for free.

01 / 02 / 02 / Stalker Pattern Bolter / 1|2-3|- / 8 / When fired in Standard Mode, this weapon gains +6" range and +1 to hit.

10 / 05 / 02 / Bolt Rifle / 1|2-4|- / 10 / -

05 / 06 / 03 / Stormbolter / 2|4-8|- / 18 / Terminators may equip this weapon without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay the Cost.

10 / 12 / 04 / Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter / 2|4-8|- / 18 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase. Terminators may equip this weapon without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay the Cost. Integral magazines cannot be reloaded during a Mission and come standard loaded with normal bolter bullets for free.

25 / 16 / 02 / Assault Bolter / 3|6|- / 24 / Primaris Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Assault Bolters use Heavy Bolter reloads. A model engaged in Close Combat who is equipped with this weapon may shoot with it in Standard Firing Mode as if it were a Pistol.

01 / 02 / 02 / Astartes Shotgun / 2|-|- / 6 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

01 / 01 / 02 Autogun / 2|3-5|6 / 6 / Strength 2, AP -. Range 24". Assault. Damage 1.

10 / 10 / 02 / Gravgun / 1|2|- / 10 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

10 / 16 / 02 / Plasmagun / 1|2-3|- / 6 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Unlike other weapons, Plasmaguns come equipped standard with 2 Primary Magazines. Switching between these magazines is a non-action, merely a flick of the thumb. However, if the current magazine only has 1 or 2 shots left, the Plasmagun may not fire on Supercharge setting. Supercharging a Plasmagun uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasmaguns cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

20 / 16 / 03 / Plasma Incinerator / 1|2-3|- / 8 / Intercessors pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Supercharging a Plasma incinerator uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasma incinerators cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

05 / 08 / 02 / Flamer / D6|-|- / 6 / Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 8" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets. Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Flamers have the Ablaze Quality.

10 / 16 / 02 / Melta / 1|-|- / 4 / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

15 / 05 / 04 / Astartes Grenade Launcher / 1|-|- / 6 / Assault. Range 24". Strength, AP, and Damage according to ammunition loaded. Scouts treat this weapon's Threshold as 01. Neophytes treat this weapon's Threshold as 05. This weapon can be loaded with any combination of Frag and Krak Grenade Rounds up to a maximum of the Magazine's Capacity. The Astartes Grenade Launcher counts as a Heavy Weapon when it comes to reloading it.

15 / 25 / 04 / Combi-Melta / as weapon being used / 8|4 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Melta and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so.

15 / 16 / 04 / Combi-Flamer / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Flamer and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so.

15 / 30 / 04 / Combi-Plasma / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Plasmagun and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so. The Plasma gun portion of this weapon only has 1 Plasma Cell, instead of the standard 2.

15 / 15 / 04 / Combi-Grenade Launcher / as weapon being used / 8|1 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Grenade Launcher and retains the Rate of Fire of both weapons. Alternatively, a marine may fire both weapons together, using only the Standard mode of firing for both when they do so. However, the underslung Grenade Launcher's Magazine is reduced to 1. The Grenade Launcher portion of this weapon is loaded with a single Frag or Krak Grenade Round, player's choice.

30 / 15 / 03 / Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifle / 1|2-5|- / 10 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase. Integral magazines cannot be reloaded during a Mission and come standard loaded with normal bolt rifle bullets for free. Ultramarines treat this weapon's Threshold as 10.

50 / 10 / 02 / Angelus Pattern Bolter / 1|2-4|- / 8 / Blood Angels and their Successors do not need to meet the Threshold for this weapon. This weapon is wrist-mounted and may be equipped in addition to other ranged weapons or a pair of melee weapons. The Angelus may also be fired like a Pistol even if the model is engaged in Close Combat.

60 / 25 / 02 / Spear of Titan (Relic Bolt Rifle) / 1|2-4|- / 10 / +12" range

15 / 30 / 03 / Carnage (Relic Bolter) / 2|3-6|12 / 12 / -

35 / 46 / 03 / Pride of Omari (Relic Storm Bolter) / 2|3-6|9 / 18 / If this model does not Move or Advance, Pride of Omari's Rate of Fire becomes 3|6-10|12 for this model's first Shooting Phase this Turn. Heralds space marines only pay half Cost for this weapon.

75 / 50 / 02 / Terimek's Lance (Relic Plasmagun) / 1|2|3 / 6 / Terimek's Lance rerolls to hit rolls of 1 and gains +12" Range if the model carrying it does not Move or Advance. Salamanders space marines reduce this weapon's Threshold by half. Just like standard Plasmaguns, Terimek's Lance comes equipped standard with 2 Primary Magazines. Switching between these magazines is a non-action, merely a flick of the thumb. However, if the current magazine only has 1 or 2 shots left, Terimek's Lance may not fire on Supercharge setting. Supercharging Terimek's Lance uses 3 shots from its magazine. Terimek's Lance cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

75 / 50 / 02 / Balefire (Tainted Relic Flamer) / D6+1|4|- / 8 / Against enemy models with the <Psyker> keyword, Balefire becomes AP -3. Balefire has the Ablaze Quality. Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 8" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter;

75 / 100 / 02 / Warp Tongue (Tainted Relic Bolter) / 1|2-4|- / 8 / Each hit caused by Warp Tongue inflicts a single Mortal Wound. Do not roll to Wound. Librarians equipped with this weapon ignore the Corruption gain for equipping a Tainted Relic on the D6 roll of a 6+. Codiciers ignore the gain on a 5+; Lexicanums ignore the gain on a 4+; Epistolaries ignore the gain on a 3+.

100 / 74 / 01 / Splinter Gun (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 2|3-5|6 / 20 / Strength 1, AP -. Range 24". Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness.

100 / 74 / 02 / Pulse Rifle (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 1|2-4|- / 12 / Strength 5, AP -1. Range 30". Damage 1. If the wielder doesn't Move or Advance, increase range by +10".

200 / 150 / 02 / Neural Shredder (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / D6|2D3|2D6 / 3 / Strength 1. AP -3. Range 8". Damage 1. Assault. Always Wounds <Infantry> and <Monster> on a 5+, regardless of the target's Toughness. This weapon automatically hits, there is no need to roll. Once all rounds are expended from this weapon's magazine, it becomes inert for the remainder of the Mission.

Heavy Weapons**
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 05 / 04 / Heavy Bolter / 3|-|6 / 24 / Devastator Marines may equip this weapon without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay the Cost.

30 / 14 / 07 / Gravcannon / 1|-|- / 10 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 08.

35 / 40 / 07 / Plasma Cannon / D3|2D3|- / 6 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 10. May be equipped by Dark Angels Terminators. Unlike other weapons, Plasma Cannons come equipped standard with 2 Primary Magazines. Switching between these magazines is a non-action, merely a flick of the thumb. However, if the current magazine only has 1 or 2 shots left, the Plasma Cannon may not fire on supercharge setting. Supercharging a Plasma Cannon uses 3 shots from its magazine. Plasma Cannons cannot use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase.

15 / 15 / 05 / Heavy Flamer / D6|2D6|- / 12 / Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 12" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets. Champion or Terminator only. Heavy Flamers have the Ablaze Quality.

25 / 20 / 05 / Multimelta / 2|-|- / 8 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 05.

35 / 26 / 06 / Lascannon / 1|-|- / 6 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 10.

15 / 10 / 03 / Missile Launcher / 1|-|- / 1 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 01.

35 / 14 / 06 / Corvus Pattern Missile Launcher / 1|2|- / 4 / Different individual missiles may be loaded into this weapon, but fire in the order they were loaded. It takes 2 full Phases to reload this weapon, unless the wielder has the Swift Reload Talent which reduces this to 1 full Phase. Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

70 / 80 / 04 / Annihilator (Relic Missile Launcher) / 2|-|- / 2 / The wielder may reroll misses in their first Shooting Phase. Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

70 / 100 / 06 / Lion's Breath (Relic Plasma Cannon) / D3|2D3|- / 6 / Dark Angels and their Successors only. +1 Strength. Rolling a 1 to hit while using the Supercharge firing mode does not cause a Mortal Wound, instead inflicting only a single Strength 4 AP- hit on the wielder. Roll to Wound and save as normal. May be equipped by Dark Angels Terminators.

100 / 50 / 04 / Foe Scythe (Relic Heavy Bolter) / 3|4|8 / 24 / Blood Angels and their Successors only. +18" range when fired Burst or Full Auto.

100 / 50 / 04 / Nemesis (Relic Heavy Bolter) / 3|-|6 / 24 / Ultramarines and their Successors only. Versus Xenos (Tyranids, Orks, Necrons, Eldar, Dark Eldar, and Tau) change Rate of Fire to 4|-|8 and add +1 Strength.

125 / 75 / 06 / Light Breaker (Tainted Relic Lascannon) / 1|-|- / 6 / Light Breaker does not need line of sight to fire.

200 / 150 / 03 / Dark Weapon (Sanctified Xeno Cannon) / 1|-|- / 3 / Strength 5. AP -4. Range 36". Damage D3. Heavy. Always Wounds <Vehicle> on a 2+, regardless of the target's Toughness.

200 / 200 / 05 / Null Weapon (Sanctified Xeno Cannon) / 3D6|-|- / 3 / Strength 10. AP -4. Range 24". Heavy. Damage D3. Versus targets with the <Psyker> tag, this weapon is +1 to hit. Ignores Invulnerable Saves. If any 1 is rolled to hit, this model counts as having rolled a 9+ on the Injury Table, resolving that result only after all hits and Wounds from this weapon have been resolved. Once all rounds are expended from this weapon's magazine, it becomes inert for the remainder of the Mission.

**Assault Marines must pay quadruple Cost to equip any of these weapons for which they qualify.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/11 07:32:58

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Terminator Gear

Terminator Armor provides a model with +2 Capacity.

Ranged Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

01* / 00** / 03 / Stormbolter / 2|3-6|- / 18 / -

01* / 00** / 04 / Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter / 2|3-6|- / 18 / This weapon has two integral secondary magazines each with 3 bullets. These secondary magazines may be loaded with the same or different ammo types as the Primary Magazine. Switching between these magazines is free, but no more than 1 type of ammo can be used per Shooting Phase.

50 / 15 / 06 / Assault Cannon / 6|7|15/ 30 / -

15 / 15 / 05 / Heavy Flamer / D6|2D6|- / 12 / Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 12" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets.

50 / 15 / 07 / Reaper Autocannon / 4|5|10 / 40 / -

60 / 32 / 06 / Cyclone Missile Launcher / 2|3|6 / 12 / Each pod has a Primary Magazine of 6. Each of the 2 pods can be fitted with a different type of Missile. Once all 12 missiles have been fired, this weapon cannot be reloaded until the following Debriefing Phase. This weapon may be equipped in addition to another ranged weapon or a pair of mêlée weapons.

125 / 15 / 02 / Wrist-mounted Grenade Launcher / 1|2|- / 4 / This weapon can be loaded with up to 4 different types of grenade, but comes standard with 2 Frag and 2 Krak Grenade Rounds; choose which 1 you are Shooting before you roll the dice to hit. Once this weapon expends its last shot, it cannot be reloaded until the following Debriefing Phase. This weapon may be equipped in addition to another ranged weapon or a pair of mêlée weapons.

75* / 25 / 04 / Combi-Melta / as weapon being used / 8|4 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Melta and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons.

75* / 16 / 04 / Combi-Flamer / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Flamer and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons.

75* / 30 / 04 / Combi-Plasma / as weapon being used / 8|6 / This weapon may be used as either a Bolter or a Plasmagun and retains the Rate of Fire and Magazine of both weapons.

35 / 40 / 07 / Plasma Cannon / 1|2|- / 6 / Dark Angels and their successors only.

100 / 70 / 06 / Dragon Slayer (Relic Assault Cannon) / 6|7|15 / 30 / Space Wolves and their Successors only. +1 Strength versus enemy models with 5 or more Wounds.

150 / 40 / 07 / Deathreaper (Tainted Relic Reaper Autocannon) / 8|10|20 / 40 / Rolls to hit of a 1 cause a hit against the wielder at Strength 5 with no AP, Damage 1.

Mêlée Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 00 / 00 / The Battle Brother's Own Fist / Strength as user, AP -. Damage 1. Even unarmed a Terminator is a formidable foe.

25 / 10 / 02 / Power Sword / -

01* / 00** / 04 / Powerfist / Unweildy

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Maul / -

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Axe / -

35 / 25 / 03 / Lightning Claw / -

35 / 25 / 04 / Thunder Hammer / Shocking, Unweildy

15 / 05 / 02 / Storm Shield / Unweildy if used as a mêlée weapon

15 / 25 / 05 / Chainfist / Unweildy, Mauling versus terrain features

65 / 15 / 02 / Frost Sword / Space Wolves and their successors only.

100 / 35 / 01 / Warp Weapon / Black Wasps and Blood Ravens only. Strength as user. AP -3. +2 Strength versus enemy models with the Psyker Keyword. Damage 1. Librarians equipped with a Warp Weapon treat it as Strength +1, in addition to the above bonus versus Psykers. Blood Ravens may equip this weapon, but treat it as a Tainted Relic if they do. This weapon gains the Exceptional Quality if it is wielded by a model that also has the ability to Deny the Witch. If used against a model with a mundane close combat weapon, roll a D6 at the end of every round of Close Combat. On the roll of a 6, one of the enemy's mundane weapons are destroyed.

100 / 70 / 04 / Judgement (Relic Thunder Hammer) / Adjudicator models can equip this weapon without having to meet its Threshold. At any time during the Mission, the wielder of Judgement may nominate 1 enemy model in line of sight that began the game with 5 or more Wounds to be Judged. Place a Marker on or near that Judged model's base. Friendly models may always prioritize that model over other targets. Additionally, the Judged model treats its Toughness as 1 lower than it actually is versus mêlée attacks made against it by squadmates of the wielder of this Relic. Only one target may be Judged at a time. Adjudicators may also use Judgement to Judge Fallen Astartes regardless of the number of Wounds they started the game with. Shocking, Unwieldy, Masterwork.

*This Threshold applies only to Terminators.
**This Cost applies only to Terminators.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

100 / 45 / 02 / Aegis Weave / If an enemy Psyker attempts to manifest a power within 6" of this model, the warp charge of any of their powers increase by +1.

15 / 25 / 01 / Litanies of Faith / If this model suffers the Shaken effect, they may ignore it on the D6 roll of 5+. If this model suffers the Pinned effect, they may ignore it on the D6 roll of 6.

15 / 05 / 01 / Optical Enhancement / Increase this model's visual range by +6".

150 / 25 / 01 / EPT / The Emergency Personal Teleporter removes this model from play if they roll a 7+ on the Injury Table and the Teleportarium is not functioning this Mission. Models removed this way are ineligible to reroll their results on the Recovery Table.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/12 08:35:44

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Mêlée Items

Useable by any Specialty other than Terminators

Except for the Combat Shield, a model may never be actively equipped with more than 2 of these following items. A marine only has 2 arms, after all.
Rules presented here that differ from those presented in a Codex or other GW rules supercede those rules.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 00 / 00 / The Battle Brother's Own Fists / Strength as user, AP +1. Damage 1. If a Space Marine is forced to fight without even a knife, his attacks grant his opponents a +1 bonus to their Armor Saves.

01 / 01* / ** / Astartes Knife / Strength as user. AP -. Damage 1.

03 / 01 / 00 / Combat Accessory: Bayonet / Strength as user, AP -. Damage 1. +1 Strength on the first Attack on the Turn this model Charges. This is a blade that fits under the barrel of a Long Arm weapon. On any weapon except ones that either do not have to roll to hit or are a bolter, this item imposes a -1 penalty to hit targets more than 12" from the shooter.

05 / 03 / 01 / Combat Shield / Combat Shields provide a 5+ Invulnerable Save. Additionally, a model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Fight Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) can still use this effect. A Combat Shield can be actively equipped on the same arm as a Pistol, Vambrace, or Long Arm weapon.

08 / 05 / +01* / Combat Accessory: Chain Bayonet / Strength +1, AP -. Damage 1. -1 AP on the first Attack on the Turn this model Charges. This is a chain blade that fits under the barrel of a Long Arm weapon. On any weapon except ones that either do not have to roll to hit or are a bolter, this item imposes a -1 penalty to hit targets more than 12" from the shooter. *This item adds weight to the weapon it is attached to.

15 / 05 / 01 / Astartes Sword / Strength as user. AP -. Damage 1. Astartes Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Astartes Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect.

15 / 15 / 01 / Champion's Blade / Strength as user. AP -2. Damage 1. The Champion's Blade may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use this weapon defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with a Champion's Blade attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon.

15 / 10 / 01 / Astartes Spear / Strength +1. AP -1. Damage 1. +1 Strength on the Turn this model Charges. White Scars and their successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

01 / 05 / 02 / Chain Sword / Strength as user, AP -1. Damage 1. Chain Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Chain Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with a Chainsword attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon.

15 / 10 / 03 / Chain Axe / Strength +2, AP -1. Damage D3. Unwieldy. A model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to ignore the Unwieldy Quality of this weapon.

15 / 15 / 04 / Eviscerator / Strength +4, AP -2. Damage 2. Unwieldy. A model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to ignore the Unwieldy Quality of this weapon.

01 / 08* / 02 / Adjudicator's Gavel / Strength +2. AP -. Damage 1. Enemy models hit with the Gavel one or more times must pass a Toughness test or treat their WS as 6+ in their following Turn. Adjudicators only.

01 / 04** / 01 / Wasp's Sting / Strength as User. AP -. Damage 1. Always Wounds <Infantry> on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness. Black Wasps only.

01 / 05 / 03 / Shock Maul / Strength +2, AP -. Damage 1. Shocking.

25 / 10 / 02 / Power Sword / Strength as user, AP -3. Damage 1. Power Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Power Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect.

35 / 15 / 02 / Relic Blade* / Strength +2, AP -3, Damage D3. Relic Blades may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Relic Blade defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Black Templars do not have to meet the Threshold of this weapon to equip it (but must still pay its Cost.

45 / 25 / 04 / Powerfist / Strength +4, AP -3. Damage D3. Unwieldy.

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Maul / Strength +2, AP -1. Damage 1. Dark Angels and their successors ignore the Threshold for this weapon. Stunning.

25 / 15 / 03 / Power Axe / Strength +2, AP -2. Damage 2. Mauling versus enemy models with 5 or more Wounds.

25 / 18 / 02 / Power Spear / Strength +2, AP -1. Damage 1. +1 Strength on the Turn this model Charges. White Scars and their successors ignore this weapon's Threshold.

35 / 25 / 03 / Lightning Claw / This weapon gains the Mauling Quality whenever the wielder is outnumbered in Close Combat. Models equipped with 2 of these gain an additional Attack.

35 / 25 / 04 / Thunder Hammer / Shocking, Unwieldy.

15 / 05 / 02 / Storm Shield / Minotaurs ignore this item's Threshold and Cost. Unwieldy if used as a close combat weapon. Storm Shields provide a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

65 / 15 / 02 / Frost Sword / Space Wolves and their successors only. Strength +1, AP -2. Damage 1. Frost Swords may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use their Frost Sword defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with a Frost Sword attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon.

100 / 35 / 01 / Warp Weapon / Black Wasps and Blood Ravens only. Strength as user. AP -3. +2 Strength versus enemy models with the Psyker tag. Damage 1. Librarians equipped with a Warp Weapon treat it as Strength +1, in addition to the above bonus versus Psykers. Blood Ravens may equip this weapon, but treat it as a Tainted Relic if they do. This weapon gains the Exceptional Quality if it is wielded by a model that also has the ability to Deny the Witch. If used against a model with a mundane close combat weapon, roll a D6 at the end of every round of Close Combat. On the roll of a 6, one of the enemy's mundane weapons are destroyed.

50 / 25 / 02 / Mangler (Relic Chainsword) / Strength as user, AP -1. Damage 1. Mangler may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use Mangler defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with Mangler attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon. Masterwork, Mauling, and Felling.

125 / 75 / 01 / Artificer's Triumph (Relic Power Spear) / Strength +2. AP -2. Damage 2. +1 Strength on the Turn this model Charges. Sanctified. Versus models with the Daemon keyword, this weapon gains the Entropic and Ablaze Qualities.

100 / 70 / 04 / Judgement (Relic Thunder Hammer) / Adjudicators can equip this weapon without having to meet its Threshold. At any time during the Mission, the wielder of Judgement may nominate 1 enemy model in line of sight that began the game with 5 or more Wounds, to be Judged. Place a Marker on or near that model's base. Friendly models may always prioritize that model over other targets. Additionally, the Judged model treats its Toughness as 1 lower than it actually is versus mêlée attacks made against it by squadmates of the wielder of Judgement. Only one target may be Judged at a time. Adjudicators may also use Judgement to Judge Fallen Astartes regardless of the number of Wounds they started the game with. Shocking, Unwieldy, Masterwork.

*This Cost is for purchasing additional Knives beyond the initial 1 every Specialty comes equipped with for free.
*This weapon does not count as a Relic for the purposes of Talents, abilities, or rules that interact with Relics
*This Cost only applies to non-Assault or non-Champion Adjudicators models who wish to equip this weapon.
**These items weigh very little. If a model is equipped with 1, their Capacity is 0. If they equip 2, their total Capacity is 1. If they equip more than 2, each additional item of the same type increases the total Capacity by +1.
**This Cost only applies to purchasing additional Wasp's Stings beyond the initial 1 every Black Wasps model may equip for free.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/12 11:26:58

Post by: Ratius

Some serious work there warboss!!

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/12 15:42:04

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 Ratius wrote:
Some serious work there warboss!!

Thanks, Ratius. Your feedback is appreciated.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/27 04:43:34

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Grenades, Mines, and Emplaced Explosives

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / ** / Frag Grenade / -

01 / 01 / ** / White Smoke Grenade / Roll BS. On a hit, place a Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -1 BS until the smoke dissipates. White Smoke dissipates after 1 Turn.

01 / 02 / ** / Red Smoke Grenade / Roll BS. On a hit, place a Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -1 BS until the smoke dissipates. Red Smoke dissipates after D3 Turns.

01 / 05 / ** / Chaf Smoke Grenade / Roll BS. On a hit, place an Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -2 BS until the smoke dissipates. Chaf Smoke dissipates after 3 Turns.

01 / 02 / ** / Krak Grenade / -

01 / 02 / ** / Blind Grenade / Models hit by Blind Grenades take no damage, but may not Move or Advance unless they pass a Toughness test. Additionally, they count their BS and WS as 6+ until the end of their Turn. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

05 / 04 / ** / Concussion Grenade / Models hit by Concussion Grenades take no damage, but count as Pinned for D3 Turns. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

15 / 10 / ** / Shredder Grenade / Strength D6, AP -2, D3 Wounds. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

25 / 15 / ** / Acid Grenade / Strength 1, AP -D6. If a model hit by an Acid grenade survives, permanently reduce its Armor Save by 1. Additionally, the acid lingers causing an automatic Strength 1 hit with an AP -D6 at the end of each of the model's Turns until the end of the Mission. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

25 / 05 / ** / Toxin Grenade / Strength 5, AP -. If a model is Wounded by a Toxin Grenade, roll a D3 and apply the affects of the Toxin Grenade to this many enemy models within 2" of the initial target. A Toxin Grenade has a cascade effect, meaning that subsequent models Wounded can also spread the effects of this grenade. Each time the effect spreads, reduce the grenade's Strength by 1. If this reduces the grenade's Strength to 0, it no longer has any effect. If there not enough enemy models to affect, excess cascade Wounds are lost. If this weapon is used when there are adversaries on the table who are dedicated to Nurgle in any way (cultists, daemons, deathguard, etc.), the marine carrying this item gains an additional +1 Corruption at the end of the Mission. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

15 / 08 / ** / Hellfire Grenade / Strength 5, AP -2, this weapon reduces its targets'cover save bonuses by -1 (ignoring normal cover and reducing heavy cover to just +1). Versus Tyranids treat this weapon as AP -4. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

75 / 50 / ** / Stasis Grenade / Models hit by Stasis Grenades take no damage, but count as Pinned for the remainder of the Mission.

100 / 50 / ** / Vortex Grenade / Make a single attack roll for this weapon. If it hits it causes D6 Mortal Wounds.

10 / 05 / 01 / Proximity Mine / Strength 4, AP -. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. Proximity mines work exactly like booby traps.

10 / 08 / 01 / Shredder Mine / Strength 3, AP -1, D3 Wounds against models with the <Infantry> keyword. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. Shredder mines work exactly like booby traps.

10 / 10 / 01 / Remote Mine / Strength D3+1, AP -. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. Unlike other mines, the model who places a Remote Mine Marker decides when it goes off, detonating it during the enemy Turn. This mine must target an enemy model within 3" of it and the model who detonates it must be able to draw line of sight to both the Marker and the target at the time of detonation.

10 / 14 / 01 / Timed Mine / Strength D3+1, AP -D3, Damage 1. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this mine, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Timed Mine Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add a Timed Mine to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it. Otherwise the mine goes off, affecting all models within 3" of the Marker.

10 / 14 / 01 / AT Mine / Strength 8, AP -3, causes D3 Wounds against models with the <Vehicle> keyword. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. AT mines work exactly like booby traps, except they are only triggered by models with the <Vehicle> or <Monster> keyword.

10 / 16 / 01 / EMP Mine / Strength 5, AP -3. If the target suffers a Wound from this mine, reduce its BS by -2 until the end if its Turn. Only effective against models with the <Vehicle>, <Necron>, or <Cult Mechanicus> keywords. When emplacing a mine, use a Marker to indicate its location. EMP mines work exactly like booby traps, except they are only triggered by models with the <Vehicle>, <Necron>, or <Cult Mechanicus> keywords.

05 / 05 / 01 / Melta Bomb* / Strength 8, AP -4, Damage 2D6 and take the better score. When emplacing a bomb, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this bomb, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Melta Bomb Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add a Melta Bomb to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it.

10 / 15 / 02 / Promethium Blastbomb* / Strength 5, AP -, ignores the bonus to Armor Saves provided by cover, this weapon automatically hits all models within 8" of the Marker. When emplacing a bomb, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this bomb, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Promethium Blastbomb Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add it to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it.

50 / 25 / 04 / Vortex Bomb* / Strength 10, AP -D6, ignores the bonus to Armor Saves provided by cover, affects all models and terrain within 3" of the Marker. When emplacing a bomb, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this bomb, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Vortex Bomb Marker before it goes off they may remove it and add it to their inventory if they have the Capacity to carry it. Terrain struck by a Vortex Bomb's effect are either removed from play or, if they cannot be removed for whatever reason, are ignored for the purposes of Cover and Line of Sight for the remainder of the Mission. Leave an appropriate Marker in place as a reminder.

*Bombs typically trigger volatile terrain features such as generators, fuel tanks, vehicles, weapon caches, and the like when they go off. Refer to the GM notes of any given Mission if a bomb is detonated to determine if any additional effects occur.
**Grenades weigh little individually, but collectively their weight adds up. Any combination of types may be carried by a model. Equipping 1 or 2 grenades of any type costs 1 Capacity, 3 or 4 costs 2 Capacity, 5 or 6 cost 3 Capacity, and every additional grenade beyond 6 adds +1 Capacity.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/28 19:14:40

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Mundane Reloads for Bolt Weapons
Unless otherwise noted, Relic bolt weapons use standard magazines.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / -

01 / 02* / 01* / Bolt Pistol Longmag / 6 / -

10 / 02* / 01* / Bolt Pistol Expanded Magazine / 8 / Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines upgrade their standard bolt pistol magazines and reloads to these for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

01 / 01* / 01* / Bolter Reload / 8 / -

01 / 02* / 01* / Bolter Longmag** / 12 / -

15 / 03* / 02* / Bolter Expanded Magazine / 16 / Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines upgrade their standard bolter magazines and reloads to these for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

01 / 02* / 01* / Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / -

25 / 05* / 02* / Bolt Rifle Expanded Magazine / 20 / Brotherhood of the Bolter Intercessors upgrade their standard bolt rifle magazines and reloads to these for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

02 / 02* / 02* / Storm Bolter Reload / 18 / -

50 / 02 / 01 / Storm Bolter Expanded Magazine / 36 / Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines upgrade their standard storm bolter magazine to this for free. Additionally, marines of this Chapter do not have to meet the Threshold to purchase additional reloads of this type.

01 / 02 / 01 / Heavy Bolter Box Mag / 24 / -

05** / 05** / 01* / Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

05** / 15 / 01* / Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

25** / 15 / 01* / Storm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

25** / 35 / 01* / Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 200 / No matter what a model's Capacity is, a maximum of only 1 Backpack Ammo Supply of any type may ever be equipped by the same marine. Unlike other weapons, a Backpack Ammo Supply may only be equipped to supply ammo for a weapon carried by this model.

*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.
**The Relic Bolter Carnage comes preloaded with these magazines. If a model equips Carnage, any standard Bolter magazines normally assigned by their Specialty are automatically upgraded to this type for free.
*Much of the weight of this item is carried by the marine's power armor and dispersed across the entirety of its exo-frame. However, if the item is somehow separated from the marine carrying it or if one is found during the course of a Mission, an empty Backpack Ammo Supply weighs 01 Capacity and a full one, regardless of the ammo type it holds, weighs 05 Capacity.
**This Cost and Threshold only applies to Specialties other than Devastators, who come equipped with this item as part of their standard gear for free.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/08/30 05:42:49

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Special Ammo Reloads for Bolt Weapons

Bolt Pistol

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

02 / 02* / 01* / Dragonfire Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

03 / 02* / 01* / Organ Grinder Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

05 / 03* / 01* / Seeker Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

05 / 04* / 01* / Hellfire Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

10 / 04* / 01* / Manstopper Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / +1 weapon Strength, -2" range.

25 / 05* / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Improves AP by -2.

25 / 06* / 01* / Kraken Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Each hit does 2 damage.

25 / 08* / 01* / Vengeance Bolt Pistol Reload / 4 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

25 / 10* / 01* / Flechete Storm Bolt Pistol Reload / 12 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 2|3|6


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Tracer Bolter Reload / 8 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

03 / 04 / 01* / Tracer Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

02 / 03* / 01* / Dragonfire Bolter Reload / 8 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

02 / 01 / ** / Dragonfire Integral Mag / 3 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".**

06 / 12 / 01* / Dragonfire Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

03 / 02* / 01* / Organ Grinder Bolter Reload / 8 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

03 / 01 / ** / Organ Grinder Integral Mag / 3 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

03 / 07 / 01* / Organ Grinder Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Increase AP by -1. If the target's save is reduced to 6+ or worse and it has the Infantry, Monster, or both Keywords, each hit does D3 Damage.

05 / 12* / 01* / Seeker Bolter Reload / 8 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

05 / 04 / ** / Seeker Integral Mag / 3 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.**

15 / 40 / 01* / Seeker Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

05 / 04* / 01* / Hellfire Bolter Reload / 8 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire is AP -1.

05 / 01 / ** / Hellfire Integral Mag / 3 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire is AP -1.**

15 / 16 / 01* / Hellfire Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire is AP -1.

15 / 12* / 01* / Stalker Bolter Reload / 8 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

10 / 04 / ** / Stalker Integral Mag / 3 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.**

25 / 20 / 01* / Stalker Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

10 / 16* / 01* / Manstopper Bolter Reload / 8 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

05 / 04 / ** / Manstopper Integral Mag / 3 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.**

50 / 60 / 01* / Manstopper Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

25 / 20* / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolter Reload / 8 / Improves AP by -2.

15 / 07 / ** / Turbo Penetrator Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -2.**

90 / 80 / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -2.

25 / 24* / 01* / Kraken Bolter Reload / 8 / Each hit does 2 damage.

18 / 08 / ** / Kraken Integral Mag / 3 / Each hit does 2 damage.**

100 / 80 / 01* / Kraken Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Each hit does 2 damage.

25 / 32* / 01* / Vengeance Bolter Reload / 8 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

18 / 11 / ** / Vengeance Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".**

150 / 120 / 01* / Vengeance Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

50 / 40* / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolter Reload / 24 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 2|3-5|6

25 / 16 / ** / Flechettestorm Integral Mag / 12 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. **

200 / 160 / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 750 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1.

60 / 20* / 01* / Tempest Bolter Reload / 8 / Changes Rate of Fire to D3|2D3|-; on a hit roll of an unmodified 6, that shot ignores cover

45 / 08 / ** / Tempest Integral Mag / 3 / Changes Rate of Fire to D3|2D3|-; on a hit roll of an unmodified 6, that shot ignores cover

120 / 75 / 01* / Tempest Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Changes Rate of Fire to D3|2D3|-; on a hit roll of an unmodified 6, that shot ignores cover

Bolt Rifle

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Tracer Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

03 / 05 / 01* / Tracer Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

03 / 05* / 01* / Dragonfire Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

03 / 03 / ** / Dragonfire Integral Mag / 3 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

07 / 16 / 01* / Dragonfire Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

06 / 13* / 01* / Seeker Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

06 / 05 / ** / Seeker Integral Mag / 3 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

16 / 45 / 01* / Seeker Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

06 / 05* / 01* / Hellfire Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

06 / 02 / ** / Hellfire Integral Mag / 3 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

16 / 20 / 01* / Hellfire Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Versus Tyranids, Hellfire ammo is AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

16 / 15* / 01* / Stalker Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

12 / 06 / ** / Stalker Integral Mag / 3 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

35 / 25 / 01* / Stalker Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +12" range. Cannot be fired in Burst or Full Auto mode.

12 / 20* / 01* / Manstopper Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

06 / 05 / ** / Manstopper Integral Mag / 3 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

75 / 65 / 01* / Manstopper Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +1 weapon Strength, -6" range.

50 / 25* / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Improves AP by -2.

16 / 08 / ** / Turbo Penetrator Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -2.

150 / 100 / 01* / Turbo Penetrator Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -2.

35 / 30* / 01* / Kraken Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Each hit does 2 damage.

20 / 10 / ** / Kraken Integral Mag / 3 / Each hit does 2 damage.

100 / 80 / 01* / Kraken Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Each hit does 2 damage.

50 / 45* / 01* / Vengeance Bolt Rifle Reload / 10 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

20 / 15 / ** / Vengeance Integral Mag / 3 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

180 / 150 / 01* / Vengeance Bolt Rifle Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

50 / 45* / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolt Rifle Reload / 30 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 2|3-5|6

200 / 150 / 01* / Flechetestorm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 600 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto setting. Strength -1.

Heavy Bolter

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Tracer Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

01 / 04 / 01* / Tracer Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

01 / 06 / 01 / Dragonfire Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

01 / 08 / 01* / Dragonfire Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

15 / 09 / 01 / Seeker Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

15 / 12 / 01* / Seeker Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

15 / 12 / 01 / Hellfire Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Versus Tyranids AP -4 and D3 Wounds. Versus any other target, Hellfire Heavy Bolter rounds do D3 Wounds. Cannot be fired in Full Auto mode.

25 / 15 / 01* / Hellfire Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Versus Tyranids AP -4 and D3 Wounds. Versus any other target , Hellfire Heavy Bolter rounds do D3 Wounds. Cannot be fired in Full Auto mode.

15 / 12 / 01 / Manstopper Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / +1 weapon Strength, -8" range.

25 / 20 / 01* / Manstopper Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / +1 weapon Strength, -8" range.

25 / 20 / 01 / Turbo Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Improves AP by -2.

50 / 35 / 01* / Turbo Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Improves AP by -2.

100 / 50 / 01 / Kraken Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Each hit does +1 damage.

150 / 75 / 01* / Kraken Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Each hit does +1 damage.

150 / 50 / 01 / Vengeance Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 24 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

200 / 75 / 01* / Vengeance Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 150 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

100 / 35 / 01 / Flechetestorm Heavy Bolter Boxmag / 72 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Burst mode. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 4|5|10

150 / 75 / 01* / Flechetestorm Heavy Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 450 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Burst mode. Strength -1.

Storm Bolter**

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

03 / 01 / 02* / Tracer Storm Bolter Reload / 18 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

06 / 04 / 01* / Tracer Storm Bolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Allied models that fire at the same targets as this weapon may re-roll failed to hit rolls, if they fire in the same Phase as this weapon.

10 / 04 / 02* / Dragonfire Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

15 / 15 / 01* / Dragonfire Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Reduces Cover Saves by -1 (+1 becomes nothing, +2 becomes +1), but reduces the range of the weapon it is loaded into by -4".

15 / 15 / 02* / Seeker Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

25 / 40 / 01* / Seeker Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Shooter may fire at targets not in line of sight, as long as at least one ally in Cohesion Range can see the target.

15 / 15 / 02* / Hellfire Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Versus Tyranids AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

25 / 16 / 01* / Hellfire Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Versus Tyranids AP -4. Versus any other target, Hellfire improves a weapon's AP by -1.

15 / 25 / 02* / Manstopper Stormbolter Reload / 18 / +1 weapon Strength, -4" range.

25 / 65 / 01* / Manstopper Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / +1 weapon Strength, -4" range.

25 / 25 / 02* / Turbo Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Improves AP by -2.

50 / 80 / 01* / Turbo Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -2.

100 / 30 / 02* / Kraken Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Each hit does 2 damage.

150 / 80 / 01* / Kraken Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Each hit does 2 damage.

150 / 40 / 02* / Vengeance Stormbolter Reload / 18 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

200 / 120 / 01* / Vengeance Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 250 / Improves AP by -1. Strength +1. Increase range by +6".

100 / 50 / 02* / Flechetestorm Stormbolter Reload / 54 / Increase Standard Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto mode. Strength -1. new Rate of Fire: 3|4-7|8

200 / 160 / 01* / Flechetestorm Stormbolter Backpack Ammo Supply / 750 / Increase Rate of Fire by +1 and adds a Full Auto mode. Strength -1.

*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Much of the weight of this item is carried by the marine's power armor and dispersed across the entirety of its exo-frame. However, if the item is somehow separated from the marine carrying it or if one is found during the course of a Mission, an empty Backpack Ammo Supply weighs 01 Capacity and a full one, regardless of the ammo type it holds, weighs 05 Capacity.
**For purchasing Special Ammo Integral Magazines for the Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter, refer to the listings of same for Bolters.
**The weight of this item is carried by the Bolter or Bolt Rifle it is built into. These items add no individual Capacity to the weapon they are loaded into.
**These Integral Special Ammo Mags can also be purchased for Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifles for +1 Cost.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/01 16:22:17

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Technologies of Mars*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Techmarines.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

** / 05* / ** / Macro Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with an unsophisticated grabber or claw. It may be used to crush small items like sample containers, hands, and detonators; to peel away corroded surfaces to get to the conduits inside or crumple control boxes to expose the internal wiring; or to warp door frames to crudely wedge a door shut. Alternatively they may be used to pick up large items like dead bodies, ammo crates, and armored wall panels. For this purpose the Macro Mechadendrite has a carrying Capacity of 4. This item's Capacity cannot be used to carry additional gear.

** / 15* / ** / Medical Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with a sophisticated medical suite of micro-manipulators, injectors, and various anesthesia. It may be used on the Techmarine to reduce their D6 roll on the Injury Table by -1 or to assist a model with the Medic Skill within 2" of the Techmarine, granting a +1 to their Skill roll.

** / 25* / ** / Interface Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with a sophisticated data extraction array. It may be used to interact with a Tech Terminal up to 2" away from the Techmarine using its own Tech2 Skill rated at 4+. This may be done even if the Techmarine is currently engaged in hand to hand combat, is incapacitated due to injury, or is currently interacting with a different terminal. Alternatively, the Interface Mechadendrite may be used to assist the Techmarine at a Tech Terminal, granting a +1 to their Skill roll.

** / 15* / ** / Plasma Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a plasma pistol. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The plasma pistol comes equipped with a standard magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 08* / ** / Flamer Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a flamer. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The flamer comes equipped with a half-size magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 01* / ** / Las Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a laspistol. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The laspistol comes equipped with a standard magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 05* / ** / Bolt Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is armed with a bolt pistol. It may fire at a separate target than what the Techmarine it is attached to is Shooting at. The bolt pistol comes equipped with a standard magazine, but may only be reloaded if the Techmarine is also equipped with a Manipulator Mechadendrite.

** / 03* / ** / Manipulator Mechadendrite / This cyberlimb is equipped with precision tools and finger-like appendages. It can be used to pick small items up, carry small items such as an Auspex, a severed head, or a sample container. The Manipulator Mechadendrite can also be used to reload the various weapon Mechadendrites equippable by Techmarines, provided it isn't already carrying an item.

01 / 01 / 00 / Hidden Compartment+ / This implant shuffles internal organs and muscles around to create a small void that adds +1 Capacity that can only be used to carry items that specifically weigh 1 Capacity such as grenades, extra reloads, sample containers, and the like.

25 / 25 / 00 / Logis Implant+ / After this model expends a Rating to use any Skill they may roll a D6. If they roll a 6, that Rating is not spent, although the Skill use still happens.

**While there is no Threshold for these items per se, a model must have the Servo Rig Talent (1 or more) to equip any of these items.
+As Implants, a model only needs to meet the Threshold for this item when they first acquire it. It is then permanently added to a model's equipment and its Cost is permanently subtracted from the model's total Renown.
*While a Techmarine with a high enough Servo Rig Talent can equip multiple Mechadendrites of the same type, each one of the same type beyond the first Costs double the previous. As example, a Techmarine with Servo Rig3 wants to equip 2 Flamer Mechandendrites. They would pay 8 Renown to equip the first and 16 Renown to equip the second. If they wanted to equip a third Flamer Mechadendrite, it would Cost 32 Renown.
**More of an implant than a piece of gear, these items' Capacity are mostly taken up by the model's overall cybernetic frame rather than its raw physical might. If a model is equipped with up to 2 of these items, their total Capacity is 0. If they equip 3 or more, each additional Mechadendrite increases the total Capacity by +1.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

15 / 05 / 01 / Servitor Remote Monitor / This arm-mounted display allows a Techmarine to extend the range of a single Servitor by up to 24". Additionally, that Servitor need not remain in line of sight in order to continue functioning.

50 / 25 / 01 / Optimizer HUD / This helm-mounted item allows a Techmarine to keep careful tabs on all of their own systems and their functioning. It allows the Techmarine to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Turn.

25 / 15 / 01 / Pulse Scanner / Once per Turn, instead of using a Skill, the Techmarine may activate this item. It sends out a subsonic pulse in a wide dispersal that can detect tunnel blockages, crowds, or other mass-based anomalies within 9" of the Techmarine. GMs, pay attention to your deck maps in scenarios with partially obscured set ups. Remember that while this item doesn't detect rooms or passageways, it will vaguely reveal objects like generators, collapsed tunnels, and armored bulkheads. In scenarios where enemy movement is hidden, this item will cause a Blip to appear in any place where 2 or more Adversaries gather or any 1 Adversary with the Vehicle or Monster tag does. In Missions where "Blips" are already in use, this item instead reveals the Adversaries that any Blips in range represent. If, on subsequent Turns, those Adversaries then move within 1" of another revealed Adversary or an unrevealed Blip, they revert back into unidentified Blips.

60 / 15 / 01 / Signal Booster / This item doubles the effective range of any technological item carried by the Techmarine, including the other items above & items like Auspexes and Augurs, but excluding weapon ranges and Mechadendrites.

75 / 50 / 01 / Archeotech Electro-Converter / At the start of this model's Turn, this item may be used in an attempt to convert bio electricity into useable energy. The Archeotech may be attached to any energy weapon (melta, plasma, las, or conversion beamer) or to a Tech Emplacement with Dead, Minuscule, or Low Power. This model must then make a Toughness test. If they pass, they may regenerate up 4 expended "bullets" from an attached weapon's magazine or increase the Power Level of a single Tech Emplacement by 1 step for the upcoming Turn. If this model fails their Toughness test, they suffer a single Mortal Wound, but the effects still work.

Melee Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 25 / 02 / Omnissian Axe / Strength +3, AP -2, Two-handed. Versus enemy models with the Vehicle tag this weapon gains the ElectroPulse and Shocking Qualities.

25 / 45 / 02 / Electro Whip / Strength 4, AP -. Each to hit roll of a 6 increases this weapon's AP by -1.

Ranged Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

100 / 50 / 06 / Conversion Beamer / 1|-|- / 30 / The longer the range, the more power this weapon requires to shoot. Shooting at a target up to 12" away uses 1 "bullet" from this weapon's magazine. Targets beyond 12" and up to 24" away require 3 "bullets" from the magazine. Targets beyond 24" and up to this weapon's maximum range require 10 "bullets". A conversion beamer cannot be reloaded in the conventional sense, but its magazine regenerates 1 expended "bullet" every Turn.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/02 18:40:09

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added two new Talents to the Technological Talents tree so that Techmarines and Apothecaries can take Servitor Cohorts.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/05 00:06:04

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Reloads for Specialist Weapons
Unless otherwise noted, Relic weapons use the standard reloads for a weapon of the same type.
Weapons that fire a variable number of shots only expend a single "bullet" from their magazines when they fire in Standard mode, 2 "bullets" in Burst mode, and 4 "bullets" in Auto Fire mode, regardless of the number or size of the dice they roll when shooting.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Half Promethium Tank / 3 / Reload for Hand Flamers, Flamers, and Flamer Mechadendrites.

01 / 01 / 01 / Promethium Tank / 6 / Reload for Flamers and Heavy Flamers.

01 / 02 / 02 / Promethium Charger / 12 / Reload for Heavy Flamers.

25 / 03 / 01 / Sanctified Promethium Tank / 6 / +1 Strength versus enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tag. Reload for Flamers and Heavy Flamers.

25 / 08 / 02 / Sanctified Promethium Charger / 12 / +1 Strength versus enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tag. Reload for Heavy Flamers.

01 / 04** / 01** / Grav Catalyst / 10 / Reload for Grav Pistols, Gravguns, and Grav Cannons.

15 / 08** / 01** / Plasma Cell / 6 / Reload for Plasma Pistols, Plasmaguns, and Plasma Cannons.

15 / 09** / 01** / Plasma Magazine / 7 / Reload for Plasma Incinerators.

08 / 03** / 01** / Melta Canister / 4 / Reload for Inferno Pistols, Meltas, and Multimeltas.

01 / 01** / 01** / Power Cell / 30 / Reload for Laspistols, Lasguns, and Las Mechadendrites.

10 / 03 / 01 / Heavy Power Cell / 6 / Reload for Lascannon.

01 / 01** / 01** / Automag / 6 / Reload for Auto Pistols and Autoguns.

01 / 02** / 01** / Long Automag / 10 / Reload for Auto Pistols and Autoguns.

15 / 02 / 02 / Autodrum / 30 / Reload for Assault Cannons.

50 / 13** / 01** / Needle Clip / 9 / Reload for Needlers.

50 / 18** / 01** / Splinter Clip / 20 / Reload for Splinter gun.

25 / 10** / 01** / Pulse Charger / 6 / Reload for Pulse Pistols.

25 / 15** / 01** / Pulse Mag / 12 / Reload for Pulse Rifles.

50 / 100** / 01** / Dark Cell / 3 / Reload for Dark Weapons.

*This Cost is for 2 reloads of the same type.
*These items weigh little individually. This Capacity is for 2 reloads of the same type.
**This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
**These items weigh little individually. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/07 01:02:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Shotgun Shells and Grenade Rounds

Individual Shotgun Shells
Manually reloading Shotguns takes 1 Phase for every 3 shells loaded. Unlike other weapons, a Shotgun can be reloaded even if it hasn't expended its last bullet. Whatever type of shell is loaded last is the first available to fire. Models with the Swift Reload Talent manually reload up to 8 shells per Phase.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01* / 01* / Standard Shell / -

01 / 02* / 01* / Dragonfire Shell / Reduces the target's Cover Save bonus by -1.

01 / 03* / * / Scatter Shell / reduces range by half, but each hit counts as 2 hits.

01 / 04* / 01* / Seeker Shell / Doubles maximum range. Ignores Cover.

01 / 03* / 01* / Shredder Shell / Strength 2D3 and AP -2 at half range. Strength D3+1 and AP -1 at ranges higher than half.

01 / 08* / 01* / Destroyer Shell / Strength 6, AP -2.

01 / 06* / 01* / Storm Shell / Damage 2.

Shotgun Magazines
Shotguns equipped with a magazine cannot reload individual shells manually until the last bullet is expended from the current magazine.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Special Rules

01 / 02 / 01** / Standard Mag / 8 / -

01 / 03 / 01 / Standard Drum / 15 / -

01 / 05 / 01** / Dragonfire Mag / 8 / Reduces the target's Cover Save bonus by -1.

01 / 08 / 01 / Dragonfire Drum / 15 / Reduces the target's Cover Save bonus by -1.

01 / 08 / 01** / Scatter Mag / 8 / reduces range by half, but each hit counts as 2 hits.

01 / 12 / 01 / Scatter Drum / 15 / reduces range by half, but each hit counts as 2 hits.

01 / 15 / 01** / Seeker Mag / 8 / Doubles maximum range. Ignores Cover.

01 / 25 / 01 / Seeker Drum / 15 / Doubles maximum range. Ignores Cover.

01 / 10 / 01** / Shredder Mag / 8 / Strength 2D3 and AP -2 at half range. Strength D3+1 and AP -1 at ranges higher than half.

01 / 18 / 01 / Shredder Drum / 15 / Strength 2D3 and AP -2 at half range. Strength D3+1 and AP -1 at ranges higher than half.

01 / 45 / 01** / Destroyer Mag / 8 / Strength 6, AP -2.

01 / 70 / 01 / Destroyer Drum / 15 / Strength 6, AP -2.

01 / 25 / 01** / Storm Mag / 8 / Damage 2.

01 / 35 / 01 / Storm Drum / 15 / Damage 2.

Miscellaneous Shotgun Accessories

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 10 / 00 / Extended Magazine / Adds +2 to manual reload magazine.

05 / 15 / 00 / Street Sweeper* / Increases Rate of Fire by +1, making Shotguns 2|3|-.

10 / 15 / 00 / Auto Conversion* / Adds a Full Auto firing mode to Shotguns, making them 1|2|4.

*Combining these upgrades gives Shotguns a 2|3|6 Rate of Fire.

Grenade Launcher Rounds
Grenade Rounds may be purchased individually or in "Sleeves" of 4.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01** / Frag Round / D3 / -

01 / 03 / 01 / Frag Sleeve / As Frag Rounds.

01 / 01 / 01** / Krak Round / 1 / -

01 / 03 / 01 / Krak Sleeve / As Krak Rounds.

01 / 01 / 01** / Concussion Round / D3 / Concussion Rounds do no damage, but models hit count as Pinned for D3 Turns.

01 / 03 / 01 / Concussion Sleeve / As Concussion Rounds.

01 / 02 / 01** / Chaf Round / 1 / Place a Marker at any point in line of sight, up to the maximum range of the weapon this grenade round is fired from. On a hit, the Marker lands on target. On a miss, the GM may place the Marker anywhere in range of the weapon. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -2 BS until the smoke dissipates. Chaf Smoke dissipates after 3 Turns.

01 / 05 / 01 / Chaf Sleeve / As Chaf Rounds.

01 / 02 / 01** / Blind Round / 5 / Models hit by Blind Rounds take no damage, but may not Move or Advance unless they pass a Toughness test. Additionally, they count their BS and WS as 6+ until the end of their Turn.

01 / 05 / 01 / Blind Sleeve / As Blind Rounds.

05 / 03 / 01** / Sticky Round / 1 / Place a Marker at any point in line of sight, up to the maximum range of the weapon this grenade round is fired from. On a hit, the Marker lands on target. On a miss, the GM may place the Marker anywhere in range of the weapon. Strength 3, AP-. Sticky Rounds, once placed, work exactly like booby traps.

05 / 10 / 01 / Sticky Sleeve / As Sticky Rounds.

15 / 03 / 01** / Shredder Round / D3 / Strength D6, AP -2, D3 Damage.

15 / 10 / 01 / Shredder Sleeve / As Shredder Rounds.

25 / 20 / 01** / Strangler Round / D3 / Strength 1, AP -. Strangler Rounds Pin enemy models in place for D6 Turns. Each Turn after the first a model is Pinned by a Strangler Round, it suffers a hit at Strength +1 more than last Round's hit. A model Pinned by this weapon may attempt a Strength test to try to break the bonds holding them at the start of their Movement Phase. If they pass, they are no longer Pinned and suffer no more automatic hits. If they fail, increase this weapon's automatic hit's Strength by an additional +1 this Turn.

25 / 75 / 01 / Strangler Sleeve / As Strangler Rounds.

25 / 15 / 01** / Acid Round / D3 / Strength 1, AP -D6. If a model hit by an Acid Round survives, permanently reduce its Armor Save by 1. Additionally, the acid lingers causing an automatic Strength 1 hit with an AP -D6 at the end of each of the model's Turns until the end of the Mission.

25 / 55 / 01 / Acid Sleeve / As Acid Rounds.

25 / 13 / 01** / Incendiary Round / D3 / Strength 3, AP -. Models hit by Incendiary Rounds must pass a Toughness test or be set Ablaze. Each Turn after the first a model is Ablaze it suffers a single Strength 3, AP - hit. A model that is Ablaze may spend its Movement Phase putting out the flames. If it does so, it cannot Move or Advance. The Ablaze effect lasts for D3 Turns or until a model puts itself out.

25 / 50 / 01 / Incendiary Sleeve / As Incendiary Rounds.

25 / 05 / ** / Toxin Round / D3 / Strength 5, AP -. If a model is Wounded by a Toxin Round, roll a D3 and apply the affects of the Toxin Round to this many enemy models within 2" of the initial target. A Toxin Round has a cascade effect, meaning that subsequent models Wounded can also spread the effects of this grenade round. Each time the effect spreads, reduce the grenade's Strength by 1. If this reduces the grenade's Strength to 0, it no longer has any effect. If there not enough enemy models to affect, excess cascade Wounds are lost. If this grenade round is used when there are adversaries on the table who are dedicated to Nurgle in any way (cultists, daemons, deathguard, etc.), the marine carrying this item gains an additional +1 Corruption at the end of the Mission. Toxin Rounds count as gas attacks.

25 / 18 / 01 / Toxin Sleeve / As Toxin Rounds.

15 / 08 / 01** / Hellfire Round / D3 / Strength 5, AP -2, ignores cover. Versus Tyranids treat this round as AP -4.

15 / 30 / 01 / Hellfire Sleeve / As Hellfire Rounds.

75 / 40 / 01** / Stasis Round / 1 / Models hit by Stasis Rounds take no damage, but count as Pinned for the remainder of the Mission.

75 / 100 / 01 / Stasis Sleeve / As Stasis Rounds.

100 / 50 / 01** / Vortex Round / 1 / D6 Mortal Wounds.

100 / 200 / 01 / Vortex Sleeve / As Vortex Rounds.

*Shotgun Shells weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 24 Shotgun Shells carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
*This Cost is per individual bullet.
**Grenade rounds weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 4 grenade rounds carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
**Shotgun reloads weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 4 magazines of the same type.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/12 14:31:53

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I changed the way grenades with Markers work and I am currently working on the Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will wargear list. At some point in time I will probably update the climbing and falling rules as they strike me as way too complex at the moment.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/14 21:18:53

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I updated the mêlée weapon rules today.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/17 05:59:59

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I've been editing and tweaking this giant project. Check back often as this is a living document. Some of these posts have 50+ edits on them (although most of them are for grammatical and spelling mistakes). I updated the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Flesh Tearers, and Carcharodons Astra Chapter entries to make them each more unique.

I've also been working my regular job quite a bit, so have had little time to put in for the new gear lists, but to whet your whistle I'll tell you I have these in the works:

Vault of the Librarium*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Librarians.

Tinctures and Tools*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Apothecaries.

Litanies of Faith*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Chaplains.

Tools of the Ordo

And of course...

Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will*
*Only models who have taken the Ally of the Mechanicum Talent may select from this category of gear.

Thans for looking. Feedback is always appreciated. Soon I will get into the backstory and the Missions. I know I have alluded to a lot.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/20 17:28:00

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I clarified the Skill rules regarding effects and order of process.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/20 17:48:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will*
*Only models who have taken the Ally of the Mechanicum Talent may select from this category of gear.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01** / 15* / ** / Optical Mechadendrite* / This cyberlimb is equipped with an optical sensor that allows the bearer to draw line of sight to targets even when they are completely obscured from view. Equipping more than 1 of these Mechadendrites increases this model's weapon ranges by +1" per additional Optical Mechadendrite.

01 / 10 / 01 / Subdermal Syphons+ / These implants impart the Sapping quality to the bearer's mêlée attacks.

01 / 25 / 01 / Subdermal Conductors+ / These implants allow the model to partially convert their own internal bioelectrical current into usable energy. In close combat, Subdermal Conductors impart the Shocking quality to the bearer's mêlée attacks. Additionally, if this model uses the "Arise from your Aeonic Slumber effect of the Tech Skill, they may re-roll a failure, but suffer a -1 to the second attempt. If the model has a Skill Stat of 4+ and they fail their roll, their re-roll only succeeds on a 5+.

01 / 25 / 01 / Extra Limb*+ / In addition to allowing this model to carry an extra weapon - including the option for an additional mêlée weapon - this cybernetic add-on also increases the model's Capacity by +2.

01 / 10 / 01 / Monotask Device*+ / This implant grants 1 of the bearer's Servitors a re-roll when using its Tech Skill. Choose which Servitor before Deployment.

01 / 50 / 01 / Redundant Systems*+] / Actually a series of implants and temporary backup generators, this cyber item allows the bearer to re-roll their results on the Injury Table when called upon to do so.

01 / 15 / 01 / Radgraph*+ / This implant automatically detects radiation levels and chemical trace in the surrounding vicinity. On the tabletop the range of this item is 6" and will automatically identify toxins from poisonous weapons granting a situational +1 modifier to all Toughness tests made to resist those effects. Additionally, power cables, generators, and anomalous effects such as warp radiation or decaying munitions within 6" of this model will automatically be identified as well as the potential benefits or dangers they may impose. GMs take note, if a player's model is equipped with this item, it's on you to tell them when they detect interesting things. This item is likely going to be selected when players begin encountering a lot of Dark Eldar and Tyranids. My recommendation is to use this device to reveal map secrets to the players. Is there a shielded vault on the other side of that bulkhead? Tell the player with this device that it detects a strong energy source right behind that wall. Is there a crack in the Immaterium just waiting to be opened in the room? Tell the player that his device detects warp fluctuations and that they spike every time one of his companions kills an enemy model. And so forth. This device is an awesome tool for foreshadowing and generating side quests.

01 / 20 / 01 / Multi-tool Implant+ / The Multi-tool grants the bearer a situational +1 modifier to their Tech Skill tests when dealing with Tech Emplacements of any Power Level other than Full.

*A model must have the Mechanicus Frame in order to select this item.
**A model must have the Servo Rig Talent (1 or more) to equip any of these items.
+As Implants, a model only needs to meet the Threshold for this item when they first acquire it. It is then permanently added to a model's equipment and its Cost is permanently subtracted from the model's total Renown.
*While a Model with a high enough Servo Rig Talent can equip multiple Mechadendrites of the same type, each one of the same type beyond the first Costs double the previous. As example, a Techmarine with Servo Rig3 wants to equip 2 Flamer Mechandendrites. They would pay 8 Renown to equip the first and 16 Renown to equip the second. If they wanted to equip a third Flamer Mechadendrite, it would Cost 32 Renown.
**More of an implant than a piece of gear, these items' Capacity are mostly taken up by the model's overall cybernetic frame rather than its raw physical might. If a model is equipped with up to 2 of these items, their total Capacity is 0. If they equip 3 or more, each additional Mechadendrite increases the total Capacity by +1.

Miscellaneous Gear
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

45 / 15 / 01 / Refractor / This item grants the bearer a 5+ invulverable save, unless the bearer already has a better invulverable save, in which case the Refractor improves that save by +1.

75 / 35 / 02 / Conversion Field Generator / This item projects a 4+ Invulverable save that covers both the bearer and every other model within 3" of it. This item may also be emplaced and/or Overcharged. Remove the item's Capacity from the carrying model and place a Marker anywhere within 2" of the bearer. The model is no longer equipped with the Generator, but the Marker now projects the field. Enemy models whose line of sight passes through the field grant the target beyond a 4+ Invulnerable save, regardless of their actual promixity to the Marker. If the bearer wishes, they may Overcharge the field when they Emplace it. Doing so increases the Invulverable save to 2+ for D3 Turns, afterwhich the item becomes inert.

120 / 65 / 01 / Displacement Field / This item grants the bearer a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, every time the Field works, the model equipped with it may Move up to D3" in any direction, as long as they remain further than 1" away from any enemy models and outside of impassable terrain.

75 / 15 / - / Awakener Chip / This item must be paired with a specific weapon. When using the Awakened weapon, Overwatch shots hit on a 5+. A Techmarine may instead grant another Deathwatch marine the use of this item, but only if that marine also meets the Threshold of this item.

01 / 25 / 02 / Catalog Tome / Any time a model with 1 or more remaing Ratings in the Tech Skill, that is also equipped with this giant book, moves into base to base contact with any Tech Emplacement they may opt to roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, they cannibalize the Emplacement, and if the model then survives the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, they may hand over all the widgets, cogs, and datachips they've collected to any Faction they have Esteem with for +D3 Esteem. Cannibalizing renders the Tech Emplacement in question broken and useless for the remainder of the Mission.

35 / 35 / - / Phase Crystal Converter / This item replaces one of the Plasma Cells on a Plasmagun or Plasma Cannon. Using the Supercharge ability with these weapons only costs 2 bullets instead of 3 while the Converter is equipped. Additionally, any Plasma Cell loaded into a weapon with this upgrade counts its Magazine as having 8 bullets instead of only 6.

05 / 15 / 01 / Historic Overlay / When this model gains the "Layout of the Surrounding Hulk" local information tidbit, this device overlays those plans in three dimensions over the visuals in the Marine's heads-up display, revealing hidden passages, power conduits, and other structural tidbits otherwise obscured by decay and ruin. GMs, this gadget is always active once equipped, so be sure to pay attention to your notes and when a model with this device moves into range of an anomaly or otherwise hidden Tech Emplacement, let your player know.

Grenades and Grenade Rounds
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

10 / 25 / 01** / Radchaf Grenade Rounds / Place a Marker at any point in line of sight, up to the maximum range of the weapon this grenade round is fired from. On a hit, the Marker lands on target. On a miss, the GM may place the Marker anywhere in range of the weapon. All models, friend or foe, within 3" of this Marker count as in Cover. Additionally, models who draw line of sight through the 3" area around the Marker, suffer -2 BS until the smoke dissipates. Lastly, any model within 6" of the Marker suffers a -1 to its Toughness stat. Radchaf dissipates after 3 Turns.

50 / 07 / ** / Rad Grenades / Roll BS. On a hit, place a Marker anywhere up to 6" from the model who throws this grenade. On a miss, the GM places the Marker anywhere up to 8" from the throwing model. All models, friend or foe, within 6" of this Marker suffer a -1 to their Toughness stat. Rad dissipates after 12 Turns.

**Grenade rounds weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 4 grenade rounds carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
**Grenades weigh little individually, but collectively their weight adds up. Any combination of types may be carried by a model. Equipping 1 or 2 grenades of any type costs 1 Capacity, 3 or 4 costs 2 Capacity, 5 or 6 cost 3 Capacity, and every additional grenade beyond 6 adds +1 Capacity.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/21 19:01:20

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

*I modified the Leaping and Falling rules so that they are more simplified, less math-y, and more concise.

Added 4 new Talents to the Elite Tree.

Added clarification to the Tech Skill effect descriptions as they seemed kind of like throw away effects. I wanted to make sure Tech got the same love as the other skills.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/23 10:27:27

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Before I get too far along, I feel I should create a repository for all the Traits and Qualities I've alluded to throughout this document. This post is essentially a place holder and will be edited a lot as I come up with new options for both. This isn't so much a place to buy these options, as it is a place to put all their definitions in one location.

*These refer to special rules as they are applied to Items.

Ablaze (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Each Turn after the first a model is Ablaze it suffers a single Strength 3, AP - hit. A model that is Ablaze may spend its Movement Phase putting out the flames. If it does so, it cannot Move or Advance. The Ablaze effect lasts for D3 Turns or until a model puts itself out)

Catastrophic (weapons with this Quality that cause 1 or more Wounds impose an additional -D3 penalty to enemy Morale checks)

Charged ElectroPulse (This Quality inflicts a -2 penalty to a target's Ballistic Skill on a hit, if the target also has the Vehicle or Necron tag.)

Conflagration (any model that suffers an unsaved Wound from this weapon causes an automatic additional hit at the same Strength and AP on all models within 2" of it at the end of the Turn)

Deadly to Use (any roll of a 1 to hit with this item destroys it and immediately applies the effects of a successful hit on the model wielding it)

Deadly** (This Quality usually gets tacked on to another effect, Trait, or Quality and means that any stat tests associated with what it's attached to automatically fail. For example, a model automatically fails their Toughness test when attempting to shrug off the Wound Token influcted by a Deadly Toxic weapon. Also, models automatically fail their Toughness tests when attempting to regenerate Wounds lost to Deadly Contagions. Deadly can also be applied to weapons on its own. In these cases, any 6 rolled to hit with these weapons cause a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects)

ElectroPulse (This Quality inflicts a -1 penalty to a target's Ballistic Skill on a hit, if the target also has the Vehicle or Necron tag.)

Entropic (Weapons with this Quality force their targets to roll an additional die when taking Armor Saves against it and taking the worst score)

Enfeebling (Against targets with 5 or more Wounds, Enfeebling weapons cause the target to lose 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Toughness until the end of their next Turn on any hit)

Exceptional (Exceptional Quality weapons allow their bearer to re-roll the first failed to hit roll of every Mission. Exceptional armor re-rolls its first failed Armor Save of every Mission. Any other item of Exceptional Quality re-rolls its first failed roll of every Mission)

Felling (Against targets with 5 or more Wounds, Felling weapons cause a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects. The Felling Quality can only be applied to weapons that are also Masterwork)

Irradiated** (A model or item with this Trait suffers -1 to its Toughness. These items also impose the -1 Toughness penalty to all models in base to base contact with the model holding this item)

Masterwork (Masterwork Quality weapons allow their bearer to re-roll one failed to hit roll of every Turn. Masterwork armor re-rolls one failed Armor Save of every Turn. Any other item of Masterwork Quality gains one re-roll every time it is used)

Mauling (Mauling weapons cause +1 Damage per hit)

Pheromone Tracker (usually applied to Tyranid body parts separated from its host, this Quality draws other Tyranid creatures towards itself. In addition to making any model carrying this item their number one target, the Pheromone Tracker also adds +D3 allotment to a Mission every Turn that can only be spent on Tyranid Adversaries. The GM may save up this Allotment to afford larger creatures, but need not spend any of it at all. Any excess Allotment generated in this way, but not used gets saved and added to the next Mission's Allotment.)

Sanctified (Sanctified items have been blessed by the Ecclesiarchy. Standard Imperial weapons with the Sanctified Quality count their Strength as 1 higher versus Daemonic adversaries and standard armor counts its Save as 1 better versus any damage from a Daemonic source)

Sapping (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Targets affected by Sapping suffer -1 to their Strength stat until the end of their next Turn)

Shocking (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Targets affected by Shocking suffer -1 to their Toughness stat until the end of their next Turn)

Stunning (A weapon with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Targets affected by Stunning suffer -1 to their Attack stat until the end of their next Turn)

Toxic (Toxic weapons automatically generate a single Wound Token on any target that they hit, even if they don't Wound. A model may attempt to remove this Wound Token by passing a Toughness test the moment they would otherwise gain it)

*These refer to special rules as they are applied to Models.

Chained[#]* (This Trait indicates that the more of a particular model type that is gathered in the same area - a proximity to another model with the same Trait indicated by the number in parentheses - the stronger the linked effect becomes. Each additional model within range of another model with the same Traits increases the effects of all Chained* Traits by 1. For instance, Plague Zombies have the Miasmic1*, Contagion1*, and Chained[0]* Traits. For every Plague Zombie in base to base contact with another Plague Zombie, each model increases its Contagion by +1 and its Miasmic by +1. A typical infantry model can fit 6 models in base to base with itself. The Plague Zombie at the center of that crowd becomes Contagion7 and Miasmic7. In crowds, Plague Zombies are terrifying foes.

Contagion (This Trait acts like a passive weapon, causing a single automatic hit at the Strength indicated by the number attached to this Trait whenever a model without this Trait Moves or Advances into range of the Contagion, or at the start of the victim's Movement Phase if they remain in range subsequently. The default range for Contagion is 0" - base to base - unless a model also has the Miasmic Trait in which case the range is equal to its Miasmic aura. In cases where a victim is in range of more than one model with this Trait, only apply a single hit at the highest Strength. This hit has no AP. Models who suffer 1 or more Wounds from this effect may attempt to regenerate those Wounds by passing a Toughness test at the start of any Turn where they are not in range of the Contagion. If they pass, they regenerate 1 Wound lost to this effect. If a model loses its last Wound to this effect, it automatically suffers 1 Wound Token in addition to any other effects as indicated by the Injury Table. Contagion counts as a gas attack. Using the crowd of Plague Zombies again, if a model without Contagion moves to within 7" of that crowd, they suffer a single Strength 7, AP - hit. If they lose a Wound, but subsequently move out of range, they may test Toughness to regain that Wound at the start of every Turn until either the Mission ends or they succeed, whichever comes first.

Cowardly (Models with this Trait cannot declare a Charge against an enemy model unless that model is already engaged with 3 or more friendly models. Cowardly cannot Advance unless they use their movement to get further away from an enemy model)

Fearless (Models with this Trait ignore the effects of Shaken and automatically recover from Pinned effects at the start of their next Turn.)

Fearsome (Models with this Trait impose a -1 modifier to Leadership tests for all enemy models that can draw line of sight to them. In the case of Fearsome adversaries versus Space Marine Squads, this penalty only applies if the Mission Leader can draw line of sight to this model.)

Ferocious (These models gain +1 Strength and +1 Attack starting on the second Turn of Close Combat)

Irradiated** (A model or item with this Trait suffers -1 to its Toughness)

Miasmic (often applied to plague carriers or certain Tyranid monstrosities, this Trait indicates the model in question has both an aura and a cloud that follows with them as they go. Miasmic models act similarly to Markers in that their accompanying effects radiate from them to a predetermined distance, as determined by the number attached to this Trait. In addition to all other effects, Miasmic creatures are also -1 to be hit at any range. For example, a Plague Zombie has the Miasmic1 Trait. Its aura extends 1" around itself. In addition to carrying its Contagion Trait into this range, it is also -1 to be hit with Shooting and Close Combat attacks. Wherever this model moves it carries its Miasmic Trait with it.)

Sniper (Models with this Trait can target any model they wish, including some Tiny models taken as part of a model's wargear such as Cyber Cherubs, Ammo Runts, and Shield Drones)

Terrifying (Models with this Trait impose a -3 modifier to Leadership tests for all enemy models that can draw line of sight to them. In the case of Terrifying adversaries versus Space Marine Squads, this penalty only applies if the Mission Leader can draw line of sight to this model.)

Tiny (Models with this Trait are so small that they impose a -1 penalty to enemy Ballistic Skill rolls to hit them)

Warlock (This Trait allows a Psyker to attempt to manifest up to 2 Psychic Powers every Turn. All Aeldari psykers have this Trait)

Wicked (Models with this Trait gain a +1 bonus to their Leadership if any model in their line of sight suffered 1 or more unsaved Wounds this Turn.)

Chapter Traits
These are Traits specific to individual Space Marine Chapters.

Acute Senses (in Missions where visibilty is limited, Space Wolves add 6" to their visibility range)

Blood Frenzy (after killing an enemy model in Close Combat, this model doubles the number of Attacks on their profile until the end of the Mission)

Feared and Mistrusted (Black Shields must always pay double XP to purchase Cohesion Talents)

Hatred [Traitor Legions]* (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines)

Legendary Enemies (in Missions where Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines are the adversaries, this model gains an additional D3 Renown if they survive the Mission)

Only the Dead (Star Phantoms may ignore the restriction against shooting into Close Combat, randomizing their hits between all participants when they do)

Reckless (if an enemy model moves to within 8", this model must attempt to charge it. If they subsequently win that Close Combat they gain +1 Renown)

Secret Mission (Black Shields begin the campaign with an additional 10 Renown)

The Thirst (roll a Toughness test at the start of every Movement phase. If the model fails they must move towards the nearest visible enemy model. If there are no visible enemy models, the model counts as having passed the test)

Unknown Providence (Black Shields of any Specialty may purchase Ratings in any Skill not normally available to them for 20XP per Rating)

Wisdom (once per Mission, this model may use the Command or Tactics Skill whether they have Ratings in it or not, without expending a Rating and succeeding on a 4+ regardless of their actual Skill Stat)

**Qualities or Traits marked in this way can be both a Quality and a Trait.
*These Traits have a similar effect to the Talents of the same name, but do not count towards the limit of those Talents a single model can take.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/28 06:30:03

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Litanies of Faith*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Chaplains.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

35 / 25 / 01 / Codex Imperialis / This tome contains the gathered wisdom of countless Watch Captains and Brothers Vigilant. Lessons learned across a thousand forgotten battlefields, many fought far from the Light of the Astranomicon. In the field and in the hands of the Chaplain, the Codex Imperialis can be distilled down to chants and canticles distributed via sacred vox comms. At the start of any Turn, the Chaplain may use the Codex Imperialis to assign 1 squad mate in Cohesion range a single re-roll. If the re-roll isn't used by the end of the Turn, it is lost. A new squad mate may be chosen for this re-roll every Turn.

25 / 15 / 01 / Book of Catechisms / A collection of litanies and Imperial prayers, the Book of Catechisms grants all models within Cohesion range of the Chaplain the Ferocious Trait.

01 / 01 / 01 / Words of Law / If the Chaplain is the Mission Leader or if the Mission Leader is in Cohesion range of this Chaplain, they may re-roll the first failed Moral check of the Mission.

01 / 03 / 01 / A Treatise on Tactics / This book is a collection of after-action reports from a myriad of decisively won engagements. The Chaplain who carries this book counts as having the Tactics1 Skill if they don't already possess the Skill or, if they already do have the Skill, this book grants them a single re-roll per Mission that may only be used for Tactics.

Purity Seals*
*These items may either be assigned to the Chaplain model or saved to be equipped to another model by the Chaplain during the course of the Mission. In order to equip another model with a Purity Seal on the fly a Chaplain must be in base to base contact with the model who is to receive the honor and have the Purity Rites Wargear equipped. A model must achieve the Purity Seal's criteria before it can be bestowed. A Chaplain cannot bestow more Purity Seals than he is equipped with. Chaplains may equip themselves with 1 each of these Seals without having to meet the Criteria.

*If a model earns the same Purity Seal 3 times and they survive, they may have their Seal permanently bound to their power armor in electrum. Doing so costs no Renown and the model permanently gains the benefit of the Seal. A model may earn up to 3 of the same type of electrum Purity Seal.
*Purity Seals weigh virtually nothing individually. If a model is equipped with 10 or more Seals or more than 3 electrum Seals, these collectively weigh 01 Capacity.

Threshold / Cost / Item / Criteria / Special Rules

01 / 01 / Rite of the Projectile / Inflict maximum Damage (all shots hit, all hits Wound, all Wounds fail to save) with a Missile, Autocannon, or Autogun in a single Shooting Phase / Whenever this model scores a hit with a Missile, Autocannon, or Autogun, that weapon inflicts +1 Damage. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the Damage is increased by 1.

01 / 01 / Rite of the Destroyer / Inflict maximum Damage (all shots hit, all hits Wound, all Wounds fail to save) with a Lascannon, Gravcannon, or Plasma Cannon in a single Shooting Phase / Whenever this model scores a hit with a Lascannon, Gravcannon, or Plasma Cannon, that weapon inflicts +1 Damage. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the Damage is increased by 1.

01 / 01 / Rite of the Survivor / Survive 5 or more Shooting Phases while equipped with a Plasma Weapon / Whenever this model rolls a 1 when shooting with a Plasma Weapon in Supercharge mode, it may make 6+ save in order to avoid the Mortal Wound. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, this save is improved by 1.

01 / 01 / Litanies of Detestation / Personally slay 15 or more models of the same Faction and Type / Whenever this model Charges enemy models of the same Faction and Type that earned them this Seal, they gain +1 Attack during the 1st round of Close Combat. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the number of bonus first round Attacks is increased by +1.

01 / 01 / Wrath of Angels / Personally score the killing Wound on 3 or more enemy models that began the Mission with 3 or more Wounds each / Whenever this model attacks an enemy model with 3 or more Wounds they improve their weapon's AP by 1. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the AP is improved by 1.

01 / 01 / Litany of Swiftness / Rolling maximum Charge distance on 3 or more Charges and/or rolling the maximum Advance distance 3 or more times in 1 Mission / Whenever this model Advances or Charges, increase their Move distance by 1". For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the distance Moved is improved by +1".

01 / 01 / Litany of Brotherhood / Using 3 or more Skill effects that benefit another allied model in 1 Mission / Increase this model's Cohesion range by 1". For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the Cohesion range is improved by +1".

01 / 01 / Oath of Vengeance / Killing an enemy model after being reduced to 0 Wounds at least once during a Mission / Whenever this model acquires 1 or more Wound Tokens, they may attempt to ignore 1 of those Tokens by rolling a D6. On the roll of a 6, 1 Token is ignored. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the score needed to ignore the Wound Token is improved by 1. 2 Seals ignores the Token on a 5+, and so on.

01 / 01 / Word of the Emperor / Successfully use the Command, Intimidate, and/or Inspire Skill 3 or more times in the same Mission / This model gains a single re-roll that can be used on any 1 die for any reason during the course of the Mission. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the number of re-rolls are increased by 1.

01 / 01 / Thy Strength be Legend / Pass 3 consecutive Characteristic tests in the same Mission / This model may re-roll 1 failed Characteristics test during the course of the Mission, treating their Characteristic as 2 worse for the purposes of this re-roll. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the penalty on the re-roll decreases by 1.

01 / 01 / Rite of Leadership / Pass 3 or more Characteristic tests in full view of the entire surviving squad or, if this model is the Mission Leader, pass 2 or more consecutive Leadership tests in full view of the entire surviving squad during the same Mission / This model may modify 1 friendly or enemy die roll by +/-1 per Mission. For each Seal of this type beyond the first, the number of dice they may modify increases by 1.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 05 / 01 / Purity Rites / Allows the Chaplain to apply Purity Seals on the fly during the course of the Mission.

15 / 08 / 00 / External Vox / This device allows the Chaplain to increase the range of their Inspire Skill by +6".

25 / 15 / 00 / Incense of the Aegis / This tiny, ever-burning incense holder shrouds the Chaplain in blessed smoke that wards him from the touch of the Psyker and the Daemon. The Chaplain gains the Miasmic2 Quality that bestows the Sanctified Trait to all allied models' Armor within range.

01 / 00 / 00 / Rosarius / This holy amulet contains a powerful force field that protects the Chaplain from the Emperor's foes. It imparts a 4+ Invulnerable Save to the Chaplain.

25 / 15 / 00 / Due Diligence Array / Similar in function to the Rosarius, the Due Diligence Array allows the Chaplain to expand his 4+ Invulnerable Save to all allies within 2" of him for 1 Turn. After using this effect, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, the Array ceases functioning for 1 Turn as it regenerates its power.

Melee Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 00 / 01 / Crozius Arcanum / Strength +2, AP -3. Damage 2. Shocking.

25 / 15 / 02 / Blade of Ebony / Strength +1, AP -2. Damage D3. Two-handed. Rolls to hit of 6 improve this weapon's AP by 1 and increase its Damage by +1.

100 / 35 / 02 / Censure of the Lord's Will (Relic Crozius Arcanum) / Strength +3, AP -3. Damage 3. Shocking and Masterwork. Two-handed. Against enemies with the Daemon tag, this weapon gains the Sanctified and Felling Qualities. This weapon is a massive two-handed Crozius Arcanum equipped with an incense brazier inside the weapon's head.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/29 19:58:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Number of Missiles / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Frag Missile / 1 / -

01 / 02 / 07 / Frag Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

01 / 01 / 01 / Krak Missile / 1 / -

01 / 02 / 07 / Frag Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

03 / 02 / 02 / Long Burn Frag Missile / 1 / This missile has the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the Frag Missile, but adds +12" to its maximum range.

03 / 02 / 02 / Turbo Krak Missile / 1 / This missile has the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the Krak Missile, but adds +12" to its maximum range.

05 / 03 / 01 / Airburst Missile / 1 / Shots D6. Strength 4, AP -. Damage 1. Ignores Cover.

05 / 05 / 07 / Airburst Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

15 / 08 / 01 / Seeker Missile / 1 / Strength 4, AP -1. Damage 2. If any squad mate in Cohesion range can draw line of sight to the target, this Missile may be fired at it, even if the model weilding the launcher cannot see the target.

15 / 10 / 01 / Plasma Missile / 1 / Shots D6. Strength 5, AP -2. Damage 2.

20 / 15 / 07 / Plasma Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

20 / 15 / 01 / Destroyer Missile / 1 / Strength 6, AP -3. Damage D3. Versus terrain features such as bulkhead doors, armored bunkers, and/or massive generators, this weapon gains +2 Strength and +D3 Damage.

25 / 25 / 07 / Destroyer Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

30 / 25 / 01 / Tangler Missile / 1 / Shots 2D6. Strength 3, AP -. Damage 1. All hits must be assigned to models within 6" of the primary target. Any model hit by this weapon must also pass a Strength test or become Pinned. This effect lasts for D6 Turns. At the start of an enemy's Movement Phase, models Pinned by this weapon may attempt another Strength test to free themselves, acting as normal if they pass.

40 / 30 / 07 / Tangler Missile Pod* / 6 / This reload may only be used for Cyclone Missile Launchers.

50 / 50 / 01 / Stassis Missile / 1 / Shots D3. Strength 10, AP -. Damage 1. Any model Wounded by a Stassis Missile becomes Pinned for 2D6 Turns.

150 / 100 / 01 / Vortex Missile / Shots D6. Strength 9, AP -4. Damage D6. If this weapon rolls a 4+ for Damage on any of its hits place a Wandering Vortex Marker within 2" of the original Primary Target. During every Movement Phase, friend and foe, roll 2D6 to determine how far this Marker Moves. On the Players' Turn, they may choose the direction; on the enemies' Turn, the GM decides the direction. During the subsequent Shooting Phase - friend or foe's - roll a D6. On a 4+ resolve another attack as if the Missile hit at the new location of the Marker. If any of these hits generate 6 Damage, the Marker stays in play and continues to wander. On a 3 or less, the Marker implodes. Every model within 2" of the Marker takes D3 Mortal Wounds and the Marker is removed. If the Wandering Vortex Marker fails to score any 6s on subsequent Damage rolls, it otherwise winks out harmlessly. Remove the Marker with no further effects.

*Individual Missiles may be loaded into any Missile Launcher, Relic Missile Launcher, or Cyclone Missile Launcher.
*These Pods can only be used to reload Cyclone Missile Launchers on extended Missions where the squad is not transported back to the Intolerance at the end of the Mission, but there still is a Debriefing Phase.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/30 00:01:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Tinctures and Tools*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Apothecaries.


Threshold / Cost / Number of Doses / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 3 / Pain Suppressant / If a model administered this Stim has 1 or more Wound Tokens and must roll on either the Injury or the Injury Recovery table, while under the effects of this Stim, they may treat their total Wound Tokens as 1 less than what they actually are. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

01 / 03 / 3 / Onslaught / Any model administered this Stim must Advance in their Movement Phase and rolls 2D3 when they do, instead of D6. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

05 / 03 / 3 / Frenzy / Any model administered this Stim must Charge if they have eligible targets. Additionally, while the effects of this Stim last, the affected model gains +1 Attack and +1 Toughness versus mêlée attacks. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

10 / 05 / 3 / Focus / Any model administered this Stim cannot Advance for any reason. Additionally, while the effects of this Stim last, the affected model gains +6" visual range, +6" ranged weapon range, and may re-roll failed to hit rolls if they are using Standard Firing Mode. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

10 / 08 / 3 / Brute / While the effects of this Stim last, the affected model gains +1 Toughness and +1 Strength, but treat their Ballistic Skill as 5+ for the same duration. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

15 / 10 / 3 / Nullifying Agent / While the effects of this Stim last, the affected model becomes immune to the Toxic Quality and the Contagion Trait. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

25 / 18 / 3 / Larraman's Booster / While the effects of this Stim last, the affected model may subtract D3 from any rolls they must make on the Injury Table. If this results in a roll of 0 or less, the model may also remove up to 1 Wound Token previously accrued during the course of the Mission. The effects of this Stim last for D3 Turns.

*These items weigh virtually nothing individually. Carrying 12 or more doses weigh 01 Capacity collectively.
*A model may never be affected by more than 1 Stim at a time.


Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Medipak / A Medipak grants a +1 bonus to the first 3 Medic tests of a Mission. A Medipak may also be sacrificed in order to re-roll a single failed Medic test per Mission. Once sacrificed, it no longer grants the bonus to rolls, even if it still had uses left.

35 / 35 / 02 / Resusitrex / The Resusitrex may be used on any Space Marine, Scout, or Neophyte model that has become a Dead Marine Objective. On the roll of a 5+, stand the "dead" marine (or Scout/Neophyte) back up with 1 Wound and 5 Wound Tokens. Models restored in this way gain +5XP, if they survive the Mission. There is no limit to the number of times a model can be saved with a Resusitrex. Scouts and Neophytes saved in this way 5 or more times during the Campaign may be promoted to Tactical Marines or Assault Marines respectively.

01 / 03 / 01 / Medscanner / This device grants a +1 bonus on any Medic re-rolls for this model and all allied models within 6" of him.

50 / 25 / 01 / Diagnosticator Helm / This helmet grants a +1 bonus to any Medic Skill rolls for the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect.

01 / 08 / 05 / Sample Case / This case carries up to 3 Sample Containers and negates any ill effects those samples might otherwise incur. Such as the Pheromone Tracker Trait imposed by Tyranid samples or the Irradiated Trait imposed by some machine components.

01 / 01 / 01 / Sample Container / This holds a single sample, such as a Tyranid's brain or an Isotopic Rod, for easy transport.

150 / 80 / 02 / Stassis Field Generator / This device cocoons a single model in an impenetrable field. While in this field they cannot be affected in any way. The model loses all Traits. If used on a willing subject, they become an object wieghing 10 Capacity. If used on an unwilling subject, treat this wargear as a Mêlée weapon with the following profile: Strength 1, AP -4. Unweildy. No Damage, but if the target is "wounded" and fails their Save they become trapped in the Stassis Field.

Ranged Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 05 / 01** / Tracker Dart / 1|-|- / 1 / 6" Range. Strength 2, AP -. Damage 1. Models hit by a Tracker Dart count as always in line of sight to the Apothecary and any allied model in Cohesion range of him. However, unless that model actually is in line of sight to the shooting model, it also counts as in Cover.

50 / 25 / 01 / Needle Pistol / 1|-|- / 10 / 12" Range. Strength 1, AP -. Damage D3. Against living targets such as Daemon Engines, Ork Infantry, and Tyranid Monsters, this weapon Wounds on a 4+ regardless of the target's Toughness. Additionally, models previously Wounded by this weapon must take a Toughness test at the start of their Turn or suffer an additional D3 Wounds with no AP. For an additional 25 Renown an Apothecary may upgrade this weapon to Deadly.

**This Capacity is for 3 Darts.

Weapon Reloads

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 15 / 01** / Needle Mag / 10 / Reload for the Needle Pistol above.

**Ammunition weighs little individually. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.

Vault of the Librarium*
*Gear from these lists may only be taken by Librarians.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Runes of Denial / This one-use item grants the Librarian +1 to their Deny the Witch rolls.

01 / 01 / 01 / Runes of Power / This one-use item grants the Librarian the ability to re-roll 1 of their dice when attempting to manifest a Psychic Power.

10 / 05 / 02 / Grimoire of Names / When fighting against Daemons, this book allows the controlling player to select 1 of the Ruinous Powers - Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne, or Slaanesh. Daemons either aligned to that Power or unaligned must pass a Toughness test before they can Charge this model. If they fail their test they cannot chose another target. Additionally, against those same Daemonic enemies, this model may re-roll 1 of their to hit rolls and 1 of their to wound rolls in both their Shooting and Assault Phases per Turn.

25 / 15 / 01 / Searing Token / This eye-shaped amulet allows the Librarian to re-roll one of their Power dice when attempting to manifest a Psychic Power.

50 / 25 / 01 / Investiture of the Warp / This psychically-attuned fetish allows the Librarian to roll an additional D3 when attempting manifest a Psychic Power.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

00 / 00 / 01 / Psychic Hood / This armored cowl grants the Librarian a +1 to their Deny the Witch attempts when the enemy Psyker is within 12".

25 / 25 / 01 / Hexagrammic Wards / This powerful shielding protects the bearer from enemy Psychic attacks. Against any Mortal Wounds inflicted by enemy Psychic Powers, this model may make a special 4+ Invulnerable Save.

50 / 35 / 01 / Aegis Protectorate / Against enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tags, treat this model's base Save as 2+, unless it normally would be a 2+. In that case, equipping this item means a model's Armor Save can never be penalized to worse than 5+.

50 / 45 / 01 / Psychic Shield / Against enemy models with the Daemon or Psyker tags, this model gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save. If the bearer has successfully manifested a Psychic Power on its last Turn, this Save is improved to 4+.

Melee Weapons

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 01 / Force Sword / Strength as user, AP-3, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn.

05 / 03 / 02 / Force Axe / Strength +1, AP -2, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn.

10 / 08 / 02 / Force Staff / Strength +2, AP -1, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn. Additionally, if a model is armed with a Force Staff and is not engaged in mêlée combat, they may add +1 to their attempts to manifest Psychic Powers.

25 / 15 / 01 / Attuned Blade / Strength as user, AP -3, Damage 1; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn. Additionally, if this weapon is used to Parry an enemy attack, it gains +1 to the attempt.

50 / 35 / 01 / Blade of Saint Cerebus (Relic Force Sword) / Strength as user, AP -3, Damage D3; plus Strength and Damage +1 as long as the Librarian manifested a Psychic Power last Turn. Additionally, this Relic grants +1 Attack and has both the Masterwork and Felling Qualities.

Specialist Reloads for Bolters and Stormbolters

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Primary Magazine / Special Rules

25 / 15 / 01* / Witchfire Bolts / 8 / As Bolter, +1 Strength versus Daemons. When wielded by a model with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers, this weapon's Burst Fire Mode Range is 18" and its Standard Fire Mode range is 30". Ignores Invulnerable Saves.

35 / 20 / 01* / Witchfire Bolts / 18 / As Stormbolter, +1 Strength versus Daemons. When wielded by a model with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers, this weapon's Burst Fire Mode Range is 18" and its Standard Fire Mode range is 30". Ignores Invulnerable Saves.

*Ammo weighs little individually. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammo weighs little individually. This Capacity is for 2 reloads of the same type.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/09/30 22:34:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Tools of the Ordo (available to all Deathwatch marines)

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

01 / 01 / 00 / Armor-Mounted Spotlight / This item allows the model equipped with it to see up to 48" in a straight line when the visual range of the model is otherwise obscured by darkness. However, all other models will also be able to draw line of sight to this model, regardless of darkness conditions, and may always target this model even if it is not the closest model to the shooter. This item may be turned on and/or off as a free action.

35 / 04 / 05 / Mantlet Shield / This item is a deployable barricade (a triple section of the Aegis Defense Line will work to represent this item) that counts as Fortified Terrain once emplaced. Once deployed remove this item's Capacity from the model carrying it just like Emplaced weapons. This item provides the model carrying it a +1 bonus to its Armor Save until it is emplaced.

01 / 10 / 00 / Exceptional Quality / This Quality must be assigned to a weapon, suit of armor, or item of wargear that requires a roll. Exceptional Quality gear allows a player to re-roll the first failed roll associated with the item per Mission.

50 / 25 / 00 / Masterwork Quality / This Quality must be assigned to a weapon, suit of armor, or item of wargear that requires a roll. Masterwork Quality gear allows a player to re-roll 1 failed roll associated with the item per Turn.

50 / 25 / 01 / Jump Pack / This bulky backpack variant allows its wearer to make great leaps across open gaps and gentle, albeit roaring, descents into the depths of the decayed hulk. Jump Packs increase a model's base Move to 12". Additionally, these packs ignore the first 12" of Falling distance when calculating the Strength and AP of the impact. Jump Packs also allow a model to Move up, down or across gaps of up to 12" without penalty. Lastly, Jump Packs add 12" to the base distance a model may jump across a gap. Assault Marines may equip a Jump Pack without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay its Cost. Chaplains and Champions treat this item's Threshold as 15. Devastators and Intercessors must pay Quadruple the Cost to equip this item. Terminators cannot equip this item at all.

01 / 15 / 01 / Auspex / This item grants the bearer a single re-roll each Battleround that may be used for either a Shooting hit rolls or a wound roll in the Fight Phase, player's choice. An Auspex may also be used to scan the surrounding area up to 2D6" using the Tech Skill. Successful interaction with the device will reveal weak areas in the surrounding architecture, hidden tunnels in the walls or floors, and reveal any Adversaries that are not in line of sight (because they are in the walls, under the floor, on the next deck, or some other narrative reason) as blips.

10 / 05 / 02 / Grav Amplifier / When coupled with a GravCannon, this item allows the bearer to re-roll failed Wound rolls. On its own, the Amplifier instead forces enemy models to subtract 1" from their Charge distances when Charging the model that carries it.

100 / 05 / ** / Icon Imperator / Any marine equipped with this item adds +1 Damage to their Ranged weapons when attacking enemy models with 8 or more Wounds.

01 / 01 / 01 / Augur Array / When placed against a wall, this item provides a thermal image of up to 6" beyond.

01 / 03 / 01 / Scope / Increase the range of the weapon this item is assigned to by 6" when that weapon is fired in Standard Firing Mode.

25 / 20 / 01 / Targeting Array / This device may be used with any ranged weapon equipped by the model. It allows the marine to assign subsequent shots fired in any Mode to enemy models +1" more distant from the Primary Target.

01 / 01 / 01 / Sealant / This fast-drying substance allows a marine in base to base contact with a door or barricade to permanently seal it shut. Treat the target of the Sealant as a Locked Bulkhead for the purposes of destroying or moving through it. Each Sealant container has enough material for 3 uses before becoming useless.

01 / 01 / 01 / Magboots / Magboots allow the model equipped with them to Move up and down sheer metal surfaces as if they were level ground. A model can even end their Turn magnetized to a wall, but if shot at must roll to avoid Falling as normal.

25 / 25 / 01 / Grav Pack / This item reduces the Strength of the hit caused by a Fall by half, rounding down. If this results in a 0, this model ignores the hit.

01 / 01 / 01 / Manacles / For binding a prisoner. The bound model can Move as normal, but cannot Advance, can't Shoot, and can only make 1 Attack in close combat, treating their Weapon Skill as 6+.

25 / 15 / 01 / Ocular Spy / This item may be placed on any terrain feature and acts as a security camera long after the marines leave the area. When placing the Spy, choose the direction it is looking toward. The Spy cannot see anything behind itself, but otherwise has a 180° field of vision in the direction it faces. During the Mission it is placed the Ocular Spy acts like a stationary model guarding the area it is in. Enemy models attempting to sneak up on the squad by staying out of their line of sight automatically fail if they pass within 24" of the Spy in its arc of vision. Place the sneaking models where they were spotted. For D3 Missions after the 1 it is placed in, the Ocular Spy forces the GM to reveal what he has spent 3D6 of the upcoming Mission's Allotment on. A GM must reveal whole models. For instance, if a 4 is rolled, the GM may state that he has spent those 4 on a Miniboss, which actually reveals that they've spent 5 Allotment. They could also say they spent those 4 on 4 Minions or that those 4 went towards purchasing a Boss Monster - which reveals that they've spent 30 Allotment. But the reveal is not just what types of adversaries they have purchased, but literally what models they're bringing to the Mission. Taking the above example, the GM could say they spent 4 Allotment on a Tyrant Guard, 4 Allotment on 4 Genestealers, or at least 4 on a Carnifex. This reveal happens before the Arming Phase. Like grenades, once placed, Ocular Spies are expended, but only a model's Capacity limits the number of them they can carry.

100 / 50 / ** / Cyber Cherub / This creepy flying cyborg baby follows the marine around, acting as a warning system, a target assist, and a mule. The Cyber Cherub must remain within 2" of its controlling marine and extends his visual range by +3", allows him to assign subsequent shots to enemy models +1" more distant from the Primary Target, and has a carrying Capacity of 4. A Cyber Cherub is a tiny creature that may be targeted by enemy models with the Sniper Trait. If individually targeted, the Cyber Cherub has a Toughness of 3, 1 Wound, a 4+ Invulnerable Save, and the Tiny Trait.

35 / 15 / ** / Servo Skull / This item increases a model's visual range by 2D6". Roll whenever the lights go out. A Servo Skull is a tiny device that may be targeted by enemy models with the Sniper Trait. If individually targeted, the Servo Skull has a Toughness of 2, 1 Wound, a 6+ Invulnerable Save, and the Tiny Trait.

35 / 15 / ** / Servo Vox / This item may be placed up to 2" from the controlling player. If the Servo Vox is in Cohesion range of another model - using the controlling model's Cohesion - then this model counts as being in Cohesion range, too. A Servo Vox is a tiny device that may be targeted by enemy models with the Sniper Trait. If individually targeted, the Servo Vox has a Toughness of 2, 1 Wound, a 6+ Invulnerable Save, and the Tiny Trait.

50 / 01 / ** / Ordo Honorifica / A model equipped with this item may also equip a Heavy Flamer, even if they are not a Terminator or a Champion.

01 / 02 / 01 / Clip Harness / When climbing, this item adds a +2 bonus to a model's Strength for the purposes of avoiding Falling.

35 / 06 / 00 / Suspensor Rig / This item must be paired with a weapon. It reduces the Capacity weight of the weapon it is attached to by half (rounding up) and changes the weapon's type to Assault, regardless of what it was before. However, this item also reduces the weapon's range by half (rounding down).

00 / 01 / 00 / Tactical Rigging / This item adds +2 to a model's Capacity.

25 / 05 / 01 / Teleport Homer / If a model becomes isolated from the rest of his squad mates, this device allows him to attempt to Teleport to within 6" of any other model who is also equipped with one of these devices. The Teleporting model must roll a Toughness test if they fail, they move D6" in a random direction and this would put them inside a terrain feature, instead move them just enough to avoid that, but they suffer D3 Mortal Wounds. If they just pass (they roll equal to their Toughness), they Teleport and suffer a single Mortal Wound. If they pass any other way, Teleport them as normal.

50 / 25 / 02 / Teleport Beacon / Emplacing this device creates a 6" diameter field centered on it which acts like a Teleportarium Extraction point or a Teleportarium deployment option for any Mission that begins in the same or nearby section of the Hulk.

60 / 10 / +01* / Teleport Rig / This item must be paired with another item. It allows that item to be Teleported onto the [++Redacted++] via Teleport Beacon instead of being carried by the model. *This item adds its weight to the item it is attached to.

50 / 50+ / ** / Deliverant / This grants the Mission Leader the Insertion option for a Thunderhawk.

150 / 25 / ** / Crux Terminatus / This icon of honor allows a model to equip Terminator Armor. Additionally, just wearing this badge sets the marine apart from his peers. At the end of the Mission, note how many space marine models can draw line of sight to this model. The marine wearing the Crux earns Renown equal to that number of marines and all of those marines also each gain +1 Renown just for having witnessed his greatness.

150 / 150+ / ** / Iudicium / This grants the Mission Leader the Insertion option for the Iudicium Thunderhawk.

**These items are badges or honorifics such as medals and ribbons. They have a negligible weight by comparison to the myriad other gear a marine carries. Therefore, they take up no Capacity.
**These items are actually separate models that act on their own and do not have to be carried by the marine who equips them. Therefore, they take up no Capacity.
**This item does not have an individual weight.
+This cost may be spread amongst the entire squad, but the Mission Leader must still meet the Threshold himself.

Armor and Fields

Threshold / Cost / Armor Save|Invulnerable Save / Item / Special Rules

05 / 03 / -|5+/ Combat Shield / This Armor Accessory does not prevent a model from holding another Item or Weapon in the hand it is equipped to. The Combat Shield weighs Capacity 01 and only works against hits inflicted on the model in the Fight Phase.

25 / 01 / 4+|- / Scout Armor / Whenever this model Advances roll 2 dice and take the preffered score. Space Wolves and their Successors must pay 25 Renown to equip this armor. However doing so grants the wearer the Stealth1 Skill, unless they already had that Skill in which case this suit improves its Rating by +1.

25 / 15 / 2+|6+/ Seige Shield / Only works against Shooting attacks that come from this model's front arc. The Seige Shield weighs Capacity 03.

15 / 10 / 3+|5+/ Storm Shield / The Storm Shield weighs Capacity 01.

15 / 12 / -|5+/ Impudence Field / This field only works against Mêlée attacks. It reduces the Strength of enemy hits by -1 (to a minimum of 1).

20 / 15 / 4+|- / Crusade Plate / Reduce any Wounds inflicted by Events by 1 (to a minimum of 0). Equipping this Armor grants the model +D3 Renown if they survive the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining.

* / 15 / 2+|5+ / Terminator Armor / *A model must either also be equipped with a Crux Terminatus or be the Terminator Specialty. Terminators neither have to meet this item's Threshold nor pay its Cost to equip it. Terminator armor adds +2 to a model's base Capacity.

150 / 100 / 2+|- / Artificer Armor / Artificer Armor adds +1 to a model's base Capacity.

150 / 100 / 2+|- / Runic Armor / Space Wolves and their Successors only. This Armor also confers a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus Damage caused by enemy Psychic Powers.

Emplaced Guns*
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

15 / 15 / 10 / Twin Heavy Bolter Tarantula / 6|-|12 / 60 / -

35 / 25 / 14 / Twin Lascannon Tarantula / 2|-|- / 12 / -

50 / 45 / 14 / Twin Assault Cannon Tarantula / 12|14|30 / 60 / -

25 / 08 / 04 / Deathwind Pod / D6|-|- / 10 / Deathwind Pods are equipped with a single Deathwind Launcher.

25 / 10 / 03 / Auto Sentry / -|-|6 / 60 / The Auto Sentry is a small turret equipped with a modified Stormbolter and large box Magazine.

150 / 35+ / 01+ / Imperator's Will (Relic Tarantula) / Rate of Fire as twin heavy weapon mounted / Primary Magazine as twin heavy weapon mounted / The Imperator's Will is an empty Tarantula chassis that may be fitted with a twin version any non-Relic heavy weapon. Imperator's Will has a BS of 3+ and adds 12" to the range of the weapon mounted to it. The Primary Magazine of any twin weapon is double normal. The Capacity of the Imperator's Will is equal to 1 plus the weight of 2 versions of the same weapon. Models who equip the Imperator's Will must also pay the Renown Cost of the weapons attached to it.

*All emplaced weapons require 1 full Turn to set up. Once placed they can never Move or Advance, use their own BS of 4+ (unless otherwise listed as better), and always Shoot at the nearest enemy models in range. Once they run out of Ammo, they may be reloaded like a Heavy Weapon if a model with an appropriate magazine is in base to base contact with it. Once deployed, remove their Capacity from the model carrying it.

Emplaced Reloads and Specialty Ammo

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

15 / 02 / 03 / Replacement Pod / This is a reload for the Deathwind Pod.

15 / 03 / 01 / Sentry Box / This is a reload for the Auto Sentry.

Long Arms
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

50 / 15 / 02 / Sniper Rifle / 1|-|- / 4 / If a model armed with a Sniper Rifle does not Move or Advance, increase the Range of this weapon by +24". A model armed with a Sniper Rifle suffers a -2 penalty to hit if it Moves. A model equipped with Scout Armor does not have to meet the Threshold to equip this weapon.

Reloads and Specialty Ammo for Sniper Rifles

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

05 / 01* / 01* / Sniper Mag / This is the standard reload for the Sniper Rifle.

05 / 03* / 02* / Anti-Materiel Mag / Versus targets with the Vehicle or Building <keyword>, this weapon may reroll Wounds.

35 / 05* / 01* / Shieldbreaker Mag / Ignores Invulnerable saves.

15 / 02* / 01* / Airburster Mag / Ignores Cover.

50 / 16* / 01* / Genophage Mag / Increase Damage to D3.

*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/10/07 07:16:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Currently I'm working on the meat of the narrative. I'll have another update soon. Ship names and narratives, adversaries, missions, and factions are upcoming. Stay tuned!

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/10/19 21:37:07

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Phases of the Missions
*Opportunities for unstructured roleplay if the GM and Players are agreeable to it.


* Explain the Mission parameters, including Deployment and Extraction options
* Known Adversaries and what to expect
* Primary and Tertiary Objectives
* Players use applicable Skills
* Maps if available
* In service to whom
Choose Mission Leader
* Decide which model is best to lead this operation
* Swear Oaths, if applicable
* Spend Renown to equip your models
* As per the Mission's options
* Play the Mission*

* Record XP and Renown
* Spend or bank XP
* Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/10/19 21:40:47

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Deployment and Extraction

As stated earlier in this document, players have a number of options for both Deployment and Extraction in their Missions. In the beginning of the Campaign, these "options" are dictated wholly by the Missions themselves. However, as the Campaign progresses, players will get a feel for the environment of the [++Redacted++] and the landscape of the narrative, to the point where they might like options. This is totally natural.

If any player takes the Watch Captain Talent they may alter the Deployment/Extraction parameters of any Mission their Squad takes on. This may be useful when playing a series of linked Missions where remaining onboard the [++Redacted++] is vital for the sake of time, when on secret Subplot Missions, or when Narrative Setbacks would otherwise render certain options moot.

Each of the options presents the players with a different set of parameters to consider when formulating their Mission plans. The following is a detailed description of each option.


Thunderhawk Insertion: The Deployment Zone for this option is any corridor or room along the Players' edge of the table. All Imperial models deployed in this way must begin the game in Cohesion range of the Mission Leader. Player(s) must pay for the Deliverant or the Iudicium with their Renown in order to select this option.

Teleportarium: The Deployment Zone for this option is 2 lines, each 3" wide by 8" long, placed anywhere within 12" of the players' board edge. All Imperial models deployed on this Mission must fit wholly within 1 or both of these lines (they can be placed side by side to allow larger models to deploy). The exact placement of these lines is dictated either by the GM or, if any of the players with a model in the squad has the Tactics Skill, by the player whose model is the Mission Leader.

*In some Missions, where players have managed to ally themselves with 1 Faction or another of the Admech (more on this later), the exact placement of these lines, and/or the size of these lines, may be altered or manipulated.

Alternative Teleportarium Insertion Rules*: instead of placing 2 lines of 3" by 8" dimensions, a player with the Tactics Skill may place a series of eight 2" squares in any configuration, as long as each square touches another square along an edge. These squares can be placed anywhere up to 6" from the board edge designated as the Deathwatch Deployment Edge or, when not specified by a Mission, any edge that is also 9" from any Objective. These squares are placed before Deployment and the GM cannot place Adversaries closer than 9" from the edge of any of these squares.

*This rule variant is optional. Players, ask your GM if they are okay with using it. GMs consider allowing players to use this option.

Deadfall Boarding Torpedo: The Deployment Zone for this option is anywhere on the table up to 18" from the players' table edge. All models deployed in this way must begin the game in Cohesion range of the Mission Leader.

The Insidiatori Mortuum is a high speed, high impact deployment vehicle. It cannot be used in situations where non-space marine characters have joined the squad for any reason. As tough as Inquisitors and Magos are, their bodies would be pulped instantly upon impact with the outer hull.

*When a Narrative Setback renders the Teleportarium inoperable and players do not want to expend the Deadfall or lack the Renown to purchase the use of a Thunderhawk, the following 2 options are open to them. The Mission Leader decides which 1 to use.

Interceptor Shuttle: The Deployment Zone for this option is anywhere on the table up to 6" from the players' table edge.

Interceptor Shuttles are relatively slow insertion vehicles. When using this Deployment method, roll a D6 before the start of the 1st Turn. On the roll of a 1, add +1 hour to the overall length of the Mission. On any other roll, add that amount to the Adversary Allotment for the Mission.

Boarding Pod: The Deployment Zone for this option is anywhere on the table up to 6" from the players' table edge. All models deployed in this way must begin the game in Cohesion range of the Mission Leader.

Just Down the Hall: This Deployment Zone is for use with Linked Missions. Marines may be set up anywhere along their own table edge up to 3" in.


If 1 of the Objectives in a Mission is Extraction, then it is only achieved when all surviving models meet the corresponding Extraction parameters for the option selected.

Deliverant Thunderhawk Extraction: The Mission Leader's player chooses a room or corridor on any table edge at the start of the game, before the 1st Turn. This is the Extraction point. If the chosen board edge is the same as the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If the chosen board edge is perpendicular to the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader instead gains +1 XP. If the far board edge is chosen, the Mission Leader gains no bonus, but every other model in his squad who survives the Mission gains +1 Renown and +1 XP. Player(s) must pay for the Deliverant with their Renown in order to select this option.

Iudicium Thunderhawk Extraction: The Mission Leader's player chooses a room or corridor on any table edge at the start of the game, before the 1st Turn. This is the Extraction point. If the chosen board edge is the same as the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If the chosen board edge is perpendicular to the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader instead gains +1 XP. If the far board edge is chosen, the Mission Leader gains no bonus, but every other model in his squad who survives the Mission gains +1 Renown and +1 XP. In addition, if any Marine model suffers a roll of a 9+ on the Injury Chart, the Iudicium counts as a Teleportarium for the purposes of any subsequent rolls on the Recovery Table. Player(s) must pay for the Iudicium with their Renown in order to select this option.

Teleportarium: At the start of the game, before Deployment, the GM places or designates a single 6" by 6" square anywhere on the tabletop and designates this as the Extraction point. GMs, this 6" by 6" square must be placed in an area where it will fit.

Alternative Teleportarium Extraction Rules*: instead of placing a square of 6" by 6" dimensions, a player with the Tactics Skill may place a series of nine 2" squares in any configuration, as long as each square touches another square along an edge. These squares can be placed anywhere at least 9" from any Objective, anywhere on the table. These squares are placed before Deployment, but the GM can place Adversaries right on top of them. Player(s) must remove enemy models from all the Teleportarium Squares before they can begin to Extract. If placed at least 18" away from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone, the model whose controlling player placed these squares gains +1XP. If placed on the same board edge as the Deathwatch Deployment Zone, the model whose controlling player placed these squares instead gains +1 Renown.

*This rule variant is optional. Players, ask your GM if they are okay with using it. GMs consider allowing players to use this option.

Interceptor Shuttle: The Mission Leader's player chooses a room or corridor on any table edge at the start of the game, before the 1st Turn. This is the Extraction point. If the chosen board edge is the same as the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If the chosen board edge is perpendicular to the Deployment board edge, the Mission Leader instead gains +1 XP. If the far board edge is chosen, the Mission Leader gains no bonus, but every other model in his squad who survives the Mission gains +1 XP.

When all models have reached the Extraction point, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, the game continues for another Turn. If the Extraction point is on a perpendicular edge, add +1 to this die roll. If the Extraction point is on the far board edge, add +3 to this roll. Roll at the end of every Turn until the Shuttle arrives. If 3 or more Turns pass without the Shuttle arriving, add +1 hour to the total Mission length. If 1 or more Turns pass without the Shuttle arriving, all models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown.

Defensible Position: At the start of the game, before Deployment, the GM places an Objective Marker at any point on the table, at least 6" from any board edge. Surviving models must reach this Marker and eliminate all enemies or activate all bulkhead doors to secure the position in order to achieve this Objective and end the Mission.

As the option suggests this "Extraction" method does not actually extract the players' models. There is no Arming Phase for the next Mission, unless a player has a Talent to mitigate this. Additionally, reduce the time of the next Mission by -1 hour. Lastly, unless a Chaplain has deployed with the squad, roll a D6 for each surviving squad member. On the roll of a 1, that model gains an additional +1 Corruption.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/10/25 16:56:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added some new ammunition types to the long list of bolter reloads and added the Stalker Pattern Bolter to the list of weapons.

Made some minor adjustments to the Chpaters list, including toning down the overpowered Blood Angels Frenzy Trait.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/10/30 18:31:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added a new Chainsword Relic.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/11/15 22:48:38

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I changed the "earning XP" criteria from any Wound inflicted on a Boss Monster or Miniboss to the following:

Scoring a hit on a Boss Monster that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Scoring a hit on a Miniboss that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*

I also updated the original post with that info.

I feel like this version has better clarity and also reflects the current rules system where weapons can inflict variable damage per hit. It is also still compatable with older rules if your group is using those instead.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Mission Types
There are 3 categories of Missions in this campaign. Each plays out with a slight variation on the standard theme of 40k games. These 3 Mission types are Exploration, Linked, and Routine. The following is a detailed breakdown of each.

Note that one of the main themes of this campaign is time and the race against it. Each of these Mission types addresses the delicate balance between safety and time. Insertion - or the time it takes characters to be briefed, to arm, and to deploy - is an immutable 1 hour endeavor. Extraction - or the time it takes characters to get to their escape vehicle, make the transit back to the Intolerance, and then be debriefed - is another immutable hour. So the Mission Types that occupy the time between these 2 immutable hours will determine the overall length and therefore expenditure of this precious Time.

Exploration Missions
Exploration Missions are not played out like regular 40k games. Instead they are largely dictated by dice rolls. No board is set up unless something goes awry and models are not deployed to the table. Instead, the Mission Leader simply rolls the appropriate number of dice as dictated by the Mission's Parameters and adds that many hours to the Mission's length.

Exploration Missions sometimes have a Risk/Reward option where the Mission Leader can opt to roll on a "Treasure Table" that can provide new information and/or found special items, but also runs the risk of random encounters (and a table set-up and mini 40k game as players attempt to fight their way out of a bad situation) and/or fruitless searching (and therefore wasted time).

Exploration Missions always have very simple Objectives such as "Find a Safe Passage Through to the Control Room" or "Activate the Generators in Sequence". Note that during these Missions, unless the Mission Leader generates a random encounter, there is no way for an individual marine to singlehandedly achieve any Objective. If an Exploration Mission ends successfully (meaning at least 1 marine survives until the end) the Objective is automatically achieved.

Note also that Exploration Missions may also be "Linked" (see Linked Missions below) to the next Mission. In the case of Linked Exploration Missions, ignore the Extraction and Insertion times for this Mission and the next Mission, respectively. In the beginning of the campaign, the option to Link Exploration Missions to the following Mission will be clearly stated. As the campaign progresses, players may gain the option to make this decision themselves on the fly.

Linked Missions
These are standard games of 40k. Terrain is set up according to the Mission guidelines, and models deploy. Objective Markers are placed, & players and GM participate as normal.

However, unlike standard 40k games, Linked Missions do not end after a set number of Turns. These games last until all Objectives are completed or all Space Marines have been removed as casualties. Additionally, Linked Missions remove the otherwise immutable 1 hour Extraction time at their end and the otherwise immutable 1 hour Insertion time at the beginning of the very next Mission this Squad participates in. If there are more than 2 Missions so Linked, each Mission in the chain gains this benefit.

Linked Missions also impose a penalty on the Squad for their remaining Missions in the Linked sequence. Subsequent Missions that follow a Linked Mission do not get an Arming Phase. Players must anticipate their arming options not only for this Mission, but for all Missions linked in sequence to this one. Expended rounds do not replenish. Bullets, grenades, and other one-use items that are used in the first Linked Mission are not available for use in the next Mission in the chain. Supplies will diminish and if players are not careful they will be left attempting to complete their Missions with their knives and bare fists alone. Items that are "once per Mission use" do replenish at the start of the next Mission in the Linked sequence, however.

Games of this type that last 5 Turns add 1 hour to the Mission's time. Games that go on for 6 or more Turns instead add 2 hours to the Mission's time.

Routine Missions
These are standard games of 40k. Terrain is set up according to the Mission guidelines, and models deploy. Objective Markers are placed, & players and GM participate as normal.

However, unlike standard 40k games, Routine Missions do not end after a set number of Turns. These games last until all Objectives are completed or until all the Space Marines Extract. Note that in some games Extraction is an Objective, but one that must be completed last or the players forfeit their remaining unfinished Objectives.

Games of this type that last 5 Turns add 1 hour to the Mission's time. Games that go on for 6 or more Turns instead add 2 hours to the Mission's time.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/11/23 04:00:41

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added some new clarifications to the Recovery rules and the new Tier3 Elite Talent, Interlocking Fields of Fire. I'm currently writing up the narrative background of the campaign. With luck I'll have something to post up very soon.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/11/24 04:08:40

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Earning Esteem with the Various Factions and Spending it

First of all, Esteem is an in-game commodity that works much like Renown, except that it is unique to each Faction and may only be spent on equipment provided by the Faction in question. Additionally, Esteem is earned or lost collectively. If a squad goes on a Mission for a Faction and earns Esteem with that Faction, all models gain an equal amount. Conversely, if the squad refuses or if the Mission they take on is in opposition to another Faction, all models in the squad lose the same amount of Esteem with those Factions. This is mostly important when your group is inconsistent; meaning that a different number of players show up for games sometimes and squads are composed of whomever does show up. If you have consistent players and the squad composition never changes, then that squad earns and loses Esteem as a whole, with no need to track it individually.

At the beginning of the Campaign there are 9 unique Admech Factions, although the players will only have active contact with 7 of them. Additionally, as the Campaign drags on, more Factions will reveal themselves. Depending on how the Players decide to conduct themselves, they will both increase and decrease their Esteem with the different Factions. Striking a balance will be difficult, but favoring one Faction at the cost of another's loyalty will allow players to equip some very powerful artifacts of the Mechanicum.

In order to increase Esteem with a Faction the squad of Space Marines must undertake "side quests" for it. However, taking a side quest with 1 Faction may also decrease the squad's overall Esteem with some or all of the other Factions. Some Factions may be loosely aligned with one another and so sometimes doing a "side quest" for 1 Faction will also increase the squad's Esteem with another Faction, too.

Agreeing to take on a "side quest" for any Faction increases the squad's Esteem with that Faction by 1 for every Astartes in the squad.

Successfully completing that "side quest" Mission will further increase the squad's overall Esteem with that Faction by +D6.

Completing a "side quest" Mission for a Faction listed as "loosely aligned" with another Faction also increases the squad's Esteem with that Faction by 1.

Completing a "side quest" Mission for a Faction listed as "marginally against" another Faction decreases the squad's Esteem with that Faction by 1.

Taking on a "side quest" Mission for a Faction listed as "diametrically opposed to" another Faction decreases the squad's Esteem with that Faction by 1.

Completing a "side quest" Mission for a Faction listed as "diametrically opposed to" another Faction decreases the squad's Esteem with that Faction by D6.

Mission failure neither increases nor decreases the squad's Esteem.

For example, a squad of 6 marines agrees to take on a Mission for the Transcendencers. The Cycle of Night and the Grand are both listed as "diametrically opposed to" this Faction, with the Magnites and Lord's Own Code listed as "marginally aligned" to. Just for taking the Mission the squad earns 6 Esteem with the Transcendencers and lose 1 Esteem each with both the Grand and the Lord's Own Code. If they successfully complete the Mission, the squad also earns an additional D6 Esteem with the Transcendencers and 1 Esteem each with the Magnites and the Lord's Own Code. They also lose an additional D6 Esteem each with the Cycle of Night and the Grand.

Total gains in the above example are:
Transcendencers: +6+D6
Magnites: +1
Lord's Own Code: +1

Total losses in the above example are:
Cycle of Night: -D6+1
Grand: -D6+1

Earning Esteem per Individual Astartes

Earning Esteem individually works much the same as it does for whole squads.

Players' characters who participate in "side quest" Missions earn 1 Esteem each with that Faction and any Faction "loosely aligned" with it.

Characters that survive a successfully completed "side quest" Mission earn 1 Esteem each with that Faction and any Faction "loosely aligned" with it.

Characters that survive a successfully completed "side quest" Mission lose 1 Esteem each with any Faction labeled as "marginally against" the Mission's sponsor Faction.

Players' characters who participate in "side quest" Missions lose 1 Esteem each with any Faction "diametrically opposed to" the Mission's sponsor Faction.

Characters that survive a successfully completed "side quest" Mission lose D3 Esteem each with any Faction labeled as "diametrically opposed to" the Mission's sponsor Faction.

Failing a "side quest" Mission neither increases nor decreases the individual character's Esteem.

For example, 5 Marines (each controlled by a different player) all decide to take on a Mission for the Transcendencers. The Cycle of Night and the Grand are both listed as "diametrically opposed to" this Faction, with the Magnites and Lord's Own Code listed as "marginally aligned" to. Just for taking the Mission each individual Marine earns 1 Esteem with the Transcendencers and lose 1 Esteem each with both the Grand and the Lord's Own Code. Any of these Marines that survive this Mission, if it is successful, also earns an additional 1 Esteem with the Transcendencers and 1 Esteem each with the Magnites and the Lord's Own Code. They also each lose an additional D3 Esteem with the Cycle of Night and the Grand.

Total gains in the above example are:
Transcendencers: +2
Magnites: +2
Lord's Own Code: +2

Total losses in the above example are:
Cycle of Night: -D3+1
Grand: -D3+1

Spending Esteem

Whether the squad collectively, or the marines individually, earn Esteem, the commodity is always spent collectively. If the whole squad earned it, then Esteem is a trackable and relatively static number. If each marine earns it, then the squad's Esteem equals each marine's total added together. It should be noted that, unlike Renown, Esteem can become a negative number (if Brother Trombonious actively works against Faction X, it's likely he's going to end up with a negative Esteem with them and this will negatively affect how his squad interacts with them. There's only so much that Chaplain Buchekrieg's goodwill can do to mitigate Trombonious' offense). However, unless otherwise stated, any upgrade, munition, or gear applies to the entire unit.

For example, if you were to purchase a grenade upgrade from a Faction's gear list for 3 Esteem, that would equip every marine in the squad with grenades of that type. Likewise, purchasing a particular type of ammo equips every marine in the squad with a number of magazines of that type. Even purchasing a specific type of gear - like a weapon upgrade, machine doodad, or skeleton key - would give 1 to each marine in the squad.

Items that bypass this "everybody gets a copy" rule will clearly state that they do.

Factions, their Esteem gear lists, and a few new Elite Talents that play with this new rule set to follow.

*I modified the prerequisites for Ally of the Mechanicum and added the Paragon, Paladin of the Omnissiah's Will, Not to be Trifled With, Knight Imperator, Secret Society, and Idolator of Mars Talents to the Elite list.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/11/26 20:34:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added the Sword and Board and Deft Combatant Talents to the Mêlée List.

Added the Eidetic Memory and Iron Mind Talents to the Miscellaneous List.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/11/27 21:57:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Modified the Assault Doctrine Talent, changed the Armor Doctrine to the Wisdom Doctrine, and added a new Armor Doctrine Talent to the Survival list.

I changed the Threshold on Tactical Rigging on the "Tools of the Ordo" wargear list from 15 to 0. Marines should not have to pay through the nose for more pockets.

I added the Tunnel Fighter Talent to the Mêlée list.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/11/30 00:31:35

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I lowered the Threshold of the Combat Shield and added a reload for the Assault cannon on the Specialist Weapons Reloads gear list.

Added the Command Doctrine Talent to the Survival list.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2017/12/27 18:15:34

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Before I get directly to the Missions I want to take the time to lay out the narrative and backstory of this campaign. However, this information is meant specifically for GMs so I am going to post all those words inside spoiler tabs. If you're a player-participant in this campaign and like surprises then I strongly urge you to look no further.

In any case, the information presented is a guideline. Have fun.

A long time ago...okay players, you've seen enough. Here's your chance to unclick the spoiler tab.



A long time ago the Mechanicum supplied the Legio Astartes with Battle Automata to aid them in their crusade to reconquer the domains of Mankind. These Automata necessitated support ships accompanying those Legions. However, in the case of the Thousand Sons, this accompanying Mechanicum flotilla was, by Magnus' design and demand, as minimal as possible. It is therefore that we find adrift in this forgotten pocket of space a scant handful of Adepts, themselves sifting through the ancient detritus of a massive battle and care-taking the decaying remnants of the once-glorious Astartes battleship Arcanite Destructor.

Why are they here, you may ask. The system is the site of a forgotten engagement pitting the then still loyal Thousand Sons Space Marines Legion against a bastion of Xenos-inspired Heretek humans. During the conflict, the Arcanite Destructor was irreparably damaged, its Warp Engines breached and its Gellar Fields compromised. Although the forces of the Imperium were ultimately triumphant, the battleship was written off as destroyed and evacuated of personnel. Fleet command then sent out a broadwave communiqué instructing the remaing damaged ships to consolidate, repair, and rendezvous in the next system. However, not all who recieved the message interpreted it the same, and some survivors were left behind. Or more accurately, some survivors thought that they had been ordered to stay behind to wait for rescue. Fast forward ten thousand years and the arrival of the Intolerance is interpreted by the descendants of those confused survivors as the salvation they have been awaiting for so long.

But this is an oversimplification of what's really going on. For one, it's been ten thousand years. Most of the original Mechanicum survivors are long dead and those that still live are entombed in stassis. The living remainder are replacements & progeny, and their society has suffered much and degenerated wildly in the long expanse of time since the end of that battle. Now nine distinct Factions, each a unique misinterpretation of that Last Order, vie for ultimate control of the system and its scant resources. Some see the Players' characters as saviors. Some see them as interlopers in a grander design. And some see them as false gods, near to the glory of the half-remembered, half-revered, half-despised Thousand Sons, but falling damningly short.

If it sounds to you like these Mechanicus Adepts have succumbed to the machinations of the Changer of Ways, then you have some inkling as to what's going on here. Note that all the Factions are savvy to the implications of Imperial agents in their midst. They call the Space Hulk the [++Redacted++] because they fear the Players' Astartes might recognize the name Arcanite Destructor as belonging to the Thousand Sons and they maintain an inherent, implacable fear of that. And yes, that battleship is at the heart of the Hulk. In fact, it is that very ship's damaged Warp Drive and Gellar Fields that caused the Intolerance to be ripped from the Immaterium. Or more to the point, the internecine warfare of these nine Factions caused the Transcendencers to finally make good on their threat to activate the Arcanite Destructor's decaying Warp Engine and that caused the now escalating chain reaction that threatens to drag everything in the system into the Warp with it.

When the players arrive, the [++Redacted++] has already dragged ice, rock, debris, and a survey ship called the Delta Epsilon into its mass. It has also dragged an organic vessel into itself. What this vessel really is, is totally up to the GM's discretion - It could be a lost Tyranid vanguard vessel, a remnant of the system's Heretek Faction, a Xenos artifact of unknown providence, an Aeldari webway fragment, or any other object that best suits your collection of miniatures or your desire to convert. However, the Warp Engine is still growing in power, and at every integer of nine hours it will drag another vessel out of the Warp and mash that thing's structure haphazardly with its own. If the [++Redacted++] reaches hour 81 and the Players haven't shut the Warp Engine down yet, then instead of dragging a ship from the Warp, the Warp drags the [++Redacted++], and everything else, players' characters included, into it. Game Over.

In the next post I will present backgrounds about the various Factions.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/01/20 20:10:46

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

This took way longer to write than I thought it would. Sorry for the delay, more details forthcoming.


The Factions

So, who or what are these Factions? Each is an entity unique in its degeneration. In no particular order, they are the Arcanite Guard, Catalogists, Cycle of Night, the Grand, Lord's Own Code, Magnites, Reparists, Replicanticle, and the Transcendencers.

Outside the players' control, the Intolerance makes initial contact with the Catalogists at the very beginning of the campaign. Whether or not players decide to remain close with this Faction will become apparent as play progresses.

The Convoluted Basic Descriptions of the Factions and Their Agendas

Catalogists and Reparists

The Catalogists' self-appointed task is the cataloging of every errant machine fragment in the system. They literally know what every mote adrift in the debris fields is, was, or was a part of. They are most closely aligned in purpose with the Reparists whose own self-appointed task is the consolidation of those myriad drifting parts into workable machines. While the Catalogists collect simply for the sake of recording, the Reparists care little for the name of a thing and instead collect to use. They seek to reconstruct the whole fleet, without comprehension that there is no fleet left to rebuild. To this end, there are chunks of reconstructed ships, whose main body already left the system ages ago, adrift in the dead space between the planets. Either Faction might task the players' characters with collecting odds and ends from the Hulk, but let's be clear, their agendas are not aligned.

Lord's Own Code

The Catalogists and Reparists are not the only Factions to have a passing semblance of sanity - at least by Admech standards. The Lord's Own Code is largely concerned with reconstructing the Last Order by locating and obtaining all the audio files scattered throughout the wreckage of the system. They are also deeply concerned about the past and present transmission of data and augur arrays. This Faction is most likely going to solicit the players' characters to retreive "black boxes" and data cores from the Hulk or other system-bound wrecks.

The Grand and the Transcendencers

On the outside the Grand Faction seems harmless, cleaning, buffing, and tidying the interiors of their drifting shipwrecks and planetoid installations, but they are just as crazy as any of the other Factions. The Grand believes the Thousand Sons will imminently return and have been anticipating this for ten thousand years. They wear the most grandiose attire and at first treat the Deathwatch in their midst as the advance party of their saviors, gravitating to any marine whose Chapter Pauldron is red, gold, or bears an icon similar to that of the 30k Thousand Sons'. As time goes on, their disposition will sour as they realize the Deathwatch are not the Thousand Sons and they are just as trapped in this system as the Admech are.

The Grand is most similar in disposition to the Transcendencers, albeit ironically. Unlike the Grand, the Transcendencers are not content to wait. Instead they do everything they can to leave the system and join their masters in the "Next System". Over time, this phrase has taken on a pseudo-religious meaning for the Transcendencers and they will most likely initially view the Deathwatch as angels; evidence that their activation of the Warp Engine brought emassaries from the "Next System" to show them the way back across. As soon as it becomes clear that the players' intentions are to destroy or disable the [++Redacted++]'s Warp Engine, the Transcendencers will shift their view and see the players' characters as - ironically - daemons. From there on, they will stop at nothing to thwart the Deathwatch's endeavor. Before they turn, the Transcendencers may send allies with the marines to expedite their exploration of the Hulk or ask the Deathwatch to rescue some of their lost or injured cohorts from within the Hulk (if pressed, they answer honestly - "My lords, they were seeking the Engine rooms to right this travesty that has befallen us." Be vague, players won't press until you give them reason to. And if one of your players pushes too hard, then that means they didn't close the spoiler tabs like they were supposed to all those paragraphs ago! I'm looking at YOU, random player reading all this juicy background info!. Alternatively they may just be really suspicious or because they are just super cautious players. In any case, just play up the Transcendencers tendency to be elusive. If players get suspicious, they have REASON to be. They are in a nest of their enemies and they don't even know it yet, but they WILL. That's the point. These Admech being agents of the Ruinous Powers is MEANT to be revealed. If you can drag it out, awesome. If you can't and the players discover it prematurely, also awesome. Now they have more adversaries and their options begin to narrow. The campaign gains a new sense of urgency AND the Admech, whom your players initially thought were allies, are now actively moving to stop them. Play to see what happens. Remember no plot survives contact with the players and you will do just fine. A suggestion of dialogue to assuage the players' fears anyway: "My Lords, the [++Redacted++]'s heart is an unpredictable place and there are those within our collective who do not understand its significance. Some of our collective are ignorant. There is unfortunate conflict between us, but the Will of the Omnissiah is our driving force. Do not concern yourselves with the inherent conflicts in our society. Just know that, ultimately, we all serve the same master. Just as you." Remember that NPCs can lie and that humans who have intentionally replaced roughly 50% or more of their own flesh with machinery can be particularly inscrutable.) The Transcendencers are the Faction most likely to use Daemonic allies in the late game. In 40k terms, any games played during hours 72 and 81 with Admech Adversaries can treat Daemons as having the same <Faction> keyword.

The Cycle of Night and Replicanticle

Diametrically opposed to Factions like the Grand, Transcendencers, and Reparists are the Cycle of Night and Replicanticle. Both of these Factions have given up on the idea of either rescue or exit. It is because of these Factions that all the others have managed to survive. Cycle of Night has essentially colonized the system, first using the technologies the Admech brought with them and eventually, out of necessity, the heretical technologies of the people the Thousand Sons were originally sent to destroy. The arcane nature of the forbidden technology shines through in the shadowy malignancy of individual Magos and their impossibly-long-lived servitors. However, without Cycle of Night's tireless efforts there would have been no food and no procreation. And without the Replicanticle - who could be a single medical apparatus or an entire Faction of surgeons as you, the GM, wants - none of those progeny would be cyborgs. Perhaps the interface panel connected to the Replicanticle apparatus/medical suite is an altar of sorts that all the other Admech Factions bring "sacrifices" of cybernetic implants to. Where do these implants come from? Some may be homemade, some may come from their enemies, some might be their own limbs and redundant systems, some might be "treasures" found adrift in the debris. It should be a suitably gruesome sight; perhaps to be used to play up the insanity of the Cult Mechanicum or as a hint to the degradation these survivors have both endured and propagated throughout their 10 millennia-long incarceration in this desolate system.

The Replicanticle might demonstrate deference to any space marine with a bionic limb or other obvious cyber implant. This means that taking on Missions with this Faction or with any other Faction aligned to it, with any Marine who also has a cyber implant, earns bonus Esteem as described on the Matrix of Alliances presented later. Any "sacrifices" - donated cybernetics - presented to this Faction will also increase the Deathwatch's Esteem with it.

Magnites and Arcanite Guard

Lastly, the Magnites and Arcanite Guard hold very similar viewpoints in that they both revere the Thousand Sons. However, while the Magnites revere the Thousand Sons Primarch (and take their Faction name from him), the Arcanite Guard revere instead that legion's wargear, placing a higher reverence on the ancient battleship itself and its leftover wargear entombed in its vaults than upon the warriors who once wielded them in battle. In fact, the Arcanite Guard are the most functionally loyalist Faction in the entire mix simply by virtue of not even realizing the Heresy even occurred. To them, the Thousand Sons were a loyalist Legion, using sanctioned technologies against the enemies of both the Emperor and the Omnissiah. The Magnites, on the other hand, through their deification of the Primarch Magnus, have come to the full insight of the Thousand Sons' fall and thus accept Tzeentch as their new master, turning whole cloth against their ancient oaths.

Neither of these Factions are likely to play a prominent role in the opening moves of the campaign, instead remaining elusive until the players' marines penetrate into the body of the Arcanite Destructor / [++Redacted++] proper. Even then, both Factions are only likely to be enemies of the players unless or until something drastic occurs to sway them around - like one of the player's marines succumbing to Corruption, thus inspiring the Magnites to tentatively reach out. If players actively defend one of the Vaults from another Faction or go out of their way to preserve the integrity of the battleship by not deliberately destroying sections of it when they can, the Arcanite Guard may tentatively reach out. How and what this looks like will be detailed in the Section on Faction Missions.

The next post will be a basic Timeline of the Main Missions.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/01/23 06:32:32

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

This is the intro for the Missions. More info will follow. EDIT: I don't know why I spoilered this. There's no need.

Main Narrative Missions

In a scenario with no outside interference, the principle objective of the entire Campaign is to gain access to the ship at the heart of the [++Redacted++], locate its malfunctioning Warp Drive, and shut it down. That's it, pretty straight forward. However, as the story progresses there will be a lot more wrenches thrown in to derail this objective & add enemies and complications to its ultimate completion. This is a good thing, though. You want complications. Complications add drama and substance to your stories. They make them seem more real and they'll come alive for your players.

Presented here are the main Missions, in order, for the Primary Narrative thread of this Campaign. There's two ways to run this Campaign. Either as a single, progressive sequence or a series of concurrent, tandem missions each having a bearing on the subsequent segment. Principally, your choice boils down to how many players you have and the method you used for squad creation.

If you have either a single player with 1 squad or 2-5 players each playing a single marine, you should run the Single Squad Progression campaign. If you have either multiple players each with their own squad or 6 or more players each playing their own marine, you should run the Multiple Squad Progression version of the campaign.

Some of these Missions will be presented with optional formats. To begin with however, and exclusively with the Main Narrative Missions, how each Mission is presented (and which version is ultimately used) is exclusively up to the GM. Other narrative threads may have different options. These will be clearly stated.

Main Narrative Mission Sequence Synopsis

Single Squad Progression

Hulk Breach, The Long March, The Defiled Workshop, Double Back, Descent to the Central Magazine, Cleanse the Basilica / Braving the Depths, Battle for the Arcanite Vaults, The Ritual at the Door, Shut it Down!

Multiple Squad Progression
Hulk Breach, The Long March & Clear the Breach*, The Defiled Workshop & Hold the Line*, Double Back, Descent into the Central Magazine & Against All Odds*, Cleanse the Basilica / Braving the Depths & Running the Gauntlet*, Battle for the Arcanite Vaults, The Ritual at the Door & Assault the Control Room*, Shut it Down!

&*These Missions occur concurrently. When running the campaign only count the hours of the longest Mission in the pair, not both.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/01/24 07:37:56

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I edited how combi-weapons work in the wargear lists.

Also edited the Blood Angels, Lamenters, and Flesh Tearers various Frenzy abilities to tone them down significantly, so they don't automatically break the game in favor of those three models.

Added some rules clarification in the Skill section and tweaked the Fire from the hip Shooting Talent.

Added the Light Them Up! and Pour it on Them Talents to the Skill Talents list.

Clarified the Recovery and Death rules.

Edited Tier 2 Melee Talents to avoid confusion and to add dynamism to the "Hatred"-type category of abilities.

Edited the Hand Flamer, flamer, and heavy flamer weapon entries.

Edited the Deadly Aim Shooting Talent.

Added the Tier 3 Subsonic Disruptor Frequency Talent to the Technological Talents tree.

Removed the prerequisite for the Tier 2 Shooting Talent Gunfighter.

Added the Assault Bolter to the Long Arms wargear list.

Clarified some Armor rules and added the Sniper Rifle to the Tools of the Ordo wargear list.

Made minor adjustments and clarifications to the "Mundane Events" chart.

Rearranged and added some info to the Unit Creation rules so that they make more sense.

Edited the Mundane Events rules minorly to include vessel impacts mid-Mission.

Changed how Seeker ammo works and modified Hellfire slightly for clarity.

Made minor adjustments to the Imperial Fists, Iron Hands, and Black Shields Chapter entries.

Modified the Tech Skill to reflect the upcoming Technology on the Tabletops rules.

Edited a handful of weapons such as the Sanctified Xeno weapons and some of the Relic weapons.

Made a minor adjustment to the Command Skill use "For the Emperor!" for clarity.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/02/17 11:31:35

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Place holder for:
Interacting With the Environment

Command Points
These were added as an optional rule in the Unit Creation section/second post of this thread.

Hulk Breach

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/05/25 20:56:34

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Tech Emplacements on the board
Terminals: Terminals have two principle functions. One is to display local data - such as the condition of nearby doors, radiation levels, the location of other Tech devices on the tabletop, etc. - the other is to display shipwide data - a map to a particular location, the condition of the engines, nearby lifeforms, the ship's name and public manifest, etc. Internally powered Terminals - those that draw their power from the ship they are on - can give 1 piece of information of either type per Skill usage (unless the character has an ability that allows them to access more than one tidbit at a time). Externally powered Terminals - those that draw power from something the players' characters have brought to it - can only grant local data tidbits.

Generators: Generators, when connected and functioning, provide power to other devices. Dead Generators cannot be repaired on the fly and function primarily as cover or potential parts to the players' marines. Generators with even the lowest amount of power (Minuscule) can be used to power any number of other emplacements on the table and negate the power-draining effects of using Low power devices in its vicinity (i.e. the tabletop battlefield).

Full powered Generators add +1 to all rolls to randomly determine the Power Level of other devices on the table.

Overpowered Generators add +2 to all rolls to randomly determine the Power Level of other devices on the table. In addition, any model that claims the Generator as Cover gains an additional Wound Token if one or more of their save rolls is a 1.

Keypads: Keypads are essentially security locks. They may guard a door, a secret compartment, a particular program, or a chest. Using a Keypad successfully immediately reveals what its function is - unlocks the door, reveals the secret compartment, unlocks the chest, grants access to the program's functionality. A Keypad's function will be covered in its description in the Terrain Brief.

Externally powered Keypads that would normally grant access to a program instead do nothing other than unlock their encryptions. The Keypad must then be connected to a Generator in order to access its program.

Doors: Doors can be opened, closed, or sealed. An opened door can be closed or vice versa, for free as a part of a model's Movement (but not if they Advance). Sealed Doors must be unlocked with a Keypad (where applicable) or broken down by force. Sealed Doors have a Toughness of 6 and 1 Wound with no save.

Bulkhead Doors are designed to withstand incredible pressures and to air-seal compartments compromised by battle damage. Therefore, Bulkhead Doors have a Toughness of 8 and 2 Wounds, with a 4+ invulnerable save.

All attacks against Doors automatically hit.

Automated Sentries: These devices typically take the form of ceiling- or wall-mounted solid-slug weapons or scanners. They operate on a Friend or Foe target acquisition system and may or may not be fully loaded for duty. Most Automated Sentries default to identifying all models on the tabletop as Foe. Roll a D6 to determine if a weapon emplacement is loaded. On a 4+ it is. Scanners with Low or higher Power Levels are always considered "loaded". If players can find the Sentry's Keypad and unlock it, they can change their own and/or their allies' designations to Friend.

Weapon Sentries shoot at the nearest Foe in line of sight on the Adversaries' Turn. Scanner Sentries trip loud alarms when any Foe enters its line of sight within 8". These loud alarms add +5 Allocation to the Adversaries' forces every Turn that they go off. A GM may save these up to bring a Boss Monster onto the table when they have enough.These reinforcements arrive via whatever entry point is available to Adversaries in the scenario.

Power levels and what they mean
Dead: this device requires outside power to function. If it's a Keypad or Terminal, it can only give data at its source if externally powered.

Minuscule: this device increases the difficulty of any Skill used on it by +2. Additionally, after 1 attempt, success or failure, the device power is reduced to Dead.

Low: this device increases the difficulty of any Skill used on it by +1. Additionally, after D3 attempts, success or failure, the device power is reduced to Miniscule, unless there is also a Generator on the table.

Full: this device is functioning at optimal power levels.

Overcharged: this device is dangerous to use. Any interaction with it causes the Conduit Overload Mundane Event to occur on the D6 roll of a 4+. Roll whenever the Tech skill is used on it, after applying the results of the Effect.

Determining the power level of a particular Technological emplacement
If a Technological emplacement is vital to a Mission and/or is included in the Terrain Brief for a particular scenario, its Power Level will be stated in its description. If there is no mention of its power level, the default for these is Full.

If there are additional Technological emplacements (either by GM or Player fiat, or because the Terrain Brief suggests it), then roll a D6 to determine the emplacement's Power Level when a player moves to interact with it. On the roll of a 1, its Power Level is Dead. On a 2, its Power Level is Miniscule. On a 3-4, its Power Level is Low. On a 5, its Overcharged and on a 6 its Full.

If there are any Generators on the table, the GM should roll in secret to determine the Power Level of this device before the start of the scenario as its Power Level may affect the rolls of other devices on the table.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/05/27 11:24:14

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Myriad Allegiances and Antagonies of the Admech Factions

Marginally Aligned With: Reparists

Aligned With: the Grand and Arcanite Guard

Marginally Opposed to: Lord's Own Code

Diametrically Opposed to: none

Marginally Aligned With: Replicanticles

Aligned With: Transcendencers

Marginally Opposed to: Catalogists

Diametrically Opposed to: the Grand and Lord's Own Code

Marginally Aligned With: Reparists, Lord's Own Code, and Catalogists

Aligned With: Magnites

Marginally Opposed to: Arcanite Guard

Diametrically Opposed to: Transcendencers

Lord's Own Code
Marginally Aligned With: none

Aligned With: Catalogists

Marginally Opposed to: Transcendencers and the Grand

Diametrically Opposed to: Reparists

Arcanite Guard
Marginally Aligned With: Transcendencers and Lord's Own Code

Aligned With: Magnites

Marginally Opposed to: Catalogists and Cycle of Night

Diametrically Opposed to: Reparists and Replicanticles

Marginally Aligned With: Arcanite Guard

Aligned With: Transcendencers

Marginally Opposed to: Cycle of Night

Diametrically Opposed to: Replicantiles

Cycle of Night
Marginally Aligned With: Lord's Own Code and Arcanite Guard

Aligned With: Replicanticles

Marginally Opposed to: Reparists

Diametrically Opposed to: the Grand and Transcendencers

Marginally Aligned With: Magnites and Lord's Own Code

Aligned With: none

Marginally Opposed to: Reparists and Catalogists

Diametrically Opposed to: Cycle of Night and the Grand

Marginally Aligned With: Catalogists

Aligned With: Reparists

Marginally Opposed to: Cycle of Night

Diametrically Opposed to: Transcendencers and Arcanite Guard

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/05/30 21:31:01

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added Teleport Beacon to the Assets of the Ordo wargear list.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/05/31 18:57:43

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Do not expect these to come with any sort of regularity. Real life gets in my way a lot lately. However, I WILL eventually post them all and complete this campaign.

Main Missions: Hulk Breach
This is the very first true Mission of the game. As the GM, you have 2 options for how to present this to your players. Largely this choice boils down to your collection of adversarial minis, terrain, and personal style of play.

Hulk Breach (version 1): Routine

In service to Whom

While ostensibly it is in everyone's interests that the [++Redacted++] be breached and boarded, it can also be said that this Mission is in service to the Catalogists and counts as a "side Mission" for this Faction.

Deployment and Extraction
The Mission Leader may choose between Thunderhawk Insertion and Boarding Pod for deployment.

The Mission ends when any marine character achieves the Primary Objective. In this case, the Extraction occurs via Teleportarium, with all the benefits inherent.

Known Adversaries
In this Mission, your Admech allies suggest that there might be rogue servitors, hull ghasts, and/or genestealers waiting for the Marines at the Mission site, but ultimately it is up to the GM and the group's pooled miniatures collection that will determine whom the Adversaries are on this very first Mission.

The terrain should be set up on either a 4'x4' or 6'x4' table length-wise. After terrain has been placed (by the GM), place 2 Objective Markers on one short board edge of the table. The Marines deploy on the opposite board edge from this. The GM then designates up to 4 Entry Points on the tabletop from where Adversaries deploy from. Adversaries may then be placed up to 3" from any one of these Entry Points or within 3" of either Objective Marker at the start of the game or be held in Reserve, deploying when able to from one of these locations.

The designer suggests the terrain have multiple levels and that the Objective Markers occupy space on a level higher than the level where the player(s)' marines deploy.

Technology on the Table
On or within 3" of each of the Objective Markers place a Tech Terminal. In the center of the table or as close to it as the terrain set up allows, place a Keypad. Both Terminals and Keypad are at Full power.

Successful Skill interaction with the Keypad will lock one of the two Objective Marker locations. This effectively eliminates the Marker as a viable Objective (holding it at the end of the game grants no bonus and does not count as a completed Objective), but it also eliminates both Markers as viable deployment locations for Adversary forces.

Successful Skill interaction with either Terminal will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Secure 1 of 2 Exits: any Space Marine within 3" of one of the two Objective Markers at the far side of the table at the end of their Turn can claim to have completed this Objective. If the Keypad is used to lock one of these Markers, only the unlocked Marker counts for this Objective. Achieving this Objective ends the Mission. If the Keypad option to "Lock the Objective Not Secured" is Not achieved, then Both Objective Markers must be secured before the Mission ends. Remember that having enemy models within 3" of an Objective means that it is not Secured. Be wary that you don't accidentally end your Mission before achieving all of your Tertiary goals.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Identify the <Faction> of threats encountered: the first Space Marine model who draws line of sight to an enemy model can be considered to have achieved this Objective. If there's a contest - meaning that 2 or more marine models can lay claim to having "first" spotted the adversary type, then no one can claim to have achieved the Objective on their own, but the Objective is still completed.

Destroy all opposition: the model that scores the last unsaved Wound on the last Adversary can claim to have personally achieved this Objective. If the last adversary is not slain before one or more of the exits are secured, the game ends without this Objective being completed.

Access a terminal: any model may access one of the two Tech Terminals located on the far side of the table. Simply by moving into base to base contact with the terminal counts as achieving this Objective. However, a model with the Tech Skill will actually be able to interact with the Terminal in a meaningful way.

Note that only one terminal needs to be accessed in order to achieve this Objective. Accessing more than one provides no further benefit beyond data extraction.

Lock the Exit not Secured: Whichever Objective is not secured may be locked via the Keypad in the center of the board. Only a model with the Tech Skill may achieve this Objective. The player who controls the model that achieves this Objective decides which Objective Marker to "Lock".

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

First Turn
Depending on Deployment method; if the Deathwatch squad set up according to the Thunderhawk Insertion, they take the first Turn. If the Deathwatch squad set up according to the Boarding Pod, they still take the first Turn, but their Adversaries (the GM's forces) can attempt to seize the initiative.

Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear. The squad is also supplied with a Teleport Beacon for free. Assign this device to a marine, who may place it anywhere during this or any subsequent Mission. Once deployed, remove it from the squad's inventory. Placing the Teleport Beacon during this Mission changes its type from Routine to Linked, so be aware of that fact before making that decision.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
Reeeeeeeaaaaaallly unlikely to happen on the very first Mission.

GM Section:

Allotment: 24 (this does not include the bonus for time passed on the Doom Clock)

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative use, the inside of this vessel is ancient and crumbling. More of the machinery is corroded dust than moving parts and the walls buckle and splinter with their own weight under the tireless pressure of decay and neglect. Walls once lacquered in murals of the conquest of Terra now glisten with the cockroach sheen of millennial ruin. Echos catch and sound dies. This is less a ship and more an ancient tomb.

Terminal Data for this Mission
Both Terminals in this Mission will potentially give identical information. Primarily, having 2 on the table means that more than one player/marine character can access information at the same time, potentially saving game Turns.

When a player accesses a terminal have them tell you if they want access to "Local" or "Shipwide" data. This will give them information that is relative to those parameters.

If players ask for information not covered by either of the following lists, do one of two things. One is to tell them the terminal doesn't have that info and have them ask you for something else (don't make their Skill worth nothing). Two is to make something interesting up on the fly and write it down so you can recall what it was and use it later. Make sure anything you give your players has a use - it must have an ingame effect and it must be beneficial to the players' characters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission (unless the character in question has the ability to gain more than one per Skill usage). If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of non-human lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players the breakdown of Allotment (Minions, Minibosses, and Boss Monsters) and at least one of the <Faction> keywords for their next Mission and what kind of Adversaries they will be facing. If you intended there to be 30 Chaos Cultists and a single Chaos Terminator in the next Mission, you must tell your players they will be facing 30 mutant Minions and an Astartes Miniboss. If you intended to bring a Haruspex and some genestealer cult, you must tell your players they will be facing 5 Tyranid Minions and a Tyranid Boss Monster. If you're going to bring 20 kabalites and 2 raiders, you must tell your players they will be facing 20 eldar minions (because vehicles aren't lifeforms).

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. This information cuts 1 hour off the overall Mission time of the next Mission.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. This shows the players' characters the Entry Points for their Adversaries (because remember that while the players witnessed the GM during set up, the marine characters actually have no idea where the badguys are coming from). This information negates the cover save bonus to all Adversary models within 6" of any Entry Point

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals a dormant Generator (Minuscule Power Level) with an Access Point just astride the Keypad. Place an additional Tertiary Objective Marker (Activate Generator) at this location. Any marine that spends at least 1 Turn in base contact with this Marker doing nothing at all (not even defending himself in close combat), counts as achieving this Objective. Activating this Generator increases the Power Level of all technological emplacements by 1 Step for the next 3 Missions.

Shipwide Data
Here is a list of potential information available about the whole of the Arcanite Destructor. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission.

1. The ship's name and class. The Arcanite Destructor is classified as an Astartes Battleship; a heavily retrofitted Desolator class. Any player with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can use the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill use to determine that this ship was presumed lost more than 11,000 years ago during the Great Crusade and that it was in service to the then-still-loyal Thousand Sons Legion. They may force the GM to bring either a Thousand Sons or Arcanite Guard Boss Monster next Mission or, if they choose to place the Relic Marker, the GM may choose one from the list below.

2. The condition of the Arcanite Destructor's Warp Core. Highly unstable. This unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Stabilize the Reactor that becomes available right after the Main Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults. Details to follow.

3. Radiation levels throughout the ship and what to avoid. This has two effects. During any future Mission where radiation presents a hazard, having secured this information negates the effects of that radiation on the deployed squad (they've taken precautions against it). During any Exploration Mission where radiation might cause harm to the squad, the Mission Leader may opt to add +D3 hours to the Mission time in order to negate those effects.

100 / 50 / 03 / Khopesh Padraig (Relic Powersword) / Strength as user +1, AP -3. Damage 1. Crackling with overcharged energy, this ancient power weapon sings with every stroke and sunders with every blow, booming like a thunderclap as it rends armor and flesh. Khopesh Padraig may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use Khopesh Padraig defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with Khopesh Padraig attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon. Each Turn the Khopesh Padraig is used, add +1 to the Adversary Allotment total for this Mission as the noise of it draws the attention of additional nearby foes. Masterwork, Catastrophic, and Shocking. Space Wolves characters treat this as a Tainted Relic.

50 / 25 / 02 / Book of Augury* (Tainted Relic) / This book allows the controlling player to double the range of their Psychic Sense Skill. Space Wolves characters cannot make use of this Relic and instead, if they get their hands on this Relic, earn +1 Renown if they destroy it.

*Only usable by Librarians and models with the appropriate Skill.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/02 17:35:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Clarified some of the Skill uses for Tactics.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/02 18:58:07

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Hulk Breach (version 2): Exploration

In service to Whom

While ostensibly it is in everyone's interests that the [++Redacted++] be breached and boarded, it can also be said that this Mission is in service to the Catalogists and counts as a "side Mission" for this Faction.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Find a Way in: The principle goal of this Mission is to wander around the relatively safe exteriors of the Hulk searching not only for a hole to climb through, but also a hole that leads to something that could be considered productive to the Mission. Just by participating in the Mission this Objective is achieved.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Glean Insight Into the Nature of the Hulk: characters with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill may use the "This is All Too Familiar" option to achieve this Objective. Narrative descriptions and treasure tables to be found in the GM section below.

Wandering around on a Hulk's exterior is super time consuming. The squad will find a viable way in, but only after searching for 3D3 hours.

Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
Reeeeeeeaaaaaallly unlikely to happen on the very first Mission.

GM Section:

Forbidden Knowledge
The exterior architecture of this vessel is blocky and cyclopean, with narrow angles and sweeping planes. Largely untouched by time, yet scintillating with irradiated space dust, the scarabic and avian gargoyles that overlook the mighty cannons that bristle like quills across the ship's mighty flanks stand like grotesque sentinels towering over the searching marines. Ice and ship debris has gathered into the hidden corners, casting blue and black shadows that dance in the pale light of the distant stars. Jets of leaking atmosphere lead your marines to buckled plating and areas of internally corroded hull. Looming caverns in the distance expand to reveal titanic macrocannon impacts and the serrated tangle of ducts and decks broken by the massive shells.

Here the marines finally find entrance and, picking their way blindly through the ruin, eventually a structurally sound compartment that can be sealed against vaccuum. Many are the temptations to explore along the way and the fruits of those explorations are as varied as the stars.

Have the players roll a D6 at the End of the Mission. If a player successfully used their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to gain the above description, have them roll 2D6 and apply both results. If duplicates occur, the players find two different caches of the same items.

D6 Roll: Treasure
1: a heavily damaged datapad. Its Power Level is Dead. This object may be traded to any Admech Faction the squad has Esteem with for +D6 Esteem. Alternatively and/or additionally, players may hold on to the datapad and attempt to glean information from it. Between Missions, any marine with the Tech Skill may roll as if the datapad's Power Level was Minuscule. If successful, the pad reveals minor data regarding some aspect of life onboard the ancient vessel. This grants the entire Deathwatch complement +1XP (this is an important distinction if your group is composed of multiple squads, because it grants XP to all the marines in every squad, even those not on the roster yet - meaning Cohorts gained later will begin with this +1XP). Using Tech like this does not count towards that Skill's Rating for the previous or upcoming Mission.

2: an ancient, but intact Vacsuit. Fitted for a mundane human, this suit may be traded to any Admech Faction the squad has Esteem with for +D6 Esteem. Alternatively and/or additionally, players may hold on to the Vacsuit to use later. If a marine decides to carry this item, it weighs 01 Capacity.

3: a portable powercell. Although currently empty of energy, this item may be recharged and used to temporarily power minor Tech Emplacements like Keypads and Terminals. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction the squad has Esteem with for +2D3 Esteem. Alternatively, players may hold on to this item and use it to increase the Power Level of a single Technological Emplacement by 1 step for the duration of a Mission. If a marine decides to carry this item, it weighs 01 Capacity.

4: a machine fragment. The obscure nature of this somehow-still-powered object makes it inscrutable to the Deathwatch, but the Admech will practically lose their minds to have it. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction the squad has Esteem with for +D6+1 Esteem.

5: ablative heat plating. This bulky mantle may be layered over existing armor and provides a 4+ Invulnerable Save against the first las, melta, flamer, lance, or plasma -type weapon Wound sustained by the model equipped with it. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction the squad has Esteem with for +D6+1 Esteem. Alternatively, players may hold on to this item and use it. If a marine decides to carry this item, it weighs 02 Capacity, but it is destroyed after one use.

6: a xenotech weapon. The origin of this weapon must be from the pre-Imperium civilization this vessel was dispatched to destroy. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction the squad has Esteem with for +D3 Esteem. Alternatively, players may hold on to this item and use it. If a marine decides to carry this item, it has the following profile:
50 / 25 / 02 / Disruptor (Xenotech Rifle) / 1|2-3|4 / 5 / Strength 3*, AP -*. Range 36". Damage 1*.

*Each time this weapon is fired after the first, increase its Strength by +1, its AP by -1, and its Damage by +1.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/06 17:29:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: The Long March
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Mission stands alone. If you are playing with 2 squad progression, this Mission takes place at the same time narratively as Clear the Breach.

After establishing a beachhead, the Deathwatch discover a power source deep inside the hulk. They must thread their way towards it, identify it once they make visual contact, and then defend it until that data can be analyzed by the Intolerance.

GMs, if your group has the models for it, I recommend burdening your players' squad with a trio of unarmed Admech techs (or use Astra Militarum models and stats) who each have the Tech2 Skill at 4+. Then require that the Power Source be interacted with a total of 3 successful times in order to complete that Objective.

Mission 2a: The Long March: Linked (with the Defiled Workshop)

In service to Whom

This Mission principally serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a "side quest" for either the Transcendencers or the Lord's Own Code (players' choice).

Deployment and Extraction
The Mission Leader may choose between Thunderhawk Insertion and Boarding Pod for deployment.

However, if the Teleport Beacon was deployed last Mission, then the only Deployment option is Teleportarium.

As this Mission is Linked with the following Mission, the only Extraction method available is Defensible Position.

Known Adversaries
In this Mission, I recommend using more of the same Adversaries encountered in Mission 1, but ultimately it's up to your collection to determine what is waiting for the marines on the table.

This Mission uses a hidden layout with a limited sight distance. The maximum sight range (and therefore the maximum revealed terrain) is equal to 6" plus any mitigating Traits or Talents an individual marine may possess (such as Acute Senses, Enhanced Optics, Enhanced Senses, or some piece of gear). Only add the highest total bonus (such as a Space Wolf with both the Acute Senses Trait and the Enhanced Senses Talent, but not the bonuses from two different models each with one of these). If possible, I recommend using separate pieces of terrain such as corridors and rooms to add to the layout as the marine squad advances through the hulk. Sections may doubleback, corridors may lead to dead ends, and doors may be Locked or Sealed.

The GM sets up the revealed terrain to accommodate the deployment option chosen by the Mission Leader. After the player(s)' squad deploys, the GM either uncovers preexisting terrain or places additional modular terrain out to the limit of the squad's visual range. Then the GM places a single Objective Marker on the far side of the table. Eventually, the terrain should lead to that Marker.

The Marker represents two things:
1) The Defensible Position "extraction point"
2) A power source that must be identified (and interacted with)

Adversary models may be deployed as "blips" (you could use coins or tokens from any game to represent these) anywhere on the unrevealed battlefield or as models in newly revealed rooms and corridors, but not in any of the revealed map locations at the start of the game. Blips can move up to 4" per Turn and if they move into the marines' visual range, if marines move so that those blips would get revealed, or if players have some other means of revealing them, each "blip" marker may be revealed to be 1-3 Minions, 1 Miniboss, or 1 Boss Monster, depending on what the GM wishes/what they have spent their Allotment on.

Along the path of revealing terrain, the GM must place 3 Level Exits, although these may be placed anywhere accessible by player(s)' marines.

Technology on the Table
All of the exits for the room with the Objective Marker in it have Bulkhead Doors. The GM also rolls a D3+1 and, alternating with the players, places this many Terminals on the board. The Players and/or GM may opt to wait on placing their terminal(s) until a newly revealed room or corridor provides a place to put it in.

Randomly determine the Power Level of each of these terminals.

Successful Skill interaction with any Terminal will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Secure the Power Source: any Space Marine within 3" of the only Objective Marker at the far side of the table at the end of their Turn can claim to have completed this Objective.

Defensible Position: all surviving marines must enter the room with the Objective Marker in it (GMs, make sure you use a room large enough to fit them all) and either keep all Adversaries out of the room for 3 consecutive Turns or Lock all the bulkhead doors that lead out of the room. Completing this Objective ends the Mission. Note that any models Dispatched on an Expedition (see the Tertiary Objective below) do not count against this Objective. If 6 marines begin the Mission and 3 of them are sent on Expeditions, then only the remaining 3 need to be in the room to condider this Objective complete.

Determine the Use of that Power: If you are using the Admech Techs suggestion above, this Objective can only be completed if one or more models successfully use their Tech Skill on the Objective Marker a total of 3 times. Otherwise, ignore this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Destroy all opposition: the model that scores the last unsaved Wound on the last Adversary can claim to have personally achieved this Objective. If the last adversary is not slain before the Defensible Position Objective is achieved, the game ends without this Objective being completed.

Dispatch an Expedition: Up to half of the deployed squad can be sent out on exploratory Missions via the Level Exits. These are risky endeavors, but they can also be extremely rewarding. Choose with care whom you send. Marines may be dispatched individually or in teams. Individuals run more of a risk of getting lost or ambushed, but sending teams of 2 or more limits the number of Expeditions a squad can undertake.

*Protect the Admech Techs: each Tech that survives adds +D3 Esteem to every Admech Faction.

*GMs, escort Missions are annoying enough as it is. Don't make it worse by singling out the unarmed and vulnerable Techs for slaughter. Adversary models can only target these Techs if they are the closest enemy model to them. Otherwise, treat them as Characters. Also, the PLAYERS control these models, dictating where, when, and how they move on the battlefield. Let the positioning of these models be up to the players and force your Adversaries to maneuver to try to kill them.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

First Turn
Depends on Deployment method. If the Deathwatch squad set up according to the Thunderhawk Insertion or Boarding Pod, they take the first Turn, but their Adversaries (the GM's forces) can attempt to seize the initiative. If they set up using the Teleportarium, the Deathwatch squad takes the first turn.

Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear, unless they used the Teleport Beacon last Mission. In this case they are equipped only with what they have left from that Mission.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although, players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
Reeeeeeeaaaaaallly unlikely to happen, even on the second Mission.

GM Section:

Allotment: 26 (this does not include the bonus for time passed on the Doom Clock)

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: decks seem to slump sideways, drawn to a gravity defined by the hulk's central mass. The deck plates crackle beneath the heavy trod of the marines' boots and acidic corrosion flowers at every exposed wire. Tunnels and compartments double back on themselves as if the interior of this warship was made by design to confuse. Dark stains splayed on the floors or heaped in the corners are all that remain of the devastated crew, now millenia-dead. That anything remains, intact or functioning on board this wreck, is either a testament to its maker or a conjuration of the warp.

Terminal Data for this Mission
All Terminals in this Mission will potentially give identical information. Just like in Hulk Breach (version 1), whenever a player accesses a terminal have them tell you if they want access to "Local" or "Shipwide" data. This will give them information that is relative to those parameters.

If players ask for information not covered by either of the following lists, do one of two things. One is to tell them the terminal doesn't have that info and have them ask you for something else (don't make their Skill worth nothing). Two is to make something interesting up on the fly and write it down so you can recall what it was and use it later. Make sure anything you give your players has a use - it must have an ingame effect and it must be beneficial to the players' characters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission (unless the character in question has the ability to gain more than one per Skill usage). If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of non-human lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players the breakdown of Allotment (Minions, Minibosses, and Boss Monsters) and at least one of the <Faction> keywords for this Mission. This means that instead of "blips", the GM must reveal what those markers represent, even in parts of the terrain layout not yet revealed. Once identified, these models can move according to their profiles and are not subject to movement restrictions based on terrain placement until that terrain is revealed.

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. On this Mission, this information reveals the terrain out to 18" from the terminal, but doesn't reveal the nature of any of the "blips" in those areas.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. This forces the GM to commit to the location of the 3 Level Exits if they haven't already and it also improves the chances of any Dispatched Expeditions this Mission by +1.

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals a snaking power conduit that leads from the Power Source Objective Marker into the depths of the hulk. Any Dispatched Expedition can be assigned to following this conduit to its source (use the Conduit Expedition treasure table to determine the outcome of that Exploration).

Shipwide Data
Here is a list of potential information available about the whole of the Arcanite Destructor. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission (unless the character in question has the ability to gain more than one per Skill usage). In this case, the priority is subject to any information the players may have already gleaned in the previous Mission. For instance, if they already found out the name and class of the ship, ignore that tidbit of info and priorize the next item on the list. Never hand out information players already have unless the Mission description expressly states otherwise.

1. The ship's name and class. The Arcanite Destructor is classified as an Astartes Battleship, a heavily retrofitted Desolator class. Any player with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can use the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill use to determine that this ship was presumed lost more than 11,000 years ago during the Great Crusade and that it was in service to the then-still-loyal Thousand Sons Legion. They may force the GM to bring either a Thousand Sons or Arcanite Guard Boss Monster next Mission or, if they choose to place the Relic Marker, the GM may choose one from the list below.

2. The condition of the Arcanite Destructor's Warp Core. Highly unstable. This unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Stabilize the Reactor that becomes available right after the Main Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults. Details to follow.

3. Radiation levels throughout the ship and what to avoid. This has two effects. During any future Mission where radiation presents a hazard, having secured this information negates the effects of that radiation on the deployed squad (they've taken precautions against it). During any Exploration Mission where radiation might cause harm to the squad, the Mission Leader may opt to add +D3 hours to the Mission time in order to negate those effects.

4. The original damage assessment from that ages ago battle. The Arcanite Destructor suffered numerous catastrophic impacts along the length of its midsection and a sundering of its comms lines. The entire prow of the vessel was cut off from the rest of the hull by atmospheric breaches. This information unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Bridge the Gap that becomes available right after the Main Mission The Defiled Workshop. Details to follow.

Relics (do not use an item if the players already possess it; Relics are meant to be unique)
100 / 50 / 03 / Khopesh Padraig (Relic Powersword) / Strength as user +1, AP -3. Damage D3. Crackling with overcharged energy, this ancient power weapon sings with every stroke and sunders with every blow, booming like a thunderclap as it rends armor and flesh. Khopesh Padraig may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use Khopesh Padraig defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with Khopesh Padraig attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon. Masterwork, Catastrophic, and Shocking. Space Wolves characters treat this as a Tainted Relic.

50 / 25 / 02 / Book of Augury* (Tainted Relic) / This book allows the controlling player to double the range of their Psychic Sense Skill. Space Wolves characters cannot make use of this Relic and instead, if they get their hands on this Relic, earn +1 Renown if they destroy it.

00 / 01 / 01 / STC Fragment (Generic Relic) / This item has no use whatsoever to the Deathwatch except as a bargaining tool with the Admech. This Fragment may be traded to any Admech Faction for +5D6 Esteem. However, doing so will permanently turn all Factions Marginally or Diametrically Opposed to that Faction against the Deathwatch. Deathwatch marines will not be able to gain Esteem with those Factions for the remainder of this campaign and those Factions are immediately added to the list of potential Adversaries the Deathwatch may face inside the hulk. Alternatively, the Fragment may be kept on board the Intolerance. In this case increase the Esteem of all Admech Factions by +1 after every Mission until The Battle for the Arcanite Vaults.

65 / 25 / 01 / Alsafari Talisman (Relic Refractor)/ This item grants the bearer a 6+ invulverable save, unless the bearer already has a better invulverable save, in which case the Alsafari Talisman improves that save by +1. Additionally, once per Mission, a model equipped with this Relic may, instead of Moving or Advancing, be placed anywhere on the table within line of sight of where they started the Turn. Using the Alsafari Talisman for this purpose earns the model equipped with it +1 Corruption.

*Only usable by Librarians and models with the appropriate Skill.

Dispatched Expeditions
These are dangerous side excursions. Roll a D6 for each Expedition. Add +1 to the roll for each marine beyond the first sent on a particular Expedition. Refer to the following table for generic Expeditions.

D6 Roll: Outcome
1: Disaster! The marine becomes lost and is ambushed by armed horrors. The marine stumbles out of the depths with 1 Wound remaining and D6 Wound Tokens. This marine also earns +1 Corruption, +1 Renown, and +3 XP.

2-3: Waste of time. This expedition is fruitless, yielding neither loot nor useful information. The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +1 Renown, and +1 XP.

4-5: Dead End. While at first this expedition promised a potential shortcut, it eventually became clear that the decks below were sheered or otherwise compromised. They lead nowhere. However, this marine(s) returns with a better understanding of the hulk's maze-like interior structure. On any future Exploration Mission this marine(s) is assigned to, they may reduce the total Mission time by -1 hour (to a minimum of 1 hour). The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +2 Renown, and +1 XP.

6: Success! The tunnels below, while complex, reveal an interesting pattern. Embracing the pattern leads to swifter egress. The marine(s) sent on this Expedition have found an easier path forward. Reduce the total time for the next Mission by -1 hour. The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +2 Corruption, +3 Renown, and +1 XP.

7+: Resounding Success! Not only did these marines find a faster way through, they also stumbled across an ancient armory. Inside they found 1 each of the following items:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Magazine / Description
55 / 35 / 02 / Hecaté Pattern Bolter* / 1|2-8|- / 8 / -
100 / 50 / 02 / Hecaté Pattern Heavy Bolter* / 3|-|12 / 24 / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon and treat its Threshold as 55.

*The Hecaté Pattern is a bullet-devouring firearm, capable of a torrent of firepower. Both of these weapons come equipped with standard magazines. Reloads may be purchased for them as if they were a normal bolter and heavy bolter respectively.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Description
25 / 08 / 02 / Astartes Khopesh / Strength +2. AP -. Damage 1. An Astartes Khopesh may be used two-handed. A model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to improve this weapon's AP to -1. A model equipped with an Astartes Khopesh cannot fire their pistol if they are engaged in Close Combat.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / Description
25 / 02 / 01 / Bolter Drum Mag / 36 / -

Additionally, reduce the total time for the next Mission by -1 hour and the marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +3 Renown, and +1 XP.

Conduit Expedition
Roll a D6 for this Expedition. Add +1 to the roll for each marine beyond the first sent.

D6 Roll: Outcome
1: Waste of time. This expedition is fruitless, the conduit leads to an impenetrable bulkhead wall. The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +1 Renown, and +1 XP.

2-3: It's just a backup generator. While its useful to know that there are redundant systems still functioning onboard the hulk, this information serves very little use. Increase the Power Level of the next Technological Emplacement encountered by this marine(s) by one step. The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +2 Renown, and +1 XP.

4-5: It's a centralized power source. After all this time and the machine is still functioning. Knowledge of the color-coded lines that lead into this device will help the Deathwatch reroute power later as they need to. Increase the Power Level of all Technological Emplacements encountered by this marine(s) by one step until the end of the Main Mission Descent to the Central Magazine. The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +3 Renown, and +1 XP. A model with the Tech Skill instead earns +2 XP.

6: This proves we're on the right track! Reduce the total time for the next Mission by -1 hour. Additionally, increase the Power Level of all Technological Emplacements encountered by this marine(s) by one step until the end of the Main Mission Descent to the Central Magazine. The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +3 Renown, and +2 XP. A model with the Tech Skill instead earns +3 XP.

7+: Resounding Success! Reduce the total time for the next Mission by -1 hour. Additionally, all Technological Emplacements encountered by this marine(s) treat their Power Level as Full until the end of the Main Mission Descent to the Central Magazine. The marine(s) sent on this excursion each earn +1 Corruption, +3 Renown, and +3 XP. A model with the Tech Skill instead earns +5 XP.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/08 14:56:04

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Changed the Cost of the Icon Imperator from 35 to 05, changed the Threshold and Cost of the Ordo Honorifica and Crux Terminatus to 50 / 01 and 200 / 25, respectively. (Ordo Honorifica used to be 100 / 50 and Crux Terminatus was 150 / 100).

I modified how Implants work. Essentially, models meet the Threshold once, but pay the Cost permanently, adding the Implant to their inventory for the remainder of the Campaign.

I also tweaked a few gear descriptions to add clarity and to reflect the Tech Emplacements rules.

Changed the benefit of Heraldry of Rulership for the Heralds chapter.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/14 16:12:05

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Clear the Breach

Mission 2b: Clear the Breach: Linked (with Hold the Line)

In service to Whom

This Mission is clearly in service to the Deathwatch as it is a rearguard for the other squad delving deeper into the wreck of the Hulk (The Long March). It can also easily be justified as a "side quest" for the Catalogists simply by virtue of their initial contact with your marines. However, the Replicanticles also approach the Deathwatch and ask that, if they happen to come across any perished servitors inside the [++Redacted++], would they be so kind as to retrieve their inorganic parts for them. The player(s) that control this squad must decide for themselves which Faction they are in service to. If they decide on the Replicanticles the GM will add bodies to the terrain layout and this Mission gains an extra Tertiary Objective.

Deployment and Extraction
The Mission Leader may choose between Thunderhawk Insertion and Boarding Pod for deployment.

However, if the Teleport Beacon was deployed last Mission, then the only Deployment option is Teleportarium.

As this Mission is Linked with the following Mission, the only Extraction method available is Defensible Position.

Known Adversaries
In this Mission, I recommend using more of the same Adversaries encountered in Mission 1, but ultimately it's up to your collection to determine what the Deathwatch marines will face on the tabletop.

The terrain should be set up more or less identically to the first version of the 1st Mission (Hulk Breach), except this time the players will be deploying on the opposite table edge as last time. The GM then places two Objective Markers anywhere on the table at least 12" from a table edge and 12" from any other Objective Marker. Deathwatch forces then deploy on the side of the table that has the two Tech Terminals on it (see Technology on the Table below).

Adversary forces come in 3 waves starting on Turn 1. Models purchased from Allotment for the first wave may deploy to the table anywhere out of line of sight of any marine or be held in Reserve. Adversary Reserves arrive at the start of the 1st Turn and enter from any table edge, but must begin their Turn at least 18" away from enemy models. The second wave arrives on Turn 3, taking their moves from any table edge at least 12" away from any enemy model. The third and final wave arrives on Turn 5, taking their moves from any table edge at least 9" away from any enemy model.

Lastly, if the players decide to undertake this Mission as a "side quest" for the Replicanticles, the players and the GM each roll a D3 and add their scores together. Then, starting with the GM, participants take it in turns to place these "Servitor Corpse Markers" on the table. Markers must be placed no closer than 8" from any deployed model and at least 3" from any table edge.

Technology on the Table
In more or less the same locations as the terminals from Mission 1: Version 1, place 2 terminals (see that Mission for details). In the center of the table, where it was before, place a keypad. The two terminals are at Low Power, and the Keypad has Minuscule Power.

Successful Skill interaction with the Keypad reduces the Allotment for the second and third Waves by -5 each.

Successful Skill interaction with either of the Terminals will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Destroy All Opposition: the model that scores the last unsaved Wound on the last Adversary can claim to have personally achieved this Objective. Achieving this Objective ends the game.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Emplace 1 or More Sentry Guns: the marines are equipped with 2 free Auto Sentry turrets. The Markers placed by the GM at the start of the Mission represent the locations for these turrets. Any marine equipped with an Auto Sentry that emplaces it on one of the Objective Markers counts as having completed this Objective. Note that only 1 Auto Sentry turret needs to be placed in order to count this Objective complete. However, placing both Auto Sentry turrets earns all Marines deployed on this Mission an additional +1 Renown.

Retrieve Data from a Terminal: if any marine with the Tech Skill successfully gains 1 or more tidbits of information from either Terminal, this Objective can be considered completed.

Recover One or More Servitor Corpses: if doing this Mission in service to the Replicanticles, any marine that ends the game in base to base contact with any Servitor Corpse Marker can consider this Objective completed. Each Servitor so "recovered" earns the squad +1 Esteem with the Replicanticles. Retrieving 2 or more of these corpses additionally increases the Renown of all marines deployed on this Mission by +1.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission time is 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours. Don't forget to add Insertion time when determining how much time has passed on the Doomclock.

First Turn
Depending on Deployment method, if the Deathwatch squad set up according to the Thunderhawk Insertion or Boarding Pod, their Adversaries take the first Turn, but the Deathwatch can try to seize the initiative.

If they set up using the Teleportarium, the Mission Leader player and the GM should roll off to determine which side goes first.

Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear. The squad is also supplied with two Auto Sentry turrets for free. Assign these to marines, who must place them on one of the Objective Markers. Once deployed, remove them from the squad's inventory.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers
If applicable...

GM Section:

Allotment: three waves of 10 each that arrive Turn 1, Turn 3, and Turn 5 (this does not include the bonus for time passed on the Doom Clock, which is added to each wave)

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
Except for the corpses of the fallen and the ichor on the walls and floor, very little is different in this chamber from a few hours ago. The growls and distorted echoes of ravening enemies grows louder and hungrier as hordes of foes, awakened to the knowledge of new invaders, surge towards your positions; eager to shed their blood in misguided fury. Let them come and meet death by bolter and chain.

Terminal Data for this Mission
Both Terminals in this Mission will potentially give identical information. Primarily, having 2 on the table means that more than one player/marine character can access information at the same time, potentially saving game Turns.

When a player accesses a terminal have them tell you if they want access to "Local" or "Shipwide" data. This will give them information that is relative to those parameters.

If players ask for information not covered by either of the following lists, do one of two things. One is to tell them the terminal doesn't have that info and have them ask you for something else (don't make their Skill worth nothing). Two is to make something interesting up on the fly and write it down so you can recall what it was and use it later. Make sure anything you give your players has a use - it must have an ingame effect and it must be beneficial to the players' characters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission (unless the character in question has the ability to gain more than one per Skill usage). If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of non-human lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players the breakdown of Allotment (Minions, Minibosses, and Boss Monsters) and at least one of the <Faction> keywords for any remaining Waves of Adversaries this Mission. If you have prepared to use 20 Chaos Cultists and a single Chaos Terminator in the next Wave and 5 Chaos Possessed in the final wave, you must tell your players they will be facing 20 mutant Minions, an Astartes Miniboss, and 5 Daemonic Minibosses. If the next wave will be 34 genestealers and the final wave will be 34 termagants, then you must tell them they have 68 Tyranid Minions yet to face. If they haven't gained this info until after the 3rd wave, the GM only has to give them the breakdown for the 5th Wave. If they are facing waves of Necrons, all you have to tell them is the sensors have detected energy fluctuations in the surrounding areas (necrons aren't alive). If this info hasn't been obtained until on or after the 5th Turn (and all Adversaries from all 3 Waves are already on the table), then the GM must give the information regarding the next Mission (in this case Hold the Line).

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. In this Mission, this information grants the Deathwatch a +1 to their Cover Saves on Turns 1, 3, and 5.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. This information forces subsequent Waves of Adversaries to enter the table an additional +6" away from Deathwatch models.

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals a dormant Generator (Minuscule Power Level) with an Access Point just astride the Keypad. Place an additional Tertiary Objective Marker (Activate Generator) at this location. Any marine that spends at least 1 Turn in base contact with this Marker doing nothing at all (not even defending himself in close combat), counts as achieving this Objective. Activating this Generator increases the Power Level of all technological emplacements by 1 Step for the next 3 Missions. If this Generator has already been activated (during the Hulk Breach Mission), then achieving this Tertiary Objective has no further effect, but still counts as an Objective for the purposes of Renown and/or XP gains.

Shipwide Data
Here is a list of potential information available about the whole of the Arcanite Destructor. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission (unless the character in question has the ability to gain more than one per Skill usage).

1. The ship's name and class. The Arcanite Destructor is classified as an Astartes Battleship, a heavily retrofitted Desolator class. Any player with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can use the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill use to determine that this ship was presumed lost more than 11,000 years ago during the Great Crusade and that it was in service to the then-still-loyal Thousand Sons Legion. They may force the GM to bring either a Thousand Sons or Arcanite Guard Boss Monster next Mission or, if they choose to place the Relic Marker, the GM may choose one from the list below. If the ship's name and class has already been discovered in a previous Mission, then the players gain instead ONE of the following pieces of information (GMs remember not to double up on information; if players keep selecting this option they should eventually learn all of these things):
-A. The ship Captain's name: Brother-Captain Heshmek the Seer. Heshmek's command bridge was smashed by suicide attack from one of the enemy vessels. For most of the remaining battle Heshmek was presumed dead until reports spotted him fighting boarding parties with his retinue in the lower decks of the Arcanite. His ultimate fate, however, is unknown as the ship's records do not contain information indicating whether he survived or fell.

-B. The Arcanite's cargo: besides munitions (most of which were carried off during the wreck's evacuation), this battleship had in its holds a maniple of Battle Automata and some sort of experimental Sensorium rigs that this terminal labels the "Crowns of Sekmet". The exact locations of these objects is not revealed, but the data seems to indicate that they are still onboard the vessel.

-C. The full compliment of Admech forces on board the ship and the percentage of which were combat-capable. The original population of the Arcanite Destructor was staggering, numbering in the tens of thousands. After damage reports and the evacuation of the ship those numbers dwindled to a scant thousand. However, of those thousand roughly 20% could be considered combat-ready. And, according to this terminal, of those 20%, a surprising number seem to be here still; scattered throughout the expanding wreckage of this Hulk.

-D. The location and power level of a centralized reactor node. Active even for the millennia though it has been, this central chamber still feeds a steady supply of energy to the crumbling remains of the Arcanite's systems. Knowing this location will be useful for subsequent Missions and Side Quests later in the campaign (such as the Stabilize the Reactor Side Quest Mission and many others).

2. The condition of the Arcanite Destructor's Warp Core. Highly unstable. This unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Stabilize the Reactor that becomes available right after the Main Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults. Details to follow.

3. Radiation levels throughout the ship and what to avoid. This has two effects. During any future Mission where radiation presents a hazard, having secured this information negates the effects of that radiation on the deployed squad (they've taken precautions against it). During any Exploration Mission where radiation might cause harm to the squad, the Mission Leader may opt to add +D3 hours to the Mission time in order to negate those effects.

55 / 55* / 01 / Master Key (Relic Tool) / this item can be used to Lock or Unlock any Door (Bulkhead or otherwise) or Unlock any Keypad without having to make a roll. As long as the model is in Cohesion range of a door or Keypad, the GM must tell that model's controlling player if the object in question is Locked or Unlocked and then the controlling player may opt to Unlock or Lock it. Note that this Relic cannot unseal doors that have been welded, fused, or damaged shut.

100 / 35 / 00 / Survivalist Core+ (Relic Implant) / This Implant adds a backup energy cell and cellular regenerator to a model's internal systems. Whenever this model is reduced to 0 Wounds roll a D3. This is the number of Turns the model becomes Dormant. While Dormant the model cannot Move or Advance, cannot Shoot, cannot Charge or defend itself in Close Combat, and cannot use any Skills except Psychic Sense. Every Turn the model is Dormant, it regenerates 1 Wound and removes 1 Wound Token. Requires the Mechanicus Frame Trait.

*Techmarine characters treat this item's Cost as 15.
+As an Implant, a model only needs to meet the Threshold for this item when they first acquire it. It is then permanently added to a model's equipment and its Cost is permanently subtracted from the model's total Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/15 22:43:59

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Yes, I'm self-interrupting.

*Expect these lists to expand over time. Also, there's more of them to come.

Factional Esteem Gear Lists
Spending Esteem works in much the same way as spending Renown except that Esteem is list-specific and therefore can only be used on the wargear available from the Faction with which the Marine has that Esteem. Every item has a Threshold (or Ethreshold) and a Cost (or Ecost). All items are also labeled U (Unique) or P (Plentiful). Only 1 of any Unique item may ever be purchased per squad. Plentiful items require that the squad's Esteem meets or exceeds the Ethreshold, but that items are purchased at Ecost per marine model who wishes to equip the item in question. Note also that Implants gained in this way permanently reduce the Squad's total Esteem when purchased unless you are using the individual-marine-method of earning Esteem, in which case it reduces each Model's Esteem individually.

Arcanite Guard

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 03 / 01 / Radsuit / P / this armor underlayer protects the model from the damaging effects of Radiation, as well as the microwaving power of plasma, dark matter, and volkite weapons, reducing the strength of hits from any of these effects or weapons by -1.

08 / 05 / ** / Electro Upgrade / P / this weave may be added to any Exceptional or better quality melee weapon and adds the Shocking quality to it. If the weapon already has the Shocking quality, this item increases its effects to -2.

10 / 03 / ** / Tactical HUD / P / this armor upgrade allows the bearer to take a -1 penalty to either their WS or BS and add it as a bonus to whichever of the two stats they did not reduce for 1 Turn, once per Mission

20 / 15 / ** / Expanded Teleport Zone / U / given the Arcanite Guard's extensive understanding of the [++Redacted++]'s interiors, this upgrade adds +1" to the dimensions of the Teleportation strips (making them 4" x 9" each).

25 / 08 / 01* / Phased Plasma Cell / P / this is a single reload for any plasma weapon. It weighs virtually nothing. Treat its magazine capacity as 14. Additionally, when firing in Supercharged mode with ammo from this magazine, the controlling player may re-roll hit rolls of 1. Only a model's Capacity limits the number of these they can carry. Carrying 1-4 of these collectively weigh 01 Capacity.

100 / 100 / ** / Amankheph, the Last Loyalist / U / Kept in stassis for more than 10,000 years, the Deredeo Pattern dreadnaught known as Amankheph is an optional sarcophagus for any marine entombed in that state of half-death. Amankheph is armed with a pair of Anvilus Autocannon Batteries, twin heavy bolters, and the Aiolos Missile Launcher.

200 / 55 / ** / Castellax-Achea Battle Automata / P / any marine with the Cohort Talent may opt to purchase one of these Battle Robots at an Esteem discount of -5. These robots are controlled by the purchasing player and have a default Cohesion3.

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / U|P / Special Rules

35 / 12 / 01 / Flechette Pistol / 5|10|- / 10 / P / Strength 3, AP -, Damage 1, range 18", Pistol

65 / 50 / 01 / Volkite Serpenta / 1|2|- / 6 / P / Ablaze, Deflagrate, Strength 5, AP -, Damage 1, range 10", Pistol

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / U|P

25 / 06* / 01* / Flechette Pistol Reload / 10 / P

50 / 16* / 01* / Volkite Reload / 6 / P

*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Cost is for 4 reloads of the same type.
*Ammunition is cheap and lightweight by comparison to the weapons they feed. This Capacity is for 4 reloads of the same type.


Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 01 / 01 / Ferrus Attenuator / P / this simple device detects the integrity and material of walls and doors. It grants the wielder a bonus -1 AP to their weapons when attempting to breach or destroy doors and other terrain features.

03 / 03 / 02 / The Book of Named Parts / U / This hand-scribed tome is bound in human leather and comprises many compiled lists of parts and part categories, such as "Cogs", "Rods", "Plates", "Screws", and "Crystals". Each item is accompanied by a handrawn illustration and arcane dimensional measurements. Equipping this cumbersome book adds the following Tertiary Objective to the Mission at hand: Retrieve Named Parts. At the start of the Mission, after Deployment but before the 1st Turn begins, both players and the GM each roll a D6 and add their scores together. Taking it in turns starting with the GM, participants alternate placing this number of "Scrap Counters" anywhere on the revealed terrain. No Scrap Counter can be closer than 3" from any table edge and no closer than 3" from any deployed model. Any marine that Moves (but not Advances) to or through one of these Counters automatically picks it up and adds it to the squad's inventory. Collectively, up to 12 of these Counters weigh 00 Capacity. Each collected Counter is worth +1 Esteem if traded to the Catalogists, Reparists, or Lord's Own Code.

05 / 03 / 02 / Book of Books / U / This ancient book's pages are actually sheets of illuminated aluminum and detail the names and shapes of all the manuals, sacred texts, and data journals left behind on the [++Redacted++] during the ancient evacuation. Equipping this cumbersome book adds the following Tertiary Objective to the Mission at hand: Recover Misplaced Knowledge. At the start of the Mission, after Deployment but before the 1st Turn begins, if the terrain has any areas that could considered a room, roll a D6 for each. On the roll of a 6 that room contains one of the Lost Texts from the Book of Books; place a "Book Marker" in the center of the room. If the terrain has no rooms, then simply roll a D6 for each table quarter and on a 6 place a Book Marker in the center of that quarter. Any marine that Moves (but not Advances) to or through one of these Markers automatically picks it up and adds it to the squad's inventory. Collectively, up to 12 of these Markers weigh 00 Capacity. Each Book Marker collected is worth +1 Esteem if traded to the Catalogists, Grand, or Arcanite Guard.

10 / 05 / 02 / The Book of Unnamed Parts / U / This hand-scribed tome is bound in plastic fragments fused together and comprises many compiled lists of damaged parts and unknown fragmentary debris categories, such as "Chips", "Fused", "Shattered", "Irradiated", and "Dust". Each item is accompanied by a handrawn illustration and arcane suppositions as to its former use. Equipping this cumbersome book adds the following Tertiary Objective to the Mission at hand: Collect Interesting Debris. At the start of the Mission, after Deployment but before the 1st Turn begins, both players and the GM each roll a D6 and add their scores together. Taking it in turns starting with the GM, participants alternate placing this number of "Debris Counters" anywhere on the revealed terrain. No Debris Counter can be closer than 3" from any table edge and no closer than 3" from any deployed model. Any marine that Moves (but not Advances) to or through one of these Counters automatically picks it up and adds it to the squad's inventory. Collectively, up to 12 of these Counters weigh 00 Capacity. Each collected Counter is worth +1 Esteem if traded to the Catalogists, Replicanticles, or the Grand.

10 / 05 / 01 / Data Transcribner / P / a small cylindrical device oozing with adaptor cords, this item grants the squad (or marine if using Individual Esteem gains) +1 Esteem with the Catalogists every time they successfully use their Tech Skill to "Let it Speak its Name to me".

25 / 10 / 01 / Portable Power Cell / P / this lightweight, rechargeable power cell may be used to increase the Power Level of any Tech Emplacement by 1 step once per Mission. Afterwards it is dead weight, but failing to return it to the Catalogists permanently reduces the squad's Esteem with them by 6.

50 / 25 / 00 / Archivist's Codekey / P / this tiny chip slots perfectly into any Keypad and grants the bearer an advantage over security systems designed to block him out. For models with the Tech Skill, this item grants a re-roll when attempting to access Keypads or Security Systems using the "Let it Speak its Name to Me" effect. For models without the Tech Skill, this item grants them a one-time use of that Skill on any Keypad in Cohesion range, that succeeds on a 6.

100 / 25 / 01 / Vault Key / U / this item is especially useful during Exploration Missions or on any Mission with a Treasure table. Vault Keys unlock hidden and fortified compartments throughout the Arcanite Destructor and other Adeptus Mechanicus vessels in the system. When rolling on a Treasure table for one of these vessels, a model equipped with a Vault Key may adjust any dice rolls up or down by 1. In instances where items are found without rolling, the player controlling the model equipped with the Vault Key may select any 1 item from those found and increase the number of them by 1. If the expedition returns with 1 bolter, 2 drum magazines, and 1 plasma gun, this player may opt for the expedition to come back with 2 plasma guns instead of 1, or 3 drum magazines, or 2 bolters. Note that the model in question need not have gone on the Expedition as long as he was deployed with the models who did.

Cycle of Night

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 02 / 00 / The Flesh is Dead Weight / P / this elixir of nanotech and other unsavory additives is imbibed before deployment and imbues the recipient with the ability to ignore the first Wound suffered in that Mission, instead recieving a single Wound Token. They may also ignore subsequent Wounds on the D6 roll of a 6 (unless they already have this ability or one like it, in which case this elixir improves that ability by +1). Each time a model ignores a Wound because of this item they gain an additional 1 Wound Token.

05 / 05 / 00 / Even in Darkness / P / this elixir is imbibed before deployment and imbues the recipient with the ability to add +6" to the range of all their weapons when firing in Standard mode. Additionally, in Missions where visibility is limited, this item increases the model's visual range by +1". Each time this elixir is consumed after the first, its effects change slightly in that the range bonus decreases by 1" and the sight distance increases by 1", until there is no bonus to range, but sight bonus has increased to +7". Thereafter, any subsequent uses of this elixir render only the sight distance bonus.

35 / 15 / 02 / Automated Medkit / P / this small, but heavy, brick of medical supplies is equipped with micro-mechadendrites that can try to heal a marine while he is busy doing other things. At the beginning of any Turn where a model equipped with this item has fewer Wounds than it started the game with, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, the model gains a Wound Token as the machine inside this box does more damage than healing. On a 3+, this model regenerates 1 previously lost Wound. This device may be used twice per Mission, each time reducing its Capacity by 1.

50* / 25* / 00 / Physiology Plug-in / P / this tiny chip sockets easily into one of the many disused ports inside the marine's armor and adds a medical monitor subsystem to the heads-up display inside his helmet. If a model with any number of Wound Tokens who is also equipped with this item does not Move, Advance, Shoot, or Charge on his own Turn, he may roll a D6. On the result of a 3+, this model removes 1 Wound Token from their total.

75 / 25* / * / Swift Black Blood / P / this item is a Stim and therefore requires a Narthecium to administer. Once administered, the model must take a Toughness test. If they pass, they immediately remove D3+1 Wound Tokens and recover a single Wound lost previously. If they fail, their body is wracked with pain and remain Pinned until rallied.


Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

09 / 03 / ** / Hallucinogen Grenade / P / these grenades shower their victims with soporific mists and strange toxins, causing them to lose their sense of reality. Strength 3, AP -. Hits from this grenade use a model's Leadership instead of their Toughness when determining if it "Wounds". Models who fail their save versus this grenade immediately come under the control of the player whose model threw the grenade and are treated as enemy models by the other Adversaries on the table. These models cannot be used to open or close doors, or activate any Technologies on the table (except to become victims of Autosentry turrets). If one of these models is Wounded and survives, they immediately come back under the control of the GM. This grenade has no effect against models with the <Vehicle>, <Necron>, or <Admech> keywords. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

18 / 09 / ** / Mutagen Grenade (Tainted Grenade) / P / these deadly explosives shower their victims with radiation and genetic corruption, causing spontaneous mutation and uncontrollable cancerous corruption. Strength 9, AP -. Hits from this grenade versus models with the <Psyker> keyword cause D3 Wounds. This grenade has no effect against models with the <Vehicle>, <Necron>, or <Admech> keywords. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D3 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign.

27 / 09 / 01 / Golden Lance (Tainted Astartes Spear) / P / Strength +1, AP -1, Damage 1. +1 Damage on the Turn a model equipped with this weapon Charges. Additionally, against the first enemy model the bearer of this weapon fights, the marine may re-roll failed hit rolls.

36 / 18 / 03 / Phasefield Generator (Tainted Powerfield) / U / this heavy, but largely unadorned cube must be placed and activated, requiring the model carrying it to spend 1 Shooting Phase to do so. Place a 3" long Line Marker with any facing (a peice of paper or a short pencil will do). Enemy models that draw line of sight across this Marker reduce the Strength of their Shooting attacks by -1. Additionally, friendly models that cross this Marker increase their Move by +9" for the Turn. This item may be left behind at the cost of a permanent reduction in Esteem with the Transcendencers of -9. Leaving this item behind has 2 effects. One is that the model that carried it ignores the Corruption gain normally associated with equipping Tainted items on a 2+. The other effect is that all subsequent Allotment values for Missions following this one are increased by +D6.

45 / 27 / ** / Additional Teleport Zone / U / given the Transcendencers' extensive understanding of the [++Redacted++]'s warp flux, this upgrade adds an additional Teleportation strip for deployment.

63 / 45 / ** / Clypeum Implants+ (Tainted Implant)/ P / These arcane nodules are actually embedded directly into the recipient's armor, studding it with tiny cigarette flares in strategic locations. When the implants detect incoming munitions they create a counter wave, flaring to life. The origins of these implants may be questionable or they may simply be so ancient as to be misunderstood. In any case, the nature of the Transcendencers at least makes an item such as this fall under the scrutiny of the Chaplains regardless of its inherent or absent connection to the warp. In addition to permanently increasing this model's Corruption by 1 (this model can never have less than 1 Corruption regardless of mitigating effects, abilities, or circumstances), this Implant reduces the Strength of all Shooting attacks against this model by -1. If the weapon in question rolls to randomly determine its number of shots, this implant instead reduces the Strength of that Shooting attack by -2.

The Grand

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 03 / 01 / Rad Syphon / P / this item can be used in any area that is afflicted with radiation, reducing the Strength of the radiation by -1. Additionally, each Turn a model spends in an irradiated area fills this Syphon 1 "Pip". A single Syphon can hold up to 8 Pips. If the model carrying this item survives a Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, each Pip in their Syphon is worth 1 Esteem with any Faction they want to trade it to. However, if the model carrying this item is reduced to 0 Wounds during the course of the Mission, they must pass a Toughness test or immediately gain an additional Wound Token.

05 / 05 / ** / Rite of Passages and Tunnels / P / this chip sockets into a marine's interior armor and projects a hand-drawn map onto their heads up display. There is no sophistication to this document. At the end of any Turn where a model with this item has Moved or Advanced, roll a D6. On a 6, the Rite of Passages and Tunnels reveals an "Item of Interest" within 12" of the bearer. GMs, this "Item of Interest" can be virtually anything, but the guidelines require it to be something at least marginally useful. Some suggestions include: a fuel tank, a box filled with D6 machine components that can be traded for Esteem, a Locked Door that leads to a potential Exploration Mission, a security-locked Keypad that unlocks something in the next Mission, an automated sentry just around the corner, a servitor's corpse, an ancient suit of Mark IV power armor, a dataslate-diary of virtually any member of the ship's crew, etc. Get creative.

15 / 25 / ** / Tabard of Thresholds / P / this simple clothe is embedded with Friend/Foe circuitry and may be represented on a model as a loincloth, a full tabard, or fabric penant. When confronted by automated sentries equipped with Alarms, this item automatically identifies the bearer as Friend.

25 / 25 / ** / Canticles of Catacomb / P / another socketed chip, these Canticles reveal the basic, twisting maintenance layer of the [++Redacted++] as the bearer moves. Keeping track of what is seen and what is overlayed can prove challenging as the Grand is not sophisticated in its approach to accommodating non-Admech bearers of its technologies. A model equipped with this item cannot Advance and rolls only a single D6 when Charging. However, the Canticles of Catacomb also reduce enemy cover saves by -1 when those models are within 12" of an Entry Point or board edge.

65 / 35 / ** / Visions of the Architect / P / this socketed chip overlays images of the original architecture of the [++Redacted++]'s interior. It also interacts with the sensor feed of the marine's helmet, gathering information about the wreck's current state of disrepair. Whenever a model equipped with this item enters a new chamber roll a D6. On a 5+, the marine's Unit gains +1 Esteem with the Grand. Additionally, if 3 or more marines equip this item on the same Mission, the chamber reveals structural secrets on a 6 that earns the entire Squad +1 Renown each at the end of the Mission.

Lord's Own Code

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 08 / 01 / Personal Locator Beacon / P / a model equipped with this tiny machine orb always counts as In Line of Sight to all the other members of his squad for the purposes of Skill effects and Psychic powers.

05 / 15 / 01 / Aegis of Cyphers / U / This hand-held device has trailing plugs that interface with the various ports found on Keypads throughout the [++Redacted++]'s holds and hallways. It grants a +1 to any Tech roll when the bearer interacts with a Keypad or its functions.

25 / 15 / ** / Pictographer / P / this device attaches to the exterior of a marine's helmet, shoulder pad, or backpack, and allows the marine to record moving and still images during the Mission. Models with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill who equip this item automatically earn +1 Renown and +1 Esteem with a Faction of their choice at the end of the Mission. Models without that Skill must roll a 4+ on a D6 to earn that bonus. Any model equipped with this item also earns +1 XP at the end of the Mission. Lastly, roll a D6 at the start of the next Mission after this item was used. On a 6+, that Mission takes 1 hour less time than normal. Every model beyond the first that is also equipped with this item adds +1 to that roll.

25 / 25 / 01 / Signal Interceptor / P / a model equipped with this device that begins or ends their Movement Phase within D6+6" of an enemy Minion may test their Leadership (this counts as a Characteristic test). If they roll equal to or lower than their Leadership on a single D6 (where a 6 is always considered a failure), the player who controls the model equipped with this device, may either Move that Minion up to its maximum Move distance or have it Hunker Down in place. A model that Hunkers Down gains an additional +1 to its cover save but cannot Shoot in the Shooting Phase.

50 / 25 / ** / The Long List / U / this is an itemized list of missing cogitators, signal boosters, code books, cyphers, scrambler machines, black boxes, and vox arrays scattered throughout the [++Redacted++]. Any model in the squad with the marine equipped with this tem may attempt to search the area around them instead of Moving or Advancing in the Movement Phase. Have that model's player roll a D6, adding +1 in there is a Technological Emplacement within 6" of the model. On the roll of a 6+, the model has found something from the list. The item is virtually weightless, but has value to the Lord's Own Code Faction far exceeding anything so mundane as heft. If the squad returns with 1-3 of these items, they earn +D6 Esteem with the Lord's Own Code. If they return with 4 or more such items, they earn an additional +1 Esteem for each such item beyond 3.

50 / 35 / ** / Litany of the Last Order / U / this unique, encoded placard identifies the bearer as a member of the [++Redacted++]'s skeleton crew, left behind to maintain the ship. It may be worn as a battle honor, in similar fashion to a purity seal. Servitors and unlocked doors on board the [++Redacted++] treat this model as a friendly model, never shooting at or engaging in close combat (in the case of Servitors), and always opening or closing as the player wishes without prompting (in the case of unlocked doors) for this model. Servitors that are Charged will not even defend themselves if engaged.

75 / 45 / 01 / Homing Device / P / this item must be emplaced in the same way as a booby trap. Once placed, any model equipped with a Missile Launcher, a Bolt weapon of any type, or a grenade launcher may opt to fire at any target up to 6" distant from this Beacon, whether or not they can draw an actual line of sight to the target. Additionally, Missile Launchers used in this way gain +1 to hit.


Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 03 / 02 / Ablative Heat Shielding / P / a model equipped with this item gains +1 to their first armor save versus flamer, plasma, volkite, radiation, or las-weapon per Turn. Each successful save reduces this item's Capacity by 1. If this item's Capacity reaches 0, it no longer functions.

18 / 09 / ** / Ensorcelled Gauntlets / P / this item counts as Tainted. Ensorcelled Gauntlets alter the profile for The Marine's Own Fists mêlée weapon to Strength as user, AP -, Damage D3. Additionally, any model with the ability to Deny the Witch adds +1 to their attempts to do so.

27 / 09 / ** / Mark of Unbidden Wisdom / U / only the Mission Leader may equip this item and it counts as Tainted. The Mark grants the Mission Leader the ability to Deny the Witch if they do not already possess this ability. If the Mission Leader can already Deny the Witch, this item instead grants them a 6+ Invulnerable save or +1 to any preexisting Invulnerable save.

27 / 27 / ** / Hexagony Wards / P / these strangely shaped charms hurt the brain to look upon, but allow the bearer to roll a D6 for every Wound Token they currently have at the end of each of their Turns. For every 5+ they roll, they gain a single re-roll that may be used for armor saves until the end of the Mission. If they gain any such rerolls, the model equipped with this item also gains an additional +1 Corruption at the end of the Mission.

54 / 54 / ** / Channelling Matrix / U / only useable by models with the ability to manifest one or more Psychic Powers. Counts as a Tainted item. This crystaline latticework conforms to the exterior of a marine's helmet and gauntlets. It increases the Range of all of their powers by +4". Additionally, any Power with a Strength increases that Strength by +1 and any power that targets one or more models may target up to 2 additional targets by increasing the Warp Charge of the Power in question by +2 per extra target.

81 / 54 / ** / Warp Medallion / U / only useable by models with the ability to manifest one or more Psychic Powers. Counts as a Tainted item. This roughly fist-sized amulet hangs by a chain of unknown material and pulses with an inner light of shifting colors. The Warp Medallion adds +D3 to any attempt to manifest a Psychic Power and +D3 to any attempt to Deny the Witch. It also increases the range of this model's Deny the Witch ability by +4". However, if the bearer rolls a Perils of the Warp while equipped with this item they immediately gain an additional +D6 Corruption. If this roll brings their Corruption total to more than 10, they are immediately replaced by a Changer of Ways Greater Daemon with all the implications of having a foe such as that in your squad's midst.

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / U|P / Special Rules

18 / 06 / 03 / Rotor Cannon / 4|-|8 / 40 / U / Strength 3, AP -, Damage 1, Range 24". Devastators pay only half Ecost to equip this item.

27 / 12 / 03 / Flame Caster / D6|-|- / 8 / P / Strength 4, AP -1, Damage 1, Range 10". This is a slightly more efficient and more powerful version of the standard Astartes Flamer. Tactical marines pay only half Ecost to equip this item. Flame Casters have the Ablaze and Catastrophic Qualities.

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / Magazine / U|P

18 / 04 / 01 / Flame Caster Canister / 8 / P (this item may also be used as a reload for Flamers. However, when used with Flamers, this reload does not provide the added range nor the improved AP)

27 / 06 / 01 / Rotor Drum / 40 / P


Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 05 / +02 / Autoloader / P / This multi-limbed micro-machine connects to any weapon except Combi-weapons in the underslung position. It holds up to 4 magazines of the type used for the weapon it's attached to (purchased separately) and automatically reloads the weapon as soon as its previous magazine is empty. This effectively allows the shooting model to add +1 to their weapon's Rate of Fire in any mode if they would normally expend their last round in this Phase. The Autoloader adds +01 Capacity of weight to whatever weapon it is attached to and the 4 magazines loaded into the Autoloader add an additional +01 Capacity of weight as well. An empty Autoloader only weighs 01 Capacity.

01 / 25+ / ** / Mechadendrite Socket+ / U* / this unique implant allows up to 3 Mechadendrites to be slaved to the same control unit. It provides a discount when purchasing multiple identical Mechadendrites equal to 10% of their total cost (round up). Additionally, a model with this implant may take up to Servo-Rig3 Talents regardless of whether or not they have a Mechanicus Frame.

35 / 20 / ** / Modified Exoframe / P / this obvious framework bolts to the exterior of a marine's armor and grants them a bonus to their Jump Distances equal to their Strength in inches. Additionally, the Exoframe increaes the model's Carrying Capacity by +2.

50 / 45 / ** / Internal Reinforcement+ / P / this implant permanently increases the model's Toughness by +1. Additionally, any time a model with this implant suffers a Wound they may ignore it on the D6 roll of a 6. If the model already has an ability like this, the Internal Reinforcement adds +1 to that effect.

50 / 45 / ** / Hydraulic Strength Enhancers+ / P / this implant permanently increases the model's Strength by +1 and also adds an additional +2 Capacity above and beyond their base Capacity.

65 / 50 / ** / Data Interface (Mechadendrite) / U* / this item grants a reroll to Tech skill checks when a model is interacting with Keypads and Tech Terminals. Multiples of this Mechadendrite add additional rerolls that break the rules for rerolling a reroll. A model must have either the Mechanicus Frame or the Mechadendrite Socket to equip this item.

75 / 50 / ** / Optical Suite+ / P / this implant increases the range of all Shooting attacks this model makes in Standard Firing Mode by a distance in inches equal to their Leadership stat. Additionally, if the model enhanced by this implant has more than 1 Shooting Phase per Turn and they use Standard Firing Mode in their first Shooting Phase, they may add this range bonus to Burst and Autofire Modes in their subsequent Shooting Phases this Turn.

100 / 65 / ** / Cortex Enhancement+ / U* / models equipped with this implant may use an additional Skill every Turn, provided they have the Ratings for those Skill uses. Additionally, every time a model with ths implant uses a Skill Rating roll a D6. On a 6, their Rating is not reduced.


Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description

01 / 01 / 01 / Simple Toolbox / P / any model with the Tech Skill that is also equipped with this item treats the Power Level of any Tech Emplacement as one step higher than it actually is, up to Full. A model that does not have the Tech Skill, but is carrying this item may attempt to use the "All Supplication to the Omnissiah" effect once per Turn on any Tech Emplacement it is already in base to base contact with. Using the Simple Toolbox in this way succeeds on the D6 roll of a 6.

01 / 05 / 01 / The Master Wrench / U / in addition to granting a once-per-game reroll on any Tech Skill effect, this massive tool also makes for a very effective bludgeon. The Master Wrench counts as a mêlée weapon with Strength +1, AP -, Damage 1, and the Mastercrafted Quality. Lastly, any Adversary with an Adeptus Mechanicus keyword will only target a model carrying this item if they are the closest enemy model.

05 / 03 / ** / Universal Glue / P / this powerful adhesive can permanently seal doors (adding +1 Wound to that door when applied). Applying the Glue takes one Phase of the player's choice. GMs, if you're feeling generous, this Glue can also be used to create makeshift barriers, sturdy ladders, jury-rigged gurneys or boxes, and similar objects. If you decide to use this optional rule, at least two models must spend D3 Turns doing nothing else except fabricating the object. The GM has final say over what is plausible to make, but understand that this glue can be used to afix an armored plate to the exterior of the [++Redacted++]'s hull. [i]Universal Glue has enough applications for 3 uses or to build 1 makeshift object.

10 / 05 / 03 / Portable Void Screen / U / this bulky object must be emplaced and activated; doing so takes D3 Turns, but only requires one model to do it. Once activated, the Portable Void Screen creates an invisible, impenetrable barrier that stretches along a line that bisects this device (use a Marker) from one surface to another. For all intents and purposes, treat this line as a wall that does not block line of sight. If the explosive decompression Event happens, this Screen counts as a proof against that.

25 / 25 / 03 / Temporary Generator / U / this item must be emplaced like a Boobytrap, but only models with the Tech Skill can do so. Once set up, the Temporary Generator provides an outside power source to any currently revealed Tech Emplacements on the table, increasing their Power Levels by 1 step every Turn until they reach Full Power. The Temporary Generator can be targeted by Boss Monsters as if it were a separate model. In this case, treat it as having 2 Wounds with a Toughness of 4 and a 5+ Invulnerable Save. At the end of every Player Turn, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1 the Temporary Generator ceases to function and every Emplacement powered by this item lose 1 Step of Power Level per Turn afterwards until they are Dead. A model with the Tech Skill can attempt the "All Supplication to the Omnissiah" effect on a failed Temporary Generator to return it to functional.

50 / 15 / 01 / Machine Diagnosticator / P / this hand held device grants the user +1 to any "All Supplication to the Omnissiah" effect rolls.

Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / U|P / Special Rules

100 / 15 / 03 / Automated Defender / -|-|4 / 20 / P / Ablaze, Deflagrate, Strength 5, AP -, Damage 1, range 18". Must be emplaced like an Auto Sentry turret. Follows all the rules associated with Emplaced Weapons. Cannot be reloaded.

**The weight of this item is either negligible or it is not an item carried, but rather one that carries itself.
+As an Implant, a model only needs to meet the Ethreshold for this item when they first acquire it. It is then permanently added to a model's equipment and its Ecost is then permanently subtracted from the model's total Esteem.
**Grenades weigh little individually, but collectively their weight adds up. Any combination of types may be carried by a model. Equipping 1 or 2 grenades of any type costs 1 Capacity, 3 or 4 costs 2 Capacity, 5 or 6 cost 3 Capacity, and every additional grenade beyond 6 adds +1 Capacity.
*This Ecost is per dose.
*These items weigh little individually. Equipping up to 12 doses of Stim collectly weigh just 01 Capacity.
*Apothecaries treat this item's Ethreshold and Ecost as 10 and 10 respectively.
*Techmarines treat these items' Ethreshold as half, rounding down. Additionally, if an item would otherwise be U, it can also be taken by any number of additional midels as long as they have the Mechanicus Frame Trait.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/22 20:04:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Interacting with the Environment (i.e. Blowing up the Terrain)
Much like doors, the walls and objects on board the [++Redacted++] can be intentionally messed with, to the point where they explode, collapse, and/or disintegrate. This can be useful in some situations - such as when marines find themselves at a dead end with their Objective just the other side of the wall or when Adversaries hunker down behind armored cover and begin hammering the marines' positions with nigh immunity.

Shooting and Punching Inanimate Objects

Unless a marine is Shaken or engaged in mêlée combat, a hit roll is not required when Shooting at or Stabbing/Punching/Hacking at a nonmoving object like a wall, terminal, window, or generator. It's assumed a trained marksman can hit a stationary target.

When targeting an object - a terrain feature such as a generator, a tank trap, a pile of gas tanks, an armored flak shield, a bank of cogitators, etc. - treat the target as having a Toughness of 4, with 2 Wounds, and a 5+ Armor Save.

When targeting a Wall, place a Marker to designate what part of it the model is attempting to destroy. Treat this location as having a Toughness of 6, with 3 Wounds, and a 4+ Armor Save.

Removing any Wounds from the target negate 1 point of Cover Save bonus it might otherwise provide. Meaning damaged terrain does not provide the +1 armor save bonus and fortified terrain only provides a +1 bonus instead of a +2. Player character or Adversary abilities that alter how Cover works are not affected by this reduction.

Removing the target's last Wound indicates that it is destroyed - objects might explode, but are otherwise removed from play; sections of wall have been breached and count as open terrain within 2" of the Marker.

Extenuating Circumstances

Some objects come pre-damaged and others are more robustly made. A GM may, in exchange for +5 Allotment in any Scenario, make the declaration at the beginning of a Mission, before any models are Deployed, that all terrain features on the table are Compromised. Alternatively, a GM may, on the fly, declare any object or terrain feature (such as a wall) as being Reinforced for the cost of 2 Allotment or Fortified for the cost of 5 Allotment. Obviously, a GM must have the Allotment to spare in order to make this declaration, although they may pay upfront to secretly Reinforce or Fortify any terrain feature they think the players might want to target.

Compromised terrain is -1 Toughness and -1 Armor Save.

Compromised walls are -2 Toughness, -1 Armor Save, and trigger a roll on the Mundane Events table at -1 when their last Wound is removed.

Reinforced terrain is +1 Toughness and +1 Wound.

Reinforced walls are +1 Toughness, +1 Wound, and treat their Armor Save as Invulnerable.

Fortified terrain is +1 Toughness, +1 Wound, and +1 Armor Save. They additionally provide an extra +1 (for a total of +2) to Armor Saves.

Fortified walls are +2 Toughness, +2 Wounds, +1 Armor Save and treat their Armor Save as Invulnerable. They additionally provide an extra +1 (for a total of +2) to Armor Saves.

Some objects may have additional rules about what happens to them, or to the tabletop environment, when they lose their last Wound. These rules will be covered in the next post.

For "Clarity"
Compromised Terrain Features: T3 / W2 / 6+ save / +1 Cover Bonus
Normal Terrain Features: T4 / W2 / 5+ save / +1 Cover Bonus
Reinforced Terrain Features: T5 / W3 / 5+ save / +1 Cover Bonus
Fortified Terrain Features: T5 / W3 / 4+ save / +2 Cover Bonus

Compromised Walls: T4 / W3 / 5+ save / +1 Cover Bonus, Mundane Events -1 when destroyed
Normal Walls: T6 / W3 / 4+ save / +1 Cover Bonus
Reinforced Walls: T7 / W4 / 4+ Invulnerable save / +1 Cover Bonus
Fortified Walls: T8 / W5 / 3+ Invulnerable save / +2 Cover Bonus

Compromised Sealed Doors: T5 / W1 / no save
Normal Sealed Doors: T6 / W1 / no save
Reinforced Sealed Doors: T7 / W2 / no save
Fortified Sealed Doors: T7 / W2 / 6+ save

Compromised Bulkhead Doors: T7 / W2 / 5+ Invulnerable save
Normal Bulkhead Doors: T8 / W2 / 4+ invulnerable save
Reinforced Bulkhead Doors: T9 / W3 / 6+ save, 4+ Invulnerable save
Fortified Bulkhead Doors: T9 / W3 / 5+ save, 4+ Invulnerable save

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/06/23 23:00:36

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Most things don't explode

Unless the terrain feature was obviously filled with gas or fuel or was a reactor of some sort, the vast majority of objects a player's character will attempt to destroy will simply fall apart with it loses its last Wound.

Fuel Tanks (and where to find them)

Spaceships are airtight bastions against the depredations of hard vaccuum. The last thing anybody wants to do is leave tons of barrels filled with oxygen-consuming or -contaminating substances in them laying around. So fuel tanks only make an appearance on tabletop battlefields on aircraft decks, storage areas, and workshops. Depending on what its filled with, destroying one might cause a brief flash in a controlled radius or a massive, flowing conflagration that threatens to consume the whole battlefield and maybe even the entire compartment.

Concentrated Gas has warning labels all over it. Destroying a container with this in it causes an immediate explosion.

Tiny containers about as large as a melta bomb or a bottle cause a single Strength 2 hit with no AP and D1 on any model within 1" of it.

Barrels up to the size of a Primaris Marine cause a single Strength 4 hit with no AP and D1 to all models within 4" of it when it loses its last Wound.

Anything larger than a barrel causes D3 Strength 6 hits with AP -1 and D1 to all models within 8" of it when it loses its last Wound. Additionally, roll a D3-1 on the Mundane Events chart after all hits from the explosion are resolved.

Volatile Fuel is usually stored near pumps and hoses and may or may not be covered in warning labels. Removing the last Wound from containers of this stuff spreads burning liquid everywhere and is a general hazard on the tabletop.

Tiny containers about as large as a melta bomb or a bottle cause D3 Strength 2 hits with no AP and D1 on any model within 2" of it. These hits all have the Ablaze Quality.

Barrels up to the size of a Primaris Marine cause a D6+1 Strength 4 hits with no AP and D1 to all models within 8" of it when it loses its last Wound. These hits all have the Ablaze Quality. Any model that begins its Turn within 8" of the destroyed Barrel for the next D6 Turns takes another D3 hits as previously described.

Anything larger than a barrel causes 2D6 Strength 5 hits with AP -1 and D1 to all models within 10" of it when it loses its last Wound and D3 Strength 4 hits with no AP and D1 to all other models on the tabletop. All of these hits have the Ablaze Quality. Additionally, place a Spreading Inferno Marker to represent the center of the blast. Anything with a Wounds characteristic that starts or ends its Movement Phase within 10" of a Spreading Inferno Marker takes an automatic Strength 4 hit with no AP and D1. This effect remains in play for the remainder of the game or until removed (see below). At the top of every game Turn thereafter, both the player who's marine is the Mission Leader and the GM roll a D6. If either rolls 5+, they must place another Spreading Inferno Marker anywhere within 10" of the first Spreading Inferno Marker. If either rolls a 1 they may instead remove a single Spreading Inferno Marker. If no Spreading Inferno Markers are on the table, there is no need to roll. Lastly, if any Spreading Inferno Markers are placed the Mission becomes subject to the rules regarding Mundane Events. Burning jet fuel is bad. It literally sinks ships and softens metal super-structures until they collapse and fold under their own weight.

Reactors are even worse. If one is destroyed, roll a D6-2 on the Mundane Events table. Additionally, the entire table is now subject to radiation effects, causing a single automatic Strength 6 hit with no AP and D1 to every model at the start of their Turn. Deathwatch marines may opt to take an automatic Wound Token instead of this hit on their Turn. Lastly, apply the results of a 6 from the Mundane Events table at the end of the Turn in which the reactor lost its last Wound.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/07/14 14:50:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I've added lists to the Faction Esteem gear lists. Just the Reparists and Replicanticles to go.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/07/19 15:35:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

All the faction esteem gear lists are done. I may add to them as I go, but for the foreseeable future I will be concentrating on the Main Narrative Missions and the "hours of 9" special events.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/07/20 19:05:04

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: The Defiled Workshop
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Mission stands alone. If you are playing with 2 squad progression, this Mission takes place at the same time narratively as Hold the Line.

Pushing ever forward into the wreck of the [++Redacted++] it becomes increasingly clear this may actually be the wrong direction. Upon breaching a section of disintegrating debris, the Deathwatch find themselves in a munitions workshop befouled with sigils of the Ruinous Powers. A yawning gate pulsates with warp hunger on the far side of the chamber. The message is clear - to continue forward is to court damnation. The Deathwatch must destroy this gate and retrace their steps to the beginning.

Mission 3a: The Defiled Workshop: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Deployment and Extraction
Because of the nature this Mission - as the follow-up from the previous Mission - deployment uses the rules for Interceptor Shuttle.

The presence of the Warp Gate makes using the Teleportarium very dangerous. This counts as a Narrative Set-back. The Mission Leader may therefore choose between Thunderhawk Extraction and Intercepter Shuttle for Extraction.

Known Adversaries
In this Mission, the Gate will be an Entry point for Daemons, and I recommend using cultists and corrupted Admech for its defenders.

Set up terrain so that a large area at least 20" square is open near one short board edge (within 8" of that edge) and the remaining terrain is bunched up in a twisted, maze-like formation. Place a Marker or terrain feature to represent a Warp Gate (GW makes terrain features like this one that would be ideal for this) within 12" of the same short board edge as the open area. The open area can be scattered with crates, conveyor belts, barrels of fuel, golf carts, tables, and similar small terrain features.

The players must split off at least 1 marine and up to half the squad, from the rest of the deployed models. These models must be placed no further than 8" from the Warp Gate and are hereafter referred to as the Isolated. Deploy the Isolated first, before any other models.

After the Isolated are deployed GM then places up to 3 Entry Point Markers anywhere on the table at least 12" from the Isolated models. Then the GM deploys the Adversaries anywhere within 3" of an Entry Point or the Warp Gate, or holds them in Reserve. The players then Deploy along the opposite short board edge from the Warp Gate according to their Insertion method. When Adversary Reserves become available they may take their 1st Turn from any of the Entry Points.

Technology on the Table
Both players and GM should roll a D3 and add their scores together. Starting with the GM, participants alternate placing this many Tech Terminals, Keypads, Scanner Sentries, or Automated Sentries (armed with Heavy Bolters) anywhere on the table.

Randomly determine the Power Level of each of these Emplacements. Keypads should connect to nearby crates or be connected to any of the Sentries present on the table.

Successful Skill interaction with any Terminal will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Successful Skill interaction with any Keypad should either open the crate associated with it or deactivate the Sentry associated with it. It should be clear at the start of the game, when the Tech Emplacements are placed, what each Keypad is associated with. The participant placing the Keypad decides what it is associated with, choosing from what is already on the table (GMs, make sure there are crates on the table so your players have options for their Keypads).

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Move all Allied Models into Cohesion: the last Marine model to move into Cohesion with the rest of his squad counts as achieving this Objective. Note that the Isolated may move back to meet the rest of the squad or the squad may move to link up with the Isolated to achieve this Objective. If the Isolated are killed before this Objective is complete, players may still count this Objective as successful if they manage to retrieve the bodies of their fallen before the enemy does.

Extract: via whichever method was chosen by the Mission Leader. The last model to achieve this Objective ends the game.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Destroy all opposition: the model that scores the last unsaved Wound on the last Adversary can claim to have personally achieved this Objective. If the last adversary is not slain before the Extract Objective is achieved, the game ends without this Objective being completed.

Destroy the Warp Gate: the structure counts as a Building with Toughness 9, Wounds 9, Weapon Skill 6+, Attacks D3, and a 5+ Invulnerable Save. The model that removes the last Wound from the Gate earns an additional +1 Renown and the Enemy of Chaos Trait (detailed in the GM section).

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

First Turn
The Deathwatch take the First Turn unless the GM can Seize the Initiative.

Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

As this Mission is Linked with the previous Mission, models are only armed with what they have left over from that previous Mission.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
If applicable.

GM Section:

Allotment: 20 (this does not include the bonus for time passed on the Doom Clock). Additionally, the Warp Gate generates D6+ the Turn number in Allotment at the start of every Adversary Turn. This Allotment can only be used to summon Daemons or Heretic Astartes. If the total rolled is exactly 9, the GM may roll an additional D6 for Allotment from the Warp Gate. Any Adversaries generated by the Warp Gate enter play from the Gate itself. If the Gate is destroyed, it no longer generates Allotment.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: the very atmosphere of this chamber seems corrupted, oozing with distortions. It is difficult to determine if the layout of the ship here is intentionally convoluted or if it is simply a manifestation of the Immaterium's power.

Enemy of Chaos Trait
In any Mission where there are Chaos Cultist, Heretic Astartes, Corrupted Admech, and/or Daemonic Adversaries, a model with this Trait becomes a Priority target for those enemy types. Enemies of those types listed will always attempt to Shoot at this model if it is in line of sight and in range and will always attempt to Charge this model if in range to do so in the Assault Phase. Additionally, if this Marine survives a Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining where any Adversaries of the types listed tried to kill him, he earns an additional +1 Renown. Finally, in Missions where both this Marine and a Warp Gate is present for any reason, that Gate generates an extra 9 Allotment every Turn, regardless of any other effects.

Terminal Data for this Mission
All Terminals in this Mission will potentially give identical information. Just like in Hulk Breach (version 1), whenever a player accesses a terminal have them tell you if they want access to "Local" or "Shipwide" data. This will give them information that is relative to those parameters.

If players ask for information not covered by either of the following lists, do one of two things. One is to tell them the terminal doesn't have that info and have them ask you for something else (don't make their Skill worth nothing). Two is to make something interesting up on the fly and write it down so you can recall what it was and use it later. Make sure anything you give your players has a use - it must have an ingame effect and it must be beneficial to the players' characters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission, unless they have abilities that state otherwise. If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of non-human lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players the breakdown of Allotment for their next Mission and what kind of Adversaries they will be facing. If you intended there to be 30 Chaos Cultists and a single Chaos Terminator in the next Mission, you must tell your players they will be facing 30 mutant Minions and an Astartes Miniboss. If you intended to bring a Haruspex and some genestealer cult, you must tell your players they will be facing 5 Tyranid Minions and a Tyranid Boss Monster. If you're going to bring 20 kabalites and 2 raiders, you must tell your players they will be facing 20 eldar minions (because vehicles aren't lifeforms).

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. In this Mission, this information grants the Deathwatch the ability to reroll their Advances until the end of thr Mission.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. In this Mission, this information negates any Cover Save bonuses for Adversaries within 3" of any Entry Point.

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals a Full Power Keypad just behind the Warp Gate. Successful Skill interaction with this Emplacement unlocks an Exploration Side Quest called Into the Belly of Beasts available to 1 Marine from this Mission immediately following this Mission. If player(s) opt to take this Side Quest Mission, time is added to the duration of this Mission and increases the total number of Turns the Hold the Line tandem Mission lasts by an amount equal to 5 times the hours rolled. Details of this Mission to follow. GMs, be sure to impart to your players the ominous nature of this Keypad and the Side Quest it leads to. The Marine who takes on this Side Quest will not get a chance to heal their Wounds or spend their XP until after the end of the Side Quest. Additionally, Into the Belly of Beasts can potentially kill the Marine that attempts the Mission, stranding his body in the depths of the Hulk. Lastly, this Side Mission offers an opportunity to use one or more Skills, so drop the hint that Marines with the Forbidden Knowledge, Psychic Sense, Stealth and/or Tech Skills would be most suited to undertaking it.

Shipwide Data
Here is a list of potential information available about the whole of the Arcanite Destructor. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission, unless a player has an ability that states otherwise. In this case, the priority is subject to any information the players may have already gleaned in the previous Mission. For instance, if they already found out the name and class of the ship, ignore that tidbit of info and priorize the next item on the list. Never hand out information players already have unless the Mission description expressly states otherwise.

1. The ship's name and class. The Arcanite Destructor is classified as an Astartes Battleship, a heavily retrofitted Desolator class. Any player with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can use the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill use to determine that this ship was presumed lost more than 11,000 years ago during the Great Crusade and that it was in service to the then-still-loyal Thousand Sons Legion. They may force the GM to bring either a Thousand Sons or Arcanite Guard Boss Monster next Mission or, if they choose to place the Relic Marker, the GM may choose one from the list below. If the ship's name and class has already been discovered in a previous Mission, then the players gain instead ONE of the following pieces of information (GMs remember not to double up on information; if players keep selecting this option they should eventually learn all of these things):

A. The ship Captain's name: Brother-Captain Heshmek the Seer. Heshmek's command bridge was smashed by suicide attack from one of the enemy vessels. For most of the remaining battle Heshmek was presumed dead until reports spotted him fighting boarding parties with his retinue in the lower decks of the Arcanite. His ultimate fate, however, is unknown as the ship's records do not contain information indicating whether he survived or fell.

B. The Arcanite's cargo: besides munitions (most of which were carried off during the wreck's evacuation), this battleship had in its holds a maniple of Battle Automata and some sort of experimental Sensorium rigs that this terminal labels the "Crowns of Sehkmet". The exact locations of these objects is not revealed, but the data seems to indicate that they are still onboard the vessel.

C. The full compliment of Admech forces on board the ship and the percentage of which were combat-capable. The original population of the Arcanite Destructor was staggering, numbering in the tens of thousands. After damage reports and the evacuation of the ship those numbers dwindled to a scant thousand. However, of those thousand roughly 20% could be considered combat-ready. And, according to this terminal, of those 20%, a surprising number seem to be here still; scattered throughout the expanding wreckage of this Hulk.

D. The location and power level of a centralized reactor node. Active even for the millennia though it has been, this central chamber still feeds a steady supply of energy to the crumbling remains of the Arcanite's systems. Knowing this location will be useful for subsequent Missions and Side Quests later in the campaign (such as the Stabilize the Reactor Side Quest Mission and many others).

2. The condition of the Arcanite Destructor's Warp Core. Highly unstable. This unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Stabilize the Reactor that becomes available right after the Main Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults. Details to follow.

3. Radiation levels throughout the ship and what to avoid. This has two effects. During any future Mission where radiation presents a hazard, having secured this information negates the effects of that radiation on the deployed squad (they've taken precautions against it). During any Exploration Mission where radiation might cause harm to the squad, the Mission Leader may opt to add +D3 hours to the Mission time in order to negate those effects. Some Missions might have alternate rules for using this information that supercede these.

4. The original damage assessment from that ages ago battle. The Arcanite Destructor suffered numerous catastrophic impacts along the length of its midsection and a sundering of its comms lines. The entire prow of the vessel was cut off from the rest of the hull by atmospheric breaches. This information unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Bridge the Gap that becomes available right after the Main Mission The Defiled Workshop. Details to follow.

Relics (do not use an item if the players already possess it; Relics are meant to be unique)
50 / 35 / 01 / Chainblade of Heshmek Ascendant (Relic Chainsword) / Strength as user +1, AP -. Damage 1. Whirring with highpitched ringing, this ancient chainsword sings through the air, whipping through flesh with an inhuman hunger. The Chainblade of Heshmek Ascendant may be used defensively. A model may sacrifice half of its Attacks to impose a -1 to one of its opponent's WS. Nominate the target at the beginning of the Assault Phase before dice are rolled. A model who is subject to an effect that modifies the number Attacks it has on the fly (such as the Blood Frenzy Trait) cannot use the Chainblade of Heshmek Ascendant defensively. If a model only has 1 Attack, they must sacrifice it completely in order to use this effect. Whenever a model armed with the Chainblade of Heshmek Ascendan attacks in Close Combat, they may make 1 additional attack using this weapon. Masterwork; grants its wielder +1 Armor Save in Close Combat. Space Wolves characters treat this as a Tainted Relic.

50 / 25 / 01* / Shatter Shells (Relic Missiles) / These Missiles are reloads for any Astartes Missile Launcher. When recovered, roll a D6 to determine how many Missiles are found. Each Missile has the following profile: Strength 4, AP -2, Damage 2, 2D3 shots per Missile.

00 / 01 / 01 / STC Fragment (Generic Relic) / This item has no use whatsoever to the Deathwatch except as a bargaining tool with the Admech. This Fragment may be traded to any Admech Faction for +5D6 Esteem. However, doing so will permanently turn all Factions Marginally or Diametrically Opposed to the Faction the marines have traded it to against the Deathwatch. Deathwatch marines will not be able to gain Esteem with those Factions for the remainder of this campaign and those Factions are immediately added to the list of potential Adversaries the Deathwatch may face inside the hulk. Alternatively, the Fragment may be kept on board the Intolerance. In this case increase the Esteem of all Admech Factions by +1 after every Mission until The Battle for the Arcanite Vaults.

*This Capacity is per Missile.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/07/25 12:20:33

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added the Chosen of Guilliman and Let no beast Survive Talents to the Elite Talents list.

Added Denier and Pariah to that same list.

I edited the squad creation rules slightly, in that I added a Hard Mode, Normal Mode, and Easy Mode which grant 10 "points", 15 "points", and 20 "points" respectively for Unit creation.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/08/04 23:29:22

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Hold the Line
(Tandem Mission for 2+ squad progression alongside The Defiled Workshop)
Marines from the previous Tandem Mission Clear the Breach have established that they are not to be trifled with and have gained a foothold position at the mouth of their impact point. However, now the denizens of the hulk are mobilized and have amassed in unstoppable numbers, ready to throw themselves at the guns of the Deathwatch to see them off. This Mission will seem endless, taxing the resources and the courage of the Marines arrayed to the breaking point. Hold at all costs, Brothers. You are the Bulwark of Humanity. Let the enemies of Man crash upon you like waves against cliffs and let the blood of their spent bodies recede before you until an ocean of it laps at your feet.

Mission 3b: Hold the Line: Routine
In service to Whom

This Mission is in service to the Deathwatch. The Astartes have stirred the proverbial hornets' nest and summoned the swarm. Players must hold this line at all costs or it jeopardizes the success of the entire Mission. It will establish, once and for all, the beachhead from which all subsequent Missions into the [++Redacted++] will springboard.

Deployment and Extraction
Because of the nature this Mission, as the follow-up from the previous Mission and as the last in a chain of Missions, the Mission Leader may choose any option available for deployment and any option for Extraction.

Known Adversaries
In this Mission, I recommend using more of the same Adversaries encountered in Mission 1, but ultimately it's up to your collection to determine what the Deathwatch marines will face on the tabletop.

The terrain should be set up more or less identically to the first version of the 1st Mission (Hulk Breach). The Deathwatch forces then set up according to their Deployment choice on one short board edge. The GM then places up to 5 Entry Points, 2 of which must be on the Board Edge furthest from the Deathwatch Deployment edge. The remaining 3 may be placed anywhere on the table that is at least 18" away from any Deployed Desthwatch model.

Adversary forces come in waves at the start if every Turn, starting on Turn 1. Models purchased from Allotment for the first wave may deploy to the table anywhere out of line of sight of any marine or be held in Reserve. Adversary Reserves arrive at the start of the 1st or 2nd Turn and enter from any Entry Point. Subsequent waves arrive at the start of every new Turn (or can be held in Reserve and arrive enmass on subsequent Turns) and take their Movement Phase from any Entry Point as long as they also begin at least 9" away from any enemy models.

Technology on the Table
In more or less the same locations as the terminals from Mission 1: Version 1, place 2 terminals (see that Mission for details). In the center of the table, where it was before, place a keypad. The two terminals are at Low Power, and the Keypad has Minuscule Power.

Successful Skill interaction with the Keypad reduces the Allotment for any remaining Waves by -1 per Wave.

Successful Skill interaction with either of the Terminals will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Destroy All Opposition: the model that scores the last unsaved Wound on the last Adversary can claim to have personally achieved this Objective.

Survive the Onslaught: this game lasts an unusually long number of Turns. Any marine with 1 or more Wounds left at the end of this Mission can claim to have "personally completed" this Objective.

Extract: by whatever method the Mission Leader chose at the beginning. The last allied model to achieve this Objective ends the game. Extracting before the last Turn of the game counts as Failing this Mission.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Retrieve Data from a Terminal: if any marine with the Tech Skill successfully gains 1 or more tidbits of information from either Terminal, this Objective can be considered completed

Chances are high that this Mission will last more than 5 Turns and therefore take 2 hours. If the game takes 13 Turns or more, its total Extraction time will be 3 hours instead.

This game lasts a number of Turns equal to the total number of Turns the tandem Mission The Defiled Workshop lasts +1. If the marines from that Mission opt to take on any additional "Side Quests" that spawn from that Mission (Bridging the Gap, Into the Belly of Beasts), then this Mission takes an additional number of Turns equal to that Mission's length (Bridging the Gap) and/or equal to 5 Turns per hour of Exploration (Into the Belly of Beasts).

First Turn
The Deathwatch take the first Turn unless the GM can Seize the Initiative.

Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

As this Mission is Linked with the previous, models deployed only have access to what they had left over from that Mission. However, if models have enough Renown to potentially rearm, they may request a Resupply on any Turn after the 5th. A Resupply works the same way as Arming in that models can purchase reloads and wargear with their Renown as normal, but all the equipment gets teleported to the battlefield in one big Box. Treat this Box as having a Carrying Capacity of 24 - and therefore players are collectively limited to buying items that only add up to 24 Capacity or less in total - and use an appropriate Marker to show its location (the Author recommends using a 30mm base with an Ammo crate from GW's terrain line or a crash coffin from the Infinity line of terrain).

When the Resupply is called for, have the Mission Leader designate a point on the table in their line of sight at the start of the Turn. The Mission Leader then forfeits their Skill Phase and tests their Ballistic Skill. If they pass, the marker lands on target. If they fail, the GM may place the Marker anywhere up to 8" away from its designated location.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although, players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers
If applicable...

GM Section:

Allotment: As many Waves as equal to the number of Turns, where each Turn the GM gains additional Allotment equal to the Turn number plus whatever bonus the Doom Clock provides (note that this number might increase during the course of the game). A GM may bank some or all of this Allotment until they have accumulated enough to purchase a Mini Boss or Boss Monster.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
Except for the corpses of the fallen and the ichor on the walls and floor, very little is different in this chamber from a few hours ago. The growls and distorted echoes of ravening enemies grows louder and hungrier as hordes of foes, awakened to the knowledge of new invaders, surge towards your positions; eager to shed their blood in misguided fury. Let them come and meet death by bolter and chain.

Terminal Data for this Mission
Both Terminals in this Mission will potentially give identical information. Primarily, having 2 on the table means that more than one player/marine character can access information at the same time, potentially saving game Turns.

When a player accesses a terminal have them tell you if they want access to "Local" or "Shipwide" data. This will give them information that is relative to those parameters.

If players ask for information not covered by either of the following lists, do one of two things. One is to tell them the terminal doesn't have that info and have them ask you for something else (don't make their Skill worth nothing). Two is to make something interesting up on the fly and write it down so you can recall what it was and use it later. Make sure anything you give your players has a use - it must have an ingame effect and it must be beneficial to the players' characters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission (unless the character in question has the ability to gain more than one per Skill usage). If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of non-human lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players the breakdown of Allotment (Minions, Minibosses, and Boss Monsters) and at least one of the <Faction> keywords for the next Wave of Adversaries this Mission. If it's Turn 3 and you have 4 Chaos Cultists and a single Chaos Terminator in the next Wave, you must tell your players they will be facing 4 mutant Minions and an Astartes Miniboss next. If it's Turn 2 and you're saving Allotment for a bigger thing, then you must tell them they have a single Turn's reprieve as their enemies muster their forces. If it's Turn 8 and you've finally amassed enough points to bring in a Triatch Stalker, then you must tell your players they hear the stamping of a large walking machine, but detect no living enemies. If there's a dreadnaught on its way, you must tell them there's a single Minion of the Faction type (Ork for Deffdread, mutant astartes for Hellbrute, etc). A daemon engine or daemons in general confound this detection and, as the GM, you need only tell the players that something is coming, but whatever it is, it confounds local sensors.

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. In this Mission, this information grants the Deathwatch a +1 to their Cover Saves.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. This information grants Deathwatch forces the ability to reroll Shooting attacks that miss, if they are Shooting at Adversaries within 3" of an Entry Point.

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals a dormant Generator (Minuscule Power Level) with an Access Point just astride the Keypad. Place an additional Tertiary Objective Marker (Activate Generator) at this location. Any marine that spends at least 1 Turn in base contact with this Marker doing nothing at all (not even defending himself in close combat), counts as achieving this Objective. Activating this Generator increases the Power Level of all technological emplacements by 1 Step for the next 3 Missions. If this Generator has already been activated (during any previous Mission), then achieving this Tertiary Objective has no further effect, but still counts as an Objective for the purposes of Renown and/or XP gains.

Shipwide Data
Here is a list of potential information available about the whole of the Arcanite Destructor. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission (unless the character in question has the ability to gain more than one per Skill usage).

1. The ship's name and class. The Arcanite Destructor is classified as an Astartes Battleship, a heavily retrofitted Desolator class. Any player with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can use the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill use to determine that this ship was presumed lost more than 11,000 years ago during the Great Crusade and that it was in service to the then-still-loyal Thousand Sons Legion. They may force the GM to bring either a Thousand Sons or Arcanite Guard Boss Monster next Mission or, if they choose to place the Relic Marker, the GM may choose one from the list below. If the ship's name and class has already been discovered in a previous Mission, then the players gain instead ONE of the following pieces of information (GMs remember not to double up on information; if players keep selecting this option they should eventually learn all of these things):

A. The ship Captain's name: Brother-Captain Heshmek the Seer. Heshmek's command bridge was smashed by suicide attack from one of the enemy vessels. For most of the remaining battle Heshmek was presumed dead until reports spotted him fighting boarding parties with his retinue in the lower decks of the Arcanite. His ultimate fate, however, is unknown as the ship's records do not contain information indicating whether he survived or fell.

B. The Arcanite's cargo: besides munitions (most of which were carried off during the wreck's evacuation), this battleship had in its holds a maniple of Battle Automata and some sort of experimental Sensorium rigs that this terminal labels the "Crowns of Sehkmet". The exact locations of these objects is not revealed, but the data seems to indicate that they are still onboard the vessel.

C. The full compliment of Admech forces on board the ship and the percentage of which were combat-capable. The original population of the Arcanite Destructor was staggering, numbering in the tens of thousands. After damage reports and the evacuation of the ship those numbers dwindled to a scant thousand. However, of those thousand roughly 20% could be considered combat-ready. And, according to this terminal, of those 20%, a surprising number seem to be here still; scattered throughout the expanding wreckage of this Hulk.

D. The location and power level of a centralized reactor node. Active even for the millennia though it has been, this central chamber still feeds a steady supply of energy to the crumbling remains of the Arcanite's systems. Knowing this location will be useful for subsequent Missions and Side Quests later in the campaign (such as the Stabilize the Reactor Side Quest Mission and many others).

2. The condition of the Arcanite Destructor's Warp Core. Highly unstable. This unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Stabilize the Reactor that becomes available right after the Main Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults. Details to follow.

3. Radiation levels throughout the ship and what to avoid. This has two effects. During any future Mission where radiation presents a hazard, having secured this information negates the effects of that radiation on the deployed squad (they've taken precautions against it). During any Exploration Mission where radiation might cause harm to the squad, the Mission Leader may opt to add +D3 hours to the Mission time in order to negate those effects. In some Missions, the parameters for using this option may be altered.

55 / 55* / 01 / Master Key (Relic Tool) / this item can be used to Lock or Unlock any Door (Bulkhead or otherwise) or Unlock any Keypad without having to make a roll. As long as the model is in Cohesion range of a door or Keypad, the GM must tell that model's controlling player if the object in question is Locked or Unlocked and then the controlling player may opt to Unlock or Lock it. Note that this Relic cannot unseal doors that have been welded, fused, damaged, or glued shut.

25 / 15 / 01 / Cogitation Interface (Relic Armor Upgrade) / this external scope sockets onto a Marine's armor - typically the helmet, shoulder pad, or on top of the backpack - and provides predictive data for both outgoing and incoming fire. Instead of using a Skill, a marine equipped with this Relic can make a Skill test. If they pass, they gain a single die which can be used to either reroll 1 failed armor save or 1 failed Shooting attack, per Turn.

*Techmarine characters treat this item's Cost as 15.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/08/08 21:29:12

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Made some small, but significant tweaks to the GM section of the Defiled Workshop and am adding some description to the Hold the Line Tand m Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/08/09 18:36:58

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added Purgatus Doctrine to Morale Talents.

Added Light-Footed and Agile Fighter to the Melee Talents.

Added the following Talents to various trees:

Fury Doctrine, Pinion Doctrine, Dominus Doctrine, Venator Doctrine

Added Cohesion +1 times two (effectively Cohesion4 and Cohesion5) to the Elite Talents tree.

Added Purifier Doctrine to Shooting Talents and Malleus Doctrine to Skill Talents.

Added Demolisher Doctrine and Shrike Doctrine to the Elite Talents tree.

Added Anvil of Strength and Lord of Fire to the Elite Talents tree.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/08/11 00:38:30

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Side Missions: Into the Belly of Beasts

Side Mission A: Into the Belly of Beasts: Exploration

In service to Whom

While this Mission is definitely in service to the Deathwatch, it can also be considered a Side Quest for the Grand, if players wish to play the Esteem game.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Find Your Way Back: The lone marine who goes on this Mission suffers D3 Wounds* in his quest to return. If this would bring his total Wounds to 0 or less, the Mission is considered a failure and lasts the maximum number of hours. If the marine still has at least 1 Wound after his time in the depths, it can be considered that he personally completed this Objective.

The player whose Marine is reduced to 0 Wounds on this Mission has three options:

The first and easiest is that they are lost and dead, remove him from the Squad's roster and follow the rules for dead marines in the campaign.

The second is that they are dead as above, but spawn a new Exploration Side Mission called "Locating the Fallen" which can be played at any time in the course of the campaign (details to follow).

The third is that they miraculously survive and return with 1 Wound remaing, but also +D6 Corruption (and +1 Renown if they don't immediately succumb to total Corruption). Note that this D6 Corruption is in addition to any gains from this or previous Missions.

*If players have uncovered the Data regarding shipwide radiation levels, the player controlling this marine may opt to add +D3 hours to this Mission (accepting that it will also increase the length of the Mission Hold the Line if that Mission is being played) in order to roll 2D3 when rolling for Wounds and take the more favorable result.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Return with Secrets Revealed: if the marine survives, and they have any one of the Skills Tech, Forbidden Knowledge, Stealth, or Psychic Sense, they may test it to glean some Secret Truth about the [++Redacted++]. If they successfully use their Skill, they count as having completed this Objective. A marine with more than 1 of these Skills may use 1 per Hour this Mission lasts and may opt to have the Mission last the maximum number of hours in order to use any 3. Using multiple Skills doesn't earn the marine any extra rewards save the actionable intel they bring back.

In the depths of the [++Redacted++] are horrors uncounted. Radiation, mutants, corruption, and monsters all conspire to consume the unlucky fool who fell to this fate. If the marine survives these horrors, the Mission lasts D3 hours.

Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers
If applicable.

GM Section:

Successful use of one of these Skills reveals a secret truth about the [++Redacted++].
Forbidden Knowledge: this is clearly a Thousand Sons vessel as it bears the iconography of that ill-fated legion everywhere. Although no known rumors exist that suggest Magnus was working with renegade Admech, the murals deep in the ancient catacombs of this ship suggestion otherwise. They reveal sorcerous machines abe to channel the power of Immaterium itself and a clear sense of where to find them in the ship's deep holds. This unlocks the Side Mission "Crowns of Sehkmet" that may be played at any time after the "Battle for the Arcanite Vaults" Mission. Details to follow.

Psychic Sense: there is a terrible presence onboard this vessel - a daemon of immeasurable power - that seeks not only to consume the Admech, but to corrupt and devour the Deathwatch as well. And now, that presence is aware; it knows you know it. In all future Routine or Linked Missions, roll a D6 at the beginning of the game. On a 1 that Mission is subject to the Mundane Events special rules as the presence struggles to make itself manifest.

Stealth: your marine silently sneaks past an enormous ritual as mutated Admech suplicate themselves before the bloodied armor of a former Thousand Sons. At the effigy's feet lay bones and freshly severed limbs. The gathered howl in corrupted binary and beg Magnus' forgiveness for their ineptitude. From this point forward, any time a squad gains 1 or more Esteem with the Magnites Faction, every marine in that squad also gains +1 Corruption. Additionally, all Admech Adversaries from this point forward will be Magnites.

Tech: even after all of this time, this vessel is still powered. However, there is also an ancient virus working its way through the systems of this ship, drawing power away from the periphery and into the heart of the [++Redacted++]'s warp drive. Following the path of that power is easy, once you know how to look for it. All future Missiins reduce their Insertion times by half, meaning that only an hour is added for every 2 Missions played.

If the marine survives, have his player roll a D6 at the End of the Mission. If the player's marine successfully used one of their Skills to achieve this Mission's Tertiary Objective, have them roll 2D6 and apply both results. If duplicates occur, they find two different caches of the same items.

D6 Roll: Treasure
1 or 2: nothing of note
3: a fragment of cogitative crystal which can be traded to any Admech Faction for +D3 Esteem
4: a portable ablative mantlet that weighs 02 Capacity and may be emplaced anywhere the carrying marine wishes, thereafter providing a +2 cover save to models taking cover behind it. Once placed, it cannot be retrieved without destroying it.
5: a cache of 2D3 Rad Grenades
6: a single Phobos Pattern Bolter from the dawn of the Imperium. It is a Relic with the following profile:

10 / 03 / 02 / Phobos Pattern Bolter (Relic Bolter) / 1|2-4/- / 16 / When fired in Burst Mode, add +6" to this weapon's range. This weapon's standard magazine is Expanded.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/08/18 13:20:24

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added 4 new Talents to the Elite tree for Librarians only.

Added the only Tier 5 Talent Rulebreaker to the Elite talents tree.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/08/21 00:04:19

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Double Back
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Mission stands alone. If you are playing with 2 squad progression, the other squad may participate in this Mission from the opposite side of the board.

It's clear we were in error and now must fight through to reach the relative safety of our beachhead. All the hulk is alerted to us and the last defenders lurking in these compartments are throwing themselves into our guns to divert us. Do not be distracted, brothers. Our true Objective lays aft; push towards it at all costs.

Mission 4: Double Back: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Deployment and Extraction
Because of the nature this Mission, deployment and extraction both use the rules for the Teleportarium, with deployment on one side of the table and extraction on the opposite end.

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests hullghasts, gilliams, pox walkers, genestealers, admech, genestealer cult, chaos cultists, and/or dark mechanicum.

Set up terrain so that a corridor (more or less) runs from one short board edge to the opposite short board edge. The Deathwatch Marines deploy in the length of corridor at one end and must exit via the extraction point on the far side of the tabletop.

GMs, do not feel limited by this description. The corridor may have turns, rooms along its length, sections that double back on themselves, bulkhead doors, etc. The author recommends one of two configurations. Either a literal straight corridor, with doors to rooms on either side and maybe bulkheads jutting into it along the sides to provide minimal cover or a convoluted series of chambers in the center of the board offering multiple options for Marines and Adversaries to snake their way through to the other side. I personally find games to be tactically challenging when there's either a LOT of line of sight blockers or virtually none, but these two options present completely different challenges to your player(s).

If you are using the 2 squad progression version of this campaign, you can play this Mission with all squads participating together. The squad that played the Defiled Workshop Mission begins play in the Deployment zone and all other available squads may deploy to the opposite board edge. Objectives remain the same.

After all terrain and Tech Emplacements have been placed, both GM and Mission Leader roll a D6 and add their scores together. This is the number of Entry Points the GM gets for Adversaries. Starting with the Player(s), participants take it in turns placing these Entry Points anywhere along the board edges perpendicular to the Deployment/Extraction edges. No Entry Point may be closer than 6" from any other Entry Point and no closer than 9" from the Deployment or Extraction Zone.

Technology on the Table
After terrain is set up and the Teleportarium Deployment and Extraction zones are set, players may place up to D3 Tech Terminals anywhere on the table. The GM may then place up to D3 Automated Sentries anywhere on the table that is also at least 9" from either the Deployment or Extraction zones. If any Sentries are placed, the GM must also place a single Keypad within 9" of at least one of those Sentries. Successful Skill interaction with this Keypad will change the Marine's designation to Friend for all Weapon Sentries and/or turn off all Alarm Sentries on the table. All technology placed begin play with Low Power.

Successful Skill interaction with any Terminal will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Extract: via the Teleportarium Extraction Zone. The last model to achieve this Objective ends the game. Note that if you are playing this Mission with more than one squad, all Marine models that participate must Extract before the game ends, not just the models from the Deployment Zone on the far side of the table.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Retrieve Data from a Terminal: if any marine with the Tech Skill successfully gains 1 or more tidbits of information from a Terminal, this Objective can be considered completed.

Shut Down the Sentries: if any marine with the Tech Skill successfully accesses the Keypad, this Objective can be considered completed.

Conserve Ammo*: the Missions before this represent a significant loss of resources for the Deathwatch. This Objective will be considered complete if all Marines deployed end the game with half or more of the Ammo they started the Mission with.

If any Marine ends the Mission without having expended a single bullet, that Marine gains an additional +1 Renown.

*If you are not using the Bullets rules for weapon Ammo, ignore this Objective.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

First Turn
The Deathwatch take the First Turn unless the GM can Seize the Initiative.

Pre-game Section
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Post-game Section
Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
If applicable.

GM Section:

Allotment: 1 Allotment for every Marine deployed on this Mission. After this total, add the extra from the DoomClock advancement. This is the total Allotment the GM has to work with every Turn. Adversaries begin their Turn from any Entry Point.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: this is the final run and your marines have become all too familiar with these disintegrating hallways and chambers. Caution is thrown to the wind as dust, debris, and corrosion filter through the twisted ceilings with every hammerfall of your boots. Walls crack, compartments shatter, and floors collapse. Let nothing stop you, brothers, in your hasty, tactical withdrawal.

Terminal Data for this Mission
All Terminals in this Mission will potentially give identical information. Just like in Hulk Breach (version 1), whenever a player accesses a terminal have them tell you if they want access to "Local" or "Shipwide" data. This will give them information that is relative to those parameters.

If players ask for information not covered by either of the following lists, do one of two things. One is to tell them the terminal doesn't have that info and have them ask you for something else (don't make their Skill worth nothing). Two is to make something interesting up on the fly and write it down so you can recall what it was and use it later. Make sure anything you give your players has a use - it must have an ingame effect and it must be beneficial to the players' characters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission, unless they have abilities that state otherwise. If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of non-human lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players the breakdown of Allotment for the very next Turn and what kind of Adversaries they will be facing. If there's to be 10 Chaos Cultists next Turn, tell them they will be facing 10 mutant Minions, etc.).

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. In this Mission, this information grants the Deathwatch the ability to reroll their Advances until the end of the Mission.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. In this Mission, this information negates any Cover Save bonuses for Adversaries within 3" of any Entry Point.

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals an additional Low Power Keypad hidden in a secret compartment near the Extraction Zone. The GM places a Marker near a wall within 6" of the Extraction Zone. Successful Skill interaction with this Emplacement unlocks a Narrative Side Quest string called Secrets of the Arcanite. Completing all of the Unlocked Missions earns all Marines, present and future, +1 Renown and the Knowledge of Suppressed Histories Trait. Details of these Missions and Trait to follow.

Shipwide Data
Here is a list of potential information available about the whole of the Arcanite Destructor. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission, unless a player has an ability that states otherwise. In this case, the priority is subject to any information the players may have already gleaned in the previous Mission. For instance, if they already found out the name and class of the ship, ignore that tidbit of info and priorize the next item on the list. Never hand out information players already have unless the Mission description expressly states otherwise.

1. The ship's name and class. The Arcanite Destructor is classified as an Astartes Battleship, a heavily retrofitted Desolator class. Any player with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can use the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill use to determine that this ship was presumed lost more than 11,000 years ago during the Great Crusade and that it was in service to the then-still-loyal Thousand Sons Legion. They may force the GM to bring either a Thousand Sons or Arcanite Guard Boss Monster next Mission or, if they choose to place the Relic Marker, the GM may choose one from the list below. If the ship's name and class has already been discovered in a previous Mission, then the players gain instead ONE of the following pieces of information (GMs remember not to double up on information; if players keep selecting this option they should eventually learn all of these things):

A. The ship Captain's name: Brother-Captain Heshmek the Seer. Heshmek's command bridge was smashed by suicide attack from one of the enemy vessels. For most of the remaining battle Heshmek was presumed dead until reports spotted him fighting boarding parties with his retinue in the lower decks of the Arcanite. His ultimate fate, however, is unknown as the ship's records do not contain information indicating whether he survived or fell.

B. The Arcanite's cargo: besides munitions (most of which were carried off during the wreck's evacuation), this battleship had in its holds a maniple of Battle Automata and some sort of experimental Sensorium rigs that this terminal labels the "Crowns of Sehkmet". The exact locations of these objects is not revealed, but the data seems to indicate that they are still onboard the vessel.

C. The full compliment of Admech forces on board the ship and the percentage of which were combat-capable. The original population of the Arcanite Destructor was staggering, numbering in the tens of thousands. After damage reports and the evacuation of the ship those numbers dwindled to a scant thousand. However, of those thousand roughly 20% could be considered combat-ready. And, according to this terminal, of those 20%, a surprising number seem to be here still; scattered throughout the expanding wreckage of this Hulk.

D. The location and power level of a centralized reactor node. Active even for the millennia though it has been, this central chamber still feeds a steady supply of energy to the crumbling remains of the Arcanite's systems. Knowing this location will be useful for subsequent Missions and Side Quests later in the campaign (such as the Stabilize the Reactor Side Quest Mission and many others).

2. The condition of the Arcanite Destructor's Warp Core. Highly unstable. This unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Stabilize the Reactor that becomes available right after the Main Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults. Details to follow.

3. Radiation levels throughout the ship and what to avoid. This has two effects. During any future Mission where radiation presents a hazard, having secured this information negates the effects of that radiation on the deployed squad (they've taken precautions against it). During any Exploration Mission where radiation might cause harm to the squad, the Mission Leader may opt to add +D3 hours to the Mission time in order to negate those effects. Some Missions might have alternate uses for this knowledge.

4. The original damage assessment from that ages ago battle. The Arcanite Destructor suffered numerous catastrophic impacts along the length of its midsection and a sundering of its comms lines. A significant portion of the vessel's midsection has been obliterated by internal detonations. This information unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called The Hidden Vault that becomes available right after the Main Mission Descent to the Central Magazine. Details to follow.

Relics (do not use an item if the players already possess it; Relics are meant to be unique)

50 / 25 / ** / The Eye of Heshmek (Relic Servo Skull) / This item increases a model's visual range by 3D6". Roll whenever the lights go out. It also provides its user with a 6+ Invulnerable Save as long as it remains in base to base contact. The Eye of Heshmek is a tiny device that may be targeted by enemy models with the Sniper Trait. If individually targeted, it has a Toughness of 2, 2 Wounds, a 4+ Invulnerable Save, and the Tiny Trait.

00 / 01 / 01 / STC Fragment(Generic Relic) / This item has no use whatsoever to the Deathwatch except as a bargaining tool with the Admech. This Fragment may be traded to any Admech Faction for +5D6 Esteem. However, doing so will permanently turn all Factions Marginally or Diametrically Opposed to the Faction the marines have traded it to against the Deathwatch. Deathwatch marines will not be able to gain Esteem with those Factions for the remainder of this campaign and those Factions are immediately added to the list of potential Adversaries the Deathwatch may face inside the hulk. Alternatively, the Fragment may be kept on board the Intolerance. In this case increase the Esteem of all Admech Factions by +1 after every Mission until The Battle for the Arcanite Vaults.

**This item acts as a separate model with a Movement of 6" so has no Capacity.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/08/21 23:31:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added 5 new Psychic Powers to the Miscellaneous Talents Tree.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Changed the Crux Terminatus/Terminator armor Threshold and Cost requirements.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/05 01:35:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added some new items to the Factional Esteem lists, edited the Space Wolves' Chapter Bonus, added Thunderhawks to the Tools of the Ordo, and made a few other minor changes for clarification and editing purposes.

Currently working on Missions 5a and 5b.

Is anyone playing this? And if so, does anybody have any questions or need clarification on anything (or want me to write faster)?

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/17 13:23:29

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added a new Elite Talent. Later I'll post up missions 5a and 5b.

I added some clarifications to the rules about destroying terrain features to include doors.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/17 21:43:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Forgive me, I completed Mission 5b before 5a.

Main Missions: Against all Odds
Now is the time we show our true valor, for it is not in service to our pride or our Chapters, but to our Battle Brothers beside us and the persecution of the God Emperor's Will. This wreck has roused and it swarms against us even as we plunge into its heretical depths. We must buy our comrades time by sealing the bulkheads at their rear. Retreat is no longer an option; from here on we Advance or Die.

Mission 5b: Against all Odds: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but can also be considered a Side Quest for either the Grand or the Catalogists.

Deployment and Extraction

Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Deployment method for which he qualifies.

Extraction Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Extraction method for which he qualifies, except Defensible Position.

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests hullghasts, gilliams, pox walkers, genestealers, admech, genestealer cult, chaos cultists, and/or dark mechanicum.

The GM sets up terrain in a pattern of rooms, twisting corridors, balconies, staircases, ladders, platforms, etc. that covers the entire board. Then, taking it in turns starting with the GM, the Mission Leader and the GM set up 10 doors up to 6" from any board edge of the table so that, if all of these doors became closed (they begin play opened), they would create an unbroken and contiguous space at the interior (both the GW boxed sets Killteam: Rogue Trader and the Necromunda Bulkheads come with excellent doors for this). Once all doors are placed, the GM sets up a single Entry point behind each, on the side away from the contiguous space.

Next, both the GM and the Mission Leader each roll a D3. This is the number of additional Entry Points they each must set up. Again, Entry Points can only be placed behind doors that, once closed, will cut that Entry Point's access to the contiguous space. There is no limit to the number of Entry Points that can placed behind a door.

GMs, remember to leave space on at least one board edge for players' Deployment and/or Extraction Zones.

Players Deploy first, then the GM sets up his "blip" Markers (detailed in the GM's section) anywhere out of line of sight of those models. If a GM cannot place any or all of their "blips" out of line of sight, they may instead place them on the board edges within 4" of any Entry Point. These Blips can move freely along the board edges until they enter play via an Entry Point.

Technology on the Table
After terrain is set up & Deployment and Extraction zones are set, players may place up to D3-1 Key Pads at least 9" from either the Deployment or Extraction zones. A single Terminal should be placed as close to the center of the board as possible. All technology placed on the table begins play at Full Power.

Successful Skill interaction with any Keypad will close the nearest open door (which means a Key Pad can potentially be used to close every door if you have enough Ratings in the Tech Skill).

Successful Skill interaction with the Terminal will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Close the Doors: either by using the Key Pads (if there are any on the table), or by physically moving into base to base contact with them during the Movement Phase. All doors must be closed. Closing a door means the Entry Points behind it can no longer be used and those Entry Points can't contribute to the GM's Allotment next Turn (there's more on this in the GM's section, but essentially, for player clarity, each Entry Point adds 2 Allotment for the GM every Turn until the door that blocks it is closed. In other words, the faster you close those doors, the fewer enemies you will face each Turn). Any model that closes a door gains +1 Renown. The model that closes the last door counts as personally completing this Objective. Closed Doors cannot be reopened.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Retrieve Data from a Terminal: if any marine with the Tech Skill successfully gains 1 or more tidbits of information from a Terminal, this Objective can be considered completed.

Destroy all Opposition: if the last door is closed on the same turn that the last Wound is removed from the last enemy on the table, this Objective can be considered completed.

For Glory!: for every 20 unsaved Wounds a marine inflicts this Mission, he gains an additional +1 XP or +1 Renown, player's choice. If at least 1 model earns this reward, this Objective can considered completed.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

First Turn
The Deathwatch take the First Turn.

Pre-game Section
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
If applicable.

GM Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 10 "blip" Markers and an Allotment equal to the bonus provided by the Doomclock (if it is hour 24, the GM starts with 8 Allotment). The GM secretly writes how much Allotment they are assigning to each "blip". This may be a number between 0 and 5. "Blips" move up to 4" per Turn until they enter line of sight of a Space Marine, at which time they are revealed and the Allotment they represent is spent on models that must be placed within 3" of the "blip's" original location.

Additionally, at the start of each of the GM's turns, each unobstructed Entry Point on the table generates 2 Allotment that may be immediately spent or banked for a later turn. These Turn by Turn reinforcements may enter the board via any open Entry Point, beginning their movement from there.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: Already the twisting labyrinth of this hulk has begun its unraveling on the minds of our Brothers. Every corner hides an enemy and every chamber a mystery. Where are we in the grand scheme of this vessel? Only the Emperor knows for certain.

Terminal Data for this Mission
All Terminals in this Mission will potentially give identical information. Whenever a player accesses a terminal have them tell you if they want access to "Local" or "Shipwide" data. This will give them information that is relative to those parameters.

If players ask for information not covered by either of the following lists, do one of two things. One is to tell them the terminal doesn't have that info and have them ask you for something else (don't make their Skill worth nothing). Two is to make something interesting up on the fly and write it down so you can recall what it was and use it later. Make sure anything you give your players has a use - it must have an ingame effect and it must be beneficial to the players' characters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission, unless they have abilities that state otherwise. If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players what kind of Adversaries they will be facing next Turn. As the Allotment may change, Turn to Turn, a GM need only reveal the number of accrued unspent Allotment they have and the type of Adversaries from which they will be drawing their models. Tyranids, mutants, orks, etc. is all the GM needs to reveal.

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. In this Mission, this information grants the Deathwatch the ability to reroll their Advances until the end of the Mission.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. In this Mission, this information negates any Cover Save bonuses for Adversaries within 3" of any Door.

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals an additional Low Power Keypad hidden in a secret compartment along any board edge. The GM places a Marker anywhere within 6" of any wall. Successful Skill interaction with this Keypad unlocks a secret compartment in the nearest wall with an Armored Vaccsuit (5+ armor save; immune to gas attacks and vaccuum), a Freeze-Ray (01 / 04 / 01 / Freeze-Ray / D3|-|- / 6 / 10" range, automatically hits its target, Strength 3, AP -, Damage 1, Pistol), & an Illuminator (a model with an Illuminator adds +4" to their sight distance whenever the lights go out, but count as the closest model for the purposes of enemy targeting. Alternatively an Illuminator may be left as a Marker in a location to shed light 3" in all directions from it for D6+4 Turns).

Shipwide Data
Here is a list of potential information available about the whole of the Arcanite Destructor. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission, unless a player has an ability that states otherwise. In this case, the priority is subject to any information the players may have already gleaned in the previous Mission. For instance, if they already found out the name and class of the ship, ignore that tidbit of info and priorize the next item on the list. Never hand out information players already have unless the Mission description expressly states otherwise.

1. The ship's name and class. The Arcanite Destructor is classified as an Astartes Battleship, a heavily retrofitted Desolator class. Any player with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can use the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill use to determine that this ship was presumed lost more than 11,000 years ago during the Great Crusade and that it was in service to the then-still-loyal Thousand Sons Legion. They may force the GM to bring either a Thousand Sons or Arcanite Guard Boss Monster next Mission or, if they choose to place the Relic Marker, the GM may choose one from the list below. If the ship's name and class has already been discovered in a previous Mission, then the players gain instead ONE of the following pieces of information (GMs remember not to double up on information; if players keep selecting this option they should eventually learn all of these things):

A. The ship Captain's name: Brother-Captain Heshmek the Seer. Heshmek's command bridge was smashed by suicide attack from one of the enemy vessels. For most of the remaining battle Heshmek was presumed dead until reports spotted him fighting boarding parties with his retinue in the lower decks of the Arcanite. His ultimate fate, however, is unknown as the ship's records do not contain information indicating whether he survived or fell.

B. The Arcanite's cargo: besides munitions (most of which were carried off during the wreck's evacuation), this battleship had in its holds a maniple of Battle Automata and some sort of experimental Sensorium rigs that this terminal labels the "Crowns of Sehkmet". The exact locations of these objects is not revealed, but the data seems to indicate that they are still onboard the vessel.

C. The full compliment of Admech forces on board the ship and the percentage of which were combat-capable. The original population of the Arcanite Destructor was staggering, numbering in the tens of thousands. After damage reports and the evacuation of the ship those numbers dwindled to a scant thousand. However, of those thousand roughly 20% could be considered combat-ready. And, according to this terminal, of those 20%, a surprising number seem to be here still; scattered throughout the expanding wreckage of this Hulk.

D. The location and power level of a centralized reactor node. Active even for the millennia though it has been, this central chamber still feeds a steady supply of energy to the crumbling remains of the Arcanite's systems. Knowing this location will be useful for subsequent Missions and Side Quests later in the campaign (such as the Stabilize the Reactor Side Quest Mission and many others).

2. The condition of the Arcanite Destructor's Warp Core. Highly unstable. This unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called Stabilize the Reactor that becomes available right after the Main Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults. Details to follow.

3. Radiation levels throughout the ship and what to avoid. This has two effects. During any future Mission where radiation presents a hazard, having secured this information negates the effects of that radiation on the deployed squad (they've taken precautions against it). During any Exploration Mission where radiation might cause harm to the squad, the Mission Leader may opt to add +D3 hours to the Mission time in order to negate those effects. Some Missions might have alternate uses for this knowledge.

4. The original damage assessment from that ages ago battle. The Arcanite Destructor suffered numerous catastrophic impacts along the length of its midsection and a sundering of its comms lines. A significant portion of the vessel's midsection has been obliterated by internal detonations. This information unlocks a new Side Quest Mission called The Hidden Vault that becomes available right after the Main Mission Descent to the Central Magazine. Details to follow.

Relics (do not use an item if the players already possess it; Relics are meant to be unique)

01 / 01 / ** / Illuminator (Tool) / a model with an Illuminator adds +4" to their sight distance whenever the lights go out, but count as the closest model for the purposes of enemy targeting. Alternatively an Illuminator may be left as a Marker in a location to shed light 3" in all directions from it for D6+4 Turns.

50 / 25 / ** / The Wisdom of Violence (Relic Powerfield / This amulet projects an invisible field of disruptive energy. In addition to forcing this model to remain 1" away from any terrain feature or other model, the Wisdom of Violence provides a special 5+ invulnerable save versus all shooting attacks. Any hit negated by this item is reflected back at its originator at the same Strength, AP, and Damage. Shots deflected in this way hit their targets on a 5+.

**The weight of this item is negligible.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/20 18:11:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Descent to the Central Magazine
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Mission stands alone. If you are playing with 2 squad progression, this Mission takes place at the same time narratively as Against All Odds.

Now we are amidships, Brothers, and the path before is fraught. We must descend into the depths and use the munitions of this hulk against those that would assail us. Not to fire upon them, but to discourage them from firing upon us; lest a stray shot should err its mark and destroy us all.

Mission 5a: Descent to the Central Magazine: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It can also be considered a Side Quest for the Grand.

Deployment and Extraction

Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Deployment method for which he qualifies.

Extraction Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Extraction method for which he qualifies, except Defensible Position.

Known Adversaries
Ultimately it's up to your collection to determine what the Deathwatch marines will face on the tabletop. Narratively, the author recommends Admech Skitarii, Forgeworld Battle Automata, Chaos Cultists, Servitors, Freebooters, Gretchin, and/or Genestealer Cults.

The terrain should be set up so that it descends from one short edge to the other. A large wall bisects the table at the halfway mark. All terrain on the far side of this wall is hidden from the players until the wall is breached. The GM should place 2 Fortified Bulkhead Doors on this wall and the Players should place 1. No door should be closer than 6" from any other door or any board edge.

The GM then places 2 Entry Points at the highest point of the terrain, at least 6" apart. Then GM and Mission Leader alternate placing 4 additional Entry Points anywhere on the revealed part of the table. Any Entry Point must be at least 6" from any other Entry Point. When players breach the Bisecting Wall and Move through it, the GM should set up terrain as the players' models encounter it. Additionally, the GM may then place up to 4 more Entry Points anywhere on the newly revealed side of the table.

Lastly, the GM and Players should alternate placing 10 Barrel-sized, Concentrated Gas Terrain Features anywhere on the revealed side of the Bisecting Wall. Any model may intentionally target one of these terrain features to detonate it. Additionally, when any model within 3" of 1 or more of these terrain features is shot at and the shooting model misses, roll a D6 for each shot that missed. On any 4+, the terrain feature is hit instead; resolve the Wounds against it.

When any room is revealed on the far side of the Bisecting Wall, roll a D6. This is the number of Concentrated Gas Barrels that are in that room. If a 5+ is rolled, the GM may instead place a single Barrel of Volatile Fuel anywhere in that room.

After any Barrel explodes for the first time, this Mission becomes subject to the rules for Mundane Events.

Technology on the Table
The GM should place a Keypad at Low Power along the center line of the table, halfway between the deployment zone and the Bisecting Wall.

Successful interaction with this Keypad locks or unlocks one of the Doors along the Bisecting Wall (Mission Leader's choice).

The Mission Leader may also place up to 3 Terminals anywhere on the table. If they set up 1, it is at Full Power. If they set up 2, both are at Low Power. If they set up 3, all are at Minuscule Power. Terminals set up in the players' Deployment Zone contain general Local data. Terminals set up anywhere outside the Deployment Zone, but also on the known side of the Bisecting Wall, contain more specialized data. Terminals may also be "set up" beyond the Bisecting Wall, but these are placed by the GM after that terrain layout has been revealed. These contain highly specific data and any successful interaction with them also earns that model an additional +1 Renown and +1 XP.

Lastly, the GM places a Dead Generator anywhere in the player(s)' Deployment Zone.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):

Breach the Wall: either by blasting a hole in the Bisecting Wall or by traversing one or more of the Fortified Bulkhead Doors, all surviving Marines must move from the revealed side to the obscured side of this Wall in order for this Objective to be considered completed.

The Bisecting Wall counts as a Fortified Wall.

Exit the Table Via the Opposite Board Edge: all surviving Marines must exit the tabletop via any exit on the Board Edge opposite their Deployment Zone. Any corridor, door, or doorway that terminates at the opposite board edge counts as an exit. GMs, you must provide at least 4+ viable exits for your players. The last survivor to so exit ends the Mission and counts as personally completing this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):

Map the Hidden Chambers: in order to achieve this Objective, marines must explore all possible rooms and corridors on the opposite side of the Bisecting Wall. It is enough to look into a revealed room or corridor. Models do not have to physically enter every terrain chamber. The model that reveals the last room or corridor counts as having personally completed this Objective.

Retrieve Data from a Terminal: if any marine with the Tech Skill successfully gains 1 or more tidbits of information from any Terminal, this Objective can be considered completed.

Survive Any Stray Blasts: only if any of the Concentrated Gas or Volatile Fuel barrels explode and 1 or more marines are caught in the resulting explosion and survive till the end of the Mission, can this Objective be considered completed.

Power Up the Generator: if any marine is able to bring the power of the Generator up to at least Minuscule, this Objective can be considered completed.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission time is 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours. Don't forget to add Insertion time when determining how much time has passed on the Doomclock.

First Turn
The Deathwatch player(s) take the First Turn.

Pre-game Section
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
If applicable.

GM Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 12 Allotment plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock. These Adversaries may be set up anywhere on the revealed side of the Bisecting Wall, at least 6" from the player(s)' Deployment Zone.

Additionally, at the start of each of the GM's turns, each Entry Point on the table generates 2 Allotment that may be immediately spent or banked for a later turn. These Turn by Turn reinforcements may enter the board via any revealed Entry Point, beginning their movement from there.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: This chamber is vast, its ceiling awash in darkness. The air of this compartment, however, is alive with the activity of occupation. Steam and more noxious fumes arise from the decks below and the noise of tinkering creatures, their voices a murmur of heresy, reveal that this hulk is not nearly as derelict as we all had hoped.

Terminal Data for this Mission
Depending on their location, Terminals in this Mission will potentially give widely varied information. Whenever a player accesses a terminal in their Deployment Zone, they are accessing Local Data. Whenever a player accesses a terminal outside their Deployment Zone, but not beyond the Bisecting Wall, they are accessing Specialized Data. Whenever a player accesses a terminal beyond the Bisecting Wall, they are accessing Secret Data. This will give players information that is relative to those parameters.

Local Data
Depending on what players want to know - they may be very specific in their questions about data or they might be super vague - here is a list of potential information available about the Local area. If players aren't specific in their requests, I made a list of priority information. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with the terminals in this Mission, unless they have abilities that state otherwise. If they ask for specific info ignore the priority of this list; it's only there for players who just ask for generic Information.

1. The type and number of lifeforms in the surrounding compartments. This information is literal. It means you, the GM, must tell your players what kind of Adversaries they will be facing next Turn. As the Allotment may change, Turn to Turn, a GM need only reveal the number of accrued unspent Allotment they have and the type of Adversaries from which they will be drawing their models. Tyranids, mutants, orks, etc. is all the GM needs to reveal.

2. The layout of the surrounding hulk. In this Mission, this information forces the GM to reveal the layout of the terrain on the other side of the Bisecting Wall, whether players have breached it yet or not.

3. Local access points and the maintenance sub-layer of the immediate area. In this Mission, this information negates any Cover Save bonuses for Adversaries within 3" of any Entry Point.

4. Additional nearby technology. This reveals a Low Power Generator Conduit running under the main deck. A player with the Tech Skill may use this Conduit to increase the Power level of any 1 Technology Emplacement on the table by 1 step. No Skill use is required; simply knowing this information and having the Tech Skill is enough.

Special Data
Here is a list of potential information available about specific locations onboard the [++Redacted++]. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with this terminal in this Mission, unless a player has an ability that states otherwise. This list has no priority. Tell players all the categories of potential info (Prow, Command Deck, Engineering, etc.) and let them pick one (or more if they have the ability to extract more than one tidbit at a time). Never hand out information players already have unless the Mission description expressly states otherwise. Details for all Side Quests to follow.

1. The Prow. During the ancient battle, a massive energy blast penetrated the ship just aft of the prow, severing numerous decks and sheering vital comms lines. The battleship's shields had been temporarily down when this happened. However, this impact was not enough to completely decapitate the vessel, leaving the Torpedo banks and macrobatteries on their own for firing solutions and target priorities. At the very head of the prow, along the dorsal spine, is a cogitator bank with the accumulated data from that battle, including all of the guesswork and improvisation of both the crew & their machine spirits. Numerous Factions of the Mechanicum, including Lord's Own Code, Catalogists, Transcendancers, and the Replicanticle would pay handsomely for the retrieval of this data. This knowledge unlocks an optional Side Quest called Black Box Retrieval Alpha that can be played at any time after this Mission.

2. Command Deck. The main body of this vessel's Command Deck was almost completely destroyed during the ancient battle that stranded it here. However, a few decks did survive and, more importantly, fragments of the enemy vessel that rammed the bridge are still wedged into its superstructure. Boarding these fragments to study them and/or retrieve surviving xenotech may prove useful for helping to shut down the wayward Warp Core or at least to be catalogued and studied by the Tech Adepts of the Deathwatch or Mechanicum. This knowledge unlocks an optional Side Quest called Plundering the Dead that can only be played if the players opt for the Cleasning the Basillica Mission, and can therefore be played any time after that Mission.

3. Engineering. Somewhere at the heart of this vessel is an Engineering room that seems to be functioning as if nothing untoward has even happened. This information suggests that those compartments have been sealed off and that somehow those inside have managed to survive and thrive. Breaching this compartment may help the Deathwatch understand how the Warp Core malfunctioned and will at least reveal how the Admech in there have survived without the aid of the Factions outside. This knowledge unlocks an optional Side Quest called Unlocking the Engine Room that can be played anytime after this Mission. If players have uncovered the Shipwide Data "D", reduce this Mission's time by 1 hour.

4. Aft. Power flows freely to the Aft sections of this vessel, suggesting things like lights and air filtration systems are still functioning. Although an explosion seems to have crippled the vessel's main thruster array, it still retains enough fuel and functionality to make use of its maneuvering jets. Perhaps, if a control chamber can be reached, these can be used to nudge the [++Redacted++] away from the swirling Warp Vortex and buy the Mission a little more time. This knowledge unlocks an optional Side Quest called Buying Time that can only be played if the players opt for the Braving the Depths Mission, and can therefore be played any time after that Mission.

5. Amidships. The interior of this battleship seems to have been intentionally constructed like a maze, including the ability for rooms, hallways, and even whole decks to shift position to confound the casual traveler. At the center of this maze is an unchanging cogitator bank that, if accessed, could provide an algorithm to help predict the patterns of change. The only problem foreseeable is that the Marines would have to plunge directly into the confusing labyrinth to reach it. This knowledge unlocks an optional Exploration Mission called Heart of the Maze that can be played any time after this Mission.

6. Hangar Bay. All the way on the keel of this massive battleship is a Hangar Bay, tiny when compared to the vast bulk of this fighting vessel. Here was housed shuttles, dropships, and massive cargo landers. Although the atmospheric shields and gravity plates have long since ceased functioning, if a salvage team can be sent to this compartment, perhaps some vital clues to the extent of the ship's evacuation and plundering can be ascertained, as well as any stores of munitions left behind in haste. This knowledge unlocks an optional Exploration Mission called Dancing the Wreckage that can only be played if the players opt for the Braving the Depths Mission, and can therefore be played any time after that Mission.

7. Cargo Hold. Insude the armored belly of this vast ship lay snug cargo holds packed not with munitions like the Magazines, but rather with long forgotten instruments of war. Ancient sarcophagi labeled Automata, Sensorium, and Techno-Librariat sit quietly behind shielded blast doors, unperturbed by the millenia they have waited. Plundering these could provide a treasure unfathomable in value or unlock a terror of catastrophic power. This knowledge unlocks an optional Side Quest called Uncertain Cargo that can be played anytime after this Mission. If players have uncovered the Shipwide Data "B", they gain a bonus when attempting to unlock and harness the Sarcophagi as detailed in this Side Quest Mission's GM section.

8. Librarium. A long vault of cogitators and physical tomes of knowledge stretches the dorsal length amidships. Tucked away under armored basillcas and only accessible from the Command Level, this storehouse of esoteric and forbidden data could prove invaluable to the Deathwatch's Librarium and its quest for knowledge. If nothing else, seizing this to lock it away from the enemies of Man seems prudent, as it will be far safer locked away aboard the Intolerance than the [++Redacted++] should the overall Mission fail and the Warp Vortex drags us all into the Immaterium. This knowledge unlocks an optional Side Quest called Knowledge is Power that can only be played if the players opt for the Cleasning the Basillica Mission, and can therefore be played any time after that Mission.If players have uncovered the Shipwide Data "A", they gain an additional Tertiary Objective during this Side Quest Mission as detailed in the GM section.

9. Vault. Separate completely from either the Librarium or the Cargo Hold of this vessel lies an armored Vault. The remnants of the most loyal ship's servants have guarded this domain for millenia, but neither this manifest nor any other accessible data point so far encountered will even suggest what might lay beyond its doors. Opening it may well turn everyone's world upside down. This knowledge unlocks a Side Quest called The Most Secret that can only be played if the Mission Battle for the Arcanite Vaults is successful. It must be played immediately after that Mission, if it is to be played at all. If players have uncovered the Shipwide Data "C", the GM must reveal their entire Allotment breakdown for the Mission before Deployment - number and type of models, Faction keywords, Minions, Minibosses and Boss Monsters, special rules, wargear, etc.

Secret Data
Here is a list of potential information available about Secret stuff onboard the Arcanite Destructor. Give out ONE of these per successful Skill interaction with this terminal in this Mission, unless a player has an ability that states otherwise. This list has no priority. Tell players all the categories of potential info (The Crew, Manifest, Mission, etc.) and let them pick one (or more if they have the ability to extract more than one tidbit at a time). Never hand out information players already have unless the Mission description expressly states otherwise.

1. The Crew. The vast majority of the [++Redacted++]'s actual crew were menials, servitors, and mortal Imperial navy. Whole families lived and died aboard this ship and their descendants have devolved into the hullghasts, pox walkers, Gilliams, cultists, and Genestealer hybrids the Deathwatch faces in nearly every Mission. Using this, the Mission Leader may assign the Trait: Knowledge: Crew, to 1 other Marine, plus an additional number of Marines equal to his Ratings in Forbidden Knowledge in any Mission until the end of the Campaign. Doing so earns the Mission Leader +1 Renown if he survives. Trait details below.

2. Ship's Manifest. For a battleship, the [++Redacted++] carried a lot of miscellaneous cargo, from Battle Automata to Relics to live exotic animals. While much of this was evacuated off the ship before it was stranded here, a not-significant number of items were left behind. Using this, the Mission Leader may assign the Trait: Knowledge: Manifest, to 1 other Marine, plus an additional number of Marines equal to his Ratings in Forbidden Knowledge in any Mission until the end of the Campaign. Doing so earns the Mission Leader +1 Renown if he survives. Trait details below.

3. Mission Directives. While this may seem straight forward to anyone with knowledge of the Crusade, it might be a surprise to learn that the Arcanite Destructor's original mission was the liberation of subjugated human worlds. It specialized in the eradication of xenos races that had somehow harnessed the power of the Warp. To this end, the fighting compliment of soldiers onboard the battleship were mostly either the inscrutable machines if the Mechanicum or the profoundly psychic sorcerers of the Thousand Sons. Using this, the Mission Leader may assign the Trait: Knowledge: Directives, to 1 other Marine, plus an additional number of Marines equal to his Ratings in Forbidden Knowledge in any Mission until the end of the Campaign. Doing so earns the Mission Leader +1 Renown if he survives. Trait details below.

4. Armsman's Private Logs. This is a record - and the opinion of that record - of the expenditure of rounds for all Starboard macrobatteries and shipboard repulsor teams during the long history of this battleship's engagements. Apparently this ship fired less aggressively than this crewman deemed prudent and they surmised this to be the reason his section of hull was so routinely targeted by enemy fire. Using this, the Mission Leader may assign the Trait: Knowledge: Armsman, to 1 other Marine, plus an additional number of Marines equal to his Ratings in Forbidden Knowledge in any Mission until the end of the Campaign. Doing so earns the Mission Leader +1 Renown if he survives. Trait details below.

Any Marine may be assigned a number of these Knowledge Traits equal to 1 plus their Ratings in Forbidden Knowledge.

Meaning a Marine that does not have the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can only be assigned a maximum of 1 of these Traits, but a Marine with 2 Ratings in Forbidden Knowledge can be assigned up to 3. The Rating don't effect how often the Trait can used, only the number that can be assigned.

Knowledge: Crew - this Trait allows the Marine who has it to reroll 1 Hit or Wound roll every Turn when attacking Chaos Cultists, Pox Walkers, Hullghasts, Gilliams, Skitarii, Genestealer Neophytes, Genestealer Hybrids, Genestealer Abominations, Servitors, or Traitor Guardsmen.

Knowledge: Manifest - this Trait allows the Marine who has it to designate an additional Tertiary Objective at the start of any Mission. That player may place a single Objective Marker anywhere at least 9" from either the Deployment Zone, the Extraction Zone, or any other Objective Marker already on the table. This Objective is worth +1 Renown to the first Marine that moves into contact with it. If there is no room to place the Objective Marker, this Trait cannot be used.

Knowledge: Directives - this Trait allows the Marine who has it to reroll 1 Hit or Wound roll every Turn when attacking Battle Automata, Chaos Sorcerers, any model with the Faction Keyword Thousand Sons or Tzeentch, Katephron and Kastelan robots, or Boss Monsters with the Admech or Mechanicum Keyword.

Knowledge: Armsman - this Trait allows the Marine who has it to reroll 1 Hit roll on each of their own Turns and to force 1 enemy model to reroll 1 Hit roll on each of their Turns.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/21 16:02:03

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

The next Missions going up present a tactical choice for players, whether they are playing the single squad or multiple squad progression of this campaign. One squad's Mission Leader must choose to go up into the desecrated Basillica beneath the Command Decks or down into the depths of the convoluted lower hull. Each path presents its own risks and rewards - damnation/important Relic in the Basillica or lost time/reduced risk in later Missions from the Depths. Some optional Side Quests might also predicate one path or another, depending on what data players have recovered from the Terminals in previous Missions.

It is important to note that these Missions are presented as "Mission 6.1a" and "Mission 6.2a". That is the choice, because entering the Basillica alerts the enemy to the Deathwatch's intent and braving the depths does not. It cannot be both even if you are using 2 squads or more.

There is also another tandem Mission (Mission 6b), whose outcome does not affect either choice above. Stay tuned.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/22 22:42:27

Post by: SHUPPET

wow that's a lot to read, but looks good

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/23 03:09:58

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 SHUPPET wrote:
wow that's a lot to read, but looks good

I'm only about halfway through. There's a lot of Missions to finish writing and post up, & there's some stuff to write (and post) about adversaries. So, stay tuned.

Also, a lot of what I've already written and posted is essentially upgrades and gear lists. Thanks for the feedback, SHUPPET.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/23 06:10:47

Post by: SHUPPET

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
 SHUPPET wrote:
wow that's a lot to read, but looks good

I'm only about halfway through. There's a lot of Missions to finish writing and post up, & there's some stuff to write (and post) about adversaries. So, stay tuned.

Also, a lot of what I've already written and posted is essentially upgrades and gear lists. Thanks for the feedback, SHUPPET.

I'm going to read it start to finish once I get home from work tonight and can chill out with a drink. Love the effort you've gone to and a big part of my first post was so that I could put it in my subscribed threads and wouldn't lose track of it. What I've looked at so far looks great so I'm here to see it through. Good work man.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2018/11/25 19:54:16

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: A Crossroads: Cleanse the Basillica or Braving the Depths
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Tactical Choice stands alone. If you are playing with 2 squad progression, it takes place at the same time narratively as Running the Gauntlet.

We stand at a crossroads, Brothers, and must make a choice. We have actionable intel from our erstwhile allies, the Admech. A Relic of some power lays nestled in the cradle of our enemies - a long-desecrated Basillica overlooking the grandeur of the dorsal spine, just below-decks of the Command Spire. However, plunging headlong into this sanctuary and, more directly, capturing the Relic from it, will directly signal to our enemies our ultimate intent. We can instead go the long way 'round, through the skulking depths of this ruin. It will add dangerous delay to our primary goal, but will also conceal our intent. It may be enough to win us the day and finally seal that gaping Vortex that threatens us all. So I must ask of you - because it is you who risks and not I - which path do we take and what damnation do we risk?

Mission 6.1a: Cleansing the Basillica: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It can also be considered a Side Quest for the Grand, the Catalogists, or the Replicanticle.

Deployment and Extraction

Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Deployment method for which he qualifies.

Extraction Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Extraction method for which he qualifies, except Defensible Position.

Known Adversaries
Ultimately it's up to your collection to determine what the Deathwatch marines will face on the tabletop. Narratively, the author recommends Admech, Forgeworld Battle Automata, Chaos Cultists, Servitors, Daemons (specifically Tzeentch), and/or Heretic Astartes (like Rubric Marines and/or Chaos Sorcerers).

The terrain should be set up so that a large open space dominates the center of the table. This space should be roughly 24" on any side, but can have scatter terrain like debris, empty boxes or barrels, canisters of stacked Concentrated Gas, and/or mounds of bodies filtered throughout. At the center of this open space should be an altar, reliquary, statue, or raised dias. This reprsents the Mission's principle Objective and the resting placing of the Relic in question. Surrounding that room should be corridors and smaller rooms representing automated "confessionals", meditation chambers, and clerical offices.

The GM and players then alternate placing up to 10 Entry Points anywhere along the edges of the table.

Once all models have been deployed, the GM places a small Marker on or next to the central Objective. This represents the Relic.

Technology on the Table
There are 4 Automated Sentries, each armed with a Stormbolter, located 18" away from the central Objective, on independent swivel mounts. They can face in any direction and treat all models except Chaplains as Foe. Each is fully loaded with 100 standard rounds and fires in Full Auto mode as default. A single Keypad is located in one of the "clerical offices" as designated by the GM.

Successful Skill interaction with this Keypad can either shut down all of the Automated Sentries or change the Friend/Foe designation for 1 of them, marking all Deathwatch and their allies/cohorts as Friend.

Additionally, the Mission Leader and GM should each roll a D6. Whoever rolls higher can decide if they want to place up to D3 additional Terminals in any of the side rooms off of the main open area. If so, randomly determine the Power Levels of each.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):

Capture the Relic: moving into contact with or within 2" of the Marker allows a model to pick it up. It weighs Capacity 02, and must be in the possession of a Deathwatch Marine or Cohort at the end of the game for this Objective to be considered completed.

Survive: every Marine that extracts from this Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining counts as having personally achieved this Objective.

Destroy all Opposition: when the last Wound is removed from the last Adversary, this Mission ends. The Marine that does that counts as having personally achieved this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):

There are no Tertiary Objectives for this mission, unless there are Terminals in any of the side rooms.

Retrieve Data from a Terminal: if any Marine with the Tech Skill successfully interacts with any Terminal, this Objective can be considered completed.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission time is 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours. Don't forget to add Insertion time when determining how much time has passed on the Doomclock.

First Turn
The Mission Leader and GM should roll off to determine which side takes the first Turn. The loser may try to Seize the Initiative.

Pre-game Section
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
If applicable.

Mission Consequence
After this Mission, pass or fail, in all future Missions, Adversaries take the first Turn unless the Deathwatch can seize the initiative. Additionally, increase any GM Turn by Turn Allotment reinforcement by an amount equal to the current Turn (i.e. +1 on Turn 1, +2 on Turn 2, +3 on Turn 3, and so on).

GM Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 20 Allotment plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock. These Adversaries may be set up anywhere within 12" of the central Objective.

Additionally, at the start of each of the Adversary turns, the GM gains a number of additional Allotment equal to the total number of models - friend and foe - remaining on the table. These Turn by Turn reinforcements may enter the board via any Entry Point, beginning their movement from that point. If the only remaining models on the table are Deathwatch or their Allies/Cohorts, then the GM may deploy 1 final Boss Monster who enters play from anywhere on the table at least 9" away from any enemy model (by tearing a hole in the decks or walls). From the Turn of its arrival until this Boss Monster is dead, the game is subject to the rules for Mundane Events. Note that once this Boss Monster arrives, the GM no longer generates extra Allotment every Turn. This is the last thing the player(s) has to deal with this game.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: Tall, armored windows of plate and plasma look out over vast drifts of wreckage and splendor, the dorsal spine of this once mighty battleship now twisted and broken under the weight of decay and corruption. Defaced or warped statuary of unnamed Crusade heroes leer down as the Deathwatch breach the chamber, a glow of unidentifiable colors washing the scene with confusing refracted light. The sensation of impending doom is inescapable; the very maw of the Warp visible as it devours the ship, aft to prow.

Terminal Data for this Mission
The Terminals that may be present in this Mission are all repositories of crew confessions. Rather than providing tactical Data, these Terminals instead reveal insight as to the nature of their foes, past and present. When accessed, ask players if they wish to assess Ancient, Old, or Current files. Each successful Skill interaction generates one (or more, if the player's Marine has an ability that allows them to extract more than one tidbit) instance of the bonus associated with the timeframe in question.

Ancient: +1XP. This only applies to the model who extracted this Data.

Old: 1 re-roll that can be used to force any Adversary to reroll a successful Armor or Invulnerable Save. This reroll can be used this Mission or saved for a future Mission. This reroll only applies to the model who extracted this Data.

Current: 1 re-roll that can be used for any hit or Wound roll versus Adversaries. This reroll can be used this Mission or saved for a future Mission. This reroll only applies to the model who extracted this Data.

The Relic
75 / 50 / 02 / The Trifold Key (Tainted Relic Power Maul) / This weapon/Tool begins play Tainted, but each time it is used, at the end of the Mission, roll a D6. Add +1 to this roll if it was used to Wound or kill a Miniboss or Boss Monster. Add +1 if any Chaplain deployed on the same Mission. On the roll of a 5+, this item loses its Tainted Quality. This item has 3 abilities that each can be used once per Mission. First, the bearer can nominate one ally in Cohesion Range. That model ignores any unsaved Wound on a 6+ until the end of their next Turn. If they already have an ability like this, then this ability improves that by 1. Second, the bearer can nominate one ally in Cohesion Range. That model gains the Fearsome Trait until the end of its next Turn. Lastly, the bearer can nominate one ally in Cohesion Range. That model automatically passes any Skill test they may have to take without expending any Ratings until the end of their next Turn. Entropic, Felling, Masterwork.

Mission 6.2a: Braving the Depths: Exploration

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It can also be considered a Side Quest for the Grand.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Find a Way Through: The principle goal of this Mission is to wander around the relatively safe depths of the Hulk searching for a back entrance to the Warp Core that doesn't alert its defenders. Just by participating in the Mission this Objective is achieved.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Glean Insight Into the Nature of Future Advesaries: characters with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill may use the "This is All Too Familiar" option to achieve this Objective. Narrative descriptions and treasure tables to be found in the GM section below.

Searching the twisted labyrinth of this vessel's lower hull is dangerous and disorienting. This Mission lasts 2D6 hours and is subject to Radiation effects. Any Marines deployed on this Mission must take a Toughness test. If they pass, they gain +1XP. If they fail, they suffer -1 Wound.

Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable

Mission Consequence
After this Mission, pass or fail, in all future Missions, the Deathwatch takes the first Turn unless the GM's Adversaries can seize the initiative. Additionally, decrease the GM's pregame Allotment by an amount equal to the number of deployed Marines.

GM Section:

Forbidden Knowledge
Chambers shift as Marines pass through them. A door opens to a staircase once, but a gangway on second pass, or deadends, or a heretofore unrevealed room. The skeletal remains of lost servitors turn to dust as they are exposed to atmosphere for the first time in millenia. No path is straight and no way sure, but still the Deathwatch plunges further, determined to find a secure breach point by which to further their assault.

Have the players roll a D6 for every Marine deployed on this Mission. If a player successfully used their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to gain the above description, have them roll an additional D6 and apply all results. If duplicates occur, the players find multiple different caches of the same items.

D6 Roll: Treasure
1: a heavily damaged datapad. Its Power Level is Dead. This object may be traded to any Admech Faction for +2D3 Esteem. Alternatively and/or additionally, players may hold on to the datapad and attempt to glean information from it. Between Missions, any marine with the Tech Skill may roll as if the datapad's Power Level was Minuscule. If successful, the pad reveals minor data regarding some aspect of life onboard the ancient vessel. This grants the entire Deathwatch complement +2XP (this is an important distinction if your group is composed of multiple squads, because it grants XP to all the marines in every squad, even those not on the roster yet - meaning Cohorts gained later will begin with this +2XP). Using Tech like this does not count towards that Skill's Rating for the previous or upcoming Mission.

2: a cache of Scorpius Bolter/Stormbolter ammo. Roll D3 to determine how many boxes of this special ammo is located. Each box contains 20 rounds, once all such rounds have been expended there are no more to be had. Any marine may purchase these rounds for any pattern of Bolter, Stormbolter, Angelus Bolter, or Relic version thereof for Threshold 3 per bullet and Renown Cost 2 per bullet.

Therefore, a Standard Bolter Reload would be Threshold 24 and cost 16 Renown, whereas a Bolter Longmag would be Threshold 36 and cost 24 Renown. An Integral Mag would be Threshold 09 and cost 06 Renown. Likewise, a Standard Stormbolter Reload would be Threshold 54 and cost 36 Renown, whereas a Stormbolter Boxmag would be Threshold 108 and cost 72 Renown.

Scorpius Rounds/bullets have the following profile:
Strength +2, AP-2, Damage D3. Versus targets with the <Vehicle> keyword increase Damage to D6.

3: D3 Blackfire Grenades. These delicate nanotech impliments unleash a cloud of all-devouring nanoscopic machines that disintegrate all in their path. With luck the grenades will eat for only a short duration, elsewise the entire ship may be at risk of destruction.

100 / 14 / ** / Blackfire Grenade / Strength 10, AP -4. Whenever a model uses this grenade it makes D6 hit rolls following the normal rules for targeting presented for this Campaign. For every 6 that is rolled, either to hit or to Wound, when using this weapon, roll an additional D3 attacks that target the closest models, friend or foe, from the original target of this grenade. These additional attacks also potentially generate more attacks if they, too, roll more 6s. If these greandes generate any 6s, every Mission played after this one are subject to the rules for Mundane Events. If a model carrying 1 or more Blackfire Grenades rolls a 1 for an Armor Save, all such grenades detonate immediately, centered on the model carrying them.

**Grenades weigh little individually, but collectively their weight adds up. Any combination of types may be carried by a model. Equipping 1 or 2 grenades of any type costs 1 Capacity, 3 or 4 costs 2 Capacity, 5 or 6 cost 3 Capacity, and every additional grenade beyond 6 adds +1 Capacity.

4: a machine fragment. The obscure nature of this somehow-still-powered object makes it inscrutable to the Deathwatch, but the Admech will practically lose their minds to have it. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction for +D6+1 Esteem.

5: D3 ablative heat plating. This bulky mantle may be layered over existing armor and provides a 4+ Invulnerable Save against the first las, melta, flamer, lance, or plasma -type weapon Wound sustained by the model equipped with it. These may be traded to any Admech Faction for +D3+1 Esteem. Alternatively, players may hold on to them for use. If a marine decides to carry one of these Mantles, it weighs 02 Capacity, but it is destroyed after one use. Equipping this Mantle costs 1 Renown and has a Threshold of 5.

6: a xenotech weapon. The origin of this weapon must be from the pre-Imperium civilization this vessel was dispatched to destroy. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction for +D3 Esteem. Alternatively, players may hold on to this item and use it. If a marine decides to carry this item, it has the following profile:

50 / 25 / 02 / Disruptor (Xenotech Rifle) / 1|2-3|4 / 5* / Strength 3*, AP -*. Range 36". Damage 1*.

*Each time this weapon is fired after the first, increase its Strength by +1, its AP by -1, and its Damage by +1.
*Treat this item like a Tech Emplacement. When it reaches 0 magazine, its Power Level is Dead, but it can be refilled in the same way as a machine - Minuscule = 1 shot replenished, Low = 3 shots replenished, Full = 5 shots replenished, Overcharged = increase the weapon's first shot to Strength +2, AP-2, Damage D3, but if a 1 is rolled to hit, the bearer suffers a Mortal Wound.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/02/18 01:14:36

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I realize I have not posted in more than 2 months. Rest assured folks, I'm still working on this. It's just that work and sleep occupies so much of my time, I'm only able to spend about 10 minutes a day on this. Soon, I'll have an update. I have not forgotten you.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/03/13 23:23:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Running the Gauntlet

We descend into the nightmare now. Our boots tread hallways not accessed by the enlightened for millennia. There are no allies here, in the depths. Anything that moves is your enemy. Kill it with righteous indignation, for its very existence is an affront to the Divinity of the Emperor.

Mission 6b: Running the Gauntlet: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission is in service to the Deathwatch. Additionally, players may choose any one Faction with whom they have 1 or more Esteem and count this Mission as a Side Quest for them.

Deployment and Extraction

Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Deployment method for which he qualifies.

Extraction Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Extraction method for which he qualifies, except Defensible Position.

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests hullghasts, gilliams, genestealers, genestealer cults, and/or dark mechanicum.

There are no succinct guidelines for terrain set up this Mission, except that there needs to be one or more exits from one of the two short board edges (doorways, open corridors, open rooms, etc.), The players set up their Deployment Zone on the opposite short board edge.

This Mission is subject to the rules for Mundane Events.

Technology on the Table
Starting with the GM, players alternate placing 6 Terminals at randomly determined Power Levels anywhere on the table at least 9" away from any other Terminal or Deployment zone.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):

Extract: the principle Objective in this Mission is to move all surviving models to the Extraction zone. The last model to reach the Extraction zone counts as having personally achieved this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):

Access a Terminal: the Terminals in this section have very limited information stored in them. Refer to the GM's section for details. Any player that accesses one or more of these Terminals counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Destroy all Opposition: on any Turn before Extraction that the players manage to eliminate all Adversarial models in visual range of any friendly models, they count as having achieved this Objective. This is an important distinction because GMs who hide models out of line of sight cannot claim that players haven't achieved this Objective. If no friendly (Deathwatch or ally) model can draw line of sight to the Adversary model, they do not count against achieving this Objective.

This Mission's extraction time works differently than other Missions. Like an Exploration Mission, roll 2D6 to determine the length of the Mission. Bear in mind that any abilities that affect dice rolls for Exploration Missions can also affect this Mission's timing. Don't forget to add Insertion time when determining how much time has passed on the Doomclock.

First Turn
The Deathwatch player(s) take the First Turn.

Pre-game Section
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) decide which Marine character will lead them this Mission.

If players have enough Renown they may purchase additional wargear.

Deploy and Play the Mission
Have fun!

Record XP and Renown

Although players will likely keep track of this during the course of the game, as it happens, it's still important to tally it all up at the end of the game as it gives the GM a good sense of how quickly everyone is progressing. This is useful for pacing.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Reload Cyclone Missile Launchers, if applicable
If applicable.

GM Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 25 Allotment plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock. The GM should separate their total model count into 2 waves. The first wave Deploys to the table anywhere move than 18" from player Deployment zones. The second Wave enters play via any table edge at the beginning of the 3rd Turn.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: The winding, confusing chambers of the lower hull aft are a warren of decaying chambers, fluctuating gravity, and lightless corridors home to the degenerated and forgotten. Every step invites collapse, every noise attracts the ravenous. Tread lightly, for this benighted place is the den of ruin.

Terminal Data for this Mission
The Terminals in this location contain only generic manifest information. Accessing one successfully allows players, in any subsequent Mission, to either add or remove 1 Volatile Fuel or Concentrated Gas Barrel any place on the table when they would normally be revealed or placed - typically at the beginning of the Mission, after terrain is set up, but before Deployment. For each successfully accessed Terminal, players may add or remove 1 more barrel.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/07/23 16:46:48

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Battle for the Arcanite Vaults
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Mission stands alone. If you are playing with 2 or more squads progression, the other squad(s) may participate in this Mission from their own Deployment zones.

We are in the Heart of it now, Brothers. The Machines of Old stand sentinel over us and he who controls these automatons gains advantage over their enemies in this fight. Move with haste to the control consoles, override or destroy the couplings, and bring these battle automata into our divine fold. Do it swiftly or our enemies will steal them from us. We are at the very brink; we cannot afford to fail now.

Mission 7: Battle for the Arcanite Vaults: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. Additionally, this Mission counts as a Side Quest for any one of the following Factions (players' choice; note that each participating Squad may pick a different Faction): Catalogists, Grand, Replicanticle, Magnites, or Arcanite Guard.

Deployment and Extraction
- see Player Prep section below -

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests genestealer cults and/or dark mechanicum. For the Automata (see below), the GM recommends servitors, arcoflagellants, necroflagellants or battle robots from Blackstone Fortress, or any of the various Battle Automata available through Forgeworld.

Terrain should be set up as a series of 4 large chambers interconnected with hallways. Each chamber should have 4 points of egress represented as Doors that start the game Fortified and Sealed. Each chamber also contains 4 alcoves - 1 in each corner. Before Deployment, roll a D6 for each alcove. On a 1, the alcove is empty. On a 2-5, the alcove contains an automata of some kind, locked in place. On a 6, the alcove is unlocked and the automata is activated, beginning the game under the control of the GM (these Automata do not count against the GM's starting Allotment). Unless modified to acknowledge one Faction or another as allies, all activated automata treat the closest non-automata model as an enemy model, prioritizing ranged or melee combat against that target depending on how the automata is armed.

Technology on the Table
Next to or in front of each alcove, whether it contains an automata model or not, is a Keypad. At the center of each chamber is a Generator. Before the game begins, randomly determine the Power Level of each Generator. Once that is determined, use that information to randomly determine the Power Levels of each Keypad in each chamber. Any model (Deathwatch or Adversary) can access a Keypad to Activate or Unlock an Automata, but it requires a Tech Skill test to Designate Friend/Foe for an automata in its given alcove.

If you are playing this Mission with 2 or more Squads, the GM may place a single Terminal anywhere up to 12" from the center of the table. This Terminal begins the game at Miniscule Power, but can be used to Activate, Deactivate, Unlock, or Designate Friend/Foe up to 2D3 Automata at a time.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Slaughter the Enemy: in addition to fighting potentially Adversary-controlled Automata, the Deathwatch will also have to contend with the Adversaries themselves. More important than activating the battle servitors, the Astartes must slaughter their enemies. Let none survive. When the last Adversary model is removed from the table top as a casualty, this Objective is complete. Enemy-activated Automata count towards this. It isn't enough to simply redesignate them; they must be destroyed because they cannot be trusted.

Activate One or More Automata: any Automata activated, whether accurately programmed to designate friend and foe or not, earns the Activating model +1XP, in addition to any other bonuses for completing this Objective. Each Automata activated to serve the Deathwatch counts as a separate instance of completing this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Survive the Encounter: perhaps most important of all, at least 1 Marine model must survive this Mission. At the end of this Mission, any Marine that remains with at least 1 Wound left counts as personally completing this Objective.

Preserve the Automata: as long as 1 Automata survives the game with at least 1 Wound remaining, this Objective can be considered complete.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

First Turn
Who takes the First Turn is determined by the outcome of the player(s)'s previous Tactical Choice.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Deployment method for which he qualifies.

- Extraction Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Extraction method for which he qualifies. If he chooses Defensible Position, then this Mission is changed from Routine to Linked with Mission 8a.

Characters Gear Up: characters spend Renown and Esteem to purchase extra equipment and gear they think will be helpful this (and potentially next) Mission.
Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

After-game debrief
record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 30 Allotment plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock. These Adversaries may be set up anywhere on the battlefield at least 9" from any Automata and 9" away from the Deathwatch deployment zone(s). Any models may be held in Reserve. Reserves may enter play from any table edge, at least 9" from any Deathwatch model, on any Turn after the first.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: Though the ceilings of these vaults tower overhead, the tiny rooms they cap are the very definition of claustrophobia. Armored behemoths, entombed for an Age in stassis, leer over foe and ally alike, their robotic eyes hungry for bloodshed and carnage. We must hurry to gather these Relics to our arsenal lest they be used against us in this crucial hour.

The Automata
Any Automata activated and controlled by the Player(s) at the end of this Mission may either be Turned over to any Admech Faction or kept as a Deathwatch Relic. Each Automata turned over to a Faction earns +36 Esteem with that Faction. Any Automata kept by the Deathwatch becomes a Relic Cohort with a Threshold of 150 and a Cost of 80.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/08/01 22:30:41

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: The Ritual at the Door
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Mission stands alone. If you are playing with 2 squad progression, this Mission takes place at the same time narratively as Assault the Control Room.

This is it, Brothers, our very last push. All that stands between us and final victory is that Door. Focus all your Fury upon it. Vistory is within our grasp!

Mission 8a: The Ritual at the Door: Linked (with Shut It Down!)

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Deployment and Extraction
- see Player Prep section below -

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests Admech Infantry, Tzeentch Daemons, a Chaos Marine or 2, Mechanicum Taghmata from Forgeworld, Tzaangors, Chaos Cultists, and/or Rogue Psykers & Negavolt cultists from Blackstone Fortress.

On the short board edge opposite the Deathwatch's deployment edge should be a wall with a vast, closed door. Within 3" of this should be a summoning gate of some sort (Realmgates and Noctilith Crowns work best for this). Within 12" of this gate should only be scatter terrain. The remainder of the table (leading from the Deathwatch deployment area) should be a series of twisting corridors and rooms. In other words, roughly 1/3 of the table should be virtually open space and the rest should be a jumble of terrain. *Alternatively, the board may be set up as only the twisting corridors and rooms with the open area only being revealed once a marine is able to draw line of sight to it.

The GM then places up to 4 Entry Points along either of the long board edges. The player(s) must then place an additional 2 Entry Points anywhere on the table. If Player(s) opt to place these within 18" of their own Deployment zone(s) and at least 16" from any board edge, the entire Killteam earns +1 Renown and +1XP for this Mission.

So long as an enemy psyker remains within 1" of the Gate and is not currently engaged in hand to hand combat, they may attempt to summon 3D6 Allotment worth of Tzaangors, Tzeentch daemons, Chaos Marines or Cultists, by passing a Power 5 psychic test. These reinforcements deploy directly from the Gate.

Technology on the Table
Next to the big door is a single Keypad. Its Power Level is Low. Its only function is to unlock the door to the Warp Core.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Open that Door: treat the Door on the far side of the board as a Fortified Bulkhead Door with 5 Wounds. Alternatively, a model that successfully interacts with the Keypad, can first unlock and subsequently open this door. Opening or destroying this door ends the Mission.

Destroy the Gate: the Gate is an immobile object with 18 Wounds, and a Toughness of 9. It cannot attack and attacks against it in close combat automatically hit. It has an armor save of 3+ and a daemonic invulnerable save of 5+. The Gate remains functional until its last Wound is removed.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Survive the Encounter: perhaps most important of all, at least 1 Marine model must survive this Mission. At the end of this Mission, any Marine that remains with at least 1 Wound left counts as personally completing this Objective.

Slaughter the Heretics: if every Adversary model is removed as a casualty before the Door is opened, this Objective can be considered complete

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

*Also see the Mission Consequences section below.

First Turn
Who takes the First Turn is determined by the outcome of the player(s)'s previous Tactical Choice.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Deployment method for which he qualifies.

- Extraction Options: the only option available for this Mission's Leader is Defensible Position, as it is Linked with Mission 9.

Characters Gear Up: characters spend Renown and Esteem to purchase extra equipment and gear they think will be helpful this and next Mission. *GMs, be sure to remind your players that they'll need to arm themselves with enough ammo to to last them 2 Missions.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

After-game debrief
record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

Mission Consequences
The longer this Mission takes, the less time Player(s) have to complete the next Mission. This Mission "officially" ends when the door to the Warp Core is opened. If the gate hasn't been destroyed by this time, it provides daemonic reinforcements to the Adversaries in Mission 9.

For every Turn beyond the 4th that this Mission goes on, Mission 9's Countdown is reduced by 1.

If the Gate hasn't been closed by the end of this Mission, it provides an increasing multiple of 9 Allotment every turn during Mission 9 that can only be spent on Tzaangors, Chaos Cultists, Chaos Marines, or Tzeentch Daemons.

On Turn 1, the Gate provides 9 Allotment. On Turn 2, this number becomes 18. On Turn 3 it's 27. And so forth.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 1 Boss Monster and 3 Minibosses, and an Allotment of 36 plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock. At least one of the Bosses must be a Psyker. The Boss Monster and Minibosses must be set up within 6" of the Gate. Remaining Allotment models can either be deployed within 1" of an Entry Point or be held in Reserve, entering play from any Entry Point on any Turn after the 1st.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: The very air of these chambers is tainted by the warp energies spilling from beyond that door. The deck plating undulates, the walls breath, and the recycled air burns with unholy fire.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/08/02 20:16:30

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Assault the Control Room

This is our final assault, Brothers. We assail the very doors to damnation. Let us pry these bulkheads apart with our bare hands if we must. Break through, seize control, and eradicate all those who would stand in our path to thwart us. Let us gain entry to the Control Chamber and wrench the doors to the Warp Core wide for our Brothers below. Let us end this mockery; let us be Victorious!

Mission 8b: Assault the Control Room: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. Additionally, this Mission counts as a Side Quest for any Admech Faction except Magnites and Transcendancers.

Deployment and Extraction
- see Player Prep section below -

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author recommends dark Mechanicum/admech and/or Tzeentch daemons and/or chaos space marines.

Measure 16" from two short board edges. The GM places a single room, at least 6" by 4", or larger if there is terrain big enough, wholly within one of these 16" areas. The Deathwatch deploy in the opposite area. All other terrain ought to be a series of rooms and passages roughly symetrical along a central axis that runs the length of the board.

The Control Room should have 2 or 3 entrances, 1 of which should face towards the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. Each is a Fortified Bulkhead door.

The GM may place up to 2D3 Closed Bulkhead doors anywhere on the table.

Finally, the Player(s) and the GM then take turns placing 2D6 Entry points anywhere on the table. Each of these must be placed at least 6" away from any other Entry Point. If there isn't enough room to place all of them, each extra, unplaced Entry Point adds +3 to the GM's starting Allotment.

Technology on the Table
The GM may place up 4 twin-linked Heavy Bolter turrets anywhere outside the Deathwatch deployment area. These turrets treat all GM/Adversary models as friends and all Dearhwatch models as foes.

Inside the Control Room there should be a Terminal, placed anywhere in that terrain feature the GM wishes. Randomly determine the Power Level of this Terminal based on a full Power Generator.

The GM then places 2 Full Power Generators anywhere within his Deployment zone. Destroying either of these Generators shuts down 2 Turrets emplaced by the GM at the start of the Mission. The player picks 1 and the GM picks the other of these turrets.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Gain Access to the Control Room: by hook or by crook, at least 1 model must breach a door that accesses the Control Room.

Destroy or Hack the Primary Terminal: successful interaction with the Terminal in the Control Room counts as Hacking. Otherwise, the Terminal has T3, no armor save, and 2 Wounds. Or, alternatively, a model equipped with the Catalogue Tome can disassemble the Terminal for parts.

Kill the Commander: there is a multi-wound model stationed in the Control Room as dictated by the GM's Allotment. This is the target of this Objective.

This Mission ends when all 3 of these Objectives are completed.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Destroy the Generators: each Generator counts as a Reinforced Terrain Feature. Bothe Generators must be destroyed in order to achieve this Objective.

If the game lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Mission lasts 1 hour. If it lasts for 6 or more Turns, Mission time is 2 hours.

First Turn
Who takes the First Turn is determined by the outcome of the player(s)'s previous Tactical Choice.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Deployment method for which he qualifies.

- Extraction Options: the Mission Leader may choose between any Extraction method for which he qualifies. If he chooses Defensible Position, then this Mission is changed from Routine to Linked with Mission 9.

Characters Gear Up: characters spend Renown and Esteem to purchase extra equipment and gear they think will be helpful this (and potentially next) Mission.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

After-game debrief
record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 45 Allotment plus any bonus accrued by the Doomclock. The GM must use a portion of this Allotment to purchase either a Miniboss or Boss Monster that can fit in the Control Room. As long as this Boss model stays within 1" of the Terminal that is also in that room, the GM may nominate any Entry Point on the table at the start of each of their Turns and roll 3D6. Whatever the total becomes additional Allotment models that must deploy from that nominated Entry Point.

The remainder of the GM's starting Allotment may be Deployed anywhere in the 16" zone the Control Room is also in. Models that do not fit, or that the GM wishes to hold on to, may be placed into Reserve, deploying from any Entry Point at least 9" away from any Deathwatch models, at the start of any Turn after the 1st.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: This ancient chamber is well-maintained; its brass fittings polished to a shine that denies its ancient manufacture. But the stink of chaos is here, too, and the whimsy of the machines, bright colors on the walls, and the high chitter of insects crawling through the wires denies the function of its purpose. When we are done slaughtering our enemies, we will put this very chamber to the torch as well.

Mission Consequence
If the player(s) manage to gain control of the Terminal, they may deploy 2 twin linked heavy bolters that recognize the Deathwatch as Friend and the Adversaries as foe at the start of Mission 9. If they destroy or salvage it, instead all Doors in Mission 9 count as Compromised.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/11/17 16:05:20

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I edited how Dragonfire and Hellfire bolter bullets work, mostly for clarity and to keep up with the current ruleset.

Modified Esteem gains and loses to be a little less harsh. Also finally wrote the "Individual marine earning Esteem" example.

Just realized and amended that there's no specific Deployment Option for Linked Missions. Added Just Down the Hall Deployment Option.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/11/17 18:29:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Main Missions: Shut it Down!
If you are playing with 1 squad progression, this Mission stands alone, linked from Mission 8a. If you are playing with 2 or more squads progression, and the Mission Leader chose the Defensible Position Extraction option for Mission 8b, then the other squad(s) may participate in this Mission from their own Deployment zones.

This moment determines our fates now, Brothers. We will either triumph over chaos or be consumed by it. There is no compromise, no half-measures. Let us sing the litanies of victory and crush our enemies beneath our boots once and for all. Advance with me and let us see this endeavor to its end.

Mission 9: Shut it Down!: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It can also be considered a Side Quest for the Cycle of Night Faction or, if it fails*, as a Side Quest for the Transcendencers Faction.

Deployment and Extraction
- see Player Prep section below -

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests chaos cultists, tzaangors, chaos marines, dark mechanicum, admech infantry, forgeworld automata, and tzeentch daemons.

Set up terrain so that a large central chamber dominates the table. At its center is an object roughly 2-6" in diameter (literally anything you think looks like a good representation of a Warp Drive's Core). The GM designates one short board edge as the player(s)' deployment edge. Along the remaining three board edges should be placed 3-5 small chambers. Roll a D6 for the entrance to each room. On a 1, the entrance is blocked by a Locked, Normal Bulkhead Door, on a 6 the entrance is not blocked but has an Open Normal Door in it. On any other roll, the entrance is blocked by a Closed Compromised Door. All the doors are considered to be at Miniscule Power.

The rest of the board can be any number of rooms and corridors, but should have at least one corridor on every board edge that leads off the table. Players and GM then take it in turns to place up to 3 Entry Points each, anywhere on the table. Any Entry Point not placed adds +D6 to the GM's starting Allotment.

Technology on the Table
Each of the rooms on the 3 edges of the table contains a Terminal with fluctuating Power Levels: roll to randomly determine the Terminal's Power when it is interacted with. There is also a Full Power Keypad on the far side of the terrain peice representing the Warp Core.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Shut Down the Warp Core: There is a specific sequence that must be employed to shut this thing down. Just 3 of the Terminals from the 9-15 on the table must be interacted with before a model in base contact with the Keypad can punch in the Power Down Command. However, it is unknown which 3 Terminals these are. Any time a friendly model moves into base to base contact with a Terminal, roll a D6. On a 5+, they've discovered one of the correct Terminals. Successful interaction with this Terminal yields 1/3 of the Command Code. Once 3 Terminals have yielded this information (mark each Terminal with and without the right info), any allied model in Cohesion Range of one of the Space Marines on the table can key the code. Shut down occurs at the end of the Turn on which it was keyed.

Important caveat: The Mission only ends when one of two things happen. Either the Warp Core finishes its Countdown before the Marines can shut it down or the Marines shut the Warpcore down before it finishes its Countdown and Extract. In either case, when one of the above criteria is triggered, the game ends.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Survive the Mission: At the end of this Mission, any Marine that remains with at least 1 Wound left counts as personally completing this Objective.

Extract: this can only be achieved if the Warp Core has already been shut down. Extracting without shutting down the Warp Core indicates a Mission failure.

This game is Special in that it lasts only a limited number of Turns. The player(s) must keep track of the Turn Countdown. This begins at 9 Turns. This is all the time player(s) have to complete the Warp Core Shutdown. If they run out of time, the Mission ends in failure. Note also, that if player(s) went overtime on Mission 8a, that will affect how much time is already deducted from the Countdown. If the previous game took 6 Turns to complete, this Mission's Countdown begins at 7.

First Turn
Who takes the First Turn is determined by the outcome of the player(s)'s previous Tactical Choice.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: since this is a Linked Mission, players are limited to the Just Down the Hall Deployment.

If you are using multiple squads and you have models Linking in from Mission 8b, roll a D6 to determine which board edge those marines will Deploy from. On a 1 or 2, it is the edge to the left of the other squad's edge. On a 3 or 4, it is the edge to the right of the other squad's edge. On a 5 or 6, it is the edge opposite the other squad's edge. These models Deploy at the end of Turn 2, using the Just Down the Hall deployment option.

- Extraction Options: if the players manage to Shut the Warp Core down before the Countdown expires/and players want to play this to the bitter end, the GM may designate a 6"x6" area in front of the Keypad. Once all surviving models move into this area the game ends.

Characters Gear Up: players forego this step as it is a linked Mission with the previous. There is no opportunity to rearm between the two.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

After-game debrief
record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

*Yes, this implies that there's potentially more game and wackier Missions to be played if this Mission fails and the whole system, including the Deathwatch, gets sucked into the warp.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 40 Allotment plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus any other bonuses accrued. These Adversaries may be set up anywhere on the battlefield at least 9" from any board edge and at least 9" from any Marine Deployment zone. Any Allotment not spent and placed on Turn 1, may be held in Reserve, deploying 3" away from any Entry Point at the start of any Turn after tge 1st

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: Pulsing color and nightmare visions dominate this room, raw chaos spilling forth from the damaged warp core. Horrors spill forth to engage the Marines. It is likely that this chamber was once the most ornately and arcanely decorated on the Battleship, but has long since fallen into decay, corruption, and ruin.

GM's final notes: hah, "final", that's funny. This is the official last Mission of the campaign, but there will be more to come, including all the Side Missions, all the arrivals of other vessels and the complications they cause, additional options for Adversaries and Allotment, and probably a few more complete campaigns. Stay tuned.

*If you have been playing this campaign or some version of it, I would love to hear your feedback. Please do not hesitate to comment.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/11/23 07:06:27

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Side Quest Strings

As these are all Side Quests, they have no direct bearing on whether or not your Marines will "win" this campaign. The entire campaign can be completed without ever playing a single one of these Missions. But, they are also fun and can add benefits to your group in the short and long term. For one they are a great way for Player(s) to accumulate XP and Renown. They add time onto the DoomClock, making later Missions more challenging and help to create a sense of urgency when the time player(s) take to complete these Missions eats away at the hard limit set by the final Main Narrative Mission.

Some of these Mission Strings don't have to be completed in order, but some may have a narrative placement requirement (like, play this any time before Main Mission 6a or it becomes unavailable to complete). Other Strings might have a similar chronology or tandem chronology to the Main Missions. The Strings mean that all the Missions listed under that Title are related in some way and completing all, or a portion of them all, will grant Deathwatch forces certain bonuses. Sometimes this means access to new wargear options, sometimes this means new abilities or free Talents, sometimes this "unlocks" special enemy types, and sometimes this means Treasures and other upgrades.

Hidden Side Quests : HQ
These are all the Missions that are unlockable by interacting with Terminals throughout the Main Narrative Missions. Players may or may not encounter all of these, depending on how thorough or lucky they are. Completing any 2 of these Missions grants those Marines the Student of Dark Architecture Talent. Completing 5 or more of these Missions grants the Marines from those Missions the Dark Architectural Knowledge Talent. Completing 11 of these Missions grants the Marines from those Missions the Lorekeeper of Dark Architecture Talent.

Mission HQa: Into the Belly of Beasts (E)*
MIssion HQb: Bridge the Gap (R)
Mission HQc: Black Box Retrieval Alpha (E)
Mission HQd: Stabilize the Reactor (E)
Mission HQe: The Hidden Vault (E)
Mission HQf: Unlocking the Engine Room (E)
Mission HQg: Heart of the Maze (E)
Mission HQh: Uncertain Cargo (E)
Mission HQi: That Most Secret (R)
Mission HQj1: Plundering the Dead (E)
Mission HQj2: Knowledge is Power (E)
Mission HQk1: Dancing the Wreckage (E)
Mission HQk2: Buying Time (E)

Student of Dark Architecture*: this Talent counts as a Tier 2 Shooting Talent. It grants a single re-roll for an Advance move every Mission. In addition, if this model neither Advances nor Moves in the Same Turn it takes its first shot in its first Shooting Phase, it may reduce its target's cover save by -1. At the end of every Mission roll a D6; on the roll of a 1 models with this Talent gain an additional +1 Corruption.

Dark Architectural Knowledge*: this Talent counts as a Tier 3 Shooting Talent. It grants an additional re-roll for an Advance move every Mission. In addition, if this model neither Advances nor Moves in the Same Turn it takes two or more Shooting Phases, it may reduce its target's cover save by -1 in its Second and Third Shooting Phases. At the end of every Mission roll a D6; on the roll of a 1 models with this Talent gain an additional +1 Corruption.

Lorekeeper of Dark Architecture*: this Talent counts as a Tier 4 Elite Talent. It grants an additional re-roll for an Advance move every Mission. In addition, this model reduces its target's Armor Saves by -1 in its first Turn of Shooting.

*These Talents' effects stack.
*This Mission has already been detailed.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/11/24 19:17:17

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

HQc Mission: Black Box Retrieval Alpha: Exploration

In service to Whom

This Mission primarily serves the interests of the Admech Factions Lord's Own Code, Replicanticle, Transcendencers, and Catalogists. It can also obviously be considered a Side Quest for the Deathwatch. Player(s) should pick one Faction to turn the Primary Objective over to.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Retrieve the Cogitator Black Box: The principle goal of this Mission is to locate and extricate the primary logic node of the Prow cogitator bank. To do so, a Marine with the Tech Skill must be assigned to this Side Quest. No Skill roll is needed, per se, but a successful Tech Skill roll reduces the overall time this Mission takes by -D3 hours.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Retrieve Anything Else Useful You Might Find: Roll 1D6 for each Marine that was assigned to this Mission. Any Marine that rolls a 4+ counts as achieving this Objective. Narrative descriptions and treasure tables to be found in the GM section below.

Finding the Cogitator Bank is relatively easy, given that if you've unlocked this Mission, it came with a clear location of the place on a comprehensive map. The real time consumption of the Mission is extracting the Black Box intact and useful. If no Marine with the Tech Skill was assigned to this Mission, add +2D6 hours to its duration. Otherwise, this Mission takes 2D3+1 Hours to complete (this includes both insertion and extraction time). If a character with the Tech Skill makes a Successful roll, reduce the total Mission time by D3 hours (to a minimum of 1).

For clarity:
Tech Skill capable model not present on Mission? Time = 2D6+2D3+1 (5 to 19 hours)
Tech Skill capable model is present on Mission? Time = 2D3+1 (3 to 7 hours)
Tech Skill capable model is present on Mission and makes a successful Skill roll? Time = (2D3+1)-D3 (minimum 1) (1 to 6 hours)

Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

GM Section:

Forbidden Knowledge
The interior of the Prow is a twisted ruin of battered corridors, old void-scarred breaches, and spent shell casings from a hundred half-melted turret guns. Swimming through the zero-g carnage takes perseverance and determination - of which the Deathwatch has plenty. The Bank room itself is a tiny armored cage crammed into the heart of a convoluted system of ammo-feeds, mechanical turret rings, and crisscrossing gangways for crew and discharge. The ancient and corroded corpse of an Admech servant remains hardwired into the primary core, its bones bent and spurred like thorn bushes. It is this dead sentinel that pinpoints the Objective.

Have the players roll a D6 for each Marine assigned to this Mission at the End. On the roll of a 4+, apply the result from the table below.

4: a heavily damaged datapad. Its Power Level is Dead. This object may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6 Esteem. Alternatively and/or additionally, players may hold on to the datapad and attempt to glean information from it. Between Missions, any marine with the Tech Skill may roll as if the datapad's Power Level was Minuscule. If successful, the pad reveals minor data regarding some aspect of life aboard the ancient vessel. This grants the entire Deathwatch complement +1XP (this is an important distinction if your group is composed of multiple squads, because it grants XP to all the marines in every squad, even those not on the roster yet - meaning Cohorts gained later will begin play with this +1XP). Using Tech like this does not count towards that Skill's Rating for the previous or upcoming Mission.

5: a machine fragment. The obscure nature of this somehow-still-powered object makes it inscrutable to the Deathwatch, but the Admech will practically lose their minds to have it. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6+1 Esteem.

6: a cache of irradiated shotgun shells (from the corpses of boarding-repulser teams). These shells can be combined with an Astartes Shotgun and have the following profile. Enough Shells are found that they can be added to the available wargear list.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules

05 / 01* / 01* / Irradiated Shell / Models equipped with these shells gain the Irradiated Trait. Sapping, Shocking

*Shotgun Shells weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 24 Shotgun Shells carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
*This Cost is per individual bullet.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/11/30 23:16:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added the Tier 3 Melee Talent Haymaker and modified the Agile Fighter Talent to reflect that it's also Tier 3.

Modified and added to the Craftsman's Blessing series of Talents on the Tech Tree.

Added Arsonist to the Shooting Tree.

Tweaked and edited a lot of the weapons to try to make everything fit both in tune with my own rules (so that means I changed the colors of certain words to make them stand out from the rest of the text) and the current version of the 40k rules. (meaning I clarified how flamey weapons work and added some clarifications for flame weapons).

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/12/01 08:37:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Side Missions: Bridge the Gap
This Mission can either be taken on by the main squad (single squad progression), the "B team" squad (two squad progression), or an alternate other team (in case you have a lot of players and/or lots of squads)

We have discovered a location of interest - an energy signature and a distinct life sign suggesting an Astartes in Stassis. Dispatch a team, the area is forward of the prow's hull breach and may take some effort to locate. Be wary, time is short, so keep your investigation brief.

HQb: Bridge the Gap: Routine

In service to Whom

As per typical, this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It can also be considered a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard or the Catalogists Faction.

Deployment and Extraction
- see Player Prep section below -

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests hull ghasts, gilliams, genestealer cultists, and/or genestealers.

Set up terrain so that a trench, 8" wide, cuts the board in half. If you have a scatter die you can use it to determine where on the edge of the board this trench begins and in what direction it follows. This way the trench need not be straight across the middle line of the table.. If you lack the terrain to make an actual, physical trench you can instead lay a ruler or similar length of material along the "trench" line and not set up any terrain within 4" either side of that line. This trench counts as impassable terrain. Character models may attempt to Leap the gap, but if they fail, they are subject to the Falling rules to a depth of 3D6" (GMs, if any Marine deployed has any gear, trait, or Talent that augments their visual range, secretly roll to determine the depth and, if the depth is equal to or less than the Marine model's augmented visual range, tell that model's controlling player the depth when the model moves to within 3" of the edge of the trench).

All other terrain may be arranged in a mutually pleasing manner, bearing in mind that it represents the cramped confines of a dilapidated battleship.

On the far side of the trench, at least 12" from the board edge opposite the player(s) deployment zone, the GM should place a table, coffin, escape pod or similarly shaped object (more on this detail in the GM's section).

The player(s) roll a D6 to determine the number of Entry Points and take it in turns with the GM to place these, anywhere on the board, at least 6" from any table edge or other Entry Point, except inside the Trench.

The GM then places up to two 9" lengths of debris (like ladders, metal planking, pipework, etc.) within 2" of the player(s)'s side of the Trench. These count as Capacity 04 objects that can dragged to the Trench and laid across it if a Model does not Advance, Shoot, or engage in Close Combat in a Turn. Any model moving across this "bridge" must roll a Toughness test or become subject to the Falling rules as described earlier.

Finally, the players may set up 2D3 Volatile Fuel Barrels anywhere on the table at least 6" away from any Entry Point.

Technology on the Table
Next to the table/coffin/escape pod marker there is a single keypad. Randomly determine its Power Level. Successful interaction with this Keypad unlocks the Stassis Coffin.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Bridge the Gap: any Marine that successfully crosses the Trench counts as achieving this Objective.

Discover the Nature of the Coffin: successful interaction with the Keypad reveals this Objective. See GM's section below for more information on this.

Extract: when the last Marine enters the Extraction Zone, this Mission ends. The last Marine out counts as having personally achieved this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Survive the Mission: At the end of this Mission, any Marine that remains with at least 1 Wound left counts as personally completing this Objective.

Keep it Brief: if the Mission lasts 5 or fewer Turns, this Objective can be considered complete.

Retrieve the Pod: because bringing it with you will take less time than to try to figure out what to do right then and there. The pod must be dragged or carried to the Extraction point. One or two marines may shoulder this burden. The pod has a Capacity weight of 08. If two marines carry it, they each must carry 04 Capacity and remain in base to base contact with each other. If the Player wants, they may have one or more of their Marines drop the pod in place, where it will stay until another Marine retrieves it or the Mission ends, whichever comes first. While carrying the pod, a marine must pass a Strength test or suffer a -2 to their Ballistic Skill (turning their 3+ into a 5+). Any marine model that carries the pod for any distance earns +1 Renown at the end of the Mission. The models that carry the pod into the Extraction zone earn an additional +1 Renown during the Debriefing phase of the Mission's end.

The Keypad must be interacted with successfully in order to retrieve the Pod safely. Alternatively, a model may spend D3 Turns crudely tearing the pod from its housing before being able to move it.

If the Mission lasts 5 or fewer Turns it lasts 1 hour. If it lasts 6 or more Turns it takes 2 hours.

First Turn
The Mission Leader and the GM roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: the Mission Leader may choose any Insertion method except Teleportarium or Interceptor Shuttle.

- Extraction Options: the Mission Leader may choose any Extraction method except Teleportarium.

Characters Gear Up: players spend Renown on gear and weapons they believe will aid them in their upcoming Mission.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

After-game debrief record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with 20 Allotment plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus any other bonuses accrued. The GM deploys their models first, deploying as much or as little of their forces as they like anywhere on the far side of the Trench or within 3" of any Entry Point. Any models not deployed are held in Reserve and can deploy from any Entry Point on any turn after the first.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge tidbits
For narrative purpose: Everything here is damaged - burned by the passage of an ancient plasma shell from one side of the ship through to the other. Bulkheads, inches thick, are twisted and melted like wilted sheets of cheese. No surface, no machine is untouched, save a single chamber on the far side of the devastating rent in the hull. Incongruously, impossibly untouched, the chamber's walls have been incinerated away, leaving the interior - and the stassis pod therein - utterly untouched.

This Mission becomes subject to the rules for Mundane Events as soon as the first Marine model crosses the Trench.

The Stassis Pod
"So what's inside the pod?" you ask. It's an ancient Thousand Sons "lieutenant" of sorts. A sorcerer who evaded the Flesh Change or defeated its spread by replacing his mutations with arcane cybernetics. Trapped in the time-isolating stassis capsule, this Marine avoided both the Council of Nikea and the Rubric of Ahriman, remaining a mid-level psyker for 11 thousand years that to him, have not passed.

Players have two options if they retrieve the pod. The first is to simply trade it to the Magnites or Catalogists for 2D3x10 Esteem. The second is to open the pod and add a strange new "black shield" to the squad. If player(s) opt for the Black Shield, the player whose model has the least Renown controls this model. Use the following profile and rules for this model.

"Y'azidrind Thrallseer"
M 6" WS 3+ BS 3+ S 4 T 4 W * A 1 Ld 8 Sv 3+ Skill 4+
Standard Load Out: by Specialty; First Founding Specialties only.
Bonus Skills: Psychic Sense (1), Command (1)
Bonus Renown: +10
Command Points (if using): +1
Chapter Trait: Psyker Supreme: this model counts as a Librarian for the purposes of Psychic Power Talent restrictions. If this model also has Cohesion3 or better, it may cast 2 Psychic Powers per Turn instead of one. This model begins play with 5 Corruption.
Bonus Talents: Cohesion0, Cyborg, Psychic Power: Smite, Psychic Power: Veil of Time, Psychic Power: Gaze of Fate (see Codex: Thousand Sons), Warp Token.
Skill and Talent Trees: Y'azidrind gains a discount on Morale and Miscellaneous Talents equal to their Tier. He may purchase additional Ratings for his Command and Psychic Sense Skills for 3XP per Rating, and may purchase Ratings in any other Skill for 9XP per Rating

Signature Wargear:Y'azidrind Thrallseer may take any of the following Wargear for free
Rune of Mastery may ignore the first Perils of the Warp per Mission
Crusade Plate Reduce any Wounds inflicted by Events by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
Astartes Khopesh Strength +2, AP -, Damage 1. An Astartes Khopesh may be used two-handed. A model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to improve this weapon's AP to -1. A model equipped with an Astartes Khopesh cannot fire their pistol if they are in Engagement Range.
Bolter Drum Mag magazine 36
Phobos Pattern Bolter RoF 1|2-4/- When fired in Burst Mode, add +6" to this weapon's range.

*If your group is using whole squads per player, Y'azidrind begins play with 3 Wounds. If your group uses 1 Marine per participant, Y'azidrind is a great way to introduce a casual to the campaign or to give a player who seems to always get the short end of the stick a real morale boost. In this case Y'azidrind begins play with 5 Wounds.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/12/02 21:29:06

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

HQd Mission: Stabilize the Reactor: Exploration/Special

For the purposes of this Mission, references to Reactors and Generators mean the same thing. These words are interchangeable in this Mission.

In service to Whom
This Mission primarily serves the interests of the Admech Factions Lord's Own Code, Reparists, Cycle of Night, and the Grand. It can also obviously be considered a Side Quest for the Deathwatch. Player(s) gain and lose Esteem for all of the Admech Factions listed, but should chose the order by which they calculate those gains and loses. The Faction they give first priority earns them +3 Esteem per Marine who went on this Mission, The Faction they give second priority earns them +2 Esteem per Marine who went on this Mission, And the Faction they give third priority earns them +1 Esteem per Marine who went on this Mission,

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Repair a Series of Intermediate Reactors: The principle goal of this Mission is to locate and repair a series of ancient, dormant generators that will send power to the main reactor and help stabilize the Warp Core. Player(s) must determine how much time they are willing to risk to accomplish this Mission. See Extraction below for details on how to end this Mission. Marines assigned to this Mission gain a cumulative +1XP and +1 Renown for each Reactor they repair (+1 for the first, +2 for the second, +3 for the third, etc.)

Tertiary Objective(s):
Retrieve Anything Else Useful You Might Find: Roll 1D6 for each Marine that was assigned to this Mission. Any Marine that rolls a 4+ counts as achieving this Objective. Narrative descriptions and treasure tables to be found in the GM section below.

This Mission works a little differently than a normal Exploration Mission. There's a total of 9 Reactors and the player(s) who go on this Mission must repair them 1 at a time. For each, in turn, roll a D6. This is the number of hours finding and repairing the Reactor takes. For each Marine with the Tech Skill assigned to this Mission reduce the D6 time by -1 (to a minimum of 1) for each repair job. However, if the D6 roll results in a 1, set up a 4'x4' table of terrain with a Generator at the center (this represents the Reactor). Deploy the Deathwatch within 6" of this Generator. The GM gets 3D6 Allotment (plus bonuses from the DoomClock) and must deploy all Adversaries within 6" of any board edge. The game lasts until all enemies are defeated (run off the board or reduced to 0 Wounds). If this skirmish lasts 5 or fewer turns that's 1 hour. If it goes on for 6 or more Turns that's 2 hours. This time cannot be modified by Marines with the Tech Skill. However, models with the Stealth Skill assigned to this Mission may expend 1 of their Ratings in that Skill to bypass this encounter completely (don't play out the skirmish and repairing this Generator takes just 1 hour).

Player(s) must decide how much time they are willing to risk. After each repair job they may attempt another or retire their Mission and Extract. Once player(s) give up on this Mission it cannot be returned to (time and resource commitment loses priority). If playing this Mission with either Squad 1 or 2, add this time to the total for this round of Missions (7: Battle for the Arcanite Vaults). Otherwise, calculate the total time and compare it with the timing of Mission 9: Shut it Down!. The number of Generators this squad manages to repair before the start of that Mission adds +1 Turn to the Countdown for that Mission.

Record XP and Renown

Players are likely to rack up quite a bit of Renown & XP on this Exploration Mission. Keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

Successful Mission Consequence: for each Stabilized Generator, add +1 to the Countdown as detailed in Mission 9.

GM Section:

Forbidden Knowledge
The bowels of this wreck are a twisting, confusing network of cramped maintenance tunnels, warrens of hullghasts and other monstrosities, and compacted chambers buckled by failing gravity plates and an Epoch of disrepair. Too easy to get lost in.

Have the players roll a D6 for each Marine assigned to this Mission at the end. Add +1 to this roll for every Reactor repaired. On the roll of a 4+, apply the result from the table below.

4-5: a heavily damaged datapad. Its Power Level is Dead. This object may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6 Esteem. Alternatively and/or additionally, players may hold on to the datapad and attempt to glean information from it. Between Missions, any marine with the Tech Skill may roll as if the datapad's Power Level was Minuscule. If successful, the pad reveals minor data regarding some aspect of life aboard the ancient vessel. This grants the entire Deathwatch complement +1XP (this is an important distinction if your group is composed of multiple squads, because it grants XP to all the marines in every squad, even those not on the roster yet - meaning Cohorts gained later will begin play with this +1XP). Using Tech like this does not count towards that Skill's Rating for the previous or upcoming Mission.

6: a machine fragment. The obscure nature of this somehow-still-powered object makes it inscrutable to the Deathwatch, but the Admech will practically lose their minds to have it. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6+1 Esteem.

7: a cache of D6x10 heavily-irradiated shotgun shells (from the corpses of boarding-repulser teams). These shells can be combined with an Astartes Shotgun and have the following profile.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules
15 / 02* / 01* / Heavily-Irradiated Shell / Models equipped with these shells gain the Irradiated and Miasmic2 Traits. Sapping, Shocking, Enfeebling.

*Shotgun Shells weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 24 Shotgun Shells carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
*This Cost is per individual bullet.

8: an emplaced Autolaser Tarantula. Its ammunition is depleted, but it can be reloaded with the same magazines used for lascannons. The Machine spirit still functions, albeit with odd idiosyncracies.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules
35 / 20 / 08 / Relic Autolaser Tarantula / 2D6|D6+6|12 / 60 / At the start of every Turn after this weapon has been emplaced roll a D6. On a 2+ treat the number rolled as this weapon's Ballistic Skill for this Turn. On a 1 the weapon cannot fire this Turn. Note that, because this weapon has a variable die roll for Single and Burst, it only expends 1 "bullet" and 2 "bullets respectively for those fire modes. However, it expends a full 12 "bullets" when firing in Full Auto. Strength 6, AP-, Damage 1, 48" range.

9: a single Phobos Pattern Bolter equipped with an Arcane Sight.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules
20 / 10 / 02 / Relic Phobos Pattern Bolter (with Arcane Sight) / 1|2-4/- / 16 / When fired in Burst Mode, add +6" to this weapon's range. The Arcane Site grants the following ability: if the shooting model does not Move or Advance and fires only a Single shot in its first Shooting Phase after not Moving or Advancing, that shot gains an additional -2 AP AND +2 Damage. Each time this ability is used the marine must take a Toughness test. If they fail they gain +1 Corruption.

10: D3 Xenotech Chainpistols
50 / 15 / 01 / Chainpistol (Xenotech Pistol) / 1|2|- / 5 / Strength 3, AP -1, Range 18", Damage 1. Stunning, Conflagration, Catastrophic

11-12: a single Disruptor (Xenotech Rifle)
50 / 25 / 02 / Disruptor (Xenotech Rifle) / 1|2-3|4 / 5 / Strength 3*, AP -*. Range 36". Damage 1*.
*Each time this weapon is fired after the first, increase its Strength by +1, its AP by -1, and its Damage by +1.

13+: roll 2D6 and apply the result on this table, treating a roll of 2 and 3 as a 4. The Marine finds +D3 duplicates of the given entry.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/12/02 23:02:12

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

HQe Mission: The Hidden Vault: Exploration

In service to Whom

This Mission primarily serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but can be considered a Side Quest for any of the following Admech Factions: Arcanite Guard, Magnites, Catalogists, or the Grand.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Gain access to the Hidden Vault Chamber: The principle goal of this Mission is to unlock and enter the Hidden-most vault compartment in the holds of the ship. Any model with the Tech Skill can attempt this by rolling their Skill. No Rating is expended, however, the Vaults will only be accessed on a successful Skill test. Player(s) may opt to add an additional +D3 hours to the Mission time to re-roll their Skill test. There is no limit to the number of times player(s) can re-roll, except that every re-roll costs an additional +D3 hours. If no model deployed on this Mission has the Tech Skill, the Mission automatically lasts an additional +2D6 hours and the Vault is only revealed if the Player(s) roll a 6.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Plunder What's Inside the Hidden Vault: this is completely contingent on whether or not the Marines open the Hidden Vault. If the Vault is opened, player(s) automatically achieve this Objective.

Retrieve Anything Else Useful You Might Find: Roll 1D6 for each Marine that was assigned to this Mission. Any Marine that rolls a 2+ counts as achieving this Objective. Narrative descriptions and treasure tables to be found in the GM section below.

Finding the "Hidden Vault" is easy, getting it open is the tricky part. The base time this Mission takes is D3+1 hours, plus however many re-rolls player(s) require to get it open.

Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

GM Section:

Forbidden Knowledge
The Hidden Vault isn't much different from the unhidden vaults, except that it's a little smaller and a lot cleaner. Sealed for an Age, little has disturbed these chambers or the contents within.

In addition to discovering a few truly arcane items, have each of the player(s) who deployed a Marine on this Mission roll a D6. On the roll of a 2+, apply the result from the table below.

2: a heavily damaged datapad. Its Power Level is Dead. This object may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6 Esteem. Alternatively and/or additionally, players may hold on to the datapad and attempt to glean information from it. Between Missions, any marine with the Tech Skill may roll as if the datapad's Power Level was Minuscule. If successful, the pad reveals minor data regarding some aspect of life aboard the ancient vessel. This grants the entire Deathwatch complement +1XP (this is an important distinction if your group is composed of multiple squads, because it grants XP to all the marines in every squad, even those not on the roster yet - meaning Cohorts gained later will begin play with this +1XP). Using Tech like this does not count towards that Skill's Rating for the previous or upcoming Mission.

3: a machine fragment. The obscure nature of this somehow-still-powered object makes it inscrutable to the Deathwatch, but the Admech will practically lose their minds to have it. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6+1 Esteem.

4: a cache of Scorpius Bolter Rounds. These Rounds can be combined with any Astartes Bolter, Stormbolter, Angelus, Combi-, or Relic version thereof for Threshold 3 per bullet and Renown Cost 2 per bullet, and have the following profile. D3 boxes are found and each box contains 20 Rounds.

Strength +2, AP-2, Damage D3. Versus targets with the <Vehicle> keyword increase Damage to D6.

Standard Bolter Reload would be Threshold 24 and cost 16 Renown, whereas a Bolter Longmag would be Threshold 36 and cost 24 Renown. An Integral Mag would be Threshold 09 and cost 06 Renown. Likewise, a Standard Stormbolter Reload would be Threshold 54 and cost 36 Renown, whereas a Stormbolter Boxmag would be Threshold 108 and cost 72 Renown.

5: a box of 6 Phobos Pattern Bolters
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Special Rules

10 / 03 / 02 / Phobos Pattern Bolter (Relic Bolter) / 1|2-4/- / 16 / When fired in Burst Mode, add +6" to this weapon's range.

6: an Auto-repair Kit
100 / 15 / 01 / Auto-repair Kit (Relic Tool) / the bearer of this Relic may use it to automatically pass a Tech Skill test up to 3 times per Mission. A Rating must still be expended.

The True Treasures of the Hidden Vault
The Crown of Sehkmet and Its Attendant Automata

Just a single Crown has been left behind. This Relic resembles a Psychic Hood in its design, albeit more crown than hood. It is designed to socket over the helmet of a Space Marine or Terminator and allows the bearer to control up to 3 Battle Automata simultaneously.

In alcoves surrounding the hallowed emplacement of the Crown stand 3 dormant Automata, their consciousnesses slaved to the device they stare at. Any model equipped with the Crown may automatically also be deployed with 1-3 of the attending Automata found in this Vault. As long as the bearer neither Moves nor Advances, they may Move and Advance up to 3 of their Automata. As long as the bearer does not Shoot, they may instead Shoot with up to 3 of their Automata, applying any Shooting Talents they may have to 1 of those Automata. As long as the bearer does not Charge, they may instead Charge with up to 3 of their Automata, applying any Melee Talents they may have to 1 of those Automata. If the Automata are themselves Charged, they fight to defend themselves as normal. A model equipped with the Crown cannot use Psychic Powers, but may still attempt to Deny the Witch. At the end of any Turn where the model equipped with the Crown used any of its abilities to control Automata, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, that model gains +1 Corruption.

150 / 150 / 01 / Crown of Sehkmet (Relic) / see above for description of abilities
150 / 80 / ** / Battle Automata (Relic Cohort) / weapons as armed; stats to be found in appropriate Codex or Forgeworld Book.

**Battle Automata carry themselves into battle.

GMs, the nature of these Automata is up to you. The author suggests Castellax or Vorax Battle Automata, but understands not everyone has $200 to drop on 3 models from forgeworld. Alternatives could be Space Marine Dreadnaughts, Admech Dragoons, Mauler- or Forgefiends, Kastelan Robots, or similar large robo-beasts from your collection.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2019/12/03 13:37:33

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

HQf Mission: Unlocking the Engine Room: Exploration

In service to Whom

This Mission primarily serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but can be considered a Side Quest for any of the following Admech Factions: Catalogists, Reparists, Arcanite Guard, or the Transcendencers.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Search the Ship's Database for an Algirorithm that Unlocks the Great Door to the Warp Core: yep. that's a long title, but it's also the Mission Objective. To accomplish this, a model with the Tech Skill must be assigned to this Mission. In fact, the entire Mission can be accomplished by just one Techmarine. Roll a D6 and add +1 per Rating in Tech present on the Mission. Multiple Marines with the Tech Skill will make the job easier. on the roll of a 6+ the Algorithm is located and activated. Any models participating in this endeavor count as personally completing it. If a 5 or less is rolled, player(s) may opt to add time to the Mission in exchange for a re-roll. There is no limit to the number of re-rolls players may take, adding time every time they do.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Decrypt the Virus: ironically this Objective, although Tertiary to Mission completion, is the more difficult. The Virus is Xenotech in nature and an evolving pest. Having a model with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill along on the Mission will aid with this Objective. Player(s) simply roll a D6 and add +1 if any model has the aforementioned Skill. On the roll of a 6, the Virus is isolated. While it does nothing to save the [++Redacted++], the Virus may be traded to any Admech Faction for +2D6 Esteem. Alternatively, it may be used on any subsequent Mission to open or close every unsealed door and designate all Deathwatch Marines as Friend to Sentries, Emplacements, and Alarms. Using the Virus in this way destroys it. Player(s) who take extra time to re-roll the Primary Objective may also use that re-roll to attempt this Objective again, too.

Base time for this Mission is D6 hours. Every re-roll costs an additional D6 hours.

Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

GM Section:

Forbidden Knowledge
What's to describe? The cogitator bank is plated in ivory with gold inlay and has keys that look like jewel-encrusted rings. Your Marines will spend an inordinate amount of time in front of it, trying to decipher the arcane patterns that appear on screen.

There is no treasure on this Mission. Just that Algorithm. Having the Algorithm grants +1 to all future Tech Skill rolls dealing with Doors and Keypads for the remainder of the Campaign and while on the [++Redacted++].

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/01/06 23:05:19

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

HQg Mission: Heart of the Maze: Exploration

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of both the Grand and the Deathwatch, and can be considered a Side Quest for any of the following Admech Factions: Arcanite Guard, Transcendancers, or the Catalogists.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Nagivate Your Way to the Center of the Maze: this Mission is time consuming. Any Marine assigned to this Mission is going to get lost for awhile. The only way to achieve this Objective is to wander around. If more than 1 Marine is assigned to this Mission, player(s) should elect 1 of them to roll 2D6. If a double is rolled, this Objective is completed. If any other roll comes up, add the scores together and roll again. Player(s) must roll a double on 2 dice to complete the Mission and every time they roll, the accumulative score is added to the previous score. This is the total number of hours the Mission takes, not including Insertation and Extraction. Good Luck.

Secure and Retrieve the Cogitator Core: whenever the Marines finally find the center of the Maze, they stumble upon a Cogitator bank. Extracting the Core of this machine is vital to understanding and categorizing this Battleship, the fate of its crew and custodians, & the nature of the incident that brought the Deathwatch here. Roll a D6, adding +1 for every Tech Skill Rating present on the Mission. On a 6+, the Core is extracted intact. On a 4-5, the Core is also extracted but Damaged. On a 1-3, the Core is destroyed in the extraction process. All Marines deployed on this Mission lose D6 Renown if they destroy the Core. If the Core is retrieved Damaged, then the Marine who rolled for Mission length loses 1 Renown. If the Core is extracted intact, all Marines deployed on this Mission gain their choice of +2D3XP or +2D6 Renown. Choose separately for each Marine.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Decipher the Maze's Pattern: the longer this Mission takes, the more likely the Marines deployed will go a little crazy, but also be more likely to discover the intricate pattern of the moving chambers. If this Mission lasts 9 hours or more, every Marine deployed on it gains the following Trait: Addled. Addled models must pass a Toughness test at the start of each of their Turns. Failure indicates that the GM controls their Movement, the model will always Shoot at the closest visible enemy model, and will always try to Charge the closest enemy. Additionally, for every 9 hours or part thereof this Mission takes, each Marine present should roll a D6. For every 6 rolled, that Marine gains +1XP. Any Marine that rolls any 6 also counts as having Personally achieved this Objective.

Retrieve Anything Else Useful: Roll 1D6 for each Marine that was assigned to this Mission. Any Marine that rolls a 2+ counts as achieving this Objective. Narrative descriptions and treasure tables to be found in the GM section below.

Mission Length
2D6+ hours

Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.

Spend or Bank XP
Learn what superpowers Talents and Skills your players are taking for their marines. This helps the GM learn what those players want to encounter in the game. If they take a lot of Shooting Talents, that's a GM's cue to include more hordes of targets. If they take a lot of Skills, that's a GM's cue to include more opportunities to use those Skills. And so on.

*Special Rules
For every full 9 hours this Mission takes, each Marine deployed on it gains +1 Corruption.

GM Section:

Forbidden Knowledge
The very corridors and rooms shift and turn, the path in any direction never the same twice. I fear our Marines may be lost in this labyrinth forever, or else go mad deciphering its puzzle.

In addition to the Cogitator Core, Marines may stumble upon other items of note in their Wanderings. Have each Marines deployed on this Mission roll a D6. On the roll of a 2+, apply the result from the table below.

2: a heavily damaged datapad. Its Power Level is Dead. This object may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6 Esteem. Alternatively and/or additionally, players may hold on to the datapad and attempt to glean information from it. Between Missions, any marine with the Tech Skill may roll as if the datapad's Power Level was Minuscule. If successful, the pad reveals minor data regarding some aspect of life aboard the ancient vessel. This grants the entire Deathwatch complement +1XP (this is an important distinction if your group is composed of multiple squads, because it grants XP to all the Marines in every squad, even those not on the roster yet - meaning Cohorts gained later will begin play with this +1XP). Using Tech like this does not count towards that Skill's Rating for the previous or upcoming Mission.

3: a machine fragment. The obscure nature of this somehow-still-powered object makes it inscrutable to the Deathwatch, but the Admech will practically lose their minds to have it. This item may be traded to any Admech Faction from the list above (under "In service to Whom") for +D6+1 Esteem.

4: a cache of Scorpius Bolter Rounds. These Rounds can be combined with any Astartes Bolter, Stormbolter, Angelus, Combi-, or Relic version thereof for Threshold 3 per bullet and Renown Cost 2 per bullet, and have the following profile. D3 boxes are found and each box contains 20 Rounds.

Strength +2, AP-2, Damage D3. Versus targets with the <Vehicle> keyword increase Damage to D6.

Standard Bolter Reload would be Threshold 24 and cost 16 Renown, whereas a Bolter Longmag would be Threshold 36 and cost 24 Renown. An Integral Mag would be Threshold 09 and cost 06 Renown. Likewise, a Standard Stormbolter Reload would be Threshold 54 and cost 36 Renown, whereas a Stormbolter Boxmag would be Threshold 108 and cost 72 Renown.

5: a charnel house of dead Servitors. Whether this was once a repair station or just a room that became inscrutably clogged with dying Servitors is totally unknown, but the room is a trove of cybernetic augmentations. Roll 2D3; this is the number of still-functioning cybernetics the Marine retrieves. They can be traded to the Replicanticle for +2D3 Esteem each or saved to reduce the cost of any purchase of the Cyborg Talent by 1XP per piece used. Using any piece in this way destroys it.

6: a Reliquary of ancient doodads. Roll a D6 for each Marine deployed on this Mission. On a 4+, apply the result below. Additionally, the Reliquary will always contain a single Auto-Repair Kit and an Auto-Med Kit.

-4: D6x10 Breacher Shotgun Shells

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Special Rules
04 / 02* / 01* / Breacher Shell / +1 Strength and AP versus targets within 3". Additionally, if these shells are used to attack a Wall or Door, it may reroll Wounds.

-5: Emergency Homing Beacon. This item can be used to Teleport the model carrying it off the table, even if the Teleportarium is not functioning due to a Narrative Setback. Alternatively, a model equipped with this item allows another model to be Held in Reserve on any Mission and Teleport onto the table anywhere within 3" of the model equipped with the Emergency Homing Beacon, as long as it is also at least 9" away from any enemy models. Every time this Beacon is used roll a D6. On the roll of a 1 it stops working and can then be traded to any Admech Faction for +1 Esteem.

50 / 25 / 01 / Emergency Homing Beacon (Relic Tool) / see above for description

-6: Emergency Auto-Seal. This small device activates as soon as decompression occurs, springing from the carrier's belt to form a flexible seal in the closest corridor, trapping oxygen and averting expulsion into the void. This device automatically works when the Mundane Event Explosive Decompression triggers. Any corridor within 6" of the model, in the direction of the Decompression, becomes Sealed, counting henceforth as a Wall until the end of the Mission. If the model carrying the Emergency Auto-Seal is lucky, this will create a Safe Zone, which they are behind. If they are unlucky, it just creates a new path by which the model gets sucked out into space anyway. In either case, the Emergency Auto-Seal is destroyed after one use. The controlling player decides where the Auto-Seal is actually placed, within that 6" range.

25 / 10 / 01 / Emergency Auto-Seal (Relic Tool) / see above for description

100 / 15 / 01 / Auto-repair Kit (Relic Tool) / the bearer of this Relic may use it to automatically pass a Tech Skill test up to 3 times per Mission. A Rating must still be expended.

100 / 15 / 01 / Auto-Med Kit (Relic Tool) / the bearer of this Relic may use it to automatically pass a Medic Skill test up to 3 times per Mission. A Rating must still be expended.

*Shotgun Shells weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 24 Shotgun Shells carried by the model in excess of what's loaded into their weapon.
*This Cost is per individual bullet.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/01/11 11:51:29

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Lesser Denizens of Ship Hulls (aka Ship's Dead)

I've been talking about and referencing monsters and menaces from the depths of Derelict Spacecraft in 40k for almost this entire Campaign and I have had it in the back of my head this whole time that I ought to address these things at some point. Consider this that point.

Namely, I'm talking about Ship Zombies, Hullghasts, and Gilliams. I believe I came across the lore for these in the rulebook for Battlefleet Gothic. They touched on the idea that these vessels were so vast that sometimes crew just got lost, ran away from punishment, or got cut off from the rest of the ship during refits and boarding actions. The luckiest of these souls simply starve to death. The unlucky go stark mad and turn into ravening cannibals. Of those, some become afflicted with debilitating desease, get exposed to mind-wiping radiation, or become twisted by their exposure to low-oxygen/low-G environs and/or fluctuations in the consistency of a ship's Gellar Fields. Some of these things "flourish" in the depths and the most twisted of their kind evolve into beasts known - for whatever reason - as Gilliams.

Sometimes these things evolve over centuries or millennia. The following here is meant to be guidelines for fielding these beasts in your games of 40k, Necromunda, INQ28, Kill Team, or this Campaign aboard the Hulk.

Special Rules

Inured to Pain
: Zombies, Hullghasts, and Gilliams alike live base lives of pain, rage, hunger, and misery. Once they catch sight of warm prey, there is nothing that deters them from persuing it. Not even death. Any type of creature presented in this document gains the ability to ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of an unmodified 6.

Zombies and Hullghasts with 1 Wound left that fail this roll within 9" of an enemy model are not removed as casualties right away. Instead, these models must attempt a Charge in the Assault Phase, and if successful, will fight the first round of combat before being removed as a casualty. Note that these models are removed before enemy models strike back and so are not eligible to have any additional Wounds assigned to them. They still count as casualties when determining who won the Close Combat.

Ravenous: models with this Special Rule may Charge even if they Advanced.

Tooth and Nail: regardless of what a model with this Rule is actually armed with they will only ever attack by grabbing and tearing with their bare hands and biting with their rotting teeth.

Diseased Maw: while some Zombies are afflicted with Nurgle's various gifts, even the "mundane" versions have mouths filled with infection, rust, and blood. This has no effect on Astartes' physiology, but lesser humans - Chapter Serfs, Tech Adepts, Inquisitors and their acolytes, and ship survivors - all must pass a Toughness Test at the end of every Battle Round where they were engaged in Close Combat with a Zombie or suffer a Mortal Wound.

Terrible Cunning: any Gilliam may be held in Reserve and arrive on the battlefield anywhere at least 9" from any enemy model, starting on the Second Turn. The Gilliam arrives at the start of the Adversary's Movement Phase and may act as normal from that point on.

Irradiated: any model with this Rule gains the Irradiated Trait with Miasma1.

Blind: models with this Rule cannot Move or Advance until an enemy model moves within 8" of it. Afterwards, this model must Advance directly towards the model that triggered this. Blind models are utterly clueless regarding their environment. If there's a gap between them and the model that triggered their movement, they run right into the hole, suffering Falling Damage as normal.

Children of Rot: models with this Rule gain the Toxic, Contagion, and Miasma1 Traits.

Adversarial List
The Allotment Costs here supersede the standardized Rules for Allotment presented on page.1 of this Blog.

Name / Allotment Cost / Special Rules

Blind Zombie / 1 Allotment for every 5 of these models / Inured to Pain, Tooth and Nail, Ravenous, Blind, and Diseased Maw; Use the Profile for Gretchin found in Codex:Orks to represent a Blind Zombie.

Zombie / 1 Allotment for every 2 of these models / Inured to Pain, Tooth and Nail, Ravenous, and Diseased Maw; Use the Profile for Gretchin found in Codex:Orks to represent a Zombie, except increase their Leadership to 10.

Irradiated Zombie / 1 / Inured to Pain, Tooth and Nail, Ravenous, Irradiated, and Diseased Maw; Use the Profile for Gretchin found in Codex:Orks to represent an Irradiated Zombie, except increase their Toughness to 3.

You can use Deadwalker Zombie models for any of the above Zombie types.

Children of Rot / 2 / Inured to Pain, Tooth and Nail, Ravenous, Children of Rot, and Diseased Maw; Use the Profile for Gretchin found in Codex:Orks to represent the Children of Rot, except increase their Toughness to 3 and their Wounds to 2. You can use Nurgle Pox Walkers to represent these models.

Hullghast / 3 / Inured to Pain, Tooth and Nail, and Ravenous; Use the Profile for Ork Boys found in Codex:Orks to represent a Hullghast, except increase its Wounds to 3. You can use AoS ghouls to represent these models.

Gilliam / 15 / Inured to Pain, Tooth and Nail, Ravenous, Terrible Cunning, and Diseased Maw; Use the Profile for Nobz found in Codex:Orks to represent a Gilliam, except increase its Wounds to 5. You can use AoS Crypt Horrors to represent these models.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/02/04 17:19:57

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

This has been the largest document. I've essentially tasked myself with writing an entire 40k supplement/specialist game all on my own while still juggling work and the rest of my life with all its complications. And I'm not getting paid for this. Just me and my hobby enthusiasm. I understand why GW takes as long as it does (or at least used to) to put out new material. I also have a profound respect for new GW's pace of releases. It's likely they did a LOT of work up front and are just staggering the release of stuff that's already done. It's a good business model and I'm happy with what they have transformed themselves into.

Having said all of that I intend to post up many more additions to this campaign - Advanced Adversary rules, details of dozens of derelict ships dragged out of the warp by the [++Redacted++] for GMs to choose from depending on collection and/or ambition and/or narrative focus, optional Skill rules, more Side Quest Missions, potential Narrative Allies and Adversary Factions plus attendant Missions, and follow up Missions in the event player(s) don't stop the Warp Drive Implosion in time. Stay with me, there is so much more to come.

9 Hour Interval Event (placeholder rules)

Every 9 hours, on the hour, another derelict spaceship gets dragged out of the warp and smashes into the growing wreck that is the [++Redacted++]. There's more comprehensive rules upcoming that I hope will give this campaign some replayability, but for now, at every interval of 9 - so, because this campaign makes its official start at hour 14, that means hour 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, and 72 - the battlefield becomes subject to Mundane Events if the Interval occurs mid-Mission. If the Interval occurs between Missions - during Inserion or Extraction - it adds D3-1 hours to the next Mission's time. Exploration Missions that are happening in Tandem - like one of the many Hq Missions - are also, independently affected by this delay. Roll separately for those Missions. Tandem Main Missions - those marked A and B - suffer the same increase in Mission time; roll only once for both Missions and apply the same result to both.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/02/06 13:24:03

Post by: Solar_lion

Wow. Your attention to detail is astounding. Though I don't play it, your grasp of the game continuity is a story in itself.


[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/02/06 15:09:09

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 Solar_lion wrote:
Wow. Your attention to detail is astounding. Though I don't play it, your grasp of the game continuity is a story in itself.


Thanks very much, Solar_Lion. This has been a labor of love. I've been trying to capture the essence of the fluff and apply it to the game in ways that play the way I believe the fluff promises, but the rules generally do not deliver. However, to GW's credit, I think this "fluff-heavy" idea is only possible on a small scale. It would be way too much to keep track of during a game as large as your average 40k match. It's one thing to have 5 Space Marine heroes running around and another thing entirely to have 150 individual "Ork heroes" trying to keep track of their bullits and rokkitz while shooting at 150 "Tyranid heroes" worrying about keeping their ammo incubation sacs out of harm's way (although clearly I've thought about this).

Thanks for the feedback!

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/04/02 00:27:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I edited the Ship's Dead entry, mainly to clarify the Inured to Pain rules, the Allotment costs of the lowest Zombies, and to officially name this Faction Ship's Dead.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/04/06 19:24:22

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added the Martyrdom Talent to the Elite Talent Tree.

Clarified the Morale Section and the Suppression rules.

Added some clarification and hit modifiers to the firing modes section of the Shooting and Targeting rules.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/05/31 18:11:36

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I changed the Injury Table roll from a 2D6 to a D6. In hindsight I think the 2D6 was entirely too lethal.

I updated the character creation section to clarify the Capacity rules, especially regarding how much each Specialty can safely carry and how much all the collective gear the Specialty is already carrying weighs.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/06/01 10:07:22

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Updated the Dark Angels Chapter entry to modify the uses for Fragment of Caliban and add Legendary Stubbornness ability to Tacticals and Devastators.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I changed the cost of improving the Skill Stat from impossible to affordable. Also changed the cost of purchasing new Ratings in Skills from never (10xp, 15xp, and 20xp) to plausible (3xp, 6xp, and 9xp). For Scouts and Neophytes this reduction is slightly different (4xp, 8xp, and 12xp) to reflect that they are still new to being supermen.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/03 00:30:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Here are some campaign-specific special rules for using different Adversarial Factions.

Using Thousand Sons and Tzeentch Daemons as Adversaries

Special Rules

Mindless Automatons
: Rubric Marines and Scarab Occult Terminators always treat their Leadership as 10, regardless of modifiers. And, for the purposes of this Campaign, Rubric Marines have 2 Wounds, and Scarab Occult Terminators have 3 Wounds each, yet remain categorized as Minions. If a Rubric Marine is reduced to 1 Wound, it gains the ability to ignore any further Wounds on the D6 roll of a 5+. Scarab Occult Terminators ignore further Wounds on the D6 roll of a 4+ once they reach 1.

Psychic Supremacy: all Tzeentch-aligned models able to use Psychic Powers, can cast +1 Power per Turn and make +1 Deny attempts per Turn. If a model opts to use only 1 Power on their Turn, they instead gain +2 to their casting attempt. If this results in a die roll totalling more than 12, roll on the "Gifts of a Capricious God" table after resolving any Mortal Wounds.

Plans Within Plans: at the start of any Mission featuring any number of Thousand Sons, Tzaangor, or Tzeentch-aligned Daemonic engine or Daemon, the GM places an Objective Marker as close to the center of the board as terrain allows. Then, starting with the player(s), the GM alternates placing 5 other Objective Markers on the table, where no Objective marker can be closer than 9" from any other or any board edge. Roll to randomly determine the numerical identification of each Marker, 1 through 6. The GM then creates a deck using only Objective cards that reference the numbered Objective Markers for these Adversaries (from 8th edition or, alternatively you can roll a D6). At the beginning of each of the GM's Turns they draw a card and leave it in play until it is achieved or the Mission ends. Any time any of these Objectives are achieved, the GM generates 3D3 Alotment that can be spent on Reserve forces or saved and added to subsequent rolls. Unspent Alotment is lost at the end of the Mission.

Least Favored: chaos cultist casualties do not trigger morale tests for Rubric Marines, Scarab Occult Terminators, Daemons, or Sorcerers of any kind.

Gifts of a Capricious God: for +1 Alotment (and sometimes for other reasons), any model may roll on the following table and apply the results immediately.

D6 Roll / Result
1 / scintilating brilliance. This model is +1 to be hit in the enemy's Shooting Phase and may always be selected as a target, even if another model is closer. Additionally, Tzaangor that can draw line of sight to this model gain +1 Leadership.

2 / bristling with mutation. Reduce this model's Move by -2", but increase its Toughness by +1. Rubric Marines that roll this result instead gain nothing.

3 / prove yourself worthy. When this model achieves a "Plans Within Plans" Objective during the course of the game, it gains +1" Movement, +1 Strength, and +1 Attack until the end of the Mission.

4 / on wings of chaos. Whenever this model Advances do not roll a die. Instead add +9" to its Movement. Additionally this model automatically passes any Jumping tests, up to its normal distance limit.

5 / favored by the Warp. Increase this model's Invulnerable Save by +1 or, if had none to begin with, grant this model a 5+ Invulnerable Save

6 / Fated. This model gains a single re-roll at the start of every Turn that may be used for any reason (except to re-roll a re-roll). Unused re-rolls carry over into the next Turn, but are lost at the end of the Mission.

Dark Fate: every time a Thousand Sons Sorcerer, Tzaangor Shaman, or Tzeentch Daemon successfully casts a Psychic Power they also gain a single re-roll they can use for any reason during the course of the Mission (including for any other Psychic Powers they attempt to use this Turn). Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

Crawling Chaos: roll a D6 for every Deathwatch Marine deployed at the end of any Mission featuring these Adversaries. On a 6, that Marine gains +1 Corruption. For every 9 Tzaangor, Rubric Marines, Sorcerers, and/or Daemons on the table at the end of the Mission, add +1 to each of these die rolls.


Using World Eaters and Khorne Daemons as Adversaries

Special Rules

Always Frenzied
: the first time a Khorne Berserker can draw line of sight to any model causing a Wound during the Fight Phase, that Berserker doubles the number of Attacks on its profile. If the Berserker causes a Wound on a Deathwatch Marine, it additionally gains +1 Attack until the end of the Mission.

Insensative to Pain: for the purposes of this campaign all Khorne-aligned models that suffer a Wound may ignore that Wound on the D6 roll of a 6+. This is improved to 5+ during the Fight Phase.

Blood for the Blood God!: for every 8 models removed as casualties, friend or foe, the GM may add a single Bloodletter daemon to their Adversarial Reserves. These daemons can only Deploy if there are at least 4 of them and arrive 8" away from the largest close combat brawl on the table. If no close combat is happening, these daemons must remain in Reserve. Daemons that never deploy are lost at the end of the Mission, but do not count as destroyed for the purposes of Objectives.

Least Favored: chaos cultist casualties do not trigger morale tests for Khorne Berserkers or Khornate daemons.

Skulls for the Skull Throne: for +1 Alotment (and for other reasons), any model may roll on the following table and apply the results immediately.

D6 Roll / Result
1 / Bloodsplosion! This model explodes in a shower of gore. Immediately replace the model with a Herald of Khorne who then Charges the nearest model, friend or foe (if this roll is made before the game begins, instead remove D3 Alotment from your pool). The Herald cannot fall back, and is immune to morale tests. It will continue to fight that model until it or they are removed as casualties. If the Herald wins, it may act as normal afterwards.

2 / at one with my weapons. This model cannot be disarmed.

3 / prove yourself worthy. When this model removes the last Wound of any other living model (not robots or sentry guns), the GM may add a Bloodletter to their Reserves. This ability allows this model to Charge and Fight friendly models

4 / on wings of chaos. Whenever this model Advances do not roll a die. Instead add +8" to its Movement. Additionally this model automatically passes any Jumping tests, up to its normal distance limit.

5 / favored by Khorne. Increase this model's Attacks by +1. Additionally, a Hit roll of 6 in the Fight Phase generates an additional Attack this round.

6 / Exalted. If this model scores at least 1 hit in the Fight Phase, they cause a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage.

Dark Favor: every time a Khornate Chaos Marine or Khorne Daemon successfully removes a Deathwatch Marine as a casualty they gain a single re-roll they can use for any reason during the course of the Mission. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission. Alternatively, that model may roll on the "Skulls for the Skull Throne" table above instead of taking the re-roll.

Raining Blood: roll a D6 at the end of any Turn where 1 or more models, friend or foe, was removed as a casualty. Add +1 to this roll for every 8 Wounds that were inflicted this Turn. On the roll of an 8+, a tear in the fabric of reality opens and burning blood pours through like vermillion rain. Treat all terrain as Difficult next Turn.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/03 16:00:41

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Death Guard and Nurgle Daemons as Adversaries

Special Rules

Children of the Plague God
: for the purposes of this campaign, all Death Guard, Poxwalkers, and Nurgle daemons gain the Miasma7 Trait. Additionally, Poxwalkers gain the Contagion3 Trait, Death Guard Marines and Terminators gain the Contagion5 Trait, and Nurgle daemons gain the Contagion7 Trait. Note that these models inflict Wounds on each other, if a model with a lesser Contagion Moves into a higher Contagion's Miasma.

Deathless Suffering: all Nurgle-aligned models gain the ability to ignore Mortal Wounds on the D6 roll of a 5+. Additionally, all Nurgle-aligned models gain +1 Wound on their profile.

Spreading Poppa Nurgle's Gifts: every time an enemy model suffers a Wound from any model's Contagion Trait, the GM rolls a D6, adding +1 for every Wound so inflicted this Turn. On the roll of a 7+, the GM may add a single Plague Bearer to their Adversarial Reserves. These daemons may only deploy if there are at least 7 of them and they materialize within the overlap of the most Miasma Traits on the table. If there isn't a single overlap, these models cannot deploy. Undeployed Reserves are lost at the end of the Mission, but do not count as destroyed for the purposes of Mission Objectives. If criteria to deploy these models exist, the GM cannot withhold these Reserves; they must be deployed if they are eligible to do so.

Least Favored: chaos cultist casualties do not trigger morale tests for Deathguard, Poxwalkers, or Nurgle Daemons of any kind.

New Sicknesses to Endure: for +1 Allotment, any model may roll on the following table and apply the results immediately.

D6 Roll / Result
1 / just flies. This model reduces its Toughness to 1, but increases its Wounds by +7. Change its WS to 6+ and its BS to "-" (flies lack the strength and coordination to hold or shoot guns). The model losses its Armor Save, but gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save. This model cannot carry anything.

2 / bursting with mutation. Reduce this model's Move by -2", but increase its Wounds by +1. If this model is removed as a casualty it explodes, causing D3 Mortal Wounds to the models within 3" of it.

3 / prove yourself worthy. When this model inflicts 1 or more Wounds with its Contagion during the course of the game, it gains +1 Contagion, +1 Toughness, and +1 Attack until the end of the Mission.

4 / the slime of chaos. Whenever this model Advances do not roll a die. Instead add +7" to its Movement. Additionally this model is unaffected by Difficult Terrain.

5 / favored by Plague. This model is -1 to be hit in the Shooting Phase or, if it already possesses an ability like this, it improves that ability by 1.

6 / Undying. Whenever this model is reduced to 0 (zero) Wounds, but before it is removed as a casualty, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the model regenerates 1 Wound.

Sickening Favor: every time a Deathguard Sorcerer, Plague Caster, or Nurgle Daemon successfully casts a Psychic Power they also gain a single re-roll they can use to re-roll a failed Armor Save, a failed Invulnerable Save, or a failed Wound roll. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

Crawling Contagion: roll a D6 for every Deathwatch Marine deployed at the end of any Mission featuring these Adversaries. On a 6, that Marine gains +1 Corruption. For every 7 Poxwalkers, Deathguard Marines, Plaguecasters, and/or Daemons on the table at the end of the Mission, add +1 to each of these die rolls.


Using Emperor's Children and Slaanesh Daemons as Adversaries

Special Rules

Ecstasy of the Immaterium
: for the purposes of this campaign, all Slaanesh-aligned models gain the Fearsome Trait and a 5+ Invulnerable Save in the Fight Phase.

Pain is Pleasure: any time a Slaanesh-aligned model suffers a Wound, whether they make their Save or not (as long as they are still alive), they gain a +1 modifier that they may apply to a Morale check, a Wound roll, or a Characteristic test on their next Turn. Unused modifiers are lost when the subsequent player(s)' Turn begins.

She Thirsts: every time any model suffers a Wound for any reason, the GM rolls a D6. On the roll of a 6, they may add a single Daemonette to their Adversarial Reserves. These daemons may only deploy if there are at least 6 of them and when they become available, materialize 6" from the model that inflicted the most number of Wounds last Turn, friend or foe. Undeployed Reserves are lost at the end of the Mission, but do not count as destroyed for the purposes of Mission Objectives. If criteria to deploy these models exist, the GM cannot withhold these Reserves; they must be deployed if they are eligible to do so.

Least Favored: chaos cultist casualties do not trigger morale tests for any Slaanesh-aligned models.

Sensations of Void and Fever: for +1 Allotment, any model may roll on the following table and apply the results immediately.

D6 Roll / Result
1 / cacophonous screaming. This model cannot Move, Advance, or Charge. Once deployed this model stays put until killed, screaming as loud as it can. It gains the Miasma6 Trait. Any Slaaneshi model that moves into this model's Miasmic Aura gains the Fearless Trait. All other models that move into this aura treat this model as Terrifying.

2 / writhing mutation. Reduce this model's Move by -2", but increase its Attacks by +1. Chaos cultists who can draw line of sight to this model gain +1 Leadership

3 / prove yourself worthy. If this model is reduced to 0 or fewer Wounds the GM rolls a D6. On a 4+ this model is not removed as a casualty and instead regenerates D3 Wounds.

4 / swiftest. Whenever this model Advances do not roll a die. Instead add +6" to its Movement. Additionally this model may Charge, even after it Advances.

5 / elevated by sin. Improve this model's WS to 2+. If its WS is already 2+, it instead gains +1 Strength.

6 / Supreme. This model gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save during the Fight Phase, may parry one of its enemy's Attacks (just like the Talent of the same name on the Melee Tree), and +1 Attack if any of their opponents have more Attacks than they do.

Favored of the Thirsting One: every time an Emperor's Children Sorcerer or Slaanesh Daemon successfully casts a Psychic Power they also gain a single re-roll they can use to re-roll a failed hit roll, a failed Wound roll, or to force an enemy model to re-roll a successful Armor Save. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

The Corruption of Insatiable Lust: roll a D6 for every Deathwatch Marine deployed at the end of any Mission featuring these Adversaries. On a 6, that Marine gains +1 Corruption. For every 6 Slaaneshi Daemons on the table at the end of the Mission, add +1 to each of these die rolls.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/04 21:33:03

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Black Legion and other Undivided Chaos Forces as Adversaries

Special Rules

Sanity is for the Weak
: for the purposes of this campaign, all Undivided Chaos Astartes treat their Leadership as 10 and may re-roll their failed Morale checks as long as the number of Chaos Space Marine models on the table outnumber the Deathwatch.

Ancient Hatred: Chaos Marines that are either Undivided or unaligned, may always re-roll hit rolls of 1 versus Deathwatch models in the Fight Phase.

Death to the Lapdogs of the False: whenever an Undivided or unaligned Chaos Space Marine removes the last Wound from a Deathwatch Marine or Inquisitorial Agent, it may immediately roll on the "Boons of Choas" chart below.

Least Favored: chaos cultist casualties do not trigger morale tests for any Chaos Space Marines

Boons of Chaos: for +1 Allotment (and for other reasons), any model may roll on the following table and apply the results immediately.

D6 Roll / Result
1 / Good Job. This model gains a +1 bonus to their very next D6 roll.

2 / useful mutation. Roll a D3. On a 1, increase this model's Move by +3". On a 2, increase this model's Attacks by +1. On a 3, increase this model's Strength by +1. Chaos cultists who can draw line of sight to this model gain +1 Leadership

3 / you are worthy. This model gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save. If they already have an Invulnerable Save, improve that save by +1.

4 / on wings of chaos. This model gains the <Fly> keyword. Additionally this model may Charge, even after it Advances.

5 / on the path to glory. Improve this model's BS to 2+. If its BS is already 2+, it instead gains +1 Toughness.

6 / chosen. This model gains +1 Attack, +1 Wounds, and +1 Leadership.

Favor of the Gods: every time a chaos sorcerer successfully casts a Psychic Power they also gain a single re-roll they can use to re-roll a failed re-roll or they can sacrifice the re-roll to ignore a single Mortal Wound. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

Do you Hear the Voices, Too?!?: roll a D6 for every Deathwatch Marine deployed at the end of any Mission featuring these Adversaries. On a 6, that Marine gains an additional +1 Corruption.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Using Ork Forces as Adversaries

Speshul Roolz

Tough as Nailz
: for the purposes of this campaign, all Orks (not weedy gretchin or squigs) gain +1 Wound and may ignore the first Wound they suffer every Mission on the D6 roll of a 4+, unless the Wound was inflicted with a weapon whose Strength was twice or more the Ork's Toughness.

Made fer Fightin': Ork boyz and Ork Nobz armed with slugga and choppa gain +1 Attack when they Charge.

WAAAGH!: for every 5 Orks that are engaged in Close Combat at the end of a Turn, add D6 Ork Boyz to the GM's Adversarial Reserves. These Orks may only Deploy if there are 5 or more of them, but enter the table via whatever methods the Mission details. Undeployed Orkz are lost at the end of a Mission, but do not count as Destroyed for the purposes of Mission Objectives. If criteria to deploy these models exist, the GM cannot withhold these Reserves; they must be deployed if they are eligible to do so.

Dey Jus' Weedy Grots: gretchin and squig casualties do not trigger morale tests for any Orks

Low Kunnin': for +1 Allotment each, the GM may take any of the following.

'Eavy Armer: One model gains a 4+ Armor Save.

Booby Trap: Place D3 Loot Markers anywhere on the table. Space Marines that move into base to base contact with any of these Markers roll a D6. On a 4+, the Loot inside is worth +D3 Esteem with any Admech Faction they choose to give it to. On a 1-3, the Loot box explodes causing D3 automatic hits on all models within 3" at Strength 5 with an AP -1 and Damage 1.

Personal Ammo Grot: One Ork may take a second Shooting Phase, once per Mission.

Know Whats: Grants one Ork Nob the Big an' Mean Trait - once per Mission all Ork clusters of 5 or more within 6" of this model may suffer D3 Strength 4, AP -, Damage 1 hits to ignore a failed morale test. Wounds caused by this Trait do not count towards the morale test.

Alternatively, this may be used to grant an Ork Nob the Tinkerin' Trait - once per Mission this Nob may restore D3 Wounds to any Ork vehicle within 3" of this Nob, up to its maximum.

Or a nob may be given the Dok Trait - once per Mission this Nob may restore up to D6 Wounds to any Orks within 6" of it, distributed as the GM sees fit, up to the model's maximum. This may also be used on Orks that were already removed as casualties.

Sneakyness: One Ork may Deploy anywhere on the table, out of line of sight of any Deathwatch Marine model at the start of the Mission

Supa-stikkbommz: One Ork armed with Stikkbomms upgrades them to "supa". 2D6 shots and +1 Strength

Sneakiest: for every 5 Kommandos the GM takes, they may add D3 additional Loot Markers to the table, setting them up after Deployment, but before the first Turn begins.

Escalation: at the start of every Mission after the first where Orks are featured, roll a D6. On a 4+, the GM may increase that Mission's Allotment by +2D6, as long as those points are used to buy Orks or upgrades for the other Orks already in the GM's pool.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/06 00:24:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Dark Mechanicum as Adversaries

Special Rules

Devotees of the Dragon
: for the purposes of this campaign, when using Admech as Dark Mechanicum, any character may be given a Mark of Chaos (see the Codex Heretic Astartes). Additionally, all Admech forces change their Faction Keywords to: <Chaos>, <Dark Mechanicum>, and <Daemon>. Lastly, any model with the <Daemonic Engine> Keyword from Codex Heretic Astartes and the Imperium Nihilus books become options of this Adversarial Faction, changing their <Keywords> to match the above.

For every 10 Minions aligned to this Faction, the GM may include a single model with an Icon of Chaos. Icons of Chaos have an effect according the closest model with a Mark of Chaos. (See Codex Heretic Astartes for details.

Innovative Heresy: all Dark Mechanicum infantry have the Tech1 Skill with a Skill stat of 5+.

Accursed: all <Dark Mechanicum> models have the Irradiated Trait. <Infantry> also have the Miasma1 Trait, <Vehicle> have Miasma2, and <Daemonic Engine> have Miasma3.

The First Imperative: for every 10 models with the Keyword <Dark Mechanicum> that the GM has in their Adversarial Pool, they may place 1 additional Generator, Terminal, or Keypad and corresponding Sentry (Alarm or Turret) anywhere on the board at least 10" from any table edge. These technological emplacements begin the Mission at Miniscule Power. Any <Dark Mechanicum> model that increses the Power Level of any Tech emplacement on the table may immediately roll on the "Dragon's Blessing" table detailed below.

Battlefield Fodder: Skitarii casualties do not trigger Morale tests in <Dark Mechanicum> models with 3 or more Wounds.

Dragon's Blessing: for +1 Alotment (and sometimes for other reasons), any model may roll on the following table and immediately apply the result.

D6 Roll / Effect
1 / microcoding transcendance. This model's black blood self-replicates and overtakes their entire form, turning them into a pillar of immobile steel. They cannot Move, Advance, or Charge. If the GM rolls this result before the game begins, deploy the model and it remains there until removed as a casualty. All <Dark Mechanicum> forces that can draw line of sight to this model gain +1 Leadership.

2 / the weakness of flesh. Roll a D3. On a 1, reduce this model's Move by -2", but increase its Wounds by +1. On a 2, increase this model's Attacks by +1, but its Toughness is reduced by 1. On a 3, increase this model's Toughness by +1, but reduce its Attacks by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

3 / is this the destiny of man? Increase this model's Leadership by +1. If the GM so desires, they may also roll again on this chart, applying all results.

4 / swift as the heralds. Increase this model's Move by +3". Additionally, this model may fall from any height without taking damage.

5 / pneumonic capacity. If this model can already use Psychic Powers, they gain the ability to attempt to manifest a second power every Turn until the end of the Mission. If this model is not a psyker, they may now attempt to manifest 1 Psychic Power every Turn and now know Smite.

6 / Epiphany. Increase this model's Attacks, Toughness, and Strength by +1 each.

Tech Heresy: any <Dark Mechanicum> character with 3 or more Wounds may select up to two Psychic Powers from the Technomancy Discipline found in the Iron Hands Codex Supplement. If this option is taken, that model also gains the Smite psychic power. These characters may attempt to manifest 1 Psychic power and make 2 Deny attempts per Turn.

Machine Infection: at the end of any Mission featuring these Adversaries, roll a D6 for each Deathwatch Marine that participated. On the roll of a 6, one randomly selected item of wargear that marine is carrying is permanently destroyed. If this item is unique, the Marine also loses 1 Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/06 13:53:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Regular Adeptus Mechanicus Forces as Adversaries

Special Rules

Noospheric Tactical Uplink
: for the purposes of this campaign, if any Admech forces can draw line of sight to a Deathwatch Marine, all Admech forces on the table are tactically aware of that Marine. Admech forces move in a tactically intelligent fashion; their lowliest minions will seek cover, lay in ambush, or concentrate fire on the most dangerous foe. Admech forces may ignore the normal Minion imperative to fire at the closest target and instead fire upon any target in range.

Logis Imperative: all Skitarii, Sicarians, and Admech Characters have the Tech1 Skill with a Skill stat of 5+.

The Quest for Knowledge: at the start of the Mission, but before Units are deployed, the GM places 3 Objective Markers. These Markers should be on or near any Tech Emplacements, if possible. If not they should be at least 3" from any board edge and near or on terrain pieces that look "technological". The GM may deploy their Adversarial forces according to the Mission paramenters or within 3" of these Markers. Every game Turn, any Admech within 3" of these Markers at the start of their Turn (during the Command Phase if using 9th edition rules) may attempt to use their Tech Skill. If successful, the Admech forces gain a single re-roll that may be used for any reason that Turn. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Player(s)' Turn. These Objective Markers count as Tertiary Objectives for Deathwatch forces and, when captured, yield 2D3 Esteem worth of tech that may be traded with any Admech Faction from the [++Redacted++].

Battlefield Fodder: Skitarii casualties do not trigger Morale tests for Admech Character models.

Sanctioned Augmentation: for +1 Allotment each, any model may be equipped with items from the following table.

Item: Description
Locomotive Augmentation: increase this model's Move by +3"

Close Combat Mechadendrite: increase this model's Attacks by +1.

Logis Node: increase this model's Leadership by +1.

Machine Conversion: increase this model's Toughness by +1.

Machine Transcendance: improve this model's Armor Save by 1 (to a maximum of 2+).

Core Augmentation: increase this model's Strength by +1.

Resilience of the Machine: any Admech character with a Leadership of 9 or more, may make 1 attempt to Deny the Witch per Turn.

Noospheric Infiltration: at the end of any Mission featuring these Adversaries, roll a D6 for each Deathwatch Marine that participated. For every roll of a 5+, Admech forces increase their Allotment by +3 in subsequent Missions that feature them.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/06 21:41:35

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Drukhari as Adversaries

Special Rules

Aeonic Arrogance
: for the purposes of this campaign, all <Drukhari> Characters have the Fearless Trait.

Pitiless Contempt: if a Drukhari scores one or more unsaved Wounds against any enemy models on its Turn, increase its weapon's rate of fire by 1 in all categories on its next Turn, if it survives.

Torment, Enslavement, and Nothing Else: in any Mission featuring <Drukhari> forces, the player(s) may opt to add D3 Tertiary Objectives. These Objectives are each to rescue D6 Lost Servitors, D3 unarmed Menials, or 1 Mid-tier Adept. The GM alternates with the player(s) in placing these models. The Servitors have the standard profile as given in the Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus, the unarmed Menials have the profile of a Skitarii Alpha, except without any of the weapons from that same Codex, and the Mid-tier Adept has the same profile as an Enginseer, again from the same source. If Drukhari forces successfully Charge these models without any Deathwatch Marines within 1" of them, the lost Adeptus Mechanicus are automatically captured. Each captured model grants the GM a single re-roll that can be used for any reason. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

These Tertiary Objective models cannot Move unless a Deathwatch Marine moves to within 12" of them and the Admech can draw line of sight to the Marines, in which case they immediately move D6" towards the nearest visible Deathwatch model. Deathwatch models have to move to within 1" of these models to gain control of them and thereafter escort them to whatever extraction point the Mission dictates. If the Extraction for this Mission is Teleportarium, then once the Deathwatch get within 1" of these models they are immediately removed from the table and count as Rescued. Rescued models can be turned over to any Admech Faction. Servitors are worth 1 Esteem each, Menials are worth D3 Esteem each, and a Mid-tier Adept is worth 2D3 Esteem when turned over to a Faction.

Sadistic: if an enemy model in line of sight of a <Drukhari> suffers one or more Wounds, test that Drukhari's Strength. If they pass they gain a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of their Turn. If they fail, they gain +1 Attack until the end of their Turn.

Implements of Pain: for +1 Allotment each, the GM may equip any model with items from the following list

Item: description
Flayer Acid: this may be applied to any melee weapon, improving that weapon's AP by 1.

Tormentor Needle: this is melee weapon with the following profile: Strength*, AP -, Damage 1, Poisoned. If any Wounds are scored with this weapon, the victim must also test their Toughness or become immediately Shaken.

Bone Seeker Ammo: this may be applied to any Splinter weapon, improving that weapon's AP by1.

Withering Touch: this is a melee Attack that may be used once per Turn. If it hits, the target must test its Strength or suffer -1 Toughness for the remainder of this Fight Phase.

Flicker Cage: this is a grenade with the following profile: Grenade1, Range 8", Strength* (always Wounds on a 4+, regardless of Toughness), AP -, Damage 1. Models hit by a Flicker Cage are immobilized until the end of the Mission. Alternatively, the model trapped inside may attempt a Strength test at the start of each of its Turns (during the Command Phase if you're using 9th edition rules). If it passes its Strength test, it frees itself from the effects and may act as normal.

Shard Mine: this is an Emplaced munition. At the start of the game, but before the first Turn begins, the GM writes down the specific, secret location of this Mine (which may be placed anywhere on the table at least 6" away from the Space Marine Deployment Zone). Any Deathwatch model with the Demolition Skill that moves within 3" of its location immediately detects the device; otherwise, when any Deathwatch marine moves within 1" of the hidden mine it detonates, causing a 1 Mortal Wound on all models within 3" of it.

She Thirsts: if any <Aeldari> model is slain within line of sight of a Drukhari Character, that Character gains a single re-roll they can use for any reason during the course of the Mission. Only one re-roll per Character can be generated per Turn, but multiple Characters can gain their re-roll from the same Aeldari's death. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

Trail of Blood: If any Deathwatch models have been removed as casualties this Mission, roll a D6 for each. On the roll of a 1, that model has been spirited away by the Dark Eldar, never to be seen again. They are permanently removed from the squad roster. Sympathetic GMs may opt for future side quests where the Objective is to rescue this captured marine, but this is totally optional.


Using Asuryani as Adversaries

Special Rules

: in any Mission where Craftworld Aeldari are used, after Deployment, but before the first Turn begins, the GM may Redeploy as many of their Asuryani models as there are Deathwatch Marines on the table. These models may be placed anywhere on the revealed terrain that is out of line of sight of all Deathwatch Marines.

Every Aeldari Soul: if an <Asuryani> model can draw line of sight to an Aeldari model when it is removed as a casualty and is also within 6" of a Warlock or a Farseer, they gain the Fearless Trait until the end of their next Turn.

Corsairs: in any Mission featuring <Asuryani> forces, the GM places D3 Tertiary Objectives anywhere within 9" of the board edge opposite to where the Deathwatch deploy. Every Turn that there are more Aeldari models than Deathwatch models within 3" of any of these Objectives, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason. Each Objective generates 1 re-roll per Turn until captured by The Deathwatch. Once captured, remove the Marker. Deathwatch Marines that complete these Tertiary Objectives gain +1XP, but no Renown.

Children of Prophecy: <Asuryani> Farseers gain +2 to all psychic casting attempts, but still only perils on natural double 1s or natural double 6s. <Asuryani> Warlocks gain +1 to all psychic casting attempts, but still only perils on natural double 1s or natural double 6s. Additionally, all Aeldari Psykers gain the Warlock Trait.

From the Anvil of Vaul: for +1 Allotment each, the GM may equip any model with items from the following list

Item: description
Wraithbone Reinforcement: improve this model's Armor Save in Close Combat only by 1 (to a mximum of 2+).

Crystalline Attunement: this may be applied to any melee weapon, increasing that weapon's Strength by +1.

Esoteric Ammo: this may be applied to any Shuriken weapon, improving that weapon's AP by1.

Towards Aspect: only available for Guardians. Pick one of the following items of wargear and apply it to this model: Banshee Mask, Warp Jump Generator, or Mandiblaster.

Domino Field: this model gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and are -1 to be hit with Shooting attacks if they Advanced during their own Movement Phase.

Integrated Wraith Circuit: all models equipped with this device add +1 to their hit rolls on Turns when they have Advanced.

Precious Waystones: every <Aeldari> model slain becomes a Tertiary Objective for both sides. If the Deathwatch reach the body first, they loot the waystone, which they may trade to any Admech Faction for +1 Esteem. If the <Asuryani> forces reach the body first, the GM gains +1 re-roll that may be used for any reason this Mission. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission. In either case, remove the body after it has been looted.

The Skeins of Fate: roll a D6 at the end of any Mission featuring <Asuryani> Adversaries. On the roll of a 1, advance the Doomclock by +D3 hours. On the roll of a 6, reduce the DoomClock by -D3 hours.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/09 23:37:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Aeldari Harlequins as Adversaries

Special Rules

: for the purposes of this campaign, all <Harlequin> Infantry models count as having the Assassin Strike, Parry, Melee Master, Swift, and Sprinter Talents.

No Mere Minions, These: for the purposes of this campaign, all Minion-qualifying <Harlequin> models cost 5 Allotment instead of 1. Removing one of these models as a casualty earns the Marine responsible +1 additional XP and +1 additional Renown.

Ritual Danse: on any Turn, the GM may opt to have any number of <Harlequin> models Play their Part instead of Moving or Advancing normally. These models may Move up to 1" in any direction. All Deathwatch Marine models that can draw line of sight to 1 or more "Dansing" Harlequins must test their Leadership with a +1 modifier to their D6 roll for each "Danser" they can see. Models that fail this test by 1 are Shaken and those that fail by 2 or more become Pinned.

According to Fate: in any Mission featuring <Harlequin> forces, the GM selects 2 Deathwatch Marines at random. These cannot be the same Marine. If the first Marine never suffers a single Wound for any reason during this Mission, then in all subsequent Missions that feature Harlequin models, the GM's forces gain a single re-roll that may be used for any reason. If the 2nd marine selected is reduced to 0 Wounds this Mission, Harlequin forces gain another re-roll in all subsequent Missions. These re-roll gains are cumulative.

The Second Act: starting on the 3rd Turn of the Mission, roll a D6 for each surviving <Harlequin> character on the table. On the roll of a 5+, that model may either add +3" to its Move, regenerate 1 lost Wound, or add +1 Attack. These bonuses stack and last until the model is either removed as a casualty or the Mission ends, whichever comes first.

Essential Props: for +2 Allotment each, the GM may equip any model with items from the following list:

Item: description
Duplicator Field: add 2 additional, similar-looking (or identically posed) Harlequin models to the GM's Adversarial Pool. These models do not cost Allotment and must be deployed together, within 6" of each other. They Move together as one, and act together as one, because - technically - they are all the same character. The GM only shoots once for all 3, but as they are all armed identically, may draw line of sight from any one of them when doing so. Each time 1 of these models are Wounded add +1 to their Saves for each model beyond the first that is still alive (If all 3 are alive, all models add +2; if there are 2 left, they both gain +1; if only 1 is left there is no bonus).

Witnessing: this is a poison that may be applied to any melee weapon. On the first Wounding hit of a Mission with this weapon, the victim must test their Toughness whether they pass their Save or not. A model that fails this Toughness test cannot take any Actions - can't Move, Advance, Use Psychic Powers, Shoot, Use any Skills, Charge, defend itself in the Fight Phase, or Fall Back - for the duration of its next Turn.

Phantom Shield: this is an ablative Invulnerable Save that starts off granting a 2+ Save, each time the bearer fails an Invulnerable Save, the Phantom Shield's protection is reduced by 1 (from 2+ to 3+, to 4+, to 5+, etc). If the Phantom Shield reaches 5+ and the bearer is still alive, the model may immediately teleport off the battlefield, becoming a reoccurring Character with +1 Wound, +1 Attack, and +1 Leadership.

Regenerating Waystone: at the end of any Turn where this model has lost 1 or more Wounds, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, this model regenerates 1 Wound, up to its maximum it started the game with.

Domino Field: this model is -1 to be hit with Shooting attacks if they Advanced during their own Movement Phase.

Integrated Wraith Circuit: all models equipped with this device add +1 to their hit rolls on Turns when they have Advanced.

Precious Waystones: every <Aeldari> model slain becomes a Tertiary Objective for both sides. If the Deathwatch reach the body first, they loot the waystone, which they may trade to any Admech Faction for +1 Esteem or save them for future interactions with <Aeldari> Factions if the GM intends to use the "Note About Waystones" rules to follow. If the <Asuryani> forces reach the body first, the GM gains +1 re-roll that may be used for any reason this Mission. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission. In either case, remove the body after it has been looted.

The Third Act: roll a D6 at the end of any Mission featuring <Harlequin> Adversaries. On the roll of a 1, advance the Doomclock by +D3 hours. On the roll of a 6, add +2D6 to the Allotment of any future Missions that feature <Harlequin> Adversaries.


*A Note Regarding Waystones

Waystones need not be immediately traded in for Esteem. If the players so desire (and the GM actually has a significant Aeldari collection), they may save these Waystones as potential bargaining chips with future Factions of Aeldari that may or may not arrive in the future or subsequent campaigns.


Using Genestealer Cults as Adversaries

Special Rules

Brood Vanguard
: for the purposes of this Campaign, all Purestrain Genestealers and Aberrants have +1 Wound.

Fell and Feral: all Purestrain Genestealers have the Ferocious Trait. Additionally, only up to 6 Purestrain Genestealers may deploy at the start of any Mission. All other Genestealers must be held in Adversarial Reserves and must wait until at least the 2nd Turn to deploy. The GM rolls a number of D6s equal to the Turn number, starting with the second Turn. The total of these dice is the number of Genestealer Adversarial Reserves that can deploy each new Turn.

Iconic Spacehulk Adversaries: in any Mission featuring Genestealer Cult Adversaries, the GM may deploy their forces as blip markers rather than individual models. These blips stay in play and move up to 6" until a Deathwatch Marine or one of their allied models can draw line of sight to it. Then the GM rolls a D6-2 (minimum 0) to determine how many models that blip represents. These models must be placed within 6" of the Blip's position. Afterwards the blip marker is removed and added back into the Adversarial Reserves pool. At the start of every Turn, the GM gains up to 6 additional blip markers (or however many are left in the pool) up to the maximum number of remaining Adversarial Reserves.

Note that these blips are optional and that they can be used in conjunction with the Fell and Feral rules presented above.

One Thousand Generations: Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids may be purchased 2 models per Allotment point.

Rapid Adaptation: for +1 Allotment each, the GM may equip any model with 1 or more biomorphs from the following list:

Biomorph: description
Minerial Chitin: improve this model's Armor Save by 1 (to a maximum of 2+).

Feeder Maw: this model gains an extra Attack in the Fight Phase at Strength as user, AP -1, Damage 1. If this Attack scores a Wound, the Genestealer Cult Adversaries gain a single re-roll that can be used for any reason. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

Flesh Hooks: this model may climb up or down any surface without having to make a Climbing test.

Promethean Blood: if this model is Wounded during the Fight Phase all enemy models within 1" of it suffer a single Strength 3, AP -, Damage 1 hit with the Ablaze Quality. If this model is Wounded during the Shooting Phase and survives, its Melee Attacks gain the Ablaze Quality during their next Fight Phase.

Synaptic Node: this model and all Genestealer Cult models within 6" of it gain the Fearless Trait.

Chameleonic Flesh: this model may be held in Adversarial Reserve and reveal on any Turn, at the end of the Adversaries' Movement Phase anywhere on the table more than 3" away from any enemy models.

Genetic Theft: if there are any servitors, tech menials, or other lesser human allies accompanying the Deatwatch on their Mission, the Genestealer Cult will prioritize engaging those models in the Fight Phase over all other objectives. For each of these types of models the Genestealer Cult removes as casualties in the Fight Phase, these Adversaries gain 5 free Allotment to be spent on Rapid Adaptations in all future Missions featuring these Adversaries.

Growing Infestation: roll a D6 at the end of any Mission featuring <Genestealer Cult> Adversaries. On the roll of a 4+ increase the Allotment of all future Missions by 2D3, regardless of the Adversaries encountered.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/11 20:55:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Tyranids as Adversaries

Special Rules

Synaptic Overmind
: even in Missions where the GM does not deploy any models with the <Synapse> keyword, all <Tyranid> models are assumed to be in <Synapse> range starting on the first Turn of every Mission. Starting with the 2nd Turn, roll a D6 for each cluster (a "cluster" is defined as models in the 2" coherency range described in the 40k rulebook) of 10 or fewer Tyranid models at the start of the Turn (during the Command Phase if using 9th edition). On the roll of a 1, the cluster becomes Shaken. On the roll of a 6, the GM may grant the cluster +1 to their Armor Saves in cover or +1" to their Advance rolls for the duration of the Turn. On Turn 3, models become Shaken on a 1 or 2. On Turn 4, it becomes 1-3; Turn 5 1-4, and on Turns 6 and all beyond 1-5. Models in <Synapse> range do not need to roll this test.

Note that clusters of 11 or more models, all in coherency, do not need to make this roll.

In Numbers Beyond Counting: for the purposes of this campaign, all Termagant and Hormagaunt models may be purchased by the GM at 2 models per 1 Allotment. Ripper Swarms also always count as Minions regardless of how many Wounds they have (meaning each ripper swarm base only costs 1 Allotment and only counts as a Minion kill when their last Wound is removed).

They Even Eat Their Own Dead: whenever a Tyranid model with 3 or more Wounds is killed, leave the model on the table, laying down. This model becomes a Tertiary Objective. All Ripper Swarms on the Battlefield must Advance directly towards the nearest fallen creature. If they Move into base to base contact with the body, they begin to devour it, completely eliminating the body in a number of Phases equal to the number of Wounds on the model's profile. Any Deathwatch or allied model may Shoot at this corpse, hitting on a 2+ or, if the Shooting model's Ballistic Skill (BS) is already 2+, hitting automatically. These hits also automatically Wound. The Deathwatch must cause Damage equal to triple the target's starting Wounds to completely destroy the corpse and remove it from the table. Any Deathwatch Marine who contributes to removing the corpse gains +1XP and +1 Renown, in addition to the rewards for personally completing an Objective.

However, if the Ripper Swarms devour the corpse first, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of the Campaign. Unused re-rolls are kept at the end of the Mission and carry over to subsequent Missions featuring these Adversaries.

Psychic Shockwaves: whenever a <Tyranid> creature with the <Synapse> keyword is slain, all Tyranid creatures or clusters thereof, currently on the battlefield must make a Toughness test or become Pinned (test only once for each cluster, but otherwise each model must test individually). Pinned Tyranids rally if another <Synapse> model is in range at the start of their Movement Phase.

Hive Biomorphs: for +1 Allotment each, any Minion model may be given one or more Biomorphs from the following table. Mini Boss models may be given any of these Biomorphs for +2 Allotment each and Boss Monsters may be given any of these Biomorphs for +5 Allotment each.

Biomorph: Description
Reinforced Chitin: improve this model's Armor Save by 1 (to a maximum of 2+).

Redundant Organs: increase this model's Toughness by +1.

Adaptive Sensory Organs: at ranges of 6" or less, this model gains +1 to Shooting Attacks and may re-roll missed Attacks in their 2nd and subsequent Rounds of Close Combat.

Increased Muscle Fibers: increase this model's Strength by +1.

Synaptic Relay: this model grants a +1 bonus to all Psychic Shockwave tests to models or clusters within 6" of itself, including itself.

Concentrated Acid for Blood: whenever this model is Wounded during the Fight Phase, all non-Tyranid models within 2" of it take a single Strength 3, AP -1, Damage 1 Hit. Roll to Wound as normal.

They Come in Waves: in Missions with limited initial Adversarial deployment, all Tyranid Adversarial Reserves automatically become available starting with the second Turn and any that cannot Deploy from the Mission-determined Entry Points (due to lack of space), will enter the Battlefield at the start of the 3rd Turn from the table edge opposite where the Deathwatch Deployed.

It Learns: roll a D6 for every Tyranid model still on the Battlefield at the end of the Mission, plus 1 extra. For every 4+ rolled, the Tyranids gain +3 Allotment in all future Missions featuring them as Adversaries. If there are no Tyranid models left on the table, the GM still rolls at least 1 D6.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/13 10:39:35

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Traitor Guard as Adversaries

Special Rules

Beyond Redemption
: this faction uses the Codex Astra Militarum as the basis of its rules and options. Obviously, there's little room or practicality for tanks and superheavies, but I guess to each their own (The author recommends using the Explosive Decompression rules found on the Mundane Events table whenever a Tank misses a shot). All <Infantry> models in this Faction must take a Mark of Chaos as per the Codex Heretic Astartes and each group of 10 must equip an Icon of Chaos.

Additionally, all models in this Faction lose their <Imperium> keywords.

Decentralized Control: Infantry Unit Sergeants, Veteran Sergeants, and Lieutenants can issue Orders to their own squads.

The gods brought us here for a reason: at the start of any Mission featuring these Adeversaries, roll a D3. On a 1, set up a single Tertiary Objective as close to the center of the battlefield as possible. Every Turn that there are more Traitor Guard forces than Deathwatch forces within 3" of this Marker, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of the Mission. The only way for the Deathwatch to clear this Objective is to also remove all enemy models as casualties.

On the roll of a 2, randomly select three of the Deathwatch Marines deployed on this Mission. Every time the GM makes a successful Charge against one of these Marines they gain a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of the Mission.

On the roll of a 3, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of the Mission at the start of Turns 2, 3, 4, and 5. The GM then begins to earn 2 re-rolls at the start of Turns 6, 7, and 8, & 3 re-rolls at the start of every Turn after that.

Unused re-rolls carry over to the next Mission featuring these Adversaries.

Self-Serving Warlords: characters in this Faction with 3 or more Wounds do not have to test Morale when models with fewer Wounds suffer casualties. Additionally, every time an <Infantry> model is removed as a casualty within 12" of a character in this Faction, roll a D6. On a 5+ that character can roll on the Rewards of Loyalty chart below.

Rewards of Loyalty: for +1 Allotment (and sometimes for other reasons), any model may roll on the following table and apply the results immediately.

D6 Roll / Result
1 / chaos incarnate. Immediately replace this model with a Chaos Spawn. The GM does not have to spend Allotment on this model, but also loses any Allotment already spent on the model.

2 / the crawl of chaos. Reduce this model's Leadership by -2 and roll a D3. On a 1, increase this model's Strength by +1; on a 2, increase this model's Move by +3"; on a 3, increase this model's Attacks by +1.

3 / prove yourself worthy. If this model removes the last Wound from a Deathwatch Marine during the Fight Phase, they immediately gain +1 Wound, +1 Strength, and +1 Attack until the end of the Mission.

4 / the swiftness. Whenever this model Moves, the GM may remove it from the table and place it anywhere it could have drawn line of sight to from its original position, that is also at least 3" away from any enemy models.

5 / favor of the gods. Increase this model's Invulnerable Save by +1 or, if had none to begin with, grant this model a 5+ Invulnerable Save

6 / Fated. This model gains a single re-roll at the start of every Turn that may be used for any reason (except to re-roll a re-roll). Unused re-rolls carry over into the next Turn, but are lost at the end of the Mission.

The Fate of all who Travel this Path: any model that gains 5 or more cummulative bonuses (each +1 to a Stat or new ability; some rolls on the chart above result in multiple advances at the same time - be wary, each one counts) during the course of a single Mission must test their Toughness at the start of each of their Turns (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition). If they pass, they act as normal. If they fail, replace them with a Chaos Spawn for the remainder of the Mission and they no longer have to test.

The Chaos of Chaos: if the GM has any remaining re-rolls left, they may exchange any number of them for +D6 cummulative Allotment in subsequent Missions featuring these Adversaries.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/14 06:57:32

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using T'au Empire as Adversaries

Special Rules

Multispecies Collective
: for the purposes of this campaign, T'au forces may include Astra Militarum Infantry Squads, Conscripts, Veterans, Special Weapons Squads, Ogryns, or Bullgryns that change their keywords from <Imperium> and <Astra Militarum> to <T'au Empire> and <Human Auxilliaries> & lose their <Regiment> and <Militarum Auxilia> keywords. T'au forces may also include "Demiurge" units (Faction rules to follow) that add <T'au Empire> to their keywords and lose their <Household> keyword.

Pulse Weapons: for the purposes of this campaign, improve the maximum range of all T'au weapons with "Pulse" in its title by +6".

Commander: once per Turn (during the Command Phase if using 9th edition), <T'au Sept> characters may grant a second Shooting Phase to up to 5 <T'au Sept> models within 10" of itself, as long as those models are also in line of sight to this model.

Superior Tactics: at the start of any Mission featuring models from this Faction, the GM may place up to 2 additional Tertiary Objective Markers anywhere at least 6" from any board edge, labeled 1 and 2 (or just 1, if they're only using 1). When T'au forces reach Objective 1, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of the Mission for every Turn that there are more <T'au Empire> models within 3" of the Objective than Deathwatch models. When T'au forces reach Objective 2, the GM gains an additional re-roll for every Turn that there are more <T'au Empire> models within 3" of the Objective than Deathwatch models. GMs that place either Objective 1 or 2 within 12" of the Deathwatch deployment edge gain +1 re-roll on the Turn their T'au forces first reach that Objective Marker.

Deathwatch models achieve these Tertiary Objectives if, on any Turn there are more Deathwatch models than T'au within 3" of the Marker. Once that happens, remove the Marker. Deathwatch Marines that achieve these Objectives gain +1XP, but no Renown.

T'au Empire: <T'au Sept> models do not have to test morale due to <Kroot>, <Demiurge>, <Vespid>, or <Human Auxilliaries> casualties.

Arsenal of the Sept: for +1 Allotment each, any <T'au Sept> model may equip items from the following table.

Item: Description
Multispectral Optics: when coupled with any Ranged Weapon, this device increases that weapon's Range by +6" and improves that weapon's AP by 1 when firing at models in cover.

Fusion Pistol: this weapon has the same profile as a Fusion Blaster, except that its Type is Pistol 1 and its Range is only 6"

Shortrange Augur: when coupled with any Ranged Weapon, this device improves that weapon's AP by 1 at ranges up to 10".

Proximity Mine: this is a single use Booby Trap Marker. However, when placing this Marker, the GM may place up 3 of them, each no more than 6" from any other Marker. Deathwatch models that move within 3" of any Marker must roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the mine detonates, causing D3 Mortal Wounds to all models, friend or foe, within 4" of the Marker.

Portable Shield Wall: this barrier does not block line of sight once deployed, but forms a 4" wide by 1" tall energy shield that counts as difficult ground, a defendable barricade, and light cover. Once deployed the Portable Shield Wall cannot be repositioned for the remainder of the Mission.

Accelerator Chip: this may be integrated into any Ranged Weapon, changing its Type to Heavy 1, increasing its Range by +18", and improving its AP by 2. Weapons with Accelerator Chips may be fired normally or in "Accelerator Mode".

The Art of War: at the beginning of a Mission featuring T'au forces, the GM secretly selects Mont'ka or Kauyon by writing their choice on a piece of paper. At the start of any Turn after the first, the GM may reveal their choice. If Mont'ka was selected, all T'au <Infantry> models gain +2" to their Move and +1" to their Advance rolls. If Kauyon was selected all T'au <Infantry> models gain +1 to their Armor Saves and +1 to their Rate of Fire if they do not Move or Advance. In both cases, these bonuses only last for 3 consecutive Turns.

What have we learned: at the end of any Mission featuring T'au forces as Adversaries, the GM rolls 1D6 for each type of T'au Empire unit deployed (i.e. Kroot, Pathfinders, Breachers, Firewarriors, and Drones would mean 5D6). For every 4+ rolled, increase the Allotment for subsequent Missions fearuring these Adversaries by +3.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/16 21:44:44

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Demiurge as Adversaries

Special Rules

Sheer Practicality
: all <Demiurge> models have the Tech3 Skill with a Skill Stat of 4+.

All the Best Gear: models with the <Character> keyword from this Advesary Faction may re-roll 1 Armor Save, 1 Shooting Attack, 1 Melee Attack, 1 Characteristic Test or Skill Test, and 1 Wound roll every Turn.

Everything We Need is Here: at the start of any Mission featuring these Adversaries, the GM places D3+2 Tertiary Objective Markers. These Markers should be placed on Tech Emplacements if they are available, or, if they are not, at least 12" from any board edge and in places that look like they would offer a salvager the most scrap material. Any <Demiurge> that successfully uses their Tech Skill while in base to base contact with any of these Objective Markers earns +1 Allotment for all future Missions featuring these Asversaries.

Deathwatch Marines can only achieve these Objectives by ending the game with no <Demiurge> within 3" of any given Marker.

Driven: for the purposes of this campaign, all <Demiurge> models gain the Fearless Trait when they are within 3" of any Objective Marker.

Tools of Acquisition: for +1 Allotment each, any model may equip items from the following list.

Item: Description
AutoMedKit: this is a one-use item that activates whenever the model carrying it takes a Wound. Simply roll a D6, and on the roll of a 4+ the model carrying this item immediately regenerates that lost Wound. This item can even potentially keep a model from being removed as a casualty if the Wound it regenerates would've otherwise been its last.

Seismic Pulse Generator: this acts like a deployable Sentry Gun. Once emplaced any enemy model that Moves to within 6" of the Generator must pass a Strength test or become Shaken. Models that start their Move within Range of the Generator must also test their Strength at the end of their Movement, even if they have Moved completely out of Range of the device.

Breaching Charge: this one-use item requires the model using it to spend 1 Phase - either Movement, Shooting, or Fight Phase - emplacing the device on a piece of inactive terrain. Once placed, the Charge may be detonated on any Turn afterwards as long as at least 1 <Demiurge> model is within 3" of it. These devices cause 2D3 Mortal Wounds to the terrain feature they were placed on.

Thermal Munitions: this is a special ammo that may be applied to any ranged weapon in the <Demiurge> arsenal with a Strength of 6 or less, improving that weapon's AP by 2 and increasing its Damage characteristic by +1. Each Allotment point spent on this item provides enough ammo to cover 1 Shooting Phase.

Shield-breaker Wrist Rocket Launcher: this is a one-use micro missile with the following profile: Assault D6, 14" Range, Strength 6, AP -1, Damage D3, blast. If a model with an Invulnerable Save gets hit by this weapon, this weapon also destroys that Invulnerable Save's source.

Aetheric Amplifier: this is a one-use item that may be coupled with any melee weapon. For 1 Fight Phase per Mission, a model's melee weapon always Wounds on a 2+ regardless of the target's Toughness. In addition, that attack does +1 Damage, and improves its AP by 2.

Contempt: at the end of every Turn that <Demiurge> forces gain 1 or more Allotment for future Missions, they also gain a single re-roll that may be used for any reason. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

Damage Done: in Missions following any Mission featuring these Adversaries, follow the rules for Mundane Events.

Demiurge Units

Troops (Minions)
Bastion Guard

Move 4" WS 4+ BS 4+ S2 T3 W1 A1 Ld6 Armor Save 5+
Units of Bastion Guard consist of 1 Captain and 9 Guard. The Unit may include up to 10 additional Guard models. The Captain gains +1 Attack and is armed with 1 Volley Pistol and 1 Arkcutter. All other models are armed with 1 Privateer Pistol and 1 Arkcutter.

Special Rules
Bastion Guard gain +1 to hit when Shooting at or Fighting models with 3 or more Wounds.

The Captain may replace their 1 Volley Pistol with 1 Aetherflare Pistol.
For every 10 models in the unit, up to 3 models may replace their Privateer Pistol and Arkcutter with 1 Volleygun, 1 Light Skyhook, or 1 Skypike

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Bastion Guard

Move 4" WS 4+ BS 3+ S2 T3 W1 A1 Ld7 Armor Save 4+
Units of Thunderers consist of 1 Sergeant and 4 Thunderers. The Unit may include up to 15 additional Thunderer models. The Sergeant is armed with 1 Aethergun. All other models are armed with 1 Aetherifle.

Special Rules
Thunderers may Shoot even if they Fall Back.

Any model not carrying an Aethergun may replace their Aetherifle with 1 Volleygun, 1 Decksweeper, or 1 Aethercannon.
Up to 3 in every 5 models may replace their Aetherifle with 1 Fumigator or 1 Directfire Mortar.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Thunderer

Fast Attack(Minions)

Move 12" WS 4+ BS 4+ S2 T3 W2 A1 Ld7 Armor Save 4+
Units of Wardens consist of 1 Custodian and 2 Wardens. The Unit may include up to 12 additional Warden models. The Custodian has +1A. All models are armed with 1 Vulcanizer and 1 Skypike.

Special Rules
Whenever this Unit Falls Back roll 1D6 for each model in the unit. For each roll of a 6, this unit inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on the Unit they were previously engaged in Close Combat with.

Up to 1 in every 3 models may replace their Vulcanizer and Skypike with 1 Volleygun.
Up to 1 in every 3 models may replace their Vulcanizer and Skypike with 1 Skyhook or 1 Drillcannon.
Any model may equip Aetheric Mines.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Fly, Warden

Move 12" WS 3+ BS 4+ S3 T3 W2 A1 Ld7 Armor Save 4+
Units of Riggercrew consist of 1 Master and 2 Riggercrew. The Unit may include up to 12 additional Riggercrew models. The Master has +1A. All models are armed with 1 Rivetgun and 1 Aetheric Chainblade.

Special Rules
If this unit begins its Turn (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition) in base to base contact with any vehicle or terrain feature that has previously taken any damage, this unit may restore D3 Wounds to that model.

Any model may replace their 1 Rivetgun with 1 Vulcanizer or their 1 Aetheric Chainblade with +1 Rivetgun.
Up to 1 in every 3 models may replace their Rivetgun and Aetheric Chainblade with 1 Volleygun.
Up to 1 in every 3 models may replace their Rivetgun and Aetheric Chainblade with 1 Skyhook, 1 Drillcannon, or 1 Grapnel Launcher.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Fly, Riggercrew


Move 4" WS 3+ BS 3+ S3 T3 W5 A3 Ld7 Armor Save 4+
This unit consists of 1 Enginemaster armed with a Gravhammer, Exoharness, and a God's Eye.

Special Rules
If this unit begins its Turn (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition) in base to base contact with any vehicle or terrain feature that has previously taken any damage, this unit may restore D3 Wounds to that model.

This model's Exoharness grants the Enginemaster +1 Strength in the Fight Phase. However, the Enginemaster may attempt to overcharge the harness at the start of its Turn (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition). To do so, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this model suffers a single Mortal Wound. On the roll of a 3+, increase the Damage characteristic of the Enginemaster's melee weapon by +1.

This model may replace its Gravhammer with 1 Shockhammer or 1 Gravsledge.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Character, Enginemaster

House Khemist
Move 4" WS 4+ BS 4+ S3 T3 W5 A2 Ld7 Armor Save 4+
This unit consists of 1 Khemist armed with a Heavy Fumigator, Augmentation Array, and an Augur.

Special Rules
At the beginning of this model's Turn (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition) this model employ its Augmentation Array. To do so, it simply nominates up to 5 <Household> models within 10". These models improve the Rate of Fire for all of their Ranged Attacks this Turn by +1.

This model's Augur grants +1 BS to all <Household> Infantry within 10" when firing at targets that are in Cover. However, the Khemist may attempt to overcharge the Augur at the start of its Turn (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition). To do so, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this model suffers a single Mortal Wound. On the roll of a 3+, improve the AP characteristic of affected models' ranged weapons by 1.

If this model is equipped with an Atmospheric Isolator, all enemy models within 3" of this model reduce their Attacks by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

This model may replace its Augur with an Atmospheric Isolator.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Character, House Khemist

House Navigator
Move 4" WS 3+ BS 3+ S3 T3 W5 A2 Ld7 Armor Save 3+
This unit consists of 1 Navigator armed with a Privateer and a Force Staff. This model is a Psyker.

Special Rules
This model can attempt to cast one Psychic Power in its own Turn and make one Deny the Witch test in an enemy's Psychic Phase. It knows Smite and 1 other Power from the Aetheric Discipline. When casting Psychic Powers this model must subtract 1 from every roll, although they still perils on a double 1 or double 6. When attempting to Deny enemy casts, this model gains +1 to all attempts.

If this model is armed with a Zephyr Staff and does not Move or Advance, they may use it at the beginning of their Turn (or the Command Phase if using 9th edition) to grant any allied model with the <Fly> keyword within 10" of this model, a re-roll for their Advance rolls until the start of their next Turn.

This model may replace its Force Staff with a Zephyr Staff.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Character, House Navigator, Psyker

Elites (Minions)

Move 4" WS 4+ BS 3+ S2 T3 W1 A1 Ld8 Armor Save 3+
Units of Honorguard consist of 1 Lieutenant and 4 Honourguards. The Unit may include up to 5 additional Honourguard models. The Lieutenant gains +1 Attack and is armed with either 1 Aethergun or 1 Aetherifle and 1 All-Purpose Tool. All other models are armed with 1 Aetherifle and 1 All-Purpose Tool.

Special Rules
Honourguard may re-roll their Morale tests.

When this unit is chosen during the Fight Phase, they may instead immediately make a Move of up to 4" and Shoot as if it were the Shooting Phase.

If any number of models equipped with an All-purpose Tool are within 2" of another <Demiurge> model when that other model attempts to use their Tech Skill, that other model gains +1 to their roll.

Any model not carrying an Aethergun may replace their Aetherifle with 1 Volleygun, 1 Decksweeper, or 1 Aethercannon.
Up to 3 in every 5 models may replace their Aetherifle with 1 Fumigator or 1 Directfire Mortar.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Honourguard

HQ (Boss Monsters)
Ark Admiral

Move 4" WS 3+ BS 3+ S3 T3 W8 A2 Ld8 Armor Save 3+
This unit consists of 1 Ark Admiral armed with 1 Volley Pistol and 1 Skyhammer.

Special Rules
Any <Demiurge> unit within 10" of this model may use its Leadership instead of their owm.

This model may re-roll Armor Save rolls of 1.

At the start of each of this model's Turns (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition) choose one of the following Aspects:

Charge!: <Demiurge> models within 10" of this model add +1" to their Charge rolls and ignore the effects of Difficult Ground.

Advance!: <Demiurge> models within 10" of this model may Advance and still Shoot, even with Heavy Weapons (although these models still count as Moving) and Pistol Weapons (at -1 to hit).

Eradicate!: <Demiurge> models within 10" of this model may re-roll Hit and Wound rolls of 1 in the Shooting Phase.

This model may replace their Skyhammer with a Skypike or a Grav Maul.

Faction Keywords: Demiurge, <Household>
Keywords: Infantry, Character, Ark Admiral

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/17 21:21:52

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Households of the Demiurge

All <Characters> of this Household gain +1 Deny attempts per Turn.

All <Infantry> of this Household may re-roll Morale tests when within 10" of any <Narak> <Character>.

Once per Mission the GM may select 1 Unit from this Faction that needs to make a Morale test. That Unit automatically passes their test and gains +1 Leadership for the remainder of the Mission.

When setting up models to Deploy, any model with the <Fly> keyword may be held in Adversarial Reserves. These models may be deployed at the end of any Movement Phase and may be placed anywhere on the table that is at least 9" away from any enemy models.

When <Infantry> of this Household with the <Fly> keyword Advance, they do not have to roll, instead counting their roll as 6 automatically.

Once per Mission the GM may select 1 Unit from this Faction that is about to make a Charge roll. That unit may re-roll one or both Charge dice, although you must keep the second result. Additionally, that unit gains +1" Move for the remainder of the Mission.

If any <Zonnak> <Infantry> fail a Morale test within 10" of a <Zonnak> <Character> roll a D6 for each affected model. On a 5+, that model ignores the effects of the failed test.

All <Infantry> of this Household may re-roll Wound rolls of 1 on the Turn they Charged into combat.

Once per Mission, when an enemy Unit or model suffers any Unsaved Wounds from a Unit of this <Household>, the GM may roll a D3 and inflict that many Mortal Wounds on the target, too. Additionally, the <Zonnak> Unit that inflicted these Wounds gains +1 Strength for the remainder of the Mission.

All <Character> Units from this <Household> cost -1 Allotment.

<Urbaz> House Khemists increase the range of their Augmentation Arrays by +5".

<Urbaz> <Infantry> Units within 12" of the nearest board edge to where the Deathwatch Deployed may re-roll failed Morale tests.

Once per Mission, when an <Urbaz> unit makes a Fall Back Move, the GM may move them up to 6" and that Unit may Shoot normally. If the unit selected already has the ability to Fall Back and Shoot, this grants them +1 BS when doing so.

At the start of the GM's first Turn, all weapons carried by <Mhornyr> <Infantry> count as Assault weapons until the end of the Turn.

<Mhornyr> Troop models within 3" of <Mhornyr> <Characters> may re-roll missed Shooting attacks.

Once per Mission, the GM may grant one <Mhornyr> Unit the ability to re-roll their failed Tech Skill tests. Additionally, that Unit improves their Skill Stat to 3+ until the end of the Mission.

At the start of the Mission, the GM selects 1 Deathwatch Marine deployed on this Mission. All <Thryng> models may re-roll Wound rolls of 1 when attacking that Marine.

All <Thryng> models gain +1 Leadership while there are no enemy models within 3" of them.

Once per Mission, the GM can use one of the other <Household>'s Once per Mission abilities on any of their own applicable Units, replacing the other <Household>'s keywords with <Thryng>.

Arsenal of the Demiurge
Ranged weapon: Type-RoF, Range, Strength, AP, Damage / Special Rules

: Pistol 2, 12", S3, AP-, Damage 1 / -
Volley Pistol: Pistol 3, 12", S3, AP-, Damage 1 / -
Vulcanizer: Pistol 1, 9", S6, AP-1, Damage 2 / +1 to hit
Rivetgun: (select one of the following Firing Modes before Shooting)
Pistol 3, 12", S3, AP-1, Damage 1
Assault 5, 6", S3, AP-1, Damage 1
Heavy 7, 12", S3, AP-1, Damage 1
Aetherflare: Pistol 1, 10", S4, AP-1, Damage 1 / this weapon doesn't need to roll to hit; if a target is in range, this weapon hits automatically
Aetherifle: Assault 2, 18", S3, AP-1, Damage 1 / -
Aethergun: Assault 3, 18", S3, AP-1, Damage 1 / -
Volleygun: Heavy 6, 18", S3, AP-1, Damage 1 / -
Decksweeper: Heavy D6, 12", S3, AP-1, Damage 2 / +1 to hit
Aetheric Cannon: Heavy 2, 12", S9, AP-2, Damage D3 / -
Directfire Mortar: Assault D6, 36", S6, AP-, Damage D3 / blast
Fumigator: Assault D6, 10", S9, AP-1, Damage 1 / this weapon doesn't need to roll to hit; if targets are in range, this weapon hits automatically. This weapon counts as a Gas Attack.
Heavy Fumigator: Assault 3D6, 10", S9, AP-2, Damage 1 / this weapon doesn't need to roll to hit; if targets are in range, this weapon hits automatically. This weapon counts as a Gas Attack.
God's Eye: Assault 1, 9", S9, AP-1, Damage D3 / +D3 Damage versus Vehicle and Titanic targets
Drill Cannon: Heavy 1, 24", S6, AP-3, Damage 3 / if the roll to hit with this weapon is 6+ it causes D3 Mortal Wounds divided among all models within 3" of the primary target
Light Skyhook: Assault 1, 24", S4, AP-2, Damage D3 / -
Skyhook: Heavy 1, 24", S6, AP-2, Damage 3 / if target is hit, they must also test Strength, or become Shaken on their next turn

Melee Weapons, Strength, AP, Damage / Special Rules
: S+1, AP-1, Damage 1 / whenever a model fights with this weapon they make 1 extra Attack
All-Purpose Tool: S as user, AP-, Damage 1 / models within 2" of one or more other models equipped with this weapon gain +1 to their Tech Skill tests.
Arkcutter: S as user, AP-, Damage 1 / -
Aetheric Chainblade: S+1, AP-1, Damage D2 / -
Gravhammer: S+2, AP-2, Damage D3 / Two-handed, Unwieldy
Gravsledge: S+2, AP-2, Damage D3 / Wound rolls of 6 change this weapon's Damage characteristic to 2D3; Two-handed, Unwieldy
Shockhammer: S+3, AP-3, Damage D3 / Shocking; Two-handed, Unwieldy
Skyhammer: S+4, AP-2, Damage 2 / Unwieldy
Grav Maul: S+2, AP-2, Damage 1 / -
Force Staff: S+2, AP -1, Damage D3 / this weapon gains S+1 and Damage +1 as long as the Navigator manifested a Psychic Power on its previous Turn. If a model is armed with a Force Staff and there are no enemy models within 3" of this model, they may add +1 to their attempts to manifest Psychic Powers.
Zephyr Staff: S as user, AP -, Damage 1 / this weapon gains S+1 and Damage +1 as long as the Navigator manifested a Psychic Power on its previous Turn. If a model is armed with a Zephyr Staff and there are no enemy models within 3" of this model, they may add +1 to their attempts to manifest Psychic Powers.

Other Wargear

Grapnel Launcher
: used at the end of the Shooting Phase, this device can move up to 3 Riggercrew up to 9" in a straight line. These models must end this special Move no closer than 3" to any enemy model.
Aetheric Mines: when a model equipped with Aetheric Mines is Charged, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6 the Charging model suffers 1 Mortal Wound. Aetheric Mines may instead be unleashed to form their own "unit" with a Move of 6", Toughness4, and 2 Wounds each. If one of these mines is reduced to 0 Wounds or moves to within 3" of an enemy model, it automatically detonates causing D3 Mortal Wounds to all models within 3".

Warlord Traits
1.) Aetheric Favor
: this model may ignore Mortal Wounds on the D6 roll of a 5+
2.)Nav Servant: after Deployment, but before the first Turn, all <Household> Navigator models may redeploy anywhere within the Demiurge deployment zone(s)
3.) Grudgebearer: this model gains +1 Attack
4.) By the Book: this grants +1 additional use of your <Household> Once per Mission ability (effectively making it a "Twice per Mission" ability)
5.)Surveyor: after deployment, but before the first Turn, the GM selects one piece or area of terrain no larger than 6" square. All allied <Household> models gain the Fearless Trait when wholly within this terrain feature.
6.) Household Favorite: this model gains +1 Leadership

Aetheric Discipline
: Warp Charge 4+. If successfully cast, all enemy models with the <Fly> keyword within 24" of the psyker must half their Move and cannot Advance.

Void Oracle: Warp Charge 5+. One friendly unit with the <Fly> keyword within 18" of the psyker can re-roll their Advance and can Charge even if they Advance this Turn.

Redirection: Warp Charge 7+. Until the start of the next Psychic Phase, all enemy Psychic Powers directed at <Household> units within 12" of this model are redirected to affect this psyker. Additionally, when this occurs, the psyker may make a free Deny the Witch attempt against the power, even if they failed to Deny it when it first went off.

Aetheric Manipulator: Warp Charge 8+. Pick one allied <Household> unit within 18" and in line of sight of this Psyker. That Unit may re-roll all failed Wound rolls until the start of the next Psychic Phase.

Voidfarer: Warp Charge 9+. Pick one <Household> unit with the <Fly> keyword within line of sight of this Psyker. That Unit may make an additional Move or Advance, as if it were the Movement Phase.

Aetheric Warding: Warp Charge 10+. Pick one <Household> unit within line of sight of this Psyker. That Unit gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save until the start of their next Psychic Phase.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/20 04:47:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Adepta Sororitas as Adversaries

Special Rules

Faith and Fury
: any model armed with a Heavy weapon that does not Move or Advance on their Turn may increase the Rate of Fire of their weapons by +1.

The Pinnacle of Faith: for the purposes of this campaign, <Character> models of this Faction grant all allied models within 6" the ability to re-roll their first failed Wound rolls of each Mission.

Reclaim or Avenge the Relics of Man: whenever a Mission features these Advesaries place a Relic Marker as close to the center of the table as possible. (There will be a list at the end of these Faction rules. The GM should choose one)

This Relic becomes a Tertiary Objective for both sides. The item will have weight and so must end the Mission in the possession of either a Deathwatch Marine or any Armored Sororitas model with hands (so no Arcoflagellants and no Mortis engines, etc.). If the Relic ends the game in the hands of the Sororitas, the model that captured it gains +1 Wound and may choose any Tier 1 Melee, Morale, Survival, or Shooting Talent for which they qualify. From now on, fielding that model costs the GM +1 Allotment.

Warriors of the Faith: when within 3" of any Relic, models with the <Sororitas> keyword gain the ability to re-roll their failed Morale tests.

Rainments of the Ecclesiarchy: for +1 Allotment each, any Canonness, Sister Superior, Celestian, or Geminae Superia model may take items from the following table.

Item: Description
Aegis Against Heresy: this item is actually a series of chym-crystals and religious wards woven into the Sister's armor. It grants the bearer a Special 4+ Save against the harmful effects of enemy Psychic Powers. Roll once for each affected Battle Sister equipped with this item against the individual Powers (such as Smite or Aetherstorm). On a 4+ the Power cannot affect this model.

Hexagrammic Warding Shields: these are invisible, deployable shield walls (the Author suggests using 2 plastic rods stuck to small bases, like flying stands or lollipop sticks to represent the borders of this force field). When placed, it provides a Special 5+ Save versus all Psychic and sorcerous Shooting attacks and Wounding Psychic Powers that pass line of sight through it to the Sororitas models on the other side. Once deployed, this item cannot be moved.

Veneration of the Saints: this small Amulet reminds the Faithful carrying it who brought them here. Whenever a Miracle Die is generated by the model carrying this item or within 6" of them, the GM may roll 2 Dice and take the prefferred score.

Applicable Catechism: if taken by a model armed with a Pistol and Melee weapon, this item grants them +1 Attack on their second and subsequent Rounds of every Fight Phase they are engaged in. If taken by a model armed with a Rapidfire or Heavy weapon, this item grants them +1 Rate of Fire on their second and subsequent Turns of continuous fire, as long as they don't Move. If taken by a model armed with an Assault weapon, this item grants them +1 Rate of Fire on any Turn where they also Advanced.

Purifier Shell: this is a single shot load out for a bolt pistol. Once per Mission, when Shooting a bolt pistol in Standard Firing Mode, this shell changes the number of shots fired to D6, improves this weapon's AP by 1, grants it Blast, and the Sanctified & Ablaze Qualities. Each 1 Allotment spent on this item provides just a single shot.

Condemnor Shell: this is a single shot load out for a Bolter. Once per Mission, when Shooting a Bolter in Standard Firing Mode, this shell increases the weapon's Strength by +1, and grants it the Catastrophic and Stunning Qualities. Each 1 Allotment spent on this item provides just a single shot.

A War of Faith: even though the Sororitas and Astartes are both technically on the same side, there can often be a conflict of morals and ideas between these organizations. Whenever a Mission ends and the Sororitas have in their possession the Relic and/or for every Sororitas model with 3 or more Wounds remaining at the end of the Mission, roll a D6. On each roll of a 6, the Sororitas forces begin their next Mission with a bonus Miracle Die.

Faith has its Rewards: at the end of any Mission featuring these Adversaries, roll a D6. This is the penalty in Allotment that will apply to any future Missions featuring Chaos forces of any kind.

The Relics of Man

Relic: Description / Capacity

Chalice of Saint Eardward
: perhaps the most ostentatious cup ever created, the Chalice of Saint Eardward is said to have quenched the thirst of a hundred Martyrs in the midst of their worst suffering. The bearer of this Chalice may use it once per Mission to remove D6 Wound Tokens. / 01

Tome of Tomes: a book written solely to catalog a thousand others, the Tomes of Tomes is a dense volume naming the 987 Books of Essential Catechism of the Diannian Synod in Octaria. It is said that a million Throne Gelt was spent just to procure the gemstones pulverized to make the ink that illuminates the first letter on every page. This Relic grants its bearer a single re-roll that be used for any reason during the course of a Mission. / 01

Jekylses' Auto-quill: when the Temple of Turning Pages on Aurelia 4 was ransacked by blasphemers in M37, it is said the scribes stood to the last man defending it. The blood of non-believers still stains this pen as it was used in lieu of a sword. The bearer of this Relic gains +1 Leadership and +1 Attack when fighting against Chaos forces. / 00

Shield of Ignorance: this heavy riot shield has served many bearers in the preservation of order and law throughout the Imperium. The Shield of Ignorance is a Mastercrafted Storm Shield that may also be used to make an extra Attack at Strength+1, AP-, Damage 1, with the Catastrophic, Entropic, and Sapping Qualities. / 02

The Only Page: what happened to the rest of this book is totally unknown, but The Only Page is a framed table of contents for a book of wisdom and philosophies penned in late 34M by an unnamed Imperial Saint (often referred to as "Saint Someone"). Even without the rest of the book, the bearer may gain insight and cunning simply from contemplating the Chapter names and Appendixes of this Page. Any model equipped with The Only Page gains Tactics1 or +1 Rating if they already possess the Skill. / 01

Saint Stiphon's Right Hand: this item is literally the desiccated right hand of some long dead Imperial Saint, rumored to have been a planetary governor of some reputation and extremely devout. When he perished his body was interred, but it was later exhumed when a planetary rebellion threatened to overrun the royal cemeteries. It was then that it was discovered that his right hand had been perfectly preserved. His body eventually made it onto a funerary barge, but his Right Hand was preserved and fashioned into an Amulet to be born by the faithful on Pilgrimage. A model equipped with Saint Stiphon's Right Hand may use it once per Mission at the start of their Turn (or in the Command Phase if using 9th edition) to grant itself and all allied models within 6" of it a 4+ Invulnerable Save until the start of their next Turn. / 00

The Crown of Mykhla: this platinum and gem-encrusted helmet worn by the battle leader of a feudal world inspires confidence in all who look upon it. Allies that can draw line of sight to the bearer of this Relic treat their Leadership as 1 higher than it currently is. Additionally, it grants its bearer the Command1 Skill. If the model already has this Skill, it instead grants them a free re-roll when using their Command Skill. / 00

Never Sullied Banner: they say this Militarum banner has been carried across a hundred battlefields and never once touched the ground. It is full of bullet holes, patchwork, burns, and shrapnel holes, & has run out of space for embroidered victories, but it has become infused with the faith of furor of the many soldiers who have carried it into battle. Any model equipped with the Never Sullied Banner cannot also be equipped with a heavy weapon. It grants its bearer an additional use of any "Once per Mission" ability and all allied models within 6" of the bearer may re-roll Charge distances and hit rolls of 1 during the Fight Phase. / 03

Reliquary of Chaban: this holy casket is perched atop a sturdy staff. Inside are the bones of Saint Chaban, saturated in deadly radiation. Saint Chaban was a menial credited with volunteering to enter an irradiated zone to repair critical systems onboard the Imperial Battleship His Indomitable Will during the Battle of Hystrum's Passage. His sacrifice saved not only the Ship, but the Battle as well, restoring full shields just seconds before the impact of an enemy plasma barrage. The bearer of this Relic is subject to the rules governing the Irradiated Qualty. Additionally, at any time, the bearer may open the Shielded Casket doors, bathing all before them in bone-dissolving radiation. When opened, the Reliquary of Chaban grants the bearer the Miasmic6 and Deadly Contagion9 Traits. Additionally, if any model suffers a Wound from this effect, they are also subject to the Ablaze, Entropic, Deadly, Shocking, and Deadly Toxic Qualities. / 04

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/21 06:49:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Astra Militarum as Adversaries

Special Rules

Backbone of the Warmachine
: the rank and file troops of the Astra Militarum are infinite. A GM may purchase 2 Infantrymen or 4 Conscripts for every 1 Allotment they spend.

Grand Strategists: for the purposes of this campaign, all <Characters> from this Faction able to issue Orders gain +1 Leadership and +1 Wound. This does not change the model's Allotment cost.

Just Following Orders: at the start of any Mission featuring these Adversaries, the player(s) alternate placing 6 numbered Objective Markers (numbered 1 to 6). These markers can be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 3" away from any edge and 6" away from any other of these Markers. At the start of any Turn roll a D6. This number is the numbered Marker the Astra Militarum need to capture this Turn. Every time these Adversaries do capture a Marker, they gain a single re-roll that may be used for any reason during the course of this Mission. Deathwatch Marines that move to within 3" of any of these Markers gain +1XP, but the Markers remain on the battlefield until the end of the Mission.

Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

We Serve, Sometimes with Distinction: at the end of any Mission where there are any surviving models from this Faction, the GM may nominate 1 of them to recieve a Distinction. This model gains +1 Leadership, +1 Attack, and any single Tier 1 Shooting, Morale, or Survival Talent. In future Missions this model may be fielded for +1 Allotment.

Regimental Kit: for a flat +3 Allotment, up to 25 <Infantry> models may select loadouts from the following list to represent their Regiment. For each +5 Allotment spent, the GM may include a different Regiment's specialty kit. Each of these distinct Regiments should be modeled differently to represent their individual planets of origin. Alternatively, these loadouts may be presented as different specialties with the same Regiment (although that's very rare in the Imperium) or as different musterings from the same world (more plausible in this setting). For example, the GM might field the Plaxian 492nd as Drop Troops, the Plaxian 493rd as Sappers, and an element of the Ersari 84th as Support Company. The 492nd and the 493rd Plaxians might look almost identical in their light grey jumpsuits with fully enclosed facemasks, while the 84th Ersari might wear camo fatigues with jet black armor and teal helmets to indicate their Support status.

Designation: Kit Load Out
Drop Troops
: each model is equipped with a grav pack (may fall from any height without taking damage), laspistol, 2 White Smoke grenades, 1 Frag grenade, and 1 Chaf Smoke grenade. Each model is also equipped with Integrated Comms (all models are automatically considered in Vox range regardless of where they are on the battlefield or even if they are being held in Reserves). Models are equipped with Lascarbines [Assault 1, 18" Range, Strength3, AP-, Damage 1] instead of Lasguns. Any model may additionally carry a Sword for +1 Allotment. Sergeants and Lieutenants may exchange their chainswords for power swords.

Sappers: units that do not include a heavy weapons team may instead have a second Special weapon. Additionally, all models with this load-out have the Demolitions2 Skill with a Skill Stat of 5+. Each model is armed with 2 Krak grenades, 1 melta bomb, and 1 Shredder grenade. Each model carries the standard Imperial Lasgun. Sergeants and Lieutenants may take 1 Remote Mine or 2 Frag grenades.

Support: infantry units may take 2 Heavy Weapons teams instead of just 1. Units without Special weapons may instead take 3 Heavy Weapons teams. A Support Unit may also equip a Mantlet (a giant deployable shield wall that has to be carried by 3 models. These models can't shoot until they emplace the barrier, but once down it forms a 3" wide, 3" tall barrier that counts as a sealed Bulkhead Door with 3 additional Wounds. A firing port allows one model on either side of the barrier to shoot through it without exposing themselves to enemy fire. The Mantlet counts as Heaviest Cover [and if you're using 8th edition rules, grants a +3 cover bonus to Armor Saves versus shots passing through it]. Once placed, the Mantlet is immovable). Models carry the standard Imperial Lasgun.

Mechanized: normally, Mechanized infantry are carried into battle in transports. Wherever possible, every unit of 10 models should be accompanied by an appropriate Transport Vehicle. If included, the GM does not have to pay the Allotment cost normally associated with a large, multi-wound model. However, in most Missions this will not be plausible (tanks have trouble driving through spaceship corridors, typically). When no transports are included, Mechanized units gain +1 BS when firing their Lasguns from covered positions. Each model is also equipped with 1 Frag and 1 Krak grenade.

Recon: change Lasguns to Autoguns (using the profile given on the Ranged Weapons list of Assault 2, 24" Range, Strength2, AP-, Damage 1), each model also gains 2 Frag grenades, 2 White Smoke grenades, Bedroll (these grant +1 Leadership until the unit fails a Morale test) and Combat Knife. Units cannot take Heavy Weapon teams, but may instead take a second special weapon. Sergeants and Lieutenants may take a chainsword and autopistol or chainsword and laspistol.

Shock Troops: change Armor Save to 4+ when being shot at from the front (model facing is important), and give these models +1 Attack. Any model may replace their standard Imperial Lasgun with a shotgun or a laspistol and chainsword. Additionally, each model is equipped with 2 Frag grenades and 1 melta bomb. Sergeants and Lieutenants may exchange their laspistols for bolt pistols.

Heavy Infantry: change Armor Save to 4+ and each model carries 1 Krak grenade, 1 Frag grenade, 1 Concussion grenade, and 1 Shredder grenade. Any model may replace their standard Imperial Lasgun with an STC Bolter and for +1 Allotment, up to 2 additional models in every 10 may replace their Lasgun with a Grenade Launcher. Sergeants and Lieutenants may replace their Laspistols with Plasma Pistols or Bolt pistols, or may replace their laspistols and chainsword with an STC Bolter (Rapidfire 1, 24" Range, Strength4, AP-, Damage 1).

Such is the Fate of the Enemies of Man: whenever a 1 Wound model from this Faction reduces a Deathwatch Marine to 0 Wounds, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of the Mission. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

The Consequences of Misunderstanding: at the end of any Mission involving Adversaries of this Faction, the Deathwatch's Mission Leader gains +1 Corruption unless they can pass a Leadership test with a penalty equal to the number of Astra Militarum <Characters> removed as casualties during the Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/22 05:39:33

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Grey Knights as Adversaries

Special Rules

In the Image of a God
: for the purposes of this campaign, all <Grey Knight> models gain +1 Wound. This does not affect their Allotment cost.

Unequaled: all models in this Faction able to use Psychic Powers may attempt to manifest +1 Power per Turn. Additionally, all Psykers are assumed to know all the Powers from the Sanctic Discipline. Lastly, all Grey Knights able to Deny gain +2 to their rolls to do so.

As a Bulwark Against Night: whenever a Mission features these Adversaries the player(s) and the GM alternate placing 4 Warp Catalyst Markers. These Markers must be placed no closer than 6" from any board edge and no closer than 9" from any other Warp Catalyst Marker. Then the GM places a Warp Rift Marker as close to the center of the table as possible. These become Tertiary Objectives for the Deathwatch and Primary Objectives to the Grey Knights.

Warp Catalyst Markers each have Toughness6 and 4 Wounds. The Warp Rift is Toughness9 with 10 Wounds. Each time a Warp Catalyst Marker is destroyed, reduce the Warp Rift's Toughness by 1. Each Warp Catalyst Marker generates D3 Allotment at the start of the Grey Knight's Turn (or during their Command Phase if using 9th edition). This Allotment may only be spent on Daemons, which take their Movement from the Warp Rift, Moving towards the model currently closest to the Warp Gate. These daemons take each of their Phases at the end of each Grey Knight Phase (Grey Knights Move, then Daemons Move; Grey Knights use psychic powers, then Daemons use psychic powers if able; etc.).

Grey Knights that remove the last Wound from either a Warp Catalyst Marker or the Warp Rift immediately gain +1 Strength, Toughness, and Leadership and +1 Wound. Deathwatch Marines gain +1XP and +1 Renown for destroying the Warp Catalyst Markers or Warp Rift.

Mind Wiped: Deathwatch Marines that are removed as casualties when fighting these Adversaries do not gain any XP for the Mission.

Tools of Titan: for +1 Allotment each, any Grey Knight model may equip one or more items from the following list.

Item: Description
Sanctified Weapons
: all weapons carried by this model count as having the Sanctified Quality.

Felling Blades: all Melee weapons carried by this model count as having the Felling Quality.

Soul Burning: the Stormbolter carried by this model counts as having the Ablaze Quality.

Entropic Firepower: all Ranged weapons carried by this model count as having the Entropic Quality.

Righteousness: this model gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save or improves their preexisting Invulnerable Save by 1. This Save can even be used against Mortal Wounds.

Aegis of the Innocent: Daemons summoned through any Warp Rift ignore this model, even if it is the closest target. Additionally, any enemy that wishes to Charge this model must first test their Strength and if they fail, they cannot make any Charges until their next Turn.

The Soul of Man in the Balance: at the start of every Turn (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition), the GM generates a single re-roll that may be used for any reason for every Psyker or Brotherhood of Psykers on the table with a total number of Wounds equal to 5 or more. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

In the Presence of Purity: at the end of any Mission featuring these adversaries roll a D6. On a 2+, one random Deathwatch Marine loses 1 Corruption.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/23 06:56:54

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Adeptus Custodes as Adversaries

Special Rules

Each Man a Giant
: for the purposes of this campaign, all <Adeptus Custodes> Infantry models gain +2 Wounds.

An Army of Giants: all Infantry models in this Faction with fewer than 6 Wounds count as Mini Bosses, but they cost 7 Allotment (for Troop models) and 8 Allotment (for all other battlefield roles) to field.

The Re-acquisition of the Lost Treasures of Man: if the Deathwatch Marines deploy with any Relics in their loadouts, the <Adeptus Custodes> Objective is to take it. If this is the case, all <Adeptus Custodes> <Infantry> models gain the Disarming Strike and the Gain Control Talents (which were both just added to the Melee Talent tree as Tier 1 and Tier 2 respectively).

If the Deathwatch do not field any Relics, the <Adeptus Custodes> Objective becomes simply to eliminate the Deathwatch Marines. Leave no Witnesses.

The Finest Arsenal: all <Adeptus Custodes> Infantry models are equipped with 1 Tanglefoot grenade and an integrated Vigilance Array. These function exactly as the Tanglefoot Grenade and Ever Vigilant Stratagems presented in the back of Codex Adeptus Custodes except that the GM does not need to expend a CP to use them.

Relics of War: for +3 Allotment each, any <Adeptus Custodes> model may take one or more items from the following list.

Item: Description
Perfection Field
: this item improves the Aegis of the Emperor Mortal Wound Save to 5+ rather than 6+. Additionally, if this model Moves or Advances in their own Turn, enemy Shooters suffer -1 to hit them in their following Shooting Phases.

Vortex Bomb: When emplacing a bomb, use a Marker to indicate its location. After placing this bomb, chose 1, 2, or 3 Turns. This is the amount of time the detonation is delayed. If a model with the Demolition Skill reaches the Vortex Bomb Marker before it goes off they may remove it from play. When a Vortex bomb detonates all models within 3D6" of the Marker suffer 2D3 Mortal Wounds each. Additionally, the room or corridor it detonates in counts as Impassable terrain until the end of the Mission. If any models are in the affected area are Wounded, but not killed, their controlling Player rolls a D6 and adds the result to any remaining Move the model may have left. If this is not enough to Move the model out of the effected area, they are instead removed as a casualty. If the Deathwatch's Teleportarium is not functioning, roll a D6 instead. On a 1, the affected model is slain outright - remove them and everything they were carrying from the squad roster permanently; if any of those items were a Relic the Mission Leader loses -D3 Renown. On a 2+, this model is missing for 2D6 hours, afterwards returning to gain +1Xp and +1 Renown.

Oracle Array: this model does not require line of sight to shoot at enemy models.

Blade of Impossibility: any melee weapon this model carries, except for a misericordia, gains the Exceptional, Entropic, and Deadly Qualities.

Tactical Reaction Shell: this is a single bullet for any Bolt weapon. When fired in Standard Firing Mode, this round changes the weapon's Rate of Fire to D6 and adds the Mauler, Irradiated, and Blast Qualities to the weapon. Each 3 Allotment spent on this item provides just a single shot.

Chosen: at the start of every Turn (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition), the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason, for every model from this Faction with 3 or more Wounds remaining. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

The Consequences are Clear: this Faction has no additional effect on the campaign at the end of any Mission in which they are involved.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/09/25 21:29:54

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Using Adeptus Astartes as Adversaries

Special Rules
: as per Codex Adeptus Astartes, except each Marine only carries 1 Frag and 1 Krak grenade.

Disloyalty: Deathwatch Marines that suffer Wounds from <Renegades> models do not have to test their Morale. All Renegade <Infantry> gain Hatred [Deathwatch Infantry]. All Renegade models lose their <Imperium> keyword and replace it with <Renegades>.

Hubris: all Renegade <Characters> gain +1 Leadership. Additionally, they grant themselves and all allied <Chapter> models within 6" the Contempt [Deathwatch Infantry] Talent.

Our Pride Overrides Your Laws: this Faction is straight forward and out for blood. Their only Objectives are to try to stop the Deathwatch from achieving their own. Every time a <Renegades> model reduces a Deathwatch model to zero Wounds, whether or not that model is removed as a casualty, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used for any reason during the course of the Mission. These re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission if they are not used.

Chapter Armory: for +1 Allotment each, any <Chapter> Space Marine may take one or more items from the following list.

Item: Description
: this model is equipped with +2 Frag, +2 Krak, and 2 White Smoke grenades

Autofire Conversion: this model's bolter or bolt rifle changes its Type from Rapidfire 1 to Assault 4

Teleportarium Rig: this model may be held in Reserve and Deploy at the end of any <Renegades> Movement phase at least 6" away from any enemy models.

Teleport Homer: a model held in Reserve with the Teleportarium Rig may enter play within 3" of another allied model equipped with the Teleport Homer, even if that would bring the arriving model closer than 6" to an enemy model. Arriving models must still remain more than 1" away from enemy models on the Turn they are placed on the board.

Storm Shield: this model is equipped with a Storm Shield and, if they are also armed with an Astartes knife, a Sword, Power Sword, Spear, or Power Spear, they also gain the Tier 2 Melee Talent Sword and Board.

Melee Mastery: this model may select any Melee weapon from the Deathwatch armory that is not a Sanctioned Xenos or Relic item. This weapon has the Exceptional Quality and is added to the model's load out.

Ill-Fated: at the end of every Mission where any Renegades are remaining on the table after the last Turn, the GM earns one re-roll that can be used for any reason in their next Mission, for every Renegade model with at least 1 Wound remaining.

A Betrayal of Trust: with every Mission against the Deathwatch this Faction slips closer to lasting Damnation. At the end of every Mission featuring these Adversaries, roll a D6 for every surviving enemy model, adding +1 for models that started the Mission with 3 or more Wounds. On the roll of a 6+, that model gains +1 Wound, may take any Tier 1 Talent for which they qualify, and provide +1 Renown to any Deathwatch model that removes them as a casualty from any Mission. The GM is obligated to take as many of these upgraded Renegades as they can on all future Missions featuring these Adversaries. However, these models are not permanently removed from the GM's Adversarial pool until they have been removed as casualties at least 3 times.

Chapter Redeemers
Special Rules
Load Out
: as per Codex Adeptus Astartes, except each Marine only carries 1 Frag and 1 Krak grenade.

Reluctant Adversaries: whenever an <Infantry> model from this Faction, without the <Character> keyword, wants to Shoot at any Deathwatch Marine they must first pass a Strength test. If they fail, they cannot Shoot. Deathwatch Marines do not gain any Renown for removing models from this Faction as casualties.

Inner Circle: <Character> models within 6" of allied <Infantry> subject to the Reluctant Adversaries special rule, suppress its effects. Additionally, <Character> models from this Faction may use the Suppression rules, doubling the Rate of Fire for their weapons when using this option.

To Restore Chapter Pride: at the Start of any Mission featuring these Adversaries, before Deployment, the GM rolls a D3 to determine their Objective.

On a 1, these models must capture and hold any static Objective the Deathwatch have, keeping them from achieving it. Every Turn where there is at least 1 model from this Faction within 3" of a Deathwatch Objective and the Deathwatch have not yet achieved that Objective, the GM gains a single re-roll that may be used to re-roll failed Armor Saves, failed Charges (one die only), or to make a single model Fearless for one Turn.

On a 2, place a Tertiary Objective Marker as close to the center of the battlefield as possible. If either side reaches this Objective, it becomes a 01 Capacity Relic that grants the bearer +1 use for any "Once per Mission" abilities or the ability to re-roll 1s whenever and for whatever reason they are rolled for this model. If the Mission ends and this Relic is either in this Faction's hands or no one's hands, all Adversary models from this Faction in all future Missions gain +1 Leadership and +1 Attack. If the model carrying this item is removed as a casualty, the Relic is placed on the spot where they fell.

On a 3, the GM randomly selects D3 Deathwatch models that have deployed on this Mission. For every Wound this Faction inflicts on any of those Marines, the GM gains +5 Allotment that may be immediately spent to add Reserves to their forces. These Reserves deploy at the start of the GM's next Turn by whatever parameters the Mission (or wargear) has set forth.

Chapter Armory: for +1 Allotment each, any <Chapter> Space Marine may take one or more items from the following list.

Item: Description
: this model may either equip +2 Frag, +2 Krak, and 2 White Smoke grenades or 1 Melta Bomb and 1 Remote Mine.

Autofire Conversion: this model's bolter or bolt rifle changes its Type from Rapidfire 1 to Assault 4.

Teleportarium Rig: this model may be held in Reserve and Deploy at the end of any <Renegades> Movement phase at least 6" away from any enemy models.

Teleport Homer: a model held in Reserve with the Teleportarium Rig may enter play within 3" of another allied model equipped with the Teleport Homer, even if that would bring the arriving model closer than 6" to an enemy model. Arriving models must still remain more than 1" away from enemy models on the Turn they are placed on the board.

Storm Shield: this model is equipped with a Storm Shield and, if they are also armed with an Astartes knife, a Sword, Power Sword, Spear, or Power Spear, they also gain the Tier 2 Melee Talent Sword and Board.

Melee Mastery: this model may select any Melee weapon from the Deathwatch armory that is not a Sanctioned Xenos or Relic item. This weapon has the Exceptional Quality and is added to the model's load out.

Such is Our Fate: at the beginning of every Turn the GM generates one re-roll for every <Character> model from this Faction that still has at least 2 Wounds remaining. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

This is What Must be Done: roll a D6 for each model from this Faction with at least 1 Wound remaining at the end of the Mission and apply the result. Fielding these models in future Missions costs +1 Allotment.

D6 Roll: Upgrade
1: +1 Wound

2: +1 Strength or Toughness

3: +1 Attack

4: +1 Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill

5 or 6: any Tier 1 Talent for which they meet the prerequisites.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/10/23 20:35:56

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I modified (for clarity) some of the Survival Talents and alphabetized the entire Tree. I'll be alphabetizing all of the Trees over the next few days. Also expect to see a few more new Talents to show up on the Trees.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/10/29 00:59:33

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

All told, there are now more than 430 individual Talents in this Campaign. Not every model is going to have access to all of them. Typically, models from specific Chapters or Specialties will have the most variety to choose from, but on average, even the most vanilla of marines will have 350+ Talents to choose from.

The next thing I'm working on is revamping the squad creation rules so all the information is centralized. There will also be more Primaris Specialties to choose from.

Lastly, I'm revamping and expanding the Chapters section. There will soon be 125 Chapters, each with their own Stratagems, Perks, and potential upgrades to choose from.

From there, I will finally complete the Side Missions detailed in the basic Campaign, then move on to detailing the Derelicts, Hulks, and Drifts that crash into the [++Redacted++] every 9 hours. This list will be extensive, including many options for GMs to run their games with the collections they have on hand. Each vessel comes with a list of optional Missions and some may introduce new Factions when they arrive.

My final planned project for this Campaign is to write a series of "What happens if the Player(s) fail?" Missions that can allow players to pull victory from the jaws of death while they tumble through the warp inside this new hulk.

After that? I'll be writing follow-up Campaigns so players can either play new Campaigns from the start or continue on with their leveled up squads on new adventures.

With luck, all of these projects should be done in a million months, give or take most of a million.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/02 23:20:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Stratagems and Command Points (CP)

The Command Point Pool

During the Briefing Phase, when player(s) determine their Squads' Mission Leader, each model who will deploy on this Mission contributes to the Pool of CP available to use. Some models contribute very few, while others contribute quite a lot. It is from this Pool that the Mission Leader draws CP to use the various Stratagems their squads and models provide them with. At the start of each of the player(s)' Turns, as long as a Mission Leader is on the table, they gain +1 CP as well.

Who can use these CP
If your group is playing with multiple squads or individual Astartes models each controlled by different players, then each individual model can draw CP from the Pool to activate either their Specialty's Stratagem or their Chapter's Stratagem on itself only.

Mission Leaders, regardless of your group's dynamic, may draw CP from the Pool to activate Stratagems from any Specialty present on the table with at least 1 Wound remaining, on any model that qualifies. Additionally, Mission Leaders may draw CP from the Pool to activate Stratagems from any Chapter present on the table, as long as that Chapter's model has Cohesion2 or better. Mission Leaders may also draw CP from the Pool to activate any Generic Stratagem.

Generic Stratagems
(1CP/3CP) Arming Phase
: if 1CP is used, one model may be given +10 Renown to spend on equipment; if 3CP are used, one model may be given +20 Renown to spend on equipment (this bonus Renown does not count towards a model qualifying for Threshold).

(1CP) Command Re-roll: re-roll a single Charge roll, a Psychic test, single Shooting shot, single Melee hit, 1 Armor or Invulnerable Save, or 1 Wound roll. Only usable once per Phase.

(2CP) Insane Bravery: the Squad automatically passes its Morale test.

(1CP) Interrupt: interrupt the sequence of the Fight Phase to fight with one allied Astartes of your choice.

(2CP) Nominate new Mission Leader: if the Mission Leader has been removed as a casualty, the player(s) have the option to spend 2 CP to nominate a new Mission Leader from amongst the remaining Astartes on the table. This new Mission Leader cannot use any Stratagems on the Turn it is Nominated.

(1CP) Overwatch: fire Overwatch with one allied Astartes.

Example Specialty Stratagem
(2CP) Wrathful Descent
: Use this Stratagem at the end of any Charge Phase where an allied Astartes model has Charged an enemy Unit with 5 or more models. That Unit suffers 1 Mortal Wound.

Example Chapter Stratagem
(2CP) Unified Front
. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may fire 1 additional shot in any Firing Mode without expending any ammunition for that extra shot.

Refer to the updated Squad creation rules and the Chapter Descriptions to follow for a complete list of Specialty and Chapter Stratagems.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/07 09:06:16

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

*Updated Squad Creation Rules

Specialties and Genetic Stock

A Deathwatch Squad is comprised of 3-20 individual models, each with its own Specialty, Chapter, and Load Out. On the tabletop, these models can and will act independently of one another, but ultimately, it is how they operate as a cohesive unit that will carry them to victory.

When building a Death Watch Squad for this Campaign, players have the option of using First Founding Gene-Stock Astartes and Ultima Founding Primaris Astartes. Some Chapters are exclusively comprised of Primaris and some are exclusively comprised of First Founding Astartes. A player must decide which base Genetic Stock each of their Marines are going to be. Units can have a mix, but choosing one or another changes the model's Tactical Value (sometimes referred to in these rules as TV) and closes some Chapter options off, while opening others. The principle differences between these choices is that First Founding Astartes start with 1 Rating in a Skill as dictated by their Specialty and 3 Wounds while Primaris Astartes begin with a free Talent dictated by their Specialty, have 4 Wounds, and cost more Tactical Value to field.

Each Astartes type grants access to a list of potential Specialties. These Specialties dictate a model's Skills (if any), its Standard Load Out (the weapons, armor, and gear it begins the Campaign with), its starting Renown, the number of Command Points it contributes to the Squad's pool (if any), a Specialty-specific Stratagem, its Tactical Value, and its own upgrade list (the Skills it has access to and how much upgrading them costs in XP, and the Talent Trees it gains discounts on).

Each model can only pick 1 Specialty. When building a Squad, a player typically has a set Tactical Value (the default is 20). This is the number of "Points" they may spend on making their Squad. Some Chapters (rules to follow) have Options that increase the Tactical Value cost of models and others grant discounts to some, so bear this in mind when fleshing out your Squad, as these count against your total Tactical Value.

The minimum starting size of any Squad is 3 models. The maximum starting size of any Squad is 10 models. Once all the genestock and Specialties are selected and all Tactical Value are spent, any remainder is lost. It behooves you to spend all of your allotted TV. At the start of the Campaign, and thereafter during the Debriefing Phase of every Mission, calculate each squad's Campaign Tactical Value (CTV) (rules for this to follow on the next page of this blog).

First Founding Specialties

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A2 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Medic1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Healing Touch. Use this Stratagem whenever an Apothecary uses their Medic Skill to heal another Astartes. That model removes 1 Wound Token in addition to any other effects.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, Reductor, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Narthecium, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 03)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any number of Apothecaries are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Medic (+1) =3XP, Command (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP, Tech (+1) =6XP; Stealth (+1) =12XP,
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Skill Talents

Assault Marine:
6"(12") WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Intimidate1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (2CP) Wrathful Descent. Use this Stratagem at the end of any Charge Phase where a model has Charged an enemy Unit with 5 or more models. That Unit suffers 1 Mortal Wound.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 9 Standard Magazines, Chainsword, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Jump Pack, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 07)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Assault Marine
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Intimidate (+1) =3XP; Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -2XP on Tier 1 Melee Talents; -4XP on Tier 2 Melee Talents; -6XP on Tier 3 Melee Talents

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A2 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Intimidate1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Barrel Forward. Use this Stratagem when a model attempts to Charge. One die automatically counts as having rolled a 4, the controlling player only has to roll one die. If the controlling player subsequently decides to spend a CP to re-roll the Charge, both dice must be rolled and the 4 is ignored.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Sword, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 04)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: none
Starting Renown: 15
Skill Upgrade Costs: Intimidate (+1) =3XP; Command (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP, Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Melee Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Melee Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Melee Talents

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A2 Ld8 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Inspire1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/3CP) Make it Count. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Mission, before rolling to Remove Corruption. This allows the Chaplain to add +2 to any one Remove Corruption roll. If 3CP are spent for this Stratagem, then the Chaplain instead adds +1 to all Remove Corruption rolls for this Mission.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, Crozius Arcanum, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Rosarius, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 05)
Special Ability: Remove Corruption. This ability allows the Chaplain to roll a D6 at the end of every Mission for every Marine deployed with them that has 1 or more Corruption. On a roll of a 6+, that model reduces its current Corruption by 1.
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any number of Chaplains are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Inspire (+1) =3XP; Command (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Space Wolf Chaplains (Wolf Priests): Medic (+1) =9XP; Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Miscellaneous and Melee Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Miscellaneous and Melee Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Miscellaneous and Melee Talents

Devastator Marine:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Demolitions1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Killing Field. Use this Stratagem when a model is chosing their targets in the Shooting Phase. These targets can be +2" further apart than normal.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Heavy Bolter with Backpack Ammo Supply, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 09)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Devastator Marine in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Demolitions (+1) =3XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Shooting Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Shooting Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Shooting Talents

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A2 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Psychic Sense1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/3CP) Imparted Knowledge. Use this Stratagem before a model rolls to use a Skill. This adds +2 to the Skill roll. If a player spends 3CP on this Stratagem, it instead adds +1 to all Skill rolls this Turn.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Force Sword, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Psychic Hood, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 05)
Special Ability: Psychic Abilities: Smite and 1 other Psychic Power from the appropriate Discipline list (Typically found in their own Codex or Codex Supplement); ability to Deny the Witch within 24" (x1)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any number of Librarians are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Psychic Sense (+1) =3XP, Command (+1) =6XP, Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP, Tech (+1) =6XP; Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP,
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents

Tactical Marine:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld8 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Command1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Range Finder. Use this Stratagem before a model Shoots in the Shooting Phase. This adds +6" to the range of any one weapon in any Firing Model for that model.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Deathwatch Pattern Bolter with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 07)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +2CP per Tactical Marine in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Command (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12Xp
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Morale and Shooting Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Morale and Shooting Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Morale and Shooting Talents

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld7 Sv2+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Tech1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/2CP) Augury Scan. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Mission with a partially obscured terrain layout, before Deployment. Roll 3D6. The total is the number of inches into the obscured layout that a Techmarine reveals. If 2CP are spent on this Stratagem, any Adversaries that would otherwise be revealed as blips in this area are instead revealed as the models they represent. If the radius of this reveal clips a room or corridor, place the entire room and/or corridor. However, Adversaries will only be revealed up to the limit of the Scan. GMs, tell your players, before they commit to how many CPs they are going to spend on this Stratagem, whether or not Adversaries will be represented as Blips or not. You do not have to reveal whether or not there will be any models in the area to be revealed. However, to play completely fair, you should have at least a sketch of the table's ultimate set-up, along with placement of all your Adversaries before the players even have an opportunity to use this Stratagem.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Artificer Armor 2+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 9 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, Servo Arm, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Mechanicus Frame, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 05)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any number of Techmarines are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Tech (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Knights Amethyst Techmarines (Overseers): Medic (+1) =9XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Technology and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Technology and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Technology and Skill Talents

6" WS4+ BS4+ S4 T4 W2 A1 Ld7 Sv4+ Skill4+ Cap08
Skill: Stealth1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Scout Ahead. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Mission, before the first Turn. One allied <Imperium> model in Cohesion Range may Move up to 6", staying more than 9" away from enemy models.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Scout Armor 4+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades plus either Bolter and 5 Standard Magazines or Astartes Chainsword Wargear: - (Total Weight: 03)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if more than 1 Scout in Squad
Starting Renown: 0
Skill Upgrade Costs: Stealth (+1) =4XP, Demolitions (+1) =8XP, Intimidation (+1) =8XP, Tactics (+1) =8XP; Command (+1) =16XP, Medic (+1) =16XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -

6" WS3+ BS4+ S4 T4 W2 A1 Ld7 Sv4+ Skill5+ Cap08
Skill: Intimidate1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Recite Catechism. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Turn. One allied <Imperium> model in Cohesion Range gains +1 on one roll this Turn.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Scout Armor 4+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: - (Total Weight: 03)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if more than 1 Neophyte in Squad
Starting Renown: 0
Skill Upgrade Costs: Intimidate (+1) =4XP, Command (+1) =8XP, Demolitions (+1) =8XP, Tactics (+1) =8XP; Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =16XP, Inspire (+1) =16XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -

Any First Founding Marine may upgrade their Standard Load Out Powered or Artificer Armor to Terminator Armor for +9 TV. Terminator Armor provides a number of modifications to a Specialty's Profile.
- Armor Save becomes 2+
- grants a 5+ Invulnerable Save, unless the model already has a better Invulnerable Save, in which case it keeps the better
- increases its starting Wounds by +1
- adds +1 Attack
- adds +3 Capacity
- reduces Move by -1"
- replaces a model's Standard Load Out Weapons with: Deathwatch Pattern Storm Bolter and 4 Standard Magazines, Powerfist
- removes an Assault Marine's Wargear: Jump Pack
- Increases the Specialty's starting Renown by +14
- changes the wargear lists that they have access to

Alternatively, any First Founding Marine may upgrade their Standard Load Out Powered or Artificer Armor to Relic Terminator Armor for +13 TV. Relic Terminator Armor provides a number of modifications to a Specialty's Profile.
- Armor Save becomes 2+
- grants a 4+ Invulnerable Save
- increases its starting Wounds by +2
- adds +1 Attack
- adds +4 Capacity
- replaces a model's Standard Load Out Weapons with: Combi-Bolter and 4 Standard Magazines, Powerfist
- removes an Assault Marine's Wargear: Jump Pack
- Increases the Specialty's starting Renown by +18
- changes the wargear lists that they have access to

Ultima Founding Specialties

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talents: Cohesion0, Steady
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Eradication. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. Chose a single allied Astartes within Cohesion Range. If that Astartes' targets are less than 2" apart from each, each target must re-roll their successful Armor Saves.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Mk X Gravis Armor 3+ Weapons: 2 Flamestorm Gauntlets with Backpack Ammo Supply, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 08)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Aggressor in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Demolitions (+1) =3XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Shooting Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Shooting Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Shooting Talents

6"(10") WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talent: Cohesion0, Gunlugger
Tactical Value: 3
Specialty Stratagem: (2CP) Death from the Skies. Use this Stratagem at the start of any allied model's Shooting Phase, where the Shooter is at a higher elevation than its target. As long as the shooter scores at least 1 hit, it also inflicts 1 Mortal Wound on any one target it shot at.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Mk X Gravis Armor 3+ Weapons: 2 Assault Bolters with 2 Standard Magazines for each, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Heavy Jump Pack, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 08)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Inceptor in Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Intimidate (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -2XP on Tier 1 Shooting Talents; -4XP on Tier 2 Shooting Talents; -6XP on Tier 3 Shooting Talents

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A1 Ld8 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talent: Cohesion1
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (2CP) Tactical Flexibility. Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase. Select one type of weapon: Bolt, Plasma, Melta, Flamer, or Graviton. All Specialties in this model's squad receive a -1 Cost discount to any weapon of the chosen type for this Mission.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: (choose one of the following complete sets): Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Bolt Rifle with 9 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades or Heavy Bolt Pistol with 9 Standard Magazines, Chainsword, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades or Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Heavy Bolt Rifle with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: Variable)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +2CP per Intercessor in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Command (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Morale and Shooting Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Morale and Shooting Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Morale and Shooting Talents

Primaris Apothecary:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A2 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talents: Cohesion0, Iron Jaw
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Healing Loci. Use this Stratagem whenever any allied Astartes in Cohesion Range uses their Medic Skill to heal another Astartes. That model automatically passes their Skill test.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+, Weapons: Absolvor Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, Reductor Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Narthecium, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 05)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP for every Primaris Apothecary in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Medic (+1) =3XP, Command (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP, Tech (+1) =6XP; Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Skill Talents

Primaris Chaplain:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A2 Ld8 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talents: Cohesion0, Hatred [Faction Type] (player's choice)
Tactical Value: 7
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/3CP) We are Astartes. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Mission, before rolling to Remove Corruption. This allows the Primaris Chaplain to re-roll any one Remove Corruption roll. If 3CP are spent for this Stratagem, then the Primaris Chaplain instead may re-roll all Remove Corruption rolls for this Mission.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Absolver Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, Crozius Arcanum, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Rosarius, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 05)
Special Ability: Remove Corruption. This ability allows the Chaplain to roll a D6 at the end of every Mission for every Marine deployed with them that has 1 or more Corruption. On a roll of a 6+, that model reduces its current Corruption by 1.
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any number of Primaris Chaplains are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Inspire (+1) =3XP; Command (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Space Wolf Chaplains (Wolf Priests): Medic (+1) =9XP; Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Miscellaneous and Melee Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Miscellaneous and Melee Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Miscellaneous and Melee Talents

Primaris Librarian:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A2 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talent: Cohesion0, Fated
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/3CP) Magnified Presence. Use this Stratagem before another Astartes in Cohesion Range uses a Skill or Talent themselves. This Stratagem adds +6" to the target Astartes' effective range. If 3CP are used for this Stratagem, all allied Astartes, except this model, in Cohesion Range, add +6" to their effective ranges. If 1CP is used, this bonus lasts until the end of the Phase. If 3CP are used, this bonus lasts until the end of the Battleround.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Force Sword, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Psychic Hood, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 06)
Special Ability: Psychic Abilities: Smite and 1 other Psychic Power from the appropriate Discipline list (Typically found in their own Codex or Codex Supplement); ability to Deny the Witch within 24" (1)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any number of Primaris Librarians are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Psychic Sense (+1) =3XP, Command (+1) =6XP, Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP, Tech (+1) =6XP; Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents

Primaris Lieutenant
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A2 Ld8 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talent: Cohesion1
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Mentor. Use this Stratagem when an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range fails a Skill test. That model may re-roll their test.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Bolt Rifle with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Sword, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 07)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +2CP if any Primaris Lieutenants are in the squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Command (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -2XP on Tier 1 Morale Talents; -4xp on Tier 2 Morale Talents; -6XP on Tier 3 Morale Talents

Primaris Techmarine:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A2 Ld7 Sv2+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talent: Cohesion0, Servo Rig (1)
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/2CP) Machine Efficiency. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Mission with any Tech Emplacements. Roll a D3; this is the number of Levels of Power the Primaris Techmarine can raise any Tech that is below Full. If all Tech Emplacements are at Full Power, this D3 roll instead becomes the same number of +1 bonuses to Tech Skill tests any allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may take during the course of the Mission. If 2CP are spent on this Stratagem, instead roll a D6 with the same applications and caveats. Unused bonuses and Power Levels are lost at the end of the Mission.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Artificer Armor 2+ Weapons: Grav Pistol with 5 Grav Catalysts, Forge Bolter with 2 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, Servo Arm, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Mechanicus Frame, Armor Patch, Independent Targeting System (Total Weight: 08)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP for every Primaris Techmarine in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Tech (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Knights Amethyst Techmarines (Overseers): Medic (+1) =9XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Technology and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Technology and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Technology and Skill Talents

7" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A2 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talents: Cohesion0, Fearsome
Tactical Value: 2
Specialty Stratagem: (3CP) Pre-Deployment. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Mission, before Deployment. This model may Deploy anywhere on the revealed Terrain layout. When enemy models Deploy they must remain more than 9" away from this model and if unable to do so, must be held in Adversarial Reserve.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Phobos Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Sword, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 White Smoke Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch, Grapnel Launcher (Total Weight: 06); May equip Grav-Chute for +1 TV and/or swap 5 Standard Pistol Magazines for 5 Turbo Penetrator Magazines for +2 TV
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if more than 1 Reiver in Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Stealth (+1) =3XP, Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Intimidation (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =9XP, Medic (+1) =9XP; Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =12XP, Inspire (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Skill Talents

6"(12") WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W4 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill5+ Cap08
Talent: Cohesion0, Swift Reload
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Wrathful Firepower. Use this Stratagem at the end of any Shooting Phase, after all models have taken their shots. Nominate an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model may use the Suppression ability even if they shot to kill this Turn.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Mk X Gravis Armor 3+ Weapons: Accelerator Autocannon with backpack ammo feed, Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 White Smoke Grenades Wargear: Heavy Jump Pack, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 07)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any Suppressors in the squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Demolitions (+1) =3XP; Command (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Miscellaneous and Shooting Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Miscellaneous and Shooting Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Miscellaneous and Shooting Talents.

Standard Load Out Gear Descriptions
First Founding Armor

Armor Type / Save|Invulnerable / Capacity Bonus
Scout Armor / 4+|- / +0
Powered Armor / 3+|- / +1
Artificer Armor / 2+|- / +2
Terminator Armor / 2+|5+ / +3
Relic Terminator Armor / 2+|4+ / +4

Ultima Founding Armor
Armor Type / Save|Invulnerable / Capacity Bonus
Powered Armor / 3+|- / +1
Phobos Armor / 3+|- / +2 exclusively for Wargear
Mk X Gravis / 3+|- / +2

First Founding Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits
-Bolt Pistol / 01 / 12" / 1|2|4 / 4 / Pistol / 4 / - / 1 / -
-Combi-Bolter / 03 / 24" / 2|3-5|6 / 16 / Rapid Fire / 4 / - / 1 / -
-Deathwatch Pattern Bolter / 03 / 24" / 1|2-4|5 / 8 / Rapid Fire/ 4 / - / 1 / Integrated Magazines
-Deathwatch Pattern Storm Bolter / 04 / 24" / 2|4,6,or8|10 / 18 / Rapid Fire / 4 / - / 1 / Integrated Magazines
-Heavy Bolter / 05 / 36" / 3|6|10 / 24 or 80 / Heavy / 5 / -1 / 2 / -

Ultima Founding Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage
-Absolver Bolt Pistol / 02 / 18" / 1|2|- / 4 / Pistol / 5 / -1 / 2
-Assault Bolter / 03 / 18" / 3|6|- / 18 / Assault / 5 / -1 / 1
-Bolt Rifle / 03 / 30" / 1|2-4|- / 10 / Rapid Fire / 4 / -1 / 1
-Excelerator Autocannon / 04 / 48" / 2|4|8 / 20 or 150 / Heavy / 7 / -1 / 2
-Flamestorm Gauntlet / 03 / 12" / D6|D6+2|D6+4 / 6 or 75 / Assault / 4 / - / 1
-Forge Bolter / 01* / 24" / 3|5|8 / 24 / Assault / 5 / -1 / 2
-Heavy Bolt Pistol / 02 / 18" / 1|2|4 / 4 / Pistol / 4 / -1 / 1
-Heavy Bolt Rifle / 04 / 36" / 2|-|5 / 10 / Heavy / 5 / -1 / 1
-Reductor Pistol / 01 / 3" / 1|-|- / 3 / Pistol / 4 / -4 / 2

First Founding Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Special Rules
-Astartes Knife / * / As User / - /
-Astartes Sword / 01 / +1 / - / -
-Chainsword / 02 / +1 / -1 / Extra Attack
-Crozius Arcanum / 02 / +2 / -3 / -
-Force Sword / 01 / +1 / -1 / D3 / Psychic Attunement
-Power Fist / 04 / +4 / -3 / Unwieldy
-Reductor / - / +1 / -4 / -
-Servo Arm / 01 / +4 / -3 / Mechanicus Frame Required to use

Ultima Founding Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits
-Astartes Knife / * / As User / - / 1 / Extra Attack
-Astartes Sword / 01 / +1 / - / 1 / Defensive Weapon
-Chainsword / 02 / +1 / -1 / / 1 / Extra Attack
-Crozius Arcanum / 02 / +2 / -1 / 2 / -
-Flamestorm Gauntlet / 03 / +4 / -3 / 2 / Unwieldy
-Force Sword / 01 / +1 / -1 / D3 / Psychic Attunement
-Power Fist / 04 / +4 / -3 / Unwieldy
-Servo Arm / 01 / +4 / -3 / Mechanicus Frame Required to use

*These weapons have a negligible weight. If the model carries 2, they collectively weigh 01 Capacity
See the Grenades and Emplaced Weapons Wargear list for the stats of Frag, Krak, and White Smoke Grenades.

First Founding Wargear
Item / Capacity / Function
-Armor Patch / - / One use, Negate 1 Wound Token
-Backpack Ammo Supply / 01* / Provides the Heavy Bolter with 150 Ammo. Heavy Bolters without their Backpack Ammo Supply can be reloaded with Standard Heavy Bolter Box magazines.
-Jump Pack / 01* / Move and Advance over greater distance, modifies Move to 12" for model in Mk VI, Mk VII, and Mk VIII Armor
-Mechanicus Frame / 01 / Internal modifications sanctioned by the Priesthood of Mars for ease of cybernetic modifications
-Narthecium / 01 / Progenoid Extractor, Stim Injector
-Psychic Hood / 01 / Psychic Amplifier
-Reductor / - / tool for punching through Powered Armor to gain access to Progenoids
-Rosarius / - / Invulnerable Save 4+

Ultima Founding Wargear
Item / Capacity / Function
-Armor Patch / - / One use, Negate 1 Wound Token
-Backpack Ammo Feed / 01* / Provides the Flamestorm Gauntlets with 75 Ammo or the Excelerator Autocannon with 150 Ammo. Flamestorm Gauntlets without their Backpack Ammo Supply can be reloaded with Standard Promethium Tanks and Excelerator Autocannons can take Standard Heavy Automags.
-Grapnel Launcher / 02 / Ignore vertical height when climbing up or down to a maximum of 15"
-Grav-Chute / * / Model may Fall from any height up to 60" without taking any Damage
-Heavy Jump Pack / 02* / Move and Advance over greater distance, modifies Move to 10" for model in Mk X Gravis Armor
-Integrated Targeting System / 01 / Allows the Primaris Techmarine model to Shoot its Forge Bolter at a separate target than its Grav Pistol
-Mechanicus Frame / 01 / Internal modifications sanctioned by the Priesthood of Mars for ease of cybernetic modifications
-Narthecium / 01 / Progenoid Extractor, Stim Injector
-Psychic Hood / 01 / Psychic Amplifier
-Rosarius / - / Invulnerable Save 4+

*Most of the weight of these items are carried by the frame of the Space marine's Powered Armor. Carried separately, these items each weigh 04 Capacity.
*This item has negligible weight. 4 of them combined, separated from the suits of Powered Armor they'd normally be attached to, weigh a total of 01 Cap.

Item Traits
Defensive weapon
: a model armed with a Weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Turn.
Extra Attack: this weapon adds 1 extra Attack to the model armed with it in the Fight Phase.
Integrated Magazines: this weapon comes with 2 three-bullet Magazines that may be loaded with different ammunition than what is in a model's other Magazines. These Integrated magazines cannot be reloaded during the course of the Mission, but a model may switch between their different ammo options as a free action. A model cannot fire more shots from these Magazines than they are physically loaded with, unless the model has a Talent that says otherwise.
Psychic Amplifier: this item grants the Librarian model +1 to all "Deny the Witch" attempts within Cohesion Range.
Psychic Attunement: this weapon gains +1 Strength and +1 Damage on any Turn in which the model using it successfully manifested a Psychic Power.
Unwieldy: this weapon imposes a -1 modifier to the user's WS roll(s) whenever they Attack with it.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/07 20:04:02

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Chapters and their Options

In addition to their Specialties, each Marine model is also defined by their Chapter of origin. There are no restrictions on the number of marines in a Squad that can be from the same Chapter per se, except as their Chapter might restrict certain Specialties. Having multiples of the same Chapter in the same Squad grants no bonuses and no penalties, except that it limits the tactical flexibility of the squad.

Select one Chapter for each Marine model in the Squad.

Chapters and their Successors

Blood Angels
-Angels Encarmine
-Angels Sanguine
-Blood Drinkers
-Carmine Blades
-Flesh Tearers
-Knights of the Chalice (Primaris)
-Lamenters (Cursed Founding)

Dark Angels
-Adjudicators (Cursed Founding)
-Angels of Absolution
-Angels of Defiance (Primaris)
-Angels of Redemption
-Angels of Vengeance
-Blades of Vengeance (Primaris)
-Disciples of Caliban
-Guardians of the Covenant

Imperial Fists
-Aeonic Legion (Cursed Founding)
-Astral Knights
-Black Templars
-Brotherhood of the Bolter
-Celestial Lions
-Crimson Fists
-Hammers of Dorn
-Iron Knights
-Night Swords
-Red Templars
-Sable Swords (Unconfirmed)
-Shadow Wolves
-Sons of the Phoenix (Primaris)

Iron Hands
-Brazen Claws
-Iron Fists
-Iron Lords
-Red Talons
-Sons of Medusa

Raven Guard
-Black Guard
-Death Specters
-Iron Ravens
-Knights of the Raven
-Necropolis Hawks
-Rift Stalkers (Primaris)

-Black Vipers (Primaris)
-Convenant of Fire (Primaris)
-Dark Krakens (Primaris)
-Dragonspears (Primaris)
-Sons of the Dragon
-Storm Giants (Unconfirmed)

Space Wolves
-Wolfspear (Primaris)

-Aurora Chapter
-Black Consuls
-Brazen Consuls (Primaris)
-Doom Legion
-Eagle Warriors
--Marines Errant (Eagle Warriors Successor)
-Fulminators (Primaris)
-Genesis Chapter
-Hawk Lords
-Heralds (Cursed Founding)
-Howling Griffons
-Iron Hounds
-Iron Snakes
-Praetors of Orpheus
-Patriarchs of Ulixis
-Scythes of the Emperor
-Silver Skulls
-Silver Templars
-Sons of Orar
-Tigers Rampant (Unconfirmed)
-Warp Eagles (Primaris)
-White Consuls

White Scars
-Dark Hunters
-Iron Talons
--Mantis Warriors (Marauders Successor)
-Solar Hawks
-Storm Lords
-Storm Reapers

Subsequent Foundings and Outliers
-Angels Obsidian (Cursed Founding)
-Black Dragons (Cursed Founding)
-Black Giants (Cursed Founding)
-Black Wasps
-Blood Ravens
-Brazen Skulls
-Carcharodons Astra
-Dragon Lords
-Emperor's Spears
-Fire Lords
-Jade Dragons
-Knights Amethyst
-Mentor Legion
-Minotaurs (Cursed Founding)
-Pact of Prometheus
-Red Scorpions
-Solar Lions
-Star Dragons
-Star Phantoms
-Storm Wardens
-Tigers Ardent
-Venators (Cursed Founding)
-White Templars

-Black Shield

In addition to the Options presented for each Chapter, any Specialty may upgrade to Veteran Status for +3 TV. Veteran Status grants the model +1 Attack, +1 Leadership, and +4 Renown.

Blood Angels and their Successors

: Blood Angels
Trait(s): (player's choice): these 2: Blood Frenzy & Red Thirst, or this 1: Black Rage
Restrictions: none
Options: Blood Angels Champions or Primaris Lieutenants may upgrade to Sanguinary Priests for +1 TV. These models gain Medic (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Angel's Fury. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight Phase. Choose any one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model may Fight again.
Gear: Blood Angels Apothecaries (Sanguinary Novitiates) and Blood Angels Champions or Primaris Lieutenants (Sanguinary Priests) may equip a Sanguinary Chalice for 5 Renown; the Sanguinary Chalice weighs 01 Capacity. This may be used to invoke Sanguinius' Might once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Sanguinary Pendants

Chapter (Successor):Angels Encarmine (Blood Angels)
Trait(s): Borderline and Ferocity
Restrictions: no more than 1 model per Campaign may be chosen from this Chapter
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Angelic for +3 TV. Angelics pick one of the following options: Mastercrafted Astartes Sword added to Standard Load Out, +1 Leadership, or Intimidate (+1) and 1 one these following options: +1 Attack or Command (+1)
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Redoubled Effort Use this Stratagem at the end of any Fight Phase. Select one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model make immediately take an extra Phase out of sequence. Pick one: Move Phase, Shooting Phase, or Fight Phase.
Gear: Angels Encarmine Apothecaries and Primaris Apothecaries may equip a Sanguinary Chalice for 5 Renown; the Sanguinary Chalice weighs 01 Capacity. This may be used to invoke Sanguinius' Might once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Accolades of Battle

Chapter (Successor):Angels Sanguine (Blood Angels)
Trait(s): Insular. All Angels Sanguine also begin the campaign with the Talent: Burning Hatred [Chaos Forces] for free.
Restrictions: if there are no Librarians or Primaris Librarians in the Squad, this model must take the Librarian or Primaris Librarian Specialty
Options: Champions, Intercessors, Primaris Lieutenants, or any model with Veteran Status may be upgraded to Librariat for +2 TV. Librariats gain the ability to Deny the Witch (x1) within 18" and the Smite Psychic Power.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Veteran Defenders Use this Stratagem at the start of the enemy Turn. Until the start of the Player(s)' Turn, versus Adversaries with the keyword <Chaos>, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save and may Ignore Wounds on the D6 roll of a 5+ (or gain +1 to any preexisting Ignore Wound abilities).
Gear: Angels Sanguine Apothecaries and Primaris Apothecaries may equip a Sanguinary Chalice for 5 Renown; the Sanguinary Chalice weighs 01 Capacity. This may be used to invoke Sanguinius' Might once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Sanguine Mask

Chapter (Successor): Blood Drinkers (Blood Angels)
Trait(s):: Drinkers of Blood & Blood Ritual
Restrictions: none
Options: Blood Drinkers Champions and Primaris Lieutenants may upgrade to Sanguinary Priests for +1 TV. These models gain Medic (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Focused Rage. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Player(s)' Movement Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range can Charge even if they Advance this Turn. Additionally, if those models make it into Engagement range, they may add either +1 Strength, +1 Attack, or -1AP during their first Fight Phase, player's choice.
Gear: Any Specialty except Apothecary may equip a Reductor for 5 Renown. Blood Drinkers Apothecaries (Sanguinary Novitiates) and Blood Drinkers Champions or Primaris Lieutenants (Sanguinary Priests) may equip a Sanguinary Chalice for 5 Renown; this Chalice weighs 01 Capacity. This may be used to invoke Sanguinius' Might once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Blood Reservoir

Chapter (Successor): Carmine Blades (Blood Angels)
Trait(s): Barbaric Fighter. All Carmine Blades also begin the campaign with the Talent: Rival [Blood Angels Successor Chapters] for free.
Restrictions: if there already is an Apothecary or Primaris Apothecary in the Squad, this model cannot choose either of those Specialties.
Options: none
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Warrior Roots. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Charge Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gain an additional +1 Attack if they make it into Engagement Range. If any of these affected models remove enemy models as casualties on the Turn they Charged, all affected models gain +1 Renown
Gear: Carmine Blades Apothecaries and Primaris Apothecaries may equip a Sanguinary Chalice for 5 Renown; this Chalice weighs 01 Capacity. This may be used to invoke Sanguinius' Might once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of Haldroth

Chapter (Successor):Flesh Tearers (Blood Angels)
Trait(s):Frenzied & Renders of Flesh and Bone
Restriction(s): none
Options: Flesh Tearers' Champions and Primaris Lieutenants may upgrade to Sanguinary Priests for +1 TV. These models gain Medic (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Berserk. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Charge Phase. Nominate one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model gains +1 Attack and may ignore Wounds on the D6 roll of a 5+, during this Turn's Fight Phase, if they make it into Engagement Range. If the Nominated Astartes is a Blood Angel or is from one of their Successor Chapters, they also gain +1" on Charge rolls and a 6+ Invulnerable Save (or +1 to a preexisting Invulnerable Save) during their first Turn of the Fight Phase.
Gear: all Flesh Tearers replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Chainsword for free as part of their Standard Load Out. Flesh Tearers Assault Marines and Intercessors fighting with 2 Chainswords gain +2 Attacks instead of +1 (as per the Extra Attack Trait for Chainswords). Flesh Tearers Apothecaries (Sanguinary Novitiates) and Flesh Tearers Champions and Primaris Lieutenants (Sanguinary Priests) may equip a Sanguinary Chalice for 5 Renown; the Sanguinary Chalice weighs 01 Capacity. It may be used to invoke Sanguinius' Might once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Enemy Scalps

Chapter (Successor): Knights of the Chalice (Blood Angels)
Trait(s): Swift First Strike
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: none
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Scour the Beachhead. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission, after Deployment, but before the first Turn. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range can Shoot as if it were their 1st Shooting Phase. This does not prevent any models from firing again in the Shooting Phase.
Gear: any Specialty may add Grav-chute to their Standard Load Out for +1 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Indomitus Battle Honor

Chapter (Successor): Lamenters (Blood Angels) (Cursed Founding)
Trait(s): Lamentation & Penitent
Restrictions: cannot equip Terminator or Relic Terminator armor.
Options: Lamenters Champions, Intercessors, and Tactical Marines may upgrade to Calix Priest for +1 TV. Calix Priests gain Medic (+1). Lamenters Chaplains may begin the Campaign with Inspire (+1) for +1 TV. Each Lamenter beyond the first included in a Squad reduces its TV cost by -1 (to a minimum of 1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) No Sacrifice too Great. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Mission. All Lamenters become immune to being Shaken or Pinned, ignore the the Fear and Terror effects of Mini Bosses and Boss Monsters, respectively, and gain +1 Renown if they end the Mission with any Wound Tokens, but haven't been removed as a Casualty.
Gear: Lamenters Apothecaries (Calix Novitiates), Champions, Intercessors, and Tactical Marines (Calix Priests) may equip a Sanguinary Chalice for 5 Renown; this Chalice weighs 01 Capacity. This may be used to invoke Sanguinius' Might once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Tears of Lamentation

Blood Angels Succession Wargear Descriptions
Melee Weapons

Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits
-Paired Chainswords / 01 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Extra Attacks
-Reductor / - / +1 / -4 / 1 / -

Item / Capacity / Function
-Grav-Chute / * / Model may Fall from any height up to 60" without taking any Damage
-Sanguinary Chalice / 01 / This may be used to Invoke Sanguinius' Might

*This item has negligible weight. 4 of them combined, separated from the suits of Powered Armor they'd normally be attached to, weigh a total of 01 Cap.

Item Traits
Extra Attacks
: these weapons adds 2 extra Attacks to the model armed with them in the Fight Phase.

Chapter Rituals
Sanguinius' Might
: during the Command Phase, a model may invoke this Ritual, granting all allied Blood Angels and their Successors in Cohesion Range +1 Strength until the end of the Battleround.

Dark Angels and their Successors

: Dark Angels
Trait(s): Stubbornness. Chaplains gain "Special Intimidate" (1) Skill, which may only be used against Chaos Space Marines. All Dark Angels Specialties begin the Campaign with the Talents: Burning Hatred [Traitor Marines] and Rival [Space Wolves] for free.
Restrictions: none
Options: Dark Angels Chaplains and Primaris Caplains may upgrade to Interrogators for +1 TV. Interrogators gain a -1XP discount on all Hatred, Contempt, Indignation, and Detestation -type Talents; Chaplain (Interrogators) also gain +1 to their Skill rolls when using their "Special Intimidate".
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Lion's Roar. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. Choose any one allied Astartes armed with a weapon with the word "Plasma" in its name that is also within Cohesion Range. That model may fire their weapon on Supercharge in Burst or Autofire Mode. These shots use double the ammunition a normal Burst or Autofire shot would use. A model without sufficient ammo left in their magazines to cover the Shooting cost cannot fire in this mode.
Gear: Assault Marines and Champions do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Pistols, Inceptors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Exterminators, Tactical Marines do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Guns, Intercessors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Incinerators, and Devastators do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Cannons; all of these Specialties must still pay the appropriate Renown Cost for these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Fragment of Caliban

Chapter (Successor): Adjudicators (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Awash in the Blood of Heroes
Restrictions: Cannot be Chaplain, Cannot be Primaris
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Astartes' Justice. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. If the Adjudicators model has Cohesion2 or less, this Stratagem can only target allied Astartes in Cohesion Range that are not Dark Angels or their Successors. If the Adjudicators model has Cohesion3 or better, this Stratagem targets all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. All affected models gain +1 Strength until all of the enemy models they are currently Engaged with are removed as casualties or the targeted Astartes Falls Back.
Gear: an Adjudicators Assault Marine or Champion may replace their Chainsword or Astartes Sword, respectively, from their Standard Load out with an Adjudicator's Gavel for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Remembrance of Betrayal

Chapter (Successor): Angels of Absolution (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Duty & Purpose and Total Absolution.
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Unified Front. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may fire 1 additional shot in any Firing Mode without expending any ammunition for that extra shot.
Gear: Assault Marines and Champions do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Pistols, Inceptors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Exterminators, Tactical Marines do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Guns, Intercessors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Incinerators, and Devastators do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Cannons; all of these Specialties must still pay the appropriate Renown Cost for these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of Absolution

Chapter (Successor): Angels of Defiance (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Enduring and Stubbornness.
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only
Options: Intercessors cost -1 TV
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Beacon of Hope. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Morale Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of this model remove 1 Wound Token, whether the Morale test is passed or failed.
Gear: This model may equip a Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifle or Hellblaster Plasma Incinerator without having to meet that item's Threshold. It must still pay the Cost for either of these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Indomitus Battle Honor

Chapter (Successor): Angels of Redemption (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Insular and Secret Agenda. Chaplains gain a "Special Intimidate" (1) Skill, which may only be used against Chaos Space Marines. All Angels of Redemption Specialties begin the Campaign with the Talent: Hatred [Fallen Infantry].
Restrictions: None.
Options: Angels of Redemption Chaplains and Primaris Chaplains may upgrade to Interrogators for +1 TV. Interrogators gain a -1XP discount on all Hatred, Contempt, Indignation, and Detestation -type Talents; Chaplain (Interrogators) also gain +1 to their Skill rolls when using their "Special Intimidate".
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Go Off Book. Use this Stratagem after terrain is set up, but before Deployment. This model's player must place an additional Tertiary Objective Marker (Seize Ground) any where on the table that is at least 18" away from its Deployment Zone. Only Dark Angels and their Successors receive XP or Renown for achieving this Objective, but it counts against the entire squad if it is left unfinished at the end of the Mission.
Gear: Assault Marines and Champions do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Pistols, Inceptors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Exterminators, Tactical Marines do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Guns, Intercessors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Incinerators, and Devastators do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Cannons; all of these Specialties must still pay the appropriate Renown Cost for these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Writ of Duty

Chapter (Successor): Angels of Vengeance (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Most Grim. All Angels of Vengeance models also begin the Campaign with the Talent: Hatred [Chaos Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: None.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Grim Relentlessness. Use this Stratagem before rolling on the Injury Chart. Nominate any allied Astartes in Cohesion Range, including this model. The nominated target counts as having rolled a 1 on the Injury Chart, no need to roll.
Gear: Assault Marines and Champions do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Pistols, Inceptors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Exterminators, Tactical Marines do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Guns, Intercessors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Incinerators, and Devastators do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Cannons; all of these Specialties must still pay the appropriate Renown Cost for these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Grim Trophies.

Chapter (Successor): Blades of Vengeance (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Counter-Assault and Tenacious Defense.
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: A Blades of Vengeance model may be given the Talent: Ally of the [Ultramarines] for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Serve With Distinction. Use this Stratagem at the start of the players' Turn. Nominate an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That Astartes may treat any one roll this Turn as a 1 or 6, whichever the player decides is better, without having to roll.
Gear: This model may equip a Guilliman Pattern Bolter or Hellblaster Plasma Incinerator without having to meet that item's Threshold. It must still pay the Cost for either of these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Indomitus Battle Honor.

Chapter (Successor): Consecrators (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Insular, Esoteric Wargear, and Relic Keepers.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty except Scouts and Neophytes may upgrade to Keeper for +3 TV. Aggressors, Apothecary, Assault, Champion, Devastator, Intercessors, Inceptors, Librarian, Primaris Apothecary, Primaris Librarian, Primaris Lieutenant, Reivers, Suppressors, and Tactical Keepers improve their Armor Saves to 2+; Chaplain, Primaris Chaplain, Primaris Techmarine, Techmarine, and models in Terminator or Relic Terminator armor Keepers instead add +4 to their starting Renown. All Keepers upgrade one item from their Standard Load Out to Exceptional Quality for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) The Lion's Vault. Use this Stratagem before the start of the Arming Phase. Nominate one allied Astartes in the Unit (which can also be this model). That model counts as having +15 Renown for the purpose of qualifying for Threshold this Mission.
Gear: any Specialty may equip a Personal Teleportation Device for 5 Renown.
Chapter Heirloom: Code Fragment.

Chapter (Successor): Disciples of Caliban (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Reconciler, Duty & Purpose, and Stubbornness.
Restrictions: None.
Options: any specialty may upgrade to a Hunter for +1 TV. Hunters gain the Talent: Accurate for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Fire on that Target. Use this Stratagem during the enemy's Movement Phase, Nominate one allied Astartes within Cohesion Range. That model interrupts the enemy Movement Phase and makes a single shot with their primary weapon at any target visible to the model. If this shot hits, it causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects.
Gear: Assault Marines and Champions do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Pistols, Inceptors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Exterminators, Tactical Marines do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Guns, Intercessors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Incinerators, and Devastators do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Cannons; all of these Specialties must still pay the appropriate Renown Cost for these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Reliquary.

Chapter (Successor): Guardians of the Covenant (Dark Angels)
Trait(s): Monastic Devotion and Stubbornness.
Restrictions: None.
Options: Any Specialty may upgrade to a Devotee for +2 TV. Devotees gain Intimidate (+1) and Leadership +1.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Humble Martyrdom. Use this Stratagem when any allied Astartes is Teleported away as a casualty or a marine is placed as a Dead Marine Objective. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of the Guardians of the Covenant model become immune to being Pinned, instead becoming Shaken if the condition occurs, and gain 1 additional use of their Chapter Heirloom this Mission.
Gear: Assault Marines and Champions do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Pistols, Inceptors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Exterminators, Tactical Marines do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Guns, Intercessors do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Incinerators, and Devastators do not have to meet the Threshold for Plasma Cannons; all of these Specialties must still pay the appropriate Renown Cost for these weapons, however.
Chapter Heirloom: Scrawl of Destiny

Dark Angels Succession Wargear Descriptions
Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits
-Adjudicators Gavel / 02 / +2 / - / 1 / Jarring

Item / Capacity / Function
-Personal Teleportation Device / 01 / Two uses per Mission. This device may be used to keep this model is Reserve. Then, on any Turn after the 1st, this model may deploy anywhere on the revealed tabletop, as long as they remain at least 9" away from any enemy models. It may also be used to remove this model from play and replace them anywhere on the revealed terrain in Line of Sight from their previous location, up to 18" away and at least 4" from any enemy models.

Item Traits
: enemy models hit by this weapon must take a Toughness test. If they fail, they treat their WS as 6+ on their following Turn.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/07 21:23:42

Post by: PenitentJake


This is awesome. I'm tied up in another Campaign for the foreseeable future, but once it's over, this is definitely on my to play list.

Thanks for putting so much work into this and sharing it with the community!

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/07 23:38:33

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

PenitentJake wrote:

This is awesome. I'm tied up in another Campaign for the foreseeable future, but once it's over, this is definitely on my to play list.

Thanks for putting so much work into this and sharing it with the community!

Cool, I appreciate that, PenitentJake! And stay tuned, there's still plenty more to come.

EDITED to add: This is exactly what I wanted to do with this project. In addition to building armies and terrain so I can run this for my local Hobby clan when the pandemic finally ends (honestly, it's the only thing that has kept me sane this last year), I also wanted to create this for the Community. A massive, free resource for hobbyists everywhere to inject into their individual gaming groups. Not as a rival to GW, but rather as a compliment to the rich universe that they have created. A giant narrative campaign to inspire everyone to greater heights of hobby enthusiasm. I encourage everyone wishing to run this Campaign to expand their collections to facilitate maximum fun.

I'm personally an Ork player. And while I have certainly expanded my Ork forces since the last codex dropped, I've expanded my collection to include Deathguard, Plague Bearers, Chaos Cultists, Blackstone Fortress, Space Hulk, Tyranids, Age of Sigmar Ghouls, Bloodbowl Lizardmen, Kharadron Overlords, Druhkari, Genestealer Cults, Tyranids, Chaos Undivided, Sororitas, Tzeentch Daemons, Thousand Sons, AoS Gryph Hounds,Necromunda Van Saar, Delaque, Goliath, and terrain of every shape and size. I've bought and assembled more GW products in the past 9 months than I have in the past 9 years.

Please, everyone, play this, modify it for your group's needs, and above all, have FUN.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/09 11:10:07

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Imperial Fists and their Successors

: Imperial Fists
Trait(s): Sons of Dorn and Bolter Drill
Restrictions: none.
Options: Champions and models equipped with Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor may upgrade to Huscarl Aspirant for +1 TV. Huscarl Aspirants gain +4 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Knock it Down. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase or Fight Phase, when this model is targeting a piece of terrain or fortification. Any successful hits made by this model cause double Damage until the end of the Phase.
Gear: Imperial Fists models do not have to meet the Threshold for equipping Thunderhammers or Heavy Thunderhammers, although they must still pay the Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Scrimshaw Memento

Chapter (Successor): Aeonic Legion (Imperial Fists) Cursed Founding
Trait(s): Penitent and Sons of Dorn
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only.
Options: Assault Marines and Champions may upgrade to Bug Hunters or Judiciaries for +1 TV. Bug Hunters gain the Talent: Hatred [Tyranid Infantry] for free and Judiciaries gain the Talent: Hatred [Renegade Astartes Infantry] for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Penitent Duty Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase when this model is Engaged with a Boss Monster. This model becomes immune to being Shaken or Pinned, immune to the Terror effects of Boss Monsters, and gains +1 Attack and +1 Toughness until either this model is removed as a casualty or the Boss Monster they are currently Engaged with is slain. While these bonuses are active, this model cannot voluntarily make a Fall Back Move.
Gear: any Specialty may replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Spear for 1 Cost and no Threshold.
Chapter Heirloom: Fragment of Fortress Xtarko

Chapter (Successor): Astral Knights (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Hot Blooded
Restrictions: Only one model from this Chapter may be selected for the entire Campaign; may not be taken if there already is a model from the Sable Swords Chapter. First Founding Specialties only.
Options: for +1 TV, any Specialty may begin the Campaign with +4 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) All Glory. Use this Stratagem when another allied Astartes in Cohesion Range would earn Renown and this model is also within 3" of the source of that gain. This model gains bonus Renown equal to half (rounding up) of whatever their ally gains in that moment.
Gear: Tactical Marines, Chaplains, and Librarians may take a Tabard of Authority for 5 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Soul Shard Blade

Chapter (Successor): Black Templars (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Reckless Zealotry. In addition, all Black Templars gain the Talent: Burning Hatred [Agents of the Ruinous Powers] for free.
Restrictions: cannot be Librarian or Primaris Librarian.
Options: Champions may upgrade to Sword Brethern for +2 TV. Sword Brethern upgrade their Astartes Swords to Masterwork Astartes Swords for free and gain +1 Attack. Tactical Marines may start the Campaign with the Talent: Neophyte for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Abhor the Witch. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Adversary's Psychic Phase. All enemy Psychic Powers suffer -1 penalty to their casting rolls. Additionally, if this model can draw Line of Sight to any enemy Psykers, they may pick one to Shoot at immediately, using the Standard Firing Mode of whatever weapon they are currently equipped with. This does not stop this model from firing normally in the Shooting Phase.
Gear: Champions may upgrade their Standard Loadout Astartes Swords for Power Swords for 5 Cost and no Threshold or to a Black Sword for 15 Cost with a Threshold of 25.
Chapter Heirloom: Penitent Chains.

Chapter (Successor): Brotherhood of the Bolter (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Icon of the Chapter and Bolter Drill
Restrictions: cannot equip Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor.
Options: any Specialty may be upgraded to Marksman for +3 TV. Marksmen gain the Talents: Conservationist and Sharpshooter for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Gun Line. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range double the number of shots they can fire in any Mode of Fire until the end of the Phase.
Gear: all Brotherhood of the Bolter models swap their Standard Magazines out for Expanded Magazines for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Gunmetal Tabard

Chapter (Successor): Celestial Lions (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Fierce Pride and Strict Principles
Restrictions: none.
Options: Chaplains and Primaris Chaplains may upgrade to Death Speaker for +1 TV. Death Speakers gain Inspire (+1). Librarians and Primaris Librarians may upgrade to Spirit Walkers for +1 TV, who gain +1 Psychic Power from the Geokinesis Discipline. Apothecaries and Primaries Apothecaries may upgrade to Life Binders for +1 TV. These models gain Medic (+1). Assault, Devastator, Intercessor, or Tactical Specialties may upgrade to Pride Leader for +1 TV. Pride Leaders gain +1 Leadership. Primaris Lieutenants or Tactical Marines may upgrade to War Leader for +2 TV. War Leaders gain +1 Leadership and Command (+1). A Tactical Marine cannot be both a Pride Leader and a War Leader.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Initiative. Use this Stratagem when the Mission Leader - who is not this model - is removed as a casualty. This model becomes the new Mission Leader automatically. In addition, they are not restricted from using other Stratagems on the Turn they are elevated and gain +1 Leadership and Command (+1) until the end of the Mission.
Gear: all Specialties gain a -1 Cost to all Weapons, applied after other discounts.
Chapter Heirloom: Dust of Khattar

Chapter (Successor): Crimson Fists (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Bolter Drill. In addition, all Crimson Fists models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Burning Hatred [Orks] for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Ork Fighter for +1 TV. Ork Fighters gain +1 Attack and +1 Strength when any <Ork> model is within 1".
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Indomitable Defense Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. If this model did not Move or Advance this Turn, they gain +1 Armor Save, the ability to ignore Wounds on the D6 roll of a 6, and may double the number of Shots they fire if Shooting in Standard or Autofire Mode until the start of their next Shooting Phase.
Gear: any Crimson Fist may equip a Power Fist without having to meet the Threshold for this item, although they must still pay the Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Memories of Rynn's World.

Chapter (Successor): Excoriators (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Undaunted and Resilient
Restrictions: none.
Options: Assault, Devastator, Intercessor, and Tactical Marines may upgrade to Second Whip for +3 TV. Second Whips gain +1 Leadership and may choose one of the following options during the Arming Phase: Command (+1) or Tactics (+1). Second Whips cannot be selected as Mission Leaders unless the original Mission Leader has been removed as a casualty.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Advance in Retrograde. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Turn. If this model Moves away from all visible enemy models, it does not suffer the -1 to hit for Moving and Shooting with Heavy weapons. If it Advances away from all visible enemy models, it does not suffer the -1 to hit for Advancing and firing Assault weapons.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Scars of Every Battle

Chapter (Successor): Executioners (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Deliberate Cunning, Insular, and Intractable
Restrictions: Aggressors, Devastators and Suppressors cost +1 TV.
Options: Chaplains and Primaris Chaplains may upgrade to Death Speaker for +1 TV. Death Speakers gain Inspire (+1). Devastator and Tactical Marines may upgrade to Sternguardian for +3 TV. Sternguardians gain +1 Attack, +1 Leadership, and +9 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Battle Wisdom Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may fire Rapid Fire and Assault Weapons as if they were Pistols.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Headsman's Icon

Chapter (Successor): Hammers of Dorn (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): All Hammers of Dorn models begin the Campaign with the Rival [Ultramarines] and Hatred [Word Bearers Infantry] Talents for free.
Restrictions: Assault Marines and Champions cost +1 TV.
Options: Devastators cost -1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Hammerstrike! Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range Engaged with enemy models inflict 1 Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage, as long as they score at least 1 hit.
Gear: all First Founding Specialties gain a -2 TV discount on Terminator and Relic Terminator Armor.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of Dorn

Chapter (Successor): Hospitalliers (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): True Believer and Ally of the Ecclesiarch
Restrictions: all Specialties cost +1 TV and must pick one of the following options: 1st Company (immune to Fear and Terror effects), 2nd Company (+1 Armor Save bonus while in Cover), or 3rd Company (+1 Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes)
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Vigil for +3 TV. A Vigil model gains +1 Leadership, +1 Wound, and the ability to Ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 6. Apothecaries and Primaris Apothecaries cost -1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Shield of Faith. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Battleround. This model and one other Astartes of the Hospitalliers or Black Templars Chapter in Cohesion Range gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save until the start of the player(s)' next Battleround.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Templar Heraldry

Chapter (Successor): Invaders (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Intractable and Bolter Drill. Additionally, all Invaders gain the Talent: Burning Hatred [Craftworld Aeldari] for free.
Restrictions: Apothecaries and Primaris Apothecaries cost +1 TV.
Options: If there are no other Devastators or Tactical Marines in this model's Squad, an Invaders Devastator costs -1 TV. Any Specialty may upgrade to Violator for +2 TV. Violators choose one of the following options: add Deathwatch Pattern Bolter to Standard Load Out, +1 Toughness, or Forbidden Knowledge +1; and one of the following options: +1 Leadership or +9 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Hard Win. Use this Stratagem at the start of the player(s)' Turn. Make a Toughness test for each allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. Each model that passes this test removes D3 Wound Tokens. For each Astartes that passes this test, the Invader model gains +1 Renown. Models that do not have any Wound Tokens do not test.
Gear: any Specialty may upgrade their Armor, Weapons, and/or Wargear to Exceptional Quality for 1 Cost per item.
Chapter Heirloom: Choose one of the following: Scars of Unknown Victories or Fragment of Idharea

Chapter (Successor): Iron Knights (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): War Sport. Additionally, all Iron Knights begin the Campaign with the Talent: Contempt [Iron Brethern Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: Assault Marines and Intercessors armed with Chainswords cost +1 TV.
Options: Devastators may upgrade to Siege Breaker for +3 TV. Siege Breakers gain a -5 Threshold and -1 Cost to all Heavy Weapons, applied after all other discounts. Additionally, Siege Breakers increase the Rate of Fire of Lascannons, Multimeltas, Heavy Bolters, and Grav Cannons by +1 in all Modes of Fire.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Full Assault. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range treat their Shooting Weapons as +1 Strength until the end of the Phase.
Gear: Iron Knights receive a -3 TV discount on Terminator Armor.
Chapter Heirloom: Knight's Plate

Chapter (Successor): Night Swords (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Esoteric Beliefs & Insular
Restrictions: none.
Options: Assault Marines, Intercessors armed with Chainswords, and Champions from this Chapter cost -1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Assault Strike. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Charge Phase. This model may make a Charge attempt even if it Advanced in the Movement phase. In addition, all allied Astartes within Cohesion Range that also Charged this Turn gain +1 Attack for the duration of this Battleround.
Gear: any Specialty except Devastator or any model equipped with Gravis Mk X, Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor, may equip a Jump Pack without having to meet the Threshold, although they must still pay the Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Shadow of Night

Chapter (Successor): Red Templars (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Assault Biker
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Cycle Check. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. If this model is riding an Assault Bike or Outrider Bike and has Charged this Turn, it causes D3 automatic hits on the Unit it Charged with a Strength of 7, AP -2, and Damage D2.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Imperator Honorifica

Chapter (Successor): Sable Swords (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Enemy of Assassins and Unconfirmed Successors. Additionally, all Sable Swords begin the Campaign with the Talent: Pairs well with [Any Novamarines in the Squad].
Restrictions: Only one model from this Chapter may be selected for the entire Campaign; may not be taken if there already is a model from the Astral Knights Chapter.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Assassin Killer for +1 TV. Assassin Killers gain the Last Gasp Trait.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Indomitable Advance. Use this Stratagem when all allied Astartes deployed on this Mission have less than half their starting Wounds. This model becomes immune to Fear, Terror, being Pinned, and being Shaken for the remainder of the Mission.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Imperator Honorifica

Chapter (Successor): Shadow Wolves (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Zealous and Faithful to the Squad
Restrictions: Only one model from this Chapter may be selected for the entire Campaign.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Dogged Use this Stratagem at the start of the Battleround. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range when this Stratagem is applied are affected, even if they Move away during the Movement Phase subsequently. Any time an affected model would receive a Wound Token this Battleround, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+ that Wound Token is negated.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Talisman of the Wolf

Chapter (Successor): Sons of the Phoenix (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Faithful to the Creed and Speakers of the Word
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only
Options: any Specialty may be given Inspire (+1) for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) From the Ashes Use this Stratagem at the start of the Morale Phase. If this model is the Mission Leader, the Squad automatically passes its Morale test without having to roll and this model gains +1 Renown. If this model is not the Mission Leader, it instead grants the Mission Leader +2 to their Leadership for the purposes of Morale tests until the end of the Turn. Additionally, even if the Mission Leader fails with this bonus, this Stratagem also grants them a re-roll that expires at the end of the Phase.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Intense Faith

Chapter (Successor): Subjugators (Imperial Fists)
Trait(s): Little Patience and Thorough Destructor
Restrictions: cannot be Neophyte, cannot be Reiver. Scout must exchange Stealth (1) for Tactics (1). Any Specialty with access to the Stealth Skill must pay double XP for each Rating.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Defiant for +2 TV. Defiants gain the Indomitable Trait and become immune to Fear and Terror.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Annihilator Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range armed with Heavy Weapons deal +2 Damage.
Gear: Subjugators may upgrade any Weapon in their Load Out to Exceptional for 1 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Blood of Thousands

Imperial Fists Succession Wargear Descriptions
Melee Weapons

Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits
-Astartes Spear / 01 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Deadly Charge
-Black Sword / [b[02[/b] / +1 / -3 / 1 / Decapitating Strike, Defensive Weapon, Monster Slayer
-Masterwork Astartes Sword / 01 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive, Masterwork
-Power Fist / 04 / +4 / -3 / D3 / Unwieldy
-Power Sword / 02 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Defensive Weapon

Item / Capacity / Function
-Assault Bike / * / This Bike is scaled for First Founding Astartes and increases the rider's effective Toughness by +1 (for the purposes of Wounding, but not for resisting the effects of Wargear, Talents, or Skills) and is armed with a Twin Bolter with a pair of Expanded Magazines.
-Expanded Magazines / * / Double the bullets of a Standard Magazine (Expanded Bolter Magazines hold 16 instead of 8; Expanded Bolt Pistol Magazines hold 8 instead of 4; etc.)
-Jump Pack / 01* / Move and Advance over greater distance. modifies Move to 12" for model in Mk VI, Mk VII, and Mk VIII Armor
-Outrider Bike / * / This Bike is scaled for Ultima Founding Astartes and increases the rider's effective Toughness by +1 (for the purposes of Wounding, but not for resisting the effects of Wargear, Talents, or Skills) and is armed with a Twin Bolt Rifle with a pair of Expanded Magazines.
-Tabard of Authority / - / this item grants a model Command (+1), Tactics (+1), or Inspire (+1), player's choice, for the duration of the Mission. Choose during the Arming Phase.

*This item weighs very little individually. However, every 2 collectively weigh 01 Capacity.
*Most of the weight of these items are carried by the frame of the Space marine's Powered Armor. Carried separately, these items each weigh 04 Capacity.

Item Traits
Deadly Charge
: +1 Strength on any Turn where the model armed with this weapon Charges
Defensive weapon: a model armed with a Weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Turn.
Decapitating Strike: any roll of 6 to hit automatically Wounds.
Mastercrafted: re-roll 1 failed roll associated with this item per Turn.
Monster Slayer: striking the killing blow on any Mini Boss or Boss Monster with this weapon earns this model +1 Renown in addition to any other gains.
Unwieldy: this Weapon imposes a -1 modifier to the user's WS roll(s) whenever they Attack with it.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/10 04:03:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Iron Hands and their Successors (non-Codex Compliant)

Chapter: Iron Hands
Trait(s): Impassive and Heart of Iron. Iron Hands Techmarines and Primaris Techmarines begin the Campaign with any one Teir1 Technological Talent for which they qualify, for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Iron Hands models may upgrade to Machine Transcendant for +4 TV. Machine Transcendants may take up to 2 Teir1 Technological Talents that are labeled Cybernetic Implant. This model must meet all prerequisites for those Talents. Machine Transcendants also gain the ability to ignore Wounds on the D6 roll of a 6.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Will of the Machine. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Phase where this model is in Cohesion Range of any Tech Emplacement, Vehicle, or Terrain Feature with fewer Wounds than it started the Mission with. That Vehicle, Terrain Feature, or Tech Emplacement immediately regains D3 Wounds.
Gear: all Iron Hands add Mechanicus Frame to their Wargear Load Outs if they don't already have it. Additionally, all Iron Hands begin the Campaign with a Cybernetic Hand. Any model may upgrade their Bolt Pistol and 5 Standard Magazines for a Grav Pistol and 5 Grav Catalysts or a Plasma Pistol and 5 Plasma Cells for +3 TV; models who upgrade their Standard Load Outs in this way do not have to meet the Thresholds of these weapons, nor do they have to pay their Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Clan Cog

Chapter (Successor): Brazen Claws (Iron Hands)
Trait(s): Unyielding and Stoic. Additionally, all Brazen Claws models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Determined for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Chaos Fighter. Chaos Fighters begin the Campaign with +1 Corruption and gain +1 Attack versus all <Chaos> Adversaries. If any number of Brazen Claws models included in the Campaign select this upgrade, they collectively must only pay +1 TV; player(s) determine which Squad or model must pay this.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Remorseless Attack. Use this Stratagem when this model is not in Cover and is the closest model to enemy forces. This model adds +3" to its Charge moves, +6" to its Weapon ranges, doubles the number of shots its ranged Weapons can fire in any Mode, and increases the AP of all of its Weapons by 1 until the start of this model's next Battleround.
Gear: all Brazen Claws add Mechanicus Frame to their Wargear Load Outs if they don't already have it.
Chapter Heirloom: Cybernetic Legacy

Chapter (Successor): Iron Fists (Iron Hands)
Trait(s): Innovative. Iron Fists Techmarines and Primaris Techmarines begin the Campaign with any one Tier1 Technological Talent for which they qualify, for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Special Ammo Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. Increase the range of of all of this model's Ranged Weapons by +12", but reduce their AP by 1 until the end of the Phase.
Gear: all Iron Fists add Mechanicus Frame to their Wargear Load Outs if they don't already have it. Additionally, all Iron Fists begin the Campaign with a Cybernetic Hand. Any Specialty may add a Storm Shield to their Standard Load Out for +1 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of Iron

Chapter (Successor): Iron Lords (Iron Hands)
Trait(s): all Iron Lords begin the Campaign with the Talent: Hatred [Xenos Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: Only one model from this Chapter may be selected for the entire Campaign.
Options: all Specialty may be upgraded to Xenos Fighter for +2 TV. Xenos Fighters gain +4 Renown and +1 Attack versus <Aeldari, Demiurge, Genestealer Cult, Kroot, Necron, Ork, T'au, Tyranid>, and <Vespid> adversary models.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Chapter's Oath. Use this Stratagem at the beginning of any Battleround after it has been determined that any Adversaries have the <Tyranid> keyword. This model gains +1XP and +1 Renown for every Tyranid model it removes as a casualty for the remainder of the Mission.
Gear: all Iron Lords add Mechanicus Frame to their Wargear Load Outs if they don't already have it.
Chapter Heirloom: Xenos Trophy

Chapter (Successor): Red Talons (Iron Hands)
Trait(s): Ferocious and Bloody-handed. Additionally, all Red Talons begin the Campaign with the Talent: Burning Hatred [Traitor Legions] for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: Aggressors, Champions, Devastators, Primaris Techmarines, Techmarines, and any model equipped with Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor may upgrade to Blood Wrought for +1 TV. Blood Wrought gain +1 Attack.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Destroy Them All. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. This model may use any Ranged Weapon it is currently armed with as if it were a Pistol. Shots from these weapons are resolved with an AP improved by 1.
Gear: all Red Talons add Mechanicus Frame to their Wargear Load Outs if they don't already have it.
Chapter Heirloom: Ashes of Gethsemaine

Chapter (Successor): Sons of Medusa (Iron Hands)
Trait(s): Faith through Toil and The Omnissiah's Work
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Sons of Medusa model may take any Tier1 Tech Talent for which they qualify for +1 TV. Techmarines and Primaris Techmarines may upgrade to Chamber Ferrum for +1 TV. Chamber Ferrum gain Inspire (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) No Tolerance for the Weak. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission. If this model Moves away from visible enemy models, it suffers -1 Renown each time. For the duration of the Mission, this model becomes immune to the effects of failed Morale tests, gains +1 Renown for every Minion model they remove as a casualty, and improve the AP of all of their Ranged Weapons by 1.
Gear: all Sons of Medusa add Mechanicus Frame to their Wargear Load Outs if they don't already have it. Any model may upgrade their Bolt Pistol and 5 Standard Magazines for a Grav Pistol and 5 Grav Catalysts for +2 TV; models who upgrade their Standard Load Outs in this way do not have to meet the Thresholds of these weapons, nor do they have to pay their Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Cog Iconoclast

Iron Hands Succession Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons

Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits
-Grav Pistol / 01 / 12" / 1|-|- / 10 / Pistol / 5 / -3 / 1 / Graviton
-Plasma Pistol / 01 / 12" / 1|2|- / 6 / Pistol / 7 / -3 / 1 / Supercharge

Item / Capacity / Function
-Cybernetic Hand / - / Cybernetic Implant; this item grants the model a single re-roll on its first Strength or Toughness test per Mission.
-Mechanicus Frame / - / Cybernetic Implant; this item is a prerequisite for many Technological Talents
-Storm Shield / 02 / this provides the model with a 4+ Invulnerable Save

Item Traits
: versus targets with an Armor Save of 3+ or better, this weapon increases its Damage by +1.
Supercharge: if this weapon's Magazine has at least 3 shots left, the firing model may expend 3 ammo to add +1 Strength and +1 Damage to this weapon. However, if a hit roll of a 1 occurs, this model suffers a single Mortal Wound.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/11 01:23:48

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Raven Guard and their Successors

: Raven Guard
Trait(s): Masters of Stealth
Restrictions: Aggressors and Devastators cost +1 TV.
Options: Assault Marines may upgrade to Vanguard for +2 TV. Vanguard gain +1 Attack and +1" on the Charge.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Death from the Shadows. Use this Stratagem after this model has successfully used any effect of the Stealth Skill. This model gains +1 Strength and improves the AP of all of its Weapons by 2 until the end of the Battleround.
Gear: any Raven Guard model may equip one or more Lightning Claws without having to meet the Threshold, although they must still pay the Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Crow Skull Talisman

Chapter (Successor): Black Guard (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): Heavy Hitter. Additionally, all Black Guard models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Bomb Layer for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: Aggressors and Devastators may upgrade to Destroyer for +1 TV. Destroyers upgrade their primary Weapon to Exceptional Quality for free. Any Specialty may upgrade to Guardian for +2 TV. Guardians gain +4 Renown and Demolitions (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Overkill. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. Nominate 1 allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. Until the end of this Shooting Phase, that model's Shooting Attacks do +1 Damage.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Choose one: Zerstoren Honorific or Guardian's Seal

Chapter (Successors): Death Specters (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): Dark Providence and Spectral Fighters
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may be upgraded to Ghoul Hunter for +1 TV. Ghoul Hunters gain the Talent: Burning Hatred [Necrons] for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Terrible Insight. Use this Stratagem at the start of the players' Turn. Nominate one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model improves their Armor Save by +1 versus any Wounds caused by a model with the <Necron> keyword.
Gear: A Death Specter may replace their Astartes Knife with a Null Blade for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Transphasic Battle Trophy.

Chapter (Successor): Iron Ravens (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): Tactica Suprema
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Shocking Assault Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission, after Deployment, but before the first Turn. This model takes a special Turn of its own - Command Phase, Movement Phase, Psychic Phase (if applicable), 1 Shooting Phase, Charge Phase, and Fight Phase. Then the Mission begins. When this Stratagem is employed, all other models in the Squad gain +1XP and this model gains +1 Renown.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Ultima Honorifica

Chapter (Successor): Knights of the Raven (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): Insular and Masters of Stealth. In addition, all Knights of the Raven models gain the Talent: Rival [Aurora Chapter] for free.
Restrictions: none
Options: any Knights of the Raven Specialty may start the Campaign with +4 Renown for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Guerilla Fighter Use this Stratagem after this model has removed all enemy models within 1" as casualties. This model may immediately Move up to 6" towards any terrain feature. If this Move puts them in Cover from any visible enemy models, they are -1 to be hit until the end of the enemy's next Turn and gain +1 Renown.
Gear: any Knights of the Raven model may add a Camo Cloak to their Standard Load Out for +1 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Totemic Raven

Chapter (Successor): Necropolis Hawks (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): Close Quarters
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only. Inceptors, Intercessors equipped with a Heavy Bolt Rifle, and Suppressors cost +1 TV.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Nykir for +2 TV. Nykir gain +1 Attack and +1 Leadership.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Pragmatic Brutality. Use this Stratagem when this model is outnumbered at the start of the Fight Phase. This model gains +1 Strength and improves the AP of all of their Weapons by 1 until the end of the Battleround.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Mark of the Vigilant

Chapter (Successor): Raptors (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): Tactica Suprema. Additionally, all Raptors models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Determined for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Logistical Acumen Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase. Nominate one allied Astartes in the Squad. That model gains one of the following options for the duration of the upcoming Mission: Tactics (+1), Forbidden Knowledge (+1), Stealth (+1), or +1 use of their Chapter Hierloom.
Gear: any Raptors Specialty may equip a Holopictor Device for 5 Cost. This item weighs 01 Capacity.
Chapter Heirloom: Raptor's Talon

Chapter (Successor): Revilers (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): Masters of Stealth. Additionally, all Revilers models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Hatred [Alpha Legion Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Revilers Specialty may upgrade to Inheritor (of the 14th) for +2 TV. Inheritors (of the 14th) gain Contempt [Alpha Legion] and +1 Attack versus any model with the <Chaos> keyword.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Shadows within Shadows. Use this Stratagem at the start of the enemy Shooting Phase. Nominate one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model cannot be declared as a target of enemy Shooting, even if the enemy model is using a weapon with the Blast Trait or a Weapon that would otherwise automatically hit models within range of another target.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Memento of the Secret War

Chapter (Successor): Rift Stalkers (Raven Guard)
Trait(s): All Rift Stalkers begin the Campaign with the Talent: Contempt [Chaos Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Astralibrarian for +3 TV. Astralibrarians gain Psychic Sense (+1) and the ability to Deny the Witch. Astralibrarians count as Librarians for the purposes of restricted Talents.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Astrapathic Witness. Use this Stratagem either at the start of the Player(s)' or the start of the Adversaries' Psychic Phase. If used in the Player(s)' Psychic Phase, add +1 to all Psychic tests. If used in the Adversaries' Psychic Phase, add +1 to all allied Deny attempts.
Gear: none
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of the Astranomincon

Raven Guard Succession Wargear Descriptions
Melee Weapons

Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits
-Lightning Claw / 02 / As user / -2 / 1 / Extra Attack, Bleed
-Null Blade / * / As User / - / Transphasic Nullifier
-Paired Lightning Claws / 04 / As user / -2 / 1 / Extra Attacks, Mauling, Bleed

Item / Capacity / Function
-Camo Cloak / - / this model gains an extra +1 to its Armor Save when in Cover.
-Holopictor Device / 01 / at the end of any Mission where a model equipped with this Wargear survives and returns to the Intolerance, all models deployed on the Mission with this model gain an extra +1XP during the Debriefing Phase.

Item Traits
: a model armed with this weapon can re-roll its failed Wound rolls.
Extra Attack: this weapon adds 1 extra Attack to the model armed with it in the Fight Phase.
Extra Attacks: these weapons adds 2 extra Attacks to the model armed with them in the Fight Phase.
Mauling: these weapons increase their Damage by +1 when the model armed with them is outnumbered in the Fight Phase.
Transphasic Nullifier: <Necrons> slain by this weapon suffer a -1 to their Reanimation Protocol rolls.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/12 09:55:29

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Salamanders and their Successors

Chapter: Salamanders
Trait(s): Forged in Flames and Peerless Artisan
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty equipped with Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor may be upgraded to Fire Drake for +2 TV. Fire Drakes gain +10 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Hammer to Anvil. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. This model and one other allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gains either +2 Strength or +2 Toughness until the end of the Phase. Player(s) decide for each affected model separately.
Gear: all Salamanders Specialties gain a -1 Threshold and -1 Cost discount to any Weapon with the word "flame" or the word "melta" in its name. Additionally, all Salamanders Specialties may upgrade one item from their Standard Load Outs to Mastercrafted Quality for free at the start of the Campaign. Once an item is chosen, it cannot be changed.
Chapter Heirloom: Anvil Pendant

Chapter (Successor): Black Vipers (Salamanders)
Trait(s): Ally of the Mechanicus, Dark Providence, and Unconfirmed Successors
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only. Only one model of this Chapter at a time may be included in this Campaign.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Mechanican Guardian for +1 TV. Mechanican Guardians gain any 1 Tier 1 Technological Talent for which they qualify for free. Any Specialty may also or alternatively upgrade to Genetic Prototypical for +1 TV. Genetic Prototypicals gain +1 Toughness.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Secret Mission. Use this Stratagem when this model is within Cohesion Range of a Tech Emplacement. Regardless of that Emplacement's Power Level, it now becomes Dead and this model gains +D3XP.
Gear: any Black Vipers Specialty may replace its Standard Load Out Astartes Knife with an Envenomed Blade for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Artisan Cog

Chapter (Successor): Covenant of Fire (Salamanders)
Trait(s): Flame Craft and Unnerving Intellect
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: Primaris Librarians cost -1 TV. Any model may be given Forbidden Knowledge (+1) for +2 TV. Any Specialty may be upgraded to Imperial Cultist for +1 TV. Imperial Cultists gain +1XP whenever they use their Skills to uncover hidden truths (tidbits of info from ship cogitators, Secret Missions, secret compartments, Relics, etc.) or when they survive an Exploration-type Mission. Any Specialty can also or alternatively be upgraded to a Promethean Cultist for +1 TV. Promethean Cultists gain a -1 Cost discount to all Weapons with the word "flame" in their name, applied after all other discounts.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Bathe them in Flames. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Shooting Phase where 2 or more allied Astartes are using Weapons that automatically hit their targets without having to roll. All such enabled Weapons fire their maximum number of shots this Phase.
Gear: any model armed with a Bolt Rifle or a Heavy Bolt Rifle may equip an underslung, single shot Purge Pod for 1 Cost and no Threshold.
Chapter Heirloom: Book of Lore

Chapter (Successor): Dark Krakens (Salamanders)
Trait(s): Acute Senses and Prize Hunters
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Trophy Hunter for +1 TV. Trophy Hunters gain +9 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Team Sport. Use this Stratagem when this model can draw line of sight to an enemy model that started the Mission with 8 or more Wounds. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gain +1 Renown if they Shoot at or Charge this enemy this Turn. When this enemy model is removed as a casualty, this model gains +D3 Renown.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Bioluminescent Trophy

Chapter (Successor): Dragonspears (Salamanders)
Trait(s): Expert Ork Hunters and Endocannibal
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Selfless for +2 TV. The Selfless always count as "closest model" in the enemy Shooting Phase. Anytime this model is shot at and Wounded when an allied model was the physically closer target, this model gains +1XP and +1 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Bulwark. Use this Stratagem at the start of the enemy Shooting Phase when this model is the physically closest target. This model must be chosen as the Primary Target for all enemy Shooting Attacks this Phase. For that duration, this model gains +1 Armor Save, +1 Toughness, and any Wounds it suffers during this Phase do not count as modifiers to the Mission Leader's Morale test this Turn.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Assorted Memories

Chapter (Successor): Drakken (Salamanders)
Trait(s): Honor Bound and Relic Keeper
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only. All Specialties cost +1 TV, unless they are equipped with Terminator Armor.
Options: any Specialty may be upgraded to Void Drak for +2 TV. Void Draks gain the Talent: Sure Strike and Intimidate (+1).
Stratagem: (2CP) Vulcan's Inheritors. Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase if this model is equipped with Terminator Armor. This model gains +20 Renown to equip themselves this Mission. These extra 20 Renown are lost at the end of the Mission.
Gear: any Specialty may equip Terminator Armor for +5 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Crux Infernum

Chapter (Successor): Sons of the Dragon (Salamanders)
Trait(s): Insular, Keeper, and Peerless Artisan. Additionally, all Sons of the Dragon begin the Campaign with +4 Renown.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty equipped with a Jump Pack or Heavy Jump Pack in their Standard Load Out may be upgraded to Wingman for +2 TV. Wingmen gain the ability to Charge even on a Turn when they have made a Fall Back Move. Additionally, they gain Intimidate (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) The Dragon's Hoard. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Arming Phase. If this model has leftover Renown after equipping itself, the remainder is granted as a bonus to all other models in this model's Squad. If this model has 3 remaining Renown all of its Squad mates gain a temporary +3 Renown bonus until the end of the Mission.
Gear: all Sons of the Dragon Specialties receive a -2 Threshold discount on all Weapons with the word "flame" in its name.
Chapter Heirloom: Tactical Manifest

Chapter (Successor): Storm Giants (Salamanders - Unconfirmed)
Trait(s): Tactical Coordination and Unconfirmed Successor. Additionally, all Storm Giants begin the Campaign with the Talent: Grunt for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Heavy Firepower. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase when this model is within Cohesion Range of any allied Astartes armed with a Heavy Weapon. Those Astartes so armed double the number of shots they may make in any Firing Mode this Turn. Additionally, those models may also re-roll one hit roll and one Wound roll this Turn.
Gear: all Storm Giants model upgrade their Bolt Pistols to Exceptional Quality for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Mark of the Giant

Chapter (Successor): Vulcanizers (Salamanders)
Trait(s): Destroyer Kin
Restrictions: none.
Options: Assault Marines and Champions may upgrade to Infernist for +3 TV. Infernists swap their Standard Load Out Bolt Pistol and 9 Standard Magazines for Inferno Pistol and 4 Melta Canisters. Infernists also gain Inspire (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Eye for Conflagration. Use this Stratagem during Deployment. This model's controlling player may place 2D3 barrels of Volatile Fuel anywhere on the revealed terrain.
Gear: any Vulcanizers Intercessor may select the following Weapons Load Out instead of the options presented for that Specialty for +1 TV: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Melta Rifle with 9 Melta Canisters, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades. Any Vulcanizers Specialty may exchange their Krak Grenades for Thermal Grenades for +1 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Obsidian Shard

Salamanders Succession Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons

Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits
-Melta Rifle / 03 / 24" / 1|-|- / 4 / Assault / 8 / -4 / D6 / Melta
-Purge Pod / +01* / 8" / D6|-|- / 1 / Assault / 4 / - / 1 / Ablaze, Auto-hit
-Thermal Grenade / 01** / 6" / D3|-|- / 1 / Grenade / 8 / -3 / D2+1 / Phosphorus

Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits
-Envenomed Blade / * / 01 / as user / - / 1 / Bleed, Extra Attack

**Grenades weigh little individually. This Capacity only applies if the model carries 3 or more Grenades of any kind.
*This item adds its weight to the weapon it is attached to, but only until it is fired. Once its ammo is expended, it no longer adds any meaningful Capacity.

Weapon Traits
: this weapon only needs to hit to inflict this effect. Once hit, the Target is set Ablaze. Each Turn after the first a model is Ablaze it suffers a single Strength3, AP -, Damage 1 hit. A model that is Ablaze may spend its Movement, Shooting, or Charge Phase putting out the flames. The Ablaze effect lasts for D3 Turns or until a model spends a Phase extinguishing itself.
Auto-hit: if the target or targets are in range, this weapon automatically hits without the need to roll.
Bleed: a model armed with this weapon can re-roll its failed Wound rolls.
Exceptional Quality: this item can re-roll one failure associated with its function once per Mission.
Extra Attack: this weapon adds 1 extra Attack to the model armed with it in the Fight Phase.
Mastercrafted Quality: this item can re-roll one failure associated with its function once per Turn.
Melta: when a target is within half range for this Weapon, change its Damage characteristic to D6+2.
Phosphorus: this weapon continues to burn long after its initial strike. Roll to Wound with this Weapon on every Turn after it hits, until either the target is removed as a casualty or this item fails to Wound.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/13 05:34:00

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Space Wolves and their Successor

Space Wolf First Founding Specialties

Blood Claw
6" WS3+ BS4+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Intimidate1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (2CP) Savage Attack. Use this Stratagem at the end of any Charge Phase where a model has Charged an enemy Unit with 5 or more models. That Unit suffers 1 Mortal Wound.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 9 Standard Magazines, Chainsword, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 06)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any Blood Claws are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Intimidate (+1) =3XP; Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -2XP on Tier 1 Melee Talents; -4XP on Tier 2 Melee Talents; -6XP on Tier 3 Melee Talents

Grey Hunter:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld8 Sv3+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Command1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Range Finder. Use this Stratagem before a model Shoots in the Shooting Phase. This adds +6" to the range of any one weapon in any Firing Model for that model.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Deathwatch Pattern Bolter with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 07)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Grey Hunter in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Command (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12Xp
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Morale and Shooting Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Morale and Shooting Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Morale and Shooting Talents

Iron Priest:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld7 Sv2+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Tech1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/2CP) Augury Scan. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Mission with a partially obscured terrain layout, before Deployment. Roll 3D6. The total is the number of inches into the obscured layout that a Techmarine reveals. If 2CP are spent on this Stratagem, any Adversaries that would otherwise be revealed as blips in this area are instead revealed as the models they represent. If the radius of this reveal clips a room or corridor, place the entire room and/or corridor. However, Adversaries will only be revealed up to the limit of the Scan. GMs, tell your players, before they commit to how many CPs they are going to spend on this Stratagem, whether or not Adversaries will be represented as Blips or not. You do not have to reveal whether or not there will be any models in the area to be revealed. However, to play completely fair, you should have at least a sketch of the table's ultimate set-up, along with placement of all your Adversaries before the players even have an opportunity to use this Stratagem.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Artificer Armor 2+ Weapons: Helfrost Pistol with 9 Frost Catalysts, Tempest Hammer, Servo Arm, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Mechanicus Frame, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 07)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Iron Priest in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Tech (+1) =3XP; Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Technology and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Technology and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Technology and Skill Talents

Long Fang:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld8 Sv3+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Demolitions1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Killing Field. Use this Stratagem when a model is chosing their targets in the Shooting Phase. These targets can be +2" further apart than normal.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Heavy Bolter with Backpack Ammo Supply, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 09)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +2CP per Long Fang in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Demolitions (+1) =3XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Shooting Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Shooting Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Shooting Talents

Rune Priest:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A2 Ld8 Sv3+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Psychic Sense1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/3CP) Imparted Knowledge. Use this Stratagem before a model rolls to use a Skill. This adds +2 to the Skill roll. If a player spends 3CP on this Stratagem, it instead adds +1 to all Skill rolls this Turn.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Runic Armor 3+|5+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Runic Axe, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Psychic Hood, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 06)
Special Ability: Psychic Abilities: Smite and 1 other Psychic Power from the appropriate Discipline list (Typically found in their own Codex or Codex Supplement); ability to Deny the Witch within 24" (x1)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Rune Priest in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Psychic Sense (+1) =3XP, Command (+1) =6XP, Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP, Tech (+1) =6XP; Inspire (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP,
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Miscellaneous and Skill Talents

6"(12") WS3+ BS4+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Intimidate1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (2CP) Wrathful Descent. Use this Stratagem at the end of any Charge Phase where a model has Charged an enemy Unit with 5 or more models. That Unit suffers 1 Mortal Wound.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 9 Standard Magazines, Chainsword, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Jump Pack, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 07)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any Skyclaws are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 1
Skill Upgrade Costs: Intimidate (+1) =3XP; Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =12XP, Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -2XP on Tier 1 Melee Talents; -4XP on Tier 2 Melee Talents; -6XP on Tier 3 Melee Talents

6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A2 Ld7 Sv3+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Command1 and Intimidate1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Barrel Forward. Use this Stratagem when a model attempts to Charge. One die automatically counts as having rolled a 4, the controlling player only has to roll one die. If the controlling player subsequently decides to spend a CP to re-roll the Charge, both dice must be rolled and the 4 is ignored.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Deathwatch Pattern Bolter with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Sword, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch (Total Weight: 08)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP per Wolfguard in the Squad
Starting Renown: 10
Skill Upgrade Costs: Command (+1) =3XP; Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Inspire (+1) =6XP, Stealth (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP, Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Medic (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Melee Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Melee Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Melee Talents

Wolf Priest:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A2 Ld8 Sv3+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Inspire1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP/3CP) Make it Count. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Mission, before rolling to Remove Corruption. This allows the Chaplain to add +2 to any one Remove Corruption roll. If 3CP are spent for this Stratagem, then the Chaplain instead adds +1 to all Remove Corruption rolls for this Mission.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, Crozius Arcanum, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Rosarius, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 05)
Special Ability: Remove Corruption. This ability allows the Chaplain to roll a D6 at the end of every Mission for every Marine deployed with them that has 1 or more Corruption. On a roll of a 6+, that model reduces its current Corruption by 1.
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +1CP if any Wolf Priests are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Inspire (+1) =3XP; Command (+1) =6XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =6XP, Intimidate (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Medic (+1) =9XP; Demolitions (+1) =12XP, Stealth (+1) =12XP, Tech (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Morale and Melee Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Morale and Melee Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Morale and Melee Talents

Wolf Scout:
6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T4 W3 A1 Ld8 Sv4+ Sk5+ Cap08
Skill: Stealth1 and Command1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (1CP) Scout Ahead. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Mission, before the first Turn. One allied <Imperium> model in Cohesion Range may Move up to 6", staying more than 9" away from enemy models.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Scout Armor 4+ Weapons: Bolt Pistol with 5 Standard Magazines, Astartes Knife, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades plus either Bolter and 5 Standard Magazines or Astartes Chainsword Wargear: - (Total Weight: 03)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: +2CP if any Wolf Scouts are in the Squad
Starting Renown: 5
Skill Upgrade Costs: Stealth (+1) =3XP, Demolitions (+1) =6XP, Intimidation (+1) =6XP, Tactics (+1) =6XP; Command (+1) =9XP, Forbidden Knowledge (+1) =9XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -1XP on Tier 1 Survival and Skill Talents; -2XP on Tier 2 Survival and Skill Talents; -3XP on Tier 3 Survival and Skill Talents

7" WS3+ BS5+ S5 T4 W4 A2 Ld7 Sv4+ Sk4+ Cap08
Skill: Intimidate1
Talent: Cohesion0
Tactical Value:
Specialty Stratagem: (2CP) Unleash the Beast. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. This model gains +1 to hit, +1 to Wound, and +1 Attack until there are no more enemy models within 1" of this model.
Standard Load Out: Armor: Wulfen Armor 4+ Weapons: Frost Claws Wargear: - (Total Weight: 01)
Command Point Contribution to Squad: none.
Starting Renown: 0
Skill Upgrade Costs: Intimidate (+1) =6XP; Inspire (+1) =12XP
Talent Tree Discounts: -2XP on all Melee Talents

Wolfguard models may upgrade their Standard Load Out Powered Armor to Terminator Armor for +6 TV. Terminator Armor provides a number of modifications to the Wolfguard's Profile.
- Armor Save becomes 2+
- grants a 5+ Invulnerable Save
- increases its starting Wounds by +1
- adds +1 Attack
- adds +3 Capacity
- reduces Move by -1"
- replaces a model's Standard Load Out Weapons with: Deathwatch Pattern Storm Bolter and 4 Standard Magazines, Powerfist
- Increases the Wolfguard's starting Renown by +14
- changes the Wargear lists that they have access to

Chapter: Space Wolves (non-Codex Compliant)
Trait(s): Acute Senses and Legendary Ferocity. Long Fangs and Wolf Scouts also get Wisdom. Blood Claws and Skyclaws also get Reckless. All Space Wolves begin the Campaign with the Talents: Rival [Dark Angels] and Hatred [Thousand Sons Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: Can only take Primaris Or Space Wolf Specialties.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Battle Howl.. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Charge Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gain +2 Attacks when they Charge this Turn.
Gear: Space Wolf models equipped with Terminator Armor do not have to meet the Threshold, although they must still pay the Cost, to equip an Assault Cannon. Any Space Wolf Specialty armed with a Chainsword as part of their Standard Load Out may exchange it for a Frostblade for 1 Cost and no Threshold. Space Wolf Primaris Techmarines and Techmarines (Iron Priests) may swap their Bolt Pistol and 9 Standard Magazines or Grav Pistol and 5 Grav Catalysts for a Helfrost Pistol and 9 Frost Catalysts for +1 TV. Additionally, these models exchange their Astartes Knife with a Tempest Hammer for free. Any Specialty may add any of the following weapons to their Standard Load Out for +2 TV: Frost Axe, Frost Sword, or one Wolf Claw; equipping two Wolf Claws costs +3 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Wolf Tail Talisman

Chapter (Successor): Wolfspears (Space Wolves)
Trait(s): Hard Won Honor and Eager for the Frontline
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only; only one model in this Campaign may be from this Chapter.
Options: any Specialty my upgrade to Indomitus Veteran for +2 TV. These models gain Tactics (+1) and the Talent: Ally [Ultramarine]
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Scions of Russ. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may re-roll hit rolls this Turn. Additionally, any other Primaris, Ultramarines, or Space Wolves within Cohesion Range of this model gain +1 Attack this Turn.
Gear: Wolfspears Indomitus Veterans may equip Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifles without having to meet the Threshold, although they must still pay the Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Wolf Totem

Space Wolves Succession Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits

-Assault Cannon / 06 / 24" / 6|7|15 / 30 / Heavy / 6 / -1 / 1 / Devastating Fusillade
-Helfrost Pistol / 01 / 12" / 1|-|2 / 4 / Pistol / 8 / -4 / D3 / Deathly

Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits

-Frostblade / 03 / as user / -2 / 1 / Defensive Weapon, Extra Attack
-Frost Axe / 04 / +2 / -2 / 1 / Axe Blow, Mauling
-Frost Claws / 01 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Bleed, Extra Attack
-Frost Sword / 02 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Defensive Weapon
-Runic Axe / 03 / +1 / -2 / D3 / Psychic Attunement
-Tempest Hammer / 04 / +4 / -2 / D3 / Decapitating Strike, Unwieldy
-Wolf Claw / 02 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Bleed
--Pair of Wolf Claws / 04 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Bleed, Extra Attack, Mauling

Item / Capacity / Function

-Frost Catalyst / 01* / Primary Magazine for Helfrost Pistol; 4 Ammo.

Armor / Save|Invulnerable Save / Additional Capacity

-Runic Armor / 3+|5+ / +02

*These items weigh little individually. This Capacity is for every 4 of these items.

Item Traits
Axe Blow: the first Attack this model makes with this weapon after Charging is resolved at Strength +3, AP -3, Damage 2.
Bleed: a model armed with this weapon can re-roll its failed Wound rolls.
Deathly: if a target suffers any unsaved Wounds from this weapon, it also automatically suffers a single Mortal Wound.
Decapitating Strike: any roll of 6 to hit automatically Wounds.
Defensive Weapon: a model armed with a Weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Turn.
Devastating Fusillade: if this weapon is fired in Full Auto Firing Mode, it imposes an additional -1 penalty to enemy Morale tests to any Unit it hit, regardless of whether or not it caused any Wounds.
Extra Attack: this weapon adds 1 extra Attack to the model armed with it in the Fight Phase.
Mauling: these weapons increase their Damage by +1 when the model armed with them is outnumbered in the Fight Phase.
Psychic Attunement: if the model wielding this Weapon successfully manifests a Psychic Power this Turn, it gains +1 Strength and +1 Damage.
Unwieldy: this Weapon imposes a -1 modifier to the user's WS roll(s) whenever they Attack. with it.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/14 08:14:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Ultramarines and their Successors

Trait(s): Authority of Guilliman
Restrictions: none
Options: Any First Founding Specialty may upgrade to Tyrannic War Veteran for +1 TV. Tyrannic War Veterans gain the Trait: Veterans of Macragge, and may equip Hellfire Ammunition without having to meet the Threshold, although they must still pay the Cost.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Doctrinal Speech. Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase of the Mission. For the first 2 Turns of the upcoming Mission, all allied Astartes may re-roll 1s when Shooting with Rapid Fire Weapons. During the 3rd and 4th Turns, all allied Astartes may re-roll 1s when Shooting with Pistol or Assault Weapons. And during the 5th and 6th Turns of the Mission, all allied Astartes may re-roll 1s when Shooting with Heavy Weapons.
Gear: any Specialty may equip a Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifle without having to meet the Threshold, although they must still pay the appropriate Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Copy of the Codex.

Chapter (Successor): Aurora Chapter (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Tactica Suprema and Armor Gunner. Additionally, all Aurora Chapter models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Armor Doctrine for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: Intercessors and Tactical Marines may upgrade to Heavy Infantry for +2 TV. Heavy Infantry add Siege Shields and Auxiliary Ammo Feeds to their Standard Load Out.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Roar of the Firestorm. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Shooting Phase. This model and 1 other allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may take an additional Shooting Phase. In addition, all hits from this extra Phase do +1 Damage.
Gear: all Aurora Chapter models gain a -3 Threshold and -1 Cost discount on all Reloads (to a minimum Cost of 1).
Chapter Heirloom: Mantle of Armor

Chapter (Successor): Black Consuls (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): By the Book and Uncompromising Adherents. Additionally, all Black Consuls begin the Campaign with the Talent: Rival: All non-Codex Compliant Chapters] for free.
Restrictions: only one model may be from this Chapter per Campaign. If the Squad does ot already contain a Tactical Marine, this model must take the Tactical Marine Specialty.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Look to the Codex. Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase. All allied Astartes in the Squad gain Tactics (+1) for the duration of the upcoming Mission.
Gear: Tactical Marines do not have to meet the Threshold to equip Flamers, although they must still pay the Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Copy of the Codex

Chapter (Successor): Brazen Consuls (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Gene-selected and Expert Strategists
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Scion of the Houses for +1 TV. Scions of the Houses gain a -1XP discount on all Elite Talents.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Mark of the Houses. Use this Stratagem at the start of a Battleround. Choose one of the following effects: this model gains +1 to hit in the Fight Phase and improves the AP of their Melee Weapons by 1 or this model gains +1 to hit in the Shooting Phase and improves the AP of their Ranged Weapons by 1.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Heraldry of Origin

Chapter (Successor): Doom Legion (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Insular. In addition, all Doom Legion Specialties begin the Campaign with the Talent: Righteous Indignation [Traitor Marine Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Stoic for +2 TV. When Stoics use their Chapter's Stratagem or Overwatch, they hit on 5+, instead of only on 6s. Assault Marines cost -1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Supreme Vigilance. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. Instead of Shooting, this model may enter a "Vigilant State". Models in "Vigilant State" may Shoot during their enemy's Movement Phase. The first enemy model that passes into their line of sight triggers this model's "Vigilant State" and thereafter they may fire a single shot at every visible enemy model, hitting only on 6s, regardless of this model's BS. This model continues to fire once at every enemy model until they run out of targets or their Weapon expends its last ammo. Weapons that cannot fire a single shot in Standard Firing Mode cannot be used for this Stratagem.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Fragment of the Faithful's Deliverance

Chapter (Successor): Eagle Warriors (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Directly Altered
Restrictions: none.
Options: Any Specialty can upgrade to Brave for +3 TV. Braves gain one of the following upgrades, player's choice: Master Crafted Astartes Sword added to Standard Load Out, Intimidate (+1), or Leadership +1; and one of the following upgrades, player's choice: +1 Attack or +9 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) By Necessity. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Player(s)' Turn. Until the end of this Turn, all allied Astartes increase the effective Range of their Cohesion by +6".
Gear: any Specialty may exchange their Standard Load Out Bolt Pistol and Standard Magazines for a Hesh Pattern Bolt Carbine and Equivalent number of Standard Magazines for 5 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Remembrance of the Lost

-Chapter (Successor): Marines Errant (Eagle Warriors)
Trait(s): Breadth of Experience, Unnerving Intellect, and Veteran Boarding Crew
Restrictions: cannot equip Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor. Until this model has purchased the Talent: Cohesion3 or better, it must pay double Cost for any Weapon that does not have the word "bolt" in its name. Marines Errant Librarians and Primaris Librarians may select their Powers from the Psykana Discipline found in Codex: Astra Militarum, replacing all instances of <Astra Militarum> with <Astartes>, or from the Space Marine Codex.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Crusader for +5 TV. Crusaders select a second Specialty from the following lists and apply the Skills and Talent discounts for both Specialties. Additionally, this model uses the best Rating upgrade list of both Specialties combined and adds Weapons and Wargear from their second Specialty that are not included in their first Specialty. First Founding Second Specialty options: Assault, Apothecary, Devastator, or Tactical. Ultima Founding Second Specialty options: Aggressor, Inceptor, Intercessor, Reiver, or Suppressor.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Sabotage. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Battleround. All allied Astartes within Cohesion Range cause +1 Damage when they Shoot or Attack terrain features. The GM then gains +2D3 Allotment that must deploy as close to the damaged terrain feature as possible. A model affected by this Stratagem that removes the last Wound from a terrain feature gains +1XP and +1 Renown. If all GM Allotment (including that added by this Stratagem) worth of enemy models are removed as casualties before the end of the Mission, this model gains +1XP and +D3 Renown.
Gear: Marines Errant pay only half Cost for Sanctioned Xeno Weapons.
Chapter Heirloom: Choose one: Mark of the House of Ecale or Badge of a Thousand Battles

Chapter (Successor): Fulminators (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): First of the New
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: Tactical Marines and Intercessors may replace their Bolters or Bolt Rifles, respectively, with a Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifle for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) As One. Use this Stratagem at the start of the player(s)' Shooting Phase. All Ultramarines and their Successor Chapter models in Cohesion Range add +1 shot for their primary weapon in any Firing Mode without expending any additional ammunition. Additionally, these same models gain +1 to their Armor Saves until the start of their next Turn.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Token of Terra

Chapter (Successor): Genesis Chapter (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Primogenitors and Noble Blood.
Restrictions: none
Options: Any Specialty can upgrade to Regent for +3 TV. Regents gain one of the following upgrades, player's choice: Master Crafted Astartes Sword added to Standard Load Out, Intimidate (+1), or Leadership +1; and one of the following upgrades, player's choice: +1 Attack or +9 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) By Example. Use this Stratagem at the start of the player(s)' Turn. Every time this model earns 1 or more XP or Renown in a Phase, roll a D6 for each allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. On the roll of a 5+ that other Astartes model also gains +1XP or +1 Renown, controlling player's choice.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Genetic Seal

Chapter (Successor): Hawk Lords (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Masters of the Hawk and Rapid Strike
Restrictions: none.
Options: Assault Marines, Inceptors, and Suppressors cost -1 TV. Tactical Marines may upgrade to Pilot for +2 TV. Pilots reduce the overall Mission time of Routine Missions by -1 Hour (to a minimum of 1 Hour). Pilots also have the ability to pilot any Aerospace vehicles found within the wreckage of the [++Redacted++], provided the vehicle retains any power.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Preliminary Strafing Run. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission, after terrain is set up, but before the 1st Turn. The GM must reduce their total Allotment by -2D3 as Stormtalons rake the area with gunfire, drawing enemy off or shredding them where they stand.
Gear: any Specialty equipped with a Jump Pack or Heavy Jump Pack may also equip an Auxilliary Ammo Feed for 5 Renown.
Chapter Heirloom: Acura Honorific

Chapter (Successor): Heralds (Ultramarines) Cursed Founding
Trait(s): Deceitful, Friends of Mars, and Presumed Authority. Techmarines of this Chapter also gain Reach of Omari.
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only.
Options: Assault Marines may upgrade to Dragon Slayer for +2 TV. Dragon Slayers gain the Talents: Hatred [Tyranid Infantry] and Hatred [Genestealer Cult infantry].
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Because I Deserve It. Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase. This model counts its Renown as 10 higher than it actually is for the purposes of qualifying for Threshold.
Gear: any Specialty may equip a Golden Laurel for 5 Costs. This item weighs 01 Capacity and may be used to invoke Wrath of the Aristocracy once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Heraldry of Rulership

Chapter (Successor): Howling Griffons (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Counter Assault and Personal Oath. In addition, all Howling Griffons begin the Campaign with the Talent: Fury for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Limb from Limb. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. This model improves the AP of its Melee Weapons by 1 for the duration of the Phase. In addition, if this effect allows this model to inflict a Wound when it otherwise would not, this model gains +1XP or +1 Renown, player(s)' choice.
Gear: any First Founding Specialty may equip a Jump Pack without having to meet the Threshold, although they must still pay the appropriate Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Heraldry of Valor

Chapter (Successor): Inceptors (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Enemy of Minotaurs and Dogged
Restrictions: First founding Specialties only. Cannot equip Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Grudge Holder for +1 TV. Grudge Holders gain the Talents: Vendetta [Minotaurs Infantry], Hatred [Minotaurs Infantry], and Righteous Indignation [Minotaurs Infantry].
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Re-deploy. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission, after Deployment, but before the first Turn. This model may be moved up to D6+6" in any direction, as long as they stay at least 3" from any enemy models. They begin the game from this new location.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Ashes of Euxcine

Chapter (Successor): Iron Hounds (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Pursuit Hunters and Relentless
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may be upgraded to Huntsman for +1 TV. Huntsmen gain +6" range when Shooting any Weapon, except Pistols, in Standard Firing Mode.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Never Give up the Hunt. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Phase. For the duration of this Phase, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of this model that remove a model as a casualty gain +1XP and +1 Renown.
Gear: all Iron Hounds add a Scope to their Standard Load Out Wargear.
Chapter Heirloom: Ultima Honorifica

Chapter (Successor): Iron Snakes (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): An Army of One and Vow of Silence
Restrictions: only one model in this Campaign may be from this Chapter.
Options: any Specialty may start the Campaign with +5 Renown for +1 TV. This Option may be applied up to 4 times.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) My Duty Alone. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission, before the first Turn. For every 10 Wounds this model inflicts on enemy models this Mission, it gains +1 Renown.
Gear: any Specialty may be take one or more Supply Pods for 5 Renown each. Supply Pods may be Teleported onto the table at any time. The Player(s) select a point on the tabletop in line of sight to this model or the Mission Leader and roll a D6. If a 6 is rolled, the Pod arrives on target. If any other number is rolled, this is the horizontal distance in inches that the GM may move the Pod. Additionally, if the revealed terrain includes multiple levels and the Pod arrives off target, the GM may place it 1 level higher or lower from its intended location. In all cases, the Pod becomes a Tertiary Objective (Capture).
Chapter Heirloom: Personalized Kit

Chapter (Successor): Libators (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Brutal
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Let Their Blood be Spillt. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. For every enemy model that this model removes as a casualty this Phase, it gains +1 Renown. Additionally, all allied Astartes that can draw line of sight to this model in the Fight Phase also gain +1 Renown.
Gear: any Specialty may exchange their Standard Load Out Astartes Knife for a Libator's Sickle for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Sacrificial Talisman

Chapter (Successor): Mortifactors (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Insular. Additionally, all Mortifactors, except Scouts and Neophytes begin the Campaign with the Talents: Fearsome and Neophyte for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: Mortifactors Chaplains and Primaris Chaplains may be upgraded to Shaman Lord for +1 TV. Shaman Lords gain Tactics (+1). If there is already a Mortifactors Chaplain, Primaris Chaplain, or Shaman Lord in the Squad, an additional Mortifactors Neophyte may also be included in the Squad for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Venerate the Dead. Use this Stratagem when another allied Astartes in line of sight is removed as a casualty or becomes a Dead Marine Objective. This model gains +1 Toughness, +1 Attack, and +1 Leadership until the end of their next Turn.
Gear: for Threshold 10 and Cost 15, any Mortifactors Specialty except Neophytes and Scouts may equip a Power Scythe.
Chapter Heirloom: Bones of the Dead

Chapter (Successor): Nova Marines (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Prosecutors of War and Tireless. Additionally, all Nova Marines begin the Campaign with the Talent: Righteous Indignation [Xenos] for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Nova Marines Specialty may upgrade to Huntsman for +1 TV. Huntsmen gain Hatred [select any 1 xenos Infantry].
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Purge them from my Sight! Use this Stratagem at the start of the player(s)' Turn when there are any Xenos models in line of sight of this model. All allied Astartes, including this one, in Cohesion Range gain +1 to hit versus Xenos targets. Additionally, all allied Astartes that are able to turn at least 1 miss into a hit because of this bonus gain +1XP. If any of this model's Squad mates gain XP because of this Stratagem, this model gains +1 Renown.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Xenos Trophy

Chapter (Successor): Praetors of Orpheus (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Engine of War and Uncompromising Adherents
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Inflexible Tactics. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Turn. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range add +1" to their Move this Turn, must Shoot in Burst Firing Mode, double the range of all of their Ranged Weapons, and gain +1 to hit. However, Devastators and Tacticals that Advance this Turn do not gain any of these benefits.
Gear: any Specialty may equip an Annotation to the Codex for 5 Renown; the Annotation weighs 01 Capacity. This may be used to invoke A Useful Addendum once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Unabridged Codex

Chapter (Successor): Patriarchs of Ulixis (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Excellent Marksman and Exceptional Bladework
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Victrix Veteran for +2 TV. Victrix Veterans gain +1 Attack and ignore the Threshold for Combat Shields, Siege Shields, and Storm Shields.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Selfless Defense. Use this Stratagem when an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range is the target of an enemy model's Shooting. This model may immediately Move up to its normal Move to place itself between its ally and the Shooter. Additionally, this model imposes a -1 penalty to all of that enemy model's Shots this Phase and grants their targeted ally a +1 Cover bonus until the end of the Phase.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of the First Born

Chapter (Successor): Scythes of the Emperor (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Expert Tyranid Hunters and Veterans of the 2nd Tyrannic War. In addition, all First Founding Scythes of the Emperor begin the Campaign with the Talents: Burning Hatred [Tyranids] and Vendetta [Tyranid Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: Scythes of the Emperor cannot equip Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Salvationist for +3 TV. Salvationists gain +20 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Maximum Effect. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Battleround where any adversaries have been identified as Tyranids. For the remainder of the Mission, whenever this model or any allied Astartes within Cohesion Range Shoots or Attacks an enemy model with the <Tyranid> keyword, their Weapons gain +1 Strength, +1 Damage, and improve their AP by 1.
Gear: any Scythes of the Emperor model may equip 4 Hellfire reloads for any weapon that can be loaded with them for 1 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Reclaimed Wargear

Chapter (Successor): Silver Skulls (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Absolute Fanatic and By Portents Alone
Restrictions: none.
Options: Librarians and Primaris Librarians may be upgraded to Portent Seeker for +1 TV. Portent Seekers add +1 to all Silver Skulls' By Portents Alone Trait rolls.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) As the Emperor Commands. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Adversary's Turn. All allied Astartes with Cohesion1 or better in Cohesion Range gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save (or +1 to any preexisting Invulnerable Save they may have) until the start of their next Turn.
Gear: any Silver Skulls Specialty may equip a Golden Tarot for 5 Renown; the Golden Tarot weighs 01 Capacity.
Chapter Heirloom: Mark of the Arcana

Chapter (Successor): Silver Templars (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Blade Bonded and Honor Duel
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Honor of the Astartes. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gain +1 Attack.
Gear: any Specialty may exchange their Astartes Knife for an Astartes Sword for 1 Renown and no Threshold.
Chapter Heirloom: Dueling Scars

Chapter (Successor): Sons of Orar (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Legacy of Ancient Heroes
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Sons of Orar Specialty may upgrade to a Champion of Ultramar for +1 TV. Champions of Ultramar count as Ultramarines for the purposes of qualifying for restricted Weapons, Wargear, and Talents that can normally only be taken by Ultramarines. Alternatively, any Specialty may upgrade to a Bane of Alaitoc for +2 TV. Banes of Alaitoc gain +1 Attack when Fighting <Craftworld Aeldari> and +1 Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes when Shooting at <Craftworld Aeldari>.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Swift retaliation. Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the Turn. This model and all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gain +1" Move, +1" Charge, +1 Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes, and +1 Attack until the end of the Turn.
Gear: any First Founding Sons of Orar may exchange their Standard Load Out Powered Armor 3+ for Corvus Armor 3+ for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Captured Waystone

Chapter (Successor): Tigers Rampant (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): Unconfirmed Successor, Unflinching Loyalty, and Veteran Boarding Crew. In addition, all Tigers Rampant models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Tunnel Fighter for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: Assault Marines, Champions, or Intercessors armed with Chainswords may upgrade to Carnivora for +3 TV. Carnivora swap their Standard Load Out Powered Armor 3+ with Artificer Armor 2+ and change the profile of "the marine's own fists" to Strength as user, AP-, Damage 1, Bleed.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Cunning Assault. Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase. This model gains Stealth (+1) and +1 Attack when it Charges from behind Cover in the upcoming Mission.
Gear: any Tigers Rampant Specialty may add an Astartes Chainsword to its Standard Load Out for +1 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Tigers' Claws

Chapter (Successor): Warp Eagles (Ultramarines)
Trait(s): all Warp Eagles begin the Campaign with the Talents: Hatred [Nurgle Beast], Hatred [Nurgle Character], Hatred [Nurgle Infantry] and Hatred [Nurgle Swarm] for free.
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) As One. Use this Stratagem when one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range is the target of an enemy model's Shooting. Both models gain +1 Toughness and +1 Armor Save until the end of the Phase.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Inoculator

Ultramarines Succession Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits

-Flamer / 02 / 12" / D6|-|- / 6 / Assault / 4 / - / 1 / Ablaze, Auto-hit
-Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifle / 04 / 30" / 1|2-5|- / 10 / Rapid Fire / 4 / -1 / 1 / Integrated Magazines
- Hesh Pattern Bolt Carbine / 02 / 18" / 2|4|- / 4 / Pistol / 4 / - / 1 / -

Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits

-Libator's Sickle / 01 / As User / - / 1 / Slashing, Allows the model carrying it to Invoke Gaze of the Primarch once per Mission.
-Astartes Sword / 01 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive
-Power Scythe / 03 / +1 / -2 / 1 / Deadly Charge, Extra Attack on the Charge, Slashing

Item / Capacity / Function

-Annotation to the Codex / 01 / Allows the model carrying it to Invoke A Useful Addendum once per Mission.
-Auxilliary Ammo Feed / 01* / Supplementary Magazine for any weapon, holds 6 times the Ammunition of a Standard Magazine for whatever Weapon it is connected to.
-Golden Laurel / 01 / Allows the model carrying it to Invoke Wrath of the Aristocracy once per Mission.
-Golden Tarot / 01 / Whenever this model achieves an Objective, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, this model gains +1XP.
-Hellfire Ammo / 01* / Hellfire Ammo is AP-4 when used against <Tyranid> models. Versus all other targets, Hellfire Ammo is AP-1.
-Scope / +01* / This item adds +6" range to any Ranged Weapon it is attached to, when the Shooter is firing a single shot.
-Supply Pod / 04* / This item has a holding Capacity of 10 and may be filled with grenades, reloads, and weapons in any combination up to whatever the Squad can afford in Renown.

*The weight of this particular item depends on which Weapon it is a reload for, but typically it is 01 for every 4.
*This item adds its weight to the Weapon it is attached to.
*This is the weight of this item when it is empty. When it is full, it weighs the same as everything in it combined.
*Most of this item's weight is carried by the model's Powered Armor. Separated from that frame, this item weighs 02 Capacity.

Armor / Save|Invulnerable Save / Additional Capacity / Special Rules

-Artificer Armor / 2+|- / +02 / -
-Corvus Armor / 3+|- / - / This armor adds +2" to the range of all Ranged weapons used by this model.

Item Traits
Ablaze: this weapon only needs to hit to inflict this effect. Once hit, the Target is set Ablaze. Each Turn after the first a model is Ablaze it suffers a single Strength3, AP -, Damage 1 hit. A model that is Ablaze may spend its Movement, Shooting, or Charge Phase putting out the flames. The Ablaze effect lasts for D3 Turns or until a model spends a Phase extinguishing itself.
Auto-hit: if the target or targets are in range, this weapon automatically hits without the need to roll.
Deadly Charge: +1 Strength on any Turn where the model armed with this weapon Charges
Defensive: a model armed with a Weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Turn.
Extra Attack on the Charge: on the Turn this model makes a Charge move, this weapon provides +1 Attack
Integrated Magazines: this weapon comes with two 3-bullet Magazines that may be loaded with different ammunition than what is in a model's other Magazines. These Integrated magazines cannot be reloaded during the course of the Mission, but a model may switch between their different ammo options as a free action. A model cannot fire more shots from these Magazines than they are physically loaded with, unless the model has a Talent that says otherwise.
Slashing: this Weapon improves its AP by 1 versus targets with an Armor Save of 4+ or worse.

Chapter Rituals
A Useful Addendum
: during the Command Phase, a model may invoke this Ritual, which refunds the Mission Leader 1CP used previously. This cannot be used to bring the Mission Leader's CP total to higher than what they started the Mission with.
Gaze of the Primarch: during the Command Phase, a model may invoke this Ritual, granting all Ultramarines and their Successors in Cohesion Range the ability to re-roll all Armor Save rolls of 1 until the end of the Battleround.
Wrath of the Aristocracy: during the Command Phase, a model may invoke this Ritual, granting all allied Heralds, Brazen Consuls, and Blood Ravens in Cohesion Range +1 Attack until the end of the Battleround.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/16 08:48:52

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

White Scars and their Successors

In addition to the Options presented for each of these Chapters, any White Scars Successor Assault Specialty may equip an Assault Bike for +3 TV or 20 Cost and no Threshold and any Intercessor Specialty may equip an Outrider Bike for +3 TV or 25 Cost and no Threshold.

Chapter : White Scars
Trait(s): Huntsman and Sons of the Khan
Restrictions: Aggressors and Devastators cost +2 TV
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Born in the Saddle. Use this Stratagem at the start of Turn. This model and all allied Astartses in Cohesion Range equipped with an Assault Bike or an Outrider Bike gain +1" Move, +1" Charge, and may re-roll Shooting hit rolls of 1 when firing their Bike's Weapons.
Gear: any White Scars Specialty may replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Spear for free. Assault Marines, Champions, Chaplains, Primaris Chaplains, Primaris Lieutenants, Primaris Techmarines, Techmarines, or any models equipped with an Assault or Outrider Bike may equip a Power Spear for 5 Cost and no Threshold. Any First Founding Specialty not equipped with Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor may equip an Assault Bike for +2 TV or 15 Cost. Any Ultima Founding Specialty not in Phobos or Mk X Gravis Armor may equip an Outrider Bike for +2 TV or 18 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Big Game Trophy

Chapter (Successor): Dark Hunters (White Scars)
Trait(s): Distaste for the Machine, Masters of Hit & Run, Resolute, and Strained Relations. Additionally, all Dark Hunters begin the Campaign with the Talent: Hatred [Daemonic Engine] for free.
Restrictions: Primaris Techmarines and Techmarines cost +2 TV. Dark Hunters cannot opt for the Assault or Outrider Bike upgrade options normally allowed for other White Scars Successors.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Machine Hunter for +3 TV. Machine Hunters gain Hatred [Admech Infantry] and Contempt [Daemonic Engine]. Additionally, Machine Hunters gain +1 Attack versus enemies with the <Adeptus Mechanicus>, <Necron>, <Vehicle>, or <Daemonic Engine> keyword.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Armor Ambush. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission, before Deployment. The GM must reveal to the player(s) if any of their Adversarial models have the <vehicle> keyword (a simple "yes" or "no" is all the GM needs to say). If the answer is "yes", the GM must Deploy this model first, although it does not have to be Deployed in line of sight to this model. Afterwards, if this <vehicle> is in line of sight of any of its allied models, this model may Deploy anywhere on the table, in line of sight to the <vehicle>, and at least 9" from any other enemy models.
Gear: any Specialty may replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Hand Ax for free, or a Chain Ax for +1 TV, or a Power Ax for +2 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Machine Trophy

Chapter (Successor): Destroyers (White Scars)
Trait(s): Single Minded
Restrictions: cannot be Apothecary or Primaris Apothecary.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Destroy It. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. This model selects a target it can draw line of sight to. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range that fire on that target treat their Weapons as +1 Damage until the end of the Phase.
Gear: any model armed with a Bolter or Bolt Rifle may replace their Standard Magazines with Destroyer Magazines for +1 TV or 5 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Choose one: Devastator Honors or Terminus Crux

Chapter (Successor): Iron Talons (White Scars)
Trait(s): Flayer of Men
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Black Talon for +2 TV. Black Talins gain +1 Attack versus any model with the <Chaos> keyword and +1 to all Remove Corruption rolls for this model.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Raise Hell. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Turn. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of this Iron Talons model, impose a -1 Leadership on all enemy models in Cohesion Range of them until the end of the Battleround.
Gear: any Iron Talons Specialty may equip a Sanctified Icon for 5 Cost. This item weighs 01 Capacity and may be used to Invoke Emperor's Light once per Mission.
Chapter Heirloom: Man Pelt

Chapter (Successor): Marauders (White Scars)
Trait(s): Insular, Masters of Hit & Run, and Renowned Marksmen
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may be given the Talent: Pairs Well With [(White Scars Squad Mate)] for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Advancing Firepower. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All llied Astartes in Cohesion Range may fire their Ranged Weapons in Burst Firing Mode without needing to half their Weapon's range. Additionally, any affected model that fires in Burst Mode and subsequently Charges this Turn gain +1" Charge distance.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Marksman's Honor

-Chapter (Successor): Mantis Warriors (Marauders)
Trait(s): Masters of Hit & Run
Restrictions: none.
Options: Intercessors, Scouts, and Tacticals may upgrade to Tranquility Sniper for +2 TV. Tranquility Snipers replace their Bolter or Bolt Rifles with Stalker Pattern Bolter or Stalker Bolt Rifles, respectively. Or, in the case of Scouts, add a Stalker Pattern Bolter to their Standard Load Outs. Additionally, all Tranquility Snipers always count as meeting the Threshold for Sniper Rifles and Techxorcist Rifles. Aggressors, Apothecaries, Assault, Devastators, Intercessors, Primaris Apothecaries, Primaris Lieutenants, and Tacticals may instead upgrade to Praying Mnatidae for +3 TV. Praying Mantidae gain +1 Leadership, +1 Attack, and the Talent: Hatred [Red Corsairs].
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Signs and Portents. Use this Stratagem during the Briefing Phase. Roll a D3. On the roll of a 1, randomly select another Astartes model also deploying on this Mission. If this model suffers no Wounds this Mission, all Mantis Warrior models gain +1XP and +D3 Renown. On the roll of a 2, the GM must spend Allotment on at least 1 Miniboss in the upcoming Mission. All Minibosses in this Mission must do their utmost to remove this Mantis Warrior model as a casualty this Mission, even ignoring other strategically optimal Moves and targets to do so. If the Mantis Warrior model ends the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, they gain +1XP and +D3 Renown. If the Miniboss(es) succeed, the GM gains +D6 Allotment in all future Missions. On the roll of a 3, one enemy model is equipped with a Relic (chosen from the many presented in the Missions. If the enemy model has the hands for it, it may wield the Relic against the Squad. If the Mantis Warriors model ends the Mission in possession of this Relic, they gain +1XP and +D3 Renown.
Gear: all Mantis Warriors reduce the Threshold for Sniper Rifles by half.
Chapter Heirloom: Embellished Wargear

Chapter (Successor): Rampagers (White Scars)
Trait(s): Rampager
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may be given +4 Renown for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Overrun. Use this Stratagem at the end of any Fight Phase where this model has removed all enemy models within 2" of itself as casualties. This model may move up to 3+D3" in any direction. If this model chooses to use this Movement to re-engage enemy models, they gain +2 Attacks in their next Fight Phase.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Ritual Scarification

Chapter (Successor): Solar Hawks (White Scars)
Trait(s): Borne Aloft and Legacy of the Noble Khan
Restrictions: if there are no other Assault Marines in the Squad, this model must be an Assault Marine.
Options: Tacticals may upgrade to Hawk for +1 TV. Hawks increase player(s)' Deployment Zones by +3" in any one dimension (wider or longer). If a Deployment Zone is a room or cooridor, it is extanded to 3" outside that room or corridor.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Like the Wind. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Mission, after Deployment, but before the first Turn of the game. Nominate a number of allied Astartes equal to this model's Cohesion, within Cohesion Range. Those models may make a free Advance move in any direction before the game begins. This Advance does not stop these models from Moving or Advancing on their first Turn.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Iron Wings

Chapter (Successor): Storm Lords (White Scars)
Trait(s): Rełentless Competition. In addition, all Storm Lords begin the Campaign with the Talents: Burning Hatred [Orks] and Rivalry [White Scars] for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any First Founding Specialty not equipped with Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor may upgrade to Skyhunter for +2 TV. Skyhunters add a Jump Pack to their Standard Load Out if it isn't already there and gain +9 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) The Khan's Inheritance. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Turn. Nominate one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model may Advance and Shoot as if they hadn't Moved. Additionally, if that model rolls less than 4" for its Advance, treat its roll as 4".
Gear: any Specialty may exchange their Astartes Knife for an Astartes Spear for 1 Cost and no Threshold.
Chapter Heirloom: Big Game Trophies

Chapter (Successor): Storm Reapers (White Scars)
Trait(s): Battle Hunger and Sons of the Khan
Restrictions: Primaris Specialties only.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) On the Hunt. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Battleround. Nominate one enemy model in line of sight of this model with the most current number of Wounds. If this nominated model is removed as a casualty before the end of the Mission, this model gains +1 Renown. If this model is the one to remove it as a casualty, they instead gain +3 Renown.
Gear: any Specialty may replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Spear for 1 Cost or a Power Spear for 9 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Huntsman's Talisman

White Scars Succession Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits

-Stalker Pattern Bolter / 02 / 30" / 1|-|2 / 8 / Heavy / 4 / -1 / 1 / Deadly Aim
-Stalker Bolt Rifle / 02 / 36" / 1|-|2 / 10 / Heavy / 4 / -2 / 1 / Deadly Aim
-Sniper Rifle / 02 / 36" / 1|-|- / 6 / Heavy / 6 / -1 / 1 / Deadly Aim, Pinning
-Techxorcist Rifle / 02 / 24" / 1|-|- / 6 / Heavy / 4 / - / 1 / Deadly Aim, Haywire

Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits

-Astartes Hand Ax / 01 / +1 / -1 / 1 / -
-Astartes Spear / 01 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Deadly Charge
-Chain Ax / 03 / +2 / -1 / D3 / Unweildy, Optionally Two-handed
-Power Ax / 03 / +2 / -2 / 2 / Boss Mauling, Overhand Strike
-Power Spear / 01 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Deadly Charge

Item / Capacity / Function

-Assault Bike / * / This Bike is scaled for First Founding Astartes and increases the rider's effective Toughness by +1 (for the purposes of Wounding, but not for resisting the effects of Wargear, Talents, or Skills) and is armed with a Twin Bolter with a pair of Expanded Magazines.
-Destroyer Magazines / 02* / These are replacement Primary Magazines for Bolters and Bolt Rifles. They hold twice the number of ammo as a Standard Magazine and improve the Weapon's Range by +6" and its AP by 1.
-Outrider Bike / * / This Bike is scaled for Ultima Founding Astartes and increases the rider's effective Toughness by +1 (for the purposes of Wounding, but not for resisting the effects of Wargear, Talents, or Skills) and is armed with a Twin Bolt Rifle with a pair of Expanded Magazines.
-Sanctified Icon / 01 / This item may be used once per Mission to Invoke Emperor's Light

*This vehicle is not a carried object. However, if it were to be carried or dragged, it weighs 16 Capacity without its rider.
*These items weigh little individually. This weight is for 4 items of the same kind.

Item Traits
Boss Mauling: this weapon is +1 Damage versus models with 5 or more Wounds.
Deadly Aim: on the hit roll of a 6, improve this weapon's AP by 2.
Deadly Charge: +1 Strength on any Turn where the model armed with this weapon Charges.
Haywire: versus targets with the <Necron> or <Vehicle> keyword, this weapon gains +2 Strength, improves AP by 2, +1 Damage, and inflicts the Pinned condition if the target survives.
Optionally Two Handed: this model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to negate the Unweildy Trait of this Weapon.
Overhand Strike: this model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to improve the AP of this Weapon by 1.
Pinning: this weapon inflicts the Pinned condition on the Unit of its target.
Unweildy: this model must subtract 1 from their die rolls when Attacking with this weapon.

Chapter Rituals
Emperor's Light
: during the Command Phase, a model may invoke this Ritual, causing all models with the <Chaos> keyword that can draw line of sight to this model to lose any Invulnerable Save they may have until the end of the Battleround.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/16 08:58:01

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Black Shields

Chapter: Black Shields
Trait(s): Dark Providence. In addition, Black Shields may select any 2 other Chapter Traits from the full list, or up to 3 other Traits for +1 TV. All Black Shields begin the Campaign with +10 Renown.
Restrictions: Assault, Devastator, Intercessor, or Tactical only. Limit one model may be a Black Shield per Campaign.
Options: Black Shields may purchase Ratings in any Skill not listed for their Specialty for 9XP per Rating.
Chapter Stratagem: none.
Gear: Black Shields may add up to 15 Renown worth of Weapons and/or Wargear to their Standard Load Outs at the start of their introduction to the Campaign.
Chapter Heirloom: none.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/18 14:44:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Chapters of Unknown Succession

Chapter: Angels Obsidian
Trait(s): Dark Providence and Sinister. Additionally, all Angels Obsidian begin the Campaign with the Talent: Contempt [Aeonic Legion Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only. If no models take this Chapter for the Campaign, the GM may use this Chapter as Renegade Space Marine Adversaries.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Night Knife for +3 TV. Night Knives gain +1 Attack and replace their Astartes Knife with Warp Blade for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Terror Attacks. Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase. This model may be equipped with either 3 Remote Mines or 1 Promethium Blast Bomb for free.
Gear: any Specialty may swap their Astartes Knife with an Obsidian Sword for +1 TV or 5 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Skull Trophy

Chapter: Black Dragons (Cursed Founding)
Trait(s): Over-Ossified.
Restrictions: none.
Options: Assault Marines and Champions may upgrade to Dragon Claw for +1 TV. Dragon Claws add Adamantium Scythes to their Standard Load Outs.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Dragon's Hate. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range that are Engaged gain the benefits of this model's Hatred, Contempt, Indignation, and Detestation-type Talents until the end of the Turn.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Ritual Tattoo

Chapter: Black Giants (Cursed Founding)
Trait(s): Giants Among Men, Rampant Divergence, and Unnerving Presence.
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Black Mask for +2 TV. Black Masks gain +1 Leadership and Intimidate (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Meteoric Assault. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Charge Phase. This model and all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range roll an additional D6 when making their Charges, taking the preferred 2 scores. Any of these models that successfully Charge this Turn, inflict D3 Mortal Wounds on the Unit they Charged.
Gear: Tacticals may exchange their Bolter and Standard Magazines for a Stormbolter and equivalent number of Standard Magazines for +1 TV or 5 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Black Teeth

Chapter: Black Wasps
Trait(s): Born of Black Ships. Librarians and Primaris Librarians also gain All-seeing. Additionally, all Black Wasps Chaplains begin the Campaign with the Talent: Hatred [Psyker Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: Librarians and Primaris Librarians cost +1 TV.
Options: any Specialty except Librarian and Primaris Librarian may upgrade to Sanctioned for +2 TV. Sanctioned gain the <Psyker> keyword and may attempt to Cast 1 Psychic Power in the Psychic Phase. It knows one Power from the Obscuration Discipline.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Telepathic Oracle. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Psychic Phase. If there are any unrevealed enemy models (because they are represented by Blips, are out of line of sight of any allied models, or are held in Adversarial Reserves), the GM must reveal exactly what they are and where they are.
Gear: any Specialty may exchange their Astartes Knife for a Wasp's Sting for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Shard of the Silver Collar

Chapter: Blood Ravens (non-Codex Compliant)
Trait(s): One Foot in the Veil and Tenacious Resolve
Restrictions: none.
Options: Any Librarian or Primaris Librarian may upgrade to Ordo Psykana for +4 TV. Ordos Psykana gain an additional Psychic Power chosen from either the Librarius or Obscuration Disciplines from the Space Marine Codex, the Unnerving Intellect Trait, and the Servitor Talent.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Covetous. Use this Stratagem at the end of any Mission where a Relic has been recovered. This model permanently reduces their Renown by -4D6. If the model has enough Renown to cover this tax, the recovered Relic is added to this model's Standard Load Out.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of Devotion

Chapter: Brazen Skulls
Trait(s): Heroic and Tenacious. Additionally, all Brazen Skulls models begin the Campaign with the Talent: Hatred [Chaos Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: Ultima Founding Specialties only.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Defend at all Cost. Use this Stratagem at the start of any enemy Turn, when all allied Astartes are physically past the midline of the battlefield. This model gains +1 Armor Save, a 5+ Invulnerable Save (or a +1 improvement on a preexisting Invulnerable Save), and +1 Attack until the start of the enemy's next Turn.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Seal of Saint Sabbat

Chapter: Carcharadons Astra (non-Codex Compliant)
Trait(s): Bloodshed upon Bloodshed, Dark Providence, Nomadic Predator, and Unconfirmed Successor (Raven Guard)
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only; cannot be Apothecary, cannot be Techmarine.
Options: Assault Marines may upgrade to Devourer for +1 TV. Devourers gain +1 Attack. Tactical Marines may upgrade to Strike Leader for +2 TV. Strike Leaders gain +1 Attack and +1 Leadership. Any Specialty equipped with Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor may additionally be upgraded to Red Brethern for +1 TV. Red Brethern gain Command (+1).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Born for Butchery. Use this Stratagem at the start of the player(s)' Fight Phase. For every unsaved Wound inflicted by this model this Turn, it gains a bonus Attack in the enemy's Fight Phase.
Gear: any Specialty may exchange its Astartes Knife for a Chain Ax for +2 TV or 8 Renown. Any Specialty may exchange its Standard Load Out Powered Armor 3+ for Pre-heresy Armor 3+ for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Fang of the Maw

Chapter: Centaurians
Trait(s): Consummate Competitor and Phalanx Fighter.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may be given the Favorite Adversary [Orks] Talent for +1 TV.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Honorable Combat. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase when this model is within 1" of an enemy Miniboss or Boss Monster. This model gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack until the Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty. If this model is responsible for removing that MiniBoss or Boss Monster's last Wound, they also gain +D3 Renown.
Gear: any Specialty may add a Storm Shield to their Standard Load Out for +1 TV or 5 Cost. Any Specialty that equips a Storm Shield may also add an Astartes Sword to their Standard Load Out for 1 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Chalice of Victory

Chapter: Cyclonic
Trait(s): Battle Hunger and Relentless
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Hellstormer for +4 TV. Hellstormers gain the Furious Trait and +2 Attacks.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Reckless Advance. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Movement Phase. All Astartes within Cohesion Range roll 2D6 when they Advance this Turn.
Gear: Devastators or Tactical Marines may equip a Reciprocating Melta Lance for +3 TV or 25 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Ashes of the Dead

Chapter: Dragon Lords
Trait(s): Flame Craft and Forged in Flames
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only. Only one model may be from this Chapter per Campaign.
Options: Assault Marines may upgrade to Fire Born for +2 TV. The Fire Born gain 2 Hellfire Grenades and a Flamer with 4 Promethium Tanks added to their Standard Load Out.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Breath of Fire. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Turn. This model's Attacks, in both the Shooting Phase and the Fight Phase, gain the Ablaze Quality until the end of the Turn.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Remnant of Erwynn's World

Chapter: Emperor's Spears
Traits: Savage Recruiting Rituals and Edge of Darkness.
Restrictions: none
Options: any Specialty may replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Spear as their Standard Load Out, for free.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Savage Charge. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Player(s)' Turn. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may re-roll their Charge distances. Additionally, any model that makes a successful Charge because of this ability gains +1 Strength on their first Attack of that Fight Phase.
Gear: Any Emperor's Spears that arm an Astartes Spear may pay 5 Renown to upgrade that Spear to Exceptional Quality.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of the Outer Dark

Chapter: Exorcists
Trait(s): Dark Providence, Expert Daemon Hunters, Unnerving Intellect, and Unpredictable Battle Doctrine. In addition, all Exorcists begin the Campaign with the Talents: Inured to the Ravages of Chaos and Conditioned Against Corruption for free.
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only. All Exorcists Specialties cost +3 TV.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Orison for +2 TV. Orisons gain the Breadth of Experience Trait and +1 Skill Stat.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) I Speak its True Name. Use this Stratagem in the Command Phase, when any <Daemon> or <Daemon Engine> model is in line of sight of this model. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range improve their Weapons' Strength by +1, their Weapons' AP by 1, and their Weapons' Damage by +1 when targeting <Daemon> or <Daemon Engine> models until the end of the Mission.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Focusing Icon

Chapter: Fire Lords
Trait(s): Flame Craft
Restrictions: none.
Options: Fire Lords Assault and Suppressor Specialties may upgrade to Infernal Vanguard for +1 TV. Infernal Vanguard replace their Bolt Pistol and Standard Magazines with Hand Flamer and an equivalent number of Half Promethium Tanks as Standard Load Out.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Fire Storm. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. Nominate one allied Astartes in Cohesion Range armed with a weapon that fires a variable number of shots in any Firing Mode. That model's weapon automatically counts as rolling the maximum number of shots and resolves all of its hits at +1 Strength.
Gear: Fire Lords do not have to meet the Threshold for any Flamer type weapon. However they must still pay the Cost to equip it. Additionally, Fire Lords of any Specialty qualify to equip a Heavy Flamer.
Chapter Heirloom: Scars of the Inferno.

Chapter: Infuriators (Cursed Founding)
Trait(s): Furious. In addition, all Infuriators begin the Campaign with the Talent: Gunslinger for free.
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only; cannot be Librarian.
Options: Champions, Tactical Marines, and Assault Marines may upgrade to Enraged for +3 TV. Enraged gain +1 Attack and Intimidate (+1). Additionally, Enraged gain +1 Strength on any Turn where they've Charged.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Unmitigated Hatred Use this Stratagem during the Arming Phase. For the duration of the upcoming Mission this model counts its Cohesion as 0 but gains the ability to Charge even when it has Advanced, inflicts -1 Leadership on enemy models in Cohesion Range, and gains +1 Strength as long as at least 1 enemy model is within 1" of them.
Gear: all Infuriators replace both their Bolt Pistols and Bolters in their Standard Load Outs with Furion Pattern Bolt Carbines. They also replace any Bolter Standard Magazines in their Load Outs with an equal number of Bolt Pistol Standard Magazines.
Chapter Heirloom: Gauntlets of Fury

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/19 08:46:49

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Unknown Foundings Continued

Chapter: Jade Dragons
Trait(s): Dangerous Foe and Deliberate Cunning. 
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Ghost for +2 TV. Ghosts gain Stealth (+1) and add Camo Cloaks to their Standard Load Outs. Alternatively, any Specialty may upgrade to Knight Draki for +2 TV. Knight Drakis gain the Talent: Strong Martial Tradition and add an Astartes Spear or an Astartes Sword to their Standard Load Out (player's choice).
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Measured Strike. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight Phase. This model may make 1 additional Attack with any melee Weapon. The Weapon used for this Attack gains the Decapitating Strike and Monster Slayer Traits for this Attack only.
Gear: any Jade Dragons Specialty may add a Champion's Blade to their Standard Load Out for +1 TV or 5 Cost.
Chapter Heirloom: Clan Crest
Chapter: Knights Amethyst
Trait(s): More Machine than Man and Inheritor of Mars. 
Restrictions: Cannot be Apothecary or Primaris Apothecary; Librarians and Primaris Librarians begin play only knowing the Smite Psychic Power. Only one model from this Chapter may be included per Campaign.
Options: Knights Amethyst Primaris Techmarines and Techmarines may take any one Tier 1 Technological Talent for which they meet the prerequisites for free. Aggressor, Champion, and Devastator Specialties, and Intercessors armed with Heavy Bolt Rifle may be upgraded to Conqueror for +2 TV. Conquerors gain +1 Armor Save and a -1 Cost discount on all Weapons. Knights Amethyst Primaris Techmarines and Techmarines (Overseers) may purchase Ratings in the Medic Skill for 9XP per Rating.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Shield the Living. Use this Stratagem before making Armor Saves for Wounds caused by enemy Shooting attacks. Nominate one allied Astartes within 6" of this model. That model gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save. For every Wound this Invulnerable Save prevents, this model receives +1 Wound Token.
Gear: All Knights Amethyst Specialties gain a Mechanicus Frame for free as part of their Standard Load Out, if it wasn't already included. Knights Amethyst Devastators upgrade their Heavy Weapons to Exceptional Quality for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Memento of Flesh
Chapter: Mentor Legion
Trait(s): Insular and Precision
Restrictions: all Specialties except Tactical cost +1 TV for this Chapter.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Legionnaire for +2 TV. Legionnaires gain +1 Strength and +9 Renown.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) I Work Best Alone. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Morale Phase. This model does not suffer the effects of any failed Morale tests this Turn.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Battle Honor
Chapter: Minotaurs
Trait(s): Borderline Berserker, Callous Indifference, Dark Providence, and Neuro-Indoctrinated. Additionally, all Minotaurs begin the Campaign with the Talents: Hatred [Human Infantry] and Hatred [Xenos Infantry] for free.
Restrictions: all Minotaurs Specialties cost +1 TV. If 1 or more Minotaurs are taken for any player's character or in any player's squad, all models from any other Chapter receive a -3 XP discount on the Talent: Rival [Minotaurs], applied after all other discounts have been calculated. If this discount would result in making this Talent cost 0 XP for a model, they must take it.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Ruthless Destruction. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Battleround. For the duration of the Battleround, this model increases the Damage of their Weapons by +2.
Gear: all Specialties add a Storm Shield to their Standard Load Out for free. Minotaurs Champions recieve a -4 TV discount on Relic Terminator Armor. Any Specialty may exchange their Powered Armor 3+ for Mark VIII Erant Armor 3+ for +1 TV.
Chapter Heirloom: Icon of the Bull
Chapter: Pact of Prometheus
Trait(s): Breadth of Experience, Dark Providence, and Flame Craft
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Destructor Kin for +2 TV. Destructor Kin gain Demolition (+1) and a -2 Threshold discount on all Heavy Weapons. Alternatively, any Specialty may upgrade to Vulcanist for +3 TV. Vulcanists gain a -2 Threshold discount on all Weapons with the words "flame", "melta", and/or "plasma" in its name and add the Phosphorus Trait to any of those Weapons they equip. Alternatively, any Specialty may be upgraded to Triad for +2 TV. Triads gain +1 Attack and add an Astartes Trident to their Standard Load Out.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Integrated Arms. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Battleround. Nominate 3 allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. Each nominated Astartes must be of a different Specialty. Whenever 1 of these models gains any amount of XP or Renown, each of the other 2 Astartes gain +1XP. This effect lasts until the end of the Battleround.
Gear: all Pact of Prometheus Specialties gain a -1 Cost discount to Wargear and Weapons applied after all other discounts.
Chapter Heirloom: Writ of the Pact
Chapter: Red Hunters
Trait(s): Insular and Legendary Enemies. Additionally, all Red Hunters begin the Campaign with the Talents: Hatred [Traitor Legions Infantry] and Favorite Adversary [Traitor Legions] for free.
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Ordo Agent for +1 TV. Ordo Agents gain +1 whenever they would earn  Esteem with any Inquistorial Faction.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Revelation of Weakness. Use this Stratagem at the start of any Battleround after any adversaries have been identified as Traitor Legion Heretic Astartes. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range treat their Weapons as Strength +2 and Damage +1 when targeting <Heretic Astartes> <Infantry>.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Seal of the Inquisition
Chapter: Red Scorpions
Trait(s): Integral Apothecariat and Uncompromising Adherents. In addition, all Red Scorpions models begin the Campaign with the Talents: Righteous Indignation [Mutant Infantry] and Sworn Indignation [Mutants] for free.
Restrictions: none. All Red Scorpions Specialties cost +1 TV. Red Scorpions Librarians and Primaris Librarians begin the Campaign knowing the Smite Psychic Power and one of their unique Chapter Psychic Powers detailed below. They cannot select Psychic Powers from the Librarius or Obscuration disciplines.
Options: Red Scorpions Librarians and Primaris Librarians may select one of the following unique Chapter Powers for free. They may additionally purchase any of the remaining Psychic Powers for +1 TV each.
-Bone Breaker: Witchfire: Bone Breaker has a Warp Charge of 8. If manifested, select 1 enemy Unit in line of sight and within Cohesion Range. That Unit rolls a D6 and adds their Toughness and this Psyker rolls a D6 and adds their Leadership. If the Psyker's total score is higher, it inflicts a number of Mortal Wounds to that Unit equal to the difference in scores.
-Tormented Flesh: Malediction: Tormented Flesh has a Warp Charge of 7. If manifested, select 1 enemy Unit in line of sight and within 18" of this psyker. That Unit suffers D3 Mortal Wounds and, until the start of the player(s)' next Psychic Phase, suffers an additional Mortal Wound whenever it Moves, Advances, or makes a Fall Back Move.
-Word of the Codex Astartes: Blessing: Word of the Codex Astartes has a Warp Charge of 5. If manifested, select 1 allied Astartes within Cohesion Range. That model immediately removes any negative effects currently affecting it (such as the Pinned condition, the effects of Terror, or Poisoning) and gains +1 Leadership until the end of the Battleround.
Chapter Stratagem: (1CP) Purity Above All. Use this Stratagem whenever an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range would use their Medic Skill. That model automatically passes their test without expending a Rating. In addition, any variable of that effect is maximized.
Gear: Apothecaries and Primaris Apothecaries Nartheciums have a Stim Payload of 6 instead of 3. Any Specialty may add a MediPack to their Standard Load Out for +1 TV or 5 Cost. 
Chapter Heirloom: Genome Relic

Chapter: Solar Lions
Trait(s): Bolter Drill, Insular, Masters of Stealth, and Unconfirmed Successors (Imperial Fists)
Restrictions: Ultima Founding Specialties only.
Options: Reivers may upgrade to Recon Scout for +2 TV. Recon Scouts gain Stealth (+1) and add Flash Suppressors to their Standard Load Out.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) By Royal Decree. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Battleround. Nominate 1 allied Astartes in Cohesion Range. That model extends the effective range of all of its Skill effects and Talents that affect other Astartes by +6" until the end of the Battleround.
Gear: any Specialty may swap its Astartes Knife with an Astartes Sword for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Felinic Royal Crest
Chapter: Star Dragons
Trait(s): Furious Passion and Unmitigated Wrath
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Wrathful Retaliation. Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight Phase. This model and up to 1 other allied Astartes in Cohesion Range may be selected to Fight again.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Starbright Electoos
Chapter: Star Phantoms
Trait(s): Generalized Disregard, Most Grim, and Only the Dead
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Wanton Destruction. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting Phase. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range increase their Weapon's Damage characteristic by +1. In addition, all terrain features within 3" of their targets also suffer D3 Mortal Wounds regardless if the shots hit or miss those targets.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: Funerary Token
Chapter: Storm Wardens
Trait(s): Dark Providence and Exceptional Bladework
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only.
Options: Champions may upgrade to Tempest Blade for +3 TV. Tempest Blades replace their Powered Armor 3+ with Artificer Armor 2+, replace their Astartes Claymores with Power Claymores, and gain the Talent: Sure Strike.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Killing Strike. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight Phase. This model's Attacks cause 1 Mortal Wound for every hit they score this Phase, in addition to any other Damage.
Gear: all Storm Wardens replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Claymore for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Ready Counter-Argument
Chapter: Tigers Ardent
Trait(s): Legendary Ferocity and Strong Martial Tradition
Restrictions: First Founding Specialties only
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Swift Conquest. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Battleround. All allied Astartes in Cohesion Range add +2" to their Move and +2" to their Charge distance until the end of the Battleround.
Gear: all Tigers Ardent replace their Astartes Knife with Tiger's Claw for free.
Chapter Heirloom: Silver Fang
Chapter: White Templars
Trait(s): Relentless, Stoic, and Unconfirmed Successors (Imperial Fists)
Restrictions: none.
Options: none.
Chapter Stratagem: (3CP) Renewed Vigor. Use this Stratagem after all Astartes deployed on this Mission have been reduced to 2 Wounds or less. All allies Astartes in line of sight of this model remove D3 Wound Tokens (roll once for all affected models; affected models may only be reduced to a minimum of 0) and all Apothecaries and Primaris Apothecaries in Cohesion Range at the time this Stratagem is used gain +1 to all Medic Skill rolls until the end of the Mission.
Gear: none.
Chapter Heirloom: The Revelation
Chapter: Zephyrs
Trait(s): Battle Born, Insular, Swift First Strike, and Tactica Suprema
Restrictions: none.
Options: any Specialty may upgrade to Typhonic for +2 TV. Typhonics gain the Talents: Fury and Mayhem.
Chapter Stratagem: (2CP) Unstoppable Advance. Use this Stratagem at the start of the Movement Phase. Instead of making a normal Move or Advance this Turn, this model rolls 4D6 and Moves up to that many inches. Although this model counts as Advancing, it may still Charge this Turn.
Gear: any model that qualifies for a Jump Pack or Heavy Jump Pack receives a -5 Threshold and -2 Cost to equip these items, applied after all other discounts.
Chapter Heirloom: Inverted Omega

Unknown Founding Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits

-Flamer / 02 / 12" / D6|2D3|3D3 / 6 / Assault / 4 / - / 1 / Ablaze, Ignore Cover
-Furion Pattern Bolt Carbine / 02 / 18" / 4|-|- / 4 / Pistol / 4 / - / 1 / -
-Reciprocating Melta Lance / 03 / 18" / 2|4|- / 4 / Assault / 8 / -3 / D6 / Melta
Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits

-Adamantium Scythe / 00 / as user / - / 1 / Extra Attack, Unhanded
-Astartes Claymore / 03 / +1 / -1 / D2 / Decapitating Strike, Optionally Two-Handed, Unwieldy
-Astartes Spear / 01 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Deadly Charge
-Astartes Sword / 01 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive
-Astartes Trident / 02 / +1 / - / 2 / Deadly Charge, Extra Attack
-Chain Ax / 03 / +2 / -1 / D3 / Mauling, Optionally Two-handed, Unwieldy
-Champion's Blade 01 / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Extra Attack
-Obsidian Sword / 01 / as user / -1 / 1 / Balanced
-Power Claymore / 04 / +2 / -3 / 2 / Deadly Charge, Decapitating Strike, Defensive, Optionally Two-Handed, Unwieldy
-Tiger's Claw / 00 / as user / - / 1 / Bleed, Extra Attack
-Warp Blade / 01 / as user / -3 / 1 / Attuned, Psyker-Killer
-Wasp's Sting / 01 / as user / - / 1 / Injected Venom
Item / Capacity / Function

-Combat Shield / 01 / Provides a 5+ Invulnerable Save
-Flash Suppressor / 00 / allows a model to Shoot and still qualify to use the "Silence is Virtue" effect of the Stealth Skill
-MediPack / 01 / this item may be used up to 3 times per Mission. Each use grants a +1 to this model's Medic Skill test and, if successful, removes 1 additional Wound Token from the model being treated.
-Siege Shield / 03 / Provides a 3+ Invulnerable Save and improves the model's Armor Save by +2 versus Attacks in the Fight Phase and improves the model's Armor Save by +1 versus Shooting hits against the model's front facing. Siege Shields count as a Pintle Mount for Rapid Fire Weapons.
-Storm Shield / 02 / Provides a 4+ Invulnerable Save and improves the model's Armor Save by +1 versus Attacks in the Fight Phase.
Armor / Save|Invulnerable Save / Additional Capacity / Additional Rules

-Pre-heresy Armor / 3+|- / +01 / this armor has an Armor Save of 4+ when the model wearing it is shot from behind. Reduce the Damage inflicted by Events by -1 (to a minimum of 0) while wearing this armor.
-Mk VIII Erant Armor / 3+|- / +01 / if an enemy model rolls the minimum to hit this model with any type of Attack, change the Armor Save of this Armor to 2+ for that hit.
Item Traits
Ablaze: weapons with this Quality need only hit once to inflict its effect. Each Turn after the first a model is Ablaze it suffers a single Strength 3, AP-, Damage 1 hit. A model that is Ablaze may spend its Movement Phase putting out the flames. If it does so, it cannot Move or Advance. The Ablaze effect lasts for D3 Turns or until a model puts itself out.
Attuned: models with the <Psyker> keyword treat this weapon as Strength +1.
Balanced: this weapon gains +1 to all Parry attempts.
Bleed: a model armed with this weapon can re-roll its failed Wound rolls
Deadly Charge: +1 Strength on any Turn where the model armed with this weapon Charges.
Decapitating Strike: any roll of 6 to hit automatically Wounds.
Defensive: a model armed with a weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Turn.
Extra Attack: this weapon adds 1 extra Attack to the model armed with it in the Fight Phase.
Ignore Cover: this weapon negates the Cover bonus to Armor Saves.
Injected Venom: versus all models except those with the <Adeptus Mechanicus>, <Necron>, or <Vehicle> keyword this weapon will always Wound on the D6 roll of a 4+.
Mauling: these weapons increase their Damage by +1 when the model armed with them is outnumbered in the Fight Phase.
Melta: when Shooting at targets at half range or less, change this weapon's Damage to D6+2.
Monster-Slayer: striking the killing blow on any Mini Boss or Boss Monster with this weapon earns this model +1 Renown.
Optionally Two-Handed: this model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks to negate the Unwieldy Trait of this Weapon.
Phosphorus: this weapon's hits continue to burn long after their intial strike. If an enemy model survives after taking a Wound from this Weapon, continue to roll one D6 to Wound that model at the start of its subsequent Turns (during the Command Phase if using 9th edition) until either this Weapon fails to Wound or the target model is removed as a casualty, whichever comes first. Resolve subsequent Wounds at the same Strength and AP as the original hit, but change the Damage to 1.
Psyker-Killer: this weapon is Strength +2 versus enemy models with the <Psyker> keyword.
Unhanded: this weapon does not take up room in a model's hands and so a model may use it in addition to the two other weapons it may also be armed with, adding an additional Attack (or more depending on the Weapon's other Traits).
Unwieldy: this model must subtract 1 from their die rolls when Attacking with this weapon.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/19 08:50:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Chapter Traits

Absolute Fanatic: this model is immune to being Pinned or Shaken and gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save (or +1 to any preexisting Invulnerable Save it may already have).

Acute Senses: when firing a ranged weapon in Standard Firing mode or if the lights go out on a Mission, this model adds +6" to their visibility range.

All-seeing: this model gains Psychic Sense (+1).

Ally of the Ecclesiarch: this model's Skill and Talent effects that normally only affect other allied Astartes, also extend to allied Ministorum and Sororitas models.
Ally of the Mechanicus: this model's Skill and Talent effects that normally only affect other allied Astartes, also extend to allied Admech and Servitor models.

An Army of One: this model is immune to being Shaken or Pinned due to a failed Morale test.

Armor Gunner: this model gains a "Special Tech Skill" that can only be used on Tech that connects or controls a Weapon or Turret of some kind.

Assault Biker: this model adds an Assault Bike (if a First Founding Specialty) or an Outrider Bike (if an Ultima Founding Specialty) to their Standard Load Out. The model does not have to equip this vehicle, but if they do, they take up the space of 3 other models in transports (like Shuttles and Thunderhawks), cannot use the Teleportarium or Deadfall Deployment option, and have a minimum Move of 3" . The bike's weapons are loaded with 1 Expanded Magazine for free.

Authority of Guilliman: once per mission, this model may add +6" to the range of any of its Skills or Talents.

Awash in the Blood of Heroes: whenever this model would normally gain 1 or more Corruption, they may ignore the gain on the D6 roll of 6+. This model does not benefit from a Chaplain's Remove Corruption ability unless this model also has Cohesion3 or better, in which case this Trait instead grants a +1 bonus to that roll.

Barbaric Fighter: this model must make a Toughness test at the start of every Fight Phase. If they pass, they fight normally. If they fail this test, this model suffers a -1 penalty to its Armor Saves this Turn, but all of its Attacks are resolved at -1 better AP. Additionally, if this model removes all enemy models as casualties from this Fight without suffering any Wounds, they gain +1 Renown.

Battle Born: regardless of this model's Specialty, it may purchase Ratings in the Command Skill for 3XP each.

Battle Hunger: this model must be deployed closest to visible enemy models, on the very edge of the Deployment Zone.

Battlefield Commander: this model gains Command (+1).

Black Rage: all Cohesion Talents cost this model +3XP, applied after discounts for Specialties. Models with this Trait immediately gain +1 Corruption if their total is currently 0. Additionally, starting on the 2nd Turn of every Mission, this model must always Move towards the nearest visible model. If this Movement brings them to Engagement Range with a model, friend or foe, they count as having Charged that model and must engage them in the Fight Phase this Battleround. If they remove the last Wound from a friendly model they immediately lose D6 Renown and gain +1 Corruption. Increase this model's Strength and Attacks by +1 each in the Fight Phase. This model also gains the ability to ignore Wounds inflicted during the Fight Phase on the D6 roll of a 4+.

Blade Bonded: as long as this model is armed with an Astartes Sword, Power Sword, or a Relic Equivalent, this model gains +1 Attack on the Charge, but can never voluntarily Fall Back from a Fight.

Blood Frenzy: after removing their first adversary as a casualty in a Fight Phase per Mission, this model must take a Toughness test. If they fail the test, the model gains +1 Attack until the end of the Mission. If they pass this test, they instead count as Shaken  for the remainder of their Turn. Pass or fail, they also gain +1 Renown.

Blood Ritual: this model cannot Consolidate. After a Fight Phase ends where this model has killed any Adversaries and after Consolidation there are no more enemy models within Engagement range, this model must perform a Blood Ritual. After doing so, this model gains 1 additional use for its Chapter Heirloom. If any allied Astartes can draw line of sight to this model when it performs this Ritual, this model immediately loses D3 Renown. 

Bloodshed upon Bloodshed: after inflicting an unsaved Wound in the Fight Phase, this model may immediately make another Attack against that same model, or another within 2" of that model. If this additional Attack also causes an unsaved Wound, this model may make 1 more additional Attack.

Bloody Handed: whenever this model makes an Attack in the Fight Phase with a Melee weapon that has no AP, this model treats that weapon's AP as -1.

Bolter Drill: when Shooting any weapon with "bolt" in its name, this model may re-roll 1s in Standard and Burst Firing Modes.

Borderline: whenever this model removes an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase, it must make a Toughness test. If it passes, they gain +1XP. If they fail, they gain a permanent Rage Token. If this model accumulates a total of 10 Rage Tokens, swap this Trait out and add the Black Rage Trait instead.

Borderline Berserker: this model gains +1 Attack on any Turn it Charges. If this model has only 1 Wound left, this bonus instead becomes +2 Attacks on the Charge.

Born of Black Ships: this model gains +1 Deny the Witch attempt to a range of 18".

Borne Aloft: if this model is not the Mission Leader, its controlling player may opt to leave it out of the Mission in order to grant the Mission Leader the Deliverant Thunderhawk Insertion method without that model having to either meet the Threshold or pay the Cost for it. If this model does so, they gain +1 Renown for every allied Astartes model that extracts with at least 1 Wound remaining and +1XP for every hour of the Mission's duration.

Breadth of Experience: this model begins the Campaign with (+1) Rating in any 1 Skill the controlling player desires.

Brutal: enemy Units within 3" of this model when it is Engaged in the Fight Phase suffer -2 to their Leadership.

By Portents Alone: this model must roll a D6 at the start of every Mission. It will only deploy on the Mission on the roll of a 4+. 

By the Book: this model cannot Charge unless their target is 6" or less distant.

Callous Indifference: if this model is the Mission Leader and all non-Astartes allies remain the closest targets to enemy models for the duration of the Mission, this model gains +D3XP, but loses -1 Renown, at the end of the Mission.

Close Quarters: if this model is Engaged with enemy models while also within 2" of any terrain feature, this model gains +1 Armor Save and +1 Attack.

Consummate Competitor: if this model inflicts more Wounds than any other member of its Squad in a Mission, it earns +1 Renown. If another member of this model's Squad achieves this goal, this model gains +1XP instead.

Counter-Assault: if an Adversary model attempts and fails a Charge against this model, move it half its rolled distance anyway. This model may then make a Charge roll of its own against that model and, if it makes it into Engagement Range, counts as Charging it (and therefore may act first in the subsequent Fight Phase).

Dangerous Foe: this model gains Intimidate (+1).

Dark Providence: all Cohesion Talents cost this model +2XP, applied after discounts for Specialties.

Deceitful: once per Campaign this model may grant itself +2D3 Renown.

Deliberate Cunning: if this model is Charged, it gains +1 Attack until they or their opponents perform a Fall Back Move.

Destroyer Kin: if this model is in Cohesion Range of an allied model armed with a Heavy Weapon and both models fire at the same target, this model increases their Weapon's Damage by +1.

Directly Altered: +1 to hit when Shooting at models with the <Daemon> keyword. Additionally, this model cannot Advance towards or Charge models with the <Daemon> keyword.

Drinkers of Blood: during the Arming Phase, this model may permanently reduce their Renown by 1 to gain +1 Strength and +1 Attack for the duration of the upcoming Mission.

Duty & Purpose: in any Mission where at least one Adversary is a Fallen Chaos Marine, this model gains an additional +1XP if they survive.

Eager for the Frontline: if an enemy is in line of sight of this model at the beginning of their Movement Phase and this is armed with a pistol, they must advance towards that enemy model; if this model is instead armed with a long arm or a heavy weapon, they must instead remain stationary and Shoot at it (if armed with a heavy weapon) or, if not already in cover, Move into cover and Shoot at it (if armed with a Long Arm) in their First Shooting Phase.

Edge of Darkness: this model is Immune to the Fear and Terror effects of Minibosses and Boss Monsters.

Endocannibal: if this model is within 3" of a Dead Marine Objective, this model gains +1XP and -1 Renown as they sample the flesh of the dead. For the remainder of the Battleround, this model treats its Armor Save as 5+ and its Toughness as 3 versus Wounds caused by gas- or vacuum-based attacks.

Enduring: any time this model would gain a new Wound Token, roll a D6. On a 6+ that Wound Token is not gained. Roll separately for each Wound Token when multiple are gained at the same time.

Enemy of Assassins: this model's last Attack in every Fight Phase reduces enemy Invulnerable Saves by -1.

Enemy of Minotaurs: if this model can draw line of sight to an enemy through a Minotaurs Astartes, they must instead Shoot the Minotaurs model with its highest Strength Weapon at highest Rate of Fire. If this model removes the Minotaurs ally as a casualty they immediately lose -2D3 Renown but gain +1XP. Additionally, if any Minotaurs are included in the Campaign, Cohesion Talents cost this model double, after discounts for Specialty.

Engine of War: all Ultramarines and their Successors add +2" to their Cohesion Ranges as long as this model remains on the table (even if this model becomes a Dead Marine Objective).

Esoteric Beliefs: this model does not count as an ally to any model with the <Ecclesiarchy> keyword, but may burn 1 Renown during the Arming Phase to gain Inspire (+1) until the end of the upcoming Mission.

Esoteric Wargear:  a model with this Trait may add the Shocking or Stunning Quality to any 1 of its Standard Load Out Weapons during the Arming Phase of each Mission for free. These effects last until the end of the Mission.

Excellent Marksman: when Shooting in Standard Firing Mode, this model improves that Weapon's AP by 1.

Exceptional Bladework: when Fighting with an Astartes Knife, Astartes Spear, Astartes Sword, Power Spear, or Power Sword, this model improves that Weapon's AP by 1.

Expert Daemon Hunters:versus models with the <Daemon> keyword, this model's Weapons improve their AP by 1. Versus models with the <Daemon Engine> keyword, this model's Weapons increase their Damage by +1.

Expert Ork Hunters: versus models with the <Ork> keyword, this model's Weapons improve their AP by 1. Versus models with both the <Ork> and <Vehicle> keywords, this model's Weapons increase their Damage by +1.

Expert Tyranid Hunters: versus models with the <Tyranid> keyword, this model's Weapons improve their AP by 1. Versus models with both the <Tyranid> and <Monster> keywords, this model's Weapons increase their Damage by +1.

Expert Strategists: regardless of this model's Specialty, it may purchase Ratings in the Tactics Skill for 3XP each.

Faith through Toil: after this model successfully uses the Tech Skill, it gains the ability to Ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 6 for the remainder of the Mission.

Faithful to the Squad: if this model has Cohesion3 or better, it becomes immune to being Pinned or Shaken.

Faithful to the Creed: this model is -1 to be hit by enemy models with the <Daemonic> and <Daemonic Engine> keywords.

Ferocity: at the start of the player(s)' Fight Phase, this model must take a Toughness test. If they pass, increase this model's Strength by +1 until the end of the player(s)' Turn.

Fierce Pride: if this model personally completes more Objectives than any of its Squad mates in a Mission, it earns an extra +1XP and +1 Renown.

Firsthand Knowledge: this model gains +1 Leadership and immunity to being Pinned if there are any visible adversaries with the <Daemon> or <Daemon Engine> keyword.

First of the New: at the start of the Campaign, new characters with this Trait gain +1 to one of the following Stats: Strength, Toughness, Attacks, or Leadership, player's choice.

Flame Craft: any weapon with the words "flame", "inferno", or "melta" in its name counts as +1 Strength when wielded by this model.

Flayer of Men: all enemy models that can draw line of sight to this model suffer -2 Leadership.

Forged in Flames: any weapon that automatically hits without the need to roll used against this model treats its Strength as 1 lower than it actually is, for the purposes of trying to Wound this model.

Friends of Mars: this model gains +1 Esteem whenever the opportunity to gain occurs for any Admech Faction.

Frenzied: after the first model in line of sight of this model suffers an unsaved Wound per Mission, this model adds +1 to the number of Attacks on its profile for the remainder of the Mission. Additionally, if an enemy model is within 8" of this model at the start of its Movement Phase, they must attempt a Charge against it, even if they Advanced.

Furious: this model must Charge if able. At the end of any Fight Phase where this model is still Engaged with one or more enemy models, roll a Strength test. If the test is passed this model gains +1 Renown. If the test is failed, the player must pick one of the following stats to increase by +1. The remaining stats are all penalized by 1 until the model must take this test again. Strength, Toughness, Armor Save, or Attacks.

Furious Passion: this model can Ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 4+ in the 1st and 2nd Turns of the Mission. In the 3rd and 4th Turns of a Mission, this model may Ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 5+. And on the 5th and 6th Turns of a Mission, this model may Ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 6.

Gene-selected: at the start of the Campaign, models with this Trait gain +1 Wound.

Generalized Disregard: this model never loses Renown for accidentally or intentionally killing allied models.

Giants Among Men: this model gains Inspire (+1).

Hard-won Honor: this model begins the Campaign with WS 2+.

Heart of Iron: whenever this model must roll on the Recovery Table table, they may reduce the die roll by 1 for every Cybernetic Implant they have acquired.

Heavy Hitter: this model receives a -1 Cost discount to all Heavy Weapons, Grenades, and Mines, applied after all other discounts.

Heroic: after this model removes its first enemy model as a casualty in a Mission, it gains Inspire (+1) until the end of the Mission.

Honor Bound: if there are non-Astartes allies on any given Mission, this model must interpose itself between visible adversaries and them, acting as a shield and making themselves the closest targets.

Honor Duel: if this model wins a Fight against a Miniboss or Boss Monster either by removing it as a casualty or by it Falling Back and this model is the only <Imperium> model that was Engaged with that model, it gains +1 Renown.

Hot-Blooded: if this model earns less Renown than any of its Squad mates on a given Mission, it suffers -3 Leadership until they finish a Mission where they've earned the most Renown. If this model instead ties another Squad mate for most Renown, both models begin next Mission with 1 Wound Token each.

Huntsman: at the start of a Mission, before the first turn begins, this model can designate one type of visible enemy model (such as <Ork> <Infantry>, <Tyranid> <Monster>, or <Eldar> <Vehicle> ). Against this designated target type, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Icon of the Chapter: this model never has to meet the Threshold for any weapon with the word "bolt" in its name to equip it; they must still pay the Cost, however.

Indomitable: if this model is reduced to 0 Wounds roll a D6 rather than rolling on the Injury Chart. On a 1 or 2, roll on the Injury Chart as normal. On a 3-4, stand this model back up with 1 Wound and +2 Wound Tokens. On a 5, stand this model back up with 1 Wound and +1 Wound Token. On a 6,stand this model back up with 1 Wound.

Inheritor of Mars: once per Mission, an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of this model may re-roll a failed Tech Skill test. This model can use this ability on itself.

Innovative: at the start of the Campaign this model must choose one option from the following list: Demolitions (+1), Tactics (+1), or Tech (+1).

Insular: all Cohesion Talents cost this model +1XP, applied after discounts for Specialties.

Integral Apothecariat: this model gains Medic (+1).

Intractable: if this model is Engaged in the Fight Phase and 2 or more other Squad mates are also Engaged, this model cannot voluntarily Fall Back.

Impassive: if this model has 3 or more Cybernetic Implants, they become immune to Fear. If they have 5 or more Cybernetic Implants, they become immune to Terror. If they have 7 or more Cybernetic Implants, they become immune to being Pinned or Shaken.

Keeper: this model may exchange one of its Standard Load Out Weapons and Standard Magazines for another Weapon and Appropriate Magazines of equivalent number with a Threshold and Cost of no more than 15 for free.

Lamentation: after this model inflicts its first unsaved Wound during the Fight Phase per Mission, it must make a Toughness test. If the model fails this test, they add +1 to their Attacks for the remainder of the Mission. If it passes this test, it instead gains +1 Renown. 

Last Gasp: just before this model is removed as a casualty, it may make one last Attack if it was within 1" of an enemy model or take one last shot with one of its Ranged Weapons at any target if it was not.

Legacy of Ancient Heroes: when this model removes the last Wound from an enemy Miniboss or Boss Monster, they gain +1 Renown. Additionally, all allied Astartes that can draw line of sight to this model when that happens, also gain +1 Renown.

Legacy of the Great Khan: if this model is the Mission Leader, they gain +1 Leadership when making Morale tests for every allied Astartes with Cohesion1 or better that this model can draw line of sight to.

Legendary Enemies: in Missions where Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Night Lords, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos Astartes are amongst the Adversaries, this model gains an additional +D3 Renown if they end the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining.

Legendary Ferocity: at the start of the Players' Fight Phase roll a Toughness test for this model; if they pass they gain +1 Renown. If they fail they gain +1 Strength until the end of the Players' Turn.

Little Patience: if any ally of this model has 5 or more Corruption, none of this model's Skill and Talent effects affect that model anymore. This model must remain 6" away from that model or suffer -3 Leadership until they move away. Lastly, if an ally with 5 or more Corruption is between this model and an enemy model, this model must fire upon their corrupted "ally". If this model removes their Squad mate as a casualty, this model loses -D3 Renown, but gains +D3XP.

Masters of Hit & Run: regardless of this model's Specialty, they may purchase Ratings in the Stealth Skill for 3XP each.

Masters of Stealth: this model gains Stealth (+1).

Masters of the Hawk: if this model is the Mission Leader, they do not have to meet the Threshold for either the Deliverant nor the Iudicium. Additionally, they treat the Cost of the Deliverant as 15. 

Monastic Devotion: whenever the Mission Leader fails their Morale test by 1, this model treats the roll as passed. If this model is the Mission Leader, this applies to the entire squad.

More Machine than Man: this model may ignore any Wound on the D6 roll of a 6+. 

Most Grim: this model may ignore the effects of a failed Morale test as long as they have 3 or more Wound Tokens.

Neuro-Indoctrination: if this model is the Mission Leader, it ignores the negative penalties imposed by allied models' Wounds inflicted, to Morale tests. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they are instead immune to being Pinned.

Nomadic Predator: at the start of any Battleround, this model may select 1 enemy model in line of sight. As long as this model moves towards the selected enemy, it may add +D3" to its Movement without counting as Advancing. In addition, when this model is within 3" of its selected target, the target suffers -1 to its (or its Unit's) Leadership.

One Foot in the Veil: this model never needs to meet the Threshold for Tainted Relics. They still must pay the Cost for these items, however.

Only the Dead: this model may ignore the restriction against Shooting into an ongoing Fight, randomizing their hits between all participants when they do.

Over-Ossified: this model treats its Toughness as 1 greater than it actually is during the Fight Phase.

Peerless Artisan: during the Arming Phase of any Mission, this model may upgrade any Item in its Load Out to Exceptional Quality for free. This upgrade only lasts until the end of the Mission.

Penitent: this model gains +1 Renown whenever it removes the last Wound on a Miniboss or Boss Monster during the Fight Phase. However, if there is a Miniboss or Boss Monster on the board, in line of sight of this model, and within 12", this model must declare a Charge against that Mini Boss or Boss Monster.

Personal Oath: this model's controlling player chooses one of the following oaths: "Kill more enemy models than any other Squad mate", "Achieve more Objectives than any other Squad mate", "Complete the next Mission without expending any Ammo", or "Engage in 3 or more Fights using only this model's Astartes Knife as their Weapon". If this model accomplishes the Oath that they promised, they gain +1 Renown. If another model in the Squad accomplishes the Oath instead, they get +1 Renown. The same Oath cannot be taken 2 Missions in a row.

Phalanx Fighter: if this model is armed with a Combat Shield, Siege Shield, or Storm Shield and is in base to base contact with an allied Astartes, it gains +1 Armor Save and +1 Attack.

Presumed Authority: once per mission, this model may add +6" to the range of any 1 allied Astartes' Skills or Talents.

Prize Hunters: if this model kills more Minions than any other member of their Squad, they gain +1 Renown. If this model removes the last Wound on any Boss Monster this Mission, they gain +2 Renown.

Prosecutors of War: whenever this model survives a Mission with fewer Wounds than it started the Mission with, it gains +1XP.

Pursuit Hunters: when this model makes a Consolidation Move, they may Move an additional +D3".

Rampager: if this model removes all enemy models within 2" of itself as casualties during a Fight Phase, it gains +3" Move on its next Turn. Using this extra Movement does not count as Advancing.

Rampant Divergence: this model receives a -1XP discount on all Talents that alter its Characteristics, but cannot gain Esteem with Inquisitorial Factions.

Rapid Strike: all Specialties that qualify to take either a Jump Pack or a Heavy Jump Pack receive a -5 Cost discount to these items.

Reach of Omari: this model may add one of the following Traits to one of their Weapons each Mission for free. These Traits last until the end of the Mission. Melee Weapons: Ablaze or Shocking. Ranged Weapons: ElectroPulse or Enfeebling.

Reckless: if this model begins its Charge Phase within 8" of an Adversary model, this model must attempt to charge the Adversary. If this model subsequently wins that Close Combat, it gains  an additional +1 Renown.

Reckless Zealotry: if this model is not in Engagement Range, an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range has suffered 1 or more Wounds from enemy Shooting or Psychic attacks, and the Mission Leader fails their Morale test this Turn, this model must immediately move D6" in the direction of the closest enemy model in Line of Sight, stopping 2" away if this Move would otherwise bring this model into Engagement Range.

Reconciler: if there are other models in this model's unit that are from the same Chapter as this model or one of their Successor Chapters, all Tier 1 Cohesion Talents cost these models +2XP, applied after discounts for Specialties. Tier 2 and higher Cohesion Talents cost these models -2XP, applied after discounts for Specialties.

Red Thirst: at the start of this model's Movement Phase, they must make a Toughness test. If the model fails this test they must Move towards the nearest visible enemy model. If the model passes this test they may Move as normal. If the model fails this test, but there are no visible enemy models, the model counts as having passed this test.
Relentless: this model may Shoot with Rapid Fire Weapons even if it Advanced this Turn, suffering a -1 to hit when doing so.
If using the new weapon rules, this Trait instead allows a model equipped with a weapon with the Rifle Quality to treat said weapon as having the Assault Quality in any Firing Mode except Precision.

Relentless Competition: if there are any models on the table from this model's Chapter or another one of their Parent Chapter's Successors, this model treats all Pinning effects as Shaken instead. Additionally, under these same circumstances, this model gains +1 Leadership and +1 Attack.

Relic Keepers: whenever this model wants to equip a Relic Item, roll D6 and subtract the result from both the Threshold and Cost of the item. Roll individually if the model wants to equip more than one such item.

Render of Flesh and Bone: in any Melee Engagement where there are living and non-living opponents, this model must ignore non-living models [such as necrons, automata, and cyborks] in favor of living opponents, using all of their Attacks against the living first. In addition, against living opponents, this model's Melee Attacks improve their AP by -1.

Renowned Marksman: the first shot of each Mission fired in Standard Firing Mode with a Pistol or Rapid Fire Weapon automatically hits.

Resilient: at the start of any Turn where this model has 1 or more Wound Token, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, remove 1 Wound Token

Savage Recruiting Rituals: on any Turn where this model is Charged by an Adversary with 5 or more Wounds remaining, this model gains +1 Attack until the start of its next Turn.

Secret Agenda: this model gains +1 Renown whenever it removes the last Wound on any Fallen Chaos Marine.

Single Minded: this model always counts as having remained stationary during the Movement Phase, whether it Moved, Advanced, or remained Stationary for the purposes of Shooting in any Firing Mode.

Sinister: if this model has 3-5 Wounds, it inflicts -1 Leadership on all enemy models in Cohesion Range. If this model has 6-7 Wounds, it inflicts -2 Leadership on all enemy models in Cohesion Range. If this model has 8+ Wounds, it inflicts -3 Leadership on all enemy models in Cohesion Range. 

Sons of Dorn: if this model is the Mission Leader, it gains +1 Leadership while in Cover. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they become immune to being Shaken while in Cover.

Sons of the Khan: models equipped with Assault Bikes, Heavy Jump Packs, Jump Packs, and Outrider Bikes add +1" to their Move.

Speakers of the Word: all non-Astartes, allied <Imperium> models in Cohesion Range of this model gain +1 Leadership and immunity to Fear.

Spectral Fighters: versus enemies with the <Necron> keyword, model improves its Armor Save by +1.

Stoic: if this model has inflicted a Wound on an enemy model this Turn, they become immune to being Shaken.

Strict Principles: if there is an option to capture or kill an enemy model, this model must kill it. This model also cannot earn Esteem with any Faction. If Esteem is calculated as an average for the Squad, this model always counts as 0 contribution.

Stubbornness: in any situation where this model stands either at the vanguard [front-most position] or rearguard [back-most position] between all enemy forces and all allied forces, they become immune to being Shaken or Pinned and when standing still in this position, may fire 1 additional shot from whatever weapon they are carrying in any firing Mode without expending any extra bullets.

Swift First Strike: after Deployment, but before the 1st Battleround begins, this model may take a normal Turn - Moving/Advancing, using Psychic Powers, Shooting (one Phase only), Charging if able, and Fighting. No Morale Phase is rolled for casualties caused by this model's free Turn, but enemy Units suffering more than 3 casualties or models brought down a Bracket, begin their 1st Turn Shaken.

Tactica Suprema: this model gains Tactics (+1).

Tactical Coordination: if this model is the Mission Leader, they gain Tactics (+1) for the duration of the Mission.

Tenacious: this model counts as 2 models when determining which side has more models on an Objective. Additionally, when other models use the Command Skill on this model, those other models gain a +1 bonus to their Skill test.

Tenacious Defense: this model gains +1 to its Armor Save on any Turn when it neither Moved nor Advanced.

Tenacious Resolve: at the end of any Mission where this model has equipped a Tainted Relic, roll a D6. On a 4+, reduce this model's  Corruption by -D3 (to a minimum of 0). On a 1-3, instead increase this model's Corruption by 1.

The Omnissiah's Work: this model gains Tech (+1).

Thorough Destructor: when armed with a weapon that inflicts variable Damage, this model may always roll an additional die and take the most favorable result.

Tireless: if this model is the Mission Leader it gains Command (+1) and +1CP until the end of the Mission.

Total Absolution: whenever this model has an opportunity to Remove Corruption and must roll to do so, it gains a +1 bonus to its roll.

True Believer: this model cannot become Pinned because of a failed Morale test, instead becoming Shaken.

Unconfirmed Successors: while this model may purchase Talents only available to their Primogenitor Chapter (the Chapter from whom they are supposedly Successors), they must pay an additional +2XP for them.

Uncompromising Adherents: only Assault Marines, Champions, Chaplains, or Librarians from this Chapter may take Jump Packs. Only Devastators can equip Heavy Weapons and only Tactical Marines can equip Flamers, Gravguns, Meltas, and Plasmaguns. Only Intercessors can equip Lasfusils, Melta Rifles, or Plasma Incinerators, only Inceptors can equip Plasma Exterminators, and only Aggressors can equip Boltstorm Gauntlets or Fragstorm Grenade Launchers.

Undaunted: if this model is the Mission Leader, they ignore negative modifiers to Morale tests. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they instead become immune to being Shaken.

Unflinching Loyalty: this model gains a discount on all Cohesion Talents equal to their Tier. This discount is applied after all others.

Unmitigated Wrath: if an ally within Cohesion Range suffers an unsaved Wound, this model gains +1 Attack versus enemy models of the same <Faction> and <Type> until the end of the Mission.
Unnerving Intellect: this model gains Forbidden Knowledge (+1).

Unnerving Presence: this model inflicts -1 Leadership in all non-Astartes ally models in Cohesion Range.

Unpredictable Battle Doctrine: roll a D6 at the start of each Mission, after Deployment, but before the first Turn. On the roll of a 1, this model gains +1 Renown for every Objective it completes on its own. On the roll of a 2, this model gains +1 Renown for every 10 enemy models it removes as a casualty. On the roll of a 3, this model gains +1XP for every Wound it ends the Mission with.On the roll of a 4, this model gains +1XP for every Wound it has lost this Mission.On the roll of a 5, this model gains +1XP and +1 Renown for each Miniboss or Boss Monster it removes as casualty this Mission. On the roll of a 6, this model gains +1XP and +1 Renown for each Squad mate that finishes the Mission with more than half the Wounds they started the Mission with.

Unyielding: if this model is in Engagement range of enemy models during the Morale Phase and the Squad must test its Leadership, the Mission Leader reduces the negative modifiers imposed on their roll by D3.

Veteran Boarding Crew: on the first and second Turns of each Mission, this model improves the AP of its Ranged Weapons by 1 and gains +1 Armor Save when in Cover.

Veterans of Macragge: versus <Tyranid> and <Genestealer Cult> <Infantry>, improve the AP of any Shooting or Fight Attacks made by this model by 1.

Veterans of the 2nd Tyrannic War: this model is immune to the Fear and Terror effects of <Tyranid> Minibosses and Boss Monsters.

Vow of Silence: this model cannot use Skill effects that require speaking.

War Sport: if this model ends a Mission with the highest Kill tally of its entire Squad, it gains +1XP and +1 Renown.

Wisdom: once per Mission, this model may use the Command or Tactics Skill whether they have Ratings in it or not, without expending a Rating and succeeding on a 4+ regardless of their actual Skill Stat.

Zealous: this model is immune to the Terror effect of Boss Monsters when Charging them or Engaging them in the Fight Phase.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/19 08:52:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Chapter Heirlooms

Accolades of Battle: once per Mission, when an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range gains any amount of Renown, this model also gains +1 Renown.
Acura Honorific: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a Command, Inspire, or Tech Skill test.
Anvil Pendant: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll any 1 hit roll with a Weapon.
Artisan Cog: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single Skill test or to re-roll a single die associated with this model's Wargear.
Ashes of Euxcine: this item may be used once per Campaign to transfer ownership of a Relic recovered from the [++Redacted++] to this model's Standard Load out.
Ashes of the Dead: this item may be used once per Mission to re-roll the Damage for any Weapon this model wields with a variable Damage.
Assorted Memories: this may be used once per Mission to use an effect from a Skill this model does not have Ratings in. They must still roll their Skill test. 
Badge of a Thousand Battles: this may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Forbidden Knowledge or a Tactics Skill test without having to expend a Rating.
Battle Honor: this may be used once per Mission to add +1 to any one hit roll or Wound roll.
Big Game Trophy: this may be used once per Mission to grant this model +D3 Renown after removing the last Wound from a Boss Monster.
Bio-luminescent Trophy: this may be used once per Mission to grant this model +D3 Renown upon removing a Miniboss or Boss Monster as a casualty in line of sight to at least 1 allied Astartes.
Black Teeth: this may be used once per Mission to grant this model +1 Strength for 1 Phase.
Blood of Thousands: once per Mission, when this model would lose its last Wound, it instead gains +D3 Wound Tokens.
Blood Reservoir: this may be used once per Mission to grant this model 1 extra Attack using any Melee weapon they are armed with. If this extra Attack scores a 6 on its hit roll, it automatically causes 1 Mortal Wound rather than its normal Damage.
Bones of the Dead: this may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Morale test, re-roll an Armor Save, or re-roll a Wound.
Captured Waystone: this item may be used once per Mission to grant the Mission Leader +D3 CP.
Chalice of Victory: if this model ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining and returns to the Intolerance, it must make a Toughness test. If this model fails, they gain +1 Renown or +1XP (player decides). If this model passes, they gain +1XP and +D3 Renown.
Clan Cog: this provides a 4+ Invulnerable Save to the first hit that would otherwise negate this model's Armor Save per Mission.
Clan Crest: when models with a higher Renown than this model use Skill effects on this model, those models gain +1 to their Skill tests. When this model uses Skill effects on allied models with a lower Renown than itself, this model gains +1 to its Skill test.
Code Fragment: this may be used to re-roll one die associated with your Wargear (such as a hit roll, Wound roll, or Armor Save) once per Mission.
Cog Iconoclast: once per Mission, a model may use this to forfeit their Turn to regain D3 Wounds lost previously this Mission.
Copy of the Codex: this may be used to re-roll the first failed Skill check of every Mission.
Crow Skull Talisman:  this may be used to re-roll the first failed Armor or Invulnerable Save per Mission.
Crux Infernum: this may be used to add the Ablaze Weapon Trait to 1 Attack this model makes per Mission.
Cybernetic Legacy: this grants the model a -1XP discount on all Talents that are also Cybernetic Implants. This discount is applied after all others for Specialty, etc.
Devastator Honors: this item may be used once per Mission to add +1 Damage to one hit with a Heavy Weapon or a Grenade.
Dueling Scars: as long as this model is armed with an Astartes Sword, Power Sword, or Relic Equivalent, it gains +1 Leadership. Additionally, if this model is not the Mission Leader and the model who is fails their Morale test by 1, this model counts as having passed that test.
Dust of Khattar: once per Mission, this model may add +3" to its Move or Charge. If added to its Move, this model does not count as Advancing.
Enemy Scalps: once this model has caused an unsaved Wound on an enemy model during any Fight Phase this Mission, these Scalps may be used to re-roll a single die for any reason. One use per Mission.
Embellished Wargear: this model chooses 2 items from their Standard Load Out and upgrades them to Exceptional Quality for free.
Fang of the Maw: this may be used once per Mission, in the Fight Phase, to force an enemy model to re-roll a successful Armor Save.
Felinic Royal Crest: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a hit roll using a Grenade or a Skill test whose effect affects only this model.
Focusing Icon: this item may be used once per Mission to remove D3 Wound Tokens from this model. If there are any <Daemons> or <Daemon Engines> on the table, this item may be used twice per Mission.
Fragment of Caliban: this may be used to re-roll the first failed Characteristic test, Leadership test - if this model is the Mission Leader - or Skill test of every Mission, player's choice.
Fragment of Fortress Xtarko: this may be used once per Mission to forgo a roll on the Injury Chart, and instead simply stand this model back up with 1 Wound and +2 Wound Tokens.
Fragment of Idharea: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single Wound versus an enemy model with the <Aeldari, Demiurge, Genestealer Cult, Hrud, Kroot, Necron, Ork, T'au, Tyranid>, or <Vespid> keyword.
Fragment of the Faithful's Deliverance: if this model is the Mission Leader, this item may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Morale test, without having to roll. If this model is not the Mission Leader, this item may be used twice per Mission to negate the effects of being Pinned for this model or any allied Astartes this model moves into Cohesion Range of.
Funerary Token: if this model is the Mission Leader they may chose to automatically pass 1 Morale test per Mission. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they may instead ignore the effects of the first failed Morale test of the Mission
Gauntlets of Fury: when Engaged with enemy models during the Fight Phase and fighting with just "the Marine's Own Fists", these Gauntlets allow this model to re-roll 1 hit roll or Wound roll every Battleround
Genetic Seal: if this model is the Mission Leader, this may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a single Morale test. If this model is not the Mission Leader, this may instead be used to automatically pass a single Skill test once per Mission.
Genome Relic: after this model suffers its first unsaved Wound this Mission, they may re-roll failed Medic Skill tests for the remainder of the Mission.
Grim Trophies: if this model has less than its starting Wounds, this may be used once per Mission to regenerate 1 Wound to this model.
Guardian's Seal: this may be used once per Mission to automatically pass an Armor Save if failing it would mean this model's Wounds would be reduced to 0.
Gunmetal Tabard: once per Mission this model may automatically hit with all of its shots  in its 1st Shooting Phase, as long as it is using a weapon with the word "bolt" in its name.
Headsman's Icon: this may be used once per Mission to cause 1 of this model's Attacks of the player's choice to automatically hit.
Heraldry of Origin: once per Mission, this model may re-roll 1 Skill test or 1 hit, if it is armed with any Weapon with the word "sword' in its name.
Heraldry of Rulership: once per Mission, when called upon to make a Characteristics test or Morale test, this model may roll 2 dice instead of 1 and take the more favorable result.
Heraldry of Valor: the first time this model earns Renown in each Mission, this model gains a single re-roll that may be used for any roll.
Huntsman's Talisman: once per Mission this may be used to re-roll a Tactics Skill test, a Shooting miss, or, if this model is Attacking with an Astartes Knife or an Astartes Spear, a melee miss.
Icon of Absolution: if this model is the Mission Leader, it may choose to automatically pass one Morale test without having to roll. If this model is not the Mission Leader, it may instead use this to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Mission.
Icon of Devotion: this may be used once per Mission to add +D3 to a single Remove Corruption roll for this model.
Icon of Dorn: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a failed Armor Save, a failed Wound roll caused by a Crozius Arcanum, Maul, Power Maul, Thunder Hammer, or Heavy Thunder hammer, or a single missed Bolter shot.
Icon of Haldroth: this may be used once per Mission to gain +1 Attack for a single Battleround.
Icon of Iron: this may be used once per Mission to grant this model a +2 Armor Save bonus for the duration of one Battleround.
Icon of the Astranomicon: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll any die for any reason other than to hit or Wound an opponent.
Icon of the Bull: once per Mission, this model may voluntarily become Pinned in order to remove D3 Wound Tokens from their total.
Icon of the First Born: if this model survives a Mission with 1 or more Wounds, they gain +1XP or +1 Renown, controlling Player's choice.
Icon of the Outer Dark: this may be used once per Mission to temporarily negate the effects of being Shaken, Pinned, or Suppressed for 1 Turn for this model.
Imperator Honorifica: this may be used to re-roll 1 hit roll, 1 Wound roll, and 1 Armor Save once each per Mission.
Indomitus Battle Honor: this may be used once per Mission to add +1 to any one hit roll or Armor Save.
Inoculator: this may be used once per Mission to negate the effects of a Toxin, Poison, or Drug in this model.
Intense Faith: roll 3D6 at the start of the Mission and set each individual die aside at the value rolled. This model may use each of these dice rolls once per Mission, instead of rolling a die for any reason.
Inverted Omega: this may be used up to D3 (rolled at the start of the Mission) times per Mission to add +1 to any die roll for this model.
Iron Wings: this item may be used once per Mission to allow this model to count their Advance roll as 6, without the need to roll.
Knight's Plate: once per Mission this may be used to ignore a signle hit from any Weapon of Strength 6 or less.
Man Pelt: this may be used once per Mission to force the GM to automatically fail a Unit's Morale test.
Mantle of Armor: this may be used once per Mission to grant this model +2 to its Armor Save for the duration of a single Phase.
Mark of the Arcana: this may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a single die roll for any reason.
Mark of the Giant: this may be used to grant this model +1 Strength for one Battleround per Mission.
Mark of the House of Ecale: this may be used once per Campaign to gain +2D3 Esteem with any Faction.
Mark of the Vigilant: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single Shooting hit or Wound roll for a Shooting Attack if any adversaries in line of sight have the <Nurgle> or <Druhkari> keyword.
Marksman's Honor: this may be used once per Mission to double the range of one of this model's Weapons for a single shot.
Memento of Flesh: this may be used to ignore the first unsaved Wound per Mission.
Memento of the Secret War: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a failed Stealth or Forbidden Knowledge Skill test.
Memories of Rynn's World: if this model is not in Cohesion Range of any allied Astartes, the Mission Leader rolls 2D6 for Morale tests and the Crimson Fists model takes the more favorable roll (the rest of the squad is forced to suffer the results of the worse roll). If this model is the Mission Leader, roll 2D6 for Morale tests and the whole squad gains the effect of the more favorable score. 
Obsidian Shard: this may be used once per Mission to negate a single hit from a Weapon with the potential to inflict 2 or more Wounds.
Penitent Chains: as long as this model has already failed a Characteristic test this Mission, the Chains may be used to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Mission.
Personalized Kit: select one item from this model's Standard Load Out at Squad creation. This item gains 2 re-rolls regarding its function per Mission.
Raptor's Talon: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll this model's Advance distance.
Ready Counter-Argument: this may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Command test.
Reclaimed Wargear: this may be used during the Arming Phase. It allows this model to equip items that are normally restricted to other Chapters.
Reliquary: once per Mission this may be used to grant this model a 4+ Invulnerable Save for one hit.
Remembrance of Betrayal: once per Mission this may be used to re-roll a single die for any reason; in Missions where there are any Chaos Space Marine Adversaries this ability may be used twice.
Remembrance of the Lost: this may be used once per Mission to add +4" to the range of any 1 Skill Effect.
Remnant of Erwynn's World: this may be used once per Mission, during the Arming Phase, to grant this model +2D6 Renown for the purposes of qualifying for Threshold. This extra Renown cannot be used to purchase any gear and is lost at the end of the Phase.
Ritual Scarification: after this model purchases its first Cohesion Talent all future Cohesion Talents gain a -1XP discount, applied after all other modifiers.
Ritual Tattoo: this may be used once per Mission to ignore the effects of a failed Morale test, as long as this model is in Engagement range at the time.
Sacrificial Talisman: this may be used once per Mission to force the GM to re-roll a single Damage roll.
Sanguinary Pendants: as long as this model has caused an unsaved Wound on an enemy model this Mission, the Pendant may be used to re-roll a single die once per Mission.
Sanguine Mask: this may be used once per Mission to ignore a single failed Armor Save.
Scars of Every Battle: once per Mission, this model may ignore a single hit from a weapon with a Strength of 7 or more.
Scars of the Inferno: this model may Move through areas of fire with no ill effects.
Scars of Unknown Victories: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a failed Forbidden Knowledge test. If this re-roll results in a success, this model gains an additional +1 Renown.
Scrawl of Destiny: any time this model removes a Wound Token for any reason, they gain a re-roll that may be used for an Armor Save, hit roll, or Wound roll during the Mission. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.
Scrimshaw Memento: once per Mission, when this model would suffer its first Wound, it instead gains 1 Wound Token. 
Seal of Saint Sabbat: once per Mission this model may grant itself a 5+ Invulnerable Save (or a +1 improvement to a preexisting Invulnerable Save) for the duration of a single Phase.
Shadow of Night: this jet black talisman may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Stealth Skill test or to count an Advance roll as automatically rolling a 6, player's choice. 
Shard of the Silver Collar: this item may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single Deny the Witch or Psychic test.
Silver Fang: this may be used once per Mission to inflict a single Mortal Wound on any model within 2".
Skull Trophy: this item may be used once per Mission to stop 1 enemy model from Charging this model.
Soul Shard Blade: whenever this model would gain Renown roll a D6. On a 6, it gains +1 extra Renown.
Starbright Electoos: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a Morale test, an Inspire Skill test, or to add +4" to this model's Cohesion Range for 1 Turn.
Tactical Manifest: this may be used once per Mission to grant all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range a single re-roll for any roll associated with an item in their Standard Load Out. These re-rolls are lost at the end of the Battleround, if they are unused.
Tears of Lamentation: if this model is the Mission Leader, they may re-roll their first failed Morale test of the Mission. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they may ignore the effects of the first failed Morale Test of the Mission.
Templar Heraldry: once per Mission, when this model achieves an Objective, they gain an additional +D3 Renown.
Terminus Crux: this may be used once per Mission to grant this model +2 Attacks for the duration of a Phase.
The Revelation: this may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Tactics or Forbidden Knowledge Skill test.
Tigers Claws: this item may be used once per Mission to force an enemy model to re-roll a successful Armor Save or to re-roll a failed Wound roll in the Fight Phase. 
Token of Terra: this may be used to re-roll a single die in every Phase of the first Turn of the Mission, for any reason.
Totemic Raven: this model gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save versus the first hit that would negate its Armor Save per Mission. If this model is a Chaplain, Primaris Chaplain, or is wearing Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor, this instead improves their preexisting Invulnerable Save by 1 the first time they use it per Mission.
Transphasic Battle Trophy: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll a Characteristic test or to re-roll a Remove Corruption roll for this model.
Ultima Honorifica: this may be used once per Mission, when this model and an Ultramarines model are both Engaged in the same Fight and both models survive, to gain +1 Renown.
Unabridged Codex: this may be used to re-roll 1 Command, Inspire, or Tactics Skill roll per Mission.
Wolf Skull Totem: if this model has less than its starting Wounds, this may be used to ignore 1 failed Armor Save per Mission
Wolf Tail Talisman: this may be used to ignore the first failed Armor Save per Mission
Writ of Duty: this model may ignore the effects of a failed Morale test up to twice per Mission.
Writ of the Pact: this may be used once per Mission to re-roll any single die roll for an ally in Cohesion Range for any reason.
Xenos Trophy: this may be used once per Mission to force D3+3 enemy models to Move D6" away from this model in their own Movement Phase. Roll once for all models affected by this.
Zerstoren Honorific: this may be used once per Mission to increase the Damage of a single hit by +2, if the target has 3 or fewer Wounds remaining.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/21 11:55:27

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Updated Adversaries/Allotment Guidelines

Campaign Tactical Value/CTV

After a player makes a Squad, it is time to calculate its Campaign Tactical Value (its CTV). This is done first by counting the number of Astartes models in the Squad. Each such model is worth 1 CTV. Add this value to the 20 TV each player is granted to build their baseline Squad. Next, add together all the Renown of all models in the Squad and divide by 5 (rounding down). Add this number to the total. The sum of all this math(s) becomes the Squad's CTV. From this point forwards, recalculate the Squad's CTV at the end of each Mission, during the Debriefing Phase, modifying for increased (or decreased) Renown, fluctuation in Squad size due to new recruits and casualties (if this occurs), and adding +1 CTV for every 10XP the Squad gains.

At the start of every Mission, the GM's Baseline Allotment is equal to the total CTV of all Squads that deploy. Modifiers to Allotment from the DoomClock, Adversarial Consequences, and/or any other factors, will be calculated into this Baseline.

So, if one player's Squad is 6 models with a combined total Renown of 28, its CTV is (6+5+20)=31.

If another player's Squad is 7 models with a combined Renown of 16, its CTV is (7+3+20)=30.

If both Squads participate in the same Mission, the GM's Baseline Allotment is 61. Modified by the Doom Clock at Hour 15, the GM's total Allotment for that Mission would be 66.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/21 23:58:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Some general GM advice (that might come across a little ranty, sorry)

So, things have gotten a little more complex, especially the part about Allotment. And you may be thinking, "Wow, that means 13 models versus 66 models! Will they survive? And if so, isn't that a whole lot of XP?" And the answers aren't exceptionally simple, because they are "Maybe" and "Yes".

"But Warboss, you said I was supposed to facilitate my player(s)' wanton enemy slaughter. How am I supposed to do that if I can field 66 two Wound Adversaries for which you are kind of vague on whether or not they are Units or individual models?"

That's a very good question, hypothetical human. The answer is, on the very first Mission, you should not be pitting the player(s)' models against 2 Wound Adversaries. But you should definitely take advantage of this pile of Allotment to field a few three Wound Minibosses. And yes, group single Wound models into Units just like you would in a regular game of 40k. This gives the player(s)' the incentive to use the Suppression rules, it makes it easier for them to pick targets (because your Adversaries are following the normal 40k rules for Cohesion and Morale), and because it's easier for you as the GM to keep track of. Only models with 3 Wounds or more should be Moving around like they are independent characters. Also, any Adversary model with 1 or 2 Wounds should be moving towards Cover if they are armed with a Weapon with a range of 15" or more and staying there to Shoot at your player(s)' models for the duration of the Mission (although they will shift positions if their targets shift) and Adversaries armed with Weapons with less than 15" range & especially those armed with Melee Weapons should be bounding from Cover to Cover to get close enough to Charge. Adversaries like Ship Dead, Chaos Cultists armed for close combat, Genestealer Hybrids, Aberrants, Ork Slugga Boyz, and Tyranid "gribbles" should be moving into the open, heedless of Cover or common sense.

My other bit of advice for using Adversaries to facilitate fun rather than to simply TPK Squads is to make use of the Adversarial Reserves rule which I admittedly reference everywhere, but have fully failed to detail anywhere. So, here are those rules:

Adversarial Reserves: The GM should spend their Allotment at the start of the Mission, as soon as they know what Squad(s) and/or models are Deploying, before the Briefing Phase. The GM should also at least have an idea of what they want to bring to the Mission before the players even show up (unless you're playing this without a GM - details for that later). The GM has 3 options for Deployment, unless a Mission has details that say otherwise. The first is to Deploy their Adversary models in accordance with the Mission guidelines. The second is basically the same, except they may use "Blips" to Deploy Adversaries in locations out of line of sight or otherwise out of visual range - because of Darkness, Gas, or unrevealed terrain layout - of any player-controlled model (either those heavy cardstock ones that come with the Genestealer Cult Codex, the ones that come with virtually every edition of the Space Hulk game, or literally anything else the GM has handy to represent them - DIY craft, glass beads, rocks, bottle caps, etc.). And third, any combination of the first 2 methods, but also holding back any number of Adversary models to act as "subsequent waves" that Deploy according to Mission Guidelines or, if there are no Guidelines about that, from the table edge farthest from the Player(s)' Deployment area. They become available at the end of the GM's Movement Phase and, just like 40k, cannot begin to arrive until Turn 2 (unless the Mission guidelines say otherwise).

As a GM, you could also introduce story-driven reasons why Adversarial Reserves show up. For instance, if a model Shoots a Weapon not equipped with a Silencer, Adversaries could start showing up. Or if they pass into a particular room, they trip an Alarm that alerts the Reserves. Or maybe if a player botches a Tech Skill test, it signals Reserves to Deploy near that model's location or alerts Adversaries nearby to target that model.

Also, don't forget about Tech Emplacements. Sentry Guns are great for creating corridors of fire where neither player(s) nor Adversaries want to go. They're also a great way to have player(s) expend Ratings on their Tech Skill trying to gain control of them. Then that Sentry Gun becomes an added asset for player(s) to exploit.

Lastly, if you are using 2 or more different Adversarial Factions at the same time - like Ship Dead and Chaos or Necrons and Demiurge - those Factions are not aligned and are as likely to try to kill each other as the Astartes that showed up to get past them. Perhaps a part of the plot becomes unlikely alliances between these Factions and the player(s) have to take on Side Quests to undermine these pacts. Maybe, during one Mission, the Astartes come upon Tyranids eating some hapless Ship Dead on the far side of the table. If the Squad(s) is able to sneak past while still fulfilling their Mission Objectives, they might bypass the potential TPK otherwise possible. And what fun would it be when they're halfway through with the Mission when the Tyranid Prime spots them and directs the Haruspex and assembled Ripper Swarms towards the Squad as they try desperately to escape before it's too late?

I guess the short version of this is to bear in mind the power level of the Squad - don't pit five models with no AP weapons against four Adversaries with 3 Wounds each and 2+ Armor Saves. Especially not if the crux of the Mission is to get something from them. You might as well tell your player(s) that rocks fall on their heads and they die, because you're setting them up to fail.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/23 13:25:51

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

What happens when the lights go out on a Mission

There's a power surge or another spaceship crashes into the [++Redacted++]'s outer hull and suddenly it's pitch black. Now what? Well, first and foremost, each Squad rolls 2D6. This is the limit of their senses. This is as far as they can see or hear or sense. Enemy models beyond this point might as well be invisible. But typically, they are hust as blinded. The GM rolls 2D6 for all the Adversaries, adding 1D6 for Minibosses and an extra 2D6 for Boss Monsters. Models cannot Advance and enemy models Move randomly - spin a bottle, use a twister dial, or roll a scatter die GMs, you've given up direct control in favor of mayhem. If enemy models have visuals on player models they may Move as normal. Otherwise they're just blundering about in the dark. Feel free to exchange Adversary models for Blips or remove them from the table entirely. (I suppose one could cover the terrain layout with felt, cloth, or paper to block the view, too).

Models with Wargear such as an Auspex, Augur Array, Thermal Optics, etc. or models with the Acute Senses Trait will likely suffer less in these conditions.

Shooting in the dark is tough and any target beyond visual range is impossible to hit. Models just at maximum sensory range are still -1 to be hit. Any miss however, should always be allocated to a nearby fuel barrel or other explodey thing available. Nothing illuminates quite like an oil fire.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The Best Falling Rules

Any model that falls, intentionally or otherwise, takes a single automatic hit with no AP and Damage 1, at a Strength equal to the distance fallen minus their Toughness. If the Strength of this hit is greater than twice the model's Toughness increase the Damage to D3 and improve the AP by 1.

If a model has a Toughness of 4 and hops the guardrail to plummet into a 6" deep pit, they take a single Strength 2 hit with no AP.

If Toughness 5 Brother Cletus gets shot while climbing a wall and falls 5", Brother Cletus lands painlessly with a loud clunk.

If a blind Zombie with a Toughness of 2 blunders into the chasm between two wrecked ships and cartwheels down into that 18" darkness, they take a single Strength 16 hit with an AP of -1 and a Damage of D3. In other words, they fly apart at the moment of impact.

If an Astartes dies from falling into a hole, their replacement gets +1 Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/11/24 02:24:07

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Replacing Casualties

During the course of Missions, it is highly probable that some of the player(s)' models will suffer the dreaded 15+ roll on the Recovery Table. This is the natural course of events, but also means Squads will become depleted unless player(s) can replace their losses. 

Therefore, when a model dies, first deduct their Renown and XP contribution plus 1 from the Squad's CTV. Remember that their Renown is 1/5th calculated and XP is 1/10th calculated, both rounded down. This number becomes the TV available to the player(s) to replace their losses from the Specialty and Chapter options presented.

So, if Brother Cletus, with 16 personal Renown and 21 total XP, gets lascannon-ed in half one Mission and fails to recover, the Squad's CTV is reduced by 6 (16 divided by 5 is 3 / 21 divided by 10 is 2). Therefore, Brother Cletus II can cost up to 6 TV. 

Of course, player(s) can also, if they end up with a surplus of TV, purchase more than 1 replacement, as long as the total TV cost does not exceed their CTV loss.

Taking the example above, the loss of Brother Cletus could mean the recruitment of up to 6 bog-standard Tactical Marines, named Cletus II, Cletus III, Haroldicus, Cletus IV, Cletus V, and Andronicus (or whatever names your player(s) may choose).

Adding new Recruits to an Existing Squad

Player(s) also have the option of adding more models to their Squad(s) over the course of the Campaign. At any point past the 1st Mission, provided the Squad has returned to the Intolerance (so not in between Linked Missions), Squad members may pool their Renown to "purchase" a new Squad member. Each 10 Renown spent in this way equals 1 TV. This is an exception to the rule that states models must return their Renown purchases at the end of Missions. This new recruit is a permanent add and Squad mates replenish their spent Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

So, Brothers Eronomus, Cletus II, Haroldicus, and Cletus IV pool together a total of 30 Renown during the Arming Phase of an upcoming Mission. They therefore have 3 TV to spend on a new Squad mate. They add a 1st Company Hospitalier Assault Marine to their Squad. The player(s) name this new recruit Draconi. At the end of the upcoming Mission, the Squad's Renown is refunded and Draconi is permanently added to the Squad's roster.

Squads cannot exceed 20 models. 

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/12/03 23:06:00

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

The [++Redacted++] Grows
The following is a list of derelict Spaceships and other things that will crash into the growing wreckage of the [++Redacted++] at each of the 9-hour intervals, 18 through 72. These are suggestions, as GMs can use whatever they like and have models in their collections for. These are meant as GMing tools. Feel free to modify or be inspired by these entries. They are in no particular order.

M37 Pilgrim Conveyor: Covenant Ark
Hull: Frigate
Original Crew Compliment: ~10,000 
Circumstance of Drift: Apparent loss of crew
Current Condition of Crew: Degenerated or Slaughtered
Probable Disposition:  Genestealer Cult, Genestealers, Ship Dead


Ship's Story
At some point during this vessel's Pilgrimage, the Genestealer Cult festering in its depths claimed the lives or the minds of the last of her crew and passengers. None remained human as the Cult slipped into the Navigator's chamber. Presumably in that struggle the Covenant Ark was shunted off course and remained adrift for some considerable time.

If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Lore or Tech Skill*, they may use these to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Manufacture (Tech, Forbidden Lore): the Covenant Ark is of a hull type in common usage throughout the Imperium, designed to convey the faithful from one Holy destination to the next. It is rumored that every vessel has a Relic entombed in its bridge superstructure. Getting to the bridge to retrieve this Relic may bring the Emperor's favor.

Crew(Forbidden Lore): Sometimes these vessels will carry generations of Pilgrims; supplicants from a variety of worlds deemed worthy to enter the ship's holy interiors. Over time, the crew mingles with its passengers and fraternization is common. Despite its relatively small crew compliment, these frigates may eventually boast hundreds of thousands of occupants, crammed into every nook and corner of the vessel's cramped interior.

*GMs, prompt your players with these Skills so that they know they have the option to use them.

Missions that take place partially or wholly inside the chambers of this vessel are always +3D6 Allotment (rolled in secret by the GM during the Arming Phase), which must be spent on Genestealers or Genestealer Cult Adversaries. This is in effect whether or not players discern the tidbit of information regarding the untold numbers of potential occupants.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines: The Covenant Ark is full of tall-ceiling chambers and baroque archways. At one time, the shrines of Imperial Saints were in place at every intersection and devotionals on every flat surface large enough to support the plaque, but the pale squares and empty screwholes on the walls suggest these have long since been torn down. Any shrines that remain are filled with the bones of hybrids and the twisted remnants of Abominants' chitin.

Many corridors and chambers are lined with corroded residue and collapsed birthing chambers - evidence of a cult run rampant and heedless of discovery. Equally, maintenance and organization has been reduced to zero, so chambers are more likely to be scattered with empty cargo containers, fuel barrels, and/or broken furniture and fixtures. Sometimes there may even be the remnants of shantytowns erected inside more cavernous chambers and corridors, sprawling as much upwards as outwards into the darkness. The ship's interior is a mess. 

Any Technology on the table in sections including chambers and corridors from this vessel will be universally at Minuscule Power, unless otherwise noted. Lighting is terrible, with a 50% chance that it won't even be on in any given section. At the start of every Player Turn, roll a D6. On a 4+, all the lights that are on in the Covenant Ark sections will suddenly go out, and these will remain dark until the end of the game.

Available Missions
CA1: Into the Lightless Void: Linked
CA2: Stem the Tide: Routine
CAo: A Light in the Darkness: Optional Routine

Unlockable Missions
CA3: The Cull: Routine
CA4: Storm the Bridge: Routine
CA5: Explore the Ark: Exploration
CA6: Let it Burn!: Routine

Treasures of the "Covenant Ark"
Any time a model could potentially rummage through a "treasure chest" or might have to roll on a Treasure Table during the course of a Mission on board this Vessel, use the following charts to determine what may be there to find. Treasure Chests should be clearly identifiable and can be searched if a model is within 2" of one during the Command Phase or one of the model's Shooting Phases instead of taking another action. Treasure gained from Exploration Missions should be rolled by each Astartes deployed on the Mission during the Debriefing Phase.

Treasure Chest: roll a D6
1: mostly junk, discarded clothing, and trinkets. Nothing of value.

2-3: a few holy odds and ends, catechisms, and minor Relics. If the model takes on 01 Capacity worth of items, they gain +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

4-5: shattered machine parts, cracked data slates, and depleted power cells. If the model takes on 01 Capacity worth of items, they gain +1 Esteem with the Faction of their choice during the Debriefing Phase.

6: an actual Pilgrim Relic. Although mostly an esoteric icon from one of any number of worlds, this 01 Capacity item may be used once this Mission to re-roll a single die for any reason. Additionally, the model carrying it gains +1XP and +1 Renown at the end of the Mission.

Exploration Treasure: roll a D6 for each Astartes deployed on this Mission
1: mostly junk, discarded clothing, and trinkets. Nothing of value.

2: a few holy odds and ends, catechisms, and minor Relics. +1 Renown.

3: shattered machine parts, cracked data slates, and depleted power cells. +1 Esteem with the Faction of your player(s)' choice.

4: an item of cultural relevance, good for referencing where this Vessel has been. +1 Esteem with any Inquisitorial Faction.

5: a "machine skeleton key", useful for opening locked doors on any Vessel of Imperium manufacture. This negligible Capacity item may be purchased for future Missions with a Threshold of 25 and a Cost of 10. It may be used once to unlock a door, after which it is useless. +1XP.

6: an actual Pilgrim Relic. Although mostly an esoteric icon from one of any number of worlds, this 01 Capacity item may be purchased for future Missions with a Threshold of 15 and a Cost of 03. It may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single die for any reason. +1XP and +1 Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/12/04 09:06:23

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

CA1: Into the Lightless Void
At least 1 Squad must be deployed on this Mission. Any number of additional Squads may also be deployed. When this Vessel arrives, this Mission (and the one it is Linked with) interrupts the normal course of Campaign Missions and must be played before taking up the Main Missions again.

Brothers, the Hive Mind is blinding our sensorium. And yet we must push onwards. The darkness that lies before us is but an obstacle to be overcome. Move cautiously, beware of ambushes, but do not be waylayed by this. Trust in your wargear to carry you through and, where you meet the enemies of Man in the shadows, let your bolters speak for you.

CA1: Into the Lightless Void: Linked with Mission CA2 
Briefing Phase

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the Deathwatch. If there are any Inquisitorial Factions present from another derelict, players may also treat this Mission as a Side Quest for one of those Factions. 

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests Genestealers and Genestealer Cult, in keeping with this vessel's theme.

GMs have a lot of leeway when setting up this battlefield. Follow the architectural guidelines presented for this vessel, with shanty villages set up right inside the corridors and cargo holds. A maze-like atmosphere is recommended.

Once all terrain is placed, players and GM take it in turn to place D3+1 Entry Points each, anywhere on the table.

If any Deathwatch Marine gets within 4" of an Entry Point the GM cannot use it to deploy any Adversaries, until the model moves away or is killed. A GM, if using Genestealer Cult, may place Blip Markers at these Entry Points, even if an enemy model is within 5" to 9" of it. Blips are revealed by active Augury scans (as detailed in this Campaign's Basic Rules) or by the GM, whenever an enemy model moves further than 9" away from the Entry Point allowing the Blips to Move as normal (and they then Move into line of sight of an enemy model). When an enemy model Moves to within 4" of the Entry Point, the Blips must retreat. 

In addition, at the start of each of the Player(s)' Turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the lights go out and stay out until the end of the Mission.

Technology on the Table

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s): 
Find a Path Through: this is the simplest of Objectives. All Astartes models must simply exit the board via the opposite table edge from where they Deployed.

Survive: any Astartes that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining can be said to have personally achieved this Objective. The Mission Leader gains a bonus +1 Renown for every allied Astartes (excluding itself) that achieves this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s): 
Identify the Nature of our Adversaries: the GM should inform their player(s) when they have encountered all of the different types of Units the GM intends to deploy on this Mission. Alternatively, any model with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can test using the "I know these Cyphers" effect to complete this Objective.

Although there is no "extraction" for this Mission (it's Linked), there is still a 1 hour insertion time, plus if the body of the Mission lasts 5 Turns or less, add 1 hour to the total time. If the Mission takes 6 Turns or more, add 2 hours.

First Turn
The Deathwatch take the first Turn.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: one option for which the Mission Leader qualifies. The GM may deploy up to 6" from the table edge opposite the Deathwatch and/or keep their forces in Adversarial Reserves.

- Extraction Options: as per the Primary Objectives, all allied models must exit the board.

Arming Phase: players should be reminded that they are arming for 2 Missions and plan accordingly. The author suggests plenty of reloads.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader. The GM may place their models anywhere up to 6" from the board edge opposite where the Deathwatch deploy or within 2" of any Entry Point and at least 12" from any enemy models.

Play Game (and have fun)

Bear in mind that, while there is no Debriefing Phase in this Mission, player(s) must still roll on the Recovery Table if they finish this Mission with fewer than their starting Wounds. Characters who perish are Teleported back to the Intolerance.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with Allotment equal to the Deathwatch Squad(s)' CTV plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus the bonuses for this Vessel. 

Potential Relics for the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill effect
25 / 03 / - / Inquisitorial Rosette / This item allows the bearer to re-roll 1 failed Command Skill test per Turn.
15 / 03 / 01 / Pilgrim Relic / Although mostly an esoteric icon from one of any number of worlds, this item may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single die for any reason.

 CA2: Stem the Tide
All Squad(s) deployed on Mission CA1 must participate in this Mission.

In the Darkness there are terrors, but we are undeterred. Brothers, there may be untold thousands of these wretched beasts waiting and hunting for us. So we must draw them to us. Hold out as long as possible and kill as many as you can. For we must blunt this avalanche at all cost.

CA2: Stem the Tide: Routine 
Briefing Phase

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests Genestealers and Genestealer Cult, in keeping with this vessel's theme.

The table should consist of relatively straight lines of fire - long corridors and big rooms - with very little scatter terrain, except on the side of the table where the Deathwatch will deploy.

Once all terrain is placed, players and GM take it in turns to place 8 Entry Points, anywhere on the table at least 4" away from any other Entry Point.

If any Deathwatch Marine gets within 4" of an Entry Point the GM cannot use it to deploy any Adversaries, until the model moves away or is killed. A GM, if using Genestealer Cult, may place Blip Markers at these Entry Points, even if an enemy model is within 5" to 9" of it. Blips are revealed by active Augury scans (as detailed in this Campaign's Basic Rules) or by the GM, whenever an enemy model moves further than 9" away from the Entry Point allowing the Blips to Move as normal (and they then Move into line of sight of an enemy model). When an enemy model Moves to within 4" of the Entry Point, the Blips must retreat. 

In addition, at the start of each of the Player(s)' Turns, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, the lights go out and stay out until the end of the Mission.

Technology on the Table

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective: 
Slaughter Them: for every 30 Wounds each Astartes inflicts, they gain +1 Renown.

Tertiary Objective(s): 
Survive: any Astartes that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining can be said to have personally achieved this Objective.

There is no "insertion" for this Mission (it's Linked). The Mission Leader determines how long the Squad(s) stays. If they stay for 5 Turns or less, add 1 hour to the total time. If they stay for 6-10 Turns add 2 hours. If they stay for 11-15 Turns add 3 hours. If they stay for 16 or more Turns, add 5 hours. Plus extraction of 1 hour.

First Turn
The Deathwatch take the first Turn.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: Just Down the Hall. The GM may deploy up to 6" from the table edge opposite the Deathwatch and/or keep their forces in Adversarial Reserves.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium

Note that there is no Arming Phase for this Mission. Models are equipped with what they had left at the end of the previous Mission.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase
record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with Allotment equal to the Deathwatch Squad(s)' CTV plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus the bonuses for this Vessel. The GM's forces are all held in Adversarial Reserve and may begin arriving at the end of the 1st Turn's Movement Phase. Additionally, at the start of every Turn, the GM rolls a number of D3 equal to the Turn number and adds this to their Adversarial Reserves pool. There is no end to this tide.

Potential Relics for the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill effect
25 / 03 / - / Inquisitorial Rosette / This item allows the bearer to re-roll 1 failed Command Skill test per Turn.
15 / 03 / 01 / Pilgrim Relic / Although mostly an esoteric icon from one of any number of worlds, this item may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single die for any reason.


[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/12/05 06:13:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

CAo: A Light in the Darkness
If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send as many Squads as they like. If any Squads are left behind, they may participate in other Missions while this Mission is ongoing.

Auguries have determined that a lone generator in the depths of this derelict still functions. If we are to delve deeper into this wreck or if we must pass further through it, we should make an effort to illuminate our path. I'm entrusting you to get this done swiftly, we haven't much time to waste.

CAo: A Light in the Darkness: (optional) Routine 
Briefing Phase

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the curiosity of the Deathwatch. If there are any Inquisitorial Factions present from another derelict, players may also treat this Mission as a Side Quest for one of those Factions. 

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests Genestealers and Genestealer Cult, in keeping with this vessel's theme.

GMs have a lot of leeway when setting up this battlefield. Follow the architectural guidelines presented for this vessel, with shanty villages set up right inside the corridors and cargo holds. A maze-like atmosphere is recommended.

Once all terrain is placed, players and GM take it in turn to place D3+1 Entry Points each, anywhere on the table.

If any Deathwatch Marine gets within 4" of an Entry Point the GM cannot use it to deploy any Adversaries, until the model moves away or is killed. A GM, if using Genestealer Cult, may place Blip Markers at these Entry Points, even if an enemy model is within 5" to 9" of it. Blips are revealed by active Augury scans (as detailed in this Campaign's Basic Rules) or by the GM, whenever an enemy model moves further than 9" away from the Entry Point allowing the Blips to Move as normal (and they then Move into line of sight of an enemy model). When an enemy model Moves to within 4" of the Entry Point, the Blips must retreat. 

Technology on the Table
The GM must place a single Miniscule Power Generator as close to the center of the board as possible. Models must be able to have access to it. The author suggests, if you are using a set-up with multiple levels, to put the Generator on the lowest level possible.

The player(s) may then place up to 3 Dead Terminals any where on the board at least 12" from a board edge and at least 9" from any other Terminal. Each time the Generator's Power increases, the Terminal's Power Levels all also increase by 1 Step.

Successful Skill interaction with any Terminal will yield one or more data tidbits as detailed in the GM section to follow.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s): 
Repair the Generator: at least 1 Marine must move into base contact with the Generator to begin repairs. If a player's model is in contact with the Generator during the Command Phase, roll a D6. For each Marine beyond the first, add +1 to this roll. For each Primaris Techmarine, Servitor, or Techmarine, instead add +D3 to this roll. Keep track of these scores and add subsequent rolls to this total. When this total reaches or exceeds 10, the Generator increases its Power Level by 1 Step. This action may be repeated to increase the Power Level of the Generator by 1 Step for every full 10 totaled. Any Marine participating in this Action counts as Personally Completing this Objective as long as the Generator increases its Power Level by at least 1 Step.

Defend the Position While Repairs are Ongoing: every full Turn that goes by where a Repair roll happens, all Marines on the table with at least 1 Wound remaining will gain +1XP.

Tertiary Objective(s): 
Access 1 or more of the Restored Terminals: any Marine that moves into base to base contact with one of the restored Terminals counts as achieving this Objective. However, a Marine with the Tech Skill can actually use it on the Terminal to gain some information as detailed in the GM's Section below.
Bleed the Abominations Dry: every Marine that personally scores 20 or more kills may claim to have achieved this Objective. 

While it may only take 1 hour to Insert, finding the Generator may be unexpectedly time-consuming. Therefore, at the start of the first Turn, the Mission Leader should roll a D3-1 and add this number in hours to the duration of the Mission. 

If the body of the Mission lasts 5 Turns or less, add 1 hour to the total time. If the Mission takes 6 Turns or more, add 2 hours.

First Turn
The Deathwatch take the first Turn.

Player Prep
Choose Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: one option for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: one option for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

Arming Phase

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase
record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with Allotment equal to the Deathwatch Squad(s)' CTV plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus the other bonuses for this Vessel. 

Terminal Data
Models that successfully interact with any Terminal using the "Let It Speak Its Name to Me" effect gain one (or more with appropriate Talents) of the following tidbits of information.

GMs, tell your player(s) each Terminal presents multiple Categories of information and let them pick one topic from the following list and then make them roll their Skill test. If they have the ability to get more than one "tidbit" of info, give them multiples from the same category. If player(s) can use their Skill more than once, they may choose a new category each time or stick with their original. GMs, inform your player that "sticking with" the same category for multiple rolls nets them a +1 to each subsequent roll. However, Categories have a limited amount of info. Therefore GMs, inform your player when they are at the end of the list for a Category so they don't needlessly waste their Ratings.

Category: Ship's Manifest:
1.) [4.009.998.M36] Inception. "Covenant Ark" leaves dry dock on maiden voyage, traversing Mpandex Warp Gate towards Sol to retrieve Sanctioned crew and Cardinal Relic. Thrice-blessed infrastructure largely still internally exposed, awaiting internment of essential martyrs. [1.546.998.M36] Consecration. Martyrs interred. Crew christened. Captain Tog Aklekchev establishes Order of Command. Ship is blessed with a Fragment of Brother Cagnius Voltarun of the Ultramarines. His fractured IronHeart is gilded to the command chapel's apex. [0.001.999.M36] Inaugural Translation. 706 Pilgrims heavy. Confessor Shavazk leads us in prayer. Emperor guide our Path. (This unlocks the Side Quest: Storm the Bridge).
2.) [9.412.002.M37] Arrival Narsarssuak. Transfer of 7,681 Imperial Martyred Dead to Tomb World for processing. May the Emperor embrace these noble heroes in their final rest. Translating to Ngol, then Palathius to take on new Pilgrims and the Palanquin of Saint Melethoi. [7.718.011.M37] Arrival Bishop's Moon, Diannan Synod. Fighting throughout internecine Subsectors has delayed our Haj by 9 standard years. Receipt of Sororitas escort denied due to continued conflict. Emperor Protect Us from the horrors of the Void. [7.772.011.M37] Survival. Boarders repulsed. We were tested and prevailed, Emperor be praised. 327 Pilgrims and 603 Adversaries incinerated; decks 4, 6, and 7 sealed off due to irreparable damage and xeno contamination. (This unlocks the Side Quest: Explore the Ark).
3.) [6.040.113.M37] Blessed Passengers. We have been blessed by the presence of an Adept and her entourage. For 60 cycles she has walked our Halls, reconsecrating our Chapels and expunging the lowest decks with Holy Flame. Decks 44 through 50 sealed for good measure following her recommendations. The protocols for Expurgation have been enacted. However, we have been cut off from the sensing Martyrs below. We will have to trust that the sacred machinations have done their work. (This unlocks the Side Quest: The Cull).
4.) [4.188.403.M37] Troubling Discoveries. After the transfer of Order to Captain Ualton Negstina and the inaugural Translation under his new Command, during routine inspection, it was discovered that coolant from below had leaked into the stores, ruining thousands of tons of rations. It was determined that volunteers should be sent into the sealed Decks to enact repairs. We pray for the guidance of this crew and for the swift recovery of our Vessel. [4.434.403.M37] Assurances. Everything is better now. Praise the True Emperor. [0.000.000.M00] Malfunction. Everything is normal. (This unlocks the Side Quest: Let it Burn!).

Category: Mildly Encrypted Passenger Log:
1.) This is the personal Log of Johnas Filge, being the incognito Throne Agent of one Inquisitor Minos Vorgan. I have been charged with investigating the piety of the passengers and rooting out any heretical threats. So far, all I have discovered is that there is no way to differentiate between the crew and the pilgrims. Both seem to wear the same or similar uniforms and all seem to occupy their routines with walking the long corridors, stopping at every shrine to offer a quick prayer. At least superficially, they seem devout. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth 1 Esteem to any Inquisitorial Faction).
2.) Okay, glad I encrypted this. There's a peck more Decks on this ship than my original guess. Additional, internal maps don't account for the half dozen towns that sprawl in the dark. They keep tryin to "bring my seed" to their communities, but I got a job to do. It's gettin hard'n harder to stay underwraps. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth 2 Esteem to any Inquisitorial Faction).
3.) May Minos forgive me. Emperor, too. Had to ditch my Rosette in the furnace to avoid revelation. I'm as deep as they go. There's somethin down here a-tickling my brain meats. On the surface, everyones devout as can be. Heck, they got devouter as a-went through the decks, but there's somethin fishy goin' on. Can't place it. Goin' to a mass to see what's a-what. The robe they gave me seems ta have an extra arm hole. Terrible craft this close to the reactor. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth D3+2 Esteem to any Inquisitorial Faction).
4.) Holee. Cult. Monsters. Gotta tryin reach middle decks. Warn some-un. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth D3+5 Esteem to any Inquisitorial Faction).

Category: Engineering:
1.) Inception. The engine weeps. Its bones creak. It is born old. I do not know how we will survive. Even after we inter the bio-sensorium, the hull will be riddled with rat-holes and unnecessarily redundant decking. I do not look forward to my task. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record that they can use to reduce the Allotment in any Mission at least partially onboard the "Covenant Ark" by -D6).
2.) Retrofit. After inadvertently compressing half a dozen decks slingshotting around a gas giant, we limped to Antax for retrofit. Reinforcements to the superstructure have filled in most of the excessive decks, but I fear it has created an even worse maze of unused chambers than before. They are sure to fill with vermin over time. I have requested purgation units, but we will see what Fabricator Lobis provides. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record that they can use to place up to 2D3 Volatile Fuel Barrels in any Mission at least partially onboard the "Covenant Ark" anywhere on the revealed terrain).
3.) Rats in the Walls. I can hear them scratching through the bulkheads! This is unacceptable. I have sent servitors into the depths with flame units, but I fear they are being overwhelmed. I haven't many left to spare. Maybe if we flush the sealed decks? (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record that they can use to place up to D3 "Treasure Chests" in any Mission at least partially onboard the "Covenant Ark" anywhere at least 9" from any board edge. Refer to the Treasures list in this Vessel's description).
4.) Lost. Something has tripped the internal comms and I've lost contact with the bridge. I fear the vermin have finally chewed their way through the atmospherics and it is simply a matter of time before I asphyxiate. Ah, well. I've done my duty. Praise the Omnissiah. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record that they can use to place up to D3 Admech Corpses in any Mission at least partially onboard the "Covenant Ark". Retrieving these corpses grants the Astartes in question with 02 Capacity in machine parts worth D6 Esteem  to the Replicanticle Faction).

Category: Command Channel:
1.) Blessed Intellect. May the Emperor Praise your ingenuity. The short range comm logs have been preserved. Under the authority invested in me by order of the Lords of Terra, I have sealed them away in the cogitation banks of this vessel. Return them to the Dockyards at Mpandex for translation. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth D3 Esteem to the Lords Own Code or any Inquisitorial Faction).
2.) By Order of the Synod. In the depths of Cargo Hold 12 on Deck 14 [14-12G], you will find the Stassis-Vault marked "Melethoi". This relic has been entrusted to our care and conveyance to the Shrine World of Gabrielle. If we run adrift and you find it, please, continue our sacred duty. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth D3 Esteem to any Ecclessiarchal Faction).
3.) Lords of Terra preserve us. Our Servitors keep disappearing. I've directed the Enginseers to enact a tracking program for them. Perhaps we will find them all gathered in the same queue.  (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth D3 Esteem to the Reparists Faction).
4.) The situation is deteriorating. I have sealed the Bridge and other vital sections with an encrypted keycode. The beasts are cunning, but they are not intelligent. I only pray we will reach an Imperial outpost before we are breached. They have killed our internal comms. If you are reading this, find us in the Command Chapel. We await Deliverance. (This grants the Player(s) a Data Record worth D3 Esteem to any Inquisitorial Faction).


[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/12/09 14:36:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

CA3: The Cull (Side Quest)
If player(s) unlock this Mission, they may send as many Squads as they like. If any Squads are left behind, they may participate in other Missions while this Mission is ongoing.

We have some idea, Brothers, as to where we may find their nest. Take a Squad into the heart of this derelict, locate the Magus or any other beastly overlord, and kill it. Let us stamp them out like the vermin they are.

CA3: The Cull: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be counted as a Side Quest for any other Faction as well.

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests Genestealers and Genestealer Cult, in keeping with the Vessel's theme.

A series of interconnected chambers and hallways, preferably 1-4 decks in height. There should be plenty of scatter terrain and places to hide for Adversary forces. In addition, the GM should place up to 3 squishy, organic terrain pieces to represent birthing chambers. These should be placed no closer than 12" from the Deathwatch deployment zone, but may otherwise be placed anywhere on the board.

The GM deploys second, anywhere at least 18" away from all deployed Deathwatch or their allies models.

Technology on the Table

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Assassinate the Magus: locate and eliminate the Genestealer Magus. If the Mission ends and the Magus is still alive, regardless of all other completed Objectives, this Mission counts as a failure.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Destroy the Birthing Chambers: each squishy Birthing Chamber has Toughness 6 with 10 Wounds. It doesn't Move and it doesn't fight, but it is a Psyker. All birthing chambers must be destroyed for this Objective to be completed.

Cull the Horde: for every 15 Wounds inflicted on Minions, Mini Bosses, or Boss Monsters, an Astartes gains +1XP in addition to any other gains for doing such. At least 15 Wounds collectively must be inflicted on Minions, Mini Bosses, and/or Boss Monsters, for this Objective to be considered complete.


First Turn
Who takes the First Turn is determined by

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with Allotment equal to the deployed Squad(s) CTV, plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus the bonuses associated with this Vessel. The GM must purchase a Genestealer Cult Magus to deploy on the table.

Birthing Chambers
The Birthing Chambers are Psykers that know the Psychic Power Smite and 1 other from the Broodmind Discipline. It can attempt to cast 1 psychic power per Turn and can attempt to Deny 1 psychic power per Turn within 12". It also has the <Synapse> keyword with a 12" range. Each Turn, during the Command Phase, roll 3D6 for each Birthing Chamber - this is the Power level of Genestealers, Hybrids, and/or Aberrants that reinforce the Adversaries by crawling out of the Birthing Chamber this Turn. They may be placed within 3" of the Chamber and act as normal for the remainder of the Turn.

Potential Relics for the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill effect
15 / 03 / 01 / Pilgrim Relic (Generic) / Although mostly an esoteric icon from one of any number of worlds, this item may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single die for any reason.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/12/16 05:06:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

CA4: Storm the Bridge (Side Quest)
If player(s) unlock this Mission, they may send as many Squads as they like. If any Squads are left behind, they may participate in other Missions while this Mission is ongoing.

The IronHeart of this Ultramarine must be retrieved, Brothers. Emperor Willing, it has not been desecrated. But in any case, it must be found and returned to us for safekeeping. Good luck, and bring the Emperor's Wrath with you.

CA4: Storm the Bridge: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be counted as a Side Quest for any Inquisitorial Faction as well.

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests Genestealers and Genestealer Cult, in keeping with the Vessel's theme.

One large room should be set up no further than 6" from one short board edge. All corridors and other chambers lead here. If possible, this large room should have a significant platform within it, overlooking the deck below, with Fortified Bulkhead Doors opening onto this platform. The room is scattered with bones and the debris of battle. A Marker representing the IronHeart should be placed on this platform.

The GM then places up to 8 Entry Points anywhere within 6" of the board edges and at least 9" from this large room. The deathwatch deploys on the opposite board edge from the large room. The GM may deploy up to 3" from any table edge and at least 18" from any Deathwatch or allied model.

Technology on the Table
In the large room (on the platform if using), place 3 Terminals at a random Power Level.

Additionally, the Player(s) and GM alternate placing D3+1 Multilaser Sentry Turrets. These Turrets must be able to draw line of sight to at least 1 entrance to the large room.

Lastly, there should be a Keypad outside 1 of the Doors leading to the large room. This Keypad* can be hacked to open the Doors with a successful Tech Skill test.

*See GM's section for more details.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Retrieve the IronHeart: a model must Move into base contact with this Relic to pick it up. It weighs 02 Capacity. The model carrying it must extract with it to achieve this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Pull the Cogitator Cores: any model in base to base contact with one of the Terminals may destroy the technology to remove its Core. Each Core weighs 04 Capacity and grants a model carrying it +1 Renown if they extract with it. These Cores grant the entire Deathwatch contingency (including new recruits, replacements, and all models in all squads regardless of whether or not they deployed for this Mission) +1XP for each 1 retrieved. Alternatively, a Core may be traded to the Lord's Own Code or any Inquisitorial Faction for +3D6 Esteem.

Cull the Horde: for every 15 Wounds inflicted on Minions, Mini Bosses, or Boss Monsters, an Astartes model gains +1XP in addition to any other gains for doing such. At least 15 Wounds collectively must be inflicted on Minions, Mini Bosses, and/or Boss Monsters, for this Objective to be considered complete.

Access any Terminal: any model with the Tech Skill that successfully pulls 1 or more tidbits of info from any Terminal can count as personally completing this Objective.

In addition to the 1 hour for insertion and the 1 hour for extraction, if this Mission takes 5 Turns or less, add 1 hour to Mission time. If it takes 6 hours or more, add 2 hours.

First Turn
The Adversaries take the first Turn.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with Allotment equal to the deployed Squad(s) CTV, plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus the bonuses associated with this Vessel.

The Keypad
If players successfully interact with the Keypad it informs them that the Sentry Guns on the Bridge have been depleted, but that power stores are being rerouted. Successfully opening these doors with the Keypad also automatically tags the player(s)' models as "Friend" to the Turrets.

The Sentry Guns
If player(s) do not interact with the Keypad or are unsuccessful in their attempt, these Turrets activate and begin tracking targets as soon as any model Moves to within 3" of any of the Terminals. The GM should roll a D3 when this happens. This is the number of Battlerounds it takes the Sentry Guns to recharge themselves. If player(s) haven't gained control of these Turrets by then, they will treat all targets as "Foe", firing on the closest model at the start of each Turn's Shooting Phase. Recharged Turrets have power for 50 Phases of Shooting.
Weapon / Type / Range / Rate of Fire / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits
Multilaser / Heavy / 36" / -|-|3 / 6 / - / 1 / BS4+

The Terminals
When any model gets within 3" of any Terminal, all 3 spring to life. Each displays a different main screen, clearly depicting 3 separate Categories of information. Models that successfully interact with any Terminal using the "Let It Speak Its Name to Me" effect gain one (or more with appropriate Talents) of the following tidbits of information.

GMs, tell your player(s) each Terminal presents a different Category of information and label each appropriately when it's decided (the author suggests a token or differently colored glass gems). If player(s) have the ability to get more than one "tidbit" of info, give them both from the same Category.

Terminal A
Category: Travel Log:
1.) This is a catalogue of the Vessel's prior recorded destinations. In addition to revealing a long litany of mundane visitations to primarily Shrine and Civilized Worlds, it also reveals a few "special locations" such as the seat of power for a minor branch of the Ecclesiarchal Synod, a protectorate planet under the jurisdiction of an unknown Order of the Sororitas, and a "Graveyard World" converted from a poorly maintained Agriworld. (This Data Record may be traded to any Ecclesiarchal Faction for +1 Esteem.)
2.) A list, with personal notations regarding efficiency and piety, for a half dozen ports of call throughout the Segmentum Pacifica. While not much use to the Deathwatch, this may prove an invaluable resource for a Puritan of the Ordo Hereticus. (This Data Record may be traded to a Puritan or Ordo Hereticus Inquisitorial Faction or an Ecclesiarchal Faction for +2D3Esteem.)

Terminal B
Category: Incident Reports:
1.) This is a long list of internal memos regarding crew disciplinary actions, damage reports, cargo manifests, shipboard births, marriages, passenger deaths, thefts, and other notable occurrences. Although not of any tactical use, any Sage or Historian would appreciate such a comprehensive log. (This Data Record may be traded to any Inquisitorial Faction for +1 Esteem.)
2.) This is a detailed record of this Vessel's experience in year 2 through 11 of M37 in a Sector of the Segmentum Pacifica called Pallathias. It seems a significant portion of the sector is encased in a nebula that partially blocks the Astranomicon. During the course of this vessel's travels throughout Pallathias, a Pogrom lead by the Ecclesiarchy from outside the Nebula sought to bring divergent Creeds into line with its own interpretation of Imperial Dogma. The ensuing war has come be known as the Diannan Incident to Adeptus Historians. This detailed, first-hand record is an invaluable resource to those who study such histories. (This Data Record may be traded to any Inquisitorial Faction for +2D3Esteem.)

Terminal C
Category: Command Log:
1.) This is a surprisingly short list of Command personnel assigned to this Vessel over the course of its commission. Towards the end of this ship's service, the line of command became less of an assigned position and more of an inherited one. Information like this is useful both for tracing the genetic lineage of the genestealers onboard and for tracing the familial lines of the Imperial Nobles who served onboard this Vessel before its corruption. (This Data Record may be traded to any Inquisitorial or Imperial Faction for +1 Esteem.)
2.) This is an encrypted Data Log of all Shipboard command protocols and security measures. (This Data Record allows the Deathwatch to unlock any Door on this Vessel and grants +1 to all future Tech Skill tests onboard this Vessel.)

The Fragment of Brother Cagnius Voltarun of the Ultramarines (aka the IronHeart Relic)
50 / 15 / +02 / IronHeart / This item may be attached to a Storm or Siege Shield or incorporated into the chest plate of any Powered, Terminator, or Gravis Armor. It increases that item's weight by +02 Capacity and reduces the Strength of 1 hit per Phase by -D3.

Potential Relics for the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill effect
15 / 03 / 01 / Pilgrim Relic (Generic*) / Although mostly an esoteric icon from one of any number of worlds, this item may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single die for any reason.

*There is no rule against having multiple copies of the same Generic Relic. Players may accrue any number of these items.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2020/12/24 19:12:00

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Thanks, Solar_lion! I'll take that as the compliment I'm sure it was meant to be. This isn't "completed" yet (as I've set just an insane goal for myself), but it is playable as is. There's plenty more to come, not only for this Campaign, but for others I am likely to do. Like, eventually I hope to make this compatible with any Faction and not just the Imperium. I've laid the groundwork for a chaos campaign, an astra militarum campaign, and an ork campaign. But for now I'm concentrating on this, because once the pandemic ends, I'm going to run it for my home group and I want it to be robust, fair, and structured. I want rules that players can hold me to.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. And stay tuned for more.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/01/06 08:42:11

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

CA5: Explore the Ark: Exploration (Side Quest)

If player(s) unlock this Mission, they may send either 1 or more Squads or any individual models from any Squad up to 8.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for the Catalogists, Reparists, or any Ecclessiarchal or Inquisitorial Faction. It can also be considered a Side Quest for all of those Factions at the same time.

"While delving ever deeper into this wreck may seem a frivolous waste of time to some, the potential for the strengthening of our alliances with the myriad Factions trapped here with us is too great an opportunity to overlook. We must make the most of our time and gain as much intel as possible with as little delay as plausible. May the Emperor guide your path, Brothers."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Retrieve Anything Useful: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 2+ counts as personally achieving this Objective. Narrative descriptions and treasure tables to be found in the GM section below.

Survive: There is the distinct possibilty of being overwhelmed in the depths with no hope for rescue. For each model deployed on this Mission that is not consumed by the Hive Mind in the darkness, each gains +1 Renown.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Estimate the Number of Enemy in the Depths: Each hour spent on this Mission grants a better sense of the scale of its infestation. Roll a D6 during the Debriefing Phase, adding +1 for each hour beyond 3* that the Mission lasts. On the roll of a 6+, this Objective can be considered Complete.

A Mission Leader may voluntarily extend the Mission for any amount of time to ensure a maximum result.

*This means +1 for 4 hours, +2 for 5 hours, +3 for 6 hours, and so on. Only use the highest bonus.

Mission Length
1D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. 3-8 hours without extension by the Mission Leader.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Special Rules
The GM should roll a D6 for every hour that this Mission takes. For each roll of a 4+ one randomly selected model that Deployed on this Mission suffers D3 Mortal Wounds.

GM Section:

Have each model deployed on this Mission roll a D6. On the roll of a 2+, apply the result from the table below.

2-3: a single data core pulled from a random cogitator. This is worth 1 Esteem to any Faction.

4-5: a trove of Relic Plaques. These are worth 3 Esteem to any Ecclessiarchal or Inquisitorial Faction.

6: a weapon cache. Various lasguns, shotguns, concussion grenades, and breaching shells. This cache is worth +1 Renown to the model that brings it back.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/01/12 20:18:06

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

CA6: Let it Burn! (Side Quest)
If Player(s) unlock this Mission, any number of Squads may be deployed to do it.

The best description for what we have found is a Hive. I will not mince my words, Brothers. It is likely that this is a suicide mission. But if you are successful, you will have slaughtered more enemies than we have engaged thus far. Your names shall be remembered forever.

CA6: Let it Burn!: Routine

In service to Whom

This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be counted as a Side Quest for any other Ordo Xenos Faction as well.

Known Adversaries
Your collection determines Adversaries used, but the author suggests Genestealers and Genestealer Cult, in keeping with the Vessel's theme.

Two thirds of the board should be dominated by a large chamber, surrounded by corridors and/or smaller chambers. If possible, the large chamber should be one deck below the remaining third of the terrain, possibly with catwalks, balconies, or the like overlooking it. This Mission should have 3 Objective Markers; 2 are placed up to 9" from any short board edge, in the corridor/small chamber terrain that makes up one third of the terrain. The final Marker should be placed as near to the center of the large chamber as possible. 

The large chamber may be filled with scatter terrain and/or shanties as per the guidelines for this vessel. 

The GM and players alternate placing D3 Entry Points each, anywhere on the tabletop. Additionally, if the GM has models to represent them (Sporocysts work well for this), they may place up to D3+1 "Birthing Chambers" anywhere inside that large chamber. Any of the GM's models from Reserves deploy from either the Birthing Chambers or the Entry Points when they become available.

The GM deploys first, anywhere up to 18" from the Objective Marker at the center of the large chamber. Any amount of unused Allotment may be placed in Adversarial Reserves.

Technology on the Table

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s): 
Incinerate the Nodes: at least one model must be armed with a flamer, melta, or plasma weapon to complete this Objective. Each Objective Marker must be destroyed in turn. Treat these Markers as Toughness 5 with 3 Wounds each. Once each Marker loses its last Wound, remove it from play. However, only one of the aforementioned weapons may be used to inflict these Wounds. This Objective is only considered complete when all 3 Markers have been removed. 

Tertiary Objective(s):
Cull the Horde: for every 15 Wounds inflicted on Minions, Mini Bosses, or Boss Monsters, an Astartes gains +1XP in addition to any other gains for doing such. At least 15 Wounds collectively must be inflicted on Minions, Mini Bosses, and/or Boss Monsters, for this Objective to be considered complete.

In addition to 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction, if the Mission lasts 5 or fewer Turns, increase Mission time by 1 hour. If the Mission lasts 6 or more Turns, increase increase Mission time by 2 hours.

First Turn
The Player(s) take the first Turn.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies. 

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. At least 1 model must be armed with a flamer, melta, or plasma-type weapon.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins play with Allotment equal to the deployed Squad(s) CTV, plus the bonus provided by the Doomclock, plus the bonuses associated with this Vessel. 

Birthing Chambers
The Birthing Chambers are Psykers that know the Psychic Power Smite and 1 other from the Broodmind Discipline. It can attempt to cast 1 psychic power per Turn and can attempt to Deny 1 psychic power per Turn within 12". It also has the <Synapse> keyword with a 12" range. Each Turn, during the Command Phase, roll 3D6 for each Birthing Chamber - this is the Power level of Genestealers, Hybrids, and/or Aberrants that reinforce the Adversaries by crawling out of the Birthing Chamber this Turn. They may be placed within 3" of the Chamber and act as normal for the remainder of the Turn. 

Potential Relics for the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" Skill effect
15 / 03 / 01 / Pilgrim Relic (Generic) / Although mostly an esoteric icon from one of any number of worlds, this item may be used once per Mission to re-roll a single die for any reason.


[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/02/05 09:27:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I edited the layout of the Chapter Heirlooms and I don't know if I made it easier to read or just more dense. Any feedback on the layout from the community is appreciated. I'll post up the next Ship and associated info soon. This Pandemic and its endlessness has been kicking my mental health in the ass.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/02/09 21:32:20

Post by: SentinelV

I've been inspired by the work you've put into this enough to adopt the campaign to Space Hulk itself.
Slowly working through your mission descriptions.
This is the optional mission 'Bridge The Gap'.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/02/09 21:56:16

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 SentinelV wrote:
I've been inspired by the work you've put into this enough to adopt the campaign to Space Hulk itself.
Slowly working through your mission descriptions.
This is the optional mission 'Bridge The Gap'.

This is REALLY COOL SentinelIV! I would love to see more. This whole project has existed solely in my head this entire time, I'm so happy to see it come to life!

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/02/10 13:37:55

Post by: SentinelV

Glad you liked the map. Below is the map I've done for the first mission in the campaign, Hulk Breach.

Boarding actions in Space Hulk are quite common, so this map isn't particularly innovative, it has some of the usual elements, with the marines arriving by Boarding Torpedo. and multiple access points to seal.
The objectives here are to identify the enemy, close all the entry points and kill the opposition.
A terminal is placed at location C, others can be added as required.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/02/11 04:51:12

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

This is interesting, SentinelIV, as this is nothing like what I had envisioned for the Hulk Breach layout. I understand you are adapting my campaign to fit a traditional Spacehulk game. Personally, the limitations of these sets with their rigid number and size of rooms and corridors is what turned me away from using them specifically. I appreciate that you've taken it in your own direction.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/02/11 13:48:09

Post by: SentinelV

Space Hulk is quite limited, I've restricted myself to using 1 set of tiles for most of these missions as well. I find that helps balance scenarios to a large extent. What you've created in this campaign goes far beyond anything that Space Hulk in it's relatively simplistic ruleset can convey. What I've taken from your writeups is the ideas. This next map is a case in point, as it's down to me misunderstanding what you'd done with your Exploration version of Hulk Breach when I first read your description.
Primary Objective(s):
Find a Way in: The principle goal of this Mission is to wander around the relatively safe exteriors of the Hulk searching not only for a hole to climb through, but also a hole that leads to something that could be considered productive to the Mission. Just by participating in the Mission this Objective is achieved.

This reminded me of a mission from the GW 1st edition Wolf Lair campaign, where the objective is to find the right pitfall counter, (several are dummy counters). I've taken that idea and used it to create this map which I'm using in place of your Clear The Breach Mission 2b.

The marines must seal the entry areas and then exit through the last pitfall, which story wise is the only one large enough to accommodate Terminator entry. Bonus XP if a chainfist equipped Terminator enters the pitfall first, to clear further debris.

I've gone with 2 squad progression, so this mission will be the first one for some Terminators. My hope is to be able to run this with 2 seperate sets of marines with some cooperative missions.

My version of 2A The Long March is next.

Initially I couldn't figure out a way of doing the exploration missions, but GW's Ipad release missions for 4th ed Hulk changed a few things from when I played their 2nd ed originals. In that the marines had to carry a Cyber Altered Task unit (CAT) off the board, so I've done the same for this mission. Marine can carry a CAT off either or both the double arrow entry areas to initiate an exploration mission, and seal the entry point. Possible keypad/terminals are at C, with a generator sitting at G. The marines must escort a Techmarine/tech adepts to the generator, and hold it for several turns before they can regroup in the 4 way room and seal the doors.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/16 18:44:57

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Hey folks, I know it's been an Age since I've posted on this thread, but I'm popping in to say I edited the Suppression rules and am currently working on more ships and Missions.

Additionally, there's a Mission where you can lose a Marine into the hulk's abyss and a notation that says there will be rules to follow about how to find them. That rule is roll a D6 every time you complete an Exploration Mission. On a 6, you find them.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/16 18:45:19

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

The amount of content in this thread is unbelievable. I’ve never seen someone pour so much into a campaign.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/17 09:49:46

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 The Riddle of Steel wrote:
The amount of content in this thread is unbelievable. I’ve never seen someone pour so much into a campaign.

Thank you for the high praise, Riddle of Steel! The main campaign Missions are all completed. Now I'm working on "DLC" so to speak. More Missions, more narrative, future projects, etc.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/17 13:56:57

Post by: Solar_lion

Creative and through.

Very much enjoyed reading through it. Even noticed you all the Solar Lions chapter. I'm Humbled.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/19 21:12:36

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

M40 Ship of the Line: Osiren Dawn
Hull: Battlecruiser
Original Crew Compliment: ~480,000+
Circumstance of Drift: Warp Drive Implosion
Current Condition of Crew: Dead or Devoured
Probable Disposition: Chaos Spawn, Ship Dead, Chaos Cultists, Daemons, and Daemonic Engines


Ship's Story
During an Imperial naval engagement, originally intended to blunt the relentless onslaught of the Hive Fleets, the Osiren Dawn was ensared and boarded by a feeder leviathan when the former drew too close to the latter. In a noble attempt at sacrifice, the Captain ordered the ship scuttled and its Warp Drive detonated. While this action may or may not have resulted in success, it also succeeded in hurling the forward third of the ship directly into the Warp unshielded. Here, the last survivors of the crew were either devoured by the surviving Tyranids or driven mad and physically changed by their exposure to the raw energies of the Immaterium.

If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Lore or Tech Skill*, they may use these to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Manufacture (Tech, Forbidden Lore): the wreckage of the Osiren Dawn is likely the remains of a Mars-Class Battlecruiser. Silhouette scans of the wreck's prow reveal a prominent chin cannon, likely to be the fabled Nova Cannon long associated with this vessel's build. The lower decks and possibly what remains of its central midship decks may well hold a treasure trove of the volatile munitions needed to fire this weapon of cataclysmic power.

Crew(Forbidden Lore): while no one survived this wreck's translation, the crew of most Imperial Naval vessels is mostly made up of generational Ratings - the lowest conscript of menial labor that isn't specifically a servitor. These families of barely ranked Imperial personnel have likely become little more than twisted spawn and semi-sentient goo, but even taking into account casualties from the blast that severed their ship and the predations of daemons, it is likely that there are still hundreds or even thousands of these abominations prowling the Osiren Dawn's shattered halls

*GMs, prompt your players with these Skills so that they know they have the option to use them.

Missions that take place partially or wholly inside the chambers of this vessel are subject to random encounters with Warp-twisted Spawn. At the start of any Mission, the GM should roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, the GM may add 2D6 Allotment worth of Poxwalkers, Minion-level Daemons, and/or Chaos Cultists to their Pool of Adversaries. On the roll of a 6, the GM should ask the player(s) if they prefer Spawn or Daemons. If the player(s) say Spawn, have them roll D6 and the GM adds that many Chaos Spawn to their Pool of Adversaries. If player(s) say Daemons, have them roll 4D6 and the GM may add models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword with a total of Wounds equal to this number to their Pool of Adversaries.

GMs, if that 4D6 roll is low, you can certainly add a bunch of daemonic Minions to the Pool. But if it's high enough, go right ahead and add a Greater Daemon to the Pool. You deserve it.

At the start of each Turn, the GM rolls a D6 for each model on the table. On the roll of a 1, if a model does not have the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, they must make a Toughness test or gain a Wound Token. If the model does have the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, they must make a Toughness test or suffer a Mortal Wound. This is a Radiation effect.

Lastly, unless and until player(s) take on the Optional Missions Close the Gates and Purge the Periphery, all remaining Missions for this campaign have +xD3 Allotment that may be spent on Chaos Spawn or models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keywords, where "x" is equal to the number of Hours that have passed since this wreck joined the [++Redacted++].

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines: The Osiren Dawn has been twisted and broken by cataclysm and chaos. It is characterized by tall-vaulted ceilings, eerie glowing, uneven ground, and subtly warped furnishings and colonnades. Scatter terrain in the form of piles of debris, mounds of mouldering dead, and bizarre unfathomable shapes should abound. The ship's insides should look broken and evil and slightly askew.

Any Technology on the table in sections including chambers and corridors from this vessel will be universally Dead, unless otherwise noted. Although lighting exists within the wreck's halls, it does not come from a technological source, instead emanating from radioactive debris and warp-mangled material.

Available Missions
OD1o: Grav Flux: Optional Routine
OD2o: Close the Gates: Optional Routine
OD3o: Purge the Periphery: Optional Routine
OD4o: Deep Dive: Optional Exploration

Unlockable Missions
ODa: Gate Hunt: Exploration
ODb: Unlock the Big Guns: Routine
ODc: Purge the Depths: Routine
ODd: Treasures of the Deep: Exploration

Treasures of the Osiren Dawn
Any time a model could potentially rummage through a "treasure chest" or might have to roll on a Treasure Table during the course of a Mission on board this Vessel, use the following charts to determine what may be there to find. Treasure Chests should be clearly identifiable and can be searched if a model is within 2" of one during the Command Phase or one of the model's Shooting Phases instead of taking another action. Treasure gained from Exploration Missions should be rolled by each Astartes deployed on the Mission during the Debriefing Phase.

Treasure Chest: roll a D6
1: raw chaos. The model that opened this chest immediately gains +1 Corruption. Any other Player-controlled model that starts or ends its Movement Phase within 2" of this chest for the remainder of the Mission must pass a Strength test or gain +1 Corruption.

2-3: things too terrible to describe.

4-5: warp-tainted objects. A model with the Psychic Sense Skill can attempt to purge these objects by spending a Rating and rolling their Skill Stat. If they succeed they gain +1 Renown and loot worth 1 Esteem with any Faction.

6: warp-touched gear. This gear may be traded as is to any Admech Faction for D6 Esteem or may be purged by any model with the Psychic Sense Skill in the same way as detailed for 4-5 above. Purged gear is worth D6 Esteem to any Faction.

Exploration Treasure: roll a D6 for each Astartes deployed on this Mission
1: Terrible warp-mangled THINGS. The model that discovered this immediately gains +1 Corruption. All other Astartes that also deployed on this Mission must pass a Strength test or also gain +1 Corruption.

2: semi-sentient goop. A model with the Psychic Sense Skill can test to glean info from this mess, gaining +1XP if they succeed.

3: mounds of long-dead, warp-touched Tyranids. A model with the Forbidden Lore or Medic Skill can test to glean info from this mess, gaining +1 Renown if they succeed.

4: warp-tainted objects. A model with the Psychic Sense Skill can attempt to purge these objects by testing their Skill Stat. If they succeed they gain +1 Renown and loot worth 1 Esteem with any Faction.

5: warp-touched gear. This gear may be traded as is to any Admech Faction for D6 Esteem or may be purged by any model with the Psi Sense Skill in the same way as detailed for 4 above. Purged gear is worth D6 Esteem to any Faction.

6: a clue fragment. Gain 3 of these to Unlock the Treasures of the Deep Exploration Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/21 17:38:04

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Optional Missions
This derelict has a number of Optional Missions available. These Missions may be undertaken in any order or not at all. Typically, Optional Missions carry consequences for not being completed, but the Campaign can be completed without taking these on. Just like most other Missions, if player(s) fail an Optional Mission, they may repeat it any number of times until they are successful, adding hours to the Doomclock for every failed attempt.

If you are running this Campaign with enough players and/or squads, and the players want to risk it, all of these Optional Missions may be taken on at the same time. In this case, simply add the longest Mission's run time to the Doomclock instead of each Mission's time.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/23 21:47:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
As detailed in the Optional Missions addendum, players may opt to take on this Mission or not. If they do so, at least 1 Squad should be assigned to the task, but there is no limit to the number of squads that may be sent to complete this task. The more squads deployed, however, the larger the number of Adversaries (and the larger size of those Adversaries) will be arrayed against them.

OD1o: Grav Flux: Optional Routine

"Our Techmarines estimate a number of malfunctioning Grav Plates within the wreckage may adversely affect stability within the larger growing hulk if they are not dealt with quickly. A solution has been devised through careful study of known Imperial naval designs. Amidship, on this wreck the farthest aft we can go before exiting into raw space, is a series of back-up generators still powering what remains of the Osiren Dawn's systems. Find these and destroy them. Simple and effective."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
"Prepare for combat against the denizens of the warp itself and the twisted minions of these blaphemies."
The author suggests daemons of every stripe and variety, crazed chaos cultists, poxwalkers, and chaos spawn.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Destroy the Generators
: use the rules for Interacting with the Environment found on page 3 of this blog. Each generator destroyed is worth +1 Renown to the model that removes its last Wound. Destroying all the generators grants the Mission Leader an additional +D3 Renown.

Make it Quick: if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or less, the Mission Leader gains +D3 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Something Big: GMs, make sure you spend Allotment on at least 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster. Any model that causes at least 1 Wound to a Miniboss or Boss Monster that is removed as a casualty during this Mission can be considered to have "personally" completed this Objective.

Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure (rolls a 4+ on the Treasure Chest" table), extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) can be considered to have "personally" completed this Objective.

The edges of the Battlefield should be cluttered with corridors and chambers, while the middle should have a large open room. Scatter terrain should be everywhere. The area should look devastated and partially collapsed.

In the middle of the large room, the GM should place terrain features to represent 4-6 Generators.

Any Doors on the table count as Compromised Bulkhead Doors. Additionally, the entire table is affected by a Strength3, AP-, D1 Radiation effect.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Deployment parameters. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries anywhere on the table that is at least 12" away from any player model.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
As close to one of the Generators as possible, the GM should place a Keypad. This Keypad's Power Level is Full as long as any of the Generators has at least 1 Wound remaining.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: three waves of increasing Allotment. If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 20 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock), and two subsequent waves of 30 Allotment each. The first of these waves arrives starting on Turn 3. The second of these waves arrives starting on Turn 5.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to 2/3 the player(s)' CTV. At the top of Battleround 3 the GM gets reinforcements equal to the the player(s)' CTV and at the top of Battleround 5, the GM gets reinforcements equal to the player(s)' CTV+5.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The walls in this section are buckled inward, pressed by the blastwave that sundered the ship. Flash-frozen bodies and pieces of bodies hang motionless in grav-pockets or lay heaped in tangled piles where they were thrown and burned. Everywhere there is evidence of the twisting malignancy of the warp, as faces leer from the bulkheads, metal twists like tree branches, and impossible organic growths sprout in endless, incomprehensible patterns. We tread on corrupted ground, irrevocably changed.

Terminal Data for this mission
The Keypad is largely filled with inscrutable madness and arcane data. Interacting with it successfully garners the model who does so +1 Corruption. Successful interaction with this Keypad also counts as Objective Complete for Retrieve Anything of Use above.

If there are any Terminals on the table, the data they provide is gibberish, but a model who successfully interacts with one may voluntarily take on +1 Corruption to gain a one-use re-roll that may be used for any reason when facing Adversaries with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword. Successful interaction with any of these Terminals also counts as Objective Complete for Retrieve Anything of Use above.

Consequences of Not Taking on this Mission: if your player(s) decide not to take on this Mission, then every 9 hours after this wreck arrives the [++Redacted++] becomes subject to the Mundane Events chart.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
25 / 04 / 01 / Enginseer Token / This cog-shaped Amulet grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to a Tactics, Tech, or Demolitions Skill test.

25 / 03 / 01 / Isolation Reliquary / This vial of preserved material grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to a Forbidden Lore or Medic Skill test.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/24 07:14:06

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
As detailed in the Optional Missions addendum, players may opt to take on this Mission or not. If they do so, at least 1 Squad should be assigned to the task, but there is no limit to the number of squads that may be sent to complete this task. The more squads deployed, however, the larger the number of Adversaries (and the larger size of those Adversaries) will be arrayed against them.

OD2o: Close the Gates: Optional Routine

"Augury scans show a cluster of warp anomalies within the halls of this wreck. We have determined the location of the closest of these clusters and task you with destroying them. Move swiftly, my Brothers, and ignore the promises whispered in the deep shadows."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch, but may be considred a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus Faction currently present in the system.

Known Adversaries
"Prepare for combat against the denizens of the warp itself and the twisted minions of these blaphemies."
The author suggests daemons of every stripe and variety, crazed chaos cultists, poxwalkers, and chaos spawn.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Close or Destroy the Gates
: use the rules for Interacting with the Environment found on page 3 of this blog. The Gates each have 9 Wounds, a Toughness of 7, and a 4+ save. Each Gate destroyed is worth +D3+1 Renown to the model that removes its last Wound. A model with the Psychic Sense Skill or the ability to Deny the Witch may instead attempt to close a Gate by successfully using their Skill within 3" of a Gate or by attempting to Deny versus a casting of 6 as if the Gate itself was a Psyker. Closing a Gate earns that model +1 Renown. Destroying or Closing all of the Gates also grants the Mission Leader an additional +D6+1 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Something Big: GMs, make sure you spend Allotment on at least 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster. Any model that causes at least 1 Wound to a Miniboss or Boss Monster that is removed as a casualty during this Mission can be considered to have "personally" completed this Objective.

Break Them by Faith: if none of the Squads deployed on this Mission ever fail a Leadership test, this Objective can be considered complete.

The entirety of the Battlefield should be cluttered with corridors, chambers, and scatter terrain. The area should look devastated and partially collapsed, but with sprawling chambers and multiple levels of gantries everywhere.

On the side of the terrain layout, opposite where the Deathwatch forces will deploy, the GM should place terrain features to represent D3+2 Gates. Each Gate should be at least 6" from any board edge or any other Gate.

Any Doors on the table count as Compromised Bulkhead Doors. Additionally, the entire table is affected by a Strength2, AP-, D1 Radiation effect.

The GM sets up their forces first, deploying their Adversaries anywhere on the table that is within 3" of any Gate or up to 6" from their board edge. Then the player(s) sets up their forces, according to their Deployment parameters.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Players may opt to place up to D6 Terminals anywhere on the table, but these will universally be at Dead Power level.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place more Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 Allotment that is not affected by the Doomclock. In addition, every open Gate on the table with at least 1 Wound remaining generates D6 additional Allotment for the GM at the top of every Battleround. Models purchased with this additional Allotment enter the battlefield at the start of the GM's Movement Phase through any Gate with at least 1 Wound remaining.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM gets Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV. In addition, every open Gate on the table with at least 1 Wound remaining generates D6 additional Allotment for the GM at the top of every Battleround. Models purchased with this additional Allotment enter the battlefield at the start of the GM's Movement Phase through any Gate with at least 1 Wound remaining.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The very air here is polluted and the walls dance with symbols too painful to look upon. Chaos runs rampant and threatens to pour from holes rent in the very fabric of reality.

Terminal Data for this mission
If the player(s) manage to power up any of the Terminals long enough to extract info from them, ask them if they want Ship Data or Command Archives and then give them the appropriate number of info tidbits from the category of their choice. If they already have a piece of info, move on to the next entry and give them new data.

Ship Data
1.) Partially Corrupted Deck Map: this counts as a clue fragment. Collect 3 or more of these to unlock the Treasures of the Deep Exploration Mission.
2.) Anomalous Flux Readings: this data Unlocks the Gate Hunt Exploration Mission.
3.) Alternate Power Pathways: this data grants a one-use +1 bonus to any die roll that may only be used during the Unlock the Big Guns Mission.
4.) Location of Sealed Defensible Positions: this data grants a one-use +1 bonus to any die roll that may only be used during the Purge the Depths Mission.

Command Archives
1.) Order of Battle: Ch'Amaa Corridor: this is a record of an Imperial Naval engagement with a splinter of Hive Fleet Jormandgr. It is worth D3 Esteem with any Imperial or Inquisitorial Faction.
2.) Account of Command Imperial Personnel: Osiren Dawn: this a detailed list of all Command personnel of note that served on board the Osiren Dawn before its demise. There are a number of citations noted and a record of their bravery in the face of insurmountable opposition. This data is worth D3+3 Esteem with any Imperial, Naval, or Aristocratic Faction.
3.) Location: Sanctified Halls: this data locates several Relics and adds one, chosen by the GM from any available from this wreck, to any Treasure gained by a squad on an Exploration Mission that takes place on board the Osiren Dawn.
4.) Maintenance Layer: this data allows one Deathwatch model to be deployed via Deep Strike, instead of the normal Insertion method, on any future Routine Mission that takes place on board the Osiren Dawn.

Consequences of Not Taking on this Mission: if your player(s) decide not to take on this Mission, then on all future Missions on board the [++Redacted++], the GM gains +xD3 additional Allotment that can only be spent on Chaos Cultists, Pox Walkers, Chaos Spawn, or models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, where "x" is equal to the number of hours that have passed since this wreck joined the [++Redacted++].

If players take on this Mission, but not the Purge the Periphery Optional Mission, "x" is equal to every 2 hours since instead of every hour.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
25 / 03 / 01 / Unmarred Imperator / This Aquilla-shaped Honorific grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to a Command or Inspire Skill test.

25 / 08 / 01 / Functional Gorget / This large, silver amulet grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to a preexisting Invulnerable Save.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/24 08:32:07

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
As detailed in the Optional Missions addendum, players may opt to take on this Mission or not. If they do so, at least 1 Squad should be assigned to the task, but there is no limit to the number of squads that may be sent to complete this task. The more squads deployed, however, the larger the number of Adversaries (and the larger size of those Adversaries) will be arrayed against them.

OD3o: Purge the Periphery: Optional Routine

"The depths of the Osiren Dawn are likely to contain untold numbers of the daemonic, yet we can blunt their onslaught by destroying the hordes that plague the shallows. Let us take up sword and bolter and purifying flame. Let us cleanse this wickedness from the stars."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch, but may be considred a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus Faction currently present in the system.

Known Adversaries
"Prepare for combat against the denizens of the warp itself and the twisted minions of these blaphemies."
The author suggests daemons of every stripe and variety, crazed chaos cultists, tzaangors, poxwalkers, and chaos spawn. GMs, you must field at least 10 Wounds worth of models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword and preferrably more.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Destroy Them
: for every 10 unsaved Wounds inflicted on enemy models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, every Deathwatch marine deployed on this Mission gains +1 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Something Big: GMs, make sure you spend Allotment on at least 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster. Any model that causes at least 1 Wound to a Miniboss or Boss Monster that is removed as a casualty during this Mission can be considered to have "personally" completed this Objective.

Break Them by Faith: if none of the Squads deployed on this Mission ever fail a Leadership test, this Objective can be considered complete.

Divide the table in half along the longest dimension. On one side of this line should be twisting corridors and rooms and on the other should be one large room filled with scatter terrain. The Deathwatch deploy in the large room, according to their Insertion method and the GM deploys on the opposite table edge, at least 18" away from any deployed Deathwatch models.

Any Doors on the table count as Compromised Bulkhead Doors. Additionally, the entire table is affected by a Strength1, AP-, D1 Radiation effect

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Players may opt to place up to D3 Terminals anywhere on the table, but these will universally be at Dead Power Level.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place more Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

Successfully completing this Mission unlocks the Purge the Depths Routine Mission.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 60 Allotment that is not affected by the Doomclock. In addition, at the start of every Battleround, the GM should roll 2D6. If the total rolled is a 6, 7, 8, or 9, the GM gains that much bonus Allotment at the start of their Movement Phase that can only be spent on models with the <Daemon> or the <Daemonic Engine> keyword.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM gets Allotment equal to double the player(s)' CTV. In addition, at the start of every Battleround, the GM should roll 2D6. If the total rolled is a 6, 7, 8, or 9, the GM gains that much bonus Allotment at the start of their Movement Phase that can only be spent on models with the <Daemon> or the <Daemonic Engine> keyword.

GM reinforcements Deploy along the GM's table edge.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The noise of them is almost unbearable. Let us drown them out with the righteous fury of our faith and the bark of our bolters.

Terminal Data for this mission
If the player(s) manage to power up any of the Terminals long enough to extract info from them, ask them if they want Ship Data or Command Archives and then give them the appropriate number of info tidbits from the category of their choice. If they already have a piece of info, move on to the next entry and give them new data.

Ship Data
1.) Partially Corrupted Deck Map: this counts as a clue fragment. Collect 3 or more of these to unlock the Treasures of the Deep Exploration Mission.
2.) Anomalous Flux Readings: this data Unlocks the Gate Hunt Exploration Mission.
3.) Alternate Power Pathways: this data grants a one-use +1 bonus to any die roll that may only be used during the Unlock the Big Guns Mission.
4.) Location of Sealed Defensible Positions: this data grants a one-use +1 bonus to any die roll that may only be used during the Purge the Depths Mission.

Command Archives
1.) Order of Battle: Ch'Amaa Corridor: this is a record of an Imperial Naval engagement with a splinter of Hive Fleet Jormandgr. It is worth D3 Esteem with any Imperial or Inquisitorial Faction.
2.) Account of Command, Imperial Personnel, Osiren Dawn: this a detailed list of all Command personnel of note that served on board the Osiren Dawn before its demise. There are a number of citations noted and a record of their bravery in the face of insurmountable opposition. This data is worth D3+3 Esteem with any Imperial, Naval, or Aristocratic Faction.
3.) Location: Sanctified Halls: this data locates several Relics and adds one, chosen by the GM from any available from this wreck, to any Treasure gained by a squad on an Exploration Mission that takes place on board the Osiren Dawn.
4.) Maintenance Layer: this data allows one Deathwatch model to be deployed via Deep Strike, instead of the normal Insertion method, on any future Routine Mission that takes place on board the Osiren Dawn.

Consequences of Not Taking on this Mission: if your player(s) decide not to take on this Mission, then on all future Missions on board the [++Redacted++], the GM gains +xD3 additional Allotment that can only be spent on Chaos Cultists, Pox Walkers, Chaos Spawn, or models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, where "x" is equal to the number of hours that have passed since this wreck joined the [++Redacted++].

If players take on this Mission, but not the Close the Gates Optional Mission, "x" is equal to every 2 hours since instead of every hour.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
25 / 03 / 01 / Martyrs' Bones / This bound bundle of bones grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to a Command or Inspire Skill test.

25 / 02 / 00 / Naval Command Key / This unassuming tech gadget sockets into a marine's vambrace and grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to a Tech Skill test on board any wreck or vessel of the Imperial Navy (including retrofitted ships).

OD4o: Deep Dive: Optional Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 or more Squads or any individual models from any Squad up to 6.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Inquisitorial Faction present in the Campaign.

"The depths of this wreck may yet reveal its secrets to us. Dive deep, my Brothers, but gird thyselves against the whispers in the dark. Carry blade and flame, keep hatred in your hearts, and catechism on your lips."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Retrieve Anything Useful: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the "Treasures" section of the Osiren Dawn's introduction, during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 4+ on that table counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Estimate the Enemy's Strength: Each hour spent on this Mission grants a better sense of the scale of its Daemonic infestation. Roll a D6 during the Debriefing Phase, adding +1 for each hour beyond 1* that the Mission lasts. On the roll of a 6+, this Objective can be considered Complete.

A Mission Leader may voluntarily extend the Mission for any amount of time to ensure a maximum result.

*This means +1 for 2 hours, +2 for 3 hours, +3 for 4 hours, and so on. Only use the highest bonus.

Mission Length
1D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. 3-8 hours without extension by the Mission Leader.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Special Rules
The GM should roll a D6 for every hour that this Mission takes. For each roll of a 4+ one randomly selected model that Deployed on this Mission gains +1 Corruption.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/25 21:46:26

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I modified how the Servant of the Ordos Talent works to reflect that it is only Tier 1. I also modified the Talented Skill Talents so they can be taken multiple times and that the Tier 2 & 3 versions grant different bonuses. They are now the Very Talented and Most Talented Talents. Lastly, I modified Iron Mind so that a model with it has more options. These are all found on the Miscellaneous Talents tree found on page-1 of this blog.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/26 10:46:11

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

ODa: Gate Hunt: Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 or more Squads or any individual models from any Squad up to 6.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Inquisitorial Faction present in the Campaign.

"In the darkness there are terrors. You must root them out and bring purging fire to them."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s): 
Gate Breaker: roll 1D6 for each Marine deployed on this Mission. Add +1 to this die roll if the model was a Psyker. Add an additional +1 to this roll if a model has the ability to Deny the Witch, is armed with a weapon that has the word "flame" in its name, and/or is armed with a Sanctified weapon. On any roll of a 4+, that model gains +1XP and counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Retrieve Anything Useful: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the "Treasures" section of the Osiren Dawn's introduction, during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 4+ on that table counts as personally achieving this Objective. 

Tertiary Objective(s): 
Return Uncorrupted: if any model deployed on this Mission gains enough Corruption (usually a total of 10), they won't return. Only if this doesn't happen can this Objective be considered complete.

Mission Length
2D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. 4-14 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Special Rules
The GM should roll a D6 for every hour that this Mission takes. For each roll of a 4+ one randomly selected model that Deployed on this Mission gains +1 Corruption. Any model armed with a Sanctified weapon gets a special 3+ Save against this effect.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/26 15:43:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

The next few Missions are presented out of order, sorry about that.

Player Briefing
If players unlock this Mission, they may send 1 or more Squads to undertake it.

ODc: Purge the Depths: Routine

"Make no mistake, Brothers, you are descending into hell. You are the Knights Paladin and the Deliverers of Righteousness. You will be tested this hour, to your limits. Yet even those of you who die here shall be remembered as Heroes; as testament to the courage of Man and the confidence that our Emperor has in us. For we are the champions of the Imperium and, in the Emperor's name, we shall burn His enemies from our galaxy."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch, but may be considred a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus Faction currently present in the system.

Known Adversaries
"Prepare for combat against the denizens of the warp itself and the twisted minions of these blaphemies."
The author suggests daemons of every stripe and variety, crazed chaos cultists, tzaangors, beastmen, poxwalkers, and chaos spawn. GMs, you must field enough models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword to at least equal double the number of Wounds your player(s) models start this Mission with.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Kill Everything
: player(s) must inflict unsaved Wounds on enemy models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword, equal to twice the number of Wounds their own models started this Mission with in order for this Objective to be considered complete. For every 10 additional unsaved Wounds they inflict beyond this, all surviving models gain +1 Renown and the Mission Leader gains a one-time bonus of +D3 Renown.

Suicide Mission: any Deathwatch model that ends this Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining gains +2D3 Renown and an additional +3XP.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Something Big: GMs, make sure you spend Allotment on at least 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster. Any model that causes at least 1 Wound to a Miniboss or Boss Monster that is removed as a casualty during this Mission can be considered to have "personally" completed this Objective.

Break Them by Faith: if none of the Squads deployed on this Mission ever fail a Leadership test, this Objective can be considered complete.

Kill Marker: Daemonhunter: the model that kills the most number of Adversaries with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword gains +D3 Renown.

A large central corridor, approximately 9" to either side of the central line of the table runs the entire length of this battlefield. Corridors and rooms connect on either side. Scatter terrain should be everywhere, except within 6" of the central line. Regardless of the Insertion Method chosen by the Mission Leader, the player(s)' squad(s) must Deploy at one of the far ends of this central corridor.

Divide the layout into 3 roughly equal sections, along the central line. The GM must split their forces into roughly 3 equal groups, each with as close to an equal number of Wounds as possible. One of these groups must Deploy in the rooms and corridors surrounding the Deathwatch Deployment area, at least 9" from any player models. One of these groups may be Deployed in the second of the 3 thirds of the table, anywhere that is out of line of sight to any of the player(s)' models or held in Adversarial Reserve. And one of these groups may be Deployed anywhere in the farthest third of the table or be held in Adversarial Reserve. When Adversarial Reserves become available they take their first Movement from any table edge except the one closest to the Deathwatch Deployment Zone.

There is no light on this battlefield, except the eerie glow of irradiated wreckage, so Deathwatch models must rely on their Talents and/or Wargear to help them find their targets. Without help, Space Marine models have an 8" visual sight limit. Any Adversarial model with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword does not suffer from this darkness effect.

After terrain has been set up, but before models have been Deployed, players may place up to D3+1 "Radiation Glow" Markers anywhere on the table. Any player-controlled model that starts or ends its Move within 6" of any of these Markers must pass a Toughness test or gain D3 Wound Tokens. Any Adversary model within 6" of any of these Markers can be chosen as a target, regardless of whether or not they are within the visual range of the shooter. Lastly, any model with an Invulnerable Save that is also within 6" of any of these Markers worsens that Save by 1.

Any Doors on the table count as Compromised Bulkhead Doors. Additionally, the entire table is affected by a Strength 4, AP-, D1 Radiation effect.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Player(s) and GM alternate placing D3 Keypads anywhere on the table. Each of these Keypads grants access to a Twin-linked Heavy Stubber Sentry Gun located directly next to it. The Sentry Guns have effectively unlimited ammo, a BS4+, and are utterly inactive unless a player model gains control of them. Treat them as immobile Cohorts for the duration of the Mission. Roll randomly to determine the Power Level of all of these Keypads.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place more Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 90 Allotment that is not affected by the Doomclock. In addition, at the start of every Battleround, the GM should roll 2D6. If the total rolled is a 6, 7, 8, or 9, the GM gains that much bonus Allotment at the start of their Movement Phase that can only be spent on models with the <Daemon> or the <Daemonic Engine> keyword.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM gets Allotment equal to triple the player(s)' CTV. In addition, at the start of every Battleround, the GM should roll 2D6. If the total rolled is a 6, 7, 8, or 9, the GM gains that much bonus Allotment at the start of their Movement Phase that can only be spent on models with the <Daemon> or the <Daemonic Engine> keyword.

With either method, if this Allotment is not enough to field <Daemons> and/or <Daemonic Engines> with a total number of Wounds equal to at least double those of the squads deployed, increase this number by the least amount necessary to do so.

GM reinforcements Deploy along any table edge except the one closest to the player(s)' Deployment zone.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: This is it, Brothers. Let us make an end of it worthy of rememberance.

Terminal Data for this mission
If there are Terminals present and players are able to power them up long enough to extract info from them, ask them if they want Ship Data or Command Archives and then give them the appropriate number of info tidbits from the category of their choice. If they already have a piece of info, move on to the next entry and give them new data.

Ship Data
1.) Partially Corrupted Deck Map: this counts as a clue fragment. Collect 3 or more of these to unlock the Treasures of the Deep Exploration Mission.
2.) Anomalous Flux Readings: this data Unlocks the Gate Hunt Exploration Mission.
3.) Alternate Power Pathways: this data grants a one-use +1 bonus to any die roll that may only be used during the Unlock the Big Guns Mission.
4.) Location of Sealed Defensible Positions: this data grants a one-use +1 bonus to any die roll that may only be used during the Purge the Depths Mission.

Command Archives
1.) Order of Battle: Ch'Amaa Corridor: this is a record of an Imperial Naval engagement with a splinter of Hive Fleet Jormandgr. It is worth D3 Esteem with any Imperial or Inquisitorial Faction.
2.) Account of Command Imperial Personnel: Osiren Dawn: this a detailed list of all Command personnel of note that served on board the Osiren Dawn before its demise. There are a number of citations noted and a record of their bravery in the face of insurmountable opposition. This data is worth D3+3 Esteem with any Imperial, Naval, or Aristocratic Faction.
3.) Location: Sanctified Halls: this data locates several Relics and adds one, chosen by the GM from any available from this wreck, to any Treasure gained by a squad on an Exploration Mission that takes place on board the Osiren Dawn.
4.) Maintenance Layer: this data allows one Deathwatch model to be deployed via Deep Strike, instead of the normal Insertion method, on any future Routine Mission that takes place on board the Osiren Dawn.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
25 / 09 / 01 / Irradiated Brick / This chunk of softly glowing garbage grants the model carrying it a reusable grenade with the following profile: Assault D6, Strength D3+3, AP-1, D2, Sapping, Irradiated, Enfeebling. Place a Marker next to any model hit by this weapon. This Marker represents the Brick. Any allied model that Moves to it or over it may pick it up and use it again.

45 / 10 / 00 / Blood by Brothers Shed / This vial of blood was shed by your squadmates in service to their oaths. It grants the model carrying it an extra use of their once-per-Mission Chapter ability and +1CP.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
ODd: Treasures of the Deep: Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 or more Squads or any individual models from any Squad up to 6.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for any Admech Faction the player(s) choose.

"Let us find the true treasures of this decripit wreckage. Seek the munitions vaults and recover the destructive might hidden within them."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Locate Fire Control: the player whose model is the Mission Leader should roll 2D6, adding +1 for every Techmarine and +1 for every instance of the Forbidden Lore and Tech Skills present on the Mission. A roll of 12+ achieves this Objective.

Retrieve Munitions: roll 1D6 for each Marine deployed on this Mission. Add +1 to this die roll if the model was a Techmarine. Add an additional +1 to this roll for each Rating in the Tech Skill a model has. On any roll of a 4+, that model gains +1XP and counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Retrieve Anything Useful: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the "Treasures" section of the Osiren Dawn's introduction, during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 4+ on that table counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Mission Length
2D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. 4-14 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Special Rules
Every model that succeeds on the Retrieve Munitions Objective grants +1 shot to the Big Gun in the Unlock the Big Guns Mission.

Successfully completing this Mission unlocks the Unlock the Big Guns Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/28 09:02:33

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I modified how Teleport Homers work under Tools of the Ordo on page-2 of this blog. I also clarified how the Deliverant, Iudicium, and Thunderhawks in general work.

Added the Mantlet Shield item of wargear to the Tools of the Ordo list.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/08/28 11:11:59

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
If players unlock this Mission, they may send 1 or more Squads to undertake it.

ODd: Unlock the Big Guns: Routine

"You have been tasked with delivering vital personnel and cargo to the very depths of this wreck. We have located fire control and need our monotasks to hardwire the Nova Cannon to bend it to our will. Deliver Killteam Octavian and their supplies to the prow, defend them until they have established their position, and then Teleport back to us so that we may continue in our righteous task. Our trust is in you, Brothers. Get it done."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
"Prepare for combat against the denizens of the warp itself and the twisted minions of these blaphemies."
The author suggests daemons of every stripe and variety, crazed chaos cultists, tzaangors, beastmen, poxwalkers, and chaos spawn.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives

Escort Killteam Octavian to their Positions: Killteam Octavian has been tasked with defending the Admech, supplies, Servitors, and Fire Control after your squads have left. These models must set-up defensible positions, deploying Mantlet Shields at 6 positions each at least 9" away from each other. The placement of these will determine how long the Big Gun will remain defended and functional. Once all shields have been placed this Objective can be considered complete. If any of Killteam Octavian are killed before placing their Mantlet, the player(s)' models may take it up and place it themselves.

Deliver the Servitors and Supplies Safely: a number of Enginseers, Servitors, and supply crates will be accompanying the Squads deployed on this Mission. At least one of each - Enginseer, Servitor, and Supply Crate - must survive until the player(s)' squad(s) extract in order for this Objective to be considered complete.

Defend the Position until Octavian is Ready: player(s) models cannot extract until all 6 Mantlet Shields are deployed, all Teleport Beacons have been placed, and there are no Adversary models within 6" of any allied models. Player models that are removed as casualties before these conditions are met roll a D6 during the Debriefing Phase. On the roll of a 1 they lose D3 Renown. On the roll of a 6 they gain +1 Renown. If all player(s)' models survive until all of these criteria have been met with at least 1 Wound remaining, the Mission Leader gains D3+3 Renown and all other player models gain an additional +D3 Renown (roll once and apply the result to all the models).

Deploy the Teleport Beacons and Extract: the Teleport Beacons must be deployed either in contact with Main Fire Control or within 3" of any Mantlet Shield. Once all other Primary Objectives have been completed, player models (except members of Killteam Octavian, Servitors, Enginseers, or Supply crates) may Extract using any of the emplaced Teleport Beacons or the Teleportarium Extraction Zone placed by the GM at the start of the Mission.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Something Big: GMs, make sure you spend Allotment on at least 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster. Any model that causes at least 1 Wound to a Miniboss or Boss Monster that is removed as a casualty during this Mission can be considered to have "personally" completed this Objective.

Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) can be considered to have "personally" completed this Objective.

Hold Out Until the Big Gun is Operational: for every Enginseer in base to base contact with Main Fire Control at the start of the player(s)' Turn (the start of the Command Phase if using 9th edition), roll 1D6. Add +1 for every Servitor within 1" of the Enginseer or Supply Crate within 4". Keep track of this total. When this adds up to 50 or more, the Big Gun becomes operational. If at least 1 model with at least 1 Wound remaining, of the player(s)' squads, is still on the table, this Objective can be considered complete and all models present count as personally achieving it.

On one side of the table, at least 9" from any table edge, place a large room. At least 2 corridors should take a circuitous route across the table from the opposite board edge to this room. The remainder of this table should be a collection of scattered rooms, hallways, and chambers. If you have the terrain for it, the author suggests placing the main large room on a second level. Roll 1D3 per room at least 6" square and place that many pieces of scatter terrain in the room or connecting corridors. Anywhere a room is connected to a corridor place a door. These all count as Compromised Sealed Doors.

Somewhere in the main large room, the GM should place terrain to represent Main Fire Control. A series of Terminals will work.

Starting with the GM, player(s) and GM should alternate placing D3+3 Entry Points anywhere on the table at least 9" from the main large room and at least 3" from any other Entry Point.

Players will have control of a second, lesser squad (Killteam Octavian) and a contingent of Admech, Servitors, and supplies they'll have to escort and defend. Details for these will be found in the GM's Section below.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Deployment parameters. All of the GM's forces begin the Mission in Adersarial Reserves, meaning the Deathwatch will have at least a single free Turn to Move or Advance, use Skills as applicable, and generally begin to spread out and take position.

When the GM's Reserves become available, they take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point.

Extraction Time: the Fire Control room is deep in the prow of the Osiren Dawn and so it will take longer than normal to Insert. The Mission Leader should roll 1D6 to determine how manys hours it takes for Insertion. If the Mission Leader has any Talents that are normally only useful for Exploration Missions (like the ability to re-roll or roll more dice for Mission duration) they may also use those Talents for this roll. Additionally, if the Mission lasts 7 Battlerounds or less, add another hour for Extraction, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 8 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Before the first Battleround begins, roll a D6 for each Sealed Door on the table. On the roll of a 5+ that door has a Miniscule Power Level Keypad on the wall next to it that, if interacted with successfully, will unlock and open the Door it is associated with.

Main Fire Control in the main large room is at Full Power, and players may interact with it to extract data tidbits the way they would with any other Terminal. Data lists to follow in the GM's section.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place any other Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: Boarding Pod, Interceptor Shuttle, or Thunderhawk Insertion if the Mission Leader has enough Renown for it.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. In addition, player(s)' models are each equipped with a free Teleport Beacon that must be deployed according to the Mission's Objectives and each member of Killteam Octavian is equipped with a Mantlet Shield for free.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

What happens when the Big Gun becomes Operational?
Players gain one or more shots with it to reduce a future Mission's Allotment by 3D6+3. Each shot is a once-per-campaign use and only one shot can be used per Mission. Once all shots are expended there is no way to replenish them.

GM's Section:

Allotment: if using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 50 Allotment unaffected by the Doomclock, that must be broken up into 3 roughly equal waves of Adversarial Reserves. Roll a D6 for each wave in turn. Re-rolling rolls of 1, the number rolled is the Battleround that wave becomes available.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM gets Allotment equal to double the player(s)' squads combined CTV. This Allotment is unaffected by the Doomclock and must be broken up into 3 roughly equal waves of Adversarial Reserves. Roll a D6 for each wave in turn. Re-rolling rolls of 1, the number rolled is the Battleround that wave becomes available.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: This section is quiet at first, but the growing cacophony of closing foes betrays the doom we must postpone.

Killteam Octavian
This additional Squad is made up of 2 Tactical Marines, 2 Devastator Marines, 1 Techmarine, and 1 Apothecary. They are each armed with their standard loadout, plus 1 Mantlet Shield each. If players want to they can pick what Chapters these models are from, but it would be just as easy to not assign them that much detail. The player(s) may also spend Octavian's Renown on additional gear or not. Player(s) squad(s) can't share their Renown with Killteam Octavian and vice versa.

The Escorts
The Squad(s) are also accompanied by 3 Enginseers, 3-6 Servitors (player(s)' choice), and 3-6 Supply Crates (player(s)' choice) that are assumed to be on hover dollies that allow them to Move like other models. Supply Crates are Toughness 2 with 1 Wound and a 6+ Invulnerable Save, with a Move of 5".

Terminal Data for this Mission
Each Keypad affects only the Doors they are next to, locking or unlocking them.

If there are additional Terminals present and players are able to power them up long enough to extract info from them, ask them if they want Ship Data or Command Archives and then give them the appropriate number of info tidbits from the category of their choice. If they already have a piece of info, move on to the next entry and give them new data.

Ship Data
1.) Location of Additional Munitions: this grants +D3 shots to the Big Gun.
2.) Anomalous Flux Readings: this data reduces the GM's next wave in this Mission by D6 Allotment.

Command Archives
1.) Firing Solution Epsilon: this data increases the damage for one shot from the Big Gun by D6
2.) Record of Ship's Kills: this list of Xenos and Arch Enemy Confirmed Kills is worth 2D6 Esteem with any Imperial, Inquisitorial, or Naval Faction.

If players access and successfully interact with Main Fire Control they gain access to a third category of data: Gunners Mate Logs.

Gunners Mate Logs
1.) Munitions Inspections Logs: this chronicles the locations of numerous supply caches scattered throughout the wreckage of the Osiren Dawn. This allows recovery crews to partially replenish missing armory stores. All models deployed on this Mission gain +1XP and +1 Renown.
2.) Personal Logs: although not very useful tactically, this data is a deep dive into an average Imperial Naval petty officer's life and misgivings. It could prove useful for someone who might need to interrogate a person like this in the future. This data is worth D3+3 Esteem with any Inquisitorial Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
35 / 30* / 00 / Cogitation Chip / This crystalline computational datastore can be slotted into any marine's armor to augment their targeting. When Shooting in Standard Firing Mode with any weapon except those that do not require a roll to hit, this model improves that weapon's AP by 1 and increases its Range by 6".

60 / 25 / 02 / Ship's Relic / This heavy statuary amulet has multiple functions that can each be used once-per-Mission. Re-roll a failed Armor or Invulnerable Save, automatically pass a Morale test if the Mission Leader or ignore the effects of a failed Morale test if not the Mission Leader, re-roll the damage of a weapon, and regain +1 CP used previously if the Mission Leader or add +1 CP to the starting pool if not the Mission Leader.

*Techmarines, Heralds, Knights Amethyst, Sons of Medusa, and Iron Hands treat this Cost as 10.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/02 04:54:52

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added Brawler and Melee Master to the Melee Talents tree.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/02 21:38:37

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

So, I decided to try my hand at creating a sample Killteam Octavian to see just what would be involved. I discovered that I have created a very detailed squad builder. I started with what I knew was true: the Killteam is made up of 2 Tactical Marines, 2 Devastator Marines, an Apothecary, and a Techmarine. I decided to search through my options and choose Chapters for them. I also decided to work with the standard squad-building budget of 20 TV. This is what I came up with:

Brother Octavian, Black Templars Tactical Marine 1TV
Adjusted Renown: 1
Traits: Reckless Zealotry.
Talents: Burning Hatred [Agents of the Ruinous Powers] (basically any model with the <Chaos>, <Daemon>, <Daemonic Engine>, or <Psyker> keyword), Cohesion0
Skill: Command1
Chapter Heirloom: Penitant Chains
Adjusted Capacity: 11
(Toughness4+Strength4+Powered Armor+Tactical Rigging)
Wargear Total Capacity
-Deathwatch Pattern Bolter, 4 Tracer Bolter mags, 5 Bolter mags, 2 integral mags 05
-Astartes Knife 00
-Bolt Pistol, 5 bolt pistol mags 02
-2 Frag Grenades, 2 Krak Grenades 02
-Armor Patch 00
-Tactical Rigging +02
-Mantlet Shield 05
Total Weight/Adjusted Movement: 14/3"

Brother Gwymod, Sons of Medusa Tactical Marine 3TV
Adjusted Renown: 1
Traits: Faith Through Toil, The Omnissiah's Work.
Talents: Cohesion0, Cyber Locomotion (Level 1)
Skills: Command1, Tech1
Chapter Heirloom: Cog Iconoclast
Adjusted Capacity: 11
(Toughness4+Strength4+Powered Armor+Tactical Rigging)
Wargear Total Capacity
-Deathwatch Pattern Bolter, 5 Bolter mags, 1 Dragonfire integral mag, 1 integral mag 04
-Astartes Knife 00
-Grav Pistol, 5 grav catalysts 02
-2 Frag Grenades, 2 Krak Grenades 02
-Mechanicus Frame 00
-Armor Patch 00
-Tactical Rigging +02
-Mantlet Shield 05
Total Weight/Adjusted Movement: 13/5"

Brother Chavis, Hospitaliers 3rd Company Devastator Marine 3TV
Adjusted Renown: 1
Traits: Ally of the Ecclessiarch, True Believer
Talents: Cohesion0
Skill: Demolition1
Chapter Heirloom: Templar Heraldry
Adjusted Capacity: 11
(Toughness4+Strength4+Powered Armor+Tactical Rigging)
Wargear Total Capacity
-Heavy Bolter, Backpack Ammo Supply 05
-Astartes Knife 00
-Bolt Pistol, 5 bolt pistol mags 02
-2 Frag Grenades, 2 Krak Grenades 02
-Armor Patch 00
-Tactical Rigging +02
-Mantlet Shield 05
Total Weight/Adjusted Movement: 14/3"

Brother Ogru, Invaders Violator Devastaor Marine 4TV
Adjusted Renown: 10
Traits: Bolter Drill, Intractable
Talents: Burning Hatred [Craftworld Aeldari], Cohesion0
Skill: Demolition1
Chapter Heirloom: Scars of Unknown Victories
Adjusted Capacity: 12
(Toughness5+Strength4+Powered Armor+Tactical Rigging)
Wargear Total Capacity
-Heavy Bolter, Dragonfire Backpack Ammo Supply 05
-Astartes Knife 00
-Bolt Pistol, 5 bolt pistol mags 02
-2 Frag Grenades, 2 Krak Grenades 02
-Armor Patch 00
-Tactical Rigging +02
-Mantlet Shield 05
Total Weight/Adjusted Movement: 14/4"

Brother Vadimus, Sons of the Dragon Apothecary 3TV
Adjusted Renown: 9
Traits: Insular, Keeper, Peerless Artisan
Talents: Cohesion0
Skill: Medic1
Chapter Heirloom: Tactical Manifest
Adjusted Capacity: 11
(Toughness4+Strength4+Powered Armor+Tactical Rigging)
Wargear Total Capacity
-Plasma Pistol, 5 plasma cells 02
-Astartes Knife 00
-2 Frag Grenades, 2 Krak Grenades 02
-Reductor 00
-Narthecium 00
-1 dose of Brute Stim 00
-1 Melta Bomb 01
-Armor Patch 00
-Tactical Rigging +02
-Mantlet Shield 05
Total Weight/Adjusted Movement: 10/6"

Brother Eridas, Consecrators Keeper Techmarine 6TV
Adjusted Renown: 9
Traits: Insular, Esoteric Wargear, Relic Keepers
Talents: Cohesion0
Skill: Tech1
Chapter Heirloom: Code Fragment
Adjusted Capacity: 11
(Toughness4+Strength4+Powered Armor+Tactical Rigging)
Wargear Total Capacity
-Bolt Pistol, 5 bolt pistol mags, 4 seeker bolt pistol mags 03
-Astartes Knife 00
-2 Frag Grenades, 2 Krak Grenades 02
-Stunning Servo Arm 00
-Mechanicus Frame 00
-Armor Patch 00
-Tactical Rigging +02
-Mantlet Shield 05
Total Weight/Adjusted Movement: 10/6"

Total Renown: 31
CP Pool: 8
Stratagems: (1CP) Healing Touch, (1CP) Killing Field, (1CP) Range Finder, (1CP) Command Re-roll, (1CP) Interrupt, (1CP) Overwatch, (1CP) Shield of Faith, (1/2CP) Augury Scan, (1/3CP) Arming Phase, (2CP) Insane Bravery, (2CP) Nominate New Mission Leader, (2CP) The Lion's Vault, (2CP) Abhor the Witch, (2CP) Hard Win, (2CP) The Dragon's Hoard, (3CP) No Tolerance for the Weak
CTV: 32

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/07 20:42:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Added Combat Accessory: Bayonet and Combat Accessory: Chain Blade to the Melee Weapons wargear list and the Suspensor Rig and Teleport Rig to the Tools of the Ordo wargear list on page-2 of this blog.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/08 21:27:02

Post by: Solar_lion

Have you had a change to play Kill Team? How are the rules.

I'm usually a big game player ( when I get in a game ) I like lots of destruction and heavily saturated battlefields.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/08 21:42:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 Solar_lion wrote:
Have you had a change to play Kill Team? How are the rules.

I'm usually a big game player ( when I get in a game ) I like lots of destruction and heavily saturated battlefields.

I haven't played Killteam. I rarely play of late. Last game I participated in was 7th edition. I prefer making terrain and converting/painting models (largely Orks).

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/09 05:37:20

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

M35 Writ of Trade: Tyrannis
Hull: Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment: ~250,000
Circumstance of Drift: Inquisitorial Mandate
Current Condition of Crew: Embattled
Probable Disposition: Genestealers, Rogue Trader Crew, Inquisitorial Contingent, Unknown Additional Adversary


Ship's Story
Under the Mandate of Inquisitor Magnan Zuchazuch, the Tyrannis was intentionally set adrift shortly after its last translation into the Warp. A summary execution of the ship's Navigator and the subsequent guidance by an unnamed and unknown Inquisitorial agent allowed the cruiser to be caught up by the [++Redacted++]'s imploding warp-pull. Just prior to its arrival in-system however, this unknown agent escaped the control of the Inquistor and has subsequently run amok in both their ship and the growing Hulk at large. While the crew of this Rogue Trader's vessel fight to rebuke the surge of genestealers crawling from the ductwork, the Inquisitor has contacted the Deathwatch and demanded they provide assistance in recapturing his vital asset. Considering this creature may possess the ability to navigate the warp even without a direct connection to the vessel it steers, capturing it may prove beneficial to the Astartes of the Intolerance despite the obvious drain on their resources searching for it will entail.

If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Lore, Command or Tech Skill, they may use them to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Manufacture (Tech): the Tyrannis was originally a Gothic Class Cruiser before devastating enemy fire permanently severed the control connections to its Lance Batteries. Stripped of its cannons and retrofitted for transport, the vessel has since come under the purview of the powerful Houses of the Rogue Traders. Expect opulence layered over the austere simplicity of military construction.

House Acherossi (Forbidden Lore): the Houses of the Sadrssaria Sector are few in number, but vast in resources. Of them, the House Acherossi is one of the more powerful. House Acherossi boasts to have discovered and mapped the now lucrative Chadr Stable warp route that connects Sadrssaria to the larger Imperium. For millennia this House and its ships of the line have plied the stars, searching for treasures and planets to add wealth to its coffers and those of the Imperium. But there are some who suggest that they have become too powerful and that their material riches have made them arrogant or worse, seditious in recent years.

Writ of Trade (Forbidden Lore, Command): rumored to have been penned and signed in the waning years of the Great Crusade, this stassis-preserved document is revered as a Relic by many and stands testament to the Acherossi Claim of Exploration for the Segmentum Obscura. The document is rumored to contain clauses specifically pre-forgiving House Acherossi for peaceful Xenos interaction and even fraternities with vile "near-human" species. Rumors of Acherossi's Xenos corruption run rampant throughout Sadrssaria and nearby Sectors.

Inquisitor Zuchazuch (Forbidden Lore, Command): widely regarded as a Radical, the Inquisitor has avoided direct censure primarily by operating at the very fringes of Imperial space. A psyker of considerable skill in his own right, he also employs known Empaths, Wyrds, and even less desirables bound to his service.

This vessel works well as a later-game arrival and introduces 2 new Factions in the form of Inquisitor Zuchazuch and House Acherossi. These new Factions present Missions and unlock entire new Esteem lists. They also introduce the Animosity mechanic as detailed below.

Unlike many of the vessels that may crash into the [++Redacted++], this ship's Gellar Fields still work and, in fact, are likely still on. Regardless of all other factors, Missions that take place wholly or partially onboard the Tyrannis cannot include models with the <Chaos>, <Daemon>, or <Daemonic Engine> keywords unless specifically stated otherwise in the Mission's GM Section.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines: The Tyrannis is a typical Rogue Trader vessel in that it is a converted military vessel, stripped down to its surplus essentials and then heavily retrofitted and modified over the course of its 2,000+ years of service to House Acherossi. Therefore, the interior ought to look much like many of the Imperial vessels and wrecks the players have already encountered except covered in ostentatious decoration and innumerable exotic trophies.

The force of the ship's impact likely threw the furniture around, knocking over shelves and upending couches, so there is little need to make sense with the placement of things, except that there may be an excess of very soft, very expensive-looking scatter terrain.

If you are looking to save money and time with designing terrain pieces for this ship, the author recommends using soft foam strips to emulate carpeting on the floors and decks of the terrain you have already made to represent Imperial derelict corridors and rooms. Scatter terrain like bookshelves, couches, statuary, beds, tables, hedges, and trees may also add to the ambience one would not otherwise encounter on a vessel of this size. All in all, just some easy terrain projects that save you the trouble of customizing an entire tile set just for this ship.

Available Missions
T1: Cull the Wreck: Routine
T2: Scour the Depths: Exploration

Two New Factions
This ship arrives with two new Imperial Factions that are at each other's throats. Player(s) must choose which they intend to favor as doing Missions for one will antagonize the other. This is not simply a matter of gaining and losing Esteem, but introduces a new concept called Animosity that can affect the level of opposition from rival forces, the likelihood of entering outright conflict with one Faction or another, and even the Esteem Cost of gear or resources while the conflict remains young.

Shortly after the Tyrannis arrives, the Intolerance recieves Vox communications from both Factions. GMs should read or paraphrase the "Opening Arguments" section of both Factions to the player(s) and then let them decide which side they wish to take. Once committed - by taking on the first Mission of either Faction - player(s) immediately gain +1 Animosity with the other Faction. If player(s) take on Missions for both sides, they earn +1 Animosity with both Factions. Each subsequent Mission completed for one side or another accrues an additional +1 Animosity with whichever Faction is not selected. And again, if player(s) try to play both sides, they gain an equal amount of Animosity with both Factions.

The Effects of Animosity
As with all things in this campaign, the following effects stack.

1: Agents from this Faction Cost +D3 Esteem each to purchase for a Mission.

2: Player(s) earn -D3+1 Esteem when completing Missions for this Faction. If this results in a negative number, the player(s) lose Esteem instead of gaining it.

3: Wargear from this Faction Costs double Esteem per item.

4: Routine or Linked Missions for this Faction's rival can include Adversaries from this Faction's Esteem Agent List worth up to 2D6 of the GM's Allotment.

5: Routine or Linked Missions for this Faction's rival must include Adversaries from this Faction's Esteem Agent List, worth at least 2D6 of the GM's Allotment. In addition, a GM may give these Adversaries Wargear from their Esteem Gear List at a cost of 1 Allotment per item.

6+: Routine or Linked Missions for this Faction's rival gain +3D6 Allotment that must be spent on Adversaries from this Faction's Esteem Agent List. In addition, a GM may give these Adversaries Wargear from their Esteem Gear List at a cost of 1 Allotment per item.

Inquisitorial Faction: Magnan Zuchazuch
Opening Arguments: "I am aware of my reputation as a so-called radical and I assure you all that we both serve the same God-Emperor. If my strong suspicions are true and the House of Acherossi is treasonous or worse, will it sit well with your Apocryphon Oaths to have aided and abetted abject servants of the Ruinous Powers? Does not your loyalty to the Imperium and the Ordos by default require you to serve a standing member of His Holy Inquisition? Or are you willing to risk damnation in favor of these misguided few?"

This Faction counts as an Imperial, Inquisitorial, Ordo Malleus, and a Radical Faction for the purposes of Side Quests and Alliances.

Faction Missions
Z1: Evidence Collection: Exploration
Z2: Retrieve Command Cogitators: Routine
Z3: Meeting with the Magnites: Linked
Z4: Confrontation and Extraction: Linked
Z5: Retrieve the Daemonhost: Exploration
Z6: Apprehend Duke Varis Acherossi: Routine

Inquisitorial Faction: Magnan Zuchazuch Esteem Gear List
Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description
01 / 01 / 01 / Record of Evidence / U / This heavy book contains a list of Charges against a particular type of enemy (Faction and Type chosen by the player when selecting this item) that grants the model carrying it a +1 bonus to Intimidation Skill tests against models of that Faction and Type.

03 / 01 / 01 / Control Node / U / This item allows the user to control up to 4 Agents or Creatures fitted with Control Collars at a range of up to 30". If the model carrying this item is removed as a casualty, all models with both Cybernetics and Control Collars become inert, unable to Move or Advance, unable to Shoot or Charge, and will only Attack if Charged or if any model comes into base to base contact with them, friend or foe.

05 / 03 / 00 / Icon Rosette / U / This item grants the model carrying it a +1 bonus to Inspire Skill tests.

10 / 05 / 01 / Seal of the Inquisition / U / This item allows the model equipped with it to negate 1 Corruption once per Mission. Once used, remove this item's Capacity weight from the model carrying it.

15 / 03 / 01 / Eldritch Ward / U / This item grants the model equipped with it a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Psychic Powers.

25 / 05 / 01 / Warp Loci / U / This item grants the model equipped with it a +1 bonus to Psychic Sense Skill tests.

25 / 15 / 01 / Illicit Grimoire / U / This item grants the model equipped with it a +1 bonus to hit and wound Adversaries with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword.

30 / 20 / 01 / Icon of Purity / U / This item grants the model equipped with it a 6" Aura that allows <Imperium> models to re-roll failed Armor or Invulnerable Saves versus Wounds caused by Adversaries with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword.

35 / 25 / 00 / Terrible Whispers / U / This item grants the model equipped with it Psychic Sense (+1) and Forbidden Knowledge (+1) for the duration of the upcoming Mission. At the end of the Mission, roll a D6 for this model. On a 1, 2, or 3 this model gains +1 Corruption

40 / 30 / 01 / Icon of Denunciation / U / This item grants the model equipped with it a 6" Aura that worsens the Toughness, Armor Saves, and Leadership of all models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keyword by 1.

50 / 35 / 00 / Distilled Spirihol / U / This Elixir grants the model equipped with it +1 Toughness and Psychic Sense (+1) for the duration of the upcoming Mission. At the end of the Mission, roll a D6 for this model. On a 1, 2, or 3 this model gains +1 Corruption

Inquisitorial Faction: Magnan Zuchazuch Esteem Agents List
Every Agent is unique. Spending Esteem to "hire" them adds 1 model to the squad for 1 Mission.
Ethreshold / Ecost / Agent / Profile / Wargear / Special Rules
01 / 03 / Augmented Gladiator / M5" WS4+ BS5+ S4 T3 W1 A2 Ld8 Invulnerable Save5+ Skill6+ Capacity08 / Cybernetics, Buzzsaw, Combat Drugs, Control Collar / -

10 / 05 / Combat Servitor / M5" WS5+ BS4+ S3 T4 W1 A1 Ld9 Save5+ Skill4+ Capacity08 / Pick one: Servo Claw or STC Heavy Bolter, pick one: Interface plug or Backpack Ammo Feed, plus Cybernetics and Control Collar / Servitors have the Tech2 Skill.

15 / 08 / Monotask Flagellant / M7" WS5+ BS- S4 T3 W2 A2 Ld7 Save7+ Skill- Capacity08 / Arco-flails, Control Collar, Cybernetics / When selecting this Agent, player(s) should choose a <Faction> keyword. This Agent gains +1 to hit versus Adversaries with that <Faction> keyword. If this model suffers a Wound, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, ignore that Wound. If this model Charged this Turn, it may re-roll its Attacks in the Fight Phase. This model counts as a Ministorum model.

35 / 20 / Medusae / M8" WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W3 A1 Ld8 Save5+ Skill4+ Capacity06 / Eyeburst, Kabalite Armor, Control Collar / This model has the Intimidate2 Skill and the ability to Deny the Witch once per Mission. This creature is an enslaved Druhkari with a psychic parasite growing out of its head.

50 / 25 / Wyrd / M5" WS4+ BS4+ S3 T3 W2 A2 Ld7 Invulnerable Save5+ Skill4+ Capacity06 / Force Staff, Refractor Field, Exceptional Autopistol, Control Collar / This model has the Psychic Sense2 Skill, the ability to Deny the Witch within 12" once per Battleround, and may cast a single Psychic Power per Psychic Phase. The Wyrd knows the Smite Psychic Power.

55 / 50 / Death Cultist / M7" WS3+ BS4+ S4 T3 W3 A4 Ld7 Invulnerable Save5+ Skill4+ Capacity07 / Choose one option: Twin Monofilament Swords or Vibro Rapier, plus Envenomed Sheaths, Control Collar, and Polymorphine Body Suit / This model has the Intimidate2 Skill, plus all of the following Talents: Assassin, Crippling Attack, Deadly Strike, Disarming Strike, Parry, Sucker Punch, and Sure Strike. If this model Charged or was Charged this Turn, it may re-roll its Attacks in the Fight Phase.

Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits

-STC Heavy Bolter / 05 / 36" / 3|5|8 / 24 / Heavy / 5 / -1 / 2 / -
-Eyeburst / 01 / 9" / 4|-|- / 40 / Assault / 4 / -2 / 1 / -
-Exceptional Autopistol / 01 / 12" / 2|3|6 / 6 / Pistol / 2 / - / 1 / Exceptional

Armor Type / Save|Invulnerable / Capacity / Bonus

-Kabalite Armor / 5+|- / +0 / If this model is hit with a ranged weapon firing from 12" away or closer, it treats its Toughness as 1 higher than it actually is
-Polymorphine Body Suit / -|5+ / +0 / This model may be held in Reserve, replacing any Adversarial Minion model already on the table when they arrive rather than taking their first Move from a Board edge

Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits

-Buzzsaw / 03 / +4 / -3 / D3 / Catastrophic, Two-handed, Unwieldy
-Servo Claw / 01 / +3 / -2 / D3 / Cannot be Disarmed
-Arco-flails / 02 / +1 / -1 / 1 / Flailing
-Force Staff / 02 / +2 / -1 / D3 / Psychic Attunement
-Twin Monofilament Swords / 01 (for both) / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive Weapon, Exceptional, Extra Attack, Flashing Blades
-Vibro Rapier / 01 / +1 / -1 / 2 / Catastrophic, Decapitating Strike, Defensive Weapon, Extra Attack

Item / Capacity / Function

-Backpack Ammo Feed/ 01 / The weight of this weapon is primarily carried by the Servitor's Cybernetic Body. It provides 75 shots to the equipped STC Heavy Bolter.
-Combat Drugs / 00 / for one Battleround, Combat Drugs grant the model equipped with it +1 Attack and +1 Toughness.
-Control Collar / 00 / this item overrides a model's fear instincts. When in range of a Control Node, this model is immune to the Fear and Terror effects of Adversaries, counts their Leadership as 10, and is immune to being Shaken, Pinned, or Suppressed.
-Cybernetics / 00 / this augmentation grants a 5+ Invulnerable Save and +01 Capacity to the model equipped with it
-Envenomed Sheaths / 01 / On any Turn where this model has Charged or has been Charged while not previously Engaged, treat its melee weapons as Strength +1 and Damage +1
-Interface Plug / 00 / This item may be used up to twice per Mission to grant any model in Cohesion Range a +1 bonus to their Tech Skill test. The model so assisted can be the model equipped with this item.
-Refractor Field / 00 / This item provides the model equipped with it a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

Item Traits
Balanced: this weapon gains +1 to all Parry attempts.
Cannot be Disarmed: this weapon is a part of the model's cybernetic body and cannot be disarmed.
Catastrophic: if this weapon causes 1 or more Wounds in a Fight Phase, Units and/or models within 2" of its wielder must roll a D3 and add the result to their D6 roll for Morale tests this Battleround.
Decapitating Strike: any roll of 6 to hit automatically Wounds.
Defensive Weapon: a model armed with a Weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Battleround.
Exceptional: this weapon make re-roll one die associated with its function (a hit roll, a parry roll, or a Wound roll) once per Mission
Extra Attack: this weapon adds 1 extra Attack to the model armed with it in the Fight Phase.
Flailing: this weapon makes D3 hit rolls per Attack of the model equipped with it.
Flashing Blades: if the model using these weapons scores 2 or more hits in the Fight Phase, improve the AP by 1 for all hits this Battleround
Psychic Attunement: if the model wielding this Weapon successfully manifests a Psychic Power on its own Turn, this weapon gains +1 Strength and +1 Damage in the player(s)' Fight Phase.
Two-Handed: this weapon requires two hands to use and so models cannot use it and another weapon unless they have a third limb of some sort (like a mechandendrite, Servo arm, or cyber prosthetic).
Unwieldy: this model must subtract 1 from their die rolls when Attacking with this weapon.

Imperial Faction: House Acherossi
Opening Arguments: "My lords, the Inquisitor is a known radical who has succumb to the mania inherent in such a deviant path. He sees enemies where there are none and has convinced himself we are agents of ruin. Yet clearly it is he who trucks with the unholy, not we. He who uses the tools blasphemous, while we remain true and loyal servants of the Imperium. We who work tirelessly to expand His holy Imperial domains by the will of our Writ of Trade. I implore you to take up our cause and stand against this heretic who defiles the uniform he wears and all it stands for."

This Faction counts as an Imperial and an Aristocratic Faction for the purposes of Side Quests and Alliances.

Faction Missions
HA1: Rebuke the Tide: Routine
HA2: Rescue Household Crew: Exploration
HA3: Recover Household Artifacts: Exploration
HA4: Secure the Navigator's Personal Effects: Routine
HA5: Eliminate the Daemonhost: Routine
HA6: Protect Duke Varis: Routine

Imperial Faction: House Acherossi Esteem Gear List
Ethreshold / Ecost / Capacity / Item / U|P / Description
01 / 02 / +01 / Underslung Mini Shotgun / U / This weapon may attach to any Long Arm except combi weapons, effectively turning the weapon it is attached to into a Combi Weapon in its own right. This weapon has the following profile: Assault, 12" Range, RoF Standard: 1 Burst: 2 Autofire: - ; Minimag holds 4 shotgun shells. Weapon comes with 6 Minimags loaded with standard shotgun shells (Strength 3, AP -, D1). Collectively it adds +01 Capacity weight to the weapon it is attached to, plus all 6 minimags weigh 01.

02 / 02 / 02 / Mastercrafted Autogun / U / This weapon has the following profile: Rapid Fire, 24" Range, RoF Standard: 1 Burst: 3-6 Autofire: 10 ; Automag 10 (Strength 2, AP -, D1). Weapon comes with 5 Automags loaded with standard bullets. All 5 automags weigh 01.

05 / 05 / 02 / Mastercrafted Hand Flamer / U / This weapon has the following profile: Pistol, 8" Range, RoF Standard: D3 Burst: - Autofire: - ; Half Promethium Tank 3 (Strength 3, AP -, D1). Weapon comes with 5 Half Promethium Tanks. All 5 reloads weigh 01. Wounds in excess of 1 may be assigned to enemy models up to 6" from the primary target as long as those Wounds are assigned in a straight line moving away from the shooter; this weapon automatically hits its targets and may re-roll failed wounds.

06 / 03 / 02 / Mastercrafted STC Bolter / U / This weapon has the following profile: Rapid Fire, 24" Range, RoF Standard: 1 Burst: 2-4 Autofire: - ; Drum Mag 12 (Strength 4, AP -, D1). Weapon comes with 5 Drum Mags. All 5 reloads weigh 01. This weapon may re-roll 1 hit roll and 1 Wound roll every Battleround.

07 / 04 / 03 / Heavy Stubber with Auxilliary Ammo Feed / U / This weapon has the following profile: Rapid Fire, 48" Range, RoF Standard: 2 Burst: 3-6 Autofire: 10 ; Auxilliary Ammo Feed 50 (Strength 4, AP -1, D1). Weapon comes with 2 Auxilliary Ammo Feeds. Both reloads together weigh 01.

10 / 06* / 01* / DumDum Shotgun Shells / U / These Shotgun shells are Strength 4. If the Shooter rolls a 6 to Wound, that hit causes +1 Damage.

10 / 06* / 01* / Boarding Shotgun Shells / U / These Shotgun shells are Strength 4 and AP -1.

12 / 07* / 01* / Penetrator Autogun Drums / U / These Autogun reloads are Strength 2, AP -1, and hold 30 shots each.

18 / 10* / 01* / Shardling Shotgun Shells / U / These Shotgun shells are Strength 3, AP -1, and fire D3 shots per RoF in any firing mode.

25 / 05** / 01* / Las Cell / U / Reload for a Lasblaster

30 / 13 / 01 / Refractor Field Gorget / U / This item grants the model equipped with it a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

35 / 15 / 01 / Lasblaster / U / This weapon has the following profile: Assault, 18" Range, RoF Standard: 3 Burst: 5 Autofire: 8 ; Las Cell 30 (Strength 3, AP -, D1). Weapon comes with 3 Las Cells. Collectively this weapon and its reloads weigh 02. Damage 1. When shot in Autofire mode, this weapon becomes AP -1.

40 / 18 / 02 / Boarding Shotgun / U / This weapon has the following profile: Rapid Fire, 18" Range, RoF Standard: 2 Burst: 3-6 Autofire: 12 ; Drum Mag 12 (Strength 3, AP -, D1). Weapon comes with 5 Drum Mags loaded with standard Shotgun Shells. All 5 weigh 02.

50 / 35 / 00 / Digital Melta / U / This weapon has the following profile: Pistol, 12" Range, RoF Standard: 1 Burst: - Autofire: - ; (Strength 8, AP -4, Damage D6). This weapon may be used twice per Mission. It weighs virtually nothing. It cannot be reloaded. Melta, Ablaze.

*These items weigh little individually. This weight is for 24 shotgun shells of the same kind or 4 items/reloads of the same kind.
*These items weigh little individually. This weight is for 2 items/reloads of the same kind.
*These items are easy to come by. This Ecost is for 24 shotgun shells of the same kind or 4 items/reloads of the same kind.
**These items are easy to come by. This Ecost is for 2 items/reloads of the same kind.

Imperial Faction: House Acherossi Esteem Agents List
Every Agent is unique. Spending Esteem to "hire" them adds 1 model to the squad for 1 Mission.
Ethreshold / Ecost / Agent / Profile / Wargear / Special Rules
01 / 01 / House Guard / M5" WS5+ BS5+ S3 T3 W1 A1 Ld7 Save5+ Skill6+ Capacity06 / Choose one: Lasgun or Laspistol and Chainsword, plus 3 Universal Las Mags, Flak Armor, 2 Frag Grenades / House Guard may be taken multiple times. Each House Guard has the Cohesion1 Talent.

03 / 03 / House Rating / M5" WS5+ BS5+ S3 T3 W1 A1 Ld6 Save5+ Skill4+ Capacity06 / Flak Armor, Laspistol, 3 Universal Las Mags, Knife / Ratings have the Tech2 Skill and can automatically Lock or Unlock any Keypads onboard the Tyrannis

05 / 03 / Boarding Crew / M5" WS4+ BS4+ S3 T3 W1 A2 Ld7 Save4+ Skill6+ Capacity06 / Choose one: Shotgun and 24 Standard Shotgun Shells or STC Bolter and 4 Bolter Mags, plus Carapace Armor, 2 Frag Grenades, 2 Concussion Grenades / Boarding Crew may be taken multiple times. Each Boarding Crew has the Cohesion1 and Tunnel Fighter Talents.

08 / 05 / Voidsman / M6" WS4+ BS3+ S3 T3 W2 A1 Ld7 Save4+* Skill5+ Capacity07 / Voidsuit*, Lasgun, Laspistol, 6 Universal Las Mags, 2 Concussion Grenades, Knife / Voidsman may be taken multiple times. Each Voidsman has the Cohesion2 Talent and the Demolitions1 Skill. For every 5 Voidsmen you take, one may replace its Lasgun with a Rotor Cannon and Backpack Ammo Feed or Boarding Shotgun and 4 Drum Mags.

25 / 15 / Rejuvenat / M6" WS4+ BS4+ S3 T3 W3 A2 Ld7 Save5+ Skill4+ Capacity06 / Flak Armor, Diagnostic Augmentation, Surgical Augmentation, Laspistol, 3 Universal Las Mags, 2 Concussion Grenades, Medipack / This model has the Medic3 Skill and the Cohesion3 Talent

35 / 20 / Lectro-Maester / M6" WS4+ BS4+ S3 T3 W3 A2 Ld8 Save4+* Skill4+ Capacity07 / Voidsuit*, Auspex, Voltaic Pistol, Sample Case, Voltagheist Array, Power Cell, 2 Concussion Grenades / This model has the Tech3 Skill and the Cohesion3 Talent

50 / 40 / Senior Crew / M6" WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W4 A3 Ld9 Save4+* Skill4+ Capacity07 / Voidsuit*, Monofilament Blade, Archeotech Blaster, 2 Concussion Grenades, Disruption Field, Jokaero Custom Weapon / Senior Crew have the Command2, Tactics1, and Inspire1 Skills, plus the Cohesion4 and Follow the Leader Talents.

Wargear Descriptions
Ranged Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Weapon Traits

-Archeotech Blaster / 01 / 12" / 1|2|- / 12 / Pistol / 4 / -2 / 2 / -
-Boarding Shotgun / 03 / 18" / 2|3-6|12 / 12 / Rapid Fire / 3 / - / 1 / -
-Jokaero Custom Weapon / 00 / 1" / 1|-|- / 1 / Pistol / 6 / -1 / 1 / On the hit roll of a 4+ this weapon also causes D3 Mortal Wounds.
-Lasgun / 02 / 24" / 1|2-3|4 / 50 / Rapid Fire / 3 / - / 1 / -
-Laspistol / 01 / 12" / 1|2|- / 50 / Pistol / 3 / - / 1 / -
-Rotor Cannon / 04 / 24" / 4|-|8 / 48 / Heavy / 4 / -1 / 2 / -
-Shotgun / 02 / 12" / 2|-|- / 8 / Assault / 3 / - / 1 / -
-STC Bolter / 02 / 24" / 1|2-4|- / 8 / Rapid Fire / 4 / - / 1 / -
-Voltaic Pistol / 01 / 12" / 1|-|- / unlimited / Pistol / 5 / - / 1 / Voltaic

Armor Type / Save|Invulnerable / Capacity / Bonus

-Flak Armor / 5+|- / +0 / If this model is hit with any weapon with the blast quality, they gain a 6+ Invulnerable Save versus those hits
-Carapace Armor / 4+|- / +01 / -
-Voidsuit* / 4+|- / +01 / *Versus Attacks that originate from the front, this Armor provides a 3+ Armor Save. Additionally, models equipped with Voidsuits are immune to the effects of Vacuum, Contagion, and Gas.

Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Traits

-Chainsword / 01 / as user / - / 1 / Defensive Weapon, Extra Attack
-Knife / 00 / as user -1 / - / 1 / -
-Surgical Augmentation / 00 / as user / -1 / 1 / -
-Monofilament Blade / 01 / as user / -4 / 1 / Balanced, Exceptional

Item / Capacity / Function

-Universal Las Mag / 01* / This is a reload for Laspistols, Lascarbines, and Lasguns. It can be recharged by adding Power Levels to it (1 level equals +25 shots) or by heating it (doing so increases the Mag's shots by 10 per Battleround, but adds the Dangerous to Use Trait to the weapon it is loaded into afterward. Full versions of these mags hold 50 shots.
-Diagnostic Augmentation / 00 / This item grants the bearer a single re-roll for their Medic Skill per Mission.
-Medipack / 01 / A Medipak grants a +1 bonus to the first 3 Medic tests of a Mission. A Medipak may also be sacrificed in order to re-roll a single failed Medic test per Mission. Once sacrificed, it no longer grants the bonus to rolls, even if it still had uses left.
-Sample case / 02 / This item allows the bearer to retrieve samples of all manner of things while on the Mission. Each time this model spends 1 complete Phase in base to base contact with any terrain feature, the <Astartes> squads deployed with it gain +1 Esteem.
-Auspex / 01 / This item grants the bearer a single re-roll each Battleround that may be used for either a Shooting hit rolls or a wound roll in the Fight Phase, player's choice. An Auspex may also be used to scan the surrounding area up to 2D6" using the Tech Skill. Successful interaction with the device will reveal weak areas in the surrounding architecture, hidden tunnels in the walls or floors, and reveal any Adversaries that are not in line of sight (because they are in the walls, under the floor, on the next deck, or some other narrative reason) as blips.
-Voltagheist Array / 02 / This item provides all allied models within 6" with a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
-Power Cell / 01 / This item may be used to increase the Power Level of any single Tech Emplacement on the table this model is in Cohesion with by 1 step, once per Mission. Additionally, the Power Cell provides unlimited ammunition for a Lectro-Maester's Voltaic Pistol.

*These items weigh little individually. This weight is for 4 items/reloads of the same kind.

Item Traits
Balanced: this weapon gains +1 to all Parry attempts.
Dangerous to Use: any unmodified roll of a 1 when shooting this weapon causes a single Mortal Wound to the Shooting model.
Defensive Weapon: a model armed with a Weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Battleround.
Exceptional: this weapon make re-roll one die associated with its function (a hit roll, a parry roll, or a Wound roll) once per Mission
Extra Attack: this weapon adds 1 extra Attack to the model armed with it in the Fight Phase.
Voltaic: Each unmodified roll of a 6 to hit with with this weapon scores 3 hits.

Treasures of the Tyrannis
Any time a model could potentially rummage through a "treasure chest" or might have to roll on a Treasure Table during the course of a Mission on board this Vessel, use the following charts to determine what may be there to find. Treasure Chests should be clearly identifiable and can be searched if a model is within 2" of one during the Command Phase or one of the model's Shooting Phases instead of taking another action. Treasure gained from Exploration Missions should be rolled by each Astartes deployed on the Mission during the Debriefing Phase.

Treasure Chest: roll a D6
1: trinkets. If the model takes on 01 Capacity worth of stuff they may trade it to any Aristocratic Faction for D3 Esteem.

2-3: esoteric collections. If the model takes on 03 Capacity worth of stuff they may trade it to any Aristocratic, Admech or Inquisitorial Faction for 2D6 Esteem.

4-5: personalized munitions. Roll D3. On a 1, this is an Exceptional Autopistol with a built-in Scope. On a 2, this is an Exceptional Bolt Pistol. On a 3, this is an Exceptional Inferno Pistol. In any case, the weapon can be added to this model's Load Out along with 4 appropriate Reloads for the duration of the Mission, collectively weighs 02 Capacity, and may be permanently added to this model's Load Out (replacing their standard Bolt Pistol) if the model pays a permanent but one-time tax of D3+the number rolled for the weapon in Renown during the Debriefing phase. Alternatively, this weapon may be added to the list of Relics for a Renown gain equal to the number rolled for the weapon. These Relics have a Threshold of 25 and Cost equal to a normal weapon of this type plus the number rolled to generate it. In all cases, this counts as a Trophy taken from the Battlefield.

6: House Acherossi Relic. If the model takes on a 01 Capacity item they may re-roll 1 die roll this Mission. Afterwards, this item may be traded to either House Acherossi or Inquisitor Zuchazuch for +2D3 Esteem.

Exploration Treasure: during the Debriefing Phase roll a D6 for each Astartes deployed on an Exploration Mission that takes place wholly on board the Tyrannis
1: trinkets worth D3 Esteem to House Acherossi.

2: STC munitions. This model gains +1 Renown.

3: Esoteric Art. This may be traded to any Aristocratic Faction for 2D3 Esteem

4: House Acherossi Heirloom. This may be traded to House Acherossi for 2D6 Esteem or to Inquisitor Zuchazuch for D6+3 Esteem.

5: Strange Evidence. To which Faction does this belong? Is it exonerating or incriminating? Who knows, but both sides want it badly. This may be traded to either House Acherossi or Inquisitor Zuchazuch for D6+12 Esteem.

6: Navigational Data and Gellar Readings. If this model has the Tech or Forbidden Knowledge Skill, they gain +D3 XP and D3+3 Renown. Otherwise, they gain +3 Renown. This find sets the DoomClock back D6 hours.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/20 10:43:49

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission serves the Deathwatch. 1 or more squads may be deployed to achieve this, but it is entirely optional.

T1: Cull the Wreck: Optional Routine

"More Adversaries for us to destroy, Brothers. Let us go into the lightless dark, root them out, and eliminate them. No need for prose here; simply paint the lower decks with the blood of those who would try and stop us."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
"This wreck is teeming with ship dead and gene-cultists pouring from the walls like rats. They sense the ship's doom and their liberation hand in hand. So let us deliver unto them the embrace of death."
The author suggests ship dead and genestealer cult in keeping with this vessel's theme.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Decapitate the Throngs: GMs, you must field at least 1 model with 5 or more Wounds. The Astartes that removes the last Wound of a Miniboss or Boss Monster counts as personally completing this Objective.

Make it Quick: if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or less, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Cull the Horde: for every 10 Adversary models removed as casualties, all Allied Astartes gain +1 XP and the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) can be considered to have personally completed this Objective.

The table should be set up as a series of extra long corridors and interconnected rooms. This is the most classic of Spacehulk Mission layouts. GMs and Player(s) alternate placing up to 2D3+2 Entry Points anywhere at least 3" from any other Entry Point. Adversarial Reserves take their first Movement Phase from any of these Entry Points as long as no Deathwatch model is within 4" of it.

Any Doors placed on the battlefield count as Bulkhead Doors. Additionally, the entire table is affected by a Strength1, AP-, D1 Radiation effect.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Deployment parameters. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries anywhere on the table that is at least 12" away from any player-controlled model.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Player(s) and GM should alternate placing up to D3 Terminals, each at Low Power, anywhere in the terrain layout.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 36 Allotment not affected by the Doomclock.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM gets Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV +5.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: In the depths of this wreckage there is little besides the settling of the great machine. It is a dying beast, shrugging off its mortal shell and gasping the last of its breath.

Terminal Data for this mission
Terminals on the table provide snippets of encrypted data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, roll a D6 for both House Acherossi and Inquisitor Zuchazuch. Whichever Faction rolls lower, adds just enough to their score to outbid the other by 1. This is how much Esteem each Faction will pay for the Data Snippet.

Consequences of Not Taking on this Mission: if your player(s) decide not to take on this Mission, then add a cumulative +1 to Allotment for all future Missions that take place onboard this wreck.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
22 / 03 / 01 / House Token / This golden cupped-hand-shaped Amulet grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to a Tactics or Command Skill test.

25 / 06 / 01 / Encrypted Data Chit / This micro card key may be used once per Mission to unlock any door, keypad, or encryption-locked device once per Mission.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
You know, I just realized that almost every Mission makes a confusing statement about Mission Leaders. My original idea was to have only one Mission Leader, even with multiple squads deployed, but in retrospect that doesn't really make sense with the Command Points rules I wrote. So my amendment here is that each squad deployed ekects its own Squad Leader, but players have to select one of these to be the Mission Leader. If the Mission Leader is then removed as a casualty, one of the other Squad Leaders can become the new Mission Leader for free. If there is no Squad Leader on the battlefield to take up the role, then players must spend CP to elect a new one.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/21 17:05:45

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

T2: Scour the Depths: Optional Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 or more Squads or any individual models from any Squad up to 10.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for either House Acherossi or Inquisitor Zuchazuch.

"This is swiftly becoming routine, Brothers. Scour the decks and the deep holds and return with anything of value."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Retrieve Anything Useful: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the "Treasures" section of the Tyrannis' introduction during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 2+ on that table counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Mission Length
1D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. 3-8 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

This is, by far, the simplest Mission I have written for this entire campaign. I don't even know how I feel about that.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/22 11:11:12

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Z1: Evidence Collection: Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 Squad or any individual models from any Squad up to 5.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of Inquisitor Zuchazuch. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

"The Inquisitor has instructed us to find anything related to the House of Acherossi and bring it to him. He has provided us with a list of priorities, but has made it clear -anything- we find pertaining to this House may hold a key to his investigation. Do not overlook the mundane and be suspicious of all things."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Retrieve Priority Evidence: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the Treasures section of the Tyrannis' introduction during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 5 on that table gains +1XP.

Tertiary Objective:
Retrieve Anything of House Acherossi: Any model that rolls a 1, a 3, or a 4 on the Tyrannis' Treasures table gains +D3 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch in addition to that roll's effect.

Mission Length
1D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. The Mission Leader's controlling player may opt to add an additional D6 hours of time to this Mission. If they do so, each model deployed on this Mission rolls twice on the Treasures table. 3-14 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/22 17:25:23

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission is in service to the Inquisitor. Players may send a single squad to undertake it.

Z2: Retrieve Command Cogitators: Factional Routine

"We have been tasked with recovering vital information from the overrun Command Bridge. Bless thy bolters and make ready. Let us advance with catechism on our lips and fire in our hearts. Let blade and bullet grant our enemies the gift of final absolution."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of Inquisitor Zuchazuch. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

Known Adversaries
"This wreck is teeming with ship dead and gene-cultists pouring from the walls like rats. They sense the ship's doom and their liberation hand in hand. So let us deliver unto them the embrace of death."
The author suggests ship dead and genestealer cult in keeping with this vessel's theme.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Retrieve the Cogitators: On the Battlefield there will be 3 Command Cogitator Stations. If an Astartes moves into Cohesion Range of one of these, their controlling player may sacrifice a Phase (Movement or Shooting) - or, if using 9th edition, may perform an Action - to roll a D6, adding +1 for each Rating of the Tech Skill they may have. On the score of a 6, that model takes on a 02 Capacity Cogitator Core and renders that Station inert. Each Cogitator Core recovered is worth 3 cumulative Esteem to each Astartes deployed on this Mission with Inquisitor Zuchazuch. If one is recovered, all Astartes gain 3 Esteem. If two are recovered, all Astartes gain 9 Esteem (3 for the first and 6 for the second). If all three are recovered, all Astartes gain 18 Esteem (3 for the first, 6 for the second, and 9 for the third). If a model fails their roll to extract a Cogitator Core there is no ill effect, except that a Phase or Action is wasted and the Mission is prolonged. There is no limit to the number of attempts a model may undertake to extract the Cogitator Cores.

Extract: every Deathwatch Astartes that exits the Battlefield via the Extraction Zone gains an additional +1XP. If they are in possession of one of the Cogitator Cores when they do so, they also gain +1 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for every 10 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch and the Mission Leader gains an additional +1XP.

Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) gains +1 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch in addition to any other effects provided.

The Battlefield should be a series of large rooms interconnected by grand staircases and/or short corridors. The author suggests a multi-level layout, but any configuration of terrain that suggests the command bridge of a mighty Imperial Battle Cruiser will suffice.

In the middle of the largest room, the GM should place terrain features to represent 3 Command Cogitator Stations. Each of these must be at least 6" from any other of them and must be at least 18" away from the Deathwatch deployment zone. These count as Terminals until their Cogitator Cores are extracted. However, these Stations can also be destroyed before their Cogitator Cores are removed. Treat these terrain features as Toughness 4, 3 Wound objects with a 5+ Invulnerable Save. The GM may not start attempting to destroy these until the player(s) have made their first attempt to extract one of the Cogitator Cores.

Any Doors on the table count as Bulkhead Doors.

GM and player(s) may then alternate placing up to 2D3 Entry Points anywhere in the terrain layout that is at least 3" away from any other Entry Point and at least 6" away from the Deathwatch deployment zone. Adversarial Reserves may take their first Movement Phase from one of these Entry Points as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 4" of it or from any table edge as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 9" of the point where they end their Movement.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Deployment parameters. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries either within 3" of any of the Command Cogitator Stations or within 3" of any board edge that is also at least 18" away from any player-controlled model.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
In addition to the Command Cogitator Stations, player(s) and GM should alternate placing up to 2 Keypads each anywhere in the terrain layout. These Keypads each unlock a Secret Compartment in the terrain feature closest to them. Treat these Compartments as Treasure Chests where the searching model may modify their dice roll by +/-1.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect one of their models to represent the squad's leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: two waves of Allotment. If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock), and a subsequent wave of 20 Allotment. The second wave is held in Adversarial Reserves and becomes available to draw from starting on Battleround 2.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV. At the top of Battleround 2 the GM gets reinforcements equal to 2/3 the player(s)' CTV (rounding up).

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The grandiosity of an Imperial vessel coupled with the ostentatious sense of pride any noble house should have makes the command bridge of this a vessel a sight magnificent to behold.

Terminal Data for this mission
Until their Cogitator Cores are removed, each Cogitator Command Station counts as a Terminals and may be interacted with as such. Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of encrypted data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
35 / 08 / 01 / Household Emblem / This may be a pendant or a small ornament. It grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to any one Skill test.

35 / 10 / 01 / Cogitation Key / This esoteric device grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +2 bonus to a Tech Skill test.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/24 10:09:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
The Inquisitor has been doing some investigations of his own in-system and has arranged a meeting onboard the [++Redacted++]. He has requested an armed escort in case negotiations deteriorate. Player(s) may send as many squads as they like on this Mission, provided the total number of Astartes going are not more than 10 (Neophytes and Scouts do not count towards this number).

This Mission is Linked with Mission Z4: Confrontation and Extraction.

Z3: Meeting with the Magnites: Factional Linked

"Inquisitor Zuchazuch has requested our presence in a meeting with one of the Admech Factions onboard the growing hulk. Normally, I would discount an endeavor such as this as frivolous, given our current primary Mission. However, we have had precious little contact with the Faction in question and it may serve us well to learn how they think and act, if we are to evaluate our personal interaction with them in the future. Tread lightly, Brothers, for you walk the fine line between the Ordos. We serve the Inquisition, certainly, but do not forget that we, too, are the Inquisition. Trust your own counsel if negotiations fail and decide for yourselves on whose side you will stand. When all parties fall short of Righteousness, it is we who shall become the Beacons of His Light and the Bringers of His unflinching Judgement."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of both Inquisitor Zuchazuch and the Deathwatch. It may also be considered a Side Quest for either the Magnites or the Arcanite Guard, player(s)' choice.

Known Adversaries
"This is a previously unknown section of the [++Redacted++], Brothers. There may be anything in the depths, but prepare thyselves to face the bizarre and esoteric creations of the Admech most especially."
The author suggests ship dead, genestealer cults, genestealers, chaos spawn, minor daemons or anything else strange in your collection. Additionally, there should be two distinct Admech Factions present. The Magnites can be represented by Electro Priests and Redemptionists with a handful of cyber limbs and "banner bearers" toting empty space marine armor suits. Alternatively a handful of Heretic Astartes, Skitarii, and Chaos Cultists will also work. The author suggests Forgeworld Heresy Era Mechanicum Secutors to best represent the Arcanite Guard, but Kataphron servitors, Kastelan Robots, and any Admech HQs will also work.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Protect the Inquisitor: at some point during the Mission, it is likely that talks will break down and shooting will begin. There will also likely be other Adversaries that will try to disrupt the meeting. For each Wound the Inquisitor ends the Mission with, each Deathwatch model gains 2 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch and +1 Renown.

Fall Back!: every Deathwatch model that ends the Mission in the Defensible Position and within 2" of Inquisitor Zuchazuch gains +1 Renown and +D3 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch.

Tertiary Objectives:
Retrieve a Fallen Magnite: if any Deathwatch model is able to drag the corpse of a Magnite casualty to the Extraction Zone (weight: 07 Capacity), that model gains +D3 Renown and +2D3 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch. Retrieving this body incurs a -2D3 Esteem loss with the Magnites and D3 Cyber Implants that can be traded to the Replicanticle for 2D6+2 Esteem, after 6 hours.

Retrieve a Fallen Arcanite Guard: if any Deathwatch model is able to drag the corpse of a Arcanite Guard casualty to the Extraction Zone (weight: 10 Capacity), that model gains +D3 Renown and +2D3 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch. Retrieving this body incurs a -2D6 Esteem loss with the Arcanite Guard and 2D3 Cyber Implants that can be traded to the Replicanticle for 2D6+2 Esteem, after 6 hours.

The Battlefield should have a single large central room surrounded by many twisting corridors and smaller rooms.

In the middle of the main room, the GM should place a single large iconic terrain feature - like a statue of a Space Marine or something similar.

The GM sets up the Magnite forces first, surrounding and within 6" of the central iconic terrain feature. Next the player(s) place a model representing the Inquisitor within 3" of any Magnite model and their own Deathwatch models within 9" of the Inquisitor, but also at least 9" away from any Magnite model. Finally, the GM may deploy any other Adversarial models up to 3" from any board edge.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn. No Deathwatch models can Shoot at, use Psychic Powers that cause Wounds or Mortal Wounds on, or Move any closer than 3" to a Magnite model until the Negotiations break down.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Roll a D6 for each room 6"x6" or larger on the table. On the roll of a 6 that room has a Low Power Terminal in it. The GM determines its exact location in the room.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. And selects one of these to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Special (see Battlefield above).

- Extraction Options: Defensible Position.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand, bearing in mind that this Mission is Linked and they will not have the opportunity to rearm between the two. The author always suggests to take plenty of Ammo.

Deploy: according to the Mission special rules.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: two waves of Allotment. If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 Allotment to start of which at least half must be spent on models to represent the Magnites, and a subsequent wave of an additional 30 Allotment of which at least half must be spent on models to represent the Arcanite Guard. Any non-Magnite Adversaries from the first wave may be held in Adversarial Reserve and become available at the start of the GM's first Turn. The second wave is held in Adversarial Reserves and becomes available to draw from starting on Battleround 3.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV plus modifications from the DoomClock. At least half of this Allotment must be spent on models to represent the Magnites. The remainder may be deployed or held in Adversarial Reserves, becoming available at the start of the GM's first Turn. At the top of Battleround 3 the GM gets reinforcements equal to the player(s)' CTV, of which at least half must be spent on models to represent the Arcanite Guard. These Adversarial Reserves take their first Movement Phase from any table edge and must start their Move at least 9" from any player-controlled model.

Models representing the Magnites and the Arcanite Guard treat other Adversarial models as enemies and will Shoot or Fight those models if they cross into their Line of Sight.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The empty hold betrays the millennia of disuse, corroded and bulging with moisture saturated bulkheads. Even the icon is so heavily caked with corrosion there is no way to determine what noble visage it once bore..

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of encrypted data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch during next Mission's Debriefing Phase.

Special Rules: Negotiations
At the start of each Battleround, have the player(s) roll a D6 for the Inquisitor. On the roll of a 1, Negotiations break down and the Magnites become hell-bent on killing the Inquisitor. On the roll of a 6, the Magnites agree to the Inquisitor's demands, thereafter treated as friendly models. If this occurs before the Arcanite Guard arrive, the Deathwatch immediately gain +2D3 Esteem with the Magnites and the Inquisitor may begin Negotiations with the Arcanite Guard when those models come within 3" of him. However, if any Arcanite Guard model can draw line of sight to the Deathwatch when the Magnites agree, the squad immediately loses -2D3 Esteem with the Arcanite Guard and they are thereafter treated as enemies. If this brings the squad's Esteem into negative numbers with a Faction, they can never regain their trust and that Faction permanently becomes an Adversary only.

Inquisitor Zuchazuch
Move5" WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W5 A4 Ld9 Sv3+|5+ Skill3+ Cap07
Skills: Intimidate2, Command2, Forbidden Knowledge2, Psychic Sense2
Talents: Cohesion2, Cyborg, Integrated Refractor, Long Shot, Observant
Special Ability:
Psychic Abilities: Smite; ability to Deny the Witch within 18" (x1)
Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Inferno Pistol with 5 Melta Canisters, Force Sword Wargear: Inquisitorial Rosette, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 04)

Wargear Descriptions
Inquisitorial Rosette
: this item allows the Inquisitor to automatically pass a single Skill test once per Mission. Doing so negates an Cover Save bonus the Inquisitor may other be benefitting from until the start of the next Battleround.

Magnite Relic Banner: this item may be assigned to any Magnite model for +1 Allotment. It grants all Magnite models within 6" of this model +2 Leadership and the ability to re-roll Charge distances.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
05 / 03 / 00 / STC Machine Fragment / This is a piece of some sort of unknown technology. It grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to any Debriefing Phase Esteem gain.

05 / 05 / 00 / Xenotech Fragment / This is a minor piece of some obscure Xeno item. The model carrying it may use it once per Mission to gain +1 Renown when completing an Objective when all allied models can draw line of sight to them.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/24 21:34:39

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission is Linked with the previous. Regardless of the outcome of last Mission, we must now extract from this position back to the Interceptor with our gains intact.

This Mission is Linked with the previous Mission Z3: Meeting with the Magnites.

Z4: Confrontation and Extraction: Factional Linked

"And now we must fight our way through the Hulk to our Extraction point, with our gains intact. Move with haste, Brothers, before this entire nest of monsters erupts upon us."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of both Inquisitor Zuchazuch and the Deathwatch. It may also be considered a Side Quest for either the Magnites and/or the Arcanite Guard, if Negotiations with either Faction were successful in the previous Mission.

Known Adversaries
"This is a previously unknown section of the [++Redacted++], Brothers. There may be anything in the depths, but prepare thyselves to face the bizarre and esoteric creations of the Admech most especially."
The author suggests every "bad guy" faction in your collection. Additionally, there may be opposing Magnites and/or Arcanite Guard left to fight off.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Protect the Inquisitor: For each Wound the Inquisitor ends the Mission with, each Deathwatch model gains 2 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch. If the Inquisitor ends the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, the Mission Leader also gains +D3 Renown

Extract: every Deathwatch model that ends the Mission in the Extraction Zone and within 2" of Inquisitor Zuchazuch gains +1 Renown and +D3 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for every 10 enemy models removed as casualties, each Deathwatch model gains +1 Renown. If at least 10 enemy models are removed as casualties, the Mission Leader also gains +1XP.

Move Swiftly: if the Mission lasts for 5 Battlerounds or less, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

On one side of the Battlefield should be terrain that matches the Defensible Position from the previous Mission. The rest of the terrain should be a series of rooms and corridors leading away from that position.

Roll a D6 for every room and corridor. On the roll of a 1, that terrain area is weak and crumbling and counts as Difficult Terrain to all models moving through it.

The GM and Player(s) take Turns placing up to 3D3 Entry Points anywhere along the edge of the terrain layout at least 9" from the Deathwatch Deployment zone.

The player(s) set up first, placing the Inquisitor in the center of a 6"x6 square that sits flush against the board edge with the defensible position on it. All other player-controlled models must be deployed in Cohesion Range of the Inquisitor.

Up to 9 models of the GM's Adversaries may set up anywhere in the terrain layout, at least 12" away from every player-controlled model. All other Adversaries are held in Adversial Reserves and take their first Movement phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any player-controlled model.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more, plus 1 hour Extraction.

Technology on the Table
Roll a D6 for each room 6"x6" or larger on the table. On the roll of a 6 that room has a Low Power Terminal in it. The GM determines its exact location in the room.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Special (see Battlefiel above).

- Extraction Options: Interceptor Shuttle.

Arming Phase: there is no Arming Phase for this Mission

Deploy: according to the Mission special rules.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 45 Allotment, modified by the DoomClock. Up to 9 models from this amount may be deployed at the start of the Mission (see Battlefield section above). All others are held in Adversarial Reserve and become available to draw from starting at the top of the second Battleround.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM gets Allotment equal to 1.5x the player(s)' CTV, modified by the DoomClock. Up to 9 models from this amount may be deployed at the start of the Mission (see Battlefield section above). All others are held in Adversarial Reserve and become available to draw from starting at the top of the second Battleround.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: There is no time for sightseeing, as we make our way hastily down dark pathways and crumbling structure.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of encrypted data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve. Each is worth D6 Esteem with any Admech Faction except the Grand, who instead pay a flat 3 Esteem for each.

Inquisitor Zuchazuch
Move5" WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W5* A4 Ld9 Sv3+|5+ Skill3+ Cap07
Skills: Intimidate2, Command2, Forbidden Knowledge2, Psychic Sense2
Talents: Cohesion2, Cyborg, Integrated Refractor, Long Shot, Observant
Special Ability:
Psychic Abilities: Smite; ability to Deny the Witch within 18" (x1)
Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Inferno Pistol with 5 Melta Canisters*, Force Sword Wargear: Inquisitorial Rosette, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 04)

*The Inquisitor starts this Mission with the same number of Wounds and Ammo he ended last Mission with.

Wargear Descriptions
Inquisitorial Rosette
: this item allows the Inquisitor to automatically pass a single Skill test once per Mission. Doing so negates any Cover Save bonus the Inquisitor may otherwise be benefitting from until the start of the next Battleround.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
25 / 15 / 01 / Terminal Data Retriever / This is a small, hand held interface that sockets into any Imperial Terminal. It may be used once per Mission to allow a model to extract +1 Tidbit of information from a Terminal when using the "Let it Speak its Name to Me" use of the Tech Skill.

05 / 03 / 01 / Cyber Fragment / This is a minor piece of someone's Cyberlimb. The model carrying it may use it once per Mission to gain +1 Esteem when completing an Objective when all allied models can draw line of sight to them.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/25 20:43:15

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Z5: Retrieve the Daemonhost: Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they must send at least 1 model with the ability to Deny the Witch. The Inquisitor demands no more than 5 Astartes be assigned to this task.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of Inquisitor Zuchazuch. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

"We are in deep, Brothers, and the Inquisitor has instructed us to retrieve an agent of value to him. This detestable wretch is bound inside a living host and it must be subdued before it can be captured."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Capture the Daemonhost: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and total the scores. Add +1 for each successful Subdue the Daemonhost roll as detailed below. If the score is 9 or more, this Objective is completed and all Deathwatch Astartes gain 9 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch. If this Objective is failed on the first try, the player who controls the Mission Leader may opt to extend the Mission Length by any multiple of D3 hours for each +1 to add to this total.

Tertiary Objectives:
Subdue The Daemonhost: Roll 2D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission with the ability to Deny the Witch. For each roll of a 7+, player(s) may add +1 to the Capture the Daemonhost score as detailed above.

Retrieve Anything of Value: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the Treasures section of the Tyrannis' introduction during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 1, a 3, a 4, or a 5 on that table gains +D3 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch in addition to any other effects.

Mission Length
1D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. The Mission Leader's controlling player may opt to add multiple additional D3 hours of time to this Mission as detailed in the Capture the Daemonhost Objective above. 3+ hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/29 20:10:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission is in service to the Inquisitor. Players may send a single squad to undertake it.

Z6: Apprehend Duke Varis Acherossi: Factional Routine

"We have been tasked with assisting the Inquisitor with his arrest of the chief ranking Acherossi on board the Tyrannis. It is unlikely that this individual will come quietly or peacefully, but he must be captured intact."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of Inquisitor Zuchazuch. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

Known Adversaries
"We will likely be facing the full might of the Acherossi Household. Prepare to face fanatics and fighters loyal to the Duke above even their loyalty to the God-Emperor. We must treat these soldiers as heretics, for their misguided allegiance makes them nothing less."
The author suggests Elucidian Starstriders, Astra Militarum, and Chaos Cultists to represent the forces of House Acherossi.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Capture Duke Varis: if the Duke is stunned, Pinned, or incapicitated by a grenade or other means and either the Inquisitor or a Deathwatch Astartes begins their Movement Phase - or Command Phase if using 9th edition - in base to base contact with him, that model may sacrifice its current Phase in order to bind or manacle Duke Varis. Binding and dragging the Duke imposes 04 Capacity worth of weight on the model doing so. Moving Duke Varis to the Extraction Point counts as completing this Objective. Engaging Duke Varis in the Fight Phase grants a model +1XP and +1 Renown in addition to normal gains for doing such.

Protect the Inquisitor: the Inquisitor must end the Mission with 1 or more Wounds in order for this Objective to be considered complete.

Tertiary Objectives:
Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) gains +1 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch in addition to any other effects provided. 

The Battlefield should be a series of large rooms interconnected by grand staircases and/or short corridors. The author suggests a multi-level layout, but any configuration of terrain that suggests the ostentatious living quarters of a mighty Imperial Battle Cruiser will suffice.

Any Doors on the table count as Bulkhead Doors.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Deployment parameters. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries within 9" of the center of the terrain layout. The model representing Duke Varis should be as close to the center of the terrain layout as possible.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Interceptor Shuttle

- Extraction Options: Interceptor Shuttle

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. In addition to anything they choose to bring, any Deathwatch model may exchange their 2 Frag Grenades for 2 Blind Grenades for free. It is recommended that at least one model equips Manacles.

Deploy: according to the parameters determined by the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 55 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock). At least some of this must be spent on a Miniboss representing the Duke.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to 2x the player(s)' CTV. The GM must purchase a Miniboss to represent the Duke.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The grandiosity of an Imperial vessel coupled with the ostentatious sense of pride any noble house should have makes the habitat quarters of this a vessel a marvel of incomprehensible decadence.

Terminal Data for this mission
If there are any Terminals on the table, they provide encrypted Data Snippets when interacted with. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain  D6 Esteem with Inquisitor Zuchazuch. 

Special Rules: 
Adversarial Target Priority
: the guard of House Acherossi are most concerned with attacking the Inquisitor and destroying him. As such the Inquisitor does not benefit from the Look Out, Sir! Special Rules.

Duke Varis Acherossi
Move5" WS2+ BS3+ S3 T3 W5 A4 Ld9 Sv3+|5+ Skill4+ Cap06
Skills: Intimidate2
Talents: Cohesion3, Dangerous Fighter, Disarming Strike, Killing Blow, Mayhem, Melee Master, Parry, Sucker Punch
Special Ability: Call Reinforcements: at the start of every battleround roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, the GM adds +3D6 to their Allotment pool which can only be spent on House Acherossi agents or wargear.
Load Out: Armor: Void Suit 3+ Weapons: Monofilament Rapier, Masterwork Laspistol Wargear: 5 laspistol reloads, Refractor Field (Total Weight: 03)

Wargear Descriptions
Monofilament Rapier
: this sword has the following profile: Strength as user, AP -2, Damage 1, and the Masterwork, Defensive, Balanced, and Sapping Qualities.
Refractor Field: this item provides the Duke with a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 24 / 02 / Rod of Command / This is a Mastercrafted Power Maul that also grants the model equipped with it a once-per-Mission automatic success when using the Command, Inspire, or Intimidate Skill.

50 / 36 / 01 / Disruptor Crown / This glittering, bejeweled circlet can be clamped onto a warrior's head or even over their helmet. When using Command or inspire, this model adds +2" to the range of any ability they use for these Skills. Additionally, the model equipped with this item gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save that continues to work until the model fails its first Invulnerable Save. Lastly, this item may be used once per Mission as a Ranged Weapon with the following profile: Range 9", Pistol D6, Strength 3, AP -1, D1, does not need to roll to hit.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/30 00:57:44

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission is in service to the Rogue Trader. Players may send any number of squads to undertake it.

HA1: Rebuke the Tide: Factional Routine

"Given the opportunity, this vessel's heretofore hidden genestealer infestation has taken it upon themselves to stream forth from the depths. If we press forward now, we can slaughter them as they come. Let us join the bark of our bolters with the Acherossi guns and lay waste to this onslaught before their waves become a flood that drowns us all."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of House Acherossi. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

Known Adversaries
"This wreck is teeming with ship dead and gene-cultists pouring from the walls like rats. They sense the ship's doom and their liberation hand in hand. So let us deliver unto them the embrace of death."
The author suggests ship dead and genestealer cult in keeping with this vessel's theme.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Kill Them All: although not an endless tide, the number of genestealers, hybrids, acolytes, and aberrants pouring forth from the depths of the Tyrannis may yet seem innumerable. For every number of Adversaries removed as casualties equal to the combined CTV of all squads deployed on this Mission, all Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission gain +D3 Renown and +D3 XP.

If your group is not using CTV, this Objective is achieved for every number of Adversary models equal to the total number of Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission times 5.

Execute the Big Ones: GMs, you must spend at least 1/4 of your Allotment on Minibosses and/or Boss Monsters. Any Deathwatch model that removes the last Wound from a Miniboss or Boss Monster gains +D3 Esteem with House Acherossi, in addition to any other gains for doing so.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for every 10 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi. If at least 30 Adversary models are removed as casualties, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1XP.

Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi in addition to any other effects provided.

Extract: it is up to the player who controls the Mission Leader model when to leave, but doing so with half or more of the Wounds that all the Deathwatch models began the Mission with, earns the Mission Leader +D3 XP and +1 Renown. If 8 Deathwatch models begin the Mission with 3 Wounds each - a total of 24 - and then extract with 12 or more Wounds in any combination between them, this Objective can be considered complete.

On one side of the table should be a large open room, roughly the width of the table and up to 18" deep. This is considered the player(s)' table edge. The rest of the table should be covered by straight corridors and a series of rooms, all of which lead to this large room.

The GM and player(s) then alternate placing D3+2 Turrets - each armed with a single STC Heavy Bolter - anywhere within the large room, no more than 9" from any table edge. These are unmanned, Pintle Mounted weapons that may be operated by any model that moves into Cohesion Range of them. Alternatively, these weapons can be destroyed - to keep them from falling into enemy hands. Turrets have 4 Wounds, are Toughness 5, and have a 3+ Armor Save. They are equipped with 2 Auxilliary Ammo Feeds (75 shots) each. These Pintle Mount Turrets may be reloaded in the same way as a Heavy Weapon. They cannot be Moved, but have a 360 degree arc of fire.

GM and player(s) then alternate placing up to D3+3 Entry Points anywhere in the terrain layout that is at least 9" away from the edge of the large room. Adversarial Reserves may take their first Movement Phase from one of these Entry Points as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 4" of it when they do.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to the Mission parameters. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries within 3" of any Entry Point.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Boarding Pod.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. Any model may equip 1 or more STC Heavy Bolter Auxilliary Ammo Feed for 2 Renown and weighing 01 Capacity each.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock). At the start of every Battleround, the GM gains an additional D6 Allotment per deployed Deathwatch Astartes. These may be spent immediately or added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV. At the top of each Battleround, the GM gains an additional D6 Allotment per deployed Deathwatch Astartes. These may be spent immediately or added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The very superstructure of the hulk shudders with the stampede of alien feet. They are coming for us, Brothers, let us make ready to meet them with fire and death.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of encrypted data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D3 Esteem with House Acherossi.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
20 / 01 / 00 / Tactical Readout / This item plugs directly into a marine's powered, artificer, or terminator armor. It grants the model equipped with it a +1 XP bonus during the Debriefing Phase after any Mission featuring any Adversary with the <Tyranid> or <Genestealer Cult> keyword.

20 / 20 / 00 / Blessed Ironsight / When combined with any Ranged Weapon, this item grants +1 to the first Shot of every Shooting Phase.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/09/30 22:58:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

HA2: Rescue Household Crew: Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 Squad or any individual models from any Squad up to 10.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of House Acherossi. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

"Household and other crew are still trapped on the lower decks of the wreck, my Brothers. We have been asked to locate them and bring them to the relative safety of the upper decks. May the Emperor guide you to these lost souls."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Rescue Household Crew: Roll a D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission. On any roll of a 5+, that model rescues D3 House Acherossi crew. For each crew member of this category rescued, the squad gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi. Models that roll a 2-4 should consult the Rescue Unassociated Crew Objective below.

Tertiary Objective:
Rescue Unassociated Crew: any model that rolls a 2, 3, or 4 on the D6 for the previous Objective rescues D3 Unassociated Crew. For every 5 crew members of this category rescued, the squad gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi.

Retrieve Anything of House Acherossi: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the Treasures section of the Tyrannis' introduction during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 1, a 3, a 4, or a 5 on the Tyrannis' Treasures table gains +D3 Esteem with House Acherossi in addition to that roll's effect.

Mission Length
1D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. The Mission Leader's controlling player may opt to add an additional D3 hours of time to this Mission. If they do so, each model deployed on this Mission rolls twice to Rescue Crew. 3-11 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

HA3: Recover Household Artifacts: Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 Squad or any individual models from any Squad up to 10.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of House Acherossi. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

"Artifacts and precious heirlooms of the House of Acherossi lay deep within the holds of the Tyrannis wreck. Many of these are irreplaceable relics of the Imperium itself. Let us go where others cannot and bring these lost objects back into the Emperor's light."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Retrieve Priceless Artifacts: Roll a D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission. On any roll of a 5+, that model recovers an Artifact of House Acherossi crew. For each Artifact so recovered, the squad gains +D3 Esteem with House Acherossi. Models that roll a 2-4 should consult the Recover Household Art Objective below.

Tertiary Objective:
Recover Household Art: any model that rolls a 2, 3, or 4 on the D6 for the previous Objective instead recovers D3 Objects of Household Art. For every 3 items so recovered, the squad gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi.

Retrieve Anything of House Acherossi: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the Treasures section of the Tyrannis' introduction during the Debriefing Phase, as normal. Any model that rolls a 1, a 3, a 4, or a 5 on the Tyrannis' Treasures table gains +D3 Esteem with House Acherossi in addition to that roll's effect.

Mission Length
1D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. The Mission Leader's controlling player may opt to add an additional D3 hours of time to this Mission. If they do so, each model deployed on this Mission rolls twice to Retrieve Household Artifacts. 3-11 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/01 06:20:01

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission is in service to the Rogue Trader House. Players may send any number of squads to undertake it.

HA4: Secure the Navigator's Personal Effects: Factional Routine

"While the Inquisitor has already summarily executed the Rogue Trader's Navigator, he left behind numerous artifacts of personal import to the House of Oolek - the Navigator House to which Acherossi is linked. We have been tasked to retrieve these objects."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of House Acherossi. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

Known Adversaries
"This wreck is teeming with ship dead and gene-cultists pouring from the walls like rats. They sense the ship's doom and their liberation hand in hand. However, we are likely to encounter as many of those as agents of the corrupted Inquisitor. Therefore, be ready for anything, my Brothers."
The author suggests ship dead and genestealer cult in keeping with this vessel's theme, and Agents of the Inquisitor in keeping with the theme of the Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Retrieve the Navigator's Artifacts: On the Battlefield there will be 4 Artifact Objective Markers. If an Astartes moves into Cohesion Range of one of these, their controlling player may sacrifice a Phase (Movement or Shooting) - or, if using 9th edition, may perform an Action - to secure a 01 Capacity Artifact, thereafter carrying the Artifact until removed as a casualty (and dropping it on the spot) or reaching the Extraction Zone. Each Artifact recovered is worth 2 cumulative Esteem to each Astartes deployed on this Mission with House Acherossi.

If one is recovered, all deployed Astartes gain 2 Esteem. If two are recovered, all deployed Astartes gain 6 Esteem (2 for the first and 4 for the second). If three are recovered, all deployed Astartes gain 14 Esteem (2 for the first, 4 for the second, and 8 for the third), and if all four are recovered, all deployed Astartes gain 30 Esteem (2 for the first, 4 for the second, 8 for the third, and 16 for the fourth).

Extract: every Deathwatch Astartes that exits the Battlefield via the Extraction Zone gains an additional +1XP. If they are in possession of one of the Artifacts when they do so, they also gain +1 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Eliminate the Corrupted Inquisitor's Agents: for every Inquisitorial Agent model removed as a casualty this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi. If at least 1 such Agent is removed, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1 Renown.

Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi in addition to any other effects provided.

The Battlefield should be a series of large rooms interconnected by grand staircases and/or short corridors. The author suggests a multi-level layout, but any configuration of terrain that suggests the command bridge of a mighty Imperial Battle Cruiser will suffice.

In the middle of the largest room, the GM should place Objective Markers to represent the 4 Navigator's Personal Artifacts. Each of these must be at least 6" from any other Marker and must be at least 18" away from the Deathwatch deployment zone.

Any Doors on the table count as Bulkhead Doors.

GM and player(s) may then alternate placing up to 2D3 Entry Points anywhere in the terrain layout that is at least 3" away from any other Entry Point and at least 6" away from the Deathwatch deployment zone. Adversarial Reserves may take their first Movement Phase from one of these Entry Points as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 4" of it or from any table edge as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 9" of the point where they end their Movement.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Deployment parameters. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries within 6" of any board edge that is also at least 18" away from any player-controlled model.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Player(s) and GM should alternate placing up to D3+1 Keypads anywhere in the terrain layout. These Keypads each unlock a Secret Compartment in the terrain feature closest to them. Treat these Compartments as Treasure Chests where the searching model may modify their dice roll by +/-1.

If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: three waves of Allotment. If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 20 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock), a second wave of 15 Allotment that may only be spent on Agents of Inquisitor Zuchazuch and/or Factional Gear for them, and a third wave of 35 Allotment. The second wave is held in Adversarial Reserves and becomes available to draw from starting on Battleround 2. The third wave is also held in Adversarial Reserves and becomes available to draw from starting on Battleround 3.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to 2/3 the player(s)' CTV (rounding up). At the top of Battleround 2 the GM gets reinforcements equal to half the player(s)' CTV (rounding up) and at the top of Battleround 3, the GM gets another wave of reinforcements equal to the player(s)' total CTV+5. Battleround 2's reinforcements can only be spent on Agents of Inquisitor Zuchazuch and/or their Factional Gear.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The Command Bridge is bedecked with Honorifics and Trophies earned by this great House. It looks the part of an Imperial Vessel, worthy of adoration and pride.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of encrypted data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6 Esteem with House Acherossi.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
35 / 08 / 01 / Household Emblem / This may be a pendant or a small ornament. It grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +1 bonus to any one Skill test.

35 / 10 / 01 / Cogitation Key / This esoteric device grants the model carrying it a once-per-Mission +2 bonus to a Tech Skill test.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/01 21:27:40

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission is in service to the Rogue Trader. Players may send any number of squads to undertake it.

HA5: Eliminate the Daemonhost: Factional Routine

"The corrupted Inquisitor's most foul minion and catalyst for this entire debacle is loose in the Tyrannis. Augurs have given us its location, but be wary that this thing may well be luring us in on purpose. Prepare thyselves, Brothers, for this creature is dangerous beyond reasoning; it is a threat to our very souls."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of both House Acherossi and the Deathwatch. It can also be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus Faction present in the Campaign.

Known Adversaries
"This wreck is teeming with ship dead and gene-cultists pouring from the walls like rats. However, our greatest threat will be this Daemonhost. We must come prepared to face it."
The author suggests ship dead and genestealer cult in keeping with this vessel's theme, plus a model to represent the Daemonhost and whatever might escape its fleshy prison.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Destroy the Daemonhost: the model that removes the last Wound from the Daemonhost earns +1 Renown and +D3 XP.

And Whatever Doing So Unleashes: after the Daemonhost is removed as a casualty, whatever was trapped inside it will be set free. The model or models that contribute directly to destroying whatever that is each gain +1XP and +D3 Renown as long as whatever it is, is removed as a casualty before the end of the Mission.

Tertiary Objectives:
Eliminate all Threats: if all Adversary models are removed as casualties before the end of the Mission, the Mission Leader gains an additional +1XP and +1 Renown.

The battlefield should be dominated by a large central chamber, with balconies overlooking it and surrounded by other, smaller rooms and twisting corridors.

GM and player(s) may then alternate placing up to D3+1 Entry Points anywhere in the terrain layout. Adversarial Reserves may take their first Movement Phase from one of these Entry Points as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 4" of it.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to the Mission parameters. The GM then deploys the Daemonhost anywhere out of line of sight of any Deathwatch model. All other Adversaries are held in Adversarial Reserves.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets a Daemonhost and 30 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock) for Adversarial Reserves. Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model. In addition, the GM gets 30 Allotment to spend for whatever comes out of the Daemonhost once its last Wound is lost. Any models that result from this use the last location of the Daemonhost as a special sort of Entry Point that only they can use. If the GM opts for 30 Minion models, the first wave deploys as if disembarking from a transport. Any models that do not fit are held in "Daemonhost Reserve" and continue to deploy in the same manner on subsequent turns untill all models have been deployed.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM gets a Daemonhost and Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV (not affected by the Doomclock) for Adversarial Reserves. Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model. In addition, the GM gets 30 Allotment to spend for whatever comes out of the Daemonhost once its last Wound is lost. Any models that result from this use the last location of the Daemonhost as a special sort of Entry Point that only they can use. If the GM opts for 30 Minion models, the first wave deploys as if disembarking from a transport. Any models that do not fit are held in "Daemonhost Reserve" and continue to deploy in the same manner on subsequent turns untill all models have been deployed.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The air is cold and stale and the edges of perception buckle under the strain of the Immaterium. Tread lightly here, lest this crack becomes an irreversible tear.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of encrypted data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D3 Esteem with House Acherossi.

Special Rules: after the Daemonhost is killed, whatever comes out of it will only stick around to fight for one Battleround, thereafter making an attempt to flee the battlefield by the most direct route possible. If player(s) manage to inflict damage equal to at least half its total Wounds in one Turn after it begins to flee, it will turn around and defend itself for one battleround before attempting to flee again.

The Daemonhost
Move7" WS2+ BS3+ S5 T6 W8 A4 Ld10 Sv6+|4+ Skill2+ Cap10
Skills: Intimidate4, Stealth4, Psychic Sense4
Talents: Assassin, Cohesion0, High Endurance, Observant, Sprinter
Special Abilities: Psychic Abilities: Smite plus any 3 psychic powers from any discipline from any Codex; ability to Deny the Witch within 24" (x3).
Incorporeal: this model ignores the rules for difficult terrain, can climb any height without having to roll, can float across gaps and holes as if it were solid ground, and doesn't set off booby traps or proximity explosives.
(Optional)Corruption Incarnate: this creature has a 6" Aura of Corruption. Any Deathwatch model that ends its Turn within this Aura gains +1 Corruption on the D6 roll of a 4+.
Load Out: Armor: Chains and Wards 6+|4+; Weapons: clawed feet and horns Wargear: none (Total Weight: 01)

clawed feet and horns: Strength as user, AP -2, Damage D3

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
40 / 15 / 01 / Warding Lock / A heavy, arcane padlock, this item grants the bearer a once-per-Mission 4+ Invulnerable Save versus any Psychic Power that causes Wounds or Mortal Wounds.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/08 09:53:06

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission is in service to the Rogue Trader. Players may send any number of squads to undertake it.

HA6: Protect Duke Varis: Factional Routine

"The House of Acherossi implores for our aid in protecting their Duke Varis from the depredations of the corrupted Inquisitor. Although it has not been specifically asked of us, it is entirely likely that we will be forced to slay the Inquisitor before the day is done. For though he wears the Holy Rosette of office, Inquisitor Zuchazuch is thrall to ruin and an agent incarnate of the Dark Gods of Chaos. Traitoris Extremis: Destroy him with utmost urgency and extreme prejudice."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of House Acherossi. As such, Deathwatch Models do not gain Renown for personally completing Objectives in this Mission.

Known Adversaries
"We will likely be facing the full might of the Inquisitor's Cohort. Prepare to face fanatics and fighters loyal to, or brainwashed by, Zuchazuch. These soldiers and the Inquisitor they serve, are heretics; their allegiance stains their very souls. We must deliver unto them the mercy of death."
The author suggests Servitors, Nefromunda Mercenaries, and Chaos Cultists to represent the forces of Inquisitor Zuchazuch.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Protect Duke Varis: Duke Varis must end the Mission with 1 or more Wounds in order for this Objective to be considered complete.

Kill the Inquisitor: the Deatwatch model that removes the last Wound from the Inquisitor gains +1XP and +D6 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are a few Treasure Chests on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) gains +1 Esteem with House Acherossi in addition to any other effects provided. 

The Battlefield should be a series of large rooms interconnected by grand staircases and/or short corridors. The author suggests a multi-level layout, but any configuration of terrain that suggests the ostentatious living quarters of a mighty Imperial Battle Cruiser will suffice.

Any Doors on the table count as Bulkhead Doors.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, within 9" of the center of the terrain layout. The model representing Duke Varis should be as close to the center of the terrain layout as possible. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries up to 6" from any table edge.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: See Battlefield description above

- Extraction Options: Interceptor Shuttle

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters determined by the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 55 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock). At least some of this must be spent on a Miniboss representing the Inquisitor.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to 2x the player(s)' CTV. The GM must purchase a Miniboss to represent the Inquisitor.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The grandiosity of an Imperial vessel coupled with the ostentatious sense of pride any noble house should have makes the habitat quarters of this a vessel a marvel of incomprehensible decadence.

Terminal Data for this mission
If there are any Terminals on the table, they provide encrypted Data Snippets when interacted with. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain  D3 Esteem with House Acherossi. 

Special Rules: 
Adversarial Target Priority
: the minions of Inquisitor Zuchazuch are most concerned with attacking the Duke and destroying him. As such the Duke does not benefit from the Look Out, Sir! Special Rules.

Duke Varis Acherossi
Move5" WS2+ BS3+ S3 T3 W5 A4 Ld9 Sv3+|5+ Skill4+ Cap06
Skills: Intimidate2
Talents: Cohesion3, Dangerous Fighter, Disarming Strike, Killing Blow, Mayhem, Melee Master, Parry, Sucker Punch
Load Out: Armor: Void Suit 3+ Weapons: Monofilament Rapier, Masterwork Laspistol Wargear: 5 laspistol reloads, Refractor Field (Total Weight: 03)

Inquisitor Zuchazuch
Move5" WS3+ BS3+ S3 T3 W5 A4 Ld9 Sv3+|5+ Skill3+ Cap07
Skills: Intimidate2, Command2, Forbidden Knowledge2, Psychic Sense2
Talents: Cohesion2, Cyborg, Integrated Refractor, Long Shot, Observant
Special Abilities:
Psychic Abilities: Smite; ability to Deny the Witch within 18" (x1)
Call Reinforcements: at the start of every battleround roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, the GM adds +3D6 to their Allotment pool which can only be spent on Inquisitor Zuchazuch's agents or wargear.
Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Inferno Pistol with 5 Melta Canisters, Force Sword Wargear: Inquisitorial Rosette, Armor Patch (Total Weight: 04)

Wargear Descriptions
Inquisitorial Rosette
: this item allows the Inquisitor to automatically pass a single Skill test once per Mission. Doing so negates an Cover Save bonus the Inquisitor may other be benefitting from until the start of the next Battleround.
Monofilament Rapier: this sword has the following profile: Strength as user, AP -2, Damage 1, and the Masterwork, Defensive, Balanced, and Sapping Qualities.
Refractor Field: this item provides the Duke with a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 24 / 02 / Rod of Command / This is a Mastercrafted Power Maul that also grants the model equipped with it a once-per-Mission automatic success when using the Command, Inspire, or Intimidate Skill.

50 / 36 / 01 / Disruptor Crown / This glittering, bejeweled circlet can be clamped onto a warrior's head or even over their helmet. When using Command or inspire, this model adds +2" to the range of any ability they use for these Skills. Additionally, the model equipped with this item gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save that continues to work until the model fails its first Invulnerable Save. Lastly, this item may be used once per Mission as a Ranged Weapon with the following profile: Range 9", Pistol D6, Strength 3, AP -1, D1, does not need to roll to hit.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/08 10:38:32

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Freebooter Ork Warship: Undred Gunz
Hull: Battle Krooza
Original Crew Compliment: ~too many
Circumstance of Drift: None; Intentional Arrival
Current Condition of Crew: Bloodthirsty and itchin' fer a fight.
Probable Disposition: Orkz, grots, squigs + any 1 other faction (see Forbidden Lore below)

When Undred Gunz arrives, it does so kicking and screaming, translating from the warp all guns blazing. It tumults through the expanse between its gate and the [++Redacted++], crashing violently and explosively into the wreckage. Its impact is so fierce that it momentarily cracks the hulk, sheering decks, throwing ice and rocks in all directions, before fusing with the main body like a titanic, bleeding tumor.


Ship's Story
Undred Gunz began its existence as an Imperial mining facility in orbit around Ygroth in the Szcelyk iA System. Long since conquered by the orks, Mining Facility 856iH still sits at the very core of this madcap vessel. Over the centuries since its conquest, Undred Gunz transformed from moon base to shipyard to warship, accruing fragments and components from thousands of vessels dragged to the orbital graveyards Ygroth had become. 

The first sighting of this monstrous vessel by Imperial agents occurred mere months before its current arrival and virtually nothing is known about its armament, crew disposition, or even the warlord under whose command it fights. Wherever they came from, the fighting must have been savage. Chances are likely that they brought many of their adversaries with them.

If there is a Mission ongoing when this vessel arrives, the board is immediately subject to a Hulk Quake (see the Mundane Events chart for details) and, unless the Mission at hand is using the Teleportarium or the Defensible Position Extraction options, the presence of its over-enthusiastic gunners adds an additional hour to the Mission's Extraction time.

In Missions that occur after this Vessel's arrival, roll a D6 at the top of each Battle Round, regardless of who the Adversaries are, adding +1 every turn after the first. On a 5+, 3D6 Ork boys or 2D6 Grots and 1 Killa Kan arrive from a random board edge and immediately begin shooting at the closest non-Ork models (if no targets are in range, they Advance instead). Orks do not care about the balance of power and will engage enemies indiscriminately. 

For every 10 Ork or Gretchin models or each 1 <Ork Vehicle> that survives their arrival to the next Round, add +1 to the rolls at the start of each Battle Round. Additionally, if any vehicle Explodes add +1 to the roll and include a single Mek along with any reinforcements that arrive. The GM may substitute a single Deffdread instead of rolling 3D6 boys or may replace the killa kan with any kind of Fast Attack <Vehicle> or a Mek Gun. 

Lastly, whenever a Mission's Insertion or Extraction method is by Deliverant or Iudicium Thunderhawk, Interceptor Shuttle, or Boarding Pod roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, add either 1 hour to the Mission length or D3 Wound Tokens to each model in the squad, Mission Leader's choice. For each Orky Generator destroyed (see details below), reduce this chance by 1. If 1 is destroyed, this effect happens on a 5+. If 2 are destroyed, this effect happens on a 6+. If the Unlockable Mission Power Down the Gunz is completed successfully, this effect is also reduced by 1. If all 3 Orky Generators are destroyed, this effect is removed.

Forbidden Lore
If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Lore Skill*, they may use it to glean any of the following tidbits of information (GMs, prompt players with the following topics and have them pick one for each Skill  Rating they collectively have.):

Manufacture: Undred Gunz is cobbled together from dozens of ships, many of which used to be Imperial Navy. It is likely that the Orks on board are armed to the teeth. However, there are fragmentary pieces of other vessels and what look like boarding craft stuck to its outer hull. These vessels should reveal to your players the exact nature (the literal Faction Keywords) of the other adversaries the Orks brought with them.

Crew: not only is this vessel likely filled with Orks in their tens of thousands, but also the roar of engines, the clank of shoddy hydraulics, and the buzzing whir of oscillating power saws can be heard echoing from within. Players should be prepared in their upcoming Missions to face wandering Ork bands and the full ramshackle menagerie of the Orkish war machine. Armed with this information, reduce the Cost and Threshold of all Heavy Weapons by 5 Renown (to a minimum of 0) for the remainder of the campaign.

Something Amiss: it's subtle, but the Orks brought another Faction with them in the form of boarding teams scattered throughout their massive vessel. It's completely up to the GM who this other Faction is, but players should gleam an approximation of the strength of that other Faction. This tidbit tells them there is roughly 120 Allotment worth of that other Faction wondering around inside the Ork wreck.

*GMs, prompt your players with this skill so that they know they have the option to use it. Using the Skill in this way does not expend a Rating.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines
Actual Missions delving into this wreck should be like exploring a cave formed in a junkyard. Pathways are labyrinthine, some tunnels are made of actual carved stone, warrens of gretchin, and scattered workshops abound. The interior of this vessel calls to mind dreamscape architecture, haphazadry incarnate, and treehouses cobbled from found objects.

The key to depicting this environment is Scatter Terrain. Except, instead of using it as Scatter, use it to build hills and rooms and corridors. It is not beyond reason to have an entire wall made exclusively of volatile fuel containers or to find old tanks simply parked inside a corridor too small to drive it out of. Dungeon tiles or cave tiles if you have them could work for this set up or mixing and matching virtually anything in your collection will do.

Available Missions
UG1: Cleanse and Burn: Routine
UG2: Wall of Gunz: Special Linked
UG3: A Prize in the Wreck: Routine
UG4: The Enemy of my Enemy: Routine
UG5: A Chance Ambush: Routine
UG6: Braving the Depths: Exploration

Unlockable Missions
UGa: Assassinate the Boss: Routine
UGb1: Power Down the Gunz: Routine
UGb2: Plug the Gaps: Routine

Each Mission after this vessel arrives roll a D6. On a 5+, add a Tertiary Objective to locate and destroy an Orky Generator. Only 2 Generators can be destroyed this way, so if the GM rolls a 5+ on two separate Missions, there's no more need to roll. Table set-ups in those Missions featuring the Orky Generators must have Orky-themed terrain and scatter along one board edge other than the Deathwatch Deployment edge. The Orky Generator is huge and must be placed as far away from the main action as the board permits. Each Orky Generator has a Toughness 8 with 10 Wounds and a 4+ Armor Save. If the Orky Generator is damaged but not destroyed at the end of the Mission, all Deathwatch Marines deployed gain +D3 extra Renown. If the Orky Generator is destroyed at the end of the Mission, all Deathwatch Marines instead gain +D3+2 extra Renown. Destroying both of these Orky Generators unlocks the UGb1: Power Down the Gunz Mission.

Missions that take place partially or wholly within the wreckage of Undred Gunz should add D6 scattered Loot boxes. Players and GM should alternate placing these on the board anywhere in Ork rooms or within 6" of Ork terrain areas. Players have the option to either roll 2D6 on the following chart for their contents or to simply count them as Scrap worth +D3 Esteem to any Admech Faction.

In addition, if an Exploration Mission takes place aboard Undred Gunz use this chart to determine treasure gained.

2D6 roll : Ork Loot
2 : Booby Trap! The random junk in this box includes a crude detonator. In addition to scrap worth D3 Esteem to any Admech Faction, the model that rolled this result gains D3 Wound Tokens.

3 : D6 Shootas. These crude, heavy bore weapons may be taken back to the Intolerant for study, earning all Techmarines on all players' rosters +1XP per Shoota. If the Deathwatch accumulate 10 or more of these weapons, they may add a single Sanctified Xenos Weapon to their arsenal with the following profile:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules
30/ 15 / 03 / Shooter (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 2|5|10 / 30 / Strength 4, AP -. Range 18". Damage 1. Any roll of a 1 when Shooting fouls the weapon, requiring a successful Tech Skill test to clear. Until this weapon is cleared, it cannot fire.

4 : 2D3 Frag Stikkbomms. These weapons work similarly to Frag grenades except that they have a 1 Turn delay. When thrown, pick a point in range and roll to hit. If the weapon hits, place a Marker to indicate its location. The weapon detonates at the end of the enemy's Movement Phase, causing D6 Strength 3, AP-, Damage 1 hits divided amongst all models within 3" of the marker.

5-6 : D3 grenades. Roll a D6 to determine the type. 1 is Frag grenades, 2 is Krak grenades, 3 is Blind grenades, 4 is Concussion grenades, 5 is Shredder grenades, and 6 is Acid grenades.

7-8 : Random scrap and machine parts worth +2D3 Esteem if traded in to any Admech Faction.

9 : a Big Shoota. These crude, heavy bore weapons may be taken back to the Intolerant for study, earning all Techmarines on all players' rosters +1XP. If the Deathwatch accumulate 10 or more of these weapons, they may add a single Sanctified Xenos Weapon to their arsenal with the following profile:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules
30/ 20 / 04 / Heavy Shooter (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 3|9|15 / 100 / Strength 5, AP -. Range 36". Damage 1. Any roll of a 1 when Shooting fouls the weapon, requiring a successful Tech Skill test to clear. Until this weapon is cleared, it cannot fire.

10 : a Rokkit Launcha. This weapon is essentially an unguided explosive warhead on the end of a crude, man-portable launching system. It may be taken back to the Intolerant for study, earning all Techmarines on all players' rosters +1XP. If the Deathwatch accumulate 10 or more of these weapons, they may add a single Sanctified Xenos Weapon to their arsenal with the following profile:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules
30/ 25 / 01 / Launcher (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 1|-|- / 1 / Strength 8, AP-2. Range 24". Damage 3. Any roll of a 1 when Shooting means the warhead failed to launch and detonates in the Marine's hands. The Marine carrying this weapon suffers 2D3 Strength6, AP -, Damage 1 hits and, if they survive, must spend a Phase cleaning and reloading the weapon if they have any extra Rockets with them.

11 : D3 Rockets. These volatile warheads may be used as reloads for the Sanctified Xeno Rifle: Launcher and each have a Capacity of 01.

12 : 1 Palatine Pattern Bolter and D3 Drum Magazines. These Bolters are typically found in the hands of Planetary Arbites and Imperial Shock Teams tasked with the grim close quarter fighting of ship to ship boarding actions. If a Deathwatch marine has sufficient Renown they may equip this weapon in place of their Bolt pistol or gain +1 Renown and add this prized weapon to the Deathwatch Arsenal with the following profile.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Range / Type / Special Rules
03 / 03* / 01 / Palantine Pattern Bolter / 3|-|6 / 12 / 18" / Pistol / Palantine Pattern Bolters cannot be loaded with specialty bolter ammunition. 

*The Cost of this weapon includes all of the Drum Magazines found with the weapon. Once all magazines have been emptied, this weapon may no longer be equipped by marines until more ammunition of its type is located. 

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/10 09:43:40

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch, but may be considered a side quest for any other Faction as well. Player(s) may send any number of sqads to undertake this Mission.

UG1: Cleanse and Burn: Routine

"Auspex readings have identified fungal warrens and breeding pits not far into this wreck. If we burn them now, the Greenskins will have less reinforcements later. Do not tarry, Brothers, the Orks will respond swiftly. Stay too long and you will be overwhelmed."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It also serves the interest of any Ordo Xenos or Biologis Faction directly. Deathwatch models earn +1 Esteem with these Factions if they are available to work for on this Mission.

Known Adversaries
"The endless tide awaits us. There shall be Orks without number."
The author suggests anything from Codex Orks in keeping with this vessel's theme.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Burn the Warrens: there will be target areas to incinerate. Expend 6 ammo worth of shots from any flame-producing weapon in these areas to achieve this Objective. The model that expends the 6th ammo near the last of these Objective Markers counts as personally completing this Objective.

Tertiary Objectives:
Attacks of Opportunity: for each Ork Miniboss or Boss Monster removed as a casualty this Mission, each Deathwatch model deployed gains an additional +1XP.

Retrieve Anything of Use: GMs, make sure there are Loot Counters on this Battlefield. Any model that gains a useful treasure, extracts data from a Keypad or Terminal, or leaves the battlefield with a Trophy (because of a Trait or Talent) gains +1 Renown in addition to any other effects provided.

Extract: it is up to the player who controls the Mission Leader model when to leave, but doing so with half or more of the Wounds that all the Deathwatch models began the Mission with, earns the Mission Leader +1 XP and +1 Renown. If 8 Deathwatch models begin the Mission with 3 Wounds each - a total of 24 - and then extract with 12 or more Wounds in any combination between them, this Objective can be considered complete.

The table should be a series of irregular sized rooms, scattered haphazardly. The GM and the player who controls the Mission Leader model should take it in Turns to place D3+2 Objective Markers anywhere at least 12" from a board edge and at least 6" from any other Objective Marker. Firing a weapon that does not need to roll to hit within 3" of any one of these Markers counts towards this Mission's Primary Objective, regardless of whether there are enemy there to be fired upon or not.

GM and player(s) then alternate placing up to D3+3 Entry Points anywhere in the terrain layout that is at least 3" away from any table edge and at least 6" away from any other Entry Point. Adversarial Reserves may take their first Movement Phase from one of these Entry Points as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 4" of it when they do so.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to the Mission parameters. The GM may then deploy their Adversaries within 3" of any Entry Point and at least 9" away from any Player-controlled model.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. At least 1 model must equip a weapon with the word "flame" in it.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

Completing the Primary Objective: if the Primary Objective is successfully completed, each Mission that features Orks showing up in addition to its regular Allotment, incurs a -D3 to the random number of Orks/Squigs/Gretchin/Vehicles that show up.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 10 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock). At the start of every Battleround, starting with Turn 2, the GM gains an additional cummulative 10 Allotment. These may be spent immediately or added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to 1/3 the player(s)' CTV. At the start of every Battleround, starting with Turn 2, the GM gains an additional cummulative 10 Allotment. These may be spent immediately or added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model.

This means the GM gets +10 Allotment Battleround 2, +20 Allotment Battleround 3, +30 Allotment Battleround 4, and so on.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: We have entered the cavernous halls of our enemy. There is no reason here, only madcap construction and tottering piles of scrap. Surely only an Ork of either supreme genius or total insanity would consider any of this space-worthy.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 Esteem (to a minimum of 1) with the Grand Admech Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
20 / 16* / 02 / Uncorrupted Cogitator / This is a case-sized datavault that may be plugged directly into any Terminal, Keypad, or Door on any Imperial Vessel. It provides the model using it the ability to extract +1 tidbit of Information when using the "Let it Speak its Name to me" effect of the Tech Skill.

20 / 20* / 01 / Plasma Core / This grenade-sized item can be used to increase the Power Level of any Tech Emplacement by up to 4 steps. After each use, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this item is depleted and cannot be used for the remainder of the Mission.

*This item Costs half as much if taken by a Techmarine or a Primaris Techmarine.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/11 11:32:47

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch. It is a Special kind of Linked Mission that pairs with any other Mission player(s) may undertake that take place either on the upper/dorsal decks of the [++Redacted++] or onboard Undred Gunz itself. Player(s) must send all the squads it intends to use on its next Mission to undertake this Mission.

UG2: Wall of Gunz: Special Linked

"Even as we skirt the edge of this new wreck, the Orks within it cannot contain their enthusiasm for mayhem and bloodshed. They fire upon us at every chance, even attacking us when their crude technologies allow it. Run the gauntlet, my Brothers, and kill what you can as you go."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It also serves the interest of any Ordo Xenos or Biologis Faction directly. Deathwatch models earn +1 Esteem with these Factions if they are available to work for on this Mission.

Known Adversaries
"The endless tide awaits us. There shall be Orks without number."
The author suggests anything from Codex Orks in keeping with this vessel's theme.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Run the Gauntlet: every Deathwatch model that exits via the Extraction Zone on the far side of the board earns a bonus +1XP and +1 Renown.

Extract: it is up to the player who controls the Mission Leader model when to leave, but doing so with half or more of the Wounds that all the Deathwatch models began the Mission with, earns the Mission Leader +1 XP and +1 Renown. If 8 Deathwatch models begin the Mission with 3 Wounds each - a total of 24 - and then extract with 12 or more Wounds in any combination between them, this Objective can be considered complete.

Tertiary Objectives:
Attacks of Opportunity: for each Ork Miniboss, Boss Monster, and/or 10 <Ork> Minions removed as a casualty this Mission, each Deathwatch model gains an additional +1XP.

Divide the board into roughly three sections, along its length. In one edge section should be a wall of ramshackle Ork construction with catwalks and balconies. In the center section should be a crevasse, a pit full of mostly impassable terrain, or a dense tumble of near-impassable wreckage. In the opposite edge section should be exposed terrain in keeping with the theme of the [++Redacted++]. The Ork section's balconies and catwalks must be able to draw line of sight over the center section to the opposite side.

The player(s)' Insertion and Extraction points must be wholly within the [++Redacted++]'s Section. The GM's Adversaries are restricted to deploying in and reinforcing to only the Ork Section of the table.

GM and player(s) then alternate placing up to D3+3 Entry Points anywhere in the Ork Section of the terrain layout. Adversarial Reserves may take their first Movement Phase from one of these Entry Points as long as there are no player-controlled Astartes within 4" of it when they do so.

The GM sets up their forces first, anywhere in their table Section. Then the player(s)' set up their own forces according to the Mission's parameters in their own table Section.

Players take the first Turn.

Extraction Time: if this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, Insertion time is 1 hour. If this Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, Insertion time is 2 hours. If this Mission lasts 12+ Battlerounds, Insertion time is D3+1 hours. There is no Extraction time for this Mission.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) select/elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: Defensible Position that must be on the opposite edge from where the player(s) deploy.

- This game is meant to be played with deployment and extraction points on opposing short board edges.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. Be aware that this is a Linked Mission and models will be equipping themselves both for this Mission and the next. The author recommends plentty of Ammo.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

Future Missions Linked with this: any Mission Linked with this appends its Insertion Method to Just Down the Hall and removes its Insertion Time.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock). At the start of every Battleround, starting with Turn 2, the GM gains an additional cummulative 10 Allotment. These may be spent immediately or added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model.

If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV. At the start of every Battleround, starting with Turn 2, the GM gains an additional cummulative 10 Allotment. These may be spent immediately or added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any Entry Point that is at least 4" from any Deathwatch model.

This means the GM gets +10 Allotment Battleround 2, +20 Allotment Battleround 3, +30 Allotment Battleround 4, and so on.

It is recommended to both player(s) and GM that they might want to take jump packs, stormboys, or long range weaponry if they want to harass the enemy on the far side of the Center Section more effectively.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The Orkish ship looms large here, Brothers. Be wary of stray bullets and the occassional Ork dropping from above. The gap between us will not hold them back forever.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 Esteem (to a minimum of 1) with the Grand Admech Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 36* / 00 / Ensorcelled Helm / This is the helmet of a mid-ranked Thousand Sons Librarian from Ages past. A model that equips this helmet gains a special 5+ Invulnerable Save versus Psychic Powers and Attacks that come from any model with the <Psyker> keyword. This item is a Tainted Relic.

50 / 50* / * / Witchfire Grenade / These are one-use grenades with the following profile: Assault D6, Strength 6, AP-3, Damage D3, Blast. Versus targets with the <Daemon>, <Daemonic Engine>, or <Psyker> keyword this item also gains the Ablaze and Conflagration Qualities. When found, add 3 of these grenades to the appropriate Wargear List. Once all have been used they are no longer available to equip.

*This item Costs half as much if taken by a Librarian or a Primaris Librarian.

*Grenades weigh little individually. Refer to the Grenade List for rules associated with the weight of grenades.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/14 08:26:47

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch. It may also be considered a Side Quest for the Replicanticle Admech Faction. Player(s) may send any number of squads to undertake this Mission.

UG3: A Prize in the Wreck: Routine

"Our Ordo-sanctioned Tech Savants have been scanning this monstrosity since its arrival and they believe they have identified an archeotech structure near the vessel's central core. We have been tasked with fighting our way towards this structure in order to gain access to it, retrieve anything of value from it, and return it to the Intolerance for study and re-sanctification."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It may also serve the interest of the Replicanticle. Deathwatch models earn +1 Esteem with this Faction if they decide to take it on as a Side Quest for them. However, doing so has deeper repercussions than mere Esteem gain or loss. See the Factional Demands section at the end of the Player Prep section below.

Known Adversaries
"The endless tide awaits us. There shall be Orks without number. We delve into the depths of this vessel's workshops. Expect to encounter odd Orks with very strange weapons."
The author suggests starting with Meks, Big Meks, Meganobz, Killa Kanz, Mek Guns, Lootas, Burnas, and Gretchin to reflect that the Orks have built their workshops into the heart of their spaceship and then escalating with literally anything else from Codex Orks.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Gain Access to the Archeotech Structure: the board will be split by a wall representing the Archeotech Structure. There may or may not be doors in this wall. The Deathwatch must breach this wall by any means necessary to achieve this Objective. The first Deathwatch model through that breach counts as Personally Completing this Objective.

Retrieve Anything of Value: there will be Objective Markers inside the Archeotech Structure. Each of these represents either a D3 Capacity Object to be carried out or an ancient Archeotech Terminal to be accessed. Any model that Extracts with one of these Objects or any number of Tidbits of Data from an Archeotech Terminal counts as Personally Completing this Objective.

Tertiary Objectives:
Attacks of Opportunity: for each Ork Miniboss or Boss Monster removed as a casualty this Mission, each Deathwatch model gains an additional +1XP.

Cull the Horde: for every 30 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch model gains an additional +1 Renown.

Extract: for each allied model that survives this Mission by reaching the Extraction Zone with 1 or more Wounds remaining, the Mission Leader gains an additional +1XP. For each model that does so with an Archeotech Object or Tidbit, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1 Renown.

Split the board into thirds horizontally. One of the end thirds should be cut off from the rest of the board by a wall that runs the entire length of the table. At the edge facing the middle of the board of one of the end thirds should be a wall that runs the entire length of the table. This is the outter wall of the Archeotech Structure. If the model representing the Mission Leader has the Forbidden Knowledge Skill the player that controls that model may expend a Rating to test their Skill. If they pass, that player and the GM alternate placing D3+1 Sealed Bulkhead Doors anywhere along this wall's length. If they fail, the GM places 1 Sealed Bulkhead Door anywhere they want along the wall's length and gains an additional 5 Allotment.

The remaining two thirds of the table should be a series of irregular sized rooms, scattered haphazardly. The theme should reflect workshops and armories. Here more than any other location on this vessel, it would be appropriate to use caves and walls of carved stone.

The GM and the player who controls the Mission Leader model then take it in Turns to place D3+2 Objective Markers anywhere on the far side of the Archeotech Wall that is at least 6" from any other Marker. When a model moves to within 3" of one of these Markers roll a D3. On a 1 or 2, the Marker represents a D3 Capacity Archeotech Object (roll for each Object separately when it is discovered). On a 3, the Marker represents an Archeotech Terminal at Low Power.

The Archeotech Structure walls are Toughness 8 with 16 Wounds, a 3+ Armor Save, and a 5+ Invulnerable Save per 6" section.

The GM sets up their Adversaries anywhere in the middle third of the table. The player(s) then set up their own forces according to the Mission's parameters.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Extraction if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. There is no Insertion time for this Mission because it's Linked with Wall of Gunz.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these. Any Technology so placed may only be put on the player(s)' side of the Archeotech Structure.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) select/elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader. It is also highly recommended that one or more models with the Tech Skill be Deployed on this Mission. The priority to get as much as possible from this prize means that Techmarines and Primaris Techmarines from other Squads may be temporarily attached to any Squads deployed on this Mission to assist. Attached models count their Cohesion Talents as Cohesion0 when operating with the Squad they are attached to.

- Deployment Options: Just Down the Hall.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. It is strongly recommended that player(s) equip their models with breaching weapons and gear, and/or items that can inflict multiple Wounds per hit in order to get through the Archeotech wall.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

Factional Demands: the Admech Factions are all extremely covetous of any Objects or information reclaimed from this Mission. Unless player(s) agree to hand over at least one Object or one Tidbit of Information to each of the following Factions at the end of the Mission, all Deathwatch models will lose 2D6 Esteem with each of those Factions: Arcanite Guard, Catalogists, Cycle of Night, the Grand, Lord's Own Code, Reparists, and Replicanticle. If player(s) turn over something to one or more of these Factions, but not the others, they instead lose D3x10 Esteem with all the Factions they snubbed.

If player(s) took this Mission on as a Side Quest for the Replicanticle, they may bypass the above consequences by simply handing over any 2 Objects to the Replicanticle. Otherwise, the above still applies.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 40 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock). If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV +10.

At the start of every Battleround, starting with Turn 2, the GM rolls one D6 for each of the following that occurred during the previous Battleround: a Deathwatch model caused any number of Wounds to a section of the Archeotech Wall, a Deathwatch model breached the Archeotech Wall, a Deathwatch model emerged from the Archeotech Wall carrying an Object, at least 10 Ork models were removed as casualties, something exploded, and/or an Ork Character model survived the Fight Phase. The total of these D6 rolls is the number of Adversarial Reserves the GM can draw from this Battleround. Unused Allotment gets saved for future Battlerounds. These Reserves can enter from any table edle edge as long as they end their Movement Phase at least 9" from any Deathwatch models.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: It is folly to think of this vessel as a spaceship, for it is a hive of disassociated parts strung together with wishes and glue. No scholar of the void in their right mind would determine this heap space worthy and how its inhabitants keep the atmosphere of the thing from explosively venting into oblivion is beyond the comprehension of even our most learned minds. Better to see it for what it truly is, Brothers. A scrapyard so immense it has generated its own gravity well.

Terminal Data for this mission
It may be that are two types of Terminals on this table. If player(s) are able to place any technology, any of these Terminals will provide snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 Esteem (to a minimum of 1) with the Lord's Own Code Admech Faction.

Archeotech Terminals however, provide a whole different sort of information wealth and downloading this Data will provide initially incomprehensibly cryptic info packets. Sorting trough this might become the life's work of some Imperial Savant or Admech Magos. The data is quite literally, priceless. And the scope of what it will ultimately mean to the larger Imperium is too great to cover with this Campaign alone. Merely having this Data puts the Intolerance in the crosshairs of every Explorator and Acquistion fleet the Adeptus Mechanicus has. Every Tidbit taken will be worth a thousand lives.

Suffice to say, if a model Extracts from this Mission in possession of a Data Tidbit from an Archeotech Terminal, all of the Admech Factions in the system with whom the Deathwatch have less than 25 Esteem should become Adversaries. Any model that participates in this Mission gains a free Talent called Legendary Accomplishment, if any Deathwatch model leaves the table with 1 or more Archeotech Tidbits. This grants them a -1XP discount on all future Elite Talent purchases.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 16* / 03 / Precision Mining Laser / This is a weapon with the following profile:

Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Special Rules
Precision Mining Laser / 1|2-3|- / 100 / Strength 8, AP -3. Range 18". Damage D3+1. This weapon is considered Rapid Fire. When shooting at targets at half Range or less, increase this weapon's Damage to D3+3. This weapon cannot be reloaded, but can be recharged between Missions.

75 / 20 / 00 / Archeotech Optics Package / Perhaps a precursor to the Servo Skull design, this gothic Optical pod connects directly to a Space Marine's Powered Armor, enhancing their already powerful visual capabilities. This item duplicates the function of an Auspex, adds an additional 12" to the model's visual Range when the lights go out, and allows the model to re-roll one hit or one Wound roll every Battleround, player's choice.

*This item Costs half as much if taken by a Techmarine or a Primaris Techmarine.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/18 02:24:02

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This Mission serves the interest of the Deathwatch. It may also be considered a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard or, if the other Adversarial Faction on board Undred Gunz is Heretic Astartes, for the Magnites Admech Faction. Player(s) may send any number of squads to undertake this Mission.

UG4: The Enemy of my Enemy: Routine

"A routine pacification squad has encountered an interesting find on board the Ork wreck. It seems a boarding party from another faction has found itself pinned down by Ork fighters. This may be an opportunity to learn the strengths and weaknesses of both parties. Move in, reinforce the Pacifiers, and decide for yourselves if either side is worth saving. Otherwise, destroy them both."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It may also serve the interest of the Arcanite Guard or the Magnites, potentially. Deathwatch models earn +1 Esteem with either of these Factions if they decide to take it on as a Side Quest. 

Known Adversaries
"Orks, obviously. Prepare thyselves for endless Infantry and ramshackle vehicles. Their enemies, however, are as yet unknown. Be ready for anything."
The author suggests Orks and whatever the GM has decided is the "other" Faction. If the other Faction is Imperial - <Sororitas>, <Astra Militarum>, <Sisters of Silence>, <Admech>, other <Astartes>, etc. - these models are potentially new allies and rescuing them will add Renown to the Deathwatch deployed on this Mission. If the other Faction is Xenos or Heretics, however, there will be double the enemies to contend with.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Observe the Orks' Tactics: any Deathwatch model with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill can spend a Rating to accomplish this Objective in lieu of taking any one Phase, or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition rules, as long as they can draw line of sight to at least 5 Ork models. Otherwise, at least one Deathwatch model must sacrifice both its Shooting Phase and Fight Phase every Battleround for at least 5 Battlerounds to accomplish this Objective. It doesn't have to be the same model all 5 Battlerounds and the Battlerounds don't have to be consecutive. 

Determine the Loyalties of the Other Enemy Faction: this should be obvious. The first Deathwatch model that can draw line of sight to the other Faction in play counts as personally completing this Objective. If the other Faction is <Imperium>, add the next Objective to the list of Primary Objectives:

Ensure the Survival of the Friendly Faction's Command Personnel: if any <Character> model (a Miniboss or Boss Monster level model) survives the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, this Objective can be considered complete.

If the other Faction has any other keywords (such as <Tau>, <Chaos>, or <Heretic> ), instead add this Objective to the list of Primary Objectives:

Ensure the Destruction of the Enemy Faction's Command Personnel: all enemy <Character> models (Miniboss and Boss Monster level models) must be removed as casualties for this Objective to be considered complete.

Tertiary Objectives:
Determine the Principle Clan the Orks Identify As: any Deathwatch model with the Forbidden Knowledge Skill may expend a Rating in lieu of taking a Shooting Phase and a Fight Phase (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition rules) to accomplish this Objective. Otherwise, Deathwatch models must remove at least 30 Ork models as casualties during the Fight Phase to complete this Objective. Doing so earns the Mission Leader +1 Renown and all deployed Deathwatch models +1 XP. Completing this Objective unlocks the UGa: Assassinate the Boss Mission.

Cull the Horde: for every 30 Ork models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch model gains an additional +1 Renown.

Ensure the Safety of the Pacifier Squad: the player(s)' squad(s) will be linking up with an NPC squad already in place on the table. If all of the models from this other squad finish the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, each Deathwatch model deployed earns +1 Renown. The Mission Leader sill also gain +1 XP.

If the other Faction is Imperial, add the following Tertiary Objective to this list:

Rescue Subordinate Personnel:: for every 5 (or part thereof) Minion level models of the other Faction that survive the Mission without being removed as a casualty, all deployed Deathwatch models gain +1 Renown. If they all survive, the Mission Leader also gains +1 XP and an additional +1 Renown.

If the other Faction is not Imperial, add the following Tertiary Objective to this list:

Let None Survive:: for every 5 (or part thereof) Minion level models of the other Faction that are removed as casualties, all deployed Deathwatch models gain +1 Renown. If all of them are removed as casualties, the Mission Leader also gains +1 XP and an additional +1 Renown.

The board should be set up with a relatively large room at the center. There should be a significant amount of scatter terrain within 12" of the center of the board. Within this area is the other Faction's forces. The rest of the board should look something like a corn maze made out of junk. Along one board edge there should be some terrain with elevated cover. 

The GM sets up the "other" Factions forces first, within 12" of the center of the board. Then the player(s) set up the Pacifier Squad within 12" of the board edge with the elevated cover. Then the GM sets up the Ork forces anywhere that's at least 12" away from any non-<Ork> models. Then the players set up their own forces according to the Mission parameters and at least 9" away from the Pacifier Squad.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Extraction if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, or 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or  D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. There is no Insertion time for this Mission because it's Linked with Wall of Gunz.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these. 

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) select/elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader. 

- Deployment Options: Just Down the Hall.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. 

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game: (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

The Pacifier Squad: the Pacifier Squad is made up of 4 models - any combination of Tactical, Intercessor, Reiver, and/or Scout. These models remain passive, taking no actions until a player-controlled model Moves into Cohesion Range of them. After that, these models join the player(s) squad and act like Cohorts (see Miscellaneous Talents Tree for more on what that means) until the end of the Mission.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 Allotment for the "Other" Faction and 30 Allotment for the Orks (not affected by the Doomclock). If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to twice the player(s)' CTV, split evenly between the "Other" Faction and the Orks. GMs must spend at least 15 Allotment on Minibosses for the "Other" Faction to represent Command Personnel.

At the start of every Battleround, starting with Turn 2, the GM rolls one D6 for each of the remaining Deathwatch models and adds this total to their ongoing Adversarial Reserves pool. Ork Reserves enter play from any board edge at least 9" from any non- <Ork> model.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: It may be that the seftion we are in was once an Imperial vessel, but has been so modified beyond its original function that determining its origin is impossible. Yet more evidence of the debasement inherent in the Orkish race.

Terminal Data for this mission
If player(s) are able to place any technology, any of these Terminals will provide snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 Esteem (to a minimum of 1) with the Lord's Own Code Admech Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
75 / 15 / 01 / Archeotech Fragment / this tech fragment has the ability to inspire even the weakest will to the lasting might of the human race. It grants the bearer 1 re-roll per Mission to any Command, Inspire, or Forbidden Knowledge Skill test.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/18 17:13:05

Post by: Solar_lion

Reading the Missions is almost like reading a novel.. You should consider that. A novel not played out yet.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/18 18:16:36

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

 Solar_lion wrote:
Reading the Missions is almost like reading a novel.. You should consider that. A novel not played out yet.

This is just one of the projects I'm working on, Solar_Lion. It keeps me writing every day. I'm also writing a novel, designing my our wargame, and writing other campaigns for this game and others. Plus I build terrain, convert my orks, and paint stuff. But my job keeps me tired all the time and I only have the energy to do one thing at a time. This project is the easiest to make progress on, so that's why it gets updated as often as it does.

I guess my short answer is Thank you. And my long answer is that my experience and other hobbies inform my Missions, so I'm grateful for the feedback that they are coming out good.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I updated the Earning Renown rules to reflect the Ultima Founding options and to bring them in line with current 40k and this campaign's terminology.

I added the Pacificier Doctrine and the Tech-Savant to the Shooting and the Miscellaneous Talent Trees respectively.

I added an optional variation for the Teleportarium Insertion and Extraction methods.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/29 03:55:37

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
While on an otherwise routine Exploration Mission, the team happens upon an Ork of some tactical value and seizes on the opportunity to deprive the greenskins of this asset. The player(s) may send one squad on this Mission.

UG5: A Chance Ambush: Routine

"While there is a chance, let us do our utmost to explore this heap of a ship to see if anything of value can be gleaned from it."
-Original Mission Brief, Watch Captain Apollyon

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It may also serve the interest of any Ordo Xenos or Adeptus Biologis Faction. Deathwatch models earn +1 Esteem with these Factions if they decide to take it on as a Side Quest.

Known Adversaries
"Orks, and a big one at that. If we do this quickly enough, it may be all we are forced to fight."
In keeping with the theme of this Mission, the Author suggests an Ork character and its Nob retinue.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Don't let any Orks Escape: the Orks might try and make a break for it. If no Orks or gretchin of any kind from those originally deployed leave the table alive, this Objective can be considered complete.

Kill the Biggest One: the Deathwatch model that removes the last Wound from the Ork with the most starting Wounds can be considered to have personally completed this Objective. If this Objective is completed, all deployed Deathwatch models gain an additional +D3+1 Renown. Roll once for the whole squad.

Extract: the last model to do so counts as having personally completed this Objective.

Tertiary Objectives:
Keep this Brief: if the Mission lasts 5 or fewer Battlerounds this Objective can be considered complete.

Kill Markers: each time a Deathwatch model removes an Ork model with 3 Wounds or more as a casualty this Mission, that Deathwatch model gains an additional +1 Renown. If 10 or more models are removed in this way, all Deathwatch models that deployed on this Mission gain an additional +1 XP each.

The board should be set up as a relatively large room with plenty of scatter terrain and/or elevated walkways and platforms arranged haphazardly. There should be a space at the center of the board where all the Orks can be deployed easily, with room to move.

The GM sets up the Orks first, placing the model with the most Wounds as close to the center of the table as possible. All other Orks are then set up around this model with at least 2" space between each of them. Then the player(s) set their forces up, anywhere on the table no further than 3" away from any one board edge.

The Deathwatch take the first Turn. On the Orks' turn, they may not Move more than 1" and cannot Advance or Charge, and cannot Shoot or use Psychic Powers until the Alarm has been raised.

Special Rules
Razin' da Alarm
: on the Adversaries' Turn, at the start of their Movement Phase (or during the Command Phase if using 9th edition), any model with the <Ork> keyword that can draw line of sight to one or more Deathwatch models, can attempt to "Raze da Alarm". To do so, roll a D6 with the following modifiers. Any roll of a 5+ raises the Alarm.

Subtract 1 from the D6 roll for each of these reasons that applies:
-if the Deathwatch model is 8" or more away from the Ork attempting to spot them
-if the Deathwatch model is 16" or more away from the Ork attempting to spot them
-if the Deathwatch model is in cover relative to the Ork attempting to spot them (literally any part of the model is obscured)

After the "Alarm iz Razed" the GM may have their Adversary models act as normal, Moving, Shooting, etc.

Extraction Time: D6 hours Insertion, plus 0 hours Extraction if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, 1 hour Extraction if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or D3+1 hours Extraction if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) select/elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: as per the Mission parameters.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) will have already armed their models for the Wall of Gunz Mission. Therefore, they cannot arm themselves in preparation for this.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game: (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 40 Allotment for the Ork Boss and his Retinue (not affected by the Doomclock). If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to the player(s)' CTV+10. GMs must purchase a Boss Monster or Mini Boss to represent the Big Boss.

If any Ork model exits the edge of the table from any board edge, the GM rolls a D3. This is the number Battlerounds it takes for Ork reinforcements to show up. When they begin to arrive, the GM rolls 2D6 for each of the remaining Deathwatch models each Battleround, and adds this total to their ongoing Adversarial Reserves pool. Ork Reserves enter play from any board edge at least 9" from any non- <Ork> model.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: This entire vessel is one massive labyrinth, with warrens and shanties sprawled throughout. It resembles more a hive city than a spaceship.

Terminal Data for this mission
If player(s) are able to place any technology, any of these Terminals will provide snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 Esteem (to a minimum of 1) with the Lord's Own Code Admech Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 25 / 02 / Archeotech Penant Staff / this Staff bears a frayed plasticized penant, scrawled with code and embedded with circuitry of unknown purpose. It occupies one hand when wielded (although a model with any kind of claw or manipulator mechadendrite may use that instead) and increases the Cohesion Range of the model carrying it by +6". In addition, the penant provides a 6" field around the wielder that reduces the Strength of Shooting attacks made against anyone within the field by -1.

15 / 03 / 00 / Archeotech Pendant / this fragment is strung through with cord to hang from a model's neck. It provides the model carrying it a single re-roll per Mission that can be used for an Armor Save, an Invulnerable Save, or a Tech Skill roll.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
UG6: Braving the Depths: Exploration
Player Briefing

Experience has taught the Deathwatch that delving into Undred Gunz is no simple undertaking. If player(s) send less than 10 models on this Mission, roll a D6 for each model at the end of the Mission. On the roll of a 1, that model suffers D3 Mortal Wounds and gains D3 Wound Tokens. On the roll of a 2-5, that model gains D3 Wound Tokens, suffers 1 Mortal Wound and gains +1XP. On the roll of a 6, that model gains +1XP.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos, Adeptus Biologis, or Adeptus Archeologist Faction.

"Clearly this is anything but routine, Brothers. Scour the decks and the deep holds and return with anything of value."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Retrieve Anything Useful: Roll 2D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the "Loot" section of Undred Gunz's introduction during the Debriefing Phase.

Mission Length
3D3 hours plus Infiltration from Wall of Gunz and 1 hour extraction. 4-10+ hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/29 10:32:35

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

UGa: Assassinate the Boss: Routine
Player Briefing
To maximize infiltration and extraction chances, Watch Command deems one squad sufficient to undertake this Mission. Player(s) must locate and destroy the strongest Ork on the vessel plus his likely bodyguard. Extraction will be difficult, as more and more Orks move to defend their favorite Fighter. The player(s) may send one squad on this Mission.

UGa: Assassinate the Boss: Routine

"Given what we know about the Orks in this vessel, our Augurs and Savants believe they have located and identified the core leader of the ship-bound Waaagh. Search Undred Gunz for this individual and assassinate him with extreme prejudice. The resulting chaos should buy us a reprieve."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. It may also serve the interest of any Ordo Xenos or Adeptus Biologis Faction. Deathwatch models earn +1 Esteem with these Factions if they decide to take it on as a Side Quest.

Known Adversaries
"Orks. Probably all of them."
In keeping with the theme of this Mission, the Author suggests the biggest Ork character the GM wants, plus as many elite other Ork things as can be crammed onto the board. More details in the GM's section below.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Kill the Boss: the model that removes the last Wound from whatever giant beast is the Big Boss earns +D3+1XP and +D3+3 Renown. In addition, if this Objective is completed, it unlocks the UGb2: Plug the Gaps Mission and rewards all Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission an extra +1XP and +D3 Renown. Lastly, if this Objective is completed, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +3 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Markers: for every Ork model that started the Mission with 5 or more Wounds removed as a casualty, all Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission gain +1XP. For every 30 Ork models removed as casualties this Mission, the Mission Leader also gains +1 Renown.

Extract: if all deployed models Extract via the Extraction Zone, the Mission Leader gains an additional +1 Renown.

The board should be set up with one large room near the middle, surrounded by numerous smaller rooms and twisting corridors. The author also recommends multiple levels of gantries and plenty of scatter terrain.

The GM sets up the Orks first, placing them anywhere up to 12" from one board edge. The player(s) set up their squad next, placing them anywhere on the table at least 16" from any Ork models.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: D6 hours Insertion, plus 0 hours Extraction if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, 1 hour Extraction if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or D3+1 hours Extraction if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) select/elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: as per the Mission parameters.

- Extraction Options: any 1 for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) will have already armed their models for the Wall of Gunz Mission. They should have taken this Mission into account when they did so.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game: (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: regardless of the Allotment method you are using, the GM gets an Ork character of any kind they want, plus up to 15 Mini Bosses to accompany this model. The character represents the "Big Boss" and therefore starts the Mission with an additional 5 Wounds. This model cannot be deployed at the start of the Mission and must be placed into Adversarial Reserves due to the Wrinkle special rule detailed below.

In addition to this, if using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 at the start of every Battleround. If using the CTV rules, the GM instead gets an amount of Allotment equal to the squad's CTV at the start of every Battleround.

Ork reinforcements enter the table from their own deployment edge.

The Wrinkle: the intel the player(s) squad was given is bad. The Big Boss isn't here. GMs, inform your player(s) of this fact at the very start of their first Battleround. Then give them two options: cut their losses and move to Extract or stick around and hope their fight draws the attention of the Big Boss in the hopes they can Kill it anyway.

If player(s) cut their losses and Extract, they still have to fight their way to the Extraction Zone as per normal Mission rules. However, if players reach it and leave before the Boss Monster model that the GM gets for free at the start shows up, the Mission counts as a failure.

If player(s) choose to stay, they will face ever increasing hordes of Greenskins, hellbent on killing any Deathwatch they can get at. At the end of every Battleround, the players should roll a D6, adding +1 for every 20 Ork models removed as casualties that past Round, +1 for every vehicle that exploded that past Round, and +1 for every Deathwatch model removed as a casualty so far this Mission. On the score of a 7 or better, the Big Boss shows up and Moves as fast and direct towards the nearest Deathwatch model it can draw line of sight to in its next Movement Phase.

If the Big Boss removes a Deathwatch model as a casualty, it immediately regenerates D3 Wounds and the Ork reinforcements next Battleround increase by D6.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: We cannot tell if this is the nerve center or the bowels of this ship. Is this a bridge or just another workshop?

Terminal Data for this mission
If player(s) are able to place any technology, any of these Terminals will provide snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 Esteem (to a minimum of 1) with the Lord's Own Code Admech Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50* / 30 / * / Archeotech Mechadendrite / this configurable Mechadendrite combines the affects of any 2 different other Mechadendrites of the player's choice. In addition, this item is considered Masterwork Quality.

*This item follows the normal rules for Mechadendrites detailed in the Techmarine Gear lists.
*Models with the Servo-rig (1) Talent only.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/10/31 16:43:05

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
In the aftermath of the Warlord's death, the Orkish fury has been roused. Directionless, but violent, the hordes swarm towards the breaches in their hull in search of any enemy. If the Deathwatch can plug up these holes with bodies and debris, the onslaught can be stalled long enough to keep the Orks fighting each other. The ultimate goal is not to stop the Orks, but rather to redirect them towards themselves. The player(s) may send any number of squads on this Mission and it is recommended that they send all the squads that they have.

UGb2: Plug the Gaps: Routine

"Roused, the Orkish hordes are amassing near their breach points. Use this opportunity to choke those gaps with their dead; let them march to their own slaughter."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but player(s) may select any one other Faction they like to do this as a Side Quest for.

Known Adversaries
"All the fury of Ork kind."
The author suggests Orks, buggies, killa kanz, deffdreads, and gretchin.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Choke the Gaps with the Dead: the wall representing Undred Gunz' outer hull will have 3 holes in it - one big and 2 small. The Deathwatch player(s) must remove a number of Wounds worth of Orks, Gretchin, and/or Vehicles as casualties within 3" of each of these holes to achieve this Objective. The 2 smaller holes require 60 Wounds worth of casualties each and the 1 large hole requires 200 Wounds worth of casualties. After any hole meets its quota to be plugged, no more <Ork> models can use it to breach the wall.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for every 30 Ork models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1 Renown. If at least 150 Ork models are removed as casualties, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1XP and +D3 Renown.

Extract: if all deployed models Extract via the Extraction Zone, the Mission Leader gains an additional +1XP.

Anywhere at least 9" from one long board edge, preferably at an odd angle along the entire length of the table, show be a line of ramshackle terrain representing the outer hull of Undred Gunz. In this wall, at approximately the middle of it, should be a gap roughly 6"-8" wide. This represents the "Large Hole". To its left and right, 3D3" away, should be two smaller gaps, each 3"-5" wide to represent the "Small Holes". Any terrain on the Ork side of this wall (the roughly 9" between the board edge and it) should be filled with Ork themed scatter. All the terrain on the Deathwatch side of the wall should be filled with [++Redacted++] themed scatter and/or high-vaulted rooms.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, anywhere within 6" of the board edge opposite the Ork wall. The GM's forces begin the Mission in Adversarial Reserves and enter play via the board edge on the Orky side of the Wall.

The player who controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: according to Mission parameters.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium (or any other for which the Mission Leader qualifies if the Teleportarium is disabled for reasons) with the Extraction point anywhere along the Deathwatch player(s)' deployment edge.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. Note that this Mission is not Linked with Wall of Gunz. In addition to any other discounts models have earned, all weapons count their Threshold as 01 for the duration of this Mission.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 100 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock). If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to two times the player(s)' CTV (not affected by the Doomclock). At the start of every Battleround, the GM gains an additional 2D6 Allotment per Hole that has not yet been plugged. These are added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 1 and take their first Movement Phase from their own table edge.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The decks rumble with the approaching onslaught and the noise of the Greenskins Waaagh blots out all other sound.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
05 / 05 / 00 / The Talisman of Saint Othic / This pendant hangs from an Adamantium chain and bears the likeness of some obscure Imperial saint. It grants the model carrying it a single re-roll that can used for any reason once per Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/11/04 21:02:11

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
After destroying what seemed like two random, albeit powerful, generators along Undred Gunz's flank, the Intolerance's sensorium has picked up the energy signature of an even greater generator along the vessel's dorsal ridge. Nestled into a nest of turrets, this generator is believed to be the power nexus for all of the Battle Kroozer's defensive weaponry. If it can be destroyed also, the threat of stray shots hitting boarding craft during insertion can be eliminated entirely. Player(s) may send as many squads as they like to undertake this Mission.

UGb1: Power Down the Gunz: Routine

"With their attention focused outward, we may be able to sneak past the Ork gunners and destroy their power source right from under them. Literally."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but player(s) may undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Replicanticle if they wish.

Known Adversaries
"At first we expect Meks, Spanners, and their grot attendants. However, once we silence the guns, we should expect to see the gunners themselves come out to investigate."
The author suggests Meks, Big Meks, Runtherders, Spanners, and gretchin, followed by Ork Boys.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Destroy the Big Generator: any Deathwatch model that contributes to destroying the Main Orky Generator earns +1XP and +1 Renown provided the Mission ends with the Orky Generator dead.

Tertiary Objectives:
Destroy the Smaller Generators, too: any Deathwatch model that removes the last Wound from any other Generator on the battlefield earns +1XP.

Kill Count: for every 10 Ork models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1 Renown. If at least 30 Ork models are removed as casualties, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1XP and +1 Renown.

Kill Markers: for every Ork Mini Boss removed as a casualty this Mission, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

Extract: if all squad members Extract via the Extraction Zone, the Mission Leader gains an additional +1 Renown.

Set the table up as one massive room with balconies, gantries, or other elevated terrain hemming the central area from the sides. At the far end of the board, sandwiched between the elevated terrain, should be a terrain feature to represent the massive Main Orky Generator. Within 6" of this terrain feature should be two other Generators. Within 6" of the opposite table edge should be a wall or walls or rooms that, with or without doors, block line of sight to that Main Generator.

The GM sets up their forces first, within 9" of either the Main Orky Generator or any other Generator on the table.

The player(s) then set up their forces, anywhere within 6" of the board edge opposite that Main Orky Generator. Any of the GM's forces that begin in Adversarial Reserves, enter play via any board edge at least 16" from any Deathwatch model.

The player(s) take the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
In addition to the Main Orky Generator there will be two smaller Generators. These two smalker Generators empower the Main Orky Generator's Invulnerable Save. Both must be destroyed to eliminate that completely. Destroying one only reduces the Invulnerable Save by 1. All Technology, even that placed by player(s)' Traits or Talents[/b, are at [b]Full Power.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: according to Mission parameters.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium (or any other for which the Mission Leader qualifies if the Teleportarium is disabled for reasons) with the Extraction point anywhere along the Deathwatch player(s)' deployment edge.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. Note that this Mission is Linked with Wall of Gunz, therefore player(s) will need to arm themselves for both Missions.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets Allotment equal to 10 times the number of Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission to start (not affected by the Doomclock). If using the CTV method of Allotment, the GM starts with Allotment equal to 100 minus the player(s)' CTV (not affected by the Doomclock). These may only be spent on grots, runtherds, spanners, meks, or big meks.

After each smaller Generator is destroyed and for every 4 Wounds the Main Orky Generator loses, the GM gets an addition 3D6 Allotment added to their ongoing Adversarial Reserves. These models can only be deployed on the elevated terrain on either edge of the board at least 9" from any Deathwatch models and represent the gunners coming out to investigate why their guns have stopped firing. These Reserves become available on the Turn immediately following the one they were generated on.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: Like being inside a titanic engine, the roar and crackle of Orkish turbines coupled with the bark and chatter of their guns, means that likely, every Ork and Gretchin inside this chamber is utterly and completely deaf.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

The Main Orky Generator and the Smaller Ones, too
The Main Orky Generator is Toughness 8, Wounds 16, and a 4+ Armor Save. It also has a 5+ Invulnerable Save as long as the two Smaller Generators remain functioning. Each of these Smaller Generators are Toughness 8, Wounds 10, and a 4+ Armor Save. Destroying one of the Smaller Generators reduces the Main Orky Generator's Invulnerable Save to a 6+. Destroying both eliminates it entirely. The Main Orky Generator should be represented by a suitably large terrain feature.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
25 / 03 / 01 / Rare Cybernetica / This contraption of indeterminate function may be used as a mitigator against loss of favor with any Admech Faction. When a model equipped with this Relic deploys on a Mission, they may select any single Admech Faction. This model immediately gains +D6 Esteem with that Faction. Additionally, if the Mission is failed while this item is equipped, the squad cannot lose more than 1 Esteem with any Admech Faction associated with that Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/11/05 16:45:22

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Currently, I am working on 3 different "ships" and attendant Missions. I was wondering if the community has any preference for what I post next. Your choices are:

1.) Dark Mechanicum/Adeptus Biologis
M32 Martian Mandate: Quadratic Logii
Hull: Cruiser fragment
Original Crew Compliment: unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Warp Implosion
Current Condition of Crew: Isolated or Warped
Probable Disposition: Adeptus Mechanicus, Dark Mechanicum, Mutants, Daemons, Servitors, Ship Dead

2.) A Necron Artifact
Unknown Origin: The Obelisk
Hull: Dodecahedral Object
Original Crew Compliment: unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Intent
Current Condition of Crew: Awakening
Probable Disposition: Dynastic Legions

3.) A Crack in the Webway
Warp Anomaly: The Dark Path
Hull: Webway Incursion
Original Crew Compliment: untold billions
Circumstance of Drift: Fractures in Reality
Current Condition of Crew: Wandering
Probable Disposition: Daemons, Monsters, and Aeldari

If you have any preference and would like to vote, please comment below. If no one responds after about a week, I'll just proceed as normal at my own pace.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/11/24 18:43:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Unknown Origin: The Obelisk
Hull: Dodecahedral Object
Original Crew Compliment: unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Intent
Current Condition of Crew: Awakening
Probable Disposition: Dynastic Legions


Ship's Story
This object barely registered on the Intolerance's scanners, except as an anomalous spike of energy in the debris. It burned a hole into the side of the growing hulk and settled within its core, before slowly, inexorably tearing it apart molecule by molecule. It's building something in there; converting the [++Redacted++] into some sort of device. It is likely it will devour the entire hulk if left unchecked.

Forbidden Lore
If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Knowledge Skill*, they may use it to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Manufacture (Forbidden Knowledge): nothing is known for certain regarding the origins of The Obelisk, except that it is more dense than it should be and that its manufacture is most likely Necron. It appears to be a matter-conversion device of some sort and, if left unchecked, will likely completely destroy the hulk and everything around it.

Crew (Forbidden Knowledge): the object itself is too small and dense to actually be transporting any crew, but it is likely that it is in the process of either manufacturing or gating in more and more sophisticated Necron constructs to protect its task.

Its Purpose (Forbidden Knowledge): it is speculated that this Obelisk is a world-builder and that its objective is to manufacture a planet from all the debris in this system. However, there are those amongst Watch Command who believe the object is merely a gate and that the true horror and purpose of the device will be to usher in the undying legions to conquer and slaughter all who stand to stop it.

*GMs, prompt your players with this skill so that they know they have the option to use it.

If player(s) ignore The Obelisk for too long it will unlock its Inevitable Missions. 10 hours after its arrival, The Obelisk halts the Doomclock and player(s) must play out the Inevitable Missions in sequence. If they fail the Destroy the Gate Mission, the Campaign ends in defeat.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines: The Obelisk has no "interior architecture" per se, but instead converts the chambers and corridors of the hulk itself around it into Necron-esque cubist architecture. Terrain representing this should be smooth, geometric, and perhaps reminiscent of the interiors of Blackstone Fortresses.

Optional Mission
O1: Investigation: Optional Exploration

Unlockable Missions
O2: Conversion: Routine
O3: Close the Gate: Linked
O4: Aftermath: Linked

Inevitable Missions
Oa: The Heralds: Routine
Ob: Tide of Legions: Routine
Oc: The Final Stand: Linked
Od: Destroy the Gate: Linked

Treasure Tables for Exploration
For the Exploration Mission that takes place near The Obelisk Roll a D3-1 (minimum 0) for each Deathwatch model assigned to the Mission. This is the number of Blackstone Shards the Mission recovers. Single Blackstone Shards may be traded to any Faction for +4D6+6 Esteem or kept for future use/study.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/12/11 11:29:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Optional Mission: The Obelisk
The Obelisk's initial Mission is completely optional. GM's, impress upon your players that they have option of sending one or more marines on an investigative Exploration Mission to determine the nature of this new arrival, but don't give it any urgency. If you've been springing things on them, they'll be as paranoid as they need to be on their own. If players ignore the Optional Exploration Mission - which they may do if they are nearing the end of the Campaign and have figured out what's going on with the DoomClock - then just narrate a steady collapse at the center of the Hulk every few hours until 10 hours have passed. And move on to the Inevitable Missions.

O1: Investigation: Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send 1 or more individual models from any Squad up to 6.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for any other Faction the player(s) choose.

"What is the object at the center of this energy spike? Is it a vessel? Is it something else? And should we worry about what it could be harboring?"

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Return with any Clues: each model deployed on this Mission should roll a D3-1 (0-2) to determine if they retrieve any Blackstone fragments. If at least 1 model generates at least 1 fragment this Objective can be considered complete.

Tertiary Objective(s):

Mission Length
D3 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. 3-5 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Special Rules: for each Blackstone fragment kept for study roll a D6. Any roll that generates a 6 grants access to the Unlockable Missions, which must be completed in order. Unlocking these Missions means the Inevitable Missions don't happen.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/12/21 02:25:07

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Necron tech confirmed. In all likelihood, if left to complete their foul task, the abominable machines will seek to consume us all. The Deathwatch must dispatch a squad or squads to interrupt whatever is happening around the Obelisk and erradicate the foul xenos constructs with abject prejudice. But be wary, the thing at its heart grows by the minute and wastes neither time nor energy gating in guardians to shield itself from the wrath of the Astartes sent to destroy it.

O2: Conversion: Routine

"Now that we have identified the threat, let us actively confront it and undermine its progress towards inevitable doom. Spare no fury; send these foul machines to the scrap grinder forever."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but player(s) may undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard if they wish. If they do, players gain an additional +1 Esteem with this Faction for every 10 Wounds of Necrons they remove as casualties.

Known Adversaries
"Necrons. Type? Capability? Unfortunately, Brothers, that falls to you to determine for us."
The author suggests starting with Necron Infantry, perhaps a Deathmark or two, before escalating to more terrifying, multi-wound things like bikes, command barges, and stalkers. Also, if you have an Obelisk model....

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Destroy the Source: if you happen to have an Obelisk model, use that. Otherwise, place a large terrain feature at the center of the table with Toughness 8, 24 Wounds, the Living Metal special rule, and a 3+ Armor Save; consider it armed with 4 Tesla Spheres (see Codex: Necrons for details). Any Deathwatch model that damages the Obelisk earns +1XP. If its last Wound is removed before the end of the game, all Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission gain an additional +1XP and +D3 Renown each.

Tertiary Objectives:
Identify the Dynasty: the first Deathwatch model that can draw line of sight to a Necron Elite or HQ model counts as completing this Objective. GMs, tell that model's controlling player what Dynasty you are using and be sure to stick to it for the remainder of the Obelisk's Missions.

Kill Count: for every 10 Necron models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1 Renown. If all Necron models are removed as casualties before the end of the Mission, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1XP and +1 Renown.

Survive: each Deathwatch model that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds gains an additional +1 Renown. If all Deathwatch models that deployed on this Mission end it with 1 or more Wounds, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1XP.

Set the table up with one large room in the center and as many smaller rooms sprouting off of that as can fit, using connecting corridors as you have them. The central room should be large enough to accommodate an Obelisk model.

The player(s) then set up their forces according to their Deployment parameters, along any table edge. All of the GM's forces begin in Adversarial Reserves except the Obelisk which is placed in the middle of the table's central room.

GM and player(s) then roll to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
Players may place any number of Generators or Terminals on the table as they like. However, all of these devices will be at Miniscule Power Level. The GM may also use a special Leech ability to grant nearby Necron Units a free re-roll that may used for any reason, by draining the power out of technology on the table. More on this in the GM's section below.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. If this is the second or subsequent time players are attempting this Mission (because they failed it the other times), remove the Threshold of all Wargear for the duration of this Mission.

Deploy: according to the Option selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase: record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase, if any.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins the Mission with an immovable Obelisk at the table's center. Each Room the GM Converts during the course of the Mission earns them an additional D3 Allotment times the number of Deathwatch models remaining to add to their Adversarial Reserves. On Turns 1 and 2, this may only be spent on Infantry models. On Turn 3, at least 5 Allotment must be spent on ELITE or HQ models.

The GM's Reserves may enter the table within 6" of the Obelisk or within any Converted Room or Corridor at least 9" from any Deathwatch model.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: A strange noise fills the chamber as the substance of the [++Redacted++] is devoured by green light and replaced with tetrahedral, obsidian slabs of living metal. Shimmering gates, their yawning portals opening into the infinity of the abyss, usher in the unflinching legions of the dynasty as they attempt to secure their foothold here.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain 2D3 Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

Special Rules

At the start of each Battleround, the GM rolls 2D6 for each room and corridor on the table adjacent to either the Obelisk's room or another room already Converted by this effect. On the roll of a 7+, that corridor or room is obsorbed and replaced by extensions of the Obelisk itself. Use a Marker to identify rooms and corridors so Converted. For each Corridor or Room Converted, the GM gains +1 to all future Necron Allotment Pools for the remainder of the Campaign.

During the Command Phase, the GM may drain the Power from a Generator or Terminal nearest to the Obelisk, an ELITE, or an HQ model that still has any Power Level except Dead. To do so, the GM needs only to announce that they are doing so. Up to 1 Object per 30 Allotment worth of models on the table may be so drained per Battleround. As long as the Obelisk still has 1 Wound remaining, it counts as 30 Allotment for this purpose.

For each Object so Leeched, the GM gains 1 free re-roll that may be used for any reason on their own Turn. Unused re-rolls expire at the end of the Battleround.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 26 / 03 / Gauss Weapon / This counts as a Sanctified Xeno Weapon with the following profile:

Item / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
Gauss Weapon / 24" / 1|2|- / 10 / 5 / -1 / D3 / Assault / This weapon cannot be reloaded. Any unmodified roll of a 6 to hit causes a Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects.

45* / 12 / 02 / Master Component / This bulky device is a universal STC component for all Imperial machines Terminal-sized or larger. When using a Skill involving a Terminal, Generator, or a larger machine of Imperial or Admech manufacture, this Relic provides a +1 to that roll.

*Techmarines, Heralds, Iron Hands, Sons of Medusa, and Knights Amethyst treat this item's Threshold as 15 instead.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/12/24 00:52:05

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
It was not enough to destroy the Obelisk. The heart of this machine exists in two dimensions. And now it is stronger than ever and growing still. We must seal this Gate for good. Stop at nothing. Spare no Fury. Let Hatred be our Shield, Faith our Rainments, and Wrath our Hammer. Smash these foul machines from existence.

O3: Close the Gate: Linked (with O4: Aftermath)

"If ever our Missions could be described as Suicidal, now is that time; this is that Mission. Your sacrifice today will ensure the safety of all our future endeavors. Live or die, you shall be remembered as heroes, for you have stepped between the might of the Ancients and the sum of the Emperor's domain. You are our Shield. You are our Sword. And I task you with destroying the unkillable and thwarting the inevitable. Go, my Brothers, and on this Day become Legends, for you are the Emperor's Wrath made manifest. You are the Mailed Fist that shall strike down a god. The finest Knights our galaxy has ever known; will ever know. You are the sons of the Emperor; you are Triumph Incarnate."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but player(s) may undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard if they wish. If they do, players gain an additional +1 Esteem with this Faction for every 10 Wounds of Necrons they remove as casualties.

It is recommended that players send as many Squads as they can spare to complete this Mission. Expect casualties. Bring the biggest guns you can.

Known Adversaries
"All the horrors of the Necrons."
The author suggests starting with Lychguard, a Lord, and/or Destroyers of any type. Maybe a Monolith shows up, a Triarch Stalker, or one of those Forgeworld Necron Titans? Pull out the big guns and spare nothing.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Close the Gate: if you happen to have an Obelisk model, use that. Otherwise, place a large terrain feature at the center of the table with Toughness 8, 24 Wounds, the Living Metal special rule, and a 3+ Armor Save; consider it armed with 4 Tesla Spheres (see Codex: Necrons for details). Any Deathwatch model that damages this Obelisk earns +D3XP. The model that removes the Obelisk's last Wound additionally gains +1XP and +D3+3 Renown. Once the Obelisk is dead, any surviving Deathwatch model must place one or more Vortex Bombs within 6" of the center of the board. Roll a D6 for each Vortex Bomb at the end of the Mission. Any roll of a 6 closes the Gate. If successful, all Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission gain +3XP and +2D3+4 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for every 15 Wounds inflicted on Necron models this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1 Renown. If all Necron models are removed as casualties before the end of the Mission, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1XP and +2 Renown.

Survive: each Deathwatch model that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds gains an additional +1XP and +3 Renown. For each Deathwatch model that deployed on this Mission that ends it with 1 or more Wounds, the Mission Leader also gains an additional +1 Renown.

Set the table up with one large room in the center. This central room should be large enough to accommodate an Obelisk model. The rest of the board should be fairly open with long corridors or large rooms for relatively clear lines of fire.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing the Obelisk in the dead center of the table and all their remaining forces within 12" of that model's edge. Any models not deployed go into Adversarial Reserves.

The player(s) then set up their forces according to their Deployment parameters, along any table edge.

GM and player(s) then roll to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. Note that there is no Extraction time as this Mission is Linked with the next.

Technology on the Table
Players may place any number of Generators or Terminals on the table as they like. However, all of these devices will be at Miniscule Power Level. The GM may also use a special Leech ability to grant nearby Necron Units a free re-roll that may used for any reason, by draining the power out of technology on the table. More on this in the GM's section below.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for this Mission and the next. Due to the nature of this Mission, treat the Threshold of all Wargear as 1 for the duration of this Mission. Additionally, 1 in every 3 Deathwatch models is equipped with a single Vortex Bomb for free. Remember to equip as much ammo as you can.

Deploy: according to the Option selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase: record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase, if any.

Consequences of Failure: if all Deathwatch models are removed as casualties or if the Vortex Bombs fail to close the Gate, Necron forces increase all future Allotment Pools by x2 for the remainder of the Campaign. This Mission is not repeatable if it is failed.

GM's Section:

Allotment: the GM begins the Mission with an immovable Obelisk at the table's center plus D6 times the number of Deathwatch models assigned to this Mission. Additionally, at the start of each Battleround, the GM rolls a D6 for each remaining Deathwatch model on the table and adds that much Allotment to their ongoing Adversarial Reserves. If the Obelisk is removed as a casualty, the GM only rolls a D3 for each remaining Deathwatch model.

The GM's Reserves may enter the table within 12" of the Obelisk or within 9" of the center of the table once the Obelisk is destroyed.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The Legions have awoken and march upon us. They are like a hive of insects, swarming to defend their Gate. If we let them they shall send an unending horde to stop us. The very face of the universe buckles around us. Let us seal these things in the tombs of their own making; let us close their Gateway into our world.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain 2D3 Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

Special Rules

During the Command Phase, the GM may drain the Power from a Generator or Terminal nearest to the Obelisk, an ELITE, or an HQ model that still has any Power Level except Dead. To do so, the GM needs only to announce that they are doing so. Up to 1 Object per 30 Allotment worth of models on the table may be so drained per Battleround. As long as the Obelisk still has 1 Wound remaining, it counts as 30 Allotment for this purpose.

If the Gate is not closed, players must still move on to Mission O4 before returning to the [++Redacted++]. If they survive both Missions, but fail this one, they must proceed to the Inevitable Missions and continue from there. This Mission is not repeatable.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 24 / 02 / Phase Scythe / This counts as a Sanctified Xeno Weapon with the following profile:

Item / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
Phase Scythe / Melee / +2 / -3 / 2 / Unweildy, Phasing, Catastrophic.

60* / 30 / 00 / Power Infinite / This tiny, shimmering stone may be used to replace the Primary magazine of any energy weapon, improving its Ammo to 100, its Damage by +1, and its AP by 1. Or it may be used as an outside Power Source for any Technology, providing Full Power for 6 Battlerounds.

*Techmarines, Heralds, Iron Hands, Sons of Medusa, and Knights Amethyst treat this item's Threshold as 36 instead.

Weapon Traits
: if this weapon inflicts 1 or more Wounds, but the enemy Unit is not wiped out, they suffer an additional -D3 to their Leadership tests in the Morale Phase.
Phasing: this weapon ignores Invulnerable Saves
Unweildy: this weapon must subtract 1 from its hit rolls.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/12/29 22:38:59

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added some new Talents to the Melee Tree: Ecstatic Fighter, Guarded Fighter, Potent Fighter, Violent, Wrath, and Rampager.
The Skill tree: Applied Violence and Savage Tactician
And the Morale tree: Vehement

Part two (O4: Aftermath) of the previously posted Mission coming soon.

I also added clarification to the Injury and Recovery section for when a model takes Damage in excess of its remaining Wounds.

I edited and modified slightly the Battlefield section of the UG3: A Prize in the Wreck Mission for clarity and to add a bonus if the Mission Leader uses their Forbidden Knowledge Skill.

Hey folks, I've posted twice to this thread in recent days and for some reason I can't see my own new posts. Can someone respond or let me know if they can see the things I've written?

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/12/29 23:23:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Nevermind, it seems to have resolved itself. I was exhausted when I wrote this, so bear with me if this has a lot of typos. I'll correct them as I find them.

Player Briefing
Depending on the outcome of the previous Mission: Close the Gate, this is either a mop up (if it was a Victory) or an escape (if it was a Defeat). In either case, the surviving Deathwatch must fight their way through waves of Necron constructs and exit opposite from where they came.

O4: Aftermath: Linked (with O3: Close the Gate)

"We must smash through the last Phalanxes and battle our way to extraction, Brothers. Kill as many as you can before we leave here."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but player(s) may undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard if they wish. If they do, players gain an additional +1 Esteem with this Faction for every 10 Necron models they remove as casualties.

All of the surviving Deathwatch models from the previous Mission must participate in this Mission as well. No new models may be added to the roster.

Known Adversaries
"We suspect you will be facing waves of Necron phalanxes."
The author suggests using only infantry models if Mission O3 was a success and only multi-Wound models if Mission O3 ended without completing the Primary Objective.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Escape: all surviving Deathwatch models must reach the designated Extraction Point at the far side of the board for this to be considered complete. If at least 1 Deathwatch model reaches this area and Extracts, the Mission Leader gains an additional +1 Renown. If all Deathwatch models that started the previous Mission with one or more Wounds Extract from this location, the Mission Leader also gains +D3 XP and each survivor gains an additional +1 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for every 10 <Necron> <Infantry> models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch Astartes deployed gains +1XP. For the purposes of this Mission, Necron models that are removed as casualties, but subsequently reanimated, can be potentially counted twice towards this Objective if they are killed again.

Trophy Kills: for each Necron model that began the Mission with 3 or more Wounds, that is removed as a casualty this Mission, choose a Deathwatch model. That model gains +D3 Renown

Set the table up with one medium sized room on one short board edge. The rest of the board should be covered in rooms and corridors that offer at least 3 possible routes to this room. The GM then sets up a Teleportarium Extraction Zone in that room.

Players and GM then alternate placing 3 Entry Points each, anywhere on the board at least 6" away from any other Entry Point, 6" away from any board edge, and at least 6" away from the Extraction Zone.

The GM sets up their models first, splitting their forces into 3 distinct waves of roughly equal model counts. Their First Wave may be set up anywhere on the table at least 18" away from the short board edge opposite where the Extraction Zone is. Their other two Waves are held in Adversarial Reserves.

The player(s) then set up their forces according to their Deployment parameters, along the short table edge on the opposite side from the Extraction Zone.

GM and player(s) then roll to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more, plus 1 hour Extraction. Note that there is no Insertion time as this Mission is Linked with the previous.

Technology on the Table
Players may place up to D3 Generators with a randomly determined Power Level and/or up to D3 Terminals at Low Power, anywhere at least 12" away from the Extraction Zone. The GM may also use a special Leech ability to grant nearby Necron Units a free re-roll that may used for any reason, by draining the power out of technology on the table. More on this in the GM's section below.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies, with the caveat that it must be on a predetermined board edge.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium

Arming Phase: player(s) will have already armed their models at the start of the previous Mission. They cannot change their load outs now unless they have a Talent that says otherwise and are limited to the equipment, grenades, ammunition, and weapons that are left over from the previous Mission.

Deploy: according to the Option selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase: record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase, if any.

Consequences of Failure: This Mission is not repeatable if it is failed. If it is failed, players must complete the Inevitable Missions in order or accept defeat for the entire Campaign.

Extraction: Deathwatch models that end their Turn in the Extraction Zone automatically Teleport off the board.

GM's Section:

Allotment: if using the original Allotment rules, the GM begins the game with 90 Allotment split into 3 Waves of roughly equal model counts. If using the revised Allotment rules, the GM begins the game with Allotment equal to the players combined squads' CTV, split into 3 Waves of roughly equal model counts.

The GM's Reserves may enter the table within 6" of any Entry Point and at least 9" away from any Deathwatch model. On the GM's Turn 3, they roll a D6 to determine which wave or waves become available this Turn. Each Wave becomes available on a 5+. If neither Wave becomes available this Turn, roll again each subsequent Turn until one or both become available. Waves that never become available do not count as destroyed for the purposes of Objectives.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: The decks clang with the stomp of advancing Necrons. Whether their legions are hounding or withdrawing doesn't seem to matter. Their numbers are endless; they rise again with every step we take.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain 2D3 Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

Special Rules

During the Command Phase, the GM may drain the Power by one Level from a Generator or Terminal nearest to any <Necron> model with 3 or more Wounds remaining. To do so, the GM needs only to announce that they are doing so. Up to 1 Object per 30 Allotment worth of models on the table may be so drained per Battleround. Draining a Power Level in this way provides the GM with a single re-roll that may be used for any reason until the end of the Mission. Unused re-rolls are lost at the end of the Mission.

If this Mission is failed, players must proceed to the Inevitable Missions and continue from there. This Mission is not repeatable.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 36 / 00 / Phase Shield / This counts as a Sanctified Xeno Item that provides the model equipped with it the ability to ignore intervening models and terrain features when Moving, Advancing, and Charging. They cannot end their movement inside any terrain feature or model, however. This item also grants the bearer a 5+ Invulnerable Save.

60* / 30 / 01 / Chronometric Prison / This handheld cube allows the bearer to select one enemy model within 6" during the Shooting Phase instead of Firing their weapon. If the target has an Invulnerable Save, they may roll that to avoid the effects of this device. Otherwise roll a D6 and inflict that many Mortal Wounds on the target. If this kills the target, the bearer of this item gains +1 Corruption, +D3+1 Renown, and +D6 XP. One use per Mission.

*Librarians, Primaris Librarians, Heralds, Blood Ravens, and Black Wasps treat this item's Threshold as 36 instead.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2021/12/30 22:25:23

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Something has awoken inside the growing hulk and the Deathwatch can no longer afford to ignore it. The vanguard of the Necrons sally forth from the gates they have been busy creating. The Deathwatch must move into position and prepare to defend themselves against the onslaught.

Oa: The Heralds: Routine

"This is only the beginning, my Brothers. Let us throw back this onslaught and show these foul Xenos that we are not intimidated by their threat. Destroy them as they come and grind their metal bodies beneath your boots."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but player(s) may undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard if they wish. If they do, players gain an additional +1 Esteem with this Faction for every 10 Necron models they remove as casualties.

It is recommended that players send as many Squads as they can spare to complete this Mission. Expect casualties. Bring the biggest guns you can.

Known Adversaries
"We expect the true vanguard of the Dynasty."
The author suggests using only Necron Elites, HQs, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support (but leaving the C'tan and Lords of War out for now).

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Hold Back the Tide: this Objective can be considered complete only if no Necron model ever ends a Battleround within 9" of the Deathwatch Deployment edge this Mission.

Kill Count: for each 10 Necron models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission gains +1XP.

Tertiary Objectives:
Total Eradication: if no Necron models are on the table at the end of the Mission, all Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission gain +D3 XP and the Mission Leader also gains an additional +D3 Renown.

Trophy Kills: for each Necron model that began this Mission with 3 or more Wounds that is removed as a casualty this Mission choose a Deathwatch model. That model gains +D3 Renown.

Split the board into thirds vertically (parallel to the short board edges). One third should be dominated by a multi-level balcony facing a large open cargo hold that dominates the remaining two thirds. In the middle third place cargo containers and debris representing collapsed sections of the ceiling and/or floors. In the far third place scatter terrain that represents Necron architecture.

The players and the GM alternate placing their forces, each on opposite short board edges. The players get the third with the balcony and the GM gets the third with the Necron scatter. The players set up according to their Deployment Option choice and the GM sets up at no more than 12" from their own board edge.

GM and player(s) then roll to determine who takes the first Turn, with the side that finished Deploying first recieving a +1 to this roll. Highest score goes first.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. This Mission ends if all Deathwatch models Extract or are removed as casualties.

Technology on the Table
The players may place one Generator in their board third and roll randomly to determine its Power Level. The players and GM may then alternate placing D3-1 (to a minimum of 0) Terminals anywhere on the table as they like, starting with the GM's placement. These Terminals are at Miniscule Power, adjusted by the Generator as per normal Technology rules. The GM may use a special Leech ability to grant nearby Necron Units a free re-roll that may used for any reason, by draining the power out of technology on the table. More on this in the GM's section below.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for this Mission.

Deploy: according to the Option selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase: record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase, if any.

Consequences of Failure: This Mission is not repeatable if it is failed. If this Mission is failed and any Necron models remain on the table, they are added as Adversarial Reserves in Mission Ob: Tide of Legions.

GM's Section:

Allotment: if using the original Allotment rules, the GM begins the game with 12 Allotment per Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission. If using the new Allotment rules, the GM gains Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV plus 30.

If the GM has any Adversarial Reserves they enter the table from their own table edge.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: They advance implacably, their legions unflinching. They will not rest until either we or they have been eradicated. The noise of their machine bodies echos across the vast hold in which we do battle with them. Let this be the farthest they tread.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain 2D3 Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

Special Rules Leeching
During the Command Phase, the GM may drain the Power from a Generator or Terminal nearest an ELITE or HQ model that still has any Power Level except Dead. To do so, the GM needs only to announce that they are doing so. The target Technology's Power Level is reduced by one step and the GM gains +1 CP. CPs that remain unused at the end of this Mission carry over to the next Mission.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
65 / 40 / 02 / Darkest / This weapon is a Tainted Relic Hecate Pattern Bolter with the following profile:

Item / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
Darkest / 24" / 1|2-8|- / 8 / 5 / -1 / 1 / Rapid Fire / This Ensorcelled Hecate Pattern Bolter has an increased Strength and improved AP, even when loaded with normal bolter magazines. In addition to its increased firepower, Darkest ignores 1 point of cover (light cover provides no benefit, heavy cover provides only +1, and dense cover only provides +2 to Armor Saves). Lastly, a model armed with Darkest when the lights go out ignores the limitations to visual range as long as this Relic remains on their person.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/01/06 06:36:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added a bunch of new Talents to the

Miscellaneous Tree: Monster Hunter, Tank Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Monster Slayer, Tank Destroyer, Trophy Taker

Shooting Tree: Anti Tanker, Point Blank, Immobilizer

Melee Tree: Head Taker

Skill Tree: Sneaky

and I'll add more tomorrow. Thanks for looking, you are all great and I appreciate you.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/01/06 18:44:59

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added Talents to the

Miscellanous Tree: Hussle Up

Survival Tree: Divine Protection, Heavy, Survivor, Shed Corruption, Shunt Corruption

Skill Tree: Orienteering, Advanced Tactics: Suppressing Fire

Shooting Tree: Hammer that Position, Search and Traverse

I also modified the Survival Talent: Stoic Resolve to better reflect that it is a Tier 2 Talent.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/01/07 19:02:26

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I clarified the Suppression rules and how Adversaries become and escape being Shaken and Pinned.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/01/10 05:32:34

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
The whole of the [++Redacted++] trembles with the stomp of metal feet. Gates form where the Phaerons will them to be and from these crackling, shimmering, green portals march the endless tides of the Necron Phalanxes. The Deathwatch must not just hold back the inevitable, but push back against it, too. They must drive the Necrons back or else face annihilation itself.

Ob: Tide of Legions: Routine

"Here they come, in their endless columns. Be not distracted by their deathless numbers. Push back against them; prioritize targets; destroy their gates; decapitate their leadership. Drive them back to the hell which spawned them."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but player(s) may undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard if they wish. If they do, players gain an additional +1 Esteem with this Faction for every 10 Necron models they remove as casualties.

It is recommended that players send as many Squads as they can spare to complete this Mission. Expect casualties.

Known Adversaries
"They come in Waves, Brothers. Let them crash against you and be broken. For we are as eternal as the mountains. We are the unbreakable bulwark of humanity."
The author suggests using mostly Necron Troops, Flayed Ones, Monoliths, and fortifications for this Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Destroy Their Gates: the GM will be placing numerous terrain pieces to represent the Necron Gates. For each one of these terrain features destroyed, all Deathwatch models on this Mission gain +2XP and +2 Renown. If all of these features have been destroyed by the end of the Mission, all Deathwatch models deployed on this Mission gain an additional +2XP and the Mission Leader gains an additional +2 Renown.

Command Kills: for each Necron model that began this Mission with 3 or more Wounds and is either an ELITE or an HQ model, that is removed as a casualty this Mission, choose a Deathwatch model. That model gains +2 Renown and +2XP.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for each 20 Necron Infantry models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission gains +1XP.

Destroy the Monolith: if the GM has a Monolith model, the Deathwatch model that removes its last Wound gains +2D3 XP and +D3 Renown.

Draw a line down the center of the board (parallel to the short board edges). On one half, place terrain that looks like it came from Necron architects. On the other place decrepit spaceship interiors that look like they belong in a decaying space hulk.

If the GM has a Monolith model they may place this vehicle anywhere on the Necron half of the terrain board. Then, the GM and players alternate placing up to D3 free standing doorways each to represent the Necron Gates. These Gates have 8 Wounds each, a Toughness of 8, and an Invulnerable Save of 4+. They also have the Living Metal special rule. Each Gate must be at least 6" from any other Gate and no more than 12" from any Necron table edge.

The GM then sets up their forces anywhere within 3" of their own board edges or within 6" of any Gate (including the one on the front of the Monolith, if applicable). Then the players set up according to their Deployment Parameters.

GM and player(s) then roll to determine who takes the first Turn. Highest score goes first.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. This Mission ends if all Deathwatch models Extract or are removed as casualties -or- when all the Necron Gates/Monolith have been destroyed and there are no Necron HQ or ELITE models left on the table.

Technology on the Table
If players have an ability to place any Tachnology on the table, roll randomly to determine its Power Levels as normal. The GM may use a special Leech ability to give themselves extra CP, by draining the power out of technology on the table. More on this in the GM's section below.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for this Mission.

Deploy: according to the Option selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase: record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase, if any.

Consequences of Failure: This Mission is not repeatable if it is failed. If this Mission is failed and any Necron models remain on the table, they are added as Adversarial Reserves in Mission Oc: The Final Stand.

GM's Section:

Allotment: if using the original Allotment rules, the GM begins the game with 30 Allotment (which must be spent on a Monolith if the GM has one, plus 7 additional Allotment per Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission. If using the new Allotment rules, the GM gains Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV plus 30. The GM may also have additional reinforcements from the previous Mission. These models must be held in Adversarial Reserves and enter play from any of the GM's Gates.

Additionally, the GM gains D6 Allotment at the start of each of their Turns per Gate remaining on the table. This Allotment may only be spent on Warriors, Immortals, Flayed Ones, or Praetorians that enter the board by disembarking from any of the GM's Gates using the normal rules for disembarkation.

Generic Forbidden Knowledge: They advance implacably, their legions unflinching. They will not rest until either we or they have been eradicated. The noise of their machine bodies echos across the vast hold in which we do battle with them. Let this be the farthest they tread.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain 2D3 Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

Special Rules Leeching
During the Command Phase, the GM may drain the Power from a Generator or Terminal nearest an ELITE or HQ model that still has any Power Level except Dead. To do so, the GM needs only to announce that they are doing so. The target Technology's Power Level is reduced by one step and the GM gains +1 CP. CPs that remain unused at the end of this Mission carry over to the next Mission.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
100 / 60 / 02 / Darkfire Eradicator / This weapon is a Tainted Relic Flamer with the following profile:

Item / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
Darkfire Eradicator / 18" / D6|2D6|- / 9 / 5 / -2 / 2 / Assault / This Ensorcelled Flamethrower shoots gouts of black fire that automatically hit its targets. Any model, friend or foe, that can draw line of sight to a model Wounded by this Weapon must pass a Toughness test or immediately Move D3" directly away from the model carrying it. The model equipped with this weapon is immune to this effect. This weapon ignores Cover.

100 / 55 / 02 / Aetherfire Lance / This weapon is a Tainted Relic Meltagun with the following profile:

Item / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
Aetherfire Lance / 18" / 1|2|3 / 9 / 9 / -4 / D3+3 / Assault / When this Ensorcelled Melta is fired at targets that are 9" or closer to the shooter, it has a Damage characteristic of D6+3. If this weapon causes maximum Damage in this way, the bearer gains +1 Corruption.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/01/14 20:20:02

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Unbelievably, I didn't have a Melee Talent that improved a model's WS until now. It's a Tier 1 Talent called Skilled Fighter.

EDITED TO ADD: before I go any further, I am tempted to make a fundamental change to the cost of Talents by Tier. The proposed change would half the cost by Tier to 5xp instead of 10xp, but nothing else would change. Tier 1 would therefore be 5xp each, Tier 2 would be 10xp, Tier 3 would be 15xp, Elite Tier 4 would be 20xp, and Elite Tier 5 would be 25xp. All Specialty discounts would remain the same. But before I make a change so bold, I am asking for feedback from anyone who is currently playing this campaign.

My questions are:

Do you, as players or GMs, find the rate of XP gain adequate for the character builds you want?

Is the amount of XP gained per Mission per model enough to upgrade that model at least once between Missions?

Is the amount of XP gains too much or too little to do the things you want?

Do you feel like the price of Talents are prohibitively expensive?

Any and all feedback you can provide would be extremely helpful, not just to me, but I imagine to the whole rest of the community that is using this content. Thank you in advance. Feel free to post your responses here.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/01/21 07:01:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Generic Traits for Minibosses and Boss Monsters

Any Miniboss or Boss Monster may be given the Scary Trait for +1 Allotment.
Any Miniboss or Boss Monster may be given the Cruel Trait for +1 Allotment.
Any Miniboss or Boss Monster may be given the Savage Trait for +1 Allotment.

Any Miniboss or Boss Monster may be given the Fearsome Trait for +3 Allotment.

Any Boss Monster may be given the Terrifying Trait for +5 Allotment.

Scary: models with this Trait project a 6" Aura. Deathwatch models within this Aura must pass a Strength test or suffer -1 WS and -1 BS until the start of their next Turn.

Cruel: models with this Trait project a 6" Aura. Adversary models that share a <keyword> within this Aura automatically pass their Morale tests if the model with this Trait is in Engagement Range of enemy models.

Savage: models with this Trait gain +1 Attack on every Turn they survive the Fight Phase while in Engagement Range.

Fearsome: any Deathwatch model that can draw line of sight to this model at the start of its Turn must pass a Strength test or suffer -1 WS and -1 BS until the start of their next Turn. Additionally, if the Mission Leader is within 6" of a model with this Trait they suffer a -1 to their Ld.

Terrifying: any Deathwatch model that can draw line of sight to this model at the start of its Turn must pass a Strength test or suffer -1 WS, -1 BS, and cannot Advance towards or Charge this model until the start of their next Turn. Additionally, if the Mission Leader is within 6" of a model with this Trait they suffer a -2 to their Ld.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/03/18 21:10:40

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I modified some of the Skill descriptions because they were a little too powerful.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/04/07 19:36:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Wow. I have barely posted here for a month and haven't even added any significant new content since the beginning of the year. And yet this blog has still garnered almost 4,000 new views since then. I imagine at least some of it might be from people playing through the Missions, but that's still super impressive. Thank you everyone.

And rest assured there's still more to come. I still have to finish the last two Necron Missions. After that will be revamped Skills and Skill Talents, then more derelict ships and their stories and Missions, and then more in depth narrative ways to play. And at some point in time, I will start another campaign blog similar to this one, except for Chaos (which, knowing me, will probably arrive in tandem with what I'm working on with this campaign).

Thanks for being here, thanks for reading, and if you're running or playing in some version of this, thanks for sharing in this awesome hobby with me.

Have an awesome day!

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/04/09 21:50:31

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Each Mission against the Necrons before this have been channeling them towards this bottleneck. The Deathwatch must secure a defensible position and draw the bulk of these Xenos to them, timing their counterattack for maximum effect.

Oc: The Final Stand: Linked (with Od: Destroy the Gate)

"We must secure a position to hold the line, Brothers. You have been tasked with this. Fight with all the fury the Emperor has bound you with. Hold back the tides and we will join you at the appointed hour with all the firepower our Ordo can muster."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. Players may additionally undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard and/or any Inquisitorial Faction if they wish. If they do, players gain an additional +1 Esteem with these Factions for every 10 Necron models they remove as casualties.

It is recommended that players send as many Squads as they can spare to complete this Mission. And that they or the GM provides them with models to represent their "Special Reinforcements".

Known Adversaries
"They come in Waves, Brothers. Let them crash against you and be broken. For we are as eternal as the mountains. We are the unbreakable bulwark of humanity."
The author suggests using everything in the Necron Codex. Go for broke.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Hold the Line: if the Mission ends with no Necron models within 12" of the Deathwatch table edge, this Objective can be considered complete.

Endure the Assault: this game lasts a set number of Turns. If at least 25% of all Deathwatch models Deployed on this Mission still have 1 or more Wounds remaining at the end of this Mission, all Deathwatch models that Deployed on this Mission gain +1XP and the Mission Leader gains +5 Renown.

Plant Beacons: any model with a Teleport Beacon that emplaces it in the No Man's Land between the Deatwatch and Necron Deployment Zones gains +1XP and +D3 Renown. Any model that places a Teleport Beacon in the Necron Deployment Zone gains +2XP and +D3+1 Renown. If a model places a Teleport Beacon in the Deathwatch Deployment Zone, both that model and the Mission Leader gain +1XP every time the Players use it to bring in Reinforcements throughout this Mission.

Spring the Trap: the players will have a number of "Special Reinforcements" that they can call in to help. If the players wait until all Teleport Beacons have been placed before calling in any of these Reinforcements, all Deathwatch models Deployed this Mission gain +3XP and +3 Renown and the Mission Leader gains an additional +D3 XP and +D3 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count: for each 20 Necron Infantry models removed as casualties this Mission, each Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission gains +1XP and +1 Renown.

Command Kills: for each Necron model that began this Mission with 3 or more Wounds and is also an ELITE, HQ, or Lord of War model, that is removed as a casualty this Mission, choose a Deathwatch model. That model gains +2 Renown and +2XP.

Preserve Our Assets: for every "Special Reinforcement" Deployed this Mission, that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

Set the board up in such a way that creates one or two bottleneck routes from one short board edge to the other. Each short board edge should have a medium sized room dominating it. The rest of the board should be filled with relatively clear lanes of fire.

The player that controls the model that is the Mission Leader chooses which short board edge the Deathwatch forces will deploy on. That same player may then place up to six barricades each up to 4" in length anywhere within 12" of their board edge.

The GM sets up their forces first, anywhere within 12" of their own short board edge. Then the players set up according to their Deployment Parameters.

GM and player(s) then roll to determine who takes the first Turn. Highest score goes first.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion plus 2 hours Mission time. This Mission ends after 7 Turns. Note that there is no Extraction because this Mission is Linked with the next one.

Technology on the Table
If players have an ability to place any Technology on the table, roll randomly to determine its Power Levels as normal. The GM may use a special Leech ability to give themselves extra CP, by draining the power out of technology on the table. More on this in the GM's section below.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: Defensible Position (which in this Mission must be within the Deathwatch Deployment Zone).

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for this Mission and the next. In addition, each model may be given one of the following options without having to meet the Threshold and without having to pay the Cost: [1] Mantlet Shield; [1] Vortex Bomb; [3] Melta Bombs; [1] Teleport Beacon; [1] Auto Sentry; [2] Promethium Blast Bombs

Deploy: according to the Option selected by the Mission Leader.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase: record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase, if any.

Consequences of Failure: This Mission is not repeatable if it is failed. If this Mission is failed and any Necron models remain on the table, they are added as Adversarial Reserves in Mission Od: Destroy the Gate.

Player "Special Reinforcements": players have access to a number of Special Characters and Free Ordinance that can be summoned as Reinforcements to any emplaced Teleport Beacon on the table. Each of these "Special Reinforcements" are unique and may only be summoned to the tabletop once each.

There are 3 categories of "Special Reinforcements": Named Characters, Unnamed Characters, and Big Guns.

The Named
Watch Captain Erophon, Flesh Tearer
Move 6" (12") WS2+ BS3+ S5 T5 W4 A5 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap11 (including bonus from Powered Armor)
Chapter Traits: Frenzied, Renders of Flesh and Bone
Skills: Command3, Forbidden Knowledge2, Intimidate2
Talents: Cohesion3, Deadly Foe, Deadly Opponent, Frenzy, Fury of the Righteous, God Among Giants, Hardened, Haymaker, Rampager, Skilled Fighter, Swift & Sure, Swift & True, Tough, Violent, Watch Captain
(2CP) Berserk, (2CP) Wrathful Descent.
Load Out: Armor: Impudence Field, Artificer Armor 2+ Weapons: Chattering Teeth (Relic Mastercrafted Bolt Pistol) with 5 Hellfire Magazines, Mastercrafted Lightning Claw, Astartes Chainsword, and 4 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch, Jump Pack
Command Point Contribution (added to a General Pool that any Deathwatch model may draw from): +1CP

Chief Apothecary Claudius, Ultramarine
Move 6" WS3+ BS3+ S4 T5 W6 A1 Ld8 Sv3+ Skill3+ Cap10 (including bonus from Powered Armor)
Chapter Traits: Authority of Guilliman
Skills: Medic3, Tactics1, Tech1
Talents: Apothecariat Supreme, Born Leader, Chem-Boosted Survivalist, Clever, Cohesion1, Concentration, Drop Doctrine, Expert (2), Field Surgeon, Fury Doctrine, Hardened, Hard to Kill, Refusal to Die, Seige Doctrine, Survivor, Tactical Doctrine, Tactician, Tough, Tougher, Toughest, Triage
(2CP) Doctrinal Speech, (1CP) Healing Touch
Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Warsong (Relic Plasmagun), 5 plasma cells, Exceptional Astartes Chainsword, Reductor, 1 Hellfire Grenade, 1 Stassis Grenade, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch, Narthecium, any 3 Stims
Command Point Contribution (added to a General Pool that any Deathwatch model may draw from): +2CP

Brother-Chaplain Matthias, Black Templars
Move 5" WS2+ BS3+ S5 T5 W5 A4 Ld7 Sv2+|5+ Skill2+ Cap13 (including bonus from Terminator Armor)
Chapter Traits: Reckless Zealotry
Skills: Inspire2, Intimidate2
Talents: And Hell Follows With Me, Aroused by Bloodshed, Berserker, Burning Hatred [Agents of the Ruinous Powers], Cohesion2, Concentration, Daemon Slayer, Dangerous Fighter, Deadly Foe, Deadly Opponent, Ecstatic Fighter, Furious Attacker, Fury, God Among Giants, Hammer Blow, Hussle Up, Improved Concentration, Killing Blow, Litanies, Mace Master, Melee Master, Right Place, Skilled Fighter, Sprinter, Swift & Sure, Swift & True, Tough, Wrath
(2CP)Abhor the Witch, (1CP/3CP)Make it Count, (2CP)Wrathful Descent
Load Out: Armor: Terminator Armor 2+|5+ Weapons: Crozius Mattock (Relic Crozius Arcanum), Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter and 4 Turbo Penetrator Magazines, Integral Mags both have Seeker Ammo, 2 Remote Mines, 2 Hellfire Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch
Command Point Contribution (added to a General Pool that any Deathwatch model may draw from): +1CP

Librariat-Sanctioned Brother Aggamon, Black Wasps
Move 6" WS3+ BS2+ S4 T4 W5 A4 Ld10 Sv2+|5+ Skill3+ Cap09 (including bonus from Powered Armor)
Chapter Traits: Born of Black Ships
Skills: Command3, Fobidden Knowledge1, Inspire2
Talents: Agile, Bolt Adept, Bolt Master, Born Leader, Cohesion2, Commander, Concentration, Conservationist, Crackshot, Determined, Dodge, I Will Lend my Fire!, Librarium Guard, Long Shot, Sharp Shooter, Signature Wargear (Exceptional Stalker Bolt Rifle), Steady, Tactician, Volume of Fire, Words of Weight
(1CP) Range Finder, (2CP) Telepathic Oracle
Psychic Powers: Smite (1D6)
-Cast 1 Psychic Power per Turn
-Deny 1 enemy Psychic Power within 18" once per Turn
Load Out: Armor: Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Scipio (Relic Stalker Bolt Rifle with Scope) and 9 Turbo Penetrator Magazines, Wasp's Sting, 2 EMP Mines, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 Krak Grenades Wargear: Armor Patch
Command Point Contribution (added to a General Pool that any Deathwatch model may draw from): +2CP

Long Fang Logan Cruss, Space Wolf
Move 6" WS3+ BS2+ S5 T5 W6 A1 Ld7 Sv3+ Skill4+ Cap11 (including bonus from Powered Armor)
Chapter Traits: Acute Senses, Legendary Ferocity, Wisdom
Skills: Demolition1, Tactics2
Talents: Accurate, Bolt Adept, Bolt Master, Bullet Storm, Calculated Trajectories, Crackshot, Destroyer, Firepower, God Among Giants, Hardened, Juggernaut, Long Shot, Master of Ordinance, Pacifier Doctrine, Precise Targeting, Rival [Dark Angels], Sharp Shooter, Shootist, Sniper, Steady, Swift Reload, Tough, Tougher, Toughest, Volume Fire, Walking Fire
(2CP) Battle Howl, (1CP) Killing Field
Load Out: Armor: Impudence Field, Powered Armor 3+ Weapons: Masterwork Heavy Bolter with Targetting Array, Kraken Backpack Ammo Supply, Frost Axe, and 2 EMP Mines Wargear: Armor Patch
Command Point Contribution (added to a General Pool that any Deathwatch model may draw from): +2CP

The Unnamed
Techmarine or Primaris Techmarine

-Stats as choice
-any 3 Talents for which this model qualifies
-from any qualifying Chapter
-up to 45 Renown worth of Wargear, assume this model qualifies for Thresholds up to 50

Primaris Lieutenant, Intercessor, or Tactical Marine
-Stats as choice
-any 3 Talents for which this model qualifies
-from any qualifying Chapter
-up to 65 Renown worth of Wargear, assume this model qualifies for Thresholds up to 100
-a Tactical Marine may be given Terminator Armor 2+

Primaris Suppressor, Reiver, or Scout
-Stats as choice
-any 3 Talents for which this model qualifies
-from any qualifying Chapter
-up to 45 Renown worth of Wargear, assume this model qualifies for Thresholds up to 50

Inceptor or Assault Marine
-Stats as choice
-any 3 Talents for which this model qualifies
-from any qualifying Chapter
-up to 45 Renown worth of Wargear, assume this model qualifies for Thresholds up to 50
-an Assault Marine may be given Terminator Armor 2+

Aggressor or Devastator
-Stats as choice
-any 3 Talents for which this model qualifies
-from any qualifying Chapter
-up to 45 Renown worth of Wargear, assume this model qualifies for Thresholds up to 50
-a Devastator Marine may be given Terminator Armor 2+

Librarian, Primaris Librarian, or Phobos Librarian
-Stats as choice
-any 3 Talents for which this model qualifies
-Psychic Sense1
-from any qualifying Chapter
-up to 45 Renown worth of Wargear, assume this model qualifies for Thresholds up to 50
-a Librarian may be given Terminator Armor 2+

Apothecary or Primaris Apothecary
-Stats as choice
-any 3 Talents for which this model qualifies
-from any qualifying Chapter
-up to 45 Renown worth of Wargear, assume this model qualifies for Thresholds up to 50

Big Guns
See the Wargear Section of these rules on page.2 of this blog for descriptions of these weapons. Tarantulas must be placed within 3" of the Teleport Beacon used to summon them.

-Twin Heavy Bolter Tarantula
-Twin Lascannon Tarantula
-Twin Assault Cannon Tarantula
-3 Auto Sentries
Each of these may be placed by the players anywhere within 6" of the Teleport Beacon used to summon them.

Wargear Descriptions
Capacity / Item / Range / RoF: S|B|A / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules

01 / Chattering Teeth / 12" / 2|4|- / 4 / 5 / -2 / 1 / Exceptional, Hellfire Mags, Pistol
04 / Matthias' Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter / 24" / 2|4-8|- / 18 / 4 / - / 1 / Seeker Integral Mags, Turbo Penetrator Mags, Rapid Fire
02 / Scipio / 42" / 1|2|- / 8 / 4 / -1 / 1 / Turbo Penetrator Mags, Scope, Exceptional
02 / Warsong / 24" / 1|2-3|- / 6 / 7 / -3 / 1 / Supercharging this weapon increases both its Strength and Damage by +1, but does not cause it to overheat. Doing so costs 3 "bullets" from this weapon's magazine. Masterwork.
04 / Logan's Masterwork Heavy Bolter / 36" / 3|-|6 / 150 / 4 / - / 3 / Heavy, Kraken Backpack Ammo Supply, Masterwork

Melee Weapons*
*These describe only the unique weapons carried by these Named characters. See the wargear or Chapter entries for any other weapons' descriptions.
Capacity / Item / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
06 / Crozius Mattock / +4 / -3 / D3+2 / Enfeebling, Felling, Masterwork, Shocking

Special Rules: see the main wargear section on page.2 of this blog.

GM's Section:

Allotment: if using the original Allotment rules, the GM begins the game with 50 plus 2 for every Deathwatch Model Deployed on this Mission in Allotment. At the start of each Battleround after the first, the GM gains an additional 40 plus D6 per Deathwatch model originally Deployed on this Mission in Allotment to add to their Adversarial Reserves.

If using the new Allotment rules, the GM begins the Mission with Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV plus 10. At the start of each Battleround after the first, the GM gains additional Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV to add to their Adversarial Reserves.

The GM's Reinforcements enter the table from their own table edge or via Deep Strike if their Datasheet gives them that option.

This Mission is not affected by the DoomClock.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain 2D3 Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction.

Special Rules Leeching
During the Command Phase, the GM may drain the Power from a Generator or Terminal nearest an ELITE or HQ model that still has any Power Level except Dead. To do so, the GM needs only to announce that they are doing so. The target Technology's Power Level is reduced by one step and the GM gains +1 CP. CPs that remain unused at the end of this Mission carry over to the next Mission.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 15 / 02 / Sanctioned Gauss Weapon / This weapon is a Sanctioned Xenos Long Arm with the following profile:

Item / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
Gauss Weapon / 24" / 1|2-4|- / 10 / 4 / -2 / 1 / Rapid Fire / This weapon causes +1 Damage on a Wound roll of a 6.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/10 06:26:26

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This is the final push; the make or break. The Necrons have battled against the Deathwatch and have set their machine to summon their endless numbers from their tombs. The Deathwatch must push past the sentinels and disable the heart of the Necron Gate before it can complete its gateway. No other task bears any meaning. We must stop this before it is too late.

Od: Destroy the Gate: Linked (with Oc: The Final Stand)

"This is the end, Brothers. We battle towards the heart of the machine. Let us fight with all the fury we can muster. The Gate must be destroyed. We cannot let it complete its blasphemous task. We will either know ultimate victory or ignoble defeat here and now. Do not lose sight of our objective; do not falter. For even in death we serve the Emperor's will. We are the guardians of Mankind. At no point in our lives more so than today."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch. Players may additionally undertake this Mission as a Side Quest for the Arcanite Guard and/or any Inquisitorial Faction if they wish. If they do, players gain an additional +1 Esteem with these Factions for every 10 Necron models they remove as casualties.

Known Adversaries
"These are the last of them. Expect them to fight with a fury and zeal almost equal to our own."
The author suggests using primarily Necron Warriors and Necrons with the <Triarch> and <Canoptek> keywords.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:

Stop the Machine Sequence: this can be done by either passing 6 Tech Skill tests within Cohesion Range of the Necron Gate in the Necron Deployment Zone or by reducing it to 0 Wounds before the end of the 8th Battleround.

Tertiary Objectives:
Command Kills: for each Necron model that began this Mission with 3 or more Wounds and is also an ELITE, HQ, or Lord of War model, that is removed as a casualty this Mission, the Mission Leader gains +D3 Renown and +1XP.

Attrition: for every ELITE, HQ, or Lord of War Necron model removed as a casualty this Mission, and for every 20 <Necron> <Infantry> removed as casualties this Mission, all surviving Deathwatch models Deployed on this Mission gain +1XP and +1 Renown.

Destroy the Pylons: any model that inflicts 1 or more Wounds on a Canoptek Pylon (see below for details) gains +1XP. Any model that removes the last Wound from a Canoptek Pylon gains +D3 Renown.

Set the board up with Necron-themed terrain. On one short end of the board, 6" from the edge, place a large terrain piece to represent the Necron Gate. The Author recommends using a Tesseract Vault model. Then, after all other terrain is placed, Players and GM should alternate placing 6 Canoptek Pylons each (these may be represented by any suitable terrain piece no larger than 6" tall with a roughly 40mm base) anywhere on the table at least 6" away from any other Canoptek Pylon already placed.

These Canoptek Pylons have the following Profile:

Move- WS6+ BS3+ S3 T7 W6 A1 Ld10 Sv3+|5+
Each Canoptek Pylon is equipped with a Micro Particle Whip and Quantum Shielding.
Item / Range / Rate of Fire / Type / Strength / AP / Damage / Primary Magazine / Special Rules
Micro Particle Whip / 12" / 1|D6|3 / Assault / 6 / -1 / D2 / Infinite / Any hit roll of a 6 improves this weapon's AP by 1 for that hit
Keywords: <Canoptek>, <Building>, <Necron>

Instead of Shooting, these models may roll a D6 at the start of the Shooting Phase and apply the following results: on a 1, this model suffers 1 Mortal Wound. On a 2-3, this model may restore 1 Wound to any <Necron> Unit within 6". On a 4-5, this model may restore D3 Wounds to any <Necron> Unit within 9". On a 6, this model may restore D6 Wounds to any <Necron> Unit within 12".

The Necron Gate has the same profile as a Tesseract Vault, except that it is immobile and may never move for any reason. If any effect would normally be able to move this terrain feature, it instead suffers D6 Mortal Wounds.

The player that controls the model that is the Mission Leader chooses which board edge the Deathwatch forces will deploy on.

The GM sets up their forces first, but may only place models with the <Triarch> or <Canoptek> keywords. These may be deployed anywhere within 12" of Necron Gate. Then the players set up according to their Deployment Parameters.

Any Necron models held over from the previous Mission begin this Mission in Reserves.

GM and player(s) then roll to determine who takes the first Turn. Highest score goes first.

Extraction Time: As this Mission is Linked with the previous Mission, there is no Insertion time. If the Mission lasts 5 or fewer Battlerounds, Mission time is 1 hour. If it lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, Mission time is 2 hours. If it lasts 12 or more Battlerounds, Mission time is D3+1 hours. Plus 1 hour Extraction.

Technology on the Table

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Just Down the Hall

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: there is no Arming Phase for this Mission because it is linked with the Previous.

Deploy: according to the Mission Parameters.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase: record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any Relics gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase, if any.

Consequences of Failure: This Mission is not repeatable if it is failed. If this Mission is failed the entire campaign ends in failure.

GM's Section

Allotment: if using the original Allotment rules, the GM begins the game with 200 Allotment, but only models with the <Triarch> or <Canoptek> keywords may be Deployed on the table to start. All other GM forces must be held in Reserves and, when they become available, these Reinforcements must be placed at least 9" away from Player controlled models and within 9" of the Necron Gate. At the start of each Battleround after the first, the GM gains an additional D6 Allotment per Deathwatch model with 1 or more Wounds remaining that is still on the table.

If using the new Allotment rules, the GM begins the Mission with Allotment equal to double the players' combined CTV, but only models with the <Triarch> or <Canoptek> keywords may be Deployed on the table to start. All other GM forces must be held in Reserves and, when they become available, these Reinforcements must be placed at least 9" away from Player controlled models and within 9" of the Necron Gate. At the start of each Battleround after the first, the GM gains an additional D6 Allotment per Deathwatch model with 1 or more Wounds remaining that is still on the table.

Terminal Data for this mission

Special Rules Command Point Generation
At the start of each of the GM's Turns, roll a D6 for each <Canoptek> model on the table with at least 1 Wound remaining. On the roll of a 4+, add 1 CP to the GM's pool of Command Points.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 18 / 02 / Sanctioned Particle Weapon / This weapon is a Sanctioned Xenos Long Arm with the following profile:

Item / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
Particle Weapon / 12" / 1|D3|6 / 18 / 5 / -1 / D2 / Assault / Improve this weapon's AP by 1 on a Hit roll of a 6.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/10 08:12:15

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

M31 Corrupted Naval Vessel: The Damnable
Hull: Heavy Transport
Original Crew Compliment: ~16,000
Circumstance of Drift: Battle Damage to Warp Containment
Current Condition of Crew: Twisted; Utterly Corrupted
Probable Disposition: Chaos Spawn, Tzaangor, Chaos Cultists, Lesser and Middling Daemons, Beastmen

A monster of steel and fire, this bloated wreck sails through the system like a mechanical bird before belly flopping into the growing hulk of the [++Redacted++]. Instantly, tendrils of incandescent material sprout from the damaged vessel, wrapping the hulk like magical vines. What their purpose could be is unfathomable, but are sure to be yet another horrible menace to the Deathwatch who must ply the depths within.


Ship's Story
The Damnable was once in service to the Imperium of Man and served as an Abhuman Transport for Imperial Regiments during the waning years of the Great Crusade. Perhaps this was the catalyst for its demise. Following a battle where the ship's Warp Core suffered what its Captain deemed survivable damage, the vessel translated into the Immaterium, never to be seen again, until now.

If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Lore or Tech Skill*, they may use these to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Manufacture (Tech, Forbidden Lore): Although difficult to discern now, the baseline shape of this vessel suggests it was once a standard Astra Militarum Regiment conveyor, outfitted presumably with large mustering bays and heavy dropships for massed companies and armor. Now, the ship resembles a titanic, mechanical, crystaline, squid-thing and Emperor knows what horrors remain inside. However, if a cogitator can be accessed and a manifest found, perhaps the Deathwatch can identify what the vessel once was. Thus providing historians at least a shard of information.

Crew(Forbidden Lore): It's likely that a vessel this size carried a relatively small original crew; a skeleton of personnel to provide maximum accomodations for the Regiments transported. If the vessel was heavy when lost, there's likely to be stockpiles of munitions - and the corrupted hundreds of lost souls to use them. Don't be surprised to find yourself up against a tank or two in the relatively wide corridors of this derelict.

*GMs, prompt your players with these Skills so that they know they have the option to use them.

Missions that take place partially or wholly inside the chambers of this vessel have a 50% chance to include a vehicle of some kind. The Regiment transported aboard The Damnable was strictly Abhuman - at the time being comprised of mainly Sanctioned Beastmen and Ogryns - so its Armor options are limited to Chimera Transports and Hellhound variants. Any model that removes the last Wound from a vehicle gains a bonus +3XP and +D3+2 Renown.

Utter Corruption
Missions that take place on or near this derelict incur an additional +1 Corruption to all models deployed unless they pass a Toughness or Strength test at the end of the Mission's last Battleround.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines
Many of the corridors onboard this vessel are very wide - wide enough to accommodate a driving tank. Every deck is heavily reinforced for the same reason. Most of the rooms are large and tall - billets for Ogryns and herds of Beastmen or machine shops and motor pools for Chimera-hull vehicles. Feel free to use wrecked or immobile vehicles as terrain fearures and strong points within the vessel. Many of these vehicles can take the place of Technology on the table, acting as both Sentry Guns, limited Terminals, and caches of Treasure (in the form of Ammo, Intel, and Machine parts to be traded for Esteem with Admech Factions).

TD1: Historical Identity: Routine
TD2: Purge the Wicked: Routine
TD3: Supply Run: Exploration
TD4: Seal Them Off: Routine
TD5: Picket Line: Routine

Treasures of The Damnable
Any time a model could potentially rummage through a "treasure chest" or might have to roll on a Treasure Table during the course of a Mission on board this Vessel, use the following charts to determine what may be there to find. Treasure Chests should be clearly identifiable and can be searched if a model is within 2" of one during the Command Phase or one of the model's Shooting Phases instead of taking another action. Treasure gained from Exploration Missions should be rolled by each Astartes deployed on the Mission during the Debriefing Phase.

Treasures: roll a D6
1: machine parts tradable to any Admech Faction for 2D3 Esteem

2: a cache of Heavy Bolter Ammo. The model that finds this stash gains +1 Renown.

3: Heavy Weapon Ammo. The model that finds this stash gains +D3 Renown.

4: Relic Weapon Ammo. The model that finds this stash gains +1XP. Roll D6 and consult the following list:
-1: D3 Stable Plasma Cells. These may be loaded into standard Plasma Weapons. Doing so allows a model to ignore the ill effects of 1s when shooting the weapon in Supercharge mode. Threshold: 25 Cost (per Cell): 10

-2-4: 2D6 Lazerifle Mags. Threshold: 05 Cost (per Mag): 01

-5: D3 Rotor Cannon Drums. Threshold: 25 Cost (per Drum): 07

-6: D3 Volkite Mags. Threshold: 50 Cost (per Mag): 16

The Capacity of these items are universally 01 for every 4 or part of 4 equipped.

5: dataslates tradable to any Admech Faction for 2D3+1 Esteem or to any Inquisitorial, Archival, or Imperial Naval Faction for D3+3 Esteem. In any case, the model that finds this stash gains +1 Renown.

6: a Relic Weapon. Roll 1D6 and consult the following list:
-1: Laserifle
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
25 / 02 / 01 / 30" / 1|2-5|6 / 60 / 3 / - / 1 / Rapid Fire / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

-2: Solar Pattern Flamer
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
35 / 12 / 02 / 18" / D6|3D3|- / 6 / 4 / - / 1 / Assault / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. This weapon automatically hits its targets and ignores the bonus to Armor Saves provided by Cover. Ablaze.

-3: Solar Pattern Melta
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
50 / 40 / 02 / 16" / 1|-|- / 4 / 8 / -4 / D3+3 / Assault / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Roll two dice and take the higher score for damage when firing on targets within 8" or less of this weapon.

-4: Rotor Cannon
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
50 / 26 / 04 / 24" / 4|-|8 / 48 / 4 / -1 / 1 / Heavy / Devastator Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon.

-5: Stable Plasmagun
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
60 / 48 / 02 / 24" / 1|2-3|4 / 6 / 7 / -2 / 1 / Rapid Fire / Tactical Marines pay half Cost to equip this weapon. Unlike other weapons, Plasmaguns come equipped standard with 2 Primary Magazines. Switching between these magazines is a non-action, merely a flick of the thumb. However, if the current magazine only has 1 or 2 shots left, the Plasmagun may not fire on Supercharge setting. Supercharging a Plasmagun uses 3 shots from its magazine. A Stable Plasmagun can use Burst and Supercharge in the same Shooting Phase. A Stable Plasmagun does not cause Mortal Wounds when rolling 1s to hit on Supercharge.

-6: Volkite Charger
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Range / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
100 / 64 / 03 / 12" / 1|2|- / 20 / 5 / -2 / D3 / Assault / Ablaze. Conflagerate.

Regardless of the Relic Weapon found, the model that retrieves this gains +1XP and +D3 Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/17 09:38:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Yet another obstacle in our path, this wreck presents an opportunity to gain favor with tertiary allies. It is an unstabling element that could overwhelm us if left unchecked. We should board this ruin before it is swallowed up into the growing hulk and retrieve any salvageable data we can.

TD1: Historical Identity: Optional Routine

Briefing Phase: We delve in to another seething wreck, Brothers. Do not be mislead, this thing is a twisted, crumpled, and corrupted nightmare maze. Expect shadows to jump. Expect walls with teeth. Expect the stuff of chaos incarnate. Let us take what we can from this thing and be gone. Should we linger, our very souls may be at risk.

In service to Whom: this serves virtually no purpose for the Deathwatch, except practice. Players should select any other Faction from those available. This Mission then serves their interests and players gain +1 Esteem with that Faction for every Primary Objective they achieve. This Mission counts as a Side Mission.

Known Adversaries
This ruin is crawling with nightmare things. Formlessness and mutability. It is not unlikely we will encounter mutants, heretics, and daemons. Kill everything.
Obviously you will be using whatever is in your collection, but this is a good opportunity to use 3rd party monsters, the entire line of daemons from GW, and the odd random model you have laying around. The author suggests Tzaangors, Chaos Cultists, Daemons, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Ogryn, monsters from the Age of Sigmar line, and Daemon Engines. Go nuts.

Primary and Tertiary Objecrives
Extract Useful Data:
any model that successfully interacts with a Terminal gains +1 Renown for every Turn they remain in contact with that Terminal. These models also gain +1XP every time they successfully use their Tech Skill to interact with a Terminal in addition to the normal gains for doing such.

Identify the Vine-like Anomalies:
if any model successfully uses their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify any Anomly on the table, they gain +1 Renown and all models Deployed on this Mission gain +1XP.

Kill Count: for every 10 models with the <Chaos> and/or <Daemon> keyword removed as casualties this Mission, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

Set up the battlefield as a twisted maze of debris, mutated forms, collapsed corridors and rooms & scatter terrain. The author suggests giving this battlefield a second level towards the center. There must be at least 6 rooms or room-like clearings in the ruins, each at least 6" from every board edge. These rooms must be large enough to fit 3 or more models and a Terminal, but otherwise have no size or shape constraints.

In addition, the GM and players alternate placing up to 4 Anomalies each, anywhere on the table. These Anomlies can be no more than 4" in any dimension and should be appropiately wacky to indicate that they are tendrils of pure chaos. Using Deathworld Jungles, piles of bones and/or skulls, piles of corpses, writhing masses of tentacles, and similar things will work for this. These Anomalies count as Obscuring, Light Cover, Defensible, and Obstacles. Any Deathwatch model that begins or ends their Movement Phase within 3" of an Anomaly must take a Toughness test or gain +1 Corruption. A model that can draw line of sight to an Anomaly may test their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify it (see GM's Section for what that means).

GM Reserves may enter play within 3" of enemy models if they are also in base contact with one of these Anomalies.

The Deathwatch Deploy first, according to their Insertion Method. The GM may Deploy their entire force as blips, which must all begin the game out of line of sight of any Deathwatch model. When these blips Move into line of sight of a Deathwatch model they may be exchanged for D3 Allotment worth of models. The GM may sacrifice 2 blips to instead place 5 Allotment worth of models or 5 blips to place 30 Allotment worth of models. In all cases the GM must have the Allotment to spare.

The GM takes the first Turn. Blips may Move up to D6" in any direction until they are revealed.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
The game ends if all Deathwatch models and their allies are removed as casualties or if all Deathwatch models and their allies Extract. This Mission lasts D3 hours regardless of how many Battlerounds it goes on for, plus 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction.

Technology on the Table
In each of the 6 rooms, the GM must place a single Terminal. Determine the Power Levels of these when the players interact with them.

If players have a Talent that allows them to place technology on the table, these may be placed anywhere at least 6" away from any of these Terminals. In addition, any player-placed technology is affected by the rules governing the 6 other Terminals as detailed in the GM's Section below.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission. If this is the first in a series of Linked Missions, players should be aware their spent ammunition, grenades, and other expendables cannot be replenished between the end of the this Mission and the start of the next Mission in the Link.

If this is the second or subsequent Mission in a Linked series, skip this Phase entirely, unless a model has a Talent that specifically states otherwise.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to the number of Astartes models the players deploy on this Mission times 5, plus any adjustment made for the Doomclock. Every time the players use a Psychic Power, remove a model as a casualty using a Force Weapon of any kind, or perform a Psychic Action, the GM gains D6+3 Allotment added to their Adversarial Reserves.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV, plus any adjustment made for the Doomclock. Every time the players use a Psychic Power, remove a model as a casualty using a Force Weapon of any kind, or perform a Psychic Action, the GM gains D6+3 Allotment added to their Adversarial Reserves.

Optional Adversarial Objectives:
Machinations of the Changeling Lord
: At the beginning of the Mission, have the players select any 2 of their models. If both of these models end the game with the same number of remaining Wounds, the GM gains D3 Command Points at the start of the next Mission, regardless of where it takes place and who the Adversaries are.

The Great Manipulator: At the beginning of the Mission, the GM secretly designates one of the six rooms. If every Deathwatch model moves into that room by the end of the Mission, the GM gains D3 Command Points at the start of the next Mission, regardless of where it takes place and who the Adversaries are.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
Whenever a Deathwatch model or one of their allies with the Tech Skill attempts to interact with a Terminal, have them roll a D6 before expending their Rating. On the roll of a 1, replace the Terminal with a Chaos Spawn model. On the roll of a 2-5, the Terminal's Power is Dead; a model may take on 01 or 02 Capacity worth of Scrap worth D3+1 Esteem with the Reparists Admech Faction. On the roll of a 6, that Terminal is at Full Power and players may extract data from it. Each time they do, they gain information worth D3 Esteem with any Inquisitorial Faction.

If the first 5 Terminals turn out to be Scrap or Chaos Spawn, the 6th automatically counts as having rolled a 6.

Identifying the Anomalies
Successful use of the Forbidden Knowledge Skill reveals that the Anomalies are an extension of a (sort of) living Daemon at the heart of this wreck. Their touch Corrupts and they act as Gates. Knowing this reduces the Allotment of all future Missions on board this wreck by -D6. In addition, this Knowledge changes the Anomalies' special ability to allow Reserves to Deploy within 3" of enemy models to 6".

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description

35 / 25 / 03 / Shield of Nugbad / this is a Tainted Relic Seige Shield. If a friendly model within 6" of the bearer of this Shield is hit by a Ranged weapon, the player who controls this model may assign that hit to this model instead.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description
10 / 08 / 02 / Teeth of Kagmaw / this is a Tainted Relic Chainsword. Masterwork. Felling. Assault Marines pay half Cost to equip this Relic.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/17 23:39:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Move to a defensible position and hold off successive waves of enemy combatants. The more you can kill, the better.

TD2: Purge the Wicked: Optional Routine

Briefing Phase: We stirred a nest of insanity and must purge its wickedness with flame and blade. Go forth, my Brothers, and bring the purity of the Emperor to this lightless den of iniquity.

In service to Whom: this serves virtually no purpose for the Deathwatch, except practice. Players should select any other Faction from those available. This Mission then serves their interests and players gain +1 Esteem with that Faction for every Primary Objective they achieve. This Mission counts as a Side Mission.

Known Adversaries
This ruin is crawling with nightmare things. Formlessness and mutability. It is not unlikely we will encounter mutants, heretics, and daemons. Kill everything.

Obviously you will be using whatever is in your collection, but this is a good opportunity to use 3rd party monsters, the entire line of daemons from GW, and the odd random model you have laying around. The author suggests Tzaangors, Chaos Cultists, Daemons, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Ogryn, monsters from the Age of Sigmar line, and Daemon Engines. Go nuts.

Primary and Tertiary Objecrives
Establish a Cordon:
if no Adversary models ever end one of their Turns within 12" of the Deathwatch Deployment edge, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If Adversary models instead never end their Turn within 6" of the Deathwatch Deployment edge, all Deployed models gain +1 Renown and the Mission Leader gains +1XP.

Kill Count: for every 20 models removed as casualties, all models Deployed on this Mission gain +1XP and +1 Renown.

Identify the Vine-like Anomalies:
if any model successfully uses their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify any Anomly on the table, they gain +1 Renown and all models Deployed on this Mission gain +1XP.

Keep Casualties to a Minimum: collectively, if fewer than 1 Wound per Deathwatch model Deployed on this Mission are suffered by the Unit (if 5 models Deploy and one suffers 2 Wounds and another suffers 3, but none of the others suffer any, this Objective can be considered complete), the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

The terrain layout should be dominated by a lane wide enough to fit a tank, but should otherwise be full of side passages, twisted scatter terrain, collapsed rooms, and the like.

In addition, the GM and players alternate placing up to 3 Anomalies each, anywhere on the table at least 18" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. These Anomlies can be no more than 4" in any dimension and should be appropiately wacky to indicate that they are tendrils of pure chaos. Using Deathworld Jungles, piles of bones and/or skulls, piles of corpses, writhing masses of tentacles, and similar things will work for this. These Anomalies count as Obscuring, Light Cover, Defensible, and Obstacles. Any Deathwatch model that begins or ends their Movement Phase within 3" of an Anomaly must take a Toughness test or gain +1 Corruption. A model that can draw line of sight to an Anomaly may test their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify it (see [colr=yellow]GM's Section[/color] for what that means.

All of the GM's forces begin play in Reserves and enter the table along any edge at least 18" away from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. If the GM has any Tzaangor or <Daemon> keyword Adversaries, they may enter play within 3" of enemy models if they are also in base contact with one of the Anomalies.

The Deathwatch then Deploy, according to their Insertion Method. The Deathwatch takes the first Turn. GM Adversarial Reserves become available on any Battleround divisible by 3 (i.e. 3, 6, 9, and so on).

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
The game ends if all Deathwatch models and their allies are removed as casualties or if all Deathwatch models and their allies Extract. This Mission takes 1 hour if it lasts up to 5 Battlerounds, 2 hours if it lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or D3+1 hours if it lasts 12 Battlerounds or more, plus 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction.

Technology on the Table
The Players and/or the GM may each place up to 1 vehicle wreck anywhere in the wide corridor that dominates this table. This wreck counts as a Miniscule Power Terminal, a Sentry Gun armed with a Heavy Bolter with a Primary Magazine of 200, and a Treasure Chest, as well as a Strongpoint Building.

If players have a Talent that allows them to place technology on the table, these may be placed anywhere on the table]. Roll for the Power Levels of any player-placed technology at the start of the Mission.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission. If this is the first in a series of Linked Missions, players should be aware their spent ammunition, grenades, and other expendables cannot be replenished between the end of the this Mission and the start of the next Mission in the Link.

If this is the second or subsequent Mission in a Linked series, skip this Phase entirely, unless a model has a Talent that specifically states otherwise.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins the game with zero Allotment, but gains D6+3 per Astartes model Deployed on this Mission, at the start of each of their Turns. These must be added to their Adversarial Reserves and Deploy as a wave at the start of each Battleround divisible by 3 (start of Battleround 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on). These rolls are not modified by the Doomclock. In addition, every time the players use a Psychic Power, remove a model as a casualty using a Force Weapon of any kind, or perform a Psychic Action, the GM gains D6+3 Allotment added to their Adversarial Reserves.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins the game with zero Allotment, but gains Allotment equal to half the players' combined CTV at the start of each of their Turns. These must be added to their Adversarial Reserves and Deploy as a wave at the start of each Battleround divisible by 3 (start of Battleround 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on). These rolls are not modified by the Doomclock. In addition, every time the players use a Psychic Power, remove a model as a casualty using a Force Weapon of any kind, or perform a Psychic Action, the GM gains D6+3 Allotment added to their Adversarial Reserves.

Optional Adversarial Objectives:
Overwhelming Power
: if the players Extract before the end of the 9th Battleround, the GM gains D3 Command Points at the start of the next Mission, regardless of where it takes place and who the Adversaries are.

Ripples in the Warp: if the GM is able to successfully manifest 9 Psychic Powers or more before every Deathwatch model exits the table, the GM gains D3 Command Points at the start of the next Mission, regardless of where it takes place and who the Adversaries are.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
Whenever a Deathwatch model or one of their allies with the Tech Skill attempts to interact with a Terminal, have them roll a D6 before expending their Rating. On the roll of a 1, replace the Terminal with a Chaos Spawn model. On the roll of a 2-5, the Terminal's Power is Dead; a model may take on 01 or 02 Capacity worth of Scrap worth D3+1 Esteem with the Reparists Admech Faction. On the roll of a 6, roll to determine that Terminal's Power Level and players may extract data from it. Each time they do, they gain information worth D3 Esteem with any Inquisitorial Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description

30 / 18 / 00 / Mantle of the Beast / this is a Tainted Relic Impudence Field. If the bearer of this item is Charged, they must pass a Strength test. If they pass, they gain +1 Strength in the next Fight Phase. If they fail, they gain +D3 Attacks in the next Fight Phase and +1 Corruption fir this Mission.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description
45 / 20 / 03 / Blasting Mace / this is a Tainted Relic Power Maul. Masterwork. Once per Mission this weapon may be Activated to add the Mauling Trait for one Battleround.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
TD3: Supply Run: Optional Exploration

If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 or more Squads or any individual models from any Squad up to 6.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for any Admech Faction the player(s) choose.

"There must be something useful in this ruin. Delve deep and find it."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Retrieve Munitions: roll 1D6 for each Marine deployed on this Mission. Add +1 to this die roll for each Rating in the Forbidden Knowledge Skill a model has. On any roll of a 4+, that model gains +1XP and counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Retrieve Anything Useful: Roll 1D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the "Treasures" section of the The Damnable's introduction, during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 4+ on that table counts as personally achieving this Objective.

Mission Length
2D3 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction. 4-8 hours.

-Record XP, Esteem, and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/18 02:30:29

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Move in and activate the bulkhead doors. Then kill everything left on your side of the closed doors.

TD4: Seal Them Off: Optional Routine

Briefing Phase: We need to stem the tide somehow. Augurs have discovered a series of bulkhead doors that, if they can be coaxed into action, would seal off one side of the ship from the other. Let's get it done.

In service to Whom: while this serves very little purpose for the Deathwatch, it can reduce the volume of enemies to our rear. Players should select another Faction from those available. This Mission then serves their interests as well as the Deathwatch. Players will gain +1 Esteem with that Faction for every Primary Objective they achieve. This Mission counts as a Side Mission.

Known Adversaries
This ruin is crawling with nightmare things. Formlessness and mutability. It is not unlikely we will encounter mutants, heretics, and daemons. Kill everything.

Obviously you will be using whatever is in your collection, but this is a good opportunity to use 3rd party monsters, the entire line of daemons from GW, and the odd random model you have laying around. The author suggests Tzaangors, Chaos Cultists, Daemons, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Ogryn, monsters from the Age of Sigmar line, and Daemon Engines. Go nuts.

Primary and Tertiary Objecrives
Activate the Bulkhead Doors:
there will be 2-6 Bulkhead Doors on the table. For each one successfully closed, each model Deployed on this Mission gains +1XP.

Kill the Survivors: if there are no Adversary models on the table when the last Deathwatch model Extracts, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

Identify the Vine-like Anomalies:
if any model successfully uses their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify any Anomly on the table, they gain +1 Renown and all models Deployed on this Mission gain +1XP.

Keep Casualties to a Minimum: collectively, if fewer than 1 Wound per Deathwatch model Deployed on this Mission are suffered by the Unit (if 5 models Deploy and one suffers 2 Wounds and another suffers 3, but none of the others suffer any, this Objective can be considered complete), the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

There should be a wall that stretches from one edge of the table to the other, at roughly the middle mark. It does not have to run in a straight line, but it is only traversable via 2-6 doorways. These are the Bulkhead Doors. The rest of the board should be covered in twisted passages and rooms, and strange scatter terrain.

In addition, the GM and players alternate placing up to 2 Anomalies each, anywhere on the table at least 18" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. These Anomlies can be no more than 4" in any dimension and should be appropiately wacky to indicate that they are tendrils of pure chaos. Using Deathworld Jungles, piles of bones and/or skulls, piles of corpses, writhing masses of tentacles, and similar things will work for this. These Anomalies count as Obscuring, Light Cover, Defensible, and Obstacles. Any Deathwatch model that begins or ends their Movement Phase within 3" of an Anomaly must take a Toughness test or gain +1 Corruption. A model that can draw line of sight to an Anomaly may test their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify it (see [colr=yellow]GM's Section[/color] for what that means.

The GM sets their forces up first, anywhere within 6" of one board edge parallel (mostly) with the board's central wall. Players then set up according to their Insertion option along the opposite board edge.

GM Adversarial Revserves may only enter play via their own board edge or within 3" of any Anomaly.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
The game ends if all Deathwatch models and their allies are removed as casualties or if all Deathwatch models and their allies Extract. This Mission takes 1 hour if it lasts up to 5 Battlerounds, 2 hours if it lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or D3+1 hours if it lasts 12 Battlerounds or more, plus 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction.

Technology on the Table
The Players and/or the GM may each place up to 1 vehicle wreck anywhere in the wide corridor that dominates this table. This wreck counts as a Miniscule Power Terminal, a Sentry Gun armed with a Heavy Bolter with a Primary Magazine of 200, and a Treasure Chest, as well as a Strongpoint Building.

Place a Keypad with a random Power Level next to each Bulkhead Door. If a model can successfully interact with this Keypad, its associated Bulkhead Door will spend the next D3 Battlerounds closing until it is shut. If the Keypad doesn't work, a model may test its Strength as an Action in the Command Phase to pull it one third of the way closed (meaning each nonfunctioning door requires three successful Strength tests to close.

If players have a Talent that allows them to place technology on the table, these may be placed anywhere on the table]. Roll for the Power Levels of any player-placed technology at the start of the Mission.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission. If this is the first in a series of Linked Missions, players should be aware their spent ammunition, grenades, and other expendables cannot be replenished between the end of the this Mission and the start of the next Mission in the Link.

If this is the second or subsequent Mission in a Linked series, skip this Phase entirely, unless a model has a Talent that specifically states otherwise.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins the game with D3+6 Allotment per Astartes model Deployed on this Mission. At the start of each of their Turns, they gain an additional D6 Allotment per Deathwatch model remaining on the table, that is added to their Adversarial Reserves. GM Adversarial Reserves become availble whenever a Bulkhead Door becomes locked.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV. At the start of each of their Turns, they gain an additional D6 Allotment per Deathwatch model remaining on the table, that is added to their Adversarial Reserves. GM Adversarial Reserves become availble whenever a Bulkhead Door becomes locked.

Optional Adversarial Objectives:
Selected Attrition
: at the beginning of the Mission, have the players select 2 of their models. If either of these models are removed as casualties this Mission, the GM gains D3 Command Points at the start of the next Mission, regardless of where it takes place and who the Adversaries are.

Waves of Bodies: if the GM never uses any model with more than 3 Wounds this game, the GM gains D3 Command Points at the start of the next Mission, regardless of where it takes place and who the Adversaries are.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
Whenever a Deathwatch model or one of their allies with the Tech Skill attempts to interact with a Terminal, have them roll a D6 before expending their Rating. On the roll of a 1, replace the Terminal with a Chaos Spawn model (these do not count against the Waves if Bodies Objective above). On the roll of a 2-5, the Terminal's Power is Dead; a model may take on 01 or 02 Capacity worth of Scrap worth D3+1 Esteem each with the Reparists Admech Faction. On the roll of a 6, roll to determine that Terminal's Power Level and players may extract data from it. Each time they do, they gain information worth D3 Esteem with any Inquisitorial Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description

75 / 38 / 04 / The Grumbler / this is a Tainted Relic Rotor Cannon. This weapon is +1 Strength versus models with the <Infantry> keyword and -1 AP versus models with more than 2 Wounds.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description
25 / 15 / 00 / Berserker Totem / this is a Tainted Relic Amulet. Once per Mission this item may be used to add +D6 Attacks in its bearer's next Fight Phase. If a 1, 3, or 6 is rolled, the bearer and all allies within Cohesion Range of them must pass a Toughness test or gain +1 Corruption.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/19 02:34:21

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
A concentrated attack, of sorts, has been initiated by the creatures in this wreck. We must stop their momentum before they get out of hand and into our way.

TD5: Picket Line: Optional Routine

Briefing Phase: These creatures are relentless and, while they lack organization, they more than make up for it in numbers. The hordes are coming, no doubt. You stand between our great endeavor and them. Do not let them pass, for every abomination that slips through threatens to unwind our gains. I trust you, Brothers. Get this done.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, Players may select another Faction from those available. This Mission will then also count as a Side Mission for that Faction.

Known Adversaries
This ruin is crawling with nightmare things. Formlessness and mutability. It is not unlikely we will encounter mutants, heretics, and daemons. Kill everything.

Obviously you will be using whatever is in your collection, but this is a good opportunity to use 3rd party monsters, the entire line of daemons from GW, and the odd random model you have laying around. The author suggests Tzaangors, Chaos Cultists, Daemons, Chaos Spawn, Chaos Ogryn, monsters from the Age of Sigmar line, and Daemon Engines. Go nuts.

Primary and Tertiary Objecrives
Do Not Let Them Pass:
the Adversary forces are attempting to exit the table via the Deathwatch Deployment edge. At the start of the Mission, the Deathwatch forces generate a pool of Renown. To start, they add +1 for every Deathwatch model Deployed on this Mission. Throughout the Mission they gain an additional +1 every time an Adversary model with 3 or more Wounds is removed as a casualty, and +1 every time an Adversary model with 6 or more Wounds is removed as a casualty. However, every time an enemy model escapes the board, this pool is reduced by -1 Renown. At the end of the Mission, if whatever is left in the Pool is a positive number, it is distributed amongst the models Deployed on this Mission, in any way the player controlling the Mission Leader model sees fit. If whatever is left in the Pool is a negative number, it is permanently subtracted from the Mission Leader's current Renown. GMs, make your players aware that they will be facing literally overwhelming hordes of enemies. Make sure they prepare accordingly.

Identify the Vine-like Anomalies:
if any model successfully uses their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify any Anomly on the table, they gain +1 Renown and all models Deployed on this Mission gain +1XP.

Kill Count: for every 30 Wounds worth of enemy models removed as casualties this Mission, all Deployed Deathwatch models gain +1 XP or +1 Renown, controlling player's choice.

Along one of the longest board edges, up to 9" onto the board, should be an area of open ground. Only small pieces of scatter terrain should be in this area. The rest of the board should be set up as a series of chambers and corridors.

In addition, the GM and players alternate placing 1 Anomaly each, anywhere on the table at least 6" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. These Anomlies can be no more than 4" in any dimension and should be appropiately wacky to indicate that they are tendrils of pure chaos. Using Deathworld Jungles, piles of bones and/or skulls, piles of corpses, writhing masses of tentacles, and similar things will work for this. These Anomalies count as Obscuring, Light Cover, Defensible, and Obstacles. Any Deathwatch model that begins or ends their Movement Phase within 3" of an Anomaly must take a Toughness test or gain +1 Corruption. A model that can draw line of sight to an Anomaly may test their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to identify it (see GM's Section from Mission TD1: Historical Identity for what that means).

The players set up their forces first according to the Mission parameters. Then the GM sets up their forces on the opposite side of the table, at least 18" away from any Deathwatch model. Any Adversary model not in line of sight to any Deathwatch model may instead be set up as a Blip.

GM Adversarial Revserves may only enter play via their own board edge or within 3" of any Anomaly.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
The game ends if all Deathwatch models and their allies are removed as casualties or if all Deathwatch models and their allies Extract. This Mission takes 1 hour if it lasts up to 5 Battlerounds, 2 hours if it lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or D3+1 hours if it lasts 12 Battlerounds or more, plus 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. (3-6 hours)

Technology on the Table
The Players and/or the GM may each place up to 1 vehicle wreck anywhere in the wide corridor that dominates this table. This wreck counts as a Miniscule Power Terminal, a Sentry Gun armed with a Heavy Bolter with a Primary Magazine of 200, and a Treasure Chest, as well as a Strongpoint Building. This Building has a Toughness 7 and 10 Wounds.

If players have a Talent that allows them to place technology on the table, these may be placed anywhere on the table]. Roll for the Power Levels of any player-placed technology at the start of the Mission.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Teleportarium. If this isn't working because of a Narrative Setback, instead use either the Interceptor Shuttle or Boarding Pod.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission leader qualifies.

Arming Phase: players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission. If this is the first in a series of Linked Missions, players should be aware their spent ammunition, grenades, and other expendables cannot be replenished between the end of the this Mission and the start of the next Mission in the Link.

If this is the second or subsequent Mission in a Linked series, skip this Phase entirely, unless a model has a Talent that specifically states otherwise.

In addition to what the players purchase, each model may also be given one of the following options for free:
-1 Twin Heavy Bolter Tarantula
-1 Auto Sentry and 2 Sentry Boxes
-1 Deathwind Pod and 1 Replacement Pod
-1 Promethium Blastbomb
-3 Remote Mines
-3 Proximity Mines

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins the game with D6 Allotment per Astartes model Deployed on this Mission, plus adjustments for the Doomclock. At the end of each of their Turns, they gain an additional D6 Allotment per Deathwatch model remaining on the table, that is added to their Adversarial Reserves. GM Adversarial Reserves become availble at the start if each of their Turns.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV, plus adjustments from the Doomclock. At the end of each of their Turns, they gain an additional D6 Allotment per Deathwatch model remaining on the table, that is added to their Adversarial Reserves. GM Adversarial Reserves become availble at the start of their Turns.

Adversarial Objectives: (Note that these are not Optional this Mission)
Break Through: every time a Minion model exits the board by ending its Movement Phase within 1" of the Deathwatch Deployment edge, the GM earns 1 Command Point that may be used in this Mission. Every time a Miniboss model exits the board by ending its Movement Phase within 1" of the Deathwatch Deployment edge, the GM earns 1 Command Point that may be used in this Mission, or banked for use in future Missions featuring <Chaos> Adversaries. Every time a Boss Monster model exits the board by ending its Movement Phase within 1" of the Deathwatch Deployment edge, increase the Allotment of all future Missions featuring <Chaos> Adversaries by +D6. Note that these models must be removed from the table if they reach this point, but that they do not count as being Removed as Casualties.

Absolute Destruction: if every Deathwatch model suffers at least 2 Wounds this game, the GM gains 3 Command Points at the start of the next Mission, regardless of where it takes place and who the Adversaries are.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
Whenever a Deathwatch model or one of their allies with the Tech Skill attempts to interact with a Terminal, have them roll a D6 before expending their Rating. On the roll of a 1, replace the Terminal with a Chaos Spawn model (these do not count against the GM's Allotment). On the roll of a 2-5, the Terminal's Power is Dead; a model may take on 01 or 02 Capacity worth of Scrap worth D3+1 Esteem each with the Reparists Admech Faction. On the roll of a 6, roll to determine that Terminal's Power Level and players may extract data from it. Each time they do, they gain information worth D3 Esteem with any Inquisitorial Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description

65 / 16 / 00 / Universal Tech Component / this is a Tainted Relic Item. A model must be a Techmarine, Iron Hands, Sons of Medusa, Heralds, or Knights Amethyst to equip this Relic. Once per Mission this Relic may be used to automatically pass a Tech Skill test and any time a model equipped with it attempts to extract Data from a Terminal they get one additional tidbit of information for free.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Description
20 / 06 / 01 / Mauler Pistol / this is a Tainted Relic Autopistol. Masterwork. Mauler. Catastrophic.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/19 17:30:49

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I was just going back through this whole blog, trying to get a count of how many ships I've detailed and I discovered I never finished the Hidden Quest String. It only goes up to HQg! I have the framework of HQh through HQk2, so those will likely be the next things I work on. I know I promised new Skill rules and rest assured I'm working on those, but there are just SO MANY words! It's time consuming to transcribe my notes, but I'll get it done.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/20 08:33:36

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Revised Skill Rules
To begin with, these rules reflect 9th edition's integration of the Command Phase. These Revised Skill Effects still cost a Rating to use and players must still roll their Skill Stat in order to successfully manifest them. Skill Effects in these revised rules are essentially like limited effect Stratagems that do not cost CP, but rather Ratings to use. Each Effect describes when they can be used and on whom or what. These rules are alternatives to the basic rules already presented. GMs discuss with your players which version you all would prefer using.

There are 10 Skills in this campaign. The following is a basic description for each of them and their associated Effects. A player's model may only ever use 1 Skill per Phase, unless they have a Talent that specifically states otherwise.

1. Command: others look to you when the shooting starts and the bloodshed begins.

-Fire on my Target: test at the start of the Shooting Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: After this model Shoots at a target, but does not remove that target as a casualty, all friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that initiated this Effect, may re-roll a single Wound roll this Phase if they also Shoot at that same target.

-Get on Your Feet: test at the start of the Movement Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models within Cohesion Range of this model that are currently Shaken or Pinned automatically recover and may act as normal.

-Avenge the Fallen: test at the start of the Fight Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Whenever an allied model is reduced to 0 Wounds this Phase, all allied models within Cohesion Range of the model that initiated this Effect gain +1 Attack until the start of their next Turn.

-Battle Cry: test at the start of the player's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: If there are more enemy models than friendly models in line of sight, all models in Cohesion Range of this model become immune to being Shaken until the start of their next Turn.

-Sworn Allies, With Me: test at the start of the Charge Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models within Cohesion Range of the model that initiated this Effect may re-roll their Charge distance this Phase.

2. Demolition: you know the correct ratio of explosives to effect. You know how to destroy and you know how to defuse.

-It's All in the Arm: test at the start of the Shooting Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models within Cohesion Range of the model that initiated this Effect double the range of any thrown grenades this Phase.

-And When They Step Through, Boom!: test at the start of the Shooting Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Instead of Shooting, this model may place a Booby Trap Marker within 3" of its current position. Subtract any 1 grenade from this model's inventory and make a note that this grenade is the seed of this Booby Trap. Any enemy model that Moves within 3" of this Marker triggers its effects. Roll to hit and Wound as normal.

-Rigged These Special: test at the start of the Shooting Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All grenades used by friendly models within Cohesion Range of the model that initiated this Effect have any of their variable effects maximized (D6 shots becomes 6, Strength D3+1 becomes 4, etc.) this Phase.

-Strike There, Where it is Weakest: test at the start of the Shooting Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models within Cohesion Range of the model that initiated this Effect improve the AP of all of their Weapons by 1 for the duration of the Phase, when used against targets with the <Monster> or <Vehicle> keywords.

-First the Green Wire, Then the Red: test at the start of the Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: If this model ends its Move within 6" of a Booby Trap or Loot Marker, that Marker is removed without ill effects.

3. Forbidden Knowledge: you have garnered tidbits of the forbidden through experience or study. Careful you do not raise suspicion against you.

-I Know These Cyphers: test before the Arming Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The GM must tell the players the Faction or Factions Keywords of the Adversaries for the upcoming Mission. Additionally, they must reveal the number of Minion, Miniboss, and Boss Monster models that will be Deployed during the first Battleround. In games where this is randomly determined or GM models are held in Reserve on the first Battleround, the GM only needs to provide the Faction Keywords. Note that the GM does not need to tell players exactly which models they plan to use, just their Campaign type.

-Strike for the Heart of the Beast: test at the start of the player's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that initiated this Effect selects one Adversary Faction (<Ork>, <Tyranid>, or <Druhkari> are examples) and Type (<Infantry>, <Beast>, or <Vehicle> are examples) within line of sight. Until the start of the next Battleround, all friendly models in Cohesion Range of this model can re-roll their first failed Wound roll against the designated enemy.

-There, Take It!: test at the start of the first Battleround, before either side has started their first Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: This model may place a single Objective Marker anywhere on the table that is at least 12" away from any Deployed friendly model. The first allied model that ends its Move within 3" of this Marker, except the model that placed it, gains an additional +1XP and +1 Renown at the end of the Mission.

-We Tread Familiar Ground: test any time before the end of the Mission, but only after the 1st Battleround. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: This model may place a single Objective Marker anywhere on the table that is at least 12" away from any table edge or Deployed model. This Marker is a Relic or Tainted Relic chosen by the GM from those available onboard this Vessel, Phenomenon, or Mission. Any model that ends its Move in base to base contact with this Marker may add the Item to their inventory if they meet both of the following conditions: they have the Capacity to carry it and there are no enemy models within 3". Ending the Mission in possession of this Item awards the model that has it, the model that triggered this Effect, and the Mission Leader +1 Renown.

-I Have Extensive Experience with this Subject: test any time before the end of the Mission, but only after the 1st Battleround. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that initiated this Effect may force the GM to spend Allotment on either a Miniboss or Boss Monster (player's choice) of the <Faction> keywords associated with the Vessel, Phenomenon, or Mission at hand and add it to their Adversarial Reserves for this Mission or the next. If the GM does not have enough Allotment to field a Boss Monster, they gain just enough more to do so if the player tells them to field it. This model has double its normal number of Wounds, but is worth double XP and double Renown to all models Deployed on this Mission.

4. Inspire: your faith sustains your allies as you exhort them to ever greater feats of heroism.

-Allies in Arms: test at the start of the Shooting or Fight Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect gain +1 to hit with their first Attack this Phase.

-Kill Them All: test at the start of the Shooting or Fight Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect gain +1 to Wound with their first hit this Phase.

-Brotherhood Beyond Death: test at the start of the Morale Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The unit this model belongs to may roll an extra D6 when testing their Morale and take the more favorable result.

-Arise my Invincible Knights: test at the start of the Battleround. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Until the start of their next Turn, all friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect may re-roll their failed Characteristics tests.

-Pour Your Fury Unto the Enemy: test at the start of the Shooting or Fight Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect may re-roll their Wound rolls of 1 until the end of the Phase.

5. Intimidate: whether by deed or dirge, your presence on the battlefield makes the enemy question their courage.

-I Challenge You: test at the start of the Fight Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player who controls the model that triggered this Effect selects an enemy model in Engagement Range. This selected model must immediately take a Toughness test. If it passes, it must concentrate all of its Attacks on the model that triggered this Effect. If it fails, treat the selected model's WS as 6+ until the end of their next Turn.

-Let my Enemies Fall: test at the start of the Fight Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player who controls the model that triggered this Effect selects an enemy model in Engagement Range. If the selected model is a Minion, it immediately becomes Shaken. If the selected model is a Miniboss, it must test its Toughness. If it fails it becomes Shaken. If the selected model is a Boss Monster, it must test its Toughness. If it fails it loses one of its Attacks this Phase. Shaken models automatically recover when another Miniboss or Boss Monster begins their Move within 6" of the afflicted model.

-The End is Upon You: test at the start of the enemy's Shooting Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player who controls the model that triggered this Effect selects an enemy model within 6". This selected model must immediately take a Toughness test. If it passes, it must concentrate all of its Shooting on the model that triggered this Effect. If it fails, treat the selected model's BS as 6+ until the end of their Turn. If the selected model's Weapon lacks the Range to engage the model that triggered this Effect and it passes its Toughness test, it instead acts as normal.

-Show me What Passes for Fury Amongst Your Misbegotten Kind!: test at the start of the enemy's Movement Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player who controls the model that triggered this Effect selects an enemy model within 6". This selected model must immediately take a Toughness test. If it passes, it must use all of its Movement to close the gap between itself and the model that triggered this Effect. If it fails, it must instead move 2D6" away from the model that triggered this Effect towards the nearest table edge. If this occurs, the model counts as Falling Back. If this Move would take the model off the edge of the table, they are removed as a casualty for the purposes of XP, Renown, Objectives, and enemies left on the board at the end of the Mission.

-Tremble Before Me: test at the start of the enemy's Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player who controls the model that triggered this Effect selects an enemy model with 6 or more Wounds within 6". This selected model must immediately take a Toughness test. If it passes, there is no effect. If it fails, it loses the benefit of any Aura or Special Ability it may have until the start of their next Command Phase.

6. Medic: you can coax wounds to heal, stitch allies back together, and glean insight from biological injuries and mechanical damage.

-I am the Miracle Worker: test at the start of any Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect immediately remove 1 Wound Token. If a model does not have any Wound Tokens to remove, it gains no benefit.

-These Wounds Speak their Secrets to Me: test at the start of any Phase where this model is in Cohesion of a Corpse Marker, damaged terrain feature, or injured Captive. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The GM will tell the players the <Faction> keywords and Battlefield Role of the enemy that caused the injuries or damage and the general nature of the weapons used (explosive, laser, and claws are all examples). The model that triggered this Effect gains +1XP.

-As a Bulwark we Stand: test at the start of the player's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect treat their Toughness as +1 higher than it actually is for the purposes of Capacity (and therefore Movement), Falling, being Wounded, and Characteristics tests until the start of their next Turn.

-Where There is Weakness, Let There be Strength: test at the start of the player's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect treat their Strength as +1 higher than it actually is for the purposes of Capacity (and therefore Movement), Climbing, rolling to Wound in the Fight Phase, and Characteristics tests until the start of their next Turn.

-Not Even Death Shall Phase Us: test at the start of the enemy's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect gain the ability to ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 6+ until the start of their next Turn. If a model already has an ability that has a similar effect, this instead grants that ability a +1 to the die roll.

7. Psychic Sense: your mind is open to the maelstrom of the immaterium. This is both a blessing and a curse.

-And I Shall Know my Enemy: test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The GM tells the players the <Faction> keywords, Campaign Type (Minion, Miniboss, etc.), and location of any Psyker currently on the table up to 12" away from the model that traiggered this Effect, even if that model is not in line of sight.

-To Pierce the Veil: test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that triggered this Effect selects one friendly model within 6". All other friendly models count as being in Cohesion Range of this model until the start of the player's next Command Phase.

-None Shall Break my Resolve: test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The model that triggered this Effect is immune to being Shaken until the start of the player's next Command Phase. In addition, they may add +D3 to their next Deny the Witch roll.

-All Things Weak and Corrupt: test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Until the start of their next Command Phase, the model that triggered this Effect may re-roll their failed Wound rolls versus targets with the <Psyker> keyword.

-For my Eyes See: test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that triggered this Effect selects one enemy model in line of sight to this model. That model is now Marked. Any friendly model that removes a Marked model as a casualty gains an additional +1 Renown. Additionally, if the Marked model has the <Psyker> keyword, the model that triggered this Effect gains +1XP when it is removed as a casualty.

8. Stealth: you are at one with the shadows and use subtlety & misdirection to your benefit...and your enemy's demise.

-I am as Shadow: test at the start of the enemy's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Until the start of the player's next Turn, the model that triggered this Effect cannot be nominated as a target by enemy Shooting.

-I am at One With the Terrain: test at the start of the enemy's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Until the start of the player's next Turn, the model that triggered this Effect gains +1 to their Cover Save bonus, even if they are completely in the open.

-Death is my Trade: test at the start of the player's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that triggered this Effect selects one enemy model within 6". Until the start of the player's next Turn, that model must re-roll successful Armor Saves caused by the triggering model.

-Silence is Virtue: test at the start of the player's Turn. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: If the model that triggered this Effect does not Shoot this Turn, they become immune to being Shaken until the start of their next Turn. In addition, if they Charge this Turn, enemy models cannot react to their Charge.

-Death Comes for You: test at the start of the Fight Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Regardless of who Charged or any Stratagems, the model that triggered this Effect Fights first.

9. Tactics: you have honed your understanding of battlefield flow. You can find advantage where others only see defeat.

-A Better Defense in the Assault: test at the start of the Arming Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: At the start of the Mission, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may place up to 4 Defensive Markers anywhere on the revealed terrain. For the duration of the Mission, any friendly model in cover within 3" of one of these Markers gains an additional +1 to their Cover Save bonus. After one of these Markers have been used for this purpose, remove the Marker from play.

-We Shall Envelop Them: test at the start of the Arming Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: At the start of the Mission, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect selects one friendly model. That model is placed in Reserves and may enter play from any board edge at least 9" away from any enemy model, on any Turn after the first.

-They Don't Even Know: test at the start of the Briefing Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may add an additional Tertiary Objective: Seize Ground. At the start of the Mission, before either side has Deployed, this same player must place an Objective Marker anywhere on the revealed terrain, at least 12" from any table edge. At the end of each of the player's Turns, all friendly models within1" of this Marker gains +1XP.

-There is Another Way: test at the start of the Mission, after Deployment, but before the first Battleround. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: At the start of the Mission, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect selects D3 friendly models. These models may be redeployed before the first Battleround begins, up to 6" from their current positions and at least 9" away from any enemy models.

-To Face our Foes: test at the start of the Arming Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select 1 Weapon, Armor, or Item of Wargear from any list they have access to and either reduce that item's Threshold by 5 or its Cost by 10 for all models Deployed on this Mission, until the end of the Mission.

10. Tech: you have an innate or trained understanding of machines. You can coax them to life, repair them, and use them efficiently.

-Let it Speak: test at the end of the player's Movement Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Extract one piece of information (typically referred to in these rules as a "tidbit") from a Terminal in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect. Alternatively this may be used to Interact with a Keypad, Locked Door, or Sentry.

-Arise from Your Slumber: test at the end of the player's Movement Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Increase the Power Level of one Technology in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect by one step. This counts as an external Power Source.

-All Supplication to the Machine: test at the end of the player's Movement Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Restore D3 Wounds to a single damaged Technology or Terrain Feature within Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect. Models from the Iron Hands, Sons of Medusa, or Knights Amethyst Chapters and Techmarines from any Chapter that also have at least one Rating in the Medic Skill may also use this Effect on any model with the Cyborg Talent.

-At the Threshold: test at the start of the player's Movement Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: Open or Lock any and all undamaged Doors within Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect.

-It Hears: test at the start of the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: While the model that triggered this Effect is within Cohesion Range of any functional Terminal or Keypad, it may activate or deactivate, take control or relinquish control of, or Power Down any Technology on the table, regardless of distance from this model. In addition, this Effect forces the GM to reveal the location of all Technology on the table, even if it would normally otherwise be hidden or out of line of sight to the player's models.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/06/29 07:45:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I am slowly, but steadily working on a revised Skill Talent Tree. I'm about a third of the way through the project. When it's done there will be close to 250 Talents on it. I may or may not update the other Talent Trees, too. Eventually...who knows. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and I hope to have the new post up by this coming Friday.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/07/01 20:35:48

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Revised Skill Talent Tree

Tier 1 Talents

Advanced Tactics: Outriders (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the There is Another Way Effect, affected models may Move up to 12" if they move along a single board edge.

Advanced Tactics: Pincer (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the We Shall Envelop Them Effect, the model held in Reserve causes Pinning during its First Shooting Phase on the Turn it arrives. Enemy models hit, but not removed as casualties by this model on the Turn it arrives, cannot Move, Advance, Shoot, or Charge until a Mini Boss or Boss Monster moves to within 6" of the model.

Advanced Tactics: Teleportarium (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the We Shall Envelop Them Effect, the model held in Reserve may Deep Strike anywhere on the revealed map instead of only at the edge, although it must still Deploy at least 9" from any enemy model.

A Fortuitous Find (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when using the We Tread Familiar Ground Effect, this model's controlling player may place an additional Relic Objective Marker. Whenever this Talent is used the GM gets +2D6 Allotment added to their Adversarial Reserves.

Ample Cover (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the I Am At One With the Terrain Effect, this model gains +1 to its Cover Save bonus when in Cover.

And Hell Follows With Me (prerequisite: Intimidate1): whenever this model uses any Intimidate Effect, they may target 2 enemy models instead of just 1.

And I Hear It (prerequisite: Tech1): when using the It Hears Effect, the GM must also tell the players what the Power Levels of each revealed Technology is. If it is randomly determined, roll for it when this Effect is triggered.

And They Shall Fear Me (prerequisite: Psychic Sense1): when using the And I Shall Know My Enemy Effect, revealed <Psykers> automatically become <Marked>.

An Even Better Defense (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the A Better Defense in the Assault Effect, the player that controls the model that traiggered this Effect may place an additional 4 Markers.

Applied Insight (prerequisite: Medic1): when using the These Wounds Speak their Secrets to Me Effect, this model gains the ability to Move up to 6" before the start of the first Battleround on the next Mission if there are enemy models with the same <Faction> Keywords as those revealed by this Effect within line of sight of this model at that time.

Archivist (prerequisite: Tech1): this model may save unused Ratings from their Tech Skill from one Mission and add it to its Rating for the following Mission. If these extra Ratings are not used in the very next Mission, they cannot be carried over to the following Mission. For example, if a model has Tech2 but only uses 1 Rating in a Mission, the extra Rating is carried over into the next Mission, giving this model a temporary Tech Rating of 3 for the next Mission. If the model doesn't use any of those 3 Ratings in the next Mission, it can only carry over the 2 from its base Rating, not its unused bonus.

Aroused by Bloodshed (prerequisite: Inspire1): for each allied model in Cohesion Range that removes an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase, this model gains +1 to its next Inspire Skill test. If this modifier accumulates to make the bonus high enough that the roll can't fail, this model automatically passes the test and is refunded their expended Rating.

Blessings of the Armorium (prerequisite: Tech2): add the following Effect to this model's Tech Effect list. Blessings of the Armorium: Test at the start of the Command Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: the player that controls the model that initiated this Effect selects 1 allied model within Cohesion Range. That model may re-roll 1 each of the following this Turn: Armor Save, Invulnerable Save, Ranged Weapon hit roll, Damage roll.

Bomb Layer (prerequisite: Demolition1): whenever this model uses the And When They Step Through, Boom Effect with a grenade that has a variable effect, those effects are maximized, without the need to roll. Make sure the boobytrap Marker reflects this if there are more than 1 on the battlefield

Bully (prerequisite: Intimidate1): when using the Tremble Before Me Effect, the triggering model may target enemy models with 3 or more Wounds.

By Our Oaths Sworn (prerequisite: Command1): when using the Battlecry Effect, all affected models also increase their Rate of Fire by 1 in all categories until the start of the next Battleround.

Capture Point (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the They Don't Even Know Effect, allied models within 3" of the Marker also gain +1XP.

Catechist (prerequisite: Inspire2): add the following Effect to this model's Inspire Effect list. Righteous Fury of the Astartes: Test during the Command Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: All allied models in Cohesion Range deal 1 Mortal Wound in addition to their normal Damage when they roll 6s to hit until the start of their next Command Phase.

Chop Chop (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the Death Comes For You Effect, this model also gains +1 Attack until the end of the Phase.

Concentration: improve this models Skill Stat by 1 (5+ becomes 4+, 4+ becomes 3+ , etc.).

Cunning Hunter (prerequisite: Stealth2): add the following Effect to this model's Stealth Effect list. Cunning Hunter: Test during the Command Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: this model nominates 1 enemy model within 6". Against this target, this model's hits are resolved at 1 better AP until the start of this model's next Command Phase.

Cyborg Surgeon (prerequisite: Tech2 and Medic2): when using the All Supplication to the Machine Effect on a model with the Cyborg Talent, this model may also remove up to D3 Wound Tokens from that model.

Dataminer (prerequisite: Tech1): when using the Let it Speak Effect, this model gains +1 additional tidbit of information.

Deathwing Inductee (prerequisite: Dark Angels, Adjudicators, and their Successor Chapters only and Forbidden Knowledge1): when this model uses the I Have Extensive Experience With This Subject Effect and the Keywords are <Chaos> or <Heretic Astartes>, the Miniboss or Boss Monster must be a Fallen Angel adversary. The model with this Talent earns quadruple Renown for killing it. If another marine scores the killing blow on this adversary, this model instead loses D3 Renown.

Destructor (prerequisite: Demolition1): when using the Strike There, Where it is Weakest Effect, affected models with Heavy Weapons also do +1 Damage.

Ego Jolt (prerequisite: Psychic Sense1): when using the For my Eyes See Effect, the <Marked> model immediately takes a single Strength 3, AP -1, Damage 1 hit when <Marked>.

Expert (1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Expert (+1) (prerequisite: Expert (1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Expert (+1) (prerequisite: Expert (+1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Field Maneuvers (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Command2): this model gains +1 CP.

Follow the Leader (prerequisite: Command1): whenever this model uses a Command Effect, it may extend the effect to itself in addition to its allies in Cohesion Range.

From a Distance [Skill] (prerequisite: 1 Rating in the associated Skill; this Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time it must be linked with a different Skill): for the chosen Skill, this Talent increases the effect range of all Effects by +3".

Hand of the Omnissiah (prerequisite Tech1): when using the All Supplications to the Machine Effect, this model adds +1 to its dice rolls. This means both the Skill test and the Effect rolls.

Hide From Me (prerequisite: Intimidate1): when using the The End is Upon You Effect, an affected model that fails its Toughness test becomes Pinned.

I Can Use This (prerequisite: Demolition1): when using the First the Green Wire, then the Red Effect, this model may add 1 Frag Grenade to its inventory after removing a Booby Trap Marker.

Immobility is Key (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the Silence is Virtue Effect, if this model does not Move this Turn, it becomes immune to being Pinned.

I'm Not Even Here (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the I am as Shadow Effect, this model also cannot be Charged.

Ingenuity (prerequisite: Tech1 and Forbidden Knowledge1): this model may spend a Rating from either Tech or Forbidden Knowledge to use an effect from either of those Skills.

Inspired Strike (prerequisite: Inspire1): when using the Allies in Arms Effect, modified hit rolls are resolved at 1 better AP if they hit.

Kill Monger (prerequisite: Tactics2): add the following Effect to this model's Tactics Effect list. Kill Monger: Test during the Briefing Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: the player that controls this model may add an additional Tertiary Objective: Attrition to the Mission Objectives with following description: for every 20 enemy models removed as casualties this Mission, reduce all future Missions' Allotment by 1. Whenever this Talent is used the GM gains an additional 20 Allotment that may only be spent on Minion level models for the current Mission.

Let Chem Gird Us (prerequisite: Medic2): add the following Effect to this model's Medic Effect list. Let Chem Gird Us: Test at the start of the Battleround. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: apply the effect of any 1 Stim this model is equipped with to all allied models in Cohesion Range. This Effect does not expend a use of the chosen Stim from an Apothecary's Narthecium when triggered. The effect of this Stim lasts until the start of the next Battleround, regardless of the chosen Stim's normal duration.

Litanies (prerequisite: Inspire1): once per Mission, this model may use 1 of the Inspire Skill Effects on itself without expending a Rating. The model must still pass its Skill test to do so.

Machine Specialist (prerequisite: Tech1): when using the All Supplications to the Machine Effect, this model may roll an additional D3 and take the more favorable result.

Mark of the Enemy (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when usjng the I Know These Cyphers Effect, the GM must reveal the exact models they intend to use.

Master Tactician (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Command1): this model may expend a Rating from either Command or Tactics to use an Effect from either of those Skills.

Mission Critical (prerequisite: Tactics1 or Command2): during the Briefing Phase, this model's controlling player may nominate 1 Mission Objective as "Mission Critical". If this Objective is completed, all models in the Squad that survive until the end of the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, gain an additional +1 Renown. However, if this Talent is used, the GM gains +2D6 Allotment for the Mission it affects.

Move Through the Ranks (prerequisite: Intimidate1): when using the I Challenge You Effect, this model may be moved up to 3" before selecting a target. This Movement cannot be used to take this model out of Engagement range.

Observant (prerequisite: Tactics3 and Forbidden Knowledge1): once per Mission, during the Command Phase, select D3 enemy models in Cohesion Range of this model. During their next Movement Phase this player may Move or Advance them in any direction, instead of the GM.

Origins of Obedience (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1 and Inspire1): this model may expend a Rating from either Inspire or Forbidden Knowledge to use an Effect from either of those Skills.

Pepper That Target (prerequisite: Command1): when using the Fire on my Target Effect, affected allies also gain the benefit if they Shoot at other enemy models within 6" of the original target.

Perilous Insight (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): add the following Effect to this model's Psychic Sense Effect list. Perilous Insight: Test during the Psychic Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select 1 allied model within 6". Both models must then make a Toughness test. Each model that passes this test gains +1 CP that must be used this Battleround. Each model that fails this test gains +1 Corruption this Mission.

Phase Specialist (prerequisite: Blessing of the Armorium): when using the Blessing of the Armorium Effect, affected models gain +D3 extra re-rolls for their Invulnerable Saves.

Precise Timing (prerequisite: Demolition1): when using the Rigged These Special Effect, extend its effect to the model that triggered this also. In addition, grenades used by this model count their first hit per Phase as 1 better AP.

Precision Bomber (prerequisite: Demolition1): when using the It's All in the Arm Effect, this model may improve either the Strength of grenades they use this Phase by +1 or improve the AP of their grenades by 1 this Phase.

Quail at the Sight of Me (prerequisite: Intimidate2): add the following Effect to this model's Intimidate Effect list. Quail at the Sight of Me: Test at the beginning of the Command Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: The player that controls the model that triggered this Effect selects one enemy model within 6". That model treats its Toughness as 1 lower than it actually is for the purposes of Characteristics tests until the start of the player's next Command Phase.

Rallying Point (prerequisite: Command2): add the following Effect to this model's Command Effect list. Set Rally Point: Test at the beginning of the Command Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may place a Marker anywhere in line of sight to it. Allied models that end their Movement within 3" of this Marker recover from the effects of being Shaken or Pinned. This Marker remains in play until either all allied models have ended one of their Movement Phases within 3" of it or the Mission ends.

Ranger (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the Death is my Trade Effect, this model also adds +6" to the range of its Ranged Weapons in its first Shooting Phase this Turn.

Recon (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Stealth1): if this model successfully uses both their Tactics and Stealth Skills at least once each at any point in the same Mission, in the following Mission they improve the AP of all their Weapons by 1 against enemy models with the same <Faction> keywords as those faced in the triggering Mission.

Repair (prerequisite: Tech1): when using the At the Threshold Effect, this model may restore D3 Wounds to any damaged door.

Righteous Fury (prerequisite: Inspire1): when using the Kill Them All Effect, affected models do +1 Damage if they roll a 6+ to Wound.

Right Man for the Tool (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the To Face Our Foes Effect, select one allied model. That model treats its Renown as 10 higher than it is for the purposes of qualifying for Threshold.

Run From Me (prerequisite: Intimidate1): when using the Show me What Passes for Fury Amongst Your Misbegotten Kind! Effect, the affected model must Move 3D6" away instead of 2D6".

Sabotage (prerequisite: Demolition2): add the following Effect to this model's Demolition Effect list. Sabotage: Test during the Briefing Phase. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: the player that controls this model may add an additional Tertiary Objective: Sabotage to the Mission Objectives with following description: the GM must place a Generator anywhere on the revealed terrain at the start of the Mission, at least 9" from any board edge or Deployed model. This Generator has a Toughness 6 and 3 Wounds. The model that removes this Generator's last Wound earns +1 Renown. Additionally, when the Generator is destroyed, the lights go out and all models are reduced to 8" visual range unless they have a Trait, Talent, or Wargear that says otherwise.

Sapper (prerequisite: Demolition1): all grenades used by this model are resolved at +1 Strength.

Singled Out (prerequisite: Intimidate1): when using the Let my Enemies Fall Effect, enemy models test their Toughness at -1.

Slip Into the Shadows (prerequisite: Stealth1): if this model moves into Cover, relative to enemy models that can draw line of sight to it, it no longer counts as "Closest Enemy Model" for the purposes of targeting it with Shooting or Psychic Powers.

Sneaky (prerequisite: Stealth1): as long as this model can draw line of sight to an enemy model with 10 or more Wounds, it adds +1" to its Move.

Stab Stab (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the Death Comes For You Effect, this model's Attacks are resolved at 1 better AP until the end of the Phase.

Stalker (prerequisite: Stealth1 and Intimidate1 or Stealth3): when using the Death is my Trade Effect, enemy units automatically fail any Morale tests they may have to take as a result of being hit by this model.

Strength in Unity (prerequisite: Medic1): when using the Where There is Weakness, Let There be Strength Effect, this model may extend the Strength bonus to itself as well. Additionally, this Effect now lasts for 1 extra Battleround when triggered by this model.

Strike from the Shadows (prerequisite: Stealth1 or Ravenguard or their Successors): if this model is in Cover when it declares a Charge, it gains +1 Attack until the end of the player's Turn.

Success-Motivated (prerequisite: Inspire3 or Inspire1 and Command1): when using the Pour Your Fury Unto Them Effect, affected models gain +1 CP this Battleround if any of their re-rolls succeed.

Support Fire (prerequisite: any Skill with an Effect that can be triggered in the Shooting Phase): after successfully triggering an Effect for the Shooting Phase, this model's Ranged Weapons improve their range by +6" until the end of the Phase.

Tactical Acumen (prerequisite: Tactics1): at the start of a Mission, after terrain has been set up, but before Deployment, this model's controlling player may place up to 2 pieces of scatter terrain (Necromunda Barricades are ideal for this) for each of their Ratings in their Tactics Skill anywhere on the revealed terrain. Doing this does not expend any of the model's Ratings.

The Many Beasts (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when using the Strike for the Heart of the Beast Effect, this model's controlling player may select 1 additional <Faction> keyword or <Battlefield Role> and apply the effects to both selections.

Thermal Efficiency (prerequisite: Tech1): when using the Arise from Your Slumber Effect, this model may raise a Technology's Power Level by 2 Steps instead of 1.

This is all too Familiar (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge2): add the following Effect to this model's Forbidden Knowledge Effect list. This is all too Familiar: Test after determining the length of an Exploration Mission. If the test is passed, apply the following effect: All models Deployed on this Mission gain an additional +1XP.

Through the Looking Glass (prerequisite: Psychic Sense1): when using the To Pierce the Veil Effect, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select 2 allies instead of 1, or may extend this Effect to themselves as well as their target.

Triage (prerequisite: Medic1): when using the I am the Miracle Worker Effect, this model may roll a D6 for each affected ally. On the roll of a 6, that model also regains 1 Wound previously lost this Mission.

True Invicibility (prerequisite: Inspire1): when using the Arise my Invincible Knights Effect, affected models also gain the ability to ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 5+. If the model already has an ability like this, then this Talent instead grants that model a +1 to its roll.

Undeniable (prerequisite: Inspire1): when using the Brotherhood Beyond Death Effect, reduce Morale penalties by 1 this Turn.

Unphased (prerequisite: Medic1): when using the Not Even Death Shall Phase Us Effect, add an additional +1 to affected models' ability to ignore Wounds.

Uplift (prerequisite: Command1): when using the Get on Your Feet Effect, affected models also become immune to being Pinned until the end of the next Battleround.

Warp Token (prerequisite: Psychic Sense1): when using the None Shall Break My Resolve Effect, this model gains an additional +D3 to its Deny the Witch attempts this Turn.

We All Learn (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when using the There, Take it! Effect, any allied model that reaches the Marker after the first gains +1XP. This bonus XP can only be applied to a model once per Mission.

We Stand as One (prerequisite: Medic1): when using the As a Bulwark We Stand Effect, this model may extend the Toughness bonus to itself as well. Additionally, this Effect now lasts for 1 extra Battleround when triggered by this model.

Whispered in Darkness (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when using the Strike for the Heart of the Beast Effect, affected allies can reroll up to 2 failed Wound rolls against the specified enemy instead of only the first.

Wither Away (prerequisite: Psychic Sense1): when using the All Things Weak and Corrupt Effect, the model that triggered this Effect gains +1 to Wound enemy models with the <Psyker> keyword.

With Every Effort (prerequisite: Command1): when using the Sworn Allies, With Me Effect, affected models roll an extra D6 when Charging and take the 2 highest scores.

With Furious Anger (prerequisite: Command1): when using the Avenge the Fallen Effect, affected models gain +1 Strength with their extra Attacks.

You're Not so Tough (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when using the I Have Extensive Knowledge of This Subject Effect, the model summoned has 2 fewer Wounds than double and the first model to Wound it gains an additional +1 Renown.

Tier 2 Talents

Advanced Tactics: Advance Move (prerequisite: Tactics2): when using the There is Another Way Effect, all allied models except the model that triggered this Effect may take advantage of this Redeploy.

Advanced Tactics: Bounding Fire (prerequisite: Tactics2): if this model starts and ends its Movement Phase in Cover, enemy models suffer -1 to hit this model. If this model does not Move or Advance in its Movement Phase, but remains in Cover while an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range does Move or Advance, this model increases its own weapon's Rate of Fire by +1 in all Firing Modes during its 1st Shooting Phase.

Advanced Tactics: Covering Fire (prerequisite: Tactics2): if this model does not Move or Advance in its Movement Phase, but remains in Cover while an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range does Move or Advance, this model increases its own weapon's Rate of Fire by +1 in all Firing Modes during all of its Shooting Phases and may use Suppression on the same Turn it Shoots to kill.

Advanced Tactics: Infiltrators (prerequisite: Tactics2): when using the We Shall Envelop Them Effect, up to D3 allied models may Deep Strike anywhere on the revealed terrain, as long as they remain out of sight of any and all enemy models.

Advanced Tactics: Mine Layer (prerequisite: Demolition1 and Tactics1): if this model is equipped with a mine or bomb that must be emplaced, this model may emplace the Marker up to 6" away from its current position or, if it passes a BS test (literally just roll to hit as if the model were Shooting at a target), up to 2D6" distant. If the model fails their BS test, the mine or bomb is limited to a 6" range.

Advanced Tactics: Suppressing Fire (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Command1): choose one allied model in Cohesion Range. When that model Shoots this Turn, any targets it hits, but fails to Wound automatically becomes Pinned instead. Pinned enemy models cannot Move, Advance, Charge, or Shoot until a Mini Boss Moves to within 3" of them or a Boss Monster Moves to within 6" of them.

And I Will Destroy Them (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): when using the And I Shall Know my Enemy Effect, the model that triggered this Effect gains +1 to hit <Marked> <Psyker>. In addition, this model gains +1 Renown whenever a <Marked> model is removed as a casualty.

And Kneel! (prerequisite: Intimidate2): when using the Tremble Before Me Effect, the affected target cannot Move if it fails its Toughness test. If it passes its Toughness test, it cannot Charge the triggering model.

And Move! (prerequisite: Command2): when using the Get on Your Feet Effect, affected models gain +D3" of Movement this Turn.

And Weep! (prerequisite: Quail at the Sight of Me): when using the Quail at the Sight of Me Effect, affected models suffer an additional -1 penalty to their Toughness tests until the start of their next Turn.

Any Prey (prerequisite: Cunning Hunter): when using the Cunning Hunter Effect, this model may target D3 enemy models instead of just 1.

Applied Learning: this model earns an additional +1 XP from "Successfully using a Skill".

Applied Strategy (prerequisite: Tactics2, Command2, and Forbidden Knowledge1): this model earns +1 XP whenever it removes the last Wound from an enemy model.

Armorer's Touch (prerequisite: Blessing of the Armorium): when using the Blessing of the Armorium Effect, affected models also gain D3 uses of a +1 bonus to their Armor Saves until the end of the Mission.

Battle Attrition (prerequisite: Kill Monger): when using the Kill Monger Effect, the GM also gains an additional +5D3 Allotment and must include at least 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster. If at least 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty this Mission, the GM suffers -1CP in all future Missions.

Beneath my Notice (prerequisite: Intimidate2): when using the I Challenge You Effect, affected enemy models that pass their Toughness tests suffer -1 to hit the triggering model until the end of the Phase.

Best Position (prerequisite: Stealth2): when using the I am at One with the Terrain Effect, this model gains +1 to hit with its Shooting, if it fires from a position of Cover relative to its target(s).

Big Bomber (prerequisite: Demolition2): all grenades used by this model gain +D3 to their Rate of Fire.

Boon of Discovery (prerequisite: This is All too Familiar): when using the This is All too Familar Effect, affected models also gain +1 Renown.

Chem-Conditioned (prerequisite: Let Chem Gird Us): when using the Let Chem Gird Us Effect, applied Stims last for 2 Battlerounds instead of 1.

Clever**: this model may choose 1 additional Effect from the corresponding Skill's list when they successfully test that Skill.

Conditioned Against Peril (prerequisite: Perilous Insight): when using the Perilous Insight Effect, the model that triggered this Effect gains +1 to its Toughness for the purposes of the corresponding test.

Deathwing Crux (prerequisite: Deathwing Inductee Talent): this model qualifies to equip Terminator Armor 2+, without having to meet its Threshold.

Deep Hack (prerequisite: Tech2): when using the Let it Speak Effect, make a note of any Terminals interacted with. At the end of the Mission, this model may test its Tech Skill without expending a Rating. If successful, this model gains 1 more tidbit of information from it. If there is no more information to be had, this model instead gains +1XP.

Defend the Point (prerequisite: Tactics2): when using the They Don't Even Know Effect, models in range of the Marker also gain +1 Renown each Turn.

Die Die (prerequisite: Stealth2): when using the Death Comes for You Effect, this model gains +1 Attack, and its Weapons improve their AP by 1 until the end of the Fight Phase.

Endurance of the Astartes (prerequisite: Medic2): when using the Not Even Death Shall Phase Us Effect, add an additional +1 to affected models' ability to ignore Wounds.

Faith-Shielded (prerequisite: Inspire2): when using the Arise My Invincible Knights Effect, affected models also gain a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus hits that do more than 1 Damage.

Fidelis Ultra Mortem (prerequisite: Inspire2): when using the Brotherhood Beyond Death Effect, reduce Morale penalties by half (rounding up) this Turn.

Field Promotion (prerequisite: Leadership 10+ and Command2): this model gains +2 CP.

Field Surgeon (prerequisite: Medic2): when using the I am the Miracle Worker Effect, this model may roll a D6 for each affected ally. On the roll of a 4+, that model removes an additional Wound Token. If that model has no Wound Tokens left to remove for this effect, they instead regain 1 Wound previously lost this Mission. This ability has no effect on models that have either lost no Wounds this Mission or who are otherwise already healed to their maximum starting Wounds.

Fight Back to Back (prerequisite: Command2): when using the Sworn Allies With Me Effect, all affected models gain +1 Attack this Battleround if they are within 2" of another model also affected by this Effect.

Find a Use for Anything (prerequisite: Demolition2): when using the First the Green Wire, Then the Red Effect, this model also gains scrap worth 1 Esteem with any Admech Faction.

Forethought (prerequisite: 2 or more Skills): during the Briefing Phase, this model may subtract 2 of its Ratings from any one Skill to add 1 temporary Rating to any one of its other Skills. Exchanged Ratings revert to normal at the end of the Mission.

For my Insight (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge2): when using the There, Take It Effect, this model gains +1 Renown every time an ally gains 1 or more XP from a Marker placed by this Effect.

For the Glory of the Chapter (prerequisite: Command2): when using the Battlecry Effect, affected models gain +1 use of their Chapter Heirloom this Mission.

From a Greater Distance [Skill] (prerequisite: From a Distance Talent with the same associated Skill): for the chosen Skill, this Talent increases the effect range of all Effects by an additional +3".

Furious Assault (prerequisite: Inspire2): when using the Kill Them All Effect, affected models gain +1 to all their Wound rolls this Phase instead of only the first.

Good Throw (prerequisite: Demolition2): when using the It's All in the Arm Effect, extend the benefits to this model as well as allies in Cohesion Range. In addition, whenever an affected model rolls a hit with a 6+ they automatically Wound their target.

Greater Blessing (prerequisite: Blessing of the Armorium): when using the Blessing of the Armorium Effect, affected models gain 1 additional re-roll per category per Mission.

Gunsmither (prerequisite: Blessing of the Armorium): when using the Blessing of the Armorium Effect, affected models also gain D3 uses of a +1 bonus to their hit rolls or Wound rolls until the end of the Mission.

Heavy Defender (prerequisite: Tactics2): when using the A Better Defense in the Assault Effect, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select up to 4 Markers as "Heavy". These Heavy Markers provide an additional +1 Cover bonus to Armor Saves.

Hold Here (prerequisite: Rallying Point): when using the Set Rally Point Effect, all allied models that remain within 3" of the Marker become immune to being Shaken.

I am the Assassin (prerequisite: Stealth2): when using the Death is my Trade Effect, this model's first hit of its first Shooting Phase and its first hit of its Fight Phase also inflicts 1 Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage.

Improved Concentration: improve this models Skill Stat by 1 (4+ becomes 3+, 3+ becomes 2+ , etc.).

In the Presence (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge2): when using the We Tread Familiar Ground Effect, all allied models gain +1 Renown per Marker placed.

Into the Fray (prerequisite: Field Maneuvers): this model gains +1CP.

It Costs me Nothing (prerequisite: 3 or more Ratings in any 1 Skill): once per Mission, this model may test a single Effect from any Skill it has without expending a Rating.

Kill It (prerequisite: (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge2): when using the Strike for the Heart of the Beast Effect, affected models can re-roll any 2 failed Wounds instead of only the first.

Light it Up! (prerequisite: Command2): when using the Fire on my Target Effect, all allied models in Cohesion Range, excluding this model, may fire 1 additional shot at the target without expending any ammunition.

Litanies of the Righteous (prerequisite: Catechist): when using the Righteous Fury of the Astartes Effect, affected models add +1CP to the Deathwatch Command Pool whenever they inflict 1 or more Mortal Wounds until the beginning of their next Command Phase.

Malleus Doctrine (prerequisite: either Psychic Sense2, the ability to Deny psychic powers, or Black Wasps, Black Templars, or Red Hunters Chapter): when fighting against models with the <Daemon> or <Daemonic Engine> keywords, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Many Blessings (prerequisite: Blessing of the Armorium): when using the Blessing of the Armorium Effect, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select D3 allies instead of just 1.

Master of Traps (prerequisite: Demolition2): when using the And When They Step Through, Boom! Effect, this model may place up to 2 Boobytrap Markers instead of 1. Remember to deduct 2 grenades from this model's inventory when placing 2 Boobytraps.

Nemesis (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge2): when using the I Know These Cyphers Effect, after the GM reveals the <Faction> keywords of any Minion or Miniboss, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may dictate to the GM exactly which model one of these must be. Any allied model that causes 1 or more Wounds to this model gains either +1 XP or +1 Renown, controlling player's choice.

Offguard (prerequisite: Intimidate2): when using the The End is Upon You Effect, the triggering model is -1 to be hit by the target of this Effect, even if that target passes its Toughness test.

Options (prerequisite: Sabotage): when using the Sabotage Effect, this model may force the GM to place 2 Generator Objective Markers. Both are worth Renown when destroyed, but the lights only go out if both are removed from play.

Orienteering (prerequisite: Stealth2 or Tactics1): after Deployment, but before the 1st Battleround begins, this model may make a free 6" Move

Pinion Doctrine (prerequisite: either Stealth2, the Cohort Talent, or Ravenguard Chapter and their successors): this model may set-up anywhere on the tabletop at least 9" away from a revealed enemy model, regardless of the Deployment option chosen.

Plotting in the Darkness (prerequisite: Stealth2): when using the I am as Shadow Effect, if this model does not Move this Turn, it adds +1CP to the Mission pool.

Psychic Link (prerequisite: the <Psyker> keyword and Psychic Sense2): this model gains an additional use of the Deny the Witch ability every Battleround that can only be used when an allied model in Cohesion Range is targeted by a Psychic Power.

Psychic Frenzy (prerequisite: the <Psyker> keyword and Psychic Sense4): whenever this model successfully manifests a Psychic Power that normally only targets 1 model, this model may instead target D3 models. Whenever this model successfully manifests a Psychic Power that normally targets a single Unit, this model may also target 1 additional Unit within 6" of the original target. Whenever a model uses this Talent it must make a Toughness test. If it fails this test, this model gains +1 Corruption.

Ready Grasp (prerequisite: any other 3 Skill Talents): during the Briefing Phase this model may give itself D3 Ratings in any Skill (even a Skill it does not already have) for the duration if the upcoming Mission.

Resolute (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): when using the None Shall Break my Resolve Effect, this model becomes immune to being Pinned.

Righteous Strikes (prerequisite: Inspire2): when using the Allies in Arms Effect, allied models gain +1 to hit on all rolls this Phase instead of only the first.

Right Tool for the Man (prerequisite: Tactics2): when using the To Face Our Foes Effect, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select any 1 item of Wargear, Armor, or Weapon and reduce its Cost by an additional 10 until the end of the Mission. If this results in a negative number, the difference is granted as a temporary Renown bonus to the triggering model until the end of the Mission.

Savage Tactician (prerequisite: Tactics1): this model gains +1XP on any Turn it ends the Fight Phase within 1" of an enemy model.

Save the Spirit (prerequisite: Tech2): when using the Arise From Your Slumber Effect, this model may reduce the Power Level of any Technology in Range and store it as bonus Power Levels to be added to a different Technology later. Saved Power Levels that are not used by the end of a Mission are lost and the model carrying them suffers an additional Wound Token.

Scholarly (prerequisite: 4 or more Ratings in 2 or more Skills): this model may use 2 Skill Effects per Phase instead of only 1.

Shared Experience (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge2): when using the I Have Extensive Experience With This Subject Effect, the model that triggers this Effect gains +1 Renown every time the Summoned model is Wounded.

Shatter Their Flesh (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): when using the All Things Weak and Corrupt Effect, this model treats its Weapon's AP as 1 better when used against enemies with the <Psyker> keyword.

Sniper (prerequisite: Stealth2): when using the Silence is Virtue Effect, this model does not count as Shooting if it only fires a single shot. In addition, this single shot is resolved at 1 better AP.

Soul-Infusion (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): when using the To Pierce the Veil Effect, targeted models add +1 CP to the Mission Pool.

Specialist (prerequisite: Command2): when using the Strike There, Where it is Weakest Effect, all Weapons that do not have the word "bolt" in their name gain an additional +6" Range until the end of the Phase.

Tactical Insight (prerequisite: Medic1 and Tactics1 or Medic3): when using the These Wounds Speak their Secrets to Me Effect, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select up to D3 allied models and grants them the ability to Move up to 6" before the start of the first Battleround on the next Mission if there are enemy models with the same <Faction> Keywords as those revealed by this Effect within line of sight of this model at the start of that next Mission.

Terror on the Field (prerequisite: And Hell Follows With Me Talent): whenever this model uses any Intimidate Effect, they may target D3+1 enemy models instead of 2.

The Supermen (prerequisite: Medic2): when using the Where There is Weakness, Let There be Strength Effect, affected models gain an additional +1 bonus to their Strength.

The Unbreakables (prerequisite: Medic2): when using the As a Bulwark We Stand Effect, affected models gain an additional +1 bonus to their Toughness.

Unbreakable Resolve (prerequisite: Command2 or Inspire2): this model gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save when reduced to 1 Wound. If this model then survives the enemy Shooting or enemy's Turn of the Fight Phase where this Invulnerable Save was earned, all allied models in Cohesion Range become immune to being Shaken until the start of their next Command Phase. The 4+ Invulnerable Save remains until the model heals up to 2 or more Wounds or the Mission ends, whichever comes first.

Undermined Confidence (prerequisite: Intimidate2): when using the Let my Enemies Fall Effect, selected targets automatically fail their Toughness tests.

Unending Fury (prerequisite: Inspire2): when using the Pour Your Fury Unto the Enemy Effect, change its description to: test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models that are still in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect at the start of the Shooting and at the start of the Fight Phase this Battleround may re-roll their Wound rolls of 1.

Warp Embraced (prerequisite: Psychic Sense3): whenever an allied model removes an enemy psyker <Marked> by the For my Eyes See Effect as a casualty within Cohesion Range of this model, this model gains an additional +1XP, +1 Renown, and +1 Corruption.

Warp Touched (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): whenever an allied model removes an enemy psyker <Marked> by the For my Eyes See Effect as a casualty within Cohesion Range of this model, this model gains an additional +1XP.

White Hot Hatred (prerequisite: Command2): when using the Avenge the Fallen Effect, resolve the affected models' extra Attacks at 1 better AP.

Work of Art (prerequisite: Tech3 and Techmarine only): whenever this model equips a Masterwork Weapon they may add any 1 Quality to it for free. If this model permanently reduces their Renown by the Cost of this Weapon, they may add it to the Arsenal of the Ordo list as a Relic with a Threshold equal to their current Renown and a Cost equal to the total price of the Weapon +8.

You Can't Get Me (prerequisite: Intimidate2): when using the Show me What Passes for Fury Amongst Your Misbegotten Kind! Effect, the affected model also cannot target the triggering model or any of its allies within 6" of them.

Tier 3 Talents

A Deeper Look (prerequisite: Perilous Insight): when using the Perilous Insight Effect, if the triggering model passes its Toughness test, they contribute an additional +2CP to the Mission pool.

Advanced Orienteering (prerequisite: Orienteering): after Deployment, but before the 1st Battleround begins, this model and 1 other allied model within Cohesion Range may make a free 9" Move, regardless of each model's Move Stat. This is in addition to the Movement provided by the Orienteering Talent.

Advanced Tactics: Ambush (prerequisite: Tactics2 and Stealth1): if this model successfully uses the I am at one with Shadow Effect of their Stealth Skill, their first shot in their next Shooting Phase gains +1 to hit, +1 Damage, 1 better AP, and, if they survive, forces their target to make a Leadership test at -3 (roll D6 and add the number of Wounds this model has suffered from this Attack. If it is greater than their modified Leadership, the test is failed). If the enemy fails this test, the target counts as Pinned until a Miniboss Moves to within 3" or a Boss Monster Moves to within 6" of that model.

Advanced Tactics: The Coordinators (prerequisite: Tactics3): when using the There is Another Way Effect, extend its effects to the model that triggered it. Additionally, this model and the Mission Leader each gain +1XP and +1 Renown at the end of the Mission.

Apothecariat Supreme (prerequisite: Medic3): when using the I am the Miracle Worker Effect, this model removes D3 Wound Tokens instead of just 1 for each model affected. Roll once and apply the result to all affected models. Alternatively, instead of removing these Wound Tokens, this model may heal 1 Wound previously lost this Mission to each affected model. The controlling player choses which effect, model by model, they prefer to use. This ability has no effect on models that have lost no Wounds this Mission or who are otherwise already healed to their maximum starting Wounds; or who otherwise have garnered no Wound Tokens.

Aura of Pure Contempt (prerequisite: Quail at the Sight of Me): when using the Quail at the Sight of Me Effect, this model projects a 6" Aura. All enemy models fully in range of this Aura suffer -1 to their Characteristics tests until the end of the Battleround.

Battle Fatigue (prerequisite: Kill Monger): when using the Kill Monger Effect, add the following additional Tertiary Objective: Battle Fatigue: for every 10 enemy models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may grant any allied model +1XP or +1 Renown.

Deep Dive (prerequisite: This is All Too Familiar): when using the This is All Too Familiar Effect, all models Deployed on this Mission gain either +D3+1XP or an additional roll on the Treasure Tables for the Vessel in question.

Defender's Nest (prerequisite: Rallying Point): when using the Set Rally Point Effect, affected models gain +1 Rate of Fire in all modes as long as they stay within 3" of the Rally Point Marker.

Duty and Death (prerequisite: Inspire3): when using the Allies in Arms Effect, change its description to: "test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models that are still in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect at the start of the Shooting and at the start of the Fight Phase this Battleround gain +1 to hit on their first Attack."

Enraged (prerequisite: Command3): when using the Avenge the Fallen Effect, affected models gain +D3 Attacks instead of just 1.

Eradictor (prerequisite: Inspire3): when using the Kill Them All Effect, affected models gain an additional +1 to their Wound rolls.

Extra Secret (prerequisite: Medic3): when using the These Wounds Speak Their Secrets to Me Effect, the GM gains an additional +3D6 Allotment immediately and all adversaries removed as casualties this Mission are worth +1XP.

Fabrication Generalist (Prerequisite: Tech4): during the Arming Phase, this model may add one of the following to its own or any ally's Weapon for free: +6" Range or +1 to hit at half Range. This model may also add one of the following to its own or any ally's Armor for free: regenerate 1 Wound once per Mission or auto-pass 1 Armor Save once per Mission. Lastly, this model may upgrade any 1 piece of Wargear to Exceptional Quality for the duration of the upcoming Mission for free.

Forge Fabricator (prerequisite: Many Blessings): when using the Blessing of the Armorium Effect, the player that controls the model that triggered this Effect may select up to all of its allies instead of just D3 of them.

From all the Way Over Here [Skill] (prerequisite: From a Greater Distance Talent with the same associated Skill): for the chosen Skill, this Talent increases the effect range of all Effects by an additional +6".

Icon of Virtue (prerequisite: Catechist): at the start of every Mission, this model chooses 1 of the Effects of the Inspire Skill and applies that Effect to itself for the duration of that Mission. This does not cost a Rating. For every squad mate who can draw line of sight to this model when the chosen Effect turns a failed roll into a successful one, this model earns +1 Renown.

Killer (prerequisite: Demolition3): when using the Strike There, Where it is Weakest Effect, this model treats its Weapon's Strength as +2 until the end of the Battleround.

King of Monsters (prerequisite: Terror on the Field Talent): whenever this model uses any Intimidate Effect, they may target 3D3+1 enemy models instead of D3+1.

Lasting Protection (prerequisite: Tactics3): when using the A Better Defense in the Assault Effect, all Markers placed remain in play until the end of the Mission.

Let None Survive (prerequisite: Inspire3): when using the Kill Them All Effect, change its description to: "test during the Command Phase. If the test is successful, apply the following effect: All friendly models that are still in Cohesion Range of the model that triggered this Effect at the start of the Shooting and at the start of the Fight Phase this Battleround gain +1 to Wound on their first Attack."

Lord Commander (prerequisite: Field Promotion Talent and either Leadership 11+ or Command4): this model gains +2 CP.

Martian Messiah (prerequisite: Tech5): at the start of every Mission, the player that controls this model may select any 1 Admech Faction, even if the Mission is not a Side Quest for that Faction. This model immediately gains +2D6 Esteem with that Faction.

Pour it on Them! (prerequisite: Command3): when using the Fire on my Target Effect of the Command Skill, all allied models in Cohesion Range, including this model, may roll 1 additional die when rolling to hit and drop the lowest roll.

Psychic Supremacy (prerequisite: <Psyker> keyword and any 3 Talents with a prerequisite of being able to manifest Psychic Powers): this model may roll 1 additional die when attempting to manifest a Psychic Power and take the 2 more favorable results. In addition, this model maximizes any and all variable effects of their Psychic Powers and gains a permanent +1 to all of their Deny the Witch attempts. Whenever this model uses this Talent they must make a Toughness test. If they fail, they gain +1 Corruption.

Quick Study (prerequisite: at least 2 Ratings in any 1 Skill): this model can sacrifice 2 Ratings from any 1 Skill to use any standard Effect from any other Skill, even if they don't have that Skill and even if it is normally not available to them because of their Specialty. If this model has a Skill Stat of 3+ or better when they use this Talent, they do not have to roll. Instead, they automatically pass their Skill test.

Renowned Intellect (prerequisite: Applied Learning and Applied Strategy Talents): this model earns +1 Renown every time it successfully passes a Skill test.

Sanctioned Hunter (prerequisite: Any Prey): when using the Cunning Hunter Effect, this model may target up to 5 enemy models instead of only D3. In addition, the hit is resolved at an additional 1 better AP and +1 Damage.

Sharp Mind** (prerequisite: 1 or more Ratings in 2 or more Skills): whenever this model successfully triggers a Skill Effect, they may select an Effect from any other Skill they have Ratings in and manifest both Effects. For instance, a model with Stealth1, Command1 and Forbidden Knowledge1 that successfully tests Command could then select any 1 Effect from either Stealth or Forbidden Knowledge and apply that result as well. Doing this does not remove Ratings from that other Skill.

Short Fuses (prerequisite: Demolition3): when using the And When They Step Through, Boom Effect, Grenades used by this model against targets within half their range inflict Pinning on any model hit, but not removed as a casualty. Pinned adversaries cannot Move, Advance, Charge, or Shoot, and treat their WS as 6+ until a Miniboss ends their Move within 3" or a Boss Monster ends their Move within 6" of them.

Squad Leader (prerequisite: Into the Fray): this model gains +2 CP.

Technologist (prerequisite: Tech3): this model gains +1 to its Skill tests when interacting with Technology, always counts Technology as being 1 Level of Power greater than they actually are when interacting with it, and gain +D3 Esteem whenever they would gain or lose Esteem with any Admech Faction.

Transhuman Superpower (prerequisite: Medic4): when using either the As a Bulwark we Stand or the Where There is Weakness, Let There be Strength Effects, affected models gain an additional +1 to their Strength and an additional +1 to their Toughness for the duration of the Effect.

**Models with both of these Talents select 2 Effects from the used Skill and 1 from amongst all the effects of all of their Skills.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/07/10 20:17:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I spent some time today trying to fix spelling, format, and grammatical mistakes in the revised Skill Talent Tree.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/08/19 04:02:43

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

*The Following are Optional Rules

Teleportation Mishap Rules
Travelling through the Immaterium is tricky and dangerous. Teleportation is a technological hold over from the Dark Ages before the Heresy. Without prior knowledge of where you are going or failsafes in place at the location to be travelled to, translation may be fouled and the unlucky traveller may be damaged or misplaced in their transition. The following are rules governing the use of Teleportation Deployment to locations that do not have Beacons, Homers, or Reliable Coordinates.

To begin with, any location onboard the [+++Redacted+++] that has not been seen before (i.e. any new Mission on a previously unseen map/terrain layout) should be considered to have no Reliable Coordinates. Any location where a model or Unit may Teleport to, where there are no Beacons already in place or where there are no models already present with Homers, should be subject to these Mishap rules.

When using the Teleportation Insertion method at a location that meets the above criteria, roll 2D6 for each model so transported. Any roll of double 1s indicates a Mishap. Roll another D6 to determine the effect.

Roll: Effect
1: the model suffers D3 Mortal Wounds. The GM may then place the model anywhere on the table. If they are alive and survive till the end of the Mission without being removed as a casualty, that model gains +D3 XP. If they have zero Wounds when placed and don't Recover, they count as a Dead Marine Objective.

2: the model suffers 1 Mortal Wound. The GM may then place the model anywhere up to 3D6" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. If they are alive and survive till the end of the Mission without being removed as a casualty, that model gains +1 XP. If they have zero Wounds when placed and don't Recover, they count as a Dead Marine Objective.

3: the model gains D3+1 Wound Tokens. The GM may then place the model anywhere up to 3D6" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone.

4: the model gains 1 Wound Token. The GM may then place the model anywhere up to 3D6" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone.

5: The GM places the model anywhere up to 3D6" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. If the model survives till the end of the Mission without being removed as a casualty, that model gains +1 XP.

6: The player who controls the model may place it up to 3D6" away from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone. That model then gains +1 Renown.

Models Teleporting to a known location, one where there are Beacons present, or to within 6" of a model already on the table equipped with a Homer do not need to make this roll.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/08/24 16:27:12

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

*The following is an Optional Rule

Staggered Deployment
Sometimes, especially when deploying on Missions to uncertain locations, a Mission Leader might want to hedge their bets on Deployment by ordering one or more Squads to insert via a different method than the others. This Optional Insertion Rule may be used when 2 or more Squads are going on the same Mission.

The Mission Leader selects an Insertion Method for each Squad for which the Squad Leader of that unit qualifies. If these Methods are different, the players who control the Squad Leader models each roll a D6. The player that rolls highest deploys their Squad on the table at the beginning of the Mission. If there is a tie, both Units deploy according to their respective Parameters at the start of the game. If there is a difference in the rolls, the player that rolled highest deploys at the start of the game and the player that rolled lower deploys via their own Parameters a number of Battlerounds later equal to the difference in those rolls.

For example, Brother Angelius and Brother Mastrodace are ordered to deploy their Squads via Thunderhawk and Teleportarium respectively. Their players each roll a D6 and Angelius rolls a 5 and Mastrodace roll a 2. Angelius' Squad deploys at the start of the game and Mastrodace's Squad Teleports in at the start of Battleround 3 (5-2=3).

The Squad that deploys first receives a +1 Renown bonus for each model from that Squad that ends the game with 1 or more Wounds remaining.

To continue the example above, Angelius' squad consists of 5 models and 2 of them are removed as casualties before Brother Mastrodace and his squad arrive. By the end of the Mission, there are still 3 models in Angelius' squad still with at least 1 Wound remaining. Therefore, all models in that Squad gain +3 Renown (1 per survivor times 3 survivors to each model).

The Squad that deploys second receives a +1 Renown bonus if any model from that Unit removes 1 or more enemy models as casualties on the Turn they arrive.

All models in Mastrodace's Squad gain +1 Renown if even one of his squadmates kills just 1 Adversary model on the Turn they finally show up.

Any model that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wound remaining gains +1 XP.

The Mission Leader model also gains +D3 XP and, if the Deathwatch win the Mission, +D3 Renown. However, if the Deathwatch fail the Mission, the Mission Leader instead loses 2D3 Renown.

No more than 2 Insertion Methods may be selected for each Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/10/30 15:59:08

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Quick poll, because clearly the 51 thousand plus views on this thread are not just me re-reading posts and correcting my spelling and grammatical mistakes. Aside from the few secret Missions I haven't had a chance to sit down and finish, what else would the community like to see from this thread? Feel free to post here or direct message me. Thank you all for any potential feedback. I hope you have an awesome day.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/11/02 03:45:32

Post by: Boosykes

Thank you.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/11/03 16:39:05

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Boosykes wrote:
Thank you.

I mean, you're welcome? I was hoping for a bit more comprehensive feedback than this. Nobody has any suggestions? Anything?

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2022/12/30 08:03:56

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added 2 new Tier 2 Shooting Talents: Gunner and Suppression Shooter. More content forthcoming.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/01 23:37:27

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

One of my New Year's resolutions is to update this Campaign with new content every month for the next year. I have a lot of ideas for Factions, new ships and anomalies, Missions, etc. I start with the Dark Path, which is Drukhari in nature. I hope the community enjoys what I put out as much as I enjoy writing it. Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/05 08:06:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Warp Phenomenon: The Dark Path
Manifestation: Pockets of Twisted Reality
Circumstance: Webway Fracture
Alert Level of Denizens: Mildly Aware
Probable Disposition: Daemons, Drukhari, and other vile creatures

The Many-Storied Path
The intricacies of the Aeldari Webway are not things for Man to fathom, though he may strive for it. Sometimes, however, the boundaries of that vaunted path may weaken and fracture, piercing into the material world. And although this path may bring a peak into a forbidden world, it also invites the awareness of the galaxy's most cruel and sadistic of denizens. For the webway is not only a path through the Immaterium. It is also the home of the Druhkari and all the terribleness their existence has made manifest.


The Story
The Dark Path is not a ship, but rather a crack in the outer skin of the Aeldari Webway. When it arrives, it is predicated by a sense of increasing dread, snapping the very fabric of reality to reveal impossibly gaping tunnels into its labyrinthine depths. There's no easy way to describe this landscape except to say it does not obey the normal laws of physics. Its shape is impossible to predict. Lines do not connect, corridors twist inward on themselves, and one may find themselves walking on the very ceilings of the paths they thought they travelled only hours before. It is easy to get lost. Worse still, one may find themselves set upon by half-daemons, alien monstrosities, or the Drukhari, for within the Dark Path lies the City of Commorragh, the twisted metropolis of the purveyors of pain themselves.

There are few Missions associated with this Anomaly. However, when it first "arrives" the GM should place D3+1 terrain features - hereafter referred to as Fissures - to represent the breach in reality, anywhere on the battlefield. These Fissures should be present in every Mission from this point on. If it arrives in the middle of another Mission, place these terrain features on the board between Turns. At the start of the Battleround after their arrival, these new Fissures should disgorge 5D6 Allotment worth of <Beasts> or <Haemonculus Coven> models from the Drukhari Codex. This version of incursion is a one-time event. In future Missions after the arrival use the rules to follow.

At the start of the Mission, before Deployment, but after terrain has been placed, the players and the GM should alternate placing D3+1 Fissures anywhere on the battlefield. After forces have Deployed, the GM should roll a D6 next to each Fissure. On a 1, remove the Fissure from the table. On a 6, that Fissure generates D6 Allotment worth of models from the Drukhari Codex that must be held in Adversarial Reserves until the GM wishes to deploy them. These Reserves may be deployed at the start of any Adversary Movement Phase and take their first Move from any Fissure on the table (not just the one that generated their Allotment). Once Deployed, all Fissures cease generating additional Allotment.

These Fissures may also be interacted with by models on the table. Any model ending its Movement wholly within a Fissure is immediately removed from play and kept to one side. At the start of their next Movement Phase roll a D6 for this model. On a 1, this model is lost forever, never to be seen again. If it is an Adversary, it counts as destroyed/removed as casualty, regardless of the number of Wounds it had remaining. If it is a player model, it counts as slain and is removed from the Squad Roster permanently. On a 2-5, the model is still wandering around inside the Webway's maze. On a 6, the model may be placed in base contact with any Fissure on the table. If this model is player-controlled, it also gains +1XP and +1 Renown. If a Mission ends before a model escapes the Fissure, and it is an Adversary model, it counts as destroyed for all rules and Objective purposes. If a Mission ends before a model escapes the Fissure, and it is a Player model, then on the next Mission with Fissures, continue to roll a D6 at the start of each Movement Phase until the model is lost (rolls a 1) or returns (rolls a 6). Player-controlled models that spend more than 1 Mission in the Fissures gain +D3+1XP and +D3+1 Renown for each Mission they have been missing if they finally return.

For every Mission where at least 1 model interacts with any Fissure, the likelihood of a Fissure to generate Allotment increases as follows.
Number of Missions | D6 Roll
0 | 1= Fissure vanishes, 2-5= nothing, 6= Fissure generates D6 Allotment per Battleround until Drukhari enter play
1 | 1= Fissure vanishes, 2-4= nothing, 5-6= Fissure generates D6 Allotment per Battleround until Drukhari enter play
2 | 1= Fissure vanishes, 2-3= nothing, 4-6= Fissure generates D6 Allotment per Battleround until Drukhari enter play
3 | 1= Fissure vanishes, 2= nothing, 3-6= Fissure generates D6 Allotment per Battleround until Drukhari enter play
4 | 1= Fissure vanishes, 2= nothing, 3-6= Fissure generates 2D6 Allotment per Battleround until Drukhari enter play
5+ | 1= Fissure vanishes, 2-6= Fissure generates 2D6 Allotment per Battleround until Drukhari enter play

GMs, if there is a non-Drukhari Faction on the table and either a Mini Boss or Boss Monster and at least 1 Minion, have the Minion move into a nearby Fissure. Force the chart into motion.

Forbidden Lore
If a player asks for more information about this Anomaly and they have the Forbidden Lore Skill*, they may use it to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Origins: the fabled Webway. The Aeldari psychic and physical conduit through the Warp. Through this that ancient race traverses the galaxy from one end to the other in relative safety. And yet it is imperfect, worn and damaged from eons of use, incursion, and corruption. Home and hideaway for the cowardly and cruel Aeldari. It traverses both time and space; it is a deep and labyrinthine cavern of whispers and secrets, cruelty and bloodshed, fear and pain. If one knows how and where to listen, they may hear the darkness that its presence summons, and perhaps have a breath's moment to steel themselves for the coming terrors. Armed with this information, a player who controls any Deathwatch model with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers will be given a warning by the GM 1 Battleround in advance from which Fissure any Adversaries will be coming.

Denizens: the Webway is home to many creatures of dangerous import: fell Razorwings, Ur-Ghul, Sslyth, Khymerae, all manner of Fiends, and even worse things, the dreaded Drukhari and their blasphemous creations. Armed with this knowledge, when a GM musters their forces generated by any Fissures present on the Battlefield they must tell the players the Type <keywords> (Infantry, Biker, Monster, Beast, Character, or Monster) and numbers of each for all of their Drukhari models before they Deploy.

Secrets: the Webway is home to the fabled Black Library, a repository of lore great and terrible. Many have sought access to it and failed. But this is not the only terrible secret the Dark Pathways hide. Those who enter it with minds and body untrained and unconditioned, risk losing their way physically and spiritually in its labyrinth. Edged ever onward towards prizes unattainable, the Dark Path will swallow the greatest of soldiers and those of strongest faith, never to be seen or heard from again. Armed with this insight, Missions that take place within the Fissures that last a variable number of hours subtract 1 from any total rolled.

*GMs, prompt your players with this skill so that they know they have the option to use it.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines
For Missions that enter the Dark Path the terrain guidelines are Tall, Sharp, and Treacherous. Crystal forests, climbing walkways, and spires. Multi-tiered structures, archways, leaning hills of bladed metal, carpets of bones, piles of discarded uniforms and gear, blood stained everything, banners made of fluttering flesh, knives and spikes on everything. Terrain layout should resemble a hedge maze at a death metal festival. Go for broke, be insane.

Available Missions
DP1: Misguided Steps: Special Routine
DP2: The Forgotten: Optional Exploration

Unlockable Missions
DPa: The Curious Case of Kluthex Tobia: Special
-KT1: Into the Bladed Labyrinth: Linked Exploration
-KT2: Purely for Pain: Linked Routine
-KT3: Climbing the Spires: Linked Routine
-KT4a1: The Search: Tandem Linked Exploration
-KT4a2: The Pits: Tandem Linked Routine
-KT4b: The Gauntlet and the Prize: Special Linked Routine
-KT5: The Descent: Linked Routine
-KT6: The Final Test: Linked Special

Treasures of The Dark Path*
Roll a D6 for each Deathwatch model that returns from the The Forgotten Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining and consult the following table to see what they bring back with them.

D6 Roll: Treasure
1: Lingering Agony. This model gains a permanent +1 Wound Token. They will always begin every Mission with 1 Wound Token from now on. This may be shed in the normal way during the course of each Mission.

2: Warp Trauma. This model gains +1 Corruption.

3: Shaken Psyche. This model begins every Routine Mission Pinned for the remainder of the Campaign. If they are immune to this condition, they begin play Shaken instead. If the model is also immune to being Shaken, they may only join a Mission if they first pass a Toughness test.

4: Horror of the Darkness. This model must pass a Toughness test at the start of each of its Battlerounds if the lights are out. If it fails this test, its controlling Player must forego either this model's Movement Phase or Shooting Phase. If it passes this test, the model may act as normal. In any Mission where it must test, pass or fail, this model gains an extra +1XP or +1 Renown (player's choice) at the end of the Mission.

5: Hardened by Horrors. This model counts as causing +1 Wound versus enemy units in Engagement Range for the purposes of Morale tests only.

6: Tested and Unbroken. This model gains +D3XP and +D3+1 Renown.

*Only use this table for The Forgotten Exploration Mission. The Unlockable Missions all have their own Loot tables.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/07 09:14:00

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
An ill-concieved recon into the Fissures themselves has gone awry. Now the Deathwatch must fight their way back. Use this Mission if a player suggests a team might want to go into the Webway and see what they can find.

DP1: Misguided Steps: Special Routine

Briefing Phase: The cracks into the Immaterium appear to be doorways into the Webway. If we can sneak in undetected, we may be able to find something of use or even a clue as to the location of the Black Library itself. Go with haste, but go with stealth.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of any Inquisitorial Faction present in the Narrative. If there are none, this Mission instead serves the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
If we are careful, there may be nothing to contend with. However, we should be prepared to face any of the nightmares the wicked Aeldari or daemonic forces can throw at us.

Obviously you will be using whatever is in your collection. The author recommends using Drukhari forces all from the same subset (<Haemonculos Coven>, <Wych Cult>, or <Kabal> ) and/or Daemons with the <Slaanesh> or <Undivided> keywords.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Find Anything of Value:
searching the Webway for things of value may be a fool's errand. Following the rules presented for this Mission's Insertion and Extraction times, for every 6 rolled for those times, 1 surviving Deathwatch model may roll on the "Treasure" tables presented at the end of this Mission. Any model that rolls a 5+ on that chart counts as Personally achieving this Objective.

Be Sneaky: for every Deathwatch model with at least 1 Rating in the Stealth Skill that is sent on this Mission, the Mission Leader gains +1XP and +1 Renown. At least 1 model with this Skill must be sent on this Mission.

this Mission is considered by Intolerant Command to be a suicidal endeavor. Therefore, for every Deathwatch model that returns from this Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. Additionally, each such model gains +D3XP.

The board should be set up as a landscape of crystaline forests and towering spires. It is not inside the [++Redacted++] in the traditional sense, but rather inside a hole in the fabric of reality inside that Hulk. As such, the GM has a lot of leeway to set up as bizarre a landscape as they want and can.

Bear in mind that on this Mission there are no Fissures to be placed.

The players set up their forces first according to the Mission parameters. The GM sets up their first Wave on the board edge opposite the players' Deployment Zone, at least 24" from any Deathwatch or Deathwatch-allied models.

The GM's forces take the first Turn. The GM's Reserves may enter play from any board edge at least 9" from any enemy models. Reserves are placed at the end of the Movement Phase just like in regualr 40k.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
For each Rating of the Stealth Skill possessed by models sent on this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may roll a D6. This total number plus 1 is the Insertion time in hours for this Mission. For each D6 rolled to Insert an additional D6 should be rolled to determine the total number of hours for the Extraction time. The Game ends when any of the following conditions occur:
-All Deathwatch models have been reduced to 0 Wounds
-All remaining Deathwatch and Allied models have Escaped
-All remaining Deathwatch and Allied models have been Lost
-Any combination of the above that leaves no Deathwatch or allied model on the table with 1 or more Wounds

Special Rules
Leave None Behind
: any Deathwatch or allied model reduced to zero Wounds becomes an Objective to be dragged off the battlefield to a Marker. Any model left behind if all able bodied personnel have been removed from the table count as permanently lost. Remove them from the Squad Roster.

Sneak In, Sneak Out: each Rating of the Stealth Skill used to Insert must also be used to Extract. However, using these Ratings in this way does not expend them.

For example, a Squad with 1 model that has Stealth2 and another with Stealth1 may roll up to 3D6 for Insertion, plus 1. However, if they do, the Squad must also roll 3D6 for Extraction; totaling 1+6D6 hours for overall Mission length. 7-37 hours

Each 6 rolled amongst these dice allows 1 model to roll on the Treasure table at the end of this Mission.

Technology on the Table
There is nothing even remotely recognizable as Imperial Tech on this battlefield. Even if players have models with Talents that normally allow them to place Technology on the table, in this Mission they cannot.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: "Just Down the Hall". The Deathwatch has essentially snuck into another part of the universe from inside the [++Redacted++]. Therefore, once their sneaking about is done, they use this Deployment method.

- Extraction Options: Special. The GM and Mission Leader each nominate a spot on any edge of the board. Place a Marker at each location. Any Deathwatch or allied model that ends their Movement Phase within 3" of either Marker must roll a D6. On a 1, they are removed from the table as a casualty and placed to the side. On a 2-4, nothing happens. On a 5+, that model Extracts from the Mission. Casualty models placed to the side must roll as if they have entered a Fissure in order to escape the Mission. If they roll a 2-5, they are considered lost for this Mission, but may continue to roll in future Missions featuring Fissures as detailed in the Dark Path's introduction.

Arming Phase: players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
For each D6 rolled during the Insertion of this Mission, the GM gains 30 Allotment. The total Allotment accumulated must then be divided into 3 roughly equal "Waves". The first Wave begins play in the GM's Deployment Zone. Each other Wave may only enter play starting on the Second Battleround and even then only on the D6 roll of a 5+.

Allotment: Revised Method
For each D6 rolled during the Insertion of this Mission, the GM gains Allotment equal to the total CTV of the Squad or Squads sent on this Mission. The total Allotment accumulated must then be divided into 3 roughly equal "Waves". The first Wave begins play in the GM's Deployment Zone. Each other Wave may only enter play starting on the Second Battleround and even then only on the D6 roll of a 5+.

Terminal Data for this Mission:

Treasures of The Misguided Steps
D6 Roll | Description

1: this model gains the following Tier 1 Elite Talent for free:
Scars of the Void: this model permanently increases their maximum Corruption by 1, but also gains +1 Corruption.

2: this model gains the following Tier 1 Elite Talent for free:
Agonizing Echoes: whenever an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of this model takes 1 or more Wounds in a Phase, this model must take a Strength or Toughness test. If they fail, this model gains +1 Wound Token. If this model survives any Mission where they had to take one or more of these tests, they gain +1 Renown.

3: this model gains the following Tier 1 Elite Talent for free:
Labyrinth of Infinities: the landscape of realspace no longer holds any secrets for this Astartes, for it is plain and uncomplicated by comparison to the twisting paths this man has tread. Whenever this model is deployed on an Exploration Mission anywhere except in the Webway, they may roll a D3 and subtract the score from the total number of hours that Mission lasts. Missions still last a minimum of 1 hour.

4: this model gains the following Tier 1 Elite Talent for free:
Warp Whisperer: once per Mission, when this model is in Cohesion Range of an allied Psyker, that Psyker gains +1 to manifest their Power.

5: this model gains an Aeldari Waystone. This jewel may be traded to any Rogue Trader or Inquisition Faction for 3D6+2 Esteem or to an Aeldari Faction for 16 Esteem.

6: this model gains a Dangerous Artifact. This item may be traded to any Faction for 50 Esteem but a -2D6 Renown loss for the Mission Leader or it may be handed over to the Watch Captain for safekeeping, earning this model 5D6 Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/09 07:24:57

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

DP2: The Forgotten: Optional Exploration

This Mission is an attempt to rescue Lost Astartes and other victims of the Drukhari. If player(s) decide to undertake this Mission, they may send either 1 Squad or any individual models from any Squad up to 3.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for any Inquisition Faction the player(s) choose.

"We seek any survivors of these dark and twisted pathways. And if all we find are bodies, then let us at least return them to the Emperor's embrace."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Find Any Survivors: any model that rolls anything but a 3 on the Living and the Dead table below can count as completing this Objective.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Return With the Dead: any model that rolls a 3 on the Living and the Dead table below can count as completing this Objective.

Mission Length
D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration and 1 hour extraction, plus special. Initially 3-8 hours. This covers the initial exploration and allows all models to roll on the Treasures of the Dark Path table.

The Mission Leader may opt to make additional D6 rolls to continue their search for the living and the dead. They may make as many of these extra rolls as they want, each adding hours to the overall Mission duration. Each dice rolled adds +1 to all future Allotment generation rolls for Fissures. For each 6 rolled, one model may roll on the Living and the Dead chart detailed below.

-Record XP, Esteem, and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Living and the Dead
D6 Roll: Result

1: an escapee of the Haemonculi torture pits. They are raving, mad with pain, and utterly beyond reason. Increase all Allotment generated by Fissures by +1. They may be handed over to any Inquisition Faction for 2D3 Esteem.

2: a humanoid creature trapped in an engine of torture. It might have once been human, but who knows. All models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Corruption and +D2XP each. If the Mission Leader so chooses, they can put this creature out of its misery. If so, the Mission Leader gains +D3 Renown, but increase all Allotment generated by Fissures by +D3 also.

3: an unrecognizable corpse. All models on this Mission gain +1XP.

4: a Xenos Victim of unknown providence. They are alive, for now. If the Mission Leader decides to kill the Xenos, the Mission Leader gains +D3 Renown and all models deployed on this Mission gain +1XP. Alternatively, if this being is brought back alive they may be handed over to any Inquisition Faction for +3D3 Esteem.

5: an Imperial survivor. They are badly damaged, but provide information that grants a +1 to future dice rolls on any Dark Path or Kluthex Tobia Mission Treasure Tables.

6: a lost Astartes. If any model from a player roster is missing, randomly determine which one has been found. Otherwise, add a single Space Marine of a random Specialty, from any Chapter, with 1 less than normal Wounds to any player's roster for free.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/20 04:11:30

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Quick note, I edited the Morale perimeters/rules under the And They Shall Know No Fear...But They'll At Least Act Sensibly Under Fire section on page 1 and did minor clarifications (I hope) to the Recovery section. New stuff incoming.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/20 08:57:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
When the wounded form of an unknown Astartes staggers out of a Fissure, it's up to the Deathwatch to rescue him and bring him back to the Intolerance to hear his story.

DPa: The Curious Case of Kluthex Tobias: Special

Briefing Phase: "An Astartes clad in blood-stained armor staggers from one of the Webway cracks before collapsing. In his wake his pursuers swarm, intent now on using this noble warrior as bait."

In Service to Whom: This Special Mission serves the Deathwatch. However, completing the Objective will draw the attention of all Factions currently present in the Narrative. Players earn +1 Esteem with all Factions if they complete this Mission successfully.

Known Adversaries
"Those pesky Drukhari."

This Mission is different from most in that it is really just Objectives added to an already ongoing Mission. So the Adversaries present will be dictated by the Fissures that brought them.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
When Kluthex arrives, add the following 2 Objectives to the current Mission's list.

Rescue the Fallen Astartes
: Kluthex Tobia is severely injured and unable to move on his own. The Deathwatch player must Move at least one Astartes model into base to base with Kluthex to make contact. Afterwards, both models must Move together and remain in base to base until all allied models have Extracted or the Mission's endgame criteria have otherwise been met.

Retrieve the Body if the Astartes Dies
: Kluthex Tobia is severely injured. If he is reduced to zero Wounds and rolls a 7 or more on the Injury table, he is dead. Note that even if the Teleportarium is working, Kluthex is not connected to the network that would normally retreive him. Another model must retrieve his corpse from the field to complete this Objective. Treat Kluthex as a Dead Marine Marker if this happens.

*It's worth noting that if Kluthex survives, players automatically count as completing both of these Objectives.

Special Rules
This is not a Mission in the traditional sense. Rather, if any Fissure generates 30 or more Allotment during another Mission, the GM may spend 30 Allotment to bring Kluthex Tobia through it. It's kind of like "Surprise! Something unexpected just happened, now adapt so you can unlock a huge string of Linked Missions!"

GM's section:

Kluthex Tobia
This model can be from any Chapter and can be any Specialty. When they arrive, they are badly injured, but are still an Astartes. They follow the normal rules for Injury and Recovery found on page 1 of this blog, but can't Move without assistance. Kluthex can be healed by an Apothecary like any other ally. They have the Cohesion0 Talent and 1 Rating in any Skill the GM wants. Kluthex Tobia's Stratagems match his Chapter and Specialty, but neither he nor the Deathwatch can use them on the Mission when he arrives. When he staggers out of the Fissure place his model within 3" of it. He begins play with 1 Wound remaining and D3 Wound Tokens, rolled by the GM. He can't Move on his own.

Kluthex is armed only with an Astartes Knife.

If he is rescued alive, he tells a harrowing story during the Debriefing Phase. If he is reduced to zero Wounds but his body is returned and he fails the Recovery roll, then only a model with at least 1 Rating in the Medic Skill can unlock the long string of Linked Missions associated with him, by passing their Skill test. Also, if this is the way those Missions are unlocked, players must take on Mission KT4b rather than the alternative option.

If Kluthex Tobia survives, he must accompany any models sent on the Missions he unlocks. There is no obligation on players' parts to make sure he survives, but if he does, he may be added to any Squad for free. During the course of these Linked Missions, Kluthex counts as a contributing member of any 1 Squad. Regardless of Kluthex's Specialty, after he recovers from his injuries, he will have +1 Wounds, +15 Renown, +4 Corruption, and the Hatred [Drukhari Infantry] Talent for free. Additionally, add the following Trait to Kluthex's Chapter Traits:

Veteran of the Gultraxan Purges: Wounds inflicted on this model by Adversaries with the <Cultists> Keyword do not count towards penalties to the Deathwatch Morale roll.

Kluthex Tobia's Story
"As part of Task Force Tetramech, an adhoc of Astartes, Militarum, and Admech, we were dispatched to the Uubanaug Sector to participate in the centennial purge of Gultraxa. The irradiated Hiveworld has a higher than average degeneration rate amongst its inhabitants. Mutation, unrest, and heresy runs rampant in its sprawl.

"We were deployed by Stormraven to the outskirts of Minoras Hive, where we sought to incinerate nests of dissension before moving into the City proper. Unbeknownst to us, Gultraxa as a whole, and Minoras specifically, had been experiencing sporadic Corsair attacks for months before our arrival. As we hemmed in our prey a sort of shimmering gateway opened to our rear, disgorging screaming, ferocious xenos. They fell upon us like dancing blades and sandwiched us between the burning heretics and themselves.

"I turned to face this new threat and lead my Brothers into their teeth. The Aeldari were like liquid. Barely armored, they twisted and maneuvered around our bolter fire. Impossibly agile. I felt the sting of their blades cut through the joints in my ceramite. I felt the hot poison seep into my blood, worming its way through towards my hearts. I renewed my resolve and pressed into them, catching and crushing any of them I could. I thought we were winning, but it was an elaborate trap. I watched as my Brothers fell one by one even as we crushed windpipes, slashed and stabbed with our knives, and caught unlucky acrobats with our bullets.

"In the end I was surrounded and outnumbered. I sought to withdraw and regroup, but my options were limited. I thought to retreat by the only path they would never suspect I would try. I entered their gate and was plunged into a nightmare realm where I wandered for what seemed an eternity. In that eternity I came upon a bauble of infinite power. But I had to leave it. For at first, I thought I had escaped, but the wicked Aeldari had pursued me still. Wounding me, tormenting me, teasing me until I stumbled through a crack in time and found myself here.

"Now, we must go back inside while this opportunity persists. We must retreive this valuable bauble and return with it. Steal it back from these foul Xenos! For all my Brothers slain by them and for the glory of the Emperor himself!"

Kluthex Tobia's Story ought to be read aloud to the players or they should be given a copy to read. If you have a better idea for his story, use your idea instead. As long as you are bringing cool narrative to your players, that's all that matters. This Story unlocks all of the following Missions. They must be played in order. Any models sent on these Linked Missions will be unavailable for any other Missions while they are away. Models selected to go on these Missions should be aware that they are Arming for an enormous undertaking and there will be no opportunity to restock equipment, wargear, or ammunition between each. If a model runs out of ammo, they must fall back on their melee weapons, even their own fists if they must.

Unlocked Missions
KT1: Into the Bladed Labyrinth: Linked Exploration
KT2: Purely for Pain: Linked Routine
KT3: Climbing the Spires: Linked Routine

-If players unlocked these Missions by listening to Kluthex Tobia's Story they must now choose between these two options:
KT4a1: The Pit: Tandem Linked Routine
KT4a2: The Search: Tandem Linked Exploration
KT4b: The Gauntlet and the Prize: Linked Routine
-If players unlocked these Missions by passing their Medic Skill test they must do Mission KT4b and have no options at this point
KT5: The Descent: Linked Routine
KT6: The Final Test: Linked Special

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/26 04:51:15

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Prelude to the Kluthex Tobia Missions
The Watch Captains have spoken amongst themselves in council and the majority agrees. These Missions are important and worth the risk. However, they unanimously agree that this entire endeavor is likely a suicide mission, so only the bravest and boldest should go.

First, the Time Consideration
Any models selected for these Missions will be gone for the duration of all 6 Missions. And that means they will not be participating for a huge number of hours. Keeping this is mind, this may be treated as a mini-campaign within the larger Campaign.

Second, there's no chance to rearm or re-equip between Missions.
Players will have to pack everything they think they might need for the duration of 6 Missions at the start of the very first one.

Kluthex will tell the Deathwatch that there are unholy monsters and even vehicles inside the Webway. Players should be prepared to encounter Pain Engines, possibly Raiders, Scourges, Beasts, Reavers, Hellions, Wyches, Kabalites, and everything else the Drukhari can muster.

GMs, don't let players under equip themselves. Remind them they may come up against enemies with high Toughness and/or lots of Wounds.

Lastly, Reward the Volunteers
The models sent on these Linked Missions might never come back. Any who go gain a one time Renown bonus before their Arming Phase. They'll need it.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/26 04:55:20

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

KT1: Into the Bladed Labyrinth: Linked Exploration

This is the first of a long list of Linked Missions. It is the dedicated first meaningful step into the Dark Realm of the Drukhari and a costly one at that. This is the expedition's taste of what is to come. Players may send 1 Squad on these Missions. The Author recommends sending the most experienced one.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

"This is the first leg of our journey, Brothers. We must be wary. This pathway is alive with danger. The very walls aim to kill us before we even get started."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective(s):
Survive: any model that ends this Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining can claim to have personally completed this Objective. If more than half the models assigned to this Mission achieve this Objective, the Mission Leader also gains +D3XP and +3 Renown.

Tertiary Objective(s):
Find Anything We Can Use: any model that rolls a 3+ on the Gifts in Blood table below can claim to have personally completed this Objective.

Mission Length*
2D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration. 3-13 hours.

*This Mission counts as being one that technically takes place inside the Fissures for the purposes of any time mitigation abilities the players might have.

Special Rules
For each model deployed on this Mission roll a D6 and consult the following chart. Any Wound Tokens gained from this chart carry over to the next Mission. Do not roll on the Recovery Table at the end of this Mission. Instead, any model that is reduced to zero Wounds as the result of this chart begins KT2 Pinned and with 1 Wound remaining.
1= this model suffers D3 Mortal Wounds and gains +1 Corruption
2= this model suffers D3 Mortal Wounds and gains +D3 Wound Tokens
3= this model suffers D2 Mortal Wounds and gains +D3 Wound Tokens
4= this model suffers 1 Mortal Wound and gains +D2 Wound Tokens
5= this model suffers 1 Mortal Wound and gains +1 Corruption
6= this model gains +D2 Wound Tokens

Before the Arming Phase
First of all, there is an Arming Phase preceeding this Exploration Mission, because it's the first in a series of Linked Missions. Second, all models sent on this Mission gain a +15 Renown bonus before Arming.

-Record XP, Esteem, and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Gifts in Blood
Each model assigned to this Mission must roll on the following chart to determine what they "find" or are afflicted with as they enter the depths of the Webway.
D6 Roll: Result
1: Blood Prophecy: select one Deatwatch model at random from those deployed on this Mission. For every Mission that model survives with at least 1 Wound remaining, the model that rolled this result gains +2D3XP and +1 Corruption

2: Void Scars: for every Wound this model suffers for the duration of these Linked Missions, it gains +1 Renown and +D3 Esteem with any Aeldari Faction.

3: Echo of Eternal Night: this model gains +1 Corruption and the following Tier 2 Elite Talent for free:
Echo of Eternal Night: in any Mission where a Warp Breach or Gate may occur, this model may delay that Breach or Gate by 1 Battleround. In addition, the GM must tell this model exactly where the Breach or Gate will open 1 full Battleround before it can be placed. If a Breach or Gate is already open and this model can draw line of sight to it, their controlling player may roll 1D6 and subtract that score from any bonus GM Allotment that Breach or Gate may generate this Battleround.

4: Mountain of Disgarded Insignia: this pile of honorifics and uniforms is the evidence of millions of slaughtered, tortured, and defiled victims of the Drukhari. This model may take 1 Icon and carry it with them for the remainder of their days. Any future Talents that have anything to do with inflicting Damage to the [Drukhari] that this model may take from now on Cost -1XP for them.

5: Beyond Endurance: this model gains the following Tier 2 Elite Talent for free:
Beyond Endurance: this model gains a permanent +1 bonus to any rolls made to resist Corruption.

6: For All Their Cruelty: this model gains the following Tier 2 Elite Talent for free:
For All Their Cruelty: whenever this model Charges any model with the <Aeldari> keyword, they may re-roll their Charge distance. In addition, in the first Fight Phase after they have Charged, versus <Aeldari> opponents, this model gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/27 07:52:37

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Monstrosities of the Haemonculi's making stand between the Deathwatch and the next leg of their journey. If they engage these engines of pain, they risk alerting the Drukhari to their presence. But if they avoid them now, they may come back to strike them on their flanks at an ill-fated moment. Decisions must be made.

KT2: Purely for Pain: Linked Routine

Briefing Phase: The landscape is wholly alien. A twisting hellscape hides monsters and nightmares. The Deathwatch must navigate forward and either kill or avoid the behemoths that stand in their path.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
If we choose stealth, there may be nothing to fight. If we choose violence, there are monsters to kill.

Obviously you will be using whatever is in your collection. The author recommends using Drukhari Talos and/or Cronos, and any Beasts or Ur-Ghul found in the Drukhari Codex.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
the principle Objective of this Mission is to exit via the opposite board edge from where the Deathwatch deploys. When the last allied model Moves off the board, this Objective is considered complete.

Survive: each Deathwatch model that ends the Mission with more than half the Wounds it started this Mission with gains +D3 Renown.

Kill the Monsters:
there will be a number of large Adversaries on this Mission. Killing 1 earns the Mission Leader +D3XP and all the surviving Deathwatch models gain +1XP. Killing 2 or more of these Boss Monsters earns all surviving Deathwatch models +D3XP per kill.

The board should be set up like a labyrinth of twisting canyons and pockets of nightmare landscape. Make sure there are multiple routes from one short board edge to the other. On one side, at least 6" from any board edge, should be two large areas of relatively open ground, each roughly 9" in diameter. On the opposite side there should be one such open area, this one no more than 3" from that edge. The board edge closest to the one large area is the Deathwatch deployment edge. The two large pockets on the opposite side are the Adversary's deployment areas.

The GM sets their forces up first, anywhere inside the two large pockets of open area. Any models that do not fit must be placed in Adversarial Reseves. The Deathwatch go first. Any Adversarial Reserves may enter play via Deep Strike using the normal 40k rules for doing so.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
The game ends when the last Deathwatch allied model exits anywhere along the board edge opposite their Deployment Zone. There is no Insertion or Extraction time. If the game lasts for 5 Battlerounds or less, this Mission takes 1 hour. If the game lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, the Mission takes 2 hours. If the game lasts for 11-15 Battlerounds, the Mission takes D3+1 hours. If the game lasts for 16 Battlerounds or more the Mission takes D3+2 hours. 1-5 hours

Special Rules
Leave None Behind
: any Deathwatch or allied model reduced to zero Wounds becomes an Objective to be dragged off the battlefield. Any model left behind if all able bodied personnel have exited the table count as permanently lost. Remove them from the Squad Roster.

That Which we do not Kill: there will be a number of Boss Monster level Adversaries on this Mission. It is not a requirement to kill all of these. However, there are consequences no matter what the Mission Leader chooses.

If any of the Boss Monsters suffer even a single Wound, Fissures generate +1 Allotment for the remainder of the Campaign. For each Boss Monster killed on this Mission, all future Missions in this Linked chain generate an extra 2D6 Allotment. Any Boss Monster that starts on the table, but is not removed as a casualty during this Mission, becomes a free addition to the GM's Adversaries in either the KT4a2: The Pits or the KT4b: The Gauntlet and the Prize Mission (whichever the players do).

Technology on the Table
There is nothing even remotely recognizable as Imperial Tech on this battlefield. Even if players have models with Talents that normally allow them to place Technology on the table, in this Mission they cannot.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: "Just Down the Hall". The Deathwatch has infiltrated the nightmare realm of the Webway.

- Extraction Options: Special. Player controlled models must exit the board edge opposite the one they deployed on. When the last model leaves, the Mission is over.

Arming Phase: as this is the second in a series of Linked Missions, players skip this Phase and go right on to deployment and fighting. There will be no chance to re-arm or re-equip between Missions.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM gets D6 Allotment per Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission. In addition, the GM must place a single Boss Monster in each of the two large pockets of open ground on the far side of the board. The Author recommends a Talos and a Cronos.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM gets Allotment equal to the Deathwatch models' combined CTV, plus they must also place a single Boss Monster in each of the two large pockets of open ground on the far side of the board. The Author recommends a Talos and a Cronos.

Terminal Data for this Mission:

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/01/31 21:55:35

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Having made it past the Pain Engines, the Deathwatch find themselves at the feet of impossibly tall and twisting spires. These towers stretch upwards, outwards, and downwards. They are both rigid and flimsy, and the alternation between these consistencies is unpredictable and treacherous. The Deathwatch have no choice but to scale them, risking plummeting into the abyss, for their prize and ultimate goal lays somewhere atop.

KT3: Climbing the Spires: Special Linked

Briefing Phase: What fresh hell awaits, harassed as we climb, not knowing which step is stable and which will crumble? We must persevere nonetheless, for what choice do have save failure or triumph?

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
They strike at us from the void, swooping in on us like vultures, as much to wound us as knock us into the abyss.

If you have decided to use this Anomaly in your Campaign then clearly you or someone you know has access to Drukhari models. Only models with the <Fly> keyword should be used in this game. Razorwing Flocks, Scourges, Hellions, Reaver Jetbikes, Venoms, maybe Raiders filled with Wyches. But really, this is the domain of the Scourges, so the author recommends using those.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Reach the Top of the Spires:
this Mission ends when the last surviving Deathwatch allied model exits from the board edge designated "Spire Top". The first and last models to do so each gain +D3XP and +3 Renown. If all the Deathwatch allied models that started this Mission survive this Mission, the Mission Leader also gains +2D6 Renown and +3XP.

Kill Count:
every Deathwatch model that removes a number of Wounds equal to their Tactical Value (TV) from enemy models gains +D3 Renown and counts as Personally completing this Objective.

Retrieve a Treasure: there will be "treasure chests" in difficult to reach places on this board. If any model manages to reach one, retrieve what's inside, and survive until the end of the Mission, they gain +2D3 Renown, and count as Personally completing this Objective.

The board should be set up as a series of interlinked towers, stretching from one board edge to the opposite. The author suggests terrain set up on an angle to simulate height rather than just straight up towers. Any area not specifically designated "tower" is impassible terrain unless a model is equipped with a Jump Pack, Heavy Jump Pack, or Grav Pack and enough Jump distance to clear the gap, or have the <Fly> Keyword. Deathwatch models still risk Falling when they Jump across/down/up as per the Increased Risk of Falling Special Rules detailed below.

After terrain is set up, the GM and players alternate placing 2D3+1 "Treasure Chests" anywhere on the Battlefield at least 6" from any board edge, at least 9" from the Deathwatch Deployment Zone, and not in any Impassible terrain. One board edge should be designated "Spire Top"; the Deathwatch Deployment Zone is the board edge opposite this.

The players set up their forces first according to the Mission parameters. All of the GM's forces are held in Adversarial Reserve. These Reserves become available starting Battleround 1.

The Deathwatch forces take the first Turn. The GM's Reserves may enter play from any board edge at least 9" from any enemy models. Reserves are placed at the end of the Movement Phase just like in regualr 40k.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
There is no Insertion and no Extraction time for this Mission as it is Linked with the previous and subsequent Missions. If the game lasts for 5 Battlerounds or less, this Mission takes 1 hour. If the game lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, the Mission takes 2 hours. If the game lasts for 11-15 Battlerounds, the Mission takes D3+1 hours. If the game lasts for 16 Battlerounds or more the Mission takes D3+2 hours. 1-5 hours

Special Rules
Leave None Behind
: any Deathwatch or allied model reduced to zero Wounds becomes an Objective to be dragged off the battlefield by a comrade. Any model left behind if all able bodied personnel have been removed from the table and any model that Falls, counts as permanently lost. Remove them from the Squad Roster.

Increased Risk of Falling: any time a Deathwatch model suffers a Wound this Mission, their controlling player must roll a Toughness test. If they fail, roll a D6. On a 1-3, that model plummets into the abyss, never to be seen again. Remove them from the Squad Roster. On a 4+, that model is moved 2D6" down the Spires towards the Deatchwatch Deployment Zone. If this Movement takes them off the table, their controlling player must roll a Strength test. If this Strength test is passed, the model is placed at the edge of the Deathwatch Deployment Zone and is Shaken, but gains +1 Renown. If this test is failed, the model is placed at the edge of the Deathwatch Deployment Zone and is Pinned, but gains +1XP. Any time any model must make the Toughness test to avoid this Fate, all Deathwatch models that can draw line of sight to the testing model gain +1XP. Models with Jump Packs or Heavy Jump Packs do not suffer the Shaken or Pinned effects of the subsequent Strength tests. Models equipped with Grav Packs reduce this distance Moved by -D3" (to a minimum of 0"). Lastly, models equipped with Jump Packs, Heavy Jump Packs, and Grav Packs may re-roll their Toughness tests to avoid Falling.

Technology on the Table
There is nothing even remotely recognizable as Imperial Tech on this battlefield. Even if players have models with Talents that normally allow them to place Technology on the table, in this Mission they cannot.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select the model to represent the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Just Down the Hall. The Deathwatch must set up at the base of the Spires.

- Extraction Options: Special. When the last surviving Deathwatch allied model exits from the board edge designated "Spire Top" the Mission ends.

Arming Phase: this Phase is skipped because this is a Linked Mission.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to 2D6 per Deathwatch model assigned to this Mission. This may only be spent on models with the <Fly> keyword or <Wyches> if they are also deployed in a <Transport> that has the <Fly> keyword.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to the Deathwatch CTV. This may only be spent on models with the <Fly> keyword or <Wyches> if they are also deployed in a <Transport> that has the <Fly> keyword.

Terminal Data for this Mission:

Treasure Chests of The Spires
D6 Roll | Description

1: a pair of Splinter Pistols and 10 reloads for them. Both of these Pistols together weigh 01 Capacity; all of their Ammo weighs 01 Capacity. Equipping these Pistols and Ammo reduces this model's Renown by -D3. They may be fired one at a time or together with the following profile:
Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / Range / AP / Damage / Special Rules
Pair of Splinter Pistols / 2|4|- / 20 (per Pistol) / 3 / 12" / - / 1 / Pistol, Agonizing
Splinter Pistol / 1|2|- / 20 / 2 / 12" / - / 1 / Pistol, Agonizing

Either or both of these Pistols may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for +D2 Renown each.

2: a Shardcarbine and 5 reloads for it. This weapon weighs 01 Capacity and all of its Ammo weighs 01 Capacity. Equipping this Weapon and Ammo reduces this model's Renown by -D3. It may be fired with the following profile:
Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine / Strength / Range / AP / Damage / Special Rules
Shardcarbine / 3|6|- / 30 / 3 / 18" / - / 1 / Assault, Agonizing

This item may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for +D3 Renown.

3: a brace of 3D3 Shard Grenades. These grenades weigh 01 Capacity for every 3 that are found. Equipping these grenades reduces this model's Renown by -D3. They may be thrown in the Shooting Phase in lieu of using another weapon with the following profile:
Item / Rate of Fire / Strength / Range / AP / Damage / Special Rules
Shard Grenade / D6|-|- / 4 / 8" / -1 / 1 / Assault, Blast; any hit roll of a 6 causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage this grenade may cause

Any left over grenades may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for +1 Renown each.

4: a Antimatter Gun. This Assault weapon weighs 03 Capacity. Equipping it reduces this model's Renown by -D6. It may be fired in the Shooting Phase with the following profile:
Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Strength / Range / AP / Damage / Special Rules
Antimatter Gun / 1|-|- / * / 8 / 18" / -4 / D3 / Assault, Annihilator

This item may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for +D6 Renown.

5: a Neural Disruptor. This Pistol weighs 01 Capacity. Equipping it reduces this model's Renown by -D6. It may be fired in the Shooting Phase with the following profile:
Item / Rate of Fire / Primary Magazine/ Strength / Range / AP / Damage / Special Rules
Neural Disruptor / 1|-|- / * / 12 / 18" / - / D3 / Pistol, Idiot Ray

This item may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for +D6 Renown.

6: this model gains a Dangerous Artifact. It weighs 04 Capacity. If taken, this model counts as "Closest Enemy Model" for the purposes of all targeting for the remainder of these Linked Missions. Additionally, this model may opt to gain +D3 Corruption on any Battleround to unlock the following abilities for 1 full Battleround:
-increase the Range of all abilities, Talents, Traits, and Skills that rely on Cohesion by +12"
-ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 3+
-ignore a Mortal Wound on the D6 roll of a 5+
-remove D3 Wound Tokens on this model or any ally in Cohesion Range. Using this effect on an ally also gives that ally +1 Corruption
-become immune to being Pinned
-gain a +1 bonus to any Invulnerable Saves the model has or a 6+ Invulnerable Save if the model doesn't already have one

This item may be traded to any Faction for 50 Esteem but a -2D6 Renown loss for the Mission Leader or it may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for safekeeping, earning this model 5D6 Renown.

*These weapons effectively have infinite Ammo. However, they cannot be used for more than 1 Shooting Phase per Battleround.

Special Rules
models Wounded, but not removed as casualties, by this weapon suffer an automatic hit at the beginning of their next Movement Phase at the same Strength, AP, and Damage of this weapon.
Annihilator: targets Wounded by this weapon reduce their Armor Saves by 1 for the remainder of these Linked Missions.
Idiot Ray: if a model is Wounded by this weapon and survives, they become Shaken and, for the remainder of the Mission, they reduce their Leadership by the difference between this weapon's Strength and their own Leadership.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/02 07:44:19

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

KT4a1: The Search: Tandem Linked Exploration

This is a Tandem Linked Exploration Mission. The length of this Mission dictates the length of Mission KT4a2: The Pits. Only the Mission Leader and Kluthex Tobia (if he is still alive) may be sent on this Mission.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

"Kluthex has volunteered to search while we hold off the tides. Our Mission Leader will accompany him, so as to ensure that we do not wait forever. Our ammunition is dwindling. We may have to fight these hordes off with our knives and fists before too long. Let us hope it does not come to that."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Find the Artifact: if the Artifact is found, this Objective can be considered complete.

Tertiary Objective:
Find Anything of Use: if any doubles or triples are rolled during the search, this Objective can be considered complete.

Mission Length
D3 hours plus. Initially 1-3 hours.

Special Rules
The Search Goes On

The initial search lasts only D3 hours. For this, the player that controls the Mission Leader model rolls 3D6. Any doubles or triples rolled will yield something of value, but only a triple 6 will secure the Artifact this whole string of Linked Missions have come for. The player that controls the Mission Leader model may opt to roll an additional D3 and add that many hours to the length of this Mission to roll an additional 3D6 in search of the Artifact. There is no limit to the number of times the Mission Leader can opt to add an additional D3 hours to the Mission in order to gain an additional 3D6 roll to try to find the Artifact.

But Time is Passing
The length of this Mission determines the length of Mission KT4a2: The Pits. The longer this Mission is, the longer the remainder of the Squad will have to hold out against wave after wave of Drukhari Adversaries.

If this Mission lasts for 1 hour, Mission KT4a2 lasts for 3 Battlerounds.
If this Mission lasts for 2 hours, Mission KT4a2 lasts for 5 Battlerounds.
If this Mission lasts for 3 hours, Mission KT4a2 lasts for 7 Battlerounds.
For each hour beyond 3, Mission KT4a2 lasts for 2 additional Battlerounds.

Kluthex will Never Give up the Search
The Mission Leader can opt to end this Mission at any time. However, if the Artifact has not been found by the time the Mission Leader calls off this Mission, Kluthex Tobia does not return. Remove him from the roster as he remains in the darkness of Commorragh, forever obsessed with finding the object that haunts his nightmares.

-Record XP, Esteem, and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

Fruits of the Search
Any doubles or triples rolled when searching will yield some sort of find. Consult the following table to determine what is found. Equipping any Weapon or Wargear from these finds costs the model in question -D6 Renown.
3D6 Roll: Result
1,1: Weapon Cache: this stash contains D3 Splinter Rifles, D3 Splinter Pistols, and D3 Shardcarbines, plus 4 extra reloads for each.

1,1,1: Weapon Cache: this stash contains D3 Shredders, D3 Blast Pistols, and D3 Blasters, plus 4 extra reloads for each.

2,2: Weapon Cache: this stash contains D2 Trophy Swords, D2 Venom Blades, and D3 doses of Agonizer Poison.

2,2,2: Gear Cache: this stash contains D3 doses of Flayer Acid, 2D3 Splinter Mags of Bone Seeker Ammo, and 2D3 Splinter Mags of Shiftshard Ammo.

3,3: Gear Cache: this stash contains D3 doses of Suture Seed Venom, D3 Splinter Mags of Shiftshard Ammo, and D3 Splinter Mags of Heart Seeker Ammo.

3,3,3: Gear Cache: this stash contains 2D3 doses of Crystal Infusion Poison, 3D3 Shard Grenades, and 2D3 Phantasm Grenades.

4,4: Weapon Cache: this stash contains D2 Drukhari Whips, D2 Splinter Cannons with 2 reloads each, and D3 doses of Crystal Infusion Poison.

4,4,4: Weapon Cache: this stash contains D2 Heat Lances, D2 Haywire Blasters, and D2 Dark Lances, plus 2 reloads for each.

5,5: Wargear Cache: this stash contains D3 doses of Corrosive Venom, D3 doses of Electrocorrosive Venom, and D3 doses of Void Poison.

5,5,5: Wargear Cache: this stash contains D2 Shimmer Shields, 2D3 doses of Electrocorrosive Venom, and D3 Suffershards.

6,6: Lost Astartes: if any Astartes was previously lost, either in the Fissures or left behind on one of these Linked Missions, he has been found and comes back with the Mission Leader. However, the model loses all of his Weapons and Wargear except his Astartes Knife and Armor. If there is no such lost model, then this Astartes is new! They may be from any Chapter and be any Specialty. They are equipped with whatever Armor is appropriate for their Specialty and an Astartes Knife. They may be added to the Squad Roster for free.

6,6,6: The Artifact: The Artifact weighs 04 Capacity. Any model carrying it gains a 2+ Invulnerable Save that works until it fails. Additionally, the Artifact provides unlimited Ammo for any energy-based weapon the model carries - Plasma, Flamer, Volkite, Las, Antimatter, Dark, Neural, Grav, Melta, Scrambler, etc. It must be carried by one of the surviving Deathwatch allied models for the remainder of these Linked Mission (although this doesn't have to be the same model each Mission), and it must be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions. It provides each of the surviving members of the Unit +5D6 Renown and +3D3 XP when handed over.

Any single Weapon from this Treasure table may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for +D3 Renown each. If 10 copies of any Weapon or Item end up in the Watch Captains' hands, add a single copy of that Wargear to the Arsenal of the Ordo as a Sanctified Xeno "item of the same name" with a Threshold equal to the lowest Renown of any model deployed on these Linked Missions and a Cost equal to half its Threshold.

Ranged Weapon Profiles
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Strength / RoF / Primary Mag / AP / Damage / Special Rules

Blaster / 02 / 18" / 8 / 1|2|- / 10 / -4 / D6 / Assault, Dark
Blast Pistol / 01 / 6" / 8 / 1|-|- / 10 / -4 / D6 / Dark, Pistol
Dark Lance / 04 / 36" / 8 / 1|-|2 / 10 / -4 / D6 / Dark, Heavy
Haywire Blaster / 03 / 24" / 4 / D3|-|2 / 20 / -1 / 1 / Assault, Scrambler
Heat Lance / 02 / 18" / 6 / 1|-|2 / 20 / -5 / D6 / Assault, Disintegrating
Phantasm Grenade / * / 8" / 1 / D3|-|- / 1 / - / 1 / Assault, Blast, Phantasm
Shardcarbine / 01 / 18" / 3 / 3|6|- / 30 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Assault
Shard Grenade / * / 8" / 4 / D6|-|- / 1 / - / 1 / Assault, Blast, Lacerating
Shredder / 02 / 12" / 6 / D6|2D6|3D6 / 30 / -1 / 1 / Assault, Shredding, Slashing
Splinter Cannon / 03 / 36" / 3 / 3|4-6|12 / 48 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Rapid Fire
Splinter Pistol / 01 / 12" / 2 / 1|2|- / 20 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Kabalite, Pistol
Splinter Rifle / 01 / 24" / 2 / 1|2-4|8 / 20 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Kabalite, Rapid Fire

Weapon Reloads
Item / Capacity / Magazine / Special Rules

Darkmatter Chamber / 01 for up to 4 / 10 / usable for Blast Pistol, Blaster, or Dark Lance
Inferno Chamber / 01 for up to 4 / 20 / usable for Heat Lance
Scrambler Mag / 01 for up to 4 / 20 / usable for Haywire Blaster
Shredder Canister / 01 for up to 2 / 30 / usable for Shredder
Splinter Mag / 01 for up to 10 / 20 / usable for Splinter Pistol or Splinter Rifle
Splinter Drum / 01 for up to 4 / 48 / usable for Splinter Cannon or Splinter Rifle
Shard Mag / 01 for up to 8 / 30 / usable for Shardcarbine

Melee Weapon Profiles
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules

Trophy Sword / 01 / as user / -1 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Monofilament, Trophy [Drukhari] or Trophy [Sslyth] (player's choice)
Drukhari Whip / 01 / as user / -1 / 1 / Reach, Slashing
Venom Blade / 01 / as user / -1 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Envenomed

Wargear Descriptions
Item: Special Rules
Agonizer Poison
: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee weapon for the duration of 1 Mission: any model Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as a casualty, must test their Toughness at the start of their next Movement Phase. Failing this test imposes a -3" penalty to that model's Movement and -1 to all of their hit rolls until the start of the next Battleround.

Bone Seeker Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: improve this weapon's AP by 1.

Corrosive Venom: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee weapon for the duration of 1 Mission: improve this weapon's AP by 1.

Crystal Infusion Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: this weapon will always Wound <Infantry>, <Character>, and <Monster> models on a 4+, unless the weapon's Strength would normally make the roll less.

Electrocorrosive Venom: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee weapon for the duration of 1 Mission: improve this weapon's AP and Damage by 1.

Heart Seeker Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: any model Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as a casualty, suffers a single Strength 3, AP -1, Damage: D2 hit at the start of its next Movement Phase.

Shiftshard Ammo: this may be used to add the following special ability to one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: unsaved Wounds inflicted by this weapon impose an additional +1 Wound Token on the affected model. Versus Adversaries that are not subject to Wound Tokens, this instead inflicts a single Mortal Wound on the target if they take any Damage, but are not removed as casualties.

Shimmer Shield: this item makes the bearer -1 to be hit during the Fight Phase. It weighs 00 Capacity and has the Kabalite Trait.

Suffershard: this may be socketed into any <Aeldari> melee weapon and adds the following speacial rule: this weapon will always Wound <Infantry>, <Character>, and <Monster> models on a 4+, unless the weapon's Strength would normally make the roll less.

Sutureseed Venom: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee weapon for the duration of 1 Mission: unsaved Wounds inflicted by this weapon impose an additional +1 Wound Token on the affected model at the start of their next Movement Phase, unless they pass a Toughness test. Versus Adversaries that are not subject to Wound Tokens, this instead inflicts a single Mortal Wound on the target at the start of their next Movement Phase if they take any Damage, but are not removed as casualties. If the affected Adversary can pass a Toughness test, they ignore this Mortal Wound.

Void Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee or one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: if a model is hit by this weapon, but is not removed as a casualty, reduce its Armor Save by 1 for D3 Battlerounds. At the end of the Battleround where this duration expires they suffer a single Strength 6, AP -2, Damage: D2 hit.

Weapon and Item Traits
models Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as casualties, suffer an automatic hit at the same Strength, AP, and Damage of this weapon at the start of their next Movement Phase
Balanced: this weapon gains +1 to all Parry attempts.
Dark: this weapon does not reveal the location of a shooter if they are firing from a concealed position. Blips armed with this weapon remain blips. Stealthed models do not count as Shooting for the purposes of any of their Skill Effects unless it would be beneficial.
Defensive: a model armed with a weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Battleround.
Disintegrating: when the target of this weapon is within half or less range, roll 2D6 for Damage, taking the score of the higher of the 2 dice.
Envenomed: this weapon always Wounds <Infantry> and <Monster> models on a 4+.
Kabalite: models equipped with Wargear with this Trait gain an additional +D3 Esteem whenever they would gain any with an Aeldari or Radical Faction.
Lacerating: any hit roll of a 6 with this weapon also causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to its other Damage.
Monofilament: any hit roll of a 6 with this weapon improves its AP by 2.
Phantasm: if a model or Unit is hit by this grenade, regardless of whether or not any Wounds are inflicted, that model or Unit also suffers -1 to its Leadership until the end of the Mission. Multiple hits impose stacking penalties.
Reach: this weapon may be used in the Fight Phase even if this model is up to 2" away from enemy models.
Scrambler: versus targets with the <Vehicle> <Necron> <Ironkin> or <Automata> keyword, a hit roll of a 4+ inflicts a single Mortal Wound and a hit roll of a 6+ inflicts D3 Mortal Wounds in addition to its normal Damage.
Shredding: this weapon may re-roll its Wound rolls versus targets with the <Infantry> keyword.
Slashing: this Weapon improves its AP by 1 versus targets with an Armor Save of 4+ or worse.
Trophy [Drukhari]: when Attacking targets with the <Drukhari> keyword in the Fight Phase, this weapon grants its bearer +1 Renown per <Drukhari> model removed as a casualty.
Trophy [Sslyth]: when Attacking targets with the <Sslyth> keyword in the Fight Phase, this weapon grants its bearer +3 Renown per <Sslyth> model removed as a casualty.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/04 07:01:36

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Everyone except Kluthex Tobia and the Mission Leader have been sent to hold off the hordes of Drukhari while those two search for the Artifact. Can the rest of the squad hold out long enough for the job to be complete? Or will they be overrun and be destroyed?

KT4a2: The Pits: Tandem Linked Routine

Briefing Phase: We have been ordered to hold this position until the Mission Leader and Kluthex return. Our munitions are dwindling. Let us pray we hold out long enough for our Mission to see its completion.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
There is nothing left to be done, but face our foes. Let them come. Wave after wave of everything these twisted Drukhari can bring to bear upon us.
Use everything in the Drukhari Codex. Also, if any of the Pain Engines/other Boss Monsters from Mission KT2 survived, add those, too.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Hold Out:
for every Battleround beyond the 3rd, where all surviving Deathwatch models still have 1 or more Wounds remaining, all models assigned to this Mission gain +1XP and +1 Renown. If all remaining Deathwatch models that started this Mission survive with at least 1 Wound remaining, the Squad Leader also gains an additional +1XP and +1 Renown.

Cull the Horde: for every 10 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, reduce the GM's initial Allotment next Mission by 1.

Big Kills:
for each Miniboss removed as a casualty this Mission, all surviving models gain +1 Renown at the end of this Mission. For each Boss Monster removed as a casualty this Mission, all surviving models gain +3 Renown at the end of this Mission. If any of these Adversary types are removed as casualties this Mission, the Squad Leader gains an additional +D3XP.

Survive: if at least 1 Deathwatch model ends the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, this Objective can be considered complete.

Towards the center of the table 2-3 tall towers should be set up. These towers must have stairs or ladders that grant access to their upper levels. The remainder of the table should be covered in Webway- or Commorragh-themed open corridors and scatter terrain.

The Deathwatch sets up first, within 6" of the base of any of these towers, but not in them. The GM's forces are held in Adversarial Reserves and become available at the start of the first Battleround. The GM's Reserves take their first Movement Phase from any table edge when they become available.

The Deathwatch player(s) take the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
The length of this game is dependent on the Tandem Linked Mission that happens before this- KT4a1: The Search. Use that Mission's length to determine the total hours both Missions combined last.

Special Rules
Select a Squad leader

The Mission Leader is off on a Side Quest with Kluthex Tobia. Player(s) must nominate another model from those remaining to act as Squad Leader for this Mission. The Squad Leader has access to all the remaining models' Stratgems until the end of this Mission and generates a +1CP at the start of every Command Phase until they are reduced to 0 Wounds or the Mission ends, whichever comes first. If the Squad Leader survives until the end of these Linked Missions, that model gains a Tier 1 Elite Talent called Leadership Potential for free. This Talent grants a permanent -1XP discount to all future Morale Tree Talents this model may purchase.

Free Monsters and Transports
In addition to the Allotment afforded the GM as outlined in the GM's section below, any Boss Monsters that survived Mission KT2: Purely for Pain are added for free to the GM's forces this game. GMs may also draw up to 3 choices from the following list to add to their Adversarial Reserves. Special Rules for using these choices will follow in the GM's section below.

-1 Raider (may be chosen up to 3 times)
-2 Venoms (may be chosen up to 3 times)
-1 Ravager
-1 Talos
-1 Chronos
-1 Succubus
-1 Haemonculi
-2D3 Sslyth (may be chosen up to 2 times)
-2D3 Ur-Ghuul (may be chosen up to 2 times)

Technology on the Table
There is nothing even remotely recognizable as Imperial Tech on this battlefield. Even if players have models with Talents that normally allow them to place Technology on the table, in this Mission they cannot.

Player Prep
As outlined above, player(s) must nominate 1 model to take on the role of Squad Leader

- Deployment Options: Special. As detailed above.

- Extraction Options: Special. When the last Battleround ends, the Mission is over.

Arming Phase: as this is a part of a series of Linked Missions, players skip this Phase and go right on to deployment and fighting. There will be no chance to re-arm or re-equip between Missions.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM gets 3D3 Allotment per Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission, at the start of every Battelround. In addition, the GM gains access to their 3 choices from above and any surviving Boss Monsters from Mission KT2 at the beginning of the first Battleround.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM gets Allotment equal to the Deathwatch's CTV at the start of every Battelround. In addition, the GM gains access to their 3 choices from above and any surviving Boss Monsters from Mission KT2 at the beginning of the first Battleround.

Any Transports the GM fields may Move to exit the table from any edge if they have no Units embarked on them at the time. Transports that exit the table may be used to ferry more Units back to the table as long as they wait at least 2 Battlerounds before doing so.

For example, a Venom disembarks a small Unit of Incubi on Turn 1. On Turn 2, it jets off the closest table edge. On Turn 4, it returns with a small Unit of Wyches. On Turn 5, it exits the board again and on Turn 7 returns with more Incubi. And so on.

Terminal Data for this Mission:

Relics for this Mission
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Special Rules

25 / 15 / * / Icon of Endurance / This pendant may be used once per Mission to allow the bearer to automatically pass one Strength or Toughness test they are called on to make, without having to roll.

10 / 10 / * / Mark of Courage / This honorific may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Morale test if it is carried by the Mission Leader. If equipped by a model that is not the Mission Leader, this honorific instead makes the bearer immune to the effects of the Fearsome, Scary, and Terrifying Traits.

15 / 12 / * / Mark of Excellence / This honorific grants the bearer +1CP at the start of the Mission. Additionally, if any CP must be spent during the course of a Mission to elect a new Mission Leader, the CP spent can be refunded if the player that controls the model equipped with this Relic rolls a 5+ on a D6 for each CP.

*The weight of these Relics is negligible.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/05 00:11:51

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Players can only play the 2 previous Missions or this 1. They can't play both. However, if this Mission results in a failed Mission, it may be replayed an unlimited number of times until players give up on trying or they find the Artifact, whichever comes first.

Player Briefing
Kluthex Tobia believes he has located the place where he saw the Artifact. Now we must fight to claim it.

KT4b: The Gauntlet and the Prize: Linked Routine

Briefing Phase: We must fight our way through the Drukhari who hold this place, so that we can claim the prize we have sought all this time. That thing better be what we are looking for; our supplies are running too low for us to make much more of this.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
There is nothing left to be done, but to storm our foes. Expect to face everything these twisted Drukhari can bring to bear upon us.
Use everything in the Drukhari Codex. Also, if any of the Pain Engines/other Boss Monsters from Mission KT2 survived, add those, too.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Break Through
: a significant force of Drukhari stand between the Deathwatch and their Prize. The first Deathwatch model to Move within 3" of the center Objective Marker gains +3 Renown and can claim to have personally completed this Objective.

Claim the Prize: the first Deathwatch allied model that picks up the Prize from the Objective Marker at the center of the table can claim to have personally completed this Objective.

Escape with the Prize: the Deathwatch allied model that exits the board with the Prize can claim to have personally completed this Objective.

Big Kills:
for each Miniboss removed as a casualty this Mission, all surviving models gain +1 Renown at the end of this Mission. For each Boss Monster removed as a casualty this Mission, all surviving models gain +3 Renown at the end of this Mission. If any of these Adversary types are removed as casualties this Mission, the Mission Leader gains an additional +D3XP.

Cull the Horde: for every 10 Adversary models removed as a casualty this game, reduce the GM's initial Allotment for the next Mission by 1.

Escape with Your Lives: any Deathwatch allied model that exits the table from any board edge can claim to have personally completed this Objective. The last Deathwatch allied model to do so earns +1XP and +D3 Renown.

At the center of the table place a raised dais or altar-like structure. The remainder of the table should be covered in Webway- or Commorragh-themed scatter terrain. Place an Objective Marker on the center dais or altar and D3+1 additional Objective Markers anywhere on the table at least 6" from any board edge or other Objective Marker. Players and GM should alternate placing these. The center Objective Marker is the Prize and primary Deathwatch Objective. All other Objective Markers are potential "Treasures".

The GM sets their forces up first, within 6" of any Objective Marker. Any models that do not fit are placed into Adversarial Reserves. The GM's Reserves become available starting on the second Battleround and take their first Movement Phase from any board edge, as long as they start and end up no closer than 9" from any Deathwatch model.

Then the Deathwatch forces set up, along any board edge, at least 12" away from any Drukhari models. If there is no place to put these Deatwatch models because of this restriction, they may be placed anywhere along any board edge instead, but must be placed outside Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader. If there is still no room, the Deathwatch models that can't be placed must begin the game in Reserves, and become available for Deployment at the start of the second Battleround.

Regardless of placement, the GM and player who controls the Mission Leader should roll off to determine who goes first. If the GM goes first and there are no Deathwatch models on the table yet, the GM gains +D3 CP that they can use on any Stratagems found in the Drukhari Codex this Mission.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
This Mission lasts until either all Deathwatch models are reduced to zero Wounds or the last surviving Deathwatch model exits from a board edge. If the Prize is not in the Deathwatch forces' hands when this occurs, this Mission counts as a failure.

If this game takes 5 Battlerounds or less, the Mission lasts for 1 hour. If this game takes 6-11 Battlerounds, the Mission lasts for 2 hours. If this game takes 12-15 Battlerounds, the Mission lasts for D3+1 hours. If this game takes 16 Battlerounds or more, the Mission lasts for D3+2 hours. 1-5 hours per attempt

This Mission is repeatable, but each time after the first the GM gains a bonus to their Allotment. See the GM's section below.

Special Rules
Kluthex will Never Give up the Search

The Mission Leader can opt to stop repeating this Mission at any time. However, if the Artifact has not been found by the time the Mission Leader calls it off, Kluthex Tobia does not return. Remove him from the roster as he remains in the darkness of Commorragh, forever obsessed with finding the object that haunts his nightmares.

Is This Prize Really the Artifact?
At the end of any Mission where the Deathwatch have claimed the Prize, have one player roll 3D6. On the result of a 16+ the Deathwatch have found the Artifact. Each surviving model with 1 or more Ratings in the Forbidden Knowledge Skill may add +1 to this roll. If a 3-15 is rolled, instead consult the Treasure table found in the GM's section below. If the Prize does not yield the Artifact on any attempt, players may opt to play this Mission again in order to try to get it again.

The Artifact weighs 04 Capacity. Any model carrying it gains a 2+ Invulnerable Save that works until it fails. Additionally, the Artifact provides unlimited Ammo for any energy-based weapon the model carries - Plasma, Flamer, Volkite, Las, Antimatter, Dark, Neural, Grav, Melta, Scrambler, etc. It must be carried by one of the surviving Deathwatch allied models for the remainder of these Linked Mission (although this doesn't have to be the same model each Mission), and it must be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions. It provides each of the surviving members of the Unit +5D6 Renown and +3D3 XP when handed over.

Treasure Objective Markers
It may be easiest to represent each of the other Objective Markers on the table as Treasure Chests. A model ending their Movement Phase within 2" of one of these Chests may roll 3D6 and consult the Treasure Table found in the GM's section below to find out what they've won. Each Treasure Chest Objective Marker can be searched once per Battleround.

Free Monsters and Transports
In addition to the Allotment afforded the GM as outlined in the GM's section below, any Boss Monsters that survived Mission KT2: Purely for Pain are added for free to the GM's forces this game. GMs may also select 1 option from the following list to add to their Adversarial Reserves. Special Rules for using these choices will follow in the GM's section below.

-1 Raider
-2 Venoms
-2D3 Sslyth
-2D6 Ur-Ghuul

Technology on the Table
There is nothing even remotely recognizable as Imperial Tech on this battlefield. Even if players have models with Talents that normally allow them to place Technology on the table, in this Mission they cannot.

Player Prep
There is little to do except deploy and fight.

- Deployment Options: Special. As detailed above.

- Extraction Options: Special. When the last surviving Deathwatch model exits the board, the Mission is over.

Arming Phase: as this is a part of a series of Linked Missions, players skip this Phase and go right on to deployment and fighting. There will be no chance to re-arm or re-equip between Missions.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM gets 30 Allotment per Deathwatch model deployed on this Mission. In addition, the GM gains access to their choice from above and any surviving Boss Monsters from Mission KT2 at the beginning of the second Battleround.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM gets Allotment equal to 2 times the Deathwatch's CTV. In addition, the GM gains access to their choice from above and any surviving Boss Monsters from Mission KT2 at the beginning of the second Battleround.

Any Transports the GM fields may Move to exit the table from any edge if they have no Units embarked on them at the time. Transports that exit the table may be used to ferry more Units back to the table as long as they wait at least 2 Battlerounds before doing so.

For example, a Venom disembarks a small Unit of Incubi on Turn 1. On Turn 2, it jets off the closest table edge. On Turn 4, it returns with a small Unit of Wyches. On Turn 5, it exits the board again and on Turn 7 returns with more Incubi.

Each time this Mission is repeated after the first, the GM gains 3D6 cummulative bonus Allotment at the start of the Mission.

Therefore, the GM gets +3D6 Allotment the second time this Mission is played, +6D6 Allotment the third time it is played, +9D6 the fourth time, and so on.

Terminal Data for this Mission:

Treasure Table
Models that search a Treasure Chest Objective Marker or that fail to turn the Prize into the Artifact consult these tables to see what they've won instead.
3D6 Roll: Result
3: a Drukhari beacon. This summons 2D6 Allotment worth of <Drukhari> Adversary models that Deepstrike immediately, as close to the model that opened this Treasure Chest as possible. If this result was rolled for the Prize, it instead adds 2D6 Allotment to the GM's forces at the start of the next Mission.

4: Boobytrap! Immediately resolve a Shard Grenade attack on the model that opened this Treasure Chest. If this result was rolled for the Prize, it instead adds +D3 Wound Tokens to one random surviving model.

5: Boobytrap! Immediately resolve a Phantasm Grenade attack on the model that opened this Treasure Chest. If this result was rolled for the Prize, it instead causes one random surviving model to begin next Mission Shaken.

6-7: Weapon Cache. 1 each of the following: Splinter Pistol, Splinter Rifle, Trophy Sword; plus 4 Splinter Mags and 4 doses of Crystal Infusion Poison. Equipping any of these Weapons incurs a -D6 Renown penalty per Weapon.

8-9: Weapon Cache. 1 each of the following: Blast Pistol, Shredder, Drukhari Whip; plus 4 Darkmatter Chambers and 4 doses of Void Poison. Equipping any of these Weapons incurs a -D6 Renown penalty per Weapon.

10-11: Weapon Cache. 1 each of the following: Splinter Pistol, Razorflail, Aeldari Power Sword; plus 2 Splinter Mags, 2 doses of Electrocorrosive Venom, and 2 doses of Sutureseed Venom. Equipping any of these Weapons incurs a -D6 Renown penalty per Weapon.

12-13: Weapon Cache. 1 each of the following: Shardcarbine and Splinter Cannon; 2D3 Shard Grenades and D3 Plasma Grenades; plus 2 Shard Mags and 2 Splinter Drums. Equipping any of these Weapons incurs a -D6 Renown penalty per Weapon or Grenade type.

14-15: Weapon Cache. 1 each of the following: Blaster and Shredder; plus 2 Darkmatter Chambers and 2 Shredder Canisters; plus 2 doses each of Agonizer Poison, Bone Seeker Poison, and Heart Seeker Poison. Equipping any of these Weapons incurs a -D6 Renown penalty per Weapon.

16-17 (Treasure Chests only): Grenade Cache. 2D6 each of the following: Phantasm Grenades,Plasma Grenades, Shard Grenades, and Mutagenic Grenades. Equipping any of these Grenades incurs a -D6 Renown penalty per Grenade type.

18 (Treasure Chests only): a Dangerous Artifact. It weighs 04 Capacity. If taken, this model counts as "Closest Enemy Model" for the purposes of all targeting for the remainder of these Linked Missions. Additionally, this model may opt to gain +D3 Corruption on any Battleround to unlock the following abilities for 1 full Battleround:
-increase the Range of all abilities, Talents, Traits, and Skills that rely on Cohesion by +12"
-ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 3+
-ignore a Mortal Wound on the D6 roll of a 5+
-remove D3 Wound Tokens on this model or any ally in Cohesion Range. Using this effect on an ally also gives that ally +1 Corruption
-become immune to being Pinned
-gain a +1 bonus to any Invulnerable Saves the model has or a 6+ Invulnerable Save if the model doesn't already have one

This item may be traded to any Faction for 50 Esteem but a -2D6 Renown loss for the Mission Leader or it may be handed over to the Watch Captain at the end of these Linked Missions for safekeeping, earning this model 5D6 Renown.

Any single Weapon from this Treasure table may be handed over to the Watch Captains at the end of these Linked Missions for +D3 Renown each. If 10 copies of any Weapon, Grenade, or Item end up in the Watch Captains' hands, add a single copy of that Wargear to the Arsenal of the Ordo as a Sanctified Xeno "item of the same name" with a Threshold equal to the lowest Renown of any model deployed on these Linked Missions and a Cost equal to half its Threshold.

Ranged Weapon Profiles
Weapon / Capacity / Range / Strength / RoF / Primary Mag / AP / Damage / Special Rules

Blaster / 02 / 18" / 8 / 1|2|- / 10 / -4 / D6 / Assault, Dark
Blast Pistol / 01 / 6" / 8 / 1|-|- / 10 / -4 / D6 / Dark, Pistol
Mutagenic Grenade / * / 8" / 3 / D6|-|- / 1 / -D3 / 1 / Assault, Blast, Corrosive
Phantasm Grenade / * / 8" / 1 / D3|-|- / 1 / - / 1 / Assault, Blast, Phantasm
Plasma Grenade / * / 8" / 4 / D6|-|- / 1 / -1 / 1 / Assault, Blast, Plasma
Shardcarbine / 01 / 18" / 3 / 3|6|- / 30 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Assault
Shard Grenade / * / 8" / 4 / D6|-|- / 1 / - / 1 / Assault, Blast, Lacerating
Shredder / 02 / 12" / 6 / D6|2D6|3D6 / 30 / -1 / 1 / Assault, Shredding, Slashing
Splinter Cannon / 03 / 36" / 3 / 3|4-6|12 / 48 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Rapid Fire
Splinter Pistol / 01 / 12" / 2 / 1|2|- / 20 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Kabalite, Pistol
Splinter Rifle / 01 / 24" / 2 / 1|2-4|8 / 20 / - / 1 / Agonizing, Kabalite, Rapid Fire

*Grenades weigh little individually. Equipping up to 3 grenades of any type weighs 01 Capacity. Equipping 4-5 weighs 02 and every 1 Grenade beyond that adds +01 weight.

Weapon Reloads
Item / Capacity / Magazine / Special Rules

Darkmatter Chamber / 01 for up to 4 / 10 / usable for Blast Pistol, Blaster, or Dark Lance
Shredder Canister / 01 for up to 2 / 30 / usable for Shredder
Splinter Mag / 01 for up to 10 / 20 / usable for Splinter Pistol or Splinter Rifle
Splinter Drum / 01 for up to 4 / 48 / usable for Splinter Cannon or Splinter Rifle
Shard Mag / 01 for up to 8 / 30 / usable for Shardcarbine

Melee Weapon Profiles
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules

Aeldari Power Sword / 01 / as user / -2 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Monofilament, Slashing
Trophy Sword / 01 / as user / -1 / 1 / Balanced, Defensive, Monofilament, Trophy [Drukhari] or Trophy [Sslyth] (player's choice)
Drukhari Whip / 01 / as user / -1 / 1 / Reach, Slashing
Razorflail / 01 / as user / -1 / 1 / Bleed, Flail, Reach, Slashing

Wargear Descriptions
Item: Special Rules
Agonizer Poison
: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee weapon for the duration of 1 Mission: any model Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as a casualty, must test their Toughness at the start of their next Movement Phase. Failing this test imposes a -3" penalty to that model's Movement and -1 to all of their hit rolls until the start of the next Battleround.

Bone Seeker Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: improve this weapon's AP by 1.

Crystal Infusion Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: this weapon will always Wound <Infantry>, <Character>, and <Monster> models on a 4+, unless the weapon's Strength would normally make the roll less.

Electrocorrosive Venom: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee weapon for the duration of 1 Mission: improve this weapon's AP and Damage by 1.

Heart Seeker Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: any model Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as a casualty, suffers a single Strength 3, AP -1, Damage: D2 hit at the start of its next Movement Phase.

Shiftshard Ammo: this may be used to add the following special ability to one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: unsaved Wounds inflicted by this weapon impose an additional +1 Wound Token on the affected model. Versus Adversaries that are not subject to Wound Tokens, this instead inflicts a single Mortal Wound on the target if they take any Damage, but are not removed as casualties.

Sutureseed Venom: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee weapon for the duration of 1 Mission: unsaved Wounds inflicted by this weapon impose an additional +1 Wound Token on the affected model at the start of their next Movement Phase, unless they pass a Toughness test. Versus Adversaries that are not subject to Wound Tokens, this instead inflicts a single Mortal Wound on the target at the start of their next Movement Phase if they take any Damage, but are not removed as casualties. If the affected Adversary can pass a Toughness test, they ignore this Mortal Wound.

Void Poison: this may be used to add the following special ability to one melee or one ranged weapon with the word "shard" or the word "splinter" in its name for the duration of 1 Mission: if a model is hit by this weapon, but is not removed as a casualty, reduce its Armor Save by 1 for D3 Battlerounds. At the end of the Battleround where this duration expires they suffer a single Strength 6, AP -2, Damage: D2 hit.

Weapon and Item Traits
models Wounded by this weapon, but not removed as casualties, suffer an automatic hit at the same Strength, AP, and Damage of this weapon at the start of their next Movement Phase
Balanced: this weapon gains +1 to all Parry attempts.
Bleed: this weapon can re-roll its failed Wound rolls.
Corrosive: models hit by this weapon reduce their Armor Save by 1 for the remainder of the Mission. If this damages a Space Marine, they may repair this with an application of their Armor Patch.
Dark: this weapon does not reveal the location of a shooter if they are firing from a concealed position. Blips armed with this weapon remain blips. Stealthed models do not count as Shooting for the purposes of any of their Skill Effects unless it would be beneficial.
Defensive: a model armed with a weapon with this Trait may sacrifice 1 of their Attacks to impose a -1 Penalty to 1 opponent model's WS for the duration of the Battleround.
Envenomed: this weapon always Wounds <Infantry> and <Monster> models on a 4+.
Flail: whenever this weapon is used it makes D3 extra Attacks and can re-roll its misses.
Kabalite: models equipped with Wargear with this Trait gain an additional +D3 Esteem whenever they would gain any with an Aeldari or Radical Faction.
Lacerating: any hit roll of a 6 with this weapon also causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to its other Damage.
Monofilament: any hit roll of a 6 with this weapon improves its AP by 2.
Phantasm: if a model or Unit is hit by this grenade, regardless of whether or not any Wounds are inflicted, that model or Unit also suffers -1 to its Leadership until the end of the Mission. Multiple hits impose stacking penalties.
Plasma: models within 2" of another model that was hit by this Weapon reduce their WS and BS by 1 until the start of their next Battleround.
Reach: this weapon may be used in the Fight Phase even if this model is up to 2" away from enemy models.
Shredding: this weapon may re-roll its Wound rolls versus targets with the <Infantry> keyword.
Slashing: this Weapon improves its AP by 1 versus targets with an Armor Save of 4+ or worse.
Trophy [Drukhari]: when Attacking targets with the <Drukhari> keyword in the Fight Phase, this weapon grants its bearer +1 Renown per <Drukhari> model removed as a casualty.
Trophy [Sslyth]: when Attacking targets with the <Sslyth> keyword in the Fight Phase, this weapon grants its bearer +3 Renown per <Sslyth> model removed as a casualty.

Relics for this Mission
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Special Rules

25 / 15 / * / Icon of Endurance / This pendant may be used once per Mission to allow the bearer to automatically pass one Strength or Toughness test they are called on to make, without having to roll.

10 / 10 / * / Mark of Courage / This honorific may be used once per Mission to automatically pass a Morale test if it is carried by the Mission Leader. If equipped by a model that is not the Mission Leader, this honorific instead makes the bearer immune to the effects of the Fearsome, Scary, and Terrifying Traits.

15 / 12 / * / Mark of Excellence / This honorific grants the bearer +1CP at the start of the Mission. Additionally, if any CP must be spent during the course of a Mission to elect a new Mission Leader, the CP spent can be refunded if the player that controls the model equipped with this Relic rolls a 5+ on a D6 for each CP.

*The weight of these Relics is negligible.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/05 01:16:50

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Having either claimed the Artifact or given up on it, the Deathwatch must now descend the spires that brought them here and make it into the Bladed Labyrinth. With the entire nest of Commorragh roused and on their heels, the Deathwatch must weigh speed against caution as they risk destruction with every minute of their escape.

KT5: The Descent: Linked Routine

Briefing Phase: This is it, Brothers. Our final leg before us. We must take what we have and escape this accursed place, lest we be trapped here forever.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch.

Known Adversaries
They are on our heels. They attack at us with everything in their arsenal. Our only hope is to descend swiftly and force them to suffer the same treachery these towers inflict upon us. We know what to expect by now, Brothers. Kill them as they come.

Use everything in the Drukhari Codex. Models without the <Fly> keyword are restricted to Moving on or Jumping the gaps between the terrain designated "Towers". They run the same risk of falling as the Deathwatch do.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Make Haste:
if this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, this Objective can be considered complete.

If the players have the Artifact with them, add this Objective: Keep Hold of the Artifact: if a model is carrying the Artifact when they exit from the board edge designated "Bottom", they gain +5 Renown and +D3 XP.

Parting Shots:
for every Adversary <Vehicle>, <Monster>, and/or <Character> removed as a casualty this Mission, each surviving Deathwatch model gains +2D3 Renown and +D3 XP.

Survive: if even just 1 Deathwatch allied model exits the table from the board edge designated "Bottom", this Objective can be considered complete.

The board should be set up as a series of interlinked towers, stretching from one board edge to the opposite. The author suggests terrain set up on an angle to simulate height rather than just straight up towers. Any area not specifically designated "tower" is impassible terrain unless a model is equipped with a Jump Pack, Heavy Jump Pack, or Grav Pack and enough Jump distance to clear the gap, or have the <Fly> Keyword. Deathwatch models still risk Falling when they Jump across/down/up as per the Increased Risk of Falling Special Rules detailed below.

One board edge should be designated "Bottom"; the Deathwatch Deployment Zone is the board edge opposite this.

The players set up their forces first according to the Mission parameters. Only GM forces with the <Fly> keyword may be Deployed at the start of this Mission. They may only be placed in areas designated impassible, at least 12" away from any Deathwatch allied models. The remainder of the GM's forces are held in Adversarial Reserve. These Reserves become available starting Battleround 2.

The Deathwatch forces take the first Turn. The GM's Reserves may enter play from any board edge at least 9" from any Deathwatch allied models. Reserves are placed at the end of the Movement Phase just like in regualr 40k.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
There is no Insertion and no Extraction time for this Mission as it is Linked with the previous and subsequent Missions. If the game lasts for 5 Battlerounds or less, this Mission takes 1 hour. If the game lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, the Mission takes 2 hours. If the game lasts for 11-15 Battlerounds, the Mission takes D3+1 hours. If the game lasts for 16 Battlerounds or more the Mission takes D3+2 hours. 1-5 hours

Special Rules
Leave None Behind
: any Deathwatch or allied model reduced to zero Wounds becomes an Objective to be dragged off the battlefield by a comrade. Any model left behind if all able bodied personnel have been removed from the table and any model that Falls, counts as permanently lost. Remove them from the Squad Roster.

Increased Risk of Falling: any time a Deathwatch model or an Adversary model that does not have the <Fly> keyword, suffers a Wound this Mission, their controlling player must roll a Toughness test. If they fail, roll a D6. On a 1-3, that model plummets into the abyss, never to be seen again. Remove them from the Squad Roster or, if they are an Adversary model, remove them as a casualty. On a 4+, that model is moved 2D6" down the Spires towards the "Bottom". If this Movement takes them off the table, their controlling player must roll a Strength test. If this Strength test is passed, the model is placed at the "Bottom", at least 3" from that board edge and is Shaken, and gains +1 Renown if they are a Deathwatch model. If this test is failed, the model is placed at the "Bottom", at least 3" from that board edge, and is Pinned, and gains +1XP if they are a Deathwatch model. Adversary models that must test their Strength are removed as a casualty if they fail and become Pinned if they pass. Any time any Deathwatch allied model must make the Toughness test to avoid this Fate, all Deathwatch models that can draw line of sight to the testing model gain +1XP. Models with Jump Packs or Heavy Jump Packs do not suffer the Shaken or Pinned effects of the subsequent Strength tests. Models equipped with Grav Packs reduce this distance Moved by -D3" (to a minimum of 0"). Lastly, models equipped with Jump Packs, Heavy Jump Packs, and Grav Packs may re-roll their Toughness tests to avoid Falling.

Technology on the Table
There is nothing even remotely recognizable as Imperial Tech on this battlefield. Even if players have models with Talents that normally allow them to place Technology on the table, in this Mission they cannot.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select the model to represent the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Just Down the Hall. The Deathwatch must set up at the top of the Spires.

- Extraction Options: Special. When the last surviving Deathwatch allied model exits from the board edge designated "Bottom" the Mission ends.

Arming Phase: this Phase is skipped because this is a Linked Mission.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to 30 per Deathwatch model assigned to this Mission. Any models without the <Fly> keyword must be held in Adversarial Reserves unless they are in a Transport with the <Fly> keyword.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins the game with Allotment equal to 2 times the Deathwatch CTV. Any models without the <Fly> keyword must be held in Adversarial Reserves unless they are in a Transport with the <Fly> keyword.

At the start of Battleround 6, the GM gains an additional D6x10 Allotment to spend on Adversarial Reserves. This is repeated at the start of Battleround 9, Battleround 12, and Battleround 15, if the game is still going at that time.

Terminal Data for this Mission:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Player Briefing
The Deathwatch have fled into the Bladed Labyrinth once more to escape their pursuers, but now they themselves have become lost. Each must find his own way back to the light. Each must forge their legacy of victory for themselves. Each must be tested alone. And each will survive or perish on his own wits alone.

KT6: The Final Test: Linked Special

Briefing Phase: "Each marine has found himself wandering the infinite paths of the Bladed Labyrinth alone. It will take an act of pure will to find his way out. And when he does, he can only pray it is his Brothers that find him and not the predators of the Hulk."

In Service to Whom: This Final Linked Mission serves the Deathwatch. However, completing each of the Objectives will draw the attention of all Factions currently present in the Narrative. Players earn +3 Esteem with all Factions whenever they complete this Mission successfully.

Known Adversaries
"Those pesky Drukhari."

This Mission is different from most in that it is really just Objectives added to an already ongoing Mission. So the Adversaries present will be dictated by the Fissures that brought them.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
When the Deathwatch Brother arrives, add the following 2 Objectives to the current Mission's list.

Rescue Your Brother Astartes
: the Marine in question is likely to be severely injured and at great risk of further injury or even death. The Deathwatch player must Move at least one Astartes model into base to base with their returning Brother to make contact. Afterwards, both models must Move together and remain in base to base until all allied models have Extracted or the Mission's endgame criteria have otherwise been met.

Retrieve the Body if the Astartes Dies
: If the returning Astartes is reduced to zero Wounds and the Teleportarium is not working, rolling a 7+ on the Injury table means he is dead. Treat this model as a Dead Marine Marker if this happens.

*It's worth noting that if the returning Brother survives, players automatically count as completing both of these Objectives.

Special Rules
This is not a Mission in the traditional sense. Rather, if any Fissure generates 30 or more Allotment during another Mission, any time after the full duration of all the other Missions in this Linked sequence, the players may force the GM to spend 30 of that Allotment to bring 1 random Deathwatch survivor from these Linked Missions through it. This "Mission" will continue to be available until all the surviving models are rescued. If any Deathwatch model was carrying the body of another ally, both they and the body come through the Fissure for that 30 Allotment price. Deathwatch models that carry their Brother's corpses this way gain +D3x10 Renown when they finally come home.

"Surprise! Something unexpected just happened, now adapt so you can bring your Battlebrothers home!"

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/05 03:04:28

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Nurgle Infested Hulk: Clawhammer
Hull: Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment:~75,000
Circumstance of Drift: Unknown, possible death of Navigator
Current Condition of Crew: Infected, corrupted, and vile
Probable Disposition: Nurgle Daemons, Plague Marines, various other daemons, pox walkers, plague zombies, infection


Ship's Story
The Clawhammer had once been a loyalist vessel; a part of an ancient Naval flotilla. During a routine Warp Jump, the ship became separated from its parent fleet and spent the next few hundred years searching for it. Cut off from established Imperial Logistic routes, the crew very quickly fell into mutiny, starvation, and cannibalism. When it drifted into the path of marauding heretics, it didn't stand a chance. Now long since corrupted by pox and fever, this bloated serpent of star-faring contagion seeps from the warp-tear above the [++Redacted++], belly-flopping onto its exterior and erupting its malignance in every direction. There is no stopping this. There is not enough holy fire to burn this infection out. All that can be done is to redouble our efforts to complete our Mission before this pox destroys us all.

If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Lore or Tech Skill*, they may use these to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Manufacture (Tech, Forbidden Lore): at the core of this filth is the remains of a Slaughter-Class Cruiser. But its guns have long since fallen silent. And while at some point the interior of this vessel may habe been predictable, it is likely its corridors are now choked with phlegm and crusted with foulness unspeakable. Armed with this information, any Deathwatch model assigned to a Mission onboard the Clawhammer may equip a Hand Flamer, Flamer, Combi-flamer, or Heavy Flamer without having to meet the Threshold and only having to pay 1 Cost for each. Additionally, Sanctified Promethium Tanks and Chargers are reduced to Threshold 05.

Crew (Forbidden Lore): the compliment of a vessel of this size was likely, originally, enormous. But with the contamination and its history, the ship is likely only filled with the twisted creations of chaos and those who have thrown themselves eagerly to the mercy of the lord of contagion now. Armed with this knowledge, Deathwatch allied models may re-roll their Wounds when using Hand Flamers, Flamers, Heavy Flamers, and the Flamer parts of Combi-flamers when fighting Adversaries with the <Nurgle> keyword.

*GMs, prompt your players with these Skills so that they know they have the option to use them.

Missions that take place partially or wholly inside the chambers of this vessel are subject to a persistent, pervasive Radiation effect.

Missions near this vessel generate a Radiation effect at the start of every Battleround on the 2D6 roll of a 7+. It lasts for the duration of the Battleround and imposes a Strength D6+1, AP-, Damage: 1 hit on every model at the start of their Movement Phase.

Missions in this vessel generate a Radiation effect at the start of every Battleround on the D6 roll of a 2+. It lasts for the duration of the Battleround and imposes a Strength 7, AP-1, Damage: D2 hit on every model at the start of their Movement Phase.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines: The Clawhammer is a pus-filled labyrinth of twisting and clogged corridors and rooms. Inexplicably, "trees" of crusted bone and cancerous glue grow between cracks or climb like hideous vines anywhere they can. There is a constant "fog" of spores and sickness that sometimes lays so thick it impedes movement and visibility.

The author suggests using expanding foam, painted brown and green, to create the sickness gardens and ear-wax growths that boil out of this ship's interiors. Perhaps if these pieces were removable players could expend promethium to try to destroy them. One could use cotton balls pulled thin and soaked in ugly colors to represent the fog of sickness that hangs in the air.

Any Technology on the table in sections including chambers and corridors from this vessel will be universally Dead, unless otherwise noted. Although lighting exists within the wreck's halls, it does not come from a technological source, instead emanating from radioactive debris and warp-mangled material.

Available Missions
CH1: Burn it Back!: Optional Routine
CH2: A Target of Opportunity: Optional Routine
CH3: A Forced Confrontation: Routine
CH4: The Driving Sickness: Routine
CH5: Cleanse and Burn: Optional Exploration

"Treasures" of the Clawhammer
Any time a model could potentially rummage through a "treasure chest" or might have to roll on a Treasure Table during the course of a Mission on board this Vessel, use the following charts to determine what may be there to find. Treasure Chests should be clearly identifiable and can be searched if a model ends its Movement Phase within 2" of one. Treasure gained from Exploration Missions should be rolled by each Astartes deployed on the Mission during the Debriefing Phase.

Treasure Chest: roll a D6
1: just terrible goop. The model that opened this chest immediately gains +1 Corruption. Any other Player-controlled model that starts or ends its Movement Phase within 2" of this chest must pass a Strength test or gain +1 Corruption for the remainder of the Mission.

2-3: things that look even worse than the Corrupted Goop from the entry above, but at least aren't so seeped in chaos that it actively harms anyone.

4-5: warp-tainted objects. A model with the Psychic Sense Skill can attempt to purge these objects by spending a Rating and rolling their Skill Stat. If they succeed they gain +1 Renown and loot worth 1 Esteem with any Faction.

6: warp-touched gear. This gear may be traded as is to any Admech Faction for D6 Esteem or may be purged by any model with the Psychic Sense Skill in the same way as detailed for 4-5 above. Purged gear is worth D6 Esteem to any Faction.

Exploration Treasure: roll a D6 for each Astartes deployed on this Mission
1: Terrible Sickness-Bloated THINGS. The model that discovered this immediately gains +1 Corruption. All other Astartes that also deployed on this Mission must pass a Strength test or also gain +1 Corruption.

2: Some terrible goopy sloppiness that may have once been a human. A model with the Psychic Sense Skill can test to glean info from this mess, gaining +1XP if they succeed.

3: warp-tainted objects. A model with the Psychic Sense Skill can attempt to purge these objects by testing their Skill Stat. If they succeed they gain +1 Renown and loot worth 1 Esteem with any Faction.

4: warp-touched gear. This gear may be traded as is to any Admech Faction for D6 Esteem or may be purged by any model with the Psychic Sense Skill in the same way as detailed for 3 above. Purged gear is worth 3D6 Esteem to any Radical Faction or 2D3 Esteem to any Inquisitor Faction. If a Faction falls under both categories, the Deathwatch model gains both Esteem increases.

5: a Tainted Icon. This Icon may be destroyed on sight for +1 Renown or may be purged by any model with the Psychic Sense Skill in the same way as detailed for 3 above. Purged Icons grant the model carrying it +1 Renown on any Mission where at least 1 Adversary model has the <Chaos> keyword. A Purged Icon is added to the Arsenal of the Ordo Wargear list with a Threshold of 25 and a Cost of 1.

6: a Cogitator Fragment. Any model with the Tech Skill may either take on +1 Corruption or permanently reduce their Tech Skill by 1 Rating to give all current and future Deathwatch models a one-time +1XP bonus.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/06 23:36:45

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
A contagion is spreading into the [++Redacted++] and the Deathwatch must burn it back while they still can. Players may send 1 squad to accomplish this Mission.

CH1: Burn it Back!: Optional Routine

Briefing Phase: Augur scans have detected a heat source seeping in from the new wreck. Knowing the nature of this vessel, we strongly suspect this to be warp-fueled rot. Take your team to the site and burn everything you see.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Inquisitorial and/or Ordo Malleus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
Sickness and contagion made manifest.
Poxwalkers, Nurgle cultists, Plague Bearers, and Plague Marines

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Burn Out the Contagion:
there will be a number of Contagion Nodes on the board this Mission. If all of them are destroyed by the end of the Mission, this Objective can be considered complete.

Kill Count:
for every Adversary model that started the Mission with 3 or more Wounds that is removed as a casualty, each Deathwatch model gains +1 Renown and +1 XP.

Burn Them All: for every 10 Adversary models with the <Nurgle> keyword removed as casualties by a weapon with the word "flame" in its name, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If any <Nurgle> models are removed as casualties by a weapon with the word "flame" in its name, the Mission Leader also gains +D3 XP.

The table should be set up as a series of medium to large rooms interconnected by twisting corridors or other, smaller rooms. Once terrain has been set up, the GM and the players alternate placing 7 Contagion Nodes, anywhere on the table, at least 6" from any board edge and at least 7" from any other Node. These can be represented by Feculent Gnarlmaws, Miasmic Malignifiers, Pox Furnaces, or any other suitable terrain from your collection. Each Contagion Node has the same profile and effects as a Miasmic Malignifier presented in the Deathguard Codex.

The Deathwatch forces set up first, as far from the Contagion Nodes as possible. The GM's forces begin the game in Adversarial Reserves. When these forces become available they may enter play from any table edge, but cannot Deploy any closer than 7" to any Deathwatch allied model. 7 Allotment worth of Adversarial Reseves become available when any of the following conditions occur:
-a Contagion Node is bracketed
-the GM rolls a D6 +the current Turn number and scores a 7+ at the start of a Battleround
-a model with the <Nurgle> keyword and 3+ Wounds is removed as a casualty

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
Insertion time for this Mission is 1 hour, but Extraction time is D3 hours. If the game lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, add 1 hour to this total. If it lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, add 2 hours. If it lasts 12-15 Battlerounds, add D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, add D3+2 hours. 3-9 hours

This game ends when either all Deathwatch allied models are reduced to 0 Wounds or the last Contagion Node is removed as a casualty.

Consequences for Not Taking on this Optional Mission
If players opt not to take on this Mission, then in all future games the GM gains +7 Allotment, regardless of the Adversaries encountered. In addition, in any game that features <Nurgle> Adversaries, the GM may swap the +7 Allotment for a free single Contagion Node instead.

Technology on the Table
Only Technology that can be placed by the players will be on this battlefield. Roll to randomly determine each one's Power Level.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualififies.

Arming Phase: players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

The GM gains 7 times the total number of Deathwatch models assigned to this Mission. If this total is less than 49, the GM instead gets 49 Allotment.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
If players manage to extract any tidbits of information from any Terminals they may sell each tidbit to any Faction for 2D3 Esteem.

Relics for this Mission
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Special Rules

35 / 15 / 02 / Sword of Purity / This Weapon is a Mastercrafted Powersword with the Sanctified Trait

70 / 20 / * / Icon of the Just / This Honorific grants its bearer a one-time use +1 to any dice roll every time the bearer removes as a casualty an Adversary that started the Mission with 3 or more Wounds. Unused bonuses are discarded at the end of the Mission.

*This honorific's weight is negligible.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/07 20:31:46

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Scans have detected a swarm of Ship Dead surrounding a curious energy reading. It is strongly suspected to be an Agent of the Ruinous Powers. If the Deathwatch make haste, they may be able to intercept this Agent and kill it. Players may send 1 Squad to accomplish this Mission.

CH2: A Target of Opportunity: Optional Routine

Briefing Phase: Brothers, we suspect an enemy of some power is attempting to sway the wretched ghouls that live in the bowels of the [++Redacted++] to their cause. Take your team to the site and thwart this Agent. Then eradicate the remaining hordes.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Inquisitorial and/or Ordo Malleus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
A heavy concentration of the wretched and something else.
Ship Dead and any 1 <Nurgle> <Character>.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Kill the Orchestrator:
there will be 1 <Nurgle> <Character> on the field. If this model is removed as a casualty, this Objective can be considered complete.

Kill the Rest:
for every 10 Adversary models removed as casualties, one Deathwatch model chosen by the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown or +1 XP.

The table should be set up as a series of medium to large rooms interconnected by twisting corridors or other, smaller rooms.

The GM's forces set up first, placing the <Nurgle> <Character> 7" away from any board edge, as close to the center of the board as possible. All remaining Adversary models are then placed surrounding this model. Then the Deathwatch forces set up, according to their Deployment Option.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM then roll off to see who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
Insertion time for this Mission is 1 hour, and Extraction time is also 1 hour. If this game lasts 7 Battlerounds or less, add 1 hour to this time. If this game lasts 8 Battlerounds or more, add D3 hours to this time. 3-5 hours

This game ends when either all Deathwatch allied models are reduced to 0 Wounds, all Deathwatch models Extract, or after the end of the 7th Battleround, the player that controls the Mission Leader model decides to end it. The <Nurgle> <Character> model Teleports away at the end of the 7th Battleround, if it hasn't already been slain.

If the <Nurgle> <Character> is not removed as a casualty by the end of the 7th Battleround, this Mission ends in a failure.

Consequences for Not Taking on this Optional Mission
If players opt not to take on this Mission, then in all future games the GM gains +D6+7 Allotment that may only be spent on Ship Dead.

Technology on the Table
If players want, they may place up to D3 Terminals anywhere on the table, at least 7" from any board edge and 7" from any other Terminal. Roll to randomly determine each one's Power Level.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualififies.

Arming Phase: players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

The GM gains 7 times the total number of Deathwatch models assigned to this Mission. If this total is less than 49, the GM instead gets 49 Allotment. This may only be spent on Ship Dead. In addition, the GM may field a single <Nurgle> <Character> for free.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
If players manage to extract any tidbits of information from any Terminals they may sell each tidbit to any Faction for D3 Esteem.

Relics for this Mission
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Special Rules

35 / 15 / * / Psyker's Gauntlet / This item replaces the armor on a Librarian's arm and grants the bearer +1 to cast Smite. Only usable by models with the ability to Cast Psychic Powers.

35 / 10 / * / Crusader's Icon / This Honorific grants its bearer a +1 to its Skill Stat roll when using any Effect of the Command or Inspire Skill.

*These items' weight is negligible.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/08 09:50:37

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
An Agent of Nurgle has come seeking the Deathwatch; trying to lure it out and force it into a confrontation. This is an effort to judge its weaknesses and possibly whittle them down. The players start with 1 Squad, but may send more if they have them to spare, in an effort to mitigate their losses and escape with their lives. This Mission acts like a Linked Mission, in that the GM can force players that have committed to fighting a different Mission to play this Mission first.

CH3: A Forced Confrontation: Routine

Briefing Phase: We have been intercepted! Enemies pour unto us from all sides! Fight, Brothers! Fight! Let catechism be upon your lips and wrath upon your hearts! Let us burn these fiends! Let us destroy them where they stand!

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch. However, this may be considered a Side Quest for all Ordo Malleus Factions present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
We suspect a Daemonic Cult is behind this, but otherwise know nothing of our Adversaries.
It's Nurgle

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
for every Deathwatch model that survives until the end of this Mission with 1 or more Wounds the Mission Leader gains +1 XP.

Kills of Opportunity:
for every Adversary model that begins the game with 3 or more Wounds that is removed as a casualty, one Deathwatch model chosen by the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown.

Gather Intel: any Deathwatch allied model that can draw line of sight to an Adversary model can sacrifice their Shooting Phase(s) to instead gain +D3 XP.

The table should be set up with a wide open space on one side, surrounded by corridors and rooms with doorways opening on to it.

The Deathwatch forces set up first, on the table side with the wide open space. The GM's forces set up next, anywhere on the table at least 14" from any Deathwatch allied models. Any models that do not fit are added to the GM's Adversarial Reserves. These Reserves become available starting on the second Battleround. When Reserves become available they may be deployed on any table edge, at least 14" away from any Deathwatch allied model.

The GM takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
Insertion time for this Mission is 1 hour, but there is no Extraction time. If this game lasts 7 Battlerounds or less, add 1 hour to this time. If this game lasts 8-14 Battlerounds, add D3 hours to this time. If it lasts 15 Battlerounds or more, it adds D3+1 hours. 2-5 hours

This game ends when either all Deathwatch allied models are reduced to 0 Wounds, all Deathwatch models Extract, or all Adversary models are removed as casualties.

This Mission has no Extraction time and negates the Insertion time for the next Mission.

Special Rules
Adding Reinforcements

Starting on the 7th Battleround, the Deathwatch Mission Leader has the option of calling in reinforcements. If the Teleportarium is working, up to 5 Deathwatch models from other Squads that are not currently Deployed on other Missions, may be called in to help via Deepstrike using the normal 40k rules. If the Teleportarium is not working, the player that controls the Mission Leader must roll a D6. The score is the number of Turns it takes those reinforcements to arrive. When they finally do become available, they must be Deployed along any single board edge, at least 7" from any Adversary models and as close to surviving Deathwatch models as possible, given these other restrictions.

This process may be repeated at the start of the 14th and the 21st Battlerounds, if the game is still going.

Technology on the Table
If players want, they may place up to D3 Terminals anywhere on the table, at least 7" from any board edge and 7" from any other Terminal. Roll to randomly determine each one's Power Level.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualififies.

Arming Phase: players will have already spent their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the Mission that follows this, so now they must balance surviving this Mission while still preserving enough munitions to accomplish next Mission, too.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

The GM starts with 2D6+2 Allotment for every Deathwatch allied model that is Deployed on this Mission. If this total is less than 49, the GM gets 49 Allotment instead. In addition, the GM may field a single <Nurgle> <Character> for free.

If and when the players call in reinforcements, the GM gains +7 Allotment per Deathwatch reinforcement model Deployed. These Allotment are added to the GM's Adversarial Reserves.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
If players manage to extract any tidbits of information from any Terminals they may sell each tidbit to any Faction for D3 Esteem.

Relics for this Mission
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Special Rules

15 / 04 / * / Dagger of Brilliance / This Weapon has the same profile as an Astartes Knife, but it also has the Masterwork and Sanctified Traits. Once per Mission, this Relic may be used at the start of any Phase to negate the Daemon Save every model within 6" of the bearer might have, until the start of the same Phase it was activated on in the next Battleround.

30 / 08 / * / Mark of the Faithful / This Honorific grants its bearer a once per Mission special ability to turn any one die roll into a 6 or a 1, for themselves, an ally in Cohesion Range, or an Adversary model within 6".

*These items' weight is negligible.

Masterwork: weapons with this Trait allow their bearer to re-roll one failed hit roll every Battleround.
Sanctified: These items have been blessed by the Ecclesiarchy. Weapons with this Trait add +1 Strength versus Adversaries with the <Daemonic> or <Daemon Engine> keyword.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/08 23:31:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Papa Nurgle has infected the Ship's Dead and driven them like cattle into the path of the Deathwatch. Now the Mission Leader must either counter this threat head on or split his party in the hopes he can tackle both Missions at the same time. The players start with 1 Squad, but must decide to either treat this Mission as Linked with the next Mission or to split their forces and treat this Mission as a Tandem Mission with their original. This Mission acts similar to a Linked Mission, in that the GM can force players that have committed to fighting a different Mission to play this Mission first.

CH4: The Driving Sickness: Routine

Briefing Phase: What is that noise? Is it flies? Is it groaning? No! It's hordes of zombies, spilling out of the walls and ducts! Quick, Brother, decide! Do we stand and fight? Or do we split our forces and try to hold off the tides while the rest of you complete the original Mission? Hurry, time is running out!

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch. However, this may be considered a Side Quest for all Ordo Malleus Factions present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
Hordes and hordes of the living death. Zombies and Poxes and Daemons, oh my!.
All the zombies you can muster, everything from the Ship Dead list, <Cultists>, Poxwalkers, and <Nurgle> <Daemon> <Beast> or <Infantry>.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Hold them Back:
the enemy is attempting to overrun your position. For every Battleround that passes where no Adversary models are within 7" of the Deathwatch table edge, all Deathwatch allied models Deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown and +1 XP, & the Mission Leader, wherever he is, also gains +1 Renown.

Kills of Opportunity:
for every Adversary model that begins the game with 6 or more Wounds that is removed as a casualty, all Deathwatch models Deployed on this Mission gain +D3 Renown.

Obliterate the Horde: for every 30 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, all Deathwatch allied models Deployed on this Mission gain +D3 XP.

The table should be set up with a wide open space in the middle, surrounded by elevated positions, corridors, and rooms opening on to it. The elevated positions must have stairs or ladders to access their upoer levels.

The GM's forces set up first, on one short side of the table up to 14" from the edge. The Deathwatch forces set up next, anywhere up to 7" from the opposite table edge. GM models that do not fit are added to the GM's Adversarial Reserves. These Reserves become available starting on the second Battleround. When Reserves become available they take their first Movement Phase from anywhere along the GM's table edge.

The GM takes the first Turn, unless the player that controls the Mission Leader model either rolls a 6 on a D6 roll or, if they have it, expends one of their Ratings from their Tactics Skill for this Mission and the next (this isn't 2 Ratings, this is 1 that carries over and doesn't automatically replenish at the start of the next Mission; but it does replenish during the Briefing Phase of the Mission after that).

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
Insertion time for this Mission is 1 hour, but there is no Extraction time. If this game lasts 7 Battlerounds or less, add 1 hour to this time. If this game lasts 8-14 Battlerounds, add D3 hours to this time. If it lasts 15 Battlerounds or more, it adds D3+1 hours. 2-5 hours

This game ends when either all Deathwatch allied models are reduced to 0 Wounds or all Adversary models are removed as casualties.

This Mission has no Extraction time and negates the Insertion time for the next Mission, if it is played as a Linked Mission.

If this Mission is played as a Tandem Mission, it does add an hour for Extraction, but players only count the longest time of both Missions. If this Mission lasts 5 hours and the original Mission lasts 3 hours, then both Missions together count as lasting 5 hours.

Special Rules
Splitting the Squad

As aluded to in the above descriptions, the player that controls the Mission Leader may opt to split their Squad into 2 parties. If they do, any number of models from the squad may be assigned to either Mission, with a minimum of 1 for each.

For example, if the Squad consisted of 2 Tactical Marines, 2 Devastator Marines, a Primaris Techmarine, an Apothecary, and an Agressor, the Mission Leader may assign the 2 Devastators and the Agressor to this Mission, leaving the 2 Tacticals, the Primaris Techmarine, and the Apothecary to complete the original Mission. Or any other combination of model assignments they prefer.

Any Renown or XP bonuses the Mission Leader might gain from Objectives in either Mission are applied, regardless of which Tandem Mission the Mission Leader model is assigned to.

Not splitting the Squad means this Mission counts as Linked with the original and must be played first, negating Extraction time for this Mission and Insertion time for the next Mission.

Technology on the Table
If players want, they may place up to D3 Terminals anywhere on the table, at least 7" from any board edge and 7" from any other Terminal. Roll to randomly determine each one's Power Level.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: according to the parameters laid out in the Battlefield section above.

- Extraction Options: Defensible Position

Arming Phase: players will have already spent their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the Mission that follows this, so now they must either balance surviving this Mission while still preserving enough munitions to accomplish next Mission, too or splitting their Squad up to try to accomplish both tasks with less models, but maybe more munitions.

Play the Game: and have fun.

Debriefing Phase: record Xp, Renown, Esteem, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

The GM starts with 49 Allotment that may only be spent on <Infantry> models. At the start of Battlerounds 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, the GM generates D3x7 Allotment per Deathwatch model with at least 1 Wound remaining on the battlefield. This Allotment is added to the GM's Adversarial Reserves.

Only models with the <Infantry>, <Beast>, <Daemon>, <Nurgle>, <Ship Dead>, or <Cultist> keywords may be used by the GM for this Mission.

Adversarial Objectives
The GM's forces actually have their own Objectives this game.

Overwhelm the Enemy: for every full 7 Adversary models that end the Battleround within 7" of the Deathwatch board edge, the GM gains +1 CP this Mission that may be used on any Stratagem from the Book of Rot section of the Chaos Daemons Codex or the Deathguard Codex.

Spread the Sickness: for every 7 unsaved Wounds inflicted by any model's Contagion ability on any other model, the GM gains +1 to their Allotment bonus next Battleround.

Push Through: any time an Adversary model starts or ends their Movement Phase within 1" of the Deathwatch Deployment edge, they may be removed from the table by the GM. They are not counted as destroyed for the purposes of Deathwatch Objectives. Each model so removed adds +1 Allotment to the next Mission. Any bonus Allotment gained this way must be spent on models with the <Nurgle>, <Ship Dead>, or <Daemon> keywords.

Terminal Data for this Mission:
If players manage to extract any tidbits of information from any Terminals they may sell each tidbit to any Faction for D3 Esteem.

Relics for this Mission
Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Relic / Special Rules

10 / 01 / * / Icon of Toil / This Honorific grants its bearer a once per Mission special ability to negate any Capacity modifiers to its Movement for 1 Battleround.

10 / 01 / * / Baton of Leadership / This stick grants its bearer a once per Mission special ability to refund a Rating spent on the Intimidate, Command, or Tactics Skill on the D6 roll of a 4+.

*These items' weight is negligible.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/11 06:10:51

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

CH5: Cleanse and Burn: Optional Exploration

The Intolerance's long range sensorium has detected a concentration of warp-tainted heat, relatively unguarded in the depths of the Clawhammer. The Deathwatch can take advantage of this and try to incinerate pockets of contagion relatively free from retaliation. Players may send 1 squad or models from different squads totalling no more than 5.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but is also considered a Side Quest for all Ordo Malleus Factions present in the narrative.

"We have detected a nest of sickness throbbing in the darkness. Go into the depths and burn it out."

Primary Objective
Primary Objective:
Burn Out the Infection: for every full 7 shots expended from weapons with the word "flame" in their name or for every 2 Promethium Blast Bombs used, all models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown and +1 XP.

Mission Length
1 hour Insertion, 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour for every 7 shots of flamer ammunition expended. 3 or more hours

Special Rules
Ready to Burn

Every model deployed on this Mission is required to spend their maximum Renown on Hand Flamers, Flamers, Combi-Flamers, or Heavy Flamers, Promethium Blast Bombs, and Promethium Tank or Sanctified Promethium reloads for those weapons. For every Blast Bomb or 7 total ammunition spent for these weapons, all future Missions featuring <Nurgle Adversaries> suffer -1 Allotment. Sanctified Promethium counts each shot as 2 for this purpose and the purpose of the Primary Objective.

-Record XP, Esteem, and Renown

Players will gain Renown and XP on this Exploration Mission. Keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/12 21:54:05

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

After watching a few play throughs of GW's Into the Gallowdark, I'm starting to strongly guess the vast majority of views I get on this campaign are GW employees just lifting my ideas. Eh, whatteryagonna do?

To whet your appetites (and to send GW my writing samples), here's what I'm currently in the process of writing now, in no particular order:

M36 Murder Class: Desolation's Wake
Hull: Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment:~65,000
Circumstance of Drift: Gellar Collapse
Current Condition of Crew: Frenzied and Kill-crazed
Probable Disposition: World Eater remnants, Jackals, cultists, daemons

M37 Corrupted Rogue Trader: Princess of Excess
Hull: Light Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment:~16,000
Circumstance of Drift: Unknown
Current Condition of Crew: enthralled
Probable Disposition: cultists, Slaaneshi daemons

M31 Martian Forge: Unyielding Theorem
Hull: Battleship
Original Crew Compliment: ~750,000
Circumstance of Drift: extensive battle damage suffered at the hands of an unknown assailant
Current Condition of Crew: mostly dead or in stassis
Probable Disposition: Genestealers, possibly ancient machines

M32 Martian Mandate: Quadratic Logii
Hull: ArkCruiser fragment
Original Crew Compliment: unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Warp Implosion
Current Condition of Crew: Isolated or Warped
Probable Disposition: Adeptus Mechanicus, Dark Mechanicum, Mutants, Daemons, Servitors, Ship Dead

Unknown Eldar Vessel: Ashen Wraith
Hull: Light Cruiser Equivalent
Original Crew Compliment:Unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Apparent Battle Damage
Current Condition of Crew: Unknown
Probable Disposition: Aeldari Corsairs, wraith constructs

Adversarial Faction: Gulgloptor Glulth

Adversarial Faction: Iajulga'Prek

Allied Faction: Brother Decimus Sulla

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/22 23:43:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Optional Rule: Critical Hits
When a model is reduced to 0 Wounds and must roll on the Injury Chart, they very often will begin accumulating quite a number of Wound Tokens. Accrue enough of these and eventually your model will succumb to their Injuries and perish. These rules are presented as an alternative for players to trade their Wound Tokens for a chance to roll on one or more charts that give a more flavorful description of their injuries.

Rolls on these charts do not inflict additional Wounds or Wound Tokens, no matter how grievous the effect inflicted. However, models that suffer loss of limb or other catastrophic effect, must still deal with the consequences those effects impose.

If a model has or would gain 1 or 2 Wound Tokens, they may exchange 1 of those Tokens for a roll on the D6 Critical Hit Chart. A player that controls a model so affected may exchange each of those Wound Tokens for rolls on this Chart, at a cost of 1 Wound Token per roll.

If a model has or would gain 3 or 4 Wound Tokens, they must exchange at least 3 of those Tokens for a roll on the 2D6 Critical Hit Chart, if they wish to use these Charts. A player that controls a model gaining 4 Tokens may then exchange their 1 remaining Wound Token for a roll on the D6 Chart or accept their 1 Token gain.

If a model has or would gain 5 or more Wound Tokens, they must exchange at least 5 of those Tokens for a roll on the 3D6 Critical Hit Chart, if they wish to use these Charts. A player that controls a model gaining 6 Tokens or more may then exchange any remaining Wound Tokens for a roll on the 2D6 Chart or accept their remaining Token gain.

If you roll the same Critical the model is currently suffering from - a Prone model is Knocked down again - increase the numerical penalties imposed by the roll by 1. Effects without numerical penalties may impose a +1 Turn duration or you can apply the next highest result instead.

D6 Critical Hit Chart
D6 Roll: Effect

1: Knockdown: this model is knocked to the ground and must spend 3" its Movement to stand back up. A model so effected may instead stay Prone, reducing its Movement by 3" until it stands back up. Prone models impose a -1 to enemy Shooting hit rolls and suffer -1 to hit and Wound enemy models in the Fight Phase.

2: Jarring Hit: this model begins its next Turn Shaken.

3: Personal Vox Short: until the end of this model's next Turn, reduce its Cohesion Range multiplier by 1". If this model has Cohesion2 their Range becomes 10" instead of 12".

4: Pinned Down: this model begins its next Turn Pinned.

5: Autosensorium Short: until the end of this model's next Turn, its Visual Range is reduced by 3". All ranged attacks suffer -3" range and they can only see up to 5" in total darkness (instead of 8" normally).

6+: Auxilliary System Failure: any Socketed item, such as a Relic, a Mechadendrite, or an item of Wargear from an Esteem list, stops working for the remainder of the Mission. An allied model with the Tech Skill that spends 1 complete Battleround in base to base contact with this model and does not Shoot or Fight, may repair this damage on the D6 roll of a 2+. Using Tech in this way does not expend a Rating.

2D6 Critical Hit Chart
2D6 Roll: Effect

2: Personal Vox Short: until the end of this model's next Turn, reduce its Cohesion Range multiplier by 1". If this model has Cohesion2 their Range becomes 10" instead of 12".

3: Pinned Down: this model begins its next Turn Pinned.

4: Autosensorium Short: until the end of this model's next Turn, its Visual Range is reduced by 3". All ranged attacks suffer -3" range and they can only see up to 5" in total darkness.

5: Auxilliary System Failure: any Socketed item, such as a Relic, a Mechadendrite, or an item of Wargear from an Esteem list, stops working for the remainder of the Mission. An allied model with the Tech Skill that spends 1 complete Battleround in base to base contact with this model and does not Shoot or Fight, may repair this damage on the D6 roll of a 2+. Using Tech in this way does not expend a Rating.

6: Armor Puncture: this model loses all bonuses to Toughness for resisting gas, toxins, radiation, and poisons, and is no longer immune to the effects of vaccuum. This Critical may be repaired with 1 application of Armor Patch

7: Targetting Relay Failure: multiple models that this model Shoots at must be 1" closer to the original target (1" or less away by default).

8: Power Surge: this model cannot Move, Advance, or Charge until the end of its next Battleround.

9: Ceramite Breach: reduce this model's Armor Save by 1 until the end of the Mission. This damage may be repaired with 1 application of Armor Patch.

10: Locator Beacon Damaged: if this model becomes a casualty and the Teleportarium would normally transport them back to the Intolerance automatically, instead place this model on its side and have the their controlling player roll a D6 the end of each Battleround. This model is only Teleported away on the roll of a 4+. Treat an unTeleported model as a Dead Marine Objective Marker until removed. If this model is still on the battlefield at the end of the Mission, it automatically Teleports away.

11: Power Pack Puncture: add +1 to all future rolls on Critical Hit Charts for the remainder of this Mission.

12+: Severed Hand*: randomly determine which hand is destroyed. Any Pistol or one handed Melee Weapon currently in that hand is also destroyed. This model suffers -1 Attack (to a minimum of 0), and -1 to hit with Long Arm and Heavy Weapons until the end of the Mission. This model must sit out the next Mission while his hand gets fitted and replaced with a cybernetic version.

3D6 Critical Hit Chart
3D6 Roll: Effect

3: Pinned Down: this model begins its next Turn Pinned.

4: Auxilliary System Failure: any Socketed item, such as a Relic, a Mechadendrite, or an item of Wargear from an Esteem list, stops working for the remainder of the Mission. An allied model with the Tech Skill that spends 1 complete Battleround in base to base contact with this model and does not Shoot or Fight, may repair this damage on the D6 roll of a 3+. Using Tech in this way does not expend a Rating.

5: Vox Damage: until the end of Mission, this model reduces its Cohesion Range multiplier by 3". If this model has Cohesion3 their Range becomes 9" instead of 18".

6: Smashed Nerve Cluster: this model loses the use of 1 randomly determined arm until the end of their next Battleround. Wargear and one handed Weapons equipped in that associated hand are dropped. This model suffers -1 Attack (to a minimum of 0), and -1 to hit with Long Arm and Heavy Weapons until this effect expires.

7: Armor Puncture: this model loses all bonuses to Toughness for resisting gas, toxins, radiation, and poisons, and is no longer immune to the effects of vaccuum. This Critical may be repaired with 2 applications of Armor Patch

8: Ceramite Breach: reduce this model's Armor Save by 1 until the end of the Mission. This damage may be repaired with 2 applications of Armor Patch.

9: Total Short Circuit: this model cannot Advance or Charge until the end of the Mission. An allied model with the Tech Skill that spends 1 complete Battleround in base to base contact with this model and does not Shoot or Fight, may repair this damage on the D6 roll of a 4+. Using Tech in this way does not expend a Rating.

10: Targetting Malfunction: this model cannot use Burst or Autofire Mode unless they did not Move, Advance, or Charge on their previous Turn. This damage lasts until the end of the Mission unless an allied model with the Tech Skill spends 1 complete Battleround in base to base contact with this model and does not Shoot or Fight. They may then repair this damage on the D6 roll of a 4+. Using Tech in this way does not expend a Rating.

11: Locator Beacon Damaged: if this model becomes a casualty and the Teleportarium would normally transport them back to the Intolerance automatically, instead place this model on its side and have the their controlling player roll a D6 the end of each Battleround. This model is only Teleported away on the roll of a 5+. Treat an unTeleported model as a Dead Marine Objective Marker until removed. If this model is still on the battlefield at the end of the Mission, it automatically Teleports away.

12: Short Range Vox Destroyed: reduce this model's Cohesion Range multiplier by 6" and their Leadership stat by -3. Regardless of this model's actual Cohesion, it is treated as Cohesion0 until the end of the Mission. An allied model with the Tech Skill that spends 1 complete Battleround in base to base contact with this model and does not Shoot or Fight, may repair this damage on the D6 roll of a 5+. Using Tech in this way does not expend a Rating. Success indicates a restoration of both Cohesion and Leadership.

13: Reactor Breach: until the end of the Mission, this model gains the Irradiated Trait and a 6" Radiation Aura with the following profile: Strength 2 AP- Damage 1. Models, friend or foe, that start or end their Movement within 6" of this model, including the model itself, suffer a single hit. An allied model with the Tech Skill that spends 1 complete Battleround in base to base contact with this model and does not Shoot or Fight, may repair this damage on the D6 roll of a 6+. Using Tech in this way does not expend a Rating.

14: Severed Hand*: randomly determine which hand is destroyed. Any Pistol or one handed Melee Weapon currently in that hand is also destroyed. This model suffers -1 Attack (to a minimum of 0), and -1 to hit with Long Arm and Heavy Weapons until the end of the Mission. This model must sit out the next Mission while his hand gets fitted and replaced with a cybernetic version.

15: Severed Arm*: randomly determine which arm is destroyed. Any Pistol or one handed Melee Weapon currently in that associated hand is also destroyed. This model suffers -1 Attack (to a minimum of 0), -1 to hit with Long Arm and Heavy Weapons, and -1 to their Armor Saves until the end of the Mission. This model must sit out the next Mission while his arm gets fitted and replaced with a cybernetic version.

16: Severed Foot*: randomly determine which foot is destroyed. This model suffers -2" to its Movement and cannot Advance or Charge for the remainder of the Mission. This model must sit out the next Mission while his foot gets fitted and replaced with a cybernetic version.

17: Severed Leg*: randomly determine which leg is destroyed. This model's Movement is reduced to 2". It cannot Advance or Charge, and it suffers a -1 to their Armor Saves until the end of the Mission. This model must sit out the next Mission while his leg gets fitted and replaced with a cybernetic version.

18+: Double Amputation*: roll a D3 to determine what is lost.
1= both arms: the loss of both arms reduces this model's Attacks to 1 (which must be "The Marine's own Fists"...his foot, actually). Any Weapons or Wargear held at the time is also destroyed. This model also suffers a -2 to their Armor Saves until the end of the Mission.
2= both legs: the loss of both legs reduces this model's Move to D3-1". They cannot Advance or Charge and suffer -1 to hit and Wound enemies in the Fight Phase. This model also suffers a -2 to their Armor Saves until the end of the Mission. An allied model may drag/carry this model up to 3" per Turn or up to their full Movement if the dragging/carrying model does nothing else this Turn.
3= one randomly determined arm and one randomly determined leg: the loss of both a leg and an arm incurs a reduction in Movement to 2" a Turn, -1 Attack, -2 to Armor Saves, -1 to hit with Long Arm and Heavy Weapons, and the inability to Advance or Charge until the end of the Mission. Anything carried in the associated hand is also destroyed. If a model suffers this Critical twice in the same Mission, its remaining limbs are destroyed and it cannot Move, Advance, Charge, Fight, or Shoot. It can only Move if it is carried by another model. It can only use Skills that do not require hands (such as the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Psychic Sense, or some Intimidate Skill Effects). It may still use Psychic Powers.

Models that survive a Mission after getting 2 limbs blown off must sit out the next Mission while they are fitted for cybernetic replacements. Models that survive a Mission after getting all of their limbs blown off must sit out the next 2 Missions while they are fitted for cybernetic replacements.

Models that suffer full leg, arm, or both amputations gain the Cyborg Talent for free.

*Models that suffer traumatic amputations of any kind during a Mission gain +1XP per amputated body part, if they survive the Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/26 04:42:51

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

M36 Murder Class: Desolation's Wake
Hull: Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment:~65,000
Circumstance of Drift: Recent Gellar Collapse
Current Condition of Crew: Frenzied and Kill-crazed
Probable Disposition: World Eater remnants, Jakhals, cultists, daemons


Ship's Story: the Desolation's Wake once served as a loyalist vessel before coming under the sway and influence of the god of murder. It's name and its record are lost to time, as generations of blood-thirsty barbarians have degenerated in its holds for millennia. In fact it is likely this degeneration of the crew that caused the eventual collapse of the ship's Gellar Fields, plunging it into the chaotic state it currently finds itself in. Most of the ship's population are dead and their glistening remains decorate the ship like gruesome tapestries. Only the strongest have survived this catastrophe and they huddle in the depths, whipping themselves into a frenzy in preparation for the slaughter that is yet to come.

Ship Lore
If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Forbidden Knowledge, Command, or Tech Skill*, they may use it to glean any of the following tidbits of information:

Manufacture (Tech): a classic Imperial cruiser, Desolation's Wake is a captured ship of the line that was retrofitted for high orbit planetary assault. As such, a significant number of its plasma batteries have been removed and exchanged for Dreadclaw launch tubes. It is likely that, even now, perhaps hundreds of years since the vessel's initial warp drift, its hold may be crawling with daemon-infected machine spirits and blood thirsty engines of war. Armed with this knowledge, models that participate in Missions on board this ship earn double Renown when they remove enemies with the <Daemonic Engine> keyword as casualties.

Crew (Command): the crew of this vessel were, at their origins, trained and dedicated fighting personnel. They knew their way around weapons, were possible veterans of boarding actions, and we were familiar with Imperial standards of discipline. It is likely that only the strongest have survived until now. Knowing this, Deathwatch models assigned to Missions onboard this vessel earn +1 XP at the end of any game that features Jackals as Adversaries.

Enemy Disposition (Forbidden Knowledge): knowing the ferocity of the enemy means their rage can be baited. While this doesn't necessarily make them easier to destroy, it may provide a few seconds of precious time to complete a Mission Objective despite being outnumbered or otherwise outmaneuvered. Using this, a player with the Forbidden Knowledge or Tactics Skill may expend 1 Rating of their Skill at the start of any Mission featuring Adversaries with the <World Eaters> keyword, to place an Objective Marker anywhere on the revealed terrain. If the Deathwatch Move at least one allied model to within 3" of this Marker that model gains +1 XP when they reach it and +1 Renown every Battleround they remain there. Once the Deathwatch model has claimed this Objective Marker, all Adversary models with the <World Eaters> keyword that can draw line of sight to that model must Move towards it, Charging if able. <World Eaters> continue to do so until they either cannot draw line of sight or there isn't a Deathwatch model within 3" of the Marker.

*GMs, prompt your players with this skill so that they know they have the option to use it.

Missions that take place partially or wholly inside the chambers of this vessel are subject to the Wrath of Khorne Events Table. Roll a D6 at the start of each Battleround, adding +1 for every Blood Tithe* point earned by the Adversary forces (if the GM is using <World Eaters> or any models from their Codex, the rules for earning these are detailed in that book). Apply the results as rolled.

*Using Blood Tithe points for this does not diminish them.

D6 roll: Wrath of Khorne
1: Temporarily Sated: a deathly quiet falls over the battlefield. No special environmental rules apply.

2: Rain of Blood: torrents of gore begin spilling from vents and raining through holes in the upper decks, showering the battlefield in slippery red. Any Model wishing to Move, Advance, or Charge must subtract 2" from the distance they may travel to account for the difficulty of moving without slipping. Visual distances are reduced to 12", models cannot Shoot or Charge enemies beyond this distance.

3: Red Angel's Favor: all models with the Mark of Khorne gain +1 Attack until the end of the Battleround and +1 Strength if they Charged or were Charged this Battleround.

4: Trophy Takers: Adversary models that remove models as casualties this Battleround gain +1 Attack for the remainder of the Mission and count unmodified hit rolls of 6 in the Fight Phase as 1 additional hit. Deathwatch allied models that remove models as casualties this Battleround gain +1 Corruption unless they can pass a Strength test.

5: Warp Manifestation: Pillars of Blood: the GM and player(s) take turns placing 2D3+2 Pillars of Blood Markers anywhere on the tabletop at least 2" from any model. At the start of each Turn, these pillars move 8" in a random direction, stopping if they come in contact with a terrain feature or model. If they touch a model and that model has the Mark of Khorne, the Pillar of Blood Marker is removed from play and the model it touched gains the ability to regenerate or gain +1 Wound at the start of each of its Command Phases until the end of the Mission. This ability can even resurrect dead models, unless they've taken Damage equal to their total Wounds on their previous Turn.

If one of these Pillar of Blood Markers touches any other model, the Pillar of Blood Marker is removed from play and the model it touched suffers D6+2 Strength 4 AP- Damage 1 hits. If the model survives they gain +D3 Renown and +1 Corruption.

Otherwise, these Pillar of Blood Markers remain in play, randomly moving each Battleround until removed or the Mission ends, whichever comes first.

6: Warp Manifestation: Butcher's Frenzy: all models currently on the battlefield double the number of their Attacks on their profile until the end of the Mission. Deathwatch allied models may attempt to resist this effect by passing a Strength test. Those Deathwatch allied models that pass this test gain +1 Renown. Those that fail gain +1 XP and only +1 Attack. Those Deathwatch allied models that chose not to try to resist gain an additional +1 Corruption and lose D3 Renown.

7: Warp Manifestation: Visions of Death: models with the Mark of Khorne are not affected by this Manifestation. All other models suffer -3 to their Leadership until the end of the Mission and must pass a Strength at the start of each of their Movement Phases. If they pass this test they may act as normal. If they fail this test, they must Move away from any visible enemy models, Falling Back out of Engagement range if they are otherwise locked in combat. Models with any Talent that grants immunity to Fear or Terror are immune to this effect. Each time a Deathwatch model fails this test, they lose D3 Renown.

8+: Warp Manifestation: Blood Gate: the GM places a Marker within 8" of the place where the most Wounds were lost last Battleround. This Marker counts as a Warp Gate and generates 8 Allotment at the start of every Battleround that can only be spent on <Khorne><Daemon> or Daemonic Engine> models or banked for bigger Adversaries. When these Adversaries become available to deploy, they do so within 8" of this Gate and at least 8" away from enemy models.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines: The Desolation's Wake is essentially a decrepit, gore-washed, and poorly maintained military vessel. Its interiors are crumbling like that of a Spacehulk. Rivers of blood and rust-stained effluvient pour through its decks. Any terrain you've been using for the [++Redacted++] can be used for this ship, too. Perhaps just the addition of some scattered skulls and a red river will suffice. Alternatively you can use any Khorne-themed terrain you may have at your disposal.

Available Missions
DWa: Echoes in the Deep: Optional Exploration

Unlockable Missions
DW1: Scatter the Trophies: Routine
DW2: Blasphemous Convocation: Routine
DW3: The Gates of A'Dragoth: Routine
DW4: The Blood Cage: Routine
DW5: The Skin Vault: Routine
DW6: Blood Dam: Routine
DW7: Decapitator's Crown: Routine
DW8: Onslaught: Routine

Treasure Tables for Exploration
Treasure Chests onboard the Desolation's Wake are likely to be filled with ancient Imperial munitions, personal effects, tools, and spare parts. Any time a model might find themselves in proximity to one such box and the player wants to search it, have them roll a D6 and consult the following table.

Treasures Chests
D6 roll: Treasure

1: Moldering Clothes and Other Useless Garbage: the player's model gains +1XP.

2: Random Machine Parts: the player's model may take on 01 Weight of stuff worth +D3 Esteem to any Admech Faction.

3: Random Machine Parts: the player's model may take on up to 03 Weight of stuff worth +D3+1 Esteem to any Admech Faction for every 01 Weight worth of it.

4: Semi-Intact Machining Tool Set: the player's model may take on 01 Weight for a Relic Tool Set. This Relic may be used once per Mission to add +1 to the user's Tech Skill. If the model that found this Relic survives until the end of the Mission, they may add it to their Personal Load Out for free or hand it over to the Watch Captains for +2D3 Renown. Alternatively, this Relic may be traded to any Admech Faction for +D3x5 Esteem.

If traded to the Watch Captains it becomes an available Relic with a Threshold equal to half the player's model's current Renown (rounding down) and a Cost of 03. The Tools weigh 01 Capacity.

5: Stasis-sealed Armaments: D3 Boarding Shotguns with 16 Scatter Shells each, 2D6 Concussion Grenades, and D3 STC Flamers with 2 Prometheum Canisters each. The Shotguns weigh 01 each and the STC Flamers weigh 02 each. The grenades and reloads follow the normal Capacity rules.

Item / Threshold / Cost / Range / Strength / AP / Damage / RoF / Magazine / Weight / Rules
Boarding Shotgun / 00 / 01 / 15" / 3 / - / 1 / 1|2|- / 8 / 01 / this weapon takes 1 full Phase to reload; this weapon automatically hits if it is fired at targets wholly within 6" of the shooter.
STC Flamer / 00 / 04 / 8" / 3 / - / 1 / D6|2D3|- / 6 / 02 / this weapon automatically hits its targets if they are within range; this weapon ignores the bonus to armor saves normally afforded by cover. Ablaze.

Players can choose to permanently add 1 of each of these Weapons to their model's Personal Loadouts for free and/or trade any surplus Weapons to the Watch Captains for +D2 Renown each.

6: Data Archives and/or Imperial Artefacts: the player's model may take on 01 Weight for stuff worth +D6 Esteem with any Inquisitorial, Naval, or Imperial Faction.

Treasures from the Depths
Roll a D6 for every model assigned to an Exploration Mission onboard the Desolation's Wake and consult the following table to see what that model returns with.

D6 Roll: Treasure
1: Haunting Visions: this model gains +1 XP. In addition, this model must pass a Strength test at the end of every Mission onboard the Desolation's Wake it is assigned to. If it passes it gains an additional +1 XP. If it fails, it instead gains +1 Corruption.

2: Random Machine Parts: the player's model gains machine parts worth +D3+1 Esteem to any Admech Faction.

3: Random Machine Parts: the player's model gains machine parts worth +3D3 Esteem to any Admech Faction.

4: Data Archives and/or Imperial Artefacts: the player's model gains stuff worth +2D6 Esteem with any Inquisitorial, Naval, or Imperial Faction.

5: Cogitation Cores: the player's model gains stuff worth +2D6+2 Esteem with any Faction. In addition, if the model that rolled this result has the Tech Skill, it also gains +D3+1 XP.

6: An Enemy Stassis Pod: the player's model that finds this may either roll their Forbidden Knowledge Skill to gain +2D6 XP as they study the enemy's vitals and history or kill the imprisoned Advesary to gain +2D6 Renown and reduce all future GM Allotments by 1.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/02/28 18:47:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I added a bunch of new Talents to the Survival and Morale trees including Courageous, Dauntless, Deathless Will, Fearless, and Indomitable...and then immediately edited them to keep things consistent. I also added Indefatigable and modified Indomitable.

I wrote up an Allotment 2.0 and tacked into the Allotment section on page 1 of this blog. It's an optional revision in the same way CTV was, but I think it grants more flexibility to the GM.

Edited to add: I adjusted the new Allotment 2.0 rules to stop GMs from fielding hordes of capable infantry for cheap, by changing the Fodder criteria to Toughness 2 or less and the Minion minimum Toughness to 3.

Player Briefing
This wreck appears quiet on the surface, but deep Augur scans reveal multitudes in its depths. Take a team onto the vessel and try to discern the nature of this gathering. See if there is anything of use or that demands our attention. Be careful not to draw attention to yourself. If this vessel is to erupt, let us control the tempo of that, if we can. Players may send 1 Squad on this Mission or models from any number of Squads up to 10, but a minimum of 6.

DWa: Echoes in the Deep: Optional Exploration

Briefing: This wreck is too quiet for our tastes; not with so many energy and lifeform signatures detected deep within its holds. Go forth into the filthy, blood-soaked peripheries and uncover what you can. Let us be prepared if an onslaught is yet to come.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Primary and TertiaryObjectives
Uncover the mysteries of the Desoltion's Wake
: For each Deathwatch model assigned to this Mission, roll a D6. Each unique number rolled corresponds to one of the first six Unlockable Missions for this Vessel. The number rolled is the Mission number Unlocked. If more than 1 model rolls the same number, then each model who rolled it gains +1 Renown. Only Mission numbers rolled are Unlocked. If any Mission number has not been rolled, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may opt to spend an additional D3 hours and for each model beyond the first that rolled a duplicate number on the first try, they may roll an additional D6. If duplicates are rolled this time, either for Missions already Unlocked or for Missions newly Unlocked, then each model that rolled the same numbers gain +1 XP. Note that only Missions DW1: Scatter the Trophies, DW2: Blasphemous Convocation, DW3: The Gates of A'Dragoth, DW4: The Blood Cage, DW5: The Skin Vault, and DW6: Blood Dam may be Unlocked by these rolls. Any model that Unlocks a unique Mission counts as personally completing this Objective. Models should roll one at a time.

Come Back with Anything Useful: any model that rolls 2+ on the Treasures From the Depths table counts as personally completing this Objective.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader. If multiple models from different squads are sent, players decide amongst themselves which one will be the Mission Leader.

Mission Length
D3 hours total plus up to D3 hours more. 1-6 hours

After-game debrief
Record the XP, Renown, and Esteem gains each model garners from the Mission. Then record any upgrades, Talents, and/or Skills players purchase for their models.

GM's Section:

Consequences of Skipping this Mission
GMs, imply to your players that the drums, chanting, and other noises they can hear echoing up from the depths of this wreck are building towards something. Imply a growing sense of dread.

Regardless of whether player(s) take on this optional Mission or not, each of the first 6 Unlockable Missions are building towards something. Each of the first 6 Missions will unleash a consequence on the Campaign in time. Mission DW1: Scatter the Trophies's consequence goes off 8 hours after the Desolation's Wake arrives, unless player(s) have already completed that Mission successfully. 4 hours after that, Mission DW2: Blasphemous Convocation's consequence unleashes. 4 hours later, Mission DW3: The Gates of A'Dragoth and so on, at each 4 hour mark until all consequences from DW1: Scatter the Trophies through DW6: Blood Dam have unleashed or the Deathwatch have completed those Missions successfully. Successfully completed Missions do not unleash their consequences and buy the player(s) a short window of reprieve.

After all Mission consequences have been unleashed or completed successfully by the Deathwatch, Mission DW8: Onslaught kicks off, interrupting the flow of game play and Missions.

Mission DW7: Decapitator's Crown can only be Unlocked by first completing Missions DW3: The Gates of A'Dragoth and DW5: The Skin Vault successfully.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/02 07:00:32

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This is perhaps the most straightforward of Missions. Enter the battle space, locate the Trophy piles, and desecrate them. Go in, get the job done, and get out before you are overwhelmed by the defenders. This should be easy. Players may send as many Squads as they like, but 1 is recommended.

DW1: Scatter the Trophies: Routine

Briefing Phase: Stacks of skulls, brown and black with caked blood, stand monument to the depredations of Khorne. Purge them with flame, smash them beneath thy boots, root out the evil that they respresent. Go with Faith, Brothers; go with holy zeal.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
If we are swift, there will be little to contend with. However, the longer we linger, the more fanatics we will attract.
Chaos Cultists, Ship Dead, and/or Genestealer Cult should be all that's encountered in this Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Destroy the Blasphemous Totems:
there will be a number of Objective Markers representing piles of Skulls. Any model that cleanses one of these piles - by burning it (expending 2 Prometheum ammo or 1 Sanctified Prometheum ammo on it in a Shooting Phase), scattering it (performing a Special "Scatter the Trophies" Action on it), or stomping on it (Charging it and spending one Fight Phase kicking it apart) - counts as personally completing this Objective. The model that cleanses the last of these Totems earns an additional +1 Renown

Kill Count:
for every 10 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may give 1 Deathwatch model in their Squad +1 XP.

The board should be set up with a large central chamber flanked by numerous smaller chambers and corridors. It should look like an area where many congregants could gather to place their skulls in piles. Scatter terrain should be sparse, but could be piles of boneless bodies, treasure chests or empty barrels tucked along the walls, effigies made from spare metal scraps.

After terrain has been placed, players and GM should take turns placing 8 Objective Markers - the Piles of Skulls/Blasphemous Totems to be destroyed and scattered - anywhere on the battlefield at least 4" from any table edge and 4" from any other Marker.

The players set up their forces first according to the Mission parameters. The GM sets up their forces on the board edge opposite the players' Deployment Zone, at least 16" from any Deathwatch or Deathwatch-allied models.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, it takes 1 hour. If it lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, it takes 2 hours. If it lasts 11-15 Battlerounds, it lasts D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, it lasts D3+2 hours. Like all Routine Missions, be sure to add 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. 3-7 hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract

Technology on the Table
Unless players have models with Talents that allow them to place Technology on the battlefield, there is nothing significant here.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins play with 8 Allotment, not affected by the Doomclock. At the start of each Battleround, the GM generates 8 Allotment for each Skull pile/Blasphemous Totem remaining. This Allotment may be spent to bring in reinforcements along any board edge, at least 9" away from any Deathwatch allied model, or banked in Adversarial Reserves for a later Turn's deployment.

Allotment: Revised Method
As above.

Terminal Data for this Mission
If there are any Terminals present and players manage to interact with them successfully they will find a surprising amount of relatively unspoiled data. Prompt players for what they want to look at: Ship's Logs, Manifest, Navigational Data, Damage Reports, Anomalous Data, or Augury Scans. Then give them info from the appropriate list. If a player already has a tidbit, move on to the next one on the list.

Ship's Logs
1: 3.100.080.M37: Captain [++redacted++] instated following unexpected expiration of previous command. Command Crew has doubts, duly noted. First assignment is Ejodra, Mining Hub, in the Jodim system, Subsector Quotji. Reports of uprisings. We should make short work of it.

2: 3.404.081.M37: isolated mutinies following Ejodran pacifications. Moving to Betrac to tithe crew replenishments. Ordered to take up regular patrols of the Subsector; preparing routes. Seven inhabited systems and one quarantined, for reasons unknown. There's no blockade, so we will assume it to be safe to view from orbit. It's unscheduled, but the vagaries of the Immaterium will be enough to explain it if anyone asks.

3: 3.880.082.M37: expunged all records pertaining to the unmarked. Best if we just forget it.

4: 8.888.888.M38: we are in command. Shipwide Command Order issued: kill every 8th man. Begin the Cull.

1: 4.880.088.M37: Tennebrea Sector, ship master file records influx of new Imperial Ratings following the Battle of Mytheria; casualty replacements tithed from the Fuedal World of Wickedness and the Hiveworld of Chadrian's Folly. Anomalous count readings put ship's total crew 8,000+ over-staffed.

2: 4.880.408.M37: Threron Subsector, ship master file records taking on supplies including fresh water and food at Cheriosh Station 8 in orbit of Koleept, an automated Agriworld. Food consumption rates verify earlier over-estimates of personnel. Cull initiated by Bridge Command.

3: 4.880.007.M38: Tennebrea Sector, re-arm, retrofit. Plasma Batteries along decks 115 through 200 removed. Magazines cut by half. Ship in drydock for 1,008 days while port and starboard batteries are converted to drop bays. Manifest reports only 88% of crew returns.

4: 8.888.888.M38: Location unknown, drop bays take on unknown classification of Drop Pod, not rated for Imperial personnel. Influx of unknown personnel. Ship's master file shows diversion of power to sustain 88 Stassis Pods. Use unknown, origin unknown. Crew manifest shows thousands of unregistered personnel.

Navigational Data
1: 3.238.087.M37: Quotji Subsector, routine patrols interrupted by Astropathic interception. Bridge Command orders immediate Jump to Subsector Hub System: Madraz, designated Civilized. After 47 days Warp journey, ship emerges in-system. Chronometric synchronization shows 88 days real time travel. Ship remains in high orbit while flotilla assembles, 4 days local time.

2: 4.330.087.M37: ship dispatched to Abrasha Subsector, system Mnem, to patrol as part of larger Task Force - designated Task Force Argentia - minor clashes with seditious intrasystem vessels inconclusive. Patrol lasts 648 days.

3: 4.978.087.M37: ship ordered to interdict Warp Conduit designated Mytheria. Heavy fighting with seditious forces backed by vessels of unknown origin. Augurs protest identification; records expunged by order of Bridge Command.

4: 4.800.088.M37: last recorded Warp Translation through Mytherian Gate. Navigational records corrupted. Destination presumed last ordered location, Tennebrea Sector, along Mytherian Conduit Route.

Damage Reports
1: 4.338.087.M37: records and retrofits prior to this date expunged. Order orgination unknown. Ship sustained minor hull breaches along port side, just below plasma batteries. Estimated crew losses less than 100. Servitors and repair crews dispatched. Repairs estimate 16 standard days. Magazine depleted by 3%.

2: 4.384.087.M37: shields overloaded, hull breach decks 44 through 48, starboard side - suspected impact by enemy vessel. Crew losses estimated at 800, possibly more. Bulkheads sealed off, repair crews dispatched. Power reroute successful. Complete repairs will require drydock. Ship efficiency reduced by 11%. Magazine depleted additional 14%.

3: 4.980.087.M37: port plasma batteries crippled; prow plasma batteries destroyed. Crew loss estimates 8,000+. Possibly more. Repair crews dispatched. Hull breaches on multiple decks. Internal sensorium detects enemy boarding crews. Security teams dispatched. Ship effeciency reduced by 32%. Dry dock repairs necessary to return to full fighting force. Primitive comms established with Prow batteries. Survivors estimated to be less than 10%. Bridge Command determines Prow repairs lowest priority. Magazine less than 30% remaining.

4: 4.088.088.M37: fires in all holds below deck 88. Crew losses estimated at 32,000+. Atmospheric venting along starboard side due to hull breaches. All non-essential decks sealed. Magazine depleted. Bridge Command orders all available power to Gellar Shields and Warp Drive. Effective repairs impossible without dry dock.

Anomalous Data
1: 3.808.082.M37: voices in the vox detected. Heat signatures registered on exterior sensorium. Minor hull breach, Deck 64. All other records expunged, origination Executive Command, clearance Red-Alpha.

2: 4.337.087.M37: Electromagnetic pulse detected at point of enemy vessel impact, briefly. Momentary power loss to non-essential systems has no immediate effect, but fragmentary scrap code detected, isolated, and expunged by ship's security systems.

3: 4.388.087.M37: brief spike in heat signatures near damaged decks. Security crews recalled after error logged by Bridge Command.

4: 4.888.088.M37: internal sensorium on Deck 80 shorts out. No repair crew dispatched due to low priority.

5: 8.888.888.M38: Gellar Field generators 4 and 8 spontaneously overloaded. Repair crews dispatched.

Augury Scans
1: 3.809.082.M37: unauthorized tightbeam scan of planetary body detects defused iron and organic material in everything. Cogitators hypothesize oceans of blood and mountains of bones. Sealed archive. Clearance Cerulean-Delta.

2: 4.344.087.M37: passive scans of Intrasystem ships indicate anomalous energy readings and retrofitted weapon arrays. New configuration noted and added to shipboard database. Transmission to Flotilla Command.

3: 4.981.087.M37: deep internal scans detect numerous enemy boarding teams still active, heavy concentrations near Gellar Field generators. Too many teams to dispatch effectively. Communication with Task Force Argentia Command hampered by traffic; too many voices to single out priorities.

4: 8.884.888.M38: last recorded Augury request. Location indeterminate; Navigator's input suggests Astronomican obscured. Ship is surrounded by vessels of indeterminate nature. Some register as Imperial, although with heavy retrofit. Significant number of new silhouettes recorded, archived. No clear signal to transmit.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
8 hours after the arrival of the Desolation's Wake, if this Mission is not successfully completed by then, then in all future Missions featuring <World Eaters> adversaries, at the start of each Battleround, add +1 Blood Tithe point to the Adversary's total for free.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/10 04:47:30

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Crying bloody promises and whipping themselves into a frenzy, cultists and hardcore Jakhals have gathered around an altar of bone in the shallow decks of the Desolation's Wake. Distracted by their blasphemous chanting, the Deathwatch have the opportunity to cut them down enmasse, with luck slaughtering the lot of them before they have the opportunity to regroup. The Players may send 1 or 2 squads to deal with this Mission.

DW2: Blasphemous Convocation: Routine

Briefing Phase: We have an opportunity to slaughter cultists while their attention is elsewhere drawn. Move into position and unleash all the fury of righteousness. Cut them down where they stand; let them die as they have lived: craven and lost.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
Cultists, of any stripe, are cultists still.
Chaos Cultists and Jakhals should be all that's encountered in this Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Let None Survive:
if there are no <Cultists> models left on the battlefield when the Deathwatch Extract, this Objective can be considered complete.

Kill Count:
for every 8 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may give 1 Deathwatch model in their Squad +1 Renown.

The board should be set up with a large central chamber flanked by numerous smaller chambers and corridors. A single table or pile of bones, no more than 2" wide, long, or tall should be placed in the center of this large chamber. Any scatter terrain placed should be no further than 6" from any board edge.

The GM sets up their forces first, surrounding the table or pile of bones in the middle of the large chamber. All GM models should be facing the center terrain piece and no closer than 12" to any board edge. Then the players set up their forces, anywhere along any board edge, at least 9" from any Adversary models.

The Deathwatch take the first turn, unless the GM can roll a 6 on a single D6, in which case the GM goes first.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, it takes 1 hour. If it lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, it takes 2 hours. If it lasts 11-15 Battlerounds, it lasts D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, it lasts D3+2 hours. Like all Routine Missions, be sure to add 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. 3-7 hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract

Technology on the Table
Unless players have models with Talents that allow them to place Technology on the battlefield, there is nothing significant here.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: according to the Mission parameters detailed in the Battlefield section above.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins play with 88 Allotment, not affected by the Doomclock. At the start of each Battleround, the GM rolls a D6 for each Deathwatch model remaining on the table and adds up the scores. For each full 8 accumulated by these rolls, the GM gains 1 bonus Allotment that may only be spent on <Khorne> <Daemon> models. This Allotment may be spent to bring in reinforcements within 4" of the central altar, at least 9" away from any Deathwatch allied model, or banked in Adversarial Reserves for a later Turn's deployment.

Allotment: Revised Method
As above.

Terminal Data for this Mission
If there are any Terminals present and players manage to interact with them successfully they will find a surprising amount of relatively unspoiled data. Prompt players for what they want to look at: Ship's Logs, Manifest, Navigational Data, Damage Reports, Anomalous Data, or Augury Scans. Then give them info from the appropriate list. If a player already has a tidbit, move on to the next one on the list.

Ship's Logs
1: 3.100.080.M37: Captain [++redacted++] instated following unexpected expiration of previous command. Command Crew has doubts, duly noted. First assignment is Ejodra, Mining Hub, in the Jodim system, Subsector Quotji. Reports of uprisings. We should make short work of it.

2: 3.404.081.M37: isolated mutinies following Ejodran pacifications. Moving to Betrac to tithe crew replenishments. Ordered to take up regular patrols of the Subsector; preparing routes. Seven inhabited systems and one quaratined, for reasons unknown. There's no blockade, so will assume it to be safe to view from orbit. It's unscheduled, but the vagaries of the Immaterium will be enough to explain it if anyone asks.

3: 3.880.082.M37: expunged all records pertaining to the unmarked. Best if we just forget it.

4: 8.888.888.M38: we are in command. Shipwide Command Order issued: kill every 8th man. Begin the Cull.

1: 4.880.088.M37: Tennebrea Sector, ship master file records influx of new Imperial Ratings following the Battle of Mytheria; casualty replacements tithed from the Fuedal World of Wickedness and the Hiveworld of Chadrian's Folly. Anomalous count readings put ship's total crew 8,000+ over-staffed.

2: 4.880.408.M37: Threron Subsector, ship master file records taking on supplies including fresh water and food at Cheriosh Station 8 in orbit of Koleept, an automated Agriworld. Food consumption rates verify earlier over-estimates of personnel. Cull initiated by Bridge Command.

3: 4.880.007.M38: Tennebrea Sector, re-arm, retrofit. Plasma Batteries along decks 115 through 200 removed. Magazines cut by half. Ship in drydock for 1,008 days while port and starboard batteries are converted to drop bays. Manifest reports only 88% of crew returns.

4: 8.888.888.M38: Location unknown, drop bays take on unknown classification of Drop Pod, not rated for Imperial personnel. Influx of unknown personnel. Ship's master file shows diversion of power to sustain 88 Stassis Pods. Use unknown, origin unknown. Crew manifest shows thousands of unregistered personnel.

Navigational Data
1: 3.238.087.M37: Quotji Subsector, routine patrols interrupted by Astropathic interception. Bridge Command orders immediate Jump to Subsector Hub System: Madraz, designated Civilized. After 47 days Warp journey, ship emerges in-system. Chronometric synchronization shows 88 days real time travel. Ship remains in high orbit while flotilla assembles, 4 days local time.

2: 4.330.087.M37: ship dispatched to Abrasha Subsector, system Mnem, to patrol as part of larger Task Force - designated Task Force Argentia - minor clashes with seditious intrasystem vessels inconclusive. Patrol lasts 648 days.

3: 4.978.087.M37: ship ordered to interdict Warp Conduit designated Mytheria. Heavy fighting with seditious forces backed by vessels of unknown origin. Augurs protest identification; records expunged by order of Bridge Command.

4: 4.800.088.M37: last recorded Warp Translation through Mytherian Gate. Navigational records corrupted. Destination presumed last ordered location, Tennebrea Sector, along Mytherian Conduit Route.

Damage Reports
1: 4.338.087.M37: records and retrofits prior to this date expunged. Order orgination unknown. Ship sustained minor hull breaches along port side, just below plasma batteries. Estimated crew losses less than 100. Servitors and repair crews dispatched. Repairs estimate 16 standard days. Magazine depleted by 3%.

2: 4.384.087.M37: shields overloaded, hull breach decks 44 through 48, starboard side - suspected impact by enemy vessel. Crew losses estimated at 800, possibly more. Bulkheads sealed off, repair crews dispatched. Power reroute successful. Complete repairs will require drydock. Ship efficiency reduced by 11%. Magazine depleted additional 14%.

3: 4.980.087.M37: port plasma batteries crippled; prow plasma batteries destroyed. Crew loss estimates 8,000+. Possibly more. Repair crews dispatched. Hull breaches on multiple decks. Internal sensorium detects enemy boarding crews. Security teams dispatched. Ship effeciency reduced by 32%. Dry dock repairs necessary to return to full fighting force. Primitive comms established with Prow batteries. Survivors estimated to be less than 10%. Bridge Command determines Prow repairs lowest priority. Magazine less than 30% remaining.

4: 4.088.088.M37: fires in all holds below deck 88. Crew losses estimated at 32,000+. Atmospheric venting along starboard side due to hull breaches. All non-essential decks sealed. Magazine depleted. Bridge Command orders all available power to Gellar Shields and Warp Drive. Effective repairs impossible without dry dock.

Anomalous Data
1: 3.808.082.M37: voices in the vox detected. Heat signatures registered on exterior sensorium. Minor hull breach, Deck 64. All other records expunged, origination Executive Command, clearance Red-Alpha.

2: 4.337.087.M37: Electromagnetic pulse detected at point of enemy vessel impact, briefly. Momentary power loss to non-essential systems has no immediate effect, but fragmentary scrap code detected, isolated, and expunged by ship's security systems.

3: 4.388.087.M37: brief spike in heat signatures near damaged decks. Security crews recalled after error logged by Bridge Command.

4: 4.888.088.M37: internal sensorium on Deck 80 shorts out. No repair crew dispatched due to low priority.

5: 8.888.888.M38: Gellar Field generators 4 and 8 spontaneously overloaded. Repair crews dispatched.

Augury Scans
1: 3.809.082.M37: unauthorized tightbeam scan of planetary body detects defused iron and organic material in everything. Cogitators hypothesize oceans of blood and mountains of bones. Sealed archive. Clearance Cerulean-Delta.

2: 4.344.087.M37: passive scans of Intrasystem ships indicate anomalous energy readings and retrofitted weapon arrays. New configuration noted and added to shipboard database. Transmission to Flotilla Command.

3: 4.981.087.M37: deep internal scans detect numerous enemy boarding teams still active, heavy concentrations near Gellar Field generators. Too many teams to dispatch effectively. Communication with Task Force Argentia Command hampered by traffic; too many voices to single out priorities.

4: 8.884.888.M38: last recorded Augury request. Location indeterminate; Navigator's input suggests Astronomican obscured. Ship is surrounded by vessels of indeterminate nature. Some register as Imperial, although with heavy retrofit. Significant number of new silhouettes recorded, archived. No clear signal to transmit.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
12 hours after the arrival of the Desolation's Wake, if this Mission is not successfully completed by then, then in all future Missions featuring <World Eaters> adversaries, the GM may field 1 additional <Cultists> or <Jakhal> model for every Allotment spent on them.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/10 05:53:18

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
A series of crackling, bleeding Gates stand wide open to the Warp in a series of chambers carpeted in bodies and bones. The Deathwatch must move to close or destroy these, while fending off the Daemons that step through them and the fanatics charged with their defense. Players may send any number of squads to accomplish this task. Bringing a Psyker and/or a Chaplain or two might make this task easier.

DW3: The Gates of A'Dragoth: Routine

Briefing Phase: We have entered a den of utter corruption and must steel ourselves against the bloodshed of the neverborn. Be swift in your actions, for the very fabric of reality is rent here and it shall gnaw upon your souls if you linger.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Inquisitorial, Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
Daemons and their kin. Cultists, warp spawn, and Heretics.
Primary Adversaries should be <Khorne> <Daemons>, <Jakhals>, and a handful of <Heretic Astartes> or <Workd Eaters> should be encountered on this Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Destroy the Gates:
each of the 7 Support Gates has a Toughness of 4 and 8 Wounds, with an Armor Save of 4+. The Main Gate has a Toughness of 8 and 16 Wounds, with an Armor Save of 3+. Any Deathwatch allied model that removes the last Wound from any Gate earns +1 XP, +D3 Renown, and +1 Corruption.

Kill Count:
for every 8 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may give 1 Deathwatch model in their Squad +1 Renown.

Close the Gates: any Deathwatch allied model with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers can attempt the Psychic Action: Close the Gate if they are within 4" of a Gate at the start of their Command Phase. To do so, the player that controls this model must roll 2D6, adding +1 for each of their Ratings of their Psychic Sense Skill at the start of their Command Phase. If they score a 9+, one Gate within 4" no longer generates Allotment and cannot be used to bring in <Daemon> reinforcements for the remainder of the Mission. A model that successfully Closes a Gate in this way earns +D3 Renown and +1 XP. If any Gates are closed this Mission, the Mission Leader gains an additional +1 Renown and +D3 XP.

The board should be set up with a large central chamber flanked by numerous smaller chambers and corridors. 7 terrain features representing Support Gates should be placed in a rough circle, at least 8" from the center point of the battlefield. An 8th terrain feature, representing the Main Gate, should be placed either in the center of the battlefield or within 8" of the board edge opposite the player's Deployment edge, whichever the GM prefers.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing up to 8 <Jakhal>, <Cultists>, or <Heretic Astartes> models within 4" of any Gate, as dictated by their Allotment choices. Any Allotment not spent on these mortal Adversaries are banked and added to the GM's Adversarial Reserves. These Reserves, when they become available, take their first Movement Phase from any Gate that is not Closed or Destroyed. Adversarial Reserves Allotment may only be spent on models with both the <Khorne> and <Daemon> keywords.

Then the players set up their forces, according to their Insertion method.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM roll off to see who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, it takes 1 hour. If it lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, it takes 2 hours. If it lasts 11-15 Battlerounds, it lasts D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, it lasts D3+2 hours. Like all Routine Missions, be sure to add 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. 3-7 hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract
-all Gates are Closed or Destroyed and A'Dragoth is not on the table

Technology on the Table
Unless players have models with Talents that allow them to place Technology on the battlefield, there is nothing significant here.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins play with 64 Allotment, not affected by the Doomclock. At the start of each Battleround, the GM rolls a D6 for each Deathwatch model remaining on the table and adds up the scores. For each full 8 accumulated by these rolls, the GM gains 1 bonus Allotment that may only be spent on <Khorne> <Daemon> models. This Allotment is added to Adversarial Reserves and become available for deployment at the start of every even numbered Battleround.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins play with double the players' total CTV, rounding to the closest multiple of 8. At the start of each Battleround, the GM rolls a D6 for each Deathwatch model remaining on the table and adds up the scores. For each full 8 accumulated by these rolls, the GM gains 1 bonus Allotment that may only be spent on <Khorne> <Daemon> models. This Allotment is added to Adversarial Reserves and becomes available for deployment at the start of every even numbered Battleround.

Battlefield Complications
Carpet of Gore
: the whole floor of this battlefield is covered in viscera, mangled bodies, and blood that creates a significant impediment to Movement. Reduce all Advance Moves and Charge Moves by 2" for the duration of the Mission (to a minimum of 1").

In the Presence of Chaos: at the start of every Deathwatch Turn, roll a D6 for each Deathwatch allied model within 8" of any Gate. On a 4+ that model gains +1 Corruption. Gates that have been Closed do not count for these purposes.

A'Dragoth is Coming: at the start of every Battleround roll a D6+2 for each Support Gate that has not been Closed, even if it has been destroyed. If any of these rolls equal an 8, place a die to indicate that on the Main Gate. If the Main Gate accumulates eight 8s, the GM gains just enough bonus Allotment to field a Bloodthirster. This is A'Dragoth and he must be dealt with also.

Terminal Data for this Mission
If there are any Terminals present and players manage to interact with them successfully they will find a surprising amount of relatively unspoiled data. Prompt players for what they want to look at: Ship's Logs, Manifest, Navigational Data, Damage Reports, Anomalous Data, or Augury Scans. Then give them info from the appropriate list. If a player already has a tidbit, move on to the next one on the list.

Ship's Logs
1: 3.100.080.M37: Captain [++redacted++] instated following unexpected expiration of previous command. Command Crew has doubts, duly noted. First assignment is Ejodra, Mining Hub, in the Jodim system, Subsector Quotji. Reports of uprisings. We should make short work of it.

2: 3.404.081.M37: isolated mutinies following Ejodran pacifications. Moving to Betrac to tithe crew replenishments. Ordered to take up regular patrols of the Subsector; preparing routes. Seven inhabited systems and one quaratined, for reasons unknown. There's no blockade, so will assume it to be safe to view from orbit. It's unscheduled, but the vagaries of the Immaterium will be enough to explain it if anyone asks.

3: 3.880.082.M37: expunged all records pertaining to the unmarked. Best if we just forget it.

4: 8.888.888.M38: we are in command. Shipwide Command Order issued: kill every 8th man. Begin the Cull.

1: 4.880.088.M37: Tennebrea Sector, ship master file records influx of new Imperial Ratings following the Battle of Mytheria; casualty replacements tithed from the Fuedal World of Wickedness and the Hiveworld of Chadrian's Folly. Anomalous count readings put ship's total crew 8,000+ over-staffed.

2: 4.880.408.M37: Threron Subsector, ship master file records taking on supplies including fresh water and food at Cheriosh Station 8 in orbit of Koleept, an automated Agriworld. Food consumption rates verify earlier over-estimates of personnel. Cull initiated by Bridge Command.

3: 4.880.007.M38: Tennebrea Sector, re-arm, retrofit. Plasma Batteries along decks 115 through 200 removed. Magazines cut by half. Ship in drydock for 1,008 days while port and starboard batteries are converted to drop bays. Manifest reports only 88% of crew returns.

4: 8.888.888.M38: Location unknown, drop bays take on unknown classification of Drop Pod, not rated for Imperial personnel. Influx of unknown personnel. Ship's master file shows diversion of power to sustain 88 Stassis Pods. Use unknown, origin unknown. Crew manifest shows thousands of unregistered personnel.

Navigational Data
1: 3.238.087.M37: Quotji Subsector, routine patrols interrupted by Astropathic interception. Bridge Command orders immediate Jump to Subsector Hub System: Madraz, designated Civilized. After 47 days Warp journey, ship emerges in-system. Chronometric synchronization shows 88 days real time travel. Ship remains in high orbit while flotilla assembles, 4 days local time.

2: 4.330.087.M37: ship dispatched to Abrasha Subsector, system Mnem, to patrol as part of larger Task Force - designated Task Force Argentia - minor clashes with seditious intrasystem vessels inconclusive. Patrol lasts 648 days.

3: 4.978.087.M37: ship ordered to interdict Warp Conduit designated Mytheria. Heavy fighting with seditious forces backed by vessels of unknown origin. Augurs protest identification; records expunged by order of Bridge Command.

4: 4.800.088.M37: last recorded Warp Translation through Mytherian Gate. Navigational records corrupted. Destination presumed last ordered location, Tennebrea Sector, along Mytherian Conduit Route.

Damage Reports
1: 4.338.087.M37: records and retrofits prior to this date expunged. Order orgination unknown. Ship sustained minor hull breaches along port side, just below plasma batteries. Estimated crew losses less than 100. Servitors and repair crews dispatched. Repairs estimate 16 standard days. Magazine depleted by 3%.

2: 4.384.087.M37: shields overloaded, hull breach decks 44 through 48, starboard side - suspected impact by enemy vessel. Crew losses estimated at 800, possibly more. Bulkheads sealed off, repair crews dispatched. Power reroute successful. Complete repairs will require drydock. Ship efficiency reduced by 11%. Magazine depleted additional 14%.

3: 4.980.087.M37: port plasma batteries crippled; prow plasma batteries destroyed. Crew loss estimates 8,000+. Possibly more. Repair crews dispatched. Hull breaches on multiple decks. Internal sensorium detects enemy boarding crews. Security teams dispatched. Ship effeciency reduced by 32%. Dry dock repairs necessary to return to full fighting force. Primitive comms established with Prow batteries. Survivors estimated to be less than 10%. Bridge Command determines Prow repairs lowest priority. Magazine less than 30% remaining.

4: 4.088.088.M37: fires in all holds below deck 88. Crew losses estimated at 32,000+. Atmospheric venting along starboard side due to hull breaches. All non-essential decks sealed. Magazine depleted. Bridge Command orders all available power to Gellar Shields and Warp Drive. Effective repairs impossible without dry dock.

Anomalous Data
1: 3.808.082.M37: voices in the vox detected. Heat signatures registered on exterior sensorium. Minor hull breach, Deck 64. All other records expunged, origination Executive Command, clearance Red-Alpha.

2: 4.337.087.M37: Electromagnetic pulse detected at point of enemy vessel impact, briefly. Momentary power loss to non-essential systems has no immediate effect, but fragmentary scrap code detected, isolated, and expunged by ship's security systems.

3: 4.388.087.M37: brief spike in heat signatures near damaged decks. Security crews recalled after error logged by Bridge Command.

4: 4.888.088.M37: internal sensorium on Deck 80 shorts out. No repair crew dispatched due to low priority.

5: 8.888.888.M38: Gellar Field generators 4 and 8 spontaneously overloaded. Repair crews dispatched.

Augury Scans
1: 3.809.082.M37: unauthorized tightbeam scan of planetary body detects defused iron and organic material in everything. Cogitators hypothesize oceans of blood and mountains of bones. Sealed archive. Clearance Cerulean-Delta.

2: 4.344.087.M37: passive scans of Intrasystem ships indicate anomalous energy readings and retrofitted weapon arrays. New configuration noted and added to shipboard database. Transmission to Flotilla Command.

3: 4.981.087.M37: deep internal scans detect numerous enemy boarding teams still active, heavy concentrations near Gellar Field generators. Too many teams to dispatch effectively. Communication with Task Force Argentia Command hampered by traffic; too many voices to single out priorities.

4: 8.884.888.M38: last recorded Augury request. Location indeterminate; Navigator's input suggests Astronomican obscured. Ship is surrounded by vessels of indeterminate nature. Some register as Imperial, although with heavy retrofit. Significant number of new silhouettes recorded, archived. No clear signal to transmit.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
16 hours after the arrival of the Desolation's Wake, if this Mission is not successfully completed by then, then in all future Missions featuring <Khorne> adversaries, the GM gains 8 additional Allotment at the start of each Battleround that may only be spent on models with the <Khorne> and <Daemon> Keywords. Additionally, if A'Dragoth was deployed, but not slain during the course of this Mission, he may be fielded in any future Mission featuring <Khorne>, <Heretic Astartes>, and/or <Cultists> Adversaries for 8 Allotment.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/10 06:36:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
A monster roams the ruined launch bays of the Desolation's Wake, starving for battle and infused with the Blood God's rage. Killing it will not be easy. The Players may send as many squads as they see fit to deal with this Monster, but must do so knowing their journey in and out will be longer than normal.

DW4: The Blood Cage: Routine

Briefing Phase: Our Augurs have detected a moving, anomalous energy signature deep in this wreck's drop bays. We suspect it may be a possessed machine spirit or other daemonic entity. Go into the depths armed with weapons of annihilation. This thing must be destroyed before it discovers that it can escape its cage.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
We hope the monster is alone, but be warned. It may have allies.
Narratively, the author suggests a daemonically possessed Dreadclaw drop pod, but a Hellbrute, Decimator, or other <Daemonic Engine> will work just as well. The monster might be alone, there may be 2 of them, or there may be Possessed <Heretic Astartes> or <Eightbound> keeping it company.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Slay the Monster(s):
the Deathwatch model that removes the last Wound from any Adversary model that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds gains an additional +D3 Renown. If the Adversary began the Mission with 18 or more Wounds, the Deathwatch model instead gains an additional +2D3 Renown.

Trophy Hunt:
for every Adversary model that began the Mission with 6 or more Wounds that is removed as a casualty this Mission, all Deathwatch allied models gain +1 Renown.

Survive: each Deathwatch model that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining earns +1 XP. For each Deathwatch model that ends the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, the Mission Leader model gains +1 Renown.

The board should be set up as a large open area, with elevated positions along one board edge, a light scatter terrain everywhere else. There should be very little cover. Players and GM may alternate placing D3+1 fuel barrels and D3+1 volatile fuel barrels.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing their Adversary models anywhere on the battlefield, at least 12" away from the table edge with elevated positions. Then the players set up their forces, anywhere along the board edge with the elevated positions.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, it takes 1 hour. If it lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, it takes 2 hours. If it lasts 11-15 Battlerounds, it lasts D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, it lasts D3+2 hours. Additionally add D3 hours for Insertion and D3 hours for Extraction. 3-11 hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract
-all Adversary models have been removed as casualties

Technology on the Table
Unless players have models with Talents that allow them to place Technology on the battlefield, there is nothing significant here.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: according to the Mission parameters detailed in the Battlefield section above.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins play with 100 Allotment, not affected by the Doomclock. At least 1 Boss Monster, or, if using Allotment 2.0, 1 True Monster must be fielded with this Allotment.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins play with Allotment equal to triple the players combined CTV, not affected by the Doomclock. At least 1 Boss Monster, or, if using Allotment 2.0, 1 True Monster must be fielded with this Allotment.

Terminal Data for this Mission
If there are any Terminals present and players manage to interact with them successfully they will find a surprising amount of relatively unspoiled data. Prompt players for what they want to look at: Ship's Logs, Manifest, Navigational Data, Damage Reports, Anomalous Data, or Augury Scans. Then give them info from the appropriate list. If a player already has a tidbit, move on to the next one on the list.

Ship's Logs
1: 3.100.080.M37: Captain [++redacted++] instated following unexpected expiration of previous command. Command Crew has doubts, duly noted. First assignment is Ejodra, Mining Hub, in the Jodim system, Subsector Quotji. Reports of uprisings. We should make short work of it.

2: 3.404.081.M37: isolated mutinies following Ejodran pacifications. Moving to Betrac to tithe crew replenishments. Ordered to take up regular patrols of the Subsector; preparing routes. Seven inhabited systems and one quaratined, for reasons unknown. There's no blockade, so will assume it to be safe to view from orbit. It's unscheduled, but the vagaries of the Immaterium will be enough to explain it if anyone asks.

3: 3.880.082.M37: expunged all records pertaining to the unmarked. Best if we just forget it.

4: 8.888.888.M38: we are in command. Shipwide Command Order issued: kill every 8th man. Begin the Cull.

1: 4.880.088.M37: Tennebrea Sector, ship master file records influx of new Imperial Ratings following the Battle of Mytheria; casualty replacements tithed from the Fuedal World of Wickedness and the Hiveworld of Chadrian's Folly. Anomalous count readings put ship's total crew 8,000+ over-staffed.

2: 4.880.408.M37: Threron Subsector, ship master file records taking on supplies including fresh water and food at Cheriosh Station 8 in orbit of Koleept, an automated Agriworld. Food consumption rates verify earlier over-estimates of personnel. Cull initiated by Bridge Command.

3: 4.880.007.M38: Tennebrea Sector, re-arm, retrofit. Plasma Batteries along decks 115 through 200 removed. Magazines cut by half. Ship in drydock for 1,008 days while port and starboard batteries are converted to drop bays. Manifest reports only 88% of crew returns.

4: 8.888.888.M38: Location unknown, drop bays take on unknown classification of Drop Pod, not rated for Imperial personnel. Influx of unknown personnel. Ship's master file shows diversion of power to sustain 88 Stassis Pods. Use unknown, origin unknown. Crew manifest shows thousands of unregistered personnel.

Navigational Data
1: 3.238.087.M37: Quotji Subsector, routine patrols interrupted by Astropathic interception. Bridge Command orders immediate Jump to Subsector Hub System: Madraz, designated Civilized. After 47 days Warp journey, ship emerges in-system. Chronometric synchronization shows 88 days real time travel. Ship remains in high orbit while flotilla assembles, 4 days local time.

2: 4.330.087.M37: ship dispatched to Abrasha Subsector, system Mnem, to patrol as part of larger Task Force - designated Task Force Argentia - minor clashes with seditious intrasystem vessels inconclusive. Patrol lasts 648 days.

3: 4.978.087.M37: ship ordered to interdict Warp Conduit designated Mytheria. Heavy fighting with seditious forces backed by vessels of unknown origin. Augurs protest identification; records expunged by order of Bridge Command.

4: 4.800.088.M37: last recorded Warp Translation through Mytherian Gate. Navigational records corrupted. Destination presumed last ordered location, Tennebrea Sector, along Mytherian Conduit Route.

Damage Reports
1: 4.338.087.M37: records and retrofits prior to this date expunged. Order orgination unknown. Ship sustained minor hull breaches along port side, just below plasma batteries. Estimated crew losses less than 100. Servitors and repair crews dispatched. Repairs estimate 16 standard days. Magazine depleted by 3%.

2: 4.384.087.M37: shields overloaded, hull breach decks 44 through 48, starboard side - suspected impact by enemy vessel. Crew losses estimated at 800, possibly more. Bulkheads sealed off, repair crews dispatched. Power reroute successful. Complete repairs will require drydock. Ship efficiency reduced by 11%. Magazine depleted additional 14%.

3: 4.980.087.M37: port plasma batteries crippled; prow plasma batteries destroyed. Crew loss estimates 8,000+. Possibly more. Repair crews dispatched. Hull breaches on multiple decks. Internal sensorium detects enemy boarding crews. Security teams dispatched. Ship effeciency reduced by 32%. Dry dock repairs necessary to return to full fighting force. Primitive comms established with Prow batteries. Survivors estimated to be less than 10%. Bridge Command determines Prow repairs lowest priority. Magazine less than 30% remaining.

4: 4.088.088.M37: fires in all holds below deck 88. Crew losses estimated at 32,000+. Atmospheric venting along starboard side due to hull breaches. All non-essential decks sealed. Magazine depleted. Bridge Command orders all available power to Gellar Shields and Warp Drive. Effective repairs impossible without dry dock.

Anomalous Data
1: 3.808.082.M37: voices in the vox detected. Heat signatures registered on exterior sensorium. Minor hull breach, Deck 64. All other records expunged, origination Executive Command, clearance Red-Alpha.

2: 4.337.087.M37: Electromagnetic pulse detected at point of enemy vessel impact, briefly. Momentary power loss to non-essential systems has no immediate effect, but fragmentary scrap code detected, isolated, and expunged by ship's security systems.

3: 4.388.087.M37: brief spike in heat signatures near damaged decks. Security crews recalled after error logged by Bridge Command.

4: 4.888.088.M37: internal sensorium on Deck 80 shorts out. No repair crew dispatched due to low priority.

5: 8.888.888.M38: Gellar Field generators 4 and 8 spontaneously overloaded. Repair crews dispatched.

Augury Scans
1: 3.809.082.M37: unauthorized tightbeam scan of planetary body detects defused iron and organic material in everything. Cogitators hypothesize oceans of blood and mountains of bones. Sealed archive. Clearance Cerulean-Delta.

2: 4.344.087.M37: passive scans of Intrasystem ships indicate anomalous energy readings and retrofitted weapon arrays. New configuration noted and added to shipboard database. Transmission to Flotilla Command.

3: 4.981.087.M37: deep internal scans detect numerous enemy boarding teams still active, heavy concentrations near Gellar Field generators. Too many teams to dispatch effectively. Communication with Task Force Argentia Command hampered by traffic; too many voices to single out priorities.

4: 8.884.888.M38: last recorded Augury request. Location indeterminate; Navigator's input suggests Astronomican obscured. Ship is surrounded by vessels of indeterminate nature. Some register as Imperial, although with heavy retrofit. Significant number of new silhouettes recorded, archived. No clear signal to transmit.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
20 hours after the arrival of the Desolation's Wake, if this Mission is not successfully completed by then, then in any future Missions featuring <Khorne> or <Heretic Astartes> adversaries, the GM may field 1 of the surviving Boss Monsters/True Monsters from this Mission for free.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/11 03:46:54

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
The Deathwatch has located a guarded armory in the path of any forces from within the Desolation's Wake that might choose to storm the [++Redacted++]. If it can be looted, and its defenders eliminated, any remaining Adversary forces within the wreck can be deprived of valuable munitions. In addition, there is a vault of some kind at this location whose nature is not immediately discernable. This may be one of the more dangerous Missions on the Desolation's Wake. Make sure players bring at least 1 model with Ratings in the Tech Skill and advise players that they may want to load up on Flame Weapons. Players may send as many squads as they like to accomplish this Mission.

DW5: The Skin Vault: Routine

Briefing Phase: We have located a secure Armory facility within the wreck. We suspect it is heavily guarded. We have also intercepted comms traffic regarding something called the 'Skin Vault' at this location. Go forth, breach this Skin Vault and the Armory, loot what you percieve is valuable, and destroy everything else.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Inquisitorial, Imperial, Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
We can expect the worst. Heretic Astartes, presumably World Eaters, and their cultist lackeys.
Only <Cultists> from the Chaos Space Marines Codex and <Infantry> from the World Eaters Codex may be fielded for this Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Breach the Secure Rooms
: there will be 6 Secure Rooms on the battlefield. For each one that is breached (the door broken through, unlocked, or destroyed, or the walls surrounding the room breached), the Mission Leader gains +1 XP. If any of the Secure Rooms are breached, all Deathwatch allied models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown.

Loot the Armory: each Secure Room will have between 2 and 5 chests worth of Loot. Breaching these Rooms is a priority to get at those chests. For each 20 Capacity worth of Weapons and Gear taken from each Secure Room, all Deathwatch allied models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown.

Breach the Skin Vault: there will be a warded Vault on the battlefield. If players are able to open it this Objective can be considered complete. If players do open or otherwise gain access to the inside of the Skin Vault, add the following Tertiary Objective to the Mission:

Burn the Blasphemous Vault: players must expend 6 Flamer Ammo, 3 Sanctified Flamer Ammo, or 2 Prometheum Blast Bombs inside the Skin Vault to complete this Objective. If they do so, the models that used and/or privided the Weapons to do so gain +D3 Renown.

Extract Before You Are Overwhelmed: Adversary models will be keen to activate an Alarm once they know they are under attack. Players will have 8 Battlerounds once the Alarm is triggered before reinforcements begin to arrive. If this Mission lasts 1 fewer Battlerounds than it takes for the first wave of reinforcements to arrive, the Mission Leader counts as Personally Completing this Objective. If the Alarm is however never triggered, the Mission Leader also gains +D3 Renown.

Kill Count
: for every 8 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may assign +1 XP to any Deathwatch allied model, except for himself, that deployed on this Mission.

Access a Terminal in the Control Room: there will be a single Terminal in the Control Room. If any player uses one of their Ratings from their Tech Skill to access and extract a "tidbit" from it, this Objective can be considered complete.

Destroy What You Don't Take: if any of the chests contain remaining Capacity worth of Weapons and/or Gear, a single Bolter, Bolt Rifle, or Bolt Pistol shot will ruin up to 04 worth of stuff, 1 Frag Grenade will ruin 03 worth of stuff per shot generated, and D3 Flamer shots will ruin everything in a single Room.

The board should be set up with a small sized (roughly 6" square) room with only one way in and out, designated as the Control Room, along one short board edge. The entrance/exit should face the rest of the board. Connected to that room should be a medium sized (7-12" square) room with at least one extra way in or out facing the rest of the board, designated as the Staging Room. The Staging Room should connect to a T-junction corridor that elbows into parallel corridors, each with 3 small sized rooms, designated Secure Rooms, branching off to the sides away from the gap between the corridors. In the space between the corridors is another room. This is the Skin Vault. There should only be 1 door, facing the table edge opposite the Control Room. The parallel corridors should terminate just beyond the Skin Vault and be connected to a single corridor running the width of the table. What's beyond that corridor is up to the GM's preference, but the entire series of Rooms and corridors just described should only have 1 point of access. Players should be forced to enter the contested zone from one doorway on the table edge farthest from the Control Room.

Each Secure Room should have a Locked Reinforced Bulkhead Door as its entrance. The Skin Vault should also have a Locked Reinforced Bulkhead Door as its entrance. The Skin Vault's door also has a special warding that reflects any Ranged attacks back at the shooter on the D6 roll of a 4+. The Staging Room has no door and the Control Room has a Reinforced Bulkhead Door that is in the open position at the start of the Mission. The doorway from the long corridor into this complex is also a Reinforced Bulkhead Door in the open position.

Within each Secure Room, place D3+1 Chests. Within the Staging Room, place a number of tables or other scatter terrain.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing all of their Adversary models in the Staging Room. Any models not placed are added to Adversarial Reserves, but only become available as reinforcements if the Alarm is triggered. Then the players set up their forces, anywhere inside the long corridor expect the open doorway.

The players take the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, it takes 1 hour. If it lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, it takes 2 hours. If it lasts 11-15 Battlerounds, it lasts D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, it lasts D3+2 hours. Additionally add 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. 3-7 hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract

Technology on the Table
The Control Room has 1 Terminal and 1 Keypad at Full Power. If an Adversary model with the Tech Skill successfully interacts with the Terminal in this Room, the Alarm is triggered. Any player-controlled model that successfully interacts with the Keypad in this Room unlocks all of the Reinforced Bulkhead Doors for all of the Secure Rooms at the same time. If a player-controlled model successfully interacts with the Terminal in the Control Room, see the GM's section below for what tidbits they can extract from it.

Outside each Secure Room, next to their Doors, place a single Keypad at Full Power. Each of these Keypads, if successfully interacted with, will unlock the Locked Reinforced Bulkhead Door it is associated with.

If players have Talents or abilities that allow them to place other Technology, they may do so inside any of the Secure Rooms.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: according to the Mission parameters detailed in the Battlefield section above.

- Extraction Options: Special: all surviving Deathwatch allied models must exit the table via either end of the corridor they came in through

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission. In addition, up to 1 model per squad may take a Teleport Beacon and a Teleport Rig for free. These Teleport Beacons have been specially calibrated and may only be used to Teleport Chests away that have also been fitted with a Teleport Rig.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins play with 64 Allotment, not affected by the Doomclock. Only <Infantry>, <Cultists>, and <Heretic Astartes> may be fielded with this Allotment. Any <Cultists> model may be given 1 Rating in the Tech Skill with a Skill Stat of 6+, for +1 Allotment.

If the Alarm is triggered, the GM gains D6 Allotment per Deathwatch allied model remaining at the time the Alarm is triggered. This is considered the First Wave. When it becomes available - 8 Battlerounds after the Alarm has been triggered - they may be deployed at the end of the Movement Phase inside the corridor the Deathwatch must use to Extract, up to 9" away from the doorway used to enter the Armory complex. Any that don't fit get added to Ongoing Adversarial Reserves.

After the First Wave is Deployed, any time an Adversary model is removed as a casualty place that model into Ongoing Adversarial Reserves and roll a D3. This is the amount of Allotment that the GM has to work with for the Second Wave. Once Ongoing Adversarial Reserves hits 88 Allotment or more, it may be deployed in whole or in part at the end of any Movement phase, in the tunnel and at least 9" away from any Deathwatch allied model. Adversaries that can't be deployed because they don't fit can instead be deployed at the end of the Movement Phase on subsequent turns.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins play with Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV, not affected by the Doomclock. Only <Infantry>, <Cultists>, and <Heretic Astartes> may be fielded with this Allotment. Any <Cultists> model may be given 1 Rating in the Tech Skill with a Skill Stat of 6+, for +1 Allotment.

If the Alarm is triggered, the GM gains D6 Allotment per Deathwatch allied model remaining at the time the Alarm is triggered. This is considered the First Wave. When it becomes available - 8 Battlerounds after the Alarm has been triggered - they may be deployed at the end of the Movement Phase inside the corridor the Deathwatch must use to Extract, up to 9" away from the doorway used to enter the Armory complex. Any that don't fit get added to Ongoing Adversarial Reserves.

After the First Wave is Deployed, any time an Adversary model is removed as a casualty place that model into Ongoing Adversarial Reserves and roll a D3. This is the amount of Allotment that the GM has to work with for the Second Wave. Once Ongoing Adversarial Reserves hits 88 Allotment or more, it may be deployed in whole or in part at the end of any Movement phase, in the tunnel and at least 9" away from any Deathwatch allied model. Adversaries that can't be deployed because they don't fit can instead be deployed at the end of the Movement Phase on subsequent turns.

Special Rules
Marked by Blood Spilled
: any Deathwatch model that removes 8 or more Wounds from Adversary models this Mission gains the following Tier 1 Elite Talent for free:

Marked by Blood Spilled: whenever this model survives a Mission against Adversaries with the <Khorne>, <Daemon>, or <Heretic Astartes> keyword they gain +1 Renown, +1 XP, and +1 Corruption.

Ire of Warlords: if using the Optional Enemy Faction Animosity Rules (to be detailed in upcoming posts), the Mission Leader model gains +1 Animosity with any 1 Chaos Faction of the controlling player's choice, if this Mission is successful. The player can make this decision once an appropriate Enemy Faction becomes available.

Terminal Data for this Mission
There may be many Terminals present on this battlefield. For Terminals inside Secure Rooms, prompt players for what they want to look at: Ship's Logs, Manifest, Navigational Data, Damage Reports, Anomalous Data, or Augury Scans. Then give them info from the appropriate list. If a player already has a tidbit, move on to the next one on the list. For the Terminal inside the Control Room, players gain a bonus for each complete set of information they've gained from other Terminals.

General Information Categories
Ship's Logs

1: 3.100.080.M37: Captain [++redacted++] instated following unexpected expiration of previous command. Command Crew has doubts, duly noted. First assignment is Ejodra, Mining Hub, in the Jodim system, Subsector Quotji. Reports of uprisings. We should make short work of it.

2: 3.404.081.M37: isolated mutinies following Ejodran pacifications. Moving to Betrac to tithe crew replenishments. Ordered to take up regular patrols of the Subsector; preparing routes. Seven inhabited systems and one quaratined, for reasons unknown. There's no blockade, so will assume it to be safe to view from orbit. It's unscheduled, but the vagaries of the Immaterium will be enough to explain it if anyone asks.

3: 3.880.082.M37: expunged all records pertaining to the unmarked. Best if we just forget it.

4: 8.888.888.M38: we are in command. Shipwide Command Order issued: kill every 8th man. Begin the Cull.

1: 4.880.088.M37: Tennebrea Sector, ship master file records influx of new Imperial Ratings following the Battle of Mytheria; casualty replacements tithed from the Fuedal World of Wickedness and the Hiveworld of Chadrian's Folly. Anomalous count readings put ship's total crew 8,000+ over-staffed.

2: 4.880.408.M37: Threron Subsector, ship master file records taking on supplies including fresh water and food at Cheriosh Station 8 in orbit of Koleept, an automated Agriworld. Food consumption rates verify earlier over-estimates of personnel. Cull initiated by Bridge Command.

3: 4.880.007.M38: Tennebrea Sector, re-arm, retrofit. Plasma Batteries along decks 115 through 200 removed. Magazines cut by half. Ship in drydock for 1,008 days while port and starboard batteries are converted to drop bays. Manifest reports only 88% of crew returns.

4: 8.888.888.M38: Location unknown, drop bays take on unknown classification of Drop Pod, not rated for Imperial personnel. Influx of unknown personnel. Ship's master file shows diversion of power to sustain 88 Stassis Pods. Use unknown, origin unknown. Crew manifest shows thousands of unregistered personnel.

Navigational Data
1: 3.238.087.M37: Quotji Subsector, routine patrols interrupted by Astropathic interception. Bridge Command orders immediate Jump to Subsector Hub System: Madraz, designated Civilized. After 47 days Warp journey, ship emerges in-system. Chronometric synchronization shows 88 days real time travel. Ship remains in high orbit while flotilla assembles, 4 days local time.

2: 4.330.087.M37: ship dispatched to Abrasha Subsector, system Mnem, to patrol as part of larger Task Force - designated Task Force Argentia - minor clashes with seditious intrasystem vessels inconclusive. Patrol lasts 648 days.

3: 4.978.087.M37: ship ordered to interdict Warp Conduit designated Mytheria. Heavy fighting with seditious forces backed by vessels of unknown origin. Augurs protest identification; records expunged by order of Bridge Command.

4: 4.800.088.M37: last recorded Warp Translation through Mytherian Gate. Navigational records corrupted. Destination presumed last ordered location, Tennebrea Sector, along Mytherian Conduit Route.

Damage Reports
1: 4.338.087.M37: records and retrofits prior to this date expunged. Order orgination unknown. Ship sustained minor hull breaches along port side, just below plasma batteries. Estimated crew losses less than 100. Servitors and repair crews dispatched. Repairs estimate 16 standard days. Magazine depleted by 3%.

2: 4.384.087.M37: shields overloaded, hull breach decks 44 through 48, starboard side - suspected impact by enemy vessel. Crew losses estimated at 800, possibly more. Bulkheads sealed off, repair crews dispatched. Power reroute successful. Complete repairs will require drydock. Ship efficiency reduced by 11%. Magazine depleted additional 14%.

3: 4.980.087.M37: port plasma batteries crippled; prow plasma batteries destroyed. Crew loss estimates 8,000+. Possibly more. Repair crews dispatched. Hull breaches on multiple decks. Internal sensorium detects enemy boarding crews. Security teams dispatched. Ship effeciency reduced by 32%. Dry dock repairs necessary to return to full fighting force. Primitive comms established with Prow batteries. Survivors estimated to be less than 10%. Bridge Command determines Prow repairs lowest priority. Magazine less than 30% remaining.

4: 4.088.088.M37: fires in all holds below deck 88. Crew losses estimated at 32,000+. Atmospheric venting along starboard side due to hull breaches. All non-essential decks sealed. Magazine depleted. Bridge Command orders all available power to Gellar Shields and Warp Drive. Effective repairs impossible without dry dock.

Anomalous Data
1: 3.808.082.M37: voices in the vox detected. Heat signatures registered on exterior sensorium. Minor hull breach, Deck 64. All other records expunged, origination Executive Command, clearance Red-Alpha.

2: 4.337.087.M37: Electromagnetic pulse detected at point of enemy vessel impact, briefly. Momentary power loss to non-essential systems has no immediate effect, but fragmentary scrap code detected, isolated, and expunged by ship's security systems.

3: 4.388.087.M37: brief spike in heat signatures near damaged decks. Security crews recalled after error logged by Bridge Command.

4: 4.888.088.M37: internal sensorium on Deck 80 shorts out. No repair crew dispatched due to low priority.

5: 8.888.888.M38: Gellar Field generators 4 and 8 spontaneously overloaded. Repair crews dispatched.

Augury Scans
1: 3.809.082.M37: unauthorized tightbeam scan of planetary body detects defused iron and organic material in everything. Cogitators hypothesize oceans of blood and mountains of bones. Sealed archive. Clearance Cerulean-Delta.

2: 4.344.087.M37: passive scans of Intrasystem ships indicate anomalous energy readings and retrofitted weapon arrays. New configuration noted and added to shipboard database. Transmission to Flotilla Command.

3: 4.981.087.M37: deep internal scans detect numerous enemy boarding teams still active, heavy concentrations near Gellar Field generators. Too many teams to dispatch effectively. Communication with Task Force Argentia Command hampered by traffic; too many voices to single out priorities.

4: 8.884.888.M38: last recorded Augury request. Location indeterminate; Navigator's input suggests Astronomican obscured. Ship is surrounded by vessels of indeterminate nature. Some register as Imperial, although with heavy retrofit. Significant number of new silhouettes recorded, archived. No clear signal to transmit.

Control Room Revelations
Ask players to select a time frame: The Beginning, Seeds of Revolt, The Fracturing, The Odd Years, or The Final Year. Even if players don't yet have all the tidbits to put these Revelations together, GMs should tell players the parts they are missing. At any time that the players obtain all the tidbits to fulfill one of the Info Clusters they've revealed, they gain the bonus associated with it.

Info Clusters
The Beginning: 080 to 082.M37
: Ship's Log 1, 2, 3; Anomalous Data 1; Augury Scans 1: the fracturous nature of the original crew and the infiltration of daemonic entities into the ship's internal vox system sowed the seeds for mutiny, heresy, and damnation. With this information, whenever a Deathwatch allied model removes a <Cultists> Jakhal Pack Leader, Icon Bearer, Cult Demagogue, or Cultist Champion model as a casualty, all <Cultists> models on the battlefield suffer -1 to their Leadership for the remainder of the Mission.

Seeds of Revolt: 087.M37: Navigational Data 1, 2, 3; Damage Reports 1, 2, 3; Anomalous Data 2, 3; Augury Scans 2, 3: further corruption of ship's command systems and infiltration of traitorous forces generates an aura of corruption and noncompliance onboard. Discipline breaks down even as punishments increase. A culture of violence pervades the ship. Any Deathwatch model that removes 8 or more Wounds from Adversary models during the Fight Phase becomes a Favored Target for Adversary forces. These models cannot be selected as targets by enemy Shooting.

The Fracturing: 088.M38: Manifest 1; Navigational Data 4; Damage Reports 4; Anomalous Data 4: heavy damage throughout the ship is patched with primarily blasphemous methods, furthering the corruption of the ship's machine spirit. Influence by the Warp itself seeps into the ship by way of the Mytheria Warp Conduit. This is beyond saving now. Deathwatch models that destroy terrain features such as Generators, Doors, and Termibals gain +1 Renown when doing so. If any such features are destroyed during a Mission aboard the Desolation's Wake any Chaplains deployed on those Missions also gain +1 XP.

The Odd Years: 408.M37 and 007.M38: Manifest 2, 3: the bloodthirsty handling of overcrowding coupled with the lose of 12% crew besides should have revealed the corruption inherent in the ship, but went unnoticed and unchecked. Deathwatch models with ties to the Ecclessiarchy or the Adeptus Terra gain +D3 Esteem with those Factions whenever they complete a Mission onboard the Desolation's Wake.

The Final Year: 888.M38: Ship's Log 4; Manifest 4; Anomalous Data 5; Augury Scans 4: clear evidence that ship entered Forbidden Zones such as the Eye of Terror under its own power, retrofitting for Legionary accomodations, and taking on stasis pods likely containing World Eater Astartes proves beyond doubt that this ship and all that are on it are lost beyond salvation. Any Deathwatch allied model that removes any number of <Heretic Astartes> models as a casualties while aboard the Desolation's Wake earns +1 XP, +1 Renown, and +1 Esteem with all Ecclessiarchal, Inquisitorial, Imperial, Naval, Ordo Malleus, and Ordo Hereticus Factions. If there is overlap with these Factions, the model gains +1 Esteem for each eligible category.

Treasures of the Secure Room Chests
Each Chest contains 10 Capacity worth of stuff. Have players roll 2D6 to determine what they find in each Chest when they open it:

2D6 Roll: Chest Contents
2: Cult Melee Weapons: 1 Mauler Chainblade, 2 Jakhal Chainblades, 3 Brutal Assault Weapons.

3: Cult Ranged Weapons: 2 Autoguns, 2 Autopistols, 16 Automags.

4-5: Astartes Munitions: 6 Frag Grenades, 6 Krak Grenades, 16 Bolter Reloads.

6-7: Astartes Ranged Weapons: 1 Combi-Flamer, 1 Combi-Melta, 1 Promethium Tank, and 4 Melta Canisters.

8-9: Astartes Melee Weapons: 2 Berserker Chainblades, 1 Eviscerator.

10: Terminator Weapons: roll another D3. 1= 1 Reaper Autocannon and 1 Auto Box Mag; 2= 1 Heavy Flamer and 2 Promethium Chargers; 3= 1 Chainfist, 1 Combi-plasma, and 4 Plasma Cells.

11: Special Weapons: 1 Chainglaive, 1 Bolt Pistol, 2 Legion Plasma Pistols, 4 Bolt Pistol Reloads, and 4 Plasma Cells.

12: Relic Weapons: 1 Masterwork Plasma Pistol, 1 Masterwork Bolt Pistol, 1 Masterwork Chainglaive, 1 Masterwork Mauler Chainblade.

-Any model deployed on this Mission may permanently reduce their Renown by 8 to add a Jakhal Chainblade, Masterwork Bolt Pistol, or Brutal Assault Weapon from those found to their Standard Load Outs.

-Any model deployed on this Mission may permanently reduce their Renown by 16 to add a Mauler Chainblade, Legion Plasma Pistol, or Eviscerator from those found to their Standard Load Outs.

-Any model equipped with Terminator Armor deployed on this Mission may permanently reduce their Renown by 20 to add a Chainfist, Reaper Autocannon, or Heavy Flamer from those found to their Standard Load Outs.

-Any model deployed on this Mission may permanently reduce their Renown by 24 to add a Masterwork Mauler Chainblade, Combi-weapon of any type, or Chainglaive from those found to their Standard Load Outs.

Equipment Descriptions
Ranged Weapons

Weapon / Capacity / Range / Strength / AP / Damage / RoF/ Magazine / Type and Rules

Autogun / 02 / 24" / 2 / - / 1 / 2|3-5|6 / 6 / Rapidfire
Autopistol / 01 / 12" / 2 / - / 1 / 2|3|6 / 6 / Pistol
Bolt Pistol / 01 / 12" / 4 / - / 1 / 1|2|- / 4 / Pistol
Combi-Flamer / 04 / * / * / - / 1 / * / * / *
Combi-Melta / 04 / * / * / - / 1 / * / * / *
Combi-Plasma / 04 / * / * / - / 1 / * / * / *
Frag Grenade / * / 8" / 3 / - / 1 / D6|-|- / 1 / Blast
Krak Grenade / * / 8" / 6 / -1 / D3 / 1|-|- / 1 / -
Heavy Flamer / 05 / 12" / 5 / -1 / 1 / D6|2D6|- / 12 / Assault, automatically hits Targets in Range, ignores the effects of Cover
Legion Plasma Pistol / 01 / 12" / 7 / -3 / 1 / 1|2|- / 6 / Pistol
-Supercharged / 01 / 12" / 8 / -3 / 2 / 1|2|- / 6 / Pistol; a hit roll of a 1 with this weapon causes 1 Mortal Wound on the Shooter after any hits have been resolved; each Supercharged shot uses up 3 "bullets" from the Weapon's Magazine.
Reaper Autocannon / 07 / 36" / 7 / -2 / 1 / 4|5|10 / 40 / Heavy

*By weapon being used. For Combi-plasma guns, the plasmagun portion only has 1 Plasma Cell.
*These items weigh little individually. Up to 2 grenades of any type weigh 01, up to 4 weigh 02, up to 6 weigh 03, and every 1 beyond that adds +01 weight.

Melee Weapons
Weapon / Capacity / Strength / AP / Damage / Rules

Brutal Assault Weapon / 01 / as user / - / 1 / Extra Attack
Berserker Chainblade / 03 / as user / -2 / 1 / -
Chainfist / 05 / +3 / -4 / 2 / Battering, Mauling, Unwieldy
Chainglaive / 05 / +1 / -3 / 1 / Mangling, Reach, Two-Handed
Jakhal Chainblade / 02 / as user / -1 / 1 / -
Mauler Chainblade / 03 / +2 / -2 / 2 / Unwieldy

Special Rules
this weapon increases its Damage by +1 versus Terrain Features.
Extra Attack: when the bearer Attacks, it makes 1 extra Attack with this weapon.
Mangling: this weapon makes 2 Attacks for every 1 on the bearer's profile.
Mauling: this weapon increases its Damage by +1 when its bearer is outnumbered in the Fight Phase
Reach: this weapon can be used to Attack models within 2", even if they are not Engaged with this model.
Two-Handed: this weapon occupies both of the bearer's hands; they cannot hold another while this one is active unless the other weapon or item straps handsfree to the bearer's vambrace or similar location.
Unweildy: hit rolls made with this weapon suffer -1 to hit.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
24 hours after the arrival of the Desolation's Wake, if this Mission is not successfully completed by then, then in any future Missions featuring <Khorne> or <Heretic Astartes> adversaries, the GM gains an additional D6+7 Allotment to spend on Skulls for the Skull Throne! or Boons of Chaos gear detailed on page 5 of this blog, under Using World Eaters and Khorne Daemons as Adversaries and/or Using Black Legion and Other Undivided Chaos Forces as Adversaries.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/14 04:32:58

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Deep in the lower hull of the Desolation's Wake the stench of death grows strong. Huge vaults once used to contain the vessel's water supply have been transformed into titanic open Vats of blood and gore. A mechanism is set to unleash this ocean of red in an unstoppable flood. So the Deathwatch must go and dam it shut or otherwise reroute its terrible flow. This Mission is a two-pronged assault. The players must split their forces, one team moving to disable the main mechanism on top of the Vats and the other moving to clog or divert the pathways of flow below them. Insertion and Extraction will be time consuming and arduous. Bring Grapnels, Jump Packs, and Teleport Homers; bring Courage, Determination, and Zeal; bring the Wrath of Emperor down upon your Foes and thwart this insane attack before it begins. Players may send 1 or 2 squads to accomplish this Mission. Make sure players bring models with at least 4 Ratings in the Tech Skill combined.

DW6: Blood Dam: Routine

Briefing Phase: The volume of blood in these vaults cannot be estimated. The number of lives sacrificed for it defies reason. We must stop the flood before it happens or we shall suffer catastrophe in its tidal deluge.
Split your forces into 2 teams. Send your Tech savvy Brothers to the top of the Vats to deal with the Mechanisms of its release and your bullheaded below them to brute force the flow.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Admech, Inquisitorial, Ordo Malleus and/or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
The only thing in our favor here is the lack of initial guardians. Tarry, however, and we imagine you will face increasing hordes of unholy abominations or worse.
The GM may only field <Chaos Spawn>, <Khorne> <Daemons>, <Cultists>, and <Daemonic Engines> for this Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Disable the Regulators
: Team 1 must pass a Tech Skill test at each of the 3 Regulators on the top of the Vats for this Objective to be considered complete.

Disable the Main Mechanism: after completing the above Objective, Team 1 must pass another Tech Skill test at the Main Mechanism in order for this Objective to be considered complete.

Clog the Flow: Team 2 must use Sealant on each of the 3 Flow Ports at the bottoms of the Vats for this Objective to be considered complete.

Cut the Power
: if the Main Mechanism cannot be disabled, Team 1 will have to locate its power source and damage it beyond repair.

Divert the Flow: if Team 2 cannot gain access to the Flow Tunnels or if they want to be more thorough about their main Objective, they will have to seal another bulkhead and/or smash down the already sealed doors in the Flow Tunnel's path.

Ideally, there should be 2 boards for this Mission, representing the top of the Vats and the Flow Tunnels below. The Vats board should be set up as 3 long bridges from one short board edge to the other. The spaces between these bridges represents the open tops of the blood-filled Vats. Each of these bridges should be equal distance apart from each other with one running down the center line and the two others as close to the long board edges as your terrain allows. On each short board edge and in the middle of the board are a connecting gangways that link all 3 bridges. On the short edge opposite to where the Deathwatch deploy should be a series of small rooms with connecting corridors.

On the Flow Tunnel board should be a convoluted mess of corridors and Sealed Reinforced Bulkhead Doors with 3 distinct and separate paths that lead to small rooms on the far side of the board.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing all of their available Adversary models either in the small rooms on the Flow Tunnel board or in the rooms on the far side of the Vat board. The players then divide their forces into Team 1, which will attack the Vat mechanisms, and Team 2 which will attack the Flow Tunnels. Players may mix and match models from different units in order to maximize their chances of success at either task. For this Mission there is no overall Mission Leader. Teams with have to elect Squad Leaders and rely on them for battlefield direction. Any bonus that normally only applies to a Mission Leader instead applies to Squad Leaders for this Mission. If Squads are split up and/or intermixed, all models suffer -1 to their Cohesion Talents (to a minimum of Cohesion0) until the end of this Mission.

The players take the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, it takes 1 hour. If it lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, it takes 2 hours. If it lasts 11-15 Battlerounds, it lasts D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, it lasts D3+2 hours. Additionally add D2+1 hours for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. 4-9 hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract

Technology on the Table
On the Vats board, where the middle gangway intersects with each of the 3 bridges, place a Keypad at Low Power. These Keypads are the Regulators. In the center-most room on the far side of the board place a single Keypad at Full Power. This Keypad is the Main Mechanism. In all remaining rooms on that board place a Generator at Full Power.

On the Flow Tunnels board, in each of the 3 rooms, place a Keypad and small Generator, each at Miniscule Power. If the Keypads in any of these rooms are interacted with successfully they can be used to raise the Power Level of their corresponding Generators by 1 Step per Turn until they reach Full Power. As the Generators increase in Power so, too, do their respective Keypads. When these Keypads reach full power they can be used to Lock or Unlock any Door on the Flow Tunnel board within 8" of the Keypad. Alternatively, a successful Tech Skill interaction with one of these Keypads allows the players to place 1 Sentry Turret armed with a twin-linked Shotgun and 36-shot ammo feed of Scatter Shells anywhere within 18" of the respective Keypad. The Sentry Turret treats all models on the table as hostile, but only fires at the closest models within Range.

If players have Talents or abilities that allow them to place other Technology, they may do so inside any of the Rooms on the Vat board.

Player Prep
Choose Squad Leaders
Player(s) elect/select models to represent each Team's Squad Leader for this Mission. These Squad Leaders act independently of each other, accessing their respective models' Stratagems and CP pools. There is no overal Mission Leader for this Mission.

- Deployment Options: Interceptor Shuttle or Boarding Pod, players' choice.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission. In addition, up to 3 of the models deployed on this Mission may take a container of Sealant for free.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins play with 32 Allotment, not affected by the Doomclock. Only <Cultists> or <Chaos Spawn> may be fielded with this Allotment. These forces must be split between the two Mission boards.

After the 4th and further Battlerounds, the GM and the player that controls the Squad Leader model for each Team rolls off. If the players win, nothing happens. If the GM wins, they gain D3 Allotment per Deathwatch allied model currently on the respective board added to their Adversarial Reserves. When these Reserves become available, at the start of the next Battleround, they may be placed at the end of any Movement Phase, at least 9" from any Deathwatch allied model, on either Mission board, just like the normal 40k rules for Reserves. For these Reserves, the GM may use their Allotment to field <Khorne> <Daemons>, <Cultists>, <Chaos Spawn>, or <Daemonic Engines> only.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins play with Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV, not affected by the Doomclock. Only <Cultists> or <Chaos Spawn> may be fielded with this Allotment. These forces must be split between the two Mission boards.

After the 4th and further Battlerounds, the GM and the player that controls the Squad Leader model for each Team rolls off. If the players win, nothing happens. If the GM wins, they gain D3 Allotment per Deathwatch allied model currently on the respective board added to their Adversarial Reserves. When these Reserves become available, at the start of the next Battleround, they may be placed at the end of any Movement Phase, at least 9" from any Deathwatch allied model, on either Mission board, just like the normal 40k rules for Reserves. For these Reserves, the GM may use their Allotment to field <Khorne> <Daemons>, <Cultists>, <Chaos Spawn>, or <Daemonic Engines> only.

Special Rules
A Drop in the Drink
: any model that falls into the Vats of gore will sink to the bottom. Models with Jump Packs or Heavy Jump Packs will be able to extract themselves in one Turn, but must expend so much fuel to escape, their Packs stop working for the remainder of the Mission. Models in Terminator Armor or equipped with a Teleport Homer can opt to be Teleported back to the Intolerance, but are then therefore removed from the Mission. A Space Marine without this Equipment can try to climb out of the Vat, but do so at a -1 to their Strength tests. If trying to climb out, the Vat is counted as 24" deep. All other models that fall in are considered dead, as they drown in the bloody soup.

Locating the Power Source: if the players fail their Tech Skill tests, either on the Regulators or on the Main Mechanism, they must try to locate the Power Source and destroy that instead. To locate the Power Source a model with the Tech Skill must Move into base to base contact with any of the Generators on either Mission board and roll a D6 (these models don't have to have any Ratings left in this Skill to do this). On the roll of a 6, that Generator is the Power Source. If a Generator is identified, it must be destroyed. If none of the Generators on either Mission table are the Power Source, the players may voluntarily add D6 hours to the Mission time to locate it elsewhere. If they choose to do this the Power Source is automatically found and destroyed after the allotted time.

Terminal Data for this Mission
If players have the ability to place Terminals on either board, and are able to successfully interact with them, refer to any previous Mission except DW5: The Skin Vault for the tidbits that can be extracted.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
28 hours after the arrival of the Desolation's Wake, if this Mission is not successfully completed by then, starting with the first Battleround of Mission DW8: Onslaught the battlefield becomes subject to the Rain of Blood effect from the Wrath of Khorne table, regardless of where it takes place. This effect persists until the end of the last Battleround of that Mission.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/14 05:31:25

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
This is another straightforward Mission. Enter the battle space, prioritize killing the Warlord. Try to survive, kill his entourage, and then kill the Bloodthirster that tears out of his ruined body. Players may send as many Squads as they like, or individual models from any number of Squads up to 10 models. Pulling models from different squads will reduce all participating models' Cohesion by 1 for the duration of the Mission (to a minimum of Cohesion0).

Players only gain access to this Mission if they first successfully complete Missions DW3: The Gates of A'Dragoth and DW5: The Skin Vault.

DW7: Decapitator's Crown: Routine

Briefing Phase: We must send our bravest heroes to slay this towering monstrosity. Find the warlord and his bodyguards. Kill everything you find.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
We have located the Warlord and his entourage. We suspect he will be of devastating quality.
A Chaos Lord, such as a World Eaters Daemon Prince, a World Eaters Lord on Juggernaut, or a World Eaters Master of Executions, plus a retinue of World Eater Terminators, Eightbound or Exalted Eightbound, or a World Eaters Maulerfiend or Forgefiend. And a Bloodthirster. Maybe some Berserkers.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Kill the Warlord
players must reduce the Warlord to 0 Wounds in order to consider this Objective complete. The Deathwatch allied model that removes the last Wound from this Adversary gains +D3 XP.

And the Bloodthirster He Becomes: after the Warlord is slain, a Bloodthirster at full health tears out of his flesh and stands in his place. Players must reduce this Greater Daemon to 0 Wounds in order to consider this Objective complete. The Deathwatch allied model that removes the last Wound from this Adversary gains +D2+2 XP and +2D3 Renown.

Kill His Entourage, Too
: for every Adversary model besides the Warlord or the Bloodthirster, that began the Mission with 3 or more Wounds that's removed as a casualty this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may give one Deathwatch allied model that deployed on this Mission +1 XP or +1 Renown.

Kill Everything: for every 8 Adversaries removed as casualties this Mission, the Mission Leader gains +1 Renown. If the total number of Adversaries removed as casualties this Mission is a multiple of 8, the Mission Leader also gains +D3 XP and +D3 Corruption.

The board should be set up one large chamber. Scatter terrain in the form of piles of corpses, stacks of bones or skulls, metal effigies, statues of daemons, and/or cauldrons of blood may be set up along the chamber's periphery.

The GM sets up first, with their Warlord at the center of the board, flanked by his Entourage, all within 8" of him. Then the players set up, according to their chosen Insertion method.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, it takes 1 hour. If it lasts 6-10 Battlerounds, it takes 2 hours. If it lasts 11-15 Battlerounds, it lasts D3+1 hours. If it lasts 16 or more Battlerounds, it lasts D3+2 hours. Like all Routine Missions, be sure to add 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. 3-7 hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract
-all Adversary models have been removed as casualties

Technology on the Table
Unless players have models with Talents that allow them to place Technology on the battlefield, there is nothing significant here.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
Player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method
The GM begins play with any <Heretic Astartes> HQ <Character> they want (hereafter referred to as the "Warlord"), plus 32 Allotment worth of <Heretic Astartes> <Infantry> or <Daemonic Engine> models.

At the end of any Battleround where the total number of Wounds for the GM's forces are a multiple of 8, they gain that number of Allotment added to their Adversarial Reserves which become available to deploy within 2" of any board edge and at least 8" away from any Deathwatch allied models at the start of their next Turn.

At the end of any Battleround where the Warlord has 0 Wounds, the GM may replace his model with a Bloodthirster at full health that may act as normal starting on the GM's next Turn.

Allotment: Revised Method
The GM begins play with any <Heretic Astartes> HQ <Character> they want (hereafter referred to as the "Warlord"), plus Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV worth of <Heretic Astartes> <Infantry> or <Daemonic Engine> models.

At the end of any Battleround where the total number of Wounds for the GM's forces are a multiple of 8, they gain that number of Allotment added to their Adversarial Reserves which become available to deploy within 2" of any board edge and at least 8" away from any Deathwatch allied models at the start of their next Turn.

At the end of any Battleround where the Warlord has 0 Wounds, the GM may replace his model with a Bloodthirster at full health that may act as normal starting on the GM's next Turn.

Terminal Data for this Mission
If players are able to place any Terminals this Mission, roll randomly to determine their Power Level. If any are successfully interacted with they provide a data tidbit that may be traded to any Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, or Inquisitorial Faction present in the Narrative for +3D6 Esteem or exchanged for +1 CP to the players' main CP Pool during Mission DW8: Onslaught.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
If this Mission is not successfully completed then this Warlord is added to the GM's forces in Mission DW8: Onslaught for free.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/14 06:34:59

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
At hour 32, this Mission interrupts whatever is currently happening. If players are in the middle of another Mission, this Onslaught doesn't wait, bursting onto the scene with all of its Allotment. Lucky, perhaps, for the players, this means the Khornate mob will treat all models currently on the table as foes and GMs should use their best judgement when deciding whether current Adversaries turn to fight, run away in the chaos, or use the cover of the onslaught to try to accomplish their own goals. Players, too, must decide what priority they give the Missions at hand - do they try to complete their current Mission while simultaneously fighting off this ever growing horde?

If players are on another Mission when this one smashes in, they have no control over how many squads are Deployed, but if the GM is using Staggered Deployment, other squads may reinforce the players' beleagured units. This also affects Mission duration as players will have already Inserted and don't have to add even more hours to the duration for that.

If players are between Missions, then this Mission takes precedence and players may send as many squads as they think they need to.

DW8: Onslaught: Routine

Briefing Phase: This is it, the attack we have been anticipating since the arrival of this Wreck. Brace yourselves, Brothers. We must hold them back or we may be lost forever.

In service to Whom: this Mission serves the interests the Deathwatch, but may be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Malleus or Ordo Hereticus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
They are coming! There may be no end to them!
Use everything and anything, except <Vehicles> that don't also have the <Daemon Engine> keyword, from the World Eaters codex, <Khorne> <Daemons> from the Chaos Daemons codex, and <Infantry>, <Beast>, and <Daemon Engine> models from The Chaos Space Marine codex.

Primary Objective
Kill Everything
every single Adversary model must be removed as a casualty for this Objective to be considered complete.

The board should be set up as a series of rooms and corridors. This Mission takes place on board the [++Redacted++] and so terrain should reflect that asthetic.

The players set up first, according to their chosen Deployment method. Then the GM sets up their forces, on the short board edge opposite the Deathwatch's deployment zone, at least 8" from the center of the board.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and GM should roll off to determine who takes the first Turn.

If this Mission interrupts another Mission, the GM's forces take their first Movement Phase from any board edge and act on the Turns when the other Adversaries act. If it is unclear when these forces should arrive, have them come in before the end of the 5th Battleround.

Extraction Time and Ending the Game
If this Mission lasts 8 Battlerounds or less, it takes or adds 1 hour. If it lasts 9-16 Battlerounds, it takes or adds 2 hours. If it lasts for more than 16 Battlerounds, it lasts or adds D3 hours. If this Mission stands alone be sure to add 1 hour for Insertion and 1 hour for Extraction. 3+ hours

This Mission ends when one of the following occurs:
-all Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties
-all Deathwatch allied models Extract (if Deathwatch models Extract before all Primary Objectives are completed, this Mission is considered a failure)
-all Adversary models have been removed as casualties

Technology on the Table
Even if players have models with Talents that allow them to place Technology on the battlefield, on this Mission they cannot, unless they were on another Mission already where they did.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
If this Mission stands alone, player(s) elect/select models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader. If this Mission plows into an already ongoing Mission, just use the Mission Leader already chosen for that Mission. If this is the case and both Missions are completed successfully, the Mission Leader gains an additional +2D3 XP and +2D6 Renown.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies if this Mission stands alone. Otherwise players will have already deployed for the Mission they are on.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies if this Mission stands alone. Otherwise players will have to adhere to their selection they've already made for the Mission they are on.

Arming Phase
Players spend their models' Renown and/or Esteem to gear up and outfit themselves for the upcoming Mission, unless this Mission interrupts an already in progress Mission, in which case players will be forced to use what they've already equipped to complete the Mission they were on.

Play the Game
Have fun.

Debriefing Phase
Record Xp, Renown, Esteem, and all new gear & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original or Revised Method
The GM begins play with 8 Allotment, plus any bonuses awarded from previous Missions failed or missed.

At the start of each Battleround after the first until Battleround 8, the GM generates more Allotment equal to the Battleround's number times 8. This Allotment must be spent this Turn and takes its first Movement Phase from the GM's deployment edge.

Terminal Data for this Mission
If players are able to place any Terminals this Mission, roll randomly to determine their Power Level. If any are successfully interacted with they provide a data tidbit that may be traded to any Ordo Malleus, Ordo Hereticus, or Inquisitorial Faction present in the Narrative for +3D6 Esteem or exchanged for +1 CP to the players' main CP Pool during subsequent tries to complete this Mission.

Consequences for Failing or not Completing this Mission
If this Mission is not successfully completed then it must be repeated until it is won, all player-controlled experienced Deathwatch models are dead, or time runs out on the Doomclock.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/15 17:38:40

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Okay, so that's the last Mission of the Desolation's Wake and now I have to move on to more content. But here is the impediment that I'm running up against. Or, I guess, impedimentS. Mostly, it's an issue of focus and I have none. This isn't to say that I cannot write a giant free document for the community to participate in, because clearly I've already done that. But it is to say that I've put a lot on my plate and I am having trouble picking a place to continue from.

For me, this whole campaign has run into an issue of having more material than it needs. And in some ways, less. For one, I am aware that it lacks organization. Tables and charts and revisions are scattered throughout the whole thread (along with more typos, spelling errors, gramnatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies than I want to think about). But I can accept these because, unlike big wargaming companies, I'm just one person and they have teams of 20 or more people working on their projects. But there's clearly more wrecks already detailed, with more Missions - and therefore time - than can be contained in the Main Narrative and still have players be successful at shutting down the Warp Core on the [++Redacted++]. So that begs the question, "What happens if players fail?"

And of course, I imagine people playing this Campaign may have adapted their games to ignore the Doomclock and simply play the content. For me, though, I feel like I need to write something to deal with that failure. And maybe address a longer narrative that introduces a different type of Clock mechanic. One that counts down towards a time when the [++Redacted++] pops back out of the Warp and players have a different opportunity to escape. That introduces new complications.

Safe Havens inside the massive Hulk where Gellar Fields still work and increased risk of Corruption when Missions take players out of those sections. What about random encounters with wacky Daemons, Psychuenin, Enslavers, and Warp Ghosts? How do players plan for escape? Is there even a possibility to do so from inside the Hulk or do they have to pray another Imperial ship encounters them so they can hitch a ride? Maybe the right thing to do is put everyone into SusAn (for the uninitiated, SusAn is a state of Suspended Animation that most Astartes can induce in themselves to help protect them from hard vaccuum and keep them in hybernation for hundreds and even thousands of years) and just wait to be discovered? And where does the [++Redacted++] drift to; where does it breach the warp and why would Imperial forces care about its arrival? These are all questions I'm asking myself and then getting stuck in as I also detail literally 20 other wrecks and rules for using stand alone Villain and Allied Factions.

I've been teasing one particular ship for what must be years now, the Quadratic Logii and every time I post some other ship I feel terrible about not working on it. But, it's not that I haven't been working on it. It's that I've set such a high bar for myself that the Ship has a lot of detail that saps my capacity to create new content. There's 2 new, interconnected, but ultimately independent Admech Factions on that Ship, plus Dark Mechanicum stuff for which I have to write all the rules for. So I put the project to the side and work on other things when it gets overwhelming. Which means even with all the stuff I've been talking about working on (which I am), the thing I have most finished is another Ork Ship.

I imagine this has been quite the rant. I want to post up generic rules for using Adversary Factions, what Animosity is, how players earn it, and what that means for GMs and Players alike. I want to post up guidelines for Mission Arcs, where everything leading up to Main Narrative Mission: Shut it Down! is just the first Arc. And I want to post up the Factions with all their bells and whistles, too.

It's tax season here in the states and in the midst of that, I am searching for a new place to live. And I'm starting Mental Health treatment in a few days - which in the States is expensive and stigmatized. I work a full time job with a 2 hour round trip commute and a 9 hour shift on my feet. And everything I've been trying to do as of late just seems overwhelming and insurmountable. So I hope the community is enjoying this campaign. I hope it brings some of you joy and fun. And I hope you will understand that content is coming, but perhaps not at the murderous pace I have already set for myself.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you all have an awesome day.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/15 20:18:12

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

If anyone has any preferences for what I concentrate on next, please feel free to comment here or send me a DM.

Here is the Master List of all the Things I'm currently writing for this Campaign

Vessels and Factions of the Imperium

M32 Martian Mandate: Quadratic Logii
Hull: ArkCruiser fragment
Original Crew Compliment: unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Warp Implosion
Current Condition of Crew: Isolated or Warped
Probable Disposition: Adeptus Mechanicus, Dark Mechanicum, Mutants, Daemons, Servitors, Ship Dead

M33 Adeptus Terra Mandate: Denial
Hull: Gladius Frigate
Original Crew Compliment: ~12,000
Circumstance of Drift: extensive battle damage; apparent dereliction
Current Condition of Crew: unknown; presumed dead
Probable Disposition: Ship Dead, genestealers

M36 Ecclesiastical Mandate: Divine Seat
Hull: Light Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment: ~16,000
Circumstance of Drift: extensive battle damage; apparent dereliction
Current Condition of Crew: unknown; presumed dead
Probable Disposition: Sorotitas remnant, possible Inquisitorial presence, Tyranids

M37 Adetus Terra Mandate: Vehement
Hull: Strike Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment: ~25,000
Circumstance of Drift: Navigational error
Current Condition of Crew: slightly warp touched
Probable Disposition: loyalist Black Wasps, compromised Black Wasps Astartes

Brother Decimus Sulla: Ordo Malleus Grey Knight

Magos Chabdra-8256: Admech Faction

The Project: Admech Faction

Vessels and Factions of Chaos

Unknown Inception Chaos Frigate: Hell's Talon
Hull: Battle frigate
Original Crew Compliment: ~10,000
Circumstance of Drift: Apparent Battle Damage
Current Condition of Crew: alive and calculating
Probable Disposition: Heretic Astartes

M30 Dark Angels Warship: Wolf Hunter
Hull: Strike Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment: Unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Apparent Battle Damage
Current Condition of Crew: In Sus-ans
Probable Disposition: Fallen, Ship Dead, unknown others

M31 Martian Forge: Unyielding Theorem
Hull: Battleship
Original Crew Compliment: ~750,000
Circumstance of Drift: extensive battle damage suffered at the hands of an unknown assailant
Current Condition of Crew: mostly dead or in stassis
Probable Disposition: Genestealers, possibly ancient machines

M34 Rogue Trader Vessel: Grand Lazarus
Hull: Heavy Frigate
Original Crew Compliment: ~4,000
Circumstance of Drift: Decline
Current Condition of Crew: lost
Probable Disposition: Ship Dead, Genestealers

M37 Corrupted Rogue Trader: Princess of Excess
Hull: Light Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment:~36,000
Circumstance of Drift: Unknown
Current Condition of Crew: enthralled
Probable Disposition: cultists, Slaaneshi daemons

M38 Astartes Vessel: Pterradon
Hull: Strike Cruiser
Original Crew Compliment: ~25,000
Circumstance of Drift: Warp containment failure
Current Condition of Crew: unknown
Probable Disposition: Astartes, somthing else

Iajulga'Prek: Chaos Space Wizard

Gulgloptor Glulth: Prophet of Nurgle

Vessels and Factions of Xenos

Unknown Eldar Vessel: Ashen Wraith
Hull: Light Cruiser Equivalent
Original Crew Compliment:Unknown
Circumstance of Drift: Apparent Battle Damage
Current Condition of Crew: Unknown
Probable Disposition: Aeldari Corsairs, wraith constructs

Unknown Eldar Vessel: Spear of Dawnlight
Hull: Craftworld Fragment
Original Crew Compliment:Unknown; possibly millions
Circumstance of Drift: unknown
Current Condition of Crew: unknown, likely dead
Probable Disposition: Harlequins, Corsairs, Aspect Warriors

Ork Krooza: Da Biggest Fist
Hull: Kill Krooza
Original Crew Compliment: ~too many
Circumstance of Drift: Warp Drive Malfunction
Current Condition of Crew: Tired of fighting daemons and looking for new foes ta krump
Probable Disposition: Orkz, grots, squigs, and various daemons

Crippled Demiurge Factory Ship: Forge of Cities
Hull: Forge Titan
Original Crew Compliment: ~1,000,000
Circumstance of Drift: Crippled during unknown battle and dragged into another vessel's warp implosion
Current Condition of Crew: Largely intact, sane, and industrious
Probable Disposition: Demiurge, Kroot, Vespid, Tau, and other sundry alien coalition forces

Prince Ulianoth: Aeldari Corsair

Plus These Ideas That Aren't as Well Fleshed Out Yet

Galaxis: Factory Ship

Dominar Olympiad: Preheresy Generation Ship

Iron Bastion: Votann Ark

His Mailed Fist: Custodes Retrieval Frigate

Rogue Bishop: Haunted Rogue Trader

Midnight Mistress: Ghost Ship

Xeriska: Unknown Xenos Vessel

The Calictus: Diverted Militarum Transport

Bloo Toof: Ork Mekboss

Gargob Tank Smasha: Ork Warlord

Waaazag Da Kan't Stoppable: Ork Warlord

The Council: T'au Diplomatic Coalition

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/16 19:38:42

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Well, I'm certainly impatient if nothing else. I'm going with what I have.

Ork Krooza: Da Biggest Fist
Hull: Kill Krooza
Original Crew Compliment: ~too many
Circumstance of Drift: Warp Drive Malfunction
Current Condition of Crew: Tired of fighting daemons and looking for new foes ta krump
Probable Disposition: Orkz, grots, squigs, and various daemons

Screaming out of the warp, Da Biggest Fist sails true to its namesake. A gargantuan metal fist backed by a myriad of haphazard rockets, Da Biggest Fist punches down, cracking the back of the [++Redacted++] with its impact and spewing debris from every available hole. Its momentum carries it nearly through the whole of the hulk, only stopping after it has buried itself up to its engines. The fires of its thrusters continue to burn and it pushes the hulk into a slow, erratic spin. If things weren't crazy enough already, this development might be a minor setback. But given all that is happening, it may be one complication too many.


Ship's Story
Da Biggest Fist must have been purpose built, for its prow too closely resembles an Ork's balled fist, even down to the clawed fingernails. This vessel has surprisingly thick armor, but not nearly as many weapons as the average Orkish spaceship. Brief glimpses of the ship's main hull as it smashed into the [++Redacted++], indicated it may once have been reliant on swarms of Fighta Bombaz, but perhaps its time in the Warp has shed this vessel of that capability. In any case, Da Biggest Fist is alive with activity and an extant threat to the overall Mission of the Deathwatch for certain.

If there is a Mission ongoing when this vessel arrives, the board is immediately subject to a Hulk Quake (see the Mundane Events chart for details) and, unless the Mission at hand is using the Teleportarium or the Defensible Position Extraction options, the sheer violence of its arrival adds an additional D3 hours to the Mission's Extraction time.

All Routine Missions that occur after this Vessel's arrival are subject to the Mundane Events chart. In addition, all Exploration Missions that occur on the [++Redacted++] from this point forward take an additional D3 hours due to decks smashed flat, cut with Orkish decks, filled with debris, or torn out completely.

Orks of many different warbands are present on this ship and at first they will be content to fight each other for the right to storm out into the Hulk first. Starting 3D6 hours after this ship's arrival, Orks will begin to appear in Missions. The first time they arrive, in whatever Mission they participate in, the GM receives a bonus 15 Allotment to spend specifically on models from the Ork codex. When they arrive, the GM must pick a clan for them. Whatever clan is chosen will become the Dominant Clan for all future Missions. In Missions where Orks are required to field an Elite or HQ Unit, they must be from this Dominant Clan, although other Orks - even other Elite and HQ units - may be from a different Clan.

Ship's Lore
If a player asks for more information about this Vessel and they have the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Psychic Sense, Stealth, and/or Tech Skills*, they may use it to glean any of the following tidbits of information (GMs, prompt players with the following topics and have them pick one for each appropriate Skill Rating they collectively have.):

Manufacture (Tech or Forbidden Knowledge): Da Biggest Fist has all the hallmarks of the average Orkish warship in that it is ramshackle, cobbled together from whole chunks of other ships, and garishly painted. However, the fist at the prow and the extra armor festooning it appears fabricated and suggests a level of sophistication not commonly associated with Orkish craftsmanship.

Armed with this information, Deathwatch models gain +1 Renown whenever they remove the last Wound from any Ork model with the <Mek>, <Spanner>, or <Painboy> keyword.

Crew (Forbidden Knowledge): picts of Orkish glyphs scattered across the exterior of this vessel reveal to the trained eye that many Orkish factions are present. This means two things, primarily. One, the clans are fracturous and infighting will likely hamper their efforts at mayhem. And two, there is likely a Warlord of some power onboard whose presence keeps those factions from degenerating into total chaos.

With this information, in any Mission where there are two or more Ork clans represented, add the following Tertiary Objective:

Execute the Nobs First: any Deathwatch allied model that removes Wounds from an Ork model with the <Nob> or <Character> keyword earns an additional +1 Renown when they do so. If all Ork models with the <Nob> or <Character> keyword are removed as casualties this Mission, the Mission Leader model gains an additional +D3 XP.

Something Amiss (Command): while the arrival of Da Biggest Fist is loud and violent, there is no accompanying outpouring of battle-mad Orks. In fact the ship seems mostly quiet for far too long. This is an opportunity.

This knowledge unlocks the Routine Mission: DBFa: Dazed and Confused.

A Great Disturbance (Stealth or Psychic Sense): Da Biggest Fist crackles with energy; the sensorium detects huge concentrations of power within the ship's interiors. And while the Tech-heads might dismiss this as ineffecient Orkish engine wiring, savvier souls maintain deeper suspicions.

This knowledge reduces the Mission time for DBF2: Strange Noises by -D3 hours. Additionally, any discoveries made by that Mission grant all Deathwatch allied models with the Stealth and/or Psychic Sense Skills +1 Renown, whether they are sent on that Mission or not. This includes any future recruits that begin the Campaign with either of those Skills.

*GMs, prompt your players with these Skills so that they know they have the option to use it. Using a Skill in this way does not expend a Rating.

Interior Architecture/Terrain Guidelines
This ship's interiors should look like virtually any other wreck, but with excessive amounts of barricades and armored balconies. Perhaps a mix of spaceship and mektown decor. Scatter terrain should look like ramshackle technology - mek shops, tesla coils, chunky bundles of exposed wiring, etc.

Available Missions
DBF1: Investigate the Ship: Exploration
DBF2: Strange Noises: Optional Exploration

Unlockable Missions
DBFa: Dazed and Confused: Routine
DBFb: Cut the Engines: Routine
DBFc: Cut the Power: Routine
DBFd: Smash the Gate: Routine
DBFe: Fungal Burn: Routine
DBFf1: Draw Out the Boss: Repeatable Linked
DBFf2: And then Kill Him: Repeatable Linked
DBFg: You Got His Attention: Routine

Missions that take place partially or wholly within the interiors of Da Biggest Fist may add up to D3 scattered Loot boxes. Players and GM should alternate placing these on the board anywhere in Ork rooms or within 6" of Ork terrain areas. In addition, Exploration Missions on board Da Biggest Fist use this chart to determine treasure gained.

2D6 roll: Ork Loot
2: Booby Trap!: The random junk in this box includes a crude detonator. In addition to scrap weighing 01 and worth D3 Esteem to any Admech Faction, the model that rolled this result gains D3 Wound Tokens.

3: D6 Shootas: Each of these crude, heavy bore weapons weigh 03. If any number of them are taken back to the Intolerance for study, all Techmarines on all players' rosters gain +1XP. If the Deathwatch accumulate 10 or more of these weapons, they may add a single Sanctified Xenos Weapon to their Arsenal of the Ordo Wargear List with the following profile:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / RoF / Magazine / Range / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
10 / 02 / 03 / Shooter (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 2|5|10 / 30 / 18" / 4 / - / 1 / Assault. Any roll of a 1 when Shooting fouls the weapon, requiring a successful Tech Skill test to clear. Until this weapon is cleared, it cannot fire.

4-5: 2D3 Frag Stikkbomms: These weapons work similarly to Frag grenades except that they have a 1 Turn delay. When thrown, pick a point in range and roll to hit. If the weapon hits, place a Marker to indicate its location. The weapon detonates at the end of the Adversary's Movement Phase, causing D6 Strength 3, AP-, Damage 1 hits divided randomly amongst all models within 3" of the marker.

6: D6 Sluggas: Each of these oversized, overweighted pistols weigh 02. If any number of them are taken back to the Intolerance for study, all Techmarines on all players' rosters gain +1XP. If the Deathwatch accumulate 10 or more of these weapons, they may add a single Sanctified Xenos Weapon to their Arsenal of the Ordo Wargear List with the following profile:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / RoF / Magazine / Range / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
08 / 01 / 02 / Slug Thrower (Sanctified Xeno Pistol) / 1|-|2 / 8 / 12" / 4 / - / 1 / Pistol. Any roll of a 1 when Shooting fouls the weapon, requiring a successful Tech Skill test to clear. Until this weapon is cleared, it cannot fire. The Slug Thrower may also be used in the Fight Phase as an improvised weapon, at Strength +1, AP -, Damage 1

7: Random Scrap: machine parts worth +2D3 Esteem to any Admech Faction.

8: 1 Big Shoota: This crude, heavy bore weapon weighs 04. If it is taken back to the Intolerance for study, all Techmarines on all players' rosters gain +1XP. If the Deathwatch accumulate 10 or more of these weapons, they may add a single Sanctified Xenos Weapon to their Arsenal of the Ordo Wargear List with the following profile:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / RoF / Magazine / Range / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
15 / 08 / 04 / Heavy Shooter (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / 3|9|15 / 100 / 36" / 5 / - / 1 / Assault. Any roll of a 1 when Shooting fouls the weapon, requiring a successful Tech Skill test to clear. Until this weapon is cleared, it cannot fire.

9: 1 Rokkit Launcha: This weapon is essentially an unguided explosive warhead on the end of a crude, man-portable launching system. It weighs 01. It may be taken back to the Intolerance for study, earning all Techmarines on all players' rosters +1XP. If the Deathwatch accumulate 10 or more of these weapons, they may add a single Sanctified Xenos Weapon to their Arsenal of the Ordo Wargear List with the following profile:

Threshold / Cost / Capacity / Item / RoF / Magazine / Range / Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
25 / 15 / 02 / Launcher (Sanctified Xeno Rifle) / D3|-|- / 3 / 18" / 8 / -2 / 1 / Assault. Any roll of a 1 when Shooting means the warhead failed to launch and detonates in the model's hands. The model equipped with this weapon suffers 2D3 Strength 6, AP -, Damage 1 hits and, if they survive, must spend a Phase cleaning and reloading the weapon if they have any extra Rockets with them. An unloaded Launcher weighs 01.

10: D3 Rockets: These volatile warheads may be used as reloads for the Sanctified Xeno Rifle: Launcher. Each weighs 01.

11: D3 Reloads for Sluggas, D3 Reloads for Shootas, and 1 Reload for a Big Shoota: up to 2 Slugga/Slug Thrower Reloads weigh 01; up to 2 Shoota/Shooter Reload weigh 01; each Big Shoota/Heavy Shooter Reload weighs 01.

12: Sophisticated Scrap: this stuff weighs 04. If a model takes it back to the Intolerance it is worth 3D3 Esteem to any Admech Faction or D3+1 Esteem to any Ordo Xenos Faction. Alternatively, it may be exchanged for +D3 Renown.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/20 04:44:52

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

DBF1: Investigate the Ship: Exploration
Player Briefing

This Ork vessel is clearly still under power, but so far nothing has stirred. The players must take a team into the vessel and try to sus out what's going on in there. What, exactly, us the threat posed by this ship and how can the Deathwatch deal with that. Players may send 1 Squad or any number of models from any number of Squads to undertake this Mission.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos Faction.

"Get an initial layout of this vessel. See if there is anyway to mitigate the Orky fury that brought it here."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Find Out What You Can: Roll a D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the Discoveries section below during the Debriefing Phase.

Tertiary Objective:
Bring Back Anything of Use: Roll 2D6 for each model assigned to this Mission during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 3+ on the Loot table for this vessel can be considered to have personally completed this Objective.

Mission Length
D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration 1 hour extraction. 3-8 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

GM's Section

Have each model that deployed on this Mission roll a D6 during the Debriefing Phase to determine what secrets are discoveredand/or what Missions are unlocked while onboard.

D6 Roll: Discovery
1: Power Relays Everywhere, but They are Easy to Trace: this unlocks the Mission DBFb: Cut the Engines. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown. Any model with at least 1 Rating in the Tech or Stealth Skill that rolls this result also gains +1XP.

2: There is Certainly a Lot of Daemons Running Around in Here: this unlocks the Mission DBFd: Smash the Gate. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown. Any model with at least 1 Rating in the Forbidden Knowledge or Psychic Sense Skill that rolls this result also gains +1XP.

3: There's at Least One Whole Compartment Just Filled With Fungus: this unlocks the Mission DBFe: Fungal Burn. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown. Any model with at least 1 Rating in the Forbidden Knowledge or Inspire Skill that rolls this result also gains +1XP.

4: There's Glyphs of Every Orkish Clan and Clear Evidence of Conflict: this unlocks the Mission DBFf1: Draw Out the Boss. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown. Any model with at least 1 Rating in the Command or Inspire Skill that rolls this result also gains +1XP.

5: Structural Integrity is Suprisingly Sturdy, but it Still has its Exploitable Flaws: this adds the following Tertiary Objective to any Mission that takes place onboard this Vessel. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown. Any model with at least 1 Rating in the Demolition or Tech Skill that rolls this result also gains +1XP.

Sabotage the Structure: any model that plants a Bomb of any kind, a Booby Trap Marker, or deliberately damages a terrain feature can be considered to have personally completed this Objective.

6: The Orks Aren't Doing a Great Job of Hiding Their Intentions: if any Mission on this chart has not been uncovered by rolling, a model that rolls this result can select to have "discovered" it anyway. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown. Any model with at least 1 Rating in any Skill that rolls this result also gains +1XP.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

DBF2: Strange Noises: Optional Exploration
Player Briefing

Something more than just squabbling Orks are in this vessel. Players have the option of going back in to investigate further. It's time consuming, but it may be worth the risk. It also might be just a big waste of time. Players may send 1 Squad, or models from any number of Squads up to 3, to undertake this Mission.

In service to Whom
This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, but may also be considered a Side Quest for any Admech Faction.

"There is a strange electrical hum coming off this whole vessel. Maybe we should go back in and investigate that. It's time consuming, but if we have the manpower to spare, it might serve us to commit to it."

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Find Out What You Can: Roll a D6 for each model that was assigned to this Mission and consult the Discoveries section below during the Debriefing Phase.

Tertiary Objective:
Bring Back Anything of Use: Roll 2D6 for each model assigned to this Mission during the Debriefing Phase. Any model that rolls a 3+ on the Loot table for this vessel can be considered to have personally completed this Objective.

Mission Length
D6 hours plus 1 hour Infiltration 1 hour extraction. 3-8 hours.

-Record XP and Renown

Players are unlikely to rack up much Renown or XP on an Exploration Mission, but you should still keep track of what they get.
-Player(s) Spend or Bank XP

GM's Section

Consequences for not Completing this Mission
In all upcoming Missions that take place on board this Vessel, the GM may place up to D6 Fancy Gubbinz Terrain Features. These features are no more than 3" in any dimension, but may be placed anywhere on the board after all terrain has been placed. They must be clearly identified by the GM to the players. Each Fancy Gubbinz Terrain Feature generates D6 Allotment at the start of each Battleround. This Allotment may be spent on anything from the Ork Codex and may be placed on the battlefield at the end of any Ork Movement Phase in base to base contact with any Fancy Gubbinz terrain feature when doing so, even if this places them in Engagement Range of an enemy model. If they are placed in Engagement Range, these Ork models count as Charging this Turn.

If players do not undertake this Mission, these Fancy Gubbinz are treated as Terrain Features with Toughness 10, 8 Wounds, and an Armor Save 4+. If players do take on this Mission, these Fancy Gubbinz are treated as Terrain Features with Toughness 6, 3 Wounds, and an Armor Save 5+. The unknown is scary and tough.

Have each model that deployed on this Mission roll a D6 during the Debriefing Phase to determine what secrets are discovered and/or what Missions are unlocked while onboard. Models with the Tech Skill gain +1 to this roll for each of their Ratings in that Skill.

D6 Roll: Discovery
1-2: Nope, This was a Huge Waste of Time After All: nothing interesting is discovered by this model. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1XP.

3-4: Some of These Power Relays are for Something Other Than Engines and Guns: this unlocks the Mission DBFc: Cut the Power. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown.

5+: Oh, the Orks ARE Hiding a Secret Project After All: this adds the following Tertiary Objective to any Mission that takes place onboard this Vessel. If more than 1 model rolls this result, each one of them gains +1 Renown.

Target the Fancy Gubbinz: any model that removes the last Wound from an Ork Fancy Gubbinz terrain feature can be considered to have personally completed this Objective.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/22 05:28:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
While Da Biggest Fist settles in, the Deathwatch has an opportunity to strike the Orks before they can organize themselves, causing confusion and mayhem amongst their ranks. The longer the Deathwatch stay, the more they can kill. However, the longer they take to slake their predation, the more organized the greenskin retaliation and the stronger their defense will become. The Mission Leader must weigh kill count against tactics and time their withdrawal as precisely as possible. Players may send any number of Squads to deal with this Mission.

DBFa: Dazed and Confused: Routine

"Dumbfounded and reeling, the Orks will make easy prey to bolter and chainsword. However, they will at some point regain their footing. You must do as much damage as possible before they are able to organize an effective counterstrike."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"Expect Orkish infantry from runty to hulking."
Grots, Ork <Infantry>, Nobz, and Elites. Each Ork unit may be from a different clan. However, at some point, an Ork HQ unit might show up. After that occurs, all reinforcements must come from that same Clan.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Thin Their Numbers
: for every 30 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, reduce all future Allotment on Missions that occur on Da Biggest Fist by 1. If at least 30 Adversary models are removed as casualties this game, all Deathwatch allied models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown.

Minimize Your Own Casualties: for each Deathwatch model removed as a casualty this Mission, the Mission Leader model gains +1XP, but loses D3 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Kill Count
: for every 10 Ork models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may give one Deathwatch allied model that deployed on this Mission +1XP or +1 Renown. In addition, for every 20 Ork models removed as casualties this Mission, the Mission Leader model gains an additional +1XP or +1 Renown, controlling player's choice.

Big Kills Matter: for every Ork model with the <Character> keyword removed as a casualty, the Mission Leader model gains +1 Renown.

The board should be set up as a series of debris-filled chambers. Use plenty of scatter terrain, fuel barrels, and obstacles. The rooms should be large, high vaulted, and haphazard.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Insertion method. Then the GM's forces set up, anywhere on the battlefield at least 9" from any Deathwatch allied model.

The players take the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. 3-6 hours

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM begins the Mission with 30 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock). If using the revised Allotment rules, the GM begins the Mission with Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV, not affected by the Doomclock.

At the start of every Battleround, the GM gains an additional D6 times the Battleround number in Allotment. These are added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 2 and take their first Movement Phase from any table edge.

Starting with Battleround 2, the GM should roll 2D6 at the start of the Battleround. If they roll a double 1 or a double 6, they also gain D3 times 15 Allotment that must be spent on an Ork HQ model (any left over Allotment may be spent on Nobz or other Elite models from the Ork Codex).

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
45 / 25 / 01 / Archeotech Multitool / Inexplicably, this sophisticated Relic Tool has found its way into the possession of Orks. If the Deathwatch liberate it, the Machine Spirit is so grateful, it provides any Imperial bearer with 1 re-roll per Turn for their Tech or Medic Skill.

50 / 25 / 01 / Intimidation Rod / This artifact may be used in the Fight Phase. It provides Strength +1, AP-, Damage 1. Any time this weapon hits it causes a deafening "BONK" noise, imposing a cumulative +1 penalty to Adversary Morale tests within 6" of the bearer. Alternatively, as an Action in the Command Phase, the bearer may strike this Relic against any surface, immediately imposing a -1 penalty to Adversary models' Leadership within 6", until the end of the Battleround.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/03/22 17:25:48

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
The Deathwatch must move into the Engine compartments, following the fuel lines and main power couplings. Once near these vital systems, they must cause as much damage as possible, as fast as possible, in order to stop Da Biggest Fist's hijack of the [++Redacted++]'s stability. Players may send any number of Squads to deal with this Mission.

DBFb: Cut the Engines: Routine

"We must move into the heart of this Ork ship's drive compartments, kill the Meks that toil there, and sow enough destruction that not even the madcap Orks will be able to fix things. We must stop those engines dead."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"We expect you will be coming up against Orkish Meks, Spanners, and other tinkering castes, plus hordes of Gretchin and likely bizarre esoteric weapons, besides. You must prepare for the very worst."
In addition to hordes and hordes of Grots, there should also be Mek Gunz to contend with, Burna Boyz, Lootas, Flashgitz, Meks, and Big Meks. Nobz in Mega Armor are also acceptable Adversaries for this Mission.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Cut the Fuel Lines
: there will be a number of Heavy Valve Markers positioned throughout this Battlefield. Any Deathwatch allied model that removes the last Wound from one of these terrain features or otherwise destroys the Marker, gains +1 XP. If all of these Heavy Valve Markers are removed, all Deathwatch allied models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown.

Ravage the Control Systems: there will be a number of Orky Control Terminals positioned throughout this Battlefield. Any Deathwatch allied model that removes the last Wound from one of these terrain features gains +1 XP. If all of these Orky Control Terminals are destroyed, all Deathwatch allied models deployed on this Mission gain +1 Renown and the Mission Leader gains an additional +D3 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Thin Their Ability to Repair
: for every 30 Gretchin models or every 10 Ork models with the <Burna Boy>, <Mek>, or <Spanner> keyword, removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may give one Deathwatch allied model that deployed on this Mission +1XP or +1 Renown.

Big Kills Matter: for every Ork model with the <Character> keyword removed as a casualty, the Mission Leader model gains +1 Renown or +1 XP, player's choice.

The board should be set up as one very large chamber with multiple, smaller rooms inside it. The GM may place as much or as little scatter terrain as they like, in the form of junk piles, fuel barrels, and barricades.

Once terrain is set, players and the GM should take turns placing 3D3+3 Heavy Valve Markers anywhere on the board. Each of these Markers have Toughness 4 and 2 Wounds, with no Armor Save.

Players and the GM should also take turns placing D3+3 Orky Control Terminals anywhere on the board. Each of these Terminals have Toughness 5, 4 Wounds, and a 5+ Armor Save. These Terminals should be represented by large, imposing terrain features reminiscent of the way computers looked in the 1950s.

Models may Shoot at terrain features, Attack them in the Fight Phase if they are within 1" of them (although models cannot declare Charges against these Markers or Terminals), or, if a model with at least 1 Rating in the Tech Skill is within Cohesion Range of a Marker during the Command Phase, they may perform an Action by rolling their Skill Stat and, if they are successful, count as destroying that Marker regardless of how many Wounds it has remaining. Using the Tech Skill in this way does not expend a Rating.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing any Ork models within 9" of the Orky Control Terminals and any Gretchin or Mek Gun models anywhere else, at least 9" from any board edge. Then the players' forces set up, according to their Insertion method.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off go determine who will take the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more.

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game (and have fun)

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method: The GM gets 100 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock), of which at least half must be spent on Gretchin, Mek Guns, or Orks with the <Mek>, <Spanner>, or <Burna Boy> keyword.

Allotment: Revised Method: The GM gets Allotment equal to twice the players' combined CTV to start (not affected by the Doomclock), of which at least half must be spent on Gretchin, Mek Guns, or Orks with the <Mek>, <Spanner>, or <Burna Boy> keyword.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
100 / 35 / 00 / Auspex Bug / this is a Relic in 2 parts. First, it is a Plug Interface that sockets into a Space Marine's Power Armor, allowing that model to interact with and direct the second part. The second part is a tiny, nearly undetectable spying device with the shape and function of an insect automaton. It can fly to any height and move any distance up to 30" from the bearer of the Plug Interface. It ignores terrain features, walls, and even impassable terrain. Enemy models cannot see it, target it, or attack it in any way directly, although it may still be caught in a blast or destroyed by an EMP or Haywire weapon or effect. The Bug has all the functions of an Auspex, centered on its location and can be interacted with in the same way by the bearer, regardless of its distance from them. The Bug is automatically assumed to be retrieved at the end of any Mission where it was not destroyed.

50 / 45 / 00 / Thermal Shield / This sophisticated gorget conceals a Power Field generator specifically attuned against heat. It provides its bearer with a 4+ Invulnerable Save versus any Weapon or Effect with the word "Flame", "Melta", "Plasma", "Blasta", or "Heat" in its name. Additionally, any item with the Ablaze or Conflagerate Quality loses that ability when targeting the bearer of this Relic.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/04/04 17:33:55

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
A madcap ball of Orkish know-whats sits at the heart of Da Biggest Fist. It's powering a variety of Mek projects throughout the ship. The Deathwatch must follow the trail of cables and ductwork into the depths to destroy this device once and for all. Players may send any number of Squads to deal with this Mission.

DBFc: Cut the Power: Routine

"Search the depths for the source of the Mekaniaks' power. Fight your way through and destroy it by any means."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos or Admech Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"It is likely you will draw a lot of attention as you move into the depths. Expect increasingly powerful opposition."
Waves of increasingly powerful Orks. Use everything with legs.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Fight Your Way In
: any Deathwatch allied model that ends their Turn within 3" of the Device before Turn 5 gains +1 Renown and can be considered to have personally completed this Objective.

Ensure the Destruction of the Device: the model that removes the last Wound from the Device can be considered to have personally completed this Objective. If the Device is destroyed, the Mission Leader also gains +D3 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Fight Your Way Out
: the Deathwatch must move away from the residual fluctuations of the Device to avoid interference with their Teleportarium. Models that Teleport Extract from the Deathwatch table edge gain +1 Renown.

Kill Count: for every 20 Adversary models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may grant one Deathwatch allied model other than themselves +1 XP.

Big Kills Matter: for every Ork model with the <Character> or <Vehicle> keyword removed as a casualty, the Mission Leader model gains +1 Renown or +1 XP, player's choice.

The board should be set up with one large chamber flush up against one table edge, preferably the edge furthest away from any other edge. The remainder of the terrain should be a series of smaller chambers and hallways, with multiple paths leading to the large room at the far side. There should be plenty of Scatter Terrain.

In the center of the large room, the GM should place a large, Orky-looking-Generator terrain feature. This will represent the Device and so should be appropriately large and imposing. Cables, pipelines, wires, and other electronic or fuel terrain stuff should all lead to this Device from the rest of the board, as much as can be managed with your terrain selection. The Device has a Toughness 7, 40 Wounds, and an Invulnerable Save of 5+.

Models may Shoot at the Device, Attack it in the Fight Phase if they are within 1" of it (although models cannot declare Charges against the Device), or, if a model with at least 1 Rating in the Tech Skill is within Cohesion Range of the Device during the Command Phase, they may perform an Action by rolling their Skill Stat. If they are successful, they cause D3+1 Mortal Wounds to the Device. Using the Tech Skill in this way does not expend a Rating.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing their models within 9" of the Device. When the GM's Reserves become available, they take thier first Movement Phase from any table edge. Then the players' forces set up, according to their Insertion method.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who will take the first Turn.

Extraction Time: D6 hours Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. 3-11 hours

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Teleportarium or any for which the Mission Leader qualifies if the Teleportarium is not working for Narrative reasons.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium or any for which the Mission Leader qualifies if the Teleportarium is not working for Narrative reasons.

Arming Phase
Player arm their models for the task at hand. In addition, any number of models may be equipped with 1 Melta Bomb for free.

According to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any Treasures gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method: The GM gets 25 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock). When players roll for Insertion time, the GM gets additional starting Allotment equal to 5 times the number rolled. Lastly, at the start of each Battleround, the GM rolls a D6 and multiplies the result by the Turn number. This is then added to the GM's Ongoing Adversarial Reserves. The GM's Reserves become available starting on Turn 2.

Allotment: Revised Method: The GM gets Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV to start (not affected by the Doomclock). When players roll for Insertion time, the GM gets additional starting Allotment equal to 5 times the number rolled. Lastly, at the start of each Battleround, the GM rolls a D6 and multiplies the result by the Turn number. This is then added to the GM's Ongoing Adversarial Reserves. The GM's Reserves become available starting on Turn 2.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

Strange Fluctuations
The Device is essentially drawing power from the Warp. The GM may spend their Ongoing Advesarial Reserves Allotment on models with the <Daemon> keyword, Deep Striking them onto the table at least 9" away from any model without the <Daemon> keyword. However, these models treat Orks as enemies also and so will wreak havoc on the battlefield. This is a good way for GMs to mitigate the growing enemy hordes the players face (and so players are not TPK'ed).

In addition, Teleportarium Extraction on this Mission can be done from any location. If a Deathwatch allied model is within 9" of the Device when they Teleport, have the controlling player roll a Toughness test. If they fail, they take D3 Mortal Wounds. If a Deathwatch allied model is not within 6" of the table edge they Deployed from when they Teleport, have the controlling player roll a Toughness test. If they fail, they take 1 Mortal Wound.

Rewards for Killing the Device
If the last Wound of the Device is removed, in all future games featuring Fancy Gubbinz, the GM must spend 1 Allotment for each Fancy Gubbinz placed. In addition, they must also roll a D6 for each Fancy Gubbinz before it can generate Allotment. The GM must roll a 6 on this dice for the Fancy Gubbinz to work.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
50 / 30* / 00 / Mind Shield / This Psychic Hood also incorporates a Power Field that protects the bearer from warp entities. Any form of Attack - Shooting, Psychic, or Melee - that comes from a model with the <Daemon>, <Chaos>, or <Daemon Engine> keyword, suffers a -1 to hit against the bearer of this Relic.

15 / 05* / 01 / Irradiated Hammer / This light, one-handed Hammer can be used in the Fight Phase or thrown like a grenade in the Shooting Phase. In the Fight Phase it provides Strength +1, AP -, and Damage 1 with the Irradiated Trait. As a thrown weapon in the Shooting Phase it has the following profile:

-Range 6", Strength as user -2, AP-, Damage 1, Assault 1. Mark where the Hammer lands. If it misses, the GM places it D3" from the target. From that location it projects a 3" radius of the Irradiated Trait that affects any model that starts, ends, or passes through during, their Movement Phase.

Lastly, this Relic Hammer causes 1 Mortal Wound in addition any other Damage when used against Terrain Features.

*Models with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers only.

*Models with Toughness 5 or more only.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/04/27 23:31:48

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
The Orks have gathered around a tear in the fabric of reality to do battle with the things that pour forth from it. The Deathwatch must wade through the carnage and seal that Warp Gate. Then they must turn their attention to the surviving enemies and either seal them away behind secure bulkhead doors or kill them all. Players may send 1 or more squads to deal with this Mission. Make sure players bring at least 1 model that can either manifest Psychic Powers or Deny the Witch, and/or has Ratings in the Psychic Sense Skill.

DBFd: Smash the Gate: Routine

"Fight your way through and seal that unguarded hole into the Immaterium. Make sure nothing follows you out of that chamber."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos and/or Ordo Malleus Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"Expect the corruption of the raw warp, daemons of every stripe and kind, and greenskins in their fighting prime."
Any kind of daemons and hordes of Ork boyz, Beast Snaggas, Nobs, and other fighty greenskins.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Seal the Gate
: the Gate itself is little more that a hole in reality and so cannot be destroyed in the conventional sense. It cannot be shot to death; it can only be Psychically sealed. Any model with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers, Deny the Witch, or that has 1 or more Ratings in the Psychic Sense Skill may perform a Psychic Action in the Command Phase if they are within 3" of the Gate Terrain Feature. This Action succeeds if the model performing the Action passes a Strength test at the end of their Command Phase. The Gate requires 9 successful Psychic Actions to be considered Sealed. Any model that performs this Psychic Action gains +1 XP. If the Gate is successfully Sealed this Mission, all models that contributed to this result gain +D3 Renown each.

Ensure Containment of the Hordes: this can accomplished in one of two ways. The first is to eliminate all Adversary models remaining on the table before Extracting. The second os by completing the Tertiary Objective detailed below. If either method is used, this Objective can be considered complete.

Tertiary Objective:
Seal the Bulkhead Doors
: by closing all 3 Reinforced Bulkhead Doors and using Sealant on each of them, this Objective can be considered complete.

The board should be set up with one large room dominating one side of the tabletop and 3 smaller rooms connected by corrdiors on the other. These 3 rooms should be the only access way into the large room. Where each of these rooms touch the large room, place an open Fortified Bulkhead Door. There should be no other access to this board edge except through these Doors.

In the center of the large room, the GM should place a terrain feature to represent the Gate.

The GM sets up their forces first, placing at least half their Ork forces within Engagement range of at least half of their Daemonic forces, surrounding the terrain feature that represents the Gate. The remainder of their Daemonic forces are held in Reserve and, when they become available to Deploy, must enter play within 9" of the Gate. Unlike normal 40k rules, these models may be placed directly into Engagement range with any other non- <Daemon> keyword models, counting as having Charged this turn when they do. The GM's remaining Ork forces are also placed in Reserves and, when they become available to deploy, must be placed within 3" of any table edge except the one closest to the Reinforced Bulkhead Doors.

The players then set up their own forces according to their Deployment method.

The players take the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. 3-6 hours

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Interceptor Shuttle or Boarding Pod. The players' table edge is the edge closest to the 3 Fortified Bulkhead Doors

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium. The Location for this must be on the table edge closest to the Fortified Bulkhead Doors.

Arming Phase
Player arm their models for the task at hand. In addition, any number of models may be equipped with 1 Sealant for free.

According to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any Treasures gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method: The GM gets 100 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock). This must be divided more or less evenly between Ork Infantry and Daemon Infantry. As long as the Gate remains open, the GM may roll a D6 at the start of each Battleround, multiplying the result by the Turn number. This is then added to the GM's Ongoing Adversarial Reserves. The GM's Reserves become available starting on Turn 2.

Allotment: Revised Method: The GM gets Allotment equal to double the players' combined CTV to start (not affected by the Doomclock). This must be divided more or less evenly between Ork Infantry and Daemon Infantry. As long as the Gate remains open, the GM may roll a D6 at the start of each Battleround, multiplying the result by the Turn number. This is then added to the GM's Ongoing Adversarial Reserves. The GM's Reserves become available starting on Turn 2.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
20 / 25 / 01 / Pulse Mine / This reusable Relic Mine must be emplaced like any other Mine. Place a Marker to indicate its location when placed and armed. Then roll a D3; this is the number of Battlerounds before the Mine goes off. When it triggers, make a Toughness for every model within 4D6" of the Marker. Models in Powered Armor may reroll their first failure for this test. Any model that fails their Toughness test cannot Move or Advance on their next Turn and treat both their WS and their BS as 6+ until the end of their next Turn. At the start of each Command Phase after this Mine has triggered roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+, the Pulse Mine triggers again with the same effect as the first time it went off. Roll at the start of each Commnd Phase until the Mine fails to trigger. From this point on the Pulse Mine may be picked up by any model and re-used somewhere else. Failure to end a Mission with this Relic in the Deathwatch's possession results in a D3 Renown loss to all Deathwatch allied models that deployed on this Mission.

50 / 25 / 00 / Dirge Amp / This Armor Accessory can be fitted to any Astartes Powered, Artificer or Terminator Armor where its weight is carried by the Armor itself. This Relic increases the Range of the bearer's Inspire, Command, and Intimidate Skill Effects by +8".

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/04/29 03:04:58

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
During the intial sweep of this vessel the Deathwatch came across a wide open chamber literally filled with incubating ork-mushrooms. Now a team has been sent in to try to cull the potential future hordes with fire and sword. But will the violence of their action prematurely awaken the infant orks they have been sent to destroy? Players may send 1 squad to deal with this Mission. Make sure they equip as many flame-producing weapons as they can.

DBFe: Fungal Burn: Routine

"The foolsih Orks have left their incubation chambers lightly guarded. Go in and burn out the fungal fields. The more that burns, the fewer we will have to fight in the long run."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos Faction present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"Expect specialist Orks like Runtherders, Painboyz, and Weirdboyz' plus grots, squigs, and associated lesser Ork-derivative things."
In addition to Grots, Runtherders, Squigs, Painboyz, and Weirdboyz, have a bunch of Ork boys handy, in case they start to hatch.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Burn and Be Thorough
: the board will be dotted with Objective Markers. Any model armed with a Hand Flamer, Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Combi-flamer, or Prometheum Blast Bomb, or Relic equivalent, may expend 1 Ammo to remove that Marker from play. For each Marker so removed, the model that removed it earns +1XP. If all Objective Markers are removed in this way by the end of the Mission, the Mission Leader model earns an additional +1XP and +D6 Renown.

Tertiary Objectives:
Eradicate the Tenders
: for every 10 Gretchin or Squig models removed as casualties this Mission, the player that controls the Mission Leader model may give one Deathwatch allied model that deployed on this Mission +1XP or +1 Renown. In addition, for every Ork model with the <Painboy>, <Weirdboy>, or <Runtherder> keyword removed as a casualty this Mission, the Mission Leader model gains an additional +1XP or +1 Renown, controlling player's choice.

Kill Anything that Pops Out of the Fungus: if any Ork models are "born" during this Mission, the Mission Leader model gains +1 Renown if they are all removed as casualties before the last Deathwatch model extracts.

The board should be set up as a single enormous room. It should be filled with scatter terrain such as stacks of guns, mek scrap, spaceship debris, etc. If you have the terrain for it, also place a few gigantic mushrooms or wide patches of smaller mushrooms. Then the GM, measuring 4" from any board edge, places the first Objective Marker. Players and GM then alternate placing other Objective Markers anywhere on the table that is at least 4" away from any other Objective Markers until there is nowhere left to place one. This will likely result in dozens of Objective Markers.

The player(s) sets up their forces first, according to their Insertion method. Then the GM's forces set up, on the board edge opposite the players, at least 18" away from any Deathwatch model.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to determine who will take the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion and 1 hour Extraction, plus 1 hour, if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less, plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. 3-6 hours

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies.

- Extraction Options: any for which the Mission Leader qualifies

Arming Phase: player(s) arm their models for the task at hand. At least 1 model should be armed with a flame producing Weapon or Item of Wargear.

Deploy: according to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any "Treasures" gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: If using the original Allotment rules, the GM gets 30 Allotment to start (not affected by the Doomclock). If using the Revised method of Allotment, the GM gets Allotment equal to the Deathwatch squad's combined CTV (not affected by the Doomclock). At the end of any Battleround where one or more Objective Markers have been removed from play, the GM rolls a D6, adding the number of Objective Markers removed that Turn. If this number equals 6 or more, the GM gains an additional D3 times the Battleround number in Allotment. These are added to the GM's ongoing Adversarial Reserves. All Adversarial Reserves become available to draw from starting on Battleround 3 and may be placed anywhere on the battlefield at least 9" from Deathwatch allied models at the end of the Orks' next Movement Phase. These models must be Grots, Squigs, or Ork boys/Beastsnaggas. They are considered to have armed themselves from the arsenals set up all around the room and have access to all the options open to their Unit type from the Ork Codex.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

Mission Success
Successfully completing this Mission reduces the Reinforcement Allotment all future Missions that feature Orks gain by -D3x5 (-5 to -15). If this would reduce a Battleround's Ongoing Reserves bonus to zero or less, the Orks get no reinforcements that Turn.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
35 / 25 / 02 / Psychically Attuned Zapstik / This is a Relic Force Spear that may be used in the in the Fight Phase with the following profile:

Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
As user +1 / -2 / D3 / This weapon adds +1 Strength and +1 Damage if its bearer successfully manifested a Psychic Power on its previous Turn. This weapon improves its AP by 1 on the Turn its bearer Charges.

And in the Shooting Phase with the following profile:

Range / RoF / Strength / AP / Damage / Magazine / Type / Special Rules
3" / 1|-|- / 5 / -1 / 1 / Infinite / Assault / This weapon increases its Strength by +1 if its bearer successfully manifested a Psychic Power on its previous Turn.

25 / +08 / 00 / Highly Volatile Promethium / This Canister contains 30 ammunition worth of Promethium. It may be taken as an upgrade to any Flamer-type Ranged Weapon for the additional Cost shown. This upgrade increases the Weapon's AP by 1 and adds +1 to the number of shots fired in any Firing Mode it is used in. When any Deathwatch allied model takes this Relic upgrade, reduce the total remaining amount by the ammunition Tank it is used for. Once all 30 ammunition have been used, this Relic is destroyed.

25 / 05 / 02 / Radioactive Icon / This heavy staff gives its bearer the Irradiated Trait, grants it +1 to any Command, Intimidate, or Inspire Skill test when in total darkness (such as a power failure or a darkened chamber), and may be used in the Fight Phase with the following profile:

Strength / AP / Damage / Special Rules
As user +1 / -1 / D2 / This weapon has the Entropic Quality if used on a model with an Armor Save 4+ or worse.

50 / 25 / 01 / Tome of Psychic Splendor / This Psychically Attuned Relic allows any bearer with the ability to manifest Psychic Powers to use the following Psychic Power, in addition to any other Psychic Powers they can normally manifest in a single Turn.

Flame Without Fuel (7+): if successfully cast, the Psyker may make an immediate Shooting attack with the following profile:

Range / RoF / Strength / AP / Damage / Type / Special Rules
12" / 2D3|-|- / 5 / -1 / D2 / Assault / This Psychic Attack automatically hits its targets. Hits in excess of 1 may be assigned to any model within 12" of the original target, provided those models are in a line moving away from the Psyker. Hits from this Attack ignore Cover. This Psychic Power also has the Ablaze Quality.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/04/29 05:44:00

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
The Deathwatch must make an attempt to draw out one of the Ork Warbosses lurking in this vessel. It is known that the best way to get an important Ork's attention is to kill all his underlings, so the team must do exactly that. Can your forces survive wave after wave of increasingly tough Orkish hordes or will you need to retreat and regroup in the face of overwhelming force? Players may send 1 squad to deal with this Mission.

DBFf1: Draw Out da Boss: Repeatable Linked

"Hold your ground and fight till the last Ork drops. Send a clear message to their Warboss: we are worthy foes and we demand to face their biggest and meanest."

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"You will be facing increasingly tough waves of Orkish brutes and champions. Go prepared for a long fight."
Start with Ork Boys, Grots, and Beast Snaggas. Move on to specialist mobs. Then Nobs, Flashgits, and Killa Kanz. Then Dreadnaughts and Meganobs. Sprinkle in some Painboys, Runtherders, Weirdboys, Meks, and Big Meks.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objectives:
Survive the Onslaught
: every 3 Battlerounds, count up the number of Deathwatch models with 1 or more Wounds remaining. Each of these models gains +1XP and the Mission Leader model gains Renown equal to the number of survivors.

Preserve Your Ammunition: each Deathwatch allied model that ends the Mission with half or more of their starting total Ammunition (add up all the starting bullets for all of their equipped weapons) earns +D3XP and +D3 Renown. Even if only 1 Deathwatch allied model can count as having achieved this Objective, it counts as complete.

Tertiary Objective:
Minimize Your Losses
: for each Deathwatch model removed as a casualty this Mission, the Mission Leader model earns +D3XP, but also loses -D6 Renown. If no Deathwatch allied models are removed as casualties this Mission, the Mission Leader instead gains +1 Renown.

Make Short Work of Their Leaders: any Ork <Character> that is reduced to 0 Wounds on the Deathwatch Turn after their arrival earns the Mission Leader model +D3 Renown.

The board should be set up with one large room dominating the center of the tabletop. Multiple smaller rooms and corridors should spawn off of this. The large room should have at least 3 defensible positions of scatter terrain, bulkhead walls, wreckage, and/or high ground in it. There should be at least 3 prominent entrances into the large room from the edges of the board.

The players set up their forces according to their Deployment method. All GM Allotment is held in Adversarial Reserves and become available starting on Turn 2. They take their first Turn from any of the Prominent Entrances.

The player that controls the Mission Leader model and the GM should roll off to see who takes the first Turn.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Insertion plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. 3-5 hours

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: any for which the Mission Leader model qualifies for.

- Extraction Options: Defensible Position. The Location for this must be within 6" of the center of the table.

Arming Phase
Players arm their models for the task at hand. In addition, players are granted 1 Teleport Beacon and 1 Teleport Rig for free. Remind players that this is a Linked Mission and that they are arming not only for this Mission, but for the next one in the chain as well. Ammo. Bring lots of Ammo.

According to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any Treasures gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Metjod: The GM gets 300 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock) that must be divided between 3 or more Waves. The first Wave can only include Ork Boys, Grots, Squigs, and/or Beast Snaggas. The second Wave arrives at the start of Battleround 6 and can include Ork Elites, including models with the <Character> keyword. The third Wave arrives at the start of Battleround 9 and can include Ork Heavy Support and Fast Attack, as well as anything previously allowed. If the GM likes, they may include a fourth Wave, which arrives at the start of Battleround 12 and may contain any Ork HQ except named characters or Warbosses.

Allotment: Revised Method: The GM gets Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV to start (not affected by the Doomclock), but must hold these forces in Adversarial Reserves. They become available at the start of Battleround 2. This is considered the first Wave and may only include Grots, Ork Boys, Squigs, and/or Beast Snaggas. At the start of Battleround 3, the GM gets Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV. This is considered the second Wave and may include any Ork Elites models as well as what was allowed in the previous Wave. At the start of Battleround 6, the GM gets Allotment equal to the players' combined CTV. This is considered the third Wave and may include any Ork Heavy Support or Fast Attack models as well as what was allowed in the previous Wave. If the players make short work of these first 3 Waves and manage to kill all Adversary models before the end of the 10th Battleround, the GM may include a fourth and final Wave at the start of Battleround 11. This Wave consists of 1 Ork HQ model that is not a named character or a Warboss, and a retinue of 3 Nobs.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

Why is this Mission Labeled "Repeatable Linked"?
If, after all 3 (or 4) Waves have been defeated, the Deathwatch remain and move on to Mission DBFf2: And Then Kill Him. And if they win that Mission, too, then they can come back and do this Mission again, moving on to DBFf2: And Then Kill Him again. This Mission and its Linked follow up can be repeated up to 3 times. And in fact, if players do repeat these Missions all 3 times successfully, they unlock another Mission: DBFg: You Got His Attention where players must face off against an Orkish Warlord and his powerful entourage.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
20 / 25 / 00 / Shield Imperator / This Powered Field grants its bearer a descending 3+ Invulnerable Save versus Shooting attacks. The first time the bearer of this Relic fails this Invulnerable Save, it decreases in power to 4+. The first time the bearer fails this reduced Save it further reduces to 5+. If this Save is then subsequently failed, it is reduced to 6+. When the 6+ Save is failed, the Shield Imperator stops working until the end of the Mission. It resets during the Debriefing Phase.

16 / 08 / 00 / Oscillascope / This weapon accessory may be added to any Ranged Weapon that does not automatically hit its target. This Relic increases the Range of the weapon it is connected to by +12". In addition, when Shooting at targets between 12" and the weapon's modified maximum distance, the bearer gains +1 to hit.

10 / 08 / 00 / Ammo Counter / This weapon accessory may be added to any Ranged Weapon. After Shooting with a Weapon equipped with the Ammo Counter, the controlling player may roll a D3-1. If this results in a number greater than 0, the weapon is refunded that much Ammo to its Magazine. This Relic cannot grant a weapon more Ammo that it started with.

16 / 10 / 01 / Ablative Ceramite Mantle / This item of wargear grants its bearer the ability to increase its Toughness by +D3 for one Battleround once per Mission.

12 / +08 / 00 / Enhanced Integrated Magazine / This Relic is an upgrade for either a Deathwatch Pattern Bolter, Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifle, or a Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter and increases the capacity for these Weapon's Integral Magazines by +3 bullets each. This upgrade does not change the Cost of Specialist Ammo Integral Mags.

15 / 12 / 00 / Contemptor Field / This Powered Field grants its bearer the ability to ignore the first hit in each Fight Phase on the D6 roll of a 4+.

[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign) @ 2023/04/29 23:01:53

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Player Briefing
Now that the squad has definitely gotten the Warboss' attention, they must fight the difficult battle in their depleted state. Will they survive the duel? Players are stuck with the squad they sent to deal with the last Mission, as this is the second in the Linked series.

DBFf2: And Then Kill Him: Repeatable Linked

"Now the beast is here. We have fought long and hard for this very moment! Stand firm, Brothers, and we shall be victorious!"

In service to Whom: This Mission serves the interests of the Deathwatch, however, players may also take this Mission on as a Side Quest for any Ordo Xenos present in the Narrative.

Known Adversaries
"It's a Warboss and his most powerful boys.."
The GM must field a Warboss, but may also field lesser Ork HQ models and/or Ork Nobs, Meganobs, and/or Flashgits.

Primary and Tertiary Objectives
Primary Objective:
Kill the Warboss
: any Deathwatch allied model that scores 1 or more unSaved Wounds on the Warboss gains +1XP or +1 Renown, controlling player's choice. The model that removes the Warboss as a casualty gains +3 Renown.

Tertiary Objective:
Eradicate His Lieutenants
: for each Ork model that began the Mission with 3 or more Wounds that is removed as a casualty, the Mission Leader gains +1XP and the rest of the Squad gets +1 Renown.

The board should be set up with one large room dominating the center of the tabletop. Multiple smaller rooms and corridors should spawn off of this. The large room should have at least 3 defensible positions of scatter terrain, bulkhead walls, wreckage, and/or high ground in it. There should be at least 3 prominent entrances into the large room from the edges of the board.

The players set up their forces according to their Deployment method. The GM then sets up their forces within 3" of any of the Prominent Entrances.

The GM takes the first Turn unless the player that controls the Mission Leader model is able to roll a 6 on a D6 to steal the initiative.

Extraction Time: 1 hour Extraction plus 1 hour if the Mission lasts 5 Battlerounds or less. Plus 2 hours if the Mission lasts 6-11 Battlerounds, or plus D3+1 hours if the Mission lasts 12 Battlerounds or more. 2-5 hours

Technology on the Table
If the player(s) have a Trait or Talent that allows them to place Technology, roll randomly to determine the Power Levels of these.

Player Prep
Choose Mission Leader
: player(s) elect models to represent each squad's leader for this Mission. From these, they select one to be the Mission Leader. If only one squad is sent, that unit's Squad Leader is automatically the Mission Leader.

- Deployment Options: Surviving Deathwatch allied models from the previous Mission in this Linked chain must deploy within 6" of the center of the table.

- Extraction Options: Teleportarium or any for which the Mission Leader qualifies if the Teleportarium isn't working for reasons.

Arming Phase
As this is the second in a series of Linked Missions, players skip this Phase.

According to the parameters of the Mission.

Play Game

Debriefing Phase
Players record XP, Renown, Esteem, and any Treasures gained this Mission, & record what upgrades models purchase.

GM's Section:

Allotment: Original Method: The GM gets 100 Allotment (not affected by the Doomclock). They must purchase 1 Warboss and may spend the remainder of their Allotment on other Ork HQ models (but not named characters) and/or Nobs, Meks, Meganobs, and Flashgits.

Allotment: Revised Method: The GM gets Allotment equal to double the players' combined CTV (not affected by the Doomclock). They must purchase 1 Warboss and may spend the remainder of their Allotment on other Ork HQ models (but not named characters) and/or Nobs, Meks, Meganobs, and Flashgits.

Terminal Data for this mission
Any Terminal on the table provides snippets of data for every tidbit a model extracts. Record how many Data Snippets player(s) retrieve and for each, they gain D6-1 (to a minimum of 1) Esteem with the Lord's Own Code Faction or D3 Esteem with any Ordo Xenos Faction.

Why is this Mission Labeled "Repeatable Linked"?
After this Mission is successfully completed, the Deathwatch may return to the Intolernace to rearm and heal. They may then repeat Mission DBFf1: Draw Out da Boss with the same or another Squad. They may do this a total of 3 times. At the end of that 3rd DBFf2: And Then Kill Himm Mission, there will be a 3rd Mission Linked to it, called DBFg: You Got His Attention. When that is the case, there is no Extraction and no Insertion time added to the Mission time. And there is also no time to rearm as it's the 3rd Link in the Mission chain.

Threshold / Cost / Capacity
/ Relic / Description
15 / 04 / 01 / Kinetic Locus / This Powered Field grants its bearer a 6+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, for each hit allocated to this model from Enemy Shooting attacks or Enemy Fight Phase Attacks, this Invulnerable Save is improved by +1 (to a maximum of 2+) for the first hit of the model's following Turn.

20 / 15 / 00 / Powered Exoframe / This armor accessory may be added to any Powered or Artificer Armor. This Relic increases the bearer's Capacity by +4 and their Strength by +2.

10 / +06 / 00 / Autofire Trip Key / This weapon accessory may be added to any Ranged Weapon with a Burstfire and/or Autofire Mode. This Relic adds +1 to the Weapon's Burst Rate of Fire and +2 to its Autofire Rate of Fire, if it has either.

24 / 16 / 01 / Debilitation Array / This Powered Field projects a 2" Aura around its bearer that reduces both the WS and Strength of any model caught in it by -1.

15 / 12 / 01 / Duplicator Field / This Powered Field may be activated once per Mission for 1 Battleround. When activated place D3+1 copies of the model that activated it within 2" of each other. Each Copy has Toughness 1 and 1 Wound. The controlling player decides which model is to be removed as a casualty, when enough Wounds are suffered. If there are any Copies left at the end of the Battleround, they disappear at the start of the next Battleround. The last model standing is the Original. Additionally, when Shooting, the player may select any 1 model from the group to draw line of sight and range from. Only one Copy may Shoot to Kill, but all other Copies may select different targets and use Suppression Fire on those targets.