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Looking for voice actors @ 2021/03/26 01:26:04

Post by: 24framez

Hello my fellow 40k enthusiasts.

As this is my first post on this site I wanna cut quick to the subject;
I'm a big fan of w40k and animation (especially fan based animations of 40k), and in the recent years I've been in the progress of making a short stop-motion movie taking place in the Warhammer 40k universe.

But for this work I would really be in need for some suitable voice actors. The "fitting voices" needed would be for characters such as; Terminators, Chaos cultists, Inquisitor, (some what in that spectrum)
So if anybody on this site is interested, or know any one that would be, write to me and maybe we could figure something out

Btw; I will not be making any money out of this project due to it just being a fan made movie and will assumingly have copywrighted sound in it.
Your username (or real name if you please) will of course be credited.

I've been creating smaller 40k movies in the past years that you can watch on my youtube channel: 24Framez, and my latest work is titled 'Unleash Hell' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmcFLrxK_3E

Throwing this thread out here in the warp to see what happens, have a good one!
/ 24framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/03/26 02:35:43

Post by: panzerfront14

I'm not sure if you want my voice but I'd be happy to lend it. Always wanted to voice act.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/03/26 02:37:05

Post by: JNAProductions

I'm no pro at voice acting, but I've been told my voice is pretty nice. I'd be down to record some lines!

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/03/26 09:04:15

Post by: vipoid

I'd be happy to give this a go.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/03/26 09:16:04

Post by: Grimtuff

Just posting to say you have my curiosity on this. Be happy to maybe give it a go.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/03/26 11:47:00

Post by: some bloke

I'd be happy to have a go, I've never voice acted but I have access to a decent microphone and can record some lines!

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/03/26 17:51:57

Post by: 24framez

Hi again.
Thanks for all the quick responses. In time I may be sending out some scripts in pm for those who are interested. In the script I will also add in what way I would want you to perform a certain character, etc.

As of the project I've just been finishing up the last physical sets, and as animating the whole movie it may be finished in at least 1 year from now due it being a time consuming stop-motion project. (Trailers & sneak peeks will be out for sure)
Yet again, a big thanks for those showing interest in helping me out with this work of mine.

I don't want to be taken as a beggar here, but I would appreciate if people would like to spread out my idea / youtube channel to others so this project could be some what recognized in the 40k community. I've always wanted to add something of my own into this fandom that has been with me since my early teens, and to get a chance to express that through my love of stop-motion animation would mean a great deal for me.
/ 24Framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/03 04:41:51

Post by: 24framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/03 10:57:49

Post by: Yarium

Feel free to PM me if you are looking for additional voice work.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/03 20:03:18

Post by: Ktulhut

Death metal singer here, if you ever need a large Ork or a Bloodthirster...

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/04 17:00:48

Post by: Racerguy180

I'm down, I have the face for voiceovers.....

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/18 17:20:42

Post by: 24framez

Hi again.
So far I've gotten a few voice samples in and I'm still open for more.
(Especially for the chaos terminators)
I've been starting to animate the first scene now and will post a picture or two on here from the project

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/18 19:10:44

Post by: Maréchal des Logis Walter

If I might be of any help, feel free to get in touch. Would gladly participate

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/18 19:36:54

Post by: Olthannon

I've done some radio and voice work in the past if you're interested, although plenty of people have already offered!

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/18 19:41:07

Post by: SergentSilver

Out of curiosity, what kind of stuff are you looking for? Do you have specific words, phrases, or sounds you want?
Since you're looking for lines for specific models, I'm assuming you want the voices to be mixed to sound correct by the sender rather than do it yourself, correct?

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/04/19 04:43:35

Post by: 24framez

 SergentSilver wrote:
Out of curiosity, what kind of stuff are you looking for? Do you have specific words, phrases, or sounds you want?
Since you're looking for lines for specific models, I'm assuming you want the voices to be mixed to sound correct by the sender rather than do it yourself, correct?

No premix required, I'll do that part in post production.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/03 20:21:20

Post by: 24framez

Hi. I've currently gotten samples from two users, voicing some of the characters, and would appreciete if more would want to participate.
However, the opening scenes for the movie is coming along steadily. (btw; the image is originally going to be wide screen (16:9))

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/05 10:24:33

Post by: Andilus Greatsword

I'm down, I'll send a sample today when I get a chance.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/06 13:42:58

Post by: vipoid

Might it help to say which characters you've currently got voices for and which you still need?

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/06 17:29:39

Post by: 24framez

 vipoid wrote:
Might it help to say which characters you've currently got voices for and which you still need?

I only got some few samples at the moment, but I don't mind getting multiply samples for the same character, so I got some to choose from later on.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/06 18:06:40

Post by: BlaxicanX

Hi! I don't have experience with voice work but it's something I've had a tacit interest in for a while. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/08 04:56:08

Post by: Mud Turkey 13

What kind of recording equipment would I need on my end to make this work?

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/08 05:26:29

Post by: Void__Dragon

Hey sounds really cool man, I've never done any voice work but it's something I'd be interested in trying if you'd have me. Hope to get a PM from you if interested.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/09 18:45:19

Post by: 24framez

Weekly image upload

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/16 19:35:32

Post by: 24framez

*Weekly image (each image will be auto deleted after 1 month)

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/27 09:01:42

Post by: Snowcloak

Sounds fun. If you haven't filled all the roles, I'd be happy to try it out.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/05/29 13:44:56

Post by: 24framez

Some behind the scenes.

(Still looking for more voice samples, just so people know)

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/06/08 10:46:48

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2021/06/08 14:45:58

Post by: dadx6

This is super impressive. I won't lie, at first I thought it was ridiculous, but I watched the "Unleash Hell" video and it's fantastic. Very cool combination of the stop-motion, miniature, and video mediums!

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/06/11 22:59:47

Post by: 24framez

 dadx6 wrote:
This is super impressive. I won't lie, at first I thought it was ridiculous, but I watched the "Unleash Hell" video and it's fantastic. Very cool combination of the stop-motion, miniature, and video mediums!

Thanks, I appreciate it

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/06/20 22:48:23

Post by: 24framez

Update* https://ibb.co/XCSKNFN

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/07/26 17:51:03

Post by: 24framez

(Still looking for voice actors btw)

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/07/26 18:06:01

Post by: Jeremy's Heroes

If you'd like to add a completely in-experienced Australian voice, I'm interested!

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/07/27 19:38:43

Post by: Andilus Greatsword

I was wondering how this was coming along, I'm looking forward to seeing the final project!

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/01 18:30:22

Post by: 24framez

Weekly update. Close up of a character

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/03 10:18:51

Post by: Tristanleo

Looks like a cool project and it's always fun to see someone trying something new.
Something to be wary of though... GW have put out new Rules on 3rd party animations effectively *Banning* them and this may fall foul of that ban.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/03 10:28:54

Post by: 24framez

 Tristanleo wrote:
Looks like a cool project and it's always fun to see someone trying something new.
Something to be wary of though... GW have put out new Rules on 3rd party animations effectively *Banning* them and this may fall foul of that ban.

Yes, that is something I've worried about lately.
This project has been in work for over 5 years now, long before any of GW's purges, but I hope I could get around it due to it not being regular 3D animation and none profit.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/03 11:29:32

Post by: Tristanleo

Well reception to the recent GW changes has been pretty cold to date, so depending on responses it could be walked back or revised.
You did say that the project was about a year out, so a lot could happen.
Anyway, I could give a shot at voicing some lines for you if you're still looking.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/05 14:24:20

Post by: Keramory

Might be late on this but I can help with voices. I can do chaos/night lords/demons / Might guy (from naruto)

Might be able to convince my wife to do a female voice or 2 if you need it as well. Maybe.

Full disclosure I have an average snowball mic and outside basic audio static removal I'm not a sound edit master. Bored though and Happy to help

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/05 14:34:02

Post by: Tawnis

If you're still looking for any more voices, I'd be happy to lend a hand. Just let me know what you still need (if anything.)

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/12 10:33:39

Post by: 24framez

Here's a storyboard dramatisation of the project I posted a while ago on you tube

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/12 16:46:57

Post by: koooaei

When you happen to need Valhallans with a Russian accent, i'm in.

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/22 01:10:19

Post by: 24framez

Here's yet another old video I've done taking place in the 40k universe

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/08/30 12:33:39

Post by: 24framez

Update pic* https://ibb.co/6rfFG49

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/09/11 00:49:52

Post by: 24framez

I'm still looking for people that wanna try out for voice work. Need some fitting Grey Knight voices at the moment

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/09/17 18:03:15

Post by: 24framez

*Behind the scenes picture

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/10/10 17:55:41

Post by: 24framez

Another "behind the scenes"

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/10/25 15:09:36

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2021/11/06 15:38:55

Post by: 24framez

Quick upadte

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/11/11 14:20:00

Post by: 24framez

Raw cut

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/12/18 01:26:37

Post by: 24framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2021/12/30 17:46:42

Post by: 24framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/01/21 12:22:59

Post by: 24framez

Image update

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/01/21 12:31:45

Post by: jeff white

Wow, the animation is pretty nifty! Must take you ages to get so many snaps... wow.

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/01/29 15:44:03

Post by: 24framez

Quick pic update

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/01/29 16:13:21

Post by: vipoid

How's the project coming overall?

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/01/29 18:10:36

Post by: 24framez

 vipoid wrote:
How's the project coming overall?

Well, I would say that this project has taking me longer time than I first expected.
I only work on it mostly on my spare time, but I would say the the raw animation is about 45% completed.

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/01/29 23:14:12

Post by: vipoid

 24framez wrote:
 vipoid wrote:
How's the project coming overall?

Well, I would say that this project has taking me longer time than I first expected.
I only work on it mostly on my spare time, but I would say the the raw animation is about 45% completed.

No worries, I was just curious.

What I've seen is looking really impressive. Will be great to see the finished thing.

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/02/21 12:53:27

Post by: 24framez

*Update. Close up shot of a certain building

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/03/09 21:55:45

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/03/23 13:17:00

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/04/05 18:24:01

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/04/20 15:28:07

Post by: 24framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/05/06 18:50:34

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/05/21 17:50:29

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/06/12 16:08:47

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/07/02 22:20:08

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/07/15 18:29:49

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/07/29 14:10:59

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/08/09 17:10:02

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/09/07 12:58:45

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/09/20 15:35:17

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/09/21 15:29:22

Post by: vipoid

How goes the project in general, if you don't mind my asking?

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/09/24 23:54:42

Post by: 24framez

 vipoid wrote:
How goes the project in general, if you don't mind my asking?

Hi. I don't mind at all.
I have about 3 more scenes to shoot before the raw animation is all done, after that it goes to the editing with adding special effects and all that. I would guess that I will be finished with the raw animation sometime in december though.

Looking for voice actors @ 2022/10/16 03:32:26

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/10/24 16:20:15

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/11/07 21:07:34

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2022/12/12 22:25:21

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/01/12 06:10:07

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/01/12 18:52:23

Post by: LonewolfRJ

I have done some voice acting in the past. Most recently I worked for the Battalion 13 Podcast as the voice of all of the lesser villains and a professor. You can check out my work at Battalion 13 on many podcast sites. I am also familiar with 40K having played since 1987 and as a former employee of GW and as a former Outrider.

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/01/13 21:26:43

Post by: 24framez

LonewolfRJ wrote:
I have done some voice acting in the past. Most recently I worked for the Battalion 13 Podcast as the voice of all of the lesser villains and a professor. You can check out my work at Battalion 13 on many podcast sites. I am also familiar with 40K having played since 1987 and as a former employee of GW and as a former Outrider.

Hi. Yea, if you are interested in giving it a shot I could send you the script (?)

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/01/24 22:23:05

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/02/05 21:26:54

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/03/04 10:58:36

Post by: 24framez

For those who are still interested - the raw animation of the movie is now finished. So now the editing process begins.
I want to thank everybody that took their time for helping me out with the voice lines.

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/03/04 12:34:25

Post by: vipoid

Oh that's awesome to hear.

Really looking forward to seeing the finished video.

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/03/06 02:15:07

Post by: Adeptekon

Good stuff, would also like to see more.

I have a mic that's needing a reason to be unboxed.

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/03/06 05:13:59

Post by: 24framez

 Adeptekon wrote:
Good stuff, would also like to see more.

I have a mic that's needing a reason to be unboxed.

I would still be open for more voice samples. I can send you the script if you want to check it out.

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/03/06 18:32:21

Post by: Inquisitor Kallus

Id be up for this, send me a pm

Edit: And ive just seen the date ......

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/03/08 03:54:34

Post by: Andilus Greatsword

Looking forward to seeing the end result.

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/03/29 21:32:44

Post by: 24framez

If anyone is still interested - I would appreciate if someone wanted to lend their voice to do a replica if this Violator quote: https://youtu.be/e3knR0rQ934?t=195
When the character say " Get up! You worthless sack of gak!"

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/04/18 09:01:44

Post by: 24framez

New still image from edited footage

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/04/27 12:50:24

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/05/22 14:59:01

Post by: 24framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/06/15 00:48:49

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/06/27 22:05:49

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/07/30 16:46:22

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/08/02 12:28:51

Post by: 24framez

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/08/22 00:03:51

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/08/24 13:10:46

Post by: bullisariuscowl

Not a VA but newgrounds is great for that
just create a new topic here and you'll find plenty of little talent-gremlins in your PM's

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/09/21 01:29:04

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/09/21 15:58:25

Post by: SeanDavid1991

If you need any more voices let me know. Always happy to lend my voice for a passion project

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/09/25 16:06:35

Post by: 24framez

 SeanDavid1991 wrote:
If you need any more voices let me know. Always happy to lend my voice for a passion project

I got a few by now, but if you wanna try out for it I can send you the voice script

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/09/28 16:20:14

Post by: SeanDavid1991

 24framez wrote:
 SeanDavid1991 wrote:
If you need any more voices let me know. Always happy to lend my voice for a passion project

I got a few by now, but if you wanna try out for it I can send you the voice script

Sure of course feel free to provate message me and I will send you my details.

Looking for voice actors @ 2023/10/03 20:33:22

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/10/26 22:18:43

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/11/22 23:39:56

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2023/12/27 17:56:40

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2024/01/06 22:06:57

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2024/03/17 11:46:08

Post by: 24framez


Looking for voice actors @ 2024/04/29 18:46:13

Post by: 24framez

*Update https://ibb.co/N7MKTQT

Looking for voice actors @ 2024/07/28 22:01:24

Post by: 24framez

*Update https://ibb.co/q9r8b91

Looking for voice actors @ 2024/07/29 11:51:59

Post by: vipoid

Another awesome picture.

How's the project coming overall?

Looking for voice actors @ 2024/07/29 15:43:53

Post by: 24framez

 vipoid wrote:

Another awesome picture.

How's the project coming overall?

Hi. It's coming along step by step. Takes alot of time to just edit and create special effects than I first thought.
I'm working on this project in my free time, but it also feel like a full time job sometime.
I'm a bit over halfway done, but then it's the edit part and sound effects left to add.
Hopefully people will like it when it finally comes out. (The movie will roughly be over 1h long)

Looking for voice actors @ 2024/07/29 18:22:32

Post by: vipoid

 24framez wrote:
 vipoid wrote:

Another awesome picture.

How's the project coming overall?

Hi. It's coming along step by step. Takes alot of time to just edit and create special effects than I first thought.
I'm working on this project in my free time, but it also feel like a full time job sometime.
I'm a bit over halfway done, but then it's the edit part and sound effects left to add.
Hopefully people will like it when it finally comes out. (The movie will roughly be over 1h long)

Oh wow. I hadn't realised it was going to be a full hour. I was expecting a 5-10 minute short.

Well, best of luck. Massive kudos for sticking with it.