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PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/13 20:46:37

Post by: PeaceCraft

edit: edit: changed name of project to pixelhammer for IP reasons

Hello ladz, just sharing some WiP dev sheets for an upcoming game project.

16 bit game project. (orks are just size tests for now, clothes, animation and armour will be done next week (it actually is way more down the road now)

The idea here is to make a small game level for test purposes. It'll de a beat em up/ shoot em up between orks and space soldiers. Some dakka and slappy action, we will make it browser compatible and release it for fun for all the fans to get some old school gaming in 16 bit pixel art (with modern technology). don't worry about IP cuz we dont mean to make money out of it, this is just a project of love.

ORKZES! basic animations for prototyping (there will be more, don't worry)

SPACE MAREENS i tried to make the animations feel heavier cuz of the power armour - way heavier than the orks anyway.

aaand there we have it!
the initial animations are almost complete (there will be waaay more but the essential ones for prototyping are almost done), i'm currently making the game - there will be a playable free fanproject game online soon - i will prototype it then start making pre-alpha versions and slowly add features and gameplay. You will be able to play a hybrid beat em up/ run and gun kinda streets of rage/metal slug kinda game on your browser. this is not for sale it is a fan project and i'm doing it cuz i love the setting and i wanted to make something cool for the community.

stay tuned, if i get some traction - this will become a reality

PIXEL 40k - you saw it here first!

comments and criticism welcome!

Is this the right place for this? - its technically painting - if i'm wrong i'll delete this post

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/13 21:00:39

Post by: greatbigtree

Looks neat!

Armchair lawyer says you might want to *not* use iconography from the 40k proper universe... not that an upside-down Omega symbol should be trademarkable... but I'd hate to see the effort smushed by a C&D order.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/17 08:30:53

Post by: Soul Samurai

This is a very cool project idea!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/17 12:21:05

Post by: IGtR=

Fantastic, and very retro!

Thanks for sharing, and looking forward to the finished thing!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/18 18:58:58

Post by: PeaceCraft

thanks lads!

@greatbigtree : dont worry, astartes and death of hope are fan projects as well and don't get shut down, that would be old kirby era GW public relations. i'm not trying to sell this, just showcase an awesome game for the community.

some updates for all them marine fans

will clean up the melee combo today hopefully.
stay tuned!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/18 19:13:54

Post by: Racerguy180

this makes me mad that GW didn't do this in the 90s.

Nice movement and animation, keep up the good work!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/18 21:22:56

Post by: greatbigtree

Rock and roll, good sir.

I'm looking forward to seeing the results!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/18 22:44:03

Post by: PeaceCraft

edit: swapped for correct animation below

smash, chop, chop, kick!!!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/19 05:40:30

Post by: Argive

this is fantastic!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/20 22:10:05

Post by: PeaceCraft


melee alternative, marine getting hit, marine celebrating (guess the reference)

C&C welcome

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/21 11:27:35

Post by: Soul Samurai

Lol, I like how small his reaction is to being hit. Actually, if you cut a few frames of animation so it repeated more smoothly (ie no pause in the "neutral" pose) he would look a bit like he was dancing...

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/11/22 00:06:20

Post by: PeaceCraft

@soul samurai i'll make some propper dancing later on

shooting again for reference for the next animation, reload - tactical jon wick style

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/14 19:47:38

Post by: PeaceCraft

slight update

getting pushed

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/14 22:44:55

Post by: Argive


PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/17 23:18:27

Post by: PeaceCraft

thanks mate!
some updates

knockdown, and getting up

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/18 04:45:19

Post by: Racerguy180

better and better every time, way to go!

the more you do, the more we should feel cheated by GW in the 90's! or should I say, MORE cheated?

they had the ability to have this created back then.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/18 13:43:14

Post by: Soul Samurai

I get knocked down! But I get up again!
You're never gonna keep me down!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/19 01:05:04

Post by: Racerguy180

Adeptus Chumbawumba

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/22 20:55:14

Post by: PeaceCraft

thanks guys!
@Racerguy180 - i think 40k would of been bigger today if it had a SuperNES game back in the day. well, i hope to get this project to scratch that nostalgia itch. thing is - gameplay wise it's not exactly a beat em up like streets of rage or exactly a run and gun like metal slug... it's somewhere in between - hopefully it will be fun to play - but with things busy in real life - the free game will be available only next year
@Soul Samurai - LoL hahahaha

it's update time

"do a barrel roll!"

dodge roll for all that tacticool elite marine action moment

and added a signature of the marine celebrating

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/29 21:52:32

Post by: PeaceCraft

update! dodge rolling in Z axis "up" and "down" (the timing still needs some adjustments to be equal both ways)

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/30 08:58:34

Post by: Soul Samurai

Rolling up and down sounds interesting! The animations look good.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2020/12/31 02:07:00

Post by: ghostmaker

This is greatness thank you!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/02/11 19:21:59

Post by: waaghgrumpa

Awesome work - this is exactly what I have been searching for quite a while now.

Any ETA on this project?

Also what would be super awesome if you made :-)
Powerfist + Boltpistol
Chainsword + Plasmapistol + Jump pack
Orc warboss

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/02/18 10:35:38

Post by: waaghgrumpa


can you make more :-)

I took the liberty of prototyping an Assault Cannon

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/02/22 06:47:33

Post by: PeaceCraft

Thanks Lads!
@waaaghgrumpa ETA - well, i was hoping a couple of months - maybe april -to release a first prototype to see what people think of the gameplay. Then we work on versions and refine everything and add complexity in later versions of alpha and beta. but it all depends on how far we can program in the next months, i'm churning out artwork at a decent pace. But remember: this isn't our jobs so we still have to make money and pay those pandemic bills lol i promise to do what i can.
I haven't mentioned much technical gamedesign mechanics cuz this is a modeling wargaming forum and i figured people would be bored to know about the engine and gameplay dev. but since you asked - let me answer a few things : game logic is being done in Unity engine and is 90% ready to start implementing gameplay (skeleton is almost ready to add meat). All your suggestions are covered bro - i plan to make different weapon loadouts, but since this is not a commercial game designed to sell - we are developing considering funfactor and viability as our main concerns (instead of crap like lootboxes blargh )- our content logic will be related to development needs - and in this case we considered making different equipable weapon loadouts on the same character but discarded the idea - we realised it would be more convenient to give a variety of gameplay experience when we make each player character have a unique loadout and playstyle associated with different chapters. for example - our second playable character (that i already drew- check out my first post) will be a bloodangel -and the idea is to have him wielding a chainsword and a bolt pistol. He will use a different mechanic from the ultramarine (Ultramarine uses tactical bar and the bloodangel uses a ragebar that will be completely different in feel and gameplay) As for loadouts - just off the top of my head i was thinking: dark angel - power sword and plasma pistol with some kind of overheat risk mechanic - salamander with a flamer, emperor's fist with a power fist, and... well, didn't think much further than that - but don't get too excited just yet - we are currently a 2 man team and there is only so much we can do in a few months.
That assault cannon is looking sweet bro!
Also - i will make nobz as minibosses and the final level boss will be a warboss for sure.

I will definately be doing other chapters later - but for now - we need to focus on finishing a working prototype before adding options and embelishments (i learned this the hard way on other games, so trust me on this one).

For the orks - Some animations are needed to give the characters a breather when they are under a lot of pressure, so i decided to add some emote animations to add character and personality to the orkz. And also to avoid just hanging out doing nothing (like always happens in beat em ups while the player is lying down).

So here we are - two small emotes and one taunt

Smirking giggle

Enthusiastic nod

Straight up mocking laughter (maybe with a "HAHA" like nelson from the simpsons)

At this point we are building up the game logic - and the enemy templates for when we start fine tuning the gameplay. The bullets casing already fly in the right direction with cool physics, hitboxes are in, the animation triggers are looking fine, its starting to look like a game - some more polishing and then we can start working on gameplay.
The Programmer is spending some time setting up a user friendly system so i can change the stats without coding (cuz i'm a coding dummy)

C&C welcome!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/02/22 09:09:10

Post by: Soul Samurai

I love that pointing laugh animation!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/02/25 05:27:50

Post by: PeaceCraft

thanks mate!

So, new taunt ready

And i figured that the thing that the boys will be doing the most is be getting hit - i decided to add 2 variations to the hit animation


and 2 more smacks

hit the boyz!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/06 20:51:47

Post by: PeaceCraft

Working on different attacks with varying wind up times and strengths. always a telegraph so people can dodge them (since melee isn't the only form of danger players have to manage - in regular beat em ups usually enemies have a no telegraph quick snap that you only avoid by not sitting there in range or hitting first)

quick wind up frames (4), low range, low damage

slow wind up frames (6+pause), longer range (slide forward) high damage

slow wind up frames (7+pause), longer range (move forward), multi attack.

Also added a Waaagh emote, cuz orks need to WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!

C&C welcome

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/06 22:27:16

Post by: Racerguy180

Pretty good frame count on all and the combo looks killer

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/06 23:41:32

Post by: Nevelon

I can hear the Waaaagh.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/07 01:23:45

Post by: Argive

Love seeing more work from you my man!

I wish they pay you stupid amount of $$$ and made this concept into metal slug type 40k based game

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/07 03:52:28

Post by: Racerguy180

Now that's a mobile game I'd actually want to pay $€£¥ for

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/07 07:42:33

Post by: Jadenim

Excellent work, but one major problem with the Ork; where. Is. The. DAKKA!?

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/07 09:45:51

Post by: Soul Samurai

Sounds like you're putting some thought into the machanics, that's nice. But that Waaagh animation is fantastic!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/26 05:02:57

Post by: PeaceCraft

Thanks for the comments lads, got some more done!
@Argive who knows! i'll get the game running and tested, but we are implementing the game logic now. Its going to be a hybrid between metal slug (run and gun) and streets of rage (beat em up)
@Racerguy180 it will be browser based initially and maybe we'll make a port for mobile gaming. although in regards to publishing a free fangame i don't think we got the right to put it on applestore/android store cuz of IP - only if i call it "star marine 40kek" or something
@Jadenim: ah, i'm working on the new shootaboy - still trying to design his costume to look unique. currently fiddling with bloodaxe vibes such as rambo bandana heads and oldschool helmets, but haven't finished yet. i'm focusing on the choppa boy cuz the first prototype will be just the marine vs choppas to see how the AI behaves

some more updates - diagonal attacks for the boyz

we are halfway done with the game implementation and will soon be doing the AI. when we get the AI working, we will prototype it and set up a discord server so people interested in gamedesign can see the project upclose.

C&C welcome guys!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/03/26 06:14:10

Post by: Racerguy180

I'm down for whatever playtesting you want

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/10 08:19:59

Post by: PeaceCraft

@racerguy: When we get a prototype version we will be sure to let anyone interested join a discord and test away

After a 4month hiatus to finish other projects and work we got some time to get back on the saddle.
So, here we go a new character!

Presenting: Shootaboy, for all your dakka needs

went for an old school goff/bloodaxe vibe, made the shoota proportional to the bolter (size measured from actual model bits lol).
things should be getting heated on this project once again

i'm currently working on mechanics and specific game concepts different from regular beat em ups. it's shaping up to be quite unique in the beat em up mixed with lotsa dakka

C&C welcome

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/10 11:14:55

Post by: Tim 121RVC

Great work so far, this looks very promising!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/10 11:21:45

Post by: SamusDrake


PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/10 22:14:01

Post by: PeaceCraft


PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/10 22:37:03

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Love the helmet on the Shoota boy, looking forward to seeing more of these!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/11 07:32:45

Post by: Racerguy180

I'm down like it's a system.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/11 09:38:00

Post by: PeaceCraft

@the red hobbit: thanks, its a nod to those old paul bonner helmets from the first editions

some more work done- a melee attack to shoo away those pesky marines from stabbing you

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/11 14:33:18

Post by: RegularGuy

This is one of the coolest things I've seen lately

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/11 15:45:05

Post by: Shadow Walker

Awesome, love the orks!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/12 09:44:36

Post by: PeaceCraft

thanks guys!

lemme add all the full dakka options for him
all animations gathered


PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/12 13:14:24

Post by: Nevelon

Long, uncontrolled bursts is the only way to fire.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/13 06:13:59

Post by: Racerguy180

Wait, there's semi-auto???

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/13 08:45:41

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

This looks like so much fun.

The gifs alone are worth it!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/13 18:21:58

Post by: PeaceCraft

thanks guys! its being fun!
Racerguy180 wrote:
Wait, there's semi-auto???

hell yeah, da powa uf morky teknologee!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/15 20:26:30

Post by: PeaceCraft

added a missing animation to the classic choppaboy

revamped fall and right back into the action

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/15 21:25:13

Post by: Racerguy180

Smooth, the leg shake makes it.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/16 21:28:12

Post by: PeaceCraft

here we go - space marine finally gets special move. i needed a 360 attack to wave clear around him when getting surrounded. (a common mechanic in beat em ups)
I didn't want to do a martial artsy street fighter whirlwind kick or whirlwind knife cuz it would feel too kung fu and not soldier enough.
So i spent a loong time trying to figure out what could be a 360 attack with marine-esque moves... and this is what i came up with - a quick combo thats not particularly fancy - other than the knife twirl in the end iduring the animation recover phase. |Tried to make his speed in execution tempo just be badass superhuman rambo soldier to convey the power of the move.
1-Knife slash (hit both sides)
2-uppercut bolter (hit forward)
3-Kick (strong knockdown push forward)
4-Knife backslash (strong knockdown push backward)

man, i am quite proud of this badboy =)

oh - he pushes off the enemy but it would be a pain to program a separate animation in case you dont hit anyone with the kick, so a little suspension of disbelief there hehe call it artistic license
C&C welcome

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/16 22:50:01

Post by: Racerguy180

Once again, it's the little things that sell the movement.
The push off after the kick and knife hand change convey the "heft" of a marine but retain some of the homosapien skeletal structure fluidity.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/17 00:34:25

Post by: Warpig1815

Everything about this is awesome, and a credit to you!

Between projects like this and the tide of animators that have sprung up recently, I am permentantly bamboozled that GW consistently fails to capitalise on a great IP and talented/passionate individuals like yourself. Considering Marvel and Star Wars is gobbled up annually (Most of which carries all the narrative depth of an unsalted peanut), you'd think GW might try and push their franchise

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/17 08:01:19

Post by: PeaceCraft

@Warpig1815: thanks man! the objective is to get one fangame done for everybody to enjoy, and also showcase our skills!
for us getting picked up by GW is like a 1/1000 chance i'd say, its a possibility we acknowledge but won't be counting on. would be nice if it happens though.
Continuity into the project after 6 months will be based on - finishing 1 level of the prototype. and after that's done, if we get enough interest and engagement from the community of players/warhammer fans maybe we'll spend some more time on it. who knows, if it gets enough attention we'll just keep at it adding all the cool gameplay feature ideas we left out of the core gameplay (more playable chapters, more stages, more enemy armies like chaos and xenos, etc).

@Racerguy180: yeah, i try to act out each animation to see if its possible - must be funny for a neighbour seeing me doing moves in the office

well, i managed to churn out some animations for the shoota getting smacked

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/17 10:02:32

Post by: Soul Samurai

These are all so cool! I love that touch of spittle on that damage animation.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/19 09:04:35

Post by: PeaceCraft

falling down, getting up

at this point decided for a stiffer fall to differentiate from the choppa

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/22 13:05:47

Post by: Warpig1815

Not sure if this affects your project or not, but GW has recently done the dirty and 'updated' their IP guidelines to crush anything which promotes their product and encourages people to engage with their franchise (:sarcasm: ). Figured I'd mention it so you don't get into any hot water.

Apparently it's ok for GW to capitalise on the amazing work of passionate fan animators, but now that they've managed to make some money off the initial wave of talent they don't want anyone threatening that. And this includes any games made using GW's characters or settings. I mean, it's totally understandable that GW doesn't want anyone profiting financially from their setting (as is their intellectual right) - but smothering any not-for-profit projects (which only serve to increase interest in GWs products) seems a tad like shooting yourself in the foot.

Anyway, heres the link if you're interested: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-WW/Intellectual-Property-Guidelines

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/23 06:58:04

Post by: PeaceCraft

 Warpig1815 wrote:
Not sure if this affects your project or not, but GW has recently done the dirty and 'updated' their IP guidelines to crush anything which promotes their product and encourages people to engage with their franchise (:sarcasm: ). Figured I'd mention it so you don't get into any hot water.

Apparently it's ok for GW to capitalise on the amazing work of passionate fan animators, but now that they've managed to make some money off the initial wave of talent they don't want anyone threatening that. And this includes any games made using GW's characters or settings. I mean, it's totally understandable that GW doesn't want anyone profiting financially from their setting (as is their intellectual right) - but smothering any not-for-profit projects (which only serve to increase interest in GWs products) seems a tad like shooting yourself in the foot.

Anyway, heres the link if you're interested: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-WW/Intellectual-Property-Guidelines

yep, saw that in valrak's video, thanks for the heads up and worrying about this endeavor! its no longer a fan project - its a generic game called: "Pixelhammer: a space soldier saga"
I understand their need to protect their IP - (they want to go down the marvel/star wars route) especially now that they want to diversify their profit since 3d printing is gonna put a dent into their current plastic sales model (it wont end but i expect the proportion of income is gonna shift away from plasticmmodels and go into other stuff).

i'm personally still a 40k fan and love the hobby more than anything - although i have my critiques of their business practices that seem to be working but the limited distribution thing seems to be getting to the limit of the community's tolerance. (i mostly sculpt and kitbash from ebay so i'm not even really affected by this black friday histeria driven box grab sales model)

I don't actually feel that salty about this - it was expected. + feels like the legal department that knows nothing of the details of the community dinamics used a bazooka and caught all creative fan endeavors in as collateral damage cuz they are paving the way for warhammer + that i'm sure they sold to investors as the next netflix/disney+.
On the other hand it feels bad, seems like the bad ol' kirby days all over again. would be good if they made some specific leeway for the creative fan stuff like star wars does, cuz i can feel the old hate boiling back from the community that seemed dormant since 7th ed. Like the reaaaal hate that opened the door for rivals like privateer press and corvus belli (the former gw fans who went refugee there still hate gw with a burning passion-its hard to get through a game of infinity without hearing at least 1 gw hate talk coming from the former fans ).
The astartes and other youtube animations were what inspired me to do this game - i was planning make something cool for the community and available for free. just my blood sweat and tears poured into this, but whatever. My project is now called "Pixelhammer a star soldier saga" and has nothing to do with anyhting.

good thing i made all decals on a separate layer

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/23 11:22:35

Post by: Warpig1815

Aye, I'll admit I'm not so beholdant to GW's business practice when it comes to minis. I don't play and I've largely moved away from collecting 40k (at least for the moment), but I still enjoy the setting. I understand GW's desire to sell miniatures for their gaming system (as their primary revenue stream), but it seems as though they consistently underappreciate the potential for the setting to expand - particularly when it comes to video games and animation.

Those two sectors are by far the most accessible formats for younger audiences (who they hope to sell minis to at some point), and while I understand protecting their IP I would have thought that allowing some leeway in those areas for fans would translate into increased interest in the core products (A reverse parallel of HALO - which started as a video game franchise, and then became highly marketable with merchandise, e-sports, novels and 2 miniatures games). At least, that's how it appears to my non-mercantile experience.

I can well understand how frustrating it would be for someone like yourself, putting the toil in only to have it crushed by an arbitrary ruling from a seemingly disconnected corporate management. I'm frequently amused by the vitriol some of our members pour on GW (they are a business after all), but rulings like this do smack of a disinterest in the fan-base or needlessly stringent protectionism of the IP. I could understand if GW had a strong line-up of video games that were generating good profits - but the reality is that they haven't had a run-away success since DoW or DoW2. Since then there have been some passably good games, but nothing which has really captivated people like DoW managed to.

Anyway, I hope you do continue with this - because your effort deserves the recognition. Keep it up!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/23 21:40:26

Post by: Barcode

Can't believe this is the first time I've come across this project but it looks fantastic, great work all around!

I think the Marine 360 move is really well done but I couldn't help feel if I was surrounded by orks I'd be letting off a couple of bolter shells!! Maybe something new to incorporate in a future move!

I'd love to see your adaptation of a maine/ork with a flamer!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/23 23:24:46

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Love to see the passion you've got for the project and I think you and many others were inspired by Astartes.

Looking forward to what you put together even in a decal-less mode!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/25 06:58:17

Post by: Soul Samurai

Ah, that sucks. So will you be able to use the same basic designs you've already made, or will they all need to be modified to be visually distinct from GW stuff?

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/27 07:29:29

Post by: PeaceCraft

 Warpig1815 wrote:
Aye, I'll admit I'm not so beholdant to GW's business practice when it comes to minis. I don't play and I've largely moved away from collecting 40k (at least for the moment), but I still enjoy the setting. I understand GW's desire to sell miniatures for their gaming system (as their primary revenue stream), but it seems as though they consistently underappreciate the potential for the setting to expand - particularly when it comes to video games and animation.

Those two sectors are by far the most accessible formats for younger audiences (who they hope to sell minis to at some point), and while I understand protecting their IP I would have thought that allowing some leeway in those areas for fans would translate into increased interest in the core products (A reverse parallel of HALO - which started as a video game franchise, and then became highly marketable with merchandise, e-sports, novels and 2 miniatures games). At least, that's how it appears to my non-mercantile experience.

I can well understand how frustrating it would be for someone like yourself, putting the toil in only to have it crushed by an arbitrary ruling from a seemingly disconnected corporate management. I'm frequently amused by the vitriol some of our members pour on GW (they are a business after all), but rulings like this do smack of a disinterest in the fan-base or needlessly stringent protectionism of the IP. I could understand if GW had a strong line-up of video games that were generating good profits - but the reality is that they haven't had a run-away success since DoW or DoW2. Since then there have been some passably good games, but nothing which has really captivated people like DoW managed to.

Anyway, I hope you do continue with this - because your effort deserves the recognition. Keep it up!

thanks man, i'm still at it. Now my game is just a generic story or a parody now. maybe i'll make the star soldiers be like fratboys going to take care of a fungus infestation or something (a intro cutscene)
Heh i know what you mean - after that old GW animation... wow, that was baaad. like terrible teenage bolter porn that had a somewhat decent (but predictable) plot twist. The fan animations felt like the community taking over like "here's how it's done and we doing it for free"

@Barcode: thanks mate! if i make more characters beyond the tactical bolter guy and the chainsword guy, sure will do! but, for now - i need to get the bare bones basic done first.

@The Red Hobbit: thanks! i'll turn off the decals and keep trucking!

@soul samurai: yeah, i think i can still use it - but now i have to wrap it as a parody. there are 2 fratboy marines living in a dorm - blue and red have to take care of a fungus infestation.

Anyway - update time! emotes!

amused giggle

taunt time! pew pew pew!

Warcry! celebrate by shooting into the air

time to polish the gameplay now

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/28 16:17:05

Post by: Racerguy180

Lookin good

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/07/28 16:42:42

Post by: The Red Hobbit

I'm enjoying the celebration animation quite a bit

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/09/23 22:16:22

Post by: PeaceCraft

Slight update:
finished all the animations and sprites and visual assets necessary for the prototype and i'm quite happy with them - but programing the actual game is going super slow. the programmer is very busy with real life (2 jobs+ new kids) so i am currently polishing my programing knowledge with videos, tutorials studying C# and visual scripting while trying to program the game's AI. I feel like a toddler learning to walk trying to compete in a marathon biggrin.png. I know my design stuff quite well but for programing i'm learning the basics and right now it falls on me to try to start developing a AI state machine, and it has been a STRUGGLE. every single step crashes the whole thing and i'm stuck for hours searching forums and youtube for simple answers that a real programmer can fix with a snap of fingers. So i managed to convince a second friend (who also has limited time) to maybe hop in and help with coding the AI -so hopefully we can get the first prototype soon -
So far every single prediction i have given for a prototype failed - much like George R.R.Martin, so i'll not speculate on a date for playtesting anymore - cuz unfortunately it's not up to me.

but fingers crossed we can get playtesting done soon! aaah coding hurts!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/09/24 15:10:49

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

My last programming class was in the days of 3.5" disks so I'm not the guy to be giving advice, but is there an existing game that can be reskinned?

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/09/24 21:24:36

Post by: Racerguy180

Ditto, I took basic in school so unfortunately I can't help.

Pixel, just keep on keeping on.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/09/26 09:26:26

Post by: Soul Samurai

That's rough, I know how frustrating it can be when a computer just refuses to do what you need it to. All I can say is: good luck!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/10/26 05:40:01

Post by: PeaceCraft

@Kid_Kyoto: well, we are thinking of getting some programing assets on black friday hopefully - the AI statemachine is pretty up mapped, but need to actually code it (once again programmers without time issue). but cant reskin some asset 1:1 because the game logic is not just your run of the mill beat em up/ run and gun game, we i9ncorporated a bunch of mechanics from other genres that i haven't seen in this kind of game yet.
@Racerguy180 @Soul Samurai: thanks guys, will keep at it! last 3 months was a bit blurry in terms of knowing how to solve the problems but i managed to fix them and plan them with some nice solutions. i wont post them here, cuz i doubt anybody is interested in AI flowcharts and all that boring stuff. currently we have a clear view of how to implement things - i kinda figured it out and put it to paper and flowchart and a friend who researches AI told me it makes sense - so now we have to do coding to put it into practice (again - our main issue is the proggrammer not being able to put in the hours)
thanks for the support and attention guys, i'll post when we actually have something functional to show! (no art to show off cuz we are fully into technical mumbo jumbo that i suppose non game designers wouldnt be interested in -really boring stuff, but necessary to run the game)

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/12/22 09:49:30

Post by: waaghgrumpa


Any updates on this

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/12/23 07:31:19

Post by: Murenius

Really love it! Except maybe that it‘s loyalist marines.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/12/23 09:28:37

Post by: waaghgrumpa

oh man so many duplicates

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2021/12/27 12:56:37

Post by: gribble

 PeaceCraft wrote:
@Kid_AI statemachine is pretty up mapped, but need to actually code it (once again programmers without time issue).

If you would like some help, shoot me a PM.
I don't have much Unity/game development experience, but I have over 20 years of software development experience and recently moved from a hands on role to a more managerial one.
I have been meaning to teach myself Unity and games dev anyway, and would be happy to help out with a bit of development.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2022/05/26 03:12:22

Post by: StepsonOfTheLion

@PeaceCraft First time poster; literally joined just to ask about this.

Any word on if you are moving forward with this or if it will ever release? Looks truly amazing.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2022/07/19 14:58:30

Post by: PeaceCraft

after a 8 month hiatus and still no sign of my programmer partner getting time to finish the prototype (2 jobs, 2 small kids, its totally understandable - life is complicated ) i decided to pretty much just hire someone on fiver to program what's still missing in the game. its not a smart move for me since this project is intended to be free and i don't even have a patreon setup (i'm doing this to dodge GW lawyers) and there wont be any revenue planned, but i want to get moving again and that seems like the only way.

@StepsonOfTheLion: im' back, i'll try to hire someone to setup the prototype for testing. since its been like 8 months in pause it will take a few weeks to remember where i was and make a propper briefing document to assign to get it done.
@gribble: thank you for the kind offer mate, this really moves me - but i think i'll go with a hired dev on fiver cuz the amount of hours needed to get this done would be too much to ask of volunteers - but i do appreciate the sentiment very much <3 (the pixel art alone has over 550hours clocked...) - time is a precious thing.
Once the protype is up and running i'll ask for help on the test discord server, opinions or tips when tweaking the proptotype, but right now i only have a bunch of NPCs that follow the player around and do nothing else. The bottleneck is getting the simple engine done and playable (and beat em ups are as simple as they come) and after that the challenge for development and playtesting is to manage to integrate the melee centric beatemup mechanic with the run and gun mechanic wich are pratically opposite gameplay logic.
@waaghgrumpa: its back!
@Murenius: ah i gotta start somewhere - might as well be the most boring vanilla guys around

So i'm reviewing everything i have so far and am retaking the project. Checklist
1- organize the game design document in a presentable format to hand over to the unreal engine developer on fiver. i have one but its a very messy and anyone not me wouldn't understand it, need to fill in some blanks and detail every little function
2- make 2 more core mechanic characters (i have melee guy, and shooty guy, i still need to make a tanky guy and a buffing character to determine the challenges in the core gameplay loop)
3- pay up and hire a gamedev on fiver to make a blueprint based system and finish the engine that is already halfway done (but cant show anything yet - we can pilot the character but there is no AI to fight)
4- make devlog youtube channel to push it out there and gather interest (need scripting, presentation, some motion graphics, its quite a lot of work)
5- prepare a discord channel to make a community and playtest everything
6- upload the prototype version to itch.io and get people involved

and ... that's it. seems simple but i project that it'll be at least a few weeks before i get something done
i'll get working on the game design document and start making the 'ard boy next

stay tuned!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2022/07/28 12:59:08

Post by: Soul Samurai

Good luck!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2022/07/29 19:54:17

Post by: The Red Hobbit

Best of luck!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2022/08/10 11:37:30

Post by: waaghgrumpa

Tanky guy?

Dear Santa: let the tanky guy be a Terminator

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/10/12 18:11:10

Post by: shipwreck

This is so freakin' cool. I'm so happy I stumbled upon it. Any updates?

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/10/13 05:14:03

Post by: morganfreeman

This seriously makes me want to get back into pixel art. Not that I was any good at it, but it makes me nostalgic with its awesomeness.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/10/13 12:09:13

Post by: Leopold Helveine

Man I love these Orks so much already, do you use Aseprite? Or some bones program for the animations?

Never stop making pixelhammer.
Also, make Eldar and Harlequins!!!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/11/06 21:16:24

Post by: PeaceCraft

hey, its been a while.
my partner was busy with his 2 jobs and 2 kids and i had to do pay bills and also went to europe to watch the rugby world cup, so its been a bit of a hiatus. but we managed to get some time for this so we'll try to to get closer to the testing prototype, but no roadmap to the prototype yet.
@waaghgrumpa: yeah, was thinking of termie for tank guy in the future! like, after we get a working level and the melee and shooting guys done.
@shipwreck: hi, ill just be checking out my notes and get slowly back into the swing of things. hopefully a few more characters soon.
@morganfreeman: yeah, its great fun working with simple visual for art! its a challenge to animate
@Leopold Helveine: yep, all aseprite! heheh extra races would have to be waaay down the pipe - like stage4 of development. stage 1 being a playable map, stage 2 being getting a whole procedural progression, stage 3 being polishing AI for the game, then followed by extra races, storylines and whatnot.

anyways, recently my programming partner told me he had some free time to work on the game again so i dusted off the files and started sketching the next sprite sets. it will stay in unreal engine after the whole unity nonsense, so lets get to it.
i'm thinking of purchasing a premade unreal beat em up engine or something to do it, maybe it will save some time

currently i want to work on:
grenade guy

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/11/06 23:46:07

Post by: Racerguy180

Rock on, rock on!!!!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/11/08 05:54:24

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Glad to hear it's still kicking!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/11/08 20:17:48

Post by: PeaceCraft

aaaand some work on nobz and grots

just a little git just asking for a kickin'

aaand i found a solution for any IP issues - Presenting Lucky Company and their glorious horseshoe symbol, the pride of the star soldiers!

testing big choppa designs

[Thumb - Da Orkzes Devsheet.jpeg]

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/12/05 18:24:23

Post by: shipwreck

Let's goooooooooo! I want to play this game.

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2023/12/15 21:01:28

Post by: QGGQAA

PM send !!!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2024/03/22 22:02:17

Post by: PeaceCraft

slight update preliminary jogging grot. strutting around like he's a big shot

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2024/03/28 20:50:12

Post by: PeaceCraft

i adjusted the animation so he would be less stiff and walk more wobbly, hunched down, having a more comical style of walk, cuz you know - grot. :laugh:

i'll do some work on the grot, then i'll go back to designing the nob

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2024/04/28 22:17:41

Post by: Racerguy180

Looks great! Keep on keepin on

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2024/03/31 11:39:37

Post by: Leopold Helveine

You can see there is passion to this project and that is why the quality is so good

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2024/04/03 09:05:51

Post by: Mothsniper

Wow, that is beez to the knees!

PIXELHAMMER An oldschool pixelart gameproject @ 2024/04/03 09:24:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

I love this project.

If GW makes noises I wonder if it could be reskinned slightly like the Space King video.