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Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/26 18:42:10

Post by: philmorgan75

Hi everyone. I've been a 40k fan since 1987 and have normally stuck with modelling Space Marines ( I have also dabbled with Catachans and the Deathwatch as well). The closest I've been to Chaos models were the Chaos Space Marines and cultists from the Dark Vengeance box set. I have always used them as dead heretics on bases .....

and I also made a large diorama.....

But normally, any chaos models I have made are dead!

I read all of the Commissar Gaunt and Cain books over the lock downs and with the release of the Traitor Guardsmen models from the Blackstone Fortress expansion, my creative juices started flowing - it got me interested in starting a Chaos Traitor Guard and Cultist army.

There have been rumours recently about Squats returning to the 40k universe and having bought a few of the plastic Space Dwarves when they were released in the early 1990's, I managed to locate them recently and realised how small they were compared to current models.

As I was planning on making as many Chaos Traitor Guardsmen as I could from as many of the well known Imperial Guard regiments, I thought I would try and make some Chaos Squats.

I give you my first Chaos Squat. Apologies for the dust on the photo's, I was so excited to show these models that I hadn't quite finished them.

The body is made from a Kharadron Overlord with all of it's stomach and neck armour removed. I then used milliput to model the flak jacket and when it was nearly dry, I used a sharp, wet scalpel to cut the distinctive diamond design. Thin strips of plasticard were used to make his harness webbing. I used more milliput to make the knee guards and made a mould to use for future Squats. I thought Catachan arms would look great on Squats, so I chose the Bolter from the Catachan Command Squad (with a chain blade from a Horus Heresy kit I had in my bits box) and the left arm from a Catachan squaddie, alongside the knife. I made a mould from an original plastic Squat helmet. Once the milliput was set, I then added the pulled down visor for a cool effect. I added some spare bolter magazines from Horus Heresy kits I had alongside some grenades and pack from some scouts. I used a mould of the Chaos star from one of the cultist models and added it to the belt. Shoulder pads were made from moulds of Valkyrie gunners and then had plastic spikes added from Chaos Marauder flails. I also added spikes to the top of his boots as well.

I added a plastic Catachan knife sheath to his left side ...

and a moulded las pistol to the right. You can also see I added a Horus Heresy sword/knife diagonally down his back.

For comparison purposes, the Squat is shown next to a Chaos Traitor Guard I've also made using a FW renegade torso, Cadian legs and shoulder pads, Catachan arms and boots moulded from the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard.

I've loved making these models and have already made a start on many more. I promise to update as often as I can, but please ask if you have any questions.

Till next time

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/26 19:00:00

Post by: Racerguy180

Nice Squat!

I've been working on my Traitor guard and totally get what you're doing.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/27 05:23:18

Post by: philmorgan75

Racerguy180 wrote:
Nice Squat!

I've been working on my Traitor guard and totally get what you're doing.

Thanks Racerguy180

Quick update on 2 other Squats I have finished:

Again, apologies for the amount of dust. All models will be cleaned before painting starts. I used the same process as my first Squat, but added a diagonal belt across his chest (the originals all seemed to have different belts/harnesses) and added some hooks to his right shoulder pad from some Dark Eldar bits. I added a small Chaos icon to his belt as well and removed the Imperial Guard icon from the lasgun.

This shows his left side..........

and his rear right side. You can see the diagonal pouches I added to his back and also the water bottle has had the Imperial Guard icon removed.

This shows the third Squat. Again, I created a different diagonal belt on this one and added some pouches - if you look at any Squat model, they love their pouches!! I added spikes from the Chaos Marauder flail on both shoulder pads and I now think this Squat could play Bloodbowl!!

This shows the left side. I have since cleaned the milliput around the base of the spikes on the shoulder pads.

And this shows his right side.

And finally a group shot. I am in the process of making another 3 Squats and will take some moulds of their bodies to help make more in the future.

Finally, a sneak peak on another old school Imperial Guard I'm currently making. I'll show some more updates soon

Regards, Phil

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/27 13:31:44

Post by: Shadow Walker

I really like the dead bases/diorama.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/27 15:58:08

Post by: Valkyrie

Damn, that's really creative with the Squats, love it

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/28 13:24:19

Post by: philmorgan75

Shadow Walker wrote:I really like the dead bases/diorama.

Valkyrie wrote:Damn, that's really creative with the Squats, love it

Thanks Shadow Walker and Valkyrie

Update time:

I'm still finishing off my take on the old OOP plastic Imperial Guardsman and I'll post some pics soon.

This is my take on a Traitor Valhallan. I used a Catachan torso and Cadian arms with an Anvil Industries legs as the starting point. The head and blanket was taken from a mould of an original metal Valhallan I bought on ebay. I added milliput to lengthen the skirt to greatcoat length and added cuffs to the sleeves. I added some rivets to make the buttons for the greatcoat.

I added some IG equipment minus the Imperial Eagles on the water bottle and Lasgun. A blade was added to the shoulder pad from a Dark Eldar and some spikes from the Chaos Marauder flail.

This Traitor Guard has a FW torso, Catachan right arm, Cadian legs and a head and right foot taken from a mould of the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard. I used an Age of Sigmar mould of a bare left foot. I then attempted to make milliput to look like a ripped right sleeve and left leg. A hose was added to his gasmask from the Greenstuff World Tentacle maker. The usual blade and spikes were added to the left shoulder pad.

I used a Catachan left fore arm and then added it to a Cadian Left arm. Milliput was used to mimic a ripped sleeve.

This Chaos Traitor was based on a WW1 British trooper Trench Raider. I used a Valkyrie Side Gunner torso and legs as a base as it had a groin guard and knee pads already. I added an Anvil Industries head and Cadian arms. The mace was taken from a Chaos Marauder. A mould of a FW Chaos Renegade torso front plate was also added.

I added a mould from a Catachan backpack and blanket to make it look like a WW1 trooper.

And finally, some WIP troopers - an Attilan, Tallarn and a Light Infantryman. I have since sanded the Attilan's right sleeve and lower jacket. I'm in the process of making scabbard's for both the Tallarn and Attilan. A shoulder pad has also since been added to the Tallarn's right shoulder. I'm awaiting some more blades from Dark Eldar bits suppliers and spikes to add them to the Tallarn's shoulder pad. I'm thinking of making the Light Infantryman resemble a Napoleonic War soldier. I'll see how this goes over the next few times.

Till next time

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/29 17:23:22

Post by: philmorgan75

I've almost finished my Attilan and Tallarn Chaos Traitor Guard - I just need to add some more blades and spikes that I'm waiting from bits suppliers to the shoulder pads and then I'll post some finished shots.

Apologies for the next batch of photo's. I made the mistake of priming a lot of figures all at the same time on one of the hottest days of the year and as a result, the primer is all chalky. I'm trying to slowly scrape the chalkiness off BUT if anyone knows of a quicker way, please tell me!!

This model has multiple parts, a FW torso, Dark Vengeance Cultist legs, Cadian arms, an Orlock knife for a bayonet and an Anvil Industries Hat. I wanted to make the trooper look more Napoleonic, so I added the epaulettes that were moulded from a Mordian Guard that I have.

This is my take on a Vostroyan Chaos Traitor Guard. The body is from an Necromundan Orlock with Cadian arms and shinguards made from a mould from an Age of Sigma figure. The head was moulded from a metal Vostroyan I also have.

I added some chainmail to his back (from a mould from the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsmen) and a Backpack/re-breather from a mould of a FW Chaos Renegade.

and finally for today, I have a Fen guard Chaos Trooper. Catachan head, torso, sword and arms with an Anvil Industries kilted legs. I added a chaos icon to make sure everyone knows what side he is on!!

I plan on attempting to paint tartan on the kilt. We'll have to see how that turns out!!

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/30 18:10:57

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I made a Heavy Cavalryman from a Scion body, Anvil Industries head, Dark Vengeance cultist legs, Blackstone fortress Traitor guard feet & shins, Skelton sword and Cadian arms (with gloves made from milliput). You can see the poor, flaky undercoat in this photo that I plan on using some Fairy Power spray to remove and start again.

I added some spikes and blades to his shoulder pad and a chaos icon on his side.

This Catachan used mostly Catachan parts (the shotgun was from a Genestealer Cult arm). I added a chaos icon to his belt as usual.

I've almost finished this Traitor. He has the body from a Blackstone Fortress cultist, a Goliath head, a Catachan sword and arms from Warhammer parts. I really enjoyed sponging on rust and blood onto the spear tip. I just need to base it and this model will be finished.

Till next time.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/08/31 18:38:28

Post by: philmorgan75

More Chaos Traitor Guard:

I wanted to make another Napoleonic type trooper which were based on Anvil Industries torso and head, Cadian Arms and Scion legs. I added a chaos icon to his shako and used some milliput to make backpack straps. The epaulettes were added from a Mordian Guard mould.

A necromunda blade was added as a bayonet and scabbard and also a Catachan backpack. I need to strip the undercoat and start again.

This trooper's bearskin came from Anvil Industries with a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist body and scion arms and hot-lasgun.

I bought Fairy Power spray today, so will start the undercoat stripping tomorrow morning.

and finally today, an Anvil Industries head, Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist body and I think a Necromunda Orlock shotgun.

I added a large chaos sword from the bits box for some more close combat action. Plenty more to follow.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/02 18:34:42

Post by: philmorgan75

I finished another Chaos Squat Beserker. I made a mould of an AoS dwarf head and then sculpted an eye patch with milliput and a small amount of plasticard. I added a pair of Space Wolves knives to his belt alongside 2 Catachan throwing grenade arms with some axes and gloved hands from some Chaos Marauders.

I added a chainmail cloak from a mould from a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman and had great fun scooping out loads of milliput to hollow out his helmet before sticking it to his belt.

For comparison purposes, here's a photo of one of my original plastic squats alongside 2 of my conversions - they are tiny!!

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/02 20:41:42

Post by: Crispy78

Love your sculpts! What are you priming them with though? It's looking like it's leaving quite a grainy finish that is rather letting your models down...

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/03 20:01:08

Post by: philmorgan75

Crispy78 wrote:
Love your sculpts! What are you priming them with though? It's looking like it's leaving quite a grainy finish that is rather letting your models down...

Thanks Crispy78 for your comments. I have always used Halfords White Primer but I undercoated a lot of models at the same time on the hottest day of the year. I have tried 1 poorly undercoated model soaked in Fairy Power Spray for 3 days and scrubbed with a toothbrush BUT it still has some of the pitted/flaky undercoat still on it :( I need to find something else as the only other option is to carefully use a scalpel and carefully scrape off all the poor undercoat

Another squat has been added to my every increasing squad. I used a mould of the original plastic squat with a field cap for a change. A silenced bolt pistol and chainsword was added from a Space Marine Scout as well as the ammo from the plastic Horus Heresy kit. Spikes and blades were added as usual to the shoulder pads. Catachan arms with Chaos Marauder gloves were also used.

You can see the white plasticard I used for his harness. A helmet was added to his belt as well as an AoS axe.

I managed to finish my Tallarn Chaos Trooper as well. I used a mould of an original metal Tallarn figure for the head alongside an Anvil Industries greatcoat with the legs from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist. A plasticard harness was added with Cadian arms and an AoS skeleton sword and Dark Eldar knife.

A lasgun and a scabbard from plasticard were added on the back as well to finish off this model.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/03 20:46:31

Post by: Crispy78

Ah that's bad luck, hope you manage to rectify ok. I got caught out once varnishing when the air was too damp and badly frosted my kitbashed Havocs. Managed to improve them somewhat but they're still not quite right...

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/08 23:20:46

Post by: MeatShield

I don't know where to start, everything looks amazing. I'm excited to follow this thread.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/11 18:39:10

Post by: philmorgan75

Crispy78 wrote:Ah that's bad luck, hope you manage to rectify ok. I got caught out once varnishing when the air was too damp and badly frosted my kitbashed Havocs. Managed to improve them somewhat but they're still not quite right...

I've put the painting to one side at the moment as I have the conversion bug at the moment

MeatShield wrote:I don't know where to start, everything looks amazing. I'm excited to follow this thread.

Thanks Meatshield

Another Chaos Squat:

I wanted to make a bomb/explosive/demolition expert with this one. I used some dynamite from a Genestealer Cult arm and made a mould to make another one - so he could carry bombs in both hands. It was really hard to get the hands to grasp the dynamite and I ended up using some Electro-priest hands. Not perfect, but enough to give the impression of holding the bombs. I also had to convert a left arm from a Catachan into a right arm ( I made a mould to make more in the future). I used the visor head I created previously on this one, as I thought he would look more like a Bomb Disposal technician.

I added a Genestealer Jackal backpack containing some dynamite. I also added a Las carbine for his primary weapon.

Another Chaos Squat:

I wanted a Flamer so used a bit from the Blackstone Fortress Chaos Cultist I had spare. I also added a chaos armour on his right fore arm.

I added some spare fuel cannisters and a Space Marine Sword upon his back.

and finally a group shot of the first seven Chaos Squats. I have more in the pipeline and will update soon

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/11 21:48:06

Post by: MeatShield

How are you sculpting the faces to such a high standard?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/12 14:08:57

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
How are you sculpting the faces to such a high standard?

I’m not going to take much credit for the faces MeatShield. They are mostly from moulds of the original plastic Squats I have. I’ve converted a few of them (blast visor, eye patch, sun glasses and a thicker beard) with milliput just to make them look different - I’ve even added horns to a helmet on a new model. I’ll post some pictures later.

Regards, Phil

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/12 19:52:36

Post by: MeatShield

what kind of mold are you using?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/12 20:03:43

Post by: Zywus

I really like the somewhat simple but very effective sculpting and moulding work.

You've made some really nice models

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/15 17:26:27

Post by: philmorgan75

MeatShield wrote:what kind of mold are you using?

I use silicon putty MeatShield, that I buy in bulk from ebay. You mix equal parts of a blue and white elastic substance and it takes about 30 minutes to cure. I get the silicon putty that remains fairly flexible which helps get the hardened milliput out. Occasionally the mould tears but if you are careful, each mould can produce multiple copies.

Zywus wrote:I really like the somewhat simple but very effective sculpting and moulding work.

You've made some really nice models

Thanks Zywus. I've having fun making them at the moment

Update time:

I used a mould of the old Squat head with helmet and sculpted some sun glasses. I re-used a Catachan Lasgun holding right hand to give a "relaxed" pose. I added lots of pouches and grenades as well. A Catachan knife was used as a bayonet.

A moulded medic backpack was added as well as a rolled blanket taken from a mould from a Scion backpack. A Space Marine scabbard was added to the side of the backpack for the knife he's holding in his left hand. A moulded laspistol holster, a gloved left hand and shoulder pads were also added.

I've also finally finished my version of the original plastic Imperial Guard. A mould was taken of the torso and helmeted head from a plastic Imperial Guard I bought when they first came out. I then added Catachan legs and a pair of Cadian arms with the shoulder pads removed and a single pouch on each bicep (just like the original version).

I added a chainmail cloak from a mould from the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard I have as well as a moulded holstered las pistol.

I have loads more to show. Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/15 20:27:49

Post by: Ragsta

Fantastic modelling efforts here! I saw these fine works on Bolter and Chainsword so really pleased I get the chance to compliment them here!

Oh, and that IG diorama is pretty darn good, even if it is a field of corpses

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/16 19:54:11

Post by: philmorgan75

 Ragsta wrote:

Fantastic modelling efforts here! I saw these fine works on Bolter and Chainsword so really pleased I get the chance to compliment them here!

Oh, and that IG diorama is pretty darn good, even if it is a field of corpses

Thanks Ragsta for your comments. I took my inspiration (weird to say that in the context but) from WW1. It was fun to do but very time consuming. I really think I'm keeping milliput in business!!

Update Time:

For a change, I wanted to go back to the original plastic Squat model that had sleeves with pouches and elbow pads. I used Cadian arms with the shoulder pads removed. Milliput was added to bulk out the arm with a moulded elbow pad. I looked back at the old Squat drawings and fancied doing a reversed baseball cap wearing trooper. I used the bald headed plastic squat head and removed the top of his bonce, and then added the baseball cap. In hindsight, I'm not happy with the angle and think it should sit lower but hey ho! I also added a diagonal pouch across the front. As you know, Squats can never have too many pouches!

You can see the elbow pad and pouch on the sleeve in this shot. I also removed the handle on the moulded laspistol holster (as he is firing his laspistol!).

I have done another Napoleonic themed trooper here. I used an Anvil Industries head (with a milliput and plasticard eye patch) and torso, with Cadian legs (with a milliput stripe down the leg) and I removed the gaiters to give a more jack boot look. Cadian arms had the shoulder pads removed with milliput added to make some cuffs. I added a chaos icon to the belt and tried to make some tears on the trousers. A mould from a Mordian guard epaulette was used on his left shoulder but I used a piece of plasticard on his right to give the impression of battle damage.

This shows his holstered laspistol and the stripe on his legs.

I added some plasticard straps for his backpack and used a moulded medic backpack with the medic sign removed. A tear in the left elbow was also created. I made sure I used the scabbard with the knife/bayonet removed as he has already placed it on the end of his lasgun. The Imperial Eagle was also scraped off the canteen as well.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/18 09:09:09

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted to add a Chaos icon armour plate (taken from a mould from a FW Chaos renegade torso) to the front torso to give a a heavily armoured Squat.
I added a helmet with a visor down and an IG facemask (mould). A hose from Greenstuffworld Tentacle maker was added and attached to his backpack. I added a few whiskers either side of the facemask as you don't see any clean shaven Squats! I added a pistol in a shoulder harness for quick access and decided to go with 2 wicked looking knives for his weapons. I added plasticard straps for his backpack and lasgun.

I added a moulded FW Chaos Renegade Backpack with a lasgun attached by a strap. I also made sure there were 2 scabbard's for the knives in his hands (1 original and 1 from a mould behind the lasgun). I demand realism!!!!!

I'm planning on making at least 1 Chaos Traitor Guard from all of the famous regiments. I give you my Praetorian Guard.

The head was from Anvil Industries. Epaulettes from a Mordian Guard mould. Cadian arms with the shoulderpads removed and milliput was added to make the cuffs. The bayonet was taken from an Orlock knife. The boots are from a mould of Orlock boots but with all of the straps removed. I wanted a jackboot look and plan on using them again (so I've made a mould). The legs are from a mould of a pair of Cadian legs with a stripe down the leg. A chaos icon was added as a belt buckle alongside a holstered pistol.

The torso was from the IG Tank accessory I think. A scabbard, grenade and lasgun spare magazine was added.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/18 11:51:09

Post by: Arakasi

Industrious work - I look forward to following!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/19 04:12:49

Post by: MeatShield

That chaos squat looks far superior to the Chaos squat terminators that I had as a kid. Great work

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/19 12:22:40

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

These traitors are so good. Your sculpting skills are top notch. The mix of bits and sculpting is so natural and the result is such unique models that still clearly fit the aesthetic of 40k. Great job. I don’t know how long it takes you to create these models. Are you going to do a whole traitor guard army sculpting each model individually?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/19 15:19:37

Post by: philmorgan75

Arakasi wrote:Industrious work - I look forward to following!

Thanks Arakasi

MeatShield wrote:That chaos squat looks far superior to the Chaos squat terminators that I had as a kid. Great work

I always wanted the Squat Exo Armour MeatShield but never got around to buying any. I may do in the future as they are cool vintage models.

The Riddle of Steel wrote:These traitors are so good. Your sculpting skills are top notch. The mix of bits and sculpting is so natural and the result is such unique models that still clearly fit the aesthetic of 40k. Great job. I don’t know how long it takes you to create these models. Are you going to do a whole traitor guard army sculpting each model individually?

Thanks The Riddle of Steel. It depends on the model and amount of milliput and moulds I use. I normally have 4 or 5 models on the go, working on some and then allowing milliput to dry and then moving onto the next. Each model can take from between 3 hours to days to complete. The plan is to make an army until I get distracted with the next project I think of!!!

Update time:

To mix it up, I wanted a bit of flesh on display so I used a Vulkite Berzerker as the base for this Squat leaving his naked torso on display. Milliput was used to fill the massive hole in his belly and plasticard harness and lasgun straps were created. I sculpted on some trousers from milliput and used moulds of Arkanaut Company boots and kneepads to finish his legs. Moulded Chaos Marauder gauntlets were added with a Space Marine Chainsword and laspistol. The helmet was from a mould of the original old plastic Squat with sculpted sunglasses and horns taken from a Blackstone Fortress Chaos Cultist. I added some spiky shoulder pads, chaos icon belt buckle and pouches from some moulds.

As he didn't have enough weapons, I gave him a moulded holster and lasgun.

And an axe from an AOS model was added as well.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/20 17:48:13

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

For my 12th Chaos Squat, I again used a Vulkite Berzerker as the base and modelled on a flak jacket to cover his torso and nether regions. I added a different beard onto the usual moulded Plastic Squat head with helmet (taken from a Vulkite Berzerker). The usual plasticard harness was added with a chaos icon belt buckle and moulded pouches from milliput. Moulded Chaos Marauder gauntlets and spiked shoulderpads were added. I also used 2 swords from the new Skeleton/Zombie range.

This gives a better shot of the sculpted flak jacket over his naked Vulkite body. A moulded holstered laspistol and pouches were added alongside some frag grenades.

... and some pouches were added to his harness as well as a combat knife.

And finally, a group shot of the last 5 Squats.

Plenty more to follow.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/20 19:18:15

Post by: KernelTerror

Magnificient ! Keep up the corruption work !

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/21 17:40:45

Post by: philmorgan75

 KernelTerror wrote:
Magnificient ! Keep up the corruption work !

Thanks KernelTerror

Update time:

I wanted to have some Heavy Support for my Chaos Squats so created this Missile Launcher wielding trooper. I used a mould for the body, legs and helmet and used a Space Marine Missile Launcher, rockets and grenades. I used a different moulded beard on this trooper to have some variation. The usual plasticard harness was created with moulded harnessed laspistol, pouches and chaos icon belt buckle. I used Catachan arms with moulded Chaos Marauder gauntlets.

I added some moulded elbow pads and sculpted some straps. A moulded backpack with Catachan knife was added. A flat shoulder pad was added to the right shoulder to allow the shoulder mounted Missile Launcher.

A moulded spiked left shoulder pad was used. You can see the elbow pad and straps clearer in this picture.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/21 18:26:56

Post by: Illumini

Welcome to the dark side, it is so much more fun here, and anything can fit in. Really great looking sculpts and builds.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/21 18:28:01

Post by: ph34r

All this custom mold making and conversion continues to be really top notch! Great stuff.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/22 20:28:59

Post by: philmorgan75

Illumini wrote:Welcome to the dark side, it is so much more fun here, and anything can fit in. Really great looking sculpts and builds.

Thanks Illumini

ph34r wrote:All this custom mold making and conversion continues to be really top notch! Great stuff.

Thanks ph34r

Update time:

For a change, I wanted a left handed firing lasgun trooper. I used the Catachan Medic arms from the Command squad as a starting point (removing the syringe). I used the usual moulded Chaos Marauder gauntlets and converted a right hand from a left hand (with the thumb chopped off and moved over to the other side and a bit of milliput to hide the join). For a change, I added a field cap to an original bald headed sun glass wearing old Squat head.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/23 18:49:18

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

Just to test my modelling skills and to show how these former Imperial Squats are degenerating, I wanted to mix some Vulkite Berzerker moulds with the flak armoured body moulds I've previously made. I went with no trousers and with one boot on. I armed him with a Space Marine Heresy Plasma gun, axe and Death Korps Laspistol. I also added an empty Space Marine shoulder holster for quick access. I added a different beard as well.

And just to show I do paint occasionally....

The first two are based on the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard, but to avoid the multiple versions looking the same, I've converted them. The usual flamer has been swopped with a grenade launcher. I removed the spare flamer cannister and replaced it with a spare grenade cartridge for more realism. The second Traitor had a lasgun swopped out for an autogun. The third Traitor is based on an Orlock body, Cadian arms, a moulded Traitor helmet, a blade was added to the right shoulder pad and some spikes to the left. I also added a chaos icon to the left shin guard. Rust was speckled across all of the metal finishes. I added some gloss luminous green to the eye lenses for a NVG look.

The first two had nothing added to the standard model's rear. The Orlock had a chainmail cloak (a mould from a different Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard) added.

I have painted a number of these already, but haven't plucked up the courage to use the AK Interactive Dark Mud to finish the bases off (I'm going for a WW1 quagmire look

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/24 16:11:02

Post by: philmorgan75

Daily update time:

I wanted a Grenadier/Bombardier like model so I used a Vulkite Bezerker mould for the torso, with my usual trousered lower half. I added the visored helmet for an air of mystique with a different beard design. I wanted grenades in both hands and even though I spent ages searching through all my bits, I couldn't find a right hand holding a grenade, so ended up using a mould of a Space Marine hand.

I used the grenade belt from the Space Marine Scout Bikers on the front and back.

I added some Space Marine Frag Grenades and a holstered laspistol as well.

Just to show I haven't neglected my Traitor Guardsmen, I made a Mordian Guard. I used a mould of an old metal Mordian Guard shouting head and epaulettes. A Cadian torso with moulded harness straps and legs were used with a milliput stripe down the leg (I made a mould of this to help in future conversions). I then used some Death Korps arms and lasgun with a Necromunda knife for the bayonet. Milliput was used to finish the right arm off. Moulded pouches, Orlock Jackboots and chaos icon belt buckle were also used.

A moulded backpack was used and a Scion bedroll was added to the top. A Lasgun charge pack and bayonet scabbard from Necromunda were added as well.

And to finish off his equipment, what every Traitor Guard requires, a water bottle!!

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/25 12:05:09

Post by: Ragsta

That Morrison is so darn good. The extra kit and pumped up bayonet really makes it for me, lovely stuff.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/25 18:14:47

Post by: philmorgan75

 Ragsta wrote:

That Morrison is so darn good. The extra kit and pumped up bayonet really makes it for me, lovely stuff.

Thanks Ragsta. I plan on making a few more Mordian Guard in the future in similar poses. I can imagine a whole squad all 'en garde'!!

Daily update time:

I apologise for those that are easily offended, but I went starkers on this Berzerker to resemble an ancient Celtic warrior.

I spent a long time scraping off all of the Vulkite Berzerker runes from all over his body and his belt/loin cloth. I then took a mould to use for future Squats (one of the torso and one of the legs). I then sculpted on his nether regions. I used a Chaos Icon from a FW Chaos Renegade and used a thin layer of milliput. After about an hour and before it hardened, I carefully removed the Chaos Icon from the mould and positioned it across his chest (something I plan on doing on all naked torso Squat's I make in the future) - I think it will look great painted up - the degenerate Squats carving Chaos sigils into their own chests to show their true belief.

The usual Chaos Marauder gauntlets were used with a pair of axes. I plan on painting a lot of blood on the axes and blood spray over the rest of his body. I added a plasticard harness and moulded Chaos Belt Buckle and pouches. I chose a Vulkite head with a modified beard and added a mohican for a more frightening look.

I added a moulded holstered laspistol, pouches and ponytail. I also carefully filed a bum crack for him as well!!!!

This is my second trio of Traitor Guardsmen. On the left, the body is from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist with a moulded Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard head. The cleavers came from the Genestealer Cult range. I added lots of sponged on blood to give a well worn use.

The middle figure is a mix of lots of different bits - FW Chaos Renegade Torso, an Escher right arm (I think) with a Skeleton sword, Cadian legs, Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard moulded shin guards and boots, Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist left arm with pistol and an AOS axe. Spiked shoulder pads and blades finished off the model.

The figure on the right is based on the pistol and mace wielding Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard , converted with Cadian arms and lasgun and the head at a changed angle.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/25 22:39:06

Post by: Zywus

Loving the icon with tongue right over his 'private parts'. Just the kind of obscenity I expect from crazed chaos worshippers

Could be it's not coming off well in the pictures and looks better in person, but it looks as if you might want to file the bum crack a bit deeper. (didn't imagine I was going to write that sentence when I checked in on the P&M Blog section )

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/26 16:46:42

Post by: philmorgan75

 Zywus wrote:
Loving the icon with tongue right over his 'private parts'. Just the kind of obscenity I expect from crazed chaos worshippers

Could be it's not coming off well in the pictures and looks better in person, but it looks as if you might want to file the bum crack a bit deeper. (didn't imagine I was going to write that sentence when I checked in on the P&M Blog section )

Hi Zywus, it's not clear on the pictures but he has 2 testicles and the tongue is supposed to be a penis!!! I have also filed a lovely bum crack, again, you can't see it well in the picture - with paint, it should be obvious!

Daily update time:

I wanted to make a Butcher/Medic - even if you follow Chaos, injuries need to be treated surely? I used a normal Squat legs and body from my many moulds and added 2 arms with Chaos Marauder gauntlets down by his side. I added a bald Squat head with a different beard and originally planned to make a Doctor's head mirror, but I thought it would look to much like an Ork and went with some Space Marine Scout NVG instead. Blade and spiky shoulder pads were also added alongside 2 wicked looking knives from my bits box. The usual Chaos icon belt buckle and pouches were also added. I also added an apron taken from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist Heavy Stubber mould which I plan on painting dirty white and covering it with blood!

I added a plasticard strap to hold up the apron and 2 more plasticard straps to attach his 2 medic bags he's carrying over both shoulders.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/27 17:13:00

Post by: philmorgan75

Daily update time:

I wanted my 19th Chaos Squat to be a Heavy weapon lover so armed him with a Space Marine scout Heavy Bolter. As you can never have too much ammo, I wrapped some penitent engine ammo around his chest and back to give him an M60 look. For a change, I modelled this Squat with only 1 boot on (the bare left foot was taken from another Vulkite Bezerker).

I gave him a holstered laspistol as a secondary weapon .....

.... and a spare Heavy Bolter ammo box (a mould of the Space Marine Scout Heavy Bolter).

Here's a shot of all 19 Chaos Squats I've made so far.

To finish, a WIP shot of 3 Chaos Squats I'm working on.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/27 21:30:42

Post by: Zywus

 philmorgan75 wrote:

Hi Zywus, it's not clear on the pictures but he has 2 testicles and the tongue is supposed to be a penis!!!

Ah, I thought it was a skull emblem with a strategically placed tongue, but it's the real deal! That's even more obscene!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/28 19:11:16

Post by: philmorgan75

 Zywus wrote:
 philmorgan75 wrote:

Hi Zywus, it's not clear on the pictures but he has 2 testicles and the tongue is supposed to be a penis!!!

Ah, I thought it was a skull emblem with a strategically placed tongue, but it's the real deal! That's even more obscene!

You're going to love the next one then Zywus!!

Daily update time:

For my 20th Chaos Squat, I've created another "celtic" warrior. I used the Vulkite Berzerker as a base with all of the belt and runes removed. A Chaos icon was added as a brand across his chest and another on his belt buckle. Moulded pouches, gauntlets and holstered laspistol were added, alongside an AOS axe. A mould of a Vulkite Berzerker head was used with a slightly different beard. 2 Space Wolves chainswords were also used - they will be plastered with blood when I get around to painting!!

A lasgun was added across his back, with a plasticard strap.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/30 08:29:19

Post by: philmorgan75

Daily update time:

For my 21st Chaos Squat, I have completed another "celtic" warrior based off a Vulkite Berzerker. Again, all of the runes and loincloth/belt were removed and I added a Chaos Icon brand (as usual) across his chest. Plasticard straps and armed with a Laspistol and Chainsword. Pouches, gauntlets and belt buckle were from moulds. For a change, I also added one knee pad as this Squat didn't want to hurt his left knee!!!!

I added an empty holster from a mould to keep his laspistol in. I also added some more pouches on the back of his belt. I also made sure you could see his bum crack as well!

And because he didn't have enough close combat weapons, I also added a knife and grenades on his belt/webbing!!

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/09/30 13:05:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

Seems like i completly missed a traitor thread?

Also, i never knew that i needed chaos squats.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/01 15:07:31

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
Seems like i completly missed a traitor thread?

Also, i never knew that i needed chaos squats.

I'm happy you're enjoying the thread Not Online!!!

Daily update time:

I've been wanting to make a sniper for a while, and with a bit of chopping and filing, my original moulds could be used to make a good prone position (just by turning his feet 90 degrees). I wanted this to look a bit like an "American Sniper" i.e. baseball cap turned the wrong way around. I used some Catachan arms, water bottle and knife. He has managed to get a Space Marine Scout Sniper rifle somewhere on his travels!!

He didn't have enough pouches, so I added some more diagonally across his back, alongside a holstered laspistol. For a change, I swopped his right boot for a right foot from a mould from the Vulkite Berzerkers as well.

I really liked this model and will certainly be returning to some more prone models in the future (may even do some dead Chaos Squats as well!)

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/01 23:11:16

Post by: MeatShield

I'd say that sniper worked out pretty well.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/04 08:04:36

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
I'd say that sniper worked out pretty well.

Thanks MeatShield - I'm really happy with how it turned out

Update time:

Another celtic warrior today. Everything bar his weapons (laspistol, Necromunda Orlock powerfist, grenades and knife) straps and his "junk" were made from moulds. The torso and legs are from a Vulkite Berzerker mould. I have altered his moustache as I wanted him screaming/snarling (hard to see in the photo).

I added an elbow pad to his right arm cos he doesn't want any scrapes there!! You can see his holster for the DKOK Laspistol he has as well.

I thought the Orlock powerfist looked cool and fitted this model's pose really well.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/05 10:41:43

Post by: philmorgan75

Daily update time:

For my 24th Chaos Squat, I wanted another Berzerker type warrior and plumped for a torso from a Vulkite Berzerker mould with a Chaos Icon brand applied across his chest. The legs and boots are from Arkanaut company moulds I've made, alongside some Chaos Marauder Gauntlet moulds. Pouches and a Chaos Icon belt buckle were added alongside some plasticard straps with Space Marine Scout grenades. I thought a visored helmet would look good on this model.

I thought some Necromunda Chain blades/axes?? would look good with this pose. Again, I plan to have lots of blood splattered across his chest and arms when I get around to painting these. It's well know that Chaos Squats are very thirsty, so a water bottle and knife were also added.

I went with a "Y" harness on this one for a change to show off his muscles. Some moulded pouches and holstered laspistol were also added to his belt to finish.

Here's a shot of another poorly undercoated Chaos Traitor Guard I've made. Anvil Industries head and torso were added to some Cadian legs and arms. A Chaos Icon mould from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist was added to his belt, alongside a knife. The sword comes from Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist whilst the laspistol comes from a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman. The usual blade and spikes were also added to his Cadian shoulder pads to make him more Chaos like.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/07 06:21:53

Post by: philmorgan75

Daily update time:

Another "celtic" warrior. This running Squat was based on a Vulkite Berzerker with Arkanaut company boots, Chaos Marauders gauntlets with a mould of an original plastic Squat head. I've tried to make him look as if he is shouting, but I may add some more milliput to redefine his mouth and beard in the future. I gave him a holstered laspistol hanging from his left vertical strap for easy access alongside the usual pouches and Chaos icon belt buckle.

I wanted some close combat weapons for this model, so chose a Catachan sword and an AOS Chaos Axe. Grenades were also added alongside the plasticard harness straps.

I chopped off the handle from a Horus Heresy Space Marine holstered sword and attached it diagonally across his back, to hold the drawn weapon in his left hand. Finally, to fill in a gap on his belt, I added a water bottle to quench his thirst after a hard day of slaughtering

Till next time, Phil

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/08 05:59:54

Post by: philmorgan75

Daily update time:

For my 26th Chaos Squat, I wanted a "Special forces" vibe, so posed him heroically holding a Bolter with spare magazines across his chest. I went for a baseball cap but sculpted some sunglasses for him to look cool. I wanted to make him appear to have just ejected his previous magazine (spending a bit of time cutting and hollowing out a hole in the Bolter to receive a new magazine) and gave him a new magazine in his left hand (taken from a Space Marine kit). The legs came from a Vulkite Berzerker, arms from Cadians, pouches, Chaos icon belt buckle and holstered laspistol all came from moulds. I also gave him knee and elbow pads with thin plasticard straps for realism. I also added an AOS axe from the left side of his belt for more close combat prowess.

I added a Horus Heresy Tartarus Chainfist to the end of his Bolter and the end of an Adeptus Mechanicus weapon to give the impression of a silencer. I added a Catachan backpack as it had a sword attached to the right side and a knife on the left.

I based this traitor on the 24th foot regiment after watching Zulu too many times! He has a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist legs with an Anvil Industries head and Cadian arms and torso. An Orlock knife was added for the bayonet and the usual spiky bits were added to his shoulderpads.

I added a medic's backpack and Scion's blanket wrap (both made from moulds). Spare lasgun batteries were added alongside a Chaos icon taken from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist mould.

And I added an Orlock scabbard to hold his bayonet as well. I think the "spats" on his boots give an old Victorian feel to this model.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/09 19:21:18

Post by: MeatShield

When you get a chance I would love to see a group shot. Also this is the first time I have found a thread of yours so I'm really excited to see these guys together with paint.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/10 13:55:08

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
When you get a chance I would love to see a group shot. Also this is the first time I have found a thread of yours so I'm really excited to see these guys together with paint.

Hi MeatShield. I'll take a group shot later and post it soon. I've been made redundant, with my last working day as 30th November, so I want to make as many Squats as I can before then as I start to stockpile parts, bits, paints etc. After 24 years of working, I plan on having December off to recharge the batteries and cram in as much hobby time before I start looking in 2022 for a new job. After my previous issues with Halfords white primer, I have bought some Biostrip 20 paint stripper and also some Ammo one shot white primer to use in my airbrush, so hopefully over the next few weeks, I can strip and re-prime the affected models and then also undercoat all of the Squats to start batch painting.

I was asked by a B&C member to include a tutorial on how I make my push moulds, so I thought I'd post it here also.

This is a shot of my work desk at the moment with some of the moulds I have made and also some of the milliput and plastic parts I'll use for future models. You can see at the top the blue and white silicon putty pots (labelled "A" and "B") that I bought on ebay and though expensive, you don't have to use much when making a mould, so it lasts a very long time - you can see the number of moulds I've made and the pots have hardly been touched. I've bought packets of 2 part silicon putty off of ebay and will no longer do that as I waste the majority of the contents as they have gone hard in the packets - a sealed pot is the way forward. I've gone for a 2 part (equal measure) silicon putty that remains fairly flexible when cured, to allow for easier extraction of the milliput cast parts. The silicon putty takes around an hour to fully cure but I like to give it a bit longer to be sure.

Having chosen which part you want to cast, remove all the mould lines etc. You can see on the left Arkanaut, I've already filled the hole in his belly in preparation of making his quilted flak jacket. Before I mould the model on the right, I would remove all of the glyphs, belt and loincloth and would also fill the hole, sculpting a new belly out of milliput. Once that was done I would then need to decide what part of the model would I want to mould. It is to difficult to mould the whole body in one go. It is easier to make multiple moulds e.g. torso and legs, giving better casts and allowing the mould to survive to make multiple copies. You need to plan ahead as you really don't want to have any overhangs on your models as they will not be easy to remove from the mould and will result in the mould tearing or you having to cut it too remove the cured part/s. I'll show some examples later.

To make a mould of this torso, I could not envelope the whole of the torso in silicon putty as his arms prevent easy removing of the original part and also it would be difficult to get milliput into the arm moulds when copying. Therefore, I have squeezed the silicon putty around the whole of the front of the torso and around most of the arms, leaving part of the back uncovered. You don't want to over work the putty, constantly prodding and moving it around as you will get air pockets or bits of the original cast won't be fully moulded. After allowing the silicon putty to cure, I carefully removed the plastic original piece. You then need to mix enough milliput to fill the new mould, this is not an exact science, so sometimes you may not have mixed enough milliput and will have to mix up another batch or other times, you mix up too much milliput - always have other moulds near by, so if you have made too much, you can always fill the extra moulds to get other cast parts for future models. You then need to force the milliput into all the nooks and crannies of the mould - if there are arms or legs, I form a small thin sausage of milliput and thread it into the arm or leg and then use a wet dental sculpting tool and force as much milliput in as I can. Milliput will stick to your tool, so keep it damp but not dripping wet. I fill in all of the awkward parts of the mould first before adding a large enough quantity of milliput to fill the rest of the mould. The important thing here is too keep on pushing the tool into the milliput to ensure there are no air pockets and that milliput has covered the whole model - preventing parts not being cast. You then need to allow the milliput to dry - this takes a couple of hours (I normally leave 24 hours before de-moulding to ensure the milliput is rock hard).

After the milliput has hardened, you need to carefully remove the milliput part from the mould. You can see the part in the bottom left of the picture above. You can see where there wasn't a mould on the back of the part. This will need to be cleaned up with scalpel and files and if you haven't been careful, some more milliput to sculpt muscles etc. If you aren't any good at sculpting, you can always cover mould issues with backpacks. cloaks, slung lasguns etc. You can see the mould on the right is of a Chaos icon (taken from a FW Chaos Renegade Guardsman). I place a small amount of milliput on this mould and with a damp sculpting tool, smooth the milliput to a very thin layer - you need to set this aside for around 2 hours for it to be cured enough to easily remove it from the mould and still soft enough to place and carefully feather out the excess milliput to give the front of the chest the distinct Chaos Icon chest brand I have on all of my bare chested Squats. Once dry, I have made another mould of the new milliput part with the Chaos Icon chest brand to make future copies quicker and easier. If you look closely at the mould on the top, you can see the Chaos Icon impression on the belly of the mould.

This shows the fully cured and cleaned Squat naked torso with Chaos Icon chest brand ready for the next model.

You need to plan how you make moulds of your parts. Each part may need to have a different mould made. There are 9 moulds in this photo, starting from the top left:

1) This is the 3/4 mould covered earlier to make a naked torso with Chaos icon chest brand.
2) I have made a mould of each boot and every time I have excess milliput, I fill in these boot moulds to ensure I have a ready supply of boots available. The completed pair can be seen in front of the moulds. You cannot make a mould of the whole of the bum, legs and feet/boots as you will not be able to get the part out of the silicon without cutting/tearing the mould.
3) This is the mould I made for a kneeling pose. I have removed the right boot before making the mould as it would be impossible to remove the part/cast part if this was still attached. The right boot has it's own mould.
4) This is is the mould I've made for the Squat's distinctive flak jacket. It's an easy one piece, easy to remove mould.
5) This is a mould of a pair of advancing bum and legs with knee pads. As discussed earlier, the boots are cast from a separate mould. With these moulds, I normally carefully cut horizontally with a scalpel the silicon putty until I can see the bottom of the ankles of the cast part. These 2 holes are then used to help push the milliput parts out of the mould for easy removing.
6) The front left mould is of a Vulkite Berzerker with left arm raised. This is a case where I have carefully cut the mould to allow for the hardened left arm to be removed. When filling the mould in future with milliput, I have to ensure the mould is carefully aligned otherwise, the left arm comes out badly.
7) This is a Vulkite Berzerker with the right arm raised. Just like the left arm, I had to cut the mould to allow the right arm to be released.
8) This is for a pair of naked Vulkite Berzerker legs and feet. I have had to cut the mould in 2 places to allow for the feet to be removed. Ramming this model with milliput is hard as you have to ensure all of the mould is aligned otherwise a lot of remedial work is required.
9) Another pair of bum and legs - you can see the excess milliput that has squeezed out of the 2 holes I cut in the mould to make removal of the cast piece easier.

Hopefully, that has given you all a chance to find out the methods I use to make the majority of my models. If anybody has any other questions, please feel free to ask.

Daily Update time

Another "Special Forces" homage with this one. I've used moulds for Vulkite Berzerker bare legs with boots added. Catachan arms were used with the usual Chaos Icon belt buckle and pouches. I added a shoulder harness holstered laspistol and a vizored helmet. The Lasgun has had a silencer added from a Space Marine Scout Sniper rifle and a Primaris sniper scope. A Chaos space marine chainsword was also added to his left hand.

You can see the plasticard straps and grenades, spare lasgun magazine, water bottle and knife in this shot.

Till next time, Phil

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/19 10:26:00

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted a simple classic looking Squat model firing his lasgun. So I used the usual torso and legs and having carefully removed the shoulder pads of a pair of Cadian arms, I added them with some gauntlets sculpted.

I added a pouch on his upper arms and a bandolier of pouches across his back (like you see in the cover of WD111 and the classic old plastic squats). Spiky shoulder pads, holster and lasgun magazine.

Grenades and a Catachan knife was used to finish his load out.

I saw some of the Anvil Industries model parts and had to buy these. There's a Void body and legs with a Hazmat helmet. A Genestealer Cult shotgun was added to finish.

I've bought multiples of the Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsmen and decided to convert them to make each as individual as I could. The model in the middle is the original pose throwing a grenade. The one on the left, I removed the grenade and armed him with a las pistol from another Traitor Guardsman and a rusty knife from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist. The model on the right had a large double handed axe instead.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/20 08:37:46

Post by: MeatShield

I love the black stone conversions.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/20 08:47:31

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted another Special Forces vibe when I made my 29th model and thought he would look cool with a beret. I made a mould of a Scion Beret head and then added the milliput beret onto the top of an existing Squat head with sunglasses. I added an extra small layer to the beret to add a bit more depth. I also sculpted a kneeling pose which I though would go well with his clenched right fist (to stop moving). As I added a slung bolter over his right shoulder, I added some spare magazines at the front of his harness.

I used a Horus Heresy Bolter with a plasticard strap. Milliput was used to make the clasps. I added elbow and knee guards with plasticard straps to give the old Squat vibe.

As he had his laspistol drawn, I sculpted an empty left handed holster. A backpack, pouches and grenades were also added to finish this one.

Just to finish today's update, here are some Enforcers I've made. I liked the idea of each of them having a whip to "encourage" their charges and sourced them from Necromunda and Dark Eldar bits. I did alter some of their feet by using moulds of Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman instead of the usual Cadian. The one in the middle I have basecoated his red uniform and painted the rest of the model in black as a starting point for all of the other colours. I am slowly losing the building bug and can feel an urge to start painting again

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/21 09:36:53

Post by: philmorgan75

Daily update:

Continuing my Special Forces Squats, I wanted to make a Hot Lasgun wielding traitor. Using a mould of the kneeling legs from my previous model, I made this one.

A little bit of milliput was used to hide the gaps in the cabling joining the backpack to the Hot Lasgun.

I used a Cadian left arm with the shoulder pad removed and added a pouch on his bicep and sculpted a gauntlet as well.

Following on from previous posts, here are some conversions on the same Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman. I removed the laspistol and blade from the original pose and added 2 Chaos Axe (from the Chaos Marauders) to the model on the left and on the right, an autogun and arms taken from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist with a head swop from a mould of another Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/21 20:18:27

Post by: Skalk Bloodaxe

Hello Phil, very nice work you have here. I really enjoy the theme and your modeling skills are impressive. Paint is crisp and clean as well, really projects the "freedom fighters rising up against Imperial oppression" vibe.

Looking forward to more of your work, thank you for sharing this.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/21 20:52:15

Post by: Zywus

Some really nice squats again.

Interesting to see your process with moulding.

Have you used 'blue stuff' or similar products (you use warm water to make it soft and create moulds by wrapping it around what you cant to cast). If so, how would you say it compares to silicon putty moulds? I guess the latter is more soft and flexible?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/21 21:27:06

Post by: philmorgan75

 Zywus wrote:
Some really nice squats again.

Interesting to see your process with moulding.

Have you used 'blue stuff' or similar products (you use warm water to make it soft and create moulds by wrapping it around what you cant to cast). If so, how would you say it compares to silicon putty moulds? I guess the latter is more soft and flexible?

Hi Zywus. I bought some blue stuff from eBay but couldn’t get it to work properly. Even leaving it in boiling water for ages, it never went soft enough to get good, clean, hard edged moulds. I’m glad I didn’t buy much BUT I think that was the problem- I only had a small amount sent to me in a small clear bag. Perhaps if I bought a greater quantity, it would come in a tub and have better moulding qualities. Who knows? The blue stuff mould’s were definitely stiff in comparison to silicon putty. After having no success, I gave up on blue stuff and now only use silicon putty.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/22 02:02:24

Post by: Zywus

 philmorgan75 wrote:

Hi Zywus. I bought some blue stuff from eBay but couldn’t get it to work properly. Even leaving it in boiling water for ages, it never went soft enough to get good, clean, hard edged moulds. I’m glad I didn’t buy much BUT I think that was the problem- I only had a small amount sent to me in a small clear bag. Perhaps if I bought a greater quantity, it would come in a tub and have better moulding qualities. Who knows? The blue stuff mould’s were definitely stiff in comparison to silicon putty. After having no success, I gave up on blue stuff and now only use silicon putty.

The stuff I got came in bars

I've had decent success with it and never had a problem with getting it soft in hot water. But it is rather stiff when cooled down again, so more advanced, casts are difficult to get free once cured.

I've been put of by using silicon molds since it seemed a chore to use the liquid kind, but that putty version looks like it would be easy to use.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/22 14:24:30

Post by: philmorgan75

 Zywus wrote:
 philmorgan75 wrote:

Hi Zywus. I bought some blue stuff from eBay but couldn’t get it to work properly. Even leaving it in boiling water for ages, it never went soft enough to get good, clean, hard edged moulds. I’m glad I didn’t buy much BUT I think that was the problem- I only had a small amount sent to me in a small clear bag. Perhaps if I bought a greater quantity, it would come in a tub and have better moulding qualities. Who knows? The blue stuff mould’s were definitely stiff in comparison to silicon putty. After having no success, I gave up on blue stuff and now only use silicon putty.

The stuff I got came in bars

I've had decent success with it and never had a problem with getting it soft in hot water. But it is rather stiff when cooled down again, so more advanced, casts are difficult to get free once cured.

I've been put of by using silicon molds since it seemed a chore to use the liquid kind, but that putty version looks like it would be easy to use.

I know what you mean. I haven't looked at liquid silicon as a) it's expensive and b) I don't have the experience/courage to give it a go!!

Update time:

For model 31, I went for a gun swinger - 2 laspistols with shoulder holsters!!

I used pieces from moulds I've used previously. The only exception is having to create the empty holster on his right harness strap. I've since moulded that so I now also have a left hand empty holster for future models.

I wonder how much Squats could bench press? Look at the guns on him!!

I added a sword across his back for an extra "edge" in close combat - pardon the pun!

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/22 14:26:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

These get more awesome the more you make.

What is your favourite one so far?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/23 11:50:55

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
These get more awesome the more you make.

What is your favourite one so far?

That's a hard one Not Online!!! I like each one as I'm making it, but if I had to choose, probably this one:

I think this is the one that look's like the Grim Dark future and closest to the original Rogue Trader Squats. I hope I do justice to this one when I get around to painting it

Update time:

I wanted to create a Melta loving Squat with this one:

I added some ski goggles and rebreather to his head to hide his hideously disfigured face. I gave him a Scion Melta gun alongside a melta bomb on his back.

I thought it would be cool to have him carrying a large Space Marine mine on his back as well.

And finally, another Chaos Traitor Renegade I've made ....

Just need to strip the truly awful primer and start again with this one.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/23 21:01:47

Post by: MeatShield

The detail on the melta charge on the melta squat's back is amazing. When you finish these you'll have the best squat faction every made.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/24 10:20:04

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
The detail on the melta charge on the melta squat's back is amazing. When you finish these you'll have the best squat faction every made.

Thanks MeatShield. I'm really happy with how the mould turned out. There was a bit of clean up involved (removing the Space Marine hand for example) but I thought it would look cool with a Squat carrying it. I've just started painting my first Squat to test out the palette. I'll post some pictures soon

Update time:

I wanted to go back and create another prone model so created this Squat. I went with a naked bottom half and added some knee pads and straps - you can just see his peachy bum!!!

You can see the Cadian left arm I converted by removing the shoulder pad and added a gauntlet and bicep pouch.

I needed to add some milliput to the base to blend the model into/onto the base. I have some Vallejo Dark Mud to add to the base, but have never used it before so I have a bit of trepidation. We'll have to see how it turns out. As they say, every day is a learning day

I am expecting the Dark Mud to be covering his nether region and soles of his feet.

Just to finish today's post, here's a shot of the same Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman pose that I have converted. The model in the middle is the stock pose. I added a lasgun from another Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman on the one on the left. I added a grenade launcher to the one on the right and swopped the spare fuel cannister with a spare grenade magazine. I'm happy with how the glowing eyes have turned out - I added fluorescent green paint and I think it looks better in the flesh. I just need to do the base to finish this one.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/26 08:05:12

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I went for a "Miner" vibe for my 34th Chaos Squat to go with the space dwarf theme and wanted to base it on one of the classic metal squats I've seen. I used the usual moulds for torso and kneeling legs and sculpted some sun glasses onto the top of his field cap.

I went for a Scion Power Fist in his raised right arm. I added a DKoK backpack and then some cabling made from Greenstuffworld's tentacle maker.

A power axe was taken from a Space Marine kit. You can see the plasticard strap on his head to hold the sun glasses on.

And finally today, a trio of Chaos Renegades. The one on the left is a Blackstone Fortress Chaos Cultist with his autogun swopped for a lasgun and his head with a mould from a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman. The middle one has a FW Chaos Renegade torso with a Cadian right arm and Catachan left arm. The one on the right again has a FW Chaos Renegade torso with Cadian arms and a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultists legs.

I've finished painting my first Squat. I'm waiting for a brighter day to take some photo's so I will show him as soon as I can.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/27 12:17:49

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I'm really pleased to have finished painting my first Chaos Squat. I based the colours on the original Squat painting adorning WD111 - Red flak jacket, gauntlets and elbow/knee guards and green tunic. Each Squat in WD111 seems to have a different helmet paint job, but I have opted to go with the same colour of red. You can see his peachy bum in the shot as well. Since the photo, I have gone back and sponged some more Vallejo Dark Mud onto the back of his legs, elbows and gauntlets to mimic mud splatter.

I sponged some rust on the exposed metal parts (look at the water bottle for example) as well.

I'm really happy with how it turned out and now know how to paint all the other Squats. The weather is poor at the moment so I can't spray any undercoat but when the weather improves, I want to get them all undercoated and start paining asap!!

Being a patriotic Welsh man, I also managed to finish my tribute to the 24th Foot (a Welsh regiment famously portrayed in the films Zulu and Zulu Dawn).
Although not everything is historically accurate, I enjoyed painting this one. I chose white harness and equipment and also added epaulettes and a red stripe down his blue trousers. Since this photo was taken, I have sponged more Vallejo Dark Mud over his knees and the back of his trousers and also sponged congealed blood along his bayonet.

I've just finished another Squat and another Chaos Guard based on the British Light Infantry from the Napoleonic War but I'm waiting for the base to be dry before taking some pictures.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/27 17:23:34

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Wow, a converted Chaos Praetorian! And so well painted. Can't wait to see more.

Though I did have to wash my eyes out after seeing the bare bottom squat!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/29 13:27:05

Post by: philmorgan75

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Wow, a converted Chaos Praetorian! And so well painted. Can't wait to see more.

Though I did have to wash my eyes out after seeing the bare bottom squat!

Thanks Kid Kyoto. I'm enjoying my painting at the moment - plenty more to follow

Update time:

Just finished my second Chaos Squat. Like all good snipers, he is also armed with a chainsword!! I sponged mud onto his knees and back of the legs and congealed blood along his chainsword.

You can make out the congealed blood better on this shot.

I also finished my take on a British Light Infantryman from the Napoleonic War. I used Anvil Industries head and torso and converted Cadian legs and arms. I wanted to make him look a bit dishevelled so I only put his left epaulette on, the right I made out of plasticard. Congealed blood was sponged onto the bayonet as well.

Mud was sponged onto his legs, knees and elbows for a bit more realism.

I added a moulded backpack from a Catachan medic.

I have some more Squats on my painting table. More will follow soon.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/29 14:08:03

Post by: Not Online!!!

Amazingly done.
Chaos praetorians are awesome aswell.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/29 15:00:18

Post by: brushcommando

You've got a very cool variety going on here. I really like the napoleonic/zulu war era gaurdsmen you made.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/29 21:12:22

Post by: MeatShield

Well you done it, you are now the proud owner of the best squats ever made! I'm excited to keep checking for in for updates.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/10/31 14:09:13

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:Amazingly done.
Chaos praetorians are awesome aswell.

Thanks Not Online!!!

brushcommando wrote:You've got a very cool variety going on here. I really like the napoleonic/zulu war era gaurdsmen you made.

Thanks brushcommando. I had fun making them as well. I've just placed an order with Victoria Miniatures for some kilted legs - Gordon Highlanders anyone?

MeatShield wrote: PAINT!!!
Well you done it, you are now the proud owner of the best squats ever made! I'm excited to keep checking for in for updates.

Thanks MeatShield. You're too kind

Update time:

I managed to finish 3 more Squats yesterday. The first one is armed with 2 swords. I sponged rust and congealed blood onto both swords and also sponged some blood onto his beard - cast off from sword slashes.

I also sponged some mud onto his feet, legs and other parts of his body as well.

The knife had both rust and blood sponged onto it as well.

I went with a right handed lasgun for this model. Mud was sponged onto his knee pads, elbows and gauntlets to give a realistic impression of him crawling in the mud.

And finally, a left handed lasgun.

Again, blood and rust was sponged onto his knife along with mud over various parts of the model.

Here's a group shot of the first 5 Chaos Squats I've finished.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/11/04 15:51:43

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I managed to finish my first naked Chaos Squat:


Plenty more to follow.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/11/05 02:42:34

Post by: brushcommando

Ah. I see he seems to have "gone commando" in both the literal and figurative senses...
Nice paintjob and conversion work -- although I question the practicality of his fashion choices in an actual battlefield scenario.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/11/06 14:21:16

Post by: Not Online!!!

Paintjob nicely done.

Albeit isn't that more torwards slaanesh

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/11/07 12:09:39

Post by: philmorgan75

brushcommando wrote:Ah. I see he seems to have "gone commando" in both the literal and figurative senses...
Nice paintjob and conversion work -- although I question the practicality of his fashion choices in an actual battlefield scenario.

Thanks brushcommando. I wish I thought of saying "going commando"!! Who needs protection when you worship Chaos?

Not Online!!! wrote:Paintjob nicely done.

Albeit isn't that more torwards slaanesh

Thanks NotOnline!!! I can see where you're going with the Slaanesh comment but I always have a leaning for Khorne and "Blood for the Blood God"

Update time:


I finished another Squat "Commando"!!



Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/11/08 01:35:50

Post by: commissarelvis

Not Online!!! wrote:
Albeit isn't that more torwards slaanesh

In this case, I'd say the nudity isn't really sexual at all (i.e. Slaanesh) but more bat insane berserker nudity!

These are really awesome, and you've inspired me to try silicone putty for making small molds since I haven't got the time at the moment to really dive into using liquid silicone and liquid resin to cast things. If I can get results half as good as yours, I'll be absolutely delighted! And, like you, I have rare and long-OOP models (like Squats) that I'd like to reproduce just bits of. Loving the P&M blog!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/11/30 13:21:57

Post by: philmorgan75

 commissarelvis wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
Albeit isn't that more torwards slaanesh

In this case, I'd say the nudity isn't really sexual at all (i.e. Slaanesh) but more bat insane berserker nudity!

These are really awesome, and you've inspired me to try silicone putty for making small molds since I haven't got the time at the moment to really dive into using liquid silicone and liquid resin to cast things. If I can get results half as good as yours, I'll be absolutely delighted! And, like you, I have rare and long-OOP models (like Squats) that I'd like to reproduce just bits of. Loving the P&M blog!

Thanks commissarelvis. I recommend everyone tries silicon putty as it's so easy to use.

Update time:

I love this model. He is literally drenched in blood. You do not want to meet this berzerker!!!

What do you think of this cool dude? Shades and baseball cap reversed!!!!

And finally, a keen to reach combat Chaos Squat....

Plenty more to follow.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/01 19:30:57

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

Here's another Chaos Squat "commando"........

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/06 13:55:52

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I managed to finish another 2 Chaos Squats before I got bored and switched to painting up some Chaos Imperial Guardsmen.

I like to think this Squat would be a Close Combat monster.

I sponged on a lot of congealed blood. I'm sure in reality the blades would be clean from all the blood being thrown off when they start spinning, but why have realism in 40k!!!

I wanted to make a Grenadier/Bombardier with this one, so I added grenades in both hands and lots of grenades across his body.

The grenades across his chest came from the Space Marine Scouts Biker set.

I moved onto painting some of the many converted Famous regiments Imperial Guard Chaos renegades I've made. The first one is from the 122nd Valhallan Regiment:

I thought I would give him a combat spade sharpened (like in the Sven Hassel WW2 books I've read in the past) to make him a Close Combat animal. This has a Catachan torso and a converted Anvil Industries legs. The head and blanket were taken from a mould of a real GW Valhallan I have (but didn't have the heart or wallet to butcher it into Chaos!). Apologies for the eyes - They are my one weakness when painting figures.

Plenty more to follow.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/12 13:26:41

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
Fantastic progress.

Thanks MeatShield

Update time:

I wanted to give this Chaos Traitor an American Civil War Union trooper "feel" with a dark blue jacket and lighter blue trousers. I modelled ripped sleeves and trousers and his left boot missing. Sponged blood and mud was also used on his clothes to give a battle worn look.

I've decided to paint all of my troopers with eye lenses a glossy green to give a "bug" impression.

This is my Tallarn Traitor. Apologies for his eyes - I know I will make it worse if I try to repaint them!!! This trooper is a follower of Khorne - hence all the blood!

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/12 15:12:51

Post by: Not Online!!!

Good looking as always !

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/13 15:55:08

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
Good looking as always !

Thanks Not Online!!! I'm glad someone else is enjoying the models as much as I am

Update time:

Here's a 33rd Mordian Chaos Traitor:

For a change, I went with a red jacket and white trousers with yellow cuffs and trim (rather than the usual blue)

This is a "Valheim Dragoon" fallen to the Chaos powers. I used an Anvil Industries head with a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist body with a Genestealer hybrid shotgun.

and finally....

... a Janukian Chaos Traitor Trooper. I used a FW Renegade torso, a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist legs, Cadian arms and lasgun (with an Orlock knife/bayonet). The hat/shako was from Anvil Industries and the epaulettes were from a silicon mould from an original Mordian Guard. I went with a Napoleonic colour scheme for this model.

Please feel to ask any questions. Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/15 10:10:17

Post by: gobert

A really cool blog you’ve got here, impressive casting and kitbashing. I might have to look at getting me some of the silicon putty you mentioned. Have you got any group shots to share? They’re always popular and give a better sense of the force you’re putting together. You might need a NSFW tag for all those Berserkers though!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/15 14:57:44

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Awesome stuff!

And thank you for censoring the models for virgin eyes!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/21 13:58:24

Post by: philmorgan75

gobert wrote:A really cool blog you’ve got here, impressive casting and kitbashing. I might have to look at getting me some of the silicon putty you mentioned. Have you got any group shots to share? They’re always popular and give a better sense of the force you’re putting together. You might need a NSFW tag for all those Berserkers though!

Thanks for your comments gobert. I've painted quite a lot since these were posted but over the Christmas holidays, I'll try and get a group shot of both the Squats and Traitor Guard. I'll need to remember to place black boxes over the Berserkers as I don't want to get into trouble again.

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Awesome stuff!

And thank you for censoring the models for virgin eyes!

No worries. I didn't even think that anyone would be offended but I will use more black boxes for future photos.

Update time:

This is a Chaos Brodium 42nd Foot Trooper. This has mainly GW parts with an Anvil Industries head. I based it on what I imagined a WW1 British Trench Raider to look like. I think the dried on blood on his knife, bayonet and mace looks really effective.

This is a Chaos Rizlam Death Trooper. A Catachan head, Scion torso with Cadian legs.

This is my Waterloo 95th Foot regiment. I wanted to make him look like one of Sharpe's men. I used an Anvil Industries Head and torso with some Scion legs.

and finally ....

My Chaos Mordian "Iron 61st" Trooper. I love the pose on this an d really enjoyed painting him. In the future, I plan on making some more of these.

Till next time. Happy Christmas everyone.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/22 10:09:22

Post by: gobert

There was no offence here, but I can see others might be. Maybe some cotton wool smoke whisps for any new pics to hide their modesty?

The Brodium guy looks ace! The blood on his mace is perfect. It’s certainly met a few heads recently, which makes his pose even more menacing

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/22 18:51:08

Post by: Thumpingbear

Great work all around philmorgan75, an example of simple casting techniques that produce exemplary results. Really like the trencher traitor, such an iconic look from military history that translates well to 40k.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/24 12:30:58

Post by: Not Online!!!

Brody helmet traitor guard is awesome, and i seriously wish that if GW ever releases plastic traitor guard then along these lines

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/30 15:12:10

Post by: philmorgan75

gobert wrote:There was no offence here, but I can see others might be. Maybe some cotton wool smoke whisps for any new pics to hide their modesty?

The Brodium guy looks ace! The blood on his mace is perfect. It’s certainly met a few heads recently, which makes his pose even more menacing

Thanks gobert for your comments

Thumpingbear wrote:Great work all around philmorgan75, an example of simple casting techniques that produce exemplary results. Really like the trencher traitor, such an iconic look from military history that translates well to 40k.

Thanks Thumpingbear for your comments

Not Online!!! wrote:Brody helmet traitor guard is awesome, and i seriously wish that if GW ever releases plastic traitor guard then along these lines

Thanks Not Online!!! I'm looking forward to the new Necromunda Outcasts - lots of opportunities to make some really cool regiments!

Update time;

First of all, I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas with Santa bringing you all of your hobby desires.

Here's my Chaos Catachan "27th Weavers" trooper. I used a Catachan head and torso with an Anvil Industries pair of legs. I believe the shotgun came from the Genestealer Cult.

Here's a Chaos Janville Hussar. I used an Anvil Industries head and torso with Cadian legs and left arm. I used a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist powersword and a Catachan right arm with a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard laspistol,

And here's my final update for today.....

My Chaos Stalincow Lancer Trooper. I used an Anvil Industries head with a Scion torso. I used a converted Cadian pair of legs with some moulds of Chaos Traitor Guard for boots/shin guards. A Skeleton sword was used to finish this model. I painted him in a Napoleonic paint scheme I saw and liked.

Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year!!

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2021/12/31 11:56:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

These are all awesome.
Really good job on the glove.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/10 16:03:45

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
These are all awesome.
Really good job on the glove.

Thanks Not Online!!!

First of all, I wish everyone a Happy New Year and have quite a few newly finished models to show:

This is my Prazheim Miner Chaos Trooper. He's based on a Genestealer Cult model. I removed the Genestealer icon and swopped it for a Chaos one instead. I opted to go with an orange jump suit paint scheme for a bit of realism.

This Rubiquon Devil is based on an Anvil Industries torso, legs and arms with a Genestealer Cult head. I used some Greenstuff Industries Fluorescent yellow for his jumpsuit trousers (I think he looks like a binman to be honest!!) and a press mould Chaos Icon breastplate.

This shows my Chaos Vostroyan 88th Trooper. He is based on a Necromunda Orlock body, with Cadian arms and a press mould of an original Vostroyan head I have in my collection.

Just to convert the torso into something unique, I added some press mould Chaos Icon shin guards from a AOS model I have.

I added a press mould of a chainmail cloak (from a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard) and a FW Renegade backpack.

And finally for today, my Chaos Rhodesian White. He's has an Anvil Industries head, (I think) a Cadian torso and arms, with a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist legs. I swopped the bayonet with a Necromunda Orlock knife.

I added a backpack, bedroll and Orlock scabbard. The usual congealed blood was added to the bayonet.

I've spent a lot of time over the Christmas holidays finishing the majority of my pile of shame. I've almost finished all of my Chaos Squats and will show some more in the next few days.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/12 13:42:13

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I've almost finished painting my 40 Chaos Squats (3 left). I'll then show what I've done. Some more Chaos Traitor Guardsmen I've completed:

This is my Chaos Islandwanar 24th Foot Trooper. I used a FW Chaos Renegade torso with Cadian legs. I wanted to use the paint scheme from the British Army in the Zulu War.

This is my 126th Fendroosian Fellrunner. He has Anvil Industry legs with a Catachan bare torso. I wanted to try painting some tartan (in preparation for some more kilted Chaos troopers). Trying to get equal paint lines was really hard. In an ideal world, there would be transfers for kilts (like I've seen for other 28mm Historical kilts), but in the meantime, I'd better develop a steady hand!!!

This is my Chaos 55th Vietnamian Trooper. I wanted to look like a Vietnam GI and used Catachan parts ans Scion legs.

This is my Chaos 122nd Illuvian Iron Spiders. I wanted to go back in time and try and use the original Imperial Guard style of equipment from the early 1990's. I had a few of the original plastic guardsmen, so made some silicon moulds of the head and torso. I then added some Catachan legs with converted Cadian arms.

I added a chainmail cloak across his back (taken from a silicon mould from a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman).

Using mostly Anvil Industry parts, I made this Chaos 91st Hazmatian Fusiliers. I used a Genestealer Cult shotgun to arm this trooper.

And finally....

This is my Chaos 274th Psinblight Spears trooper. He is based on a Blackstone Fortress Chaos Cultist with Warhammer weapons and Necromunda Van Saar head. I have shown this one before I finished his base.

Next update, I'll start to show off some more of my finished Chaos Squats.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/14 08:29:39

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

As promised, I've just finished painting my 40th Chaos Squat and will start to show them over the next few days:

This was the second Chaos Squat I created. As per the original artwork, Squats always have lots of pouches!!

I wanted him to have his blast shield down on his helmet, so I completed a quick conversion. He is armed with a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman flamer. I gave him extra fuel cannisters, as you can never have too many spares!!

I wanted a "come and get me" pose with this one. I sculpted an eye patch as well to give him a more "veteran" feel. His axes come from the Chaos Marauder set (I believe) and the knives are from a Space Wolf spare part. Blood was lovingly sponged on to give it a (hopefully) realistic impression.

I made a mould of the chainmail cloak from a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guardsman and added it here. I also carved out the face/head to make an empty helmet that I also added to his hip.

Feel free to ask any questions or offer any critique - I won't be offended

Till next, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/15 15:02:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

As always they look awesome and are just magnificent work!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/15 16:20:56

Post by: DoctorDanny

Awesome conversions, especially the spear wielding maniac.

I've been looking into the anvil industries regiments stuff, but the price is holding me back.

One point of criticism regarding the squats, their faces look a bit to calm and composed. I miss a little bit of the madness that chaos brings.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/16 15:10:02

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:As always they look awesome and are just magnificent work!

Thanks Not Online!!! I've really enjoyed making and painting these models

DoctorDanny wrote:Awesome conversions, especially the spear wielding maniac.

I've been looking into the anvil industries regiments stuff, but the price is holding me back.

One point of criticism regarding the squats, their faces look a bit to calm and composed. I miss a little bit of the madness that chaos brings.

The Anvil Industries bits are awesome and as we're both based in the UK, the P&P isn't that bad. I understand it gets pricey when you have to pay international costs - Mad Robot and Victoria Miniatures shipping costs a fortune, but again, their bits are really worth it. I bulk buy to try and reduce the costs. With regard to their facial features, I am happy to sculpt most things with milliput, but I would never think about faces - that is too hard!!

Update time:

I made this sniper using a Space Marine Scout rifle and thought a backward facing baseball cap would best fit this pose. I really like this model.

I really think this model is the closest one I've made to resemble the original plastic Squats and artwork. I think the "at ease"/ relaxing pose looks really effective.

I added some horns to this one's helmet (taken from a Blackstone Fortress Chaos Cultist) to give this a more chaos feel.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/16 15:33:43

Post by: PaddyMick

Sick dude, totally sick... loving everything about this project, can't wait to see how it turns out. Favourite so far is the dorf with dynamite

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/17 12:36:43

Post by: philmorgan75

 PaddyMick wrote:
Sick dude, totally sick... loving everything about this project, can't wait to see how it turns out. Favourite so far is the dorf with dynamite

Thanks PaddyMick. I'm really happy with how these models have turned out

Update time:

Again, I really like this "relaxed" pose.

I added a re-breather facemask to this model. This one likes to use knives but still has a slung lasgun. I added a Chaos Icon front plate (taken from a mould of a FW Chaos Renegade) and a FW Chaos Renegade backpack.

This Chaos Squat has forgotten to wear his trousers!!

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/18 03:28:16

Post by: MeatShield

40 squats!... In 2022? That is so wild! Now that you have finished 40 squats could I convince you to take a group picture?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/18 13:30:21

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
40 squats!... In 2022? That is so wild! Now that you have finished 40 squats could I convince you to take a group picture?

Hi MeatShield. I've taken a group shot, but want to show off each one first before I reveal the whole group. I have one of first squad which I'll show below:

Update time:

I like how the combat vest turned out on this one. He has a modified bolter and is in the process of reloading.

I added a couple of Squat beret wearer's to the group (looks a bit like Frank Spencer!)

I added a Radio Operator to the group.

I wanted a heavy weapon for the squad, so I used this Space Marine Missile Launcher.

And finally, a group shot of first squad at ease.....

Any questions, just let me know.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/18 20:54:48

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

They look great. I love this project and I'm really looking forward to seeing its completion.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/19 13:13:57

Post by: philmorgan75

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
They look great. I love this project and I'm really looking forward to seeing its completion.

To be honest Warboss Waaazag, this project will probably never end!! I've enjoyed making all of the conversions and have bought a lot more bits and plan to start making some more in the near future

Update time:

Here's my Melta man. Armed with a meltagun, melta bomb and melta mine.

This is one of the first Squats I made. Apologies for his eyes - I don't have a steady enough hand to make the eyes any smaller.


Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/20 12:51:15

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

Nothing screams more than a follower of Chaos than running to war with no clothes on!!

I wanted to mimic the original metal Squats back in the day by adding a power fist to this one.

I wanted to make a couple of kneeling figures as alternative poses and then thought it would be cool to have one signing for his squad to stop/halt. I kitted him out with lots of ammo and pouches as usual.

I armed him with a Heresy Bolter to differentiate him from the others.

And finally, a blood drenched SOB chain sword wielding nutter.....

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/21 16:23:20

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

Even in a Chaos army, I assume there would be some form of medic/surgeon - this is my take on what the butcher would look like

This one again reminds me of one of the old metal Squats - power fist and power axe.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/22 09:49:23

Post by: gobert

Wow, that butcher has seen some action! Nice one

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/22 13:28:32

Post by: MeatShield

"Excited heretic squealing"

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/30 19:30:50

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This is my explosive breacher. I used a GSC hand armed with dynamite and a GSC Jackal backpack (containing more dynamite).

Just like other Heavy Machine Gunners, you see bandoliers of ammo draped over shoulders. I used SOB walkers Heavy Bolter ammo and carefully bent it around the shape of his body.

I also made a silicon mould of the Heavy Bolter hopper and added it to his left hip. You can never have too much ammo!!!

I added an apron to protect this flamer wielding naked Squat's jewels!! I also added a welders mask.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/01/30 20:28:24

Post by: DoctorDanny

A naked squat with a flamer! Now that just screams Chaos! That apron works out very well.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/02/01 03:49:25

Post by: MeatShield

The one bare foot is a nice chaotic touch.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/18 19:07:29

Post by: philmorgan75

Apologies for the threadomancy but real life has got in the way.

DoctorDanny wrote:A naked squat with a flamer! Now that just screams Chaos! That apron works out very well.

Thanks DoctorDanny. I thought he needed an apron to protect his little squat!!

MeatShield wrote:The one bare foot is a nice chaotic touch.

I was trying to do every variation of all the parts I had moulded and I thought it would look cool to have a bare foot for a change.

Just to finish off all of the Chaos Squats I've made, I give you Hot Shot Luke ...

He is the final Squat I wanted to make into a red beret wearing special forces squad.

And here is a group shot of all of the Chaos Squats together..

I had great fun making and painting the Squats. I started to make some Squat bikers using the GS Jackals bikes, but got bored and I only got as far as making one which I couldn't face painting. I decided as part of a break from applying for a new job that I would try and paint as many of my Chaos cultist, Traitor Guard and pox walkers that I could. I accomplished this and over the next posts will show as many as I can.

Pox Walkers:

I'll show some more of my Traitor Guard in my next post.

Till then, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/19 11:05:46

Post by: philmorgan75

Some more pox walkers:

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/19 11:51:55

Post by: Not Online!!!

That poxwalkerskintone is amazingly well done.

Same for the Chaos squats.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/19 21:52:56

Post by: PaddyMick

That chaos squat with the two knoves is truly menacing. Also gotta love pox walkers, manic smiling should be more prevalent on 40k models I rekcon. Great work!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/20 01:20:20

Post by: brushcommando

I missed some great stuff while I was away! Love how the chaos squat force turned out. The pox-walkers look just the right kind of disgusting as well. Very nice What's next on the painting bench?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/20 15:40:43

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:That poxwalkerskintone is amazingly well done.

Same for the Chaos squats.

Thanks Not Online!!! The poxwalker skintone is just Plaguebearer Flesh contrast paint over a white undercoat. I'm really happy how it turned out.

PaddyMick wrote:That chaos squat with the two knoves is truly menacing. Also gotta love pox walkers, manic smiling should be more prevalent on 40k models I rekcon. Great work!

Thanks PaddyMick

brushcommando wrote:I missed some great stuff while I was away! Love how the chaos squat force turned out. The pox-walkers look just the right kind of disgusting as well. Very nice What's next on the painting bench?

Thanks brushcommando. I have painted around 100+ models since I last posted daily a few months ago but also built around another 150. My plan is to start showing a number of painted models each day and also 1 new model I've finished but as yet, not painted.

Update time:

I've tried to make each model as individual as possible, so any duplicates have been converted - a weapon swop or a head swop etc.

And here's one of my newest WIP...

The torso is from Black Scorpion Miniatures. They are 28mm and not the heroic 28mm GW use, so I needed to change the legs. I ended up using the legs from an old RT Imperial Human Bomb (I used the torso in another conversion which I'll show in the future). As I explained previously, my intention is to start zenithal priming on these new ones. I'll post some pics in the near future.

Any questions regarding parts/bits etc., just ask. Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/21 18:40:07

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

And here's one of my newer models....

This is one of my new Penal troopers. He has armoured himself in a Prison Guard's body armour and is armed to the teeth! He has a Mad Robot Miniatures cultist head, a mould from a Necromunda Enforcer torso, an Anvil Industries right arm, a Catachan left arm, a mould of a Victoria Miniatures penal legs and a mould of a Blackstone Fortress Traitor Guard boots and shins. I've really enjoyed making these penal cultists

Any questions, just ask. Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/21 18:55:02

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

This thread never disappoints!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/23 07:42:06

Post by: philmorgan75

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
This thread never disappoints!

Thanks Kid Kyoto. I'm really enjoying my hobby at the moment. Takes me out of the real world!!

Update time:

And one from my workbench .....

Apologies but I can't remember where the head is from. I used a mould of a Victoria Miniatures Penal torso and legs with Anvil Industries arms. I used an Esher lasgun to finish. I'm looking forward to getting the orange paint on their penal jumpsuits!!!!

Don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions. Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/23 14:15:22

Post by: Olthannon

I love the vibrancy of your red, the WIP at the bottom looks great, the orange jumpsuits should be fantastic.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/24 09:35:28

Post by: philmorgan75

 Olthannon wrote:
I love the vibrancy of your red, the WIP at the bottom looks great, the orange jumpsuits should be fantastic.

Thanks Olthannon. The red is just one of the GW Contrast red paint over a white undercoat. I'm not sure how much of a difference zenithal priming will make on the finished soldiers - we shall see soon. I love making penal troops and have made around 30 so far!!

Update time:

And from my workbench.....

This model is primarily made from Victoria Miniatures bits (Torso, legs and arms). Again, I'm not sure if it is an Anvil Industries, Mad Robot Miniatures or Victoria Miniatures head. As the barrel of the las gun was thin and warped, I decided to swop it with one from an old Catachan Las gun instead. Milliput was used to cover any gaps between the arms and torso. I would love to have made a mould of the legs but the chains were in the way and I didn't want to break them. Since this was made, I have made moulds of some Warcry models bare feet and have added those to a number of penal troopers - I'll show you those in the future.

Any questions, feel free to ask. Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/24 20:49:19

Post by: DoctorDanny

These traitor guardsmen look great.
My favourite is the one with the shotgun.

Any chance of a nice group shot?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/25 20:17:00

Post by: philmorgan75

 DoctorDanny wrote:
These traitor guardsmen look great.
My favourite is the one with the shotgun.
Any chance of a nice group shot?

Thanks for your comments DoctorDanny. I'll see about the group shot in the near future.

Update time:

Chaos Traitor Mordian Guard Pure Bloods

Commissar Poxwalker

Chaos Traitor 27th BenTen Shock Guard

Chaos Traitor Guard 987th Falsberg Trooper

Chaos Traitor Guard 36th Blood Takers

Chaos Traitor Guardsman with Heavy Flamer

Chaos Militia

And from my workbench......

This Penal Trooper has repurposed the Prison Guards armour for his own use. I used a Necromunda Enforcer Helmet, Torso, arms and pistol. I used a Victoria Miniatures mould of a Penal Trooper legs. I chopped off the milliput legs below the knee and after using a razor saw, added some Necromunda Enforcer Knees, shins and feet. I added a Chaos Star as a belt buckle to show his loyalty. I plan on painting the armour all in black gloss (an intimidating look for a prison guard) with a splash of orange on his thighs from his prison jumpsuit.

As usual, feel free to ask any questions. Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/27 08:28:40

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

Chaos Traitor Guard Sniper

Squat Berzerker

Chaos Militia Human Bomb

Chaos Enforcer

Chaos Traitor Guard 27th Mercurian Manslayers

And something from my workbench.....

This Chaos Penal Trooper has his torso and legs from moulds from Victoria Miniatures bits. His arms are from a Cadian with the shoulder pads removed. His feet are from moulds from a Necromunda Enforcer which he has recently "purchased"!!

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/28 08:06:19

Post by: Not Online!!!

These are awesome, i really like how you blended the old Vraks with the new Traitor guard look!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/29 10:15:09

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
These are awesome, i really like how you blended the old Vraks with the new Traitor guard look!

Thanks Not Online!!! I still have a few more FW Chaos Renegade torso's to intergrate into my Cultist Army.

Update Time:

Chaos Traitor 136th Lupercine Blood Guard

Chaos Beastman

Chaos Barbarian

Chaos Beastman

Chaos Militia

And from my workbench.....

The torso and legs came from moulds from Victoria Miniature bits. The boots are from a mould of a Necromunda Enforcers boots. He has a pair of Anvil Industries arms and a Catachan lasgun.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/29 10:37:43

Post by: gobert

you’ve been busy Phil! The squat platoon look awesome altogether, so many fun conversions it’s hard to comprehend. not sure conversion does them justice either!

The Traitor Guard look great, the mixing in of the BSF guard bits works well and the historic Imperial units is loads of fun!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/05/30 14:53:06

Post by: philmorgan75

 gobert wrote:
you’ve been busy Phil! The squat platoon look awesome altogether, so many fun conversions it’s hard to comprehend. not sure conversion does them justice either!

The Traitor Guard look great, the mixing in of the BSF guard bits works well and the historic Imperial units is loads of fun!

Thanks gobert. I've really enjoyed creating this army - my creative juices have really been flowing. Every time I think I have enough and should start to paint, I have another idea and then create another batch! I must have nearly 200 cultist/traitors to paint!!!

Update time:

My Chaos Traitor Guard 37th JonLuc Jannissaries. What beats 1 axe? 2 axes!!! I made sure multiple copies of the BSF Traitor Guard I had all had a conversion to make them look different.

This is my Chaos Traitor Guard 55th Lanzine Skull Takers. It's based on an Orlock body with a mould of a BSF Traitor Guard helmet. I used a mould of a FW Chaos Renegade for the chaos insignia on the chest plate. Some spikes were also added to the shoulder pads. A mould of a BSF Traitor Guard chains were also added to the back.

This Chaos Pit Slave has a Goliath body, with a mould of a Dark Vengeance cultists head and is armed with some AOS Dwarf axes. A Necromunda Enforcer holstered pistol was added and again, a mould of the BSF Traitor Guard chains were also added to his back.

And from my workbench.......

This penal trooper was made from moulds from Victoria Miniatures torso and legs. His feet were from a mould of a BSF Traitor Guard. The arms were from Anvil Industries with a Catachan Lasgun.

This penal trooper was made from moulds from Victoria Miniatures torso and legs. His feet were from a mould of a Necromunda Enforcer. The arms were from Anvil Industries with a Catachan Lasgun.

Hope you like. Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/01 07:22:47

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

For a change, I thought I'd start by showing a few WIP models before showing some completed models:

I wanted to make a "cossack" like cultist/traitor guard after seeing the heads from Mad Robot miniatures. I also used a Chaos Heavily Armoured torso from Mad Robot and added this to a DKoK legs and arms. Milliput was used to make some fur around his sleeve and ankles. The sword was taken from an AoS Skeleton with the laspistol from the DKoK. Spikes were added to the shoulder pads to reinforce his love for Chaos!

This Traitor Guard started as a Necromunda Outcast. I was really impressed with the Outcast models and have made good use to make a load of Chaos models. I added an Imperial Guard head from the Baneblade kit with a milliput Chaos star taken from a mould.

I wanted to make a WW2 British Commando like model and used historic photo's to ensure it looked semi-realistic. The model has an Anvil Industries beanie hat. The torso and legs were from moulds and the boots were taken from a Necromunda Orlock. DKoK arms with spikes on the shoulder pads were added. To make the DKoK lasgun look more like a Sten gun, I added an Adeptus Mechanicus gun barrel to make a silencer and the magazine was added to the side. I added a Chaos star on his belt buckle. Large Space Marine packs were added to front of his harness to look like the British in WW2.

This model has a Chaos icon scarred torso (I made a mould of a Mad Robot Miniature bare torso and added a Chaos icon taken from the FW Renegade torso). Anvil Industries head and arms were added to a Dark Vengeance cultist legs. He's armed with a shotgun from the Genestealer Cult.

And finally, here's a finished Necromunda Goliath Ganger. I added an Adeptus Soriotos head as I really liked the scar.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/01 15:38:14

Post by: Guardling

Love your conversions! Lots of interesting characters in your army...

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/01 23:33:37

Post by: PaddyMick

Dude... I don't know where to start. I just saw this entire page in one go and it's blown me away. Great creativity, very chaosy, very cool. Seems like you can take an mini and blend it into your force. Chap with 2 knives is the coolest mini i've seen... for a long time. Can't wait to see an army shot. Keep 'em comin!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/02 13:43:43

Post by: philmorgan75

Guardling wrote:Love your conversions! Lots of interesting characters in your army...

Many thanks Guardling

PaddyMick wrote:Dude... I don't know where to start. I just saw this entire page in one go and it's blown me away. Great creativity, very chaosy, very cool. Seems like you can take an mini and blend it into your force. Chap with 2 knives is the coolest mini i've seen... for a long time. Can't wait to see an army shot. Keep 'em comin!

Thanks PaddyMick. The army shot will be sometime in the future. At the moment I'm having too much fun building new models and haven't painted in a number of months. Once I get everything painted, I'll take a group shot

Update time:

This has a Necromunda Outcast torso with a Genestealer Cult legs and an Anvil Industries Bulletproof mask. Empire Pistoliers arms were also added which will look cool when painted. A chaos icon was added to the front so show his allegiance.

This Penal Trooper has a Mad Robot Miniatures bare torso, with moulds from Victoria Miniatures for his legs and a mould of a BSF Traitor guard
boots/shin guards. Catachan arms were added with a Genestealer Cult shotgun. Milliput was used to blend the joins between everything.

This Penal Trooper has a Mad Robot Miniatures bare torso with a Chaos Icon cut into his chest (taken from a mould from the FW Chaos Renegade set). I used moulds from Victoria Miniatures for his legs and a mould of a BSF Traitor guard for his boots/shin guards. Arms were from Anvil Industries.

I wanted to make a Valhallan like Snow Trooper. The legs and arms were taken from a DKoK guard (and a mould of a DKoK backpack) with milliput fur sculpted around his wrists. An Anvil Industries head and torso were also added to give a cold weather loving trooper. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was also added to complete.

This Romanesque trooper has a head from Mad Robot Miniatures. The torso was taken from a mould of the original 1980/1990 Imperial Guard. The arms are moulds from Catachan arms with DKoK weapons and I added plasticard "leather straps" with rivets. His bare legs are taken from a Warcy model.

And finally.....

This Chaos Militia has Anvil Industries head, torso and legs with Necromunda Esher arms and weapons.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/03 06:58:10

Post by: MeatShield

Your beautifully crafted minis don't have to be painted to show us a progress picture, just put the unpainted ones in the back of the formation and let us drool in private. We've seen the close up of the each mini and it will allow a build up for your fans as you get closer to your goal for your force. Regardless you work continues to be inspiring and and at a faster pace than I can match.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/03 09:23:29

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
Your beautifully crafted minis don't have to be painted to show us a progress picture, just put the unpainted ones in the back of the formation and let us drool in private. We've seen the close up of the each mini and it will allow a build up for your fans as you get closer to your goal for your force. Regardless you work continues to be inspiring and and at a faster pace than I can match.

Thanks MeatShield for your comments. I've been doing modelling since 1987 and making these Chaos Cutists and Traitor Guard I've had a great time. I've got nearly 200 new Chaos Cultists/Traitor Guard to paint and now need to practise zenithal priming before I can start to batch paint them.

Update time:

This one has a Drop Trooper vibe. I'm not sure where the head came from (maybe a Sentinel?). The torso comes from a Necromunda Outcast with arms and legs from the Genestealer Cult range. A milliput Chaos Icon was added to finish.

This model has an Anvil Industries head with a Mad Robot Miniature torso. A DKoK right arm and legs with some spikes added to the shoulder pad. To finish, there is a milliput mould of a left arm (Spellcrow) and a Catachan backpack.

I wanted to make this model look like a Confederate soldier. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures head. The torso and legs were moulds from Cadian's with the boots from a Necromunda Orlock. I used DKoK arms and a shoulder pad with spikes. I made a mould from a metal Valhallan to make the blanket roll around his shoulders.

This model is from Black Scorpion Miniatures. The feet were to thin for 40k so I swopped them with a mould from Cadian boots. I added some swords from the AOS Skeletons and a DKoK lasgun was slung on his back.

This started out as an Empire Flagellant. I used an Anvil Industries head and arms to make him more 40k.

This model has a Mad Robot Miniatures head and torso with a Necromunda Outcast legs. DKoK arms were added with spikes on the shoulder pads. Just to make sure everyone know he loves Chaos, I added a Chaos icon on his belt.

And a finished model...

This Chaos Cultist is from BSF. They are really good models with lots of bits I have taken moulds from.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/03 19:57:26

Post by: gobert

Yeah, I loved the cultists, really sweet minis. Does the last build pic guy have a severed hand covering his mouth? I hope so because it doesn’t get any more chaos than that!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/04 10:50:56

Post by: philmorgan75

 gobert wrote:
Yeah, I loved the cultists, really sweet minis. Does the last build pic guy have a severed hand covering his mouth? I hope so because it doesn’t get any more chaos than that!

Thanks for the comments gobert. The head is from Mad Robot Miniatures and it does have a severed hand over his mouth (very much Sons of Sek from the Gaunt's Ghosts novels). I thought this head would go perfectly with the rest of the model.

Update time:

After seeing the recent release from Anvil Industries of "Space Cowboys", I thought I'd try and make one myself. The majority of it comes from a Necromunda Orlock model. Milliput was used to fill in gaps after I removed his tabard and didn't use his shoulder pads. I also used milliput to sculpt some empty holsters. The hat came from a mould of Sheriff model I bought from Black Scorpion Miniatures. I had to remove quite a bit of the Orlocks head to get the hat to fit. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was also added to finish this model.

This was a simple conversion from one of the BSF Chaos Traitor Guard. Instead of the lasgun and knife combo on the original model (bit has been used on another converted model), I used some DKoK arms and weapons. Milliput was then used to fill the gaps between the joins and to rebuild part of the left shoulder pad.

This conversion has a FW Chaos Renegade torso (his Chaos symbol on the front armour has been moulded and I've used it in countless places elsewhere) with a Necromunda Outcast legs. The arms are from the Genestealer Cult with the mace from the Necromunda Outcast set. Milliput was again used to fill gaps. I think this will look really cool once painted.

This conversion has multiple sources - Anvil Industries zombie head and bare arms, DKoK legs, Genestealer Cult weapon with a Catachan knife/bayonet. A Necromunda Orlock scabbard was also used alongside a mould of a DKoK backpack.

This is a 3D modern Russian soldier from Etsy. I swopped out his weapon for an AK-47 like weapon from Anvil Industries. A spare right and left hand was used and milliput was then used to smooth everything out.

This Son of Sek conversion has a Mad Robot Miniatures head and torso with Anvil Industries renegade arms. A Catachan lasgun was added to a mould of some Catachan legs and a mould of some Necromunda Orlock boots. Milliput again fills all the gaps.

And finally....

This Chaos Traitor 267th Dutch Dragoons was based on a BSF Traitor Guard with a head taken from a mould of another BSF Chaos Traitor Guard and a Genestealer Cult weapon added. I painted him with an Orange jacket as he is from the Dutch Dragoons. I tried to make the cloak look like flesh taken from his many victims. I may add some tattoos to the cloak at some point in the future when I improve my painting skills.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/05 14:02:56

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This model has a Mad Robot Miniatures torso with DKoK arms and grenade launcher (the backpack is a mould from DKoK as well). The German gasmask wearing head is from Bitzbox. The legs are from moulds of a pair of Cadian legs with the boots from a Necromunda Orlock mould.

This model is from Black Scorpion Miniatures. The feet were replaced with some Cadian boots as the original were too thin for 40k. A pair of Necromunda Enforcer pistols were added to finish this model.

This model has mostly Necromunda Cawdor ganger bits. His head is from Mad Robot Miniatures.

This model has a Victoria Miniatures Scottish Highlanders torso which was paired with a Warhammer Empire head. Necromunda Orlock arms were used (with milliput to fill the gap) with a DKoK laspistol and an AOS Skeleton sword. The legs are taken from a mould (not sure what the source is) and I added a stripe down the side. The boots are taken from a mould of a Necromunda Orlock. A Chaos icon belt buckle was added to finish.

This model source is from a Cypher Lords from Warcry. I removed the tabard dangling between the legs and used milliput to fill the gap. A head from Mad Robot Miniatures was also used.

I wanted to make a Spanish Conquistador and used a head from Bitzbox which had the right look. I used Warhammer Empire Pistollier torso and arms but swopped the pistols for a pair of Necromunda Esher laspistols. The legs were from a Warhammer Empire Great Sword - as they were a little short, I swopped the legs for a pair of Necromunda Orlock boots from a mould. I added a small Chaos Icon to the pad on his right thigh.

And finally....

This Chaos Cultist is from BSF. I didn't do any conversions on this one as it looked really great.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/06 14:29:12

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This model has a Warhammer Empire Flagellant body with Necromunda Outcast arms and head. Milliput was used to rebuild his waistcoat.

The inspiration for this comes from the British Para's. He has a Scion head, with a scratch build torso. He has Cadian and DKoK arms with converted Cadian legs to make him appear as he's running. I added an Elysian Lasgun to finish the drop troop look.

This model has DKoK arms and legs with an Anvil Industries head and torso.

This is another Spanish Conquistador/Swiss guard conversion. I used a head from Bitzbox with a Warhammer Empire torso, legs and the top of each arm. The lower part of each arm comes from a Catachan. The feet were taken from a mould from a BSF Traitor Guard. The breast plate was taken from a mould from a FW Chaos renegade.

This is a heavily modified Necromunda Redemptionist. I added a bare torso with a Chaos brand across his chest. Milliput was used to sculpt on the muscles, joining the Redemptionist arms to the bare torso. I chose a suitably wil looking Warhammer Empire Flagellant head and used milliput to scult neck muscles and extra hair. I removed the flamer from the chainsaw and used milliput to fill in the chain saw. This model will be drenched in painted blood!!!

And finally ...

This is a BSF Chaos Cultist converted to hold a Lasgun instead of the normal autogun. He has had a BSF Traitor Guard head (taken from a mould) added, alongside a Catachan sword across his back, a Scion knife and a Dwarf axe.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/06 20:21:37

Post by: Not Online!!!

These Look awesome.
How many converted Traitorguardsmen do you now have?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/08 08:19:05

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
These Look awesome.
How many converted Traitorguardsmen do you now have?

I haven't counted recently Not Online!!! but I think it must be 300+ (around100 are painted and the rest need to be painted).

Update time:

I wanted to make a Steel Legion Chaos Traitor Guard to make sure all of the famous regiments have at least one "bad egg"!! I bought an old metal Steel Legion trooper and made a mould of his head. I added a mould of an Imperial Guard torso and added some plasticard webbing. Anvil Industries leg were used and Cadian arms (with the shoulder pads removed). Milliput was used to join/smooth out the gaps. The gauntlets were taken from a mould of an old Warhammer Chaos Warrior. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was added and the lasgun was taken from the Imperial Armour sprue. I think this came out well - I just need to do a good paint job on this.

I wanted a WW1 German like model with this one. I used a freebie head I received from Spellcrow when I ordered some legs and arms. The German head with gasmask was added to a Cadian torso and DKoK legs. DKoK arms were added with some spikes attached. I used a Necromunda knife as a bayonet and a Chaos Icon belt buckle to finish this one.

I wanted to make another chainsaw wielding berserker using a Necromunda Redemptionist as a base. I removed the flamer from the chainsaw and used milliput to fill in the gap. I added a Chaos Icon breastplate (taken from a mould from a FW Chaos Renegade) and an Anvil Industries head.

I wanted to make a Scuba/Deep Sea themed model for this one. I used a Cadian torso, arms and legs and removed all the folds and excess material. Milliput was used to fill/smooth the gaps. A bald head from Anvil was used and milliput was used to make a "rubber balaclava". A Cadian rebreather mould was used for the face mask and a Green Stuff World tentacle maker was used to make the hose pipes to the Air tank (a re-purposed flamer tank). A Genestealer Cult shotgun was converted to a spear gun by adding a spike from the Chaos vehicle sprue with some spares attached to his right thigh. A knife was attached to his left ankle with some plasticard straps. I added some belt weights from some sprue and plasticard and a Chaos Icon belt buckle to finish.

This model comes from the Bloodbowl Reikland Reavers team. I added lots of spikes to make him "chaosified". I added a Chaos Icon breastplate from a mould of a FW Chaos Renegade. A laspistol was added to the hip and I armed him with a sword from an AOS Skeleton.

And finally...

I love this female BSF Chaos Cultist as she has a great pose.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/10 07:49:15

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This human Bloodbowl figure has been made into a Chaos warrior by adding a sword and a GS autopistol. Spikes were also added on the shoulder pad from some Empire flagellants flails.

I believe this is a Warcry model which I've added a Chaos Warrior sword and axe. Milliput was used to fill the gaps and a mould of a Necromunda Goliath head was chosen.

This human Bloodbowl player has had a Catachan laspistol added alongside a Chaos Warrior axe. He was also kitted out with a mould of a holster, grenades and a knife.

The head and torso comes from a 3d resin print of a Scottish highlander. He was 32mm's so a bit too big, so I swopped his kilt for a Warcry pair of legs. Warcry axes were added alongside a mould of a Chaos Icon belt buckle and a mould of a holstered laspistol.

I wanted to make an American WW2 as I was given a free Spellcrow head of an American GI head. I paired it with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso with a mould of Spellcrow arms. The Thompson machine gun came from Zinge Industries with equipment from GW kits. The legs came from a Cadian leg mould alongside a mould of a pair of Necromunda Orlock feet. To ensure his loyalty, I added a Chaos Icon belt buckle.

And finally.....

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/12 07:24:25

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I converted this human Bloodbowl Thrower?? by swopping his right arm with a Genestealer Cult shotgun and by replacing his head with an Anvil Industries Bulletproof mask. Chaos icons were added by milliput on his left shoulder pad and chest armour. Frag grenades and a pistol holster were added to finish this one.

This "fallen scion" has a scion head, backpack and arms with a Cadian torso and Catachan legs. Milliput was used to fill/smooth the gaps. Spikes were added to his shoulder pads with a Chaos Icon belt buckle to finish.

This cultist has an Empire Flagellant body, with a SOB Novitiate arms and weapon and a Necromunda Outcast head.

This Chaos DKoK like trooper uses the legs from DKoK, but with Anvil Industries Winter Greatcoat torso and Zombie head. A pair of Cadian arms were used (with the right shoulder pad removed) with spikes added to the left shoulder pad.

I plan on painting this trooper in a pastel Hussar like uniform. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures torso with a Warhammer Empire Outrider head. He has gloved hands (mould from a Chaos Warrior), Cadian legs (from a mould) with Necromunda Jack boots (mould from a Necromundan Orlock). He is armed with a DKoK laspistol and an AOS Skeleton sword. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was used to finish this one.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/13 10:47:01

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I saw this model on Etsy and had to have it. It's a Russian sniper which I converted by swopping the feet (the existing model has small feet and not "heroic" enough). His existing sniper rifle was removed and a DKoK lasgun was added with an Adeptus Mechanicus silencer. I used the telescopic scope from the existing model to finish.

This model has the torso from an Empire flagellant. I added an AK47 and bare arms from Anvil Industries and the head is either from the Necromunda Outcasts or the Cadian upgrade sprue - sorry I can't remember!!

This model has a DKoK torso. The head and arms are from Anvil Industries whilst the boots are a mould from a Necromunda Orlock. The epaulettes are from a mould from a Mordian. The lasgun is from a Necromunda Escher.

This model has the torso from an Empire flagellant. The arms and lasgun are from a Necromunda Escher. I think the head comes from a Necromunda Outcast.

I wanted the biggest range of different uniforms. Once I saw this from Black Scorpion Miniatures, I knew I had to convert it to Chaos. I swopped the feet (the existing ones here not heroic scale) with some from a mould from a BSF Traitor Guard. I gave him a GS Cult autogun and added a Chaos icon to reflect his beliefs.

If anyone has any questions, just ask.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/16 10:56:59

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This model comes from Black Scorpion Miniatures. It's a 28mm model and isn't the same size as the normal "heroic" scale, but it was such a cool piece, I had to get him. I added a Necromunda Enforcer pistol and chainsword to bring this trooper into the 40k world.

I used to have a few of the old human bombs when they first came out, but then sold them all on ebay! I then bought one recently as I had the idea of converting one to look like they are running towards their target. I chopped the legs off (I hate lead models!) and swopped them for a pair of legs from one of the Chaos cultists from BSF. I added Catachan arms with milliput to fill the gaps.

This gnarly penal trooper was made entirely out of milliput from moulds (apart from the Necromunda Outcast knife and pistol). I've basecoated a couple of penal trooper using Army Painter Fur Brown spray. I plan on using Vince V's (Youtuber) idea to then use Barbarian flesh (drybrushed rather than sprayed) followed by a zenital white drybrush to hopefully make painting the flesh and orange jumpsuits easier. I'll show some updates when I get them.

This trooper is the first of 5 Vietnam themed models I've made. His head, torso and feet are from Mad Robot Miniatures (the torso and feet are taken from moulds). The legs are from a Catachan mould (I think) and his arms and M16 (?) are from Anvil Industries. I've also kitted him out with a Catachan backpack (mould) with grenades, knife and pistol. I really like how this turned out and one day, I may make a few more of these.

This model has a Mad Robot Miniatures head (very Teutonic I thought) with a mould of an officers torso and Cadian legs (with a side stripe added). His feet come from a mould of a Chaos Traitor Guard BSF trooper and arms and weapon from the Adeptus Mechanicus. Moulds of Space Marine pouches were added alongside a holster. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was used to finish.

And finally....

This is a Black Scorpion Miniatures Scottish Highlander. I removed his dinky legs and replaced them with moulds from a Victoria Miniatures Kilted legs. Milliput was then used to sculpt a knee and leg muscles etc. I added a laspistol and Catachan sword across his back to finish.

Till next ti,e Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/18 14:14:45

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted to do a homage to the SAS in the Iran Embassy era. The head, arms and Heckler & Koch came from Anvil Industries (with the legs from a mould of an Anvil Industries). The torso and feet are from a mould from Mad Robot Miniatures. As usual, a Chaos Icon belt buckle was added to show loyalty.

This 3d resin print had a laspistol and sword added to bring him into the 40k universe.

My wife has been watching a lot of Outlander and it seems to have rubbed off on me! This Scottish Highlander comes from Black Scorpion Miniatures. The feet and sword were too thin for the heroic scale the 40k universe is set in, so I swopped the feet with a pair of moulded gaiters and boots from a Victoria Miniatures kilt wearing pair of legs and the sword with an AOS skeleton. A Chaos Icon was also added to his belt.

This hussar was made from multiple moulds (Mad Robot Miniature torso, Anvil Industries arms, Catachan legs and Necromunda Orlock boots). A laspistol and Deathrattle skeleton sword were added to a Warhammer head (can't remember which kit this came from).

And finally ....

This cultist has managed to get his hand on some good riot kit. The head is from Anvil Industries alongside a mould of one of their cowboy space arms. A Necromunda Outcast torso mould was used due to it's funky frontal armour with (I think) a Victoria Miniatures leg mould (with plasticard hoops added) and a mould of some lace up boots from Mad Robot Miniatures. He has a DKoK lasgun with some milliput to fill some gaps and a flail from the Necromunda Outcast set.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/21 07:33:44

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This model has a FW Chaos Renegade torso with some DKoK arms. The legs/robes come from a mould of a Dark Vengeance cultist with the feet from moulds of a Warcry model.

This Tallarn like model has a head from a mould from Spellcrow, with the torso from a Mad Robot Miniatures mould. The arms are from the SoB with DKoK legs and feet from a Mad Robot Miniatures mould.

This French Foreign Legionnaire has a head from Mad Robot Miniatures with the torso and feet from a Mad Robot Miniatures mould. The legs and right arm are from a mould from Anvil Industries, The epaulettes are from a mould from a Mordian Guard. The front pouches are from a mould of a SM pouch.

This Renegade Officer has the coat and left hand from the Scions box. The head is a mould from the BSF Chaos Traitor Guardsman with a torso from Mad Robot Miniatures. The legs are from a mould from a Victoria Miniatures model with legs from a mould from the Necromunda Orlock range.

And finally ....

The head comes from Mad Robot Miniatures with the torso from a mould (also from Mad Robot Miniatures). The arms are from a Necromunda Outcast with moulded epaulettes (from a Mordian Guard). The legs are from a mould of a Cadian legs with a converted milliput stripe added. The feet are from moulds of a BSF Chaos Traitor Guard.

Any questions, just ask.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/21 08:10:19

Post by: Not Online!!!

i love em all, and everytime you come up with yet another combination and i'd just want to see a full army done in such a style and then the next day you come up with another one.

it's insane actually.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/21 09:01:19

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
i love em all, and everytime you come up with yet another combination and i'd just want to see a full army done in such a style and then the next day you come up with another one.

it's insane actually.

Thanks Not Online!!! I’m currently enjoying my hobby as it helps take me out of the real world and helps my mental health. I’ve bought quite a few bits from the new Chaos Traitor guardsmen and enforcer recently and am looking forward to making even more different regiments. I’ve also started to paint a few of my existing conversions (currently painting up a 5 man squad of orange Hazmat wearing traitors).

Unfortunately, I feel more at home converting than painting and always seem to drag my feet when I know I have to start painting. I’m trying zenithal drybrushing as a basecoat but I’m not 100% convinced. I may go back to priming in white as I historically used to. I’ll try to persevere with the 30 black zenithal primer troopers and then make a decision then

Regards Phil

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/21 09:22:11

Post by: Not Online!!!

 philmorgan75 wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
i love em all, and everytime you come up with yet another combination and i'd just want to see a full army done in such a style and then the next day you come up with another one.

it's insane actually.

Thanks Not Online!!! I’m currently enjoying my hobby as it helps take me out of the real world and helps my mental health. I’ve bought quite a few bits from the new Chaos Traitor guardsmen and enforcer recently and am looking forward to making even more different regiments. I’ve also started to paint a few of my existing conversions (currently painting up a 5 man squad of orange Hazmat wearing traitors).

Unfortunately, I feel more at home converting than painting and always seem to drag my feet when I know I have to start painting. I’m trying zenithal drybrushing as a basecoat but I’m not 100% convinced. I may go back to priming in white as I historically used to. I’ll try to persevere with the 30 black zenithal primer troopers and then make a decision then

Regards Phil

Ah an fellow paint procastinator... i feel your pain, however there's multiple solutions to your issues, which i can reccomend personally as they have in the last 4 years made me finish 5 armies. 3 of which being traitor guard / cult forces.

- Simplyifing schemes. no that is a really big one. leave detail away, like pouches, etc. Use shemes based on 2-3 colours with detail being separate in 2 colours. remember you can always go back, pick a model up and do the detail later and most of these things on the table on the average grunt, nobody sees.

- Step painting, if you done above you can now build a unit, prime it and then you can run through 3 (4)steps, main colour 1. Main colour 2. (occaisional main colour 3), Metal/detail/ fixing up. One step per sitting. that way, even if you don't feel particulary like painting you get progress on and fast which will motivate you to go on at the same time if you start with dark main colour it makes fixing easier.

- Batch painting: there's days that you may feel like painting through, especially when you do above and the fever for painting grips you, just do it, best done if you have 2-3 units in differing steps so as to let the colours actually dry (not requred necessarily but can become annoying if you have a scheme that requires accuracy).

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/23 08:35:55

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
 philmorgan75 wrote:
Not Online!!! wrote:
i love em all, and everytime you come up with yet another combination and i'd just want to see a full army done in such a style and then the next day you come up with another one.

it's insane actually.

Thanks Not Online!!! I’m currently enjoying my hobby as it helps take me out of the real world and helps my mental health. I’ve bought quite a few bits from the new Chaos Traitor guardsmen and enforcer recently and am looking forward to making even more different regiments. I’ve also started to paint a few of my existing conversions (currently painting up a 5 man squad of orange Hazmat wearing traitors).

Unfortunately, I feel more at home converting than painting and always seem to drag my feet when I know I have to start painting. I’m trying zenithal drybrushing as a basecoat but I’m not 100% convinced. I may go back to priming in white as I historically used to. I’ll try to persevere with the 30 black zenithal primer troopers and then make a decision then

Regards Phil

Ah an fellow paint procastinator... i feel your pain, however there's multiple solutions to your issues, which i can reccomend personally as they have in the last 4 years made me finish 5 armies. 3 of which being traitor guard / cult forces.

- Simplyifing schemes. no that is a really big one. leave detail away, like pouches, etc. Use shemes based on 2-3 colours with detail being separate in 2 colours. remember you can always go back, pick a model up and do the detail later and most of these things on the table on the average grunt, nobody sees.

- Step painting, if you done above you can now build a unit, prime it and then you can run through 3 (4)steps, main colour 1. Main colour 2. (occaisional main colour 3), Metal/detail/ fixing up. One step per sitting. that way, even if you don't feel particulary like painting you get progress on and fast which will motivate you to go on at the same time if you start with dark main colour it makes fixing easier.

- Batch painting: there's days that you may feel like painting through, especially when you do above and the fever for painting grips you, just do it, best done if you have 2-3 units in differing steps so as to let the colours actually dry (not requred necessarily but can become annoying if you have a scheme that requires accuracy).

Thanks for your hints and tips Not Online!!! I do use batch painting as it's easier to use the same colour on multiple models before moving onto the next colour/wash etc. I have chosen some models that I can paint in the same paint scheme (Orange Hazmat suits and prison jumpsuits) and have almost finished them - I'll show some shots shortly. Unfortunately, as the title of the thread indicates, I am trying to create and therefore paint unique troopers from famous regiments and therefore, the limit of 2-3 main colours and step painting is much harder as every trooper may have a different colour tunic and trousers. I know I haven't got to finish these by a certain deadline as I don't play, I just collect. I'm torn as there are only 24 hours in a day and I love modelling and converting but realise, my pile of painting shame isn't going to decrease unless I do something about it.

Update time:

This prisoner has taken the hat of a Prison Warden. He has the head taken from a mould of a Mordian Guard, combined with a Victoria Miniature mould for a torso. Victoria Miniature arms were used with a DKoK lasgun. I added some chains from a Warhammer flail to his hand manacles (as the Victoria Miniatures chains were so fine, they snapped off when I was trying to clean them up). A mould from Mad Robot Miniatures was used for his legs.

This prisoner has multiple moulds used (Anvil Industries for the head (I think), a bare chest with a Chaos Icon carved into it, Victoria Miniature legs and Arch-Flagellant bare feet). The bare arms are from Anvil Industries with the autorifle taken from a SoB with a plasticard silencer added.

Here's one of the 3d printed Hazmat guys I got from ebay. He was 32mm, so much taller than everyone else, so I ended up removing a couple of millimetres from his shins and then used milliput to fill the gaps. A Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist knife and pistol was added to finish.

Here's another Hazmat gut. Again, I removed a few millimetres of shin and resculpted his Hazmat suit. I added a Chaos Icon to his belt and used a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist pistol and a Warcry knife.

And finally....

I wanted to make some Vietnam American troopers after seeing the heads from Mad Robot Miniatures. I used a mould of a Mad Robot Miniature torso with a mould of a Victoria Miniatures legs. A mould of Cadian boots were used to finish the legs. Anvil Industries arms and M16 (?) were used. I then kitted him out with grenades, pouches and backpack to finish.

Feel free to ask anything.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/29 08:56:37

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This prisoner has Victoria Miniatures torso and legs from moulds. I added Warcry bare feet from moulds and finished with Necromunda Outcast arms and a DKoK bayonet.

This Hazmat guy again comes from a 3D print from ebay. As he was 32mm, I chopped his legs of at the shins and removed a few millimetres. Milliput was used to fill the gaps.

This Highlander comes from Black Scorpion Miniatures. As he was not "heroic" scale, he was a bit small. I chopped his feet off and added some shin/boots from a Victoria Miniatures mould. I added a Chaos Icon onto his shield from a mould from a Chaos Rhino hatch part.

I bought a Solar Auxilia FW model from ebay and made a few moulds of his helmet and legs. I used these on an Anvil Industries torso with a FW Chaos Renegade Chaos Icon added to his chest. His legs are a mould from a Cadian pair of legs with a milliput stripe down the centre of each leg and some small buckles from a Necromunda Goliath mould. Scion arms were added to finish.

And finally .....

I wanted to make a British WW2 Desert Rat, so started with an Anvil head, arms and Bren Gun. The legs are from a Catachan pair chopped off at the knees. I had to resculpt a pair of bare knees with milliput and then added them to a pair of socks and boots from a 3D resin print from a Scottish Bloodbowl model. Plasticard strips were used to make webbing and a Catachan backpack from a mould was also added to reinforce the WW2 feel.

Feel free to ask anything.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/30 15:11:02

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I really liked the Bulletproof masks from Anvil Industries. They make cheap, excellent quality bits for conversions. I used arms and an AK-47 from Anvil with a Genestealer Cult torso on a GW Empire Great Sword legs. The boots were from a mould taken from a BSF Blackstone Traitor Guardsman.

This model has a Solar Auxilia head (taken from a mould) on a Necromunda Outcast torso and legs. I removed all of the ribs off the shin guards and used milliput to make them smooth. Anvil Industries bare arms and a Cadian lasgun were used to finish.

This Drookian Fenguard has a GS Cult head on a Victoria Miniatures torso and legs. I added a tube from the rebreather from Greenstuff World's tentacle maker. Anvil Industries arms and weapon were used. I added an extra magazine taped to the other for quick mag changes.

I wanted to make a Vietnam era Navy SEAL. I used a Mad Robot Miniatures Beanie Hat head with a DaNamian torso. Anvil Industries arms and M16 were added. A mould taken from a pair of Cadian legs was used alongside a mould of BSF Traitor Guardsman boots. A mould of a Catachan backpack was added alongside a Chaos Icon belt buckle to finish.

And finally ....

After seeing the Roman Heads from Mad Robot Miniatures, I knew I had to make a Roman Centurion. I added the head to an original Imperial Guard torso (from a mould). Anvil Industries bare arms with a DKoK lasgun was added. I added "Lorica Manica" from thin strips of plasticard and a rivet and then attached them to the bottom of the shoulder pads. I added some Warcry legs as they were wearing leather sandals. I then attached a large shield (I think from Bitzbox) with a plasticard strap. I finished with a Chaos belt buckle and a large Chaos Icon on the shield.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/06/30 18:59:31

Post by: Guardling

Very nice conversions, love the Roman one most so far!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/02 11:19:16

Post by: philmorgan75

 Guardling wrote:
Very nice conversions, love the Roman one most so far!

Thanks Guardling. I made another Roman trooper but much prefer this one

Update time:

I loved this Sheriff from Black Scorpion Miniatures and wanted it. I removed his tiny feet and replaced them with some boots I had made from a mould. Milliput was then used to resculpt the trousers. I finished painting this one recently and will start showing some of my newest zenithal primer pieces in the near future.

This was a simple conversion. I got the Elysian trooper bits from various bits suppliers. He had a hunched appearance, so I used a razor saw to give him a more laid back look and used milliput to fill in the gap. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was used to show his fall from the Emperor's light!

This 3D resin print I got on Etsy. I removed his halberd and added a DKoK lasgun with a Catachan knive/bayonet. Milliput was used to make a glove and a Necromunda Orlock boot mould was used. I added a holstered pistol and a Chaos Icon to finish.

This Traitor Guard has DKoK legs and arms. The head and torso are from Mad Robot Miniatures. Spikes were added to the shoulder pads. A Chaos Icon was added to the belt buckle with an empty holster. I got the mace head from an old Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist.

And finally.....

I've always wanted a Solar Auxilia squad, but the cost was too prohibitive so I bought 1 from a bits supplier. I made moulds of his feet and head to use in future conversions. I added a Chaos Icon on his front breastplate from a mould from a FW Chaos Renegade.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/03 09:05:27

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted to make a small Vietnam squad after seeing heads, torsos and legs from Mad Robot Miniatures and arms and weapons from Anvil Industries. After making various moulds and lots of conversions, I made these:

After a black primer, I drybrushed a light grey all over followed by another drybrush of white to get zenithal like shading. I then went to work with the Contrasts and Speed Paints .....

I've read about the Green Berets supposedly wearing denim jeans rather than combat fatigues in Vietnam (but in a recent podcast I listened to, the guy said that never happened). Hey ho, rule of cool wins and I painted this trooper with some jeans.

And a group shot:

I used a brushed on matt varnish to protect them BUT I think this has caused the Speed Paint I used on the fatigues and helmets to reactivate and made the white undercoat visible. You live and learn.

If anybody has any questions, feel free to ask.

Regards, Phil

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/04 07:41:10

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted to have an American Civil War Union soldier, so I bought some brilliant heads from Mad Robot Miniatures and added this to one of their torso's. I used a mould of Cadian legs with a mould of Necromunda Orlock. Anvil Industries arms were used with a Necromunda Escher lasgun.

This Chaos Traitor Shock Trooper has a Mad Robot Miniature head and torso with a Necromunda Outcast legs and DKoK arms. I added a DKoK lasgun across his back with a thin plasticard strap (with a mould taken from a DKoK clasp). The usual spikes were added to the shoulder pads.

This Napoleonic British Chaos Traitor Guard has an Anvil Industries head with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso on a Victoria Miniatures kilted legs. DKoK arms were chosen with a backpack with added plasticard straps. A Chaos Icon belt buckle and holster were added to finish.

And finally ....

Here's one of my 3D resin Hazmat guys. I added an autopistol and a Warcry knife. Lots of blood was added to give a grimy chaos feel.

I added Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist autopistol and knife to this model.

And this is a group shot of the Hazmat squad.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/04 08:35:21

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

 philmorgan75 wrote:

Thanks Not Online!!! I’m currently enjoying my hobby as it helps take me out of the real world and helps my mental health.

I too find that after a day in the real world it helps to slip into an imaginary world of unspeakable tyranny, sanity-shattering demons and piles of skulls as room decor. It's relaxing to imagine a world so free of stress and trouble.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
This thread continues to impress!

Thanks for your inspiring work!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/05 07:48:27

Post by: MeatShield

great progress. The painted hazmats look great, but the rate that you pump out unique traitor is inspiring.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/06 15:34:10

Post by: philmorgan75

Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 philmorgan75 wrote:

Thanks Not Online!!! I’m currently enjoying my hobby as it helps take me out of the real world and helps my mental health.

I too find that after a day in the real world it helps to slip into an imaginary world of unspeakable tyranny, sanity-shattering demons and piles of skulls as room decor. It's relaxing to imagine a world so free of stress and trouble.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
This thread continues to impress!

Thanks for your inspiring work!

Our hobby allows me to forget my personal/family issues and just drink in the Sci-fi Fantasy world. Thanks for your comments

MeatShield wrote:great progress. The painted hazmats look great, but the rate that you pump out unique traitor is inspiring.

Thanks MeatShield. I alternate between building and painting and I am currently in a painting phase. I have so many cultists/traitor guard that I want to use the new GW Contrast Colours that are out on 16/07. I'm using my existing Contrast and Speed paints but leaving certain areas for the new ones when I get them.

Update time:

I wanted to use some of the Anvil Industries (not) Valhallan heads. I paired it with an Anvil Industries Winter Greatcoat and arms. The legs and Melta gun are from the DKoK range. Milliput was used to fill any gaps.

I wanted to make a kilted barbarian, so I used a bare chest mould (from Mad Robot Miniatures) on a kilt (mould from Victoria Miniatures) on Warcry sandals (again from a mould). Bare arms were from Anvil Industries with a head from a Warhammer Empire Flagellant (I think) and an autogun from the SoB.

This mainly comes from a Bloodbowl figure, I added a Chaos Marauder axe and a new head (not sure where that came from - Necromunda Goliath?)

This Warcry model has had a small axe added, but otherwise is stock.

This swashbuckler comes from Black Scorpion Miniatures. I swopped the miniscule sword with a Deathrattle Skeleton sword and the tiny flint-lock with a DKoK laspistol.

And finally ...

Here's one of my Penal troopers. I added a Chaos icon upon his chest. It's from mould of Victoria Miniature bits (head? and legs) and a Mad Robot Miniatures bare torso with Anvil Industry arms. The feet are from a BSF Chaos Traitor Guard mould.

This Penal trooper has a bare chest from Mad Robot Miniatures. It has moulds of Victoria Miniature bits (head? and legs) and Catachan arms. The feet are from a BSF Chaos Traitor Guard mould and a GSC shotgun.

Please feel to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/06 16:07:36

Post by: Not Online!!!

I really like the penals, simple yet magnificent effect!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/09 10:32:18

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
I really like the penals, simple yet magnificent effect!

Thanks Not Online!!! I've had fun making the Penal Troopers from lots of different moulds and bits. I'm just finishing off another 6 (including 2 with stolen Penal Jailer uniforms) which I'll show off soon.

Update time:

This Chaos Traitor Guard had a head from a 3D Resin print from Bitzbox which gave it a Medieval look.The body is from a Necromunda Outcast with a FW Chaos Renegade Icon (taken from a mould) as his breastplate. He has a DKoK right arm (with added spikes to the shoulder pad) with a mace from a Chaos warrior. I can't remember where I got the mould for the left arm (could be Anvil or Spellcrow) and added a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist autopistol. A DKoK lasgun was added on his back with a plasticard strap and clasps made from moulds from the DKoK kit.

This winter warrior has an Anvil Industries head and torso, I added DKoK arms and lasgun (the shoulder pads were carefully removed). The legs were from Cadia for a change. A mould of a DKoK backpack was also added.

This trooper is from a 3D resin print from etsy. I added a 40k feel by using the feet from a DKoK I had spare and used milliput to fill the gaps. I'm waiting for some of the new bright GW Contrast paints for a colour scheme.

This Traitor Guard has an Anvil Industries head, torso and arms with Victoria Miniatures legs. A backpack was added from a mould alongside a holster and Chaos Icon belt buckle. I used a Cadian lasgun to finish.

This Medieval trooper comes from a Necromunda Outcast body with a Warhammer Great Swordsman head. Genestealer Cult arms and autogun were also used. Milliput was also used to fill the gaps.

And some completed models .....

This Penal Trooper was made from Victoria Miniature moulds and a Necromunda Outcast shotgun.

This convict has managed to steal a Prison Guards boots and knee pads. I painted gloss on them to make it have a more shiny effect.

This convict has a Mad Robot Miniatures head, a bare Chaos Icon branded chest (taken from a mould) with catachan arms and a Warcry pair of legs. The loincloth was removed and milliput was used to fill the gaps.

This convict has a bare chest (from Mad Robot Miniatures?) with a flagellants pair of legs. I chose the ones with manacles to tie in with the convict look.

This convict was fun to make. I chose a screaming head and added it to a pair of running manacled flagellant feet that I attached to a converted mould of Victoria Miniature legs. He has taken the gloves, wrist guards and pistol from an unfortunate Prison Guard!!

This has a pair of Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist arms converted to hold a SM knive. Congealed blood was added as usual to all of the blades of my models.

Here's a group shot of my first squad:

I started to write Prisoner numbers across the chest and backs of all the Prison jump suits but found it much easier to use a 0.1mm pen instead.

I love the convict on the furthest right. This Victoria Miniatures torso has modelled whip welts/marks across the back which I think is brilliant!

Please feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/09 15:19:45

Post by: Insectum7

Holy cow these are amazing! Can't wait to see an army shot of the traitor guard. The hazmat squad is a favorite of mine so far.

Just, wow!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/10 16:42:00

Post by: PaddyMick

Great work. I especially love the Hazmat suits, very sinister, and the penal troopers are very interesting. It's one project (but non-chaos) I have had in the back of my mind to do myself so I can certainly take some inspiration from yours.

A theoretical question for you - how would you model a squad manacled together? I know you mentioned you don't game, but imagine that moving them around the table and removing models was a consideration also.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/10 17:29:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

The top one with the potato masher maul

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/11 06:06:11

Post by: Guardling

Very nice!
Love the medieval guy, gonna have to copy him for myself!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/11 08:32:03

Post by: philmorgan75

Insectum7 wrote:Holy cow these are amazing! Can't wait to see an army shot of the traitor guard. The hazmat squad is a favorite of mine so far.

Just, wow!

Thanks Insectum7. Once I saw these models on ebay, I knew I had to have them. There were about 15 different models for ÂŁ9.99, so well worth the investment. There are others I can convert but I need to invest a lot of time to do so (which I don't have at the moment!)

PaddyMick wrote:Great work. I especially love the Hazmat suits, very sinister, and the penal troopers are very interesting. It's one project (but non-chaos) I have had in the back of my mind to do myself so I can certainly take some inspiration from yours.

A theoretical question for you - how would you model a squad manacled together? I know you mentioned you don't game, but imagine that moving them around the table and removing models was a consideration also.

I do recommend Victoria Miniatures for the Penal Troopers, they are great sculpts. As to the manacled together question, the only thing I could think of was to wrap around each squad members neck a length of jewellers chain and then unwrap when you need to remove one of the troopers.

Not Online!!! wrote:The top one with the potato masher maul

I love a kit bash Not Online!!! and am trying to create unique models as much as I can.

Guardling wrote:Very nice!
Love the medieval guy, gonna have to copy him for myself!

Feel free to copy Guardling. Whenever I see something I like, I'm quite happy to copy

Update time:

This cultist/Traitor Guard has a Mad Robot Miniatures head added to a Necromunda Outcast model. Milliput was used to fill all gaps used.

This is a Black Scorpion Miniatures Highwayman I saw and thought I could convert. The feet were replaced with some Cadian boots I had spare. I removed all of the tiny flintlock pistols he had and added a DKoK pickaxe and Warhammer knife and used milliput to resculpt his belt. DKoK laspistols were then used in each hand. A Chaos Icon was also attached to the side of his belt to show which "side" he is on!!

This Traitor Guard has a Scion torso with a new breastplate (taken from a mould of a FW Chaos Renegade Chaos Icon) and Cadian arms (with spikes added to the shoulderpads). A Warhammer Empire head was added alongside a mould of some legs and Necromunda Orlock boots. A Deathrattle skeleton sword was added to finish.

This "Hazmat/Spacesuit" guy has an Anvil Industries head added to a Necromunda Outcast torso with GS arms and legs. The GS icon was carefully removed from his legs and milliput was then used to fill all of the gaps.

I wanted to make a French Foreign Legion "Beau Geste" like trooper. I used a Mad Robot Miniature head with a DKoK arms, lasgun and body. I used milliput to sculpt the bottom of his trousers (to hide the puttees) and then added a Catachan knife as a bayonet. I removed the shoulderpads with scalpel and files and used milliput as always, to fill any gaps. Finally, a Chaos Icon belt buckle was added.

And to some finished models....

This is my 17th Corinth Conquistadors. I wanted to make it as bright as possible so chose orange and blue contrast paint over a zenithal prime. I added a holstered laspistol to bring him into the 40k world. I added some congealed blood down the sword blade as well.

This model was from the Necromunda Redemptionists. I added an Anvil Industries head and a new breastplate (from the FW Chaos Renegade kit). I converted the chainsaw by removing the flamer and adding milliput to fill the gap around the chainsaw.

This gunslinger is based on a Necromunda Orlock model with a hat taken from a mould from a Black Scorpion Miniatures. If I had to make this again, I would try to get the hat to sink lower down.

Any questions, just ask. Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/15 14:54:31

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted to make a Union Civil War Infantryman after seeing the Mad Robot Miniatures heads. I added a milliput torso with single buttons I had previously converted. The arms and legs were from Cadian troopers with plasticard straps and a CHaos Icon belt buckle.

This Zulu War inspired model has an Anvil Industries head and arms with a mould of a Cadian dress torso and legs with a Necromunda Orlock boots. Epaulettes were added alongside a Chaos Icon dangling from his belt.

This Native American was a 3D resin print from Etsy. I converted him with a Warcry axe with a SM knife and a mould of a holstered laspistol. I added a Chaos Icon (taken from a Chaos Rhino hatch) to his shield to ensure everyone which deity he worships. I think he will look really cool when I eventually get around to painting them.

I wanted some Gladiator-like cultists and saw this on Etsy. I replaced his paltry sword with a Catachan long sword.

This convict has clearly been working out in the prison gym! He is made entirely of moulds apart from the Warcry knives.

And some finished models ....

This is my Chaos 25th Wessex Fusiliers and is based on a WW1/WW2 British Infantryman. He has an Anvil Industries head and arms with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso. I added SM pouches to his chest and a backpack. The legs are from a Cadian mould with puttee and boots from another mould (which I can't remember where from). A DKoK lasgun and SM knife were chosen with a Chaos Icon dangling from his belt.

This is my 12th Palatine Guard. He's from an Etsy 3D print. I converted him by adding a new autopistol, grenade, Cadian knife, Chaos Icon belt buckle and holstered laspistol. I wanted to make him as colourful as possible, so used some of the GW contrast paints and am waiting on the new range that are coming out tomorrow to paint some more!

I saw this Russian Spetnatz Sniper on Etsy and had to have it. I swopped the weapon with this DKoK lasgun and added the sniper scope from the original model. Simple swop but I think it's really effective.

Till next time. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/19 08:06:59

Post by: Ragsta

Formidably good converting going on here, mate, and loving the painting results on the latest sniper. How do you do your basing? Looks nice! Well, nice is a relative term for the end times obviously…

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/19 09:16:11

Post by: Not Online!!!

The Sniper looks particulary cool.

The Civil war type kitbash honestly is another one of those that would make a lovely full army.

Good job on them once again !

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/19 12:27:32

Post by: philmorgan75

Ragsta wrote:Formidably good converting going on here, mate, and loving the painting results on the latest sniper. How do you do your basing? Looks nice! Well, nice is a relative term for the end times obviously…

Thanks Ragsta. There are some amazing 3D prints out there that can be easily converted to 40k. I'm always looking for my next convert. I just trowel on some Ammo from Mig Jimenez Dark Mud Ground and that's it. I'm going for a Vraks/WW1 look for all of these models.

Not Online!!! wrote:The Sniper looks particulary cool.

The Civil war type kitbash honestly is another one of those that would make a lovely full army.

Good job on them once again !

Thanks Not Online. Every one I make I think about making a squad/army of them!!

Update time:

I wanted to make a WW1 like German/Scottish model, so I used a Mad Robot Miniatures head with a Victoria Miniatures torso with GS Cult arms and converted legs. I used a DKoK lasgun with a Chaos Icon, axe and a mini sporran/pouch (taken from a mould from the kilted Victoria Miniatures).

This is a fallen Scion. I used a DKoK kneeling legs and swopped his feet for some BSF Chaos Traitor Guard moulds. I carefully moved the hotshot lasgun hoses and filled gaps with milliputs. I added a Chaos Icon belt buckle and some spikes to the shoulder pads.

I wanted to have a Valhallan/WW2 Russian like model. I used a mould of a Spellcrow model head and added to a mould of a torso and greatcoat legs I made. The blanket was from a mould I had from an original Valhallan model. I used a DKoK arm and a catachan knife for his left arm.

This is based on a Warcry model. I added an Anvil long haired head, bare arms and Bren gun. A Chaos Icon was added alongside a holstered laspistol from a mould. Milliput was used to fill all of the gaps as usual.

This Traitor Guard has a converted Cadian head with a mould of a branded Chaos Icon across his bare chest. Anvil Industries bare arms were used alongside a GS Cult pair of legs. A Lasgun with a Chaos Icon dangling from his belt (instead of the GS logo) was used to finish this one.

This model has a body and legs from a GS Cultist with a pair of Scion arms and an Anvil Industries head. Spikes were added to his shoulder pads to "Chaosify" him!!

And some finished models .....

This is a Black Scorpion Miniatures model. I added some AOS Death Rattle Skeleton swords and a DKoK lasgun slung across his back.

Again, this is a Black Scorpion Miniatures model. I give you an officer from the 6th Royal Ventralis. I converted him by adding a Necromunda Enforcer pistol and a Chainsword and painted him in a 19th Century British Officer style.

This was from a 3d Resin print I bought on Etsy. I converted his small Kalashnikov with a Lasgun and milliput to fill the gaps - simple but I think looks quite effective.

Till next time. Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/20 14:13:18

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

I wanted to make another "Romanesque" like model. I again used a head and torso from Mad Robot Miniatures. They are brilliant parts and really make the model appear to be a heavy assault trooper. I added a DKok right arm (with some spikes added to the shoulder pad) and a bare left arm from Anvil Industries with a Warcry axe. The legs are from Necromunda Outcast legs with a Warhammer Empire sword (just because he didn't have enough weapons!!).

This model has a Catachan bare chested and flak jacket torso with an Anvil Industries head. The Catachan medic arms were converted by adding a BSF Chaos Traitor Guardsman's hands and lasgun. Milliput was used to sculpt muscles and to fill gaps as usual. Although the Catachan medics arms are a bit smaller in scale, I really like them as it allows me to make some left handed models as opposed to the usual right handed. GS cult legs were added alongside some Chaos Icons to show his beliefs!

This is a Black Scorpion Miniatures I converted. I swopped his very small six shooter for a Necromunda pistol and added some Cadian boots (from a mould). The original feet were far to small for my liking. I also used some milliput to make some trouser legs. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was added to finish.

This model has an Anvil Industries head and arms which I added to my Chaos branded bare chest. I used a mould of one of the Cadian legs and added some feet from a BSF Chaos Traitor Guard mould. I used a Catachan Bolter and added some SM Bolter magazines on his belt. I added a holstered laspistol and Chaos Icon belt buckle.

This model has an Anvil Industries head and cross belt buckle torso (from Mad Robot Miniatures?). I used an Adeptus Mechanicus pair of arms as the rifle looked suitably old fashioned. Milliput was used to fill and smooth gaps. I used a pair of Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist legs and added a Chaos Icon dangling from his belt.

I wanted to have a Deep Sea Diver like model to go alongside the Scuba Diver I made and showed previously. I scoured the internet and managed to find the helmet from Zinge Industries - it's slightly smaller than I would like, but it's hardly noticeable. I used a Necromunda Outcast torso and legs which resembled a Deep Sea Divers. I didn't like the scroll on the right shin , so I made a mould of the left one and then carefully removed the right and swopped it. The arms were moulds from Anvil Industries added to a mould of gloves (from a Warhammer Chaos Warrior). I used a Necromunda Enforcer pistol and Catachan knife as weapons. I added a Chaos Icon to his chest to finish. This reminds me very much like a Scooby Doo villain!!!!!!

And to some finished models ....

This is a Chaos 118th Valterian Destroyer. He is based on a Temptus Scion. I went for an Urban colour scheme. I added a spare SM bolter magazine to his belt alongside a Chaos Icon belt buckle. To make him more "Chaos" like, I added some spikes to his shoulder pads as well.

This is my 8th Vatican Bodyguard. The head is from a resin cast from Bitzbox, added to a Catachan arms and lasgun. I used Warhammer Empire puffed sleeves (with milliput to smooth the joins with the Catachan arms) and legs. I used a mould of some BSF Chaos Traitor Guard boots to add some height (the original Warhammer Empire boots made him look incredibly short - they are clearly not "Heroic" scale). The torso was from a mould of a Cadian Officers that I added a Chaos breastplate (taken from a mould from the FW Chaos Renegade torso's). A SM Scout knife was added to his back, alongside a Necromunda Orlock scabbard for him to keep the knife in his left hand when he's not using it. I used some bright contrast colours to paint his uniform and some Retributor Gold for his helmet. I really enjoyed this model and intend on painting all of the similar Warhammer Empire bits models I have made with different paint schemes to show all of the different uniforms that every world and regiment uses.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/20 14:28:54

Post by: Not Online!!!

Diver Chaos militia

TBH hiding in an ocean is probably the best thing you can do as a chaos miltia.

once again all of them overly tempting to start a themed army with.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/23 10:03:18

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
Diver Chaos militia

TBH hiding in an ocean is probably the best thing you can do as a chaos miltia.

once again all of them overly tempting to start a themed army with.

If I had unlimited time, I would do multiple armies but alas, 1 or 2 trooper from each regiment is all I can muster!

Update time:

This model has a BSF Chaos Cultist torso with a Catachan chainsword (with some milliput to fill gaps) in his right hand. The knife in his left hand is from Warcry. The legs are from a mould from Anvil Industries and boots from a mould from Mad Robot Miniatures. A plasticard belt was added with a Chaos Icon belt buckle, pouches and holstered laspistol (from moulds). This is how I painted him ....

This is my Chaos 1st Tantiss Shock Trooper. I used mostly contrast paints with a bit of Humbrol rust and GSW Congealed Blood sponged on to different parts of the model.

This model is made mostly from moulds. I wanted to make him look like a fallen Mordian like regiment. I armed him with a Necromundan Outcast las-rifle.

This model is based on a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist legs and autogun. The Catachan medic arms were used again with milliput used to fill gaps. A Chaos Icon branded bare chest was used with an Empire flagellant head.

This was again mostly made from moulded parts. The head was from an Empire Pistollier and the shot gun was from a Necromunda Outcast.

And finally, I wanted to make an SAS like model. I used a GSC head as it had a great gasmask with a Victoria Miniatures torso. I think the legs were from Spellcrow but I'm not 100%. The arms and weapons are from Anvil Industries. A Chaos Icon belt buckle was added alongside some grenades and holstered laspistol. Milliput was then used to fill all of the gaps.

I give you a Chaos 53rd Hereford Rifles. I wanted to paint them in the style of the 1980's Iran Embassy scheme so chose Vallejo Black Grey to paint the overall's with black for all of the webbing and boots. I also gave him a red visor to assist with night vision with some Flesh Tearer Red contrast followed by a coat of gloss varnish.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/28 08:36:57

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This model has an Anvil Industries Zombie head with a mould of a Necromunda Outcast. GSC arms were used with a pair of Cadian legs (with a mould of Cadian boots). Milliput was used as usual to fill gaps.

This Traitor Guard has an Empire Pistollier head and Necromunda Outcast arms. The rest is made of moulds (a Mad Robot Miniatures torso, striped trousers converted from a Cadian with Necromundan Orlock boots).

I made a slight conversion to this giant Necromundan Delaque ganger. I used a mould of a head I've used on my Penal troopers. I also made a holster that I attached to his right side.

I wanted this Traitor Guard to have an 18th Century feel so I gave him an Anvil Industries head matched with a some Adeptus Mechanicus arms.
The torso is a mould from Mad Robot Miniatures, with my striped converted legs and a pair of BSF Traitor Guard boots. A plasticard strap was added to hold his ammo box on his left hip.

And some finished models ....

This is my Chaos 86th Plebian Lifeguards. I bought a few of the new brightest colour contrast paints and wanted to try as many variations as I could. Striking Scorpion, Imperial Fist and the older Snakebite Leather were the main colours used. Congealed blood was sponged on his sabre.

This Chaos Spetznatz originated on Etsy and I swopped the original weapon with an AK47 from Anvil Industries. I wanted to give him a chemical weapons overall so I used some Militarum Green Contrast paint.

And finally..

This is my Chaos 17th Reitling Rangers. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures head and torso with DKoK arms and legs with some milliput sculpted fur trims. He has a Death Rattle skeleton sword and I added some spikes on his shoulder pads. I used Militarium Green Contrast for his coat and over a silver undercoat on their shoulder pad, I added a thin layer of Flesh Tearer Contrast to give a slight metallic look. Rust, mud and blood was sponged on to finish.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/28 09:08:01

Post by: MeatShield

I have informed the inquisitors about the alarming rate of chaos converts. I love it, keep it up!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/28 14:26:51

Post by: mad robot

You're really killing it man. Combining 3D printing and old school miliput and plasticard.

Keep up the good work!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/07/30 09:24:31

Post by: philmorgan75

MeatShield wrote:I have informed the inquisitors about the alarming rate of chaos converts. I love it, keep it up!

Thanks MeatShield. Do you think a chaos follower is worried about the Inquisition??? Plenty more followers of Chaos to come

mad robot wrote:You're really killing it man. Combining 3D printing and old school miliput and plasticard.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks Steve. I love loads of your bits and plan on getting more in the future

Update time:

I made this Chaos Cultist from a Warcry model. I "40k'd" it by adding an autopistol from a Dark Vengeance Cultist. I also added a Chaos Icon shield over his left forearm (a mould from a Chaos Warrior) and a moulded holster on his left hip. The head came from a mould of a Necromundan Goliath.

Having bought a Solar Auxilia model from ebay, I made a few moulds of his head and legs to use on this model. I used a Necromunda Outcast for the torso and knife with an Adeptus Mechanicus rifle. A Chaos Icon breast plate was added from a mould from the FW Chaos Renegade torso's.

This Traitor Guard has an Anvil Industries gead, combined with a mould of a Mad Robot Miniatures torso. I sculpted the greycoat legs and added a mould of some Cadian boots. A mould of a Chaos shoulder pad was added with some plasticard straps. It has an Adeptus Mechanicus rifle and a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist Autopistol. Grenades and a Chaos Icon belt buckle were added to finish.

And some finished models......

I wanted to make an American WW2 GI type squad after seeing the Anvil Industries heads. I used a Mad Robot Miniatures torso and laced up boots (from moulds) with a Cadian pair of legs (again from moulds). The arms are from moulds from Spellcrow. The autorifle came from a SoB model. I added a pair of sunglasses I sculpted from milliput to give him a cool look and to differentiate him as the squad leader. I added a chest mounted holstered pistol, a Catachan knife, grenades with a Chaos Icon belt buckle. I painted him with Militarium Green Contrast for his uniform with Army Painter Camo Cloak Speed Paint for his webbing.

This is my point man. Anvil Industries released some Thompson machine guns as part of their D-Day release recently, so I had to make some models for them. So this has Anvil Industries head and arms, with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso and laced up boots (from moulds). The legs came from a Catachan fighter mould. A Chaos Icon was dangled from his belt. I added a SM Scout pouch and grenade onto his chest harness. A backpack was added from a mould from a Catachan backpack alongside a Catachan knife.

I love this pose - braced and screaming as he's firing - he reminds me of Al Pacino in Scarface!! He has an Anvil Industries head and arms with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso and laced up boots. He has a Catachan pair of legs. The same backpack was used, alongside a Chaos Icon belt buckle, grenades and a Catachan knife.

I wanted to have a running pose, so I converted a pair of Catachan legs and again used Anvil Industries head and arms with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso and laced up boots. Grenades and pouches were added to finish.

This is a group shot of my GI squad so far. I need to look at Anvil Industries and other companies to see what else I can use as I plan on adding more to this group in the near future.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/01 11:12:27

Post by: Not Online!!!

These look nice, full action !

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/02 13:58:30

Post by: Ragsta

Some absolutely brilliant hobby efforts right here. Really great modelling and painting, chief!

How do you do your basing? It looks delightfully effective!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/03 08:10:41

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:These look nice, full action !

Thanks Not Online!!!

Ragsta wrote:Some absolutely brilliant hobby efforts right here. Really great modelling and painting, chief!

How do you do your basing? It looks delightfully effective!

Thanks for your comments Ragsta. My basing is very simple to give a WW1 trenches look. I just Ammo's Dark Mud Ground using a sculpting tool and then sponge a bit of mud on their knees, elbows, bottom of skirts and back of their legs. I loved all of the Chaos Renegades that were seen in the Siege of Vraks books and wanted to give mine the same look/feel.

Update time:

I've seen quite a few "Western Cowboy" themed models and when Anvil Industries released their recent models, I knew I had to get some of them. This has the torso, legs and arms from Anvil, with a Necromundan Orlock head (with a hat taken from a mould of one of the Black Scorpion cowboys I also have). The gun is from a Necromunda Enforcer with some milliput to fill in any gaps. I made a new holster on his left and right hip out of milliput to replace the smaller Anvil versions.

When Black Scorpion Miniatures released their new "Clansmen", I knew I had to have them (I've watched too much Outlander!!). They are not heroic scale, so I had to remove his feet and replace them with some boots from moulds from a Necromundan Orlock. I swopped his right hand with a DKoK laspistol to bring him into the 40k universe.

This cultist has an Anvil Industries head with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso. He has Necromundan Outcast legs with SoB arms. Spiked shoulder pads were added alongside a milliput holster.

And to some finished models....

This is another of my Penal Troopers. Apologies for the startled look - it's the best my unsteady hands can do! He is made of moulded milliput (apart from his bolter, knife and magazines).

This Penal Trooper has taken the boots from his old Prison Guard. I used some Cadian arms (with the shoulder pads removed) and gave him a running stance.

Apart from the head and the tip of his lasgun (the original one was too thin and snapped off), this is all Victoria Miniatures. I love these bits and once I saw them, I knew I had to create a few squads of them. I now use Technical pens to write the prisoners numbers as my hand isn't steady enough to use a brush.

Feel free to ask any questions. Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/06 08:52:38

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This Penal trooper has "borrowed" a helmet from one of his guards. He has moulds from Anvil Industries for his head, Victoria Miniatures torso and Mad Robot Miniature legs. Anvil Industries arms, grenades and GSC Autogun were used to finish.

This cultist has a Dark Vengeance cultist body, a Flagellant head and GSC Autogun. Milliput was used to fill gaps and make a glove.

This knock off DKoK has an Anvil Industries zombie head with a mould from Mad Robot Miniatures for his torso, a Dark Vengeance cultist legs/skirt and BSF Traitor Guard boots. He was armed with GSC weapons.

And to some finished models...

This Penal trooper has borrowed quite a few bits of armour from his previous keepers.

Apart from the gun, this model is made up of milliput moulds. I am particularly happy with his manacled feet taken from some Arco-flagellants. I added a length of plastic tubing to make a silenced autogun.

I wanted to give a polished armour look so I added some gloss varnish only to the armour.

And a group shot of my next 7 Penal troopers.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/07 07:36:00

Post by: MeatShield

That's7 Penal troopers with great flavor form the sculpts alone. After paint and basing 1 more awesome unit.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/08 08:46:15

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
That's7 Penal troopers with great flavor form the sculpts alone. After paint and basing 1 more awesome unit.

Thanks MeatShield. I've got around another 30 more to paint but I wanted to paint other regiments before coming back to the Penal army

Update time:

I made a small conversion on this BSF Chaos Psyker - I removed the horn on the right hand side of his head as it looked silly and used a small amount of milliput to make it smooth.

I disliked both arms/weapons on this FW Chaos Renegade, so I swopped them with a Chaos SM chainsword and an AOS Chaos dagger.

This Traitor has a FW Chaos Renegade torso with DKoK arms, a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist axe and a Warcry dagger added through his belt. His legs were from moulds with knee pads taken from a Necromunda Outcast mould and Cadian boots mould.

And to some finished models....

This is my Chaos 28th Reinsberg "Red Devils" Rangers. He is based on a British Para from WW2. He has an Elysian lasgun and an Anvil Industries head.

This is my Chaos Human Bomb. He has an original RT torso but I used a pair of BSF Chaos Cultist running legs to make a more dynamic pose. A pair of muscled Catachan arms were used to finish.

This is my Chaos 116th Ratzburg Life Guard. I went with a French Napoleonic paint scheme. He has an Anvil Industries head and torso is either Mad Robot Miniatures or Anvil Industries. He has DKoK arms and legs with a backpack taken from an old IG kit.

And finally, this is my Chaos 203rd Hungarian Rifles trooper. I loved reading the Gaunts Ghosts novels and see this similar to the enemies they had to face. He has Mad Robot Miniatures head and barbed wire armoured torso. His legs come from a Necromundan Outcast with DKoK arms. Spikes were added to the shoulder pad (from a Dark Eldar weapon) with a pistol from an old Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist. I painted over a metallic base on his shoulder pads to give the thinned red contrast a metallic look.

Please feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/10 07:30:19

Post by: Guardling

Very nice, looking even better now they're painted!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/15 06:42:13

Post by: philmorgan75

 Guardling wrote:
Very nice, looking even better now they're painted!

Thanks Guardling

Update time:

This is my Chaos 29th Janzibar Fusiliers Traitor Guard. He has either an Anvil Industries or Mad Robot Miniatures head (sorry but I can't remember) with a Mad Robot barbed wire torso and Anvil Industries arms. A Catachan lasgun with Cadian legs and Necromunda Orlock boots (both from a mould). He was painted with a mix of GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paints. I wanted a "Sons of Sek" feel to this one.

This is my Chaos 209th Mississippi Regulars Traitor Guard. I wanted to make some American Civil War type troopers and painted this one in the colours of the South. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures head, converted Cadian legs (so that they appear to be running), DKoK arms and lasgun with Necromundan Orlock boots (from a mould). The blanket across his chest comes from a mould of an original Valhallan model with extra milliput to fill any gaps. I've completed a trooper from the North and will display this once I finish photographing him (alongside another 40 models).

This is my Chaos 14th Pluvian Royals Traitor Guard. He has an Anvil Industries head with a Necromundan Outcast torso and hands, Empire Outrider arms and Genestealer Cult legs (the GSC icon was removed and replaced with a Chaos one instead). I also added a spike to his shoulder pad (a Dark Elves blade) and an axe on his side for more mayhem in close combat!! I bought the brightest new GW Contrast paints recently as I wanted to have splashes of colours and to show that every regiment has different uniforms.

And finally ....

This is my Chaos 4th Islander Rifles Traitor Guard. He has an Anvil Industries head and arms with a Cadian torso, legs and Necromundan Orlock boots (taken from moulds). The legs have a broad milliput strip added to the outside leg (and then a mould made to help make more in the future). Epaulettes were added (from a mould from an old Mordian guard model). I also added a Chaos Icon to show what God he believes in. I gave him a Slaanesh like uniform in bright blue and pink epaulettes, cuffs and piping. I really like how this model turned out.

As usual, please feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/22 17:27:09

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This is my Chaos 20th Janzian Rifles trooper. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures head and torso with a Necromunda Outcast arms with a mould of some Cadian legs (with a milliput stripe added) and BSF Traitor guardsman boots. I wanted to make my new batch as colourful as possible so used some of the new GW Contrast paints.

This is my Chaos 12th New England Pipers trooper. He has an Anvil Industries head and arms, with a Necromundan Esher lasgun, a DKoK torso (legs and backpack) and some Necromundan Orlock boots. Epaulettes were also added (from a Mordian mould) to give a more distinguished look.

This is my Chaos 87th Lupercine Life Guard trooper. He is a Human Bloodbowl player with a laspistol and axe added to "Chaosify" him. Some nice and bright GW Contrast was used in this colourscheme.

And finally ....

This is my Chaos 43rd Halpsberg Rifles trooper. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures head, a Victoria Miniatures torso, with GSC arms and legs with a DKoK lasgun. I wanted to use some GW Soulblight Grey Shade to show off his white armour.

Please feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/26 07:08:02

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This is my Chaos 21st Odessan Warriors Traitor Guard. I wanted to make an old fashioned deep sea diver - a real Scooby Doo villain!! I used a Zinge Industries helmet with a Necromunda Outcast body. I moulded the left leg grieve and used it on the right one to give a more symmetrical look and also sculpted some boot weights on as well. A Necromunda pistol and SM Scout knife were also added to finish.

This is my Chaos 72nd Salsburn Fusiliers. He is a Black Scorpion Miniatures model with a AOS Deathrattle skeleton sword and DKoK laspistol. As his original feet were a bit small, I swopped them for some moulds of some BSF Chaos Traitor Guardsman. I wanted to give this model a 'Nelson-like' paint scheme.

This is my Chaos 54th Tongarine Rifles. He has an Anvil Industries head and arms with a Necromundan Outcast torso and flail with a DKoK lasgun. Legs were converted with milliput bands and moulds from Mad Robot Miniatures boots. I wanted to give this model a more Council workman-like feel so painted his trouser stripes with some luminous yellow.

This Chaos Cultist has a Necromundan Outcast head and arms with an Empire flagellant body. He was painted with some muted GW Contrast.

And finally ...

This is my Chaos 23rd Francais Fusiliers. I wanted a French Foreign Legion look so I gave him a Mad Robot Miniatures soft kepi head, torso and boots (from a mould). His legs are a mould from either Anvil Industries or Mad Robot Miniatures ( I can't remember!). I gave him some epaulettes (from a Mordian mould), some chest pouches (from a Space Marine) and an Anvil Industires arms (a DKoK lasgun and an AOS knife). I used a mix of GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paint greens to finish the paint job.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/28 09:18:49

Post by: Not Online!!!

Another diver!

Also the frenchie looks like propper PTSD fuel.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/28 12:22:53

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:
Another diver!

Also the frenchie looks like propper PTSD fuel.

Thanks for your comments Not Online!!! I've got plenty more to show.

Update time:

Here's my Chaos 94th Azael Hussar Trooper. He has a Scion beret head with a Necromundan Outcast body, Anvil Industries arms with GSC legs and autogun. I broke the rifle barrel, so I swopped it with a lasgun barrel. GW Contrast paints were used for most of the model (apart from the silver and gold bits).

This is my Chaos 63rd Ankora Firstborn. He has an Anvil Industries Bearskin with a Mad Robot Miniatures cross belt torso. DKoK arms and legs were used to finish, with some spikes added to his shoulder pads.

This is my Chaos 7th Carrosburg Cavalry Trooper. I wanted to make a George Custer 7th Cavalry-like figure, so used a Mad Robot Miniatures head and torso, with some Anvil Industries arms. The legs are taken from a mould of some Cadian legs with the bottom part of the jacket removed. I also added a thin stripe of milliput down his trouser legs to go with his Necromundan Orlock boots (from a mould). I wanted to make the gun look like a 19th century rifle, so I used the lasgun from a Necromundan Escher with a bit of milliput to fill in the gap between the butt and the lasgun. The yellow Imperial Fist GW Contrast paint was used to provide a contrast for his neckerchief and trouser stripe. He reminds me of one of the Troopers you see on many of John Wayne's films

Alongside the 7th Carrosburg Cavalry Trooper, this is my Chaos 21st New Yorkshire Cavaliers. I saw this model from Black Scorpion Miniatures and thought with a small amount of conversion, it would look like a cool 7th Cavalry Officer. His hands were replaced with some Necromundan Enforcer pistols and some Cadian boots. I used the same 2 coats of Ultramarine Blue GW Contrast and Imperial Fist on his jacket.

And finally, you can't have cowboys without .....

Here's my Chaos 43rd Apalachian Wardogs. This is again from Black Scorpion Miniatures with his legs replaced with the old pewter legs from the Rogue Trader Imperial Guard Human Bomb that I had lying around in the bits box.

Feel free to ask me any questions. Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/28 20:11:38

Post by: gobert

Man, the variety that your smashing out is insane! You must be having loads of fun, certainly can’t get bored of the same paint scheme. I’d love to see how they look together, beyond the squats is there things tying each unit together or are they mainly a bunch of individuals?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/30 21:47:51

Post by: PaddyMick

Great stuff as usual! love the chap with high vis bands round his trousers. Can I ask how you do the bases? Would like to try similar myself.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/08/31 19:56:47

Post by: philmorgan75

gobert wrote:Man, the variety that your smashing out is insane! You must be having loads of fun, certainly can’t get bored of the same paint scheme. I’d love to see how they look together, beyond the squats is there things tying each unit together or are they mainly a bunch of individuals?

Hi gobert. I plan on doing a group shot in the near future. When I started this project, I set out with thought to make as many different regiments from as many different worlds as I could. So apart from the Chaos Squats and some WW2 American GI's and Vietnam vets, I've tried to make as many unique models as I can. I can imagine my models are vets and are the last ones of their regiments to have survived the long war.

PaddyMick wrote:Great stuff as usual! love the chap with high vis bands round his trousers. Can I ask how you do the bases? Would like to try similar myself.

Thanks PaddyMick. I carefully apply Ammo from Mig Dark Mud Ground on all my bases with some mud sponged onto knees, back of legs etc. to give a Siege of Vraks/WW1 muddy earth look.

Update time:

This is my Chaos 11th Royal Regina Bodyguard. He has a head from a 3D print from Bitzbox with the rest of the parts from the old Empire with Necromundan Escher laspistols added. I wanted to give them a Vatican bodyguard look so went with some Imperial Fist GW Contrast for their uniform.

This is my Chaos 1st Tantiss Shock Trooper. He has a BSF Chaos Cultist head and body, with a Catachan chainsword and Warcry knive. His legs are from an Anvil Industries mould with boots from Mad Robot Miniatures. Lots of equipment was added to give him a veteran look. I really like how this turned out.

This Chaos Cultist is mainly a Necromundan Cawdor model with a Mad Robot Miniatures head and some Necromundan weapons.

This is my Chaos 53rd Hereford Rifles. I wanted to make a SWAT/Special Forces like model, so I used a GSC head with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso, a converted Cadian pair of legs with Anvil Industries arms and MP5. I added a Chaos Icon belt buckle to make sure everyone knows which God he worships.

And finally .....

This is my Chaos 9th Voltane Stormers. He has a Bloodbowl Human Thrower body with a GSC arm and shotgun and an Anvil Industries bullet proof masked head. I added some Chaos Icons (taken from a mould from the FW Chaos Renegades chest plate) to his chest and shoulder pad. A grenade and holstered pistol were added to his belt to finish.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/01 20:18:41

Post by: PaddyMick

Cheers Phil for the answe to my question.
Latest batch looking like some of your best work yet. Red head guy is very intimidating and the shock trooper is super cool, great pose. Also great use of the human thrower model.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/02 05:25:49

Post by: MeatShield

Your traitor guard S.W.A.T is amazing. I love this thread.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/03 07:19:07

Post by: philmorgan75

PaddyMick wrote:Cheers Phil for the answe to my question.
Latest batch looking like some of your best work yet. Red head guy is very intimidating and the shock trooper is super cool, great pose. Also great use of the human thrower model.

MeatShield wrote:Your traitor guard S.W.A.T is amazing. I love this thread.

Thanks PaddyMick and MeatShield

Update time:

This is my Chaos 73rd Benhfield Battalion Trooper. He's got a Mad Robot Miniatures head with a Necromundan Outcast body and arms. I painted him with GW Contrast with some GSW Congealed blood sponged on.

This is my Chaos 17th Armageddon Steel Legion Trooper. I made a mould of the head of an original metal Steel Legionnaire and added some Anvil Industries torso and legs. The arms were converted Cadian with some gauntlets taken from a mould from a Chaos Warrior. The lasgun was taken from the old Imperial Armour accessory sprue.

This is my Chaos 13th French Foreign Legion. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures soft kepi head with a DKoK torso, legs, lasgun and arms. I added a Necromundan Orlock knife as a bayonet. I also used some milliput to sculpt longer trousers. I went with my take on a "Beau Geste" colour scheme. I think this is one of my best models.

And finally ....

This is my Chaos 17th Persius Regiment Trooper. He has an Anvil Industries fur lined hat with a DKoK arms, sniper lasgun, torso and legs. Spikes were added to his sjpulder pads and I also sculpted some fur around his cuffs to give him a more winter feel.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/03 13:14:32

Post by: blockade23

Looking awesome! Loving the individual schemes. Will you actually run these as an army (IE a la Guard or as actual 'cultists' in a chaos army)?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/06 15:45:11

Post by: philmorgan75

blockade23 wrote:
Looking awesome! Loving the individual schemes. Will you actually run these as an army (IE a la Guard or as actual 'cultists' in a chaos army)?

To be honest blockade23, I don't game, just model and collect so this is purely a modelling project. I would say there are more fallen regiments than cultists, so would say they should follow the guard rules??

Update time:

This is my Chaos 56th Valsberg Volunteers trooper. He has a free head given by Spellcrow and once I saw the hat, I thought of Valhallan's and the Wermacht on the Russian Front. I used some moulds for a torso and greatcoat legs, with a DKoK arm and a mould of a Spellcrow left arm (with a Catachan knife). I added a rolled blanket across his torso (taken from a mould from an original Valhallan model) with a Chaos icon belt buckle. I used some milliput to make a fur collar and mostly GW Contrast paints to finish.

This is my Chaos 118th Royal Talheim Fusiliers trooper. He has a Mordian cap and epaulette (taken from a mould), a head (from a GW kit), a torso (from a Mad Robot Miniatures mould), Necromundan Outcast right arm (with a Catachan knife added as a bayonet), an Anvil Industries left arm, a pair of Cadian legs (converted to a running pose and a stripe of milliput down the side) and some Necromundan Orlock boots (from a mould). A Chaos Icon was added as a necklace and again, some bright GW Contrast paint was used for his uniform.

This is my 173rd Valheim Grenadiers trooper. He has an Anvil Industries Tri-Horn head and cross belt torso with a Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist pair of legs. He has Adeptus Mechanicus arms and rifle to give him a more historic look. He was painted again with mainly GW Contrast paints.

And finally.....

This is my Chaos 23rd Tobrukian Rifleman. I wanted to make a WW2 Desert Rat like model. He has an Anvil Industries head, arms and Bren gun with a mould from a Mad Robot Miniatures torso and some Catachan legs converted to make long shorts with some 3D resin socks/boots. I gave him a washed out sand coloured uniform with some more GW paints.

Feel free to ask any questions. Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/11 08:30:07

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This is my Chaos Sons of Salzbeim. He was a FW Chaos Renegade which I converted with a Chaos SM Chainsword and a Warcry dagger. He had his tunic painted in Sons of Horus Green - not sure which he legion he worships!!

This is my Chaos 21st Sandheim "Screaming Banshees" trooper. She has a Necromundan Outcast body, arms and shotgun with a SoB head. GW Contrast paint was used throughout.

This is my Chaos Vietnam Tigers trroper. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures slouch hat and torso with Anvil Industries arms and M4/M16? He has Catachan legs taken from a mould with some BSF Traitor Guardsmen boots (again from a mould). I wanted to give him a Vietnam Green Beret colour scheme, so attempted some tiger stripes.

This is my Chaos 53rd Catachan "Scorpions". He has an Anvil Industries head and arms, a Catachan torso, a GSC pair of legs with a BSF Traitor Guardsman lasrifle. All GSC icons were removed and Chaos icons were substituted. Milliput was then used to fill all of the gaps. I gave him a simple Catachan paint scheme with GW Contrast and Army Painter Speedpaints.

And finally....

This is my Chaos 11th Marionberg Cavalry Trooper. He has a GW Empire Pistolier head with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso. Necromundan Outcast arms and shotgun were matched with legs from a Victoria Miniatures (from a mould and converted with a stripe down the leg) and a pair of Necromundan Orlock boots (again from a mould). I added some epaulettes (taken from a Mordian Guard mould) to finish the model and went with a Napoleonic like paint scheme.

As ever, feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/11 10:40:52

Post by: Not Online!!!

once again, all of them worthy for a whole army....
The catachan one though looks imo the best out of this batch

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/13 00:12:23

Post by: MeatShield

I like the steel plate crotch protector on the first new guy.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/13 07:12:49

Post by: Guardling

Lots more new and interesting minis there, keep up the good work!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/09/19 07:52:03

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:once again, all of them worthy for a whole army....
The catachan one though looks imo the best out of this batch

Thanks Not Online!!!
MeatShield wrote:I like the steel plate crotch protector on the first new guy.

That actually comes on the FW Chaos Renegade model - not something I added myself. I do miss the old FW Chaos Renegades conversion kits.
Guardling wrote:Lots more new and interesting minis there, keep up the good work!

Thanks Guardling

Update time:

This is my Chaos 32nd Solar Auxillia regiment trooper. He has a Necromundan Outcast body and legs. I took a mould of his left leg greave and then swopped out his right leg greave (had a silly scrap of paper nailed into it). His head was taken from a mould of a Solar Auxillia model I bought on ebay, with some Anvil Industries arms and Cadian lasgun.

This is my Chaos Psycher taken from a BSF kit. I gave him a leopard skin sash to make him stand out more than he already does.

This is my Chaos 227th Elysian Drop Trooper. I bought parts from ebay and from bits sites and adeed a Chaos Icon belt buckle to show what side he's on. They are lovely models BUT are really small compared to other 40k models.

This is my Chaos 67th Platbern Pure Blood Trooper. He has a Necromundan Outcast body with a GSC right arm and autogun with a Spellcrow left arm (taken from a mould). His head is from the old Empire Pistoliers kit with a sword from another old Warhammer kit. I wanted to give him a really bright paint job to show not all Chaos infantry are caked in mud, so chose some GW Contrast paints.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/03 06:37:19

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This is my Chaos 15th Zarlsberg Yeomanry. He is a resin model I bought on Etsy. I removed his halberd and added a DKoK lasgun and a little bit of milliput to fill any gaps resulting from the conversion. A holstered laspistol was also used to reinforce the 40k universe.

This is my Chaos 7th Numian Shock Trooper. He has an Anvil Industries head with a Necromundan Outcast torso (from a mould). GSC arms and legs were used to complete. All GSC icons were carefully removed from his legs so that his loyalty can't be called into question!

This is my Chaos 21st Arkham Motorised. He has a FW Renegade torso with a converted Anvil Industries right arm (from a mould) and Cadian left arm. A SoB auto-rifle was added with Cadian legs (from a mould) and some BSF boots (taken from a mould). An axe from a Warcry kit was added to his belt and a Dark Eldar spike added to his shoulder pad to "Chaosify" him.

This is my Chaos 53rd Anaheim Avengers. He has a Baneblade Captain head added to a Necroumundan Outcast torso and arms. GSC legs were used to match the ribbing on his forearms and torso. I painted him using some bright GW Contrast paints to give him an Aztec/Bloodbowl team feel.

And finally.....

This is my Chaos 17th Moskari Regiment. He is a Black Scorpion Miniatures with a Wyart Earp feel. I swopped out his dinky six shooter with a Necromundan pistol. I added milliput to bulk out his thin legs and added some Cadian boots (taken from a mould). A Chaos Icon belt buckle was also added to finish.

Please feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/03 07:34:29

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Still doing great!

That Outcast kit was so, so, almost great.

Almost, almost a great kit. I love what you're doing with it. I have 20 shotgun Arbites from it I have to paint up.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/03 08:00:15

Post by: muette

Great modelling/kitbashing, and now great painting. This will be an excellent army!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/07 07:58:01

Post by: philmorgan75

Kid_Kyoto wrote:Still doing great!

That Outcast kit was so, so, almost great.

Almost, almost a great kit. I love what you're doing with it. I have 20 shotgun Arbites from it I have to paint up.

I look forward to seeing all those Arbites painted up Kid Kyoto

muette wrote:Great modelling/kitbashing, and now great painting. This will be an excellent army!

Thanks muette. I'm really enjoying building this army. I'm enjoying the creative freedom of building multiple different regiments from lots of different sources.

Update time:

First of all, apologies for the slight blurring on this photo. This is my Chaos 86th Karobeam Irregulars. He has an Anvil Industries head and a mould of either a Mad Robot Miniatures or Anvil Industries torso. Converted Cadian legs and boots from a BSF Traitor Guardsman from moulds were also added. Adeptus Mechanicus arms and weapons and a DKoK bayonet were used, alongside a Chaos Icon attached to his belt to finish this model.

This is my Chaos 31st Flaxsberg Light Foot. He has an Anvil Industries head with a Mad Robot Miniatures (from a mould). I added a DKoK backpack with some milliput straps alongside DKoK arms and weapons. Kilted legs from Victoria Miniatures were partnered with a Chaos Icon belt buckle. I went for some bright GW Contrast paints for this uniform.

This is my Chaos 24th Dramgerb Rifles. The head, body and legs come from a BSF Traitor Guardsman. I swapped the lasgun on the original model (and used it on another Catachan like model) and used some Cadian arms and DKoK hands and weapons.

This is my Chaos 34th Plutovian Auxilia. He has a head and legs/boots taken from moulds from a FW Solar Auxilia model I bought on ebay. I used a Necromundan Outcast torso with some Adeptus Mechanicus arms. A mould from the FW Chaos Renegades was also used for his chest armour.

And finally....

This is my Chaos 27th Gettylarn Grenadiers. He is a Black Scorpion Miniatures model and reminds me of an old fashioned highwayman. I swopped his boots with some Cadian boots (from a mould) and swopped his flint lock pistols with some DKoK las pistols. I removed the flimsy daggers tucked into his belt and replaced them with a DKoK axe and an Astra Militarium knife and some milliput to complete the sash. A Chaos Icon was also added to sash to show his allegiance.

As always, feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/07 14:34:56

Post by: Not Online!!!

The highwayman one looks really awesome.

I'd wish we would get something like that for GSC.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/11 00:48:43

Post by: MeatShield

This army is truly a spectacle.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/11 11:36:08

Post by: gobert

Smashing it as always Phil! The characters you’ve crafted are really inspiring, so much variety and interesting bits that have been used. All tied together in the muddy wastelands

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/14 07:58:37

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:The highwayman one looks really awesome.

I'd wish we would get something like that for GSC.

Hopefully with the imminent new Imperial Guard releases, we'll see some more regiments that I and others can convert

MeatShield wrote:This army is truly a spectacle.

Thanks Meat Shield

gobert wrote:Smashing it as always Phil! The characters you’ve crafted are really inspiring, so much variety and interesting bits that have been used. All tied together in the muddy wastelands

Thanks gobert. I enjoy the creativity and mental well-being I feel by doing this hobby. As stated above, I hope there will be some new regiments in the future Imperial Guard releases. I've bought some of the new Imperial Navy Breachers and am in the process of "Chaosifying" them

Update time:

This is my Chaos 14th Plemblast Rifleman. He has a FW Chaos Renegade torso, with a GSC right arm and Necromundan Outcast left arm and legs. I liked the armoured rusted metal plates look and gave him a touch of Slaanesh with his lilac/pink uniform.

This is my Chaos 38th Volksheim Light Dragoon. He has a Dark Vengeance cultist body with a BSF head (from a mould). He's been painted with a mix of GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paints.

This is my Chaos 17th Harksboro Heavy Cavalry trooper. He has an Anvil Industries head with a Mad Robot Miniatures torso. His arms and legs are from the DKoK and boots from a Necromundan Orlock mould. I swopped his DKoK club with a more meatier Dark Vengeance cultist one. I wanted his uniform to be bright and used some of the newer GW Contrast paints.

This is my Chaos 11th Flanderville Volunteer. I wanted a WW1 British Tommie look for this model. It involved a simple head swop - I added an Anvil Industries head to a DKoK body, arms and legs. Some spikes were added to his shoulder pad, a Chaos icon dangling from his belt and a Necromunda knife was used as a bayonet. I tried to make the paint scheme muted and ensured his puttees were covered in mud.

And finally....

This is my Chaos 83rd Jakkovite Royals trooper. He is a Human Bloodbowl player with a Death Rattle Skeleton sword. Some metallic red paint from Army Painter was used on his armour with some GW Contrast for his white uniform.

As usual, feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/17 05:38:39

Post by: Guardling

Wow! How you keep coming up with ideas is beyond me!
The Jakkovite guy is my favourite this week

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/19 08:10:07

Post by: philmorgan75

 Guardling wrote:
Wow! How you keep coming up with ideas is beyond me!
The Jakkovite guy is my favourite this week

Thanks Guardling. I take inspiration from lots of historical sources and what bits I have/can get to make a lot of my conversions. I like the challenge of making each model as unique as possible.

Update time:

These are my Chaos Elucidian Starstriders. I bought a couple from a bits company and decided (as usual) to make a few moulds so I can make some more. The one on the left has had the silly cigar in his left hand removed and replaced with a Blooded knife. The head was also turned to face the front as well. The middle one had a simple conversion of swopping the Imperial Eagle belt buckle with a Chaos Icon. The one on the right is made up from moulds. I had to use an original gun barrel and magazine (it was too difficult to mould these parts) and a right shoulder pad from a Traitor Guard. A spike was added to his left shoulder guard as well. The shield was taken from a mould from an Imperial Navy Breacher Endurant with a Chaos Star added to finish.

This is my Chaos Norseman. He started life as a Bloodbowl Norseman and had his hands swopped with a DKoK laspistol and a Warcry axe. I added a blade onto his left shoulder pad and attached his shield to his back.

This is my second Chaos Norseman. He is a Warcry warrior with an old Chaos Warrior axe and autopistol added. I added a small Chaos Icon dangling from his belt.

And this shot shows the shields upon their backs.

Now to show some more finished models ....

This is my Chaos 73rd Darkland Death Trooper. He has a DKoK torso, arms and legs with a BSF Traitor Guard boots. A Necromundan knife was added as a bayonet and a resin head was used to finish. Spikes were also added to his shoulder guards to give an even more Chaos look.

This is my Chaos 26th Nedland Rifles. He has a FW Chaos Renegade head and torso with DKoK arms and a Dark Vengeance axe. His legs and boots are from a mould from a Cadian with some knee pads added from a Necromundan Outcast mould. Spikes were added onto his shoulder pads and a knife from Warcry was added to his belt. I painted the uniform in bright orange and green GW Contrast paints.

This is my Chaos 53rd Sherwood Light Infantry. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures head and torso, DKoK lasgun and arms and a Necromundan Outcast legs. A plasticard strap was added to hold his lasgun across his back. Spikes were added as usual to his shoulder pads. I painted the uniform in a mix of Army Painter Speed paints and GW Contrast greens, using Errol Flynn's Robin Hood as inspiration.

Feel free to ask and questions as usual. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/20 08:04:29

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

Here's another WW1 "Tommy". It has a resin head from Bitzbox with a DKoK arms, body and legs. A FW Chaos Renegade breast plate (from a mould) was added and a Catachan backpack (from a mould). Spikes were added on his shoulder pads as usal.

This is a Warcry Chaos Dwarf/Squat. This was a simple conversion. I moved the left hand slightly to point the sword in a slightly different direction as if pointing towards his next victim.

This conversion has a Chaos Cultist body, arms and legs with the head taken from a mould from a Traitor Commissar. Milliput was used to seamlessly join the head with the body.

And some finished models ...

This is my Chaos 45th Landsberg Cavaliers. He has an old Empire head with a Victoria Miniatures torso. The legs are converted with Necromundan Orlock boots (from a mould). A DKoK laspistol and Death Rattle sword were used to finish. GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paints were used.

This is my Chaos 34th Oppensberg Dragoons. He has an old Empire head with a Necromundan Outcast body and legs with a GSC autogun. I really like the GW Contrast Gryphound orange and used a complimentary colour for the uniform.

This is my Chaos 22nd Rinnteim Drop Trooper. He has an Anvil Industries head with a Necromundan Outcast torso. His legs were converted with a mould of some kneepads. DKoK arms were used and I made a mould of some grenades and added them to his belt. I used a black and yellow paint scheme for this model.

This is my Chaos 43rd Klondersdyke Heavies. He has a Bitzbox resin head with a Necromundan Outcast body and legs. DKoK arms were used with a Chaos Warrior mace. A FW Chaos Renegade breast plate was added with a plasticard strap to hold his lasgun across his back.

And finally ..

This is my Chaos 33rd Iranberg Specials. I wanted to make an SAS trooper circa 1980 after seeing this Anvil Industries head. I added this to an Anvil Industries torso, arms, legs and MP5. His lace up boots were taken from a mould from Mad Robot Miniatures. A Chaos Icon was added to his belt buckle alongside some grenades and knife. GW Contrast was used to complete this model.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/21 12:51:34

Post by: gobert

More amazing characters Phil! You’re getting some really dark recesses on the minis, are you washing them with Nuln oil or just using something like slapchop to get the effect?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/24 07:59:29

Post by: philmorgan75

 gobert wrote:
More amazing characters Phil! You’re getting some really dark recesses on the minis, are you washing them with Nuln oil or just using something like slapchop to get the effect?

Thanks for your comments gobert. In answer to your question, I do a bit of both. I batch slapchop a number of models (black primer and then drybrush light grey followed by a lighter brush of white) and in the case of mainly skin tone I use brown primer, drybrushed skin tone and then a lighter drybrush of white. Then I use pre-dominantly GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paints. As this is quite labour intensive on the amount of models I do at the same time, I do occasionly basecoat with white primer and then just use Contrast and Speed Paints. I only use Nuln oil on metallics and then a light drybrush of gunmetal to restore the shine.

Update time:

I wanted to have a kneeling grenade launcher who could lob grenades over obstacles. The torso and legs are from a DKoK model with a left boot from a mould of a BSF Traitor Guard. The head and arms are from the new Chaos "Blooded" kit. I know our hobby is not real life, but I hate it when I see models without any spare ammo or any close combat weapons. As I didn't think he had enough ammunition, I made a mould of the grenades and added some more to his gun strap on his webbing and around his belt.

I wanted to have a kneeling sniper alongside the normal standing one you can make straight from the "Blooded" kit. So I used the kneeling DKoK legs again with the left boot from a mould of a BSF Traitor Guard. The torso was from a Mad Robot Miniature mould. Arms, head and cloak were taken from the "Blooded" kit. I used milliput to fill in the gaps between the plastic parts of his cloak.

This is my fallen Tanith warrior. A simple conversion of removing the Imperial Eagle from his belt and las gun.

I don't like many of the heads from the new Chaos Cultist kit, so I did a head swop with a mould from a resin head I use on my Penal troops. Milliput was used to sculpt a new neck. Simple, but I think very effective.

And a final WIP ....

This is one of my Chaos Navy Breacher squad/Kill Team. I made a mould of the ballistic vest that came with the Imperial Navy Breacher kit. After watching too many war films, I added a GSC demo charge onto his chest, alongside the one he carries in his left hand. Lots of grenades were added on his belt as well as a Chaos Icon can be seen dangling from his belt.

Here's some completed figures....

This is my Chaos 77th Wormstag Auxilia trooper. He has an Anvil Industries head with a GSC torso and legs (with all GSC iconography removed). Scion arms were then used to finish. He was painted in the usual GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed paints.

This is my Chaos 23rd Plenzneim Drop Trooper. He again has a GSC torso and legs (with all GSC iconography replaced with Chaos Icons) and GSC arms. An old Imperial Guard head from the bits box was used to give a Drop Trooper feel.

And finally ....

This is my Chaos 33rd Darkstein Dragoons. He has either an Anvil Industries or Mad Robot Miniatures head (I can't remember!!) I used moulds of a torso, legs and boots and a pair of Adeptus Mechanicus arms which had the old fashionned rifle I was looking for. I gave him a Slaanesh look by trying some pink paint for a change.

As usual, feel free to ask any question. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/28 08:21:12

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

For this Chaos Cultist, I did a simple head and left hand swop. I don't like the existing heads of the new Chaos Cultists, so I used a mould of the shouting Traitor Commissar head instead. Milliput was then used to sculpt a new neck and muscles. A spare chainsword was then used for his left hand.

This Traitor Guard started life as a Warcry Chaos Legionnaire. I replaced the sword and shield with a "Blooded" lasgun to give him a charging bayonet stance. I liked the boots and bodice on this model and made some moulds which I will use to make some more models in the future. Milliput was then used to fill any gaps.

This "Blooded" Traitor Guard had a simple weapon swop. I liked the meat cleaver in the set and got a second from a bits site and used them in both hands. The head was again taken from a mould of the Traitor Commissar.

This is another of my Chaos Navy Breachers. I built him straight from the box BUT added a Chaos Icon across his chest plate (made from a mould from a FW Chaos Renegade torso - whilst the milliput was still flexible, I carefully placed it upon the chest plate and then removed the excess when it had dried). I gave him a holstered pistol from a mould from an Elucidian model, alongside a spike on his left should guard.

This Chaos Navy Breacher has a torso with a Chaos Icon across the chest plate. I made a mould, so I can make more of these in the future. The rest of the model comes straight from the box. I added some grenades to bling him up a bit.

And some finished models ....

This is my Chaos 29th Valhallan Infantryman. He has an Anvil Industries head and torso, paired with DKoK arms and legs. His boots are from a Cadian. GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paints were used over a slap chop basecoat.

This is my Chaos 65th Blythberg Royal Guard. He has a Cadian head with Anvil Industries bare arms and a Catachan lasgun. This was matched with GSC legs with the iconography replaced with a Chaos Icon. The bare chest with a Chaos Icon carved into the chest was taken from a mould I made. Milliput was then used to fill all gaps, sculpt muscles etc. I chose pastel colours on this model to reinforce a "Royal Guard" look.

This is my Chaos 44th New York Royal Guard. used a Mad Robot Miniatures head paired with Cadian arms (with the shoulder pads carefully removed) and legs. His torso comes from a mould I have previously made. I added a DKoK backpack and some grenades to finish. I wanted to give a Civil War Union soldier look, so I used the appropriate colours. This will go next to my "Confederate" like trooper I showed previously.

And finally ....

This is my Chaos 25th Deadsville Pistoliers. This is a Black Scorpion Miniatures that makes me think of Wyatt Earp. I swopped his dinky 6 shooters with a pair of DKoK laspistols and his tiny feet with some Cadian boots and some milliput to sculpt fuller trousers.

Feel free to ask any questions. Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/10/29 07:32:07

Post by: MeatShield

An endless line of unique & awesome traitors! How many planetary systems will be lost to this rabble!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/11/06 08:18:31

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
An endless line of unique & awesome traitors! How many planetary systems will be lost to this rabble!

Thanks MeatShield I can imagine quite a few planets falling to these degenerates!!!

Update time:

This is a simple head swop from a mould from a GSC facemask wearing head. I thought it works well with the "Blooded" shotgun and shield wielding enforcer.

This is another of my Breacher squad. I thought the chainfist looked a bit short, so I removed the existing one and replaced it with a chainsword bayonet taken from a Horus Heresy Space Marine. I think this would allow easier breaches without making him too clumsy - he just needs to remember not to scratch his bum!!! I added my usual Chaos Icon across his chest plate and then added a holster with a small plasticard strap to make it look more realistic. I have almost finished painting up this squad and will show some photo's in the near future.

This is my CAT driver. I made moulds of an Imperial Navy Breacher legs and added these to the kneeling DKoK legs. I again added the customary Chaos Icon across his chest plate but the rest was made straight from the kit.

And some finished models ....

This is my Chaos 99th Royal Reginplatz Rifles. He has an Anvil Industries head with a torso from Mad Robot Miniatures (the mould resulted in some missing buttons, so I used a knife to give the impression of button holes). The great coat legs were made from milliput with some Cadian boots. He has an ornate AM rifle and Cadian left arm with some spikes added to the shoulderpad. I went with a red paint scheme for this one.

This is my Chaos 83rd Wedgefarm Weaver. He has an Anvil Industries ballistic mask head, bare arms and AK-47 with a GSC torso. His legs are from an old Warhammer Empire model with BSF boots (taken from a mould). I used GW contrasts mainly for this one.

This is my Chaos 34th Dieppe Commando. He has an Anvil Industries Beanie hat head with a torso and running legs taken from moulds. His boots are from a Necromundan Orlock mould with DKoK arms. I wanted to give him a WW2 British Commando vibe, so I made the lasgun resemble a silenced sten gun by adding some AM weapon bits - a horizontal magazine and a silencer. Chest pouches were added from an old SM kit, with spikes added to his shoulder pads and a Chaos Icon belt buckle to prove which side he is on. Shades of green were used on this one, GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paints.

This is my Chaos 227th Death Korps of Krieg trooper. This is one of the few models made almost entirely straight from the box. The only things I added was a Chaos Icon belt buckle, some spikes on his shoulder pads and a Khorne icon taken from my bitz box. I gave him a black and red uniform with a skull mask on his gasmask.

And finally ....

This is my Chaos 31st Gosttreim Grenadiers. He has an Anvil Industries bearded head with a GSC torso, arms and legs. I used Flesh Tearer red for his uniform and some Striking Scorpion contrast for his pads and gloves.

As usual, feel free to ask any questions.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/11/07 06:54:52

Post by: Guardling

Nice work, looking forward to seeing those Breachers!
Haha the thought seeing some matching uniforms might be a bit weird coming from you!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/11/15 10:10:26

Post by: philmorgan75

 Guardling wrote:
Nice work, looking forward to seeing those Breachers!
Haha the thought seeing some matching uniforms might be a bit weird coming from you!

Thanks Guardling. It did feel strange when I painted the first 12 Breachers in the same paint scheme!!!

Update time:

I've recently finished painting the first 12 Navy Breachers and wanted to show some more WIP shots before I show the completed models.

This will be my Navy Breacher Sergeant. I made moulds and used these to make the torso and legs. I added one of my Penal Legion bald heads and a chainmail veil from a mould from a Warcry Chaos Legionnaire. I used the Imperial Navy Breacher arms but used a power sword instead as a weapon. The banner pole is from the "Blooded" Kill Team.

I really love this model. I haven't attached the shield or weapon to assist ease of painting. I used a mould of the Traitor Commisar's head for this model as he has a gnarly snarling face. I added the usual Chaos Icon across his chest plate and also gave him a small Chaos Icon hanging from his belt. I removed all of the Imperial Navy iconography from the heavy shield and used a mould of a Chaos Icon alongside a spitted skull from the "Blooded" kill team kit.

Here's a Grenadier I made almost straight from the box. I added a Chaos Icon across the chest plate and a small one hanging from his belt and a small spike from the shoulder pad.

And the final Breacher I've taken photo's of. This is the "fireman" Breacher. I only added a Chaos Icon across his chest plate and a barbed spike on his shoulder pad.

Here are some shots of some completed models ....

This is my 5th American GI I've made. It's made from mainly milliput parts with a Zinge Industries Tommy gun and a free Spellcrow head I received when I placed a small order with them. I painted him in my usual GW Contrast and Army Painter Speed Paints to match the rest of his squad. I showed loyalty by adding a Chaos Icon belt buckle.

This is my Chaos 25th Claudius Cohort. He has a Mad Robot Miniatures head and torso with a Necromundan Outcast legs. He has a DKoK right arm and a Warcry Darkoath Savages left arm. I used some rust paint on the armour to show its state of disrepair.

This is one of my Chaos Berzerker. He is a Warcry Darkoath Savage with his left hand shield swopped for an autopistol.

And finally ....

This is a Chaos Duelist. They are based on a Warcry model with a Mad Robot Miniatures Chaos Cultist head. I used milliput to sculpt the neck and painted the head mask to resemble a human skin mask.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/11/19 09:40:05

Post by: MeatShield

The Breachers really stand out! As usual I love your models!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/12/01 16:50:54

Post by: philmorgan75

 MeatShield wrote:
The Breachers really stand out! As usual I love your models!

Thanks MeatShield

Update time:

Here's a group shot of my completed Chaos Navy Breachers. I just have the Gheistskull to finish and my first 12 Breachers are completed. I chose clear bases so the fantastic Into the Dark cardboard floor tiles can be seen.

This is my Sergeant. He has a milliput body and legs (taken from a silicon putty mould) with a chainmail face-mask (taken from a silicon putty mould of a Warcry Chaos Legionnaire). To mix it up, I added a backpack spike taken from the Blooded kit and also I used a power axe instead of the usual power sword.

This is my Navis Surveyor. I added a Chaos Icon across his breastplate (taken from a mould from the FW Chaos Renegade kit) and some extra grenades to the stock model.

This is one of my Navis Armsmen. Again, I added a Chaos Icon across his breastplate (taken from a mould from the FW Chaos Renegade kit) and an Elucidian laspistol in holster (taken from a mould). I also added a spike to his left shoulder pad to show how Chaosified he is!

This is my first Navis Grenadier. He uses stock parts, but I again added a Chaos Icon across his chest and another hanging from his belt alongside a spike on his right shoulder pad. I used explosive limpet mines taken from the GSC range of kits and stuck one to the front of his flak/blast armour like the Claymore mines I've seen in Special Forces pictures.

This is my Navis Endurant. He has a head from a mould of the Traitor Commisar from the Blooded kit. I used a spike from a Blooded on his shield and a mould of the Chaos Icon from a old shield I have in my bitz box.

This is my second Navis Grenadier. He is a stock model with a Chaos Icon added to the front of his Flak/Blast armour, a spike to his right shoulder and another Chaos Icon dangling from his belt.

This is my Navis Hatchcutter. I gave him a longer chainfist by swopping an Horus Heresy Chainsword bayonet attachment for the smaller part from the kit. The usual Chaos Icon was used on his chest plate. I armed him with a Warcry/GSC knife and made a holster out of a mould and a small strip of plasticard.

This is my Navis Axejack. He is a stock model apart from the Chaos Icon chest plate and spike on his right shoulder. I painted the axe red, like he had just broken the glass case and taken out the emergency axe. As with all of the small axes all of my Breachers have, they have had congealed blood sponged onto the blades.

This is another Navis Armsman. I wanted to make a shooting a shotgun from the shoulder model, so used arms from the Blooded kit and carefully swopped the lasgun for the usual shotgun. Milliput chain mail was also added under his right shoulder pad. The legs were taken from a mould from one of the Blooded legs and added them to moulds of a Breachers boots. His belt buckle was replaced with a Chaos Icon and a spike was added to his right shoulder pad to finish.

This is another Navis Armsman but firing from the hip instead. The head and arms are from the kit, whilst the body, legs and boots are milliput moulds.

This is my Navis Void-Jammer. The head, body and arms are stock pieces. I swopped the legs with the DKoK kneeling ones and then removed the boots and puttees, replacing them with milliput moulds. I wanted a pose where he is close to the Gheistskull, programming in what actions he wants it to perform. The usual Chaos Icon chest plate was added. I only need to finish painting the Gheistskull but have been side tracked by making Navis Gunners (one for all of the heavy/support weapons - including a mini-gun borrowed from an Elucidian) and cleaning up all of the terrain pieces I have picked up on ebay,

And finally, this is another Navis Armsman but armed instead with a lasgun. The head and arms are from the Blooded kit, with the rest made from milliput moulds.

I have bought myself an Elegoo Mars 2 Pro on Black Friday as an early Christmas present. I'm spending a lot of the time at the moment watching youtube clips of all the do's and don'ts and need to pluck up the courage to start printing some Valour Korps riders, snipers and dead troopers. I'll let you know how I get on in the near future.

Any, questions, please feel free to ask as usual.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2022/12/02 06:54:45

Post by: Guardling

Nice work on the Breachers!
Gonna have borrow some ideas when if I do my own...

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/02/17 19:19:30

Post by: Bizz

Here are my SOS with the max robot heads

[Thumb - 87EB07DF-5312-4F18-B9D1-40E89C1B461A.jpeg]
[Thumb - 92CA269F-69C4-431A-A214-1026B91E8EE8.jpeg]

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/03/21 19:53:05

Post by: philmorgan75

Bizz wrote:
Here are my SOS with the max robot heads

And looks like some Station Forge Corrupted Guards arms as well. Looking good Bizz 👍🏻

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/21 14:34:00

Post by: philmorgan75

Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I posted but I bought myself a resin printer in the Black sales, joined a couple of Patreons and have printed off lots of models. I plan on showing some of these off in the near future, but I still have a back load of other GW models I finished. Without further ado ....

Chaos Duellist

This is a Warcry model with a SoB head and I think, a Dark Eldar fist spike. I went with a simple white outfit, some blood and mud splatters.

Chaos 86th Gertcarth Royals Trooper

He has an old Empire Pistolier head with a Scion torso (with a milliput Chaos icon engraved), Imperial Guard arms, milliput legs and boots and a death rattle sabre. His spiked shoulder pads are made from a silicon mould. I went with royal colours of purple, yellow and gold.

Chaos Screaming Banshee Necromundan Ganger

This has Orlock legs with a torso from a mould from a Chaos Cultist. Esher arms and lasgun were matched with a SoB penitent head. I went with shocking pink as her gang colours.

Chaos Cultist

This has the legs from a Warcry model and resin arms and head from Anvil Industries and a bare torso from Mad Robot (I think). Milliput was used to fill and smooth the gaps between the different resin parts.

Chaos 57th DKoK Trooper

This has a torso, backpack and legs from a plastic DKoK guardsmen with an Anvil Industries Zombie head and arms. The weapon is taken from an old Dark Vengeance Chaos cultist.

Chaos 3rd Thunderball UDT

This model is made extensively from milliput. I used an old IG Flamer tank for his oxygen tank with the hosepipe made from milliput and the GreenStuff Tentacle Maker. The speargun is made from a GSC shotgun with a spear (and spares attached to his leg) from an old Chaos Rhino accessory. I went with a James Bond Thunderball Orange for the wetsuit.

Chaos 29th Sherwoodian Fusilier

This has a Victorian Miniatures kilted legs with Anvil Industries Tricorn head, torso and arms. As usual, I added a Chaos Icon belt buckle to show his true allegiance.

Chaos 36th Drookian Fenguard

This has some Victorian Miniatures kilted legs and torso, a GSC masked head and Anvil Industries arms and AK-47.

Chaos 39th Linkoln Volunteers

This has an old Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist legs with a bare chest with a Chaos Icon scar (taken from a mould) with Anvil Industries head and arms. He has a GSC shotgun to finish.

Chaos 3rd Wehrmacht Battalion

This has an Anvil Industries torso, an old Cadian pair of legs with boots taken from a Necromundan Orlock (from a mould). It has a DKoK grenade launcher and a resin skull gasmask from Bitzbox.

Chaos Shaeburg Slaughterpriest

This is an old Dark Vengeance Chaos Cultist with a head swop, an old GW Chaos Warrior hammer and necromundan pistol.

and to show off one of the new 3D resin prints I've completed ....

Chaos Traitor 12th Falljaegar Trooper

This Corrupted Guard is from Station Forge. I followed Sonic Sledgehammer from YouTube paint scheme and am really happy with the result. I've made about 30 Corrupted guard including Ogryns and have printed plenty of spare arms to make loads of different variations.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/22 06:47:55

Post by: Guardling

Welcome back!
Keep up the great conversions!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/22 06:56:52

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

All amazing, and the wetsuit guy... WOW!

Loving the old school conversions in a world of 3d prints.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/22 08:54:57

Post by: Not Online!!!

Well done!
Simply well done.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/22 18:41:54

Post by: philmorgan75

Guardling wrote:Welcome back!
Keep up the great conversions!

Thanks Guardling

Kid_Kyoto wrote:All amazing, and the wetsuit guy... WOW!

Loving the old school conversions in a world of 3d prints.

Thanks Kid_Kyoto. I've enjoyed making all of these conversions BUT I must admit, I've been 3D printing since November and haven't bought any bits or GW products since then. I have a huge back log now of resin soldiers to paint. I last printed off loads of models back in January and even though I'm painting for a couple of hours a day, I'm not making much progress and still have loads to finish. I have been stockpiling STL files and plan on having a massive print off in the near future

Not Online!!! wrote:Well done!
Simply well done.

Many thanks Not Online!!!

Just to finish off all of my converted models before I start showing off my completed 3D printed models ..........

Penal Squad 2

and my final Penal Trooper who has been killed ...

and here are my last 2 GW models I painted last year ....

Necromundan Dockers

This model has an Anvil Industries head and Goliath body.

and finally, another new 3D print I've finished ...

This is my Chaos Traitor Crimson Ravager Commissar standing on an injured Valour Korps Trooper (from The Makers Cult). He is a free STL from Redmakers called "Renegade Death Division - Commissar - Heretics". I liked it so much, I ended up buying the STL's for Renegade Death Division Heretic - Commander, Command Squad, Death Squad, Heavy Weapons, Pack of Abhuman Giants and Legendary Battle Tank. I have printed off lots of these multi part models including mirrored arms and bodies (instantly doubling the number of different poses available!) and have slowly been batch painting around 50 troopers. I'll start showing some of these in the next few days.

As usual, feel free to ask any questions.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/22 19:58:50

Post by: gobert

Loving the variety you’re churning out Phil. Now that you’re switching to printed minis it would be amazing to see the painted horde in all its chaotic glory. If that Commissar is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat of printed goodies!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/24 16:01:58

Post by: philmorgan75

 gobert wrote:
Loving the variety you’re churning out Phil. Now that you’re switching to printed minis it would be amazing to see the painted horde in all its chaotic glory. If that Commissar is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat of printed goodies!

Thanks gobert. I've taken a group shot of the 2 Chaos regiments I've 3D printed and painted but will show off the individuals first

The Fallen 12th Falljaegar Regiment

These Corrupted Guard are from Stationforge. The arms are printed separately so allowing a multitude of different poses. I love the pose of this one. To go with the muddy bases, I sponged on some "dry" mud and then some "wet" mud over the lower parts to give him a grimy feel. Blood was sponged onto the bayonet for a well worn look.

This fallen Falljaegar has lots of hands modelled on his belt - probably chopped off with his chain-axe!!

I loved this one's ear collection - very Dolph Lundgren from Universal Soldier

This one has an amazing Chainsaw

This officer has such a great face. I had fun painting this one.

And to finish off this update.....

I'm really proud of the paint job I did on this renegade Ogryn. I think the edge highlighting really makes this one pop.

Feel free to ask any questions as usual.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/25 08:41:10

Post by: Not Online!!!

Marvelous, the ogryn is clearly the one from darktide. The one that always ruins my day Just out of armor.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/27 02:45:18

Post by: MeatShield

I'm going to miss the old school style conversions. I really liked Chaos 36th Drookian Fenguard. The eyes really make the mini pop. That being said I do like the sculps of the new printed guard that you have painted up. they look a lot like the "scabs" traitor guardsmen from darktide and I have been wanting a kill team made to look like them for six months now. Thank you for continuing to share your hobby progress.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/27 11:02:38

Post by: philmorgan75

Not Online!!! wrote:Marvelous, the ogryn is clearly the one from darktide. The one that always ruins my day Just out of armor.

MeatShield wrote:I'm going to miss the old school style conversions. I really liked Chaos 36th Drookian Fenguard. The eyes really make the mini pop. That being said I do like the sculps of the new printed guard that you have painted up. they look a lot like the "scabs" traitor guardsmen from darktide and I have been wanting a kill team made to look like them for six months now. Thank you for continuing to share your hobby progress.

Thanks both for your comments

Update time:

Chaos Traitor 12th Falljaegar

This is a Grenadier. I really like the pose on this one and am really happy with how the eye lenses turned out.

This is a fallen officer.

Bane and Blood for the Blood God........

StationForge really make some nice sculpts. I love the chopped off hands on his belt.

I love this fella's shield!!

Who needs lasguns when you have knives!!

And finally...

I can't remember who created the STL for this medic. I saw it on Cults3D/Myminifactory and knew I had to have it. I think the blood on his cleaver looks really cool.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/05/27 20:39:56

Post by: gobert

That butcher medic is brutal! The Falljaeger are pretty cool, seem a relatively cohesive unit. Love the officer in the previous post. Is it just me or does his face look a bit like Red Skull?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/06/01 20:16:06

Post by: MeatShield

Excellent rate of progress, and they all look great!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/06/03 15:33:17

Post by: Not Online!!!

simply amazing. The medic is marvelous. Have you designed on your own yet?

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/03 15:43:41

Post by: philmorgan75

gobert wrote:That butcher medic is brutal! The Falljaeger are pretty cool, seem a relatively cohesive unit. Love the officer in the previous post. Is it just me or does his face look a bit like Red Skull?

I definitely think that's what the sculpter based it on gobert. Unfortunately, I have had issues with some of my hollowed out models and the butcher is going in the bin as he now looks like he has pee'd his pants with liquid resin and looks like this:

MeatShield wrote:Excellent rate of progress, and they all look great!

Thanks MeatShield

Not Online!!! wrote:simply amazing. The medic is marvelous. Have you designed on your own yet?

I loved the medic as well. Unfortunately I have had to throw that and another one I printed (but hadn't painted) in the bin due to leaking resin from the hollow miniatures - I now don't hollow out miniatures due to the number of recent fails I've had.

Apologies for not updating this thread for a while. I was in a big painting phase and home life has had an impact on me wanting to update it. As I'm in a better place, let's show you some more models I've finished:

This Chaos Traitor 12th Fallsjaegar Vox-caster is from the Stationforge Corrupted Guard range with RedMakers Renegade arms added to throw in a bit of variety.

Here is the 12th Fallsjeagar Medic

Here's a grenade launcher .....

and another 12th Fallsjaegar trooper.

To finish off this update, I give you my 2nd Corrupted Ogryn (from Stationforge):

I think Father Nurgle has given him some gifts!!!

Till next time.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/06 12:46:43

Post by: philmorgan75

Update time:

This is my 21st Solar Army trooper. I bought him on ebay and made the minor conversion of adding a chaos icon to his breastplate. Although the photo doesn't show it, the armour had multiple coats of pearlescent blue to make it shine.

Here's even more heresy - Fallen Tanith!!! I bought these three via bits sites and ebay.

I added chaos icons dangling from their belts to show they have fallen from the false Emperor's light.

These are Chaos Enforcers from the Lunar Auxilia range from The Makers Cult.

I sponged on rust to their armour and mud splatter across their boots and legs.

And finally ....

This is a resin 3D print - unfortunately, I cannot remember where I got it from. I painted his skin to give him a sickly zombie like feel.

Till next time, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/08 17:57:09

Post by: muette

Excellent miniatures, specially like the Chaos enforcers!

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/09 10:03:51

Post by: philmorgan75

 muette wrote:
Excellent miniatures, specially like the Chaos enforcers!

Thanks muette 👍🏻

Just to correct an mis-credit, I said the Chaos Enforcers above were from the Makers Cult. They are actually from Thatevilone instead 🤦‍♂️

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/10 14:14:51

Post by: Boss Salvage

Love seeing Station Forge's stuff get paint! Your scheme is really great on them as well, awesome work

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/12 20:55:57

Post by: PaddyMick

Awesome stuff. All brilliant but especially love those enforcers.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/14 05:41:47

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

Great enforcers! Looks like they're ready to lend a hand...

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/14 22:19:55

Post by: gobert

Loads more awesome here! Shame the medic had a little accident, though I think the resin at his feet gives a kind of eerie feel to him. Love the idea (and your execution) of the fallen tannith

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/27 15:08:11

Post by: philmorgan75

muette wrote:Excellent miniatures, specially like the Chaos enforcers!

Thanks muette

Boss Salvage wrote:Love seeing Station Forge's stuff get paint! Your scheme is really great on them as well, awesome work

Thanks Boss Salvage. Station Forge is the best.

PaddyMick wrote:Awesome stuff. All brilliant but especially love those enforcers.

Thanks PaddyMick

Cap'n Facebeard wrote:Great enforcers! Looks like they're ready to lend a hand...

Nice pun Cap'n Facebeard!

gobert wrote:Loads more awesome here! Shame the medic had a little accident, though I think the resin at his feet gives a kind of eerie feel to him. Love the idea (and your execution) of the fallen tannith

Thanks gobert

Update time:

Chaos Traitor 113th Crimsburg Stalwarts

This is one of the last plastic Chaos Traitor Guard I made before I started making 3D resin prints. He is made from "The Blooded" Kill Team with a milliput recast of the Traitor Commisar's head.

Chaos Traitor 67th Flaxian Foot Soldier

This traitor is again made from parts from "The Blooded" Kill Team with legs from the Chaos Legionnaire from Warcry.

Chaos Traitor 13th Pluvian Rifles Trooper

This Traitor has a body and legs from the Chaos Legionnaire Warcry band with arms and head from "The Blooded".

Chaos Traitor 43rd Royal Tanburm Trooper

This Traitor has legs from the Chaos Legionnaire Warcry band with arms, torso and head from "The Blooded".

Chaos Traitor 33rd Valhalian Veterans

This Traitor started life as a Dwarf Beserker from Bloodbowl. I swopped his hands for an axe and pistol to make him fit the 40k universe.

Chaos Cultist 23rd Norska Berzerker

Same as the previous Traitor, he started life as a Dwarf Beserker from Bloodbowl. I swopped his hands for an axe and pistol to make him fit the 40k universe.

Feel free to ask any questions as always.

Regards, Phil.

Start of a Chaos Traitor Guard and cultist army - Chaos Squats and other famous regiments @ 2023/08/27 15:20:44

Post by: Not Online!!!

Once again just great.

That brigandine one especially.