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Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/03 17:46:49

Post by: Pacific

Hey folks,

Thought it would be fun to have a dedicated thread outside of the confines of the N&R section to cover discussion about the forthcoming game.

So what faction are people hoping to collect? Have you started work on terrain for the game (or just have ideas for the moment), or already even started a Settler community?

What are we going to see when that vault door rolls back?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/03 18:30:04

Post by: DarkTraveler777

I am already selling gak to fund this game because I plan on collecting as many factions as possible. I am really interested in Brotherhood and Raiders along with the wasteland creatures/ghouls.

My primary game table is desert themed already, so I am set there. Most of my Wreck Age terrain will also work with Fallout, so also set there, but once the game is in my hands I'll definitely begin work on some ruins. I'd like to see if terrain has special rules that would require attention during building so I don't want to get ahead of myself with build projects before I know the game.

I'd love to make a table featuring a stretch of decayed highway with lots of car chassis strewn about but may settle for a road running through a small settlement instead if car models are hard to source.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/03 20:02:02

Post by: Pacific

The decayed highway seems like a really nice idea, is that something you're building or from the Wreck Age KS? (And if the latter, when will those road sections be available to purchase, if you don't mind me asking? )

Another point is going to be how accurate you want to be with cars - to match the oddball sci-fi version from Fallout, or just to get some random toys or scale vehicles and do some conversion work on them.

For my first attempt I might try and build onto an existing terrain set I have, which is a kind of army base (the Sarissa Precision modules)and some of the Micro-arts hard-foam terrain which I think will work for post apoc. I'm thinking of making up a base for the Outcast faction, something like that.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/04 19:12:33

Post by: Psychopomp

I'm honestly shocked no enterprising resin minis manufacturer has made a set of 'not-quite Marx cars of the future' yet.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/04 19:14:38

Post by: Geifer

My chosen faction is the Lone Wanderer. I know what you're thinking, but I'm not antisocial. I just disagree with everyone I meet.

My interest is wide and varied, which is why I plan on having the complete Fallout experience. I actually like to spice things up and not always play the same old thing, but the ability to play AI games is a very strong incentive to have as many different factions as possible.

But when it comes to preferences, i do like Slavers the most. Organized, calculating Raiders rather than the mad dogs proper Raiders are. While Raiders are often portrayed as simple bad guys, there's something tragic about them that isn't often highlighted. They thrive on the lawlessness of the wasteland and with every city organizing and every nation forming, their way of life becomes more endangered and they will eventually become extinct. And to me, Slavers skirt this theme while also embracing the new world order that is rising by adding to the wasteland economy while at the same time remaining a destabilizing element due to their depredation on hapless wastelanders.

Which means I'm ost looking forward to wastelander and Raider model releases (as well as critters, because they are important both to wasteland encounters and for use in the entertainment industry, aka arenas).

Of course there will be Super Mutants and Brotherhood and all, but what I want first is a good baseline.

Since the announcement of Wasteland Warfare I'm put my focus on scenery. There's the odd model, too. I started sculpting my Fallout 4 character not long after, but I do look forward to the new models, so I'd rather at least some of them my hands first to see how they look and where to take assorted models I have. Mostly, I've spent time on experimenting on stuff, and since this is the first time in nearly two decades that I am genuinely motivated to build and paint scenery, that's where most of my time goes. Plus, there's a good point here:

 DarkTraveler777 wrote:
My primary game table is desert themed already, so I am set there. Most of my Wreck Age terrain will also work with Fallout, so also set there, but once the game is in my hands I'll definitely begin work on some ruins. I'd like to see if terrain has special rules that would require attention during building so I don't want to get ahead of myself with build projects before I know the game.

Uncertainty as to the rules keeps me back a little. I'm hoping everything will be as open as possible, but you never know, so I'm reluctant to commit too much to something that may end up useless. Though broadly speaking I have faith that basic terrain will not be an issue. You can have a house simply because that's something you would expect both in the universe and on the tabletop. Whereas you might see a limit one radioactive barrels and exploding cars in order to avoid having a table that instantly kills everything if a model so much as twitches.

So for me, scenery-wise, it's full on experimentation. As I said, I've not really been doing scenery in my life, so there are a lot of little pitfalls to learn about (and my no mistake, I'm pretty sure I fell into every last one of them so far ). So what I did so far is a farming community:


The barn is obviously the current WIP. I had another piece in mind, corn rows and a tractors with maybe a wall or fence to one side and possibly a tree or two, but I'm not really sure about aquarium like plants and how to best work with them, if paint sticks properly and all that. I bought some to give it a try, but if Modiphius released resin plants from Fallout 4, I wouldn't hesitate to grab them instead. So that piece is on hold and I'm thinking something industrial or military next.

The big thing for me is to get myself up to speed on terrain building so that if the rules turn out to require certain things, I'll have an idea how to go about making fitting scenery.

 DarkTraveler777 wrote:
I'd love to make a table featuring a stretch of decayed highway with lots of car chassis strewn about but may settle for a road running through a small settlement instead if car models are hard to source.

I like the idea of a crumbling highway, but my apartment is too small for one.

I imagine it's a pretty challenging piece gameplay-wise, though. I've played 40k and Necromunda with pretty tall terrain before, and accessibility is a huge concern. Games are often too short to close both horizontal and vertical height. Because of this, the incentive to go there is often not there and it's just a visually different kind of shooting match. It could be cool, but needs a lot of thought put into it, I think.

 Pacific wrote:
The decayed highway seems like a really nice idea, is that something you're building or from the Wreck Age KS? (And if the latter, when will those road sections be available to purchase, if you don't mind me asking? )

Another point is going to be how accurate you want to be with cars - to match the oddball sci-fi version from Fallout, or just to get some random toys or scale vehicles and do some conversion work on them.

For my first attempt I might try and build onto an existing terrain set I have, which is a kind of army base (the Sarissa Precision modules)and some of the Micro-arts hard-foam terrain which I think will work for post apoc. I'm thinking of making up a base for the Outcast faction, something like that.


Pretty cool terrain piece.

Sourcing vehicles (or wrecks) will probably not be hard, considering Modiphius will do some. How affordable they will be if you're looking at filling the whole road with them...

To be honest, I am not the biggest fan of Fallout's design. I don't exactly like 50s vehicles or clothing and consequently I'm not exactly a fan of retro-future designs emulating them. To be quite blunt, even in the utilitarian section of American WW2 vehicles, I'm not happy with much of the line-up. Did you ever look at a Sherman? Really, the Americans should have been disqualified from the war on aesthetic grounds. But something as simple as a 2 1/2 ton truck I can get behind. Grab one of those and a tanker built on the same chassis and it's a good start for an army checkpoint.

But on the civilian side - well, I will certainly have to rely on Modiphius there. Broken vehicles are characterful (and volatile ) and it would be a shame not to have any on the table. Not the least because you would expect some on roads and in driveways.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/06 21:47:14

Post by: Dakka Flakka Flame

That farm looks pretty good, Geifer.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I'm going to collect every faction. I'm not sure I'll collect every special character, but I might depending on price. The only thing so far that has been hinted at that I probably wouldn't get is Liberty Prime, as I'm sure it would be expensive as hell.

I'm going to get some of each faction, but I think my biggest armies would be raiders, super mutants and survivors.

I'm going to start working on terrain before the game drops. Modiphius mentioned posting sizes of things soon, pending approval.

I really liked the raised highways of Fallout 3 and 4, but in general I prefer the West Coast setting. I'm thinking I might start working on something set in the L.A. Boneyard as that could plausibly give me both raised highways and more of a West Coast feel. I'm thinking about doing stuff set in the interim between Fallout and Fallout 2, as that has always seemed to be an interesting time to me. There's the leaderless remnants of The Master's army wandering the wasteland, the forming of the NCR and the war between The Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR. If they release a lot of Vault themed models I might set it earlier in that period when Vault City was still independent, but if there isn't much Vault themed stuff I might set it later with the war between the NCR and BoS as the backdrop.

Of course it's easy enough to use a lot of the same models in any setting. My current battle mat is muddy craters and looks more East Coast, so I might initially do some East Coast terrain and then later build new bases for some of the terrain and models to make them dual-purpose.

(I'm planning to use the models for pen and paper RPGs, not just the official Wasteland Warfare game, although what I've seen of the official game does look fun.)

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/08 02:28:05

Post by: Rygnan

I'm planning on going pretty heavily into it, as I'm also in the early planning stages of running a Fallout themed RPG. Definitely going to start with Brotherhood (which seems to be the most common thing locally, other than 1 each of Minutemen and Super Mutants) and when they release the NCR buying them as a second faction (I'm a sucker for the old western aesthetic, and I love the designs and to a lesser extent background of the NCR Ranger forces around the New Vegas era). Those 2 factions together allow me to run demo games that also make sense going by the background as well, as the NCR/Brotherhood War is a pretty major event for both factions. Depending on how much interest it has locally I'll probably also organise dedicated game days/events at my LGS (I already do for Batman Miniatures, which goes pretty well, and there seems to be some overlap between the groups) and maybe even tournaments depending on if the ruleset accommodates it.

I'll probably buy a lot of the wasteland creatures/raiders/Enclave as well depending on what I choose to use as antagonists in my RPG setting (and where I want to set it, at the moment I'm thinking Florida and I'm deciding who would initially control Cape Canaveral between the Brotherhood and the Enclave). The way the random encounters seem to be set up in the rules I'll probably get the creatures and raiders anyway just for game variation and a bit of fun though.

Terrain wise I'm aiming to build up 2 boards for home use by mid-January next year with mats to match, primarily for use as a Batman and a Malifaux board, but the way I want to construct them will allow for use in Fallout as well. The 'Malifaux board' is going to be an old western/desert theme, with a small town surrounded by rocky outcrops and small mesas, so basically just the Mojave Wasteland in aesthetic (without a lot of the scrap shanties and wrecked cars though, which leads into the next table). The Batman table is going to be much more of an urban sprawl, although somewhat run down to fit Gotham, with trash on the streets, wrecked cars and broken windows galore. Most of the actual buildings will probably be from Knights of Dice, so I'm thinking of getting 2-3 of their ruined versions of buildings so I can realistically do a Boneyard type board, albeit slightly less destroyed than normal. The cars for that board can be pretty easily combined with the western stuff to make a proper Mojave Wasteland themed board with all the bells and whistles.

All in all, I'm pretty hyped for the game's release, although I'm probably not able to afford the pre-order so I hope there's not much that's exclusive and awesome

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/08 15:02:00

Post by: Tamwulf

I have not heard of this game. Got a link to the publisher or a webpage?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/09 22:58:23

Post by: modiphius

 Tamwulf wrote:
I have not heard of this game. Got a link to the publisher or a webpage?

Here you go!
and the dev blog is here:

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/09 14:02:04

Post by: Geifer

Additionally, the Dakka news and rumors thread:


 Dakka Flakka Flame wrote:
That farm looks pretty good, Geifer.


 Dakka Flakka Flame wrote:
(I'm planning to use the models for pen and paper RPGs, not just the official Wasteland Warfare game, although what I've seen of the official game does look fun.)

I wonder how RPG-friendly Wasteland Warfare will be by itself. For a wargame there seems to be a notable RPG element present, going by the previews we have. Might be interesting to use the system with a GM if it's detailed enough and supports character progression and looting. Like, lots of looting. And I guys buying stuff from traders, but mostly looting.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/11 03:03:07

Post by: Dakka Flakka Flame

 Geifer wrote:
I wonder how RPG-friendly Wasteland Warfare will be by itself. For a wargame there seems to be a notable RPG element present, going by the previews we have. Might be interesting to use the system with a GM if it's detailed enough and supports character progression and looting. Like, lots of looting. And I guys buying stuff from traders, but mostly looting.

It could be detailed enough, especially if we just make stuff up while going along. To be honest I hate reading rules, and so while I think lots of details in RPG systems are cool in theory I end up just making stuff up most of the time in practice.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/11 12:58:13

Post by: ced1106

Pleased to see discussion of this miniatures game on BGG, of all places: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/226176/fallout-wasteland-warfare

I'll wait for the reviews, but the game has solo play, as well as a plastic starter set (after the resin one). I'd like to be able to use my other post-apoc miniatures as well, such as robots from the Johnny Lauck KS.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/12 06:08:01

Post by: IFC_Casting

I'd love a bunch of the robots, have them as counts as Mechanicus in 40k.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/14 13:57:37

Post by: Geifer

 Dakka Flakka Flame wrote:
 Geifer wrote:
I wonder how RPG-friendly Wasteland Warfare will be by itself. For a wargame there seems to be a notable RPG element present, going by the previews we have. Might be interesting to use the system with a GM if it's detailed enough and supports character progression and looting. Like, lots of looting. And I guys buying stuff from traders, but mostly looting.

It could be detailed enough, especially if we just make stuff up while going along. To be honest I hate reading rules, and so while I think lots of details in RPG systems are cool in theory I end up just making stuff up most of the time in practice.

It's one of the tings I find most difficult about GMing. I generally want to play by the book as much as I can so as not to cheat on the players, as in we all follow the same rules so there aren't any nasty surprises. Imagine if you made a character to have certain skills and your whimsical GM doesn't let you use them consistently because he's always coming up with different rules for similar situations. On the other hand, I hate having to look up stuff in the middle of the game and slowing things down. I find it hard to find the right balance and err on the side of caution (the side where I don't inadvertently upset anyone), so I'm happy with detailed and complete rulesets, even if it entails a good bit of reading.

But if a rules is light by design and the GM has to make decisions on the fly andand everyone knows it, I'm cool with that too. Which is why I have high hopes for Wasteland Warfare. The renders look excellent and if they translate well, so will the models. But there's so much uncertainty as to the rules still. It could become a versatile and extensive ruleset.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/17 18:28:28

Post by: DarkTraveler777

 Pacific wrote:
The decayed highway seems like a really nice idea, is that something you're building or from the Wreck Age KS? (And if the latter, when will those road sections be available to purchase, if you don't mind me asking? )

Another point is going to be how accurate you want to be with cars - to match the oddball sci-fi version from Fallout, or just to get some random toys or scale vehicles and do some conversion work on them.

Yikes, sorry about that, I thought I had responded in this thread!

The highway will be a combination of the Wreck Age KS roads (those are done and just waiting to be cast along with the cars--can't wait personally!) and these resin pieces by Urban Construct.

The highway won't be more than about 12 inches tall, so shouldn't be hard to store or game on.

I've had the highway pieces for a few years now in my garage waiting for a project that would work well and boom! Fallout was announced.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/08/28 12:10:08

Post by: Geifer

Since Pacific asked about swan boats in the other thread, I happened across this today:

Ziterdes makes laser cut MDF swan shaped prow and aft pieces


Not sure about the scale. Might be a bit large.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/11/12 18:20:40

Post by: Psychopomp

So, what other companies make suitable post-apoc or convertable-to-post-apoc minis in the 32mm non-heroic scale Mophidius is using? I generally like to expand collections beyond one manufacturer's stuff and one ruleset, when possible.

Most of the post-apoc I already have is in 28mm non-heroic.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/11/13 20:44:17

Post by: Pacific

I did start a thread on this very topic not that long ago and got some very useful replies, although the list is by no means exhaustive.


From some of the scale shots in the main Fallout thread I don't think there will too much of a problem matching scale with other miniature ranges? Modiphius have said '32mm', but actually in a lot of cases there is very little true '28mm' these days, and most ranges are approaching that level anyway.

The Power Armours do look massive, but then I guess they are meant to be if you're going from the Fallout 1, 2 & 4 interpretation of how the armour is supposed to work.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/11/24 15:28:19

Post by: Pacific

If you're really, really quick there is a very reasonably price Mantic Walking dead double terrain booster on the black Friday sale (3pm-4pm GMT). If you miss it, they have advised that it will be repeated once later on today.


Think these are about half regular RRP. And with a bit of work (add grass, some rusty paint effect etc.) I think would be ideal for Fallout terrain.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2017/12/11 21:28:14

Post by: Pacific

Incidentally, there is a feature on this game in the next issue of Tabletop Gaming magazine (which I believe comes out end of December - not the current one with Star Wars on the cover)

Interested to see what kind of things they will cover!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/01/01 14:22:15

Post by: Pacific

The tabletop gaming magazine covering Fallout is now on sale - quite a few details and a fairly extensive article covering abouy 6 pages in the mag, although no pics I don't think of things that you won't have seen elsewhere.


Was quite interested to read quite how far they are going with the story building and RPG elements, there is a lot of weight behind the narrative elements and campaigns. Of course there is also mention of the straight-up 100pt games of one force vs another and tournament play. The danger is there if course that it it tries.to become too many things and doesn't manage any of them especially well, although I guess we will see when the game is released.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/01/03 12:24:01

Post by: Geifer

Quite true, which is why I'm hoping that the focus is on the RPG mode with skirmish thrown in as a bonus to appeal to the pick up game crowd (which I will no doubt be part of on the side - I doubt narrative games will be played at my local store, if the game is played there at all). It bodes well that they said they would have the skirmish part as a living document to tweak available rules and points, though.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/01/26 08:52:12

Post by: Pacific

Was looking around for some terrain ideas, and found this on the Warlord Games website. It's meant for Project-Z (zombie apocalypse game) but I think would be great for Fallout.
Think for anyone who played FO 3, one of the enduring memories is sneaking through the stores with a silenced pistol and shooting raiders while collecting mac-o-cheese - think the below would be perfect for that, maybe just add a robo-security or some piles of gross stuff if you want to turn it into a Super Mutant base.


Also some plastic weapons arms for men & women miniatures, again assuming the scale is right think this would be ideal for raiders, settlement miniatures when those come along eventually.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/01/29 13:34:45

Post by: Geifer

 Pacific wrote:
Think for anyone who played FO 3, one of the enduring memories is sneaking through the stores with a silenced pistol and shooting raiders while collecting mac-o-cheese...

I've done a lot of sneaking, but that usually ended very noisily and afterwards there was no need for any silencers anymore....

I've been eying the supermarket set for a while. For me it's really about the furniture bringing terrain pieces to life. I have enough Mantic tiles to make a Superduper Mart but nothing to fill it with. For gaming purposes Warlord's/Sarissa's is probably a good piece for normal games with other pieces on the board, but for sneaky action there may not be enough room in there to maneuver. Consider how big the Superduper Mart in Lexington in Fallout 4 is. Big sales area, food booths and an extensive back area plus basement loading bay. I could see something like that take up a 2x2 or 3x3 board of its own.

It's a constant problem I had with building terrain. The really big places - cathedrals, parliament buildings, train stations - are not something that can be easily scaled down to fit on a board alongside other things. When I was younger I built a small cathedral for 40k, and I really only got it out during mega battles because laying out extra boards for the outside area made the whole board exceed the standard 4x6.

I do think such specialist boards are cool. If I didn't live in a tiny apartment, I'd probably build a 3D Vault board Space Hulk style. I'll probably have to hold out for floor plans from Modiphius if they make any. Not sure I'd be able to store anything bigger. Because if I did, I'd build just that kind os Superduper Mart board. And a museum. And so many more things.

I have a couple of survivors (and many, many zombies), most of them still from Wargames Factory times. Most weapons on this sprues should be easily usable. They'd be a tiny bit on the small side, being 28mm compared to 32mm Modiphius's models are going to be. Although I want to wait until I have the latter in hand to say that with any kind of certainty. The weapons are not entirely realistically scaled in the way you'd expect something from Tamiya, but on the plus side they look good while being beefy enough not to break if you look at them funny. The only ones I found a bit jarring because of it are some bladed weapons which look like you bludgeon someone to death with them.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/02/01 09:01:07

Post by: Pacific

Geifer, I know what you mean about themed boards. Like you say if you have these big feature pieces they dominate (actually become) the board.
For something like format it feels like you would be better to just get various scatter or small scale terrain and then adjust this for each game - might be something that would be necessary for the campaign setting, where you will be playing in lots of different environments.

But, I hope something like that store would be OK (it's just a 7-11, rather than a CostCo though!)

Incidentally there is this really well-timed KS over in the N&R section of the board - scatter resin terrain for buildings, think some of this is ideal although hoping that he might do a 'Wasteland-only' pledge level - otherwise some of those supermarket shelves look way to well stocked for after the apocalypse!


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/08/11 09:31:54

Post by: Maddok_Death

A little of a thread necro but I just got my 2 player starter (not resin). Im going to speed paint the starter box tonight, Ill post some pictures when I'm done

I finished my friends board Ill post some picks up when I use it this weekend before I ship it to him, lol. I want to give it a test drive first.

The models are the size of infinity (Nora VS an infinity human)
Minor mold lines and are like reaper miniatures.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/09/07 23:51:02

Post by: Psychopomp

 Maddok_Death wrote:
The models are the size of infinity (Nora VS an infinity human)

I don't have any Infinity. How would that scale with the WGF/Project Z survivors?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2018/09/11 11:44:39

Post by: Jamie Shred

 Maddok_Death wrote:
A little of a thread necro but I just got my 2 player starter (not resin). Im going to speed paint the starter box tonight, Ill post some pictures when I'm done

I finished my friends board Ill post some picks up when I use it this weekend before I ship it to him, lol. I want to give it a test drive first.

The models are the size of infinity (Nora VS an infinity human)
Minor mold lines and are like reaper miniatures.

Would love to see some pics if you are finished painting. My set is on the way so would appreciate any learnings you can share based on your experience.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2019/09/06 00:47:18

Post by: Dakka Flakka Flame

I had pre-ordered somewhere between $500 and $600 worth of stuff. I didn't get too worried about things taking so long, as I expected that. However, when I finally got the call from my FLGS something with my order got bungled and almost none of it had arrived. By that time I jumped online and the other stuff I had wanted to pre-order wasn't available. That made me pretty salty, and I just stuck what I had actually received (starter box and Super Mutants core) on the shelf.

I'm finally over being butthurt about it. The scenery starter came back in stock today, so I ordered one. I don't know if I'll ever go as heavy into it as I originally planned, but the models are cool and I'm looking forward to getting them painted up.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2019/09/12 19:09:59

Post by: Fango

If you guys are looking for some post-apoc and or/vault scenery, Blacksite Studios has some pre-painted laser-cut MDF and some pre-painted resin furniture that works well with Fallout. They even have an MDF Vault line to construct your own vault....




Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2019/09/19 03:06:21

Post by: Cataphract

Thinking about getting into the game! Wondering how each Favtion plays

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2019/09/19 17:42:19

Post by: Geifer

How each faction play depends on a number of factors, foremost whether you play battle mode or narrative. The former uses restrictive army lists to provide discrete factions with a focus on balancing what options are there to provide grounds for competitive play. It also uses a set of specific missions unlike narrative play which covers the full breadth the rule set has to offer. Narrative play barely uses restrictions to force organization (and I personally view those as guidelines more than rules), does not restrict equipment beyond the equipment's inherent restrictions (like Super Mutants can't wear power armor or a fire hydrant bat requiring strength 10 to swing) and is largely based on picking the models you want to use that add up to the agreed points level.

Thoughts on the various factions with the limitations of battle mode in mind, as I understand them (personally I don't take much of an interest in it, I prefer narrative):

Brotherhood of Steel is something of a versatile or elite army, depending on what you want to go for. They have excellent marksmen in Lancers, reasonable allrounders in Knights, Scribes that don't want to be in a fight but that are speedy and good at interacting with objectives. and of course power armored heavyweights if you want to add tanky models. Durability for the faction can be achieved primarily through the use of armor or employing as many cheap bodies as you can fit. Laser rifles are very good weapons, but cost accordingly.

You can go heavier on some things than others, although leaning too much in the direction of power armor will cost you the ability to cover objectives very well as power armor can get very expensive quickly. But as far as tools are concerned, Brotherhood is quite capable of playing objectives, fighting at range but also thanks to the availability of heavier armor can last in melee if equipped accordingly.

Super Mutants are primarily good in melee and get their durability through high health less than armor, although they have a few means of getting good armor as well. Super Mutants have a whole span of troops from mediocre to devastating and can thus also be played in smaller or larger numbers, or something in the middle with a good mix. Super Mutants are more limited in their means of interacting with objectives than other factions and don't generally have the skills to use go in and grab it tactics like others, relying more on being a (melee) threat to enemy models to establish board control and buy their objective grabbers time to get things done. Super mutants are not bad at shooting but should not expect to routinely win firefights with other factions.

Survivors have a hero focus with a large variety at your disposal that I can't sum up because I haven't given half of them a look yet, as well as two sides to their troops. Settlers are cheap and plentiful, and fight accordingly. But at least they're cheap, and in the context of the game should be considered less trash and more just below mediocre. Minutemen are average marksmen and while defensively they are mediocre, they work well in teams and boost each other's rifle skills to become good. Laser muskets are cheap and not particularly great compared to laser rifles, but their damage output is reliable and gives Survivors decent shooting. Heroes can give you some pretty good fighters and specialists that cover just about any situation you may want to cover and their presence vital to back up the weaker troops that are outclassed by their Brotherhood and Super Mutant equivalents.

Survivors can probably be somewhat viable with just Settler spam or a full Minuteman force, but you should probably consider having heroes in your force to get something more competent than the average Joes. It should also be said that Minutemen are surprisingly expensive and as such will benefit from getting a bit of synergy into your force.

Raiders are new and I haven't seen them in action yet, but at first glance they seem as advertised to be a veritable horde faction. Cheap models with cheap weapons with decent inbuilt armor and a few good leaders seem to lend themselves to relying on redundancy and swarming the enemy. They are individually mediocre in their fighting skills, but also have access to Veteran Raiders which are very capable and have a neat little meat shield rule that may lend itself to playing several teams of a Veteran Raider for fighting and a Scavver Outlaw for objectives, allowing you to shield the weaker Scavver with the Veteran if you need to focus on objectives or take a critical hit to the Veteran on the Scavver if you need your prime fighter to stick around longer. Raiders also have Psychos which couple good melee skill with increased speed for a human, allowing you to employ swift, good melee troops if that is a direction that interests you.

If all goes well with production, two months from now we'll get the Institute that is said to be a horde faction also.There's no real information on them yet, but I would expect the horde style of Raiders mixed with the hero support of Survivors, utilizing cheap Synths and throwing in capable Coursers as support. Probably leaning in the direction of shooting more than Raiders that have a melee slant.

There will also be a robot faction introduced with the Institute wave. Robots currently range from very cheap and not particularly good Protectrons to Assaultron murder machines that cost a lot of points, with the Raider wave introducing unit cards for battered versions of robots to cover the great span in between them and give robot players more options. Battle mode I believe is to get an army list that is Mechanist themed with a robot controller and robotic minions. How the robot controller will impact gameplay is currently unknown and I myself have only used an Assaultron yet, so I can't really advise on how robots play.

In February or March next year at the earliest we'll see the release of the Enclave, which I expect will be the cooler, better, burnier and more expensive version of the Brotherhood of Steel. They're very much an unknown at this point and while it's easy to deduce that there will be better power armor and more plasma weaponry than the Brotherhood, without unit cards with S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats and special rules there's not much even in the way of speculation what playstyle exactly they are supposed to have. But with plasma rifles and incinerators, possibly mind conrtolled Deathclaws (pretty please, Modiphius!) they might be meant to be close quarters heavily armored troops compared to the more long range heavily armored Brotherhood.

Edit: A quick addition to creatures and robots: The creature controller and robot controller leader cards as well as the respective faction cards are already available so there is nothing to stop you from fielding these outside of battle mode. It's just the battle mode army lists that are going to be introduced slowly over time.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/05/11 14:17:20

Post by: Pacific

A gaming group and I are just getting into this game (finally - had a look at who started this thread and it was me lol!)

We have 1 BoS player, 1 super mutant, 1 raider (me), 1 survivors and 1 Enclave when they arrive.

Has anyone been playing this game for a while now and have any tales to tell?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/06/01 12:52:14

Post by: Pacific

Does anyone have a suggestion for a replacement head for the Raider Power Armour mini?

Don't get me wrong it's a nicely sculpted head, but it looks like it has been bolted on - I would much prefer a Power Armour type helmet (a bit of a 'diving suit' type look), will then clip this head off and find something else to use it with.

I will need to be a bit careful with 40k-suitable bits as the fallout minis aren't heroically sculpted for the most part (so don't want to end up with a massive head!)

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/06/12 15:00:26

Post by: Siygess

To be honest I think the T51 helmet would look pretty good on there. The heads in the 3xT51 power armour box are separate so that's a good source.

Also, do you shudder at the thought of mashing all your item cards into a deck so you can draw from it during a scenario? I have a solution!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/06/12 22:38:19

Post by: Vertrucio

Welder helmets were common on those power suits in game

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/06/14 18:03:21

Post by: Pacific

That's a cool tool Siygess thanks for posting it! I'm sure that will come in useful.

I am still trying to find my way with the cards and decks - I assume the Settlement Desk would be the next one to get after the main boxed game?

Vertrucio - thanks for the suggestion. Do you know of any good bits producers that would make anything suitable?

At the moment I have found these from Zinge Miniatures. I know they are not 'canon' but I think should suit the style of the armour.
Zinge also sell some quite useful looking scale wire, which I can bulk the armour out a bit with.

I have already cut the head from the Veteran Raider power armour and used it for the Survivor miniature in the Starter Pack. Going to give her some really dirty looking Vault Dweller uniform, as though she is a 'bad egg' that has come out of the Vault and become a raider

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/06/25 11:25:18

Post by: Pacific

Hey guys

I have painted up some minis from the Raider set - have to say they are absolutely brilliant sculpts, lovely detail and a good quality resin. The detailed bases are a nice touch also, saving having to buy them separately.

For this last one I did a head-swap from the Raider power armour mini onto the sole survivor from the starter set. I like to think she is a vault dweller that has gone bad, or maybe she took it from some unfortunate! I'm thinking she will be a 'lieutenant' within the raider gang, don't mess with her!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/08/15 12:04:29

Post by: Pacific

If anyone is after a cheaper alternative to the official Radscorpions I got this mini from Reaper Miniatures. Bit of work bending the legs into place but placed on a Microarts rubble base think it looks pretty imposing.

I have tried to change the colours a bit from naturally occurring scorpions, to try and imagine how they might look if they have evolved on a post-apocalypse landscape.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/10/14 13:20:48

Post by: Pacific

These guys have just had a KS run to design some new minis (which has now just ended) but some really good stuff here I think suitable for Fallout - I've grabbed a few for my Raider gang, would recommend them

Has anyone else got any Fallout stuff on the go and care to share? I feel like I am talking to an empty room and by myself here

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/10/14 13:58:15

Post by: Geifer

Nice Vault Dweller conversion there, and I like the way you painted the scorpion.

 Pacific wrote:
Has anyone else got any Fallout stuff on the go and care to share? I feel like I am talking to an empty room and by myself here

So I've had Liberty Prime in the works for the past year, and by in the works I mean a handful of occasional painting sessions with long months in between lacking the motivation to continue. I'm not good with large models/overly long projects and I can't play games right now to get motivation boost. It's really kind of frustrating.

I'm hoping for two things to happen. First, finish some of the projects I have on my desk. Getting stuff done helps, getting distracted by new shinies halfway through a project does not. But what can you do? New shinies!

Second, the Enclave is finally around the corner. I love Fallout and can get behind a lot of factions, so it's not like the interest isn't there with the factions and models we currently have, but it's just not the same without the guys from my first Fallout game. Not the least because I need Hellfire armor for my tabletop adaptation of me Lone Wanderer.

Incidentally the last time I put paint on Liberty Prime was when I placed my order for the Enclave. Gave me a good boost there for a day or two.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/10/15 07:45:24

Post by: Pacific

Ah great to see your comments again Geifer, I've really enjoyed looking at your other posts and the post-apoc work you have done.

I know what you mean about large projects they can really take some effort to get across the line. If it's any consolation, I enjoy making aircraft kits (Tamiya, Airfix and the like) and I quite often burn out when they turn into larger projects - have a rather large 1:72 transport aircraft that I've been working on for almost a year, and I'll come back to it, perhaps do some for a few weeks, then run out of steam and it goes back on the shelf for a while. It is just getting the enthusiasm to finish it, but eventually think you get onto a good run and will get it finished.

About the Enclave, I have a gaming colleague who is waiting eagerly for them too - definitely think they are going to be a popular faction!

Cheers for the comment about the Scorpion - it was a really nice little miniature for just £5, I tried to paint a kind of natural camouflage (as though it has evolved living amongst rusted metal) - although I don't want to think about why it would need the camouflage and what kind of creature would be hunting it!

Right now I'm finishing off some miniatures for a board game (another project!) but have just received some of the lovely Badroll Games punks so looking forward to adding those to my Raider faction. I'm going to photoshop miniature images into copies of the character cards, so these can be printed off and used as with the other standard Raider minis.
I've also got hold of some post-apoc terrain from TT Combat and plan to add a few official Fallout accessories, so that it fits the theme.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/10/16 14:21:49

Post by: Geifer

Yeah, I used this week to get the centerpiece for my Star Wars Legion Rebel army done (technically I'm still a few splashed of varnish away from finishing it, but I can't post and work at the same time ). Ideas for Fallout models have been swirling around in my head again and if I'm lucky they'll survive the Bolt Action game I've scheduled for tomorrow. So many distractions!

So hopefully that bodes well for Mr Prime, but maybe a character or two to get in the right mood might be cool, too. I mean, it's kind of silly but I have had a half-painted Lancer on my desk for at least as long as Prime. You'd think I'd be able to paint one skinny little girl...

Oh, with Modiphius's new motivational initiative I may find something else to do, too. Got to have a look at the scenario and see if inspiration strikes.

About those Radscorpions, clearly Bethesda wants them to be ambush predators. I imagine good camouflage is handy even if you don't have anything big and bad to fear. Though to be fair, Yao Guai and Deathclaw seem like they'd appreciate the odd crunchy meal, so it's not all sunshine and lollipops even for the biggest and meanest Radscorpions out there.

I've painted the same model myself, but I really want to try emulating the Fallout 4 color scheme on Modiphius's Radscorpion. I thought those nice browns accentuated with orange looked really cool. I used somewhat suitable colors on the Reaper one, but didn't achieve half the effect from the video game model. Maybe with my more advanced painting skills and a model that matches the original I may now be able to do a better job.

I'm looking forward to those Raiders. Can never have too many or varied of them. It's really a cool faction. Love to see terrain, too.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/11/13 03:36:52

Post by: Siygess

So, motivated by the imminent release* of "Into The Wasteland" I decided to get my FWW / FWW RPG Campaign framework into a PDF format so that it can be shared. I expect the document will be full of consistency issues (word capitalised here, not capitalised there) but I would greatly appreciate feedback on the structure and flow of the campaign system. Ultimately it will be a campaign in it's own right but for now it only includes a few missions which are linked to the settlement events table (the campaign weeks are planned out, it's just a matter of slogging through the photoshop work for the maps!). Anyway, here it is.

Grauvasser At Swordpoint

* I have a thing about people thinking I've copied someone else's work which is why I really wanted to get this out before Into The Wasteland, just in case there are any similarities

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/11/13 10:33:58

Post by: Pacific

Very cool Siygess, looks really interesting. Will have a proper read over the weekend!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/08 06:21:19

Post by: Monkeysloth

I guess I should post some stuff here. Some of you may have seen this on Facebook or DCM Hobby Competition. This is about 3 months worth of work. I have most of the pics in spoiler tags to save people having to wade through a bunch but a few will be outside of those.

First off is the Rad-wich shop from Lootgames. I had to make some doors for it as they didn't come with any. You can find them on my Thingiverse. I'm not a huge fan of the sign, both how I painted it but how big it is. I should have printed it about half size but I think I'll put up some scaffolding behind it or something as it's pretty wobbly and I don't want to glue it down as it's too tall to really store attacked. Outside of that it's a fun design. I printed out a lot of interior parts from M3Studios, you'll see a lot from Jean here. He's got some good stuff.


The booth is removable for game play purposes as well as to easily change the theme of the bulding. It's attacked to some transparent vinyl. I've moved on from the vinyl to using some clear plastic from binders (acatate maybe?) as it's sturdier and thinner but a lot more expensive (but still pennies). The skeletons are from Desktop Hero3d which is like Heroforge but it's not as advanced. However their business model I like better as it's you buy content packs and then all the STL downloads are free. I think Skeletons with no clothes are free to anyone, haven't checked though as only close are in the asset packs. All races I believe are free.


Next up is the Bus Station set from M3Studios. First off are the bus and bus stations (with roads from printable scenery).

The bus interiors are swappable by being glue to plastic.


And I set up some preservation pods/Personal Fallout shelters. Their tops can be removed and are the diameter of a token from FWW so you can use them as objectives. I like to cover the tokens if if doesn't affect gameplay (ie advancing between numbered ones in a specific order). Just a tad bit more fun to say you're interacting with the shelter and then to take the token out of it.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Doing a second post here as Dakka has been slow on posting for me today and I figured smaller appended posts would work better.

Next up is the rest of the bus set from M3Studios with the bus station and ticket booth.


Interior is mostly removable in this one too. With the bathrooms removable for playability and to change the theme. The benches and phone are removable as well. All the doors are on plastic tabs with notches to all me to put them in closed or open.


The ticket booth has some covered benches and a departure sign. Not sure on the graphic I made but I didn't really have the drive to do something else.

It has an interior but it's all glued in.

Finally a shot of what's in the set on a 4'x4' board. There are some robot pods and streetlights from M3Studios too as well as a trailer from Lootgames and some models from the game made printable. The tiles are my designs.

I'm going to next work on some buildings, kind of a main street feel, then do occupied/raider interiors and get gangways and such between things but before that I've got some stuff for Elder Scrolls to paint up.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/08 15:10:56

Post by: Alpharius

That's a great looking set of terrain - and a fantastic table to game on!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/08 16:59:20

Post by: Pacific

Seconded! That does look like it would be so much fun to play Monkeysloth!

That is an excellent idea with the skeletons in the canteen and in other places, am definitely going to steal that one if you don't mind

The roads look great too - are those ones you have printed yourself or bought as prints?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/08 17:40:50

Post by: Monkeysloth

Thanks. I really don't have much of a broader plan when working on terrain, so I was happy they looked decent together. Obviously since that's a larger table then you play FWW on things would be a bit more condensed but I still need some scatter and LOS breaking pieces so I do have a bunch of fences and barricades to paint up that I've printed. I just having starting painting yet as most are made up of random junk so there's lots of different things to paint which always slows down the process.

 Pacific wrote:

The roads look great too - are those ones you have printed yourself or bought as prints?

The ones near the top with the bus? Those are from PrintableScenery. I printed them but I know they have 3d party print farms that sell their stuff. Website probably has a list.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/09 07:35:40

Post by: Manchu

Monkeysloth, that bus station set up is truly outstanding! Super inspirational!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/28 00:19:48

Post by: Monkeysloth

Had my holiday plans canceled due to a COVID scare so I decided to break out the Instant Paints from Scale Color and get some things I've been holding off painting for a bit.

First off are some death claws (PVC and Resin). My phone camera isn't super awesome and had lots of issues getting good photos of these, and my nicer camera isn't power on, which is pretty sad as these look pretty great for about 20 min of painting each (and about 30 min of drying as instant paints really can take a while to dry). There are two versions, in the spoilers, where the green scales are darker (pvc) and greener (resin) based off of the undercoat. Not sure which one I like best. There is also some dry brushing over the top for the final highlight and the claws/teeth are contrast paints and a wash.


Also painted up the official Radscorpions that I managed to grab one of the few times they were in stock. I wasn't quite sure what color scheme I wanted to use, and combination of instant colors and undercoats but I know I wanted more of a tan look vs the charcoal/red look in FO4. Just preference more then anything. So I grabbed a bunch of scorpions from Monolith's Conan boardgame and painted them up in different styles, also played around with some Mirelurk base colors too, and these are in the next spoiler.


Also painted up the giant Radscorpion which is a model from Mierce. I did this as a bit redder then the other ones as the undercoat and quite pleased with it though it was surprisingly annoying to drybrush on the top of the body which I wasn't expecting. Just glad that makeup brushes are very good and consistent in behavior when using them. This beast is planned for use in the eventual RPG I'll be running.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/28 01:50:47

Post by: The Warp Forge

Anyone tried playing this Game?

I've only played a few matches and the combat and core rules are good. They are solid, but I find creating a force in Battle Mode very confusing with the amount of customisation from cards (and how often they update them) and stuff. All I want is a survivor crew with a Lone Survivor in T-34 Power Armour and a Sentry Bot to start off with.

I also find the amount of symbols very overwhelming too with so much going on, I'm having a hard time trying to keep track of everything.

I only have the starter set and Survivors Core box. Planning on getting some more Minutemen for Preston and a Robot faction.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/28 07:19:22

Post by: Monkeysloth

Yes but Narrative mode, which is actually worse for customization. Most people will tell you to just buy into the app which makes building lists very easy but it's not needed once you do it a few times as the option paralysis eventually goes away as you get use to knowing what you need. Really not any worse then other games with very customizable force lists except you have the cards.

They do love their symbols in this game and agree it's hard to keep track of everything. There was a qustion on the FB group the other day about a fire icon on some enclave armor and the accepted answer was that it's a chance to resist fire damage by flipping the fire status token and that the rule wasn't written down anywhere public but it was in the playtest kit.

I think the weapon cards are the the biggest offenders with the icons and really shift the game from less causal to more lifestyle to keep track of all of them unless you want to buy everything digitally via the app that could go away at any time the developer, who's freelance and I don't believe Modpihius owns the code, decides to walk away.

They really need a nice quick reference for the game. One for perks, one for weapon symbols, one for status symbols and one for armor and other effects. The Elderscrolls game, which is much simpler then FWW, has official ones and fan make ones that are great and really speed things up. Why Fallout doesn't have the same I don't know.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/28 20:27:07

Post by: The Warp Forge

Yeah I hear ya! I just found factions confusing and who goes where (outside of the obvious).

All I wanted was a Sentry Bot and a Lone Wanderer with T-45 Power Armour with a Super Sledge backed up by Minute men but it looks like I can't do that in battle mode?

It just looks very overwhelming with the mixture of choices and the app helps a bit but its certainly missing bits or parts that doesn't really help.

I feel the game just needs a complete Streamline as right now it's weighed down from so many icons and tokens that makes it hard to feel the flow of the game.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/28 22:12:28

Post by: Monkeysloth

 The Warp Forge wrote:
Yeah I hear ya! I just found factions confusing and who goes where (outside of the obvious).

All I wanted was a Sentry Bot and a Lone Wanderer with T-45 Power Armour with a Super Sledge backed up by Minute men but it looks like I can't do that in battle mode?

It just looks very overwhelming with the mixture of choices and the app helps a bit but its certainly missing bits or parts that doesn't really help.

I feel the game just needs a complete Streamline as right now it's weighed down from so many icons and tokens that makes it hard to feel the flow of the game.

Battlemode is very locked down for competitive play. Narrative mode, which has a VS mode in addition to solo/co-op, allows for almost anything. Basically as long as there's not a rule against it (Supermutants wearing power armor for example) you can really do any combinations.

I don't know if it needs a streamline to be honest, though you can see an example of what that would look like in Elder Scrolls, as FWW is very much the game the designer wants and it's very playable though overwhelming at fist as it's not presented in a easy to pick up and play way with important rules in the campaign book, like force building, that should have been in the core rule book. I think if they would have had point costs printed in a separate sheet just for the starter box to get people use to what to do, and have there be a guide to build a basic settler vs super mutant game, when people jumped to downloading the full lists it wouldn't be a daunting. That would just leave the big time sink of looking up icons which right now the App is a crutch for the company and fans as the response is always saying "just get the app" (which means rebuying everything if you have the cards) instead of providing a solution that can be used by anyone.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/28 22:50:13

Post by: The Warp Forge

Yeah, but even the app can be confusing. For example in Battle Mode I can still select the build-a-bot options there but I can't do that in that mode right? Same goes with event cards and drawing a hand? I thought was was just for campaign play but I can do that in the app? So it's easy to get lost in an already overwhelming volume of rules for this game.

Little things like that build up and throw me off consistently questioning what I can and can't use in the mode.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/28 23:56:15

Post by: Monkeysloth

One of the issues with the app is that, as I mentioned earlier, it's just one guy doing this in his spare time. He's not gotten to the build a robot stuff fully done. Part of that also might be that Battlemode doesn't support that yet either as John hasn't finished it.

If you look at the battle mode build lists you'll see there isn't one for Robots yet.


Event cards aren't used in Battle mode, only narrative. Page 2 of the battle mode rules gives a list of cards not used. I don't know how well that app differentiates between Narrative and Battle outside of force building as I don't use it. But I wouldn't be surprised if it just kind of expects you to know what you can and cannot due during the game you're playing. So it's not enforcing rules outside of list building and not a replacement for the rulebook.

Other's here use it I believe so they might be able to give better answers.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2020/12/31 22:00:37

Post by: Monkeysloth

Last of the end of the year time off paint-a-thon with a completed set of Mirelurks (minus the queen who doesn't want to assemble due to poor intake/vent placement by the caster). I decided to go with the studio paint job even though the blue and orange only appears, as far as I can tell, as coloring in the Fog Crawler concept art. But the blues really looked good to me so I copied it mostly except for the purple orange combo on the Hunters as it didn't do anything for me--so I changed it up a bit. I've got another set of Mirelurks coming next year and will paint them up as softshells and will eventually get the queen done as I probably have another 30-45 min of sanding to get anything to look decent on her. Overall I really like how they look but assembly on some of these were a pain due to how they were molded (hunters were bad) and the sprues connecting at highly detailed areas or right were a joint was covering up the shape of it.

Camera on the phone still sucks so there's some over saturated and washed out photos here. The hunters, though, are about how the look in person so there's that.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/01 10:16:30

Post by: Pacific

Very nice finish to the year Monkeysloth - I like the terrain set you have created as well, lovely shade of turquoise/blue

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/01 10:44:27

Post by: Max Moray

Monkeysloth, even if you are not 100% happy with the pics, those Mirelurks look truly awesome. Good job!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/03 23:28:10

Post by: Monkeysloth

Pacific wrote:Very nice finish to the year Monkeysloth - I like the terrain set you have created as well, lovely shade of turquoise/blue

Thanks. I printed it for ElderScrolls: CTA but it also works well for FWW. Just need to print some different bridges for the higher areas. I'll post a layout of it later in the month if I get everything done I want to (it's mostly printed, just need a few more things and only about half of it is painted).

Max Moray wrote:Monkeysloth, even if you are not 100% happy with the pics, those Mirelurks look truly awesome. Good job!

Thanks. It over saturates and washes out the bright blues and greens. It's not too bad on most of them but really exaggerates it on the eggs and hatchlings. That being said I'm quite happy with them for the most part. I could do better, but for the amount of effort (maybe 30-45min each depending) I think they're rather good.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/11 08:19:16

Post by: Monkeysloth

Finally got the motivation to finish assembling the Mirelure Queen last week so I painted her up this weekend. Kept to the studio paint job more or less again.


Also Pained up Encrusted Thuulac from Mierce to use as a monster in my Fallout RPG. Unlike the Mirelurks or Scorpion I didn't really follow any studio paint job or try to paint it up more realistically--instead I just grabbed some colors I've rarely or never used before and I think it came out pretty well.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/13 17:58:55

Post by: Monkeysloth

Some quick paintjobs for some Feral Ghouls and Blighted ones.

The Blighted ones are just neon paint, airbrused as it's super thin and hard to work with, then I used washes. One lighter green applied more normally and then a darker applied with the figure upside down and left to dry like that for better placed shadows. I also had the translucent glowing ones and applied a darker wash the same way.

I also painted the feral from the same set but I really don't like the FO4 design so really didn't put any effort into them. I also wanted more, mostly for eventual RPG stuff, and so I grabbed some zombiecide stuff on the cheap, trimmed the noses, and painted them up. I probably should apply some pigments to make them dirty, but I don't know how much I care.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/05 22:40:22

Post by: Pacific

The green effect on the Blighted Ones looks brilliant Monkeysloth !

That's a great idea using Zombies from Zombicide for the Ghouls (nose trimmed off is a great tip!) I may have to borrow that one, it doesn't seem right paying through the nose for the FO ones (which really are just a type of zombie..)

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/14 18:12:44

Post by: Monkeysloth

There's a specific look, especially for ferals, which are hairless, that I took into account. I had bought a box for general zombies quite a while ago and luckily about half fit that (some I painted are balding but it was easy to deal with since they're PVC).

I agree on the price. I bought it for the glowing ones as, again, I really hate the FO4 Ferals design that I would really hate to buy more to get the more armored versions. But for something like this I doubt we'll ever get non-FO4 versions (unless FO5 is a surprise release in the next year with a new design).

That being said, I would think feral ghouls could be an easy HIPS kit for FWW, back when John was talking about the potential of doing some for the line, but with Modiphius's plastic asperations on hold for probably another year we may never see them due to how far of a production lead you need for plastic. While there are lots of zombie plastics FO Ghouls could easily be distictent enough to have demand outside of the game.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/26 07:33:00

Post by: Monkeysloth

Found some pokemon designed for D&D on a thingiverse account and have printed several now to use with this game and he had a pateron with no backers which I decided to back as a thanks, as he had no tip option set up. Guess he was so happy to have a backer that he asked me what to sculpt and may I present you with my krookodiles:

I've also painted up the original things that drew me to the account, Exeggutor + trex mix:

I love those dumb looking things.

I've got a Gyarados in water printed up, just haven't painted it yet as I don't have anything that can really support it while I paint it unbased. It's no magic carp for sure, as JonWebb can attest to, but I think it might be able to manage to be a threat to my PCs in the RPG game.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/01/31 02:46:14

Post by: Monkeysloth

Printed up some giant leeches as I wanted to try out some UV resin. Pretty happy with how it looks.

I need to get a few more games in to get familiar enough to make some stats up for some of these things I'm making for FWW RPG and Into the Wasteland.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/02/08 02:39:45

Post by: Monkeysloth

Wrote up some cards for the leeches above. These really aren't trying to be balanced for the wargame and more something for the RPG but could be used in narrative mode.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/02/22 03:25:37

Post by: Monkeysloth

Molerat Queen/Giant Molerat painted up. FO4 and FO3 have cut content around Giant Molerats and so when I saw this one from Mierce I decided to get it and paint it up for FWW. Also finally found the charger for one of my wife's cameras so I could get some decent shots.


Also make up some cards for a Legondary Mole Rat Queen from FO4 (at some point I'll do the FO3 giant molerat version) and decided to make it a turret as the concept art makes the queen look pretty immobile. Phase I is a ranged attacker while Phase II is melee with an aoe centered around the queen. Both versions have far reaching auras to buff creatures and can spawn new molerats. Phase II is kind of an odd build and honestly not sure how well it will work in general as I think certain terrain layouts would make it pretty simple kill as it's melee and while I did add a chance for moving randomly it's defence is really tied to swarming people with spawned molerats.


Next is according to Art of FO4 the Queens had larger molerat sentries. I had printed and painted these early last year and felt they were a good addition to the official ones as I wanted more for the RPG. The larger ones I'm using as Sentries are for 50mm bases. Probably could have got a bit bigger but they work.

Also made up a card for the sentries and have a scale shot next to the queen.


I also wanted an upgrade for generic molerats so I printed some from Duncanshaow that have all these bone protrusions and a longer tail and am calling them Bonerats. I also printed out some larger Sentry versions.

As before, scale show against queen and then unit cards.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/02/22 07:20:22

Post by: Manchu


But seriously, awesome work all around!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/02/22 16:42:30

Post by: Pacific

Hope that guy has something stronger than a pipe pistol!

Fantastic stuff, really awesome/gruesome looking miniatures.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/02/22 19:30:53

Post by: Monkeysloth

I'm quite happy how the newer paint jobs panned out. I debated redoing the regular molerats paint jobs as they were the first thing I painted after like almost 8-10 months just doing terrain (sadly not a whole lot to show there outside of what I've posted here) so they were very basic. But I didn't want to really deal with it as they're just mooks.

 Pacific wrote:
Hope that guy has something stronger than a pipe pistol!

Well it's a pip pistol he takes care of as there's no rust on it so that must be worth something.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/02/23 12:54:55

Post by: Geifer

Cool stuff all around, Monkeysloth!

That turquoise 'lurk's color scheme is really nice. And it's great to see the Mierce Molerat. I've been thinking of getting one myself, but it's always been out of stock when I check my online store of choice. But great to see what it looks like painted and alongside other models.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/04/10 01:29:35

Post by: Monkeysloth

Decided to paint up a Sole Survivor and Dogmeat and ended up with an apirl fools joke (when I actually came up with the concept).

May I present:

The Tiger king model is from Black Site Studio (STL is like a buck). And the Tigers are from Thingiverse. I then added the pipboy to Joe and added googles to one tigers and the head armor to another (I'll upload them to thingiverse as a remix once I go back and thicken some leather straps)

Also tried for some smaller cats but they lost a lot of detail (printed 30% and 50% size, the painted below are 50%). 60% might have been a better size and I ight reprint post improving what I did.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/04/10 10:19:59

Post by: Pacific

Haha excellent stuff!

Can see that one being popular (or a popular target!) in campaign games

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/08/22 00:08:20

Post by: Monkeysloth

Been a bit since I posted anything here. I've got around 4 different fallout terrain projects going on and haven't really finished enough to feel like I've wanted to share and then got distracted with painting some dragons but I should have more stuff to show off over the next 2 months.

First up is a bunch of terrain from M3Studios that I printed. They made a Ghoul Whale which I thought was pretty funny and wanted to paint it up. Since it was stranded on a beach I decided to do the rest of the lines sandbars/reefs and a strange beach alter. I envisioned more of this all being when the tide was out so I added some plants and other animals as well as water. I also took some liberty with what's a rock as most stuff is sand but I wanted some color variety.

Close ups of everything in the spoiler

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/08/22 20:23:04

Post by: lord_blackfang

Not exactly Fallout, we're gonna play This is Not a Test instead, and going more for Mad Max than 60s atompunk, but hey, it's a table. Mostly Printable Scenery Wasteworld.


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh and my Mutant Vegan Cannibal Family, based largely on Gellerpox with halfling heads


I'm especially proud of Doctor Crackpot, who lobotomizes the meals so they count as vegetables.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/08/23 20:24:03

Post by: Monkeysloth

that's a dang nice layout. This is Not a Test looks to be a pretty fun system but everything for the game is always out of stock.

The Wasteworld line is pretty nice. I have those roads already done, and the boat printed to go with the beach stuff I just posed. The plane looks really nice too and looks great in your setup.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/08/23 20:50:51

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Monkeysloth wrote:
that's a dang nice layout. This is Not a Test looks to be a pretty fun system but everything for the game is always out of stock.

The Wasteworld line is pretty nice. I have those roads already done, and the boat printed to go with the beach stuff I just posed. The plane looks really nice too and looks great in your setup.

Thanks! It's also painted in the livery of the recently defunct Slovenian national airline, which we were bullied into gifting to a German hedge fund that promptly drained it of wealth and sunk it, to go with the usual post-apoc riffing on capitalism.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/09/01 22:45:35

Post by: Monkeysloth

In an effort to actually have ideas and projects here in the projects thread instead of always just finished stuff (sorry, I'm not generally a WIP person) I've been wanting some NPCs and there's really not a lot that fits the retro feel of fallout. Most post apoc goes more mad max or weird mutation stuff and there's not a lot in the 3d printing realm. I can make stuff via heroforge but the STLs are pretty pricey for background figures/npcs that I have to put effort into printing, cleaning and painting. So I decided to look at the model train realm as FWW is US O scale. As with anything there's variation in scale based off of how the company sculpts and the figures aren't nessaccearly cheap but they are pre-painted and I think that can save me some time.

The line that drew my attention the most is arttista as several threads talked about how they were closest to 1:48. Unlike all the other large lines these are white metal and do come pre-painted, you can get unpainted direct from the manufacturer for a few dollars less. http://arttista.com/

I ordered one painted and an unpainted and first thing that stood out is the colors are more matt and less bright then what you get on the plastics. The height looks pretty good too. He has a prybar that I don't have attached yet. I have another image later on with a standing unpainted and it's pretty on part to the same height at FWW. Eagle eye viewers will also notice something that took me a few mintues to notice. The figures are prepainted but they don't appear to be primed, or are poorly primed, as the paint rubs off some areas very easily. It's easy to work with once you know it's happening (you can see a finger with no paint and a front of a shoe.

So I took the figure and used some contrast paints (skin), washes (shirt/hats) and instant paints and then did some touch up highlights on the skin and over all I think it looks pretty good. The unpainted one was $2 less and had a lot of flash to clean up so if all the prepainted are also cleaned up that's worth the extra money right there. I've still got to paint the prybar as I think I'm going to attach him to some scatter terrain.

I've got to fix up the stick on the hobo as it broken when I was cleaning flash and then I'll paint him up too. It's a very hard tin mix and you really have to put effort into adding pins at the feet too. The height is pretty close to the FWW figure. It looks taller but that's the camera angle. I'll have better pics once everything painted and based.

Overall for $6 and about 10 min of painting I think the pre-painted area probably going to be worth the extra cost. I'm going to order some more from the line this week and might grab some plastics from another line if I can find some prices I'm happy with since I have to get a larger set vs these which I can buy one or two and try out.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/09/04 06:56:43

Post by: Monkeysloth

got my next order in. Found out why there's a remastered list on the website as some of the earlier figures are closer to 28mm. I pulled out a resin settler to use instead of the based PVC one for easier size comparisons.

I've got a few more I haven't prepped yet as they're various figures that are sitting on the ground or leaning against a wall and I'm trying to figure out what to do with them. Some in the sets I wanted to base normally, like the hobo with the guitar and there's one sneaking and a third running, but then there's one hiding on against a wall looking around a corner. Don't think that would look good based. The others I'll make a small wasteland camp site with some of the sitting hobos and drunks.

I was thinking of repainting the checker board to be Blast Radius until I realized it was a round game board. Probably still do that at some point for a different set I might buy another time.

Another thing I'm exited about is how good the milking woman looks as I've got some brahmin that I want to rebase with her. Just not sure if I want to use the metal one from armorcast or the 3rd printing one that's FO4 style.

I'm leaning towards the scraggly armorcast brahmin as it does fit a bit better with a settlement.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/09/07 20:31:30

Post by: Monkeysloth

Here's a finished shot of the farmer, hobo and suspicious stranger.

didn't quite do as much as I was wanting over the weekend due to other distractions but I'm now staging a drop in scene--which is one of the things I wanted to get out of these model train figures-- of the checker players. Going to glue them to the clear plastic sheet with some other items, probably old newspapers and the like.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/09/09 09:38:16

Post by: Illumini

Those fit perfectly. Great looking civilians

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/09/10 08:15:48

Post by: Monkeysloth

Thanks. I have a few more done here. I set some up as Vignettes and glued them to clear plastic bases like I do my interior terrain decor. This makes them swappable and place able wherever I need them.



Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/09/30 09:44:05

Post by: lord_blackfang

Lots of good stuff, love the emaciated brahmin.

I painted up that Gellerpox-based mutant warband, on display here

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/10/01 06:48:09

Post by: Illumini

That terrain is probably the best I've seen for fallout. Maybe you should base the playable minis on clear flat bases too? It really takes up the realism a ton. Very clever for the scatter terrain too

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/10/03 01:43:49

Post by: Monkeysloth

 Illumini wrote:
That terrain is probably the best I've seen for fallout. Maybe you should base the playable minis on clear flat bases too? It really takes up the realism a ton. Very clever for the scatter terrain too

Thanks. I feel I need some scattered newspapers and other junk image to print out so better represent trash that tends to be on floors before I feel this is done. Haven't found anything I like yet.

I'm not a big fan of the clear acrylic bases for metal minis, which the model train stuff is, as metal tends to be too heavy and needs pinning to the base.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Lots of good stuff, love the emaciated brahmin.

I painted up that Gellerpox-based mutant warband, on display here

I think the Brahmin was from an old line called Lancers and Lasers. Armorcast still makes them. Paint to put together though as the molds are showing their age. I had to do a good amount of greenstuff around the heads as there wasn't a flush fit at all.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/10/15 17:23:28

Post by: Monkeysloth

Decided to jump onto the Plasticville bandwangon after finding a bunch online cheap. This is the rail cart house from the Hobo Jungle. I removed all the internal connectors and glued it together without them and then added a new floor and added some carboard corrugated metal. The other two structures in the set will be done similarly and I'll add some decor later on.

and then the rest of the haul

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/10/24 12:52:10

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love the crashed plane, very evocative.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2021/11/26 06:01:46

Post by: Monkeysloth

Got sucked into some video games and I don't multi-task very well so after a month of that I've gotten some stuff done for FWW.

With the update to Settlement mode going through approvals I wanted to actually have a settlement. So I've been working on the Plasticraft Hobo Jungle as the starting point. Well I got all those buildings done -- just need to do some interiors (as I like to do those) for me to call them done done but that's something I tend to do in bulk for lots of things at once and will come later.

A bunch more pics in the spoilers


I also but up some crop planters. These are just O scale plants with balsa wood and some dirt flock.

I also printed up some Goose Hydra to annoy the Settlers. I've been working on a card for them but need to play around with it some.

That includes a Radgoose and Nukagoose

Lastly Heroforge is doing a STL sale, $4, so I'm currently printing out a few things that I've made over the past little while. This alien farmer is my favorite but I basically copied from a reddit thread and made a few small changes


A ghoul farmer

Ghoul mechanic/fixer/biker. Maybe for some power armor/atom cats

And this one I'm still working on which is a settler sweeping. I find all the NPCs that sweep in the Bethesda games funny as the buildings never look cleaned and have trash everywhere. So I wanted that for FWW.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/01/30 05:02:42

Post by: Monkeysloth

Saw someone do this on facebook and thought it was a good idea. I got some cork tiles with adhesive backing and stuck them to the paper mat in the starter box and then cut off the excess paper to make tiles for Into The Wasteland.

My issue with the game mode was always the awkward map layouts and trying to block off areas of a mat that shouldn't be played on. This, I think, is a much better method. The downside of the cork is it's expensive vs, say, vinyl tiles that you could use as the same type of backing. The upside is the cork doesn't slide around on my table like vinyl is so I don't mind the extra cost.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/01/30 10:44:40

Post by: Pacific

That's a really great idea, I might copy that.

Just add a bit more weight to the setup.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/02/02 08:14:37

Post by: Monkeysloth

Wish I could take credit for it. Great use of the paper mat.

I've been wanting to get into the ITWL more with the upcoming expansions that complement it and one thing I've noticed is it's hard to set up interesting challenges that change things up as you play so I got thinking about a card deck of "Hindrances" that you can draw from that adds a bit more complexity to the game play.

I also want these to be useable for those with the RPG expansion so I did a few sample layouts (excuse any typos as I was going more for what fits onto a card and still be readable) and curious what others think.

The first one is a Radiation pit that surrounds and objective which prevents you from getting close enough to search. I need to replace objective (text) with the searchable icon but overall a simple concept. It has rules for both the RPG and regular game on it.

Wanting to try something a bit different I made a different set that's a barricade that covers a full 1' side of a tile with a single locked door at a random edge of the wall. This one I broke out the RPG and FWW rules into two separate cards which gives me a bit more room to play with but is a bit more pain to organize. Maybe not the best example as they're almost the same.

Another option, which I haven't made yet, is set these up as full playing card size, like the unit cards, and put all the rules there. That would basically double the space I have to work with. Probably make a mock up after work, well later today since it's 1am here right now, of that concept as well.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/02/04 10:00:29

Post by: Monkeysloth

Ok did a bit more with the layout. Turns out the Into the Wasteland Cards are standard size and not mini like the so much else of the game so once I got the dimensions correct there's a bit more to work with. I also used a reference card as there's also more room on these due to the header taking up less overall real-estate on the card. Photoshop is also a bad layout platform as these cards are the correct dimensions but since I used a higher dpi they're saved off larger for whatever reason (which I'm sure is perfectly reasonable for those that use it regularly). But they downscale really well and printing at 75% looks good and is the right size.

Overall I'm liking the look of the first card and think that's plenty of room but now I just need to maybe layout some more and see. If I end up actually following through with making all of these it might finally get me to write the card making webapp I've been debating as that will be less overall time on my end.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/01 18:24:07

Post by: BrookM

How is the solo / coop mode for the game? Yesterday I discovered that they've been doing minis for New Vegas, my favourite game from the franchise, so curious as to how this all plays and how much it would cost me to get started.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/01 19:13:17

Post by: Illumini

It does feel like fallout, but I find it hard to learn because of the unnecessary heavy use of icons and range bands.

I have played through most of the intro scenarios, but it has stayed on the shelves since then because the rule set just didnt flow well for me.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/01 20:19:58

Post by: Monkeysloth

It's fun and has a great AI system compared to all the other systems I've tried but it's also a lot of setup (more like a complex boardgame ala Kingdom Death) and there's a lot of things to track as, for example, each unit has their own AI and there can also be custom AI rules for each scenario. So there's a trade off.

It feels like James, the original designer, always chose emulating the videogames in feel over streamlining. Having a such a streamlined version, similar to Elder Scrolls, and the more complex for those that want them would be a good thing as there are times I want to play but don't want to spend all the setup time (and I like to play their random map rules which adds more to setup time instead of the regular scenarios) which is why I never play Kingdom Death anymore.

In a lot of ways the phone app is kind of needed to play, thankfully the monthly sub is very cheap.

The range bands aren't really that bad (we're not talking about infinity here) and each color is just a 2" increment increase so it's easy to not use their rulers. However, Illumini is right that all the iconography that they use can be a turn off. It's really only bad on weapons where they basically only use icons to explain how the weapon works and it's a bit like hieroglyphs until you get use to them.

The best thing really is the RPG expansion as when you play like that it's really like an isometric RPG similar to FO1 and 2. You, obviously, get all the combat in the wargame but the RPG also adds stealth and other non-combat stuff in addition to leveling.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/01 20:53:20

Post by: BrookM

Thanks for the feedback so far, I've decided to order the starter set for now and will work things out from there. I do like what's been mentioned about the RPG expansion, it being similar to the first two games, another pair of favourites of mine. Haha, if it includes the survival skill, I'm in.

Are there any plans to also do stuff with those two games, or is it purely the Bethesda / Obsidian games that they're working with.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/02 02:22:57

Post by: Monkeysloth

They are, we've seen a sculpt of the master and Frank has been out for over a year, but you really won't get many sculpts from 1 & 2 any time soon for a few reasons:

1) It takes a lot of work with Besthsda to convert the small sprits into modern designs so non-unique (named) units will be less likely.
2) The units have to fit into the game somehow and not just be alternate sculpts with the same stats. How would East Coast supermutants play different then west coast and is that what the game needs? Same with Raiders.

Haha, if it includes the survival skill, I'm in

The FWW RPG doesn't sadly but I'm working on unofficial expansions and choose your own adventures for it. I've got templates all ready to do in homebrery that let you mimic Modiphis's PDFs in design as well as (some cards) via markdown. I'm currently waiting to see how Modiphius wants to handle this stuff. Technically there's not a whole lot they can really do legally as long as it's not for profit but I reached out to them about maybe some legal stuff that needs to be put in and they're figuring it all out.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/02 15:03:52

Post by: BrookM

Less said about most games shat out by Bethesda the better in my opinion. I only consider F1, F2 and FNV canon personally.

But thanks for the food for thought, looking forward to having my starter in hand soon.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/04 17:10:13

Post by: Psychopomp

I find myself continually frustrated by the models for Fallout: WW. I love how they look, but they have all the conversion-friendliness of resin collectable statuettes, and they don't scale with any of the rest of my post-apocalypse collection.

I find myself tempted to do the opposite of what I commonly see DIYers do with the game - use the rules, but sell off my minis and go my own way with 28mm conversions.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/04 18:19:02

Post by: Illumini

The AI system is a good point. It is a lot better than for example the AI in "five parsecs". It really aids in the game feeling like the computer games do.

The RPG crossover also looks tempting.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/04 22:32:33

Post by: BrookM

Starter box came in, some of the minis did not survive the trip, but mold lines and flash aside, not disappointed by the overall quality. Two of the three included books have also been shoved in rather questionably and are damaged as well, but when you can get the boxed set for half off, beggars can't be choosers.

Will have to read the tutorial and core rulebooks a fair few times to get to understand everything, things are not laid out very ideally, the tutorial booklet in particular is a bit of a mess.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/05 01:30:20

Post by: Monkeysloth

Psychopomp wrote:I find myself continually frustrated by the models for Fallout: WW. I love how they look, but they have all the conversion-friendliness of resin collectable statuettes, and they don't scale with any of the rest of my post-apocalypse collection.

I find myself tempted to do the opposite of what I commonly see DIYers do with the game - use the rules, but sell off my minis and go my own way with 28mm conversions.

Resin isn't very conversion friendly. There are some people I've seen do some great work but it requires some patience to cut things without breaking everything . Though the Starter PVCs are most commonly used for conversions.

A lot of people in the facebook group actually do their own conversions for the same reason you want to, they prefer a smaller scale, so you're not the only one out there.

Illumini wrote:The AI system is a good point. It is a lot better than for example the AI in "five parsecs". It really aids in the game feeling like the computer games do.

The RPG crossover also looks tempting.

Just a warning that the RPG expansion really is for running games with a GM. The AI does work well with it so during combat the GM can play a character as well. There is a bit of a choose your own adventure for it from modiphius but only 1/3 of the PDFs is out and not something I'd expect them to really focus on anytime soon as it was something to keep people engaged with the game during lockdowns and while the other 2 parts are wirtten they still have to go through Bethesda approvals and layout and Modipihus despite the first part releasing almost 15 months ago.

BrookM wrote:Starter box came in, some of the minis did not survive the trip, but mold lines and flash aside, not disappointed by the overall quality. Two of the three included books have also been shoved in rather questionably and are damaged as well, but when you can get the boxed set for half off, beggars can't be choosers.

Will have to read the tutorial and core rulebooks a fair few times to get to understand everything, things are not laid out very ideally, the tutorial booklet in particular is a bit of a mess.

If anything is damaged you can reach out the support@modiphus.com and they're generally pretty good about getting stuff sent out.

I agree with the tutorial being a bit meh. It's not unusable but for a game that really does have a lot of people new to wargaming buying, due to the license, you think there would be more effort there as that's part of a reason for using an existing property. Jon has stated recently that they actually have an introduction to the game and how to play website in the works but it's very slow going just due to other priorities. I wouldn't be surprised to see the fruits of that when they release the plastic kits and FO3 stuff next year as I think plastic Fallout Power Armor kits would be well received by the overall tabletop community for all sorts of games and bring some eyes to FWW.

I think the part that most people really struggle with is the weapon cards as some of that stuff gets really cryptic and even some of the well known playtesters of the game will debate what a card does when new ones come out.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/05 11:21:33

Post by: Geifer

 BrookM wrote:
Will have to read the tutorial and core rulebooks a fair few times to get to understand everything, things are not laid out very ideally, the tutorial booklet in particular is a bit of a mess.

What worked for me was to read the core rules and just not bother with anything else at first. Then I set up a Settler and a Scavenger (just to use different unit cards) a distance from one another and let them punch each other. Then I added a simple melee weapon each, then a pistol and some radioactive barrels between them, just to get used to the rules.

In my opinion the difficulty of Wasteland Warfare is in the presentation and maybe the way the dice work. The core rules themselves should be easy and intuitive to anyone who's played 40k or a similar system. I found it to help to learn things incrementally to become familiar with the symbols and how to use the dice pool. Anything else, like scenarios, slotted in naturally after that.

That said, different people learn things differently, and in my case that means actually playing to wrap my head around how things work. Not sure if that helps you.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/05 12:17:42

Post by: BrookM

The symbol salad on the cards is rather confusing, not having everything explained on the same page isn't helping things either I've been finding. The baseball bat weapon card is a great example of this, great shitballs on fire, that's a lot of symbols and info for such a simple melee weapon.

And yeah, I prefer to push models and chuck dice as well to learn the game mechanics, working with visuals is better for me too, just that this all is again, a bit of a mess for me to get into properly. Then again, I feel a bit spoiled by the First Strike and Recruit edition starters, which dumbed down things to such a degree that even someone like me could pick things up easily.

Mention of plastic power armour is ace though, but I'm guessing they're going with the uglies Bethesda created and not T51b's or F2's Enclave armour.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/05 13:26:01

Post by: Geifer

Yeah, the baseball bat card is a good example of how to cut things down in the beginning. Half of the symbols, the ones on the right, are for delivering a critical hit. It's not something you have to bother with initially. It becomes easier once you cut down the symbols by half. Then it just tells you to use a black and a yellow die, and each hit causes one physical damage. Not much need to worry about the effects at the bottom either until you actually roll two bottle symbols, and you can look stuff up then.

It is a lot of stuff to take in. There's no doubt about that. I've demoed the game and people found it easy enough to learn, but that required some work on my part. Without a solid learn to play guide from Modiphius it's just useful to have someone cut down the rules to the necessary core so the beginner doesn't have to worry about and deal with the mess of symbols while learning the basic rules. You'll probably be keeping the reference pages at the back of the rule book open for a good while even after you've got the core rules down. It really is just that much stuff.

T-51 power armor has a bit of history with Bethesda as well. While they made sure the Brotherhood employed T-45 and T-60 respectively as their standard gear in Fallout 3 and 4, T-51 prominently features in their games and marketing material. Modiphius also released resin T-51 and T-45 at the same time, and I'd be surprised if they somehow omitted T-51 when they release plastic versions. There's no logic to that.

Enclave armor from Fallout 2, as Monkeysloth has said, kind of suffers from doubling up on something that's already released. I'm much in the same boat with Raiders as I much prefer the outfits from Fallout 3 over Fallout 4, but we got the latter. Not much that can be done about that, unfortunately.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 01:33:37

Post by: Monkeysloth

 Geifer wrote:

Enclave armor from Fallout 2, as Monkeysloth has said, kind of suffers from doubling up on something that's already released. I'm much in the same boat with Raiders as I much prefer the outfits from Fallout 3 over Fallout 4, but we got the latter. Not much that can be done about that, unfortunately.

Enclave armor from Fallout 2 is the X0-1 in the series from FO4 onward. It's pretty much identical outside of a bit of fattening the helmet some so a head could actually fit inside it. I doubt you'll ever see the more cartoony look in miniature form as it's own thing for FWW as it would be way easier for modiphius to release resin helmets for the plastic kits then a whole kit by itself. Not sure if they'll do something like that but if they think it will be a good return on the effort they might.

I heavily suspect it will get a plastic kit as it and the t-51s alternate sculpts are some of the most requested things for the line on social media.

I'm also more of a Fallout 3 raider person then FO4 (I think I even like the brutalist designs of FO3 more then FO4 more retro-future style). Maybe we'll get a slavers box with a few and Eulogy Jones as named characters and support are the most likely way I see them adding things to factions from other games. The only other way I see them going back to older games is doing results every few years like Corvis Belli does with Infinity to keep distributors interested in stocking the line (and avoiding the Privateer Press sku bloat) but that has it's issues as while raiders and some of the other factions have lots to pull from a large number of other factions don't and Modiphius cannot just invent new redesigns for an IP they don't own.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 06:45:16

Post by: Geifer

Yeah, a Paradise Falls expansion would be cool and a place for the Fallout 3 Raider outfits, although I seem to remember the slavers pretty much going with metal armor since they're rich and not just some trashy wastelanders. Modiphius might have to sneak them in for lower level guys. The Pitt could also serve that purpose and come with the added bonus of giving the Enslaved Tech some friends.

Not sure about New Vegas. The Raiders around Vegas also used those outfits, but I don't remember them having any real purpose or identity of their own that would make them appealing to release as a faction.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 07:59:42

Post by: Monkeysloth

 Geifer wrote:

Not sure about New Vegas. The Raiders around Vegas also used those outfits, but I don't remember them having any real purpose or identity of their own that would make them appealing to release as a faction.

And yet one of those is always someone's favorite faction. I've seen Boomers, kings, powder gangers and probably every other group in FONV and FO3 come up across reddit and facebook. Heck even Fallout Brotherhood of Steele, the red headed stepchild of the franchise, has its fans and people wanting very specific designs from that game made in mini form. Jon was right to start setting people's expectations on what they can reasonably release and keep the game healthy even if it caused some real anger when he did a few months ago (no one wants to see their favorite thing not get included but some people didn't take it well).

I think the most likely raider expansion, outside of Nuka World which we know we're getting eventually (probably wave 7 later this year), would be the Khans/Great Khans as I could see Modiphius making them a bit tougher then the current raider lineup which is all really low-cost swarm units and they can work from the NV designs which will be easier then pixels from FO1. Probably even make them a sub faction like they did Nightkin (which I was happy to see).

With the next 2 years already through basic planning and various stages of design/production I'll be curious to see how much they hop around different games in the series as FO4 just has it's expansions left to cover (though really only some raiders, Children of Atom and synth's left) as I have a feeling FO76 will get attention next year after FO3 or in 2 years as being gaining in popularity over the past 2 years due to all the changes Bethesda made and there's a lot of content from that game that will fit better into the wargame then from the older games. I especially expect to see that game's floaters sooner than later as it adds to the supermutant faction and they're a much more mini friendly design then the originals which I suspect would be very fiddly to put together with lots of small parts that would break easily.

I'm also hoping the 2d20 RPG gets some better support as it kind of had an anemic launch but is the most active Modiphius RPG on reddit but they've been super silent on the game (probably due to the delays all their games have been getting due to Bethesda wrapping up Starfield) as I'm hoping for some minis that wouldn't make sense for FWW but would an RPG like non-combatants and build your own PC plastic kits. Speaking of Starfield I would be surprised if Modiphius themselves were planning product releases for that game this year or early next as well.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 09:47:55

Post by: BrookM

Slowly working my way through the rules, decided to just pit Nora armed with a random ranged weapon against a brute with sledge, just to chuck dice and get to grips with everything combat related.

Only thing I couldn't find explained anywhere after several reads is the critical effect of the laser rifle, which aside from 4 energy damage, also gives you +1 nuka bottle, which I interpret as getting one free nuka symbol effect on top of the buffed damage?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 10:23:47

Post by: Mitnick

 BrookM wrote:
Slowly working my way through the rules, decided to just pit Nora armed with a random ranged weapon against a brute with sledge, just to chuck dice and get to grips with everything combat related.

Only thing I couldn't find explained anywhere after several reads is the critical effect of the laser rifle, which aside from 4 energy damage, also gives you +1 nuka bottle, which I interpret as getting one free nuka symbol effect on top of the buffed damage?

That sounds about right, so 1 dmg will ignore armor. If you manage to roll a second bottle, the target starts burning.

As I’m pretty new to this forum, I find it much harder to learn than the FWW rules…

[Thumb - CAB69A37-C2BF-4A50-93E7-B48EBFC56696.jpeg]

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 13:06:20

Post by: Geifer

 Monkeysloth wrote:
And yet one of those is always someone's favorite faction. I've seen Boomers, kings, powder gangers and probably every other group in FONV and FO3 come up across reddit and facebook. Heck even Fallout Brotherhood of Steele, the red headed stepchild of the franchise, has its fans and people wanting very specific designs from that game made in mini form. Jon was right to start setting people's expectations on what they can reasonably release and keep the game healthy even if it caused some real anger when he did a few months ago (no one wants to see their favorite thing not get included but some people didn't take it well).

No doubt every faction has its fans. Far be it from me to deny people their preferences. I was more speaking of what Modiphius can realistically do with those faction, or what fans can realistically expect. Still waiting for Zetans myself, but, you know, they're not exactly a core faction.

Any fuss on social media has luckily passed me by. I do appreciate Modiphius being as open as they are about their processes. I like that about them. But of course it's never great news to find out your favorite character or faction won't be supported.

 Monkeysloth wrote:
With the next 2 years already through basic planning and various stages of design/production I'll be curious to see how much they hop around different games in the series as FO4 just has it's expansions left to cover (though really only some raiders, Children of Atom and synth's left) as I have a feeling FO76 will get attention next year after FO3 or in 2 years as being gaining in popularity over the past 2 years due to all the changes Bethesda made and there's a lot of content from that game that will fit better into the wargame then from the older games. I especially expect to see that game's floaters sooner than later as it adds to the supermutant faction and they're a much more mini friendly design then the originals which I suspect would be very fiddly to put together with lots of small parts that would break easily.

Wouldn't surprise me. I think Jon even mentioned (professionally) spending time in Fallout 76. And yeah, 76 probably has a lot to offer for adaptation to the tabletop since it's a Fallout theme park more than anything. Might not be a bad idea to be selective and a little conservative with that, though. Well, as far as I'm concerned anyway.

True about Floaters. And hey, maybe Modiphius will make a larger expansion for Super Mutants and we get Centaurs as well.

Mitnick wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
Slowly working my way through the rules, decided to just pit Nora armed with a random ranged weapon against a brute with sledge, just to chuck dice and get to grips with everything combat related.

Only thing I couldn't find explained anywhere after several reads is the critical effect of the laser rifle, which aside from 4 energy damage, also gives you +1 nuka bottle, which I interpret as getting one free nuka symbol effect on top of the buffed damage?

That sounds about right, so 1 dmg will ignore armor. If you manage to roll a second bottle, the target starts burning.

Yeah, a black symbol is the effect you gain. A white symbol is something you can spend your rolled symbols on for the black effect following it. Should be on p.20 of the rulebook (symbols and effects).

Also to be clear, you spend symbols to get effects. So if you add a second bottle from your dice roll to the one you have from your critical, you have the choice to buy the burning effect for two bottles, or two armor penetrations for a bottle each, or spend only one bottle for one armor penetration or none at all if you're feeling generous.

Mitnick wrote:
As I’m pretty new to this forum, I find it much harder to learn than the FWW rules…


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 16:15:42

Post by: BrookM

Cheers for the confirmation, both of you! I especially like that that two bottles means I can just do two armour penetrations instead of setting the target on fire even more. I did change out the "flip a luck token" mechanic for a simple D6 roll where odds = luck symbol, evens = notsolucky, never been a fan of flipping tokens.

Been doing more pointless rolling of the dice, quite like the laser rifle and as pointless as it is, shooting it at an advancing Deathclaw is a fun way to better memorize stuff. Getting steamrolled by it a lot, but both its attacks have interesting mechanics that I've been trying to understand, especially the opposed rolling. Str 11 versus Agi 7 seems like a contest that's unwinnable unless you roll an X.

Have decided to order the Enclave set (two PA's, two teslas and an officer) plus their cards, the raider cards pack and the box containing Nate, Codsworth and another Dogmeat, Amazon to the rescue.

And welcome aboard Mitnick.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/06 18:02:55

Post by: Geifer

Hey, someone's hooked!

Yeah, the laser rifle is pretty cool. It's got really good stats and has been universally useful when I used it (I usually go WYSIWYG so only a few times outside Brotherhood of Steel where I made some conversions).

I suspect the flipping tokens thing is just a way of using what's in the box since there is no simple D6 in it. I also use a die as I don't care for token flipping either. Modiphius actually made luck dice as part of their promotional efforts that you can see in Mitnick's picture above. I like that best.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 200000/03/06 21:44:24

Post by: Monkeysloth

 Geifer wrote:

True about Floaters. And hey, maybe Modiphius will make a larger expansion for Super Mutants and we get Centaurs as well.

That reminds me that Centaurs were supposed to be in New Vegas, even have a weapon card for them, and got pulled right before production and Jon said we'd get them soon. I would have thought in Wave 6 would be when they were released, but obviously they're not, so wave 7 (which is where I'd expect them to be now)? If not I guess part of the FO3 release as pretty sure we'll get some minigun Supermutants but I cannot remember if I ever saw Centaurs in downtown DC? I think maybe in some building instances?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 BrookM wrote:
Cheers for the confirmation, both of you! I especially like that that two bottles means I can just do two armour penetrations instead of setting the target on fire even more. I did change out the "flip a luck token" mechanic for a simple D6 roll where odds = luck symbol, evens = notsolucky, never been a fan of flipping tokens.

There's actually official luck dice that are basically this (was a promo but I think it's a web exclusive now). So it's a common way people play.

Been doing more pointless rolling of the dice, quite like the laser rifle and as pointless as it is, shooting it at an advancing Deathclaw is a fun way to better memorize stuff. Getting steamrolled by it a lot, but both its attacks have interesting mechanics that I've been trying to understand, especially the opposed rolling. Str 11 versus Agi 7 seems like a contest that's unwinnable unless you roll an X.

Have decided to order the Enclave set (two PA's, two teslas and an officer) plus their cards, the raider cards pack and the box containing Nate, Codsworth and another Dogmeat, Amazon to the rescue.

The deathclaw as a few odd things for sure. The primed attack for one where after every action (you get 2) you put a token on the card and once you have 3 you can use the weapon. It's a way to limit how often something can be used. The hardest part is remembering to add all the tokens. The STR minus AGI thing is why people tend to not run the deathclaw as it's really not worth giving up a normal attack for the Crush but you have to take the crush. It's not even that high damage of an attack (just high armor penetration chance) so not sure why it has this odd rule (I don't think any other weapon has something like this) that makes it pretty useless against half the units in the game (though there are a good number with AGI of 4 or less including Deathclaws -- which is funny)

Since you're getting more into the game you should know about the free downloads page. All the cards for making a force are there for free. The Narrative stuff (AI, wasteland deck) are not as those "pay the bill" as we've been told. Also point value PDF, errata, and lists of what's in every card pack.


Also there's an app that you can grab that's licenses, but not made by modiphius, where you can buy the card packs (not recommended) or sub (recommended as it's very cheap this way) to get access to everything and it will help track games.

And welcome aboard Mitnick.

Indeed. Looking at your posts I'm similar to you. More of a solo and co-op tabletop gamer now days. Much easier to get the friends over if everyone can play (odd number) and casually stomping AI is just more our thing.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/07 07:43:25

Post by: BrookM

 Geifer wrote:
Hey, someone's hooked!
Hah, it started with me ordering the X-01 set as a potential return to the hobby, then it snowballed from there when I saw the starter up for half price. If the New Vegas were more readily available here, I'd be a lost cause for sure.

 Monkeysloth wrote:
The deathclaw as a few odd things for sure. The primed attack for one where after every action (you get 2) you put a token on the card and once you have 3 you can use the weapon. It's a way to limit how often something can be used. The hardest part is remembering to add all the tokens. The STR minus AGI thing is why people tend to not run the deathclaw as it's really not worth giving up a normal attack for the Crush but you have to take the crush. It's not even that high damage of an attack (just high armor penetration chance) so not sure why it has this odd rule (I don't think any other weapon has something like this) that makes it pretty useless against half the units in the game (though there are a good number with AGI of 4 or less including Deathclaws -- which is funny)
Yeah, book keeping may be overdoing it a bit, but the primed attack is a bit of a bovver to keep an eye on all the time. Throwing your enemies also seems a bit pointless, unless you're dealing with more than one, but still I'd rather keep my enemies in melee range, them being stunned by it is already nice as is.

Cheers for the link (what's in which card pack is certainly helpful for future purchases, double cheers!) and I'll be skipping the app for now, not a big fan of subbing to apps for games, plus not like my phone can run those anyway.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/07 08:06:27

Post by: Monkeysloth

I think it's the only weapon that uses throw instead of pushback which makes it even dumber. I don't think there's any extra damage or rules on "what happens if you hit other units" for it. It's a rule that's never been fully fleshed out. Technically It probably would trigger free attacks from surrounding units as the errata says "move" (as well as the deathclaw itself). Though I guess you can throw in any direction so there could be some fun fall damage there depending on the terrain.

Pushback (the black arrow) allows you to follow the moved unit as long as you stay in base contact basically giving you extra movement so it's super useful.

I actually decided to ask about the Deathclaw Crush and breaking engagement.


If it's ruled it does that could be pretty abusive as even the deathclaw would get a free attack caused by one of it's attacks but at the same time actually make the Deathclaw worth it's points.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/07 08:21:46

Post by: Geifer

 Monkeysloth wrote:
 Geifer wrote:

True about Floaters. And hey, maybe Modiphius will make a larger expansion for Super Mutants and we get Centaurs as well.

That reminds me that Centaurs were supposed to be in New Vegas, even have a weapon card for them, and got pulled right before production and Jon said we'd get them soon. I would have thought in Wave 6 would be when they were released, but obviously they're not, so wave 7 (which is where I'd expect them to be now)? If not I guess part of the FO3 release as pretty sure we'll get some minigun Supermutants but I cannot remember if I ever saw Centaurs in downtown DC? I think maybe in some building instances?

Good to know. I have yet to check out the New Vegas cards. I'm a bit behind on that.

There's a Centaur patrolling outside a ruin full of Super Mutants, coming down the Potomac not far from Project Purity. I must have killed the damn thing a hundred times or more since its blocking my preferred route to Rivet City and the Mall.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/07 12:56:42

Post by: Mitnick

Thank you for the warm welcome everybody!

Maybe I get lucky with a release question here. I pre-ordered the Mirelurk Queen, I think about 2 years ago. Does anybody know when Modiphius will finally deliver the open orders on this one? Thanks!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/07 14:24:13

Post by: Geifer

That sounds like something went very wrong and you should contact Modiphius's support about it. I ordered the Mirelurk bundle that includes the Queen shortly after its release a few years ago and got it delivered within a few weeks. That bundle and the individual Mirelurk Queen are currently in stock on their webstore.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/07 17:14:30

Post by: Monkeysloth

If you ordered it via retail there were several releases that got flagged for pre-order that, from what I understand, never were actually planned for retail release namely the Mirelurk queek and the Behemoth and turrets. I'm not sure who's fault this is but it's never been cleared up at least on the NA side of things.

If that was the case best to cancel and order direct. If you have a local store you want to support they can order it for you from Modiphius directly as well (assuming they want to create an account).

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/08 13:25:36

Post by: Mitnick

Thanks, guys. I cancelled my order with my local shop and ordered directly from Modiphius. This is one expensive model with shipping and tax.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 1622/03/07 16:47:07

Post by: Monkeysloth

Mitnick wrote:
Thanks, guys. I cancelled my order with my local shop and ordered directly from Modiphius. This is one expensive model with shipping and tax.

It's quite a chunk of resin. One thing that does help to offset costs is the Modiphius reward points. I tend to use them to get free digital content.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/09 17:04:01

Post by: BrookM

Enclave set came in today, aside from that annoyingly thin and fiddly flash, great casts. Makes me wish I could remember where my stiff brush went, great tool for removing that stuff.

So question, the warrant officer model has a plasma rifle, but her card says she can only use pistols. Goof on their part, or has the card been updated since then?

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/10 04:41:02

Post by: Monkeysloth

Nothing official but since FWW is not WYSIWYG sculpts are never guaranteed to match skills. Most likely they changed things up after playtesting and changing the sculpt at that point would be expensive. From what we've heard about the upcoming release the local factory can be well along in production of the physical models before the final unit cards are all finished/approved.

Others swear it's just a modded plasma pistol as they can look similar to the rifles in FO4/76 with the right parts.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/14 19:43:35

Post by: BrookM

I hate what F4 and F76 are doing to the franchise.

Really excited for my T51s to show up any day now, especially with how good the overall quality of the resin is so far, aside from that fiddly flash that you really need a brush for to remove, no mold lines, no bubbles, no holes, this is on the same level as Artel W for me.

Also put in a test order with Modiphius for a Nuka Grrrl and NCR Ranger, to see if I don't have to pay extra taxes due to the B-word.

And did more dice chucking, slowly absorbing more and more of the rules, just don't ask me when I'll get around to painting this stuff, that part of the burnout is still very much present.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/14 21:27:21

Post by: Monkeysloth

The weapon and armor modification systems they added with FO4 is one of the best things Bethesda has contributed to the series. Since it's a full FPS now, instead of the simulated one FO3 and NV were (ie you had a dice roll to see if you hit even if it should hit), the system allows you to really tweak weapons to how you like to play combined with perks this is a very good way of doing builds since the old skill system doesn't make sense with non-random combat. The gun and it's modes are now determining bullet spread, recoil, and other things that that use to be RNG based, from a signal skill number, and let the physics engine (and whatever else is needed) see if the bullet hits something or not.

Some weapons area always better for certain playstyles but there's alot more overlapping of roles now and some weapons lost a bit of their identity. Some pistols can become pretty good mid ranged rifle equivalents and get a similar look as you upgrade them which is why people suspect this.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/22 21:43:34

Post by: Mitnick

Got the mirelurk queen last week and painted it up with all the rest of the bunch. Lots of fun!

[Thumb - 2022-03-22 21.39.36.jpg]

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/23 06:07:14

Post by: Monkeysloth

Glad you were able to get some. Nice job on the paint as well.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/23 12:32:42

Post by: Geifer

Seconded. Looks really cool.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/03/24 09:29:03

Post by: Mitnick

Thanks guys - i appreciate it!

It’s Brotherhood of Steel next. I have those models lying around for ages - and I really want to try that faction.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/04/13 08:22:46

Post by: Monkeysloth

Jon is looking at doing a new player FAQ and I wrote up a lot of stuff on Reddit. Feel free to add comments there or here and I'll see about making adjustments based on feedback.


There's also areas I probably never thought of as I just based the questions off of what I see on reddit frequently.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/08/12 16:34:14

Post by: Mitnick

Maybe this already counts as necromancy but I‘ll push some life into this thread

First, a pic of the BoS core box I did back in May.

And some new releases, notably the Deathclaw matriarch and the 2nd part of the Good Shepard campaign:


[Thumb - 73334128-83C9-4DDB-978B-8B16503481C4.jpeg]

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/08/12 19:46:44

Post by: Monkeysloth

Don't think they really care about necromancy in these discussion forums.

That's a nice looking starter set. Really like the power amor colors.

I've been taking a bit of a break from the hobby during the summer as I had painted something ever month for about 2 years and took the time to rearrange my hobby room slowly over those months (still have some work to do).

I just finished painting up some toy cards from a defunct car line called Dimestore Dreams that came up this spring on the FWW facebook group. They're pricy for what they are, $10-$12 for some up to $20 for others, but I got a few deals via bundles on ebay and I really like the designs (the convertible is awesome, just having painted the 2 I bought yet). Happy with how they turned out but man red is a pain to rust up.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/08/13 16:23:32

Post by: Psychopomp

It took me a second to make out the "Bill's" above "Television" on the van, and it made me wonder if that was the truck that delivered the TV signal!

Excellent work on the cars, though. The weathering is very nice, and they fit right into the setting. Why is it we only find out about these lines after they're discontinued? Oh, if only someone were still pumping out 4-packs of Marx Cars of the Future...

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/08/14 21:06:00

Post by: Pacific

That is great work there Monkeysloth, think it fits in perfectly with the Fallout aesthetic.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2022/12/16 05:47:37

Post by: Monkeysloth

It's been quite a while but I haven't really done much painting wise outside of a few smaller things like the raiders and APCs. I decided to start my holiday break project a bit early which is a modular river set for various games including fallout. I decided on a set from Infinite Dimensions as I liked the look and connectors they used. These are 3D printed parts and one thing that's great about 3D printing is kit bashing so I took a bunch of STLs from Modiphius and used them as junk in some of the river parts.

To fit the fallout "theme" and keep it usable for some other games I went with a fall theme which would still work for some of the other games and RPG I think and the flock is easy to remove if I ever decide I need something different.

I used some Vallejo texture paste for the dirt and then some Ammo water effect for the water (it's the clear acrylic paste but with dye) as I had the stuff for year and figured this would be a good use vs just a rein poor or UV resin for the water. There's a lot of detail on the prints for water so you don't need to do anything special if you just want to paint up the water and rocks there.

Here's a closeup of the 4 parts with Fallout junk in them.

Here's a sample layout with just the river.

So putting that together with some of my settlement stuff and I have almost a complete board I think. This is on a 4x4 mat so bigger then a normal game which means I could pull in some items for a bit less open space but since I have some RPG stuff here (NPCs) I think I need a few other things like defenses or such for FWW itself.

There's some built in crossing points so you don't need bridges either like the part with the Nuka Cola machine above as well as this stone crossing.

Bunch more shots in the spoiler tag below.


Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/02/17 16:36:50

Post by: Pacific

Sorry I am so late to reply here but that is absolutely fantastic work Monkeysloth. I just love all of the tiny details that make it look alive, it's almost like you could be looking at a scene from the game there. The guys playing chess/chequers and the detritus in the river are particularly stand-out elements.

Can I ask how are you getting on with the Wasteland Warfare RPG side, are you playing a campaign? A couple of gaming buddies have been collecting a few bits and we were thinking of giving it a go at some point.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/02/22 02:04:28

Post by: Monkeysloth

Can I ask how are you getting on with the Wasteland Warfare RPG side, are you playing a campaign? A couple of gaming buddies have been collecting a few bits and we were thinking of giving it a go at some point.

No. While my group would be open to playing it I've been taking a break from GMing after being that role for almost 10 years. Some other guys are rotating through with one about to wrap up a game in the next 2-3 months and then another person wanting to run something.

I have been thinking about how to integrate the RPG more into FWW solo/co-op play. Jon keeps encouraging some of us on Discord to write up something and send it to him but I don't know if I'll ever get around to is as it's a lot of work to come up with something good. We'll see what the year brings.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/02/22 11:27:31

Post by: Pacific

Ok well if you do ever get a chance to I would love to see it! I've saved an image of your board above and sent it to my gaming friends as a prompt "we could try and do this sort of thing if we pull our fingers out!" Outstanding work.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/06/07 14:21:17

Post by: Pacific

Hey guys - just to give this thread a bump and check of any ongoing FO projects!

Has anyone got hold of the new T45 plastics? I had a look at them at Salute and they looked lovely.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/06/23 05:18:55

Post by: Monkeysloth

I bought 2 boxes off of Amazon as they had some really good prices at launch but I've not assembled them yet as I really dislike assembling minis and dislike hard plastic kits because of the time they take to assemble. Not sure when I'll really get to them but with more of the line transitioning to plastics (4 more kits this year confirmed and 4 more next year, at the minimum, also confirmed) I'll eventually build them.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/06/25 13:41:36

Post by: Pacific

Yes I'm planning to do some of them at some point (possibly as Outcasts)

In the meantime just finished a single Raider guy, as an attempt to get back into painting the Fallout minis. This guy is from a range called Punkapolyptic, who do some really cool and characterful post-apoc/ganger type miniatures
Most importantly, they scale and are similarly proportioned to the official FO minis.

A quick question - does anyone know of any vehicle rules for FO? I have a 'Lord Homoeroticus' mini (based off the bad guy in Mad Max 2, before you ask! ) and it seems a waste for him not to have some sort of V8 contraption to drive around in.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/06/27 01:04:14

Post by: Monkeysloth

Nice. I know the line as I just finished two old, oop, punk Punkapolyptic minis amongst some others but I haven't been posting much as I've gotten tired of having to make and host images just for Dakka as the site doesn't support BBCode image resizing.

But I haven't posted anything in a while so I can spend some time here

these are the old BRG stuff before they changed their astheic to what it currently is. The guy with the axe is the old Ganger's Chief. Not sure who the sniper guy is as I had thrown away the blister last year to consolidate space.

This is a 3d printed "beast tamer" I did in one of those make and pose the mini apps as well as a Guild Ball figure

And a repainted Colossus I had gotten in a lootcrate (blind-ish subscription box).

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/06/29 07:18:06

Post by: Pacific

Please do keep posting here Monkeysloth, love seeing your stuff and it motivates me to do my own!

That Colossus is incredible/horrible - is it something official from FO lore?

Really like the 'beast tamer' miniature too, very characterful.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/06/30 05:26:18

Post by: Monkeysloth

 Pacific wrote:

That Colossus is incredible/horrible - is it something official from FO lore?

yep. It's a boss creature from Fallout 76.


There's likely to be one from Modiphius released next year as wave 10 (next spring/summer) is shaping up to be a FO76 release and the Colossus has been hinted at.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/07/01 08:23:10

Post by: Pacific

Excellent - thanks mate!

That looks like it would be great to use as some sort of boss/final campaign game.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/07/16 08:43:04

Post by: Pacific

I finished off a Power Armour Raider. I wasn't too keen on the head that it came with, so swapped in a 'diving helmet' from Zinge Industries.
I really went OTT with rust effects and dusting, and tried to add some extra decals and other little bits to make it look a bit more punk!

I think I have posted this mini before, but the head from the Power Armour went onto the Vault Survivor model from the starter set. My theme for my Raider gang is going to be that it was formed by some Vault Dwellers that are strongly negative on the morality scale!

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/07/19 04:25:44

Post by: Monkeysloth

That's really nice change up and painting for that armor.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/08/19 16:30:56

Post by: Pacific

Thanks mate!

I've finished up another Punkapocalypse miniature in the form of (and I quote) "Lord Homoeroticus" - I think he is meant to be a spin on the bad guy boss from Mad Max 2, but he is way too weedy so instead he will take the role of post-apocalypse Raider gang gimp.

(Sorry for the cropping/cross-section photo, it's a joke for a friend)

And the completed Raider gang so far. Checking with a mate who plays and hopefully this is enough to get going for some intro games. I have got a couple more Punkapocalypse minis to do, some minis from Hasslefree (they do a really great 'Immortan Drumf' mini which I am using as the Gang boss), then doing some terrain.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/10/02 18:58:03

Post by: Monkeysloth

ya, that's a pretty scrawny Humungus figure. But it does appear to be on purpose.

After a pretty busy summer I've been finishing up some of the many partly started projects. These are all from the Metal Dome STL set. It's a combat arena in FO76 and a pretty nice set of ruined cars to use for scatter.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare - Post your projects, games, ideas and discussions thread! @ 2023/10/04 06:47:56

Post by: Pacific

Very nice work there Monkeysloth! Love the verdigris effect and the weathering, looks suitable post-apocalyptic!