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50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/14 17:03:19

Post by: aphyon

So we have a new player in our area and he was interested in trying out some warmachine so i split my khador up for a quick 25 point game. and he solo'd irusk with sorcha like a champ

Second round he borrowed some cygnar from another regular for a 50 point game.

It was a little silly since a large chunk of both our armies were immune to blast weapons-him for trenchers being trenchers in trenches and me for solid ground.

It ended up being the gun carriage that won the day for me. it circled around the back, managing to trample through a horde of trenchers and right over sloan.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/21 13:26:46

Post by: aphyon

Faced off against the crucible guard tonight. my friend picked up a new warcaster (in a tank)

I decided to go manOwar heavy with Irusk II to make things interesting.

The game was pretty bloody, and i think it would have gone worse for me had solid ground not made me immune to blast damage., even so near the end of the game it became something of a stalemate with his warcaster freezing any unit that got to close to her before she re-positioned away. i ended up just fighting off the rest of his army since i could not get to her.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/22 05:43:01

Post by: marxlives

Love these posts, something about 25-50 points just seems right.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/22 19:56:09

Post by: LunarSol

I do really think 50 points is where they need to move the game.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/23 09:33:18

Post by: Sunno

 LunarSol wrote:
I do really think 50 points is where they need to move the game.

or at least a good, defined and fully official smaller format a-la Brawlmachine and/or both a 25pt and 50pt format. That would work wonders for the game.

There was a thread on the FB general page about a theoretical Mk4 and so many people were calling for it. What disappointed me was the people vociferous advocating against smaller formats (75pt or die....). Why PP doesn't do this is beyond me. It requires no new models, just some new scenario packs and literature which they could test via online games. It would be a huge bang for their buck. But once again PP misses the opportunity that's right before them.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/23 15:09:27

Post by: LunarSol

The primary problem with 50 points right now is the SR scenarios just don't support it. They work so hard to stretch 75 points across the table that when you drop to 50 things just fall apart after the first engagement.

Hungerford tried to push for 50 in the SR release they were going to push before the lockdown started. Sadly, the community just shouted him down and kept insisting on the only way to play.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/23 18:03:42

Post by: aphyon

Problem solved-don't play SR scenarios. we don't and the game is fun.

or at least a good, defined and fully official smaller format a-la Brawlmachine and/or both a 25pt and 50pt format. That would work wonders for the game.

Our group also plays infantry machine-50 points-no warcasters and no jacks/warbeasts without a jackmarshal equivalent .

The concept is that in the universe warcasters are incredibly rare and valuable assets that only take to the field under the most demanding situations. the rest of the time the regular army fights without them.

This is my infantry machine force-

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/23 19:20:29

Post by: LunarSol

The problem I've always had without scenario is there's nothing to force engagement. The game gets very kitey and small threat range advantages become game defining. As soon as someone realizes they can just back up the clash that makes the game really exciting kind of vanishes. It's fun, but lacks a lot of the tension that makes the game stand out in SR.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/25 15:53:45

Post by: Boss Salvage

 LunarSol wrote:
Hungerford tried to push for 50 in the SR release they were going to push before the lockdown started. Sadly, the community just shouted him down and kept insisting on the only way to play.
I did not know this! I loved me some 50 pts back in 2E, one of the reasons I faded away from the game was the bloat up to 75 solidified and pushed my collection out. I've spent most of Quarantine trying to get the oomph to paint up 75 pts in a new faction, now mustering the urge to aim for 50

Thanks for the reports!

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/25 16:20:58

Post by: aphyon

 LunarSol wrote:
The problem I've always had without scenario is there's nothing to force engagement. The game gets very kitey and small threat range advantages become game defining. As soon as someone realizes they can just back up the clash that makes the game really exciting kind of vanishes. It's fun, but lacks a lot of the tension that makes the game stand out in SR.

Never had that problem, when we play for fun we are not just trying to play keep away.

Hopefully our cygnar/circle orboros player will get some games in against the crucible guard this weekend so you can see some different battles.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/25 19:27:16

Post by: LunarSol

 Boss Salvage wrote:
 LunarSol wrote:
Hungerford tried to push for 50 in the SR release they were going to push before the lockdown started. Sadly, the community just shouted him down and kept insisting on the only way to play.
I did not know this! I loved me some 50 pts back in 2E, one of the reasons I faded away from the game was the bloat up to 75 solidified and pushed my collection out. I've spent most of Quarantine trying to get the oomph to paint up 75 pts in a new faction, now mustering the urge to aim for 50

Thanks for the reports!

75 in MK3 is roughly the same as 50 was in MK2. During the transition, they doubled the points of everything (often -1) so like a 2 points solo became 3-4 points and 7 point Warjacks ended up being 13-14. The reason 75 points is still the same size despite this is they put a bunch more points into caster warjack points. So where MK2 was around 56 points including WJP, MK3 is doubled to 103ish points after WJP plus about 15 points in free solos or attachments. I have a few lists that actually translated exactly after the free solos were added. 50 point games in MK3 would be pretty close to MK2's 35 point formats.

The main source of growth in army size for MK3 has been drops in unit points over the edition. You can still find units in every faction that are closer to the original values, but as the edition has gone on a LOT of units have dropped in points considerably, which has bloated up the game and put a HUGE divide between models that have gone through CID and those that have not.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/03/28 18:56:22

Post by: aphyon

I was playing my own game a few table down so i only got a few pictures of this battle

circle orboros wolf themed army VS an infantry heavy crucible guard.

with Kaya the wildheart VS the marshal general gearhart-

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/04/01 18:53:43

Post by: marxlives

Very cool!

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/04/18 12:55:53

Post by: aphyon

Another quick update. our circle player did a battle against legion

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/04/18 14:34:21

Post by: Cyel

And people said that with lockdowns everybody would have plenty of time to paint their armies...

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/04/18 22:34:58

Post by: aphyon

Well in all honesty the guy playing legion usually paints almost nothing for any game he plays, he just wants to play so he tends to have lots of plastic grey armies. he also literally just bought several of his minis this week so he could get his army up and running. not complaining though it gets him to play something other than 40K.

The circle player does fantastic work when he does paint stuff, he is still deciding on what paint scheme he wants for his circle army.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/05/09 14:33:47

Post by: aphyon

Even more battle

One of our regulars got gifted a trencher cygnar army so after adding a few more units to his force we had a little battle action against our legion player.

It started out well for cygnar but legion managed to turn it around in the last 2 turns. there was no caster kill but cygnar was forced to retreat.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/05/16 16:27:10

Post by: aphyon

A little twist tonight.

Infantry machine-the way the rest of the army fights when the warcasters and their jacks/warbeasts are busy somewhere esle.

Cygnar VS Khador


manOwar force

The meeting

The aftermath-

A second game for the infantry -trenchers at 75 points VS legion

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/05/17 14:44:26

Post by: marxlives

The armies on these tables, painted are not, look great! Glad to see you all are having a good time. Those models are tight!

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/05/24 07:00:32

Post by: aphyon

A new player joined us today, hope he becomes a regular. it's nice to see a convergence army on the table.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/08/09 03:10:55

Post by: aphyon

Been a while since my last battle, but this one was a nail biter

Khador VS legion of everblight

Irusk II VS Thagrosh the prophet

It was straight forward enough at first with the 2 titanic slow armies as they barreled into one another.

The durability of the gun carriage surprised him and i made several tough rolls on my manOwar solos

It turned out to be a close run thing in the end. Irusk failed to hit (on 7s) with his last couple melee attacks leaving thagrosh alive with just 3 wounds

Victory to everblight, but just barely.






50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/08/13 16:14:45

Post by: marxlives

Seeing your posts encourages me in my EO efforts. Thank you for sharing your scene!

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/08/14 06:42:54

Post by: aphyon

marxlives wrote:
Seeing your posts encourages me in my EO efforts. Thank you for sharing your scene!

It just shows the game is still good and fun to play despite some in the community.

Best of luck, you have to build communities if you want any other game system to flourish outside the GW monster.

I didn't start out with that long list of current games i play in my SIG if somebody else had not made the effort.

50 point games. battle reports @ 0010/08/16 19:21:45

Post by: Cyel

I hope it's not a problem if I add some of my photos from our local tournament last weekend. We played Brawlmachine+ (35pts best-of-one) and it was a huge success, not only because of the attendance (11 players at once is something we haven't seen for a few years, sadly) but also because there were so few unpainted models and we played with cool 3D terrain pieces


50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/08/16 20:49:30

Post by: LunarSol

Fantasic! Great looking armies there.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/08/17 02:07:54

Post by: aphyon

I hope it's not a problem if I add some of my photos

Not at all, keep them pictures coming. it shows that WM/H isn't as dead as some people think it is.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/09/20 04:48:34

Post by: marxlives

aphyon wrote:
I hope it's not a problem if I add some of my photos

Not at all, keep them pictures coming. it shows that WM/H isn't as dead as some people think it is.

From my experience WMH isn't any less dead than other games that don't exist in the GW bubble. Most of the "dead game" hype is really just players who don't play anymore, period, mostly due to life circumstances and shifting their angst to the game. Luckily it is usually contained to forums, which is a 40 year old medium that is dying out anyway.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/09/20 05:30:13

Post by: aphyon

Yeah we were super busy last night and one guy came in to play WMH but all of our WMH players were in other games. i counted it up and we have active players for-

.crucible guard
.cygnar(dedicated trenchers)
.circle orbos/cygnar general
.legion of everblight

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/10/31 17:20:30

Post by: aphyon

Well it has been quite a while but i finally got time to get another 50 point game in tonight.

It was late so we just went for a straight battle.

i decided to do something odd and take out my gun carriage for a host of manOwar infantry.


The table was set up as a ruined village


The deployment-



The game turned into a total nail biter. the trenchers took an early lead, but the armor of the khador forces managed to protect them long enough to get them into close combat.

At the end it was down to a single would on both warcasters with Irusk II squeaking out a narrow win.



50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/11/01 02:24:09

Post by: Apple fox

Looks like was fun game, like looking at all the pictures here. Khador all red look so good.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/11/01 04:32:49

Post by: aphyon

Is there any other color?

Irusk's feat "desperate ground" is really not all that impressive but it worked out well this game allowing me to ignore the trees and critically wound his caster with my manOwar striker who had "fire for effect" on him. and then i charged into him with the manOwar infantry who were under the effect of "battle lust".

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/11/01 13:41:18

Post by: Apple fox

Yes, they look snazzy in black or white as well

But that red is iconic, but I have seen some very nice orange and yellow.

I haven’t seen Irusk on a table here for a long while.
Very cool.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2021/11/02 05:55:58

Post by: aphyon

Yeah i like Irusk as a tactical commander, i actually run him as as supreme commandant Irusk, but i hate the model with the flag so i use his original mini.
Making my entire force immune to knockdown and blast damage is rather nice with "solid ground". having him grant all my infantry "tough" is just a bonus.

I mostly got him to support the gun carriage and behemoth, then i got Sorcha later to play more with my clam jacks.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/02 22:13:11

Post by: aphyon

Through a bit of misfortunate events, it took us several weeks to get this game set up.

Our circle player got around to building and painting his storm raven colossal So of course i wanted a crack at it.

I ran a different list from what i normally do with Sorcha 1 and a very close combat-oriented force.

The beginning didn't really start out well for me, i lost all my manowar basic infantry and my sniper solo. i did manage to kill his wyrd, stone alter and most of his right skin walker unit(thanks to that manowar suppressor).

The bird did most of the damage for obvious reasons then it jumped over my jacks(after taking some damage) and went after Sorcha, taking her down to 4 wounds. Since i went first i popped my feat at the start of the next turn freezing his entire army save his warcaster. since the bird was frozen Sorcha got boosted damage against it, then i moved the spriggan in and finished it.

At that point he conceded the game since the rest of my army was about to go deal with his skin walkers.

While i was playing another game a couple other players did a game of trolls VS Legion.

The end came when one troll managed to get to thagrosh and toss him into the middle of 3 troll warbeasts who had not yet activated. the Legion player conceded, as the likely hood of thaggy surviving that were slim to none.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/06 05:44:43

Post by: Cyel

I don't believe you can make a gargantuan stationary, hence no extra dice for Sorscha.

Your local players should definitely look into contrasts! With just a couple you can get a 50pts army painted in one evening as some of my local "I never thought I'd get my army painted until contrasts" players can attest

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/06 07:21:21

Post by: aphyon

We just went with what was on her card for the feat, colossals don't show up to often so we didn't think about it.

As for the painting part, that would require them to

A want to paint (the legion player paints almost nothing for any of the games he plays, but he is starting to make an effort now that he has moved away from GW plastic).


B have the time. the troll player just dug out an old army he had stuffed in a box since he is actually trying to assemble and paint his skorne, his job requires some very long hours(days) away from home, so his time is limited.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/06 07:57:01

Post by: Cyel

The Trollblood army actually starts looking really cool! It's just the unfinished bases that stop them from being an awesome looking army already!

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/09 16:35:25

Post by: aphyon

A little silly game tonight-50 point infantry battle-
no warjacks/warbeasts and no warcaster/warlocks.

Just the rest of the army doing its thing.
Crucible guard VS legion of everblight.




50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/16 12:39:19

Post by: aphyon

warmachine is stronk again.

Had some great games going on tonight. intorducing new players to the game.

game 1 was a veteran battle at 50 points of infantry machine-no casters or jacks/warbeasts

legion of everblight VS crucible guard.


Victory -legion

Game 2 was 2 brand new players with 2 new armies battling it out at 25 points.

retribution VS grimkin-not something you see all that often (Murder crows showed themselves after this pic was taken).



the grimkin player is thinking about doing a bird themed list with another clockatrice and more murder crows.

The final battle was a 50 point legion VS retribution battle.

I missed the first half of this fight. the retribution player had already lost most of his solo's and the legion player had lost a couple untis as well.


50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/23 16:43:54

Post by: aphyon

So tonight's first game i didn't get to see much of as i was off in my own game. one of our newer players is building out his skorne army so he only brought what he had so the list wasn't really optimal.

To many war beasts and not enough fury to go around.


He has alot more for this army, he just has to assemble it. maybe this helps motivate him.


The second game i played in.



VS legion of everblight


At first i didn't think it was going to badly but we had a bit of a rules mistake on the hell mouth which led me to mis-position several units allowing the legion player to make a caster assassination attempt on superme commandant Irusk(II) It would have been legions win had he not had 2 bad rolls and ran out of fury as he had gotten Irusk down to 5 wounds.


As it turned out it became a reverse caster assassination, since it was about my only option with 6 models left and no jacks.
fortunately, he had his caster right up in front of mine thanks to his murder spree to try and kill him.


50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/01/30 20:09:03

Post by: aphyon

More games this wekend-

Legion of everblight VS retribution of scyrah-50 points-victory legion




The next game was shrunk down to a 25 point game yes more warmachine

skorne VS grimkin-25 points-victory skorne



I managed to get my khador in for the last game against skorne at 50 points. kahdor victory




50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/03 04:04:58

Post by: Grensche

Man that looks awesome!! Makes me want to dig out my Legion and start adding to it.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/03 07:02:09

Post by: aphyon

You are welcome to join us, you do not live that far away. we usually have people start showing up after 3pm on Saturdays at the game matrix in Tacoma.

We can also give you some run throughs of other games if you are interested (we bring spare armies for people to use).

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/03 20:39:03

Post by: Grensche

 aphyon wrote:
You are welcome to join us, you do not live that far away. we usually have people start showing up after 3pm on Saturdays at the game matrix in Tacoma.

We can also give you some run throughs of other games if you are interested (we bring spare armies for people to use).

I'm moving closer to Tacoma. Once I get all settled in I'll send you a PM. I'm reading up on list building since I'm new to warmahordes.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/04 06:41:36

Post by: aphyon

It is very easy to do-pick the models you like and then find a warcaster/warlock who best fits your army.

you can look through everything on the privateer press card database for free to see which one works best.

I play khador specifically because i wanted clam jacks and the gun carriage. i ended up going with irusk II because he is a great support caster. i picked up sorcha I later when i added more melee elements to my army for an alternate build.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/04 07:12:55

Post by: Cyel

I'd start with Warmachine University rather than the card database. More info.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/04 15:26:10

Post by: Boss Salvage

Agreed, I use the LOS wiki all the time to learn about WMH >> https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/index.php/Main_Page

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/05 07:39:55

Post by: aphyon

Maybe it is because i have been a mini gamer for decades, but i didn't find it that hard to build an army. the rule of cool has always been my biggest motivator.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/06 17:15:40

Post by: aphyon

our grimkin player is expanding his army. got his skin and moans in as well as his harvest wagon. he was trying out the heretic for his castor this game.

We did a brutal game against my manowar centric army with irusk II. i got pretty mauled this game. the devastator was down to about 4 boxes with just his movement and right arm left.



i got lucky in the very end with my man o war striker tank and pulled off a narrow victory.




I watched a bit of game 2 VS legion of everblight. the legion player was running a couple models he had never tried out.


turns out he found a combination death blossom bomb completely by accident. apparently, the seraph can grab and drag a model with him and place it within 2" after it finishes its move.

So, he grabbed his forsaken (with 5 attack dice) and dropped it in the middle of the grimkin army for lethal effect



50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/07 03:05:56

Post by: Grensche

Your games are looking awesome! That's cool you got a dedicated group that's enjoying the game.

I recently picked up a Nephilim Protector for my Legion army. Your pictures of the game really push me to want to play Warmahordes.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/20 19:30:43

Post by: aphyon

So our legion player found a deal on a bunch of menoth stuff and boom-new army to try out.


The battle for game 1 was against the retribution force.

Turns out those combined fire AOE rocket tubes are painful enough to even hurt the elves



Game 2 the circle player pitted his wolves and the storm raptor colossal against the church.

https://i.imgur.com/u9PAA87.jpg" border="0" />


This game ended up being far closer than the first with both warcasters/worlocks badly hurt.

Menoth barely squeaked out a win with a last minute castor kill.


50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/02/27 23:35:56

Post by: aphyon

One fo the guys remembered to bring in his objective markers, so we did something a bit different tonight.

The everblight player got a new battle engine (the throne). I also just got all my updated unit cards so we were both trying out some new stuff.

Objective wise my forces were just too slow to capture points. but it was still a fun game overall.

On a small side note, because of the points cost changes i was actually under enough to put in a second gobber tinker, but i had to run a proxy since i do not actually currently own 2





50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/03/06 20:45:46

Post by: aphyon

With the newest updates for WM/H i managed to have some extra points left over so i picked up a few used models to add to my force.

I now have all 3 of the clam jacks, which is the reason i chose to play khador to begin with, and i added a full battle mechanic squad as well as an officer attachment for it.

The battle tonight was a 50 point game VS menoth.

A with a large chunk of my force being both steady and sturdy as well as having a couple models with "girded" added to irusk IIs solid ground it turned out i was much more resilient than i thought.

It did take my entire army 2 turns to kill off all his pikemen, but then their mini feat bumped the units armor up to 23 IIRC.

The mechanics and the tinker were the MVPs of this game. my jacks and manowar solos took piles of damage, without the repairs i definitely would have had a different game.

The game turned out to be pretty intense as well.






50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/03/14 03:06:37

Post by: aphyon

Skorne is back! and with more bling!

this is actually a 75 point game at the request of the skorne player because he finally got his hydra built.

This game was way closer than i thought it would be. there was quite a bit of back and forth the hydra was big and scary so it got plenty of attention.

The grimkin player managed to clear out the left side of the board enough to get at the skorne warlock before the heavy spearman could swing around from the right.

the choice of the ghost dog warbeast was questioned by the grimkin player at first but it turns out it was key to locking down the skorne warlock. it turned out to be a narrow grimkin win and a very entertaining game to watch.




50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/03/20 22:00:32

Post by: aphyon

A little something different today-king of the hill!

a single center flag on top of an open hill.

On one side my khador-a new infantry heavy (or is that heavy infantry-rather redundant) list using the newest updates-the other side was the elves of retribution.


I went second, the objective was to take and hold the objective in 5 turns-this was turn 1


I was locked down on the left flank, his elves are quite a bit faster than me (as one would expect of khador) so they got in the middle first. the combination of my heavy armor and mechanics was giving me the edge in that fight.

My manOwar unit and officer managed to swing right, take down his snipers,,,,,,


And that is when i popped my feat, this gave me pathfinder for one turn. i had to expose Irusk a bit to pull it off but it allowed my devastator and manOwar units to charge the hill. between the assault move and rain of death i cleared most of the hill.


Last turn of the game i sent the devestator and last manOwar trooper after his jack holding the objective. rain of death came through again and gave me the win.


50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/04/10 23:33:43

Post by: aphyon

It has been a long time since i have gotten a WM/H game in, been playing to many other games.

It has also been a while since the behemoth has been on the table.

This game was a 50 point king of the hill battle with a 5 turn limit.

i was fighting grimkin.


i gave him the the option of 3 different lists, he chose to fight the one i call my cav list since it has the gun carriage and drakun in it, that is about as many horses as i have.


Khador was never going to win the foot race so i sent my fast units to flank his force to the right and threaten his warcast while setting up my force to counter charge the hill.

On the bottom turn 4 ( i went second) i popped my feat for Irusk II giving my units pathfinder. this got my behemoth on top of the hill killing off his piggybacks. turn 5 i sent in the devastator as well. opening up a direct line of fire to his warcaster. it was a gamble that paid off as he had a skin&moans contesting the hill. i got good damage and killed his warcaster (the heretic)-



50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/04/25 01:24:35

Post by: aphyon

It has been a bit of a break but i am back with more 50 point battle reports from the game matrix-

I have 3 lists set up for my Khador force and i let my opponent choose which list. this time around he went for the 3 clam jack/small squad infantry list.

He was running a new Skorne list with 4 heavy warbeasts he wanted to try out so we were somewhat evenly matched. as one would expect with mirrored armies that are slow with very little long range shooting it turned into a bloodbatch.

I didn't know what his beasties did so i killed the one in the front first. turns out it was the right move as that was his best one that gave armor bonuses to the rest.

i sent the devestator and the manowar unit off on a suicide mission after granting the infantry a bit of battle lust.

That being said MVP for the game goes to the suppression tank manowar solo. at first he was just working the enemy infantry but after the striker tank died i switched fire for effect onto him and he destroyed the last of the Skorne army including the enemy warcaster.

The Skorne side


The Khador side


A bit of maneuvering brings the battle lines together.


The battle is joined-


The ranks are thinned on both sides-




Until next time.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/05/08 15:44:50

Post by: aphyon

Well this wasn't 50 points per say, jut 50 points per player...that turns out to be 200 points per side.

Thats right an all infantry front line battle between beasts and mechines-

khador, cygnar and crucible guard


trying to hold off a combined force of - legion, skorne and grimkin.


This was a linebreaker mission, the more horde forces across the defense line was more victory points.

We set it out as an 8 turn game but i think 6 would have been enough considering all that happened.

Attackers started 10" in and defenders held the halfway point on a 6X4 table.

The attackers also held 2 murders of crows and Skorne assassins to outflank.


The left flank of the defenders line held pretty strong at first. the right side not so much, a series of bad dice rolls facing off against a supported battle engine doesn't end well-


The out flankers hit and messed up the lines pretty bad. \\

The left still had a chance but the right was breached. (seriously my striker manowar could not do more than 3 damage each shot the entire game )

Giving the horde force a solid victory.


It was a bit different way to play and was interesting fun, although next time we do something like this i think we need to limit it to 2 players per side.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/05/10 13:35:47

Post by: Cyel

I am eagerly waiting for the moment your fellow players FINALLY(!) paint their stuff.

Like, seriously guys, take some Contrasts and an evening later you have a painted force. It is that easy.

As for the game, it must have been awesome I have played a few multiplayer WM&H games myself and they are always a blast. Players who limit themselves to 75pts SR only are missing on a lot of fun.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/05/10 18:13:50

Post by: aphyon

The skorne and krimkin players are slowly getting their stuff painted. the legion player will never paint anything for any game he plays unless he pays somebody to do it. there were two players running trenchers., one had a partially painted army as part of his greater cygnar force, he just has a stupid huge pile of shame from a bunch of different game systems he has not gotten around to painting (he does a great job when he does paint). the other trencher player has trouble painting due to physical limitations so his spouse usually does the painting, but they also have a stupid amount of minis to paint as well.

Thanks for the pics.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/06/05 23:45:44

Post by: aphyon

Something shiny today as in metallic-

We have been playing loads of battletech lately so warmachine hasn't gotten as much love.

But this was a game we planned for.

convegence VS khador at 50 points.

This battle was a bit of a new thing for me as i never fought this army at full strength before (i did one zero level game a very long time ago)

The deployments-



I didn't know what the axiom could do so i got a little to close to it and it ended up dragging half my army into close combat. the behemoth died before it got to do anything which pretty well ended the game. i managed to take out one side of the axiom and do a little damage to a couple other jacks but that was pretty much it.


50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/06/27 01:06:11

Post by: aphyon

Our Skorne player decided to try out a new warcaster for this game.

To change things up a bit i swapped the gun carriage out for the manowar siege chariot.

I managed to get the hydra down to a single wound...but i had nothing left to finish him off.

After the game he realized his warcaster could have cast incorporeal on his colossal instead of his infantry...which would have completely changed the game since i pretty well have nothing with magic weapons.




50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/06/29 09:25:06

Post by: Cyel

Gargantuans can't become Incorporeal so no worries

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/06/29 09:51:27

Post by: aphyon

According to his stat card he can cast it on any friendly faction model. what page is that rule for colossals on? i know they cannot be knocked down, pushed etc....

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/06/29 11:43:58

Post by: Cyel

Great Machine / Beast rule. Under Colossals (surprisingly ) p67 in small rulebook.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/06/30 05:40:07

Post by: aphyon

Thanks, we looked it up today.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/07/31 14:09:02

Post by: aphyon

Tonight's game- Khador VS skorne, 50 points. 2 objective zones.

I threw a few units left to contest that objective and sent the bulk of my force right. it seemed to work at first, keeping us both from scoring until the final turn...however once he started using incorporeal abilities on his units there was pretty well nothing i could do, khador aren't exactly bristling with magical weapons. i was hoping the units on the left flank could hold long enough to stall his hydra and ghosts but on turn 5 he cleared the zone giving him 3 points, his last infantry unit contesting the right objective was still incorporeal, so there was nothing i could do to them to force them off the objective.

Still, it was a fun game and i was trying out the (proxied) manowar bombardiers for the first time. i need to get a squad, already have the officer.





50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/01 10:30:58

Post by: Cyel

That's why Khador solos that can provide Magical damage type are a very useful addition. Also, Steamroller scenarios all come with an objective which can provide a bonus of your choice (including Magical weapons), so you should never be in a situation like that in a regular game.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/01 14:16:03

Post by: LunarSol

The Immortals incorporeal ability only lasts for a turn, not a round. It does not protect them during your turn. It's only for being able to ignore models, freestrikes and terrain offensively.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/01 17:46:01

Post by: Cyel

Oh, it was about Immortals not Void Spirits! Yeah, deffinitely what LunarSol is saying, then, turn not round.

Whenever something sounds too broken to be true, ask your opponent to check the cards or consult Warmachine University.

50 point games. battle reports @ 1114/02/03 17:11:10

Post by: aphyon

 LunarSol wrote:
The Immortals incorporeal ability only lasts for a turn, not a round. It does not protect them during your turn. It's only for being able to ignore models, freestrikes and terrain offensively.

I just looked at the card for the extoller, you are correct. that would have changed things quite a bit.... most likely a tied game but either way i will get with him this week so we can work on his tactics given the misunderstanding.

Also, Steamroller scenarios

Such heresy is forbidden in our game group. we will never play tournament style/steamroller and we do not use themed lists unless it is a rare special request (which has not happened yet, although we have joked about it).

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/02 09:52:21

Post by: Cyel

Even if you don't like Steamroller, the objective rules are there to help with gear check games like this one (even though it was a mistake, heave Incorporeal armies do exist). Having a very one-sided game is a player choice in this case.

In the new edition these tactic cards are going to be addressing this issue, and I think in a more elegant way, so a good change in my book (as I don't like such games too )

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/02 11:15:41

Post by: aphyon

In the new edition these tactic cards are going to be addressing this issue, and I think in a more elegant way, so a good change in my book (as I don't like such games too )

That isn't even relevant, i have read the beta rules and it is trash, i have no interest in playing a hybrid AOS/star wars legion dumbed down version of the game.

I play/bring with me on average 6 different games to play at the FLGS on game night. each one is different and provides a nice selection of variety of play styles. i like WM/H for it's unique skirmish play. i also enjoy the black powder steampunk feel of the game. MK IV actually takes away many of the things i like and adds things i hate.

My group of casual WM/H players that i regularly play with have already decided to stay with MKIII.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/14 22:36:01

Post by: aphyon

All sorts of war machine this weekend. our group is busy buying up all the models we want before MKIV hits, and they discontinue them since we are staying with MKIII rules.

I had a planned game with khador against trenchers. we were doing a gunline battle. i proxied my manowar shock troopers and bombardiers since they are not built yet. and he picked up his colossal and put enough of it together there to represent.

we did some no good to a farmers homestead as we battled it out in his field. even with the trenchers digging in and popping smoke i managed to work them over pretty good, but it wasn't enough to overcome his force in 5 turns and ended in a draw.
still a fun game






Game 2 was against Skorne and this time we avoided the farm. the first game was a gunline battle, this one was a straight brawl.

i took out his heavy infantry and he hurt the gun carriage quite severely nearly killing it, but my mechanics did work it back up to nearly full health over a few turns.

Moral victory wise he destroyed both my jacks, but by the end of the game he didn't have much left.





Game 3 i was not involved in and i only got a couple pictures as i was off with helping another player learning a different game.

This one was a skorne VS convergence battle.

Always fun to see when less played factions do battle.



50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/20 18:37:41

Post by: Grensche

It's awesome that your still playing Warmahordes! I just recently bought a trollbloods starter box.

Show me more of your games, Heavy Metal Viking!!!

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/08/20 19:48:44

Post by: Charistoph

Our local group has had someone trying to get people to meet up, and they're even trying to mix in Mk4 beta rules in to it. Or at least, the organizer's offering it up.

I haven't gone as they meet up when I play Battletech, and that game is at a closer location (fuel prices suck).

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/10/17 02:14:06

Post by: aphyon

....and were back!

I was supposed to get a game in to, but this happened so late the Cygnar player went up against Menoth first.

50 point game, center table objective, MKIII rules.

The Cygnar player was testing out a list as he was getting back into the game and he was in the lead so turn 4 turned into an assasination run.

With those darn rocket troops pulling out a win at the end.



50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/10/17 12:40:33

Post by: Asmoridin

Who was the Menoth caster? I see Kraye for Cygnar, but I'm having a hard time finding the Menoth warcaster.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/10/18 05:29:11

Post by: aphyon

Severius 1 with his son the hierophant

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/10/18 14:32:50

Post by: Asmoridin

Very nice! Sounds like a blast.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/11/06 14:43:16

Post by: aphyon

Needed to scratch the itch, have not gotten any WM/H in a while so i got the Crucible guard player to break out his new toys.

he tried out Aurum as his caster this game and he got his Vulcan on the table for the first time.

darn that thing is fast. especially good when Aurum casts engine of destruction on it. with the Vulcan spewing out iron bane he nearly killed both my jacks in one turn. thankfully my battle mechanics did what they could to keep me around for a turn. enough to cripple the colossal allowing my shock troopers to mop up his assault troopers on the right flank before they moved in to finish off the Vulcan. . the suppressor tank was doing work as well, he was down to a single wound at the very end. it was a good fight to the last turn. with Khador squeaking out a win.





50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/11/07 16:38:13

Post by: LunarSol

Hopefully you mean Redline, as Engine is a spell Locke casts on her self and is mostly for when she's running a Convergence list.

Locke needs more Jacks. She loves them so much but definitely wants a Vulcan. Did she feat? That can be back breaking against something like Clamjacks.

I've been really happy overall with MK4, but I'm super anxious to get my tanks and Vulcan back on the table. They are just so fun.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/11/07 17:34:27

Post by: aphyon

Yeah, it was redline...mixed that one up, we talked about engine during the game, and it got stuck in my head. i do not think she used her feat during the game, Irusk did, mostly to slow them down so he could run away from the storm troopers.

We also talked about switching out one of his units for another jack since he ran both heavy infantry and his rifle team along with 2 extra mechanics. still a pretty good sized hammer at 50 points even without the second jack.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2022/11/07 18:30:19

Post by: LunarSol

The whole gimmick with Engine is just that since Convergence jacks copy the caster's MAT and RAT, Engine takes them to MAT 9. It doesn't do a whole lot for her solo unless she ends up having to close the game out herself.

I'd for sure take a Vindicator in the list, probably even 2. You can even take a Toro on top of that and its not a bad call. She really does a ton for her jacks and little else. That feat can be totally back breaking. 3 turns of an armor buff on the Vulcan is... its pretty good.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/02/05 17:18:14

Post by: aphyon

Well it isn't 50 directly, but rather 50 per player in a 2V2 battle for MK III

Khador/crucible guard VS signar (trenchers)/menoth.

I was happy my gun carriage got to do it's thing before it died, blowing a squad of those annoying menoth rocket troops off the table while running over a big group of tenchers.

Khador ended up pushing both ends while the guard mostly came up the middle.

We ended up stopping after 4 turns as it was very late and one of the guys was getting tired.

We made a dent in the lines and lost our left flank but the push did loads of damage. dealing with the enemy colossal was probably going to be the major issue.




50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/05/22 01:03:11

Post by: aphyon

With all the new units i got recently i was eager to get more games in and aside from a silly battle of colossals i did get this 50 point game in-

Manowar bombardier themed khador shooting army VS legion of everblight that was warbeast heavy. he used his flying delivery system to tosss his carnivion into to melee right away and did quite a bit of damage. my bombardiers used battle lust and managed to help remove 2 of his big warbeasts and then he dropped his forsaken bomb on me and savaged my remaining forces...and my inability to make my tough rolls

Turned into a close game.




50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/05/29 04:16:18

Post by: aphyon

Did a 50 point 3 flag match this time,

New guy barrowed a menoth army from another player. this is only his 3rd game.

Turns out we were both doing a counter clockwise swing to try and get the wing flags, i managed to do it a bit faster(khador right?) so he had to switch to caster kill. he almost pulled it off taking irusk down to 4 wounds. a narrow victory for khador.

This was an interesting battle because we were both using gun line lists. he outranged me by a fair bit with his rockets having a 15" range compared to my 12" bombardiers. still a good match.



50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/06/18 16:33:45

Post by: aphyon

Finally got to try out my colossal 50 point list.

It was against convergence so it was going to be a tough fight from the get go.

I did a bit of damage early on from going second, but i failed a bunch of critical need to hit rolls. the dice wasn't with me tonight so i ended it early, gonna give it a try again later.





50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/08/27 15:48:10

Post by: Grensche

Are you still playing Mk III? Been awhile since you updated the thread. I always enjoy seeing the posts of your games.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/08/27 17:12:39

Post by: aphyon

Absolutely, we just have been very busy playing other games. i always have my WM/H army with me at the store and we are supposed to do a huge doubles 50 point attack/defend game. we just have not seem to have had the time....like our B5 wars star wars game with the executor SSD that keeps getting put off. I just got the last of my 3d printed buildings for my huge infinity table so that is the big focus next weekend.

It is what happens when you play a dozen different game systems.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/09/17 13:50:33

Post by: aphyon

Speaking of MK III

Got an unexpected game in tonight. one of my work buddies dropped in with a bunch of trolls so we did a quick battle.

No objectives but it was still pretty messy, i used my bombardier list. my Jacks were on the loosing end but then things started looking up.....i got hism down to 2 models, his caster and a war beast....then he proceeded to kill half of what i had left, he got a prime shot at Irusk, and proceeded to miss with both shots.

Glorious victory for Khador (well maybe slightly less glorious considering the casualties).




The turn after that last picture i was down to 2 bombardiers, 3 snipers, 2 mechanics, the supressor tank and Irusk.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/09/25 00:23:04

Post by: aphyon

3 flag battle tonight. even though i had a smaller force it was pretty even throughout. the enemy player had a slight points lead at first and his army pretty well had tough across the board. my mechanics managed to keep the gun carriage and the behemoth alive. my opponent tried to use his caster to kill the big jack, but rolled really bad on his boosted damage. which is why he tried to throw it away so he could escape. not far enough though to get him out of the range of the behemoths guns that finished him off after the pounding he took in melee from those armor piercing fist.



The end came just after this pic was taken. aside from the caster kill. i had both my jacks, the carriage and the mechanics left aside from irusk.

he had both jacks the dragoon and about 3 infantry.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2023/11/05 12:32:12

Post by: aphyon

Not to much tonight, did a khador game against a nemo themed convergence force, unfortunately i brought loads of stuff good at killing infantry up close and he brought loads of jacks....he was also rolling like a boss he pretty well put my khador on the back foot on turn 3. and i could not see a way to recover after loosing my 2 primary jack killers.



a solid victory for convergence. and the nemo model looked fantastic.

50 point games. battle reports @ 2024/01/28 17:57:10

Post by: aphyon

Well this definitely wasn't a 50 point game. i ended up fielding 2 war casters and my entire force at 138 points after jack points.
Half was an assault force under commander Sorcha and a support fire support force under supreme commandant Irusk.

It was my khador VS convergence. and they are always a tough army for me to fight.

I got super lucky managing to tie up nemo and his jack for a few turns with my dragoon and gun carriage as far away from the rest of the battle as possible. .

In the process sorcha sacrificed herself to use her feet to freeze a huge chunk of the convergence force. allowing her and the manowar shock troopers to clean house. It was a a pretty good trade as it allowed my support elements to kill father Lucant. then have Irusk swing them around and take control of sorcha's jacks. between them i managed to kill the boot. and his colossal, at which point he called the game.

The setup-



The battle



here Lucant popped his feat making his units in his control range all super high armor, so instead of pointlessly attacking him i fell back to wait for a better opportunity.


