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The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2020/12/20 19:22:31

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Hello all! I've been looking through the various P&M blogs on this site and thought I'd join in and share my works with my fellow forum-goers. I started out painting Gunpla six years ago (2014) and first got into Warhammer through Warhammer TV's tutorials two years ago (2018) because I wanted to improve my painting. That is also the time that I got into painting Warhammer kits with my first kit being the Azyrite Ruins which I used in a diorama with my Zaku Half-Cannon kit.

I've since gotten heavily into painting 40k kits, as I collect mostly Blood Angels and Nightlords - and will soon begin collecting Iron Warriors to change it up as I've grown tire of those two factions.

Don't worry, I have many more painted kits than just the few I'll show below.

I'll try to post updates regularly, but I do tend to suffer burnout every once in awhile. Also, every Thursday will be a "Throwback Thursday" where I post something I've already completed (only since 2018, as that's when I finally learned to paint well). Finally, I'll leave you all off with this epic photo.


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And here is the first of my Iron Warriors. I sawed off his right hand and used a left over Chaos Raptors Plasma Pistol, and I did the same to his left hand and added a left over CSM Power Axe. The theme for the base is a ruined city.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2020/12/22 22:33:26

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

The first CSM that I've painted for my Iron Warriors army. He was painted separately from the others as a test of the paint scheme I had in mind, and I'd say it was a success. The other four of this guy's squad are soon to follow.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2020/12/23 20:13:36

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Since I'll be busy tomorrow, here's Way-Back Wednesday

HGUC Gundam Mk II (Revive)

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2020/12/28 20:54:49

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Squad 1 of Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines is finished.

Aspiring Champion

Flame Boy

Blade Legend

Saturday Night Special

The Running Man

More photos here: https://imgur.com/a/NR3ifn5#OX3UWWZ

I'm still waiting on an order from GW for Mk III Space Marines and I'll be visiting my FLGS for a box of regular Chaos Space Marines with which to kitbash Squad 2. I'm also waiting on orders from Amazon and Green Stuff World for basing materials before I start on my Lord Discordant. I also have an order of Havocs coming from Amazon.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2020/12/31 20:32:52

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Throwback Thursday

HGGO Zaku II Type C-6 "Revolver Jane"

The paint scheme for this model was based on WWII Aircraft.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/07 22:21:21

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Throwback Thursday

HGUC Gundam Pixy

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/08 00:36:01

Post by: tzurk

Hey mate,

Nice work on the first squad of Iron Warriors! Simple, grimy palette that's executed well. Love their names too

The bases are a nice touch - are they a press mould or do you sculpt individual bricks for each dude?

The giant robots are cool too. The explosion effects would make for fun little narrative tools in games!

Good luck with expanding the collection and thanks for sharing!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/08 01:34:25

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Hey Tzurk, thanks for commenting! I used a textured rolling pin from Green Stuff World to do the texture on the bases.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/08 19:11:10

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Here's a WIP shot of my Lord Discordant. The Hell Stalker is nearly finished. After that, it's on to the rider.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/12 21:22:17

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Time Warp Tuesday

HGUC Hyaku Shiki (Revive)

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/12 21:26:07

Post by: Not Online!!!

there's something to be said about Iron warriors. Especially well painted ones.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/12 22:52:12

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I don't ever find myself in the hobby circles that do Gunpla, they're pretty cool as big robots go.

Your marines look good too, especially the steed of your discolord!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/13 20:13:08

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for the comments guys! I really appreciate it.

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
I don't ever find myself in the hobby circles that do Gunpla, they're pretty cool as big robots go.

Gunpla were actually the first models I started doing way back in 2014, although it was Zero from Bandai's Mega Man X Mega Armor series that got me into the hobby. They're really fun kits to build, especially for beginners who are a little intimidated by minis.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/14 19:14:09

Post by: Yorkright

I like that shimmery gold on the Gundam, matches up well with the blue. Digging that Hellstrider too, one of my favorite CSM models.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/01/14 21:40:16

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Yorkright wrote:
I like that shimmery gold on the Gundam, matches up well with the blue. Digging that Hellstrider too, one of my favorite CSM models.

Thank you very much for the kind words. The gold I used was Fulgurite Copper over a Balthazar Gold base coat. I'm nearly done with Helstalker too. I just need to paint some black and red cables on it, and then I can finish the rider.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/03/27 01:51:33

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I'm taking a break from the Iron Warriors and doing Gundam kits for the time being.
My current project: HGUC Pale Rider from Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: Missing Link

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/04/11 19:10:27

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Belated Throwback Thursday

40k Blood Angels Primaris Aggressors

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/05/13 21:18:05

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Throwback Thursday
HGUC Jagd Doga (Gyunei Custom)

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/06/05 02:41:11

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

My next squad of 40k Iron Warriors is 30% done! I used parts from the latest CSM, and the Mark III Space Marines kits.

Make that 29%. Just noticed I need to paint the chaos symbol hanging from the Aspiring Champion's belt gold.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/06/10 23:38:30

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Iron Warriors CSM Squad 2 (first five marines)

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/06/11 13:33:04

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I love how bright they are! They look ironically knightly, which is a look I've always enjoyed for Space Marines.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/06/12 01:42:06

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for the compliments! I'm pretty much just following the painting recipe from the back of the box, with a few of my own tweaks here and there.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/06/16 20:11:10

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I finished my Disco-Lord the other day and finally got around to taking pictures.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/06/25 18:58:02

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

So I'm currently taking a break from the Iron Warriors to work on a large foam terrain piece. It's about 2'x3'. The different foam layers are glued together with Gorilla Glue. I'm almost ready to add plaster (Sculptamold) over the top to create rocky cliffs and smooth bed for the pond that'll be going in the middle. I'll also be using some Woodland Scenics rock molds to create realistic rock faces for the cliffs. There'll also be a ruined statue of a battle sister (purchased from Etsy) in the middle of the pond and some left over Azyrite Ruins around the outskirts of the terrain.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 20142028/07/25 19:13:30

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

That is certainly the very beginning of your project. Look forward to seeing more.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/01 20:17:15

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for taking interest.
Here are the Dark Apostle and Dark Disciples I finished today for the monthly painting contest.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/05 19:11:23

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

My terrain piece is almost finished. I've been working on it in my garage, so I apologize for the crappy lighting.

I have some touch ups to do on the destroyed statue since I got a little plaster on the face.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/05 22:33:02

Post by: fingol23

The sunken statue works really well! Also nice job on the pink on the apostle, it's nice and smooth.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/06 16:01:04

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I love how muddy the area around it looks. I'd believably avoid that area for quicksand!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/06 20:02:40

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

fingol23 wrote:The sunken statue works really well! Also nice job on the pink on the apostle, it's nice and smooth.

Thanks! It was a pain in the butt to get the pink smooth. It took like four coats of Emperor's Children over two coasts of Screamer Pink.
Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:I love how muddy the area around it looks. I'd believably avoid that area for quicksand!

Thanks! The muddy look was done completely by accident. I made a mixture of scenic glue that's one part Modpodge to two parts water (with a little Dawn dish soap to act as a flow improver) used a ton. It just naturally pooled really thick in the pond area and dried looking like that even after I soaked up a bunch of the excess scenic glue with a paper towel.

All that's left to do on the terrain before I bring in the house is to add some bushes and paint the outside rim black. Once it's in the house, I'll do the resin pour in the pond.

A quick question though, yeah or neigh on adding trees?

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/06 20:46:35

Post by: Captain Brown

I would say neigh on the trees (unless they were stunted ones). I would also chip off some of the halo spikes (or bend one)...perhaps even some of the weapon...as a stature like that would get weathered over time (less so because of the hills around it) but the weathering would be noticeable.

My two cents,


The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/07 01:18:53

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for the feedback. If I were to do trees I'd be using a mix medium and large Woodland Scenics ones, but I think it would be a bit more functional without the trees. I also agree that I could weather the statue a bit more. I'll take care of that when I do the touch ups.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/18 22:46:12

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

More Blood Angels photos here!
My just newly finished Furioso Dreadnought that I did for this month's painting contest.

And here are two that I finished a long time ago, but never got good photos of.

Primaris Mephiston, Lord of Death

Blood Angels Primaris Chaplain

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Updated photos of my Furioso Dreadnought with decals:

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/22 02:11:19

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Heavy Intercessor with Heavy Bolter

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/07/25 20:36:04

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Heavy Intercessor Sergeant

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/12/21 17:26:41

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

It's been awhile since I've painted, but I'm painting again and damn, does it feel good!

I finally finished the last of my Heavy Intercessors.

And I also started on the Sanguinary Guard - finishing the Sanguinary Ancient just yesterday.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2021/12/27 18:00:14

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

A new addition to my Blood Angels: The Sanguinary Priest.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2022/01/11 20:11:29

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Just thought I'd show off the project of the month: The Hive Tyrant. He's not finished yet, but he's coming along nicely.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2022/01/15 18:37:41

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Just about done with this guy. I just need to do a few touch ups.

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Final images of my Hive Tyrant

It's not really visible in the pictures, but I did use some gloss varnish around the mouth and on the tongue to make it look like he's drooling.

Close-up of the base

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 0023/04/20 17:55:32

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I finished my Sanguinary Guard a few days ago and will post photos later today.

Upon finishing said Sanguinary Guard, I started work on my Bladeguard Veterans, the first of which is the sergeant.

He's nearly finished, I just need to finish the eyes, sword grip, base and do transfers.

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Sanguinary Guard

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I just finished my Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant, so here he is!

And I also thought I'd show off the terrain piece I made last summer with my Blood Angels displayed on it!

...and yes, I'll find a place to put that Lego set and I'll finish my Assault Terminators after the Bladeguard Vets.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2022/01/23 03:01:50

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

WIP on second Bladeguard.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2022/01/23 16:49:52

Post by: gobert

Nice progress on the Blood Angels, the next Bladeguard is coming along too. That terrain piece is fantastic, it certainly makes for a great army display board

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2022/01/23 16:58:32

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thank you so much for the compliments! The terrain piece was so much fun to make, and the results were great too. I'm glad you like it!

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Bladeguard Vet #2 is finished.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/01/20 17:46:23

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

It's been quite awhile since I've posted anything here. I finished a squad of Ork Beast Snagga boys (will post photos later) last year as well as a couple others. I've also gotten back into Gunpla recently, so here's my recent finished projects:

HGUC 1/144 scale GM Type C
Fully painted using Citadel and Tamiya paints

HGUC 1/144 scale Guncannon (Revive)
Fully painted using Citadel paints

HGUC 1/144 scale Galbaldy Beta
Fully painted using Citadel, The Army Painter, Tamiya and Scale Color paints

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/01/26 16:17:26

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

HGUC Char's Gelgoog
Fully painted with Citadel and Scale Color paints

HGEX Magella Attack Tank
Fully painted with Citadel paints

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/18 15:48:04

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Here’s a preview of my current project. I’m working on modifying the arms to use the joints from the Ballden Arm Arms set, and I’m also using a set of HD Builders Parts Zeon MS Hands to replace the blocky, toyish hands the kit comes with.

HGUC Bawoo

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/06 20:32:14

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

More progress on the Bawoo

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/10 18:08:10

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

HGUC Bawoo
Fully painted with Citadel and Tamiya paints

My next project is a DnD dragon that I'll be painting for a friend.

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DnD Dragon with Treasure Chest for a friend

Fully painted with Citadel and The Army Painter paints

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/13 01:34:03

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

GM Sniper II progress

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/16 18:19:05

Post by: itsonlyme

Some really great work here, as a fellow son of Baal I approve

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/16 19:12:27

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks! I don't get many comments on this thread, maybe because of all the Gunpla I post, so I really appreciate it!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/21 19:15:28

Post by: gobert

Nice work on the gun pla, not something I’ve seen much of, but the schemes are cool and paint looks nice and smooth! Looking back at the Blood Angels, how did you do the shadow effects on their shoulder icons?

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/21 22:03:10

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

 gobert wrote:
Nice work on the gun pla, not something I’ve seen much of, but the schemes are cool and paint looks nice and smooth! Looking back at the Blood Angels, how did you do the shadow effects on their shoulder icons?

Hey man, thanks! If you're talking about the Bladeguard Sergeant, that's just how the decals were. I'm not sure if the printers were misaligned when printing multiple layers of ink or what, but it does look cool!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/23 08:27:47

Post by: itsonlyme

I’m not a fan of the new marines, the blade guard are pretty nice, nice job.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/25 15:20:03

Post by: gobert

Yeah, Thems the ones I was talking about, wierd misalignment that ended up a cool effect!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/26 01:30:17

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Kharn the Betrayer WIP

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/26 15:03:56

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Kharn is nearly finished.

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Kharn the Betrayer

Also, here are the long awaited photos of my Ork Beast Snagga Boyz I finished last year

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/02/27 09:46:40

Post by: itsonlyme

The only thing kharn is missing is gore!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/01 01:49:02

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

itsonlyme wrote:
The only thing kharn is missing is gore!

You're right. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to include plenty of blood and skulls for my next project, the Khorne Berserkers.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/01 04:08:55

Post by: XCaligulaX

Hell yea moar Orkz!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/06 00:40:51

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I'm working on Khorne Berserkers for this month's painting contest.

I can't stand doing batch painting, so I'm painting them in pairs. The icon bearer and the champion are the first two.
Here's the icon bearer so far.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/07 18:04:34

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Progress on the Berserkers continues:

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/10 21:05:47

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Berserker Champion is just about finished:

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/13 19:15:58

Post by: From_ash

This is late, but your Hive Tyrant looks awesome! Really like the Zaku diorama in the first post, too.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/14 16:07:36

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks! I agree, the Hive Tyrant was one of my best works.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/14 18:52:43

Post by: JamesY

Champion is looking good. How are you finding the new kit? I know that I have done some conversions on mine, but I am finding them an absolute joy to paint.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/14 19:50:36

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks! The Berserkers are great. I love the detail and the action poses.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/03/14 19:56:58

Post by: osjclatchford

"I can't stand doing batch painting, so I'm painting them in pairs..."

best way to get consistant higher quality results without either loosing the will to live or running out of time/patience witht the whole thing... this, or singly, is the only way I paint minis these days.

blindin' stuff in here mate, keep it up...

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/04/01 02:28:33

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

My entry for this month's painting contest. My only regret was procrastinating and not having enough time to paint blood effects on the blades.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/04/01 07:57:45

Post by: BarryScott

Whats your scheme for the red? looks great and have some Khorne daemons that could do with a similar treatment.

also, you planning on adding in the blood later or are these the rare "pre battle" Berserkers.
great stuff keep it up

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/04/01 13:46:42

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

BarryScott wrote:
Whats your scheme for the red? looks great and have some Khorne daemons that could do with a similar treatment.

also, you planning on adding in the blood later or are these the rare "pre battle" Berserkers.
great stuff keep it up

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I used Baal Red contrast over the top of Grey Seer base paint. I then shaded with Berserker Blood Shade and did edge highlights with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wildrider Red.

I also do plan on adding in the blood later. Khorne units need blood.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/04/03 08:14:22

Post by: gobert

Good looking bunch of Berserkers, ready to bathe in the blood of their victims

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/04/04 00:28:48

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for the compliments. I'm pretty excited for my next project for the monthly painting contest, the Avatar of Khaine.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/04/16 01:46:45

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I just finished the lava cracks in the Avatar of Khaine's skin.

I was pretty intimidated about doing this effect since it's not something I've done before, but I think it turned out alright. I just need to highlight the edges of cracks now.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/04/19 19:48:20

Post by: gobert

The lava looks to have turned out well, good luck highlighting the edges!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/09/11 00:57:44

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

My entries for this month's painting contest. I was a little sloppy on some parts of the Champion, but it turned out alright overall, but I'm really happy with how the Little Drummer Boy turned out.

Saurus Champion:

The Little Drummer Boy:

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/09/11 02:16:06

Post by: Vejut

Looks good! Drumhead reads well as leather.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/09/11 18:09:18

Post by: Captain Brown

Lots of nice work there ShadowsAndDust.



The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/12/01 14:15:02

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Something I started working on a couple days ago: The Full Armor Gundam from Gundam the Origin

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/12/03 19:17:09

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I got some decals on this bad boy. It was a nerve-wracking experience because most of them are teeny tiny and difficult to get on the correct way. I messed up on some of them, but I still think it looks pretty good.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/12/07 17:18:02

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I've finished painting the arms.

Decals will go on tonight. It won't be as nerve wracking as there aren't as many on the arms as there were on the torso.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2023/12/15 20:39:21

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I have the base Gundam all painted and decaled. All that's left is the Full Armor parts.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/01/07 16:09:32

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I finished the Full Armor Gundam a couple weeks ago, but haven't had the chance to take photos until now.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/01/11 07:25:04

Post by: tzurk

Nice work on the Gundam! The weathering/detailing on the panels looks great. Poseable minis is something else!

Zerkers looking beastly together as a unit, and can't wait to see how the Avatar turns out.

The hobby ADHD in me recognises the hobby ADHD in you...

Thanks for sharing!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/01/12 15:00:55

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for commenting! My goal for this year is to overcome my hobby ADHD and finish more models.

The thing I like about Gundam kits is that they're all different colors, even mobile suits that are part of the same faction. Painting a box of Space Marines can get boring for me since their all the same colors.

I'm also getting back into doing youtube. Hopefully I'll become popular enough that I can monetize my channel in the future.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/01/25 23:15:50

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

HGUC Gundam Mk II from the year 2002, painted using Citadel and The Army Painter paints.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/02/12 18:20:48

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

HGUC G-Defensor

HGUC Super Gundam (Transport Mode)

HGUC Super Gundam (Super Gundam Mode)

HGUC G-Defensor with HGUC Gundam Mk. II (Revive)

Core Fighter

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/02/13 19:00:06

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I'm not skipping leg day. I'm finally making good progress on Bandai's Real Grade Z'Gok model.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/02/20 02:18:50

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

After two weeks of slow progress (only finishing the legs and feet), I made a ton of progress, finishing the torso in just one day.

The legs aren't actually supposed to go there, I just thought it would be funny. Tomorrow is crotch day.

I originally planned on using Tamiya Gloss Clear Red for the mono-eye, but it was taking too long to dry, so I just stripped it and used Citadel Blood Letter, the old discontinued glaze paint, which worked like a charm.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/02/21 02:55:32

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

More Z'Gok progress. Crotch day was a success!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/03 01:11:41

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Real Grade Z'Gok - Char Aznable Custom is finished!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/04 02:39:21

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

A day's work on Commander Dante:

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/05 04:04:19

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Commander Dante is nearly finished. I'll put some matte varnish over the base tomorrow morning to seal in all the flock and then he'll be done.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/06 15:03:04

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I finally got around to taking the final photos of Commander Dante.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/09 23:34:10

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I started on Calgar a couple days ago, and he's coming along nicely.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/10 16:02:26

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Calgar is nearly finished. I just need to apply the decals and finish his base.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/23 14:59:45

Post by: gobert

Nice work on the two legends of the Imperium! Their new models are cool and you did a good job

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/23 15:53:02

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for the comments, gobert! I'm still working on the Victrix guard and have Calgar based. I'll post photos once the Victrix are finished.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/29 22:57:35

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Here are some photos of Tyranid Termagants I've been working on for some painting tutorials I'm posting on my Youtube channel.

My next tutorial will be about Hive Fleet Behemoth.

Here is a link to my channel: The Best Gun-Damn Models Period

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/30 13:49:00

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Both look fantastic, great chitin.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/03/30 14:15:32

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks! Both were really fun to paint too.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/02 16:46:44

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I'm sick with a sore throat today, so I'm digging out my Avatar of Khaine and will finally finish him for this month's painting contest.

I'm going to go for a brighter red on the armor than what's pictured on the box, so that it stands out more from the molten rock skin.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/04 16:04:39

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Progress on the Avatar of Khaine. It's turning out pretty good so far. You can't even tell that I broke a piece.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

The gold is shaded and highlighted and the red has been touched up and parts re-shaded. I've also base coated the gems with silver, including the one on the head. Tomorrow, I'll highlight the bronze and coat over the gems with Aeldari Emerald. The Avatar is coming along nicely.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/06 17:49:47

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I'm just about done with the Avatar's head. I'm working on his spear right now, and I'm having trouble with glazing the blade.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/07 23:08:52

Post by: gobert

Nice pair of nids! The red one looks particularly cool scheme. The avatar is coming along nicely too

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/08 00:34:53

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks! The nids are part of a 10 part video series I'm doing on painting different hive fleets. The Avatar is a project I started for last April's painting contest, but then I injured my shoulder and couldn't paint for awhile. I'm nearly finished with it and I'm pretty excited for how it's turning out.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
After a year long wait, the big man himself is finally finished.

I present to you, the Avatar of Khaine. Final photos will be posted later today. I was so excited though, I just had a post a quick photo now!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/08 14:52:18

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

And here are the final photos of the Avatar:

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/09 08:48:32

Post by: gobert

Looking good! The flames and lava really stand out well!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/14 19:03:36

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks for the compliments!

Here's my latest piece: The Black Templars' Emperor's Champion

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/15 17:39:23

Post by: bullisariuscowl

 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
And here are the final photos of the Avatar:

I love what you've done with the model. You've really sold the magma flowing through his body, but without using too many distraction techniques or anything like that. The base and Spear are amazing too. The model looks best with a spear, IMO. I adore this model already but I think your take is probably one of if not my favourite I've seen so far. Just good old brush painting done carefully and with loads of love and time put into it. Absolutely Class. Proper awsum stuff.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/21 00:48:44

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thank you very much for the praise. I really appreciate it!
I just finished filming my Hive Fleet Behemoth tutorial last night. The video will go up tomorrow.

And today, I started painting the Saurus Scar Veteran on Aggradon.

I'll still work on it a bit more tonight, but I was so excited with being almost done with the skin, that I had to share it!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/21 14:27:45

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Wow that's a gorgeous dino.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/04/23 20:27:58

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

And here's the finished Saurus Scar Veteran on Aggradon.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/11 13:47:52

Post by: gobert

Nice lizardmen! Love the different colours you’ve gone for depending on what they are! Makes unit identification a bit easier!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/11 14:56:23

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Thanks gobert! I appreciate the feedback.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/12 13:58:19

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

WIP Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/14 11:43:55

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

Blood Angels Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/20 20:56:39

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

The new Captain in Terminator Armor

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/20 21:02:58

Post by: bullisariuscowl

great leviathan!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/20 21:11:31

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

 bullisariuscowl wrote:
great leviathan!

Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/05/25 13:55:13

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

I've finished the first of my Eldar Striking Scorpions. Just 9 more to go!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/06/01 13:04:50

Post by: gobert

Love that Leviathan! The added yellow looks great. Captain is a great paint job too.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/06/01 13:15:22

Post by: blockade23

 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
I've finished the first of my Eldar Striking Scorpions. Just 9 more to go!

Love the paintjob on this. I've been avoiding buying the new squad for my Iyanden army - how are they to put together?

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/06/01 13:21:31

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

gobert wrote:Love that Leviathan! The added yellow looks great. Captain is a great paint job too.

Thanks! I'm glad you like my models, and I appreciate the feedback!
blockade23 wrote:
Love the paintjob on this. I've been avoiding buying the new squad for my Iyanden army - how are they to put together?

Thanks! I'm glad you like it. They're not too hard to put together. The legs can be a little bit of a pain as they are separated between the butt cheeks and it can be hard to get them aligned properly, but it's not too bad.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/06/01 23:54:44

Post by: bullisariuscowl

 blockade23 wrote:
 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
I've finished the first of my Eldar Striking Scorpions. Just 9 more to go!

Love the paintjob on this. I've been avoiding buying the new squad for my Iyanden army - how are they to put together?

Iyanden? A Knife-Ear of culture, I see. You picked the best one.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/09/03 22:36:39

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

After taking a couple months off due to hobby burnout, I'm back at it again, but this time doing a little bit of Gunpla. Here's a WIP of the MS-07b Gouf, from the original Mobile Suit Gundam.

And for those of you looking for more Warhammer 40k/AoS, don't worry, I'll have some of that coming up soon too!

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/09/04 16:40:13

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Nice start. Good to see you doing any model building. Anything to stay creative is positive.

The Gallery of Shadows and Dust - High Grade Gouf WIP @ 2024/09/04 23:00:34

Post by: ghostmaker

Keep up the good work!