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Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/07 22:42:56

Post by: Selym

Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome!

This is Our Avatars in a Room, in which this thread is the figurative Room, and our forum avatars represent the characters we play. This is a text-based RPG with the rules being:

1) Stay in character. To make a non-character comment, preface it with "OOC:"
2) Rule of Cool
3) Rule of Fun
4) Do not write actions or descriptions that remove control from another player's character (though you can do stuff like superglue them to the ceiling, or throw a punch at them, etc)

Oh, and:
5) Never call the mods (Except in cases of extreme METHUL BAWKSES).

The previous OAiaR began after the first edition died of METHUL BAWKSES, and 3,900+ pages later died of plot fatigue and player apathy.

*On superficial inspection, the Room is a simple rockcrete box, with no windows and one metal industrial-style blast door*

*One tired looking soldier sits in a corner, chewing a block of something from a ration pack and cuddling his gun for comfort*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/10 15:58:17

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

OOC: I'M BAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so a few things.

In February, I left Dakka. I did not want to be here anymore, but today, I just couldn't resist coming back.

I hope things are still awesome here.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/11 16:48:58

Post by: Selym

OOC: Glad to see you back! Things are going on as normal, flame, rage, salt, and recently the odd spot of praise for GW. Why did you leave?

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/11 17:33:01

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

 Selym wrote:
OOC: Glad to see you back! Things are going on as normal, flame, rage, salt, and recently the odd spot of praise for GW. Why did you leave?

When I think back to why, I just can't remember. That aside, it's good to be back.

No, I wasn't banned. (or Baned)

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/17 02:02:48

Post by: Commissar of love

I am here to purge heretics.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/17 12:03:54

Post by: Selym

*The soldier stands to attention, clearly surprised*


Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/17 12:31:22

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

OOC: Let's get this thread going

BIC: *Badrukk, Marla Gilmore, and Murray the Cat and his kitty friends walk in*
BADRUKK: Just got back from the island in the Specific Ocean which housed Belly Jellicus. Or used to. Now all the Belly Jellicus is gone! As if someone picked the island clean of it!

*looks around*

MARLA: Where is everybody?

MURRAY THE CAT: Meow. [Is there a room that my kitty friends can go to?]

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/17 12:31:55

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

OOC: I'm in College now, so I won't be in here as often as I would like to be. But I will try to make regular appearances.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/21 01:35:01

Post by: Commissar of love

Where did you get that gun and here is your issued lasgun

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/21 13:21:55

Post by: KaptinBadrukk

 Commissar of love wrote:
Where did you get that gun and here is your issued lasgun

BADRUKK: Are you talking about Da Rippa? *aims at the wall* I bet if I fire Da Rippa at the wall, then I can open up a secret room that Murray and his kitty friends can hide in.

Besides, Da Rippa and my Flash Gitz' Snazzgunz have been much improved, thanks to the Starfleet Ensign I enslaved.

MARLA: My name is Marla Gilmore.


MURRAY THE CAT: Meow! [Fire the gun, Badrukk!]

*Badrukk fires Da Rippa, and a portal opens up*

BADRUKK: See, what did I tell you? FLASH GITZ! MARLA! MURRAY! INTO THE SECRET ROOM NOW! And make sure to close the portal with your phaser, Marla!

*we go in, Marla fires her phaser, and the portal closes. Badrukk's krew are now in the secret room. [inside the brackets] cannot be heard, but outside the brackets can be heard*

[Holy Crap!] That wor[ked!]
[Yep. Seems just like the] old secret room.
[Meow] [Let's rig the teleporter]
[Kaptin, I thought we came] here for target practice.
[Found our target] practice!

*sounds of gunfire can be heard all around you*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2017/08/27 19:27:31

Post by: War Kitten

*a lightning bolt impacts the ground just outside the Room, and after the flash of light fades a golden armored figure can be seen staring at the Room silently*
*the figure stands up, sheaths the two axes that they're carrying, and begins striding towards the Room*

Back after taking some time away from the Room MK2 to think about some things.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/01/22 10:22:44

Post by: Selym

*The mist in the Guardsman's head clears*

*Stands up*

What are we all doing here?

OOC: God I've been gone a long while. I hope everyone is still alive.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/01/26 14:40:18

Post by: snurl

[the pumpkin just grins silently in a corner].

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/10 01:21:36

Post by: Thunderforge

“Anywhere t’get a decent pint in ‘ere?” asked the rather fierce looking dwarf, who nobody had noticed on account of not looking down.
“That one of they newfangled hand-cannons from the engineer’s Guild, eh?” he asks the guardsman, snatching his lasgun up for inspection. “Working out all right for ye?”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/10 19:42:09

Post by: Selym

"It's doing pretty alright, I managed to heat a can of beans with it."

*The Guardsman looks down at his lasgun, wistfully*

"Sergeant Malik's the name, fighting aliens is my game!"

*extends a friendly hand*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/10 23:57:23

Post by: Thunderforge

Pulling the trigger snapped a red bruise in the steel ceiling before the dwarf carefully returned the gun.
He turned to Malik and gave him a friendly, knuckle cracking handshake.
“Aliens?” he laughed. “Foreigners, eh? Can’t trust ‘em! Name’s Thrang, I’m an ironfinder for clan Thunderforge. Been hunting trolls in the uplands, tracked it through one o’ these new realmgates an’ ended up ‘ere.”

OOC: I have no idea if I’m writing in first person or if I’m doing it in past tense or what, haha!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/12 13:18:15

Post by: snurl

[The pumpkin giggles]

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/12 16:38:58

Post by: Selym

Ooc: It's usually easiest to "talk" in first person and *act* in third


"Trolls? Don't know about no trolls, but I've been on the run from some Orks for a while now."

*Lovingly strokes the Lasgun, causing some dirt to fall off revealing the words 'Hot Food Machine' etched onto the side*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/12 23:24:45

Post by: Thunderforge

“Ah, orcs” Thrang said knowingly. One of the axes on his belt read ‘Orc Knee Opener’ in angular runes.
He frowned at the pumpkin and stomped over to it.
“Fruit! Ugh, can’t stand the stuff. It’s spelt with a c not a k, by the way...”
Carefully lifting the lid of the pumpkin, he peered inside...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/13 06:40:02

Post by: Selym

"I've only ever seen it spelt with a 'k'."

"Where is this place?"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/16 00:44:17

Post by: Thunderforge

“What, this place?” Thrang waves his gauntleted hand around vaguely, taking in the steel walled room. He looked bemused at the guardsmen for a moment. “This ‘ere stone box; ferro-granulate rockcrete blocks, surmounted by four hundred gauge reinforced titanium steel wi’ vanadium chrome plated rivets. THAT is where we are, laddo!” He finished, with a certainty only a dwarf could manage.
He lit a pipe filled with a mixture of ground coal and grubby brown leaves, which emitted a fug of dark smoke.
“I wonder if they built air vents” he mused, tapping a wall with the butt of his hammer.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/02/19 14:24:22

Post by: jhe90

"oh hey... this place has sure gone down market.. where the pool, kitchen and indoor tank parking gone?

Got right address right?"

*looks round the place wondering where the old one with a fully fitted kitchen, medical center, bar, parking, garages, barracks and workshops went...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/01 06:51:10

Post by: Aetare

*Aetare enters the room, tattered rags covering the scavenged remnants of his power armor*

“Not a soul in the world...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/03 23:16:31

Post by: jhe90

"Oh.. A space Marine here too., I guess this is a imperial planet now. "

*looks round and heads out returning with some crudely chopped up tree chunk to have a chair*

"glad I brought a power sword"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/04 05:26:54

Post by: Aetare

“I’ll assume you’re a friend and share your gladness. That looks quite sharp.”

*Aetare leans against the wall and draws a small obsidian blade, sharpening it against his shoulder pad.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/04 22:05:31

Post by: Selym

*eyes up the Space Marine*

Well. I guess my regiment failed, then.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/04 22:25:13

Post by: Aetare

*The old astartes meets his gaze*

“You needn’t worry. There won’t be any more like me to follow.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/04 22:35:36

Post by: Selym

"That's probably not a good thing, but whatever."

*opens up an MRE for munching*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/04 23:03:36

Post by: Aetare

“I’m perplexed. Who are you, again?”

*gestures towards the stranger

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/05 00:19:51

Post by: jhe90

married to a guardsman... That armour truly is useless...

Might as well wear cardboard.

Who are you?

No one did introductions...

*digs through MRE box disappointed at the rations being guardsman standard and sighs*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/05 02:56:10

Post by: Aetare

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

*The old soldier nods solemnly

“My name is Athan. I’m a veteran of one too many wars for an Imperium that has forgotten me.”

*Athan squints and shakes his head in thought

“I was aboard a derelict ship full of other misfits and refugees when, next thing I know I’m standing here.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/05 12:18:01

Post by: Selym

*looking at the Marine*

"I'm Sergeant Malik, cannon fodder extraordinaire!"

*Munches quietly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/05 16:08:05

Post by: Aetare

“A pleasure, Sgt.”

*Athan smiles softly before turning his head toward the door

“So what all lies beyond these walls?”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/05 22:24:23

Post by: jhe90

*looks at the solid box of a room*

Ya know... Not kill to add a window... Or maybe a sofa and TV..

Sister hospitaler Marla, not sure how I ended up here. Last I know I was happily purging xenos trying to rescue my husband..... Again... Again...

So... Anyone got any signals... I'm just getting static?

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/06 00:11:23

Post by: Aetare

“Welcome, sister. Depending on the state of things around here, we may yet be able to scrounge up some furnishings.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/06 01:41:16

Post by: jhe90

Hopefully... Maybe even find some materials to salvage for construction of some extra rooms and defences.

I got a bad feeling about this planet.

Sgt, have any recaf rations over there.. My armour is not big on pockets... Or space in general..

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/06 03:19:10

Post by: Aetare

“Defenses sounds like a fine idea. You never know who else might decide to follow us here.”

*Athan starts off to work

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/06 15:40:14

Post by: Adeptus Austus

"Err... Defenses?"

The Living Saint stares quizzically for a moment before hesitantly nodding her head, apparently caught off-guard by the request after her sudden appearance into the room.

Come to think of it, how the hell did she get in here? She didn't exactly meander in... Weird.

Regardless, she assumes a -vaguely- determined look and begins her answer, "I can, uhh, provide the Holy Blade of Oldassian!"

The aforementioned blade is then lugged out of an immaterial pocket, as if from nowhere, and promptly dropped onto the floor with a loud clang. It's a big, rusty, dull, ancient sword. In fact, it would probably more accurately be described as a weathered metal stick at this point.

The Living Saint deadpan stares at it. It is quite possible that she is the worst incarnation of Living Saint in existence.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/06 16:44:03

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks from the rusty sword to the saint, and back again.

“Now that’s my kind of blade” *chuckles*

*Athan draws an equally decrepit dagger to match his obsidian knife

“A pleasure to meet you.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/06 20:57:20

Post by: jhe90


*bows head respectfully before confusing hits*

A living Saint. Welcome to wherever we are. Your sisters have not abdonned this place.

*draws a short power sword in a greenish metal with runes down it*

Am I only one who looks after there sword?

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/06 22:47:40

Post by: Aetare

*To sister Marla* “It would appear so. I’m my case though, it can’t be helped. This is the first time I’ve been in... civilized space for quite some time.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/09 23:03:16

Post by: jhe90

*Marla seems Suprised as living saints Ment to be more... Different, and a tad scary*

Well last I knew, things where not good.. Terra went dark, communications and warp guidance across the galaxy blipped.

Many events happened but I was isolated, we not known news of wider world in some time.

*sighs climbing up and starts to head out to seach thr for rest edge near the room*

Il see if I can find some dry wood, we may be alone, but we shall not be cold, your safe with us living Saint.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/10 00:57:39

Post by: Aetare

“You two make a fine pair. I’ll leave you to your reunion. For now, I must pray.”

*Athan strips away the tattered plates of his ancient power armor, revealing decrepit rags and tunics. He sits back against a wall as he rolls up his right sleeve to reveal an ornate tattoo, traces over with scar tissue and burn marks.

“Damian. Alexandros. Caín. Augustus...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/13 20:14:51

Post by: Aetare

*Athan finishes his praying and gazes at his scars before rising again to scan the room.

“Time to find something to eat... and then a way to get back into contact with the Lost Divinity...”

*The Astartes sheaths his blades and departs to go hunting

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/15 17:17:10

Post by: Aetare

*Athan returns with local game sling over one shoulder and firewood under the other arm. He proceeds to skin his quarry and kindle a fire.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/15 17:52:50

Post by: jhe90

*sits watching abd looks at the forest wondering why they even put on this planet. *

See anyone out there?
Or anything remotely done by people?

Il even take a ruin... There had to people where there's ruins...

*scans forrest*
Wait... I see somthing... There's somthing out there...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/16 04:18:53

Post by: Aetare

*Athan replies but does not look up from his work

“A few oddly placed stones here and there, but nothing that hasn’t been swallowed up by the jungle.”

*The smell of roasting game fills the room

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/16 19:04:29

Post by: Aetare

*Athan chews thoughtfully on his food before offering some to anyone around.

“It’s quiet in here... too quiet.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/16 19:25:58

Post by: jhe90

*Marla takes some game and hands a second bit to the living saint*

Its good blessed Saint, we need to keep our strengh up.

Thankyou Marine.

*Sighs and watches the forrest edge. Quiet and seemingly peaceful though getting a bad feelinf*

Only that quiet when somthing give it reason to be...
The most dangerous predators are ones who not need to announce arivial.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/16 20:23:53

Post by: Aetare

*Athan stows the remainder of the meat for later and proceeds to clean his bolt rifle.

“I’ll keep watch for a while. I can’t say I like what lies beyond these walls. The birds never sang when I was out...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/18 15:15:40

Post by: Aetare

*Athan sits against the wall sharpening his favored blades.

“No comms coming through form the ‘Divinity’...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/18 17:49:01

Post by: Trondheim

Someone said Fish?

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 15:12:44

Post by: Aetare

“Fish? I can’t say I recall... who are you again?”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 18:19:10

Post by: Trondheim

I have many names mortal

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 20:03:05

Post by: jhe90


Sentiant birds!

*draws sword*
I saw ernough kroot know that a war party can begin with one!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 21:19:20

Post by: Trondheim

Kroot? Really? I thougth you Ordo Hereticus lot where a tad more skilled than recognizing heresy, but hey. I Guess the lapdogs of the carrion lord are not to be expected to know about DAEMONS!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 21:20:38

Post by: Aetare

*Athan rises and half-heartedly lowers into a combat stance

“What in the name of Holy Terra is going on here...”

“(A bird? An immortal bird? Talking? To me?)”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 21:22:02

Post by: Aetare

“Ah. A daemonic bird. Charming.”

*Athan whirls about and draws his bolter. The Lost Astartes fires twice at the avian newcomer.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 21:40:32

Post by: jhe90

*shrugs and makes blade light up with lighting arcing down thr blades power fields*

Anyway one killer bird... Same as any other... All die missing a few vital organs.

Lap dog... Hey Bird brain!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 21:58:37

Post by: Aetare

“I highly doubt insulting the beast will do us any good, inquisitor!”

*Athan’s gun jams after the initial salvo.

“(Gotta clean this damn thing better...)”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 22:20:40

Post by: jhe90


Meh... They Don t remember when there dead.

*slides out a cleaned compact bolt pistol with cut down barrel and large muzzle brake*

Does anyone else respect machine spirits?
*aims and fires on bird*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 23:43:48

Post by: War Kitten

*a distant explosion can be heard, along with the horrific sound of metal grinding on metal*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 23:51:32

Post by: jhe90

*looks a second*

Oh... Crap... That does not sound good

Or somthing a bolt pistol can attack.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 23:53:04

Post by: Aetare

*Athan cocks his head at the sound of a distant... crash perhaps?

“This day is just getting stranger and stranger”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/20 23:59:59

Post by: War Kitten

*The sound of metal grinding on metal continues for several seconds before a second, bigger explosion is heard*
*after a few moments of silence an earth shattering explosion can be heard, and a massive black cloud is kicked up in the distance*
*something big just went boom boys*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 00:10:03

Post by: jhe90

Stranger and....

*watches the boom and rising smoke*

We be expecting guests...
Somehow... Someone always mak s it out by some crazy luck.

*alternates between bird and forrest aiming pistol *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 00:27:04

Post by: War Kitten

*a big plume of smoke can be seen in the distance now, as something is burning away merrily now*
*now the lighter snap-crack noise of a laspistol can be heard if one listens very closely or has very keen hearing*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 17:59:51

Post by: Aetare

"I would go and examine things, but I don't trust our airborne guest here."

"Is that... gunfire?"

*Athan flourishes the obsidian dagger in his right hand and readies to charge

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 19:24:59

Post by: Trondheim

"It would indded seem to be the case servant of the carrion throne. And do stop trying to hurl lumps of metal at me, see how well it went for Magnus of Prospero when he had his rebelious streak"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 20:50:43

Post by: Aetare

*Athan takes on a darker tone

“Do not speak to me of Prospero, daemon. I have not forgotten the handiwork of the sons of Russ against their own brothers.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 21:43:38

Post by: jhe90


Everyone knows Magnus was a heretic corrupted to serve Horus, slain by the glorious and heroic Leman Russ...

Imperial history tomes.

You seek to corrupt us with lies craven raven of evil avian oragin.

Il see what this newcomer is...
*carefully looks out for newcomer following sound of Las fire *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 22:00:37

Post by: War Kitten

*by now the lasfire has stopped, and a solitary figure limps out from the tree line, and towards the assembled people*
*the figure's clothing is blackened from soot, and one bloodied arm is being cradled in a makeshift sling*
*she appears to be badly burnt in a number of places, but is wearing what appears to be a standard issue Imperial Guard tanker uniform*
*a worn laspistol is clutched loosely in her uninjured hand*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 22:57:56

Post by: jhe90

*Sister keeps pistol raised before lowering reconisingusing uniform and Aqulla symbols*

Come on... You saved me a bolt shell. Your lucky. You met a sister and lived.

Thetes... A... Room here...

*puts a arm to support easily taking weight with power Armour barely noticing the increased power demand micro spike. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/21 23:14:13

Post by: War Kitten

*the figure silently accepts the Sister's help and continues limping on towards the Room*
*after several steps she finally says something in a hoarse whisper*
I almost would've thanked you if you had killed me.... my entire crew just died. Why should I live when they all died?
*lapses back into silence*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 00:00:03

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks solemnly at the wounded pilot.

“You’re alive because your time has not yet come. You have some role to play yet.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 00:04:34

Post by: jhe90

*Sister replies and seems surprisingly gentle for someone in power Armour and seems to relise the guard woman's shock, though the emparor chose very different paths for them.*

*Sister armour is in good condition just battered by wear and everyday usage on joints paintwork etc, Being surprisingly calm with a carefully toned voice. Seeming more human than there feared reputation ,*

The emparor protects in misterious ways. He decided your fate lies elsewhere this day. Not even his most loyal know his actions.

This place is safe far as I know. You may rest here.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 01:28:54

Post by: War Kitten

*the tanker looks at Athan and gives him a weary look*
A role to play? Oh goody, fate still has a few more curve balls to hit me with. Lucky me.
*sighs and glances at the Sister*
The Confessors never told us that the Emperor could be so harsh towards His servants as to have one woman survive out of an entire superheavy regiment.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 04:52:00

Post by: Aetare

“Sometimes less of a curve ball and more of a wrecking ball...”

*Athan looks perplexed

“Right now though I’m more concerned with what attacked you.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 19:41:44

Post by: Trondheim

"I would not fear the unknown post human, for the treads of fate are spun and woven long becore you came into this world"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 0009/03/22 21:38:41

Post by: War Kitten

*the tanker looks at Athan*
Oh that's easy. We were attacked by Renegades, this particular group has been stalking my regiment for a great deal of time now, trying to pay us back for us crushing their illustrious leader under our iron treads. Turns out they take offense to that.
*looks at the bird*
That's hardly comforting

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 22:06:43

Post by: jhe90

*Sister seems to consider the answers non heresey and appropriately pius*

Its more fun when you set them on fire too, at same time. The emparor tests us all.. Thete is reason to his actions. The emparor protects us.


I'm last of my squad... It's what keeps me sane.

*Helps the battered guards woman to sit down and then kneels pulling off armour section performing Maitence revealing a armoured body suit below before reattaching pqrts*

*gives bird a glare*
Chaos always lies, even the lies are based on a bed of more lies.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 23:29:44

Post by: War Kitten

*The tanker sits down with a grunt of pain*
*leans back against the wall and closes her eyes*
Wake me up in about 12 hours, I'm wiped.
*immediately falls asleep and begins snoring very quietly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/22 23:43:14

Post by: jhe90

*Sister gives her a quick glance linking a breastplate cable properly back into its ducting*

Guard.... Keeps getting more and more informal... Send em all to the schola. Bet they Don t even keep track of saints prayers...

*goes back to finishing a minor repair and slotting the breastplate various covers for ducts on*

Marine... What chapter are you from may I ask... I do reconise your colours...

*asks politely, knowing despite battered to hell, is still dangerous*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/23 03:15:06

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks softly at the sister.

“It has been a long time since I have been among the Astartes, sister - and even then We were never a ‘chapter’.”

*Athan looks long and hard at his companions

“Have you ever seen the awesome might of an entire legion arrayed before you?”


Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/23 19:17:29

Post by: War Kitten

*The guardsman sits up with a pained grunt and then gets to her feet*
*glances around at the assembled people/animals/other miscellaneous creatures*
So what's on the agenda today ladies and gents?

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/23 22:51:49

Post by: jhe90

*Sister looks from Mantaining armour and quietly in a corner*

A legion? But such has not been seen since the dark times... Either your telling a tall tale, or rather ainciant.

I was caught in thw tail end of black crusade, but we where mopping up thr traitors, mostly cultists... Thete masters fled.

*turns to the guards woman*

Probbly going out looking, see what can be used...
This place could do with some furniture, maybe find food or so.

*makes sign of Aqulla before getting up and checking pistol loaded and racking slide*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/23 23:04:43

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardsman glances around*
Yeah, a couch or two might be nice. Turns out the floor is a tad uncomfortable to sleep on
*neck cracks audibly*
Maybe a few potted plants, a nice painting or two would REALLY help the ambiance in here methinks

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/23 23:11:59

Post by: jhe90

*Sister shakes head laughing*

You never attended a schola then..
A potted plant would be a extreme luxury.

We did not eat if we did not pass that day.

*climbs up with sound of servos and metal pushing off ferocrete*

Il see what I find. If thr emperor wills it.

*heads out searching and looking for things of value In lands closest to the room. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/23 23:31:57

Post by: Trondheim

" We are if anything reliable, and well. Everyone lies, even Your precious Emperor lied"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 01:32:25

Post by: Aetare

“Forgive me for being so cryptic. A tale for another time perhaps, but yes, I have seen far too many years for one soul.”

*Athan shifts to gather supplies

“I must repair my weapons and restore this spear.”

*The Legionairre twirls his obsidian shard

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 02:03:28

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardsman watches the spear get twirled with a slightly awestruck look*
*decides to try and cover it up*
*coughs awkwardly*
Now you sound like my old commissar... he always was acting like he was too old to be watching over all of us guardsmen, even when some of us were older than him...
*awkwardly begins changing the bandages on her arm with one hand*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 04:29:26

Post by: Aetare

*Athan chuckles

“Forgive me. I don’t mean to lecture you. When you’ve seen the things I’ve seen, you’ll speak with the same voice.”

*Athan rummages through a refuse pile in the corner.

“Now to find something to support the blade...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 14:46:32

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardsman rummages around in her pack with her good hand for a few seconds before handing Athan the strap to a lasgun*
Try this, it would be too small for your shoulder, but it just might be good enough to support the blade...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 19:03:37

Post by: jhe90

*Sister returns dragging a cart with a few battered bits and miscellaneous salvaged from a ruined camp including some metal mugs and bits, a old gas lamp and a rather battered box of singing haddock mounts*
*also on the pile is a large deer that apeers to have been hunting with a powersword and abit damaged*

*greets making sign of aqulla *

Salavage trip not the best. This planets pretty barrennloot wise. Good news... Found a coffee pot!

Bad news....
Somthing was tracking me... There's somthing out there...

We are not alone.

*out in the woods a pair of yellow eyes flash in the undergrowth and talk off, it's gait silent and melting back into the woods*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 19:24:11

Post by: War Kitten

*the Guardsman frowns and looks out at the woods with a concerned expression*
Don't know of how much help I'll be. I only have this pistol on me currently, I'm more used to being behind the controls of a Shadowsword.
*sighs heavily*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 19:35:20

Post by: jhe90

*Sister pats hip with pistol and sword locked to armour *

Bolt pistol... Tad better but useless vs a heavy opponent.

If you got any recaf we have a pot...
And firewood. Might as well die happy..

*shrugs and gets a small fore going with collected fire wood*
*respectfully holds a chain attracted to armour with a inquisition symbol and 7 fleur-de-lis badgesand makes a short prayer waiting for fire to heat up*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 21:15:19

Post by: Trondheim

"Bah allow me to speed up Your fire making Carrion Bride"
* A baleful gout of yellow tinted flames rolls forwards from the wings of the daemon and engulfs the kindeling

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 21:48:38

Post by: jhe90

*looks up and puts recaf on in a battered metal pot spavaged*

Bit behind the times tweety pie, we not been brides for 8000 years.

Might wanna check your history.

*meanwhile the pair of eyes returns and silently stalks the camp rustling a few leaves hidden in the woods *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 21:57:03

Post by: Aetare

*Athan graciously accepts the leather strap and sets aside a few lengths of wood and steel that could be fashioned into a spear.

“Thank you. I think I’ve also fixed the jam in my bolter if our friend from the woods decides to show itself...”

*Athan warily eyes the tree line beyond the room.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/24 22:45:47

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardsman tests her injured arm and then begins unwinding the makeshift sling*
Should hold now.. just needed to get it rested over night.
*sighs and examines the forest yet again*
*quietly whispers a prayer for the souls of her fallen comrades*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/25 08:24:14

Post by: Trondheim

" Really now? Are you not refered to as brides of the Emperor by the common folk of Your dying realm?"
" That arm looks like it needs a spot of tending to, care for a spot of help? "

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/25 17:15:25

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardswoman examines the bird with a incredulous look*
It's not that bad. I'll be fine, I can handle it myself

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/25 18:11:30

Post by: Trondheim

"If you say so mortal, but do let me know if it turns bad. I would hate for you to turn into a minature Version of grandfather Nurgle due to a minor arm injury"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/25 18:40:02

Post by: jhe90

*Sister looks up and sighs*

Fine.. The uneducated masses may call us brides of the emperor...

They also belive alot of things like the imperial guard flak armour is well made.

*sister sits on guardsmen injured side*
Let me look..they value our lives more and give us better training..

Trust tweety you may have a extra appendage.

*meanwhile several other beasts are lurking behind the first have arrived and a pack of monsters are stalking the room clearing cycling closer by the post

A faint scent is on the wind and sound of rustling leaves*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/25 22:12:02

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardsman winces in pain and shifts over so the sister can examine the injured arm*
*the arm itself is burned rather severely in a number of places, as well as having a few different puncture wounds that appear to be from flying bits of wood*
I hope that extra training is worth it...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/25 22:43:27

Post by: jhe90

*Sister glances to the woods, looking more concerned before turning to wound and examining it it gently and poking thr tiniest bit to see how skin blood flow is*

Hmm.... Hold still.

*removes a few remaining splinters and farments of metaland em wraps the bangages neatly back round after cleaning with some boiled water*

*overly concentrating, if thr guardswoman looked. Her eyes are almost pure gold*

Keep it clean... It will hurt but heal... It will scar, but you'll live.

*removed her gauntlet revealing a metal hand clinking like metalic bones*

At least you kept your arm.

See tweaty... Us mortals can do things just like warp beasts...

*several sets of eyes of stare at the group from the forrest, dark against the foliage, waiting for somthing to happen, each one still as a statue and silent. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/25 22:59:20

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardsman laughs quietly*
What's one more scar? Emperor knows I got plenty of them.
*face bears a number of faint scars that look to be from shrapnel or perhaps from blades, as well as a small burn scar near her temple*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/26 04:36:28

Post by: Aetare

*Athan warily sizes up the beasts

“I say we start shooting. I can bring down at least three before things devolve into close-quarters work...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/26 19:48:22

Post by: Trondheim

"Oh yes, that looks like a superbly done surgery and not likely to cause septisimea or gangreen(Spelling????) And well, you mortals may howl and bay while you spew rounds into the nearby terrain. I shall observe it from the shadows of the empyrian"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/26 20:15:44

Post by: War Kitten

*the Guardsman gives the bird a sideways glance*
She did just fine. The burns are treated, and the cuts were disinfected and bandaged. Nothing to complain about too much
*gives the beasts outside a glance and wishes again for her tank back*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/26 23:43:55

Post by: Aetare

*Athan growls at the daemon

“Do you mind? Or shall we fire on you as well, warpspawn? Your like have caused enough destruction to my brothers and I, and I’m curious as to what you’re doing here.”

*The soldier exhales and calms himself

“I care little for cries of heresy or loyalty to the Imperium, but if you set one foot out of line or corrupt one more gene-seed, the ‘carrion’ god will have one fewer opponent in this realm.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/26 23:47:53

Post by: War Kitten

*the Guardsman senses the tension and quietly edges away from the very angry Athan*
I think we have bigger issues here currently. Namely all of the beasts that are running around outside. I don't know about either of you, but I doubt my dinky little pistol is going to do all that much...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/26 23:51:20

Post by: Aetare

*Athan shakes himself from his frustration but remains wary of the bird

“Forgive me. You are correct. If I begin shooting now they may flee, but if they are provoked instead things may get ugly. What is to be our course of action?”.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 01:14:16

Post by: War Kitten

*the Guardsman looks uncertain*
I don't know. Between all of us either you or the Sister have the strongest weapons. I don't know what that "bird" can do, but in any case I'd rather put my faith in honest steel.
*sighs and wishes for a vortex grenade while she's at it*
We should probably stay within the confines of this "Room", at least here it's harder for them to flank us

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 03:18:20

Post by: Aetare

*Athan nods.

“I agree. I’ll cover the door, and the next thing that comes through it will be riddled with bolter rounds.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 13:07:56

Post by: Trondheim

"No one will feast on your soul or mortal form human, and do try lapdog! The empyrian always welcomes new damned souls"
The daemon conjures a globe of pale light and tilts its beaked head while gazing into the darkness beyond the light of the camp.
" I would advise you all to burn every blood stained rags or bandages, the stench will draw further company to us if it is allowed to scent the air."

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 18:19:10

Post by: Aetare

*Athan warily agrees

“I can’t even tell what’s stalking us, but it’s predatory to be sure.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 18:33:48

Post by: jhe90

Ooc sorry been busy. Now I'm back.


*Sister nods and backs up triple checking pistol aimed at the door, one hand on sword hilt..*

Aye... Well dinky or not... It's one more pistol.
I hate to say it.... By it tweaty is right... Blood attracts many beasts.

Just trust the emparor... Guardswoman, oh... My names sister Marla by the way... Might as well say given we may die.

*pats shoulder in a attempt to be comforting with metalic hand keeping aim on door, a string of fleur-de-lis on a scallops chain*

This is for you sisters. Maybe il see you sooner than later. There back.

*outside the situation has escalated and a group of large lupine beasts. Each one with eyes that barely seem on reflect light, coats that shimmer like they are not quite in existence. *

*a low howl echos into everyones minds as the wolves head forward slowly, determinedly. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 21:10:07

Post by: War Kitten

*the guardsman looks at the bloody bandages from her injured arm and hurriedly pulls a lighter from her pocket and burns them*
One damn thing or another it seems....
*pauses and then shoots a quick nod at Marla*
Sergeant DeQuest of the Athonian 1st, and probably only, Super Heavy Regiment

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 22:05:02

Post by: jhe90

*Marla raises pistol and keeps aimed at door grimly determined*

Don, t worry... Space marines always save the day and steal the glory.. Oh.. And to answer the myth... It's armour below armour...

There back....
Not again... Have you not had ernough!
*Grips the chain tightly with 9 sisters insignia*

*Lupines are super slow and dramatic approaching like a cheap horror film for sheer drama! *
*evil is fancy... And egotistoxal*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 22:53:53

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest raises her pistol and aims down the sights*
Anyone else think they're moving far slower than they should be? A Grox could move faster than this lot...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 23:23:48

Post by: jhe90

*Sister waits for the momment they become more vunrable as a second howl seems to emirate not from the material realm, and aims with grim determination *

There phased.... Shadow wolves... They claimed nearly my entire squad. Stalked us, hunted us one by one.

*om by gins to make the vehicle quicker and eyes almost suck in light*
*others mov almost in micro slow motion.... For now, and soon begin to phase im*

*in n suddenly breaks into real space and charges. Its fury not of this earth as the sister unloads bolt shells. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/27 23:54:19

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest begins cursing a blue streak and begins snapping off shots at the closest one*
*pulls a knife from her belt and grips it in her free, but injured, hand*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/28 00:05:55

Post by: Aetare

*Athan unleashed a flurry of bolter rounds before tossing his rifle aside in favor of his combat knives. The old Astartes mumbles under his breath as he charges forward.

“Hmph. ‘Always save the day...’”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/28 00:22:29

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest notices Athan dart forward and does her best to cover his back, snapping off shots at any beasts who attempt to get behind him and stab at his back*
*begins frantically whispering some prayers under her breath that she doubtlessly learned at an Imperial Priest's knee when she was little*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/28 21:17:29

Post by: jhe90

*The first shadow wolf explodes from multiple bolt shells with lots of little chunks flying about smoking*

*others start moving slowly forward bounding in slow motion but each second move faster attacking*

*Sister snaps off a shot before powering up sword*

Hey... And its praise Emparor oh glory, not oh glorious... The guard hymn book is riddled with errors.... 593 to be exact...

Got any more bolt shells... We got a few more to go!

*Wolves begin attack, sister hastily attempting to stab one through the head that's gripped righting onto her lower arm armour plates*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/28 22:50:01

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest gives the Sister an incredulous look*
I learned that during religious instruction growing up! Not from a hymn book!
*gets tackled by a wolf due to her lack of attention and is only barely keeping it from her throat*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/28 23:59:03

Post by: Aetare

*Athan darts and weaves through the pack doing his best to cripple the beasts. He spots a wolf pouncing on DeQuest and hurls one of his combat knives which embeds itself in the animal’s upper back.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 01:45:02

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest lets out a shout and throws the (now limp) body of the wolf off her*
*gives Athan an awe-filled look*
Thank you! That was close! I owe you one!
*scoops up her pistol and continues firing slow and precise shots at the other wolves*
*she begins quietly chanting a litany of vengeance, which slowly gains in volume as the battle goes on*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 03:17:18

Post by: Aetare

*Athan nods and continues his rampage

“Don’t mention it - and good shooting!”

*A wolf decks the marine and sends him sprawling to the floor before he rises to his feet and the two square off

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 08:08:52

Post by: Trondheim

A howl of otherwordly enegry sounds as the Daemon reaches out and grips the wolf whom just decked the marine, and With a Sharp tug pulls the beast apart in a welter of gore.
" Did you intend to wrestle it into submission?"
The fiend waits not for the reply, and rises up into the air and starts hurling shards of empyrian enegry at the foul beasts

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 14:27:17

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks unamused

“Yes. Yes I did. But thank you.”

*The soldier wheels about and looks for his next target

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 19:09:11

Post by: jhe90

*Several other wolves join thr battle, the sister stabbing onw hastily through the eye as it leaves large cuts into the Armour plates on lower arm. *

*painfully holds on arm to side and stabs at another wolf with power sword from force exerted on armour*

*wolves have unnatural strengh and a last group break thought the three line charging, this time a a more aggressively and snarling with twin heads*

*Skin prickles at the warp power *

Seems they they hate us for destroying there shrine!
Damned monsters...

Again... OK il not mention the prayer miss translations...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 21:00:58

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks with concern to the injured Marla but proceeds to dispatch another beast.

“I’ll not look to steal your glory sister - if this is to be your fight then strike quickly and be rid of these monsters.”

*The marine pauses and sizes up the new pack.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 21:33:02

Post by: jhe90

*Turns to marine one arm looser, her augmented arm fine and immune to regular pain.*

They hunting us down,... Scattered us, they claimed 7 of my sisters. We destroyed the chaos shrine... Somthong did not like it.

Gotta kill both heads...

*grips sword and wars as they charge through, because they heads on each wolf snarling, and fighting the other to get first attack*

*takes a step forward wondering of they would spare the others if she faced them alone*
*odds would not be ideal to say least*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 22:27:36

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest hunkers down beside a window and continues snapping off shots at the wolves*
*blasts one in the face and lets out a victorious snarl*
Your friends will join you soon wretch!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 22:50:01

Post by: jhe90

*One staggered by Las fire and determined limped towards window, burned, battered and limping. One head is missing a eye or so and rather angry*

Aim for thr heads...its the only spot Las fire works...

*Aister stares down two wolves whose 8 eyes seem to have a burning hatred for her. *

Emit a orienting howl into everyone's minds.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 22:58:30

Post by: Trondheim

With ichor, both its own and that of its foes trickeling Down its wing the daemon curses its vile bestial foe, With a blast of howling flames it reduces one beast to Ash.
" Damned mongrels" it snarls and burries its beak in the skull of another beast.
Drawing upon its powers the daemon sends waves of flickering warp enegies out to its allies.
" Do not resist, this will help shield you from the foes trice cursed gaze and bite"

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 23:16:10

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest sees the wolf coming for her and curses under her breath*
Oh no, you furballs aren't tackling me again
*begins firing faster and faster at the oncoming wolf, not really paying all that much attention to her ammo levels*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 23:32:31

Post by: Aetare

*Athan carves one wolf’s head from ear to ear with his power knife, but becomes disoriented by the waves of empyrean energy.

“Wha... no. No, no, no, no. Not like them. Never again...”

*The Astartes freezes long enough for the second head to clamp down on his leg, the pain jolting Athan back to reality

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/29 23:40:49

Post by: jhe90

*Sister feels strange as the dark powers and bladed armour and icons conflict leaving her startled and distracted by the sheer amount of different warp influences *

*Desperately punches one wolf in face with a sword hilt making it rapidly uglier than ever*

*Falls backwards sighting a wolf off trying to bite at her with its face that does not look like it went thought a flaming acidic blender*

*Other wolves keep fights NG but losing or atomized by the warp bird deamon. *

*no more wolves come hut remainder left to deal with. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 01:44:55

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest's pistol runs out of ammo with an audible whine and she looks at it in horror*
*she then says a long and incredibly inventive series of words that even a Space Wolf would be impressed by*
*she rapidly begins backing up into the Room and looks for something suitable as a weapon*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 04:30:33

Post by: Aetare

*Athan’s eyes grow dark. He gazes down at the beast gnawing on him and snaps it’s neck with contemptuous ease. His wounds do not slow him, and on his left arm his tattoo burns like a brand as he dispatches one opponent after another.

“..... die.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 18:20:57

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest finds a tiny cactus sitting on an end table, picks it up, and hurls it at the nearest wolf*
*curses the fact that the rest of her pistol clips got blown up in her tank*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 18:42:27

Post by: jhe90

*Wolf bites cactus that explodes in its mouth smelling very strongly of fresh bacon and hints of a full cooked breakfast and coffee*

*Sister is pushed backwards and pinned, punching to to a bloody snarling mess a wolf with a sword pommel in her bionic hand shouting over snarling*

A little help be welcome!

*most wolves dead, limping or injured, the oldest kills almost falling apart as the energy that holds them together weaken and dies off,*

*a tray of scented cm cacti remain on side*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 20:00:48

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest glances over at the Sister and curses under her breath*
*sprints over to her and tries to tackle the wolf off her, knowing that the wolf she threw the cactus at is probably right behind her*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 20:10:49

Post by: jhe90

*Bacon scented wolf keeps up pursuit thr other head confused and trying to eat the other for smelling like English breakfast*

*Wolf on Marla turns one head that looks like it got punched by a blender to Sgt and attacks with reduced power, wolf is staggered but other head remains focused on Marla and is being blended by a metal fist blow by blow snapping and snarling*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 23:07:03

Post by: Aetare

*Athan continues to pulverize the remaining wolves. One attempts to flee but is grabbed by the tail and thrown with earth shattering force.


*The Astartes remains in a trance-like state

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 23:15:29

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest tries to dodge the attack from the second head, all the while bashing at the wolf on top of the Sister with whatever happens to be on the floor nearby. In this case, it happens to be a coffee pot*
*braces for the other wolf tackling her in the back any second now*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 23:41:56

Post by: jhe90

*Dr quests blow works too well as the wold with two heads that look like where tested in a imperial blender commercial turns and stares at her as so does the breakfast wolf*

Thank... Later... Disgusting..
I'm... Done..

*Sister stabs thr other through thr bum skewer in through and out the head in a lupine kebab and falls back pretty battered from the fight and partly out of it with a sword and some arm stuck though a wolf. *

*Breakfast wolf charges smelling very strongly of bacon and coffee*

*Wolves flee before marine in retreat*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/30 23:46:10

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest now has a very awkward look on her face as both wolves are now looking at her*
Ah feth it.
*boops the wolf over the head yet again with the coffee pot*
*then gets tackled by the breakfast wolf and gets sent flying across the room and lands with a clatter of armor*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/31 02:06:49

Post by: Aetare

*Athan mops up his last kill and let’s out a short but guttural cry as the mark on his arm fades back to scar tissue

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/31 19:17:21

Post by: jhe90

*Sister passed out as wolf seems to dissolve out of existence around her blade, a faint golden light around her hand making it vanish more quickly. The holy icons forcing the warp powers off*

*Breakfast wolf closes, the coffee pot bouncing off its head harlessly, the other head snapping while the second eyes evily*

*Breakfast wolf backs her against wall, both heads fighting to try and eat thr guards woman, each one snarling and dribbling saliva that prickles with warp power causing thr back of your keck to prickle., *

*onw mouth is sore and angry full of cacti spines*
*ignored marine too bent on hurting one who made it eat a cactus*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/31 20:38:41

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest keeps on backing up, trying to make sure she can keep the wolf in full view at all times*
*reaches behind her for her combat knife and curses upon realizing that she apparently lost that too at some point*
*idly wonders why her memory has been so bad recently*
*gets ready to try and dodge should the wolf lunge*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/31 22:54:36

Post by: jhe90

*Wolf finaly remembers what it was planning to do after both heads argue it outd*

*Wolf lunges and both heads fight yo lead the wold into battle*

*Sisters dead wolf has degraded away to point a greenish rune marked power sword lays next to unconchous sisters relaxed metalic hand*

"*swoeds activation and so runes marked in a high gothic, and a strange older dialect. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/31 23:40:05

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest attempts to roll out of the way of the wolf's lunge*
*If this is successful she looks around desperately for something to use as a weapon, as hand-to-hand with a two headed chaos wolf sounds a tad unappealing at the moment*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/03/31 23:57:04

Post by: jhe90

*Wolf thinks twice as fast as two heads but both try to do sown thing and for once her luck means wolf staggers as tries to run in two directions. *

*Wolf lunches and rips one bloody head out a light lined wall layer before turning and snarling unperturbed as one eye dangles from. A thread and one head is torn up badly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 02:02:42

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest finally spots another small cactus and sighs heavily before lunging for it*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 03:46:03

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks solemnly at the remaining combatants and starts toward the last remaining wolf to provide support

“I’m sorry brothers... the mark is too much.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 18:08:09

Post by: jhe90

*Last wolf relised danger as marine approaches and charges the woman to knock her from reaching for thr painful cacti, not making nice food*

*Snaps at marine stretching it's neck as the more messed up head tried to grab at gaurd woman, with one eye missing its depth perception is messed up

*Sister is out of it unconchous, the gold light dissolved the wolf more quickly than others*

*Sword lays scattered near her hand, blade disactivated and pistol empty locked securely to hip. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 19:28:02

Post by: Aetare

*Athan grabs the first snapping head and swiftly crushes it in his hands.

“No. No more, beast.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 20:12:53

Post by: jhe90

*Wolf staggers at it skull explodes and the half it's body it controlled collapses*

*other head snarls but missing one eye it's very ineffective at aiming and judging its position. It tries it's best*

*Sister out cold*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 20:16:47

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest grabs the cacts and swings it at the last remaining head*
I don't recall reading about these in the Imperial Primer!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 20:22:22

Post by: jhe90

*Wolf reveals its inhuman evil intelligence mimicking her in her own exact voice*

Primers, primers and protection did not save your crew...
We will have our last soul for the dark gods.

*head keeps snapping rather inaccurately wirh one eye, many missing teeth and blood and cuts all over*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 23:36:28

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest's face goes white and for a second her defensive stance falters as the shock sets in*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 23:49:08

Post by: Aetare

*Athan does his best to hold back the dying wolf and create an opening

"Quickly! Use the ... cactus?"

*Athan is perplexed and readies his remaining knife just in case

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/01 23:50:15

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest shakes her head once and then swings the mini cactus at the Wolf's head*
Remind me to go find an actual weapon after this....

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/02 00:32:04

Post by: Aetare

*The barbs of the cactus bury themselves in the wolf's one good eye, and the beast staggers back as it swiftly bleeds out

*Athan plants one boot on the thrashing animal as its life force fades

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/02 00:53:57

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest sighs deeply and puts her hands on her thighs and inhales deeply*
I do NOT get paid enough for this bullgak.
*leans against the wall and sighs again*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/02 02:46:49

Post by: Aetare

*Athan echoes DeQuest's sigh

"We've been here all of ten minutes and there's already warpspawn trying to eat us."

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/02 12:22:00

Post by: jhe90

*Wolf dies forever hating cacti*
*seriously they now seek and destroy cacti*

*Sister wakes up slowly and leans up pushing up with robotic arm and nursing her organic one.*

*a faint gold light causes the wolves to be banished more quickly than before and bodies decay away into warp at faster rate*

My head.... Warp spawn. There a wensday when you serve inquisition.

Well you beat the 19 hour average lifespan. Congratulations.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/02 23:07:50

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest just sighs again before responding*
I passed the 19 hour mark 5 years ago. Believe it or not having a Shadowsword tends to lengthen one's lifespan.
*rummages around in her backpack and pulls out a battered looking sleeping bag*
I'm going to bed now. Don't wake me up for anything other than the end of the world.
*crawls into the bag and falls asleep dang near instantly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/02 23:29:05

Post by: Aetare

“Well she didn’t waste any time... you can rest as well sister. I’ll take the first watch.”

*Athan recovers his blades and cleans them.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/02 23:39:09

Post by: jhe90

Thank you... Even in power Armour I still felt its strengh..

*Curls up nursing hurt arm and rests head on a soft pile of plant materials. Mutters quietly a prayer about lost sisters reciting a serris of names before sleeping freffully and troubled*

*sleep is welcome. The memories it beings is not*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/03 19:29:51

Post by: Aetare

*Athan stokes his old cooking fire back to life and sits on a stump beside it. The glow of the embers burn deep into the old soldier’s eyes as dusk grows deeper around the room.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/03 21:36:19

Post by: jhe90

*Sister curls up muttering names in her sleep and tosses about abit, obviously sleeping badly and effected by somthing. *

Ana, Victoria, Ren... Sisters.... No... Not again...

*hurt organic arm curled tightly close to her pistol and sword laying on ground next to where she was knocked out by the two headed chaos wolf*

*Blades metalic dark greenish runes glitter in fire light and are in a uncommon impirial language *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/03 23:43:38

Post by: War Kitten

*a rather large Ork clad in scrap armor crashes through the wall and addresses anyone who's awake*

*DeQuest is still out of it on the floor*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 10:07:02

Post by: jhe90

*Sister jumps awake mumbling and then shouting out*

Victoria... Don't! Leave me!

*Sees ork and grabs pistol firing but clicks empty as she forgot to reload before going to sleep*

Oh great Xenos too.

Nope... Ruins maybe, some old camps and a blown up shadow sword..

*Pronounces words like explaining slowly and carefully to some speaking a second language*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 12:26:58

Post by: Aetare

*Athan blinks in surprise but goes back to stoking his fire

“Nothing around here, my green friend.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 18:57:16

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork notices the Sister trying to shoot him and lets out a booming belly laugh*
*continues laughing for several seconds before he stands back up and tosses a rather heavy box of ammo at her*
*turns to Athan*
*at this point a Snotling rounds the corner, stops next tot he Sister, scratches himself a few times, and then smacks at her pistol with his spare hand*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 19:10:55

Post by: jhe90

*Blocks a rather heavy flying ork made box so likely rater solid and durable raising her augmenting arm to deflect the impacting projectile diverting it with a clatter*

Getting hit by a bolt shell to the brain is a tad fatel Ork..

*Suprised and sees the box atachually contains somthing remotely similar to impirial bolter shells that look like they have a better chance of killing your target than you,*

Marine.. Marine.. Heavy... Oh.... 75 compact.
How the frag.

*Glares at snorting mag locking empty pistol and grabbing her sword that was living next to her*

Now now little xeno creature. If you know what's good for ya life span.
*makes blade crackle with enegery a second pushing a activation rune*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 20:32:17

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork sees the Sister readying a blade and laughs even louder*
*sees her threatening the Snotling*
*raises power klaw menacingly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 21:10:57

Post by: jhe90

*Sister gives a sly smile realising the Orks love of his little snorting,

Little or not a. 75 call He bolt is quite effective.

*Lowers blade with a smile*

How cute folks.. I was hereticus, you big green guys where Xenos so not my job description.

Ask the marine, there was some ruins to the west I think.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 21:21:27

Post by: Aetare

*Athan sighs

“No need to direct the beast my way...”

*Turns to the Ork

“There are several man-made structures to the southwest you could try scavenging, but no sentient life for miles as far as I could tell on my last foray outside.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 21:24:45

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork glances at Athan*
*the little Snotling farts audibly and walks outside, returning a few seconds later dragging a stupidly large gun behind him*
*It's not entirely clear how he can even move this thing*
*The Ork nods in satisfaction*
*crashes back through the wall and races out of sight*

*through all of this DeQuest is sound asleep on the floor*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/04 21:37:58

Post by: jhe90

*Shrugs to marine*

As I said... Hereticus.
If it's chaos. Or got tentacles sure.

Orks are xenos. That would be deathwatch chamber militant.

*Reloads pistol and scaveneges a few safer looking pistol rounds for self*

She sleeps better than snowus blanc.
I wish I slept that well.. Never since Victoria...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/05 00:20:34

Post by: War Kitten

*in the distance the Ork can be seen crashing through the wall of what appears to be a large warehouse style building*
*the Snotling picks it's nose and sits next to the Ork's shoota*

*DeQuest rolls over and keeps sleeping*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/05 02:49:27

Post by: Aetare

*Athan turns to Marla with a concerned look

“Who is Victoria, if I may ask?”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/05 08:54:14

Post by: jhe90

*Marla sighed and runs finger over one of the sisterhood symbols on a chain, with a soft tone, playing fistractidly with them between her fingers*

Victoria... She,.. We where novices together. Among other things but the impirum not care as long as you do your service, long as your loyal.

Anyway. Who argues with a flamer and a sword at your throat.

Until... Well.. We had to escort some inquisitor to a recently reclaimed planet. We where ambushed, 2 of us including Victoria was killed. She was our squads Hospitaler medic.

Despite what they say, we still human...

Our squad got broken up after that. Maria was injured badly and became a Hospitaler at a shrine world. our superior decided to join inquisitor.

I was before whatevet happened, was on way to train at a schola.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/05 15:30:59

Post by: Aetare

“I see. I’m sorry for your loss.”

*Athan nods with a solemn sincerity

“I know the feeling well.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/05 16:06:12

Post by: jhe90

*nods and sits down munching on a ration bar somberly playing one handed running thr symbols through fingers. *

*finds a pict capture inside armour of a squad of sisters in full armour and younger, Marla with arm over a white haired, white armoured sister, and others all in front of a large golden statue of a impirial eagle. *

Thanks... Not everyone can return from dead like Saint Celestine. The emparor had a plan in all things... You have to trust somthing. That's all of us just after we took our full vows together. There's 3 left of us.

The order canness had us all down as combat shocked and transferred from chamber militants to serve in the other capacities.

Sorry. Seems we both as broken as the other.
From the look of your gear, you must have been out in the universe a while on your own.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/05 23:57:17

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork comes storming back towards the Room on a smoke belching Warbike*
*still a ways off though*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/06 01:38:23

Post by: Aetare

*Athan nods

“After the ‘great’ (scoffs at the word) crusade, I spent a number of years just wandering. What I have with me are the only mementos of my time as a legionairre, and some other tricks I picked up wandering the stars. Many a feral world became my home over the eons. I only recently found a group of similar refugees who took me in, but I’ve been separated from them and wound up in this room somehow.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/06 04:12:24

Post by: War Kitten

*the Ork goes off a ramp and crashes through one of the windows of the Room, doing a sick trick as he does so*
*he then proceeds to do a couple dozen dougnoughts around Athan and the Sister, kicking up a TON of smoke and dirt as he does so*
*in the midst of all this he tosses a thing of rash cream at the Snotling, who somehow manages to catch it*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/06 20:28:23

Post by: jhe90

*Sister nods quietly*

Wait... Your great crusade... Only... Bjorn.. And some rumours of another space wolf abound from that era remain...

By the emparor.. That times myth.

,*coughs from smoke as the ork hurtles round and somehow has excellent bike control for such a crude and impulsive species*

Jeez.. It smells like your burning fuel so crude a Leman Russ would refuse to start...

Find anything zogging intresting ya greenskin.

*Remembering training on Orks remembers that the language is belived to be made up of 95% insults. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/06 22:53:51

Post by: Aetare

“Believe me, Sister, would that it were only a myth...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/06 23:39:23

Post by: jhe90

*Sister looks confused as history is somewhat forgot alot of things"!, watching ork carefully while at it. *

Oh.. But mankind was at height, things advanced quickly and 18 primarchs drove the barriers of the impirum far beyond known space.

It was a golden age... Well that's thr book version, so long ago the great tomes where faded and hard to read in places.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/07 00:17:00

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork does one last doughnut and then stops next to the Sister*
*the bike is painted entirely red from front to back*
*pulls a rather ornate looking plasma gun from a saddlebag*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/07 00:50:56

Post by: Aetare

“18.... is that what they told you...”

*Athan subtly clenches his fist.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/07 17:04:29

Post by: War Kitten

*the Ork notices Athan's tension*
*he walks over to him and hands him a mug of suspicious smelling "beer*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/07 21:12:25

Post by: jhe90

, *Marla nods*

18... Yeah. The 9 remaining statutes of Terra, 9 who turned traitor, 18 went out to crusade for the emparor... 9 rebelled and 3 Stood alone against all to defend the god emparor and the Palace.

History is not my strong point...but we taught the primarch saints and high sanginous, Russ the hammer of her antics, Dorn the sentinel of Terra...

*turns to see ork and smells a drink like fertiliser, jet fuel and promethium got mixed with industrial waste coated spoon*

Perk ya up... That smells like a effective explosive..

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/07 22:33:18

Post by: War Kitten

*the Ork laughs uproariously*
*shoves a mug into Athan's hands, and one into Marla's hands*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/07 22:59:44

Post by: jhe90

*Marla takes it but feels light headed just from the smell *
*if ork alcohol like Dakka lol*

I thought that valhallen stuff was strong... Wait I have idea ork, this is basically strong ernough to be unrifined fuel...

*Sits down and has a fine fuels idea, finding the old camping lamp, the ork ale and a multi tool starts making a few tweaks before the it starts emitting a faint, then greenish glow that lights the room up in the growing dark*

Of course it be green... But it may keep beasts away.

*A mangey dog stalks by and detours seeing the light shining though a broken window, little do they know is part of somthing bigger*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/07 23:13:31

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork looks mildly offended that Marla didn't drink any of the fungus beer*
*then looks mildly intrigued by the assembly process and gets an idea of his own*
*zooms around the Room picking up bits of scrap for no apparent reason*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/08 16:36:52

Post by: Aetare

*Athan politely sets the mug down beside his seat. He looks long and hard into the campfire.

“Your histories are less than accurate sister. There were more of us, some of whom the galaxy would seemingly rather forget.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/08 22:50:02

Post by: jhe90

*Looks up from tuning her lamp, resalutely glowing Greakish but making a fairly strong glow in small room*

More... But 18... The books say the other two legion numbers merely reflect reinforcement and training units, whom where waiting official assignment

Forget... How could two legions be so.... Heratics turned on the emparor and not be burned so.

I probbly have a holographic history somewhere... I used to keep one as history and scriptures where allowed on duty when waiting for some her at ic to show up, or thr priest we guarding to finish Thete work.

*Looks up at ork whom working in corner noisoly*

Hey.. Find anything intresting in that warehouse. Ammo, materials... I wanted to try and fortify this place. Seems we found a fighting planet.


*meanwhile the heatics who de quest was fighting managed to survive in the forests and evade the wolves whom where less intrested in corrupted souls.

From a far hill a enemy watches down a long telescope, sighting a small glow in the night from there fire and lamp, signaling his comander, a mutated man corrupted and empowered by warp when he brought them to darkness.

He casts one of his several eyes over the small camp, seeing a pure soul whom would make a good sacrafice indeed.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/08 23:55:57

Post by: Aetare

*Athan doesn’t break his gaze from the flames

“There were twenty full legions when we set out. One by one we found our biological fathers, our Primarchs. Living gods walking among men, if we can even be called such.”

*Athan fiddles with the rune-covered obsidian shard he has been using as a dagger

“But my brothers never lived to see the height of human civilization. They were lost during the xenocides of the great crusade, when something was awoken that consumed and damned one tenth of your Emperor’s military might.”

*Athan drifts off in thought

“If Horus Lupercal has seen the things I saw on Craetia, he would have elected to die rather than submit to the ruinous powers. I assure you.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 00:06:28

Post by: jhe90

*Marla looks Suprised*

Do I want to know more... I feel like I could be killed for just knowing 20 departed Terra...

A foe claiming two legions... Corrupting them..
They found a dark place indeed. Some places are best avoided.

*Guesses dagger somthong important of that time*

Marines... Marines fell. Sisters never have. Nore the incorruptible 10,000. I guess we a have a place in the emparors design.

Horus can never be redeemed marine. His weakness broke the golden age and so his name shall live in infamy, in decay and darkness...

He the reason we in this damned mess of a galaxy.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 00:08:28

Post by: War Kitten

*having gathered a sufficient amount of scrap, the Ork retreats to a corner of the Room and begins assembling something*
*sparks fly as he begins welding metal together, and over time the scrap begins to take the form of a rather large gun*

*DeQuest has now started a small fire and is brewing a small pot of coffee over it*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 04:34:43

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks solemnly at Marla

“Whether or not you want to understand more sister, know this: one was purged and the other forgotten, but both were abandoned by the imperium they served.”

*Athan exhales heavily

“I don’t blame Horus for his choices any more than I blame Russ for his. What broke mankind was not the actions or cruelty of a few men, but rather the soulless march of conquest untempered by patience or understanding of what lies out there in the darkness.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 21:15:49

Post by: War Kitten

*Most of Athan's words go completely over the Orks head as he not-so-subtly tries to listen in*
*lifts up the now finished gun and pulls the trigger experimentally to test it*
*out of the gun a massive cloud of confetti flies out, coating one wall in colorful paper*
*a second trigger pull results in a massive ball of plasma punching a hole clear through the wall and into the surrounding forest*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 21:22:27

Post by: jhe90

*Marla looks at him thinking*

Maybe.. Alot of us get forgotten in the galactic scale.
Humans, marines, sisters... Sometimes things get so destroyed we forgotten. We found a ruined covonant on a now dead world, even stone can forget.

And Horus... We trained before we can walk to hate the enemies, the traitor and heratic... Your not undoing all that in one campfire.

*Sighs at the hole...*

Drafts...come on...
I'm gonna go visit that old warehouse... Maybe even build a bedroom...

*treks out into the forrest, little does she know her route is tracked by the mutated traitor guard from afar, seeking a pure sacrafice*

*several camped higher in hills watching room*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 21:48:00

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork trails after Marla, as he's pretty bored and wants something to do*

*DeQuest sips her coffee and wonders how her life went so far downhill*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 22:31:05

Post by: Aetare

*Athan sighs and nods in agreement

“I suppose that kind of heretical wisdom only comes with age and loss. Either way, I apologize if I’ve distressed you.”

*The old soldier finishes fastening the obsidian shard to a length of steel, forming a spear. The shard glows faintly in the dusk.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 22:45:33

Post by: jhe90

*Sister nods on leaving and vanishes into semi darkness quietly hearing the ork following*

Come on then.. I won, t like a brute like your self would stand a good odds vs those wolves... Or anything else..

*with a a little time wiggle*

*Marla just finishing hotwitring a batter to hell truck loaded with supplies at warehouse that looks so battered a ork would think twice about looting it*

Come on ya peice of crap...

*Suddenly... A ambush comes and a bunch of mutated chaos soldiers mount a attack on the truck and ork with various corrupted and foul impirial guard weapins*

*at same time a group try to sneak up on marine and guardsmen with knives to takw out quietly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/09 23:41:59

Post by: Aetare

*Athan sits quietly at the fire, chuckling softly as hears a soft footfall outside.

“Look alive DeQuest. We’ve got more company.”

*Athan rises and twirls his spear casually

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 01:45:54

Post by: War Kitten

*the Ork lets out a booming laugh as he sees the oncoming chaos soldiers*
*he puts the gun in the general direction of the chaos worshippers and pulls the trigger*
*an astonishing variety of projectiles, ranging from candesticks, to bolt rounds, to rubber chickens, to sharp pieces of metal flies out of the barrel and into the oncoming chaos*

*DeQuest's head snaps up*
Feth me, we got trouble?
*she grabs her pistol from its' resting place on the floor next to her and takes cover behind a beat-up looking couch*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 03:43:17

Post by: Aetare

*Athan smiles and calls out to anyone listening

“If you don’t want to end up on the wrong end of a las gun, show yourselves now if you’re a friend.”

(“Finally some sentients to measure myself against.”)

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 21:22:42

Post by: jhe90

*Marla ducks and tries quickly to hotwire engine, as Las fore crackles about firing off a few snapshots with pistol determined to to lose her cargo she found. *

Damned heratics... Just kill yourselves alrwsdy!

*Humans die like humans, but chaos is strong and some strategies crawling back with injuries that should be deadly, limbs hanging off and more*
*one crawls 4 footed like a spider monster, it's head mutated in Jaws and hundreds of beedy eyes*

*Return a mix of Las and auto gun fire, with the odd plasma gunner letting off a badly aimed shot that hits nearmby setting a tree aflame*
*odd grenade detonates scattering area with shrapnel.*

*at room. *

*one shouts out*

212th Arcadian...
*Hides knife blade and most human looking steps out as his more mutated companions try to sneak in and flank as distracted.*

*another readies a primitive flash grenade made out of a managed up glow globe and some power batteries for use in the attck*


Sorry had a busy day. I reply now though

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 21:58:54

Post by: War Kitten

*the Ork is having the time of his life, as he now has a worthy foe to fight*
*He just keeps blasting away at the mutants and assorted cultists with his weapon, laughing maniacally and delighting in the mayhem he's causing*
*several las and auto rounds hit him, but his tough constitution lets him shrug most of it off easily enough*

*DeQuest frowns at the oncoming "Guardsman"*
Arcadian you said? I think I remember serving alongside the 212th a few years back. Perhaps you remember the Athonian 1st regiment? We had a good fight against those stupid worshippers of Chaos, the idiots never saw their deaths at the hands of the Emperor's finest coming.How's Colonel Negen doing?
*she's super suspicious of this guy, so she's trying to buy some time for Athan to ready himself*
*slowly switches her pistol to full power*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 22:35:18

Post by: jhe90

*Ork draws the gaze of the officer who sees his trails and escense of violance impact the warp alongside the sisters pure glow. *

*several oygans corrupted by krone are unleashed from cages who charge towards the ork under cover fire from a heavy subbed team hiding in the woods*

*Several try to attack and capture Marla for sacrafice, one falling back from truck door with most of his head splattering the ork into chunky salsa*

Truck should be going in a minute and we can get out a here!

*does not notice the one sneaking from the front as she concentrating on doors with a Vichous spiked club*


*cultist tries a convincing lie*

I was a reserve draft, my Sgt did though.

Killed I'm a hive rebellion. We where sent to Lego hive and he stepped on a brick mine. Home made pit of Explosives topped with ruins and scrap metal.

We where asigned to keep the peace there for a few years till PDF was trusted.

Major Thulsa took command, we lost alot of soldiers.

*thr cultists tongue is silver but its hard to hide being a grade A, tripple damned heratic*
*scratches arm, and long coat hiding heretical scarification scars*

Thr others sneaking up reading waiting for the door guy and hold thr bodged flashbacg ready dropping it onto the table quietly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 22:46:45

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork sees the Ogryns running at him and focuses fire at them, but as he's an Ork this is a relative term and in reality bullets and other miscellaneous projectiles are flying everywhere*
*laughs even louder as bits of the cultist splash off him*

*DeQuest nods slowly*
Uh huh.
*notices him scratching his arm*
That's a rather nasty cut you got there buddy. You want that looked at?
*slowly flicks the pistol's safety off, as her BS counter is off the charts at this point*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 23:15:17

Post by: jhe90

*Marla almost starts the engines and escapes with ernough supplies to keep room happy for a while until a Chaos thug flanks from side grabbing at her trying to choke her to get her for thr sacraficed and win the bounty*

*Fights back punching his face ever uglier as makes a mugged choking sounc*

*one oygan explodes taking serval guard with in so full of blades he is*

, Several round somehow fly backwards nailing a guardsman flanking him till one stupid one charges him with a short knife and embeds it in the Orks back leg*

*Oygans scream in some arcane language, possessed by unnatural vigour and try to stab every bit of living ork they can see*


*Guardsman shakes head*
Minor scarring... Doc patched me up but never healed right. Not sure hr a real doc...

Nothing major. Just a minor wound I picked up taking technik forge level..

We have a camp due north of here.. Larger. Better defended. You should join us. Vunrable here.

Major Thulsa would love to have a marine to support him.

*others places there flash bang ad it ticks down and hide as one kicks his lips and stretches tentacles fingers*


Meanwhile the officer of evil watches from afar, his eyes see to well and too far to be of man and is a foul warp powered gift for turning his regiment.

The bright soul of sister his one goal, for her soul is his ticket to deamons hood if he can turn it.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/10 23:30:59

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork roars in pain as he's stabbed*
*whirls around and clubs the cultist in the side of the head with a savage blow, snapping his neck like a twig*

*DeQuest's BS meter is still off the charts*
A camp huh? Funny. I was ambushed by some mutants who came from the north, would you happen to know anything about that buddy?
*gives the cultist a cold smile*
*glances at Athan to see what he's doing*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/11 05:41:53

Post by: Aetare

*Athan smiles coldly as his eyes take a dark turn

“Well met friend. Thank you for the warning.”

*The legionairre swings his spear quicker than a striking viper, the blade decapitating the cultist without warning.

*Athan speaks to DeQuest

“Drop to cover and brace yourself.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/11 20:28:40

Post by: jhe90

*Guardsman head is taken cleanly off and still talks at them thanks to the powers and vaguries of chaos.*

Ha... Your headed for your deaths... Thulsa doom is coming...

*cackled manically decapitated because chaos is freaky *
*Flash bag detonated on side and let's off a bright searing light before the battery gives out and glow globe smokes as the mutated ones leap though with knives*

Dooooooom for the doooooooom

*Ork is faced by a possessed bio mechanical monster as he had it too easy, a sentinel, part deamon and flesh, all radiating dread and so*
*it stomps forwad and drill arms slife out its side, a forging arm becomes a spiked auto cannon barking it's fire at the ork and its mouth spits warp flames

*Cultests around start to kneel and all begin to menacing chant doom mm doom.. Doom, slowly*

*it gives off a very feeling of dread and evik*

,*Marla seems it and relised that gak is going down*
*Truck starts and fights off one strangling her by ramming then into a door frame of buildings. *

*uses truck as a giant multi ton melee weapon crushing a cultists under weekls splattering the ork with more heretic salsa. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/11 21:38:14

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork is kind of obvlious to the aura of doom and gloom, as he's having the time of his life*
*sees the bio mechanical monster and cackles maniacally*
*he then leaps forward at the beast, swinging his new shoota like a club as he does so*
*takes a nasty hit from the autocannon to the stomach, and he roars in pain but continues his charge*

*DeQuest is blinded by the flashbang and falls to the ground clutching her eyes*
*her ears are ringing like crazy so she's kind out of it*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/11 21:56:35

Post by: jhe90

*The doom. Cultists armed with knives that seem to pitted and discoloured with some strange and neferous chemical. *

*leave the guardewoman seeking thr marine, exploiting there ambush to use there blades*

*Head below voice changes as eyes glow, it's voice that of evil*
Give us the pure soul.... Give us the sister and you may live.


*Orks battle is being watched by all*
*Sister seems to glow faintly gold as the doom cult empower there mechanical beast*

*beasts amour is dented but its just more pissed than hurt being a real enemy*
*attemps to thrust with a spinning drill arm that looks covered in remains of last challenger, is spiked ended auto cannon slashing about d firing widly*

*the doom cults worship seem to strengthen its power *
*Sister looks on, outnumbered heavily by doom cult, all eyes forced almost onto the fight*

*on the high ridge, the figure of major Thulsa, the doom cult leader watches seeing the flow of the warp, its possibilities and enrtgy*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/11 22:32:46

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork takes a glancing hit from the drill and roars, more in anger than anything else, as Orks are dead hard*
*He belts the monster in the side of the head with a meaty fist, and then goes to grab a stick of dynamite from his belt*
*the noise and chaos of battle seems to fuel the Ork, and a green glow begins surrounding him, and anyone nearby can faintly hear what sounds like booming Orkoid laughter coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time*

*DeQuest's ears are still ringing, so she's still out of it*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/12 03:08:09

Post by: Aetare

*Athan whirls around with his spear, eyes closed in the blinding light. The mark on his left arm burns brightly with psychic energy as the Aetare strikes with prescience and venom

*Several cultists and heretics are felled by the Astartes’ attacks, as close combat is his preferred method of engagement.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/12 03:50:03

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest finally starts coming back to her senses, and she slowly begins trying to get to her feet*
*she grabs her pistol off the floor and tries to aim it at a cultist and snaps off a rather inaccurate shot*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/12 17:58:38

Post by: Aetare

*The effects of the flash bang begin to fade. Half a dozen cultists are left standing

“Before you die I would at least hear your demands and what you want with us.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/12 20:22:55

Post by: jhe90

*One cutest steps forward sheathing blade as a mark of negotiations, his eyes glow as his body is possessed.*

We want the pure soul.

For our own reasons.

The sister. Hand her over and you may live... I am Thusa Doom, Major Thusa formally of the 212 Arcadian. Left to due by the impirum. We chose to live.

Hand over the sister. Ans you may live.

Refuse and your going to hell with her.

*the others hold back and deeply mutter *

Doom... Do oooo.m...

,*the monster tries to breath warp fire at ork as it seems deadlocked a second. Its drill volant ly tearing and it emits a high scream. *

*pausing a second as beaten over head though explosion rips into its guts, it holds together steaming blood, ichor and toxic substances, *

*noise makes cultists cover ears as it goes tn to a fenzy*

*Marla covers ears and tries to start engines while distracted painfully by nouse*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/12 21:17:46

Post by: War Kitten

*The drill digs into the Ork's shoulder, but in his battle rage he just keeps whaling on the Monster's body, violently punching and tearing at anything within reach*
*the green aura around the Ork only seems to grow brighter the longer he fights, and the sound of Orkoid laughter only seems to grow louder as the battle goes on*

*DeQuest has finally recovered from the flashbang, and she glances nervously between Athan and the Cultists*
*normally she would be confident that the Marine would win, but their leader is looking to be possessed, which scares the crap out of her*
*clutches her pistol tightly*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/12 22:37:15

Post by: jhe90

*Machine is losing but spiteful ernough to as much harm as can whilw dying.. *

*sheer orkoid belief begins to overwhelm it as its power cult struggles to match such pure battle rage*

*chunks start flying out as it begins to weaken but remains reloutely attacking with ervtything as it body burns all the warp energy it has in one last spiteful stand*

*starts directly channeling energy from its own Culterets as one dies turning to a starved pile of bones and dried skin to keep fighting even in dying form*

*Marla looks round at sounds sewing no other Orks and slowly rolls out behind the enthralled cultists who seem to be locked staring*

*it's freaky*


*poissed guard looks directly at de quest, its tone scarily soft and resnoble*

Give us the sister. You may live... You may go home...

All we ask is the sister... She mean nothing to you...

Just hand her over. And live on, safely.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/13 00:56:08

Post by: War Kitten

*The Ork continues to get really badly hurt by the drill, but he's beyond caring at this point*
*reaches down to his belt with his spare hand and rips the pins from all of the various explosives that he has on his belt*
*he is then engulfed by a huge and violent explosion*

*DeQuest is scared out of her mind, as she's so far out of her depth right now*
*but in the depths of her mind, she recalls the oaths she swore when she first became a Guardsman and a look of steely resolve crosses her face*
I pledged eternal service to the Emperor on the day I became a recruit of the Athonian 1st. A pledge of loyalty. Of service. Of honor. Something that you would know very little of heretic. I would rather die than bow down to the whims of thrice cursed fiends such as yourselves. So no, I will not give up the Sister to your tender mercies. I will fight to my last breath to ensure that each and every single one of you burns for your crimes against the Emperor and the Imperium. So come then heretic. Show me your mettle.
*in one swift move she raises her pistol and BLAMS the nearest cultist in the face*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/13 04:29:39

Post by: Aetare

*Athan smirks, clearly impressed by DeQuest’s initiative.

*The soldier lunges with unbridled speed, engaging two cultists simultaneously.

“Sorry boys. You get the idea.”

*Athan has a soft spot for refugees and refuses to turn over his equally stranded companions

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/13 18:20:47

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest keeps snapping off shots at the Cultists*
*The Ork is still exploding*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/13 19:41:40

Post by: jhe90

*soliders die but possesed one seems to shimmer as his head is hit and the energy dispates off his form, las energy proving infective*

Your choice is most unwise.
your freinds did less well

*a pile of her regiments dog tags fall to the floor, more shockingly one or two cultesys bear her own regiment markings, crudely and savage;y defaced*

*guardsmen die like expected to a marine in CC*


*Machine explodes as the bonds containing it energy break and the lives of many cule=tests are taken, Marlas form glows gold and somthing strange happens as her aura seems to repel the wave of chaos energy*

*somthing is not as inormal*

*chaos energy is arking alll over and Marla rams truck away, smashing aside a cultests group, seeing the ork vanish into a firey explosion not beliving one oculd survive such vioalnt force. *

It seems... Orks are.. not all quite as they seemed...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/13 20:10:10

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest stares at the cultists with her regimental markings for a second*
*then her facial expression turns to cold anger*
I'm going to enjoy ripping you a new one Jenkins, and you too Sara. Know that your ancestors are looking upon you with disgust heretic.
*she lunges at the nearest cultist and lashes out with her knife*

*All that Marla can see of the Ork is a fething huge smoke cloud from all of the myriad of explosives he had on him, plus the reactor core of his gun*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/14 16:20:27

Post by: Aetare

*Athan continues to struggle against the cultists, some of whom last longer than they should, bloated by the powers of the warp.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/14 16:44:01

Post by: jhe90

*Marla floors it and escapes stacking as the odd Las shot and auto cannon shell explodes about and miss Widely as afar,*

*The cultests fight and lose quickly as bloated however still not equal to marines.0they lash out with blades coated with toxins and foul substences* *

*The two fighting thr Sgt have had more practice in close combat as chaos is brutal*

*when sister arrives leaving the ork sadly for dead, her armour glows slightly gold as steps out a truck that plowed a cultests into a tree.

*Thr leader turns savagely to Marla seeing her subtle gold aura that weakens there power*

The pure soul... Alas your freinds will die for you... Submit and they may yet live.

*Othet cultests seem to pause a second as there warp powers seem to weaken a tadge*
*Marla looks slightly confused by the effect, not feeling quite herself like somthing else is influencing her,*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/14 17:19:36

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest is losing ground versus the two cultists, barely deflecting their blows with her own blade*
*She's only being kept alive by the close combat training that all Athonian Tunnel Rats receive*

*The ork is very much dead.*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/14 17:56:01

Post by: Aetare

*Athan notices the glow about Marla as she makes her entrance and is visibly surprised

*The soldier cuts down another cultist as be mutters under his breath in a foreign tongue, audibly in disbelief

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/14 18:35:17

Post by: jhe90

*Marla draws her pistol and snaps off a shot into back of one of cultists making traitor salsa out of there upper body*

*Cultest attacking Is effected by whatever power Marla has without knowing and is slowed and waekens*

*most Cultest now dead and others begin a fighting retreat, realising they are heavily over matched, snap off shots at marine with Las and auto weapons and trying to live*

*Marla voice is less human, and glow somthing strange, grabs a Cultest attacking her and grips her by throat, seemingly to cause them a high degree of pain like aflame. Her black eye pupil now changed to a shade of gold*

You shall not hurt her... Heratic scum.

*Marla in her own head, nudged aside is quite scared NY whatever force has taken over*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/14 23:30:25

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest is very spooked by Marla's glowing eyes and inhuman voice*
*she backs away quickly, murmuring a desperate hymn to herself as she does so*
*doesn't really pay attention to what the cultists who were attacking her were doing, and pays for it when gets slashed across the side just beneath her flak armor by a knife*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 00:00:50

Post by: jhe90

*The heratic she held suddenly is engulfed in gold pysflames and reduced to nothing making thr last desire to hang about go for the doom cult, seeing that what they saw may be of value in testing there capabilites.*

*seeing one own burned by warp fire breaks morake*


*Marla falls to deck and glow stops with a loud clatter of armour and if checked, eyes returned to blur and looks exhausted and pale by whatever happened to her,*

*vital signs are lower but stable and her armour is heavy to move her impulses being too low to trigger servo systems. *

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 02:04:37

Post by: Aetare

*Athan bolts to cover Marla and keep her safe

“What the hell is this...”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 03:24:55

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest finals falls down onto her butt as the adrenaline wears off and exhaustion sets in*
*winces as the cut on her side twinges painfully, and she digs around in her belt pouches for a bandage*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 03:52:11

Post by: Aetare

*Athan tries his best to reinforce Dequest, slaying one of the cultists with a well-placed knife throw.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 10:24:48

Post by: jhe90

*Marla looks up confused and blinks about, sees room, marine and everything but has gaps in memory and struggles to lift herself up, armour being too heavy and taking time to re engage and falls back to floor,*

*Is still rather pale and takes a few seconds to remember people and place, sounding part weak, tired, notices dequest and genuinely thinks she someone else before realising it was not with a sigh*

What happened?

Did... Last thing I remember driving.... Truck. Many supplies. Then I was... Back.. Back with... Vic.... Happy, together.. And then I'm here again...

Everyone safe? Ork... Massive explosion.. Killed... Deamon engine.

*notices dead cultists, one with a look of abject terror*

You met too...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 19:45:00

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest finishes tying off the bandage with a grunt and then leans back against the wall*
I don't get paid enough for this crap....
*looks at the corpses of her former comrades and whispers a prayer*
If they can get you two..... Emperor help us all, none of us are safe.
*her head droops with sadness*
Besides the crew of my tank, those two were the only ones unaccounted for.... I am the last of my regiment.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 21:32:32

Post by: jhe90

*Marla sees her pray and tries to join her but flops back down again*

*slightly stronger but still quiet*
Just because your the last, its not the end.

I'm there's only 3 left of my squad, and I lost my fiance, the emparor has a purpose even if you not know now. Long as you live there remembered.

I'd try and comfort you but I'm barely able to lift my head up.

*Props self shakily onto elbows*

What happened to me?
I Don, t remember coming In?

It cannot be chaos... Our faith protects us...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/15 23:51:08

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest sighs*
We were ambushed by the heretics. They claimed to be looking for the "pure soul". I'm guessing that's you from what they said. We fought for a while, then you walked in with your eyes glowing like an Emperor's Day firework. You and the Marine slaughtered the last of the traitors like dogs, and then you dropped like a puppet with its strings cut.
*she slowly gets to her feet and removes her former comrade's dog tags*
For the Emperor. Ever onwards...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/16 10:01:45

Post by: jhe90

*Marla thinks and thinks, quite abit slower as still groggy and feels like got ran over by a bane blade*

*uses faster recovering augmentic arm to hold up and extended a hand to try and pull her up*
*with armour she a tad heavier than she should be for her size*

Please... Help me up.

Pure soul? Oh... Yes, a sister is a pure soul, its the emparors protection.

They belive that capturing and turning a sister to chaos would raise a dark princess of immense power.

Chaos would reward them greatly.

We found bodies before of sisters caught... Tortured, worse...
Never betrayed there oaths. The retribution was fearsome for sisters... They a sent nearly 1000 to get the cult behind it.

*sighs sadly*

They suspect that was plan when my squad was ambushed thr last time.

*is confused by gold glow and remembers somthing*

Oh... That's... Strange. Victoria did say once... After the relic of St Catherine on Orphelia...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/16 15:29:22

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest says nothing for a moment*
At least they just kill us Guardsmen after torturing us for a bit, our pain tolerance isn't that great.
*helps Marla up*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/17 22:53:08

Post by: Aetare

*Athan looks warily at Marla

“I fear you have a touch of destiny about you, child.”

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/17 23:13:50

Post by: jhe90

*Marla looks at de quest resting some of her balance on her*

Chaos has a particular place in there hearts for us, it's not a good one.

Oh I forgot... The truck outside had some food and a few basic materials for construction....

*Turns to marine confused, picking up on wary look,*
Bad destiny? I did not hurt any of you?

Victoria did always say my dreams where diffrent...

Im not a living Saint... I think I'm not... Even if I am, I only have a fraction of a true one's power.?

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/17 23:24:58

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest says nothing, not really knowing what to say in response to that comment*
*after making sure that Marla can support herself, she walks out to the waiting truck and begins hauling in the materials*
Give me a few days and I can have this place nearly as secure as a Fortress of Redemption. If there's one thing us Guard do well, it's dig and fortify

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/17 23:45:35

Post by: jhe90

*Marla bods leaning against Wall and detaching parts of her armour, a armoured body glove below to try and lighten her balence abit for a short time*

*Smiling slightly at guard comment, *

Yes, the guard does manage to pull off miracles on a regular basis..

*turning back to marine intrqued*

What do you mean of destiny... I'm just one of many thousands of sisters who call Orphelia home at any time.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/18 00:36:09

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest begins reinforcing the windows with sand bags in a quick and efficient manner*
*whistles a jaunty tune as she does so*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/19 22:35:10

Post by: jhe90

*Marla notices*

Least window be less drafty... More importantly I found a 6 foot boxed multi section Aqulla kit...

*Regaining balence, returns with a old metal cupboard for storage. A folding table, some boxes of rations and several dusty but sericavle bed rolls*

Alas... It's better than nothing.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/19 23:24:08

Post by: Selym

OOC: Holy moly I was gone a long while there! Uni stops for no-one, apparently


*A huge Ork bursts onto the scene from a sudden burst of green energy, landing awkwardly*

*On standing, he punts some guardsman named Malik several feet into the air, and declares himself*

WAAAAAAGH! I'z Kaptin Krump, an' I'z gonna make dis ere place roit propa Orky!

*Krump glances confusedly around himself*

Were da zog am I? Were did me boyz go? Hoo are you gitz!?

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/19 23:27:22

Post by: War Kitten

OOC: Welcome back. The Avatar Room never sleeps.

*DeQuest looks up from her exhausted stupor to see Malik get drop kicked into low orbit*
*she falls back onto her butt and grabs for her pistol*
What the feth? More Orks?!?!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/19 23:33:37

Post by: Selym

*Krump puffs himself up, animalistically*

Datz rite, MOAAAR! I dunno wot Orkz you'z been seein' boy, coz mine are a bunch o' lazy panzeez!

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 01:25:42

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest is looking a tiny bit scared at the moment, as she's exhausted from the fight against the cultist, and emotionally raw after seeing the last of comrades die at her hand*
*grabs her pistol and stands up slowly*
Yeah. There was another Ork in here earlier, he had a Snotling with him, I haven't seen him since he ran after Sister Marla.
*is considering her options, and isn't seeing many given that Krump is a massive Ork in massive armor, and all she has is a dinky pistol*
*silently wishes for her shadowsword yet again*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 06:40:22

Post by: Selym

*Krump eyeballs DeQuest as carefully as an Ork could - mostly by squinting and making a few grunting noises*

*Speaking with a tone of incredulousness*

'E ran off? Wot a zoggin' wuss. I need a good fite, and yooz too runty to bovvah wiv.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 15:40:16

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest looks mildly insulted at being called runty, but at the same time she knows that Ork v. Guardsmen rarely ends well for the Guardsmen*
*looks around for the Marine*
I think there might be a Space Marine around here somewhere....

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 18:55:20

Post by: jhe90

*Sister walks back in, noticing a second ork. Wondering what in earth was with this planet and over sized fungi? *

Oh... Is there a wargh on top a Chaos cult now? This planets already... Fun...

The previous ork got blown up by a Chaos war engine, and maybe.. Alot of grenades.... Rather hard to see it anything left.. Not sure who below up who... .

*Dwspite having a bolter that alot more effective against Orks than Las, its still not a great match up even with power sword. Wonders how guard live with flash lights, card board armour and somewhat useless book*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 20:37:27

Post by: Selym

*Krump proceeds to have a mental Error 404 while trying to figure out what the Sister is*

*Perks up at the soundof "space marine" *

Dem big 'umies iz over' ere? Gimmme! I'll rip 'em apart! WAAAAGH¡

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 20:54:12

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest backs up slowly and wonders where Athan got off to*
There was one here, I think he's around here somewhere. Probably cleaning bits of cultist out of his armor and what not.
*Is not enjoying the relative closeness of the Ork*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 21:38:06

Post by: jhe90

*Marla notices the guards woman and puts a hand on her shoulder, indoctrinated by still human*

Probbly hunting those cultists who ran back to this... Major Thulsa...

*Too indoctrinated to be as scared, also a a little unwise and a abit unknowing of some of imiriums problems too,*

Burny Tin humies

*hates using Orkish but knows ernough, it's like 98% insults and gestures like head bashing*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 22:24:30

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest glances at Marla before nodding softly and taking a step behind her*
I'll get back to work then Ma'am.
*Guard discipline kicks in as she walks back out to the truck and begins hauling in more materials to fortify the Room*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/20 23:52:47

Post by: Selym

OOC: @jhe90 Don't Ork mostly just speak crappy low-Gothic?


*Krump looks dissatisfied*

So! Wotz dere ta do round 'ere? Any good foitz?

*Krump scratches his arse, clumsily*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 00:03:43

Post by: War Kitten

OOC: From what I understand Orks can and do speak low gothic (or some approximation of it) when they're around non-Orks and Orks. But they do have their own language, which does mostly consist of blows to the head and grunts as jhe said.

*DeQuest pauses as she walks by the Ork holding a few sandbags*
Not much really. Mostly we've been sitting here in shock trying to figure out what to do, or arguing about what we should do. Hang around for long enough and I'm sure those traitors will come back for round two. We bloodied their noses the first time, but they'll be raring for another go soon enough.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 00:07:47

Post by: Selym

Datz grate newz!

*Flicks DeQuest with a deactivated power klaw*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 01:31:08

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest is caught off guard by the blow and, making a noise halfway between a grunt and a scream, she gets sent flying across the room*
*even a hit from an ork at low strength is still hitting pretty dang hard*
*she hits the ground in a clatter of armor plates and rolls to a stop and groans in pain*
...... Feth that hurt......
*might be nursing a broken rib or two*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 09:11:38

Post by: Selym

*Krump starts making a harsh breathing noise that sounds something like a silverback gorilla's laugh, had it smoked 40-a-day for several years*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 15:39:04

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest starts slowly getting back to her feet, hissing in pain as her broken ribs start aching fiercely*
*leans against the wall for support*
Feth me that stings....
*silently wishes for a lascannon to wipe the Ork's smirk off his face*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 15:49:54

Post by: Selym

*Grinning stupidly, Krump sidles over to DeQuest*

Ah come on! Where's ya foite!

OOC: And where is the old Avvy team? We need a minimum of 4 players to kick this thread off, really. I pretty much require some badass to punch Krump around a bit, or his character will just kill DeQuest...

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 16:15:27

Post by: War Kitten

We do have 4 people currently. Don't know where Aetare or jhe are right now but they both normally post here at least a few times a day. As for the others, I don't know.

*DeQuest gives Krump a bloody smile*
Oh that? Tis but a scratch, but I musta left my fight in my other pair of pants.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 17:03:37

Post by: jhe90

Ooc I'm on holiday for the weekend.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 17:26:43

Post by: Selym

OOC: Makes sense. I messaged Verveidi and Buttery the other day to see if they were still around. Verv says he's not in the mood atm, but will keep a mental tab on it when he warms back to Avvy. Buttery is temporarily MIA atm.


*Krump sits down heavily*

Oh. Dat makez sense, I guess.

*Krump scrunches his face for a moment, before settling on a new hobby*

*Krump's face begins producing a horrific sound, a cross between yodelling and Orkish screaming, that is presumably his idea of humming*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 18:00:44

Post by: War Kitten

OOC: BC does that. He'll disappear for a while to do his own thing, he'll come back to Dakka eventually.

*DeQuest winces heavily at the horrific yodeling sound and she tries to subtly cover her ears to block out the sound*
*limps over to a corner and begins binding her beaten up ribs*

*in the depths of a forest a long-dormant portal begins flickering to life*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 18:25:06

Post by: Selym

*Krump, ever the epitome of pitch-perfect, continues his song, occasionally thumping the ground rhythmically with his klaw*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 19:06:11

Post by: War Kitten

*DeQuest finishes binding her ribs and, for a lack of having anywhere else to go, is forced to sit there and listen to the "music" that Krump is creating*
*she is contemplating the virtues of pulling the pin on the grenade she has in her backpack*

*in the woods the portal finally crackles into life, and a variety of strange looking vessels zip through it and begin zooming towards the Room*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 19:16:21

Post by: Selym

*Krump, having partially deafened himself from the reverberations of his voice inside his iron gob, fails his spot check*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 19:22:50

Post by: War Kitten

*the ships are still a ways away from the Room, but they'll be there fairly quickly at the speed that they're travelling*
*a dark shadow materializes behind Krump and seems to examine him for a few moments*
*ice begins forming on Krump's armor and an unnatural chill fills the air*

*DeQuest begins setting up a small tent in the corner of the Room*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 19:55:49

Post by: jhe90

*Marla is curled asleep in a corner sleeping and resting, though not peacefully sleeping and hand is tightly wrapped round a chain of sister hood symbols *

OOC... Il be back... Only away for weekend.

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 19:59:22

Post by: Selym

*Krump notices nothing and continues his warbling, occasionally blurting out a lyric*


*Krump is clearly enjoying himself*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 20:06:23

Post by: War Kitten

*at the edge of the forest, a few of the vessels break the tree line and begin zooming towards the Room at high speed*
*the dark shadow fully materializes, revealing a Mandrake, who has eerie green runes glowing on his skin*
*with a snarl the Mandrake lunges at Krump, swinging a grossly oversized surgical blade at his face*
*the air around Krump is now home to a cacophony of half-heard whispers*

*DeQuest by now has crawled into her tent after taking a few pain pills to sleep off her broken ribs*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 22:31:54

Post by: Selym

*Krump finally wises up to the situation as the Mandrake's blade embeds itself in his armour plating*


*Krump jumps up, his immense size lifting the Mandrake by the blade-edge as it flails around trying to free its weapon. The Mandrake had assaulted Krump from behind and to his left, causing Krump to whirl around counter-clockwise in a vain attempt to see behind himself*



Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 22:42:32

Post by: War Kitten

*At this point the Mandrake is just holding on for dear life*
*it makes no real sounds while it does so, other than the odd hiss or growl, but it clings on with surprising strength*
*several more Mandrakes materialize from the shadows around Krump and advance towards him menacingly, brandishing an astonishing variety of pointy blades as they do so*
*a Raider parks itself outside and several figures leap down from it and begin darting towards the door to the Room*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/21 23:49:46

Post by: Selym

*With a wail of joy, Krump fires his kustum-shoota at the advancing Mandrakes with a genocidal intent that only Orks can muster*


*With the advancing Mandrakes either shot, suppressed, or cowering away, Krump charges at the Raider like a Tyranid towards guardsmen, a mad lust in his eyes*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/22 00:04:58

Post by: War Kitten

*The mandrakes are indeed suppressed by the insane amount of dakka heading their way*
*amusingly enough, the first mandrake's blade is still stuck in Krump's armor, and the Mandrake itself is still clinging onto the blade, occasionally letting off a baleblast at Krump, but the position he's in makes the icy blast do very little*

*the Raider pilot begins backing away as fast as possible from Krump, and the Disintegrator cannon on the front of the vehicle begins spitting death at Krump*
*the Kabalite Warriors who jumped off it can only watch in astonishment as Krump zooms past them, although a few cursory splinter rifle shots are directed at his back*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/22 00:15:13

Post by: Selym

*Krump fails to notice the Kabalites in his haste to reach the Raider, but does not reach it before a Disintegrator shot blasts towards him. Being the lumbering mass of truly Newtonian proportions that he is, Krump also fails to avoid being hit - the blast searing off a good part of his iron gob and right-shoulder plating. Catching up to the Raider, whose manoeuvring is being hampered by the local flora, he prepares to thrust his klaw into its prow*


*Grabbing the Raider by the prow, Krump takes the flimsy excuse for an IFV for a little ride... He proceeds to wield the Raider like a vertically-challenged club - unable to wave it up and down, but the near-fricitonless grav-lift transmission provided no resistance to a horizontal swing*


Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/22 00:29:47

Post by: War Kitten

*The Raider pilot and the gunner are hanging onto the Raider for dear life, although one of the Kabalites who stayed on the Raider is flung upwards into the sky a good 20 feet by the strength of Krump's shaking*
*the Kabalites snap out of their stunned state and begin unloading more shots into Krump's back, although their rifles are not that great at getting through his thick armor*
*The Archon, who got off the Raider with the Kabalites, facepalms with disgust at this whole display*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/22 09:44:25

Post by: Selym

*While Krump, er... krumps the Drukhari skirmishers, a new green flash of light nearby spits out several Shoota Boyz*

Boss! We'z found you! An' we'z brought backup!


*This distraction caused Krump to pause, allowing several Mandrakes to catch up with him and yank him to the ground from behind and to his sides. They proceeded to try to stab him to death while he rolled around flailing like an extra-swole turtle that could cut through terminator armour. The Boyz took this fantastic opportunity to prove themselves and fired their shootaz straight at this total clusterfeth*

Boss we'z got yew! Dakkadakkadakkadakka!


Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/22 15:02:06

Post by: War Kitten

*The Kabalites, seeing this complete and utter cluster in the middle of the field, shrug and begin firing at both the Boyz behind Krump, and the Krump/Mandrake pile*
*Several of the Mandrakes got crushed by Krump's rolling, leaving behind an unpleasant oily smear on the ground*
*one enterprising Mandrake is sort of standing on top of Krump as he rolls, and he's desperately trying to keep his footing as he rolls, sort of like the log rolls on a lot of obstacle courses*
*the Archon, feeling a bit invigorated by all this pain, darts towards the Ork Boyz and starts attacking them with a Huskblade*

*in the Room DeQuest mutters something about not letting them take you alive*

Our Avatars in a Room (Mk3) @ 2018/04/22 15:09:25

Post by: Selym


*Krump is now utterly enraged by both his Boyz and the Kabalites, and, getting up while still under fire from both, tries to figure out which group he ought to kill first. It's his ladz.*



*The Boyz, still shooting at their enraged leader*

We'z only tryna help!

*Krump barrels into the mob and begins wrecking face*