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[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/06 08:43:38

Post by: MongooseMatt

So, it looks like I am getting into a new game after all. Which means I am going to need some inspiration, and there is nothing better than seeing what other people have been getting up to (seriously, if you need a kickstart for Adeptus Titanicus, check that thread, there is some awesome stuff there...).

Anyway, to get the ball rolling, I present to you my fledgling air force. As per normal, I have jotted down a few building and painting notes 9as well as loads more piccies) here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2019/09/06/aeronautica-imperialis-fledgling-air-forces/

It looks like we are going to be doing the Rynn's World narrative campaign, and will be recording each battle with a report, much like we did with the Realmgate Wars in Age of Sigmar. Looking forward to this ride!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/06 09:55:07

Post by: Rob Lee

No pictures yet, as I've not yet received my copy of the starter set, and sadly I have little knowledge of the fluff with regards to the Imperial Navy or the Ork airforce, but my very loose plan on painting my models is thus -

The Thunderbolts will be painted overall with AK Interactive Xtreme Metal Polished Aluminium over an undercoat of Gunze GX-2 Gloss Black, then I'll do the engine cowls, the lascannon barrel shrouds and anything around the avenger gat barrels in Castellan Green. Anything else metallic will get done with leadbelcher or Vallejo Metal Color jet exhaust.

Haven't worked out what I'm going to do for markings/tail colours yet though, although I like the idea of putting the eagle wing decals on the Thunderbolt wings.

The Marauders will be done Castellan Green on top, Mechanicus Standard Grey underneath and partially up the sides, to emulate the Olive Drab and Neutral Gray colour scheme of WW2 B-26 Marauder bombers.

No idea what I'll do for the Ork aircraft, probably use Evil Sunz Scarlet as the overall base colour and work from there. Although I'm not that keen on the Ork models.

I'll do a bit of weathering with clay washes and panel fading and stuff on all types of aircraft.

At least I hope to do all that, I saw the models yesterday in my local GW shop and they look big enough that all that will be possible without resorting to having to use a microscope...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/06 13:53:45

Post by: Easy E

I have so many scratch builds for this game..... I will have to go dig out some pictures.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/06 13:55:54

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Easy E wrote:
I have so many scratch builds for this game..... I will have to go dig out some pictures.

Must admit, I have been thinking of hitting eBay for some of the old Epic stuff, to do some variant AAA and targets, and such like...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/08 23:03:16

Post by: Fajita Fan

4 Thunderbolts assembled (one Fury, three ACs) assembled with missiles separate, not sure how I'm going to do that.

Assembling two Marauders now, I might be able to spray them at work tomorrow.

Edit: Done and boxed for spraying tomorrow.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 09:50:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Bit by bit building the planes from Wings of Vengeance.

Much as I really like the Imperial Navy craft, whilst I was building a Fighta-Bomma, I came up with the Ace Pilot name of Shootsie Koffins....and now want to give it a seriously Funky paint job.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 11:13:41

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Geeze you’re quick to get them painted already. I’m still cleaning mould lines!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 12:15:52

Post by: greyknight12

Anyone have a good technique for covering the number windows on the base for painting?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 13:31:36

Post by: Mr_Rose

Poster tac or masking putty.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 15:24:09

Post by: MongooseMatt

Need some help

Okay, the scenarios in the Rynn's World book are all well and good... but there are too many battles described in the air war that are not covered and just too cool to miss out on. So, I am writing these scenarios up into a full narrative campaign, combining the existing scenarios in the Rynn's World book, and will deliver all of this to you all in PDF format... in a couple of weeks or three. Maybe four. Still got some more aircraft to paint up.

I'll also arrange battle reports for them all, as we did with the Realmgate Wars campaign a little while back.


Most of the new scenarios are pretty easy to get to grips with, but there is one that is noticeably different from the 'standard' fare. So, I was hoping some of you could look it over, push a few planes around on the tabletop, and let me know how you got on? I am particularly worried whether the bombers can survive ten turns (those two fighters have got to be toast...), and whether the +1 bonus to Firepower dice is sufficient. Basically, we want a real Memphis Belle feeling going on here.

All comments gratefully received

Heavy Bombing

A heavy bomber force, loaded with ordnance, is making its way to an important target. With only a light escort, the bombers must maintain a tight formation while enemy fighters swirl around them, making lightning fast attacks in an effort to find a weak spot in the bombers’ defences.

Players should mutually agree a points value between 150 points and 250 points, and choose their forces accordingly. Any Ground Attack weapons are free in this scenario and no points need be paid for them.

The defender may only select a maximum of two Fighters for this scenario. The rest of the defender’s force must be Bombers. The attacker may only use Scouts and Fighters in this scenario.

In this scenario, one player is the attacker and the other the defender. The winner of a roll-off decides which they will be.

The defender deploys first, placing their first Bomber within one hex of the centre of the Area of Engagement. The next Bomber is then placed within two hexes of the first. Once this is done, the rest of the Bombers are placed so each is within two hexes of at least two other Bombers. No Bomber may be placed within five hexes of an edge of the Area of Engagement. The defender then places their Fighters anywhere within the Area of Engagement.

The attacker’s aircraft are then set up within three hexes of any edge of the Area of Engagement.

The attacker may choose the Speed and Altitude of each aircraft before setting it up. The defender’s aircraft all start at Speed 2 and Altitude level 3, and must all be placed facing in the same direction.

Special Rules
Bomber Formation
The Bombers are not moved as normal. Instead, at the start of every Movement Phase, every other aircraft is moved two hexes in the opposite direction to the Bombers’ facing – it is assumed the Bombers are constantly moving forward at Speed 2, but we want to keep them in the centre of the action and so all other aircraft are moved relative to them.

Once this is done, every Bomber may be moved one hex in any direction (but may not change their facing or Altitude level) in order to maintain the coherence of their formation. No Bomber may move within five hexes of an edge of the Area of Engagement.

The Movement Phase then proceeds as normal.

So long as a Bomber is within two hexes of at least two other Bombers, add a bonus of +1 to each of its Firepower dice.

Victory Conditions
The game lasts for either 10 turns, or until one side disengages, or until only one player has aircraft left operating in the Area of Engagement.

After 10 turns, if any Bombers are still flying, the defender will be able to launch their attack on the important target and gain victory. Otherwise, calculate Victory points to determine the winner.

[[[Box Text]]]

Against the Gargants
With the starport now in the hands of the reconquest fleet, the Rynnsguard Airwing turned its attention to Snagrod’s Gargants that were lumbering towards New Rynn City. The remnants of bomber squadrons were called up from all over the continent to launch a massive strike against the war machines before they could deliver a fatal blow.

Players can refight this attacks with the Heavy Bombing scenario by adding the optional special rule presented below. In this scenario, the Imperial Navy are the defenders and the Ork Air Waaagh! are the attackers. The Imperial Navy player may take Flight Commander Dagor-Jarni if they so wish.

Optional Special Rule: Ground Fire
Gargants are bedecked with guns, and a wing of bombers are far too tempting a target. At the start of the Firing phase of the 8th turn, and every turn thereafter, the Ork Air Waaagh! player rolls a D3. This is how many ‘Eavy Flak Kannon can be fired at Imperial Navy aircraft in that turn, at Medium range.

[[[End Box]]]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 16:14:05

Post by: Fajita Fan

Got to work early and sprayed these guys, orks should be delivered in s day or two.

[Thumb - A34E3D1A-562E-44A3-9F3C-E4751E2BED28.jpeg]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 18:14:16

Post by: SamusDrake

Thunderbolts only got dispatched today...damn.

MoongooseMatt, so glad you dived right in and presented that respectable flight of models. Thats pretty much how I plan to do my 'Bolts.

Urgh...was hoping to join everyone in at least assembling and undercoating today, but have settled for listening to aircraft themes from loads of cool stuff such as Firefox, Sonic 2's Wing Fortress and the entire ost from capcoms awesome 194X series...

Sigh, I suppose there is that Acastus that needs finishing off...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/09 18:52:39

Post by: Fajita Fan

I forgot I was going to keep one Destroyer to loot for my orks but I already primed them both. :(

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/10 10:03:01

Post by: MongooseMatt

Got most of the other Imperial Navy aircraft done yesterday evening. As usual, made some notes about building and painting (and there is a transfer warning too!): https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2019/09/10/imperial-navy-air-armada/

And, best of all, I got a couple of the Marauder Destroyers done too!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/10 12:00:56

Post by: Fajita Fan

Those look very realistic.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/10 12:10:27

Post by: ingtaer

Yeah, fantastic work Matt! Fajita Fan looking forward to seeing how yours progress, is that chrome you used?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/10 17:17:25

Post by: Fajita Fan

Rustoleoum aluminum primer, it goes on really nice, covers well, shades darker for guns or worky bits, is almost identical to Runefang steel, and is $4 at Walmart.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/11 16:52:10

Post by: Fajita Fan

Orks just arrived, I’ll probably start the fighta bombaz tonight.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/11 20:33:47

Post by: Albertorius

MongooseMatt wrote:
Got most of the other Imperial Navy aircraft done yesterday evening. As usual, made some notes about building and painting (and there is a transfer warning too!): https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2019/09/10/imperial-navy-air-armada/

And, best of all, I got a couple of the Marauder Destroyers done too!

Those look really sharp! Could I ask you for the painting recipe? I'm on the lookout for fast, decent, paint schemes

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/11 20:49:55

Post by: BrookM

Some great stuff on display here!

Made my own attempt at painting the models from Wings of Vengeance, going with simple schemes for the most part. But the models are very forgiving and have these excellent deep panel lines that allow for washes to be applied without too much hassle, great for folks like me who are an arse when it comes to highlighting and all that.

The supplied decals are fine and dandy, but the Ork aircraft are as is quite busy, so not that great for the application of them. I mean it could be done, but it will require a lot of decal softener and patience. Went with the minimal approach for them,

The Thunderbolt on the other hand is great for decals. Won't be bothering with the larger ones, but some of the smaller ones are ace. I've supplemented mine with number decals from the Armiger kit for aircraft numbering and the Elysian symbol for the tail / squadron icon from an old decal sheet FW once did.

Next up are a Marauder and a Blood Axe dakkajet, the latter is an arse to do because of the colours I picked.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/11 21:18:14

Post by: SamusDrake

The Thunderbolts arrived today with a complementry pack of M&Ms! Crispy ones too! Cheers Wayland!

Assembling the first thunderbolt but stuck on how whether to go for 4 "fighters", 4 "furies" or 2 of each?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/11 23:11:32

Post by: Fajita Fan

I went one Fury and 3 regulars to save points.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 08:38:30

Post by: MongooseMatt

 Albertorius wrote:

Those look really sharp! Could I ask you for the painting recipe? I'm on the lookout for fast, decent, paint schemes

Spray undercoat Mechanicus Standard Grey, and a light all over wash with Athonian Camoshade (you can vary that for different effects - Agrax is an obvious one, but Drakenhoff or Drukhari could be interesting...), then drybrush with Dawnstone and (very lightly) Tyrant Skull (you could use Screaming Skull instead).


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 09:14:41

Post by: Albertorius

MongooseMatt wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:

Those look really sharp! Could I ask you for the painting recipe? I'm on the lookout for fast, decent, paint schemes

Spray undercoat Mechanicus Standard Grey, and a light all over wash with Athonian Camoshade (you can vary that for different effects - Agrax is an obvious one, but Drakenhoff or Drukhari could be interesting...), then drybrush with Dawnstone and (very lightly) Tyrant Skull (you could use Screaming Skull instead).


Very much so. Thanks!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 14:49:51

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

SamusDrake wrote:
The Thunderbolts arrived today with a complementry pack of M&Ms! Crispy ones too! Cheers Wayland!

Assembling the first thunderbolt but stuck on how whether to go for 4 "fighters", 4 "furies" or 2 of each?

Aesthetically I like the quad cannons, but I’m guessing that sub 100 pt dogfights might become a common thing and furies seem better for that.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 14:56:11

Post by: Fajita Fan

There are some superbly painted planes on Instagram.
Holy crap those people are good, weathering and streaks at this scale? Yikes.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 19:29:38

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Sadly I can’t now find the pic, but someone out there has made damage markers out of pipe cleaners.

Get thin ones, bend a hook so they cling to the wings, and paint them up as fiery smoke.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 19:37:17

Post by: Easy E

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Sadly I can’t now find the pic, but someone out there has made damage markers out of pipe cleaners.

Get thin ones, bend a hook so they cling to the wings, and paint them up as fiery smoke.

Try here: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/airspace/photo-guide-creating-serious-damage-markers-t230.html#p895316

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 22:41:48

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Fajita Fan wrote:
There are some superbly painted planes on Instagram.
Holy crap those people are good, weathering and streaks at this scale? Yikes.

Weathering is actually a lot easier at this scale than it is on bigger vehicles. You can use simpler techniques and not worry so much about blending and still end up with a good result.

It’s the big stuff where weathering gets difficult because you have to start layering effects to keep them looking realistic.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/12 23:18:25

Post by: SamusDrake

Bit the bullet and went with a 50/50 split for the Thunderbolts and assembled them all tonight. Bombs/missiles aside(not attached), they are ready for a game of Horizon Wars for Sunday night - the bases are perfect for that game too.

We're gonna wait until other maps and factions are released for AI before taking the plunge, but for now they are very nice miniatures and were fairly quick to assemble.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/13 12:53:26

Post by: Rob Lee

My two Thunderbolts.

Apologies for the quality of my photos, I don't have a very expensive all singing all dancing camera or lighting setup.

I went for a "natural metal finish" look, although it turned out a bit duller than I wanted, and my photos don't show it all that well but there is some weathering and streaking.

I may go back and put some decals on them but I'm not sure which one's from the starter set to use yet, thought about putting the eagle wings on the wings, but I'm not sure how well the white ones would work, and black would be boring, shame GW didn't include the yellow one's they used on their models...

I haven't painted the bases, and probably won't past maybe a black ink line wash, whilst I've seen some great painted bases I think they take away from the actual model.

I have magnetised the alternative weapons, although I don't think I needed to as they slot in and out quite nicely.

I'm trying to work out a way to magnetise the rockets/bombs onto the wings, but I think they're too small to make that possible.

The best I can come up with is a metal rod from a paper clip, superglued to the side of the rocket/bomb at the top, pointing upwards, and the easy bit, sticking magnets in the wings.

So I've left them off for the moment.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/13 18:06:10

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Deathskulls iz in da houze!

jokes aside.

My fist mini i have painted in nearly a half year and my very first ever ork model!!
It felt refreshing doing a race i have never done before, and since there is no coherency amongst Deathskulls other then blue, blue and other shades of blue, i can do wahtever i want!

Not going to rush this project tough, got 5 more jets to do plus i have to do something about the jaws mouth nose cone, i do realy not like them.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/13 22:28:12

Post by: Racerguy180

I'm planning on doing either tamiya chrome silver or flat aluminum for the main colour, with a paintjob reminiscent of the WWII P-51D, "Moonbeam McSwine" for my wing commander piloting a fury. The rest of the fighter squadron will be various other WWII schemes roughly falling in line with the commander.

The Marauder bomber/destroyers will be similar to the B25 Marauder "Margaret Mary Rustin" and all have individual variations.

I'm really looking forward to painting them up. It's been a long time since I've painted any military aircraft and had been toying around with getting back into it, now I dont have to leave 40k for it.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/14 10:06:11

Post by: Soulless

Got bases and imp ships primed and based today, hope to get started painting later this weekend!
Not decided how but will probably make it to fit my titanicus griffins.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/14 23:28:07

Post by: Fajita Fan

Working on Dakkajets.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/15 17:56:18

Post by: Albertorius

Fast and half assed, but hey, here it is:

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/15 18:20:20

Post by: Racerguy180

 Albertorius wrote:
Fast and half assed, but hey, here it is:

That kinda embodies Orks, so works for me.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/15 22:24:15

Post by: Albertorius

Racerguy180 wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
Fast and half assed, but hey, here it is:

That kinda embodies Orks, so works for me.

I know, right? ^_^

That way I can do three in about an hour, which is cool for all that "build stuff and play with it" thing:

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 11:58:44

Post by: MongooseMatt

I painted up one each of the stand alone box sets this weekend for the Orks, and the Air Waaagh! is becoming quite convincing now.

As always, typed up a few notes behind these aircraft with some more piccies here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2019/09/16/ork-air-waaagh/

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 12:59:33

Post by: weasel_beef

Started assembling a box of the Destroyers last night and will hopefully prime the one I finished today. They're a lot bigger than I was expecting, definitely doesn't look like it'll fit in with AT models for when Epic is re-released.

That said, they are amazing models and I can't wait to get to work on them.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 13:16:37

Post by: Soulless

 weasel_beef wrote:
Started assembling a box of the Destroyers last night and will hopefully prime the one I finished today. They're a lot bigger than I was expecting, definitely doesn't look like it'll fit in with AT models for when Epic is re-released.

That said, they are amazing models and I can't wait to get to work on them.

They should fit scale wise but we need higher flight stands!

I guess its a combination of the Titans being smaller than we like to image just as aircraft usually are much bigger. Takes some epicness away from the titans but when we get some tanks and infantry into the mix all will be good

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 13:48:56

Post by: Mentlegen324

 weasel_beef wrote:
Started assembling a box of the Destroyers last night and will hopefully prime the one I finished today. They're a lot bigger than I was expecting, definitely doesn't look like it'll fit in with AT models for when Epic is re-released.

That said, they are amazing models and I can't wait to get to work on them.

Despite the seemingly large size, they are the correct scale to be in line with AT models, The Marauder's wingspan is said to be almost 25m compared to the width of something like the Reaver at about 18m. Even modern-day fighter jets would come quite close to the size of a Reaver Titan in terms of wingspan to width, Jets are just huge.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 14:21:01

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 weasel_beef wrote:
Started assembling a box of the Destroyers last night and will hopefully prime the one I finished today. They're a lot bigger than I was expecting, definitely doesn't look like it'll fit in with AT models for when Epic is re-released.

That said, they are amazing models and I can't wait to get to work on them.

they fit cuz moust likely everything re released epic related will be 8mm, not 6mm.

"We’ve had a few people ask if Aeronautica Imperialis is on the same scale as Adeptus Titanicus. Indeed it is – seriously, Marauder Bombers are massive –"


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 15:03:44

Post by: MongooseMatt

Okay, might have out-done myself here...

I have just finished writing up the Rynn’s World Air War Campaign Supplement. Basically, this is a mini-book that takes the six scenarios in the (official) campaign book, puts them in chronological order, and then adds new scenarios to create a 16 mission narrative campaign that goes from the start of the war right up to the point where Snagrod's Roks all fall out of the sky.

If you want to do the dambusting mission to halt the machinations of the Mek Boyz, this mini-book will have you covered. Want to destroy bridges in true Bommerz Over Da Sulphur River style, you can do that too.

Also added Ork 'Eavy Rokkit ground defences, if you want to grab some of the old Epic pulsa rokkits and re-purpose them...

Just got a bit of playtesting to do and lay it out properly (smarten it up a bit) and then I will post it - later this week, or sometime next, depending on how the games go...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 16:01:28

Post by: Bschwi1

Sorry for the terrible photo but here is my WIP Thunderbolt!

Matt, I told my family about your campaign and we are very excited to play it! Good luck and please post soon!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 16:34:14

Post by: SamusDrake

Bschwi1 wrote:
Sorry for the terrible photo but here is my WIP Thunderbolt!

Matt, I told my family about your campaign and we are very excited to play it! Good luck and please post soon!

Very effective colour scheme. Like it very much!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 19:15:36

Post by: weasel_beef

Thanks for the answers on scale. Like Soulless said, we're definitely going to need some higher flight stands. Like 10".

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 20:15:41

Post by: Soulless

Did a test painting tonite, following the exact same steps as my AT griffons to make them fit in scheme.
Could do with more details and put a little more effort into it but its just a test so far.

Im not sure though, PeteTheWargamer on youtube has a wonderful tutorial on using color gradient and contrast paint to get a really great finish without too much hassle. It will take more time though so I need to dwell on it some more.

edit: just realised how bad the pictures came out
Will get better ones when ive painted up some more!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/16 20:59:09

Post by: Fajita Fan

That looks awesome.

Sprayed my Orks this morning - six Dakkajets and Fighta Bomma armed with extra guns and rokkits to be my boss. I have another box of Dakkajets and three more FBs to play with, I might try making a P38 Litnin' once I find something to extend the tail booms.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 11:43:27

Post by: FrozenDwarf

desided to make missiles and bombs, token style.

snipped a piece of the sprue and glued the rockets/bombs on them in pairs.
that way i can place them on the base and remove them as they have been used, and my opponent sees what plane has what extra loadout instead of asking all the time.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 16:15:27

Post by: Bschwi1

Good idea! consider it stolen!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 16:22:41

Post by: RFT

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
 weasel_beef wrote:
Started assembling a box of the Destroyers last night and will hopefully prime the one I finished today. They're a lot bigger than I was expecting, definitely doesn't look like it'll fit in with AT models for when Epic is re-released.

That said, they are amazing models and I can't wait to get to work on them.

Despite the seemingly large size, they are the correct scale to be in line with AT models, The Marauder's wingspan is said to be almost 25m compared to the width of something like the Reaver at about 18m. Even modern-day fighter jets would come quite close to the size of a Reaver Titan in terms of wingspan to width, Jets are just huge.

And that 25m is half(!) the wingspan of a "modern-day" B-52.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 16:40:35

Post by: Fajita Fan

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
desided to make missiles and bombs, token style.

snipped a piece of the sprue and glued the rockets/bombs on them in pairs.
that way i can place them on the base and remove them as they have been used, and my opponent sees what plane has what extra loadout instead of asking all the time.

This was exactly my plan, I love the use of sprue.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 19:47:50

Post by: Fajita Fan

I started using Talassar (sp?) blue on my Orks, I need to go back to block in the metals and some spots for yellow contrast paint unless I use Averland/Yuriel regular paints. I wonder if I should shade with black or drakenhoff?

[Thumb - C10C1AE7-ED4C-4297-A18E-58BC1524A9BE.jpeg]
[Thumb - 4B0B71BE-A3DB-44C6-AF5F-597CC2C14585.jpeg]
[Thumb - 888825EC-F1C6-4749-AB79-BCFE60A2703B.jpeg]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 20:37:03

Post by: Albertorius

Finished my first Marauder Destroyer, mostly using MongooseMatt's formula:

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 20:51:34

Post by: Fajita Fan

Do the Destroyer AC ejection ports that will fling brass right into the air intakes bother anyone else? I wish I shaved those down before priming :(

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 21:02:47

Post by: Racerguy180

Fajita Fan wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
desided to make missiles and bombs, token style.

snipped a piece of the sprue and glued the rockets/bombs on them in pairs.
that way i can place them on the base and remove them as they have been used, and my opponent sees what plane has what extra loadout instead of asking all the time.

This was exactly my plan, I love the use of sprue.

That's a killer idea, I cant believe I missle'd it myself.
Albertorius wrote:Finished my first Marauder Destroyer, mostly using MongooseMatt's formula:

I really like the green.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 21:33:37

Post by: Rihgu

Just placed an order for another box of thunderbolts and a box of Marauder Destroyers. Can't wait to get 'em and paint 'em up!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/17 23:24:31

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Albertorius wrote:
Finished my first Marauder Destroyer, mostly using MongooseMatt's formula:

I like how you did the canopy, mind sharing your techniques and what paints you used?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/18 06:12:56

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 Fajita Fan wrote:
I wonder if I should shade with black or drakenhoff?

both of them will darken the blue quite a bit, but they do it in their own ways, kinda hard to explain. ( black gives a more dirty look if you catch what im trying to say, but allso removes more of the blue tone)
i use drakenhof and guilliman. drakenhof if i want to darken and shade the lines, guilliman if i want to strenghten the colours.

i prime the planes boltgun, black shade the entire model and then as carefull as possible paint in the blue parts.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/18 07:26:59

Post by: Albertorius

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
Finished my first Marauder Destroyer, mostly using MongooseMatt's formula:

I like how you did the canopy, mind sharing your techniques and what paints you used?

Sure! It's actually pretty easy: a layer of Contrast Blood Angels Red over the base color and then shade the whole thing with Druchii Violet. Clean up the cockpit beams with metal, and done.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/18 09:05:56

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Albertorius wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
Finished my first Marauder Destroyer, mostly using MongooseMatt's formula:

I like how you did the canopy, mind sharing your techniques and what paints you used?

Sure! It's actually pretty easy: a layer of Contrast Blood Angels Red over the base color and then shade the whole thing with Druchii Violet. Clean up the cockpit beams with metal, and done.

Thanks! And is the base coat mechanicus grey?

I think that style of cockpit will look great on my desert camo imperial navy planes

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/18 12:41:11

Post by: MongooseMatt

Did a separate post for this, but I went ahead and did the Rynn's World Campaign Supplement I was talking about earlier in this thread.

You can grab your own copy here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/rynns-world-campaign-supplement/

All comments welcomed!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/18 13:01:41

Post by: Albertorius

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Albertorius wrote:
Finished my first Marauder Destroyer, mostly using MongooseMatt's formula:

I like how you did the canopy, mind sharing your techniques and what paints you used?

Sure! It's actually pretty easy: a layer of Contrast Blood Angels Red over the base color and then shade the whole thing with Druchii Violet. Clean up the cockpit beams with metal, and done.

Thanks! And is the base coat mechanicus grey?

I think that style of cockpit will look great on my desert camo imperial navy planes

It's not Mechanicus, but it's a very similar one from P3. I'm pretty sure you can use Mechanicus without issues.

MongooseMatt wrote:Did a separate post for this, but I went ahead and did the Rynn's World Campaign Supplement I was talking about earlier in this thread.

You can grab your own copy here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2019/09/18/rynns-world-campaign-supplement/

All comments welcomed!

Ohhh, thanks!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/20 18:52:25

Post by: Soulless

Two Thunderbolt elements led by Furies ready for action!

Next to do is the two marauders and then I need to get some destroyers and my initial force is done!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/20 19:41:29

Post by: Fajita Fan

So how does your squadron leader earn his other wing?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/21 09:21:47

Post by: Soulless

 Fajita Fan wrote:
So how does your squadron leader earn his other wing?

Well, Officer Raznak received his second wing after he, having run out of ammo, shot down an enemy using his ejector seat

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/22 07:01:20

Post by: Racerguy180

I'm loving the kits and surprisingly (to me at least) the Dakkajet is my favorite out if the bunch so far. Followed closely by the Marauder Destroyer. I especially liked the arresting hook and exhaust "headers". I kinda want to build a 40k scale one and kitbash it to look like the one I made.

Cant wait to finish building both the 94th Aero Squadron & BoomShaka Lakaa's Flygitz.

My nephews are very, very excited.

[Thumb - 15691342472546534892064184774653.jpg]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/22 16:13:09

Post by: FrozenDwarf

fighters done, time to order some eavy bommers.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/24 06:38:46

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Test paint for the desert scheme Imperials. I think it’s a bit over shaded, those recesses are huge and go really dark with an application of shading. I think the shading is detracting from the camo pattern.

Also this was painted with a hairy brush which took aggggges, I was trying to avoid using my airbrush since it’s not convenient in my current living situation, but maybe I’ll go back to the idea of airbrushing because this guy took some 3 hours to paint.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/24 11:17:37

Post by: BrookM

Found some time and decided to give the larger wing a try on a Thunderbolt:

Took about six or so sessions with decal softener to get it about right, GW's decals are, YMMV obv., nice and sturdy. Redid the panel lines that were covered by the decal with the same wash I used before. Still got loads to do on this one, but at least this one works. I've carefully scraped the greeble off the other wing and will do the other decal there later this week.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/24 11:22:55

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

First of da Dakkajets.

Cut the tip off one of the beaky style noses. Not perfect but I think it came out alright and I prefer it to the beaky style.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/24 13:52:42

Post by: Fajita Fan

These look awesome. The beaky nose is starting to grow on me!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/24 16:23:01

Post by: Racerguy180

I really like the Dakkajet model and cant wait for da 'eavy bommerz.

[Thumb - 15693420705431168598744212731015.jpg]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/24 17:11:04

Post by: SamusDrake

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
First of da Dakkajets.

Cut the tip off one of the beaky style noses. Not perfect but I think it came out alright and I prefer it to the beaky style.

The flames are very well hand-painted. Top job!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/25 02:42:25

Post by: Thargrim

First dakkajet complete, turned out a bit darker than i'd like but that could be due to black primer and the varnishes.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/25 14:33:44

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Fajita Fan wrote:
These look awesome. The beaky nose is starting to grow on me!
I was starting to get used to the beaky nose, but after I cut one off I'm back to preferring the stub nose.

I'll do 2 beakies (one of each type you get in a box), I'll paint one up as the Black Barun and the other just normally, but I think after those I'll just go stub nose for the rest of them.

Also leaving off the exhausts on the nose, I was trying to figure out a good way to paint them which made me think "wait, why does a jet aircraft have exhausts coming out of the nose anyway?", like, is there a V6 engine up there or something (since they have 3 outlets each side). It just doesn't make sense to me why a jet would have exhausts in what would essentially be either the intake or the compressor stage of the engine. So I'm just leaving them off and imagining the vents that are exposed are just some sort of cooling for the compressor.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
SamusDrake wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
First of da Dakkajets.

Cut the tip off one of the beaky style noses. Not perfect but I think it came out alright and I prefer it to the beaky style.

The flames are very well hand-painted. Top job!

Thanks! While painting them I was actually thinking I was butchering them, my hands aren't as steady as they used to be and I struggled to lay them where I intended.

They're layered with three colours (orange, averland and flash gitz yellow) which makes them look neater than they are, because each layer you can somewhat correct the previous flaws. Still touched up the red in a couple of places (which looks bad if you look at it close up, but from a distance it neatened it up).

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/25 16:55:53

Post by: Racerguy180

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Fajita Fan wrote:
These look awesome. The beaky nose is starting to grow on me!
I was starting to get used to the beaky nose, but after I cut one off I'm back to preferring the stub nose.

I'll do 2 beakies (one of each type you get in a box), I'll paint one up as the Black Barun and the other just normally, but I think after those I'll just go stub nose for the rest of them.

Also leaving off the exhausts on the nose, I was trying to figure out a good way to paint them which made me think "wait, why does a jet aircraft have exhausts coming out of the nose anyway?", like, is there a V6 engine up there or something (since they have 3 outlets each side). It just doesn't make sense to me why a jet would have exhausts in what would essentially be either the intake or the compressor stage of the engine. So I'm just leaving them off and imagining the vents that are exposed are just some sort of cooling for the compressor.

Ork tech isnt supposed to be rational, it works cuz they think it works. But I think it looks cool either way. To me it just seems ramshackle to have stuff not visually fit in with the surrounding parts.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/25 18:48:15

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Racerguy180 wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
 Fajita Fan wrote:
These look awesome. The beaky nose is starting to grow on me!
I was starting to get used to the beaky nose, but after I cut one off I'm back to preferring the stub nose.

I'll do 2 beakies (one of each type you get in a box), I'll paint one up as the Black Barun and the other just normally, but I think after those I'll just go stub nose for the rest of them.

Also leaving off the exhausts on the nose, I was trying to figure out a good way to paint them which made me think "wait, why does a jet aircraft have exhausts coming out of the nose anyway?", like, is there a V6 engine up there or something (since they have 3 outlets each side). It just doesn't make sense to me why a jet would have exhausts in what would essentially be either the intake or the compressor stage of the engine. So I'm just leaving them off and imagining the vents that are exposed are just some sort of cooling for the compressor.

Ork tech isnt supposed to be rational, it works cuz they think it works. But I think it looks cool either way. To me it just seems ramshackle to have stuff not visually fit in with the surrounding parts.

yup, just like blood axes and their "love" for camo patterns, it dosent matter what style/colours the camo is, the camo keeps them hidden as long as they THINK it keeps them hidden.

kinda why i went with deathskulls, they no doubt have seen some impressive engine mods on the planes that either the evil sunz or the bad moons has, and desided to acquire it, cuz afterall, when you are rich or when speed is all that matters, "inntresting ideas" will surface.
(or they just took the whole plane and repainted it in true deathskull style )

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/26 04:12:07

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I don't really like that part of the fluff if it's used to explain away silliness. I think of it more like you might have a gun that would normally jam or fail due to poor manufacturing but the psychic belief of Orks keeps it going, or an engine that would normally overheat, or all that sort of stuff, where the Mekboy gets something that kinda sorta works then the belief makes sure it works as intended.

Otherwise if all that's needed for an Ork device to work is belief that it will work, the other part of the fluff that says Mekboyz have an innate mechanical knowledge is kinda pointless.

But then I'm an engineer, so I like to think something could actually work even if it needs a bit of Orky psychic power to work properly

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/26 07:32:43

Post by: Mr_Rose

Or you could just roll with the actual truth which is that a single piece of fluff written from the perspective of an extremely unreliable narrator, with no further evidence, got latched onto by a bunch of nerds and is now a meme.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/26 16:52:35

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Painted up one of the Marauders. This time I used a zandri dust rattle can to speed things up, still pretty slow. I have to go back to my parents house to use my airbrush so maybe I’ll try that this weekend.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/26 17:15:49

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Good thing is you dont have to paint too many of them planes =)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/27 13:55:51

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Dakkajets coming along. Almost have enough painted for an intro game, lol.

Probably need some weathering maybe with some powders, will do that once the rest of the squadron is done.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/27 18:48:40

Post by: Rob Lee

Got my Ork aircraft from the starter set done this week. Nothing special, just some quickly applied paint, quick wash with Nuln oil here and there and some clay wash for a bit of a dirty weathered look.

I tried something "new to me" on the canopies of the Dakkajets, and used several blobbed on layers of Nuln oil to fill in the canopies between the frames, it worked great as I didn't have to be too careful, thus saved time over painting the canopies normally, although some panels could do with a coat or two more.

GW's transfer sheet doesn't give you enough black checkers to do top and bottom on both Maruader wings btw, not even if you use the checkers from the Dakkajet portion of the sheet...

I also feel like going back to the Fighta bombers and painting the canopy panels a different colour, maybe a dark-mid green.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/09/27 20:28:03

Post by: FrozenDwarf

perhaps try that "clay wash" of yours on one of the jets??

fightas atleast to me looks more "used" and thus more orkish.
kinda the issue i have with the way i paint, i paint stuff factory new, dont know how to get a "used" look. got lots of pigments and enamel washes for dirt and mud,,, but the end result is allways crap. (maybe cuz i cant imagine how used equipment looks like..)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/01 17:51:44

Post by: AceXT

My planes so far:

Orks are done with Contrast, Imperials with regular paints.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/02 03:08:51

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 AceXT wrote:
My planes so far:


Orks are done with Contrast, Imperials with regular paints.

Looking good.

The Orks do suit the Contrast paints, I used Flesh Tearer Contrast on mine.

I really like your grey camo, what colours did you use for that?

I went with the desert camo on mine, but thinking I might get another box of Thunderbolts and paint them up in grey camo instead, maybe using one of the patchy style camo patterns from the original AI artwork.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/02 08:48:56

Post by: AceXT

Thank you! For the grey camo, I used black primer, P3 Greatcoat Grey as base, Army Painter Uniform Grey for the stripes, and a drybrush in Army Painter Ash Grey. I used this pattern from Imperial Armour as a reference, and I think it turned out okay.

I like your desert pattern, too, the red canopies are striking.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/03 08:30:36

Post by: MongooseMatt

Don't think I have seen anyone tackle these yet - the Ground Assets that let you put more dakka on the table!

Did a few more piccies and painting notes, if anyone is interested: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2019/10/03/ground-assets/

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/03 15:41:38

Post by: Fajita Fan

I was going to ask where those little rokkits came from.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/04 00:18:40

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Looks like the Ork Rokkits from the mid 90's release of Epic. I think I have some kicking around in a storage box somewhere.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/05 00:10:47

Post by: Racerguy180

Played my second 100pt(ish) dogfight last night and the more I play it, the more i like it. Just did the mission out of the rulebook since I was showing my homies how to play. It was fun and it really felt like air combat. Using the cardstock area of engagement is really nice and think that 2 boxes should yield an interesting game scenario.

Just ordered the ground assets and hopefully in a couple weeks the rynns campaign book.

I already have 2 games lined up for next week and it looks like my flgs community is picking it up.

has anyone tried out the night fighting & bad weather rules yet? they seem interesting.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/13 11:42:13

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

WIP of Dagor Jarni.

Need to decide on a canopy colour, my other imperials are red which isn’t really going to work. Also can’t use contrasts on the same way as I don’t want to mess up the airbrush work.

I didn’t realise but these models are actually big enough to do colour modulation with an airbrush on individual panels. If I’d known that originally I might have gone with a different (faster to paint!) scheme.

Played one short game over the weekend. It’s fun but I really think it’s a downgrade compared to the old rules. Planes are too manoeuvrable, map is too small and the more I use them the less I like hexes.

Thinking it might work better to come up with some movement cards like the old game and play without the hexes.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/14 21:10:24

Post by: Fajita Fan

You might consider blocking in your glass with a bright metal and using Gryph Charger or Space Wolves gray for the glass. Gryph charger is a greenish-gray and SW is a blueish-gray which looks nice over metal.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/17 05:27:52

Post by: Wasteland

First completed Dakkajet - the personal aircraft of 'Red-Eye' Zagbad, leader of Deth Punk Skwadron!

[Thumb - dakkajet1.jpg]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/20 02:46:29

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Geeze it takes me a long time to get models done these days. Finally finished the dakkajet squadron, led by my rendition of Da Black Barun.

Edit: photo quality really goes down using the “forum post” option in the gallery, click on them for a higher res version.

Also my first attempt at a storage solution...

I just bought $5 worth of foam and attacked it with a hobby knife. Not the prettiest solution, but it works. I went for 25mm foam, in hindsight 38mm might have been better, 25mm is only barely thick enough for the fighta bommers, and probably not big enough for the marauders.

This is good enough to play some quick games with mates. Now that I have an idea of how much space I’ll need, I think I’ll just grab a pluckfoam case and grab a couple of sheets of 38mm foam to hack up, that should be enough for both the imperials and orks.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/10/22 08:13:50

Post by: AceXT

Nice! I really like the Black Barun; I'll have to paint one myself once I get more Dakkajets.

Here's a pic from last weekend AI game:

Scenario is Straggler, which seems rather badly designed, unfortunately.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/16 12:22:38

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Here's my current transport option. A generic foam filled carrying case from an auto parts store (supercheap auto for my fellow Strayans).

For anyone interested, the tallest aircraft are the Marauder Bomber (not the Destroyer) and the Eavy Bommer, both of which will fit in to a 25mm deep cavity (which I achieved by cutting partway through a 38mm foam sheet, but may be better achieved by cutting all the way through a 25mm sheet then gluing a thinner sheet to the back).

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/18 09:37:10

Post by: FrozenDwarf

yea i dont think there is going to be any better universal storage solutions then that.

on the bright side, case do not take mutch space tough =)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/20 03:10:33

Post by: schank23

Just got into the game last week. Haven’t even played yet. Plan on flying orkz. I’ve got 9 dakka jets and 2 fighta bommerz. Only 3 painted so far. But basing of the same colors as my ork kill team. Orange and grey.

[Thumb - 597ADC06-C191-4B48-8BA1-A3CA7DA519E1.jpeg]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/20 10:09:05

Post by: CptJake

The painted base adds a lot to the over all look.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/20 18:43:20

Post by: Sherrypie

Finally got around to doing something with the AI pieces, though more for Epic / AT scenery than AI at this point. Lovely stuff.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/21 02:17:52

Post by: schank23

 CptJake wrote:
The painted base adds a lot to the over all look.

Yes it add a lot of character. Not done with the one I started need to clean it up still but that’s the direction I’m going with them.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/21 05:03:00

Post by: Fajita Fan

I keep forgetting I have those objectives to assemble and spray.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/25 22:52:50

Post by: AceXT

Here's my first Destroyer. Still need to add some decals.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/26 01:04:44

Post by: CptJake

That is REALLY nice!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/27 02:52:57

Post by: archont

Aeronautica Project of a different Kind, but I think it's worth sharing! :-)

Squadron Lists for Aeldari and Chaos Flyers! In my group the 3D Printers are happily churning away at those planes GW is still withholding.
Friday we'll spitball the Tau Flyers, and possibly Necrons, too, as we're also preparing a Fullspectrum 40k Campaign where BFG , Aeronautica, 40k and Inquisimunda will be combined <3
Appended is the Squadron Lists;

I'd really appreciate Feedback! We can't be the only ones starving for more factions and more planes!

 Filename Aeronautica Squadron List - Fan Edition 1911270340 Redux.pdf [Disk] Download
 File size 13554 Kbytes

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/11/27 06:08:16

Post by: Fajita Fan

 AceXT wrote:
Here's my first Destroyer. Still need to add some decals.

I missed the camo at first glance, that’s good and I like the simple cockpit glass. Do you wish, looking at your nose, that’s you’d shaved off the shell ejection ports which would feed brass straight into the engine intake? I already primed mine and want shave them off

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/01 14:16:46

Post by: AceXT

 Fajita Fan wrote:

I missed the camo at first glance, that’s good and I like the simple cockpit glass. Do you wish, looking at your nose, that’s you’d shaved off the shell ejection ports which would feed brass straight into the engine intake? I already primed mine and want shave them off

Thanks! I can't say that I care about the ejection ports, and the position on the mini makes me think it'll be tricky to shave off. Just pretend that the ports are for something else.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/06 13:21:36

Post by: WhiteHaven

 Fajita Fan wrote:
 AceXT wrote:
Here's my first Destroyer. Still need to add some decals.

I missed the camo at first glance, that’s good and I like the simple cockpit glass. Do you wish, looking at your nose, that’s you’d shaved off the shell ejection ports which would feed brass straight into the engine intake? I already primed mine and want shave them off

I love the look of the ports on mine too much to shave them off lol! I just imagine the shells have a heavily assisted eject. I just finished my force last night. Hopefully I can post some pics tonight after work.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/06 18:59:34

Post by: Fajita Fan

Well they're also in the way of more easily painting mine the way I want:

I'll never pull off the pinup but I like the hawk.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/06 20:42:53

Post by: WhiteHaven

 Fajita Fan wrote:
Well they're also in the way of more easily painting mine the way I want:

I'll never pull off the pinup but I like the hawk.

I hear that. I had to change my original ideas for my scheme. I have a ton of small pinup decals I wanted as nose art but ended up using as tail art.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/06 23:48:40

Post by: WhiteHaven

Just finished these last night.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/06 23:53:11

Post by: WhiteHaven

Part 2

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/07 12:29:18

Post by: Fajita Fan

Those look fantastic!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/10 16:28:29

Post by: WhiteHaven

 Fajita Fan wrote:
Those look fantastic!

Thanks man! Got another box of Thunderbolts on the way to round out each flight to 5 each.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2019/12/15 12:49:03

Post by: Soulless

Nothing fancy but at least I managed to get em all done! Took a very simple approach, especially for the orks simply because I need to get stuff done. Thinking about adding the grot bomber to feel the completion but also wanna base and paint the ground assets.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/02/01 15:11:10

Post by: FrozenDwarf

First imp plane AND first time trying weathering too.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/02/01 17:11:40

Post by: Blooddragon1981

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
First imp plane AND first time trying weathering too.

Damn that looks good! Well done

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/02/01 18:56:18

Post by: FrozenDwarf

a bit worried that i might have overdone it but i think i am just at the "max limit"

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/06/08 18:29:26

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Time to dig up this thread as we get new toys to paint next week.

Here is my small imp force that will be reinforced by the new 2p set next week.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/06/17 13:07:17

Post by: Kaffis

My Thunderbolt squadron is coming along nicely. A little more work to do at the nose, do some edge brush-ups on the taped wing markings, and I need to smooth the tail and engine cowling greens a bit more, but the squadron colors are down and I'm pretty satisfied.

Anybody want to share some tips for panel lining? I've never played an army that had a lot of panel lining on their vehicles, so this will be my first foray into it.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/06/17 13:55:26

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Nice looking P51s there

Pin washing is prolly the easiest.
I use panel liners from Tamiya and very thinned down oil paints.

protip, clearcoat your minis first before you start working on effects.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/06 20:07:22

Post by: amazingturtles

So i got a hold of some ork planes and while this isn't my normal thing, i tried painting them up as christmas style orks.

in actualy practice i'm not sure how christmas-y they actually turned out. if only i could freehand i would have tried a santa ork emblem or something.

(i'm very aware that i am not the best painter)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/07 02:05:47

Post by: FrozenDwarf

dunno if it is a cultural thing or world region thing but atleast to me green aint part of christmas. the tree is green, but that is where it stops.

perhaps paint the whole plane red, do some white trimmin and maybe just the canopy and rokkits in green is the style i would have done it if i was to try it.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/07 13:47:36

Post by: amazingturtles

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
dunno if it is a cultural thing or world region thing but atleast to me green aint part of christmas. the tree is green, but that is where it stops.

perhaps paint the whole plane red, do some white trimmin and maybe just the canopy and rokkits in green is the style i would have done it if i was to try it.

i don't know if it's cultural either but i definitely associate green with christmas! Those are good ideas though, i think i might try something similar if i get a plane or two more. Thanks!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/07 13:55:20

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Kinda good thing about dakka jets, there are 6 of them in a box, so there is plenty to experiment with if you buy a box.

Im slow working on Tau from the 2p box, never was a fast painter.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/07 22:50:29

Post by: Flinty

@amazingturtles - if you bump up the brightness in the red it would say christmas quite a bit more I think. Pipecleaners as tiny tinsel?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/08 11:26:04

Post by: Mr_Rose

 amazingturtles wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
dunno if it is a cultural thing or world region thing but atleast to me green aint part of christmas. the tree is green, but that is where it stops.

perhaps paint the whole plane red, do some white trimmin and maybe just the canopy and rokkits in green is the style i would have done it if i was to try it.

i don't know if it's cultural either but i definitely associate green with christmas! Those are good ideas though, i think i might try something similar if i get a plane or two more. Thanks!

It’s definitely cultural. Green is mostly European and derives from the pagan origins of the holiday and the original colours given to ‘Santa’ – red Santa is a more recent invention that may or may not have spread faster and further due to the Coca-Cola company taking the concept and running with it.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/09 19:13:22

Post by: amazingturtles

Who'da thought i'd be learning about christmas traditions here? Nice!

FrozenDwarf wrote:Kinda good thing about dakka jets, there are 6 of them in a box, so there is plenty to experiment with if you buy a box.

Im slow working on Tau from the 2p box, never was a fast painter.

Yeah, I've got a box coming so i'm going to try some different approaches.

That looks very snazzy! i really like the yellow for the cockpit window

Flinty wrote:@amazingturtles - if you bump up the brightness in the red it would say christmas quite a bit more I think. Pipecleaners as tiny tinsel?

oooh, yeah, tiny tinsel would be perfect.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/07/10 09:55:16

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Orange ink over silver

Im so lazy, 80% of my painting is inks, shadewashes, enamel washes or oil washes over a simple basecoat.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/14 11:31:00

Post by: FrozenDwarf

90% done tigersharks, only detail stuff left and its boring AF.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/15 16:35:04

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Just posted this over in the blog section also, but been working on the Skies of Fire stuff (bought 2 boxes, so got a bit to get through).

Inspired by the cover of the Taros Air War campaign book, I didn't know what the scheme was on the lightning but in my head I saw a hard edged grey on grey camo like a WW2 luftwaffe plane, so went with that vibe.

For the Barracuda I went with a new (for me) painting technique, using a sponge for the highlights and blending rather than a brush/airbrush. I think it came out okay, a couple of slip ups which put blotches in the wrong place, and importantly it's fast to paint so I can comfortably get through a Barracuda in a night (compared to 1-2 nights for my Dakkajets and 2-3 nights for my Thunderbolts/Lightnings)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/15 18:26:30

Post by: amazingturtles

They look quite nifty! The red highlights really make the rest of the figure pop.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/15 21:39:55

Post by: WhiteHaven

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Just posted this over in the blog section also, but been working on the Skies of Fire stuff (bought 2 boxes, so got a bit to get through).

Inspired by the cover of the Taros Air War campaign book, I didn't know what the scheme was on the lightning but in my head I saw a hard edged grey on grey camo like a WW2 luftwaffe plane, so went with that vibe.

For the Barracuda I went with a new (for me) painting technique, using a sponge for the highlights and blending rather than a brush/airbrush. I think it came out okay, a couple of slip ups which put blotches in the wrong place, and importantly it's fast to paint so I can comfortably get through a Barracuda in a night (compared to 1-2 nights for my Dakkajets and 2-3 nights for my Thunderbolts/Lightnings)

Love the Lightning camo with red!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/16 04:25:19

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Red flourishes go well with a lot of types of camo patterns. On the Imperials I'm using green and yellow for squadron leaders to set them apart.

It would be nice if GW released red decals like they've used on their own desert camo Imperial aircraft.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/22 15:05:28

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Thunderbolt and Lightning.

Maybe I went too different with the colours on them as the idea was they'd be used in the same force.

Also, one boxed set worth of Tau done, one to go...

I do need a better place to take pictures than my kitchen, it's really hard to get the colours looking like they do in reality, I'm having to tweak the colours in GIMP and they're still a bit off reality.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/22 15:39:53

Post by: Soulless

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Thunderbolt and Lightning.

Very very frightening!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/22 15:49:10

Post by: Racerguy180

Soulless wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Thunderbolt and Lightning.

Very very frightening!

Piloted by Capt Galileo & Lt. Bismillah

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/23 07:08:15

Post by: FrozenDwarf

More Tau flying in.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/08/24 12:29:26

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Soulless wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Thunderbolt and Lightning.


Very very frightening!

Exactly the response I was hoping to see

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
More Tau flying in.

Looking good. I'm finding the Tau quite fun to paint.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/01 06:42:44

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Finally finished off a Eavy Bomber.

Compared to the other Orks, I decided not to do the black and white checks or any flames on this one as I really liked the way the red came out.

If I paint the other one, I'll do it more similar to the other Orks with more embellishments, but for this guy I thought it'd take away from that nice red.

EDIT: I don't know why but the quality is really crap when I use the "Share This Image" link from the gallery, if anyone knows how to fix that let me know, otherwise click on the image to view it in the gallery where it looks a lot sharper.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/01 09:00:40

Post by: FrozenDwarf

"share this image" has been bad ever since they scaled up regular images size, and the dark/orange theme took a beating when it was converted to mobile web broweser friendly skin.
I guess it is only ment as a teaser and you have to click the image to see it in its full detailed glory.

I sendt my orks to the boneyard when tau was released, but before i did i nearly completed one evy bomber last winter, was not a bad kit, just at the time pointless when a fighta bomma allmoust did the same job.
Still, red goes fasta ya!, so snaxxy planes.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/01 09:25:39

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I haven't played any games using the Eavy Bomber, looking at the rules it seemed to be most useful as a gunship, trying to get enemies in multiple arcs (particularly the side arcs with the 6-3-0 guns and use the 6 structure points to tank a little bit while the cheaper but more delicate planes try to dogfight in to tailing positions.

Doesn't really seem worth the points though, the structure points are valuable but the firepower isn't terribly impressive and only 4 speed might make it hard to get into the optimal position.

But yeah, sucks that it can't carry more bombs than a Fighter Bomber. That's been one of my gripes with the new AI compared to the old Forge World rules, fighters can now carry a big enough bomb load to make the actual bombers redundant, in the old rules fighters couldn't carry nearly as much so it made sense to take bombers to be able to drop enough bombs to ensure you wipe out the target.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Finally finished off a Eavy Bomber.

Compared to the other Orks, I decided not to do the black and white checks or any flames on this one as I really liked the way the red came out.

If I paint the other one, I'll do it more similar to the other Orks with more embellishments, but for this guy I thought it'd take away from that nice red.

EDIT: I don't know why but the quality is really crap when I use the "Share This Image" link from the gallery, if anyone knows how to fix that let me know, otherwise click on the image to view it in the gallery where it looks a lot sharper.

Wowser, I had funky monitor settings when I edited that pic (low blue level "reader" mode) and the colours are wildly off reality after I swapped back to a normal monitor setting. I wish I could figure out my lighting and camera settings so that the colours are closer to reality without having to edit them later, this was taken near an open window to try and use sunlight but it was till weird. Anyway, uploaded an updated version:

Also figured out the drop down menu in "share this image" lets you select full size, but it still seems to downsize it and give compression artifacts.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/06 18:17:44

Post by: thobin

What is the status of this game, have we seen all that we are going to see in regards to Orks, the supplements, cards, aircraft and anti air? I got started late in the game and GW sucks at supporting stuff that is not core 40k so I payed a pretty penny to catch up. OR Is this another Battle Fleet Gothic. I mean 2 years then it's all out of stock indefinitely!?!?


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/06 18:51:58

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 thobin wrote:
What is the status of this game, have we seen all that we are going to see in regards to Orks, the supplements, cards, aircraft and anti air? I got started late in the game and GW sucks at supporting stuff that is not core 40k so I payed a pretty penny to catch up. OR Is this another Battle Fleet Gothic. I mean 2 years then it's all out of stock indefinitely!?!?

Who knows at this point.

GW are currently supporting the game, we've got Orks, Imperials and Tau now. The Orks have as many aircraft as they had back in the original game (the one Forge World released over a decade ago) so I wouldn't expect anything for Orks any time soon. It'd be nice if they had a dedicated transport aircraft, but they never used to have one. As far as the Imperials are concerned, their range is pretty filled out now. Tau is on the slim side, once the Remora comes out they'll have models for everything that currently has rules, but back in the original game they also had Orcas and Mantas.

As much as I love my tiny planes, the game seems pretty dead. Obviously it's hard to tell with Coronavirus, but after the initial Orks/Imperial release it seemed like no one was playing it locally in my area (one store owner commented that I was the only person who had bought anything for it, and another store chose not to carry it at all) and there's only a handful of people that post on Dakka about AI, so I'm assuming after an initial sales spike it's maybe died out.

So I'm not expecting a long term support. I think GW need to hurry up and fix some of the rules issues and try and push it as a competitor to X-Wing.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/06 19:03:10

Post by: thobin

The piece meal release doesn't help with sales, you think they would know this. My Orks have been on the back burner for love as long as I can remember. I had hope and got real excited with the new vehicles and Speed Freaks. Then to have the rug yanked out again. Now this, I don't know why I even bother with their crap!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/07 04:35:49

Post by: Racerguy180

there's always orktober this year....

i couldn't type that with a straight face.

I love the game but they really need to get on the ball for more factions. There are 3 others that play @ my flgs so the game has that going for it at least.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/07 05:41:32

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

It's encouraging if you've got a few people playing. The Tau vs Imperial set came out just before my city was locked down for covid, I'm hoping after we reopen (if it ever bloody happens) there will be some people playing it.

But yeah, I was put off the rules somewhat as although the game is very similar to the original Forge World rules, a few key changes has drastically changed how the game plays and not for the better.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/24 12:45:32

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Finished off the fighters for my urban scheme Imperials.

Maybe made them too different given they're supposed to be from the same force. Still need to do the Valkyries and Marauders.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/24 14:42:02

Post by: FrozenDwarf

You are just missing a bit of unification. When you do different styles you need a thing that is identical across all the models.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/24 22:31:33

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

That’s kinda what I tried to do on the red stripes on the wings/tails, though maybe doesn’t help that the squadron leaders used yellow/beige for their stripes.

The all red dude is supposed to be Dagor Jarni.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I would love it if GW released the red decals that they've been using on their own planes (they look too neat to be hand painted, so I'm assuming they're decals).

Red decals would suit the aesthetic I've gone for, the white or black decals don't really suit it.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/25 09:10:22

Post by: FrozenDwarf

I agree, on the thunderbolts neither black or white works, colour tone is too light.
The lightnings could do fine with white transfers if you applied it on the darkest colour camos.

How about modifly the leaders stripe, red line whit a thinner yellow line in the center?
Might i allso suggest a different canopy colour to make them stand out a little bit? ( slightly dark blue or a weak copper/gold((or titanium)) could suit them)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/25 09:53:42

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I could maybe repaint the Lightning leader's yellow stripes as red, and to set him apart paint the whole leading edge red also.

I think I did make a bit of a mistake making the Lightning's dark band go through the canopy area, as you kind of lose the detail which is around the canopy and fuselage. Might be worth picking out some areas in metallic or light grey near the canopy.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/26 10:12:44

Post by: FrozenDwarf

A shot before they get "dirty and neglected"

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/28 05:30:55

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Looking good. I tend to prefer minimal weathering, the only one of mine I bothered to weather was Dagor Jarni, and that was partly because he got a black splotch that I couldn't clean off so I decided to turn it in to weathering, lol.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/28 11:02:42

Post by: FrozenDwarf

I have been painting "factory new" since forever so that alone is the reason to why i want to get into weathering; used equipment dont look factory new.
But it is my firsts attempts plus a small scale so it will look overdone anyway i currently do it.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/28 14:09:06

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Fair enough, good to try different styles and techniques when you can!

I find some sorts of weathering are easy to do at this scale, some are tricky. Paint chipping I find to be tricky to get looking right on 8mm models. Here's some close ups of my Dagor Jarni as the weathering isn't really visible in the previous image I posted, it's just got some paint chipping on the edges and then some "dirt" in the crevices (at this scale, brown paint blended out roughly). I've seen some really nice weathering on 6mm to 15mm models using powders, but I've never been able to get a good result myself.

It's hard to avoid over doing it, I think this dude is a bit overdone, but given he's an ace it's probably okay that his plane is a bit more worn out.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/09/28 14:55:55

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Yes, i belive i would be more comfy doing it on 28mm then how i feel doing it at 8mm.
Brush strokes gets realy big on 8mm, even if you trim a superdetail brush. (atleast for us that normaly dont paint so small scale as this)

And then it is the visual as you pointed out.
From "far away" you cant see it as the model is small, so it is either suitable for the model but cant be seen unless the model is in your face, or overdone where it can be seen from some distance but looks bad when in your face.

my goal was the latter. (well atleast to the point where you can see it when its on the table while standing next to the table)

What you did to the Ace is suitable for the model size, and looks good in clouse up.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/11/26 20:55:08

Post by: zedmeister

This thread has been too quiet for too long. Post your planes!

These are pretty much finished. Need to come up with snazzy bases for them...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/11/28 06:50:23

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Looking nice! I really like your weathering. I always struggle with weathering on light colours, but that looks really nice.

I've shelved the AI for a while. Still got a bunch to paint but haven't really looked at them for a while.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/11/28 08:38:04

Post by: zedmeister

Thanks bud. They’re not quite white. I went with a very pale ice blue as it makes weathering a tad easier. Though after all the weathering, you hardly notice.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2020/11/28 09:53:50

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 zedmeister wrote:
Thanks bud. They’re not quite white. I went with a very pale ice blue as it makes weathering a tad easier. Though after all the weathering, you hardly notice.

prolly allso lightsource and the eyes.
i seriosuly cant see if it is supposed to be pure white, light grey or light blue, and yes i am beginning to get old age eyes.

still, nice two tone job.
placed my planes on the shelf too as i wait for some product support(all they do is remove products instead of adding them) but i have not that mutch left to paint; 2 lightnings and 1 tigershark.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/03/16 14:03:43

Post by: Sherrypie

Though really painted for Epic, it's AI stuff so why not. Some air support on the painting table:

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/09/18 14:55:58

Post by: Malika2

Need some civilian shuttles?

Scarab class civilian shuttle

The Scarab class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- separate landing gears
- 2x crew members


Beetle class civilian shuttle

The Beetle class civilian shuttle is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, Aeronautica Imperialis, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 3x hulls (landing gears out, landing gears in, separate landing gears)
- 2x engines
- 3x hatches (closed, opened, crew member walking out)
- separate landing gears
- crew member


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/09/22 15:26:21

Post by: Malika2

Still a work in progress, hoping to be able to release it in October. Don't pin me on that one though!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/10/19 10:55:19

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I made a start on my Eldar flyers today, gorgeous little sculpts with barely any mould lines. Keen to paint them up in my own Craftworld scheme!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/11/25 09:27:25

Post by: Bhazakhain

Currently preparing my Asuryani (Craftworld Ulthwé) and Tau (Bor’kan) squadrons.

[Thumb - ED1E07D6-E989-485D-A5FF-92F14A847148.jpeg]
[Thumb - 0905C61A-6AFE-46D9-85E9-435F34857658.jpeg]
[Thumb - E8B3CE57-2044-46CB-A15B-70C9A3F4F132.jpeg]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/11/25 10:12:27

Post by: Sherrypie

Those Ulthwe planes are beautiful.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/11/25 10:20:26

Post by: FrozenDwarf

yup, they are crisp.

bought a box each of the 2nd wave of marines, dont have will will to begin on them now but atleast they are inhouse.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/11/25 19:50:30

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Those look fantastic! I'm cranking through my own now. Split with a friend so I've got 200 points of Eldar and Marines which is a lot of painting and the bases of course need to be done too.

The Eldar weapon options aside from bomb racks are all magnetized, which was probably not worth my time but they're there!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/11/30 23:33:55

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Finished off my Craftworlds airwing:

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/01 08:22:59

Post by: Albertorius

Lovely work

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/01 10:04:04

Post by: FrozenDwarf

yup, snaxy.

Bloody coldwave rolled in taking the outside temp a fair amount below 0, so cant prime my models. sucks to be living to the north in that regards.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/02 20:54:10

Post by: Toofast

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
yup, snaxy.

Bloody coldwave rolled in taking the outside temp a fair amount below 0, so cant prime my models. sucks to be living to the north in that regards.

I turned my guest bathroom into a sort of paint booth because it's always 80%+ humidity outside here. Watch an episode of Dexter and do that to your bathroom.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/02 21:48:06

Post by: zedmeister

Excellent work

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/03 10:12:39

Post by: Irdiumstern

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
yup, snaxy.

Bloody coldwave rolled in taking the outside temp a fair amount below 0, so cant prime my models. sucks to be living to the north in that regards.

Never had an issue priming in the cold, it's just a matter of the humidity not being too high and keeping the Spraycans warm inside before and between sprays.
Granted, I'm usually in the 0 to -10 Celsius range here, idk how bad it gets where you're at.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/04 03:43:08

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Love the look of those Eldar.

Did a test paint of a Xiphon a few weeks ago, tested out a fully drybrushed scheme, going for a Space Wolves theme, ordered a set of Space Wolf decals from Forge World but still waiting on them to arrive, might do a bit of oil paint shading/streaking after applying decals.

What do you folk reckon? I kind of like it as a one-off, I don't know how good a full squadron will look, or how well it'll scale to a larger model like a Thunderhawk.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/04 07:27:44

Post by: Racerguy180

Looks good, shading & weathering will complete it

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/04 08:18:25

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Irdiumstern wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
yup, snaxy.

Bloody coldwave rolled in taking the outside temp a fair amount below 0, so cant prime my models. sucks to be living to the north in that regards.

Never had an issue priming in the cold, it's just a matter of the humidity not being too high and keeping the Spraycans warm inside before and between sprays.
Granted, I'm usually in the 0 to -10 Celsius range here, idk how bad it gets where you're at.

now it is -6 to -10 , so that means it feels like -10 to -16. I had a varnish coat go bad on me in februar when we had -10 to -16 so after that i dont spray when the outside temp is below 0.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/04 08:55:18

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Irdiumstern wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
yup, snaxy.

Bloody coldwave rolled in taking the outside temp a fair amount below 0, so cant prime my models. sucks to be living to the north in that regards.

Never had an issue priming in the cold, it's just a matter of the humidity not being too high and keeping the Spraycans warm inside before and between sprays.
Granted, I'm usually in the 0 to -10 Celsius range here, idk how bad it gets where you're at.

now it is -6 to -10 , so that means it feels like -10 to -16. I had a varnish coat go bad on me in februar when we had -10 to -16 so after that i dont spray when the outside temp is below 0.

Varnish is always more sensitive than anything else, I only varnish when the weather is perfect, but I'll prime/basecoat in almost any weather.

However noting that here I usually have the problem of too much heat where drying in the air becomes a problem, I've definitely heard of folks in colder climates priming below freezing, no idea how much below freezing it's still viable, but I wouldn't be hesitant in priming just because a varnish failed, varnishes are soooo picky.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/04 18:13:07

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Maybe so, but i just dont want to experience more fuzz when i do outdoor spraying, one time is one time too mutch.
weather forcast said we have to endure 5 more days of siberian coldwave, before the temps will go back over 0 next weekend, so it aint bad, just gotta wait a week.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/05 05:18:20

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

You could give it a try on some sprue just to see how it goes so you know for future reference how well it works.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/07 20:06:06

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Thanks for the replies about the Eldar folks!

AllSeeingSkink, that grey suits the era really well, very nicely executed and can't wait to see a squadron of them! I'm probably going to drybrush my marines as I don't think I have the tolerance for edge highlighting a bunch of Xiphons and Storm Eagles.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/09 05:07:32

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

The decals from FW arrived, putting decals on drybrushed models is a pain in the arse, so hard to stop air getting under them, and unfortunately either the decal setting solution or the lahmian medium caused discolouration of the underlying paint, doh!

For anyone who's curious, the regular SM shoulder pad decals are a good size for Xiphon wings, these wolf head decals come in 2 sizes and I used the larger of them.

They're also maybe a bit hard to see, with my eyesight I can't even tell that the ring around the wolves head is made from runes unless I'm 6" away. I was thinking perhaps I could paint the area Morghast Bone beforehand and then apply the decal to create more contrast, though it might hurt the "grim dark" vibe a little bit. Here's a photoshopped version of what I mean...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/09 19:14:16

Post by: Easy E

I like the splash of color the Morghast Bone would add.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2021/12/10 08:46:24

Post by: Malika2

A fighter designed I've done for Vanguard Miniatures has finally been released!

Renegade – Hecate II Interceptor

Renegade Hecate Mk2 Interceptor

Manoeuvrable and well armed, Hecate Interceptors are powered by nuclear cells, such that even in death their pilots may bring woe.

Sets contains:

1 x Hecate Interceptor hull

2 x Hecate components sprues


1) Model length: 71mms (note that this model is larger than the old metal Hecate)
2) Fully resin cast model kit
3) Model can be assembled in flight mode or landed
4) Several weapon options included


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/10 11:05:24

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Did an Alpha Legion Xiphon, testing a scheme I might use on a reduced scale HH project.

It came out way patchier than I was hoping. It's Akhelian Green contrast over some Vallejo metallics. Was trying to sweep the contrast around but I think it just came out too splotchy and messy looking. Also applied a touch of Warp Lightning green on the leading edges of some panels to look like there's a colour shift effect, but again I think it just makes it look messy.

Was trying to do it without airbrushing since I don't have a permanent airbrush setup any more and setting up the exhaust vent is a pain in the arse, but maybe that's needed to avoid the splotchy finish.

It might also need a coat of varnish, no idea which varnish to use though, would need to be satin or maybe gloss to avoid killing the effect.

Might be better off using Army Painter Speedpaints, since they tend to come out smoother, but they don't make anything like Akhelian Green.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/10 12:48:05

Post by: FrozenDwarf

GW contrasts do NOT like flat surfaces of any size, they pool no matter what. They are ment for curved surfaces.

Varnish seems to be a subject of great disagreement as many claims colours must be matt to appear lifelike. Thing is, recreating metallic effect at 1/56 scale aint easy and even harder for 1/200 scale that AI is.. Matt or satin kills the sparkly effect that all metallic paints has completely, gloss protects the sparkly effect but creates a blitz on the entire model as it becomes too reflective.

On my metallic models, i do a gloss, then a super light dusting of either satin or matt to remove the blitz effect of the gloss.

For the cockpit glass on AI models, if i want a reflective surface i use `ardcoat from GW. (not shure if they still sell that one)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/10 22:14:39

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Yeah I think applying a matte varnish would make it look terrible. I think that's part of the problem now, contrast paints have matting agents and contrast medium that I'm using to thin it also has matting agents, so there's a patchiness in not just the colour but also the shininess (which doesn't really come across in the photo).

So maybe I'll give it a squirt with a gloss varnish and see how it looks, hopefully doesn't completely ruin it, lol.

Instead of contrasts I could use Tamiya clears or AP speedpaints, they just don't have colours that work out of the pot. And yeah, I could use an airbrush, it's just a pain in the arse to set up so I don't want to use it, lol.

Many years ago I did some tests with Tamiya clears over true metallic bases, but I don't know if it'll look good on such small scale models that are 99% made of flat surfaces...

Would probably mix a 1 drop of clear green with a few drops of the clear blue.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/07/28 15:47:39

Post by: FrozenDwarf

As you have seen, tamiya clears over metallic creates a candypaint effect, not shure if that is what you look for.

One thing i had to face fairly late in this hobby is that minis are small. Put them on the table and mutch of that hard work you put onto it wont actualy be seen. Elaborate painting is for clouse up display models. Remember the golden rule: if it looks good on one arm lenghts distance from your face, it looks good on the tabletop.

I would attempt to hide the green patches and the darker patches with wear and tear, aka grime or chipping, and leave it with that. If you are going to get a thunderhawk, put the effort into that instead as it is a big model.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/11 15:32:22

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

The contrasts are a bit like candies which just have less volume and less glossy finish.

The main thing I was going for was a fast to paint scheme that looked okay as a whole army, if I go through with it I'll be painting a whole 10mm scale HH sized army with this scheme.

As you say, maybe with some weathering it'd look better. It's going to need to look good on small infantry and tanks also.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2003/06/11 16:20:03

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Hmm, i have not tried it myself, but a brand called Mr Hobby has a metallic blue green 10 ml acryllic glass bottle, colour tone is lighter then what you have done, but not completely outside the realm of alpha legion colour. Paint range name is Aqueous and the paint number is H-063.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/11 18:37:30

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I actually have that paint already, I believe it's made to simulate "aotake", a corrosion resistant coating used on Japanese WW2 planes. I used it many years ago on a Zero for the internal bits. I actually didn't like it for that purpose because the metallic flakes were too noticeable for that purpose, so for the bits of aotake that are more visible on the Zero I used a different technique.

Perhaps that paint with a dark blue wash over the top might look the part?


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/12 08:15:38

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Shade wash will dull down the effect of the metallic sparcle sadly.
I attempted to do that on my met blu warlord for AT on the main leg armor plates, had to repaint the blue again after the shadewash had dried. Could work as a 1 layer highlight maybe?? H63->blue shadewash->H63 highlight.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/12 19:47:05

Post by: Cyel

I am going to play AI with a friend next week and wanted to come prepared by reading the rules. Unfortunately there's no pdf on the game's BGG page which is kind of a shock (board game companies normally share their rules on BGG nowadays to promote the game). Where can I find these rules online?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/12 20:14:46

Post by: Sherrypie

Cyel wrote:
I am going to play AI with a friend next week and wanted to come prepared by reading the rules. Unfortunately there's no pdf on the game's BGG page which is kind of a shock (board game companies normally share their rules on BGG nowadays to promote the game). Where can I find these rules online?

From an online shop, by buying a book. This is a modern GW game after all, free rules ain't a thing and the likes of Wahapedia don't do it as it ain't directly 40k derived.

Youtube tutorials can give you an overview, but otherwise it's either 4chan piracy or the shop to get them.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/12 20:29:01

Post by: Cyel

 Sherrypie wrote:
free rules ain't a thing.

Free rules are very much a thing for almost every board game company nowadays. It's a ubiquitous part of the launch and promotion of any title, KS or not. But I guess GW is GW and they want to hide them from you until it's too late and you have already bought the game

I asked the same question on a board game forum and was met with astonishment "wait, it turns out you can only read the rules by buying the game... what madness is that?" :]

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/12 20:49:17

Post by: Sherrypie

Cyel wrote:
 Sherrypie wrote:
free rules ain't a thing.

Free rules are very much a thing for almost every board game company nowadays. It's a ubiquitous part of the launch and promotion of any title, KS or not. But I guess GW is GW and they want to hide them from you until it's too late and you have already bought the game

I asked the same question on a board game forum and was met with astonishment "wait, it turns out you can only read the rules by buying the game... what madness is that?" :]

As was implied in the full context by stating that this is a modern GW game, yes. Doesn't matter much for them what the board game industry at large does. After taking down their previous Specialist Games rules hub from their website ten years ago, they haven't been in the habit of giving proper core rules out for free beyond cursory introduction texts to AoS and 40k.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/12 21:34:14

Post by: FrozenDwarf

yup, sadly how it is, no free peeks, pay before reading.

The core rules are the same in both campain e-pub, only the forces in them that differ.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/13 12:56:09

Post by: FrozenDwarf

On my path to returning to painting i did one of my AI backlogs, a sm thunderhawk. Rush job just to get it out of the system, if i spend too long time on something i loose the drive.

Went super cheasy, aka grey, so Revilers, successor chapter of Raven guard. (mono grey with red stripe on helmet)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/16 07:19:59

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Looks good. Anything that gets models on the table is a positive in my book. I assembled my Thunderhawk but still haven't settled on a Chapter/Legion for my Marine squadron. Space Wolves is historically my favourite Chapter, but grey can be a bit boring when many of my Imperial Navy are also grey camo patterns.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/16 09:13:25

Post by: FrozenDwarf

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Looks good. Anything that gets models on the table is a positive in my book. I assembled my Thunderhawk but still haven't settled on a Chapter/Legion for my Marine squadron. Space Wolves is historically my favourite Chapter, but grey can be a bit boring when many of my Imperial Navy are also grey camo patterns.

ty. yes, grey is a horribly boring colour, but it is not going to be too big collection so i can live with it. More sm coming during the summer, so right now i am working on my last unpainted tau plane (shark ax 1-0) before i order the last missing tau planes in my collection, remora drones.

BTW, what kind of a d*** move was it to put the companion book on direct order only.......GW is putting in alot of effort into making shure AI remains anonymous..........

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/06/16 11:00:08

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Yeah I think grey is fine, just in my case I already have one grey squadron so another grey one would be boring, lol.

And yeah, I still haven't bought the companion because they made it direct. I normally buy from local stores or discounters. Here in Oz the companion is also slightly below the "free shipping" threshold, so you're either paying the shipping or having to decide to buy something else to get it up to a free shipping level.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/07/12 16:43:26

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Tau drones are done, took me 8 days, but i did oil shading and griming as i was effing lazy, so had to let them dry for a week. First time i placed an order after brexit and it was my last, import tax has nearly doubled (so in the end, i payed for allmoust 3 and got 2, bought a volkite wep for a AT warhound too) and it takes 16 days to ship from uk to norway, when the site says it will take 6 days.......

That allso means the book over at direct and any ground assets is completely out of question. (the legal way)

Anyways, a pic and then all i have left to do is to finish the big plane with the big railguns. (sometime)

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/08/30 13:16:22

Post by: MongooseMatt

The forthcoming (hopefully arriving in a day or two!) Horus Heresy update for Aeronautica suitably inspired me to return to Prospero and get some Space Wolves assault forces painted up:

Just got to do the defenders of Tizca now. If you have any interest, I put some painting notes together at: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2022/08/30/space-wolves-airfleet/

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/02 16:51:47

Post by: Lord of Deeds

MongooseMatt wrote:
The forthcoming (hopefully arriving in a day or two!) Horus Heresy update for Aeronautica suitably inspired me to return to Prospero and get some Space Wolves assault forces painted up:




Just got to do the defenders of Tizca now. If you have any interest, I put some painting notes together at: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2022/08/30/space-wolves-airfleet/

Nice work as always. Looking at your color scheme reminded me of the US Navy's VF-1 "Wolfpack" fighter squadron.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/02 17:47:12

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

MongooseMatt wrote:
The forthcoming (hopefully arriving in a day or two!) Horus Heresy update for Aeronautica suitably inspired me to return to Prospero and get some Space Wolves assault forces painted up:


Just got to do the defenders of Tizca now. If you have any interest, I put some painting notes together at: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2022/08/30/space-wolves-airfleet/

Those look great, I prefer them to my efforts, lol, you have a much lighter grey than mine that contrasts better with the reds.

May I ask what recipe you used? I might steal it for my future Space Wolves, lol.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/02 18:11:38

Post by: MongooseMatt

AllSeeingSkink wrote:

Those look great, I prefer them to my efforts, lol, you have a much lighter grey than mine that contrasts better with the reds.

May I ask what recipe you used? I might steal it for my future Space Wolves, lol.

Actually, it is the same I use for my Space Woof infantry (which is same colours as large vehicles, but with a slightly different approach).

1. Spray undercoat Mech Std Grey
2. Basecoat Dawnstone
3. Wash all over with Agrax
4. Heavy drybrush Dawnstone
5. Light drybrush Admin Grey

And that is about 80% of the models done!

The red is just Khorne Red, Agrax wash, Mephiston drybrush.


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/03 14:22:33

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

MongooseMatt wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:

Those look great, I prefer them to my efforts, lol, you have a much lighter grey than mine that contrasts better with the reds.

May I ask what recipe you used? I might steal it for my future Space Wolves, lol.

Actually, it is the same I use for my Space Woof infantry (which is same colours as large vehicles, but with a slightly different approach).

1. Spray undercoat Mech Std Grey
2. Basecoat Dawnstone
3. Wash all over with Agrax
4. Heavy drybrush Dawnstone
5. Light drybrush Admin Grey

And that is about 80% of the models done!

The red is just Khorne Red, Agrax wash, Mephiston drybrush.


Cheers! That's not actually too far off my method, but I base coated Vallejo Intermediate Blue (which in spite of the name is a medium grey) and drybrushed Dawnstone. So probably your scheme is like mine just shifted one batch of greys brighter.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/03 15:13:10

Post by: zedmeister

Found myself working on some Eldar flyers the other day - getting close to finishing these. Need to add some transfer then it's an oil wash, a spot of weathering and then round off by finishing the bases:

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/04 08:21:05

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 zedmeister wrote:
Found myself working on some Eldar flyers the other day - getting close to finishing these. Need to add some transfer then it's an oil wash, a spot of weathering and then round off by finishing the bases:


Looks great.

I haven't touched my Eldar yet, can't decide whether to do a Mymeara scheme or duplicate the scheme that I used on my 1st edition ones many years back...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/04 08:32:08

Post by: zedmeister

Nice fleet! Personally, I’d look at something new to tackle

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/04 12:14:41

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Yeah, maybe. Eldar look good in so many schemes, it's hard to go wrong with if the execution is right.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/13 13:18:43

Post by: MongooseMatt

I yoinked the Ares Gunship for the Legio Custodes as soon as it was released - for obvious reasons, this model paints up very, very quickly...

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/13 13:45:43

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Looks great! Is that freehand on the side?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/13 19:53:10

Post by: MongooseMatt

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Looks great! Is that freehand on the side?

Hell no Came from the Heresy Custodes transfer sheet.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/13 20:35:25

Post by: zedmeister

Yeah, that's looking good.

Do like the Aries (and the orion which I hope they'll get round to). Nice chunky model

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/27 20:25:44

Post by: MongooseMatt

Been working through a few more of the Forge World models.

Quite like the Aruvs Lighters, they have a certain cuteness to them:

And the Astartes Ground Assets, done in Heresy-era Thousand Sons colours:

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2022/09/28 08:41:50

Post by: Sherrypie

The Arvus is certainly a cute little thing. It's a flying brick that shouldn't work and has no guns worth speaking of, yet bravely zips around the wartorn hellscapes of the galaxy.

Adorable, really.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/01/14 12:12:07

Post by: Malika2

Am I the only one bummed out that GW didn't do this Deff Skwadron tribute using Aeronautica Imperialis models?


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/01/15 13:44:52

Post by: FrozenDwarf

How could they justify playing a game that is not supported or avalible outside of Direct and whit half the model lineup only avalible from FW? This game has taken up place alongside Dreadfleet, sooner one accepts that, the better.

Buy the plastics, 3D print the resins, use/adapt the 2007 rules. Only way to play the game.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/01/15 16:05:01

Post by: SamusDrake

They should just make Aeronautica Imperialis; The little pig. Nothing but Arvus lighters simply moving around the board, players adoring them in favour of rolling dice. Maybe racing to pick up cargo before the other players beat them to it.

Kind of like an aerial Hungry Hippos set in the grimdark future.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/06/08 10:12:28

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I've not worked on any Aeronautica projects in well over a year now, but with the Dakka Painting Challenge 100 and an AI event I'm going to in a few weeks, I picked up some Imperial Navy flyers fromm eBay for £35 all in. Thunderbolts are lacking a bit of detail thanks to thick paint jobs, but for what'll be a speedy job to get them on the table, they'll be fine.

Plan is to pick up some Valkyries and couple more T-Bolts to round out the roster.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/06/17 21:36:35

Post by: Tyranid Horde

A wee update. Playing on Monday so keen to get these to table top quality. I was going to do an all over brown oil wash to tint everything but maybe I should just pin wash to keep the white primer?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/06/21 20:00:32

Post by: SamusDrake

Very nice!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/07/05 22:55:37

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Finished 150pts of Navy for £35. Missing some Valks to finish the force but we ain't getting those now lol

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/07/08 09:51:47

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Looks great! With the decals and the weathering they look really nice, I love how striking they are and the red-nosed guy really stands out nicely (I assume an ace?).

Maybe I'm being silly since GW just killed AI, but I really feel like starting a new Imperial squadron with a more unified colour scheme. than my previous attempts.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/07/14 16:06:23

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Cheers! Ace indeed, figured I'd use the noses to add a splash of colour and denote the aces. Half tempted to put a red nose on all of them though!

Have to say ASS, I love your Imperial Navy, gives a real feel of different theatres compared to mine. I also noticed you added chipping, something I may have to go back and add as I think mine are missing a little somethin' somethin'. Would be keen to see if you do decide to go for another squadron.

I managed to pick up Skies of Fire with the cards for Imperials and Tau for cheap so I've got three more Lightings to turn into missile platforms, two Valkyries and a bunch of Tau!

Made a start on my remaining plastic Eldar, with a couple of Hemlocks and a Vampire Raider to complete the list.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/07/15 12:08:03

Post by: amazingturtles

The Eldar look so fun to paint. Sadly I think I missed out on getting ahold of any of them.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/07/15 16:47:19

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Amazingturtles if you PM me with what you want I may be able to see if my local GW(s) have the plastic kits in stock. Better than being scalped on eBay.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/07/16 05:59:59

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
Cheers! Ace indeed, figured I'd use the noses to add a splash of colour and denote the aces. Half tempted to put a red nose on all of them though!
Up to you, but I think leaving the red for the aces works well. The yellow + light grey is striking enough for me on the regular dudes.

Have to say ASS, I love your Imperial Navy, gives a real feel of different theatres compared to mine. I also noticed you added chipping, something I may have to go back and add as I think mine are missing a little somethin' somethin'. Would be keen to see if you do decide to go for another squadron.

Thanks! It's been a long time since I painted them, I don't actually remember the colours I used on some of them so couldn't add to them even if I wanted, haha. AI aircraft are definitely fun to paint though.

Though I don't think yours are missing anything, perhaps you could add a bit more weathering either in the form of chipping or some more grime in the recesses and such to create more contrast?

I enjoy just flipping through the original AI books and looking at all the different colour schemes, which has probably led to my Imperials being all over the place in terms of their schemes, haha. Though reading the Double Eagle book recently, it seems the Imperial forces were a mix of different colour schemes.

If I started another Imperial squadron, I'd probably be thinking something similar to your scheme, but maybe a touch darker on the grey and maybe not yellow as the secondary colour.

I managed to pick up Skies of Fire with the cards for Imperials and Tau for cheap so I've got three more Lightings to turn into missile platforms, two Valkyries and a bunch of Tau!

Made a start on my remaining plastic Eldar, with a couple of Hemlocks and a Vampire Raider to complete the list.

Looks great! I'm tossing up buying more Tau/Eldar before they go completely out of stock, never been a big Tau fan but got them because they were in the starter, now I've developed a bit a soft spot for them.

My Eldar are really lacking Vampires and the Tau are lacking Drones, but they're all out of stock now, might have to look into 3D printing some proxies.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/10/10 16:03:36

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Not really reporting on a project, but I got a game of Aeronautica in last night. Six people made it to the evening alongside various other systems in play.

Used low flying rules to bring in buildings and tried out a bombing run mission for the first time!

150 points - Navy vs Orks - Bombing Run

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/10/13 19:36:04

Post by: westiebestie


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/10/15 04:33:00

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Looks cool!

I've managed to get a few games in over the past couple of months, no photos though.

I will admit, even though I personally don't like the hex system for AI, it's been a real boon for getting people into the game. It's one of the few games that I can genuinely teach someone to play within an hour or so, and mostly just need the quick reference sheet to teach someone almost all the rules. The main time we end up going back to the book is to double check ranges, not sure why they didn't put the ranges on the quick reference sheet!

I really need to design and print some manoeuvre dials, as people like to have their counters face down so the opponent can't see what they've picked, but that makes it fiddly to find the one you need.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/10/23 10:34:00

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I think I have been a fan of the hex system used for AI for that exact reason, we had quite a few folk mosey around our tables (a few battletech and KT players) purely because of the hex system and the manoeuvres sheet. I suppose that's the benefit of it being more a board game, it's quick to explain and quick to pick up.

That being said, I'm definitely finding a benefit to adding the extra rules into my games now. The "competitive" missions add quite a lot to the game and actually force a bit of thinking in your list building as you can't just blow things out of the sky to win, and adding buildings just to add some risk to your moves is a cool bit of granularity that doesn't add time to the game.

Agreed on the dials, the tokens are grand but you spend a lot of time searching for them if you're not organised (like me). X-Wing tokens are what I was thinking of trying to make.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/10/28 01:48:32

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

One of the big downsides to the hex system is I never bought a larger hex board, and now I can't buy one, so we're stuck playing with the ones that came in the boxed set. We can put 2 boards side by side, but that results in a wide but narrow field.

We start with the tokens being organised, but after 1 or 2 games they're completely mixed up.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/10/28 02:01:17

Post by: chaos0xomega

order a hex mat from deepcutstudio, these are the three i recommend:




Order it 6x4, use the print-o-mat feature to add the hex overlay. Alternatively order mat of your choice without hexes and get a transparent hex overlay from tablewar:


If you're going that route, I can also recommend PWorks Sky of War mat: https://www.pworkwargames.com/en/gaming-mats/117-537-sky-of-war-wargames-terrain-mat.html#/1-material-pvc_vinyl/6-size-3x3_92x92cm

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/02 01:23:30

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I'll have to look into those. Back when AI first released I did look at a place that did custom prints to add overlays, I don't remember which company, but I didn't do it as by the time I added the cost of the mat, the cost of the overlay, then shipping to Australia, the price seemed to high to justify it.

What size mat are you playing on and what size would you recommend? The GW starter set ones are too small, the fold out ones they sold were better but still on the small side, but for playing games after work in the office I can't get something too excessively large.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/02 01:27:47

Post by: chaos0xomega

I buy all my mats in 6x4, regardless of which game I intend to use them with, as they provide the most versatility and flexibility and can be reused for other games, etc.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/02 12:12:50

Post by: Tyranid Horde

So I have the GW board as well as the starter set mats and it's 3x3, which is a good size for 100-150 point games. I can be a little crowded for the likes of Orks with high plane counts but it adds to the complexity (I think). That's what most standard tournaments play on too.

AI is supposed to be played on a 4x4 and I have played on a 4x4 mat for 200 point games which is more than enough space to add in terrain pieces or other extra rules. Below 200 though it feels like you're swimming.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/03 11:30:12

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

I think 6x4 might be too big for the table I use for games after work.

AI1 was typically played on pretty large tables, I think either 6x4 or 8x4, and that's when aircraft were smaller and without the hexes. Definitely the starter set mat (which I think might be 2.5x2x5 is too small even for small games, as faster aircraft cover most of the table in a single move. We tend to start on opposite corners to increase the distance between us at the start of the game to avoid the Orks having the advantage of being able to get in close range on T1.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/08 02:42:38

Post by: Fugazi

I just picked up my first AI minis on clearance (ultimately for use in the new Epic edition). I got Marauders and Dakkajets.

Holy cow, I didn’t know they were so big! I never got a sense of scale or saw them in person. And as for modeling, I had the mistaken impression that the assembly went something like this:

Step 1: attach wings
Step 2: uh, paint it, I guess

It’s a much more substantial kit. I’m excited about these things. I wish I hadn’t missed out on the all the ork, Eldar, and Tau aircraft.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/08 12:21:46

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

Some of them are pretty simple to build, others are more complex I remember the Marauder took me a whole evening or so after work just to build them.

The dakkajets were faster to build. Personally, I didn't like the "beaky" noses on the dakkajets, so I converted them to be stub nosed, but didn't take a huge amount of time.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/08 19:17:05

Post by: westiebestie

The modern AI kits are some of GWs best imo. I too was surprised about the amount of parts. But they come out with great detail, fit and tolerances.

E.g the Fire Raptor side turrets don't have to be glued, they stay snug enough to not fall out, but can be rotated to point where you are shooting. Very pleasing for the inner nerd.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/08 21:24:47

Post by: Fugazi

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Some of them are pretty simple to build, others are more complex I remember the Marauder took me a whole evening or so after work just to build them.

The dakkajets were faster to build. Personally, I didn't like the "beaky" noses on the dakkajets, so I converted them to be stub nosed, but didn't take a huge amount of time.

I saw those in your gallery! They look great. Nice paint scheme too. I’ll have to take another look at the kit and see about the nose. What did you use? Something you sculpted, kitbashed, or aftermarket parts?

 westiebestie wrote:
The modern AI kits are some of GWs best imo. I too was surprised about the amount of parts. But they come out with great detail, fit and tolerances

E.g the Fire Raptor side turrets don't have to be glued, they stay snug enough to not fall out, but can be rotated to point where you are shooting. Very pleasing for the inner nerd.

Agree completely. I love little movable details and turrets on kits. I haven’t been able to track down that kit yet. It looks great.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/09 03:01:40

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

 Fugazi wrote:
AllSeeingSkink wrote:
Some of them are pretty simple to build, others are more complex I remember the Marauder took me a whole evening or so after work just to build them.

The dakkajets were faster to build. Personally, I didn't like the "beaky" noses on the dakkajets, so I converted them to be stub nosed, but didn't take a huge amount of time.

I saw those in your gallery! They look great. Nice paint scheme too. I’ll have to take another look at the kit and see about the nose. What did you use? Something you sculpted, kitbashed, or aftermarket parts?

I just sliced the noses off using a fresh blade on a hobby knife, taking lots of small cuts to carve it to shape rather than trying to hack it off in one go. The picture below probably shows it best. Rather than doing a perfectly straight cut, I angled it a bit and then tried to follow the existing panels and gun ports to make it look a bit neater but also sufficiently Orky.

Once cut off, the wall thickness was a bit excessive, so I just cleaned it up with the hobby knife. It was done before assembly, which makes them fiddly to hold, I did have a reason for doing it before assembly but can't remember what that reason was now.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/09 13:13:15

Post by: Fugazi

Thanks for sharing. Great results!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/09 14:13:59

Post by: westiebestie

Progress on the mentioned Fire Raptors!

Just decals & streaking left.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/13 11:03:53

Post by: Malika2

Another release!

BU-F410 (also known as the 'Buffalo') ready for deployment!

The BU-F410 class civilian shuttle, also known as the 'Buffalo', is designed for smallscale (6mm / 8mm) gaming, making it compatible for games such as Adeptus Titanicus, Battletech, X-Wing and others.

The kit contains the following parts:
- 2x hulls (landing gears out or landing gears in)
- front hatch
- 2x Type Alpha Shipping Container (one with a basing hole and one without)
- 2x ground crew members

Please do not share of sell these files without my written permission!


[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/13 11:33:57

Post by: AllSeeingSkink

That looks cool. How big is it compared to the Aeronautica models?

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/11/13 12:02:44

Post by: Malika2

AllSeeingSkink wrote:
That looks cool. How big is it compared to the Aeronautica models?

It should fit well in that scale. I think this one is a bit bigger than an Arvus. The Buffallo is about 52mm wide x 54mm deep x 26mm tall.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/12/11 07:26:59

Post by: Breotan

With the new Baneblade model for LI, I decided to makea Hellhammer. This allowed me to give my second Thunderhawk a Thunderhawk Cannon.

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/12/11 08:32:57

Post by: westiebestie

Liking it!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/12/11 08:55:44

Post by: Malika2

Cool conversion!

[AI] Report on your AI Projects!  @ 2023/12/12 03:24:01

Post by: Breotan

Thanks. I don't know if it's clear or not from this angle, but I also drilled the barrel.