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Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/04 20:17:51

Post by: muette

Hi all!! Lurker for very long time, and with the apparent final death of Warseer I think this will be my new home. I guess I will update slowly some of my old photos, but for the moment here is the first bite, my progress with my Alpha Legion warband.

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First, Alpha Legion Chosen!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/04 20:31:17

Post by: krijthebold

Gorgeous work, especially with the shoulders. Tongue shoulders.


Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/04 20:37:36

Post by: DoctorDanny

I think he looks absolutely stunning.

One minor criticism would be that the grenades look a bit like mushrooms, but then again it's the Alpha Legion, so who knows?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/08 09:51:38

Post by: muette

Thank you both! @DoctorDanny I put myself on a chromatic puzzle that I'm also not so sure I solved right, but I had stuck with it with the other models just for consistency check. Let's assume they are load up with confusing psychotropics

I've just finalized the Aspiring champion, I'm ultra happy with the cape and the small nmm rim, not so much with the metallics in general. Hope you like it!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/10 21:41:15

Post by: youwashock

Pretty slick painting. Keep 'em coming!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/11 18:16:42

Post by: muette

Well, your wish is my command! Dark Apostle down, I had a really productive week and was able to finish him in no time. Only Hellbrute missing in order to complete the Dark Vengeance box!!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/11 19:18:04

Post by: youwashock

Nice! Awesome choice of skin color.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/05/12 01:06:14

Post by: brushcommando

Very impressive work. I have to admit when these models came out I hated all the faces and stuff coming out of the armor, but seeing your work makes me realize it was just the GW paint scheme. The way you've painted them is really cool.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/02/27 05:04:36

Post by: krijthebold

Nothing says chaos like an angry face on your shin!

The colors you chose for his skin are excellent, very different from what is usually seen and I like that.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/02/27 19:16:34

Post by: Captain Brown

Very nice work muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/01 15:59:58

Post by: muette

Hellbrute done! With this I finish the chaos half of the Dark Vengeance box, now to continue painting some terrain and then I will go back to my Dark Angels

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/02 01:10:14

Post by: krijthebold

Very fleshy.

In a good, chaosy way.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/02 15:57:56

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/02 20:04:53

Post by: gobert

Welcome to dakka muette, and what an entrance! The Alpha Legion colours you’ve chosen look awesome on the Dark Imperium marines. The blend in to the daemonic faces from the armour are lovely! Any chance you can bowl us all over with an Army shot?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/02 20:05:28

Post by: Stevefamine

Very high quality! thanks for sharing

Good lightbox photos

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Very high quality! thanks for sharing

Good lightbox photos

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2002/06/02 22:50:19

Post by: Ragsta

I’m here too, Muette mate, another survivor! ;P

Alpha Legion looking glorious, lovely painting efforts!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/15 19:41:56

Post by: muette

Thanks all!!! @Stevefamine: actually two sheets of foamboard and a lamp, but my mobile does actually good photos!
@Ragsta: The classics come back!! Nice ot see you

Well, in order to remember the recepie for the bone armour, I've started with some veeery old Terminators I had pending to repaint. Hope you like them!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/26 14:12:22

Post by: muette

And following up with classics, Brother Bethor! With a custom Standard of Fortitude, I was able to replicate it in 3d with Zbrush, really happy with the result!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/06/30 17:01:50

Post by: muette

For a completely different topic, I've being painting in parallel a full team of Lizardmen for Bloodbowl. All of them in two weeks (in parallel to brother Bethor) and using all the quick painting techniques I know. Happy with the result!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/02 22:09:18

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/05 21:50:22

Post by: Ragsta

That Lizard team looks awesome, fella, great work as always

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/18 12:42:12

Post by: muette

Thank you both!!!

Now back to classic DA, a couple of terminator characters.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/21 12:14:21

Post by: gobert

Some serious banner work you’re putting In muette! Lovely work, are they all freehand?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/21 15:05:26

Post by: muette

Thanks gobert!! Actually they are 3d printed in resin, I designed them myself using Zbrush and inspiring myself on some of the old banners shown in 4th-5th edition DA codexes.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/23 19:42:03

Post by: gobert

Self designed 3d prints are as cool (maybe cooler?) as freehand. Great designs and really well painted!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/24 16:49:18

Post by: osjclatchford

Lovely clean paintjobs. Lot of love went into these, I can tell...

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/07/25 19:30:56

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted there muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/08/17 12:34:28

Post by: muette

Thanks for the lovely comments all!

Well, I've been painting but I've neglected the social part! Here are the first five members of my Blooded Kill team. Mix of old miniatures, Cadian command box, 3d printed bix and greenstuff.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/05 10:11:31

Post by: muette

Some more updates on my Blooded and my Alpha Legion!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/05 10:12:44

Post by: lordbickerstaff

Some superbly painted minatures here nice one

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/07 19:58:32

Post by: gobert

Lovely work on the Alphas, the high contrast on their armour plates is super cool

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/20 17:59:45

Post by: muette

Thanks lordbickerstaff and gobert!!

Several updates, finished my Alpha Legion Kill team with the Balefire Acolyte:

Here the whole gang about to drop an album:

And really nearing completion of my Blooded with the leader and the commsman:

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/20 18:46:12

Post by: DoctorDanny

There's just too many great models in this thread Muette. I especially like the traitor killteam. Make sure to treat us to a group-shot one of these days.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/22 05:48:02

Post by: Guardling

Neat work on the guardsmen, it not very obvious that they are traitors, which kinda makes sense if they're working for the Alpha Legion...

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/26 17:47:17

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/09/29 17:27:46

Post by: muette

Thanks a lot for the kind comments my dears! Well, hopefully this one will look a little bit more chaosy, here my Ogryn for the Blooded, kitbashed from seeeveral kits!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/10/02 13:02:56

Post by: mcmattila

That's chaos-y alright! Great conversion. There seems to be plenty of sculpting going on as well?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/10/07 22:42:37

Post by: muette

Hi mcmattila, yes there is a little bit of greenstuff there, mainly the legs (joining the boots to the body), filling the whole in the belly and the joint between the arm and the claw.

Aaaaand it's a wrap! Commisar and flenser finished Group shot!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/10/10 06:23:08

Post by: Guardling

Another neat not-very-chaosy guardsman!
Not a criticism by the way, I alway found it strange that it's all or nothing with traitor guard and none of the slow turn some of your minis have...

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/10/12 10:05:16

Post by: gobert

That’s a great ragtag band of traitor guard, they mesh pretty well together. The commissar looks like he could do with seeing an Apothecary though

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/10/19 18:18:19

Post by: muette

Thank you both! @gobert actually I wrote a bit of background for the team, and the commisar was the first one to fully fall to chaos, due to some voices he started to hear after taking some drugs that the doctor from the regiment received from his home world...

Going back to the full light of the Emperor, here are two sons of the Lion finished!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/10/21 12:06:31

Post by: gobert

That makes sense, always gotta watch out for papa! Some may question whether Dark Angels are in the full light of the Emperor, but they look supercool.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/10/26 19:19:34

Post by: muette

Thanks gobert!!

Now two more Alpha Legion SM, reinforcements for both my army and kill team

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 20242116/07/11 09:50:23

Post by: muette

And now a mix of DA and Alpha Legion

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/11/12 18:43:16

Post by: gobert

Lovely colour on the Alpharius’s, is it contrast over a silver, then highlighted back to silver?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/12/20 18:50:56

Post by: muette

Hi Gobert, yes the "cobalt/blue" metallics are done using Akhelian Green over metallic, and highlighted with a mix of Akhelian + Silver.

And after a month and a half, here is the explanation of my absence!

Brother Turiel, Guardian of the last keys, Deathwing Dreadnought Redemptor. Lovely figure to paint and to make unique, I've pushed my skills with the airbrush and the freehand in order to make it pop. Hope I have achieved it!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2022/12/27 18:06:08

Post by: gobert

Sweet Dreadnought! The glow on the plasma is super glowy! The heraldry is really cool, nice gradients on the individual colours.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/04 18:53:54

Post by: muette

Thanks man!
To start the year easy, I have finished a couple more Alpha Legion marines. Only 1 left to finish the unit of ten!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/04 18:59:19

Post by: Olthannon

Awesome stuff Muette, love the detail on the book on the dread!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/08 13:30:42

Post by: Flapjack

Great paintjobs, your chaos cultists really look the part. The dread looks amazing, the plasma glow is top notch.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/10 16:50:33

Post by: muette

Thank you both!!

Well, I'm having quite a productive start of the year, I've cracked down a DK in just six days. Hope to keep the rythm up!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/11 00:20:56

Post by: Captain Brown

Great work muette. Exalted.

Missed commenting while I was offline.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/11 00:21:31

Post by: ph34r

The scale pattern you've done is great, I like the candles on the dreadnought too.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/11 11:34:51

Post by: gobert

Really nice highlights on the knights hood, works well vs the bone.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/21 21:21:41

Post by: muette

Thanks for the kind comments!!!

With this one, I have finished (for a brief period of time at least) my Alpha Legion collection. Already thinking on the reinforcements I'm trying to do a group photo of them but im very bad at it, I'll try tomorrow with daylight.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/22 20:42:28

Post by: Flapjack

Those look great, I'm sure they will look great all together.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/23 00:16:55

Post by: Olthannon

Great work on the Dark Angel and the Alpha Legion guy. Really like the little touch of red on the cloth.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/28 11:20:24

Post by: muette

Thanks for the comments!

Now a Mournfang converted into Gore Grunta for my Orc army! Had this conversion sitting in my cabinet unpaited for the last 5 years, I have used it as a healthy change of pace after so many power armour

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/28 17:46:37

Post by: Flapjack

Nice job, the tusks on the back look really well done.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/01/29 04:49:04

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted some more muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/04 09:39:18

Post by: Olthannon

What a cool idea for the orc boss! Looks great.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/12 21:15:37

Post by: muette

Thanks for the comments all!!

Going back to the Deathwing, ancient finished!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/19 16:46:26

Post by: gobert

Nice work, that banner is sweet!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/19 19:06:12

Post by: Olthannon

 gobert wrote:
Nice work, that banner is sweet!

I agree the banner is phenomenal, well done! Terminators look so cool.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/19 19:18:18

Post by: muette

Thanks both!!!

Here a quick paintjob for my Bloodbowl team, a chamaleon skink!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/20 08:43:13

Post by: Ezki

Great work. Enjoyed going through all the pages.
The Dreadnought must be my favorite so far!

Keep it up

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/24 04:05:41

Post by: Captain Brown


Great stuff as always.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/25 15:42:39

Post by: gobert

He looks cool, though I’m afraid part of me is disappointed he wasn’t painted to blend in to the base, including a white stripe!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/26 19:30:37

Post by: muette

Thanks for the kind comments!!
@gobert: I wanted to do it quickly so went full for airbrush and inks for the majority of it, didn't wanted to do any special effect. Lorewise excuse is that in the middle of the game even Chamaleons want to be seen, so full colour on it!!

And today I have finished my second Knight, only three to finish the unit!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/27 13:03:32

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Very clean, nicely done!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/02/28 00:27:34

Post by: Captain Brown

Great work muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/03/01 19:24:31

Post by: gobert

Fair enough! It’s hard to receive a pass when the thrower doesn’t know where you are I suppose
The knight looks amazing, the bone and green look super smooth with subtle transitions, nice work!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/03/08 19:59:04

Post by: muette

Thanks all!!! Now, another Gore Grunta joins the army!!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2223/03/05 11:14:11

Post by: muette

Continuing with my Deathwing I have just finished Brother Valefor, Knight Master:

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/03/20 12:37:04

Post by: From_ash

Your deathwing dudes look fething awesome, great job!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/03/22 19:51:16

Post by: gobert

Lovely Deathwing, that shield is fantastic! The spots of purple are a cool choice too

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/03/23 20:04:52

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted muette.

Wonderful as always.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/03/26 08:16:25

Post by: JamesY

The terminators look great. Will you be kit bashing the leftovers with the new bigger terminators coming soon?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/03/27 15:45:45

Post by: muette

That would have been great, if not by the fact that I 3d printed the missing legs/back torsos and shoulderpads to build a total of 10 termies from a single box. So even if the new sculpts look amazing, I will refrain myself on buying them on the short term hahah

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/04/08 16:00:45

Post by: muette

Finishing up the last remnants of my Seraphon army, here are two Skink heroes on flying mounts!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/04/08 23:24:41

Post by: Olthannon

Brilliant updates Muette, lovely colours on the terradon thingies!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/04/09 12:22:35

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Love how colourful those Terradon riders are! And so clean

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/04/16 19:32:14

Post by: gobert

Super cool muette, the bright blue dino is great!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/04/22 09:52:19

Post by: muette

Thank you for the kind words friends!!!

Aanother deathwing knight finished. This one was a pain, for some reason the last airbrushed white highlight kept reactivating with water :( I was able to solve it but it took a lot of time. Hope you like it!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/04/26 20:02:58

Post by: Olthannon

Awesome Deathwing, I love how absurd that mace is. Really nice gold effect on the middle.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/04/29 17:30:18

Post by: Captain Brown

More wonderful work muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/05 10:05:33

Post by: muette

Thank you both!

Starting now with the new Possessed, really liking these figures!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/07 13:34:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Fantastic work on the mouth on that guy!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/08 08:19:59

Post by: Olthannon

Excellent work Muette! The sliminess of the tentacle arm is a nice touch. Did you put a gloss on that or is it just good highlighting?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/13 09:36:41

Post by: gobert

Great couple of posts muette. The dark helmet on the Deathwing was a good shout, gives him a broody look. Love the flaming skulls on the possessed too, really nicely done

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/14 11:43:35

Post by: muette

Thanks all for your kind comments!
@Olthannon: No gloss, I did last highlights almost with pure white precisely to make it all reflective and wet (and disgusting).

Now to round up my Orrukz, boss for my looted Mournfang is finished!!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/14 17:48:00

Post by: Olthannon

Nice one Muette! Nice work on the horns and fur.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/16 20:37:55

Post by: mcmattila

Excellent paintwork on the Possessed! My favorite elements are the gem eyes and the scale pattern on his chest, but really, all of the elements are great!

Also, I can't really tell why, but that Orruk on Mournfang gives me a warm and nostalgic feeling, like something from when I was a kid just getting to Warhammer. Probably the green base rim, maybe also the relatively clean paintjob... In any case, lovely work!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/19 13:46:27

Post by: muette

Thank you both!!!
I'm on a killing spree, another Possessed down!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/19 14:10:41

Post by: NAVARRO

Nicely done specially on the skin tones.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/19 18:26:14

Post by: amazingturtles

Yep, nice and fleshly.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/22 18:43:41

Post by: gobert

That Orruk is cool, though I imagine him being a bit Sir Diddymus from Labyrinth when the boar gets going!

Gotta agree with the others, the fleshy tones are great on the possessed, especially that butt!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/29 18:02:49

Post by: muette

Thank you all!! Ah, everyone is weak for the flesh...

Well, showing just a bit of flesh, I've finished with the fifth one my unit of Deathwing Knights!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/31 04:56:51

Post by: gobert

Spectacular unit! They look super cool on the display board too

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/05/31 22:56:06

Post by: Maharg

Great looking unit Muette. I like the varied textures between the cloth and armour, very effective

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/06/03 17:27:01

Post by: Captain Brown

More great work muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/06/05 20:10:56

Post by: Olthannon

Really nice group mate, your painting is very impressive. Love the battle damage on the shield edge.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/06/15 15:07:50

Post by: muette

Thank you all for your kind comments, they are really encouraging!
I have now finished another AL possessed. This one has all the skin done with brushwork, as it didn't have enough exposed to justify using the airbrush, and I wanted to take the challenge and play with green undertones. Hope you like it.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/06/18 18:09:41

Post by: gobert

Woah, he’s a freaky lad, great work. The skin looks pretty good to me

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/07/15 06:37:00

Post by: muette

Ok, so after two months of work I have something new to show:

Soooooo happy with this one. Lot's of opportunities to try new things (OSL and textures mainly) and also sculpting techniques. Basically this is the top of my game currently. Now to relax myself and paint some squigs or something xD

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/07/15 08:06:29

Post by: Olthannon

Wow you should be happy with this, it rocks! The OSL is great and the wings look brilliant. The burning Cadian flag on the base? That's such an awesome piece.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/07/19 16:27:57

Post by: muette

Thanks Olthannon for the kind words!!

As a palette cleanser, a smal project! I have another 3 of these dudes, I will intercalate my remaining possessed with them

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/07/20 00:42:26

Post by: youwashock

Squig riders are a hoot, but the latest round of Chaos guys is mind-blowing. Great work!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/07/23 20:53:02

Post by: gobert

Wow! That daemon prince is fantastic! So many awesome details. The time and effort certainly shines through.

Good to see some gobbos making a erm, cheeky appearance

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/07/27 08:11:48

Post by: muette

Thank you both!!!

To continue progressing with the Alpha Legion, I wanted to finish this dear crabby dude before leaving on holidays. Hope you like it! Only one more to go to finish the unit, later I will keep painting squigs, I have a unit of Hellblasters to add to my DA, and I transformed an old Predator tank to paint it also with the Alpha Legion colours.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/07/31 17:46:24

Post by: gobert

He’s a pretty crab boy! Superb

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/03 17:42:49

Post by: Captain Brown

Wow they are nice muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/13 19:03:06

Post by: muette

Thanks both!!!

Another two squigs, loving so much those

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/13 22:15:39

Post by: Olthannon

Absolutely love those Squigs Muette! Such bright colours and a great paint job.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/14 22:34:49

Post by: gobert

Good choice mixing up the colours of the squigs, adds a lot of flavour! Excellently painted as ever too

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/24 17:40:01

Post by: muette

Thanks gobert and Olthannon for your kind words!!

And now, bordering finishin the Alpha Legion (only one Predator tank away to finish the backlog on that side), my unit of Great possessed is finished!!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/25 16:09:14

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/26 16:34:29

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Wow these are fantastic, muette! Really nice job.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/27 08:44:47

Post by: gobert

That’s some sexy mutants! Excellent stuff muette

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/28 05:40:19

Post by: youwashock

Great possessed is a perfectly fitting label. Awesome looking unit!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/28 09:17:08

Post by: Olthannon

They look awesome Muette! Really nice use of contrasting colours to change up the AL blue.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/08/30 18:32:59

Post by: muette

Thanks all for the kind words!!! Glad you like them as much as I.
And I have squeezed enough time to finish the last squig from this classic unit before my last summer adventure. Hope you like it!!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/02 08:49:34

Post by: gobert

Oh yes! He’s a classic alright, excellent paint job on him too. The blue through to orange on the squig is fantastic

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/03 14:55:07

Post by: Olthannon

Yep can only echo Gobert, really fantastic. Love the eyes on the Squiggly as well, very cool.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/05 20:29:55

Post by: Captain Brown

Very nice work there muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 0008/10/07 20:45:24

Post by: youwashock

Awesome work. The squig's eyes are perfect.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/07 22:17:43

Post by: Tommygun1918

The new style squigs are nice, but I also really love the old squigs.
Great paint work.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/10 16:48:30

Post by: muette

Glad you like it my friends, I have a box of the new ones and I'll try to paint them on a similar style.

But before, behold, and old Predator! And actually my last mini of my Alpha Legion army, at least until I buy something more

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/21 05:00:36

Post by: youwashock

Nice and old school. Lovely model and congrats on finishing the army. For now.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/16 08:47:40

Post by: gobert

That’s a sweet old ride! Love the nu marine helmet hanging from the sponson! Congrats of finishing the army, it’s a great milestone! Would love to see them all together

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/18 20:19:22

Post by: Olthannon

Great paint scheme for that classic Pred. I agree, the Primaris head hanging loosely on the side is a great little touch.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/25 15:31:25

Post by: muette

Thanks all!!! Now back to my Dark Angels, here my first ever primaris!! (with the exception of the helmet in the predator, of course xD)

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/25 18:33:02

Post by: osjclatchford

Lovely work on the pred.

The da boys look nice. That plasma glow... (Chefs kiss)

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/09/26 21:37:58

Post by: Olthannon

Great work on the Dark Angels, your OSL work is fantastique!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/10/01 09:24:04

Post by: gobert

They are fantastic, that glow is hard to look at, it looks like it’ll burn your eyes if you look too long! How’d you do it?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/10/04 18:45:56

Post by: muette

Thank you all!!!
@gobert basically with the airbrush! I paint the coils in light grey, paint the general area with a medium blue, then the center of the coil with pure white, and then it's a back and forth between light blue, white, and going a bit dark on the edges.

And now, for something completely differnt, Orcs! For Orctober!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/10/19 19:27:21

Post by: muette

And another two Hellblasters, unit is going slow but steady. I have actually timed myself with those, and I spend 6 hours with each primaris figure. Not sure if good or bad with that level, at least I'm happy with the result.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/10/19 23:19:13

Post by: Aquilifer

You have a lovely and crisp painting style. I also like the Blooded team you posted a while back very much.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/10/28 17:55:02

Post by: muette

Thanks for the kind words Aquilifer!!

I keep working on repainting my boarboys, another two down!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/10/29 19:43:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Great work on the shield especially!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/10/29 20:11:09

Post by: Olthannon

Love those Boar Boyz! As Gwyn says, the shield pattern is excellent.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/04 16:46:35

Post by: gobert

Lovely boar boys, classic minis and amazingly well painted. 6 hours on the Dark Angels is good, I don’t think I’m much faster despite being a lower quality

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/04 21:06:25

Post by: youwashock

Loving those plasma gunners. So much sweet green lately.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/15 17:21:43

Post by: muette

Thank you all!!! I keep working on my Hellblasters! Sargent and the first of the second squad of 5. Really happy with the kitbash on the sargent, the plasma cannon comes from the Deathwing terminator kit. Hope you like it!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/19 09:43:35

Post by: gobert

When you don’t like your hands, it has to be double plasma! You’ve hidden that it was a Terminator weapon well, did you just keep the hand and replace the rest of the arm?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/19 20:00:08

Post by: muette

Yes, it was a cut at elbow level, and then just ensuring that the cables were going correctly to the power plant.

And unit of 5 boars finished with the champion! Kitbashed from a pewter savage orc boar boy, add a bit of chainmail and armor and voilá, a regular ork! Hope you like it.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/21 21:03:48

Post by: Olthannon

Brilliant stuff Muette! Love those Boar Boyz, especially with the goblin green bases.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/21 22:59:37

Post by: gobert

Superb! His skin is almost glistening

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/26 16:39:10

Post by: Captain Brown

More nice work there muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/11/28 19:32:26

Post by: muette

Thanks all for the kind comments :3

Starting with my savage orcs! I have a unit of 10 of these bad boys, loved painting these first two.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/12/02 11:25:24

Post by: gobert

Nice! That one on the left looks a bit dim, but he’s kinda cute with it!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/12/07 14:45:28

Post by: muette

These sculpts are great, the "hey I'm a bit dumb but have this bone to your skull" vibe is awesome.
And another two!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/12/07 17:55:31

Post by: Flapjack

Great updates. The ork skin looks great, the warpaint is a nice touch.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/12/07 18:59:50

Post by: Olthannon

Love the warpaint as well as the excellent painting of course. Love the arm rings, they look so realistic.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/12/27 11:35:13

Post by: muette

Thank you both!!

So last minis of the year I fear (unless I have a painting frenzy in the remaining days, that is). Only two Hellblasters missing to finish the box.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/12/27 20:54:09

Post by: Captain Brown

More very nice work muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2023/12/28 13:37:48

Post by: Olthannon

Nice one Muette, great work on the plasma glow and weathering.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/01/01 14:02:55

Post by: gobert

A sweet pair to finish off the year! The glow is mesmerising

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/01/02 15:38:36

Post by: muette

Thanks all for the comments! Starting the year the best way possible, painting!! Two more savage orcs down.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/01/16 19:39:30

Post by: muette

Slow progress, life is getting in the way! At least I was able to finish the first two squig hoppers from the last plastic kit released. Hope you like them!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/01/16 22:25:35

Post by: Olthannon

Definitely like 'em! Love the colourful squiggle beasts.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/01/17 04:37:35

Post by: Captain Brown

More nice work muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/01/21 14:51:02

Post by: gobert

I don’t like them… I love them! The classic red is fantastic and the pink works well (love the leg tempting it forward ). Just in time for the old world re-release of Orcs & Goblins

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/02/25 16:40:49

Post by: muette

Thanks all for the kind comments! Continuing with the goblin theme, I started a Blood Bowl team. Here some old minis:

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/02/25 16:45:28

Post by: Flapjack

The squig hoppers look amazing, the skin and armour is well done.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/02 10:27:01

Post by: muette

Thanks Flapjack!!

And now, the last two Hellblasters of the box I bought. This means I can buy more toys! Well, not yet, lots of orcs and goblins still to paint

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/03 04:22:59

Post by: youwashock

Lovely looking unit!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/06 18:06:41

Post by: muette


And I continue with the savage orcs, another two!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/06 20:35:35

Post by: Tommygun1918

That's impressive highlighting on those orcs.
Must be very time consuming.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/09 03:08:44

Post by: Meer_Cat

With their tribal tattoos (or paint) the savage boyz look ready to throw down a haka!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/14 16:58:07

Post by: muette

Thanks both!!! @Tommygun yes, it's quite intensive, but I already have a ton of minis to play (and I mainly play OPR, so anything works) so I'm in absolutely no hurry painting. Just enjoying the ride!

Speaking about enjoyment, SQUIGS!!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/19 17:13:05

Post by: muette

And unit down! Savage orcs completed, always good to see them all ranked up and painted.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/24 19:26:46

Post by: gobert

Man! The glow on those Hellblaster is immense the Orcs are stunning too, are you planning some Old World games?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/03/25 18:01:46

Post by: muette

Thanks gobert!! About Old World...not sure! They play in my gaming club but they are still undecided between old world and 9th age. What I'm sure is that I'm not going to rebase anything, at most I'll prepare movement trays to adapt. But in OPR I can use them perfectly!

And continuing with my squigs, two more!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/02 18:08:43

Post by: gobert

Great squigs muette! Movement trays are definitely the way to go

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/02 21:26:44

Post by: Meer_Cat

What makes those squig rider figures so uch fun is the excellent animation in the posing and the look of light-hearted mayhem on the riders' faces!

Your paint up of them is first rate.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/08 18:06:52

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/09 15:24:25

Post by: Not Online!!!

Very fancy squigs !

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/17 19:05:53

Post by: muette

Thanks all for the kind comments!!!

Fleshing out the command section of my Dark Angels, I start with the man, the legend, Azrael!!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/22 18:56:40

Post by: muette

And to rest, a couple of goblins for BB!

Also playing with the backgrounds, the white ones were getting hard to balance the colours correctly.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/25 18:31:14

Post by: Olthannon

Brilliant updates here Muette. The different colours on the Squigs are fantastic, the completed Savage Orc regiment looks brilliant, the warpaint really helps them stand out.

The lightning effect on the power sword is extremely neato, might have to give that a go some time.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/30 14:15:13

Post by: muette

Thanks Olthannon for the kind words!!

I keep working on the squigs, here another two!

[Thumb - 1.jpg]
[Thumb - 2.jpg]
[Thumb - 3.jpg]

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/04/30 15:07:26

Post by: ShadowsAndDust

They are very professional looking.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/05/05 09:55:44

Post by: muette

Thanks!! Happy you liked them

More goblins in my table, this is like an invasion. Now some models of Greebo for my Goblin BB team, amazing sculpts!

[Thumb - 1.jpg]
[Thumb - 2.jpg]
[Thumb - 3.jpg]

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/05/11 21:19:46

Post by: gobert

Beautiful gobbos! The greenhouse minis are really cool

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/05/16 19:49:52

Post by: muette

Thanks Gobert!!

Next update, Alpha Legion raptors! Did a quick job on those.Still I had the chance to do some osl on the plasmas and give a bit of time on the face of the champion and the sword. The rest was quite effective use of airbrush and drybrush.

[Thumb - 1.jpg]

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/05/19 17:42:50

Post by: Not Online!!!

Amazing job! especially for supposedly beeing such a "quick" paintjob!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/05/20 19:19:00

Post by: muette

Thanks!!! Well, quick at least by my standard, that it's quite slow

And with these two I finish the squig hopper box I bought a while ago. Always good to clean up the backlog!

[Thumb - 1.jpg]
[Thumb - 2.jpg]
[Thumb - 3.jpg]

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/05/20 19:45:26

Post by: Not Online!!!

Those lads are amazingly charachterfull.
Great job on the back armor on the guy riding the blue squig!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/05/26 18:37:53

Post by: muette

Thanks man for the kind comment!

Another two goblin linemen! Team is going slow but steady.

[Thumb - 1.jpg]
[Thumb - 2.jpg]

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/02 08:32:55

Post by: gobert

The green you’ve got on these gobbos is amazing! Any chance of a pic of the whole box of squig hoppers?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/06 13:50:26

Post by: blockade23

Your paintjobs are amazing - love the work especially on the Alpha Legion raptors. OSL is tricky to do and it looks great on them!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/11 16:53:02

Post by: muette

Thanks both for the kind words!

@gobert: I have tried, although I think I've failed, with the group photo

And a new lineman plus the first troll!

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Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/11 22:38:54

Post by: Captain Brown

More great work muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/16 21:43:39

Post by: gobert

No failure there! Excellent!

The troll and lineman are super cool, the blue looks great on the big lad

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/16 22:06:41

Post by: Olthannon

Looks brill Muette, such vibrant colours!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/19 18:16:12

Post by: muette

Thanks for the kind comments dears!

Ok, two more goblins for my bloodbowl team, although now will probably come a big distraction. I will probably spend a couple of months now before putting any update (unless I do some wips, although I'm not used to actually!

[Thumb - 1.jpg]
[Thumb - 2.jpg]

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/20 17:45:08

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice little goblins.


Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/23 06:36:03

Post by: gobert

Love the pogo dude! His little Jesters skull is really cool!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/06/23 20:46:58

Post by: mcmattila

Superb work on all the different gobbos! A lot of fun models, and your paintwork's always a treat! Love the color variety on the squigs.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/07/18 17:04:54

Post by: muette

Thank you dears!!

Well, I've not dissappeared, buuuut I had quite a project in my hands!

Lion el'Johnson, the Primarch, the big dude himself. Had a vision on the base, and I'm quite proud to say that the result is preeetty near to what I thought about. There are things that could be quite much better (worms look like croissants, some gaps not filled, things like that) but all and all, very proud with the result. Hope you like it!

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Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/07/18 17:51:09

Post by: gobert

So much cool stuff I barely noticed the word! Absolutely phenomenal work as ever

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/07/19 00:04:11

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

Absolutely stunning!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/07/21 14:34:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Fantastic job! I think the worms come across properly, not to worry.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/07/21 16:53:58

Post by: Captain Brown

Exalted the Lion el'Johnson model there muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/07/21 17:05:47

Post by: Meer_Cat

Fantastic piece- truly excellent work!

There are so many balances of color that draw the eye that you don't realize the detail involved until you refocus: the dead critter on the base, the cloak, the hood, the shield, the sword and its powerful sheen. Excellent use of color and contrasting trim detail. The figure itself has excellent animation, which you've enhanced by making it part of its base/environment, not just sticking it onto a nicely terrained base.

Lots of fun to just look at.

Rock on!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/13 16:01:58

Post by: muette

Thank you all for your kind comments!! Glad you liked the little Lion, it was quite the effort but I'm happy too with the result.

Now I keep on working on the goblin BB team. Here is some Greebo goodness, Troll, troll markers, and the last lineman I needed to paint:

[Thumb - 1.jpg]
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[Thumb - 3.jpg]
[Thumb - 4.jpg]
[Thumb - 5.jpg]
[Thumb - 6.jpg]
[Thumb - 7.jpg]

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/14 07:46:16

Post by: tzurk

The Lion is beautifully done mate. Great palette and detail work - the cape is lovely and the base is cherry on top. Now the real question - are you a ham and cheese or a jam and butter on your croissants kinda guy?

Great progress on the Blood Bowl team as well. Love the blue on the trolls, and the gobbo blocker trying to look tough as nails!

Thanks for sharing 8-)

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/14 12:40:32

Post by: blockade23

Lion looks amazing, same with the gobbos - Your color choices are spot on and I love the mirroring effect you get with both his cape and the dead gribblies.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/14 19:15:47

Post by: IGtR=

Latest Bloodbowl stuff looking great

Thanks for sharing

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/17 11:08:59

Post by: gobert

Love these guys, especially those troll markers. The one with the stars spinning around his head is superb!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/19 01:17:27

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

Beautiful work, as others have said the troll markers are a lot of fun too

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/19 04:00:13

Post by: Tommygun1918

I think I have seen a few fans at a game or two that looked like those trolls.
Very well done.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/29 13:27:52

Post by: muette

Thank you all for the kind comments dears, you leave fuzzy feelings in my heart :3

What better way to continue my painting journey than to paint some true classic old metal goblins, Now is the time for Skarsnik and Gobbla, true lord of Karak Eight Peaks:

Couple more images under spoiler:

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/29 14:04:28

Post by: osjclatchford

The red to purple transition on the ol' squig is spectacularly 90s. I wholeheartedly approve!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/29 14:33:59

Post by: Cap'n Facebeard

First prize Golden Demon 1995!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/08/29 19:31:05

Post by: gobert

Absolutely stunning as usual! The purple to red squig is gorgeous!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/01 21:45:48

Post by: Captain Brown

I remember those guys. You have done them justice muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/05 15:31:56

Post by: muette

Thank you fellow DakkaDakka citizens!

I have now started a second unit of Boar boyz. Here the first two:


Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/05 19:43:39

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

They look great!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/07 13:14:51

Post by: blockade23

The edge highlighting on the shields is amazing and leads me to believe you to be the patron saint of patience (and steady hands). Great job!

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/10 11:09:48

Post by: gobert

Looking good muette! How many boar boys does that make?

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/12 15:11:11

Post by: muette

Thanks all!!
@gobert: With these two I have 7 regular boar boys all done, 3 remaining to complete 2 squads of 10. And in the pile of opportunity I have another 5 regular boar boys, Gorbad Ironhand and an Orc Savage Shaman. That I will paint at some undetermined point in time xD.

Now I have finished the Watchers in the Dark that came with the Lion. I will probably use them as glorified markers, but they are so cute I did want to give them a proper painjob.

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/18 13:21:58

Post by: gobert

20 boar boyz would be an impressive sight!

Great work on the watchers too, they’re super cool

Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/21 17:07:39

Post by: Captain Brown

More nice work there muette.



Muette's blog of little soldiers @ 2024/09/22 11:12:31

Post by: Ezki

Absolutely stunning work on Skarsnik and Gobbla! The classic style is well executed: the high contrast, volumetry, sharp edges and the green base rims. Chef's kiss!

Great work on the Boar Riders and Watcher's as well!