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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/04 04:06:38

Post by: Davor

Seeing how this went very well in the Age of Sigmar forums, I thought I would try it here. I was finally able to get the new Lord of the Rings starter set. Last week I scored and found my old metal minis that I forgot about and in some cases didn't know I had and my lovely wife bought them for me ages ago.

This is what I am starting with. Hopefully my depression will not get the best of me and I will be able to start painting and modelling on a consistent bases now. Here is what I am starting with.

Let's see what everyone here is working on. Even if you don't have pics say what you are working on. Let's keep everyone motivated and show your progress or final pics.

Good luck everyone. Looking forward to see what you have done.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/04 10:52:31

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Nice collection of bits there. How are you going to fix Théoden's sword?

Personally working on the Nazgúl of Dol Goldur currently. Love how easy they are to paint.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/04 10:59:10

Post by: Oppl

I'm working on expanding the Pelennor Fields box in all directions by adding heroes and more troops. I don't have a pic to hand but at present it's at...

Witch King 0/1
Gothmog 2/2
Morannon Banner 1/1
Morannon Captain 1/1
Morannon Orcs 18/36
Mordor Troll 1/1
Easterlings 7/7

Theoden 2/2
Hama 1/1
Gamling 2/2
Eowyn 1/2
Rohirrim Cavalry 2/12
Rohirrim Infantry 4/13

Ghost Infantry 20/20
Ghost Banner 2/2
Ghost Cavalry 2/2
'The Three Hunters' - 3/3

The numbers indicate how many are actually painted versus how many I've got. I'm now bogged into university plus work so my pace of work is going to rapidly slow down, but I'm really happy at how far ahead I've got and how much of the forces I've got actually painted. I've developed a lightning fast technique for effectively painting the Morannons, so that's helped.

Look forward to seeing what everyone else is up to.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/04 17:12:21

Post by: judgedoug

Assembled, converted, and painted up all these in a few days last week.

Now I'm working on a Cirith Ungol Black Uruk force led by Shagrat.

[Thumb - lotrruins1.jpg]
[Thumb - lotrruins2.jpg]
[Thumb - lotrruins3.jpg]
[Thumb - lotrruins4.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/04 19:30:15

Post by: Davor

Inquisitor Gideon wrote:Nice collection of bits there. How are you going to fix Théoden's sword?

I don't have a clue yet. I am hoping when I go through all my plastic bits from Mines of Moria I might see something there I can use to fix the sword. I am surprised they way I neglected these minis, it's only one broken sword.

Great work there Judgedog.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/04 22:36:37

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Davor wrote:
Inquisitor Gideon wrote:Nice collection of bits there. How are you going to fix Théoden's sword?

I don't have a clue yet. I am hoping when I go through all my plastic bits from Mines of Moria I might see something there I can use to fix the sword. I am surprised they way I neglected these minis, it's only one broken sword.

Great work there Judgedog.

You could do a headswap, cut away the scabbard and drill out the hilt and make an alternative standard bearer.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/05 12:49:44

Post by: Haanz

Just about there with my High Elves army. I've gotten the Infantry and most of the Heroes sorted, and now I've only got 4 Rivendell Knights and mounted Elrond left to do for my 800pts list, which I'm hoping to finish by the end of the month (and then get started on my spooky scary Angmar project).

First batch of High Elves I did (when this was only going to be a Battle Company

Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond and Gil-Galad, plus 8 Spears, Bows and Swords



Arwen (she's had her face re-done since this), Captain, Banner


Test Mini for my Rivendell Knights



Edit: Putting images in spoiler tags

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/05 13:19:13

Post by: Oppl

Wow - what a beautiful army you've got there. And the bases really round them off too. Stunning work.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/05 13:49:52

Post by: Davor

Great work Haanz. Thanks for sharing. I am worried now about posting my finished product. LOL.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/07 16:41:40

Post by: AnomanderRake

Too many things on my desk right now so I'm working on prioritizing. Mordor and the Grey Company are first into the queue since they should be relatively straightforward (unless I decide to start freehanding the Eye onto some shields), will post some pictures later on.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/07 18:29:18

Post by: ValentineGames

I'll wait until I can afford the rulebook and army book...in other words when the PDF's are on the net.
Then I'll grab some perry stuff and use the rules for medieval and Napoleonic stuff

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/07 21:08:46

Post by: AnomanderRake

ValentineGames wrote:
I'll wait until I can afford the rulebook and army book...in other words when the PDF's are on the net.
Then I'll grab some perry stuff and use the rules for medieval and Napoleonic stuff

If you're trying to use the ruleset for historical purposes you can get away with older versions of the book just fine, most of the changes in the new version are to magic and specific unit stats.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/09 10:49:13

Post by: CragHack

Please, hide your pics under spoiler tabs.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/09 16:00:39

Post by: judgedoug

In the last week, got my Cirith Ungol force assembled and about 95% painted. should finish them up tonight.

[Thumb - cirithungol_wip.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/09 16:41:24

Post by: Haanz

That's looking awesome, judgedoug! Great theme, very morbid. The shields add a lovely spot colour too without overbrightening them or taking away from the muted, miserable palette.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/09 19:22:21

Post by: Davor

Wow great job there judgedoug.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/10 16:26:40

Post by: judgedoug

Thanks guys! They are finished, awaiting a matte coat. I will get some more pics and post them tonight or tomorrow.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/11 11:05:44

Post by: Haanz

Update time!

The Knights of Rivendell are now finished, putting my Rivendell army somewhere in the region of 1000pts.

All I need to do now is paint Mounted Elrond, and I'll have everything I need for my planned 800pts army - still a whole load of bits and bobs to do (Glorfindel foot and mounted, Arwen mounted, alternate Elrond, and I've got about 4 each left of the other types of Elves, and I'm still unsure if I'm not going to go back and add Elven Shields to my two-handed blade guys) - but none of this is super-mandatory for the short term, and I've got a whole Angmar force to paint next and some eBay Goblins to rescue for some Mines of Moria scenario play.



Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/11 14:32:19

Post by: Oppl

Those look superb, you should be so proud of them. As I mentioned before the bases in particular are just terrific and match the beautiful aesthetic of the elves themselves. You're tempting me down the Elven rabbit hole which I have no time for!!

On my side of things, I finished another 5 Morannon Orcs (have developed a super fast technique for them), the Witch King plus his base (no beast yet), and the single Knight of Dol Amroth.

So far my expanded Pelennor Fields armies are an ongoing WIP and are seen below. There are a bunch of closer pics in the spoiler!


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/11 15:13:37

Post by: judgedoug

Very impressive everyone!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/11 16:37:23

Post by: Haanz

Awesome job, Oppl! Everything is looking amazing so far, and your cohesive basing is just absolutely perfect for Pellanor Fields!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/14 04:16:10

Post by: Sledgehammer

My armies on Parade. It's not amazing, but it's still decent.


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/15 01:38:17

Post by: weasel_beef

 Haanz wrote:
Update time!

The Knights of Rivendell are now finished, putting my Rivendell army somewhere in the region of 1000pts.

All I need to do now is paint Mounted Elrond, and I'll have everything I need for my planned 800pts army - still a whole load of bits and bobs to do (Glorfindel foot and mounted, Arwen mounted, alternate Elrond, and I've got about 4 each left of the other types of Elves, and I'm still unsure if I'm not going to go back and add Elven Shields to my two-handed blade guys) - but none of this is super-mandatory for the short term, and I've got a whole Angmar force to paint next and some eBay Goblins to rescue for some Mines of Moria scenario play.



These look awesome, keep up the good work man.

I've gotten the new boxed set primed, but got distracted by a different project. Will be getting back to SBG soon enough I hope.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/15 01:54:17

Post by: Oppl

Lovely stuff sledgehammer, those old Numenorians are still some of my favourites. There's an old metal Captain with sword in there, isn't there? The Numenorians (as part of a wider Last Alliance revisit) is one area I'd love GW to redo. Hopefully they'll cover it as they work through the movies.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/15 06:17:45

Post by: Davor

Great job there Sledgehammer. They are really good.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/15 10:07:49

Post by: Haanz

Great work, Sledgehammer! Always great to see SBG getting repped in Armies on Parade.

My next update - I finished Mounted Elrond, meaning I've finished my 800pts Rivendell list now!


This isn't the end of this project.. but it is a reasonable breathing point to stop and go mix it up a bit with another force. I still have a bunch more infantry I could paint and add to (and I'm considering converting some sword and shields, bow and shields, etc), plus an old unarmoured Glorfindel (both on foot and mounted) and a mounted Arwen I'd like to get to sometime - I might wait to see what GW re-release though, as I'd rather like an Armoured Glorfindel, Erestor and a Cirdan to add!

To celebrate finishing up my 800pts of Rivendell, I knocked out a quick 500pts start to my Angmar force over the weekend. 36 Orcs, 2x Barrow Wights, 3x Dead Marsh Spectres, a Shade and the Witch King in his Twilight Form, which, although I generally prefer the Black Rider look (and I'll definitely be adding named Ringwraiths and a Fell-Beast later on), I thought really fitted the aesthetic of the spooky scary Ghosts of Angmar theme better, and so he made the cut for the token solitary foot-slogging Ringwraith.


Next up for the army is the other side of Angmar - Hill Trolls! I've got Burdhur and the three different metal Cave Troll sculpts to do next, which will do for the army for now. After Christmas, I'm hoping to add a couple of big scary monsters like Gulavar or a Fell Beast, as well as the Tainted and Dwimmerlaik.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/15 17:39:47

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Finished the Dol Goldur wraiths, now about 4/5ths done on the second beast. 7 1/2 orcs to go.
The picture has drowned out a lot of the highlights, but you get the idea.

[Thumb - DSCF3015.JPG]
[Thumb - DSCF3017.JPG]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/22 10:41:05

Post by: Haanz

That's a great looking Great Beast of Gorgoroth, Gideon! Love the model, and you've done a terrific job with it!

Here's the latest addition to my Angmar force - Burdhur, Hill Troll Chieftain and one, two, three Cave Trolls to back him up!


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/22 18:37:06

Post by: Davor

Pic didn't show for me Haanz.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/23 08:21:44

Post by: captain bloody fists

some of the projects i've been trying to get finished. Uni work is getting in the way though.

[Thumb - 20180902_174902.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180902_205503.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180930_005701.jpg]
[Thumb - 20181008_223103.jpg]
[Thumb - 20181017_233709.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/23 09:26:06

Post by: Haanz

Davor wrote:
Pic didn't show for me Haanz.

Thanks for the heads up! I've edited it now, hopefully that's fixed it.

captain bloody fists - lovely work, especially on the Elves. Also love the classic Ringwraiths, and the Tainted looks great!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/24 00:24:31

Post by: Davor

 Haanz wrote:
Davor wrote:
Pic didn't show for me Haanz.

Thanks for the heads up! I've edited it now, hopefully that's fixed it.

captain bloody fists - lovely work, especially on the Elves. Also love the classic Ringwraiths, and the Tainted looks great!

Oh wow. Great job. Thanks for letting me know you fixed it. I would have missed it.

Very well done there job Captian Bloody fists.

Sadly I am not contributing here. Trying to fight my depresion and instead of just painting sloppliy I am taking my time. You guys are motivating me and excited to try again. Please keep posting. Really loving what I am seeing.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/24 09:02:58

Post by: Haanz

Davor wrote:
Sadly I am not contributing here. Trying to fight my depresion and instead of just painting sloppliy I am taking my time. You guys are motivating me and excited to try again. Please keep posting. Really loving what I am seeing.

Appreciated the heads up! Glad to be helping in a small way. You're doing the right thing taking your time with it and doing it right - you'll be infinitely happier with the results in the end! Looking forward to seeing the results!

That's me done and dusted with my Angmar forces now. 1000pts-ish - Twilight Witch King, Shade, 2x Warrow Wights, Burdhur, 3 Cave Trolls, an Orc Captain, 46 Orcs and an Orc Banner. Has been a fun project, and I'll come revisit it after Christmas I think to add in a Fell-Beast and Gulavar, plus the Dwimmerlaik and Tainted, I reckon.

Pics below (including recaps):

Whole army overview


Spectres, Witch King, Wights:



Burdhur and Trolls


Cave Trolls (back)


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/27 17:36:50

Post by: Davor

Oh my. Haanz you got my paint brushes hiding. That is a great job there. My brushes know what is going to happen now. .

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/10/27 19:11:00

Post by: Johanxp

Great job! Must look a fantastic army on the battlefield!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/11/04 18:26:29

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

Got some models done for my WOTR armies.

Radagast, a Dol Amroth soldier, a Blackroot Vale Archer, and a High Elf Warrior

[Thumb - 45317774_363740534396533_7067138509680672768_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45424866_294280677851299_3574952866760097792_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45393151_307652086735190_4965893942718496768_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45347567_2073056549672125_8851350838782722048_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45313856_2011395982259071_8006469375102025728_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45415558_715346675493141_5108266018317271040_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45398333_115275242724758_1285917821217275904_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45342068_251590602181867_8861669278668029952_n.jpg]
[Thumb - 45434236_359686398133252_6974792422144344064_n.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/11/05 20:43:02

Post by: str00dles1

How was the blue on the elf cape, looks great!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/11/06 03:41:22

Post by: Midnightdeathblade

Vallejo Dark Sea Blue, shaded with straight Drakenhof Nightshade, highlighted with Vallejo Turquoise.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/11/28 12:46:53

Post by: Haanz

Those are some awesome minis, midnightdeathblade! The High Elf looks absolutely perfect, although I particularly love the archer.

I've made a bunch of progress on my Rivendell army, mostly characters (Elladan and Elrohir armoured, foot and mounted, Cirdan, Erestor, Glorfindel robed foot and mounted, as well as adding a bunch of numbers to the army.

For a bit of a change though, I also recently finished some Dark Powers of Dol Guldur for a bit of fun.


Hope you guys like them!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/11/28 16:52:58

Post by: judgedoug

Thranduil's Halls complete.

(I didn't see the bit of fuzz on Thranduil's sword, we'll just pretend it's action lines!)

[Thumb - ThranduilsHalls1.jpg]
[Thumb - ThranduilsHalls2.jpg]
[Thumb - ThranduilsHalls3.jpg]
[Thumb - ThranduilsHalls4.jpg]
[Thumb - ThranduilsHalls5.jpg]
[Thumb - ThranduilsHalls6.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/01 19:39:08

Post by: Blooddragon1981

 judgedoug wrote:
Thranduil's Halls complete.

(I didn't see the bit of fuzz on Thranduil's sword, we'll just pretend it's action lines!)

Stunning collection mate!! Nice painting as well! Some unique models which I do not even recognise from GW site.
See Ur an elven friend. I am more a dwarf enthusiast but Legolas, Elrond and few others in the movies are on my favorites list also.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/07 02:29:45

Post by: ZergSmasher

Some seriously awesome Middle Earth models in this thread!

I painted these a little while back this year; they are my best painted LotR models to date. 5 old metal Easterling Kataphrakts:

I mostly paint and play Warhammer 40k, but it was nice to paint some LotR models for a change. I just wish more people in my area played it. Neither of the two FLGS in my hometown ordered any of the new stuff because there was just no interest from the community.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/07 03:19:55

Post by: Eldarain

Brilliant army Doug! That Thranduil is such an amazing mini. Come close to pulling the trigger a few times and i don't even have any Mirkwood elves.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/10 11:46:37

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Experiencing that lovely feeling when there's only three models left of a long term project to complete. Soon the three tier Mordor army will be finished.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/20 18:56:01

Post by: judgedoug

Painted a ton of models last night after work in preparation for my group starting the Isildur's Heir mini campaign. Tonight - Arathorn gets killed!

[Thumb - isildursheir.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/24 15:25:04

Post by: brimstor

Working on a list for Adepticon. I’m brand new to MESBG and have not played a game yet.

Here are 27 Hobbit Militia that I have completed over the last couple weeks. I also have the Three Hunters painted.

Bad pic, but I’m pretty happy with them for the time I put in them. No two Hobbits are exactly alike, something is different on each of them.

[Thumb - B9E4E310-9A40-4EB5-8A73-CAAAC2D47F67.jpeg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/28 01:22:45

Post by: Paradigm

Nice to see such a variety of projects being worked on following the revival. That Mirkwood army is awesome.

About to dive back into some LotR myself, as was perhaps inevitable following the traditional Christmas trilogy viewing... Picked up a set of the original (mostly, a couple are later versions) Fellowship metals on ebay as well as the ft/mtd Gandalf The Grey, so I'll be doing those up to what will hopefully be a better standard than my original BGiME copies! Looking forward to finally painting the mounted Gandalf as well, such a great model that child-me could never afford with pocket money!

Pics incoming as soon as I have some finished...

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/30 18:12:15

Post by: Paradigm

As promised...

The first mini in my 'let's do this LotR thing again' project. Really more of a test, as I'll probably use the other Gandalf sculpt as part of the Fellowship, but still pretty pleased with it. And amazed once again at the likenesses on minis getting on for two decades old!

Any thoughts welcome!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2018/12/31 04:55:02

Post by: Eldarain

Beautiful work.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/01/01 18:28:11

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Paradigm it is simply stunning! Great quality.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/01/05 22:09:46

Post by: Paradigm

Aaand done:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/01/06 17:10:36

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Great painting Sir!
I assume this is in the Moria theme?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/01/06 22:46:43

Post by: Paradigm

Pretty much. I'll be swapping out the Helm's Deep Aragorn for a Fellowship one shortly.

In other news, the new Theoden paints up a treat. Really enjoyed this one.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/01/11 22:09:38

Post by: SamusDrake

Brother got me a copy of ROTK rule book(2003) last year and its still in brand-new condition. We have more than enough games to be playing, and miniatures to paint, but if GW re-releases the Shelob set as plastic we might give the "In the Clutches of Shelob" mission a go. I'll keep this thread in mind and post up pictures if that happens.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/01/11 23:25:27

Post by: Eldarain

More brilliant work Paradigm.

I have signed up for a tournament at the beginning of March.
Work begins on an all mounted Rivendell force. Pics as I go.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/01/15 11:54:27

Post by: Haanz

Updates aplenty!

I've been busy and done heaps of stuff for my Rivendell and my Angmar forces lately, and a couple other pieces too. Have been a bit lax with posting here over the past month or so, and there's a bit much to cover, so I've probably missed some things.



12 Warriors with Elven Blade and Shield (minor weapon conversions)

Bowstrings/Spears on my Archers

Arwen on Asfolath

Glorfindel foot/on Asfolath

Armoured Elladan/Elrohir, mounted and on foot

Cirdan and Erestor


The Tainted, foot and mounted

The Dwimmerlaik, foot and mounted

The Witch King of Angmar, foot and mounted

The Witch King of Angmar, on Fell Beast

Generic Ringwraith on Fell Beast (magnetised heads)

Warg Riders and Warg Dismounts


Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Moria Goblins (for scenario play)

Aragorn, foot and mounted (for an impending Grey Company force)

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/01 07:29:02

Post by: AUGmaniac

Well, figured I would share my project.
Here is the Rohan army I have built right now.
6x Royal Guard
7x Riders
7x Riders

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/01 15:51:56

Post by: tneva82

Been painting 500 pts mordor force(plus extra hero) since yesterday. Need to start thinking about skin of orcs soon

[Thumb - tmp-cam-7393295732378074985.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/01 23:13:03

Post by: Sledgehammer

Finished painting up the Wardens of Minas Tirith, and 22 Gondor warriors (Only 22 because my cat destroyed 2 of them ). I've got 12 Citadel Guards primed and ready.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/03 18:28:16

Post by: Johanxp

Painting a Haradrim army (almost finished) and a Gobin Town Army!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/12 11:14:00

Post by: Haanz


My Grey Company army is now finished! Three Hunters, Elladan and Elrohir, Halbarad with Evenstar Banner and 10 Rangers with Spears. Bang on 1000pts. Should make a fun (though totally bonkers) low mini count match for my Dol Guldur force!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/12 11:17:15

Post by: Paradigm

Nice, that's a really cool army!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/13 12:17:41

Post by: Paradigm

Mounted Theoden from Pelennor. Love this model, such a great example of what the plastics can do. Really looking forward to picking up the new Three Hunters and Eowyn if they're this good.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/13 12:59:04

Post by: Haanz

Great looking mini, well executed!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/13 19:40:42

Post by: SamusDrake

Paradigm, that is a professional job.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/02/13 19:50:12

Post by: Paradigm

Cheers guys, I'm really pleased with how he came out. It was a delightful model to work on though, so crisp. Normally, I find larger minis (and especially cavalry, with so many extra textures and surfaces going on) a bit daunting, but painting this one was a pleasure from beginning to end.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/03/04 20:55:51

Post by: Eldarain

In classic Eldarain fashion I had 2 models painted last Monday and my first tournament on Saturday morning.

Super happy I was able to power through and get fully painted in time and even got some best army votes!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/03/22 21:24:04

Post by: Paradigm

Gandalf and Pippin on the walls of Minas Tirith. 'Guard of the Citadel indeed'. When I realised how well these minis filled a shared base, I had to capture that scene.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/03/24 16:51:01

Post by: Bacon Man

It's my first conversion but i think this Thorin models lends itself quite well to being mounted.
Ive still got some work to do but if anyone has any suggestions hen please let me know!


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/03/25 11:34:56

Post by: Haanz

Some excellent green stuff work there on that Thorin, Bacon Man! Love it.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/03/25 13:42:24

Post by: infinite_array

So I decided to jump feet first into the game. Picked up the Pelennor Fields box to start Mordor, and selling the Good side to a fellow player. I also ordered the Morannon Command, the Gothmog pack, the Gorbag and Shagrat pack, and two packs of Orc Trackers.

I also got a box of Mordor Orcs (which a local store has on the self for 20% off, and it's the old 24 man version. I may go back and grab their Warriors of Minis Tirith box as well...), which I'd like to use to convert a group of Warg Riders into all having swords.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/04/01 15:45:38

Post by: Haanz


Foremost, an updated 'family photo' of my Rivendell Elves. To date, the painted collection now consists of:

Gil-Galad (foot, mounted), Armoured Glorfindel (foot and mounted), Unarmoured Glorfindel (foot and mounted), Elrond (foot and mounted), Armoured Elladan and Elrohir (foot and mounted), Erestor, Lindir (unarmoured, on foot), Cirdan, Gildor and Arwen (foot and mounted), High Elf Captain, Banner, 6 Rivendell Knights, 12 Warriors with Shield, 12 Warriors with Spear and Shield, 12 Warriors with Bow and Spear and 8 Warriors with Elven Blades.


At this point, I'm just about fully complete, and I don't see myself expanding for a short while. I'd quite like to convert an armoured/mounted Lindir sometime, I'd like to do a warband of 12 Exiles to hang out with Gildor and I'd quite like to do some proper dismount minis for my Rivendell Knights with black cloaks, but that's about it.

I also expanded out my mini collection of Moria goblins into a fully fledged army, adding more Archers, a Command set, the Goblin King of Moria, a couple Giant Bat swarms and, of course, the Balrog.


I'm realising now that it's been a while since I posted a proper update here. Going at a much slower pace than my previous armies, I've also started work on a small Iron Hills project, which I'd rather like to get together for an event come September (or much earlier), but seeing as it's largely a passion project that is very much surplus to requirements at this point, I'm trying to take my time with it and not get too burnt out. Anyway, I have Dáin (foot and mounted) plus six Spearmen done at this stage.






Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/04/01 21:46:31

Post by: Eldarain

Inspiring as always fellows. As always my hobby time is scattered across multiple systems but focusing on an alternative Return of the King scheme next.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/04/03 12:08:00

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Oh boy Haanz!! Superb armies! I am just starting with Middle-Earth and I am thinking of a dwarf and some Evil army.
Great themes as well.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/04/15 16:17:53

Post by: Haanz

Finished my first batch of Iron Hills. 12 Warriors and Dáin!


Painting those 12 Iron Hills Warriors was a lot more taxing than I expected it to be though. As a change of pace and a palette cleanser, I decided to paint the missing minis I needed to make a full (cinematic version) White Council.


Just a shame my Saruman has my 'Evil army' basing scheme. I do have a 'White Council' version of him that I could paint, but I don't think he's as good as the original sculpt. I would like to paint my Elrond from the foot and mounted kit to replace my Last Alliance one though, and it annoys me that I now have two Gandalf the Grey (this one, and the Khazad Dúm one) minis and neither have his hat.

Ah well. 9 Mounted Ringwraiths for a narrative campaign are next!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/04/15 16:18:38

Post by: Bacon Man

Just finished a Dwalin conversion up. I didnt know how it really would turn out but i like the pose as it seems like he's on the back swing after slapping an orc! I used quite a few different bits from the goat rider kits and Dwalin champion of erebor kit.

Im very simple and cant resize the images so here's a link


Sorry about the quality of the pics. I can get more on request

EDIT: I can't figure out images...

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/04/16 15:25:56

Post by: infinite_array

All done with my Mordor army, for the moment!

I've now got:

Gothmog, Foot & Mounted
Morannon Captain
Morannon Shaman
Morannon Banner Bearer
Orc Drummer
x6 Orc Trackers
x36 Morannon Orcs
Mordor Troll

I'm thinking of putting together a Morgul Knight box, and I've been considering leaders. I think I'm going to go with a generic Ringwraith, if I can find a foot and mounted version. Also, Unreleased Miniatures just came out with some really cool looking Black Hearted Men which are obviously dismounted Morgul Knights.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/05/03 11:16:23

Post by: Haanz






Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/06/16 23:03:16

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

So Mordor is just about done now.

[Thumb - DSCF3103.JPG]
[Thumb - DSCF3108.JPG]
[Thumb - DSCF3115.JPG]
[Thumb - DSCF3129.JPG]
[Thumb - DSCF3144.JPG]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/06/19 11:34:56

Post by: Haanz

That is glorious, Gideon! Nicely done!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/06/19 23:41:25

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Thanks Haanz, much appreciated. Still toying with the idea of adding a Khandish contingency to make it an even four. But the thought of those chariots in metal is...eugh to me.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/06/20 11:05:36

Post by: Haanz

More Iron Hills!

After a brief stint finishing up a bunch of stuff for The Horus Heresy, I'm back to working on this Iron Hills army. My newest additions are three Goat Riders:




Aaaand the three dismounts:



And here's how the army as a whole are looking now:



Just a Ballista, 5 Crew, a Banner and a Captain left to do! Though I might take a short break from painting metal and work on a pair of Ent pals for Treebeard first.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/04 10:36:09

Post by: Haanz

The Iron Hills are finished!


I also did some Ents:


Next up for Middle-earth, I'm going to be working on getting some more minis ready for a Fellowship of the Ring Narrative campaign - a couple bits of terrain, some Watcher tentacles, and then Lurtz + renovating some okayish Uruk Hai Scouts that I found for cheap on eBay.

Then it's onto Azog's Legion!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/04 11:29:33

Post by: Paradigm

That's a lovely collection of Dwarves there! Ents look great too.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/23 15:45:12

Post by: Haanz

"Find the Halflings!"


24 Uruk Scouts and Lurtz finished up. Must say, I didn't much enjoy painting these (much like my Orcs), but I'm really happy with how they look together on the table. Extremely tempted to paint up a few extras and make a proper army out of them!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/23 23:52:48

Post by: amazingturtles

They look reallly neat and i totally didn't think that "find the halflings" was what you wanted us to do and i didn't just spend a few minutes looking for hidden halflings in the picture.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/24 08:42:50

Post by: Haanz

 amazingturtles wrote:
They look reallly neat and i totally didn't think that "find the halflings" was what you wanted us to do and i didn't just spend a few minutes looking for hidden halflings in the picture.

Ahahahaha, oh man, it does read that way. I've put it in quotes for now, but now I'm thinking I might start painting some halflings to hide in all my phoots...

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/24 12:18:50

Post by: Slinky

Brilliant, those Uruks are amazing!

I've spent about a year not getting any painting done, just easing myself back in with some Army of the Dead, just a single wash:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/26 01:56:46

Post by: amazingturtles

 Haanz wrote:
 amazingturtles wrote:
They look reallly neat and i totally didn't think that "find the halflings" was what you wanted us to do and i didn't just spend a few minutes looking for hidden halflings in the picture.

Ahahahaha, oh man, it does read that way. I've put it in quotes for now, but now I'm thinking I might start painting some halflings to hide in all my phoots...

As someone who grew up with "where's waldo" books, i'm not going to say no!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/26 03:07:41

Post by: Argive

Wow These are all great. I cant wait to get some of the collection I have painted.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/26 09:21:07

Post by: tneva82

Painting 15 moranon orcs and 6 warg riders testing out incorporating contrast paint to my painting process.

But real meat starts probably next week(weekend by latest) as I got totally nutty idea of doing tale of 4 gamers by myself so to speak Isengard, Lothlorien, Minas Tirith and Serpent horde in 4 months aiming for ~1000 pts each(more isn't denied).

Lists drawn up(including what additions I still need) and what to paint for each each month...

This is going to be nuts. Over 200 models in 4 months for 4 totally different looking factions. Good thing 40k side is quiet now for me.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/26 09:44:46

Post by: Paradigm

 Haanz wrote:
 amazingturtles wrote:
They look reallly neat and i totally didn't think that "find the halflings" was what you wanted us to do and i didn't just spend a few minutes looking for hidden halflings in the picture.

Ahahahaha, oh man, it does read that way. I've put it in quotes for now, but now I'm thinking I might start painting some halflings to hide in all my phoots...

You could always track down the Hobbit-carrying Uruks from the Breaking of the Fellowship... you might need to sell a spare limb/organ or two to afford them though, I have a feeling they're silly expensive. Great army though.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/26 13:00:32

Post by: Oppl

 Paradigm wrote:
 Haanz wrote:
 amazingturtles wrote:
They look reallly neat and i totally didn't think that "find the halflings" was what you wanted us to do and i didn't just spend a few minutes looking for hidden halflings in the picture.

Ahahahaha, oh man, it does read that way. I've put it in quotes for now, but now I'm thinking I might start painting some halflings to hide in all my phoots...

You could always track down the Hobbit-carrying Uruks from the Breaking of the Fellowship... you might need to sell a spare limb/organ or two to afford them though, I have a feeling they're silly expensive. Great army though.

They're great models from an age when GW did thematic box sets for LOTR - my all time favourites.

You can find them on eBay every now and again. If you don't mind stripping models you'll be in luck. There are also full, complete 'Ambush at Amon Hen' boxes that go up every so often. Honestly, for long OOP metal models in a combined box set with some awesome models (dying Boromir!) the price it goes for really isn't bad. I picked a box up years ago and still have the two Hobbit-carrying Uruks to paint up at some point...

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/26 14:51:14

Post by: tneva82

Yeah it was sweet time. Lotr as it was then would likely not be done now with gw's plastic insistance. All those variants would be too expensive on plastic.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/28 17:47:23

Post by: Fajita Fan

How much terrain is typically used for LotR these days? I have a pair of WHFB graveyard sets and a 6x4 grass/broken houses gaming mat to work it. Is that enough for starting out?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/07/31 22:56:05

Post by: amazingturtles

 Fajita Fan wrote:
How much terrain is typically used for LotR these days? I have a pair of WHFB graveyard sets and a 6x4 grass/broken houses gaming mat to work it. Is that enough for starting out?

I'm kinda curious about this as well. I don't have any past experience to compare it with so it would be nice to know what amount makes for a good game

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/08/08 09:37:41

Post by: tneva82

Been on a painting spree. 13 uruk's, saruman, 13 minas tirith and 17 lothlorien elves plus working bits and pieces on Mumak. Damn that model takes some painting! Dreading already the base...

Like the grey that space wolf grey contrast got. 2 coats of that. Took hefty amount of bottle contents.

Now just the howdah etc...Urgh. Also 30 more uruk's and Brima on the painting table atm.

[Thumb - IMG_20190806_193519[1].jpg]
[Thumb - uruk leaders.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/08/08 10:47:38

Post by: Slinky

I really like Saruman, he's looking great!

I've finished my Army of the Dead:

and got Gimli done as well!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/08/15 13:26:31

Post by: amazingturtles

Excellent gimli! (gimlis?)

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/08/15 14:43:30

Post by: tneva82

Some of models finished lately. Minas tirith warriors and knights nearly done so starting on next lothlorien batch

More pics behind signature link

[Thumb - tmp-cam-2328334542432121076.jpg]
[Thumb - tmp-cam-7332304490815069510.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/08/19 19:09:22

Post by: Fajita Fan

Finally found the guys I started about 8 or 9 years ago. Now I figure any guys I need to convert I can do so from the guys who aren’t yet based.

Any suggestions about what I need to make? I bought the new Theoden model to assemble too.

[Thumb - 8F0FEEF4-D2A9-49F6-AB7D-19627A808711.jpeg]
[Thumb - 5B17F05A-8D97-4F08-8CD2-D4A362D0697A.jpeg]
[Thumb - 1CE3032A-974E-484D-B0A2-E87BADF153B7.jpeg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/08/29 03:33:39

Post by: Rygnan

Last night I finished Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad, and with that my Grey Company is 100% completed for good. Only 1 Ranger model to paint in Arathorn for some earlier time period theme lists, but the Pelennor era army is done alongside my Dead of Dunharrow.

[Thumb - 20190829_132400.jpg]
[Thumb - 20190829_132828.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/08/29 07:53:32

Post by: Slinky

Excellent work, well done! That's one of the few Aragorns I don't have

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/09/23 11:17:32

Post by: Haanz

Been a while since I had an update - it's been all quiet on the Middle-earth front since I finished my Iron Hills, but here's something I've been working on recently.

Armoured Azog on White Warg conversion using the finecast GW mounted Azog and the armoured Azog from the 'Azog vs Thorin' mini-diorama piece from ForgeWorld.




Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/09/23 12:57:43

Post by: Slinky

He looks great! Very mean indeed

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/09/24 18:23:06

Post by: Mr_Gimli

Wow that azog is something special!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/10/04 13:10:55

Post by: amazingturtles

He's great, and very nice work on the swampy looking base!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/12/17 13:56:10

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Well...maybe it is not the easiest or smallest of projects at a restart with miniature gaming hobby but I always wanted this guy done and painted.

Treebeard WIP.



Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/12/17 15:35:55

Post by: Slinky

Well done, he's coming on nicely!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/12/19 11:32:41

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Treebeard done! Had loads of fun painting him even though I was a bit stressed at the start cause it is my first painted mini since a while and I did not want to ruin it.




What you think guys?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2019/12/20 11:40:46

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Not sure my last post actually showed in the thread so posting again.

Completed my Treebeard, had loads of fun and I was thinking on moving to some elves now, but like Dwarves more tbh

Pictures are bit dull but in fact the colours are bit more lively.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/01/17 04:44:35

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Greetings everyone. Here's an example of my Mordor color scheme:

I'm enjoying all the pics, keep the progress flowing.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/19 13:56:46

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Hey everyone. Going to join this thread as I've recently got back into LOTR miniatures. I scored an original 2001 fellowship of the ring on ebay today, aswell as sauron and isildur/elendil, and I also got the forge world azog vs thorin for Christmas, which I am working on currently and planning on entering thorin into golden demon in May.

Here's some shots of his face, aswell as a base I've made for him.

[Thumb - Screenshot_20200215-170658.png]
[Thumb - Screenshot_20200215-170725.png]
[Thumb - Screenshot_20200215-170713.png]
[Thumb - DSC_1963.JPG]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/20 01:04:55

Post by: Argive

That's a sick base! What did you sue for moss? (actual moss? )

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/20 07:18:58

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thanks! Well the moss on the actual branch cut off is genuine lichen on the branch. The foliage on the base is from a basing set from Oliver spaeth. You can buy his basing sets on etsy, but I believe they're just a mix of basing materials you buy from model shops.

The more I look at it though the more I wonder if thorin would look right on it...

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/20 08:24:28

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Almost there.

[Thumb - IMG_20200220_081503_307.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/20 09:25:58

Post by: Slinky

He's looking really great!

I've picked up a brush for the first time in ages, working on some Uruk Hai scouts, pics to follow...

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/24 09:15:51

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

So I decided against using the forest base for Thorin as I don't think it suited him. I will use the forest base for one of my vintage fellowship models instead. I decided to make my own ice base for him and Azog, because although the one provided by forge world in the kit is nice, I didn't feel that it represented the river ice in the scene.

I think my resin was past its best, and the pour didn't cure particularly well, but with a little sanding, varnish, and snow effect to cover any areas beyond easy repair, I managed to get it looking something like.

[Thumb - IMG_20200224_083255_895.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200224_090301_844.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200224_090008_157.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/27 05:29:16

Post by: Shadowbrand

I have a Haradrim and Isengard army in a shoebox that's been there since 2012. I kinda wana get back into Lotr. But no one in my area plays.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/02/28 15:32:18

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

You have two armies. Taken them down to the store and try demoing a few games and see what response you get.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/01 23:22:55

Post by: RazorMind

Finished my Cave Troll today

[Thumb - CaveTroll.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/02 08:51:21

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Almost done with thorin and Azog. Few more days to a week I reckon. Then it's onto the fellowship!

[Thumb - IMG_20200302_083623_200.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200302_083510_645.jpg]
[Thumb - DSC_0009.JPG]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/04 08:21:11

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Getting legolas ready. I'm planning on entering him into golden demon in May. The base is made from a piece of tree branch I found on my walk to work after the storms we've had here. Iattached it to a plinth base, stained it with oil paints and applied foliage.

[Thumb - IMG_20200304_075635_355.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200304_075742_022.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/04 14:57:28

Post by: Oppl

One of the first LOTR metal models I ever owned, and its till holds up so well today! The Perry brothers really knocked it out of the park with the LOTR range.

Best of luck to you!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/04 15:40:32

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

 Oppl wrote:
One of the first LOTR metal models I ever owned, and its till holds up so well today! The Perry brothers really knocked it out of the park with the LOTR range.

Best of luck to you!

Thanks! yeah I love the original fellowship models! the new ones are nice but these just hold a soft spot for me. managed to get an original in box off ebay!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/07 14:23:17

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thorin and Azog finished.

[Thumb - IMG_20200307_084424_950.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200307_141618_867.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200307_084825_115.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200307_140222_038.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200307_084042_110.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/07 14:25:49

Post by: Slinky

Very nice, I really like the ice effect

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/07 14:39:01

Post by: Paradigm

Brilliant stuff!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/07 15:42:23

Post by: amazingturtles

That ice looks great, and so do both of them! With the way it's set up right now, I'd be betting on Azog.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/05/07 18:17:55

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Great stuff mate! The base, the winter scenery really impresses!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/08 08:40:10

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thanks everyone.. Maybe another day I'll make one with azog under the ice.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/09 09:47:10

Post by: Haanz

Amazing! That looks incredible!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/09 13:35:53

Post by: queen_annes_revenge


I had to take legolas off the branch base, as I felt that it was too large for him. however, that gave me a great excuse to buy radagast and his rabbit sleigh, so stay tuned!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/20 08:40:16

Post by: Slinky

I got a pile of Uruk Hai done

24 Scouts:

A battering ram:


And Lurtz!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/20 10:13:57

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Finished legolas. I was planning on entering him into the middle earth category at golden demon, but now wh fest is cancelled I didn't go as crazy as I normally would. I will probably return to him at another point and touch him up a little.

[Thumb - PicsArt_03-20-10.07.59.png]
[Thumb - PicsArt_03-20-10.09.22.png]
[Thumb - IMG_20200320_081759_877.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200320_082553_884.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200320_100234_982.jpg]
[Thumb - PicsArt_03-20-10.24.52.png]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/20 10:53:26

Post by: Slinky

Very nice

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/20 13:40:18

Post by: amazingturtles

I honestly like that base a bit more than the bigger one, and i think it fits the figure better in general. The paint job is great!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/20 15:56:26

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thanks! Yeah the base was far too large, and would overshadow the miniature. I've put radagast and his sleigh on that now, and currently painting him. Will post once done. Also planning to make a small vignette of the prancing pony for merry and pippin.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/21 13:35:27

Post by: amazingturtles

I can definitely see radagast on that working a lot better! Heck, it almost seems like it might have been made for him

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/22 09:59:48

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Well, I wouldn't normally buy this model. I find large models like this a bit tedious and I tend to lose interest, but I had to buy it specifically for the base!

Here is a WIP photo, aswell as a WIP of the base I'm making for the standing version.

[Thumb - Screenshot_20200323-074226.png]
[Thumb - Screenshot_20200323-074254.png]
[Thumb - Screenshot_20200323-074125.png]
[Thumb - Screenshot_20200323-074113.png]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/28 17:40:40

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Radagast finished. Nightmare to photograph.

[Thumb - IMG_20200328_171515_255.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200328_171334_765.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200328_110528_391.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/29 14:13:26

Post by: RazorMind

Great Radaghast!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/29 14:14:06

Post by: RazorMind

Moria Goblin King

[Thumb - MoriaKingoftheDeep.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/29 14:55:09

Post by: amazingturtles

Well done on radaghast!

And Razormind, he looks great!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/29 14:59:58

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I like that goblin king model.. Might have to get him at some point.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/03/29 15:30:41

Post by: Oppl

Among the tide of GW characters being mounted on pieces of rock or rubble, this classic model is an example of it actually making sense.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/01 21:18:48

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Been working on a little vignette base over the past week. I plan to make it into the prancing pony Inn.

[Thumb - IMG_20200401_131909_099.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/06 00:29:37

Post by: RazorMind

that will be pretty cool when you are done

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/06 00:36:09

Post by: RazorMind

Made a Barrow mound

[Thumb - BarrowMoundCompleteA.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/06 03:28:40

Post by: Oppl

That's a really cool piece! Do you have the old Fog on the Barrow Downs set? One of my favourites of the old scenario-based boxed sets (which I really wish they never stopped).

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/06 07:39:06

Post by: Slinky

That's super, I really like it

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/06 13:22:16

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Finished my standing radagast vignette. Photos didn't turn out very well. Might take some more later.

[Thumb - IMG_20200406_131022_036.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20200406_130733_576.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/06 14:23:36

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

Mordor Troll. His skin isn't highlighted enough, but he was fun to paint at least.

below him is a Ring Wraith -- they don't seem to be very good in game on their feet, however.

Feedback welcomed.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/07 08:53:26

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I like that troll. The Red contrasts nicely with the armour.
Some better photos of radagast

[Thumb - IMG_20200407_095008_322.jpg]
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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/07 13:06:23

Post by: amazingturtles

He 's amazing! I really like the bird flying off of the tree

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/08 06:13:34

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thanks! The bird comes with the kit. It usually goes on a tree that goes on the rabbit sleigh base, but worked perfectly on this tree.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/09 23:45:38

Post by: RazorMind

Sadly, I do not have that kit. I need Barrow wights too LOL, I built this as I was rereading LOTR and had just finished the Tom Bombadil section LOL

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/19 09:30:38

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Dain Ironfoot.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/19 09:56:36

Post by: Slinky

Good morning to you too, Dain

Very nice work again, love the base!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/20 19:06:27

Post by: amazingturtles

How very friendly of him, good morning, Dain. Your cloak looks very nice, just be careful with that giant hammer around my fine china-

Oh well

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/21 06:59:48

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Ha. well thats what he says when he first turns up in the film. I did have another quote, but ruined it during application. I might change it at some point.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/25 17:52:19

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Did Paladin Took ever visit the Prancing Pony?

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/26 21:05:26

Post by: Johanxp

Wow! A true masterpiece!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/27 15:33:16

Post by: amazingturtles

I mean, he clearly did visit there, i can see him!

Great work as always

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/04/28 15:19:46

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thanks! next up will be the sauron diorama with isildur and elendil.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/05/13 16:46:53

Post by: xKillGorex

That miniature is absolutely stunning. Almost like it’s a shot taken from the Warhammer world exhibition. Nice work chap.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/05/15 08:59:45

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thanks man. I'm planning to enter it into GD diorama category. will need a little tidying before that, but I figure I've got some time now ha.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/05/21 20:54:25

Post by: Paradigm

Nothing on QAR's efforts, but here's the Witch King. Painted him last month after he sat in the Pile of Shame for well over a year. Lovely model, though I was sick of painting grey by the end of it!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/05/22 19:34:23

Post by: Blooddragon1981

Looking good! Clearly you are the ultimate fan of LoTR mate ;-)

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/05/24 14:35:07

Post by: amazingturtles

He's very nice! That is a lot of grey, yeah. I think my favorite part is the beast's tongue, it's good and fleshy looking and gives some nice contrast.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/06/11 22:07:15

Post by: xKillGorex

Fantastic. If mine is half as good as that then il be happy.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/01 04:54:07

Post by: ZergSmasher

Painted Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, just finished them earlier this evening:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/01 07:55:42

Post by: Slinky

Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!

Nice work, I love the subtle blue tones on Goldberry's dress.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/08 20:42:02

Post by: queen_annes_revenge


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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/10 08:31:16

Post by: Johanxp


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/10 19:37:19

Post by: amazingturtles

Tom and Goldberry look so expressive! nicely done, ZergSmasher.

And yeah that's an amazing gollum. He's got his fish! He must be a little bit happy at least

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/14 20:45:02

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Isildur defeats Sauron. Hard to get decent photos of this piece.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/14 22:03:15

Post by: Paradigm

Brilliant stuff. Between the NMM and the paler, brighter colours it almost evokes the mural in Rivendell that depicts that same moment.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/23 13:06:12

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Bilbo. Pretty fun model to paint, and only took 3 days.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/27 21:22:14

Post by: xKillGorex

Looks good my friend. Stunning work once again.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/07/28 08:09:06

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Thanks! that base was only temporary. Here's his final base. A small bag end vignette made using the forge world hobbit hole. I cut it down and mounted it on a piece of shaped and sanded oak plank. I might out some stain on the wood at some point.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/08/01 16:59:27

Post by: amazingturtles

I think a bit of wood stain would look good, yeah. The whole thing is great, of course. That is a hobbit hole and you can tell it means comfort.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/09/01 14:28:08

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Gandalf and Boromir from the original fellowship.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/10/09 05:55:10

Post by: xKillGorex

Love the basing on these mins, basing like that takes a fantastic miniature and take it even higher in the quality levels. Ps love the Hobbit hole too.

Great work again .....

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/10/20 21:10:54

Post by: BertBert

Do you guys know if there is similar scale creep in Middle Earth SBG like in Warhammer/AOS?

Will the original Fellowship look out of place next to newer character models?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/10/20 22:43:00

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I don't think the scale creep is anywhere near as bad. My original fellowship looks fine next to the new personalities of Bree for example.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/10/29 18:45:07

Post by: Kanluwen

I have a Rangers legendary legion in the works. It was going to be armies on parade but the green cloaks were a nightmare to sort out

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/10/30 17:41:51

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Looks nice Kan. I'll be starting him after i've finished Barliman.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/11/28 08:39:09

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

WIP on my own Barliman. Such a nice model. Using mainly oils here.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/12/29 14:57:20

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Barliman and Balin done.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/12/30 09:32:31

Post by: Slinky

Butterbur looks like a fun guy

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2020/12/30 22:55:33

Post by: ZergSmasher

Those are pretty spectacular, QAR!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/01/01 06:46:14

Post by: NH Gunsmith

I am so excited for my Moria stuff to come in so I can start posting in this thread.

Designed my Moria army to be dual use for MESBG and Dragon Rampant, so when I want a beer and pretzels dice roller I can play Dragon Rampant... but when I want something a bit more mentally engaging I can play MESBG.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/01/10 20:32:15

Post by: Johanxp

 NH Gunsmith wrote:
I am so excited for my Moria stuff to come in so I can start posting in this thread.

Designed my Moria army to be dual use for MESBG and Dragon Rampant, so when I want a beer and pretzels dice roller I can play Dragon Rampant... but when I want something a bit more mentally engaging I can play MESBG.

Great to hear! Did you plan to use legendary Moria formation?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/01/12 19:52:54

Post by: Lord Corellia

I've started my Defenders of Helm's Deep. Just gotten them primed so far.

[Thumb - 20210112_112216.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/01/12 19:54:12

Post by: Lord Corellia

Here's some more photos of the other sections.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/01/12 19:55:16

Post by: Lord Corellia

And the last one. Is it just one picture attachment per post?

[Thumb - 20210112_112144.jpg]

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/01/13 15:08:33

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

You can do multiple photos in a post. There should be an add another file option in the post reply page

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/01/14 03:28:44

Post by: NH Gunsmith

Johanxp wrote:
 NH Gunsmith wrote:
I am so excited for my Moria stuff to come in so I can start posting in this thread.

Designed my Moria army to be dual use for MESBG and Dragon Rampant, so when I want a beer and pretzels dice roller I can play Dragon Rampant... but when I want something a bit more mentally engaging I can play MESBG.

Great to hear! Did you plan to use legendary Moria formation?

I had no idea about Legendary Formatioms until I read this post haha. Been scouring the internet trying to read up more on them... The Depths Of Moria formation really doesn't seem fun for casual play in all honesty.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/04/12 14:44:01

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 Lord Corellia wrote:
I've started my Defenders of Helm's Deep. Just gotten them primed so far.

Cool have you made some progress on these?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Here is the paint scheme for my regular ground troops of Mordor

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/04/12 19:44:06

Post by: Slinky

That's going to look very effective in a gang!

What sort of grass is that on the base, it's very "Mordor"

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/04/13 13:51:20

Post by: Shrapnelsmile

 Slinky wrote:
That's going to look very effective in a gang!

What sort of grass is that on the base, it's very "Mordor"

Thanks, they are a charming batch :-)

The reddish brown grass is Army Painter Steppe Grass, the green is AP Field Grass.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/04/19 08:26:05

Post by: lord marcus

Anyone convert fiefdom models, or do any interesting conversions other than the usual "bandages and cloaks for osgiliath veterans"?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/08/12 15:22:24

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Gimli from the original fellowship.

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Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/08/12 15:47:27

Post by: Slinky

That's very special, well done!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/09/24 11:30:43

Post by: boundless08

@queen_annes_revenge that Gimli is astounding!

Hello to everyone! I've just gotten back into the swing of things after a year off the hobby and what started it again for me was picking up the Pelennor Fields boxset. A new gaming store opened up near me and I wanted to support them so when I seen that on the shelves I just dove in. Big fan of the movies and I used to collect the weekly model magazine as a kid(still sad I don't have them anymore!). What's even better is I convinced my partner to start with me as she's a massive fan of the movies too but has never collected warhammer before. She's went for the Good side and I am Evil, just like our relationship I'm sure she'd say.

I've a zoom catchup with my hobby group this evening and will be starting on some Orcs. I also picked up some choice metal minis from my local second hand market I can't wait to dig into:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/09/24 12:07:30

Post by: Slinky

The Pelennor Fields is a brilliant value bundle, and has a fab set of models.

Some great choices of metals in there too - Poor old Boromir, though

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/10/12 23:01:46

Post by: boundless08

Just wanted to share my first painted models from the Pelennor Fields box. I wanted to dry out different skin types to make the sculpts stand out from each other. I like the yellow and green the best, and a friend suggested to do the rest with a mix between both colours which I will be trying. I've 11 more on my paint station right now primed, metals done and first wash drying:

Also tried out the army of the dead which come together very easily. I did one to show the missus through the steps and she did the other:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/10/12 23:26:04

Post by: CptJake

Nice, can you give me a description of your method for the Army of the Dead?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/10/13 07:03:45

Post by: Slinky

AotD are looking great - I did mine with a single wash, yours have obviously had a bit more attention

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/10/13 07:53:22

Post by: boundless08


@CaptJake I followed the guide on the Duncan Rhodes website. Primed in wraithbone, painted metallics, washed metallics in 50/50 agrax lahmian medium, dryburshed metallics with wraitbone, then all over wash with 50/50 coelia greenshade and lahmian medium, and finally another wash of 50/50 biel tan green and lahmian medium. First time I've ever used lahmian but it works great

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/10/27 11:40:01

Post by: boundless08

I don't mean to highjack this thread so this is the last until someone else shares some progress, but I'm making good strides on the boxset. Troll done and have 1/3rd of the orcs ready for wash phase.

I really enjoyed painting this guy and trying the leathery skin technique but I'm annoyed about the massive seam line in the leg, just wasn't able to get rid of it with what I had. Need to restock some greenstuff before getting another one:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/10/27 21:47:36

Post by: Kanluwen

All honesty, feel free to keep sharing your stuff if it helps you keep on track!

There's never a right or wrong way to share your work in these kinds of threads. LOTR is a game that has a rhythm and flow to people posting about it, in my experience, and when someone is really into it...they get really into it!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/10/31 13:26:00

Post by: Bschwi1

Love your stuff, please keep posting!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/11/22 21:48:50

Post by: Eiríkr

Does any one have the dimensions of the profile cards? I'm so tired of waiting for them to reappear, I'd rather make my own and have them properly printed.

In return, I shall bring forth photographs of my own miniatures before the end of the week.

Thank you, thank you.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/11/25 19:27:32

Post by: Kanluwen

It's been awhile since I posted anything, and a friend who I painted this for had sent me the picture...and I forgot I never uploaded it!

So here's Weathertop, with Nazgul that got matching bases sculpted.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/11/25 19:39:38

Post by: krijthebold

A very good Weathertop.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/11/26 10:55:18

Post by: boundless08

That is very cool Kanluwen

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/11/29 21:28:50

Post by: krijthebold

Hello there, all. I've given myself a bit of a Corsairs of Umbar project to work on.

I've been working on it for a bit, I'll admit that the painted ones are by me. I'm not any great talent at painting, but I do plan on adding some washes.

They were boxed away for a bit but I'm ready to start again


Spoilered because the image was a lot larger than I expected it to be.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/03 03:07:50

Post by: Oppl

The colourful palette suits their background, I think. An Agrax wash would do wonders for sure, they'll look great.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/03 12:38:09

Post by: Slinky

 Oppl wrote:
The colourful palette suits their background, I think. An Agrax wash would do wonders for sure, they'll look great.

Agreed, they are characterful models, and the colours suit them, a wash to add depth will really help

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/03 14:53:12

Post by: krijthebold

Thank you both! I am glad that colors work, they're fun models to paint too.

My new washes are on their way, soon the pirates will have some more depth to them.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/09 04:08:25

Post by: Snrub

 boundless08 wrote:
I don't mean to highjack this thread so this is the last until someone else shares some progress
No, please. Keep going. Your stuff is fantastic!

I really enjoyed painting this guy and trying the leathery skin technique but I'm annoyed about the massive seam line in the leg, just wasn't able to get rid of it with what I had. Need to restock some greenstuff before getting another one:
What was your process for the trolls skin? I've struggled to find any guides on how to do the mordor troll skin.
And you're not wrong about the leg seam. That was a tough bugger to work out. Lots of filling and filing involved.

Kan- Love the Weathertop. It's one of my favourite sets from the movie. Not sure I'll ever be able to get one though. Just too expensive from FW.

Krij- Excellent pirates. Bright bold colours work really well for them.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/12 15:53:59

Post by: Kanluwen


I highly suggest it if you decide you might want one. They redid the mold a few years back. That one went together basically without issues. I know it's expensive, but it definitely felt worth what my friend had paid for it.

Additionally, it basically paints itself. That was an extremely low count on colors, two of which (Grey Seer and Mechanicus Grey) were just spraycans!

I might be doing Amon-Hen for him next year, and if I do? I'll make sure to post progress and WIP photos here.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/13 10:28:14

Post by: boundless08

 Snrub wrote:

I really enjoyed painting this guy and trying the leathery skin technique but I'm annoyed about the massive seam line in the leg, just wasn't able to get rid of it with what I had. Need to restock some greenstuff before getting another one:
What was your process for the trolls skin? I've struggled to find any guides on how to do the mordor troll skin.
And you're not wrong about the leg seam. That was a tough bugger to work out. Lots of filling and filing involved.

Cheers! I followed the video from the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy so would recommend joining that but the base was bugmans glow with the dark bits at the back painted in dryad bark. Where the dark bits ended I stippled it out, then I washed the dark with agrax and the bugman with reikland. The leathery bits at the front were built up first using cadian fleshtone and then kislev flesh. I just thinned a lot on a small brush and painted in lines down the leg. At first it looks awful but you just need to trust in the process I suppose and it came out nice in the end

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/14 07:46:53

Post by: Snrub

Kanluwen wrote:I highly suggest it if you decide you might want one. They redid the mold a few years back. That one went together basically without issues. I know it's expensive, but it definitely felt worth what my friend had paid for it.
Do you have any idea how much it weighed? Or how chunky the box was? Ive got a cousin who lives in the UK, given that its almost 200AUD cheaper to buy it there, I would consider having her ship it over for me. But the postage rate might kill the savings. Especially since FW offers free shipping on it.

I might be doing Amon-Hen for him next year, and if I do? I'll make sure to post progress and WIP photos here.
Keen for that! It looks like a great piece.

boundless08 wrote:Cheers! I followed the video from the Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy so would recommend joining that but the base was bugmans glow with the dark bits at the back painted in dryad bark. Where the dark bits ended I stippled it out, then I washed the dark with agrax and the bugman with reikland. The leathery bits at the front were built up first using cadian fleshtone and then kislev flesh. I just thinned a lot on a small brush and painted in lines down the leg. At first it looks awful but you just need to trust in the process I suppose and it came out nice in the end
Thanks for the run down! I might have to give Dunc's tutorial a gander then. The end results are excellent.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/14 13:42:35

Post by: krijthebold

The knobbly bits on the trolls legs look great.

Natural and also just a little gross.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/15 04:07:26

Post by: Kanluwen

 Snrub wrote:
Kanluwen wrote:I highly suggest it if you decide you might want one. They redid the mold a few years back. That one went together basically without issues. I know it's expensive, but it definitely felt worth what my friend had paid for it.
Do you have any idea how much it weighed? Or how chunky the box was? Ive got a cousin who lives in the UK, given that its almost 200AUD cheaper to buy it there, I would consider having her ship it over for me. But the postage rate might kill the savings. Especially since FW offers free shipping on it.

Asking the hard questions, lol...

I think it was 3-4 lbs? Maybe 6 on the high end?

Surprisingly it came in bags only, no boxes!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/21 18:39:31

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

Two weeks ago, amid frugal Christmas present-making (as befits a Dwarven tightwad), Johan von Elak, a friend of mine, decided that we should meet up in the days between Christmas and New Year, and play Lotr Strategy Battle Game. He had been introduced to the system by a friend, and fell for it. Having tried Lotr SBG, he wondered why he had played clunky Warhammer with its bloated mass of special rules all these years, when such an elegant fantasy wargame existed.

Be that as it may, me and my brother were fired up with enthusiasm. We have collected Lotr for as long as we have collected Warhammer, and the wonderful miniatures and especially Games Workshop's homebrew designs for Lotr (Dwarves, Khand, Easterling Cataphracts and so on) have long captured our imagination. The Perry twins truly know their craft, and they gave us a phenomenal model range to crown their work for Games Workshop before they took their leave to focus on their own historical range. Yet Lotr players around here are few and far between, and no tournament has ever been sighted. As such, our modelling efforts have by necessity become concentrated on Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40'000, which do have players and tournaments. Absolutely lovely as those settings and miniatures are, this has still left us longing for Lotr, even as we piled the boxes and blisters of our Lotr collection higher.

And so, after 18 years in the hobby, we at last have found opponents and a communal drive to convert and paint our Lord of the Rings miniatures!

While Johan goes for the elite forces of Mordor, and my brother paints Easterlings, I have spent at least 8 days of nonstop work from morning to midnight on converting my Dwarven warband for the Christmas games to come, based on the rather shoddy plastic kits. Painting will happen in preparation for some later Lotr event, and so I present to you pictures of these finished conversions. Time was short, and so I declined to work in all the angularities and intricacies I would have loved to do. Drawing inspiration from Games Workshop's own Lotr Dwarf range and from the splendid artworks of Sergio Artigas, I set about decorating the Dwarves. Most importantly, I went for my lifelong love of realism details, and frontloaded their equipment. I also drew on certain Warhammer Dwarf designs such as ancestor faces, because good designs should span settings and not be confined in their outreach.

It is far from perfect work, yet it was not meant to be anything else than fast work, though still completionist in scope of equipment and decorations. These are just quicksculpted personal conversions, not sculpts for casting.

In the process I also happened upon a simple method to give a base for making flapping cloaks, involving plasticard, pinned paper clips, super glue and baking soda. A tutorial can be arranged if the below work in process pictures do not suffice for an explanation: Say the word!

It is so good to at last be back not only to true Dwarven hobby work, but also to Lotr.

And now, heed the blasts of horn!

Cloak making:


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/21 19:28:18

Post by: Slinky

Oh, wow, that's something very special indeed!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/22 19:39:08

Post by: Kanluwen

 Slinky wrote:
Oh, wow, that's something very special indeed!


KNC, you might want to try to track down a copy of "Shadow and Flame". It has a full runic alphabet for the Dwarfs of Middle Earth in there!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/22 21:44:52

Post by: krijthebold

Very, very good greenstuff work and the banners look suitably dramatic.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/23 01:41:18

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

Thank you kindly folks!

@Kanluwen: Oh, I've got Shadow and Flame alright. GW's first Lotr supplement, released during Two Towers. I was astonished to discover the new models and supplement in the hobby store when they were released, and for once splashed out money on all the new Dwarven wonders and Goblin fun. Lovely supplement, lovely miniatures.

Thanks for reminding me about the runic alphabet! Good catch. I'll dig it out for sure. My precious.


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/23 15:53:12

Post by: Kanluwen

I've been trying to find where the heck I put my Armies of Middle-Earth book, found Shadow and Flame instead...so I had just been reading it when I saw your post!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/27 09:34:37

Post by: Karak Norn Clansman

@Kanluwen: What a jolly coincidence!

Khrake and Taghimbur of Zirak Zagul

When I last painted my Warhammer Dwarfs of Karak Norn and similarly blue-red coloured Lotr Dwarves over twelve years ago (hobby work on my friends' and brother's stuff, plus Chaos Dwarfs, Squats and sculpting for casting has kept me away from my core love in the hobby), I was relying upon a black undercoat and inks, with careful highlighting. This took time to paint but delivered stark results. The problem is that most of our Citadel inks have been used up, spilled or dried up, and no replacement inks can deliver the same strong results. As such, I tried to approximate my usual painting style as best as I could with washes (lovely paints, by the way). This proved tricky, since several of my staple paints were either half dry, or out of commission and in need of replacement shopping.

As such, instead of Shadow Grey and its current equivalents, I had to mix dark grey and blue for my blue-grey bases. Likewise, I had to skip Ice Blue/Lightning blue (although I did find a bottle of the latter after highlighting all the blue, fresh and good to use), and applied Space Wolves Grey straight onto Enchanted blue, hoping to pull it together with blue wash. The most time-consuming challenge was the state of my dried up Shining Gold. I considered mixing Mithril Silver into Gehenna's Gold, but noticed that the clumsy dried-but-water-mixed Burnished Gold could still be used for highlights, with a lot of patience. Most colours I highlighted up to their starkest (orange for red, Bleached Bone for skin and so on), and then pulled the bright highlights into the base colours with a wash (red-brown Reikland Flesh for both skin and red cloth, for instance). All bronze/gold and iron/silver areas were given a re-highlighting, but this time I refrained from re-highlighting the entire model after washing/inking as I always used to do, because while it delivered crisp results, it also took a lot of time to pull off. If I shall have any hope of ever fielding a fully painted warband, I need to cut down on re-highlighting after applying washes.

The result is sufficiently close to my usual way of painting Dwarves, with washes instead of inks and a lot less of re-highlighting.

These two test pilots of painting have their names written in the runic Dwarf alphabet/futhark found in Shadow and Flames.

Runic reference:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/27 15:25:47

Post by: krijthebold

That's a beautiful blue color.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2021/12/30 12:06:09

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Those are awesome. Do you have an Instagram or YouTube where I can see more of the sculpting process?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/02 23:36:40

Post by: Eldarain

Incredible work in here. Wow!

I went with a more corporeal look for my Army of the Dead/ Black Numenoreans

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/02 23:47:46

Post by: Paradigm

That's a really cool look for those minis, nice work!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/03 13:08:37

Post by: krijthebold

I just like the idea of using the dead warriors are Black Numenoreans.

Purple wood painted shields are great too, they contribute to the overall frigid and evil feel.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/04 09:50:37

Post by: Slinky

Yeah - Nice idea and great execution!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/04 12:41:51

Post by: boundless08

Those are some of the best Army of the Dead Numenoreans I've seen, fair play.

I've not been up to much since December(which I fully blame on my new christmas PS5) but getting back into it again. Picked up an old school Gothmog on ebay and painted him up last week. First time I've tried painting an eye and it's not perfect but could be worse

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/04 20:04:51

Post by: krijthebold

Great work! I can definitely see that it's an eye. Eye can see?

His expression always looks a bit worried to me.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/12 13:09:37

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

A few of my recent lotr miniatures. Almost finished my 2001 fellowship now

[Thumb - IMG_20220122_212144_161.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220122_220227_658.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220123_133858_228.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220124_094920_119.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20220123_131944_008.jpg]
 Filename IMG_20220130_094851_968.jpg [Disk] Download
 File size 30 Kbytes

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/12 16:15:12

Post by: krijthebold

Go Galdalf, go!

Excellent work

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/12 16:38:14

Post by: Eldarain

Stunning work QAR.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/28 08:03:54

Post by: ZergSmasher

Put the final touches on these two yesterday:

I've decided that Lorien will be my main Good army for the time being, so expect to see me paint more elves in the future.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/28 11:15:35

Post by: Slinky

Very nice, well done!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/02/28 13:20:09

Post by: krijthebold

Excellent job! More elves are worthwhile.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/03/01 16:05:42

Post by: Eldarain

Lovely Elves.

More dead things:

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/03/01 16:11:11

Post by: boundless08

Lovely dead things!

I finished up painting some wargs which are probably the worst LotR sculpts I've come across so far. From the gaps, to the 2 poses and the weird flat part on their back I just don't understand it. I've heard the older metal ones are better so I'll be looking out for those. I tried to greenstuff the gaps with extra fur as best I could and it's not that noticeable from far away. I filled the gaps on one with vallejo plastic putty instead which looked filled before priming but turned out to not be filled at all!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/03/02 14:44:05

Post by: krijthebold

The flat back part is strange. I thought that at first it might be a place for the goblin riders to sit, but no, that's further up.

Great painting work, either way!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/03/03 15:37:11

Post by: Deadnight

I've been looking at lotr for a long time - have about 200 rohan warriors for 'ahem, historicals' along with some high elves.

Anyway nade the decision to expand my lotr and clear out some of my other projects.

Stage 1 is underway now:
Uruk-hai - bought a load of scouts and warriors.

Stage 2 is galadhrim elves (2x boxes,1-2 cavalry boxes and maybe some of the wood elves)

Stage 3 is the dunlendings. 2 of the regulars, the leader on a horse, 2 of the wildlings and if I'm silly enough sone of the fw huscarls.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/03/03 17:54:47

Post by: krijthebold

Sounds like a pretty fun number of projects!

Dunlendings are one I've wanted to try but the FW ones are just a bit too pricey.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/03/04 08:49:09

Post by: Deadnight

 krijthebold wrote:
Sounds like a pretty fun number of projects!

Dunlendings are one I've wanted to try but the FW ones are just a bit too pricey.

Thanks! It just clicked recently that lotr was what I wanted to expand on rather than more 40k or aos which doesn't really interest me. You know they hindsight thing where you realised twenty years later this is what you really wish you'd dived into rather than just buying a few models here or there or just 'liking' it?

My warmachine is complete and I'm looking to sell my infinity stuff...

Yeah to be fair the dunlendings are a bit on the high side. I do love the models though. Even better stand-ins for ^squint^ not-historicals than warriors of rohan.plus 2h weapons.

I'm used to the leaders and characters having the premium but the fw tax is a bit much. They'll be a longer term investment.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/04/24 17:20:00

Post by: ZergSmasher

Finished a trio of Easterlings recently:

Nothing fancy, but I'm happy with them. With the upcoming Defense of the North book coming "soon" (GW's been saying that for a year now though ), I figure it would be nice to have some Easterlings painted by then.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/04/24 17:25:46

Post by: Slinky

They look nice - Is that one of the GW textured base paints?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/04/24 17:38:49

Post by: ZergSmasher

 Slinky wrote:
They look nice - Is that one of the GW textured base paints?

It is indeed. Armageddon Dust, shaded with Agrax Earthshade and highlighted with a drybrush of Terminatus Stone. Real simple to do and looks decent enough.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/04/30 07:31:03

Post by: Olthannon

I picked up some Rohan minis from GW and they arrived yesterday so I painted up a couple of those. They are partly for D&D purposes but also I really want to try battle companies.

I posted these on my painting blog but I figure to pop them in here too.

Love everyone's work in here, those Easterlings look really cool, love the bases.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/04/30 17:36:48

Post by: Slinky

Nice colour scheme, the blue really "pops"!

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/05/01 10:40:06

Post by: krijthebold

Really nice to see more being posted here! Both the Easterlings and the Rohan warriors look great. Blue and white are nice shield colors.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/05/06 17:37:05

Post by: Olthannon

Slinky wrote:Nice colour scheme, the blue really "pops"!

krijthebold wrote:Really nice to see more being posted here! Both the Easterlings and the Rohan warriors look great. Blue and white are nice shield colors.

Thanks both, appreciate it. Just adding the next couple I painted up. My little warband is coming together, going to hopefully pick up some Harad warriors so me and my wife can play battle companies.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/10/10 04:33:34

Post by: Snrub

Putting some time into a group of Riders.

Riders are done, horses are half there.

Turns out horses are quite complex animals to paint. Dozens of shades of dozens of colours and distinct markings/patterns depending on colour. I majorly fell down a rabbit hole when I started looking up colourations.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/10/19 05:54:24

Post by: ZergSmasher

Forgot to post in here when I finished these a month or two ago. Some Wood Elves of Lothlorien:

More pics can be found in my P&M blog.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/10/20 07:30:23

Post by: Slinky

Nice work, both - Keep the Middle Earth banner flying

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/10/20 08:43:12

Post by: Snrub

Elves looking excellent! Always love to see some banner free-handing.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/12/05 19:17:49

Post by: lord_blackfang

Clipped 18 riders of Rohan, mold lines tomorrow.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/12/09 13:00:19

Post by: Bago

I got a it into the Davale Stuff and finished some Mirkwood Elves. Got some more elves and Iron Jills by Davale already in the pipeline


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2022/12/11 09:24:35

Post by: Slinky

I haven't seen the Davale elves before, they look great!

Nice paintjob too, well done

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/03/11 11:04:41

Post by: Slinky

After a long hiatus, I have got a couple of things done...

Invisible ringbearers:


Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/03/13 13:54:04

Post by: Snrub

Bago wrote:I got a it into the Davale Stuff and finished some Mirkwood Elves.
Great work! Those Davale minis are ace. Fit quite well with the GW versions.

Slinky wrote:After a long hiatus, I have got a couple of things done...
Nice one! Really like what you've done with Eomer. You've just reminded me too that i never got around to buying those ring bearer minis. They're still available, so I really should.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/03/26 03:28:23

Post by: ZergSmasher

I, too, have recently joined Davale's Myminifactory tribe. I've only printed a few of their not-Numenoreans so far, but I like what I'm seeing. Here's hoping they do a nice Dragon Emperor that will fit in aesthetically with the GW Easterlings.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/04/02 12:13:58

Post by: BaronVonReichspudding

I'm busy converting a crusader into Turin Turambar, I've finished painting him. Now I just need to convince my brother that he wants to sculpt a dragon for Turin's helm. I'm also finishing my crusader Gondorian army.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/04/28 04:44:50

Post by: Iron_Captain

I have been working on re-starting the Mordor army I got when I was a kid.

I have been working on finally finishing some unpainted Orcs I never got around to and I have re-painted and re-based some of the old, badly painted minis from my childhood army.

So far, I got two warbands of Orc Warriors, a Ringwraith, an Orc Captain and a Banner Bearer. I still have a handful of Orcs and 2 Trolls to go.

I found an old blister with the Knight of Umbar (my favorite of the GW Nazgul characters) and I am planning to get the Battle of Osgiliath box and split it with a friend.

That should give me a decent army to start playing some games with friends again. I am also thinking about getting two of those Orc characters from FW. They seem fun.

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/04/28 12:33:40

Post by: Slinky

Nice! Always good to reclaim the minis we painted in our youths

Any pics?

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/09/06 09:24:47

Post by: SamusDrake

Had a lovely surprise this morning as my brother obtained the original GW books for Fellowship and Towers, which completes a set as we already had Return of the King. I think all told...£4.50 for all three books!

All are pretty much the same book with changes in units and scenarios, but its nice revisiting GW from the days of 2001 to 2003, where one remembers the wait between the movies. The first book's cover doesn't match the other two books, but you can't beat Alan Rickman on his horse - dramatically back-lit - delivering you the ultimatium "join us...or die."

I don't feel that we have the time or money to collect the model range on top of the other games we have on the go, but tokens are always an alternative. When not playing friends and family I do like to indulge in some solo gaming, and giving thought to adding Rangers of Shadow Deep to this little collection...

Report on Your LotR projects. @ 2023/10/30 20:18:35

Post by: Da Boss

Hello all,
I've recently been on a huge SBG kick. Dug out my old miniatures that've been untouched for over 15 years, and have been touching up paintjobs and repairing damage to get everyone fighting fit.

Also decided to take some of my historicals and base them up for SBG and just use them in place of some of the GW model line that I don't really like. Kinda inspired by Wargaming in Middle Earth or whatever it was - those guys on Facebook who do LOTR stuff with no GW minis. I'm not quite such a purist but for example I prefer mail clad Minas Tirith over plate, I like them to look a bit more like the Watchful Peace artwork than the movie design. And I think Easterlings should really be medieval Russians and Steppe people, not what is in the movies, which I think work better for Black Numenoreans.

Also been hacking up and milliputting various Schleich monster figures for some First Age monsters. I'll post pictures when I get around to it, but I'm not a great photographer tbh so I'm never sure of the value of it!