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REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/08 01:52:01

Post by: Mothsniper

The way of the Dawi-kin

A goal of Acquiring every single Reaper Dwarf and painting em up.

Master check list has been put together that will be updated with time.

Any duplicate model will receive conversion using Reaper weapons.
This challenge is part of the KARAK GARAZ-NGOL project https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/804229.page#11331863

I like my check-off lists and achievement progress icons.
Green box indicates the mini is owned, the picture next to model and golden filter over indicates that is has been painted, the purple filter indicates that it is a duplicate. (much easier to put a purple filter than restructure the chart to take accidental duplicates out)

FULL IMAGE https://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2023/5/25/1167704-Bones%2C%20Dwarves%2C%20Reaper%2C%20Reaper%20Dwarves.jpg

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/08 02:20:58

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Dwarf Mancatcher, sku: 14463

Made this guy a Noblemen with bright colored clothes and golden glave.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Man Catcher (8).jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Man Catcher (7).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/09 03:33:45

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Quite the goal for some good minis. What's your motivation to do this? A deep appreciation of dwarves? Rooting for ya, and you've already made decent progress.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/09 04:28:37

Post by: Mothsniper

 CaptainWaffle wrote:
Quite the goal for some good minis. What's your motivation to do this? A deep appreciation of dwarves? Rooting for ya, and you've already made decent progress.

Love for all things dwarven indeed.
Initially I was picking up Reaper Dwarfs as a unique Thane option for the AgeofSigmar Dwarf army made of various clans. Painting up each unit, of 10 or so, in different color scheme and have a Thane to match.

At a later time, with sizable dwarf collection, I found me self taking on tasks that do not seem endless, but more reasonable with little bit of time.
Instead of keeping up with new dwarfs models from GW and many other companies, decided to focus on one.

To keep things neat and tidy a check of list to keep track and progress.

Reaper minis are just fun, after Dwarves think sea creatures be good.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/09 04:36:47

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, King Axehelm of Kragmarr

Wanted a dirty worn look on this dwarf kind, and a high contrast in color scheme of white and red.

Made a mistake on this one using wrong type of shade that made everything glossy, had to layer addition shades of different brand to take out the gloss. turned out a bit darker than planned.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarven Brewmeister (6).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/09 04:44:15

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Dwarven Brewmeister, 02559

Quite a strait forward model to paint.
Did not want crazy colors for this guy.

A variation of royal blue color scheme with gold patterns and closed eye lids could be interesting.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarven Brewmeister (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/09 06:59:42

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

That's crazy man!

Good luck to you!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/10 16:12:51

Post by: aku-chan


Not enough Reaper minis around these parts.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/10 18:45:56

Post by: amazingturtles

That is an impressive goal and the progress so far looks great! reminds me that i'd like to have a few more dwarves around.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/11 13:46:45

Post by: Boss Salvage

Exalt and good luck on your quest

Off to a fine start!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 05:53:26

Post by: Mothsniper

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
That's crazy man!

Good luck to you!

Thank you sir

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 aku-chan wrote:

Not enough Reaper minis around these parts.

That is true. A good variation range.

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 amazingturtles wrote:
That is an impressive goal and the progress so far looks great! reminds me that i'd like to have a few more dwarves around.

Thank you. Few dwarves never hurt anyone! well, not any goblin kind anyways.

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 Boss Salvage wrote:
Exalt and good luck on your quest

Off to a fine start!

Thank you. Hope the finish to be as fine as the start

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 05:59:10

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Hagar, Dwarven Hero, 77482

Wanted to make Hagar and Durgam Deepmug into a two brother team of green-beards.
Just leather, iron, and green.

[Thumb - IMG_7703.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 06:46:26

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Durgam Deepmug Dwarf Hero, 77400

The green-beard brother of Hagar.
Rangers both, with green rune weapons

[Thumb - IMG_7709.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 07:04:35

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Dwarf Royal Weapomaster, 77574

There is nothing royal about this malicious looking guy.
Went for high contrast red/white.

I was thinking of possible conversions, I don't know, this is not the most interesting dwarf model they have for that.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Royal Weaponmaster (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 07:21:56

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Fulumbar, Dwarf Warrior, 77011

Gave him axe and a shield from reaper Weapon pack III
Usually I do not go for bright colors, yet this warrior needed some frost armor! (too much terreria of late)

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Fulumbar_axe (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 07:30:20

Post by: Elbows

Brave. There are some good ones...and some real turds in the dwarf minis. Mostly pretty solid though.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 15:45:58

Post by: Mothsniper

 Elbows wrote:
Brave. There are some good ones...and some real turds in the dwarf minis. Mostly pretty solid though.

Yes I agree. That is why I will try to do conversions on the turds, but still want to have the original.
At some point there is no matter how good your paint skill is, some models are just hard to do anything with.

That is why I consider GW the top dog. Because not only the models look sweet, but they are Stylized by sculptor in a way that makes sense for painting and easy to get brush into the details.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/15 16:03:24

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Dwarven Brewmeister, 02559

The rest of the gang. Those mugs man, are like half the size of that poor little barrel.
Wanted grouped colors of tans and browns to create tonal contrast instead of use of intense colors.

These are quite easy to paint, good models.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Royal Weaponmaster (10).jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Royal Weaponmaster (6).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/19 05:21:40

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Fulumbar, Dwarf Warrior, 77011

The original model with a bit older paint job, or battle dirt paint job
But with TrueBlood effect paint from GreenStuff ( http://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/inicio/899-true-blood-effect.html )

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Fulumbar_axe (14).jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Fulumbar_axe (7).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/19 05:33:52

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Freja Fangbreaker , 77073

This is one of the cooler looking models, even though was a bit hard to paint.
Older paint job, dirty, battle weathered.

Went with Conan the Barbarian face paint.

[Thumb - IMG_7738.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/19 05:45:39

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper, Freja Fangbreaker , 77073

Same model with Weapon Pack III axe upgrade.
Most recent paint job, cleaner with different paint scheme of bronze and green.

[Thumb - IMG_7726.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_7739.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/22 23:45:45

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dwarf Slaver - 77298

Speaking of real turds.
Honestly the worst sculpted miniature for painting I had experience with to date.
And I did not have much experience at all, but still!

With weird man tits, nipple piercing key-chain, and bare butt-cheeks... In addition to not the brightest example of sculpting...

First painted this skin dark and black clothes, looked bad.
Then painted with contrast colors and light skin and green/red palate, looked like poorly painted creepy christmas elf.
Finally repainted the skin with the only thing that could save the abysmal anatomy with my poor painting skill is war paint

The Weapon did not look good in metal, or gold, or rust, So a direction of high contrast paid off. Abyssal Obsidian on teal ivory handle workout well.

It was fun trying to make this guy work for me.

[Thumb - IMG_7901.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_7896.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/09/24 01:50:54

Post by: CaptainWaffle

I'll hand it to ya, Moth, you certainly made something palatable out of a silly sculpt. On to better things, I hope? The warpaint definitely saves it.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/04 05:20:20

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Ametrine Earthlyte - 02719

Built me self lightbox. Will be retaking some old pictures.

One of the better models, easy model to paint, good sculpt.
Various shades of gray and gold color scheme.
I like this one

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_ Ametrine Earthlyte (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/04 12:57:24

Post by: amazingturtles

Yeah, that's a pretty nifty dwarf! a very solidly posed figure, and i like the face paint!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/04 19:19:56

Post by: gobert

Cool Dwarves, nice rosy cheeks and nose on the latest one too

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/05 05:56:04

Post by: Mothsniper

 amazingturtles wrote:
Yeah, that's a pretty nifty dwarf! a very solidly posed figure, and i like the face paint!

Thank you, thank you!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
gobert wrote:
Cool Dwarves, nice rosy cheeks and nose on the latest one too

Rosy cheeks is quite easy to do, and read very well at arms length!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/05 06:01:20

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Annasha Tomebreaker - 14482

I like this model, despite the fact that I can't do much with that face... will get another one for conversion at a later time.
I coudln't figure out color scheme for this one. I just wanted an enchanted sword and divine mace.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Annasha  Tomebreaker (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 201900/10/02 06:47:06

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Khael Stonekindle, Dwarf Wizard - 77075

One of the better models for sure. Super easy to paint, well sculpted.
Wanted this guy to be a gray-traveler, and he turned out extra dirty and shiny because I used wood-stain to shade and seal the model.

Woodstain does no have the same effect it does on GW models.
Defiantly will do another one with conversion with a better staff.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Khael Stonekindle  Dwarf Wizard (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/05 06:45:57

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Barden Barrelstrap, Dwarf Cleric - 77383

One of me favorite models, even if staff is misaligned.
Pose adds alot of character and story to the model, making painting process more fun.

Bluebeard Forge Priest at your service.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Barden  Barrelstrap Dwarf Cleric (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/05 06:52:58

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Klaus Copperthumb, Dwarf Thief - 77479

This model is super easy to paint, however it is quite hard to make it work.
It was a bit of a challenge for me to make model not bland.

Turned out muddy and dirty, perfect!

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Klaus  Copperthumb Dwarf Thief (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/07 02:02:28

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Logrim Battlefury, Dwarf Paladin - 77397

Went for dirty beaten armor and bright fiery garb.
Sword is forever bent due to deflecting a deadly blow form old enemy, the Palastica PakatgGin!
Palastica PakatGin has cut down many, through the years, in their prime.

Could have reforged the blade through BoilingWater/Cooling method, but though its fine as is.
Possible conversion model for future.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Logrim Battlefury Dwarf Paladin (1).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/07 02:15:09

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Horgun Blackfletch, Dwarf Bowman - 03564

This is the very fist guy I painted from Reaper. Old paint job, finished with WoodStain.
Not many dwarfs sport a bow, preferring gunpowder or a crossbow.
Unique model indeed.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Horgun Blackfletch  Dwarf Bowman (1).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/07 02:23:51

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Herryk, Dwarf Cleric - 77220

Eaelier paint job as well.
Went with Purple/Yellow color scheme, unfortunately WoodStain finish ruined the bright/light paintjob.
Because finish is glossy and oil based, no point in stripping and acrylic wont stay on surface.

A repaint of another one is in order with same color scheme. For now, one off the list.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Herryk Dwarf Cleric (1).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/07 02:47:00

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dwarven Miners - 06040

Got total 10 Miners, 5 with lanterns and 5 with picks.

WoodStain finish worked ok-ish on these guys.
And some conversion work was in order. Just to add variation to same model.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Miners  (1).JPG]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Miners  (5).JPG]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Miners  (15).JPG]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Miners  (14).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/08 04:34:28

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Gruff Grimecleaver, Dwarf Pirate - 77133

Freshly finished.
Decent sculpt, and a very easy and enjoyable model to paint.
Easy access to the face and large flat areas for some details.

Blacksand Buccaneer

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Hero_Gruff Grimecleaver Dwarf Pirate (1).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/11 20:49:00

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dwarf Butcher - 77460

Absolutely awesome sculpt!
Not only model is well sculpted, but it appears to be also sculpted specifically for painting it.
Making painting process easy and enjoyable.

A bit different type of a dwarf from other Reaper line in apperance, this guy looks a bit warcrafty

Went with muted color palate, and used mostly washes.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarf Butcher  (1).jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/15 03:32:54

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dwarf Brewer - 77461

Again, awesome sculpted model, was easy to paint and allowed to really get into the details.
I am not a good painter, but I think this is the best mini I have painted to date.

Whent with Blue/purple and green color scheme. And pink skin
Gold for highlights

This guy looks warcrafty as well.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarf Brewer  (1).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/16 21:57:42

Post by: gobert

Mothsniper wrote:...I am not a good painter, but I think this is the best mini I have painted to date....

I dunno, the keg guy came out pretty awesome if you ask me! Even if he is your best painted mini, he’s really good, but so are quite or few of the other guys. I like how the barrel has different colours in the wood, kinda like it was once painted, but he brews so much it’s faded!. I think the wood stain not being used really helps, the wash guy shows what you can do instead, in my opinion, to better effect!

Keep the dwarves comin!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/18 01:57:05

Post by: Mothsniper

gobert wrote:
Mothsniper wrote:...I am not a good painter, but I think this is the best mini I have painted to date....

I dunno, the keg guy came out pretty awesome if you ask me! Even if he is your best painted mini, he’s really good, but so are quite or few of the other guys. I like how the barrel has different colours in the wood, kinda like it was once painted, but he brews so much it’s faded!. I think the wood stain not being used really helps, the wash guy shows what you can do instead, in my opinion, to better effect!

Keep the dwarves comin!

Thank you!
The barrel cameout great indeed! That was a purple DRY-BRUSH over the entire model, especially barrel and shoes, as if there is a purple light source near by.
The muted wood color on the barrel contrasts nicely with the purple dry-brush, because it is an effective color combination of Yellow/orange-and purple. The ochre wood in this case serves as yellow/orange.

I really tried to make wood-stain work because it had an amazing effect on the red-themed AgeofSigmar dwarf army I own. On those models and with that stain, the models cameout inked perfectly and coated with protective lacquer making them impervious to damage, and look clear from a far, and smell like wooden chess pieces. Only downside was they cameout a bit shiny.
I tried wood-stain on later models, but failed multiple times. I dont know what is wrong, the stain, the plastic, the way details are sculpted... For now, I ditched the wood-stain because I can't make it work.

And I finally got some nice brushes. that helped alot as well

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/10/18 02:11:04

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dannin Deepaxe, Female Dwarf - 03363

This mini is modular, where the hands come detached.
Allows a bit of freedom of posing the model, and switching shield arm and axe arm switch places.
However because model is metal the arms need drilling and pinning.

Not the best sculpted model, but its not too bad.
It is not often that you get a simply-clad, un-armored, common, female dwarf. With what appears to be Hide-shield and a wood chopping axe.

Because the character is so simple, I didn't know where to take it painting-wise. Just went with common solid color combination of dark/red-teal.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dannin Deepaxe (1).JPG]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dannin Deepaxe (9).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2019/11/03 21:39:16

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dwarf Master Of The Hunt - 77572

When I picked up the model I though it was weird name for a dwarf with a pic-axe. And later discovered that not a pic-axe at all, but the worst looking crossbow in history of sculpted crossbows.

When I have two of same model I like to keep one default and convert the other. However in this case the default needed some love in the crossbow department.
The model seems fine at first, but has many little problems with the way it is sculpted or with the way it is molded.

The eyes misaligned is annoying one, strange flat "plates?" in the back of the coat, Mold lines in worst place, ets. I did not expect this model to take that much time.

Color are picked from an idea of having one dwarf with skin lighter than the clothes, and other with skin darker than the clothes.
The paint job is not the best because I just wanted to be done with it, just couldn't get exited halfway through.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarf Master Of The Hunt (8).JPG]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarf Master Of The Hunt (1).JPG]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/07/27 11:26:37

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dwarf Forge Priestess - 77571

Usually convert the duplicate, however in this case decided to just paint up both. well, did not like original buckle.
Not the best paint job for not the best model.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_-Dwarf-Forge-Priestess.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_-Dwarf-Forge-Priestess2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarf-Forge-Priestess.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/07/28 02:41:47

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Whether or not the model is good, your paint work brings out their character. Great to see your continued progress on this hobby log. Always enjoyable to see your dwarfs.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/07/28 06:26:19

Post by: gobert

Good to see that you’re still going on this project. Their paint jobs look good even if you say they’re not the best!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/07/28 22:27:48

Post by: Mothsniper

 CaptainWaffle wrote:
Whether or not the model is good, your paint work brings out their character. Great to see your continued progress on this hobby log. Always enjoyable to see your dwarfs.

Thank you sir!
Glad you enjoy it.
My goal was to have painted reaper models in one spot, easy to scroll through and see many different paint schemes and conversions.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/07/28 22:39:08

Post by: Mothsniper

 gobert wrote:
Good to see that you’re still going on this project. Their paint jobs look good even if you say they’re not the best!

Thank you!

One of the better sculpts for sure. These models look much more crisp and detailed in person than in the original pictures.

Always base white for light colors.

Reaper - DHL Classics: Female Dwarves - 03306

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_DHL-Classics-Female-Dwarves.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_DHL-Classics-Female-Dwarves_2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_DHL-Classics-Female-Dwarves_3.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/07/28 23:35:23

Post by: Captain Brown


They turned out quite well.



REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/01 08:12:23

Post by: Mothsniper

 Captain Brown wrote:

They turned out quite well.



Thank you sir!

Reaper - Gwyddis, Dwarf Valkyrie - 77481
What a weird model... A Valkyrie but with an adventuring backpack. And I could not figure out what those shoulder things suppose to be...?!
Weird wide face... I tried to make it work, few repaints later decided on black gorget to cover extra wide face.
Is it suppose to be an adventurer with weird totem on the back or a demigod with a backpack?
Could not get into the character until clicked on pale face with with purple. Like to think of this character be some sort of energy avatar, makes sense that way, with that totem thing and all

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Gwyddis-Dwarf-Valkyrie_1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Gwyddis-Dwarf-Valkyrie_2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Gwyddis-Dwarf-Valkyrie_3.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/01 11:41:45

Post by: Vermis

It's fun interesting mildly diverting to go to the Reaper site and check the names on some of the... stranger decisions here. This looks like Gene Van Horne trying to do a Werner Klocke: triangle head; looking down; cheekbones out to here; eyes almost on the sides of the head.

But anyway, you've painted it up well. Great palette choices, well-placed.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/01 17:35:13

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Looks like it was meant to be a World of Warcraft style dwarf. You're take on it works just as well. Really enjoy how you painted the hammers. Those rich purples with bright edges convey a sense of energy.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/01 19:37:38

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks guys.

I think you guys are right, Gene Van Horne prob went for Warcraft dwarfs/nomes
Contrast and color is my fallback tactic, to hide lack in technique and in patience

Reaper - Undead Dwarf Fighter - 77561
Simple strait forward. This guy was fun to paint!

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Undead-Dwarf-Fighter_1.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/02 09:14:23

Post by: gobert

The past few minis are looking good, the Valkyrie looks particularly cool!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/05 08:02:05

Post by: Mothsniper

 gobert wrote:
The past few minis are looking good, the Valkyrie looks particularly cool!

ty. I would hope latest work is always better than the last.

Reaper - Ursula, Dwarven Bear Rider - 77353

It looks like this was one piece cast, had multiple mold lines, and wow this one is complex.
By complex I mean it was hard for me to tell what detail is what.
Inspired by bear riders from Heroes M&M 5

Ended up converting both, original plans was to have cavalry for AoS dwarfs from various sources.
I still plan to get the other Ursula, metal one with hand held up, and will keep that one as is and leave these two gals as bodyguards.

Interesting stories could be made to explain away why all missing an eye.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Ursula-Dwarven-Bear-Rider_1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Ursula-Dwarven-Bear-Rider_2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Ursula-Dwarven-Bear-Rider_3.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/05 08:13:24

Post by: aphyon

Showing off again i see, seriously the brewery with the keg is one of the best. when i saw it at my FLGS (we have a huge wall of reaper minis) i was like -that is iconic dwarven.

I have used reaper minis for quite a few of my DnD characters, and some i just loved the look of

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/05 14:37:54

Post by: CaptainWaffle

Are the sculpted faces really that flat on the bear riders? A little disappointing from Reaper, if so. In any case, great job painting in the detail. Bear cavalry dwarfs look great.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/05 15:16:49

Post by: 416_SpaceWolves

Some terrific and unique paint jobs here.

Great work!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/07 06:53:55

Post by: Mothsniper

 aphyon wrote:
Showing off again i see, seriously the brewery with the keg is one of the best. when i saw it at my FLGS (we have a huge wall of reaper minis) i was like -that is iconic dwarven.

I have used reaper minis for quite a few of my DnD characters, and some i just loved the look of

I actually did not realize how many dwarfs they have, after put the (chart) together kinda regretted the project lolz

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 CaptainWaffle wrote:
Are the sculpted faces really that flat on the bear riders? A little disappointing from Reaper, if so. In any case, great job painting in the detail. Bear cavalry dwarfs look great.

Hmm, Just a round ball face, eyes sockets are there with eye lids, nose, mouth. Flatter the surface easier it is to paint
mold lines however, a bit aggressive.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
416_SpaceWolves wrote:
Some terrific and unique paint jobs here.

Great work!

Thank you.
Unique is what I am going for, its just fun that way

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/07 06:56:51

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Kara Foehunter, Dwarf Hero - 14143

A very well sculpted model and the metal mold is quite crispy!
Tried 2 things:
1 - Attached model to not cured fresh putty. Result - Meh, maybe saved some time.
2 - Quick painting with:
wash - drybrush
wash - drybrush
selective wash - selective drybrush
And pick out few details like face, hair, metal, weapons, ets. Result - I like it, its not the best, but honestly I can't tell much the difference between things I have painted by hand and things I used a quick wash on.
There is a difference but it is very small IMO. However alot of time is saved this way.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Kara-Foehunter_Dwarf-Hero_2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Kara-Foehunter_Dwarf-Hero_1.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/07 11:26:22

Post by: Syro_

Sorry to hear that you are regretting the size of this project, but I'm enjoying seeing it, so thank you.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/07 15:34:27

Post by: Boss Salvage

Nice work on the hunter, solid sculpt and a suitably striking SoB-esque paint scheme

Page flip repost:

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/07 18:38:26

Post by: Mothsniper

 Syro_ wrote:
Sorry to hear that you are regretting the size of this project, but I'm enjoying seeing it, so thank you.

Well, regret is a strong word. lolz
It was more of a (holycatstits this will take forever)
But I am enjoying the process, so it is ok that it takes forever !

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Boss Salvage wrote:
Nice work on the hunter, solid sculpt and a suitably striking SoB-esque paint scheme

Page flip repost:

Thank you sir.
I know right! It was not planned though.

I am always trying to come-up with interesting color scheme to make the painting actually interesting.
At first I though to paint this gal in black and white scheme only, because I have not done that yet.
But light clothes felt like it would not fit the character.
And if I am going with black clothes with my (base and wash) technique,
So, if the clothes will be black the skin will be white in contrast
Therefor hair should be black or red to contrast the skin.
But during the paint process I remembered Witcher white hair look, witch hunter theme, and sisters of battle yes, and the character DOES looks like a "Wolf" hunter
So, just made the skin darker to contrast the hair, and left hair white

Might be interesting conversion for a SoB Inquisition Squat hunter

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/07 22:04:14

Post by: Marxist artist

Just came upon this thread, its great ! Nice work don't get bored you can do it, I tried paint one of every marine chapter didn't even manage to finish the 18 original ones! Didn't help that I basically used the same sculpt.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/08 03:22:21

Post by: Syro_

This is definitely a large and long term project. I feel you are moving at a good pace though. I don't know if these dwarves are going into storage as you finish them, or if they are still available, but I would love to see groups shots at regular intervals of time showing how your collection of painted dwarves is growing. I don't know, if every two months would be good, or a different time scale, but I think it would look epic to have every finished dwarf from this project set up in a single photo to show overall progress.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/10 07:15:26

Post by: Mothsniper

Marxist artist wrote:
Just came upon this thread, its great ! Nice work don't get bored you can do it, I tried paint one of every marine chapter didn't even manage to finish the 18 original ones! Didn't help that I basically used the same sculpt.

Thank you!
Mixing up colors and doing conversions helps with the bored part for sure!
Yeah, same sculpt, I would not even start lolz

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Syro_ wrote:
This is definitely a large and long term project. I feel you are moving at a good pace though. I don't know if these dwarves are going into storage as you finish them, or if they are still available, but I would love to see groups shots at regular intervals of time showing how your collection of painted dwarves is growing. I don't know, if every two months would be good, or a different time scale, but I think it would look epic to have every finished dwarf from this project set up in a single photo to show overall progress.

Oh yeah, I have not yet posted my dwarven army, with the Keep, and the reaper dwarfs that are part of that. One of these days I am resuming work on KARAK GARAZ-NGOL There was set backs with led lighting, magnetized floors. Plus, ended up selling some of the best conversions I had few years ago. One of these days! I will make a thread for my main project

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/10 07:25:17

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Borin Ironbrow, Dwarf Adventurer - 07011

Because this guy was special and came with 3 weapons I decided to try some extra painting effort. Just to see what I can do with famed (none metal metal).
I do not know how to blend, but I know how to crosshatch.

Awesome sculpt, and mold! Came with 3 weapon options.
But why pick one weapon when you can spend a day drilling tiny holes, gluing tiny magnets, and sculpting with GrayStuff the damage from the drilling?!


[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Borin-Ironbrow-Dwarf-Adventurer_1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Borin-Ironbrow-Dwarf-Adventurer_2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Borin-Ironbrow-Dwarf-Adventurer_3.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Borin-Ironbrow_Dwarf-Adventurer_2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Borin-Ironbrow_Dwarf-Adventurer_3.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Borin-Ironbrow_Dwarf-Adventurer_4.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/10 07:29:44

Post by: Max Moray

Great thread!

So many different, yet fitting and individual paintjobs. Would love to see the whole army and the keep once you find the time.

Think I recognize some of the sculpts from long gone times when I regularly would visit a FLGS which had a vast stock of Reaper. Don't think the shop still exists, but a friend of mine should still have all the Reaper werewolves they carried and we had funny dwarves vs. werewolves battles.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/10 07:43:13

Post by: Mothsniper

 Max Moray wrote:
Great thread!

So many different, yet fitting and individual paintjobs. Would love to see the whole army and the keep once you find the time.

Think I recognize some of the sculpts from long gone times when I regularly would visit a FLGS which had a vast stock of Reaper. Don't think the shop still exists, but a friend of mine should still have all the Reaper werewolves they carried and we had funny dwarves vs. werewolves battles.

Lolz nice, dwarfs and wrerwolves.
Man I still remember your sisters, what an awesome conversions!

Will have to pull up many pictures, dust off the keep, retake some images, photoedit and resume the work. Right now I do not want to do that while Dust SSU is left unfinished.
I always held back, though it was not ready, Maybe next month be good time to launch KARAK GARAZ-NGOL I'll be planning for it.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/10 09:59:56

Post by: Mothsniper

Final touch.
Covered rest of base in gold, and 2 silver coins, that serve as magnets for arm options.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Borin-Ironbrow-Dwarf-Adventurer_4.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/10 20:09:38

Post by: CaptainWaffle

That is a great sculpt, and a great paintjob as well. If you find the glitter-as-gold comes off a trick is to gently "blob" some dirt cheap clear nail polish on it. That will hold it all in place and give it a sparkle. Don't put too much, though, otherwise it looks like there's a bubble dome around it. Also, if you use it, let it dry for a day or so.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/11 22:46:10

Post by: Mothsniper

 CaptainWaffle wrote:
That is a great sculpt, and a great paintjob as well. If you find the glitter-as-gold comes off a trick is to gently "blob" some dirt cheap clear nail polish on it. That will hold it all in place and give it a sparkle. Don't put too much, though, otherwise it looks like there's a bubble dome around it. Also, if you use it, let it dry for a day or so.

Thanks for the tip, I do have cheap clear nail polish, but the applicator brush is poops.
Had some luck with shiny clear mod-poge, may be that?

I used normal mod-poge for the bulk, and small dabs of zapAgap to keep it on base, I am keen on sealing all in nail polish though.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/11 23:08:40

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Ivar Dwarf Priest - 77417

Some of these are cool but not without flaw. The details are so many, and mold is not very crisp, result in things blending into A shape.

Is the hammer suppose to be like that? or is it a miscast...
Secretly fist pumping because I like to convert things.

This guy looked like a dark ash-wood priest. Turned out better than i expected

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Ivar_Dwarf-Priest_1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Ivar-Dwarf-Priest_1.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/11 23:14:08

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Bailey Silverbell - 77072

Interestingly enough, Werner Klocke sculpted both. Is it me or are the leg pose the same, same torso, and ?same face? If yes then very clever! approve!

I seriously have no idea how you guys get pupils for both of the eyes in same exact spot, so both eyes look same. For it its a matter of luck for me, ether both eyes will workout and appear similar, or just retry, retry, retry, give up and call it good enough. Freya did it on SW-gals, major props.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Bailey-Silverbell_1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Bailey-Silverbell_2.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/12 02:27:26

Post by: Syro_

I'm looking forward to seeing your main project
Also,I like your newest additions to your dwarf project. Bailey Silverbell is a mini I own because of how much I like the sculpt. I recognized her before reading. It's also really nice, the extra work you put into the dwarf adventurer, it shows.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/12 09:31:39

Post by: maxwin

Great work on Borin, a feast for the eyes!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/12 15:25:43

Post by: Max Moray

Bailey's great. I do eyes the same way as you: retry, retry, retry until happy. But sometimes you are lucky and the first try fits. Getting a Raphael 6/0 also helped.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/13 23:58:19

Post by: Mothsniper

 Syro_ wrote:
I'm looking forward to seeing your main project
Also,I like your newest additions to your dwarf project. Bailey Silverbell is a mini I own because of how much I like the sculpt. I recognized her before reading. It's also really nice, the extra work you put into the dwarf adventurer, it shows.

Thanks man, Yeah Bailey Silverbell is not a dwarf it turns out. However, that halfling looked good enough to be included in proper dwarven ranks.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 maxwin wrote:
Great work on Borin, a feast for the eyes!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Max Moray wrote:
Bailey's great. I do eyes the same way as you: retry, retry, retry until happy. But sometimes you are lucky and the first try fits. Getting a Raphael 6/0 also helped.

Thanks, Ill check it out in future!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/13 23:59:21

Post by: Mothsniper

Repaer - Dain Deepaxe - 77074

Decent model, meh painjob could of done better.
14 models in 17 days.
Ran out of steam on Reaper, switching gears for a while.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dain-Deepaxe_1.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/08/14 00:34:08

Post by: Vermis

Really enjoying your painting style, the way you place shadows and lights. I wish more would take it up.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/15 06:34:31

Post by: Mothsniper

Ty! It might be my art background aiding me.

90% Washes over white primer. I think this technique is growing on me, primarily because of its speed.

Reaper - Shardra, Iconic Shaman - 60180
Digging the ones in metal, the detail is super crisp.

Absolutely amazing sculpture! Not only it is well sculpted but it is actually designed for a painter to paint it! No stupid undercuts, no unnecessary hard to get to details, all details are close on surface and easy to access! Was very enjoyable to paint
Very Few can stand head to head with GamesWorkshop on the quality of sculpts, the design for painters, and the quality of the molds. This one nailed everything flawlessly!
Most of miniature companies and sculptors fail in the design for painters area thinking it is all about how cool the final sculpt will look, FOOLS!

One HUGE DOWNSIDE, Does not really look like a dwarf... But that is Wayne's fault!

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Sharda-Iconic-Shaman_2.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Sharda-Iconic-Shaman_1.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/19 05:55:09

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Margara, Dwarf Mage - 14082

Very good sculpt and mold.
Black, white and some dark leather with a highlight color of red.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Margara_Dwarf-Mage.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/19 06:05:15

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Dwarf Forgemaiden - 14518

I tried... 3 times, to fix the right eye, fail give up, goodenough, moving on.
Freya! Your beautiful eye skills hunt me still!

Black, White, dark leather, and a highlight color of blue

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Dwarf-Forgemaiden.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/19 06:12:57

Post by: Mothsniper

Reaper - Magda Mintsilver, Female Dwarf - 02978

Very cool model! In future will get another one for conversion
Black, White, dark leather, with highlight color of green, yes I want the hammer very very dark

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Magda-Mintsilver-Female-Dwarf.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/19 06:29:00

Post by: Mothsniper

My favorite shot of Margara!
Too bad both eyes don't look identical, insert sadface

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_women.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Margara_Dwarf-Mage_2.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/19 14:48:58

Post by: Syro_

I really like your three new dwarves, especially Margara. I've never seen thee particular Reaper minis before.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/19 15:13:22

Post by: Max Moray

Great new additions. Don't think the eyes are off on the Forgemaiden in the closup shot.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/19 15:29:46

Post by: amazingturtles

Yeah, if the eyes are off it's pretty hard for my own eyes to tell! They looks really nice.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/20 09:55:32

Post by: Mothsniper

Syro_ wrote:I really like your three new dwarves, especially Margara. I've never seen thee particular Reaper minis before.

Thanks! Margara does look a bit like Wonderwoman in that picture, curious.
Max Moray wrote:Great new additions. Don't think the eyes are off on the Forgemaiden in the closup shot.

The right eye from viewer, the left eye on the model, is slightly inward than the other. It bothered me.
amazingturtles wrote:Yeah, if the eyes are off it's pretty hard for my own eyes to tell! They looks really nice.

Thank you, glad you like em

Reaper - Santa Dwarf - 01525
The sku number no longer works for this model.
And for other santa dwarfs (01552, 01577) as well, so reaper must not carry the models anymore, Most perturbatory indeed.

Good model, great detail, was quite easy and fun to paint

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Santa-Dwarf_1.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Santa-Dwarf_2.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/20 22:20:05

Post by: gobert

Looks like you’ve been busy smashing out the dwarfs mothsniper! My first thought on seeing Margara was “how cool, they made a dwarf version of Wonder Woman”. Great job on Santa Dwarf, old St Nic would be pleased! I wonder if they only appear on their site in December?

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/20 23:26:45

Post by: Syro_

Funny, I thought Margara looked kind of like Wonder Woman too, which is definitely not a bad thing. I like the new Santa dwarf, especially the blush effect on the cheeks and nose.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/22 01:17:40

Post by: Mothsniper

gobert wrote:Looks like you’ve been busy smashing out the dwarfs mothsniper! My first thought on seeing Margara was “how cool, they made a dwarf version of Wonder Woman”. Great job on Santa Dwarf, old St Nic would be pleased! I wonder if they only appear on their site in December?

Thanks mate! It is those iconic comic book style lips that sell the wonder woman look!
I wonder that too, perhaps, perhaps not, because this one is also not in the store.
Syro_ wrote:Funny, I thought Margara looked kind of like Wonder Woman too, which is definitely not a bad thing. I like the new Santa dwarf, especially the blush effect on the cheeks and nose.

I just wished Margara would look like that from all the angles, not just that one, alas.
When I got the Santa model I though it was silly and was going to convert it to a dwarven nursery keeper or something. But last minute decided to just paint it strait up as it is, and was worth it.

Reaper - Anniversary Ametrine Earthlyte Dwarf - 01611

Awesome model, was super fun and much easier to paint than I though.
I think this is my best female face yet, thanks to a very good sculpt allowed me to paint in the corner of the mouth

Just like with santa dwarfs, this model is also not in the reaper store anymore.
I do not know, but wonder if these are limited edition seasonal models or something.

[Thumb - Dwarvs_Reaper_Anniversary-Ametrine-Earthlyte-Dwarf_1.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2020/09/23 02:43:13

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice work there Mothsniper.



REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/14 04:50:46

Post by: Mothsniper

Back to project.

Dwarf Fighter, Durin - 14465
This guy is quite similar to the Dwarf Mancatcher, Naturally wanted to paint them in same color scheme, but then changed my mind.
Should of pinned before painting, lesson learned.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/14 08:31:37

Post by: Vejut

Good to see this back! Paint job looks good as always, and looks like you recovered from the mistake well.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/16 02:44:46

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks Vejut!

Dwarf Barbarian - 14341

Thanks to termo plastic and WorldGreenStuff roller had some plaster tests I could try here.

At least this guy has his own "pins and holes" for the arms!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/18 09:37:09

Post by: Mothsniper

Dwarf Ranger, Durthen 14451

Good sculpt, was fun to paint. All metal models so far are crisp and clean.

Btw, from gallery righclick (view image) to see full size

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/25 02:28:42

Post by: Mothsniper

Dwarf Fighter, Fredrick Ironfist - SKU: 02052

Good little sculpt. This guy would fit well into world of Conan, with that classic sword helmet, even the way the face and beard was sculpted.

[Thumb - Dwarf Fighter  Fredrick Ironfist 02052.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarf Fighter  Fredrick Ironfist_02052 .jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/25 10:31:03

Post by: Vejut

He would fit, wouldn't he? I like the way the sword came out.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/25 11:37:30

Post by: Mothsniper

Vejut wrote:
He would fit, wouldn't he? I like the way the sword came out.

Think so.
Just a side comparison between the Old dwarf and a New dwarf.
That is a huge difference.

[Thumb - Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set __ 44151.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/25 11:39:42

Post by: Mothsniper

Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151
Easy to paint, good sculpt. I like that the hairs are individually sculpted into shapes rather than just scribe lines like in the old sculpts.

One dwarf from the set done. Noticed I forgot to paint hair tie and wash the silver on the chainmail.
They list individual names, but never sign them to the model so I can only guess what name goes with this one. A leader, perhaps this one is Baran?

• a band of 6 dwarf adventurers led by the fearless Baran Bronzebeard
• Toran Bronzebeard
• Boran Bronzebeard
• Dagar Bronzebeard
• Asgar Swiftaxe
• Valgar Swiftaxe

[Thumb - Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set  44151.jpg]
[Thumb - Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set _ 44151.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/26 08:49:57

Post by: Mothsniper

Dwarf Fighter, Brock Battlebow 02062

One of the older ones.
This one was metal, but not fun to paint. This guy is very small, with tiny details that is not crisp, and the crossbows... Reaper sculptors never made good crossbows.
Done with this one, moving on.

[Thumb - Dwarf Fighter, Brock Battlebow _ 02062.jpg]
[Thumb - Dwarf Fighter, Brock Battlebow 02062.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/26 12:37:39

Post by: Mothsniper

Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151

• King Durnan's ledger

[Thumb - Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set ___ 44151.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/01/28 02:32:20

Post by: Mothsniper

Dwarf Fighter, Dain 02084

I don't know why, this guy was not as fun to paint. Perhaps frustrating hard to get to details.
Messed up on base too.
Call it done, moving on.

[Thumb - Dwarf Fighter  Dain _02084.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/02 02:23:03

Post by: Mothsniper

Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151
Ghost of King Durnan

Finally my very first airbrush camein!
This thing is awesome. Now I see why people love airbrush so much.

This was the fastest pained model yet. 5 mins. Done. Will take better pictures. Also have to finish base.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
King Durnan's Crypt (with removable lid and corpse)
Very fun and easy to paint. Used some rust pigments for this one too

Fastest painted model in the world! Airbrushed from top with light blue and then bit of white, painted base and done.

fun and easy to paint too.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/02 19:34:24

Post by: gobert

Good to see you’re back on the dwarf trail. Some really cool ones you've painted recently. The boar rider is my favourite, but the crypt and ghost are great too

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/03 17:28:09

Post by: Mothsniper

Gobert, Glad to be back! And thank you.

I just realized that for the Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set's characters have assigned names, all that info is on the back of the box... that I threw away. Luckily there is a small grainy image of the back on the site.
This one is Toran Bronzebeard. Good sculpt, tiny miscast in beard, overall good and fun mini to paint. These new dwarfs remind me of the dwarf models from AgeofWonders3

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/12 01:53:39

Post by: Mothsniper

Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151
Valgar Swiftaxe

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/14 10:16:59

Post by: Mothsniper

Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151
Everliving Flame

Is clear and empty inside, perfect for an LED light. Decided to make a small mold for this piece.

First cast, not too bad, removed the flame and glued a piece of cool clay rock from local camp grounds.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151
Decided to paint 3 lads at same time. Noticing imperfections with casting on these. They ran the mold line over beards for some reason, making cleaning difficult.

Boran Bronzebeard

Dagar Bronzebeard

Asgar Swiftaxe

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/14 17:33:42

Post by: Boss Salvage

 Mothsniper wrote:
Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151
Valgar Swiftaxe

Nice work on the set, tho I'm particularly fond of this sculpt

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/16 16:18:45

Post by: Captain Brown

More great work Mothsniper.



REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/17 08:22:26

Post by: gobert

Nice job replicating the plinth, I hope we get to see an led lit flame too! These guys from the dwarf king set are really characterful, with paint jobs to match

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/25 16:32:59

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks guys!

Crypt of the Dwarf King Boxed Set 44151
Everliving Flame and 3 dwarven zombie thanes

As I work on this set, more mistakes I see with sculpting and molding. The sculpt design has not been done by someone who paints minis on regular basis. Lots of undercuts that are hard to get to. Some 3D fakery happening by hiding anatomy or detail under beard shape. And misaligned cast where mold line not only goes over the detailed beard braids but also is offset a mm or 2, can be seen in the details like bracelets that do not align. In addition, these zombies are not very interesting, no weapons, no action poses, They just look goofy, like 3 old bums standing in a bathroom line after some bad burritos.

The Arch is left and leds from EvanDesigns to install.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/02/26 09:09:32

Post by: Mothsniper

I have good LED setup from the EvanDesigns
The flickering lights look super cool, although the plinth it self needs few coats of paint because light shines right through it.
Problem is that the led lights are a bit too big for that small space, and the 3V battery will require considerable base to house everything.

I also have switches and light Sensor that will turn on the light at night.

Battery is not a good option for such a tiny Plinth. I think better option would be to hold on to it and use it for larger diorama that will use multiple lights all wired to single 3V adapter.

And the arch is done.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/03/02 04:31:18

Post by: Mothsniper

Using freshly acquired airbrush in a test of double priming using 2 tones to create shadow gradients for the washes.
In attempt to speed up paint the process.

credit for the tip to Goobertow hobbies

[Thumb - Dwarf reaper tesd.jpg]

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/03/07 23:52:47

Post by: Mothsniper

SKU: 30045

This guys looks too intense for a humble sausage maker.
Also, there are no tags like (Dwarf or Dagger) for this model on reaper's site, their site is already a headache to navigate. And it looks a bit worse and worse every year.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/03/08 07:58:23

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

great job on him, definitely communicates the old adage "you don't want to know how they make the sausage".

As for Reaper, I wish they'd go to a wiki system for tags like we use here, I think the community would do a much better job keeping them up then the admins. I went nuts trying to find the flying throne cyber guy who was not listed under doctor, scientist, cyborg, or anything else I could think of.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/03/08 16:23:58

Post by: Captain Brown

More nice work Mothsniper.



REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/03/10 22:05:01

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks guys.
Yeah, reaper site is... Jank

Brom Grippon, Arko Gadgeteer
SKU: 30030
Sometimes I hate doing the eyes. This is this time. Not much scale consistency, this guy stands taller than other dwarfs. Those legs appear pretty long.

Chop and Grub, Halfling Cooks
SKU: 30044
Id rather not deviate from (dwarfs) otherwise this project will never be done. But these guys look like they fit the dwarf look well. Also, I have no idea why the ladle is in 2 parts.

Dwarf Fighter, Thorondil
SKU: 02301
Good old sculpt.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/03/13 14:52:30

Post by: gobert

The two halflings look like a great distraction. The second one (who I assume is Chop) looks rather maniacal brandishing his cleaver! Thorondil is a very classic sculpt and excellently painted too. Thanks for the goobertown link, it gave me some ideas for the hordes of gobbos I have laying around

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/05/17 18:56:27

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks Gobert. Thorondil did turnout well.

Tub, Dwarf Baker
SKU: 30048
This one was turned out fast to paint, and surprisingly came-out better than I though.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/05/22 23:00:19

Post by: Mothsniper

From my check off list, these 5 models are the last I have of dwarfs. Will have to order the ones I do not own in order to continue this project.

Berg Ironthorn, Dwarf Crossbowman SKU: 30010
Really good sculpt. However not my best paint jobs, calling it done and moving on.
With Duplicates I usually keep one and convert the double.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/05/23 00:22:36

Post by: Syro_

I agree, that dwarf baker did turn out nicely. I'm glad to see your work on the dwarves continuing.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/05/23 16:53:42

Post by: Boss Salvage

Congrats on clearing your Dwarf stockpile! I'm always impressed at the scope of this project and your steady progress.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/05/24 16:25:54

Post by: Mothsniper

Syro_ wrote:I agree, that dwarf baker did turn out nicely. I'm glad to see your work on the dwarves continuing.

Thanks man. I am glad too that the work continues lolz.
Boss Salvage wrote:Congrats on clearing your Dwarf stockpile! I'm always impressed at the scope of this project and your steady progress.

Yes I am happy about that. Having the project drag out allows me to ignore total cost of all the models.
Sansavar Chung, Viceroy SKU: 30015
This was one of the least exiting models to paint for me. Usually the double is converted but I couldn't come-up with anything interesting for this one. But put in extra painting effort to compensate for poor performance on the previous crossbow dwarf.


REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/05/27 08:58:11

Post by: gobert

I dunno, the crossbow/shotgun twins look pretty good to me. The shotgun looks a neat conversion too. The latest dude looks like he could be a squat with that gun and flak jacket combo. The black bearded one reminds me a bit of Rufus from Bill & Ted

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/05/29 01:27:49

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks man.
The crossbow guys have same brown on leather, wood and shirt (that looks a bit unfinished to me). Has only been washed/inked thus low contrast. But they are crispy.
The twin guys with loot chests would be pretty good squats for sure. I have watched 5 mins of Bill & Ted and couldn't endure the cringe, thus never got to Rufus. lolz.
Reasonable sculpt, casting is ok-ish. This guy kinda fits into dwarf list, but I was not very exited to paint this guy.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/06/02 19:16:59

Post by: Mothsniper

Looking for any unfinished dwarf models in the box, found these 2. Old paint-job that I tried to touched up unsuccessfully.
Perhaps in future will get new ones for a proper paint job. For now calling them done and moving on.
Not crispy molding, lots of details that blend into "shapes" making washes ineffective.

Dynamic action pose, oddly was not particularly fun to paint.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/06/26 22:07:20

Post by: Mothsniper

Next Batch is in

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/06/28 16:31:52

Post by: Mothsniper

Easy to paint this one, good sculpt decent mold.

Already painted 2 of these, but this one came in free with the order.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/06/28 21:37:41

Post by: Syro_

I like the two new finished dwarves I have the same mini as the dwarf in the green cloak,I hope mine turns out that well.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/06/30 06:39:32

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks Syro. Hope this helps for your painting efforts : I primed the models in dark color, and then dusted (airbrusehd) light color from top down. This allows me to quickly shade/ink in the colors. That cuts my painting time in about half.


Very easy model to paint, good sculpt good mold.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/06/30 22:05:55

Post by: Mothsniper

Simple and fun model to paint. Trying simple colors.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/06/30 22:22:52

Post by: Mitnick

He turned out great - i like the earthy colors and how you did the skin. Perfect!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2022/07/01 09:38:26

Post by: aku-chan

Wow! You're really powering through their Dwarf section!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/05/24 18:49:10

Post by: Mothsniper

Almost a year long unplanned "break" from hobby. Personal things, new job, the usual, ets, everyone can relate.
I am happy to be able to continue the hobby and this project.

Plastic Cocktail Sticks used to create special effects.
At first I though that the Dwarves should not cast spells because they have no magical power, Instead of magic Dwarves have BEARD powers!
However sculpting a massive beard projectile exploding into various tendril is a bit out of my reach at the moment, "fireball" it is.


REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/05/24 20:04:54

Post by: Vejut

Very nice! I'd be worried with that sort of heat close to a model, but no visible damage, and pretty cool fireball.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/05/24 21:44:26

Post by: Mothsniper

Vejut wrote:
Very nice! I'd be worried with that sort of heat close to a model, but no visible damage, and pretty cool fireball.

I was surprised to see no damage done to the paint after pressing hot'n melted end of plastic into the hands! The plastic formed inside the hands and allowed me to glue it shut.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/05/25 06:03:30

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I love it!

I for one always thought Dwarves should have wizards, who makes all their magic items otherwise?

Which figure is the dwarf doing the Hadoukan?

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/05/26 00:07:36

Post by: Mothsniper

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
I love it!

I for one always thought Dwarves should have wizards, who makes all their magic items otherwise?

Which figure is the dwarf doing the Hadoukan?

Dwarfs traditionally are magically disabled and equally resistant, but their Runesmiths smith them runes that do have (rune magic). So a classic dwarf might shoot a fireball, but only from a rune-crafted gauntlet.
That guy is: (Reaper - 14633 Gilok Onyxfist, Dwarf Wizard ($5.99))

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I tried to get some painting done whenever time allowed it. Very rarely during heavy traffic or unusually long wait times at the shippers.

Not the strongest comeback. Paint job is sloppy, I forgot how to do the eyes, all crooked, my lightbox turned up broken, and I was unable to find my old camera to take the photos with.

Nifty model with great conversion potential. Good sculpt good mold!

This guy was not as easy to paint as I though. Sculpt is not as crispy. BUT! this model has an advantage, only one eye to paint thus less chances to mess it up!

Fun model to paint, good sculpt and mold. With time I need to redo, at least, her eyes.

Nifty model, good sculpt and good mold as well. Not a very good paint job however.

This lad was fun and easy to paint! Good sculp and mold.

Easy and fun model to paint, no crazy undercuts

Strange sculpt for sure lolz. No conversion potential, challenging to paint, weird body proportions, I was not having fun with this one!
Those big thick sausage lips, wide tadpole head, obtuse-stare look or a creepy smile. This dude looks like the Sloth from Goonies who traps and rapes goblins for fun. And my bad lazy-eye paintjob is not helping the look.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/05/29 23:28:39

Post by: Mothsniper

The hammer part of the chain comes separately and needs to be glued in. Very very weak connection. Had to glue the hammer part to base otherwise the chain flakes of by shaking the model side to side. Unfortunatly, no time to drill pin holes to attach the chain secruly.

These older sculpts are not very easy to work with. Not a fan.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/05/31 05:22:31

Post by: gobert

Cool travel painting setup. Looks like you had a bit of waiting time recently too. The dwarfs look great, especially the haduken chap, neat conversion with the stirrer too

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2023/08/21 21:02:26

Post by: Mothsniper

Thanks man.
Camera broke, pictures of finished models only after save up for a new camera.
Meanwhile, trying to get painting in when possible.



REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/01/31 14:48:23

Post by: Mothsniper

Old camera still broken, and I am still poor. But progress pictures accumulate and if I don't upload them soon, I will ether lose or forget them.

Came home from work one day to find the sword brothers crushed. Somehow, it s a mystery how they got crushed.

Bending models back revealed bad damage to the legs.

I got this stuff and was exited to give it a go

Lesson learned: DO NOT use Liquid Frost over brown or yellow Speed Paint, unless you want the snow to look like frozen piss.
Liquid Frost reactivates not only it self but other paint too.

Then I had am idea to freeze the Reaper Bone (dark gray) models overnight and see if that will make the plastic harder and easier to clean up the mold lines.

Not really. The plastic was a tiny bit harder, and it cleaned up tiny bit easier, but it thawed very quickly.

Screw for handles working great!

Then I had a "briliant" idea of incorporating Reaper bases with the square bases by cutting the shape and sloting the base within the base.

Super glue and GreenStuff putty filler was used to fix the model into the base. Process was super janky.

It did work, however this was time consuming and the reaper base was mostly covered by the sculpting putty anyways rendering my efforts useless.
It would be better and faster to cut off the Reaper model and pin-it to the square base, or just super-glue it in.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/02/02 18:57:15

Post by: gobert

Good to see you’re still progressing with this immense project. Love the woodland painting area, looks amazing! Shame the base squaring didn’t work out, but the minis look great!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/02/28 23:47:29

Post by: Mothsniper

Thank you Gobert.
Lesson learned, and now the models are cut off the base.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/02 09:44:49

Post by: Mothsniper

By God's mercy picture camera was obtained, progress can continue.

Fun model, good sculp, decent mold.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very good sculp. Good model to paint.

Very good sculpt as well, was fun to paint the muscled arms and try the frost effect.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/03 10:29:56

Post by: Mothsniper

Crispy sculpt with a character was very fun and easy mini to paint.

Easy mini to work with, although a bit too scrawny for a dwarf and the protruding axe-heads tend to get bent.

Same model to Dorn but with different weapon loadout. Poor choice of a weapon type for pewter, flail ended up bending at multiple points and eventually breaking off at the hand and needed drilling/pinning repairs.
For these I am trying the maximum use of the Zenithal Priming, by leaving areas open or lightly washed.

This mini was fast and easy to paint as well, the hammer with the both hands is separate and needs to be glued in.
For these I am trying to leave the pewter weapons pewter for true metal metal. So far I kinda like it.

Good sculpt, easy to work with.
Also trying to leave Zenithal Priming to do most of the painting for me.

Another fun and simple mini to paint. Solid.

Decent sculpt, however not a fan of the old-school face on this model. Also the mold had issues with an artifact over the face, that is hid by line of black hair. The right hand with the dagger comes separately and needs to be glued in, unfortunately the connection is "loose" and superglue was not enough, needed drilling/pinning. Perhaps will do another one in the future.

Fun and simple mini to paint. On both of the Copperthumbs I left weapons Pewter to see how it will look. In the pictures they are meh, but when the weapon gleams when it catches light looks pretty nifty.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/12 12:21:32

Post by: Mothsniper

Decent model, good cast, simple to paint up.

Decent model, good cast, simple to paint up.

I have attempted to use one color for everything but for the metal and the skin, did not really work.
The idea was to paint on the go without a use of a full palette, or more than 4 colors. Taking only a model, 4 paint-pots (color, white, skin, silver) and a paintbrush.

Strange model, good cast for plastic, not as simple to paint up. Simplified sculpt is forcing the painting to compensate.
I think this guy is the (Dwarf Slaver)'s friend. Also, not sure how white airbrush spatter got on this guy.

These are very good sculpts, the cast is very good as well, fun and easy to paint!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/12 13:16:18

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Love those gambling dwarves!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/12 15:01:10

Post by: Boss Salvage

Aye, the gambling trio is really well done, I dig how their bases interlock

Gotta say, leaving pewter weapons unpainted is a pretty big-brained move! The sheen is quite nice indeed.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/12 23:11:45

Post by: Meer_Cat

Very lovely work- all of 'em! The beards are beautifully done on the swordsmen.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/13 07:39:23

Post by: Mothsniper

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Love those gambling dwarves!

Thank you sir!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Boss Salvage wrote:
Aye, the gambling trio is really well done, I dig how their bases interlock

Gotta say, leaving pewter weapons unpainted is a pretty big-brained move! The sheen is quite nice indeed.

Thank you! Nifty bases indeed.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Meer_Cat wrote:
Very lovely work- all of 'em! The beards are beautifully done on the swordsmen.

Thank you. Those old-school swordsmen sculpt style, to me, are strait out of Conan.
Very good and crispy sculps made just for painting, these where fun to work on!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
A bit "flat" and "clumped", but super easy to paint up. Nice addition to the Brewmiester buddies.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/03/23 18:07:37

Post by: gobert

Glad you got your camera together, these are some awesome sculpts with cracking paint jobs. The mounted mage is probably my favourite, probably because of the shaggy pony!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/04/04 00:31:01

Post by: Mothsniper

 gobert wrote:
Glad you got your camera together, these are some awesome sculpts with cracking paint jobs. The mounted mage is probably my favourite, probably because of the shaggy pony!

Thank you sir. Yes, camera is a bit of an investment, but I am blessed to be in a position to be able to afford it.
Another classic model, fun and easy to paint..

Classic reaper dwarf, good and solid mini.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/04/07 09:08:55

Post by: gobert

Great paint jobs mothsniper! The reaper range really does have some varied body shapes for dwarfs, these guys look quite malnourished for dwarfs. Must still be pretty strong still to carry such big weapons tho!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/04/08 03:48:11

Post by: Mothsniper

 gobert wrote:
Great paint jobs mothsniper! The reaper range really does have some varied body shapes for dwarfs, these guys look quite malnourished for dwarfs. Must still be pretty strong still to carry such big weapons tho!

Indeed! I like to think of these old-school-dwarfs to be from the Conan universe lolz. They have that "DragonLance" high-fantasy vibes.
Changing up the background drop and lighting set up.

Fun model to paint up, great detail, good sculpt. Wanted cooler skin tone variant for this lad.

Making things harder for me self as usual. Decided to add deep/bloodstone gnomes to this project.
I will be adding the Dark Dwarves later on, and it made sense thematically to add the dark gnomes to the dark dwarves force.

Accidently purchased doubles get a conversion. Took a minute to land on the color for the skin and happy the way it turned out, especially with the magenta lanterns and the "dark" weapons.

I am not good at these, the chunky bits are hard for me to paint and to tell where one thing ends and other begins. Lost shield for the spear guy.
I do not know if something is wrong with the sculpting or the molding or my eyes, I could not "see" the bloodstone models very well.

This one was quite frustrating for me. I got lost in the mold-lines, chunky bits, skin, doodads, details. I was tempted to cover the qhole model in (TrueBlood from GreenStuffWorld) but ended up just giving up on it. Its done, moving on.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/04/08 12:05:46

Post by: gobert

Those gnomes are a funny looking bunch, great paint jobs though.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/04/15 17:55:17

Post by: Captain Brown


They look good to me. Resin can always be a little bit of a challenge to paint on small models.



REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/04/29 07:04:15

Post by: Mothsniper

Gobert and Capitan Brown thank you guys!

Broke up remaining reaper models I have on hand into groups of 3 by "theme" These 3 suppose to be all brown-ish from the Barrens.

Gnome, dwarf, what's the difference when you are out in the wastelands.
Good model, easy to paint, however have to admit that the sculp is a bit outdated. Painted the eyes looking to the right, unfortunately can't really see that in the pictures.

Also, good and easy to paint, and a bit outdated.

Good model, was a bit challenging to paint the undercuts for me. I do like how the eyes came out, he is ether looking at a giant, or at a very tall tower with many stairs.

Good sculp, however he doesn't really look like a dwarf. The details on the cape and the cuffs are very subtle, and I couldn't wash them in any reasonable manner. And was not exited enough to paint every thread by hand.
Did not even bother with the collar or the eyes. Moving on.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/05/06 15:05:00

Post by: gobert

Nice dwarfs mothsniper. That last lad is very fancy!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/05/08 10:56:09

Post by: Mothsniper

 gobert wrote:
Nice dwarfs mothsniper. That last lad is very fancy!

Thank you sir!
Next set of 3 are strange, and thus grouped into a team.

Wild color scheme for a Wild guy! nothing more to mention here. Although, if I ever get my hands on a second Spike, I will file down all the spikes and make them actually sharp

Good sculp, not too difficult to paint. Dwarfs do not have wizards! He is clearly cosplaying it.

Yes, don't mess with his ballz! Yo mama knows... I am sorry.
The sculpt is a bit outdated, not the best. I had more trouble painting him than the wizard dwarf.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/05/11 23:29:36

Post by: Mothsniper

Next 3 are the "Noble" dwarfs

OMG, I just realized that I painted the (silver-beard) on a wrong guy
Good sculpt with a character, was fun and easy to paint.

Decent sculpt, good mini.

Good sculpt, decent model.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/05/13 19:34:04

Post by: Mothsniper

Next 3 are grouped into an axe-gang.
Super glue and baking soda for the bear cav base. Holes drilled in each base section too for the greenstuff putty.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/04 02:02:06

Post by: Mothsniper

Started on one a whiiiile back but never finished it because this is a weird and goofy model for a Dwarf, and a Witchhunter.
It is large, beardless (goatee doesn't count as a beard), wide-faced, with a wizard scepter and a pirate cutlas. Do not like it.
Then, I am sorting my reaper packs and discover that I must have bought 2 more of this same model, at different times, so, I have 3.
Perfect conversion opportunity, because this guy sucks!

Here is the 1

Other 2 (put 2 into one pack, they don't sell in 2)

I shall not stand for a occult staff or scepter on a Witch Hunter! Found this bit from an old pin-vice to replace the abomination with something steam-punky.

Drilled the face for putty to anchor in because the man needs a beard, cutlass has to go, and the shield/crossbow seem appropriate.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/04 02:35:17

Post by: Vejut

Nice conversion! Definitely punches up what is as you say a kinda bland dwarf. Also looking forward to seeing what you do with the bears!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/05 05:04:42

Post by: Mothsniper

Vejut wrote:
Nice conversion! Definitely punches up what is as you say a kinda bland dwarf. Also looking forward to seeing what you do with the bears!

Thank you sir!
Bear on pause for now.

All are done!
Like stated before, odd sculpt, weird anatomy, strange face, do not like it. Duster Coat has some issues too, visible large areas with casting artifacts.

This one is much better with the beard, and at least the torch makes more sense.

Running out of conversion ideas, dove into dwarf bit tin, made it work. It is always a good day when the bit tin is depleting.


REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/09 17:22:31

Post by: gobert

Awesome work mothsniper. spike the green is such a cool mini. Careful if you make him dangerous tho!

The three converted dwarfs are properly cool, so many great little details that you’ve added like the candle on the hat and the steam punk lantern

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/12 01:04:58

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice little guys there mothsniper.



REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/14 22:12:07

Post by: aku-chan

You did a great job modifying those Witch Hunters!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/18 23:55:54

Post by: Ezki

Wow, I'm jealous of your Dwarf collection!
Brilliant work page after page. Lovely colors, lovely models.

The OSL on the latest additions is spot on. Well done!

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/21 21:56:00

Post by: Mothsniper

Thank you guys!

The axe lads are done.

Good model, sculp, mold, solid mini.

Not a fan of these scrawny sculpts, and the helmet looks like it is glued on, and an eye patch. Strange model.

Awesome model! this guy was easy and fun to paint.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/21 22:16:42

Post by: Mothsniper

Got the Dark Dwarfs as well.

Speedpaint over white.

All these are good sculpt, good molds with minimal mold-lines, easy to paint, I am happy with these and with how they turned-out.





The band

"Come and get some!"

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/22 13:16:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Those dark dwarves are ace, I love what you did with the skin tones and glowing eyes.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/22 14:38:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I concur, the palette on the dark dwarves is great

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/23 09:34:06

Post by: muette

Sculpts are really good! Paintjob is top, love the dark green atmosphere you have given them.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/23 13:00:24

Post by: toasteroven

Really like the glow on their beards.

REAPER - DWARVS @ 2024/06/23 16:57:50

Post by: gobert

Digging those dark dwarfs! The glowing sheds on iron tongue are amazing, as is the overall effect. They really look to be coming out of the shadows to attack the other 2 in the last pic!

Saw your terrain blog pop up the other day and wondered how you’ve been getting on with the case for these guys.