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Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/16 04:07:40

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but I thought I'd share my attempt at making a Keeper of Secrets with Dakka.
I've already been working on this model for almost a month now. I'm using Blender 2.79 to model this, and Shapeways to print
Warning: this thread contains big pictures

My first test prints arrived today! There is going to be a lot of sanding in my near future.

These first renders are in Cycles with materials assigned, no UVs or anything. My next step is rigging and posing.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/16 06:28:39

Post by: Dr. Mills

Looking really good there.

Playing into the "excessive beauty" nicely without relying on 6 breasts, nudity, etc. Including the two pincer arms tie him/her/it was to the demonettes.

Will you be including similar hair to the demonettes, and a pose similar to the new KoS? Dripping with seduction but arms posed for combat would be perfect!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/16 15:30:57

Post by: youwashock

The renders are lovely and the test print looks good. Looking forward to more.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/17 04:32:24

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I don't think hair is in the cards for this one, Dr. Mills.
I still need to do a ton of weight painting, but I can start testing out poses at least. This one is.. Jazz hands?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/17 12:05:09

Post by: Excommunicatus

I think the head, particularly the mask, is inspired.

I think the rest of it is a tired, stock 'sexy demon lady', that doesn't hit many of the defining characteristics of a KoS. Needs more tits, for a start. Needs male characteristics; KoS are androgynous and genderfluid.

You could save yourself some troubles and just put that head on Mierce Miniature's Euralya to achieve much the same effect.


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/17 13:26:50

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Excommunicatus wrote:
You could save yourself some troubles and just put that head on Mierce Miniature's Euralya to achieve much the same effect.
Speaking of 'mostly a naked chick', I always wished Euralya was a little weirder. Or at least more interested in what she's doing, that pose / expression is so meh.

Fluid Fox, I really dig where you're headed and how you're getting there Clearly your take on the ideal Keeper of Secrets differs from Excommunicatus, or GeeDub, or myself, but I see no problem with that in the least - nor do I side with the 'but what about the man bits' camp when it comes to Kippers The render you're playing with is quite slick and the printed head parts look very nice.

I do have a comment on your 3D model, that I don't think strays too far into personal fetish areas, which these debates tend to devolve into: I think her hooves / heels / feet are too dainty. I feel like for her height she would look more balanced with either taller platforms / heels (to also account for where the rest of her foot is; another option would be those ballet-style fetish heels), or maybe wider hooves if you want to think of them as more cloven hooves than shoes. I'm reminded of early UltraForge (the prelude to Creature Caster) hoofed demons, with strangely small little underveloped hooves.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/17 13:39:34

Post by: Excommunicatus

For avoidance of doubt, yeah my opinion is just that; my opinion. I'm not purporting to tell you what to do with your plastic crack and I'm not trying to preach GW orthodoxy. My KoS is in tit-bondage, you know? So you do you.

My comments are only meant to signify that it doesn't necessarily 'read' as a KoS at first glance.

And again, the whole 'masquerade' implication is sublimely delicious.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/21 18:10:28

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe my next keeper will be more Baphomet than Kali. =)
I still need to adjust some of the topology to get a better subdivision, but the modeling is finished. Next step is cutting and printing. I'm looking into a DLP printing service atm, if anyone knows a good one let me know! Seriously let me know because all this sanding is going to kill me.

Video https://youtu.be/m7J8wnCWoR0

Painted test print

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/29 02:59:07

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I have to wait almost a month for my print to show up, so I started working on a daemonette conversion in the mean time.


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/29 03:37:03

Post by: youwashock

Test paint is looking good. I like where that daemonette is going, as well. Lovely sense of motion.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/31 02:26:34

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Some progress on the little daemonette. My first time with scale75 and I'm really liking the mat finish!


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/05/31 03:01:33

Post by: youwashock

I agree. That is looking very nice.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/03 03:25:19

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished my little daemonette. I like how the skin turned out compared to the rest of the model, but thats probably just because I spent more time on it. Maybe a few more layers of that purple oil glaze over the boots while I'm sanding the Kipper? The stuff takes days to dry anyway.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/03 19:38:39

Post by: Fluid_Fox

The print showed up finally, but I somehow forgot to order the mask! Oh well I have enough sanding to do in the meantime. 6.66" is kinda tall. -_-

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/03 20:07:26

Post by: Daemonslave

That looks like a really good print, worthy of the time you put into designing it. I also love the Daemonette conversions, I look forward to seeing more from this log.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/03 20:28:12

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you I'll try to update regularly

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/04 12:13:55

Post by: Excommunicatus

6.66" is 0.16" taller than Zarakynel, measuring to the top of Her left hand.

She's literally a beast. Nice.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/05 23:55:22

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Sanded and ready to prime, and nothing broke!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/07 23:47:53

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Primed with white gesso, then sanded a little to smooth over some of the areas that still looked too printy. My sister loaned me her airbrush which was very nice of her, and saved me a lot of time base coating.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/10 04:32:30

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finishing the base coat for the metals by sacrificing brushes to vallejo liquid gold. I was not prepared for that gak lol

Building up highlights and occlusion shadows on the skin, I'll need it to be varnished before I continue to the next step

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/10 13:28:10

Post by: Boss Salvage

Very tasty progress, loving that smooth skin tone. And really enjoying watching this design become reality

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/06/13 03:46:29

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Some progress shots! I'm still struggling to take decent pictures.

Next step is the add shadows to the metals with reikland fleshshade gloss, then build highlights on them.
After that all thats left is to glaze oils over the metals to get that deep shiny purple/magenta look like you see in the renders. I hope.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/07/02 01:32:58

Post by: Fluid_Fox

The struggle continues

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/07/02 02:22:20

Post by: youwashock

That's hot rockin'.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/07/04 00:15:45

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Posting a giant picture and calling this thing finished!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/07/08 13:28:35

Post by: Boss Salvage


Smoking result, excellent work. Was a fun process to watch, cheers for sharing

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/07/08 17:22:10

Post by: rayphoton

Can I buy one of your KOS..shes great looking

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/07/08 20:00:03

Post by: drbored

That's mighty impressive! I feel like a bit more definition on the back anatomy would have gone a long way, but she's still gorgeous!

Also a tutorial on how you converted that daemonette would be appreciated >.>

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/07/09 02:49:29

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I basically just used aves apoxie and tiny rubber tools to model that daemonette conversion.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/01 09:20:53

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I decided to repaint this thing with a much darker palette. Considering a dedicated EC release is probably far away, I'm just going to save the loud ass hot pink armor for another time. Next up I'll be converting a unit of Daemonettes while I continue to monkey with this KoS.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/02 20:50:23

Post by: SeanDrake

Very nice model and I like both colour schemes the black might have looked nice with the gold trim as well.

I 2nd the above poster if your ever looking to sell a copy of your kos let me know.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/04 14:55:14

Post by: Boss Salvage

Aye, I dig both paint schemes. I suppose I prefer the darker one aesthetically, but the red/pink was legit on the first pass. The big win on round two is what you're doing adding more to her skin, which while deliciously smooth before, was still a lot of space that IMO looks a bit better / more lived in when finessed.

Looking forward to the daemonettes, are they custom sculpts as well, or sticking with the current plastics, or a third party ...?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/04 22:07:12

Post by: Fluid_Fox

 Boss Salvage wrote:
Looking forward to the daemonettes, are they custom sculpts as well, or sticking with the current plastics, or a third party ...?
Thanks, the spots are covering up happy little accidents when I was repainting the outfit.
I thought I'd just convert the Daemonettes from witch aelves, it would take a lot of time but I'm a crazy person. Maybe I'll mix them in with GW daemonettes and rely on the palette to tie them together, as converting all of the seekers too seems like a gakky plan.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/05 15:51:38

Post by: Boss Salvage

Ohhhhh right, I think you showed an early WIP of this. Superb start, looking forward to more

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/06 19:52:50

Post by: Excommunicatus

Kierdale, over on the B&C, does some inspired things with the Daemonette and Witch Elf boxes.


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/06 22:40:48

Post by: Fluid_Fox

 Excommunicatus wrote:
Kierdale, over on the B&C, does some inspired things with the Daemonette and Witch Elf boxes.

He's a creative guy for sure

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/13 06:17:30

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on an Aluress now. Definitely keeping a lot of it separate for painting this time!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/06 00:48:00

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Wrapping the latest model up, and trying to decide on a base that would work for the entire army.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/18 14:06:29

Post by: youwashock

Lovely work. Big fan of the "freckles".

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/18 15:43:27

Post by: rayphoton

wonderful conversion.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/25 03:10:44

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Wrapping up the third conversion, just need to clean some things up and paint the base.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/25 03:52:38

Post by: youwashock


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/25 14:45:06

Post by: Boss Salvage

She looks great, as do her sisters. Another +1 to freckles (and the less obvious resculpting you've done to the witches, particularly booty enhancement ... )

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/25 15:00:51

Post by: Excommunicatus

Yeah, she's real nice.

You're going with an earthy type of thing for your bases, then?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/11/25 21:04:41

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Yeah, going for something brighter and warmer with the bases to complement the figures.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/09 12:44:39

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on my first five Seekers!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/09 16:32:29

Post by: rayphoton

I say this with the utmost respect. You do great green stuff boobs. Would you be willing to do a tutorial?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/17 06:14:55

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished my first five Seekers.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/20 09:33:24

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Got another one going. I've actually started using brushes and aves safety solvent quite a bit more. Brushes and water are working really well for me during the first few minutes after mixing the putty, when its really soft. The safety solvent I'm using after everything is shaped and begins to cure a little more. Going to try adding a bunch more tiny details on the outfit with greenstuff/aves.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/20 14:53:36

Post by: rayphoton

What kinda putty are you using?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/20 20:07:27

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Aves Apoxie

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/22 21:16:44

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Tried mixing a little green stuff with my apoxie to make it more stretchy. I rolled a bunch of it out and let it cure a bit before I used it, so I didn't really have the chance to see how it reacts to water as apoxie alone does.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/22 21:57:48

Post by: youwashock

Looking real good.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2019/12/23 15:19:17

Post by: Boss Salvage

Very sexy stuff, great work

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/01/14 06:31:36

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished this one.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/01/14 09:26:16

Post by: Snrub

I came into this thread hoping to see some interesting putty adventures. What I got was toooootally different.

I really like your daemonette conversions. A clever use of witch elf and daemonette bits. It's what the GW daemonettes should have looked like when they transitioned to plastic.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/01/14 09:48:18

Post by: Geifer

Nice stuff. I like what you've done with the Witch Elves,

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/01/14 14:02:06

Post by: youwashock

Phenomenal. I love the spot gloss.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/01/14 14:44:57

Post by: Boss Salvage

Superb stuff, smooth putty and even smoother paint. Gloss is excellent as well

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/01/15 22:39:32

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks everybody =)

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/01/17 17:49:09

Post by: rayphoton

You should learn to make molds so people like me can buy your new improved deamoneete/witch elf...

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/16 10:34:34

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Got myself a Photon, so I thought I'd work on another Keeper to try it out and see what kind of results I can get. Just need to rig and pose this one, then I can try different ways to cut it for printing.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/16 11:16:37

Post by: Albertorius

Looks great, but if you want to make her at mini scale, you probably should thicken the details a bit, so that they turn out better defined.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/16 11:26:17

Post by: Stevefamine

Intense looking keeper! Reminds me of some demon that could be out of Hellraiser! Keep it up!

Whats your army list youre going for?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/16 11:58:44

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Just modelling for now.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/24 23:14:13

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Got everything modeled and I was super exited to start finally printing. Then the test cube owned me.



Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/27 13:00:46

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I thought for sure I'd break the mask cutting its supports so I printed three, but the first one I attempted came off just fine. Extra parts! So I've since redone the supports for the head shown here, there are far less and they're a lot better placed and sized for removal. Either way, I see theres going to be some sanding and cleaning up of the model before priming, but nothing seriously flawed in the result. I uv unwrapped the model before rigging, so I can later create a material to use as a template for filigree and other details to print separately after deformation. Seeing that the mask actually printed, I'll be going ahead with that modeling also.


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/29 15:08:29

Post by: Boss Salvage

Great print so far! I've been excited to see how she comes out, not disappointed in the least

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/30 14:03:28

Post by: CaptainWaffle

I concur with Boss, very interesting project. Seeing something you enjoy slowly take shape in your hands is a wonderful thing. How small is the mask? I have a Photon and have many prints under my belt. Resin is more durable, even at small sizes, than it seems but that mask has a lot of thin bits. Impressed it came out so well.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/30 16:09:01

Post by: endtransmission

Wow, fantastic work with that sculpt! I'm currently on non organic stuff, so consider me impressed

The breaks in the test model look like the z axis isn't moving smoothly, though I guess you fixed that given your pretty head. It looks like you could possibly get some smoother prints by making the layer heights smaller and by adjusting the angle of the head?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/30 17:32:47

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks for the input.
The mask is about .22mm thickness throughout, overall 14.9mm x, 8.73mm z and 6.53mm y. So its not really that small, its just thin and tricky to cut from the supports. I'm trying even smaller supports atm at .1mm just to see if I can make removal easier.
I'm pretty sure the issues I was having with the test cube had a lot to do with the fact that it's designed for a different resin. The seeming failure of an entire layer was repeated on a second test cube, although at a different height, so that seemed to rule out a physical issue with the Z rod. I then reformatted the USB and printed one of my own meshes and it seemed to come out ok, so I honestly haven't made a third attempt at the test cube.
I'm printing everything at .02mm layer height and orienting the mesh so its getting as much of the Z axis as possible. I'm not sure what else I can do to improve resolution, but I'm definitely open to suggestions. The plate I have working atm is a 39 hour job so yeah lol.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/30 18:07:32

Post by: endtransmission

39 hours? Wow, that's a loooong print! I think the longest I've ever had was 9 hours for a very tall tree.

The only reason I mentioned the z-axis was that I had a similar oddity happen on mine. It wasn't always in the same place, but every now and then one of the layers would be offset and create a break like that. On smaller models it meant that half the print ended up a smear on the bottom of the resin tank, but on larger or more complex models it ended up with bits missing. It was a lump of thing grease that was slowly being pushed up and down the thread, hence it being in random places each print. It also caused a bit of juddering, which made the layers more obvious in places.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/30 18:18:07

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks that makes sense! I'd better look over this thing again carefully when this print finishes.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/30 19:42:00

Post by: CaptainWaffle

I had a similar experience early on with my Photon. Turns out there was both a lump of grease and the z-rod (z-axis lead screw, to be more accurate) was slightly warped from the manufacturer. I know customer support is hit-and-miss with many of these 3D printer manufacturers, but after a lot of back and forth with Anycubic they sent me a proper z-rod. Hopefully your troubles are not that bad.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/06/30 20:02:25

Post by: Laughing Man

Fantastic work, both the sculpt and the painting! Are you considering sharing the STL?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/01 18:58:42

Post by: Illumini

 rayphoton wrote:
I say this with the utmost respect. You do great green stuff boobs. Would you be willing to do a tutorial?

Was about to comment the same, great skill sculpting T&A! The 3d printing is also impressive.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/09 22:30:14

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Still a lot to work on. Its being held together with blutack here so the joints look worse then they actually are. =)

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/12 19:22:54

Post by: Fluid_Fox

So I primed it then noticed I pretty much skipped sanding the sword arm.
I need to make a few changes and print again anyway, so oh well. I can imagine it would be that much easier to miss these things with a less opaque resin.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/13 23:56:56

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finishing the skin. I'm going to attempt to use masking fluid so i can lazily airbrush the outfit! On the higher resolution print I'm definitely going to be spending a lot more time sanding the model.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/14 00:02:56

Post by: youwashock

Oh. That's pretty. And this is the low res print?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/14 00:07:05

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Yeah this one is .04

Automatically Appended Next Post:
That winsor and newton masking fluid worked out nicely for me, I'll just have to be more careful with it next time. For the outfit so far I've gone from a glossy black up to iron warriors, then glazed over that with a mix of eidolon purple clear and deathshroud clear. I think I should go a little darker than this with the glaze, or maybe keep the metallic highlights on the under painting smaller. Next I need to figure out the silver areas and the claws and hooves.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/14 14:25:01

Post by: Boss Salvage

She's looking really excellent with paint Also lol at this being the low res, tester one!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/14 15:21:28

Post by: Max Moray

What a nice project. And impressive quality!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/14 16:10:16

Post by: youwashock

All about that purple. Looks amazing, especially for a test run.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/14 19:44:43

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm working on dialing in the exposure settings and supports for Siriya Blue now, and these .02 resolution prints are around 35 hours each so pray for my sanity.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 04:41:17

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Calling the test print done. Still waiting on that Siriya Blue to show up, and in the meantime I'm going through and editing supports that were wonky.

And the eyes wide shut looking version

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 13:13:45

Post by: youwashock

A daemon that knows how to accessorize. Nice. Can we get a comparison with the older version?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 14:40:59

Post by: maxwin

Really nice work! glad you darkened the pallet, you moved her from the Moulin rouge back to the eye of terror
Where do you get the prints done?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 17:55:41

Post by: Fluid_Fox

 youwashock wrote:
Can we get a comparison with the older version?

This is the same test print, I just finished painting it. I'm waiting on some Siriya Blue to get here, but I'll post side by side comparisons to show the difference in resolution and material.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 19:23:24

Post by: youwashock

I meant the version from page 1. Jazz hands, no sword.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 20:38:31

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Here they are together. My only big backdrop is kinda glossy.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 20:49:41

Post by: JamesY

They both look great. Really distinctive and very slaanesh. If you ever plan on selling your stl files, I'd definitely be adding one to my Slaanesh army.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/16 23:43:10

Post by: youwashock

Yeah. That's good stuff, right there. Your display area is going to look like a Slaaneshi chorus line soon. And I agree with JamesY, you would have zero problem turning prints or files for these into money.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/22 14:57:09

Post by: Boss Salvage

Both queens look superb - I don't think I caught the first one all finished up, the wings are quite nice. Good luck with Demon Queen 2.1!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/23 00:32:20

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks everbody! I ripped those wings off of Karl's Griffon.
Trying to dial in the exposure and supports for Siriya Blue for about a week now. 13 seconds at .02 resolution is about where it should be, keeping my house is 77° so yeah.

Working on a base mesh for some 28mm semen demons while I wait for the printer to finish its thing. Need to exaggerate form quite a bit more at this scale to match the army without making it too goofy.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/23 00:36:07

Post by: youwashock

*low whistle*

That's so pretty I would be tempted to leave it unpainted.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/23 00:49:39

Post by: Fluid_Fox

It looks wild with the uv running while its printing

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/23 14:17:36

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Yeah that blue is fantastic! I imagine the glue to put it together would ruin it though...

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/25 22:52:54

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I've done many exposure tests, and can't quite get joints to fit perfectly without sanding. I've reduced or enlarged fittings by 2% increments, all the way to 8% and they still always seem to require work. I've been thinking about just cutting things level and pinning? When I start printing the smaller models I'm definitely going to keep this in mind.
Sanding, sanding, sanding. =)

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/26 04:11:31

Post by: CaptainWaffle

My understanding is that resin does not cure perfectly. There will always be slight expanding/contracting due to environmental factors. Unless you have really expensive equipment to control those factors. Most resin print files that use joints, that I've seen, use loose ball and socket joints or more notched joints that are somewhat generous in their sizing. I've always had to follow up the notched joints with some modelling putty, and for large items I just by default pin things anyway. Resin isn't known for its ability to resist snapping/shearing forces, and a bit of paperclip or other wire goes a long way to strengthen that join.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/07/31 13:09:48

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Yeah pinning is definitely the way to go. I decided to make flat cuts and just pin the thing. I have a pile of imperfect prints it looks like barbie hell.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/03 16:52:40

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Sticking pretty close to the palette and process of the last one, with the added step of the silver filigree on the outfit and cloth.


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/04 22:37:14

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Calling this one done!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/04 23:20:50

Post by: youwashock

While I miss the skin patterns from the earlier versions, she is still gorgeous.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/04 23:26:51

Post by: Fluid_Fox

You're right I really should add some spots

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/05 00:51:48

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Spots are nice, as it is is nice too. Great work on a third (that I know of) completed model. Going to keep perfecting it or move on to other things?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/05 01:04:31

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I'd like to work on something smaller for awhile, honestly.
I put this latest one up on gumroad if anyone still wants to print a satanic barbie. https://gumroad.com/l/ryYFM

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/05 14:57:29

Post by: Boss Salvage

Particularly great face, and I continue to be shocked by how smooth their skin is. I totally missed how much you had canted her hips in the sculpt as well, she's practically swaying to the music of the battlefield

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/05 15:41:02

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/09 02:52:45

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Scaled down my mesh to see what kind of adjustments I needed to make to make it heroic scale. fething all of them apparently.

So I've started making adjustments to the scale of details and proportions, and while I'm waiting for the first pass to print, I'm sculpting tiny faces. And hair.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/13 17:16:24

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Keeping myself busy while I wait for test models to print. I've moved down to .02 resolution at this point so its about 40 hours a printing. One or two more and the scale and proportion should be correct, then all thats left is to rig the base mesh and start making variations.
While I'm waiting I've been painting an Emperor's Children dude.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/14 15:02:28

Post by: Boss Salvage

Empy Kid is looking good, reminds me that I've got my own EC to keep fiddling with filigree on

Fairly comical / frustrating how much you'll have to adjust to meet heroic scale - head, hands, feet, maybe shoulders and waist unless you want to keep them supernaturally slender. Excited to see where the sculpt ends up! Cause the head is looking good, solid ahegao / camgirl expression

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/14 19:11:56

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks Boss. Its been a struggle so far.

I just wanted to make something without the proportions of a hyperborean pict.
Shes about the same height as in the above picture, so I ended up not going too far off scale.
I still need to model the outfit, but now that I know I can just overlap meshes without 100% retopology every time it will be a lot easier.
Nipple warning.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/14 19:40:04

Post by: youwashock

Looks fantastic. Sexy, but not so sexy that you get the "uhhhhh...what?" reactions. Pic with all the cast-offs around the pedestal looks like a game of King of the Hill.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/16 02:02:28

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you I'm glad its not too excessively lewd yet.
I'm trying to block in the outfit now before going into resculpting the subdivided mesh.
I might just use a multiresolution modifier this time as its non destructive, and I always tend to make changes long after I'm convinced something is done.
Being able to just export meshes together and combine them in the .stl and slicer is a huge time saver for me. I wish I had known I could do that sooner.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/19 20:07:14

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Calling this guy done, but I'll need to decide on a base for him at some point.

I also did a Minitech Tomahawk as a Warhammer. The weapon arrays were miscast to hell and back, so I chopped up an older mech and redid them with a little apoxie and sanding. I went ahead and butchered the search light with glossy deathshroud clear but oh well it works. The transfers came from the old robotech rpg tactics and Fighting Pirahna Graphics. I have three more to finish the lance, which will be St. Ives Compact.

Still printing out that succubus, I've settled on the scale and proportion and I like the way it's turning out. I've been working on designing the model to require minimal supports, and that I think will help immensely. I should have them off the plate, cleaned and cured in the next day or so. There's not a lot of detail so painting them will be fast.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/21 16:56:14

Post by: DarkHound

This might be my new favourite project.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/22 21:26:16

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Not a bad print this time, now that I've figured out the settings.

I missed a few chunks cleaning it apparently, of course these things escape my until I prime. I'm ok with it because it looks like shes got a huge gap in her teeth lol.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/30 00:31:02

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Managed to print the second one, and even at .04 resolution it came out pretty good. Some of the details could use more height/relief, but they're clear enough.
I wanted to go with a different palette on this one, so far I like it but we'll see once I have everything blocked in.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/30 02:44:15

Post by: youwashock

Lovely skin tones. Do you have an idea how many of these you will wind up with?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/30 03:04:17

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Beats me, Youwashock. I guess I'll just keep making them until I feel like making something bigger, I'm working on my third right now.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/31 04:38:38

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished this one. I like the palette but I think I need more saturated violet accents somewhere.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/31 13:17:15

Post by: youwashock

That skin is outrageously good.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/31 13:39:08

Post by: JamesY

Really nice looking daemonettes. Have you got any plans to do anything more from the Slaanesh range?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/08/31 14:10:06

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Yeah, I'd like to do Seekers and Fiends next.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/09/21 00:30:46

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Another off the printer! I need to rework the supports for the new resin, Siriya Grey. It seems to work pretty well at these exposure settings though.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/09/29 04:21:43

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished another of these, just a few more to go so they look decent in a mob.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/09/29 15:00:08

Post by: Flinty

Great work. Thanks.for sharing.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/09/29 21:21:59

Post by: rayphoton

any plans to share the stl files?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/09/30 01:44:08

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Yeah, I've got them up on myminifactory at https://www.myminifactory.com/users/fluidfox

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/09/30 03:07:23

Post by: rayphoton

very nice!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/11/16 22:05:32

Post by: Fluid_Fox

This is the first KoS I made and had printed at Shapeways, reworked my for my Photon. I went for more purple tones in the skin.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/11/17 16:07:09

Post by: Boss Salvage

For (my own) reference, the original Keeper:

Second edition looks great, lots to like in that smooth skin (and creepy white eyes). Are you going back in for the horns and/or spots? And how'd the home print compare, apart from being immediate and much cheaper?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/11/17 18:23:55

Post by: Fluid_Fox

There was quite a bit more expansion than the Shapeways print despite dialing in my exposure settings, but not enough to really put me off. Still a lot of sanding. The painting looks really different irl than my gakky photos show, you can better see the color of the horns in the shadows of the lower set, and the deep purple of the outfit just hardly show up at all.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/11/17 18:49:45

Post by: Boss Salvage

Ahhh my bad on the horns, I can see the gradient even here. I did wonder about her duds and if they're really that black, given how you've been painting the girls' latex

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/12/06 17:22:57

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Another rank and file Succubus. If anyone wants to print one its at https://gumroad.com/l/cXgoL
Next I'll need to work on a standard bearer and champion for the group. I'm thinking I'll need to design the print to use a brass rod or something for the banner.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2020/12/08 05:23:06

Post by: rayphoton

super cute!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/22 03:21:43

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on another one, after a long break.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/22 22:48:13

Post by: Fluid_Fox

More progress, this is where I'm at with it currently.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/22 23:04:14

Post by: Flinty

Looks amazing again. The darker skin tone has come out really nicely.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/22 23:19:56

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/25 04:45:07

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Some progress. Getting closer to wrapping this one up.




Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/25 19:01:39

Post by: MDSW

Super nice!!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/26 15:31:41

Post by: Boss Salvage

Great to see more from you, FF, including more suuuuper smooth painting

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/26 16:34:41

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Credit to the airbrush, for sure.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Calling it finished!

I put it up at https://gumroad.com/l/VsYkn if anyone is interested.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/27 15:00:58

Post by: MDSW

So smooth, nice and perfect it almost looks like a digital rendering. Superb job!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/27 20:39:11

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/28 19:26:39

Post by: youwashock

Saw her up on coolmini. Another awesome bit of work, FF.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/31 00:48:52

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks youwashock.
I'm working on a standard bearer now, then I'll finally get around to musicians and a champion to finish this group. I'm just using a displacement modifier for the details, so I'll try a few and see how thin I can get them before they don't print right.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/31 10:04:08

Post by: Illumini

I have to admit that she does not give me any Slaanesh or 40k vibes, much more anime, but it is a gorgeous miniature, and the painting is ace. You have really nailed the darker skin tone

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/05/31 21:20:44

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks! This ones not for Warhammer, just something to paint.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/06/07 01:25:03

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Trying different poses out.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/06/21 00:53:35

Post by: Fluid_Fox

And finished it.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/06/21 07:59:10

Post by: Albertorius

Lovely. Your use of gradients is superb. So smooth!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/06/24 21:43:04

Post by: youwashock

Putting up great stuff as always, FF. She's a beaut.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2021/06/25 15:04:04

Post by: MDSW

Yes, your painting skill makes the pic look like a digital render instead of an actual photo - I am blown away.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/05/11 03:08:24

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I'm still alive! Working on a musician presently. I thought to make the arms modular for more variety, but now I have these fussy little joints to adjust.
The cloth/tabard things need to be quite a bit bigger, I think.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/05/15 21:40:56

Post by: Fluid_Fox


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/05/17 15:19:47

Post by: youwashock


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/05/17 22:57:35

Post by: Fluid_Fox


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/05/31 02:55:12

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I've been reworking the succubi I made, making the arms modular and two slightly different body/head parts for each, and much bigger and messier ponytails. These are all the third one, with mirroring it adds quite a bit of variation.
Now I'm in the process of painting them.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/05/31 07:04:35

Post by: Flinty

They look great. With the potential variation in pony tails as well, you could easily fill out a whole unit with just that model without easily telling they are all based on the same base model. Great work.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/05/31 11:12:06

Post by: Albertorius

These are absolutely lovely

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/03 05:35:16

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finishing up the outfits. Just the ponytails/hair, pauldrons and bases and I'll be done. I'm on the fence about painting the spikes silver.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/05 23:18:16

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished this one.
Mistakes were made. If they're going to be used in a game, then the ponytails and arms really ought to be pinned.
Modeled in Blender, printed on a phrozen sonic mini 4k in epax grey at .02 layer height.

.stl available at https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-135136

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/12 02:37:06

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Another work in progress, working on supports now.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/12 06:26:57

Post by: Albertorius

Always a pleasure to see your work, both in modelling and painting

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/13 01:23:08

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you.
The first test print of this one came out nicely.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/19 04:07:43

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Some progress painting this one.
I've started using contrast paints for building up shadows, they're growing on me.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/22 00:27:32

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished with this one!
It's at https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-135898 if you want to print it.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/22 07:32:20

Post by: Flinty

Looking great again. Your prints are always so smooth. Do you use AA, or do you have some kind of post printing alchemy?

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/06/22 20:32:24

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Anti-aliasing, grey level 2, and tiny sanding sticks.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/07/10 22:42:43

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Printed and painted some models for D&D over the last couple of weeks. Working on a modular dungeon using the openlock system atm.
The Kobolds are from https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-lizardfolk-warrior-tribe-set-kobold-minion-reptile-folk-soldier-draconic-lizard-186455
And the spider is from https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-free-giant-spider-131963

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/07/22 03:08:45

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on a Kingdom Death model now, for their painting contest.

I made a base in Blender and printed it out. The scale of the roses is a little wonky so I'll probably have to rework it.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/07/24 22:24:29

Post by: Fluid_Fox

A little progress.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/07/28 01:00:32

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Attempt #1

Holy gak this is terrible.

Attempt #2


Finished the base, at least!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/07/31 19:47:08

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on the metals now, so I started putting it together to place the lights.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/02 22:19:26

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Putting it together I had a few problems.
I had masked the joints of the head, hair and cloak when I first primed, but after striping and starting over, I forgot to replace them...
Anyway, not much left to do before this is finished, just some tedious cleaning up and pushing the highlights a bit further.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/09 00:46:40

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished this, finally.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/15 06:22:31

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Painting an Ogre team now for Blood Bowl.
Designed and printed some base toppers to go with them, and I'm working on a few other details to add.
My goal is to have them finished by this Sunday.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/19 03:09:02

Post by: Fluid_Fox

More progress. Still on track to be ready by this Sunday.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/19 14:17:07

Post by: Boss Salvage

Great skin! Good luck with your push to the goal

Speaking of great skin, the Kingdom Death chick is really impressive, especially her skin blend. I appreciate that you painted her face twice (and went with the more toned down version).

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/21 07:42:56

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you. I think I just need to practice more faces, honestly.
Finished the team on time though, so now I can actually play a game instead of just painting all the time.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/21 16:10:13

Post by: Albertorius

For the shown quality, you're incredibly fast. Great job, they look amazing!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/21 17:48:26

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks! Airbrushing and contrast paints were big time savers.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/29 22:02:17

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on the Battletech box now.
Airbrushing a zenithal from dark Khaki to light khaki, a little desaturated by mixing greys in. I'm adding warm white and black here and there to accent things, while keeping everything fast and simple.
All in all I'm happy with the new look (to me) of these mechs, but I'd rather take my time on models I don't have to practically resculpt to deal with mold lines.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/29 22:43:40

Post by: Flinty

They look cel shaded. That is amazing. The pop from the orange cockpits is glorious. Nice work!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/29 23:37:01

Post by: Fluid_Fox


Automatically Appended Next Post:
Focusing on just this lance now, instead of painting all 8 mechs at once. I've been waiting to use these transfers for a long time now.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/08/31 02:15:10

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Calling this lance finished.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/09/02 03:55:10

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished this second lance.

Here's the group so far

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/09/02 12:05:25

Post by: Flinty

The Thor is missing it’s cockpit glow isn’t it?

Other than that, what a great looking force.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/09/02 23:26:16

Post by: Fluid_Fox

It's a Thunderbolt. The cockpit is actually underneath that part.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/09/03 07:15:23

Post by: Flinty

Wow… that pilot does not get much window space

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/09/03 11:38:49

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/09/25 04:51:09

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Here is the third lance of St. Ives mechs, finishing the company.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/09/25 09:01:03

Post by: lord_blackfang


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/10/11 04:54:26

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on a binary of Snow Raven mechs now.

Adding some black accents, starting with this Peregrine.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/10/11 17:08:28

Post by: Flinty

The shading just looks so good!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2022/11/01 21:11:41

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished these Clan Snow Raven mechs.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/01/29 09:33:28

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished another one.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/01/29 10:30:45

Post by: Albertorius

Awesome painting as usual! They so smoooooth

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/01/29 10:45:17

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks! I had to reprint this one a few times to get it right.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/02/06 04:20:30

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished another one.
It's up at https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-succubus-champion-274123

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/04/22 06:44:13

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on a proxy Witch for BB.
Kinda delicate for a game where you're constantly laying minis down and flipping them over, but oh well.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/02 18:56:19

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Painting some Infinity models.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/03 03:31:12

Post by: Insectum7

Sick Battlemechs!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/03 06:01:04

Post by: Fluid_Fox


Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/04 09:46:28

Post by: Fluid_Fox

More progress on this thing.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/05 01:19:22

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Almost finished with this one, just working on bases and then a final varnish after a few days.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Calling this one finished. I'm not sure how I feel about the color on the base, but I guess I can always paint over it later.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/05 14:04:51

Post by: Boss Salvage

Nice clean paint, love the glow, including the base marking

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/05 18:44:24

Post by: Fluid_Fox

thank you

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/11 06:07:44

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished my second Probot

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/11 06:27:07

Post by: JamesY

They look great. Really nice combination of colours.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/11 07:24:51

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thank you

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/14 09:35:18

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished two more.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/17 05:01:41

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Dakini in progress! At this point I'm still just painting the white parts.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/30 06:16:39

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished this fire team.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/05/30 17:02:42

Post by: Boss Salvage

What a squad of killer robots! The desaturation is really satisfying. And I won't stop praising that fuchsia pop.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/10/10 11:42:06

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Work in progress on some mildly obscene assault intercoursers.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/10/14 07:48:57

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished with these. Printed on an Elegoo Saturn S at .04 layer height in Epax Hard Grey resin.

I accidentally bashed one pretty good and had to glue it's arm back on right at the end lol

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/10/16 14:29:44

Post by: Albertorius

Your paintjobs are always stupidly smooth, lovely as always!

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/10/16 20:15:07

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks Albertorius

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/10/20 04:46:27

Post by: Fluid_Fox

A mugly Escher for the sake of painting yellow.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/10/20 06:25:00

Post by: Albertorius

Well, that's some great yellow, too! I really have to go back and paint some of my gangers...

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/11/06 03:42:08

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished the first wave of these Escher gangers

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/11/06 08:12:00

Post by: Albertorius

Very iconic!

The big cat skins are a nice touch, and everything is ultra smooth as always.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2023/11/07 02:43:47

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Thanks glad you like them.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/01/02 02:22:41

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Trying to finish my Operations Subsection Aleph army. I switched palettes, going with something simpler so I can just whip them out.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/01/28 22:00:55

Post by: motheroflies

black is much better than the red. you should go all out covering her / him / they in gold chains just so its go a full slaneesh vibe

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/01 17:51:51

Post by: Fluid_Fox

I've been planning on making a new one, with a bull's head and lots of spikey things. Chains would look good, but they'd be best added after the fact, more of a conversion than something for print.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Working on a proxy for my OSS army, since the old model is just too damned tiny compared to the newer stuff.
Still a lot of corrections to make in the rig weights, and a final sculpting pass with a multi resolution modifier to finalize it.
Modeled in Blender.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/05 00:56:35

Post by: Fluid_Fox

First test prints. I need to change the fep and relevel, and change the support scheme a little bit I think.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/08 21:32:38

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished this one.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/14 21:36:05

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Working on another of these. Primed with pro acryl dark neutral grey this time. A few little support scars here and there, that I never seem to catch.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/15 15:08:03

Post by: Boss Salvage

Way to take matters into your own hands re: tiny old metal models Painted chick is smooth as ever (and miles thiccer than the official models )

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/16 23:21:59

Post by: youwashock

Thiccness for the win. Loving these recent ladies.

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/20 05:00:47

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Finished with this one. No shiny varnish this time

Automatically Appended Next Post:
gak I forgot the boots lol

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/02/23 03:30:19

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Batch painting more Aleph. I need a better camera ffs

Fluid Fox is painting things @ 2024/03/01 22:49:18

Post by: Fluid_Fox

Added this Asura Hacker to my army. About half way finished.