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Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:01:16

Post by: DaveC


Limited trial starts in selected UK stores tomorrow 16th February

SCE vs Kruleboyz - with some Sylvaneth, KO, Ironjawz and Gitz for good measure.

Issue 1 - Orruk Killaboss & Stab-Grot and Knight-Arcanum ~ £2.99 (£42 RRP)
Issue 2 - 10 Gutrippazs (Dominion sprues) - £5.99 (full kit is £31.50 RRP)
Issue 3 - 5 Vindictors - £8.99 (£15.75 RRP)
Issue 4 - Retributor Armour, Leadbelcher. Kantor Blue, Orruk Flesh - £8.99 (£11.95 RRP)

Premium 1 - Yndrasta +
Premium 2 - Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof +
Premium 3 - Grunstok Gunhauler +
Premium 4 - Dankhold Troggoth +

Worth note
Stormdrake Guard - 2 sprues = 2 issues = £17.98 (RRP £68) EDIT (the bases may be in a third issue)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:07:02

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

Wowie, Killaboss for 2.99

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:12:10

Post by: Voss

OK, when it I read 'Stormbringer Magazine' I was thinking someone was doing a Moorcock deal.

Disappointed now.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:13:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Anyone spotting the Exclusive model?

There’s usually one, but I’m finding it well hard to tell what’s what!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:17:17

Post by: DaveC

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Anyone spotting the Exclusive model?

There’s usually one, but I’m finding it well hard to tell what’s what!

I can't see one either the survey references the Xandria Azurebolt (Knights-Incantor) miniature so either that's just a carryover or they might reuse her?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:19:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Possibly. But I hope not!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:21:07

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Possibly the Exclusive Model.

[Thumb - 4CCFDC6A-E1E4-4BB6-809F-80AF0E1BA62C.jpeg]

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:24:36

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Thanks to a chap in the Loot Group!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 19:30:15

Post by: tneva82

Well while interesting seeing none have come here so far doubt this is either

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 20:01:31

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Possibly the Exclusive Model.

That's definitely not an existing Praetor. I've got six of them in front of me rigth now

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 20:31:46

Post by: judgedoug

Hoping for US release and interested to see the full contents of the Premium upgrades

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:10:07

Post by: BigOscar

Premium looks very dubious value, with £10 Yndrasta and Boss on Gnashtooth coming in at about £40 each. Obviously it says there will be extras, but they'd need to be huge

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:17:35

Post by: RobertDD

I think those models in Issue 1 did not come in Dominion, did they? That makes that issue a pretty nice pick-up. If this comes to the USA I may actually get it, based on how much of this repeats the Dominion box.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:20:44

Post by: DaveC

RobertDD wrote:
I think those models in Issue 1 did not come in Dominion, did they? That makes that issue a pretty nice pick-up. If this comes to the USA I may actually get it, based on how much of this repeats the Dominion box.

The Killaboss with Stab Grot and Knight Arcanum are from the Dominion/Extremis/Starter box sets. This will be the first time they are available outside those boxes. Both have 2 builds - even if it's just a weapon/head swap. Worth picking up if even just for conversions - use the Killaboss legs with the spare Snatchaboss torso from the Sludgeraker. Or get loads of Stab Grots for Warcry!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:29:43

Post by: Mr Morden

Voss wrote:
OK, when it I read 'Stormbringer Magazine' I was thinking someone was doing a Moorcock deal.

Disappointed now.

I was the same :(

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:30:28

Post by: BigOscar

Am I right in saying that you can cancel anytime, so I could sign up for the subscription, get my fee magazine and modelling set, then cancel without actually ever paying anything? Or would I need to at least buy the first set of 4 to get the free stuff?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:38:34

Post by: beast_gts

BigOscar wrote:
Am I right in saying that you can cancel anytime, so I could sign up for the subscription, get my fee magazine and modelling set, then cancel without actually ever paying anything? Or would I need to at least buy the first set of 4 to get the free stuff?

They're sent out with the first four issues IIRC, so you'd need to pay for those at least.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:41:30

Post by: Theophony

I'll consider it if it comes to the USA, but with local shop still selling Dominions for $125, It's hard to justify the "Value" of this collection.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 21:49:49

Post by: BigOscar

I know in the OP is says the Stormdrake will be in 2 magazines, so only £18, but I reckon it'd be 3 actually, with one extra for the bases and flying struts. Still, £27 would be outstanding, I'd be all over that like a fat lad on chips

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Theophony wrote:
I'll consider it if it comes to the USA, but with local shop still selling Dominions for $125, It's hard to justify the "Value" of this collection.

Yeah, that's what I put it in the survey, that Dominion was so abundant that it's hard for them to justify the price of some of these things given the easily available price of Dominon figues. (I bought 4 lots of the Stormcast half in the past week off ebay for about £100 total, good luck convincing me Yndrasta's sprue is worth £40 on it's own)

Still, some magazines will be great and hopefully not impossible to get hold of. Bastian Carthelos for £9? Yes please, a bunch of Vigilors at £18 for 10? Go on then. 5 Vindictors for £9? No ta.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 22:09:12

Post by: DaveC

BigOscar wrote:
I know in the OP is says the Stormdrake will be in 2 magazines, so only £18, but I reckon it'd be 3 actually, with one extra for the bases and flying struts. Still, £27 would be outstanding, I'd be all over that like a fat lad on chips

Sorry that was just my speculation based on the 2 sprues = 2 magazines but I forgot about the bases and Mortal Realms #78 was just 2 bases (if you have spare 105 ovals then it's not an issue anyway)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/15 23:57:07

Post by: Chikout

BigOscar wrote:
Premium looks very dubious value, with £10 Yndrasta and Boss on Gnashtooth coming in at about £40 each. Obviously it says there will be extras, but they'd need to be huge

Yndrasta and the boss are each part of a larger sprue. The Yndrasta one also includes 3 annihilators and the banner bearer. The Kruleboyz one includes 3 boltboys and their banner bearer.

That said I find the and more thing a bit shady. I don't want to pay for something unless I know exactly what I'm getting.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 00:30:31

Post by: DaveC

I think this is everything (but it’s late and I’m open to correction) with some assumptions on price for minis not available separately and before the price rise. Post March 7th prices in ( )

Knight Arcanum £21
Knight Judicator £21
Lord Aquilor £25. (£26)
Lord Imperatant £21
3 Praetors £29 (£30)
Chariot £29. (£30)
1 Exclusive Praetor Prime £20?
5 Vindictors £15.75. (£16.25)
6 Gryph Hounds £17.50. (£18)
2 Stormdrake Guard £68. (£70)
Bastion Carthalos £26.50. (£27.50)
Gardus Steel Soul £23.50. (£24)
5 Vigilors £18.25 (£18.75)
5 Vanquishers £18.25 (£18.75)
Xandires Truthseekers £15 (£16)
Total £368.75 (£378.25)

Grundstok Thunderers £27.50 (£30)
Endrinmaster Dirigible Suit £23.50. (£24)
Thundriks Profiteers £15 (£16)
Arkanaut Admiral £17.50. (£18)
Total £83.50 (£88)

Tree/Spite Revenants x10 £55. (£60)
Treelord £40. (£42.50)
Yltharis Guardians £15 (£16)
Arch Revenant £22.50. (£24)
Branch Wych £15 (£16)
Total £147.50 (£158.50)

Order Total £599.75. (£624.75)

Azyrite Shattered Plaza Fountain Sprue £10?
2 Beastgrave Primal Lair sets £45
3 Domicile Shells £90. (£105)
Guardian Idol £30. (£35)
Nexus Syphon £30. (£35)

Terrain Total £205 (£230)

Killaboss with Stab Grot £21
Da Kunnin Crew £15 (£16)
Swampcalla Shaman £21
10 EtB Gutrippaz £25?
20 Hobgrot Slittas £31.50. (£32.50)
3 Boltboyz £29. (£30)
Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker £34.50. (£35)
Marshcrawla Sloggoth £31.50. (£32.50)
Beastskewer Killbow £21
5 Ardboyz £11.66. (£12)
Ironskullz Boyz £15 (£16)
Megaboss £25. (£26)
Warchanter £18.50. (£20)
Total £299.66 (£308)

5 Fanatics £25. (£26)
5 Squighoppers £15 (£16.25)
Sneaky Snufflers £25. (£26)
Mollogs Mob £15 (£16)
Aleguzzler Gargant £37.50. (£40)
Loonboss £17.50. (£18)
Loonboss on Giant Squig £22.50. (£24)
Skragrott Loonking £22.50. (£24)
Fungoid Shaman £22.50 (£24)
20 Stabbas/Stikkas £25. (£26)
Squig Herd £27.50. (£30)
Zarbags Gits £15 (£16)
Total £270 (£286.25)

Destruction Total £569.66 (£594.25)

Total RRP of the minis £1374.41 (£1449) before paints etc.

Sub Cost £710.20

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 00:37:45

Post by: JWBS

Wow so many things on that list that I'll be very happy to buy at £9 each.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 01:55:16

Post by: Ancestral Hamster

Chikout wrote:
[Yndrasta and the boss are each part of a larger sprue. The Yndrasta one also includes 3 annihilators and the banner bearer. The Kruleboyz one includes 3 boltboys and their banner bearer.

That said I find the and more thing a bit shady. I don't want to pay for something unless I know exactly what I'm getting.
Few people do. The Premium needs be comparable to what WH Imperium offers. A single centerpiece model and three figure bodyguard unit ain't it. Even if a 32 page bonus magazine comes with it.

If you look at the WH Imperium Premium subscription, there are Orks, which for discussions' sake we can take as about equal to Kruleboys. Not being familiar with the Orks line, I count it as:
1 larger Character model
11 standard ork-sized model (or ten trooper orks & Unit leader + ork character model)
10 Grots and 1 ork grot herder.

So 23 figures plus three paints.

A Kruleboy premium kit ought to have about the same, or drop the paints and give more models. Are there any Kruleboy character models that are normally exclusive to the starter boxes like the Lord Imperatant and Knight Arcanum are for the SCE? Those would do.

The Tyranids premium has:
1 Broodlord
8 Genestealers
12 Termagants
21 figures, and no paints.

So a Thunderstrike SCE premium kit might be Yndrasta, 3 Annihilators, Knight Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis plus five more SCE. Having received my own copy of Yndrasta this weekend, she seems about twice the size of the Broodlord, even if it due mainly to her "tactical ruin". So I assume Hatchette will think "bigger, more impressive model means fewer minis overall, but same in terms of value." That's just my guessing, of course.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 06:20:29

Post by: Jxbrenna

Ill be certainly picking this up, from subscribing to the Imperium Premium for the Same Price, the premium for Storm bringer isn't justified when you weigh that even with the premiums of both Mortal Realms and Imperium. i cant justify a extra model which i already have, and a extra magazine :/

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 07:57:06

Post by: Tavis75

Does anyone have any news yet on whereabouts in the UK the trial will be running?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 08:46:04

Post by: lord_blackfang

What's the Underworlds terrain set doing in there lol

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 09:29:55

Post by: Tamereth

Depending on how the spruces are split between issues there’s some bargains to be had here, as long as you can find a reliable source of individual issues.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 09:59:29

Post by: Wha-Mu-077

 lord_blackfang wrote:
What's the Underworlds terrain set doing in there lol

What's an Underworlds warband doing in there.

I guess standing in for a Aetherkhemist?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 10:22:14

Post by: lare2

This looks outstanding. Will be all over this.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 10:29:23

Post by: Theophony

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
What's the Underworlds terrain set doing in there lol

What's an Underworlds warband doing in there.

I guess standing in for a Aetherkhemist?

All the Underworlds warbands had AOS rules as far as I am aware. Not sure if the terrain had rules, but sure would help new players out having terrain options.

Wonder if those Warhammer + exclusive models will ever show up in one of these partworks.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 11:34:33

Post by: deano2099

BigOscar wrote:
Am I right in saying that you can cancel anytime, so I could sign up for the subscription, get my fee magazine and modelling set, then cancel without actually ever paying anything? Or would I need to at least buy the first set of 4 to get the free stuff?

The first delivery is issues 1 and 2, so you have to pay £2.99 but then you get the first two magazines and the modelling set. Good bargain!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 12:27:19

Post by: NAVARRO

Local stores are useless around here so no point ordering there.

I assume the destruction minis ( not the kruleboy) are part of the premium offer and not the regular magazine right?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 12:53:38

Post by: manic _miner

Sure the Destruction boys are part of the regular magazine.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 13:01:19

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

the big group picture has previously only shown the stuff in the normal magazine

the premium add ons get their own images

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 13:05:21

Post by: NAVARRO

Nice! Thats so much goodness there! Squig herds im looking at you!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 13:12:20

Post by: JWBS

Squig herds, loon boss, fungus goblin man, lots of good scenery, orruk megaboss, dragons, chariots, krule boy monsters, so much good stuff that I'll be getting from this : )

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 14:59:06

Post by: lare2

Looks like the trial runs in Essex

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very happy I held out buying any dragons.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 15:07:24

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

Really good looking mix of order and destruction minis, could be a great intro to the hobby for some people.

Already have a 3k plus painted Kruleboyz army so will probably not subscribe, but will definitely be all over Forbidden Planet for select Gloomspite/non Dominion Stormcast issues.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 15:34:12

Post by: manic _miner

It is a much better way to get more people into the game with the different mix of factions in this series.
I wonder if Essex is the only area doing the test run.
Looked in two shop's here in the North-East but no luck.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 15:39:34

Post by: Danny76

 lare2 wrote:
Looks like the trial runs in Essex

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very happy I held out buying any dragons.

Has it been seen there?
Every other one so far has been in the same place I thought. And nowhere near Essex..?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 15:54:17

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I really, don't need a 3rd Knight-Arcanum..but £2.99 is too good to pass up, especially for the boss as well. Don't see myself subscribing, but certainly picking up issues along the way.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 16:15:03

Post by: Danny76

It would be nice if this made Dominion go down to its half price point again everywhere.
I’d like another copy and missed out on the whole £60 ish point.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 16:19:12

Post by: alphaecho

 Wha-Mu-077 wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
What's the Underworlds terrain set doing in there lol

What's an Underworlds warband doing in there.

I guess standing in for a Aetherkhemist?

Providing variety from what was in Mortal Realms for people subscribing to both?

The other thing to consider is what experienced players/ Warhammer old hands consider an Underworld product may have its own bespoke rules to include it Warhammer Stormbringer.

Stormbringer, Mortal Realms, Conquest and Imperium are all self contained games systems that do not require a subscriber to buy any other GW rulebook or Codex to use.

For those worried about the lack of detail for the Premium side, as this is likely a trial run, no-one will receive any product if they sign up now. Hopefully, the full premium details will be published before the main release. Final content of the Premium sub may only be decided on based on response to the trial run.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 16:21:29

Post by: Tallonian4th

Never played AoS but those dragons for £18 as a painting project are an absolute steal. The tree chap and some of the mounted models would also be good for £9/£18. Mortal Realms didn't really draw me in but this may give me a reason to get into AoS which ultimately is the aim. Looking forward to the national role out.

I've seen some people online say the premium model is only worth £10, however the sprue is sold on GW for £68 and it doesn't look splitable from the other models. Am I missing something £40 for a £68 sprue seems decent enough.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 16:31:36

Post by: manic _miner

You could get that same sprues in the Dominion starter set along with all of the other miniatures for around £30 more compared to the set listed at £68.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 20:51:42

Post by: lord marcus

You know, if the prices were not insane for the 40k version currently available in the US, I would be happy to see this come across the pond. Not so sure at the rates hachette is selling imperium for here.

Especially since i would assumably be paying for several issues upfront, with a shipping cost each damn time (I would not be against this if it was a nominal flat rate, but knowing commercial shipping rates they are charging an exhorbitant amount for shipments.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/16 23:29:38

Post by: lare2

Danny76 wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
Looks like the trial runs in Essex

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very happy I held out buying any dragons.

Has it been seen there?
Every other one so far has been in the same place I thought. And nowhere near Essex..?

I've had a bit of a funny day and can't really double check but I'm sure I saw someone on fb post a pic of #1 they'd picked up in Essex.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 00:05:44

Post by: Aeneades

 lare2 wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
Looks like the trial runs in Essex

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very happy I held out buying any dragons.

Has it been seen there?
Every other one so far has been in the same place I thought. And nowhere near Essex..?

I've had a bit of a funny day and can't really double check but I'm sure I saw someone on fb post a pic of #1 they'd picked up in Essex.

The person I saw who posted a copy said North Essex.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 03:27:52

Post by: DarkStarSabre

Eh, I've slapped a subscription down anyhow.

Just a normal sub mind you. Not that fussed about premium as the first 2 sets are basically Yndrasta and her sprue (eh) and a Gnashtoof Killaboss and his sprue (boltboyz and murk banner iirc). None of which are that important to me.

So for the price it's at, I'll not say no. That is a very respectable lot of things and my kruleboyz will appreciate reinforcements. The rest is sell fodder or painting project really.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 08:08:30

Post by: Tavis75

 DarkStarSabre wrote:
Eh, I've slapped a subscription down anyhow.

Just a normal sub mind you. Not that fussed about premium as the first 2 sets are basically Yndrasta and her sprue (eh) and a Gnashtoof Killaboss and his sprue (boltboyz and murk banner iirc). None of which are that important to me.

So for the price it's at, I'll not say no. That is a very respectable lot of things and my kruleboyz will appreciate reinforcements. The rest is sell fodder or painting project really.

Bear in mind, as this is just a trial, you may well not receive anything at this point. Though think you will then start the subscription when the magazine goes live (I'm guessing shortly after Imperium finishes, so a year or so's time), though you may get some free issues.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 08:28:28

Post by: Aeneades

I think it was a free mug for signing up early to Imperium rather than an extra free issue. Although this time they already have included a mug in the free gifts.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 14:36:13

Post by: BigOscar

Anyone know what shops usually actually stock these in the UK? Not a massive in person shopper these days so I'm well out of the loop! Wh smiths? Do they still exist?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 15:32:16

Post by: Tavis75

BigOscar wrote:
Anyone know what shops usually actually stock these in the UK? Not a massive in person shopper these days so I'm well out of the loop! Wh smiths? Do they still exist?

W H Smiths almost certainly, the larger newsagent chains and some supermarkets in my experience, but this is only a trial run, so only available in a small part of the country, possibly Essex, but don't know if that's actually been confirmed.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 15:36:59

Post by: BigOscar

Tavis75 wrote:
BigOscar wrote:
Anyone know what shops usually actually stock these in the UK? Not a massive in person shopper these days so I'm well out of the loop! Wh smiths? Do they still exist?

W H Smiths almost certainly, the larger newsagent chains and some supermarkets in my experience, but this is only a trial run, so only available in a small part of the country, possibly Essex, but don't know if that's actually been confirmed.

Cheers, I was more thinking for when it actually comes out the best way to hoover up an ungodly amount of cheap squigs. So things like GT News might have it? Otherwise I am looking at going all the way into town, which if you've been to Sheffield city centre lately you'll know, is not that appealing. (unless spice zombies and people eyeing you up to see if you are worth mugging is your idea of a good time!)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 15:57:42

Post by: Tavis75

BigOscar wrote:
Tavis75 wrote:
BigOscar wrote:
Anyone know what shops usually actually stock these in the UK? Not a massive in person shopper these days so I'm well out of the loop! Wh smiths? Do they still exist?

W H Smiths almost certainly, the larger newsagent chains and some supermarkets in my experience, but this is only a trial run, so only available in a small part of the country, possibly Essex, but don't know if that's actually been confirmed.

Cheers, I was more thinking for when it actually comes out the best way to hoover up an ungodly amount of cheap squigs. So things like GT News might have it? Otherwise I am looking at going all the way into town, which if you've been to Sheffield city centre lately you'll know, is not that appealing. (unless spice zombies and people eyeing you up to see if you are worth mugging is your idea of a good time!)

They sound like a good bet, however, a lot of places only get the first few issues in, then unless you ask them to specifically order the magazine for you they stop stocking it. So no good if you want to pick up the odd issue here and there. I believe Forbidden Planet tend to stock the mags for mail order, so they might be a good bet.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 16:37:53

Post by: NAVARRO

Tavis75 wrote:
BigOscar wrote:
Tavis75 wrote:
BigOscar wrote:
Anyone know what shops usually actually stock these in the UK? Not a massive in person shopper these days so I'm well out of the loop! Wh smiths? Do they still exist?

W H Smiths almost certainly, the larger newsagent chains and some supermarkets in my experience, but this is only a trial run, so only available in a small part of the country, possibly Essex, but don't know if that's actually been confirmed.

Cheers, I was more thinking for when it actually comes out the best way to hoover up an ungodly amount of cheap squigs. So things like GT News might have it? Otherwise I am looking at going all the way into town, which if you've been to Sheffield city centre lately you'll know, is not that appealing. (unless spice zombies and people eyeing you up to see if you are worth mugging is your idea of a good time!)

They sound like a good bet, however, a lot of places only get the first few issues in, then unless you ask them to specifically order the magazine for you they stop stocking it. So no good if you want to pick up the odd issue here and there. I believe Forbidden Planet tend to stock the mags for mail order, so they might be a good bet.

Depends on how good is your local newsagent... My experience is they get first numbers then they drop and just get random numbers inconsistently and in very small quantities. You ask if they can order they say yes and then screw up every month making it so frustrating you give up. Im going to pick some issues online only ( will try forbidden planet)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 18:05:16

Post by: BigOscar

I can't say I've ever seen any of the Warhammer or 40k magazines in my local 3 or 4 newsagents, but you don't really know if that's because they never had them or they sold them (I've not exactly been avidly looking for them either). I'll try and at least check around when they release these properly and at least see which are stocking at all.

Online does feel inevitable though, although that does have the concerns of things selling out with every decent issue being swallowed up by scalpers.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 20:27:37

Post by: Tallonian4th

 manic _miner wrote:
You could get that same sprues in the Dominion starter set along with all of the other miniatures for around £30 more compared to the set listed at £68.

Thanks that explains it, I take it £10 comes from taking the cost of Dominion and dividing by the number of sprues?

It's a tricky one when it comes to value. If you were able to get Dominion then it's worth a tenner but anyone late to the party will have to pay the current RRP of £68. Though I am guessing the Dominion price is keeping second hand prices down. Looking at the models included on the sprue based on GWs normal pricing £40 doesn't seem like a bad deal if you did miss out on Dominion.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 21:04:15

Post by: BigOscar

Tallonian4th wrote:
 manic _miner wrote:
You could get that same sprues in the Dominion starter set along with all of the other miniatures for around £30 more compared to the set listed at £68.

Thanks that explains it, I take it £10 comes from taking the cost of Dominion and dividing by the number of sprues?

It's a tricky one when it comes to value. If you were able to get Dominion then it's worth a tenner but anyone late to the party will have to pay the current RRP of £68. Though I am guessing the Dominion price is keeping second hand prices down. Looking at the models included on the sprue based on GWs normal pricing £40 doesn't seem like a bad deal if you did miss out on Dominion.

The £10 comes from the fact that Dominion was massively overstocked, so there was a massive price crash on it and a ton of extra models available at next to no price. Yndrasta is a fantastic model, pretty large and cool, but you could go on ebay right now and buy it new on sprue for about £10. In time, the price might start to go up once the thousands of extra kits work their way out of circulation, but we're still a pretty long way away from that I reckon.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 21:59:56

Post by: Tallonian4th

At that price it's a tempting buy for a conversion into a 40K Sisters project! Thanks for the clarification. Yeah based on that, it's hard to see the value. Wonder how the Premium models are decided, it's likely Hachette are unaware of the overall market for each sprue. It could be a case of GW trying to get rid of the stock they can't shift at £68.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 23:33:03

Post by: DarkStarSabre

Tavis75 wrote:
 DarkStarSabre wrote:
Eh, I've slapped a subscription down anyhow.

Just a normal sub mind you. Not that fussed about premium as the first 2 sets are basically Yndrasta and her sprue (eh) and a Gnashtoof Killaboss and his sprue (boltboyz and murk banner iirc). None of which are that important to me.

So for the price it's at, I'll not say no. That is a very respectable lot of things and my kruleboyz will appreciate reinforcements. The rest is sell fodder or painting project really.

Bear in mind, as this is just a trial, you may well not receive anything at this point. Though think you will then start the subscription when the magazine goes live (I'm guessing shortly after Imperium finishes, so a year or so's time), though you may get some free issues.

Do you think I'm in the US or something? LOL. The previous trial runs occured in spring/late winter (now) and became full runs in August/September of the very same year - a year or so's time? Don't be daft. They won't wait for one to finish before starting the other. Imperium was coming out while Mortal Realms was in its last third. Mortal Realms was coming out while Conquest was the same.

It's a patter than has happened twice before. It's not going to suddenly change like that.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/17 23:34:25

Post by: MaxT

Tallonian4th wrote:
At that price it's a tempting buy for a conversion into a 40K Sisters project! Thanks for the clarification. Yeah based on that, it's hard to see the value. Wonder how the Premium models are decided, it's likely Hachette are unaware of the overall market for each sprue. It could be a case of GW trying to get rid of the stock they can't shift at £68.

This will have been decided before Dominion was even released most likely.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/18 04:30:29

Post by: Danny76

 DarkStarSabre wrote:
Tavis75 wrote:
 DarkStarSabre wrote:
Eh, I've slapped a subscription down anyhow.

Just a normal sub mind you. Not that fussed about premium as the first 2 sets are basically Yndrasta and her sprue (eh) and a Gnashtoof Killaboss and his sprue (boltboyz and murk banner iirc). None of which are that important to me.

So for the price it's at, I'll not say no. That is a very respectable lot of things and my kruleboyz will appreciate reinforcements. The rest is sell fodder or painting project really.

Bear in mind, as this is just a trial, you may well not receive anything at this point. Though think you will then start the subscription when the magazine goes live (I'm guessing shortly after Imperium finishes, so a year or so's time), though you may get some free issues.

Do you think I'm in the US or something? LOL. The previous trial runs occured in spring/late winter (now) and became full runs in August/September of the very same year - a year or so's time? Don't be daft. They won't wait for one to finish before starting the other. Imperium was coming out while Mortal Realms was in its last third. Mortal Realms was coming out while Conquest was the same.

It's a patter than has happened twice before. It's not going to suddenly change like that.

Around issue 60 in previous times if I had to guess / use my vague memory.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/18 12:39:00

Post by: lare2

Aiming to try and go halfies with a Kruleboyz mate. If that falls through, hopefully Forbidden Planet sell it, just like they have done with all previous iterations. Best place to pick up random issues.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/19 08:41:17

Post by: lare2

Nice one - now subscribed with kruleboyz mate.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/19 09:04:02

Post by: ZergSmasher

 lord marcus wrote:
You know, if the prices were not insane for the 40k version currently available in the US, I would be happy to see this come across the pond. Not so sure at the rates hachette is selling imperium for here.

Especially since i would assumably be paying for several issues upfront, with a shipping cost each damn time (I would not be against this if it was a nominal flat rate, but knowing commercial shipping rates they are charging an exhorbitant amount for shipments.

Yeah, I thought it was cool that it was finally coming to the US, but then I saw the prices and said "F*** no!" I guess it's more expensive over here because it's basically imported?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/19 15:14:39

Post by: porkuslime

 ZergSmasher wrote:
 lord marcus wrote:
You know, if the prices were not insane for the 40k version currently available in the US, I would be happy to see this come across the pond. Not so sure at the rates hachette is selling imperium for here.

Especially since i would assumably be paying for several issues upfront, with a shipping cost each damn time (I would not be against this if it was a nominal flat rate, but knowing commercial shipping rates they are charging an exhorbitant amount for shipments.

Yeah, I thought it was cool that it was finally coming to the US, but then I saw the prices and said "F*** no!" I guess it's more expensive over here because it's basically imported?

I'm seeing the price at $13.99 per issue in the US.. is that the "insane" prices you mean, or is there some scalpers charging an arm and a leg?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/19 19:21:32

Post by: alphaecho

Wow. For some reason the US subscribers get charged P & P plus the US FAQ states the binders have to be bought.

Land Of The Not So Free Postage and Packing.

Makes me glad that Hachette UK absorb that cost.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/19 20:16:10

Post by: Sacredroach

alphaecho wrote:

Wow. For some reason the US subscribers get charged P & P plus the US FAQ states the binders have to be bought.

Land Of The Not So Free Postage and Packing.

Makes me glad that Hachette UK absorb that cost.

The US Post Office is flat f*cking broke, and as a result they keep raising prices every year. It has gotten to the point that at work we check and see if UPS or FedEx can get the package there cheaper...and usually they can now. I still find Imperium worth it, especially the Necron issues. And I can always use more paint...

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/19 22:50:41

Post by: alphaecho

 Sacredroach wrote:
alphaecho wrote:

Wow. For some reason the US subscribers get charged P & P plus the US FAQ states the binders have to be bought.

Land Of The Not So Free Postage and Packing.

Makes me glad that Hachette UK absorb that cost.

The US Post Office is flat f*cking broke, and as a result they keep raising prices every year. It has gotten to the point that at work we check and see if UPS or FedEx can get the package there cheaper...and usually they can now. I still find Imperium worth it, especially the Necron issues. And I can always use more paint...

Happy with that sad state of affairs but, on the subject of binders, I'm not sure why the UK FAQs state this:

Are there any binders or extras with the subscription?
If you subscribe from Issues 01, 02, 03 or 04, you will receive your FREE binder with dividers in your 3rd delivery. If you subscribe from Issue 05, 06 or 07, you will receive your first binder with dividers with issue 7 at the price of £8.99 (€10.99).

Subsequent binders (without dividers) will be sent to all subscribers with Issues 23, 43 and 63 at the price of £8.99 (€10.99).

As a subscriber, you will also automatically receive special issues as they become available (items and prices vary).

You will be automatically opted in to receive binders and special issues throughout your collection, though you may opt out of receiving these by contacting our Customer Service Team.

The US site has this:

Do I have to get the binders?
3 months ago
Yes, the binders are an integral part of the collection. The magazines are only loosely bound and designed to pull apart so that you can file the various sections of the magazine in the correct sequence. For example all the painting instructions will be filed together, as will the instruction guides. This allows for easier reference of the material as your collection grows.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/02/23 14:43:31

Post by: Danny76

So this being the trial I didn’t think I’d see it down here.
However a newsagents one Ipswich did have a load.
So I grabbed two (and for some reason he put them through at £2.29 each, so even better!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/07/16 06:07:42

Post by: lare2

Anyone heard anything more recently?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/07/16 11:02:36

Post by: Memnoch

No its been pretty much radio silence for now.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/07/16 11:04:19

Post by: lare2

If it follows previous releases it should be in the next few months. Hopefully we'll hear more soon.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I want cheap dragons.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/07/16 11:59:23

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of a delay while they figure out what the fallout of the collapse of Eaglemoss means for them

(they actually felt the need to post on facebook, and i think twitter that hattchette wasn't part of or associated with Eaglemoss, and that subscribers magazines weren't in jeopardy)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/07/16 12:29:33

Post by: Orlanth

 lare2 wrote:

I want cheap dragons.

Here you go:

In addition to archon studio.

Nolzurs dragons are decent for the price, mostly. 'Young dragons' are big enough for most gaming purposes, of late D&D has been supersizing their giants and dragons. Nolzur's do a lot of flying poses also.

Reaper can be excellent for dragons but you need to pick them carefully.

My trouble with most GW dragons are molded on faction insignia, the notable exception being the black dragon. The two flying dragons here are nicely posed, but they are covered in faction armour, you only want them if you want the army and if you want the army there you go. But if you are not into Sigmarines then you can find far better dragon options elsewhere.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/10 17:47:13

Post by: lare2

Issue 1 scheduled for release 31.08.22. So it begins.

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Actually, scratch that... doesn't appear as clear cut as that.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/10 18:15:04

Post by: McDougall Designs

I wish they offered this in the states.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/12 10:08:47

Post by: lare2

There is something definitely not quite right about this magazine. No idea yet but something's off. Suppose we'll just have to wait a couple weeks to see what the problem is.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/12 14:24:47

Post by: deano2099

What makes you say that?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/12 14:25:28

Post by: Danny76

 lare2 wrote:
There is something definitely not quite right about this magazine. No idea yet but something's off. Suppose we'll just have to wait a couple weeks to see what the problem is.

Looks exactly on point as normal.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/12 14:26:55

Post by: Platuan4th

 McDougall Designs wrote:
I wish they offered this in the states.

They probably will but after a delay like Imperium.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/12 14:54:01

Post by: Danny76

I’d be shocked if it didn’t go to the US. Again like is standard now.
Has the third run made it there yet?
Not sure how behind the schedule is

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/13 07:11:13

Post by: lare2

 Platuan4th wrote:
 McDougall Designs wrote:
I wish they offered this in the states.

They probably will but after a delay like Imperium.

No idea. Fauxhammer, the chap who gives a lot of very accurate and very useful info on these mags and who watches here as well, is being very cagey about it on fb. He definitely knows something about it that he can't share. From what he's saying, it doesn't sound positive.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Danny76 wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
There is something definitely not quite right about this magazine. No idea yet but something's off. Suppose we'll just have to wait a couple weeks to see what the problem is.

Looks exactly on point as normal.

Apologies. Meant to quote the above in my previous comment.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/13 09:34:12

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Wouldn't surprise me with their production and logistics issues if it got delayed. That's a lot of plastic they need to produce for the magazine.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/13 18:19:31

Post by: lare2

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Wouldn't surprise me with their production and logistics issues if it got delayed. That's a lot of plastic they need to produce for the magazine.

Fingers crossed it's just delays.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/14 14:50:35

Post by: Danny76

Rumour websites are rumour websites.
It’s all clicks.
I see no reason this won’t run just like the other three successful runs.

From whenever it starts, they’ve had varied starts post trial period. So this just may be a bit longer.
Unless not enough of the trial copies/initial subscriptions sold to warrant bothering.
But personally I don’t see that being the case.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/14 20:37:46

Post by: Tallonian4th

It's either been canned which is possible as it didn't seem to generate the buzz the first three mags did. Or they have delayed it.

It's possible that it is simply delays in logistics but with the sprues manufactured by Nottingham and the paper mags printed in Europe the supply chain isn't as stretched as GW's normal reliance on paper products from China. I could see it simply being fatigue, they have been putting out these mags with a ~£40 per month commitment since August 2018. They might simply be waiting for Imperium to wrap up rather then dilute the market with two mags at once

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/15 10:50:02

Post by: Danny76

They’ve never waited on the others to worry about diluting.

But has it been delayed?
We are just still waiting on it’s first issue date to come, I’m not seeing why this is a “delay”?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/15 13:10:32

Post by: Aeneades

Valrak has said that a HH magazine may be on the way. If it’s being seriously considered then they may be wanting to run that before Stormbringer to get more people onboard the new version.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/15 17:09:27

Post by: Tallonian4th

Danny76 wrote:
They’ve never waited on the others to worry about diluting

If this is coming out at the end of the month as suggested then the overlap with Imperium is significant. You are looking at Imperium being on about issue 54 of 80, that's 26 issues of overlap. You end up asking people to spend £80 a month for 5 months which, in the current climate of cutting luxury spending by most people, may just not be sustainable. If I remember rightly the other mags only had an overlap of a month or so which is much more palatable. Plus they may simply be seeing burnout which makes dilution a bigger issue then with previous mags.

It's all rumour on rumour so it could all end up to be rubbish, I can just see how this might be an issue if it ends up coming true.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/19 10:31:35

Post by: lare2

Another trial run? Maybe they weren't convinced by the first one.

[Thumb - FB_IMG_1660905051965.jpg]

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/19 11:41:51

Post by: Lord Damocles

Imperium had a trial run too. It's just the way Hachette do things.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/19 11:43:05

Post by: Aeneades

 Lord Damocles wrote:
Imperium had a trial run too. It's just the way Hachette do things.

Stormbringer has already had a trial run. This is a second one listed as “retest”.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/19 11:47:27

Post by: Arbitrator

 lare2 wrote:
Another trial run? Maybe they weren't convinced by the first one.

A lot of early Stormbringer stuff is just the Dominion contents right? Them already being very cheap to find due to the abundance of the boxset and would-be scalpers having bought too much means the sales might've flagged compared to the last one. Plus Kruelboys don't seem nearly as popular as Nighthaunt were.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/19 13:49:23

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

Looks like they're testing whether a smaller A4 format is going to sell better or worse than their normal launch format on a bit of card you could roof a house with (and that shops hate as they don't have space to put it out)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/19 14:12:45

Post by: Aeneades

They did have the A4 format at launch in supermarkets for Imperium (I picked up a few of those issue 1s along with my larger Smiths copy), not sure about the next two as I didn’t pick up additional copies of those.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/20 15:49:20

Post by: Danny76

Tallonian4th wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
They’ve never waited on the others to worry about diluting

If this is coming out at the end of the month as suggested then the overlap with Imperium is significant. You are looking at Imperium being on about issue 54 of 80, that's 26 issues of overlap. You end up asking people to spend £80 a month for 5 months which, in the current climate of cutting luxury spending by most people, may just not be sustainable. If I remember rightly the other mags only had an overlap of a month or so which is much more palatable. Plus they may simply be seeing burnout which makes dilution a bigger issue then with previous mags.

It's all rumour on rumour so it could all end up to be rubbish, I can just see how this might be an issue if it ends up coming true.

I didn’t know who had quoted end of August as a date.

But how many issues were the overlap from Conquest to Mortal Realms, and Mortal Realms to Imperium?

Was quite a bit for sure.

What is Valrak basing this Horus Heresy Magazine “rumour” on? His usual plucked from thing air magic or has anything been posted anywhere that we can all see?

It’s like me saying there will possibly be an Old World magainze.
I mean sure, there could be. But, just an idea.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 lare2 wrote:
Another trial run? Maybe they weren't convinced by the first one.

This saying retest is the real curious thing here.
That’s the break from the norm.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/20 17:45:43

Post by: GrosseSax

 Arbitrator wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
Another trial run? Maybe they weren't convinced by the first one.

A lot of early Stormbringer stuff is just the Dominion contents right? Them already being very cheap to find due to the abundance of the boxset and would-be scalpers having bought too much means the sales might've flagged compared to the last one. Plus Kruelboys don't seem nearly as popular as Nighthaunt were.

Until GW does something to improve the Kruelboys on the table, the aftermarket will remain oversaturated with Dominion models that nobody wants. It doesn't really make sense for anybody to pay a monthly subscription when they can get the entire Dominion box for like $90?

They need to stay away from the Dominion sprues if they want this to be successful.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/22 12:10:28

Post by: lare2

Yep, pretty much all but confirmed that this will be another test - FFS. I might be pessimistic but I'm thinking we'll never see a full release.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/30 07:47:55

Post by: Mentlegen324

So this isn't actually releasing tommorow after all? Only in certain areas?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/30 10:28:51

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

who knows, i'm on the hachette email list so should have heard something if it is meant to appear tomorrow,

but i wouldn't trust that so i'll try and pop into WH Smiths and ask

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/30 11:17:40

Post by: Tallonian4th

I do wonder if Kruleboyz might be part of the issue. They don't seem to have made the splash the Nighthaunt did and I don't think can be easily offloaded. One of the issues with this format is to get the value you have to want everything or be able to offload what you don't want. The saving may not be there for many (particularly with belts being tightened) if they just want the Stormcasts and some of the terrain and can't afford to be left with files of unneeded sprues.

GW has hired some new people for 'Part-Works' so they are likely keen to keep the ball rolling, hence the retest to assure a unconvinced Hachette?

There has been some discussion on the Facebook group that the contents has changed but so far no definitive list as to what.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/30 21:49:39

Post by: lare2

The website's up and running again.


Content looks the same.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
There's a survey on it now as well. Just completed it.

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Confirmation of also what you get going premium. They're alright. Don't compare to previous iterations but still canny.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/30 22:20:21

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Ohh Xandria's there as a free gift this time. Neat, i wanted another one of her.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/30 23:03:41

Post by: deano2099

The problem with premium (for existing players, it's still neat for the actual target audience) is the first two deliveries are £66 for two of the big sprues from Dominion when it's been possible to pick up a Dominion box for that much, a quick search and you can still get it for £80 now.

At least they've resisted going up to £9.99 an issue.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/31 08:37:08

Post by: lare2

Trial area is Blackpool if you're in the NW UK.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/31 08:47:56

Post by: Mentlegen324

Is this definitely just a trial in certain areas only? The site says it actually releases today but i'm not sure if that's wrong, phoned 3 WHSmiths near me and they don't have it.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/31 08:57:37

Post by: lare2

The indication is it's very much a trial. Don't know for certain yet but it's definitely looking that way

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Spotted in Morecambe as well. Trial's definitely in the NW.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/08/31 18:02:28

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

West Midlands WH Smiths are denying all knowledge of it's existence so it looks like it's a trial again, not the real launch

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West Midlands WH Smiths are denying all knowledge of it's existence so it looks like it's a trial again, not the real launch

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/02 20:56:49

Post by: Ashaar

Had an email today titled "Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer - register your interest"

As a subscriber to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer test in February 2022, we thought you'd like to know that the new and improved collection is here!

Thank you for your feedback on the February test - we have taken this on board and have made a variety of changes to the collection based on your feedback.

Still want to get the full collection?

If you're still interested in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer collection, be sure to resubscribe! Your previous subscription to the February test will not be carried over so you will need to subscribe again for your collection to continue.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/02 23:32:36

Post by: Kitastrophe

deano2099 wrote:
The problem with premium (for existing players, it's still neat for the actual target audience) is the first two deliveries are £66 for two of the big sprues from Dominion when it's been possible to pick up a Dominion box for that much, a quick search and you can still get it for £80 now.

At least they've resisted going up to £9.99 an issue.

Yup the went straight to £10.99

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/03 01:15:15

Post by: Danny76

 Kitastrophe wrote:
deano2099 wrote:
The problem with premium (for existing players, it's still neat for the actual target audience) is the first two deliveries are £66 for two of the big sprues from Dominion when it's been possible to pick up a Dominion box for that much, a quick search and you can still get it for £80 now.

At least they've resisted going up to £9.99 an issue.

Yup the went straight to £10.99

It’s still listed as £8.99 an issue.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/03 01:53:26

Post by: Kitastrophe

Doh - premium was auto selected when i tried to subscribe - feel I am conditioned to assume the worst now - lol

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/03 03:05:36

Post by: (HN)

Ok now this is interesting, it contains almost everything I like about AoS.
Sadly Hachette canada is run like a recycle scam for the unsold EU stuff (and also they sell stuff 4 years later, onces all the paper is basically outdated.

I'm still subbed to Conquest and may get that one after that.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/04 05:26:11

Post by: Danny76

Conquest? Damn..
So is Mortal Realms running about 20-30 issues behind it?

So you’ll have Imperium still before this too..

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/04 07:35:53

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I've subbed. Under £3 for some models and the modelling stuff is pretty decent. If nothing else I can either use the parts for conversions or give the models to my son when he's old enough. Probably cancel after the first or second payment.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 08:13:10

Post by: Danny76

 queen_annes_revenge wrote:
I've subbed. Under £3 for some models and the modelling stuff is pretty decent. If nothing else I can either use the parts for conversions or give the models to my son when he's old enough. Probably cancel after the first or second payment.
yeah second payment shoots up in price. Best to cherry pick issues after that really.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 08:50:12

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Premiums are super stingy this time around, no?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 10:12:47

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Danny76 wrote:
 queen_annes_revenge wrote:
I've subbed. Under £3 for some models and the modelling stuff is pretty decent. If nothing else I can either use the parts for conversions or give the models to my son when he's old enough. Probably cancel after the first or second payment.
yeah second payment shoots up in price. Best to cherry pick issues after that really.

Oh yeah Ill definitely cancel, probably after the binder? If it's nice I can use it to keep all my Warhammer miscellaneous paperwork and magazines etc in.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 15:25:49

Post by: Huron black heart

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Premiums are super stingy this time around, no?

According to Fauxhammer they're using wording like '+ more' after telling us what we get. It's vague and probably means they're not gonna be worth anywhere near as much as the previous premium upgrades. I certainly wouldn't get it based on what we have currently been shown.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 16:17:53

Post by: Aeneades

 Huron black heart wrote:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Premiums are super stingy this time around, no?

According to Fauxhammer they're using wording like '+ more' after telling us what we get. It's vague and probably means they're not gonna be worth anywhere near as much as the previous premium upgrades. I certainly wouldn't get it based on what we have currently been shown.

They have the full premium content on the website now and “+more” has been removed. It’s really lacking compared to previous collections.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 17:15:52

Post by: Danny76

Except Conquest. It’s better than how that started.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 17:24:57

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I still think you get some kind of value from the Premiums. They’re just not as instantly impressive as the three preceding ones

Well. Maybe excluding the first 40K one.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/07 22:50:40

Post by: Aeneades

Danny76 wrote:
Except Conquest. It’s better than how that started.

Good point. I wiped that one from my memory given how awful it was.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/08 10:42:35

Post by: alphaecho

Danny76 wrote:
Except Conquest. It’s better than how that started.

A company that learned!

Not that the individual products in the Conquest Premium were bad. I have one or two of the fold out mats from sellers on and they are nice, just not worth the extra payout.

I am happy with my Imperium extras so far. The Tau one will go well with the Pathfinders from the Chelnath box.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/08 15:06:21

Post by: deano2099

The irony is I've actually used the boxes and boards from Conquest premium while the Mortal Realms sprues are in the pile of shame. Which is in my Conquest boxes.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/08 18:54:13

Post by: alphaecho

deano2099 wrote:
The irony is I've actually used the boxes and boards from Conquest premium while the Mortal Realms sprues are in the pile of shame. Which is in my Conquest boxes.

Ironic and amusing.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/09 16:16:26

Post by: khimbar

 lare2 wrote:
The indication is it's very much a trial. Don't know for certain yet but it's definitely looking that way

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Spotted in Morecambe as well. Trial's definitely in the NW.

Can I ask where in Morecambe you spotted it please?


Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/09 18:27:21

Post by: lare2

khimbar wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
The indication is it's very much a trial. Don't know for certain yet but it's definitely looking that way

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Spotted in Morecambe as well. Trial's definitely in the NW.

Can I ask where in Morecambe you spotted it please?


Sorry, wasn't me that spotted it. Just been keeping an eye on where people have been reporting it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just checked and they said a One Stop... imagine there's one or two there.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/09 22:04:34

Post by: JWBS

deano2099 wrote:
The irony is I've actually used the boxes and boards from Conquest premium while the Mortal Realms sprues are in the pile of shame. Which is in my Conquest boxes.

I really like the boards they put in many boxes these days. I'm not a gamer but I own many of them now as a consequence of buying other stuff and they've always seemd like a quality product to me.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/11 08:49:03

Post by: khimbar

 lare2 wrote:
khimbar wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
The indication is it's very much a trial. Don't know for certain yet but it's definitely looking that way

Automatically Appended Next Post:

Spotted in Morecambe as well. Trial's definitely in the NW.

Can I ask where in Morecambe you spotted it please?


Sorry, wasn't me that spotted it. Just been keeping an eye on where people have been reporting it.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just checked and they said a One Stop... imagine there's one or two there.

Thanks again, was up there yesterday and managed to find one single copy in a sidestreet newsagents.

So, thanks again for the heads up on Morecambe.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/11 09:42:50

Post by: lare2

No worries - happy to help and glad you found one. Here's hoping the good people of the NW generated enough sales to guarantee a general release.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/09/13 05:40:42

Post by: Danny76

Still likely more about getting pre orders.
Well sign ups to the subscription etc.

I just don’t see them not doing it.
But stranger things have happened

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 19:08:07

Post by: lare2

Get in! Full release announced. Feb release date for UK. Cannot wait for this!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 19:41:03

Post by: Clockpunk

 lare2 wrote:
Get in! Full release announced. Feb release date for UK. Cannot wait for this!

Ooh! Where was that announced? Searches not revealing anything...

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 20:05:52

Post by: Aeneades

 Clockpunk wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
Get in! Full release announced. Feb release date for UK. Cannot wait for this!

Ooh! Where was that announced? Searches not revealing anything...

Email to subscribers. -

We would like to thank you for bearing with us since subscribing to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Stormbringer limited test run. By way of thanks, we will be sending you a FREE Stormcast sprue later this year.

We are very excited to announce that the collection will be launching nationally in February 2023!

Your subscription will automatically start again from Issue 01 - you do not need to subscribe again. Please note that your subscriber number will not be the same one you received earlier this year.

If you are no longer interested in this collection and would like to cancel your subscription, please contact our Customer Service Team using one of the methods listed below.

Thank you for your continued patience.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 20:31:08

Post by: Clockpunk

Excellente - cheers! ^_^

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 21:18:51

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I didn't get any email. Does that mean that's when the subscribers will get it? When I subbed it said I would be within a month.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 21:31:57

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Noice. I want that exclusive Prateor, scenery and like another six dragons.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 21:46:05

Post by: lare2

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Noice. I want that exclusive Prateor, scenery and like another six dragons.

I think the dragons are gonna be the most overly abused issues in the history of these partworks.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 21:48:49

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 lare2 wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Noice. I want that exclusive Prateor, scenery and like another six dragons.

I think the dragons are gonna be the most overly abused issues in the history of these partworks.

Can you blame them when you'll be able to get like 6 for the price of a normal box? And this comes from someone who already has 8.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 21:52:52

Post by: lare2

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
 lare2 wrote:
 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Noice. I want that exclusive Prateor, scenery and like another six dragons.

I think the dragons are gonna be the most overly abused issues in the history of these partworks.

Can you blame them when you'll be able to get like 6 for the price of a normal box? And this comes from someone who already has 8.

Not in the slightest. I'm gonna be all over the SCE side of this. Held off buying a few things like dragons, specifically, waiting and hoping for this release.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/01 22:32:36

Post by: JWBS

I just want another megaboss (already got two) though I will ofc be buying plenty more stuff from this magazine.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/02 00:50:26

Post by: Danny76

Have we got the contents picture. I can’t really remember what was coming, or what bits I might be wanting.

I’m hearing dragon and thinking yes.
But for no reason other then would be cool to have and paint.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Ok page one yeah.
Warboss is cool, nothing else that side.
Presumably those dragon rider things will be one per issue.
Some of that terrain may be nice.
And did I see that slamming down SCE character who had a novel release in there?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/02 01:03:37

Post by: Overread

So the dragon issues are likely going to be as popular as those Necron Flayed Ones issues - ergo sold out in seconds once we know which issues they are in. Heck I'm tempted just to grab those ones off Forbidden Planet if I can.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/11/04 16:02:32

Post by: Danny76

Yeah I don’t need any Stormcast, but if I can pick a load of them up cheap, that could be a cool way to get a good bunch of Stormcast going with the old magazine stuff and Dominion etc..

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2022/12/30 11:22:18

Post by: Siygess

So yesterday I got those free models that Hachette mentioned a few months ago for people who had re-subscribed to Stormbringer; it's only that bloody golden Sequitor sprue again

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/16 22:06:37

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I also got these, just in an envelope on their own with a note saying the magazine should be arriving with it. Has anyone else had anything actually arrive?
Edit, just read the post on page 5 about it starting in feb

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/20 22:51:46

Post by: MaxT

The article says it's the full release, not just another trial?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/20 23:05:02

Post by: DaveC

MaxT wrote:
The article says it's the full release, not just another trial?

Sorry misread and corrected the trial dates are still in the issue listings

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/20 23:15:48

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

fairly underwhelmed tho i guess i might get the shamen/grotpot issue

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/20 23:32:28

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Gonna have to get two or three of that Praetor. She's a really nice one.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/21 01:52:29

Post by: Danny76

Maybe the limited model, and the Truthseekers. I always like the Underworlds minis.
Will get the Orc ones when they are in an issue too assuming they come.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/21 19:43:01

Post by: Lord Damocles

The face on that Praetor if a bit of an oof. Might make a nice conversion base for an Inquisitor though.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/21 19:49:52

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

That reminds me. Was rooting around in my Boudoir the other day, and found Issue 5 of Conquest.

Will put it up in the Loot Group.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 12:51:35

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Does anybody know if Forbidden Planet (or any other website) will be selling individual issues?

I've got no interest in subscribing to the whole thing but I'm sure there will be a few issues that I'd like to pick up for the models.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 14:25:07

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Yes they should do, as well as Hatchettes own site. However expect any popular issues (the dragons) to be near instant sell outs (get scalped to death)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 14:57:54

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Hatchettes own site is a nightmare to order single issues from, so I'm glad that Forbidden Planet will be doing it as usual. I'd quite like a couple of the KruleBoyz issues.

I thought that they would be already on FP at this point? I guess not.

Aren't we close to the release date?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 15:40:54

Post by: Tallonian4th

WHSmiths is also a source of these individually if you have one locally. I've heard reports of Tesco's and Asda doing them as well but it seems very regional.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 16:11:23

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Hatchettes own site is a nightmare to order single issues from, so I'm glad that Forbidden Planet will be doing it as usual. I'd quite like a couple of the KruleBoyz issues.

I thought that they would be already on FP at this point? I guess not.

Aren't we close to the release date?

February 15th

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 16:32:03

Post by: Original Timmy

Tallonian4th wrote:
WHSmiths is also a source of these individually if you have one locally. I've heard reports of Tesco's and Asda doing them as well but it seems very regional.

Around my area the big Tesco Extra stores sold the past and current collections, but not the smaller Tesco stores

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 20:00:12

Post by: Danny76

 Original Timmy wrote:
Tallonian4th wrote:
WHSmiths is also a source of these individually if you have one locally. I've heard reports of Tesco's and Asda doing them as well but it seems very regional.

Around my area the big Tesco Extra stores sold the past and current collections, but not the smaller Tesco stores

Full runs?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/24 22:35:05

Post by: Original Timmy

Danny76 wrote:
 Original Timmy wrote:
Tallonian4th wrote:
WHSmiths is also a source of these individually if you have one locally. I've heard reports of Tesco's and Asda doing them as well but it seems very regional.

Around my area the big Tesco Extra stores sold the past and current collections, but not the smaller Tesco stores

Full runs?

Yes, i often see the paint and less popular ones on the shelf, but you have to be there early for the popular issues.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/25 20:27:23

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

Not all of them keep them on,

there's usually a point where drop them (i've been told its when they can no longer return the unsold issues to the publisher for free), they're more likely to keep them on if they see healthy sales

so do talk to the staff if your going to depend on getting issues

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/26 07:34:14

Post by: Teatonev

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Hatchettes own site is a nightmare to order single issues from, so I'm glad that Forbidden Planet will be doing it as usual. I'd quite like a couple of the KruleBoyz issues.

I thought that they would be already on FP at this point? I guess not.

Aren't we close to the release date?

Despite the Fauxhammer post it looks like this hasn't actually formally launched yet. Hachette's own site doesn't have anything up yet and the magazine's site (warhammerstormbringer.com) is still only accepting email addresses which will let you know when it launches. It may be that nothing will actually go live until February 15th itself.

It's worth noting that FP has been fairly slow to update with the latest issues of Imperium... whether this a Hachette or FP issue remains to be seen.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/26 09:45:56

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

February 15th. I already mentioned it up above.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/31 16:52:30

Post by: lare2

Forbidden planet has put issues 1-4 up for preorder. It's happening.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/01/31 20:44:39

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Woo! got my cheap Gutrippaz!

I know they are already faily cheap on ebay, but this is an absolute bargain.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/01 08:30:18

Post by: Teatonev

Hachette still not taking subscriptions though.... I've added the first three issues to my Forbidden Planet order for now. If it's like Imperium I should be able to sub from issue 4 without losing out I think?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/01 10:47:11

Post by: The Phazer

When do we think FP will put issue 5 up? I am not onboard for this until I've painted some of the last three partworks, but I'd quite like the exclusive model.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/01 15:23:04

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 The Phazer wrote:
When do we think FP will put issue 5 up? I am not onboard for this until I've painted some of the last three partworks, but I'd quite like the exclusive model.

It's up now!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/01 16:29:32

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Thank you kindly, just ordered two of those.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/01 16:38:15

Post by: The Phazer

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
 The Phazer wrote:
When do we think FP will put issue 5 up? I am not onboard for this until I've painted some of the last three partworks, but I'd quite like the exclusive model.

It's up now!

Super, thanks. Grabbed one of them.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/02 09:10:49

Post by: Danny76

I don’t know whether to grab issue 5.
To make it more worth while you need to end up ordering extra issues.
Otherwise it’s £11 for one issue.
But then I have he hassle of selling off the spare issues.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/02 10:51:54

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Danny76 wrote:
I don’t know whether to grab issue 5.
To make it more worth while you need to end up ordering extra issues.
Otherwise it’s £11 for one issue.
But then I have he hassle of selling off the spare issues.

To be fair £11 for a limited edition GW mini is excellent value, comparatively speaking

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/02 10:53:29

Post by: Tyranid Horde

I decided to go for issue 1 and 5. Nothing too inspiring about the rest and I'm not planning another Sigmar army any time soon, so they'll be painting projects.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/02 11:01:10

Post by: Danny76

This is true.
Any GW character for that price is good value really.
But I dunno, I guess it’s just not selling itself to me enough to pull the trigger.
I also don’t want to start the magazine run, as I did the last three for the start bits anyway.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 13:44:29

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Not sure when this changed, but the premiums seem significantly better now

[Thumb - Capture.JPG]

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 13:48:09

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

They do indeed. Effectively £40 a pop so…

Krondys for less than 50%
Gordrakk a little bit less than 50%

And I can’t be bothered to check the others.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 14:35:13

Post by: Platuan4th

I really hope this comes to the US.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 14:47:23

Post by: DaveC

The sub page is live


The content has changed from the original photo - there is less terrain now, not sure about the rest.

[Thumb - 356FB407-0968-4A38-B2AA-01EAAC56BD94.jpeg]
[Thumb - F5155A34-DC7B-41C8-830F-6670B62A25D1.jpeg]

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 14:51:21

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I think they’ve just spaced it out better?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 14:53:18

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

No, they've swapped out one of the duplicated scatter terrain from from Underworlds for a second statue and five more vindicators.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 14:53:36

Post by: DaveC

Definitely 1 domicile shell (was 3 now 2), 1 statue added and the 2nd Beastgrave terrain set removed.

Just noticed they are charging €1 postage per issue for Ireland, think I’ll stick to just picking up the issues I want from Easons.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 15:41:00

Post by: Original Timmy

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
They do indeed. Effectively £40 a pop so…

Krondys for less than 50%
Gordrakk a little bit less than 50%

And I can’t be bothered to check the others.

i could lol, some decent savings and im pretty tempted to go premium.

Krondys £95 save £55
Gordrakk £75 saves £35
Troggoth set £78.50 saves £38.50
Grundstok set £80.50 saves £40.50

Some one else is free to work out the percentages!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/08 15:47:56

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Not sure if it was there before, but one of the Kruleboyz special ed models is the seventh free gift. Boy with the vulture.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/09 09:37:20

Post by: Teatonev

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Not sure if it was there before, but one of the Kruleboyz special ed models is the seventh free gift. Boy with the vulture.

It's a change. The seventh free gift was originally the Citadel Paint holder hexagon thingy.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/09 09:46:41

Post by: alphaecho

I'm not in the market as a non-AOS collector/ player but Hachette do seem willing to look at, reassess and play around with the Premium side.

Imperium vs Conquest Premium is a good example. Not that I wouldn't have considered the Conquest boards and cards if they were a cheaper voluntary add on but they certainly didn't shout £160 worth of 'Premium' especially as I don't think they were detailed beforehand.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/09 09:50:27

Post by: Siygess

Can you start with a premium subscription and then drop down to a normal subscription later? I certainly wouldn't mind a Krondys but I'm not keen on the other three..

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/09 09:59:44

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

You can yeah. It's in their FAQ's.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/09 14:25:03

Post by: deano2099

You can also not start your subscription until issue 5 and still get premium. Might be worth picking up the other issues from the shop (if you want them). Or at least the first three as you need to start with issue 4 if you want the free gifts.
Although subscribing seems to get you issue 2 for free so you save the £8 there...

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/09 18:50:37

Post by: scarletsquig

I'm going to do the usual subscribe for £3, get issue 1 & 2 + glue, clippers and then cancel.

It's a nice little bundle of minis to enjoy, small warband of orcs with a leader, useful for all sorts of games.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/12 18:34:45

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Issue 6 & 7 are up on forbidden planet. Not sure what's in them, but they're up.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/12 18:46:48

Post by: DaveC

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Issue 6 & 7 are up on forbidden planet. Not sure what's in them, but they're up.

6 is 10 Hobgrotz Slittaz
7 is Corax White and Catachan Flesh

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/16 06:50:51

Post by: Teatonev

Forbidden Planet have changed the release date of issue 1 to 22nd February.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/16 09:23:48

Post by: Shooter

That's odd. It's definitely out now. Maybe it's to post issues 1+2 together?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/16 15:16:50

Post by: feugan

I have noticed copies in my local WHSmith and Tesco (Warwickshire) so first issue would seem to be fairly widely available - I bought one for head swaps with 40K figures.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/16 21:58:45

Post by: Loopstah

I've seen at least four TV adverts for it tonight, so looks like they are pushing it heavily.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/16 22:18:03

Post by: Shakalooloo

Loopstah wrote:
I've seen at least four TV adverts for it tonight, so looks like they are pushing it heavily.

Me too! HOpe there's still one on a shop shelf nearby come Saturday.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/17 09:17:54

Post by: manic _miner

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Not sure if it was there before, but one of the Kruleboyz special ed models is the seventh free gift. Boy with the vulture.

Looks like the seventh free gift has been changed to Stormcast Xandria Azurebolt miniature.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/17 11:24:19

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

According to the link it's still the gutrippa boss. Xandria was the special edition model last time.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/17 11:52:24

Post by: McDougall Designs

I wish this was available In the USA.....

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/17 14:21:30

Post by: JWBS

Has a calculation of value / price been done for the whole run, including premium? I'm thinking I may want to just sub to this. For the 40k magazines, which is my preferred universe as far as minis go, I've been buying select issues, but having to keep up with what looks best value has become very tedious over the years, I'm thinking just a full subscription might be the way to go in future.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/17 14:24:52

Post by: Platuan4th

 McDougall Designs wrote:
I wish this was available In the USA.....

Considering there's a near year difference from when Imperium started in the UK to when it started in the US, we might still get it.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/02/21 11:10:27

Post by: Teatonev

JWBS wrote:
Has a calculation of value / price been done for the whole run, including premium? I'm thinking I may want to just sub to this. For the 40k magazines, which is my preferred universe as far as minis go, I've been buying select issues, but having to keep up with what looks best value has become very tedious over the years, I'm thinking just a full subscription might be the way to go in future.

Fauxhammer did a calculation of the magazine only miniatures last year but there's been a price increase since then and another coming soon so it represents better value if anything. Someone up above has given the values for the premium issues.

I'm like you in thinking that the stress of ordering individual issues through Forbidden Planet isn't worth it, especially with them only putting up a few issues at a time and also selling out quickly.

However, I'm also not completely taken with AoS being a grumpy old man who can't work out why they didn't just keep the Old World as it was. I'm going to pick up the first three issues individually and then make a decision as I think I can still subscribe from issue 4 and get all the goodies.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/10 14:00:09

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

So we're up to issue ten.


Anyone seen if Faux has the next set of contents at all?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 01:46:35

Post by: Danny76

I definitely want to be jumping in on some random issues of this mag at some point.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 06:23:56

Post by: alphaecho

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
So we're up to issue ten.


Anyone seen if Faux has the next set of contents at all?

You won't lose out if you order every issue blind as soon as Forbidden Planet list it and then selectively cancel orders as Fauxhammer details the contents.

Plus, if anyone is interested how about a 1.2m tall Alien counts as Tyranid Bio Titan model from Hachette.


Only 13 deliveries at £94.99 each!

With a 17cm tall Alien, counts as a Tyranid Knight sized Tyrant as a free gift....

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 06:33:51

Post by: RustyNumber

Does issue two really give out 10 goblins for less than a tenner? Damn, hope it comes to Aus, would be useful to grab a few issues as WFB hobgoblins or something!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 08:51:38

Post by: Shakalooloo

 RustyNumber wrote:
Does issue two really give out 10 goblins for less than a tenner? Damn, hope it comes to Aus, would be useful to grab a few issues as WFB hobgoblins or something!

Yes, that was pretty nice - five kitbashed into Aberrants, and the others soon to be painted non-green for D&D!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 11:00:23

Post by: Billicus

I was pretty sure I was subscribed to this - they sent me the free stormcast sprue for signing up to the trial run - but i've yet to receive anything. Anyone else in the same boat?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, never mind, I'm thick - they're clearly going to send me 4 issues at a time and we've only got to issue 3.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 15:00:43

Post by: Siygess

Actually I'm in the same boat. If I log in to the Hachette site it says there was a delivery for the first two issues but I haven't had anything. I'm going to have to contact them tomorrow and find out what's going on lol

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 15:09:16

Post by: Original Timmy

Billicus wrote:
I was pretty sure I was subscribed to this - they sent me the free stormcast sprue for signing up to the trial run - but i've yet to receive anything. Anyone else in the same boat?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, never mind, I'm thick - they're clearly going to send me 4 issues at a time and we've only got to issue 3.

I didnt sign up on previous trail run, but i have subbed now and they send the 1st 2 issues out and then its 4 issues at a time from then onwards, i received my 1st 2 issues early last week.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/12 17:41:31

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Not received anything other than an email with my receipt for payment last week

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/16 02:53:53

Post by: Danny76

Waiting on this on to get going properly, full run contents list would be nice but I think we only get that nice ever before.
But even just ten up at a time would be good then we could advance order on FP as we go.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/16 21:22:43

Post by: TwilightSparkles

I can’t see how Hachette releasing ten issues worth helps anyone but Forbidden Planet though ? Hachette’s main objective is to get subscribers , and to sell direct. If it’s a good issue they’ll sell all their direct copies regardless, with the now larger price difference I suspect they may limit the “good” issues more this time around outside of subscriptions.

Obviously I’d like to know in advance what is coming , just can’t see it happening.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/22 09:49:31

Post by: DaveC

Just a reminder that issue 5 with the Praetor-Prime is out today.

[Thumb - 8C5A7D10-AE34-4CBC-9E1D-7675AD2D1F68.jpeg]

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/22 10:00:23

Post by: Billicus

 Original Timmy wrote:
Billicus wrote:
I was pretty sure I was subscribed to this - they sent me the free stormcast sprue for signing up to the trial run - but i've yet to receive anything. Anyone else in the same boat?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Oh, never mind, I'm thick - they're clearly going to send me 4 issues at a time and we've only got to issue 3.

I didnt sign up on previous trail run, but i have subbed now and they send the 1st 2 issues out and then its 4 issues at a time from then onwards, i received my 1st 2 issues early last week.

Cheers for this - I'm gonna drop them an email.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/22 10:44:34

Post by: Aeneades

I subbed from when trial was announced and still haven’t received any issues. Looks like they sent 1-6 out together for me yesterday. They can be a bit hit and miss about how they organise the deliveries.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/22 12:12:23

Post by: The Phazer

My issue 5 Praetor Prime arrived this morning from FP.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/22 12:21:06

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Waiting for my 2 to arrive from FP. Noticed issues 11 and 12 are up on FP too. So it's up in the air as to what those are.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/22 12:40:15

Post by: Siygess

Aeneades wrote:
I subbed from when trial was announced and still haven’t received any issues. Looks like they sent 1-6 out together for me yesterday. They can be a bit hit and miss about how they organise the deliveries.

No kidding! They apparantly sent me issues 1 and 2 on Feb 17th (which I don't have) and then issues 3 - 6 on March 17th (which I also don't have, but this could also still be in the post). I contacted their customer support a little while ago about the missing issues 1 and 2 and I see they sent them "again" on March 14th - and I also don't have those.

I was going to subscribe to Premium to get the dragon but it seems like not only have I missed the boat on that, I might also have dodged a bullet and saved myself some money on issues that would never actually get to me

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/22 13:08:28

Post by: Aeneades

I have asked twice to upgrade to premium and ignored both times.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Hachette have finally come back to me and confirmed that as they have taken over a month to process my upgrade to premium it is no longer possible, so I need to cancel my subscription and take out a new subscription at an earlier issue number, so paying for a further 2 issues I already own.

The option to cancel a subscription on the website is also not working so I need to try and get through to a call centre if I want to do this.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/26 09:41:34

Post by: Danny76

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Waiting for my 2 to arrive from FP. Noticed issues 11 and 12 are up on FP too. So it's up in the air as to what those are.

I’m just waiting on getting some of those cool dragon things.
Presumably not till a lot later in the run..

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/26 15:17:17

Post by: Original Timmy

My sub issues #3-6 arrived yesterday, i wasnt expecting 4 paints in #4 back of #6 shows 2x paint in future issues

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/03/26 19:49:33

Post by: Aeneades

Wrong thread, sorry.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/02 07:03:59

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

Has anyone else not received anything? I've been charged the initial price and a second full month's price and have yet to receive anything..

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/02 15:02:56

Post by: Aeneades

My original subscription had two deliveries apparently sent and received neither. I cancelled this one to upgrade to premium and they are not responding to my queries about the missing deliveries.

My second premium subscription I received my delivery within 2 days. The postage date of this delivery was three days after the second delivery of my first subscription so both my first two have either gone missing or were never sent.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/02 15:22:33

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Good luck trying to get a refund or replacement dudes.

I'd never deal directly with Hatchette again, their customer service is very poor, IMHO.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/02 15:59:19

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

On another note, issues 11-16 are up on FP. No idea what they are yet however. Also of note issue 5 has gone, so popular/scalped to hell.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/02 19:21:52

Post by: Billicus

I emailed hachette to say I'd not had any deliveries yet, they replied within 48hrs to confirm my address, apologize and say they were sending out replacements. Assuming those replacements materialize, all good with me.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 13:00:32

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

I emailed their customer service yesterday. Not received anything yet but I'll give it a couple of days.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 13:53:56

Post by: Siygess

I received my "replacement" issues 1 and 2 (from March 14th) on March 23rd but no sign of issues 3 - 6 which were allegedly sent three days later on March 17th.

Customer service insisted it has nothing to do with the two 'old' subscriptions (#005 and #006) that are on my account from when I tried to subscribe during the previous two trials, neither of which I can cancel.. and that everything is fine with my current, active subscription (#008). Yet the only delivery I have received (from March 14th) appears under a fourth subscriber number (#009), and not the active one.

Clearly something is pretty borked and I'm getting the feeling that I will have to contact customer service each time I want to recieve a delivery.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 14:00:31

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
On another note, issues 11-16 are up on FP. No idea what they are yet however. Also of note issue 5 has gone, so popular/scalped to hell.

To be fair, issue 5 was up for quite a while, so while it will no doubt be one of the more popular issues, I don't think that it's fair to say that it was scalped.

I'm more surprised that issue two is still available. Just goes to show that Stormbringer is nowhere near as popular as Imperium, but I guess we already knew that.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 14:33:18

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

I think that's more to do with the amount of issue 2 contents already on the secondary market.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 14:39:37

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

No doubt that plays a big part, but the price is significantly better than on ebay, even.

Even for those who don't like Kruleboyz, with a bit of imagination and headswaps they can go a long way: Gnolls, Beastmen, and a whole host of Chaos types.

People see common Kruleboyz, I see very cheap conversion potential

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 15:12:30

Post by: deano2099

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Good luck trying to get a refund or replacement dudes.

I'd never deal directly with Hatchette again, their customer service is very poor, IMHO.

I find their customer service slow and unresponsive (although in starting this subscription, they got back to me pretty quick) BUT in my experience they always sort you out in the end. The fact that I've had issues not turn up or address changes not processed in all three of the prior series isn't a positive sign, but every time I got in touch and they sent me out replacements. With one issue of Conquest there was a misprinted page in the magazine (it had got folded up in the printer so was unreadable) - I sent a photo and they sent me a full replacement. Not just the magazine but the mini as well.

They're not fun to deal with but I've never heard any instances of people either not eventually getting their stuff or their money back, which is my (admittedly low) bar for customer service.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 15:15:51

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Once you do get through to them, Hachette CS in my experience have been pretty good in getting you sorted out with missing issues and sprues. It's just a lot of waiting.

Quite telling the Mortal Realms mag didn't do well as the Stormcast Xandria Azurbolt exclusive mini is a free mini in this run of magazines.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/03 22:53:18

Post by: Danny76

That can be in no way the reason Xandria is in this.
They will have had to have made more for this run, not just had what was left.

But yeah their customer service is great when I get through to it. They’ve sent me replacement boxes of all four issues before and all sorts.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/04 05:58:56

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
No doubt that plays a big part, but the price is significantly better than on ebay, even.

Even for those who don't like Kruleboyz, with a bit of imagination and headswaps they can go a long way: Gnolls, Beastmen, and a whole host of Chaos types.

People see common Kruleboyz, I see very cheap conversion potential

Actually issue 2 is sold out on the hatchette site. Just seems like FP has whatever is left. So apparently people are clearing it out.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/04 08:21:10

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
No doubt that plays a big part, but the price is significantly better than on ebay, even.

Even for those who don't like Kruleboyz, with a bit of imagination and headswaps they can go a long way: Gnolls, Beastmen, and a whole host of Chaos types.

People see common Kruleboyz, I see very cheap conversion potential

Actually issue 2 is sold out on the hatchette site. Just seems like FP has whatever is left. So apparently people are clearing it out.


It wasn't sold out yesterday, when I wrote that. Maybe I initiated a surge in sales

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/04 20:21:20

Post by: queen_annes_revenge

They got back to me today. Confirmed my address and said they're sending them so, we'll see I guess.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/08 15:16:27

Post by: Danny76

What was the last issue and the next few upcoming?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/08 15:34:09

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Issue 10 is the most currently known, which is Xandire's Truthseekers. 11-16 are up on FP, but the contents aren't known yet.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/11 08:40:14

Post by: Shooter

FP says both 8 and 9 are out tomorrow, is that correct?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/15 15:59:28

Post by: Siygess

Did anyone else get an email from Hachette on the 6th stating there had been a problem with the shipment of issues and that they would be sending them out again?

My delivery of issues 3 - 6 from March 17th had not yet arrived, and I see there was a new shipment of issues 1 - 6 on April 7th (the day after the email) which also hasn't arrived yet. They really seem to be struggling with this..

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/15 16:48:58

Post by: Aeneades

I haven’t received either of the two shipments on my first subscription (which I had to cancel as missed opportunity to upgrade to premium as they didn’t process my request), had no messages about them reshipping and they are ignoring my customer service messages.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/15 18:57:16

Post by: Billicus

I got my first delivery, issues 1 to 6, on thursday the 13th if that helps anybody

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 10:36:06

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Looking at the Forbidden Planet website it appears that issue 13 has sold out. Do we even know the contents yet?

Issues 11, 12, & 14-18 are all still available (no cover images yet)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 10:48:59

Post by: lare2

 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Looking at the Forbidden Planet website it appears that issue 13 has sold out. Do we even know the contents yet?

Issues 11, 12, & 14-18 are all still available (no cover images yet)

Not for certain, no. 11 is confirmed to be killbow. Rumor that accurately predicted 11 says Chariot for 12 and paint for 13.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 11:06:28

Post by: tneva82

Paint would be odd to be sold out. Unless it's agrax earthsade

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 11:16:56

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 lare2 wrote:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Looking at the Forbidden Planet website it appears that issue 13 has sold out. Do we even know the contents yet?

Issues 11, 12, & 14-18 are all still available (no cover images yet)

Not for certain, no. 11 is confirmed to be killbow. Rumor that accurately predicted 11 says Chariot for 12 and paint for 13.

Where are you getting the info from? I can't see it on Fauxhammer

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 12:08:53

Post by: lare2

A random yahoo who claims to have got the information from Hachette. Take with large quantities of salt. Fauxhammer is being uncharacteristically quiet when it comes to Stormbringer.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
11 is confirmed as people are posting the back cover of today's issue, advertising the next couple weeks.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 12:26:58

Post by: Overread

 lare2 wrote:
A random yahoo who claims to have got the information from Hachette. Take with large quantities of salt. Fauxhammer is being uncharacteristically quiet when it comes to Stormbringer.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
11 is confirmed as people are posting the back cover of today's issue, advertising the next couple weeks.

At some point during Imperium Fauxhammer basically got brought into the GW/Hachette system formally. This allowed them to get official news on upcoming releases; but also means that they can't post rumour/leak information much earlier. So chances are whilst they are the most organised resource and the most popular, there might well be others who were leaking to Faux who are now just leaking to anyone to pick up the info.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 16:09:48

Post by: lare2



Automatically Appended Next Post:
Gonna be cancelling my preorder of 13.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 18:32:50

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine


I'd much rather pay £8.99 for the man-skewer boltboyz rather than the borderline offensive price that GW is charging.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/19 18:53:47

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Bugger. Now the question is do i get three more chariots?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/20 05:47:46

Post by: lare2

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
Bugger. Now the question is do i get three more chariots?

Ha ha! My exact dilemma. I've one already and had 3 preordered... still debating whether or not to cancel. Do I really need 4??

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/20 10:01:12

Post by: deano2099

Got 7-10 from the subscription today.

Vaguely interesting is Xandire's Truthseekers, the Underworlds warband, are in grey plastic rather than the blue they are in if you get either of the boxes they originally came in.

In case anyone was still buying into the "they're using up old stock" concept.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/04/20 10:08:37

Post by: tneva82

Surely that just means they have made big pile of grey sprues to sit on warehouse until they can "use up old stock to clear warehouse" ;-)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/05/06 12:38:37

Post by: Loopstah

Just had my third delivery arrive today but still no sign of my second delivery. Guess it's time to get hold of CS and hope they can send out a replacement.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/05/17 20:41:39

Post by: Teatonev

Issues 15-18 contents up on Fauxhammer.


Feeling a bit of a let down after 11-14 (not that I've received mine yet) but would be hard to keep up that standard.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/05/17 21:52:30

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Oh i don't know, everything looks good there barring the paint issue.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/05/18 08:26:02

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Will be quite happy to pick up the UW warband I think. Stormbringer definitely isn't doing it for me like Mortal Realms or the 40k ones, but there are still some nice self contained projects to be had.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/05/18 08:55:27

Post by: Billicus

It's pretty disjointed. Weirdly I'm enjoying putting the issues into the little binder as much as anything, it's like doing a sticker album. The painting and modelling bits go straight in the bin but the fluff bits are alright and the tables for naming the characters, achievements to track etc are quite amusing

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/05/18 11:56:20

Post by: The Phazer

Yeah, nothing I really need this month. It's when the newer Stormcast kits hit that there will tend to be bunfights I think.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/01 19:35:39

Post by: Bubbatron

Apparently the goblintrader.es site has leaked the full list, iirc this was pretty correct last time this happened

I would guess the empty issues are paint or terrain

19 - gardus
20 + 21 Marshcrawler
22 - ?
23 - Lord Aquilor
24 - Loonboss
25 - ?
26 -
27 - Gryph hounds
28 - Zarbag
29 - ?
30 - Hobgrot
31 - Vigilors
32 - Shootas
33 - Knight-Judicator
34 -
35 -0 Arch-revenant
36 - Snazzgar
37 Ylthari’s Guardians
38 Vindictors
40 + 41
42 - Mollog
43 - Tree-Revenants
45 Fanatics
46 Branchwych
48 Boingrot Bounderz
49 Spite-Revenants
51 Loonboss
52 Endrinmaster
54 Sneaky Snufflers
56 Thundrik’s Profiteers
57 Squig Herd
59 Grundstock Thunderers
60+61 Aleguzzler Gargant
63 Arkanaut Admiral
64 Skragrott
67 Vanquishers
68 Megaboss
70 Ironskull’s Boyz
72 Bastian Carthalos
73 Ardboys
75 Warchanter
76+77+78 Stormdrake Guard
79+80 Stormdrake Guard

Stormdrake guard over 5 issues .at be a bit of a stretch though

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/01 21:18:34

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Theres' no way that's right for the stormdrake guard. it's only a two sprue box.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/02 09:43:01

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

I can see them stretching it to 4 issues (one issue for each flying base), but yeah, can't see how they can turn it into 5 issues.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/02 09:52:18

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

No, not a chance. The bases aren't that big and neither is the flying stand.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/02 11:47:07

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:
No, not a chance. The bases aren't that big and neither is the flying stand.

One of the issues of Conquest/Imperium (I forget which one) contained a base for the Repulsor.

So with that precedent being set, I'd say yes, there is a chance

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/02 12:42:17

Post by: Bubbatron

Looking at the contents of stormbringer again, that list is also missing swampboss skumdrekk, which is a 3 sprue kit, it could be possible that 76, 77 & 78 is that and the dragons are the final 2 issues, 1 full dragon per issue maybe ?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/02 12:49:04

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

Bubbatron wrote:
Looking at the contents of stormbringer again, that list is also missing swampboss skumdrekk, which is a 3 sprue kit, it could be possible that 76, 77 & 78 is that and the dragons are the final 2 issues, 1 full dragon per issue maybe ?

Sounds correct to me!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/04 16:20:26

Post by: Matthew Flamen

The spanish blog ¡Cargad! (Charge!) did a post with an image of each issue according to the leak and links to each unit in the GW webstore that I found quite useful as a reference, and may be useful too to others.


Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/04 21:21:24

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 Matthew Flamen wrote:
The spanish blog ¡Cargad! (Charge!) did a post with an image of each issue according to the leak and links to each unit in the GW webstore that I found quite useful as a reference, and may be useful too to others.


That's extremely helpful, thank you for the link!

Fauxhammer must be having an existential crisis right now, there are no more reasons for anybody to visit their website.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/04 21:40:17

Post by: Overread

It must be torment for them - on the one hand they got official info direct from the source; on the other they are now no longer the leading news source because they can't post leaks.

You win some and you lose some, but I'm sure they'll be ok as they've got lots of other news/video content out there

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/05 09:36:54

Post by: Tyranid Horde

Great link, definitely going to help getting the pennies in order at the right time. I didn't expect so many Goblins in the run, the characters, hoppers and UW warband are worth it.

I'm enjoying the fact I can get those UW bands for cheap too! There's 6 for the run by the looks!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/05 14:01:21

Post by: Platuan4th

Man, I really really hope this comes Stateside.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/06 16:07:33

Post by: lare2

For your perusal

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/07 10:44:00

Post by: Bubbatron

Hachette at present have issues 19 & 20 up on their site, contents match the above list

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/19 07:53:38

Post by: Clockpunk

Forbidden Planet now has up to issue 28 (seemingly/supposedly Zarbag's Gitz) up for preorder!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/19 10:36:10

Post by: Undead_Love-Machine

 Clockpunk wrote:
Forbidden Planet now has up to issue 28 (seemingly/supposedly Zarbag's Gitz) up for preorder!

Thanks, Two issues of 28 ordered! I always wanted the Gitz, now I have an extra set for conversions too!

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/20 09:00:59

Post by: Clockpunk

Hah, as did I - I recall there was a WD article about converting the squigs and handler into a mini-mangler - but they all have so much potential for fun little mods.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/26 14:16:07

Post by: MauroDiogo

I just received my 5th delivery. It came with the Krondys premium kit, which I can't wait to build and paint.

But did anyone else get a letter with it with info about an extra Ogor Tyrant character pack? I've read and re-read a lot about the magazine and the subscription and what it'd include but did't see any mention of a Tyrant.

It'll be £9.99 for that extra issue. I'm new to the buying, building & collecting aspect of Warhammer so I just wanted to hear everyone else's thoughts to see if it's worth it or best to just give it a miss (You can get it for around £17 in some places but it does mention that it's a limited edition character pack too. So I'm not sure if it'll be an exclusive version like the Praetor Prime was or just a regular Tyrant.)

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/26 14:31:48

Post by: Original Timmy

MauroDiogo wrote:
I just received my 5th delivery. It came with the Krondys premium kit, which I can't wait to build and paint.

But did anyone else get a letter with it with info about an extra Ogor Tyrant character pack? I've read and re-read a lot about the magazine and the subscription and what it'd include but did't see any mention of a Tyrant.

It'll be £9.99 for that extra issue. I'm new to the buying, building & collecting aspect of Warhammer so I just wanted to hear everyone else's thoughts to see if it's worth it or best to just give it a miss (You can get it for around £17 in some places but it does mention that it's a limited edition character pack too. So I'm not sure if it'll be an exclusive version like the Praetor Prime was or just a regular Tyrant.)

Mine just arrived too

im taking its the normal Tyrant mini with some fancy stat cards and magazine with fluff etc in.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/26 15:44:47

Post by: Tallonian4th

MauroDiogo wrote:

But did anyone else get a letter with it with info about an extra Ogor Tyrant character pack? I've read and re-read a lot about the magazine and the subscription and what it'd include but did't see any mention of a Tyrant.

It'll be £9.99 for that extra issue. I'm new to the buying, building & collecting aspect of Warhammer so I just wanted to hear everyone else's thoughts to see if it's worth it or best to just give it a miss (You can get it for around £17 in some places but it does mention that it's a limited edition character pack too. So I'm not sure if it'll be an exclusive version like the Praetor Prime was or just a regular Tyrant.)

Hachette have done this before in Imperium offering Greyfax in the same way. The model is not limited other than coming with a magazine and a much cheaper price. It was towards the end in Imperium so this is much earlier. They also use this opt out system for other goodies like art books and I think there was a paint set in Conquest. I've seen it questioned if this style of opt out is legal (I don't know either way) but it seems shaky enough that if you phone Hachette and question it they seem to hand out refunds.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/06/27 11:37:12

Post by: MauroDiogo

I see! It's just that from the wording it's easy to assume it's a limited-edition or exclusive model. haha
But yeah, I've seen people talk about how the add-ons feel a bit dodgy but Hatchette are upfront about what you're getting (for the most part) and how to cancel that or get refunds if you didn't cancel.

I'm new to collecting, building & painting (but have always loved WF/W40k from reading, watching videos, playing games) and that's what I'm focusing on for now so I might just get the big guy to add to the collection.
I'd love to play one day but sadly I have no friends and no places to play it near me. But future-proofing the collection in case the opportunity arises one day. A tenner for a big hero unit doesn't seem too bad!

PS: I'm actually excited to see what other add-ons they'll be offering in the future that haven't been mentioned yet. I saw that one of the previous subscriptions had a book trilogy. But random models seems more exciting.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/06 19:44:17

Post by: Original Timmy

Forbidden Planet are a bit cheeky, they just charged me for nxt weeks mag and are sending it out with this weeks mag, I wouldnt mind but its put me overdrawn by nearly £15, it inc the big orders postage charge too.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Also Forbidden Planet has more issues listed, its up to #31 or 32 now

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/06 20:12:10

Post by: Overread

 Original Timmy wrote:
Forbidden Planet are a bit cheeky, they just charged me for nxt weeks mag and are sending it out with this weeks mag, I wouldnt mind but its put me overdrawn by nearly £15, it inc the big orders postage charge too.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Also Forbidden Planet has more issues listed, its up to #31 or 32 now

Far as I'm aware the magazines are released in blocks of 4 every month for subscribers if I'm right. So FP just got a bunch of stock all at once and are sending it out all in one go

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/07 08:19:20

Post by: alphaecho

I used to batch receive issues of Imperium from Forbidden Planet especially if they were sequential issues and had been ordered at the same time.

In reality, if one orders enough different issues, some are free P&P because at one stage postage was capped at £5.50 even if the issues were spread over seven weeks as an example.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/07 15:40:04

Post by: Original Timmy

Overread wrote:
 Original Timmy wrote:
Forbidden Planet are a bit cheeky, they just charged me for nxt weeks mag and are sending it out with this weeks mag, I wouldnt mind but its put me overdrawn by nearly £15, it inc the big orders postage charge too.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Also Forbidden Planet has more issues listed, its up to #31 or 32 now

Far as I'm aware the magazines are released in blocks of 4 every month for subscribers if I'm right. So FP just got a bunch of stock all at once and are sending it out all in one go

Yes you are correct they got a batch early, I emailed their CS team yesterday and got a reply not long ago. Aye subscribers get them delivered in batches of 4, i think it was last weekend or early this week that i received my sub copies #15-18.

alphaecho wrote:

I used to batch receive issues of Imperium from Forbidden Planet especially if they were sequential issues and had been ordered at the same time.

In reality, if one orders enough different issues, some are free P&P because at one stage postage was capped at £5.50 even if the issues were spread over seven weeks as an example.

Thanks, i will bare that in mind as im ordering extra issues of all the Krule Boyz and a few of the Stormcast issues to go along with my sub.

Postage is still capped but its now £5.95 and ive normally got 4 or 5 issues in my order.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/07 23:12:29

Post by: Danny76

Still nothing on those dragon rider guys yet?

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/07 23:35:34

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

According to the post above, they won't be (unsurprisingly) until the very last.

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/15 23:54:15

Post by: MauroDiogo

I've combined all the info in posts and links and tidied up names and formatting a bit.

For those subscribed I've also listed what issues are included in each delivery and listed the Premium Kits bonuses too.
And text file attached if you want to download it aswell.

Delivery 1 -
⦁ 1 - 1x Knight-Arcanum, 1x Killaboss & Stab-grot and 6x Dice
⦁ 2 - 10x Gutrippaz
Delivery 2 -
⦁ 3 - 5x Vindictors
⦁ 4 - 4x Paints (Retributor Armour, Leadbelcher, Orruk Flesh, Kantor Blue) and 1x Starter Brush
⦁ 5 - 1x Praetor-Prime and 6x Dice
⦁ 6 - 10x Hobgrot Slittaz
Delivery 3 -
⦁ 7 - 2x Paints
⦁ 8 - 1x Lord-Imperatant with Gryph-hound and 1x Synthetic Base Brush
⦁ 9 - 1x Swampcalla Shaman & Pot-grot
⦁ 10 - 1x Xandire’s Truthseekers Warband
Delivery 4 -
⦁ 11 - 1x Beast-skewer Killbow
⦁ 12 - 1x Stormstrike Chariot
⦁ 13 - 2x Paints
⦁ 14 - 3x Man-Skewer Boltboyz
Delivery 5 -
⦁ 15 - 3x Praetors **PREMIUM 1 - Krondys, Son of Dracothion**
⦁ 16 - Beastgrave Primal Lair
⦁ 17 - 2x Paints
⦁ 18 - 1x Da Kunnin' Krew Warband
Delivery 6 -
⦁ 19 - 1x Gardus Steelsoul
⦁ 20 + 21 - 1x Marshcrawla Sloggoth in 2 parts
⦁ 22 - 2x Paints
Delivery 7 -
⦁ 23 - 1x Lord-Aquilor
⦁ 24 - 1x Loonboss
⦁ 25 - 1x Fountain, 1x Chest and 1x Broken Pillar from "Age of Sigmar: Azyrite Shattered Plaza"
⦁ 26 - 2x Paints
Delivery 8 -
⦁ 27 - 6x Gryph-hounds
⦁ 28 - 1x Zarbag's Gitz (Night Goblins) Warband
⦁ 29 - 2x Paints
⦁ 30 - 10x Hobgrot Slittaz
Delivery 9 -
⦁ 31 - 5x Vigilors
⦁ 32 - 20x Shootas
⦁ 33 - 1x Knight-Judicator with Gryph-hounds **PREMIUM 2 - Gordrakk, First of Gork**
⦁ 34 - 2x Paints
Delivery 10 -
⦁ 35 - 1x Druanti the Arch-Revenant
⦁ 36 - 1x Fungoid Cave-Shaman, Snazzgar Stinkmullett
⦁ 37 - 4x Ylthari’s Guardians
⦁ 38 - 5x Vindictors
Delivery 11 -
⦁ 39 - 2x Paints
⦁ 40 + 41 - 1x Sylvaneth Treelord in 2 parts
⦁ 42 - 1x Mollog's Mob Warband
Delivery 12 -
⦁ 43 - 5x Tree-Revenants
⦁ 44 - 2x Paints
⦁ 45 - 5x Loonsmasha Fanatics
⦁ 46 - 1x Sylvaneth Branchwych
Delivery 13 -
⦁ 47 - 1x Nexus Syphon (Scenery)
⦁ 48 - 5x Boingrot Bounderz
⦁ 49 - 5x Spite-Revenants
⦁ 50 - 2x Paints
Delivery 14 -
⦁ 51 - 1x Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig ** PREMIUM 3 - Grundstock Gunhauler, Aetheric Navigator & 3x Skywardens**
⦁ 52 - 1x Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit
⦁ 53 - 2x Paints
⦁ 54 - 6x Sneaky Snufflers
Delivery 15 -
⦁ 55 - 1x Domicile Shell (Scenery)
⦁ 56 - 5x Thundrik’s Profiteers
⦁ 57 - 1x Squig Herd: 10x Squigs & 2x Squig Herders
⦁ 58 - 2x Paints
Delivery 16 -
⦁ 59 - 5x Grundstock Thunderers
⦁ 60+61 - 1x Aleguzzler Gargant in 2 parts
⦁ 62 - 2x Paints
Delivery 17 -
⦁ 63 - 1x Arkanaut Admiral
⦁ 64 - 1x Skragrott the Loonking
⦁ 65 - 1x Guardian Idol (Scenery)
⦁ 66 - 2x Paints
Delivery 18 -
⦁ 67 - 5x Vanquishers
⦁ 68 - 1x Megaboss
⦁ 69 - 1x Domicile Shell (Scenery) ** PREMIUM 4 - Dankhold Troggoth & 3x Rockgut Troggoths**
⦁ 70 - 4x Ironskull’s Boyz
Delivery 19 -
⦁ 71 - 2x Paints
⦁ 72 - 1x Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos
⦁ 73 - 5x Ardboys
⦁ 74 - 1x Guardian Idol (Scenery)
Delivery 20 -
⦁ 75 - 1x Warchanter
⦁ 76+77+78 - 1x Stormdrake Guard in 3 parts
Delivery 21 -
⦁ 79+80 - 1x Swampboss Skumdrekk in 2 parts

 Filename Stormbringer Magazine Contents.rtf [Disk] Download
 File size 7 Kbytes

Hachette Warhammer Stormbringer Magazine - US release announced @ 2023/07/16 15:43:20

Post by: Original Timmy

Thanks @Mauro Diogo